Beyond Imagination: Introduction

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  • Words: 1,621
  • Pages: 4
NAMASTE! INTRODUCTION My name is Wayne Hartman. I was born on 8 April 1958. I am a metaphysician and a Spiritual Warrior. I came into this world with a spiritual mission, however the conscious part of the journey didn't begin until my 16th year when I discovered the Seth Material and began a love affair with Metaphysics that stirs my PASSION to this very day. In 1993, I experienced major spiritual awakenings that served as strong beliefquakes, rocking all of my foundations to their very core. These personal foundations have been rebuilt from scratch, by myself for the most part. Now, I am ready to take on the larger role of Building the Foundations for a New World. Most of what I have learned and have become is expressed at my Beyond Imagination site. It also includes my VISION of what this New World is to be. BEYOND IMAGINATION: Creating the Foundations for a New World

What is BEYOND IMAGINATION? BEYOND IMAGINATION is an entity dedicated to building a better world in which SPIRIT is more fully expressed in flesh. At this site you'll find over two thousand pages of metaphysical works that have come from SPIRIT through Wayne to YOU describing a VISION of what we are endeavoring to create and documenting our progress in achieving our goals of creating a COMMUNITY where individuals are truly able to be all they can be in a cooperatively interdependent environment where the real needs of all are met effectively. We hope you enjoy what you find here, and that it moves you to want to participate so that we can co-create the WORLD in which we would prefer to live in the Aquarian Age that lies before us.

THE VISION I dream of a world united in love, peace, and harmony; where people are equal and receive what they need physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually; where people are employed in a manner that engages their natural abilities and talents fully for the good of both the individual and the society; where people are happy and free; where people are helpful to one another; where industry operates in harmony with nature, righting the damages caused due to excesses in the past; where governments are efficient and honest, and truly represent the rights of the people.


What to Expect at Beyond Imagination At the Beyond Imagination site you'll find the equivalent of over three thousand 8.5 x 11 pages of metaphysical expression. Yes, 3000 pages! It deals with such topics as reality creation, beliefs and belief management, the nature of consciousness, the works of consciousness, the nature of reality, education, government, awareness, spiritual awakening, the nature of spirit, and the spiritual expression in flesh. Most of it is stream of consciousness expression. I just allow whatever consciousness would express to flow forth. However, there are two early works done in the 1993-1994. One is identified at the site as the Beyond Imagination book, the other is Reality Creation 1010. Both are published together in a single work called Beyond Imagination: The Early Works. The work has evolved over the years. The original six months of expression are labeled Beyond Mind because I was going out of my mind in the process of awakening to spirit. Then there were the two works mentioned already. Beyond Imagination Notes started in November of 1993 and lasted through April of 1996. The Search for Center Newsletter went on for nine months in late 1996 through July of 1997. Then came Musings of a Spiritual Warrior. They have taken us from late 1997 through today. Since January of 2002, the musings have come almost daily ... taking up 2-3 hours with each musing. In addition, there are several pages of quotes available that have been created by selecting some of the best that has been expressed to date. For those who prefer something physical rather than information on a screen, most of the Beyond Imagination material to date is published and available in paperback book format. See the links to published books at the Beyond Imagination site for more details.

Sample Quotes from the Expression The more that LOVE is expressed, the better everything is. This is the key, the critical factor. Actually, peace, love, and light are all important. But, the greatest of these is Love. The moving hands continue to write, and having writ, not one word can be erased. For the sequence of words has passed from the unseen to the seen. And, even without physical witness, consciousness herself perceived of the creation. It is not sufficient to be a Master of this World -- that requires no spirituality. One must be a true master expressing spirit in flesh to the greatest degree possible at this time on this planet. This is how reality works in this illusion. There are no shortcuts. You create in accordance with your beliefs. If you want to change your experience, that is the place to work -- with your beliefs! If each person were doing their part, working part time to change the world, the amount of labor would be enormous. At even 1/8 time, that is about one hour per day x 120 Million workers in


this country alone. That's the equivalent of 15 Million people working full time if the energies can be harnessed and applied in a useful manner. For spiritual growth, one must focus on the unfoldment of the flower of consciousness. Consciousness itself must be nurtured, understood, realized, and transcended in a seemingly neverending process. Reality creation works from the inside out. Our level of awareness puts us in a position to be of service. Consciousness then moves us into the situations and circumstances that allow our services to be provided. I come to create community -- common unity, that all within the kingdoms may receive what they need in exchange for the services which they have been blessed with the abilities to provide. The newborn butterfly has no choice but to fly into the unknown, trusting that God or Consciousness has given it the abilities it needs to deal with whatever reality it finds. Actually, the trust may not even be a conscious act. After all, we are what we are in the moment, and we appear to have limited control over the circumstances which we will be asked to face. See the world in a bold new way. Dare to dream of things as they have never been. For, as you dream, as you imagine, the way is paved for others to pick up on your dreams and imaginings and assist in carrying them out. Without spirit at the foundation, any structure will eventually become so flawed and so weak that it can no longer stand. It's only a matter of time, and the nature of the specific decisions that are made. The demise is certain, only how long it takes to get there, and how bad the conditions during the process are variable. The world is perfect for the level of awareness that exists at this time on this planet. This has been true always, and will be true always. What makes me, a loner who has virtually no interaction in society, think that I can come up with viable ideas on which to found a new society and ultimately a new world order? We've allowed the economy, in particular, to enslave us without our knowing it. And further, they didn't have to drag us into bondage, we went running as fast as we could buying as many things as our credit and pocketbooks would allow; even working overtime to get those things those advertisers were pushing at us all the sooner. KNOWING THYSELF: This is the most important issue that we face as individuals -- as spiritual beings in flesh. The main endeavor in all of life is the growth from ignorance to knowledge of our true nature as consciousness. This is the task that transcends lifetimes. The paths are many, but they all lead to the ONE. Everyone reaches the destiny eventually, but each must reach it by their own efforts. Help is there for any who need it, all that is required is that one asks.


This is how we accelerate the rate of spiritual growth. We SHARE! We share what we have, we share what we feel, we share what we know, we share what we experience, we share whom that we are, as much as we can. The heart does not say that I am not going to pump blood to the foot ... it freely pumps blood to all the parts of the body that need it. Similarly, the brain does not think for itself alone, but for the whole self. Every system within the body supports the collective. However, as the body of humankind on this planet, we have not established such relationships. Too many people look outside for authority ... when the true authority comes not from others, but from within us. To change our reality, we need to alter our beliefs and start doing things differently. Only fools believe that they will get a different outcome doing the same things in the same ways. Freedom is one of our most valued possessions. But, it is something that we have to safeguard or we risk losing it.

Concluding Remarks I hope you found this introduction to the World of Beyond Imagination interesting and helpful. Hopefully, it will encourage you to explore more of what we have to offer and perhaps even join us in our endeavors to create a new and better world.

BE HAPPY AND CREATE WELL! I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE! --- Wayne [email protected]


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