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Data Perencanaan Fungsi bangunan Jumlah lantai Letak bangunan Zona gempa Mutu beton (f'c) Mutu baja (fy)

: : : : : :

Rumah Susun 4 lantai Malang Kategori Resiko IV 30 MPa 400 MPa


Peraturan yang Digunakan Perancangan struktur bangunan ini mengacu pada standar-standar yang berlaku di Indonesia, diantaranya: a. SNI 2847:2013 Tentang persyaratan beton struktural untuk bangunan gedung b. SNI 1726:2012 Tentang tata cara perencanaan ketahanan gempa untuk struktur bangunan gedung dan non gedung c. SNI 1727:2013 Pedoman perencanaan pembebanan untuk rumah dan gedung 1.3

Beban yang direncanakan Berdasarkan Peraturan Perencanaan Pembebanan untuk Rumah dan Gedung (SNI 1727:2013), beban yang dipakai pada perencanaan, dapat dikategorikan sebagai berikut. a. Beban Mati Beton bertulang




Spesi lantai (1 cm)




Tegel (1 cm)



Tembok 1/2 bata


24 250

Kaca (5 mm)




Plafond dan penggantung Pipa dan ducting











b. Beban Hidup Lantai atap

: Lantai gedung (Rumah Susun:




Kombinasi Pembebanan yang Digunakan Struktur, komponen-elemen struktur dan elemen-elemen fondasi harus dirancang sedemikian hingga kuat rencananya sama atau melebihi pengaruh beban-beban terfaktor dengan kombinasi-kombinasi sebagai berikut. a. 1.4D b. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr atau R) c. 1.2D + 1.6(Lr atau R) + (L atau 0.5W) d. 1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr atau R) e. 1.2D + 1.0E + L f. 0.9D + 1.0W g. 0.9D + 1.0E dimana: D E L R W 1.5

= = = = =

Pengaruh beban mati Pengaruh beban gempa Pengaruh beban hidup Beban air hujan Beban angin

Denah Bangunan yang Direncanakan

Gambar 1.2 Denah Struktur Lantai 1

Gambar 1.3 Denah Struktur Lantai 2 - 4


Gambar 1.4 Denah Struktur Atap

Gambar 1.4 Denah Struktur Lantai 5



Data Perencanaan Fungsi bangunan : Letak bangunan :

Rumah Susun (4 Lantai) Malang

Zona gempa Mutu beton (f'c) Mutu baja (fy)

: : :

Kategori Resiko IV 30 Mpa 240 Mpa

Modulus elastisitas


257429.602 kg/cm2

2.2 Pendimensian 2.2.1 Perhitungan Dimensi Balok Memanjang dan Melintang Penentuan dimensi balok minimum (hmin), dihutung berdasarkan SNI 03-2847-2013 Pasal 9.5.2 Tabel 9.5(a)

a. Dimensi Balok BI (Balok Induk) Bentang kolom - kolom = Panjang balok rencana = 600 cm Tinggi balok minimum = hmin 0.4 + fy 1 = x L x 700 18.5 0.4 + 240 1 = x 600 x 700 18.5 = 24.09 cm Tinggi balok pakai = 50 cm 2 Lebar Balok = x h minimum 3 2 = x 50 3 = 33.3333 cm Lebar balok pakai = 35 cm Jadi, dimensi balok yang dipakai adalah 35 / 50 Kekakuan balok (BI) = 12 x E x I L^3 = 5,214.1 kg/cm


b. Dimensi Balok BA (Balok Anak) Bentang kolom - kolom = Panjang balok rencana = 600 cm h Tinggi balok minimum = min 0.4 + fy 1 = x L x 700 18.5 0.4 + 240 1 = x 600 x 700 18.5 = 24.09 cm Tinggi balok pakai = 30 cm 2 Lebar Balok minimum = x h 3 2 = x 30 3 = 20 Lebar balok pakai = 25 cm Jadi, dimensi balok yang dipakai adalah 25 / 30 Kekakuan balok (BA) = 12 x E x I L^3 = 804.47 kg/cm c. Dimensi Balok Sloof (Balok SL) Bentang kolom - kolom = Panjang balok rencana = 600 cm Tinggi balok minimum = hmin 0.4 + fy 1 = x L x 700 18.5 0.4 + 240 1 = x 600 x 700 18.5 = 24.09 cm Tinggi balok pakai = 30 cm 1 Lebar Balok minimum = x h 2 1 = x 30 2 = 15 cm Lebar balok pakai = 20 cm Jadi, dimensi balok yang dipakai adalah 20 / 30 Kekakuan balok (B3) = 12 x E x I L^3 = 643.57 kg/cm


Tabel 2.1 Rekapitulasi Dimensi Balok Balok b (cm) h (cm) Kekakuan (kg/cm) BI 35 50 5,214.14 BA 25 30 804.47 BSL 20 30 643.57 2.2.2 Perhitungan Dimensi Pelat Penentuan Penggunaan Tipe Pelat Untuk pelat dengan balok yang membentang di antara tumpuan pada semua sisinya, tebal minimumnya h, harus memenuhi ketentuan SNI 03-2847-2013 Pasal

Dalam pendimensian pelat, digunakan luasan pelat terbesar dengan bentang Lx dan Ly sebagai berikut. Panjang pelat (Ly) = 600 cm Lebar pelat (Lx) = 300 cm Panjang bersih pelat (Ln) = Ly - 2 x (1/2 lebar balok utama) = Lebar bersih pelat (Sn)




35 2


35 2

= 565 cm = Lx - 2 x (1/2 lebar balok utama) 35 35 = 300 + 2 2 = 265 cm Ln = Sn


= = dimana: Ln Sn β

565 265 2

= 2

Pelat 2 Arah

= Bentang bersih arah memanjang = Bentang bersih arah memendek = Rasio bentang bersih dalam arah memanjang terhadap pelat

Rekapitulasi Penggunaan Tipe Pelat Lx = Panjang bentang arah memendek Ly = Panjang bentang arah memanjang Jika, Ly / Lx > 2, maka digunakan pelat 1 arah Jika, Ly / Lx ≤ 2, maka digunakan pelat 2 arah Tabel 2.2 Rekapitulasi Penggunaan Tipe Pelat Tipe Pelat Ly (m) Lx (m) Ly / Lx Luas (m2) A 6 3 2 18 Penentuan Tebal Pelat a. Pelat lantai Tebal pelat renc. (hf) Lebar balok (bw) Tinggi balok (hw) Panjang balok (Lb)

= = = =

Jenis Pelat 2 Arah

12 cm 35 cm 50 cm 600 cm

Lebar efektif balok tengah (be) L be1 = 4 600 h = 4 = 150 cm be2 = bw + 2 8 x hf = 35 + 2 8 x 12 = 227 cm 1 (Lb - bw) be3 = x 2 1 = x 600 - 35 2 = 282.5 cm Lebar efektif balok tepi (be) L be1 = bw + 12

be d bw

be d


600 12 bw = 85 cm be2 = bw + 6 x hf = 35 + 6 x 12 = 107 cm 1 be3 = bw + x Lb 2 1 = 35 + x 600 2 = 335 cm be yang digunakan adalah be yang terkecil =


= 35 +



1.9635 1.3429 = 1.4622



E balok



E pelat

= =

257,429.6 kg/cm2 4700 x √ f'c


√ f'c

= I balok

257,429.6 kg/cm2 1 = x K x bw x hw3 12 1 = x 1.46217 x 35 x 125000 12 =

I pelat

533,081.2 cm4 1 = x bs x hf3 12 1 = x 600 x 12 = 86,400.0 cm4


E balok x I balok E pelat x I pelat 257430 x 533081.2057 = 257430 x 86400 = 6.17 Untuk α > 2.0, ketebalan pelat minimum tidak boleh kurang dari SNI 03-2847-2013 Pasal (c) fy Ln 0.8 + α








36 +




240 1400 2.13



36 + 9 x = 9.9451 cm dan tidak boleh kurang dari Jadi, digunakan tebal pelat b. Pelat atap Tebal pelat renc. (hf) Lebar balok (bw) Tinggi balok (hw) Panjang balok (Lb)


= = = =

90 12

mm cm

10 cm 35 cm 50 cm 600 cm

Lebar efektif balok tengah (be) L be1 = 4 600 = 4 = 150 cm be2 = bw + 16 x hf


= 35 + 16 x 10 = 195 cm 1 (Lb - bw) = x 2 1 = x 600 - 35 2 = 282.5 cm

Lebar efektif balok tepi (be) L be1 = bw + 12 = 35 + be2


= 85 = bw + = 35 + = 95 = bw + = 35 +

600 12 cm 6 x hf 6 x 10 cm 1 x Lb 2 1 x 600 2


= 335 cm be yang digunakan adalah be yang terkecil =

E balok

1.849 1.2857 = 1.4381 = 4700 x

E pelat

= 257430 kg/cm2 = 4700 x √ f'c


I balok

I pelat





√ f'c

= 257430 kg/cm2 1 = x K x bw x hw3 12 1 = x 1.4381 x 35 x 125000 12 = 524305.556 cm4 1 = x bs x hf3 12 1 = x 600 x 12 = 50000 cm4 E balok E pelat 257430 = 257430 = 10.486 =


x I balok x I pelat x 524305.5556 x 50000

Untuk α > 2.0, ketebalan pelat minimum tidak boleh kurang dari: SNI 03-2847-2013 Pasal (c) fy Ln 0.8 + 1400 h = 36 + 9β 240 565 0.8 + 1400 h = 36 + 9 x 2.1 = 9.9451 cm dan tidak boleh kurang dari 90 mm Jadi, digunakan tebal pelat 10 cm


2.2.3 Perhitungan Dimensi Kolom Tinggi balok Lebar balok

= =

E Tinggi kolom

= = =

K Kolom s4 x E 12 x tinggi kolom s4 x 257,429.6 12 x 400 s4 x 2E+09 s4 s4 s Digunakan s

50 35

cm cm

257,429.6 kg/cm2 4 m 400 cm

= K Balok b x h3 x E = 12 x panjang balok =

35 x 12 x

125000 600



= 5.40602164E+15 5.40602164E+15 = 1853493134.597 = 2916666.667 = 41.3258 cm = 45 cm

a. Kekakuan Kolom 1 12EI K kolom = x 24 h s4 x E = 12 x tinggi kolom 4100625 x 257430 = 12 x 400 = 219921304.5445 kg/cm = 21992130454.45 kg/m > K balok = 521414.1245 kg/m = OK LANJUT Untuk menghitung dimensi kolom, maka perlu diperhitungkan berat total bangunan (Wt). Menurut SNI 03-2847-2013 untuk komponen struktur dengan tulangan spiral faktor reduksinya sebesar ɸ = 0.75 . Sedangkan untuk tulangan lainnya ɸ = 0.65 . Untuk mencari dimensi kolom, digunakan rumus sebagai berikut. Wt A = ɸ x f'c dimana : Wt = Berat total bangunan ɸ = Faktor reduksi A = Luas penampang kolom



Menghitung Berat Total Bangunan Data pembebanan Beban Mati (PPPURG 1987) : Beton bertulang




Spesi lantai (1 cm)




Tegel (1 cm) Tembok 1/2 bata

: :

24 250

kg/m2 kg/m2

Kaca (5 mm)




Plafond dan penggantung Pipa dan ducting










Lantai gedung (Rumah Susun) :



Beban Hidup (SNI 1727:2013) Lantai atap


Perhitungan Berat Bangunan Lantai 1 Luas lantai 1 = Luas keseluruhan lantai =



Beban mati (DL) Tabel 2.4 Perhitungan Berat Bangunan Lantai 1 Luas Tinggi Koef Lbr Jenis beban Pjg Jumlah (m) (m) (m) (kg/m3) Kolom 0.45 B Sloof (BS) 6 (m)

Total (kg)

0.45 0.2 (m)

4 0.3 (m)

24 31

2400 2400 (kg/m2)

46656 26784 (kg)

Tembok Kaca besar Kaca

6 4.9 0.65

0.15 0.05 0.05

4 2.9 0.96

31 7 24

250 10 10

27900 49.735 7.488

Kaca pintu masuk Tegel Spesi lantai Plafond + penggantun g Pipa + ducting







504 504

0.01 0.02

1 1

24 21

12096 21168











Jumlah 163895.8355 Beban hidup (LL) Beban hidup (rumah susun)

= 192 kg/m2 = Luas lantai x qL


Jadi berat bangunan lantai 1


= 504 x 192 = 96,768.0 kg = DL + LL = 163895.8355 + 96,768.0 = 260663.8355 kg

Perhitungan Berat Bangunan Lantai 2, Lantai 3, & Lantai 4 Luas lantai = Luas lantai void = 469.778 m2 Beban mati (DL) Tabel 2.5 Perhitungan Berat Bangunan Lantai 2 Luas Tinggi Koef Lbr Jenis beban Pjg Jumlah (m) (m) (m) (kg/m3)

Total (kg)

Kolom Balok (BI) Balok (BA) Pelat lantai

0.45 0.45 6 0.35 6 0.25 469.7775 (m) (m)

4 0.5 0.3 0.12 (m)

24 37 13 1

2400 46656 2400 93240 2400 14040 2400 135296 (kg/m2) (kg)

Tembok Kaca besar Kaca Tegel Spesi lantai Plafond + penggantun g Pipa + ducting

6 0.15 4.9 0.05 0.65 0.05 469.7775 469.7775

4 2.9 0.96 0.01 0.02

42 7 24 1 1

250 10 10 24 21

37800 49.735 7.488 11274.66 19730.66











Jumlah 385341.553 Beban hidup (LL) Beban hidup (rumah susun)

= 192 kg/m2 = Luas lt x qL = 469.778 x 192 = 90,197.3 kg

Jadi berat bangunan lantai 2

= DL

+ LL


= = d.

385341.553 + 90197.28 475,539 kg

Perhitungan Berat Bangunan Atap Luas Dak Atap 1 = Luas lantai 2,3,4 = Luas Dak Atap 2 = =

469.778 p 6


x x 36.00


l 6 m2

Beban mati (DL) Tabel 2.7 Perhitungan Berat Bangunan Lantai 4 Luas Tinggi Koef Lbr Jenis beban Pjg Jumlah (m) (m) (m) (kg/m3) Kolom Balok (BI) Balok (BA) Pelat dak 1 Pelat dak 2 Tembok 1 Pipa + ducting

0.45 0.45 6 0.35 6 0.25 469.7775 36 (m) (m) 6.2



Total (kg)

4 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 (m)

24 53 7 1 1

2400 46656.00 2400 133560 2400 7560 2400 112746.6 2400 8640 2 (kg/m ) (kg)









Jumlah 367013.70 Beban hidup (LL) Beban hidup (perkantoran)

= 250 kg/m2 = Luas lantai x qL = #REF! x 250 = #REF! kg

Beban hidup (plat dak )

= 100 kg/m2 = Luas dak x qL = 36 x 100 = 3,600.0 kg = #REF! + 3600 = #REF! = DL + LL = 367013.7 + #REF!

Total beban Hidup Jadi berat bangunan lantai 4


= g.



Perhitungan Dimensi Kolom Tabel 2.8 Rekapitulasi Berat Bangunan Tiap Lantai Beban Mati Beban Hidup Jumlah (W) Lantai (kg) (kg) (kg) 1 163,895.8 96,768.0 260,663.8 2 385,341.6 90,197.3 475,538.8 3 #REF! #REF! #REF! 4 367,013.7 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! ɸ = 0.3 f'c = 30 MPa = Dimensi Kolom Lantai 4 W4 A = ɸ x f'c #REF! = 0.3 x 300 = #REF! cm2

1 kolom =


A = n



(luas kolom keseluruhan lantai 4)

#REF! = 24

#REF! cm2

= Luas penampang (A)

s2 = #REF! s = #REF! cm < 45 cm Jadi, dimensi kolom lantai 4 digunakan

... ### 45 / 45

Dimensi Kolom Lantai 3 W3 + W 4 A = ɸ x f'c #REF! = 0.3 x 300 = #REF! cm2 1 kolom =


A = n


(luas kolom keseluruhan lantai 3) =

#REF! cm2

= Luas penampang (A)

s = #REF! s = #REF! cm < #REF! cm Jadi, dimensi kolom lantai 3 digunakan 2

... ### ### / ###


Dimensi Kolom Lantai 2 W2 + W 3 + W 4 A = ɸ x f'c #REF! = 0.3 x 300 = #REF! cm2 1 kolom =

A = n

(luas kolom keseluruhan lantai 2)

#REF! 24


#REF! cm2


= Luas penampang (A)

s s

= #REF! = #REF! cm





Jadi, dimensi kolom lantai 2 digunakan



45 /


Dimensi Kolom Lantai 1 W1 + W 2 + W 3 + W 4 A = ɸ x f'c #REF! = 0.3 x 300 = #REF! cm2 1 kolom =

A = n

(luas kolom keseluruhan lantai 1)

#REF! 24


#REF! cm2


= Luas penampang (A)

s s

= #REF! = #REF! cm





Jadi, dimensi kolom lantai 1 digunakan



45 /


Tabel 2.9 Rekapitulasi Dimensi Kolom Dimensi Lantai b h (cm) (cm) 1 45 45 2 45 45 3 #REF! #REF! 4 45 45



BAB III PERHITUNGAN DIMENSI KANOPI Dimensi Gording (Lihat Tabel Profil Baja Ir. Rudi Gunawan)



Jarak antar gording Jarak antar kuda - kuda Berat genteng, reng dan us Tekanan Tiup Angin Sudut kemiringan atap (α )

= 1.2 = 4 12.5 = = 40 = 3

Mutu Baja BJ 40 → fy → fu

= =

400 520

x 50





m m = 400 cm kg/m2 → Lihat Katalog Seng kg/m2 ... SNI 1727 2013 (BAB 27.1.5) derajat Mpa(N/mm2) Mpa(N/mm2)

1. Perhitungan Kuda Kuda Kuda Kuda kanopi → type single beam



Gambar 3.1 Rencana Kanopi

# Panjang Batang AC cos α = cos 3 ° 1 ° = cos α = AD AC AC = AD → AD = 2.5 m cos α 2.503 m = # Tinggi Kuda Kuda CD tan α = 0.05 tan α = CD AD tan α = CD 2.5 CD 0.13 m = # Panjang Batang AB cos α = cos 3 °


= cos α

0.9998 °

AE AB AB = AE → AE = 6.5 m cos α 6.5 = 0.9998 6.501 m = # Tinggi Kuda Kuda BE tan α = tan 3 ° = 0.05241 ° tan α = BE AE BE = AE x tan α = 6.5 x 0.05241 0.341 m = =

2. Perhitungan Jarak Dan Jumlah Gording Jarak Gording a. Kuda kuda Utama Direncanakan penutup atap menggunakan seng gelombang dengan jarak rencana gording = 1.2 m AB x 1 Jumlah medan = 1.2 6.50 = x 1 1.2 5.42 ~ medan = 6 b.

Jumlah Gording = = =

AB + Jarak gording 6.501 + 1.2 6 buah









Perhitungan Dimensi Gording 1.

Data Perencanaan Data Atap : Jenis atap


Lebar efektif


770 mm

Tebal seng


0.12 cm

Berat Penutup Atap Genteng


12.5 kg/m2

Jarak antar gording (miring)


1.20 m


120 cm

Jarak horizontal gording


1.20 m


120 cm

Jarak antar kuda - kuda




400 cm


° (deg)


0.05 rad

Sudut kemiringan α


Sin α


0.052 rad

Cos α


0.999 rad

Tan α


0.052 rad


6.5 m

Panjang bentang atap


Seng gelombang jenis polyvinyl merk Sun Panel


Perencanaan Dimensi Gording Direncanakan Gording Profil C









7.007 cm2




100 mm



5.5 kg/m



50 mm



107 cm4



3.2 mm



24.5 cm4



3.2 mm

ix iy

= =

3.9 cm



20 mm



21.3 cm3



7.81 cm3

1.9 cm

Mutu Baja






Mpa (N/mm2)




Mpa (N/mm2)







kg/cm2 Mpa (N/mm2)



Menghitung Beban


Beban Mati Berat Gording


5.50 kg/m

Berat Atap Seng Gelombang

1.20 m x

12.5 kg/m2


Pengikat Dan Penggantung (10%)


20.5 kg/m


2.05 kg/m


22.6 kg/m


qD qDx

= =

= =

kg/m +

(q x sin α) 22.6

= qDy




0.052 kg/m

(q x cos α) 22.6




0.999 kg/m

Momen akibat beban mati (MD) Mx
















45.04 kg.m



















q sin a









Beban Hidup Beban hidup terbagi rata qL


























jarak gording horizontal 1.2

Momen akibat beban hidup terbagi merata (ML) Mx




q cos a











47.93 kg.m


0.628 kg.m

Beban hidup terpusat P


100 kg



(P x sin α)







.... (SNI 1727 2013 TABEL 4.1)




(P x cos α)




100 kg



Momen akibat beban hidup terpusat (ML) Mx




p cos a













p sin a











99.86 kg.m


2.617 kg.m

Beban Angin Tekanan Tiup Angin (W) Angin tekan (Wt)

= = = = = = =

Angin hisap (Wh)

25 kg/m2 (-1,2) x Jarak Gording x W -1.2 x 1.2 x -36.0 kg/m -0,4 x Jarak Gording x W -0.4 x 1.2 x -12 kg/m

Momen akibat angin tekan (Mx) = = = Momen akibat angin hisap (Mx) = = = 4.



1/8 1/8 -72

x Wt x -36.0 kg.m

x x

L^2 16

1/8 1/8 -24

x Wh x -12.0 kg.m

x x

L^2 16

Perhitungan Momen Berfaktor Kombinasi Mu = (1,2 x MD) + (1,6 x ML) Mu = (1,2 x MD) + (1,6 x ML) + (0,5 x MW) No

Kombinasi Beban

Arah x

Arah y


(1,2 x MD) + (1,6 x ML)




(1,2 x MD) + (1,6 x ML) + (0,8 x MW)




(1,2 x MD) + (1,6 x ML)




(1,2 x MD) + (1,6 x ML) + (0,8 x MW)



keterangan akibat beban terbagi merata

akibat beban terpusat

Nb : tinta biru merupakan komponen perhitungan yang dipakai



Desain Gording H


96.8 mm






16732.017 Mpa



612500000 mm4



0.000134224 mm2


Kontrol kekuatan Profil Kanal a

Kontrol terhadap penampang profil sayap b

badan ≤














3.2 15.63





400 ≤




penampang profil kompak, maka MnX = MpX



Kontrol terhadap lateral buckling Jarak baut pengikat



Lebar ef. Seng =

770 =

n baut Lp



385 mm





E fy


1.76 x


74.77 cm

MnX =

1.9 >


2000000 4000 38.5 cm

MpX =















MnY =















Persamaan Interaksi

Dimana ,


0.9 (faktor reduksi lentur)

dengan beban hidup terbagi rata MuX fb


+ fb


130.741 0.9



+ 852














17.487 0.9










dengan beban hidup terpusat MuX fb


+ fb


159.781 0.9


+ 852



15.013 0.9







Kontrol Lendutan Profil Kanal Lendutan ijin (f)


Jarak antar kuda-kuda 180


400 180


2.22 cm

Lendutan akibat beban hidup terbagi rata






















































Lendutan akibat beban hidup terbagi terpusat fx2























= fy2





jadi, f tot


























fx ^2












2.22 cm



Perencanaan Penggantung Gording Kuda - kuda




Penggantung gording

1.20 R1


Gording a Data Perencanaan Jarak kuda - kuda



400 cm

Jumlah penggantung




Jumlah gording





Jarak penggantung


200 cm

b Pembebanan Beban Mati Berat sendiri gording Berat Atap Seng


1.20 m


12.5 kg/m


Berat alat pengikat (10%) qD Sehingga, RD









Akibat beban pekerja (PL) =

100 kg

sin a







5.50 kg/m


15.0 kg/m


2.05 kg/m +


22.6 kg/m


Beban Hidup




sin a



100 x



5.234 kg

Beban Akibat Air Hujan qL







= SqL







37.6 kg/m >

20 kg/m2











Sehingga, RL

-> maka diambil

20 kg/m2

jarak gording horizontal 1.2




sin a














c Perhitungan Gaya Penggantung Gording R1

= = =

R1 Total


1,2 RD + 1,6 RL 1.2











jumlah gording








d Perencanaan Batang Tarik Pu




BJTD 40 Fy


400 Mpa (N/mm2)


4000 kg/cm2




520 Mpa (N/mm2)


5200 kg/cm2

Untuk batas Leleh Pu

0,9 x Fy x Ag






3600 x Ag



Ag perlu







Untuk batas putus Pu

0,75 x Fu x Ae








3900 x Ae

Ae perlu





1/4 x π x d2




x d2








0.21 cm



0.8 cm

pakai Ø






0.785 x d2





12 Perencanaan Ikatan Angin R1

ф 400





650 R total

Data Perencanaan Ikatan Angin Tekanan = 25 kg/m2


Koefisien = Koefisien = α = panjang b = panjang b = panjang b =

1.2 0.4 3 ᵒ 400 cm 650 cm

= ### rad = 4 m = 6.5 m

### cm

= ### m

Mencari Sudut ф tan ф = panj = 6.5 = 1.63 panjang batang 1 (S1) 4 tan ф = ### ф = ### ᵒ Perhitungan Gaya yang Bekerja R = 1 x W x C x 2

R1 S =

1 x 25 2 = ### kg R tot = ### kg

x 1.2 x

Menghitung Gaya Normal N = Ch x R total Ct = 0.4 x ### kg 1.2 = ### kg Menghitung Gaya Batang Pada titik buhul A ΣV = 0 R total + S1 = 0 S1 = -R total S1 = ### kg(TARIK) Pada titik buhul B ΣV R1 + S1 + S3 cos ф ### + ### + S3 x ### S3 x ### S3

= = = = =


Perencanaan Batang Tarik Pu = ### = ### kg

Kontrol Leleh 0 = 0 0 0 400 0 0 0 520 0 Pu ### ### Ag

= ###kg/cm2 = ###kg/cm2

= ф x fy x Ag = ### x ### x Ag = ### x Ag = ### cm2

Ag = 1/4 ### = ### d2 = ### ### 2 d = ### d = ### d = ### pakai = 10

x π x x ### x

d2 d2

cm cm mm mm




Data Konstruksi Data Atap :


Jenis atap


Seng gelombang jenis polyvinyl merk Sun Panel



770 mm



0.12 cm

Berat penutup atap


12.5 kg/m2

Jarak antar gording (miring)


1.20 m


120 cm

Jarak horizontal gording


1.20 m


120 cm

Jarak antar kuda - kuda Berat plafond+penggantung

: :

4 18


400 cm

Berat gording


5.5 kg/m1

Berat profil kuda" (rencana)


25.7 kg/m

Panjang sisi miring kuda-kuda


6.50 m

Tinggi kuda-kuda

m kg/m2


0.34 m

Mutu Baja






Mpa (N/mm2)




Mpa (N/mm2)










Jumlah recana gording


6 buah

Jarak gording aktual


Data Konstruksi



kg/cm3 Mpa (N/mm2)

1.20 m









25.7 kg/m







248 mm















208 mm























124 mm









3 Desain Konstruksi


Perhitungan Panjang Batang AC


2.50 m



4.00 m

Panjang gording


6.5 m







4 Pembebanan Beban Mati =

3.25 m x

Berat sendiri kuda" =

25.7 kg/m

Beban plafond

3.25 m x

Beban Atap


Beban Alat sambung =



12.5 kg/m2

18 kg/m




124.8 kg/m



kg/m +





qD Beban Hidup Beban hidup terbagi rata qL













= SqL

37.6 kg/m2













20 kg/m2 ,maka dipakai

20 kg/m2

Beban hidup terpusat qL

(P1 s/d P6)


100 kg

.... (SNI 1727 2013 TABEL 4.1)

Beban Angin

Tekanan Tiup Angin (W)


Angin tekan (Wt)

= = =

Angin hisap (Wh)




(0,02 x α - 0,4) x Jarak Gording x L x W -1.20 x

1.20 x








-0,4 x Jarak Gording x L x W










Beban angin di distribusikan ke sumbu x dan y : Wy




cos a






-117 kg






sin a






-6.123 kg

Hasil perhitungan SAP 2000 V19

Gaya Reaksi Kuda-Kuda Kanopi

Gaya Aksial Kuda-Kuda Kanopi

Momen Kuda-Kuda Kanopi

Gaya Lintang Kuda-Kuda Kanopi Rekapitulasi hasil perhitungan SAP 2000 V19














Kontrol Lendutan Profil Lendutan ijin (f)


Jarak antar kuda-kuda 240


400 240



1.67 cm

Lendutan akibat beban hidup terbagi rata fx1





q cos a


























q sin a





















Lendutan akibat beban hidup terbagi terpusat fx2





P cos a























P sin a



3 1

x x

E 5.234

x x









jadi, f tot



Iy 40000 255.00



fx ^2












1.67 cm



Tekuk terhadap sumbu y Lky























3.14 =




3.14 =











> lc



.... Tekuk Elastis





















181.7 Mpa


Kekuatan Nominal Batang Tekan Nn










2.20 =



Kekuatan Nominal Terfaktor Nn








3858.658941 N

Nn 5936.40 >

Pu =



... OK

Perencanaan Balok WF Kuda-kuda fy




















a. Kontrol terhadap tekuk lokal sayap bf

badan <



2tf b


2tf 124


16 7.75


















1680 fy


1680 400





Karena Penampang kompak, maka Mn = Mp Momen Nominal










114,000,000 N. mm



b. Kontrol terhadap tekuk torsi Lb


1000 mm











200000 400








Lp B .

, maka Mn = Mp ts






tb .











4 =










4 =



Mu = 70,247,800

... OK

c. Kontrol terhadap Geser Ø Vn

































Vu =









... OK

Perhitungan Sambungan Kuda-Kuda fy E Ø






























Bagian Sayap Z


B .



tb .











4 =









4 = Mu Sayap





B .














Z 7024780


Vu sayap




Ø Vn





Gaya Baut (kekuatan 1 buah baut) Geser ®
























= Tumpu®























Dipakai nilai yang terkecil antara geser dan tumpu, sehingga dipakai : dipakai





Dicoba 2 baut perbaris n


Vu 2



50112 2






Jarak antar baut (min)

Jarak baut ke tepi (min)


2 baris


















48 mm


50 mm


24 mm


30 mm

Sambungan pada Tumpuan Ujung

Vu =

3589.4 kgf

Mu =



3064.09 kgf-m =


Di coba jumalah baut (n) = jumalah bidang geser (m) = geser:







N Nmm

Vu n . Ab



35894 5

= r1 . ɸf . fub .m

= =



35.72 0.5

Mpa x



(gaya yang di terima tiap satu buah baut) 825



618.8 Mpa

karena fuv ≤ r1 . ɸf . fub .m, maka perhitungan dilanjutan

Tarik :


Ø x Rn













515.6 Mpa





Øft x Ab


0.75 x


= Tu





Cek :



103.1 Mpa




Ø x Rn

n 103.1 Mpa



Jadi dipakai jumlah baut





6 R




M sambungan





77,715 =






50 buah

Sambungan pada Tumpuan Tengah

Vu =

5537.23 kgf

Mu =

8602.78 kgf-m


55372.3 825


Di coba jumalah baut (n) =



jumalah bidang geser (m) =








N Nmm

Vu n . Ab 55372.3 7

= r1 . ɸf . fub .m

= =



20.82 0.5

Mpa x



(gaya yang di terima tiap satu buah baut) 825



618.8 Mpa

karena fuv ≤ r1 . ɸf . fub .m, maka perhitungan dilanjutan

Tarik :



Ø x Rn












515.6 Mpa

515.6 Mpa



= = =




Cek :


Øft x Ab 0.75 x 146,930 515.6


73.66 Mpa



Ø x Rn

n 73.66 Mpa







Jadi dipakai jumlah baut



6 R




M sambungan




146,930 =



86027800 x 9

50 buah


Beban Mati INPUT SAP

Beban Atap


3.25 m x

1.2 m x

Berat gording


3.25 m x

5.5 kg/m

Berat sendiri kuda"


6.63 m x

25.7 kg/m

Beban plafond


3.25 m x

1.2 m x

Beban Alat sambung




12.5 kg/m2


18 kg/m


307.2 kg/m qD





















Data Perencanaan Data Atap : Jenis atap Lebar Tebal

: : :

Berat Penutup Atap Genteng Jarak antar gording (miring) Jarak horizontal gording Jarak antar kuda - kuda Sudut kemiringan α Sin α Cos α Tan α Panjang bentang atap

: : : : : : : : :

12.5 1.2 1.20 4 3 0.0523 0.9986 0.0524 6.50

2. Perencanaan Dimensi Gording Direncanakan Gording Profil C



Seng gelombang 770 mm 0.12 cm kg/m2 m m m ° (deg) rad rad rad m


= = = =

120 120.16 400 0.05


20 a b


= =

3.672 cm2



58.4 cm4


Iy ix iy

= = =

14 cm4


3.99 cm 1.95 cm



11.7 cm3

Mutu Baja



4.47 cm


5.5 kg/m


Fu E G 3. Menghitung Beban Beban Mati Berat Gording Berat Atap Genteng = (50) x Jarak Gording Pengikat Dan Penggantung (10%)

= = = =

qD Momen Akibat Beban Mati (MD) (q x sin α) qx = = 1.18 (q x cos α) qy =


5.50 kg/m 15.00 kg/m 2.05 kg/m 22.6 kg/m



Beban Hidup Beban hidup terpusat P Px Py



= = = = =

100 (P x sin α) 5 (P x cos α) 100


= = = = =

25 kg/m2 (-1,2) x Jarak Gording x W -36 kg/m -0,4 x Jarak Gording x W -12.00 kg/m

kg kg

Beban Angin Tekanan Tiup Angin Angin tekan (Wt) Angin hisap (Wh)

Besarnya Momen Berfaktor → Mux = = → Muy = = → Muy = =

4. Desain Gording H J X1 Iw X2 5

= = = = =

Kontrol Tegangan Gording σ gording = faktor reduksi = σ ijin = σ

= =

(-) (+)

Kombinasi (Mu) 1,2 x(1/8 x qDx x L^2) + 1,6x( 1/4 x Px x L) 11.2061749507 kgm 1,2 x (1/8 x qDy x L/3^2) + 1,6 x (1/4 x Py x L/3) 59.2653341226 kgm 1,2 x (1/8 x qDy + L/3^2) + 1,6 x (1/4 x Py x L/3) + 0,8 x (1/8 x qW x L/3^2) 57.1320007892 kgm

98.4 mm 293.8197333333 mm4 7884.617 Mpa 350000000 mm4 0.0024775922 mm2

1600 kg/cm2 0.75 1200 kg/cm2 M Wx 1120.6174950739

+ +

P A 100

= = Syarat



Kontrol Lendutan Profil : Lendutan ijin (f) = Lendutan akibat beban hidup pusat fx1 =


= = =


11.7 95.7792730832 123.0123885517

+ kg/cm2

σ 123.0123885517

≤ ≤

3.672 27.2331155

σ ijin 1200


1.6666666667 cm

P x L^3 48 x E x Ix 1.1415525114 cm P x (L/2)^3 48 x E x Iy 0.595 cm

Lendutan akibat beban mati merata fx2 = 5 x (qDx) x L^4 384 x E x Ix = 0.034 cm fy2 = 5 x (qDy) x (L/2)^4 384 x E x Iy = 0.168 cm f < fijin 1.4010793416 < 1.6666666667 OK


Perencanaan Penggantung Gording Kuda - kuda

1.20 1.20

Penggantung gording



Penggantung Gording Jarak kuda - kuda Jumlah penggantung Jumlah gording Jarak penggantung

= = = =

400 2 12 133

cm buah buah cm


= = = =

5.50 15.00 2.05 23

kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m

arc tan α


arc tan α α RD

= = = =


= = =


RA Total

= = =

1,2 RD + 1,6 RL 207.25 kg 2489 kg

arc tan β


arc tan β β

= =

Panjang miring gording L/3 0.90 ᵒ 42

RB x sin β RB

= =

RA 3720

Pembebanan Beban Mati Berat sendiri gording Berat Atap Genteng Berat alat pengikat (10%)


Sudut Trekstang Panjang miring gording L/3 0.90 ᵒ 42 qD x sin α x L/2 39.37 kg

Beban Hidup

Perhitungan Gaya Penggantung Gording tipe A RA





Penggantung Tipe B




Perencanaan Batang Tarik Pu = BJ 37






Mpa (N/mm2)






Mpa (N/mm )



Pu 3720

= =

f x Fy x Ag 3600

x Ag

Ag perlu






1/4 x π x d2




x d2

d2 d d pakai d

= = = =

1.27 1.00 10 10

cm mm mm


Untuk Leleh f

12 Perencanaan Ikatan Angin R1

S 3

ф 400





1200 R total

Data Perencanaan Ikatan Angin Tekanan Angin (W) Koefisien Angin Tekan (Ct)

= =

25 0.9




Koefisien Angin Hisap (Ch) α panjang batang 1 (S1) panjang batang 2 (S2) panjang batang 3 (S3) Mencari Sudut ф tan ф


tan ф ф

= =

= = = = =


R total

= =

Menghitung Gaya Normal N = = = Menghitung Gaya Batang Pada titik buhul A ΣV = R total + S1 = S1 = S1 =

ᵒ cm cm

1200 1264.91 cm

panjang batang 2 (S2) panjang batang 1 (S1) 3.00 ᵒ 71.57

Perhitungan Gaya yang Bekerja R = R1 Sampai R8

0.4 3 400

= = =

0.052 4 12




12 4



1 2





1 2 270.00 2160.00





kg kg

Ch Ct 0.4 0.9 960.00

0 0 -R total -2160.00


R total







Pada titik buhul B



Perencanaan Batang Tarik



S3 S3

ΣV R1 + S1 + S3 cos ф x 0.32 x 0.32 S3


= =

5976.70 5976.70


Kontrol Leleh Mutu Baja Fy Fu

= = =

BJ 37 400 520

Mpa (N/mm2) Mpa (N/mm2)

Pu 5976.70 5976.70 Ag

= = = =

ф 0.90 3600.00 1.66

x x x cm2









1.66 0.79

d2 d d pakai d

= = = =

2.11 1.45 14.54 20

cm cm mm mm

= =

400 1264.91







Panjang miring penggantung 4000 12649.11 4000 3 (OK)

Kontrol Kelangsingan Jarak kuda-kuda Panjang miring penggantung

= =

4000 5200

fy 4000 Ag

x x

Ag Ag









cm cm



cm cm cm rad



= =

100 mm 50 mm


1.6 mm


1.6 mm


BJ 37


400 Mpa (N/mm2)


520 Mpa (N/mm2)

= =

2.0E+06 kg/cm2 80000 Mpa (N/mm2)

8 x qW x L/3^2)

kg/cm2 kg/cm2

rad m m






= = = = =

0 0 0 1890.00 5976.70



kg/cm2 kg/cm2



Perencanaan Penulangan Pelat Lantai Data Perencanaan Mutu baja (fy)




400 30

Mutu beton (f'c) BJ beton bertulang








Berat tegel (1 cm)




Berat dinding 1/2 bata




Berat plafond + penggantung




Pipa dan duckting




Berat pasir




Beban hidup lantai gedung





a. Pembebanan Pelat Beban pelat lantai Beban mati (WD) Berat sendiri plat

=0,12* 2400kg/m3 =






=0,02*1800 kg/m3 =



Adukan spesi (2 cm) = 2* 21kg/m3 Berat pasir (2 cm)

Beban tegel (1 cm) = 1* 24kg/m3




Plafond + penggantung




Pipa + ducting AC






4.48 kN/m2 Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran)

Beban ultimate (WU) WU = 1.2 WD + = 1.2 x 4.48 = 8.448 kN/m2

= =

192 kg/m2 1.92 kN/m2

1.6 WL + 1.6 x



b. Tebal Efektif Pelat Tebal pelat = 120 mm Tebal selimut beton = 20 mm D Tulangan pokok = 10 mm D Tulangan susut & bagi = 10 mm Tinggi efektif: Dx = h - p 0.5 x D tul. arah x = 120 - 20 0.5 x 10 = 95 mm Dy = h - p - 0,5 D tul. arah y - D tul. arah x = 120 - 20 0.5 x 10 - 10 = 85 mm

Gambar 3.2 Potongan Pelat Lantai

c. Perhitungan Momen Perhitungan pelat Bentang balok memanjang (Ly) = 6 m Bentang balok memendek (Lx) = 3 m β = Ly Lx = 6 3 = 2.0 ≤ 2 ... Pelat 2 arah Nilai X1 - X4 (PBI 1971 tabel 13.3.1 hal 202)














Menentukan momen Mlx



x WU

x Lx2 x X1
















= 3.1173 kN.m Mly



x WU

x Lx2 x X2








= 0.9124 kN.m Mtx


= -0.001 x WU

x Lx2 x X3

= -0.001 x 8.448 = -6.3107 kN.m


= -0.001 x WU

x Lx2 x X4

= -0.001 x 8.448 = -4.3338 kN.m






Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal, faktor distribusi tegangan beton:


= 30






MPa -






Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Lampiran B.8.4.2, rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance, adalah x β1 x f'c 600 ρb = 0.85 fy 600 + fy




x 0.85 400


30 600

600 +


= 0.0325 Rasio tahanan momen maksimum Rmax = 0.75*ρb*fy*[1-0.5*0.75*ρb*fy/(0.85*f'c)] = 7.89 Rasio tulangan maksimum ρmax = 0.75 x ρb = 0.75 x 0.0325 = 0.0244 Rasio tulangan minimum ρmin 1.4 = fy 1.4 = 400 = 0.0035 d. Penulangan Pelat Perhitungan tulangan lapangan dan tumpuan diambil momen yang terbesar. Tulangan lapangan dan tulangan tumpuan dianggap sama: ɸ = 0.8 Peninjauan pelat lantai selebar 1 = 1000 mm - Penulangan lapangan arah X Momen lapangan arah X (Mlx) = 3.117 kN.m = 3.12.E+06 Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mlx Mn = ɸ 3117312 = 0.8 = 3.90.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dx2 3896640 = 7220000 = 0.5397 < Rmax 7.8883 m


... OK

fy 0.85

x f'c


400 0.85 x = 15.686 =


Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 0.5397 400 = 0.0014 ρmin

ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0014 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0035 Jadi,

Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As

= ρ x b = 0.0035 x =

x dx 1000



332.5 mm


Digunakan tulangan Ø10 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π 4 =

1 4


78.5 mm2


x D2


x 10


Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m n

As Av 332.5 = 78.5 = 4.2357 ~ =

5 buah

Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n


= =

1000 5 200 mm

Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 200 = OK

≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360)

Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul

= =

n 5

x Av x 78.5

= 392.5 mm2 > As = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø10 - 200 - Penulangan lapangan arah Y Momen lapangan arah Y (Mly)

= =

332.5 mm2

0.912 kN.m 9.12.E+05

Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mly Mn = ɸ 912384 = 0.8 = 1.14.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dy2 1140480 = 5780000 = 0.1973 < Rmax 7.8883 m


... OK

fy 0.85

x f'c 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 15.686


Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 0.1973 400 = 0.0005 ρmin

ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0005 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0035 Jadi,

Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x dy = 0.0035 x 1000 x 85 =

297.5 mm2

Digunakan tulangan Ø10 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π 4 =

1 4


78.5 mm2


x D2


x 10


Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 297.5 = 78.5 = 3.7898 ~ 4 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 4 = 250 mm


Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 250 = OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul

= =

n 4

≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360)

x Av x 78.5

= 314 mm2 > As 297.5 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø10 - 250 - Penulangan tumpuan arah X Momen tumpuan arah X (Mtx) = 6.311 kN.m = 6.31.E+06 Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mtx Mn = ɸ 6310656 = 0.8 = 7.89.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dx2 7888320 7220000 = 1.0926 < Rmax =




... OK

fy 0.85

x f'c 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 15.686

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 1.0926


400 = 0.0028 ρmin

ρmax ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0028 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0035 Jadi,


Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x dx = 0.0035 x 1000 x 95 =

332.5 mm2

Digunakan tulangan Ø10 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π 4 = =

1 4


x D2


x 10


78.5 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 332.5 = 78.5 = 4.2357 ~ 5 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 5 = 200 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan



≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360)

Luas tulangan yang timbul


As timbul

= =

n 5

x Av x 78.5


392.5 mm2

> As

332.5 mm2

= OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø10 - 200 - Penulangan tumpuan arah Y Momen tumpuan arah Y (Mly)

= =

4.334 kN.m 4.33.E+06

Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mly Mn = ɸ 4333824 = 0.8 = 5.42.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dy2 5417280 5780000 = 0.9372 < Rmax =




... OK

fy 0.85

x f'c 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 15.686

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 0.9372 400 = 0.0024 ρmax ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0024 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0035 Jadi,




Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x dy = 0.0035 x 1000 x 85 =

297.5 mm2

Digunakan tulangan Ø10 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 = =

1 4



x 10


78.5 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 297.5 = 78.5 = 3.7898 ~ 4 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 4 = 250 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 250 = OK

≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360)

Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 4 x 78.5 =



> As

297.5 mm2

= OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø10 - 250


Tabel 3.1 Diameter batang dalam mm2 per meter lebar pelat (Gideon Jilid 1)

Kontrol kekuatan tinjauan tumpuan X As timbul x fy Mencari nilai (a) = 0.85 x f'c x b 392.5 x 400 = 0.85 x 30 x 1000 = 6.1569 mm Menghitung momen nominal a Mn = As timbul x fy x dx 2 6.1569 = 392.5 x 400 x 95 2 = 14,431,686 Menghitung momen yang timbul ɸMn = 0.8 x 14,431,686 = 11,545,349 > Mtx 6,310,656 = OK Tulangan Susut dan Tulangan Bagi Tulangan susut Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal

Luas tulangan susut (As) As = 0.0018 x b x = 0.0018 x 1000 =


h x





Digunakan tulangan Ø10 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 = =

1 4



x 10


78.5 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 216 = 78.5 = 2.7516 ~ 4 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 4 = 250 mm Sehinga dipakai tulangan Ø10 - 250 Rekapitulasi Hasil Perhitungan Plat Lantai TIPE PLAT Jenis Tulangan Tulangan Lap. Arah X Tulangan Lap. Arah Y TIPE II Tulangan Tum. Arah X Tulangan Tum. Arah Y Tulangan Susut

Tulangan 10 200 10 250 10 200 10 250 10 250

Luas 392.5 314 392.5 314 314


Perencanaan Penulangan Pelat Atap Data Perencanaan Mutu baja (fy) : 400 Mutu beton (f'c) : 30


BJ beton bertulang








Berat tegel (1 cm)




Berat dinding 1/2 bata




Berat plafond + penggantung




Pipa dan duckting




Berat pasir




Beban hidup lantai gedung




a. Pembebanan Pelat Beban pelat atap Beban mati (WD) Berat sendiri plat

=0,10* 2400kg/m3 =



Plafond + penggantung




Pipa + ducting AC






2.98 kN/m2 Beban hidup (WL) Pekerja + peralatannya




genangan air hujan







Beban ultimate (WU) WU

= = =

1.2 1.2

WD + x 2.98

1.6 WL + 1.6 x


5.496 kN/m2

b. Tebal Efektif Pelat Tebal pelat Tebal selimut beton D Tulangan pokok D Tulangan susut & bagi

= = = =

100 20 8 8

mm mm mm mm


Tinggi efektif: Dx = h - p 0.5 x D tul. arah x = 100 - 20 0.5 x 8 = 76 mm Dy = h - p - 0,5 D tul. arah y D tul. arah x = 100 - 20 0.5 x 8 8 = 68 mm

Gambar 3.2 Potongan Pelat Lantai

c. Perhitungan Momen Perhitungan pelat Bentang balok memanjang (Ly) = 6 m Bentang balok memendek (Lx) = 3 m β = Ly Lx = 6 3 = 2.0 ≤ 2 ... Pelat 2 arah Nilai X1 - X4 (PBI 1971 tabel 13.3.1 hal 202)














Menentukan momen x Lx2 x X1




x WU

0.001 x 5.496 2.028 kN.m 0.001 x WU



= = = =















x Lx2 x X2 3


= 0.5936 kN.m Mtx

= -0.001

x WU

x Lx2 x X3

= -0.001






= -4.1055 kN.m Mty

= -0.001

x WU

x Lx2 x X4

= -0.001






= -2.8194 kN.m Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal, faktor distribusi tegangan beton:


= 30






MPa -






Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Lampiran B.8.4.2, rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance, adalah x β1 x f'c 600 ρb = 0.85 fy 600 + fy 0.85 x 30 0.85 x 600 = 400 600 + 400 = 0.0325


Rasio tahanan momen maksimum Rmax = 0.75*ρb*fy*[1-0.5*0.75*ρb*fy/(0.85*f'c)] = 7.89 Rasio tulangan maksimum ρmax = 0.75 x ρb = 0.75 x 0.03251 = 0.0244 Rasio tulangan minimum ρmin 1.4 = fy 1.4 = 400 = 0.0035 d. Penulangan Pelat Perhitungan tulangan lapangan dan tumpuan diambil momen yang terbesar. Tulangan lapangan dan tulangan tumpuan dianggap sama: ɸ = 0.8 Peninjauan pelat lantai selebar 1 m = 1000 mm - Penulangan lapangan arah X Momen lapangan arah X (Mlx) = 2.028 kN.m = 2.03.E+06 Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mlx Mn = ɸ 2028024 = 0.8 = 2.54.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dx2 2.54.E+06 = 4620800 = 0.5486 < Rmax 7.88835 m




fy 0.85

x f'c


400 0.85 x = 15.686 =


Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 0.54861 400 = 0.0014 ρmin

ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.00139 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = Jadi,


Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x dx = 0.0035 x 1000 x 76 =



Digunakan tulangan Ø8 mm Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π 4 =

1 4


50.24 mm2


x D2





Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 266 = 50.24 = 5.2946 ~ 6 buah


Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 6 = 166.67 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan = 150 ≤ 3 x tebal pelat (300) Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 6 x 50.24 = 301.44 mm2 = OK

> As



Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø8 - 150 - Penulangan lapangan arah Y Momen lapangan arah Y (Mly)

= =

0.594 kN.m 5.94.E+05

Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mly Mn = ɸ 5.94.E+05 = 0.8 = 7.42.E+05 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dy2 741960 = 3699200 = 0.2006 < Rmax m





fy 0.85

x f'c 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 15.686

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ)




1 m




- 2 x m x Rn fy


1 x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 0.20057 400 = 0.0005 =


ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0005 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) Jadi,


= ρ x b = 0.0035 x =


x dy 1000





Digunakan tulangan Ø8 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π 4 =

1 4


50.24 mm2


x D2





Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m n

As Av 238 = 50.24 = 4.7373 ~ =

5 buah

Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 5 = 200 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5


Jarak tulangan

= 200 = OK

≤ 3 x tebal pelat (300)

Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 5 x 50.24 = 251.2 mm2 = OK

> As



Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø8 - 200

- Penulangan tumpuan arah X Momen tumpuan arah X (Mtx)

= =

4.106 kN.m 4.11.E+06

Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mtx Mn = ɸ 4105512 = 0.8 = 5.13.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn ɸ x b x dx2 5.13.E+06 = 4620800 = 1.1106 < Rmax

Rn =






fy 0.85

x f'c 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 15.686

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686


2 x 15.686 x 1.11061 400 = 0.0028 ρmin

ρmax ρ < 0.0035 > 0.00284 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = Jadi,



Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x dx = 0.0035 x =






Digunakan tulangan Ø8 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 = =

1 4






50.24 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 266 = 50.24 = 5.2946 ~ 6 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 6 = 166.67 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan



≤ 3 x tebal pelat (300)


Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av =




= 301.44 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø8- 150 - Penulangan tumpuan arah Y Momen tumpuan arah Y (Mly)

> As

= =



2.819 kN.m 2.82.E+06

Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mly Mn = ɸ 2.82.E+06 = 0.8 = 3.52.E+06 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn ɸ x b x dy2 3524310 = 3699200 = 0.95 < Rmax

Rn =






fy 0.85

x f'c 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 15.686

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = x 1 - √ 1 15.686 2 x 15.686 x 0.95272 400 = 0.0024 ρmax ρ < 0.0035 > 0.00243 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = Jadi,





Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x dy = 0.0035 x =






Digunakan tulangan Ø8 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 = =

1 4






50.24 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 238 = 50.24 = 4.7373 ~ 5 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 5 = 200 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 200 = OK

≤ 3 x tebal pelat (300)

Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av =




= 251.2 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø8 - 200

> As




Tabel 3.1 Diameter batang dalam mm2 per meter lebar pelat (Gideon Jilid 1)

Kontrol kekuatan tumpuan X As timbul x fy Mencari nilai (a) = 0.85 x f'c x b 301.44 x 400 = 0.85 x 30 x 1000 = 4.73 mm Menghitung momen nominal a Mn = As timbul x fy x dx 2 4.73 = 301.44 x 400 x 76 2 = 8,878,706 Menghitung momen yang timbul ɸMn = 0.8 x 8,878,706 = 7,102,965 > Mtx 4,105,512 = OK Tulangan Susut dan Tulangan Bagi Tulangan susut Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal

Luas tulangan susut (As) As = 0.0018 x b x = 0.0018 x =



h x




Digunakan tulangan Ø8 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 = =

1 4






50.24 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 180 = 50.24 = 3.5828 ~ 4 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 4 = 250 mm Sehinga dipakai tulangan Ø8 - 250 Rekapitulasi Hasil Perhitungan Plat Atap TIPE PLAT Jenis Tulangan Tulangan Lap. Arah X Tulangan Lap. Arah Y TIPE II Tulangan Tum. Arah X Tulangan Tum. Arah Y Tulangan Susut

Tulangan 8 150 8 200 8 150 8 200 8 250

Luas 301.44 251.2 301.44 251.2 200.96





Data Perencanaan f'c = 30 Mpa fy = 400 Mpa E beton = 25742.9602 Mpa Dimensi = 25 x 35 cm Ø Tulangan = 13 mm Ø sengkang = 10 mm tebal selimut = 40 Beban hidup = 250 kg/m2 Beban mati = - BJ beton bertulang : - Spesi : - Berat tegel (1 cm) :

2400 21 24

kg/m3 kg/m2 kg/m2

- Berat dinding 1/2 bata




- Berat plafond + penggantung




- Pipa dan duckting




- Berat pasir




Denah Pembebanan Tributari Area

Gambar 5.1 Tributari Area Pembebanan Balok Anak pada Lantai 2-4


Gambar 5.2 Tributari Area Pembebanan Balok Anak pada Plat Atap

Untuk mengubah beban segitiga dan beban trapesium dari plat menjadi beban merata pada bagian balok, maka beban plat harus diubah menjadi beban equivalen yang besarnya dapat ditentukan : a. Lebar Equivalen Tipe segitiga : Leq = 1/3 Lx, b. Lebar Equivalen Tipe trapesium : Leq = 1/6 Lx 3 - 4 Lx 2 2Ly Hitungan equivalen untuk beban dari plat Tipe segitiga Tipe trapesium leq = 0.3 x lx leq = 1/6 lx 3 - 4 Lx 2 = 0.3 x 3.6 2Ly - 4 3.6 2 1.20 = = 1/6 3.6 3 8 Tipe segitiga 1.31 = leq = 0.3 x lx = 0.3 x 1.5 0.50 = 5.3

Pembebanan a. Pembebanan Pelat lantai Beban mati (WD) Berat sendiri plat =0,12* 2400kg/m3 = Adukan spesi (2 cm) = 2* 21kg/m3 = Berat pasir (2 cm) =0,02*1800 kg/m3 = Beban tegel (1 cm) = 1* 24kg/m3 = Plafond + penggantung = Pipa + ducting AC = total WD =

288 42 36 24 18 40 448

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2




b. Pembebanan Pelat Atap Beban mati (WD) Berat sendiri plat =0,10* 2400kg/m3 = Plafond + penggantung = Pipa + ducting AC = total WD =

240 18 40 298

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2



Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran)

Beban hidup (WL) Pekerja + peralatannya






c. Pembebanan balok anak lantai 1-4 Beban mati (WD) Beban dari plat berat sendiri

= 2*1,2*448 = = 0,25*(0,35-0,12)*24 =

1075.2 kg/m 138 kg/m 1213.2 kg/m2


Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran= 2*1,2*250




d. Pembebanan balok anak pada plat atap Beban mati (WD) Beban dari plat berat sendiri

= 2*1,2*298 = = 0,25*(0,35-0,10)*24 =

715.2 kg/m 150 kg/m


865.2 kg/m2 Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran= 2*1,2*100




Untuk selanjutnya perhitungan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel Tabel 5.1 Rekapitulasi beban balok anak pada lantai 2-4 tipe balok A

leq leq berat balokbeban platb. Dinding qD qL




m segitiga trapesium(kg/m)

3.6 3.6



4 3.6



















1.5 1.5 0.5








3.6 3.6 1.2







leq leq berat balokbeban platb. Dinding qD qL


Tabel 5.2 Rekapitulasi beban balok anak pada atap Tipe balok A' B' C'





m segitiga trapesium(kg/m)

3.6 3.6 1.2 4 3.6


1.5 1.5 0.5


















262.8 1540 100


Penulangan Balok Anak

Dalam perhitungan statika untuk menentukan momen ultimate dan gaya geser ultimate pada balok anak menggunakan software SAP2000 v.19, dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh:

Gambar 5.3 Hasil Perhitungan momen balok anak oleh SAP2000 v.19


Gambar 5.4 Hasil Perhitungan momen balok anak oleh SAP2000 v.19

dari gambar bidang M dan bidang D didapatkan : Mu lapangan = 3819.5 kgm Mu tumpuan = 4033.5 kgm Vu maksimum = 5209.3 kg Nilai-nilai kebutuhan rasio penulangan yang tetap berdasarkan mutu bahan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut. Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 ps. faktor distribusi tulangan beton β1 = 0.85 - 0.05 f'c - 30 7 = 0.85 - 0.05 30 - 30 7 = 0.85 - 0.05 x 0 = 0.85 Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 ps.B8.4.(2) rasio tulangan dalam kondisi balance β1 ρb = 0.85 x f'c x x fy 600 = 0.85 x 30 x 0.850 x 240 600 = 0.09 x 0.6 = 0.054

600 + 600 +

fy 400

Nilai rasio tulangan maksimum ρ max = 0.75 x ρb = 0.75 x 0.05 = 0.0406 Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 20013 ps.8.5.1 rasio tulangan minimum ρ min = 1.4 fy = 1.4 400 = 0.0035


Nilai koefisien lawan berdasaran mutu beton dan baja m = fy 0.85 x f'c = 400 0.85 x 30 = 15.686 a. Penulangan Daerah Lapangan fc = 30 fy = 400 b = 250 h = 350 Ø begel = 10 13 D tulangan = decking (d") = 40 tebal plat (t) = 120 d

MPa MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm

= h - decking - Ø tul. beugel - 1/2 D tul. Pokok = 350 - 40 - 10 0.5 x 13 = 293.5 mm

Lebar efektif flens ... SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 Pasal 8.12.2 L 3600 be1 ≤ = = 900 mm 4 4 250 + 16 x 120 be2 ≤ bw + 16hf = = 2170 mm 900 mm diambil be yang terkecil = mencari harga a = f f Mn





























= 514,447,200 Nmm = 51,445 kgm Mu = 3,820 kgm = 3,820 kgm < Mu = 51,445 karena f Mn maka analisis dihitung menggunakan penampang persegi Mu = 3819.53 kgm = 3.82.E+07 Nmm Ø = Mn =

0.8 Mu 0.8


= = Rn

= = =


38195300 0.8 4.77.E+07 Nmm Mn b x d² 47744125 250 x 86142 2.217 1 m








1 x 15.686





= =

0.06 x 0.0058




2 x Rn



fy 4.434

x 15.686 400

ρ min < ρ < ρ max 0.0035 < 0.0058 < 0.0406 , maka digunakan = 0.0058

karena ρ

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tarik As = ρ x b x d = 0.0058 x 250 x 293.5 2 = 426.09 mm di pasang


D 13 ® As tul

= 530.93 mm2


Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tekan As' = 0.5 x As = 0.5 x 426.09 = 213.04 mm2 2 D 13 di pasang kontrol spasi tulangan = b - 2p S n = 250 - 80 4 = 32.667 mm

® As tul

= 265.33 mm2


n Øtul. - 2 Øsk. 1 52 20 - 1 ... SATU LAPIS < 25 mm


Perhitungan kapasitas penampang As (aktual) = 4 D 13 = 530.93 mm2 As' (aktual) = 2 D 13 = 265.33 mm2 a

As fy 0.85 212372 = 0.85 = 16.665

- As' fy f'c b - 106132 x 30 x


x As - As' x


Ø Mn

0.8 As' x








a 2




x 530.93 - 265.33 x



265.33 x



16.665 2



+ -


= 2.42.E+07 + 2.69.E+07 = 5.11.E+07 Nmm = 5.11.E+03 kgm Ø Mn

= 5114.13394 kgm > Mu = 3819.5 kgm

... OK

b. Penulangan Daerah Tumpuan fc fy b h Ø begel D tulangan decking (d") tebal plat (t) d

= = = = = = = =

30 400 250 350 10 13 40 120

MPa MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm

= h - decking - Ø tul. beugel - 1/2 D tul. Pokok = 350 - 40 - 10 0.5 x 13 = 293.5 mm

Lebar efektif flens ... SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 Pasal 8.12.2


L = 4 be2 ≤ bw +

3600 4 16hf

= = diambil be yang terkecil =

250 + 16 x 2170 mm 900 mm

mencari harga a = f f Mn



be1 ≤














hf 2














120 2

= 514,447,200 Nmm = 51,445 kgm Mu = 4,034 kgm = 4,034 kgm < Mu = 51,445 karena f Mn maka analisis dihitung menggunakan penampang persegi Mu = Ø = Mn = = = Rn

= = =



kgm = 40335000 Nmm


0.8 Mu 0.8 40335000 0.8 50418750 Nmm Mn b x d² 50418750 250 x 86142 2.34118566 1 m







1 x 15.686





= =

0.06 x 0.0061





2 x Rn



fy 4.6824 x 15.686 400

ρ min < ρ < ρ max 0.0035 < 0.0061 < 0.0406 , maka digunakan



= 0.0061

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tarik As = ρ x b x d = 0.0061 x 250 x 293.5 = 451.22 mm2 di pasang


D 13 ® As tul


= 530.93 mm2

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tekan As' = 0.5 x As = 0.5 x 451.22 = 225.61 mm2 2 D 13 di pasang kontrol spasi tulangan = b - 2p S n = 250 - 80 4 = 32.667 mm

® As tul

= 265.33 mm2


n Øtul. - 2 Øsk. 1 52 20 - 1 ... SATU LAPIS < 25 mm

Perhitungan kapasitas penampang As (aktual) = 4 D 13 = 530.93 mm2 As' (aktual) = 2 D 13 = 265.33 mm2 a

Ø Mn

As fy 0.85 212372 = 0.85 = 16.665

- As' fy f'c b - 106132 x 30 x


x As - As' x


0.8 As' x








a 2




x 530.93 - 265.33 x



265.33 x



16.665 2



+ -



265.33 x





= 24236877 + 26904462 = 51141339 Nmm = 5114.13394 kgm Ø Mn

= 5114.13394 kgm > Mu = 4033.5 kgm

... OK

c. Penulangan Geser Balok Berdasarkan SNI 03-2847-2013 Ps. gaya geser dikerjakan dengan cara berikut : f'c = 30 Mpa D tulangan lungitudinal = 13 mm fy = 400 Mpa Ø beugel = 10 mm b = 250 mm ɸ (faktor reduksi geser) = 0.75 h = 350 mm d = 293.5 mm d" = 40 mm Nilai geser maksimum Tumpuan Vu = 1,120.42 kg = 11,204.20 N Berdasarkan SNI – 2847 -2013 Ps 11.2.1 Vc = 0.17 λ √f'c . bw . d = 0.17 x 1 x 5.4772 x 250 x = 68,321.54 N ØVc = 0.75 x 68321.54 = 51,241.16 N 1/2 ØVc =

Vc1 = = = Vc2 = = =


0.50 x 51241.16 = 25,620.58 N 0.33 √f'c . bw . d 0.33 x 5.4772 x 250 x 293.5 132,624.17 N 0.66 √f'c . bw . d 0.66 x 5.4772 x 250 x 293.5 265,248.34 N

Berdasarkan SNI – 2847 -2013 Ps Vu Vs = - Vc ɸ = 11,204.20 - 68,321.54 0.75 = -53,382.61 N Vc + Vs

≥ Vu



+ -53,382.61 ≥ 14,938.93 N ≥

Cek penulangan geser Vu < 0,5 . ø Vc 0,5 . ø Vc < Vu < ø Vc Vu > ø V c

11,204.20 11,204.20


... OK

→ tidak perlu tulangan geser → cukup tulangan geser praktis → tulangan geser dihitung

Tidak perlu tulangan geser = Vu < 0.5 x = 11,204.20 < 0.5 x = 11,204.20 < 25,620.6

ɸ Vc 51,241.16 OK

Cukup tulangan geser praktis = 0.5 x ɸ Vc < Vu < ɸ Vc = 0.5 x 51241 < 11204 < 51241 = 25,620.58 < 11,204 < 51,241.16


Tulangan geser dihitung = Vu > ɸ Vc = 11,204 > 51,241 = 11,204 > 51,241


Berdasarkan syarat ketentuan diatas, maka tulangan geser dihitung karena Vs : -53,382.61 N < Vc1 132,624.17 N maka, digunakan tul. Geser db = 10 mm dengan jarak : s1 = Av x fyt x d Vs = 157 x 400 x 293.5 -53382.61 = -345.28 mm s2 = d = 293.5 = 146.75 mm ® menentukan 2 2 s3 = Av x fyt 0.35 bw =

157 x 400 0.35 x 250 = 717.71 mm s4 = 600 mm untuk kemudahan pemasangan dilapangan dipakai = Maka, untuk tulangan geser pada daerah tumpuan Ø10

125 mm 125


dan untuk tulangan geser daerah lapangan dipasan 10













momen ultimate dan gaya









Analisis Spektrum Respons Ragam (SNI 1726:2012) Tabel 5.1 Prosedur Analisis yang Boleh Digunakan

Tabel 5.2 Kategori Risiko Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung untuk Beban Gempa




Tabel 5.3 Faktor Keutamaan Gempa


Faktor keutamaan (Ie)



Tabel 5.4 Klasifikasi Situs

Kelas situs Vs N atau Nc Su

= = = =

SE 500 75 100

(tanah lunak) m/dtk

Menentukan Nilai Ss dan S1 Berdasarkan Lokasi Bangunan Ss = 0.668 g S1 = 0.249 g Menentukan Kelas Situs dan Menentukan Nilai Fa dan Fv Tabel 5.5 Koefisien Situs (Fa)


Tabel 5.6 Koefisien Situs (Fv)

Kelas situs = SE (tanah lunak) Fa = 1.363 Fv = 3.004 Menghitung Nilai SMS dan SM1 SMS = Fa x Ss


= 1.363 x = 0.9105 g = Fv x S1


= =


3.004 0.748


Menghitung Nilai SDS dan SD1 SDS

= = =


= = =

2 x 3 2 x 3 0.607 2 x 3 2 x 3 0.499

SMS 0.910 g SM1 0.748 g

Menentukan Kategori Desain Seismik Berdasarkan SDS Tabel 4.7 Kategori Desain Seismik Berdasarkan Paremeter Respons Percepatan pada Perioda Pendek



= =

0.607 g D

Berdasarkan SD1 Tabel 4.8 Kategori Desain Seismik Berdasarkan Parameter Respons Percepatan pada Perioda 1 Detik

SD1 = 0.4987 g KDS = D KDS Pakai = D (0.20 ≤ SD1) Bangunan termasuk dalam kategori bangunan tinggi dengan sistem struktur dinding geser beton bertulang biasa Menentukan Perioda Fundamental Menurut SNI 1726:2012 Pasal perioda fundamental Pendekatan (Ta) dalam detik, harus ditentukan dari persamaan berikut. Ta = Ct x hnx dimana: hn adalah ketinggian struktur, dalam (m) Ct dan x ditentukan dari tabel berikut Tabel 4.9 Nilai Parameter Perioda Pendekatan Ct dan x

Berdasarkan formula pendekatan: hn = 16 m Ct = 0.0466 x = 0.9



x = Ct x hn = 0.0466 x 12.126 = 0.5651 detik

Tabel 4.10 Koefisien untuk Batas Atas Pada Perioda yang Dihitung

SD1 Cu Cu x Ta Tc Jadi, Ts



= 0.4987 g = 1.4 = 1.4 x 0.5651 = 0.7911 detik = 0.453 detik < Ta < Cu x Ta SD1 = SDS 0.4987 = 0.607 = 0.8215 detik SD1 0.2 x = SDS 0.2 x 0.4987 = 0.6069893333 = 0.1643 detik

Kontrol Prosedur Analisis yang Digunakan Ta = 0.5651 detik 3.5 Ts = 2.8754 detik Maka, Ta < 3.5 Ts Boleh menggunakan analisis gaya lateral ekivalen atau analisis respons spektrum SDS = 0.607 g SD1 = 0.4987 g T0 = 0.1643 detik Ts = 0.8215 detik



0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1

0.453 detik

Tabel 5.11 Respons Spektrum

Tabel 5.12 Respons Spektrum

Hasil Analisa

T (detik) 0.00 0.1643 0.8215 0.9215 1.0215 T (detik) 1.1215 1.2215 1.3215 1.4215 1.5215 1.6215 1.7215 1.8215 1.9215 2.0215 2.1215 2.2215 2.3215 2.4215 2.5215 2.6215 2.7215 2.8215 2.9215 3.0215 3.1215 3.2215 3.3215 3.4215 3.5215 3.6215 3.7215 3.8215 3.9215 4.0000

s Acceleration (g)

0.1 0.2


S (g) 0.243 0.607 0.607 0.541 0.488 S (g) 0.445 0.408 0.377 0.351 0.328 0.308 0.290 0.274 0.260 0.247 0.235 0.224 0.215 0.206 0.198 0.190 0.183 0.177 0.171 0.165 0.160 0.155 0.150 0.146 0.142 0.138 0.134 0.130 0.127 0.125

T (detik) 0.00 T0 TS TS+0 TS+0.1 T (detik) TS+0.2 TS+0.3 TS+0.4 TS+0.5 TS+0.6 TS+0.7 TS+0.8 TS+0.9 TS+0.10 TS+0.11 TS+0.12 TS+0.13 TS+0.14 TS+0.15 TS+0.16 TS+0.17 TS+0.18 TS+0.19 TS+0.20 TS+0.21 TS+0.22 TS+0.23 TS+0.24 TS+0.25 TS+0.26 TS+0.27 TS+0.28 TS+0.29 TS+0.30 4

S (g) 0.243 0.607 0.607 0.541 0.488 S (g) 0.445 0.408 0.377 0.351 0.328 0.308 0.290 0.274 0.260 0.247 0.235 0.224 0.215 0.206 0.198 0.190 0.183 0.177 0.171 0.165 0.160 0.155 0.150 0.146 0.142 0.138 0.134 0.130 0.127 0.125

Respon Spectrum Design 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4


Spectral Respons Acceleration (g)


Respon Spectrum Design 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Column F

0.3 0.2 0.1 0











Period (sec)

Pembebanan a. Beban pelat lantai Beban mati (WD) Adukan spesi (2 cm) = 2* 21kg/m3 = Berat pasir (2 cm) =0,02*1800 kg/m3 = Beban tegel (1 cm) = 1* 24kg/m3 = Plafond + penggantung = Pipa + ducting AC = Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkuliahan) b. Pembebanan Pelat Atap Beban mati (WD) Plafond + penggantung Pipa + ducting AC Beban hidup (WL) Atap gedung (Perkantoran) Beban air hujan

c. Pembebanan Balok Induk Beban mati (WD) Pelat 120 mm = 0,12m*2400kg/m2 Aksesoris pelat Dinding 1/2 bata = 4,00m * 250kg/m2 B. anak (25/40) = 0,25*0,4*2400kg/

42 36 24 18 40 160

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2




= = =

18 40 58

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2

= = =

100 20 120

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2

= = = =

300 160 1000 192 1352

kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m

Beban terpusat (P)


Tangga = 1782 kg (untuk 4 joint) Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran) = d. Pembebanan Balok Anak Beban mati (WD) Pelat 120 mm = 0,12m*2400kg/m2 = Aksesoris pelat = 2 Dinding 1/2 bata = 4,00m * 250kg/m =



288 160 1000 1160

kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m2



240 18 40 298

kg/m kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2

133 20 153

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2

Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran)


e. Pembebanan Ring Balk Beban mati (WD) Pelat 100 mm = 0,10m*2400kg/m2 = Plafond + penggantung = Pipa + ducting AC = Beban hidup (WL) Atap gedung (Perkuliahan) Beban air hujan


= = =

Kombinasi Pembebanan 1. 1.4D 2. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr atau R) 3. 1.2D + 1.6(Lr atau R) + (L atau 0.5W) 4. 1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr atau R) 5. 1.2D + 1.0E + L Menurut SNI 1726:2012 Pasal 7.4.2, untuk penggunaan dalam kombiasi beban 5 dalam 4.2.2 atau kombinasi beban 5 dan 6 dalam 4.2.3, E harus ditentukan sesuai dengan persamaan berikut: E = Eh + Ev Eh = ρQE Ev = 0.2 SDS D 1.3214 (1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + ρQE + L Maka digunakan kombinasi beban 6. 0.9D + 1.0W 7. 0.9D + 1.0E Menurut SNI 1726:2012 Pasal 7.4.2, untuk penggunaan dalam kombiasi beban 5 dalam 4.2.2 atau kombinasi beban 5 dan 6 dalam 4.2.3, E harus ditentukan sesuai dengan persamaan berikut:


= Eh + Ev = ρQE = 0.2 SDS D 1.0214 Maka digunakan kombinasi beban(0.9 + 0.2SDS)D + ρQE E Eh Ev





Varialbel PGA (g) SS (g)

Batuan (B) T (detik) 0 T0 0.460 Nilai 0.226

SA (g)

Varialbel PGA (g) SS (g)

Tanah Keras (C) Nilai T (detik) 0.2257 0 T0 0.4604

S1 (g)


















PSA (g)



SMS (g)



SM1 (g)



SDS (g)



SD1 (g)



S1 (g)


















PSA (g)



SMS (g)



SM1 (g)



SDS (g)



SD1 (g)



0.123 0.307 0.307 0.242 0.200 0.170 0.148 0.131 0.117 0.107 0.097 0.090 0.083

T0 (detik)




T0 (detik)



TS (detik)




TS (detik)




0.098 0.093 0.088 0.083 0.079 0.076 0.072

TS+1.3 TS+1.4 TS+1.5 TS+1.6 TS+1.7 TS+1.8

TS+1.2 TS+1.3 TS+1.4 TS+1.5 TS+1.6 TS+1.7 TS+1.8




0.069 0.067 0.064 0.062 0.059 0.057 0.055 0.054 0.052 0.050 0.049 0.047 0.046
















TS+2 TS+2.1 TS+2.2 TS+2.3 TS+2.4 TS+2.5 TS+2.6 TS+2.7 TS+2.8 TS+2.9 TS+3

TS+2 TS+2.1 TS+2.2 TS+2.3 TS+2.4 TS+2.5 TS+2.6 TS+2.7 TS+2.8 TS+2.9 TS+3 TS+3.1


as (C) SA (g)

0.139 0.348 0.348 0.291 0.250 0.219 0.195 0.176 0.160 0.147 0.135 0.126 0.117

Varialbel PGA (g) SS (g)

Tanah Sedang (D) Nilai T (detik) 0.226 0

Varialbel PGA (g) SS (g)


TS+0.6 TS+0.7 TS+0.8 TS+0.9

0.156 0.390 0.390 0.331 0.287 0.253 0.227 0.206 0.188 0.173 0.160 0.149 0.140

T0 (detik)




T0 (detik)

TS (detik)




TS (detik)

TS+1.2 TS+1.3 TS+1.4 TS+1.5 TS+1.6 TS+1.7 TS+1.8

0.117 0.111 0.106 0.101 0.097 0.092 0.089


S1 (g)












PSA (g)


SMS (g)


SM1 (g)


SDS (g)


SD1 (g)

0.110 0.104 0.098 0.093 0.088 0.084 0.081 0.077 0.074

Tanah Lunak (E) SA (g)

T0 TS TS+0 TS+0.1 TS+0.2 TS+0.3 TS+0.4 TS+0.5

S1 (g) CRS CR1 FPGA FA FV PSA (g) SMS (g) SM1 (g) SDS (g) SD1 (g)

0.071 0.098 0.094 0.091 0.088 0.085 0.082 0.080 0.077 0.075 0.073 0.071 0.069 0.067 0.065 0.064 -

TS+1.9 TS+2 TS+2.1 TS+2.2 TS+2.3 TS+2.4 TS+2.5 TS+2.6 TS+2.7 TS+2.8 TS+2.9 TS+3 TS+3.1 TS+3.2 TS+3.3 4 -

0.085 0.082 0.079 0.076 0.074 0.072 0.099 0.096 0.093 0.091 0.088 0.086 0.084 0.081 0.079 0.078 -

Tanah Lunak (E) Nilai T (detik) 0.329 0

SA (g)


T0 TS TS+0 TS+0.1 TS+0.2 TS+0.3 TS+0.4 TS+0.5 TS+0.6 TS+0.7 TS+0.8 TS+0.9

0.243 0.607 0.607 0.541 0.488 0.445 0.408 0.377 0.351 0.328 0.308 0.290 0.274







TS+1.2 TS+1.3 TS+1.4 TS+1.5 TS+1.6 TS+1.7 TS+1.8

0.235 0.224 0.215 0.206 0.198 0.190 0.183

0.668 0.249 0.990 0.927 1.114 1.363 3.004 0.366 0.911 0.748 0.607

PGA (g) 0.2770833



SS (g)




S1 (g)








TS+0.1 0.3486111



TS+0.2 0.3215278



TS+0.3 0.2979167



TS+0.4 0.2777778


TS+0.5 0.2604167

PSA (g)



SMS (g) 0.6305556

TS+0.6 0.2444444

SM1 (g) 0.6145833



SDS (g) 0.4208333



SD1 (g) 0.4097222

TS+0.9 0.2076389

T0 (deti 0.1354167 k) TS (deti 0.6763889 k)



TS+1.1 0.1881944 TS+1.2 0.1798611 TS+1.3 0.1722222 TS+1.4 0.1652778 TS+1.5 0.1590278 TS+1.6 0.1534722 TS+1.7 0.1479167 TS+1.8 0.1423611

TS+1.9 TS+2 TS+2.1 TS+2.2 TS+2.3 TS+2.4 TS+2.5 TS+2.6 TS+2.7 TS+2.8 TS+2.9 TS+3 4 -

0.177 0.171 0.165 0.160 0.155 0.150 0.146 0.142 0.138 0.134 0.13 0.127 0.125 -

TS+1.9 TS+2

0.1375 0.1333333

TS+2.1 0.1291667 TS+2.2


TS+2.3 0.1215278 TS+2.4 0.1180556 TS+2.5 0.1145833 TS+2.6 0.1118056 TS+2.7 0.1083333 TS+2.8 0.1055556 TS+2.9 0.1027778 4














Data Perencanaan f'c = 30 Mpa fy = 400 Mpa E beton = 25742.9602 Mpa Ø Tulangan = 22 mm Ø sengkang = 10 mm tebal selimut = 50 Beban hidup = 250 kg/m2 Beban mati = - BJ beton bertulang : - Spesi : - Berat tegel (1 cm) :

2400 21 24

kg/m3 kg/m2 kg/m2

- Berat dinding 1/2 bata




- Berat plafond + penggantung




- Pipa dan duckting




- Berat pasir




Denah Portal Bangunan

Gambar 6.1 Rencana Balok Sloof Bangunan


Gambar 6.2 Rencana Balok Induk Bangunan


Pembebanan a. Pembebanan Pelat lantai Beban mati (WD) Berat sendiri plat =0,12* 2400kg/m3 = Adukan spesi (2 cm) =2* 21kg/m3 = Berat pasir (2 cm) =0,02*1800 kg/m3 = Beban tegel (1 cm) =1* 24kg/m3 = Plafond + penggantung = Pipa + ducting AC = total WD =

288 42 36 24 18 40 448 160

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2




b. Pembebanan Pelat Atap Beban mati (WD) Berat sendiri plat =0,10* 2400kg/m3 = Plafond + penggantung = Pipa + ducting AC = total WD =

240 18 40 298

kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2





Beban hidup (WL) Lantai gedung (Perkantoran)

Beban hidup (WL) Pekerja + peralatannya c. Pembebanan Balok Induk Beban plat lantai Beban mati selain beban plat (WD) - Balok induk(35/50 = 0,30*(0,50-0,12)*240 - Dinding 1/2 bata = 4m * 250 kg/m2 - Plat kaca (5 mm) = 4m * 10 kg/m2 Beban hidup yang berasal dari beban plat Beban lain-lain : Beban reaksi tangga (Q = Ra / lebar tangga = Reaksi titik a Beban kanopi (P) d. Pembebanan Balok Sloof Beban mati selain beban plat (WD) - Dinding 1/2 bata = 4m * 250 kg/m2 - Balok sloof(20/40 = 0,2*0,4*2400kg/m3


= = = = =



273.6 kg/m 1000 kg/m 40 kg/m 250


= 6302.82 kg/m = 2933.87 kg

= =

1000 kg/m 192 kg/m


- Plat kaca (5 mm)

= 4m * 10 kg/m2

= =

40 kg/m 1232 kg/m


Selanjutnya perhitungan mengenai beban balok induk, balok dak dan balok sloof dapat dilihat ditabel berikut : Tabel 6.1 Rekapitulasi Perhitungan Beban pada Balok ukuran brt sendiri beban Plat berat dinding beban hidup lain- lain Kode (kg/m2) (kg/m) (kg/m2) (cm) (kg/m) (kg/m) 448 1000 250 BI-1 35 50 319.2 6302.82 448 1000 250 BI-2 Err:Err:509Err:509 448 1000 250 BI-3 Err:Err:509Err:509 96 1000 SL 20 30 Untuk perhitungan kombinasi pembebanan dan analisis mengenai gaya momen dan gaya geser dilakukan menggunakan program analisis SAP2000 v.19 6.4

Penulangan Balok Dalam perhitungan statika untuk menentukan momen ultimate dan gaya geser ultimate pada balok anak menggunakan software SAP2000 v.19,

dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh:

Gambar 6.4 Hasil Perhitungan momenoleh SAP2000 v.19 tinjauan memanjang

Gambar 6.5 Hasil perhitungan gaya geser oleh SAP2000 v.19 (memanjang)


Gambar 6.6 Hasil Perhitungan momenoleh SAP2000 v.19 tinjauan melintang

Gambar 6.7 Hasil perhitungan gaya geser oleh SAP2000 v.19 (melintang)

dari gambar bidang M dan bidang D didapatkan Balok BI-1 : Mu lapangan = 23,812.35 kgm Mu tumpuan = 35,005.60 kgm Vu maksimum = 32,121.24 kg Nilai-nilai kebutuhan rasio penulangan yang tetap berdasarkan mutu bahan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut. Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 ps. faktor distribusi tulangan beton β1 = 0.85 - 0.05 f'c - 30 7 = 0.85 - 0.05 30 - 30 7 = 0.85 - 0.05 x 0 = 0.85 Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 ps.B8.4.(2) rasio tulangan dalam kondisi balance β1 ρb = 0.85 x f'c x x fy 600 = 0.85 x 30 x 0.850 x 240 600 = 0.09 x 0.6 = 0.054

600 + 600 +

fy 400


Nilai rasio tulangan maksimum ρ max = 0.75 x ρb = 0.75 x 0.05 = 0.0406 Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 20013 ps.8.5.1 rasio tulangan minimum ρ min = 1.4 fy = 1.4 400 = 0.0035 m


fy 0.85

x f'c = 400 0.85 x 30 = 15.686 Penulangan Daerah Lapangan fc fy b h Ø begel D tulangan decking (d") tebal plat (t) d

= = = = = = = =

30 400 350 500 10 22 40 120

MPa MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm

= h - decking - Ø tul. beugel - 1/2 D tul. Pokok = 500 - 40 - 10 0.5 x 22 = 439 mm

Lebar efektif flens ... SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 Pasal 8.12.2 L 7200 be1 ≤ = = 1800 mm 4 4 350 + 16 x 120 be2 ≤ bw + 16hf = = 2270 mm diambil be yang terkecil = 1800 mm mencari harga a = f f Mn




























120 2

= 1,670,025,600 Nmm = 167,003 kgm Mu = 23,812 kgm = 23,812 kgm < Mu = 167,003 karena f Mn maka analisis dihitung menggunakan penampang persegi Mu = Ø = Mn = = = Rn

= = =



23812.35 kgm = 238123500 Nmm 0.8 Mu 0.8 238123500 0.8 297654375 Nmm Mn b x d² 297654375 350 x 2E+05 4.413 1 m







1 x 15.686





= =

0.06 x 0.0122




2 x Rn



fy 8.8256 x 15.686 400

ρ min < ρ < ρ max 0.0035 < 0.0122 < 0.0406 , maka digunakan = 0.0122

karena ρ

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tarik As = ρ x b x d = 0.0122 x 350 x 439 2 = 1874.4 mm di pasang 5 D 22 ® As tul = 1900.7 mm2

... OK

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tekan


As' = 0.5 = 0.5 = 937.21 3 di pasang

x As x 1874.4 mm2 D 22 ® As tul

= 1139.82 mm2

... OK

kontrol spasi tulangan = b - 2p - n Øtul. - 2 Øsk. S n - 1 = 350 - 80 110 20 5 - 1 = 35 mm ... SATU LAPIS < 25 mm Perhitungan kapasitas penampang As (aktual) = 5 D 22 = 1900.7 mm2 As' (aktual) = 3 D 22 = 1139.8 mm2 As x fy 0.85 f'c b 1900.7 x 400 = 0.85 x 30 = 85.184



Ø Mn

Ø Mn




x As x




x 1900.7 x





= 241100297 Nmm = 24,110.0 kgm = 24,110.0 kgm > Mu =

a 2 439

85.184 2


23,812.4 kgm


b. Penulangan Daerah Tumpuan


fc = 30 fy = 400 b = 350 h = 500 Ø begel = 10 22 D tulangan = decking (d") = 40 tebal plat (t) = 120 = h - decking - Ø tul. beugel - 1/2 D tul. Pokok = 500 - 40 - 10 0.5 x 22 = 439 mm

MPa MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm


Lebar efektif flens ... SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 Pasal 8.12.2 L 7200 be1 ≤ = = 1800 mm 4 4 350 + 16 x 120 be2 ≤ bw + 16hf = = 2270 mm diambil be yang terkecil = 1800 mm

mencari harga a = f f Mn












hf 2














120 2

= 1,670,025,600 Nmm = 167,003 kgm Mu = 35,006 kgm = 35,006 kgm < Mu = 167,003 karena f Mn maka analisis dihitung menggunakan penampang persegi Mu = 35,005.60 kgm = 350,056,000 Nmm Ø = 0.8 Mu Mn = 0.8 = 350056000 0.8 = 437570000 Nmm Mn Rn = b x d² 437570000 = 350 x 192721 = 6.48709793 ρ


1 m







1 x 15.686





= = karena

0.06 x 0.0191 ρ min <






2 x Rn



fy 12.974 x 15.686 400

ρ max



0.0035 < 0.0191 < 0.0406 , maka digunakan = 0.0191

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tarik As = ρ x b x d = 0.0191 x 350 x 439 2 = 2930.1 mm di pasang 8 D 22 ® As tul = 3041.1 mm2

... OK

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tekan As' = 0.5 x As = 0.5 x 2930.1 = 1465.1 mm2 4 D 22 ® As tul = 1519.8 mm2 di pasang

... OK

Perhitungan kapasitas penampang As (aktual) = 8 D 22 = 3041.1 mm2 As' (aktual) = 4 D 22 = 1519.8 mm2 As x fy a = 0.85 f'c b 3041.1 x 400 = 0.85 x 30 x 350 = 136.29 Ø Mn

Ø Mn



x As x




x 3041.1 x




= 360891753 Nmm = 36,089.18 kgm = 36,089.18 kgm > Mu =

a 2 439


136.29 2

35,005.60 kgm... OK

c. Penulangan Geser Balok Berdasarkan SNI 03-2847-2013 Ps. gaya geser dikerjakan dengan cara berikut : f'c = 30 Mpa D tulangan lungitudinal = 22 mm fy = 400 Mpa Ø beugel = 10 mm b = 350 mm ɸ (faktor reduksi geser) = 0.75 h = 500 mm d = 439 mm d" = 40 mm Nilai geser maksimum Vu = 32,121.24 kg


= 321,212.40 N Berdasarkan SNI – 2847 -2013 Ps 11.2.1 Vc = 0.17 λ √f'c . bw . d = 0.17 x 1 x 5.4772 x 350 x = 143,067.87 N ØVc = 0.75 x 143067.87 = 107,300.9 N


1/2 ØVc =

0.50 x 107300.90 = 53650.45 N Vc1 = 0.33 √f'c . bw . d = 0.33 x 5.4772 x 350 x 439 = 277,719.98 N Vc2 = 0.66 √f'c . bw . d = 0.66 x 5.4772 x 350 x 439 = 555,440.0 N Berdasarkan SNI – 2847 -2013 Ps Vu Vs = - Vc ɸ = 321,212.4 - 143,067.9 0.75 = 285,215.3 N Vc + Vs ≥ Vu 143067.87 + 285215.329 ≥ 428283.20 N ≥ Cek penulangan geser Vu < 0,5 . ø Vc 0,5 . ø Vc < Vu < ø Vc Vu > ø V c

321212.4 321212.4


... OK

→ tidak perlu tulangan geser → cukup tulangan geser praktis → tulangan geser dihitung

Tidak perlu tulangan geser = Vu < 0.5 x ɸ Vc = 321212.4 < 0.5 x 107300.903 = 321,212.4 < 53,650.5


Cukup tulangan geser praktis = 0.5 x ɸ Vc < Vu < ɸ Vc = 0.5 x 107301 < 321212 < 107301 = 53,650.45 < 321,212.4 < 107,300.90


Tulangan geser dihitung = Vu >

ɸ Vc


= 321,212.4 > 107,300.9 = 321,212.4 > 107,300.9 OK Berdasarkan syarat ketentuan diatas,maka tulangan geser dihitung karena Vs : 285,215.33 N < Vc1 277,719.98 N maka, digunakan tul. Geser db = 10 mm dengan jarak : s1 = Av x fyt x d Vs = 157 x 400 x 439 285215.33 = 100 mm ® menentukan s2 = d = 439 = 219.5 mm 2 2 s3 = Av x fyt 0.35 bw = 157 x 400 0.35 x 350 = 512.65 mm s4 = 600 mm untuk kemudahan pemasangan dilapangan dipakai = 100 mm Maka, untuk tulangan geser pada daerah tumpuan Ø10 100 200 dan untuk tulangan geser daerah lapangan dipakai 10 d. Menghitung Tulangan Torsi Tu = 7268.94 Kgm = 72689400 Nmm Tulangan torsi dibutuhkan apabila Ø Tu > 0.083 l f'c 0.75

72,689,400 >

6,142,245 Nmm






72,689,400 >


30 0.5

Acp 2 Pcp 175000 2 1700


= lebar as ke as tulangan sengkang = 350 - 2 x 40 + 10 2 = 260 mm = tinggi as ke as tulangan sengkang = 500 - 2 x 40 + 10 2 = 410 mm = 260 x 410




= = = = = = =

106600 0.85 x 0.85 x 90610 2 xo 2 260 1340

mm2 Aoh 106600 mm2 + yo + 410 mm

Periksa kecukupan penampang =


Vu bw x d 321,212.40 350 x 439 5.46 Mpa




= =


+ 2


Vc bw x d 0.75 143,067.87 350 x 439 4.31 Mpa

Tu x Ph 2 1.7 x Aoh 72689400 x 1340 2 1.7 x 1.1364E+10


0.66 x


0.66 x




30 0.5

Menentukan kebutuhan tulangan sengkang tertutup At = Tu / 0.75 s 2x Ao x fy x cot 45 = 72689400 / 0.75 2x 90610 x 400 x 1 = 1.34 mm2/mm Menentukan keebutuhan tulangan memanjang A1 = At x Ph x fyt x cot^2q s fy = 1.337 x 1340 x 400 x 1 400 = A1min = = =

1791.6 mm2 0.42 x


0.42 x



fy 30 0.5 x 400

Acp 175000


At s


fyt fy





785.19 mm2

sehingga diambil A1 = 1791.6 mm2


Menentukan luas tulangan sengkang tertutup Avt, a. Untuk tulangan sengkang 1 kaki Avt = At + Av s s 2s At + Vs s 2 fy d = 1.337 + 285215.33 2 400 439 = 2.1492 mm2 /mm dicoba memakai tulangan D 13 mm Avt = 0.25 x 3.14 x 13 2 =

132.67 mm2

Kebutuhan jarak tulangan torsi s = 132.67 2.1492 = 61.729 mm b. Syarat jarak sengkang maksimum smaks = Ph 8 = 1340 8 = 167.5 mm Jadi dipakai 13 D ~ 100 mm e. Rekapitulasi perhitugan Dengan cara yang sama untuk setiap elemen balok dihitung kebutuhan tulangan lapangan dan tumpuan dengan hasil seperti dibawah ini Parameter Sloof BI-1 BI-2 BI-3 bw (mm) h (mm) d (mm) D tul (mm) Ø sk (mm)

200 300 242 16 10

350 500 439 22 10

Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 16 10

Penulangan Daerah lapangan Lapangan Balok Parameter Sloof BI-1 BI-2

Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 16 10



3,952.55 3.95 Mu (10^7 Nmm 4.94 Mn (10^7 Nmm 0.0542 ρbalance 0.0406 ρmaks 0.0035 ρmin 15.69 m 4.22 Rn 0.0116 ρ hitung 0.0116 ρ pakai 561.49 As (mm2) 201.06 As tul (mm2) 2.8 Jml. tulangan 5.0 Pembulatan As ada (mm2) 1005.31 78.85 a Mnada (10^7Nmm) 8.15 26 s (mm) 5D16 dipakai Mu (kgm)

23,812.35 23.81 29.77 0.0542 0.0406 0.0035 15.69 4.41 0.0122 0.0122 1,874.42 380.13 4.9 5.0 1900.66 85.18 30.14 54 3D22 2D22

4,743.05 4.74 5.93 0.0542 0.0406 0.0035 15.69 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 201.06 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 3D16

Penulangan Daerah lapangan Tumpuan Balok Parameter Sloof BI-1 BI-2 8,501.3 8.50 Mu (10^7 Nmm Mn (10^7 Nmm 10.63 0.054 ρbalance 0.041 ρmaks 0.004 ρmin 15.69 m 9.07 Rn 0.030 ρ hitung 0.030 ρ pakai 1,428.45 As (mm2) 201.06 As tul (mm2) 7.1 Jumlah tulanga 8.0 Pembulatan 1,608.5 As ada (mm2) 126.2 a Mnada (10^7Nmm) 11.5 26.0 s (mm) Mu (kgm)

35,005.6 35.01 43.76 0.054 0.041 0.004 15.69 6.49 0.019 0.019 2,930.11 380.13 7.7 8.0 3,041.1 136.3 45.1 35.0

9,486.1 9.49 11.86 0.054 0.041 0.004 15.69 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 201.06 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509

2,559.47 2.56 3.20 0.0542 0.0406 0.0035 15.69 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 201.06 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 3D16

BI-3 2,480.0 2.48 3.10 0.054 0.041 0.004 15.69 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 201.06 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509


3D16 2D16


5D22 3D22

4D16 2D16


Perhitungan kebutuhan tulangan geser tinjauan tumpuan Balok Parameter Sloof BI-1 BI-2 BI-3 Vu (N) Vc (N) ØVc (N) 0,5 ØVc (N) Vc1 (N) Vc2 (N) Vs (N)

70,775.9 45,066.6 33,800.0 16,900.0 87,482.2 174,964.5 49,301.3

321,212.4 143,067.9 107,300.9 53,650.5 277,720.0 555,440.0 285,215.3

84,486.2 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509

54,384.1 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509

Cek penulangan geser Vu < 0,5 . ø Vc → tidak perlu tulangan geser 0,5 . ø Vc < Vu < ø Vc Vu > ø Vc S1 (mm) S2 (mm) S3 (mm) S4 (mm) Dipakai - tumpuan - lapangan Vsada (N)

→ cukup tulangan geser praktis → tulangan geser dihitung

308.4 121.0 897.6 600

100.0 219.5 512.9 600

Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 600

Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 600

Ø10-100 Ø10-150 152,053.1

Ø10-100 Ø10-200 183,887.9

Ø10-100 Ø10-150 Err:509

Ø10-95 Ø10-150 Err:509


induk, balok dak dan balok

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n momen ultimate dan gaya n software SAP2000 v.19,


g tetap berdasarkan mutu










1 gaya geser dikerjakan mm mm mm mm


tulangan geser dihitung




TABLE: Element Forces - Frames Frame Station OutputCase Text m Text 1 0 1,4D 1 0.45 1,4D 1 0.9 1,4D 1 1.35 1,4D 1 1.8 1,4D 1 2.25 1,4D 1 2.7 1,4D 1 3.15 1,4D 1 3.6 1,4D 1 3.6 1,4D 1 4.05 1,4D 1 4.5 1,4D 1 4.95 1,4D 1 5.4 1,4D 1 5.85 1,4D 1 6.3 1,4D 1 6.75 1,4D 1 7.2 1,4D 1 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

CaseType Text Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

StepType Text

P Kgf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

V2 Kgf -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

V3 Kgf

T Kgf-m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -2988.22 0 -2241.17 0 -1494.11 0 -747.06 0 -2.188E-12 0 747.06

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1494.11 2241.17 2988.22 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 1280.67 0 1921 0 2561.33 0 -2561.33 0 -1921 0 -1280.67 0 -640.33 0 -1.876E-12 0 640.33 0 1280.67 0 1921 0 2561.33 0 -5511.1 0 -4838.75 0 -4166.4 0 -3494.05 0 -2821.7 0 -2149.35 0 -1477 0 -804.65 0 -132.3 0 132.3 0 804.65 0 1477 0 2149.35 0 2821.7 0 3494.05 0 4166.4 0 4838.75 0 5511.1 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -719.68 0 -608.96 0 -498.24 0 -387.52 0 -276.8 0 -166.08 0 -55.36 0 55.36 0 166.08 0 276.8 0 387.52 0 498.24 0 608.96 0 719.68 0 830.4 0 -538.22 0 -403.67 0 -269.11 0 -134.56 0 -2.785E-13 0 134.56 0 269.11 0 403.67 0 538.22 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -538.22 -403.67 -269.11 -134.56 -2.785E-13 134.56 269.11 403.67 538.22 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

230.67 346 461.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -968.8 0 -839.62 0 -710.45 0 -581.28 0 -452.11 0 -322.93 0 -193.76 0 -64.59 0 64.59 0 193.76 0 322.93 0 452.11 0 581.28 0 710.45 0 839.62

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10

2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

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Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -538.22 -403.67 -269.11 -134.56 -2.785E-13 134.56 269.11 403.67 538.22 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -968.8 0 -839.62 0 -710.45 0 -581.28 0 -452.11 0 -322.93 0 -193.76 0 -64.59 0 64.59 0 193.76 0 322.93 0 452.11 0 581.28 0 710.45 0 839.62 0 968.8 0 -830.4 0 -719.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13

4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

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Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -538.22 0 -403.67 0 -269.11 0 -134.56 0 -2.785E-13 0 134.56 0 269.11 0 403.67 0 538.22 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

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Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

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173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

230.67 346 461.33 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -201.83 -67.28 67.28 201.83 -173 -57.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17

1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -538.22 0 -403.67 0 -269.11 0 -134.56 0 -2.785E-13 0 134.56 0 269.11 0 403.67 0 538.22 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -5511.1 0 -4838.75 0 -4166.4 0 -3494.05 0 -2821.7 0 -2149.35 0 -1477 0 -804.65 0 -132.3 0 132.3 0 804.65 0 1477 0 2149.35 0 2821.7 0 3494.05 0 4166.4 0 4838.75 0 5511.1 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -201.83 -67.28 67.28

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

201.83 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -129.75 -43.25 43.25 129.75 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173 -173 -57.67 57.67 173

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -538.22 -403.67 -269.11 -134.56 -2.785E-13 134.56 269.11 403.67 538.22 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

230.67 346 461.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -5511.1 0 -4838.75 0 -4166.4 0 -3494.05 0 -2821.7 0 -2149.35 0 -1477 0 -804.65 0 -132.3 0 132.3 0 804.65 0 1477 0 2149.35 0 2821.7 0 3494.05

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

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Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

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Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

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Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 830.4 0 -830.4 0 -719.68 0 -608.96 0 -498.24 0 -387.52 0 -276.8 0 -166.08 0 -55.36 0 55.36 0 166.08 0 276.8 0 387.52 0 498.24 0 608.96 0 719.68 0 830.4 0 -830.4 0 -719.68 0 -608.96 0 -498.24 0 -387.52 0 -276.8 0 -166.08 0 -55.36 0 55.36 0 166.08 0 276.8 0 387.52 0 498.24 0 608.96 0 719.68 0 830.4 0 -538.22 0 -403.67 0 -269.11 0 -134.56 0 -2.785E-13 0 134.56 0 269.11 0 403.67 0 538.22 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -5511.1 0 -4838.75 0 -4166.4 0 -3494.05 0 -2821.7 0 -2149.35 0 -1477 0 -804.65 0 -132.3 0 132.3 0 804.65 0 1477 0 2149.35 0 2821.7 0 3494.05 0 4166.4 0 4838.75 0 5511.1 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -538.22 -403.67 -269.11 -134.56 -2.785E-13 134.56 269.11 403.67 538.22 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -461.33 -346 -230.67 -115.33 -2.387E-13 115.33 230.67 346 461.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -461.33 0 -346 0 -230.67 0 -115.33 0 -2.387E-13 0 115.33 0 230.67 0 346 0 461.33 0 -5511.1 0 -4838.75 0 -4166.4 0 -3494.05 0 -2821.7 0 -2149.35 0 -1477 0 -804.65 0 -132.3 0 132.3 0 804.65 0 1477 0 2149.35 0 2821.7 0 3494.05 0 4166.4 0 4838.75 0 5511.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.4 1,4D 0.8 1,4D 1.2 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -6959.65 -6362 -5764.36 -5166.71 -4569.07 -4065.07 -2681.02 -1296.96 -549.91 197.15 461.75 1134.1 1806.45 2478.8 3151.15 3823.5 4495.85 5168.2 5840.55 -5965.41 -5453.15 -4940.88 -4428.61 -3916.35 -3484.35 -2298.01 -1111.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-471.35 168.99 395.79 972.09 1548.38 2124.68 2700.98 3277.28 3853.58 4429.88 5006.18 -5965.41 -5453.15 -4940.88 -4428.61 -3916.35 -3484.35 -2298.01 -1111.68 -471.35 168.99 395.79 972.09 1548.38 2124.68 2700.98 3277.28 3853.58 4429.88 5006.18 -5965.41 -5453.15 -4940.88 -4428.61 -3916.35 -3484.35 -2298.01 -1111.68 -471.35 168.99 395.79 972.09 1548.38 2124.68 2700.98

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3277.28 3853.58 4429.88 5006.18 -622.8 -553.6 -484.4 -415.2 -346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 1.305E-12 1.305E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -553.6 -484.4 -415.2 -346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 1.305E-12 1.305E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -553.6 -484.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-415.2 -346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 1.305E-12 1.305E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -553.6 -484.4 -415.2 -346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 1.305E-12 1.305E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -5965.41 -5453.15 -4940.88 -4428.61 -3916.35 -3484.35 -2298.01 -1111.68 -471.35 168.99

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

395.79 972.09 1548.38 2124.68 2700.98 3277.28 3853.58 4429.88 5006.18 -5965.41 -5453.15 -4940.88 -4428.61 -3916.35 -3484.35 -2298.01 -1111.68 -471.35 168.99 395.79 972.09 1548.38 2124.68 2700.98 3277.28 3853.58 4429.88 5006.18 -5965.41 -5453.15 -4940.88 -4428.61 -3916.35 -3484.35 -2298.01 -1111.68 -471.35 168.99 395.79 972.09 1548.38 2124.68 2700.98 3277.28 3853.58

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 4429.88 0 5006.18 0 -5965.41 0 -5453.15 0 -4940.88 0 -4428.61 0 -3916.35 0 -3484.35 0 -2298.01 0 -1111.68 0 -471.35 0 168.99 0 395.79 0 972.09 0 1548.38 0 2124.68 0 2700.98 0 3277.28 0 3853.58 0 4429.88 0 5006.18 0 -2988.22 0 -2241.17 0 -1494.11 0 -747.06 0 -2.188E-12 0 747.06 0 1494.11 0 2241.17 0 2988.22 0 -2561.33 0 -1921 0 -1280.67 0 -640.33 0 -1.876E-12 0 640.33 0 1280.67 0 1921 0 2561.33 0 -2561.33 0 -1921 0 -1280.67 0 -640.33 0 -1.876E-12 0 640.33

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 -346 -259.5 -173 -86.5 -1.791E-13 86.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

173 259.5 346 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -2561.33 -1921 -1280.67 -640.33 -1.876E-12 640.33 1280.67 1921 2561.33 -5722.61 -5050.26 -4377.91 -3705.56 -3033.21 -2360.86

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.6 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 6 1,4D 6.4 1,4D 6.8 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1688.51 -1016.16 -343.81 -79.21 667.85 1414.9 2161.96 3418.61 3922.61 5029.86 5882.3 6479.94 7077.59 -4905.09 -4328.79 -3752.49 -3176.19 -2599.89 -2023.59 -1447.29 -870.99 -294.69 -67.89 572.44 1212.77 1853.11 2930.24 3362.24 4311.3 5041.97 5554.24 6066.5 -4905.09 -4328.79 -3752.49 -3176.19 -2599.89 -2023.59 -1447.29 -870.99 -294.69 -67.89 572.44 1212.77 1853.11

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min

0 2930.24 0 3362.24 0 4311.3 0 5041.97 0 5554.24 0 6066.5 0 -4905.09 0 -4328.79 0 -3752.49 0 -3176.19 0 -2599.89 0 -2023.59 0 -1447.29 0 -870.99 0 -294.69 0 -67.89 0 572.44 0 1212.77 0 1853.11 0 2930.24 0 3362.24 0 4311.3 0 5041.97 0 5554.24 0 6066.5 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 86.5 0 173 0 259.5 0 346 0 346 0 415.2 0 484.4 0 553.6 0 622.8 0 -622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 346 415.2 484.4 553.6 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 86.5 173 259.5 346 346 415.2 484.4 553.6 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 86.5 0 173 0 259.5 0 346 0 346 0 415.2 0 484.4 0 553.6 0 622.8 0 -4905.09 0 -4328.79 0 -3752.49 0 -3176.19 0 -2599.89 0 -2023.59 0 -1447.29 0 -870.99 0 -294.69 0 -67.89 0 572.44 0 1212.77 0 1853.11 0 2930.24 0 3362.24 0 4311.3 0 5041.97 0 5554.24 0 6066.5 0 -4905.09 0 -4328.79 0 -3752.49 0 -3176.19 0 -2599.89 0 -2023.59 0 -1447.29 0 -870.99 0 -294.69 0 -67.89 0 572.44 0 1212.77 0 1853.11 0 2930.24 0 3362.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34

6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4311.3 5041.97 5554.24 6066.5 -4905.09 -4328.79 -3752.49 -3176.19 -2599.89 -2023.59 -1447.29 -870.99 -294.69 -67.89 572.44 1212.77 1853.11 2930.24 3362.24 4311.3 5041.97 5554.24 6066.5 -4905.09 -4328.79 -3752.49 -3176.19 -2599.89 -2023.59 -1447.29 -870.99 -294.69 -67.89 572.44 1212.77 1853.11 2930.24 3362.24 4311.3 5041.97 5554.24 6066.5 -484.4 -363.3 -242.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-121.1 9.152E-13 121.1 242.2 363.3 484.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Max Combination Max Combination Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Max Combination Max Combination Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -484.4 -363.3 -242.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-121.1 1.313E-12 121.1 242.2 363.3 484.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43

1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47

5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47

3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47

2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -484.4 -363.3 -242.2 -121.1 1.313E-12 121.1 242.2 363.3 484.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54

1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54

4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54

4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -968.8 -839.62 -710.45 -581.28 -452.11 -322.93 -193.76 -64.59 64.59 193.76 322.93 452.11 581.28 710.45 839.62 968.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Max Combination Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -622.8 -539.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -830.4 -719.68 -608.96 -498.24 -387.52 -276.8 -166.08 -55.36 55.36 166.08 276.8 387.52 498.24 608.96 719.68 830.4 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

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Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

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Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -484.4 -363.3 -242.2 -121.1 1.313E-12 121.1 242.2 363.3 484.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -484.4 -363.3 -242.2 -121.1 9.152E-13 121.1 242.2 363.3 484.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

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Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 7.844E-13 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62

0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62

3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13 6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 6.395E-13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6.395E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 -4723.8 0 -4147.5 0 -3571.2 0 -2994.9 0 -2418.6 0 -1842.3 0 -1266 0 -689.7 0 -113.4 0 113.4 0 689.7 0 1266 0 1842.3 0 2418.6 0 2994.9 0 3571.2 0 4147.5 0 4723.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13 0 -9.209E-13 0 77.85 0 155.7 0 233.55 0 311.4 0 389.25 0 467.1 0 544.95 0 622.8 0 -622.8 0 -544.95 0 -467.1 0 -389.25 0 -311.4 0 -233.55 0 -155.7 0 -77.85 0 -9.209E-13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 -9.209E-13 -9.209E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.48 1,4D 0.96 1,4D 1.44 1,4D 1.92 1,4D 2.4 1,4D 2.88 1,4D 3.36 1,4D 3.84 1,4D 4.32 1,4D 4.8 1,4D 5.28 1,4D 5.76 1,4D 6.24 1,4D 6.72 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -1170.4 -1014.34 -858.29 -702.24 -546.19 -390.13 -234.08 -78.03 78.03 234.08 390.13 546.19 702.24 858.29 1014.34 1170.4 -1003.2 -869.44 -735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

5.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.96 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.44 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.88 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.32 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.76 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.24 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -1003.2 -869.44 -735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4 468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -1003.2 -869.44 -735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4 468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.96 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.44 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.88 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.32 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.76 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.24 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.96 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.44 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64 -207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -622.8 -539.76 -456.72 -373.68 -290.64

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

2.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.88 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.32 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.76 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.24 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-207.6 -124.56 -41.52 41.52 124.56 207.6 290.64 373.68 456.72 539.76 622.8 -1003.2 -869.44 -735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4 468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -1003.2 -869.44 -735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4 468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -1003.2 -869.44

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66

0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.96 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.44 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.88 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.32 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.76 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.24 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4 468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -1003.2 -869.44 -735.68 -601.92 -468.16 -334.4 -200.64 -66.88 66.88 200.64 334.4 468.16 601.92 735.68 869.44 1003.2 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 1.56E-12 1.56E-12 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -5511.1 -4838.75 -4166.4 -3494.05 -2821.7 -2149.35 -1477 -804.65 -132.3 132.3 804.65 1477 2149.35 2821.7 3494.05 4166.4 4838.75 5511.1 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

467.1 544.95 622.8 -622.8 -544.95 -467.1 -389.25 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 5.883E-13 5.883E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 389.25 467.1 544.95 622.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9 3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -4723.8 -4147.5 -3571.2 -2994.9 -2418.6 -1842.3 -1266 -689.7 -113.4 113.4 689.7 1266 1842.3 2418.6 2994.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

68 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3571.2 4147.5 4723.8 -484.4 -363.3 -242.2 -121.1 1.313E-12 121.1 242.2 363.3 484.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -311.4 -233.55 -155.7 -77.85 8.441E-13 77.85 155.7 233.55 311.4 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.47273 1,4D 1.94545 1,4D 2.41818 1,4D 2.89091 1,4D 3.36364 1,4D 3.83636 1,4D 4.30909 1,4D 4.78182 1,4D 5.25455 1,4D 5.72727 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.7 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.47273 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.94545 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -415.2 -311.4 -207.6 -103.8 1.125E-12 103.8 207.6 311.4 415.2 -2697.8 -1950.74 -1203.69 -699.69 -572.47 -445.26 -318.04 -190.82 -63.61 63.61 190.82 318.04 445.26 572.47 699.69 1203.69 1950.74 2697.8 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

2.41818 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.89091 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.36364 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.83636 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.30909 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.78182 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.25455 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.72727 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.47273 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.94545 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.41818 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.89091 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.36364 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.83636 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.30909 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.78182 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.25455 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.72727 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.47273 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.94545 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.41818 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.89091 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.36364 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.83636 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.30909 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.78182 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.25455 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.72727 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73 1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65 -272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73 1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65 -272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.47273 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.94545 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.41818 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.89091 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36364 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.83636 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.30909 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.78182 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.25455 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.72727 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.47273 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.94545 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.41818 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.89091 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.36364 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.83636 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.30909 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.78182 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.25455 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.72727 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.47273 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.94545 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 -622.8 -536.3 -449.8 -449.8 -368.02 -286.24 -204.45 -122.67 -40.89 40.89 122.67 204.45 286.24 368.02 449.8 449.8 536.3 622.8 -622.8 -536.3 -449.8 -449.8 -368.02 -286.24 -204.45 -122.67 -40.89 40.89 122.67 204.45 286.24 368.02 449.8 449.8 536.3 622.8 -622.8 -536.3 -449.8 -449.8 -368.02 -286.24

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

2.41818 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.89091 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36364 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.83636 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.30909 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.78182 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.25455 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.72727 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.47273 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.94545 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.41818 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.89091 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.36364 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.83636 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.30909 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.78182 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.25455 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.72727 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.47273 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.94545 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.41818 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.89091 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36364 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.83636 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.30909 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.78182 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.25455 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.72727 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-204.45 -122.67 -40.89 40.89 122.67 204.45 286.24 368.02 449.8 449.8 536.3 622.8 -622.8 -536.3 -449.8 -449.8 -368.02 -286.24 -204.45 -122.67 -40.89 40.89 122.67 204.45 286.24 368.02 449.8 449.8 536.3 622.8 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65 -272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.47273 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.94545 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.41818 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.89091 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.36364 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.83636 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.30909 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.78182 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.25455 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.72727 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.47273 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.94545 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.41818 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.89091 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36364 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.83636 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.30909 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.78182 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.25455 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.72727 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.47273 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.94545 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65 -272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73 1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65 -272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73 1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 -2312.4 -1672.06 -1031.73 -599.73 -490.69 -381.65

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

2.41818 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.89091 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.36364 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.83636 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.30909 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.78182 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.25455 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.72727 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L MAX MIN

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-272.61 -163.56 -54.52 54.52 163.56 272.61 381.65 490.69 599.73 1031.73 1672.06 2312.4 7077.59 -6959.65

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M2 Kgf-m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M3 FrameElem ElemStation Kgf-m Text m -6692.7 1-1 0 -4363.98 1-1 0.45 -2337.82 1-1 0.9 -614.22 1-1 1.35 806.82 1-1 1.8 1925.31 1-1 2.25 2741.23 1-1 2.7 3254.6 1-1 3.15 3465.42 1-1 3.6 3465.42 1-1 3.6 3254.6 1-1 4.05 2741.23 1-1 4.5 1925.31 1-1 4.95 806.82 1-1 5.4 -614.22 1-1 5.85 -2337.82 1-1 6.3 -4363.98 1-1 6.75 -6692.7 1-1 7.2 -5736.6 1-1 0 -3740.56 1-1 0.45 -2003.85 1-1 0.9 -526.48 1-1 1.35 691.56 1-1 1.8 1650.26 1-1 2.25 2349.63 1-1 2.7 2789.66 1-1 3.15 2970.36 1-1 3.6 2970.36 1-1 3.6 2789.66 1-1 4.05 2349.63 1-1 4.5 1650.26 1-1 4.95 691.56 1-1 5.4 -526.48 1-1 5.85 -2003.85 1-1 6.3 -3740.56 1-1 6.75 -5736.6 1-1 7.2 -5736.6 1-1 0 -3740.56 1-1 0.45 -2003.85 1-1 0.9 -526.48 1-1 1.35 691.56 1-1 1.8 1650.26 1-1 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2349.63 1-1 1650.26 1-1 691.56 1-1 -526.48 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -526.48 1-1 691.56 1-1 1650.26 1-1 2349.63 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2349.63 1-1 1650.26 1-1 691.56 1-1 -526.48 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -64.23 1-1 93.42 1-1 216.03 1-1 303.61 1-1 356.16 1-1 373.68 1-1 373.68 1-1 356.16 1-1 303.61 1-1 216.03 1-1 93.42 1-1 -64.23 1-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-256.9 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -64.23 1-1 93.42 1-1 216.03 1-1 303.61 1-1 356.16 1-1 373.68 1-1 373.68 1-1 356.16 1-1 303.61 1-1 216.03 1-1 93.42 1-1 -64.23 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -64.23 1-1 93.42 1-1 216.03 1-1 303.61 1-1 356.16 1-1 373.68 1-1 373.68 1-1 356.16 1-1 303.61 1-1 216.03 1-1 93.42 1-1 -64.23 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -64.23 1-1 93.42 1-1 216.03 1-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

303.61 1-1 356.16 1-1 373.68 1-1 373.68 1-1 356.16 1-1 303.61 1-1 216.03 1-1 93.42 1-1 -64.23 1-1 -256.9 1-1 -484.61 1-1 -747.36 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -526.48 1-1 691.56 1-1 1650.26 1-1 2349.63 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2349.63 1-1 1650.26 1-1 691.56 1-1 -526.48 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -526.48 1-1 691.56 1-1 1650.26 1-1 2349.63 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2349.63 1-1 1650.26 1-1 691.56 1-1 -526.48 1-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -526.48 1-1 691.56 1-1 1650.26 1-1 2349.63 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2349.63 1-1 1650.26 1-1 691.56 1-1 -526.48 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -526.48 1-1 691.56 1-1 1650.26 1-1 2349.63 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2970.36 1-1 2789.66 1-1 2349.63 1-1 1650.26 1-1 691.56 1-1 -526.48 1-1 -2003.85 1-1 -3740.56 1-1 -5736.6 1-1 -1992.15 2-1 -684.8 2-1 249.02 2-1 809.31 2-1 996.07 2-1 809.31 2-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

249.02 2-1 -684.8 2-1 -1992.15 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1 213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1 213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1 213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -79.29 2-1 28.83 2-1 93.71 2-1 115.33 2-1 93.71 2-1 28.83 2-1 -79.29 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -79.29 2-1 28.83 2-1 93.71 2-1 115.33 2-1 93.71 2-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28.83 2-1 -79.29 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -79.29 2-1 28.83 2-1 93.71 2-1 115.33 2-1 93.71 2-1 28.83 2-1 -79.29 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -79.29 2-1 28.83 2-1 93.71 2-1 115.33 2-1 93.71 2-1 28.83 2-1 -79.29 2-1 -230.67 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1 213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1 213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -586.97 2-1 213.44 2-1 693.69 2-1 853.78 2-1 693.69 2-1 213.44 2-1 -586.97 2-1 -1707.55 2-1 -6692.7 3-1 -4363.98 3-1 -2337.82 3-1 -614.22 3-1 806.82 3-1 1925.31 3-1 2741.23 3-1 3254.6 3-1 3465.42 3-1 3465.42 3-1 3254.6 3-1 2741.23 3-1 1925.31 3-1 806.82 3-1 -614.22 3-1 -2337.82 3-1 -4363.98 3-1 -6692.7 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1 2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1 2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1 2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -64.23 3-1 93.42 3-1 216.03 3-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

303.61 3-1 356.16 3-1 373.68 3-1 373.68 3-1 356.16 3-1 303.61 3-1 216.03 3-1 93.42 3-1 -64.23 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -64.23 3-1 93.42 3-1 216.03 3-1 303.61 3-1 356.16 3-1 373.68 3-1 373.68 3-1 356.16 3-1 303.61 3-1 216.03 3-1 93.42 3-1 -64.23 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -64.23 3-1 93.42 3-1 216.03 3-1 303.61 3-1 356.16 3-1 373.68 3-1 373.68 3-1 356.16 3-1 303.61 3-1 216.03 3-1 93.42 3-1 -64.23 3-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-256.9 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -64.23 3-1 93.42 3-1 216.03 3-1 303.61 3-1 356.16 3-1 373.68 3-1 373.68 3-1 356.16 3-1 303.61 3-1 216.03 3-1 93.42 3-1 -64.23 3-1 -256.9 3-1 -484.61 3-1 -747.36 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1 2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1 2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -2003.85 3-1 -526.48 3-1 691.56 3-1 1650.26 3-1 2349.63 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2970.36 3-1 2789.66 3-1 2349.63 3-1 1650.26 3-1 691.56 3-1 -526.48 3-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 3-1 -3740.56 3-1 -5736.6 3-1 -1162.56 4-1 -728.54 4-1 -356.52 4-1 -46.5 4-1 201.51 4-1 387.52 4-1 511.52 4-1 573.53 4-1 573.53 4-1 511.52 4-1 387.52 4-1 201.51 4-1 -46.5 4-1 -356.52 4-1 -728.54 4-1 -1162.56 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1 172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1 332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1 172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1 172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1 332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -29.89 4-1 129.54 4-1 249.12 4-1 328.84 4-1 368.7 4-1 368.7 4-1 328.84 4-1 249.12 4-1 129.54 4-1 -29.89 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -29.89 4-1 129.54 4-1 249.12 4-1 328.84 4-1

4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

368.7 4-1 368.7 4-1 328.84 4-1 249.12 4-1 129.54 4-1 -29.89 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -29.89 4-1 129.54 4-1 249.12 4-1 328.84 4-1 368.7 4-1 368.7 4-1 328.84 4-1 249.12 4-1 129.54 4-1 -29.89 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -29.89 4-1 129.54 4-1 249.12 4-1 328.84 4-1 368.7 4-1 368.7 4-1 328.84 4-1 249.12 4-1 129.54 4-1 -29.89 4-1 -229.19 4-1 -468.34 4-1 -747.36 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1

3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1 332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1 172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1 332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1 172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1 332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -996.48 4-1

1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-624.46 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -39.86 4-1 172.72 4-1 332.16 4-1 438.45 4-1 491.6 4-1 491.6 4-1 438.45 4-1 332.16 4-1 172.72 4-1 -39.86 4-1 -305.59 4-1 -624.46 4-1 -996.48 4-1 -358.81 5-1 -123.34 5-1 44.85 5-1 145.77 5-1 179.41 5-1 145.77 5-1 44.85 5-1 -123.34 5-1 -358.81 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -105.72 5-1 38.44 5-1 124.94 5-1 153.78 5-1 124.94 5-1 38.44 5-1 -105.72 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -105.72 5-1 38.44 5-1 124.94 5-1 153.78 5-1 124.94 5-1 38.44 5-1 -105.72 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -105.72 5-1 38.44 5-1

0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

124.94 5-1 153.78 5-1 124.94 5-1 38.44 5-1 -105.72 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -79.29 5-1 28.83 5-1 93.71 5-1 115.33 5-1 93.71 5-1 28.83 5-1 -79.29 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -79.29 5-1 28.83 5-1 93.71 5-1 115.33 5-1 93.71 5-1 28.83 5-1 -79.29 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -79.29 5-1 28.83 5-1 93.71 5-1 115.33 5-1 93.71 5-1 28.83 5-1 -79.29 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -79.29 5-1 28.83 5-1 93.71 5-1 115.33 5-1 93.71 5-1 28.83 5-1 -79.29 5-1 -230.67 5-1 -307.55 5-1 -105.72 5-1 38.44 5-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 124.94 5-1 0 153.78 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 153.78 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 153.78 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 153.78 5-1 0 124.94 5-1 0 38.44 5-1 0 -105.72 5-1 0 -307.55 5-1 0 -1162.56 6-1 0 -728.54 6-1 0 -356.52 6-1 0 -46.5 6-1 0 201.51 6-1 0 387.52 6-1 0 511.52 6-1 0 573.53 6-1 0 573.53 6-1 0 511.52 6-1 0 387.52 6-1 0 201.51 6-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28

0 -46.5 6-1 0 -356.52 6-1 0 -728.54 6-1 0 -1162.56 6-1 0 -996.48 6-1 0 -624.46 6-1 0 -305.59 6-1 0 -39.86 6-1 0 172.72 6-1 0 332.16 6-1 0 438.45 6-1 0 491.6 6-1 0 491.6 6-1 0 438.45 6-1 0 332.16 6-1 0 172.72 6-1 0 -39.86 6-1 0 -305.59 6-1 0 -624.46 6-1 0 -996.48 6-1 0 -996.48 6-1 0 -624.46 6-1 0 -305.59 6-1 0 -39.86 6-1 0 172.72 6-1 0 332.16 6-1 0 438.45 6-1 0 491.6 6-1 0 491.6 6-1 0 438.45 6-1 0 332.16 6-1 0 172.72 6-1 0 -39.86 6-1 0 -305.59 6-1 0 -624.46 6-1 0 -996.48 6-1 0 -996.48 6-1 0 -624.46 6-1 0 -305.59 6-1 0 -39.86 6-1 0 172.72 6-1 0 332.16 6-1 0 438.45 6-1 0 491.6 6-1 0 491.6 6-1

5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

438.45 6-1 332.16 6-1 172.72 6-1 -39.86 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -29.89 6-1 129.54 6-1 249.12 6-1 328.84 6-1 368.7 6-1 368.7 6-1 328.84 6-1 249.12 6-1 129.54 6-1 -29.89 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -29.89 6-1 129.54 6-1 249.12 6-1 328.84 6-1 368.7 6-1 368.7 6-1 328.84 6-1 249.12 6-1 129.54 6-1 -29.89 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -29.89 6-1 129.54 6-1 249.12 6-1

4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

328.84 6-1 368.7 6-1 368.7 6-1 328.84 6-1 249.12 6-1 129.54 6-1 -29.89 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -29.89 6-1 129.54 6-1 249.12 6-1 328.84 6-1 368.7 6-1 368.7 6-1 328.84 6-1 249.12 6-1 129.54 6-1 -29.89 6-1 -229.19 6-1 -468.34 6-1 -747.36 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -39.86 6-1 172.72 6-1 332.16 6-1 438.45 6-1 491.6 6-1 491.6 6-1 438.45 6-1 332.16 6-1 172.72 6-1 -39.86 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -305.59 6-1

2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-39.86 6-1 172.72 6-1 332.16 6-1 438.45 6-1 491.6 6-1 491.6 6-1 438.45 6-1 332.16 6-1 172.72 6-1 -39.86 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -39.86 6-1 172.72 6-1 332.16 6-1 438.45 6-1 491.6 6-1 491.6 6-1 438.45 6-1 332.16 6-1 172.72 6-1 -39.86 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -996.48 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -39.86 6-1 172.72 6-1 332.16 6-1 438.45 6-1 491.6 6-1 491.6 6-1 438.45 6-1 332.16 6-1 172.72 6-1 -39.86 6-1 -305.59 6-1 -624.46 6-1 -996.48 6-1

1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2

0 -1162.56 7-1 0 -728.54 7-1 0 -356.52 7-1 0 -46.5 7-1 0 201.51 7-1 0 387.52 7-1 0 511.52 7-1 0 573.53 7-1 0 573.53 7-1 0 511.52 7-1 0 387.52 7-1 0 201.51 7-1 0 -46.5 7-1 0 -356.52 7-1 0 -728.54 7-1 0 -1162.56 7-1 0 -996.48 7-1 0 -624.46 7-1 0 -305.59 7-1 0 -39.86 7-1 0 172.72 7-1 0 332.16 7-1 0 438.45 7-1 0 491.6 7-1 0 491.6 7-1 0 438.45 7-1 0 332.16 7-1 0 172.72 7-1 0 -39.86 7-1 0 -305.59 7-1 0 -624.46 7-1 0 -996.48 7-1 0 -996.48 7-1 0 -624.46 7-1 0 -305.59 7-1 0 -39.86 7-1 0 172.72 7-1 0 332.16 7-1 0 438.45 7-1 0 491.6 7-1 0 491.6 7-1 0 438.45 7-1 0 332.16 7-1 0 172.72 7-1 0 -39.86 7-1

0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-305.59 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -39.86 7-1 172.72 7-1 332.16 7-1 438.45 7-1 491.6 7-1 491.6 7-1 438.45 7-1 332.16 7-1 172.72 7-1 -39.86 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -29.89 7-1 129.54 7-1 249.12 7-1 328.84 7-1 368.7 7-1 368.7 7-1 328.84 7-1 249.12 7-1 129.54 7-1 -29.89 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -29.89 7-1 129.54 7-1 249.12 7-1 328.84 7-1 368.7 7-1 368.7 7-1 328.84 7-1

6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

249.12 7-1 129.54 7-1 -29.89 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -29.89 7-1 129.54 7-1 249.12 7-1 328.84 7-1 368.7 7-1 368.7 7-1 328.84 7-1 249.12 7-1 129.54 7-1 -29.89 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -29.89 7-1 129.54 7-1 249.12 7-1 328.84 7-1 368.7 7-1 368.7 7-1 328.84 7-1 249.12 7-1 129.54 7-1 -29.89 7-1 -229.19 7-1 -468.34 7-1 -747.36 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -39.86 7-1 172.72 7-1 332.16 7-1 438.45 7-1

4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

491.6 7-1 491.6 7-1 438.45 7-1 332.16 7-1 172.72 7-1 -39.86 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -39.86 7-1 172.72 7-1 332.16 7-1 438.45 7-1 491.6 7-1 491.6 7-1 438.45 7-1 332.16 7-1 172.72 7-1 -39.86 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -39.86 7-1 172.72 7-1 332.16 7-1 438.45 7-1 491.6 7-1 491.6 7-1 438.45 7-1 332.16 7-1 172.72 7-1 -39.86 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -39.86 7-1

3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

172.72 7-1 332.16 7-1 438.45 7-1 491.6 7-1 491.6 7-1 438.45 7-1 332.16 7-1 172.72 7-1 -39.86 7-1 -305.59 7-1 -624.46 7-1 -996.48 7-1 -358.81 8-1 -123.34 8-1 44.85 8-1 145.77 8-1 179.41 8-1 145.77 8-1 44.85 8-1 -123.34 8-1 -358.81 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -105.72 8-1 38.44 8-1 124.94 8-1 153.78 8-1 124.94 8-1 38.44 8-1 -105.72 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -105.72 8-1 38.44 8-1 124.94 8-1 153.78 8-1 124.94 8-1 38.44 8-1 -105.72 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -105.72 8-1 38.44 8-1 124.94 8-1 153.78 8-1 124.94 8-1

1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38.44 8-1 -105.72 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -79.29 8-1 28.83 8-1 93.71 8-1 115.33 8-1 93.71 8-1 28.83 8-1 -79.29 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -79.29 8-1 28.83 8-1 93.71 8-1 115.33 8-1 93.71 8-1 28.83 8-1 -79.29 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -79.29 8-1 28.83 8-1 93.71 8-1 115.33 8-1 93.71 8-1 28.83 8-1 -79.29 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -79.29 8-1 28.83 8-1 93.71 8-1 115.33 8-1 93.71 8-1 28.83 8-1 -79.29 8-1 -230.67 8-1 -307.55 8-1 -105.72 8-1 38.44 8-1 124.94 8-1 153.78 8-1 124.94 8-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 38.44 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 38.44 8-1 0 124.94 8-1 0 153.78 8-1 0 124.94 8-1 0 38.44 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 38.44 8-1 0 124.94 8-1 0 153.78 8-1 0 124.94 8-1 0 38.44 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 38.44 8-1 0 124.94 8-1 0 153.78 8-1 0 124.94 8-1 0 38.44 8-1 0 -105.72 8-1 0 -307.55 8-1 0 -1162.56 9-1 0 -728.54 9-1 0 -356.52 9-1 0 -46.5 9-1 0 201.51 9-1 0 387.52 9-1 0 511.52 9-1 0 573.53 9-1 0 573.53 9-1 0 511.52 9-1 0 387.52 9-1 0 201.51 9-1 0 -46.5 9-1 0 -356.52 9-1 0 -728.54 9-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72

0 -1162.56 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 172.72 9-1

7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-39.86 9-1 -305.59 9-1 -624.46 9-1 -996.48 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -29.89 9-1 129.54 9-1 249.12 9-1 328.84 9-1 368.7 9-1 368.7 9-1 328.84 9-1 249.12 9-1 129.54 9-1 -29.89 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -29.89 9-1 129.54 9-1 249.12 9-1 328.84 9-1 368.7 9-1 368.7 9-1 328.84 9-1 249.12 9-1 129.54 9-1 -29.89 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -29.89 9-1 129.54 9-1 249.12 9-1 328.84 9-1 368.7 9-1 368.7 9-1

5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

328.84 9-1 249.12 9-1 129.54 9-1 -29.89 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -29.89 9-1 129.54 9-1 249.12 9-1 328.84 9-1 368.7 9-1 368.7 9-1 328.84 9-1 249.12 9-1 129.54 9-1 -29.89 9-1 -229.19 9-1 -468.34 9-1 -747.36 9-1 -996.48 9-1 -624.46 9-1 -305.59 9-1 -39.86 9-1 172.72 9-1 332.16 9-1 438.45 9-1 491.6 9-1 491.6 9-1 438.45 9-1 332.16 9-1 172.72 9-1 -39.86 9-1 -305.59 9-1 -624.46 9-1 -996.48 9-1 -996.48 9-1 -624.46 9-1 -305.59 9-1 -39.86 9-1 172.72 9-1 332.16 9-1

4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4

0 438.45 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 491.6 9-1 0 438.45 9-1 0 332.16 9-1 0 172.72 9-1 0 -39.86 9-1 0 -305.59 9-1 0 -624.46 9-1 0 -996.48 9-1 0 -1162.56 10-1 0 -728.54 10-1 0 -356.52 10-1

2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96

0 -46.5 10-1 0 201.51 10-1 0 387.52 10-1 0 511.52 10-1 0 573.53 10-1 0 573.53 10-1 0 511.52 10-1 0 387.52 10-1 0 201.51 10-1 0 -46.5 10-1 0 -356.52 10-1 0 -728.54 10-1 0 -1162.56 10-1 0 -996.48 10-1 0 -624.46 10-1 0 -305.59 10-1 0 -39.86 10-1 0 172.72 10-1 0 332.16 10-1 0 438.45 10-1 0 491.6 10-1 0 491.6 10-1 0 438.45 10-1 0 332.16 10-1 0 172.72 10-1 0 -39.86 10-1 0 -305.59 10-1 0 -624.46 10-1 0 -996.48 10-1 0 -996.48 10-1 0 -624.46 10-1 0 -305.59 10-1 0 -39.86 10-1 0 172.72 10-1 0 332.16 10-1 0 438.45 10-1 0 491.6 10-1 0 491.6 10-1 0 438.45 10-1 0 332.16 10-1 0 172.72 10-1 0 -39.86 10-1 0 -305.59 10-1 0 -624.46 10-1 0 -996.48 10-1

1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-996.48 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -39.86 10-1 172.72 10-1 332.16 10-1 438.45 10-1 491.6 10-1 491.6 10-1 438.45 10-1 332.16 10-1 172.72 10-1 -39.86 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -29.89 10-1 129.54 10-1 249.12 10-1 328.84 10-1 368.7 10-1 368.7 10-1 328.84 10-1 249.12 10-1 129.54 10-1 -29.89 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -29.89 10-1 129.54 10-1 249.12 10-1 328.84 10-1 368.7 10-1 368.7 10-1 328.84 10-1 249.12 10-1 129.54 10-1 -29.89 10-1

0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-229.19 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -29.89 10-1 129.54 10-1 249.12 10-1 328.84 10-1 368.7 10-1 368.7 10-1 328.84 10-1 249.12 10-1 129.54 10-1 -29.89 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -29.89 10-1 129.54 10-1 249.12 10-1 328.84 10-1 368.7 10-1 368.7 10-1 328.84 10-1 249.12 10-1 129.54 10-1 -29.89 10-1 -229.19 10-1 -468.34 10-1 -747.36 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -39.86 10-1 172.72 10-1 332.16 10-1 438.45 10-1 491.6 10-1 491.6 10-1 438.45 10-1

6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

332.16 10-1 172.72 10-1 -39.86 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -39.86 10-1 172.72 10-1 332.16 10-1 438.45 10-1 491.6 10-1 491.6 10-1 438.45 10-1 332.16 10-1 172.72 10-1 -39.86 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -39.86 10-1 172.72 10-1 332.16 10-1 438.45 10-1 491.6 10-1 491.6 10-1 438.45 10-1 332.16 10-1 172.72 10-1 -39.86 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -39.86 10-1 172.72 10-1 332.16 10-1 438.45 10-1

4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

491.6 10-1 491.6 10-1 438.45 10-1 332.16 10-1 172.72 10-1 -39.86 10-1 -305.59 10-1 -624.46 10-1 -996.48 10-1 -358.81 11-1 -123.34 11-1 44.85 11-1 145.77 11-1 179.41 11-1 145.77 11-1 44.85 11-1 -123.34 11-1 -358.81 11-1 -307.55 11-1 -105.72 11-1 38.44 11-1 124.94 11-1 153.78 11-1 124.94 11-1 38.44 11-1 -105.72 11-1 -307.55 11-1 -307.55 11-1 -105.72 11-1 38.44 11-1 124.94 11-1 153.78 11-1 124.94 11-1 38.44 11-1 -105.72 11-1 -307.55 11-1 -307.55 11-1 -105.72 11-1 38.44 11-1 124.94 11-1 153.78 11-1 124.94 11-1 38.44 11-1 -105.72 11-1 -307.55 11-1

3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-230.67 11-1 -79.29 11-1 28.83 11-1 93.71 11-1 115.33 11-1 93.71 11-1 28.83 11-1 -79.29 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -79.29 11-1 28.83 11-1 93.71 11-1 115.33 11-1 93.71 11-1 28.83 11-1 -79.29 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -79.29 11-1 28.83 11-1 93.71 11-1 115.33 11-1 93.71 11-1 28.83 11-1 -79.29 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -79.29 11-1 28.83 11-1 93.71 11-1 115.33 11-1 93.71 11-1 28.83 11-1 -79.29 11-1 -230.67 11-1 -307.55 11-1 -105.72 11-1 38.44 11-1 124.94 11-1 153.78 11-1 124.94 11-1 38.44 11-1 -105.72 11-1 -307.55 11-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0 -307.55 11-1 0 -105.72 11-1 0 38.44 11-1 0 124.94 11-1 0 153.78 11-1 0 124.94 11-1 0 38.44 11-1 0 -105.72 11-1 0 -307.55 11-1 0 -307.55 11-1 0 -105.72 11-1 0 38.44 11-1 0 124.94 11-1 0 153.78 11-1 0 124.94 11-1 0 38.44 11-1 0 -105.72 11-1 0 -307.55 11-1 0 -307.55 11-1 0 -105.72 11-1 0 38.44 11-1 0 124.94 11-1 0 153.78 11-1 0 124.94 11-1 0 38.44 11-1 0 -105.72 11-1 0 -307.55 11-1 0 -1162.56 12-1 0 -728.54 12-1 0 -356.52 12-1 0 -46.5 12-1 0 201.51 12-1 0 387.52 12-1 0 511.52 12-1 0 573.53 12-1 0 573.53 12-1 0 511.52 12-1 0 387.52 12-1 0 201.51 12-1 0 -46.5 12-1 0 -356.52 12-1 0 -728.54 12-1 0 -1162.56 12-1 0 -996.48 12-1 0 -624.46 12-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-305.59 12-1 -39.86 12-1 172.72 12-1 332.16 12-1 438.45 12-1 491.6 12-1 491.6 12-1 438.45 12-1 332.16 12-1 172.72 12-1 -39.86 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -39.86 12-1 172.72 12-1 332.16 12-1 438.45 12-1 491.6 12-1 491.6 12-1 438.45 12-1 332.16 12-1 172.72 12-1 -39.86 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -39.86 12-1 172.72 12-1 332.16 12-1 438.45 12-1 491.6 12-1 491.6 12-1 438.45 12-1 332.16 12-1 172.72 12-1 -39.86 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -624.46 12-1

0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-996.48 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -29.89 12-1 129.54 12-1 249.12 12-1 328.84 12-1 368.7 12-1 368.7 12-1 328.84 12-1 249.12 12-1 129.54 12-1 -29.89 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -29.89 12-1 129.54 12-1 249.12 12-1 328.84 12-1 368.7 12-1 368.7 12-1 328.84 12-1 249.12 12-1 129.54 12-1 -29.89 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -29.89 12-1 129.54 12-1 249.12 12-1 328.84 12-1 368.7 12-1 368.7 12-1 328.84 12-1 249.12 12-1 129.54 12-1

7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-29.89 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -29.89 12-1 129.54 12-1 249.12 12-1 328.84 12-1 368.7 12-1 368.7 12-1 328.84 12-1 249.12 12-1 129.54 12-1 -29.89 12-1 -229.19 12-1 -468.34 12-1 -747.36 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -39.86 12-1 172.72 12-1 332.16 12-1 438.45 12-1 491.6 12-1 491.6 12-1 438.45 12-1 332.16 12-1 172.72 12-1 -39.86 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -996.48 12-1 -624.46 12-1 -305.59 12-1 -39.86 12-1 172.72 12-1 332.16 12-1 438.45 12-1 491.6 12-1 491.6 12-1

5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84

0 438.45 12-1 0 332.16 12-1 0 172.72 12-1 0 -39.86 12-1 0 -305.59 12-1 0 -624.46 12-1 0 -996.48 12-1 0 -996.48 12-1 0 -624.46 12-1 0 -305.59 12-1 0 -39.86 12-1 0 172.72 12-1 0 332.16 12-1 0 438.45 12-1 0 491.6 12-1 0 491.6 12-1 0 438.45 12-1 0 332.16 12-1 0 172.72 12-1 0 -39.86 12-1 0 -305.59 12-1 0 -624.46 12-1 0 -996.48 12-1 0 -996.48 12-1 0 -624.46 12-1 0 -305.59 12-1 0 -39.86 12-1 0 172.72 12-1 0 332.16 12-1 0 438.45 12-1 0 491.6 12-1 0 491.6 12-1 0 438.45 12-1 0 332.16 12-1 0 172.72 12-1 0 -39.86 12-1 0 -305.59 12-1 0 -624.46 12-1 0 -996.48 12-1 0 -6692.7 13-1 0 -4363.98 13-1 0 -2337.82 13-1 0 -614.22 13-1 0 806.82 13-1 0 1925.31 13-1

4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2741.23 13-1 3254.6 13-1 3465.42 13-1 3465.42 13-1 3254.6 13-1 2741.23 13-1 1925.31 13-1 806.82 13-1 -614.22 13-1 -2337.82 13-1 -4363.98 13-1 -6692.7 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1 2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1 2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1 2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -64.23 13-1 93.42 13-1 216.03 13-1 303.61 13-1 356.16 13-1 373.68 13-1 373.68 13-1 356.16 13-1 303.61 13-1 216.03 13-1 93.42 13-1 -64.23 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -64.23 13-1 93.42 13-1 216.03 13-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

303.61 13-1 356.16 13-1 373.68 13-1 373.68 13-1 356.16 13-1 303.61 13-1 216.03 13-1 93.42 13-1 -64.23 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -64.23 13-1 93.42 13-1 216.03 13-1 303.61 13-1 356.16 13-1 373.68 13-1 373.68 13-1 356.16 13-1 303.61 13-1 216.03 13-1 93.42 13-1 -64.23 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -256.9 13-1 -64.23 13-1 93.42 13-1 216.03 13-1 303.61 13-1 356.16 13-1 373.68 13-1 373.68 13-1 356.16 13-1 303.61 13-1 216.03 13-1 93.42 13-1 -64.23 13-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-256.9 13-1 -484.61 13-1 -747.36 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1 2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1 2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -526.48 13-1 691.56 13-1 1650.26 13-1 2349.63 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2970.36 13-1 2789.66 13-1 2349.63 13-1 1650.26 13-1 691.56 13-1 -526.48 13-1 -2003.85 13-1 -3740.56 13-1 -5736.6 13-1 -358.81 14-1 -123.34 14-1 44.85 14-1 145.77 14-1 179.41 14-1 145.77 14-1 44.85 14-1 -123.34 14-1 -358.81 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1 38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1 38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -79.29 14-1 28.83 14-1 93.71 14-1 115.33 14-1 93.71 14-1 28.83 14-1 -79.29 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -79.29 14-1 28.83 14-1 93.71 14-1 115.33 14-1 93.71 14-1 28.83 14-1 -79.29 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -79.29 14-1 28.83 14-1 93.71 14-1 115.33 14-1 93.71 14-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28.83 14-1 -79.29 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -79.29 14-1 28.83 14-1 93.71 14-1 115.33 14-1 93.71 14-1 28.83 14-1 -79.29 14-1 -230.67 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1 38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1 38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1 38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -105.72 14-1 38.44 14-1 124.94 14-1 153.78 14-1 124.94 14-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38.44 14-1 -105.72 14-1 -307.55 14-1 -6692.7 15-1 -4363.98 15-1 -2337.82 15-1 -614.22 15-1 806.82 15-1 1925.31 15-1 2741.23 15-1 3254.6 15-1 3465.42 15-1 3465.42 15-1 3254.6 15-1 2741.23 15-1 1925.31 15-1 806.82 15-1 -614.22 15-1 -2337.82 15-1 -4363.98 15-1 -6692.7 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1 2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1 2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -747.36 15-1 -484.61 15-1 -256.9 15-1 -64.23 15-1 93.42 15-1 216.03 15-1 303.61 15-1 356.16 15-1 373.68 15-1 373.68 15-1 356.16 15-1 303.61 15-1 216.03 15-1 93.42 15-1 -64.23 15-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

303.61 15-1 356.16 15-1 373.68 15-1 373.68 15-1 356.16 15-1 303.61 15-1 216.03 15-1 93.42 15-1 -64.23 15-1 -256.9 15-1 -484.61 15-1 -747.36 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1 2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1 2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1 2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -526.48 15-1 691.56 15-1 1650.26 15-1 2349.63 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2970.36 15-1 2789.66 15-1 2349.63 15-1 1650.26 15-1 691.56 15-1 -526.48 15-1 -2003.85 15-1 -3740.56 15-1 -5736.6 15-1 -50.46 16-1 16.82 16-1 16.82 16-1 -50.46 16-1 -43.25 16-1 14.42 16-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 10.81 16-1 0 -32.44 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 14.42 16-1 0 -43.25 16-1 0 -6692.7 17-1 0 -4363.98 17-1 0 -2337.82 17-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-614.22 17-1 806.82 17-1 1925.31 17-1 2741.23 17-1 3254.6 17-1 3465.42 17-1 3465.42 17-1 3254.6 17-1 2741.23 17-1 1925.31 17-1 806.82 17-1 -614.22 17-1 -2337.82 17-1 -4363.98 17-1 -6692.7 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1 1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1 1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -64.23 17-1 93.42 17-1 216.03 17-1 303.61 17-1 356.16 17-1 373.68 17-1 373.68 17-1 356.16 17-1 303.61 17-1 216.03 17-1 93.42 17-1 -64.23 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -256.9 17-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 17-1 93.42 17-1 216.03 17-1 303.61 17-1 356.16 17-1 373.68 17-1 373.68 17-1 356.16 17-1 303.61 17-1 216.03 17-1 93.42 17-1 -64.23 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -64.23 17-1 93.42 17-1 216.03 17-1 303.61 17-1 356.16 17-1 373.68 17-1 373.68 17-1 356.16 17-1 303.61 17-1 216.03 17-1 93.42 17-1 -64.23 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -64.23 17-1 93.42 17-1 216.03 17-1 303.61 17-1 356.16 17-1 373.68 17-1 373.68 17-1 356.16 17-1 303.61 17-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 17-1 93.42 17-1 -64.23 17-1 -256.9 17-1 -484.61 17-1 -747.36 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1 1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1 1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1 1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -526.48 17-1 691.56 17-1 1650.26 17-1 2349.63 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2970.36 17-1 2789.66 17-1 2349.63 17-1 1650.26 17-1 691.56 17-1 -526.48 17-1 -2003.85 17-1 -3740.56 17-1 -5736.6 17-1 -358.81 18-1 -123.34 18-1 44.85 18-1 145.77 18-1 179.41 18-1 145.77 18-1 44.85 18-1 -123.34 18-1 -358.81 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1 124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1 124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -79.29 18-1 28.83 18-1 93.71 18-1 115.33 18-1 93.71 18-1 28.83 18-1 -79.29 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -79.29 18-1 28.83 18-1 93.71 18-1 115.33 18-1 93.71 18-1 28.83 18-1 -79.29 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -79.29 18-1 28.83 18-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

93.71 18-1 115.33 18-1 93.71 18-1 28.83 18-1 -79.29 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -79.29 18-1 28.83 18-1 93.71 18-1 115.33 18-1 93.71 18-1 28.83 18-1 -79.29 18-1 -230.67 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1 124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1 124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1 124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -105.72 18-1 38.44 18-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

124.94 18-1 153.78 18-1 124.94 18-1 38.44 18-1 -105.72 18-1 -307.55 18-1 -6692.7 19-1 -4363.98 19-1 -2337.82 19-1 -614.22 19-1 806.82 19-1 1925.31 19-1 2741.23 19-1 3254.6 19-1 3465.42 19-1 3465.42 19-1 3254.6 19-1 2741.23 19-1 1925.31 19-1 806.82 19-1 -614.22 19-1 -2337.82 19-1 -4363.98 19-1 -6692.7 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1 1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1 1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1 1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -64.23 19-1 93.42 19-1 216.03 19-1 303.61 19-1 356.16 19-1 373.68 19-1 373.68 19-1 356.16 19-1 303.61 19-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 19-1 93.42 19-1 -64.23 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -64.23 19-1 93.42 19-1 216.03 19-1 303.61 19-1 356.16 19-1 373.68 19-1 373.68 19-1 356.16 19-1 303.61 19-1 216.03 19-1 93.42 19-1 -64.23 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -64.23 19-1 93.42 19-1 216.03 19-1 303.61 19-1 356.16 19-1 373.68 19-1 373.68 19-1 356.16 19-1 303.61 19-1 216.03 19-1 93.42 19-1 -64.23 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -256.9 19-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 19-1 93.42 19-1 216.03 19-1 303.61 19-1 356.16 19-1 373.68 19-1 373.68 19-1 356.16 19-1 303.61 19-1 216.03 19-1 93.42 19-1 -64.23 19-1 -256.9 19-1 -484.61 19-1 -747.36 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1 1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1 1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -526.48 19-1 691.56 19-1 1650.26 19-1 2349.63 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2970.36 19-1 2789.66 19-1 2349.63 19-1 1650.26 19-1 691.56 19-1 -526.48 19-1 -2003.85 19-1 -3740.56 19-1 -5736.6 19-1 -50.46 20-1 16.82 20-1 16.82 20-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-50.46 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1 -32.44 20-1 10.81 20-1 10.81 20-1 -32.44 20-1 -32.44 20-1 10.81 20-1 10.81 20-1 -32.44 20-1 -32.44 20-1 10.81 20-1 10.81 20-1 -32.44 20-1 -32.44 20-1 10.81 20-1 10.81 20-1 -32.44 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1 -43.25 20-1 14.42 20-1 14.42 20-1 -43.25 20-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

0 -1162.56 21-1 0 -728.54 21-1 0 -356.52 21-1 0 -46.5 21-1 0 201.51 21-1 0 387.52 21-1 0 511.52 21-1 0 573.53 21-1 0 573.53 21-1 0 511.52 21-1 0 387.52 21-1 0 201.51 21-1 0 -46.5 21-1 0 -356.52 21-1 0 -728.54 21-1 0 -1162.56 21-1 0 -996.48 21-1 0 -624.46 21-1 0 -305.59 21-1 0 -39.86 21-1 0 172.72 21-1 0 332.16 21-1 0 438.45 21-1 0 491.6 21-1 0 491.6 21-1 0 438.45 21-1 0 332.16 21-1 0 172.72 21-1 0 -39.86 21-1 0 -305.59 21-1 0 -624.46 21-1 0 -996.48 21-1 0 -996.48 21-1 0 -624.46 21-1 0 -305.59 21-1 0 -39.86 21-1 0 172.72 21-1 0 332.16 21-1 0 438.45 21-1 0 491.6 21-1 0 491.6 21-1 0 438.45 21-1 0 332.16 21-1 0 172.72 21-1 0 -39.86 21-1

0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-305.59 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -39.86 21-1 172.72 21-1 332.16 21-1 438.45 21-1 491.6 21-1 491.6 21-1 438.45 21-1 332.16 21-1 172.72 21-1 -39.86 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -29.89 21-1 129.54 21-1 249.12 21-1 328.84 21-1 368.7 21-1 368.7 21-1 328.84 21-1 249.12 21-1 129.54 21-1 -29.89 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -29.89 21-1 129.54 21-1 249.12 21-1 328.84 21-1 368.7 21-1 368.7 21-1 328.84 21-1

6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

249.12 21-1 129.54 21-1 -29.89 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -29.89 21-1 129.54 21-1 249.12 21-1 328.84 21-1 368.7 21-1 368.7 21-1 328.84 21-1 249.12 21-1 129.54 21-1 -29.89 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -29.89 21-1 129.54 21-1 249.12 21-1 328.84 21-1 368.7 21-1 368.7 21-1 328.84 21-1 249.12 21-1 129.54 21-1 -29.89 21-1 -229.19 21-1 -468.34 21-1 -747.36 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -39.86 21-1 172.72 21-1 332.16 21-1 438.45 21-1

4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

491.6 21-1 491.6 21-1 438.45 21-1 332.16 21-1 172.72 21-1 -39.86 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -39.86 21-1 172.72 21-1 332.16 21-1 438.45 21-1 491.6 21-1 491.6 21-1 438.45 21-1 332.16 21-1 172.72 21-1 -39.86 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -39.86 21-1 172.72 21-1 332.16 21-1 438.45 21-1 491.6 21-1 491.6 21-1 438.45 21-1 332.16 21-1 172.72 21-1 -39.86 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -39.86 21-1

3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

172.72 21-1 332.16 21-1 438.45 21-1 491.6 21-1 491.6 21-1 438.45 21-1 332.16 21-1 172.72 21-1 -39.86 21-1 -305.59 21-1 -624.46 21-1 -996.48 21-1 -358.81 22-1 -123.34 22-1 44.85 22-1 145.77 22-1 179.41 22-1 145.77 22-1 44.85 22-1 -123.34 22-1 -358.81 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -105.72 22-1 38.44 22-1 124.94 22-1 153.78 22-1 124.94 22-1 38.44 22-1 -105.72 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -105.72 22-1 38.44 22-1 124.94 22-1 153.78 22-1 124.94 22-1 38.44 22-1 -105.72 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -105.72 22-1 38.44 22-1 124.94 22-1 153.78 22-1 124.94 22-1

1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38.44 22-1 -105.72 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -79.29 22-1 28.83 22-1 93.71 22-1 115.33 22-1 93.71 22-1 28.83 22-1 -79.29 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -79.29 22-1 28.83 22-1 93.71 22-1 115.33 22-1 93.71 22-1 28.83 22-1 -79.29 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -79.29 22-1 28.83 22-1 93.71 22-1 115.33 22-1 93.71 22-1 28.83 22-1 -79.29 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -79.29 22-1 28.83 22-1 93.71 22-1 115.33 22-1 93.71 22-1 28.83 22-1 -79.29 22-1 -230.67 22-1 -307.55 22-1 -105.72 22-1 38.44 22-1 124.94 22-1 153.78 22-1 124.94 22-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 38.44 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 38.44 22-1 0 124.94 22-1 0 153.78 22-1 0 124.94 22-1 0 38.44 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 38.44 22-1 0 124.94 22-1 0 153.78 22-1 0 124.94 22-1 0 38.44 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 38.44 22-1 0 124.94 22-1 0 153.78 22-1 0 124.94 22-1 0 38.44 22-1 0 -105.72 22-1 0 -307.55 22-1 0 -6692.7 23-1 0 -4363.98 23-1 0 -2337.82 23-1 0 -614.22 23-1 0 806.82 23-1 0 1925.31 23-1 0 2741.23 23-1 0 3254.6 23-1 0 3465.42 23-1 0 3465.42 23-1 0 3254.6 23-1 0 2741.23 23-1 0 1925.31 23-1 0 806.82 23-1 0 -614.22 23-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2337.82 23-1 -4363.98 23-1 -6692.7 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -526.48 23-1 691.56 23-1 1650.26 23-1 2349.63 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2349.63 23-1 1650.26 23-1 691.56 23-1 -526.48 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -526.48 23-1 691.56 23-1 1650.26 23-1 2349.63 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2349.63 23-1 1650.26 23-1 691.56 23-1 -526.48 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -526.48 23-1 691.56 23-1 1650.26 23-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 2349.63 23-1 0 2789.66 23-1 0 2970.36 23-1 0 2970.36 23-1 0 2789.66 23-1 0 2349.63 23-1 0 1650.26 23-1 0 691.56 23-1 0 -526.48 23-1 0 -2003.85 23-1 0 -3740.56 23-1 0 -5736.6 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -256.9 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 373.68 23-1 0 356.16 23-1 0 303.61 23-1 0 216.03 23-1 0 93.42 23-1 0 -64.23 23-1 0 -256.9 23-1 0 -484.61 23-1 0 -747.36 23-1 0 -5736.6 23-1 0 -3740.56 23-1 0 -2003.85 23-1 0 -526.48 23-1 0 691.56 23-1 0 1650.26 23-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2349.63 23-1 1650.26 23-1 691.56 23-1 -526.48 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -526.48 23-1 691.56 23-1 1650.26 23-1 2349.63 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2349.63 23-1 1650.26 23-1 691.56 23-1 -526.48 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -526.48 23-1 691.56 23-1 1650.26 23-1 2349.63 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2349.63 23-1 1650.26 23-1 691.56 23-1 -526.48 23-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -526.48 23-1 691.56 23-1 1650.26 23-1 2349.63 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2970.36 23-1 2789.66 23-1 2349.63 23-1 1650.26 23-1 691.56 23-1 -526.48 23-1 -2003.85 23-1 -3740.56 23-1 -5736.6 23-1 -1162.56 24-1 -728.54 24-1 -356.52 24-1 -46.5 24-1 201.51 24-1 387.52 24-1 511.52 24-1 573.53 24-1 573.53 24-1 511.52 24-1 387.52 24-1 201.51 24-1 -46.5 24-1 -356.52 24-1 -728.54 24-1 -1162.56 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1 491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1 491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -29.89 24-1 129.54 24-1

3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

249.12 24-1 328.84 24-1 368.7 24-1 368.7 24-1 328.84 24-1 249.12 24-1 129.54 24-1 -29.89 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -29.89 24-1 129.54 24-1 249.12 24-1 328.84 24-1 368.7 24-1 368.7 24-1 328.84 24-1 249.12 24-1 129.54 24-1 -29.89 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -29.89 24-1 129.54 24-1 249.12 24-1 328.84 24-1 368.7 24-1 368.7 24-1 328.84 24-1 249.12 24-1 129.54 24-1 -29.89 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -468.34 24-1

2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-229.19 24-1 -29.89 24-1 129.54 24-1 249.12 24-1 328.84 24-1 368.7 24-1 368.7 24-1 328.84 24-1 249.12 24-1 129.54 24-1 -29.89 24-1 -229.19 24-1 -468.34 24-1 -747.36 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1 491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1 491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1

0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-996.48 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1 491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -39.86 24-1 172.72 24-1 332.16 24-1 438.45 24-1 491.6 24-1 491.6 24-1 438.45 24-1 332.16 24-1 172.72 24-1 -39.86 24-1 -305.59 24-1 -624.46 24-1 -996.48 24-1 -358.81 25-1 -123.34 25-1 44.85 25-1 145.77 25-1 179.41 25-1 145.77 25-1 44.85 25-1 -123.34 25-1 -358.81 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1

7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1 124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1 124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -79.29 25-1 28.83 25-1 93.71 25-1 115.33 25-1 93.71 25-1 28.83 25-1 -79.29 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -79.29 25-1 28.83 25-1 93.71 25-1 115.33 25-1 93.71 25-1 28.83 25-1 -79.29 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -79.29 25-1 28.83 25-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

93.71 25-1 115.33 25-1 93.71 25-1 28.83 25-1 -79.29 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -79.29 25-1 28.83 25-1 93.71 25-1 115.33 25-1 93.71 25-1 28.83 25-1 -79.29 25-1 -230.67 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1 124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1 124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1 124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -105.72 25-1 38.44 25-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

124.94 25-1 153.78 25-1 124.94 25-1 38.44 25-1 -105.72 25-1 -307.55 25-1 -6692.7 26-1 -4363.98 26-1 -2337.82 26-1 -614.22 26-1 806.82 26-1 1925.31 26-1 2741.23 26-1 3254.6 26-1 3465.42 26-1 3465.42 26-1 3254.6 26-1 2741.23 26-1 1925.31 26-1 806.82 26-1 -614.22 26-1 -2337.82 26-1 -4363.98 26-1 -6692.7 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1 1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1 1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1 1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -64.23 26-1 93.42 26-1 216.03 26-1 303.61 26-1 356.16 26-1 373.68 26-1 373.68 26-1 356.16 26-1 303.61 26-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 26-1 93.42 26-1 -64.23 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -64.23 26-1 93.42 26-1 216.03 26-1 303.61 26-1 356.16 26-1 373.68 26-1 373.68 26-1 356.16 26-1 303.61 26-1 216.03 26-1 93.42 26-1 -64.23 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -64.23 26-1 93.42 26-1 216.03 26-1 303.61 26-1 356.16 26-1 373.68 26-1 373.68 26-1 356.16 26-1 303.61 26-1 216.03 26-1 93.42 26-1 -64.23 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -256.9 26-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 26-1 93.42 26-1 216.03 26-1 303.61 26-1 356.16 26-1 373.68 26-1 373.68 26-1 356.16 26-1 303.61 26-1 216.03 26-1 93.42 26-1 -64.23 26-1 -256.9 26-1 -484.61 26-1 -747.36 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1 1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1 1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -526.48 26-1 691.56 26-1 1650.26 26-1 2349.63 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2970.36 26-1 2789.66 26-1 2349.63 26-1 1650.26 26-1 691.56 26-1 -526.48 26-1 -2003.85 26-1 -3740.56 26-1 -5736.6 26-1 -1162.56 27-1 -728.54 27-1 -356.52 27-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.48 0.96

0 -46.5 27-1 0 201.51 27-1 0 387.52 27-1 0 511.52 27-1 0 573.53 27-1 0 573.53 27-1 0 511.52 27-1 0 387.52 27-1 0 201.51 27-1 0 -46.5 27-1 0 -356.52 27-1 0 -728.54 27-1 0 -1162.56 27-1 0 -996.48 27-1 0 -624.46 27-1 0 -305.59 27-1 0 -39.86 27-1 0 172.72 27-1 0 332.16 27-1 0 438.45 27-1 0 491.6 27-1 0 491.6 27-1 0 438.45 27-1 0 332.16 27-1 0 172.72 27-1 0 -39.86 27-1 0 -305.59 27-1 0 -624.46 27-1 0 -996.48 27-1 0 -996.48 27-1 0 -624.46 27-1 0 -305.59 27-1 0 -39.86 27-1 0 172.72 27-1 0 332.16 27-1 0 438.45 27-1 0 491.6 27-1 0 491.6 27-1 0 438.45 27-1 0 332.16 27-1 0 172.72 27-1 0 -39.86 27-1 0 -305.59 27-1 0 -624.46 27-1 0 -996.48 27-1

1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-996.48 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -39.86 27-1 172.72 27-1 332.16 27-1 438.45 27-1 491.6 27-1 491.6 27-1 438.45 27-1 332.16 27-1 172.72 27-1 -39.86 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -29.89 27-1 129.54 27-1 249.12 27-1 328.84 27-1 368.7 27-1 368.7 27-1 328.84 27-1 249.12 27-1 129.54 27-1 -29.89 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -29.89 27-1 129.54 27-1 249.12 27-1 328.84 27-1 368.7 27-1 368.7 27-1 328.84 27-1 249.12 27-1 129.54 27-1 -29.89 27-1

0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-229.19 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -29.89 27-1 129.54 27-1 249.12 27-1 328.84 27-1 368.7 27-1 368.7 27-1 328.84 27-1 249.12 27-1 129.54 27-1 -29.89 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -29.89 27-1 129.54 27-1 249.12 27-1 328.84 27-1 368.7 27-1 368.7 27-1 328.84 27-1 249.12 27-1 129.54 27-1 -29.89 27-1 -229.19 27-1 -468.34 27-1 -747.36 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -39.86 27-1 172.72 27-1 332.16 27-1 438.45 27-1 491.6 27-1 491.6 27-1 438.45 27-1

6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

332.16 27-1 172.72 27-1 -39.86 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -39.86 27-1 172.72 27-1 332.16 27-1 438.45 27-1 491.6 27-1 491.6 27-1 438.45 27-1 332.16 27-1 172.72 27-1 -39.86 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -39.86 27-1 172.72 27-1 332.16 27-1 438.45 27-1 491.6 27-1 491.6 27-1 438.45 27-1 332.16 27-1 172.72 27-1 -39.86 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -39.86 27-1 172.72 27-1 332.16 27-1 438.45 27-1

4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

491.6 27-1 491.6 27-1 438.45 27-1 332.16 27-1 172.72 27-1 -39.86 27-1 -305.59 27-1 -624.46 27-1 -996.48 27-1 -358.81 29-1 -123.34 29-1 44.85 29-1 145.77 29-1 179.41 29-1 145.77 29-1 44.85 29-1 -123.34 29-1 -358.81 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1

3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-230.67 29-1 -79.29 29-1 28.83 29-1 93.71 29-1 115.33 29-1 93.71 29-1 28.83 29-1 -79.29 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -79.29 29-1 28.83 29-1 93.71 29-1 115.33 29-1 93.71 29-1 28.83 29-1 -79.29 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -79.29 29-1 28.83 29-1 93.71 29-1 115.33 29-1 93.71 29-1 28.83 29-1 -79.29 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -79.29 29-1 28.83 29-1 93.71 29-1 115.33 29-1 93.71 29-1 28.83 29-1 -79.29 29-1 -230.67 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -105.72 29-1 38.44 29-1 124.94 29-1 153.78 29-1 124.94 29-1 38.44 29-1 -105.72 29-1 -307.55 29-1 -6692.7 30-1 -4363.98 30-1 -2337.82 30-1 -614.22 30-1 806.82 30-1 1925.31 30-1 2741.23 30-1 3254.6 30-1 3465.42 30-1 3465.42 30-1 3254.6 30-1 2741.23 30-1 1925.31 30-1 806.82 30-1 -614.22 30-1 -2337.82 30-1 -4363.98 30-1 -6692.7 30-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -526.48 30-1 691.56 30-1 1650.26 30-1 2349.63 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2349.63 30-1 1650.26 30-1 691.56 30-1 -526.48 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -526.48 30-1 691.56 30-1 1650.26 30-1 2349.63 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2349.63 30-1 1650.26 30-1 691.56 30-1 -526.48 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -526.48 30-1 691.56 30-1 1650.26 30-1 2349.63 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2970.36 30-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 2970.36 30-1 0 2789.66 30-1 0 2349.63 30-1 0 1650.26 30-1 0 691.56 30-1 0 -526.48 30-1 0 -2003.85 30-1 0 -3740.56 30-1 0 -5736.6 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 -747.36 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 373.68 30-1 0 356.16 30-1 0 303.61 30-1 0 216.03 30-1 0 93.42 30-1 0 -64.23 30-1 0 -256.9 30-1 0 -484.61 30-1 0 -747.36 30-1 0 -5736.6 30-1 0 -3740.56 30-1 0 -2003.85 30-1 0 -526.48 30-1 0 691.56 30-1 0 1650.26 30-1 0 2349.63 30-1 0 2789.66 30-1 0 2970.36 30-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2349.63 30-1 1650.26 30-1 691.56 30-1 -526.48 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -526.48 30-1 691.56 30-1 1650.26 30-1 2349.63 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2349.63 30-1 1650.26 30-1 691.56 30-1 -526.48 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -526.48 30-1 691.56 30-1 1650.26 30-1 2349.63 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2349.63 30-1 1650.26 30-1 691.56 30-1 -526.48 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -5736.6 30-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -526.48 30-1 691.56 30-1 1650.26 30-1 2349.63 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2970.36 30-1 2789.66 30-1 2349.63 30-1 1650.26 30-1 691.56 30-1 -526.48 30-1 -2003.85 30-1 -3740.56 30-1 -5736.6 30-1 -8501.34 31-1 -5837.01 31-1 -3411.74 31-1 -1225.53 31-1 721.63 31-1 721.63 31-1 2408.15 31-1 3402.65 31-1 3864.36 31-1 3952.55 31-1 3952.55 31-1 3593.49 31-1 2931.86 31-1 1967.68 31-1 700.95 31-1 -868.35 31-1 -2740.2 31-1 -4914.61 31-1 -7391.58 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1 -744.3 31-1 -2348.74 31-1 -4212.52 31-1 -6335.64 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1 3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1 -744.3 31-1 -2348.74 31-1 -4212.52 31-1 -6335.64 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1 3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1

3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4

0 -744.3 31-1 0 -2348.74 31-1 0 -4212.52 31-1 0 -6335.64 31-1 0 -747.36 31-1 0 -512.08 31-1 0 -304.48 31-1 0 -124.56 31-1 0 27.68 31-1 0 27.68 31-1 0 179.05 31-1 0 287.18 31-1 0 352.05 31-1 0 373.68 31-1 0 373.68 31-1 0 356.16 31-1 0 303.61 31-1 0 216.03 31-1 0 93.42 31-1 0 -64.23 31-1 0 -256.9 31-1 0 -484.61 31-1 0 -747.36 31-1 0 -747.36 31-1 0 -512.08 31-1 0 -304.48 31-1 0 -124.56 31-1 0 27.68 31-1 0 27.68 31-1 0 179.05 31-1 0 287.18 31-1 0 352.05 31-1 0 373.68 31-1 0 373.68 31-1 0 356.16 31-1 0 303.61 31-1 0 216.03 31-1 0 93.42 31-1 0 -64.23 31-1 0 -256.9 31-1 0 -484.61 31-1 0 -747.36 31-1 0 -747.36 31-1 0 -512.08 31-1 0 -304.48 31-1

5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-124.56 31-1 27.68 31-1 27.68 31-1 179.05 31-1 287.18 31-1 352.05 31-1 373.68 31-1 373.68 31-1 356.16 31-1 303.61 31-1 216.03 31-1 93.42 31-1 -64.23 31-1 -256.9 31-1 -484.61 31-1 -747.36 31-1 -747.36 31-1 -512.08 31-1 -304.48 31-1 -124.56 31-1 27.68 31-1 27.68 31-1 179.05 31-1 287.18 31-1 352.05 31-1 373.68 31-1 373.68 31-1 356.16 31-1 303.61 31-1 216.03 31-1 93.42 31-1 -64.23 31-1 -256.9 31-1 -484.61 31-1 -747.36 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1 3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1

1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1 -744.3 31-1 -2348.74 31-1 -4212.52 31-1 -6335.64 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1 3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1 -744.3 31-1 -2348.74 31-1 -4212.52 31-1 -6335.64 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1 3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1 -744.3 31-1 -2348.74 31-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-4212.52 31-1 -6335.64 31-1 -7286.86 31-1 -5003.15 31-1 -2924.35 31-1 -1050.45 31-1 618.54 31-1 618.54 31-1 2064.13 31-1 2916.56 31-1 3312.31 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3387.9 31-1 3080.13 31-1 2513.03 31-1 1686.59 31-1 600.81 31-1 -744.3 31-1 -2348.74 31-1 -4212.52 31-1 -6335.64 31-1 -1992.15 32-1 -684.8 32-1 249.02 32-1 809.31 32-1 996.07 32-1 809.31 32-1 249.02 32-1 -684.8 32-1 -1992.15 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -586.97 32-1 213.44 32-1 693.69 32-1 853.78 32-1 693.69 32-1 213.44 32-1 -586.97 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -586.97 32-1 213.44 32-1 693.69 32-1 853.78 32-1 693.69 32-1

6.75 7.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 213.44 32-1 0 -586.97 32-1 0 -1707.55 32-1 0 -1707.55 32-1 0 -586.97 32-1 0 213.44 32-1 0 693.69 32-1 0 853.78 32-1 0 693.69 32-1 0 213.44 32-1 0 -586.97 32-1 0 -1707.55 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 115.33 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 115.33 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 115.33 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -230.67 32-1 0 -79.29 32-1 0 28.83 32-1 0 93.71 32-1 0 115.33 32-1 0 93.71 32-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28.83 32-1 -79.29 32-1 -230.67 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -586.97 32-1 213.44 32-1 693.69 32-1 853.78 32-1 693.69 32-1 213.44 32-1 -586.97 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -586.97 32-1 213.44 32-1 693.69 32-1 853.78 32-1 693.69 32-1 213.44 32-1 -586.97 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -586.97 32-1 213.44 32-1 693.69 32-1 853.78 32-1 693.69 32-1 213.44 32-1 -586.97 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -586.97 32-1 213.44 32-1 693.69 32-1 853.78 32-1 693.69 32-1 213.44 32-1 -586.97 32-1 -1707.55 32-1 -7158.09 33-1 -4734.2 33-1 -2612.86 33-1 -794.08 33-1 722.14 33-1 1935.8 33-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2846.91 33-1 3455.46 33-1 3761.45 33-1 3761.45 33-1 3614.29 33-1 3093.61 33-1 2199.39 33-1 829.73 33-1 829.73 33-1 -960.76 33-1 -3168.67 33-1 -5641.12 33-1 -8352.63 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1 711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1 -823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1 -823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1 711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1 -823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -484.61 33-1 -256.9 33-1 -64.23 33-1 93.42 33-1 216.03 33-1 303.61 33-1 356.16 33-1 373.68 33-1 373.68 33-1 352.05 33-1 287.18 33-1 179.05 33-1 27.68 33-1 27.68 33-1 -124.56 33-1 -304.48 33-1 -512.08 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -747.36 33-1

5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-484.61 33-1 -256.9 33-1 -64.23 33-1 93.42 33-1 216.03 33-1 303.61 33-1 356.16 33-1 373.68 33-1 373.68 33-1 352.05 33-1 287.18 33-1 179.05 33-1 27.68 33-1 27.68 33-1 -124.56 33-1 -304.48 33-1 -512.08 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -484.61 33-1 -256.9 33-1 -64.23 33-1 93.42 33-1 216.03 33-1 303.61 33-1 356.16 33-1 373.68 33-1 373.68 33-1 352.05 33-1 287.18 33-1 179.05 33-1 27.68 33-1 27.68 33-1 -124.56 33-1 -304.48 33-1 -512.08 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -484.61 33-1 -256.9 33-1 -64.23 33-1 93.42 33-1 216.03 33-1 303.61 33-1 356.16 33-1

0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 33-1 373.68 33-1 352.05 33-1 287.18 33-1 179.05 33-1 27.68 33-1 27.68 33-1 -124.56 33-1 -304.48 33-1 -512.08 33-1 -747.36 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1 711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1 -823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1 711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1

3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1 711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1 -823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -6135.51 33-1 -4057.89 33-1 -2239.6 33-1 -680.64 33-1 618.98 33-1 1659.26 33-1 2440.21 33-1 2961.82 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3224.1 33-1 3097.97 33-1 2651.66 33-1 1885.19 33-1 711.2 33-1 711.2 33-1 -823.51 33-1 -2716 33-1 -4835.25 33-1 -7159.39 33-1 -290.64 34-1 -99.91 34-1 36.33 34-1

6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

118.07 34-1 145.32 34-1 118.07 34-1 36.33 34-1 -99.91 34-1 -290.64 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1 101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1 101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1 101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -64.23 34-1 23.35 34-1 75.9 34-1 93.42 34-1 75.9 34-1 23.35 34-1 -64.23 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -64.23 34-1 23.35 34-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

75.9 34-1 93.42 34-1 75.9 34-1 23.35 34-1 -64.23 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -64.23 34-1 23.35 34-1 75.9 34-1 93.42 34-1 75.9 34-1 23.35 34-1 -64.23 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -64.23 34-1 23.35 34-1 75.9 34-1 93.42 34-1 75.9 34-1 23.35 34-1 -64.23 34-1 -186.84 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1 101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1 101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -85.63 34-1 31.14 34-1 101.2 34-1 124.56 34-1 101.2 34-1 31.14 34-1 -85.63 34-1 -249.12 34-1 -6692.7 35-1 -4363.98 35-1 -2337.82 35-1 -614.22 35-1 806.82 35-1 1925.31 35-1 2741.23 35-1 3254.6 35-1 3465.42 35-1 3465.42 35-1 3254.6 35-1 2741.23 35-1 1925.31 35-1 806.82 35-1 -614.22 35-1 -2337.82 35-1 -4363.98 35-1 -6692.7 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1 1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1 1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -256.9 35-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 35-1 93.42 35-1 216.03 35-1 303.61 35-1 356.16 35-1 373.68 35-1 373.68 35-1 356.16 35-1 303.61 35-1 216.03 35-1 93.42 35-1 -64.23 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -64.23 35-1 93.42 35-1 216.03 35-1 303.61 35-1 356.16 35-1 373.68 35-1 373.68 35-1 356.16 35-1 303.61 35-1 216.03 35-1 93.42 35-1 -64.23 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -64.23 35-1 93.42 35-1 216.03 35-1 303.61 35-1 356.16 35-1 373.68 35-1 373.68 35-1 356.16 35-1 303.61 35-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 35-1 93.42 35-1 -64.23 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -64.23 35-1 93.42 35-1 216.03 35-1 303.61 35-1 356.16 35-1 373.68 35-1 373.68 35-1 356.16 35-1 303.61 35-1 216.03 35-1 93.42 35-1 -64.23 35-1 -256.9 35-1 -484.61 35-1 -747.36 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1 1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1 1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1 1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -526.48 35-1 691.56 35-1 1650.26 35-1 2349.63 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2970.36 35-1 2789.66 35-1 2349.63 35-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 35-1 691.56 35-1 -526.48 35-1 -2003.85 35-1 -3740.56 35-1 -5736.6 35-1 -6692.7 36-1 -4363.98 36-1 -2337.82 36-1 -614.22 36-1 806.82 36-1 1925.31 36-1 2741.23 36-1 3254.6 36-1 3465.42 36-1 3465.42 36-1 3254.6 36-1 2741.23 36-1 1925.31 36-1 806.82 36-1 -614.22 36-1 -2337.82 36-1 -4363.98 36-1 -6692.7 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1 1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1 1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1 1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -64.23 36-1 93.42 36-1 216.03 36-1 303.61 36-1 356.16 36-1 373.68 36-1 373.68 36-1 356.16 36-1 303.61 36-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 36-1 93.42 36-1 -64.23 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -64.23 36-1 93.42 36-1 216.03 36-1 303.61 36-1 356.16 36-1 373.68 36-1 373.68 36-1 356.16 36-1 303.61 36-1 216.03 36-1 93.42 36-1 -64.23 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -64.23 36-1 93.42 36-1 216.03 36-1 303.61 36-1 356.16 36-1 373.68 36-1 373.68 36-1 356.16 36-1 303.61 36-1 216.03 36-1 93.42 36-1 -64.23 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -256.9 36-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 36-1 93.42 36-1 216.03 36-1 303.61 36-1 356.16 36-1 373.68 36-1 373.68 36-1 356.16 36-1 303.61 36-1 216.03 36-1 93.42 36-1 -64.23 36-1 -256.9 36-1 -484.61 36-1 -747.36 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1 1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1 1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -526.48 36-1 691.56 36-1 1650.26 36-1 2349.63 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2970.36 36-1 2789.66 36-1 2349.63 36-1 1650.26 36-1 691.56 36-1 -526.48 36-1 -2003.85 36-1 -3740.56 36-1 -5736.6 36-1 -6692.7 37-1 -4363.98 37-1 -2337.82 37-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-614.22 37-1 806.82 37-1 1925.31 37-1 2741.23 37-1 3254.6 37-1 3465.42 37-1 3465.42 37-1 3254.6 37-1 2741.23 37-1 1925.31 37-1 806.82 37-1 -614.22 37-1 -2337.82 37-1 -4363.98 37-1 -6692.7 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1 1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1 1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -64.23 37-1 93.42 37-1 216.03 37-1 303.61 37-1 356.16 37-1 373.68 37-1 373.68 37-1 356.16 37-1 303.61 37-1 216.03 37-1 93.42 37-1 -64.23 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -256.9 37-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 37-1 93.42 37-1 216.03 37-1 303.61 37-1 356.16 37-1 373.68 37-1 373.68 37-1 356.16 37-1 303.61 37-1 216.03 37-1 93.42 37-1 -64.23 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -64.23 37-1 93.42 37-1 216.03 37-1 303.61 37-1 356.16 37-1 373.68 37-1 373.68 37-1 356.16 37-1 303.61 37-1 216.03 37-1 93.42 37-1 -64.23 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -64.23 37-1 93.42 37-1 216.03 37-1 303.61 37-1 356.16 37-1 373.68 37-1 373.68 37-1 356.16 37-1 303.61 37-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 37-1 93.42 37-1 -64.23 37-1 -256.9 37-1 -484.61 37-1 -747.36 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1 1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1 1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1 1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -526.48 37-1 691.56 37-1 1650.26 37-1 2349.63 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2970.36 37-1 2789.66 37-1 2349.63 37-1 1650.26 37-1 691.56 37-1 -526.48 37-1 -2003.85 37-1 -3740.56 37-1 -5736.6 37-1 -6692.7 38-1 -4363.98 38-1 -2337.82 38-1 -614.22 38-1 806.82 38-1 1925.31 38-1 2741.23 38-1 3254.6 38-1 3465.42 38-1 3465.42 38-1 3254.6 38-1 2741.23 38-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1925.31 38-1 806.82 38-1 -614.22 38-1 -2337.82 38-1 -4363.98 38-1 -6692.7 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -526.48 38-1 691.56 38-1 1650.26 38-1 2349.63 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2349.63 38-1 1650.26 38-1 691.56 38-1 -526.48 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -526.48 38-1 691.56 38-1 1650.26 38-1 2349.63 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2349.63 38-1 1650.26 38-1 691.56 38-1 -526.48 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -2003.85 38-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 -526.48 38-1 0 691.56 38-1 0 1650.26 38-1 0 2349.63 38-1 0 2789.66 38-1 0 2970.36 38-1 0 2970.36 38-1 0 2789.66 38-1 0 2349.63 38-1 0 1650.26 38-1 0 691.56 38-1 0 -526.48 38-1 0 -2003.85 38-1 0 -3740.56 38-1 0 -5736.6 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 303.61 38-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 216.03 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 373.68 38-1 0 356.16 38-1 0 303.61 38-1 0 216.03 38-1 0 93.42 38-1 0 -64.23 38-1 0 -256.9 38-1 0 -484.61 38-1 0 -747.36 38-1 0 -5736.6 38-1 0 -3740.56 38-1 0 -2003.85 38-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 38-1 691.56 38-1 1650.26 38-1 2349.63 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2349.63 38-1 1650.26 38-1 691.56 38-1 -526.48 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -526.48 38-1 691.56 38-1 1650.26 38-1 2349.63 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2349.63 38-1 1650.26 38-1 691.56 38-1 -526.48 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -526.48 38-1 691.56 38-1 1650.26 38-1 2349.63 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2349.63 38-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 38-1 691.56 38-1 -526.48 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -526.48 38-1 691.56 38-1 1650.26 38-1 2349.63 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2970.36 38-1 2789.66 38-1 2349.63 38-1 1650.26 38-1 691.56 38-1 -526.48 38-1 -2003.85 38-1 -3740.56 38-1 -5736.6 38-1 -6692.7 39-1 -4363.98 39-1 -2337.82 39-1 -614.22 39-1 806.82 39-1 1925.31 39-1 2741.23 39-1 3254.6 39-1 3465.42 39-1 3465.42 39-1 3254.6 39-1 2741.23 39-1 1925.31 39-1 806.82 39-1 -614.22 39-1 -2337.82 39-1 -4363.98 39-1 -6692.7 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -2003.85 39-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 39-1 691.56 39-1 1650.26 39-1 2349.63 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2349.63 39-1 1650.26 39-1 691.56 39-1 -526.48 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -526.48 39-1 691.56 39-1 1650.26 39-1 2349.63 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2349.63 39-1 1650.26 39-1 691.56 39-1 -526.48 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -526.48 39-1 691.56 39-1 1650.26 39-1 2349.63 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2349.63 39-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 1650.26 39-1 0 691.56 39-1 0 -526.48 39-1 0 -2003.85 39-1 0 -3740.56 39-1 0 -5736.6 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 -64.23 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 373.68 39-1 0 356.16 39-1 0 303.61 39-1 0 216.03 39-1 0 93.42 39-1 0 -64.23 39-1 0 -256.9 39-1 0 -484.61 39-1 0 -747.36 39-1 0 -5736.6 39-1 0 -3740.56 39-1 0 -2003.85 39-1 0 -526.48 39-1 0 691.56 39-1 0 1650.26 39-1 0 2349.63 39-1 0 2789.66 39-1 0 2970.36 39-1 0 2970.36 39-1 0 2789.66 39-1 0 2349.63 39-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 39-1 691.56 39-1 -526.48 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -526.48 39-1 691.56 39-1 1650.26 39-1 2349.63 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2349.63 39-1 1650.26 39-1 691.56 39-1 -526.48 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -526.48 39-1 691.56 39-1 1650.26 39-1 2349.63 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2349.63 39-1 1650.26 39-1 691.56 39-1 -526.48 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -2003.85 39-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 39-1 691.56 39-1 1650.26 39-1 2349.63 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2970.36 39-1 2789.66 39-1 2349.63 39-1 1650.26 39-1 691.56 39-1 -526.48 39-1 -2003.85 39-1 -3740.56 39-1 -5736.6 39-1 -6692.7 40-1 -4363.98 40-1 -2337.82 40-1 -614.22 40-1 806.82 40-1 1925.31 40-1 2741.23 40-1 3254.6 40-1 3465.42 40-1 3465.42 40-1 3254.6 40-1 2741.23 40-1 1925.31 40-1 806.82 40-1 -614.22 40-1 -2337.82 40-1 -4363.98 40-1 -6692.7 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1 1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1 1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -256.9 40-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 40-1 93.42 40-1 216.03 40-1 303.61 40-1 356.16 40-1 373.68 40-1 373.68 40-1 356.16 40-1 303.61 40-1 216.03 40-1 93.42 40-1 -64.23 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -64.23 40-1 93.42 40-1 216.03 40-1 303.61 40-1 356.16 40-1 373.68 40-1 373.68 40-1 356.16 40-1 303.61 40-1 216.03 40-1 93.42 40-1 -64.23 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -64.23 40-1 93.42 40-1 216.03 40-1 303.61 40-1 356.16 40-1 373.68 40-1 373.68 40-1 356.16 40-1 303.61 40-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 40-1 93.42 40-1 -64.23 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -64.23 40-1 93.42 40-1 216.03 40-1 303.61 40-1 356.16 40-1 373.68 40-1 373.68 40-1 356.16 40-1 303.61 40-1 216.03 40-1 93.42 40-1 -64.23 40-1 -256.9 40-1 -484.61 40-1 -747.36 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1 1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1 1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1 1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -526.48 40-1 691.56 40-1 1650.26 40-1 2349.63 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2970.36 40-1 2789.66 40-1 2349.63 40-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 40-1 691.56 40-1 -526.48 40-1 -2003.85 40-1 -3740.56 40-1 -5736.6 40-1 -6692.7 41-1 -4363.98 41-1 -2337.82 41-1 -614.22 41-1 806.82 41-1 1925.31 41-1 2741.23 41-1 3254.6 41-1 3465.42 41-1 3465.42 41-1 3254.6 41-1 2741.23 41-1 1925.31 41-1 806.82 41-1 -614.22 41-1 -2337.82 41-1 -4363.98 41-1 -6692.7 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1 1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1 1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1 1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -64.23 41-1 93.42 41-1 216.03 41-1 303.61 41-1 356.16 41-1 373.68 41-1 373.68 41-1 356.16 41-1 303.61 41-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 41-1 93.42 41-1 -64.23 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -64.23 41-1 93.42 41-1 216.03 41-1 303.61 41-1 356.16 41-1 373.68 41-1 373.68 41-1 356.16 41-1 303.61 41-1 216.03 41-1 93.42 41-1 -64.23 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -64.23 41-1 93.42 41-1 216.03 41-1 303.61 41-1 356.16 41-1 373.68 41-1 373.68 41-1 356.16 41-1 303.61 41-1 216.03 41-1 93.42 41-1 -64.23 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -256.9 41-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 41-1 93.42 41-1 216.03 41-1 303.61 41-1 356.16 41-1 373.68 41-1 373.68 41-1 356.16 41-1 303.61 41-1 216.03 41-1 93.42 41-1 -64.23 41-1 -256.9 41-1 -484.61 41-1 -747.36 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1 1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1 1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -526.48 41-1 691.56 41-1 1650.26 41-1 2349.63 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2970.36 41-1 2789.66 41-1 2349.63 41-1 1650.26 41-1 691.56 41-1 -526.48 41-1 -2003.85 41-1 -3740.56 41-1 -5736.6 41-1 -290.64 42-1 -99.91 42-1 36.33 42-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

118.07 42-1 145.32 42-1 118.07 42-1 36.33 42-1 -99.91 42-1 -290.64 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1 101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1 101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1 101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -64.23 42-1 23.35 42-1 75.9 42-1 93.42 42-1 75.9 42-1 23.35 42-1 -64.23 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -64.23 42-1 23.35 42-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

75.9 42-1 93.42 42-1 75.9 42-1 23.35 42-1 -64.23 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -64.23 42-1 23.35 42-1 75.9 42-1 93.42 42-1 75.9 42-1 23.35 42-1 -64.23 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -64.23 42-1 23.35 42-1 75.9 42-1 93.42 42-1 75.9 42-1 23.35 42-1 -64.23 42-1 -186.84 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1 101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1 101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -85.63 42-1 31.14 42-1 101.2 42-1 124.56 42-1 101.2 42-1 31.14 42-1 -85.63 42-1 -249.12 42-1 -1732.71 43-1 -614.22 43-1 201.7 43-1 715.08 43-1 925.89 43-1 925.89 43-1 715.08 43-1 201.7 43-1 -614.22 43-1 -1732.71 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -526.48 43-1 172.89 43-1 612.92 43-1 793.62 43-1 793.62 43-1 612.92 43-1 172.89 43-1 -526.48 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -526.48 43-1 172.89 43-1 612.92 43-1 793.62 43-1 793.62 43-1 612.92 43-1 172.89 43-1 -526.48 43-1 -1485.18 43-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 -1485.18 43-1 0 -526.48 43-1 0 172.89 43-1 0 612.92 43-1 0 793.62 43-1 0 793.62 43-1 0 612.92 43-1 0 172.89 43-1 0 -526.48 43-1 0 -1485.18 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 93.42 43-1 0 93.42 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 93.42 43-1 0 93.42 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 93.42 43-1 0 93.42 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -186.84 43-1 0 -64.23 43-1 0 23.35 43-1 0 75.9 43-1 0 93.42 43-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

93.42 43-1 75.9 43-1 23.35 43-1 -64.23 43-1 -186.84 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -526.48 43-1 172.89 43-1 612.92 43-1 793.62 43-1 793.62 43-1 612.92 43-1 172.89 43-1 -526.48 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -526.48 43-1 172.89 43-1 612.92 43-1 793.62 43-1 793.62 43-1 612.92 43-1 172.89 43-1 -526.48 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -526.48 43-1 172.89 43-1 612.92 43-1 793.62 43-1 793.62 43-1 612.92 43-1 172.89 43-1 -526.48 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -1485.18 43-1 -526.48 43-1 172.89 43-1 612.92 43-1 793.62 43-1 793.62 43-1 612.92 43-1 172.89 43-1 -526.48 43-1 -1485.18 43-1

1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-6692.7 44-1 -4363.98 44-1 -2337.82 44-1 -614.22 44-1 806.82 44-1 1925.31 44-1 2741.23 44-1 3254.6 44-1 3465.42 44-1 3465.42 44-1 3254.6 44-1 2741.23 44-1 1925.31 44-1 806.82 44-1 -614.22 44-1 -2337.82 44-1 -4363.98 44-1 -6692.7 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -747.36 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -64.23 44-1 93.42 44-1 216.03 44-1 303.61 44-1 356.16 44-1 373.68 44-1 373.68 44-1 356.16 44-1 303.61 44-1 216.03 44-1 93.42 44-1 -64.23 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -747.36 44-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-747.36 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -64.23 44-1 93.42 44-1 216.03 44-1 303.61 44-1 356.16 44-1 373.68 44-1 373.68 44-1 356.16 44-1 303.61 44-1 216.03 44-1 93.42 44-1 -64.23 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -747.36 44-1 -747.36 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -64.23 44-1 93.42 44-1 216.03 44-1 303.61 44-1 356.16 44-1 373.68 44-1 373.68 44-1 356.16 44-1 303.61 44-1 216.03 44-1 93.42 44-1 -64.23 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -747.36 44-1 -747.36 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -64.23 44-1 93.42 44-1 216.03 44-1 303.61 44-1 356.16 44-1 373.68 44-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 44-1 356.16 44-1 303.61 44-1 216.03 44-1 93.42 44-1 -64.23 44-1 -256.9 44-1 -484.61 44-1 -747.36 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -526.48 44-1 691.56 44-1 1650.26 44-1 2349.63 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2970.36 44-1 2789.66 44-1 2349.63 44-1 1650.26 44-1 691.56 44-1 -526.48 44-1 -2003.85 44-1 -3740.56 44-1 -5736.6 44-1 -6692.7 45-1 -4363.98 45-1 -2337.82 45-1 -614.22 45-1 806.82 45-1 1925.31 45-1 2741.23 45-1 3254.6 45-1 3465.42 45-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3465.42 45-1 3254.6 45-1 2741.23 45-1 1925.31 45-1 806.82 45-1 -614.22 45-1 -2337.82 45-1 -4363.98 45-1 -6692.7 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -64.23 45-1 93.42 45-1 216.03 45-1 303.61 45-1 356.16 45-1 373.68 45-1 373.68 45-1 356.16 45-1 303.61 45-1 216.03 45-1 93.42 45-1 -64.23 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -64.23 45-1 93.42 45-1 216.03 45-1 303.61 45-1 356.16 45-1 373.68 45-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 45-1 356.16 45-1 303.61 45-1 216.03 45-1 93.42 45-1 -64.23 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -64.23 45-1 93.42 45-1 216.03 45-1 303.61 45-1 356.16 45-1 373.68 45-1 373.68 45-1 356.16 45-1 303.61 45-1 216.03 45-1 93.42 45-1 -64.23 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -747.36 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -64.23 45-1 93.42 45-1 216.03 45-1 303.61 45-1 356.16 45-1 373.68 45-1 373.68 45-1 356.16 45-1 303.61 45-1 216.03 45-1 93.42 45-1 -64.23 45-1 -256.9 45-1 -484.61 45-1 -747.36 45-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -526.48 45-1 691.56 45-1 1650.26 45-1 2349.63 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2970.36 45-1 2789.66 45-1 2349.63 45-1 1650.26 45-1 691.56 45-1 -526.48 45-1 -2003.85 45-1 -3740.56 45-1 -5736.6 45-1 -6692.7 46-1 -4363.98 46-1 -2337.82 46-1 -614.22 46-1 806.82 46-1 1925.31 46-1 2741.23 46-1 3254.6 46-1 3465.42 46-1 3465.42 46-1 3254.6 46-1 2741.23 46-1 1925.31 46-1 806.82 46-1 -614.22 46-1 -2337.82 46-1 -4363.98 46-1 -6692.7 46-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -526.48 46-1 691.56 46-1 1650.26 46-1 2349.63 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2349.63 46-1 1650.26 46-1 691.56 46-1 -526.48 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -526.48 46-1 691.56 46-1 1650.26 46-1 2349.63 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2349.63 46-1 1650.26 46-1 691.56 46-1 -526.48 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -526.48 46-1 691.56 46-1 1650.26 46-1 2349.63 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2970.36 46-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 2970.36 46-1 0 2789.66 46-1 0 2349.63 46-1 0 1650.26 46-1 0 691.56 46-1 0 -526.48 46-1 0 -2003.85 46-1 0 -3740.56 46-1 0 -5736.6 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 -747.36 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 373.68 46-1 0 356.16 46-1 0 303.61 46-1 0 216.03 46-1 0 93.42 46-1 0 -64.23 46-1 0 -256.9 46-1 0 -484.61 46-1 0 -747.36 46-1 0 -5736.6 46-1 0 -3740.56 46-1 0 -2003.85 46-1 0 -526.48 46-1 0 691.56 46-1 0 1650.26 46-1 0 2349.63 46-1 0 2789.66 46-1 0 2970.36 46-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2349.63 46-1 1650.26 46-1 691.56 46-1 -526.48 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -526.48 46-1 691.56 46-1 1650.26 46-1 2349.63 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2349.63 46-1 1650.26 46-1 691.56 46-1 -526.48 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -526.48 46-1 691.56 46-1 1650.26 46-1 2349.63 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2349.63 46-1 1650.26 46-1 691.56 46-1 -526.48 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -5736.6 46-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -526.48 46-1 691.56 46-1 1650.26 46-1 2349.63 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2970.36 46-1 2789.66 46-1 2349.63 46-1 1650.26 46-1 691.56 46-1 -526.48 46-1 -2003.85 46-1 -3740.56 46-1 -5736.6 46-1 -1162.56 47-1 -728.54 47-1 -356.52 47-1 -46.5 47-1 201.51 47-1 387.52 47-1 511.52 47-1 573.53 47-1 573.53 47-1 511.52 47-1 387.52 47-1 201.51 47-1 -46.5 47-1 -356.52 47-1 -728.54 47-1 -1162.56 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -39.86 47-1 172.72 47-1 332.16 47-1 438.45 47-1 491.6 47-1 491.6 47-1 438.45 47-1 332.16 47-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

172.72 47-1 -39.86 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -39.86 47-1 172.72 47-1 332.16 47-1 438.45 47-1 491.6 47-1 491.6 47-1 438.45 47-1 332.16 47-1 172.72 47-1 -39.86 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -39.86 47-1 172.72 47-1 332.16 47-1 438.45 47-1 491.6 47-1 491.6 47-1 438.45 47-1 332.16 47-1 172.72 47-1 -39.86 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -29.89 47-1 129.54 47-1 249.12 47-1 328.84 47-1 368.7 47-1

5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

368.7 47-1 328.84 47-1 249.12 47-1 129.54 47-1 -29.89 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -29.89 47-1 129.54 47-1 249.12 47-1 328.84 47-1 368.7 47-1 368.7 47-1 328.84 47-1 249.12 47-1 129.54 47-1 -29.89 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -29.89 47-1 129.54 47-1 249.12 47-1 328.84 47-1 368.7 47-1 368.7 47-1 328.84 47-1 249.12 47-1 129.54 47-1 -29.89 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -29.89 47-1 129.54 47-1

3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

249.12 47-1 328.84 47-1 368.7 47-1 368.7 47-1 328.84 47-1 249.12 47-1 129.54 47-1 -29.89 47-1 -229.19 47-1 -468.34 47-1 -747.36 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -39.86 47-1 172.72 47-1 332.16 47-1 438.45 47-1 491.6 47-1 491.6 47-1 438.45 47-1 332.16 47-1 172.72 47-1 -39.86 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -39.86 47-1 172.72 47-1 332.16 47-1 438.45 47-1 491.6 47-1 491.6 47-1 438.45 47-1 332.16 47-1 172.72 47-1 -39.86 47-1 -305.59 47-1 -624.46 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -996.48 47-1 -624.46 47-1

2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48

0 -305.59 47-1 0 -39.86 47-1 0 172.72 47-1 0 332.16 47-1 0 438.45 47-1 0 491.6 47-1 0 491.6 47-1 0 438.45 47-1 0 332.16 47-1 0 172.72 47-1 0 -39.86 47-1 0 -305.59 47-1 0 -624.46 47-1 0 -996.48 47-1 0 -996.48 47-1 0 -624.46 47-1 0 -305.59 47-1 0 -39.86 47-1 0 172.72 47-1 0 332.16 47-1 0 438.45 47-1 0 491.6 47-1 0 491.6 47-1 0 438.45 47-1 0 332.16 47-1 0 172.72 47-1 0 -39.86 47-1 0 -305.59 47-1 0 -624.46 47-1 0 -996.48 47-1 0 -6692.7 48-1 0 -4363.98 48-1 0 -2337.82 48-1 0 -614.22 48-1 0 806.82 48-1 0 1925.31 48-1 0 2741.23 48-1 0 3254.6 48-1 0 3465.42 48-1 0 3465.42 48-1 0 3254.6 48-1 0 2741.23 48-1 0 1925.31 48-1 0 806.82 48-1 0 -614.22 48-1

0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2337.82 48-1 -4363.98 48-1 -6692.7 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -526.48 48-1 691.56 48-1 1650.26 48-1 2349.63 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2349.63 48-1 1650.26 48-1 691.56 48-1 -526.48 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -526.48 48-1 691.56 48-1 1650.26 48-1 2349.63 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2349.63 48-1 1650.26 48-1 691.56 48-1 -526.48 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -526.48 48-1 691.56 48-1 1650.26 48-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 2349.63 48-1 0 2789.66 48-1 0 2970.36 48-1 0 2970.36 48-1 0 2789.66 48-1 0 2349.63 48-1 0 1650.26 48-1 0 691.56 48-1 0 -526.48 48-1 0 -2003.85 48-1 0 -3740.56 48-1 0 -5736.6 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -256.9 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 373.68 48-1 0 356.16 48-1 0 303.61 48-1 0 216.03 48-1 0 93.42 48-1 0 -64.23 48-1 0 -256.9 48-1 0 -484.61 48-1 0 -747.36 48-1 0 -5736.6 48-1 0 -3740.56 48-1 0 -2003.85 48-1 0 -526.48 48-1 0 691.56 48-1 0 1650.26 48-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2349.63 48-1 1650.26 48-1 691.56 48-1 -526.48 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -526.48 48-1 691.56 48-1 1650.26 48-1 2349.63 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2349.63 48-1 1650.26 48-1 691.56 48-1 -526.48 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -526.48 48-1 691.56 48-1 1650.26 48-1 2349.63 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2349.63 48-1 1650.26 48-1 691.56 48-1 -526.48 48-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -526.48 48-1 691.56 48-1 1650.26 48-1 2349.63 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2970.36 48-1 2789.66 48-1 2349.63 48-1 1650.26 48-1 691.56 48-1 -526.48 48-1 -2003.85 48-1 -3740.56 48-1 -5736.6 48-1 -6692.7 49-1 -4363.98 49-1 -2337.82 49-1 -614.22 49-1 806.82 49-1 1925.31 49-1 2741.23 49-1 3254.6 49-1 3465.42 49-1 3465.42 49-1 3254.6 49-1 2741.23 49-1 1925.31 49-1 806.82 49-1 -614.22 49-1 -2337.82 49-1 -4363.98 49-1 -6692.7 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -526.48 49-1 691.56 49-1 1650.26 49-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2349.63 49-1 1650.26 49-1 691.56 49-1 -526.48 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -526.48 49-1 691.56 49-1 1650.26 49-1 2349.63 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2349.63 49-1 1650.26 49-1 691.56 49-1 -526.48 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -526.48 49-1 691.56 49-1 1650.26 49-1 2349.63 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2349.63 49-1 1650.26 49-1 691.56 49-1 -526.48 49-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -2003.85 49-1 0 -3740.56 49-1 0 -5736.6 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 216.03 49-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 303.61 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 373.68 49-1 0 356.16 49-1 0 303.61 49-1 0 216.03 49-1 0 93.42 49-1 0 -64.23 49-1 0 -256.9 49-1 0 -484.61 49-1 0 -747.36 49-1 0 -5736.6 49-1 0 -3740.56 49-1 0 -2003.85 49-1 0 -526.48 49-1 0 691.56 49-1 0 1650.26 49-1 0 2349.63 49-1 0 2789.66 49-1 0 2970.36 49-1 0 2970.36 49-1 0 2789.66 49-1 0 2349.63 49-1 0 1650.26 49-1 0 691.56 49-1 0 -526.48 49-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -526.48 49-1 691.56 49-1 1650.26 49-1 2349.63 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2349.63 49-1 1650.26 49-1 691.56 49-1 -526.48 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -526.48 49-1 691.56 49-1 1650.26 49-1 2349.63 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2349.63 49-1 1650.26 49-1 691.56 49-1 -526.48 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -526.48 49-1 691.56 49-1 1650.26 49-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2970.36 49-1 2789.66 49-1 2349.63 49-1 1650.26 49-1 691.56 49-1 -526.48 49-1 -2003.85 49-1 -3740.56 49-1 -5736.6 49-1 -6692.7 50-1 -4363.98 50-1 -2337.82 50-1 -614.22 50-1 806.82 50-1 1925.31 50-1 2741.23 50-1 3254.6 50-1 3465.42 50-1 3465.42 50-1 3254.6 50-1 2741.23 50-1 1925.31 50-1 806.82 50-1 -614.22 50-1 -2337.82 50-1 -4363.98 50-1 -6692.7 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1 2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1 2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1 2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -64.23 50-1 93.42 50-1 216.03 50-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

303.61 50-1 356.16 50-1 373.68 50-1 373.68 50-1 356.16 50-1 303.61 50-1 216.03 50-1 93.42 50-1 -64.23 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -64.23 50-1 93.42 50-1 216.03 50-1 303.61 50-1 356.16 50-1 373.68 50-1 373.68 50-1 356.16 50-1 303.61 50-1 216.03 50-1 93.42 50-1 -64.23 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -64.23 50-1 93.42 50-1 216.03 50-1 303.61 50-1 356.16 50-1 373.68 50-1 373.68 50-1 356.16 50-1 303.61 50-1 216.03 50-1 93.42 50-1 -64.23 50-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-256.9 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -64.23 50-1 93.42 50-1 216.03 50-1 303.61 50-1 356.16 50-1 373.68 50-1 373.68 50-1 356.16 50-1 303.61 50-1 216.03 50-1 93.42 50-1 -64.23 50-1 -256.9 50-1 -484.61 50-1 -747.36 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1 2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1 2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -5736.6 50-1 -3740.56 50-1 -2003.85 50-1 -526.48 50-1 691.56 50-1 1650.26 50-1 2349.63 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2970.36 50-1 2789.66 50-1 2349.63 50-1 1650.26 50-1 691.56 50-1 -526.48 50-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -2003.85 50-1 0 -3740.56 50-1 0 -5736.6 50-1 0 -290.64 51-1 0 -99.91 51-1 0 36.33 51-1 0 118.07 51-1 0 145.32 51-1 0 118.07 51-1 0 36.33 51-1 0 -99.91 51-1 0 -290.64 51-1 0 -249.12 51-1 0 -85.63 51-1 0 31.14 51-1 0 101.2 51-1 0 124.56 51-1 0 101.2 51-1 0 31.14 51-1 0 -85.63 51-1 0 -249.12 51-1 0 -249.12 51-1 0 -85.63 51-1 0 31.14 51-1 0 101.2 51-1 0 124.56 51-1 0 101.2 51-1 0 31.14 51-1 0 -85.63 51-1 0 -249.12 51-1 0 -249.12 51-1 0 -85.63 51-1 0 31.14 51-1 0 101.2 51-1 0 124.56 51-1 0 101.2 51-1 0 31.14 51-1 0 -85.63 51-1 0 -249.12 51-1 0 -186.84 51-1 0 -64.23 51-1 0 23.35 51-1 0 75.9 51-1 0 93.42 51-1 0 75.9 51-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23.35 51-1 -64.23 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -64.23 51-1 23.35 51-1 75.9 51-1 93.42 51-1 75.9 51-1 23.35 51-1 -64.23 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -64.23 51-1 23.35 51-1 75.9 51-1 93.42 51-1 75.9 51-1 23.35 51-1 -64.23 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -64.23 51-1 23.35 51-1 75.9 51-1 93.42 51-1 75.9 51-1 23.35 51-1 -64.23 51-1 -186.84 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -85.63 51-1 31.14 51-1 101.2 51-1 124.56 51-1 101.2 51-1 31.14 51-1 -85.63 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -85.63 51-1 31.14 51-1 101.2 51-1 124.56 51-1 101.2 51-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31.14 51-1 -85.63 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -85.63 51-1 31.14 51-1 101.2 51-1 124.56 51-1 101.2 51-1 31.14 51-1 -85.63 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -85.63 51-1 31.14 51-1 101.2 51-1 124.56 51-1 101.2 51-1 31.14 51-1 -85.63 51-1 -249.12 51-1 -1732.71 52-1 -614.22 52-1 201.7 52-1 715.08 52-1 925.89 52-1 925.89 52-1 715.08 52-1 201.7 52-1 -614.22 52-1 -1732.71 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -526.48 52-1 172.89 52-1 612.92 52-1 793.62 52-1 793.62 52-1 612.92 52-1 172.89 52-1 -526.48 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -526.48 52-1 172.89 52-1 612.92 52-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35

0 793.62 52-1 0 793.62 52-1 0 612.92 52-1 0 172.89 52-1 0 -526.48 52-1 0 -1485.18 52-1 0 -1485.18 52-1 0 -526.48 52-1 0 172.89 52-1 0 612.92 52-1 0 793.62 52-1 0 793.62 52-1 0 612.92 52-1 0 172.89 52-1 0 -526.48 52-1 0 -1485.18 52-1 0 -186.84 52-1 0 -64.23 52-1 0 23.35 52-1 0 75.9 52-1 0 93.42 52-1 0 93.42 52-1 0 75.9 52-1 0 23.35 52-1 0 -64.23 52-1 0 -186.84 52-1 0 -186.84 52-1 0 -64.23 52-1 0 23.35 52-1 0 75.9 52-1 0 93.42 52-1 0 93.42 52-1 0 75.9 52-1 0 23.35 52-1 0 -64.23 52-1 0 -186.84 52-1 0 -186.84 52-1 0 -64.23 52-1 0 23.35 52-1 0 75.9 52-1 0 93.42 52-1 0 93.42 52-1 0 75.9 52-1 0 23.35 52-1 0 -64.23 52-1

1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-186.84 52-1 -186.84 52-1 -64.23 52-1 23.35 52-1 75.9 52-1 93.42 52-1 93.42 52-1 75.9 52-1 23.35 52-1 -64.23 52-1 -186.84 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -526.48 52-1 172.89 52-1 612.92 52-1 793.62 52-1 793.62 52-1 612.92 52-1 172.89 52-1 -526.48 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -526.48 52-1 172.89 52-1 612.92 52-1 793.62 52-1 793.62 52-1 612.92 52-1 172.89 52-1 -526.48 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -526.48 52-1 172.89 52-1 612.92 52-1 793.62 52-1 793.62 52-1 612.92 52-1 172.89 52-1 -526.48 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -526.48 52-1 172.89 52-1 612.92 52-1

3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

793.62 52-1 793.62 52-1 612.92 52-1 172.89 52-1 -526.48 52-1 -1485.18 52-1 -6692.7 53-1 -4363.98 53-1 -2337.82 53-1 -614.22 53-1 806.82 53-1 1925.31 53-1 2741.23 53-1 3254.6 53-1 3465.42 53-1 3465.42 53-1 3254.6 53-1 2741.23 53-1 1925.31 53-1 806.82 53-1 -614.22 53-1 -2337.82 53-1 -4363.98 53-1 -6692.7 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1 1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1

1.8 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1 1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1 1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -64.23 53-1 93.42 53-1 216.03 53-1 303.61 53-1 356.16 53-1 373.68 53-1 373.68 53-1 356.16 53-1 303.61 53-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 53-1 93.42 53-1 -64.23 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -64.23 53-1 93.42 53-1 216.03 53-1 303.61 53-1 356.16 53-1 373.68 53-1 373.68 53-1 356.16 53-1 303.61 53-1 216.03 53-1 93.42 53-1 -64.23 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -64.23 53-1 93.42 53-1 216.03 53-1 303.61 53-1 356.16 53-1 373.68 53-1 373.68 53-1 356.16 53-1 303.61 53-1 216.03 53-1 93.42 53-1 -64.23 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -256.9 53-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 53-1 93.42 53-1 216.03 53-1 303.61 53-1 356.16 53-1 373.68 53-1 373.68 53-1 356.16 53-1 303.61 53-1 216.03 53-1 93.42 53-1 -64.23 53-1 -256.9 53-1 -484.61 53-1 -747.36 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1 1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1 1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -526.48 53-1 691.56 53-1 1650.26 53-1 2349.63 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2970.36 53-1 2789.66 53-1 2349.63 53-1 1650.26 53-1 691.56 53-1 -526.48 53-1 -2003.85 53-1 -3740.56 53-1 -5736.6 53-1 -6692.7 54-1 -4363.98 54-1 -2337.82 54-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-614.22 54-1 806.82 54-1 1925.31 54-1 2741.23 54-1 3254.6 54-1 3465.42 54-1 3465.42 54-1 3254.6 54-1 2741.23 54-1 1925.31 54-1 806.82 54-1 -614.22 54-1 -2337.82 54-1 -4363.98 54-1 -6692.7 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1 1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1 1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -64.23 54-1 93.42 54-1 216.03 54-1 303.61 54-1 356.16 54-1 373.68 54-1 373.68 54-1 356.16 54-1 303.61 54-1 216.03 54-1 93.42 54-1 -64.23 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -256.9 54-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-64.23 54-1 93.42 54-1 216.03 54-1 303.61 54-1 356.16 54-1 373.68 54-1 373.68 54-1 356.16 54-1 303.61 54-1 216.03 54-1 93.42 54-1 -64.23 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -64.23 54-1 93.42 54-1 216.03 54-1 303.61 54-1 356.16 54-1 373.68 54-1 373.68 54-1 356.16 54-1 303.61 54-1 216.03 54-1 93.42 54-1 -64.23 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -64.23 54-1 93.42 54-1 216.03 54-1 303.61 54-1 356.16 54-1 373.68 54-1 373.68 54-1 356.16 54-1 303.61 54-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

216.03 54-1 93.42 54-1 -64.23 54-1 -256.9 54-1 -484.61 54-1 -747.36 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1 1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1 1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1 1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -526.48 54-1 691.56 54-1 1650.26 54-1 2349.63 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2970.36 54-1 2789.66 54-1 2349.63 54-1 1650.26 54-1 691.56 54-1 -526.48 54-1 -2003.85 54-1 -3740.56 54-1 -5736.6 54-1 -6692.7 55-1 -4363.98 55-1 -2337.82 55-1 -614.22 55-1 806.82 55-1 1925.31 55-1 2741.23 55-1 3254.6 55-1 3465.42 55-1 3465.42 55-1 3254.6 55-1 2741.23 55-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1925.31 55-1 806.82 55-1 -614.22 55-1 -2337.82 55-1 -4363.98 55-1 -6692.7 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -526.48 55-1 691.56 55-1 1650.26 55-1 2349.63 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2349.63 55-1 1650.26 55-1 691.56 55-1 -526.48 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -526.48 55-1 691.56 55-1 1650.26 55-1 2349.63 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2349.63 55-1 1650.26 55-1 691.56 55-1 -526.48 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -2003.85 55-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 -526.48 55-1 0 691.56 55-1 0 1650.26 55-1 0 2349.63 55-1 0 2789.66 55-1 0 2970.36 55-1 0 2970.36 55-1 0 2789.66 55-1 0 2349.63 55-1 0 1650.26 55-1 0 691.56 55-1 0 -526.48 55-1 0 -2003.85 55-1 0 -3740.56 55-1 0 -5736.6 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 303.61 55-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 216.03 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 373.68 55-1 0 356.16 55-1 0 303.61 55-1 0 216.03 55-1 0 93.42 55-1 0 -64.23 55-1 0 -256.9 55-1 0 -484.61 55-1 0 -747.36 55-1 0 -5736.6 55-1 0 -3740.56 55-1 0 -2003.85 55-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-526.48 55-1 691.56 55-1 1650.26 55-1 2349.63 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2349.63 55-1 1650.26 55-1 691.56 55-1 -526.48 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -526.48 55-1 691.56 55-1 1650.26 55-1 2349.63 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2349.63 55-1 1650.26 55-1 691.56 55-1 -526.48 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -526.48 55-1 691.56 55-1 1650.26 55-1 2349.63 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2349.63 55-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1650.26 55-1 691.56 55-1 -526.48 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -526.48 55-1 691.56 55-1 1650.26 55-1 2349.63 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2970.36 55-1 2789.66 55-1 2349.63 55-1 1650.26 55-1 691.56 55-1 -526.48 55-1 -2003.85 55-1 -3740.56 55-1 -5736.6 55-1 -1162.56 56-1 -728.54 56-1 -356.52 56-1 -46.5 56-1 201.51 56-1 387.52 56-1 511.52 56-1 573.53 56-1 573.53 56-1 511.52 56-1 387.52 56-1 201.51 56-1 -46.5 56-1 -356.52 56-1 -728.54 56-1 -1162.56 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -39.86 56-1 172.72 56-1

4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

332.16 56-1 438.45 56-1 491.6 56-1 491.6 56-1 438.45 56-1 332.16 56-1 172.72 56-1 -39.86 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -39.86 56-1 172.72 56-1 332.16 56-1 438.45 56-1 491.6 56-1 491.6 56-1 438.45 56-1 332.16 56-1 172.72 56-1 -39.86 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -39.86 56-1 172.72 56-1 332.16 56-1 438.45 56-1 491.6 56-1 491.6 56-1 438.45 56-1 332.16 56-1 172.72 56-1 -39.86 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -468.34 56-1

2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-229.19 56-1 -29.89 56-1 129.54 56-1 249.12 56-1 328.84 56-1 368.7 56-1 368.7 56-1 328.84 56-1 249.12 56-1 129.54 56-1 -29.89 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -468.34 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -468.34 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -29.89 56-1 129.54 56-1 249.12 56-1 328.84 56-1 368.7 56-1 368.7 56-1 328.84 56-1 249.12 56-1 129.54 56-1 -29.89 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -468.34 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -468.34 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -29.89 56-1 129.54 56-1 249.12 56-1 328.84 56-1 368.7 56-1 368.7 56-1 328.84 56-1 249.12 56-1 129.54 56-1 -29.89 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -468.34 56-1

0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-747.36 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -468.34 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -29.89 56-1 129.54 56-1 249.12 56-1 328.84 56-1 368.7 56-1 368.7 56-1 328.84 56-1 249.12 56-1 129.54 56-1 -29.89 56-1 -229.19 56-1 -468.34 56-1 -747.36 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -39.86 56-1 172.72 56-1 332.16 56-1 438.45 56-1 491.6 56-1 491.6 56-1 438.45 56-1 332.16 56-1 172.72 56-1 -39.86 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -996.48 56-1 -624.46 56-1 -305.59 56-1 -39.86 56-1 172.72 56-1 332.16 56-1 438.45 56-1 491.6 56-1 491.6 56-1 438.45 56-1 332.16 56-1 172.72 56-1

7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28

0 -39.86 56-1 0 -305.59 56-1 0 -624.46 56-1 0 -996.48 56-1 0 -996.48 56-1 0 -624.46 56-1 0 -305.59 56-1 0 -39.86 56-1 0 172.72 56-1 0 332.16 56-1 0 438.45 56-1 0 491.6 56-1 0 491.6 56-1 0 438.45 56-1 0 332.16 56-1 0 172.72 56-1 0 -39.86 56-1 0 -305.59 56-1 0 -624.46 56-1 0 -996.48 56-1 0 -996.48 56-1 0 -624.46 56-1 0 -305.59 56-1 0 -39.86 56-1 0 172.72 56-1 0 332.16 56-1 0 438.45 56-1 0 491.6 56-1 0 491.6 56-1 0 438.45 56-1 0 332.16 56-1 0 172.72 56-1 0 -39.86 56-1 0 -305.59 56-1 0 -624.46 56-1 0 -996.48 56-1 0 -6692.7 57-1 0 -4363.98 57-1 0 -2337.82 57-1 0 -614.22 57-1 0 806.82 57-1 0 1925.31 57-1 0 2741.23 57-1 0 3254.6 57-1 0 3465.42 57-1

5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3465.42 57-1 3254.6 57-1 2741.23 57-1 1925.31 57-1 806.82 57-1 -614.22 57-1 -2337.82 57-1 -4363.98 57-1 -6692.7 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -64.23 57-1 93.42 57-1 216.03 57-1 303.61 57-1 356.16 57-1 373.68 57-1 373.68 57-1 356.16 57-1 303.61 57-1 216.03 57-1 93.42 57-1 -64.23 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -64.23 57-1 93.42 57-1 216.03 57-1 303.61 57-1 356.16 57-1 373.68 57-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 57-1 356.16 57-1 303.61 57-1 216.03 57-1 93.42 57-1 -64.23 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -64.23 57-1 93.42 57-1 216.03 57-1 303.61 57-1 356.16 57-1 373.68 57-1 373.68 57-1 356.16 57-1 303.61 57-1 216.03 57-1 93.42 57-1 -64.23 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -747.36 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -64.23 57-1 93.42 57-1 216.03 57-1 303.61 57-1 356.16 57-1 373.68 57-1 373.68 57-1 356.16 57-1 303.61 57-1 216.03 57-1 93.42 57-1 -64.23 57-1 -256.9 57-1 -484.61 57-1 -747.36 57-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -526.48 57-1 691.56 57-1 1650.26 57-1 2349.63 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2970.36 57-1 2789.66 57-1 2349.63 57-1 1650.26 57-1 691.56 57-1 -526.48 57-1 -2003.85 57-1 -3740.56 57-1 -5736.6 57-1 -6692.7 58-1 -4363.98 58-1 -2337.82 58-1 -614.22 58-1 806.82 58-1 1925.31 58-1 2741.23 58-1 3254.6 58-1 3465.42 58-1 3465.42 58-1 3254.6 58-1 2741.23 58-1 1925.31 58-1 806.82 58-1 -614.22 58-1 -2337.82 58-1 -4363.98 58-1 -6692.7 58-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -526.48 58-1 691.56 58-1 1650.26 58-1 2349.63 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2349.63 58-1 1650.26 58-1 691.56 58-1 -526.48 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -526.48 58-1 691.56 58-1 1650.26 58-1 2349.63 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2349.63 58-1 1650.26 58-1 691.56 58-1 -526.48 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -526.48 58-1 691.56 58-1 1650.26 58-1 2349.63 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2970.36 58-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 2970.36 58-1 0 2789.66 58-1 0 2349.63 58-1 0 1650.26 58-1 0 691.56 58-1 0 -526.48 58-1 0 -2003.85 58-1 0 -3740.56 58-1 0 -5736.6 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 -747.36 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 373.68 58-1 0 356.16 58-1 0 303.61 58-1 0 216.03 58-1 0 93.42 58-1 0 -64.23 58-1 0 -256.9 58-1 0 -484.61 58-1 0 -747.36 58-1 0 -5736.6 58-1 0 -3740.56 58-1 0 -2003.85 58-1 0 -526.48 58-1 0 691.56 58-1 0 1650.26 58-1 0 2349.63 58-1 0 2789.66 58-1 0 2970.36 58-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2349.63 58-1 1650.26 58-1 691.56 58-1 -526.48 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -526.48 58-1 691.56 58-1 1650.26 58-1 2349.63 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2349.63 58-1 1650.26 58-1 691.56 58-1 -526.48 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -526.48 58-1 691.56 58-1 1650.26 58-1 2349.63 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2349.63 58-1 1650.26 58-1 691.56 58-1 -526.48 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -5736.6 58-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -526.48 58-1 691.56 58-1 1650.26 58-1 2349.63 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2970.36 58-1 2789.66 58-1 2349.63 58-1 1650.26 58-1 691.56 58-1 -526.48 58-1 -2003.85 58-1 -3740.56 58-1 -5736.6 58-1 -6692.7 59-1 -4363.98 59-1 -2337.82 59-1 -614.22 59-1 806.82 59-1 1925.31 59-1 2741.23 59-1 3254.6 59-1 3465.42 59-1 3465.42 59-1 3254.6 59-1 2741.23 59-1 1925.31 59-1 806.82 59-1 -614.22 59-1 -2337.82 59-1 -4363.98 59-1 -6692.7 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2349.63 59-1 1650.26 59-1 691.56 59-1 -526.48 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2349.63 59-1 1650.26 59-1 691.56 59-1 -526.48 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2349.63 59-1 1650.26 59-1 691.56 59-1 -526.48 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -5736.6 59-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-747.36 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -64.23 59-1 93.42 59-1 216.03 59-1 303.61 59-1 356.16 59-1 373.68 59-1 373.68 59-1 356.16 59-1 303.61 59-1 216.03 59-1 93.42 59-1 -64.23 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -64.23 59-1 93.42 59-1 216.03 59-1 303.61 59-1 356.16 59-1 373.68 59-1 373.68 59-1 356.16 59-1 303.61 59-1 216.03 59-1 93.42 59-1 -64.23 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -64.23 59-1 93.42 59-1 216.03 59-1 303.61 59-1 356.16 59-1 373.68 59-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 59-1 356.16 59-1 303.61 59-1 216.03 59-1 93.42 59-1 -64.23 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -64.23 59-1 93.42 59-1 216.03 59-1 303.61 59-1 356.16 59-1 373.68 59-1 373.68 59-1 356.16 59-1 303.61 59-1 216.03 59-1 93.42 59-1 -64.23 59-1 -256.9 59-1 -484.61 59-1 -747.36 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2349.63 59-1 1650.26 59-1 691.56 59-1 -526.48 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -5736.6 59-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2349.63 59-1 1650.26 59-1 691.56 59-1 -526.48 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2970.36 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2349.63 59-1 1650.26 59-1 691.56 59-1 -526.48 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -5736.6 59-1 -3740.56 59-1 -2003.85 59-1 -526.48 59-1 691.56 59-1 1650.26 59-1 2349.63 59-1 2789.66 59-1 2970.36 59-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 2970.36 59-1 0 2789.66 59-1 0 2349.63 59-1 0 1650.26 59-1 0 691.56 59-1 0 -526.48 59-1 0 -2003.85 59-1 0 -3740.56 59-1 0 -5736.6 59-1 0 -290.64 60-1 0 -99.91 60-1 0 36.33 60-1 0 118.07 60-1 0 145.32 60-1 0 118.07 60-1 0 36.33 60-1 0 -99.91 60-1 0 -290.64 60-1 0 -249.12 60-1 0 -85.63 60-1 0 31.14 60-1 0 101.2 60-1 0 124.56 60-1 0 101.2 60-1 0 31.14 60-1 0 -85.63 60-1 0 -249.12 60-1 0 -249.12 60-1 0 -85.63 60-1 0 31.14 60-1 0 101.2 60-1 0 124.56 60-1 0 101.2 60-1 0 31.14 60-1 0 -85.63 60-1 0 -249.12 60-1 0 -249.12 60-1 0 -85.63 60-1 0 31.14 60-1 0 101.2 60-1 0 124.56 60-1 0 101.2 60-1 0 31.14 60-1 0 -85.63 60-1 0 -249.12 60-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-186.84 60-1 -64.23 60-1 23.35 60-1 75.9 60-1 93.42 60-1 75.9 60-1 23.35 60-1 -64.23 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -64.23 60-1 23.35 60-1 75.9 60-1 93.42 60-1 75.9 60-1 23.35 60-1 -64.23 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -64.23 60-1 23.35 60-1 75.9 60-1 93.42 60-1 75.9 60-1 23.35 60-1 -64.23 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -64.23 60-1 23.35 60-1 75.9 60-1 93.42 60-1 75.9 60-1 23.35 60-1 -64.23 60-1 -186.84 60-1 -249.12 60-1 -85.63 60-1 31.14 60-1 101.2 60-1 124.56 60-1 101.2 60-1 31.14 60-1 -85.63 60-1 -249.12 60-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-249.12 60-1 -85.63 60-1 31.14 60-1 101.2 60-1 124.56 60-1 101.2 60-1 31.14 60-1 -85.63 60-1 -249.12 60-1 -249.12 60-1 -85.63 60-1 31.14 60-1 101.2 60-1 124.56 60-1 101.2 60-1 31.14 60-1 -85.63 60-1 -249.12 60-1 -249.12 60-1 -85.63 60-1 31.14 60-1 101.2 60-1 124.56 60-1 101.2 60-1 31.14 60-1 -85.63 60-1 -249.12 60-1 -290.64 61-1 -99.91 61-1 36.33 61-1 118.07 61-1 145.32 61-1 118.07 61-1 36.33 61-1 -99.91 61-1 -290.64 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -186.84 61-1 -64.23 61-1 23.35 61-1 75.9 61-1 93.42 61-1 75.9 61-1 23.35 61-1 -64.23 61-1 -186.84 61-1 -186.84 61-1 -64.23 61-1 23.35 61-1 75.9 61-1 93.42 61-1 75.9 61-1 23.35 61-1 -64.23 61-1 -186.84 61-1 -186.84 61-1 -64.23 61-1 23.35 61-1 75.9 61-1 93.42 61-1 75.9 61-1 23.35 61-1 -64.23 61-1 -186.84 61-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-186.84 61-1 -64.23 61-1 23.35 61-1 75.9 61-1 93.42 61-1 75.9 61-1 23.35 61-1 -64.23 61-1 -186.84 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -249.12 61-1 -85.63 61-1 31.14 61-1 101.2 61-1 124.56 61-1 101.2 61-1 31.14 61-1 -85.63 61-1 -249.12 61-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-6692.7 62-1 -4363.98 62-1 -2337.82 62-1 -614.22 62-1 806.82 62-1 1925.31 62-1 2741.23 62-1 3254.6 62-1 3465.42 62-1 3465.42 62-1 3254.6 62-1 2741.23 62-1 1925.31 62-1 806.82 62-1 -614.22 62-1 -2337.82 62-1 -4363.98 62-1 -6692.7 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -747.36 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -64.23 62-1 93.42 62-1 216.03 62-1 303.61 62-1 356.16 62-1 373.68 62-1 373.68 62-1 356.16 62-1 303.61 62-1 216.03 62-1 93.42 62-1 -64.23 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -747.36 62-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-747.36 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -64.23 62-1 93.42 62-1 216.03 62-1 303.61 62-1 356.16 62-1 373.68 62-1 373.68 62-1 356.16 62-1 303.61 62-1 216.03 62-1 93.42 62-1 -64.23 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -747.36 62-1 -747.36 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -64.23 62-1 93.42 62-1 216.03 62-1 303.61 62-1 356.16 62-1 373.68 62-1 373.68 62-1 356.16 62-1 303.61 62-1 216.03 62-1 93.42 62-1 -64.23 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -747.36 62-1 -747.36 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -64.23 62-1 93.42 62-1 216.03 62-1 303.61 62-1 356.16 62-1 373.68 62-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 62-1 356.16 62-1 303.61 62-1 216.03 62-1 93.42 62-1 -64.23 62-1 -256.9 62-1 -484.61 62-1 -747.36 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -526.48 62-1 691.56 62-1 1650.26 62-1 2349.63 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2970.36 62-1 2789.66 62-1 2349.63 62-1 1650.26 62-1 691.56 62-1 -526.48 62-1 -2003.85 62-1 -3740.56 62-1 -5736.6 62-1 -6692.7 63-1 -4363.98 63-1 -2337.82 63-1 -614.22 63-1 806.82 63-1 1925.31 63-1 2741.23 63-1 3254.6 63-1 3465.42 63-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3465.42 63-1 3254.6 63-1 2741.23 63-1 1925.31 63-1 806.82 63-1 -614.22 63-1 -2337.82 63-1 -4363.98 63-1 -6692.7 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -526.48 63-1 691.56 63-1 1650.26 63-1 2349.63 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2349.63 63-1 1650.26 63-1 691.56 63-1 -526.48 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -526.48 63-1 691.56 63-1 1650.26 63-1 2349.63 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2349.63 63-1 1650.26 63-1 691.56 63-1 -526.48 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -5736.6 63-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -526.48 63-1 691.56 63-1 1650.26 63-1 2349.63 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2349.63 63-1 1650.26 63-1 691.56 63-1 -526.48 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -64.23 63-1 93.42 63-1 216.03 63-1 303.61 63-1 356.16 63-1 373.68 63-1 373.68 63-1 356.16 63-1 303.61 63-1 216.03 63-1 93.42 63-1 -64.23 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -64.23 63-1 93.42 63-1 216.03 63-1 303.61 63-1 356.16 63-1 373.68 63-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

373.68 63-1 356.16 63-1 303.61 63-1 216.03 63-1 93.42 63-1 -64.23 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -64.23 63-1 93.42 63-1 216.03 63-1 303.61 63-1 356.16 63-1 373.68 63-1 373.68 63-1 356.16 63-1 303.61 63-1 216.03 63-1 93.42 63-1 -64.23 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -747.36 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -64.23 63-1 93.42 63-1 216.03 63-1 303.61 63-1 356.16 63-1 373.68 63-1 373.68 63-1 356.16 63-1 303.61 63-1 216.03 63-1 93.42 63-1 -64.23 63-1 -256.9 63-1 -484.61 63-1 -747.36 63-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2349.63 63-1 1650.26 63-1 691.56 63-1 -526.48 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -526.48 63-1 691.56 63-1 1650.26 63-1 2349.63 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2970.36 63-1 2789.66 63-1 2349.63 63-1 1650.26 63-1 691.56 63-1 -526.48 63-1 -2003.85 63-1 -3740.56 63-1 -5736.6 63-1 -6692.7 64-1 -4363.98 64-1 -2337.82 64-1 -614.22 64-1 806.82 64-1 1925.31 64-1 2741.23 64-1 3254.6 64-1 3465.42 64-1 3465.42 64-1 3254.6 64-1 2741.23 64-1 1925.31 64-1 806.82 64-1 -614.22 64-1 -2337.82 64-1 -4363.98 64-1 -6692.7 64-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -526.48 64-1 691.56 64-1 1650.26 64-1 2349.63 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2349.63 64-1 1650.26 64-1 691.56 64-1 -526.48 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -526.48 64-1 691.56 64-1 1650.26 64-1 2349.63 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2349.63 64-1 1650.26 64-1 691.56 64-1 -526.48 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -526.48 64-1 691.56 64-1 1650.26 64-1 2349.63 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2970.36 64-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 2970.36 64-1 0 2789.66 64-1 0 2349.63 64-1 0 1650.26 64-1 0 691.56 64-1 0 -526.48 64-1 0 -2003.85 64-1 0 -3740.56 64-1 0 -5736.6 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 -747.36 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 373.68 64-1 0 356.16 64-1 0 303.61 64-1 0 216.03 64-1 0 93.42 64-1 0 -64.23 64-1 0 -256.9 64-1 0 -484.61 64-1 0 -747.36 64-1 0 -5736.6 64-1 0 -3740.56 64-1 0 -2003.85 64-1 0 -526.48 64-1 0 691.56 64-1 0 1650.26 64-1 0 2349.63 64-1 0 2789.66 64-1 0 2970.36 64-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2970.36 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2349.63 64-1 1650.26 64-1 691.56 64-1 -526.48 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -526.48 64-1 691.56 64-1 1650.26 64-1 2349.63 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2349.63 64-1 1650.26 64-1 691.56 64-1 -526.48 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -526.48 64-1 691.56 64-1 1650.26 64-1 2349.63 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2349.63 64-1 1650.26 64-1 691.56 64-1 -526.48 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -5736.6 64-1

3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-5736.6 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -526.48 64-1 691.56 64-1 1650.26 64-1 2349.63 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2970.36 64-1 2789.66 64-1 2349.63 64-1 1650.26 64-1 691.56 64-1 -526.48 64-1 -2003.85 64-1 -3740.56 64-1 -5736.6 64-1 -1404.48 65-1 -880.14 65-1 -430.71 65-1 -56.18 65-1 243.44 65-1 468.16 65-1 617.97 65-1 692.87 65-1 692.87 65-1 617.97 65-1 468.16 65-1 243.44 65-1 -56.18 65-1 -430.71 65-1 -880.14 65-1 -1404.48 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1 208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1 208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -29.89 65-1 129.54 65-1 249.12 65-1 328.84 65-1 368.7 65-1

5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

368.7 65-1 328.84 65-1 249.12 65-1 129.54 65-1 -29.89 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -29.89 65-1 129.54 65-1 249.12 65-1 328.84 65-1 368.7 65-1 368.7 65-1 328.84 65-1 249.12 65-1 129.54 65-1 -29.89 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -29.89 65-1 129.54 65-1 249.12 65-1 328.84 65-1 368.7 65-1 368.7 65-1 328.84 65-1 249.12 65-1 129.54 65-1 -29.89 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -29.89 65-1 129.54 65-1

3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

249.12 65-1 328.84 65-1 368.7 65-1 368.7 65-1 328.84 65-1 249.12 65-1 129.54 65-1 -29.89 65-1 -229.19 65-1 -468.34 65-1 -747.36 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1 208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1 208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1

2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1 208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -48.15 65-1 208.67 65-1 401.28 65-1 529.69 65-1 593.89 65-1 593.89 65-1 529.69 65-1 401.28 65-1 208.67 65-1 -48.15 65-1 -369.18 65-1 -754.4 65-1 -1203.84 65-1 -6692.7 66-1 -4363.98 66-1 -2337.82 66-1 -614.22 66-1 806.82 66-1 1925.31 66-1 2741.23 66-1 3254.6 66-1 3465.42 66-1 3465.42 66-1 3254.6 66-1 2741.23 66-1 1925.31 66-1 806.82 66-1 -614.22 66-1

0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 2.88 3.36 3.84 4.32 4.8 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2337.82 66-1 -4363.98 66-1 -6692.7 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -526.48 66-1 691.56 66-1 1650.26 66-1 2349.63 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2349.63 66-1 1650.26 66-1 691.56 66-1 -526.48 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -526.48 66-1 691.56 66-1 1650.26 66-1 2349.63 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2349.63 66-1 1650.26 66-1 691.56 66-1 -526.48 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -526.48 66-1 691.56 66-1 1650.26 66-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 2349.63 66-1 0 2789.66 66-1 0 2970.36 66-1 0 2970.36 66-1 0 2789.66 66-1 0 2349.63 66-1 0 1650.26 66-1 0 691.56 66-1 0 -526.48 66-1 0 -2003.85 66-1 0 -3740.56 66-1 0 -5736.6 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -256.9 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 373.68 66-1 0 356.16 66-1 0 303.61 66-1 0 216.03 66-1 0 93.42 66-1 0 -64.23 66-1 0 -256.9 66-1 0 -484.61 66-1 0 -747.36 66-1 0 -5736.6 66-1 0 -3740.56 66-1 0 -2003.85 66-1 0 -526.48 66-1 0 691.56 66-1 0 1650.26 66-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2349.63 66-1 1650.26 66-1 691.56 66-1 -526.48 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -526.48 66-1 691.56 66-1 1650.26 66-1 2349.63 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2349.63 66-1 1650.26 66-1 691.56 66-1 -526.48 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -526.48 66-1 691.56 66-1 1650.26 66-1 2349.63 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2349.63 66-1 1650.26 66-1 691.56 66-1 -526.48 66-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -526.48 66-1 691.56 66-1 1650.26 66-1 2349.63 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2970.36 66-1 2789.66 66-1 2349.63 66-1 1650.26 66-1 691.56 66-1 -526.48 66-1 -2003.85 66-1 -3740.56 66-1 -5736.6 66-1 -6692.7 67-1 -4363.98 67-1 -2337.82 67-1 -614.22 67-1 806.82 67-1 1925.31 67-1 2741.23 67-1 3254.6 67-1 3465.42 67-1 3465.42 67-1 3254.6 67-1 2741.23 67-1 1925.31 67-1 806.82 67-1 -614.22 67-1 -2337.82 67-1 -4363.98 67-1 -6692.7 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -526.48 67-1 691.56 67-1 1650.26 67-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2349.63 67-1 1650.26 67-1 691.56 67-1 -526.48 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -526.48 67-1 691.56 67-1 1650.26 67-1 2349.63 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2349.63 67-1 1650.26 67-1 691.56 67-1 -526.48 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -526.48 67-1 691.56 67-1 1650.26 67-1 2349.63 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2349.63 67-1 1650.26 67-1 691.56 67-1 -526.48 67-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -2003.85 67-1 0 -3740.56 67-1 0 -5736.6 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 216.03 67-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 303.61 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 373.68 67-1 0 356.16 67-1 0 303.61 67-1 0 216.03 67-1 0 93.42 67-1 0 -64.23 67-1 0 -256.9 67-1 0 -484.61 67-1 0 -747.36 67-1 0 -5736.6 67-1 0 -3740.56 67-1 0 -2003.85 67-1 0 -526.48 67-1 0 691.56 67-1 0 1650.26 67-1 0 2349.63 67-1 0 2789.66 67-1 0 2970.36 67-1 0 2970.36 67-1 0 2789.66 67-1 0 2349.63 67-1 0 1650.26 67-1 0 691.56 67-1 0 -526.48 67-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -526.48 67-1 691.56 67-1 1650.26 67-1 2349.63 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2349.63 67-1 1650.26 67-1 691.56 67-1 -526.48 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -526.48 67-1 691.56 67-1 1650.26 67-1 2349.63 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2349.63 67-1 1650.26 67-1 691.56 67-1 -526.48 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -526.48 67-1 691.56 67-1 1650.26 67-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2970.36 67-1 2789.66 67-1 2349.63 67-1 1650.26 67-1 691.56 67-1 -526.48 67-1 -2003.85 67-1 -3740.56 67-1 -5736.6 67-1 -6692.7 68-1 -4363.98 68-1 -2337.82 68-1 -614.22 68-1 806.82 68-1 1925.31 68-1 2741.23 68-1 3254.6 68-1 3465.42 68-1 3465.42 68-1 3254.6 68-1 2741.23 68-1 1925.31 68-1 806.82 68-1 -614.22 68-1 -2337.82 68-1 -4363.98 68-1 -6692.7 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1 2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-2003.85 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1 2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1 2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -64.23 68-1 93.42 68-1 216.03 68-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

303.61 68-1 356.16 68-1 373.68 68-1 373.68 68-1 356.16 68-1 303.61 68-1 216.03 68-1 93.42 68-1 -64.23 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -64.23 68-1 93.42 68-1 216.03 68-1 303.61 68-1 356.16 68-1 373.68 68-1 373.68 68-1 356.16 68-1 303.61 68-1 216.03 68-1 93.42 68-1 -64.23 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -64.23 68-1 93.42 68-1 216.03 68-1 303.61 68-1 356.16 68-1 373.68 68-1 373.68 68-1 356.16 68-1 303.61 68-1 216.03 68-1 93.42 68-1 -64.23 68-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-256.9 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -64.23 68-1 93.42 68-1 216.03 68-1 303.61 68-1 356.16 68-1 373.68 68-1 373.68 68-1 356.16 68-1 303.61 68-1 216.03 68-1 93.42 68-1 -64.23 68-1 -256.9 68-1 -484.61 68-1 -747.36 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1 2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1 2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -5736.6 68-1 -3740.56 68-1 -2003.85 68-1 -526.48 68-1 691.56 68-1 1650.26 68-1 2349.63 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2970.36 68-1 2789.66 68-1 2349.63 68-1 1650.26 68-1 691.56 68-1 -526.48 68-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85 6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 3.6 4.05 4.5 4.95 5.4 5.85

0 -2003.85 68-1 0 -3740.56 68-1 0 -5736.6 68-1 0 -290.64 69-1 0 -99.91 69-1 0 36.33 69-1 0 118.07 69-1 0 145.32 69-1 0 118.07 69-1 0 36.33 69-1 0 -99.91 69-1 0 -290.64 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 124.56 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 124.56 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 124.56 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -186.84 69-1 0 -64.23 69-1 0 23.35 69-1 0 75.9 69-1 0 93.42 69-1 0 75.9 69-1

6.3 6.75 7.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23.35 69-1 -64.23 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -64.23 69-1 23.35 69-1 75.9 69-1 93.42 69-1 75.9 69-1 23.35 69-1 -64.23 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -64.23 69-1 23.35 69-1 75.9 69-1 93.42 69-1 75.9 69-1 23.35 69-1 -64.23 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -64.23 69-1 23.35 69-1 75.9 69-1 93.42 69-1 75.9 69-1 23.35 69-1 -64.23 69-1 -186.84 69-1 -249.12 69-1 -85.63 69-1 31.14 69-1 101.2 69-1 124.56 69-1 101.2 69-1 31.14 69-1 -85.63 69-1 -249.12 69-1 -249.12 69-1 -85.63 69-1 31.14 69-1 101.2 69-1 124.56 69-1 101.2 69-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0 31.14 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 124.56 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 124.56 69-1 0 101.2 69-1 0 31.14 69-1 0 -85.63 69-1 0 -249.12 69-1 0 -2152.34 70-1 0 -990.21 70-1 0 -201.6 70-1 0 -201.6 70-1 0 99.09 70-1 0 339.64 70-1 0 520.06 70-1 0 640.34 70-1 0 700.47 70-1 0 700.47 70-1 0 640.34 70-1 0 520.06 70-1 0 339.64 70-1 0 99.09 70-1 0 -201.6 70-1 0 -201.6 70-1 0 -990.21 70-1 0 -2152.34 70-1 0 -1844.87 70-1 0 -848.75 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1 0 84.93 70-1 0 291.12 70-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

445.76 70-1 548.86 70-1 600.41 70-1 600.41 70-1 548.86 70-1 445.76 70-1 291.12 70-1 84.93 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 84.93 70-1 291.12 70-1 445.76 70-1 548.86 70-1 600.41 70-1 600.41 70-1 548.86 70-1 445.76 70-1 291.12 70-1 84.93 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 84.93 70-1 291.12 70-1 445.76 70-1 548.86 70-1 600.41 70-1 600.41 70-1 548.86 70-1 445.76 70-1 291.12 70-1 84.93 70-1 -172.8 70-1

2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2

0 -172.8 70-1 0 -848.75 70-1 0 -1844.87 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 136.88 70-1

6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545

0 252.87 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 368.85 70-1 0 330.19 70-1 0 252.87 70-1 0 136.88 70-1 0 -17.76 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -211.06 70-1 0 -457.58 70-1 0 -747.36 70-1 0 -1844.87 70-1 0 -848.75 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1 0 84.93 70-1 0 291.12 70-1 0 445.76 70-1 0 548.86 70-1 0 600.41 70-1 0 600.41 70-1 0 548.86 70-1 0 445.76 70-1 0 291.12 70-1 0 84.93 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1

2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-172.8 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 84.93 70-1 291.12 70-1 445.76 70-1 548.86 70-1 600.41 70-1 600.41 70-1 548.86 70-1 445.76 70-1 291.12 70-1 84.93 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 84.93 70-1 291.12 70-1 445.76 70-1 548.86 70-1 600.41 70-1 600.41 70-1 548.86 70-1 445.76 70-1 291.12 70-1 84.93 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -1844.87 70-1 -848.75 70-1 -172.8 70-1 -172.8 70-1 84.93 70-1 291.12 70-1

6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545 2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2 0 0.5 1 1 1.47273 1.94545

0 445.76 70-1 0 548.86 70-1 0 600.41 70-1 0 600.41 70-1 0 548.86 70-1 0 445.76 70-1 0 291.12 70-1 0 84.93 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1 0 -172.8 70-1 0 -848.75 70-1 0 -1844.87 70-1 3952.55 -8501.34

2.41818 2.89091 3.36364 3.83636 4.30909 4.78182 5.25455 5.72727 6.2 6.2 6.7 7.2

TABLE: Element Forces - Frames Frame Station OutputCase Text m Text 71 0 1,4D 71 0.45 1,4D 71 0.9 1,4D 71 1.35 1,4D 71 1.8 1,4D 71 2.25 1,4D 71 2.7 1,4D 71 3.15 1,4D 71 3.6 1,4D 71 3.6 1,4D 71 4.05 1,4D 71 4.5 1,4D 71 4.95 1,4D 71 5.4 1,4D 71 5.85 1,4D 71 6.3 1,4D 71 6.75 1,4D 71 7.2 1,4D 71 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 71 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 71 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 71 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 71 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 71 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 71 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

CaseType Text Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

StepType Text

P Kgf 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 73.41 73.41 73.41 73.41 73.41 73.41 73.41 73.41 73.41 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 48.55 48.55 48.55 48.55 48.55 48.55

V2 Kgf -8741.81 -7902.98 -7018.78 -6089.23 -5114.31 -4139.4 -3209.84 -2325.65 -1486.81 903.58 1742.42 2626.61 3556.17 4531.08 5506 6435.55 7319.75 8158.58 -9239.89 -8480.38 -7601 -6601.74 -5482.6 -4363.46 -3364.2 -2484.81 -1725.31 1218.27 1977.77 2857.15 3856.42 4975.56 6094.7 7093.96 7973.34 8732.84 -8585.19 -7840.88 -7007.06 -6083.73 -5070.9 -4058.07

V3 Kgf -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24

T Kgf-m -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 -104.66 147.74 147.74 147.74 147.74 147.74 147.74 147.74 147.74 147.74 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 -445.3 470.72 470.72 470.72 470.72 470.72 470.72 470.72 470.72 470.72 -312.26 -312.26 -312.26 -312.26 -312.26 -312.26

71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

48.55 48.55 48.55 59.23 59.23 59.23 59.23 59.23 59.23 59.23 59.23 59.23 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 58.88 58.88 58.88 58.88 58.88 58.88 58.88 58.88 58.88 442.47 442.47 442.47 442.47 442.47 442.47 442.47 442.47 442.47 398.56 398.56 398.56 398.56 398.56 398.56

-3134.75 -2300.93 -1556.62 1051.75 1796.07 2629.89 3553.21 4566.04 5578.87 6502.2 7336.01 8080.33 -8584.85 -7840.54 -7006.72 -6083.4 -5070.57 -4057.74 -3134.41 -2300.59 -1556.28 1051.84 1796.16 2629.97 3553.3 4566.13 5578.96 6502.28 7336.1 8080.42 -484.77 -314.48 -144.18 26.12 196.41 366.71 537 707.3 877.6 2654.15 2824.45 2994.75 3165.04 3335.34 3505.64

-1.24 -1.24 -1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06

-312.26 -312.26 -312.26 341.89 341.89 341.89 341.89 341.89 341.89 341.89 341.89 341.89 -312 -312 -312 -312 -312 -312 -312 -312 -312 341.72 341.72 341.72 341.72 341.72 341.72 341.72 341.72 341.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1188.72 1453.09 1453.09 1453.09 1453.09 1453.09 1453.09

71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

398.56 398.56 398.56 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -247.4 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 -182.62 908.46 908.46 908.46 908.46 908.46 908.46 908.46 908.46 908.46 597 597 597 597 597 597 597 597 597 -713.38 -713.38 -713.38 -713.38 -713.38 -713.38

3675.93 3846.23 4016.52 -3928.6 -3758.3 -3588.01 -3417.71 -3247.41 -3077.12 -2906.82 -2736.53 -2566.23 -995.61 -825.31 -655.01 -484.72 -314.42 -144.13 26.17 196.47 366.76 2009.6 2179.89 2350.19 2520.48 2690.78 2861.08 3031.37 3201.67 3371.97 5102.2 5272.5 5442.79 5613.09 5783.39 5953.68 6123.98 6294.28 6464.57 -6422.97 -6252.67 -6082.38 -5912.08 -5741.78 -5571.49

6.06 6.06 6.06 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28

1453.09 1453.09 1453.09 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1467.68 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 -1160.65 266.08 266.08 266.08 266.08 266.08 266.08 266.08 266.08 266.08 548.09 548.09 548.09 548.09 548.09 548.09 548.09 548.09 548.09 -545.04 -545.04 -545.04 -545.04 -545.04 -545.04

71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-713.38 -5401.19 -713.38 -5230.89 -713.38 -5060.6 -381.06 -3443.66 -381.06 -3273.36 -381.06 -3103.06 -381.06 -2932.77 -381.06 -2762.47 -381.06 -2592.17 -381.06 -2421.88 -381.06 -2251.58 -381.06 -2081.29 392.97 -6862.79 392.97 -6118.47 392.97 -5284.65 392.97 -4361.33 392.97 -3348.5 392.97 -2335.67 392.97 -1412.35 392.97 -578.53 392.97 165.79 349.32 2876.76 349.32 3621.07 349.32 4454.89 349.32 5378.22 349.32 6391.05 349.32 7403.88 349.32 8327.2 349.32 9161.02 349.32 9905.33 -296.9 -10306.61 -296.9 -9562.3 -296.9 -8728.48 -296.9 -7805.16 -296.9 -6792.33 -296.9 -5779.5 -296.9 -4856.17 -296.9 -4022.35 -296.9 -3278.04 -231.87 -773 -231.87 -28.69 -231.87 805.13 -231.87 1728.46 -231.87 2741.29 -231.87 3754.12

-3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 6.91 6.91 6.91 6.91 6.91 6.91 6.91 6.91 6.91 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44

-545.04 -545.04 -545.04 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 -255.66 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1016.32 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 1648.51 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -1640.08 -965.23 -965.23 -965.23 -965.23 -965.23 -965.23

71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-231.87 -231.87 -231.87 858.96 858.96 858.96 858.96 858.96 858.96 858.96 858.96 858.96 547.76 547.76 547.76 547.76 547.76 547.76 547.76 547.76 547.76 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -762.89 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -430.31 -266.23 -266.23 -266.23 -266.23 -266.23 -266.23

4677.44 5511.26 6255.57 -4368.42 -3624.11 -2790.29 -1866.96 -854.13 158.7 1082.02 1915.84 2660.15 5324.81 6069.12 6902.94 7826.27 8839.1 9851.93 10775.25 11609.07 12353.38 -12800.98 -12056.67 -11222.85 -10299.53 -9286.7 -8273.87 -7350.54 -6516.72 -5772.41 -3221.05 -2476.73 -1642.92 -719.59 293.24 1306.07 2229.39 3063.21 3807.53 -4205.49 -3270.65 -2279.81 -1232.97 -134.61 963.74

-4.44 -4.44 -4.44 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37

-965.23 -965.23 -965.23 93.69 93.69 93.69 93.69 93.69 93.69 93.69 93.69 93.69 743.52 743.52 743.52 743.52 743.52 743.52 743.52 743.52 743.52 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -717.44 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 -60.23 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27

72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72

3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-266.23 -266.23 -266.23 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -163.81 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.72 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 -187.92 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 13.57 13.57 13.57 13.57 13.57 13.57

2010.58 3001.42 3936.26 -4438.05 -3586.76 -2587.47 -1440.18 -156.73 1126.72 2274.01 3273.3 4124.59 -4126.04 -3293.5 -2350.46 -1296.92 -141.71 1013.49 2067.03 3010.07 3842.61 -4125.62 -3293.08 -2350.04 -1296.5 -141.3 1013.91 2067.45 3010.49 3843.03 2496.72 2685.94 2875.16 3064.38 3253.59 3442.81 3632.03 3821.25 4010.47 -4056.21 -3866.99 -3677.77 -3488.56 -3299.34 -3110.12

-0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85

4.27 4.27 4.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 -13.14 -13.14 -13.14 -13.14 -13.14 -13.14

72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

13.57 -2920.9 13.57 -2731.68 13.57 -2542.47 34.19 8805.84 34.19 8995.06 34.19 9184.28 34.19 9373.5 34.19 9562.71 34.19 9751.93 34.19 9941.15 34.19 10130.37 34.19 10319.59 16.31 -10365.33 16.31 -10176.11 16.31 -9986.89 16.31 -9797.68 16.31 -9608.46 16.31 -9419.24 16.31 -9230.02 16.31 -9040.8 16.31 -8851.59 -176.33 -848.96 -176.33 -16.42 -176.33 926.62 -176.33 1980.16 -176.33 3135.36 -176.33 4290.56 -176.33 5344.1 -176.33 6287.14 -176.33 7119.68 -199.69 -7401.9 -199.69 -6569.35 -199.69 -5626.31 -199.69 -4572.77 -199.69 -3417.57 -199.69 -2262.37 -199.69 -1208.83 -199.69 -265.79 -199.69 566.75 -179.07 5460.16 -179.07 6292.7 -179.07 7235.74 -179.07 8289.28 -179.07 9444.48 -179.07 10599.68

-0.85 -0.85 -0.85 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78

-13.14 -13.14 -13.14 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97

72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-179.07 -179.07 -179.07 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 -196.95 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 27.71 27.71 27.71 27.71 27.71 27.71

11653.22 12596.26 13428.8 -13711.01 -12878.47 -11935.43 -10881.89 -9726.69 -8571.49 -7517.95 -6574.91 -5742.37 -8266.93 -7428.09 -6543.9 -5614.34 -4639.43 -3664.51 -2734.95 -1850.76 -1011.92 1364.58 2203.42 3087.62 4017.17 4992.09 5967 6896.56 7780.75 8619.59 -8862.44 -8102.94 -7223.56 -6224.29 -5105.15 -3986.01 -2986.75 -2107.37 -1347.86 1586.11 2345.61 3224.99 4224.25 5343.39 6462.53

1.78 1.78 1.78 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -2.56 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04

11.97 11.97 11.97 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 -143.5 114.26 114.26 114.26 114.26 114.26 114.26 114.26 114.26 114.26 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 -466.61 459.82 459.82 459.82 459.82 459.82 459.82

73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

27.71 27.71 27.71 67.74 67.74 67.74 67.74 67.74 67.74 67.74 67.74 67.74 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 67.34 67.34 67.34 67.34 67.34 67.34 67.34 67.34 67.34 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 392.56 392.56 392.56 392.56 392.56 392.56

7461.8 8341.18 9100.68 -8196.57 -7452.25 -6618.43 -5695.11 -4682.28 -3669.45 -2746.12 -1912.31 -1167.99 1429.92 2174.23 3008.05 3931.37 4944.2 5957.03 6880.36 7714.17 8458.49 -8196.3 -7451.98 -6618.16 -5694.84 -4682.01 -3669.18 -2745.86 -1912.04 -1167.72 1429.93 2174.24 3008.06 3931.39 4944.22 5957.05 6880.37 7714.19 8458.5 -500.06 -329.77 -159.47 10.82 181.12 351.42

1.04 1.04 1.04 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89

459.82 459.82 459.82 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 -337.95 324.44 324.44 324.44 324.44 324.44 324.44 324.44 324.44 324.44 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 -337.79 324.16 324.16 324.16 324.16 324.16 324.16 324.16 324.16 324.16 1161.57 1161.57 1161.57 1161.57 1161.57 1161.57

73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

392.56 392.56 392.56 399.52 399.52 399.52 399.52 399.52 399.52 399.52 399.52 399.52 -172 -172 -172 -172 -172 -172 -172 -172 -172 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 -221.04 603.43 603.43 603.43 603.43 603.43 603.43 603.43 603.43 603.43 893.83 893.83 893.83 893.83 893.83 893.83

521.71 692.01 862.31 2656.07 2826.37 2996.67 3166.96 3337.26 3507.55 3677.85 3848.15 4018.44 -3923.33 -3753.04 -3582.74 -3412.44 -3242.15 -3071.85 -2901.56 -2731.26 -2560.96 -1005.74 -835.44 -665.14 -494.85 -324.55 -154.25 16.04 186.34 356.63 2027.72 2198.02 2368.32 2538.61 2708.91 2879.2 3049.5 3219.8 3390.09 5073.65 5243.95 5414.25 5584.54 5754.84 5925.13

4.89 4.89 4.89 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 -5.92 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14

1161.57 1161.57 1161.57 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 1455.62 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1453.71 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 -1172.09 254.77 254.77 254.77 254.77 254.77 254.77 254.77 254.77 254.77 543.71 543.71 543.71 543.71 543.71 543.71

73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

893.83 893.83 893.83 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -382.87 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 -715.34 349.44 349.44 349.44 349.44 349.44 349.44 349.44 349.44 349.44 316.79 316.79 316.79 316.79 316.79 316.79 316.79 316.79 316.79 -215.12 -215.12 -215.12 -215.12 -215.12 -215.12

6095.43 6265.73 6436.02 -6451.12 -6280.82 -6110.53 -5940.23 -5769.94 -5599.64 -5429.34 -5259.05 -5088.75 -3423.32 -3253.02 -3082.72 -2912.43 -2742.13 -2571.83 -2401.54 -2231.24 -2060.95 -6484.54 -5740.23 -4906.41 -3983.08 -2970.25 -1957.42 -1034.1 -200.28 544.03 3260.84 4005.15 4838.97 5762.3 6775.13 7787.96 8711.28 9545.1 10289.41 -9907.81 -9163.49 -8329.68 -7406.35 -6393.52 -5380.69

3.14 3.14 3.14 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 -7.3 -7.3 -7.3 -7.3 -7.3 -7.3

543.71 543.71 543.71 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -546.91 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 -260.18 969.93 969.93 969.93 969.93 969.93 969.93 969.93 969.93 969.93 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 1637.89 -1645.35 -1645.35 -1645.35 -1645.35 -1645.35 -1645.35

73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-215.12 -4457.37 -215.12 -3623.55 -215.12 -2879.23 -303.77 -400.97 -303.77 343.35 -303.77 1177.17 -303.77 2100.49 -303.77 3113.32 -303.77 4126.15 -303.77 5049.47 -303.77 5883.29 -303.77 6627.61 560.31 -3956.75 560.31 -3212.44 560.31 -2378.62 560.31 -1455.29 560.31 -442.47 560.31 570.36 560.31 1493.69 560.31 2327.51 560.31 3071.82 811.1 5678.42 811.1 6422.74 811.1 7256.55 811.1 8179.88 811.1 9192.71 811.1 10205.54 811.1 11128.86 811.1 11962.68 811.1 12707 -425.99 -12435.6 -425.99 -11691.28 -425.99 -10857.46 -425.99 -9934.14 -425.99 -8921.31 -425.99 -7908.48 -425.99 -6985.16 -425.99 -6151.34 -425.99 -5407.02 -798.08 -2818.55 -798.08 -2074.23 -798.08 -1240.41 -798.08 -317.09 -798.08 695.74 -798.08 1708.57

-7.3 -1645.35 -7.3 -1645.35 -7.3 -1645.35 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 -5.17 -989.82 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 2.47 63.13 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 3.9 725.97 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -6.22 -738.55 -1.87 -77.91 -1.87 -77.91 -1.87 -77.91 -1.87 -77.91 -1.87 -77.91 -1.87 -77.91

73 73 73 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-798.08 2631.89 -798.08 3465.71 -798.08 4210.03 184.8 -8513.98 184.8 -8203.72 184.8 -7802.73 184.8 -7311.03 184.8 -6728.6 184.8 -6146.18 184.8 -5654.47 184.8 -5253.49 184.8 -4943.22 139.45 4367.23 139.45 4677.49 139.45 5078.48 139.45 5570.18 139.45 6152.61 139.45 6735.03 139.45 7226.74 139.45 7627.72 139.45 7937.99 369.86 -11442.33 369.86 -11095.39 369.86 -10508.69 369.86 -9682.22 369.86 -8616 369.86 -7549.78 369.86 -6723.32 369.86 -6136.62 369.86 -5789.68 275.94 5376.71 275.94 5723.65 275.94 6310.35 275.94 7136.81 275.94 8203.04 275.94 9269.26 275.94 10095.72 275.94 10682.42 275.94 11029.36 291.21 -9888.4 291.21 -9571.83 291.21 -9076.25 291.21 -8401.67 291.21 -7548.07 291.21 -6694.47

-1.87 -1.87 -1.87 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84

-77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 675.62 675.62 675.62 675.62 675.62 675.62 675.62 675.62 675.62 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 -1241.87 985.35 985.35 985.35 985.35 985.35 985.35 985.35 985.35 985.35 -1053.83 -1053.83 -1053.83 -1053.83 -1053.83 -1053.83

76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

291.21 291.21 291.21 217.72 217.72 217.72 217.72 217.72 217.72 217.72 217.72 217.72 290.66 290.66 290.66 290.66 290.66 290.66 290.66 290.66 290.66 217.35 217.35 217.35 217.35 217.35 217.35 217.35 217.35 217.35 370.89 370.89 370.89 370.89 370.89 370.89 370.89 370.89 370.89 238.51 238.51 238.51 238.51 238.51 238.51

-6019.89 -5524.31 -5207.74 4763.58 5080.15 5575.72 6250.31 7103.91 7957.5 8632.09 9127.67 9444.23 -9888.14 -9571.57 -9075.99 -8401.41 -7547.81 -6694.21 -6019.63 -5524.05 -5207.48 4764.11 5080.67 5576.25 6250.84 7104.43 7958.03 8632.62 9128.19 9444.76 -1942.37 -1772.07 -1601.77 -1431.48 -1261.18 -1090.88 -920.59 -750.29 -580 3704.25 3874.54 4044.84 4215.14 4385.43 4555.73

-2.84 -2.84 -2.84 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59

-1053.83 -1053.83 -1053.83 833.15 833.15 833.15 833.15 833.15 833.15 833.15 833.15 833.15 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 -1053.62 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 995.01 995.01 995.01 995.01 995.01 995.01 995.01 995.01 995.01 1757.72 1757.72 1757.72 1757.72 1757.72 1757.72

76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

238.51 238.51 238.51 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 58.66 58.66 58.66 58.66 58.66 58.66 58.66 58.66 58.66 629.46 629.46 629.46 629.46 629.46 629.46 629.46 629.46 629.46 403.62 403.62 403.62 403.62 403.62 403.62 403.62 403.62 403.62 -252.84 -252.84 -252.84 -252.84 -252.84 -252.84

4726.03 4896.32 5066.62 -5165.31 -4995.02 -4824.72 -4654.42 -4484.13 -4313.83 -4143.54 -3973.24 -3802.94 707.69 877.99 1048.29 1218.58 1388.88 1559.17 1729.47 1899.77 2070.06 511.64 681.94 852.24 1022.53 1192.83 1363.12 1533.42 1703.72 1874.01 6263.63 6433.92 6604.22 6774.52 6944.81 7115.11 7285.4 7455.7 7626 -7619.32 -7449.03 -7278.73 -7108.43 -6938.14 -6767.84

4.59 4.59 4.59 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87

1757.72 1757.72 1757.72 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1885.52 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -1022.79 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 787.61 787.61 787.61 787.61 787.61 787.61 787.61 787.61 787.61 -889.87 -889.87 -889.87 -889.87 -889.87 -889.87

76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-252.84 -252.84 -252.84 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 -106.45 472.98 472.98 472.98 472.98 472.98 472.98 472.98 472.98 472.98 307.1 307.1 307.1 307.1 307.1 307.1 307.1 307.1 307.1 107.83 107.83 107.83 107.83 107.83 107.83 107.83 107.83 107.83 127.26 127.26 127.26 127.26 127.26 127.26

-6597.54 -6427.25 -6256.95 -1851.68 -1681.39 -1511.09 -1340.8 -1170.5 -1000.2 -829.91 -659.61 -489.31 -8276.55 -7959.98 -7464.4 -6789.82 -5936.22 -5082.62 -4408.04 -3912.46 -3595.89 6262.62 6579.19 7074.76 7749.35 8602.95 9456.54 10131.13 10626.71 10943.28 -11499.49 -11182.93 -10687.35 -10012.76 -9159.17 -8305.57 -7630.98 -7135.41 -6818.84 3266.07 3582.63 4078.21 4752.8 5606.39 6459.99

-4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 -3.34 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17

-889.87 -889.87 -889.87 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 -52.68 386.74 386.74 386.74 386.74 386.74 386.74 386.74 386.74 386.74 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 2223.22 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -2493.8 -557.28 -557.28 -557.28 -557.28 -557.28 -557.28

76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

127.26 127.26 127.26 731.56 731.56 731.56 731.56 731.56 731.56 731.56 731.56 731.56 472.21 472.21 472.21 472.21 472.21 472.21 472.21 472.21 472.21 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -150.75 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -37.86 -248.21 -248.21 -248.21 -248.21 -248.21 -248.21

7134.58 7630.15 7946.72 -5822.54 -5505.97 -5010.39 -4335.81 -3482.21 -2628.61 -1954.03 -1458.45 -1141.88 8822 9138.57 9634.14 10308.73 11162.33 12015.92 12690.51 13186.09 13502.65 -13953.5 -13636.94 -13141.36 -12466.77 -11613.18 -10759.58 -10084.99 -9589.42 -9272.85 706.69 1023.26 1518.83 2193.42 3047.02 3900.61 4575.2 5070.78 5387.34 -2171.01 -1820.67 -1358.33 -783.99 -106.61 570.77

-1.17 -1.17 -1.17 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -6.59 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54

-557.28 -557.28 -557.28 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 -608.91 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 1253.11 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 -1498.15 412.83 412.83 412.83 412.83 412.83 412.83 412.83 412.83 412.83 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15

77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77

3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-248.21 -248.21 -248.21 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -248.67 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.17 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 -235.2 96.94 96.94 96.94 96.94 96.94 96.94 96.94 96.94 96.94 -187.99 -187.99 -187.99 -187.99 -187.99 -187.99

1145.11 1607.45 1957.79 -3477.42 -3077.13 -2380.83 -1388.54 -123.93 1140.68 2132.97 2829.26 3229.55 -2871.66 -2508.87 -1925.08 -1120.29 -112.18 895.93 1700.72 2284.52 2647.31 -2871.27 -2508.48 -1924.69 -1119.9 -111.79 896.32 1701.11 2284.9 2647.69 2280.76 2469.97 2659.19 2848.41 3037.63 3226.85 3416.06 3605.28 3794.5 -3833.37 -3644.15 -3454.93 -3265.71 -3076.49 -2887.28

-0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51

-6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 11.27 11.27 11.27 11.27 11.27 11.27 11.27 11.27 11.27 -10.38 -10.38 -10.38 -10.38 -10.38 -10.38

77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-187.99 -187.99 -187.99 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -90.46 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -92.74 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -377.68 -190.28 -190.28 -190.28 -190.28 -190.28 -190.28

-2698.06 -2508.84 -2319.62 8305.02 8494.24 8683.46 8872.67 9061.89 9251.11 9440.33 9629.55 9818.77 -9857.63 -9668.41 -9479.2 -9289.98 -9100.76 -8911.54 -8722.32 -8533.1 -8343.89 185.96 548.75 1132.54 1937.33 2945.45 3953.56 4758.35 5342.14 5704.93 -5928.16 -5565.37 -4981.58 -4176.79 -3168.68 -2160.57 -1355.78 -771.99 -409.19 6210.23 6573.02 7156.81 7961.6 8969.71 9977.82

-1.51 -1.51 -1.51 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44

-10.38 -10.38 -10.38 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 -7.18 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 -15.36 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1

77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-190.28 -190.28 -190.28 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 154.72 154.72 154.72 154.72 154.72 154.72 154.72 154.72 154.72 167.01 167.01 167.01 167.01 167.01 167.01 167.01 167.01 167.01 293.64 293.64 293.64 293.64 293.64 293.64 293.64 293.64 293.64 348.94 348.94 348.94 348.94 348.94 348.94

10782.61 11366.4 11729.19 -11952.43 -11589.63 -11005.84 -10201.05 -9192.94 -8184.83 -7380.04 -6796.25 -6433.46 -8051.09 -7740.83 -7339.84 -6848.14 -6265.71 -5683.29 -5191.58 -4790.59 -4480.33 4852.6 5162.86 5563.85 6055.55 6637.98 7220.41 7712.11 8113.1 8423.36 -11153.99 -10807.05 -10220.35 -9393.89 -8327.67 -7261.45 -6434.98 -5848.28 -5501.34 5682.69 6029.63 6616.33 7442.79 8509.02 9575.24

3.44 3.44 3.44 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92

3.1 3.1 3.1 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 -703.71 905.47 905.47 905.47 905.47 905.47 905.47 905.47 905.47 905.47 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 -1009.98 1284.01 1284.01 1284.01 1284.01 1284.01 1284.01

78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

348.94 348.94 348.94 233.77 233.77 233.77 233.77 233.77 233.77 233.77 233.77 233.77 272.37 272.37 272.37 272.37 272.37 272.37 272.37 272.37 272.37 233.33 233.33 233.33 233.33 233.33 233.33 233.33 233.33 233.33 271.86 271.86 271.86 271.86 271.86 271.86 271.86 271.86 271.86 247.71 247.71 247.71 247.71 247.71 247.71

10401.7 10988.4 11335.34 -9558.87 -9242.3 -8746.72 -8072.14 -7218.54 -6364.94 -5690.36 -5194.78 -4878.21 5111.36 5427.93 5923.51 6598.09 7451.69 8305.29 8979.87 9475.45 9792.02 -9559.06 -9242.5 -8746.92 -8072.33 -7218.74 -6365.14 -5690.55 -5194.98 -4878.41 5111.43 5428 5923.58 6598.16 7451.76 8305.36 8979.94 9475.52 9792.09 -1997.52 -1827.22 -1656.93 -1486.63 -1316.33 -1146.04

2.92 2.92 2.92 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09

1284.01 1284.01 1284.01 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 -857.58 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 1093.81 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 -857.45 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1093.58 1022.14 1022.14 1022.14 1022.14 1022.14 1022.14

78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

247.71 247.71 247.71 353.14 353.14 353.14 353.14 353.14 353.14 353.14 353.14 353.14 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 411.24 411.24 411.24 411.24 411.24 411.24 411.24 411.24 411.24 621.34 621.34 621.34 621.34 621.34 621.34

-975.74 -805.44 -635.15 3692.72 3863.02 4033.32 4203.61 4373.91 4544.21 4714.5 4884.8 5055.09 -5172.17 -5001.87 -4831.57 -4661.28 -4490.98 -4320.68 -4150.39 -3980.09 -3809.8 655.62 825.92 996.21 1166.51 1336.81 1507.1 1677.4 1847.7 2017.99 499.29 669.58 839.88 1010.18 1180.47 1350.77 1521.07 1691.36 1861.66 6212.15 6382.44 6552.74 6723.03 6893.33 7063.63

2.09 2.09 2.09 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73

1022.14 1022.14 1022.14 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 1874.99 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -1757.37 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 -980.41 55.46 55.46 55.46 55.46 55.46 55.46 55.46 55.46 55.46 890.99 890.99 890.99 890.99 890.99 890.99

78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

621.34 7233.92 621.34 7404.22 621.34 7574.52 -106.78 -7668.97 -106.78 -7498.67 -106.78 -7328.38 -106.78 -7158.08 -106.78 -6987.79 -106.78 -6817.49 -106.78 -6647.19 -106.78 -6476.9 -106.78 -6306.6 -254.3 -1863.8 -254.3 -1693.5 -254.3 -1523.21 -254.3 -1352.91 -254.3 -1182.61 -254.3 -1012.32 -254.3 -842.02 -254.3 -671.73 -254.3 -501.43 328.62 -7971.83 328.62 -7655.26 328.62 -7159.69 328.62 -6485.1 328.62 -5631.5 328.62 -4777.91 328.62 -4103.32 328.62 -3607.74 328.62 -3291.17 441.24 6630.02 441.24 6946.58 441.24 7442.16 441.24 8116.75 441.24 8970.34 441.24 9823.94 441.24 10498.53 441.24 10994.1 441.24 11310.67 137.65 -11146.48 137.65 -10829.91 137.65 -10334.33 137.65 -9659.75 137.65 -8806.15 137.65 -7952.55

4.73 4.73 4.73 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91

890.99 890.99 890.99 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 -790.68 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 532.36 532.36 532.36 532.36 532.36 532.36 532.36 532.36 532.36 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 2521.19 -2247.15 -2247.15 -2247.15 -2247.15 -2247.15 -2247.15

78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

137.65 137.65 137.65 102.01 102.01 102.01 102.01 102.01 102.01 102.01 102.01 102.01 492.14 492.14 492.14 492.14 492.14 492.14 492.14 492.14 492.14 709.44 709.44 709.44 709.44 709.44 709.44 709.44 709.44 709.44 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -166.2 -166.2 -166.2 -166.2 -166.2 -166.2

-7277.97 -6782.39 -6465.82 3592.91 3909.48 4405.06 5079.64 5933.24 6786.84 7461.42 7957 8273.57 -5475.02 -5158.46 -4662.88 -3988.29 -3134.7 -2281.1 -1606.51 -1110.94 -794.37 9149.44 9466 9961.58 10636.17 11489.76 12343.36 13017.95 13513.52 13830.09 -13643.28 -13326.72 -12831.14 -12156.55 -11302.96 -10449.36 -9774.77 -9279.2 -8962.63 1073.49 1390.06 1885.64 2560.22 3413.82 4267.42

-6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13

-2247.15 -2247.15 -2247.15 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -334.22 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 -434.33 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 1537.18 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 -1280.47 649.78 649.78 649.78 649.78 649.78 649.78

78 78 78 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-166.2 -166.2 -166.2 554.51 554.51 554.51 554.51 554.51 554.51 554.51 554.51 554.51 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 772.57 772.57 772.57 772.57 772.57 772.57 772.57 772.57 772.57 510.71 510.71 510.71 510.71 510.71 510.71 510.71 510.71 510.71 662.07 662.07 662.07 662.07 662.07 662.07

4942 5437.58 5754.15 -9341.4 -9031.13 -8630.15 -8138.44 -7556.02 -6973.59 -6481.89 -6080.9 -5770.64 5983.48 6293.75 6694.73 7186.44 7768.86 8351.29 8842.99 9243.98 9554.24 -12751.99 -12405.05 -11818.35 -10991.89 -9925.67 -8859.44 -8032.98 -7446.28 -7099.34 7471.09 7818.03 8404.73 9231.19 10297.41 11363.63 12190.1 12776.8 13123.74 -10973.28 -10656.72 -10161.14 -9486.55 -8632.96 -7779.36

-1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65

649.78 649.78 649.78 47.16 47.16 47.16 47.16 47.16 47.16 47.16 47.16 47.16 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 -36.27 68.45 68.45 68.45 68.45 68.45 68.45 68.45 68.45 68.45 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 -51.81 57.93 57.93 57.93 57.93 57.93 57.93

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

662.07 -7104.77 662.07 -6609.2 662.07 -6292.63 437.38 6592.06 437.38 6908.63 437.38 7404.2 437.38 8078.79 437.38 8932.39 437.38 9785.98 437.38 10460.57 437.38 10956.15 437.38 11272.71 661.23 -10972.69 661.23 -10656.12 661.23 -10160.55 661.23 -9485.96 661.23 -8632.36 661.23 -7778.77 661.23 -7104.18 661.23 -6608.6 661.23 -6292.04 436.91 6592.6 436.91 6909.16 436.91 7404.74 436.91 8079.33 436.91 8932.93 436.91 9786.52 436.91 10461.11 436.91 10956.69 436.91 11273.25 491.79 -2858.84 491.79 -2688.55 491.79 -2518.25 491.79 -2347.96 491.79 -2177.66 491.79 -2007.36 491.79 -1837.07 491.79 -1666.77 491.79 -1496.47 285.98 4201.65 285.98 4371.95 285.98 4542.25 285.98 4712.54 285.98 4882.84 285.98 5053.14

-0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09

57.93 57.93 57.93 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 57.94 57.94 57.94 57.94 57.94 57.94 57.94 57.94 57.94 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 -44.04 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1578.22 1456.65 1456.65 1456.65 1456.65 1456.65 1456.65

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

285.98 285.98 285.98 58.72 58.72 58.72 58.72 58.72 58.72 58.72 58.72 58.72 88.25 88.25 88.25 88.25 88.25 88.25 88.25 88.25 88.25 871.64 871.64 871.64 871.64 871.64 871.64 871.64 871.64 871.64 410.22 410.22 410.22 410.22 410.22 410.22 410.22 410.22 410.22 -321.12 -321.12 -321.12 -321.12 -321.12 -321.12

5223.43 5393.73 5564.02 -5408.42 -5238.12 -5067.82 -4897.53 -4727.23 -4556.93 -4386.64 -4216.34 -4046.05 1563.02 1733.32 1903.62 2073.91 2244.21 2414.51 2584.8 2755.1 2925.4 -206.92 -36.63 133.67 303.97 474.26 644.56 814.86 985.15 1155.45 6875.88 7046.17 7216.47 7386.77 7557.06 7727.36 7897.66 8067.95 8238.25 -8060.34 -7890.04 -7719.75 -7549.45 -7379.15 -7208.86

2.09 2.09 2.09 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.94 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25

1456.65 1456.65 1456.65 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1528.43 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 -1497.65 496.49 496.49 496.49 496.49 496.49 496.49 496.49 496.49 496.49 425.03 425.03 425.03 425.03 425.03 425.03 425.03 425.03 425.03 -446.7 -446.7 -446.7 -446.7 -446.7 -446.7

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-321.12 -321.12 -321.12 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 877.39 877.39 877.39 877.39 877.39 877.39 877.39 877.39 877.39 535.57 535.57 535.57 535.57 535.57 535.57 535.57 535.57 535.57 444.31 444.31 444.31 444.31 444.31 444.31 444.31 444.31 444.31 337.84 337.84 337.84 337.84 337.84 337.84

-7038.56 -6868.26 -6697.97 -1111.2 -940.9 -770.61 -600.31 -430.01 -259.72 -89.42 80.88 251.17 -9697.63 -9381.07 -8885.49 -8210.9 -7357.31 -6503.71 -5829.12 -5333.55 -5016.98 7912.16 8228.72 8724.3 9398.89 10252.48 11106.08 11780.67 12276.24 12592.81 -12247.21 -11930.64 -11435.06 -10760.48 -9906.88 -9053.28 -8378.7 -7883.12 -7566.55 5273.53 5590.09 6085.67 6760.26 7613.86 8467.45

-2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88

-446.7 -446.7 -446.7 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 -466.03 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1611.26 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 1433.11 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1495.38 -1521.18 -1521.18 -1521.18 -1521.18 -1521.18 -1521.18

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

337.84 337.84 337.84 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 1257.23 659.81 659.81 659.81 659.81 659.81 659.81 659.81 659.81 659.81 64.47 64.47 64.47 64.47 64.47 64.47 64.47 64.47 64.47 213.59 213.59 213.59 213.59 213.59 213.59 213.59 213.59 213.59 -177.99 -177.99 -177.99 -177.99 -177.99 -177.99

9142.04 9637.62 9954.18 -7045.71 -6729.14 -6233.57 -5558.98 -4705.38 -3851.79 -3177.2 -2681.62 -2365.06 10586.38 10902.95 11398.52 12073.11 12926.71 13780.3 14454.89 14950.47 15267.03 -14899.13 -14582.56 -14086.98 -13412.4 -12558.8 -11705.2 -11030.62 -10535.04 -10218.47 2599.3 2915.87 3411.45 4086.03 4939.63 5793.23 6467.81 6963.39 7279.96 -1816.73 -1466.39 -1004.06 -429.72 247.66 925.04

-2.88 -1521.18 -2.88 -1521.18 -2.88 -1521.18 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 1.46 529.54 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 2.32 401.49 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -2.77 -413.65 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -3.66 -489.56 -0.73 -6.57 -0.73 -6.57 -0.73 -6.57 -0.73 -6.57 -0.73 -6.57 -0.73 -6.57

81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81

3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-177.99 -177.99 -177.99 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -205.71 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.79 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -185.78 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -13.12 -131.82 -131.82 -131.82 -131.82 -131.82 -131.82

1499.38 1961.72 2312.06 -3159.62 -2759.33 -2063.04 -1070.75 193.87 1458.48 2450.77 3147.06 3547.35 -2559.12 -2196.33 -1612.54 -807.75 200.36 1208.47 2013.27 2597.06 2959.85 -2558.77 -2195.98 -1612.19 -807.4 200.71 1208.82 2013.61 2597.4 2960.2 2141.93 2331.14 2520.36 2709.58 2898.8 3088.02 3277.23 3466.45 3655.67 -3683.17 -3493.95 -3304.73 -3115.51 -2926.29 -2737.08

-0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2

-6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.04 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 12.77 12.77 12.77 12.77 12.77 12.77 12.77 12.77 12.77 -12.27 -12.27 -12.27 -12.27 -12.27 -12.27

81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-131.82 -131.82 -131.82 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -25.25 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -119.69 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -126.42 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -138.55 -138.55 -138.55 -138.55 -138.55 -138.55

-2547.86 -2358.64 -2169.42 8162.57 8351.78 8541 8730.22 8919.44 9108.66 9297.87 9487.09 9676.31 -9703.81 -9514.59 -9325.37 -9136.15 -8946.93 -8757.71 -8568.5 -8379.28 -8190.06 353.93 716.72 1300.52 2105.31 3113.42 4121.53 4926.32 5510.11 5872.9 -5471.16 -5108.37 -4524.58 -3719.79 -2711.68 -1703.56 -898.77 -314.98 47.81 6374.57 6737.36 7321.15 8125.95 9134.06 10142.17

-1.2 -1.2 -1.2 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13

-12.27 -12.27 -12.27 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8

81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-138.55 -138.55 -138.55 -233 -233 -233 -233 -233 -233 -233 -233 -233 501.79 501.79 501.79 501.79 501.79 501.79 501.79 501.79 501.79 685.06 685.06 685.06 685.06 685.06 685.06 685.06 685.06 685.06 627.87 627.87 627.87 627.87 627.87 627.87 627.87 627.87 627.87 870.25 870.25 870.25 870.25 870.25 870.25

10946.96 11530.75 11893.54 -11491.8 -11129.01 -10545.22 -9740.43 -8732.31 -7724.2 -6919.41 -6335.62 -5972.83 -13575.93 -12714.42 -11762.18 -10719.23 -9585.55 -8451.88 -7408.92 -6456.69 -5595.17 5128.58 5990.09 6942.33 7985.29 9118.96 10252.64 11295.59 12247.83 13109.34 -16587.97 -15768.53 -14709.33 -13410.37 -11871.65 -10332.93 -9033.96 -7974.76 -7155.32 6533.49 7352.93 8412.13 9711.09 11249.82 12788.54

2.13 2.13 2.13 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 0.05516 0.05516 0.05516 0.05516 0.05516 0.05516

1.8 1.8 1.8 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 -11.08 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 -22.24 -22.24 -22.24 -22.24 -22.24 -22.24

82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

870.25 870.25 870.25 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 764.98 764.98 764.98 764.98 764.98 764.98 764.98 764.98 764.98 553.8 553.8 553.8 553.8 553.8 553.8 553.8 553.8 553.8 764.23 764.23 764.23 764.23 764.23 764.23 764.23 764.23 764.23 287.88 287.88 287.88 287.88 287.88 287.88

14087.5 15146.7 15966.14 -14730.9 -13941.83 -12973.75 -11826.66 -10500.57 -9174.47 -8027.38 -7059.31 -6270.24 5732.25 6521.32 7489.4 8636.49 9962.58 11288.68 12435.77 13403.84 14192.91 -14731.14 -13942.07 -12973.99 -11826.91 -10500.81 -9174.71 -8027.63 -7059.55 -6270.48 5731.95 6521.02 7489.1 8636.18 9962.28 11288.38 12435.46 13403.54 14192.61 -2962.27 -2791.98 -2621.68 -2451.38 -2281.09 -2110.79

0.05516 0.05516 0.05516 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 0.08649 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 0.08735 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45

-22.24 -22.24 -22.24 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 -14.14 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 -14.16 1496.56 1496.56 1496.56 1496.56 1496.56 1496.56

82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

287.88 287.88 287.88 455.15 455.15 455.15 455.15 455.15 455.15 455.15 455.15 455.15 89.4 89.4 89.4 89.4 89.4 89.4 89.4 89.4 89.4 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62 418.6 418.6 418.6 418.6 418.6 418.6 418.6 418.6 418.6 844.76 844.76 844.76 844.76 844.76 844.76

-1940.49 -1770.2 -1599.9 4059.13 4229.43 4399.72 4570.02 4740.32 4910.61 5080.91 5251.2 5421.5 -5554.61 -5384.32 -5214.02 -5043.72 -4873.43 -4703.13 -4532.84 -4362.54 -4192.24 1461.78 1632.08 1802.38 1972.67 2142.97 2313.26 2483.56 2653.86 2824.15 -268.34 -98.04 72.26 242.55 412.85 583.14 753.44 923.74 1094.03 6691.66 6861.95 7032.25 7202.55 7372.84 7543.14

1.45 1.45 1.45 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01

1496.56 1496.56 1496.56 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 1517.05 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1458.01 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 -1560.9 464.33 464.33 464.33 464.33 464.33 464.33 464.33 464.33 464.33 446.64 446.64 446.64 446.64 446.64 446.64

82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

844.76 844.76 844.76 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -41.32 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 -314.99 652.81 652.81 652.81 652.81 652.81 652.81 652.81 652.81 652.81 954.15 954.15 954.15 954.15 954.15 954.15 954.15 954.15 954.15 454.33 454.33 454.33 454.33 454.33 454.33

7713.44 7883.73 8054.03 -8248.55 -8078.25 -7907.96 -7737.66 -7567.36 -7397.07 -7226.77 -7056.47 -6886.18 -1170.75 -1000.45 -830.15 -659.86 -489.56 -319.26 -148.97 21.33 191.62 -13435.07 -12646.01 -11677.93 -10530.84 -9204.75 -7878.65 -6731.56 -5763.49 -4974.42 7030.49 7819.56 8787.63 9934.72 11260.82 12586.91 13734 14702.08 15491.14 -16027.42 -15238.35 -14270.27 -13123.19 -11797.09 -10470.99

2.01 2.01 2.01 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 -2.77 -2.77 -2.77 -2.77 -2.77 -2.77

446.64 446.64 446.64 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -425.79 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 -490.49 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1494.44 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 1524.81 -1460.13 -1460.13 -1460.13 -1460.13 -1460.13 -1460.13

82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

454.33 454.33 454.33 573.63 573.63 573.63 573.63 573.63 573.63 573.63 573.63 573.63 783.53 783.53 783.53 783.53 783.53 783.53 783.53 783.53 783.53 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 1343.77 323.61 323.61 323.61 323.61 323.61 323.61 323.61 323.61 323.61 184.01 184.01 184.01 184.01 184.01 184.01

-9323.91 -8355.83 -7566.76 4433.14 5222.21 6190.29 7337.37 8663.47 9989.57 11136.65 12104.73 12893.8 -10741.14 -9952.07 -8984 -7836.91 -6510.81 -5184.72 -4037.63 -3069.55 -2280.49 9663.02 10452.09 11420.16 12567.25 13893.35 15219.44 16366.53 17334.61 18123.67 -18721.35 -17932.28 -16964.21 -15817.12 -14491.02 -13164.93 -12017.84 -11049.76 -10260.7 1800.61 2589.68 3557.76 4704.85 6030.94 7357.04

-2.77 -2.77 -2.77 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95

-1460.13 -1460.13 -1460.13 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 -1553.14 462.21 462.21 462.21 462.21 462.21 462.21 462.21 462.21 462.21 454.4 454.4 454.4 454.4 454.4 454.4 454.4 454.4 454.4 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -427.91 -482.74 -482.74 -482.74 -482.74 -482.74 -482.74

82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

184.01 184.01 184.01 577.67 577.67 577.67 577.67 577.67 577.67 577.67 577.67 577.67 385.02 385.02 385.02 385.02 385.02 385.02 385.02 385.02 385.02 796.78 796.78 796.78 796.78 796.78 796.78 796.78 796.78 796.78 534.15 534.15 534.15 534.15 534.15 534.15 534.15 534.15 534.15 684.69 684.69 684.69 684.69 684.69 684.69

8504.13 9472.2 10261.27 -9282.69 -8972.42 -8571.44 -8079.73 -7497.31 -6914.88 -6423.18 -6022.19 -5711.93 5955.39 6265.66 6666.64 7158.35 7740.77 8323.2 8814.9 9215.89 9526.15 -12672.52 -12325.58 -11738.88 -10912.42 -9846.2 -8779.97 -7953.51 -7366.81 -7019.87 7426.39 7773.34 8360.04 9186.5 10252.72 11318.94 12145.4 12732.11 13079.05 -10904.74 -10588.17 -10092.59 -9418.01 -8564.41 -7710.81

-1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69

-482.74 -482.74 -482.74 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 45.86 45.86 45.86 45.86 45.86 45.86 45.86 45.86 45.86 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 56.62 56.62 56.62 56.62 56.62 56.62 56.62 56.62 56.62 -24.41 -24.41 -24.41 -24.41 -24.41 -24.41

83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

684.69 -7036.23 684.69 -6540.65 684.69 -6224.08 458.18 6555.14 458.18 6871.71 458.18 7367.29 458.18 8041.87 458.18 8895.47 458.18 9749.07 458.18 10423.66 458.18 10919.23 458.18 11235.8 683.82 -10904.15 683.82 -10587.58 683.82 -10092.01 683.82 -9417.42 683.82 -8563.82 683.82 -7710.23 683.82 -7035.64 683.82 -6540.06 683.82 -6223.49 457.69 6555.64 457.69 6872.21 457.69 7367.79 457.69 8042.37 457.69 8895.97 457.69 9749.57 457.69 10424.15 457.69 10919.73 457.69 11236.3 507.28 -2885.06 507.28 -2714.77 507.28 -2544.47 507.28 -2374.18 507.28 -2203.88 507.28 -2033.58 507.28 -1863.29 507.28 -1692.99 507.28 -1522.69 302.78 4125.5 302.78 4295.8 302.78 4466.09 302.78 4636.39 302.78 4806.69 302.78 4976.98

-0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22

-24.41 -24.41 -24.41 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 -24.42 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 50.13 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1571.24 1527.03 1527.03 1527.03 1527.03 1527.03 1527.03

83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

302.78 302.78 302.78 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 78.82 78.82 78.82 78.82 78.82 78.82 78.82 78.82 78.82 912.2 912.2 912.2 912.2 912.2 912.2 912.2 912.2 912.2 426.52 426.52 426.52 426.52 426.52 426.52 426.52 426.52 426.52 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98

5147.28 5317.58 5487.87 -5351.38 -5181.08 -5010.79 -4840.49 -4670.19 -4499.9 -4329.6 -4159.3 -3989.01 1615.41 1785.71 1956.01 2126.3 2296.6 2466.9 2637.19 2807.49 2977.79 -203.55 -33.26 137.04 307.33 477.63 647.93 818.22 988.52 1158.82 6843 7013.3 7183.59 7353.89 7524.18 7694.48 7864.78 8035.07 8205.37 -8032.89 -7862.59 -7692.3 -7522 -7351.7 -7181.41

1.22 1.22 1.22 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44

1527.03 1527.03 1527.03 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1594.78 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 -1495.19 467.94 467.94 467.94 467.94 467.94 467.94 467.94 467.94 467.94 472.15 472.15 472.15 472.15 472.15 472.15 472.15 472.15 472.15 -491.47 -491.47 -491.47 -491.47 -491.47 -491.47

83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-354.98 -7011.11 -354.98 -6840.81 -354.98 -6670.52 -44.91 -1102.08 -44.91 -931.79 -44.91 -761.49 -44.91 -591.19 -44.91 -420.9 -44.91 -250.6 -44.91 -80.3 -44.91 89.99 -44.91 260.29 912.1 -9670.73 912.1 -9354.16 912.1 -8858.58 912.1 -8184 912.1 -7330.4 912.1 -6476.8 912.1 -5802.22 912.1 -5306.64 912.1 -4990.07 569.44 7810.91 569.44 8127.48 569.44 8623.06 569.44 9297.64 569.44 10151.24 569.44 11004.84 569.44 11679.42 569.44 12175 569.44 12491.57 454.75 -12137.04 454.75 -11820.47 454.75 -11324.9 454.75 -10650.31 454.75 -9796.71 454.75 -8943.11 454.75 -8268.53 454.75 -7772.95 454.75 -7456.38 345.48 5300.83 345.48 5617.39 345.48 6112.97 345.48 6787.56 345.48 7641.15 345.48 8494.75

-2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6

-491.47 -491.47 -491.47 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1558.58 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 1561.24 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1607.43 -1460.98 -1460.98 -1460.98 -1460.98 -1460.98 -1460.98

83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 84

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

345.48 345.48 345.48 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 1317.02 693.18 693.18 693.18 693.18 693.18 693.18 693.18 693.18 693.18 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 221.74 221.74 221.74 221.74 221.74 221.74 221.74 221.74 221.74 -138.71 -138.71 -138.71 -138.71 -138.71 -138.71

9169.34 9664.91 9981.48 -6989.22 -6672.65 -6177.07 -5502.48 -4648.89 -3795.29 -3120.7 -2625.13 -2308.56 10528.41 10844.98 11340.55 12015.14 12868.74 13722.34 14396.92 14892.5 15209.07 -14818.55 -14501.98 -14006.41 -13331.82 -12478.22 -11624.63 -10950.04 -10454.46 -10137.9 2583.33 2899.9 3395.47 4070.06 4923.66 5777.25 6451.84 6947.42 7263.98 -1789.79 -1439.45 -977.11 -402.77 274.61 951.99

-2.6 -1460.98 -2.6 -1460.98 -2.6 -1460.98 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 1.64 455.28 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 0.92 506.36 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -3.02 -504.13 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -2.97 -406.09 -0.75 -1.24 -0.75 -1.24 -0.75 -1.24 -0.75 -1.24 -0.75 -1.24 -0.75 -1.24

84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84

3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-138.71 -138.71 -138.71 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -161.78 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.62 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 -145.69 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 -136.91 -136.91 -136.91 -136.91 -136.91 -136.91

1526.33 1988.67 2339.01 -3126.23 -2725.94 -2029.65 -1037.35 227.26 1491.87 2484.16 3180.45 3580.74 -2529.52 -2166.73 -1582.94 -778.15 229.96 1238.07 2042.86 2626.66 2989.45 -2529.23 -2166.44 -1582.65 -777.86 230.25 1238.36 2043.16 2626.95 2989.74 2040.81 2230.03 2419.24 2608.46 2797.68 2986.9 3176.12 3365.33 3554.55 -3580.62 -3391.41 -3202.19 -3012.97 -2823.75 -2634.53

-0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7

-1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5

84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-136.91 -136.91 -136.91 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -138.38 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -74.57 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -216.86 -73.11 -73.11 -73.11 -73.11 -73.11 -73.11

-2445.32 -2256.1 -2066.88 8143.46 8332.68 8521.9 8711.12 8900.34 9089.55 9278.77 9467.99 9657.21 -9683.28 -9494.06 -9304.84 -9115.62 -8926.41 -8737.19 -8547.97 -8358.75 -8169.53 281.62 644.41 1228.2 2032.99 3041.1 4049.21 4854 5437.79 5800.59 -5339.81 -4977.02 -4393.23 -3588.44 -2580.33 -1572.22 -767.43 -183.64 179.15 6384.27 6747.06 7330.86 8135.65 9143.76 10151.87

-0.7 -0.7 -0.7 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

-10.5 -10.5 -10.5 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 -16.17 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45

84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-73.11 -73.11 -73.11 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 -218.32 512.95 512.95 512.95 512.95 512.95 512.95 512.95 512.95 512.95 683.97 683.97 683.97 683.97 683.97 683.97 683.97 683.97 683.97 636.2 636.2 636.2 636.2 636.2 636.2 636.2 636.2 636.2 862.47 862.47 862.47 862.47 862.47 862.47

10956.66 11540.45 11903.24 -11442.47 -11079.68 -10495.89 -9691.1 -8682.99 -7674.87 -6870.08 -6286.29 -5923.5 -13517.34 -12655.83 -11703.59 -10660.64 -9526.96 -8393.29 -7350.33 -6398.1 -5536.58 5091.42 5952.94 6905.17 7948.13 9081.8 10215.48 11258.43 12210.67 13072.18 -16487.04 -15667.59 -14608.39 -13309.43 -11770.71 -10231.99 -8933.03 -7873.82 -7054.38 6466.23 7285.67 8344.87 9643.83 11182.55 12721.27

0.15 0.15 0.15 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28

7.45 7.45 7.45 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -13.41 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 9.01 9.01 9.01 9.01 9.01 9.01

85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

862.47 862.47 862.47 563.11 563.11 563.11 563.11 563.11 563.11 563.11 563.11 563.11 759.76 759.76 759.76 759.76 759.76 759.76 759.76 759.76 759.76 562.59 562.59 562.59 562.59 562.59 562.59 562.59 562.59 562.59 759.02 759.02 759.02 759.02 759.02 759.02 759.02 759.02 759.02 273.33 273.33 273.33 273.33 273.33 273.33

14020.24 15079.44 15898.88 -14649.01 -13859.95 -12891.87 -11744.78 -10418.69 -9092.59 -7945.5 -6977.43 -6188.36 5678.31 6467.38 7435.46 8582.54 9908.64 11234.74 12381.83 13349.9 14138.97 -14649.22 -13860.16 -12892.08 -11744.99 -10418.9 -9092.8 -7945.71 -6977.64 -6188.57 5677.98 6467.04 7435.12 8582.21 9908.3 11234.4 12381.49 13349.56 14138.63 -2968.56 -2798.26 -2627.97 -2457.67 -2287.38 -2117.08

-0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

9.01 9.01 9.01 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 1510.43 1510.43 1510.43 1510.43 1510.43 1510.43

85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

273.33 273.33 273.33 459.43 459.43 459.43 459.43 459.43 459.43 459.43 459.43 459.43 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 406.37 406.37 406.37 406.37 406.37 406.37 406.37 406.37 406.37 864.87 864.87 864.87 864.87 864.87 864.87

-1946.78 -1776.49 -1606.19 3960.65 4130.94 4301.24 4471.54 4641.83 4812.13 4982.43 5152.72 5323.02 -5457.31 -5287.01 -5116.72 -4946.42 -4776.12 -4605.83 -4435.53 -4265.24 -4094.94 1481.66 1651.96 1822.26 1992.55 2162.85 2333.14 2503.44 2673.74 2844.03 -274.87 -104.57 65.72 236.02 406.31 576.61 746.91 917.2 1087.5 6655.04 6825.34 6995.63 7165.93 7336.22 7506.52

0.97 0.97 0.97 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79

1510.43 1510.43 1510.43 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 1568.58 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1500.7 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 -1568.95 477.81 477.81 477.81 477.81 477.81 477.81 477.81 477.81 477.81 509.34 509.34 509.34 509.34 509.34 509.34

85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

864.87 864.87 864.87 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 -343.38 649.47 649.47 649.47 649.47 649.47 649.47 649.47 649.47 649.47 957.36 957.36 957.36 957.36 957.36 957.36 957.36 957.36 957.36 475.24 475.24 475.24 475.24 475.24 475.24

7676.82 7847.11 8017.41 -8151 -7980.7 -7810.41 -7640.11 -7469.82 -7299.52 -7129.22 -6958.93 -6788.63 -1212.73 -1042.43 -872.14 -701.84 -531.54 -361.25 -190.95 -20.65 149.64 -13404.94 -12615.88 -11647.8 -10500.71 -9174.62 -7848.52 -6701.43 -5733.36 -4944.29 6917.32 7706.38 8674.46 9821.55 11147.64 12473.74 13620.83 14588.9 15377.97 -15893.69 -15104.63 -14136.55 -12989.46 -11663.36 -10337.27

1.79 1.79 1.79 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25

509.34 509.34 509.34 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -468.08 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 -509.72 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1506.67 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 1577.49 -1504.46 -1504.46 -1504.46 -1504.46 -1504.46 -1504.46

85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

475.24 475.24 475.24 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 782.51 782.51 782.51 782.51 782.51 782.51 782.51 782.51 782.51 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 1362.81 342.2 342.2 342.2 342.2 342.2 342.2 342.2 342.2 342.2 154.56 154.56 154.56 154.56 154.56 154.56

-9190.18 -8222.1 -7433.04 4438.33 5227.4 6195.47 7342.56 8668.66 9994.75 11141.84 12109.92 12898.98 -10711.25 -9922.19 -8954.11 -7807.02 -6480.93 -5154.83 -4007.74 -3039.67 -2250.6 9611.71 10400.77 11368.85 12515.94 13842.03 15168.13 16315.22 17283.29 18072.36 -18587.38 -17798.32 -16830.24 -15683.15 -14357.06 -13030.96 -11883.87 -10915.8 -10126.73 1743.94 2533.01 3501.08 4648.17 5974.27 7300.36

-2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08

-1504.46 -1504.46 -1504.46 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 -1560.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 474.05 518.25 518.25 518.25 518.25 518.25 518.25 518.25 518.25 518.25 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -471.84 -500.81 -500.81 -500.81 -500.81 -500.81 -500.81

85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.04 1,4D 4.48 1,4D 4.92 1,4D 5.36 1,4D 5.8 1,4D 5.8 1,4D 6.26667 1,4D 6.73333 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.04 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.26667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

154.56 154.56 154.56 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 1055.53 994.67 994.67 994.67 994.67 994.67 994.67 536.96 536.96 536.96 536.96 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1265.35 1181.08 1181.08 1181.08 1181.08 1181.08 1181.08 631.68 631.68 631.68 631.68 1131.82 1131.82 1131.82 1131.82

8447.45 9415.53 10204.59 -10869.65 -10030.81 -9146.62 -8217.06 -7242.15 -6267.23 -5337.68 -4453.48 -3614.65 1741.5 2561.2 3424.27 4330.7 5280.51 6237.83 12338.11 13494.61 14602.33 15661.26 -12183.64 -11424.14 -10544.76 -9545.5 -8426.35 -7307.21 -6307.95 -5428.57 -4669.07 2142.75 2884.07 3740 4710.55 5795.7 6900.75 14841.21 16386.27 17802.41 19089.63 -11109.26 -10364.95 -9531.13 -8607.8

-2.08 -2.08 -2.08 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -26.9 -26.9 -26.9 -26.9 -26.9 -26.9 12.86 12.86 12.86 12.86 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47

-500.81 -500.81 -500.81 543.95 543.95 543.95 543.95 543.95 543.95 543.95 543.95 543.95 -4108.86 -4108.86 -4108.86 -4108.86 -4108.86 -4108.86 4304.85 4304.85 4304.85 4304.85 892.69 892.69 892.69 892.69 892.69 892.69 892.69 892.69 892.69 -5823.05 -5823.05 -5823.05 -5823.05 -5823.05 -5823.05 5557.87 5557.87 5557.87 5557.87 732.8 732.8 732.8 732.8

86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86

1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.04 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.26667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.04 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1131.82 -7594.97 1131.82 -6582.14 1131.82 -5658.82 1131.82 -4825 1131.82 -4080.69 1059.52 1898.35 1059.52 2625.15 1059.52 3437.52 1059.52 4335.46 1059.52 5318.98 1059.52 6317.34 568.27 13240.98 568.27 14578.38 568.27 15819.52 568.27 16964.4 1130.37 -11108.69 1130.37 -10364.38 1130.37 -9530.56 1130.37 -8607.23 1130.37 -7594.4 1130.37 -6581.57 1130.37 -5658.25 1130.37 -4824.43 1130.37 -4080.12 1058.13 1898.89 1058.13 2625.69 1058.13 3438.07 1058.13 4336.01 1058.13 5319.53 1058.13 6317.89 567.52 13241.49 567.52 14578.89 567.52 15820.03 567.52 16964.91 764.13 -1537.51 764.13 -1367.21 764.13 -1196.92 764.13 -1026.62 764.13 -856.32 764.13 -686.03 764.13 -515.73 764.13 -345.43 764.13 -175.14 720.91 2752.72 720.91 2919.24

3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 -23.24 -23.24 -23.24 -23.24 -23.24 -23.24 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 42.39 42.39

732.8 732.8 732.8 732.8 732.8 -4960.12 -4960.12 -4960.12 -4960.12 -4960.12 -4960.12 4857.34 4857.34 4857.34 4857.34 732.78 732.78 732.78 732.78 732.78 732.78 732.78 732.78 732.78 -4960.11 -4960.11 -4960.11 -4960.11 -4960.11 -4960.11 4857.37 4857.37 4857.37 4857.37 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 1910.09 -537.11 -537.11

86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86

4.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.04 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.04 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

720.91 720.91 720.91 720.91 531.56 531.56 531.56 531.56 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -125.07 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -214.27 -214.27 -214.27 -214.27 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1511.39 1116.02 1116.02 1116.02 1116.02 1116.02 1116.02 630.53 630.53 630.53

3085.75 3252.26 3418.77 3585.28 4453.43 4630.03 4806.63 4983.24 -4238.44 -4068.14 -3897.84 -3727.55 -3557.25 -3386.95 -3216.66 -3046.36 -2876.07 -161.72 4.79 171.3 337.81 504.32 670.84 1717.89 1894.49 2071.1 2247.7 1108.71 1279 1449.3 1619.6 1789.89 1960.19 2130.49 2300.78 2471.08 5387.4 5553.91 5720.43 5886.94 6053.45 6219.96 7104.98 7281.59 7458.19

42.39 42.39 42.39 42.39 54.37 54.37 54.37 54.37 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -63.34 -63.34 -63.34 -63.34 -63.34 -63.34 -45.55 -45.55 -45.55 -45.55 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 41.06 41.06 41.06 41.06 41.06 41.06 32.26 32.26 32.26

-537.11 -537.11 -537.11 -537.11 2683.26 2683.26 2683.26 2683.26 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -838.28 -1715.83 -1715.83 -1715.83 -1715.83 -1715.83 -1715.83 -2139.88 -2139.88 -2139.88 -2139.88 979.89 979.89 979.89 979.89 979.89 979.89 979.89 979.89 979.89 -861 -861 -861 -861 -861 -861 1227.59 1227.59 1227.59

86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86

7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.04 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

630.53 7634.79 -872.33 -6884.65 -872.33 -6714.36 -872.33 -6544.06 -872.33 -6373.76 -872.33 -6203.47 -872.33 -6033.17 -872.33 -5862.87 -872.33 -5692.58 -872.33 -5522.28 -516.39 -2796.4 -516.39 -2629.89 -516.39 -2463.38 -516.39 -2296.87 -516.39 -2130.35 -516.39 -1963.84 -313.24 -933.67 -313.24 -757.06 -313.24 -580.46 -313.24 -403.86 1574.31 -9757.97 1574.31 -9013.65 1574.31 -8179.83 1574.31 -7256.51 1574.31 -6243.68 1574.31 -5230.85 1574.31 -4307.53 1574.31 -3473.71 1574.31 -2729.39 1478.59 3356.36 1478.59 4083.17 1478.59 4895.54 1478.59 5793.48 1478.59 6777 1478.59 7775.36 940.09 14609.49 940.09 15946.89 940.09 17188.03 940.09 18332.91 685.11 -12458.89 685.11 -11714.58 685.11 -10880.76 685.11 -9957.44 685.11 -8944.61 685.11 -7931.78

32.26 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -62.01 -62.01 -62.01 -62.01 -62.01 -62.01 -23.44 -23.44 -23.44 -23.44 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 29.63 29.63 29.63 29.63 29.63 29.63 61.05 61.05 61.05 61.05 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

1227.59 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 -1391.94 -1391.94 -1391.94 -1391.94 -1391.94 -1391.94 -684.21 -684.21 -684.21 -684.21 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 2106.95 -4370.75 -4370.75 -4370.75 -4370.75 -4370.75 -4370.75 7268.94 7268.94 7268.94 7268.94 -641.41 -641.41 -641.41 -641.41 -641.41 -641.41

86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

685.11 685.11 685.11 636.4 636.4 636.4 636.4 636.4 636.4 194.26 194.26 194.26 194.26 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 2321.57 1873.7 1873.7 1873.7 1873.7 1873.7 1873.7 1039.07 1039.07 1039.07 1039.07 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 241.29 241.29 241.29 241.29

-7008.45 -6174.63 -5430.32 441.92 1168.72 1981.09 2879.04 3862.55 4860.92 11873.95 13211.35 14452.49 15597.37 -7111.75 -6367.44 -5533.62 -4610.29 -3597.46 -2584.63 -1661.31 -827.49 -83.18 5991.04 6717.84 7530.22 8428.16 9411.68 10410.04 17261.05 18598.44 19839.58 20984.46 -15105.11 -14360.8 -13526.98 -12603.65 -11590.82 -10577.99 -9654.67 -8820.85 -8076.54 -2192.76 -1465.96 -653.59 244.36

0.19 0.19 0.19 -76.1 -76.1 -76.1 -76.1 -76.1 -76.1 -38.88 -38.88 -38.88 -38.88 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 38.93 38.93 38.93 38.93 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -74.77 -74.77 -74.77 -74.77

-641.41 -641.41 -641.41 -5549.47 -5549.47 -5549.47 -5549.47 -5549.47 -5549.47 2445.81 2445.81 2445.81 2445.81 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 1176.76 -4694.64 -4694.64 -4694.64 -4694.64 -4694.64 -4694.64 5813.27 5813.27 5813.27 5813.27 288.78 288.78 288.78 288.78 288.78 288.78 288.78 288.78 288.78 -5225.58 -5225.58 -5225.58 -5225.58

86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87

5.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max

241.29 241.29 95.29 95.29 95.29 95.29 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -153.73 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -184.79 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.42 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 -164.84 214.34 214.34 214.34

1227.87 2226.24 9222.4 10559.79 11800.93 12945.81 -2195.77 -1845.43 -1383.09 -808.75 -131.37 546.01 1120.35 1582.68 1933.02 -3439.75 -3039.46 -2343.17 -1350.88 -86.27 1178.34 2170.63 2866.92 3267.21 -2855.72 -2492.93 -1909.14 -1104.35 -96.24 911.87 1716.66 2300.45 2663.24 -2855.64 -2492.85 -1909.06 -1104.27 -96.16 911.95 1716.74 2300.53 2663.32 2091.91 2281.13 2470.35

-74.77 -5225.58 -74.77 -5225.58 -16.76 3901.48 -16.76 3901.48 -16.76 3901.48 -16.76 3901.48 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -1.86 387.42 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.3 489.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.04 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 -2.03 430.39 1.01 5.71 1.01 5.71 1.01 5.71

87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87

1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

214.34 214.34 214.34 214.34 214.34 214.34 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 -262.41 221.3 221.3 221.3 221.3 221.3 221.3 221.3 221.3 221.3 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 -269.37 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 -403.41 -403.41 -403.41

2659.56 2848.78 3038 3227.22 3416.44 3605.66 -3412.66 -3223.44 -3034.22 -2845.01 -2655.79 -2466.57 -2277.35 -2088.13 -1898.92 8363.85 8553.07 8742.29 8931.5 9120.72 9309.94 9499.16 9688.38 9877.59 -9684.6 -9495.38 -9306.16 -9116.95 -8927.73 -8738.51 -8549.29 -8360.07 -8170.85 -103.32 259.47 843.26 1648.05 2656.16 3664.27 4469.06 5052.86 5415.65 -5607.89 -5245.1 -4661.31

1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39

5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 -23.25 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 444.88 444.88 444.88 444.88 444.88 444.88 444.88 444.88 444.88 415.91 415.91 415.91

87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-403.41 -403.41 -403.41 -403.41 -403.41 -403.41 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 80.31 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 -410.36 576.25 576.25 576.25 576.25 576.25 576.25 576.25 576.25 576.25 822.19 822.19 822.19 822.19 822.19 822.19 822.19 822.19 822.19 701.06 701.06 701.06

-3856.52 -2848.41 -1840.3 -1035.51 -451.72 -88.92 6168.62 6531.41 7115.2 7919.99 8928.1 9936.21 10741 11324.79 11687.59 -11879.83 -11517.04 -10933.25 -10128.46 -9120.35 -8112.24 -7307.45 -6723.65 -6360.86 -13085.37 -12223.85 -11271.62 -10228.66 -9094.99 -7961.31 -6918.35 -5966.12 -5104.6 5171.02 6032.54 6984.78 8027.73 9161.41 10295.08 11338.04 12290.27 13151.79 -16003.41 -15183.97 -14124.77

-3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39

415.91 415.91 415.91 415.91 415.91 415.91 440.52 440.52 440.52 440.52 440.52 440.52 440.52 440.52 440.52 420.26 420.26 420.26 420.26 420.26 420.26 420.26 420.26 420.26 38.72 38.72 38.72 38.72 38.72 38.72 38.72 38.72 38.72 -173 -173 -173 -173 -173 -173 -173 -173 -173 46.49 46.49 46.49

88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

701.06 701.06 701.06 701.06 701.06 701.06 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 1015.54 624.44 624.44 624.44 624.44 624.44 624.44 624.44 624.44 624.44 900.86 900.86 900.86 900.86 900.86 900.86 900.86 900.86 900.86 623.54 623.54 623.54 623.54 623.54 623.54 623.54 623.54 623.54 899.26 899.26 899.26

-12825.81 -11287.08 -9748.36 -8449.4 -7390.2 -6570.76 6636.59 7456.03 8515.23 9814.19 11352.92 12891.64 14190.6 15249.8 16069.24 -14208.4 -13419.33 -12451.25 -11304.17 -9978.07 -8651.97 -7504.89 -6536.81 -5747.74 5809.7 6598.76 7566.84 8713.93 10040.02 11366.12 12513.21 13481.28 14270.35 -14208.18 -13419.11 -12451.04 -11303.95 -9977.85 -8651.76 -7504.67 -6536.59 -5747.53 5809.94 6599.01 7567.09

-0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23

46.49 46.49 46.49 46.49 46.49 46.49 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 -199.87 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 -180.44 41.49 41.49 41.49 41.49 41.49 41.49 41.49 41.49 41.49 -180.52 -180.52 -180.52

88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

899.26 899.26 899.26 899.26 899.26 899.26 250.19 250.19 250.19 250.19 250.19 250.19 250.19 250.19 250.19 523.86 523.86 523.86 523.86 523.86 523.86 523.86 523.86 523.86 199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 262.36 262.36 262.36

8714.17 10040.27 11366.37 12513.45 13481.53 14270.6 -3125.96 -2955.67 -2785.37 -2615.07 -2444.78 -2274.48 -2104.18 -1933.89 -1763.59 3742.25 3912.55 4082.84 4253.14 4423.44 4593.73 4764.03 4934.33 5104.62 -5154.35 -4984.06 -4813.76 -4643.46 -4473.17 -4302.87 -4132.57 -3962.28 -3791.98 1874.18 2044.48 2214.78 2385.07 2555.37 2725.67 2895.96 3066.26 3236.55 -827.82 -657.53 -487.23

-0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 1.64 1.64 1.64

-180.52 -180.52 -180.52 -180.52 -180.52 -180.52 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1491.69 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 1529.89 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1499.73 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 -1618.84 453.22 453.22 453.22

88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

262.36 262.36 262.36 262.36 262.36 262.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 819.36 187.79 187.79 187.79 187.79 187.79 187.79 187.79 187.79 187.79 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 -195.23 648.25 648.25 648.25 648.25 648.25 648.25 648.25 648.25 648.25 1110.33 1110.33 1110.33

-316.93 -146.64 23.66 193.96 364.25 534.55 5840.65 6010.94 6181.24 6351.54 6521.83 6692.13 6862.42 7032.72 7203.02 -7452.49 -7282.2 -7111.9 -6941.6 -6771.31 -6601.01 -6430.71 -6260.42 -6090.12 -224.21 -53.92 116.38 286.68 456.97 627.27 797.57 967.86 1138.16 -13193.89 -12404.82 -11436.74 -10289.66 -8963.56 -7637.46 -6490.38 -5522.3 -4733.23 6744.09 7533.15 8501.23

1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 2.99 2.99 2.99

453.22 453.22 453.22 453.22 453.22 453.22 469.51 469.51 469.51 469.51 469.51 469.51 469.51 469.51 469.51 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -461.26 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 -558.45 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1537.22 1393.82 1393.82 1393.82

88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

1110.33 1110.33 1110.33 1110.33 1110.33 1110.33 598.01 598.01 598.01 598.01 598.01 598.01 598.01 598.01 598.01 686.73 686.73 686.73 686.73 686.73 686.73 686.73 686.73 686.73 660.41 660.41 660.41 660.41 660.41 660.41 660.41 660.41 660.41 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 1405.83 585.84 585.84 585.84

9648.32 10974.41 12300.51 13447.6 14415.67 15204.74 -15222.28 -14433.21 -13465.13 -12318.05 -10991.95 -9665.85 -8518.77 -7550.69 -6761.62 4876.02 5665.09 6633.16 7780.25 9106.35 10432.44 11579.53 12547.61 13336.67 -10895.75 -10106.68 -9138.6 -7991.52 -6665.42 -5339.32 -4192.24 -3224.16 -2435.09 8842.48 9631.55 10599.63 11746.71 13072.81 14398.91 15545.99 16514.07 17303.14 -17520.42 -16731.35 -15763.27

2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31

1393.82 1393.82 1393.82 1393.82 1393.82 1393.82 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1454.21 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 -1754.92 498.75 498.75 498.75 498.75 498.75 498.75 498.75 498.75 498.75 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 333.43 -415.74 -415.74 -415.74

88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min

585.84 585.84 585.84 585.84 585.84 585.84 391.24 391.24 391.24 391.24 391.24 391.24 391.24 391.24 391.24 353.67 353.67 353.67 353.67 430.28 430.28 430.28 430.28 384.35 384.35 384.35 384.35 382.86 382.86 382.86 382.86 373.03 373.03 373.03 373.03 -114.38 -114.38 -114.38 -114.38 591.08 591.08 591.08 591.08 -332.42 -332.42

-14616.19 -13290.09 -11963.99 -10816.91 -9848.83 -9059.76 2777.62 3566.69 4534.77 5681.85 7007.95 8334.05 9481.13 10449.21 11238.28 -2995.96 -1887.52 -779.08 329.35 -4194.37 -2884.28 -1574.19 -264.1 -3566.44 -2391.35 -1216.26 -41.17 -3581.85 -2406.76 -1231.66 -56.57 8189.92 8379.14 8568.35 8757.57 -9867.29 -9678.07 -9488.85 -9299.63 27693.71 27882.93 28072.14 28261.36 -29371.08 -29181.86

-2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -4.07 -4.07 -4.07 -4.07 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 36.42 36.42 36.42 36.42 -37.02 -37.02 -37.02 -37.02 36.83 36.83 36.83 36.83 -37.44 -37.44

-415.74 -415.74 -415.74 -415.74 -415.74 -415.74 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -694.53 -1003.3 -1003.3 -1003.3 -1003.3 -923.49 -923.49 -923.49 -923.49 -899.83 -899.83 -899.83 -899.83 -899.69 -899.69 -899.69 -899.69 377.94 377.94 377.94 377.94 -923.71 -923.71 -923.71 -923.71 80.71 80.71 80.71 80.71 -626.48 -626.48

89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-332.42 -332.42 625.89 625.89 625.89 625.89 138.48 138.48 138.48 138.48 843.93 843.93 843.93 843.93 -79.57 -79.57 -79.57 -79.57 841.89 841.89 841.89 841.89 841.89 841.89 841.89 841.89 841.89 602.03 602.03 602.03 602.03 602.03 602.03 602.03 602.03 602.03 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21 1061.21

-28992.64 -28803.42 5439.75 6614.85 7789.94 8965.03 -12617.45 -11442.36 -10267.27 -9092.18 24943.55 26118.64 27293.73 28468.82 -32121.24 -30946.15 -29771.06 -28595.97 -13054.83 -12193.31 -11241.08 -10198.12 -9064.44 -7930.77 -6887.81 -5935.58 -5074.06 5435.54 6297.06 7249.29 8292.25 9425.92 10559.6 11602.55 12554.79 13416.3 -15897.22 -15077.78 -14018.58 -12719.62 -11180.9 -9642.18 -8343.21 -7284.01 -6464.57

-37.44 -37.44 33.91 33.91 33.91 33.91 -39.53 -39.53 -39.53 -39.53 34.32 34.32 34.32 34.32 -39.94 -39.94 -39.94 -39.94 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38

-626.48 -626.48 -248.81 -248.81 -248.81 -248.81 -1550.46 -1550.46 -1550.46 -1550.46 -546.04 -546.04 -546.04 -546.04 -1253.23 -1253.23 -1253.23 -1253.23 340.01 340.01 340.01 340.01 340.01 340.01 340.01 340.01 340.01 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 -204.83 485.15 485.15 485.15 485.15 485.15 485.15 485.15 485.15 485.15

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

747.51 747.51 747.51 747.51 747.51 747.51 747.51 747.51 747.51 934.94 934.94 934.94 934.94 934.94 934.94 934.94 934.94 934.94 661.46 661.46 661.46 661.46 661.46 661.46 661.46 661.46 661.46 934.02 934.02 934.02 934.02 934.02 934.02 934.02 934.02 934.02 660.81 660.81 660.81 660.81 660.81 660.81 660.81 660.81 660.81

6974.42 7793.87 8853.07 10152.03 11690.75 13229.47 14528.43 15587.64 16407.08 -14132.64 -13343.57 -12375.49 -11228.41 -9902.31 -8576.21 -7429.13 -6461.05 -5671.98 6105.55 6894.62 7862.69 9009.78 10335.88 11661.97 12809.06 13777.14 14566.2 -14132.06 -13342.99 -12374.91 -11227.83 -9901.73 -8575.63 -7428.55 -6460.47 -5671.4 6106.07 6895.13 7863.21 9010.3 10336.39 11662.49 12809.58 13777.65 14566.72

1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66

-192.95 -192.95 -192.95 -192.95 -192.95 -192.95 -192.95 -192.95 -192.95 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 -186.44 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 412.51 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43 -186.43

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

463.21 463.21 463.21 463.21 463.21 463.21 463.21 463.21 463.21 301.24 301.24 301.24 301.24 301.24 301.24 301.24 301.24 301.24 113.63 113.63 113.63 113.63 113.63 113.63 113.63 113.63 113.63 102.19 102.19 102.19 102.19 102.19 102.19 102.19 102.19 102.19 831.43 831.43 831.43 831.43 831.43 831.43 831.43 831.43 831.43

-2635.6 -2465.3 -2295 -2124.71 -1954.41 -1784.11 -1613.82 -1443.52 -1273.23 3813.8 3984.09 4154.39 4324.69 4494.98 4665.28 4835.58 5005.87 5176.17 -5052.71 -4882.42 -4712.12 -4541.82 -4371.53 -4201.23 -4030.93 -3860.64 -3690.34 1380.94 1551.24 1721.54 1891.83 2062.13 2232.42 2402.72 2573.02 2743.31 58.5 228.79 399.09 569.38 739.68 909.98 1080.27 1250.57 1420.87

2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99

1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1452.29 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 1600.41 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1662.58 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 -1340.85 376.53 376.53 376.53 376.53 376.53 376.53 376.53 376.53 376.53

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

489.8 489.8 489.8 489.8 489.8 489.8 489.8 489.8 489.8 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -254.59 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 -86.37 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 1108.4 760.04 760.04 760.04 760.04 760.04 760.04 760.04 760.04 760.04

6549.45 6719.74 6890.04 7060.33 7230.63 7400.93 7571.22 7741.52 7911.82 -7746.8 -7576.51 -7406.21 -7235.91 -7065.62 -6895.32 -6725.02 -6554.73 -6384.43 -1354.7 -1184.41 -1014.11 -843.82 -673.52 -503.22 -332.93 -162.63 7.67 -12923.24 -12134.17 -11166.09 -10019.01 -8692.91 -7366.81 -6219.73 -5251.65 -4462.58 7322.73 8111.79 9079.87 10226.96 11553.05 12879.15 14026.24 14994.31 15783.38

3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32

580.34 580.34 580.34 580.34 580.34 580.34 580.34 580.34 580.34 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -586.82 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 -320.77 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1969.94 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2 1284.2

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

758.82 758.82 758.82 758.82 758.82 758.82 758.82 758.82 758.82 561 561 561 561 561 561 561 561 561 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 1476.62 948.61 948.61 948.61 948.61 948.61 948.61 948.61 948.61 948.61 390.6 390.6 390.6 390.6 390.6 390.6 390.6 390.6 390.6

-15340.35 -14551.29 -13583.21 -12436.12 -11110.03 -9783.93 -8636.84 -7668.77 -6879.7 4889.87 5678.94 6647.02 7794.1 9120.2 10446.3 11593.38 12561.46 13350.53 -10229.15 -9440.08 -8472 -7324.92 -5998.82 -4672.72 -3525.64 -2557.56 -1768.49 10058.37 10847.44 11815.52 12962.61 14288.7 15614.8 16761.89 17729.96 18519.03 -18034.44 -17245.38 -16277.3 -15130.21 -13804.12 -12478.02 -11330.93 -10362.86 -9573.79

-4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.005631 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76

-1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1144.93 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 -1657.06 894.18 894.18 894.18 894.18 894.18 894.18 894.18 894.18 894.18 264.12 264.12 264.12 264.12 264.12 264.12 264.12 264.12 264.12 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17 -69.17

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

372.44 372.44 372.44 372.44 372.44 372.44 372.44 372.44 372.44 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -167.72 -195 -195 -195 -195 -195 -195 -195 -195 -195 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.44 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73 -175.73

2154.22 2943.29 3911.37 5058.45 6384.55 7710.65 8857.74 9825.81 10614.88 -2167.78 -1817.44 -1355.1 -780.76 -103.38 574 1148.34 1610.68 1961.02 -3451.77 -3051.48 -2355.19 -1362.89 -98.28 1166.33 2158.62 2854.91 3255.2 -2854.24 -2491.45 -1907.66 -1102.87 -94.76 913.35 1718.15 2301.94 2664.73 -2854.15 -2491.36 -1907.57 -1102.78 -94.67 913.44 1718.23 2302.02 2664.81

-0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17

-636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -636.99 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -276.51 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -362.82 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64 -315.64

91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 -104.2 70.52 70.52 70.52 70.52 70.52 70.52 70.52 70.52 70.52 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37 -124.37

2019.73 2208.95 2398.16 2587.38 2776.6 2965.82 3155.04 3344.26 3533.47 -3506 -3316.78 -3127.56 -2938.35 -2749.13 -2559.91 -2370.69 -2181.47 -1992.26 8273.07 8462.29 8651.51 8840.72 9029.94 9219.16 9408.38 9597.6 9786.81 -9759.34 -9570.12 -9380.91 -9191.69 -9002.47 -8813.25 -8624.03 -8434.82 -8245.6 -91.25 271.54 855.33 1660.12 2668.23 3676.34 4481.13 5064.93 5427.72

1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18

28.54 28.54 28.54 28.54 28.54 28.54 28.54 28.54 28.54 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68 -301.68

91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -227.36 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -52.64 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 -299.09 560.46 560.46 560.46 560.46 560.46 560.46 560.46 560.46 560.46 823.23 823.23 823.23 823.23 823.23 823.23 823.23 823.23 823.23

-5616.98 -5254.19 -4670.4 -3865.61 -2857.5 -1849.39 -1044.6 -460.8 -98.01 6162.09 6524.88 7108.67 7913.46 8921.57 9929.68 10734.48 11318.27 11681.06 -11870.32 -11507.53 -10923.74 -10118.95 -9110.84 -8102.73 -7297.94 -6714.15 -6351.36 -13075.31 -12213.79 -11261.56 -10218.6 -9084.92 -7951.25 -6908.29 -5956.06 -5094.54 5181.37 6042.89 6995.12 8038.08 9171.75 10305.43 11348.38 12300.62 13162.13

0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 -0.06045 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

-329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -329.61 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -302.43 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -328.86 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 -33.24 180.72 180.72 180.72 180.72 180.72 180.72 180.72 180.72 180.72

92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

684.79 684.79 684.79 684.79 684.79 684.79 684.79 684.79 684.79 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 1019.63 609.13 609.13 609.13 609.13 609.13 609.13 609.13 609.13 609.13 903.72 903.72 903.72 903.72 903.72 903.72 903.72 903.72 903.72 608.28 608.28 608.28 608.28 608.28 608.28 608.28 608.28 608.28

-15987.74 -15168.3 -14109.1 -12810.14 -11271.42 -9732.7 -8433.73 -7374.53 -6555.09 6651.29 7470.73 8529.93 9828.89 11367.62 12906.34 14205.3 15264.5 16083.94 -14195.37 -13406.31 -12438.23 -11291.14 -9965.05 -8638.95 -7491.86 -6523.79 -5734.72 5822.21 6611.27 7579.35 8726.44 10052.53 11378.63 12525.72 13493.79 14282.86 -14195.15 -13406.09 -12438.01 -11290.92 -9964.83 -8638.73 -7491.64 -6523.57 -5734.5

0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 -0.04949 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

-42.25 -42.25 -42.25 -42.25 -42.25 -42.25 -42.25 -42.25 -42.25 213.84 213.84 213.84 213.84 213.84 213.84 213.84 213.84 213.84 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 191.66 191.66 191.66 191.66 191.66 191.66 191.66 191.66 191.66 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09 -37.09

92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

902.14 902.14 902.14 902.14 902.14 902.14 902.14 902.14 902.14 239.99 239.99 239.99 239.99 239.99 239.99 239.99 239.99 239.99 531.6 531.6 531.6 531.6 531.6 531.6 531.6 531.6 531.6 180.55 180.55 180.55 180.55 180.55 180.55 180.55 180.55 180.55 84.35 84.35 84.35 84.35 84.35 84.35 84.35 84.35 84.35

5822.45 6611.52 7579.6 8726.68 10052.78 11378.88 12525.96 13494.04 14283.11 -3116.75 -2946.45 -2776.15 -2605.86 -2435.56 -2265.27 -2094.97 -1924.67 -1754.38 3748.15 3918.45 4088.74 4259.04 4429.34 4599.63 4769.93 4940.23 5110.52 -5153.73 -4983.43 -4813.13 -4642.84 -4472.54 -4302.25 -4131.95 -3961.65 -3791.36 1875.04 2045.34 2215.64 2385.93 2556.23 2726.53 2896.82 3067.12 3237.41

-0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 -0.04863 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54

191.73 191.73 191.73 191.73 191.73 191.73 191.73 191.73 191.73 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1499.8 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 1622.04 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1493.37 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19 -1528.19

92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

259.97 -823.35 259.97 -653.06 259.97 -482.76 259.97 -312.46 259.97 -142.17 259.97 28.13 259.97 198.42 259.97 368.72 259.97 539.02 845.21 5843.04 845.21 6013.34 845.21 6183.63 845.21 6353.93 845.21 6524.23 845.21 6694.52 845.21 6864.82 845.21 7035.12 845.21 7205.41 160.57 -7447.12 160.57 -7276.82 160.57 -7106.53 160.57 -6936.23 160.57 -6765.94 160.57 -6595.64 160.57 -6425.34 160.57 -6255.05 160.57 -6084.75 -229.27 -219.85 -229.27 -49.55 -229.27 120.75 -229.27 291.04 -229.27 461.34 -229.27 631.63 -229.27 801.93 -229.27 972.23 -229.27 1142.52 637.62 -13176.56 637.62 -12387.5 637.62 -11419.42 637.62 -10272.33 637.62 -8946.24 637.62 -7620.14 637.62 -6473.05 637.62 -5504.98 637.62 -4715.91

1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23

461.53 461.53 461.53 461.53 461.53 461.53 461.53 461.53 461.53 564.69 564.69 564.69 564.69 564.69 564.69 564.69 564.69 564.69 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -455.1 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49 1459.49

92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 1125.06 578.18 578.18 578.18 578.18 578.18 578.18 578.18 578.18 578.18 677.81 677.81 677.81 677.81 677.81 677.81 677.81 677.81 677.81 657.6 657.6 657.6 657.6 657.6 657.6 657.6 657.6 657.6 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67 1438.67

6759.12 7548.19 8516.26 9663.35 10989.45 12315.54 13462.63 14430.71 15219.77 -15213.54 -14424.48 -13456.4 -12309.31 -10983.22 -9657.12 -8510.03 -7541.96 -6752.89 4886.01 5675.08 6643.16 7790.24 9116.34 10442.44 11589.52 12557.6 13346.67 -10883.17 -10094.1 -9126.03 -7978.94 -6652.84 -5326.75 -4179.66 -3211.58 -2422.52 8854.01 9643.08 10611.15 11758.24 13084.34 14410.43 15557.52 16525.6 17314.66

3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18

1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 1766.88 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1533.69 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 -1383.35 421.21 421.21 421.21 421.21 421.21 421.21 421.21 421.21 421.21 709.52 709.52 709.52 709.52 709.52 709.52 709.52 709.52 709.52

92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

558.2 558.2 558.2 558.2 558.2 558.2 558.2 558.2 558.2 364.19 364.19 364.19 364.19 364.19 364.19 364.19 364.19 364.19 358.98 358.98 358.98 358.98 438.91 438.91 438.91 438.91 391.44 391.44 391.44 391.44 389.96 389.96 389.96 389.96 380.27 380.27 380.27 380.27 -121.27 -121.27 -121.27 -121.27 603.44 603.44 603.44

-17506.94 -16717.87 -15749.8 -14602.71 -13276.61 -11950.51 -10803.43 -9835.35 -9046.28 2791.12 3580.19 4548.27 5695.35 7021.45 8347.55 9494.63 10462.71 11251.78 -2918.32 -1809.88 -701.44 407 -4088.82 -2778.73 -1468.64 -158.55 -3475.52 -2300.43 -1125.34 49.75 -3490.92 -2315.83 -1140.74 34.35 8213.12 8402.34 8591.55 8780.77 -9870.72 -9681.5 -9492.28 -9303.07 27690.65 27879.87 28069.08

-1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 -35.87 -35.87 -35.87 -35.87 38.94 38.94 38.94

-495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -495.41 -326 -326 -326 -326 -326 -326 -326 -326 -326 1010.98 1010.98 1010.98 1010.98 935.16 935.16 935.16 935.16 909.59 909.59 909.59 909.59 909.45 909.45 909.45 909.45 924.57 924.57 924.57 924.57 -375.55 -375.55 -375.55 -375.55 625.49 625.49 625.49

93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

603.44 -344.44 -344.44 -344.44 -344.44 640.06 640.06 640.06 640.06 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 -84.66 -84.66 -84.66 -84.66 574.67 574.67 574.67 574.67 574.67 574.67 574.67 574.67 574.67 397.49 397.49 397.49 397.49 397.49 397.49 397.49 397.49 397.49 791.97 791.97 791.97 791.97 791.97 791.97

28258.3 -29348.25 -29159.03 -28969.82 -28780.6 5544 6719.09 7894.19 9069.28 -12539.83 -11364.74 -10189.65 -9014.56 25021.54 26196.63 27371.72 28546.81 -32017.37 -30842.27 -29667.18 -28492.09 -13044.47 -12182.96 -11230.72 -10187.77 -9054.09 -7920.41 -6877.46 -5925.22 -5063.71 5504.57 6366.08 7318.32 8361.27 9494.95 10628.62 11671.58 12623.81 13485.33 -15856.88 -15037.44 -13978.24 -12679.28 -11140.56 -9601.83

38.94 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 39.5 39.5 39.5 39.5 -33.49 -33.49 -33.49 -33.49 41.33 41.33 41.33 41.33 -35.32 -35.32 -35.32 -35.32 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42

625.49 -76.46 -76.46 -76.46 -76.46 1559.46 1559.46 1559.46 1559.46 259.33 259.33 259.33 259.33 1260.37 1260.37 1260.37 1260.37 558.42 558.42 558.42 558.42 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 -12.51 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 -20.62 -20.62 -20.62 -20.62 -20.62 -20.62

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

791.97 791.97 791.97 546.68 546.68 546.68 546.68 546.68 546.68 546.68 546.68 546.68 680.73 680.73 680.73 680.73 680.73 680.73 680.73 680.73 680.73 470.07 470.07 470.07 470.07 470.07 470.07 470.07 470.07 470.07 679.85 679.85 679.85 679.85 679.85 679.85 679.85 679.85 679.85 469.53 469.53 469.53 469.53 469.53 469.53

-8302.87 -7243.67 -6424.23 7033.09 7852.54 8911.74 10210.7 11749.42 13288.14 14587.1 15646.31 16465.75 -14104.11 -13315.04 -12346.96 -11199.88 -9873.78 -8547.68 -7400.6 -6432.52 -5643.45 6164.42 6953.49 7921.56 9068.65 10394.75 11720.85 12867.93 13836.01 14625.08 -14103.52 -13314.45 -12346.37 -11199.29 -9873.19 -8547.09 -7400.01 -6431.93 -5642.86 6164.92 6953.99 7922.07 9069.15 10395.25 11721.35

0.42 0.42 0.42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88

-20.62 -20.62 -20.62 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 -16.92 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

469.53 469.53 469.53 484.65 484.65 484.65 484.65 484.65 484.65 484.65 484.65 484.65 297.25 297.25 297.25 297.25 297.25 297.25 297.25 297.25 297.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 907.85 907.85 907.85 907.85 907.85 907.85

12868.43 13836.51 14625.58 -2859.82 -2689.52 -2519.22 -2348.93 -2178.63 -2008.33 -1838.04 -1667.74 -1497.45 4119.03 4289.32 4459.62 4629.92 4800.21 4970.51 5140.81 5311.1 5481.4 -5337.71 -5167.41 -4997.11 -4826.82 -4656.52 -4486.23 -4315.93 -4145.63 -3975.34 1602.69 1772.99 1943.29 2113.58 2283.88 2454.18 2624.47 2794.77 2965.07 -194.02 -23.73 146.57 316.87 487.16 657.46

0.88 0.88 0.88 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29

8.1 8.1 8.1 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1580.34 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 1494.08 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1568.79 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 -1507.34 482.38 482.38 482.38 482.38 482.38 482.38

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

907.85 827.76 907.85 998.05 907.85 1168.35 447.2 6832.18 447.2 7002.47 447.2 7172.77 447.2 7343.07 447.2 7513.36 447.2 7683.66 447.2 7853.96 447.2 8024.25 447.2 8194.55 -349.95 -8003.5 -349.95 -7833.2 -349.95 -7662.91 -349.95 -7492.61 -349.95 -7322.32 -349.95 -7152.02 -349.95 -6981.72 -349.95 -6811.43 -349.95 -6641.13 -59.01 -1110.45 -59.01 -940.16 -59.01 -769.86 -59.01 -599.57 -59.01 -429.27 -59.01 -258.97 -59.01 -88.68 -59.01 81.62 -59.01 251.92 885.15 -12864.31 885.15 -12075.24 885.15 -11107.16 885.15 -9960.08 885.15 -8633.98 885.15 -7307.88 885.15 -6160.8 885.15 -5192.72 885.15 -4403.65 572.45 7423.32 572.45 8212.38 572.45 9180.46 572.45 10327.55 572.45 11653.64 572.45 12979.74

1.29 1.29 1.29 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12

482.38 482.38 482.38 446.7 446.7 446.7 446.7 446.7 446.7 446.7 446.7 446.7 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -470.83 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 -459.96 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1557.66 1508.81 1508.81 1508.81 1508.81 1508.81 1508.81

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

572.45 572.45 572.45 473.75 473.75 473.75 473.75 473.75 473.75 473.75 473.75 473.75 366.13 366.13 366.13 366.13 366.13 366.13 366.13 366.13 366.13 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 1308.35 722.39 722.39 722.39 722.39 722.39 722.39 722.39 722.39 722.39 50.54 50.54 50.54 50.54 50.54 50.54

14126.83 15094.9 15883.97 -15342.2 -14553.13 -13585.05 -12437.97 -11111.87 -9785.77 -8638.69 -7670.61 -6881.54 4906.98 5696.05 6664.13 7811.21 9137.31 10463.41 11610.49 12578.57 13367.64 -10198.51 -9409.45 -8441.37 -7294.28 -5968.19 -4642.09 -3495 -2526.93 -1737.86 10136.47 10925.53 11893.61 13040.7 14366.79 15692.89 16839.98 17808.05 18597.12 -18007.99 -17218.92 -16250.85 -15103.76 -13777.66 -12451.57

2.12 2.12 2.12 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84

1508.81 1508.81 1508.81 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1591.47 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 -1492.61 459.7 459.7 459.7 459.7 459.7 459.7 459.7 459.7 459.7 461.43 461.43 461.43 461.43 461.43 461.43 461.43 461.43 461.43 -493.51 -493.51 -493.51 -493.51 -493.51 -493.51

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

50.54 -11304.48 50.54 -10336.4 50.54 -9547.34 216.19 2193.83 216.19 2982.9 216.19 3950.98 216.19 5098.06 216.19 6424.16 216.19 7750.26 216.19 8897.34 216.19 9865.42 216.19 10654.49 -132.8 -2173.17 -132.8 -1822.83 -132.8 -1360.49 -132.8 -786.15 -132.8 -108.77 -132.8 568.61 -132.8 1142.95 -132.8 1605.29 -132.8 1955.63 -155.5 -3414.34 -155.5 -3014.05 -155.5 -2317.76 -155.5 -1325.47 -155.5 -60.86 -155.5 1203.75 -155.5 2196.04 -155.5 2892.33 -155.5 3292.62 -139.79 -2832.83 -139.79 -2470.04 -139.79 -1886.25 -139.79 -1081.45 -139.79 -73.34 -139.79 934.77 -139.79 1739.56 -139.79 2323.35 -139.79 2686.14 -139.86 -2832.53 -139.86 -2469.74 -139.86 -1885.95 -139.86 -1081.16 -139.86 -73.05 -139.86 935.06

-0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78

-493.51 -493.51 -493.51 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 -445.23 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 23.26 23.26 23.26 23.26 23.26 23.26 23.26 23.26 23.26 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38 20.38

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-139.86 -139.86 -139.86 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -33.63 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -88.6 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -29.46 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -92.77 -112.41 -112.41 -112.41 -112.41 -112.41 -112.41

1739.85 2323.64 2686.43 2063.77 2252.99 2442.21 2631.43 2820.65 3009.86 3199.08 3388.3 3577.52 -3578.79 -3389.57 -3200.35 -3011.13 -2821.91 -2632.7 -2443.48 -2254.26 -2065.04 8141.53 8330.75 8519.97 8709.19 8898.4 9087.62 9276.84 9466.06 9655.28 -9656.54 -9467.33 -9278.11 -9088.89 -8899.67 -8710.45 -8521.23 -8332.02 -8142.8 -11.12 351.67 935.46 1740.25 2748.36 3756.48

0.78 0.78 0.78 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66

20.38 20.38 20.38 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 -14.85 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 33.35 33.35 33.35 33.35 33.35 33.35

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-112.41 -112.41 -112.41 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -167.38 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -108.24 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 -171.55 505.64 505.64 505.64 505.64 505.64 505.64 505.64 505.64 505.64 684.22 684.22 684.22 684.22 684.22 684.22

4561.27 5145.06 5507.85 -5653.68 -5290.89 -4707.1 -3902.31 -2894.2 -1886.09 -1081.29 -497.5 -134.71 6066.64 6429.43 7013.22 7818.01 8826.12 9834.23 10639.02 11222.81 11585.6 -11731.44 -11368.65 -10784.86 -9980.06 -8971.95 -7963.84 -7159.05 -6575.26 -6212.47 -13463.16 -12601.64 -11649.4 -10606.45 -9472.77 -8339.1 -7296.14 -6343.91 -5482.39 5144.69 6006.21 6958.44 8001.4 9135.07 10268.75

1.66 1.66 1.66 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17

33.35 33.35 33.35 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

684.22 684.22 684.22 625.84 625.84 625.84 625.84 625.84 625.84 625.84 625.84 625.84 862.9 862.9 862.9 862.9 862.9 862.9 862.9 862.9 862.9 554.28 554.28 554.28 554.28 554.28 554.28 554.28 554.28 554.28 760.09 760.09 760.09 760.09 760.09 760.09 760.09 760.09 760.09 553.76 553.76 553.76 553.76 553.76 553.76

11311.7 12263.94 13125.45 -16423.83 -15604.39 -14545.19 -13246.22 -11707.5 -10168.78 -8869.82 -7810.62 -6991.18 6527.29 7346.74 8405.94 9704.9 11243.62 12782.34 14081.3 15140.51 15959.95 -14592.09 -13803.03 -12834.95 -11687.86 -10361.77 -9035.67 -7888.58 -6920.51 -6131.44 5733.6 6522.67 7490.75 8637.83 9963.93 11290.03 12437.11 13405.19 14194.26 -14592.3 -13803.23 -12835.16 -11688.07 -10361.97 -9035.88

0.17 0.17 0.17 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

0.12 0.12 0.12 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 0.09224 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

553.76 553.76 553.76 759.36 759.36 759.36 759.36 759.36 759.36 759.36 759.36 759.36 266.58 266.58 266.58 266.58 266.58 266.58 266.58 266.58 266.58 464.99 464.99 464.99 464.99 464.99 464.99 464.99 464.99 464.99 106.74 106.74 106.74 106.74 106.74 106.74 106.74 106.74 106.74 54.03 54.03 54.03 54.03 54.03 54.03

-7888.79 -6920.71 -6131.65 5733.27 6522.33 7490.41 8637.5 9963.59 11289.69 12436.78 13404.85 14193.92 -2959.93 -2789.64 -2619.34 -2449.05 -2278.75 -2108.45 -1938.16 -1767.86 -1597.56 3970.24 4140.53 4310.83 4481.13 4651.42 4821.72 4992.02 5162.31 5332.61 -5457.08 -5286.78 -5116.48 -4946.19 -4775.89 -4605.59 -4435.3 -4265 -4094.71 1481.78 1652.07 1822.37 1992.66 2162.96 2333.26

1.25 1.25 1.25 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -3.32 -3.32 -3.32 -3.32 -3.32 -3.32

1.21 1.21 1.21 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1499.98 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 1572.62 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1510.87 -1567.15 -1567.15 -1567.15 -1567.15 -1567.15 -1567.15

96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

54.03 54.03 54.03 405.29 405.29 405.29 405.29 405.29 405.29 405.29 405.29 405.29 891.04 891.04 891.04 891.04 891.04 891.04 891.04 891.04 891.04 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -31.97 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 -372.03 633.45 633.45 633.45 633.45 633.45 633.45

2503.55 2673.85 2844.15 -276.13 -105.83 64.47 234.76 405.06 575.36 745.65 915.95 1086.24 6654.02 6824.31 6994.61 7164.9 7335.2 7505.5 7675.79 7846.09 8016.39 -8140.88 -7970.59 -7800.29 -7630 -7459.7 -7289.4 -7119.11 -6948.81 -6778.51 -1202 -1031.71 -861.41 -691.11 -520.82 -350.52 -180.22 -9.93 160.37 -13343.82 -12554.76 -11586.68 -10439.59 -9113.5 -7787.4

-3.32 -1567.15 -3.32 -1567.15 -3.32 -1567.15 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 3.11 468.83 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 2.29 516.34 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.44 -479.72 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 -2.14 -510.88 2.69 1506.63 2.69 1506.63 2.69 1506.63 2.69 1506.63 2.69 1506.63 2.69 1506.63

96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

633.45 633.45 633.45 964.52 964.52 964.52 964.52 964.52 964.52 964.52 964.52 964.52 473.61 473.61 473.61 473.61 473.61 473.61 473.61 473.61 473.61 553.56 553.56 553.56 553.56 553.56 553.56 553.56 553.56 553.56 772.16 772.16 772.16 772.16 772.16 772.16 772.16 772.16 772.16 1390.57 1390.57 1390.57 1390.57 1390.57 1390.57

-6640.31 -5672.24 -4883.17 6977.34 7766.41 8734.49 9881.57 11207.67 12533.77 13680.85 14648.93 15438 -15840.97 -15051.9 -14083.82 -12936.74 -11610.64 -10284.54 -9137.46 -8169.38 -7380.31 4488.88 5277.95 6246.03 7393.11 8719.21 10045.31 11192.39 12160.47 12949.54 -10660.02 -9870.95 -8902.87 -7755.79 -6429.69 -5103.59 -3956.51 -2988.43 -2199.36 9661.12 10450.19 11418.27 12565.35 13891.45 15217.55

2.69 2.69 2.69 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44

1506.63 1506.63 1506.63 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 1573.42 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1504.22 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 -1566.35 475.48 475.48 475.48 475.48 475.48 475.48 475.48 475.48 475.48 517.15 517.15 517.15 517.15 517.15 517.15

96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1390.57 1390.57 1390.57 334.9 334.9 334.9 334.9 334.9 334.9 334.9 334.9 334.9 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 549.12 549.12 549.12 549.12 549.12 549.12 549.12 549.12 549.12 385.19 385.19 385.19 385.19 385.19 385.19 385.19 385.19 385.19 766.07 766.07 766.07 766.07 766.07 766.07

16364.63 17332.71 18121.78 -18524.77 -17735.71 -16767.63 -15620.54 -14294.45 -12968.35 -11821.26 -10853.19 -10064.12 1805.1 2594.17 3562.25 4709.33 6035.43 7361.53 8508.61 9476.69 10265.76 -13077.98 -12216.47 -11264.23 -10221.28 -9087.6 -7953.93 -6910.97 -5958.74 -5097.22 5540.89 6402.4 7354.64 8397.59 9531.27 10664.94 11707.9 12660.14 13521.65 -15928.89 -15109.45 -14050.24 -12751.28 -11212.56 -9673.84

2.44 2.44 2.44 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83

517.15 517.15 517.15 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -473.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 -510.07 53.58 53.58 53.58 53.58 53.58 53.58 53.58 53.58 53.58 19.01 19.01 19.01 19.01 19.01 19.01 19.01 19.01 19.01 23.89 23.89 23.89 23.89 23.89 23.89

97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

766.07 766.07 766.07 532.5 532.5 532.5 532.5 532.5 532.5 532.5 532.5 532.5 656.29 656.29 656.29 656.29 656.29 656.29 656.29 656.29 656.29 457.18 457.18 457.18 457.18 457.18 457.18 457.18 457.18 457.18 655.44 655.44 655.44 655.44 655.44 655.44 655.44 655.44 655.44 456.71 456.71 456.71 456.71 456.71 456.71

-8374.88 -7315.67 -6496.23 7119.83 7939.28 8998.48 10297.44 11836.16 13374.88 14673.84 15733.05 16552.49 -14159.89 -13370.82 -12402.75 -11255.66 -9929.56 -8603.47 -7456.38 -6488.3 -5699.24 6230.27 7019.33 7987.41 9134.5 10460.59 11786.69 12933.78 13901.85 14690.92 -14159.29 -13370.23 -12402.15 -11255.06 -9928.97 -8602.87 -7455.78 -6487.71 -5698.64 6230.8 7019.87 7987.95 9135.03 10461.13 11787.23

0.83 0.83 0.83 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61

23.89 23.89 23.89 36.79 36.79 36.79 36.79 36.79 36.79 36.79 36.79 36.79 32.16 32.16 32.16 32.16 32.16 32.16 32.16 32.16 32.16 29.11 29.11 29.11 29.11 29.11 29.11 29.11 29.11 29.11 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1

97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

456.71 456.71 456.71 497.37 497.37 497.37 497.37 497.37 497.37 497.37 497.37 497.37 290.16 290.16 290.16 290.16 290.16 290.16 290.16 290.16 290.16 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 87.92 87.92 87.92 87.92 87.92 87.92 87.92 87.92 87.92 886.08 886.08 886.08 886.08 886.08 886.08

12934.31 13902.39 14691.46 -2848.95 -2678.66 -2508.36 -2338.06 -2167.77 -1997.47 -1827.17 -1656.88 -1486.58 4213.61 4383.9 4554.2 4724.5 4894.79 5065.09 5235.39 5405.68 5575.98 -5403.52 -5233.22 -5062.92 -4892.63 -4722.33 -4552.03 -4381.74 -4211.44 -4041.15 1567.71 1738.01 1908.3 2078.6 2248.9 2419.19 2589.49 2759.78 2930.08 -213.59 -43.29 127 297.3 467.6 637.89

0.61 0.61 0.61 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06

29.1 29.1 29.1 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1530.3 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 1498.31 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1577.46 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 -1457.48 448.42 448.42 448.42 448.42 448.42 448.42

97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

886.08 808.19 886.08 978.49 886.08 1148.78 415.75 6876.06 415.75 7046.36 415.75 7216.65 415.75 7386.95 415.75 7557.25 415.75 7727.54 415.75 7897.84 415.75 8068.14 415.75 8238.43 -333.91 -8038.88 -333.91 -7868.58 -333.91 -7698.29 -333.91 -7527.99 -333.91 -7357.69 -333.91 -7187.4 -333.91 -7017.1 -333.91 -6846.81 -333.91 -6676.51 -37.67 -1094.74 -37.67 -924.45 -37.67 -754.15 -37.67 -583.85 -37.67 -413.56 -37.67 -243.26 -37.67 -72.96 -37.67 97.33 -37.67 267.63 876.33 -12881.74 876.33 -12092.67 876.33 -11124.6 876.33 -9977.51 876.33 -8651.41 876.33 -7325.32 876.33 -6178.23 876.33 -5210.15 876.33 -4421.09 557.61 7554 557.61 8343.06 557.61 9311.14 557.61 10458.23 557.61 11784.32 557.61 13110.42

2.06 2.06 2.06 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08

448.42 448.42 448.42 465.85 465.85 465.85 465.85 465.85 465.85 465.85 465.85 465.85 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -495.59 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 -425.01 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1586.03 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507

97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

557.61 557.61 557.61 433.77 433.77 433.77 433.77 433.77 433.77 433.77 433.77 433.77 355.37 355.37 355.37 355.37 355.37 355.37 355.37 355.37 355.37 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 1265.05 683.2 683.2 683.2 683.2 683.2 683.2 683.2 683.2 683.2 45.06 45.06 45.06 45.06 45.06 45.06

14257.51 15225.59 16014.65 -15436.31 -14647.24 -13679.16 -12532.07 -11205.98 -9879.88 -8732.79 -7764.72 -6975.65 4908.1 5697.17 6665.24 7812.33 9138.43 10464.52 11611.61 12579.69 13368.75 -10246.38 -9457.31 -8489.23 -7342.15 -6016.05 -4689.95 -3542.87 -2574.79 -1785.72 10216.45 11005.52 11973.59 13120.68 14446.78 15772.87 16919.96 17888.04 18677.1 -18071.67 -17282.6 -16314.52 -15167.44 -13841.34 -12515.24

2.08 2.08 2.08 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18

1507 1507 1507 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1521.73 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 -1448.8 504.16 504.16 504.16 504.16 504.16 504.16 504.16 504.16 504.16 474.53 474.53 474.53 474.53 474.53 474.53 474.53 474.53 474.53 -439.86 -439.86 -439.86 -439.86 -439.86 -439.86

97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

45.06 -11368.16 45.06 -10400.08 45.06 -9611.01 229.78 2245.65 229.78 3034.71 229.78 4002.79 229.78 5149.88 229.78 6475.97 229.78 7802.07 229.78 8949.16 229.78 9917.23 229.78 10706.3 -169.24 -2148.82 -169.24 -1798.48 -169.24 -1336.14 -169.24 -761.8 -169.24 -84.42 -169.24 592.96 -169.24 1167.3 -169.24 1629.64 -169.24 1979.98 -201.53 -3381.17 -201.53 -2980.88 -201.53 -2284.59 -201.53 -1292.29 -201.53 -27.68 -201.53 1236.93 -201.53 2229.22 -201.53 2925.51 -201.53 3325.8 -180.37 -2804.33 -180.37 -2441.54 -180.37 -1857.75 -180.37 -1052.96 -180.37 -44.85 -180.37 963.26 -180.37 1768.05 -180.37 2351.84 -180.37 2714.64 -180.36 -2803.98 -180.36 -2441.19 -180.36 -1857.4 -180.36 -1052.61 -180.36 -44.5 -180.36 963.61

-1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87

-439.86 -439.86 -439.86 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -416.33 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -12.26 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39

98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-180.36 -180.36 -180.36 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -55.43 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -86.32 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -43.48 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -98.28 -164.91 -164.91 -164.91 -164.91 -164.91 -164.91

1768.4 2352.19 2714.99 2165.25 2354.47 2543.68 2732.9 2922.12 3111.34 3300.56 3489.77 3678.99 -3671.38 -3482.16 -3292.95 -3103.73 -2914.51 -2725.29 -2536.07 -2346.85 -2157.64 8153.25 8342.47 8531.69 8720.91 8910.12 9099.34 9288.56 9477.78 9667 -9659.39 -9470.17 -9280.95 -9091.73 -8902.51 -8713.3 -8524.08 -8334.86 -8145.64 114.49 477.28 1061.07 1865.87 2873.98 3882.09

0.87 0.87 0.87 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92

-11.39 -11.39 -11.39 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48

98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-164.91 -164.91 -164.91 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -195.8 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -152.96 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 -207.75 508.65 508.65 508.65 508.65 508.65 508.65 508.65 508.65 508.65 693.24 693.24 693.24 693.24 693.24 693.24

4686.88 5270.67 5633.46 -5722.14 -5359.35 -4775.55 -3970.76 -2962.65 -1954.54 -1149.75 -565.96 -203.17 6102.5 6465.29 7049.08 7853.87 8861.98 9870.09 10674.88 11258.67 11621.46 -11710.14 -11347.35 -10763.56 -9958.77 -8950.66 -7942.55 -7137.76 -6553.96 -6191.17 -13477 -12615.48 -11663.24 -10620.29 -9486.61 -8352.94 -7309.98 -6357.75 -5496.23 5184.29 6045.81 6998.04 8041 9174.67 10308.35

1.92 1.92 1.92 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14

1.48 1.48 1.48 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -24.26 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -18.57 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -54.71 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

693.24 693.24 693.24 628.25 628.25 628.25 628.25 628.25 628.25 628.25 628.25 628.25 879.47 879.47 879.47 879.47 879.47 879.47 879.47 879.47 879.47 556.76 556.76 556.76 556.76 556.76 556.76 556.76 556.76 556.76 773.37 773.37 773.37 773.37 773.37 773.37 773.37 773.37 773.37 556.24 556.24 556.24 556.24 556.24 556.24

11351.3 12303.54 13165.06 -16484.52 -15665.08 -14605.88 -13306.92 -11768.2 -10229.47 -8930.51 -7871.31 -7051.87 6616.79 7436.23 8495.43 9794.39 11333.11 12871.83 14170.8 15230 16049.44 -14634.43 -13845.37 -12877.29 -11730.2 -10404.11 -9078.01 -7930.92 -6962.85 -6173.78 5802.22 6591.28 7559.36 8706.45 10032.54 11358.64 12505.73 13473.8 14262.87 -14634.68 -13845.61 -12877.53 -11730.45 -10404.35 -9078.25

-0.14 -0.14 -0.14 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 0.07388 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 0.002654 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35

-2 -2 -2 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 -76.81 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 -65.6 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 -65.59 -65.59 -65.59 -65.59 -65.59 -65.59

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

556.24 556.24 556.24 772.62 772.62 772.62 772.62 772.62 772.62 772.62 772.62 772.62 273.48 273.48 273.48 273.48 273.48 273.48 273.48 273.48 273.48 472.42 472.42 472.42 472.42 472.42 472.42 472.42 472.42 472.42 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.52 59.51 59.51 59.51 59.51 59.51 59.51

-7931.17 -6963.09 -6174.02 5801.92 6590.99 7559.06 8706.15 10032.25 11358.34 12505.43 13473.51 14262.57 -2955.16 -2784.87 -2614.57 -2444.27 -2273.98 -2103.68 -1933.38 -1763.09 -1592.79 4069.24 4239.54 4409.84 4580.13 4750.43 4920.72 5091.02 5261.32 5431.61 -5554.71 -5384.41 -5214.12 -5043.82 -4873.52 -4703.23 -4532.93 -4362.64 -4192.34 1477.95 1648.24 1818.54 1988.84 2159.13 2329.43

1.35 1.35 1.35 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 0.001477 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16

-65.59 -65.59 -65.59 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1466.72 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 1566.55 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1504.29 -1522.09 -1522.09 -1522.09 -1522.09 -1522.09 -1522.09

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

59.51 59.51 59.51 413.49 413.49 413.49 413.49 413.49 413.49 413.49 413.49 413.49 880.62 880.62 880.62 880.62 880.62 880.62 880.62 880.62 880.62 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 -348.68 638.49 638.49 638.49 638.49 638.49 638.49

2499.72 2670.02 2840.32 -275.14 -104.85 65.45 235.75 406.04 576.34 746.64 916.93 1087.23 6691.2 6861.49 7031.79 7202.09 7372.38 7542.68 7712.98 7883.27 8053.57 -8234.73 -8064.43 -7894.14 -7723.84 -7553.54 -7383.25 -7212.95 -7042.66 -6872.36 -1144.01 -973.71 -803.42 -633.12 -462.82 -292.53 -122.23 48.07 218.36 -13335.01 -12545.95 -11577.87 -10430.78 -9104.69 -7778.59

-4.16 -1522.09 -4.16 -1522.09 -4.16 -1522.09 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.91 428.76 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 3.13 493.13 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.17 -466.32 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 -3.14 -448.66 3.35 1419.91 3.35 1419.91 3.35 1419.91 3.35 1419.91 3.35 1419.91 3.35 1419.91

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

638.49 638.49 638.49 978.74 978.74 978.74 978.74 978.74 978.74 978.74 978.74 978.74 473.53 473.53 473.53 473.53 473.53 473.53 473.53 473.53 473.53 565.83 565.83 565.83 565.83 565.83 565.83 565.83 565.83 565.83 778.5 778.5 778.5 778.5 778.5 778.5 778.5 778.5 778.5 1386.93 1386.93 1386.93 1386.93 1386.93 1386.93

-6631.5 -5663.43 -4874.36 7097.43 7886.5 8854.58 10001.66 11327.76 12653.86 13800.95 14769.02 15558.09 -15934.56 -15145.49 -14177.42 -13030.33 -11704.23 -10378.14 -9231.05 -8262.97 -7473.91 4506.14 5295.2 6263.28 7410.37 8736.47 10062.56 11209.65 12177.73 12966.79 -10654.99 -9865.93 -8897.85 -7750.76 -6424.67 -5098.57 -3951.48 -2983.41 -2194.34 9719.39 10508.46 11476.53 12623.62 13949.72 15275.81

3.35 3.35 3.35 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14

1419.91 1419.91 1419.91 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 1566.56 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1551.1 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 -1522.08 381.95 381.95 381.95 381.95 381.95 381.95 381.95 381.95 381.95 493.14 493.14 493.14 493.14 493.14 493.14

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1386.93 1386.93 1386.93 333.51 333.51 333.51 333.51 333.51 333.51 333.51 333.51 333.51 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.63 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 120.47 120.47 120.47 120.47 120.47 120.47 120.47 120.47 120.47 339.36 339.36 339.36 339.36 339.36 339.36

16422.9 17390.98 18180.04 -18614.58 -17825.51 -16857.44 -15710.35 -14384.25 -13058.16 -11911.07 -10942.99 -10153.93 1884.18 2673.25 3641.33 4788.41 6114.51 7440.61 8587.69 9555.77 10344.84 -8406.17 -8095.9 -7694.92 -7203.21 -6620.79 -6038.36 -5546.65 -5145.67 -4835.4 4417.79 4728.06 5129.04 5620.75 6203.17 6785.6 7277.3 7678.29 7988.55 -11313.73 -10966.79 -10380.09 -9553.63 -8487.4 -7421.18

3.14 3.14 3.14 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45

493.14 493.14 493.14 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -513.13 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 860.78 860.78 860.78 860.78 860.78 860.78 860.78 860.78 860.78 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 -733.2 1244.38 1244.38 1244.38 1244.38 1244.38 1244.38

101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

339.36 339.36 339.36 255.68 255.68 255.68 255.68 255.68 255.68 255.68 255.68 255.68 263.39 263.39 263.39 263.39 263.39 263.39 263.39 263.39 263.39 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 262.82 262.82 262.82 262.82 262.82 262.82 262.82 262.82 262.82 198.6 198.6 198.6 198.6 198.6 198.6

-6594.72 -6008.02 -5661.08 5451.67 5798.61 6385.31 7211.77 8277.99 9344.22 10170.68 10757.38 11104.32 -9773.37 -9456.8 -8961.22 -8286.64 -7433.04 -6579.44 -5904.86 -5409.28 -5092.71 4826.68 5143.25 5638.83 6313.41 7167.01 8020.61 8695.19 9190.77 9507.34 -9773.11 -9456.54 -8960.96 -8286.38 -7432.78 -6579.18 -5904.6 -5409.02 -5092.45 4827.21 5143.77 5639.35 6313.94 7167.53 8021.13

3.45 3.45 3.45 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14

1244.38 1244.38 1244.38 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 -1035.32 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 1054.67 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 -882.89 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 1054.46 -882.77 -882.77 -882.77 -882.77 -882.77 -882.77

101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

198.6 198.6 198.6 396.25 396.25 396.25 396.25 396.25 396.25 396.25 396.25 396.25 317.9 317.9 317.9 317.9 317.9 317.9 317.9 317.9 317.9 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 656.78 656.78 656.78 656.78 656.78 656.78

8695.72 9191.29 9507.86 -1933.01 -1762.71 -1592.42 -1422.12 -1251.82 -1081.53 -911.23 -740.94 -570.64 3716.13 3886.42 4056.72 4227.01 4397.31 4567.61 4737.9 4908.2 5078.5 -5147.93 -4977.63 -4807.34 -4637.04 -4466.75 -4296.45 -4126.15 -3955.86 -3785.56 723.53 893.83 1064.13 1234.42 1404.72 1575.02 1745.31 1915.61 2085.9 504.78 675.07 845.37 1015.67 1185.96 1356.26

-2.14 -2.14 -2.14 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 -5.65 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21

-882.77 -882.77 -882.77 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1886.23 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 1022.92 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -993.12 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 -1757.23 889.47 889.47 889.47 889.47 889.47 889.47

101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

656.78 656.78 656.78 463.86 463.86 463.86 463.86 463.86 463.86 463.86 463.86 463.86 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -279.58 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 -156.07 470.22 470.22 470.22 470.22 470.22 470.22 470.22 470.22 470.22 362.41 362.41 362.41 362.41 362.41 362.41

1526.56 1696.85 1867.15 6258.33 6428.63 6598.92 6769.22 6939.52 7109.81 7280.11 7450.4 7620.7 -7585.72 -7415.42 -7245.13 -7074.83 -6904.53 -6734.24 -6563.94 -6393.64 -6223.35 -1818.67 -1648.37 -1478.08 -1307.78 -1137.48 -967.19 -796.89 -626.6 -456.3 -8165.53 -7848.96 -7353.39 -6678.8 -5825.2 -4971.61 -4297.02 -3801.44 -3484.88 6323.74 6640.31 7135.88 7810.47 8664.07 9517.66

5.21 5.21 5.21 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61

889.47 889.47 889.47 53.57 53.57 53.57 53.57 53.57 53.57 53.57 53.57 53.57 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 -787.88 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 2494.03 507.36 507.36 507.36 507.36 507.36 507.36

101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

362.41 362.41 362.41 54.92 54.92 54.92 54.92 54.92 54.92 54.92 54.92 54.92 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 730.75 730.75 730.75 730.75 730.75 730.75 730.75 730.75 730.75 508.38 508.38 508.38 508.38 508.38 508.38 508.38 508.38 508.38 -205.62 -205.62 -205.62 -205.62 -205.62 -205.62

10192.25 10687.83 11004.39 -11380.45 -11063.88 -10568.31 -9893.72 -9040.12 -8186.53 -7511.94 -7016.36 -6699.8 3331.15 3647.72 4143.29 4817.88 5671.48 6525.07 7199.66 7695.24 8011.8 -5727.74 -5411.18 -4915.6 -4241.01 -3387.42 -2533.82 -1859.23 -1363.66 -1047.09 8865.94 9182.51 9678.09 10352.68 11206.27 12059.87 12734.46 13230.03 13546.6 -13818.24 -13501.67 -13006.09 -12331.51 -11477.91 -10624.31

2.61 2.61 2.61 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03

507.36 507.36 507.36 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -385.31 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 -2272.78 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 1497.28 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 -461.99 611.44 611.44 611.44 611.44 611.44 611.44

101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-205.62 -205.62 -205.62 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -111.56 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -328.01 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -339.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.3 -317.46 -317.46 -317.46 -317.46 -317.46 -317.46

-9949.73 -9454.15 -9137.58 788.94 1105.51 1601.09 2275.67 3129.27 3982.87 4657.45 5153.03 5469.6 -1378.5 -1028.16 -565.82 8.51 685.89 1363.27 1937.61 2399.95 2750.29 -2552.59 -2152.3 -1456.01 -463.72 800.89 2065.5 3057.79 3754.08 4154.37 -2038.91 -1676.12 -1092.33 -287.54 720.57 1728.69 2533.48 3117.27 3480.06 -2038.53 -1675.74 -1091.94 -287.15 720.96 1729.07

-1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 -7.63 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87

611.44 611.44 611.44 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -1303.43 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -72.53 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35 -65.35

102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-317.46 -317.46 -317.46 452.08 452.08 452.08 452.08 452.08 452.08 452.08 452.08 452.08 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 -519.67 473.19 473.19 473.19 473.19 473.19 473.19 473.19 473.19 473.19 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 -540.78 168.34 168.34 168.34 168.34 168.34 168.34

2533.86 3117.65 3480.44 2236.95 2426.17 2615.39 2804.61 2993.83 3183.04 3372.26 3561.48 3750.7 -3898.18 -3708.96 -3519.74 -3330.52 -3141.31 -2952.09 -2762.87 -2573.65 -2384.43 8239.2 8428.42 8617.64 8806.85 8996.07 9185.29 9374.51 9563.73 9752.94 -9900.42 -9711.2 -9521.99 -9332.77 -9143.55 -8954.33 -8765.11 -8575.9 -8386.68 1029.21 1392 1975.79 2780.59 3788.7 4796.81

0.87 0.87 0.87 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89

-65.35 -65.35 -65.35 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -46.99 -46.99 -46.99 -46.99 -46.99 -46.99

102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.46667 1,4D 0.93333 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.84 1,4D 2.28 1,4D 2.72 1,4D 3.16 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

168.34 168.34 168.34 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 -803.41 189.45 189.45 189.45 189.45 189.45 189.45 189.45 189.45 189.45 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 -824.52 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 397.28 397.28 397.28 397.28 397.28 397.28 308.59 308.59 308.59 308.59 308.59

5601.6 6185.39 6548.18 -5105.92 -4743.13 -4159.34 -3354.55 -2346.44 -1338.32 -533.53 50.26 413.05 7031.46 7394.25 7978.04 8782.83 9790.94 10799.05 11603.84 12187.63 12550.43 -11108.16 -10745.37 -10161.58 -9356.79 -8348.68 -7340.57 -6535.78 -5951.99 -5589.2 -18472.93 -17985.66 -17449.61 -16864.78 -4584.7 -4166.38 -3412.58 -2506.14 -1643.07 -823.37 4246.97 5085.8 5970 6899.55 7874.47

2.89 2.89 2.89 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -10.53 -10.53 -10.53 -10.53 31.97 31.97 31.97 31.97 31.97 31.97 -4.71 -4.71 -4.71 -4.71 -4.71

-46.99 -46.99 -46.99 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -83.71 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -56.5 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -74.19 -2388.04 -2388.04 -2388.04 -2388.04 2881.66 2881.66 2881.66 2881.66 2881.66 2881.66 -846.57 -846.57 -846.57 -846.57 -846.57

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.16 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

308.59 308.59 308.59 308.59 333.96 333.96 333.96 333.96 629.97 629.97 629.97 629.97 629.97 629.97 524.06 524.06 524.06 524.06 524.06 524.06 524.06 524.06 524.06 279.23 279.23 279.23 279.23 522.42 522.42 522.42 522.42 522.42 522.42 427.53 427.53 427.53 427.53 427.53 427.53 427.53 427.53 427.53 278.9 278.9 278.9

8849.38 9778.94 10663.13 11501.97 -24309.34 -23512.13 -22585.99 -21530.93 -5015.27 -4372.22 -3455.07 -2484.52 -1628.59 -887.27 5499.41 6258.91 7138.29 8137.56 9256.7 10375.84 11375.1 12254.48 13013.99 -21130.68 -20475.8 -19724.66 -18877.27 -4608.19 -4071.82 -3256.31 -2358.36 -1545.99 -819.19 4802.26 5546.57 6380.39 7303.71 8316.54 9329.37 10252.7 11086.52 11830.83 -21131.01 -20476.13 -19724.99

-4.71 -4.71 -4.71 -4.71 -13.84 -13.84 -13.84 -13.84 41.68 41.68 41.68 41.68 41.68 41.68 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -12.07 -12.07 -12.07 -12.07 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -12.04 -12.04 -12.04

-846.57 -846.57 -846.57 -846.57 -3047.16 -3047.16 -3047.16 -3047.16 4044.46 4044.46 4044.46 4044.46 4044.46 4044.46 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -1342.51 -2671.54 -2671.54 -2671.54 -2671.54 3453.77 3453.77 3453.77 3453.77 3453.77 3453.77 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -1111.34 -2671.98 -2671.98 -2671.98

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.16 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.16 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.16 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

278.9 521.57 521.57 521.57 521.57 521.57 521.57 426.84 426.84 426.84 426.84 426.84 426.84 426.84 426.84 426.84 683.07 683.07 683.07 683.07 672.99 672.99 672.99 672.99 672.99 672.99 708.7 708.7 708.7 708.7 708.7 708.7 708.7 708.7 708.7 -522.48 -522.48 -522.48 -522.48 -313.13 -313.13 -313.13 -313.13 -313.13 -313.13

-18877.6 -4608.2 -4071.83 -3256.32 -2358.37 -1546 -819.2 4802.23 5546.55 6380.37 7303.69 8316.52 9329.35 10252.67 11086.49 11830.81 -1036.65 -860.05 -683.45 -506.84 -545.16 -378.64 -212.13 -45.62 120.89 287.4 2871.12 3041.41 3211.71 3382.01 3552.3 3722.6 3892.9 4063.19 4233.49 -5273.16 -5096.56 -4919.96 -4743.35 -3791.93 -3625.42 -3458.91 -3292.39 -3125.88 -2959.37

-12.04 -2671.98 36.34 3454 36.34 3454 36.34 3454 36.34 3454 36.34 3454 36.34 3454 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 -5.17 -1111.2 56.09 2787.08 56.09 2787.08 56.09 2787.08 56.09 2787.08 75.4 1100.61 75.4 1100.61 75.4 1100.61 75.4 1100.61 75.4 1100.61 75.4 1100.61 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 5.17 612.58 -62.58 -2226.6 -62.58 -2226.6 -62.58 -2226.6 -62.58 -2226.6 -54.25 437.98 -54.25 437.98 -54.25 437.98 -54.25 437.98 -54.25 437.98 -54.25 437.98

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.16 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.16 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-355.85 -355.85 -355.85 -355.85 -355.85 -355.85 -355.85 -355.85 -355.85 831.1 831.1 831.1 831.1 710.04 710.04 710.04 710.04 710.04 710.04 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 1041.15 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -350.17 -350.17 -350.17 -350.17 -350.17 -350.17 -688.3 -688.3 -688.3 -688.3 -688.3 -688.3 -688.3

67.37 237.67 407.97 578.26 748.56 918.85 1089.15 1259.45 1429.74 845.64 1022.25 1198.85 1375.45 2089.75 2256.26 2422.77 2589.29 2755.8 2922.31 5599.62 5769.92 5940.22 6110.51 6280.81 6451.11 6621.4 6791.7 6962 -7155.46 -6978.86 -6802.25 -6625.65 -6426.84 -6260.32 -6093.81 -5927.3 -5760.79 -5594.28 -2661.13 -2490.84 -2320.54 -2150.25 -1979.95 -1809.65 -1639.36

-9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 45.07 45.07 45.07 45.07 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 100.26 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 -51.56 -51.56 -51.56 -51.56 -79.11 -79.11 -79.11 -79.11 -79.11 -79.11 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27

-1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 -1902.47 1044.53 1044.53 1044.53 1044.53 877.94 877.94 877.94 877.94 877.94 877.94 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -251.95 -484.05 -484.05 -484.05 -484.05 660.65 660.65 660.65 660.65 660.65 660.65 -1037.93 -1037.93 -1037.93 -1037.93 -1037.93 -1037.93 -1037.93

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max

-688.3 -688.3 881.52 881.52 881.52 881.52 1014.25 1014.25 1014.25 1014.25 1014.25 1014.25 958.81 958.81 958.81 958.81 958.81 958.81 958.81 958.81 958.81 -324.03 -324.03 -324.03 -324.03 28.12 28.12 28.12 28.12 28.12 28.12 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 -105.74 1029.55 1029.55 1029.55 1029.55 1051.29

-1469.06 -1298.76 -19012.9 -18358.02 -17606.89 -16759.49 -2984.81 -2448.45 -1632.93 -734.99 77.38 804.19 6204.09 6948.41 7782.23 8705.55 9718.38 10731.21 11654.53 12488.35 13232.67 -23249.42 -22594.53 -21843.4 -20996 -6231.59 -5695.22 -4879.71 -3981.76 -3169.39 -2442.59 3400.35 4144.66 4978.48 5901.81 6914.64 7927.47 8850.79 9684.61 10428.92 -17130.61 -16475.73 -15724.59 -14877.19 -349.91

-8.27 -8.27 47.31 47.31 47.31 47.31 101.13 101.13 101.13 101.13 101.13 101.13 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 -71.36 -71.36 -71.36 -71.36 -28.52 -28.52 -28.52 -28.52 -28.52 -28.52 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 -12.38 36.29 36.29 36.29 36.29 125.99

-1037.93 -1037.93 -165.34 -165.34 -165.34 -165.34 3785.42 3785.42 3785.42 3785.42 3785.42 3785.42 146.39 146.39 146.39 146.39 146.39 146.39 146.39 146.39 146.39 -5179.02 -5179.02 -5179.02 -5179.02 3122.79 3122.79 3122.79 3122.79 3122.79 3122.79 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -2368.67 -1907.89 -1907.89 -1907.89 -1907.89 3562.75

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106

1.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.4 1,4D 0.8 1,4D 1.2 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1051.29 186.46 1051.29 1001.97 1051.29 1899.92 1051.29 2712.29 1051.29 3439.09 1291.26 8932.6 1291.26 9676.91 1291.26 10510.73 1291.26 11434.06 1291.26 12446.89 1291.26 13459.72 1291.26 14383.04 1291.26 15216.86 1291.26 15961.17 -472.06 -25131.71 -472.06 -24476.83 -472.06 -23725.69 -472.06 -22878.3 -8.92 -8866.49 -8.92 -8330.13 -8.92 -7514.61 -8.92 -6616.67 -8.92 -5804.3 -8.92 -5077.49 -438.19 671.84 -438.19 1416.16 -438.19 2249.98 -438.19 3173.3 -438.19 4186.13 -438.19 5198.96 -438.19 6122.28 -438.19 6956.1 -438.19 7700.42 -74.71 -9105.33 -74.71 -8361.93 -74.71 -7582.7 -74.71 -6767.63 -74.71 -5916.72 -74.71 -5412.72 -74.71 -4318.84 -74.71 -3272 -74.71 -2281.16 -74.71 -1346.32 -109.72 1036.5 -109.72 1875.33

125.99 125.99 125.99 125.99 125.99 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -53.38 -53.38 -53.38 -53.38 -53.38 -53.38 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 -0.34 -0.34

3562.75 3562.75 3562.75 3562.75 3562.75 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -718.15 -3436.48 -3436.48 -3436.48 -3436.48 3345.45 3345.45 3345.45 3345.45 3345.45 3345.45 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 -1504.13 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 97.97 -169.29 -169.29

106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106

4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-109.72 -109.72 -109.72 -109.72 -109.72 -109.72 -109.72 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -18.11 -35 -35 -35 -35 -35 -35 -35 -35 -35 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -34.96 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85 -56.85

2759.53 3689.08 4664 5638.91 6568.47 7452.66 8291.5 -9506.72 -8837.52 -8073.61 -7214.98 -6261.63 -5829.63 -4558.02 -3410.73 -2411.43 -1560.14 1380.46 2139.96 3019.34 4018.6 5137.74 6256.89 7256.15 8135.53 8895.03 -8868.8 -8211.61 -7483.7 -6685.06 -5815.71 -5383.71 -4237.35 -3183.81 -2240.77 -1408.23 1195.85 1940.16 2773.98 3697.3 4710.13 5722.96 6646.29 7480.1 8224.42

-0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46

-169.29 -169.29 -169.29 -169.29 -169.29 -169.29 -169.29 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 445.94 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 -488.08 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 310.51 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66 -359.66

106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -35.28 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 -57.1 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 381.92 245.53 245.53 245.53 245.53 245.53 245.53 245.53 245.53 245.53 -198.34 -198.34 -198.34 -198.34 -198.34 -198.34 -198.34

-8868.47 -8211.27 -7483.36 -6684.73 -5815.38 -5383.38 -4237.02 -3183.48 -2240.43 -1407.89 1195.93 1940.24 2774.06 3697.39 4710.22 5723.05 6646.37 7480.19 8224.5 -472.62 -321.24 -169.87 -18.49 132.88 132.88 322.1 511.32 700.53 889.75 2663.81 2834.1 3004.4 3174.7 3344.99 3515.29 3685.59 3855.88 4026.18 -3909.6 -3758.22 -3606.85 -3455.47 -3304.1 -3304.1 -3114.88

1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47

310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 310.25 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 -359.5 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1469.19 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 1160.69 -1187.87 -1187.87 -1187.87 -1187.87 -1187.87 -1187.87 -1187.87

106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106

2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-198.34 -198.34 -198.34 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 -58.48 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 834.45 489.52 489.52 489.52 489.52 489.52 489.52 489.52 489.52 489.52 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -650.88 -302.48 -302.48 -302.48 -302.48

-2925.66 -2736.44 -2547.23 -973.93 -803.64 -633.34 -463.05 -292.75 -122.45 47.84 218.14 388.44 2001.9 2153.28 2304.65 2456.02 2607.4 2607.4 2796.62 2985.84 3175.05 3364.27 5093.89 5264.18 5434.48 5604.78 5775.07 5945.37 6115.67 6285.96 6456.26 -6384.12 -6232.74 -6081.37 -5929.99 -5778.62 -5778.62 -5589.4 -5400.18 -5210.96 -5021.75 -3404.01 -3233.72 -3063.42 -2893.13

-5.47 -1187.87 -5.47 -1187.87 -5.47 -1187.87 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 -7.6 -1451.9 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 3.4 547.55 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 5.91 254.99 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -2.8 -266.23 -6.44 -546.2 -6.44 -546.2 -6.44 -546.2 -6.44 -546.2

106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106

5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max

-302.48 -302.48 -302.48 -302.48 -302.48 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 254.7 94.79 94.79 94.79 94.79 94.79 94.79 94.79 94.79 94.79 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -325.56 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 -209.22 707.24 707.24

-2722.83 -2552.53 -2382.24 -2211.94 -2041.64 -7149.83 -6492.63 -5764.72 -4966.09 -4096.74 -3664.74 -2518.37 -1464.83 -521.79 310.75 3014.84 3759.15 4592.97 5516.3 6529.13 7541.96 8465.28 9299.1 10043.41 -10586.8 -9929.61 -9201.7 -8403.07 -7533.71 -7101.71 -5955.35 -4901.81 -3958.77 -3126.23 -622.9 121.41 955.23 1878.56 2891.39 3904.21 4827.54 5661.36 6405.67 -4675.31 -4018.11

-6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 4.17 4.17

-546.2 -546.2 -546.2 -546.2 -546.2 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 1638.65 946.88 946.88 946.88 946.88 946.88 946.88 946.88 946.88 946.88 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1018.4 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 -1665.71 717.02 717.02

106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107

0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

707.24 707.24 707.24 707.24 707.24 707.24 707.24 707.24 338.79 338.79 338.79 338.79 338.79 338.79 338.79 338.79 338.79 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -778.09 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -453.21 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36 -459.36

-3290.2 -2491.57 -1622.22 -1190.22 -43.86 1009.69 1952.73 2785.27 5444.92 6189.23 7023.05 7946.38 8959.21 9972.04 10895.36 11729.18 12473.49 -13061.32 -12404.13 -11676.22 -10877.59 -10008.23 -9576.23 -8429.87 -7376.33 -6433.29 -5600.75 -3052.98 -2308.67 -1474.85 -551.52 461.31 1474.13 2397.46 3231.28 3975.59 -3943.79 -3008.95 -2018.11 -971.27 127.09 1225.45 2272.29 3263.13 4197.97

4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25

717.02 717.02 717.02 717.02 717.02 717.02 717.02 717.02 41.18 41.18 41.18 41.18 41.18 41.18 41.18 41.18 41.18 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -96.77 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 -760.01 115.45 115.45 115.45 115.45 115.45 115.45 115.45 115.45 115.45

107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -412.77 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.68 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 -405.64 516.35 516.35 516.35 516.35 516.35 516.35 516.35 516.35 516.35 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21 -544.21

-4150.18 -3298.89 -2299.6 -1152.31 131.14 1414.59 2561.88 3561.17 4412.47 -3862 -3029.46 -2086.42 -1032.88 122.33 1277.53 2331.07 3274.11 4106.65 -3861.58 -3029.04 -2086 -1032.46 122.74 1277.94 2331.49 3274.53 4107.07 2458.69 2647.91 2837.12 3026.34 3215.56 3404.78 3594 3783.21 3972.43 -4118.26 -3929.05 -3739.83 -3550.61 -3361.39 -3172.17 -2982.96 -2793.74 -2604.52

-0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78

130.99 130.99 130.99 130.99 130.99 130.99 130.99 130.99 130.99 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 118.98 19.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1

107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

614.57 8734.89 614.57 8924.1 614.57 9113.32 614.57 9302.54 614.57 9491.76 614.57 9680.98 614.57 9870.19 614.57 10059.41 614.57 10248.63 -642.43 -10394.46 -642.43 -10205.24 -642.43 -10016.03 -642.43 -9826.81 -642.43 -9637.59 -642.43 -9448.37 -642.43 -9259.15 -642.43 -9069.94 -642.43 -8880.72 124.65 -572.91 124.65 259.63 124.65 1202.67 124.65 2256.21 124.65 3411.41 124.65 4566.61 124.65 5620.15 124.65 6563.19 124.65 7395.73 -935.9 -7149.87 -935.9 -6317.32 -935.9 -5374.28 -935.9 -4320.74 -935.9 -3165.54 -935.9 -2010.34 -935.9 -956.8 -935.9 -13.76 -935.9 818.78 222.87 5703.28 222.87 6535.82 222.87 7478.87 222.87 8532.41 222.87 9687.61 222.87 10842.81 222.87 11896.35 222.87 12839.39 222.87 13671.93

5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 -5.05 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96

11.28 11.28 11.28 11.28 11.28 11.28 11.28 11.28 11.28 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 136.64 136.64 136.64 136.64 136.64 136.64 136.64 136.64 136.64 101.32 101.32 101.32 101.32 101.32 101.32 101.32 101.32 101.32 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7

107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.46667 1,4D 0.93333 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.86667 1,4D 2.33333 1,4D 2.8 1,4D 3.26667 1,4D 3.73333 1,4D 4.2 1,4D 4.66667 1,4D 5.13333 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 6 1,4D 6.4 1,4D 6.8 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.86667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.33333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.26667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.66667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.13333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -1034.13 -119.91 -119.91 -119.91 -119.91 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -112.44 -110.1 -110.1 -110.1 -110.1 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8 -40.8

-13426.06 -12593.52 -11650.48 -10596.94 -9441.74 -8286.54 -7233 -6289.96 -5457.42 -9831.69 -8797.14 -7762.6 -6728.06 -3119.81 -2273.42 -1427.04 -580.66 265.73 1112.11 1958.49 2804.88 3651.26 4497.64 5001.64 5727.12 6452.59 7178.06 7903.53 -10683.36 -9460.61 -8237.85 -7015.1 -2325.51 -1600.04 -874.56 -149.09 576.38 1301.85 2027.32 2752.79 3478.26 4203.74 4635.74 5257.57 5879.4

-5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26

109.26 109.26 109.26 109.26 109.26 109.26 109.26 109.26 109.26 2674.93 2674.93 2674.93 2674.93 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 -659.68 3602.75 3602.75 3602.75 3602.75 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57 -924.57

108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108

6.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.86667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.33333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.26667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.66667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.13333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max

-40.8 -40.8 -106.97 -106.97 -106.97 -106.97 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -60.74 -107.3 -107.3 -107.3 -107.3 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 -61.51 628.73 628.73 628.73 628.73 922.88

6501.23 7123.07 -9837.77 -8741.02 -7644.27 -6547.52 -2456.36 -1730.89 -1005.42 -279.95 445.52 1170.99 1896.47 2621.94 3347.41 4072.88 4504.88 5126.71 5748.55 6370.38 6992.21 -9837.35 -8740.6 -7643.85 -6547.1 -2456.25 -1730.78 -1005.31 -279.84 445.63 1171.1 1896.57 2622.05 3347.52 4072.99 4504.99 5126.82 5748.65 6370.49 6992.32 554.54 731.14 907.74 1084.35 833.83

2.26 2.26 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 44.22 44.22 44.22 44.22 22.39

-924.57 -924.57 3112.03 3112.03 3112.03 3112.03 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 -790.1 3111.59 3111.59 3111.59 3111.59 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 -789.92 2535.8 2535.8 2535.8 2535.8 572.38

108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108

1.86667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.33333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.66667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.13333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.86667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.33333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.66667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.13333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.86667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.33333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.66667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 922.88 -535.92 -535.92 -535.92 -535.92 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 -679.59 974.13 974.13 974.13 974.13 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55

1010.44 1187.04 1363.64 1540.25 1716.85 1893.45 2070.06 2246.66 2423.26 2423.26 2574.64 2726.01 2877.39 3028.76 -3967.66 -3791.06 -3614.46 -3437.85 -2304.11 -2127.51 -1950.91 -1774.3 -1597.7 -1421.1 -1244.49 -1067.89 -891.28 -714.68 -714.68 -563.31 -411.93 -260.56 -109.18 2455.43 2632.03 2808.63 2985.24 3575.15 3751.76 3928.36 4104.96 4281.57 4458.17 4634.77 4811.38

22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 22.39 -42.49 -42.49 -42.49 -42.49 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31

572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 572.38 -2164.05 -2164.05 -2164.05 -2164.05 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 -663.71 939.18 939.18 939.18 939.18 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12

108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108

5.13333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.86667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.33333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.66667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.13333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 1936.55 -881.33 -881.33 -881.33 -881.33 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 -1693.26 474.88 474.88 474.88 474.88 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38 739.38

4987.98 5164.59 5164.59 5315.96 5467.33 5618.71 5770.08 -5868.55 -5691.95 -5515.34 -5338.74 -5045.44 -4868.83 -4692.23 -4515.62 -4339.02 -4162.42 -3985.81 -3809.21 -3632.61 -3456 -3456 -3304.63 -3153.25 -3001.88 -2850.51 -7576.06 -6479.31 -5382.56 -4285.81 -887.23 -161.76 563.71 1289.18 2014.65 2740.12 3465.6 4191.07 4916.54 5642.01 6074.01 6695.84 7317.67 7939.51 8561.34

20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 20.31 -17.96 -17.96 -17.96 -17.96 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 -19.73 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85 23.85

149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 149.12 -567.43 -567.43 -567.43 -567.43 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 -240.45 5461.32 5461.32 5461.32 5461.32 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8 -171.8

108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-689.77 -689.77 -689.77 -689.77 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 -863.09 820.28 820.28 820.28 820.28 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 1753.05 -1035.17 -1035.17 -1035.17 -1035.17 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76

-12098.26 -11001.51 -9904.76 -8808.01 -4025.18 -3299.71 -2574.24 -1848.76 -1123.29 -397.82 327.65 1053.12 1778.59 2504.06 2936.06 3557.9 4179.73 4801.56 5423.4 -5675.18 -4578.42 -3481.67 -2384.92 1854.09 2579.56 3305.03 4030.5 4755.97 5481.45 6206.92 6932.39 7657.86 8383.33 8815.33 9437.16 10059 10680.83 11302.66 -13999.15 -12902.4 -11805.65 -10708.9 -6766.5 -6041.03 -5315.56

-40.07 -40.07 -40.07 -40.07 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 -15.54 -15.54 -15.54 -15.54 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26

761.47 761.47 761.47 761.47 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 -1407.89 3864.7 3864.7 3864.7 3864.7 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 -595.06 2358.1 2358.1 2358.1 2358.1 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62

108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112

2.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 -1876.76 58.41 58.41 58.41 58.41 58.41 58.41 58.41 58.41 58.41 71.67 71.67 71.67 71.67 71.67 71.67 71.67 71.67 71.67 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.72 63.59 63.59 63.59 63.59 63.59 63.59

-4590.09 -3864.61 -3139.14 -2413.67 -1688.2 -962.73 -237.26 194.74 816.58 1438.41 2060.24 2682.07 -402.31 -114.72 218.22 596.53 1020.19 1443.86 1822.16 2155.11 2442.69 -723.29 -436.29 -29.41 497.36 1144 1790.64 2317.4 2724.28 3011.28 -583.35 -311.54 49.78 500.6 1040.93 1581.26 2032.09 2393.4 2665.22 -581.66 -309.84 51.47 502.3 1042.63 1582.96

-18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 -18.26 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.04787 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17

-984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 -984.62 207.21 207.21 207.21 207.21 207.21 207.21 207.21 207.21 207.21 407.03 407.03 407.03 407.03 407.03 407.03 407.03 407.03 407.03 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.97 320.99 320.99 320.99 320.99 320.99 320.99

112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

63.59 63.59 63.59 488.39 488.39 488.39 488.39 488.39 488.39 488.39 488.39 488.39 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 -470.87 240.26 240.26 240.26 240.26 240.26 240.26 240.26 240.26 240.26 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 -222.74 543.16 543.16 543.16 543.16 543.16 543.16

2033.78 2395.1 2666.92 11524.78 11695.08 11865.37 12035.67 12205.97 12376.26 12546.56 12716.85 12887.15 -12381.21 -12210.92 -12040.62 -11870.32 -11700.03 -11529.73 -11359.44 -11189.14 -11018.84 3203.05 3373.35 3543.64 3713.94 3884.24 4054.53 4224.83 4395.12 4565.42 -4059.48 -3889.19 -3718.89 -3548.59 -3378.3 -3208 -3037.71 -2867.41 -2697.11 11372.11 11643.92 12005.24 12456.07 12996.4 13536.73

0.17 0.17 0.17 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34

320.99 320.99 320.99 230.68 230.68 230.68 230.68 230.68 230.68 230.68 230.68 230.68 91.54 91.54 91.54 91.54 91.54 91.54 91.54 91.54 91.54 263.98 263.98 263.98 263.98 263.98 263.98 263.98 263.98 263.98 58.24 58.24 58.24 58.24 58.24 58.24 58.24 58.24 58.24 390.57 390.57 390.57 390.57 390.57 390.57

112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

543.16 543.16 543.16 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 -416.1 295.03 295.03 295.03 295.03 295.03 295.03 295.03 295.03 295.03 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 -167.97 398.9 398.9 398.9 398.9 398.9 398.9 398.9 398.9 398.9 332.31 332.31 332.31 332.31 332.31 332.31

13987.55 14348.87 14620.68 -12533.88 -12262.07 -11900.75 -11449.93 -10909.6 -10369.27 -9918.44 -9557.12 -9285.31 3050.38 3322.19 3683.51 4134.34 4674.67 5215 5665.82 6027.14 6298.95 -4212.15 -3940.34 -3579.02 -3128.2 -2587.87 -2047.54 -1596.71 -1235.4 -963.58 -9407.62 -8568.78 -7684.59 -6755.03 -5780.12 -4805.2 -3875.65 -2991.45 -2152.62 2828.71 3667.54 4551.74 5481.29 6456.21 7431.12

3.34 3.34 3.34 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 -4.82 -4.82 -4.82 -4.82 -4.82 -4.82

390.57 390.57 390.57 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 423.87 423.87 423.87 423.87 423.87 423.87 423.87 423.87 423.87 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 218.13 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 1786.55 -1077.03 -1077.03 -1077.03 -1077.03 -1077.03 -1077.03

113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

332.31 8360.68 332.31 9244.87 332.31 10083.71 464.22 -10310.67 464.22 -9551.17 464.22 -8671.79 464.22 -7672.53 464.22 -6553.39 464.22 -5434.24 464.22 -4434.98 464.22 -3555.6 464.22 -2796.1 387.29 3578.58 387.29 4338.08 387.29 5217.46 387.29 6216.72 387.29 7335.87 387.29 8455.01 387.29 9454.27 387.29 10333.65 387.29 11093.15 418.84 -9468.08 418.84 -8723.77 418.84 -7889.95 418.84 -6966.63 418.84 -5953.8 418.84 -4940.97 418.84 -4017.64 418.84 -3183.82 418.84 -2439.51 349.19 3145.91 349.19 3890.23 349.19 4724.05 349.19 5647.37 349.19 6660.2 349.19 7673.03 349.19 8596.35 349.19 9430.17 349.19 10174.49 418.43 -9468.05 418.43 -8723.74 418.43 -7889.92 418.43 -6966.6 418.43 -5953.77 418.43 -4940.94

-4.82 -4.82 -4.82 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15

-1077.03 -1077.03 -1077.03 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 2519.43 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 -1749.94 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 2149.13 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 -1440.14 2148.93 2148.93 2148.93 2148.93 2148.93 2148.93

113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

418.43 418.43 418.43 348.92 348.92 348.92 348.92 348.92 348.92 348.92 348.92 348.92 661.23 661.23 661.23 661.23 661.23 661.23 661.23 661.23 661.23 379.58 379.58 379.58 379.58 379.58 379.58 379.58 379.58 379.58 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -381.65 -147.89 -147.89 -147.89 -147.89 -147.89 -147.89

-4017.61 -3183.79 -2439.48 3145.85 3890.16 4723.98 5647.31 6660.14 7672.97 8596.29 9430.11 10174.42 772.52 942.81 1113.11 1283.4 1453.7 1624 1794.29 1964.59 2134.89 4963.39 5133.69 5303.98 5474.28 5644.58 5814.87 5985.17 6155.46 6325.76 -6049.21 -5878.92 -5708.62 -5538.33 -5368.03 -5197.73 -5027.44 -4857.14 -4686.84 -1957.52 -1787.23 -1616.93 -1446.63 -1276.34 -1106.04

5.15 5.15 5.15 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71

2148.93 2148.93 2148.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 -1439.93 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 1219.94 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 -120.9 228.57 228.57 228.57 228.57 228.57 228.57 228.57 228.57 228.57 -1028.68 -1028.68 -1028.68 -1028.68 -1028.68 -1028.68

113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-147.89 -147.89 -147.89 627.81 627.81 627.81 627.81 627.81 627.81 627.81 627.81 627.81 680.24 680.24 680.24 680.24 680.24 680.24 680.24 680.24 680.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -348.24 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 -448.55 939.68 939.68 939.68 939.68 939.68 939.68

-935.74 -765.45 -595.15 -1397.44 -1227.15 -1056.85 -886.55 -716.26 -545.96 -375.66 -205.37 -35.07 2775.57 2945.87 3116.17 3286.46 3456.76 3627.06 3797.35 3967.65 4137.95 -3879.26 -3708.96 -3538.66 -3368.37 -3198.07 -3027.77 -2857.48 -2687.18 -2516.89 230.29 400.59 570.89 741.18 911.48 1081.77 1252.07 1422.37 1592.66 -6057.17 -5312.86 -4479.04 -3555.72 -2542.89 -1530.06

-5.71 -5.71 -5.71 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 -7.67 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1

-1028.68 -1028.68 -1028.68 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 2137.67 774.02 774.02 774.02 774.02 774.02 774.02 774.02 774.02 774.02 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -689.15 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 -1923.59 2644.52 2644.52 2644.52 2644.52 2644.52 2644.52

113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

939.68 -606.73 939.68 227.09 939.68 971.4 612.53 6606.28 612.53 7350.59 612.53 8184.41 612.53 9107.74 612.53 10120.56 612.53 11133.39 612.53 12056.72 612.53 12890.54 612.53 13634.85 -103.2 -12878.9 -103.2 -12134.59 -103.2 -11300.77 -103.2 -10377.45 -103.2 -9364.62 -103.2 -8351.79 -103.2 -7428.46 -103.2 -6594.65 -103.2 -5850.33 85.06 -314.63 85.06 429.68 85.06 1263.5 85.06 2186.82 85.06 3199.65 85.06 4212.48 85.06 5135.81 85.06 5969.62 85.06 6713.94 906.27 -8227.13 906.27 -7482.82 906.27 -6649 906.27 -5725.68 906.27 -4712.85 906.27 -3700.02 906.27 -2776.69 906.27 -1942.87 906.27 -1198.56 913.19 4418.46 913.19 5162.78 913.19 5996.6 913.19 6919.92 913.19 7932.75 913.19 8945.58

8.1 8.1 8.1 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 11.57 11.57 11.57 11.57 11.57 11.57 11.57 11.57 11.57 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89

2644.52 2644.52 2644.52 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 -985.95 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 1653.15 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 -1893.73 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 3562.25 -91.03 -91.03 -91.03 -91.03 -91.03 -91.03

113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

913.19 9868.9 913.19 10702.72 913.19 11447.04 -69.79 -10708.95 -69.79 -9964.63 -69.79 -9130.81 -69.79 -8207.49 -69.79 -7194.66 -69.79 -6181.83 -69.79 -5258.51 -69.79 -4424.69 -69.79 -3680.37 -215.6 1873.18 -215.6 2617.49 -215.6 3451.31 -215.6 4374.64 -215.6 5387.47 -215.6 6400.3 -215.6 7323.62 -215.6 8157.44 -215.6 8901.75 177.17 -9664 177.17 -8825.17 177.17 -7940.97 177.17 -7011.42 177.17 -6036.5 177.17 -5061.59 177.17 -4132.03 177.17 -3247.84 177.17 -2409 105.26 2410.7 105.26 3249.54 105.26 4133.73 105.26 5063.29 105.26 6038.2 105.26 7013.12 105.26 7942.67 105.26 8826.87 105.26 9665.7 215.87 -10586.43 215.87 -9826.93 215.87 -8947.54 215.87 -7948.28 215.87 -6829.14 215.87 -5710

-0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 6.43 6.43 6.43 6.43 6.43 6.43 6.43 6.43 6.43 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69

-91.03 -91.03 -91.03 735.43 735.43 735.43 735.43 735.43 735.43 735.43 735.43 735.43 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 -2788.65 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 1264.86 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 -1247.22 1933.41 1933.41 1933.41 1933.41 1933.41 1933.41

114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

215.87 215.87 215.87 142.93 142.93 142.93 142.93 142.93 142.93 142.93 142.93 142.93 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 122.96 122.96 122.96 122.96 122.96 122.96 122.96 122.96 122.96 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 191.86 123.13 123.13 123.13 123.13 123.13 123.13

-4710.74 -3831.36 -3071.85 3073.37 3832.87 4712.25 5711.51 6830.66 7949.8 8949.06 9828.44 10587.94 -9722.8 -8978.48 -8144.66 -7221.34 -6208.51 -5195.68 -4272.35 -3438.54 -2694.22 2695.82 3440.13 4273.95 5197.27 6210.1 7222.93 8146.26 8980.08 9724.39 -9722.8 -8978.49 -8144.67 -7221.35 -6208.52 -5195.69 -4272.36 -3438.54 -2694.23 2695.74 3440.05 4273.87 5197.2 6210.02 7222.85

8.69 8.69 8.69 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57

1933.41 1933.41 1933.41 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 -1917.61 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 1615.2 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 -1599.64 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 1614.98 -1599.43 -1599.43 -1599.43 -1599.43 -1599.43 -1599.43

114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

123.13 123.13 123.13 660.44 660.44 660.44 660.44 660.44 660.44 660.44 660.44 660.44 448.46 448.46 448.46 448.46 448.46 448.46 448.46 448.46 448.46 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -511.79 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 -328.37 846.91 846.91 846.91 846.91 846.91 846.91

8146.18 8980 9724.31 1029.92 1200.22 1370.51 1540.81 1711.1 1881.4 2051.7 2221.99 2392.29 5100.07 5270.36 5440.66 5610.96 5781.25 5951.55 6121.84 6292.14 6462.44 -6464.29 -6294 -6123.7 -5953.4 -5783.11 -5612.81 -5442.51 -5272.22 -5101.92 -2410.72 -2240.42 -2070.12 -1899.83 -1729.53 -1559.23 -1388.94 -1218.64 -1048.35 -1366.12 -1195.83 -1025.53 -855.24 -684.94 -514.64

-6.57 -6.57 -6.57 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 -6.12 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55

-1599.43 -1599.43 -1599.43 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 1051.5 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 -179.25 146.58 146.58 146.58 146.58 146.58 146.58 146.58 146.58 146.58 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 -1019.55 1962.59 1962.59 1962.59 1962.59 1962.59 1962.59

114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

846.91 846.91 846.91 928.76 928.76 928.76 928.76 928.76 928.76 928.76 928.76 928.76 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -698.26 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 -808.67 777.98 777.98 777.98 777.98 777.98 777.98 777.98 777.98 777.98 511.63 511.63 511.63 511.63 511.63 511.63

-344.35 -174.05 -3.75 2694.81 2865.1 3035.4 3205.69 3375.99 3546.29 3716.58 3886.88 4057.18 -4068.25 -3897.95 -3727.66 -3557.36 -3387.06 -3216.77 -3046.47 -2876.17 -2705.88 -5.45 164.84 335.14 505.43 675.73 846.03 1016.32 1186.62 1356.92 -5975.7 -5231.39 -4397.57 -3474.24 -2461.41 -1448.59 -525.26 308.56 1052.87 6451.09 7195.41 8029.23 8952.55 9965.38 10978.21

11.55 11.55 11.55 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 -8.71 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24

1962.59 1962.59 1962.59 754.33 754.33 754.33 754.33 754.33 754.33 754.33 754.33 754.33 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -764.51 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 -1953.13 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 2067.34 -1179.18 -1179.18 -1179.18 -1179.18 -1179.18 -1179.18

114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

511.63 511.63 511.63 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -394.25 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 -265.2 964.44 964.44 964.44 964.44 964.44 964.44 964.44 964.44 964.44 991.93 991.93 991.93 991.93 991.93 991.93 991.93 991.93 991.93 -580.72 -580.72 -580.72 -580.72 -580.72 -580.72

11901.53 12735.35 13479.67 -13469.91 -12725.6 -11891.78 -10968.45 -9955.63 -8942.8 -8019.47 -7185.65 -6441.34 -1059.69 -315.37 518.44 1441.77 2454.6 3467.43 4390.75 5224.57 5968.88 -8371.74 -7627.43 -6793.61 -5870.29 -4857.46 -3844.63 -2921.3 -2087.49 -1343.17 4045.83 4790.15 5623.97 6547.29 7560.12 8572.95 9496.27 10330.09 11074.41 -11073.87 -10329.55 -9495.74 -8572.41 -7559.58 -6546.75

-3.24 -3.24 -3.24 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05

-1179.18 -1179.18 -1179.18 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 1162.42 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 -2019.49 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 2978.43 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 -245.61 251.33 251.33 251.33 251.33 251.33 251.33

114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-580.72 -5623.43 -580.72 -4789.61 -580.72 -4045.29 -745.5 1345.57 -745.5 2089.89 -745.5 2923.71 -745.5 3847.03 -745.5 4859.86 -745.5 5872.69 -745.5 6796.01 -745.5 7629.83 -745.5 8374.15 11.49 -9767.03 11.49 -8928.2 11.49 -8044 11.49 -7114.45 11.49 -6139.53 11.49 -5164.62 11.49 -4235.06 11.49 -3350.87 11.49 -2512.03 13.71 2497.93 13.71 3336.76 13.71 4220.96 13.71 5150.51 13.71 6125.43 13.71 7100.34 13.71 8029.9 13.71 8914.09 13.71 9752.93 47.26 -10737.42 47.26 -9977.92 47.26 -9098.54 47.26 -8099.28 47.26 -6980.14 47.26 -5861 47.26 -4861.73 47.26 -3982.35 47.26 -3222.85 54.43 3139.04 54.43 3898.54 54.43 4777.92 54.43 5777.18 54.43 6896.32 54.43 8015.47

-1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 -12.48 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44

251.33 251.33 251.33 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 -2953.06 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 1366.5 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 -1301.8 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 1985.59 -2048.88 -2048.88 -2048.88 -2048.88 -2048.88 -2048.88

115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

54.43 54.43 54.43 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 37.64 37.64 37.64 37.64 37.64 37.64 37.64 37.64 37.64 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15

9014.73 9894.11 10653.61 -9850.33 -9106.01 -8272.19 -7348.87 -6336.04 -5323.21 -4399.88 -3566.07 -2821.75 2764.85 3509.17 4342.99 5266.31 6279.14 7291.97 8215.29 9049.11 9793.43 -9850.3 -9105.98 -8272.17 -7348.84 -6336.01 -5323.18 -4399.86 -3566.04 -2821.73 2764.81 3509.12 4342.94 5266.27 6279.1 7291.93 8215.25 9049.07 9793.38 1001.25 1171.54 1341.84 1512.14 1682.43 1852.73

-8.44 -8.44 -8.44 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 8.72 8.72 8.72 8.72 8.72 8.72

-2048.88 -2048.88 -2048.88 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 1680.48 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 -1699.23 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 1680.26 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 -1699.02 999.04 999.04 999.04 999.04 999.04 999.04

115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

623.15 623.15 623.15 730.78 730.78 730.78 730.78 730.78 730.78 730.78 730.78 730.78 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -538.21 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 -631.27 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1134.07 1521.52 1521.52 1521.52 1521.52 1521.52 1521.52

2023.02 2193.32 2363.62 5077.66 5247.96 5418.26 5588.55 5758.85 5929.15 6099.44 6269.74 6440.03 -6544.33 -6374.04 -6203.74 -6033.44 -5863.15 -5692.85 -5522.56 -5352.26 -5181.96 -2370.59 -2200.3 -2030 -1859.7 -1689.41 -1519.11 -1348.81 -1178.52 -1008.22 -1404.39 -1234.1 -1063.8 -893.5 -723.21 -552.91 -382.61 -212.32 -42.02 2698.75 2869.05 3039.35 3209.64 3379.94 3550.23

8.72 8.72 8.72 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32

999.04 999.04 999.04 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 -244.95 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 -1136.51 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 1918.79 703.89 703.89 703.89 703.89 703.89 703.89

115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

1521.52 1521.52 1521.52 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1049.13 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 -1422.01 614.04 614.04 614.04 614.04 614.04 614.04 614.04 614.04 614.04 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 -547.33 -547.33 -547.33 -547.33 -547.33 -547.33

3720.53 3890.83 4061.12 -4138.69 -3968.4 -3798.1 -3627.81 -3457.51 -3287.21 -3116.92 -2946.62 -2776.32 8.32 178.61 348.91 519.21 689.5 859.8 1030.1 1200.39 1370.69 -6077.5 -5333.18 -4499.36 -3576.04 -2563.21 -1550.38 -627.06 206.76 951.08 6488.92 7233.23 8067.05 8990.38 10003.21 11016.04 11939.36 12773.18 13517.49 -13623.08 -12878.76 -12044.94 -11121.62 -10108.79 -9095.96

1.32 1.32 1.32 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2

703.89 703.89 703.89 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -785.04 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 -2085.35 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 2112.33 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 -1253.15 1247.99 1247.99 1247.99 1247.99 1247.99 1247.99

115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-547.33 -8172.64 -547.33 -7338.82 -547.33 -6594.5 -642.42 -959.34 -642.42 -215.02 -642.42 618.8 -642.42 1542.12 -642.42 2554.95 -642.42 3567.78 -642.42 4491.1 -642.42 5324.92 -642.42 6069.24 1124.95 -8483.14 1124.95 -7738.82 1124.95 -6905 1124.95 -5981.68 1124.95 -4968.85 1124.95 -3956.02 1124.95 -3032.7 1124.95 -2198.88 1124.95 -1454.56 1510.38 4110.01 1510.38 4854.32 1510.38 5688.14 1510.38 6611.47 1510.38 7624.3 1510.38 8637.12 1510.38 9560.45 1510.38 10394.27 1510.38 11138.58 -1058.24 -11217.44 -1058.24 -10473.12 -1058.24 -9639.31 -1058.24 -8715.98 -1058.24 -7703.15 -1058.24 -6690.32 -1058.24 -5767 -1058.24 -4933.18 -1058.24 -4188.86 -1433.15 1419.57 -1433.15 2163.89 -1433.15 2997.71 -1433.15 3921.03 -1433.15 4933.86 -1433.15 5946.69

2.2 2.2 2.2 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -11.3 -11.3 -11.3 -11.3 -11.3 -11.3

1247.99 1247.99 1247.99 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 -2144.71 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 3032.08 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 -304.31 328.25 328.25 328.25 328.25 328.25 328.25 328.25 328.25 328.25 -3093.54 -3093.54 -3093.54 -3093.54 -3093.54 -3093.54

115 115 115 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-1433.15 -1433.15 -1433.15 256.18 256.18 256.18 256.18 256.18 256.18 256.18 256.18 256.18 211.34 211.34 211.34 211.34 211.34 211.34 211.34 211.34 211.34 288.72 288.72 288.72 288.72 288.72 288.72 288.72 288.72 288.72 247.42 247.42 247.42 247.42 247.42 247.42 247.42 247.42 247.42 261.7 261.7 261.7 261.7 261.7 261.7

6870.01 7703.83 8448.15 -9364.42 -8548.26 -7732.11 -6915.95 -6099.79 -5283.64 -4467.48 -3651.33 -2835.17 1929.03 2767.87 3652.06 4581.62 5556.54 6531.45 7461.01 8345.2 9184.04 -9348.88 -8649.31 -7949.75 -7250.19 -6550.63 -5851.07 -5151.5 -4451.94 -3752.38 2212.14 2971.64 3851.03 4850.29 5969.43 7088.57 8087.83 8967.21 9726.72 -8853.09 -8153.53 -7453.97 -6754.4 -6054.84 -5355.28

-11.3 -11.3 -11.3 27.94 27.94 27.94 27.94 27.94 27.94 27.94 27.94 27.94 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 33.78 33.78 33.78 33.78 33.78 33.78 33.78 33.78 33.78 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 -5.56 30.14 30.14 30.14 30.14 30.14 30.14

-3093.54 -3093.54 -3093.54 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 2217.62 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 -1996.45 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 3065.47 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 -2733.57 2628.96 2628.96 2628.96 2628.96 2628.96 2628.96

116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

261.7 261.7 261.7 222.12 222.12 222.12 222.12 222.12 222.12 222.12 222.12 222.12 262.64 262.64 262.64 262.64 262.64 262.64 262.64 262.64 262.64 222.5 222.5 222.5 222.5 222.5 222.5 222.5 222.5 222.5 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 1448.41 426.12 426.12 426.12 426.12 426.12 426.12

-4655.72 -3956.16 -3256.6 2002.68 2747 3580.82 4504.14 5516.97 6529.8 7453.13 8286.94 9031.26 -8853.05 -8153.48 -7453.92 -6754.36 -6054.8 -5355.24 -4655.68 -3956.11 -3256.55 2002.64 2746.96 3580.78 4504.1 5516.93 6529.76 7453.08 8286.9 9031.22 1452.59 1622.89 1793.19 1963.48 2133.78 2304.08 2474.37 2644.67 2814.97 4536.99 4707.29 4877.59 5047.88 5218.18 5388.47

30.14 30.14 30.14 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.25 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16

2628.96 2628.96 2628.96 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 -2350.43 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 2628.76 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 -2350.23 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 1080.56 -178.49 -178.49 -178.49 -178.49 -178.49 -178.49

116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

426.12 426.12 426.12 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -1217.58 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 -266.43 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 2707.69 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 1169.56 -2476.87 -2476.87 -2476.87 -2476.87 -2476.87 -2476.87

5558.77 5729.07 5899.36 -6379.37 -6209.08 -6038.78 -5868.49 -5698.19 -5527.89 -5357.6 -5187.3 -5017 -2728.73 -2558.43 -2388.14 -2217.84 -2047.55 -1877.25 -1706.95 -1536.66 -1366.36 -1045.7 -875.41 -705.11 -534.81 -364.52 -194.22 -23.93 146.37 316.67 2238.73 2409.02 2579.32 2749.61 2919.91 3090.21 3260.5 3430.8 3601.1 -3881.08 -3710.78 -3540.48 -3370.19 -3199.89 -3029.6

2.16 2.16 2.16 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 48.59 48.59 48.59 48.59 48.59 48.59 48.59 48.59 48.59 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 -30.26 -30.26 -30.26 -30.26 -30.26 -30.26

-178.49 -178.49 -178.49 260.1 260.1 260.1 260.1 260.1 260.1 260.1 260.1 260.1 -961 -961 -961 -961 -961 -961 -961 -961 -961 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 1928.68 647.33 647.33 647.33 647.33 647.33 647.33 647.33 647.33 647.33 -588.02 -588.02 -588.02 -588.02 -588.02 -588.02

116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-2476.87 -2476.87 -2476.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 -1009.87 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 1596.06 568.94 568.94 568.94 568.94 568.94 568.94 568.94 568.94 568.94 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -1069.93 -123.6 -123.6 -123.6 -123.6 -123.6 -123.6

-2859.3 -2689 -2518.71 -430.46 -260.17 -89.87 80.43 250.72 421.02 591.31 761.61 931.91 -4937.04 -4237.48 -3537.92 -2838.36 -2138.79 -1439.23 -739.67 -40.11 659.45 5635.49 6379.8 7213.62 8136.94 9149.77 10162.6 11085.93 11919.75 12664.06 -12769.01 -12069.45 -11369.89 -10670.32 -9970.76 -9271.2 -8571.64 -7872.08 -7172.52 -1630.24 -885.92 -52.1 871.22 1884.05 2896.88

-30.26 -30.26 -30.26 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 -10.02 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -8.53 -8.53 -8.53 -8.53 -8.53 -8.53

-588.02 -588.02 -588.02 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 -1786.82 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 3038.9 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 -1958.89 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 2218.43 -2741.39 -2741.39 -2741.39 -2741.39 -2741.39 -2741.39

116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 117 117 117 117 117 117

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-123.6 3820.2 -123.6 4654.02 -123.6 5398.34 2855.34 -7435.34 2855.34 -6735.78 2855.34 -6036.21 2855.34 -5336.65 2855.34 -4637.09 2855.34 -3937.53 2855.34 -3237.97 2855.34 -2538.41 2855.34 -1838.84 1312.39 3337.22 1312.39 4081.53 1312.39 4915.35 1312.39 5838.68 1312.39 6851.51 1312.39 7864.33 1312.39 8787.66 1312.39 9621.48 1312.39 10365.79 -2329.22 -10270.71 -2329.22 -9571.15 -2329.22 -8871.59 -2329.22 -8172.03 -2329.22 -7472.47 -2329.22 -6772.9 -2329.22 -6073.34 -2329.22 -5373.78 -2329.22 -4674.22 -867.05 668.03 -867.05 1412.34 -867.05 2246.16 -867.05 3169.49 -867.05 4182.32 -867.05 5195.15 -867.05 6118.47 -867.05 6952.29 -867.05 7696.6 99.97 -9688.95 99.97 -8850.12 99.97 -7965.92 99.97 -7036.37 99.97 -6061.45 99.97 -5086.54

-8.53 -8.53 -8.53 69.51 69.51 69.51 69.51 69.51 69.51 69.51 69.51 69.51 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02

-2741.39 -2741.39 -2741.39 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 3887.02 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 -1133.07 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 1370.31 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 -3567.21 1289.58 1289.58 1289.58 1289.58 1289.58 1289.58

117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

99.97 -4156.98 99.97 -3272.79 99.97 -2433.95 69.62 2555.05 69.62 3393.88 69.62 4278.08 69.62 5207.63 69.62 6182.55 69.62 7157.46 69.62 8087.02 69.62 8971.21 69.62 9810.05 128.56 -10559.97 128.56 -9800.47 128.56 -8921.08 128.56 -7921.82 128.56 -6802.68 128.56 -5683.54 128.56 -4684.28 128.56 -3804.9 128.56 -3045.39 95.31 3206.22 95.31 3965.72 95.31 4845.1 95.31 5844.36 95.31 6963.5 95.31 8082.65 95.31 9081.91 95.31 9961.29 95.31 10720.79 112.1 -9714.33 112.1 -8970.01 112.1 -8136.2 112.1 -7212.87 112.1 -6200.04 112.1 -5187.21 112.1 -4263.89 112.1 -3430.07 112.1 -2685.75 81.67 2825.18 81.67 3569.5 81.67 4403.32 81.67 5326.64 81.67 6339.47 81.67 7352.3

7.02 7.02 7.02 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 -6.43 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42

1289.58 1289.58 1289.58 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 -1282.42 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 1917.82 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 -1926.01 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 1613.39 -1616.22 -1616.22 -1616.22 -1616.22 -1616.22 -1616.22

117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

81.67 81.67 81.67 112.43 112.43 112.43 112.43 112.43 112.43 112.43 112.43 112.43 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 674.65 674.65 674.65 674.65 674.65 674.65 674.65 674.65 674.65 565.59 565.59 565.59 565.59 565.59 565.59 565.59 565.59 565.59 -529.63 -529.63 -529.63 -529.63 -529.63 -529.63

8275.62 9109.44 9853.76 -9714.29 -8969.98 -8136.16 -7212.83 -6200.01 -5187.18 -4263.85 -3430.03 -2685.72 2825.16 3569.47 4403.29 5326.61 6339.44 7352.27 8275.6 9109.42 9853.73 1041.57 1211.86 1382.16 1552.45 1722.75 1893.05 2063.34 2233.64 2403.94 5123.5 5293.8 5464.1 5634.39 5804.69 5974.98 6145.28 6315.58 6485.87 -6424.45 -6254.15 -6083.85 -5913.56 -5743.26 -5572.97

-7.42 -1616.22 -7.42 -1616.22 -7.42 -1616.22 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 7.87 1613.18 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 -7.41 -1616 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 8.06 1025.32 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 1.17 -154.81 -2.52 208.24 -2.52 208.24 -2.52 208.24 -2.52 208.24 -2.52 208.24 -2.52 208.24

117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-529.63 -529.63 -529.63 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 -441.27 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 1044.41 967.62 967.62 967.62 967.62 967.62 967.62 967.62 967.62 967.62 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -899.39 -843.3 -843.3 -843.3 -843.3 -843.3 -843.3

-5402.67 -5232.37 -5062.08 -2350.36 -2180.07 -2009.77 -1839.48 -1669.18 -1498.88 -1328.59 -1158.29 -987.99 -1351.38 -1181.08 -1010.79 -840.49 -670.2 -499.9 -329.6 -159.31 10.99 2733.54 2903.83 3074.13 3244.43 3414.72 3585.02 3755.32 3925.61 4095.91 -4031.5 -3861.2 -3690.91 -3520.61 -3350.32 -3180.02 -3009.72 -2839.43 -2669.13 39.6 209.9 380.19 550.49 720.78 891.08

-2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -10.72 -10.72 -10.72 -10.72 -10.72 -10.72

208.24 208.24 208.24 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 -1026.63 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 1967.66 761.11 761.11 761.11 761.11 761.11 761.11 761.11 761.11 761.11 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -734.1 -1942.55 -1942.55 -1942.55 -1942.55 -1942.55 -1942.55

117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-843.3 -843.3 -843.3 714.72 714.72 714.72 714.72 714.72 714.72 714.72 714.72 714.72 585.44 585.44 585.44 585.44 585.44 585.44 585.44 585.44 585.44 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -489.56 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 -421.42 1084.48 1084.48 1084.48 1084.48 1084.48 1084.48

1061.38 1231.67 1401.97 -5981.27 -5236.96 -4403.14 -3479.81 -2466.98 -1454.15 -530.83 302.99 1047.3 6562.08 7306.39 8140.21 9063.53 10076.36 11089.19 12012.52 12846.34 13590.65 -13447.28 -12702.97 -11869.15 -10945.82 -9933 -8920.17 -7996.84 -7163.02 -6418.71 -911.79 -167.48 666.34 1589.67 2602.5 3615.33 4538.65 5372.47 6116.78 -8374.22 -7629.9 -6796.08 -5872.76 -4859.93 -3847.1

-10.72 -10.72 -10.72 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 -3.37 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 -11.44 15.66 15.66 15.66 15.66 15.66 15.66

-1942.55 -1942.55 -1942.55 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 2021.62 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 -1179.99 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 1204.55 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 -2051.81 2963.97 2963.97 2963.97 2963.97 2963.97 2963.97

117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1084.48 -2923.78 1084.48 -2089.96 1084.48 -1345.64 987.47 4172.11 987.47 4916.43 987.47 5750.25 987.47 6673.57 987.47 7686.4 987.47 8699.23 987.47 9622.55 987.47 10456.37 987.47 11200.69 -859.33 -11054.34 -859.33 -10310.02 -859.33 -9476.2 -859.33 -8552.88 -859.33 -7540.05 -859.33 -6527.22 -859.33 -5603.9 -859.33 -4770.08 -859.33 -4025.76 -823.45 1478.17 -823.45 2222.49 -823.45 3056.31 -823.45 3979.63 -823.45 4992.46 -823.45 6005.29 -823.45 6928.61 -823.45 7762.43 -823.45 8506.75 99.61 -9753.63 99.61 -8914.79 99.61 -8030.6 99.61 -7101.04 99.61 -6126.13 99.61 -5151.21 99.61 -4221.66 99.61 -3337.46 99.61 -2498.63 165.7 2584.07 165.7 3422.9 165.7 4307.1 165.7 5236.66 165.7 6211.57 165.7 7186.49

15.66 15.66 15.66 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 0.06392 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 -15.26 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35

2963.97 2963.97 2963.97 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 -264.07 262.21 262.21 262.21 262.21 262.21 262.21 262.21 262.21 262.21 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 -2967.73 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 1332.07 -1337.56 -1337.56 -1337.56 -1337.56 -1337.56 -1337.56

118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

165.7 165.7 165.7 126.74 126.74 126.74 126.74 126.74 126.74 126.74 126.74 126.74 195.08 195.08 195.08 195.08 195.08 195.08 195.08 195.08 195.08 111.12 111.12 111.12 111.12 111.12 111.12 111.12 111.12 111.12 175.2 175.2 175.2 175.2 175.2 175.2 175.2 175.2 175.2 111.21 111.21 111.21 111.21 111.21 111.21

8116.04 9000.24 9839.07 -10647.7 -9888.2 -9008.81 -8009.55 -6890.41 -5771.27 -4772.01 -3892.63 -3133.12 3237.38 3996.88 4876.26 5875.52 6994.66 8113.8 9113.07 9992.45 10751.95 -9790 -9045.68 -8211.86 -7288.54 -6275.71 -5262.88 -4339.56 -3505.74 -2761.42 2853.95 3598.26 4432.08 5355.4 6368.23 7381.06 8304.39 9138.21 9882.52 -9789.92 -9045.61 -8211.79 -7288.46 -6275.63 -5262.8

-6.35 -6.35 -6.35 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 -8.59 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46

-1337.56 -1337.56 -1337.56 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 1988.46 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 -1984.6 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 1671.2 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 -1670.57 1670.99 1670.99 1670.99 1670.99 1670.99 1670.99

118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

111.21 111.21 111.21 175.19 175.19 175.19 175.19 175.19 175.19 175.19 175.19 175.19 450.24 450.24 450.24 450.24 450.24 450.24 450.24 450.24 450.24 702.42 702.42 702.42 702.42 702.42 702.42 702.42 702.42 702.42 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -316.4 -553.55 -553.55 -553.55 -553.55 -553.55 -553.55

-4339.48 -3505.66 -2761.35 2853.95 3598.27 4432.09 5355.41 6368.24 7381.07 8304.39 9138.21 9882.53 1052.35 1222.64 1392.94 1563.24 1733.53 1903.83 2074.12 2244.42 2414.72 5110.82 5281.12 5451.41 5621.71 5792.01 5962.3 6132.6 6302.9 6473.19 -6459.03 -6288.73 -6118.44 -5948.14 -5777.84 -5607.55 -5437.25 -5266.95 -5096.66 -2393.56 -2223.26 -2052.96 -1882.67 -1712.37 -1542.08

6.46 6.46 6.46 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92

1670.99 1670.99 1670.99 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 -1670.34 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 1020.11 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 -142.62 177.28 177.28 177.28 177.28 177.28 177.28 177.28 177.28 177.28 -1048.96 -1048.96 -1048.96 -1048.96 -1048.96 -1048.96

118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-553.55 -553.55 -553.55 924.5 924.5 924.5 924.5 924.5 924.5 924.5 924.5 924.5 935.22 935.22 935.22 935.22 935.22 935.22 935.22 935.22 935.22 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -790.66 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 -786.35 494.58 494.58 494.58 494.58 494.58 494.58

-1371.78 -1201.48 -1031.19 -1358.18 -1187.88 -1017.59 -847.29 -677 -506.7 -336.4 -166.11 4.19 2715.18 2885.47 3055.77 3226.07 3396.36 3566.66 3736.96 3907.25 4077.55 -4048.5 -3878.21 -3707.91 -3537.61 -3367.32 -3197.02 -3026.72 -2856.43 -2686.13 2.09 172.38 342.68 512.97 683.27 853.57 1023.86 1194.16 1364.46 -6034.2 -5289.88 -4456.06 -3532.74 -2519.91 -1507.08

-6.92 -6.92 -6.92 9.91 9.91 9.91 9.91 9.91 9.91 9.91 9.91 9.91 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76

-1048.96 -1048.96 -1048.96 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 1951.34 762.87 762.87 762.87 762.87 762.87 762.87 762.87 762.87 762.87 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -753.96 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 -1954.45 2092.31 2092.31 2092.31 2092.31 2092.31 2092.31

118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

494.58 494.58 494.58 803.17 803.17 803.17 803.17 803.17 803.17 803.17 803.17 803.17 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -272.07 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 -452.81 968.84 968.84 968.84 968.84 968.84 968.84 968.84 968.84 968.84 1035.97 1035.97 1035.97 1035.97 1035.97 1035.97

-583.76 250.06 994.38 6606.14 7350.46 8184.28 9107.6 10120.43 11133.26 12056.58 12890.4 13634.72 -13545.57 -12801.26 -11967.44 -11044.12 -10031.29 -9018.46 -8095.13 -7261.31 -6517 -898.23 -153.92 679.9 1603.22 2616.05 3628.88 4552.21 5386.02 6130.34 -8444.73 -7700.41 -6866.59 -5943.27 -4930.44 -3917.61 -2994.28 -2160.47 -1416.15 4210.5 4954.82 5788.63 6711.96 7724.79 8737.62

10.76 10.76 10.76 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57

2092.31 2092.31 2092.31 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 -1217.07 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 1249.48 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 -2123.41 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 3023.54 -311.58 -311.58 -311.58 -311.58 -311.58 -311.58

118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1035.97 1035.97 1035.97 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -746.33 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 -685.61 305.15 305.15 305.15 305.15 305.15 305.15 305.15 305.15 305.15 401.74 401.74 401.74 401.74 401.74 401.74 401.74 401.74 401.74 350.93 350.93 350.93 350.93 350.93 350.93

9660.94 10494.76 11239.07 -11135.05 -10390.73 -9556.91 -8633.59 -7620.76 -6607.93 -5684.61 -4850.79 -4106.47 1497.41 2241.72 3075.54 3998.87 5011.7 6024.52 6947.85 7781.67 8525.98 -10126.68 -9287.84 -8403.65 -7474.09 -6499.18 -5524.26 -4594.71 -3710.51 -2871.68 2230.28 3069.12 3953.31 4882.87 5857.78 6832.7 7762.26 8646.45 9485.29 -11117.94 -10358.44 -9479.06 -8479.8 -7360.65 -6241.51

0.57 0.57 0.57 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42

-311.58 -311.58 -311.58 318.24 318.24 318.24 318.24 318.24 318.24 318.24 318.24 318.24 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 -3028.9 947.06 947.06 947.06 947.06 947.06 947.06 947.06 947.06 947.06 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 -1911.68 1631.41 1631.41 1631.41 1631.41 1631.41 1631.41

119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

350.93 -5242.25 350.93 -4362.87 350.93 -3603.37 466.63 2870.82 466.63 3630.32 466.63 4509.7 466.63 5508.97 466.63 6628.11 466.63 7747.25 466.63 8746.51 466.63 9625.89 466.63 10385.39 317.71 -10203.79 317.71 -9459.47 317.71 -8625.65 317.71 -7702.33 317.71 -6689.5 317.71 -5676.67 317.71 -4753.35 317.71 -3919.53 317.71 -3175.21 421.23 2511.18 421.23 3255.49 421.23 4089.31 421.23 5012.63 421.23 6025.46 421.23 7038.29 421.23 7961.62 421.23 8795.44 421.23 9539.75 317.46 -10203.73 317.46 -9459.41 317.46 -8625.59 317.46 -7702.27 317.46 -6689.44 317.46 -5676.61 317.46 -4753.29 317.46 -3919.47 317.46 -3175.15 420.84 2511.15 420.84 3255.46 420.84 4089.28 420.84 5012.6 420.84 6025.43 420.84 7038.26

6.42 6.42 6.42 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3

1631.41 1631.41 1631.41 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 -2611.3 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 1324.28 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 -2246.77 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 1324.08 -2246.57 -2246.57 -2246.57 -2246.57 -2246.57 -2246.57

119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

420.84 420.84 420.84 363.65 363.65 363.65 363.65 363.65 363.65 363.65 363.65 363.65 714.76 714.76 714.76 714.76 714.76 714.76 714.76 714.76 714.76 -140 -140 -140 -140 -140 -140 -140 -140 -140 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 -440.3 768.85 768.85 768.85 768.85 768.85 768.85

7961.59 8795.4 9539.72 596.22 766.52 936.82 1107.11 1277.41 1447.7 1618 1788.3 1958.59 4688.4 4858.7 5028.99 5199.29 5369.59 5539.88 5710.18 5880.48 6050.77 -6321.26 -6150.96 -5980.66 -5810.37 -5640.07 -5469.78 -5299.48 -5129.18 -4958.89 -2134.14 -1963.85 -1793.55 -1623.26 -1452.96 -1282.66 -1112.37 -942.07 -771.77 -1595.08 -1424.78 -1254.48 -1084.19 -913.89 -743.6

-5.3 -5.3 -5.3 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79

-2246.57 -2246.57 -2246.57 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 1026.59 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 -224.7 117.98 117.98 117.98 117.98 117.98 117.98 117.98 117.98 117.98 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 -1215.07 1917.95 1917.95 1917.95 1917.95 1917.95 1917.95

119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

768.85 768.85 768.85 716.13 716.13 716.13 716.13 716.13 716.13 716.13 716.13 716.13 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -545.21 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 -441.66 569.16 569.16 569.16 569.16 569.16 569.16 569.16 569.16 569.16 998.19 998.19 998.19 998.19 998.19 998.19

-573.3 -403 -232.71 2520.42 2690.72 2861.01 3031.31 3201.6 3371.9 3542.2 3712.49 3882.79 -4129.96 -3959.66 -3789.36 -3619.07 -3448.77 -3278.47 -3108.18 -2937.88 -2767.59 33.84 204.14 374.43 544.73 715.02 885.32 1055.62 1225.91 1396.21 -6744.96 -6000.64 -5166.83 -4243.5 -3230.67 -2217.84 -1294.52 -460.7 283.61 5922.4 6666.72 7500.54 8423.86 9436.69 10449.52

7.79 7.79 7.79 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68

1917.95 1917.95 1917.95 685.86 685.86 685.86 685.86 685.86 685.86 685.86 685.86 685.86 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -773.39 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 -2125.63 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 1778.29 -1751.3 -1751.3 -1751.3 -1751.3 -1751.3 -1751.3

119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

998.19 998.19 998.19 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 974.37 974.37 974.37 974.37 974.37 974.37 974.37 974.37 974.37 999.56 999.56 999.56 999.56 999.56 999.56 999.56 999.56 999.56 -339.69 -339.69 -339.69 -339.69 -339.69 -339.69

11372.84 12206.66 12950.98 -13662.44 -12918.13 -12084.31 -11160.98 -10148.15 -9135.32 -8212 -7378.18 -6633.87 -900.14 -155.83 677.99 1601.32 2614.14 3626.97 4550.3 5384.12 6128.43 -8936.26 -8191.95 -7358.13 -6434.8 -5421.97 -4409.14 -3485.82 -2652 -1907.69 3754.42 4498.73 5332.55 6255.88 7268.71 8281.54 9204.86 10038.68 10782.99 -11471.14 -10726.82 -9893 -8969.68 -7956.85 -6944.02

-2.68 -2.68 -2.68 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

-1751.3 -1751.3 -1751.3 869.68 869.68 869.68 869.68 869.68 869.68 869.68 869.68 869.68 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 -2741.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 2669.66 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -840.73 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68

119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-339.69 -339.69 -339.69 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 -158.23 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 80.04 80.04 80.04 80.04 80.04 80.04 80.04 80.04 80.04 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.96 70.84 70.84 70.84 70.84 70.84 70.84

-6020.7 -5186.88 -4442.56 1267.84 2012.16 2845.97 3769.3 4782.13 5794.96 6718.28 7552.1 8296.41 -2396.85 -2109.26 -1776.32 -1398.01 -974.35 -550.68 -172.38 160.57 448.16 -2935.87 -2648.87 -2241.99 -1715.23 -1068.59 -421.94 104.82 511.7 798.7 -2603.35 -2331.53 -1970.21 -1519.39 -979.06 -438.73 12.09 373.41 645.23 -2605.05 -2333.23 -1971.91 -1521.09 -980.76 -440.43

0.23 0.23 0.23 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -12.05 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41

-21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -3652.23 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -236.08 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -428.02 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.37 -343.39 -343.39 -343.39 -343.39 -343.39 -343.39

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

70.84 70.84 70.84 483.1 483.1 483.1 483.1 483.1 483.1 483.1 483.1 483.1 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 -465.87 256.73 256.73 256.73 256.73 256.73 256.73 256.73 256.73 256.73 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 -239.51 545.27 545.27 545.27 545.27 545.27 545.27

10.39 371.71 643.53 11022.77 11193.07 11363.36 11533.66 11703.95 11874.25 12044.55 12214.84 12385.14 -12875.23 -12704.93 -12534.64 -12364.34 -12194.05 -12023.75 -11853.45 -11683.16 -11512.86 2691.66 2861.96 3032.25 3202.55 3372.85 3543.14 3713.44 3883.74 4054.03 -4544.12 -4373.83 -4203.53 -4033.23 -3862.94 -3692.64 -3522.34 -3352.05 -3181.75 9343.18 9615 9976.31 10427.14 10967.47 11507.8

-0.41 -0.41 -0.41 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43

-343.39 -343.39 -343.39 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -90.89 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -228.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -58.93 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -260.89 -274.38 -274.38 -274.38 -274.38 -274.38 -274.38

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

545.27 545.27 545.27 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 -403.7 318.9 318.9 318.9 318.9 318.9 318.9 318.9 318.9 318.9 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 -177.34 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 62.41 62.41 62.41 62.41 62.41 62.41

11958.62 12319.94 12591.75 -14554.82 -14283 -13921.69 -13470.86 -12930.53 -12390.2 -11939.38 -11578.06 -11306.25 1012.07 1283.89 1645.21 2096.03 2636.36 3176.69 3627.51 3988.83 4260.65 -6223.71 -5951.9 -5590.58 -5139.75 -4599.42 -4059.09 -3608.27 -3246.95 -2975.14 -2687.79 -1826.27 -874.04 168.92 1302.59 2436.27 3479.22 4431.46 5292.97 -3152.75 -2333.31 -1274.11 24.85 1563.58 3102.3

2.43 2.43 2.43 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15

-274.38 -274.38 -274.38 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -412.43 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -242.42 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -444.39 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -295.86 -295.86 -295.86 -295.86 -295.86 -295.86

121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

62.41 62.41 62.41 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.65 54.47 54.47 54.47 54.47 54.47 54.47 54.47 54.47 54.47 353.84 353.84 353.84 353.84 353.84 353.84 353.84 353.84 353.84 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 -339.02 126.38 126.38 126.38 126.38 126.38 126.38

4401.26 5460.46 6279.9 -2837.59 -2048.52 -1080.45 66.64 1392.74 2718.83 3865.92 4834 5623.06 -2834.87 -2045.8 -1077.72 69.36 1395.46 2721.56 3868.64 4836.72 5625.79 11379.59 11549.89 11720.18 11890.48 12060.78 12231.07 12401.37 12571.66 12741.96 -12042.11 -11871.81 -11701.52 -11531.22 -11360.92 -11190.63 -11020.33 -10850.04 -10679.74 3191.74 3362.03 3532.33 3702.63 3872.92 4043.22

-0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5

-295.86 -295.86 -295.86 -239 -239 -239 -239 -239 -239 -239 -239 -239 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -239.07 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -38.08 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -208.9 -18.39 -18.39 -18.39 -18.39 -18.39 -18.39

121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

126.38 126.38 126.38 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 -111.55 400.81 400.81 400.81 400.81 400.81 400.81 400.81 400.81 400.81 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 -292.05 173.35 173.35 173.35 173.35 173.35 173.35 173.35 173.35 173.35 -64.58 -64.58 -64.58 -64.58 -64.58 -64.58

4213.52 4383.81 4554.11 -3854.26 -3683.96 -3513.67 -3343.37 -3173.07 -3002.78 -2832.48 -2662.18 -2491.89 8877.22 9666.29 10634.37 11781.45 13107.55 14433.65 15580.73 16548.81 17337.88 -14544.48 -13755.41 -12787.33 -11640.25 -10314.15 -8988.05 -7840.97 -6872.89 -6083.82 689.37 1478.44 2446.51 3593.6 4919.7 6245.79 7392.88 8360.96 9150.02 -6356.63 -5567.56 -4599.48 -3452.4 -2126.3 -800.2

3.5 3.5 3.5 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65

-18.39 -18.39 -18.39 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -228.58 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -324.52 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -134.01 -344.2 -344.2 -344.2 -344.2 -344.2 -344.2

121 121 121 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-64.58 -64.58 -64.58 361.07 361.07 361.07 361.07 361.07 361.07 361.07 361.07 361.07 307.2 307.2 307.2 307.2 307.2 307.2 307.2 307.2 307.2 457.11 457.11 457.11 457.11 457.11 457.11 457.11 457.11 457.11 388.44 388.44 388.44 388.44 388.44 388.44 388.44 388.44 388.44 402.43 402.43 402.43 402.43 402.43 402.43

346.88 1314.96 2104.03 -11542.16 -10680.64 -9728.41 -8685.45 -7551.78 -6418.1 -5375.14 -4422.91 -3561.39 4387.51 5249.02 6201.26 7244.21 8377.89 9511.56 10554.52 11506.76 12368.27 -13973.48 -13154.04 -12094.83 -10795.87 -9257.15 -7718.43 -6419.47 -5360.26 -4540.82 5564.89 6384.33 7443.54 8742.5 10281.22 11819.94 13118.9 14178.1 14997.55 -12443.5 -11654.44 -10686.36 -9539.27 -8213.18 -6887.08

-3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34

-344.2 -344.2 -344.2 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 -647.72 470.04 470.04 470.04 470.04 470.04 470.04 470.04 470.04 470.04 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 -922.45 695.92 695.92 695.92 695.92 695.92 695.92 695.92 695.92 695.92 -784.61 -784.61 -784.61 -784.61 -784.61 -784.61

122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

402.43 -5739.99 402.43 -4771.92 402.43 -3982.85 342.09 4888.16 342.09 5677.22 342.09 6645.3 342.09 7792.39 342.09 9118.48 342.09 10444.58 342.09 11591.67 342.09 12559.75 342.09 13348.81 401.85 -12443.42 401.85 -11654.35 401.85 -10686.27 401.85 -9539.19 401.85 -8213.09 401.85 -6886.99 401.85 -5739.91 401.85 -4771.83 401.85 -3982.76 341.6 4888.3 341.6 5677.37 341.6 6645.45 341.6 7792.53 341.6 9118.63 341.6 10444.73 341.6 11591.81 341.6 12559.89 341.6 13348.96 504.23 -235.11 504.23 -64.81 504.23 105.48 504.23 275.78 504.23 446.07 504.23 616.37 504.23 786.67 504.23 956.96 504.23 1127.26 207.2 5683.52 207.2 5853.82 207.2 6024.11 207.2 6194.41 207.2 6364.71 207.2 6535

-1.34 -1.34 -1.34 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59

-784.61 -784.61 -784.61 585.98 585.98 585.98 585.98 585.98 585.98 585.98 585.98 585.98 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 -784.71 586.03 586.03 586.03 586.03 586.03 586.03 586.03 586.03 586.03 151.51 151.51 151.51 151.51 151.51 151.51 151.51 151.51 151.51 781.4 781.4 781.4 781.4 781.4 781.4

122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

207.2 207.2 207.2 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 -211.99 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 50.07 302.21 302.21 302.21 302.21 302.21 302.21 302.21 302.21 302.21 219.94 219.94 219.94 219.94 219.94 219.94 219.94 219.94 219.94 -9.97 -9.97 -9.97 -9.97 -9.97 -9.97

6705.3 6875.59 7045.89 -6699.74 -6529.44 -6359.14 -6188.85 -6018.55 -5848.26 -5677.96 -5507.66 -5337.37 -851.11 -680.81 -510.52 -340.22 -169.92 0.37 170.67 340.97 511.26 -2465.37 -2295.07 -2124.77 -1954.48 -1784.18 -1613.89 -1443.59 -1273.29 -1103 3431.74 3602.03 3772.33 3942.62 4112.92 4283.22 4453.51 4623.81 4794.11 -4469.48 -4299.18 -4128.89 -3958.59 -3788.3 -3618

2.59 2.59 2.59 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 -6.6 -6.6 -6.6 -6.6 -6.6 -6.6

781.4 781.4 781.4 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -880.47 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 -193.24 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1163.37 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 1792.31 -1892.34 -1892.34 -1892.34 -1892.34 -1892.34 -1892.34

122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-9.97 -9.97 -9.97 37.32 37.32 37.32 37.32 37.32 37.32 37.32 37.32 37.32 759.7 759.7 759.7 759.7 759.7 759.7 759.7 759.7 759.7 419.94 419.94 419.94 419.94 419.94 419.94 419.94 419.94 419.94 43.47 43.47 43.47 43.47 43.47 43.47 43.47 43.47 43.47 262.81 262.81 262.81 262.81 262.81 262.81

-3447.7 -3277.41 -3107.11 1400.68 1570.97 1741.27 1911.56 2081.86 2252.16 2422.45 2592.75 2763.05 -9211.06 -8422 -7453.92 -6306.83 -4980.74 -3654.64 -2507.55 -1539.48 -750.41 8155.68 8944.75 9912.83 11059.91 12386.01 13712.11 14859.19 15827.27 16616.34 -15675.69 -14886.62 -13918.55 -12771.46 -11445.36 -10119.27 -8972.18 -8004.1 -7215.04 1621.06 2410.12 3378.2 4525.29 5851.38 7177.48

-6.6 -6.6 -6.6 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79

-1892.34 -1892.34 -1892.34 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -1204.15 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 -268.77 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 1073.37 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 -1300.74 98.73 98.73 98.73 98.73 98.73 98.73

122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 123 123 123 123 123 123

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

262.81 262.81 262.81 557.68 557.68 557.68 557.68 557.68 557.68 557.68 557.68 557.68 432.69 432.69 432.69 432.69 432.69 432.69 432.69 432.69 432.69 245.49 245.49 245.49 245.49 245.49 245.49 245.49 245.49 245.49 250.06 250.06 250.06 250.06 250.06 250.06 250.06 250.06 250.06 245.19 245.19 245.19 245.19 245.19 245.19

8324.57 9292.64 10081.71 -11441.32 -10652.25 -9684.18 -8537.09 -7210.99 -5884.9 -4737.81 -3769.73 -2980.67 5903.9 6692.97 7661.04 8808.13 10134.23 11460.32 12607.41 13575.49 14364.55 -13445.43 -12656.37 -11688.29 -10541.2 -9215.11 -7889.01 -6741.92 -5773.85 -4984.78 3872.84 4661.91 5629.98 6777.07 8103.17 9429.26 10576.35 11544.43 12333.49 -11929.3 -11067.78 -10115.54 -9072.59 -7938.91 -6805.24

0.79 0.79 0.79 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65

98.73 98.73 98.73 743.1 743.1 743.1 743.1 743.1 743.1 743.1 743.1 743.1 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 2084.28 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -2312.61 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -912.18 -524.34 -524.34 -524.34 -524.34 -524.34 -524.34

123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

245.19 245.19 245.19 251.59 251.59 251.59 251.59 251.59 251.59 251.59 251.59 251.59 308.78 308.78 308.78 308.78 308.78 308.78 308.78 308.78 308.78 309.43 309.43 309.43 309.43 309.43 309.43 309.43 309.43 309.43 272.27 272.27 272.27 272.27 272.27 272.27 272.27 272.27 272.27 274.71 274.71 274.71 274.71 274.71 274.71

-5762.28 -4810.05 -3948.53 3900.19 4761.71 5713.94 6756.9 7890.57 9024.25 10067.2 11019.44 11880.95 -14452.44 -13633 -12573.79 -11274.83 -9736.11 -8197.39 -6898.43 -5839.23 -5019.78 4937.06 5756.5 6815.7 8114.66 9653.38 11192.11 12491.07 13550.27 14369.71 -12867.07 -12078 -11109.92 -9962.84 -8636.74 -7310.64 -6163.56 -5195.48 -4406.41 4339.29 5128.36 6096.44 7243.52 8569.62 9895.72

-0.65 -0.65 -0.65 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23

-524.34 -524.34 -524.34 526.89 526.89 526.89 526.89 526.89 526.89 526.89 526.89 526.89 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 -747.57 754.42 754.42 754.42 754.42 754.42 754.42 754.42 754.42 754.42 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 -635.67 640.77 640.77 640.77 640.77 640.77 640.77

123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

274.71 11042.8 274.71 12010.88 274.71 12799.95 271.87 -12867.17 271.87 -12078.11 271.87 -11110.03 271.87 -9962.94 271.87 -8636.85 271.87 -7310.75 271.87 -6163.66 271.87 -5195.59 271.87 -4406.52 274.33 4339.29 274.33 5128.36 274.33 6096.44 274.33 7243.52 274.33 8569.62 274.33 9895.72 274.33 11042.8 274.33 12010.88 274.33 12799.95 429.91 -68.34 429.91 101.96 429.91 272.26 429.91 442.55 429.91 612.85 429.91 783.14 429.91 953.44 429.91 1123.74 429.91 1294.03 181.36 5769.21 181.36 5939.5 181.36 6109.8 181.36 6280.1 181.36 6450.39 181.36 6620.69 181.36 6790.98 181.36 6961.28 181.36 7131.58 -216.24 -7150.01 -216.24 -6979.71 -216.24 -6809.41 -216.24 -6639.12 -216.24 -6468.82 -216.24 -6298.52

3.23 3.23 3.23 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33

640.77 640.77 640.77 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 -635.75 640.86 640.86 640.86 640.86 640.86 640.86 640.86 640.86 640.86 189.57 189.57 189.57 189.57 189.57 189.57 189.57 189.57 189.57 772.28 772.28 772.28 772.28 772.28 772.28 772.28 772.28 772.28 -789.39 -789.39 -789.39 -789.39 -789.39 -789.39

123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-216.24 -216.24 -216.24 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 300.44 300.44 300.44 300.44 300.44 300.44 300.44 300.44 300.44 241.79 241.79 241.79 241.79 241.79 241.79 241.79 241.79 241.79 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -86.77 -27.29 -27.29 -27.29 -27.29 -27.29 -27.29

-6128.23 -5957.93 -5787.64 -1324.44 -1154.14 -983.85 -813.55 -643.25 -472.96 -302.66 -132.37 37.93 -2511.47 -2341.18 -2170.88 -2000.58 -1830.29 -1659.99 -1489.69 -1319.4 -1149.1 3321.52 3491.81 3662.11 3832.41 4002.7 4173 4343.29 4513.59 4683.89 -4706.87 -4536.58 -4366.28 -4195.98 -4025.69 -3855.39 -3685.09 -3514.8 -3344.5 1123.25 1293.55 1463.84 1634.14 1804.44 1974.73

-2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56

-789.39 -789.39 -789.39 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 -167.84 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1201.28 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 1796.87 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1801.1 -1192.43 -1192.43 -1192.43 -1192.43 -1192.43 -1192.43

123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-27.29 -27.29 -27.29 594.76 594.76 594.76 594.76 594.76 594.76 594.76 594.76 594.76 348.26 348.26 348.26 348.26 348.26 348.26 348.26 348.26 348.26 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 -51.39 200.06 200.06 200.06 200.06 200.06 200.06 200.06 200.06 200.06 465.3 465.3 465.3 465.3 465.3 465.3

2145.03 2315.32 2485.62 -9326.39 -8537.32 -7569.24 -6422.16 -5096.06 -3769.96 -2622.88 -1654.8 -865.73 7886.12 8675.18 9643.26 10790.35 12116.44 13442.54 14589.63 15557.7 16346.77 -16408.05 -15618.99 -14650.91 -13503.82 -12177.73 -10851.63 -9704.54 -8736.47 -7947.4 792.47 1581.54 2549.61 3696.7 5022.8 6348.89 7495.98 8464.06 9253.12 -11769.52 -10980.45 -10012.38 -8865.29 -7539.19 -6213.1

-1.56 -1.56 -1.56 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61

-1192.43 -1192.43 -1192.43 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 -146.31 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 1110.96 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 -1125.27 170.83 170.83 170.83 170.83 170.83 170.83 170.83 170.83 170.83 865.4 865.4 865.4 865.4 865.4 865.4

123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

465.3 465.3 465.3 408.7 408.7 408.7 408.7 408.7 408.7 408.7 408.7 408.7 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 139.62 139.62 139.62 139.62 139.62 139.62 139.62 139.62 139.62 231.17 231.17 231.17 231.17 231.17 231.17 231.17 231.17 231.17 170.7 170.7 170.7 170.7 170.7 170.7

-5066.01 -4097.93 -3308.87 5438.43 6227.49 7195.57 8342.66 9668.75 10994.85 12141.94 13110.01 13899.08 -13964.92 -13175.85 -12207.78 -11060.69 -9734.59 -8408.5 -7261.41 -6293.33 -5504.27 3240.16 4029.23 4997.3 6144.39 7470.49 8796.58 9943.67 10911.75 11700.81 -11913 -11051.48 -10099.25 -9056.29 -7922.62 -6788.94 -5745.99 -4793.75 -3932.23 4319.6 5181.11 6133.35 7176.3 8309.98 9443.65

3.61 3.61 3.61 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64

865.4 865.4 865.4 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 2135.55 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -2136.98 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -853.76 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 -625.11 367.59 367.59 367.59 367.59 367.59 367.59

124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

170.7 170.7 170.7 277.76 277.76 277.76 277.76 277.76 277.76 277.76 277.76 277.76 203.43 203.43 203.43 203.43 203.43 203.43 203.43 203.43 203.43 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 182.25 182.25 182.25 182.25 182.25 182.25 182.25 182.25 182.25 247.96 247.96 247.96 247.96 247.96 247.96

10486.61 11438.84 12300.36 -14345.56 -13526.12 -12466.92 -11167.96 -9629.24 -8090.51 -6791.55 -5732.35 -4912.91 5521.69 6341.14 7400.34 8699.3 10238.02 11776.74 13075.71 14134.91 14954.35 -12795.09 -12006.02 -11037.94 -9890.86 -8564.76 -7238.66 -6091.58 -5123.5 -4334.43 4839.41 5628.48 6596.55 7743.64 9069.74 10395.83 11542.92 12511 13300.06 -12795.14 -12006.08 -11038 -9890.91 -8564.82 -7238.72

3.64 3.64 3.64 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29

367.59 367.59 367.59 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 -838.68 614.1 614.1 614.1 614.1 614.1 614.1 614.1 614.1 614.1 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 -725.02 501.87 501.87 501.87 501.87 501.87 501.87 501.87 501.87 501.87 -725.09 -725.09 -725.09 -725.09 -725.09 -725.09

124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

247.96 247.96 247.96 182.05 182.05 182.05 182.05 182.05 182.05 182.05 182.05 182.05 468.58 468.58 468.58 468.58 468.58 468.58 468.58 468.58 468.58 345.43 345.43 345.43 345.43 345.43 345.43 345.43 345.43 345.43 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -252.69 -109.31 -109.31 -109.31 -109.31 -109.31 -109.31

-6091.63 -5123.56 -4334.49 4839.49 5628.55 6596.63 7743.72 9069.81 10395.91 11543 12511.07 13300.14 -78.65 91.65 261.94 432.24 602.54 772.83 943.13 1113.42 1283.72 5744.59 5914.88 6085.18 6255.48 6425.77 6596.07 6766.37 6936.66 7106.96 -7165.02 -6994.72 -6824.43 -6654.13 -6483.84 -6313.54 -6143.24 -5972.95 -5802.65 -1218.96 -1048.67 -878.37 -708.07 -537.78 -367.48

-1.29 -1.29 -1.29 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68

-725.09 -725.09 -725.09 501.95 501.95 501.95 501.95 501.95 501.95 501.95 501.95 501.95 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 833.03 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -773.69 -102.73 -102.73 -102.73 -102.73 -102.73 -102.73

124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-109.31 -109.31 -109.31 346.72 346.72 346.72 346.72 346.72 346.72 346.72 346.72 346.72 528.47 528.47 528.47 528.47 528.47 528.47 528.47 528.47 528.47 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -130.83 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 -292.36 608.44 608.44 608.44 608.44 608.44 608.44

-197.18 -26.89 143.41 -2503.93 -2333.63 -2163.33 -1993.04 -1822.74 -1652.45 -1482.15 -1311.85 -1141.56 3361.17 3531.47 3701.76 3872.06 4042.36 4212.65 4382.95 4553.25 4723.54 -4739.74 -4569.45 -4399.15 -4228.85 -4058.56 -3888.26 -3717.97 -3547.67 -3377.37 1164.46 1334.75 1505.05 1675.34 1845.64 2015.94 2186.23 2356.53 2526.83 -9251.98 -8462.92 -7494.84 -6347.75 -5021.66 -3695.56

-1.68 -1.68 -1.68 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5

-102.73 -102.73 -102.73 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1207.85 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 1858.23 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1792.82 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -1127.93 -243.92 -243.92 -243.92 -243.92 -243.92 -243.92

124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

608.44 608.44 608.44 409.32 409.32 409.32 409.32 409.32 409.32 409.32 409.32 409.32 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -112.83 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 486.58 486.58 486.58 486.58 486.58 486.58 486.58 486.58 486.58 592.37 592.37 592.37 592.37 592.37 592.37

-2548.47 -1580.4 -791.33 8321.3 9110.36 10078.44 11225.53 12551.62 13877.72 15024.81 15992.88 16781.95 -16338.36 -15549.29 -14581.21 -13434.13 -12108.03 -10781.93 -9634.85 -8666.77 -7877.7 1357.75 2146.81 3114.89 4261.98 5588.07 6914.17 8061.26 9029.34 9818.4 -11677.26 -10888.2 -9920.12 -8773.03 -7446.94 -6120.84 -4973.75 -4005.68 -3216.61 5937.88 6726.95 7695.02 8842.11 10168.21 11494.3

-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16

-243.92 -243.92 -243.92 969.87 969.87 969.87 969.87 969.87 969.87 969.87 969.87 969.87 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 -1206.32 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 775.21 775.21 775.21 775.21 775.21 775.21 775.21 775.21 775.21 1995.07 1995.07 1995.07 1995.07 1995.07 1995.07

124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

592.37 592.37 592.37 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 -228.46 443.26 443.26 443.26 443.26 443.26 443.26 443.26 443.26 443.26 317.65 317.65 317.65 317.65 317.65 317.65 317.65 317.65 317.65 620.14 620.14 620.14 620.14 620.14 620.14

12641.39 13609.47 14398.53 -13913.08 -13124.01 -12155.94 -11008.85 -9682.75 -8356.66 -7209.57 -6241.49 -5452.43 3741.16 4530.23 5498.31 6645.4 7971.49 9297.59 10444.68 11412.75 12201.82 -11382.12 -11094.53 -10761.58 -10383.28 -9959.61 -9535.95 -9157.64 -8824.7 -8537.11 8201.33 8511.6 8912.58 9404.29 9986.71 10569.14 11060.85 11461.83 11772.1 -15004.01 -14717.01 -14310.13 -13783.37 -13136.72 -12490.08

8.16 8.16 8.16 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8

1995.07 1995.07 1995.07 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -2225.46 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -991.09 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 -2362.18 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 2388.65 -3086.15 -3086.15 -3086.15 -3086.15 -3086.15 -3086.15

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

620.14 620.14 620.14 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 530.25 530.25 530.25 530.25 530.25 530.25 530.25 530.25 530.25 386.01 386.01 386.01 386.01 386.01 386.01 386.01 386.01 386.01 530.09 530.09 530.09 530.09 530.09 530.09 530.09 530.09 530.09 385.93 385.93 385.93 385.93 385.93 385.93

-11963.32 -11556.44 -11269.44 10415.84 10762.78 11349.48 12175.94 13242.16 14308.39 15134.85 15721.55 16068.49 -13035.96 -12764.15 -12402.83 -11952.01 -11411.68 -10871.35 -10420.52 -10059.2 -9787.39 9145.95 9462.52 9958.1 10632.68 11486.28 12339.88 13014.46 13510.04 13826.61 -13036.03 -12764.22 -12402.9 -11952.07 -11411.75 -10871.42 -10420.59 -10059.27 -9787.46 9146.03 9462.59 9958.17 10632.76 11486.35 12339.95

-2.8 -2.8 -2.8 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

-3086.15 -3086.15 -3086.15 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 3093.14 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 -2688.05 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 2700.92 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 -2688.11 2700.98 2700.98 2700.98 2700.98 2700.98 2700.98

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

385.93 385.93 385.93 573.51 573.51 573.51 573.51 573.51 573.51 573.51 573.51 573.51 467.62 467.62 467.62 467.62 467.62 467.62 467.62 467.62 467.62 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -267.05 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 -259.56 878.19 878.19 878.19 878.19 878.19 878.19

13014.54 13510.12 13826.68 60.22 230.52 400.81 571.11 741.4 911.7 1082 1252.29 1422.59 5708.72 5879.02 6049.32 6219.61 6389.91 6560.21 6730.5 6900.8 7071.09 -6962.49 -6792.19 -6621.9 -6451.6 -6281.3 -6111.01 -5940.71 -5770.41 -5600.12 -1494.09 -1323.79 -1153.5 -983.2 -812.9 -642.61 -472.31 -302.02 -131.72 -2243.11 -2072.81 -1902.52 -1732.22 -1561.93 -1391.63

1.3 1.3 1.3 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -5.28 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 7.23 7.23 7.23 7.23 7.23 7.23

2700.98 2700.98 2700.98 117.01 117.01 117.01 117.01 117.01 117.01 117.01 117.01 117.01 741.55 741.55 741.55 741.55 741.55 741.55 741.55 741.55 741.55 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -780.36 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 -175.63 1112.29 1112.29 1112.29 1112.29 1112.29 1112.29

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

878.19 878.19 878.19 681.12 681.12 681.12 681.12 681.12 681.12 681.12 681.12 681.12 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -571.73 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 -473.06 950.3 950.3 950.3 950.3 950.3 950.3 950.3 950.3 950.3 749.49 749.49 749.49 749.49 749.49 749.49

-1221.33 -1051.04 -880.74 3281.5 3451.8 3622.09 3792.39 3962.69 4132.98 4303.28 4473.57 4643.87 -4659.16 -4488.86 -4318.57 -4148.27 -3977.97 -3807.68 -3637.38 -3467.09 -3296.79 933.13 1103.43 1273.73 1444.02 1614.32 1784.62 1954.91 2125.21 2295.5 -9524.71 -9252.9 -8891.58 -8440.75 -7900.42 -7360.09 -6909.27 -6547.95 -6276.14 12747.47 13064.04 13559.61 14234.2 15087.8 15941.39

7.23 7.23 7.23 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -8.24 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64

1112.29 1112.29 1112.29 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 1725.43 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1775.65 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -1159.51 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 -2239.45 3159.6 3159.6 3159.6 3159.6 3159.6 3159.6

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

749.49 749.49 749.49 109.74 109.74 109.74 109.74 109.74 109.74 109.74 109.74 109.74 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 1254.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 962.98 -194.94 -194.94 -194.94 -194.94 -194.94 -194.94

16615.98 17111.56 17428.12 -16547.42 -16275.6 -15914.28 -15463.46 -14923.13 -14382.8 -13931.98 -13570.66 -13298.84 5544.65 5861.22 6356.8 7031.38 7884.98 8738.58 9413.16 9908.74 10225.31 -11828.04 -11556.22 -11194.91 -10744.08 -10203.75 -9663.42 -9212.6 -8851.28 -8579.47 10320.24 10636.81 11132.39 11806.97 12660.57 13514.17 14188.76 14684.33 15000.9 -14244.09 -13972.27 -13610.95 -13160.13 -12619.8 -12079.47

3.64 3.64 3.64 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19

3159.6 3159.6 3159.6 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 -3136.82 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 2242.42 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 -1244.16 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 4143.47 -4132.1 -4132.1 -4132.1 -4132.1 -4132.1 -4132.1

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-194.94 -194.94 -194.94 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 -191.19 150.01 150.01 150.01 150.01 150.01 150.01 150.01 150.01 150.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 207.01 175.85 175.85 175.85 175.85 175.85 175.85 175.85 175.85 175.85 250.87 250.87 250.87 250.87 250.87 250.87

-11628.65 -11267.33 -10995.51 7971.88 8288.45 8784.02 9458.61 10312.21 11165.8 11840.39 12335.97 12652.53 -12176.79 -11315.28 -10363.04 -9320.09 -8186.41 -7052.74 -6009.78 -5057.55 -4196.03 4091.27 4952.79 5905.03 6947.98 8081.66 9215.33 10258.29 11210.52 12072.04 -14767.46 -13948.02 -12888.82 -11589.85 -10051.13 -8512.41 -7213.45 -6154.25 -5334.81 5033.52 5852.96 6912.16 8211.12 9749.84 11288.56

-10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66

-4132.1 -4132.1 -4132.1 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 1258.54 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 -476.52 526.99 526.99 526.99 526.99 526.99 526.99 526.99 526.99 526.99 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 -680.45 752.54 752.54 752.54 752.54 752.54 752.54

126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

250.87 250.87 250.87 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 223.63 223.63 223.63 223.63 223.63 223.63 223.63 223.63 223.63 158.15 158.15 158.15 158.15 158.15 158.15 158.15 158.15 158.15 223.37 223.37 223.37 223.37 223.37 223.37 223.37 223.37 223.37 228.56 228.56 228.56 228.56 228.56 228.56

12587.53 13646.73 14466.17 -13143.54 -12354.47 -11386.4 -10239.31 -8913.21 -7587.12 -6440.03 -5471.95 -4682.89 4460.93 5250 6218.07 7365.16 8691.26 10017.35 11164.44 12132.52 12921.58 -13143.62 -12354.55 -11386.47 -10239.39 -8913.29 -7587.19 -6440.11 -5472.03 -4682.96 4460.99 5250.06 6218.13 7365.22 8691.32 10017.41 11164.5 12132.58 12921.64 -73.58 96.72 267.01 437.31 607.61 777.9

1.66 1.66 1.66 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13

752.54 752.54 752.54 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 -578.35 639.65 639.65 639.65 639.65 639.65 639.65 639.65 639.65 639.65 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 -578.43 639.72 639.72 639.72 639.72 639.72 639.72 639.72 639.72 639.72 132.22 132.22 132.22 132.22 132.22 132.22

126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

228.56 228.56 228.56 352.78 352.78 352.78 352.78 352.78 352.78 352.78 352.78 352.78 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -59.14 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 -171.96 397.71 397.71 397.71 397.71 397.71 397.71 397.71 397.71 397.71 366.06 366.06 366.06 366.06 366.06 366.06

948.2 1118.5 1288.79 5777.44 5947.74 6118.03 6288.33 6458.63 6628.92 6799.22 6969.52 7139.81 -7116.81 -6946.51 -6776.22 -6605.92 -6435.62 -6265.33 -6095.03 -5924.73 -5754.44 -1272.21 -1101.91 -931.62 -761.32 -591.02 -420.73 -250.43 -80.13 90.16 -2485.25 -2314.96 -2144.66 -1974.37 -1804.07 -1633.77 -1463.48 -1293.18 -1122.88 3356.03 3526.33 3696.62 3866.92 4037.22 4207.51

-0.13 -0.13 -0.13 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02

132.22 132.22 132.22 780.72 780.72 780.72 780.72 780.72 780.72 780.72 780.72 780.72 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -781.58 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 -173.5 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1166.55 1804.94 1804.94 1804.94 1804.94 1804.94 1804.94

126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

366.06 366.06 366.06 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -228.29 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 -185.25 301.93 301.93 301.93 301.93 301.93 301.93 301.93 301.93 301.93 485.63 485.63 485.63 485.63 485.63 485.63 485.63 485.63 485.63 14.23 14.23 14.23 14.23 14.23 14.23

4377.81 4548.11 4718.4 -4705.13 -4534.84 -4364.54 -4194.24 -4023.95 -3853.65 -3683.35 -3513.06 -3342.76 1149.2 1319.5 1489.79 1660.09 1830.39 2000.68 2170.98 2341.28 2511.57 -9622.04 -8832.97 -7864.9 -6717.81 -5391.71 -4065.62 -2918.53 -1950.45 -1161.39 7985.84 8774.91 9742.99 10890.07 12216.17 13542.27 14689.35 15657.43 16446.5 -16665.27 -15876.2 -14908.13 -13761.04 -12434.94 -11108.84

4.02 4.02 4.02 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35

1804.94 1804.94 1804.94 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1815.91 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -1197.72 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 -121.57 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 1116.85 -1035.37 -1035.37 -1035.37 -1035.37 -1035.37 -1035.37

126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

14.23 14.23 14.23 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 -39.11 471.08 471.08 471.08 471.08 471.08 471.08 471.08 471.08 471.08 498.91 498.91 498.91 498.91 498.91 498.91 498.91 498.91 498.91 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -52.4 -52.4 -52.4 -52.4 -52.4 -52.4

-9961.76 -8993.68 -8204.61 936.19 1725.26 2693.34 3840.42 5166.52 6492.62 7639.7 8607.78 9396.85 -12033.71 -11244.65 -10276.57 -9129.48 -7803.39 -6477.29 -5330.2 -4362.13 -3573.06 5564.43 6353.5 7321.58 8468.66 9794.76 11120.86 12267.94 13236.02 14025.09 -14253.59 -13464.53 -12496.45 -11349.36 -10023.27 -8697.17 -7550.08 -6582.01 -5792.94 3357.6 4146.67 5114.75 6261.83 7587.93 8914.03

-5.35 -1035.37 -5.35 -1035.37 -5.35 -1035.37 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.29 162.64 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 -0.57 912.76 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 4.8 2141.08 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -7.78 -2069.7 -1.95 -861.58 -1.95 -861.58 -1.95 -861.58 -1.95 -861.58 -1.95 -861.58 -1.95 -861.58

126 126 126 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-52.4 -52.4 -52.4 231.67 231.67 231.67 231.67 231.67 231.67 231.67 231.67 231.67 243.8 243.8 243.8 243.8 243.8 243.8 243.8 243.8 243.8 290.47 290.47 290.47 290.47 290.47 290.47 290.47 290.47 290.47 310.28 310.28 310.28 310.28 310.28 310.28 310.28 310.28 310.28 256.4 256.4 256.4 256.4 256.4 256.4

10061.11 11029.19 11818.26 -12124.16 -11262.65 -10310.41 -9267.46 -8133.78 -7000.11 -5957.15 -5004.92 -4143.4 4121.5 4983.02 5935.25 6978.21 8111.88 9245.56 10288.51 11240.75 12102.27 -14577.66 -13758.22 -12699.02 -11400.05 -9861.33 -8322.61 -7023.65 -5964.45 -5145 5170.18 5989.62 7048.83 8347.79 9886.51 11425.23 12724.19 13783.4 14602.84 -13008.09 -12219.02 -11250.94 -10103.86 -8777.76 -7451.66

-1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 -2.89 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3

-861.58 -861.58 -861.58 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 -563.41 565.93 565.93 565.93 565.93 565.93 565.93 565.93 565.93 565.93 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 -794.85 794.6 794.6 794.6 794.6 794.6 794.6 794.6 794.6 794.6 -677.78 -677.78 -677.78 -677.78 -677.78 -677.78

127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

256.4 256.4 256.4 272.75 272.75 272.75 272.75 272.75 272.75 272.75 272.75 272.75 256.07 256.07 256.07 256.07 256.07 256.07 256.07 256.07 256.07 272.36 272.36 272.36 272.36 272.36 272.36 272.36 272.36 272.36 204.22 204.22 204.22 204.22 204.22 204.22 204.22 204.22 204.22 354.79 354.79 354.79 354.79 354.79 354.79

-6304.58 -5336.5 -4547.43 4556.01 5345.08 6313.15 7460.24 8786.34 10112.43 11259.52 12227.6 13016.66 -13008.09 -12219.02 -11250.95 -10103.86 -8777.76 -7451.67 -6304.58 -5336.5 -4547.44 4556.12 5345.18 6313.26 7460.35 8786.44 10112.54 11259.63 12227.7 13016.77 -37.61 132.69 302.98 473.28 643.57 813.87 984.17 1154.46 1324.76 5790.72 5961.02 6131.31 6301.61 6471.9 6642.2

-3.3 -3.3 -3.3 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67

-677.78 -677.78 -677.78 678.43 678.43 678.43 678.43 678.43 678.43 678.43 678.43 678.43 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 -677.86 678.51 678.51 678.51 678.51 678.51 678.51 678.51 678.51 678.51 167.47 167.47 167.47 167.47 167.47 167.47 167.47 167.47 167.47 793.72 793.72 793.72 793.72 793.72 793.72

127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

354.79 354.79 354.79 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 -147.32 274.27 274.27 274.27 274.27 274.27 274.27 274.27 274.27 274.27 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91

6812.5 6982.79 7153.09 -7133.89 -6963.6 -6793.3 -6623 -6452.71 -6282.41 -6112.12 -5941.82 -5771.52 -1296.16 -1125.86 -955.57 -785.27 -614.97 -444.68 -274.38 -104.09 66.21 -2483.5 -2313.2 -2142.9 -1972.61 -1802.31 -1632.01 -1461.72 -1291.42 -1121.13 3347.02 3517.32 3687.62 3857.91 4028.21 4198.51 4368.8 4539.1 4709.39 -4688.01 -4517.71 -4347.41 -4177.12 -4006.82 -3836.53

2.67 2.67 2.67 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 -3.78 -3.78 -3.78 -3.78 -3.78 -3.78

793.72 793.72 793.72 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -777.01 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 -187.7 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1187.53 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 1799.71 -1797.08 -1797.08 -1797.08 -1797.08 -1797.08 -1797.08

127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 -62.53 361.96 361.96 361.96 361.96 361.96 361.96 361.96 361.96 361.96 523.24 523.24 523.24 523.24 523.24 523.24 523.24 523.24 523.24 149.87 149.87 149.87 149.87 149.87 149.87 149.87 149.87 149.87 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12

-3666.23 -3495.93 -3325.64 1147.54 1317.83 1488.13 1658.42 1828.72 1999.02 2169.31 2339.61 2509.91 -9459.95 -8670.88 -7702.81 -6555.72 -5229.62 -3903.53 -2756.44 -1788.36 -999.29 8099.6 8888.67 9856.75 11003.83 12329.93 13656.03 14803.11 15771.19 16560.26 -16556.23 -15767.16 -14799.09 -13652 -12325.9 -10999.81 -9852.72 -8884.64 -8095.58 1012.72 1801.79 2769.87 3916.95 5243.05 6569.15

-3.78 -3.78 -3.78 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02

-1797.08 -1797.08 -1797.08 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -1193.69 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 -205.66 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 1169.26 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 -1150.14 187.85 187.85 187.85 187.85 187.85 187.85

127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 128 128 128 128 128 128

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

21.12 21.12 21.12 432.01 432.01 432.01 432.01 432.01 432.01 432.01 432.01 432.01 438.45 438.45 438.45 438.45 438.45 438.45 438.45 438.45 438.45 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 79.82 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 253.43 253.43 253.43 253.43 253.43 253.43

7716.23 8684.31 9473.38 -11905.83 -11116.77 -10148.69 -9001.6 -7675.51 -6349.41 -5202.32 -4234.25 -3445.18 5655.91 6444.97 7413.05 8560.14 9886.23 11212.33 12359.42 13327.49 14116.56 -14110.35 -13321.28 -12353.2 -11206.12 -9880.02 -8553.92 -7406.83 -6438.76 -5649.69 3456.42 4245.48 5213.56 6360.65 7686.75 9012.84 10159.93 11128.01 11917.07 -11737.28 -10875.77 -9923.53 -8880.58 -7746.9 -6613.23

-1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -3.72 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35

187.85 187.85 187.85 814.4 814.4 814.4 814.4 814.4 814.4 814.4 814.4 814.4 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 2175.25 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -2170.21 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -818.15 -476.38 -476.38 -476.38 -476.38 -476.38 -476.38

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

253.43 253.43 253.43 307.33 307.33 307.33 307.33 307.33 307.33 307.33 307.33 307.33 345.63 345.63 345.63 345.63 345.63 345.63 345.63 345.63 345.63 412.53 412.53 412.53 412.53 412.53 412.53 412.53 412.53 412.53 298.08 298.08 298.08 298.08 298.08 298.08 298.08 298.08 298.08 357.27 357.27 357.27 357.27 357.27 357.27

-5570.27 -4618.03 -3756.52 4733.2 5043.46 5444.45 5936.16 6518.58 7101.01 7592.71 7993.7 8303.96 -14449.97 -13630.53 -12571.33 -11272.36 -9733.64 -8194.92 -6895.96 -5836.76 -5017.32 5542.33 5889.27 6475.98 7302.44 8368.66 9434.88 10261.34 10848.04 11194.99 -12803.76 -12014.69 -11046.62 -9899.53 -8573.43 -7247.34 -6100.25 -5132.17 -4343.11 4985.45 5302.01 5797.59 6472.18 7325.77 8179.37

-2.35 -2.35 -2.35 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06

-476.38 -476.38 -476.38 828.13 828.13 828.13 828.13 828.13 828.13 828.13 828.13 828.13 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 -711.61 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 1087.57 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 -597.83 945.8 945.8 945.8 945.8 945.8 945.8

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

357.27 8853.96 357.27 9349.53 357.27 9666.1 297.57 -12803.9 297.57 -12014.84 297.57 -11046.76 297.57 -9899.67 297.57 -8573.58 297.57 -7247.48 297.57 -6100.39 297.57 -5132.32 297.57 -4343.25 356.71 4985.36 356.71 5301.92 356.71 5797.5 356.71 6472.09 356.71 7325.68 356.71 8179.28 356.71 8853.87 356.71 9349.45 356.71 9666.01 191 -517.72 191 -347.43 191 -177.13 191 -6.83 191 163.46 191 333.76 191 504.06 191 674.35 191 844.65 589.97 5341.99 589.97 5512.28 589.97 5682.58 589.97 5852.88 589.97 6023.17 589.97 6193.47 589.97 6363.76 589.97 6534.06 589.97 6704.36 71.32 -7049.55 71.32 -6879.25 71.32 -6708.96 71.32 -6538.66 71.32 -6368.36 71.32 -6198.07

1.06 1.06 1.06 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06

945.8 945.8 945.8 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 -597.87 945.9 945.9 945.9 945.9 945.9 945.9 945.9 945.9 945.9 194.03 194.03 194.03 194.03 194.03 194.03 194.03 194.03 194.03 886.43 886.43 886.43 886.43 886.43 886.43 886.43 886.43 886.43 -784.31 -784.31 -784.31 -784.31 -784.31 -784.31

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

71.32 71.32 71.32 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 -304.78 188.81 188.81 188.81 188.81 188.81 188.81 188.81 188.81 188.81 408.44 408.44 408.44 408.44 408.44 408.44 408.44 408.44 408.44 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 -123.25 -123.25 -123.25 -123.25 -123.25 -123.25

-6027.77 -5857.48 -5687.18 -1126.3 -956 -785.7 -615.41 -445.11 -274.82 -104.52 65.78 236.07 -2766.31 -2596.02 -2425.72 -2255.42 -2085.13 -1914.83 -1744.54 -1574.24 -1403.94 3109.83 3280.13 3450.42 3620.72 3791.02 3961.31 4131.61 4301.91 4472.2 -4800.96 -4630.66 -4460.37 -4290.07 -4119.77 -3949.48 -3779.18 -3608.89 -3438.59 1105.86 1276.15 1446.45 1616.75 1787.04 1957.34

-2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -3.52 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53

-784.31 -784.31 -784.31 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 -145.2 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1199.78 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 1890.9 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1790.06 -1149.68 -1149.68 -1149.68 -1149.68 -1149.68 -1149.68

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-123.25 -123.25 -123.25 357.17 357.17 357.17 357.17 357.17 357.17 357.17 357.17 357.17 803.83 803.83 803.83 803.83 803.83 803.83 803.83 803.83 803.83 237.49 237.49 237.49 237.49 237.49 237.49 237.49 237.49 237.49 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 -90.91 354.98 354.98 354.98 354.98 354.98 354.98

2127.64 2297.93 2468.23 -9538.06 -8748.99 -7780.91 -6633.83 -5307.73 -3981.63 -2834.55 -1866.47 -1077.4 8219.46 8536.03 9031.6 9706.19 10559.79 11413.38 12087.97 12583.55 12900.11 -16069.88 -15280.82 -14312.74 -13165.65 -11839.56 -10513.46 -9366.37 -8398.3 -7609.23 1751.18 2067.74 2563.32 3237.91 4091.5 4945.1 5619.69 6115.26 6431.83 -11786.65 -10997.58 -10029.5 -8882.42 -7556.32 -6230.22

-4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14

-1149.68 -1149.68 -1149.68 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 -108.73 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 1461.76 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 -1087.06 430.13 430.13 430.13 430.13 430.13 430.13 430.13 430.13 430.13 897.03 897.03 897.03 897.03 897.03 897.03

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

354.98 354.98 354.98 622.31 622.31 622.31 622.31 622.31 622.31 622.31 622.31 622.31 239.68 239.68 239.68 239.68 239.68 239.68 239.68 239.68 239.68 90.61 90.61 90.61 90.61 90.61 90.61 90.61 90.61 90.61 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 35.55 35.55 35.55 35.55 35.55 35.55

-5083.14 -4115.06 -3325.99 5987.3 6303.87 6799.45 7474.03 8327.63 9181.23 9855.81 10351.39 10667.96 -13821.29 -13032.23 -12064.15 -10917.06 -9590.97 -8264.87 -7117.78 -6149.71 -5360.64 3983.33 4299.9 4795.47 5470.06 6323.66 7177.25 7851.84 8347.42 8663.98 -2864.06 -2553.8 -2152.81 -1661.11 -1078.68 -496.25 -4.55 396.44 706.7 -4198.57 -3851.63 -3264.93 -2438.46 -1372.24 -306.02

-0.14 -0.14 -0.14 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28

897.03 897.03 897.03 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 2466.23 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -2092.81 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 -574.35 200.74 200.74 200.74 200.74 200.74 200.74 200.74 200.74 200.74 333.47 333.47 333.47 333.47 333.47 333.47

129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

35.55 35.55 35.55 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 369.65 369.65 369.65 369.65 369.65 369.65 369.65 369.65 369.65 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 -364.09 177.58 177.58 177.58 177.58 177.58 177.58

520.44 1107.14 1454.08 -3541.51 -3224.94 -2729.36 -2054.78 -1201.18 -347.58 327 822.58 1139.15 -3544.23 -3227.67 -2732.09 -2057.5 -1203.91 -350.31 324.28 819.85 1136.42 10676.21 10846.5 11016.8 11187.09 11357.39 11527.69 11697.98 11868.28 12038.58 -12743.1 -12572.8 -12402.51 -12232.21 -12061.91 -11891.62 -11721.32 -11551.02 -11380.73 2488.23 2658.53 2828.82 2999.12 3169.42 3339.71

-0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01

333.47 333.47 333.47 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.93 272.93 272.93 272.93 272.93 272.93 272.93 272.93 272.93 210.07 210.07 210.07 210.07 210.07 210.07 210.07 210.07 210.07 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 227.7 227.7 227.7 227.7 227.7 227.7

129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

177.58 177.58 177.58 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 -172.02 395.24 395.24 395.24 395.24 395.24 395.24 395.24 395.24 395.24 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 -338.49 203.18 203.18 203.18 203.18 203.18 203.18 203.18 203.18 203.18 -146.43 -146.43 -146.43 -146.43 -146.43 -146.43

3510.01 3680.3 3850.6 -4555.12 -4384.83 -4214.53 -4044.23 -3873.94 -3703.64 -3533.35 -3363.05 -3192.75 8164.18 8480.75 8976.32 9650.91 10504.51 11358.1 12032.69 12528.27 12844.83 -15255.12 -14938.56 -14442.98 -13768.39 -12914.8 -12061.2 -11386.61 -10891.04 -10574.47 -23.79 292.77 788.35 1462.94 2316.53 3170.13 3844.72 4340.29 4656.86 -7067.15 -6750.58 -6255.01 -5580.42 -4726.82 -3873.22

6.01 6.01 6.01 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -6.25 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 -6.34 -6.34 -6.34 -6.34 -6.34 -6.34

227.7 227.7 227.7 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 358.59 358.59 358.59 358.59 358.59 358.59 358.59 358.59 358.59 187.34 187.34 187.34 187.34 187.34 187.34 187.34 187.34 187.34 376.22 376.22 376.22 376.22 376.22 376.22 376.22 376.22 376.22 169.72 169.72 169.72 169.72 169.72 169.72

129 129 129 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-146.43 -146.43 -146.43 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 67.69 67.69 67.69 67.69 67.69 67.69 67.69 67.69 67.69 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.31 59.11 59.11 59.11 59.11 59.11 59.11 59.11 59.11 59.11 353.58 353.58 353.58 353.58 353.58 353.58

-3198.64 -2703.06 -2386.49 -2687.75 -1826.24 -874 168.95 1302.63 2436.3 3479.26 4431.49 5293.01 -3162.79 -2343.35 -1284.15 14.81 1553.54 3092.26 4391.22 5450.42 6269.86 -2843.88 -2054.81 -1086.73 60.35 1386.45 2712.55 3859.63 4827.71 5616.78 -2841.13 -2052.07 -1083.99 63.1 1389.19 2715.29 3862.38 4830.45 5619.52 11356.51 11526.81 11697.1 11867.4 12037.7 12207.99

-6.34 -6.34 -6.34 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55

169.72 169.72 169.72 180.48 180.48 180.48 180.48 180.48 180.48 180.48 180.48 180.48 309.09 309.09 309.09 309.09 309.09 309.09 309.09 309.09 309.09 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.12 251.18 251.18 251.18 251.18 251.18 251.18 251.18 251.18 251.18 217.73 217.73 217.73 217.73 217.73 217.73

130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

353.58 353.58 353.58 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 -336.42 130.09 130.09 130.09 130.09 130.09 130.09 130.09 130.09 130.09 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 -112.93 404.01 404.01 404.01 404.01 404.01 404.01 404.01 404.01 404.01 -285.98 -285.98 -285.98 -285.98 -285.98 -285.98

12378.29 12548.59 12718.88 -12026.51 -11856.21 -11685.92 -11515.62 -11345.32 -11175.03 -11004.73 -10834.43 -10664.14 3194.91 3365.2 3535.5 3705.8 3876.09 4046.39 4216.69 4386.98 4557.28 -3864.9 -3694.61 -3524.31 -3354.02 -3183.72 -3013.42 -2843.13 -2672.83 -2502.53 8851.62 9640.69 10608.77 11755.86 13081.95 14408.05 15555.14 16523.21 17312.28 -14531.39 -13742.33 -12774.25 -11627.16 -10301.07 -8974.97

2.55 2.55 2.55 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6

217.73 217.73 217.73 31.67 31.67 31.67 31.67 31.67 31.67 31.67 31.67 31.67 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 344.24 344.24 344.24 344.24 344.24 344.24 344.24 344.24 344.24 158.18 158.18 158.18 158.18 158.18 158.18

130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-285.98 -285.98 -285.98 180.52 180.52 180.52 180.52 180.52 180.52 180.52 180.52 180.52 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 -62.49 391.17 391.17 391.17 391.17 391.17 391.17 391.17 391.17 391.17 335.71 335.71 335.71 335.71 335.71 335.71 335.71 335.71 335.71 491.11 491.11 491.11 491.11 491.11 491.11

-7827.88 -6859.81 -6070.74 690.02 1479.09 2447.17 3594.25 4920.35 6246.45 7393.53 8361.61 9150.68 -6369.79 -5580.72 -4612.65 -3465.56 -2139.46 -813.37 333.72 1301.8 2090.86 -11656.33 -10794.82 -9842.58 -8799.62 -7665.95 -6532.27 -5489.32 -4537.08 -3675.57 4505.3 5366.81 6319.05 7362.01 8495.68 9629.36 10672.31 11624.55 12486.06 -14074.02 -13254.57 -12195.37 -10896.41 -9357.69 -7818.97

-1.6 -1.6 -1.6 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57

158.18 158.18 158.18 358.54 358.54 358.54 358.54 358.54 358.54 358.54 358.54 358.54 143.87 143.87 143.87 143.87 143.87 143.87 143.87 143.87 143.87 779.38 779.38 779.38 779.38 779.38 779.38 779.38 779.38 779.38 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 -430.16 1046.69 1046.69 1046.69 1046.69 1046.69 1046.69

131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

491.11 491.11 491.11 425.22 425.22 425.22 425.22 425.22 425.22 425.22 425.22 425.22 433.45 433.45 433.45 433.45 433.45 433.45 433.45 433.45 433.45 374.39 374.39 374.39 374.39 374.39 374.39 374.39 374.39 374.39 432.79 432.79 432.79 432.79 432.79 432.79 432.79 432.79 432.79 373.78 373.78 373.78 373.78 373.78 373.78

-6520.01 -5460.8 -4641.36 5662.41 6481.85 7541.05 8840.01 10378.73 11917.46 13216.42 14275.62 15095.06 -12543.04 -11753.98 -10785.9 -9638.81 -8312.72 -6986.62 -5839.53 -4871.46 -4082.39 4986.95 5776.02 6744.1 7891.18 9217.28 10543.38 11690.46 12658.54 13447.61 -12542.95 -11753.89 -10785.81 -9638.72 -8312.63 -6986.53 -5839.44 -4871.37 -4082.3 4987.11 5776.18 6744.25 7891.34 9217.44 10543.53

3.57 3.57 3.57 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 -1.89 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67

1046.69 1046.69 1046.69 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 -667.67 904.73 904.73 904.73 904.73 904.73 904.73 904.73 904.73 904.73 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 -555.65 904.7 904.7 904.7 904.7 904.7 904.7 904.7 904.7 904.7 -555.57 -555.57 -555.57 -555.57 -555.57 -555.57

131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

373.78 373.78 373.78 507.4 507.4 507.4 507.4 507.4 507.4 507.4 507.4 507.4 214.61 214.61 214.61 214.61 214.61 214.61 214.61 214.61 214.61 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 60.93 60.93 60.93 60.93 60.93 60.93 60.93 60.93 60.93 314.24 314.24 314.24 314.24 314.24 314.24

11690.62 12658.7 13447.76 -241.67 -71.38 98.92 269.22 439.51 609.81 780.1 950.4 1120.7 5676.55 5846.85 6017.15 6187.44 6357.74 6528.04 6698.33 6868.63 7038.92 -6694.38 -6524.08 -6353.79 -6183.49 -6013.19 -5842.9 -5672.6 -5502.31 -5332.01 -846.06 -675.76 -505.47 -335.17 -164.88 5.42 175.72 346.01 516.31 -2467.46 -2297.16 -2126.86 -1956.57 -1786.27 -1615.97

-1.67 -1.67 -1.67 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9

-555.57 -555.57 -555.57 886.62 886.62 886.62 886.62 886.62 886.62 886.62 886.62 886.62 202.67 202.67 202.67 202.67 202.67 202.67 202.67 202.67 202.67 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -144.46 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 -799.71 1899.04 1899.04 1899.04 1899.04 1899.04 1899.04

131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

314.24 314.24 314.24 229.74 229.74 229.74 229.74 229.74 229.74 229.74 229.74 229.74 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 -10.61 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 788.07 788.07 788.07 788.07 788.07 788.07 788.07 788.07 788.07 450.34 450.34 450.34 450.34 450.34 450.34

-1445.68 -1275.38 -1105.09 3434.4 3604.7 3774.99 3945.29 4115.59 4285.88 4456.18 4626.48 4796.77 -4468.6 -4298.3 -4128.01 -3957.71 -3787.41 -3617.12 -3446.82 -3276.52 -3106.23 1396.09 1566.39 1736.68 1906.98 2077.28 2247.57 2417.87 2588.17 2758.46 -9316.56 -8527.49 -7559.42 -6412.33 -5086.23 -3760.14 -2613.05 -1644.97 -855.91 8248.49 9037.56 10005.63 11152.72 12478.82 13804.91

6.9 6.9 6.9 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38

1899.04 1899.04 1899.04 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 1203.89 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1156.87 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 -1800.93 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 1420.23 -54.36 -54.36 -54.36 -54.36 -54.36 -54.36

131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

450.34 450.34 450.34 76.9 76.9 76.9 76.9 76.9 76.9 76.9 76.9 76.9 296.65 296.65 296.65 296.65 296.65 296.65 296.65 296.65 296.65 594.91 594.91 594.91 594.91 594.91 594.91 594.91 594.91 594.91 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 270.06 270.06 270.06 270.06 270.06 270.06

14952 15920.08 16709.14 -15769.27 -14980.2 -14012.12 -12865.04 -11538.94 -10212.84 -9065.76 -8097.68 -7308.61 1725.87 2514.94 3483.02 4630.1 5956.2 7282.3 8429.38 9397.46 10186.53 -11542.34 -10753.27 -9785.2 -8638.11 -7312.01 -5985.92 -4838.83 -3870.75 -3081.69 6006.34 6795.4 7763.48 8910.57 10236.66 11562.76 12709.85 13677.92 14466.99 -13543.48 -12754.42 -11786.34 -10639.25 -9313.16 -7987.06

-0.38 -0.38 -0.38 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71

-54.36 -54.36 -54.36 389.14 389.14 389.14 389.14 389.14 389.14 389.14 389.14 389.14 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 -1056.73 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 2432.64 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 -623.27 -623.27 -623.27 -623.27 -623.27 -623.27

131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

270.06 270.06 270.06 281.52 281.52 281.52 281.52 281.52 281.52 281.52 281.52 281.52 299.9 299.9 299.9 299.9 299.9 299.9 299.9 299.9 299.9 324.48 324.48 324.48 324.48 324.48 324.48 324.48 324.48 324.48 375.51 375.51 375.51 375.51 375.51 375.51 375.51 375.51 375.51 400.67 400.67 400.67 400.67 400.67 400.67

-6839.97 -5871.9 -5082.83 3968.03 4757.09 5725.17 6872.26 8198.35 9524.45 10671.54 11639.61 12428.68 -12162.77 -11301.26 -10349.02 -9306.06 -8172.39 -7038.71 -5995.76 -5043.52 -4182.01 4147.58 5009.09 5961.33 7004.28 8137.96 9271.63 10314.59 11266.82 12128.34 -14654.31 -13834.87 -12775.67 -11476.71 -9937.98 -8399.26 -7100.3 -6041.1 -5221.66 5153.63 5973.07 7032.27 8331.24 9869.96 11408.68

-2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 -4.81 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37

-623.27 -623.27 -623.27 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 -2057.95 587.16 587.16 587.16 587.16 587.16 587.16 587.16 587.16 587.16 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 -578.13 807.82 807.82 807.82 807.82 807.82 807.82 807.82 807.82 807.82 -800.66 -800.66 -800.66 -800.66 -800.66 -800.66

132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

400.67 400.67 400.67 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 355.43 355.43 355.43 355.43 355.43 355.43 355.43 355.43 355.43 331.19 331.19 331.19 331.19 331.19 331.19 331.19 331.19 331.19 354.82 354.82 354.82 354.82 354.82 354.82 354.82 354.82 354.82 406.83 406.83 406.83 406.83 406.83 406.83

12707.64 13766.84 14586.28 -13068.28 -12279.21 -11311.14 -10164.05 -8837.95 -7511.86 -6364.77 -5396.69 -4607.63 4554.16 5343.23 6311.31 7458.39 8784.49 10110.59 11257.67 12225.75 13014.82 -13068.39 -12279.32 -11311.24 -10164.16 -8838.06 -7511.96 -6364.88 -5396.8 -4607.73 4554.17 5343.23 6311.31 7458.4 8784.49 10110.59 11257.68 12225.75 13014.82 -77.24 93.06 263.35 433.65 603.94 774.24

-2.37 -2.37 -2.37 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73

-800.66 -800.66 -800.66 693.65 693.65 693.65 693.65 693.65 693.65 693.65 693.65 693.65 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 -686.26 693.62 693.62 693.62 693.62 693.62 693.62 693.62 693.62 693.62 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 -686.24 796.27 796.27 796.27 796.27 796.27 796.27

132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

406.83 406.83 406.83 203.58 203.58 203.58 203.58 203.58 203.58 203.58 203.58 203.58 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 -165.3 51.01 51.01 51.01 51.01 51.01 51.01 51.01 51.01 51.01 311.57 311.57 311.57 311.57 311.57 311.57 311.57 311.57 311.57 266.94 266.94 266.94 266.94 266.94 266.94

944.54 1114.83 1285.13 5762.7 5933 6103.3 6273.59 6443.89 6614.19 6784.48 6954.78 7125.07 -7148 -6977.71 -6807.41 -6637.11 -6466.82 -6296.52 -6126.22 -5955.93 -5785.63 -1321.24 -1150.95 -980.65 -810.36 -640.06 -469.76 -299.47 -129.17 41.13 -2518.57 -2348.27 -2177.98 -2007.68 -1837.39 -1667.09 -1496.79 -1326.5 -1156.2 3325.29 3495.58 3665.88 3836.18 4006.47 4176.77

2.73 2.73 2.73 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77

796.27 796.27 796.27 163.77 163.77 163.77 163.77 163.77 163.77 163.77 163.77 163.77 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -185.23 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 -780.3 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1805.81 1191.54 1191.54 1191.54 1191.54 1191.54 1191.54

132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

266.94 266.94 266.94 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -70.03 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 616.99 616.99 616.99 616.99 616.99 616.99 616.99 616.99 616.99 430.83 430.83 430.83 430.83 430.83 430.83 430.83 430.83 430.83 44.86 44.86 44.86 44.86 44.86 44.86

4347.07 4517.36 4687.66 -4706.67 -4536.38 -4366.08 -4195.78 -4025.49 -3855.19 -3684.89 -3514.6 -3344.3 1116.17 1286.47 1456.76 1627.06 1797.36 1967.65 2137.95 2308.25 2478.54 -9533.06 -8743.99 -7775.91 -6628.83 -5302.73 -3976.63 -2829.55 -1861.47 -1072.4 8096.14 8885.21 9853.29 11000.37 12326.47 13652.57 14799.65 15767.73 16556.8 -16603.82 -15814.75 -14846.67 -13699.59 -12373.49 -11047.39

1.77 1.77 1.77 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1

1191.54 1191.54 1191.54 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1194.77 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 -1808.07 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 1184.36 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 -214.2 202.86 202.86 202.86 202.86 202.86 202.86

132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

44.86 44.86 44.86 278.26 278.26 278.26 278.26 278.26 278.26 278.26 278.26 278.26 521.73 521.73 521.73 521.73 521.73 521.73 521.73 521.73 521.73 494.2 494.2 494.2 494.2 494.2 494.2 494.2 494.2 494.2 140.13 140.13 140.13 140.13 140.13 140.13 140.13 140.13 140.13 214.9 214.9 214.9 214.9 214.9 214.9

-9900.31 -8932.23 -8143.16 1012.2 1801.26 2769.34 3916.43 5242.52 6568.62 7715.71 8683.78 9472.85 -11974.39 -11185.32 -10217.24 -9070.16 -7744.06 -6417.96 -5270.88 -4302.8 -3513.73 5658.73 6447.79 7415.87 8562.96 9889.05 11215.15 12362.24 13330.31 14119.38 -14162.49 -13373.42 -12405.34 -11258.26 -9932.16 -8606.06 -7458.98 -6490.9 -5701.83 3449.61 4238.68 5206.75 6353.84 7679.94 9006.03

2.1 2.1 2.1 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65

202.86 202.86 202.86 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 -1158.27 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 2193.9 813.57 813.57 813.57 813.57 813.57 813.57 813.57 813.57 813.57 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -806.68 -2186.04 -2186.04 -2186.04 -2186.04 -2186.04 -2186.04

132 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

214.9 214.9 214.9 328.66 328.66 328.66 328.66 328.66 328.66 328.66 328.66 328.66 393.19 393.19 393.19 393.19 393.19 393.19 393.19 393.19 393.19 406.87 406.87 406.87 406.87 406.87 406.87 406.87 406.87 406.87 482.8 482.8 482.8 482.8 482.8 482.8 482.8 482.8 482.8 360.57 360.57 360.57 360.57 360.57 360.57

10153.12 11121.2 11910.26 -12192.1 -11330.58 -10378.34 -9335.39 -8201.71 -7068.04 -6025.08 -5072.85 -4211.33 3923.37 4784.88 5737.12 6780.07 7913.75 9047.42 10090.38 11042.61 11904.13 -14633.57 -13814.13 -12754.93 -11455.97 -9917.24 -8378.52 -7079.56 -6020.36 -5200.92 4946.94 5766.38 6825.58 8124.54 9663.26 11201.98 12500.95 13560.15 14379.59 -13064.85 -12275.78 -11307.7 -10160.62 -8834.52 -7508.42

-4.65 -2186.04 -4.65 -2186.04 -4.65 -2186.04 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 3.82 594.33 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 -1.28 -614.52 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 4.62 817.82 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 -1.46 -850.21 4.12 702.25 4.12 702.25 4.12 702.25 4.12 702.25 4.12 702.25 4.12 702.25

133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

360.57 -6361.34 360.57 -5393.26 360.57 -4604.19 428.72 4352.93 428.72 5141.99 428.72 6110.07 428.72 7257.16 428.72 8583.25 428.72 9909.35 428.72 11056.44 428.72 12024.51 428.72 12813.58 360.03 -13064.87 360.03 -12275.8 360.03 -11307.72 360.03 -10160.64 360.03 -8834.54 360.03 -7508.44 360.03 -6361.36 360.03 -5393.28 360.03 -4604.21 428.22 4352.92 428.22 5141.98 428.22 6110.06 428.22 7257.15 428.22 8583.25 428.22 9909.34 428.22 11056.43 428.22 12024.51 428.22 12813.57 356.38 -76.32 356.38 93.98 356.38 264.27 356.38 434.57 356.38 604.87 356.38 775.16 356.38 945.46 356.38 1115.76 356.38 1286.05 268.25 5770.94 268.25 5941.23 268.25 6111.53 268.25 6281.83 268.25 6452.12 268.25 6622.42

4.12 4.12 4.12 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46

702.25 702.25 702.25 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 702.18 702.18 702.18 702.18 702.18 702.18 702.18 702.18 702.18 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 -728.91 749.94 749.94 749.94 749.94 749.94 749.94 749.94 749.94 749.94 145.28 145.28 145.28 145.28 145.28 145.28

133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

268.25 268.25 268.25 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -97.83 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 -16.75 257.55 257.55 257.55 257.55 257.55 257.55 257.55 257.55 257.55 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 1 1 1 1 1 1

6792.71 6963.01 7133.31 -7121.66 -6951.36 -6781.06 -6610.77 -6440.47 -6270.18 -6099.88 -5929.58 -5759.29 -1312.95 -1142.66 -972.36 -802.06 -631.77 -461.47 -291.18 -120.88 49.42 -2463.77 -2293.48 -2123.18 -1952.88 -1782.59 -1612.29 -1441.99 -1271.7 -1101.4 3401.44 3571.73 3742.03 3912.33 4082.62 4252.92 4423.21 4593.51 4763.81 -4734.2 -4563.91 -4393.61 -4223.31 -4053.02 -3882.72

0.46 0.46 0.46 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82

145.28 145.28 145.28 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -159.12 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 -760.5 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 1183.1 -1141.92 -1141.92 -1141.92 -1141.92 -1141.92 -1141.92

133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1 1 1 46.85 46.85 46.85 46.85 46.85 46.85 46.85 46.85 46.85 586.89 586.89 586.89 586.89 586.89 586.89 586.89 586.89 586.89 570.49 570.49 570.49 570.49 570.49 570.49 570.49 570.49 570.49 132.68 132.68 132.68 132.68 132.68 132.68 132.68 132.68 132.68 285.49 285.49 285.49 285.49 285.49 285.49

-3712.43 -3542.13 -3371.83 1056.55 1226.84 1397.14 1567.44 1737.73 1908.03 2078.32 2248.62 2418.92 -9542.21 -8753.14 -7785.06 -6637.98 -5311.88 -3985.78 -2838.7 -1870.62 -1081.55 7894.86 8683.93 9652 10799.09 12125.19 13451.28 14598.37 15566.45 16355.51 -16587.55 -15798.48 -14830.4 -13683.32 -12357.22 -11031.12 -9884.03 -8915.96 -8126.89 810.97 1600.04 2568.11 3715.2 5041.3 6367.39

-1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46

-1141.92 -1141.92 -1141.92 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 -1798.33 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 1156.68 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 -276.02 247.62 247.62 247.62 247.62 247.62 247.62 247.62 247.62 247.62 -1181.79 -1181.79 -1181.79 -1181.79 -1181.79 -1181.79

133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 134 134 134 134 134 134

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

285.49 285.49 285.49 488.06 488.06 488.06 488.06 488.06 488.06 488.06 488.06 488.06 506.89 506.89 506.89 506.89 506.89 506.89 506.89 506.89 506.89 231.5 231.5 231.5 231.5 231.5 231.5 231.5 231.5 231.5 349.09 349.09 349.09 349.09 349.09 349.09 349.09 349.09 349.09 238.02 238.02 238.02 238.02 238.02 238.02

7514.48 8482.56 9271.62 -11929.66 -11140.59 -10172.52 -9025.43 -7699.33 -6373.24 -5226.15 -4258.07 -3469.01 5525.36 6314.43 7282.5 8429.59 9755.69 11081.78 12228.87 13196.95 13986.01 -14200.09 -13411.02 -12442.95 -11295.86 -9969.76 -8643.67 -7496.58 -6528.5 -5739.44 3180.47 3969.54 4937.61 6084.7 7410.8 8736.89 9883.98 10852.06 11641.12 -7867.01 -7556.75 -7155.76 -6664.06 -6081.63 -5499.21

-2.46 -2.46 -2.46 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45

-1181.79 -1181.79 -1181.79 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 2139.48 761.81 761.81 761.81 761.81 761.81 761.81 761.81 761.81 761.81 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -735.17 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 -2219.62 581.99 581.99 581.99 581.99 581.99 581.99

134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

238.02 -5007.5 238.02 -4606.52 238.02 -4296.25 253.27 4305.73 253.27 4615.99 253.27 5016.98 253.27 5508.68 253.27 6091.11 253.27 6673.53 253.27 7165.24 253.27 7566.22 253.27 7876.49 340.9 -10867.04 340.9 -10520.1 340.9 -9933.4 340.9 -9106.94 340.9 -8040.71 340.9 -6974.49 340.9 -6148.03 340.9 -5561.33 340.9 -5214.39 358.68 5218.89 358.68 5565.84 358.68 6152.54 358.68 6979 358.68 8045.22 358.68 9111.44 358.68 9937.9 358.68 10524.61 358.68 10871.55 290.15 -9320.65 290.15 -9004.08 290.15 -8508.5 290.15 -7833.92 290.15 -6980.32 290.15 -6126.72 290.15 -5452.14 290.15 -4956.56 290.15 -4639.99 306.19 4645.86 306.19 4962.42 306.19 5458 306.19 6132.59 306.19 6986.18 306.19 7839.78

3.45 3.45 3.45 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28

581.99 581.99 581.99 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 -575.28 747.77 747.77 747.77 747.77 747.77 747.77 747.77 747.77 747.77 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 -736.99 654.49 654.49 654.49 654.49 654.49 654.49 654.49 654.49 654.49 -645.6 -645.6 -645.6 -645.6 -645.6 -645.6

134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

306.19 306.19 306.19 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65 305.67 305.67 305.67 305.67 305.67 305.67 305.67 305.67 305.67 310.39 310.39 310.39 310.39 310.39 310.39 310.39 310.39 310.39 223.25 223.25 223.25 223.25 223.25 223.25 223.25 223.25 223.25 -66.98 -66.98 -66.98 -66.98 -66.98 -66.98

8514.37 9009.94 9326.51 -9320.59 -9004.03 -8508.45 -7833.86 -6980.27 -6126.67 -5452.08 -4956.51 -4639.94 4645.8 4962.37 5457.94 6132.53 6986.13 7839.73 8514.31 9009.89 9326.46 -10.39 159.9 330.2 500.5 670.79 841.09 1011.39 1181.68 1351.98 5761.21 5931.5 6101.8 6272.1 6442.39 6612.69 6782.99 6953.28 7123.58 -7132.18 -6961.88 -6791.59 -6621.29 -6451 -6280.7

-3.28 -3.28 -3.28 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24

-645.6 -645.6 -645.6 654.43 654.43 654.43 654.43 654.43 654.43 654.43 654.43 654.43 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 -645.54 748.38 748.38 748.38 748.38 748.38 748.38 748.38 748.38 748.38 138.54 138.54 138.54 138.54 138.54 138.54 138.54 138.54 138.54 -132.22 -132.22 -132.22 -132.22 -132.22 -132.22

134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-66.98 -66.98 -66.98 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.71 297.57 297.57 297.57 297.57 297.57 297.57 297.57 297.57 297.57 282.32 282.32 282.32 282.32 282.32 282.32 282.32 282.32 282.32 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -54.16 -24.37 -24.37 -24.37 -24.37 -24.37 -24.37

-6110.4 -5940.11 -5769.81 -1346.51 -1176.22 -1005.92 -835.63 -665.33 -495.03 -324.74 -154.44 15.86 -2343.03 -2172.73 -2002.44 -1832.14 -1661.84 -1491.55 -1321.25 -1150.96 -980.66 3436.97 3607.26 3777.56 3947.85 4118.15 4288.45 4458.74 4629.04 4799.34 -4799.54 -4629.25 -4458.95 -4288.66 -4118.36 -3948.06 -3777.77 -3607.47 -3437.17 977.73 1148.02 1318.32 1488.62 1658.91 1829.21

-2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82

-132.22 -132.22 -132.22 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 -745.94 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1748.34 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 1136.37 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1132.18 -1743.77 -1743.77 -1743.77 -1743.77 -1743.77 -1743.77

134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-24.37 -24.37 -24.37 478.11 478.11 478.11 478.11 478.11 478.11 478.11 478.11 478.11 399.71 399.71 399.71 399.71 399.71 399.71 399.71 399.71 399.71 100.74 100.74 100.74 100.74 100.74 100.74 100.74 100.74 100.74 211.17 211.17 211.17 211.17 211.17 211.17 211.17 211.17 211.17 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29

1999.51 2169.8 2340.1 -5759.67 -5443.11 -4947.53 -4272.94 -3419.35 -2565.75 -1891.16 -1395.59 -1079.02 8199.64 8516.21 9011.78 9686.37 10539.97 11393.56 12068.15 12563.73 12880.29 -12881.46 -12564.9 -12069.32 -11394.73 -10541.14 -9687.54 -9012.95 -8517.38 -8200.81 1091.92 1408.48 1904.06 2578.65 3432.24 4285.84 4960.43 5456 5772.57 -8092.31 -7775.74 -7280.17 -6605.58 -5751.98 -4898.39

-3.82 -3.82 -3.82 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.31 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 0.08431 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98

-1743.77 -1743.77 -1743.77 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 1094.7 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 -203.28 214.11 214.11 214.11 214.11 214.11 214.11 214.11 214.11 214.11 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 -1087.76 2094.66 2094.66 2094.66 2094.66 2094.66 2094.66

134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

465.29 465.29 465.29 458.78 458.78 458.78 458.78 458.78 458.78 458.78 458.78 458.78 113.56 113.56 113.56 113.56 113.56 113.56 113.56 113.56 113.56 152.1 152.1 152.1 152.1 152.1 152.1 152.1 152.1 152.1 393.58 393.58 393.58 393.58 393.58 393.58 393.58 393.58 393.58 328.99 328.99 328.99 328.99 328.99 328.99

-4223.8 -3728.22 -3411.66 5875.4 6191.96 6687.54 7362.13 8215.72 9069.32 9743.91 10239.48 10556.05 -10548.83 -10232.26 -9736.68 -9062.1 -8208.5 -7354.9 -6680.32 -6184.74 -5868.17 3416.16 3732.72 4228.3 4902.89 5756.48 6610.08 7284.67 7780.25 8096.81 -11882.57 -11021.05 -10068.82 -9025.86 -7892.19 -6758.51 -5715.56 -4763.32 -3901.81 4206.85 5068.36 6020.6 7063.55 8197.23 9330.9

7.98 7.98 7.98 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95

2094.66 2094.66 2094.66 794.55 794.55 794.55 794.55 794.55 794.55 794.55 794.55 794.55 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -785.85 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 -2085.59 620.11 620.11 620.11 620.11 620.11 620.11 620.11 620.11 620.11 -565.05 -565.05 -565.05 -565.05 -565.05 -565.05

135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

328.99 328.99 328.99 482.56 482.56 482.56 482.56 482.56 482.56 482.56 482.56 482.56 406.41 406.41 406.41 406.41 406.41 406.41 406.41 406.41 406.41 428.71 428.71 428.71 428.71 428.71 428.71 428.71 428.71 428.71 360.38 360.38 360.38 360.38 360.38 360.38 360.38 360.38 360.38 428.19 428.19 428.19 428.19 428.19 428.19

10373.86 11326.09 12187.61 -14370.87 -13551.43 -12492.23 -11193.27 -9654.54 -8115.82 -6816.86 -5757.66 -4938.22 5196.25 6015.69 7074.89 8373.85 9912.57 11451.29 12750.26 13809.46 14628.9 -12801.2 -12012.14 -11044.06 -9896.97 -8570.88 -7244.78 -6097.69 -5129.61 -4340.55 4599.83 5388.9 6356.97 7504.06 8830.16 10156.25 11303.34 12271.42 13060.48 -12801.19 -12012.13 -11044.05 -9896.96 -8570.87 -7244.77

-3.95 -3.95 -3.95 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 -4.79 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48

-565.05 -565.05 -565.05 849.51 849.51 849.51 849.51 849.51 849.51 849.51 849.51 849.51 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 -785.5 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 -672.64 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27 730.27

135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

428.19 428.19 428.19 359.84 359.84 359.84 359.84 359.84 359.84 359.84 359.84 359.84 274.12 274.12 274.12 274.12 274.12 274.12 274.12 274.12 274.12 304.88 304.88 304.88 304.88 304.88 304.88 304.88 304.88 304.88 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -20.03 -61.41 -61.41 -61.41 -61.41 -61.41 -61.41

-6097.68 -5129.61 -4340.54 4599.85 5388.92 6356.99 7504.08 8830.18 10156.27 11303.36 12271.44 13060.5 -55.33 114.97 285.27 455.56 625.86 796.16 966.45 1136.75 1307.05 5760.73 5931.02 6101.32 6271.61 6441.91 6612.21 6782.5 6952.8 7123.1 -7130.14 -6959.84 -6789.54 -6619.25 -6448.95 -6278.65 -6108.36 -5938.06 -5767.77 -1295.79 -1125.49 -955.19 -784.9 -614.6 -444.3

1.48 1.48 1.48 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53

730.27 730.27 730.27 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 -672.57 760.47 760.47 760.47 760.47 760.47 760.47 760.47 760.47 760.47 161.88 161.88 161.88 161.88 161.88 161.88 161.88 161.88 161.88 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -151.21 -751.42 -751.42 -751.42 -751.42 -751.42 -751.42

135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-61.41 -61.41 -61.41 242.61 242.61 242.61 242.61 242.61 242.61 242.61 242.61 242.61 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 278.22 11.48 11.48 11.48 11.48 11.48 11.48 11.48 11.48 11.48 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 575.03 575.03 575.03 575.03 575.03 575.03

-274.01 -103.71 66.58 -2425.84 -2255.54 -2085.25 -1914.95 -1744.66 -1574.36 -1404.06 -1233.77 -1063.47 3373.21 3543.5 3713.8 3884.1 4054.39 4224.69 4394.99 4565.28 4735.58 -4759.62 -4589.33 -4419.03 -4248.73 -4078.44 -3908.14 -3737.84 -3567.55 -3397.25 1091.73 1262.03 1432.32 1602.62 1772.92 1943.21 2113.51 2283.81 2454.1 -9263.78 -8474.72 -7506.64 -6359.55 -5033.46 -3707.36

-2.53 -2.53 -2.53 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86

-751.42 -751.42 -751.42 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1796.12 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 1140.74 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1186.86 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 -1730.29 1186.1 1186.1 1186.1 1186.1 1186.1 1186.1

135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

575.03 575.03 575.03 542.74 542.74 542.74 542.74 542.74 542.74 542.74 542.74 542.74 280.88 280.88 280.88 280.88 280.88 280.88 280.88 280.88 280.88 176.45 176.45 176.45 176.45 176.45 176.45 176.45 176.45 176.45 543.52 543.52 543.52 543.52 543.52 543.52 543.52 543.52 543.52 516.09 516.09 516.09 516.09 516.09 516.09

-2560.27 -1592.2 -803.13 8128.12 8917.18 9885.26 11032.35 12358.44 13684.54 14831.63 15799.7 16588.77 -16338.59 -15549.53 -14581.45 -13434.36 -12108.27 -10782.17 -9635.08 -8667.01 -7877.94 1071.6 1860.67 2828.75 3975.84 5301.93 6628.03 7775.12 8743.19 9532.26 -11634.3 -10845.23 -9877.16 -8730.07 -7403.97 -6077.88 -4930.79 -3962.71 -3173.64 5740.6 6529.67 7497.74 8644.83 9970.93 11297.02

2.86 2.86 2.86 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 0.09935 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12

1186.1 1186.1 1186.1 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 -215.89 274.42 274.42 274.42 274.42 274.42 274.42 274.42 274.42 274.42 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 -1129.2 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 2221.75 762.97 762.97 762.97 762.97 762.97 762.97

135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

516.09 516.09 516.09 312.39 312.39 312.39 312.39 312.39 312.39 312.39 312.39 312.39 203.11 203.11 203.11 203.11 203.11 203.11 203.11 203.11 203.11 323.95 323.95 323.95 323.95 323.95 323.95 323.95 323.95 323.95 304.62 304.62 304.62 304.62 304.62 304.62 304.62 304.62 304.62 404.17 404.17 404.17 404.17 404.17 404.17

12444.11 13412.19 14201.25 -13968.08 -13179.01 -12210.94 -11063.85 -9737.75 -8411.66 -7264.57 -6296.49 -5507.43 3459.12 4248.19 5216.27 6363.35 7689.45 9015.55 10162.63 11130.71 11919.78 -12105.74 -11244.23 -10291.99 -9249.04 -8115.36 -6981.69 -5938.73 -4986.49 -4124.98 4087.14 4948.65 5900.89 6943.84 8077.52 9211.19 10254.15 11206.38 12067.9 -14569.85 -13750.41 -12691.21 -11392.25 -9853.53 -8314.81

-1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 -7.41 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07

762.97 762.97 762.97 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -761.22 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 -2108.06 569.35 569.35 569.35 569.35 569.35 569.35 569.35 569.35 569.35 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 -561.24 786.79 786.79 786.79 786.79 786.79 786.79

136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

404.17 404.17 404.17 385.59 385.59 385.59 385.59 385.59 385.59 385.59 385.59 385.59 357.43 357.43 357.43 357.43 357.43 357.43 357.43 357.43 357.43 339.59 339.59 339.59 339.59 339.59 339.59 339.59 339.59 339.59 356.84 356.84 356.84 356.84 356.84 356.84 356.84 356.84 356.84 339.01 339.01 339.01 339.01 339.01 339.01

-7015.84 -5956.64 -5137.2 5137.23 5956.67 7015.88 8314.84 9853.56 11392.28 12691.24 13750.44 14569.89 -12997.29 -12208.22 -11240.14 -10093.06 -8766.96 -7440.86 -6293.78 -5325.7 -4536.63 4524.36 5313.43 6281.51 7428.59 8754.69 10080.79 11227.88 12195.95 12985.02 -12997.29 -12208.22 -11240.15 -10093.06 -8766.96 -7440.87 -6293.78 -5325.7 -4536.64 4524.47 5313.54 6281.62 7428.7 8754.8 10080.9

2.07 2.07 2.07 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 -3.76 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75

786.79 786.79 786.79 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 -772.63 674.77 674.77 674.77 674.77 674.77 674.77 674.77 674.77 674.77 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 -663.32 674.75 674.75 674.75 674.75 674.75 674.75 674.75 674.75 674.75 -663.29 -663.29 -663.29 -663.29 -663.29 -663.29

136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

339.01 339.01 339.01 271.87 271.87 271.87 271.87 271.87 271.87 271.87 271.87 271.87 325.11 325.11 325.11 325.11 325.11 325.11 325.11 325.11 325.11 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -26.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 -87.46 308.98 308.98 308.98 308.98 308.98 308.98

11227.98 12196.06 12985.13 -46.92 123.37 293.67 463.97 634.26 804.56 974.85 1145.15 1315.45 5784.5 5954.8 6125.1 6295.39 6465.69 6635.99 6806.28 6976.58 7146.88 -7125.98 -6955.68 -6785.38 -6615.09 -6444.79 -6274.49 -6104.2 -5933.9 -5763.61 -1290.13 -1119.83 -949.54 -779.24 -608.94 -438.65 -268.35 -98.06 72.24 -2486.25 -2315.96 -2145.66 -1975.36 -1805.07 -1634.77

-3.75 -3.75 -3.75 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7

-663.29 -663.29 -663.29 780.51 780.51 780.51 780.51 780.51 780.51 780.51 780.51 780.51 188.32 188.32 188.32 188.32 188.32 188.32 188.32 188.32 188.32 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -166.97 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 -794.62 1804.48 1804.48 1804.48 1804.48 1804.48 1804.48

136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

308.98 308.98 308.98 351.02 351.02 351.02 351.02 351.02 351.02 351.02 351.02 351.02 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -63.56 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 -113.37 505.73 505.73 505.73 505.73 505.73 505.73 505.73 505.73 505.73 545.03 545.03 545.03 545.03 545.03 545.03

-1464.48 -1294.18 -1123.88 3346.26 3516.56 3686.85 3857.15 4027.45 4197.74 4368.04 4538.34 4708.63 -4686.65 -4516.35 -4346.05 -4175.76 -4005.46 -3835.16 -3664.87 -3494.57 -3324.28 1148.11 1318.41 1488.71 1659 1829.3 1999.59 2169.89 2340.19 2510.48 -9457.76 -8668.7 -7700.62 -6553.53 -5227.44 -3901.34 -2754.25 -1786.18 -997.11 8061.84 8850.91 9818.98 10966.07 12292.17 13618.26

3.7 3.7 3.7 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11

1804.48 1804.48 1804.48 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 1192.67 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1190.93 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 -1798.97 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 1148.49 -171.81 -171.81 -171.81 -171.81 -171.81 -171.81

136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

545.03 545.03 545.03 207.4 207.4 207.4 207.4 207.4 207.4 207.4 207.4 207.4 132.46 132.46 132.46 132.46 132.46 132.46 132.46 132.46 132.46 542.84 542.84 542.84 542.84 542.84 542.84 542.84 542.84 542.84 570.94 570.94 570.94 570.94 570.94 570.94 570.94 570.94 570.94 170.29 170.29 170.29 170.29 170.29 170.29

14765.35 15733.43 16522.49 -16536.82 -15747.75 -14779.67 -13632.59 -12306.49 -10980.39 -9833.31 -8865.23 -8076.16 987.21 1776.27 2744.35 3891.44 5217.53 6543.63 7690.72 8658.79 9447.86 -11897.09 -11108.03 -10139.95 -8992.86 -7666.77 -6340.67 -5193.58 -4225.51 -3436.44 5623.6 6412.66 7380.74 8527.83 9853.92 11180.02 12327.11 13295.18 14084.25 -14097.49 -13308.42 -12340.34 -11193.26 -9867.16 -8541.06

-2.11 -2.11 -2.11 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13

-171.81 -171.81 -171.81 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 -1154.75 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 2172.45 832.53 832.53 832.53 832.53 832.53 832.53 832.53 832.53 832.53 -822.96 -822.96 -822.96 -822.96 -822.96 -822.96

136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

170.29 170.29 170.29 106.55 106.55 106.55 106.55 106.55 106.55 106.55 106.55 106.55 315.71 315.71 315.71 315.71 315.71 315.71 315.71 315.71 315.71 437.32 437.32 437.32 437.32 437.32 437.32 437.32 437.32 437.32 429.69 429.69 429.69 429.69 429.69 429.69 429.69 429.69 429.69 581.13 581.13 581.13 581.13 581.13 581.13

-7393.98 -6425.9 -5636.83 3425.45 4214.52 5182.59 6329.68 7655.78 8981.87 10128.96 11097.04 11886.1 -11835.41 -10973.9 -10021.66 -8978.71 -7845.03 -6711.36 -5668.4 -4716.17 -3854.65 4901.64 5211.9 5612.89 6104.6 6687.02 7269.45 7761.15 8162.14 8472.4 -14563.54 -13744.1 -12684.9 -11385.94 -9847.22 -8308.49 -7009.53 -5950.33 -5130.89 5708 6054.95 6641.65 7468.11 8534.33 9600.55

-1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17

-822.96 -822.96 -822.96 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 -2159.1 612.97 612.97 612.97 612.97 612.97 612.97 612.97 612.97 612.97 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 -586.37 843.39 843.39 843.39 843.39 843.39 843.39 843.39 843.39 843.39 -783.25 -783.25 -783.25 -783.25 -783.25 -783.25

137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

581.13 581.13 581.13 370.82 370.82 370.82 370.82 370.82 370.82 370.82 370.82 370.82 504.81 504.81 504.81 504.81 504.81 504.81 504.81 504.81 504.81 370.15 370.15 370.15 370.15 370.15 370.15 370.15 370.15 370.15 503.93 503.93 503.93 503.93 503.93 503.93 503.93 503.93 503.93 336.23 336.23 336.23 336.23 336.23 336.23

10427.02 11013.72 11360.66 -12906.26 -12117.2 -11149.12 -10002.03 -8675.94 -7349.84 -6202.75 -5234.68 -4445.61 5143.12 5459.68 5955.26 6629.85 7483.45 8337.04 9011.63 9507.21 9823.77 -12906.43 -12117.36 -11149.28 -10002.2 -8676.1 -7350 -6202.92 -5234.84 -4445.77 5143.04 5459.61 5955.19 6629.77 7483.37 8336.97 9011.55 9507.13 9823.7 -500.95 -330.65 -160.35 9.94 180.24 350.54

-4.17 -4.17 -4.17 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 2 2 2 2 2 2

-783.25 -783.25 -783.25 724.22 724.22 724.22 724.22 724.22 724.22 724.22 724.22 724.22 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 -678.04 724.16 724.16 724.16 724.16 724.16 724.16 724.16 724.16 724.16 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 -678.01 778.57 778.57 778.57 778.57 778.57 778.57

137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

336.23 336.23 336.23 446.49 446.49 446.49 446.49 446.49 446.49 446.49 446.49 446.49 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -51.93 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 405.22 405.22 405.22 405.22 405.22 405.22 405.22 405.22 405.22 591.94 591.94 591.94 591.94 591.94 591.94

520.83 691.13 861.42 5298.26 5468.55 5638.85 5809.15 5979.44 6149.74 6320.03 6490.33 6660.63 -7034.89 -6864.59 -6694.3 -6524 -6353.71 -6183.41 -6013.11 -5842.82 -5672.52 -1097.35 -927.06 -756.76 -586.46 -416.17 -245.87 -75.58 94.72 265.02 -2748.11 -2577.82 -2407.52 -2237.22 -2066.93 -1896.63 -1726.33 -1556.04 -1385.74 3100.33 3270.63 3440.93 3611.22 3781.52 3951.82

2 2 2 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 -4.06 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43

778.57 778.57 778.57 127.75 127.75 127.75 127.75 127.75 127.75 127.75 127.75 127.75 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -229.53 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 -911.54 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1768.32 1138.41 1138.41 1138.41 1138.41 1138.41 1138.41

137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

591.94 591.94 591.94 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -120.92 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 -220.47 563.93 563.93 563.93 563.93 563.93 563.93 563.93 563.93 563.93 764.27 764.27 764.27 764.27 764.27 764.27 764.27 764.27 764.27 175.76 175.76 175.76 175.76 175.76 175.76

4122.11 4292.41 4462.71 -4787.73 -4617.43 -4447.13 -4276.84 -4106.54 -3936.24 -3765.95 -3595.65 -3425.35 1100.57 1270.86 1441.16 1611.46 1781.75 1952.05 2122.35 2292.64 2462.94 -9639.53 -8850.46 -7882.38 -6735.3 -5409.2 -4083.1 -2936.02 -1967.94 -1178.87 8340.81 8657.38 9152.96 9827.54 10681.14 11534.74 12209.32 12704.9 13021.47 -16173.47 -15384.41 -14416.33 -13269.24 -11943.15 -10617.05

3.43 3.43 3.43 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43

1138.41 1138.41 1138.41 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1219.29 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 -1922.2 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 1228.18 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 -158.36 220.08 220.08 220.08 220.08 220.08 220.08

137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

175.76 175.76 175.76 242.78 242.78 242.78 242.78 242.78 242.78 242.78 242.78 242.78 632.91 632.91 632.91 632.91 632.91 632.91 632.91 632.91 632.91 909.73 909.73 909.73 909.73 909.73 909.73 909.73 909.73 909.73 106.78 106.78 106.78 106.78 106.78 106.78 106.78 106.78 106.78 97.32 97.32 97.32 97.32 97.32 97.32

-9469.96 -8501.89 -7712.82 1945.2 2261.77 2757.35 3431.93 4285.53 5139.13 5813.71 6309.29 6625.86 -11886.69 -11097.63 -10129.55 -8982.46 -7656.37 -6330.27 -5183.18 -4215.11 -3426.04 6142.89 6459.46 6955.04 7629.62 8483.22 9336.82 10011.4 10506.98 10823.55 -13926.31 -13137.24 -12169.16 -11022.08 -9695.98 -8369.88 -7222.8 -6254.72 -5465.65 4143.13 4459.69 4955.27 5629.86 6483.45 7337.05

-0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 -6.84 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -8.03 -8.03 -8.03 -8.03 -8.03 -8.03

220.08 220.08 220.08 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 -1197.64 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 2217.94 852.31 852.31 852.31 852.31 852.31 852.31 852.31 852.31 852.31 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -769.68 -2208.3 -2208.3 -2208.3 -2208.3 -2208.3 -2208.3

137 137 137 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

97.32 97.32 97.32 240.45 240.45 240.45 240.45 240.45 240.45 240.45 240.45 240.45 316.64 316.64 316.64 316.64 316.64 316.64 316.64 316.64 316.64 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.71 275.26 275.26 275.26 275.26 275.26 275.26 275.26 275.26 275.26 319.14 319.14 319.14 319.14 319.14 319.14

8011.64 8507.21 8823.78 -2243.27 -1955.68 -1622.73 -1244.43 -820.76 -397.1 -18.79 314.15 601.74 -2887.39 -2600.38 -2193.5 -1666.74 -1020.1 -373.46 153.31 560.19 847.19 -2522.48 -2250.67 -1889.35 -1438.52 -898.2 -357.87 92.96 454.28 726.09 -2525.2 -2253.39 -1892.07 -1441.24 -900.91 -360.59 90.24 451.56 723.37 10566.1 10736.4 10906.69 11076.99 11247.29 11417.58

-8.03 -8.03 -8.03 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83

-2208.3 -2208.3 -2208.3 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -522.68 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -725.43 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.32 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -621.39 -21.95 -21.95 -21.95 -21.95 -21.95 -21.95

138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

319.14 319.14 319.14 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 -222.01 357.83 357.83 357.83 357.83 357.83 357.83 357.83 357.83 357.83 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 -260.7 545.63 545.63 545.63 545.63 545.63 545.63 545.63 545.63 545.63 4.48 4.48 4.48 4.48 4.48 4.48

11587.88 11758.18 11928.47 -12636.01 -12465.71 -12295.42 -12125.12 -11954.82 -11784.53 -11614.23 -11443.93 -11273.64 2468.08 2638.38 2808.67 2978.97 3149.27 3319.56 3489.86 3660.16 3830.45 -4537.99 -4367.69 -4197.4 -4027.1 -3856.8 -3686.51 -3516.21 -3345.91 -3175.62 9074.62 9346.43 9707.75 10158.58 10698.9 11239.23 11690.06 12051.38 12323.19 -14127.49 -13855.68 -13494.36 -13043.53 -12503.21 -11962.88

1.83 1.83 1.83 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 -5.8 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29

-21.95 -21.95 -21.95 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -226.36 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -15.56 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -232.76 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -519.21 -723.62 -723.62 -723.62 -723.62 -723.62 -723.62

138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

4.48 -11512.05 4.48 -11150.73 4.48 -10878.92 584.32 976.6 584.32 1248.41 584.32 1609.73 584.32 2060.56 584.32 2600.88 584.32 3141.21 584.32 3592.04 584.32 3953.36 584.32 4225.17 -34.21 -6029.47 -34.21 -5757.66 -34.21 -5396.34 -34.21 -4945.51 -34.21 -4405.19 -34.21 -3864.86 -34.21 -3414.03 -34.21 -3052.71 -34.21 -2780.9 70.99 -487.89 70.99 -200.31 70.99 132.64 70.99 510.94 70.99 934.61 70.99 1358.27 70.99 1736.58 70.99 2069.52 70.99 2357.11 88.94 -843.71 88.94 -556.71 88.94 -149.83 88.94 376.94 88.94 1023.58 88.94 1670.22 88.94 2196.98 88.94 2603.86 88.94 2890.86 78.64 -686.25 78.64 -414.43 78.64 -53.12 78.64 397.71 78.64 938.04 78.64 1478.37

-2.29 -2.29 -2.29 5.34 5.34 5.34 5.34 5.34 5.34 5.34 5.34 5.34 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.03973 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15

-723.62 -723.62 -723.62 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -512.81 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -730.01 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -205.57 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -401.18 -316.77 -316.77 -316.77 -316.77 -316.77 -316.77

139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

78.64 78.64 78.64 78.44 78.44 78.44 78.44 78.44 78.44 78.44 78.44 78.44 478.84 478.84 478.84 478.84 478.84 478.84 478.84 478.84 478.84 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 -452.97 242.81 242.81 242.81 242.81 242.81 242.81 242.81 242.81 242.81 -216.94 -216.94 -216.94 -216.94 -216.94 -216.94

1929.19 2290.51 2562.33 -684.45 -412.63 -51.31 399.51 939.84 1480.17 1930.99 2292.31 2564.13 11404.12 11574.42 11744.72 11915.01 12085.31 12255.61 12425.9 12596.2 12766.49 -12295.59 -12125.3 -11955 -11784.7 -11614.41 -11444.11 -11273.82 -11103.52 -10933.22 3175 3345.29 3515.59 3685.89 3856.18 4026.48 4196.77 4367.07 4537.37 -4066.46 -3896.17 -3725.87 -3555.58 -3385.28 -3214.98

-0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16

-316.77 -316.77 -316.77 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -316.81 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -99.64 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -219.01 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -59.38 -259.27 -259.27 -259.27 -259.27 -259.27 -259.27

139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 140 140 140 140 140 140

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-216.94 -216.94 -216.94 544.26 544.26 544.26 544.26 544.26 544.26 544.26 544.26 544.26 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 -387.56 308.23 308.23 308.23 308.23 308.23 308.23 308.23 308.23 308.23 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 -151.53 466.13 466.13 466.13 466.13 466.13 466.13

-3044.69 -2874.39 -2704.09 11166.23 11438.04 11799.36 12250.19 12790.52 13330.85 13781.67 14142.99 14414.8 -12533.49 -12261.67 -11900.35 -11449.53 -10909.2 -10368.87 -9918.05 -9556.73 -9284.91 2937.1 3208.92 3570.23 4021.06 4561.39 5101.72 5552.54 5913.86 6185.67 -4304.36 -4032.55 -3671.23 -3220.4 -2680.07 -2139.74 -1688.92 -1327.6 -1055.79 -9482.19 -8643.36 -7759.16 -6829.61 -5854.69 -4879.78

-2.16 -2.16 -2.16 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -3.93 -3.93 -3.93 -3.93 -3.93 -3.93

-259.27 -259.27 -259.27 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -257.14 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -376.51 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -216.88 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -416.77 -1902.76 -1902.76 -1902.76 -1902.76 -1902.76 -1902.76

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

466.13 -3950.22 466.13 -3066.03 466.13 -2227.19 483.75 2861.49 483.75 3700.32 483.75 4584.52 483.75 5514.07 483.75 6488.99 483.75 7463.9 483.75 8393.46 483.75 9277.66 483.75 10116.49 548.05 -10385.79 548.05 -9626.29 548.05 -8746.91 548.05 -7747.65 548.05 -6628.51 548.05 -5509.36 548.05 -4510.1 548.05 -3630.72 548.05 -2871.22 561.49 3592.39 561.49 4351.9 561.49 5231.28 561.49 6230.54 561.49 7349.68 561.49 8468.82 561.49 9468.08 561.49 10347.47 561.49 11106.97 493.12 -9539.01 493.12 -8794.7 493.12 -7960.88 493.12 -7037.56 493.12 -6024.73 493.12 -5011.9 493.12 -4088.57 493.12 -3254.75 493.12 -2510.44 507.25 3165.03 507.25 3909.34 507.25 4743.16 507.25 5666.48 507.25 6679.31 507.25 7692.14

-3.93 -3.93 -3.93 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45

-1902.76 -1902.76 -1902.76 991.99 991.99 991.99 991.99 991.99 991.99 991.99 991.99 991.99 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 -2606.94 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 1673.57 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 -2241.03 1364.97 1364.97 1364.97 1364.97 1364.97 1364.97

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

507.25 507.25 507.25 492.47 492.47 492.47 492.47 492.47 492.47 492.47 492.47 492.47 506.55 506.55 506.55 506.55 506.55 506.55 506.55 506.55 506.55 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 478.17 478.17 478.17 478.17 478.17 478.17 478.17 478.17 478.17 -327.05 -327.05 -327.05 -327.05 -327.05 -327.05

8615.47 9449.28 10193.6 -9538.98 -8794.66 -7960.84 -7037.52 -6024.69 -5011.86 -4088.53 -3254.72 -2510.4 3165.01 3909.33 4743.15 5666.47 6679.3 7692.13 8615.45 9449.27 10193.59 742.7 912.99 1083.29 1253.59 1423.88 1594.18 1764.48 1934.77 2105.07 4922.52 5092.82 5263.12 5433.41 5603.71 5774.01 5944.3 6114.6 6284.89 -6025.41 -5855.11 -5684.82 -5514.52 -5344.22 -5173.93

7.45 7.45 7.45 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -5.45

1364.97 1364.97 1364.97 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 -2240.95 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 1364.86 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 -237.87 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 1010.11 -1197.36 -1197.36 -1197.36 -1197.36 -1197.36 -1197.36

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-327.05 -327.05 -327.05 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 -182.76 633.84 633.84 633.84 633.84 633.84 633.84 633.84 633.84 633.84 733.06 733.06 733.06 733.06 733.06 733.06 733.06 733.06 733.06 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -320.74 -437.66 -437.66 -437.66 -437.66 -437.66 -437.66

-5003.63 -4833.33 -4663.04 -1926.85 -1756.56 -1586.26 -1415.96 -1245.67 -1075.37 -905.07 -734.78 -564.48 -1411.51 -1241.22 -1070.92 -900.62 -730.33 -560.03 -389.74 -219.44 -49.14 2763.55 2933.85 3104.15 3274.44 3444.74 3615.03 3785.33 3955.63 4125.92 -3871.2 -3700.9 -3530.6 -3360.31 -3190.01 -3019.72 -2849.42 -2679.12 -2508.83 232.12 402.42 572.71 743.01 913.3 1083.6

-5.45 -5.45 -5.45 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.62 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16

-1197.36 -1197.36 -1197.36 132.62 132.62 132.62 132.62 132.62 132.62 132.62 132.62 132.62 690.85 690.85 690.85 690.85 690.85 690.85 690.85 690.85 690.85 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 1915.89 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -2126.08 -773.16 -773.16 -773.16 -773.16 -773.16 -773.16

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-437.66 1253.9 -437.66 1424.19 -437.66 1594.49 975.77 -6154.9 975.77 -5410.59 975.77 -4576.77 975.77 -3653.45 975.77 -2640.62 975.77 -1627.79 975.77 -704.46 975.77 129.36 975.77 873.67 836.69 6589.69 836.69 7334.01 836.69 8167.83 836.69 9091.15 836.69 10103.98 836.69 11116.81 836.69 12040.14 836.69 12873.95 836.69 13618.27 8.58 -12923.01 8.58 -12178.7 8.58 -11344.88 8.58 -10421.55 8.58 -9408.72 8.58 -8395.89 8.58 -7472.57 8.58 -6638.75 8.58 -5894.44 175.76 -259.68 175.76 484.63 175.76 1318.45 175.76 2241.78 175.76 3254.61 175.76 4267.44 175.76 5190.76 175.76 6024.58 175.76 6768.89 969.46 -8309.12 969.46 -7564.8 969.46 -6730.98 969.46 -5807.66 969.46 -4794.83 969.46 -3782

-2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 -1.67 10.62 10.62 10.62 10.62 10.62 10.62 10.62 10.62 10.62 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -8.06 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54

-773.16 -773.16 -773.16 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 -1761.17 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 1803.55 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 -2720.66 926.06 926.06 926.06 926.06 926.06 926.06 926.06 926.06 926.06 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

969.46 -2858.68 969.46 -2024.86 969.46 -1280.54 1091.58 4430.72 1091.58 5175.04 1091.58 6008.86 1091.58 6932.18 1091.58 7945.01 1091.58 8957.84 1091.58 9881.16 1091.58 10714.98 1091.58 11459.3 14.89 -10768.8 14.89 -10024.49 14.89 -9190.67 14.89 -8267.34 14.89 -7254.51 14.89 -6241.68 14.89 -5318.36 14.89 -4484.54 14.89 -3740.23 -79.14 1899.29 -79.14 2643.6 -79.14 3477.42 -79.14 4400.75 -79.14 5413.58 -79.14 6426.41 -79.14 7349.73 -79.14 8183.55 -79.14 8927.86 422.61 -9817.01 422.61 -8978.17 422.61 -8093.97 422.61 -7164.42 422.61 -6189.5 422.61 -5214.59 422.61 -4285.03 422.61 -3400.84 422.61 -2562 444.52 2503.51 444.52 3342.34 444.52 4226.54 444.52 5156.09 444.52 6131.01 444.52 7105.92

1.54 1.54 1.54 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 -11.27 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 -7.32 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94

-832.45 -832.45 -832.45 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 2709.33 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 -3649.38 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 -1335.35 1336.85 1336.85 1336.85 1336.85 1336.85 1336.85

141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

444.52 8035.48 444.52 8919.67 444.52 9758.51 500.48 -10738.27 500.48 -9978.77 500.48 -9099.38 500.48 -8100.12 500.48 -6980.98 500.48 -5861.84 500.48 -4862.58 500.48 -3983.2 500.48 -3223.69 535.8 3131.86 535.8 3891.36 535.8 4770.74 535.8 5770.01 535.8 6889.15 535.8 8008.29 535.8 9007.55 535.8 9886.93 535.8 10646.43 449.51 -9866.88 449.51 -9122.57 449.51 -8288.75 449.51 -7365.42 449.51 -6352.59 449.51 -5339.76 449.51 -4416.44 449.51 -3582.62 449.51 -2838.31 478.8 2762.15 478.8 3506.46 478.8 4340.28 478.8 5263.61 478.8 6276.43 478.8 7289.26 478.8 8212.59 478.8 9046.41 478.8 9790.72 448.77 -9866.88 448.77 -9122.57 448.77 -8288.75 448.77 -7365.42 448.77 -6352.6 448.77 -5339.77

7.94 7.94 7.94 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 -8.14 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13

1336.85 1336.85 1336.85 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 -1985.36 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 1996.12 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 -1670.21 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 1677.42 -1670.09 -1670.09 -1670.09 -1670.09 -1670.09 -1670.09

141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

448.77 448.77 448.77 477.91 477.91 477.91 477.91 477.91 477.91 477.91 477.91 477.91 574.7 574.7 574.7 574.7 574.7 574.7 574.7 574.7 574.7 695.55 695.55 695.55 695.55 695.55 695.55 695.55 695.55 695.55 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -318.21 -420.54 -420.54 -420.54 -420.54 -420.54 -420.54

-4416.44 -3582.62 -2838.31 2762.12 3506.43 4340.25 5263.57 6276.4 7289.23 8212.56 9046.38 9790.69 992.23 1162.52 1332.82 1503.12 1673.41 1843.71 2014.01 2184.3 2354.6 5049.38 5219.68 5389.97 5560.27 5730.57 5900.86 6071.16 6241.45 6411.75 -6450.57 -6280.28 -6109.98 -5939.68 -5769.39 -5599.09 -5428.79 -5258.5 -5088.2 -2382.15 -2211.85 -2041.56 -1871.26 -1700.97 -1530.67

-8.13 -8.13 -8.13 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76

-1670.09 -1670.09 -1670.09 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 1677.3 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 -141.76 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 1015.16 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 -1045.37 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57

141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-420.54 -420.54 -420.54 855.36 855.36 855.36 855.36 855.36 855.36 855.36 855.36 855.36 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 1029.92 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -598.87 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 -754.92 894.89 894.89 894.89 894.89 894.89 894.89

-1360.37 -1190.08 -1019.78 -1382.1 -1211.81 -1041.51 -871.21 -700.92 -530.62 -360.33 -190.03 -19.73 2662.08 2832.38 3002.68 3172.97 3343.27 3513.56 3683.86 3854.16 4024.45 -4076.24 -3905.95 -3735.65 -3565.35 -3395.06 -3224.76 -3054.46 -2884.17 -2713.87 5.15 175.44 345.74 516.04 686.33 856.63 1026.92 1197.22 1367.52 -6145.48 -5401.17 -4567.35 -3644.03 -2631.2 -1618.37

-0.76 -0.76 -0.76 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 8.77 8.77 8.77 8.77 8.77 8.77 8.77 8.77 8.77 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65

184.57 184.57 184.57 771.98 771.98 771.98 771.98 771.98 771.98 771.98 771.98 771.98 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 1937.41 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -1959.1 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -737.68 -1218.23 -1218.23 -1218.23 -1218.23 -1218.23 -1218.23

141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

894.89 894.89 894.89 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1035.55 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 -80.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1175.54 1369.93 1369.93 1369.93 1369.93 1369.93 1369.93

-695.04 138.78 883.09 6477.87 7222.18 8056 8979.33 9992.15 11004.98 11928.31 12762.13 13506.44 -13588.28 -12843.97 -12010.15 -11086.83 -10074 -9061.17 -8137.84 -7304.02 -6559.71 -953.66 -209.35 624.47 1547.79 2560.62 3573.45 4496.78 5330.6 6074.91 -8519.81 -7775.5 -6941.68 -6018.36 -5005.53 -3992.7 -3069.37 -2235.55 -1491.24 4090.57 4834.88 5668.7 6592.03 7604.86 8617.69

-3.65 -3.65 -3.65 12.63 12.63 12.63 12.63 12.63 12.63 12.63 12.63 12.63 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 -0.04978 14.61 14.61 14.61 14.61 14.61 14.61

-1218.23 -1218.23 -1218.23 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 2092.54 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 -2121.84 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 1261.95 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 -304.49 3014.79 3014.79 3014.79 3014.79 3014.79 3014.79

141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1369.93 9541.01 1369.93 10374.83 1369.93 11119.14 -278.68 -11213.95 -278.68 -10469.64 -278.68 -9635.82 -278.68 -8712.49 -278.68 -7699.67 -278.68 -6686.84 -278.68 -5763.51 -278.68 -4929.69 -278.68 -4185.38 -414.91 1433.63 -414.91 2177.95 -414.91 3011.77 -414.91 3935.09 -414.91 4947.92 -414.91 5960.75 -414.91 6884.07 -414.91 7717.89 -414.91 8462.21 466.12 -9843.39 466.12 -9004.56 466.12 -8120.36 466.12 -7190.81 466.12 -6215.89 466.12 -5240.98 466.12 -4311.42 466.12 -3427.22 466.12 -2588.39 559.76 2515.51 559.76 3354.35 559.76 4238.55 559.76 5168.1 559.76 6143.02 559.76 7117.93 559.76 8047.49 559.76 8931.68 559.76 9770.52 568.52 -10724.67 568.52 -9965.17 568.52 -9085.79 568.52 -8086.53 568.52 -6967.39 568.52 -5848.24

14.61 14.61 14.61 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 -16.2 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 -7.8 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 -9.86 -9.86 -9.86 -9.86 -9.86 -9.86

3014.79 3014.79 3014.79 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 -3035.57 339.7 339.7 339.7 339.7 339.7 339.7 339.7 339.7 339.7 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 -1255.55 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 1566.76 -1886.87 -1886.87 -1886.87 -1886.87 -1886.87 -1886.87

142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

568.52 568.52 568.52 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 506.36 506.36 506.36 506.36 506.36 506.36 506.36 506.36 506.36 600.68 600.68 600.68 600.68 600.68 600.68 600.68 600.68 600.68 505.32 505.32 505.32 505.32 505.32 505.32 505.32 505.32 505.32 599.25 599.25 599.25 599.25 599.25 599.25

-4848.98 -3969.6 -3210.1 3195.17 3954.67 4834.05 5833.32 6952.46 8071.6 9070.86 9950.24 10709.75 -9866.89 -9122.57 -8288.75 -7365.43 -6352.6 -5339.77 -4416.45 -3582.63 -2838.31 2805.53 3549.84 4383.66 5306.98 6319.81 7332.64 8255.97 9089.79 9834.1 -9866.87 -9122.56 -8288.74 -7365.41 -6352.58 -5339.75 -4416.43 -3582.61 -2838.3 2805.54 3549.85 4383.67 5307 6319.83 7332.65

-9.86 -9.86 -9.86 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 10.85 10.85 10.85 10.85 10.85 10.85

-1886.87 -1886.87 -1886.87 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 2294.59 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 -1583.23 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 1937.33 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 -1582.91 1937.66 1937.66 1937.66 1937.66 1937.66 1937.66

142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

599.25 599.25 599.25 495.89 495.89 495.89 495.89 495.89 495.89 495.89 495.89 495.89 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 1082.43 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -214.17 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 -761.59 1060.83 1060.83 1060.83 1060.83 1060.83 1060.83

8255.98 9089.8 9834.11 987.41 1157.7 1328 1498.3 1668.59 1838.89 2009.18 2179.48 2349.78 5122.41 5292.7 5463 5633.3 5803.59 5973.89 6144.18 6314.48 6484.78 -6361.33 -6191.03 -6020.74 -5850.44 -5680.14 -5509.85 -5339.55 -5169.25 -4998.96 -2344.3 -2174 -2003.71 -1833.41 -1663.11 -1492.82 -1322.52 -1152.22 -981.93 -1463.8 -1293.51 -1123.21 -952.91 -782.62 -612.32

10.85 10.85 10.85 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97

1937.66 1937.66 1937.66 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 -37.16 882.51 882.51 882.51 882.51 882.51 882.51 882.51 882.51 882.51 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 -1105.89 470.64 470.64 470.64 470.64 470.64 470.64 470.64 470.64 470.64 1115.03 1115.03 1115.03 1115.03 1115.03 1115.03

142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1060.83 1060.83 1060.83 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 1465.09 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -779.11 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 -1144.24 859.88 859.88 859.88 859.88 859.88 859.88 859.88 859.88 859.88 1520.61 1520.61 1520.61 1520.61 1520.61 1520.61

-442.03 -271.73 -101.43 2814.71 2985.01 3155.3 3325.6 3495.89 3666.19 3836.49 4006.78 4177.08 -3910.12 -3739.82 -3569.53 -3399.23 -3228.93 -3058.64 -2888.34 -2718.04 -2547.75 -36.6 133.69 303.99 474.29 644.58 814.88 985.18 1155.47 1325.77 -6192.5 -5448.18 -4614.36 -3691.04 -2678.21 -1665.38 -742.06 91.76 836.08 6538.9 7283.21 8117.03 9040.35 10053.18 11066.01

4.97 4.97 4.97 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.85 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -10.96 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 15.76 15.76 15.76 15.76 15.76 15.76

1115.03 1115.03 1115.03 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 1321.06 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 -2258.08 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 -1048.41 2143.74 2143.74 2143.74 2143.74 2143.74 2143.74

142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

1520.61 1520.61 1520.61 149.82 149.82 149.82 149.82 149.82 149.82 149.82 149.82 149.82 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 -323.4 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1424.82 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 1903.27 -415.12 -415.12 -415.12 -415.12 -415.12 -415.12

11989.34 12823.16 13567.47 -13541.23 -12796.92 -11963.1 -11039.77 -10026.94 -9014.11 -8090.79 -7256.97 -6512.66 -927.81 -183.49 650.32 1573.65 2586.48 3599.31 4522.63 5356.45 6100.76 -8643.71 -7899.39 -7065.57 -6142.25 -5129.42 -4116.59 -3193.27 -2359.45 -1615.13 4231.2 4975.51 5809.33 6732.66 7745.49 8758.32 9681.64 10515.46 11259.77 -11090.02 -10345.71 -9511.89 -8588.56 -7575.73 -6562.9

15.76 15.76 15.76 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 -16.63 -16.63 -16.63 -16.63 -16.63 -16.63

2143.74 2143.74 2143.74 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 -2117.14 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 1731.88 103.78 103.78 103.78 103.78 103.78 103.78 103.78 103.78 103.78 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 2582.29 -3269.33 -3269.33 -3269.33 -3269.33 -3269.33 -3269.33

142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-415.12 -415.12 -415.12 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 -706.06 513.29 513.29 513.29 513.29 513.29 513.29 513.29 513.29 513.29 524.83 524.83 524.83 524.83 524.83 524.83 524.83 524.83 524.83 665.06 665.06 665.06 665.06 665.06 665.06 665.06 665.06 665.06 678.38 678.38 678.38 678.38 678.38 678.38

-5639.58 -4805.76 -4061.45 1379.89 2124.2 2958.02 3881.35 4894.18 5907 6830.33 7664.15 8408.46 -6911.86 -6624.28 -6291.33 -5913.03 -5489.36 -5065.7 -4687.39 -4354.44 -4066.86 4054.63 4342.22 4675.16 5053.47 5477.14 5900.8 6279.11 6612.05 6899.64 -8731.83 -8444.83 -8037.94 -7511.18 -6864.54 -6217.9 -5691.14 -5284.26 -4997.25 4972.11 5259.11 5665.99 6192.75 6839.4 7486.04

-16.63 -3269.33 -16.63 -3269.33 -16.63 -3269.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 5.55 1293.33 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 -6.88 -810.24 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 7 814.75 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 -8.72 -1267.6 8.8 1273.65 8.8 1273.65 8.8 1273.65 8.8 1273.65 8.8 1273.65 8.8 1273.65

143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

678.38 678.38 678.38 582.27 582.27 582.27 582.27 582.27 582.27 582.27 582.27 582.27 594.32 594.32 594.32 594.32 594.32 594.32 594.32 594.32 594.32 580.88 580.88 580.88 580.88 580.88 580.88 580.88 580.88 580.88 592.92 592.92 592.92 592.92 592.92 592.92 592.92 592.92 592.92 492.91 492.91 492.91 492.91 492.91 492.91

8012.8 8419.68 8706.68 -7678.58 -7406.77 -7045.45 -6594.63 -6054.3 -5513.97 -5063.14 -4701.83 -4430.01 4410.37 4682.18 5043.5 5494.32 6034.65 6574.98 7025.81 7387.13 7658.94 -7678.99 -7407.18 -7045.86 -6595.04 -6054.71 -5514.38 -5063.55 -4702.23 -4430.42 4410.77 4682.59 5043.91 5494.73 6035.06 6575.39 7026.21 7387.53 7659.35 514.59 684.89 855.19 1025.48 1195.78 1366.08

8.8 8.8 8.8 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69

1273.65 1273.65 1273.65 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 -1052.91 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 1058.15 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 -1052.72 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 1057.95 -77.42 -77.42 -77.42 -77.42 -77.42 -77.42

143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

492.91 492.91 492.91 494.62 494.62 494.62 494.62 494.62 494.62 494.62 494.62 494.62 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -65.05 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 -56.81 961.41 961.41 961.41 961.41 961.41 961.41 961.41 961.41 961.41 986.53 986.53 986.53 986.53 986.53 986.53

1536.37 1706.67 1876.96 5358.94 5529.24 5699.54 5869.83 6040.13 6210.42 6380.72 6551.02 6721.31 -6727.62 -6557.32 -6387.03 -6216.73 -6046.43 -5876.14 -5705.84 -5535.54 -5365.25 -1880.76 -1710.47 -1540.17 -1369.88 -1199.58 -1029.28 -858.99 -688.69 -518.39 -1969.95 -1799.66 -1629.36 -1459.06 -1288.77 -1118.47 -948.17 -777.88 -607.58 2871.42 3041.72 3212.01 3382.31 3552.61 3722.9

1.69 1.69 1.69 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27

-77.42 -77.42 -77.42 721.93 721.93 721.93 721.93 721.93 721.93 721.93 721.93 721.93 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 -721.3 77.71 77.71 77.71 77.71 77.71 77.71 77.71 77.71 77.71 588.9 588.9 588.9 588.9 588.9 588.9 588.9 588.9 588.9 1387.15 1387.15 1387.15 1387.15 1387.15 1387.15

143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

986.53 986.53 986.53 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -533.56 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 -548.72 859.24 859.24 859.24 859.24 859.24 859.24 859.24 859.24 859.24 868 868 868 868 868 868 868 868 868 301.28 301.28 301.28 301.28 301.28 301.28

3893.2 4063.5 4233.79 -4243.07 -4072.77 -3902.48 -3732.18 -3561.89 -3391.59 -3221.29 -3051 -2880.7 606.76 777.05 947.35 1117.65 1287.94 1458.24 1628.53 1798.83 1969.13 -4058.07 -3786.26 -3424.94 -2974.11 -2433.79 -1893.46 -1442.63 -1081.31 -809.5 8030.81 8302.63 8663.95 9114.77 9655.1 10195.43 10646.25 11007.57 11279.39 -11300.28 -11028.47 -10667.15 -10216.33 -9676 -9135.67

8.27 8.27 8.27 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -2.78 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 -12.02 -12.02 -12.02 -12.02 -12.02 -12.02

1387.15 1387.15 1387.15 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -1387.63 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -587.51 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 -730.69 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 1379.97 -1374.57 -1374.57 -1374.57 -1374.57 -1374.57 -1374.57

143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

301.28 301.28 301.28 316.57 316.57 316.57 316.57 316.57 316.57 316.57 316.57 316.57 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1327.74 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 1359.91 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -167.23 -175.34 -175.34 -175.34 -175.34 -175.34 -175.34

-8684.84 -8323.52 -8051.71 791.11 1062.92 1424.24 1875.06 2415.39 2955.72 3406.55 3767.87 4039.68 -6542.62 -6270.8 -5909.49 -5458.66 -4918.33 -4378 -3927.18 -3565.86 -3294.05 5543.29 5815.11 6176.43 6627.25 7167.58 7707.91 8158.73 8520.05 8791.87 -8815.74 -8543.92 -8182.6 -7731.78 -7191.45 -6651.12 -6200.3 -5838.98 -5567.16 3278.63 3550.44 3911.76 4362.58 4902.91 5443.24

-12.02 -12.02 -12.02 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 -13.62 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22

-1374.57 -1374.57 -1374.57 735.75 735.75 735.75 735.75 735.75 735.75 735.75 735.75 735.75 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 -64.36 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 2045.19 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 -2040.89 70.53 70.53 70.53 70.53 70.53 70.53

143 143 143 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-175.34 5894.07 -175.34 6255.39 -175.34 6527.2 598.67 -9786.98 598.67 -8948.14 598.67 -8063.95 598.67 -7134.39 598.67 -6159.48 598.67 -5184.56 598.67 -4255.01 598.67 -3370.81 598.67 -2531.98 503.53 2577.24 503.53 3416.08 503.53 4300.27 503.53 5229.83 503.53 6204.74 503.53 7179.66 503.53 8109.21 503.53 8993.41 503.53 9832.25 721.24 -10740.61 721.24 -9981.11 721.24 -9101.73 721.24 -8102.47 721.24 -6983.33 721.24 -5864.19 721.24 -4864.92 721.24 -3985.54 721.24 -3226.04 612.01 3185.37 612.01 3944.87 612.01 4824.25 612.01 5823.51 612.01 6942.65 612.01 8061.8 612.01 9061.06 612.01 9940.44 612.01 10699.94 644.94 -9858.68 644.94 -9114.37 644.94 -8280.55 644.94 -7357.23 644.94 -6344.4 644.94 -5331.57

2.22 2.22 2.22 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11

70.53 70.53 70.53 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 -1568.21 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 1271.29 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 -2295.04 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 1908.43 -1938.08 -1938.08 -1938.08 -1938.08 -1938.08 -1938.08

144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

644.94 644.94 644.94 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 643.46 643.46 643.46 643.46 643.46 643.46 643.46 643.46 643.46 544.54 544.54 544.54 544.54 544.54 544.54 544.54 544.54 544.54 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 1081.62 558.9 558.9 558.9 558.9 558.9 558.9

-4408.24 -3574.42 -2830.11 2819.27 3563.59 4397.41 5320.73 6333.56 7346.39 8269.71 9103.53 9847.85 -9858.7 -9114.38 -8280.56 -7357.24 -6344.41 -5331.58 -4408.26 -3574.44 -2830.12 2819.26 3563.57 4397.39 5320.71 6333.54 7346.37 8269.7 9103.52 9847.83 973.44 1143.74 1314.03 1484.33 1654.62 1824.92 1995.22 2165.51 2335.81 4996.87 5167.16 5337.46 5507.75 5678.05 5848.35

-11 -11 -11 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 -10.98 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19

-1938.08 -1938.08 -1938.08 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 1601.76 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 -1938.41 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 1601.45 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 -470.66 1110.42 1110.42 1110.42 1110.42 1110.42 1110.42

144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

558.9 558.9 558.9 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -727.38 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 -249.74 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1538.16 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 1164.83 -1183.91 -1183.91 -1183.91 -1183.91 -1183.91 -1183.91

6018.64 6188.94 6359.24 -6487.84 -6317.54 -6147.24 -5976.95 -5806.65 -5636.35 -5466.06 -5295.76 -5125.46 -2357.78 -2187.48 -2017.19 -1846.89 -1676.59 -1506.3 -1336 -1165.7 -995.41 -1341.8 -1171.51 -1001.21 -830.91 -660.62 -490.32 -320.03 -149.73 20.57 2551.8 2722.1 2892.39 3062.69 3232.99 3403.28 3573.58 3743.88 3914.17 -4172.59 -4002.3 -3832 -3661.7 -3491.41 -3321.11

7.19 7.19 7.19 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 -9.14 -9.14 -9.14 -9.14 -9.14 -9.14

1110.42 1110.42 1110.42 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 -882.22 37.68 37.68 37.68 37.68 37.68 37.68 37.68 37.68 37.68 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 -31.6 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 2257.8 -1321.28 -1321.28 -1321.28 -1321.28 -1321.28 -1321.28

144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1183.91 -1183.91 -1183.91 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 -855.67 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 1547.28 948.37 948.37 948.37 948.37 948.37 948.37 948.37 948.37 948.37 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 -261.72 139.72 139.72 139.72 139.72 139.72 139.72

-3150.81 -2980.52 -2810.22 87.28 257.58 427.88 598.17 768.47 938.77 1109.06 1279.36 1449.66 -6128.06 -5383.75 -4549.93 -3626.61 -2613.78 -1600.95 -677.62 156.19 900.51 6496.57 7240.89 8074.7 8998.03 10010.86 11023.69 11947.01 12780.83 13525.15 -13589.34 -12845.03 -12011.21 -11087.88 -10075.05 -9062.22 -8138.9 -7305.08 -6560.77 -858.07 -113.76 720.06 1643.38 2656.21 3669.04

-9.14 -9.14 -9.14 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 -16.12 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35

-1321.28 -1321.28 -1321.28 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1109.69 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 -1732.78 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 2137.68 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 1064.94 1064.94 1064.94 1064.94 1064.94 1064.94

144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 145 145

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

139.72 4592.37 139.72 5426.19 139.72 6170.5 2003.82 -8443.31 2003.82 -7698.99 2003.82 -6865.17 2003.82 -5941.85 2003.82 -4929.02 2003.82 -3916.19 2003.82 -2992.87 2003.82 -2159.05 2003.82 -1414.73 1554.29 4051.51 1554.29 4795.82 1554.29 5629.64 1554.29 6552.97 1554.29 7565.79 1554.29 8578.62 1554.29 9501.95 1554.29 10335.77 1554.29 11080.08 -718.26 -11274.1 -718.26 -10529.78 -718.26 -9695.96 -718.26 -8772.64 -718.26 -7759.81 -718.26 -6746.98 -718.26 -5823.66 -718.26 -4989.84 -718.26 -4245.52 -466.2 1586.99 -466.2 2331.31 -466.2 3165.12 -466.2 4088.45 -466.2 5101.28 -466.2 6114.11 -466.2 7037.43 -466.2 7871.25 -466.2 8615.56 481.29 -9771.53 481.29 -8932.7 481.29 -8048.5 481.29 -7118.95 481.29 -6144.03 481.29 -5169.12

4.35 4.35 4.35 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 -5.42 16.45 16.45 16.45 16.45 16.45 16.45 16.45 16.45 16.45 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 -8.25 -8.25 -8.25 -8.25 -8.25 -8.25

1064.94 1064.94 1064.94 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 -1293.72 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 3285.05 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -2583.4 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -82.43 -1350.7 -1350.7 -1350.7 -1350.7 -1350.7 -1350.7

145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

481.29 -4239.56 481.29 -3355.36 481.29 -2516.53 446.62 2560.35 446.62 3399.19 446.62 4283.38 446.62 5212.94 446.62 6187.85 446.62 7162.77 446.62 8092.32 446.62 8976.52 446.62 9815.35 583.11 -10671.53 583.11 -9912.03 583.11 -9032.65 583.11 -8033.39 583.11 -6914.25 583.11 -5795.11 583.11 -4795.84 583.11 -3916.46 583.11 -3156.96 524.08 3209.14 524.08 3968.64 524.08 4848.02 524.08 5847.28 524.08 6966.42 524.08 8085.57 524.08 9084.83 524.08 9964.21 524.08 10723.71 520.19 -9810.6 520.19 -9066.28 520.19 -8232.46 520.19 -7309.14 520.19 -6296.31 520.19 -5283.48 520.19 -4360.16 520.19 -3526.34 520.19 -2782.02 471.93 2828.68 471.93 3572.99 471.93 4406.81 471.93 5330.14 471.93 6342.96 471.93 7355.79

-8.25 -8.25 -8.25 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 -10.52 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18

-1350.7 -1350.7 -1350.7 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 1359.03 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 -2011.52 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 2015.08 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 -1691.49 1696.4 1696.4 1696.4 1696.4 1696.4 1696.4

145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

471.93 471.93 471.93 519.3 519.3 519.3 519.3 519.3 519.3 519.3 519.3 519.3 471.23 471.23 471.23 471.23 471.23 471.23 471.23 471.23 471.23 644.14 644.14 644.14 644.14 644.14 644.14 644.14 644.14 644.14 674.84 674.84 674.84 674.84 674.84 674.84 674.84 674.84 674.84 -345.6 -345.6 -345.6 -345.6 -345.6 -345.6

8279.12 9112.94 9857.25 -9810.56 -9066.25 -8232.43 -7309.11 -6296.28 -5283.45 -4360.12 -3526.3 -2781.99 2828.68 3572.99 4406.81 5330.14 6342.97 7355.8 8279.12 9112.94 9857.25 1006.76 1177.05 1347.35 1517.65 1687.94 1858.24 2028.53 2198.83 2369.13 5084.05 5254.35 5424.64 5594.94 5765.24 5935.53 6105.83 6276.12 6446.42 -6411.74 -6241.44 -6071.15 -5900.85 -5730.55 -5560.26

8.18 8.18 8.18 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 -7.16 -7.16 -7.16 -7.16 -7.16 -7.16

1696.4 1696.4 1696.4 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 -1691.37 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 1696.28 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 -184.09 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 1050.92 -1017.89 -1017.89 -1017.89 -1017.89 -1017.89 -1017.89

145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-345.6 -345.6 -345.6 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 -406.72 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 1057.21 865.87 865.87 865.87 865.87 865.87 865.87 865.87 865.87 865.87 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -758.67 -597.75 -597.75 -597.75 -597.75 -597.75 -597.75

-5389.96 -5219.66 -5049.37 -2360.19 -2189.89 -2019.6 -1849.3 -1679.01 -1508.71 -1338.41 -1168.12 -997.82 -1386.29 -1215.99 -1045.7 -875.4 -705.1 -534.81 -364.51 -194.21 -23.92 2718.12 2888.42 3058.71 3229.01 3399.31 3569.6 3739.9 3910.2 4080.49 -4018.69 -3848.4 -3678.1 -3507.8 -3337.51 -3167.21 -2996.92 -2826.62 -2656.32 5.74 176.03 346.33 516.63 686.92 857.22

-7.16 -7.16 -7.16 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.38

-1017.89 -1017.89 -1017.89 145.36 145.36 145.36 145.36 145.36 145.36 145.36 145.36 145.36 735.35 735.35 735.35 735.35 735.35 735.35 735.35 735.35 735.35 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 1958.99 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -1937.33 -762.71 -762.71 -762.71 -762.71 -762.71 -762.71

145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-597.75 -597.75 -597.75 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1013.76 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 1011.69 24.02 24.02 24.02 24.02 24.02 24.02 24.02 24.02 24.02 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 -69.87 1426.83 1426.83 1426.83 1426.83 1426.83 1426.83

1027.52 1197.81 1368.11 -6101.3 -5356.99 -4523.17 -3599.84 -2587.02 -1574.19 -650.86 182.96 927.27 6550.8 7295.12 8128.94 9052.26 10065.09 11077.92 12001.24 12835.06 13579.38 -13519.8 -12775.48 -11941.66 -11018.34 -10005.51 -8992.68 -8069.36 -7235.54 -6491.22 -893.44 -149.13 684.69 1608.02 2620.85 3633.68 4557 5390.82 6135.13 -8494.35 -7750.03 -6916.21 -5992.89 -4980.06 -3967.23

-5.38 -5.38 -5.38 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 -13.3 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01

-762.71 -762.71 -762.71 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 -1274.42 2149 2149 2149 2149 2149 2149 2149 2149 2149 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 -2108.22 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 1243.44 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98 -354.98

145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1426.83 -3043.91 1426.83 -2210.09 1426.83 -1465.77 1202.72 4184.87 1202.72 4929.19 1202.72 5763.01 1202.72 6686.33 1202.72 7699.16 1202.72 8711.99 1202.72 9635.31 1202.72 10469.13 1202.72 11213.45 -389.05 -11126.75 -389.05 -10382.44 -389.05 -9548.62 -389.05 -8625.29 -389.05 -7612.47 -389.05 -6599.64 -389.05 -5676.31 -389.05 -4842.49 -389.05 -4098.18 -260.91 1472.49 -260.91 2216.8 -260.91 3050.62 -260.91 3973.95 -260.91 4986.78 -260.91 5999.61 -260.91 6922.93 -260.91 7756.75 -260.91 8501.06 519.48 -10217.6 519.48 -9378.77 519.48 -8494.57 519.48 -7565.02 519.48 -6590.1 519.48 -5615.19 519.48 -4685.63 519.48 -3801.44 519.48 -2962.6 581.28 2295.94 581.28 3134.78 581.28 4018.97 581.28 4948.53 581.28 5923.44 581.28 6898.36

-4.01 -4.01 -4.01 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 0.01874 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3

-354.98 -354.98 -354.98 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 3057.08 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 -3027.66 335.37 335.37 335.37 335.37 335.37 335.37 335.37 335.37 335.37 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 -1141.91 1941.65 1941.65 1941.65 1941.65 1941.65 1941.65

146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

581.28 581.28 581.28 590.58 590.58 590.58 590.58 590.58 590.58 590.58 590.58 590.58 650.12 650.12 650.12 650.12 650.12 650.12 650.12 650.12 650.12 536.84 536.84 536.84 536.84 536.84 536.84 536.84 536.84 536.84 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 536.2 536.2 536.2 536.2 536.2 536.2

7827.91 8712.11 9550.94 -11236.86 -10477.36 -9597.97 -8598.71 -7479.57 -6360.43 -5361.17 -4481.79 -3722.28 2928.11 3687.61 4566.99 5566.25 6685.39 7804.53 8803.8 9683.18 10442.68 -10307.27 -9562.95 -8729.13 -7805.81 -6792.98 -5780.15 -4856.83 -4023.01 -3278.69 2568.09 3312.4 4146.22 5069.54 6082.37 7095.2 8018.53 8852.35 9596.66 -10307.27 -9562.95 -8729.13 -7805.81 -6792.98 -5780.15

5.3 5.3 5.3 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 -9.46 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2

1941.65 1941.65 1941.65 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 -1815.7 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 2715.52 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 -1501.98 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 2321.39 -1501.87 -1501.87 -1501.87 -1501.87 -1501.87 -1501.87

146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

536.2 536.2 536.2 593.29 593.29 593.29 593.29 593.29 593.29 593.29 593.29 593.29 348.58 348.58 348.58 348.58 348.58 348.58 348.58 348.58 348.58 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 1004.33 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -36.54 -626.61 -626.61 -626.61 -626.61 -626.61 -626.61

-4856.83 -4023.01 -3278.69 2568.05 3312.37 4146.19 5069.51 6082.34 7095.17 8018.49 8852.31 9596.63 590.99 761.29 931.59 1101.88 1272.18 1442.47 1612.77 1783.07 1953.36 4667.13 4837.43 5007.73 5178.02 5348.32 5518.61 5688.91 5859.21 6029.5 -6324.1 -6153.8 -5983.5 -5813.21 -5642.91 -5472.62 -5302.32 -5132.02 -4961.73 -2118.2 -1947.9 -1777.6 -1607.31 -1437.01 -1266.71

-8.2 -1501.87 -8.2 -1501.87 -8.2 -1501.87 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 6.18 2321.32 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 2.36 -99.95 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 3.81 1266.99 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 -7.76 -972.01 0.69 264.3 0.69 264.3 0.69 264.3 0.69 264.3 0.69 264.3 0.69 264.3

146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-626.61 -626.61 -626.61 584.37 584.37 584.37 584.37 584.37 584.37 584.37 584.37 584.37 646.38 646.38 646.38 646.38 646.38 646.38 646.38 646.38 646.38 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -272.34 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 -268.65 728.47 728.47 728.47 728.47 728.47 728.47

-1096.42 -926.12 -755.82 -1591.1 -1420.8 -1250.51 -1080.21 -909.91 -739.62 -569.32 -399.02 -228.73 2515.85 2686.14 2856.44 3026.74 3197.03 3367.33 3537.63 3707.92 3878.22 -4142.01 -3971.71 -3801.41 -3631.12 -3460.82 -3290.52 -3120.23 -2949.93 -2779.64 33.09 203.39 373.68 543.98 714.28 884.57 1054.87 1225.16 1395.46 -6849.72 -6105.41 -5271.59 -4348.26 -3335.43 -2322.61

0.69 0.69 0.69 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13

264.3 264.3 264.3 800.14 800.14 800.14 800.14 800.14 800.14 800.14 800.14 800.14 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 2206.99 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -1872.09 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -675.71 -1065.79 -1065.79 -1065.79 -1065.79 -1065.79 -1065.79

146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

728.47 728.47 728.47 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 1408.43 343.34 343.34 343.34 343.34 343.34 343.34 343.34 343.34 343.34 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 -222.51 964.26 964.26 964.26 964.26 964.26 964.26 964.26 964.26 964.26 1050.48 1050.48 1050.48 1050.48 1050.48 1050.48

-1399.28 -565.46 178.85 5960.7 6705.02 7538.83 8462.16 9474.99 10487.82 11411.14 12244.96 12989.28 -13764.81 -13020.5 -12186.68 -11263.35 -10250.52 -9237.69 -8314.37 -7480.55 -6736.24 -824.63 -80.31 753.51 1676.83 2689.66 3702.49 4625.81 5459.63 6203.95 -9031.81 -8287.5 -7453.68 -6530.35 -5517.53 -4504.7 -3581.37 -2747.55 -2003.24 3809.42 4553.73 5387.55 6310.87 7323.7 8336.53

-3.13 -3.13 -3.13 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2

-1065.79 -1065.79 -1065.79 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 2822.63 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 -1937.85 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 1819.94 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 -165.71 3762.63 3762.63 3762.63 3762.63 3762.63 3762.63

146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1050.48 9259.86 1050.48 10093.68 1050.48 10837.99 107.55 -11582.72 107.55 -10838.41 107.55 -10004.59 107.55 -9081.26 107.55 -8068.43 107.55 -7055.6 107.55 -6132.28 107.55 -5298.46 107.55 -4554.15 135.45 1326.66 135.45 2070.97 135.45 2904.79 135.45 3828.12 135.45 4840.95 135.45 5853.78 135.45 6777.1 135.45 7610.92 135.45 8355.23 249.97 -2078.73 249.97 -1813.82 249.97 -1548.92 249.97 -1284.01 249.97 -1019.11 249.97 -754.2 249.97 -489.3 249.97 -224.39 249.97 40.51 247.99 -2064.19 247.99 -1837.13 247.99 -1610.07 247.99 -1383 247.99 -1155.94 247.99 -928.88 247.99 -701.82 247.99 -474.76 247.99 -247.7 235.92 -1956.09 235.92 -1729.03 235.92 -1501.97 235.92 -1274.9 235.92 -1047.84 235.92 -820.78

10.2 10.2 10.2 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 -12.21 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39

3762.63 3762.63 3762.63 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 -2837.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 879.94 494.33 494.33 494.33 494.33 494.33 494.33 494.33 494.33 494.33 697.25 697.25 697.25 697.25 697.25 697.25 697.25 697.25 697.25 594.63 594.63 594.63 594.63 594.63 594.63

147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

235.92 235.92 235.92 235.43 235.43 235.43 235.43 235.43 235.43 235.43 235.43 235.43 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 1030.33 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 -915.47 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14 -280.14

-593.72 -366.66 -139.59 -1957.96 -1730.9 -1503.84 -1276.78 -1049.72 -822.65 -595.59 -368.53 -141.47 11274.87 11445.16 11615.46 11785.75 11956.05 12126.35 12296.64 12466.94 12637.24 -13187.29 -13017 -12846.7 -12676.41 -12506.11 -12335.81 -12165.52 -11995.22 -11824.92 2763.37 2933.67 3103.97 3274.26 3444.56 3614.86 3785.15 3955.45 4125.74 -4675.8 -4505.51 -4335.21 -4164.91 -3994.62 -3824.32

-3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 -10.01 11.05 11.05 11.05 11.05 11.05 11.05 11.05 11.05 11.05 -12.04 -12.04 -12.04 -12.04 -12.04 -12.04

594.63 594.63 594.63 594.67 594.67 594.67 594.67 594.67 594.67 594.67 594.67 594.67 225.69 225.69 225.69 225.69 225.69 225.69 225.69 225.69 225.69 92.36 92.36 92.36 92.36 92.36 92.36 92.36 92.36 92.36 258.59 258.59 258.59 258.59 258.59 258.59 258.59 258.59 258.59 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46

147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 149 149 149 149 149 149

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.36667 1,4D 1.73333 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-280.14 -280.14 -280.14 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 -737.7 572.77 572.77 572.77 572.77 572.77 572.77 572.77 572.77 572.77 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 -102.37 163.46 163.46 163.46 163.46 163.46 163.46

-3654.02 -3483.73 -3313.43 10272.27 10499.33 10726.39 10953.45 11180.51 11407.58 11634.64 11861.7 12088.76 -14189.89 -13962.83 -13735.77 -13508.71 -13281.65 -13054.58 -12827.52 -12600.46 -12373.4 1760.77 1987.84 2214.9 2441.96 2669.02 2896.08 3123.14 3350.21 3577.27 -5678.4 -5451.34 -5224.28 -4997.22 -4770.15 -4543.09 -4316.03 -4088.97 -3861.91 -4973.87 -4067.03 -3160.2 -2656.2 -2419.81 -2183.43

-12.04 -12.04 -12.04 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 -12.9 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -14.93 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33

59.46 59.46 59.46 661.35 661.35 661.35 661.35 661.35 661.35 661.35 661.35 661.35 528.01 528.01 528.01 528.01 528.01 528.01 528.01 528.01 528.01 694.25 694.25 694.25 694.25 694.25 694.25 694.25 694.25 694.25 495.12 495.12 495.12 495.12 495.12 495.12 495.12 495.12 495.12 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149

2.1 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.6 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.46667 1,4D 5.83333 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.7 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.36667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.83333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

163.46 163.46 163.46 163.46 163.46 163.46 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 157.92 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 159.29 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 149.44 152.08 152.08 152.08

-1947.05 -1682.45 -1360.11 -1037.77 -773.17 -450.83 430.83 753.17 1017.77 1340.1 1662.44 1927.04 2163.43 2399.81 2636.19 3140.19 4047.03 4953.87 -4794.99 -4017.7 -3240.41 -2808.41 -2605.8 -2403.19 -2200.57 -1973.77 -1697.48 -1421.19 -1194.39 -918.1 881.51 1157.8 1384.6 1660.89 1937.18 2163.98 2366.6 2569.21 2771.82 3203.82 3981.12 4758.41 -4596.06 -3818.77 -3041.48

-1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03

-560.83 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83 -560.83 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 565.4 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 -931.68 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 937.85 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149

1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.36667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.83333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

152.08 152.08 152.08 152.08 152.08 152.08 152.08 152.08 152.08 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 144.15 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 152.09 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16

-2609.48 -2406.87 -2204.25 -2001.64 -1774.84 -1498.55 -1222.26 -995.46 -719.17 689.87 966.16 1192.96 1469.25 1745.54 1972.34 2174.96 2377.57 2580.18 3012.18 3789.48 4566.77 -4595.68 -3818.39 -3041.1 -2609.1 -2406.49 -2203.87 -2001.26 -1774.46 -1498.17 -1221.88 -995.08 -718.79 689.49 965.78 1192.58 1468.87 1745.16 1971.96 2174.58 2377.19 2579.8 3011.8 3789.09 4566.38

-1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76

-762.7 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7 -762.7 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 768.02 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 -762.58 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91 767.91

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.36667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.83333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.36667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.83333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 649.38 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 651.82 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -478.95 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76 -483.76

2378.43 2567.65 2756.87 2756.87 2895.63 3034.39 3173.15 3173.15 3362.37 3551.59 3551.59 3740.8 4450.94 4640.16 4640.16 4829.37 5018.59 5018.59 5157.35 5296.11 5434.87 5434.87 5624.09 5813.31 -5816.47 -5627.25 -5438.04 -5438.04 -5299.28 -5160.52 -5021.76 -5021.76 -4832.54 -4643.32 -4643.32 -4454.1 -3750.76 -3561.54 -3561.54 -3372.32 -3183.11 -3183.11 -3044.35 -2905.59 -2766.83

6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77

-84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 -84.94 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 491.87 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 -491.2 85.61 85.61 85.61 85.61 85.61 85.61 85.61 85.61 85.61

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149

6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.36667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.83333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.36667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-483.76 -483.76 -483.76 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 561.98 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 568.95 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -391.55 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89

-2766.83 -2577.61 -2388.39 -212.01 -22.79 166.42 166.42 305.18 443.94 582.7 582.7 771.92 961.14 961.14 1150.36 1868.38 2057.6 2057.6 2246.82 2436.04 2436.04 2574.8 2713.56 2852.32 2852.32 3041.54 3230.75 -3226.03 -3036.81 -2847.59 -2847.59 -2708.83 -2570.07 -2431.31 -2431.31 -2242.09 -2052.87 -2052.87 -1863.65 -1168.21 -978.99 -978.99 -789.77 -600.55 -600.55

-6.77 -6.77 -6.77 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -9.79 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9

85.61 85.61 85.61 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 307.31 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 883.16 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -883.45 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149

5.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.83333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-400.89 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89 -400.89 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 716.26 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 711.95 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -412.06 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62

-461.79 -323.03 -184.27 -184.27 4.94 194.16 -498.05 279.24 1056.53 1488.53 1691.14 1893.75 2096.37 2323.17 2599.46 2875.75 3102.55 3378.84 4790.17 5066.46 5293.26 5569.55 5845.84 6072.64 6275.25 6477.86 6680.48 7112.48 7889.77 8667.06 -8692.96 -7915.67 -7138.38 -6706.38 -6503.77 -6301.15 -6098.54 -5871.74 -5595.45 -5319.16 -5092.36 -4816.07 -3411.53 -3135.24 -2908.44

-8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -8.35 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39

-305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -305.69 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 970.99 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 -965.66 564.73 564.73 564.73

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149

4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-423.62 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62 -423.62 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 628.86 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 629.09 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66 -324.66

-2632.15 -2355.86 -2129.06 -1926.45 -1723.83 -1521.22 -1089.22 -311.93 465.36 -3088.5 -2311.21 -1533.92 -1101.92 -899.31 -696.69 -494.08 -267.28 9.01 285.3 512.1 788.39 2207.61 2483.9 2710.7 2986.99 3263.29 3490.09 3692.7 3895.31 4097.92 4529.92 5307.22 6084.51 -6102.51 -5325.22 -4547.93 -4115.93 -3913.32 -3710.71 -3508.09 -3281.29 -3005 -2728.71 -2501.91 -2225.62

-6.39 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39 -6.39 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39 -10.39

564.73 564.73 564.73 564.73 564.73 564.73 564.73 564.73 564.73 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 -167.15 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 1362.29 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91 -1357.91

149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -340.75 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -117.27 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -130.37 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -116.48 -132.61 -132.61 -132.61 -132.61 -132.61 -132.61

-828.98 -552.69 -325.89 -49.6 226.69 453.49 656.11 858.72 1061.33 1493.33 2270.62 3047.91 -8755.43 -7916.6 -7032.4 -6102.85 -5127.93 -4153.01 -3223.46 -2339.26 -1500.43 940.65 1779.48 2663.68 3593.23 4568.15 5543.06 6472.62 7356.81 8195.65 -9276.27 -8516.76 -7637.38 -6638.12 -5518.98 -4399.84 -3400.58 -2521.19 -1761.69 1234.61 1994.11 2873.49 3872.75 4991.89 6111.03

-8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67

173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 173.43 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 -149.58 172.09 172.09 172.09 172.09 172.09 172.09 172.09 172.09 172.09 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 -496.88 496.01 496.01 496.01 496.01 496.01 496.01

206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-132.61 -132.61 -132.61 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -127.22 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -110.81 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 -125.14 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1

7110.3 7989.68 8749.18 -8612.6 -7868.28 -7034.47 -6111.14 -5098.31 -4085.48 -3162.16 -2328.34 -1584.02 1074.08 1818.39 2652.21 3575.54 4588.37 5601.2 6524.52 7358.34 8102.65 -8612.01 -7867.7 -7033.88 -6110.55 -5097.73 -4084.9 -3161.57 -2327.75 -1583.44 1073.99 1818.31 2652.13 3575.45 4588.28 5601.11 6524.43 7358.25 8102.57 -739.46 -569.17 -398.87 -228.58 -58.28 112.02

0.67 0.67 0.67 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 7.97 7.97 7.97 7.97 7.97 7.97

496.01 496.01 496.01 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 -359.45 365.95 365.95 365.95 365.95 365.95 365.95 365.95 365.95 365.95 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 -358.75 365.41 365.41 365.41 365.41 365.41 365.41 365.41 365.41 365.41 948.55 948.55 948.55 948.55 948.55 948.55

206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

38.1 38.1 38.1 273.41 273.41 273.41 273.41 273.41 273.41 273.41 273.41 273.41 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -149.92 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 -397.55 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 546.12 546.12 546.12 546.12 546.12 546.12

282.31 452.61 622.91 2403.73 2574.02 2744.32 2914.61 3084.91 3255.21 3425.5 3595.8 3766.1 -3724.37 -3554.07 -3383.78 -3213.48 -3043.18 -2872.89 -2702.59 -2532.3 -2362 -760.14 -589.85 -419.55 -249.25 -78.96 91.34 261.63 431.93 602.23 1478.98 1649.28 1819.57 1989.87 2160.17 2330.46 2500.76 2671.05 2841.35 4577.67 4747.96 4918.26 5088.55 5258.85 5429.15

7.97 7.97 7.97 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52

948.55 948.55 948.55 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 1245.19 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -1266.03 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 -933.85 178.94 178.94 178.94 178.94 178.94 178.94 178.94 178.94 178.94 489.97 489.97 489.97 489.97 489.97 489.97

206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

546.12 546.12 546.12 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -163.92 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -670.26 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 -15.95 211.28 211.28 211.28 211.28 211.28 211.28 211.28 211.28 211.28 -203.98 -203.98 -203.98 -203.98 -203.98 -203.98

5599.44 5769.74 5940.04 -5942.81 -5772.52 -5602.22 -5431.93 -5261.63 -5091.33 -4921.04 -4750.74 -4580.44 -2934.08 -2763.79 -2593.49 -2423.19 -2252.9 -2082.6 -1912.31 -1742.01 -1571.71 -7119.29 -6374.98 -5541.16 -4617.83 -3605.01 -2592.18 -1668.85 -835.03 -90.72 2655.89 3400.2 4234.02 5157.35 6170.18 7183.01 8106.33 8940.15 9684.46 -10104.2 -9359.88 -8526.06 -7602.74 -6589.91 -5577.08

5.52 5.52 5.52 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 -9.07 -9.07 -9.07 -9.07 -9.07 -9.07

489.97 489.97 489.97 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 -178.63 748.86 748.86 748.86 748.86 748.86 748.86 748.86 748.86 748.86 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 1454.68 -1465.73 -1465.73 -1465.73 -1465.73 -1465.73 -1465.73

206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-203.98 -4653.76 -203.98 -3819.94 -203.98 -3075.62 -459.67 -507.98 -459.67 236.33 -459.67 1070.15 -459.67 1993.48 -459.67 3006.31 -459.67 4019.14 -459.67 4942.46 -459.67 5776.28 -459.67 6520.59 -1.96 -4900.85 -1.96 -4156.53 -1.96 -3322.71 -1.96 -2399.39 -1.96 -1386.56 -1.96 -373.73 -1.96 549.59 -1.96 1383.41 -1.96 2127.73 484 4829.83 484 5574.14 484 6407.96 484 7331.29 484 8344.12 484 9356.95 484 10280.27 484 11114.09 484 11858.4 -217.97 -12322.64 -217.97 -11578.33 -217.97 -10744.51 -217.97 -9821.18 -217.97 -8808.36 -217.97 -7795.53 -217.97 -6872.2 -217.97 -6038.38 -217.97 -5294.07 -732.39 -2681.92 -732.39 -1937.6 -732.39 -1103.79 -732.39 -180.46 -732.39 832.37 -732.39 1845.2

-9.07 -1465.73 -9.07 -1465.73 -9.07 -1465.73 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 -6.98 -724.35 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 2.55 -20.75 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 5.79 699.47 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.03 -696.12 -4.61 30.87 -4.61 30.87 -4.61 30.87 -4.61 30.87 -4.61 30.87 -4.61 30.87

206 206 206 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-732.39 -732.39 -732.39 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -47.24 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.82 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -1.78 -1.78 -1.78 -1.78 -1.78 -1.78

2768.52 3602.34 4346.66 -4280.82 -3345.98 -2355.14 -1308.3 -209.95 888.41 1935.25 2926.09 3860.93 -4529.59 -3678.3 -2679.01 -1531.71 -248.26 1035.19 2182.48 3181.77 4033.06 -4207.87 -3375.33 -2432.29 -1378.75 -223.55 931.65 1985.19 2928.23 3760.77 -4207.1 -3374.56 -2431.52 -1377.98 -222.78 932.42 1985.96 2929 3761.54 2128.63 2317.85 2507.07 2696.28 2885.5 3074.72

-4.61 -4.61 -4.61 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.05299 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.0851 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 -0.08408 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78

30.87 30.87 30.87 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 12.67 12.67 12.67 12.67 12.67 12.67

207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1.78 -1.78 -1.78 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -24.09 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -17.92 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -54.11 -54.11 -54.11 -54.11 -54.11 -54.11

3263.94 3453.16 3642.37 -3735.87 -3546.65 -3357.43 -3168.22 -2979 -2789.78 -2600.56 -2411.34 -2222.13 7775.75 7964.97 8154.19 8343.4 8532.62 8721.84 8911.06 9100.28 9289.49 -9382.99 -9193.77 -9004.55 -8815.34 -8626.12 -8436.9 -8247.68 -8058.46 -7869.25 -1274.5 -441.96 501.08 1554.62 2709.82 3865.02 4918.56 5861.6 6694.14 -7139 -6306.46 -5363.42 -4309.88 -3154.68 -1999.48

0.78 0.78 0.78 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93

12.67 12.67 12.67 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7

207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-54.11 -945.94 -54.11 -2.9 -54.11 829.64 -37.97 4372.62 -37.97 5205.16 -37.97 6148.2 -37.97 7201.74 -37.97 8356.94 -37.97 9512.14 -37.97 10565.68 -37.97 11508.72 -37.97 12341.27 -47.95 -12786.12 -47.95 -11953.58 -47.95 -11010.54 -47.95 -9957 -47.95 -8801.8 -47.95 -7646.6 -47.95 -6593.06 -47.95 -5650.02 -47.95 -4817.48 -122.97 -8369.5 -122.97 -7530.67 -122.97 -6646.47 -122.97 -5716.91 -122.97 -4742 -122.97 -3767.08 -122.97 -2837.53 -122.97 -1953.33 -122.97 -1114.5 -127.73 1311.26 -127.73 2150.09 -127.73 3034.29 -127.73 3963.84 -127.73 4938.76 -127.73 5913.67 -127.73 6843.23 -127.73 7727.43 -127.73 8566.26 -125.22 -8958.54 -125.22 -8199.04 -125.22 -7319.66 -125.22 -6320.4 -125.22 -5201.26 -125.22 -4082.11

-0.93 -0.93 -0.93 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98

-7.7 -7.7 -7.7 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 -167.77 158.23 158.23 158.23 158.23 158.23 158.23 158.23 158.23 158.23 -491.63 -491.63 -491.63 -491.63 -491.63 -491.63

208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-125.22 -125.22 -125.22 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -134.51 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -120.2 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -118.14 -125.47 -125.47 -125.47 -125.47 -125.47 -125.47

-3082.85 -2203.47 -1443.97 1541.66 2301.16 3180.54 4179.81 5298.95 6418.09 7417.35 8296.73 9056.23 -8290.16 -7545.84 -6712.03 -5788.7 -4775.87 -3763.04 -2839.72 -2005.9 -1261.58 1384.92 2129.23 2963.05 3886.37 4899.2 5912.03 6835.36 7669.18 8413.49 -8289.41 -7545.1 -6711.28 -5787.96 -4775.13 -3762.3 -2838.97 -2005.15 -1260.84 1385 2129.31 2963.13 3886.46 4899.29 5912.12

-0.98 -0.98 -0.98 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67

-491.63 -491.63 -491.63 511.27 511.27 511.27 511.27 511.27 511.27 511.27 511.27 511.27 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 -361.82 371.18 371.18 371.18 371.18 371.18 371.18 371.18 371.18 371.18 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 -361.29 370.52 370.52 370.52 370.52 370.52 370.52

208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-125.47 -125.47 -125.47 290.42 290.42 290.42 290.42 290.42 290.42 290.42 290.42 290.42 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -411.24 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 -160.72 552.65 552.65 552.65 552.65 552.65 552.65

6835.44 7669.26 8413.57 -742.22 -571.93 -401.63 -231.33 -61.04 109.26 279.55 449.85 620.15 2417.33 2587.63 2757.92 2928.22 3098.52 3268.81 3439.11 3609.41 3779.7 -3707.81 -3537.51 -3367.21 -3196.92 -3026.62 -2856.32 -2686.03 -2515.73 -2345.44 -758.88 -588.58 -418.29 -247.99 -77.7 92.6 262.9 433.19 603.49 1501.43 1671.72 1842.02 2012.32 2182.61 2352.91

0.67 0.67 0.67 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -7.88 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74

370.52 370.52 370.52 935.1 935.1 935.1 935.1 935.1 935.1 935.1 935.1 935.1 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 1254.29 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -1246.12 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 -934.28 178.33 178.33 178.33 178.33 178.33 178.33

208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

552.65 552.65 552.65 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -673.47 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 -175.52 233.62 233.62 233.62 233.62 233.62 233.62 233.62 233.62 233.62 -29.59 -29.59 -29.59 -29.59 -29.59 -29.59

2523.21 2693.5 2863.8 4568.57 4738.87 4909.16 5079.46 5249.76 5420.05 5590.35 5760.64 5930.94 -5951.46 -5781.16 -5610.86 -5440.57 -5270.27 -5099.98 -4929.68 -4759.38 -4589.09 -2910.12 -2739.82 -2569.53 -2399.23 -2228.93 -2058.64 -1888.34 -1718.05 -1547.75 -6806.28 -6061.97 -5228.15 -4304.83 -3292 -2279.17 -1355.84 -522.02 222.29 2973.14 3717.46 4551.28 5474.6 6487.43 7500.26

4.74 4.74 4.74 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 9.06 9.06 9.06 9.06 9.06 9.06

178.33 178.33 178.33 494.94 494.94 494.94 494.94 494.94 494.94 494.94 494.94 494.94 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -489.34 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 -174.93 729.57 729.57 729.57 729.57 729.57 729.57 729.57 729.57 729.57 1464.5 1464.5 1464.5 1464.5 1464.5 1464.5

208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-29.59 8423.58 -29.59 9257.4 -29.59 10001.72 -468.03 -9771.87 -468.03 -9027.55 -468.03 -8193.73 -468.03 -7270.41 -468.03 -6257.58 -468.03 -5244.75 -468.03 -4321.42 -468.03 -3487.61 -468.03 -2743.29 -219.51 -203.07 -219.51 541.25 -219.51 1375.07 -219.51 2298.39 -219.51 3311.22 -219.51 4324.05 -219.51 5247.37 -219.51 6081.19 -219.51 6825.51 495.86 -4562.63 495.86 -3818.32 495.86 -2984.5 495.86 -2061.17 495.86 -1048.35 495.86 -35.52 495.86 887.81 495.86 1721.63 495.86 2465.94 -14.79 5124.38 -14.79 5868.7 -14.79 6702.52 -14.79 7625.84 -14.79 8638.67 -14.79 9651.5 -14.79 10574.82 -14.79 11408.64 -14.79 12152.96 -730.27 -12015.52 -730.27 -11271.2 -730.27 -10437.38 -730.27 -9514.06 -730.27 -8501.23 -730.27 -7488.4

9.06 9.06 9.06 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03

1464.5 1464.5 1464.5 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -1451.65 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -724.07 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 705.15 705.15 705.15 705.15 705.15 705.15 705.15 705.15 705.15 -694.88 -694.88 -694.88 -694.88 -694.88 -694.88

208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-730.27 -6565.08 -730.27 -5731.26 -730.27 -4986.94 -234.31 -2354.31 -234.31 -1609.99 -234.31 -776.17 -234.31 147.15 -234.31 1159.98 -234.31 2172.81 -234.31 3096.13 -234.31 3929.95 -234.31 4674.27 -100.35 -8494.66 -100.35 -8184.39 -100.35 -7783.41 -100.35 -7291.7 -100.35 -6709.28 -100.35 -6126.85 -100.35 -5635.15 -100.35 -5234.16 -100.35 -4923.9 -98.57 4326.79 -98.57 4637.06 -98.57 5038.04 -98.57 5529.75 -98.57 6112.17 -98.57 6694.6 -98.57 7186.3 -98.57 7587.29 -98.57 7897.56 -104.09 -11469.74 -104.09 -11122.79 -104.09 -10536.09 -104.09 -9709.63 -104.09 -8643.41 -104.09 -7577.19 -104.09 -6750.73 -104.09 -6164.02 -104.09 -5817.08 -105.21 5293.7 -105.21 5640.64 -105.21 6227.34 -105.21 7053.8 -105.21 8120.03 -105.21 9186.25

-6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

-694.88 -694.88 -694.88 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 -911.5 733.52 733.52 733.52 733.52 733.52 733.52 733.52 733.52 733.52 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 -1301.31 1056.94 1056.94 1056.94 1056.94 1056.94 1056.94

211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-105.21 -105.21 -105.21 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -100.16 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -99.96 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.72 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 -97.81 47.85 47.85 47.85 47.85 47.85 47.85

10012.71 10599.41 10946.35 -9899.14 -9582.57 -9087 -8412.41 -7558.81 -6705.22 -6030.63 -5535.05 -5218.49 4698.27 5014.84 5510.41 6185 7038.6 7892.19 8566.78 9062.36 9378.92 -9899.03 -9582.46 -9086.89 -8412.3 -7558.7 -6705.11 -6030.52 -5534.94 -5218.38 4699.16 5015.73 5511.31 6185.89 7039.49 7893.09 8567.67 9063.25 9379.82 -2192.45 -2022.15 -1851.85 -1681.56 -1511.26 -1340.97

0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13

1056.94 1056.94 1056.94 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 -1106.81 896.52 896.52 896.52 896.52 896.52 896.52 896.52 896.52 896.52 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 -1106.38 896.39 896.39 896.39 896.39 896.39 896.39 896.39 896.39 896.39 800.46 800.46 800.46 800.46 800.46 800.46

211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

47.85 47.85 47.85 94.98 94.98 94.98 94.98 94.98 94.98 94.98 94.98 94.98 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -158.26 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 -203.49 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 345.34 345.34 345.34 345.34 345.34 345.34

-1170.67 -1000.37 -830.08 3460.3 3630.59 3800.89 3971.19 4141.48 4311.78 4482.08 4652.37 4822.67 -4966.71 -4796.41 -4626.12 -4455.82 -4285.52 -4115.23 -3944.93 -3774.64 -3604.34 870.42 1040.72 1211.02 1381.31 1551.61 1721.9 1892.2 2062.5 2232.79 2.07 172.36 342.66 512.96 683.25 853.55 1023.85 1194.14 1364.44 5745.09 5915.38 6085.68 6255.98 6426.27 6596.57

6.13 6.13 6.13 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -6.26 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22

800.46 800.46 800.46 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 1618.5 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -1737.94 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -834.24 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 -72.4 764.55 764.55 764.55 764.55 764.55 764.55

211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

345.34 6766.86 345.34 6937.16 345.34 7107.46 -132.27 -7161.23 -132.27 -6990.93 -132.27 -6820.63 -132.27 -6650.34 -132.27 -6480.04 -132.27 -6309.74 -132.27 -6139.45 -132.27 -5969.15 -132.27 -5798.86 -453.85 -1414.37 -453.85 -1244.07 -453.85 -1073.77 -453.85 -903.48 -453.85 -733.18 -453.85 -562.88 -453.85 -392.59 -453.85 -222.29 -453.85 -51.99 6.44 -8511.85 6.44 -8195.28 6.44 -7699.71 6.44 -7025.12 6.44 -6171.52 6.44 -5317.93 6.44 -4643.34 6.44 -4147.76 6.44 -3831.19 52.41 5994.51 52.41 6311.07 52.41 6806.65 52.41 7481.24 52.41 8334.83 52.41 9188.43 52.41 9863.02 52.41 10358.6 52.41 10675.16 -199.67 -11286.11 -199.67 -10969.54 -199.67 -10473.97 -199.67 -9799.38 -199.67 -8945.78 -199.67 -8092.19

5.22 5.22 5.22 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58

764.55 764.55 764.55 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 -865.08 19.71 19.71 19.71 19.71 19.71 19.71 19.71 19.71 19.71 163.02 163.02 163.02 163.02 163.02 163.02 163.02 163.02 163.02 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 2122.7 -2375.38 -2375.38 -2375.38 -2375.38 -2375.38 -2375.38

211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-199.67 -7417.6 -199.67 -6922.02 -199.67 -6605.46 -246.06 3404.63 -246.06 3721.2 -246.06 4216.78 -246.06 4891.36 -246.06 5744.96 -246.06 6598.56 -246.06 7273.14 -246.06 7768.72 -246.06 8085.29 -19.55 -6317.33 -19.55 -6000.77 -19.55 -5505.19 -19.55 -4830.6 -19.55 -3977.01 -19.55 -3123.41 -19.55 -2448.82 -19.55 -1953.25 -19.55 -1636.68 302.77 8279.3 302.77 8595.86 302.77 9091.44 302.77 9766.03 302.77 10619.62 302.77 11473.22 302.77 12147.81 302.77 12643.38 302.77 12959.95 -173.68 -13480.63 -173.68 -13164.06 -173.68 -12668.48 -173.68 -11993.9 -173.68 -11140.3 -173.68 -10286.7 -173.68 -9612.12 -173.68 -9116.54 -173.68 -8799.97 -496.42 1119.84 -496.42 1436.41 -496.42 1931.99 -496.42 2606.57 -496.42 3460.17 -496.42 4313.77

-6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -5.13 -5.13 -5.13 -5.13 -5.13 -5.13

-2375.38 -2375.38 -2375.38 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -330.04 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 -709.84 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 1268.74 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 -1502.51 523.91 523.91 523.91 523.91 523.91 523.91

211 211 211 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-496.42 -496.42 -496.42 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.55 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -16.57 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 -15.69 152.51 152.51 152.51 152.51 152.51 152.51

4988.36 5483.93 5800.5 -2244.57 -1894.23 -1431.89 -857.55 -180.17 497.21 1071.55 1533.89 1884.23 -3565.26 -3164.97 -2468.68 -1476.39 -211.78 1052.83 2045.12 2741.41 3141.7 -2950.65 -2587.86 -2004.07 -1199.28 -191.17 816.94 1621.73 2205.52 2568.31 -2949.89 -2587.1 -2003.31 -1198.52 -190.4 817.71 1622.5 2206.29 2569.08 1944.04 2133.26 2322.48 2511.7 2700.92 2890.13

-5.13 -5.13 -5.13 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61

523.91 523.91 523.91 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 -5.43 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6

212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

152.51 152.51 152.51 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 -163.54 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 -59.83 142.36 142.36 142.36 142.36 142.36 142.36 142.36 142.36 142.36 -173.68 -173.68 -173.68 -173.68 -173.68 -173.68

3079.35 3268.57 3457.79 -3544.1 -3354.89 -3165.67 -2976.45 -2787.23 -2598.01 -2408.8 -2219.58 -2030.36 7357.47 7546.69 7735.91 7925.13 8114.35 8303.56 8492.78 8682 8871.22 -8957.53 -8768.32 -8579.1 -8389.88 -8200.66 -8011.44 -7822.22 -7633.01 -7443.79 -205.47 157.33 741.12 1545.91 2554.02 3562.13 4366.92 4950.71 5313.5 -5693.61 -5330.82 -4747.03 -3942.24 -2934.13 -1926.02

1.61 1.61 1.61 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99

10.6 10.6 10.6 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 8.29 8.29 8.29 8.29 8.29 8.29 8.29 8.29 8.29 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 -7.76 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76

212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-173.68 -173.68 -173.68 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -69.98 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -91.06 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -119.66 -95.96 -95.96 -95.96 -95.96 -95.96 -95.96

-1121.23 -537.44 -174.65 5207.96 5570.76 6154.55 6959.34 7967.45 8975.56 9780.35 10364.14 10726.93 -11107.04 -10744.25 -10160.46 -9355.67 -8347.56 -7339.45 -6534.66 -5950.87 -5588.08 -8078.36 -7768.1 -7367.11 -6875.41 -6292.98 -5710.55 -5218.85 -4817.86 -4507.6 4770.36 5080.62 5481.61 5973.31 6555.74 7138.16 7629.87 8030.85 8341.12 -11151.18 -10804.24 -10217.54 -9391.08 -8324.86 -7258.64

-1.99 -1.99 -1.99 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.02484 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56

-15.76 -15.76 -15.76 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 -763.81 955.86 955.86 955.86 955.86 955.86 955.86 955.86 955.86 955.86 -1083.58 -1083.58 -1083.58 -1083.58 -1083.58 -1083.58

213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-95.96 -95.96 -95.96 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -127.19 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -91.72 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -121.06 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -89.61 -118.41 -118.41 -118.41 -118.41 -118.41 -118.41

-6432.17 -5845.47 -5498.53 5634.13 5981.07 6567.77 7394.23 8460.45 9526.67 10353.14 10939.84 11286.78 -9565.86 -9249.29 -8753.71 -8079.13 -7225.53 -6371.93 -5697.35 -5201.77 -4885.2 5054 5370.57 5866.14 6540.73 7394.33 8247.92 8922.51 9418.09 9734.65 -9566.07 -9249.5 -8753.93 -8079.34 -7225.74 -6372.15 -5697.56 -5201.98 -4885.42 5054.56 5371.13 5866.71 6541.29 7394.89 8248.49

-0.56 -1083.58 -0.56 -1083.58 -0.56 -1083.58 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 0.006787 1345.99 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.48 -922.9 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.01106 1148.97 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.48 -922.77 -0.004808 1148.56 -0.004808 1148.56 -0.004808 1148.56 -0.004808 1148.56 -0.004808 1148.56 -0.004808 1148.56

213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-118.41 -118.41 -118.41 111.19 111.19 111.19 111.19 111.19 111.19 111.19 111.19 111.19 39.89 39.89 39.89 39.89 39.89 39.89 39.89 39.89 39.89 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -213.12 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 -168.55 360.47 360.47 360.47 360.47 360.47 360.47

8923.07 -0.004808 1148.56 9418.65 -0.004808 1148.56 9735.22 -0.004808 1148.56 -2194.81 5.4 833.46 -2024.52 5.4 833.46 -1854.22 5.4 833.46 -1683.92 5.4 833.46 -1513.63 5.4 833.46 -1343.33 5.4 833.46 -1173.03 5.4 833.46 -1002.74 5.4 833.46 -832.44 5.4 833.46 3486.68 6.2 1726.9 3656.97 6.2 1726.9 3827.27 6.2 1726.9 3997.57 6.2 1726.9 4167.86 6.2 1726.9 4338.16 6.2 1726.9 4508.46 6.2 1726.9 4678.75 6.2 1726.9 4849.05 6.2 1726.9 -4936.83 -5.75 -1617.99 -4766.53 -5.75 -1617.99 -4596.23 -5.75 -1617.99 -4425.94 -5.75 -1617.99 -4255.64 -5.75 -1617.99 -4085.35 -5.75 -1617.99 -3915.05 -5.75 -1617.99 -3744.75 -5.75 -1617.99 -3574.46 -5.75 -1617.99 871.01 -6.33 -786.78 1041.31 -6.33 -786.78 1211.61 -6.33 -786.78 1381.9 -6.33 -786.78 1552.2 -6.33 -786.78 1722.5 -6.33 -786.78 1892.79 -6.33 -786.78 2063.09 -6.33 -786.78 2233.38 -6.33 -786.78 36.68 5.12 -17.9 206.98 5.12 -17.9 377.27 5.12 -17.9 547.57 5.12 -17.9 717.87 5.12 -17.9 888.16 5.12 -17.9

213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

360.47 360.47 360.47 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -462.41 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 73.51 -12.98 -12.98 -12.98 -12.98 -12.98 -12.98

1058.46 1228.76 1399.05 5736.85 5907.15 6077.44 6247.74 6418.04 6588.33 6758.63 6928.93 7099.22 -7168.32 -6998.02 -6827.73 -6657.43 -6487.14 -6316.84 -6146.54 -5976.25 -5805.95 -1379.16 -1208.86 -1038.57 -868.27 -697.97 -527.68 -357.38 -187.09 -16.79 -8195.16 -7878.59 -7383.02 -6708.43 -5854.83 -5001.23 -4326.65 -3831.07 -3514.5 6362.65 6679.22 7174.79 7849.38 8702.98 9556.57

5.12 5.12 5.12 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26

-17.9 -17.9 -17.9 864.56 864.56 864.56 864.56 864.56 864.56 864.56 864.56 864.56 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 -766.62 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56 303.01 303.01 303.01 303.01 303.01 303.01 303.01 303.01 303.01 2405.21 2405.21 2405.21 2405.21 2405.21 2405.21

213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-12.98 -12.98 -12.98 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -250.8 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 -221.42 322.8 322.8 322.8 322.8 322.8 322.8 322.8 322.8 322.8 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -500.08 -500.08 -500.08 -500.08 -500.08 -500.08

10231.16 10726.74 11043.3 -10937.17 -10620.61 -10125.03 -9450.44 -8596.85 -7743.25 -7068.66 -6573.09 -6256.52 3746.99 4063.55 4559.13 5233.72 6087.31 6940.91 7615.5 8111.07 8427.64 -5963.67 -5647.1 -5151.52 -4476.93 -3623.34 -2769.74 -2095.15 -1599.58 -1283.01 8612.82 8929.39 9424.97 10099.55 10953.15 11806.75 12481.33 12976.91 13293.48 -13168.67 -12852.1 -12356.52 -11681.94 -10828.34 -9974.74

6.26 6.26 6.26 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77

2405.21 2405.21 2405.21 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -2148.44 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -108.47 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 -548.35 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 1542.87 -1297.07 -1297.07 -1297.07 -1297.07 -1297.07 -1297.07

213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-500.08 -500.08 -500.08 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 -195.16 78.25 78.25 78.25 78.25 78.25 78.25 78.25 78.25 78.25 35.81 35.81 35.81 35.81 35.81 35.81 35.81 35.81 35.81 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14

-9300.16 -8804.58 -8488.01 1496.81 1813.38 2308.95 2983.54 3837.14 4690.74 5365.32 5860.9 6177.47 -9534.1 -9223.84 -8822.85 -8331.15 -7748.72 -7166.3 -6674.59 -6273.61 -5963.34 5863.26 6173.53 6574.51 7066.22 7648.65 8231.07 8722.78 9123.76 9434.03 -13002.52 -12655.58 -12068.88 -11242.42 -10176.2 -9109.97 -8283.51 -7696.81 -7349.87 7309.82 7656.76 8243.46 9069.92 10136.15 11202.37

-5.77 -1297.07 -5.77 -1297.07 -5.77 -1297.07 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -3.92 753.87 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.51 52.09 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.42 -49.4 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.54 73.58 -0.56 -65.79 -0.56 -65.79 -0.56 -65.79 -0.56 -65.79 -0.56 -65.79 -0.56 -65.79

215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

3.14 3.14 3.14 45.64 45.64 45.64 45.64 45.64 45.64 45.64 45.64 45.64 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 49.36 49.36 49.36 49.36 49.36 49.36 49.36 49.36 49.36 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 39.03 39.03 39.03 39.03 39.03 39.03

12028.83 12615.53 12962.47 -11191.77 -10875.2 -10379.63 -9705.04 -8851.44 -7997.85 -7323.26 -6827.68 -6511.12 6452.3 6768.86 7264.44 7939.03 8792.62 9646.22 10320.81 10816.39 11132.95 -11191.21 -10874.64 -10379.06 -9704.48 -8850.88 -7997.28 -7322.7 -6827.12 -6510.55 6453.12 6769.68 7265.26 7939.85 8793.44 9647.04 10321.63 10817.2 11133.77 -3074.9 -2904.61 -2734.31 -2564.01 -2393.72 -2223.42

-0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17

-65.79 -65.79 -65.79 62.62 62.62 62.62 62.62 62.62 62.62 62.62 62.62 62.62 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 -56.93 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 -56.99 1389.31 1389.31 1389.31 1389.31 1389.31 1389.31

215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

39.03 39.03 39.03 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -205.84 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 -216.99 181.97 181.97 181.97 181.97 181.97 181.97 181.97 181.97 181.97 276.07 276.07 276.07 276.07 276.07 276.07

-2053.13 -1882.83 -1712.53 3994.69 4164.98 4335.28 4505.58 4675.87 4846.17 5016.47 5186.76 5357.06 -5328.15 -5157.86 -4987.56 -4817.26 -4646.97 -4476.67 -4306.38 -4136.08 -3965.78 1675.59 1845.89 2016.18 2186.48 2356.78 2527.07 2697.37 2867.67 3037.96 -732.84 -562.55 -392.25 -221.96 -51.66 118.64 288.93 459.23 629.53 6370.24 6540.53 6710.83 6881.13 7051.42 7221.72

3.17 3.17 3.17 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54

1389.31 1389.31 1389.31 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 1283.08 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1342.85 -1327 -1327 -1327 -1327 -1327 -1327 -1327 -1327 -1327 438.96 438.96 438.96 438.96 438.96 438.96 438.96 438.96 438.96 371.8 371.8 371.8 371.8 371.8 371.8

215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

276.07 276.07 276.07 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -348.78 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 -414.38 173.49 173.49 173.49 173.49 173.49 173.49 173.49 173.49 173.49 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 -71.39 -71.39 -71.39 -71.39 -71.39 -71.39

7392.02 7562.31 7732.61 -7670.21 -7499.92 -7329.62 -7159.32 -6989.03 -6818.73 -6648.43 -6478.14 -6307.84 -699.96 -529.66 -359.37 -189.07 -18.77 151.52 321.82 492.12 662.41 -10064.32 -9747.76 -9252.18 -8577.59 -7724 -6870.4 -6195.81 -5700.24 -5383.67 7613.04 7929.61 8425.18 9099.77 9953.37 10806.96 11481.55 11977.13 12293.69 -12317.57 -12001.01 -11505.43 -10830.84 -9977.25 -9123.65

1.54 1.54 1.54 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81

371.8 371.8 371.8 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -392.51 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 -415.72 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1428.84 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 1248.02 -1303.32 -1303.32 -1303.32 -1303.32 -1303.32 -1303.32

215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-71.39 -71.39 -71.39 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 -133.55 316.43 316.43 316.43 316.43 316.43 316.43 316.43 316.43 316.43 359.51 359.51 359.51 359.51 359.51 359.51 359.51 359.51 359.51 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -214.33 -330.94 -330.94 -330.94 -330.94 -330.94 -330.94

-8449.06 -7953.49 -7636.92 5293.94 5610.51 6106.09 6780.67 7634.27 8487.87 9162.45 9658.03 9974.6 -7722.27 -7405.7 -6910.12 -6235.54 -5381.94 -4528.34 -3853.75 -3358.18 -3041.61 9988.59 10305.15 10800.73 11475.32 12328.91 13182.51 13857.1 14352.68 14669.24 -14659.63 -14343.07 -13847.49 -13172.9 -12319.31 -11465.71 -10791.12 -10295.55 -9978.98 2918.39 3234.96 3730.54 4405.12 5258.72 6112.32

-3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3

-1303.32 -1303.32 -1303.32 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 -1362.05 478.49 478.49 478.49 478.49 478.49 478.49 478.49 478.49 478.49 336.75 336.75 336.75 336.75 336.75 336.75 336.75 336.75 336.75 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -352.98 -450.78 -450.78 -450.78 -450.78 -450.78 -450.78

215 215 215 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-330.94 -330.94 -330.94 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 -5.54 101.55 101.55 101.55 101.55 101.55 101.55

6786.9 7282.48 7599.05 -1921.89 -1571.55 -1109.21 -534.87 142.51 819.89 1394.23 1856.57 2206.91 -3273.32 -2873.03 -2176.73 -1184.44 80.17 1344.78 2337.07 3033.36 3433.65 -2664.55 -2301.76 -1717.97 -913.18 94.93 1103.04 1907.83 2491.62 2854.41 -2663.71 -2300.92 -1717.13 -912.34 95.77 1103.88 1908.67 2492.46 2855.25 1819.47 2008.68 2197.9 2387.12 2576.34 2765.56

-2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

-450.78 -450.78 -450.78 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -5.91 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33

216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

101.55 101.55 101.55 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 -76.13 94.08 94.08 94.08 94.08 94.08 94.08 94.08 94.08 94.08 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 -68.65 83.05 83.05 83.05 83.05 83.05 83.05 83.05 83.05 83.05 -94.63 -94.63 -94.63 -94.63 -94.63 -94.63

2954.77 3143.99 3333.21 -3413.37 -3224.16 -3034.94 -2845.72 -2656.5 -2467.28 -2278.07 -2088.85 -1899.63 7230.06 7419.28 7608.5 7797.71 7986.93 8176.15 8365.37 8554.59 8743.81 -8823.97 -8634.75 -8445.53 -8256.31 -8067.1 -7877.88 -7688.66 -7499.44 -7310.22 -46.91 315.88 899.67 1704.46 2712.57 3720.68 4525.47 5109.26 5472.05 -5279.75 -4916.96 -4333.17 -3528.38 -2520.27 -1512.16

0.45 0.45 0.45 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21

11.33 11.33 11.33 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56

216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-94.63 -94.63 -94.63 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -87.15 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -92.34 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -154.09 -104.84 -104.84 -104.84 -104.84 -104.84 -104.84

-707.37 -123.58 239.21 5363.68 5726.47 6310.26 7115.05 8123.16 9131.27 9936.07 10519.86 10882.65 -10690.35 -10327.56 -9743.77 -8938.98 -7930.86 -6922.75 -6117.96 -5534.17 -5171.38 -13523.6 -12662.09 -11709.85 -10666.9 -9533.22 -8399.55 -7356.59 -6404.35 -5542.84 5251.79 6113.3 7065.54 8108.5 9242.17 10375.85 11418.8 12371.04 13232.55 -16506 -15686.55 -14627.35 -13328.39 -11789.67 -10250.95

-1.21 -1.21 -1.21 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.09989 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74

-17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 15.93 15.93 15.93 15.93 15.93 15.93 15.93 15.93 15.93 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 36.46 36.46 36.46 36.46 36.46 36.46

217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-104.84 -104.84 -104.84 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -171.66 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -98.48 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -161.7 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -95.68 -157.53 -157.53 -157.53 -157.53 -157.53 -157.53

-8951.99 -7892.78 -7073.34 6703.17 7522.61 8581.81 9880.77 11419.49 12958.21 14257.18 15316.38 16135.82 -14663.03 -13873.97 -12905.89 -11758.8 -10432.71 -9106.61 -7959.52 -6991.45 -6202.38 5877.35 6666.41 7634.49 8781.58 10107.67 11433.77 12580.86 13548.93 14338 -14663.11 -13874.04 -12905.96 -11758.88 -10432.78 -9106.68 -7959.6 -6991.52 -6202.45 5877.52 6666.59 7634.67 8781.75 10107.85 11433.95

-0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12

36.46 36.46 36.46 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 -23.89 27.84 27.84 27.84 27.84 27.84 27.84 27.84 27.84 27.84 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 -15.93 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 -15.99 -15.99 -15.99 -15.99 -15.99 -15.99

217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-157.53 -157.53 -157.53 110.85 110.85 110.85 110.85 110.85 110.85 110.85 110.85 110.85 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -243.88 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 -203.68 363.44 363.44 363.44 363.44 363.44 363.44

12581.03 13549.11 14338.18 -3086.09 -2915.8 -2745.5 -2575.2 -2404.91 -2234.61 -2064.31 -1894.02 -1723.72 3943.13 4113.43 4283.73 4454.02 4624.32 4794.62 4964.91 5135.21 5305.5 -5382.36 -5212.06 -5041.76 -4871.47 -4701.17 -4530.88 -4360.58 -4190.28 -4019.99 1665.21 1835.5 2005.8 2176.1 2346.39 2516.69 2686.98 2857.28 3027.58 -701.5 -531.2 -360.9 -190.61 -20.31 149.99

-0.12 -0.12 -0.12 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72

-15.99 -15.99 -15.99 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1326.15 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 1331.36 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1283.41 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 -1374.01 414.79 414.79 414.79 414.79 414.79 414.79

217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

363.44 363.44 363.44 135.78 135.78 135.78 135.78 135.78 135.78 135.78 135.78 135.78 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -496.47 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 -338.28 82.96 82.96 82.96 82.96 82.96 82.96 82.96 82.96 82.96 -53.2 -53.2 -53.2 -53.2 -53.2 -53.2

320.28 490.58 660.87 6275.69 6445.99 6616.28 6786.58 6956.87 7127.17 7297.47 7467.76 7638.06 -7766.95 -7596.66 -7426.36 -7256.06 -7085.77 -6915.47 -6745.18 -6574.88 -6404.58 -667.35 -497.05 -326.76 -156.46 13.84 184.13 354.43 524.73 695.02 -13515.01 -12725.94 -11757.86 -10610.78 -9284.68 -7958.58 -6811.5 -5843.42 -5054.35 7016.57 7805.63 8773.71 9920.8 11246.89 12572.99

1.72 1.72 1.72 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42

414.79 414.79 414.79 391.53 391.53 391.53 391.53 391.53 391.53 391.53 391.53 391.53 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -372.04 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 -434.18 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1332.71 1336.67 1336.67 1336.67 1336.67 1336.67 1336.67

217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-53.2 -53.2 -53.2 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -271.77 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 -258.06 335.55 335.55 335.55 335.55 335.55 335.55 335.55 335.55 335.55 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4 -524.36 -524.36 -524.36 -524.36 -524.36 -524.36

13720.08 14688.15 15477.22 -15811.27 -15022.21 -14054.13 -12907.04 -11580.95 -10254.85 -9107.76 -8139.69 -7350.62 4738.64 5527.71 6495.78 7642.87 8968.97 10295.06 11442.15 12410.23 13199.29 -11130.41 -10341.35 -9373.27 -8226.18 -6900.09 -5573.99 -4426.9 -3458.83 -2669.76 9349.12 10138.19 11106.27 12253.35 13579.45 14905.55 16052.63 17020.71 17809.78 -18195.87 -17406.8 -16438.73 -15291.64 -13965.54 -12639.45

3.42 3.42 3.42 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63

1336.67 1336.67 1336.67 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1276.86 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 -1368.7 421.34 421.34 421.34 421.34 421.34 421.34 421.34 421.34 421.34 396.84 396.84 396.84 396.84 396.84 396.84 396.84 396.84 396.84 -365.49 -365.49 -365.49 -365.49 -365.49 -365.49

217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-524.36 -524.36 -524.36 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 -392.66 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.7 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 56.33 56.33 56.33 56.33 56.33 56.33 56.33 56.33 56.33 18.05 18.05 18.05 18.05 18.05 18.05

-11492.36 -10524.28 -9735.22 2406.09 3195.15 4163.23 5310.32 6636.41 7962.51 9109.6 10077.67 10866.74 -9483.25 -9172.98 -8771.99 -8280.29 -7697.86 -7115.44 -6623.73 -6222.75 -5912.48 5841.79 6152.06 6553.04 7044.75 7627.18 8209.6 8701.31 9102.29 9412.56 -12931.35 -12584.41 -11997.71 -11171.25 -10105.02 -9038.8 -8212.34 -7625.64 -7278.7 7278.33 7625.28 8211.98 9038.44 10104.66 11170.88

-2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37

-365.49 -365.49 -365.49 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -428.87 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 -34.24 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 -35.43 51.16 51.16 51.16 51.16 51.16 51.16

218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

18.05 18.05 18.05 61.16 61.16 61.16 61.16 61.16 61.16 61.16 61.16 61.16 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 64.72 64.72 64.72 64.72 64.72 64.72 64.72 64.72 64.72 26.48 26.48 26.48 26.48 26.48 26.48 26.48 26.48 26.48 40.65 40.65 40.65 40.65 40.65 40.65

11997.34 12584.05 12930.99 -11130.97 -10814.41 -10318.83 -9644.24 -8790.65 -7937.05 -7262.46 -6766.89 -6450.32 6425.71 6742.28 7237.86 7912.44 8766.04 9619.64 10294.22 10789.8 11106.37 -11130.38 -10813.81 -10318.24 -9643.65 -8790.05 -7936.46 -7261.87 -6766.29 -6449.73 6426.54 6743.1 7238.68 7913.27 8766.86 9620.46 10295.05 10790.63 11107.19 -3100.05 -2929.75 -2759.46 -2589.16 -2418.87 -2248.57

-1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 -1.27 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6

51.16 51.16 51.16 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 -33.17 45.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 -33.15 45.89 45.89 45.89 45.89 45.89 45.89 45.89 45.89 45.89 1368.71 1368.71 1368.71 1368.71 1368.71 1368.71

218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

40.65 40.65 40.65 107.66 107.66 107.66 107.66 107.66 107.66 107.66 107.66 107.66 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -196.21 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 -234.36 175.56 175.56 175.56 175.56 175.56 175.56 175.56 175.56 175.56 330.54 330.54 330.54 330.54 330.54 330.54

-2078.27 -1907.98 -1737.68 3935.51 4105.8 4276.1 4446.4 4616.69 4786.99 4957.28 5127.58 5297.88 -5274.25 -5103.96 -4933.66 -4763.36 -4593.07 -4422.77 -4252.47 -4082.18 -3911.88 1713 1883.3 2053.59 2223.89 2394.18 2564.48 2734.78 2905.07 3075.37 -734.05 -563.75 -393.45 -223.16 -52.86 117.44 287.73 458.03 628.32 6339.11 6509.41 6679.71 6850 7020.3 7190.59

3.6 3.6 3.6 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06

1368.71 1368.71 1368.71 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 1337.84 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1394.44 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 -1309.39 408.02 408.02 408.02 408.02 408.02 408.02 408.02 408.02 408.02 416.12 416.12 416.12 416.12 416.12 416.12

218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

330.54 330.54 330.54 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -331.12 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 -457.24 184.77 184.77 184.77 184.77 184.77 184.77 184.77 184.77 184.77 198.72 198.72 198.72 198.72 198.72 198.72 198.72 198.72 198.72 -52.1 -52.1 -52.1 -52.1 -52.1 -52.1

7360.89 7531.19 7701.48 -7640.26 -7469.96 -7299.66 -7129.37 -6959.07 -6788.77 -6618.48 -6448.18 -6277.89 -690.61 -520.31 -350.01 -179.72 -9.42 160.87 331.17 501.47 671.76 -10043.01 -9726.44 -9230.87 -8556.28 -7702.68 -6849.09 -6174.5 -5678.92 -5362.36 7538.17 7854.73 8350.31 9024.9 9878.49 10732.09 11406.68 11902.25 12218.82 -12217.21 -11900.65 -11405.07 -10730.48 -9876.89 -9023.29

1.06 1.06 1.06 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08

416.12 416.12 416.12 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -433.75 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 -387.67 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1348.43 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 1369.51 -1414.73 -1414.73 -1414.73 -1414.73 -1414.73 -1414.73

218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-52.1 -52.1 -52.1 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 -143.3 319.67 319.67 319.67 319.67 319.67 319.67 319.67 319.67 319.67 421.6 421.6 421.6 421.6 421.6 421.6 421.6 421.6 421.6 -187 -187 -187 -187 -187 -187 -187 -187 -187 -366.18 -366.18 -366.18 -366.18 -366.18 -366.18

-8348.7 -7853.13 -7536.56 5315.66 5632.23 6127.8 6802.39 7655.99 8509.58 9184.17 9679.75 9996.31 -7677.01 -7360.44 -6864.86 -6190.28 -5336.68 -4483.08 -3808.5 -3312.92 -2996.35 9941.77 10258.34 10753.92 11428.5 12282.1 13135.7 13810.28 14305.86 14622.43 -14583.22 -14266.65 -13771.07 -13096.49 -12242.89 -11389.29 -10714.71 -10219.13 -9902.56 2912.05 3228.62 3724.2 4398.78 5252.38 6105.98

-4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7

-1414.73 -1414.73 -1414.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 -1277.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 387.73 447.79 447.79 447.79 447.79 447.79 447.79 447.79 447.79 447.79 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -454.03 -356.01 -356.01 -356.01 -356.01 -356.01 -356.01

218 218 218 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-366.18 -366.18 -366.18 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.04 10.04 10.04 10.04 10.04 10.04 10.04 10.04 10.04 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66 92.66

6780.56 7276.14 7592.71 -1900.84 -1550.5 -1088.16 -513.82 163.56 840.94 1415.28 1877.62 2227.95 -3243.53 -2843.23 -2146.94 -1154.65 109.96 1374.57 2366.86 3063.15 3463.44 -2639.27 -2276.48 -1692.69 -887.9 120.21 1128.32 1933.11 2516.9 2879.7 -2638.35 -2275.55 -1691.76 -886.97 121.14 1129.25 1934.04 2517.83 2880.62 1723.44 1912.66 2101.88 2291.09 2480.31 2669.53

-2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 0.000996 0.000996 0.000996 0.000996 0.000996 0.000996

-356.01 -356.01 -356.01 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96

219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219

3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

92.66 92.66 92.66 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 -56.36 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 -64.77 -64.77 -64.77 -64.77 -64.77 -64.77

2858.75 3047.97 3237.18 -3315.18 -3125.96 -2936.75 -2747.53 -2558.31 -2369.09 -2179.87 -1990.66 -1801.44 7194.12 7383.34 7572.56 7761.78 7950.99 8140.21 8329.43 8518.65 8707.87 -8785.86 -8596.65 -8407.43 -8218.21 -8028.99 -7839.77 -7650.56 -7461.34 -7272.12 -118.61 244.18 827.97 1632.76 2640.87 3648.98 4453.77 5037.56 5400.35 -5157.24 -4794.44 -4210.65 -3405.86 -2397.75 -1389.64

0.000996 0.000996 0.000996 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26

11.96 11.96 11.96 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 -10.04 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 -4.38 -4.38 -4.38 -4.38 -4.38 -4.38

219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-64.77 -64.77 -64.77 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -85.28 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -155.3 -97.67 -97.67 -97.67 -97.67 -97.67 -97.67

-584.85 -1.06 361.73 5352.07 5714.86 6298.65 7103.44 8111.55 9119.66 9924.45 10508.24 10871.04 -10627.92 -10265.13 -9681.34 -8876.55 -7868.43 -6860.32 -6055.53 -5471.74 -5108.95 -13473.68 -12612.16 -11659.93 -10616.97 -9483.3 -8349.62 -7306.67 -6354.43 -5492.92 5218.88 6080.39 7032.63 8075.58 9209.26 10342.93 11385.89 12338.12 13199.64 -16419.8 -15600.36 -14541.15 -13242.19 -11703.47 -10164.75

-1.26 -1.26 -1.26 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 0.01723 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61

-4.38 -4.38 -4.38 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04

220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-97.67 -97.67 -97.67 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -173.84 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -91.67 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -163.47 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -88.93 -159.28 -159.28 -159.28 -159.28 -159.28 -159.28

-8865.79 -7806.58 -6987.14 6644.25 7463.69 8522.9 9821.86 11360.58 12899.3 14198.26 15257.46 16076.91 -14593.18 -13804.11 -12836.04 -11688.95 -10362.85 -9036.76 -7889.67 -6921.59 -6132.53 5829.92 6618.99 7587.06 8734.15 10060.25 11386.34 12533.43 13501.51 14290.57 -14593.2 -13804.13 -12836.05 -11688.97 -10362.87 -9036.77 -7889.69 -6921.61 -6132.54 5830.12 6619.19 7587.26 8734.35 10060.45 11386.54

-1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29

-3.04 -3.04 -3.04 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 -2.81 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88

220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-159.28 -159.28 -159.28 92.98 92.98 92.98 92.98 92.98 92.98 92.98 92.98 92.98 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -21.68 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -222.66 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 -183.47 357.97 357.97 357.97 357.97 357.97 357.97

12533.63 13501.71 14290.77 -3092.69 -2922.4 -2752.1 -2581.8 -2411.51 -2241.21 -2070.91 -1900.62 -1730.32 3859.39 4029.68 4199.98 4370.28 4540.57 4710.87 4881.16 5051.46 5221.76 -5302.48 -5132.18 -4961.88 -4791.59 -4621.29 -4451 -4280.7 -4110.4 -3940.11 1678.92 1849.21 2019.51 2189.8 2360.1 2530.4 2700.69 2870.99 3041.29 -696.43 -526.13 -355.83 -185.54 -15.24 155.06

-0.29 -0.29 -0.29 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43

13.88 13.88 13.88 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1314.75 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 1364.8 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1313.39 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 -1360.11 400.15 400.15 400.15 400.15 400.15 400.15

220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

357.97 357.97 357.97 141.56 141.56 141.56 141.56 141.56 141.56 141.56 141.56 141.56 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -487.65 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 -346.71 70.14 70.14 70.14 70.14 70.14 70.14 70.14 70.14 70.14 -76.48 -76.48 -76.48 -76.48 -76.48 -76.48

325.35 495.65 665.94 6227.43 6397.73 6568.02 6738.32 6908.61 7078.91 7249.21 7419.5 7589.8 -7698.74 -7528.45 -7358.15 -7187.85 -7017.56 -6847.26 -6676.97 -6506.67 -6336.37 -689.13 -518.83 -348.53 -178.24 -7.94 162.35 332.65 502.95 673.24 -13488.31 -12699.24 -11731.17 -10584.08 -9257.98 -7931.89 -6784.8 -5816.72 -5027.66 6920.45 7709.51 8677.59 9824.68 11150.77 12476.87

1.43 1.43 1.43 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2

400.15 400.15 400.15 431.88 431.88 431.88 431.88 431.88 431.88 431.88 431.88 431.88 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -398.8 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 -427.19 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1311.25 1376.34 1376.34 1376.34 1376.34 1376.34 1376.34

220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-76.48 -76.48 -76.48 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -245.5 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 -238.27 335.13 335.13 335.13 335.13 335.13 335.13 335.13 335.13 335.13 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 -510.49 -510.49 -510.49 -510.49 -510.49 -510.49

13623.96 14592.03 15381.1 -15698.1 -14909.03 -13940.95 -12793.87 -11467.77 -10141.67 -8994.59 -8026.51 -7237.44 4739.97 5529.04 6497.12 7644.2 8970.3 10296.4 11443.48 12411.56 13200.63 -11092.04 -10302.98 -9334.9 -8187.81 -6861.72 -5535.62 -4388.53 -3420.46 -2631.39 9288.49 10077.56 11045.63 12192.72 13518.82 14844.91 15992 16960.08 17749.14 -18094.36 -17305.3 -16337.22 -15190.13 -13864.04 -12537.94

3.2 3.2 3.2 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 -3.77 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46

1376.34 1376.34 1376.34 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1316.89 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 -1348.57 396.65 396.65 396.65 396.65 396.65 396.65 396.65 396.65 396.65 443.42 443.42 443.42 443.42 443.42 443.42 443.42 443.42 443.42 -402.29 -402.29 -402.29 -402.29 -402.29 -402.29

220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.04 1,4D 4.48 1,4D 4.92 1,4D 5.36 1,4D 5.8 1,4D 5.8 1,4D 6.26667 1,4D 6.73333 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.04 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-510.49 -510.49 -510.49 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -401.51 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -131.72 -52.79 -52.79 -52.79 -52.79 -52.79 -52.79 -33.1 -33.1 -33.1 -33.1 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -144.05 -60.26 -60.26 -60.26 -60.26 -60.26

-11390.85 -10422.77 -9633.71 2371.93 3161 4129.07 5276.16 6602.26 7928.36 9075.44 10043.52 10832.59 -11041.52 -10202.69 -9318.49 -8388.94 -7414.02 -6439.11 -5509.55 -4625.36 -3786.52 1598.15 2417.85 3280.92 4187.36 5137.16 6094.49 12224.43 13380.93 14488.65 15547.58 -12408.1 -11648.6 -10769.22 -9769.95 -8650.81 -7531.67 -6532.41 -5653.03 -4893.53 1953.17 2694.5 3550.43 4520.97 5606.13

-3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16

-402.29 -402.29 -402.29 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 -415.65 576.19 576.19 576.19 576.19 576.19 576.19 576.19 576.19 576.19 -4106.45 -4106.45 -4106.45 -4106.45 -4106.45 -4106.45 4338.14 4338.14 4338.14 4338.14 942.9 942.9 942.9 942.9 942.9 942.9 942.9 942.9 942.9 -5806.01 -5806.01 -5806.01 -5806.01 -5806.01

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

5.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.26667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.04 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.26667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Max Combination Max

-60.26 -39.04 -39.04 -39.04 -39.04 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -138.53 -59.55 -59.55 -59.55 -59.55 -59.55 -59.55 -37.88 -37.88 -37.88 -37.88 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -133.27 -55.34 -55.34 -55.34 -55.34 -55.34 -55.34 -35.45 -35.45 -35.45 -35.45 109.73 109.73

6711.17 14687.69 16232.75 17648.89 18936.1 -11304.93 -10560.61 -9726.79 -8803.47 -7790.64 -6777.81 -5854.49 -5020.67 -4276.35 1733.49 2460.29 3272.66 4170.6 5154.12 6152.49 13108.07 14445.47 15686.61 16831.49 -11304.24 -10559.93 -9726.11 -8802.78 -7789.95 -6777.12 -5853.8 -5019.98 -4275.67 1734.29 2461.09 3273.46 4171.41 5154.92 6153.29 13108.94 14446.34 15687.47 16832.35 -1750.44 -1580.14

-1.16 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 3.03 3.03

-5806.01 5614.78 5614.78 5614.78 5614.78 774.45 774.45 774.45 774.45 774.45 774.45 774.45 774.45 774.45 -4948.55 -4948.55 -4948.55 -4948.55 -4948.55 -4948.55 4903.57 4903.57 4903.57 4903.57 774.51 774.51 774.51 774.51 774.51 774.51 774.51 774.51 774.51 -4948.67 -4948.67 -4948.67 -4948.67 -4948.67 -4948.67 4903.63 4903.63 4903.63 4903.63 1742.95 1742.95

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.04 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.04 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

109.73 109.73 109.73 109.73 109.73 109.73 109.73 269.66 269.66 269.66 269.66 269.66 269.66 397.62 397.62 397.62 397.62 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -343.26 -439.88 -439.88 -439.88 -439.88 -439.88 -439.88 -499.32 -499.32 -499.32 -499.32 280.74 280.74 280.74 280.74 280.74 280.74 280.74 280.74 280.74

-1409.84 -1239.55 -1069.25 -898.95 -728.66 -558.36 -388.07 2533.97 2700.48 2866.99 3033.5 3200.02 3366.53 4252.87 4429.48 4606.08 4782.69 -4131.74 -3961.44 -3791.14 -3620.85 -3450.55 -3280.25 -3109.96 -2939.66 -2769.37 -36.39 130.12 296.63 463.15 629.66 796.17 1839.24 2015.85 2192.45 2369.06 584.64 754.94 925.23 1095.53 1265.83 1436.12 1606.42 1776.71 1947.01

3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 52.09 52.09 52.09 52.09 52.09 52.09 62.87 62.87 62.87 62.87 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -52.74 -52.74 -52.74 -52.74 -52.74 -52.74 -62.43 -62.43 -62.43 -62.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43

1742.95 1742.95 1742.95 1742.95 1742.95 1742.95 1742.95 -607.32 -607.32 -607.32 -607.32 -607.32 -607.32 2388.64 2388.64 2388.64 2388.64 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -649.57 -1654.44 -1654.44 -1654.44 -1654.44 -1654.44 -1654.44 -1844.35 -1844.35 -1844.35 -1844.35 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.04 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.04 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

432.45 4862.29 432.45 5028.8 432.45 5195.31 432.45 5361.82 432.45 5528.33 432.45 5694.85 429.43 6597.09 429.43 6773.7 429.43 6950.3 429.43 7126.9 -514.27 -6466.81 -514.27 -6296.52 -514.27 -6126.22 -514.27 -5955.92 -514.27 -5785.63 -514.27 -5615.33 -514.27 -5445.03 -514.27 -5274.74 -514.27 -5104.44 -602.68 -2364.71 -602.68 -2198.2 -602.68 -2031.68 -602.68 -1865.17 -602.68 -1698.66 -602.68 -1532.15 -531.13 -504.97 -531.13 -328.37 -531.13 -151.77 -531.13 24.84 95.62 -10113.28 95.62 -9368.96 95.62 -8535.14 95.62 -7611.82 95.62 -6598.99 95.62 -5586.16 95.62 -4662.84 95.62 -3829.02 95.62 -3084.7 301.34 3019.83 301.34 3746.63 301.34 4559.01 301.34 5456.95 301.34 6440.47 301.34 7438.83 414.12 14316.15

25.32 25.32 25.32 25.32 25.32 25.32 21.66 21.66 21.66 21.66 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -25.96 -25.96 -25.96 -25.96 -25.96 -25.96 -21.21 -21.21 -21.21 -21.21 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 51.42 51.42 51.42 51.42 51.42 51.42 63.03

-887.07 -887.07 -887.07 -887.07 -887.07 -887.07 1113.15 1113.15 1113.15 1113.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 162.15 -1374.69 -1374.69 -1374.69 -1374.69 -1374.69 -1374.69 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 1970.8 -4425.16 -4425.16 -4425.16 -4425.16 -4425.16 -4425.16 7020.16

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

414.12 414.12 414.12 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -357.37 -408.21 -408.21 -408.21 -408.21 -408.21 -408.21 -482.82 -482.82 -482.82 -482.82 266.63 266.63 266.63 266.63 266.63 266.63 266.63 266.63 266.63 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 445.92 445.92 445.92 445.92 -528.38 -528.38 -528.38 -528.38

15653.54 16894.68 18039.56 -12494.58 -11750.26 -10916.44 -9993.12 -8980.29 -7967.46 -7044.14 -6210.32 -5466 449.48 1176.28 1988.65 2886.59 3870.11 4868.47 11902.52 13239.91 14481.05 15625.93 -7778.2 -7033.89 -6200.07 -5276.74 -4263.91 -3251.09 -2327.76 -1493.94 -749.63 5348.15 6074.95 6887.33 7785.27 8768.78 9767.15 16660.37 17997.76 19238.9 20383.78 -14829.65 -14085.34 -13251.52 -12328.2

63.03 63.03 63.03 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -53.41 -53.41 -53.41 -53.41 -53.41 -53.41 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 -62.27 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 24.65 24.65 24.65 24.65 24.65 24.65 21.82 21.82 21.82 21.82 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86

7020.16 7020.16 7020.16 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -421.72 -5472.29 -5472.29 -5472.29 -5472.29 -5472.29 -5472.29 2787.16 2787.16 2787.16 2787.16 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 1159.08 -4704.91 -4704.91 -4704.91 -4704.91 -4704.91 -4704.91 5744.66 5744.66 5744.66 5744.66 389.99 389.99 389.99 389.99

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222

1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-528.38 -11315.37 -528.38 -10302.54 -528.38 -9379.21 -528.38 -8545.39 -528.38 -7801.08 -571 -1878.84 -571 -1152.04 -571 -339.67 -571 558.28 -571 1541.79 -571 2540.16 -514.63 9558.3 -514.63 10895.7 -514.63 12136.83 -514.63 13281.71 136.44 -2086.79 136.44 -1736.45 136.44 -1274.11 136.44 -699.77 136.44 -22.39 136.44 654.99 136.44 1229.33 136.44 1691.67 136.44 2042.01 152.62 -3301.33 152.62 -2901.04 152.62 -2204.75 152.62 -1212.46 152.62 52.15 152.62 1316.77 152.62 2309.06 152.62 3005.35 152.62 3405.64 140.87 -2735.26 140.87 -2372.47 140.87 -1788.68 140.87 -983.89 140.87 24.22 140.87 1032.33 140.87 1837.13 140.87 2420.92 140.87 2783.71 139.48 -2734.25 139.48 -2371.46 139.48 -1787.67

-2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -26.63 -26.63 -26.63 -26.63 -26.63 -26.63 -21.05 -21.05 -21.05 -21.05 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8

389.99 389.99 389.99 389.99 389.99 -5192.53 -5192.53 -5192.53 -5192.53 -5192.53 -5192.53 4062.66 4062.66 4062.66 4062.66 331.31 331.31 331.31 331.31 331.31 331.31 331.31 331.31 331.31 417.6 417.6 417.6 417.6 417.6 417.6 417.6 417.6 417.6 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49

222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222

1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

139.48 139.48 139.48 139.48 139.48 139.48 362.28 362.28 362.28 362.28 362.28 362.28 362.28 362.28 362.28 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 -254.19 331.88 331.88 331.88 331.88 331.88 331.88 331.88 331.88 331.88 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 -223.78 447.08 447.08 447.08

-982.88 25.23 1033.34 1838.13 2421.92 2784.71 1716.36 1905.58 2094.8 2284.02 2473.24 2662.45 2851.67 3040.89 3230.11 -3154.74 -2965.52 -2776.31 -2587.09 -2397.87 -2208.65 -2019.43 -1830.21 -1641 7268.85 7458.07 7647.29 7836.5 8025.72 8214.94 8404.16 8593.38 8782.59 -8707.23 -8518.01 -8328.79 -8139.57 -7950.36 -7761.14 -7571.92 -7382.7 -7193.48 -298.25 64.55 648.34

-0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 0.68 0.68 0.68

367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 367.49 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.09 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -19.6 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 -14.97 379.33 379.33 379.33

222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

447.08 447.08 447.08 447.08 447.08 447.08 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 -169.39 416.68 416.68 416.68 416.68 416.68 416.68 416.68 416.68 416.68 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 -138.98 78.37 78.37 78.37 78.37 78.37 78.37 78.37 78.37 78.37 225.31 225.31 225.31

1453.13 2461.24 3469.35 4274.14 4857.93 5220.72 -5169.35 -4806.56 -4222.77 -3417.98 -2409.87 -1401.76 -596.96 -13.17 349.62 5254.24 5617.03 6200.82 7005.61 8013.72 9021.83 9826.63 10410.42 10773.21 -10721.84 -10359.05 -9775.25 -8970.46 -7962.35 -6954.24 -6149.45 -5565.66 -5202.87 -13254.61 -12393.1 -11440.86 -10397.91 -9264.23 -8130.55 -7087.6 -6135.36 -5273.85 5038.62 5900.13 6852.37

0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12

379.33 379.33 379.33 379.33 379.33 379.33 355.65 355.65 355.65 355.65 355.65 355.65 355.65 355.65 355.65 374.7 374.7 374.7 374.7 374.7 374.7 374.7 374.7 374.7 360.28 360.28 360.28 360.28 360.28 360.28 360.28 360.28 360.28 51.57 51.57 51.57 51.57 51.57 51.57 51.57 51.57 51.57 -146.54 -146.54 -146.54

223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223

4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

225.31 225.31 225.31 225.31 225.31 225.31 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 262.91 262.91 262.91 262.91 262.91 262.91 262.91 262.91 262.91 81.51 81.51 81.51 81.51 81.51 81.51 81.51 81.51 81.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 237.51 81.98 81.98 81.98

7895.32 9029 10162.68 11205.63 12157.87 13019.38 -16193.18 -15373.74 -14314.54 -13015.58 -11476.86 -9938.13 -8639.17 -7579.97 -6760.53 6487.58 7307.03 8366.23 9665.19 11203.91 12742.63 14041.59 15100.8 15920.24 -14381.5 -13592.43 -12624.36 -11477.27 -10151.17 -8825.08 -7677.99 -6709.91 -5920.85 5673.77 6462.84 7430.91 8578 9904.1 11230.19 12377.28 13345.36 14134.42 -14381.2 -13592.13 -12624.06

-0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -0.07562 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -0.08486 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07

-146.54 -146.54 -146.54 -146.54 -146.54 -146.54 52.38 52.38 52.38 52.38 52.38 52.38 52.38 52.38 52.38 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 -161.47 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 -148.03 49.3 49.3 49.3

223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223

1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

81.98 -11476.97 81.98 -10150.87 81.98 -8824.78 81.98 -7677.69 81.98 -6709.61 81.98 -5920.55 236.85 5674.22 236.85 6463.29 236.85 7431.36 236.85 8578.45 236.85 9904.55 236.85 11230.64 236.85 12377.73 236.85 13345.81 236.85 14134.87 90.24 -3200.45 90.24 -3030.15 90.24 -2859.85 90.24 -2689.56 90.24 -2519.26 90.24 -2348.97 90.24 -2178.67 90.24 -2008.37 90.24 -1838.08 549.71 3695.08 549.71 3865.38 549.71 4035.67 549.71 4205.97 549.71 4376.27 549.71 4546.56 549.71 4716.86 549.71 4887.15 549.71 5057.45 -51.23 -5170.15 -51.23 -4999.85 -51.23 -4829.56 -51.23 -4659.26 -51.23 -4488.97 -51.23 -4318.67 -51.23 -4148.37 -51.23 -3978.08 -51.23 -3807.78 -389.56 1845.7 -389.56 2015.99 -389.56 2186.29

-1.07 49.3 -1.07 49.3 -1.07 49.3 -1.07 49.3 -1.07 49.3 -1.07 49.3 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 -0.08528 -148.02 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.47 1309.09 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 3.65 1334.96 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -4.17 -1321.1 -3.58 -1393.36 -3.58 -1393.36 -3.58 -1393.36

223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223

4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

-389.56 2356.59 -389.56 2526.88 -389.56 2697.18 -389.56 2867.47 -389.56 3037.77 -389.56 3208.07 232.57 -969.78 232.57 -799.48 232.57 -629.18 232.57 -458.89 232.57 -288.59 232.57 -118.3 232.57 52 232.57 222.3 232.57 392.59 1444.04 5772.25 1444.04 5942.54 1444.04 6112.84 1444.04 6283.14 1444.04 6453.43 1444.04 6623.73 1444.04 6794.03 1444.04 6964.32 1444.04 7134.62 -193.56 -7400.82 -193.56 -7230.52 -193.56 -7060.23 -193.56 -6889.93 -193.56 -6719.64 -193.56 -6549.34 -193.56 -6379.04 -193.56 -6208.75 -193.56 -6038.45 -1283.89 -231.47 -1283.89 -61.18 -1283.89 109.12 -1283.89 279.42 -1283.89 449.71 -1283.89 620.01 -1283.89 790.31 -1283.89 960.6 -1283.89 1130.9 152.93 -13396.21 152.93 -12607.15 152.93 -11639.07

-3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 2.75 2.75 2.75

-1393.36 -1393.36 -1393.36 -1393.36 -1393.36 -1393.36 407.76 407.76 407.76 407.76 407.76 407.76 407.76 407.76 407.76 391.68 391.68 391.68 391.68 391.68 391.68 391.68 391.68 391.68 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -419.77 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 -450.07 1364.42 1364.42 1364.42

223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

152.93 152.93 152.93 152.93 152.93 152.93 706.19 706.19 706.19 706.19 706.19 706.19 706.19 706.19 706.19 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 -233.08 295.26 295.26 295.26 295.26 295.26 295.26 295.26 295.26 295.26 1600.51 1600.51 1600.51

-10491.98 -9165.89 -7839.79 -6692.7 -5724.63 -4935.56 6599.12 7388.18 8356.26 9503.35 10829.44 12155.54 13302.63 14270.7 15059.77 -15365.92 -14576.85 -13608.77 -12461.69 -11135.59 -9809.49 -8662.41 -7694.33 -6905.26 4749.73 5538.8 6506.87 7653.96 8980.06 10306.15 11453.24 12421.32 13210.39 -11165.54 -10376.48 -9408.4 -8261.31 -6935.22 -5609.12 -4462.03 -3493.96 -2704.89 8676.28 9465.35 10433.43

2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.83 1.83 1.83

1364.42 1364.42 1364.42 1364.42 1364.42 1364.42 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 1216.14 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1265.77 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 -1512.18 463.09 463.09 463.09 463.09 463.09 463.09 463.09 463.09 463.09 272.86 272.86 272.86

223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min

1600.51 1600.51 1600.51 1600.51 1600.51 1600.51 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -130.87 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 -1127.41 323.09 323.09 323.09 323.09 372.66 372.66 372.66 372.66 339.75 339.75 339.75 339.75 337.2 337.2 337.2 337.2 627.07 627.07 627.07 627.07 -358.74

11580.51 12906.61 14232.71 15379.79 16347.87 17136.94 -17596.59 -16807.52 -15839.44 -14692.36 -13366.26 -12040.16 -10893.08 -9925 -9135.93 2672.56 3461.63 4429.71 5576.79 6902.89 8228.99 9376.07 10344.15 11133.22 1719.09 2827.53 3935.96 5044.4 1458.28 2768.37 4078.46 5388.55 1499.97 2675.06 3850.15 5025.24 1469.23 2644.32 3819.41 4994.5 7971.02 8160.24 8349.46 8538.67 -6122.27

1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -4.22 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -8.96 -8.96 -8.96 -8.96 21.53 21.53 21.53 21.53 -29.2

272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.86 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -364.44 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -568.89 -932.61 -932.61 -932.61 -932.61 -867.01 -867.01 -867.01 -867.01 -842.12 -842.12 -842.12 -842.12 -841.72 -841.72 -841.72 -841.72 255.53 255.53 255.53 255.53 -768.23

224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225

0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-358.74 -358.74 -358.74 1440.41 1440.41 1440.41 1440.41 -1172.08 -1172.08 -1172.08 -1172.08 828.95 828.95 828.95 828.95 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 -156.87 1642.29 1642.29 1642.29 1642.29 -970.21 -970.21 -970.21 -970.21 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -117.33 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88 -70.88

-5933.06 -5743.84 -5554.62 22102.35 22291.57 22480.79 22670.01 -20253.61 -20064.39 -19875.17 -19685.95 8501.9 9676.99 10852.08 12027.18 -5591.39 -4416.3 -3241.21 -2066.12 22633.23 23808.33 24983.42 26158.51 -19722.72 -18547.63 -17372.54 -16197.45 -13247.09 -12385.58 -11433.34 -10390.39 -9256.71 -8123.04 -7080.08 -6127.85 -5266.33 5289.1 6150.62 7102.85 8145.81 9279.49 10413.16 11456.12 12408.35 13269.87

-29.2 -29.2 -29.2 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 16.44 16.44 16.44 16.44 -34.29 -34.29 -34.29 -34.29 13.82 13.82 13.82 13.82 -31.66 -31.66 -31.66 -31.66 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59

-768.23 -768.23 -768.23 -9.09 -9.09 -9.09 -9.09 -503.61 -503.61 -503.61 -503.61 -329.66 -329.66 -329.66 -329.66 -1353.42 -1353.42 -1353.42 -1353.42 -594.28 -594.28 -594.28 -594.28 -1088.8 -1088.8 -1088.8 -1088.8 368.6 368.6 368.6 368.6 368.6 368.6 368.6 368.6 368.6 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08 -248.08

225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -121.28 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -73.77 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -117.69 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -71.77 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12 -114.12

-16155.65 -15336.21 -14277.01 -12978.05 -11439.33 -9900.61 -8601.64 -7542.44 -6723 6783.14 7602.58 8661.78 9960.74 11499.46 13038.19 14337.15 15396.35 16215.79 -14355.99 -13566.93 -12598.85 -11451.76 -10125.67 -8799.57 -7652.48 -6684.41 -5895.34 5938.57 6727.63 7695.71 8842.8 10168.89 11494.99 12642.08 13610.15 14399.22 -14355.38 -13566.32 -12598.24 -11451.15 -10125.06 -8798.96 -7651.87 -6683.8 -5894.73

0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

501.28 501.28 501.28 501.28 501.28 501.28 501.28 501.28 501.28 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 -248.57 431.8 431.8 431.8 431.8 431.8 431.8 431.8 431.8 431.8 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 -235.11 431.78 431.78 431.78 431.78 431.78 431.78 431.78 431.78 431.78

225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225

3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -69.31 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 -29.39 152.13 152.13 152.13 152.13 152.13 152.13 152.13 152.13 152.13 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -126.45 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78 -257.78

5939.39 6728.46 7696.53 8843.62 10169.72 11495.81 12642.9 13610.98 14400.04 -2844.93 -2674.64 -2504.34 -2334.04 -2163.75 -1993.45 -1823.15 -1652.86 -1482.56 3624.89 3795.19 3965.49 4135.78 4306.08 4476.38 4646.67 4816.97 4987.27 -4977.63 -4807.34 -4637.04 -4466.75 -4296.45 -4126.15 -3955.86 -3785.56 -3615.26 1474.66 1644.95 1815.25 1985.55 2155.84 2326.14 2496.43 2666.73 2837.03

-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97 -1.97

-235.1 -235.1 -235.1 -235.1 -235.1 -235.1 -235.1 -235.1 -235.1 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1249.2 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 1420.3 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1468.15 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6 -1159.6

225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 564.86 564.86 564.86 564.86 564.86 564.86 564.86 564.86 564.86 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -201.6 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -670.51 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97 -63.97

-469.22 -298.93 -128.63 41.66 211.96 382.26 552.55 722.85 893.15 6043.19 6213.48 6383.78 6554.08 6724.37 6894.67 7064.97 7235.26 7405.56 -7353.34 -7183.05 -7012.75 -6842.45 -6672.16 -6501.86 -6331.56 -6161.27 -5990.97 -943.64 -773.34 -603.04 -432.75 -262.45 -92.16 78.14 248.44 418.73 -13288.75 -12499.69 -11531.61 -10384.52 -9058.43 -7732.33 -6585.24 -5617.17 -4828.1

1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25

311.77 311.77 311.77 311.77 311.77 311.77 311.77 311.77 311.77 526.63 526.63 526.63 526.63 526.63 526.63 526.63 526.63 526.63 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -530.72 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 -265.94 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44 1790.44

225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

136.77 136.77 136.77 136.77 136.77 136.77 136.77 136.77 136.77 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -161.02 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 -273.14 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 549.5 549.5 549.5 549.5 549.5 549.5 549.5 549.5 549.5

7014.88 7803.95 8772.03 9919.11 11245.21 12571.31 13718.39 14686.47 15475.54 -15421.46 -14632.39 -13664.31 -12517.23 -11191.13 -9865.03 -8717.95 -7749.87 -6960.8 4864.65 5653.71 6621.79 7768.88 9094.97 10421.07 11568.16 12536.23 13325.3 -10913.05 -10123.98 -9155.9 -8008.82 -6682.72 -5356.62 -4209.54 -3241.46 -2452.39 9433.18 10222.24 11190.32 12337.41 13663.5 14989.6 16136.69 17104.76 17893.83

1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08

1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 1054.85 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -926.9 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 -1525.04 853.02 853.02 853.02 853.02 853.02 853.02 853.02 853.02 853.02 161.19 161.19 161.19 161.19 161.19 161.19 161.19 161.19 161.19

225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -236.18 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 -685.87 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 105.91 123.45 123.45 123.45 123.45 123.45 123.45 123.45 123.45 123.45 113.01 113.01 113.01 113.01 113.01 113.01 113.01 113.01 113.01

-17797.16 -17008.1 -16040.02 -14892.93 -13566.84 -12240.74 -11093.65 -10125.58 -9336.51 2446.35 3235.42 4203.5 5350.58 6676.68 8002.78 9149.86 10117.94 10907.01 -2076.82 -1726.48 -1264.14 -689.8 -12.42 664.96 1239.3 1701.64 2051.98 -3319.14 -2918.85 -2222.56 -1230.27 34.34 1298.96 2291.25 2987.54 3387.83 -2743.14 -2380.35 -1796.56 -991.77 16.34 1024.45 1829.24 2413.03 2775.82

-0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46

10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -631.38 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -242.44 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -313.01 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55 -273.55

226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

111.46 111.46 111.46 111.46 111.46 111.46 111.46 111.46 111.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 167.46 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 -60.34 381.66 381.66 381.66 381.66 381.66 381.66 381.66 381.66 381.66 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54 -274.54

-2742.18 -2379.38 -1795.59 -990.8 17.31 1025.42 1830.21 2414 2776.79 1678.99 1868.21 2057.43 2246.65 2435.87 2625.08 2814.3 3003.52 3192.74 -3212.56 -3023.34 -2834.12 -2644.9 -2455.69 -2266.47 -2077.25 -1888.03 -1698.81 7212.58 7401.8 7591.01 7780.23 7969.45 8158.67 8347.89 8537.11 8726.32 -8746.14 -8556.93 -8367.71 -8178.49 -7989.27 -7800.05 -7610.84 -7421.62 -7232.4

0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71

-273.56 -273.56 -273.56 -273.56 -273.56 -273.56 -273.56 -273.56 -273.56 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 21.41 21.41 21.41 21.41 21.41 21.41 21.41 21.41 21.41 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37

226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

224.66 224.66 224.66 224.66 224.66 224.66 224.66 224.66 224.66 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 438.86 438.86 438.86 438.86 438.86 438.86 438.86 438.86 438.86 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 -217.34 57.49 57.49 57.49 57.49 57.49 57.49 57.49 57.49 57.49

-295.96 66.83 650.62 1455.41 2463.52 3471.63 4276.43 4860.22 5223.01 -5187.51 -4824.72 -4240.93 -3436.14 -2428.03 -1419.92 -615.13 -31.34 331.45 5237.63 5600.42 6184.21 6989 7997.11 9005.22 9810.01 10393.8 10756.59 -10721.1 -10358.31 -9774.52 -8969.72 -7961.61 -6953.5 -6148.71 -5564.92 -5202.13 -13239.99 -12378.47 -11426.24 -10383.28 -9249.61 -8115.93 -7072.98 -6120.74 -5259.23

1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

-262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -262.31 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -284.81 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -265.53 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -281.58 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54 -43.54

227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227

3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

212.87 212.87 212.87 212.87 212.87 212.87 212.87 212.87 212.87 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 252.13 252.13 252.13 252.13 252.13 252.13 252.13 252.13 252.13 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 226.84 226.84 226.84 226.84 226.84 226.84 226.84 226.84 226.84

5051.79 5913.3 6865.54 7908.49 9042.17 10175.84 11218.8 12171.03 13032.55 -16172.81 -15353.37 -14294.17 -12995.21 -11456.48 -9917.76 -8618.8 -7559.6 -6740.16 6505.88 7325.32 8384.53 9683.49 11222.21 12760.93 14059.89 15119.09 15938.54 -14364.06 -13575 -12606.92 -11459.83 -10133.74 -8807.64 -7660.55 -6692.48 -5903.41 5689.44 6478.51 7446.59 8593.67 9919.77 11245.87 12392.95 13361.03 14150.1

-0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18

154.42 154.42 154.42 154.42 154.42 154.42 154.42 154.42 154.42 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 -46.86 178.17 178.17 178.17 178.17 178.17 178.17 178.17 178.17 178.17 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 -43.22 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161

227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

63.41 63.41 63.41 63.41 63.41 63.41 63.41 63.41 63.41 226.13 226.13 226.13 226.13 226.13 226.13 226.13 226.13 226.13 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 556.44 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71 -64.71

-14363.77 -13574.7 -12606.63 -11459.54 -10133.44 -8807.34 -7660.26 -6692.18 -5903.11 5689.89 6478.96 7447.03 8594.12 9920.22 11246.31 12393.4 13361.48 14150.54 -3194.54 -3024.25 -2853.95 -2683.65 -2513.36 -2343.06 -2172.76 -2002.47 -1832.17 3699.36 3869.66 4039.96 4210.25 4380.55 4550.84 4721.14 4891.44 5061.73 -5172.79 -5002.49 -4832.2 -4661.9 -4491.61 -4321.31 -4151.01 -3980.72 -3810.42

0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19

-43.27 -43.27 -43.27 -43.27 -43.27 -43.27 -43.27 -43.27 -43.27 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1320.26 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 1397.02 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69 -1309.69

227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-395.97 -395.97 -395.97 -395.97 -395.97 -395.97 -395.97 -395.97 -395.97 273.01 273.01 273.01 273.01 273.01 273.01 273.01 273.01 273.01 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 1462.58 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -235.28 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1 -1302.1

1844.02 2014.32 2184.62 2354.91 2525.21 2695.5 2865.8 3036.1 3206.39 -969.53 -799.24 -628.94 -458.65 -288.35 -118.05 52.24 222.54 392.84 5771.89 5942.19 6112.48 6282.78 6453.08 6623.37 6793.67 6963.97 7134.26 -7397.8 -7227.5 -7057.21 -6886.91 -6716.61 -6546.32 -6376.02 -6205.72 -6035.43 -228.5 -58.21 112.09 282.38 452.68 622.98 793.27 963.57 1133.87

-3.98 -3.98 -3.98 -3.98 -3.98 -3.98 -3.98 -3.98 -3.98 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84

-1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 -1332.76 417.77 417.77 417.77 417.77 417.77 417.77 417.77 417.77 417.77 456.21 456.21 456.21 456.21 456.21 456.21 456.21 456.21 456.21 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -407.2 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96 -391.96

227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

147.17 147.17 147.17 147.17 147.17 147.17 147.17 147.17 147.17 702.01 702.01 702.01 702.01 702.01 702.01 702.01 702.01 702.01 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 -250.4 317.74 317.74 317.74 317.74 317.74 317.74 317.74 317.74 317.74

-13374.51 -12585.44 -11617.37 -10470.28 -9144.18 -7818.09 -6671 -5702.92 -4913.86 6617.76 7406.83 8374.9 9521.99 10848.09 12174.18 13321.27 14289.35 15078.41 -15352.76 -14563.69 -13595.62 -12448.53 -11122.43 -9796.34 -8649.25 -7681.17 -6892.1 4762.42 5551.49 6519.56 7666.65 8992.75 10318.84 11465.93 12434.01 13223.08 -11149.5 -10360.44 -9392.36 -8245.27 -6919.18 -5593.08 -4445.99 -3477.92 -2688.85

4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 -4.12 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04

1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1271.68 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 1525.88 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1358.27 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 -1203.9 369.19 369.19 369.19 369.19 369.19 369.19 369.19 369.19 369.19

227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max

1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 1608.14 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -190.56 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 -1156.54 317.6 317.6 317.6 317.6 368.2 368.2 368.2 368.2 335.22 335.22 335.22 335.22 332.65 332.65 332.65 332.65 634.42 634.42

8690.29 9479.36 10447.43 11594.52 12920.62 14246.71 15393.8 16361.88 17150.94 -17577.77 -16788.7 -15820.62 -14673.54 -13347.44 -12021.34 -10874.26 -9906.18 -9117.11 2689.89 3478.96 4447.04 5594.12 6920.22 8246.32 9393.4 10361.48 11150.55 1802.12 2910.56 4019 5127.44 1579.54 2889.63 4199.72 5509.81 1602.51 2777.6 3952.69 5127.78 1571.72 2746.81 3921.9 5096.99 7971.35 8160.56

1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 9.16 9.16 9.16 9.16 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.39 9.52 9.52 9.52 9.52 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 30.56 30.56

585.08 585.08 585.08 585.08 585.08 585.08 585.08 585.08 585.08 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -455.78 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 -263.09 940.89 940.89 940.89 940.89 880.78 880.78 880.78 880.78 853.39 853.39 853.39 853.39 852.99 852.99 852.99 852.99 768.99 768.99

228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229

1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

634.42 634.42 -365.56 -365.56 -365.56 -365.56 1445.02 1445.02 1445.02 1445.02 -1176.16 -1176.16 -1176.16 -1176.16 831.47 831.47 831.47 831.47 -168.51 -168.51 -168.51 -168.51 1642.07 1642.07 1642.07 1642.07 -979.11 -979.11 -979.11 -979.11 -322 -322 -322 -322 -322 -322 -322 -322 -322 -249.4 -249.4 -249.4 -249.4 -249.4 -249.4

8349.78 8539 -6093.9 -5904.68 -5715.46 -5526.24 22089.04 22278.26 22467.48 22656.7 -20211.59 -20022.37 -19833.16 -19643.94 8590.34 9765.43 10940.52 12115.61 -5474.9 -4299.81 -3124.72 -1949.63 22708.04 23883.13 25058.22 26233.31 -19592.6 -18417.51 -17242.42 -16067.33 -9412.54 -9102.27 -8701.29 -8209.58 -7627.15 -7044.73 -6553.02 -6152.04 -5841.77 5855.14 6165.4 6566.39 7058.09 7640.52 8222.94

30.56 30.56 -22.85 -22.85 -22.85 -22.85 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.1 -20.39 -20.39 -20.39 -20.39 36.12 36.12 36.12 36.12 -17.29 -17.29 -17.29 -17.29 33.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 -14.83 -14.83 -14.83 -14.83 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48

768.99 768.99 -252.46 -252.46 -252.46 -252.46 502.13 502.13 502.13 502.13 14.39 14.39 14.39 14.39 1363.53 1363.53 1363.53 1363.53 342.08 342.08 342.08 342.08 1096.68 1096.68 1096.68 1096.68 608.93 608.93 608.93 608.93 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32 -23.73 -23.73 -23.73 -23.73 -23.73 -23.73

229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-249.4 -249.4 -249.4 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -300.48 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -237.25 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -295.49 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -231.67 -291.91 -291.91 -291.91 -291.91 -291.91 -291.91

8714.65 9115.63 9425.9 -12825.48 -12478.54 -11891.83 -11065.37 -9999.15 -8932.93 -8106.47 -7519.77 -7172.82 7287.3 7634.24 8220.95 9047.41 10113.63 11179.85 12006.31 12593.01 12939.96 -11042.07 -10725.5 -10229.92 -9555.34 -8701.74 -7848.14 -7173.56 -6677.98 -6361.41 6435.62 6752.18 7247.76 7922.35 8775.94 9629.54 10304.13 10799.7 11116.27 -11041.48 -10724.91 -10229.34 -9554.75 -8701.15 -7847.56

0.48 0.48 0.48 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

-23.73 -23.73 -23.73 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 -14.68 18.91 18.91 18.91 18.91 18.91 18.91 18.91 18.91 18.91 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9

229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-291.91 -291.91 -291.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 -228.91 27.88 27.88 27.88 27.88 27.88 27.88 27.88 27.88 27.88 99.27 99.27 99.27 99.27 99.27 99.27 99.27 99.27 99.27 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -184.35 -227.68 -227.68 -227.68 -227.68 -227.68 -227.68

-7172.97 -6677.39 -6360.83 6436.43 6753 7248.58 7923.16 8776.76 9630.36 10304.94 10800.52 11117.09 -3075.55 -2905.26 -2734.96 -2564.67 -2394.37 -2224.07 -2053.78 -1883.48 -1713.18 3927.34 4097.64 4267.94 4438.23 4608.53 4778.83 4949.12 5119.42 5289.71 -5258.91 -5088.62 -4918.32 -4748.02 -4577.73 -4407.43 -4237.14 -4066.84 -3896.54 1703.99 1874.28 2044.58 2214.88 2385.17 2555.47

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29

18.9 18.9 18.9 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1378.84 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 1308.91 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1367.05 -1319.76 -1319.76 -1319.76 -1319.76 -1319.76 -1319.76

229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-227.68 -227.68 -227.68 172.53 172.53 172.53 172.53 172.53 172.53 172.53 172.53 172.53 311.62 311.62 311.62 311.62 311.62 311.62 311.62 311.62 311.62 -329 -329 -329 -329 -329 -329 -329 -329 -329 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -440.04 -184.17 -184.17 -184.17 -184.17 -184.17 -184.17

2725.76 2896.06 3066.36 -723.98 -553.68 -383.39 -213.09 -42.79 127.5 297.8 468.1 638.39 6322.35 6492.64 6662.94 6833.24 7003.53 7173.83 7344.12 7514.42 7684.72 -7610.49 -7440.19 -7269.9 -7099.6 -6929.3 -6759.01 -6588.71 -6418.42 -6248.12 -691.02 -520.72 -350.42 -180.13 -9.83 160.47 330.76 501.06 671.35 -9949.54 -9632.97 -9137.39 -8462.81 -7609.21 -6755.61

-1.29 -1319.76 -1.29 -1319.76 -1.29 -1319.76 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 1.86 423.78 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 2.22 393.72 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.53 -412 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 -1.52 -404.57 4.05 1391.84 4.05 1391.84 4.05 1391.84 4.05 1391.84 4.05 1391.84 4.05 1391.84

229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-184.17 -184.17 -184.17 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -64.19 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -396.4 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -391.14 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 -39.52 148.17 148.17 148.17 148.17 148.17 148.17

-6081.03 -5585.45 -5268.88 7548.48 7865.05 8360.63 9035.21 9888.81 10742.41 11416.99 11912.57 12229.14 -12132.89 -11816.33 -11320.75 -10646.16 -9792.57 -8938.97 -8264.38 -7768.81 -7452.24 5325.13 5641.69 6137.27 6811.86 7665.45 8519.05 9193.64 9689.21 10005.78 -7597.96 -7281.39 -6785.82 -6111.23 -5257.63 -4404.04 -3729.45 -3233.87 -2917.31 9943.49 10260.05 10755.63 11430.22 12283.81 13137.41

4.05 4.05 4.05 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -3.06 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43

1391.84 1391.84 1391.84 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 1297.53 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1354.05 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 -1331.14 436.79 436.79 436.79 436.79 436.79 436.79 436.79 436.79 436.79 382.34 382.34 382.34 382.34 382.34 382.34

229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

148.17 148.17 148.17 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -541.05 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 -603.49 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.09 65.13 65.13 65.13 65.13 65.13 65.13 65.13 65.13 65.13 62.36 62.36 62.36 62.36 62.36 62.36

13812 14307.57 14624.14 -14484.47 -14167.9 -13672.33 -12997.74 -12144.14 -11290.55 -10615.96 -10120.38 -9803.82 2930.12 3246.69 3742.27 4416.85 5270.45 6124.05 6798.63 7294.21 7610.78 -1846.85 -1496.51 -1034.17 -459.83 217.55 894.92 1469.26 1931.6 2281.94 -3145.47 -2745.18 -2048.89 -1056.6 208.01 1472.63 2464.92 3161.21 3561.5 -2560.61 -2197.82 -1614.03 -809.24 198.87 1206.98

2.43 2.43 2.43 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

382.34 382.34 382.34 -399 -399 -399 -399 -399 -399 -399 -399 -399 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 -415.95 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54

230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230

3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

62.36 62.36 62.36 61.73 61.73 61.73 61.73 61.73 61.73 61.73 61.73 61.73 60.61 60.61 60.61 60.61 60.61 60.61 60.61 60.61 60.61 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 -24.99 43.91 43.91 43.91 43.91 43.91 43.91 43.91 43.91 43.91 -8.29 -8.29 -8.29 -8.29 -8.29 -8.29

2011.77 2595.56 2958.36 -2559.7 -2196.91 -1613.12 -808.33 199.78 1207.89 2012.68 2596.47 2959.26 1745.29 1934.5 2123.72 2312.94 2502.16 2691.38 2880.6 3069.81 3259.03 -3308.26 -3119.04 -2929.82 -2740.6 -2551.38 -2362.17 -2172.95 -1983.73 -1794.51 7188.66 7377.88 7567.1 7756.32 7945.54 8134.75 8323.97 8513.19 8702.41 -8751.63 -8562.42 -8373.2 -8183.98 -7994.76 -7805.54

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.03175 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31

4.54 4.54 4.54 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6

230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 231 231 231 231 231 231

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-8.29 -8.29 -8.29 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 87.55 87.55 87.55 87.55 87.55 87.55 87.55 87.55 87.55 35.35 35.35 35.35 35.35 35.35 35.35 35.35 35.35 35.35 -108.34 -108.34 -108.34 -108.34 -108.34 -108.34

-7616.32 -7427.11 -7237.89 -32.52 330.27 914.06 1718.85 2726.96 3735.07 4539.87 5123.66 5486.45 -5086.06 -4723.27 -4139.48 -3334.69 -2326.58 -1318.47 -513.68 70.11 432.9 5410.86 5773.65 6357.44 7162.23 8170.34 9178.45 9983.24 10567.03 10929.82 -10529.44 -10166.65 -9582.86 -8778.07 -7769.96 -6761.85 -5957.05 -5373.26 -5010.47 -13433.52 -12572 -11619.77 -10576.81 -9443.14 -8309.46

-0.31 -0.31 -0.31 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28

-6 -6 -6 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.39 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 9.41 9.41 9.41 9.41 9.41 9.41

231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-108.34 -108.34 -108.34 -176 -176 -176 -176 -176 -176 -176 -176 -176 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -117.59 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -191.47 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -111.5 -181.11 -181.11 -181.11 -181.11 -181.11 -181.11

-7266.51 -6314.27 -5452.75 5261.52 6123.04 7075.27 8118.23 9251.9 10385.58 11428.53 12380.77 13242.29 -16362.83 -15543.38 -14484.18 -13185.22 -11646.5 -10107.78 -8808.82 -7749.61 -6930.17 6701.77 7521.21 8580.42 9879.38 11418.1 12956.82 14255.78 15314.98 16134.43 -14544.65 -13755.59 -12787.51 -11640.42 -10314.33 -8988.23 -7841.14 -6873.07 -6084 5879.59 6668.66 7636.73 8783.82 10109.92 11436.01

1.28 1.28 1.28 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24

9.41 9.41 9.41 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56

231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-181.11 -181.11 -181.11 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -108.78 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 -176.95 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 -215.83 -215.83 -215.83 -215.83 -215.83 -215.83

12583.1 13551.18 14340.24 -14544.68 -13755.61 -12787.53 -11640.45 -10314.35 -8988.25 -7841.17 -6873.09 -6084.02 5879.78 6668.85 7636.92 8784.01 10110.11 11436.2 12583.29 13551.37 14340.43 -3083.99 -2913.69 -2743.4 -2573.1 -2402.81 -2232.51 -2062.21 -1891.92 -1721.62 3868.41 4038.71 4209 4379.3 4549.6 4719.89 4890.19 5060.49 5230.78 -5299.84 -5129.54 -4959.25 -4788.95 -4618.65 -4448.36

0.24 0.24 0.24 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29

-1.56 -1.56 -1.56 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1311.48 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 1364.83 -1315.58 -1315.58 -1315.58 -1315.58 -1315.58 -1315.58

231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-215.83 -215.83 -215.83 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 -186.63 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 156.77 156.77 156.77 156.77 156.77 156.77 156.77 156.77 156.77 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -471.2 -360.96 -360.96 -360.96 -360.96 -360.96 -360.96

-4278.06 -4107.77 -3937.47 1681.67 1851.97 2022.26 2192.56 2362.86 2533.15 2703.45 2873.75 3044.04 -699.24 -528.95 -358.65 -188.35 -18.06 152.24 322.54 492.83 663.13 6224.61 6394.91 6565.2 6735.5 6905.79 7076.09 7246.39 7416.68 7586.98 -7684.59 -7514.29 -7343.99 -7173.7 -7003.4 -6833.11 -6662.81 -6492.51 -6322.22 -674.53 -504.23 -333.93 -163.64 6.66 176.96

-1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.21 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98

-1315.58 -1315.58 -1315.58 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 -1362.79 397.22 397.22 397.22 397.22 397.22 397.22 397.22 397.22 397.22 434.84 434.84 434.84 434.84 434.84 434.84 434.84 434.84 434.84 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -401.32 -432.79 -432.79 -432.79 -432.79 -432.79 -432.79

231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-360.96 -360.96 -360.96 44.17 44.17 44.17 44.17 44.17 44.17 44.17 44.17 44.17 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -90.52 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.26 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 -259.59 299.54 299.54 299.54 299.54 299.54 299.54

347.25 517.55 687.85 -13436.77 -12647.7 -11679.62 -10532.54 -9206.44 -7880.34 -6733.25 -5765.18 -4976.11 6973.24 7762.3 8730.38 9877.47 11203.56 12529.66 13676.75 14644.82 15433.89 -15652.61 -14863.55 -13895.47 -12748.38 -11422.29 -10096.19 -8949.1 -7981.03 -7191.96 4786.49 5575.56 6543.64 7690.72 9016.82 10342.92 11490.01 12458.08 13247.15 -11052.02 -10262.95 -9294.87 -8147.79 -6821.69 -5495.59

-1.98 -1.98 -1.98 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 -3.7 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12

-432.79 -432.79 -432.79 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1321.14 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 1362.25 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1305.92 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 -1365.37 406.88 406.88 406.88 406.88 406.88 406.88

231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

299.54 299.54 299.54 83.81 83.81 83.81 83.81 83.81 83.81 83.81 83.81 83.81 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -514.63 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -433.92 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -335.08 -267.55 -267.55 -267.55 -267.55 -267.55 -267.55

-4348.51 -3380.43 -2591.36 9329.43 10118.5 11086.58 12233.66 13559.76 14885.86 16032.94 17001.02 17790.09 -18037.36 -17248.3 -16280.22 -15133.13 -13807.03 -12480.94 -11333.85 -10365.77 -9576.71 2430.3 3219.36 4187.44 5334.53 6660.62 7986.72 9133.81 10101.88 10890.95 -9427.09 -9116.83 -8715.84 -8224.14 -7641.71 -7059.29 -6567.58 -6166.59 -5856.33 5894.34 6204.6 6605.59 7097.3 7679.72 8262.15

3.12 3.12 3.12 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83

406.88 406.88 406.88 432.25 432.25 432.25 432.25 432.25 432.25 432.25 432.25 432.25 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -391.66 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 -435.38 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 48.61 48.61 48.61 48.61 48.61 48.61

232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-267.55 -267.55 -267.55 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -315.05 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -257.74 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -308.99 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -250.48 -305.25 -305.25 -305.25 -305.25 -305.25 -305.25

8753.85 9154.84 9465.1 -12874.6 -12527.66 -11940.96 -11114.49 -10048.27 -8982.05 -8155.59 -7568.89 -7221.94 7373.1 7720.04 8306.74 9133.2 10199.43 11265.65 12092.11 12678.81 13025.75 -11077.42 -10760.85 -10265.27 -9590.69 -8737.09 -7883.49 -7208.91 -6713.33 -6396.76 6501.84 6818.41 7313.98 7988.57 8842.17 9695.76 10370.35 10865.93 11182.49 -11076.86 -10760.29 -10264.71 -9590.13 -8736.53 -7882.93

0.83 0.83 0.83 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26

48.61 48.61 48.61 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 64.46 64.46 64.46 64.46 64.46 64.46 64.46 64.46 64.46 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 55.84 55.84 55.84 55.84 55.84 55.84 55.84 55.84 55.84 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97

232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-305.25 -305.25 -305.25 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 -247.58 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -220.14 -232.38 -232.38 -232.38 -232.38 -232.38 -232.38

-7208.35 -6712.77 -6396.2 6502.66 6819.22 7314.8 7989.39 8842.98 9696.58 10371.17 10866.74 11183.31 -3064.75 -2894.45 -2724.15 -2553.86 -2383.56 -2213.26 -2042.97 -1872.67 -1702.38 4005.42 4175.72 4346.01 4516.31 4686.6 4856.9 5027.2 5197.49 5367.79 -5320.24 -5149.94 -4979.64 -4809.35 -4639.05 -4468.76 -4298.46 -4128.16 -3957.87 1684.87 1855.16 2025.46 2195.76 2366.05 2536.35

0.26 0.26 0.26 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18

5.97 5.97 5.97 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.9 55.9 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1343.3 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 1328.04 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1387.3 -1282.74 -1282.74 -1282.74 -1282.74 -1282.74 -1282.74

232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-232.38 -232.38 -232.38 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 267.15 267.15 267.15 267.15 267.15 267.15 267.15 267.15 267.15 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -369.3 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -408.83 -167.16 -167.16 -167.16 -167.16 -167.16 -167.16

2706.65 2876.94 3047.24 -738.86 -568.56 -398.27 -227.97 -57.67 112.62 282.92 453.22 623.51 6364.67 6534.97 6705.26 6875.56 7045.85 7216.15 7386.45 7556.74 7727.04 -7646.12 -7475.83 -7305.53 -7135.24 -6964.94 -6794.64 -6624.35 -6454.05 -6283.75 -674.38 -504.09 -333.79 -163.49 6.8 177.1 347.39 517.69 687.99 -9948.86 -9632.29 -9136.71 -8462.13 -7608.53 -6754.93

-1.18 -1282.74 -1.18 -1282.74 -1.18 -1282.74 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 1.74 392.6 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 0.98 416.77 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -1.45 -436.6 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 -0.51 -371.47 3.38 1371.23 3.38 1371.23 3.38 1371.23 3.38 1371.23 3.38 1371.23 3.38 1371.23

232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-167.16 -6080.35 -167.16 -5584.77 -167.16 -5268.2 -84.72 7663.3 -84.72 7979.87 -84.72 8475.45 -84.72 9150.03 -84.72 10003.63 -84.72 10857.23 -84.72 11531.81 -84.72 12027.39 -84.72 12343.96 -439.94 -12204.35 -439.94 -11887.78 -439.94 -11392.2 -439.94 -10717.62 -439.94 -9864.02 -439.94 -9010.42 -439.94 -8335.84 -439.94 -7840.26 -439.94 -7523.69 -407.8 5342.75 -407.8 5659.32 -407.8 6154.9 -407.8 6829.48 -407.8 7683.08 -407.8 8536.68 -407.8 9211.26 -407.8 9706.84 -407.8 10023.41 -18 -7622.97 -18 -7306.4 -18 -6810.83 -18 -6136.24 -18 -5282.64 -18 -4429.05 -18 -3754.46 -18 -3258.88 -18 -2942.32 91.73 10022.55 91.73 10339.12 91.73 10834.7 91.73 11509.28 91.73 12362.88 91.73 13216.48

3.38 3.38 3.38 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -2.87 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55

1371.23 1371.23 1371.23 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 1361.32 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1359.37 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 -1249.46 420.52 420.52 420.52 420.52 420.52 420.52 420.52 420.52 420.52 450.05 450.05 450.05 450.05 450.05 450.05

232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

91.73 91.73 91.73 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -589.1 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 -584.25 45.42 45.42 45.42 45.42 45.42 45.42 45.42 45.42 45.42 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 41.72 41.72 41.72 41.72 41.72 41.72

13891.07 14386.64 14703.21 -14530.23 -14213.67 -13718.09 -13043.5 -12189.91 -11336.31 -10661.72 -10166.15 -9849.58 2983.5 3300.07 3795.65 4470.23 5323.83 6177.43 6852.01 7347.59 7664.16 -1810.74 -1460.4 -998.07 -423.73 253.65 931.03 1505.37 1967.71 2318.05 -3095.03 -2694.74 -1998.44 -1006.15 258.46 1523.07 2515.36 3211.65 3611.94 -2517.39 -2154.6 -1570.81 -766.02 242.09 1250.2

1.55 1.55 1.55 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.06435 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

450.05 450.05 450.05 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -408.67 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -338.19 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46

233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233

3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

41.72 41.72 41.72 41.23 41.23 41.23 41.23 41.23 41.23 41.23 41.23 41.23 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 -34.51 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52 58.52 -36.47 -36.47 -36.47 -36.47 -36.47 -36.47

2055 2638.79 3001.58 -2516.56 -2153.77 -1569.98 -765.19 242.93 1251.04 2055.83 2639.62 3002.41 1843.45 2032.67 2221.89 2411.11 2600.32 2789.54 2978.76 3167.98 3357.2 -3393.58 -3204.37 -3015.15 -2825.93 -2636.71 -2447.49 -2258.27 -2069.06 -1879.84 7217.46 7406.68 7595.9 7785.11 7974.33 8163.55 8352.77 8541.99 8731.2 -8767.59 -8578.37 -8389.16 -8199.94 -8010.72 -7821.5

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75

-2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 -3.55 -3.55 -3.55 -3.55 -3.55 -3.55

233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 234 234 234 234 234 234

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-36.47 -36.47 -36.47 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -110.36 -110.36 -110.36 -110.36 -110.36 -110.36

-7632.28 -7443.06 -7253.85 102.34 465.13 1048.92 1853.71 2861.82 3869.93 4674.72 5258.51 5621.3 -5134.7 -4771.91 -4188.12 -3383.32 -2375.21 -1367.1 -562.31 21.48 384.27 5476.35 5839.14 6422.93 7227.72 8235.83 9243.94 10048.73 10632.52 10995.31 -10508.71 -10145.91 -9562.12 -8757.33 -7749.22 -6741.11 -5936.32 -5352.53 -4989.74 -13441.25 -12579.73 -11627.5 -10584.54 -9450.86 -8317.19

-1.75 -1.75 -1.75 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79

-3.55 -3.55 -3.55 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 -13.52 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -56.13 -56.13 -56.13 -56.13 -56.13 -56.13

234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-110.36 -110.36 -110.36 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -119.71 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -191.33 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -113.53 -181.45 -181.45 -181.45 -181.45 -181.45 -181.45

-7274.23 -6322 -5460.48 5301.6 6163.12 7115.35 8158.31 9291.98 10425.66 11468.62 12420.85 13282.37 -16409.57 -15590.13 -14530.93 -13231.97 -11693.25 -10154.52 -8855.56 -7796.36 -6976.92 6791.7 7611.15 8670.35 9969.31 11508.03 13046.75 14345.71 15404.92 16224.36 -14576.28 -13787.22 -12819.14 -11672.05 -10345.96 -9019.86 -7872.77 -6904.7 -6115.63 5948.69 6737.75 7705.83 8852.92 10179.01 11505.11

0.79 0.79 0.79 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

-56.13 -56.13 -56.13 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 -81.13 50.37 50.37 50.37 50.37 50.37 50.37 50.37 50.37 50.37 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 -68.67 33.68 33.68 33.68 33.68 33.68 33.68

234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-181.45 -181.45 -181.45 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -110.77 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 -177.26 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 -197.85 -197.85 -197.85 -197.85 -197.85 -197.85

12652.2 13620.28 14409.34 -14576.37 -13787.3 -12819.23 -11672.14 -10346.04 -9019.94 -7872.86 -6904.78 -6115.71 5948.87 6737.94 7706.01 8853.1 10179.2 11505.29 12652.38 13620.46 14409.52 -3078.4 -2908.1 -2737.81 -2567.51 -2397.21 -2226.92 -2056.62 -1886.32 -1716.03 3954.47 4124.76 4295.06 4465.35 4635.65 4805.95 4976.24 5146.54 5316.84 -5379.31 -5209.01 -5038.72 -4868.42 -4698.12 -4527.83

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24

33.68 33.68 33.68 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 -68.74 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.75 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1290.28 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 1379.43 -1330.37 -1330.37 -1330.37 -1330.37 -1330.37 -1330.37

234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-197.85 -197.85 -197.85 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 -185.91 340.05 340.05 340.05 340.05 340.05 340.05 340.05 340.05 340.05 148.51 148.51 148.51 148.51 148.51 148.51 148.51 148.51 148.51 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -469.5 -352.1 -352.1 -352.1 -352.1 -352.1 -352.1

-4357.53 -4187.23 -4016.94 1681.41 1851.71 2022 2192.3 2362.6 2532.89 2703.19 2873.48 3043.78 -710.24 -539.94 -369.64 -199.35 -29.05 141.24 311.54 481.84 652.13 6273 6443.3 6613.59 6783.89 6954.19 7124.48 7294.78 7465.08 7635.37 -7747.47 -7577.17 -7406.88 -7236.58 -7066.28 -6895.99 -6725.69 -6555.4 -6385.1 -637.13 -466.83 -296.53 -126.24 44.06 214.35

-2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31

-1330.37 -1330.37 -1330.37 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 -1334.56 375.31 375.31 375.31 375.31 375.31 375.31 375.31 375.31 375.31 435.78 435.78 435.78 435.78 435.78 435.78 435.78 435.78 435.78 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -415.4 -390.9 -390.9 -390.9 -390.9 -390.9 -390.9

234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-352.1 -352.1 -352.1 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -91.25 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -242.63 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 -259.47 295.27 295.27 295.27 295.27 295.27 295.27

384.65 554.95 725.24 -13425.95 -12636.89 -11668.81 -10521.72 -9195.63 -7869.53 -6722.44 -5754.37 -4965.3 7085.48 7874.55 8842.63 9989.71 11315.81 12641.91 13788.99 14757.07 15546.14 -15726.86 -14937.8 -13969.72 -12822.63 -11496.54 -10170.44 -9023.35 -8055.28 -7266.21 4812.43 5601.49 6569.57 7716.66 9042.75 10368.85 11515.94 12484.01 13273.08 -11057.79 -10268.72 -9300.65 -8153.56 -6827.46 -5501.37

-3.31 -3.31 -3.31 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37

-390.9 -390.9 -390.9 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1241.55 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 1390.77 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1379.09 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 326.59 326.59 326.59 326.59 326.59 326.59

234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

295.27 295.27 295.27 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -514.28 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -425.67 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -108.27 -102.07 -102.07 -102.07 -102.07 -102.07 -102.07

-4354.28 -3386.2 -2597.14 9404.02 10193.09 11161.16 12308.25 13634.35 14960.44 16107.53 17075.61 17864.67 -18095.02 -17305.96 -16337.88 -15190.79 -13864.7 -12538.6 -11391.51 -10423.44 -9634.37 2493.89 3282.96 4251.03 5398.12 6724.22 8050.31 9197.4 10165.48 10954.54 -8330.1 -8019.84 -7618.85 -7127.15 -6544.72 -5962.3 -5470.59 -5069.61 -4759.34 4436.04 4746.31 5147.29 5639 6221.42 6803.85

3.37 3.37 3.37 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.08619 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66

326.59 326.59 326.59 447.12 447.12 447.12 447.12 447.12 447.12 447.12 447.12 447.12 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -464.13 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 -379.57 881.37 881.37 881.37 881.37 881.37 881.37 881.37 881.37 881.37 -750.2 -750.2 -750.2 -750.2 -750.2 -750.2

236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-102.07 7295.56 -102.07 7696.54 -102.07 8006.81 -111.11 -11273.91 -111.11 -10926.96 -111.11 -10340.26 -111.11 -9513.8 -111.11 -8447.58 -111.11 -7381.36 -111.11 -6554.9 -111.11 -5968.19 -111.11 -5621.25 -106.11 5441.05 -106.11 5787.99 -106.11 6374.7 -106.11 7201.16 -106.11 8267.38 -106.11 9333.6 -106.11 10160.06 -106.11 10746.76 -106.11 11093.71 -107.06 -9723.86 -107.06 -9407.29 -107.06 -8911.72 -107.06 -8237.13 -107.06 -7383.53 -107.06 -6529.94 -107.06 -5855.35 -107.06 -5359.77 -107.06 -5043.2 -101.56 4825.48 -101.56 5142.04 -101.56 5637.62 -101.56 6312.21 -101.56 7165.8 -101.56 8019.4 -101.56 8693.99 -101.56 9189.56 -101.56 9506.13 -104.65 -9723.74 -104.65 -9407.18 -104.65 -8911.6 -104.65 -8237.01 -104.65 -7383.42 -104.65 -6529.82

0.66 0.66 0.66 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16

-750.2 -750.2 -750.2 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 1280.87 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 -1070.01 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 1084.35 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 -910.04 1083.91 1083.91 1083.91 1083.91 1083.91 1083.91

236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-104.65 -104.65 -104.65 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 -99.48 69.92 69.92 69.92 69.92 69.92 69.92 69.92 69.92 69.92 153.43 153.43 153.43 153.43 153.43 153.43 153.43 153.43 153.43 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -178.77 -253.12 -253.12 -253.12 -253.12 -253.12 -253.12

-5855.23 -5359.66 -5043.09 4826.38 5142.94 5638.52 6313.11 7166.7 8020.3 8694.89 9190.46 9507.03 -2185.31 -2015.01 -1844.72 -1674.42 -1504.12 -1333.83 -1163.53 -993.23 -822.94 3471.1 3641.4 3811.69 3981.99 4152.29 4322.58 4492.88 4663.18 4833.47 -4947.66 -4777.37 -4607.07 -4436.77 -4266.48 -4096.18 -3925.89 -3755.59 -3585.29 886 1056.3 1226.59 1396.89 1567.18 1737.48

0.16 0.16 0.16 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23

1083.91 1083.91 1083.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 -909.91 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 1737.62 834.42 834.42 834.42 834.42 834.42 834.42 834.42 834.42 834.42 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -797.86 -1617.4 -1617.4 -1617.4 -1617.4 -1617.4 -1617.4

236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-253.12 -253.12 -253.12 35.02 35.02 35.02 35.02 35.02 35.02 35.02 35.02 35.02 290.54 290.54 290.54 290.54 290.54 290.54 290.54 290.54 290.54 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -143.87 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 -390.23 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79

1907.78 2078.07 2248.37 -8.28 162.02 332.31 502.61 672.91 843.2 1013.5 1183.79 1354.09 5736.35 5906.64 6076.94 6247.24 6417.53 6587.83 6758.12 6928.42 7098.72 -7124.69 -6954.4 -6784.1 -6613.8 -6443.51 -6273.21 -6102.91 -5932.62 -5762.32 -1379.25 -1208.95 -1038.65 -868.36 -698.06 -527.77 -357.47 -187.17 -16.88 -8342.51 -8025.95 -7530.37 -6855.78 -6002.19 -5148.59

-7.23 -7.23 -7.23 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -4.09 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.77

-1617.4 -1617.4 -1617.4 863.63 863.63 863.63 863.63 863.63 863.63 863.63 863.63 863.63 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 -18.8 76.13 76.13 76.13 76.13 76.13 76.13 76.13 76.13 76.13 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 -764.18 2351.45 2351.45 2351.45 2351.45 2351.45 2351.45

236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

20.79 -4474 20.79 -3978.43 20.79 -3661.86 104.73 6119.34 104.73 6435.9 104.73 6931.48 104.73 7606.07 104.73 8459.66 104.73 9313.26 104.73 9987.85 104.73 10483.42 104.73 10799.99 -227.9 -11104.87 -227.9 -10788.3 -227.9 -10292.73 -227.9 -9618.14 -227.9 -8764.54 -227.9 -7910.95 -227.9 -7236.36 -227.9 -6740.78 -227.9 -6424.22 -301.81 3534.23 -301.81 3850.8 -301.81 4346.38 -301.81 5020.96 -301.81 5874.56 -301.81 6728.16 -301.81 7402.74 -301.81 7898.32 -301.81 8214.89 -14.11 -6165.49 -14.11 -5848.92 -14.11 -5353.34 -14.11 -4678.76 -14.11 -3825.16 -14.11 -2971.56 -14.11 -2296.98 -14.11 -1801.4 -14.11 -1484.83 241.84 8384.58 241.84 8701.15 241.84 9196.72 241.84 9871.31 241.84 10724.91 241.84 11578.5

5.77 5.77 5.77 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22

2351.45 2351.45 2351.45 316.06 316.06 316.06 316.06 316.06 316.06 316.06 316.06 316.06 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -184.02 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 -2135.76 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 1477.46 -537.16 -537.16 -537.16 -537.16 -537.16 -537.16

236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

241.84 241.84 241.84 -193 -193 -193 -193 -193 -193 -193 -193 -193 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 -438.92 13.66 13.66 13.66 13.66 13.66 13.66 13.66 13.66 13.66 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 17.91 17.91 17.91 17.91 17.91 17.91

12253.09 12748.67 13065.24 -13281.9 -12965.33 -12469.75 -11795.17 -10941.57 -10087.97 -9413.39 -8917.81 -8601.24 1268.99 1585.55 2081.13 2755.72 3609.31 4462.91 5137.5 5633.07 5949.64 -1704.2 -1353.86 -891.52 -317.18 360.2 1037.57 1611.91 2074.25 2424.59 -2923.16 -2522.87 -1826.58 -834.29 430.32 1694.93 2687.22 3383.51 3783.81 -2375.64 -2012.85 -1429.06 -624.27 383.84 1391.95

7.22 7.22 7.22 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49

-537.16 -537.16 -537.16 689.96 689.96 689.96 689.96 689.96 689.96 689.96 689.96 689.96 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -1282.54 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -32.99 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -40.16 -35.7 -35.7 -35.7 -35.7 -35.7 -35.7

237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237

3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

17.91 17.91 17.91 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 565.32 565.32 565.32 565.32 565.32 565.32 565.32 565.32 565.32 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 -549.8 573.59 573.59 573.59 573.59 573.59 573.59 573.59 573.59 573.59 -558.07 -558.07 -558.07 -558.07 -558.07 -558.07

2196.74 2780.53 3143.32 -2374.88 -2012.09 -1428.3 -623.51 384.6 1392.71 2197.5 2781.29 3144.08 1931.72 2120.94 2310.16 2499.38 2688.6 2877.81 3067.03 3256.25 3445.47 -3563.91 -3374.7 -3185.48 -2996.26 -2807.04 -2617.82 -2428.6 -2239.39 -2050.17 7313.27 7502.49 7691.71 7880.93 8070.15 8259.36 8448.58 8637.8 8827.02 -8945.46 -8756.25 -8567.03 -8377.81 -8188.59 -7999.37

0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71

-35.7 -35.7 -35.7 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 -35.71 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56

237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 238 238 238 238 238 238

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.46667 1,4D 0.93333 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.84 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-558.07 -558.07 -558.07 575.19 575.19 575.19 575.19 575.19 575.19 575.19 575.19 575.19 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 -539.92 583.46 583.46 583.46 583.46 583.46 583.46 583.46 583.46 583.46 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -548.2 -50.55 -50.55 -50.55 -50.55 -126.43 -126.43

-7810.16 -7620.94 -7431.72 373.28 736.07 1319.86 2124.65 3132.76 4140.87 4945.66 5529.45 5892.25 -5122.36 -4759.57 -4175.78 -3370.98 -2362.87 -1354.76 -549.97 33.82 396.61 5754.83 6117.62 6701.41 7506.2 8514.31 9522.42 10327.21 10911.01 11273.8 -10503.91 -10141.12 -9557.33 -8752.54 -7744.42 -6736.31 -5931.52 -5347.73 -4984.94 -18465.01 -17977.74 -17441.69 -16856.86 -4639.08 -4220.75

-5.71 -5.71 -5.71 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 17.58 17.58

-7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -20.41 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -51.01 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -43.76 -2278.48 -2278.48 -2278.48 -2278.48 2842.96 2842.96

238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238

2.28 1,4D 2.72 1,4D 3.16 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.16 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-126.43 -126.43 -126.43 -126.43 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -221.19 -53.88 -53.88 -53.88 -53.88 -128.98 -128.98 -128.98 -128.98 -128.98 -128.98 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -234.39 -51.82 -51.82 -51.82 -51.82 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -222.77 -222.77 -222.77

-3466.95 -2560.52 -1697.45 -877.75 4202.56 5041.4 5925.59 6855.15 7830.06 8804.98 9734.53 10618.73 11457.56 -24248.15 -23450.94 -22524.8 -21469.74 -5029.48 -4386.44 -3469.28 -2498.74 -1642.81 -901.49 5499.86 6259.36 7138.74 8138 9257.15 10376.29 11375.55 12254.93 13014.43 -21089.7 -20434.82 -19683.68 -18836.28 -4634.86 -4098.49 -3282.98 -2385.04 -1572.66 -845.86 4787.88 5532.19 6366.01

17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -0.05955 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 20.76 20.76 20.76 20.76 20.76 20.76 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 18.76 18.76 18.76 18.76 18.76 18.76 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15

2842.96 2842.96 2842.96 2842.96 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -887.1 -2898.74 -2898.74 -2898.74 -2898.74 3994.36 3994.36 3994.36 3994.36 3994.36 3994.36 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -1395.29 -2543.28 -2543.28 -2543.28 -2543.28 3409.58 3409.58 3409.58 3409.58 3409.58 3409.58 -1157.43 -1157.43 -1157.43

238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238

4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.16 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.16 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min

-222.77 -222.77 -222.77 -222.77 -222.77 -222.77 -50.2 -50.2 -50.2 -50.2 -121.87 -121.87 -121.87 -121.87 -121.87 -121.87 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 -218.34 838.49 838.49 838.49 838.49 650.16 650.16 650.16 650.16 650.16 650.16 363.68 363.68 363.68 363.68 363.68 363.68 363.68 363.68 363.68 -917.17

7289.33 8302.16 9314.99 10238.32 11072.14 11816.45 -21090.19 -20435.31 -19684.17 -18836.78 -4634.6 -4098.24 -3282.72 -2384.78 -1572.41 -845.6 4788.18 5532.5 6366.32 7289.64 8302.47 9315.3 10238.62 11072.44 11816.76 -1308.34 -1131.74 -955.14 -778.53 -740.82 -574.3 -407.79 -241.28 -74.77 91.74 2712.78 2883.08 3053.38 3223.67 3393.97 3564.26 3734.56 3904.86 4075.15 -4947.88

-0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -8.11 -8.11 -8.11 -8.11 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.26 74.26 74.26 74.26 74.26 74.26 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 -79.66

-1157.43 -1157.43 -1157.43 -1157.43 -1157.43 -1157.43 -2543.97 -2543.97 -2543.97 -2543.97 3410.18 3410.18 3410.18 3410.18 3410.18 3410.18 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 -1157.23 2510.71 2510.71 2510.71 2510.71 1116.07 1116.07 1116.07 1116.07 1116.07 1116.07 466.44 466.44 466.44 466.44 466.44 466.44 466.44 466.44 466.44 -1838.03

238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238

0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.16 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.16 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-917.17 -917.17 -917.17 -831.52 -831.52 -831.52 -831.52 -831.52 -831.52 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 -605.36 1171.42 1171.42 1171.42 1171.42 950.91 950.91 950.91 950.91 950.91 950.91 114.58 114.58 114.58 114.58 114.58 114.58 114.58 114.58 114.58 -1250.1 -1250.1 -1250.1 -1250.1 -1132.27 -1132.27 -1132.27 -1132.27

-4771.27 -4594.67 -4418.07 -3593.28 -3426.77 -3260.25 -3093.74 -2927.23 -2760.72 234.67 404.96 575.26 745.56 915.85 1086.15 1256.45 1426.74 1597.04 380.92 557.52 734.13 910.73 1588.89 1755.41 1921.92 2088.43 2254.94 2421.45 5115.03 5285.33 5455.63 5625.92 5796.22 5966.51 6136.81 6307.11 6477.4 -6637.14 -6460.54 -6283.93 -6107.33 -5922.99 -5756.48 -5589.97 -5423.45

-79.66 -79.66 -79.66 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -62.15 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 50.98 50.98 50.98 50.98 100.03 100.03 100.03 100.03 100.03 100.03 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 -56.53 -56.53 -56.53 -56.53 -87.92 -87.92 -87.92 -87.92

-1838.03 -1838.03 -1838.03 399.88 399.88 399.88 399.88 399.88 399.88 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 -1788.15 996.48 996.48 996.48 996.48 874.48 874.48 874.48 874.48 874.48 874.48 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -304.68 -323.8 -323.8 -323.8 -323.8 641.47 641.47 641.47 641.47

238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238

3.16 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1132.27 -1132.27 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 -356.26 828.36 828.36 828.36 828.36 620.62 620.62 620.62 620.62 620.62 620.62 268.19 268.19 268.19 268.19 268.19 268.19 268.19 268.19 268.19 -927.29 -927.29 -927.29 -927.29 -861.06 -861.06 -861.06 -861.06 -861.06 -861.06 -700.85 -700.85 -700.85 -700.85 -700.85

-5256.94 -5090.43 -2167.58 -1997.29 -1826.99 -1656.69 -1486.4 -1316.1 -1145.8 -975.51 -805.21 -19270.65 -18615.77 -17864.63 -17017.24 -3208.26 -2671.89 -1856.38 -958.43 -146.06 580.74 6027.38 6771.69 7605.51 8528.84 9541.67 10554.5 11477.82 12311.64 13055.95 -22910.18 -22255.3 -21504.16 -20656.77 -6060.72 -5524.35 -4708.84 -3810.89 -2998.52 -2271.72 3549.26 4293.58 5127.4 6050.72 7063.55

-87.92 -87.92 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 68.8 68.8 68.8 68.8 86.8 86.8 86.8 86.8 86.8 86.8 9.82 9.82 9.82 9.82 9.82 9.82 9.82 9.82 9.82 -84.97 -84.97 -84.97 -84.97 -49.61 -49.61 -49.61 -49.61 -49.61 -49.61 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14

641.47 641.47 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -1017.02 -369.91 -369.91 -369.91 -369.91 3768.55 3768.55 3768.55 3768.55 3768.55 3768.55 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -29.84 -4718.65 -4718.65 -4718.65 -4718.65 3052.36 3052.36 3052.36 3052.36 3052.36 3052.36 -2284.43 -2284.43 -2284.43 -2284.43 -2284.43

238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 241 241 241

5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.4 1,4D 0.8 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-700.85 -700.85 -700.85 -700.85 1161.29 1161.29 1161.29 1161.29 921.37 921.37 921.37 921.37 921.37 921.37 19.09 19.09 19.09 19.09 19.09 19.09 19.09 19.09 19.09 -1260.22 -1260.22 -1260.22 -1260.22 -1161.81 -1161.81 -1161.81 -1161.81 -1161.81 -1161.81 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -451.75 -104.47 -104.47 -104.47

8076.38 8999.71 9833.52 10577.84 -17581.39 -16926.51 -16175.37 -15327.97 -878.55 -342.18 473.34 1371.28 2183.65 2910.45 8429.63 9173.94 10007.76 10931.09 11943.92 12956.75 13880.07 14713.89 15458.2 -24599.45 -23944.57 -23193.43 -22346.03 -8390.43 -7854.06 -7038.55 -6140.6 -5328.23 -4601.43 1147.01 1891.33 2725.15 3648.47 4661.3 5674.13 6597.46 7431.27 8175.59 -9072.76 -8329.36 -7550.13

-10.14 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 45.67 45.67 45.67 45.67 112.57 112.57 112.57 112.57 112.57 112.57 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 -61.84 -61.84 -61.84 -61.84 -75.38 -75.38 -75.38 -75.38 -75.38 -75.38 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 0.74 0.74 0.74

-2284.43 -2284.43 -2284.43 -2284.43 -1884.14 -1884.14 -1884.14 -1884.14 3526.97 3526.97 3526.97 3526.97 3526.97 3526.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -800.97 -3204.42 -3204.42 -3204.42 -3204.42 3293.95 3293.95 3293.95 3293.95 3293.95 3293.95 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 -1513.31 137.12 137.12 137.12

241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241

1.2 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-104.47 -104.47 -104.47 -104.47 -104.47 -104.47 -104.47 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -142.64 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -108.25 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -149.82 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39 -103.39

-6735.06 -5884.15 -5380.15 -4286.27 -3239.43 -2248.59 -1313.75 1118.13 1956.96 2841.16 3770.71 4745.63 5720.54 6650.1 7534.3 8373.13 -9486.69 -8817.5 -8053.59 -7194.95 -6241.6 -5809.6 -4537.99 -3390.7 -2391.41 -1540.12 1449.23 2208.73 3088.11 4087.37 5206.52 6325.66 7324.92 8204.3 8963.8 -8846.12 -8188.93 -7461.01 -6662.38 -5793.03 -5361.03 -4214.67 -3161.13 -2218.09 -1385.55

0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 -183.54 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 492.5 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 -502.51 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7 352.7

241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241

3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -141.97 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -101.55 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -139.85 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 232.64 232.64 232.64 232.64 232.64 232.64 232.64

1265.26 2009.57 2843.39 3766.71 4779.54 5792.37 6715.7 7549.52 8293.83 -8845.53 -8188.33 -7460.42 -6661.79 -5792.44 -5360.44 -4214.07 -3160.53 -2217.49 -1384.95 1265.18 2009.49 2843.31 3766.64 4779.47 5792.3 6715.62 7549.44 8293.75 -727.93 -576.56 -425.18 -273.81 -122.43 -122.43 66.78 256 445.22 634.44 2411.39 2581.68 2751.98 2922.27 3092.57 3262.87 3433.16

-0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 9.67 9.67 9.67 9.67 9.67 9.67 9.67

-373.69 -373.69 -373.69 -373.69 -373.69 -373.69 -373.69 -373.69 -373.69 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 -373.15 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 1266.39 933.98 933.98 933.98 933.98 933.98 933.98 933.98

241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241

6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min

232.64 232.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -104.64 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 -366.89 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 73.87 750.63 750.63 750.63 750.63 750.63 750.63 750.63 750.63 750.63 -187.2 -187.2 -187.2 -187.2 -187.2

3603.46 3773.76 -3704.95 -3553.57 -3402.2 -3250.82 -3099.45 -3099.45 -2910.23 -2721.01 -2531.79 -2342.58 -736.59 -566.29 -396 -225.7 -55.4 114.89 285.19 455.49 625.78 1468.4 1619.77 1771.15 1922.52 2073.89 2073.89 2263.11 2452.33 2641.55 2830.77 4565.89 4736.19 4906.49 5076.78 5247.08 5417.38 5587.67 5757.97 5928.27 -5901.27 -5749.9 -5598.53 -5447.15 -5295.78

9.67 9.67 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -7.44 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 -10.19 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3

933.98 933.98 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -946.35 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 -1243.52 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 496.94 178.24 178.24 178.24 178.24 178.24 178.24 178.24 178.24 178.24 -176.9 -176.9 -176.9 -176.9 -176.9

241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241

1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-187.2 -5295.78 -187.2 -5106.56 -187.2 -4917.34 -187.2 -4728.12 -187.2 -4538.9 -884.88 -2891.1 -884.88 -2720.8 -884.88 -2550.51 -884.88 -2380.21 -884.88 -2209.91 -884.88 -2039.62 -884.88 -1869.32 -884.88 -1699.02 -884.88 -1528.73 -52.75 -7356.75 -52.75 -6699.56 -52.75 -5971.64 -52.75 -5173.01 -52.75 -4303.66 -52.75 -3871.66 -52.75 -2725.3 -52.75 -1671.76 -52.75 -728.72 -52.75 103.83 160.88 2839.13 160.88 3583.45 160.88 4417.26 160.88 5340.59 160.88 6353.42 160.88 7366.25 160.88 8289.57 160.88 9123.39 160.88 9867.7 -148.68 -10333.76 -148.68 -9676.57 -148.68 -8948.66 -148.68 -8150.03 -148.68 -7280.67 -148.68 -6848.67 -148.68 -5702.31 -148.68 -4648.77 -148.68 -3705.73 -148.68 -2873.19 -438.65 -308.84 -438.65 435.47

-3 -176.9 -3 -176.9 -3 -176.9 -3 -176.9 -3 -176.9 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 -7.51 -487.78 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 8.6 1458.05 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 9.62 715.84 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -7.02 -754.68 -10.24 -1461.66 -10.24 -1461.66

241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241

4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-438.65 1269.29 -438.65 2192.61 -438.65 3205.44 -438.65 4218.27 -438.65 5141.6 -438.65 5975.42 -438.65 6719.73 29.82 -5160.42 29.82 -4503.23 29.82 -3775.32 29.82 -2976.68 29.82 -2107.33 29.82 -1675.33 29.82 -528.97 29.82 524.57 29.82 1467.61 29.82 2300.15 678.87 4993.64 678.87 5737.95 678.87 6571.77 678.87 7495.1 678.87 8507.93 678.87 9520.76 678.87 10444.08 678.87 11277.9 678.87 12022.21 -231.25 -12530.09 -231.25 -11872.9 -231.25 -11144.99 -231.25 -10346.35 -231.25 -9477 -231.25 -9045 -231.25 -7898.64 -231.25 -6845.1 -231.25 -5902.06 -231.25 -5069.52 -956.64 -2463.35 -956.64 -1719.04 -956.64 -885.22 -956.64 38.1 -956.64 1050.93 -956.64 2063.76 -956.64 2987.09 -956.64 3820.91 -956.64 4565.22

-10.24 -10.24 -10.24 -10.24 -10.24 -10.24 -10.24 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56

-1461.66 -1461.66 -1461.66 -1461.66 -1461.66 -1461.66 -1461.66 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 688.61 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 14.77 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92 -705.92

242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242

0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -96.8 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -100.6 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.86 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 -94.12 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 611

-4024.63 -3089.79 -2098.95 -1052.11 46.25 1144.61 2191.45 3182.28 4117.12 -4209.28 -3357.99 -2358.7 -1211.41 72.04 1355.49 2502.79 3502.08 4353.37 -3925.37 -3092.83 -2149.79 -1096.25 58.95 1214.15 2267.69 3210.73 4043.27 -3924.57 -3092.03 -2148.99 -1095.45 59.76 1214.96 2268.5 3211.54 4044.08 2122.71 2311.92 2501.14 2690.36 2879.58 3068.8 3258.02 3447.23 3636.45

0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25

114.49 114.49 114.49 114.49 114.49 114.49 114.49 114.49 114.49 133.14 133.14 133.14 133.14 133.14 133.14 133.14 133.14 133.14 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.03 120.01 120.01 120.01 120.01 120.01 120.01 120.01 120.01 120.01 16.49 16.49 16.49 16.49 16.49 16.49 16.49 16.49 16.49

242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-664.5 -664.5 -664.5 -664.5 -664.5 -664.5 -664.5 -664.5 -664.5 632.45 632.45 632.45 632.45 632.45 632.45 632.45 632.45 632.45 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 -685.95 543.98 543.98 543.98 543.98 543.98 543.98 543.98 543.98 543.98 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53 -731.53

-3746.44 -3557.22 -3368 -3178.79 -2989.57 -2800.35 -2611.13 -2421.91 -2232.7 7728.43 7917.64 8106.86 8296.08 8485.3 8674.52 8863.73 9052.95 9242.17 -9352.16 -9162.94 -8973.72 -8784.5 -8595.29 -8406.07 -8216.85 -8027.63 -7838.41 -989.63 -157.09 785.95 1839.49 2994.7 4149.9 5203.44 6146.48 6979.02 -6858.78 -6026.23 -5083.19 -4029.65 -2874.45 -1719.25 -665.71 277.33 1109.87

-3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72

-12.63 -12.63 -12.63 -12.63 -12.63 -12.63 -12.63 -12.63 -12.63 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 134.57 134.57 134.57 134.57 134.57 134.57 134.57 134.57 134.57 105.45 105.45 105.45 105.45 105.45 105.45 105.45 105.45 105.45

242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.46667 1,4D 0.93333 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.86667 1,4D 2.33333 1,4D 2.8 1,4D 3.26667 1,4D 3.73333 1,4D 4.2 1,4D 4.66667 1,4D 5.13333 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 6 1,4D 6.4 1,4D 6.8 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.86667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.33333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

565.43 565.43 565.43 565.43 565.43 565.43 565.43 565.43 565.43 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -752.98 -145.11 -145.11 -145.11 -145.11 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -281.34 -149.3 -149.3 -149.3 -149.3 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27

4616.09 5448.63 6391.67 7445.21 8600.41 9755.61 10809.16 11752.2 12584.74 -12464.49 -11631.95 -10688.91 -9635.37 -8480.17 -7324.97 -6271.43 -5328.39 -4495.85 -9963.67 -8929.13 -7894.59 -6860.04 -3201.62 -2355.23 -1508.85 -662.47 183.92 1030.3 1876.68 2723.07 3569.45 4415.83 4919.83 5645.3 6370.78 7096.25 7821.72 -10814.55 -9591.8 -8369.05 -7146.3 -2387.69 -1662.22 -936.75 -211.28

5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

127.93 127.93 127.93 127.93 127.93 127.93 127.93 127.93 127.93 112.09 112.09 112.09 112.09 112.09 112.09 112.09 112.09 112.09 2759.4 2759.4 2759.4 2759.4 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 -686.22 3712.26 3712.26 3712.26 3712.26 -959 -959 -959 -959

243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243

3.26667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.66667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.13333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.86667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.33333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.26667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.66667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.13333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -288.27 -142.34 -142.34 -142.34 -142.34 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -140.3 -140.3 -140.3 -140.3 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34

514.19 1239.66 1965.14 2690.61 3416.08 4141.55 4573.55 5195.38 5817.22 6439.05 7060.88 -9962.89 -8866.13 -7769.38 -6672.63 -2521.77 -1796.3 -1070.83 -345.36 380.12 1105.59 1831.06 2556.53 3282 4007.47 4439.47 5061.31 5683.14 6304.97 6926.8 -9961.88 -8865.13 -7768.37 -6671.62 -2521.45 -1795.98 -1070.51 -345.04 380.43 1105.9 1831.38 2556.85 3282.32 4007.79 4439.79

0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34

-959 -959 -959 -959 -959 -959 -959 -959 -959 -959 -959 3208.43 3208.43 3208.43 3208.43 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 -820.37 3207.31 3207.31 3207.31 3207.31 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01

243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243

6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.86667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.33333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.66667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.13333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.86667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.33333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.66667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.13333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

-271.34 -271.34 -271.34 -271.34 449.57 449.57 449.57 449.57 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 262.72 -585.28 -585.28 -585.28 -585.28 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 -538.57 266.3 266.3 266.3

5061.62 5683.46 6305.29 6927.12 207.04 383.64 560.24 736.85 630.94 807.54 984.14 1160.75 1337.35 1513.95 1690.56 1867.16 2043.76 2220.37 2220.37 2371.74 2523.12 2674.49 2825.87 -3684.13 -3507.53 -3330.93 -3154.32 -2114.74 -1938.14 -1761.54 -1584.93 -1408.33 -1231.72 -1055.12 -878.52 -701.91 -525.31 -525.31 -373.94 -222.56 -71.19 80.19 1903.03 2079.63 2256.24

0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 61.43 61.43 61.43 61.43 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 26.02 -59.52 -59.52 -59.52 -59.52 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 -26.3 23.68 23.68 23.68

-820.01 -820.01 -820.01 -820.01 2186.46 2186.46 2186.46 2186.46 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 452.77 -1752.66 -1752.66 -1752.66 -1752.66 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 -568.85 849.1 849.1 849.1

243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243

1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.86667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.33333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.66667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.13333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.86667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.33333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.66667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.13333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

266.3 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 156.93 -402.02 -402.02 -402.02 -402.02 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 -432.78 378.05 378.05 378.05 378.05 131.28 131.28 131.28 131.28 131.28 131.28

2432.84 3046.58 3223.18 3399.79 3576.39 3752.99 3929.6 4106.2 4282.8 4459.41 4636.01 4636.01 4787.39 4938.76 5090.13 5241.51 -5380.13 -5203.52 -5026.92 -4850.31 -4530.39 -4353.78 -4177.18 -4000.58 -3823.97 -3647.37 -3470.76 -3294.16 -3117.56 -2940.95 -2940.95 -2789.58 -2638.2 -2486.83 -2335.46 -8015.83 -6919.08 -5822.33 -4725.58 -1148.47 -423 302.47 1027.94 1753.42 2478.89

23.68 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 -21.78 -21.78 -21.78 -21.78 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 -20.98 62.75 62.75 62.75 62.75 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51

849.1 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 105.23 -415.31 -415.31 -415.31 -415.31 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 -221.32 5176.35 5176.35 5176.35 5176.35 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03

243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243

4.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

131.28 3204.36 131.28 3929.83 131.28 4655.3 131.28 5380.77 131.28 5812.77 131.28 6434.61 131.28 7056.44 131.28 7678.27 131.28 8300.1 -656.8 -11907 -656.8 -10810.25 -656.8 -9713.5 -656.8 -8616.75 -670.01 -3894.15 -670.01 -3168.68 -670.01 -2443.2 -670.01 -1717.73 -670.01 -992.26 -670.01 -266.79 -670.01 458.68 -670.01 1184.15 -670.01 1909.62 -670.01 2635.1 -670.01 3067.1 -670.01 3688.93 -670.01 4310.76 -670.01 4932.59 -670.01 5554.43 194.78 -6319.84 194.78 -5223.09 194.78 -4126.34 194.78 -3029.59 25.49 1267.17 25.49 1992.64 25.49 2718.12 25.49 3443.59 25.49 4169.06 25.49 4894.53 25.49 5620 25.49 6345.47 25.49 7070.94 25.49 7796.42 25.49 8228.42 25.49 8850.25 25.49 9472.08

26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 -58.2 -58.2 -58.2 -58.2 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19 21.19

-309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 -309.03 1237.24 1237.24 1237.24 1237.24 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 -1330.65 3839 3839 3839 3839 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56 -656.56

243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247

6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

25.49 25.49 -473.53 -473.53 -473.53 -473.53 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 -564.23 75.21 75.21 75.21 75.21 75.21 75.21 75.21 75.21 75.21 86.08 86.08 86.08 86.08 86.08 86.08 86.08 86.08 86.08 79.28 79.28 79.28 79.28 79.28 79.28

10093.91 10715.75 -13602.99 -12506.24 -11409.49 -10312.74 -6309.79 -5584.32 -4858.85 -4133.38 -3407.91 -2682.43 -1956.96 -1231.49 -506.02 219.45 651.45 1273.28 1895.12 2516.95 3138.78 -897.65 -610.07 -277.12 101.18 524.85 948.51 1326.82 1659.76 1947.35 -1322.24 -1035.23 -628.35 -101.59 545.05 1191.69 1718.46 2125.34 2412.34 -1119.09 -847.28 -485.96 -35.13 505.2 1045.53

21.19 21.19 -20.45 -20.45 -20.45 -20.45 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59

-656.56 -656.56 2574.59 2574.59 2574.59 2574.59 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 -983.11 174.43 174.43 174.43 174.43 174.43 174.43 174.43 174.43 174.43 341.08 341.08 341.08 341.08 341.08 341.08 341.08 341.08 341.08 269.62 269.62 269.62 269.62 269.62 269.62

247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

79.28 79.28 79.28 78.16 78.16 78.16 78.16 78.16 78.16 78.16 78.16 78.16 337.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 -256.58 195.99 195.99 195.99 195.99 195.99 195.99 195.99 195.99 195.99 -115.07 -115.07 -115.07 -115.07 -115.07 -115.07

1496.35 1857.67 2129.48 -1115.53 -843.72 -482.4 -31.58 508.75 1049.08 1499.91 1861.23 2133.04 9443.66 9613.96 9784.25 9954.55 10124.85 10295.14 10465.44 10635.73 10806.03 -10727.13 -10556.83 -10386.53 -10216.24 -10045.94 -9875.65 -9705.35 -9535.05 -9364.76 2435.37 2605.66 2775.96 2946.26 3116.55 3286.85 3457.15 3627.44 3797.74 -3718.84 -3548.54 -3378.24 -3207.95 -3037.65 -2867.35

0.59 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7

269.62 269.62 269.62 269.29 269.29 269.29 269.29 269.29 269.29 269.29 269.29 269.29 187.36 187.36 187.36 187.36 187.36 187.36 187.36 187.36 187.36 88.65 88.65 88.65 88.65 88.65 88.65 88.65 88.65 88.65 215.46 215.46 215.46 215.46 215.46 215.46 215.46 215.46 215.46 60.55 60.55 60.55 60.55 60.55 60.55

247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 248 248

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-115.07 -2697.06 -115.07 -2526.76 -115.07 -2356.47 374.7 8971.48 374.7 9243.29 374.7 9604.61 374.7 10055.43 374.7 10595.76 374.7 11136.09 374.7 11586.92 374.7 11948.24 374.7 12220.05 -219.38 -11199.31 -219.38 -10927.5 -219.38 -10566.18 -219.38 -10115.35 -219.38 -9575.03 -219.38 -9034.7 -219.38 -8583.87 -219.38 -8222.55 -219.38 -7950.74 233.19 1963.18 233.19 2235 233.19 2596.32 233.19 3047.14 233.19 3587.47 233.19 4127.8 233.19 4578.62 233.19 4939.94 233.19 5211.76 -77.87 -4191.02 -77.87 -3919.21 -77.87 -3557.89 -77.87 -3107.06 -77.87 -2566.73 -77.87 -2026.4 -77.87 -1575.58 -77.87 -1214.26 -77.87 -942.45 90.44 -9434.12 90.44 -8595.29 90.44 -7711.09 90.44 -6781.54 90.44 -5806.62 90.44 -4831.71

-1.7 -1.7 -1.7 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 -4.08 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 0.008296 0.008296 0.008296 0.008296 0.008296 0.008296

60.55 60.55 60.55 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 219.79 219.79 219.79 219.79 219.79 219.79 219.79 219.79 219.79 346.6 346.6 346.6 346.6 346.6 346.6 346.6 346.6 346.6 191.69 191.69 191.69 191.69 191.69 191.69 191.69 191.69 191.69 1758.92 1758.92 1758.92 1758.92 1758.92 1758.92

248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

90.44 -3902.15 90.44 -3017.96 90.44 -2179.12 65.34 2810.95 65.34 3649.79 65.34 4533.98 65.34 5463.54 65.34 6438.45 65.34 7413.37 65.34 8342.92 65.34 9227.12 65.34 10065.95 109.39 -10342.85 109.39 -9583.35 109.39 -8703.96 109.39 -7704.7 109.39 -6585.56 109.39 -5466.42 109.39 -4467.16 109.39 -3587.78 109.39 -2828.27 70.26 3558.95 70.26 4318.45 70.26 5197.83 70.26 6197.09 70.26 7316.24 70.26 8435.38 70.26 9434.64 70.26 10314.02 70.26 11073.52 98.34 -9496.75 98.34 -8752.44 98.34 -7918.62 98.34 -6995.29 98.34 -5982.46 98.34 -4969.63 98.34 -4046.31 98.34 -3212.49 98.34 -2468.18 65.11 3128.04 65.11 3872.35 65.11 4706.17 65.11 5629.5 65.11 6642.33 65.11 7655.16

0.008296 0.008296 0.008296 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 -0.02064 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 -0.0355 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13

1758.92 1758.92 1758.92 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 -1233.34 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 2519.66 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 -1935.64 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 2140.47 -1606.03 -1606.03 -1606.03 -1606.03 -1606.03 -1606.03

248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

65.11 65.11 65.11 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 64.94 64.94 64.94 64.94 64.94 64.94 64.94 64.94 64.94 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 931.24 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 -840.1 -840.1 -840.1 -840.1 -840.1 -840.1

8578.48 9412.3 10156.61 -9496.69 -8752.37 -7918.55 -6995.23 -5982.4 -4969.57 -4046.25 -3212.43 -2468.11 3127.89 3872.2 4706.02 5629.35 6642.18 7655 8578.33 9412.15 10156.46 419.75 590.04 760.34 930.64 1100.93 1271.23 1441.52 1611.82 1782.12 4616.34 4786.64 4956.93 5127.23 5297.53 5467.82 5638.12 5808.41 5978.71 -5722.76 -5552.47 -5382.17 -5211.87 -5041.58 -4871.28

0.13 0.13 0.13 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 -0.01391 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 0.09018 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 -3.84 -3.84 -3.84 -3.84 -3.84 -3.84

-1606.03 -1606.03 -1606.03 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 2140.2 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 -1606.18 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 1175.64 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 311.95 311.95 311.95 311.95 311.95 311.95

248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-840.1 -840.1 -840.1 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 -182.4 609.52 609.52 609.52 609.52 609.52 609.52 609.52 609.52 609.52 520.74 520.74 520.74 520.74 520.74 520.74 520.74 520.74 520.74 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -518.38 -484.13 -484.13 -484.13 -484.13 -484.13 -484.13

-4700.98 -4530.69 -4360.39 -1626.06 -1455.76 -1285.47 -1115.17 -944.87 -774.58 -604.28 -433.99 -263.69 -1536.46 -1366.17 -1195.87 -1025.57 -855.28 -684.98 -514.69 -344.39 -174.09 2648.29 2818.59 2988.88 3159.18 3329.47 3499.77 3670.07 3840.36 4010.66 -3766.55 -3596.26 -3425.96 -3255.66 -3085.37 -2915.07 -2744.77 -2574.48 -2404.18 341.99 512.29 682.58 852.88 1023.18 1193.47

-3.84 -3.84 -3.84 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39

311.95 311.95 311.95 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 -1007.77 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 1974.34 563.81 563.81 563.81 563.81 563.81 563.81 563.81 563.81 563.81 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -486.75 -1792.68 -1792.68 -1792.68 -1792.68 -1792.68 -1792.68

248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-484.13 1363.77 -484.13 1534.06 -484.13 1704.36 982.89 -6425.41 982.89 -5681.09 982.89 -4847.27 982.89 -3923.95 982.89 -2911.12 982.89 -1898.29 982.89 -974.96 982.89 -141.15 982.89 603.17 265.57 6249.02 265.57 6993.33 265.57 7827.15 265.57 8750.48 265.57 9763.31 265.57 10776.14 265.57 11699.46 265.57 12533.28 265.57 13277.59 -788.46 -12567.91 -788.46 -11823.6 -788.46 -10989.78 -788.46 -10066.46 -788.46 -9053.63 -788.46 -8040.8 -788.46 -7117.47 -788.46 -6283.65 -788.46 -5539.34 -135.83 6.62 -135.83 750.93 -135.83 1584.75 -135.83 2508.08 -135.83 3520.91 -135.83 4533.74 -135.83 5457.06 -135.83 6290.88 -135.83 7035.19 661.17 -8381.61 661.17 -7637.3 661.17 -6803.48 661.17 -5880.16 661.17 -4867.33 661.17 -3854.5

-2.39 -2.39 -2.39 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.51 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01

-1792.68 -1792.68 -1792.68 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 2571.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 -1212.92 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 1708.24 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 -1999.59 3370.63 3370.63 3370.63 3370.63 3370.63 3370.63

248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

661.17 661.17 661.17 567.3 567.3 567.3 567.3 567.3 567.3 567.3 567.3 567.3 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -466.73 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 -437.57 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95

-2931.17 -2097.36 -1353.04 4280.97 5025.28 5859.1 6782.43 7795.26 8808.09 9731.41 10565.23 11309.54 -10611.7 -9867.39 -9033.57 -8110.25 -7097.42 -6084.59 -5161.26 -4327.44 -3583.13 1974.67 2718.99 3552.8 4476.13 5488.96 6501.79 7425.11 8258.93 9003.24 -9653.61 -8814.77 -7930.58 -7001.02 -6026.1 -5051.19 -4121.63 -3237.44 -2398.6 2419.82 3258.66 4142.85 5072.41 6047.32 7022.24

5.01 5.01 5.01 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31

3370.63 3370.63 3370.63 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 -428.01 909.53 909.53 909.53 909.53 909.53 909.53 909.53 909.53 909.53 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 -2784.5 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 1362.12 -1349.12 -1349.12 -1349.12 -1349.12 -1349.12 -1349.12

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-5.95 -5.95 -5.95 55.81 55.81 55.81 55.81 55.81 55.81 55.81 55.81 55.81 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 -12.01 52.96 52.96 52.96 52.96 52.96 52.96 52.96 52.96 52.96 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49

7951.79 8835.99 9674.83 -10576.1 -9816.6 -8937.21 -7937.95 -6818.81 -5699.67 -4700.41 -3821.03 -3061.52 3083.1 3842.6 4721.98 5721.25 6840.39 7959.53 8958.79 9838.17 10597.67 -9713.19 -8968.88 -8135.06 -7211.74 -6198.91 -5186.08 -4262.75 -3428.93 -2684.62 2704.79 3449.1 4282.92 5206.25 6219.08 7231.91 8155.23 8989.05 9733.36 -9713.03 -8968.72 -8134.9 -7211.58 -6198.75 -5185.92

-0.31 -0.31 -0.31 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 0.01592 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

-1349.12 -1349.12 -1349.12 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 2059.65 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 -2045.78 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 1725.15 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 -1712.32 1725.11 1725.11 1725.11 1725.11 1725.11 1725.11

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

52.49 52.49 52.49 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 -9.42 759.73 759.73 759.73 759.73 759.73 759.73 759.73 759.73 759.73 347.31 347.31 347.31 347.31 347.31 347.31 347.31 347.31 347.31 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -722.41 -354.7 -354.7 -354.7 -354.7 -354.7 -354.7

-4262.59 -3428.77 -2684.46 2704.75 3449.06 4282.88 5206.2 6219.03 7231.86 8155.19 8989.01 9733.32 543.44 713.73 884.03 1054.32 1224.62 1394.92 1565.21 1735.51 1905.81 4615.15 4785.44 4955.74 5126.03 5296.33 5466.63 5636.92 5807.22 5977.52 -5980 -5809.7 -5639.41 -5469.11 -5298.81 -5128.52 -4958.22 -4787.93 -4617.63 -1924.05 -1753.75 -1583.46 -1413.16 -1242.86 -1072.57

1.05 1.05 1.05 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 -0.02419 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47

1725.11 1725.11 1725.11 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 -1712.27 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 1027.11 -267 -267 -267 -267 -267 -267 -267 -267 -267 238.45 238.45 238.45 238.45 238.45 238.45 238.45 238.45 238.45 -999.2 -999.2 -999.2 -999.2 -999.2 -999.2

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-354.7 -354.7 -354.7 784.98 784.98 784.98 784.98 784.98 784.98 784.98 784.98 784.98 672.47 672.47 672.47 672.47 672.47 672.47 672.47 672.47 672.47 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -747.66 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 -679.86 793.35 793.35 793.35 793.35 793.35 793.35

-902.27 -731.97 -561.68 -1538.49 -1368.19 -1197.9 -1027.6 -857.3 -687.01 -516.71 -346.41 -176.12 2534.07 2704.37 2874.67 3044.96 3215.26 3385.55 3555.85 3726.15 3896.44 -3898.08 -3727.78 -3557.48 -3387.19 -3216.89 -3046.59 -2876.3 -2706 -2535.71 157.02 327.32 497.62 667.91 838.21 1008.51 1178.8 1349.1 1519.4 -6451.24 -5706.93 -4873.11 -3949.78 -2936.96 -1924.13

-2.47 -2.47 -2.47 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07

-999.2 -999.2 -999.2 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 1823.68 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 545.61 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -558.12 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 -1811.81 2119.43 2119.43 2119.43 2119.43 2119.43 2119.43

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

793.35 793.35 793.35 341.59 341.59 341.59 341.59 341.59 341.59 341.59 341.59 341.59 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -688.79 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 -360.42 818.6 818.6 818.6 818.6 818.6 818.6 818.6 818.6 818.6 666.75 666.75 666.75 666.75 666.75 666.75

-1000.8 -166.98 577.33 5974.32 6718.64 7552.46 8475.78 9488.61 10501.44 11424.76 12258.58 13002.9 -12974.68 -12230.36 -11396.54 -10473.22 -9460.39 -8447.56 -7524.24 -6690.42 -5946.1 -564.87 179.44 1013.26 1936.59 2949.42 3962.24 4885.57 5719.39 6463.7 -8533.17 -7788.85 -6955.03 -6031.71 -5018.88 -4006.05 -3082.73 -2248.91 -1504.59 3893.25 4637.56 5471.38 6394.71 7407.54 8420.37

5.07 5.07 5.07 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82

2119.43 2119.43 2119.43 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 -1346.15 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 1330.76 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 -2078.34 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 -533.53 -533.53 -533.53 -533.53 -533.53 -533.53

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

666.75 9343.69 666.75 10177.51 666.75 10921.82 -714.03 -10892.75 -714.03 -10148.44 -714.03 -9314.62 -714.03 -8391.3 -714.03 -7378.47 -714.03 -6365.64 -714.03 -5442.31 -714.03 -4608.49 -714.03 -3864.18 -685.58 1516.2 -685.58 2260.52 -685.58 3094.33 -685.58 4017.66 -685.58 5030.49 -685.58 6043.32 -685.58 6966.64 -685.58 7800.46 -685.58 8544.77 -63.9 -9743.56 -63.9 -8904.72 -63.9 -8020.53 -63.9 -7090.97 -63.9 -6116.06 -63.9 -5141.14 -63.9 -4211.59 -63.9 -3327.39 -63.9 -2488.56 -173.98 2530.75 -173.98 3369.58 -173.98 4253.78 -173.98 5183.33 -173.98 6158.25 -173.98 7133.16 -173.98 8062.72 -173.98 8946.91 -173.98 9785.75 -76.17 -10696.94 -76.17 -9937.43 -76.17 -9058.05 -76.17 -8058.79 -76.17 -6939.65 -76.17 -5820.51

4.82 4.82 4.82 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79

-533.53 -533.53 -533.53 534.2 534.2 534.2 534.2 534.2 534.2 534.2 534.2 534.2 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 -2890.96 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 1492.45 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 -1382.95 2152.84 2152.84 2152.84 2152.84 2152.84 2152.84

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-76.17 -76.17 -76.17 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -187.93 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -68.4 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -174.26 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -68.18 -173.51 -173.51 -173.51 -173.51 -173.51 -173.51

-4821.25 -3941.86 -3182.36 3195.02 3954.52 4833.9 5833.16 6952.31 8071.45 9070.71 9950.09 10709.59 -9817.6 -9073.29 -8239.47 -7316.15 -6303.32 -5290.49 -4367.16 -3533.34 -2789.03 2810.4 3554.71 4388.53 5311.85 6324.68 7337.51 8260.84 9094.65 9838.97 -9817.47 -9073.15 -8239.33 -7316.01 -6303.18 -5290.35 -4367.03 -3533.21 -2788.89 2810.35 3554.66 4388.48 5311.81 6324.64 7337.47

0.79 0.79 0.79 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32

2152.84 2152.84 2152.84 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 -2148.59 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 1825.28 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 -1787.44 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 1825.24 -1787.39 -1787.39 -1787.39 -1787.39 -1787.39 -1787.39

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-173.51 -173.51 -173.51 541.04 541.04 541.04 541.04 541.04 541.04 541.04 541.04 541.04 578.46 578.46 578.46 578.46 578.46 578.46 578.46 578.46 578.46 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -579.6 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 -663.13 739.61 739.61 739.61 739.61 739.61 739.61

8260.79 9094.61 9838.92 538.33 708.62 878.92 1049.22 1219.51 1389.81 1560.1 1730.4 1900.7 4628.22 4798.52 4968.81 5139.11 5309.41 5479.7 5650 5820.3 5990.59 -6050.12 -5879.82 -5709.52 -5539.23 -5368.93 -5198.64 -5028.34 -4858.04 -4687.75 -1880.9 -1710.61 -1540.31 -1370.01 -1199.72 -1029.42 -859.13 -688.83 -518.53 -1559.21 -1388.92 -1218.62 -1048.33 -878.03 -707.73

1.32 1.32 1.32 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -5.9 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8

-1787.39 -1787.39 -1787.39 989.55 989.55 989.55 989.55 989.55 989.55 989.55 989.55 989.55 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 -323.16 234.04 234.04 234.04 234.04 234.04 234.04 234.04 234.04 234.04 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 -1094.57 1793.79 1793.79 1793.79 1793.79 1793.79 1793.79

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

739.61 739.61 739.61 839.74 839.74 839.74 839.74 839.74 839.74 839.74 839.74 839.74 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -778.17 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 -924.41 492.24 492.24 492.24 492.24 492.24 492.24 492.24 492.24 492.24 447.63 447.63 447.63 447.63 447.63 447.63

-537.44 -367.14 -196.84 2561.27 2731.56 2901.86 3072.15 3242.45 3412.75 3583.04 3753.34 3923.64 -3952.58 -3782.28 -3611.98 -3441.69 -3271.39 -3101.09 -2930.8 -2760.5 -2590.2 186.05 356.35 526.65 696.94 867.24 1037.53 1207.83 1378.13 1548.42 -6523.18 -5778.87 -4945.05 -4021.73 -3008.9 -1996.07 -1072.74 -238.92 505.39 6064.89 6809.2 7643.02 8566.35 9579.18 10592.01

4.8 4.8 4.8 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28

1793.79 1793.79 1793.79 499.76 499.76 499.76 499.76 499.76 499.76 499.76 499.76 499.76 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -570.19 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 -1917.49 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 2202.99 -1401.67 -1401.67 -1401.67 -1401.67 -1401.67 -1401.67

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

447.63 447.63 447.63 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -628.41 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 -793.96 690.81 690.81 690.81 690.81 690.81 690.81 690.81 690.81 690.81 708.9 708.9 708.9 708.9 708.9 708.9 708.9 708.9 708.9 -826.97 -826.97 -826.97 -826.97 -826.97 -826.97

11515.33 12349.15 13093.46 -13111.63 -12367.31 -11533.49 -10610.17 -9597.34 -8584.51 -7661.19 -6827.37 -6083.05 -444.23 300.08 1133.9 2057.22 3070.05 4082.88 5006.21 5840.03 6584.34 -8620.72 -7876.41 -7042.59 -6119.27 -5106.44 -4093.61 -3170.28 -2336.46 -1592.15 3997.93 4742.25 5576.07 6499.39 7512.22 8525.05 9448.37 10282.19 11026.51 -11014.08 -10269.77 -9435.95 -8512.63 -7499.8 -6486.97

3.28 3.28 3.28 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -4.43 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59

-1401.67 -1401.67 -1401.67 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 1447.47 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 -2173.08 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 3007.22 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 -578.75 643.24 643.24 643.24 643.24 643.24 643.24

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-826.97 -826.97 -826.97 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -1055.24 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -429.08 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -226.82 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -469.02 -248.12 -248.12 -248.12 -248.12 -248.12 -248.12

-5563.64 -4729.83 -3985.51 1622.72 2367.04 3200.86 4124.18 5137.01 6149.84 7073.16 7906.98 8651.3 -9388.1 -8571.95 -7755.79 -6939.64 -6123.48 -5307.33 -4491.17 -3675.01 -2858.86 1931.27 2770.1 3654.3 4583.85 5558.77 6533.68 7463.24 8347.43 9186.27 -9374.96 -8675.4 -7975.84 -7276.28 -6576.72 -5877.15 -5177.59 -4478.03 -3778.47 2214.16 2973.66 3853.04 4852.3 5971.44 7090.59

-4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32

643.24 643.24 643.24 -2996 -2996 -2996 -2996 -2996 -2996 -2996 -2996 -2996 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 2286.34 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 -2117.95 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 3145.07 -2887.37 -2887.37 -2887.37 -2887.37 -2887.37 -2887.37

251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-248.12 -248.12 -248.12 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -435.24 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -230.51 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -431.66 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 -228.35 815.59 815.59 815.59 815.59 815.59 815.59

8089.85 8969.23 9728.73 -8877.05 -8177.49 -7477.93 -6778.37 -6078.8 -5379.24 -4679.68 -3980.12 -3280.56 2004.7 2749.01 3582.83 4506.15 5518.98 6531.81 7455.14 8288.96 9033.27 -8876.97 -8177.41 -7477.85 -6778.28 -6078.72 -5379.16 -4679.6 -3980.04 -3280.48 2004.63 2748.94 3582.76 4506.08 5518.91 6531.74 7455.07 8288.88 9033.2 945.66 1115.96 1286.26 1456.55 1626.85 1797.15

0.32 0.32 0.32 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 23.11 23.11 23.11 23.11 23.11 23.11

-2887.37 -2887.37 -2887.37 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 2700.61 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 -2485.42 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 2700.57 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 -2485.38 1041.09 1041.09 1041.09 1041.09 1041.09 1041.09

251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

815.59 815.59 815.59 260.43 260.43 260.43 260.43 260.43 260.43 260.43 260.43 260.43 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -1097.44 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 -419.55 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 1345.9 546.72 546.72 546.72 546.72 546.72 546.72

1967.44 2137.74 2308.03 4072.69 4242.99 4413.29 4583.58 4753.88 4924.18 5094.47 5264.77 5435.06 -5890.17 -5719.87 -5549.58 -5379.28 -5208.98 -5038.69 -4868.39 -4698.1 -4527.8 -2270.12 -2099.82 -1929.53 -1759.23 -1588.93 -1418.64 -1248.34 -1078.05 -907.75 -1229.17 -1058.87 -888.58 -718.28 -547.98 -377.69 -207.39 -37.1 133.2 2073.39 2243.68 2413.98 2584.28 2754.57 2924.87

23.11 23.11 23.11 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -28.6 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 5.57 5.57 5.57 5.57 5.57 5.57

1041.09 1041.09 1041.09 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 -264.91 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 331.76 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 -948.54 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 1778.48 454.33 454.33 454.33 454.33 454.33 454.33

251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

546.72 546.72 546.72 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -1627.75 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 -705.84 526.48 526.48 526.48 526.48 526.48 526.48 526.48 526.48 526.48 112.62 112.62 112.62 112.62 112.62 112.62 112.62 112.62 112.62 -1386.55 -1386.55 -1386.55 -1386.55 -1386.55 -1386.55

3095.16 3265.46 3435.76 -3715.34 -3545.04 -3374.74 -3204.45 -3034.15 -2863.85 -2693.56 -2523.26 -2352.97 -270.81 -100.52 69.78 240.08 410.37 580.67 750.97 921.26 1091.56 -5459.02 -4759.45 -4059.89 -3360.33 -2660.77 -1961.21 -1261.65 -562.08 137.48 5176 5920.31 6754.13 7677.46 8690.29 9703.12 10626.44 11460.26 12204.57 -12294.85 -11595.29 -10895.73 -10196.16 -9496.6 -8797.04

5.57 5.57 5.57 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -27.52 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 -28.26 -28.26 -28.26 -28.26 -28.26 -28.26

454.33 454.33 454.33 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -405.63 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 -1667.77 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 3055.22 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 -2143.55 2345.89 2345.89 2345.89 2345.89 2345.89 2345.89

251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1386.55 -8097.48 -1386.55 -7397.92 -1386.55 -6698.36 -567.36 -1166.81 -567.36 -422.5 -567.36 411.32 -567.36 1334.64 -567.36 2347.47 -567.36 3360.3 -567.36 4283.63 -567.36 5117.44 -567.36 5861.76 1056.79 -7633.85 1056.79 -6934.29 1056.79 -6234.73 1056.79 -5535.16 1056.79 -4835.6 1056.79 -4136.04 1056.79 -3436.48 1056.79 -2736.92 1056.79 -2037.36 398.91 3176.69 398.91 3921.01 398.91 4754.83 398.91 5678.15 398.91 6690.98 398.91 7703.81 398.91 8627.13 398.91 9460.95 398.91 10205.27 -1916.86 -10120.02 -1916.86 -9420.45 -1916.86 -8720.89 -1916.86 -8021.33 -1916.86 -7321.77 -1916.86 -6622.21 -1916.86 -5922.65 -1916.86 -5223.08 -1916.86 -4523.52 -853.65 832.49 -853.65 1576.81 -853.65 2410.63 -853.65 3333.95 -853.65 4346.78 -853.65 5359.61

-28.26 -28.26 -28.26 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 22.36 22.36 22.36 22.36 22.36 22.36 22.36 22.36 22.36 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -27.18 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92

2345.89 2345.89 2345.89 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 -2827.18 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 3792.61 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 -1424.32 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 1608.5 -3546.42 -3546.42 -3546.42 -3546.42 -3546.42 -3546.42

251 251 251 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-853.65 6282.93 -853.65 7116.75 -853.65 7861.07 -157.33 -9640.7 -157.33 -8801.87 -157.33 -7917.67 -157.33 -6988.12 -157.33 -6013.2 -157.33 -5038.29 -157.33 -4108.73 -157.33 -3224.53 -157.33 -2385.7 -143.36 2485.41 -143.36 3324.25 -143.36 4208.44 -143.36 5138 -143.36 6112.91 -143.36 7087.83 -143.36 8017.38 -143.36 8901.58 -143.36 9740.41 -170.13 -10524.15 -170.13 -9764.64 -170.13 -8885.26 -170.13 -7886 -170.13 -6766.86 -170.13 -5647.72 -170.13 -4648.46 -170.13 -3769.07 -170.13 -3009.57 -144.73 3144.94 -144.73 3904.44 -144.73 4783.82 -144.73 5783.08 -144.73 6902.23 -144.73 8021.37 -144.73 9020.63 -144.73 9900.01 -144.73 10659.51 -158.46 -9676.45 -158.46 -8932.14 -158.46 -8098.32 -158.46 -7175 -158.46 -6162.17 -158.46 -5149.34

-4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 -1.88 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81

-3546.42 -3546.42 -3546.42 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 1224.14 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 -1476.52 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 1908.51 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 -2136.17 1586.35 1586.35 1586.35 1586.35 1586.35 1586.35

252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-158.46 -158.46 -158.46 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -137.32 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -157.13 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 -136.65 398.22 398.22 398.22 398.22 398.22 398.22 398.22 398.22 398.22 628.09 628.09 628.09 628.09 628.09 628.09

-4226.01 -3392.19 -2647.88 2764.62 3508.94 4342.76 5266.08 6278.91 7291.74 8215.06 9048.88 9793.2 -9676.4 -8932.08 -8098.26 -7174.94 -6162.11 -5149.28 -4225.96 -3392.14 -2647.82 2764.49 3508.8 4342.62 5265.95 6278.78 7291.61 8214.93 9048.75 9793.06 562.46 732.75 903.05 1073.35 1243.64 1413.94 1584.24 1754.53 1924.83 4645.37 4815.67 4985.96 5156.26 5326.56 5496.85

-1.81 -1.81 -1.81 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4 4 4 4 4 4

1586.35 1586.35 1586.35 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 -1809.74 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 1586.3 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 -1809.71 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 1002.43 -247.54 -247.54 -247.54 -247.54 -247.54 -247.54

252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

628.09 628.09 628.09 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -496.26 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 -680.46 524.1 524.1 524.1 524.1 524.1 524.1 524.1 524.1 524.1 669.17 669.17 669.17 669.17 669.17 669.17 669.17 669.17 669.17 -622.13 -622.13 -622.13 -622.13 -622.13 -622.13

5667.15 5837.45 6007.74 -5962.28 -5791.98 -5621.69 -5451.39 -5281.09 -5110.8 -4940.5 -4770.21 -4599.91 -1883.31 -1713.01 -1542.71 -1372.42 -1202.12 -1031.82 -861.53 -691.23 -520.93 -1519.67 -1349.37 -1179.08 -1008.78 -838.48 -668.19 -497.89 -327.59 -157.3 2563.46 2733.75 2904.05 3074.35 3244.64 3414.94 3585.24 3755.53 3925.83 -3880.15 -3709.86 -3539.56 -3369.26 -3198.97 -3028.67

4 4 4 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98

-247.54 -247.54 -247.54 292.85 292.85 292.85 292.85 292.85 292.85 292.85 292.85 292.85 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 -1006.76 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 1821.92 551.01 551.01 551.01 551.01 551.01 551.01 551.01 551.01 551.01 -526.63 -526.63 -526.63 -526.63 -526.63 -526.63

252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-622.13 -622.13 -622.13 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 -721.54 290.71 290.71 290.71 290.71 290.71 290.71 290.71 290.71 290.71 517.93 517.93 517.93 517.93 517.93 517.93 517.93 517.93 517.93 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -603.77 -790.62 -790.62 -790.62 -790.62 -790.62 -790.62

-2858.38 -2688.08 -2517.78 198.61 368.9 539.2 709.5 879.79 1050.09 1220.39 1390.68 1560.98 -6414 -5669.69 -4835.87 -3912.55 -2899.72 -1886.89 -963.56 -129.74 614.57 6028.77 6773.08 7606.9 8530.23 9543.06 10555.89 11479.21 12313.03 13057.34 -12938.74 -12194.43 -11360.61 -10437.28 -9424.45 -8411.63 -7488.3 -6654.48 -5910.17 -499.91 244.41 1078.23 2001.55 3014.38 4027.21

-6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -7.23 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32

-526.63 -526.63 -526.63 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 -1805.31 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 1941.07 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 -1430.08 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 1231.49 -2189.31 -2189.31 -2189.31 -2189.31 -2189.31 -2189.31

252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 253 253 253 253 253 253

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-790.62 4950.53 -790.62 5784.35 -790.62 6528.67 416.59 -8496.13 416.59 -7751.82 416.59 -6918 416.59 -5994.67 416.59 -4981.84 416.59 -3969.01 416.59 -3045.69 416.59 -2211.87 416.59 -1467.56 559.01 3946.86 559.01 4691.17 559.01 5524.99 559.01 6448.31 559.01 7461.14 559.01 8473.97 559.01 9397.3 559.01 10231.12 559.01 10975.43 -729.64 -10856.61 -729.64 -10112.3 -729.64 -9278.48 -729.64 -8355.16 -729.64 -7342.33 -729.64 -6329.5 -729.64 -5406.17 -729.64 -4572.36 -729.64 -3828.04 -831.7 1582.01 -831.7 2326.32 -831.7 3160.14 -831.7 4083.46 -831.7 5096.29 -831.7 6109.12 -831.7 7032.45 -831.7 7866.27 -831.7 8610.58 -105.65 -9628.76 -105.65 -8789.92 -105.65 -7905.73 -105.65 -6976.17 -105.65 -6001.26 -105.65 -5026.34

-1.32 -1.32 -1.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -7.84 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57

-2189.31 -2189.31 -2189.31 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 2760.55 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 -631.53 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 -2987.85 1344.28 1344.28 1344.28 1344.28 1344.28 1344.28

253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-105.65 -4096.79 -105.65 -3212.59 -105.65 -2373.76 -56.48 2450.15 -56.48 3288.98 -56.48 4173.18 -56.48 5102.73 -56.48 6077.65 -56.48 7052.56 -56.48 7982.12 -56.48 8866.31 -56.48 9705.15 -100.08 -10542.76 -100.08 -9783.26 -100.08 -8903.87 -100.08 -7904.61 -100.08 -6785.47 -100.08 -5666.33 -100.08 -4667.07 -100.08 -3787.69 -100.08 -3028.18 -43.86 3120.68 -43.86 3880.18 -43.86 4759.56 -43.86 5758.82 -43.86 6877.97 -43.86 7997.11 -43.86 8996.37 -43.86 9875.75 -43.86 10635.25 -96.77 -9684.24 -96.77 -8939.93 -96.77 -8106.11 -96.77 -7182.79 -96.77 -6169.96 -96.77 -5157.13 -96.77 -4233.8 -96.77 -3399.98 -96.77 -2655.67 -45.18 2738.15 -45.18 3482.46 -45.18 4316.28 -45.18 5239.61 -45.18 6252.43 -45.18 7265.26

-3.57 -3.57 -3.57 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

1344.28 1344.28 1344.28 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 -1342.33 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 2039.13 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 -2028.34 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 1706.61 -1699.22 -1699.22 -1699.22 -1699.22 -1699.22 -1699.22

253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-45.18 -45.18 -45.18 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -96.55 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 -45.51 244.48 244.48 244.48 244.48 244.48 244.48 244.48 244.48 244.48 873.97 873.97 873.97 873.97 873.97 873.97 873.97 873.97 873.97 -259.94 -259.94 -259.94 -259.94 -259.94 -259.94

8188.59 9022.41 9766.72 -9684.19 -8939.88 -8106.06 -7182.73 -6169.9 -5157.07 -4233.75 -3399.93 -2655.62 2738 3482.31 4316.13 5239.45 6252.28 7265.11 8188.44 9022.26 9766.57 560.94 731.23 901.53 1071.83 1242.12 1412.42 1582.72 1753.01 1923.31 4621.76 4792.06 4962.36 5132.65 5302.95 5473.24 5643.54 5813.84 5984.13 -5972.69 -5802.39 -5632.1 -5461.8 -5291.5 -5121.21

2.5 2.5 2.5 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39

-1699.22 -1699.22 -1699.22 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 1706.56 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 -1699.18 999.6 999.6 999.6 999.6 999.6 999.6 999.6 999.6 999.6 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 -234.63 265.55 265.55 265.55 265.55 265.55 265.55

253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-259.94 -259.94 -259.94 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 -844.98 632.72 632.72 632.72 632.72 632.72 632.72 632.72 632.72 632.72 873.71 873.71 873.71 873.71 873.71 873.71 873.71 873.71 873.71 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -648.18 -844.72 -844.72 -844.72 -844.72 -844.72 -844.72

-4950.91 -4780.62 -4610.32 -1905.67 -1735.37 -1565.08 -1394.78 -1224.49 -1054.19 -883.89 -713.6 -543.3 -1523.8 -1353.5 -1183.21 -1012.91 -842.61 -672.32 -502.02 -331.72 -161.43 2542.62 2712.92 2883.22 3053.51 3223.81 3394.11 3564.4 3734.7 3904.99 -3887.95 -3717.66 -3547.36 -3377.06 -3206.77 -3036.47 -2866.17 -2695.88 -2525.58 173.47 343.76 514.06 684.36 854.65 1024.95

-5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29

265.55 265.55 265.55 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 -1023.09 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 1809.49 555.78 555.78 555.78 555.78 555.78 555.78 555.78 555.78 555.78 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -544.34 -1813.5 -1813.5 -1813.5 -1813.5 -1813.5 -1813.5

253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-844.72 -844.72 -844.72 155.76 155.76 155.76 155.76 155.76 155.76 155.76 155.76 155.76 813.81 813.81 813.81 813.81 813.81 813.81 813.81 813.81 813.81 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -348.66 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 -905.14 544 544 544 544 544 544

1195.25 1365.54 1535.84 -6417.35 -5673.04 -4839.22 -3915.89 -2903.07 -1890.24 -966.91 -133.09 611.22 6001.65 6745.96 7579.78 8503.1 9515.93 10528.76 11452.09 12285.9 13030.22 -12950.98 -12206.67 -11372.85 -10449.52 -9436.69 -8423.86 -7500.54 -6666.72 -5922.41 -525.79 218.53 1052.34 1975.67 2988.5 4001.33 4924.65 5758.47 6502.78 -8502.09 -7757.77 -6923.96 -6000.63 -4987.8 -3974.97

-4.29 -4.29 -4.29 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 5.87 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 -0.96 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69

-1813.5 -1813.5 -1813.5 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 2073.56 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 -1304.93 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 1339.51 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 -2093.4 2883.45 2883.45 2883.45 2883.45 2883.45 2883.45

253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

544 -3051.65 544 -2217.83 544 -1473.52 813.55 3922.51 813.55 4666.82 813.55 5500.64 813.55 6423.96 813.55 7436.79 813.55 8449.62 813.55 9372.95 813.55 10206.77 813.55 10951.08 -736.9 -10866.24 -736.9 -10121.93 -736.9 -9288.11 -736.9 -8364.79 -736.9 -7351.96 -736.9 -6339.13 -736.9 -5415.8 -736.9 -4581.98 -736.9 -3837.67 -904.88 1553.35 -904.88 2297.66 -904.88 3131.48 -904.88 4054.81 -904.88 5067.64 -904.88 6080.47 -904.88 7003.79 -904.88 7837.61 -904.88 8581.92 -30.77 -10015.33 -30.77 -9176.49 -30.77 -8292.3 -30.77 -7362.74 -30.77 -6387.83 -30.77 -5412.91 -30.77 -4483.36 -30.77 -3599.16 -30.77 -2760.33 57.63 2221.21 57.63 3060.04 57.63 3944.24 57.63 4873.79 57.63 5848.71 57.63 6823.62

2.69 2.69 2.69 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -9.23 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

2883.45 2883.45 2883.45 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 -514.52 529.62 529.62 529.62 529.62 529.62 529.62 529.62 529.62 529.62 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 -2883.81 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 1182.98 -1704.7 -1704.7 -1704.7 -1704.7 -1704.7 -1704.7

254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

57.63 57.63 57.63 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 -16.93 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 67.15 67.15 67.15 67.15 67.15 67.15 67.15 67.15 67.15 -20.46 -20.46 -20.46 -20.46 -20.46 -20.46

7753.18 8637.37 9476.21 -11013.21 -10253.71 -9374.33 -8375.06 -7255.92 -6136.78 -5137.52 -4258.14 -3498.63 2874.58 3634.09 4513.47 5512.73 6631.87 7751.01 8750.27 9629.66 10389.16 -10102.65 -9358.34 -8524.52 -7601.19 -6588.36 -5575.53 -4652.21 -3818.39 -3074.08 2510.64 3254.96 4088.77 5012.1 6024.93 7037.76 7961.08 8794.9 9539.22 -10102.49 -9358.18 -8524.36 -7601.04 -6588.21 -5575.38

0.97 0.97 0.97 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 -2.99 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95

-1704.7 -1704.7 -1704.7 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 1881.63 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 -2452.27 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 1556.09 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 -2080.92 1556.24 1556.24 1556.24 1556.24 1556.24 1556.24

254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-20.46 -20.46 -20.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 66.46 312.6 312.6 312.6 312.6 312.6 312.6 312.6 312.6 312.6 980.9 980.9 980.9 980.9 980.9 980.9 980.9 980.9 980.9 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -898.3 -898.3 -898.3 -898.3 -898.3 -898.3

-4652.05 -3818.24 -3073.92 2510.58 3254.9 4088.72 5012.04 6024.87 7037.7 7961.02 8794.84 9539.16 263.22 433.51 603.81 774.11 944.4 1114.7 1285 1455.29 1625.59 4361.05 4531.35 4701.64 4871.94 5042.24 5212.53 5382.83 5553.13 5723.42 -5971.87 -5801.58 -5631.28 -5460.98 -5290.69 -5120.39 -4950.09 -4779.8 -4609.5 -1779.44 -1609.15 -1438.85 -1268.55 -1098.26 -927.96

-2.95 -2.95 -2.95 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45

1556.24 1556.24 1556.24 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 -2080.65 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 1005.31 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 -307.95 218.73 218.73 218.73 218.73 218.73 218.73 218.73 218.73 218.73 -1168.81 -1168.81 -1168.81 -1168.81 -1168.81 -1168.81

254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-898.3 -898.3 -898.3 627.18 627.18 627.18 627.18 627.18 627.18 627.18 627.18 627.18 687.36 687.36 687.36 687.36 687.36 687.36 687.36 687.36 687.36 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -597.53 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 -604.76 277.28 277.28 277.28 277.28 277.28 277.28

-757.66 -587.37 -417.07 -1707.68 -1537.38 -1367.09 -1196.79 -1026.49 -856.2 -685.9 -515.6 -345.31 2408.26 2578.55 2748.85 2919.15 3089.44 3259.74 3430.03 3600.33 3770.63 -4000.98 -3830.68 -3660.38 -3490.09 -3319.79 -3149.49 -2979.2 -2808.9 -2638.61 173.35 343.65 513.95 684.24 854.54 1024.83 1195.13 1365.43 1535.72 -6984.88 -6240.56 -5406.75 -4483.42 -3470.59 -2457.76

-2.45 -1168.81 -2.45 -1168.81 -2.45 -1168.81 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 2.67 1785.74 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 5.58 483.44 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.43 -561.71 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 -4.9 -1960.2 0.37 1949.6 0.37 1949.6 0.37 1949.6 0.37 1949.6 0.37 1949.6 0.37 1949.6

254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

277.28 277.28 277.28 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 1005.74 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -318.27 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 -873.46 591.86 591.86 591.86 591.86 591.86 591.86 591.86 591.86 591.86 712.2 712.2 712.2 712.2 712.2 712.2

-1534.44 -700.62 43.69 5580.8 6325.12 7158.94 8082.26 9095.09 10107.92 11031.25 11865.06 12609.38 -13219.97 -12475.65 -11641.84 -10718.51 -9705.68 -8692.85 -7769.53 -6935.71 -6191.4 -559.69 184.63 1018.44 1941.77 2954.6 3967.43 4890.75 5724.57 6468.88 -8955.78 -8211.46 -7377.64 -6454.32 -5441.49 -4428.66 -3505.33 -2671.52 -1927.2 3628.01 4372.32 5206.14 6129.47 7142.3 8155.13

0.37 0.37 0.37 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -6.24 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 6.08 6.08 6.08 6.08 6.08 6.08

1949.6 1949.6 1949.6 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 -1650.1 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 1163.02 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 -2510.96 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 2730.03 -858.71 -858.71 -858.71 -858.71 -858.71 -858.71

254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

712.2 9078.45 712.2 9912.27 712.2 10656.58 -632.85 -11249.07 -632.85 -10504.76 -632.85 -9670.94 -632.85 -8747.62 -632.85 -7734.79 -632.85 -6721.96 -632.85 -5798.63 -632.85 -4964.81 -632.85 -4220.5 -579.92 1393.11 -579.92 2137.42 -579.92 2971.24 -579.92 3894.56 -579.92 4907.39 -579.92 5920.22 -579.92 6843.55 -579.92 7677.37 -579.92 8421.68 64.58 -1913.04 64.58 -1625.46 64.58 -1292.51 64.58 -914.21 64.58 -490.54 64.58 -66.88 64.58 311.43 64.58 644.38 64.58 931.96 75.49 -2337.54 75.49 -2050.54 75.49 -1643.66 75.49 -1116.9 75.49 -470.26 75.49 176.39 75.49 703.15 75.49 1110.03 75.49 1397.03 69.2 -2071.73 69.2 -1799.92 69.2 -1438.6 69.2 -987.78 69.2 -447.45 69.2 92.88

6.08 6.08 6.08 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -6.48 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72

-858.71 -858.71 -858.71 382.59 382.59 382.59 382.59 382.59 382.59 382.59 382.59 382.59 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -3302.35 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -184.12 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -343.34 -274.16 -274.16 -274.16 -274.16 -274.16 -274.16

255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

69.2 69.2 69.2 68.12 68.12 68.12 68.12 68.12 68.12 68.12 68.12 68.12 311.49 311.49 311.49 311.49 311.49 311.49 311.49 311.49 311.49 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 -233.8 199.84 199.84 199.84 199.84 199.84 199.84 199.84 199.84 199.84 -122.15 -122.15 -122.15 -122.15 -122.15 -122.15

543.71 905.03 1176.84 -2075.27 -1803.45 -1442.13 -991.31 -450.98 89.35 540.17 901.49 1173.31 9361.06 9531.36 9701.66 9871.95 10042.25 10212.55 10382.84 10553.14 10723.43 -10785.84 -10615.55 -10445.25 -10274.95 -10104.66 -9934.36 -9764.07 -9593.77 -9423.47 2345.44 2515.73 2686.03 2856.33 3026.62 3196.92 3367.21 3537.51 3707.81 -3770.22 -3599.92 -3429.62 -3259.33 -3089.03 -2918.74

-0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32

-274.16 -274.16 -274.16 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -273.83 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -88.09 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -61.17 -211.88 -211.88 -211.88 -211.88 -211.88 -211.88

255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 256 256 256 256 256 256

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-122.15 -122.15 -122.15 340.28 340.28 340.28 340.28 340.28 340.28 340.28 340.28 340.28 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 -205.01 228.63 228.63 228.63 228.63 228.63 228.63 228.63 228.63 228.63 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 -93.36 68.24 68.24 68.24 68.24 68.24 68.24

-2748.44 -2578.14 -2407.85 7996.58 8268.39 8629.71 9080.54 9620.87 10161.19 10612.02 10973.34 11245.15 -12150.33 -11878.51 -11517.2 -11066.37 -10526.04 -9985.71 -9534.89 -9173.57 -8901.75 980.95 1252.77 1614.09 2064.91 2605.24 3145.57 3596.39 3957.71 4229.53 -5134.7 -4862.89 -4501.57 -4050.74 -3510.41 -2970.09 -2519.26 -2157.94 -1886.13 -3302.15 -2440.64 -1488.4 -445.45 688.23 1821.9

-2.32 -2.32 -2.32 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15

-211.88 -211.88 -211.88 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -225.24 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -322.11 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -198.32 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -349.03 -137.3 -137.3 -137.3 -137.3 -137.3 -137.3

256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

68.24 2864.86 68.24 3817.1 68.24 4678.61 81.55 -3965.53 81.55 -3146.09 81.55 -2086.88 81.55 -787.92 81.55 750.8 81.55 2289.52 81.55 3588.48 81.55 4647.68 81.55 5467.13 74.14 -3546.07 74.14 -2757 74.14 -1788.92 74.14 -641.84 74.14 684.26 74.14 2010.36 74.14 3157.44 74.14 4125.52 74.14 4914.59 73.08 -3540.76 73.08 -2751.7 73.08 -1783.62 73.08 -636.53 73.08 689.56 73.08 2015.66 73.08 3162.75 73.08 4130.82 73.08 4919.89 312.97 9265.22 312.97 9435.52 312.97 9605.82 312.97 9776.11 312.97 9946.41 312.97 10116.7 312.97 10287 312.97 10457.3 312.97 10627.59 -239.15 -10505.01 -239.15 -10334.71 -239.15 -10164.41 -239.15 -9994.12 -239.15 -9823.82 -239.15 -9653.52

-0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5

-137.3 -137.3 -137.3 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -240.08 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.29 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -194.2 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -39.86 -165.73 -165.73 -165.73 -165.73 -165.73 -165.73

256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-239.15 -9483.23 -239.15 -9312.93 -239.15 -9142.64 145.01 2358.61 145.01 2528.91 145.01 2699.2 145.01 2869.5 145.01 3039.8 145.01 3210.09 145.01 3380.39 145.01 3550.68 145.01 3720.98 -71.18 -3598.39 -71.18 -3428.1 -71.18 -3257.8 -71.18 -3087.5 -71.18 -2917.21 -71.18 -2746.91 -71.18 -2576.62 -71.18 -2406.32 -71.18 -2236.02 348.66 6346.76 348.66 7135.83 348.66 8103.9 348.66 9250.99 348.66 10577.09 348.66 11903.18 348.66 13050.27 348.66 14018.35 348.66 14807.41 -203.46 -13423.47 -203.46 -12634.4 -203.46 -11666.32 -203.46 -10519.24 -203.46 -9193.14 -203.46 -7867.04 -203.46 -6719.96 -203.46 -5751.88 -203.46 -4962.81 180.7 -559.85 180.7 229.21 180.7 1197.29 180.7 2344.38 180.7 3670.47 180.7 4996.57

-3.5 -3.5 -3.5 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 -3.79 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55

-165.73 -165.73 -165.73 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -188.49 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -131.22 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -257.09 -108.46 -108.46 -108.46 -108.46 -108.46 -108.46

256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

180.7 180.7 180.7 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 -35.49 68.21 68.21 68.21 68.21 68.21 68.21 68.21 68.21 68.21 43.96 43.96 43.96 43.96 43.96 43.96 43.96 43.96 43.96 90.2 90.2 90.2 90.2 90.2 90.2 90.2 90.2 90.2 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07

6143.66 7111.74 7900.8 -6516.86 -5727.79 -4759.71 -3612.63 -2286.53 -960.43 186.65 1154.73 1943.8 -11614.02 -10752.51 -9800.27 -8757.32 -7623.64 -6489.97 -5447.01 -4494.78 -3633.26 4297.83 5159.35 6111.58 7154.54 8288.21 9421.89 10464.84 11417.08 12278.59 -14051.73 -13232.29 -12173.09 -10874.13 -9335.41 -7796.69 -6497.72 -5438.52 -4619.08 5454.9 6274.34 7333.54 8632.5 10171.22 11709.94

3.55 3.55 3.55 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 -3.87 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41

-108.46 -108.46 -108.46 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -279.86 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 -641.46 549.97 549.97 549.97 549.97 549.97 549.97 549.97 549.97 549.97 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 -922.99 787.19 787.19 787.19 787.19 787.19 787.19

257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

63.07 63.07 63.07 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 53.82 53.82 53.82 53.82 53.82 53.82 53.82 53.82 53.82 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 53.59 53.59 53.59 53.59 53.59 53.59 53.59 53.59 53.59 706.13 706.13 706.13 706.13 706.13 706.13

13008.91 14068.11 14887.55 -12515.57 -11726.5 -10758.43 -9611.34 -8285.24 -6959.15 -5812.06 -4843.98 -4054.92 4790.69 5579.75 6547.83 7694.92 9021.01 10347.11 11494.2 12462.27 13251.34 -12515.44 -11726.37 -10758.29 -9611.21 -8285.11 -6959.01 -5811.93 -4843.85 -4054.78 4790.74 5579.81 6547.89 7694.98 9021.07 10347.17 11494.26 12462.33 13251.4 -566.79 -396.5 -226.2 -55.9 114.39 284.69

0.41 0.41 0.41 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62

787.19 787.19 787.19 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 -782.62 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 -782.99 668.68 668.68 668.68 668.68 668.68 668.68 668.68 668.68 668.68 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98

257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

706.13 706.13 706.13 230.49 230.49 230.49 230.49 230.49 230.49 230.49 230.49 230.49 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -638.36 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 -178.03 318.04 318.04 318.04 318.04 318.04 318.04 318.04 318.04 318.04 176.42 176.42 176.42 176.42 176.42 176.42

454.98 625.28 795.58 5343.7 5514 5684.29 5854.59 6024.88 6195.18 6365.48 6535.77 6706.07 -6409.2 -6238.9 -6068.61 -5898.31 -5728.01 -5557.72 -5387.42 -5217.13 -5046.83 -574.53 -404.23 -233.93 -63.64 106.66 276.96 447.25 617.55 787.84 -2576.6 -2406.3 -2236.01 -2065.71 -1895.41 -1725.12 -1554.82 -1384.52 -1214.23 3314.75 3485.05 3655.35 3825.64 3995.94 4166.24

3.62 3.62 3.62 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7

91.98 91.98 91.98 748.02 748.02 748.02 748.02 748.02 748.02 748.02 748.02 748.02 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -832.45 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1001.58 1655.72 1655.72 1655.72 1655.72 1655.72 1655.72

257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

176.42 176.42 176.42 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -250.27 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 -123.95 750.44 750.44 750.44 750.44 750.44 750.44 750.44 750.44 750.44 257.74 257.74 257.74 257.74 257.74 257.74 257.74 257.74 257.74 -594.05 -594.05 -594.05 -594.05 -594.05 -594.05

4336.53 4506.83 4677.12 -4399.39 -4229.1 -4058.8 -3888.51 -3718.21 -3547.91 -3377.62 -3207.32 -3037.02 1454.42 1624.71 1795.01 1965.31 2135.6 2305.9 2476.2 2646.49 2816.79 -9594.17 -8805.1 -7837.03 -6689.94 -5363.84 -4037.75 -2890.66 -1922.58 -1133.52 7749.88 8538.95 9507.03 10654.11 11980.21 13306.31 14453.39 15421.47 16210.54 -15436.58 -14647.51 -13679.43 -12532.35 -11206.25 -9880.15

2.7 2.7 2.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.72 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71

1655.72 1655.72 1655.72 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1742.06 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -1031.76 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 -320.94 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 1104.95 -1245.37 -1245.37 -1245.37 -1245.37 -1245.37 -1245.37

257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-594.05 -594.05 -594.05 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 -150.78 362.35 362.35 362.35 362.35 362.35 362.35 362.35 362.35 362.35 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.67 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -205.96 -96.71 -96.71 -96.71 -96.71 -96.71 -96.71

-8733.07 -7764.99 -6975.92 1831.66 2620.73 3588.8 4735.89 6061.99 7388.08 8535.17 9503.25 10292.31 -11603.98 -10814.91 -9846.83 -8699.75 -7373.65 -6047.55 -4900.47 -3932.39 -3143.32 5720.94 6510.01 7478.08 8625.17 9951.27 11277.36 12424.45 13392.53 14181.59 -13426.77 -12637.71 -11669.63 -10522.54 -9196.45 -7870.35 -6723.26 -5755.19 -4966.12 3860.6 4649.67 5617.75 6764.83 8090.93 9417.03

-2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39

-1245.37 -1245.37 -1245.37 232.87 232.87 232.87 232.87 232.87 232.87 232.87 232.87 232.87 588.67 588.67 588.67 588.67 588.67 588.67 588.67 588.67 588.67 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 2012.65 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -2154.97 -674.83 -674.83 -674.83 -674.83 -674.83 -674.83

257 257 257 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-96.71 -96.71 -96.71 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 51.47 51.47 51.47 51.47 51.47 51.47 51.47 51.47 51.47 85.46 85.46 85.46 85.46 85.46 85.46 85.46 85.46 85.46 69.28 69.28 69.28 69.28 69.28 69.28 69.28 69.28 69.28 75.09 75.09 75.09 75.09 75.09 75.09

10564.11 11532.19 12321.26 -11879.05 -11017.54 -10065.3 -9022.35 -7888.67 -6755 -5712.04 -4759.81 -3898.29 3899.57 4761.08 5713.32 6756.27 7889.95 9023.63 10066.58 11018.82 11880.33 -14385.15 -13565.71 -12506.51 -11207.55 -9668.82 -8130.1 -6831.14 -5771.94 -4952.5 4936.36 5755.81 6815.01 8113.97 9652.69 11191.41 12490.37 13549.58 14369.02 -12809.04 -12019.98 -11051.9 -9904.81 -8578.72 -7252.62

-2.39 -2.39 -2.39 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87

-674.83 -674.83 -674.83 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 -558.08 562.03 562.03 562.03 562.03 562.03 562.03 562.03 562.03 562.03 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 -790.5 797.97 797.97 797.97 797.97 797.97 797.97 797.97 797.97 797.97 -672.87 -672.87 -672.87 -672.87 -672.87 -672.87

258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

75.09 -6105.53 75.09 -5137.46 75.09 -4348.39 60.4 4338.72 60.4 5127.78 60.4 6095.86 60.4 7242.95 60.4 8569.04 60.4 9895.14 60.4 11042.23 60.4 12010.3 60.4 12799.37 74.42 -12809 74.42 -12019.93 74.42 -11051.85 74.42 -9904.77 74.42 -8578.67 74.42 -7252.57 74.42 -6105.48 74.42 -5137.41 74.42 -4348.34 59.92 4338.67 59.92 5127.74 59.92 6095.81 59.92 7242.9 59.92 8569 59.92 9895.09 59.92 11042.18 59.92 12010.26 59.92 12799.32 547.27 -500.45 547.27 -330.16 547.27 -159.86 547.27 10.43 547.27 180.73 547.27 351.03 547.27 521.32 547.27 691.62 547.27 861.92 144.99 5314.12 144.99 5484.42 144.99 5654.72 144.99 5825.01 144.99 5995.31 144.99 6165.6

0.87 0.87 0.87 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37

-672.87 -672.87 -672.87 678.79 678.79 678.79 678.79 678.79 678.79 678.79 678.79 678.79 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 -673.36 679.3 679.3 679.3 679.3 679.3 679.3 679.3 679.3 679.3 129.25 129.25 129.25 129.25 129.25 129.25 129.25 129.25 129.25 733.18 733.18 733.18 733.18 733.18 733.18

258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

144.99 144.99 144.99 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -472.06 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 -83.2 306.46 306.46 306.46 306.46 306.46 306.46 306.46 306.46 306.46 172.14 172.14 172.14 172.14 172.14 172.14 172.14 172.14 172.14 -231.25 -231.25 -231.25 -231.25 -231.25 -231.25

6335.9 6506.2 6676.49 -6686.76 -6516.47 -6346.17 -6175.87 -6005.58 -5835.28 -5664.99 -5494.69 -5324.39 -878.8 -708.51 -538.21 -367.91 -197.62 -27.32 142.98 313.27 483.57 -2625.17 -2454.87 -2284.58 -2114.28 -1943.98 -1773.69 -1603.39 -1433.1 -1262.8 3187.93 3358.23 3528.52 3698.82 3869.12 4039.41 4209.71 4380.01 4550.3 -4562.05 -4391.75 -4221.45 -4051.16 -3880.86 -3710.57

2.37 2.37 2.37 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3

733.18 733.18 733.18 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -750.53 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 -108.95 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1036.38 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 1651.85 -1657.66 -1657.66 -1657.66 -1657.66 -1657.66 -1657.66

258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-231.25 -3540.27 -231.25 -3369.97 -231.25 -3199.68 -110.35 1247.39 -110.35 1417.69 -110.35 1587.98 -110.35 1758.28 -110.35 1928.57 -110.35 2098.87 -110.35 2269.17 -110.35 2439.46 -110.35 2609.76 583.78 -9715.82 583.78 -8926.75 583.78 -7958.68 583.78 -6811.59 583.78 -5485.49 583.78 -4159.4 583.78 -3012.31 583.78 -2044.23 583.78 -1255.16 173.8 7435.11 173.8 8224.18 173.8 9192.25 173.8 10339.34 173.8 11665.44 173.8 12991.53 173.8 14138.62 173.8 15106.7 173.8 15895.76 -435.55 -15902.13 -435.55 -15113.06 -435.55 -14144.98 -435.55 -12997.9 -435.55 -11671.8 -435.55 -10345.7 -435.55 -9198.62 -435.55 -8230.54 -435.55 -7441.47 -54.39 1242.18 -54.39 2031.25 -54.39 2999.33 -54.39 4146.41 -54.39 5472.51 -54.39 6798.61

-5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32

-1657.66 -1657.66 -1657.66 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -1027.62 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 -233.69 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 1100.59 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 -1113.47 258.46 258.46 258.46 258.46 258.46 258.46

258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 259 259 259 259 259 259

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-54.39 -54.39 -54.39 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 342.97 200.95 200.95 200.95 200.95 200.95 200.95 200.95 200.95 200.95 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -194.74 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 -81.53 40.67 40.67 40.67 40.67 40.67 40.67

7945.69 8913.77 9702.84 -11840.53 -11051.47 -10083.39 -8936.3 -7610.21 -6284.11 -5137.02 -4168.95 -3379.88 5308.92 6097.98 7066.06 8213.15 9539.24 10865.34 12012.43 12980.5 13769.57 -13777.41 -12988.35 -12020.27 -10873.18 -9547.09 -8220.99 -7073.9 -6105.83 -5316.76 3368.38 4157.44 5125.52 6272.61 7598.7 8924.8 10071.89 11039.96 11829.03 -11900.23 -11038.72 -10086.48 -9043.53 -7909.85 -6776.18

-1.32 -1.32 -1.32 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34

258.46 258.46 258.46 673.43 673.43 673.43 673.43 673.43 673.43 673.43 673.43 673.43 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 2019.27 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -2020.6 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -660.21 -679.43 -679.43 -679.43 -679.43 -679.43 -679.43

259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

40.67 40.67 40.67 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 56.07 56.07 56.07 56.07 56.07 56.07 56.07 56.07 56.07 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 48.46 48.46 48.46 48.46 48.46 48.46 48.46 48.46 48.46 18.76 18.76 18.76 18.76 18.76 18.76

-5733.22 -4780.99 -3919.47 4229.79 5091.31 6043.55 7086.5 8220.18 9353.85 10396.81 11349.04 12210.56 -14343.38 -13523.94 -12464.73 -11165.77 -9627.05 -8088.33 -6789.37 -5730.17 -4910.72 5388.92 6208.36 7267.56 8566.52 10105.25 11643.97 12942.93 14002.13 14821.57 -12789.75 -12000.68 -11032.6 -9885.52 -8559.42 -7233.32 -6086.24 -5118.16 -4329.09 4727.66 5516.73 6484.8 7631.89 8957.99 10284.08

1.34 1.34 1.34 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38

-679.43 -679.43 -679.43 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 -902.83 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 668.17 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 -782.07 549.93 549.93 549.93 549.93 549.93 549.93

259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

18.76 11431.17 18.76 12399.25 18.76 13188.31 48.17 -12789.7 48.17 -12000.63 48.17 -11032.55 48.17 -9885.47 48.17 -8559.37 48.17 -7233.27 48.17 -6086.18 48.17 -5118.11 48.17 -4329.04 18.64 4727.65 18.64 5516.72 18.64 6484.8 18.64 7631.88 18.64 8957.98 18.64 10284.08 18.64 11431.16 18.64 12399.24 18.64 13188.31 506.32 -500.04 506.32 -329.74 506.32 -159.44 506.32 10.85 506.32 181.15 506.32 351.45 506.32 521.74 506.32 692.04 506.32 862.33 170.82 5316.1 170.82 5486.4 170.82 5656.69 170.82 5826.99 170.82 5997.29 170.82 6167.58 170.82 6337.88 170.82 6508.18 170.82 6678.47 -456.79 -6713.9 -456.79 -6543.6 -456.79 -6373.31 -456.79 -6203.01 -456.79 -6032.71 -456.79 -5862.42

0.38 0.38 0.38 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33

549.93 549.93 549.93 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 -782.57 550.43 550.43 550.43 550.43 550.43 550.43 550.43 550.43 550.43 125.27 125.27 125.27 125.27 125.27 125.27 125.27 125.27 125.27 784.28 784.28 784.28 784.28 784.28 784.28 784.28 784.28 784.28 -733.47 -733.47 -733.47 -733.47 -733.47 -733.47

259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-456.79 -456.79 -456.79 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 -138.81 258.71 258.71 258.71 258.71 258.71 258.71 258.71 258.71 258.71 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -209.19 -167.5 -167.5 -167.5 -167.5 -167.5 -167.5

-5692.12 -5521.82 -5351.53 -792.57 -622.27 -451.97 -281.68 -111.38 58.92 229.21 399.51 569.8 -2626.61 -2456.32 -2286.02 -2115.72 -1945.43 -1775.13 -1604.83 -1434.54 -1264.24 3225.53 3395.83 3566.12 3736.42 3906.72 4077.01 4247.31 4417.61 4587.9 -4587.32 -4417.03 -4246.73 -4076.43 -3906.14 -3735.84 -3565.54 -3395.25 -3224.95 1298 1468.3 1638.6 1808.89 1979.19 2149.49

-0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 -4.68 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69 -8.69

-733.47 -733.47 -733.47 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 -51.87 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1035.07 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 1703.81 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -1643.27 -971.41 -971.41 -971.41 -971.41 -971.41 -971.41

259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-167.5 -167.5 -167.5 529.59 529.59 529.59 529.59 529.59 529.59 529.59 529.59 529.59 173.4 173.4 173.4 173.4 173.4 173.4 173.4 173.4 173.4 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -433.52 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 -136.23 281.98 281.98 281.98 281.98 281.98 281.98

2319.78 2490.08 2660.37 -9682.74 -8893.67 -7925.6 -6778.51 -5452.41 -4126.32 -2979.23 -2011.15 -1222.09 7781.98 8571.05 9539.13 10686.21 12012.31 13338.41 14485.49 15453.57 16242.64 -15896.6 -15107.54 -14139.46 -12992.37 -11666.28 -10340.18 -9193.09 -8225.02 -7435.95 1673.32 2462.38 3430.46 4577.55 5903.64 7229.74 8376.83 9344.9 10133.97 -11809.32 -11020.25 -10052.17 -8905.09 -7578.99 -6252.89

-8.69 -8.69 -8.69 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 -4.17 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86

-971.41 -971.41 -971.41 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 -353.43 968.74 968.74 968.74 968.74 968.74 968.74 968.74 968.74 968.74 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 -1212.17 132.59 132.59 132.59 132.59 132.59 132.59 132.59 132.59 132.59 556.37 556.37 556.37 556.37 556.37 556.37

259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

281.98 281.98 281.98 202.09 202.09 202.09 202.09 202.09 202.09 202.09 202.09 202.09 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -185.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -164.92 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -37.28 -41.46 -41.46 -41.46 -41.46 -41.46 -41.46

-5105.81 -4137.73 -3348.66 5691.41 6480.48 7448.56 8595.64 9921.74 11247.84 12394.92 13363 14152.07 -13770.03 -12980.96 -12012.88 -10865.8 -9539.7 -8213.6 -7066.52 -6098.44 -5309.37 3763.89 4552.95 5521.03 6668.12 7994.21 9320.31 10467.4 11435.47 12224.54 -11367.98 -11080.39 -10747.45 -10369.14 -9945.48 -9521.81 -9143.5 -8810.56 -8522.97 8164.92 8475.19 8876.17 9367.88 9950.31 10532.73

4.86 4.86 4.86 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49

556.37 556.37 556.37 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 1888.28 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -2121.97 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -786.95 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 -2411.31 2443.73 2443.73 2443.73 2443.73 2443.73 2443.73

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-41.46 -41.46 -41.46 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -22.98 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -29.55 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -26.82 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -26.41 -26.41 -26.41 -26.41 -26.41 -26.41

11024.44 11425.42 11735.69 -14985.31 -14698.3 -14291.42 -13764.66 -13118.02 -12471.38 -11944.62 -11537.73 -11250.73 10370.49 10717.43 11304.13 12130.59 13196.82 14263.04 15089.5 15676.2 16023.14 -13019.84 -12748.02 -12386.7 -11935.88 -11395.55 -10855.22 -10404.4 -10043.08 -9771.26 9106.01 9422.58 9918.15 10592.74 11446.34 12299.93 12974.52 13470.1 13786.66 -13019.81 -12748 -12386.68 -11935.86 -11395.53 -10855.2

-0.49 -0.49 -0.49 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56

2443.73 2443.73 2443.73 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 -3143.48 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 3160.31 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 -2739.17 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 2760.12 -2739.66 -2739.66 -2739.66 -2739.66 -2739.66 -2739.66

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-26.41 -10404.37 -26.41 -10043.05 -26.41 -9771.24 -31.84 9106 -31.84 9422.56 -31.84 9918.14 -31.84 10592.73 -31.84 11446.32 -31.84 12299.92 -31.84 12974.51 -31.84 13470.08 -31.84 13786.65 317.5 -372.82 317.5 -202.52 317.5 -32.23 317.5 138.07 317.5 308.37 317.5 478.66 317.5 648.96 317.5 819.25 317.5 989.55 446.75 5249.41 446.75 5419.71 446.75 5590 446.75 5760.3 446.75 5930.59 446.75 6100.89 446.75 6271.19 446.75 6441.48 446.75 6611.78 -318.96 -6524.05 -318.96 -6353.75 -318.96 -6183.45 -318.96 -6013.16 -318.96 -5842.86 -318.96 -5672.56 -318.96 -5502.27 -318.96 -5331.97 -318.96 -5161.67 -450.26 -1060.51 -450.26 -890.22 -450.26 -719.92 -450.26 -549.62 -450.26 -379.33 -450.26 -209.03

1.56 -2739.66 1.56 -2739.66 1.56 -2739.66 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 -0.54 2760.6 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 6.71 64.97 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 2.99 702.95 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -5.52 -736.85 -3.74 -114.75 -3.74 -114.75 -3.74 -114.75 -3.74 -114.75 -3.74 -114.75 -3.74 -114.75

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-450.26 -450.26 -450.26 366.53 366.53 366.53 366.53 366.53 366.53 366.53 366.53 366.53 340.55 340.55 340.55 340.55 340.55 340.55 340.55 340.55 340.55 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -367.99 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 -344.06 292 292 292 292 292 292

-38.74 131.56 301.86 -2394.84 -2224.55 -2054.25 -1883.95 -1713.66 -1543.36 -1373.07 -1202.77 -1032.47 3121.45 3291.75 3462.04 3632.34 3802.64 3972.93 4143.23 4313.53 4483.82 -4502.02 -4331.73 -4161.43 -3991.13 -3820.84 -3650.54 -3480.24 -3309.95 -3139.65 1067.44 1237.74 1408.04 1578.33 1748.63 1918.93 2089.22 2259.52 2429.81 -9944.19 -9672.38 -9311.06 -8860.23 -8319.9 -7779.57

-3.74 -3.74 -3.74 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 7.67 7.67 7.67 7.67 7.67 7.67

-114.75 -114.75 -114.75 952.81 952.81 952.81 952.81 952.81 952.81 952.81 952.81 952.81 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -1624.69 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -992.21 -2338.97 -2338.97 -2338.97 -2338.97 -2338.97 -2338.97

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

292 292 292 416.79 416.79 416.79 416.79 416.79 416.79 416.79 416.79 416.79 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -344.46 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 -480.22 341.03 341.03 341.03 341.03 341.03 341.03 341.03 341.03 341.03 310.59 310.59 310.59 310.59 310.59 310.59

-7328.75 -6967.43 -6695.62 12260.95 12577.52 13073.1 13747.68 14601.28 15454.88 16129.46 16625.04 16941.61 -16095.42 -15823.6 -15462.28 -15011.46 -14471.13 -13930.8 -13479.97 -13118.66 -12846.84 5951.03 6267.6 6763.17 7437.76 8291.36 9144.95 9819.54 10315.12 10631.69 -11966.21 -11694.4 -11333.08 -10882.26 -10341.93 -9801.6 -9350.77 -8989.45 -8717.64 10133 10449.56 10945.14 11619.73 12473.32 13326.92

7.67 7.67 7.67 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79

-2338.97 -2338.97 -2338.97 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 3169.67 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 -3140.79 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 2351.97 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 -1451.14 4047.12 4047.12 4047.12 4047.12 4047.12 4047.12

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

310.59 310.59 310.59 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -393.49 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 -374.02 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05 16.88 16.88 16.88 16.88 16.88 16.88

14001.51 14497.08 14813.65 -14073.39 -13801.58 -13440.26 -12989.43 -12449.1 -11908.78 -11457.95 -11096.63 -10824.82 8078.99 8395.56 8891.13 9565.72 10419.32 11272.91 11947.5 12443.08 12759.64 -12025.61 -11164.09 -10211.86 -9168.9 -8035.22 -6901.55 -5858.59 -4906.36 -4044.84 3944.1 4805.61 5757.85 6800.8 7934.48 9068.15 10111.11 11063.34 11924.86 -14586.69 -13767.24 -12708.04 -11409.08 -9870.36 -8331.64

4.79 4.79 4.79 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37

4047.12 4047.12 4047.12 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 -4028.63 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 1474.51 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 -414.9 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 670.54 -645.46 -645.46 -645.46 -645.46 -645.46 -645.46

261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

16.88 16.88 16.88 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 56.75 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 49.06 49.06 49.06 49.06 49.06 49.06

-7032.67 -5973.47 -5154.03 4910.96 5730.4 6789.6 8088.56 9627.29 11166.01 12464.97 13524.17 14343.61 -12982.05 -12192.99 -11224.91 -10077.82 -8751.73 -7425.63 -6278.54 -5310.47 -4521.4 4337.16 5126.23 6094.31 7241.39 8567.49 9893.59 11040.67 12008.75 12797.82 -12982.05 -12192.99 -11224.91 -10077.82 -8751.73 -7425.63 -6278.54 -5310.46 -4521.4 4337.1 5126.17 6094.25 7241.33 8567.43 9893.53

0.37 0.37 0.37 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 -2.11 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08

-645.46 -645.46 -645.46 893.94 893.94 893.94 893.94 893.94 893.94 893.94 893.94 893.94 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 -536.19 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 -536.69 774.16 774.16 774.16 774.16 774.16 774.16

261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

49.06 49.06 49.06 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 460.02 460.02 460.02 460.02 460.02 460.02 460.02 460.02 460.02 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -32.64 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 -407.03 152.27 152.27 152.27 152.27 152.27 152.27

11040.61 12008.69 12797.76 -500.61 -330.32 -160.02 10.28 180.57 350.87 521.17 691.46 861.76 5327.97 5498.26 5668.56 5838.85 6009.15 6179.45 6349.74 6520.04 6690.34 -6674.87 -6504.57 -6334.28 -6163.98 -5993.69 -5823.39 -5653.09 -5482.8 -5312.5 -850.33 -680.04 -509.74 -339.44 -169.15 1.15 171.45 341.74 512.04 -2615.42 -2445.12 -2274.83 -2104.53 -1934.23 -1763.94

-2.08 -2.08 -2.08 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 -2.76 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63

774.16 774.16 774.16 77.23 77.23 77.23 77.23 77.23 77.23 77.23 77.23 77.23 740.53 740.53 740.53 740.53 740.53 740.53 740.53 740.53 740.53 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -740.56 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 -110.93 1003.66 1003.66 1003.66 1003.66 1003.66 1003.66

261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

152.27 152.27 152.27 284.75 284.75 284.75 284.75 284.75 284.75 284.75 284.75 284.75 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -117.9 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 -231.77 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 62.12 482.39 482.39 482.39 482.39 482.39 482.39

-1593.64 -1423.35 -1253.05 3205.03 3375.32 3545.62 3715.91 3886.21 4056.51 4226.8 4397.1 4567.4 -4560.06 -4389.77 -4219.47 -4049.17 -3878.88 -3708.58 -3538.29 -3367.99 -3197.69 1272.61 1442.9 1613.2 1783.5 1953.79 2124.09 2294.39 2464.68 2634.98 -9894.92 -9105.86 -8137.78 -6990.69 -5664.6 -4338.5 -3191.41 -2223.33 -1434.27 7426.23 8215.29 9183.37 10330.46 11656.55 12982.65

7.63 7.63 7.63 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13

1003.66 1003.66 1003.66 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 1653.71 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1667 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -1024.11 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 -128.02 1200.11 1200.11 1200.11 1200.11 1200.11 1200.11

261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

482.39 482.39 482.39 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 -384.67 147.38 147.38 147.38 147.38 147.38 147.38 147.38 147.38 147.38 307.12 307.12 307.12 307.12 307.12 307.12 307.12 307.12 307.12 -122.79 -122.79 -122.79 -122.79 -122.79 -122.79

14129.74 15097.81 15886.88 -16069.18 -15280.11 -14312.04 -13164.95 -11838.85 -10512.76 -9365.67 -8397.59 -7608.53 1247.93 2037 3005.07 4152.16 5478.26 6804.35 7951.44 8919.52 9708.58 -12009.73 -11220.66 -10252.59 -9105.5 -7779.4 -6453.31 -5306.22 -4338.14 -3549.08 5303.29 6092.35 7060.43 8207.52 9533.61 10859.71 12006.8 12974.87 13763.94 -13954.37 -13165.31 -12197.23 -11050.14 -9724.05 -8397.95

-0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 7.91 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 -7.14 -7.14 -7.14 -7.14 -7.14 -7.14

1200.11 1200.11 1200.11 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 -945.81 348.66 348.66 348.66 348.66 348.66 348.66 348.66 348.66 348.66 798.41 798.41 798.41 798.41 798.41 798.41 798.41 798.41 798.41 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 2113.3 -1872.25 -1872.25 -1872.25 -1872.25 -1872.25 -1872.25

261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-122.79 -122.79 -122.79 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 -209.4 59.27 59.27 59.27 59.27 59.27 59.27 59.27 59.27 59.27 76.81 76.81 76.81 76.81 76.81 76.81 76.81 76.81 76.81 77.08 77.08 77.08 77.08 77.08 77.08 77.08 77.08 77.08 97.74 97.74 97.74 97.74 97.74 97.74

-7250.86 -6282.79 -5493.72 3370.87 4159.94 5128.01 6275.1 7601.2 8927.29 10074.38 11042.46 11831.52 -11899.76 -11038.25 -10086.01 -9043.06 -7909.38 -6775.71 -5732.75 -4780.52 -3919 3886.02 4747.54 5699.77 6742.73 7876.4 9010.08 10053.04 11005.27 11866.79 -14384.46 -13565.02 -12505.82 -11206.86 -9668.13 -8129.41 -6830.45 -5771.25 -4951.81 4944.24 5763.69 6822.89 8121.85 9660.57 11199.29

-7.14 -1872.25 -7.14 -1872.25 -7.14 -1872.25 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 -6.23 -564.53 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 0.65 -576.52 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 -2.37 580.9 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 0.47 -821.25 -2.46 825.49 -2.46 825.49 -2.46 825.49 -2.46 825.49 -2.46 825.49 -2.46 825.49

262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

97.74 97.74 97.74 67.92 67.92 67.92 67.92 67.92 67.92 67.92 67.92 67.92 86.64 86.64 86.64 86.64 86.64 86.64 86.64 86.64 86.64 67.33 67.33 67.33 67.33 67.33 67.33 67.33 67.33 67.33 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25 104.25

12498.25 13557.46 14376.9 -12815.27 -12026.2 -11058.12 -9911.04 -8584.94 -7258.84 -6111.76 -5143.68 -4354.61 4339.29 5128.36 6096.43 7243.52 8569.62 9895.71 11042.8 12010.88 12799.94 -12815.22 -12026.15 -11058.08 -9910.99 -8584.89 -7258.8 -6111.71 -5143.63 -4354.57 4339.24 5128.31 6096.38 7243.47 8569.57 9895.66 11042.75 12010.83 12799.89 -486.26 -315.97 -145.67 24.63 194.92 365.22

-2.46 -2.46 -2.46 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04

825.49 825.49 825.49 -698 -698 -698 -698 -698 -698 -698 -698 -698 702.07 702.07 702.07 702.07 702.07 702.07 702.07 702.07 702.07 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 -698.51 702.56 702.56 702.56 702.56 702.56 702.56 702.56 702.56 702.56 107.65 107.65 107.65 107.65 107.65 107.65

262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

104.25 104.25 104.25 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -38.43 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 -438.47 166.01 166.01 166.01 166.01 166.01 166.01 166.01 166.01 166.01 277.63 277.63 277.63 277.63 277.63 277.63

535.51 705.81 876.11 5324.25 5494.55 5664.84 5835.14 6005.43 6175.73 6346.03 6516.32 6686.62 -6677.54 -6507.24 -6336.94 -6166.65 -5996.35 -5826.06 -5655.76 -5485.46 -5315.17 -863.03 -692.74 -522.44 -352.14 -181.85 -11.55 158.75 329.04 499.34 -2611.8 -2441.5 -2271.21 -2100.91 -1930.62 -1760.32 -1590.02 -1419.73 -1249.43 3198.57 3368.86 3539.16 3709.46 3879.75 4050.05

2.04 2.04 2.04 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36

107.65 107.65 107.65 754.43 754.43 754.43 754.43 754.43 754.43 754.43 754.43 754.43 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -737.52 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 -126.16 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1021.31 1655.11 1655.11 1655.11 1655.11 1655.11 1655.11

262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

277.63 277.63 277.63 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -100.19 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 -198.72 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 563.5 563.5 563.5 563.5 563.5 563.5 563.5 563.5 563.5 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27

4220.34 4390.64 4560.94 -4552 -4381.7 -4211.41 -4041.11 -3870.81 -3700.52 -3530.22 -3359.93 -3189.63 1262.65 1432.95 1603.24 1773.54 1943.83 2114.13 2284.43 2454.72 2625.02 -9719.56 -8930.49 -7962.42 -6815.33 -5489.23 -4163.14 -3016.05 -2047.97 -1258.91 7432.86 8221.93 9190 10337.09 11663.19 12989.28 14136.37 15104.45 15893.51 -15910.84 -15121.77 -14153.69 -13006.61 -11680.51 -10354.41

5.36 5.36 5.36 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 -6.79 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 0.02884 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53

1655.11 1655.11 1655.11 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1651.18 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -1026.84 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 -276.15 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 1143.08 -1121.32 -1121.32 -1121.32 -1121.32 -1121.32 -1121.32

262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 -392.36 200.16 200.16 200.16 200.16 200.16 200.16 200.16 200.16 200.16 323.74 323.74 323.74 323.74 323.74 323.74 323.74 323.74 323.74 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -66.04 -152.61 -152.61 -152.61 -152.61 -152.61 -152.61

-9207.32 -8239.25 -7450.18 1245.58 2034.64 3002.72 4149.81 5475.9 6802 7949.09 8917.16 9706.23 -11845.1 -11056.03 -10087.96 -8940.87 -7614.77 -6288.67 -5141.59 -4173.51 -3384.44 5307.18 6096.24 7064.32 8211.41 9537.5 10863.6 12010.69 12978.76 13767.83 -13785.3 -12996.23 -12028.15 -10881.07 -9554.97 -8228.87 -7081.79 -6113.71 -5324.64 3371.26 4160.33 5128.4 6275.49 7601.59 8927.68

-1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37

-1121.32 -1121.32 -1121.32 262.49 262.49 262.49 262.49 262.49 262.49 262.49 262.49 262.49 637.51 637.51 637.51 637.51 637.51 637.51 637.51 637.51 637.51 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 2043.76 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -2034.98 -638.19 -638.19 -638.19 -638.19 -638.19 -638.19

262 262 262 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-152.61 -152.61 -152.61 61.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 54.58 54.58 54.58 54.58 54.58 54.58 54.58 54.58 54.58 82.42 82.42 82.42 82.42 82.42 82.42 82.42 82.42 82.42 78.43 78.43 78.43 78.43 78.43 78.43 78.43 78.43 78.43 71.55 71.55 71.55 71.55 71.55 71.55

10074.77 11042.85 11831.91 -11515.04 -10653.52 -9701.29 -8658.33 -7524.65 -6390.98 -5348.02 -4395.79 -3534.27 4768.68 5078.95 5479.93 5971.64 6554.06 7136.49 7628.2 8029.18 8339.45 -14232.39 -13412.95 -12353.75 -11054.79 -9516.06 -7977.34 -6678.38 -5619.18 -4799.74 5595.08 5942.02 6528.73 7355.19 8421.41 9487.63 10314.09 10900.79 11247.74 -12596.44 -11807.37 -10839.29 -9692.21 -8366.11 -7040.01

-8.37 -8.37 -8.37 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 -1.26 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46

-638.19 -638.19 -638.19 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 -629.92 729.73 729.73 729.73 729.73 729.73 729.73 729.73 729.73 729.73 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 -861.88 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 1016.09 -740.55 -740.55 -740.55 -740.55 -740.55 -740.55

263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

71.55 -5892.93 71.55 -4924.85 71.55 -4135.78 66.99 5029.88 66.99 5346.44 66.99 5842.02 66.99 6516.61 66.99 7370.2 66.99 8223.8 66.99 8898.39 66.99 9393.96 66.99 9710.53 71.21 -12596.5 71.21 -11807.43 71.21 -10839.35 71.21 -9692.27 71.21 -8366.17 71.21 -7040.07 71.21 -5892.99 71.21 -4924.91 71.21 -4135.84 66.63 5029.74 66.63 5346.31 66.63 5841.88 66.63 6516.47 66.63 7370.07 66.63 8223.66 66.63 8898.25 66.63 9393.83 66.63 9710.39 251.21 -794.48 251.21 -624.18 251.21 -453.88 251.21 -283.59 251.21 -113.29 251.21 57.01 251.21 227.3 251.21 397.6 251.21 567.89 855.61 5048.09 855.61 5218.38 855.61 5388.68 855.61 5558.98 855.61 5729.27 855.61 5899.57

0.46 0.46 0.46 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42

-740.55 -740.55 -740.55 869.18 869.18 869.18 869.18 869.18 869.18 869.18 869.18 869.18 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 -741.06 869.55 869.55 869.55 869.55 869.55 869.55 869.55 869.55 869.55 121.18 121.18 121.18 121.18 121.18 121.18 121.18 121.18 121.18 837.06 837.06 837.06 837.06 837.06 837.06

263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

855.61 855.61 855.61 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -190.33 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 -790.52 156.09 156.09 156.09 156.09 156.09 156.09 156.09 156.09 156.09 447.41 447.41 447.41 447.41 447.41 447.41 447.41 447.41 447.41 -95.21 -95.21 -95.21 -95.21 -95.21 -95.21

6069.87 6240.16 6410.46 -6708.26 -6537.96 -6367.67 -6197.37 -6027.07 -5856.78 -5686.48 -5516.18 -5345.89 -794.78 -624.48 -454.19 -283.89 -113.59 56.7 227 397.3 567.59 -2820.88 -2650.59 -2480.29 -2309.99 -2139.7 -1969.4 -1799.1 -1628.81 -1458.51 3037.3 3207.59 3377.89 3548.19 3718.48 3888.78 4059.08 4229.37 4399.67 -4681.85 -4511.56 -4341.26 -4170.96 -4000.67 -3830.37

2.42 2.42 2.42 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71

837.06 837.06 837.06 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -752.43 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 -85.86 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1022.97 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 1738.54 -1654.23 -1654.23 -1654.23 -1654.23 -1654.23 -1654.23

263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-95.21 -95.21 -95.21 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 -382.32 291.82 291.82 291.82 291.82 291.82 291.82 291.82 291.82 291.82 889.53 889.53 889.53 889.53 889.53 889.53 889.53 889.53 889.53 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -149.71 -756.61 -756.61 -756.61 -756.61 -756.61 -756.61

-3660.08 -3489.78 -3319.48 1216.01 1386.31 1556.6 1726.9 1897.2 2067.49 2237.79 2408.08 2578.38 -9639.63 -8850.57 -7882.49 -6735.4 -5409.31 -4083.21 -2936.12 -1968.05 -1178.98 7951.11 8267.68 8763.26 9437.84 10291.44 11145.04 11819.62 12315.2 12631.77 -15553.41 -14764.35 -13796.27 -12649.18 -11323.09 -9996.99 -8849.9 -7881.83 -7092.76 2108.25 2424.81 2920.39 3594.98 4448.57 5302.17

-3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -1.23 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94

-1654.23 -1654.23 -1654.23 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -987.34 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 -304.48 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 1331.17 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 -1178.09 408.26 408.26 408.26 408.26 408.26 408.26

263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 264 264 264 264 264 264

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-756.61 -756.61 -756.61 196.7 196.7 196.7 196.7 196.7 196.7 196.7 196.7 196.7 481.33 481.33 481.33 481.33 481.33 481.33 481.33 481.33 481.33 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -54.59 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 -348.41 53.16 53.16 53.16 53.16 53.16 53.16

5976.76 6472.33 6788.9 -11666.04 -10876.97 -9908.89 -8761.81 -7435.71 -6109.61 -4962.53 -3994.45 -3205.38 5940.32 6256.89 6752.47 7427.05 8280.65 9134.25 9808.83 10304.41 10620.98 -13527.01 -12737.94 -11769.87 -10622.78 -9296.68 -7970.59 -6823.5 -5855.42 -5066.36 4119.03 4435.6 4931.18 5605.76 6459.36 7312.96 7987.55 8483.12 8799.69 -2345.47 -2035.2 -1634.22 -1142.51 -560.09 22.34

-3.94 -3.94 -3.94 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -3.38 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18

408.26 408.26 408.26 597.31 597.31 597.31 597.31 597.31 597.31 597.31 597.31 597.31 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 2232.65 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -2079.89 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 -493.22 142.53 142.53 142.53 142.53 142.53 142.53

264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

53.16 53.16 53.16 65.94 65.94 65.94 65.94 65.94 65.94 65.94 65.94 65.94 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 59.46 58.47 58.47 58.47 58.47 58.47 58.47 58.47 58.47 58.47 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 -301.4 -301.4 -301.4 -301.4 -301.4 -301.4

514.05 915.03 1225.3 -3470.54 -3123.6 -2536.9 -1710.44 -644.21 422.01 1248.47 1835.17 2182.11 -2916.78 -2600.21 -2104.64 -1430.05 -576.45 277.14 951.73 1447.31 1763.88 -2922.08 -2605.52 -2109.94 -1435.35 -581.76 271.84 946.43 1442 1758.57 9135.29 9305.59 9475.88 9646.18 9816.48 9986.77 10157.07 10327.36 10497.66 -10626.53 -10456.24 -10285.94 -10115.65 -9945.35 -9775.05

-0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97

142.53 142.53 142.53 246.51 246.51 246.51 246.51 246.51 246.51 246.51 246.51 246.51 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 199.9 199.9 199.9 199.9 199.9 199.9 199.9 199.9 199.9 166.39 166.39 166.39 166.39 166.39 166.39 166.39 166.39 166.39 41.14 41.14 41.14 41.14 41.14 41.14

264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-301.4 -301.4 -301.4 176.39 176.39 176.39 176.39 176.39 176.39 176.39 176.39 176.39 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 -109.13 393.04 393.04 393.04 393.04 393.04 393.04 393.04 393.04 393.04 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 -277.01 200.78 200.78 200.78 200.78 200.78 200.78

-9604.76 -9434.46 -9264.16 2231.81 2402.1 2572.4 2742.7 2912.99 3083.29 3253.58 3423.88 3594.18 -3723.05 -3552.76 -3382.46 -3212.16 -3041.87 -2871.57 -2701.27 -2530.98 -2360.68 6956.42 7272.98 7768.56 8443.15 9296.74 10150.34 10824.93 11320.5 11637.07 -12805.41 -12488.84 -11993.26 -11318.68 -10465.08 -9611.48 -8936.9 -8441.32 -8124.75 52.93 369.5 865.08 1539.66 2393.26 3246.86

-5.97 -5.97 -5.97 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 -6.15 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51 6.51

41.14 41.14 41.14 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 262.48 262.48 262.48 262.48 262.48 262.48 262.48 262.48 262.48 137.24 137.24 137.24 137.24 137.24 137.24 137.24 137.24 137.24 283.61 283.61 283.61 283.61 283.61 283.61

264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

200.78 200.78 200.78 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 -84.74 69.09 69.09 69.09 69.09 69.09 69.09 69.09 69.09 69.09 83.08 83.08 83.08 83.08 83.08 83.08 83.08 83.08 83.08 75.36 75.36 75.36 75.36 75.36 75.36 75.36 75.36 75.36 74.31 74.31 74.31 74.31 74.31 74.31

3921.44 4417.02 4733.59 -5901.92 -5585.36 -5089.78 -4415.19 -3561.6 -2708 -2033.41 -1537.84 -1221.27 -3300.63 -2439.11 -1486.88 -443.92 689.75 1823.43 2866.38 3818.62 4680.14 -3975.48 -3156.04 -2096.84 -797.88 740.84 2279.57 3578.53 4637.73 5457.17 -3551.74 -2762.68 -1794.6 -647.51 678.58 2004.68 3151.77 4119.85 4908.91 -3546.49 -2757.42 -1789.35 -642.26 683.84 2009.93

6.51 6.51 6.51 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 -6.82 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

283.61 283.61 283.61 116.11 116.11 116.11 116.11 116.11 116.11 116.11 116.11 116.11 150.86 150.86 150.86 150.86 150.86 150.86 150.86 150.86 150.86 255.4 255.4 255.4 255.4 255.4 255.4 255.4 255.4 255.4 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.22 208.13 208.13 208.13 208.13 208.13 208.13

265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

74.31 3157.02 74.31 4125.1 74.31 4914.17 315.35 9244.59 315.35 9414.89 315.35 9585.19 315.35 9755.48 315.35 9925.78 315.35 10096.07 315.35 10266.37 315.35 10436.67 315.35 10606.96 -240.61 -10488.77 -240.61 -10318.47 -240.61 -10148.18 -240.61 -9977.88 -240.61 -9807.59 -240.61 -9637.29 -240.61 -9466.99 -240.61 -9296.7 -240.61 -9126.4 148.98 2359.99 148.98 2530.29 148.98 2700.59 148.98 2870.88 148.98 3041.18 148.98 3211.48 148.98 3381.77 148.98 3552.07 148.98 3722.36 -74.23 -3604.17 -74.23 -3433.88 -74.23 -3263.58 -74.23 -3093.28 -74.23 -2922.99 -74.23 -2752.69 -74.23 -2582.4 -74.23 -2412.1 -74.23 -2241.8 351.81 6322.58 351.81 7111.65 351.81 8079.72 351.81 9226.81 351.81 10552.91 351.81 11879

0.5 0.5 0.5 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 -3.39 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86

208.13 208.13 208.13 173.77 173.77 173.77 173.77 173.77 173.77 173.77 173.77 173.77 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 191.79 191.79 191.79 191.79 191.79 191.79 191.79 191.79 191.79 16.33 16.33 16.33 16.33 16.33 16.33 16.33 16.33 16.33 277.8 277.8 277.8 277.8 277.8 277.8

265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

351.81 351.81 351.81 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 -204.15 185.44 185.44 185.44 185.44 185.44 185.44 185.44 185.44 185.44 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 -37.77 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 76.09 76.09 76.09 76.09 76.09 76.09

13026.09 13994.17 14783.23 -13410.78 -12621.72 -11653.64 -10506.55 -9180.46 -7854.36 -6707.27 -5739.2 -4950.13 -562.02 227.05 1195.13 2342.21 3668.31 4994.41 6141.49 7109.57 7898.64 -6526.18 -5737.12 -4769.04 -3621.95 -2295.86 -969.76 177.33 1145.4 1934.47 -11732.09 -10870.58 -9918.34 -8875.39 -7741.71 -6608.04 -5565.08 -4612.85 -3751.33 4405.31 5266.83 6219.07 7262.02 8395.7 9529.37

3.86 3.86 3.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86

277.8 277.8 277.8 138.38 138.38 138.38 138.38 138.38 138.38 138.38 138.38 138.38 295.82 295.82 295.82 295.82 295.82 295.82 295.82 295.82 295.82 120.36 120.36 120.36 120.36 120.36 120.36 120.36 120.36 120.36 804.7 804.7 804.7 804.7 804.7 804.7 804.7 804.7 804.7 -532.79 -532.79 -532.79 -532.79 -532.79 -532.79

266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

76.09 76.09 76.09 100.11 100.11 100.11 100.11 100.11 100.11 100.11 100.11 100.11 99.55 99.55 99.55 99.55 99.55 99.55 99.55 99.55 99.55 86.94 86.94 86.94 86.94 86.94 86.94 86.94 86.94 86.94 87.19 87.19 87.19 87.19 87.19 87.19 87.19 87.19 87.19 86.51 86.51 86.51 86.51 86.51 86.51

10572.33 11524.56 12386.08 -14155.96 -13336.52 -12277.32 -10978.35 -9439.63 -7900.91 -6601.95 -5542.75 -4723.31 5543.19 6362.63 7421.83 8720.79 10259.52 11798.24 13097.2 14156.4 14975.84 -12618.64 -11829.57 -10861.5 -9714.41 -8388.31 -7062.22 -5915.13 -4947.05 -4157.99 4880.43 5669.49 6637.57 7784.66 9110.75 10436.85 11583.94 12552.01 13341.08 -12618.52 -11829.46 -10861.38 -9714.29 -8388.2 -7062.1

0.86 0.86 0.86 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22

-532.79 -532.79 -532.79 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 1082.84 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 -786.26 935.3 935.3 935.3 935.3 935.3 935.3 935.3 935.3 935.3 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 -662.4 935.41 935.41 935.41 935.41 935.41 935.41

266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

86.51 86.51 86.51 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 86.75 708.24 708.24 708.24 708.24 708.24 708.24 708.24 708.24 708.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 233.24 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -630.41 -159.15 -159.15 -159.15 -159.15 -159.15 -159.15

-5915.01 -4946.94 -4157.87 4880.48 5669.55 6637.62 7784.71 9110.81 10436.9 11583.99 12552.07 13341.13 -572.82 -402.53 -232.23 -61.93 108.36 278.66 448.96 619.25 789.55 5336.23 5506.53 5676.82 5847.12 6017.42 6187.71 6358.01 6528.31 6698.6 -6403.88 -6233.58 -6063.29 -5892.99 -5722.69 -5552.4 -5382.1 -5211.8 -5041.51 -568.99 -398.7 -228.4 -58.1 112.19 282.49

0.22 0.22 0.22 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06

935.41 935.41 935.41 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 -662.63 849.2 849.2 849.2 849.2 849.2 849.2 849.2 849.2 849.2 121.55 121.55 121.55 121.55 121.55 121.55 121.55 121.55 121.55 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -79.31 -772.41 -772.41 -772.41 -772.41 -772.41 -772.41

266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-159.15 -159.15 -159.15 310.19 310.19 310.19 310.19 310.19 310.19 310.19 310.19 310.19 150.17 150.17 150.17 150.17 150.17 150.17 150.17 150.17 150.17 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -232.36 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 -76.09 755.64 755.64 755.64 755.64 755.64 755.64

452.79 623.08 793.38 -2578.62 -2408.33 -2238.03 -2067.73 -1897.44 -1727.14 -1556.85 -1386.55 -1216.25 3315.3 3485.6 3655.9 3826.19 3996.49 4166.79 4337.08 4507.38 4677.67 -4398.08 -4227.78 -4057.49 -3887.19 -3716.89 -3546.6 -3376.3 -3206 -3035.71 1451.94 1622.23 1792.53 1962.82 2133.12 2303.42 2473.71 2644.01 2814.31 -9702.94 -8913.88 -7945.8 -6798.71 -5472.62 -4146.52

-1.06 -1.06 -1.06 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 -2.18 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35

-772.41 -772.41 -772.41 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1757.53 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 1021.71 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -987.64 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 -1672.57 1399.72 1399.72 1399.72 1399.72 1399.72 1399.72

266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

755.64 755.64 755.64 282.75 282.75 282.75 282.75 282.75 282.75 282.75 282.75 282.75 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -583.02 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 -109.64 357.58 357.58 357.58 357.58 357.58 357.58 357.58 357.58 357.58 199.68 199.68 199.68 199.68 199.68 199.68

-2999.43 -2031.36 -1242.29 7833.11 8622.18 9590.26 10737.34 12063.44 13389.54 14536.62 15504.7 16293.77 -15534 -14744.93 -13776.86 -12629.77 -11303.67 -9977.58 -8830.49 -7862.41 -7073.35 1927.89 2716.96 3685.03 4832.12 6158.22 7484.31 8631.4 9599.48 10388.54 -11708.74 -10919.68 -9951.6 -8804.51 -7478.42 -6152.32 -5005.23 -4037.16 -3248.09 5812.19 6601.25 7569.33 8716.42 10042.51 11368.61

3.35 3.35 3.35 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54

1399.72 1399.72 1399.72 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 -215.75 471.21 471.21 471.21 471.21 471.21 471.21 471.21 471.21 471.21 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 -1109.71 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 2308.04 684.41 684.41 684.41 684.41 684.41 684.41

266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

199.68 199.68 199.68 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -184.96 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 -26.57 102.18 102.18 102.18 102.18 102.18 102.18 102.18 102.18 102.18 112.33 112.33 112.33 112.33 112.33 112.33 112.33 112.33 112.33 130.22 130.22 130.22 130.22 130.22 130.22

12515.7 13483.77 14272.84 -13528.2 -12739.13 -11771.06 -10623.97 -9297.87 -7971.78 -6824.69 -5856.61 -5067.55 3948.82 4737.88 5705.96 6853.05 8179.14 9505.24 10652.33 11620.4 12409.47 -12109.72 -11248.2 -10295.97 -9253.01 -8119.34 -6985.66 -5942.71 -4990.47 -4128.96 4129.15 4990.67 5942.9 6985.86 8119.53 9253.21 10296.16 11248.4 12109.92 -14585.95 -13766.51 -12707.3 -11408.34 -9869.62 -8330.9

3.54 3.54 3.54 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47

684.41 684.41 684.41 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -437.12 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 -2009.87 653.31 653.31 653.31 653.31 653.31 653.31 653.31 653.31 653.31 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 -646.93 886.74 886.74 886.74 886.74 886.74 886.74

267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

130.22 130.22 130.22 141.3 141.3 141.3 141.3 141.3 141.3 141.3 141.3 141.3 115.33 115.33 115.33 115.33 115.33 115.33 115.33 115.33 115.33 125.61 125.61 125.61 125.61 125.61 125.61 125.61 125.61 125.61 114.39 114.39 114.39 114.39 114.39 114.39 114.39 114.39 114.39 124.59 124.59 124.59 124.59 124.59 124.59

-7031.94 -5972.74 -5153.29 5132.79 5952.23 7011.43 8310.39 9849.12 11387.84 12686.8 13746 14565.44 -13008.66 -12219.59 -11251.52 -10104.43 -8778.33 -7452.24 -6305.15 -5337.07 -4548 4535.27 5324.34 6292.41 7439.5 8765.6 10091.69 11238.78 12206.86 12995.92 -13008.63 -12219.56 -11251.49 -10104.4 -8778.3 -7452.21 -6305.12 -5337.04 -4547.98 4535.23 5324.29 6292.37 7439.46 8765.55 10091.65

0.47 0.47 0.47 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47

886.74 886.74 886.74 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 -880.58 763.96 763.96 763.96 763.96 763.96 763.96 763.96 763.96 763.96 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 -758.09 764.17 764.17 764.17 764.17 764.17 764.17 764.17 764.17 764.17 -758.28 -758.28 -758.28 -758.28 -758.28 -758.28

267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

124.59 124.59 124.59 509.09 509.09 509.09 509.09 509.09 509.09 509.09 509.09 509.09 104.15 104.15 104.15 104.15 104.15 104.15 104.15 104.15 104.15 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 -403.31 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 254.03 254.03 254.03 254.03 254.03 254.03

11238.74 12206.82 12995.88 -506.71 -336.42 -166.12 4.18 174.47 344.77 515.07 685.36 855.66 5308.32 5478.61 5648.91 5819.21 5989.5 6159.8 6330.1 6500.39 6670.69 -6683.4 -6513.1 -6342.81 -6172.51 -6002.21 -5831.92 -5661.62 -5491.32 -5321.03 -872.84 -702.54 -532.24 -361.95 -191.65 -21.36 148.94 319.24 489.53 -2628.35 -2458.06 -2287.76 -2117.46 -1947.17 -1776.87

1.47 1.47 1.47 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15

-758.28 -758.28 -758.28 764.31 764.31 764.31 764.31 764.31 764.31 764.31 764.31 764.31 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -115.58 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 -747.88 1670.36 1670.36 1670.36 1670.36 1670.36 1670.36

267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

254.03 254.03 254.03 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -148.25 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 570.16 570.16 570.16 570.16 570.16 570.16 570.16 570.16 570.16 171.77 171.77 171.77 171.77 171.77 171.77

-1606.57 -1436.28 -1265.98 3189.83 3360.12 3530.42 3700.71 3871.01 4041.31 4211.6 4381.9 4552.2 -4561.76 -4391.46 -4221.17 -4050.87 -3880.57 -3710.28 -3539.98 -3369.68 -3199.39 1245.66 1415.95 1586.25 1756.54 1926.84 2097.14 2267.43 2437.73 2608.03 -9920.27 -9131.21 -8163.13 -7016.04 -5689.95 -4363.85 -3216.76 -2248.69 -1459.62 7625.79 8414.85 9382.93 10530.02 11856.11 13182.21

6.15 6.15 6.15 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 -4.51 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57

1670.36 1670.36 1670.36 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 1013.21 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1021.64 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 -1666.2 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 1204.21 -336.97 -336.97 -336.97 -336.97 -336.97 -336.97

267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

171.77 171.77 171.77 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 -342.24 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 315.1 315.1 315.1 315.1 315.1 315.1 315.1 315.1 315.1 186.67 186.67 186.67 186.67 186.67 186.67 186.67 186.67 186.67 -87.18 -87.18 -87.18 -87.18 -87.18 -87.18

14329.3 15297.37 16086.44 -16096.96 -15307.9 -14339.82 -13192.73 -11866.64 -10540.54 -9393.45 -8425.38 -7636.31 1444.63 2233.7 3201.77 4348.86 5674.96 7001.05 8148.14 9116.22 9905.28 -12041.92 -11252.85 -10284.77 -9137.69 -7811.59 -6485.49 -5338.41 -4370.33 -3581.26 5507.29 6296.36 7264.44 8411.52 9737.62 11063.72 12210.8 13178.88 13967.95 -13975.32 -13186.25 -12218.18 -11071.09 -9744.99 -8418.9

3.57 3.57 3.57 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 -5.68 -5.68 -5.68 -5.68 -5.68 -5.68

-336.97 -336.97 -336.97 324.32 324.32 324.32 324.32 324.32 324.32 324.32 324.32 324.32 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 -1179.75 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 2110.27 581.34 581.34 581.34 581.34 581.34 581.34 581.34 581.34 581.34 -581.73 -581.73 -581.73 -581.73 -581.73 -581.73

267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-87.18 -87.18 -87.18 61.59 61.59 61.59 61.59 61.59 61.59 61.59 61.59 61.59 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 81.38 81.38 81.38 81.38 81.38 81.38 81.38 81.38 81.38 128.62 128.62 128.62 128.62 128.62 128.62 128.62 128.62 128.62 107.15 107.15 107.15 107.15 107.15 107.15

-7271.81 -6303.73 -5514.67 3563.12 4352.19 5320.27 6467.35 7793.45 9119.55 10266.63 11234.71 12023.78 -12148.35 -11286.83 -10334.6 -9291.64 -8157.97 -7024.29 -5981.34 -5029.1 -4167.59 3981.68 4843.19 5795.43 6838.38 7972.06 9105.73 10148.69 11100.92 11962.44 -14597.5 -13778.06 -12718.86 -11419.9 -9881.18 -8342.45 -7043.49 -5984.29 -5164.85 4998.7 5818.14 6877.34 8176.3 9715.03 11253.75

-5.68 -5.68 -5.68 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 -3.71 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61

-581.73 -581.73 -581.73 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 -2098.06 665.36 665.36 665.36 665.36 665.36 665.36 665.36 665.36 665.36 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 -672.04 902.02 902.02 902.02 902.02 902.02 902.02 902.02 902.02 902.02 -914.89 -914.89 -914.89 -914.89 -914.89 -914.89

268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

107.15 107.15 107.15 114.13 114.13 114.13 114.13 114.13 114.13 114.13 114.13 114.13 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 93.9 113.29 113.29 113.29 113.29 113.29 113.29 113.29 113.29 113.29 93.24 93.24 93.24 93.24 93.24 93.24 93.24 93.24 93.24 391.87 391.87 391.87 391.87 391.87 391.87

12552.71 13611.91 14431.35 -13028.31 -12239.24 -11271.17 -10124.08 -8797.98 -7471.89 -6324.8 -5356.72 -4567.66 4404.06 5193.13 6161.2 7308.29 8634.39 9960.48 11107.57 12075.65 12864.72 -13028.27 -12239.21 -11271.13 -10124.04 -8797.95 -7471.85 -6324.76 -5356.69 -4567.62 4404.02 5193.08 6161.16 7308.25 8634.34 9960.44 11107.53 12075.61 12864.67 -507.16 -336.86 -166.56 3.73 174.03 344.33

1.61 1.61 1.61 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42

-914.89 -914.89 -914.89 777.38 777.38 777.38 777.38 777.38 777.38 777.38 777.38 777.38 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 -787.67 777.59 777.59 777.59 777.59 777.59 777.59 777.59 777.59 777.59 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 -787.8 742.5 742.5 742.5 742.5 742.5 742.5

268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

391.87 391.87 391.87 247.13 247.13 247.13 247.13 247.13 247.13 247.13 247.13 247.13 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -290.88 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 -160.42 205.34 205.34 205.34 205.34 205.34 205.34 205.34 205.34 205.34 182.16 182.16 182.16 182.16 182.16 182.16

514.62 684.92 855.22 5320.76 5491.06 5661.35 5831.65 6001.94 6172.24 6342.54 6512.83 6683.13 -6677.59 -6507.29 -6337 -6166.7 -5996.4 -5826.11 -5655.81 -5485.52 -5315.22 -871.61 -701.32 -531.02 -360.72 -190.43 -20.13 150.17 320.46 490.76 -2606.31 -2436.02 -2265.72 -2095.43 -1925.13 -1754.83 -1584.54 -1414.24 -1243.94 3223.13 3393.43 3563.72 3734.02 3904.31 4074.61

1.42 1.42 1.42 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 -1.77 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27

742.5 742.5 742.5 77.93 77.93 77.93 77.93 77.93 77.93 77.93 77.93 77.93 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -92.69 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 -727.59 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1645.88 1001.45 1001.45 1001.45 1001.45 1001.45 1001.45

268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

182.16 182.16 182.16 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -104.34 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 -95.45 454.28 454.28 454.28 454.28 454.28 454.28 454.28 454.28 454.28 296.72 296.72 296.72 296.72 296.72 296.72 296.72 296.72 296.72 -228.47 -228.47 -228.47 -228.47 -228.47 -228.47

4244.91 4415.2 4585.5 -4578.43 -4408.13 -4237.84 -4067.54 -3897.24 -3726.95 -3556.65 -3386.36 -3216.06 1226.02 1396.31 1566.61 1736.91 1907.2 2077.5 2247.8 2418.09 2588.39 -9943.04 -9153.97 -8185.89 -7038.81 -5712.71 -4386.61 -3239.53 -2271.45 -1482.38 7500.18 8289.25 9257.33 10404.41 11730.51 13056.61 14203.69 15171.77 15960.84 -16113.47 -15324.41 -14356.33 -13209.24 -11883.15 -10557.05

7.27 7.27 7.27 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 0.01318 0.01318 0.01318 0.01318 0.01318 0.01318

1001.45 1001.45 1001.45 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -996.08 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 -1651.11 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 1195.28 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 -385.1 360.09 360.09 360.09 360.09 360.09 360.09

268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-228.47 -228.47 -228.47 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 -110.83 267.75 267.75 267.75 267.75 267.75 267.75 267.75 267.75 267.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 231.75 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -41.93 -45.87 -45.87 -45.87 -45.87 -45.87 -45.87

-9409.96 -8441.89 -7652.82 1307.81 2096.88 3064.96 4212.04 5538.14 6864.24 8011.32 8979.4 9768.47 -12042.2 -11253.13 -10285.05 -9137.97 -7811.87 -6485.77 -5338.69 -4370.61 -3581.54 5402.55 6191.62 7159.7 8306.78 9632.88 10958.98 12106.06 13074.14 13863.21 -14014.31 -13225.25 -12257.17 -11110.08 -9783.99 -8457.89 -7310.8 -6342.73 -5553.66 3405.44 4194.51 5162.59 6309.67 7635.77 8961.87

0.01318 0.01318 0.01318 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.18 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25

360.09 360.09 360.09 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 -1190.61 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 2098.67 538.42 538.42 538.42 538.42 538.42 538.42 538.42 538.42 538.42 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -543.29 -2114.14 -2114.14 -2114.14 -2114.14 -2114.14 -2114.14

268 268 268 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-45.87 10108.95 -45.87 11077.03 -45.87 11866.1 80.18 -7873.19 80.18 -7562.93 80.18 -7161.94 80.18 -6670.23 80.18 -6087.81 80.18 -5505.38 80.18 -5013.68 80.18 -4612.69 80.18 -4302.43 85.78 4316.55 85.78 4626.82 85.78 5027.81 85.78 5519.51 85.78 6101.94 85.78 6684.36 85.78 7176.07 85.78 7577.05 85.78 7887.32 105.58 -10876.27 105.58 -10529.33 105.58 -9942.63 105.58 -9116.17 105.58 -8049.95 105.58 -6983.72 105.58 -6157.26 105.58 -5570.56 105.58 -5223.62 111.02 5229.72 111.02 5576.66 111.02 6163.36 111.02 6989.82 111.02 8056.04 111.02 9122.27 111.02 9948.73 111.02 10535.43 111.02 10882.37 92.4 -9328.44 92.4 -9011.87 92.4 -8516.3 92.4 -7841.71 92.4 -6988.11 92.4 -6134.52

-5.25 -2114.14 -5.25 -2114.14 -5.25 -2114.14 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.6 668.16 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.02626 -658.54 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 0.61 852.12 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 -0.05398 -838.67 0.57 747.22 0.57 747.22 0.57 747.22 0.57 747.22 0.57 747.22 0.57 747.22

269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

92.4 92.4 92.4 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 97.57 91.85 91.85 91.85 91.85 91.85 91.85 91.85 91.85 91.85 97.05 97.05 97.05 97.05 97.05 97.05 97.05 97.05 97.05 291.06 291.06 291.06 291.06 291.06 291.06 291.06 291.06 291.06 223.09 223.09 223.09 223.09 223.09 223.09

-5459.93 -4964.35 -4647.79 4656.15 4972.71 5468.29 6142.88 6996.47 7850.07 8524.66 9020.23 9336.8 -9328.35 -9011.79 -8516.21 -7841.62 -6988.03 -6134.43 -5459.84 -4964.27 -4647.7 4656.05 4972.62 5468.2 6142.78 6996.38 7849.98 8524.56 9020.14 9336.71 -471.57 -301.27 -130.97 39.32 209.62 379.91 550.21 720.51 890.8 5306.66 5476.95 5647.25 5817.54 5987.84 6158.14

0.57 0.57 0.57 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 -0.0211 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 -0.02468 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1

747.22 747.22 747.22 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 -735.72 747.32 747.32 747.32 747.32 747.32 747.32 747.32 747.32 747.32 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 -735.82 737.99 737.99 737.99 737.99 737.99 737.99 737.99 737.99 737.99 73.47 73.47 73.47 73.47 73.47 73.47

269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

223.09 223.09 223.09 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -211.61 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 -142.97 295.17 295.17 295.17 295.17 295.17 295.17 295.17 295.17 295.17 283.78 283.78 283.78 283.78 283.78 283.78 283.78 283.78 283.78 -215.72 -215.72 -215.72 -215.72 -215.72 -215.72

6328.43 6498.73 6669.03 -6676.14 -6505.85 -6335.55 -6165.25 -5994.96 -5824.66 -5654.37 -5484.07 -5313.77 -886.92 -716.63 -546.33 -376.03 -205.74 -35.44 134.86 305.15 475.45 -2554.14 -2383.85 -2213.55 -2043.25 -1872.96 -1702.66 -1532.37 -1362.07 -1191.77 3231.68 3401.98 3572.28 3742.57 3912.87 4083.17 4253.46 4423.76 4594.06 -4593.57 -4423.27 -4252.97 -4082.68 -3912.38 -3742.08

2.1 2.1 2.1 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -4.84 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 -5.12 -5.12 -5.12 -5.12 -5.12 -5.12

73.47 73.47 73.47 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -70.76 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 -738.75 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 1657.17 990.1 990.1 990.1 990.1 990.1 990.1 990.1 990.1 990.1 -989.94 -989.94 -989.94 -989.94 -989.94 -989.94

269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-215.72 -215.72 -215.72 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 -203.66 342.94 342.94 342.94 342.94 342.94 342.94 342.94 342.94 342.94 279.84 279.84 279.84 279.84 279.84 279.84 279.84 279.84 279.84 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -159.73 -86.22 -86.22 -86.22 -86.22 -86.22 -86.22

-3571.79 -3401.49 -3231.2 1188.05 1358.34 1528.64 1698.94 1869.23 2039.53 2209.83 2380.12 2550.42 -6226.03 -5909.46 -5413.88 -4739.3 -3885.7 -3032.1 -2357.52 -1861.94 -1545.37 7752.8 8069.37 8564.94 9239.53 10093.13 10946.72 11621.31 12116.89 12433.45 -12430.6 -12114.04 -11618.46 -10943.87 -10090.28 -9236.68 -8562.09 -8066.52 -7749.95 1559.22 1875.79 2371.36 3045.95 3899.55 4753.15

-5.12 -5.12 -5.12 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16

-989.94 -989.94 -989.94 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 -1655.37 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 1151.75 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 -329.76 342.99 342.99 342.99 342.99 342.99 342.99 342.99 342.99 342.99 -1141.98 -1141.98 -1141.98 -1141.98 -1141.98 -1141.98

269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 270 270 270 270 270 270

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-86.22 -86.22 -86.22 347.05 347.05 347.05 347.05 347.05 347.05 347.05 347.05 347.05 340.53 340.53 340.53 340.53 340.53 340.53 340.53 340.53 340.53 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -163.84 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 -146.91 101.41 101.41 101.41 101.41 101.41 101.41

5427.73 5923.31 6239.88 -8308.6 -7992.04 -7496.46 -6821.87 -5968.28 -5114.68 -4440.09 -3944.52 -3627.95 5677.83 5994.4 6489.97 7164.56 8018.16 8871.75 9546.34 10041.92 10358.48 -10348.03 -10031.46 -9535.88 -8861.3 -8007.7 -7154.1 -6479.52 -5983.94 -5667.37 3634.19 3950.76 4446.34 5120.92 5974.52 6828.12 7502.7 7998.28 8314.85 -11961.84 -11100.33 -10148.09 -9105.14 -7971.46 -6837.79

-2.16 -1141.98 -2.16 -1141.98 -2.16 -1141.98 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 5.72 2070.92 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 3.76 586.87 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -4.57 -576.19 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -3.81 -2058.6 -1.09 663.52 -1.09 663.52 -1.09 663.52 -1.09 663.52 -1.09 663.52 -1.09 663.52

270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

101.41 101.41 101.41 110.76 110.76 110.76 110.76 110.76 110.76 110.76 110.76 110.76 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 122.25 122.25 122.25 122.25 122.25 122.25

-5794.83 -4842.6 -3981.08 4188.22 5049.74 6001.97 7044.93 8178.6 9312.28 10355.23 11307.47 12168.98 -14442.72 -13623.28 -12564.08 -11265.12 -9726.4 -8187.67 -6888.71 -5829.51 -5010.07 5178.43 5997.88 7057.08 8356.04 9894.76 11433.48 12732.44 13791.65 14611.09 -12871.63 -12082.56 -11114.48 -9967.4 -8641.3 -7315.2 -6168.12 -5200.04 -4410.97 4582.79 5371.85 6339.93 7487.02 8813.11 10139.21

-1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -0.81 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88

663.52 663.52 663.52 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 -645.96 902.73 902.73 902.73 902.73 902.73 902.73 902.73 902.73 902.73 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 -876.32 777.33 777.33 777.33 777.33 777.33 777.33 777.33 777.33 777.33 -755.08 -755.08 -755.08 -755.08 -755.08 -755.08

270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

122.25 11286.3 122.25 12254.38 122.25 13043.44 110.89 -12871.59 110.89 -12082.52 110.89 -11114.44 110.89 -9967.36 110.89 -8641.26 110.89 -7315.16 110.89 -6168.08 110.89 -5200 110.89 -4410.93 121.39 4582.74 121.39 5371.81 121.39 6339.89 121.39 7486.97 121.39 8813.07 121.39 10139.17 121.39 11286.25 121.39 12254.33 121.39 13043.4 189.29 -499.19 189.29 -328.89 189.29 -158.6 189.29 11.7 189.29 181.99 189.29 352.29 189.29 522.59 189.29 692.88 189.29 863.18 372.39 5316.16 372.39 5486.45 372.39 5656.75 372.39 5827.05 372.39 5997.34 372.39 6167.64 372.39 6337.93 372.39 6508.23 372.39 6678.53 -103.25 -6682.38 -103.25 -6512.08 -103.25 -6341.79 -103.25 -6171.49 -103.25 -6001.2 -103.25 -5830.9

-0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -1.16 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66

-755.08 -755.08 -755.08 777.46 777.46 777.46 777.46 777.46 777.46 777.46 777.46 777.46 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 -755.3 728.34 728.34 728.34 728.34 728.34 728.34 728.34 728.34 728.34 97.48 97.48 97.48 97.48 97.48 97.48 97.48 97.48 97.48 -82.09 -82.09 -82.09 -82.09 -82.09 -82.09

270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-103.25 -103.25 -103.25 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 -270.91 189.95 189.95 189.95 189.95 189.95 189.95 189.95 189.95 189.95 221.49 221.49 221.49 221.49 221.49 221.49 221.49 221.49 221.49 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -103.92 -120.01 -120.01 -120.01 -120.01 -120.01 -120.01

-5660.6 -5490.31 -5320.01 -863.5 -693.2 -522.9 -352.61 -182.31 -12.02 158.28 328.58 498.87 -2597.95 -2427.66 -2257.36 -2087.07 -1916.77 -1746.47 -1576.18 -1405.88 -1235.58 3217.82 3388.12 3558.41 3728.71 3899 4069.3 4239.6 4409.89 4580.19 -4583.62 -4413.32 -4243.02 -4072.73 -3902.43 -3732.14 -3561.84 -3391.54 -3221.25 1234.84 1405.14 1575.43 1745.73 1916.03 2086.32

-2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -3.4 -3.4 -3.4 -3.4 -3.4 -3.4

-82.09 -82.09 -82.09 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 -740.87 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 1649.61 996.36 996.36 996.36 996.36 996.36 996.36 996.36 996.36 996.36 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1003.35 -1639.75 -1639.75 -1639.75 -1639.75 -1639.75 -1639.75

270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-120.01 -120.01 -120.01 256.87 256.87 256.87 256.87 256.87 256.87 256.87 256.87 256.87 442.65 442.65 442.65 442.65 442.65 442.65 442.65 442.65 442.65 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -35.67 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 -200.64 257.54 257.54 257.54 257.54 257.54 257.54

2256.62 2426.92 2597.21 -9779.97 -8990.91 -8022.83 -6875.74 -5549.65 -4223.55 -3076.46 -2108.39 -1319.32 7672.55 8461.62 9429.69 10576.78 11902.88 13228.97 14376.06 15344.14 16133.2 -15963.16 -15174.1 -14206.02 -13058.93 -11732.84 -10406.74 -9259.65 -8291.58 -7502.51 1492.9 2281.96 3250.04 4397.13 5723.22 7049.32 8196.41 9164.48 9953.55 -11878.74 -11089.67 -10121.59 -8974.51 -7648.41 -6322.31

-3.4 -3.4 -3.4 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 -2.33 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38

-1639.75 -1639.75 -1639.75 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 1182.73 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 -336.22 372.3 372.3 372.3 372.3 372.3 372.3 372.3 372.3 372.3 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 -1174.57 2103.99 2103.99 2103.99 2103.99 2103.99 2103.99

270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

257.54 257.54 257.54 291.75 291.75 291.75 291.75 291.75 291.75 291.75 291.75 291.75 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -36.33 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 -49.75 134.25 134.25 134.25 134.25 134.25 134.25 134.25 134.25 134.25 129.65 129.65 129.65 129.65 129.65 129.65

-5175.23 -4207.15 -3418.08 5574.21 6363.28 7331.35 8478.44 9804.54 11130.63 12277.72 13245.8 14034.87 -13864.4 -13075.33 -12107.26 -10960.17 -9634.07 -8307.98 -7160.89 -6192.81 -5403.75 3591.23 4380.3 5348.38 6495.46 7821.56 9147.66 10294.74 11262.82 12051.89 -12122.28 -11260.77 -10308.53 -9265.58 -8131.9 -6998.22 -5955.27 -5003.03 -4141.52 4103.32 4964.84 5917.07 6960.03 8093.7 9227.38

5.38 5.38 5.38 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -7.69 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -0.44

2103.99 2103.99 2103.99 562.66 562.66 562.66 562.66 562.66 562.66 562.66 562.66 562.66 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -548.97 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 -2073.45 632.04 632.04 632.04 632.04 632.04 632.04 632.04 632.04 632.04 -619.65 -619.65 -619.65 -619.65 -619.65 -619.65

271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

129.65 129.65 129.65 161.96 161.96 161.96 161.96 161.96 161.96 161.96 161.96 161.96 156.55 156.55 156.55 156.55 156.55 156.55 156.55 156.55 156.55 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 140.64 140.64 140.64 140.64 140.64 140.64 140.64 140.64 140.64 144.55 144.55 144.55 144.55 144.55 144.55

10270.33 11222.57 12084.08 -14579.8 -13760.36 -12701.16 -11402.19 -9863.47 -8324.75 -7025.79 -5966.59 -5147.15 5128.01 5947.45 7006.65 8305.61 9844.33 11383.05 12682.02 13741.22 14560.66 -13008.87 -12219.8 -11251.73 -10104.64 -8778.54 -7452.45 -6305.36 -5337.28 -4548.22 4523.96 5313.03 6281.11 7428.2 8754.29 10080.39 11227.48 12195.55 12984.62 -13008.83 -12219.76 -11251.69 -10104.6 -8778.5 -7452.41

-0.44 -0.44 -0.44 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -1.41

-619.65 -619.65 -619.65 859.43 859.43 859.43 859.43 859.43 859.43 859.43 859.43 859.43 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 -841.39 740.08 740.08 740.08 740.08 740.08 740.08 740.08 740.08 740.08 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 -724.79 740.27 740.27 740.27 740.27 740.27 740.27

271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

144.55 144.55 144.55 139.68 139.68 139.68 139.68 139.68 139.68 139.68 139.68 139.68 116.91 116.91 116.91 116.91 116.91 116.91 116.91 116.91 116.91 438.6 438.6 438.6 438.6 438.6 438.6 438.6 438.6 438.6 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -330.14 -330.14 -330.14 -330.14 -330.14 -330.14

-6305.32 -5337.24 -4548.18 4523.93 5313 6281.08 7428.16 8754.26 10080.36 11227.44 12195.52 12984.59 -496.6 -326.3 -156.01 14.29 184.58 354.88 525.18 695.47 865.77 5318.47 5488.77 5659.06 5829.36 5999.65 6169.95 6340.25 6510.54 6680.84 -6672.59 -6502.3 -6332 -6161.7 -5991.41 -5821.11 -5650.81 -5480.52 -5310.22 -860.8 -690.51 -520.21 -349.91 -179.62 -9.32

-1.41 -1.41 -1.41 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69

740.27 740.27 740.27 -725 -725 -725 -725 -725 -725 -725 -725 -725 747.5 747.5 747.5 747.5 747.5 747.5 747.5 747.5 747.5 118.74 118.74 118.74 118.74 118.74 118.74 118.74 118.74 118.74 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -97.76 -761.54 -761.54 -761.54 -761.54 -761.54 -761.54

271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-330.14 -330.14 -330.14 149.86 149.86 149.86 149.86 149.86 149.86 149.86 149.86 149.86 309.01 309.01 309.01 309.01 309.01 309.01 309.01 309.01 309.01 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -35.39 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 -200.55 203.76 203.76 203.76 203.76 203.76 203.76

160.98 331.27 501.57 -2617.49 -2447.19 -2276.9 -2106.6 -1936.3 -1766.01 -1595.71 -1425.42 -1255.12 3199.99 3370.29 3540.59 3710.88 3881.18 4051.48 4221.77 4392.07 4562.36 -4551.7 -4381.41 -4211.11 -4040.81 -3870.52 -3700.22 -3529.93 -3359.63 -3189.33 1257.67 1427.97 1598.27 1768.56 1938.86 2109.16 2279.45 2449.75 2620.04 -9920.82 -9131.75 -8163.67 -7016.59 -5690.49 -4364.39

-2.69 -2.69 -2.69 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 0.05219 0.05219 0.05219 0.05219 0.05219 0.05219

-761.54 -761.54 -761.54 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1661.44 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 1018.79 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1011.69 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 -1661.6 1162.98 1162.98 1162.98 1162.98 1162.98 1162.98

271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

203.76 203.76 203.76 523.61 523.61 523.61 523.61 523.61 523.61 523.61 523.61 523.61 84.4 84.4 84.4 84.4 84.4 84.4 84.4 84.4 84.4 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 -245.13 236.71 236.71 236.71 236.71 236.71 236.71 236.71 236.71 236.71 394.02 394.02 394.02 394.02 394.02 394.02

-3217.31 -2249.23 -1460.16 7613.56 8402.62 9370.7 10517.79 11843.88 13169.98 14317.07 15285.14 16074.21 -16096.81 -15307.74 -14339.66 -13192.58 -11866.48 -10540.38 -9393.3 -8425.22 -7636.15 1434.28 2223.35 3191.43 4338.51 5664.61 6990.71 8137.79 9105.87 9894.94 -12041.7 -11252.64 -10284.56 -9137.47 -7811.38 -6485.28 -5338.19 -4370.12 -3581.05 5495.08 6284.15 7252.22 8399.31 9725.41 11051.5

0.05219 0.05219 0.05219 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -2.85 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.56

1162.98 1162.98 1162.98 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 -284.96 317.72 317.72 317.72 317.72 317.72 317.72 317.72 317.72 317.72 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 -1165.24 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 2076.92 615.09 615.09 615.09 615.09 615.09 615.09

271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

394.02 394.02 394.02 51.45 51.45 51.45 51.45 51.45 51.45 51.45 51.45 51.45 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 -115.54 101.01 101.01 101.01 101.01 101.01 101.01 101.01 101.01 101.01 153.76 153.76 153.76 153.76 153.76 153.76 153.76 153.76 153.76 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5

12198.59 13166.67 13955.73 -13975.92 -13186.85 -12218.77 -11071.69 -9745.59 -8419.49 -7272.41 -6304.33 -5515.26 3552.76 4341.83 5309.9 6456.99 7783.09 9109.18 10256.27 11224.35 12013.41 -11775.76 -10914.25 -9962.01 -8919.06 -7785.38 -6651.71 -5608.75 -4656.52 -3795 4941.34 5251.61 5652.59 6144.3 6726.72 7309.15 7800.85 8201.84 8512.1 -14495.8 -13676.35 -12617.15 -11318.19 -9779.47 -8240.75

5.56 5.56 5.56 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48

615.09 615.09 615.09 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -596.21 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 -2065.29 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 719.64 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 -633.92 962.19 962.19 962.19 962.19 962.19 962.19

272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

129.5 129.5 129.5 190.99 190.99 190.99 190.99 190.99 190.99 190.99 190.99 190.99 113.98 113.98 113.98 113.98 113.98 113.98 113.98 113.98 113.98 169.67 169.67 169.67 169.67 169.67 169.67 169.67 169.67 169.67 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 168.92 168.92 168.92 168.92 168.92 168.92

-6941.79 -5882.58 -5063.14 5726.95 6073.89 6660.59 7487.05 8553.27 9619.49 10445.96 11032.66 11379.6 -12844.85 -12055.79 -11087.71 -9940.62 -8614.53 -7288.43 -6141.34 -5173.27 -4384.2 5167.74 5484.3 5979.88 6654.47 7508.07 8361.66 9036.25 9531.83 9848.39 -12844.93 -12055.86 -11087.78 -9940.7 -8614.6 -7288.5 -6141.42 -5173.34 -4384.27 5167.65 5484.21 5979.79 6654.38 7507.97 8361.57

-1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24

962.19 962.19 962.19 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 -845.43 832.4 832.4 832.4 832.4 832.4 832.4 832.4 832.4 832.4 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 -732.01 832.64 832.64 832.64 832.64 832.64 832.64 832.64 832.64 832.64 -732.13 -732.13 -732.13 -732.13 -732.13 -732.13

272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

168.92 168.92 168.92 158.52 158.52 158.52 158.52 158.52 158.52 158.52 158.52 158.52 643.92 643.92 643.92 643.92 643.92 643.92 643.92 643.92 643.92 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -77.21 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 -527.81 275.16 275.16 275.16 275.16 275.16 275.16

9036.16 9531.73 9848.3 -779.09 -608.8 -438.5 -268.21 -97.91 72.39 242.68 412.98 583.28 5019.87 5190.16 5360.46 5530.76 5701.05 5871.35 6041.65 6211.94 6382.24 -6691.19 -6520.89 -6350.59 -6180.3 -6010 -5839.7 -5669.41 -5499.11 -5328.82 -771.31 -601.02 -430.72 -260.42 -90.13 80.17 250.46 420.76 591.06 -2804.14 -2633.84 -2463.55 -2293.25 -2122.95 -1952.66

-0.24 -0.24 -0.24 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 -4.98 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14

-732.13 -732.13 -732.13 749.12 749.12 749.12 749.12 749.12 749.12 749.12 749.12 749.12 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.72 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -147.14 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 -864.92 1638.22 1638.22 1638.22 1638.22 1638.22 1638.22

272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

275.16 275.16 275.16 586.85 586.85 586.85 586.85 586.85 586.85 586.85 586.85 586.85 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -193.86 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 -470.74 231.13 231.13 231.13 231.13 231.13 231.13 231.13 231.13 231.13 754.44 754.44 754.44 754.44 754.44 754.44

-1782.36 -1612.07 -1441.77 3034.27 3204.57 3374.87 3545.16 3715.46 3885.75 4056.05 4226.35 4396.64 -4666.14 -4495.85 -4325.55 -4155.25 -3984.96 -3814.66 -3644.36 -3474.07 -3303.77 1214.28 1384.58 1554.87 1725.17 1895.47 2065.76 2236.06 2406.36 2576.65 -9888.91 -9099.85 -8131.77 -6984.68 -5658.59 -4332.49 -3185.4 -2217.33 -1428.26 8063.19 8379.76 8875.34 9549.92 10403.52 11257.12

1.14 1.14 1.14 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -2.29 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8

1638.22 1638.22 1638.22 972.87 972.87 972.87 972.87 972.87 972.87 972.87 972.87 972.87 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1036.25 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 -1770.07 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 1280.88 -265.87 -265.87 -265.87 -265.87 -265.87 -265.87

272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

754.44 754.44 754.44 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 -417.29 347.78 347.78 347.78 347.78 347.78 347.78 347.78 347.78 347.78 697.37 697.37 697.37 697.37 697.37 697.37 697.37 697.37 697.37 -121.24 -121.24 -121.24 -121.24 -121.24 -121.24

11931.7 12427.28 12743.85 -15801.01 -15011.94 -14043.86 -12896.78 -11570.68 -10244.58 -9097.5 -8129.42 -7340.35 2272.01 2588.58 3084.16 3758.74 4612.34 5465.94 6140.52 6636.1 6952.67 -11913.96 -11124.89 -10156.82 -9009.73 -7683.63 -6357.54 -5210.45 -4242.37 -3453.3 6077.6 6394.17 6889.74 7564.33 8417.93 9271.52 9946.11 10441.69 10758.25 -13775.96 -12986.89 -12018.82 -10871.73 -9545.63 -8219.54

4.8 4.8 4.8 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05

-265.87 -265.87 -265.87 384.62 384.62 384.62 384.62 384.62 384.62 384.62 384.62 384.62 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 -1198.51 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 2169.98 639.29 639.29 639.29 639.29 639.29 639.29 639.29 639.29 639.29 -504.48 -504.48 -504.48 -504.48 -504.48 -504.48

272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-121.24 -121.24 -121.24 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 -360.22 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 137.03 166.34 166.34 166.34 166.34 166.34 166.34 166.34 166.34 166.34 149.63 149.63 149.63 149.63 149.63 149.63 149.63 149.63 149.63 148.25 148.25 148.25 148.25 148.25 148.25

-7072.45 -6104.37 -5315.31 4257.61 4574.17 5069.75 5744.34 6597.93 7451.53 8126.12 8621.69 8938.26 -1552.79 -1265.21 -932.26 -553.96 -130.29 293.37 671.68 1004.63 1292.21 -1942.54 -1655.54 -1248.65 -721.89 -75.25 571.39 1098.15 1505.03 1792.04 -1707.09 -1435.27 -1073.95 -623.13 -82.8 457.53 908.35 1269.67 1541.49 -1712.31 -1440.49 -1079.17 -628.35 -88.02 452.31

-3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -6.87 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89

-504.48 -504.48 -504.48 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -2103.66 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -450.33 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.42 -531.32 -531.32 -531.32 -531.32 -531.32 -531.32

273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

148.25 148.25 148.25 255.88 255.88 255.88 255.88 255.88 255.88 255.88 255.88 255.88 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 -142.43 339.35 339.35 339.35 339.35 339.35 339.35 339.35 339.35 339.35 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 -225.9 346.77 346.77 346.77 346.77 346.77 346.77

903.13 1264.45 1536.27 9030.11 9200.4 9370.7 9540.99 9711.29 9881.59 10051.88 10222.18 10392.48 -10539.04 -10368.74 -10198.44 -10028.15 -9857.85 -9687.55 -9517.26 -9346.96 -9176.67 2199.95 2370.25 2540.54 2710.84 2881.14 3051.43 3221.73 3392.02 3562.32 -3708.88 -3538.58 -3368.29 -3197.99 -3027.7 -2857.4 -2687.1 -2516.81 -2346.51 8069.89 8341.7 8703.02 9153.85 9694.18 10234.51

-0.89 -0.89 -0.89 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48

-531.32 -531.32 -531.32 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -24.59 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -180.07 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -13.96 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -190.7 -453.53 -453.53 -453.53 -453.53 -453.53 -453.53

273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

346.77 346.77 346.77 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 -51.54 430.24 430.24 430.24 430.24 430.24 430.24 430.24 430.24 430.24 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 -135.01 73.16 73.16 73.16 73.16 73.16 73.16 73.16 73.16 73.16 85.57 85.57 85.57 85.57 85.57 85.57

10685.33 11046.65 11318.46 -11499.25 -11227.44 -10866.12 -10415.29 -9874.97 -9334.64 -8883.81 -8522.49 -8250.68 1239.73 1511.55 1872.87 2323.69 2864.02 3404.35 3855.18 4216.49 4488.31 -4669.1 -4397.28 -4035.96 -3585.14 -3044.81 -2504.48 -2053.66 -1692.34 -1420.52 -972.89 -685.31 -352.36 25.94 449.61 873.27 1251.58 1584.52 1872.11 -1437.87 -1150.87 -743.98 -217.22 429.42 1076.06

1.48 1.48 1.48 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46

-453.53 -453.53 -453.53 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -609.01 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -442.9 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -619.64 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -173.54 -335.18 -335.18 -335.18 -335.18 -335.18 -335.18

274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

85.57 1602.82 85.57 2009.7 85.57 2296.71 78.09 -1215.26 78.09 -943.45 78.09 -582.13 78.09 -131.3 78.09 409.03 78.09 949.36 78.09 1400.18 78.09 1761.5 78.09 2033.31 77.16 -1211.95 77.16 -940.13 77.16 -578.81 77.16 -127.99 77.16 412.34 77.16 952.67 77.16 1403.49 77.16 1764.81 77.16 2036.63 329.1 9340.05 329.1 9510.34 329.1 9680.64 329.1 9850.93 329.1 10021.23 329.1 10191.53 329.1 10361.82 329.1 10532.12 329.1 10702.42 -252.48 -10643.09 -252.48 -10472.79 -252.48 -10302.49 -252.48 -10132.2 -252.48 -9961.9 -252.48 -9791.6 -252.48 -9621.31 -252.48 -9451.01 -252.48 -9280.72 189.91 2409.91 189.91 2580.2 189.91 2750.5 189.91 2920.8 189.91 3091.09 189.91 3261.39

-0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74

-335.18 -335.18 -335.18 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.67 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -265.33 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -94.73 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -178.29 -61.28 -61.28 -61.28 -61.28 -61.28 -61.28

274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

189.91 189.91 189.91 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 -113.29 367.52 367.52 367.52 367.52 367.52 367.52 367.52 367.52 367.52 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 -214.06 228.33 228.33 228.33 228.33 228.33 228.33 228.33 228.33 228.33 -74.87 -74.87 -74.87 -74.87 -74.87 -74.87

3431.69 3601.98 3772.28 -3712.95 -3542.65 -3372.36 -3202.06 -3031.76 -2861.47 -2691.17 -2520.87 -2350.58 8781.12 9052.94 9414.26 9865.08 10405.41 10945.74 11396.57 11757.88 12029.7 -11202.01 -10930.19 -10568.87 -10118.05 -9577.72 -9037.39 -8586.57 -8225.25 -7953.43 1850.99 2122.8 2484.12 2934.94 3475.27 4015.6 4466.43 4827.75 5099.56 -4271.87 -4000.05 -3638.74 -3187.91 -2647.58 -2107.25

1.74 1.74 1.74 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34

-61.28 -61.28 -61.28 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -211.74 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -223.4 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -306.96 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -189.94 -340.41 -340.41 -340.41 -340.41 -340.41 -340.41

274 274 274 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-74.87 -1656.43 -74.87 -1295.11 -74.87 -1023.3 102.07 -9510.43 102.07 -8671.6 102.07 -7787.4 102.07 -6857.84 102.07 -5882.93 102.07 -4908.01 102.07 -3978.46 102.07 -3094.26 102.07 -2255.43 95.79 2834.14 95.79 3672.98 95.79 4557.18 95.79 5486.73 95.79 6461.65 95.79 7436.56 95.79 8366.12 95.79 9250.31 95.79 10089.15 128.66 -10420.73 128.66 -9661.22 128.66 -8781.84 128.66 -7782.58 128.66 -6663.44 128.66 -5544.3 128.66 -4545.04 128.66 -3665.65 128.66 -2906.15 122.76 3560.4 122.76 4319.9 122.76 5199.28 122.76 6198.54 122.76 7317.68 122.76 8436.83 122.76 9436.09 122.76 10315.47 122.76 11074.97 113.89 -9569.82 113.89 -8825.51 113.89 -7991.69 113.89 -7068.36 113.89 -6055.53 113.89 -5042.7

-2.34 -2.34 -2.34 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

-340.41 -340.41 -340.41 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 -1856.9 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 1118.27 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 -2583.61 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 1826.4 -2211.67 -2211.67 -2211.67 -2211.67 -2211.67 -2211.67

275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

113.89 113.89 113.89 108.05 108.05 108.05 108.05 108.05 108.05 108.05 108.05 108.05 113.32 113.32 113.32 113.32 113.32 113.32 113.32 113.32 113.32 107.59 107.59 107.59 107.59 107.59 107.59 107.59 107.59 107.59 914.51 914.51 914.51 914.51 914.51 914.51 914.51 914.51 914.51 259.33 259.33 259.33 259.33 259.33 259.33

-4119.38 -3285.56 -2541.25 3136.43 3880.74 4714.56 5637.88 6650.71 7663.54 8586.87 9420.69 10165 -9569.87 -8825.56 -7991.74 -7068.41 -6055.58 -5042.75 -4119.43 -3285.61 -2541.3 3136.25 3880.57 4714.39 5637.71 6650.54 7663.37 8586.69 9420.51 10164.83 393.67 563.96 734.26 904.56 1074.85 1245.15 1415.44 1585.74 1756.04 4577.32 4747.62 4917.92 5088.21 5258.51 5428.8

0.97 0.97 0.97 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 -1.14 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33

-2211.67 -2211.67 -2211.67 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 1500.45 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 -2211.62 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 1500.87 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 -312.6 984.02 984.02 984.02 984.02 984.02 984.02

275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

259.33 259.33 259.33 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -815.22 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 -169.18 608.41 608.41 608.41 608.41 608.41 608.41 608.41 608.41 608.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 585.41 -509.12 -509.12 -509.12 -509.12 -509.12 -509.12

5599.1 5769.4 5939.69 -5697.62 -5527.32 -5357.03 -5186.73 -5016.43 -4846.14 -4675.84 -4505.54 -4335.25 -1597.73 -1427.44 -1257.14 -1086.85 -916.55 -746.25 -575.96 -405.66 -235.36 -1547.28 -1376.99 -1206.69 -1036.4 -866.1 -695.8 -525.51 -355.21 -184.91 2636.07 2806.37 2976.67 3146.96 3317.26 3487.56 3657.85 3828.15 3998.44 -3756.67 -3586.37 -3416.08 -3245.78 -3075.48 -2905.19

2.33 2.33 2.33 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64

984.02 984.02 984.02 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 -1147.53 221.22 221.22 221.22 221.22 221.22 221.22 221.22 221.22 221.22 496.13 496.13 496.13 496.13 496.13 496.13 496.13 496.13 496.13 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 1777.31 -1956.25 -1956.25 -1956.25 -1956.25 -1956.25 -1956.25

275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-509.12 -2734.89 -509.12 -2564.59 -509.12 -2394.3 -495.25 343.51 -495.25 513.81 -495.25 684.11 -495.25 854.4 -495.25 1024.7 -495.25 1195 -495.25 1365.29 -495.25 1535.59 -495.25 1705.88 977.92 -6524.25 977.92 -5779.93 977.92 -4946.12 977.92 -4022.79 977.92 -3009.96 977.92 -1997.13 977.92 -1073.81 977.92 -239.99 977.92 504.32 321.64 6223.7 321.64 6968.02 321.64 7801.84 321.64 8725.16 321.64 9737.99 321.64 10750.82 321.64 11674.14 321.64 12507.96 321.64 13252.28 -751.81 -12615.53 -751.81 -11871.22 -751.81 -11037.4 -751.81 -10114.08 -751.81 -9101.25 -751.81 -8088.42 -751.81 -7165.09 -751.81 -6331.27 -751.81 -5586.96 -106.87 48.65 -106.87 792.96 -106.87 1626.78 -106.87 2550.1 -106.87 3562.93 -106.87 4575.76

-4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18

-1956.25 -1956.25 -1956.25 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -572.08 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 -1794.14 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 1882.46 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 -2629.07 1119.66 1119.66 1119.66 1119.66 1119.66 1119.66

275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 276 276 276 276 276 276

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-106.87 5499.09 -106.87 6332.91 -106.87 7077.22 671.82 -8465.2 671.82 -7720.89 671.82 -6887.07 671.82 -5963.74 671.82 -4950.91 671.82 -3938.08 671.82 -3014.76 671.82 -2180.94 671.82 -1436.63 647.71 4282.45 647.71 5026.77 647.71 5860.59 647.71 6783.91 647.71 7796.74 647.71 8809.57 647.71 9732.89 647.71 10566.71 647.71 11311.03 -445.71 -10674.58 -445.71 -9930.27 -445.71 -9096.45 -445.71 -8173.13 -445.71 -7160.3 -445.71 -6147.47 -445.71 -5224.14 -445.71 -4390.32 -445.71 -3646.01 -432.95 1989.9 -432.95 2734.21 -432.95 3568.03 -432.95 4491.35 -432.95 5504.18 -432.95 6517.01 -432.95 7440.34 -432.95 8274.15 -432.95 9018.47 132.73 -9802.37 132.73 -8963.53 132.73 -8079.34 132.73 -7149.78 132.73 -6174.87 132.73 -5199.95

-4.18 -4.18 -4.18 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45

1119.66 1119.66 1119.66 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 -985.41 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 2675.76 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 -3437.79 326.36 326.36 326.36 326.36 326.36 326.36 326.36 326.36 326.36 -1409.19 -1409.19 -1409.19 -1409.19 -1409.19 -1409.19

276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

132.73 -4270.4 132.73 -3386.2 132.73 -2547.37 169.47 2510.34 169.47 3349.17 169.47 4233.37 169.47 5162.92 169.47 6137.84 169.47 7112.75 169.47 8042.31 169.47 8926.5 169.47 9765.34 168.16 -10720.35 168.16 -9960.85 168.16 -9081.47 168.16 -8082.2 168.16 -6963.06 168.16 -5843.92 168.16 -4844.66 168.16 -3965.28 168.16 -3205.77 210.71 3141.42 210.71 3900.92 210.71 4780.31 210.71 5779.57 210.71 6898.71 210.71 8017.85 210.71 9017.11 210.71 9896.5 210.71 10656 148.92 -9851.04 148.92 -9106.73 148.92 -8272.91 148.92 -7349.58 148.92 -6336.75 148.92 -5323.92 148.92 -4400.6 148.92 -3566.78 148.92 -2822.47 187.69 2770.34 187.69 3514.66 187.69 4348.48 187.69 5271.8 187.69 6284.63 187.69 7297.46

1.45 1.45 1.45 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69

-1409.19 -1409.19 -1409.19 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 1410.5 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 -2085.14 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 2093.21 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 -1755.91 1761.37 1761.37 1761.37 1761.37 1761.37 1761.37

276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

187.69 187.69 187.69 147.93 147.93 147.93 147.93 147.93 147.93 147.93 147.93 147.93 186.39 186.39 186.39 186.39 186.39 186.39 186.39 186.39 186.39 720.1 720.1 720.1 720.1 720.1 720.1 720.1 720.1 720.1 576.77 576.77 576.77 576.77 576.77 576.77 576.77 576.77 576.77 -590.86 -590.86 -590.86 -590.86 -590.86 -590.86

8220.78 9054.6 9798.92 -9850.99 -9106.67 -8272.86 -7349.53 -6336.7 -5323.87 -4400.55 -3566.73 -2822.41 2770.29 3514.61 4348.42 5271.75 6284.58 7297.41 8220.73 9054.55 9798.87 517.25 687.54 857.84 1028.14 1198.43 1368.73 1539.02 1709.32 1879.62 4569.69 4739.99 4910.28 5080.58 5250.88 5421.17 5591.47 5761.76 5932.06 -5961.13 -5790.83 -5620.53 -5450.24 -5279.94 -5109.64

-0.69 -0.69 -0.69 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98

1761.37 1761.37 1761.37 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 -1756.13 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 1761.59 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 -225.74 986.76 986.76 986.76 986.76 986.76 986.76 986.76 986.76 986.76 -1014.55 -1014.55 -1014.55 -1014.55 -1014.55 -1014.55

276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-590.86 -590.86 -590.86 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 -420.07 865.47 865.47 865.47 865.47 865.47 865.47 865.47 865.47 865.47 890.83 890.83 890.83 890.83 890.83 890.83 890.83 890.83 890.83 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -736.24 -734.12 -734.12 -734.12 -734.12 -734.12 -734.12

-4939.35 -4769.05 -4598.75 -1891.33 -1721.04 -1550.74 -1380.44 -1210.15 -1039.85 -869.55 -699.26 -528.96 -1537.73 -1367.43 -1197.14 -1026.84 -856.54 -686.25 -515.95 -345.65 -175.36 2502.29 2672.59 2842.89 3013.18 3183.48 3353.78 3524.07 3694.37 3864.66 -3906.15 -3735.85 -3565.56 -3395.26 -3224.96 -3054.67 -2884.37 -2714.08 -2543.78 176.06 346.36 516.66 686.95 857.25 1027.55

-2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 -4.53 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58

-1014.55 -1014.55 -1014.55 259.78 259.78 259.78 259.78 259.78 259.78 259.78 259.78 259.78 571.23 571.23 571.23 571.23 571.23 571.23 571.23 571.23 571.23 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 1794.02 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -1811.52 -547.48 -547.48 -547.48 -547.48 -547.48 -547.48

276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-734.12 -734.12 -734.12 802.96 802.96 802.96 802.96 802.96 802.96 802.96 802.96 802.96 684.21 684.21 684.21 684.21 684.21 684.21 684.21 684.21 684.21 -508 -508 -508 -508 -508 -508 -508 -508 -508 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 -312.62 948.34 948.34 948.34 948.34 948.34 948.34

1197.84 1368.14 1538.43 -6611.78 -5867.46 -5033.65 -4110.32 -3097.49 -2084.66 -1161.34 -327.52 416.79 6000.78 6745.09 7578.91 8502.24 9515.07 10527.9 11451.22 12285.04 13029.35 -13090.15 -12345.84 -11512.02 -10588.69 -9575.86 -8563.03 -7639.71 -6805.89 -6061.58 -460.24 284.07 1117.89 2041.21 3054.04 4066.87 4990.2 5824.02 6568.33 -8666.75 -7922.44 -7088.62 -6165.3 -5152.47 -4139.64

-5.58 -5.58 -5.58 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87

-547.48 -547.48 -547.48 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 -1361.83 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 2125.18 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 -2150.64 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 1398.21 -564.86 -564.86 -564.86 -564.86 -564.86 -564.86

276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

948.34 -3216.31 948.34 -2382.49 948.34 -1638.18 998.27 3933.38 998.27 4677.7 998.27 5511.52 998.27 6434.84 998.27 7447.67 998.27 8460.5 998.27 9383.82 998.27 10217.64 998.27 10961.96 -653.37 -11035.18 -653.37 -10290.86 -653.37 -9457.04 -653.37 -8533.72 -653.37 -7520.89 -653.37 -6508.06 -653.37 -5584.74 -653.37 -4750.92 -653.37 -4006.6 -626.68 1607.15 -626.68 2351.47 -626.68 3185.29 -626.68 4108.61 -626.68 5121.44 -626.68 6134.27 -626.68 7057.59 -626.68 7891.41 -626.68 8635.73 228.29 -9811.29 228.29 -8972.45 228.29 -8088.26 228.29 -7158.7 228.29 -6183.79 228.29 -5208.87 228.29 -4279.31 228.29 -3395.12 228.29 -2556.28 394.46 2527.83 394.46 3366.67 394.46 4250.86 394.46 5180.42 394.46 6155.33 394.46 7130.25

6.87 6.87 6.87 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13

-564.86 -564.86 -564.86 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 2932.45 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 -2947.61 590.94 590.94 590.94 590.94 590.94 590.94 590.94 590.94 590.94 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 -1413.07 1439.17 1439.17 1439.17 1439.17 1439.17 1439.17

277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

394.46 8059.8 394.46 8944 394.46 9782.84 278.88 -10704.15 278.88 -9944.65 278.88 -9065.27 278.88 -8066.01 278.88 -6946.86 278.88 -5827.72 278.88 -4828.46 278.88 -3949.08 278.88 -3189.58 464.74 3192.11 464.74 3951.61 464.74 4830.99 464.74 5830.25 464.74 6949.4 464.74 8068.54 464.74 9067.8 464.74 9947.18 464.74 10706.68 249.82 -9843.71 249.82 -9099.39 249.82 -8265.57 249.82 -7342.25 249.82 -6329.42 249.82 -5316.59 249.82 -4393.27 249.82 -3559.45 249.82 -2815.13 421.36 2807.68 421.36 3552 421.36 4385.82 421.36 5309.14 421.36 6321.97 421.36 7334.8 421.36 8258.12 421.36 9091.94 421.36 9836.26 247.99 -9843.72 247.99 -9099.41 247.99 -8265.59 247.99 -7342.26 247.99 -6329.43 247.99 -5316.6

3.13 3.13 3.13 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

1439.17 1439.17 1439.17 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 -2087.86 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 2143.5 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 -1758.92 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 1801.81 -1759.09 -1759.09 -1759.09 -1759.09 -1759.09 -1759.09

277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

247.99 247.99 247.99 417.85 417.85 417.85 417.85 417.85 417.85 417.85 417.85 417.85 547.97 547.97 547.97 547.97 547.97 547.97 547.97 547.97 547.97 884.22 884.22 884.22 884.22 884.22 884.22 884.22 884.22 884.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -343.22 -545.52 -545.52 -545.52 -545.52 -545.52 -545.52

-4393.28 -3559.46 -2815.15 2807.6 3551.91 4385.73 5309.06 6321.89 7334.72 8258.04 9091.86 9836.17 504.8 675.1 845.4 1015.69 1185.99 1356.28 1526.58 1696.88 1867.17 4668.46 4838.75 5009.05 5179.35 5349.64 5519.94 5690.24 5860.53 6030.83 -5888.9 -5718.61 -5548.31 -5378.01 -5207.72 -5037.42 -4867.13 -4696.83 -4526.53 -1912.05 -1741.75 -1571.46 -1401.16 -1230.87 -1060.57

1.1 1.1 1.1 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 8.76 8.76 8.76 8.76 8.76 8.76 8.76 8.76 8.76 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64

-1759.09 -1759.09 -1759.09 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 1802.21 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 -179.17 882.34 882.34 882.34 882.34 882.34 882.34 882.34 882.34 882.34 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 -1068.28 386.17 386.17 386.17 386.17 386.17 386.17

277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-545.52 -545.52 -545.52 915.62 915.62 915.62 915.62 915.62 915.62 915.62 915.62 915.62 881.58 881.58 881.58 881.58 881.58 881.58 881.58 881.58 881.58 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -710.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 -542.88 692.75 692.75 692.75 692.75 692.75 692.75

-890.27 -719.98 -549.68 -1679.33 -1509.03 -1338.73 -1168.44 -998.14 -827.85 -657.55 -487.25 -316.96 2707.8 2878.1 3048.4 3218.69 3388.99 3559.28 3729.58 3899.88 4070.17 -3704.77 -3534.48 -3364.18 -3193.88 -3023.59 -2853.29 -2682.99 -2512.7 -2342.4 48.6 218.9 389.2 559.49 729.79 900.09 1070.38 1240.68 1410.97 -6646.87 -5902.56 -5068.74 -4145.42 -3132.59 -2119.76

-6.64 -6.64 -6.64 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 15.81 15.81 15.81 15.81 15.81 15.81 15.81 15.81 15.81 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -5.84 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 -13.69 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25

386.17 386.17 386.17 776.78 776.78 776.78 776.78 776.78 776.78 776.78 776.78 776.78 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 1406.15 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -2024.24 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -1314.61 -1314.61 -1314.61 -1314.61 -1314.61 -1314.61

277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

692.75 692.75 692.75 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 1131.12 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -198.44 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 -298.61 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1060.41 1128.49 1128.49 1128.49 1128.49 1128.49 1128.49

-1196.43 -362.61 381.7 6097.82 6842.13 7675.95 8599.27 9612.1 10624.93 11548.26 12382.08 13126.39 -13040.58 -12296.27 -11462.45 -10539.12 -9526.29 -8513.46 -7590.14 -6756.32 -6012.01 -482.69 261.62 1095.44 2018.77 3031.59 4044.42 4967.75 5801.57 6545.88 -8831 -8086.69 -7252.87 -6329.55 -5316.72 -4303.89 -3380.56 -2546.74 -1802.43 4137.16 4881.48 5715.3 6638.62 7651.45 8664.28

5.25 5.25 5.25 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 18.02 18.02 18.02 18.02 18.02 18.02

-1314.61 -1314.61 -1314.61 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 2050.48 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 -2203.72 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 1554.31 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 -358.65 2574.29 2574.29 2574.29 2574.29 2574.29 2574.29

277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 277 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1128.49 9587.6 1128.49 10421.42 1128.49 11165.74 -566.09 -10856.45 -566.09 -10112.13 -566.09 -9278.32 -566.09 -8354.99 -566.09 -7342.16 -566.09 -6329.33 -566.09 -5406.01 -566.09 -4572.19 -566.09 -3827.88 -295.98 1477.96 -295.98 2222.28 -295.98 3056.1 -295.98 3979.42 -295.98 4992.25 -295.98 6005.08 -295.98 6928.4 -295.98 7762.22 -295.98 8506.54 291.38 -6729.81 291.38 -6442.22 291.38 -6109.28 291.38 -5730.97 291.38 -5307.3 291.38 -4883.64 291.38 -4505.33 291.38 -4172.39 291.38 -3884.8 303.44 3872.33 303.44 4159.91 303.44 4492.86 303.44 4871.16 303.44 5294.83 303.44 5718.49 303.44 6096.8 303.44 6429.74 303.44 6717.33 349.61 -8530.4 349.61 -8243.39 349.61 -7836.51 349.61 -7309.75 349.61 -6663.11 349.61 -6016.47

18.02 18.02 18.02 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -1.61 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96 -1.96

2574.29 2574.29 2574.29 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 -3159.67 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 1030.5 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 -910.89 916.64 916.64 916.64 916.64 916.64 916.64 916.64 916.64 916.64 -1388.39 -1388.39 -1388.39 -1388.39 -1388.39 -1388.39

278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

349.61 349.61 349.61 360.72 360.72 360.72 360.72 360.72 360.72 360.72 360.72 360.72 314.69 314.69 314.69 314.69 314.69 314.69 314.69 314.69 314.69 325.48 325.48 325.48 325.48 325.48 325.48 325.48 325.48 325.48 312.53 312.53 312.53 312.53 312.53 312.53 312.53 312.53 312.53 323.35 323.35 323.35 323.35 323.35 323.35

-5489.71 -5082.82 -4795.82 4764.98 5051.98 5458.86 5985.62 6632.26 7278.91 7805.67 8212.55 8499.55 -7493.73 -7221.92 -6860.6 -6409.78 -5869.45 -5329.12 -4878.29 -4516.97 -4245.16 4221.87 4493.69 4855.01 5305.83 5846.16 6386.49 6837.31 7198.63 7470.45 -7494.52 -7222.7 -6861.38 -6410.56 -5870.23 -5329.9 -4879.08 -4517.76 -4245.94 4222.65 4494.47 4855.79 5306.61 5846.94 6387.27

-1.96 -1.96 -1.96 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96

-1388.39 -1388.39 -1388.39 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 1396.49 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 -1160.79 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 1167.7 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 -1160.57 1167.48 1167.48 1167.48 1167.48 1167.48 1167.48

278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

323.35 323.35 323.35 260.56 260.56 260.56 260.56 260.56 260.56 260.56 260.56 260.56 229.19 229.19 229.19 229.19 229.19 229.19 229.19 229.19 229.19 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 345.51 345.51 345.51 345.51 345.51 345.51

6838.09 7199.41 7471.23 122.2 292.5 462.79 633.09 803.39 973.68 1143.98 1314.27 1484.57 4849.63 5019.93 5190.23 5360.52 5530.82 5701.12 5871.41 6041.71 6212 -6215.5 -6045.2 -5874.9 -5704.61 -5534.31 -5364.01 -5193.72 -5023.42 -4853.13 -1494.06 -1323.76 -1153.46 -983.17 -812.87 -642.58 -472.28 -301.98 -131.69 -1989.64 -1819.35 -1649.05 -1478.76 -1308.46 -1138.16

1.96 1.96 1.96 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 12.08 12.08 12.08 12.08 12.08 12.08

1167.48 1167.48 1167.48 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 -144.3 729.74 729.74 729.74 729.74 729.74 729.74 729.74 729.74 729.74 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 -728.54 144.98 144.98 144.98 144.98 144.98 144.98 144.98 144.98 144.98 432.05 432.05 432.05 432.05 432.05 432.05

278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

345.51 345.51 345.51 346.44 346.44 346.44 346.44 346.44 346.44 346.44 346.44 346.44 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -112.68 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 -113.18 455.69 455.69 455.69 455.69 455.69 455.69 455.69 455.69 455.69 434.94 434.94 434.94 434.94 434.94 434.94

-967.87 -797.57 -627.27 2745.07 2915.37 3085.66 3255.96 3426.26 3596.55 3766.85 3937.15 4107.44 -4103.65 -3933.35 -3763.06 -3592.76 -3422.47 -3252.17 -3081.87 -2911.58 -2741.28 610.51 780.8 951.1 1121.39 1291.69 1461.99 1632.28 1802.58 1972.88 -4326.02 -4054.21 -3692.89 -3242.07 -2701.74 -2161.41 -1710.58 -1349.26 -1077.45 7394.86 7666.67 8027.99 8478.81 9019.14 9559.47

12.08 12.08 12.08 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 -11.89 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4

432.05 432.05 432.05 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 1304.55 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -1304.88 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -429.83 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 -868.35 1459.76 1459.76 1459.76 1459.76 1459.76 1459.76

278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

434.94 10010.3 434.94 10371.62 434.94 10643.43 167.41 -10663.72 167.41 -10391.91 167.41 -10030.59 167.41 -9579.76 167.41 -9039.43 167.41 -8499.1 167.41 -8048.28 167.41 -7686.96 167.41 -7415.15 209.81 1051.16 209.81 1322.98 209.81 1684.3 209.81 2135.12 209.81 2675.45 209.81 3215.78 209.81 3666.6 209.81 4027.92 209.81 4299.74 540.64 -6437.87 540.64 -6166.05 540.64 -5804.73 540.64 -5353.91 540.64 -4813.58 540.64 -4273.25 540.64 -3822.43 540.64 -3461.11 540.64 -3189.29 552.19 5290.29 552.19 5562.11 552.19 5923.43 552.19 6374.25 552.19 6914.58 552.19 7454.91 552.19 7905.73 552.19 8267.05 552.19 8538.87 82.46 -8551.88 82.46 -8280.06 82.46 -7918.74 82.46 -7467.92 82.46 -6927.59 82.46 -6387.26

8.4 8.4 8.4 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 14.48 14.48 14.48 14.48 14.48 14.48 14.48 14.48 14.48 -14.44 -14.44 -14.44 -14.44 -14.44 -14.44

1459.76 1459.76 1459.76 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 -1452.59 874.99 874.99 874.99 874.99 874.99 874.99 874.99 874.99 874.99 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 -292.01 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 2034.57 -2028.93 -2028.93 -2028.93 -2028.93 -2028.93 -2028.93

278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

82.46 -5936.43 82.46 -5575.12 82.46 -5303.3 92.57 3155.73 92.57 3427.54 92.57 3788.86 92.57 4239.68 92.57 4780.01 92.57 5320.34 92.57 5771.17 92.57 6132.49 92.57 6404.3 433.29 -9799.82 433.29 -8960.98 433.29 -8076.79 433.29 -7147.23 433.29 -6172.32 433.29 -5197.4 433.29 -4267.85 433.29 -3383.65 433.29 -2544.82 287.58 2542.9 287.58 3381.74 287.58 4265.93 287.58 5195.49 287.58 6170.4 287.58 7145.32 287.58 8074.87 287.58 8959.07 287.58 9797.9 501.56 -10744.01 501.56 -9984.51 501.56 -9105.13 501.56 -8105.87 501.56 -6986.73 501.56 -5867.59 501.56 -4868.32 501.56 -3988.94 501.56 -3229.44 332.73 3157.39 332.73 3916.89 332.73 4796.28 332.73 5795.54 332.73 6914.68 332.73 8033.82

-14.44 -14.44 -14.44 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -3.42 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1

-2028.93 -2028.93 -2028.93 300.19 300.19 300.19 300.19 300.19 300.19 300.19 300.19 300.19 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 -1438.18 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 1431.56 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 -2141.74 2114.32 2114.32 2114.32 2114.32 2114.32 2114.32

279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

332.73 332.73 332.73 456.77 456.77 456.77 456.77 456.77 456.77 456.77 456.77 456.77 302.47 302.47 302.47 302.47 302.47 302.47 302.47 302.47 302.47 453.33 453.33 453.33 453.33 453.33 453.33 453.33 453.33 453.33 300.69 300.69 300.69 300.69 300.69 300.69 300.69 300.69 300.69 911.84 911.84 911.84 911.84 911.84 911.84

9033.08 9912.47 10671.97 -9865.04 -9120.73 -8286.91 -7363.59 -6350.76 -5337.93 -4414.6 -3580.78 -2836.47 2790.72 3535.04 4368.85 5292.18 6305.01 7317.84 8241.16 9074.98 9819.29 -9864.96 -9120.65 -8286.83 -7363.51 -6350.68 -5337.85 -4414.52 -3580.7 -2836.39 2790.73 3535.04 4368.86 5292.19 6305.02 7317.85 8241.17 9074.99 9819.3 539.57 709.86 880.16 1050.46 1220.75 1391.05

-1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94

2114.32 2114.32 2114.32 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 -1800.39 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 1781.4 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 -1800.79 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 1781.56 -385.57 -385.57 -385.57 -385.57 -385.57 -385.57

279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

911.84 911.84 911.84 569.94 569.94 569.94 569.94 569.94 569.94 569.94 569.94 569.94 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -572.07 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 -363.74 924.68 924.68 924.68 924.68 924.68 924.68 924.68 924.68 924.68 945.89 945.89 945.89 945.89 945.89 945.89

1561.35 1731.64 1901.94 4523.58 4693.87 4864.17 5034.47 5204.76 5375.06 5545.36 5715.65 5885.95 -6034.57 -5864.27 -5693.97 -5523.68 -5353.38 -5183.08 -5012.79 -4842.49 -4672.19 -1877.34 -1707.04 -1536.75 -1366.45 -1196.15 -1025.86 -855.56 -685.26 -514.97 -1429.52 -1259.22 -1088.93 -918.63 -748.33 -578.04 -407.74 -237.44 -67.15 2346.71 2517 2687.3 2857.6 3027.89 3198.19

6.94 6.94 6.94 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88

-385.57 -385.57 -385.57 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 1071.87 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 -882.21 180.8 180.8 180.8 180.8 180.8 180.8 180.8 180.8 180.8 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 138.51 2022.55 2022.55 2022.55 2022.55 2022.55 2022.55

279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

945.89 945.89 945.89 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -584.91 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 -739.69 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 1193.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 766.73 -290.19 -290.19 -290.19 -290.19 -290.19 -290.19

3368.48 3538.78 3709.08 -4065.48 -3895.18 -3724.88 -3554.59 -3384.29 -3214 -3043.7 -2873.4 -2703.11 299.53 469.83 640.13 810.42 980.72 1151.01 1321.31 1491.61 1661.9 -6577.86 -5833.55 -4999.73 -4076.4 -3063.57 -2050.74 -1127.42 -293.6 450.71 5991.19 6735.51 7569.33 8492.65 9505.48 10518.31 11441.63 12275.45 13019.77 -13151.99 -12407.68 -11573.86 -10650.54 -9637.71 -8624.88

5.88 5.88 5.88 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -15.77 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 -11.07 -11.07 -11.07 -11.07 -11.07 -11.07

2022.55 2022.55 2022.55 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -1406.29 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -769.87 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 -1552.66 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 2227.17 -2049.29 -2049.29 -2049.29 -2049.29 -2049.29 -2049.29

279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-290.19 -7701.55 -290.19 -6867.73 -290.19 -6123.42 -166.95 -409.72 -166.95 334.59 -166.95 1168.41 -166.95 2091.73 -166.95 3104.56 -166.95 4117.39 -166.95 5040.72 -166.95 5874.54 -166.95 6618.85 1206.56 -8546.95 1206.56 -7802.63 1206.56 -6968.81 1206.56 -6045.49 1206.56 -5032.66 1206.56 -4019.83 1206.56 -3096.51 1206.56 -2262.69 1206.56 -1518.37 1142.68 3814.32 1142.68 4558.64 1142.68 5392.46 1142.68 6315.78 1142.68 7328.61 1142.68 8341.44 1142.68 9264.76 1142.68 10098.58 1142.68 10842.9 -303.03 -11182.91 -303.03 -10438.59 -303.03 -9604.77 -303.03 -8681.45 -303.03 -7668.62 -303.03 -6655.79 -303.03 -5732.47 -303.03 -4898.65 -303.03 -4154.33 -542.91 1767.15 -542.91 2511.46 -542.91 3345.28 -542.91 4268.61 -542.91 5281.43 -542.91 6294.26

-11.07 -11.07 -11.07 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -17.76 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62

-2049.29 -2049.29 -2049.29 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 1336.1 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 -1028.58 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 3177.85 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 -2573.38 385.43 385.43 385.43 385.43 385.43 385.43

279 279 279 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-542.91 7217.59 -542.91 8051.41 -542.91 8795.72 229.43 -9777.36 229.43 -8938.52 229.43 -8054.33 229.43 -7124.77 229.43 -6149.86 229.43 -5174.94 229.43 -4245.39 229.43 -3361.19 229.43 -2522.35 190.95 2540.6 190.95 3379.44 190.95 4263.63 190.95 5193.19 190.95 6168.1 190.95 7143.02 190.95 8072.57 190.95 8956.77 190.95 9795.6 265.5 -10687.89 265.5 -9928.39 265.5 -9049.01 265.5 -8049.75 265.5 -6930.61 265.5 -5811.47 265.5 -4812.2 265.5 -3932.82 265.5 -3173.32 220.06 3179.46 220.06 3938.96 220.06 4818.34 220.06 5817.6 220.06 6936.75 220.06 8055.89 220.06 9055.15 220.06 9934.53 220.06 10694.03 241.18 -9822.71 241.18 -9078.4 241.18 -8244.58 241.18 -7321.25 241.18 -6308.43 241.18 -5295.6

-7.62 -7.62 -7.62 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -1.66 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74

385.43 385.43 385.43 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 -1420.26 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 1433.55 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 -2106.1 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 2118.49 -1772.57 -1772.57 -1772.57 -1772.57 -1772.57 -1772.57

280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

241.18 241.18 241.18 200.13 200.13 200.13 200.13 200.13 200.13 200.13 200.13 200.13 239.9 239.9 239.9 239.9 239.9 239.9 239.9 239.9 239.9 199.09 199.09 199.09 199.09 199.09 199.09 199.09 199.09 199.09 520.53 520.53 520.53 520.53 520.53 520.53 520.53 520.53 520.53 784.82 784.82 784.82 784.82 784.82 784.82

-4372.27 -3538.45 -2794.14 2803.85 3548.16 4381.98 5305.31 6318.14 7330.97 8254.29 9088.11 9832.42 -9822.66 -9078.35 -8244.53 -7321.21 -6308.38 -5295.55 -4372.22 -3538.4 -2794.09 2803.79 3548.11 4381.93 5305.25 6318.08 7330.91 8254.23 9088.05 9832.37 515.07 685.37 855.67 1025.96 1196.26 1366.56 1536.85 1707.15 1877.45 4594.11 4764.4 4934.7 5105 5275.29 5445.59

0.74 0.74 0.74 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 -1.58 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74

-1772.57 -1772.57 -1772.57 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 1784.58 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 -1772.79 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 1784.8 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 -260.05 1019.38 1019.38 1019.38 1019.38 1019.38 1019.38

280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

784.82 784.82 784.82 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -362.52 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 -651.35 851.61 851.61 851.61 851.61 851.61 851.61 851.61 851.61 851.61 794.57 794.57 794.57 794.57 794.57 794.57 794.57 794.57 794.57 -693.6 -693.6 -693.6 -693.6 -693.6 -693.6

5615.88 5786.18 5956.48 -5936.31 -5766.02 -5595.72 -5425.43 -5255.13 -5084.83 -4914.54 -4744.24 -4573.94 -1889.43 -1719.13 -1548.84 -1378.54 -1208.24 -1037.95 -867.65 -697.35 -527.06 -1559.91 -1389.61 -1219.32 -1049.02 -878.73 -708.43 -538.13 -367.84 -197.54 2546.3 2716.6 2886.89 3057.19 3227.49 3397.78 3568.08 3738.37 3908.67 -3861.33 -3691.03 -3520.74 -3350.44 -3180.14 -3009.85

2.74 2.74 2.74 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -3.61

1019.38 1019.38 1019.38 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 -989.66 230.39 230.39 230.39 230.39 230.39 230.39 230.39 230.39 230.39 543.88 543.88 543.88 543.88 543.88 543.88 543.88 543.88 543.88 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 1809.99 -1793.59 -1793.59 -1793.59 -1793.59 -1793.59 -1793.59

280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-693.6 -2839.55 -693.6 -2669.25 -693.6 -2498.96 -661.1 158.38 -661.1 328.67 -661.1 498.97 -661.1 669.27 -661.1 839.56 -661.1 1009.86 -661.1 1180.16 -661.1 1350.45 -661.1 1520.75 680.84 -6596.95 680.84 -5852.63 680.84 -5018.81 680.84 -4095.49 680.84 -3082.66 680.84 -2069.83 680.84 -1146.51 680.84 -312.69 680.84 431.63 916.7 6045.53 916.7 6789.85 916.7 7623.67 916.7 8546.99 916.7 9559.82 916.7 10572.65 916.7 11495.97 916.7 12329.79 916.7 13074.11 -202.21 -13048.34 -202.21 -12304.02 -202.21 -11470.2 -202.21 -10546.88 -202.21 -9534.05 -202.21 -8521.22 -202.21 -7597.9 -202.21 -6764.08 -202.21 -6019.76 -519.47 -438 -519.47 306.31 -519.47 1140.13 -519.47 2063.46 -519.47 3076.29 -519.47 4089.12

-3.61 -3.61 -3.61 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18 -5.18

-1793.59 -1793.59 -1793.59 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -560.21 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 -1408.09 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 2179.4 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 -2137.69 1390.41 1390.41 1390.41 1390.41 1390.41 1390.41

280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 281 281 281 281 281 281

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-519.47 5012.44 -519.47 5846.26 -519.47 6590.57 1011.92 -8671.93 1011.92 -7927.62 1011.92 -7093.8 1011.92 -6170.48 1011.92 -5157.65 1011.92 -4144.82 1011.92 -3221.49 1011.92 -2387.67 1011.92 -1643.36 926.45 3997.73 926.45 4742.04 926.45 5575.86 926.45 6499.19 926.45 7512.02 926.45 8524.84 926.45 9448.17 926.45 10281.99 926.45 11026.3 -533.28 -10973.35 -533.28 -10229.04 -533.28 -9395.22 -533.28 -8471.89 -533.28 -7459.06 -533.28 -6446.23 -533.28 -5522.91 -533.28 -4689.09 -533.28 -3944.78 -529.22 1609.81 -529.22 2354.12 -529.22 3187.94 -529.22 4111.26 -529.22 5124.09 -529.22 6136.92 -529.22 7060.25 -529.22 7894.06 -529.22 8638.38 142.41 -10191.92 142.41 -9353.08 142.41 -8468.89 142.41 -7539.33 142.41 -6564.42 142.41 -5589.5

-5.18 -5.18 -5.18 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -3.56 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

1390.41 1390.41 1390.41 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 -604.15 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 -2941.62 599.8 599.8 599.8 599.8 599.8 599.8 599.8 599.8 599.8 -1263.95 -1263.95 -1263.95 -1263.95 -1263.95 -1263.95

281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

142.41 -4659.95 142.41 -3775.75 142.41 -2936.92 165.72 2317.9 165.72 3156.74 165.72 4040.93 165.72 4970.49 165.72 5945.4 165.72 6920.32 165.72 7849.87 165.72 8734.07 165.72 9572.91 164.97 -11202.91 164.97 -10443.4 164.97 -9564.02 164.97 -8564.76 164.97 -7445.62 164.97 -6326.48 164.97 -5327.21 164.97 -4447.83 164.97 -3688.33 194.91 2963.72 194.91 3723.22 194.91 4602.6 194.91 5601.86 194.91 6721.01 194.91 7840.15 194.91 8839.41 194.91 9718.79 194.91 10478.29 149.64 -10277.96 149.64 -9533.64 149.64 -8699.82 149.64 -7776.5 149.64 -6763.67 149.64 -5750.84 149.64 -4827.52 149.64 -3993.7 149.64 -3249.38 176.28 2597.29 176.28 3341.61 176.28 4175.43 176.28 5098.75 176.28 6111.58 176.28 7124.41

1.05 1.05 1.05 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65

-1263.95 -1263.95 -1263.95 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 1916.43 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 -1976.12 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 2708.66 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 -1640.85 2308.92 2308.92 2308.92 2308.92 2308.92 2308.92

281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

176.28 8047.73 176.28 8881.55 176.28 9625.87 148.99 -10277.81 148.99 -9533.5 148.99 -8699.68 148.99 -7776.36 148.99 -6763.53 148.99 -5750.7 148.99 -4827.37 148.99 -3993.55 148.99 -3249.24 175.26 2597.35 175.26 3341.67 175.26 4175.49 175.26 5098.81 175.26 6111.64 175.26 7124.47 175.26 8047.79 175.26 8881.61 175.26 9625.93 373.82 257.66 373.82 427.96 373.82 598.25 373.82 768.55 373.82 938.85 373.82 1109.14 373.82 1279.44 373.82 1449.73 373.82 1620.03 1325.38 4342.9 1325.38 4513.2 1325.38 4683.5 1325.38 4853.79 1325.38 5024.09 1325.38 5194.38 1325.38 5364.68 1325.38 5534.98 1325.38 5705.27 -274.65 -5959.23 -274.65 -5788.93 -274.65 -5618.64 -274.65 -5448.34 -274.65 -5278.04 -274.65 -5107.75

-0.65 -0.65 -0.65 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67

2308.92 2308.92 2308.92 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 -1641.28 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 2308.91 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 -193.95 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 1198.26 -954.14 -954.14 -954.14 -954.14 -954.14 -954.14

281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 -1190.36 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 583.32 583.32 583.32 583.32 583.32 583.32 583.32 583.32 583.32 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -335.35 -448.3 -448.3 -448.3 -448.3 -448.3 -448.3

-4937.45 -4767.16 -4596.86 -1759.11 -1588.81 -1418.51 -1248.22 -1077.92 -907.62 -737.33 -567.03 -396.74 -1701.69 -1531.39 -1361.09 -1190.8 -1020.5 -850.2 -679.91 -509.61 -339.32 2408.26 2578.56 2748.86 2919.15 3089.45 3259.74 3430.04 3600.34 3770.63 -3999.88 -3829.59 -3659.29 -3488.99 -3318.7 -3148.4 -2978.1 -2807.81 -2637.51 175.53 345.83 516.13 686.42 856.72 1027.02

-4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01

-954.14 -954.14 -954.14 333.1 333.1 333.1 333.1 333.1 333.1 333.1 333.1 333.1 594.09 594.09 594.09 594.09 594.09 594.09 594.09 594.09 594.09 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 2013.68 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -1742.18 -482.31 -482.31 -482.31 -482.31 -482.31 -482.31

281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-448.3 -448.3 -448.3 472.93 472.93 472.93 472.93 472.93 472.93 472.93 472.93 472.93 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 1432.67 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -175.54 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 -1083.07 533.63 533.63 533.63 533.63 533.63 533.63

1197.31 1367.61 1537.9 -7169.3 -6424.99 -5591.17 -4667.85 -3655.02 -2642.19 -1718.86 -885.04 -140.73 5648.39 6392.7 7226.52 8149.84 9162.67 10175.5 11098.83 11932.65 12676.96 -13386.19 -12641.88 -11808.06 -10884.74 -9871.91 -8859.08 -7935.75 -7101.93 -6357.62 -453.62 290.69 1124.51 2047.83 3060.66 4073.49 4996.82 5830.64 6574.95 -9128.65 -8384.34 -7550.52 -6627.19 -5614.36 -4601.53

-2.01 -2.01 -2.01 6.47 6.47 6.47 6.47 6.47 6.47 6.47 6.47 6.47 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -4.48 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98

-482.31 -482.31 -482.31 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 -1261.37 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 2741.48 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 -2021.56 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 1876.32 -473.33 -473.33 -473.33 -473.33 -473.33 -473.33

281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

533.63 -3678.21 533.63 -2844.39 533.63 -2100.08 690.61 3713.75 690.61 4458.06 690.61 5291.88 690.61 6215.2 690.61 7228.03 690.61 8240.86 690.61 9164.19 690.61 9998.01 690.61 10742.32 -236.24 -11426.85 -236.24 -10682.53 -236.24 -9848.71 -236.24 -8925.39 -236.24 -7912.56 -236.24 -6899.73 -236.24 -5976.41 -236.24 -5142.59 -236.24 -4398.27 -341.01 1481.02 -341.01 2225.33 -341.01 3059.15 -341.01 3982.47 -341.01 4995.3 -341.01 6008.13 -341.01 6931.46 -341.01 7765.28 -341.01 8509.59 144.26 -1544.23 144.26 -1279.33 144.26 -1014.42 144.26 -749.52 144.26 -484.61 144.26 -219.71 144.26 45.2 144.26 310.11 144.26 575.01 165.32 -1439.43 165.32 -1212.37 165.32 -985.3 165.32 -758.24 165.32 -531.18 165.32 -304.12

2.98 2.98 2.98 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59

-473.33 -473.33 -473.33 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 3556.9 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 -2809.6 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 1060.91 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 413.5 582.82 582.82 582.82 582.82 582.82 582.82

282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

165.32 165.32 165.32 151.39 151.39 151.39 151.39 151.39 151.39 151.39 151.39 151.39 149.94 149.94 149.94 149.94 149.94 149.94 149.94 149.94 149.94 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 773.65 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 -645.58 300.86 300.86 300.86 300.86 300.86 300.86

-77.06 150.01 377.07 -1391.92 -1164.86 -937.8 -710.74 -483.68 -256.62 -29.55 197.51 424.57 -1395.41 -1168.35 -941.28 -714.22 -487.16 -260.1 -33.04 194.02 421.09 9547.65 9717.94 9888.24 10058.54 10228.83 10399.13 10569.43 10739.72 10910.02 -11052.1 -10881.8 -10711.51 -10541.21 -10370.91 -10200.62 -10030.32 -9860.03 -9689.73 2382.61 2552.9 2723.2 2893.5 3063.79 3234.09

-0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7

582.82 582.82 582.82 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.63 497.24 497.24 497.24 497.24 497.24 497.24 497.24 497.24 497.24 188.63 188.63 188.63 188.63 188.63 188.63 188.63 188.63 188.63 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 214.24 214.24 214.24 214.24 214.24 214.24

282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

300.86 300.86 300.86 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 -172.79 858.89 858.89 858.89 858.89 858.89 858.89 858.89 858.89 858.89 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 -560.33 386.11 386.11 386.11 386.11 386.11 386.11 386.11 386.11 386.11 -87.54 -87.54 -87.54 -87.54 -87.54 -87.54

3404.38 3574.68 3744.98 -3887.06 -3716.76 -3546.46 -3376.17 -3205.87 -3035.58 -2865.28 -2694.98 -2524.69 8902.88 9129.94 9357.01 9584.07 9811.13 10038.19 10265.25 10492.31 10719.38 -11696.87 -11469.8 -11242.74 -11015.68 -10788.62 -10561.56 -10334.5 -10107.43 -9880.37 1737.84 1964.9 2191.96 2419.03 2646.09 2873.15 3100.21 3327.27 3554.33 -4531.82 -4304.76 -4077.7 -3850.64 -3623.58 -3396.52

8.7 8.7 8.7 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 -8.76 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 -10.43 8.17 8.17 8.17 8.17 8.17 8.17 8.17 8.17 8.17 -9.29 -9.29 -9.29 -9.29 -9.29 -9.29

214.24 214.24 214.24 60.39 60.39 60.39 60.39 60.39 60.39 60.39 60.39 60.39 548.38 548.38 548.38 548.38 548.38 548.38 548.38 548.38 548.38 445.75 445.75 445.75 445.75 445.75 445.75 445.75 445.75 445.75 573.99 573.99 573.99 573.99 573.99 573.99 573.99 573.99 573.99 420.14 420.14 420.14 420.14 420.14 420.14

282 282 282 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.36667 1,4D 1.73333 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.6 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.46667 1,4D 5.83333 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.7 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.36667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-87.54 -87.54 -87.54 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -54.26 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.9 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -50.24 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27

-3169.45 -2942.39 -2715.33 -5133.27 -4226.43 -3319.59 -2815.59 -2579.21 -2342.82 -2106.44 -1841.84 -1519.5 -1197.16 -932.56 -610.22 588.43 910.77 1175.37 1497.71 1820.05 2084.65 2321.03 2557.42 2793.8 3297.8 4204.64 5111.48 -4977.24 -4199.95 -3422.66 -2990.66 -2788.04 -2585.43 -2382.82 -2156.02 -1879.73 -1603.43 -1376.63 -1100.34 1055.03 1331.32 1558.12 1834.41 2110.7 2337.5

-9.29 -9.29 -9.29 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57

420.14 420.14 420.14 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 -583.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 589.16 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 -951.27 959.62 959.62 959.62 959.62 959.62 959.62

284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284

5.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.83333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.36667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -48.27 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -49.39 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -47.09 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -48.92 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61

2540.11 2742.72 2945.34 3377.34 4154.63 4931.92 -4761.62 -3984.33 -3207.04 -2775.04 -2572.43 -2369.81 -2167.2 -1940.4 -1664.11 -1387.82 -1161.02 -884.73 849.4 1125.69 1352.49 1628.78 1905.07 2131.87 2334.48 2537.1 2739.71 3171.71 3949 4726.29 -4760.88 -3983.59 -3206.3 -2774.3 -2571.68 -2369.07 -2166.46 -1939.66 -1663.37 -1387.08 -1160.28 -883.99 848.66 1124.95 1351.75

-1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 -1.43 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42

959.62 959.62 959.62 959.62 959.62 959.62 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 -782.34 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 789.49 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 -782.04 789.19 789.19 789.19

284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284

4.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.83333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.36667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.83333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.36667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-46.61 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61 -46.61 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 533.08 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 520.72 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31 -595.31

1628.04 1904.33 2131.13 2333.74 2536.36 2738.97 3170.97 3948.26 4725.55 1698.14 1887.36 2076.58 2076.58 2215.34 2354.1 2492.86 2492.86 2682.07 2871.29 2871.29 3060.51 3881.29 4070.5 4070.5 4259.72 4448.94 4448.94 4587.7 4726.46 4865.22 4865.22 5054.44 5243.66 -5247.58 -5058.36 -4869.14 -4869.14 -4730.38 -4591.62 -4452.86 -4452.86 -4263.64 -4074.42 -4074.42 -3885.21

-1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59

789.19 789.19 789.19 789.19 789.19 789.19 789.19 789.19 789.19 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 -101.74 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 493.32 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51 -492.51

284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.83333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.36667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.83333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.36667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 -583.33 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 541.07 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 538.97 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -603.29

-3073.2 -2883.99 -2883.99 -2694.77 -2505.55 -2505.55 -2366.79 -2228.03 -2089.27 -2089.27 -1900.05 -1710.83 -604.48 -415.27 -226.05 -226.05 -87.29 51.47 190.23 190.23 379.45 568.67 568.67 757.89 1588.27 1777.49 1777.49 1966.71 2155.92 2155.92 2294.68 2433.44 2572.2 2572.2 2761.42 2950.64 -2944.95 -2755.74 -2566.52 -2566.52 -2427.76 -2289 -2150.24 -2150.24 -1961.02

-6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 -6.98 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.89 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -8.74

102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 234.57 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 828.32 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -828.82

284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284

3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.83333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-603.29 -603.29 -603.29 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 -601.58 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 515.48 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 505.63 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9

-1771.8 -1771.8 -1582.58 -780.19 -590.97 -590.97 -401.75 -212.53 -212.53 -73.77 64.99 203.75 203.75 392.96 582.18 -1287.68 -510.39 266.9 698.9 901.51 1104.13 1306.74 1533.54 1809.83 2086.12 2312.92 2589.21 4325.56 4601.86 4828.66 5104.95 5381.24 5608.04 5810.65 6013.26 6215.88 6647.88 7425.17 8202.46 -8233.4 -7456.11 -6678.82 -6246.82 -6044.2 -5841.59

-8.74 -8.74 -8.74 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77

-828.82 -828.82 -828.82 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -232.4 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 -586.51 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 984.41 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29

284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284

2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

-612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -612.9 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 -598.41 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.47 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 523.88 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89

-5638.98 -5412.18 -5135.89 -4859.6 -4632.8 -4356.51 -2628.93 -2352.63 -2125.83 -1849.54 -1573.25 -1346.45 -1143.84 -941.23 -738.61 -306.61 470.68 1247.97 -3590.31 -2813.02 -2035.72 -1603.72 -1401.11 -1198.5 -995.88 -769.08 -492.79 -216.5 10.3 286.59 2032.55 2308.84 2535.64 2811.93 3088.22 3315.02 3517.63 3720.25 3922.86 4354.86 5132.15 5909.44 -5930.78 -5153.49 -4376.19

-4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -4.77 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92

-977.29 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29 -977.29 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 593.69 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 -250.2 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 1319.41 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6

284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341

1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -620.89 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 -616.66 396.08 396.08 396.08 396.08 396.08 396.08 396.08 396.08 396.08 435.84 435.84 435.84 435.84 435.84 435.84 435.84 435.84 435.84 310.37 310.37 310.37 310.37 310.37 310.37

-3944.19 -3741.58 -3538.97 -3336.35 -3109.55 -2833.26 -2556.97 -2330.17 -2053.88 -335.91 -59.62 167.18 443.47 719.76 946.56 1149.18 1351.79 1554.4 1986.4 2763.69 3540.98 -8815.2 -7976.37 -7092.17 -6162.62 -5187.7 -4212.79 -3283.23 -2399.03 -1560.2 873.75 1712.59 2596.78 3526.34 4501.25 5476.17 6405.72 7289.92 8128.75 -9335.61 -8576.11 -7696.73 -6697.46 -5578.32 -4459.18

-7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 -10.83 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.05196 0.09227 0.09227 0.09227 0.09227 0.09227 0.09227

-1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 -1313.6 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 258.69 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 -167.82 187.57 187.57 187.57 187.57 187.57 187.57 187.57 187.57 187.57 -531.88 -531.88 -531.88 -531.88 -531.88 -531.88

341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

310.37 310.37 310.37 339.13 339.13 339.13 339.13 339.13 339.13 339.13 339.13 339.13 329.53 329.53 329.53 329.53 329.53 329.53 329.53 329.53 329.53 362.11 362.11 362.11 362.11 362.11 362.11 362.11 362.11 362.11 322.49 322.49 322.49 322.49 322.49 322.49 322.49 322.49 322.49 353.51 353.51 353.51 353.51 353.51 353.51

-3459.92 -2580.54 -1821.04 1188.84 1948.34 2827.72 3826.99 4946.13 6065.27 7064.53 7943.91 8703.41 -8669.14 -7924.83 -7091.01 -6167.69 -5154.86 -4142.03 -3218.7 -2384.88 -1640.57 1023.21 1767.52 2601.34 3524.67 4537.49 5550.32 6473.65 7307.47 8051.78 -8668.35 -7924.03 -7090.22 -6166.89 -5154.06 -4141.23 -3217.91 -2384.09 -1639.78 1023.78 1768.09 2601.91 3525.23 4538.06 5550.89

0.09227 0.09227 0.09227 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

-531.88 -531.88 -531.88 525.23 525.23 525.23 525.23 525.23 525.23 525.23 525.23 525.23 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 -386.81 388.36 388.36 388.36 388.36 388.36 388.36 388.36 388.36 388.36 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 -386.43 388.53 388.53 388.53 388.53 388.53 388.53

341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

353.51 353.51 353.51 281.04 281.04 281.04 281.04 281.04 281.04 281.04 281.04 281.04 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 517.39 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -57.29 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 -273.97 326.59 326.59 326.59 326.59 326.59 326.59

6474.22 7308.04 8052.35 -1355.93 -1185.64 -1015.34 -845.04 -674.75 -504.45 -334.15 -163.86 6.44 1771.09 1941.38 2111.68 2281.98 2452.27 2622.57 2792.86 2963.16 3133.46 -3142.81 -2972.51 -2802.22 -2631.92 -2461.62 -2291.33 -2121.03 -1950.73 -1780.44 -136.18 34.12 204.41 374.71 545.01 715.3 885.6 1055.9 1226.19 54.9 225.19 395.49 565.78 736.08 906.38

0.19 0.19 0.19 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -10.88 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 -9.69 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17

388.53 388.53 388.53 442.07 442.07 442.07 442.07 442.07 442.07 442.07 442.07 442.07 768.29 768.29 768.29 768.29 768.29 768.29 768.29 768.29 768.29 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -788.3 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 -439.02 17.21 17.21 17.21 17.21 17.21 17.21

341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

326.59 326.59 326.59 745.97 745.97 745.97 745.97 745.97 745.97 745.97 745.97 745.97 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -102.84 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 -502.54 488.46 488.46 488.46 488.46 488.46 488.46 488.46 488.46 488.46 745.29 745.29 745.29 745.29 745.29 745.29

1076.67 1246.97 1417.27 3149.79 3320.08 3490.38 3660.68 3830.97 4001.27 4171.57 4341.86 4512.16 -4553.64 -4383.34 -4213.04 -4042.75 -3872.45 -3702.16 -3531.86 -3361.56 -3191.27 -1514.88 -1344.58 -1174.29 -1003.99 -833.69 -663.4 -493.1 -322.81 -152.51 -7774.55 -7030.24 -6196.42 -5273.09 -4260.26 -3247.43 -2324.11 -1490.29 -745.98 1977.67 2721.98 3555.8 4479.13 5491.96 6504.78

4.17 4.17 4.17 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1

17.21 17.21 17.21 350.92 350.92 350.92 350.92 350.92 350.92 350.92 350.92 350.92 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -363.44 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 -21.65 228.93 228.93 228.93 228.93 228.93 228.93 228.93 228.93 228.93 992.26 992.26 992.26 992.26 992.26 992.26

341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

745.29 7428.11 745.29 8261.93 745.29 9006.24 150.13 -9561.43 150.13 -8817.11 150.13 -7983.29 150.13 -7059.97 150.13 -6047.14 150.13 -5034.31 150.13 -4110.99 150.13 -3277.17 150.13 -2532.85 -46.07 70.4 -46.07 814.72 -46.07 1648.54 -46.07 2571.86 -46.07 3584.69 -46.07 4597.52 -46.07 5520.84 -46.07 6354.66 -46.07 7098.98 534.01 -6363.72 534.01 -5619.41 534.01 -4785.59 534.01 -3862.26 534.01 -2849.43 534.01 -1836.61 534.01 -913.28 534.01 -79.46 534.01 664.85 973.86 3356.37 973.86 4100.68 973.86 4934.5 973.86 5857.83 973.86 6870.66 973.86 7883.49 973.86 8806.81 973.86 9640.63 973.86 10384.94 104.58 -10972.25 104.58 -10227.94 104.58 -9394.12 104.58 -8470.8 104.58 -7457.97 104.58 -6445.14

10.1 10.1 10.1 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -10.54 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13

992.26 992.26 992.26 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -1001.45 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -215.05 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 -195.94 574.89 574.89 574.89 574.89 574.89 574.89 574.89 574.89 574.89 -576.58 -576.58 -576.58 -576.58 -576.58 -576.58

341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

104.58 104.58 104.58 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 -274.65 445.2 445.2 445.2 445.2 445.2 445.2 445.2 445.2 445.2 366.94 366.94 366.94 366.94 366.94 366.94 366.94 366.94 366.94 375.85 375.85 375.85 375.85 375.85 375.85 375.85 375.85 375.85 372.93 372.93 372.93 372.93 372.93 372.93

-5521.81 -4687.99 -3943.68 -1308.3 -563.98 269.83 1193.16 2205.99 3218.82 4142.14 4975.96 5720.28 -4274.18 -3339.34 -2348.5 -1301.66 -203.3 895.06 1941.9 2932.74 3867.58 -4526.96 -3675.67 -2676.38 -1529.09 -245.64 1037.81 2185.1 3184.39 4035.68 -4203.87 -3371.33 -2428.28 -1374.74 -219.54 935.66 1989.2 2932.24 3764.78 -4203.29 -3370.75 -2427.71 -1374.17 -218.97 936.23

-4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

-576.58 -576.58 -576.58 202.32 202.32 202.32 202.32 202.32 202.32 202.32 202.32 202.32 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46

342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

372.93 372.93 372.93 50.59 50.59 50.59 50.59 50.59 50.59 50.59 50.59 50.59 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 44.74 27.58 27.58 27.58 27.58 27.58 27.58 27.58 27.58 27.58 386.03 386.03 386.03 386.03 386.03 386.03

1989.77 2932.81 3765.35 942.63 1131.85 1321.07 1510.29 1699.51 1888.72 2077.94 2267.16 2456.38 -2559.63 -2370.41 -2181.19 -1991.98 -1802.76 -1613.54 -1424.32 -1235.1 -1045.89 4316.84 4506.06 4695.28 4884.5 5073.72 5262.94 5452.15 5641.37 5830.59 -5933.84 -5744.62 -5555.41 -5366.19 -5176.97 -4987.75 -4798.53 -4609.32 -4420.1 -2451.9 -1619.36 -676.32 377.22 1532.42 2687.62

0.25 0.25 0.25 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 -2.93 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4

1.46 1.46 1.46 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 9.74 9.74 9.74 9.74 9.74 9.74

342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

386.03 386.03 386.03 357.18 357.18 357.18 357.18 357.18 357.18 357.18 357.18 357.18 380.19 380.19 380.19 380.19 380.19 380.19 380.19 380.19 380.19 363.03 363.03 363.03 363.03 363.03 363.03 363.03 363.03 363.03 442.34 442.34 442.34 442.34 442.34 442.34 442.34 442.34 442.34 428.54 428.54 428.54 428.54 428.54 428.54

3741.16 4684.2 5516.74 -5954.17 -5121.62 -4178.58 -3125.04 -1969.84 -814.64 238.9 1181.94 2014.48 922.31 1754.85 2697.89 3751.43 4906.63 6061.83 7115.38 8058.42 8890.96 -9328.38 -8495.84 -7552.8 -6499.25 -5344.05 -4188.85 -3135.31 -2192.27 -1359.73 -8306.34 -7467.5 -6583.31 -5653.75 -4678.84 -3703.92 -2774.37 -1890.17 -1051.33 1381.49 2220.33 3104.52 4034.08 5008.99 5983.91

1.4 1.4 1.4 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 -2.73 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31

9.74 9.74 9.74 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 -6.81 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 -185.96 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33

343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

428.54 428.54 428.54 347.59 347.59 347.59 347.59 347.59 347.59 347.59 347.59 347.59 349.22 349.22 349.22 349.22 349.22 349.22 349.22 349.22 349.22 369.42 369.42 369.42 369.42 369.42 369.42 369.42 369.42 369.42 364.61 364.61 364.61 364.61 364.61 364.61 364.61 364.61 364.61 360.88 360.88 360.88 360.88 360.88 360.88

6913.46 7797.66 8636.49 -8918.61 -8159.11 -7279.73 -6280.47 -5161.32 -4042.18 -3042.92 -2163.54 -1404.04 1606.28 2365.78 3245.16 4244.43 5363.57 6482.71 7481.97 8361.35 9120.85 -8243.95 -7499.63 -6665.82 -5742.49 -4729.66 -3716.83 -2793.51 -1959.69 -1215.38 1448.31 2192.63 3026.44 3949.77 4962.6 5975.43 6898.75 7732.57 8476.88 -8244.02 -7499.7 -6665.88 -5742.56 -4729.73 -3716.9

-0.31 -0.31 -0.31 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.01997 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21

173.33 173.33 173.33 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 -523.18 540.84 540.84 540.84 540.84 540.84 540.84 540.84 540.84 540.84 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 -386.57 394.17 394.17 394.17 394.17 394.17 394.17 394.17 394.17 394.17 -386.73 -386.73 -386.73 -386.73 -386.73 -386.73

343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

360.88 360.88 360.88 357.26 357.26 357.26 357.26 357.26 357.26 357.26 357.26 357.26 528.43 528.43 528.43 528.43 528.43 528.43 528.43 528.43 528.43 270.67 270.67 270.67 270.67 270.67 270.67 270.67 270.67 270.67 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -282.95 -30.22 -30.22 -30.22 -30.22 -30.22 -30.22

-2793.57 -1959.76 -1215.44 1448.02 2192.34 3026.16 3949.48 4962.31 5975.14 6898.46 7732.28 8476.6 -1337.78 -1167.48 -997.19 -826.89 -656.59 -486.3 -316 -145.7 24.59 1800.04 1970.34 2140.64 2310.93 2481.23 2651.52 2821.82 2992.12 3162.41 -3111.96 -2941.66 -2771.37 -2601.07 -2430.77 -2260.48 -2090.18 -1919.88 -1749.59 -116.11 54.19 224.49 394.78 565.08 735.38

0.21 0.21 0.21 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 -0.08998 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -10.62 -10.62 -10.62 -10.62 -10.62 -10.62

-386.73 -386.73 -386.73 393.8 393.8 393.8 393.8 393.8 393.8 393.8 393.8 393.8 440.36 440.36 440.36 440.36 440.36 440.36 440.36 440.36 440.36 779.12 779.12 779.12 779.12 779.12 779.12 779.12 779.12 779.12 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -769.38 -433.25 -433.25 -433.25 -433.25 -433.25 -433.25

343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-30.22 -30.22 -30.22 755.92 755.92 755.92 755.92 755.92 755.92 755.92 755.92 755.92 329.46 329.46 329.46 329.46 329.46 329.46 329.46 329.46 329.46 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -510.43 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 -89.01 762.69 762.69 762.69 762.69 762.69 762.69

905.67 1075.97 1246.26 87.68 257.97 428.27 598.57 768.86 939.16 1109.46 1279.75 1450.05 3165.42 3335.71 3506.01 3676.3 3846.6 4016.9 4187.19 4357.49 4527.79 -4537.41 -4367.12 -4196.82 -4026.53 -3856.23 -3685.93 -3515.64 -3345.34 -3175.04 -1481.48 -1311.18 -1140.89 -970.59 -800.29 -630 -459.7 -289.41 -119.11 -7356.96 -6612.64 -5778.82 -4855.5 -3842.67 -2829.84

-10.62 -10.62 -10.62 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 -4.19 9.83 9.83 9.83 9.83 9.83 9.83

-433.25 -433.25 -433.25 21.58 21.58 21.58 21.58 21.58 21.58 21.58 21.58 21.58 360.49 360.49 360.49 360.49 360.49 360.49 360.49 360.49 360.49 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -350.6 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 -14.63 218.06 218.06 218.06 218.06 218.06 218.06

343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

762.69 762.69 762.69 504.37 504.37 504.37 504.37 504.37 504.37 504.37 504.37 504.37 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 -48.69 203.48 203.48 203.48 203.48 203.48 203.48 203.48 203.48 203.48 990.18 990.18 990.18 990.18 990.18 990.18 990.18 990.18 990.18 563.15 563.15 563.15 563.15 563.15 563.15

-1906.51 -1072.7 -328.38 2405.97 3150.28 3984.1 4907.43 5920.26 6933.08 7856.41 8690.23 9434.54 -9131.14 -8386.82 -7553 -6629.68 -5616.85 -4604.02 -3680.69 -2846.88 -2102.56 489.82 1234.13 2067.95 2991.28 4004.11 5016.94 5940.26 6774.08 7518.39 -5931.5 -5187.19 -4353.37 -3430.04 -2417.21 -1404.38 -481.06 352.76 1097.07 3771.34 4515.66 5349.48 6272.8 7285.63 8298.46

9.83 9.83 9.83 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -9.41 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3

218.06 218.06 218.06 999.82 999.82 999.82 999.82 999.82 999.82 999.82 999.82 999.82 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -991.67 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -212.55 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 -200.72 581.2 581.2 581.2 581.2 581.2 581.2

343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

563.15 563.15 563.15 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 -276.18 144.69 144.69 144.69 144.69 144.69 144.69 144.69 144.69 144.69 453.98 453.98 453.98 453.98 453.98 453.98 453.98 453.98 453.98 367.47 367.47 367.47 367.47 367.47 367.47 367.47 367.47 367.47 318.55 318.55 318.55 318.55 318.55 318.55

9221.78 10055.6 10799.92 -10556.59 -9812.28 -8978.46 -8055.13 -7042.3 -6029.47 -5106.15 -4272.33 -3528.02 -875.55 -131.24 702.58 1625.9 2638.73 3651.56 4574.89 5408.71 6153.02 -8597.26 -8286.99 -7886 -7394.3 -6811.87 -6229.45 -5737.74 -5336.76 -5026.49 4256.21 4566.47 4967.46 5459.16 6041.59 6624.01 7115.72 7516.7 7826.97 -11546.21 -11199.26 -10612.56 -9786.1 -8719.88 -7653.66

4.3 4.3 4.3 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -4.46 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32

581.2 581.2 581.2 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 -572.89 206.08 206.08 206.08 206.08 206.08 206.08 206.08 206.08 206.08 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 -966.42 771.12 771.12 771.12 771.12 771.12 771.12 771.12 771.12 771.12 -1357.67 -1357.67 -1357.67 -1357.67 -1357.67 -1357.67

346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

318.55 318.55 318.55 258.75 258.75 258.75 258.75 258.75 258.75 258.75 258.75 258.75 360.99 360.99 360.99 360.99 360.99 360.99 360.99 360.99 360.99 292.93 292.93 292.93 292.93 292.93 292.93 292.93 292.93 292.93 347.34 347.34 347.34 347.34 347.34 347.34 347.34 347.34 347.34 281.74 281.74 281.74 281.74 281.74 281.74

-6827.2 -6240.49 -5893.55 5219.62 5566.56 6153.26 6979.72 8045.95 9112.17 9938.63 10525.33 10872.27 -9981.92 -9665.35 -9169.77 -8495.19 -7641.59 -6787.99 -6113.41 -5617.83 -5301.26 4628.26 4944.83 5440.4 6114.99 6968.59 7822.18 8496.77 8992.35 9308.91 -9980.09 -9663.53 -9167.95 -8493.36 -7639.77 -6786.17 -6111.58 -5616.01 -5299.44 4630.03 4946.59 5442.17 6116.76 6970.35 7823.95

-0.32 -0.32 -0.32 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21

-1357.67 -1357.67 -1357.67 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 1087.43 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 -1160.16 928.84 928.84 928.84 928.84 928.84 928.84 928.84 928.84 928.84 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 -1159.32 927.7 927.7 927.7 927.7 927.7 927.7

346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

281.74 281.74 281.74 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.88 289.38 289.38 289.38 289.38 289.38 289.38 289.38 289.38 289.38 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 280.83 280.83 280.83 280.83 280.83 280.83

8498.54 8994.11 9310.68 -2775.51 -2605.22 -2434.92 -2264.63 -2094.33 -1924.03 -1753.74 -1583.44 -1413.14 2903.66 3073.95 3244.25 3414.54 3584.84 3755.14 3925.43 4095.73 4266.03 -4419.58 -4249.29 -4078.99 -3908.69 -3738.4 -3568.1 -3397.8 -3227.51 -3057.21 1367.4 1537.7 1707.99 1878.29 2048.59 2218.88 2389.18 2559.47 2729.77 -1373.81 -1203.51 -1033.21 -862.92 -692.62 -522.32

0.21 0.21 0.21 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 -6.64 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47

927.7 927.7 927.7 272.64 272.64 272.64 272.64 272.64 272.64 272.64 272.64 272.64 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 1134.2 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -1238.25 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -324.37 -248.07 -248.07 -248.07 -248.07 -248.07 -248.07

346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

280.83 280.83 280.83 553.57 553.57 553.57 553.57 553.57 553.57 553.57 553.57 553.57 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 -297.9 477.92 477.92 477.92 477.92 477.92 477.92 477.92 477.92 477.92 438.2 438.2 438.2 438.2 438.2 438.2

-352.03 -181.73 -11.44 4359.57 4529.87 4700.16 4870.46 5040.75 5211.05 5381.35 5551.64 5721.94 -5821.29 -5650.99 -5480.7 -5310.4 -5140.11 -4969.81 -4799.51 -4629.22 -4458.92 -88.51 81.78 252.08 422.38 592.67 762.97 933.27 1103.56 1273.86 -9157.23 -8840.66 -8345.09 -7670.5 -6816.9 -5963.31 -5288.72 -4793.14 -4476.58 5398.96 5715.52 6211.1 6885.69 7739.29 8592.88

4.47 4.47 4.47 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.46 7.46 7.46 7.46 7.46 7.46

-248.07 -248.07 -248.07 626.86 626.86 626.86 626.86 626.86 626.86 626.86 626.86 626.86 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 -717.53 182.97 182.97 182.97 182.97 182.97 182.97 182.97 182.97 182.97 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 -403.5 1656.47 1656.47 1656.47 1656.47 1656.47 1656.47

346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

438.2 438.2 438.2 204.36 204.36 204.36 204.36 204.36 204.36 204.36 204.36 204.36 115.11 115.11 115.11 115.11 115.11 115.11 115.11 115.11 115.11 468.87 468.87 468.87 468.87 468.87 468.87 468.87 468.87 468.87 702.4 702.4 702.4 702.4 702.4 702.4 702.4 702.4 702.4 213.41 213.41 213.41 213.41 213.41 213.41

9267.47 9763.05 10079.61 -10801.3 -10484.73 -9989.15 -9314.57 -8460.97 -7607.37 -6932.79 -6437.21 -6120.64 3862.7 4179.27 4674.85 5349.43 6203.03 7056.63 7731.21 8226.79 8543.36 -7755.52 -7438.95 -6943.38 -6268.79 -5415.19 -4561.6 -3887.01 -3391.43 -3074.87 6854.87 7171.44 7667.01 8341.6 9195.2 10048.79 10723.38 11218.96 11535.52 -12203.01 -11886.44 -11390.86 -10716.28 -9862.68 -9009.08

7.46 7.46 7.46 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51

1656.47 1656.47 1656.47 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 -1914.38 197.9 197.9 197.9 197.9 197.9 197.9 197.9 197.9 197.9 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 -924.21 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 1149.12 -1393.67 -1393.67 -1393.67 -1393.67 -1393.67 -1393.67

346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

213.41 213.41 213.41 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 -149.08 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 187.61 187.61 187.61 187.61 187.61 187.61 187.61 187.61 187.61 178.34 178.34 178.34 178.34 178.34 178.34 178.34 178.34 178.34 180.36 180.36 180.36 180.36 180.36 180.36

-8334.5 -7838.92 -7522.35 2406.79 2723.36 3218.93 3893.52 4747.12 5600.71 6275.3 6770.88 7087.44 -2257.64 -1907.3 -1444.96 -870.62 -193.24 484.14 1058.48 1520.82 1871.16 -3582.06 -3181.77 -2485.48 -1493.19 -228.58 1036.03 2028.32 2724.62 3124.91 -2965.11 -2602.32 -2018.53 -1213.74 -205.63 802.48 1607.28 2191.07 2553.86 -2964.55 -2601.76 -2017.97 -1213.18 -205.07 803.04

-5.51 -1393.67 -5.51 -1393.67 -5.51 -1393.67 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 -6.63 705.24 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.28 -0.32 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.32 0.61 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28

347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

180.36 180.36 180.36 207.91 207.91 207.91 207.91 207.91 207.91 207.91 207.91 207.91 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 -204.9 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 67.76 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 -64.75 387.69 387.69 387.69 387.69 387.69 387.69

1607.83 2191.62 2554.41 833 1022.22 1211.44 1400.66 1589.87 1779.09 1968.31 2157.53 2346.75 -2445.36 -2256.14 -2066.92 -1877.7 -1688.49 -1499.27 -1310.05 -1120.83 -931.61 4076 4265.22 4454.44 4643.65 4832.87 5022.09 5211.31 5400.53 5589.74 -5688.36 -5499.14 -5309.92 -5120.7 -4931.49 -4742.27 -4553.05 -4363.83 -4174.61 -1325.12 -962.33 -378.54 426.25 1434.36 2442.48

0.29 0.29 0.29 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 -2.22 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59

0.28 0.28 0.28 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62

347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

387.69 387.69 387.69 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 247.54 247.54 247.54 247.54 247.54 247.54 247.54 247.54 247.54 115.03 115.03 115.03 115.03 115.03 115.03 115.03 115.03 115.03 364.84 364.84 364.84 364.84 364.84 364.84 364.84 364.84 364.84 461.97 461.97 461.97 461.97 461.97 461.97

3247.27 3831.06 4193.85 -4603.48 -4240.69 -3656.9 -2852.11 -1844 -835.89 -31.09 552.7 915.49 1917.88 2280.67 2864.46 3669.25 4677.36 5685.47 6490.26 7074.06 7436.85 -7846.48 -7483.69 -6899.9 -6095.11 -5086.99 -4078.88 -3274.09 -2690.3 -2327.51 -7996.16 -7685.89 -7284.91 -6793.2 -6210.78 -5628.35 -5136.65 -4735.66 -4425.4 4866.49 5176.76 5577.74 6069.45 6651.87 7234.3

2.59 2.59 2.59 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

6.62 6.62 6.62 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -4.41 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 -777.03 976.62 976.62 976.62 976.62 976.62 976.62

348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

461.97 7726 461.97 8126.99 461.97 8437.26 256.07 -11072.97 256.07 -10726.03 256.07 -10139.33 256.07 -9312.87 256.07 -8246.65 256.07 -7180.43 256.07 -6353.96 256.07 -5767.26 256.07 -5420.32 327.94 5700.12 327.94 6047.06 327.94 6633.76 327.94 7460.22 327.94 8526.45 327.94 9592.67 327.94 10419.13 327.94 11005.83 327.94 11352.77 290.3 -9489.33 290.3 -9172.76 290.3 -8677.19 290.3 -8002.6 290.3 -7149 290.3 -6295.41 290.3 -5620.82 290.3 -5125.24 290.3 -4808.68 369.84 5128.36 369.84 5444.92 369.84 5940.5 369.84 6615.09 369.84 7468.68 369.84 8322.28 369.84 8996.87 369.84 9492.44 369.84 9809.01 279.21 -9490.59 279.21 -9174.02 279.21 -8678.45 279.21 -8003.86 279.21 -7150.26 279.21 -6296.66

0.65 0.65 0.65 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47

976.62 976.62 976.62 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 -1092.8 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 1370.82 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 -934.09 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 1171.65 -932.95 -932.95 -932.95 -932.95 -932.95 -932.95

348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

279.21 279.21 279.21 355.84 355.84 355.84 355.84 355.84 355.84 355.84 355.84 355.84 298.17 298.17 298.17 298.17 298.17 298.17 298.17 298.17 298.17 285.88 285.88 285.88 285.88 285.88 285.88 285.88 285.88 285.88 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 -44.38 30.98 30.98 30.98 30.98 30.98 30.98

-5622.08 -5126.5 -4809.93 5127.03 5443.6 5939.17 6613.76 7467.36 8320.95 8995.54 9491.12 9807.68 -2727.39 -2557.09 -2386.8 -2216.5 -2046.2 -1875.91 -1705.61 -1535.31 -1365.02 2964.25 3134.54 3304.84 3475.14 3645.43 3815.73 3986.03 4156.32 4326.62 -4356.3 -4186 -4015.71 -3845.41 -3675.11 -3504.82 -3334.52 -3164.23 -2993.93 1418.51 1588.81 1759.11 1929.4 2099.7 2269.99

0.47 0.47 0.47 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.38 -7.11 -7.11 -7.11 -7.11 -7.11 -7.11

-932.95 -932.95 -932.95 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 1170.82 323.78 323.78 323.78 323.78 323.78 323.78 323.78 323.78 323.78 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 1229.7 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -1133.56 -263.88 -263.88 -263.88 -263.88 -263.88 -263.88

348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

30.98 30.98 30.98 560.22 560.22 560.22 560.22 560.22 560.22 560.22 560.22 560.22 280.6 280.6 280.6 280.6 280.6 280.6 280.6 280.6 280.6 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 -306.43 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.26 445.44 445.44 445.44 445.44 445.44 445.44

2440.29 2610.59 2780.88 -1303.94 -1133.65 -963.35 -793.06 -622.76 -452.46 -282.17 -111.87 58.43 4400.41 4570.7 4741 4911.29 5081.59 5251.89 5422.18 5592.48 5762.78 -5779.74 -5609.45 -5439.15 -5268.86 -5098.56 -4928.26 -4757.97 -4587.67 -4417.37 -17.64 152.65 322.95 493.24 663.54 833.84 1004.13 1174.43 1344.73 -8676.7 -8360.14 -7864.56 -7189.97 -6336.38 -5482.78

-7.11 -7.11 -7.11 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39

-263.88 -263.88 -263.88 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 -182.96 715.84 715.84 715.84 715.84 715.84 715.84 715.84 715.84 715.84 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 -626.82 249.98 249.98 249.98 249.98 249.98 249.98 249.98 249.98 249.98 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77 -203.77

348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

445.44 -4808.19 445.44 -4312.62 445.44 -3996.05 476.93 5899.3 476.93 6215.86 476.93 6711.44 476.93 7386.03 476.93 8239.62 476.93 9093.22 476.93 9767.81 476.93 10263.38 476.93 10579.95 102.89 -10305.62 102.89 -9989.05 102.89 -9493.47 102.89 -8818.89 102.89 -7965.29 102.89 -7111.69 102.89 -6437.11 102.89 -5941.53 102.89 -5624.96 222.02 4353.56 222.02 4670.13 222.02 5165.7 222.02 5840.29 222.02 6693.89 222.02 7547.48 222.02 8222.07 222.02 8717.65 222.02 9034.21 707.49 -7253.26 707.49 -6936.69 707.49 -6441.12 707.49 -5766.53 707.49 -4912.93 707.49 -4059.34 707.49 -3384.75 707.49 -2889.17 707.49 -2572.61 471.64 7335.45 471.64 7652.02 471.64 8147.6 471.64 8822.18 471.64 9675.78 471.64 10529.38

7.39 7.39 7.39 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -6.41 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 -7.42 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 5.58 5.58 5.58 5.58 5.58 5.58

-203.77 -203.77 -203.77 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 1917.23 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 -1661.1 423.65 423.65 423.65 423.65 423.65 423.65 423.65 423.65 423.65 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 -710.5 1403.37 1403.37 1403.37 1403.37 1403.37 1403.37

348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

471.64 471.64 471.64 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 -159.16 227.3 227.3 227.3 227.3 227.3 227.3 227.3 227.3 227.3 244.67 244.67 244.67 244.67 244.67 244.67 244.67 244.67 244.67 151.06 151.06 151.06 151.06 151.06 151.06 151.06 151.06 151.06 113.24 113.24 113.24 113.24 113.24 113.24

11203.96 11699.54 12016.11 -11729.06 -11412.49 -10916.92 -10242.33 -9388.73 -8535.14 -7860.55 -7364.97 -7048.41 2917.4 3233.97 3729.55 4404.13 5257.73 6111.33 6785.91 7281.49 7598.06 -13380.51 -12518.99 -11566.76 -10523.8 -9390.13 -8256.45 -7213.49 -6261.26 -5399.74 5354.14 6215.65 7167.89 8210.84 9344.52 10478.19 11521.15 12473.38 13334.9 -16297.07 -15477.63 -14418.43 -13119.47 -11580.75 -10042.03

5.58 5.58 5.58 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

1403.37 1403.37 1403.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 -1154.37 937.51 937.51 937.51 937.51 937.51 937.51 937.51 937.51 937.51 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 -14.26 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46 31.46

350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

113.24 113.24 113.24 54.36 54.36 54.36 54.36 54.36 54.36 54.36 54.36 54.36 173.42 173.42 173.42 173.42 173.42 173.42 173.42 173.42 173.42 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 152.92 152.92 152.92 152.92 152.92 152.92 152.92 152.92 152.92 85.03 85.03 85.03 85.03 85.03 85.03

-8743.06 -7683.86 -6864.42 6863.13 7682.57 8741.77 10040.73 11579.46 13118.18 14417.14 15476.34 16295.78 -14491.15 -13702.08 -12734.01 -11586.92 -10260.82 -8934.73 -7787.64 -6819.56 -6030.5 6007.63 6796.69 7764.77 8911.86 10237.95 11564.05 12711.14 13679.21 14468.28 -14487.22 -13698.15 -12730.08 -11582.99 -10256.89 -8930.79 -7783.71 -6815.63 -6026.56 6010.02 6799.09 7767.16 8914.25 10240.35 11566.44

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16

31.46 31.46 31.46 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 -35.06 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 21.78 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 -26.76 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 21.74 -26.54 -26.54 -26.54 -26.54 -26.54 -26.54

350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

85.03 85.03 85.03 407.39 407.39 407.39 407.39 407.39 407.39 407.39 407.39 407.39 342.86 342.86 342.86 342.86 342.86 342.86 342.86 342.86 342.86 59.61 59.61 59.61 59.61 59.61 59.61 59.61 59.61 59.61 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 -28.57 628.4 628.4 628.4 628.4 628.4 628.4

12713.53 13681.61 14470.67 -3544.84 -3374.55 -3204.25 -3033.95 -2863.66 -2693.36 -2523.07 -2352.77 -2182.47 3517.84 3688.14 3858.43 4028.73 4199.03 4369.32 4539.62 4709.91 4880.21 -4962.53 -4792.23 -4621.93 -4451.64 -4281.34 -4111.04 -3940.75 -3770.45 -3600.16 2077.17 2247.46 2417.76 2588.06 2758.35 2928.65 3098.95 3269.24 3439.54 -2079.4 -1909.11 -1738.81 -1568.52 -1398.22 -1227.92

0.16 0.16 0.16 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -4.23 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43

-26.54 -26.54 -26.54 874.88 874.88 874.88 874.88 874.88 874.88 874.88 874.88 874.88 786.87 786.87 786.87 786.87 786.87 786.87 786.87 786.87 786.87 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -827.74 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 -836.93 284.57 284.57 284.57 284.57 284.57 284.57

350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

628.4 628.4 628.4 593.49 593.49 593.49 593.49 593.49 593.49 593.49 593.49 593.49 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -161.4 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 -279.2 317.49 317.49 317.49 317.49 317.49 317.49 317.49 317.49 317.49 264.07 264.07 264.07 264.07 264.07 264.07

-1057.63 -887.33 -717.03 5009.64 5179.94 5350.24 5520.53 5690.83 5861.12 6031.42 6201.72 6372.01 -6427.96 -6257.67 -6087.37 -5917.08 -5746.78 -5576.48 -5406.19 -5235.89 -5065.59 585.37 755.66 925.96 1096.25 1266.55 1436.85 1607.14 1777.44 1947.74 -13776.59 -12987.52 -12019.45 -10872.36 -9546.26 -8220.17 -7073.08 -6105 -5315.94 6731.44 7520.51 8488.59 9635.67 10961.77 12287.87

2.43 2.43 2.43 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36

284.57 284.57 284.57 219.55 219.55 219.55 219.55 219.55 219.55 219.55 219.55 219.55 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -237.43 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 -269.61 873.04 873.04 873.04 873.04 873.04 873.04 873.04 873.04 873.04 785.47 785.47 785.47 785.47 785.47 785.47

350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

264.07 264.07 264.07 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -30.3 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 -107.35 538.49 538.49 538.49 538.49 538.49 538.49 538.49 538.49 538.49 514.71 514.71 514.71 514.71 514.71 514.71 514.71 514.71 514.71 -251.3 -251.3 -251.3 -251.3 -251.3 -251.3

13434.95 14403.03 15192.1 -15194.27 -14405.21 -13437.13 -12290.04 -10963.95 -9637.85 -8490.76 -7522.69 -6733.62 5290.77 6079.84 7047.92 8195 9521.1 10847.2 11994.28 12962.36 13751.43 -12311.15 -11522.08 -10554.01 -9406.92 -8080.82 -6754.73 -5607.64 -4639.56 -3850.5 8223.25 9012.31 9980.39 11127.48 12453.57 13779.67 14926.76 15894.83 16683.9 -16659.71 -15870.64 -14902.57 -13755.48 -12429.38 -11103.29

3.36 3.36 3.36 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01

785.47 785.47 785.47 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -829.58 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 -838.33 282.73 282.73 282.73 282.73 282.73 282.73 282.73 282.73 282.73 218.15 218.15 218.15 218.15 218.15 218.15 218.15 218.15 218.15 -239.28 -239.28 -239.28 -239.28 -239.28 -239.28

350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-251.3 -251.3 -251.3 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 -357.99 32.91 32.91 32.91 32.91 32.91 32.91 32.91 32.91 32.91 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.14 40.92 40.92 40.92 40.92 40.92 40.92 40.92 40.92 40.92 45.51 45.51 45.51 45.51 45.51 45.51

-9956.2 -8988.12 -8199.06 3798.97 4588.04 5556.11 6703.2 8029.3 9355.39 10502.48 11470.56 12259.62 -2415.03 -2064.69 -1602.35 -1028.01 -350.63 326.74 901.08 1363.42 1713.76 -3708.19 -3307.9 -2611.61 -1619.32 -354.71 909.9 1902.19 2598.48 2998.77 -3094.58 -2731.78 -2147.99 -1343.2 -335.09 673.02 1477.81 2061.6 2424.39 -3093.98 -2731.19 -2147.4 -1342.61 -334.5 673.61

-2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 -2.44 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

-239.28 -239.28 -239.28 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 -271.01 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39

351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

45.51 45.51 45.51 62.85 62.85 62.85 62.85 62.85 62.85 62.85 62.85 62.85 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 -110.84 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 -60.43 134.45 134.45 134.45 134.45 134.45 134.45

1478.4 2062.19 2424.98 766.88 956.09 1145.31 1334.53 1523.75 1712.97 1902.18 2091.4 2280.62 -2379.85 -2190.63 -2001.41 -1812.19 -1622.98 -1433.76 -1244.54 -1055.32 -866.1 4026.2 4215.41 4404.63 4593.85 4783.07 4972.29 5161.5 5350.72 5539.94 -5639.17 -5449.95 -5260.73 -5071.51 -4882.3 -4693.08 -4503.86 -4314.64 -4125.42 -1520.35 -1157.56 -573.77 231.02 1239.13 2247.24

0.3 0.3 0.3 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34

2.39 2.39 2.39 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 -6.92 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27 9.27

351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

134.45 3052.03 134.45 3635.82 134.45 3998.61 -39.25 -4667.08 -39.25 -4304.29 -39.25 -3720.49 -39.25 -2915.7 -39.25 -1907.59 -39.25 -899.48 -39.25 -94.69 -39.25 489.1 -39.25 851.89 84.03 1738.97 84.03 2101.76 84.03 2685.55 84.03 3490.34 84.03 4498.45 84.03 5506.56 84.03 6311.35 84.03 6895.14 84.03 7257.94 11.17 -7926.4 11.17 -7563.61 11.17 -6979.81 11.17 -6175.02 11.17 -5166.91 11.17 -4158.8 11.17 -3354.01 11.17 -2770.22 11.17 -2407.43 42.69 -13457.95 42.69 -12596.44 42.69 -11644.2 42.69 -10601.25 42.69 -9467.57 42.69 -8333.89 42.69 -7290.94 42.69 -6338.7 42.69 -5477.19 97.69 5288.84 97.69 6150.35 97.69 7102.59 97.69 8145.54 97.69 9279.22 97.69 10412.89

1.34 1.34 1.34 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 -2.36 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35

9.27 9.27 9.27 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54

352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

97.69 97.69 97.69 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -35.3 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 51.17 51.17 51.17 51.17 51.17 51.17 51.17 51.17 51.17 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85

11455.85 12408.08 13269.6 -16450.01 -15630.57 -14571.36 -13272.4 -11733.68 -10194.96 -8896 -7836.8 -7017.35 6721.78 7541.22 8600.42 9899.39 11438.11 12976.83 14275.79 15334.99 16154.43 -14604.83 -13815.77 -12847.69 -11700.6 -10374.51 -9048.41 -7901.32 -6933.25 -6144.18 5905.05 6694.12 7662.2 8809.28 10135.38 11461.48 12608.56 13576.64 14365.71 -14606.71 -13817.64 -12849.56 -11702.48 -10376.38 -9050.28

-0.35 -0.35 -0.35 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46

3.54 3.54 3.54 28.86 28.86 28.86 28.86 28.86 28.86 28.86 28.86 28.86 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 20.73 20.73 20.73 20.73 20.73 20.73

352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-5.85 -5.85 -5.85 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 349.53 349.53 349.53 349.53 349.53 349.53 349.53 349.53 349.53 395.19 395.19 395.19 395.19 395.19 395.19 395.19 395.19 395.19 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 -33.59 92.38 92.38 92.38 92.38 92.38 92.38

-7903.2 -6935.12 -6146.05 5901.67 6690.74 7658.82 8805.9 10132 11458.1 12605.18 13573.26 14362.33 -3484.72 -3314.42 -3144.13 -2973.83 -2803.53 -2633.24 -2462.94 -2292.64 -2122.35 3555.67 3725.97 3896.27 4066.56 4236.86 4407.15 4577.45 4747.75 4918.04 -4925.56 -4755.26 -4584.97 -4414.67 -4244.38 -4074.08 -3903.78 -3733.49 -3563.19 2139.48 2309.77 2480.07 2650.36 2820.66 2990.96

0.46 0.46 0.46 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4

20.73 20.73 20.73 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 836.2 836.2 836.2 836.2 836.2 836.2 836.2 836.2 836.2 818.16 818.16 818.16 818.16 818.16 818.16 818.16 818.16 818.16 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -787.23 -865.12 -865.12 -865.12 -865.12 -865.12 -865.12

352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

92.38 92.38 92.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 607.38 626.61 626.61 626.61 626.61 626.61 626.61 626.61 626.61 626.61 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -291.44 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 -139.04 179.07 179.07 179.07 179.07 179.07 179.07

3161.25 3331.55 3501.85 -1994.98 -1824.68 -1654.38 -1484.09 -1313.79 -1143.49 -973.2 -802.9 -632.61 5022.88 5193.18 5363.47 5533.77 5704.07 5874.36 6044.66 6214.95 6385.25 -6415.3 -6245.01 -6074.71 -5904.41 -5734.12 -5563.82 -5393.53 -5223.23 -5052.93 672.27 842.56 1012.86 1183.16 1353.45 1523.75 1694.05 1864.34 2034.64 -13887.14 -13098.07 -12129.99 -10982.91 -9656.81 -8330.71

-4.4 -4.4 -4.4 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19

-865.12 -865.12 -865.12 269.67 269.67 269.67 269.67 269.67 269.67 269.67 269.67 269.67 235.03 235.03 235.03 235.03 235.03 235.03 235.03 235.03 235.03 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -220.7 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 -281.99 832.33 832.33 832.33 832.33 832.33 832.33

352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

179.07 179.07 179.07 171.69 171.69 171.69 171.69 171.69 171.69 171.69 171.69 171.69 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -204.05 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 -131.11 436.92 436.92 436.92 436.92 436.92 436.92 436.92 436.92 436.92 403.11 403.11 403.11 403.11 403.11 403.11

-7183.63 -6215.55 -5426.48 6608.23 7397.3 8365.38 9512.46 10838.56 12164.66 13311.74 14279.82 15068.89 -15327.98 -14538.91 -13570.83 -12423.75 -11097.65 -9771.55 -8624.47 -7656.39 -6867.32 5192.04 5981.1 6949.18 8096.27 9422.36 10748.46 11895.55 12863.62 13652.69 -12397.39 -11608.33 -10640.25 -9493.16 -8167.07 -6840.97 -5693.88 -4725.81 -3936.74 8075.44 8864.51 9832.58 10979.67 12305.77 13631.86

3.19 3.19 3.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39

832.33 832.33 832.33 831.25 831.25 831.25 831.25 831.25 831.25 831.25 831.25 831.25 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -791.09 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 -852.03 265.8 265.8 265.8 265.8 265.8 265.8 265.8 265.8 265.8 248.12 248.12 248.12 248.12 248.12 248.12

352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

403.11 403.11 403.11 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -461.9 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 -362.54 231.21 231.21 231.21 231.21 231.21 231.21 231.21 231.21 231.21 129.54 129.54 129.54 129.54 129.54 129.54 129.54 129.54 129.54 105.13 105.13 105.13 105.13 105.13 105.13

14778.95 15747.03 16536.1 -16817.72 -16028.65 -15060.58 -13913.49 -12587.39 -11261.3 -10114.21 -9146.13 -8357.07 3724.83 4513.9 5481.97 6629.06 7955.16 9281.25 10428.34 11396.42 12185.48 -13338.28 -12476.76 -11524.53 -10481.57 -9347.89 -8214.22 -7171.26 -6219.03 -5357.51 5331.8 6193.31 7145.55 8188.5 9322.18 10455.85 11498.81 12451.05 13312.56 -16233.93 -15414.49 -14355.29 -13056.33 -11517.61 -9978.89

2.39 2.39 2.39 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.0577 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.04879 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22

248.12 248.12 248.12 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -224.57 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 -268.9 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79

353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

105.13 105.13 105.13 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 163.72 163.72 163.72 163.72 163.72 163.72 163.72 163.72 163.72 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 78.73 143.48 143.48 143.48 143.48 143.48 143.48 143.48 143.48 143.48 64.4 64.4 64.4 64.4 64.4 64.4

-8679.92 -7620.72 -6801.28 6824.07 7643.51 8702.71 10001.67 11540.39 13079.12 14378.08 15437.28 16256.72 -14438.28 -13649.22 -12681.14 -11534.05 -10207.96 -8881.86 -7734.77 -6766.7 -5977.63 5976.18 6765.25 7733.32 8880.41 10206.51 11532.6 12679.69 13647.77 14436.83 -14434.21 -13645.14 -12677.06 -11529.98 -10203.88 -8877.78 -7730.7 -6762.62 -5973.55 5978.45 6767.51 7735.59 8882.68 10208.77 11534.87

-0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.01271 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.0128 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.02205 -0.02205 -0.02205 -0.02205 -0.02205 -0.02205

1.79 1.79 1.79 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 22.84 22.84 22.84 22.84 22.84 22.84 22.84 22.84 22.84 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 22.82 22.82 22.82 22.82 22.82 22.82

353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

64.4 64.4 64.4 391.9 391.9 391.9 391.9 391.9 391.9 391.9 391.9 391.9 357.99 357.99 357.99 357.99 357.99 357.99 357.99 357.99 357.99 73.23 73.23 73.23 73.23 73.23 73.23 73.23 73.23 73.23 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 -55.4 612.93 612.93 612.93 612.93 612.93 612.93

12681.96 13650.03 14439.1 -3559.47 -3389.17 -3218.88 -3048.58 -2878.28 -2707.99 -2537.69 -2367.4 -2197.1 3483.69 3653.98 3824.28 3994.58 4164.87 4335.17 4505.46 4675.76 4846.06 -4924.35 -4754.05 -4583.76 -4413.46 -4243.16 -4072.87 -3902.57 -3732.28 -3561.98 2085.91 2256.21 2426.51 2596.8 2767.1 2937.4 3107.69 3277.99 3448.28 -2070.77 -1900.47 -1730.18 -1559.88 -1389.58 -1219.29

-0.02205 -0.02205 -0.02205 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42

22.82 22.82 22.82 836.02 836.02 836.02 836.02 836.02 836.02 836.02 836.02 836.02 820.15 820.15 820.15 820.15 820.15 820.15 820.15 820.15 820.15 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -853.12 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 -795.6 249.69 249.69 249.69 249.69 249.69 249.69

353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

612.93 612.93 612.93 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 640.14 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -147.81 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 -337.56 293.61 293.61 293.61 293.61 293.61 293.61 293.61 293.61 293.61 264.58 264.58 264.58 264.58 264.58 264.58

-1048.99 -878.69 -708.4 4994.51 5164.81 5335.1 5505.4 5675.69 5845.99 6016.29 6186.58 6356.88 -6413.05 -6242.75 -6072.46 -5902.16 -5731.87 -5561.57 -5391.27 -5220.98 -5050.68 575.09 745.39 915.68 1085.98 1256.28 1426.57 1596.87 1767.17 1937.46 -13749.91 -12960.85 -11992.77 -10845.68 -9519.59 -8193.49 -7046.4 -6078.33 -5289.26 6678.36 7467.43 8435.51 9582.59 10908.69 12234.79

1.42 1.42 1.42 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66

249.69 249.69 249.69 256.19 256.19 256.19 256.19 256.19 256.19 256.19 256.19 256.19 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -266.8 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 -231.64 846.46 846.46 846.46 846.46 846.46 846.46 846.46 846.46 846.46 830.69 830.69 830.69 830.69 830.69 830.69

353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

264.58 264.58 264.58 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 -148.82 514.65 514.65 514.65 514.65 514.65 514.65 514.65 514.65 514.65 546.73 546.73 546.73 546.73 546.73 546.73 546.73 546.73 546.73 -246.09 -246.09 -246.09 -246.09 -246.09 -246.09

13381.87 14349.95 15139.02 -15114.79 -14325.73 -13357.65 -12210.56 -10884.47 -9558.37 -8411.28 -7443.21 -6654.14 5280.59 6069.66 7037.74 8184.82 9510.92 10837.02 11984.1 12952.18 13741.25 -12261.21 -11472.15 -10504.07 -9356.98 -8030.89 -6704.79 -5557.7 -4589.63 -3800.56 8189.19 8978.25 9946.33 11093.42 12419.51 13745.61 14892.7 15860.77 16649.84 -16603.49 -15814.43 -14846.35 -13699.26 -12373.17 -11047.07

2.66 2.66 2.66 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73

830.69 830.69 830.69 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -842.68 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 -785.06 260.14 260.14 260.14 260.14 260.14 260.14 260.14 260.14 260.14 266.73 266.73 266.73 266.73 266.73 266.73 266.73 266.73 266.73 -256.35 -256.35 -256.35 -256.35 -256.35 -256.35

353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-246.09 -246.09 -246.09 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 -430.97 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 52.12 52.12 52.12 52.12 52.12 52.12 52.12 52.12 52.12 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.17 39.59 39.59 39.59 39.59 39.59 39.59

-9899.98 -8931.91 -8142.84 3769.77 4558.84 5526.91 6674 8000.1 9326.19 10473.28 11441.36 12230.42 -2405.27 -2054.93 -1592.59 -1018.25 -340.87 336.51 910.85 1373.19 1723.52 -3693.59 -3293.3 -2597 -1604.71 -340.1 924.51 1916.8 2613.09 3013.38 -3082.15 -2719.36 -2135.57 -1330.78 -322.67 685.45 1490.24 2074.03 2436.82 -3081.69 -2718.9 -2135.11 -1330.32 -322.21 685.9

-1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18

-256.35 -256.35 -256.35 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -221.1 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -15.43 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -14.04 -13.98 -13.98 -13.98 -13.98 -13.98 -13.98

354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354

3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

39.59 39.59 39.59 69.53 69.53 69.53 69.53 69.53 69.53 69.53 69.53 69.53 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 -104.49 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 37.12 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 -72.09 128.61 128.61 128.61 128.61 128.61 128.61

1490.69 2074.48 2437.28 713.33 902.54 1091.76 1280.98 1470.2 1659.42 1848.63 2037.85 2227.07 -2327.39 -2138.17 -1948.96 -1759.74 -1570.52 -1381.3 -1192.08 -1002.87 -813.65 4018.54 4207.75 4396.97 4586.19 4775.41 4964.63 5153.84 5343.06 5532.28 -5632.6 -5443.39 -5254.17 -5064.95 -4875.73 -4686.51 -4497.29 -4308.08 -4118.86 -1561.12 -1198.33 -614.54 190.25 1198.36 2206.47

0.18 0.18 0.18 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81

-13.98 -13.98 -13.98 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -3.59 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46

354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355

3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

128.61 128.61 128.61 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 -45.41 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 -13.01 36.71 36.71 36.71 36.71 36.71 36.71 36.71 36.71 36.71 87.32 87.32 87.32 87.32 87.32 87.32

3011.26 3595.05 3957.84 -4601.84 -4239.05 -3655.26 -2850.47 -1842.36 -834.25 -29.46 554.33 917.12 1744.09 2106.88 2690.67 3495.46 4503.57 5511.68 6316.47 6900.26 7263.05 -7907.05 -7544.26 -6960.47 -6155.68 -5147.57 -4139.46 -3334.67 -2750.88 -2388.09 -13430.18 -12568.67 -11616.43 -10573.48 -9439.8 -8306.13 -7263.17 -6310.94 -5449.42 5257.25 6118.76 7071 8113.95 9247.63 10381.3

0.81 0.81 0.81 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 -0.05178 -0.05178 -0.05178 -0.05178 -0.05178 -0.05178

-7.46 -7.46 -7.46 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -20.44 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -10.23 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98

355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

87.32 87.32 87.32 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 46.63 -6.21 -6.21 -6.21 -6.21 -6.21 -6.21

11424.26 12376.49 13238.01 -16383.64 -15564.2 -14505 -13206.04 -11667.32 -10128.59 -8829.63 -7770.43 -6950.99 6660.65 7480.09 8539.29 9838.25 11376.97 12915.7 14214.66 15273.86 16093.3 -14554.98 -13765.91 -12797.84 -11650.75 -10324.65 -8998.56 -7851.47 -6883.39 -6094.33 5856.96 6646.02 7614.1 8761.19 10087.28 11413.38 12560.47 13528.54 14317.61 -14556.38 -13767.32 -12799.24 -11652.15 -10326.06 -8999.96

-0.05178 -0.05178 -0.05178 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.04219 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.01652 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

6.98 6.98 6.98 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.21 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28 -1.28

355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-6.21 -6.21 -6.21 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 332.48 332.48 332.48 332.48 332.48 332.48 332.48 332.48 332.48 374.17 374.17 374.17 374.17 374.17 374.17 374.17 374.17 374.17 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 -4.67 120.34 120.34 120.34 120.34 120.34 120.34

-7852.87 -6884.8 -6095.73 5853.35 6642.42 7610.49 8757.58 10083.68 11409.77 12556.86 13524.94 14314 -3478.46 -3308.16 -3137.86 -2967.57 -2797.27 -2626.98 -2456.68 -2286.38 -2116.09 3496.51 3666.81 3837.1 4007.4 4177.7 4347.99 4518.29 4688.59 4858.88 -4871.97 -4701.67 -4531.38 -4361.08 -4190.78 -4020.49 -3850.19 -3679.9 -3509.6 2132.31 2302.61 2472.91 2643.2 2813.5 2983.79

0.35 0.35 0.35 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 0.01071 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -4.24 -4.24 -4.24 -4.24 -4.24 -4.24

-1.28 -1.28 -1.28 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 806.55 806.55 806.55 806.55 806.55 806.55 806.55 806.55 806.55 833.27 833.27 833.27 833.27 833.27 833.27 833.27 833.27 833.27 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -809.51 -827.56 -827.56 -827.56 -827.56 -827.56 -827.56

355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

120.34 3154.09 120.34 3324.39 120.34 3494.68 606.39 -1963.31 606.39 -1793.02 606.39 -1622.72 606.39 -1452.42 606.39 -1282.13 606.39 -1111.83 606.39 -941.53 606.39 -771.24 606.39 -600.94 642.51 4977.94 642.51 5148.24 642.51 5318.54 642.51 5488.83 642.51 5659.13 642.51 5829.42 642.51 5999.72 642.51 6170.02 642.51 6340.31 -278.58 -6387.11 -278.58 -6216.82 -278.58 -6046.52 -278.58 -5876.23 -278.58 -5705.93 -278.58 -5535.63 -278.58 -5365.34 -278.58 -5195.04 -278.58 -5024.74 -148.01 650.88 -148.01 821.18 -148.01 991.47 -148.01 1161.77 -148.01 1332.07 -148.01 1502.36 -148.01 1672.66 -148.01 1842.96 -148.01 2013.25 155.73 -13860.26 155.73 -13071.2 155.73 -12103.12 155.73 -10956.03 155.73 -9629.94 155.73 -8303.84

-4.24 -4.24 -4.24 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16

-827.56 -827.56 -827.56 259.37 259.37 259.37 259.37 259.37 259.37 259.37 259.37 259.37 261.18 261.18 261.18 261.18 261.18 261.18 261.18 261.18 261.18 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -262.33 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 -255.47 806.86 806.86 806.86 806.86 806.86 806.86

355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

155.73 155.73 155.73 142.81 142.81 142.81 142.81 142.81 142.81 142.81 142.81 142.81 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -181.42 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 -111.02 429.64 429.64 429.64 429.64 429.64 429.64 429.64 429.64 429.64 411.16 411.16 411.16 411.16 411.16 411.16

-7156.75 -6188.68 -5399.61 6533.81 7322.88 8290.95 9438.04 10764.14 12090.23 13237.32 14205.4 14994.46 -15253.78 -14464.71 -13496.63 -12349.55 -11023.45 -9697.35 -8550.27 -7582.19 -6793.12 5169.61 5958.68 6926.75 8073.84 9399.94 10726.03 11873.12 12841.2 13630.26 -12345.12 -11556.05 -10587.98 -9440.89 -8114.79 -6788.7 -5641.61 -4673.53 -3884.47 8015.24 8804.31 9772.38 10919.47 12245.57 13571.66

2.16 2.16 2.16 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92

806.86 806.86 806.86 837.75 837.75 837.75 837.75 837.75 837.75 837.75 837.75 837.75 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 -823.09 259.68 259.68 259.68 259.68 259.68 259.68 259.68 259.68 259.68 265.66 265.66 265.66 265.66 265.66 265.66

355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.04 1,4D 4.48 1,4D 4.92 1,4D 5.36 1,4D 5.8 1,4D 5.8 1,4D 6.26667 1,4D 6.73333 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

411.16 411.16 411.16 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -455.32 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 -379.36 374.93 374.93 374.93 374.93 374.93 374.93 374.93 374.93 374.93 338.25 338.25 338.25 338.25 338.25 338.25 188.78 188.78 188.78 188.78 373.38 373.38 373.38 373.38 373.38

14718.75 15686.83 16475.89 -16768.92 -15979.85 -15011.78 -13864.69 -12538.59 -11212.5 -10065.41 -9097.33 -8308.27 3688.18 4477.25 5445.32 6592.41 7918.51 9244.6 10391.69 11359.77 12148.83 -11156.15 -10317.31 -9433.12 -8503.56 -7528.65 -6553.73 -5624.18 -4739.98 -3901.15 1480.25 2299.95 3163.02 4069.45 5019.25 5976.58 12116.91 13273.41 14381.13 15440.06 -12554.92 -11795.42 -10916.04 -9916.78 -8797.64

1.92 1.92 1.92 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 -1.91 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 -12.67 -12.67 -12.67 -12.67 -12.67 -12.67 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08

265.66 265.66 265.66 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -262.02 -251 -251 -251 -251 -251 -251 -251 -251 -251 596.05 596.05 596.05 596.05 596.05 596.05 596.05 596.05 596.05 -4183.36 -4183.36 -4183.36 -4183.36 -4183.36 -4183.36 4266.49 4266.49 4266.49 4266.49 937.67 937.67 937.67 937.67 937.67

356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356

2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.04 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.48 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.92 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.36 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.26667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.04 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.48 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

373.38 -7678.49 373.38 -6679.23 373.38 -5799.85 373.38 -5040.35 344.86 1800.74 344.86 2542.06 344.86 3397.99 344.86 4368.54 344.86 5453.69 344.86 6558.74 196.93 14545.37 196.93 16090.44 196.93 17506.57 196.93 18793.79 390.74 -11437.2 390.74 -10692.89 390.74 -9859.07 390.74 -8935.74 390.74 -7922.91 390.74 -6910.08 390.74 -5986.76 390.74 -5152.94 390.74 -4408.63 356.79 1597.61 356.79 2324.42 356.79 3136.79 356.79 4034.73 356.79 5018.25 356.79 6016.61 201.72 12982.72 201.72 14320.12 201.72 15561.26 201.72 16706.14 359.25 -11433.38 359.25 -10689.07 359.25 -9855.25 359.25 -8931.93 359.25 -7919.1 359.25 -6906.27 359.25 -5982.94 359.25 -5149.12 359.25 -4404.81 328.99 1600.72 328.99 2327.53 328.99 3139.9

1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 -13.78 -13.78 -13.78 -13.78 -13.78 -13.78 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 -13.45 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 -12.8 -12.8 -12.8

937.67 937.67 937.67 937.67 -5898.09 -5898.09 -5898.09 -5898.09 -5898.09 -5898.09 5514.72 5514.72 5514.72 5514.72 778.01 778.01 778.01 778.01 778.01 778.01 778.01 778.01 778.01 -5031.62 -5031.62 -5031.62 -5031.62 -5031.62 -5031.62 4818.06 4818.06 4818.06 4818.06 777.69 777.69 777.69 777.69 777.69 777.69 777.69 777.69 777.69 -5031.06 -5031.06 -5031.06

356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356

4.92 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.36 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.26667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.04 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.04 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.48 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.92 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.36 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

328.99 328.99 328.99 186.38 186.38 186.38 186.38 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 863.28 863.28 863.28 863.28 863.28 863.28 794.38 794.38 794.38 794.38 217.48 217.48 217.48 217.48 217.48 217.48 217.48 217.48 217.48 98.36 98.36 98.36 98.36 98.36 98.36 -263.51 -263.51 -263.51 -263.51

4037.84 5021.36 6019.72 12985.16 14322.56 15563.7 16708.58 -2272.04 -2101.75 -1931.45 -1761.15 -1590.86 -1420.56 -1250.27 -1079.97 -909.67 1992.72 2159.23 2325.74 2492.25 2658.76 2825.28 3745.52 3922.12 4098.73 4275.33 -3768.4 -3598.11 -3427.81 -3257.51 -3087.22 -2916.92 -2746.63 -2576.33 -2406.03 372.64 539.15 705.66 872.17 1038.68 1205.2 2237.78 2414.39 2590.99 2767.59

-12.8 -12.8 -12.8 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 77.73 77.73 77.73 77.73 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -66.69 -66.69 -66.69 -66.69 -66.69 -66.69 -66.09 -66.09 -66.09 -66.09

-5031.06 -5031.06 -5031.06 4818.07 4818.07 4818.07 4818.07 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 1279.61 -828.18 -828.18 -828.18 -828.18 -828.18 -828.18 1563.75 1563.75 1563.75 1563.75 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -187.6 -1465.98 -1465.98 -1465.98 -1465.98 -1465.98 -1465.98 -1025.33 -1025.33 -1025.33 -1025.33

356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.04 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.04 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.48 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.92 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.36 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1138.35 -791.7 1138.35 -621.4 1138.35 -451.1 1138.35 -280.81 1138.35 -110.51 1138.35 59.79 1138.35 230.08 1138.35 400.38 1138.35 570.67 979.96 3465.78 979.96 3632.29 979.96 3798.81 979.96 3965.32 979.96 4131.83 979.96 4298.34 789.21 5222.02 789.21 5398.62 789.21 5575.23 789.21 5751.83 -52.29 -5248.75 -52.29 -5078.45 -52.29 -4908.16 -52.29 -4737.86 -52.29 -4567.57 -52.29 -4397.27 -52.29 -4226.97 -52.29 -4056.68 -52.29 -3886.38 -18.32 -1100.43 -18.32 -933.92 -18.32 -767.4 -18.32 -600.89 -18.32 -434.38 -18.32 -267.87 -258.34 761.28 -258.34 937.89 -258.34 1114.49 -258.34 1291.09 670.48 -10683.47 670.48 -9939.15 670.48 -9105.33 670.48 -8182.01 670.48 -7169.18 670.48 -6156.35 670.48 -5233.03

4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 19.91 19.91 19.91 19.91 19.91 19.91 29.26 29.26 29.26 29.26 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -44.48 -44.48 -44.48 -44.48 -44.48 -44.48 -17.61 -17.61 -17.61 -17.61 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03

782.1 782.1 782.1 782.1 782.1 782.1 782.1 782.1 782.1 -998.05 -998.05 -998.05 -998.05 -998.05 -998.05 786.01 786.01 786.01 786.01 309.91 309.91 309.91 309.91 309.91 309.91 309.91 309.91 309.91 -1296.12 -1296.12 -1296.12 -1296.12 -1296.12 -1296.12 -247.59 -247.59 -247.59 -247.59 1511.15 1511.15 1511.15 1511.15 1511.15 1511.15 1511.15

356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356

3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

670.48 -4399.21 670.48 -3654.89 698.82 2412.18 698.82 3138.98 698.82 3951.35 698.82 4849.3 698.82 5832.81 698.82 6831.18 708.35 13740.14 708.35 15077.54 708.35 16318.68 708.35 17463.56 19.38 -12179.83 19.38 -11435.51 19.38 -10601.69 19.38 -9678.37 19.38 -8665.54 19.38 -7652.71 19.38 -6729.39 19.38 -5895.57 19.38 -5151.25 -66.1 792.1 -66.1 1518.9 -66.1 2331.27 -66.1 3229.22 -66.1 4212.73 -66.1 5211.1 -349.55 12232.4 -349.55 13569.8 -349.55 14810.94 -349.55 15955.82 940.25 -9203.12 940.25 -8458.81 940.25 -7624.99 940.25 -6701.66 940.25 -5688.83 940.25 -4676 940.25 -3752.68 940.25 -2918.86 940.25 -2174.55 815.5 3885.24 815.5 4612.05 815.5 5424.42 815.5 6322.36 815.5 7305.88

6.03 6.03 41.91 41.91 41.91 41.91 41.91 41.91 76.82 76.82 76.82 76.82 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -66.91 -66.91 -66.91 -66.91 -66.91 -66.91 -67 -67 -67 -67 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69

1511.15 1511.15 -4711.9 -4711.9 -4711.9 -4711.9 -4711.9 -4711.9 6112.61 6112.61 6112.61 6112.61 43.94 43.94 43.94 43.94 43.94 43.94 43.94 43.94 43.94 -5349.7 -5349.7 -5349.7 -5349.7 -5349.7 -5349.7 3523.53 3523.53 3523.53 3523.53 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 1013.63 -4881.76 -4881.76 -4881.76 -4881.76 -4881.76

356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357

5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.04 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.48 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.92 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.36 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

815.5 703.17 703.17 703.17 703.17 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -250.39 -182.78 -182.78 -182.78 -182.78 -182.78 -182.78 -344.38 -344.38 -344.38 -344.38 270.73 270.73 270.73 270.73 270.73 270.73 270.73 270.73 270.73 363.29 363.29 363.29 363.29 363.29 363.29 363.29 363.29 363.29 309.58 309.58 309.58

8304.24 15216.64 16554.04 17795.18 18940.06 -13660.18 -12915.86 -12082.04 -11158.72 -10145.89 -9133.06 -8209.74 -7375.92 -6631.6 -680.97 45.84 858.21 1756.15 2739.67 3738.03 10755.91 12093.3 13334.44 14479.32 -2111.71 -1761.37 -1299.03 -724.69 -47.31 630.07 1204.4 1666.74 2017.08 -3331.84 -2931.55 -2235.25 -1242.96 21.65 1286.26 2278.55 2974.84 3375.13 -2759.75 -2396.96 -1813.17

19.69 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -44.69 -44.69 -44.69 -44.69 -44.69 -44.69 -18.53 -18.53 -18.53 -18.53 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.54 0.54 0.54

-4881.76 5334.87 5334.87 5334.87 5334.87 541.45 541.45 541.45 541.45 541.45 541.45 541.45 541.45 541.45 -5179.83 -5179.83 -5179.83 -5179.83 -5179.83 -5179.83 4301.27 4301.27 4301.27 4301.27 389.28 389.28 389.28 389.28 389.28 389.28 389.28 389.28 389.28 495.13 495.13 495.13 495.13 495.13 495.13 495.13 495.13 495.13 434.52 434.52 434.52

357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357

1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

309.58 309.58 309.58 309.58 309.58 309.58 313.42 313.42 313.42 313.42 313.42 313.42 313.42 313.42 313.42 372.37 372.37 372.37 372.37 372.37 372.37 372.37 372.37 372.37 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 -322.72 321.34 321.34 321.34 321.34 321.34 321.34 321.34 321.34 321.34 -271.69 -271.69 -271.69

-1008.38 -0.27 1007.84 1812.63 2396.42 2759.21 -2760.96 -2398.17 -1814.38 -1009.58 -1.47 1006.64 1811.43 2395.22 2758.01 765.61 954.83 1144.05 1333.27 1522.49 1711.7 1900.92 2090.14 2279.36 -2163.4 -1974.18 -1784.96 -1595.74 -1406.53 -1217.31 -1028.09 -838.87 -649.65 4101.87 4291.09 4480.31 4669.52 4858.74 5047.96 5237.18 5426.4 5615.61 -5499.65 -5310.44 -5121.22

0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65

434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.52 434.57 434.57 434.57 434.57 434.57 434.57 434.57 434.57 434.57 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -18.49 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -5.73 -16.19 -16.19 -16.19

357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 358 358 358

1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-271.69 -4932 -271.69 -4742.78 -271.69 -4553.56 -271.69 -4364.34 -271.69 -4175.13 -271.69 -3985.91 662.71 -1297 662.71 -934.21 662.71 -350.42 662.71 454.37 662.71 1462.49 662.71 2470.6 662.71 3275.39 662.71 3859.18 662.71 4221.97 -32.37 -4226.01 -32.37 -3863.22 -32.37 -3279.43 -32.37 -2474.64 -32.37 -1466.53 -32.37 -458.42 -32.37 346.38 -32.37 930.17 -32.37 1292.96 611.68 2039.26 611.68 2402.05 611.68 2985.84 611.68 3790.63 611.68 4798.74 611.68 5806.85 611.68 6611.64 611.68 7195.43 611.68 7558.22 18.66 -7562.27 18.66 -7199.47 18.66 -6615.68 18.66 -5810.89 18.66 -4802.78 18.66 -3794.67 18.66 -2989.88 18.66 -2406.09 18.66 -2043.3 156.68 -13267.05 156.68 -12405.54 156.68 -11453.3

-1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5

-16.19 -16.19 -16.19 -16.19 -16.19 -16.19 442.13 442.13 442.13 442.13 442.13 442.13 442.13 442.13 442.13 427.07 427.07 427.07 427.07 427.07 427.07 427.07 427.07 427.07 439.83 439.83 439.83 439.83 439.83 439.83 439.83 439.83 439.83 429.37 429.37 429.37 429.37 429.37 429.37 429.37 429.37 429.37 39.19 39.19 39.19

358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358

1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

156.68 156.68 156.68 156.68 156.68 156.68 236.29 236.29 236.29 236.29 236.29 236.29 236.29 236.29 236.29 137.17 137.17 137.17 137.17 137.17 137.17 137.17 137.17 137.17 209.94 209.94 209.94 209.94 209.94 209.94 209.94 209.94 209.94 149.43 149.43 149.43 149.43 149.43 149.43 149.43 149.43 149.43 221.66 221.66 221.66

-10410.35 -9276.67 -8143 -7100.04 -6147.81 -5286.29 5008.56 5870.08 6822.31 7865.27 8998.94 10132.62 11175.57 12127.81 12989.32 -16198.96 -15379.52 -14320.31 -13021.35 -11482.63 -9943.91 -8644.95 -7585.75 -6766.3 6459.03 7278.48 8337.68 9636.64 11175.36 12714.08 14013.04 15072.25 15891.69 -14391.77 -13602.7 -12634.62 -11487.54 -10161.44 -8835.34 -7688.26 -6720.18 -5931.11 5644.36 6433.43 7401.5

-1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 -1.62 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 0.48 0.48 0.48

39.19 39.19 39.19 39.19 39.19 39.19 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 -131.59 44.78 44.78 44.78 44.78 44.78 44.78 44.78 44.78 44.78 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 -152.77 40.43 40.43 40.43 40.43 40.43 40.43 40.43 40.43 40.43 -136.83 -136.83 -136.83

358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358

4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

221.66 221.66 221.66 221.66 221.66 221.66 138.03 138.03 138.03 138.03 138.03 138.03 138.03 138.03 138.03 209.27 209.27 209.27 209.27 209.27 209.27 209.27 209.27 209.27 243.68 243.68 243.68 243.68 243.68 243.68 243.68 243.68 243.68 759.29 759.29 759.29 759.29 759.29 759.29 759.29 759.29 759.29 88.58 88.58 88.58

8548.59 9874.69 11200.78 12347.87 13315.95 14105.01 -14389.2 -13600.13 -12632.05 -11484.97 -10158.87 -8832.77 -7685.69 -6717.61 -5928.54 5646.44 6435.5 7403.58 8550.67 9876.76 11202.86 12349.95 13318.02 14107.09 -3524.48 -3354.18 -3183.88 -3013.59 -2843.29 -2672.99 -2502.7 -2332.4 -2162.11 3404.85 3575.15 3745.44 3915.74 4086.04 4256.33 4426.63 4596.92 4767.22 -4908.96 -4738.67 -4568.37

0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65

-136.83 -136.83 -136.83 -136.83 -136.83 -136.83 40.56 40.56 40.56 40.56 40.56 40.56 40.56 40.56 40.56 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 -137.64 803.37 803.37 803.37 803.37 803.37 803.37 803.37 803.37 803.37 820.7 820.7 820.7 820.7 820.7 820.7 820.7 820.7 820.7 -818.06 -818.06 -818.06

358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358

1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

88.58 88.58 88.58 88.58 88.58 88.58 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 -368.17 381.85 381.85 381.85 381.85 381.85 381.85 381.85 381.85 381.85 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 1796.54 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -49.59 -1405.42 -1405.42 -1405.42

-4398.07 -4227.78 -4057.48 -3887.19 -3716.89 -3546.59 2079.44 2249.74 2420.04 2590.33 2760.63 2930.93 3101.22 3271.52 3441.82 -1957.4 -1787.11 -1616.81 -1446.52 -1276.22 -1105.92 -935.63 -765.33 -595.03 4892.21 5062.5 5232.8 5403.1 5573.39 5743.69 5913.99 6084.28 6254.58 -6476.04 -6305.74 -6135.44 -5965.15 -5794.85 -5624.55 -5454.26 -5283.96 -5113.66 592.09 762.38 932.68

-4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23

-818.06 -818.06 -818.06 -818.06 -818.06 -818.06 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 -857.74 268.31 268.31 268.31 268.31 268.31 268.31 268.31 268.31 268.31 255.43 255.43 255.43 255.43 255.43 255.43 255.43 255.43 255.43 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -283.01 -292.47 -292.47 -292.47

358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358

4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

-1405.42 -1405.42 -1405.42 -1405.42 -1405.42 -1405.42 210.41 210.41 210.41 210.41 210.41 210.41 210.41 210.41 210.41 767.38 767.38 767.38 767.38 767.38 767.38 767.38 767.38 767.38 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 -360.09 348.57 348.57 348.57

1102.98 1273.27 1443.57 1613.87 1784.16 1954.46 -13695.78 -12906.72 -11938.64 -10791.55 -9465.46 -8139.36 -6992.27 -6024.2 -5235.13 6310.08 7099.15 8067.23 9214.31 10540.41 11866.51 13013.6 13981.67 14770.74 -15080.27 -14291.21 -13323.13 -12176.04 -10849.95 -9523.85 -8376.76 -7408.69 -6619.62 4984.68 5773.75 6741.82 7888.91 9215.01 10541.1 11688.19 12656.27 13445.33 -12128.71 -11339.65 -10371.57

-2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -6.01 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 2.31 2.31 2.31

-292.47 -292.47 -292.47 -292.47 -292.47 -292.47 851.34 851.34 851.34 851.34 851.34 851.34 851.34 851.34 851.34 701.21 701.21 701.21 701.21 701.21 701.21 701.21 701.21 701.21 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -770.09 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 -977.23 316.28 316.28 316.28

358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359

1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

348.57 348.57 348.57 348.57 348.57 348.57 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 1804.62 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -82.87 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 -1397.33 260.01 260.01 260.01 260.01 305.81 305.81 305.81 305.81 275.3 275.3 275.3 275.3

-9224.48 -7898.39 -6572.29 -5425.2 -4457.13 -3668.06 7797.44 8586.51 9554.59 10701.67 12027.77 13353.87 14500.95 15469.03 16258.1 -16647.34 -15858.28 -14890.2 -13743.11 -12417.02 -11090.92 -9943.83 -8975.76 -8186.69 3497.32 4286.39 5254.47 6401.55 7727.65 9053.75 10200.83 11168.91 11957.98 3976.42 5084.86 6193.3 7301.74 3896.68 5206.77 6516.86 7826.95 3801.28 4976.37 6151.46 7326.55

2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.98 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.32 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33

316.28 316.28 316.28 316.28 316.28 316.28 135.94 135.94 135.94 135.94 135.94 135.94 135.94 135.94 135.94 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -235.04 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -411.96 -1004.33 -1004.33 -1004.33 -1004.33 -938.99 -938.99 -938.99 -938.99 -909.57 -909.57 -909.57 -909.57

359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 359 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

274.79 3726.33 274.79 4901.42 274.79 6076.51 274.79 7251.61 671.08 5125.62 671.08 5314.84 671.08 5504.06 671.08 5693.28 -502.23 -906.68 -502.23 -717.46 -502.23 -528.24 -502.23 -339.03 1601.55 9676.66 1601.55 9865.88 1601.55 10055.1 1601.55 10244.32 -1432.7 -5457.72 -1432.7 -5268.5 -1432.7 -5079.28 -1432.7 -4890.07 861.22 6708.42 861.22 7883.51 861.22 9058.6 861.22 10233.69 -312.1 676.12 -312.1 1851.21 -312.1 3026.3 -312.1 4201.39 1791.68 11259.46 1791.68 12434.55 1791.68 13609.64 1791.68 14784.73 -1242.56 -3874.92 -1242.56 -2699.83 -1242.56 -1524.74 -1242.56 -349.65 53.46 -13297.11 53.46 -12435.59 53.46 -11483.36 53.46 -10440.4 53.46 -9306.73 53.46 -8173.05 53.46 -7130.1 53.46 -6177.86 53.46 -5316.35

-0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 35.71 35.71 35.71 35.71 -29.72 -29.72 -29.72 -29.72 31.57 31.57 31.57 31.57 -25.59 -25.59 -25.59 -25.59 32.15 32.15 32.15 32.15 -33.27 -33.27 -33.27 -33.27 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 -29.14 -29.14 -29.14 -29.14 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49

-909.67 -909.67 -909.67 -909.67 54.63 54.63 54.63 54.63 -555.45 -555.45 -555.45 -555.45 -136.59 -136.59 -136.59 -136.59 -364.23 -364.23 -364.23 -364.23 -604.68 -604.68 -604.68 -604.68 -1214.76 -1214.76 -1214.76 -1214.76 -795.9 -795.9 -795.9 -795.9 -1023.54 -1023.54 -1023.54 -1023.54 379.72 379.72 379.72 379.72 379.72 379.72 379.72 379.72 379.72

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360

3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -54.46 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 -32.58 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.42 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01

5220.2 6081.71 7033.95 8076.91 9210.58 10344.26 11387.21 12339.45 13200.96 -16207.09 -15387.65 -14328.44 -13029.48 -11490.76 -9952.04 -8653.08 -7593.88 -6774.43 6700.02 7519.46 8578.66 9877.62 11416.34 12955.07 14254.03 15313.23 16132.67 -14408.24 -13619.17 -12651.1 -11504.01 -10177.91 -8851.82 -7704.73 -6736.65 -5947.59 5862.43 6651.49 7619.57 8766.66 10092.75 11418.85 12565.94 13534.01 14323.08

0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59

-234.6 -234.6 -234.6 -234.6 -234.6 -234.6 -234.6 -234.6 -234.6 523.41 523.41 523.41 523.41 523.41 523.41 523.41 523.41 523.41 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 -213.04 449.2 449.2 449.2 449.2 449.2 449.2 449.2 449.2 449.2 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57 -208.57

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -13.18 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 355.64 355.64 355.64 355.64 355.64 355.64 355.64 355.64 355.64 420.48 420.48 420.48 420.48 420.48 420.48 420.48 420.48 420.48 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61

-14404.19 -13615.12 -12647.05 -11499.96 -10173.86 -8847.77 -7700.68 -6732.6 -5943.54 5864.99 6654.06 7622.14 8769.22 10095.32 11421.42 12568.5 13536.58 14325.65 -3300.39 -3130.09 -2959.8 -2789.5 -2619.2 -2448.91 -2278.61 -2108.31 -1938.02 3180.65 3350.94 3521.24 3691.54 3861.83 4032.13 4202.42 4372.72 4543.02 -4643.37 -4473.08 -4302.78 -4132.48 -3962.19 -3791.89 -3621.6 -3451.3 -3281

-0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85

449.19 449.19 449.19 449.19 449.19 449.19 449.19 449.19 449.19 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 -208.56 726.77 726.77 726.77 726.77 726.77 726.77 726.77 726.77 726.77 922.57 922.57 922.57 922.57 922.57 922.57 922.57 922.57 922.57 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36 -939.36

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-38.39 -38.39 -38.39 -38.39 -38.39 -38.39 -38.39 -38.39 -38.39 500.53 500.53 500.53 500.53 500.53 500.53 500.53 500.53 500.53 872.11 872.11 872.11 872.11 872.11 872.11 872.11 872.11 872.11 52.71 52.71 52.71 52.71 52.71 52.71 52.71 52.71 52.71 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01 -490.01

1824.36 1994.66 2164.96 2335.25 2505.55 2675.85 2846.14 3016.44 3186.74 -1798.51 -1628.22 -1457.92 -1287.63 -1117.33 -947.03 -776.74 -606.44 -436.14 4704.18 4874.47 5044.77 5215.07 5385.36 5555.66 5725.95 5896.25 6066.55 -6145.25 -5974.95 -5804.66 -5634.36 -5464.06 -5293.77 -5123.47 -4953.17 -4782.88 300.83 471.13 641.43 811.72 982.02 1152.32 1322.61 1492.91 1663.2

-1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3

-656.84 -656.84 -656.84 -656.84 -656.84 -656.84 -656.84 -656.84 -656.84 153.24 153.24 153.24 153.24 153.24 153.24 153.24 153.24 153.24 376.71 376.71 376.71 376.71 376.71 376.71 376.71 376.71 376.71 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -365.84 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97 -110.97

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 217.39 217.39 217.39 217.39 217.39 217.39 217.39 217.39 217.39 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -102.01 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 -241.47 200.92 200.92 200.92 200.92 200.92 200.92 200.92 200.92 200.92

-13730.86 -12941.79 -11973.71 -10826.63 -9500.53 -8174.43 -7027.35 -6059.27 -5270.2 6544.3 7333.37 8301.45 9448.53 10774.63 12100.73 13247.81 14215.89 15004.96 -15073.84 -14284.78 -13316.7 -12169.61 -10843.52 -9517.42 -8370.33 -7402.26 -6613.19 5188.02 5977.09 6945.16 8092.25 9418.35 10744.45 11891.53 12859.61 13648.68 -12228.98 -11439.92 -10471.84 -9324.75 -7998.66 -6672.56 -5525.47 -4557.4 -3768.33

3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 1282.25 581.15 581.15 581.15 581.15 581.15 581.15 581.15 581.15 581.15 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -383.88 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 -998.26 708.72 708.72 708.72 708.72 708.72 708.72 708.72 708.72 708.72

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

669.02 669.02 669.02 669.02 669.02 669.02 669.02 669.02 669.02 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 -693.1 123.71 123.71 123.71 123.71 123.71 123.71 123.71 123.71 123.71 173.65 173.65 173.65 173.65 173.65 173.65 173.65 173.65 173.65

8067.83 8856.9 9824.98 10972.06 12298.16 13624.26 14771.34 15739.42 16528.49 -16575.72 -15786.65 -14818.57 -13671.49 -12345.39 -11019.29 -9872.21 -8904.13 -8115.06 3664.49 4453.56 5421.63 6568.72 7894.82 9220.91 10368 11336.08 12125.14 -2121.4 -1771.06 -1308.72 -734.38 -57 620.38 1194.72 1657.06 2007.4 -3386.76 -2986.47 -2290.18 -1297.89 -33.28 1231.33 2223.63 2919.92 3320.21

3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -1.86 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35

35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 189.65 189.65 189.65 189.65 189.65 189.65 189.65 189.65 189.65 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -452.4 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -296.45 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52 -383.52

361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

141.01 141.01 141.01 141.01 141.01 141.01 141.01 141.01 141.01 147.23 147.23 147.23 147.23 147.23 147.23 147.23 147.23 147.23 77.81 77.81 77.81 77.81 77.81 77.81 77.81 77.81 77.81 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 -140.56 313.08 313.08 313.08 313.08 313.08 313.08 313.08 313.08 313.08

-2797.23 -2434.44 -1850.65 -1045.86 -37.75 970.36 1775.15 2358.94 2721.73 -2798.4 -2435.61 -1851.82 -1047.03 -38.92 969.19 1773.98 2357.77 2720.56 708.6 897.82 1087.03 1276.25 1465.47 1654.69 1843.91 2033.13 2222.34 -2231.56 -2042.35 -1853.13 -1663.91 -1474.69 -1285.47 -1096.26 -907.04 -717.82 4037.24 4226.46 4415.68 4604.89 4794.11 4983.33 5172.55 5361.77 5550.98

-0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84

-334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.93 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 -334.98 24.01 24.01 24.01 24.01 24.01 24.01 24.01 24.01 24.01 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4

361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-375.83 -375.83 -375.83 -375.83 -375.83 -375.83 -375.83 -375.83 -375.83 259.25 259.25 259.25 259.25 259.25 259.25 259.25 259.25 259.25 40.87 40.87 40.87 40.87 40.87 40.87 40.87 40.87 40.87 494.52 494.52 494.52 494.52 494.52 494.52 494.52 494.52 494.52 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4 -194.4

-5560.2 -5370.99 -5181.77 -4992.55 -4803.33 -4614.11 -4424.9 -4235.68 -4046.46 -1328.85 -966.06 -382.27 422.52 1430.63 2438.74 3243.53 3827.32 4190.11 -4269.02 -3906.22 -3322.43 -2517.64 -1509.53 -501.42 303.37 887.16 1249.95 1999.79 2362.58 2946.37 3751.16 4759.27 5767.38 6572.17 7155.96 7518.75 -7597.66 -7234.87 -6651.07 -5846.28 -4838.17 -3830.06 -3025.27 -2441.48 -2078.69

-0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04

11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -328.09 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -341.91 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -329.7 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3 -340.3

362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362

0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

100.43 100.43 100.43 100.43 100.43 100.43 100.43 100.43 100.43 211.62 211.62 211.62 211.62 211.62 211.62 211.62 211.62 211.62 61.89 61.89 61.89 61.89 61.89 61.89 61.89 61.89 61.89 173.8 173.8 173.8 173.8 173.8 173.8 173.8 173.8 173.8 82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85

-13255.26 -12393.75 -11441.51 -10398.56 -9264.88 -8131.21 -7088.25 -6136.01 -5274.5 5017.36 5878.88 6831.11 7874.07 9007.74 10141.42 11184.37 12136.61 12998.12 -16180.93 -15361.49 -14302.29 -13003.32 -11464.6 -9925.88 -8626.92 -7567.72 -6748.28 6473.48 7292.92 8352.13 9651.09 11189.81 12728.53 14027.49 15086.69 15906.14 -14376.71 -13587.64 -12619.56 -11472.48 -10146.38 -8820.28 -7673.2 -6705.12 -5916.05

1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96

-29.02 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 136.56 136.56 136.56 136.56 136.56 136.56 136.56 136.56 136.56 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 -37.47 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59 -32.59

362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362

3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

190.62 190.62 190.62 190.62 190.62 190.62 190.62 190.62 190.62 72.69 72.69 72.69 72.69 72.69 72.69 72.69 72.69 72.69 178.68 178.68 178.68 178.68 178.68 178.68 178.68 178.68 178.68 222.84 222.84 222.84 222.84 222.84 222.84 222.84 222.84 222.84 743.61 743.61 743.61 743.61 743.61 743.61 743.61 743.61 743.61

5656.22 6445.29 7413.36 8560.45 9886.55 11212.64 12359.73 13327.81 14116.87 -14374.14 -13585.07 -12617 -11469.91 -10143.81 -8817.72 -7670.63 -6702.55 -5913.48 5658.3 6447.36 7415.44 8562.53 9888.62 11214.72 12361.81 13329.88 14118.95 -3518.81 -3348.51 -3178.21 -3007.92 -2837.62 -2667.32 -2497.03 -2326.73 -2156.44 3408.44 3578.74 3749.03 3919.33 4089.63 4259.92 4430.22 4600.52 4770.81

-0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95

146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 -32.72 147.16 147.16 147.16 147.16 147.16 147.16 147.16 147.16 147.16 817.26 817.26 817.26 817.26 817.26 817.26 817.26 817.26 817.26 858.56 858.56 858.56 858.56 858.56 858.56 858.56 858.56 858.56

362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

43.58 43.58 43.58 43.58 43.58 43.58 43.58 43.58 43.58 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 -380.83 392.21 392.21 392.21 392.21 392.21 392.21 392.21 392.21 392.21 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 1789.83 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79 -125.79

-4907.63 -4737.34 -4567.04 -4396.75 -4226.45 -4056.15 -3885.86 -3715.56 -3545.26 2080.34 2250.64 2420.93 2591.23 2761.53 2931.82 3102.12 3272.42 3442.71 -1954.38 -1784.08 -1613.78 -1443.49 -1273.19 -1102.89 -932.6 -762.3 -592.01 4893.59 5063.88 5234.18 5404.48 5574.77 5745.07 5915.36 6085.66 6255.96 -6472.06 -6301.77 -6131.47 -5961.18 -5790.88 -5620.58 -5450.29 -5279.99 -5109.69

-4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -4.02 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54

-804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -804.12 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 -817.48 281.44 281.44 281.44 281.44 281.44 281.44 281.44 281.44 281.44 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3 -268.3

362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 -1427.05 157.71 157.71 157.71 157.71 157.71 157.71 157.71 157.71 157.71 735.47 735.47 735.47 735.47 735.47 735.47 735.47 735.47 735.47 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -21.55 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97 -388.97

595.2 765.49 935.79 1106.09 1276.38 1446.68 1616.97 1787.27 1957.57 -13678.56 -12889.49 -11921.41 -10774.33 -9448.23 -8122.13 -6975.05 -6006.97 -5217.9 6323.29 7112.36 8080.43 9227.52 10553.62 11879.71 13026.8 13994.88 14783.94 -15067.39 -14278.32 -13310.24 -12163.16 -10837.06 -9510.96 -8363.88 -7395.8 -6606.73 4995.19 5784.26 6752.33 7899.42 9225.52 10551.61 11698.7 12666.78 13455.84

-2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82

-250.17 -250.17 -250.17 -250.17 -250.17 -250.17 -250.17 -250.17 -250.17 777.91 777.91 777.91 777.91 777.91 777.91 777.91 777.91 777.91 985.55 985.55 985.55 985.55 985.55 985.55 985.55 985.55 985.55 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -843.47 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49 -690.49

362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

327.08 327.08 327.08 327.08 327.08 327.08 327.08 327.08 327.08 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 1781.69 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -190.92 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 -1435.19 251.43 251.43 251.43 251.43 291.49 291.49 291.49 291.49 263.5

-12114.13 -11325.06 -10356.98 -9209.9 -7883.8 -6557.7 -5410.62 -4442.54 -3653.47 7808.43 8597.5 9565.58 10712.66 12038.76 13364.86 14511.94 15480.02 16269.09 -16631.82 -15842.75 -14874.67 -13727.59 -12401.49 -11075.39 -9928.31 -8960.23 -8171.16 3510.04 4299.11 5267.19 6414.27 7740.37 9066.47 10213.55 11181.63 11970.7 4025.04 5133.48 6241.92 7350.36 3967.9 5277.99 6588.08 7898.17 3861.43

4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 -3.12 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.55

242.09 242.09 242.09 242.09 242.09 242.09 242.09 242.09 242.09 418.24 418.24 418.24 418.24 418.24 418.24 418.24 418.24 418.24 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -307.65 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 -123.18 1009.71 1009.71 1009.71 1009.71 948.96 948.96 948.96 948.96 917.53

363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 363 364 364 364 364 364 364

0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

263.5 263.5 263.5 263.07 263.07 263.07 263.07 672.58 672.58 672.58 672.58 -512.06 -512.06 -512.06 -512.06 1595.04 1595.04 1595.04 1595.04 -1434.52 -1434.52 -1434.52 -1434.52 855.2 855.2 855.2 855.2 -329.44 -329.44 -329.44 -329.44 1777.66 1777.66 1777.66 1777.66 -1251.9 -1251.9 -1251.9 -1251.9 295.25 295.25 295.25 295.25 295.25 295.25

5036.52 6211.61 7386.71 3786.48 4961.57 6136.66 7311.75 5131.12 5320.34 5509.56 5698.78 -906.47 -717.25 -528.04 -338.82 9680.07 9869.29 10058.5 10247.72 -5455.41 -5266.2 -5076.98 -4887.76 6771.21 7946.3 9121.39 10296.48 733.61 1908.7 3083.79 4258.88 11320.15 12495.24 13670.33 14845.42 -3815.33 -2640.24 -1465.15 -290.06 -9468.77 -9158.51 -8757.52 -8265.82 -7683.39 -7100.97

1.55 1.55 1.55 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 33.19 33.19 33.19 33.19 -38.06 -38.06 -38.06 -38.06 27.68 27.68 27.68 27.68 -32.55 -32.55 -32.55 -32.55 37.37 37.37 37.37 37.37 -33.88 -33.88 -33.88 -33.88 31.86 31.86 31.86 31.86 -28.37 -28.37 -28.37 -28.37 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36

917.53 917.53 917.53 917.63 917.63 917.63 917.63 556.95 556.95 556.95 556.95 -53.64 -53.64 -53.64 -53.64 366.3 366.3 366.3 366.3 137.01 137.01 137.01 137.01 1222.98 1222.98 1222.98 1222.98 612.38 612.38 612.38 612.38 1032.32 1032.32 1032.32 1032.32 803.04 803.04 803.04 803.04 23.77 23.77 23.77 23.77 23.77 23.77

364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

295.25 295.25 295.25 180.91 180.91 180.91 180.91 180.91 180.91 180.91 180.91 180.91 165.02 165.02 165.02 165.02 165.02 165.02 165.02 165.02 165.02 82.05 82.05 82.05 82.05 82.05 82.05 82.05 82.05 82.05 221.86 221.86 221.86 221.86 221.86 221.86 221.86 221.86 221.86 126.69 126.69 126.69 126.69 126.69 126.69

-6609.26 -6208.28 -5898.01 5794.01 6104.28 6505.27 6996.97 7579.4 8161.82 8653.53 9054.51 9364.78 -12878.11 -12531.16 -11944.46 -11118 -10051.78 -8985.56 -8159.1 -7572.39 -7225.45 7214.95 7561.9 8148.6 8975.06 10041.28 11107.5 11933.97 12520.67 12867.61 -11097.1 -10780.54 -10284.96 -9610.37 -8756.78 -7903.18 -7228.59 -6733.02 -6416.45 6369.04 6685.61 7181.19 7855.77 8709.37 9562.97

-0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.01146 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11

23.77 23.77 23.77 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 10.88 10.88 10.88 10.88 10.88 10.88 10.88 10.88 10.88 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91

364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

126.69 10237.55 126.69 10733.13 126.69 11049.7 201.51 -11093.04 201.51 -10776.48 201.51 -10280.9 201.51 -9606.31 201.51 -8752.72 201.51 -7899.12 201.51 -7224.53 201.51 -6728.96 201.51 -6412.39 111.94 6371.32 111.94 6687.89 111.94 7183.46 111.94 7858.05 111.94 8711.65 111.94 9565.24 111.94 10239.83 111.94 10735.41 111.94 11051.97 398.63 -3538.71 398.63 -3368.41 398.63 -3198.11 398.63 -3027.82 398.63 -2857.52 398.63 -2687.22 398.63 -2516.93 398.63 -2346.63 398.63 -2176.34 348.61 3474.49 348.61 3644.79 348.61 3815.09 348.61 3985.38 348.61 4155.68 348.61 4325.98 348.61 4496.27 348.61 4666.57 348.61 4836.86 74.89 -4911.77 74.89 -4741.48 74.89 -4571.18 74.89 -4400.89 74.89 -4230.59 74.89 -4060.29

-0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 -0.09881 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44

-20.91 -20.91 -20.91 14.43 14.43 14.43 14.43 14.43 14.43 14.43 14.43 14.43 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 -20.91 843.09 843.09 843.09 843.09 843.09 843.09 843.09 843.09 843.09 797.57 797.57 797.57 797.57 797.57 797.57 797.57 797.57 797.57 -835.88 -835.88 -835.88 -835.88 -835.88 -835.88

364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

74.89 74.89 74.89 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 -27.27 622.55 622.55 622.55 622.55 622.55 622.55 622.55 622.55 622.55 565.11 565.11 565.11 565.11 565.11 565.11 565.11 565.11 565.11 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -149.03 -243.76 -243.76 -243.76 -243.76 -243.76 -243.76

-3890 -3719.7 -3549.4 2076.54 2246.83 2417.13 2587.43 2757.72 2928.02 3098.32 3268.61 3438.91 -2055.6 -1885.3 -1715.01 -1544.71 -1374.41 -1204.12 -1033.82 -863.52 -693.23 4981.87 5152.17 5322.47 5492.76 5663.06 5833.36 6003.65 6173.95 6344.24 -6394.88 -6224.58 -6054.29 -5883.99 -5713.7 -5543.4 -5373.1 -5202.81 -5032.51 569.16 739.45 909.75 1080.05 1250.34 1420.64

-4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 -2.26 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12 -2.12

-835.88 -835.88 -835.88 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 -807.27 259.36 259.36 259.36 259.36 259.36 259.36 259.36 259.36 259.36 238.06 238.06 238.06 238.06 238.06 238.06 238.06 238.06 238.06 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -252.15 -247.76 -247.76 -247.76 -247.76 -247.76 -247.76

364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-243.76 -243.76 -243.76 354.13 354.13 354.13 354.13 354.13 354.13 354.13 354.13 354.13 293.18 293.18 293.18 293.18 293.18 293.18 293.18 293.18 293.18 30.38 30.38 30.38 30.38 30.38 30.38 30.38 30.38 30.38 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 -82.7 578.05 578.05 578.05 578.05 578.05 578.05

1590.93 1761.23 1931.53 -10404.66 -10088.1 -9592.52 -8917.93 -8064.34 -7210.74 -6536.15 -6040.58 -5724.01 7071.33 7387.9 7883.48 8558.06 9411.66 10265.26 10939.84 11435.42 11751.99 -11777.73 -11461.17 -10965.59 -10291 -9437.4 -8583.81 -7909.22 -7413.64 -7097.08 5673.38 5989.94 6485.52 7160.11 8013.7 8867.3 9541.89 10037.46 10354.03 -8921.56 -8604.99 -8109.41 -7434.83 -6581.23 -5727.63

-2.12 -2.12 -2.12 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55

-247.76 -247.76 -247.76 853.93 853.93 853.93 853.93 853.93 853.93 853.93 853.93 853.93 781.51 781.51 781.51 781.51 781.51 781.51 781.51 781.51 781.51 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -825.04 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 -823.33 270.2 270.2 270.2 270.2 270.2 270.2

364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

578.05 578.05 578.05 509.67 509.67 509.67 509.67 509.67 509.67 509.67 509.67 509.67 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -193.54 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 -299.19 29.81 29.81 29.81 29.81 29.81 29.81 29.81 29.81 29.81 59.37 59.37 59.37 59.37 59.37 59.37

-5053.05 -4557.47 -4240.9 8578.71 8895.28 9390.86 10065.44 10919.04 11772.64 12447.22 12942.8 13259.37 -13260.84 -12944.27 -12448.7 -11774.11 -10920.51 -10066.91 -9392.33 -8896.75 -8580.18 4166 4482.56 4978.14 5652.73 6506.32 7359.92 8034.51 8530.08 8846.65 -1940.03 -1589.69 -1127.35 -553.02 124.36 801.74 1376.08 1838.42 2188.76 -3256.04 -2855.75 -2159.45 -1167.16 97.45 1362.06

1.55 1.55 1.55 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.19 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11

270.2 270.2 270.2 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -241.31 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 -263.82 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 7.76 15.01 15.01 15.01 15.01 15.01 15.01

365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365

3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

59.37 59.37 59.37 41.83 41.83 41.83 41.83 41.83 41.83 41.83 41.83 41.83 45.98 45.98 45.98 45.98 45.98 45.98 45.98 45.98 45.98 44.68 44.68 44.68 44.68 44.68 44.68 44.68 44.68 44.68 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 -70.54 18.74 18.74 18.74 18.74 18.74 18.74

2354.35 3050.64 3450.93 -2659.13 -2296.34 -1712.55 -907.76 100.35 1108.46 1913.25 2497.05 2859.84 -2658.68 -2295.89 -1712.1 -907.31 100.8 1108.91 1913.7 2497.49 2860.29 727.73 916.95 1106.17 1295.39 1484.6 1673.82 1863.04 2052.26 2241.48 -2325.15 -2135.93 -1946.71 -1757.49 -1568.28 -1379.06 -1189.84 -1000.62 -811.4 4023 4212.22 4401.44 4590.66 4779.88 4969.09

0.11 0.11 0.11 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28

15.01 15.01 15.01 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.89 11.89 11.89 11.89 11.89 11.89 11.89 11.89 11.89 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33

365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

18.74 18.74 18.74 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 -44.59 105.48 105.48 105.48 105.48 105.48 105.48 105.48 105.48 105.48 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 -9.74 79.53 79.53 79.53 79.53 79.53 79.53 79.53 79.53 79.53 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2

5158.31 5347.53 5536.75 -5620.42 -5431.2 -5241.98 -5052.77 -4863.55 -4674.33 -4485.11 -4295.89 -4106.68 -1132.04 -769.25 -185.46 619.34 1627.45 2635.56 3440.35 4024.14 4386.93 -4184.92 -3822.13 -3238.33 -2433.54 -1425.43 -417.32 387.47 971.26 1334.05 2163.24 2526.03 3109.82 3914.61 4922.72 5930.83 6735.62 7319.41 7682.2 -7480.19 -7117.4 -6533.61 -5728.82 -4720.71 -3712.59

0.28 0.28 0.28 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3

4.33 4.33 4.33 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 18.81 18.81 18.81 18.81 18.81 18.81 18.81 18.81 18.81 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 16.34 16.34 16.34 16.34 16.34 16.34 16.34 16.34 16.34 7.38 7.38 7.38 7.38 7.38 7.38

365 365 365 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

16.2 16.2 16.2 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.09 84.85 84.85 84.85 84.85 84.85 84.85 84.85 84.85 84.85 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -19.24 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 -18.55 21.02 21.02 21.02 21.02 21.02 21.02

-2907.8 -2324.01 -1961.22 -13425.84 -12564.33 -11612.09 -10569.14 -9435.46 -8301.79 -7258.83 -6306.59 -5445.08 5272.07 6133.59 7085.82 8128.78 9262.45 10396.13 11439.08 12391.32 13252.84 -16362.61 -15543.17 -14483.96 -13185 -11646.28 -10107.56 -8808.6 -7749.4 -6929.95 6689.13 7508.57 8567.77 9866.73 11405.45 12944.18 14243.14 15302.34 16121.78 -14540.44 -13751.37 -12783.29 -11636.21 -10310.11 -8984.01

-0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.08457 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.07882 0.07882 0.07882 0.07882 0.07882 0.07882

7.38 7.38 7.38 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59

366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

21.02 21.02 21.02 40.22 40.22 40.22 40.22 40.22 40.22 40.22 40.22 40.22 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 336.57 336.57 336.57 336.57 336.57 336.57 336.57 336.57 336.57 366.51 366.51 366.51 366.51 366.51 366.51

-7836.93 -6868.85 -6079.78 5879.53 6668.59 7636.67 8783.76 10109.85 11435.95 12583.04 13551.11 14340.18 -14541.84 -13752.77 -12784.7 -11637.61 -10311.51 -8985.42 -7838.33 -6870.25 -6081.19 5875.92 6664.98 7633.06 8780.15 10106.24 11432.34 12579.43 13547.5 14336.57 -3472.53 -3302.23 -3131.93 -2961.64 -2791.34 -2621.04 -2450.75 -2280.45 -2110.16 3502.59 3672.88 3843.18 4013.47 4183.77 4354.07

0.07882 0.07882 0.07882 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.09801 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97

7.59 7.59 7.59 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 807.99 807.99 807.99 807.99 807.99 807.99 807.99 807.99 807.99 830 830 830 830 830 830

366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

366.51 366.51 366.51 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 -13.02 116.62 116.62 116.62 116.62 116.62 116.62 116.62 116.62 116.62 611.49 611.49 611.49 611.49 611.49 611.49 611.49 611.49 611.49 632.74 632.74 632.74 632.74 632.74 632.74 632.74 632.74 632.74 -287.94 -287.94 -287.94 -287.94 -287.94 -287.94

4524.36 4694.66 4864.96 -4871.56 -4701.26 -4530.96 -4360.67 -4190.37 -4020.08 -3849.78 -3679.48 -3509.19 2133.36 2303.66 2473.96 2644.25 2814.55 2984.85 3155.14 3325.44 3495.74 -1961.97 -1791.67 -1621.37 -1451.08 -1280.78 -1110.49 -940.19 -769.89 -599.6 4979.18 5149.48 5319.77 5490.07 5660.36 5830.66 6000.96 6171.25 6341.55 -6382.12 -6211.82 -6041.52 -5871.23 -5700.93 -5530.63

4.97 4.97 4.97 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65

830 830 830 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -807.37 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 -830.47 260.35 260.35 260.35 260.35 260.35 260.35 260.35 260.35 260.35 257.29 257.29 257.29 257.29 257.29 257.29 257.29 257.29 257.29 -259.73 -259.73 -259.73 -259.73 -259.73 -259.73

366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-287.94 -287.94 -287.94 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 -149.61 174.76 174.76 174.76 174.76 174.76 174.76 174.76 174.76 174.76 134.67 134.67 134.67 134.67 134.67 134.67 134.67 134.67 134.67 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -174.84 -115.22 -115.22 -115.22 -115.22 -115.22 -115.22

-5360.34 -5190.04 -5019.75 656.77 827.07 997.36 1167.66 1337.96 1508.25 1678.55 1848.84 2019.14 -13842.96 -13053.9 -12085.82 -10938.73 -9612.64 -8286.54 -7139.45 -6171.38 -5382.31 6558.88 7347.95 8316.03 9463.11 10789.21 12115.31 13262.39 14230.47 15019.54 -15241.99 -14452.93 -13484.85 -12337.76 -11011.67 -9685.57 -8538.48 -7570.41 -6781.34 5189.66 5978.73 6946.81 8093.89 9419.99 10746.09

-1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75

-259.73 -259.73 -259.73 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 -257.75 814.91 814.91 814.91 814.91 814.91 814.91 814.91 814.91 814.91 833.4 833.4 833.4 833.4 833.4 833.4 833.4 833.4 833.4 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -800.45 -827.06 -827.06 -827.06 -827.06 -827.06 -827.06

366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 367 367 367 367 367 367

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-115.22 -115.22 -115.22 449.68 449.68 449.68 449.68 449.68 449.68 449.68 449.68 449.68 400.9 400.9 400.9 400.9 400.9 400.9 400.9 400.9 400.9 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -449.75 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 -381.45 308.94 308.94 308.94 308.94 308.94 308.94

11893.17 12861.25 13650.32 -12332.4 -11543.34 -10575.26 -9428.17 -8102.08 -6775.98 -5628.89 -4660.82 -3871.75 8035.48 8824.55 9792.62 10939.71 12265.81 13591.9 14738.99 15707.07 16496.13 -16752.55 -15963.49 -14995.41 -13848.32 -12522.23 -11196.13 -10049.04 -9080.97 -8291.9 3713.07 4502.14 5470.21 6617.3 7943.4 9269.49 10416.58 11384.66 12173.72 -9477.19 -9166.92 -8765.94 -8274.23 -7691.81 -7109.38

-4.75 -4.75 -4.75 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -2.38 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74

-827.06 -827.06 -827.06 267.27 267.27 267.27 267.27 267.27 267.27 267.27 267.27 267.27 260.69 260.69 260.69 260.69 260.69 260.69 260.69 260.69 260.69 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -252.8 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 32.67 32.67 32.67 32.67 32.67 32.67

367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

308.94 308.94 308.94 178.63 178.63 178.63 178.63 178.63 178.63 178.63 178.63 178.63 175.6 175.6 175.6 175.6 175.6 175.6 175.6 175.6 175.6 75.51 75.51 75.51 75.51 75.51 75.51 75.51 75.51 75.51 233.22 233.22 233.22 233.22 233.22 233.22 233.22 233.22 233.22 122.13 122.13 122.13 122.13 122.13 122.13

-6617.67 -6216.69 -5906.42 5822.84 6133.11 6534.09 7025.8 7608.22 8190.65 8682.35 9083.34 9393.6 -12923.55 -12576.61 -11989.91 -11163.44 -10097.22 -9031 -8204.54 -7617.84 -7270.89 7292.9 7639.84 8226.54 9053 10119.22 11185.45 12011.91 12598.61 12945.55 -11128.06 -10811.49 -10315.91 -9641.33 -8787.73 -7934.13 -7259.55 -6763.97 -6447.4 6426.89 6743.46 7239.03 7913.62 8767.22 9620.81

-0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62

32.67 32.67 32.67 56.58 56.58 56.58 56.58 56.58 56.58 56.58 56.58 56.58 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94

367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

122.13 10295.4 122.13 10790.98 122.13 11107.54 212.57 -11124.13 212.57 -10807.56 212.57 -10311.98 212.57 -9637.4 212.57 -8783.8 212.57 -7930.2 212.57 -7255.62 212.57 -6760.04 212.57 -6443.47 107.16 6429.28 107.16 6745.85 107.16 7241.42 107.16 7916.01 107.16 8769.61 107.16 9623.2 107.16 10297.79 107.16 10793.37 107.16 11109.93 434.36 -3537.56 434.36 -3367.26 434.36 -3196.97 434.36 -3026.67 434.36 -2856.37 434.36 -2686.08 434.36 -2515.78 434.36 -2345.48 434.36 -2175.19 349.5 3525.31 349.5 3695.61 349.5 3865.91 349.5 4036.2 349.5 4206.5 349.5 4376.79 349.5 4547.09 349.5 4717.39 349.5 4887.68 43.42 -4959.43 43.42 -4789.13 43.42 -4618.84 43.42 -4448.54 43.42 -4278.25 43.42 -4107.95

-0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01

62.94 62.94 62.94 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 827.72 837.98 837.98 837.98 837.98 837.98 837.98 837.98 837.98 837.98 -874.41 -874.41 -874.41 -874.41 -874.41 -874.41

367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

43.42 43.42 43.42 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 -24.53 659.65 659.65 659.65 659.65 659.65 659.65 659.65 659.65 659.65 526.95 526.95 526.95 526.95 526.95 526.95 526.95 526.95 526.95 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -181.87 -201.99 -201.99 -201.99 -201.99 -201.99 -201.99

-3937.65 -3767.36 -3597.06 2081.8 2252.09 2422.39 2592.68 2762.98 2933.28 3103.57 3273.87 3444.17 -2077.03 -1906.73 -1736.44 -1566.14 -1395.85 -1225.55 -1055.25 -884.96 -714.66 5010.02 5180.32 5350.62 5520.91 5691.21 5861.5 6031.8 6202.1 6372.39 -6419.96 -6249.66 -6079.37 -5909.07 -5738.77 -5568.48 -5398.18 -5227.88 -5057.59 597.09 767.38 937.68 1107.97 1278.27 1448.57

-4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11

-874.41 -874.41 -874.41 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 -786.98 236.44 236.44 236.44 236.44 236.44 236.44 236.44 236.44 236.44 271.23 271.23 271.23 271.23 271.23 271.23 271.23 271.23 271.23 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -283.12 -220.24 -220.24 -220.24 -220.24 -220.24 -220.24

367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-201.99 -201.99 -201.99 398.66 398.66 398.66 398.66 398.66 398.66 398.66 398.66 398.66 287.37 287.37 287.37 287.37 287.37 287.37 287.37 287.37 287.37 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 -86.66 623.94 623.94 623.94 623.94 623.94 623.94

1618.86 1789.16 1959.46 -10411.4 -10094.84 -9599.26 -8924.67 -8071.08 -7217.48 -6542.89 -6047.32 -5730.75 7152.13 7468.69 7964.27 8638.86 9492.45 10346.05 11020.64 11516.21 11832.78 -11833.28 -11516.71 -11021.13 -10346.55 -9492.95 -8639.35 -7964.77 -7469.19 -7152.62 5708.61 6025.18 6520.75 7195.34 8048.94 8902.53 9577.12 10072.7 10389.26 -8950.88 -8634.31 -8138.73 -7464.15 -6610.55 -5756.95

-1.11 -1.11 -1.11 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29

-220.24 -220.24 -220.24 866.22 866.22 866.22 866.22 866.22 866.22 866.22 866.22 866.22 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -835.91 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 -749.86 274.93 274.93 274.93 274.93 274.93 274.93

367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

623.94 623.94 623.94 464.82 464.82 464.82 464.82 464.82 464.82 464.82 464.82 464.82 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -217.57 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 -264.11 32.19 32.19 32.19 32.19 32.19 32.19 32.19 32.19 32.19 63.13 63.13 63.13 63.13 63.13 63.13

-5082.37 -4586.79 -4270.22 8636.84 8953.4 9448.98 10123.57 10977.16 11830.76 12505.35 13000.92 13317.49 -13293.8 -12977.24 -12481.66 -11807.07 -10953.48 -10099.88 -9425.29 -8929.72 -8613.15 4223.9 4540.47 5036.04 5710.63 6564.23 7417.82 8092.41 8587.99 8904.55 -1907.59 -1557.25 -1094.91 -520.57 156.81 834.19 1408.53 1870.87 2221.2 -3211.71 -2811.42 -2115.13 -1122.84 141.77 1406.38

1.29 1.29 1.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51

274.93 274.93 274.93 308.36 308.36 308.36 308.36 308.36 308.36 308.36 308.36 308.36 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -244.62 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -183.11 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06

368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368

3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

63.13 63.13 63.13 44.77 44.77 44.77 44.77 44.77 44.77 44.77 44.77 44.77 49.07 49.07 49.07 49.07 49.07 49.07 49.07 49.07 49.07 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 45.33 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 -74.95 44.37 44.37 44.37 44.37 44.37 44.37

2398.67 3094.96 3495.25 -2621.16 -2258.37 -1674.58 -869.79 138.32 1146.43 1951.22 2535.01 2897.8 -2620.58 -2257.78 -1673.99 -869.2 138.91 1147.02 1951.81 2535.6 2898.39 783.47 972.69 1161.9 1351.12 1540.34 1729.56 1918.78 2107.99 2297.21 -2372.55 -2183.33 -1994.11 -1804.9 -1615.68 -1426.46 -1237.24 -1048.02 -858.81 4029.81 4219.02 4408.24 4597.46 4786.68 4975.9

-0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.47 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3

-6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 -3.95 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15

368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

44.37 44.37 44.37 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 111.16 111.16 111.16 111.16 111.16 111.16 111.16 111.16 111.16 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 110.21 110.21 110.21 110.21 110.21 110.21 110.21 110.21 110.21 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16

5165.11 5354.33 5543.55 -5618.89 -5429.67 -5240.45 -5051.23 -4862.02 -4672.8 -4483.58 -4294.36 -4105.14 -1042.3 -679.51 -95.72 709.07 1717.18 2725.3 3530.09 4113.88 4476.67 -4198.32 -3835.53 -3251.74 -2446.94 -1438.83 -430.72 374.07 957.86 1320.65 2204.04 2566.83 3150.62 3955.41 4963.52 5971.63 6776.42 7360.22 7723.01 -7444.65 -7081.86 -6498.07 -5693.28 -4685.17 -3677.06

2.3 2.3 2.3 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 -1.63 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95

7.15 7.15 7.15 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 -1.35 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99

368 368 368 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-8.16 -8.16 -8.16 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 52.39 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -19.37 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 21.79 21.79 21.79 21.79 21.79 21.79

-2872.27 -2288.48 -1925.69 -13421.28 -12559.76 -11607.53 -10564.57 -9430.9 -8297.22 -7254.27 -6302.03 -5440.51 5304.53 6166.05 7118.28 8161.24 9294.91 10428.59 11471.54 12423.78 13285.29 -16401 -15581.56 -14522.36 -13223.4 -11684.67 -10145.95 -8846.99 -7787.79 -6968.35 6773.42 7592.86 8652.06 9951.03 11489.75 13028.47 14327.43 15386.63 16206.07 -14562.4 -13773.34 -12805.26 -11658.17 -10332.08 -9005.98

-2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51

-8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -66.85 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 -90.56 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 -78.35 -78.35 -78.35 -78.35 -78.35 -78.35

369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

21.79 21.79 21.79 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.22 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 309.06 309.06 309.06 309.06 309.06 309.06 309.06 309.06 309.06 368.27 368.27 368.27 368.27 368.27 368.27

-7858.89 -6890.82 -6101.75 5942.37 6731.44 7699.51 8846.6 10172.7 11498.79 12645.88 13613.96 14403.02 -14564.29 -13775.22 -12807.14 -11660.06 -10333.96 -9007.86 -7860.78 -6892.7 -6103.63 5938.99 6728.06 7696.14 8843.22 10169.32 11495.42 12642.5 13610.58 14399.65 -3478.43 -3308.13 -3137.83 -2967.54 -2797.24 -2626.94 -2456.65 -2286.35 -2116.05 3565.94 3736.24 3906.53 4076.83 4247.13 4417.42

-0.51 -0.51 -0.51 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16

-78.35 -78.35 -78.35 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 -78.12 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 791.67 791.67 791.67 791.67 791.67 791.67 791.67 791.67 791.67 864.32 864.32 864.32 864.32 864.32 864.32

369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

368.27 368.27 368.27 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 605.83 605.83 605.83 605.83 605.83 605.83 605.83 605.83 605.83 619.63 619.63 619.63 619.63 619.63 619.63 619.63 619.63 619.63 -282.78 -282.78 -282.78 -282.78 -282.78 -282.78

4587.72 4758.02 4928.31 -4925.2 -4754.91 -4584.61 -4414.31 -4244.02 -4073.72 -3903.42 -3733.13 -3562.83 2147.32 2317.62 2487.92 2658.21 2828.51 2998.8 3169.1 3339.4 3509.69 -1994.8 -1824.51 -1654.21 -1483.92 -1313.62 -1143.32 -973.03 -802.73 -632.43 5027.24 5197.54 5367.84 5538.13 5708.43 5878.72 6049.02 6219.32 6389.61 -6408.82 -6238.53 -6068.23 -5897.93 -5727.64 -5557.34

6.16 6.16 6.16 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -3.22 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 -6.07 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29

864.32 864.32 864.32 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -834.82 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 -821.36 224.26 224.26 224.26 224.26 224.26 224.26 224.26 224.26 224.26 280.09 280.09 280.09 280.09 280.09 280.09 280.09 280.09 280.09 -267.41 -267.41 -267.41 -267.41 -267.41 -267.41

369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-282.78 -282.78 -282.78 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 -130.77 148.13 148.13 148.13 148.13 148.13 148.13 148.13 148.13 148.13 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 144.16 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -146.94 -103.53 -103.53 -103.53 -103.53 -103.53 -103.53

-5387.05 -5216.75 -5046.45 686.02 856.32 1026.61 1196.91 1367.21 1537.5 1707.8 1878.1 2048.39 -13841.75 -13052.69 -12084.61 -10937.52 -9611.43 -8285.33 -7138.24 -6170.17 -5381.1 6646.77 7435.83 8403.91 9551 10877.09 12203.19 13350.28 14318.35 15107.42 -15288.53 -14499.46 -13531.39 -12384.3 -11058.2 -9732.11 -8585.02 -7616.94 -6827.88 5228.15 6017.21 6985.29 8132.38 9458.47 10784.57

-3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74

-267.41 -267.41 -267.41 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 -237.13 735.23 735.23 735.23 735.23 735.23 735.23 735.23 735.23 735.23 867.7 867.7 867.7 867.7 867.7 867.7 867.7 867.7 867.7 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -891.27 -817.99 -817.99 -817.99 -817.99 -817.99 -817.99

369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 371 371 371 371 371 371

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-103.53 -103.53 -103.53 444.9 444.9 444.9 444.9 444.9 444.9 444.9 444.9 444.9 395.52 395.52 395.52 395.52 395.52 395.52 395.52 395.52 395.52 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -443.71 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 -354.89 464.77 464.77 464.77 464.77 464.77 464.77

11931.66 12899.73 13688.8 -12358.13 -11569.07 -10600.99 -9453.9 -8127.81 -6801.71 -5654.62 -4686.55 -3897.48 8108.07 8897.13 9865.21 11012.3 12338.39 13664.49 14811.58 15779.65 16568.72 -16772.15 -15983.09 -15015.01 -13867.92 -12541.83 -11215.73 -10068.64 -9100.57 -8311.5 3766.85 4555.91 5523.99 6671.08 7997.17 9323.27 10470.36 11438.43 12227.5 -8446.96 -8136.69 -7735.71 -7244 -6661.58 -6079.15

-5.74 -5.74 -5.74 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 -3.66 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

-817.99 -817.99 -817.99 167.82 167.82 167.82 167.82 167.82 167.82 167.82 167.82 167.82 283.46 283.46 283.46 283.46 283.46 283.46 283.46 283.46 283.46 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -323.86 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 -233.75 897.67 897.67 897.67 897.67 897.67 897.67

371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

464.77 -5587.45 464.77 -5186.46 464.77 -4876.2 378.7 4319.91 378.7 4630.18 378.7 5031.16 378.7 5522.87 378.7 6105.29 378.7 6687.72 378.7 7179.42 378.7 7580.41 378.7 7890.68 338.73 -11376.27 338.73 -11029.33 338.73 -10442.63 338.73 -9616.17 338.73 -8549.94 338.73 -7483.72 338.73 -6657.26 338.73 -6070.56 338.73 -5723.62 280.91 5312.21 280.91 5659.15 280.91 6245.85 280.91 7072.31 280.91 8138.53 280.91 9204.76 280.91 10031.22 280.91 10617.92 280.91 10964.86 377.12 -9827.39 377.12 -9510.83 377.12 -9015.25 377.12 -8340.66 377.12 -7487.07 377.12 -6633.47 377.12 -5958.88 377.12 -5463.31 377.12 -5146.74 310.55 4706.61 310.55 5023.18 310.55 5518.75 310.55 6193.34 310.55 7046.94 310.55 7900.53

0.45 0.45 0.45 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 0.08189 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59

897.67 897.67 897.67 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 -766.51 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 1302.39 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 -1082.21 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 1103.52 -924.09 -924.09 -924.09 -924.09 -924.09 -924.09

371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

310.55 310.55 310.55 363.43 363.43 363.43 363.43 363.43 363.43 363.43 363.43 363.43 299.22 299.22 299.22 299.22 299.22 299.22 299.22 299.22 299.22 324.38 324.38 324.38 324.38 324.38 324.38 324.38 324.38 324.38 356.75 356.75 356.75 356.75 356.75 356.75 356.75 356.75 356.75 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -3.89

8575.12 9070.7 9387.26 -9825.57 -9509.01 -9013.43 -8338.84 -7485.25 -6631.65 -5957.06 -5461.49 -5144.92 4708.37 5024.94 5520.52 6195.1 7048.7 7902.3 8576.88 9072.46 9389.03 -2767.28 -2596.98 -2426.68 -2256.39 -2086.09 -1915.8 -1745.5 -1575.2 -1404.91 2914.63 3084.92 3255.22 3425.51 3595.81 3766.11 3936.4 4106.7 4277 -4410.27 -4239.97 -4069.68 -3899.38 -3729.08 -3558.79

-0.59 -0.59 -0.59 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29

-924.09 -924.09 -924.09 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 1102.68 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 -922.95 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 1238.82 324.67 324.67 324.67 324.67 324.67 324.67 324.67 324.67 324.67 -271.65 -271.65 -271.65 -271.65 -271.65 -271.65

371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-3.89 -3.89 -3.89 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 313.25 313.25 313.25 313.25 313.25 313.25 313.25 313.25 313.25 480.35 480.35 480.35 480.35 480.35 480.35 480.35 480.35 480.35 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 -211.38 -211.38 -211.38 -211.38 -211.38 -211.38

-3388.49 -3218.2 -3047.9 1375.61 1545.9 1716.2 1886.49 2056.79 2227.09 2397.38 2567.68 2737.98 -1371.4 -1201.11 -1030.81 -860.51 -690.22 -519.92 -349.62 -179.33 -9.03 4363.66 4533.95 4704.25 4874.54 5044.84 5215.14 5385.43 5555.73 5726.03 -5806.14 -5635.85 -5465.55 -5295.26 -5124.96 -4954.66 -4784.37 -4614.07 -4443.77 -73.42 96.87 267.17 437.46 607.76 778.06

-6.29 -6.29 -6.29 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -4.64 -8.64 -8.64 -8.64 -8.64 -8.64 -8.64

-271.65 -271.65 -271.65 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 -1133.43 717.29 717.29 717.29 717.29 717.29 717.29 717.29 717.29 717.29 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 -183.06 249.87 249.87 249.87 249.87 249.87 249.87 249.87 249.87 249.87 -625.7 -625.7 -625.7 -625.7 -625.7 -625.7

371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-211.38 948.35 -211.38 1118.65 -211.38 1288.95 521.34 -9003.25 521.34 -8686.68 521.34 -8191.11 521.34 -7516.52 521.34 -6662.92 521.34 -5809.33 521.34 -5134.74 521.34 -4639.16 521.34 -4322.6 516.34 5478.68 516.34 5795.25 516.34 6290.83 516.34 6965.41 516.34 7819.01 516.34 8672.61 516.34 9347.19 516.34 9842.77 516.34 10159.34 193.08 -10646.24 193.08 -10329.68 193.08 -9834.1 193.08 -9159.51 193.08 -8305.91 193.08 -7452.32 193.08 -6777.73 193.08 -6282.15 193.08 -5965.59 71.8 3939.66 71.8 4256.23 71.8 4751.81 71.8 5426.39 71.8 6279.99 71.8 7133.59 71.8 7808.17 71.8 8303.75 71.8 8620.32 510.21 -7607.37 510.21 -7290.81 510.21 -6795.23 510.21 -6120.64 510.21 -5267.05 510.21 -4413.45

-8.64 -8.64 -8.64 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 8.44 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46

-625.7 -625.7 -625.7 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 1857.53 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 -193.38 347.06 347.06 347.06 347.06 347.06 347.06 347.06 347.06 347.06 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 -1651.49 1336.01 1336.01 1336.01 1336.01 1336.01 1336.01

371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

510.21 510.21 510.21 639.94 639.94 639.94 639.94 639.94 639.94 639.94 639.94 639.94 204.21 204.21 204.21 204.21 204.21 204.21 204.21 204.21 204.21 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 -51.79 312.7 312.7 312.7 312.7 312.7 312.7 312.7 312.7 312.7 352.51 352.51 352.51 352.51 352.51 352.51

-3738.86 -3243.29 -2926.72 6927.71 7244.28 7739.86 8414.44 9268.04 10121.64 10796.22 11291.8 11608.37 -12042.12 -11725.55 -11229.97 -10555.39 -9701.79 -8848.19 -8173.61 -7678.03 -7361.46 2490.63 2807.2 3302.78 3977.36 4830.96 5684.56 6359.14 6854.72 7171.29 -1725.61 -1375.27 -912.93 -338.59 338.79 1016.17 1590.51 2052.85 2403.19 -2978.86 -2578.57 -1882.28 -889.98 374.63 1639.24

5.46 5.46 5.46 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -8.46 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83

1336.01 1336.01 1336.01 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 -701.12 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 868.58 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -1143.75 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -42.52 -51.52 -51.52 -51.52 -51.52 -51.52 -51.52

372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372

3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

352.51 352.51 352.51 318.64 318.64 318.64 318.64 318.64 318.64 318.64 318.64 318.64 320.51 320.51 320.51 320.51 320.51 320.51 320.51 320.51 320.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 680.51 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 -688.45 682.93 682.93 682.93 682.93 682.93 682.93

2631.53 3327.82 3728.11 -2417.13 -2054.34 -1470.55 -665.75 342.36 1350.47 2155.26 2739.05 3101.84 -2416.54 -2053.75 -1469.96 -665.17 342.94 1351.05 2155.84 2739.63 3102.42 798.54 987.76 1176.98 1366.19 1555.41 1744.63 1933.85 2123.07 2312.29 -2493.32 -2304.11 -2114.89 -1925.67 -1736.45 -1547.23 -1358.02 -1168.8 -979.58 4032.8 4222.02 4411.24 4600.46 4789.68 4978.9

-0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87

-51.52 -51.52 -51.52 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.84 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 -45.86 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.04

372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372

3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

682.93 682.93 682.93 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 -690.88 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 1005.84 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 -363.12 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 1008.27 -365.54 -365.54 -365.54 -365.54 -365.54 -365.54

5168.11 5357.33 5546.55 -5727.59 -5538.37 -5349.15 -5159.93 -4970.72 -4781.5 -4592.28 -4403.06 -4213.84 -770.35 -407.56 176.23 981.03 1989.14 2997.25 3802.04 4385.83 4748.62 -4062.21 -3699.42 -3115.63 -2310.84 -1302.73 -294.62 510.17 1093.96 1456.76 2463.92 2826.71 3410.5 4215.29 5223.4 6231.51 7036.3 7620.09 7982.88 -7296.48 -6933.68 -6349.89 -5545.1 -4536.99 -3528.88

6.87 6.87 6.87 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68

6.04 6.04 6.04 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -5.21 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -55.54 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -40.25 -51.5 -51.5 -51.5 -51.5 -51.5 -51.5

372 372 372 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373

3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.46667 1,4D 0.93333 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.84 1,4D 2.28 1,4D 2.72 1,4D 3.16 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.84 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.28 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.72 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.16 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-365.54 -365.54 -365.54 97.55 97.55 97.55 97.55 449.89 449.89 449.89 449.89 449.89 449.89 577.42 577.42 577.42 577.42 577.42 577.42 577.42 577.42 577.42 18.54 18.54 18.54 18.54 314 314 314 314 314 314 454.18 454.18 454.18 454.18 454.18 454.18 454.18 454.18 454.18 52.89 52.89 52.89 52.89

-2724.09 -2140.3 -1777.51 -18327.25 -17839.98 -17303.93 -16719.1 -4544.24 -4125.91 -3372.11 -2465.67 -1602.6 -782.9 4300.85 5139.69 6023.88 6953.44 7928.35 8903.27 9832.83 10717.02 11555.86 -24079.93 -23282.72 -22356.58 -21301.52 -4925.54 -4282.49 -3365.34 -2394.79 -1538.86 -797.54 5601.63 6361.13 7240.52 8239.78 9358.92 10478.06 11477.32 12356.71 13116.21 -20938.85 -20283.97 -19532.83 -18685.43

-7.68 -7.68 -7.68 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -7.81 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51

-51.5 -51.5 -51.5 -2190.53 -2190.53 -2190.53 -2190.53 2825.28 2825.28 2825.28 2825.28 2825.28 2825.28 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -894.16 -2797.01 -2797.01 -2797.01 -2797.01 3958.15 3958.15 3958.15 3958.15 3958.15 3958.15 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -1399.64 -2449.16 -2449.16 -2449.16 -2449.16

373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373

1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.84 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.28 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.72 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.16 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.16 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

363.27 363.27 363.27 363.27 363.27 363.27 494.48 494.48 494.48 494.48 494.48 494.48 494.48 494.48 494.48 44.39 44.39 44.39 44.39 344.12 344.12 344.12 344.12 344.12 344.12 473.1 473.1 473.1 473.1 473.1 473.1 473.1 473.1 473.1 1161.98 1161.98 1161.98 1161.98 1153.26 1153.26 1153.26 1153.26 1153.26 1153.26 926.66

-4537.88 -4001.51 -3186 -2288.06 -1475.68 -748.88 4885.08 5629.4 6463.21 7386.54 8399.37 9412.2 10335.52 11169.34 11913.66 -20940.56 -20285.68 -19534.55 -18687.15 -4538.93 -4002.56 -3187.05 -2289.1 -1476.73 -749.93 4883.68 5627.99 6461.81 7385.13 8397.96 9410.79 10334.12 11167.94 11912.25 -2024.98 -1848.37 -1671.77 -1495.16 -1258.52 -1092.01 -925.5 -758.99 -592.47 -425.96 2283.24

-7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -7.29 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 92.54 92.54 92.54 92.54 78.53 78.53 78.53 78.53 78.53 78.53 10.92

3381.89 3381.89 3381.89 3381.89 3381.89 3381.89 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -1163.02 -2451.78 -2451.78 -2451.78 -2451.78 3381.95 3381.95 3381.95 3381.95 3381.95 3381.95 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 -1162.3 1626.5 1626.5 1626.5 1626.5 1049.41 1049.41 1049.41 1049.41 1049.41 1049.41 27.96

373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373

4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.84 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.28 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.72 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.16 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.16 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

926.66 926.66 926.66 926.66 926.66 926.66 926.66 926.66 -953.04 -953.04 -953.04 -953.04 -553.57 -553.57 -553.57 -553.57 -553.57 -553.57 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 -236.25 1538.02 1538.02 1538.02 1538.02 1431.92 1431.92 1431.92 1431.92 1431.92 1431.92 627.99 627.99 627.99 627.99 627.99 627.99 627.99 627.99

2453.53 2623.83 2794.13 2964.42 3134.72 3305.02 3475.31 3645.61 -4157.13 -3980.53 -3803.92 -3627.32 -3033.53 -2867.02 -2700.51 -2534 -2367.48 -2200.97 721.17 891.46 1061.76 1232.06 1402.35 1572.65 1742.94 1913.24 2083.54 -925.67 -749.07 -572.47 -395.86 210.26 376.77 543.28 709.8 876.31 1042.82 3791.27 3961.57 4131.87 4302.16 4472.46 4642.75 4813.05 4983.35

10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 -91.58 -91.58 -91.58 -91.58 -76.8 -76.8 -76.8 -76.8 -76.8 -76.8 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 64.42 64.42 64.42 64.42 110.63 110.63 110.63 110.63 110.63 110.63 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15

27.96 27.96 27.96 27.96 27.96 27.96 27.96 27.96 -878.57 -878.57 -878.57 -878.57 459.09 459.09 459.09 459.09 459.09 459.09 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 -1372.65 756.21 756.21 756.21 756.21 849.15 849.15 849.15 849.15 849.15 849.15 -451.54 -451.54 -451.54 -451.54 -451.54 -451.54 -451.54 -451.54

373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373

7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.84 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.28 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.72 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.16 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

627.99 -1329.08 -1329.08 -1329.08 -1329.08 -832.23 -832.23 -832.23 -832.23 -832.23 -832.23 62.42 62.42 62.42 62.42 62.42 62.42 62.42 62.42 62.42 1098.04 1098.04 1098.04 1098.04 1188.82 1188.82 1188.82 1188.82 1188.82 1188.82 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 1044.85 -1016.98 -1016.98 -1016.98 -1016.98 -518 -518

5153.64 -5256.43 -5079.83 -4903.22 -4726.62 -4502.31 -4335.8 -4169.29 -4002.78 -3836.27 -3669.76 -786.87 -616.57 -446.28 -275.98 -105.68 64.61 234.91 405.21 575.5 -19875.27 -19220.39 -18469.25 -17621.85 -3651.9 -3115.53 -2300.02 -1402.08 -589.7 137.1 5664.07 6408.39 7242.21 8165.53 9178.36 10191.19 11114.52 11948.33 12692.65 -22007.42 -21352.54 -20601.4 -19754.01 -5426.91 -4890.54

5.15 -63.45 -63.45 -63.45 -63.45 -108.9 -108.9 -108.9 -108.9 -108.9 -108.9 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 95.52 95.52 95.52 95.52 70.21 70.21 70.21 70.21 70.21 70.21 11.01 11.01 11.01 11.01 11.01 11.01 11.01 11.01 11.01 -88.59 -88.59 -88.59 -88.59 -85.12 -85.12

-451.54 -8.28 -8.28 -8.28 -8.28 659.35 659.35 659.35 659.35 659.35 659.35 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -893.16 -1200.44 -1200.44 -1200.44 -1200.44 3677.15 3677.15 3677.15 3677.15 3677.15 3677.15 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -461.67 -3705.5 -3705.5 -3705.5 -3705.5 3086.82 3086.82

373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373

2.28 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.84 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.28 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.72 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.16 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-518 -518 -518 -518 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 -118.07 1474.08 1474.08 1474.08 1474.08 1467.49 1467.49 1467.49 1467.49 1467.49 1467.49 746.17 746.17 746.17 746.17 746.17 746.17 746.17 746.17 746.17 -1393.02 -1393.02 -1393.02 -1393.02 -796.66 -796.66 -796.66 -796.66 -796.66 -796.66 180.6 180.6 180.6

-4075.03 -3177.09 -2364.71 -1637.91 4102 4846.32 5680.14 6603.46 7616.29 8629.12 9552.44 10386.26 11130.58 -18775.97 -18121.09 -17369.95 -16522.55 -2183.12 -1646.75 -831.24 66.71 879.08 1605.88 7172.11 7916.42 8750.24 9673.57 10686.4 11699.23 12622.55 13456.37 14200.68 -23106.72 -22451.84 -21700.71 -20853.31 -6895.69 -6359.33 -5543.81 -4645.87 -3833.49 -3106.69 2593.97 3338.28 4172.1

-85.12 -85.12 -85.12 -85.12 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 -14.3 67.4 67.4 67.4 67.4 102.31 102.31 102.31 102.31 102.31 102.31 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 -60.47 -60.47 -60.47 -60.47 -117.22 -117.22 -117.22 -117.22 -117.22 -117.22 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54

3086.82 3086.82 3086.82 3086.82 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -1862.28 -2070.72 -2070.72 -2070.72 -2070.72 3476.88 3476.88 3476.88 3476.88 3476.88 3476.88 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -941.17 -2835.22 -2835.22 -2835.22 -2835.22 3287.09 3287.09 3287.09 3287.09 3287.09 3287.09 -1382.78 -1382.78 -1382.78

373 373 373 373 373 373 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376

4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.4 1,4D 0.8 1,4D 1.2 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 1.6 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min

180.6 180.6 180.6 180.6 180.6 180.6 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 528.2 528.2 528.2 528.2 528.2 528.2 528.2 528.2 528.2 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 396.23 451.56 451.56 451.56 451.56 451.56 451.56 451.56 451.56 451.56 405.37

5095.43 6108.25 7121.08 8044.41 8878.23 9622.54 -9168.61 -8425.22 -7645.99 -6830.91 -5980 -5476 -4382.12 -3335.28 -2344.45 -1409.61 1033.65 1872.49 2756.68 3686.24 4661.15 5636.07 6565.63 7449.82 8288.66 -9590.36 -8921.16 -8157.25 -7298.62 -6345.27 -5913.27 -4641.65 -3494.36 -2495.07 -1643.78 1375.65 2135.15 3014.53 4013.79 5132.93 6252.07 7251.34 8130.72 8890.22 -8941.95

-8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.23

-1382.78 -1382.78 -1382.78 -1382.78 -1382.78 -1382.78 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 152.84 -201 -201 -201 -201 -201 -201 -201 -201 -201 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 524.35 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 -533.5 377.28

376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376

0.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

405.37 405.37 405.37 405.37 405.37 405.37 405.37 405.37 405.37 461.59 461.59 461.59 461.59 461.59 461.59 461.59 461.59 461.59 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 398.48 453.4 453.4 453.4 453.4 453.4 453.4 453.4 453.4 453.4 175.59 175.59 175.59 175.59 175.59 175.59 175.59 175.59

-8284.76 -7556.85 -6758.22 -5888.86 -5456.86 -4310.5 -3256.96 -2313.92 -1481.38 1191.36 1935.67 2769.49 3692.82 4705.65 5718.48 6641.8 7475.62 8219.93 -8941.16 -8283.97 -7556.06 -6757.42 -5888.07 -5456.07 -4309.71 -3256.17 -2313.13 -1480.59 1191.93 1936.24 2770.06 3693.38 4706.21 5719.04 6642.37 7476.19 8220.5 -1345.32 -1193.95 -1042.57 -891.2 -739.82 -739.82 -550.61 -361.39

-0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19

377.28 377.28 377.28 377.28 377.28 377.28 377.28 377.28 377.28 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 -397.85 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 376.91 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 -398.01 788.54 788.54 788.54 788.54 788.54 788.54 788.54 788.54

376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376

3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

175.59 175.59 440.74 440.74 440.74 440.74 440.74 440.74 440.74 440.74 440.74 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 73.55 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 -165.62 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 193.65 995.33 995.33 995.33 995.33 995.33

-172.17 17.05 1781.48 1951.78 2122.07 2292.37 2462.66 2632.96 2803.26 2973.55 3143.85 -3131.62 -2980.24 -2828.87 -2677.49 -2526.12 -2526.12 -2336.9 -2147.68 -1958.47 -1769.25 -125.13 45.16 215.46 385.76 556.05 726.35 896.65 1066.94 1237.24 58.54 209.91 361.29 512.66 664.04 664.04 853.26 1042.47 1231.69 1420.91 3154.1 3324.39 3494.69 3664.99 3835.28

10.19 10.19 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 -12.73 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.58

788.54 788.54 439.66 439.66 439.66 439.66 439.66 439.66 439.66 439.66 439.66 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -441.14 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 -767.44 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 21.73 21.73 21.73 21.73 21.73

376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376

5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

995.33 995.33 995.33 995.33 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 55.49 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 -720.21 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 446.37 752.86 752.86 752.86 752.86 752.86 752.86 752.86 752.86 752.86 344.34 344.34 344.34

4005.58 4175.88 4346.17 4516.47 -4535.48 -4384.11 -4232.73 -4081.36 -3929.98 -3929.98 -3740.76 -3551.55 -3362.33 -3173.11 -1497.75 -1327.45 -1157.16 -986.86 -816.56 -646.27 -475.97 -305.68 -135.38 -8047.65 -7390.46 -6662.55 -5863.91 -4994.56 -4562.56 -3416.2 -2362.66 -1419.62 -587.08 2145.49 2889.81 3723.62 4646.95 5659.78 6672.61 7595.93 8429.75 9174.06 -9833.95 -9176.76 -8448.84

8.58 8.58 8.58 8.58 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -4.21 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 -8.99 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 -10.27 -10.27 -10.27

21.73 21.73 21.73 21.73 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -15.24 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 -349.51 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 991.58 205.46 205.46 205.46 205.46 205.46 205.46 205.46 205.46 205.46 -238.1 -238.1 -238.1

376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376

1.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

344.34 -7650.21 344.34 -6780.86 344.34 -6348.86 344.34 -5202.5 344.34 -4148.96 344.34 -3205.91 344.34 -2373.37 146.5 238.88 146.5 983.19 146.5 1817.01 146.5 2740.34 146.5 3753.17 146.5 4766 146.5 5689.32 146.5 6523.14 146.5 7267.45 464.44 -6643.79 464.44 -5986.6 464.44 -5258.68 464.44 -4460.05 464.44 -3590.7 464.44 -3158.7 464.44 -2012.34 464.44 -958.8 464.44 -15.76 464.44 816.78 1307.45 3518.11 1307.45 4262.42 1307.45 5096.24 1307.45 6019.57 1307.45 7032.4 1307.45 8045.23 1307.45 8968.55 1307.45 9802.37 1307.45 10546.68 326.27 -11237.81 326.27 -10580.62 326.27 -9852.7 326.27 -9054.07 326.27 -8184.72 326.27 -7752.72 326.27 -6606.36 326.27 -5552.82 326.27 -4609.78 326.27 -3777.24

-10.27 -10.27 -10.27 -10.27 -10.27 -10.27 -10.27 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 -13.09 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55

-238.1 -238.1 -238.1 -238.1 -238.1 -238.1 -238.1 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 -1001.64 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 565.68 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 -212.47 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8

376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377

3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 2 1,4D 2.5 1,4D 3 1,4D 3.5 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-408.09 -408.09 -408.09 -408.09 -408.09 -408.09 -408.09 -408.09 -408.09 619.18 619.18 619.18 619.18 619.18 619.18 619.18 619.18 619.18 589.7 589.7 589.7 589.7 589.7 589.7 589.7 589.7 589.7 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 567.94 567.94 567.94 567.94 567.94 567.94 567.94 567.94 567.94

-1133.74 -389.42 444.39 1367.72 2380.55 3393.38 4316.7 5150.52 5894.84 -4094.95 -3160.12 -2169.28 -1122.44 -24.08 1074.28 2121.12 3111.96 4046.8 -4324.34 -3473.04 -2473.75 -1326.46 -43.01 1240.44 2387.73 3387.02 4238.31 -4019.59 -3187.05 -2244.01 -1190.47 -35.27 1119.93 2173.47 3116.51 3949.05 -4019.04 -3186.5 -2243.46 -1189.92 -34.72 1120.48 2174.03 3117.07 3949.61

-9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17

-583.71 -583.71 -583.71 -583.71 -583.71 -583.71 -583.71 -583.71 -583.71 137.66 137.66 137.66 137.66 137.66 137.66 137.66 137.66 137.66 159.08 159.08 159.08 159.08 159.08 159.08 159.08 159.08 159.08 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.68 143.67 143.67 143.67 143.67 143.67 143.67 143.67 143.67 143.67

377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

824.59 824.59 824.59 824.59 824.59 824.59 824.59 824.59 824.59 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 -688.99 839.49 839.49 839.49 839.49 839.49 839.49 839.49 839.49 839.49 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 -703.9 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79 1323.79

913.49 1102.71 1291.93 1481.14 1670.36 1859.58 2048.8 2238.02 2427.24 -2604.67 -2415.45 -2226.23 -2037.01 -1847.79 -1658.57 -1469.36 -1280.14 -1090.92 4277.92 4467.14 4656.36 4845.58 5034.79 5224.01 5413.23 5602.45 5791.67 -5969.1 -5779.88 -5590.66 -5401.44 -5212.23 -5023.01 -4833.79 -4644.57 -4455.35 -2259.71 -1427.17 -484.13 569.41 1724.61 2879.81 3933.36 4876.4 5708.94

3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 -6.58 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45

11.72 11.72 11.72 11.72 11.72 11.72 11.72 11.72 11.72 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 -3.14 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153

377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.46667 1,4D 0.93333 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.4 1,4D 1.86667 1,4D 2.33333 1,4D 2.8 1,4D 3.26667 1,4D 3.73333 1,4D 4.2 1,4D 4.66667 1,4D 5.13333 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 5.6 1,4D 6 1,4D 6.4 1,4D 6.8 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-189.79 -189.79 -189.79 -189.79 -189.79 -189.79 -189.79 -189.79 -189.79 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 1338.7 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 -204.69 683.09 683.09 683.09 683.09 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1 1295.1

-5777.87 -4945.32 -4002.28 -2948.74 -1793.54 -638.34 415.2 1358.24 2190.78 1104.72 1937.26 2880.3 3933.84 5089.05 6244.25 7297.79 8240.83 9073.37 -9142.3 -8309.76 -7366.72 -6313.18 -5157.97 -4002.77 -2949.23 -2006.19 -1173.65 -9935.79 -8901.25 -7866.7 -6832.16 -3113.43 -2267.04 -1420.66 -574.28 272.11 1118.49 1964.87 2811.26 3657.64 4504.02 5008.02 5733.49 6458.97 7184.44

-3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 -3.8 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71 -2.71

134.34 134.34 134.34 134.34 134.34 134.34 134.34 134.34 134.34 149.21 149.21 149.21 149.21 149.21 149.21 149.21 149.21 149.21 138.13 138.13 138.13 138.13 138.13 138.13 138.13 138.13 138.13 2812.72 2812.72 2812.72 2812.72 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3 -713.3

378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378

7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.86667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.33333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.26667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.66667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.13333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.93333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.86667 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

1295.1 7909.91 703.62 -10808.34 703.62 -9585.59 703.62 -8362.84 703.62 -7140.09 1301.41 -2299.14 1301.41 -1573.67 1301.41 -848.2 1301.41 -122.73 1301.41 602.75 1301.41 1328.22 1301.41 2053.69 1301.41 2779.16 1301.41 3504.63 1301.41 4230.1 1301.41 4662.1 1301.41 5283.94 1301.41 5905.77 1301.41 6527.6 1301.41 7149.43 669.35 -9949.5 669.35 -8852.75 669.35 -7755.99 669.35 -6659.24 1252.11 -2437.38 1252.11 -1711.91 1252.11 -986.44 1252.11 -260.97 1252.11 464.51 1252.11 1189.98 1252.11 1915.45 1252.11 2640.92 1252.11 3366.39 1252.11 4091.86 1252.11 4523.86 1252.11 5145.7 1252.11 5767.53 1252.11 6389.36 1252.11 7011.19 660.79 -9948.95 660.79 -8852.2 660.79 -7755.45 660.79 -6658.7 1232.93 -2437.66 1232.93 -1712.19

-2.71 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.17 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 -3.21 -3.21

-713.3 3791.27 3791.27 3791.27 3791.27 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 -1000.7 3274.33 3274.33 3274.33 3274.33 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 -855.27 3273.73 3273.73 3273.73 3273.73 -854.79 -854.79

378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378

2.33333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.26667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.66667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.13333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.86667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.33333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.66667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.13333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.93333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.86667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.33333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.26667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.66667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.13333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 1232.93 836.99 836.99 836.99 836.99 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 973.05 -329.36 -329.36 -329.36 -329.36 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04

-986.72 -261.25 464.23 1189.7 1915.17 2640.64 3366.11 4091.58 4523.58 5145.42 5767.25 6389.08 7010.91 -603.96 -427.36 -250.75 -74.15 136.76 313.36 489.97 666.57 843.17 1019.78 1196.38 1372.98 1549.59 1726.19 1726.19 1877.57 2028.94 2180.31 2331.69 -2879.14 -2702.53 -2525.93 -2349.32 -1587.08 -1410.47 -1233.87 -1057.27 -880.66 -704.06 -527.45 -350.85 -174.25

-3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 -3.21 76.78 76.78 76.78 76.78 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 -74.68 -74.68 -74.68 -74.68 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16

-854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 -854.79 1334.61 1334.61 1334.61 1334.61 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 214.66 -854.73 -854.73 -854.73 -854.73 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43

378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378

5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.86667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.33333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.66667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.13333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.93333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.86667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.33333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.26667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.66667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.13333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max

56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 56.04 548.84 548.84 548.84 548.84 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 853.45 -41.21 -41.21 -41.21 -41.21 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 175.64 1240.07

2.36 2.36 153.73 305.11 456.48 607.85 510.08 686.69 863.29 1039.89 1654.66 1831.26 2007.87 2184.47 2361.07 2537.68 2714.28 2890.89 3067.49 3244.09 3244.09 3395.47 3546.84 3698.22 3849.59 -3993.18 -3816.57 -3639.97 -3463.37 -3104.98 -2928.37 -2751.77 -2575.17 -2398.56 -2221.96 -2045.36 -1868.75 -1692.15 -1515.55 -1515.55 -1364.17 -1212.8 -1061.42 -910.05 -8811.12

-32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 -32.16 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 23.49 -27.42 -27.42 -27.42 -27.42 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 -25.31 77.81

-351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 -351.43 595.05 595.05 595.05 595.05 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 -115.16 -115.16 -115.16 -115.16 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 -157.94 4368.14

378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378

0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1240.07 -7714.36 1240.07 -6617.61 1240.07 -5520.86 1682.72 -1575.87 1682.72 -850.4 1682.72 -124.93 1682.72 600.55 1682.72 1326.02 1682.72 2051.49 1682.72 2776.96 1682.72 3502.43 1682.72 4227.9 1682.72 4953.37 1682.72 5385.37 1682.72 6007.21 1682.72 6629.04 1682.72 7250.87 1682.72 7872.7 73.72 -11086.29 73.72 -9989.54 73.72 -8892.79 73.72 -7796.04 765.71 -3299.7 765.71 -2574.23 765.71 -1848.76 765.71 -1123.29 765.71 -397.82 765.71 327.65 765.71 1053.12 765.71 1778.6 765.71 2504.07 765.71 3229.54 765.71 3661.54 765.71 4283.37 765.71 4905.2 765.71 5527.04 765.71 6148.87 951.92 -7697.07 951.92 -6600.32 951.92 -5503.57 951.92 -4406.82 1563.12 -57.97 1563.12 667.5 1563.12 1392.98 1563.12 2118.45

77.81 77.81 77.81 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02 -73.66 -73.66 -73.66 -73.66 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 -34.48 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17

4368.14 4368.14 4368.14 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 -571.53 2178.8 2178.8 2178.8 2178.8 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 -1137.62 3628.57 3628.57 3628.57 3628.57 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02

378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382

3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.93333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.86667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.33333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.26667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.66667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.13333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1563.12 2843.92 1563.12 3569.39 1563.12 4294.86 1563.12 5020.33 1563.12 5745.8 1563.12 6471.28 1563.12 6903.28 1563.12 7525.11 1563.12 8146.94 1563.12 8768.77 1563.12 9390.61 361.87 -12200.33 361.87 -11103.58 361.87 -10006.83 361.87 -8910.08 885.31 -4817.61 885.31 -4092.13 885.31 -3366.66 885.31 -2641.19 885.31 -1915.72 885.31 -1190.25 885.31 -464.78 885.31 260.69 885.31 986.17 885.31 1711.64 885.31 2143.64 885.31 2765.47 885.31 3387.3 885.31 4009.14 885.31 4630.97 -14.05 -1094.5 -14.05 -806.92 -14.05 -473.97 -14.05 -95.67 -14.05 328 -14.05 751.66 -14.05 1129.97 -14.05 1462.91 -14.05 1750.5 12.34 -1559.71 12.34 -1272.7 12.34 -865.82 12.34 -339.06 12.34 307.58 12.34 954.22

21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 -26.4 -26.4 -26.4 -26.4 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -27.63 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33

-765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 -765.02 2918.36 2918.36 2918.36 2918.36 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 -944.13 151.88 151.88 151.88 151.88 151.88 151.88 151.88 151.88 151.88 342.27 342.27 342.27 342.27 342.27 342.27

382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

12.34 12.34 12.34 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 -462.87 219.9 219.9 219.9 219.9 219.9 219.9

1480.99 1887.87 2174.87 -1335.15 -1063.34 -702.02 -251.19 289.14 829.47 1280.29 1641.61 1913.42 -1327.86 -1056.05 -694.73 -243.9 296.42 836.75 1287.58 1648.9 1920.71 4842.2 5012.5 5182.8 5353.09 5523.39 5693.69 5863.98 6034.28 6204.57 -6394.85 -6224.55 -6054.25 -5883.96 -5713.66 -5543.37 -5373.07 -5202.77 -5032.48 944.02 1114.32 1284.61 1454.91 1625.21 1795.5

-0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46

342.27 342.27 342.27 260.59 260.59 260.59 260.59 260.59 260.59 260.59 260.59 260.59 262.42 262.42 262.42 262.42 262.42 262.42 262.42 262.42 262.42 150.54 150.54 150.54 150.54 150.54 150.54 150.54 150.54 150.54 100.48 100.48 100.48 100.48 100.48 100.48 100.48 100.48 100.48 168.74 168.74 168.74 168.74 168.74 168.74

382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

219.9 219.9 219.9 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 -218.25 467.57 467.57 467.57 467.57 467.57 467.57 467.57 467.57 467.57 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 -459.82 222.95 222.95 222.95 222.95 222.95 222.95 222.95 222.95 222.95 -215.2 -215.2 -215.2 -215.2 -215.2 -215.2

1965.8 2136.09 2306.39 -2496.66 -2326.37 -2156.07 -1985.77 -1815.48 -1645.18 -1474.89 -1304.59 -1134.29 4293.98 4565.79 4927.11 5377.93 5918.26 6458.59 6909.42 7270.74 7542.55 -6943.08 -6671.26 -6309.94 -5859.12 -5318.79 -4778.46 -4327.64 -3966.32 -3694.5 395.79 667.61 1028.93 1479.75 2020.08 2560.41 3011.23 3372.55 3644.37 -3044.89 -2773.08 -2411.76 -1960.93 -1420.61 -880.28

2.46 2.46 2.46 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 -2.72 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01

168.74 168.74 168.74 82.28 82.28 82.28 82.28 82.28 82.28 82.28 82.28 82.28 288.29 288.29 288.29 288.29 288.29 288.29 288.29 288.29 288.29 238.23 238.23 238.23 238.23 238.23 238.23 238.23 238.23 238.23 306.48 306.48 306.48 306.48 306.48 306.48 306.48 306.48 306.48 220.03 220.03 220.03 220.03 220.03 220.03

382 382 382 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-215.2 -429.45 -215.2 -68.13 -215.2 203.68 -31.35 -9469.36 -31.35 -8630.52 -31.35 -7746.33 -31.35 -6816.77 -31.35 -5841.86 -31.35 -4866.94 -31.35 -3937.38 -31.35 -3053.19 -31.35 -2214.35 -29.64 2905.89 -29.64 3744.73 -29.64 4628.92 -29.64 5558.48 -29.64 6533.39 -29.64 7508.31 -29.64 8437.86 -29.64 9322.06 -29.64 10160.9 -22.02 -10371.44 -22.02 -9611.94 -22.02 -8732.56 -22.02 -7733.3 -22.02 -6614.16 -22.02 -5495.01 -22.02 -4495.75 -22.02 -3616.37 -22.02 -2856.87 -20.6 3647.02 -20.6 4406.53 -20.6 5285.91 -20.6 6285.17 -20.6 7404.31 -20.6 8523.45 -20.6 9522.71 -20.6 10402.1 -20.6 11161.6 -19.27 -9526.59 -19.27 -8782.27 -19.27 -7948.46 -19.27 -7025.13 -19.27 -6012.3 -19.27 -4999.47

-3.01 -3.01 -3.01 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.51

220.03 220.03 220.03 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 2030.68 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 -1087.7 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 2752.74 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 -1795.2 2374.28 2374.28 2374.28 2374.28 2374.28 2374.28

383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-19.27 -19.27 -19.27 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -17.09 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 -21.63 1188 1188 1188 1188 1188 1188 1188 1188 1188 336.85 336.85 336.85 336.85 336.85 336.85

-4076.15 -3242.33 -2498.01 3212.88 3957.19 4791.01 5714.33 6727.16 7739.99 8663.32 9497.14 10241.45 -9525.98 -8781.66 -7947.84 -7024.52 -6011.69 -4998.86 -4075.54 -3241.72 -2497.4 3213.35 3957.66 4791.48 5714.8 6727.63 7740.46 8663.79 9497.61 10241.92 -699.99 -529.7 -359.4 -189.1 -18.81 151.49 321.78 492.08 662.38 3487.55 3657.85 3828.14 3998.44 4168.73 4339.03

2.51 2.51 2.51 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58

2374.28 2374.28 2374.28 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 -1474.81 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 2373.34 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 -1472.08 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 1026.8 -398.41 -398.41 -398.41 -398.41 -398.41 -398.41

383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

336.85 336.85 336.85 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -1057.74 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 -191.81 783.51 783.51 783.51 783.51 783.51 783.51 783.51 783.51 783.51 750.73 750.73 750.73 750.73 750.73 750.73 750.73 750.73 750.73 -653.25 -653.25 -653.25 -653.25 -653.25 -653.25

4509.33 4679.62 4849.92 -4613.23 -4442.94 -4272.64 -4102.34 -3932.05 -3761.75 -3591.45 -3421.16 -3250.86 -499.47 -329.18 -158.88 11.42 181.71 352.01 522.31 692.6 862.9 -1938.65 -1768.35 -1598.06 -1427.76 -1257.46 -1087.17 -916.87 -746.58 -576.28 2225.3 2395.6 2565.89 2736.19 2906.49 3076.78 3247.08 3417.38 3587.67 -3374.58 -3204.28 -3033.98 -2863.69 -2693.39 -2523.09

1.58 1.58 1.58 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 -6.28 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 8.73 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29

-398.41 -398.41 -398.41 484.91 484.91 484.91 484.91 484.91 484.91 484.91 484.91 484.91 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 -890.86 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 1519.91 91.56 91.56 91.56 91.56 91.56 91.56 91.56 91.56 91.56 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2

383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-653.25 -2352.8 -653.25 -2182.5 -653.25 -2012.21 -605.69 762.78 -605.69 933.07 -605.69 1103.37 -605.69 1273.67 -605.69 1443.96 -605.69 1614.26 -605.69 1784.55 -605.69 1954.85 -605.69 2125.15 1097.92 -7569.08 1097.92 -6824.77 1097.92 -5990.95 1097.92 -5067.62 1097.92 -4054.79 1097.92 -3041.96 1097.92 -2118.64 1097.92 -1284.82 1097.92 -540.51 240.64 5207.07 240.64 5951.39 240.64 6785.2 240.64 7708.53 240.64 8721.36 240.64 9734.19 240.64 10657.51 240.64 11491.33 240.64 12235.64 -1147.81 -11482.32 -1147.81 -10738.01 -1147.81 -9904.19 -1147.81 -8980.86 -1147.81 -7968.03 -1147.81 -6955.2 -1147.81 -6031.88 -1147.81 -5198.06 -1147.81 -4453.75 -288.02 1220.05 -288.02 1964.36 -288.02 2798.18 -288.02 3721.51 -288.02 4734.34 -288.02 5747.17

-5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98 -5.98

-8.2 -8.2 -8.2 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 -1380.84 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 2643.86 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 -1224.61 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 2101.97 -1717.07 -1717.07 -1717.07 -1717.07 -1717.07 -1717.07

383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 384 384 384 384 384 384

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-288.02 6670.49 -288.02 7504.31 -288.02 8248.62 693.44 -8807.74 693.44 -8063.42 693.44 -7229.6 693.44 -6306.28 693.44 -5293.45 693.44 -4280.62 693.44 -3357.3 693.44 -2523.48 693.44 -1779.16 654.52 3944.82 654.52 4689.14 654.52 5522.96 654.52 6446.28 654.52 7459.11 654.52 8471.94 654.52 9395.26 654.52 10229.08 654.52 10973.4 -743.32 -10243.66 -743.32 -9499.35 -743.32 -8665.53 -743.32 -7742.21 -743.32 -6729.38 -743.32 -5716.55 -743.32 -4793.22 -743.32 -3959.4 -743.32 -3215.09 -701.9 2482.3 -701.9 3226.61 -701.9 4060.43 -701.9 4983.76 -701.9 5996.59 -701.9 7009.41 -701.9 7932.74 -701.9 8766.56 -701.9 9510.87 -19.48 -9788.47 -19.48 -8949.63 -19.48 -8065.44 -19.48 -7135.88 -19.48 -6160.97 -19.48 -5186.05

-5.98 -5.98 -5.98 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 -6.22 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48

-1717.07 -1717.07 -1717.07 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 3136.97 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 -734.64 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 1608.86 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 -2207.04 1454.51 1454.51 1454.51 1454.51 1454.51 1454.51

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-19.48 -4256.5 -19.48 -3372.3 -19.48 -2533.47 -5.2 2554.97 -5.2 3393.81 -5.2 4278 -5.2 5207.56 -5.2 6182.47 -5.2 7157.39 -5.2 8086.94 -5.2 8971.14 -5.2 9809.97 -8.93 -10695.69 -8.93 -9936.19 -8.93 -9056.8 -8.93 -8057.54 -8.93 -6938.4 -8.93 -5819.26 -8.93 -4820 -8.93 -3940.62 -8.93 -3181.11 -5.44 3201.86 -5.44 3961.37 -5.44 4840.75 -5.44 5840.01 -5.44 6959.15 -5.44 8078.29 -5.44 9077.56 -5.44 9956.94 -5.44 10716.44 -8.87 -9830.74 -8.87 -9086.43 -8.87 -8252.61 -8.87 -7329.28 -8.87 -6316.46 -8.87 -5303.63 -8.87 -4380.3 -8.87 -3546.48 -8.87 -2802.17 -1.66 2822.72 -1.66 3567.03 -1.66 4400.85 -1.66 5324.18 -1.66 6337.01 -1.66 7349.84

2.48 2.48 2.48 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98

1454.51 1454.51 1454.51 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 -1439.72 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 2129.71 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 -2118.08 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 1801.11 -1789.09 -1789.09 -1789.09 -1789.09 -1789.09 -1789.09

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1.66 -1.66 -1.66 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -11.41 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 946.94 946.94 946.94 946.94 946.94 946.94 946.94 946.94 946.94 533.05 533.05 533.05 533.05 533.05 533.05 533.05 533.05 533.05 -867.06 -867.06 -867.06 -867.06 -867.06 -867.06

8273.16 9106.98 9851.29 -9831.05 -9086.73 -8252.91 -7329.59 -6316.76 -5303.93 -4380.61 -3546.79 -2802.47 2822.45 3566.77 4400.59 5323.91 6336.74 7349.57 8272.89 9106.71 9851.03 -716.67 -546.37 -376.08 -205.78 -35.48 134.81 305.11 475.4 645.7 3347.84 3518.13 3688.43 3858.73 4029.02 4199.32 4369.62 4539.91 4710.21 -4710.55 -4540.26 -4369.96 -4199.67 -4029.37 -3859.07

-1.98 -1.98 -1.98 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 -1.76 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.52 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6

-1789.09 -1789.09 -1789.09 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 1798.96 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 -1786.94 901.95 901.95 901.95 901.95 901.95 901.95 901.95 901.95 901.95 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 -430.98 413.22 413.22 413.22 413.22 413.22 413.22

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-867.06 -867.06 -867.06 -454 -454 -454 -454 -454 -454 -454 -454 -454 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 1038.01 953.9 953.9 953.9 953.9 953.9 953.9 953.9 953.9 953.9 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -958.12 -874.85 -874.85 -874.85 -874.85 -874.85 -874.85

-3688.78 -3518.48 -3348.18 -641.71 -471.41 -301.12 -130.82 39.48 209.77 380.07 550.37 720.66 -1978.43 -1808.14 -1637.84 -1467.54 -1297.25 -1126.95 -956.66 -786.36 -616.06 2079.22 2249.52 2419.81 2590.11 2760.4 2930.7 3101 3271.29 3441.59 -3448.79 -3278.5 -3108.2 -2937.9 -2767.61 -2597.31 -2427.01 -2256.72 -2086.42 626.91 797.21 967.5 1137.8 1308.1 1478.39

-2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.37 9.37 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -4.44 -8.88 -8.88 -8.88 -8.88 -8.88 -8.88

413.22 413.22 413.22 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 -889.28 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 1398.25 78.85 78.85 78.85 78.85 78.85 78.85 78.85 78.85 78.85 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -83.09 -1399.11 -1399.11 -1399.11 -1399.11 -1399.11 -1399.11

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-874.85 1648.69 -874.85 1818.98 -874.85 1989.28 894.44 -7834.24 894.44 -7089.93 894.44 -6256.11 894.44 -5332.78 894.44 -4319.95 894.44 -3307.13 894.44 -2383.8 894.44 -1549.98 894.44 -805.67 487.63 4817.1 487.63 5561.42 487.63 6395.24 487.63 7318.56 487.63 8331.39 487.63 9344.22 487.63 10267.54 487.63 11101.36 487.63 11845.68 -919.56 -11828.13 -919.56 -11083.81 -919.56 -10249.99 -919.56 -9326.67 -919.56 -8313.84 -919.56 -7301.01 -919.56 -6377.69 -919.56 -5543.87 -919.56 -4799.55 -499.42 827.56 -499.42 1571.87 -499.42 2405.69 -499.42 3329.02 -499.42 4341.84 -499.42 5354.67 -499.42 6278 -499.42 7111.82 -499.42 7856.13 985.5 -9096.01 985.5 -8351.69 985.5 -7517.87 985.5 -6594.55 985.5 -5581.72 985.5 -4568.89

-8.88 -8.88 -8.88 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -3.48 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 -6.14 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48

-1399.11 -1399.11 -1399.11 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 2042.35 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 -1556.8 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 1553.62 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 -2015.11 2538.65 2538.65 2538.65 2538.65 2538.65 2538.65

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

985.5 -3645.56 985.5 -2811.75 985.5 -2067.43 908.48 3548.48 908.48 4292.8 908.48 5126.62 908.48 6049.94 908.48 7062.77 908.48 8075.6 908.48 8998.93 908.48 9832.74 908.48 10577.06 -1010.63 -10566.36 -1010.63 -9822.05 -1010.63 -8988.23 -1010.63 -8064.91 -1010.63 -7052.08 -1010.63 -6039.25 -1010.63 -5115.92 -1010.63 -4282.1 -1010.63 -3537.79 -920.27 2096.18 -920.27 2840.49 -920.27 3674.31 -920.27 4597.63 -920.27 5610.46 -920.27 6623.29 -920.27 7546.62 -920.27 8380.44 -920.27 9124.75 -44.7 -9846.13 -44.7 -9007.3 -44.7 -8123.1 -44.7 -7193.55 -44.7 -6218.63 -44.7 -5243.72 -44.7 -4314.16 -44.7 -3429.97 -44.7 -2591.13 -54.16 2561.99 -54.16 3400.83 -54.16 4285.02 -54.16 5214.58 -54.16 6189.49 -54.16 7164.41

8.48 8.48 8.48 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -5.33 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59

2538.65 2538.65 2538.65 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 -1046.97 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 1057.31 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 -2524.94 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 1384.4 -1597.72 -1597.72 -1597.72 -1597.72 -1597.72 -1597.72

385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-54.16 8093.96 -54.16 8978.16 -54.16 9816.99 -76.63 -10793.85 -76.63 -10034.35 -76.63 -9154.97 -76.63 -8155.71 -76.63 -7036.56 -76.63 -5917.42 -76.63 -4918.16 -76.63 -4038.78 -76.63 -3279.28 -81.36 3215.99 -81.36 3975.49 -81.36 4854.88 -81.36 5854.14 -81.36 6973.28 -81.36 8092.42 -81.36 9091.68 -81.36 9971.06 -81.36 10730.57 -59.24 -9911.08 -59.24 -9166.77 -59.24 -8332.95 -59.24 -7409.62 -59.24 -6396.79 -59.24 -5383.97 -59.24 -4460.64 -59.24 -3626.82 -59.24 -2882.51 -62.99 2833.46 -62.99 3577.77 -62.99 4411.59 -62.99 5334.92 -62.99 6347.75 -62.99 7360.57 -62.99 8283.9 -62.99 9117.72 -62.99 9862.03 -61.82 -9911 -61.82 -9166.68 -61.82 -8332.87 -61.82 -7409.54 -61.82 -6396.71 -61.82 -5383.88

-2.59 -2.59 -2.59 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49

-1597.72 -1597.72 -1597.72 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 2040.44 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 -2346.67 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 1722.78 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 -1982.89 1720.63 1720.63 1720.63 1720.63 1720.63 1720.63

385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-61.82 -61.82 -61.82 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 -67.49 617.09 617.09 617.09 617.09 617.09 617.09 617.09 617.09 617.09 934.98 934.98 934.98 934.98 934.98 934.98 934.98 934.98 934.98 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -615.85 -871.68 -871.68 -871.68 -871.68 -871.68 -871.68

-4460.56 -3626.74 -2882.43 2833.49 3577.8 4411.62 5334.94 6347.77 7360.6 8283.93 9117.75 9862.06 -741.08 -570.78 -400.49 -230.19 -59.89 110.4 280.7 451 621.29 3363.61 3533.91 3704.2 3874.5 4044.8 4215.09 4385.39 4555.69 4725.98 -4783.01 -4612.72 -4442.42 -4272.12 -4101.83 -3931.53 -3761.24 -3590.94 -3420.64 -624.81 -454.51 -284.21 -113.92 56.38 226.67

2.49 2.49 2.49 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73

1720.63 1720.63 1720.63 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 -1980.61 860.56 860.56 860.56 860.56 860.56 860.56 860.56 860.56 860.56 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 -515.62 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 -1003.12 -1003.12 -1003.12 -1003.12 -1003.12 -1003.12

385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-871.68 -871.68 -871.68 965.14 965.14 965.14 965.14 965.14 965.14 965.14 965.14 965.14 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 1179.06 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -963.89 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 -1115.77 553.48 553.48 553.48 553.48 553.48 553.48

396.97 567.27 737.56 -2016.69 -1846.39 -1676.1 -1505.8 -1335.5 -1165.21 -994.91 -824.61 -654.32 2100.82 2271.11 2441.41 2611.71 2782 2952.3 3122.59 3292.89 3463.19 -3507.4 -3337.11 -3166.81 -2996.51 -2826.22 -2655.92 -2485.63 -2315.33 -2145.03 637.99 808.28 978.58 1148.88 1319.17 1489.47 1659.77 1830.06 2000.36 -7889.99 -7145.68 -6311.86 -5388.54 -4375.71 -3362.88

-6.73 -6.73 -6.73 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 9.85 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -3.82 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 -8.27 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88

-1003.12 -1003.12 -1003.12 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 1363.55 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -113.22 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 -1521.31 1955.04 1955.04 1955.04 1955.04 1955.04 1955.04

385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

553.48 -2439.55 553.48 -1605.73 553.48 -861.42 833.8 4827.71 833.8 5572.02 833.8 6405.84 833.8 7329.17 833.8 8342 833.8 9354.82 833.8 10278.15 833.8 11111.97 833.8 11856.28 -679.46 -11931.93 -679.46 -11187.61 -679.46 -10353.8 -679.46 -9430.47 -679.46 -8417.64 -679.46 -7404.81 -679.46 -6481.49 -679.46 -5647.67 -679.46 -4903.36 -972.86 839.29 -972.86 1583.6 -972.86 2417.42 -972.86 3340.75 -972.86 4353.58 -972.86 5366.41 -972.86 6289.73 -972.86 7123.55 -972.86 7867.86 901.52 -9165.6 901.52 -8421.29 901.52 -7587.47 901.52 -6664.15 901.52 -5651.32 901.52 -4638.49 901.52 -3715.16 901.52 -2881.34 901.52 -2137.03 1077.88 3564.91 1077.88 4309.23 1077.88 5143.05 1077.88 6066.37 1077.88 7079.2 1077.88 8092.03

8.88 8.88 8.88 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 -5.41 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52

1955.04 1955.04 1955.04 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 -1735.82 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 1484.26 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 -2223.32 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 2458.03 -1217.63 -1217.63 -1217.63 -1217.63 -1217.63 -1217.63

385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

1077.88 9015.35 1077.88 9849.17 1077.88 10593.49 -1027.51 -10656.32 -1027.51 -9912 -1027.51 -9078.19 -1027.51 -8154.86 -1027.51 -7142.03 -1027.51 -6129.2 -1027.51 -5205.88 -1027.51 -4372.06 -1027.51 -3627.75 -1216.95 2102.09 -1216.95 2846.4 -1216.95 3680.22 -1216.95 4603.54 -1216.95 5616.37 -1216.95 6629.2 -1216.95 7552.53 -1216.95 8386.34 -1216.95 9130.66 280.83 -9431.5 280.83 -8615.34 280.83 -7799.19 280.83 -6983.03 280.83 -6166.88 280.83 -5350.72 280.83 -4534.57 280.83 -3718.41 280.83 -2902.26 140.71 1913.59 140.71 2752.43 140.71 3636.63 140.71 4566.18 140.71 5541.1 140.71 6516.01 140.71 7445.57 140.71 8329.76 140.71 9168.6 401.66 -9436.69 401.66 -8737.13 401.66 -8037.57 401.66 -7338 401.66 -6638.44 401.66 -5938.88

2.52 2.52 2.52 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 12.62 12.62 12.62 12.62 12.62 12.62

-1217.63 -1217.63 -1217.63 981.27 981.27 981.27 981.27 981.27 981.27 981.27 981.27 981.27 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 -2741.51 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 2331.02 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 -2122.32 3210.03 3210.03 3210.03 3210.03 3210.03 3210.03

386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

401.66 401.66 401.66 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 188.71 367.88 367.88 367.88 367.88 367.88 367.88 367.88 367.88 367.88 178.83 178.83 178.83 178.83 178.83 178.83 178.83 178.83 178.83 345.18 345.18 345.18 345.18 345.18 345.18 345.18 345.18 345.18 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45 165.45

-5239.32 -4539.76 -3840.2 2190.13 2949.63 3829.01 4828.28 5947.42 7066.56 8065.82 8945.2 9704.7 -8929.76 -8230.19 -7530.63 -6831.07 -6131.51 -5431.95 -4732.38 -4032.82 -3333.26 1984.1 2728.41 3562.23 4485.56 5498.39 6511.22 7434.54 8268.36 9012.67 -8929.52 -8229.96 -7530.4 -6830.84 -6131.28 -5431.72 -4732.15 -4032.59 -3333.03 1983.94 2728.26 3562.08 4485.4 5498.23 6511.06

12.62 12.62 12.62 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 11.96 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29

3210.03 3210.03 3210.03 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 -2882.33 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 2758.05 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 -2486.02 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 2755.89 -2483.98 -2483.98 -2483.98 -2483.98 -2483.98 -2483.98

386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

165.45 165.45 165.45 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 1361.8 788.4 788.4 788.4 788.4 788.4 788.4 788.4 788.4 788.4 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -468.2 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 -284.19 2191.32 2191.32 2191.32 2191.32 2191.32 2191.32

7434.38 8268.2 9012.52 -385.23 -214.93 -44.63 125.66 295.96 466.26 636.55 806.85 977.15 2845.04 3015.33 3185.63 3355.92 3526.22 3696.52 3866.81 4037.11 4207.41 -4586.62 -4416.33 -4246.03 -4075.73 -3905.44 -3735.14 -3564.85 -3394.55 -3224.25 -1048.86 -878.56 -708.27 -537.97 -367.67 -197.38 -27.08 143.22 313.51 -1711.02 -1540.72 -1370.43 -1200.13 -1029.84 -859.54

-0.29 -2483.98 -0.29 -2483.98 -0.29 -2483.98 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 46.33 959.17 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 1.66 -412.62 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -16.05 510.32 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 -4.52 -841.24 46.79 1424.11 46.79 1424.11 46.79 1424.11 46.79 1424.11 46.79 1424.11 46.79 1424.11

386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

2191.32 2191.32 2191.32 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 1037.45 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -1297.73 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 -533.24 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 1249.86 695.67 695.67 695.67 695.67 695.67 695.67

-689.24 -518.95 -348.65 1623.06 1793.36 1963.65 2133.95 2304.24 2474.54 2644.84 2815.13 2985.43 -3260.83 -3090.53 -2920.23 -2749.94 -2579.64 -2409.35 -2239.05 -2068.75 -1898.46 173.12 343.41 513.71 684.01 854.3 1024.6 1194.9 1365.19 1535.49 -6828.72 -6129.16 -5429.6 -4730.03 -4030.47 -3330.91 -2631.35 -1931.79 -1232.23 3930.82 4675.13 5508.95 6432.27 7445.1 8457.93

46.79 46.79 46.79 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -16.5 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85

1424.11 1424.11 1424.11 41.34 41.34 41.34 41.34 41.34 41.34 41.34 41.34 41.34 45.38 45.38 45.38 45.38 45.38 45.38 45.38 45.38 45.38 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 -1295.2 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 2979.33 -2268.74 -2268.74 -2268.74 -2268.74 -2268.74 -2268.74

386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

695.67 9381.26 695.67 10215.08 695.67 10959.39 -580.14 -11030.12 -580.14 -10330.56 -580.14 -9630.99 -580.14 -8931.43 -580.14 -8231.87 -580.14 -7532.31 -580.14 -6832.75 -580.14 -6133.19 -580.14 -5433.62 -376.93 36.92 -376.93 781.24 -376.93 1615.06 -376.93 2538.38 -376.93 3551.21 -376.93 4564.04 -376.93 5487.36 -376.93 6321.18 -376.93 7065.5 2079.38 -8154.52 2079.38 -7454.95 2079.38 -6755.39 2079.38 -6055.83 2079.38 -5356.27 2079.38 -4656.71 2079.38 -3957.15 2079.38 -3257.58 2079.38 -2558.02 944.71 2708.84 944.71 3453.16 944.71 4286.97 944.71 5210.3 944.71 6223.13 944.71 7235.96 944.71 8159.28 944.71 8993.1 944.71 9737.41 -1409.67 -9704.32 -1409.67 -9004.76 -1409.67 -8305.2 -1409.67 -7605.64 -1409.67 -6906.08 -1409.67 -6206.51

2.85 2.85 2.85 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -19.62 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 43.21 43.21 43.21 43.21 43.21 43.21 43.21 43.21 43.21 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 -20.08 -20.08 -20.08 -20.08 -20.08 -20.08

-2268.74 -2268.74 -2268.74 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 2530.49 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 -2697.37 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 3444.28 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 -1814.79 2065.54 2065.54 2065.54 2065.54 2065.54 2065.54

386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1409.67 -5506.95 -1409.67 -4807.39 -1409.67 -4107.83 -625.98 1258.9 -625.98 2003.21 -625.98 2837.03 -625.98 3760.36 -625.98 4773.19 -625.98 5786.02 -625.98 6709.34 -625.98 7543.16 -625.98 8287.47 81.11 -9636.82 81.11 -8797.98 81.11 -7913.79 81.11 -6984.23 81.11 -6009.31 81.11 -5034.4 81.11 -4104.84 81.11 -3220.65 81.11 -2381.81 94.67 2499.29 94.67 3338.12 94.67 4222.32 94.67 5151.88 94.67 6126.79 94.67 7101.71 94.67 8031.26 94.67 8915.46 94.67 9754.29 107.43 -10520.73 107.43 -9761.23 107.43 -8881.85 107.43 -7882.59 107.43 -6763.45 107.43 -5644.3 107.43 -4645.04 107.43 -3765.66 107.43 -3006.16 111.29 3161.15 111.29 3920.66 111.29 4800.04 111.29 5799.3 111.29 6918.44 111.29 8037.58

-20.08 -20.08 -20.08 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 -7.19 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53 -1.53

2065.54 2065.54 2065.54 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 -3151.32 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 1224.59 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 -1492.42 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 1898.29 -2143.76 -2143.76 -2143.76 -2143.76 -2143.76 -2143.76

387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

111.29 111.29 111.29 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 102.44 106.47 106.47 106.47 106.47 106.47 106.47 106.47 106.47 106.47 94.56 94.56 94.56 94.56 94.56 94.56 94.56 94.56 94.56 100.93 100.93 100.93 100.93 100.93 100.93 100.93 100.93 100.93 593.02 593.02 593.02 593.02 593.02 593.02

9036.84 9916.23 10675.73 -9672.95 -8928.64 -8094.82 -7171.49 -6158.67 -5145.84 -4222.51 -3388.69 -2644.38 2779.1 3523.41 4357.23 5280.56 6293.38 7306.21 8229.54 9063.36 9807.67 -9673 -8928.68 -8094.86 -7171.54 -6158.71 -5145.88 -4222.56 -3388.74 -2644.42 2779.07 3523.38 4357.2 5280.53 6293.36 7306.18 8229.51 9063.33 9807.64 -696.19 -525.9 -355.6 -185.31 -15.01 155.29

-1.53 -1.53 -1.53 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.56

-2143.76 -2143.76 -2143.76 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 1582.59 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 -1822.09 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 1580.42 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 -1819.92 902.48 902.48 902.48 902.48 902.48 902.48

387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

593.02 593.02 593.02 937.48 937.48 937.48 937.48 937.48 937.48 937.48 937.48 937.48 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -353.61 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 -770.5 790.79 790.79 790.79 790.79 790.79 790.79 790.79 790.79 790.79 922.09 922.09 922.09 922.09 922.09 922.09

325.58 495.88 666.18 3388.61 3558.91 3729.2 3899.5 4069.79 4240.09 4410.39 4580.68 4750.98 -4695.47 -4525.17 -4354.88 -4184.58 -4014.28 -3843.99 -3673.69 -3503.4 -3333.1 -615.2 -444.9 -274.61 -104.31 65.99 236.28 406.58 576.88 747.17 -1967.27 -1796.98 -1626.68 -1456.38 -1286.09 -1115.79 -945.49 -775.2 -604.9 2120.91 2291.21 2461.5 2631.8 2802.1 2972.39

9.56 9.56 9.56 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -3.94 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01

902.48 902.48 902.48 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 -413.01 455.29 455.29 455.29 455.29 455.29 455.29 455.29 455.29 455.29 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 -887.66 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 1417.42 87.41 87.41 87.41 87.41 87.41 87.41

387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

922.09 3142.69 922.09 3312.99 922.09 3483.28 -551.38 -3424.39 -551.38 -3254.1 -551.38 -3083.8 -551.38 -2913.5 -551.38 -2743.21 -551.38 -2572.91 -551.38 -2402.61 -551.38 -2232.32 -551.38 -2062.02 -755.11 652.5 -755.11 822.8 -755.11 993.09 -755.11 1163.39 -755.11 1333.69 -755.11 1503.98 -755.11 1674.28 -755.11 1844.57 -755.11 2014.87 564.3 -7673.38 564.3 -6929.07 564.3 -6095.25 564.3 -5171.92 564.3 -4159.09 564.3 -3146.27 564.3 -2222.94 564.3 -1389.12 564.3 -644.81 952.4 4780.96 952.4 5525.27 952.4 6359.09 952.4 7282.42 952.4 8295.25 952.4 9308.08 952.4 10231.4 952.4 11065.22 952.4 11809.53 -382.34 -11672.66 -382.34 -10928.34 -382.34 -10094.52 -382.34 -9171.2 -382.34 -8158.37 -382.34 -7145.54

4.01 4.01 4.01 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 -8.62 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -5.78

87.41 87.41 87.41 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -59.66 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 -1388.08 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 1803.02 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 -1581.62 1355.84 1355.84 1355.84 1355.84 1355.84 1355.84

387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387 387

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-382.34 -6222.22 -382.34 -5388.4 -382.34 -4644.08 -755.58 777.15 -755.58 1521.47 -755.58 2355.29 -755.58 3278.61 -755.58 4291.44 -755.58 5304.27 -755.58 6227.59 -755.58 7061.41 -755.58 7805.73 762.06 -8944.46 762.06 -8200.15 762.06 -7366.33 762.06 -6443 762.06 -5430.17 762.06 -4417.34 762.06 -3494.02 762.06 -2660.2 762.06 -1915.89 937.01 3513.26 937.01 4257.58 937.01 5091.4 937.01 6014.72 937.01 7027.55 937.01 8040.38 937.01 8963.7 937.01 9797.52 937.01 10541.84 -580.11 -10401.58 -580.11 -9657.26 -580.11 -8823.45 -580.11 -7900.12 -580.11 -6887.29 -580.11 -5874.46 -580.11 -4951.14 -580.11 -4117.32 -580.11 -3373.01 -740.19 2044.85 -740.19 2789.16 -740.19 3622.98 -740.19 4546.31 -740.19 5559.14 -740.19 6571.97

-5.78 -5.78 -5.78 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -7.03 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08 -8.08

1355.84 1355.84 1355.84 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 -2056.26 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 2317.97 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 -1081.19 840.89 840.89 840.89 840.89 840.89 840.89 840.89 840.89 840.89 -2556.69 -2556.69 -2556.69 -2556.69 -2556.69 -2556.69

387 387 387 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-740.19 7495.29 -740.19 8329.11 -740.19 9073.42 72.22 -9644.4 72.22 -8805.57 72.22 -7921.37 72.22 -6991.82 72.22 -6016.9 72.22 -5041.99 72.22 -4112.43 72.22 -3228.24 72.22 -2389.4 14.18 2447.57 14.18 3286.41 14.18 4170.6 14.18 5100.16 14.18 6075.07 14.18 7049.99 14.18 7979.55 14.18 8863.74 14.18 9702.58 95.73 -10561.88 95.73 -9802.37 95.73 -8922.99 95.73 -7923.73 95.73 -6804.59 95.73 -5685.45 95.73 -4686.19 95.73 -3806.8 95.73 -3047.3 33.73 3119.59 33.73 3879.09 33.73 4758.47 33.73 5757.74 33.73 6876.88 33.73 7996.02 33.73 8995.28 33.73 9874.66 33.73 10634.17 88.02 -9701.47 88.02 -8957.15 88.02 -8123.33 88.02 -7200.01 88.02 -6187.18 88.02 -5174.35

-8.08 -8.08 -8.08 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 -1.32 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77

-2556.69 -2556.69 -2556.69 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 1354.75 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 -1360.68 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 2042.98 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 1714.85 1714.85 1714.85 1714.85 1714.85 1714.85

388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

88.02 88.02 88.02 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.15 83.77 83.77 83.77 83.77 83.77 83.77 83.77 83.77 83.77 26.15 26.15 26.15 26.15 26.15 26.15 26.15 26.15 26.15 339.65 339.65 339.65 339.65 339.65 339.65 339.65 339.65 339.65 1131.67 1131.67 1131.67 1131.67 1131.67 1131.67

-4251.03 -3417.21 -2672.89 2736.11 3480.43 4314.25 5237.57 6250.4 7263.23 8186.56 9020.37 9764.69 -9701.2 -8956.89 -8123.07 -7199.75 -6186.92 -5174.09 -4250.76 -3416.94 -2672.63 2736.41 3480.73 4314.55 5237.87 6250.7 7263.53 8186.85 9020.67 9764.99 -719.36 -549.06 -378.77 -208.47 -38.17 132.12 302.42 472.72 643.01 3350.9 3521.2 3691.49 3861.79 4032.08 4202.38

2.77 2.77 2.77 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.27 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13

1714.85 1714.85 1714.85 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 -1713.61 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 1712.69 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 -1711.46 889.37 889.37 889.37 889.37 889.37 889.37 889.37 889.37 889.37 -410.19 -410.19 -410.19 -410.19 -410.19 -410.19

388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

1131.67 1131.67 1131.67 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -184.95 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 -1019.33 820.99 820.99 820.99 820.99 820.99 820.99 820.99 820.99 820.99 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 1072.39 -666.28 -666.28 -666.28 -666.28 -666.28 -666.28

4372.68 4542.97 4713.27 -4708.94 -4538.64 -4368.35 -4198.05 -4027.75 -3857.46 -3687.16 -3516.86 -3346.57 -646.07 -475.77 -305.48 -135.18 35.11 205.41 375.71 546 716.3 -1988.86 -1818.56 -1648.27 -1477.97 -1307.67 -1137.38 -967.08 -796.78 -626.49 2088.55 2258.84 2429.14 2599.44 2769.73 2940.03 3110.33 3280.62 3450.92 -3439.44 -3269.14 -3098.85 -2928.55 -2758.25 -2587.96

2.13 2.13 2.13 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 -6.69 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32

-410.19 -410.19 -410.19 429.29 429.29 429.29 429.29 429.29 429.29 429.29 429.29 429.29 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 -900.26 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 1398.13 83.93 83.93 83.93 83.93 83.93 83.93 83.93 83.93 83.93 -79.47 -79.47 -79.47 -79.47 -79.47 -79.47

388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-666.28 -2417.66 -666.28 -2247.37 -666.28 -2077.07 -960.05 616.28 -960.05 786.58 -960.05 956.87 -960.05 1127.17 -960.05 1297.47 -960.05 1467.76 -960.05 1638.06 -960.05 1808.35 -960.05 1978.65 344.14 -7706.29 344.14 -6961.98 344.14 -6128.16 344.14 -5204.84 344.14 -4192.01 344.14 -3179.18 344.14 -2255.85 344.14 -1422.03 344.14 -677.72 1100.29 4735.03 1100.29 5479.35 1100.29 6313.17 1100.29 7236.49 1100.29 8249.32 1100.29 9262.15 1100.29 10185.47 1100.29 11019.29 1100.29 11763.61 -180.47 -11695.87 -180.47 -10951.56 -180.47 -10117.74 -180.47 -9194.42 -180.47 -8181.59 -180.47 -7168.76 -180.47 -6245.43 -180.47 -5411.61 -180.47 -4667.3 -1050.71 738.06 -1050.71 1482.38 -1050.71 2316.2 -1050.71 3239.52 -1050.71 4252.35 -1050.71 5265.18

-5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03

-79.47 -79.47 -79.47 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 -1394.39 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 1941.75 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 -1465.45 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 1481.66 -1955.52 -1955.52 -1955.52 -1955.52 -1955.52 -1955.52

388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 389 389 389 389 389 389

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1050.71 6188.5 -1050.71 7022.32 -1050.71 7766.64 825.47 -8975.79 825.47 -8231.48 825.47 -7397.66 825.47 -6474.34 825.47 -5461.51 825.47 -4448.68 825.47 -3525.35 825.47 -2691.53 825.47 -1947.22 1041.01 3472.68 1041.01 4217 1041.01 5050.82 1041.01 5974.14 1041.01 6986.97 1041.01 7999.8 1041.01 8923.12 1041.01 9756.94 1041.01 10501.26 -661.8 -10426.37 -661.8 -9682.06 -661.8 -8848.24 -661.8 -7924.92 -661.8 -6912.09 -661.8 -5899.26 -661.8 -4975.93 -661.8 -4142.11 -661.8 -3397.8 -991.43 2000.42 -991.43 2744.73 -991.43 3578.55 -991.43 4501.87 -991.43 5514.7 -991.43 6527.53 -991.43 7450.86 -991.43 8284.67 -991.43 9028.99 -13.92 -10043.66 -13.92 -9204.83 -13.92 -8320.63 -13.92 -7391.08 -13.92 -6416.16 -13.92 -5441.25

-6.03 -6.03 -6.03 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.41 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 -8.47 4 4 4 4 4 4

-1955.52 -1955.52 -1955.52 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 2450.51 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 -971.32 972.9 972.9 972.9 972.9 972.9 972.9 972.9 972.9 972.9 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 -2449.65 1145.31 1145.31 1145.31 1145.31 1145.31 1145.31

389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-13.92 -4511.69 -13.92 -3627.49 -13.92 -2788.66 -72.72 2204.56 -72.72 3043.39 -72.72 3927.59 -72.72 4857.14 -72.72 5832.06 -72.72 6806.97 -72.72 7736.53 -72.72 8620.72 -72.72 9459.56 0.69 -11049.7 0.69 -10290.2 0.69 -9410.81 0.69 -8411.55 0.69 -7292.41 0.69 -6173.27 0.69 -5174.01 0.69 -4294.62 0.69 -3535.12 -69.59 2854.96 -69.59 3614.46 -69.59 4493.85 -69.59 5493.11 -69.59 6612.25 -69.59 7731.39 -69.59 8730.65 -69.59 9610.03 -69.59 10369.54 1.25 -10133.83 1.25 -9389.52 1.25 -8555.7 1.25 -7632.37 1.25 -6619.54 1.25 -5606.71 1.25 -4683.39 1.25 -3849.57 1.25 -3105.26 -62.41 2493.67 -62.41 3237.99 -62.41 4071.81 -62.41 4995.13 -62.41 6007.96 -62.41 7020.79

4 4 4 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23

1145.31 1145.31 1145.31 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 -1808.16 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 1836.69 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 -2545.56 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 1519.26 -2173.26 -2173.26 -2173.26 -2173.26 -2173.26 -2173.26

389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-62.41 -62.41 -62.41 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -3.27 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 -66.22 436.77 436.77 436.77 436.77 436.77 436.77 436.77 436.77 436.77 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 1220.09 -278.78 -278.78 -278.78 -278.78 -278.78 -278.78

7944.11 8777.93 9522.25 -10134.3 -9389.99 -8556.17 -7632.84 -6620.01 -5607.18 -4683.86 -3850.04 -3105.73 2493.06 3237.38 4071.2 4994.52 6007.35 7020.18 7943.5 8777.32 9521.64 -862.24 -691.95 -521.65 -351.35 -181.06 -10.76 159.54 329.83 500.13 3250.77 3421.06 3591.36 3761.66 3931.95 4102.25 4272.55 4442.84 4613.14 -4848.48 -4678.18 -4507.88 -4337.59 -4167.29 -3997

-2.23 -2.23 -2.23 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73 6.73 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82

-2173.26 -2173.26 -2173.26 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 1516.53 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 -2172.33 889.2 889.2 889.2 889.2 889.2 889.2 889.2 889.2 889.2 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 -482.04 396.69 396.69 396.69 396.69 396.69 396.69

389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-278.78 -278.78 -278.78 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 -1095.23 802.62 802.62 802.62 802.62 802.62 802.62 802.62 802.62 802.62 830.87 830.87 830.87 830.87 830.87 830.87 830.87 830.87 830.87 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -644.63 -706.02 -706.02 -706.02 -706.02 -706.02 -706.02

-3826.7 -3656.4 -3486.11 -662.25 -491.96 -321.66 -151.37 18.93 189.23 359.52 529.82 700.12 -2125.14 -1954.84 -1784.55 -1614.25 -1443.96 -1273.66 -1103.36 -933.07 -762.77 2011.99 2182.29 2352.58 2522.88 2693.18 2863.47 3033.77 3204.07 3374.36 -3585.58 -3415.28 -3244.99 -3074.69 -2904.39 -2734.1 -2563.8 -2393.5 -2223.21 576.52 746.82 917.11 1087.41 1257.71 1428

-1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 -5.27 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68 -8.68

396.69 396.69 396.69 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 -1024.27 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 1377.68 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -91.79 -1515.18 -1515.18 -1515.18 -1515.18 -1515.18 -1515.18

389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-706.02 1598.3 -706.02 1768.59 -706.02 1938.89 352.45 -8141.4 352.45 -7397.08 352.45 -6563.26 352.45 -5639.94 352.45 -4627.11 352.45 -3614.28 352.45 -2690.96 352.45 -1857.14 352.45 -1112.82 1089.71 4449.3 1089.71 5193.61 1089.71 6027.43 1089.71 6950.75 1089.71 7963.58 1089.71 8976.41 1089.71 9899.74 1089.71 10733.56 1089.71 11477.87 -363.1 -12127.63 -363.1 -11383.32 -363.1 -10549.5 -363.1 -9626.17 -363.1 -8613.34 -363.1 -7600.52 -363.1 -6677.19 -363.1 -5843.37 -363.1 -5099.06 -1225.61 536.27 -1225.61 1280.59 -1225.61 2114.41 -1225.61 3037.73 -1225.61 4050.56 -1225.61 5063.39 -1225.61 5986.72 -1225.61 6820.53 -1225.61 7564.85 718.3 -9404.29 718.3 -8659.98 718.3 -7826.16 718.3 -6902.84 718.3 -5890.01 718.3 -4877.18

-8.68 -8.68 -8.68 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 -5.59 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.02

-1515.18 -1515.18 -1515.18 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 1761.55 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 -1900.79 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 1269.04 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 -2443.01 2250.03 2250.03 2250.03 2250.03 2250.03 2250.03

389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

718.3 -3953.85 718.3 -3120.04 718.3 -2375.72 700.49 3210.52 700.49 3954.84 700.49 4788.65 700.49 5711.98 700.49 6724.81 700.49 7737.64 700.49 8660.96 700.49 9494.78 700.49 10239.1 -728.95 -10864.73 -728.95 -10120.42 -728.95 -9286.6 -728.95 -8363.28 -728.95 -7350.45 -728.95 -6337.62 -728.95 -5414.29 -728.95 -4580.47 -728.95 -3836.16 -836.4 1775.05 -836.4 2519.36 -836.4 3353.18 -836.4 4276.51 -836.4 5289.34 -836.4 6302.17 -836.4 7225.49 -836.4 8059.31 -836.4 8803.62 -45.07 -1774.63 -45.07 -1487.05 -45.07 -1154.1 -45.07 -775.79 -45.07 -352.13 -45.07 71.54 -45.07 449.84 -45.07 782.79 -45.07 1070.37 -23.37 -2168.05 -23.37 -1881.05 -23.37 -1474.17 -23.37 -947.41 -23.37 -300.77 -23.37 345.88

8.02 8.02 8.02 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 -9.01 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55

2250.03 2250.03 2250.03 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 -1409.88 780.55 780.55 780.55 780.55 780.55 780.55 780.55 780.55 780.55 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -2933.93 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -160.61 -346.12 -346.12 -346.12 -346.12 -346.12 -346.12

390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-23.37 -23.37 -23.37 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 -29.5 420.29 420.29 420.29 420.29 420.29 420.29 420.29 420.29 420.29 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 -423.51 209.21 209.21 209.21 209.21 209.21 209.21

872.64 1279.52 1566.52 -1916.92 -1645.11 -1283.79 -832.96 -292.63 247.69 698.52 1059.84 1331.65 -1924.21 -1652.39 -1291.07 -840.25 -299.92 240.41 691.23 1052.55 1324.37 5031.15 5201.45 5371.74 5542.04 5712.33 5882.63 6052.93 6223.22 6393.52 -6198.45 -6028.15 -5857.86 -5687.56 -5517.26 -5346.97 -5176.67 -5006.37 -4836.08 1124.44 1294.74 1465.03 1635.33 1805.63 1975.92

0.55 0.55 0.55 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83

-346.12 -346.12 -346.12 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -265.81 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -267.64 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -99.8 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -149.75 -81.72 -81.72 -81.72 -81.72 -81.72 -81.72

390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

209.21 209.21 209.21 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 -212.43 393.48 393.48 393.48 393.48 393.48 393.48 393.48 393.48 393.48 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 -450.31 182.41 182.41 182.41 182.41 182.41 182.41 182.41 182.41 182.41 -239.23 -239.23 -239.23 -239.23 -239.23 -239.23

2146.22 2316.52 2486.81 -2291.74 -2121.44 -1951.15 -1780.85 -1610.56 -1440.26 -1269.96 -1099.67 -929.37 3687.28 3959.09 4320.41 4771.24 5311.57 5851.9 6302.72 6664.04 6935.85 -7542.32 -7270.5 -6909.19 -6458.36 -5918.03 -5377.7 -4926.88 -4565.56 -4293.74 -219.43 52.39 413.71 864.53 1404.86 1945.19 2396.01 2757.33 3029.15 -3635.61 -3363.8 -3002.48 -2551.65 -2011.32 -1471

2.83 2.83 2.83 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07

-81.72 -81.72 -81.72 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -167.83 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -243.49 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -293.45 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -225.42 -311.52 -311.52 -311.52 -311.52 -311.52 -311.52

390 390 390 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-239.23 -239.23 -239.23 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 -17.91 9.76 9.76 9.76 9.76 9.76 9.76 9.76 9.76 9.76 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 -0.06921 406.16 406.16 406.16 406.16 406.16 406.16

-1020.17 -658.85 -387.04 -3539.93 -2678.42 -1726.18 -683.23 450.45 1584.13 2627.08 3579.32 4440.83 -4261.89 -3442.45 -2383.25 -1084.29 454.43 1993.16 3292.12 4351.32 5170.76 -3815.08 -3026.01 -2057.94 -910.85 415.25 1741.34 2888.43 3856.51 4645.57 -3803.49 -3014.43 -2046.35 -899.26 426.83 1752.93 2900.02 3868.09 4657.16 4699.54 4869.84 5040.13 5210.43 5380.72 5551.02

-2.07 -2.07 -2.07 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 0.05405 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.09137 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03416 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 -0.03892 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36

-311.52 -311.52 -311.52 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -122.09 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -239.46 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -187.27 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -188.67 -61.6 -61.6 -61.6 -61.6 -61.6 -61.6

391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

406.16 406.16 406.16 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 150.38 150.38 150.38 150.38 150.38 150.38 150.38 150.38 150.38 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 -147.22 405.61 405.61 405.61 405.61 405.61 405.61 405.61 405.61 405.61 -403.55 -403.55 -403.55 -403.55 -403.55 -403.55

5721.32 5891.61 6061.91 -6298.45 -6128.15 -5957.86 -5787.56 -5617.26 -5446.97 -5276.67 -5106.37 -4936.08 860.3 1030.6 1200.9 1371.19 1541.49 1711.78 1882.08 2052.38 2222.67 -2459.21 -2288.92 -2118.62 -1948.32 -1778.03 -1607.73 -1437.44 -1267.14 -1096.84 1700.77 2489.84 3457.91 4605 5931.1 7257.19 8404.28 9372.36 10161.42 -9297.22 -8508.15 -7540.08 -6392.99 -5066.89 -3740.8

4.36 4.36 4.36 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47 -4.47

-61.6 -61.6 -61.6 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -126.72 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -45.11 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -143.2 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -156.74 -221.87 -221.87 -221.87 -221.87 -221.87 -221.87

391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-403.55 -403.55 -403.55 149.83 149.83 149.83 149.83 149.83 149.83 149.83 149.83 149.83 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 -147.77 35.08 35.08 35.08 35.08 35.08 35.08 35.08 35.08 35.08 55.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 55.58 26.04 26.04 26.04 26.04 26.04 26.04

-2593.71 -1625.63 -836.57 -2138.47 -1349.4 -381.32 765.76 2091.86 3417.96 4565.04 5533.12 6322.19 -5457.98 -4668.92 -3700.84 -2553.75 -1227.66 98.44 1245.53 2213.6 3002.67 -11693.42 -10831.9 -9879.67 -8836.71 -7703.04 -6569.36 -5526.4 -4574.17 -3712.65 4415.98 5277.49 6229.73 7272.68 8406.36 9540.03 10582.99 11535.22 12396.74 -14116.11 -13296.67 -12237.47 -10938.5 -9399.78 -7861.06

-4.47 -4.47 -4.47 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3

-221.87 -221.87 -221.87 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -140.26 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -238.35 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 -758.85 415.62 415.62 415.62 415.62 415.62 415.62 415.62 415.62 415.62 -1012.28 -1012.28 -1012.28 -1012.28 -1012.28 -1012.28

392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

26.04 26.04 26.04 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 33.65 33.65 33.65 33.65 33.65 33.65 33.65 33.65 33.65 53.89 53.89 53.89 53.89 53.89 53.89 53.89 53.89 53.89 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.44 49.11 49.11 49.11 49.11 49.11 49.11

-6562.1 -5502.9 -4683.46 5565.78 6385.22 7444.42 8743.38 10282.11 11820.83 13119.79 14178.99 14998.43 -12582.2 -11793.13 -10825.06 -9677.97 -8351.87 -7025.78 -5878.69 -4910.61 -4121.55 4896.02 5685.08 6653.16 7800.25 9126.34 10452.44 11599.53 12567.6 13356.67 -12581.32 -11792.25 -10824.17 -9677.09 -8350.99 -7024.89 -5877.81 -4909.73 -4120.66 4897.74 5686.81 6654.88 7801.97 9128.07 10454.16

-0.3 -1012.28 -0.3 -1012.28 -0.3 -1012.28 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.17 652.03 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 -0.46 -877.25 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 0.05927 542.93 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 -0.4 -876.69 0.004834 541.38 0.004834 541.38 0.004834 541.38 0.004834 541.38 0.004834 541.38 0.004834 541.38

392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

49.11 49.11 49.11 920.41 920.41 920.41 920.41 920.41 920.41 920.41 920.41 920.41 334.04 334.04 334.04 334.04 334.04 334.04 334.04 334.04 334.04 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -767.47 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 -184.94 426.32 426.32 426.32 426.32 426.32 426.32

11601.25 12569.33 13358.39 -1639.59 -1469.29 -1299 -1128.7 -958.41 -788.11 -617.81 -447.52 -277.22 4256.73 4427.03 4597.33 4767.62 4937.92 5108.22 5278.51 5448.81 5619.11 -5349.52 -5179.23 -5008.93 -4838.64 -4668.34 -4498.04 -4327.75 -4157.45 -3987.15 481.41 651.7 822 992.3 1162.59 1332.89 1503.19 1673.48 1843.78 -2925.76 -2755.47 -2585.17 -2414.88 -2244.58 -2074.28

0.004834 0.004834 0.004834 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75

541.38 541.38 541.38 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 -91.32 589.19 589.19 589.19 589.19 589.19 589.19 589.19 589.19 589.19 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 -654.61 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 466.4 466.4 466.4 466.4 466.4 466.4

392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

426.32 -1903.99 426.32 -1733.69 426.32 -1563.39 250.76 2949.87 250.76 3120.17 250.76 3290.46 250.76 3460.76 250.76 3631.05 250.76 3801.35 250.76 3971.65 250.76 4141.94 250.76 4312.24 -273.39 -4063.35 -273.39 -3893.06 -273.39 -3722.76 -273.39 -3552.46 -273.39 -3382.17 -273.39 -3211.87 -273.39 -3041.57 -273.39 -2871.28 -273.39 -2700.98 -101.66 1788.27 -101.66 1958.57 -101.66 2128.87 -101.66 2299.16 -101.66 2469.46 -101.66 2639.75 -101.66 2810.05 -101.66 2980.35 -101.66 3150.64 870.01 -10725.95 870.01 -9936.88 870.01 -8968.81 870.01 -7821.72 870.01 -6495.62 870.01 -5169.52 870.01 -4022.44 870.01 -3054.36 870.01 -2265.29 306.43 6786.18 306.43 7575.25 306.43 8543.33 306.43 9690.41 306.43 11016.51 306.43 12342.61

9.75 9.75 9.75 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8

466.4 466.4 466.4 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 1147.53 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -1212.33 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -503.18 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 -594.78 807.69 807.69 807.69 807.69 807.69 807.69

392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

306.43 306.43 306.43 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -817.87 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 -212.54 375.93 375.93 375.93 375.93 375.93 375.93 375.93 375.93 375.93 223.16 223.16 223.16 223.16 223.16 223.16 223.16 223.16 223.16 -323.78 -323.78 -323.78 -323.78 -323.78 -323.78

13489.7 14457.77 15246.84 -14435.88 -13646.82 -12678.74 -11531.65 -10205.56 -8879.46 -7732.37 -6764.29 -5975.23 3010.86 3799.93 4768 5915.09 7241.19 8567.28 9714.37 10682.45 11471.51 -12012.12 -11223.05 -10254.98 -9107.89 -7781.79 -6455.7 -5308.61 -4340.53 -3551.47 5479.32 6268.39 7236.46 8383.55 9709.65 11035.74 12182.83 13150.91 13939.97 -13149.71 -12360.64 -11392.57 -10245.48 -8919.38 -7593.29

1.8 1.8 1.8 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 -1.84 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -10.74

807.69 807.69 807.69 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 -1158.08 273.65 273.65 273.65 273.65 273.65 273.65 273.65 273.65 273.65 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 -37.07 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 1366.02 -1715.8 -1715.8 -1715.8 -1715.8 -1715.8 -1715.8

392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-323.78 -323.78 -323.78 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 -129.27 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 63.17 63.17 63.17 63.17 63.17 63.17 63.17 63.17 63.17 57.88 57.88 57.88 57.88 57.88 57.88 57.88 57.88 57.88 72.42 72.42 72.42 72.42 72.42 72.42

-6446.2 -5478.12 -4689.05 4317.72 5106.79 6074.87 7221.95 8548.05 9874.15 11021.23 11989.31 12778.38 -12087.87 -11226.36 -10274.12 -9231.17 -8097.49 -6963.82 -5920.86 -4968.63 -4107.11 4111.68 4973.19 5925.43 6968.38 8102.06 9235.73 10278.69 11230.92 12092.44 -14572.39 -13752.95 -12693.75 -11394.78 -9856.06 -8317.34 -7018.38 -5959.18 -5139.74 5116.08 5935.52 6994.73 8293.69 9832.41 11371.13

-10.74 -10.74 -10.74 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28

-1715.8 -1715.8 -1715.8 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -284.68 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 -556.34 553.53 553.53 553.53 553.53 553.53 553.53 553.53 553.53 553.53 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 -771.11 772.41 772.41 772.41 772.41 772.41 772.41

393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

72.42 72.42 72.42 57.85 57.85 57.85 57.85 57.85 57.85 57.85 57.85 57.85 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 54.83 54.83 54.83 54.83 54.83 54.83 54.83 54.83 54.83 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 662.92 662.92 662.92 662.92 662.92 662.92

12670.09 13729.29 14548.74 -12991.78 -12202.71 -11234.64 -10087.55 -8761.45 -7435.36 -6288.27 -5320.19 -4531.13 4518.83 5307.89 6275.97 7423.06 8749.15 10075.25 11222.34 12190.41 12979.48 -12992.93 -12203.87 -11235.79 -10088.7 -8762.61 -7436.51 -6289.42 -5321.35 -4532.28 4519.11 5308.18 6276.26 7423.34 8749.44 10075.54 11222.62 12190.7 12979.77 -1694.43 -1524.13 -1353.84 -1183.54 -1013.25 -842.95

-0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.01921 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 -0.08025 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03

772.41 772.41 772.41 -662 -662 -662 -662 -662 -662 -662 -662 -662 661.87 661.87 661.87 661.87 661.87 661.87 661.87 661.87 661.87 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 -660.95 660.85 660.85 660.85 660.85 660.85 660.85 660.85 660.85 660.85 -44.92 -44.92 -44.92 -44.92 -44.92 -44.92

393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

662.92 662.92 662.92 181.8 181.8 181.8 181.8 181.8 181.8 181.8 181.8 181.8 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -551.65 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 -40.1 369.35 369.35 369.35 369.35 369.35 369.35 369.35 369.35 369.35 228.9 228.9 228.9 228.9 228.9 228.9

-672.65 -502.36 -332.06 4099.66 4269.96 4440.26 4610.55 4780.85 4951.14 5121.44 5291.74 5462.03 -5464.5 -5294.2 -5123.9 -4953.61 -4783.31 -4613.01 -4442.72 -4272.42 -4102.13 333.39 503.69 673.98 844.28 1014.58 1184.87 1355.17 1525.46 1695.76 -2998.79 -2828.49 -2658.2 -2487.9 -2317.6 -2147.31 -1977.01 -1806.72 -1636.42 2795.33 2965.63 3135.93 3306.22 3476.52 3646.82

2.03 2.03 2.03 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 -2.49 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76

-44.92 -44.92 -44.92 575.93 575.93 575.93 575.93 575.93 575.93 575.93 575.93 575.93 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 -586.42 57.06 57.06 57.06 57.06 57.06 57.06 57.06 57.06 57.06 512.16 512.16 512.16 512.16 512.16 512.16 512.16 512.16 512.16 1142.86 1142.86 1142.86 1142.86 1142.86 1142.86

393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

228.9 228.9 228.9 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -258.09 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 -87.2 660.75 660.75 660.75 660.75 660.75 660.75 660.75 660.75 660.75 175.46 175.46 175.46 175.46 175.46 175.46 175.46 175.46 175.46 -553.82 -553.82 -553.82 -553.82 -553.82 -553.82

3817.11 3987.41 4157.7 -4160.14 -3989.84 -3819.54 -3649.25 -3478.95 -3308.66 -3138.36 -2968.06 -2797.77 1637.72 1808.02 1978.31 2148.61 2318.9 2489.2 2659.5 2829.79 3000.09 -11108.43 -10319.36 -9351.28 -8204.2 -6878.1 -5552 -4404.92 -3436.84 -2647.77 6402.38 7191.45 8159.52 9306.61 10632.71 11958.8 13105.89 14073.97 14863.03 -14878.49 -14089.42 -13121.35 -11974.26 -10648.16 -9322.07

6.76 6.76 6.76 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 -3.15 -3.15 -3.15 -3.15 -3.15 -3.15

1142.86 1142.86 1142.86 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -1143.5 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -509.86 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 -389.72 919.83 919.83 919.83 919.83 919.83 919.83 919.83 919.83 919.83 -931.22 -931.22 -931.22 -931.22 -931.22 -931.22

393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-553.82 -553.82 -553.82 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 -46.44 367.18 367.18 367.18 367.18 367.18 367.18 367.18 367.18 367.18 222.56 222.56 222.56 222.56 222.56 222.56 222.56 222.56 222.56 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -260.26 -93.54 -93.54 -93.54 -93.54 -93.54 -93.54

-8174.98 -7206.9 -6417.84 2636.11 3425.17 4393.25 5540.34 6866.43 8192.53 9339.62 10307.69 11096.76 -12412.79 -11623.72 -10655.64 -9508.55 -8182.46 -6856.36 -5709.27 -4741.2 -3952.13 5098.05 5887.12 6855.19 8002.28 9328.38 10654.47 11801.56 12769.64 13558.7 -13574.13 -12785.07 -11816.99 -10669.9 -9343.81 -8017.71 -6870.62 -5902.55 -5113.48 3940.44 4729.5 5697.58 6844.67 8170.76 9496.86

-3.15 -3.15 -3.15 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 -3.13 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -7.56 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33

-931.22 -931.22 -931.22 400.96 400.96 400.96 400.96 400.96 400.96 400.96 400.96 400.96 167.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 167.36 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 1486.75 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -1488.29 -165.97 -165.97 -165.97 -165.97 -165.97 -165.97

393 393 393 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-93.54 -93.54 -93.54 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 144.65 144.65 144.65 144.65 144.65 144.65 144.65 144.65 144.65 115.49 115.49 115.49 115.49 115.49 115.49 115.49 115.49 115.49 193.41 193.41 193.41 193.41 193.41 193.41 193.41 193.41 193.41 105.66 105.66 105.66 105.66 105.66 105.66

10643.95 11612.02 12401.09 -12021.49 -11159.98 -10207.74 -9164.79 -8031.11 -6897.44 -5854.48 -4902.25 -4040.73 4339.66 5201.17 6153.41 7196.36 8330.04 9463.71 10506.67 11458.9 12320.42 -14434.13 -13614.69 -12555.49 -11256.53 -9717.81 -8179.09 -6880.12 -5820.92 -5001.48 5513.15 6332.59 7391.79 8690.75 10229.47 11768.2 13067.16 14126.36 14945.8 -12884.54 -12095.47 -11127.39 -9980.31 -8654.21 -7328.11

-6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -1.34 -0.0667 -0.0667 -0.0667 -0.0667 -0.0667 -0.0667

-165.97 -165.97 -165.97 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 -553.87 473.7 473.7 473.7 473.7 473.7 473.7 473.7 473.7 473.7 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 -773.35 699.65 699.65 699.65 699.65 699.65 699.65 699.65 699.65 699.65 -662.72 -662.72 -662.72 -662.72 -662.72 -662.72

394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

105.66 -6181.03 105.66 -5212.95 105.66 -4423.88 173.6 4839.57 173.6 5628.63 173.6 6596.71 173.6 7743.8 173.6 9069.89 173.6 10395.99 173.6 11543.08 173.6 12511.15 173.6 13300.22 101.3 -12885.26 101.3 -12096.2 101.3 -11128.12 101.3 -9981.03 101.3 -8654.94 101.3 -7328.84 101.3 -6181.75 101.3 -5213.67 101.3 -4424.61 168.28 4840.45 168.28 5629.52 168.28 6597.6 168.28 7744.68 168.28 9070.78 168.28 10396.88 168.28 11543.97 168.28 12512.04 168.28 13301.11 601.33 -1699.53 601.33 -1529.24 601.33 -1358.94 601.33 -1188.65 601.33 -1018.35 601.33 -848.05 601.33 -677.76 601.33 -507.46 601.33 -337.16 181.94 4113.61 181.94 4283.91 181.94 4454.2 181.94 4624.5 181.94 4794.79 181.94 4965.09

-0.0667 -0.0667 -0.0667 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 0.02397 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49

-662.72 -662.72 -662.72 590.75 590.75 590.75 590.75 590.75 590.75 590.75 590.75 590.75 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 -661.57 589.72 589.72 589.72 589.72 589.72 589.72 589.72 589.72 589.72 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 -40.65 638.58 638.58 638.58 638.58 638.58 638.58

394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

181.94 181.94 181.94 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -456.56 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 339.34 339.34 339.34 339.34 339.34 339.34 339.34 339.34 339.34 297.66 297.66 297.66 297.66 297.66 297.66 297.66 297.66 297.66 -194.57 -194.57 -194.57 -194.57 -194.57 -194.57

5135.39 5305.68 5475.98 -5491.44 -5321.14 -5150.85 -4980.55 -4810.25 -4639.96 -4469.66 -4299.36 -4129.07 387.41 557.71 728.01 898.3 1068.6 1238.89 1409.19 1579.49 1749.78 -3011.15 -2840.86 -2670.56 -2500.27 -2329.97 -2159.67 -1989.38 -1819.08 -1648.78 2821.84 2992.14 3162.43 3332.73 3503.02 3673.32 3843.62 4013.91 4184.21 -4179.82 -4009.52 -3839.23 -3668.93 -3498.63 -3328.34

6.49 6.49 6.49 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45

638.58 638.58 638.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 -568.58 122.39 122.39 122.39 122.39 122.39 122.39 122.39 122.39 122.39 518.49 518.49 518.49 518.49 518.49 518.49 518.49 518.49 518.49 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 -1127.71 -1127.71 -1127.71 -1127.71 -1127.71 -1127.71

394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-194.57 -194.57 -194.57 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 -133.17 628.27 628.27 628.27 628.27 628.27 628.27 628.27 628.27 628.27 265.57 265.57 265.57 265.57 265.57 265.57 265.57 265.57 265.57 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 -429.62 66.16 66.16 66.16 66.16 66.16 66.16

-3158.04 -2987.74 -2817.45 1679.18 1849.48 2019.78 2190.07 2360.37 2530.66 2700.96 2871.26 3041.55 -10989.64 -10200.57 -9232.5 -8085.41 -6759.31 -5433.22 -4286.13 -3318.05 -2528.99 6703.96 7493.02 8461.1 9608.19 10934.28 12260.38 13407.47 14375.54 15164.61 -14781.54 -13992.48 -13024.4 -11877.31 -10551.22 -9225.12 -8078.03 -7109.96 -6320.89 2977.76 3766.83 4734.9 5881.99 7208.09 8534.18

-4.45 -1127.71 -4.45 -1127.71 -4.45 -1127.71 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 -9.83 -445.29 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 1.43 -397.08 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 4.75 847.34 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -1.3 -925.01 -6.93 331.15 -6.93 331.15 -6.93 331.15 -6.93 331.15 -6.93 331.15 -6.93 331.15

394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 395 395 395 395 395 395

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

66.16 66.16 66.16 366.28 366.28 366.28 366.28 366.28 366.28 366.28 366.28 366.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 381.28 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -167.63 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -49.55 -75.59 -75.59 -75.59 -75.59 -75.59 -75.59

9681.27 10649.35 11438.41 -12301.26 -11512.19 -10544.12 -9397.03 -8070.93 -6744.84 -5597.75 -4629.67 -3840.61 5412.19 6201.25 7169.33 8316.42 9642.51 10968.61 12115.7 13083.77 13872.84 -13469.92 -12680.86 -11712.78 -10565.69 -9239.6 -7913.5 -6766.41 -5798.34 -5009.27 4269.53 5058.6 6026.67 7173.76 8499.86 9825.95 10973.04 11941.12 12730.18 -11331.19 -11043.6 -10710.66 -10332.35 -9908.69 -9485.02

-6.93 -6.93 -6.93 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 -11.57 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74

331.15 331.15 331.15 162.05 162.05 162.05 162.05 162.05 162.05 162.05 162.05 162.05 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 1415.02 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -1484.14 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -236.53 -2383.62 -2383.62 -2383.62 -2383.62 -2383.62 -2383.62

395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-75.59 -75.59 -75.59 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -84.28 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -180.08 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -178.59 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -126.46 -131.65 -131.65 -131.65 -131.65 -131.65 -131.65

-9106.72 -8773.77 -8486.19 8147.83 8458.09 8859.08 9350.78 9933.21 10515.63 11007.34 11408.32 11718.59 -14938.01 -14651.01 -14244.13 -13717.36 -13070.72 -12424.08 -11897.32 -11490.44 -11203.43 10349.73 10696.67 11283.37 12109.84 13176.06 14242.28 15068.74 15655.44 16002.39 -12977.46 -12705.64 -12344.32 -11893.5 -11353.17 -10812.84 -10362.02 -10000.7 -9728.88 9086.61 9403.17 9898.75 10573.34 11426.93 12280.53

1.74 1.74 1.74 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83

-2383.62 -2383.62 -2383.62 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 2419.1 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 -3104.52 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 3116.49 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 -2707.87 2726.74 2726.74 2726.74 2726.74 2726.74 2726.74

395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-131.65 -131.65 -131.65 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -135.33 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 -137.68 423.52 423.52 423.52 423.52 423.52 423.52 423.52 423.52 423.52 699.11 699.11 699.11 699.11 699.11 699.11 699.11 699.11 699.11 -157.43 -157.43 -157.43 -157.43 -157.43 -157.43

12955.12 13450.69 13767.26 -12978.28 -12706.47 -12345.15 -11894.32 -11354 -10813.67 -10362.84 -10001.52 -9729.71 9087.39 9403.96 9899.54 10574.12 11427.72 12281.32 12955.9 13451.48 13768.05 -1564.71 -1394.42 -1224.12 -1053.83 -883.53 -713.23 -542.94 -372.64 -202.34 4005.22 4175.51 4345.81 4516.11 4686.4 4856.7 5027 5197.29 5367.59 -5311.71 -5141.41 -4971.11 -4800.82 -4630.52 -4460.22

-0.83 -0.83 -0.83 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 -0.87 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -7.24

2726.74 2726.74 2726.74 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 -2706.69 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 2725.57 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 -103.21 545.84 545.84 545.84 545.84 545.84 545.84 545.84 545.84 545.84 -594.47 -594.47 -594.47 -594.47 -594.47 -594.47

395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-157.43 -157.43 -157.43 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 -527.87 558.47 558.47 558.47 558.47 558.47 558.47 558.47 558.47 558.47 514.72 514.72 514.72 514.72 514.72 514.72 514.72 514.72 514.72 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -292.39 -343.48 -343.48 -343.48 -343.48 -343.48 -343.48

-4289.93 -4119.63 -3949.34 159.45 329.74 500.04 670.34 840.63 1010.93 1181.23 1351.52 1521.82 -2818.35 -2648.06 -2477.76 -2307.46 -2137.17 -1966.87 -1796.57 -1626.28 -1455.98 2686.74 2857.03 3027.33 3197.63 3367.92 3538.22 3708.52 3878.81 4049.11 -4058.07 -3887.77 -3717.48 -3547.18 -3376.88 -3206.59 -3036.29 -2865.99 -2695.7 1477.93 1648.22 1818.52 1988.82 2159.11 2329.41

-7.24 -7.24 -7.24 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 -3.97 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 10.72 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44

-594.47 -594.47 -594.47 45.04 45.04 45.04 45.04 45.04 45.04 45.04 45.04 45.04 440.96 440.96 440.96 440.96 440.96 440.96 440.96 440.96 440.96 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 1083.68 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -1138.64 -492.8 -492.8 -492.8 -492.8 -492.8 -492.8

395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-343.48 -343.48 -343.48 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 473.07 473.07 473.07 473.07 473.07 473.07 473.07 473.07 473.07 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -429.84 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 -753.91 286.06 286.06 286.06 286.06 286.06 286.06

2499.71 2670 2840.3 -11105.16 -10833.35 -10472.03 -10021.2 -9480.88 -8940.55 -8489.72 -8128.4 -7856.59 11010.63 11327.2 11822.78 12497.37 13350.96 14204.56 14879.15 15374.72 15691.29 -14852.15 -14580.34 -14219.02 -13768.2 -13227.87 -12687.54 -12236.71 -11875.39 -11603.58 7164.86 7481.43 7977.01 8651.59 9505.19 10358.79 11033.38 11528.95 11845.52 -12358.8 -12086.99 -11725.67 -11274.84 -10734.51 -10194.18

-6.44 -6.44 -6.44 9.18 9.18 9.18 9.18 9.18 9.18 9.18 9.18 9.18 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -4.72 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25

-492.8 -492.8 -492.8 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 -2460.52 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 2975.44 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 -2951.78 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 2474.64 -1916.35 -1916.35 -1916.35 -1916.35 -1916.35 -1916.35

395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

286.06 286.06 286.06 288.68 288.68 288.68 288.68 288.68 288.68 288.68 288.68 288.68 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -564.8 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 -569.53 23.38 23.38 23.38 23.38 23.38 23.38 23.38 23.38 23.38 10.81 10.81 10.81 10.81 10.81 10.81

-9743.36 -9382.04 -9110.23 9692.15 10008.72 10504.3 11178.88 12032.48 12886.08 13560.67 14056.24 14372.81 -13598.52 -13326.7 -12965.38 -12514.56 -11974.23 -11433.9 -10983.08 -10621.76 -10349.94 8483.34 8799.91 9295.49 9970.07 10823.67 11677.27 12351.86 12847.43 13164 -12044.8 -11183.28 -10231.05 -9188.09 -8054.42 -6920.74 -5877.78 -4925.55 -4064.03 3949.02 4810.53 5762.77 6805.72 7939.4 9073.07

13.25 13.25 13.25 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.07523 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

-1916.35 -1916.35 -1916.35 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 3513.28 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 -3495.95 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 1936.8 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 -367.81 639.51 639.51 639.51 639.51 639.51 639.51

396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

10.81 10.81 10.81 49.12 49.12 49.12 49.12 49.12 49.12 49.12 49.12 49.12 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 41.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.7

10116.03 11068.26 11929.78 -14633.04 -13813.6 -12754.39 -11455.43 -9916.71 -8377.99 -7079.03 -6019.83 -5200.38 4906.2 5725.65 6784.85 8083.81 9622.53 11161.25 12460.22 13519.42 14338.86 -13016.11 -12227.05 -11258.97 -10111.88 -8785.79 -7459.69 -6312.6 -5344.53 -4555.46 4334.82 5123.89 6091.96 7239.05 8565.15 9891.24 11038.33 12006.41 12795.47 -13017.03 -12227.97 -11259.89 -10112.8 -8786.71 -7460.61

0.12 0.12 0.12 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 -0.08374 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47

639.51 639.51 639.51 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 -581.32 847.24 847.24 847.24 847.24 847.24 847.24 847.24 847.24 847.24 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 -482.73 736.41 736.41 736.41 736.41 736.41 736.41 736.41 736.41 736.41 -481.72 -481.72 -481.72 -481.72 -481.72 -481.72

396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

38.7 38.7 38.7 19.49 19.49 19.49 19.49 19.49 19.49 19.49 19.49 19.49 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87 603.71 603.71 603.71 603.71 603.71 603.71 603.71 603.71 603.71 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -48.72 -523.16 -523.16 -523.16 -523.16 -523.16 -523.16

-6313.52 -5345.45 -4556.38 4335.58 5124.64 6092.72 7239.81 8565.9 9892 11039.09 12007.16 12796.23 -1691.14 -1520.84 -1350.54 -1180.25 -1009.95 -839.66 -669.36 -499.06 -328.77 4117 4287.3 4457.6 4627.89 4798.19 4968.49 5138.78 5309.08 5479.37 -5459.69 -5289.4 -5119.1 -4948.81 -4778.51 -4608.21 -4437.92 -4267.62 -4097.32 344.85 515.15 685.45 855.74 1026.04 1196.34

0.47 0.47 0.47 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -3.57 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73

-481.72 -481.72 -481.72 735.27 735.27 735.27 735.27 735.27 735.27 735.27 735.27 735.27 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 -86.57 580.2 580.2 580.2 580.2 580.2 580.2 580.2 580.2 580.2 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 -590.41 56.27 56.27 56.27 56.27 56.27 56.27

396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-523.16 1366.63 -523.16 1536.93 -523.16 1707.23 201.43 -2998.21 201.43 -2827.91 201.43 -2657.61 201.43 -2487.32 201.43 -2317.02 201.43 -2146.72 201.43 -1976.43 201.43 -1806.13 201.43 -1635.84 358.22 2807.84 358.22 2978.14 358.22 3148.43 358.22 3318.73 358.22 3489.02 358.22 3659.32 358.22 3829.62 358.22 3999.91 358.22 4170.21 -134.28 -4152.62 -134.28 -3982.33 -134.28 -3812.03 -134.28 -3641.74 -134.28 -3471.44 -134.28 -3301.14 -134.28 -3130.85 -134.28 -2960.55 -134.28 -2790.25 -277.67 1654.02 -277.67 1824.32 -277.67 1994.61 -277.67 2164.91 -277.67 2335.2 -277.67 2505.5 -277.67 2675.8 -277.67 2846.09 -277.67 3016.39 119.7 -11133.17 119.7 -10344.11 119.7 -9376.03 119.7 -8228.94 119.7 -6902.85 119.7 -5576.75

-1.73 -1.73 -1.73 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -9.24 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 -4.37 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33

56.27 56.27 56.27 485.8 485.8 485.8 485.8 485.8 485.8 485.8 485.8 485.8 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 1142.71 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -1162.78 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -506.24 -229.35 -229.35 -229.35 -229.35 -229.35 -229.35

396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

119.7 119.7 119.7 581.65 581.65 581.65 581.65 581.65 581.65 581.65 581.65 581.65 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -44.88 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 -545.22 205.26 205.26 205.26 205.26 205.26 205.26 205.26 205.26 205.26 336.16 336.16 336.16 336.16 336.16 336.16

-4429.66 -3461.59 -2672.52 6221.99 7011.06 7979.14 9126.22 10452.32 11778.42 12925.5 13893.58 14682.65 -14901.73 -14112.66 -13144.59 -11997.5 -10671.4 -9345.31 -8198.22 -7230.14 -6441.08 2449.85 3238.91 4206.99 5354.08 6680.17 8006.27 9153.36 10121.43 10910.5 -12440.24 -11651.18 -10683.1 -9536.01 -8209.92 -6883.82 -5736.73 -4768.66 -3979.59 4912.83 5701.9 6669.97 7817.06 9143.16 10469.25

3.33 3.33 3.33 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03

-229.35 -229.35 -229.35 996.72 996.72 996.72 996.72 996.72 996.72 996.72 996.72 996.72 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 -733.18 472.79 472.79 472.79 472.79 472.79 472.79 472.79 472.79 472.79 343.02 343.02 343.02 343.02 343.02 343.02 343.02 343.02 343.02 1559.24 1559.24 1559.24 1559.24 1559.24 1559.24

396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

336.16 336.16 336.16 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 -299.73 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 26.69 26.69 26.69 26.69 26.69 26.69 26.69 26.69 26.69 17.09 17.09 17.09 17.09 17.09 17.09

11616.34 12584.42 13373.48 -13594.66 -12805.59 -11837.52 -10690.43 -9364.33 -8038.24 -6891.15 -5923.07 -5134.01 3759.01 4548.08 5516.15 6663.24 7989.34 9315.43 10462.52 11430.6 12219.66 -11919.45 -11057.94 -10105.7 -9062.74 -7929.07 -6795.39 -5752.44 -4800.2 -3938.69 3869.22 4730.73 5682.97 6725.92 7859.6 8993.28 10036.23 10988.47 11849.98 -14401.91 -13582.47 -12523.27 -11224.31 -9685.58 -8146.86

5.03 5.03 5.03 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -7.99 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -5.46 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33

1559.24 1559.24 1559.24 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -1305.56 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -89.72 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 -541.06 548.65 548.65 548.65 548.65 548.65 548.65 548.65 548.65 548.65 -770.53 -770.53 -770.53 -770.53 -770.53 -770.53

397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

17.09 17.09 17.09 27.35 27.35 27.35 27.35 27.35 27.35 27.35 27.35 27.35 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 28.73 28.73 28.73 28.73 28.73 28.73 28.73 28.73 28.73 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 26.12 26.12 26.12 26.12 26.12 26.12

-6847.9 -5788.7 -4969.26 4935.93 5755.37 6814.57 8113.53 9652.25 11190.98 12489.94 13549.14 14368.58 -12832.11 -12043.04 -11074.97 -9927.88 -8601.78 -7275.69 -6128.6 -5160.52 -4371.46 4327.29 5116.35 6084.43 7231.52 8557.61 9883.71 11030.8 11998.87 12787.94 -12832.4 -12043.33 -11075.25 -9928.17 -8602.07 -7275.97 -6128.89 -5160.81 -4371.74 4328.44 5117.5 6085.58 7232.67 8558.76 9884.86

0.33 0.33 0.33 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.02513 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.08633 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

-770.53 -770.53 -770.53 776.34 776.34 776.34 776.34 776.34 776.34 776.34 776.34 776.34 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 -656.69 662.8 662.8 662.8 662.8 662.8 662.8 662.8 662.8 662.8 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 -655.67 661.74 661.74 661.74 661.74 661.74 661.74

397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

26.12 26.12 26.12 150.44 150.44 150.44 150.44 150.44 150.44 150.44 150.44 150.44 656.96 656.96 656.96 656.96 656.96 656.96 656.96 656.96 656.96 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -54.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 -565.06 208.88 208.88 208.88 208.88 208.88 208.88

11031.95 12000.02 12789.09 -1698.64 -1528.35 -1358.05 -1187.75 -1017.46 -847.16 -676.86 -506.57 -336.27 4101.42 4271.72 4442.01 4612.31 4782.6 4952.9 5123.2 5293.49 5463.79 -5463.88 -5293.58 -5123.29 -4952.99 -4782.7 -4612.4 -4442.1 -4271.81 -4101.51 330.97 501.27 671.56 841.86 1012.16 1182.45 1352.75 1523.05 1693.34 -3003.6 -2833.3 -2663.01 -2492.71 -2322.41 -2152.12

0.7 0.7 0.7 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17

661.74 661.74 661.74 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 -57.41 589.15 589.15 589.15 589.15 589.15 589.15 589.15 589.15 589.15 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 -578.83 46.16 46.16 46.16 46.16 46.16 46.16 46.16 46.16 46.16 507.31 507.31 507.31 507.31 507.31 507.31

397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

208.88 -1981.82 208.88 -1811.52 208.88 -1641.23 334.38 2795.25 334.38 2965.55 334.38 3135.84 334.38 3306.14 334.38 3476.44 334.38 3646.73 334.38 3817.03 334.38 3987.32 334.38 4157.62 -112.5 -4158.92 -112.5 -3988.63 -112.5 -3818.33 -112.5 -3648.03 -112.5 -3477.74 -112.5 -3307.44 -112.5 -3137.15 -112.5 -2966.85 -112.5 -2796.55 -242.48 1637.14 -242.48 1807.44 -242.48 1977.73 -242.48 2148.03 -242.48 2318.33 -242.48 2488.62 -242.48 2658.92 -242.48 2829.22 -242.48 2999.51 116.72 -10949.91 116.72 -10160.84 116.72 -9192.77 116.72 -8045.68 116.72 -6719.58 116.72 -5393.49 116.72 -4246.4 116.72 -3278.32 116.72 -2489.26 635.94 6214.18 635.94 7003.25 635.94 7971.33 635.94 9118.41 635.94 10444.51 635.94 11770.61

6.17 6.17 6.17 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6

507.31 507.31 507.31 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 1143.82 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -1143.55 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -508.51 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 -394.49 932.76 932.76 932.76 932.76 932.76 932.76

397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

635.94 635.94 635.94 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -87.78 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 -586.08 175.16 175.16 175.16 175.16 175.16 175.16 175.16 175.16 175.16 313.36 313.36 313.36 313.36 313.36 313.36 313.36 313.36 313.36 -146.22 -146.22 -146.22 -146.22 -146.22 -146.22

12917.69 13885.77 14674.84 -14715.15 -13926.08 -12958 -11810.92 -10484.82 -9158.72 -8011.64 -7043.56 -6254.49 2443.73 3232.8 4200.88 5347.96 6674.06 8000.16 9147.24 10115.32 10904.39 -12254.87 -11465.8 -10497.72 -9350.64 -8024.54 -6698.44 -5551.36 -4583.28 -3794.21 4908.01 5697.08 6665.16 7812.24 9138.34 10464.44 11611.52 12579.6 13368.67 -13410.19 -12621.12 -11653.05 -10505.96 -9179.86 -7853.77

3.6 3.6 3.6 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.13 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56

932.76 932.76 932.76 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 -915.92 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 389.77 170.22 170.22 170.22 170.22 170.22 170.22 170.22 170.22 170.22 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 1487.42 -1480.63 -1480.63 -1480.63 -1480.63 -1480.63 -1480.63

397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-146.22 -146.22 -146.22 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 -263.5 100.34 100.34 100.34 100.34 100.34 100.34 100.34 100.34 100.34 75.9 75.9 75.9 75.9 75.9 75.9 75.9 75.9 75.9 92.06 92.06 92.06 92.06 92.06 92.06 92.06 92.06 92.06 58.09 58.09 58.09 58.09 58.09 58.09

-6706.68 -5738.6 -4949.54 3749.9 4538.97 5507.05 6654.13 7980.23 9306.33 10453.41 11421.49 12210.56 -11509.06 -10647.55 -9695.31 -8652.36 -7518.68 -6385.01 -5342.05 -4389.82 -3528.3 4771.82 5082.09 5483.07 5974.78 6557.2 7139.63 7631.33 8032.32 8342.59 -14239.82 -13420.38 -12361.18 -11062.22 -9523.5 -7984.78 -6685.81 -5626.61 -4807.17 5593.87 5940.81 6527.51 7353.98 8420.2 9486.42

-6.56 -1480.63 -6.56 -1480.63 -6.56 -1480.63 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 -6.67 -164.9 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 0.03682 -588.37 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 1.03 719.23 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.76 -802.37 0.82 986.99 0.82 986.99 0.82 986.99 0.82 986.99 0.82 986.99 0.82 986.99

398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

58.09 58.09 58.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 95.09 66.55 66.55 66.55 66.55 66.55 66.55 66.55 66.55 66.55 90.56 90.56 90.56 90.56 90.56 90.56 90.56 90.56 90.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 61.56 349.82 349.82 349.82 349.82 349.82 349.82

10312.88 10899.58 11246.52 -12597.23 -11808.16 -10840.08 -9693 -8366.9 -7040.8 -5893.72 -4925.64 -4136.57 5031.01 5347.58 5843.15 6517.74 7371.34 8224.93 8899.52 9395.1 9711.66 -12598.94 -11809.87 -10841.8 -9694.71 -8368.61 -7042.52 -5895.43 -4927.35 -4138.29 5030.12 5346.69 5842.26 6516.85 7370.45 8224.04 8898.63 9394.21 9710.77 -1850.36 -1680.06 -1509.77 -1339.47 -1169.18 -998.88

0.82 0.82 0.82 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45

986.99 986.99 986.99 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 -692.41 848.7 848.7 848.7 848.7 848.7 848.7 848.7 848.7 848.7 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 -690.86 848.14 848.14 848.14 848.14 848.14 848.14 848.14 848.14 848.14 -55.9 -55.9 -55.9 -55.9 -55.9 -55.9

398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

349.82 349.82 349.82 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 1095.14 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -210.83 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 -941.6 217.08 217.08 217.08 217.08 217.08 217.08 217.08 217.08 217.08 573.2 573.2 573.2 573.2 573.2 573.2

-828.58 -658.29 -487.99 3987.74 4158.04 4328.33 4498.63 4668.93 4839.22 5009.52 5179.81 5350.11 -5623.11 -5452.82 -5282.52 -5112.22 -4941.93 -4771.63 -4601.33 -4431.04 -4260.74 278.8 449.1 619.39 789.69 959.99 1130.28 1300.58 1470.88 1641.17 -3158.14 -2987.84 -2817.54 -2647.25 -2476.95 -2306.66 -2136.36 -1966.06 -1795.77 2699.02 2869.32 3039.62 3209.91 3380.21 3550.5

1.45 1.45 1.45 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 4.02 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1

-55.9 -55.9 -55.9 660.34 660.34 660.34 660.34 660.34 660.34 660.34 660.34 660.34 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 -591.92 96.1 96.1 96.1 96.1 96.1 96.1 96.1 96.1 96.1 500.18 500.18 500.18 500.18 500.18 500.18 500.18 500.18 500.18 1214.94 1214.94 1214.94 1214.94 1214.94 1214.94

398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

573.2 573.2 573.2 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -78.09 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 -419.67 368.83 368.83 368.83 368.83 368.83 368.83 368.83 368.83 368.83 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 1077.65 -191.82 -191.82 -191.82 -191.82 -191.82 -191.82

3720.8 3891.1 4061.39 -4315.34 -4145.04 -3974.74 -3804.45 -3634.15 -3463.85 -3293.56 -3123.26 -2952.97 1567.52 1737.82 1908.11 2078.41 2248.7 2419 2589.3 2759.59 2929.89 -10713.34 -9924.28 -8956.2 -7809.11 -6483.02 -5156.92 -4009.83 -3041.76 -2252.69 6884.19 7200.75 7696.33 8370.92 9224.51 10078.11 10752.7 11248.27 11564.84 -14486.09 -13697.03 -12728.95 -11581.86 -10255.77 -8929.67

9.1 9.1 9.1 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31

1214.94 1214.94 1214.94 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -1148.01 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -458.5 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 -422.15 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 1130.01 -958.17 -958.17 -958.17 -958.17 -958.17 -958.17

398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-191.82 -191.82 -191.82 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 -959.08 236.09 236.09 236.09 236.09 236.09 236.09 236.09 236.09 236.09 555.72 555.72 555.72 555.72 555.72 555.72 555.72 555.72 555.72 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -59.08 -437.15 -437.15 -437.15 -437.15 -437.15 -437.15

-7782.58 -6814.51 -6025.44 3175.25 3491.81 3987.39 4661.98 5515.57 6369.17 7043.76 7539.33 7855.9 -12021.12 -11232.05 -10263.98 -9116.89 -7790.79 -6464.7 -5317.61 -4349.53 -3560.47 5595.47 5912.03 6407.61 7082.2 7935.79 8789.39 9463.98 9959.56 10276.12 -13178.32 -12389.25 -11421.18 -10274.09 -8947.99 -7621.9 -6474.81 -5506.73 -4717.67 4463.96 4780.53 5276.11 5950.69 6804.29 7657.89

-1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66 -7.66

-958.17 -958.17 -958.17 565.76 565.76 565.76 565.76 565.76 565.76 565.76 565.76 565.76 133.93 133.93 133.93 133.93 133.93 133.93 133.93 133.93 133.93 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 1684.61 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 -1514.25 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.16

398 398 398 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-437.15 -437.15 -437.15 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 -18.1 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 -4.05 473.63 473.63 473.63 473.63 473.63 473.63

8332.47 8828.05 9144.62 -2095.9 -1785.63 -1384.65 -892.94 -310.52 271.91 763.61 1164.6 1474.86 -3168.16 -2821.22 -2234.52 -1408.05 -341.83 724.39 1550.85 2137.55 2484.49 -2640.22 -2323.65 -1828.08 -1153.49 -299.89 553.7 1228.29 1723.87 2040.43 -2651.81 -2335.24 -1839.66 -1165.08 -311.48 542.12 1216.7 1712.28 2028.85 4931.2 5101.5 5271.8 5442.09 5612.39 5782.69

-7.66 -7.66 -7.66 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49

11.16 11.16 11.16 130.74 130.74 130.74 130.74 130.74 130.74 130.74 130.74 130.74 252.15 252.15 252.15 252.15 252.15 252.15 252.15 252.15 252.15 197.98 197.98 197.98 197.98 197.98 197.98 197.98 197.98 197.98 199.38 199.38 199.38 199.38 199.38 199.38 199.38 199.38 199.38 127.06 127.06 127.06 127.06 127.06 127.06

399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

473.63 473.63 473.63 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 -468.07 194.19 194.19 194.19 194.19 194.19 194.19 194.19 194.19 194.19 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 -188.63 467.91 467.91 467.91 467.91 467.91 467.91 467.91 467.91 467.91 -473.79 -473.79 -473.79 -473.79 -473.79 -473.79

5952.98 6123.28 6293.58 -6065.53 -5895.24 -5724.94 -5554.64 -5384.35 -5214.05 -5043.76 -4873.46 -4703.16 1089.56 1259.85 1430.15 1600.45 1770.74 1941.04 2111.33 2281.63 2451.93 -2223.89 -2053.59 -1883.29 -1713 -1542.7 -1372.4 -1202.11 -1031.81 -861.52 2841.3 3157.86 3653.44 4328.03 5181.62 6035.22 6709.81 7205.38 7521.95 -8155.44 -7838.88 -7343.3 -6668.71 -5815.11 -4961.52

7.49 7.49 7.49 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 -7.17 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 -7.83 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 7.74 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93

127.06 127.06 127.06 62.88 62.88 62.88 62.88 62.88 62.88 62.88 62.88 62.88 143.54 143.54 143.54 143.54 143.54 143.54 143.54 143.54 143.54 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.4 232.1 232.1 232.1 232.1 232.1 232.1 232.1 232.1 232.1 167.93 167.93 167.93 167.93 167.93 167.93

399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-473.79 -473.79 -473.79 188.47 188.47 188.47 188.47 188.47 188.47 188.47 188.47 188.47 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -194.35 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 -22.5 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.73 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -7.74

-4286.93 -3791.35 -3474.79 -1000.35 -683.79 -188.21 486.38 1339.98 2193.57 2868.16 3363.74 3680.3 -4313.79 -3997.23 -3501.65 -2827.06 -1973.47 -1119.87 -445.28 50.29 366.86 -3553.01 -2691.49 -1739.25 -696.3 437.38 1571.05 2614.01 3566.24 4427.76 -4279.9 -3460.46 -2401.26 -1102.3 436.42 1975.14 3274.11 4333.31 5152.75 -3830.51 -3041.45 -2073.37 -926.28 399.81 1725.91

-6.93 -6.93 -6.93 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29

167.93 167.93 167.93 248.59 248.59 248.59 248.59 248.59 248.59 248.59 248.59 248.59 151.44 151.44 151.44 151.44 151.44 151.44 151.44 151.44 151.44 128.63 128.63 128.63 128.63 128.63 128.63 128.63 128.63 128.63 247.83 247.83 247.83 247.83 247.83 247.83 247.83 247.83 247.83 194.61 194.61 194.61 194.61 194.61 194.61

400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-7.74 -7.74 -7.74 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 403.02 403.02 403.02 403.02 403.02 403.02 403.02 403.02 403.02 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 -401.65 150.21 150.21 150.21 150.21 150.21 150.21 150.21 150.21 150.21 -148.84 -148.84 -148.84 -148.84 -148.84 -148.84

2873 3841.07 4630.14 -3818.95 -3029.88 -2061.81 -914.72 411.38 1737.47 2884.56 3852.64 4641.7 4685.98 4856.27 5026.57 5196.86 5367.16 5537.46 5707.75 5878.05 6048.35 -6284.78 -6114.49 -5944.19 -5773.89 -5603.6 -5433.3 -5263 -5092.71 -4922.41 857.49 1027.78 1198.08 1368.37 1538.67 1708.97 1879.26 2049.56 2219.86 -2456.29 -2286 -2115.7 -1945.4 -1775.11 -1604.81

-0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 -4.25 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75 -4.75

194.61 194.61 194.61 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 131.96 131.96 131.96 131.96 131.96 131.96 131.96 131.96 131.96 58.01 58.01 58.01 58.01 58.01 58.01 58.01 58.01 58.01 145.34 145.34 145.34 145.34 145.34 145.34 145.34 145.34 145.34 44.63 44.63 44.63 44.63 44.63 44.63

400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 401 401 401 401 401 401

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-148.84 -1434.51 -148.84 -1264.22 -148.84 -1093.92 398.12 1671.69 398.12 2460.75 398.12 3428.83 398.12 4575.92 398.12 5902.01 398.12 7228.11 398.12 8375.2 398.12 9343.27 398.12 10132.34 -406.55 -9299.07 -406.55 -8510 -406.55 -7541.93 -406.55 -6394.84 -406.55 -5068.74 -406.55 -3742.65 -406.55 -2595.56 -406.55 -1627.48 -406.55 -838.42 145.31 -2156.8 145.31 -1367.74 145.31 -399.66 145.31 747.43 145.31 2073.52 145.31 3399.62 145.31 4546.71 145.31 5514.78 145.31 6303.85 -153.73 -5470.58 -153.73 -4681.51 -153.73 -3713.44 -153.73 -2566.35 -153.73 -1240.25 -153.73 85.84 -153.73 1232.93 -153.73 2201.01 -153.73 2990.07 18.35 -11705.45 18.35 -10843.93 18.35 -9891.69 18.35 -8848.74 18.35 -7715.06 18.35 -6581.39

-4.75 -4.75 -4.75 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 -4.49 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25

44.63 44.63 44.63 233.6 233.6 233.6 233.6 233.6 233.6 233.6 233.6 233.6 159.66 159.66 159.66 159.66 159.66 159.66 159.66 159.66 159.66 246.98 246.98 246.98 246.98 246.98 246.98 246.98 246.98 246.98 146.28 146.28 146.28 146.28 146.28 146.28 146.28 146.28 146.28 837.53 837.53 837.53 837.53 837.53 837.53

401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

18.35 18.35 18.35 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 31.94 31.94 31.94 31.94 31.94 31.94 31.94 31.94 31.94 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 39.32 39.32 39.32 39.32 39.32 39.32

-5538.43 -4586.2 -3724.68 4359.32 5220.83 6173.07 7216.02 8349.7 9483.37 10526.33 11478.57 12340.08 -14128.52 -13309.08 -12249.88 -10950.92 -9412.2 -7873.47 -6574.51 -5515.31 -4695.87 5513.97 6333.41 7392.62 8691.58 10230.3 11769.02 13067.98 14127.18 14946.63 -12593.83 -11804.76 -10836.68 -9689.6 -8363.5 -7037.4 -5890.32 -4922.24 -4133.17 4845.42 5634.49 6602.56 7749.65 9075.75 10401.84

-0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.04513 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22

837.53 837.53 837.53 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 -489.75 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 1101.57 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 -733.51 958.57 958.57 958.57 958.57 958.57 958.57 958.57 958.57 958.57 -617.92 -617.92 -617.92 -617.92 -617.92 -617.92

401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

39.32 11548.93 39.32 12517.01 39.32 13306.07 10.62 -12592.94 10.62 -11803.88 10.62 -10835.8 10.62 -9688.71 10.62 -8362.62 10.62 -7036.52 10.62 -5889.43 10.62 -4921.35 10.62 -4132.29 34.95 4847.15 34.95 5636.21 34.95 6604.29 34.95 7751.38 34.95 9077.47 34.95 10403.57 34.95 11550.66 34.95 12518.73 34.95 13307.8 903.24 -1644.2 903.24 -1473.9 903.24 -1303.61 903.24 -1133.31 903.24 -963.01 903.24 -792.72 903.24 -622.42 903.24 -452.12 903.24 -281.83 303.76 4251.52 303.76 4421.81 303.76 4592.11 303.76 4762.41 303.76 4932.7 303.76 5103 303.76 5273.3 303.76 5443.59 303.76 5613.89 -758.01 -5344.45 -758.01 -5174.16 -758.01 -5003.86 -758.01 -4833.56 -758.01 -4663.27 -758.01 -4492.97

-0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -3.41

-617.92 -617.92 -617.92 957.82 957.82 957.82 957.82 957.82 957.82 957.82 957.82 957.82 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 -616.16 675.71 675.71 675.71 675.71 675.71 675.71 675.71 675.71 675.71 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 -64.18 103.73 103.73 103.73 103.73 103.73 103.73

401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-758.01 -758.01 -758.01 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 -169.21 412.05 412.05 412.05 412.05 412.05 412.05 412.05 412.05 412.05 217.61 217.61 217.61 217.61 217.61 217.61 217.61 217.61 217.61 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -266.81 -83.06 -83.06 -83.06 -83.06 -83.06 -83.06

-4322.68 -4152.38 -3982.08 485.91 656.2 826.5 996.8 1167.09 1337.39 1507.69 1677.98 1848.28 -2927.69 -2757.39 -2587.09 -2416.8 -2246.5 -2076.21 -1905.91 -1735.61 -1565.32 2948.85 3119.14 3289.44 3459.74 3630.03 3800.33 3970.62 4140.92 4311.22 -4060.96 -3890.67 -3720.37 -3550.07 -3379.78 -3209.48 -3039.19 -2868.89 -2698.59 1788.58 1958.88 2129.17 2299.47 2469.76 2640.06

-3.41 -3.41 -3.41 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -10.03 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07

103.73 103.73 103.73 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 -613.61 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 1230.38 488.95 488.95 488.95 488.95 488.95 488.95 488.95 488.95 488.95 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -450.94 -1166.74 -1166.74 -1166.74 -1166.74 -1166.74 -1166.74

401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-83.06 -83.06 -83.06 838.94 838.94 838.94 838.94 838.94 838.94 838.94 838.94 838.94 269.44 269.44 269.44 269.44 269.44 269.44 269.44 269.44 269.44 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -822.3 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 -203.53 347.75 347.75 347.75 347.75 347.75 347.75

2810.36 2980.65 3150.95 -10742.41 -9953.35 -8985.27 -7838.18 -6512.09 -5185.99 -4038.9 -3070.83 -2281.76 6730.74 7519.8 8487.88 9634.97 10961.06 12287.16 13434.25 14402.32 15191.39 -14442.67 -13653.6 -12685.52 -11538.44 -10212.34 -8886.24 -7739.16 -6771.08 -5982.01 2965.13 3754.19 4722.27 5869.36 7195.46 8521.55 9668.64 10636.72 11425.78 -12025.9 -11236.83 -10268.76 -9121.67 -7795.57 -6469.48

-3.07 -1166.74 -3.07 -1166.74 -3.07 -1166.74 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 3.29 1243.46 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 1.35 -340.64 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -4.29 671.48 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 -1.6 -890.08 9.91 1798.13 9.91 1798.13 9.91 1798.13 9.91 1798.13 9.91 1798.13 9.91 1798.13

401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

347.75 347.75 347.75 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -331.11 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 -117.38 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19

-5322.39 -4354.31 -3565.25 5428.07 6217.13 7185.21 8332.3 9658.39 10984.49 12131.58 13099.65 13888.72 -13159.18 -12370.11 -11402.04 -10254.95 -8928.85 -7602.75 -6455.67 -5487.59 -4698.52 4267.8 5056.87 6024.94 7172.03 8498.13 9824.22 10971.31 11939.39 12728.45 -12043.64 -11182.12 -10229.89 -9186.93 -8053.25 -6919.58 -5876.62 -4924.39 -4062.87 4088.12 4949.64 5901.87 6944.83 8078.5 9212.18

9.91 9.91 9.91 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -10.92 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 0.01411 0.01411 0.01411 0.01411 0.01411 0.01411

1798.13 1798.13 1798.13 212.49 212.49 212.49 212.49 212.49 212.49 212.49 212.49 212.49 116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 -1443.21 643.22 643.22 643.22 643.22 643.22 643.22 643.22 643.22 643.22 -634.04 -634.04 -634.04 -634.04 -634.04 -634.04

402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

31.19 31.19 31.19 26.16 26.16 26.16 26.16 26.16 26.16 26.16 26.16 26.16 27.27 27.27 27.27 27.27 27.27 27.27 27.27 27.27 27.27 29.87 29.87 29.87 29.87 29.87 29.87 29.87 29.87 29.87 30.04 30.04 30.04 30.04 30.04 30.04 30.04 30.04 30.04 27.44 27.44 27.44 27.44 27.44 27.44

10255.13 11207.37 12068.88 -14534.74 -13715.3 -12656.1 -11357.14 -9818.41 -8279.69 -6980.73 -5921.53 -5102.09 5100.93 5920.37 6979.58 8278.54 9817.26 11355.98 12654.94 13714.14 14533.59 -12953.97 -12164.91 -11196.83 -10049.74 -8723.65 -7397.55 -6250.46 -5282.39 -4493.32 4501.88 5290.94 6259.02 7406.11 8732.2 10058.3 11205.39 12173.46 12962.53 -12955.18 -12166.11 -11198.03 -10050.95 -8724.85 -7398.75

0.01411 0.01411 0.01411 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 -0.84 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 0.08169 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63

-634.04 -634.04 -634.04 863.78 863.78 863.78 863.78 863.78 863.78 863.78 863.78 863.78 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 -856.82 748.06 748.06 748.06 748.06 748.06 748.06 748.06 748.06 748.06 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 -740.68 746.82 746.82 746.82 746.82 746.82 746.82

402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

27.44 27.44 27.44 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 609.82 609.82 609.82 609.82 609.82 609.82 609.82 609.82 609.82 86.09 86.09 86.09 86.09 86.09 86.09 86.09 86.09 86.09 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 -523.34 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88

-6251.67 -5283.59 -4494.52 4502.09 5291.15 6259.23 7406.32 8732.41 10058.51 11205.6 12173.67 12962.74 -1698.12 -1527.82 -1357.52 -1187.23 -1016.93 -846.63 -676.34 -506.04 -335.74 4096.54 4266.84 4437.13 4607.43 4777.73 4948.02 5118.32 5288.62 5458.91 -5461.04 -5290.74 -5120.44 -4950.15 -4779.85 -4609.55 -4439.26 -4268.96 -4098.67 339.01 509.31 679.6 849.9 1020.2 1190.49

-0.63 -0.63 -0.63 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19 -3.19

746.82 746.82 746.82 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 -739.51 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 -75.96 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 -593.34 -593.34 -593.34 -593.34 -593.34 -593.34

402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

6.88 1360.79 6.88 1531.08 6.88 1701.38 312.55 -2998.62 312.55 -2828.33 312.55 -2658.03 312.55 -2487.74 312.55 -2317.44 312.55 -2147.14 312.55 -1976.85 312.55 -1806.55 312.55 -1636.25 136.64 2796.78 136.64 2967.08 136.64 3137.37 136.64 3307.67 136.64 3477.97 136.64 3648.26 136.64 3818.56 136.64 3988.86 136.64 4159.15 -226.07 -4160.53 -226.07 -3990.23 -226.07 -3819.93 -226.07 -3649.64 -226.07 -3479.34 -226.07 -3309.05 -226.07 -3138.75 -226.07 -2968.45 -226.07 -2798.16 -43.67 1638.77 -43.67 1809.07 -43.67 1979.36 -43.67 2149.66 -43.67 2319.95 -43.67 2490.25 -43.67 2660.55 -43.67 2830.84 -43.67 3001.14 592.92 -11074.26 592.92 -10285.2 592.92 -9317.12 592.92 -8170.03 592.92 -6843.94 592.92 -5517.84

-3.19 -3.19 -3.19 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -7.04 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72

-593.34 -593.34 -593.34 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 1158.47 489.55 489.55 489.55 489.55 489.55 489.55 489.55 489.55 489.55 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -493.59 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 -1158.85 1015.76 1015.76 1015.76 1015.76 1015.76 1015.76

402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

592.92 592.92 592.92 65.95 65.95 65.95 65.95 65.95 65.95 65.95 65.95 65.95 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -540.25 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 295.64 295.64 295.64 295.64 295.64 295.64 295.64 295.64 295.64 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.5

-4370.75 -3402.68 -2613.61 6380.95 7170.01 8138.09 9285.18 10611.27 11937.37 13084.46 14052.53 14841.6 -14837.18 -14048.12 -13080.04 -11932.95 -10606.86 -9280.76 -8133.67 -7165.6 -6376.53 2623.41 3412.48 4380.56 5527.65 6853.74 8179.84 9326.93 10295 11084.07 -12374.77 -11585.71 -10617.63 -9470.54 -8144.45 -6818.35 -5671.26 -4703.19 -3914.12 5081.19 5870.25 6838.33 7985.42 9311.51 10637.61

1.72 1.72 1.72 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13

1015.76 1015.76 1015.76 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 -480.29 476.76 476.76 476.76 476.76 476.76 476.76 476.76 476.76 476.76 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 -997.67 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 1572.29 85.22 85.22 85.22 85.22 85.22 85.22

402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

116.5 116.5 116.5 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -242.97 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -63.81 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -8.31 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -106.6 -15.16 -15.16 -15.16 -15.16 -15.16 -15.16

11784.7 12752.77 13541.84 -13536.68 -12747.61 -11779.53 -10632.45 -9306.35 -7980.25 -6833.16 -5865.09 -5076.02 3923.17 4712.24 5680.32 6827.4 8153.5 9479.6 10626.68 11594.76 12383.83 -12128.92 -11267.41 -10315.17 -9272.22 -8138.54 -7004.86 -5961.91 -5009.67 -4148.16 3924.54 4786.05 5738.29 6781.24 7914.92 9048.59 10091.55 11043.78 11905.3 -14578.24 -13758.8 -12699.6 -11400.64 -9861.92 -8323.19

6.13 6.13 6.13 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -8.07 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94

85.22 85.22 85.22 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -79.77 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 -1563.17 643.84 643.84 643.84 643.84 643.84 643.84 643.84 643.84 643.84 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 -684.65 871.15 871.15 871.15 871.15 871.15 871.15

403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-15.16 -15.16 -15.16 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -134.4 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -8.63 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -114.51 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -11.63 -117.72 -117.72 -117.72 -117.72 -117.72 -117.72

-7024.23 -5965.03 -5145.59 4950.26 5769.71 6828.91 8127.87 9666.59 11205.31 12504.27 13563.48 14382.92 -13009.6 -12220.53 -11252.45 -10105.36 -8779.27 -7453.17 -6306.08 -5338.01 -4548.94 4355.29 5144.36 6112.43 7259.52 8585.62 9911.71 11058.8 12026.88 12815.95 -13009.93 -12220.86 -11252.78 -10105.7 -8779.6 -7453.5 -6306.42 -5338.34 -4549.27 4355.36 5144.43 6112.5 7259.59 8585.69 9911.78

-0.94 -0.94 -0.94 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18

871.15 871.15 871.15 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 -920.26 753.41 753.41 753.41 753.41 753.41 753.41 753.41 753.41 753.41 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 -796.49 751.71 751.71 751.71 751.71 751.71 751.71 751.71 751.71 751.71 -795.41 -795.41 -795.41 -795.41 -795.41 -795.41

403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-117.72 -117.72 -117.72 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 321.26 321.26 321.26 321.26 321.26 321.26 321.26 321.26 321.26 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -358.13 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 -242.34 244.46 244.46 244.46 244.46 244.46 244.46

11058.87 12026.95 12816.01 -1710.54 -1540.25 -1369.95 -1199.65 -1029.36 -859.06 -688.76 -518.47 -348.17 4109.11 4279.4 4449.7 4619.99 4790.29 4960.59 5130.88 5301.18 5471.48 -5468.28 -5297.99 -5127.69 -4957.39 -4787.1 -4616.8 -4446.51 -4276.21 -4105.91 342.27 512.56 682.86 853.15 1023.45 1193.75 1364.04 1534.34 1704.64 -3013.64 -2843.34 -2673.04 -2502.75 -2332.45 -2162.16

0.18 0.18 0.18 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 -3.33 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34

-795.41 -795.41 -795.41 603.01 603.01 603.01 603.01 603.01 603.01 603.01 603.01 603.01 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 -84.21 73.92 73.92 73.92 73.92 73.92 73.92 73.92 73.92 73.92 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 -585.57 1176.52 1176.52 1176.52 1176.52 1176.52 1176.52

403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

244.46 -1991.86 244.46 -1821.56 244.46 -1651.27 223.98 2801.38 223.98 2971.67 223.98 3141.97 223.98 3312.27 223.98 3482.56 223.98 3652.86 223.98 3823.15 223.98 3993.45 223.98 4163.75 -156.59 -4165.19 -156.59 -3994.89 -156.59 -3824.6 -156.59 -3654.3 -156.59 -3484 -156.59 -3313.71 -156.59 -3143.41 -156.59 -2973.11 -156.59 -2802.82 -145.06 1649.99 -145.06 1820.29 -145.06 1990.59 -145.06 2160.88 -145.06 2331.18 -145.06 2501.48 -145.06 2671.77 -145.06 2842.07 -145.06 3012.36 389.07 -11131.21 389.07 -10342.14 389.07 -9374.06 389.07 -8226.98 389.07 -6900.88 389.07 -5574.78 389.07 -4427.7 389.07 -3459.62 389.07 -2670.55 162.63 6238.81 162.63 7027.88 162.63 7995.96 162.63 9143.04 162.63 10469.14 162.63 11795.24

3.34 3.34 3.34 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9

1176.52 1176.52 1176.52 491.34 491.34 491.34 491.34 491.34 491.34 491.34 491.34 491.34 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -499.59 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 -1161.11 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 1015.48 -544.24 -544.24 -544.24 -544.24 -544.24 -544.24

403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

162.63 162.63 162.63 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -415.07 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 -400.98 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 187.52 65.34 65.34 65.34 65.34 65.34 65.34 65.34 65.34 65.34 -213.52 -213.52 -213.52 -213.52 -213.52 -213.52

12942.32 13910.4 14699.47 -14888.95 -14099.88 -13131.81 -11984.72 -10658.62 -9332.53 -8185.44 -7217.36 -6428.3 2471.97 3261.04 4229.12 5376.2 6702.3 8028.4 9175.48 10143.56 10932.63 -12434.3 -11645.24 -10677.16 -9530.07 -8203.98 -6877.88 -5730.79 -4762.72 -3973.65 4931.08 5720.15 6688.23 7835.31 9161.41 10487.51 11634.59 12602.67 13391.74 -13585.85 -12796.79 -11828.71 -10681.62 -9355.53 -8029.43

2.9 2.9 2.9 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83

-544.24 -544.24 -544.24 486.39 486.39 486.39 486.39 486.39 486.39 486.39 486.39 486.39 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 -1045.6 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 1588.99 31.31 31.31 31.31 31.31 31.31 31.31 31.31 31.31 31.31 -87.12 -87.12 -87.12 -87.12 -87.12 -87.12

403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-213.52 -6882.34 -213.52 -5914.27 -213.52 -5125.2 -303.7 3779.7 -303.7 4568.77 -303.7 5536.84 -303.7 6683.93 -303.7 8010.03 -303.7 9336.12 -303.7 10483.21 -303.7 11451.29 -303.7 12240.36 68.92 -7901.6 68.92 -7591.34 68.92 -7190.35 68.92 -6698.64 68.92 -6116.22 68.92 -5533.79 68.92 -5042.09 68.92 -4641.1 68.92 -4330.84 81.53 4347.8 81.53 4658.06 81.53 5059.05 81.53 5550.75 81.53 6133.18 81.53 6715.6 81.53 7207.31 81.53 7608.3 81.53 7918.56 22.47 -10910.92 22.47 -10563.98 22.47 -9977.28 22.47 -9150.81 22.47 -8084.59 22.47 -7018.37 22.47 -6191.91 22.47 -5605.21 22.47 -5258.26 39.72 5267.56 39.72 5614.5 39.72 6201.2 39.72 7027.67 39.72 8093.89 39.72 9160.11

-3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26

-87.12 -87.12 -87.12 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 -1621.15 643.44 643.44 643.44 643.44 643.44 643.44 643.44 643.44 643.44 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 -636.87 812.36 812.36 812.36 812.36 812.36 812.36 812.36 812.36 812.36 -800.82 -800.82 -800.82 -800.82 -800.82 -800.82

404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

39.72 39.72 39.72 40.16 40.16 40.16 40.16 40.16 40.16 40.16 40.16 40.16 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 36.77 36.77 36.77 36.77 36.77 36.77 36.77 36.77 36.77 51.7 51.7 51.7 51.7 51.7 51.7 51.7 51.7 51.7 323.86 323.86 323.86 323.86 323.86 323.86

9986.57 10573.27 10920.21 -9359.47 -9042.91 -8547.33 -7872.74 -7019.15 -6165.55 -5490.96 -4995.39 -4678.82 4690.08 5006.65 5502.22 6176.81 7030.41 7884 8558.59 9054.17 9370.73 -9359.18 -9042.61 -8547.03 -7872.44 -7018.85 -6165.25 -5490.66 -4995.09 -4678.52 4689.78 5006.35 5501.93 6176.51 7030.11 7883.71 8558.29 9053.87 9370.44 -1691.1 -1520.8 -1350.5 -1180.21 -1009.91 -839.61

0.26 0.26 0.26 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 0.08989 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55

-800.82 -800.82 -800.82 716.41 716.41 716.41 716.41 716.41 716.41 716.41 716.41 716.41 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 -707.08 714.82 714.82 714.82 714.82 714.82 714.82 714.82 714.82 714.82 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 -705.49 612.29 612.29 612.29 612.29 612.29 612.29

404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

323.86 323.86 323.86 313.34 313.34 313.34 313.34 313.34 313.34 313.34 313.34 313.34 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -239.02 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 -206.5 341.99 341.99 341.99 341.99 341.99 341.99 341.99 341.99 341.99 350.54 350.54 350.54 350.54 350.54 350.54

-669.32 -499.02 -328.73 4096.3 4266.6 4436.89 4607.19 4777.48 4947.78 5118.08 5288.37 5458.67 -5464.77 -5294.48 -5124.18 -4953.88 -4783.59 -4613.29 -4442.99 -4272.7 -4102.4 332.54 502.84 673.13 843.43 1013.72 1184.02 1354.32 1524.61 1694.91 -2991.81 -2821.51 -2651.22 -2480.92 -2310.62 -2140.33 -1970.03 -1799.73 -1629.44 2797.17 2967.47 3137.77 3308.06 3478.36 3648.66

6.55 6.55 6.55 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -4.39 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29

612.29 612.29 612.29 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 -85.01 88.97 88.97 88.97 88.97 88.97 88.97 88.97 88.97 88.97 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 -610.33 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 1207.27 508.74 508.74 508.74 508.74 508.74 508.74

404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

350.54 3818.95 350.54 3989.25 350.54 4159.54 -257.15 -4164.06 -257.15 -3993.76 -257.15 -3823.47 -257.15 -3653.17 -257.15 -3482.88 -257.15 -3312.58 -257.15 -3142.28 -257.15 -2971.99 -257.15 -2801.69 -243.7 1631.67 -243.7 1801.96 -243.7 1972.26 -243.7 2142.55 -243.7 2312.85 -243.7 2483.15 -243.7 2653.44 -243.7 2823.74 -243.7 2994.04 316.68 -7472.2 316.68 -7155.63 316.68 -6660.06 316.68 -5985.47 316.68 -5131.87 316.68 -4278.28 316.68 -3603.69 316.68 -3108.11 316.68 -2791.55 309.85 6571.53 309.85 6888.09 309.85 7383.67 309.85 8058.26 309.85 8911.85 309.85 9765.45 309.85 10440.04 309.85 10935.61 309.85 11252.18 -246.21 -11245.88 -246.21 -10929.31 -246.21 -10433.73 -246.21 -9759.15 -246.21 -8905.55 -246.21 -8051.95

4.29 4.29 4.29 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 -5.34 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 -4.69 -4.69 -4.69 -4.69 -4.69 -4.69

508.74 508.74 508.74 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -506.02 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 -1204.08 975.76 975.76 975.76 975.76 975.76 975.76 975.76 975.76 975.76 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 -442.11 452.44 452.44 452.44 452.44 452.44 452.44

404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-246.21 -246.21 -246.21 -210 -210 -210 -210 -210 -210 -210 -210 -210 334.8 334.8 334.8 334.8 334.8 334.8 334.8 334.8 334.8 347.04 347.04 347.04 347.04 347.04 347.04 347.04 347.04 347.04 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -264.33 -247.19 -247.19 -247.19 -247.19 -247.19 -247.19

-7377.37 -6881.79 -6565.22 2807.77 3124.33 3619.91 4294.5 5148.09 6001.69 6676.28 7171.85 7488.42 -8772.91 -8456.35 -7960.77 -7286.18 -6432.59 -5578.99 -4904.4 -4408.83 -4092.26 5272.4 5588.97 6084.55 6759.13 7612.73 8466.33 9140.91 9636.49 9953.06 -9945.17 -9628.6 -9133.02 -8458.44 -7604.84 -6751.24 -6076.66 -5581.08 -5264.51 4106.89 4423.46 4919.04 5593.62 6447.22 7300.82

-4.69 -4.69 -4.69 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.89 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7

452.44 452.44 452.44 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 -967.43 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 1570.74 151.64 151.64 151.64 151.64 151.64 151.64 151.64 151.64 151.64 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -142.55 -1561.18 -1561.18 -1561.18 -1561.18 -1561.18 -1561.18

404 404 404 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-247.19 -247.19 -247.19 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -93.74 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -35.86 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -114.64 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -44.89 -97.73 -97.73 -97.73 -97.73 -97.73 -97.73

7975.4 8470.98 8787.55 -11930.84 -11069.32 -10117.09 -9074.13 -7940.46 -6806.78 -5763.83 -4811.59 -3950.08 4199.41 5060.92 6013.16 7056.11 8189.79 9323.46 10366.42 11318.66 12180.17 -14416.05 -13596.61 -12537.41 -11238.45 -9699.72 -8161 -6862.04 -5802.84 -4983.4 5185.17 6004.61 7063.81 8362.77 9901.49 11440.21 12739.18 13798.38 14617.82 -12844.86 -12055.8 -11087.72 -9940.63 -8614.54 -7288.44

-4.7 -1561.18 -4.7 -1561.18 -4.7 -1561.18 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.52 660.89 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.15 -639.04 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 -0.72 894.5 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 0.26 -860.27 -0.54 772.76 -0.54 772.76 -0.54 772.76 -0.54 772.76 -0.54 772.76 -0.54 772.76

405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-97.73 -6141.35 -97.73 -5173.28 -97.73 -4384.21 -36.54 4590.15 -36.54 5379.22 -36.54 6347.29 -36.54 7494.38 -36.54 8820.48 -36.54 10146.57 -36.54 11293.66 -36.54 12261.74 -36.54 13050.8 -101.19 -12844.93 -101.19 -12055.87 -101.19 -11087.79 -101.19 -9940.7 -101.19 -8614.61 -101.19 -7288.51 -101.19 -6141.42 -101.19 -5173.35 -101.19 -4384.28 -39.14 4590.48 -39.14 5379.55 -39.14 6347.62 -39.14 7494.71 -39.14 8820.81 -39.14 10146.91 -39.14 11293.99 -39.14 12262.07 -39.14 13051.14 198.65 -1709.29 198.65 -1538.99 198.65 -1368.7 198.65 -1198.4 198.65 -1028.1 198.65 -857.81 198.65 -687.51 198.65 -517.21 198.65 -346.92 457.88 4104.64 457.88 4274.94 457.88 4445.23 457.88 4615.53 457.88 4785.83 457.88 4956.12

-0.54 -0.54 -0.54 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 0.05122 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 -0.61 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

772.76 772.76 772.76 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 -745.07 771.68 771.68 771.68 771.68 771.68 771.68 771.68 771.68 771.68 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 -743.37 583.73 583.73 583.73 583.73 583.73 583.73 583.73 583.73 583.73 -70.6 -70.6 -70.6 -70.6 -70.6 -70.6

405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

457.88 457.88 457.88 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -104.53 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 -383.59 215.27 215.27 215.27 215.27 215.27 215.27 215.27 215.27 215.27 253.88 253.88 253.88 253.88 253.88 253.88 253.88 253.88 253.88 -121.15 -121.15 -121.15 -121.15 -121.15 -121.15

5126.42 5296.72 5467.01 -5472.91 -5302.61 -5132.31 -4962.02 -4791.72 -4621.42 -4451.13 -4280.83 -4110.53 342.39 512.69 682.98 853.28 1023.58 1193.87 1364.17 1534.47 1704.76 -3014.94 -2844.64 -2674.35 -2504.05 -2333.75 -2163.46 -1993.16 -1822.86 -1652.57 2800.67 2970.96 3141.26 3311.56 3481.85 3652.15 3822.45 3992.74 4163.04 -4167.26 -3996.96 -3826.66 -3656.37 -3486.07 -3315.77

1.15 1.15 1.15 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 -2.17 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73

-70.6 -70.6 -70.6 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.3 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 -602.4 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 1158.32 501.19 501.19 501.19 501.19 501.19 501.19 501.19 501.19 501.19 -495.29 -495.29 -495.29 -495.29 -495.29 -495.29

405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-121.15 -121.15 -121.15 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 -179.58 48.82 48.82 48.82 48.82 48.82 48.82 48.82 48.82 48.82 380.42 380.42 380.42 380.42 380.42 380.42 380.42 380.42 380.42 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -254.35 -461.05 -461.05 -461.05 -461.05 -461.05 -461.05

-3145.48 -2975.18 -2804.89 1646.36 1816.66 1986.96 2157.25 2327.55 2497.85 2668.14 2838.44 3008.74 -10963.16 -10174.09 -9206.01 -8058.93 -6732.83 -5406.73 -4259.65 -3291.57 -2502.5 6471.76 7260.82 8228.9 9375.99 10702.08 12028.18 13175.27 14143.34 14932.41 -14726.77 -13937.71 -12969.63 -11822.54 -10496.45 -9170.35 -8023.26 -7055.19 -6266.12 2709.51 3498.57 4466.65 5613.74 6939.83 8265.93

-6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 -4.45 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54

-495.29 -495.29 -495.29 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 -1174.19 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 1023.41 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 -476.7 518.97 518.97 518.97 518.97 518.97 518.97 518.97 518.97 518.97 -1008.49 -1008.49 -1008.49 -1008.49 -1008.49 -1008.49

405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 406 406 406 406 406 406

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-461.05 -461.05 -461.05 65.45 65.45 65.45 65.45 65.45 65.45 65.45 65.45 65.45 176.41 176.41 176.41 176.41 176.41 176.41 176.41 176.41 176.41 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -270.97 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -257.05 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15 -2.15

9413.02 10381.09 11170.16 -12268.81 -11479.74 -10511.66 -9364.58 -8038.48 -6712.38 -5565.3 -4597.22 -3808.15 5167.78 5956.85 6924.93 8072.01 9398.11 10724.21 11871.29 12839.37 13628.44 -13421.12 -12632.06 -11663.98 -10516.89 -9190.8 -7864.7 -6717.61 -5749.54 -4960.47 4013.48 4802.55 5770.62 6917.71 8243.81 9569.9 10716.99 11685.07 12474.13 -12142.07 -11280.56 -10328.32 -9285.37 -8151.69 -7018.02

-1.54 -1.54 -1.54 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -7.93 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -3.81 -0.06591 -0.06591 -0.06591 -0.06591 -0.06591 -0.06591

-1008.49 -1008.49 -1008.49 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 1597.99 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -55.62 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 -1580.29 620.05 620.05 620.05 620.05 620.05 620.05

406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-2.15 -2.15 -2.15 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -9.53 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 5 5 5 5 5 5

-5975.06 -5022.83 -4161.31 4075.57 4937.08 5889.32 6932.27 8065.95 9199.62 10242.58 11194.81 12056.33 -14600.11 -13780.67 -12721.47 -11422.5 -9883.78 -8345.06 -7046.1 -5986.9 -5167.46 5108.68 5928.13 6987.33 8286.29 9825.01 11363.73 12662.69 13721.9 14541.34 -13027.63 -12238.57 -11270.49 -10123.4 -8797.31 -7471.21 -6324.12 -5356.05 -4566.98 4501.52 5290.59 6258.67 7405.75 8731.85 10057.95

-0.06591 -0.06591 -0.06591 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44

620.05 620.05 620.05 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 -610.55 838.54 838.54 838.54 838.54 838.54 838.54 838.54 838.54 838.54 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 -822.37 724.75 724.75 724.75 724.75 724.75 724.75 724.75 724.75 724.75 -711.68 -711.68 -711.68 -711.68 -711.68 -711.68

406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

5 11205.04 5 12173.11 5 12962.18 -6.28 -13027.84 -6.28 -12238.78 -6.28 -11270.7 -6.28 -10123.61 -6.28 -8797.52 -6.28 -7471.42 -6.28 -6324.33 -6.28 -5356.26 -6.28 -4567.19 2.61 4502.73 2.61 5291.79 2.61 6259.87 2.61 7406.96 2.61 8733.05 2.61 10059.15 2.61 11206.24 2.61 12174.31 2.61 12963.38 91.39 -1706.21 91.39 -1535.91 91.39 -1365.62 91.39 -1195.32 91.39 -1025.02 91.39 -854.73 91.39 -684.43 91.39 -514.14 91.39 -343.84 532.2 4095.32 532.2 4265.62 532.2 4435.92 532.2 4606.21 532.2 4776.51 532.2 4946.8 532.2 5117.1 532.2 5287.4 532.2 5457.69 -16.66 -5462.53 -16.66 -5292.24 -16.66 -5121.94 -16.66 -4951.64 -16.66 -4781.35 -16.66 -4611.05

0.44 0.44 0.44 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73

-711.68 -711.68 -711.68 723.59 723.59 723.59 723.59 723.59 723.59 723.59 723.59 723.59 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 -710.44 593.65 593.65 593.65 593.65 593.65 593.65 593.65 593.65 593.65 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 -61.24 74.14 74.14 74.14 74.14 74.14 74.14

406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-16.66 -16.66 -16.66 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 -451.89 146.62 146.62 146.62 146.62 146.62 146.62 146.62 146.62 146.62 353.92 353.92 353.92 353.92 353.92 353.92 353.92 353.92 353.92 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -71.88 -273.61 -273.61 -273.61 -273.61 -273.61 -273.61

-4440.75 -4270.46 -4100.16 331.39 501.68 671.98 842.27 1012.57 1182.87 1353.16 1523.46 1693.76 -3006.91 -2836.62 -2666.32 -2496.02 -2325.73 -2155.43 -1985.14 -1814.84 -1644.54 2795.43 2965.73 3136.02 3306.32 3476.62 3646.91 3817.21 3987.51 4157.8 -4161.83 -3991.53 -3821.24 -3650.94 -3480.64 -3310.35 -3140.05 -2969.75 -2799.46 1631.28 1801.57 1971.87 2142.17 2312.46 2482.76

-0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -3.88 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68

74.14 74.14 74.14 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 -601.81 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 1157.44 493.09 493.09 493.09 493.09 493.09 493.09 493.09 493.09 493.09 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -489.65 -1156.15 -1156.15 -1156.15 -1156.15 -1156.15 -1156.15

406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-273.61 -273.61 -273.61 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 493.57 493.57 493.57 493.57 493.57 493.57 493.57 493.57 493.57 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -61.29 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 -490.52 101.98 101.98 101.98 101.98 101.98 101.98

2653.05 2823.35 2993.65 -11149.78 -10360.71 -9392.63 -8245.55 -6919.45 -5593.35 -4446.27 -3478.19 -2689.12 6385.24 7174.31 8142.39 9289.47 10615.57 11941.67 13088.75 14056.83 14845.9 -14906.1 -14117.03 -13148.95 -12001.87 -10675.77 -9349.67 -8202.59 -7234.51 -6445.44 2621.3 3410.37 4378.45 5525.53 6851.63 8177.73 9324.81 10292.89 11081.96 -12450.48 -11661.41 -10693.34 -9546.25 -8220.15 -6894.05

-7.68 -1156.15 -7.68 -1156.15 -7.68 -1156.15 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 1.37 982.81 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 3.61 -439.59 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -1.85 463.3 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 -2.56 -980.16 4.52 1546.6 4.52 1546.6 4.52 1546.6 4.52 1546.6 4.52 1546.6 4.52 1546.6

406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

101.98 101.98 101.98 315.29 315.29 315.29 315.29 315.29 315.29 315.29 315.29 315.29 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -116.52 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 -312.24 86.32 86.32 86.32 86.32 86.32 86.32 86.32 86.32 86.32 61.14 61.14 61.14 61.14 61.14 61.14

-5746.97 -4778.89 -3989.82 5085.35 5874.42 6842.49 7989.58 9315.68 10641.77 11788.86 12756.94 13546 -13605.39 -12816.33 -11848.25 -10701.16 -9375.07 -8048.97 -6901.88 -5933.81 -5144.74 3921.2 4710.26 5678.34 6825.43 8151.52 9477.62 10624.71 11592.78 12381.85 -11764.86 -10903.35 -9951.11 -8908.16 -7774.48 -6640.81 -5597.85 -4645.62 -3784.1 4944.1 5254.36 5655.35 6147.05 6729.48 7311.9

4.52 4.52 4.52 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 -6.67 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74

1546.6 1546.6 1546.6 114.74 114.74 114.74 114.74 114.74 114.74 114.74 114.74 114.74 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -100.49 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 -1534.5 713.51 713.51 713.51 713.51 713.51 713.51 713.51 713.51 713.51 -612.82 -612.82 -612.82 -612.82 -612.82 -612.82

407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

61.14 61.14 61.14 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 76.49 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 71.88 71.88 71.88 71.88 71.88 71.88

7803.61 8204.59 8514.86 -14498.68 -13679.24 -12620.04 -11321.08 -9782.36 -8243.64 -6944.67 -5885.47 -5066.03 5717.94 6064.88 6651.58 7478.05 8544.27 9610.49 10436.95 11023.65 11370.59 -12841.21 -12052.15 -11084.07 -9936.98 -8610.89 -7284.79 -6137.7 -5169.63 -4380.56 5163.86 5480.43 5976.01 6650.59 7504.19 8357.79 9032.37 9527.95 9844.52 -12842.95 -12053.88 -11085.8 -9938.72 -8612.62 -7286.52

0.74 0.74 0.74 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63

-612.82 -612.82 -612.82 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 946.86 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 -808.79 823.17 823.17 823.17 823.17 823.17 823.17 823.17 823.17 823.17 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 -703.35 821.42 821.42 821.42 821.42 821.42 821.42

407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

71.88 71.88 71.88 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 208.12 208.12 208.12 208.12 208.12 208.12 208.12 208.12 208.12 811.89 811.89 811.89 811.89 811.89 811.89 811.89 811.89 811.89 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -77.91 -666.93 -666.93 -666.93 -666.93 -666.93 -666.93

-6139.43 -5171.36 -4382.29 5163.03 5479.6 5975.17 6649.76 7503.36 8356.95 9031.54 9527.12 9843.68 -1834.11 -1663.81 -1493.52 -1323.22 -1152.92 -982.63 -812.33 -642.04 -471.74 3972.93 4143.23 4313.52 4483.82 4654.11 4824.41 4994.71 5165 5335.3 -5598.86 -5428.56 -5258.26 -5087.97 -4917.67 -4747.37 -4577.08 -4406.78 -4236.49 286.47 456.77 627.07 797.36 967.66 1137.95

0.63 0.63 0.63 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51 -6.51

821.42 821.42 821.42 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 -702.6 586.53 586.53 586.53 586.53 586.53 586.53 586.53 586.53 586.53 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.42 -699.16 -699.16 -699.16 -699.16 -699.16 -699.16

407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-666.93 1308.25 -666.93 1478.55 -666.93 1648.84 342.61 -3136.66 342.61 -2966.37 342.61 -2796.07 342.61 -2625.78 342.61 -2455.48 342.61 -2285.18 342.61 -2114.89 342.61 -1944.59 342.61 -1774.29 706.19 2694.77 706.19 2865.06 706.19 3035.36 706.19 3205.66 706.19 3375.95 706.19 3546.25 706.19 3716.55 706.19 3886.84 706.19 4057.14 -212.4 -4296.3 -212.4 -4126.01 -212.4 -3955.71 -212.4 -3785.41 -212.4 -3615.12 -212.4 -3444.82 -212.4 -3274.52 -212.4 -3104.23 -212.4 -2933.93 -561.23 1564.63 -561.23 1734.93 -561.23 1905.23 -561.23 2075.52 -561.23 2245.82 -561.23 2416.12 -561.23 2586.41 -561.23 2756.71 -561.23 2927.01 212.79 -10961.36 212.79 -10172.29 212.79 -9204.22 212.79 -8057.13 212.79 -6731.03 212.79 -5404.94

-6.51 -6.51 -6.51 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 7.26 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 -8.36 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94

-699.16 -699.16 -699.16 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 1135.05 430.92 430.92 430.92 430.92 430.92 430.92 430.92 430.92 430.92 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -511.11 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 -1255.44 1095.19 1095.19 1095.19 1095.19 1095.19 1095.19

407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

212.79 212.79 212.79 786.93 786.93 786.93 786.93 786.93 786.93 786.93 786.93 786.93 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -73.23 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 -691.88 347.28 347.28 347.28 347.28 347.28 347.28 347.28 347.28 347.28 681.24 681.24 681.24 681.24 681.24 681.24

-4257.85 -3289.77 -2500.71 7005.88 7322.44 7818.02 8492.61 9346.2 10199.8 10874.39 11369.96 11686.53 -14726.11 -13937.04 -12968.96 -11821.88 -10495.78 -9169.68 -8022.6 -7054.52 -6265.45 3319.42 3635.99 4131.56 4806.15 5659.75 6513.34 7187.93 7683.51 8000.08 -12263.91 -11474.85 -10506.77 -9359.68 -8033.59 -6707.49 -5560.4 -4592.33 -3803.26 5727.72 6044.28 6539.86 7214.45 8068.04 8921.64

1.94 1.94 1.94 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 -4.86 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92

1095.19 1095.19 1095.19 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 -415.36 546.08 546.08 546.08 546.08 546.08 546.08 546.08 546.08 546.08 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 -989.16 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 1643.71 140.92 140.92 140.92 140.92 140.92 140.92

407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

681.24 681.24 681.24 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -207.72 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -586.19 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -122.47 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -112.61 -111.9 -111.9 -111.9 -111.9 -111.9 -111.9

9596.23 10091.8 10408.37 -13423.55 -12634.49 -11666.41 -10519.32 -9193.23 -7867.13 -6720.04 -5751.96 -4962.9 4597.58 4914.15 5409.73 6084.31 6937.91 7791.51 8466.09 8961.67 9278.24 -1238.59 -951.01 -618.06 -239.75 183.91 607.58 985.88 1318.83 1606.41 -1550.99 -1263.99 -857.11 -330.34 316.3 962.94 1489.7 1896.58 2183.58 -1354.09 -1082.28 -720.96 -270.13 270.2 810.53

8.92 8.92 8.92 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21

140.92 140.92 140.92 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -1545.44 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -486.83 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -683.58 -582.06 -582.06 -582.06 -582.06 -582.06 -582.06

408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-111.9 -111.9 -111.9 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 -110.06 329.11 329.11 329.11 329.11 329.11 329.11 329.11 329.11 329.11 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 -324.84 358.92 358.92 358.92 358.92 358.92 358.92 358.92 358.92 358.92 -354.65 -354.65 -354.65 -354.65 -354.65 -354.65

1261.35 1622.67 1894.48 -1365.54 -1093.72 -732.4 -281.58 258.75 799.08 1249.9 1611.22 1883.04 4850.06 5020.36 5190.65 5360.95 5531.24 5701.54 5871.84 6042.13 6212.43 -6004.16 -5833.87 -5663.57 -5493.27 -5322.98 -5152.68 -4982.38 -4812.09 -4641.79 1061.93 1232.22 1402.52 1572.81 1743.11 1913.41 2083.7 2254 2424.3 -2216.03 -2045.73 -1875.44 -1705.14 -1534.84 -1364.55

0.21 0.21 0.21 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 -6.66 -6.66 -6.66 -6.66 -6.66 -6.66

-582.06 -582.06 -582.06 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -583.47 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -49.96 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -139.07 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -41.58 -147.46 -147.46 -147.46 -147.46 -147.46 -147.46

408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 409 409 409 409 409 409

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-354.65 -354.65 -354.65 217.76 217.76 217.76 217.76 217.76 217.76 217.76 217.76 217.76 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 -436.2 247.57 247.57 247.57 247.57 247.57 247.57 247.57 247.57 247.57 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -466.01 -32.93 -32.93 -32.93 -32.93 -32.93 -32.93

-1194.25 -1023.95 -853.66 4056.37 4328.19 4689.51 5140.33 5680.66 6220.99 6671.81 7033.13 7304.95 -6797.85 -6526.03 -6164.71 -5713.89 -5173.56 -4633.23 -4182.41 -3821.09 -3549.27 268.24 540.05 901.37 1352.2 1892.53 2432.85 2883.68 3245 3516.81 -3009.72 -2737.9 -2376.58 -1925.76 -1385.43 -845.1 -394.27 -32.96 238.86 -1130.63 -843.05 -510.1 -131.8 291.87 715.53

-6.66 -6.66 -6.66 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 -2.74 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 -6.73 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78

-147.46 -147.46 -147.46 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -539.56 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -628.68 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -531.18 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -637.06 -144.06 -144.06 -144.06 -144.06 -144.06 -144.06

409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-32.93 -32.93 -32.93 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -22.52 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 -20.33 449.6 449.6 449.6 449.6 449.6 449.6 449.6 449.6 449.6 -452.21 -452.21 -452.21 -452.21 -452.21 -452.21

1093.84 1426.78 1714.37 -1620.54 -1333.53 -926.65 -399.89 246.75 893.39 1420.16 1827.04 2114.04 -1384.66 -1112.84 -751.52 -300.7 239.63 779.96 1230.78 1592.1 1863.92 -1377.48 -1105.66 -744.34 -293.52 246.81 787.14 1237.96 1599.28 1871.1 4781.6 4951.9 5122.19 5292.49 5462.79 5633.08 5803.38 5973.67 6143.97 -6331.85 -6161.55 -5991.25 -5820.96 -5650.66 -5480.36

0.78 0.78 0.78 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61 -5.61

-144.06 -144.06 -144.06 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -332.04 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -251.69 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -253.52 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -103.51 -146.16 -146.16 -146.16 -146.16 -146.16 -146.16

409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-452.21 -452.21 -452.21 218.85 218.85 218.85 218.85 218.85 218.85 218.85 218.85 218.85 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 -221.46 431.57 431.57 431.57 431.57 431.57 431.57 431.57 431.57 431.57 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 -470.24 200.82 200.82 200.82 200.82 200.82 200.82

-5310.07 -5139.77 -4969.48 926.92 1097.22 1267.52 1437.81 1608.11 1778.4 1948.7 2119 2289.29 -2477.17 -2306.87 -2136.58 -1966.28 -1795.98 -1625.69 -1455.39 -1285.09 -1114.8 4182.51 4454.32 4815.64 5266.47 5806.8 6347.13 6797.95 7159.27 7431.08 -6930.94 -6659.12 -6297.8 -5846.98 -5306.65 -4766.32 -4315.5 -3954.18 -3682.36 327.83 599.65 960.97 1411.79 1952.12 2492.45

-5.61 -5.61 -5.61 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06

-146.16 -146.16 -146.16 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -82.68 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -166.98 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -233.03 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -275.68 -212.2 -212.2 -212.2 -212.2 -212.2 -212.2

409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

200.82 2943.27 200.82 3304.59 200.82 3576.41 -239.49 -3076.26 -239.49 -2804.44 -239.49 -2443.13 -239.49 -1992.3 -239.49 -1451.97 -239.49 -911.64 -239.49 -460.82 -239.49 -99.5 -239.49 172.32 -86.65 -9499.04 -86.65 -8660.2 -86.65 -7776.01 -86.65 -6846.45 -86.65 -5871.54 -86.65 -4896.62 -86.65 -3967.06 -86.65 -3082.87 -86.65 -2244.03 -127.04 2857.94 -127.04 3696.78 -127.04 4580.97 -127.04 5510.53 -127.04 6485.44 -127.04 7460.36 -127.04 8389.91 -127.04 9274.11 -127.04 10112.95 -98.08 -10403.06 -98.08 -9643.56 -98.08 -8764.18 -98.08 -7764.92 -98.08 -6645.77 -98.08 -5526.63 -98.08 -4527.37 -98.08 -3647.99 -98.08 -2888.49 -136.4 3592.96 -136.4 4352.46 -136.4 5231.85 -136.4 6231.11 -136.4 7350.25 -136.4 8469.39

3.06 3.06 3.06 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 -3.04 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 -1.92 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58

-212.2 -212.2 -212.2 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -296.5 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 -1960.91 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 1067.73 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 -2672.18 1763.12 1763.12 1763.12 1763.12 1763.12 1763.12

410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-136.4 -136.4 -136.4 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -84.45 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -121.6 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -88.47 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 -125.43 1139.26 1139.26 1139.26 1139.26 1139.26 1139.26

9468.65 10348.03 11107.54 -9555.84 -8811.53 -7977.71 -7054.39 -6041.56 -5028.73 -4105.4 -3271.59 -2527.27 3163.64 3907.96 4741.78 5665.1 6677.93 7690.76 8614.08 9447.9 10192.22 -9555.27 -8810.96 -7977.14 -7053.82 -6040.99 -5028.16 -4104.83 -3271.01 -2526.7 3164.14 3908.46 4742.27 5665.6 6678.43 7691.26 8614.58 9448.4 10192.71 -715.28 -544.99 -374.69 -204.39 -34.1 136.2

0.58 0.58 0.58 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 -2.37 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 -2.21 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96

1763.12 1763.12 1763.12 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 -2301.3 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 1448.13 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 -2300.53 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 1445.58 -482.01 -482.01 -482.01 -482.01 -482.01 -482.01

410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

1139.26 1139.26 1139.26 294.61 294.61 294.61 294.61 294.61 294.61 294.61 294.61 294.61 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -1029.01 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 -190.39 776.98 776.98 776.98 776.98 776.98 776.98 776.98 776.98 776.98 753.61 753.61 753.61 753.61 753.61 753.61

306.5 476.79 647.09 3460.79 3631.09 3801.38 3971.68 4141.98 4312.27 4482.57 4652.87 4823.16 -4591.79 -4421.5 -4251.2 -4080.91 -3910.61 -3740.31 -3570.02 -3399.72 -3229.42 -477.95 -307.65 -137.35 32.94 203.24 373.54 543.83 714.13 884.42 -1942.94 -1772.64 -1602.35 -1432.05 -1261.76 -1091.46 -921.16 -750.87 -580.57 2217.23 2387.53 2557.83 2728.12 2898.42 3068.71

2.96 2.96 2.96 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

-482.01 -482.01 -482.01 867.08 867.08 867.08 867.08 867.08 867.08 867.08 867.08 867.08 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 -999.62 391.75 391.75 391.75 391.75 391.75 391.75 391.75 391.75 391.75 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 1362.74 1362.74 1362.74 1362.74 1362.74 1362.74

410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

753.61 3239.01 753.61 3409.31 753.61 3579.6 -666.73 -3364.14 -666.73 -3193.84 -666.73 -3023.54 -666.73 -2853.25 -666.73 -2682.95 -666.73 -2512.65 -666.73 -2342.36 -666.73 -2172.06 -666.73 -2001.77 -649.39 765.61 -649.39 935.91 -649.39 1106.2 -649.39 1276.5 -649.39 1446.8 -649.39 1617.09 -649.39 1787.39 -649.39 1957.69 -649.39 2127.98 993.84 -7616.76 993.84 -6872.44 993.84 -6038.62 993.84 -5115.3 993.84 -4102.47 993.84 -3089.64 993.84 -2166.32 993.84 -1332.5 993.84 -588.18 115.33 5133.74 115.33 5878.05 115.33 6711.87 115.33 7635.19 115.33 8648.02 115.33 9660.85 115.33 10584.18 115.33 11418 115.33 12162.31 -1174.43 -11493.27 -1174.43 -10748.95 -1174.43 -9915.14 -1174.43 -8991.81 -1174.43 -7978.98 -1174.43 -6966.15

6.5 6.5 6.5 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -9.13 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -6.93

1362.74 1362.74 1362.74 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -1501.23 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -103.9 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 -2041.38 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 1682.09 -2558.99 -2558.99 -2558.99 -2558.99 -2558.99 -2558.99

410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1174.43 -6042.83 -1174.43 -5209.01 -1174.43 -4464.7 -369.67 1195 -369.67 1939.31 -369.67 2773.13 -369.67 3696.46 -369.67 4709.29 -369.67 5722.11 -369.67 6645.44 -369.67 7479.26 -369.67 8223.57 631.56 -8844.42 631.56 -8100.1 631.56 -7266.28 631.56 -6342.96 631.56 -5330.13 631.56 -4317.3 631.56 -3393.97 631.56 -2560.16 631.56 -1815.84 574.33 3890.18 574.33 4634.49 574.33 5468.31 574.33 6391.64 574.33 7404.46 574.33 8417.29 574.33 9340.62 574.33 10174.44 574.33 10918.75 -812.15 -10265.61 -812.15 -9521.3 -812.15 -8687.48 -812.15 -7764.15 -812.15 -6751.32 -812.15 -5738.49 -812.15 -4815.17 -812.15 -3981.35 -812.15 -3237.04 -828.67 2438.56 -828.67 3182.87 -828.67 4016.69 -828.67 4940.01 -828.67 5952.84 -828.67 6965.67

-6.93 -6.93 -6.93 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 -3.16 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -9.44 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36

-2558.99 -2558.99 -2558.99 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 1206.76 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 -1539.77 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 2177.75 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 -3060.6 711.11 711.11 711.11 711.11 711.11 711.11

410 410 410 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-828.67 -828.67 -828.67 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -147.56 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -135.62 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.41 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -170.16 -152.33 -152.33 -152.33 -152.33 -152.33 -152.33

7889 8722.82 9467.13 -9793.36 -8954.52 -8070.33 -7140.77 -6165.86 -5190.94 -4261.39 -3377.19 -2538.36 2536.12 3374.96 4259.15 5188.71 6163.62 7138.54 8068.1 8952.29 9791.13 -10712.4 -9952.9 -9073.51 -8074.25 -6955.11 -5835.97 -4836.71 -3957.33 -3197.82 3167.8 3927.3 4806.68 5805.95 6925.09 8044.23 9043.49 9922.87 10682.37 -9842.56 -9098.24 -8264.42 -7341.1 -6328.27 -5315.44

-3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 0.07872 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5

711.11 711.11 711.11 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 -1421.27 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 1407.7 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 -2083.01 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 2077.79 -1761.08 -1761.08 -1761.08 -1761.08 -1761.08 -1761.08

411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-152.33 -152.33 -152.33 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -149.29 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -153.7 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 853.57 853.57 853.57 853.57 853.57 853.57 853.57 853.57 853.57 604.7 604.7 604.7 604.7 604.7 604.7

-4392.12 -3558.3 -2813.98 2795.44 3539.76 4373.58 5296.9 6309.73 7322.56 8245.88 9079.7 9824.02 -9843.03 -9098.72 -8264.9 -7341.58 -6328.75 -5315.92 -4392.59 -3558.77 -2814.46 2795.11 3539.43 4373.25 5296.57 6309.4 7322.23 8245.55 9079.37 9823.69 -731.13 -560.83 -390.54 -220.24 -49.94 120.35 290.65 460.95 631.24 3314.27 3484.56 3654.86 3825.16 3995.45 4165.75

-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 7.37 7.37 7.37 7.37 7.37 7.37

-1761.08 -1761.08 -1761.08 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 1753.23 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 -1759.06 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 1751.4 -397 -397 -397 -397 -397 -397 -397 -397 -397 871.93 871.93 871.93 871.93 871.93 871.93

411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

604.7 604.7 604.7 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -840.42 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 -616.46 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1053.69 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 1047.26 -1040.54 -1040.54 -1040.54 -1040.54 -1040.54 -1040.54

4336.05 4506.34 4676.64 -4696.1 -4525.8 -4355.5 -4185.21 -4014.91 -3844.62 -3674.32 -3504.02 -3333.73 -618.82 -448.52 -278.23 -107.93 62.37 232.66 402.96 573.26 743.55 -1969.8 -1799.5 -1629.2 -1458.91 -1288.61 -1118.31 -948.02 -777.72 -607.42 2053.36 2223.66 2393.96 2564.25 2734.55 2904.84 3075.14 3245.44 3415.73 -3457.43 -3287.13 -3116.84 -2946.54 -2776.25 -2605.95

7.37 7.37 7.37 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -7.73 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 -2.66 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.26 -10.16 -10.16 -10.16 -10.16 -10.16 -10.16

871.93 871.93 871.93 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 -888.58 414.48 414.48 414.48 414.48 414.48 414.48 414.48 414.48 414.48 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 99.1 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 1379.19 -1384.69 -1384.69 -1384.69 -1384.69 -1384.69 -1384.69

411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1040.54 -2435.65 -1040.54 -2265.36 -1040.54 -2095.06 -1059.03 642.09 -1059.03 812.38 -1059.03 982.68 -1059.03 1152.98 -1059.03 1323.27 -1059.03 1493.57 -1059.03 1663.86 -1059.03 1834.16 -1059.03 2004.46 692.67 -7860.76 692.67 -7116.45 692.67 -6282.63 692.67 -5359.31 692.67 -4346.48 692.67 -3333.65 692.67 -2410.32 692.67 -1576.5 692.67 -832.19 460.49 4761.51 460.49 5505.82 460.49 6339.64 460.49 7262.96 460.49 8275.79 460.49 9288.62 460.49 10211.95 460.49 11045.77 460.49 11790.08 -1001.32 -11825.73 -1001.32 -11081.42 -1001.32 -10247.6 -1001.32 -9324.28 -1001.32 -8311.45 -1001.32 -7298.62 -1001.32 -6375.29 -1001.32 -5541.47 -1001.32 -4797.16 -760.68 828.42 -760.68 1572.73 -760.68 2406.55 -760.68 3329.88 -760.68 4342.71 -760.68 5355.54

-10.16 -10.16 -10.16 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 -4.56 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87

-1384.69 -1384.69 -1384.69 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -92.78 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 -1512.36 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 1979.3 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 -2003.94 1521.85 1521.85 1521.85 1521.85 1521.85 1521.85

411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 412 412 412 412 412 412

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-760.68 6278.86 -760.68 7112.68 -760.68 7856.99 892.8 -9099.43 892.8 -8355.12 892.8 -7521.3 892.8 -6597.97 892.8 -5585.14 892.8 -4572.32 892.8 -3648.99 892.8 -2815.17 892.8 -2070.86 903.05 3500.6 903.05 4244.92 903.05 5078.74 903.05 6002.06 903.05 7014.89 903.05 8027.72 903.05 8951.04 903.05 9784.86 903.05 10529.18 -1201.44 -10587.07 -1201.44 -9842.75 -1201.44 -9008.93 -1201.44 -8085.61 -1201.44 -7072.78 -1201.44 -6059.95 -1201.44 -5136.63 -1201.44 -4302.81 -1201.44 -3558.49 -1203.24 2089.33 -1203.24 2833.64 -1203.24 3667.46 -1203.24 4590.78 -1203.24 5603.61 -1203.24 6616.44 -1203.24 7539.77 -1203.24 8373.58 -1203.24 9117.9 -194.52 -9820.4 -194.52 -8981.56 -194.52 -8097.36 -194.52 -7167.81 -194.52 -6192.89 -194.52 -5217.98

-4.87 -4.87 -4.87 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -7.78 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92

1521.85 1521.85 1521.85 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 -1016.25 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 2486.56 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 -2500.04 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 1014.6 -1423.7 -1423.7 -1423.7 -1423.7 -1423.7 -1423.7

412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-194.52 -4288.42 -194.52 -3404.23 -194.52 -2565.39 -181.63 2523.5 -181.63 3362.33 -181.63 4246.53 -181.63 5176.09 -181.63 6151 -181.63 7125.92 -181.63 8055.47 -181.63 8939.67 -181.63 9778.5 -237.11 -10706.83 -237.11 -9947.33 -237.11 -9067.95 -237.11 -8068.69 -237.11 -6949.54 -237.11 -5830.4 -237.11 -4831.14 -237.11 -3951.76 -237.11 -3192.26 -205 3197.56 -205 3957.06 -205 4836.44 -205 5835.71 -205 6954.85 -205 8073.99 -205 9073.25 -205 9952.63 -205 10712.13 -211.74 -9848.68 -211.74 -9104.37 -211.74 -8270.55 -211.74 -7347.22 -211.74 -6334.39 -211.74 -5321.56 -211.74 -4398.24 -211.74 -3564.42 -211.74 -2820.11 -191.43 2808.79 -191.43 3553.1 -191.43 4386.92 -191.43 5310.25 -191.43 6323.08 -191.43 7335.91

-0.92 -0.92 -0.92 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 0.04486 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56

-1423.7 -1423.7 -1423.7 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 1402.87 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 -2079.34 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 2110.07 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 -1761.39 1767.05 1767.05 1767.05 1767.05 1767.05 1767.05

412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412

6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-191.43 -191.43 -191.43 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -210.87 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 -187.22 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 815.88 815.88 815.88 815.88 815.88 815.88 815.88 815.88 815.88 -624.35 -624.35 -624.35 -624.35 -624.35 -624.35

8259.23 9093.05 9837.36 -9848.38 -9104.06 -8270.24 -7346.92 -6334.09 -5321.26 -4397.94 -3564.12 -2819.8 2809.48 3553.8 4387.62 5310.94 6323.77 7336.6 8259.92 9093.74 9838.06 -732.05 -561.75 -391.45 -221.16 -50.86 119.43 289.73 460.03 630.32 3417.59 3587.88 3758.18 3928.47 4098.77 4269.07 4439.36 4609.66 4779.96 -4656.52 -4486.22 -4315.92 -4145.63 -3975.33 -3805.03

1.56 1.56 1.56 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94

1767.05 1767.05 1767.05 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 -1757.81 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 1769.33 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 -400.75 810.01 810.01 810.01 810.01 810.01 810.01 810.01 810.01 810.01 -931.04 -931.04 -931.04 -931.04 -931.04 -931.04

412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-624.35 -624.35 -624.35 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 -952.09 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 1014.43 854.82 854.82 854.82 854.82 854.82 854.82 854.82 854.82 854.82 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -1091.27 -991.03 -991.03 -991.03 -991.03 -991.03 -991.03

-3634.74 -3464.44 -3294.15 -672.91 -502.61 -332.31 -162.02 8.28 178.57 348.87 519.17 689.46 -2075.47 -1905.18 -1734.88 -1564.59 -1394.29 -1223.99 -1053.7 -883.4 -713.1 2272.55 2442.85 2613.15 2783.44 2953.74 3124.03 3294.33 3464.63 3634.92 -3313.09 -3142.79 -2972.5 -2802.2 -2631.9 -2461.61 -2291.31 -2121.01 -1950.72 472.13 642.42 812.72 983.01 1153.31 1323.61

-7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -11.31 -15.74 -15.74 -15.74 -15.74 -15.74 -15.74

-931.04 -931.04 -931.04 393.42 393.42 393.42 393.42 393.42 393.42 393.42 393.42 393.42 165.75 165.75 165.75 165.75 165.75 165.75 165.75 165.75 165.75 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 1242.61 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -1497.54 -39.18 -39.18 -39.18 -39.18 -39.18 -39.18

412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-991.03 1493.9 -991.03 1664.2 -991.03 1834.5 375.45 -7886.01 375.45 -7141.69 375.45 -6307.87 375.45 -5384.55 375.45 -4371.72 375.45 -3358.89 375.45 -2435.56 375.45 -1601.75 375.45 -857.43 698.67 4855.04 698.67 5599.36 698.67 6433.18 698.67 7356.5 698.67 8369.33 698.67 9382.16 698.67 10305.48 698.67 11139.3 698.67 11883.62 -796.4 -11810.47 -796.4 -11066.16 -796.4 -10232.34 -796.4 -9309.02 -796.4 -8296.19 -796.4 -7283.36 -796.4 -6360.03 -796.4 -5526.21 -796.4 -4781.9 -1069.29 764.55 -1069.29 1508.86 -1069.29 2342.68 -1069.29 3266.01 -1069.29 4278.84 -1069.29 5291.67 -1069.29 6214.99 -1069.29 7048.81 -1069.29 7793.12 842.37 -9229.43 842.37 -8485.12 842.37 -7651.3 842.37 -6727.97 842.37 -5715.14 842.37 -4702.32

-15.74 -15.74 -15.74 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -5.58 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 8.53 8.53 8.53 8.53 8.53 8.53

-39.18 -39.18 -39.18 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 -1491.04 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 1978.66 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 -2021.33 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 1562.07 -924.54 -924.54 -924.54 -924.54 -924.54 -924.54

412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

842.37 -3778.99 842.37 -2945.17 842.37 -2200.86 737.62 3710.01 737.62 4454.32 737.62 5288.14 737.62 6211.47 737.62 7224.3 737.62 8237.13 737.62 9160.45 737.62 9994.27 737.62 10738.58 -1263.32 -10467.05 -1263.32 -9722.73 -1263.32 -8888.91 -1263.32 -7965.59 -1263.32 -6952.76 -1263.32 -5939.93 -1263.32 -5016.61 -1263.32 -4182.79 -1263.32 -3438.47 -1108.24 1909.58 -1108.24 2653.9 -1108.24 3487.72 -1108.24 4411.04 -1108.24 5423.87 -1108.24 6436.7 -1108.24 7360.02 -1108.24 8193.84 -1108.24 8938.16 101.77 -6692.41 101.77 -6404.83 101.77 -6071.88 101.77 -5693.57 101.77 -5269.91 101.77 -4846.24 101.77 -4467.94 101.77 -4134.99 101.77 -3847.41 117.05 3839.09 117.05 4126.68 117.05 4459.62 117.05 4837.93 117.05 5261.59 117.05 5685.26

8.53 8.53 8.53 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -8.95 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -16.24 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93

-924.54 -924.54 -924.54 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 2411.26 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 -2587.83 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 1129.47 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 -921.52 926.55 926.55 926.55 926.55 926.55 926.55

413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413

6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

117.05 117.05 117.05 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 57.83 57.83 57.83 57.83 57.83 57.83 57.83 57.83 57.83 58.62 58.62 58.62 58.62 58.62 58.62 58.62 58.62 58.62 76.16 76.16 76.16 76.16 76.16 76.16 76.16 76.16 76.16 57.01 57.01 57.01 57.01 57.01 57.01

6063.56 6396.51 6684.1 -8486.42 -8199.42 -7792.54 -7265.78 -6619.14 -5972.49 -5445.73 -5038.85 -4751.85 4728.1 5015.11 5421.99 5948.75 6595.39 7242.03 7768.8 8175.68 8462.68 -7452.34 -7180.53 -6819.21 -6368.38 -5828.05 -5287.72 -4836.9 -4475.58 -4203.77 4186.25 4458.07 4819.39 5270.21 5810.54 6350.87 6801.69 7163.01 7434.83 -7454.74 -7182.92 -6821.6 -6370.78 -5830.45 -5290.12

1.93 1.93 1.93 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18 -1.18

926.55 926.55 926.55 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 -1394.43 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 1401.26 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 -1169.65 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 1175.53 -1168 -1168 -1168 -1168 -1168 -1168

413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413

2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

57.01 57.01 57.01 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 74.11 211.72 211.72 211.72 211.72 211.72 211.72 211.72 211.72 211.72 150.79 150.79 150.79 150.79 150.79 150.79 150.79 150.79 150.79 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -151.83 -70.98 -70.98 -70.98 -70.98 -70.98 -70.98

-4839.3 -4477.98 -4206.16 4188.65 4460.46 4821.78 5272.61 5812.94 6353.27 6804.09 7165.41 7437.22 -1023.97 -853.68 -683.38 -513.09 -342.79 -172.49 -2.2 168.1 338.4 3626.86 3797.16 3967.46 4137.75 4308.05 4478.35 4648.64 4818.94 4989.23 -4991.95 -4821.66 -4651.36 -4481.06 -4310.77 -4140.47 -3970.17 -3799.88 -3629.58 -344.31 -174.02 -3.72 166.58 336.87 507.17

-1.18 -1.18 -1.18 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -9.04 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42

-1168 -1168 -1168 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 1173.89 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 -277.04 638.9 638.9 638.9 638.9 638.9 638.9 638.9 638.9 638.9 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 -638.61 277.61 277.61 277.61 277.61 277.61 277.61

413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-70.98 -70.98 -70.98 289.67 289.67 289.67 289.67 289.67 289.67 289.67 289.67 289.67 279.89 279.89 279.89 279.89 279.89 279.89 279.89 279.89 279.89 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -229.78 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 -200.08 238.05 238.05 238.05 238.05 238.05 238.05

677.47 847.76 1018.06 -2166.5 -1996.2 -1825.9 -1655.61 -1485.31 -1315.02 -1144.72 -974.42 -804.13 2488.24 2658.54 2828.84 2999.13 3169.43 3339.72 3510.02 3680.32 3850.61 -3849.43 -3679.13 -3508.84 -3338.54 -3168.24 -2997.95 -2827.65 -2657.36 -2487.06 794.31 964.61 1134.9 1305.2 1475.49 1645.79 1816.09 1986.38 2156.68 -5471.84 -5200.02 -4838.7 -4387.88 -3847.55 -3307.22

-6.42 -6.42 -6.42 13.53 13.53 13.53 13.53 13.53 13.53 13.53 13.53 13.53 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.71 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -16.37 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 -13.43 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48

277.61 277.61 277.61 45.44 45.44 45.44 45.44 45.44 45.44 45.44 45.44 45.44 960.97 960.97 960.97 960.97 960.97 960.97 960.97 960.97 960.97 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -961.09 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -44.46 -986.47 -986.47 -986.47 -986.47 -986.47 -986.47

413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

238.05 238.05 238.05 184.07 184.07 184.07 184.07 184.07 184.07 184.07 184.07 184.07 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -125.49 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 -37.7 316.01 316.01 316.01 316.01 316.01 316.01 316.01 316.01 316.01 313.17 313.17 313.17 313.17 313.17 313.17

-2856.4 -2495.08 -2223.26 6175.33 6447.14 6808.46 7259.29 7799.62 8339.95 8790.77 9152.09 9423.9 -9439.82 -9168 -8806.68 -8355.86 -7815.53 -7275.2 -6824.38 -6463.06 -6191.24 2204.15 2475.97 2837.29 3288.11 3828.44 4368.77 4819.59 5180.91 5452.73 -6614.36 -6342.55 -5981.23 -5530.4 -4990.07 -4449.74 -3998.92 -3637.6 -3365.79 5036.71 5308.52 5669.84 6120.67 6660.99 7201.32

6.48 6.48 6.48 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -8.75 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 16.61 16.61 16.61 16.61 16.61 16.61

-986.47 -986.47 -986.47 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 1353.79 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 -1348.04 992.49 992.49 992.49 992.49 992.49 992.49 992.49 992.49 992.49 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 -663.99 1675.85 1675.85 1675.85 1675.85 1675.85 1675.85

413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

313.17 7652.15 313.17 8013.47 313.17 8285.28 -203.44 -8297.29 -203.44 -8025.48 -203.44 -7664.16 -203.44 -7213.34 -203.44 -6673.01 -203.44 -6132.68 -203.44 -5681.85 -203.44 -5320.53 -203.44 -5048.72 -166.8 3342.77 -166.8 3614.59 -166.8 3975.91 -166.8 4426.73 -166.8 4967.06 -166.8 5507.39 -166.8 5958.21 -166.8 6319.53 -166.8 6591.35 -142.14 -9789.5 -142.14 -8950.67 -142.14 -8066.47 -142.14 -7136.92 -142.14 -6162 -142.14 -5187.08 -142.14 -4257.53 -142.14 -3373.33 -142.14 -2534.5 -162.24 2553.4 -162.24 3392.23 -162.24 4276.43 -162.24 5205.98 -162.24 6180.9 -162.24 7155.81 -162.24 8085.37 -162.24 8969.56 -162.24 9808.4 -159.39 -10741.21 -159.39 -9981.71 -159.39 -9102.33 -159.39 -8103.07 -159.39 -6983.92 -159.39 -5864.78

16.61 16.61 16.61 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -16.08 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19

1675.85 1675.85 1675.85 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 -1670.52 670.42 670.42 670.42 670.42 670.42 670.42 670.42 670.42 670.42 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 -1398.88 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 1436.84 -2106.18 -2106.18 -2106.18 -2106.18 -2106.18 -2106.18

414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-159.39 -159.39 -159.39 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -194.51 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -148.72 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -173.35 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -145.8 -173.66 -173.66 -173.66 -173.66 -173.66 -173.66

-4865.52 -3986.14 -3226.64 3164.06 3923.56 4802.94 5802.2 6921.34 8040.48 9039.75 9919.13 10678.63 -9859.07 -9114.76 -8280.94 -7357.62 -6344.79 -5331.96 -4408.63 -3574.81 -2830.5 2798.62 3542.94 4376.76 5300.08 6312.91 7325.74 8249.06 9082.88 9827.2 -9859.76 -9115.45 -8281.63 -7358.31 -6345.48 -5332.65 -4409.32 -3575.51 -2831.19 2798.32 3542.64 4376.45 5299.78 6312.61 7325.44

-1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16

-2106.18 -2106.18 -2106.18 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 2098.73 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 -1763.34 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 1777.74 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 -1765.61 1774.16 1774.16 1774.16 1774.16 1774.16 1774.16

414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-173.66 -173.66 -173.66 906.93 906.93 906.93 906.93 906.93 906.93 906.93 906.93 906.93 542.65 542.65 542.65 542.65 542.65 542.65 542.65 542.65 542.65 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -991.13 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 -566.72 898.19 898.19 898.19 898.19 898.19 898.19

8248.76 9082.58 9826.89 -696.09 -525.79 -355.49 -185.2 -14.9 155.4 325.69 495.99 666.29 3287.2 3457.5 3627.8 3798.09 3968.39 4138.69 4308.98 4479.28 4649.58 -4783.5 -4613.21 -4442.91 -4272.61 -4102.32 -3932.02 -3761.72 -3591.43 -3421.13 -632.81 -462.52 -292.22 -121.93 48.37 218.67 388.96 559.26 729.56 -1844.95 -1674.65 -1504.35 -1334.06 -1163.76 -993.46

0.16 0.16 0.16 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 -3.09 15.44 15.44 15.44 15.44 15.44 15.44

1774.16 1774.16 1774.16 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 -393.41 933.65 933.65 933.65 933.65 933.65 933.65 933.65 933.65 933.65 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 -809.71 401.36 401.36 401.36 401.36 401.36 401.36 401.36 401.36 401.36 39.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 39.28

414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

898.19 898.19 898.19 981.48 981.48 981.48 981.48 981.48 981.48 981.48 981.48 981.48 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -982.39 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 -1005.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 804.55 380.87 380.87 380.87 380.87 380.87 380.87

-823.17 -652.87 -482.57 1938.58 2108.87 2279.17 2449.46 2619.76 2790.06 2960.35 3130.65 3300.95 -3634.64 -3464.35 -3294.05 -3123.75 -2953.46 -2783.16 -2612.86 -2442.57 -2272.27 715.81 886.11 1056.41 1226.7 1397 1567.3 1737.59 1907.89 2078.19 -7816.37 -7072.06 -6238.24 -5314.91 -4302.08 -3289.25 -2365.93 -1532.11 -787.8 4758.19 5502.51 6336.33 7259.65 8272.48 9285.31

15.44 15.44 15.44 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -19.04 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64

39.28 39.28 39.28 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 1498.2 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -1242.39 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -163.2 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 -1558.5 2038.67 2038.67 2038.67 2038.67 2038.67 2038.67

414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

380.87 380.87 380.87 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -1093.51 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 -728.49 795.81 795.81 795.81 795.81 795.81 795.81 795.81 795.81 795.81 819.71 819.71 819.71 819.71 819.71 819.71 819.71 819.71 819.71 -1084.77 -1084.77 -1084.77 -1084.77 -1084.77 -1084.77

10208.63 11042.45 11786.77 -11903.79 -11159.47 -10325.65 -9402.33 -8389.5 -7376.67 -6453.35 -5619.53 -4875.21 838.17 1582.49 2416.31 3339.63 4352.46 5365.29 6288.61 7122.43 7866.75 -8965.23 -8220.92 -7387.1 -6463.77 -5450.94 -4438.11 -3514.79 -2680.97 -1936.66 3409.56 4153.88 4987.7 5911.02 6923.85 7936.68 8860 9693.82 10438.14 -10754.93 -10010.61 -9176.79 -8253.47 -7240.64 -6227.81

5.64 5.64 5.64 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -11.13 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 -5.51 15.97 15.97 15.97 15.97 15.97 15.97 15.97 15.97 15.97 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 -18.51 -18.51 -18.51 -18.51 -18.51 -18.51

2038.67 2038.67 2038.67 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 -1974.79 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 1506.39 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 -1125.81 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 2603.23 -2407.48 -2407.48 -2407.48 -2407.48 -2407.48 -2407.48

414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1084.77 -5304.49 -1084.77 -4470.67 -1084.77 -3726.35 -1167.32 2186.8 -1167.32 2931.12 -1167.32 3764.94 -1167.32 4688.26 -1167.32 5701.09 -1167.32 6713.92 -1167.32 7637.24 -1167.32 8471.06 -1167.32 9215.38 -129.55 -9793.84 -129.55 -8955 -129.55 -8070.81 -129.55 -7141.25 -129.55 -6166.34 -129.55 -5191.42 -129.55 -4261.87 -129.55 -3377.67 -129.55 -2538.83 -166.82 2532.49 -166.82 3371.33 -166.82 4255.52 -166.82 5185.08 -166.82 6159.99 -166.82 7134.91 -166.82 8064.46 -166.82 8948.66 -166.82 9787.5 -163.2 -10701.91 -163.2 -9942.41 -163.2 -9063.03 -163.2 -8063.77 -163.2 -6944.63 -163.2 -5825.48 -163.2 -4826.22 -163.2 -3946.84 -163.2 -3187.34 -187.19 3175.99 -187.19 3935.5 -187.19 4814.88 -187.19 5814.14 -187.19 6933.28 -187.19 8052.42

-18.51 -18.51 -18.51 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -8.97 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 -1.06 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39

-2407.48 -2407.48 -2407.48 941.83 941.83 941.83 941.83 941.83 941.83 941.83 941.83 941.83 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 -1412.9 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 1434.05 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 -2085.74 2103.19 2103.19 2103.19 2103.19 2103.19 2103.19

415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415

6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max

-187.19 -187.19 -187.19 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -142.2 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -169.1 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -143.43 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 -170.4 544.88 544.88 544.88 544.88 544.88 544.88

9051.68 9931.07 10690.57 -9837.11 -9092.79 -8258.97 -7335.65 -6322.82 -5309.99 -4386.67 -3552.85 -2808.53 2798.45 3542.77 4376.59 5299.91 6312.74 7325.57 8248.89 9082.71 9827.03 -9836.77 -9092.46 -8258.64 -7335.31 -6322.49 -5309.66 -4386.33 -3552.51 -2808.2 2798.93 3543.24 4377.06 5300.39 6313.22 7326.05 8249.37 9083.19 9827.5 -752.13 -581.84 -411.54 -241.25 -70.95 99.35

-0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 -0.01302 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06

2103.19 2103.19 2103.19 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 -1759.87 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 1777.8 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 -1758.04 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 1775.78 -414.43 -414.43 -414.43 -414.43 -414.43 -414.43

415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

544.88 544.88 544.88 887 887 887 887 887 887 887 887 887 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -532.54 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 -874.96 927.75 927.75 927.75 927.75 927.75 927.75 927.75 927.75 927.75 869.13 869.13 869.13 869.13 869.13 869.13

269.64 439.94 610.24 3329.87 3500.17 3670.46 3840.76 4011.06 4181.35 4351.65 4521.94 4692.24 -4682.25 -4511.95 -4341.66 -4171.36 -4001.07 -3830.77 -3660.47 -3490.18 -3319.88 -637.77 -467.48 -297.18 -126.89 43.41 213.71 384 554.3 724.6 -2016.48 -1846.18 -1675.89 -1505.59 -1335.3 -1165 -994.7 -824.41 -654.11 2093.97 2264.26 2434.56 2604.86 2775.15 2945.45

3.06 3.06 3.06 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.34 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -7.91 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99

-414.43 -414.43 -414.43 893.3 893.3 893.3 893.3 893.3 893.3 893.3 893.3 893.3 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 -873.64 400.57 400.57 400.57 400.57 400.57 400.57 400.57 400.57 400.57 91.43 91.43 91.43 91.43 91.43 91.43 91.43 91.43 91.43 1387.14 1387.14 1387.14 1387.14 1387.14 1387.14

415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415

6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

869.13 3115.75 869.13 3286.04 869.13 3456.34 -915.41 -3417.9 -915.41 -3247.61 -915.41 -3077.31 -915.41 -2907.02 -915.41 -2736.72 -915.41 -2566.42 -915.41 -2396.13 -915.41 -2225.83 -915.41 -2055.53 -857.09 598.13 -857.09 768.42 -857.09 938.72 -857.09 1109.02 -857.09 1279.31 -857.09 1449.61 -857.09 1619.91 -857.09 1790.2 -857.09 1960.5 394.71 -7871.56 394.71 -7127.25 394.71 -6293.43 394.71 -5370.11 394.71 -4357.28 394.71 -3344.45 394.71 -2421.12 394.71 -1587.3 394.71 -842.99 709.99 4782.97 709.99 5527.28 709.99 6361.1 709.99 7284.43 709.99 8297.26 709.99 9310.09 709.99 10233.41 709.99 11067.23 709.99 11811.54 -682.7 -11801.68 -682.7 -11057.36 -682.7 -10223.54 -682.7 -9300.22 -682.7 -8287.39 -682.7 -7274.56

9.99 9.99 9.99 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 -5.69 -5.69 -5.69 -5.69 -5.69 -5.69

1387.14 1387.14 1387.14 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -1379.5 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -93.26 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 -1527.61 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 2021.23 -1986.82 -1986.82 -1986.82 -1986.82 -1986.82 -1986.82

415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-682.7 -6351.24 -682.7 -5517.42 -682.7 -4773.1 -1051.96 815.33 -1051.96 1559.64 -1051.96 2393.46 -1051.96 3316.78 -1051.96 4329.61 -1051.96 5342.44 -1051.96 6265.77 -1051.96 7099.58 -1051.96 7843.9 777.59 -9135.91 777.59 -8391.59 777.59 -7557.78 777.59 -6634.45 777.59 -5621.62 777.59 -4608.79 777.59 -3685.47 777.59 -2851.65 777.59 -2107.33 692.12 3547.07 692.12 4291.38 692.12 5125.2 692.12 6048.52 692.12 7061.35 692.12 8074.18 692.12 8997.51 692.12 9831.33 692.12 10575.64 -1065.58 -10537.33 -1065.58 -9793.02 -1065.58 -8959.2 -1065.58 -8035.87 -1065.58 -7023.05 -1065.58 -6010.22 -1065.58 -5086.89 -1065.58 -4253.07 -1065.58 -3508.76 -1034.09 2051.23 -1034.09 2795.54 -1034.09 3629.36 -1034.09 4552.69 -1034.09 5565.51 -1034.09 6578.34

-5.69 -5.69 -5.69 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -6.16 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64

-1986.82 -1986.82 -1986.82 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 1528.5 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 -1021.75 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 2515.06 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 -2492.68 1034.67 1034.67 1034.67 1034.67 1034.67 1034.67

415 415 415 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D 2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.05 1,4D 4.5 1,4D 4.95 1,4D 5.4 1,4D 5.85 1,4D 6.3 1,4D 6.75 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Min Combination Min Combination Min Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-1034.09 -1034.09 -1034.09 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -166.3 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -134.87 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -179.22 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -124.19 -161.97 -161.97 -161.97 -161.97 -161.97 -161.97

7501.67 8335.49 9079.8 -10212.37 -9373.53 -8489.34 -7559.78 -6584.87 -5609.95 -4680.4 -3796.2 -2957.36 2307.41 3146.25 4030.44 4960 5934.91 6909.83 7839.38 8723.58 9562.41 -11229.69 -10470.19 -9590.81 -8591.55 -7472.41 -6353.27 -5354 -4474.62 -3715.12 2949.71 3709.21 4588.59 5587.86 6707 7826.14 8825.4 9704.78 10464.29 -10300.49 -9556.18 -8722.36 -7799.03 -6786.2 -5773.37

-7.64 -7.64 -7.64 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 -0.08029 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74 -0.74

1034.67 1034.67 1034.67 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 -1222.3 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 1986.56 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 -1916.4 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 2775.23 -1593.58 -1593.58 -1593.58 -1593.58 -1593.58 -1593.58

416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416

2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.05 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.95 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.85 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.3 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.75 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-161.97 -4850.05 -161.97 -4016.23 -161.97 -3271.92 -117.16 2585.91 -117.16 3330.22 -117.16 4164.04 -117.16 5087.36 -117.16 6100.19 -117.16 7113.02 -117.16 8036.35 -117.16 8870.17 -117.16 9614.48 -164.96 -10301.02 -164.96 -9556.7 -164.96 -8722.88 -164.96 -7799.56 -164.96 -6786.73 -164.96 -5773.9 -164.96 -4850.58 -164.96 -4016.76 -164.96 -3272.44 -120.42 2585.33 -120.42 3329.65 -120.42 4163.47 -120.42 5086.79 -120.42 6099.62 -120.42 7112.45 -120.42 8035.77 -120.42 8869.59 -120.42 9613.91 416.24 -873.58 416.24 -703.28 416.24 -532.98 416.24 -362.69 416.24 -192.39 416.24 -22.09 416.24 148.2 416.24 318.5 416.24 488.8 1601.08 3236.07 1601.08 3406.37 1601.08 3576.67 1601.08 3746.96 1601.08 3917.26 1601.08 4087.55

-0.74 -0.74 -0.74 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29

-1593.58 -1593.58 -1593.58 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 2373.97 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 -1591.06 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 2373.19 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 -355.15 1058.94 1058.94 1058.94 1058.94 1058.94 1058.94

416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416

6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.05 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.95 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.85 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.3 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.75 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

1601.08 1601.08 1601.08 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -352.04 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 -1493.75 490.34 490.34 490.34 490.34 490.34 490.34 490.34 490.34 490.34 680.82 680.82 680.82 680.82 680.82 680.82 680.82 680.82 680.82 -426.14 -426.14 -426.14 -426.14 -426.14 -426.14

4257.85 4428.15 4598.44 -4822.12 -4651.83 -4481.53 -4311.23 -4140.94 -3970.64 -3800.35 -3630.05 -3459.75 -642.74 -472.45 -302.15 -131.85 38.44 208.74 379.04 549.33 719.63 -2121.39 -1951.09 -1780.8 -1610.5 -1440.2 -1269.91 -1099.61 -929.31 -759.02 2013.54 2183.84 2354.13 2524.43 2694.73 2865.02 3035.32 3205.61 3375.91 -3574.31 -3404.01 -3233.72 -3063.42 -2893.12 -2722.83

4.29 4.29 4.29 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23

1058.94 1058.94 1058.94 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 -829.27 521.45 521.45 521.45 521.45 521.45 521.45 521.45 521.45 521.45 138.8 138.8 138.8 138.8 138.8 138.8 138.8 138.8 138.8 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 1567.87 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22

416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416

2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.05 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.95 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.85 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.3 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.75 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-426.14 -2552.53 -426.14 -2382.24 -426.14 -2211.94 -573.49 579.79 -573.49 750.09 -573.49 920.38 -573.49 1090.68 -573.49 1260.98 -573.49 1431.27 -573.49 1601.57 -573.49 1771.86 -573.49 1942.16 217.82 -8326.98 217.82 -7582.67 217.82 -6748.85 217.82 -5825.52 217.82 -4812.69 217.82 -3799.87 217.82 -2876.54 217.82 -2042.72 217.82 -1298.41 1425.52 4524.48 1425.52 5268.8 1425.52 6102.62 1425.52 7025.94 1425.52 8038.77 1425.52 9051.6 1425.52 9974.92 1425.52 10808.74 1425.52 11553.06 -550.45 -12275.53 -550.45 -11531.22 -550.45 -10697.4 -550.45 -9774.07 -550.45 -8761.24 -550.45 -7748.41 -550.45 -6825.09 -550.45 -5991.27 -550.45 -5246.96 -1669.32 645.67 -1669.32 1389.98 -1669.32 2223.8 -1669.32 3147.13 -1669.32 4159.95 -1669.32 5172.78

-5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38

-1323.22 -1323.22 -1323.22 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 -1352.86 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 2641.58 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 -1826.98 2104.09 2104.09 2104.09 2104.09 2104.09 2104.09

416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 417 417 417 417 417 417

6.3 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.05 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.95 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.85 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.3 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.75 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.45 1,4D 0.9 1,4D 1.35 1,4D 1.8 1,4D 2.25 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

-1669.32 6096.11 -1669.32 6929.93 -1669.32 7674.24 291.93 -9574.79 291.93 -8830.48 291.93 -7996.66 291.93 -7073.34 291.93 -6060.51 291.93 -5047.68 291.93 -4124.35 291.93 -3290.53 291.93 -2546.22 505.26 3301.95 505.26 4046.26 505.26 4880.08 505.26 5803.41 505.26 6816.24 505.26 7829.07 505.26 8752.39 505.26 9586.21 505.26 10330.52 -624.56 -11027.72 -624.56 -10283.4 -624.56 -9449.58 -624.56 -8526.26 -624.56 -7513.43 -624.56 -6500.6 -624.56 -5577.28 -624.56 -4743.46 -624.56 -3999.14 -749.05 1868.2 -749.05 2612.51 -749.05 3446.33 -749.05 4369.66 -749.05 5382.49 -749.05 6395.32 -749.05 7318.64 -749.05 8152.46 -749.05 8896.77 -6.07 -1357.52 -6.07 -1092.61 -6.07 -827.71 -6.07 -562.8 -6.07 -297.9 -6.07 -32.99

-0.38 -0.38 -0.38 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36

2104.09 2104.09 2104.09 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 -858.91 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 3150.51 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 -2320.93 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 1595.16 452.02 452.02 452.02 452.02 452.02 452.02

417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417

2.7 1,4D 3.15 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.45 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.9 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.35 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.8 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.15 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.45 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.9 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.35 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min

-6.07 -6.07 -6.07 84.16 84.16 84.16 84.16 84.16 84.16 84.16 84.16 84.16 48.53 48.53 48.53 48.53 48.53 48.53 48.53 48.53 48.53 50.34 50.34 50.34 50.34 50.34 50.34 50.34 50.34 50.34 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 1050.41 -938.02 -938.02 -938.02 -938.02 -938.02 -938.02

231.91 496.82 761.73 -1210.48 -983.42 -756.35 -529.29 -302.23 -75.17 151.89 378.95 606.02 -1184.3 -957.24 -730.18 -503.12 -276.06 -49 178.07 405.13 632.19 -1191.64 -964.58 -737.52 -510.46 -283.4 -56.33 170.73 397.79 624.85 5146.56 5316.86 5487.16 5657.45 5827.75 5998.04 6168.34 6338.64 6508.93 -6386.27 -6215.97 -6045.68 -5875.38 -5705.08 -5534.79

2.36 2.36 2.36 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 -13.21 -13.21 -13.21 -13.21 -13.21 -13.21

452.02 452.02 452.02 651.87 651.87 651.87 651.87 651.87 651.87 651.87 651.87 651.87 550.57 550.57 550.57 550.57 550.57 550.57 550.57 550.57 550.57 552.4 552.4 552.4 552.4 552.4 552.4 552.4 552.4 552.4 163.83 163.83 163.83 163.83 163.83 163.83 163.83 163.83 163.83 90.65 90.65 90.65 90.65 90.65 90.65

417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417

2.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.15 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.45 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.9 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.35 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.15 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max

-938.02 -938.02 -938.02 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 362.64 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 -250.25 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 1045.38 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 -943.05 357.61 357.61 357.61 357.61 357.61 357.61

-5364.49 -5194.19 -5023.9 1143.39 1313.69 1483.98 1654.28 1824.58 1994.87 2165.17 2335.47 2505.76 -2383.1 -2212.8 -2042.5 -1872.21 -1701.91 -1531.61 -1361.32 -1191.02 -1020.73 4571.44 4798.5 5025.56 5252.62 5479.68 5706.75 5933.81 6160.87 6387.93 -6961.39 -6734.33 -6507.27 -6280.21 -6053.15 -5826.08 -5599.02 -5371.96 -5144.9 568.27 795.33 1022.39 1249.45 1476.51 1703.57

-13.21 -13.21 -13.21 12.61 12.61 12.61 12.61 12.61 12.61 12.61 12.61 12.61 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 -11.87 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 -10.76 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05

90.65 90.65 90.65 176.12 176.12 176.12 176.12 176.12 176.12 176.12 176.12 176.12 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 78.36 589.82 589.82 589.82 589.82 589.82 589.82 589.82 589.82 589.82 516.64 516.64 516.64 516.64 516.64 516.64 516.64 516.64 516.64 602.11 602.11 602.11 602.11 602.11 602.11

417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.45 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.9 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.35 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.8 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.15 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.36667 1,4D 1.73333 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.1 1,4D 2.6 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.1 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 3.6 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.1 1,4D 4.6 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.1 1,4D 5.46667 1,4D 5.83333 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.2 1,4D 6.7 1,4D 7.2 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.36667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.73333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

357.61 357.61 357.61 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 -255.28 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 36.05 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29

1930.64 2157.7 2384.76 -2958.22 -2731.16 -2504.1 -2277.04 -2049.97 -1822.91 -1595.85 -1368.79 -1141.73 -5166.76 -4259.92 -3353.08 -2849.08 -2612.7 -2376.32 -2139.94 -1875.34 -1553 -1230.66 -966.06 -643.72 628.17 950.51 1215.11 1537.45 1859.79 2124.39 2360.77 2597.15 2833.53 3337.53 4244.37 5151.21 -5014.55 -4237.26 -3459.97 -3027.97 -2825.36 -2622.74 -2420.13 -2193.33 -1917.04

15.05 15.05 15.05 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -9.43 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51

602.11 602.11 602.11 504.35 504.35 504.35 504.35 504.35 504.35 504.35 504.35 504.35 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 -603 608 608 608 608 608 608 608 608 608 608 608 608 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55 -979.55

419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.46667 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 5.83333 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.36667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.73333 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

-1.29 -1.29 -1.29 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 17.55 11.04 11.04 11.04 11.04 11.04 11.04

-1640.75 -1413.95 -1137.66 1102.08 1378.37 1605.17 1881.46 2157.75 2384.55 2587.17 2789.78 2992.39 3424.39 4201.68 4978.97 -4797.28 -4019.99 -3242.7 -2810.7 -2608.08 -2405.47 -2202.86 -1976.06 -1699.77 -1423.48 -1196.68 -920.38 893.15 1169.44 1396.24 1672.53 1948.82 2175.62 2378.23 2580.85 2783.46 3215.46 3992.75 4770.04 -4795.19 -4017.9 -3240.61 -2808.61 -2606 -2403.39

-1.51 -1.51 -1.51 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 -1.36 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31

-979.55 -979.55 -979.55 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 986.67 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 -806.16 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 812.21 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06

419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 3.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4.6 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.46667 1,2D+1L+0,5R 5.83333 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 6.7 1,2D+1L+0,5R 7.2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.36667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.83333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

11.04 11.04 11.04 11.04 11.04 11.04 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 16.03 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 766.19 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 739.41 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49

-2200.77 -1973.97 -1697.68 -1421.39 -1194.59 -918.3 891.07 1167.36 1394.16 1670.45 1946.74 2173.54 2376.15 2578.77 2781.38 3213.38 3990.67 4767.96 285.2 474.42 663.63 663.63 802.39 941.15 1079.91 1079.91 1269.13 1458.35 1458.35 1647.57 2529.94 2719.16 2719.16 2908.38 3097.6 3097.6 3236.36 3375.12 3513.88 3513.88 3703.1 3892.31 -3901.1 -3711.88 -3522.66

-1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.46 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79

-806.06 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06 -806.06 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 812.12 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 -179.2 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 434.33 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79

419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.36667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.73333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4.6 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.46667 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 5.83333 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 6.7 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 7.2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.36667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.83333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -677.49 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 -645.84 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 748.4 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58 738.58

-3522.66 -3383.9 -3245.14 -3106.38 -3106.38 -2917.16 -2727.95 -2727.95 -2538.73 -1650.22 -1461 -1461 -1271.78 -1082.56 -1082.56 -943.8 -805.04 -666.29 -666.29 -477.07 -287.85 -1095.69 -906.48 -717.26 -717.26 -578.5 -439.74 -300.98 -300.98 -111.76 77.46 77.46 266.68 1141.81 1331.03 1331.03 1520.24 1709.46 1709.46 1848.22 1986.98 2125.74 2125.74 2314.96 2504.18

-8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -8.79 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 -6.99 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94

-433.79 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79 -433.79 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 180.08 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6 607.6

419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.36667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.73333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4.6 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.46667 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 5.83333 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 6.7 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 7.2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

-659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -659.69 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 -645.01 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 732.18 707.96 707.96 707.96 707.96 707.96 707.96 707.96 707.96 707.96

-2520.21 -2330.99 -2141.77 -2141.77 -2003.01 -1864.25 -1725.49 -1725.49 -1536.27 -1347.05 -1347.05 -1157.84 -262.08 -72.87 -72.87 116.35 305.57 305.57 444.33 583.09 721.85 721.85 911.07 1100.29 -2701.1 -1923.81 -1146.52 -714.52 -511.9 -309.29 -106.68 120.12 396.41 672.7 899.5 1175.79 2980.2 3256.49 3483.29 3759.58 4035.87 4262.67 4465.29 4667.9 4870.51

-12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57

-607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 -607.52 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 -678.72 939.2 939.2 939.2 939.2 939.2 939.2 939.2 939.2 939.2

419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

707.96 707.96 707.96 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -711.49 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 -677.29 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 714.39 707.13 707.13 707.13 707.13 707.13 707.13

5302.51 6079.8 6857.1 -6887.4 -6110.11 -5332.81 -4900.81 -4698.2 -4495.59 -4292.97 -4066.17 -3789.88 -3513.59 -3286.79 -3010.5 -1199.96 -923.67 -696.87 -420.58 -144.29 82.51 285.13 487.74 690.35 1122.35 1899.64 2676.93 -4081.99 -3304.7 -2527.41 -2095.41 -1892.8 -1690.18 -1487.57 -1260.77 -984.48 -708.19 -481.39 -205.1 1592.07 1868.36 2095.16 2371.45 2647.74 2874.54

9.57 9.57 9.57 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -8.85 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 -6.88 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05

939.2 939.2 939.2 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 -933.31 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 684.95 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 -504.99 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46

419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419

5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.36667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.73333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 3.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4.6 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.46667 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 5.83333 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 6.7 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 7.2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination


Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

707.13 707.13 707.13 707.13 707.13 707.13 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -693.7 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46 -676.46

3077.15 3279.77 3482.38 3914.38 4691.67 5468.96 -5506.5 -4729.21 -3951.92 -3519.92 -3317.31 -3114.7 -2912.08 -2685.28 -2408.99 -2132.7 -1905.9 -1629.61 188.18 464.47 691.27 967.56 1243.85 1470.65 1673.26 1875.87 2078.49 2510.49 3287.78 4065.07 28546.81 -32121.24

13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 13.05 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35 -10.35

1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 1112.46 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 -1107.04 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 511.68 7268.94 -5898.09

M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStation Kgf-m Kgf-m Text m -1.19 -11508.89 71-1 0 -0.59 -7762.11 71-1 0.45 0.01129 -4403.01 71-1 0.9 0.61 -1452.01 71-1 1.35 1.22 1070.49 71-1 1.8 1.82 3150.87 71-1 2.25 2.42 4802.75 71-1 2.7 3.02 6046.53 71-1 3.15 3.63 6902.63 71-1 3.6 2.48 6909.8 71-2 0 1.99 6316.15 71-2 0.45 1.5 5334.82 71-2 0.9 1 3945.4 71-2 1.35 0.51 2127.47 71-2 1.8 0.02308 -132.57 71-2 2.25 -0.47 -2821.12 71-2 2.7 -0.96 -5917.77 71-2 3.15 -1.45 -9402.09 71-2 3.6 -0.28 -12115.22 71-1 0 0.3 -8123.67 71-1 0.45 0.88 -4500.86 71-1 0.9 1.46 -1300.75 71-1 1.35 2.03 1422.72 71-1 1.8 2.61 3633.59 71-1 2.25 3.19 5367.82 71-1 2.7 3.77 6679.35 71-1 3.15 4.34 7622.13 71-1 3.6 3.1 7627.81 71-2 0 2.46 6913.2 71-2 0.45 1.82 5829.83 71-2 0.9 1.19 4323.78 71-2 1.35 0.55 2341.08 71-2 1.8 -0.08165 -154.23 71-2 2.25 -0.72 -3126.17 71-2 2.7 -1.35 -6520.81 71-2 3.15 -1.99 -10284.2 71-2 3.6 -0.56 -11272.66 71-1 0 -0.002167 -7573.44 71-1 0.45 0.55 -4229.29 71-1 0.9 1.11 -1280.51 71-1 1.35 1.67 1232.64 71-1 1.8 2.22 3283.3 71-1 2.25

2.78 3.33 3.89 2.73 2.18 1.62 1.07 0.51 -0.04609 -0.6 -1.16 -1.71 -0.56 -0.002386 0.55 1.11 1.66 2.22 2.77 3.33 3.88 2.73 2.18 1.62 1.07 0.51 -0.04397 -0.6 -1.15 -1.71 9.92 7.28 4.64 2.06 2.22 5.08 7.99 10.89 13.8 13.02 10.3 7.58 4.87 2.2 0.82

4898.33 71-1 6118 71-1 6982.59 71-1 6988.5 71-2 6351.1 71-2 5358.61 71-2 3970.77 71-2 2147.29 71-2 -138.67 71-2 -2860.26 71-2 -5977.22 71-2 -9449.25 71-2 -11271.5 71-1 -7572.43 71-1 -4228.44 71-1 -1279.8 71-1 1233.19 71-1 3283.71 71-1 4898.58 71-1 6118.1 71-1 6982.54 71-1 6988.41 71-2 6350.96 71-2 5358.44 71-2 3970.56 71-2 2147.05 71-2 -138.96 71-2 -2860.59 71-2 -5977.58 71-2 -9449.66 71-2 2832.32 71-1 3040.21 71-1 3191.99 71-1 3312.2 71-1 3446.37 71-1 3618.33 71-1 3790.11 71-1 3921.15 71-1 3992.38 71-1 3978.66 71-2 3163.61 71-2 2983.28 71-2 2768.27 71-2 2635.65 71-2 2635.89 71-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.93 2629.28 71-2 5.28 2564.2 71-2 7.65 2429.09 71-2 -9.5 -8605.8 71-1 -6.6 -6904.3 71-1 -3.7 -5299.97 71-1 -0.85 -3817.32 71-1 -0.74 -2501.91 71-1 -3.35 -1377.55 71-1 -5.99 -406.28 71-1 -8.63 452.46 71-1 -11.27 1217.75 71-1 -11.44 1234.19 71-2 -9.06 1226.26 71-2 -6.69 430.34 71-2 -4.32 -484.16 71-2 -1.99 -1634.32 71-2 -0.96 -3070.6 71-2 -3.41 -4653.31 71-2 -6.11 -6330.81 71-2 -8.82 -8091.54 71-2 4.79 13248.94 71-1 3.59 12314.73 71-1 2.41 11310.06 71-1 1.32 10242.27 71-1 1.64 9125.04 71-1 3.06 7965.53 71-1 4.52 6752.35 71-1 5.99 5473.43 71-1 7.46 4123.52 71-1 10.69 4080.71 71-2 8.53 3102.37 71-2 6.37 4381.66 71-2 4.22 5598.07 71-2 2.09 6785.68 71-2 0.48 7959.55 71-2 1.86 9077.74 71-2 3.65 10124.75 71-2 5.46 11097.11 71-2 -4.38 -19022.42 71-1 -2.92 -16178.83 71-1 -1.47 -13418.03 71-1 -0.12 -10747.4 71-1 -0.17 -8180.58 71-1 -1.32 -5724.75 71-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.52 -3.72 -4.93 -9.1 -7.29 -5.48 -3.67 -1.88 -0.62 -2.34 -4.48 -6.63 9.15 6.94 4.72 2.56 3.14 6.43 9.76 13.08 16.41 14.96 11.86 8.76 5.66 2.61 0.84 2.57 4.54 6.53 -10.27 -6.94 -3.62 -0.35 0.18 -2 -4.22 -6.43 -8.66 -9.5 -7.51 -5.51 -3.53 -1.59 -0.93

-3368.53 71-1 -1099.81 71-1 1086.61 71-1 1132.14 71-2 1287.5 71-2 -968.03 71-2 -3313.96 71-2 -5784.35 71-2 -8394.26 71-2 -11101.76 71-2 -13891.36 71-2 -16759.57 71-2 -5551.91 71-1 -2599.71 71-1 17.93 71-1 2285.28 71-1 4207.58 71-1 5781.83 71-1 6996.89 71-1 7852.5 71-1 8369.84 71-1 8360.59 71-2 7319.58 71-2 6634.83 71-2 5596.68 71-2 4281.91 71-2 2714.16 71-2 780.55 71-2 -1530.25 71-2 -4189.53 71-2 -16990.03 71-1 -12544.22 71-1 -8474.03 71-1 -4844.24 71-1 -1740.69 71-1 785.95 71-1 2800.51 71-1 4383.8 71-1 5595.2 71-1 5616.13 71-2 5382.23 71-2 4081.89 71-2 2344.25 71-2 11.95 71-2 -2992.33 71-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.77 -6.85 -9.94 4.03 3.25 2.49 1.83 2.56 4.41 6.29 8.18 10.07 12.62 10.08 7.54 5.01 2.5 0.51 1.5 2.91 4.34 -5.15 -3.26 -1.39 0.39 0.76 0.02472 -0.75 -1.53 -2.31 -7.16 -5.73 -4.3 -2.88 -1.47 -0.6 -2.7 -5.22 -7.75 -1.28 -1.09 -0.9 -0.72 -0.53 -0.34

-6502.03 71-2 -10425.25 71-2 -14710.15 71-2 4864.71 71-1 6674.81 71-1 8136 71-1 9215.35 71-1 9886.26 71-1 10129.03 71-1 9959.14 71-1 9404.77 71-1 8500.98 71-1 8462.65 71-2 7258.34 71-2 8033.21 71-2 8426.48 71-2 8431.95 71-2 8037.82 71-2 7229.01 71-2 6030.3 71-2 4478.5 71-2 -27406.65 71-1 -21818.75 71-1 -16592.09 71-1 -11774.32 71-1 -7419.37 71-1 -3561.25 71-1 -161.74 71-1 2831.53 71-1 5464.06 71-1 5514.07 71-2 5443.47 71-2 2683.51 71-2 -485.55 71-2 -4138.09 71-2 -8315.99 71-2 -12950.49 71-2 -17985.8 71-2 -23378.18 71-2 -4444.26 72-1 -2572.89 72-1 -1182.94 72-1 -302.41 72-1 41 72-1 -167.8 72-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.15 0.03381 0.22 -1.88 -1.66 -1.44 -1.23 -1.01 -0.8 -0.58 -0.36 -0.15 -1.59 -1.39 -1.19 -1 -0.8 -0.61 -0.41 -0.21 -0.01905 -1.58 -1.39 -1.19 -1 -0.8 -0.61 -0.41 -0.22 -0.02027 2.66 2.43 2.2 1.98 1.76 2.16 2.57 2.99 3.4 -3.82 -3.51 -3.21 -2.91 -2.62 -2.95

-913.71 72-1 -2169.05 72-1 -3905.8 72-1 -4917.47 72-1 -2905.1 72-1 -1355.38 72-1 -342.3 72-1 60.92 72-1 -185.57 72-1 -1041.92 72-1 -2434.92 72-1 -4290.56 72-1 -4502.71 72-1 -2643.23 72-1 -1227.63 72-1 -311.19 72-1 51.45 72-1 -169.47 72-1 -944.2 72-1 -2218.08 72-1 -3935.86 72-1 -4502.05 72-1 -2642.77 72-1 -1227.38 72-1 -311.15 72-1 51.28 72-1 -169.85 72-1 -944.79 72-1 -2218.88 72-1 -3936.86 72-1 5470.17 72-1 4178.67 72-1 2796.92 72-1 1337.64 72-1 -97.14 72-1 1437.7 72-1 2930.37 72-1 4337.39 72-1 5652.65 72-1 -7567.32 72-1 -5590.69 72-1 -3713.02 72-1 -1947.04 72-1 -394.78 72-1 -2001.36 72-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-3.28 -3.62 -3.96 4.26 3.25 2.24 1.23 0.27 1.34 2.46 3.57 4.69 -5.42 -4.33 -3.25 -2.17 -1.13 -2.13 -3.17 -4.21 -5.25 1.66 1.59 1.51 1.45 1.39 1.95 2.52 3.09 3.66 -4.82 -4.36 -3.9 -3.44 -2.99 -3.16 -3.34 -3.52 -3.7 3.26 2.4 1.55 0.7 -0.1 1.13

-3754.99 72-1 -5612.18 72-1 -7566.83 72-1 18112.41 72-1 13663.44 72-1 9121.16 72-1 4489.4 72-1 -201.04 72-1 4535.28 72-1 9193.07 72-1 13758.94 72-1 18231.05 72-1 -20209.57 72-1 -15075.46 72-1 -10037.26 72-1 -5098.8 72-1 -290.88 72-1 -5098.94 72-1 -10017.68 72-1 -15033.73 72-1 -20145.23 72-1 2017 72-1 2242.12 72-1 2027.7 72-1 1331.21 72-1 200.03 72-1 1549.5 72-1 2397.62 72-1 2755.55 72-1 2672.42 72-1 -11020.49 72-1 -7527.24 72-1 -4482.24 72-1 -1953.47 72-1 -97.62 72-1 -1889.55 72-1 -4287.74 72-1 -7194.03 72-1 -10547.06 72-1 14659.25 72-1 11726.89 72-1 8351.94 72-1 4482.97 72-1 96.13 72-1 4647.08 72-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.4 3.68 4.95 -6.42 -5.18 -3.94 -2.7 -1.5 -2.34 -3.22 -4.11 -4.99 -2.44 -1.68 -0.92 -0.16 0.59 1.35 2.11 2.87 3.63 3.52 3.01 2.5 1.99 1.48 0.98 0.47 -0.04042 -0.55 -3.19 -2.23 -1.27 -0.31 0.65 1.61 2.58 3.54 4.5 4.19 3.72 3.25 2.79 2.32 1.85

8660.32 72-1 12177.09 72-1 15250.82 72-1 -23662.73 72-1 -17012.01 72-1 -10806.48 72-1 -5105.23 72-1 6.29 72-1 -4987.13 72-1 -10550.44 72-1 -16615.58 72-1 -23125.46 72-1 -9777.3 73-1 -6244.22 73-1 -3098.82 73-1 -361.51 73-1 1947.28 73-1 3813.97 73-1 5252.15 73-1 6282.23 73-1 6924.63 73-1 6917.75 73-2 6116.65 73-2 4927.87 73-2 3330.99 73-2 1305.61 73-2 -1161.88 73-2 -4057.89 73-2 -7361.98 73-2 -11053.76 73-2 -10727.28 73-1 -6905.57 73-1 -3452.61 73-1 -422.35 73-1 2131.27 73-1 4172.28 73-1 5736.66 73-1 6878.34 73-1 7651.27 73-1 7645.66 73-2 6765.52 73-2 5516.63 73-2 3845.05 73-2 1696.82 73-2 -964.01 73-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.38 -4101.48 73-2 0.92 -7661.64 73-2 0.45 -11590.55 73-2 -2.79 -9848.17 73-1 -1.94 -6323.83 73-1 -1.1 -3154.57 73-1 -0.25 -380.67 73-1 0.6 1957.6 73-1 1.45 3833.38 73-1 2.29 5273.53 73-1 3.14 6318.32 73-1 3.99 7008.03 73-1 3.76 7002.26 73-2 3.3 6194.68 73-2 2.84 5032.03 73-2 2.39 3474.01 73-2 1.93 1480.36 73-2 1.47 -975.77 73-2 1.02 -3867.54 73-2 0.56 -7154.66 73-2 0.1 -10796.87 73-2 -2.78 -9847.38 73-1 -1.94 -6323.17 73-1 -1.09 -3154.03 73-1 -0.25 -380.24 73-1 0.6 1957.9 73-1 1.44 3833.56 73-1 2.29 5273.59 73-1 3.14 6318.26 73-1 3.98 7007.85 73-1 3.75 7002.12 73-2 3.29 6194.54 73-2 2.84 5031.88 73-2 2.38 3473.86 73-2 1.93 1480.2 73-2 1.47 -975.94 73-2 1.02 -3867.71 73-2 0.56 -7154.85 73-2 0.1 -10797.06 73-2 7 2045.63 73-1 4.81 2252.46 73-1 2.63 2399.84 73-1 0.71 2514.66 73-1 2.18 2657.6 73-1 4.81 2852.56 73-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.47 10.14 12.81 13.69 10.8 7.91 5.03 2.19 2.22 4.8 7.45 10.1 -8.63 -5.96 -3.31 -0.91 -1.91 -4.06 -6.25 -8.44 -10.64 -11.26 -8.59 -5.94 -3.28 -0.67 -0.94 -3.75 -6.62 -9.51 5.03 3.32 1.62 0.38 2.15 4.33 6.51 8.7 10.89 7.23 5.83 4.43 3.04 1.71 1.47

3039.03 73-1 3175.24 73-1 3945.54 73-1 3959.31 73-2 3846.21 73-2 3681.4 73-2 3515.89 73-2 3453.68 73-2 3468.09 73-2 3460.92 73-2 3395.81 73-2 3261.95 73-2 -7842.17 73-1 -6135.11 73-1 -4521.86 73-1 -3029.32 73-1 -1718.16 73-1 -612.3 73-1 348.79 73-1 1206.88 73-1 1277.62 73-1 1261.17 73-2 554.98 73-2 -252.76 73-2 -1213.07 73-2 -2429.94 73-2 -3876.71 73-2 -5455.16 73-2 -7128.93 73-2 -8887.22 73-2 10935.9 73-1 9991.15 73-1 8974.94 73-1 7895.32 73-1 6770.52 73-1 5607.71 73-1 4388.85 73-1 3102.44 73-1 4075.32 73-1 4118.17 73-2 5461.31 73-2 6735.92 73-2 7956.78 73-2 9155.03 73-2 10322.64 73-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.45 3.59 4.75 -6.66 -4.47 -2.3 -0.59 -1.88 -3.58 -5.29 -7.01 -8.72 -4.79 -3.62 -2.45 -1.29 -0.19 -0.19 -1.4 -2.76 -4.16 5.04 3.45 1.88 0.57 2.64 5.88 9.15 12.42 15.7 16.22 12.99 9.76 6.54 3.36 3.05 5.29 7.6 9.91 -10.6 -7.32 -4.06 -1.06 -1.44 -2.99

11430.15 73-2 12466.63 73-2 13428.85 73-2 -16732.44 73-1 -13873.8 73-1 -11096.96 73-1 -8409.98 73-1 -5831.08 73-1 -3367.45 73-1 -1001.02 73-1 1279.68 73-1 1147.83 73-1 1102.31 73-2 -1060.12 73-2 -3307.27 73-2 -5653.96 73-2 -8131.29 73-2 -10731.26 73-2 -13424.38 73-2 -16199.75 73-2 -19054.12 73-2 -4903.12 73-1 -2129.07 73-1 307.07 73-1 2391.94 73-1 4145.92 73-1 5566.08 73-1 6618.74 73-1 7302.41 73-1 8341.73 73-1 8351.13 73-2 7840.09 73-2 6998.89 73-2 5838.27 73-2 4421.93 73-2 2696.38 73-2 590.25 73-2 -1892.56 73-2 -4722.56 73-2 -14790.93 73-1 -10516.65 73-1 -6614.63 73-1 -3152.04 73-1 -229.84 73-1 2101.22 73-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.57 -6.16 -7.75 -8.73 -6.41 -4.09 -1.78 0.5 -0.11 -3.26 -6.48 -9.7 3.07 1.96 0.87 0.24 2.62 5.4 8.19 10.99 13.79 9.76 8.01 6.27 4.55 2.87 2.3 2.94 3.74 4.56 -8.63 -5.83 -3.05 -0.73 -1.42 -2.51 -3.61 -4.72 -5.83 -2.27 -1.43 -0.6 0.21 0.98 0.64

3928.5 73-1 5334.05 73-1 5673.81 73-1 5652.99 73-2 4548.86 73-2 3064.73 73-2 1109.3 73-2 -1461.68 73-2 -4648.41 73-2 -8325.83 73-2 -12417.3 73-2 -16871.73 73-2 3987.14 73-1 5609.62 73-1 6882.17 73-1 7772.6 73-1 8258.84 73-1 8321.23 73-1 7968.55 73-1 7229.62 73-1 8471.52 73-1 8509.99 73-2 9455.19 73-2 10053.41 73-2 10279.16 73-2 10123.29 73-2 9550.94 73-2 8559.47 73-2 7178.26 73-2 5444.35 73-2 -23681.19 73-1 -18255.34 73-1 -13189.73 73-1 -8532.7 73-1 -4342.76 73-1 -653.93 73-1 2578.68 73-1 5406.85 73-1 5544.02 73-1 5494.13 73-2 2933.76 73-2 10.21 73-2 -3331.58 73-2 -7163.03 73-2 -11502.96 73-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.91 -2.62 -4.35 -4.64 -3.49 -2.34 -1.19 -0.03758 1.11 2.26 3.41 4.56 4.32 3.36 2.39 1.43 0.46 -0.5 -1.47 -2.43 -3.4 -6.14 -4.69 -3.23 -1.78 -0.32 1.13 2.58 4.04 5.49 5.67 4.39 3.12 1.84 0.57 -0.71 -1.99 -3.26 -4.54 -5.34 -4.06 -2.78 -1.5 -0.22 1.06

-16295.06 73-2 -21488.12 73-2 -27038.63 73-2 -12943.81 76-1 -9178.93 76-1 -5574.07 76-1 -2170.07 76-1 992.25 76-1 3885.67 76-1 6537.41 76-1 8988.3 76-1 11279.16 76-1 11269.73 76-2 9238.07 76-2 7046.38 76-2 4653.83 76-2 2019.61 76-2 -883.51 76-2 -4028.31 76-2 -7373.97 76-2 -10879.66 76-2 -16489.11 76-1 -11409.13 76-1 -6539.23 76-1 -1987.28 76-1 2138.81 76-1 5767.12 76-1 8969.58 76-1 11854.07 76-1 14528.5 76-1 14516.22 76-2 12027.63 76-2 9328.97 76-2 6312.35 76-2 2869.87 76-2 -1070.38 76-2 -5436.5 76-2 -10120.57 76-2 -15014.71 76-2 -14467.86 76-1 -10082.6 76-1 -5880.07 76-1 -1940.82 76-1 1654.58 76-1 4852.44 76-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.34 7706.46 76-1 3.62 10297.19 76-1 4.9 12705.19 76-1 4.94 12694.45 76-2 3.83 10486.33 76-2 2.72 8095.47 76-2 1.61 5441.32 76-2 0.5 2443.34 76-2 -0.61 -952.19 76-2 -1.71 -4691.57 76-2 -2.82 -8694.22 76-2 -3.93 -12879.62 76-2 -5.33 -14466.45 76-1 -4.05 -10081.3 76-1 -2.77 -5878.88 76-1 -1.49 -1939.76 76-1 -0.22 1655.53 76-1 1.06 4853.27 76-1 2.34 7707.18 76-1 3.62 10297.79 76-1 4.9 12705.67 76-1 4.93 12694.96 76-2 3.83 10486.6 76-2 2.72 8095.51 76-2 1.61 5441.13 76-2 0.5 2442.9 76-2 -0.61 -952.86 76-2 -1.71 -4692.47 76-2 -2.82 -8695.37 76-2 -3.93 -12880.99 76-2 5.28 629.73 76-1 4.01 1473.46 76-1 2.73 2245.23 76-1 1.46 2950.35 76-1 1.02 3604.51 76-1 2.53 4254.75 76-1 4.11 4955.96 76-1 6.23 5664.18 76-1 8.5 6326.31 76-1 9.03 6358.36 76-2 6.97 4997.14 76-2 4.91 4313.37 76-2 2.86 3578.09 76-2 1.01 2815.71 76-2 0.77 2045.18 76-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.94 3.14 4.34 -9.82 -7.53 -5.24 -2.97 -1.51 -2.02 -2.59 -3.69 -4.95 -5.34 -4.14 -2.93 -1.74 -0.75 -1.37 -3.39 -5.45 -7.51 7.1 5.92 4.75 3.57 2.65 2.33 2.17 3.78 5.93 9.57 7.22 4.87 2.56 0.85 1.72 3.18 4.67 6.17 -11.64 -9.45 -7.26 -5.08 -3.14 -1.81

1249.69 76-2 403.49 76-2 -507.18 76-2 -10587.51 76-1 -8309.42 76-1 -6112.64 76-1 -4002.47 76-1 -1994.61 76-1 -136.08 76-1 1518.2 76-1 3012.19 76-1 4399.02 76-1 4372.6 76-2 3671.81 76-2 2140.3 76-2 507.05 76-2 -1252.38 76-2 -3156.92 76-2 -5189.77 76-2 -7325.18 76-2 -9549.39 76-2 10628.61 76-1 10362.47 76-1 10021.11 76-1 9606.11 76-1 9122.2 76-1 8583.49 76-1 8006.5 76-1 7378.14 76-1 6683.26 76-1 6793.04 76-2 5031.75 76-2 5672.56 76-2 6246.35 76-2 6758.55 76-2 7214.73 76-2 7609.79 76-2 7936.02 76-2 8189.27 76-2 -20586.4 76-1 -17198.43 76-1 -13888.51 76-1 -10658.23 76-1 -7512.29 76-1 -4464.83 76-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.65 -1.24 -2.39 -5.89 -4.39 -2.9 -1.44 -0.59 -2.31 -4.63 -6.98 -9.33 2.22 1.72 1.22 0.72 1.05 3.34 5.69 8.58 11.62 12.12 9.38 6.64 3.91 1.38 0.47 0.95 1.47 2 -12.87 -9.81 -6.76 -3.71 -1.48 -1.21 -1.01 -1.34 -1.83 -2.25 -1.73 -1.2 -0.69 -0.38 -1.68

-1532.35 76-1 1298.24 76-1 4042.07 76-1 3937.91 76-2 3637.2 76-2 781.12 76-2 -2161.21 76-2 -5195.22 76-2 -8326.47 76-2 -11549.88 76-2 -14857.72 76-2 -18245.84 76-2 -8857.18 76-1 -5189.27 76-1 -1699.41 76-1 1537.14 76-1 4455.52 76-1 7049.07 76-1 9426.38 76-1 11624.06 76-1 13669.54 76-1 13688.08 76-2 11149.39 76-2 9182.06 76-2 6976.56 76-2 4476.75 76-2 1647.88 76-2 -1473.15 76-2 -4831.55 76-2 -8360.52 76-2 -20074.42 76-1 -14972.15 76-1 -10057.28 76-1 -5415.68 76-1 -1143.6 76-1 2658.24 76-1 5988.62 76-1 8972.07 76-1 11742.25 76-1 11702.31 76-2 9824.06 76-2 7008.99 76-2 3905.52 76-2 408.66 76-2 -3554.22 76-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.38 -7.11 -9.85 4.05 3.64 3.23 2.83 2.68 3.13 3.75 6.13 9.06 12.66 9.63 6.6 3.61 1.23 1.41 2.19 3.01 3.82 -14.69 -11.73 -8.77 -5.82 -3.11 -1.01 0.93 1.11 0.73 -2.8 -1.98 -1.17 -0.39 -0.22 -2.62 -5.62 -8.65 -11.68 -0.95 -0.68 -0.41 -0.14 0.13 0.4

-7912.61 76-2 -12560.22 76-2 -17402.72 76-2 1141.7 76-1 3699.74 76-1 6076.46 76-1 8192.9 76-1 9973.21 76-1 11377.82 76-1 12476.92 76-1 13338.01 76-1 14026.49 76-1 14122.76 76-2 11184 76-2 10541.25 76-2 9644.81 76-2 8419.59 76-2 6817.43 76-2 4886.96 76-2 2700.98 76-2 335.94 76-2 -30073.31 76-1 -23861.16 76-1 -17833.15 76-1 -12071.44 76-1 -6661.28 76-1 -1670.51 76-1 2938.08 76-1 7258.11 76-1 11385.29 76-1 11267.63 76-2 9789.45 76-2 5649.8 76-2 1237.26 76-2 -3534.18 76-2 -8723.76 76-2 -14272.72 76-2 -20092.75 76-2 -26099.17 76-2 -3801.18 77-1 -2798.59 77-1 -1999.18 77-1 -1458.93 77-1 -1233.26 77-1 -1352.32 77-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0.67 0.94 1.21 -1.28 -0.97 -0.65 -0.34 -0.02762 0.29 0.6 0.91 1.23 -1.11 -0.83 -0.55 -0.26 0.02262 0.31 0.59 0.87 1.16 -1.11 -0.83 -0.54 -0.26 0.02428 0.31 0.59 0.87 1.16 2.83 2.29 1.77 1.27 0.8 1.49 2.19 2.9 3.62 -3.46 -2.8 -2.16 -1.54 -0.95 -1.52

-1785.96 77-1 -2478.76 77-1 -3374.74 77-1 -5600.81 77-1 -3949.84 77-1 -2573.02 77-1 -1618.34 77-1 -1232.23 77-1 -1494.41 77-1 -2325.15 77-1 -3578.04 77-1 -5105.08 77-1 -4722.7 77-1 -3368.36 77-1 -2250.66 77-1 -1480.11 77-1 -1166.03 77-1 -1367.94 77-1 -2026.31 77-1 -3031.83 77-1 -4273.99 77-1 -4722.37 77-1 -3368.22 77-1 -2250.72 77-1 -1480.36 77-1 -1166.47 77-1 -1368.57 77-1 -2027.14 77-1 -3032.85 77-1 -4275.21 77-1 4624.06 77-1 3437.93 77-1 2158.58 77-1 789.35 77-1 -635.6 77-1 757.55 77-1 2142.18 77-1 3440.12 77-1 4645.38 77-1 -7670.85 77-1 -5803.02 77-1 -4031.19 77-1 -2358.7 77-1 -819.71 77-1 -2288.04 77-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.11 -2.7 -3.3 7.77 5.86 3.95 2.05 0.24 2.26 4.31 6.36 8.41 -8.4 -6.37 -4.34 -2.32 -0.4 -2.3 -4.22 -6.15 -8.09 2.04 1.73 1.43 1.14 0.9 1.81 2.74 3.68 4.62 -4.25 -3.37 -2.51 -1.66 -0.85 -1.2 -1.56 -1.93 -2.3 6.98 5.29 3.61 1.92 0.35 2.59

-3937.06 77-1 -5688.61 77-1 -7536.7 77-1 16649.22 77-1 12449.87 77-1 8156.33 77-1 3769.6 77-1 -697.49 77-1 3773.74 77-1 8178.69 77-1 12491.41 77-1 16710.11 77-1 -19696.01 77-1 -14814.96 77-1 -10028.94 77-1 -5338.95 77-1 -757.82 77-1 -5304.22 77-1 -9973.57 77-1 -14739.9 77-1 -19601.42 77-1 1425.23 77-1 1252.31 77-1 844.14 77-1 93.55 77-1 -1074.62 77-1 153.94 77-1 1012.11 77-1 1531.05 77-1 1815.29 77-1 -10869.68 77-1 -7988.63 77-1 -5345.63 77-1 -3054.5 77-1 -1258.73 77-1 -2891.66 77-1 -5067.13 77-1 -7597.68 77-1 -10366.8 77-1 13450.39 77-1 10264.26 77-1 6841.89 77-1 3073.8 77-1 -1136.51 77-1 3170.12 77-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

4.86 7.13 9.41 -9.19 -6.94 -4.69 -2.44 -0.3 -1.97 -3.68 -5.38 -7.09 -5.38 -3.89 -2.4 -0.91 0.57 2.06 3.55 5.04 6.53 4.2 3.16 2.11 1.07 0.02719 -1.02 -2.06 -3.1 -4.15 -6.77 -4.92 -3.06 -1.2 0.66 2.52 4.38 6.24 8.1 5.07 3.75 2.44 1.13 -0.18 -1.49

7048.62 77-1 10582.34 77-1 13880.01 77-1 -22894.84 77-1 -17000.58 77-1 -11343.38 77-1 -6034.75 77-1 -1196.84 77-1 -5907.84 77-1 -11103.64 77-1 -16648.97 77-1 -22431.52 77-1 -11228.38 78-1 -7671.79 78-1 -4275.24 78-1 -1079.54 78-1 1874.47 78-1 4559.6 78-1 7003.04 78-1 9245.63 78-1 11328.18 78-1 11338.31 78-2 9088.23 78-2 6678.12 78-2 4067.16 78-2 1214.51 78-2 -1907.03 78-2 -5270.24 78-2 -8834.32 78-2 -12558.42 78-2 -15407.52 78-1 -10457.29 78-1 -5717.13 78-1 -1294.94 78-1 2701.4 78-1 6199.96 78-1 9272.67 78-1 12027.41 78-1 14572.08 78-1 14584.6 78-2 11958.32 78-2 9121.97 78-2 5967.66 78-2 2387.49 78-2 -1690.46 78-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.81 -4.12 -5.43 -5.97 -4.33 -2.69 -1.04 0.6 2.24 3.89 5.53 7.17 4.52 3.36 2.21 1.05 -0.11 -1.26 -2.42 -3.58 -4.74 -5.96 -4.32 -2.68 -1.04 0.6 2.24 3.88 5.52 7.16 4.52 3.36 2.21 1.05 -0.11 -1.26 -2.42 -3.57 -4.73 3.32 2.39 1.46 0.59 1.02 2.78

-6194.26 78-2 -11016.02 78-2 -16047.86 78-2 -13238.5 78-1 -9001.52 78-1 -4947.28 78-1 -1156.32 78-1 2290.79 78-1 5340.36 78-1 8046.09 78-1 10488.54 78-1 12748.25 78-1 12759.35 78-2 10394.72 78-2 7847.36 78-2 5036.72 78-2 1882.23 78-2 -1669.8 78-2 -5565.68 78-2 -9724.84 78-2 -14066.73 78-2 -13238.77 78-1 -9001.71 78-1 -4947.38 78-1 -1156.33 78-1 2290.87 78-1 5340.53 78-1 8046.35 78-1 10488.88 78-1 12748.68 78-1 12759.76 78-2 10395.1 78-2 7847.71 78-2 5037.03 78-2 1882.51 78-2 -1669.55 78-2 -5565.46 78-2 -9724.65 78-2 -14066.57 78-2 -331.04 78-1 536.35 78-1 1331.88 78-1 2062.54 78-1 2753.64 78-1 3477.09 78-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.75 4242.71 78-1 6.74 4976.41 78-1 8.73 6389.01 78-1 8.54 6354.98 78-2 6.25 5744.66 78-2 4.16 5076.56 78-2 2.57 4367.64 78-2 1.03 3641.03 78-2 1.67 2901.95 78-2 3.04 2129.95 78-2 4.41 1304.5 78-2 5.78 414.41 78-2 -7.27 -9837.96 78-1 -5.28 -7555.63 78-1 -3.3 -5354.71 78-1 -1.37 -3242.17 78-1 -0.75 -1243.36 78-1 -1.45 569.86 78-1 -2.37 2187.62 78-1 -3.3 3684.05 78-1 -4.23 4348.31 78-1 -5.21 4376.05 78-2 -3.85 2952.98 78-2 -2.69 1434.42 78-2 -2.03 -196.58 78-2 -1.42 -1963.16 78-2 -3 -3870.53 78-2 -5.3 -5898.26 78-2 -7.6 -8025.8 78-2 -9.9 -10241.96 78-2 5.55 8202.37 78-1 4.22 7941.45 78-1 2.9 7605.34 78-1 1.61 7196.13 78-1 0.96 6721.45 78-1 2.64 6202.89 78-1 4.98 5643.58 78-1 7.36 5023.54 78-1 9.74 6804.3 78-1 5.68 6693.75 78-2 3.57 7409.46 78-2 2.15 8055.39 78-2 2.39 8635.65 78-2 2.71 9157.04 78-2 3.68 9621.07 78-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.88 6.07 7.27 -9.5 -7.11 -4.73 -2.39 -0.69 -1.31 -2.59 -3.91 -5.24 -2.34 -1.17 -0.68 -1.85 -3.1 -5.01 -7.14 -9.26 -11.39 -0.66 -0.49 -0.3 -0.06495 1.48 4.35 7.44 10.54 13.64 11.39 8.41 5.63 3.35 1.12 1.08 1.75 2.43 3.11 -11.26 -8.16 -5.06 -2.02 -0.29 0.12

10021.61 78-2 10352.48 78-2 10610.32 78-2 -18371.38 78-1 -14960.73 78-1 -11628.16 78-1 -8375.76 78-1 -5211.16 78-1 -2155.95 78-1 786.76 78-1 3636.93 78-1 3933.02 78-1 4037.27 78-2 1288.18 78-2 -1544.41 78-2 -4464.59 78-2 -7479.17 78-2 -10589.66 78-2 -13789.91 78-2 -17073.77 78-2 -20437.87 78-2 -8485.44 78-1 -4955.8 78-1 -1604.12 78-1 1496.02 78-1 4289.41 78-1 6794.23 78-1 9074.01 78-1 11135.22 78-1 13769.23 78-1 13749.41 78-2 11791.11 78-2 9668.94 78-2 7319.29 78-2 4684.74 78-2 1716.81 78-2 -1551.25 78-2 -5059.41 78-2 -8738.31 78-2 -17992.36 78-1 -13047.78 78-1 -8290.72 78-1 -3808.69 78-1 292.41 78-1 3886.99 78-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.32 0.5 0.67 -2.36 -1.69 -1.22 -1.25 -1.33 -3.6 -6.58 -9.57 -12.56 1.57 1.35 1.13 0.96 1.42 4.21 7.66 11.15 14.65 8.52 5.73 3.62 3.17 2.8 3.09 3.59 4.1 4.61 -13.49 -9.99 -6.5 -3.04 -0.23 0.26 0.09461 -0.12 -0.34 0.51 0.99 0.79 -1.07 -3.01 -5.61

7018.92 78-1 9842.86 78-1 11728.52 78-1 11770.49 78-2 8999.44 78-2 6026.8 78-2 2755.07 78-2 -919.46 78-2 -5055.68 78-2 -9579.46 78-2 -14389.71 78-2 -19394.69 78-2 47.98 78-1 2449.3 78-1 4669.33 78-1 6629.61 78-1 8257.21 78-1 9520.03 78-1 10474.88 78-1 11182.34 78-1 14184.51 78-1 14088.19 78-2 13455.91 78-2 12647.77 78-2 11587.3 78-2 10200.74 78-2 8435.93 78-2 6340.41 78-2 3988.56 78-2 1457.59 78-2 -26525.77 78-1 -20452.88 78-1 -14564.17 78-1 -8942.28 78-1 -3675.39 78-1 1161.19 78-1 5618.06 78-1 9795.73 78-1 11313.24 78-1 11431.71 78-2 7334.64 78-2 3047.97 78-2 -1512.94 78-2 -6435.46 78-2 -11774.8 78-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.42 -11.24 -14.06 -1.95 -1.64 -1.34 -1.04 -0.74 -0.44 -0.14 0.17 0.47 -0.99 -0.68 -0.37 -0.05492 0.26 0.57 0.88 1.19 1.51 -2.18 -1.87 -1.55 -1.24 -0.92 -0.61 -0.29 0.02493 0.34 -0.96 -0.64 -0.31 0.006712 0.33 0.65 0.97 1.29 1.61 -1.99 -1.7 -1.4 -1.11 -0.81 -0.52

-17471.12 78-2 -23437.69 78-2 -29590.6 78-2 -12772.81 80-1 -8635.58 80-1 -4658.39 80-1 -882.06 80-1 2652.6 80-1 5918.36 80-1 8942.44 80-1 11765.66 80-1 14428.86 80-1 14431.87 80-2 11672.89 80-2 8753.89 80-2 5634.03 80-2 2272.49 80-2 -1357.95 80-2 -5230.06 80-2 -9303.03 80-2 -13536.03 80-2 -17069.03 80-1 -11399.7 80-1 -5940.45 80-1 -799.15 80-1 3916.29 80-1 8133.95 80-1 11925.75 80-1 15399.6 80-1 18663.37 80-1 18656.5 80-2 15225.44 80-2 11584.31 80-2 7625.22 80-2 3240.27 80-2 -1642.46 80-2 -6951.04 80-2 -12577.58 80-2 -18414.19 80-2 -14776.48 80-1 -9903.01 80-1 -5212.28 80-1 -784.84 80-1 3298.77 80-1 6984.82 80-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.23 0.06832 0.36 -0.92 -0.62 -0.32 -0.01327 0.29 0.59 0.89 1.2 1.5 -1.99 -1.69 -1.4 -1.11 -0.81 -0.52 -0.22 0.06897 0.36 -0.92 -0.62 -0.31 -0.01343 0.29 0.59 0.89 1.19 1.49 4.45 3.24 2.04 0.85 0.19 1.16 2.48 3.8 5.12 5.38 4.44 3.5 2.56 1.63 1.36

10327.04 80-1 13405.97 80-1 16302.17 80-1 16298.78 80-2 13267.84 80-2 10054.17 80-2 6577.21 80-2 2756.4 80-2 -1461.94 80-2 -6024.13 80-2 -10849.61 80-2 -15857.81 80-2 -14774.09 80-1 -9900.9 80-1 -5210.43 80-1 -783.26 80-1 3300.08 80-1 6985.87 80-1 10327.82 80-1 13406.48 80-1 16302.41 80-1 16299.07 80-2 13267.89 80-2 10053.97 80-2 6576.77 80-2 2755.73 80-2 -1462.86 80-2 -6025.29 80-2 -10851.01 80-2 -15859.46 80-2 -774.83 80-1 474.61 80-1 1647.79 80-1 2744.9 80-1 3766.26 80-1 4712.5 80-1 5584.95 80-1 6386.66 80-1 7124.71 80-1 7237.14 80-2 5589.27 80-2 4716.39 80-2 3807.14 80-2 2830.68 80-2 1780.12 80-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.13 1.76 2.8 -5.48 -4.16 -2.84 -1.53 -0.76 -1.61 -2.81 -4.01 -5.22 -5.59 -4.54 -3.49 -2.45 -1.41 -1.03 -0.7 -1.22 -2.16 3.73 2.84 1.95 1.06 0.33 0.31 1.31 2.31 3.32 5.76 4.46 3.17 1.88 0.61 1.55 2.57 3.84 5.24 -4.76 -3.75 -2.75 -1.74 -0.9 -0.76

653.91 80-2 -548.45 80-2 -1827.19 80-2 -10625.87 80-1 -8231.67 80-1 -5914.49 80-1 -3674.49 80-1 -1512.02 80-1 572.31 80-1 2577.16 80-1 4499.49 80-1 6332.2 80-1 6232.7 80-2 5209.84 80-2 3258.72 80-2 1190.69 80-2 -963.39 80-2 -3196.64 80-2 -5507.5 80-2 -7895.47 80-2 -10360.34 80-2 9454.24 80-1 9509.45 80-1 9488.13 80-1 9390.37 80-1 9216.25 80-1 8965.98 80-1 8640 80-1 8239.34 80-1 7767.14 80-1 8109.44 80-2 5856.62 80-2 6222.3 80-2 6526.13 80-2 6756.36 80-2 6910.78 80-2 6988.89 80-2 6990.51 80-2 6915.59 80-2 -20854.94 80-1 -17266.51 80-1 -13754.83 80-1 -10319.96 80-1 -6962.01 80-1 -3681.17 80-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.63 -2.52 -3.42 -5.96 -4.56 -3.16 -1.76 -0.39 -1.22 -2.13 -3.3 -4.59 2.98 2.01 1.04 0.0805 -0.34 0.87 2.42 3.97 5.53 4.57 3.88 3.18 2.49 1.81 1.78 1.8 2.68 3.97 -6.95 -5.4 -3.84 -2.29 -1.29 -1.9 -2.87 -3.84 -4.81 -6.4 -5.11 -3.81 -2.52 -1.23 -0.61

-477.89 80-1 2646.8 80-1 5689.77 80-1 5360.4 80-2 4942.48 80-2 1752.8 80-2 -1528.3 80-2 -4889.07 80-2 -8327.29 80-2 -11842.47 80-2 -15434.44 80-2 -19103.12 80-2 -9847.49 80-1 -5546.79 80-1 -1428.46 80-1 2427.16 80-1 5939.81 80-1 9056.44 80-1 11832.07 80-1 14350.3 80-1 16698.77 80-1 16801.43 80-2 13457.63 80-2 10782.72 80-2 7884.8 80-2 4652.45 80-2 1025.1 80-2 -2945.11 80-2 -7178.14 80-2 -11593.63 80-2 -19698.53 80-1 -14253.08 80-1 -8990.73 80-1 -3992.23 80-1 661.54 80-1 4916.25 80-1 8824.28 80-1 12463.13 80-1 15906.27 80-1 15796.99 80-2 13078.19 80-2 9325.05 80-2 5268.35 80-2 858.39 80-2 -3951.66 80-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.0249 -0.3 -0.99 2.26 1.6 0.95 0.29 -0.2 0.01674 1.25 2.49 3.73 4.94 3.9 2.85 1.81 0.79 1.98 3.24 4.76 6.41 -6.24 -4.99 -3.75 -2.51 -1.43 -1.05 -1.69 -2.35 -3.01 -6.78 -5.13 -3.48 -1.83 -0.21 -0.8 -1.46 -2.38 -3.43 -1.31 -0.94 -0.58 -0.21 0.15 0.52

-9106.52 80-2 -14525.15 80-2 -20126.78 80-2 381.58 80-1 3488.04 80-1 6411.89 80-1 9072.62 80-1 11389.8 80-1 13309.92 80-1 14887.12 80-1 16202.99 80-1 17341.21 80-1 17673.73 80-2 13724.98 80-2 12288.64 80-2 10603.79 80-2 8578.14 80-2 6155.76 80-2 3389.86 80-2 360.83 80-2 -2850.84 80-2 -29927.6 80-1 -23287.91 80-1 -16831.08 80-1 -10637.7 80-1 -4788.45 80-1 662.77 80-1 5769.23 80-1 10610.44 80-1 15263.84 80-1 14924.69 80-2 12810.84 80-2 7819.14 80-2 2549.36 80-2 -3067.3 80-2 -9082.32 80-2 -15441.5 80-2 -22064.12 80-2 -28869.56 80-2 -4115.25 81-1 -3289.81 81-1 -2667.53 81-1 -2304.42 81-1 -2255.88 81-1 -2552.08 81-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0.88 1.25 1.61 -1.63 -1.19 -0.76 -0.33 0.09895 0.53 0.96 1.39 1.82 -1.44 -1.05 -0.67 -0.28 0.11 0.5 0.89 1.27 1.66 -1.44 -1.05 -0.66 -0.28 0.11 0.5 0.89 1.27 1.66 2.62 2.34 2.06 1.79 1.55 2.12 2.71 3.29 3.88 -3.39 -2.94 -2.48 -2.03 -1.62 -2.01

-3162.85 81-1 -4032.79 81-1 -5105.91 81-1 -6140.46 81-1 -4648.39 81-1 -3430.46 81-1 -2634.68 81-1 -2407.47 81-1 -2828.55 81-1 -3818.19 81-1 -5229.98 81-1 -6915.92 81-1 -5160.63 81-1 -3962.56 81-1 -3001.14 81-1 -2386.86 81-1 -2229.05 81-1 -2587.22 81-1 -3401.87 81-1 -4563.65 81-1 -5962.09 81-1 -5160.56 81-1 -3962.66 81-1 -3001.41 81-1 -2387.31 81-1 -2229.67 81-1 -2588.02 81-1 -3402.84 81-1 -4564.8 81-1 -5963.41 81-1 4032.83 81-1 2914.59 81-1 1701.77 81-1 394.46 81-1 -993.17 81-1 413.91 81-1 1734.98 81-1 2961.55 81-1 4093.54 81-1 -7611.8 81-1 -5817.55 81-1 -4117.94 81-1 -2513.05 81-1 -1017.07 81-1 -2505.01 81-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.42 -2.84 -3.25 5.68 4.36 3.04 1.73 0.52 2 3.54 5.07 6.61 -6.46 -4.96 -3.46 -1.97 -0.59 -1.89 -3.25 -4.61 -5.98 1.57 1.59 1.61 1.64 1.7 2.56 3.45 4.34 5.22 -4.44 -3.69 -2.93 -2.19 -1.47 -1.57 -1.68 -1.79 -1.91 4.64 3.61 2.59 1.57 0.67 2.45

-4096.16 81-1 -5782.03 81-1 -7562.53 81-1 16076.42 81-1 11947.84 81-1 7724.66 81-1 3406.91 81-1 -994.81 81-1 3421.64 81-1 7753.14 81-1 11990.07 81-1 16132.39 81-1 -19655.39 81-1 -14850.8 81-1 -10140.83 81-1 -5525.51 81-1 -1015.43 81-1 -5512.74 81-1 -10114.32 81-1 -14810.54 81-1 -19601.39 81-1 661.79 81-1 403.36 81-1 -91.68 81-1 -933.75 81-1 -2218 81-1 -1128.92 81-1 -487.7 81-1 -193.53 81-1 -135.97 81-1 -10982.84 81-1 -8328.78 81-1 -5911.39 81-1 -3841.27 81-1 -2241.9 81-1 -4047.84 81-1 -6318.85 81-1 -8937.11 81-1 -11792.04 81-1 12705.38 81-1 9436.61 81-1 5931.21 81-1 2078.7 81-1 -2219.64 81-1 1878.81 81-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

4.28 6.11 7.95 -7.5 -5.71 -3.91 -2.12 -0.45 -1.45 -2.51 -3.57 -4.64 -1.31 -0.87 -0.42 0.01668 0.46 0.9 1.34 1.78 2.22 -0.44 -0.51 -0.58 -0.66 -0.73 -0.81 -0.88 -0.96 -1.03 -1.63 -1.09 -0.55 -0.005309 0.54 1.08 1.62 2.16 2.7 -0.76 -0.78 -0.81 -0.83 -0.86 -0.88

5530.45 81-1 8834.98 81-1 11902.88 81-1 -23026.43 81-1 -17362.03 81-1 -11934.28 81-1 -6853.72 81-1 -2240.26 81-1 -7055.57 81-1 -12337.01 81-1 -17965.63 81-1 -23830.9 81-1 -17914.96 82-1 -11996.23 82-1 -6485.59 82-1 -1423.87 82-1 3148.11 82-1 7203.13 82-1 10768.4 82-1 13884.76 82-1 16593.03 82-1 16586.07 82-2 14087.77 82-2 11181.38 82-2 7826.07 82-2 3981.01 82-2 -381 82-2 -5232.75 82-2 -10533.42 82-2 -16242.19 82-2 -22223.53 82-1 -14934.33 82-1 -8067.82 82-1 -1731.89 82-1 3965.55 82-1 8952.59 82-1 13301.15 82-1 17119.12 82-1 20514.4 82-1 20516.98 82-2 17401.53 82-2 13863.38 82-2 9794.65 82-2 5087.43 82-2 -330.19 82-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.91 -0.93 -0.96 -1.44 -0.96 -0.48 0.00286 0.48 0.96 1.45 1.93 2.41 -0.62 -0.66 -0.7 -0.73 -0.77 -0.81 -0.85 -0.89 -0.93 -1.44 -0.96 -0.48 0.002162 0.48 0.96 1.44 1.92 2.4 -0.61 -0.65 -0.69 -0.73 -0.77 -0.81 -0.85 -0.89 -0.93 1.57 1.15 1.14 1.3 1.56 2.39

-6386.29 82-2 -12972.97 82-2 -19982.35 82-2 -19647.32 82-1 -13189.25 82-1 -7126.53 82-1 -1539.72 82-1 3490.62 82-1 7910.79 82-1 11774.49 82-1 15162.28 82-1 18154.72 82-1 18154.13 82-2 15403.79 82-2 12258.09 82-2 8636.48 82-2 4458.4 82-2 -329.85 82-2 -5674.56 82-2 -11495.18 82-2 -17711.16 82-2 -19647.98 82-1 -13189.79 82-1 -7126.97 82-1 -1540.05 82-1 3490.4 82-1 7910.68 82-1 11774.49 82-1 15162.39 82-1 18154.94 82-1 18154.32 82-2 15404.11 82-2 12258.55 82-2 8637.07 82-2 4459.13 82-2 -328.98 82-2 -5673.56 82-2 -11494.04 82-2 -17709.89 82-2 -1911.78 82-1 -616.09 82-1 603.34 82-1 1746.75 82-1 2814.65 82-1 3808.3 82-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.27 4731.43 82-1 4.14 5597.14 82-1 5.03 7224.65 82-1 5.49 7116.18 82-2 4.16 6367.8 82-2 2.83 5575.31 82-2 1.53 4717.65 82-2 0.5 3787.34 82-2 0.73 2782.11 82-2 2.07 1701.1 82-2 3.43 543.96 82-2 4.79 -689.5 82-2 -2.19 -10363.32 82-1 -1.53 -7903.05 82-1 -1.29 -5519.78 82-1 -1.22 -3213.76 82-1 -1.25 -985.49 82-1 -1.85 1163.75 82-1 -2.5 3230.26 82-1 -3.14 5200.91 82-1 -3.79 6256.5 82-1 -6.12 6350.32 82-2 -4.76 4537.65 82-2 -3.41 2615.83 82-2 -2.09 605.91 82-2 -1.04 -1484.62 82-2 -1.24 -3653.5 82-2 -2.56 -5899.87 82-2 -3.89 -8223.38 82-2 -5.23 -10623.82 82-2 4.3 6865.05 82-1 3.23 6947.83 82-1 2.29 6954.11 82-1 1.4 6883.97 82-1 0.76 6737.6 82-1 2 6515.46 82-1 3.36 6219.04 82-1 4.72 5858.5 82-1 6.09 8118.79 82-1 2.99 7777.29 82-2 2.09 8245.91 82-2 1.2 8650.93 82-2 0.44 8983.28 82-2 0.49 9240.37 82-2 1.06 9421.43 82-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.98 2.9 3.83 -4.92 -3.62 -2.45 -1.33 -0.45 -1.46 -2.59 -3.72 -4.86 -3.62 -2.7 -1.78 -1 -1.02 -1.57 -2.46 -3.36 -4.27 0.44 0.38 0.74 1.26 1.88 3.08 4.32 5.56 6.81 5.19 3.81 2.42 1.08 -0.0008239 0.18 1.47 2.77 4.08 -3.32 -2.3 -1.69 -1.26 -0.92 -1.16

9526.17 82-2 9554.44 82-2 9506.19 82-2 -19140.15 82-1 -15466.97 82-1 -11870.55 82-1 -8350.98 82-1 -4908.45 82-1 -1543.41 82-1 1742.65 82-1 4939.55 82-1 5362.36 82-1 5689.21 82-2 2659.54 82-2 -459.79 82-2 -3659.72 82-2 -6937.65 82-2 -10292.82 82-2 -13724.93 82-2 -17233.85 82-2 -20819.52 82-2 -15422.5 82-1 -9546.56 82-1 -4065.6 82-1 940.05 82-1 5390.37 82-1 9232.9 82-1 12525.08 82-1 15360.56 82-1 18639.11 82-1 18537.34 82-2 16319.33 82-2 13738.5 82-2 10693.22 82-2 7095.45 82-2 2889.22 82-2 -1872.61 82-2 -7109.86 82-2 -12742.15 82-2 -23874.04 82-1 -16833.52 82-1 -10188.72 82-1 -4020.45 82-1 1590.23 82-1 6588.35 82-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.44 -1.72 -2.01 -6.42 -5.11 -3.81 -2.54 -1.54 -1.8 -3.16 -4.55 -5.94 3.18 2.47 1.89 1.37 1.09 2.69 4.41 6.14 7.87 2.69 1.74 0.8 -0.01177 -0.01771 0.51 1.37 2.24 3.12 -6.05 -4.38 -2.85 -1.36 -0.12 -0.77 -1.53 -2.3 -3.08 -3.92 -3.05 -2.19 -1.45 -1.52 -2.12

11023.9 82-1 14964.32 82-1 17670.96 82-1 17771.48 82-2 14489.19 82-2 10779.02 82-2 6581.48 82-2 1823.48 82-2 -3546.38 82-2 -9473.59 82-2 -15877.2 82-2 -22676.47 82-2 -6645.67 82-1 -1982.64 82-1 2285.17 82-1 6077.28 82-1 9313.32 82-1 11940.07 82-1 14012.68 82-1 15621.91 82-1 19533.25 82-1 19198.45 82-2 18197.45 82-2 16814.12 82-2 14958.84 82-2 12548.48 82-2 9528.55 82-2 5952.45 82-2 1900.62 82-2 -2546.46 82-2 -32650.87 82-1 -24397.44 82-1 -16539.49 82-1 -9157.67 82-1 -2332.72 82-1 3881.19 82-1 9536.3 82-1 14702.97 82-1 16776.82 82-1 17110.37 82-2 12611.07 82-2 7703.4 82-2 2315.85 82-2 -3629.55 82-2 -10185.71 82-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.07 -4.02 -4.97 -1.67 -1.34 -1.01 -0.67 -0.34 -0.003764 0.33 0.66 1 -1.54 -1.12 -0.69 -0.26 0.17 0.59 1.02 1.45 1.87 -1.63 -1.31 -0.99 -0.66 -0.34 -0.01561 0.31 0.63 0.96 -1.89 -1.38 -0.86 -0.34 0.18 0.7 1.22 1.74 2.26 -1.56 -1.25 -0.94 -0.63 -0.32 -0.0117

-17298.65 82-2 -24887.67 82-2 -32872.17 82-2 -12615.74 83-1 -8504.93 83-1 -4554.16 83-1 -804.25 83-1 2703.99 83-1 5943.33 83-1 8940.99 83-1 11737.8 83-1 14374.57 83-1 14362.45 83-2 11616.12 83-2 8709.75 83-2 5602.53 83-2 2253.63 83-2 -1364.16 83-2 -5223.64 83-2 -9283.97 83-2 -13504.33 83-2 -16874.62 83-1 -11241.05 83-1 -5817.56 83-1 -712.03 83-1 3967.65 83-1 8149.55 83-1 11905.59 83-1 15343.68 83-1 18571.69 83-1 18543.99 83-2 15133.04 83-2 11512.02 83-2 7573.04 83-2 3208.21 83-2 -1654.4 83-2 -6942.87 83-2 -12549.3 83-2 -18365.81 83-2 -14604.42 83-1 -9761.8 83-1 -5101.92 83-1 -705.32 83-1 3347.44 83-1 7002.65 83-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.3 0.61 0.92 -1.69 -1.22 -0.76 -0.29 0.17 0.63 1.1 1.56 2.02 -1.56 -1.25 -0.94 -0.63 -0.32 -0.01108 0.3 0.61 0.92 -1.68 -1.22 -0.76 -0.29 0.17 0.63 1.09 1.55 2.02 6.07 4.65 3.22 1.81 0.7 0.94 2.43 3.95 5.47 4.92 4.37 3.82 3.28 2.74 2.32

10314.02 83-1 13362.1 83-1 16227.46 83-1 16206.21 83-2 13191.88 83-2 9994.82 83-2 6534.47 83-2 2730.28 83-2 -1471.46 83-2 -6017.03 83-2 -10825.9 83-2 -15817.49 83-2 -14602.09 83-1 -9759.74 83-1 -5100.12 83-1 -703.79 83-1 3348.71 83-1 7003.65 83-1 10314.76 83-1 13362.58 83-1 16227.67 83-1 16206.45 83-2 13191.9 83-2 9994.61 83-2 6534.04 83-2 2729.62 83-2 -1472.33 83-2 -6018.14 83-2 -10827.22 83-2 -15819.04 83-2 -908.74 83-1 351.29 83-1 1534.69 83-1 2641.5 83-1 3671.71 83-1 4625.38 83-1 5502.58 83-1 6303.61 83-1 7030.2 83-1 7138.93 83-2 5518.46 83-2 4670.22 83-2 3751.01 83-2 2755.6 83-2 1683.69 83-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.21 2.12 2.07 -6.71 -5.19 -3.67 -2.16 -0.95 -1.1 -2.5 -3.92 -5.35 -5.89 -5.02 -4.15 -3.28 -2.42 -1.68 -1.25 -0.84 -0.47 3.58 2.58 1.58 0.6 0.57 1.28 2.37 3.46 4.56 4.26 3.55 2.84 2.13 1.43 1.14 1.85 2.59 3.35 -4.22 -3.12 -2.03 -0.95 -0.83 -1.45

535.19 83-2 -689.92 83-2 -1991.65 83-2 -10433.78 83-1 -8064.04 83-1 -5770.95 83-1 -3554.52 83-1 -1414.77 83-1 648.26 83-1 2634.49 83-1 4543.62 83-1 6373.94 83-1 6273.93 83-2 5234.35 83-2 3269.27 83-2 1221.91 83-2 -902.53 83-2 -3103.73 83-2 -5381.61 83-2 -7736.14 83-2 -10167.33 83-2 9434.7 83-1 9488.02 83-1 9464.73 83-1 9364.82 83-1 9188.3 83-1 8935.22 83-1 8605.62 83-1 8199.74 83-1 7719.17 83-1 8058.92 83-2 5819.91 83-2 6195.72 83-2 6499.51 83-2 6727.01 83-2 6877.99 83-2 6952.37 83-2 6950.14 83-2 6871.3 83-2 -20777.22 83-1 -17200.78 83-1 -13700.98 83-1 -10277.84 83-1 -6931.36 83-1 -3661.58 83-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.44 -3.44 -4.44 -5.23 -4.2 -3.16 -2.13 -1.11 -0.5 -0.89 -1.31 -1.74 4.83 3.67 2.51 1.35 0.51 1.01 2.77 4.54 6.32 3.72 3.48 3.23 2.99 2.75 2.63 2.82 3.03 3.28 -7.95 -6.17 -4.39 -2.61 -1.15 -1.03 -2.17 -3.33 -4.49 -7.08 -5.91 -4.74 -3.58 -2.41 -1.37

-468.55 83-1 2647.5 83-1 5684.96 83-1 5353.94 83-2 4932.9 83-2 1743.78 83-2 -1526.59 83-2 -4873.94 83-2 -8298.03 83-2 -11798.79 83-2 -15376.21 83-2 -19030.28 83-2 -9838.51 83-1 -5551.14 83-1 -1446.48 83-1 2394.92 83-1 5892.53 83-1 8992.67 83-1 11749.14 83-1 14242.79 83-1 16555.9 83-1 16639.07 83-2 13333.97 83-2 10694.99 83-2 7798.4 83-2 4558.4 83-2 920.97 83-2 -3060.24 83-2 -7304.71 83-2 -11731.9 83-2 -19363.56 83-1 -13966.47 83-1 -8752.12 83-1 -3801.1 83-1 806.04 83-1 5015.55 83-1 8881.05 83-1 12482.8 83-1 15899.63 83-1 15774.06 83-2 13049.85 83-2 9294.05 83-2 5269.29 83-2 900.26 83-2 -3866.44 83-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.64 0.07442 0.74 2.34 1.6 0.86 0.14 0.38 1.35 2.7 4.06 5.42 3.07 2.66 2.25 1.84 1.44 1.45 2.46 3.5 4.56 -5.46 -4.1 -2.74 -1.4 -1.02 -1.38 -2.11 -2.84 -3.58 -6.42 -5.09 -3.76 -2.43 -1.1 -0.19 -0.28 -0.4 -0.53 -1.51 -1.14 -0.77 -0.39 -0.01985 0.35

-8977.03 83-2 -14350.94 83-2 -19907.59 83-2 504.93 83-1 3585.6 83-1 6483.55 83-1 9118.24 83-1 11409.12 83-1 13302.51 83-1 14852.18 83-1 16138.92 83-1 17244.87 83-1 17559.05 83-2 13635.42 83-2 12220.49 83-2 10546.89 83-2 8529.8 83-2 6115.27 83-2 3356.94 83-2 335.35 83-2 -2868.96 83-2 -29706.99 83-1 -23103.2 83-1 -16682.16 83-1 -10524.42 83-1 -4710.55 83-1 705.71 83-1 5778.01 83-1 10586.68 83-1 15210.66 83-1 14854.08 83-2 12748.4 83-2 7768.55 83-2 2520.8 83-2 -3071.15 83-2 -9060.74 83-2 -15394.22 83-2 -21991 83-2 -28770.53 83-2 -4073.93 84-1 -3261.96 84-1 -2653.15 84-1 -2303.52 84-1 -2268.45 84-1 -2578.13 84-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0.73 1.1 1.47 -1.99 -1.52 -1.04 -0.57 -0.1 0.37 0.84 1.31 1.78 -1.73 -1.32 -0.9 -0.49 -0.07226 0.34 0.76 1.17 1.59 -1.73 -1.31 -0.9 -0.49 -0.0711 0.34 0.76 1.17 1.59 1.6 1.63 1.68 1.72 1.88 2.2 2.53 2.86 3.19 -2.82 -2.62 -2.43 -2.24 -2.16 -2.25

-3202.38 84-1 -4085.79 84-1 -5172.38 84-1 -6074.27 84-1 -4598.9 84-1 -3397.67 84-1 -2618.59 84-1 -2408.07 84-1 -2845.84 84-1 -3852.18 84-1 -5280.67 84-1 -6983.3 84-1 -5105.87 84-1 -3922.6 84-1 -2975.97 84-1 -2376.49 84-1 -2233.48 84-1 -2606.45 84-1 -3435.9 84-1 -4612.48 84-1 -6025.72 84-1 -5105.89 84-1 -3922.77 84-1 -2976.29 84-1 -2376.95 84-1 -2234.09 84-1 -2607.21 84-1 -3436.8 84-1 -4613.53 84-1 -6026.91 84-1 3838.99 84-1 2771.28 84-1 1608.97 84-1 352.05 84-1 -989.76 84-1 373.48 84-1 1643.44 84-1 2818.79 84-1 3899.53 84-1 -7395.49 84-1 -5652.48 84-1 -4004.09 84-1 -2450.31 84-1 -1000.85 84-1 -2445.67 84-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.34 -2.44 -2.53 1.55 1.23 0.91 0.59 0.65 1.24 1.83 2.43 3.03 -2.77 -2.21 -1.66 -1.11 -0.93 -1.28 -1.64 -2.01 -2.37 0.48 0.82 1.15 1.5 1.95 2.57 3.19 3.82 4.44 -3.93 -3.44 -2.95 -2.46 -2.09 -1.88 -1.68 -1.48 -1.27 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.37 0.72 1.6

-3986.41 84-1 -5621.77 84-1 -7351.74 84-1 16036.29 84-1 11917.25 84-1 7703.61 84-1 3395.36 84-1 -982.24 84-1 3432.81 84-1 7754.1 84-1 11980.78 84-1 16112.85 84-1 -19592.78 84-1 -14798.45 84-1 -10098.72 84-1 -5493.61 84-1 -1008.37 84-1 -5504.99 84-1 -10097.07 84-1 -14783.76 84-1 -19565.06 84-1 511.33 84-1 289.04 84-1 -169.9 84-1 -975.98 84-1 -2228.82 84-1 -1197.97 84-1 -622.28 84-1 -393.73 84-1 -401.81 84-1 -10723.14 84-1 -8134.73 84-1 -5782.96 84-1 -3778.34 84-1 -2239.9 84-1 -4017.12 84-1 -6252.13 84-1 -8834.28 84-1 -11653.08 84-1 12708.63 84-1 9435 84-1 5924.73 84-1 2067.32 84-1 -2221.3 84-1 1861.35 84-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.49 3.39 4.28 -3.89 -3.03 -2.18 -1.34 -0.86 -0.92 -0.98 -1.05 -1.11 -1.13 -0.71 -0.28 0.14 0.57 0.99 1.41 1.84 2.26 -0.92 -0.83 -0.74 -0.65 -0.57 -0.48 -0.39 -0.3 -0.21 -1.46 -0.91 -0.37 0.17 0.71 1.25 1.79 2.33 2.87 -1.21 -1.08 -0.95 -0.83 -0.7 -0.57

5488.38 84-1 8768.27 84-1 11811.51 84-1 -22920.44 84-1 -17280.7 84-1 -11877.6 84-1 -6821.65 84-1 -2247.42 84-1 -7076.45 84-1 -12362.79 84-1 -17996.27 84-1 -23866.4 84-1 -17783.74 85-1 -11891.37 85-1 -6407.1 85-1 -1371.74 85-1 3173.87 85-1 7202.52 85-1 10741.44 85-1 13831.43 85-1 16513.33 85-1 16509.65 85-2 14028.07 85-2 11138.39 85-2 7799.8 85-2 3971.47 85-2 -373.82 85-2 -5208.85 85-2 -10492.8 85-2 -16184.84 85-2 -22017.2 85-1 -14773.42 85-1 -7952.33 85-1 -1661.83 85-1 3990.19 85-1 8931.81 85-1 13234.94 85-1 17007.49 85-1 20357.35 85-1 20363.49 85-2 17278.3 85-2 13770.42 85-2 9731.96 85-2 5055.01 85-2 -332.34 85-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.45 -0.32 -0.19 -1.28 -0.8 -0.33 0.15 0.63 1.1 1.58 2.06 2.53 -1.06 -0.95 -0.84 -0.73 -0.62 -0.51 -0.41 -0.3 -0.19 -1.27 -0.8 -0.32 0.15 0.62 1.1 1.57 2.05 2.52 -1.05 -0.94 -0.84 -0.73 -0.62 -0.51 -0.4 -0.3 -0.19 2.58 2.33 2.1 1.91 2.14 2.64

-6358.17 85-2 -12914.59 85-2 -19893.7 85-2 -19476.23 85-1 -13055 85-1 -7029.13 85-1 -1479.17 85-1 3514.33 85-1 7897.65 85-1 11724.51 85-1 15075.45 85-1 18031.04 85-1 18033.72 85-2 15307.65 85-2 12186.22 85-2 8588.88 85-2 4435.08 85-2 -328.9 85-2 -5649.33 85-2 -11445.69 85-2 -17637.4 85-2 -19476.85 85-1 -13055.52 85-1 -7029.56 85-1 -1479.5 85-1 3514.08 85-1 7897.5 85-1 11724.45 85-1 15075.49 85-1 18031.18 85-1 18033.83 85-2 15307.91 85-2 12186.64 85-2 8589.45 85-2 4435.8 85-2 -328.02 85-2 -5648.31 85-2 -11444.51 85-2 -17636.06 85-2 -1987.57 85-1 -690 85-1 530.96 85-1 1675.31 85-1 2743.07 85-1 3734.32 85-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.15 4649.34 85-1 3.69 5492.72 85-1 4.25 7064.52 85-1 5.98 6949.9 85-2 4.62 6242.06 85-2 3.27 5459.66 85-2 1.93 4601 85-2 0.61 3665.85 85-2 0.67 2654.13 85-2 1.93 1565.82 85-2 3.28 400.89 85-2 4.66 -840.65 85-2 -2.83 -10131.81 85-1 -2.37 -7714.38 85-1 -1.95 -5373.59 85-1 -1.56 -3109.46 85-1 -1.59 -922.02 85-1 -1.89 1188.67 85-1 -2.21 3222.32 85-1 -2.55 5174.36 85-1 -2.9 6244.7 85-1 -6.65 6344.22 85-2 -5.25 4526.37 85-2 -3.85 2629.84 85-2 -2.46 656.29 85-2 -1.1 -1394.04 85-2 -1.12 -3521.06 85-2 -2.34 -5724.75 85-2 -3.65 -8005.1 85-2 -4.98 -10362.09 85-2 3.99 6839.17 85-1 3.01 6924.58 85-1 2.04 6933.38 85-1 1.11 6865.57 85-1 1.49 6721.17 85-1 2.67 6500.25 85-1 3.87 6203.09 85-1 5.08 5833.89 85-1 6.29 7935.4 85-1 3.86 7587.7 85-2 3.07 8091.95 85-2 2.28 8522.03 85-2 1.52 8875.87 85-2 0.8 9153.21 85-2 0.6 9353.97 85-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.02 1.71 2.49 -4.24 -3.06 -1.88 -0.76 -0.94 -1.92 -2.92 -3.93 -4.95 -4.53 -3.69 -2.86 -2.05 -1.29 -1.05 -1.43 -2.07 -2.81 1.43 1.55 1.7 1.89 2.49 3.36 4.25 5.16 6.09 5.26 3.99 2.73 1.47 0.24 0.39 1.73 3.17 4.64 -3.98 -3.15 -2.35 -1.59 -1.24 -1.16

9478.14 85-2 9525.7 85-2 9496.63 85-2 -18958.55 85-1 -15328.96 85-1 -11776.01 85-1 -8299.72 85-1 -4900.12 85-1 -1577.26 85-1 1668.57 85-1 4833.19 85-1 5373.82 85-1 5706.41 85-2 2676.48 85-2 -432.54 85-2 -3618.58 85-2 -6881.39 85-2 -10220.9 85-2 -13637.07 85-2 -17129.9 85-2 -20699.37 85-2 -15405.01 85-1 -9543.57 85-1 -4077.48 85-1 912.73 85-1 5346.52 85-1 9170.26 85-1 12437.94 85-1 15234.7 85-1 18441.14 85-1 18336.72 85-2 16165.88 85-2 13601.74 85-2 10562.07 85-2 6966.08 85-2 2759.98 85-2 -2002.55 85-2 -7240.97 85-2 -12874.74 85-2 -23549.25 85-1 -16567.95 85-1 -9982.03 85-1 -3872.04 85-1 1681.43 85-1 6624.61 85-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.11 -1.07 -1.06 -7.36 -5.88 -4.39 -2.92 -1.48 -1.41 -2.54 -3.76 -5.01 2.84 2.23 1.64 1.09 1.84 3.39 4.97 6.55 8.14 3.14 2.44 1.74 1.06 0.43 0.32 0.82 1.59 2.46 -5.39 -3.83 -2.29 -0.79 -0.59 -1.2 -1.82 -2.46 -3.1 -5.24 -4.32 -3.41 -2.51 -1.66 -1.34

11010.92 85-1 14916.33 85-1 17621.33 85-1 17731.04 85-2 14450.19 85-2 10771.92 85-2 6617.36 85-2 1906.19 85-2 -3415.22 85-2 -9293.12 85-2 -15646.96 85-2 -22396.18 85-2 -6578.27 85-1 -1928.99 85-1 2324.94 85-1 6102.99 85-1 9324.62 85-1 11936.19 85-1 13991.69 85-1 15575.86 85-1 19312.03 85-1 18974.53 85-2 18015.77 85-2 16664.12 85-2 14836.94 85-2 12453.43 85-2 9459.82 85-2 5909.77 85-2 1883.83 85-2 -2537.45 85-2 -32375.99 85-1 -24182.53 85-1 -16384.45 85-1 -9062.3 85-1 -2296.67 85-1 3858.68 85-1 9457.17 85-1 14575.16 85-1 16750.45 85-1 17093.24 85-2 12600.3 85-2 7709.55 85-2 2342.49 85-2 -3581.17 85-2 -10115.06 85-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.63 -2.18 -2.83 7.59 6.24 4.88 3.52 2.17 0.81 -0.55 -1.9 -3.26 -18.79 -9.99 -1.2 7.6 16.39 25.19 3.07 -1.36 -5.78 -10.21 9.85 8.05 6.26 4.46 2.66 0.86 -0.94 -2.74 -4.54 -25.47 -13.64 -1.8 10.04 21.87 33.71 3.87 -2.13 -8.13 -14.14 8.6 7.04 5.48 3.92

-17205.45 85-2 -24771.77 85-2 -32733.46 85-2 -13556.35 86-1 -8852.05 86-1 -4535.42 86-1 -626.89 86-1 2853.13 86-1 5891.04 86-1 8500.44 86-1 10701.75 86-1 12515.38 86-1 12322.29 86-2 11377.29 86-2 10062.07 86-2 8357.57 86-2 6244.69 86-2 3709.14 86-2 2361.45 86-3 -3668.08 86-3 -10225.93 86-3 -17289.33 86-3 -15571.15 86-1 -10254.9 86-1 -5307.4 86-1 -782.6 86-1 3265.56 86-1 6801.12 86-1 9860.04 86-1 12496.26 86-1 14763.73 86-1 14491.15 86-2 13389.45 86-2 11936.36 86-2 10081.44 86-2 7774.27 86-2 4977.04 86-2 3139.91 86-3 -4151.52 86-3 -12133.89 86-3 -20747.05 86-3 -14092.06 86-1 -9257 86-1 -4777.03 86-1 -692.41 86-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35

2.36 0.8 -0.76 -2.32 -3.88 -21.97 -11.74 -1.51 8.72 18.95 29.18 3.41 -1.77 -6.94 -12.12 8.6 7.04 5.48 3.92 2.36 0.8 -0.76 -2.32 -3.88 -21.96 -11.73 -1.51 8.72 18.94 29.17 3.41 -1.77 -6.94 -12.12 10.37 9.08 7.8 6.52 5.25 3.98 2.74 2.47 3.23 35.4 16.75

2956.57 86-1 6143.06 86-1 8893.92 86-1 11249.43 86-1 13249.85 86-1 13017.4 86-2 12025.37 86-2 10694.72 86-2 8987.8 86-2 6866.96 86-2 4303.98 86-2 2722.51 86-3 -3772.42 86-3 -10869 86-3 -18522.33 86-3 -14089.76 86-1 -9254.96 86-1 -4775.25 86-1 -690.89 86-1 2957.84 86-1 6144.08 86-1 8894.68 86-1 11249.93 86-1 13250.09 86-1 13017.66 86-2 12025.39 86-2 10694.5 86-2 8987.34 86-2 6866.26 86-2 4303.04 86-2 2721.63 86-3 -3773.53 86-3 -10870.36 86-3 -18523.92 86-3 1036.36 86-1 1691.37 86-1 2271.57 86-1 2784.39 86-1 3285.55 86-1 3771 86-1 4188.13 86-1 4530.38 86-1 4796.89 86-1 4838.45 86-2 3900.02 86-2

1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44

3.94 28.07 55.92 83.79 30.62 7.36 15.95 37.21 -4.43 -4.47 -4.53 -4.58 -4.64 -4.7 -4.8 -5.86 -7.95 -55.58 -27.72 -5.68 -20.6 -39.23 -57.87 -26.57 -7.42 -20.13 -45.5 6.96 7.4 7.85 8.3 8.76 9.22 9.69 10.45 11.52 40.58 22.54 6.34 21.23 48.45 75.72 13.4 5.4 12.53

3639.28 86-2 3312.95 86-2 3082.89 86-2 2823.03 86-2 2647.84 86-3 1642.14 86-3 559.12 86-3 -578.9 86-3 -8654.76 86-1 -6787.23 86-1 -4998.15 86-1 -3294.96 86-1 -1733.38 86-1 -309.36 86-1 1029.71 86-1 2290.4 86-1 3473.57 86-1 3380.86 86-2 3105.99 86-2 2006.89 86-2 826.85 86-2 -595.98 86-2 -2135.55 86-2 -2211.69 86-3 -4168.36 86-3 -6212.52 86-3 -8366.53 86-3 11542.43 86-1 11005.65 86-1 10392.79 86-1 9706.07 86-1 8962.23 86-1 8160.05 86-1 7283.79 86-1 6331.56 86-1 5303.84 86-1 5469.52 86-2 4092.87 86-2 5144.65 86-2 6127.33 86-2 7087.78 86-2 7988.04 86-2 7517.42 86-3 7863.06 86-3 8127.81 86-3

0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333

23.47 -1.02 -2.79 -4.57 -6.36 -8.15 -9.94 -11.74 -13.83 -16.23 -60.76 -33.5 -8.09 -13.75 -31.75 -49.8 -9.35 -5.46 -16.71 -31.76 15.99 13.82 11.64 9.47 7.3 5.14 3.01 1.84 1.71 23.53 10.5 3.3 33.05 66.51 99.99 32 5.62 11.1 29.24 1.2 0.26 -0.69 -1.64 -2.59 -3.54

8318.39 86-3 -19160.84 86-1 -16101.51 86-1 -13119.37 86-1 -10216.65 86-1 -7410.06 86-1 -4698.41 86-1 -2065.94 86-1 489.23 86-1 2966.62 86-1 2749.8 86-2 2913.14 86-2 501.52 86-2 -1987.53 86-2 -4600.87 86-2 -7300.57 86-2 -7081.28 86-3 -10389.27 86-3 -13781.22 86-3 -17263.81 86-3 -9243.16 86-1 -5014.73 86-1 -1139.57 86-1 2349.48 86-1 5467.88 86-1 8184.72 86-1 10474.23 86-1 12370.14 86-1 13911.86 86-1 13746.57 86-2 12422.42 86-2 11510.6 86-2 10230.19 86-2 8705.38 86-2 6781.9 86-2 5150.99 86-3 -868.79 86-3 -7485.15 86-3 -14630.83 86-3 -18934.27 86-1 -13493.33 86-1 -8409.3 86-1 -3729.87 86-1 448.95 86-1 4104.35 86-1

1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.53 -6.49 -9.48 -67.44 -33.97 -6.32 -15.62 -28.64 -41.67 -25.19 -9.16 -24.99 -53.47 12.59 12.13 11.69 11.25 10.81 10.38 9.95 9.82 9.99 28.71 16.28 5.71 26.2 59.04 91.92 14.78 3.66 7.68 15.5 4.61 1.94 -0.74 -3.42 -6.1 -8.78 -11.48 -14.46 -17.76 -72.63 -39.75 -8.73 -8.78

7315.81 86-1 10130.16 86-1 12588.54 86-1 12288.99 86-2 11628.39 86-2 9878.2 86-2 7744.08 86-2 5026.51 86-2 1823.32 86-2 291.47 86-3 -6679.29 86-3 -14256.79 86-3 -22418.46 86-3 1262.92 86-1 4299.55 86-1 6981.64 86-1 9271.17 86-1 11144.56 86-1 12573.77 86-1 13569.89 86-1 14171.32 86-1 14418.81 86-1 14377.64 86-2 12615.27 86-2 13015.97 86-2 13044.57 86-2 12710.27 86-2 11946.92 86-2 10020.58 86-3 5352.12 86-3 83.54 86-3 -5733.54 86-3 -29440.35 86-1 -22807.62 86-1 -16530.51 86-1 -10651.55 86-1 -5227.73 86-1 -284.7 86-1 4220.16 86-1 8328.99 86-1 12081.59 86-1 11657.92 86-2 11435.53 86-2 8372.84 86-2 4929.7 86-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32

-21.16 1021.62 86-2 -33.6 -3341.7 86-2 -7.97 -4578.12 86-3 -7.2 -12900.21 86-3 -21.56 -21825.49 86-3 -39.73 -31315.74 86-3 -4.28 -5346.52 87-1 -3.35 -4331.56 87-1 -2.42 -3519.76 87-1 -1.48 -2967.13 87-1 -0.55 -2729.08 87-1 0.38 -2835.76 87-1 1.31 -3257.01 87-1 2.24 -3937.44 87-1 3.17 -4821.03 87-1 -5.4 -7074.33 87-1 -4.26 -5442.19 87-1 -3.11 -4084.2 87-1 -1.96 -3148.35 87-1 -0.81 -2781.08 87-1 0.33 -3062.09 87-1 1.48 -3911.66 87-1 2.63 -5183.38 87-1 3.78 -6729.25 87-1 -4.76 -6139.61 87-1 -3.74 -4793.24 87-1 -2.72 -3683.51 87-1 -1.71 -2920.93 87-1 -0.69 -2614.82 87-1 0.33 -2824.69 87-1 1.35 -3491.04 87-1 2.37 -4504.52 87-1 3.38 -5754.66 87-1 -4.75 -6139.93 87-1 -3.74 -4793.6 87-1 -2.72 -3683.91 87-1 -1.7 -2921.37 87-1 -0.69 -2615.29 87-1 0.33 -2825.21 87-1 1.35 -3491.59 87-1 2.36 -4505.12 87-1 3.38 -5755.29 87-1 4.46 4073.08 87-1 3.96 2979.89 87-1 3.46 1792.14 87-1

1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

2.96 2.47 1.99 1.58 1.45 1.45 -6.4 -5.55 -4.7 -3.85 -3 -2.16 -1.4 -0.92 -0.57 4.85 4.14 3.42 2.72 2.02 1.35 0.92 1.38 2.14 -6.79 -5.72 -4.66 -3.6 -2.55 -1.53 -0.74 -0.85 -1.26 0.68 1.02 1.36 1.7 2.05 2.41 2.84 3.55 4.39 -10.18 -8.49 -6.8

510.01 87-1 -782.88 87-1 488.14 87-1 1673.64 87-1 2764.86 87-1 3761.55 87-1 -6862.02 87-1 -5203.06 87-1 -3638.76 87-1 -2169.3 87-1 -878.3 87-1 -2340.42 87-1 -3906.25 87-1 -5567.01 87-1 -7322.46 87-1 16520.98 87-1 12291.77 87-1 7967.98 87-1 3549.66 87-1 -692.76 87-1 3719.37 87-1 8041.15 87-1 12268.44 87-1 16401.15 87-1 -19309.91 87-1 -14514.94 87-1 -9814.6 87-1 -5208.95 87-1 -968.42 87-1 -5571.65 87-1 -10273.76 87-1 -15070.59 87-1 -19962.06 87-1 -672.52 87-1 -702.28 87-1 -968.63 87-1 -1581.91 87-1 -2567.8 87-1 -1411.16 87-1 -701.9 87-1 -339.45 87-1 -213.58 87-1 -11607.62 87-1 -8885.23 87-1 -6399.54 87-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

-5.11 -3.42 -1.75 -0.14 1.18 2.37 1.07 1.2 1.32 1.46 1.6 1.77 2.18 3.48 5.08 -10.57 -8.66 -6.76 -4.86 -2.97 -1.11 0.52 1.25 1.68 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 -1.84 -1.67 -1.5 -1.33 -1.16 -0.99 -0.82 -0.65 -0.48 0.65 0.83 1

-4261.22 87-1 -2663.22 87-1 -4239.72 87-1 -6281.79 87-1 -8671.32 87-1 -11297.58 87-1 11775.37 87-1 8609.6 87-1 5207.2 87-1 1457.74 87-1 -2477.68 87-1 1820.07 87-1 5665.61 87-1 9164.13 87-1 12426.02 87-1 -24055.51 87-1 -18197.11 87-1 -12575.38 87-1 -7300.87 87-1 -2753.34 87-1 -7470.96 87-1 -12649.3 87-1 -18174.91 87-1 -23937.18 87-1 -16915.95 88-1 -11217.98 88-1 -5928.09 88-1 -1087.13 88-1 3264.09 88-1 7098.36 88-1 10442.88 88-1 13338.48 88-1 15825.99 88-1 15848.08 88-2 13330.68 88-2 10405.19 88-2 7030.77 88-2 3166.62 88-2 -1214.49 88-2 -6085.34 88-2 -11405.12 88-2 -17132.98 88-2 -21048.17 88-1 -14022.02 88-1 -7418.56 88-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

1.18 1.35 1.53 1.7 1.88 2.05 -1.8 -1.72 -1.65 -1.57 -1.49 -1.42 -1.34 -1.26 -1.19 0.6 0.74 0.88 1.03 1.17 1.31 1.46 1.6 1.74 -1.72 -1.62 -1.52 -1.41 -1.31 -1.21 -1.11 -1 -0.9 0.6 0.74 0.88 1.03 1.17 1.31 1.45 1.59 1.74 -1.72 -1.61 -1.51

-1345.69 88-1 4088.7 88-1 8812.69 88-1 12898.19 88-1 16453.11 88-1 19585.34 88-1 19622.55 88-2 16460.7 88-2 12876.16 88-2 8761.03 88-2 4007.42 88-2 -1456.6 88-2 -7559.09 88-2 -14192.18 88-2 -21247.95 88-2 -18592.71 88-1 -12369.75 88-1 -6542.16 88-1 -1190.48 88-1 3604.74 88-1 7789.79 88-1 11418.37 88-1 14571.04 88-1 17328.35 88-1 17358.68 88-2 14573.49 88-2 11392.94 88-2 7736.48 88-2 3523.56 88-2 -1299.54 88-2 -6679.1 88-2 -12534.57 88-2 -18785.4 88-2 -18592.42 88-1 -12369.57 88-1 -6542.07 88-1 -1190.49 88-1 3604.63 88-1 7789.58 88-1 11418.06 88-1 14570.63 88-1 17327.85 88-1 17358.2 88-2 14572.9 88-2 11392.24 88-2

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

-1.41 7735.67 88-2 -1.31 3522.63 88-2 -1.2 -1300.57 88-2 -1.1 -6680.24 88-2 -1 -12535.83 88-2 -0.9 -18786.77 88-2 2.39 -2367.87 88-1 1.53 -999.25 88-1 0.7 292.84 88-1 0.83 1508.49 88-1 1.82 2647.89 88-1 2.98 3711.57 88-1 4.16 4701.26 88-1 5.34 5620.5 88-1 6.52 6650.92 88-1 7.42 6572.73 88-2 5.95 5683.32 88-2 4.48 4724.38 88-2 3.01 3689.1 88-2 1.56 2577.3 88-2 0.36 1388.94 88-2 1.45 123.97 88-2 2.7 -1217.6 88-2 3.98 -2635.79 88-2 -2.96 -9459.9 88-1 -1.79 -7179.01 88-1 -0.64 -4974.86 88-1 -0.46 -2847.53 88-1 -1.13 -797.22 88-1 -1.98 1175.53 88-1 -2.84 3069.01 88-1 -3.71 4879.69 88-1 -4.58 6425.91 88-1 -7.79 6499.46 88-2 -6.38 4784.85 88-2 -4.98 2986.49 88-2 -3.58 1111.21 88-2 -2.2 -840.83 88-2 -1.07 -2869.55 88-2 -2.23 -4974.95 88-2 -3.55 -7157.01 88-2 -4.89 -9415.71 88-2 2.55 5703.85 88-1 1.82 6038.14 88-1 1.11 6295.83 88-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.73 1.2 2.2 3.24 4.29 5.34 4.85 4.11 3.38 2.65 1.94 1.33 1.42 1.61 1.87 -3.12 -2.07 -1.05 -0.36 -0.52 -1.2 -1.93 -2.66 -3.4 -5.22 -4.55 -3.88 -3.23 -2.58 -2.04 -2.2 -2.46 -2.79 3.28 2.4 1.55 1.67 2.64 3.79 4.95 6.11 7.28 5.89 4.55 3.22

6476.95 88-1 6581.57 88-1 6609.86 88-1 6562.36 88-1 6440.41 88-1 6850.47 88-1 6598.63 88-2 6638.84 88-2 6624.27 88-2 6533.37 88-2 6365.94 88-2 6121.91 88-2 5801.27 88-2 5404.01 88-2 4930.12 88-2 -17531.61 88-1 -14216.4 88-1 -10977.85 88-1 -7816 88-1 -4730.91 88-1 -1722.75 88-1 1207.91 88-1 4059.78 88-1 6226.36 88-1 6473.56 88-2 3829.33 88-2 1086.6 88-2 -1733.07 88-2 -4629.46 88-2 -7602.53 88-2 -10652.25 88-2 -13778.62 88-2 -16981.63 88-2 -15046.28 88-1 -9279.6 88-1 -3908.18 88-1 987.52 88-1 5327.13 88-1 9057.51 88-1 12234.05 88-1 14940.86 88-1 17440.12 88-1 17394.62 88-2 15021.87 88-2 12260.87 88-2

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

1.89 0.57 -0.48 0.74 2.13 3.54 -2.08 -0.92 0.21 0.38 -0.31 -1.17 -2.05 -2.93 -3.81 -9.32 -7.78 -6.24 -4.7 -3.18 -1.92 -2.94 -4.12 -5.33 3.44 2.69 1.96 1.57 2.03 3.01 4.03 5.07 6.1 3.32 2.72 2.12 1.53 0.96 0.48 0.71 1.04 1.44 -2.23 -1.21 -0.19

9024.25 88-2 5231.28 88-2 828.2 88-2 -4131.3 88-2 -9566.69 88-2 -15397.43 88-2 -22138.31 88-1 -15459.37 88-1 -9175.88 88-1 -3368.5 88-1 1882.03 88-1 6521.46 88-1 10601.8 88-1 14200.04 88-1 17215.12 88-1 17321.35 88-2 14123.39 88-2 10522.98 88-2 6446.36 88-2 1813.15 88-2 -3430.29 88-2 -9230.22 88-2 -15506.1 88-2 -22177.35 88-2 -6974.56 88-1 -2242.22 88-1 2094.81 88-1 5955.98 88-1 9260.82 88-1 11955.79 88-1 14095.15 88-1 15760.77 88-1 17639.68 88-1 17420.52 88-2 15977.39 88-2 14160.76 88-2 11868.52 88-2 9019.91 88-2 5561.18 88-2 1546 88-2 -2945.08 88-2 -7831.51 88-2 -30210.02 88-1 -22496.75 88-1 -15178.87 88-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.48 -8336.97 88-1 0.31 -2051.66 88-1 -0.39 3623.18 88-1 -1.14 8740.7 88-1 -1.88 13380.14 88-1 -2.64 17015.56 88-1 -6.75 17295.44 88-2 -5.94 13167.88 88-2 -5.14 8623.09 88-2 -4.35 3602.08 88-2 -3.57 -1975.48 88-2 -2.89 -8163.26 88-2 -2.91 -14907.52 88-2 -3.03 -22127.71 88-2 -3.22 -29743.27 88-2 -10.82 -4752.05 89-1 -10.4 -3531.18 89-1 -9.97 -2864.53 89-1 -9.55 -2752.09 89-1 -16.87 -6389.81 89-1 -14.83 -4620.14 89-1 -12.79 -3505.53 89-1 -10.76 -3045.95 89-1 -14.08 -5505.82 89-1 -12.66 -4016.37 89-1 -11.23 -3114.46 89-1 -9.81 -2800.1 89-1 -14.03 -5518.85 89-1 -12.62 -4021.7 89-1 -11.21 -3112.1 89-1 -9.8 -2790.04 89-1 32.6 5086.4 89-1 14.55 944.5 89-1 -0.89 1141.43 89-1 14.64 5838.19 89-1 -41.2 -8537.36 89-1 -22.85 -3651.38 89-1 -7.11 -3293.45 89-1 -22.34 -7624.57 89-1 29.78 19819.95 89-1 11.88 5926.49 89-1 2.28 5912.41 89-1 18.72 20360.69 89-1 -38.38 -23270.9 89-1 -20.18 -8633.37 89-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

-10.27 -26.41 22.89 6.1 -8.09 8.7 -50.9 -31.29 -14.3 -28.28 20.08 3.43 -4.92 12.78 -48.09 -28.62 -17.47 -32.35 -4.05 -3.58 -3.12 -2.66 -2.19 -1.73 -1.27 -0.8 -0.34 4.56 3.89 3.22 2.55 1.88 1.2 0.53 -0.14 -0.81 -5.53 -4.91 -4.29 -3.67 -3.05 -2.43 -1.81 -1.19 -0.57

-8064.43 89-1 -22147.07 89-1 1287.1 89-1 -1726.19 89-1 -893.58 89-1 3945.92 89-1 -12336.66 89-1 -6322.06 89-1 -5328.46 89-1 -9516.84 89-1 16020.65 89-1 3255.8 89-1 3877.4 89-1 18468.42 89-1 -27070.2 89-1 -11304.06 89-1 -10099.44 89-1 -24039.34 89-1 -16138.32 90-1 -10454.09 90-1 -5177.95 90-1 -350.73 90-1 3986.75 90-1 7807.27 90-1 11138.05 90-1 14019.91 90-1 16493.68 90-1 16566.18 90-2 13929.75 90-2 10885.22 90-2 7391.78 90-2 3408.59 90-2 -1091.55 90-2 -6081.44 90-2 -11520.24 90-2 -17367.14 90-2 -19868.77 90-1 -12890.4 90-1 -6334.73 90-1 -309.64 90-1 5076.96 90-1 9753.17 90-1 13790.89 90-1 17298.02 90-1 20382.46 90-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

5.95 5.1 4.25 3.4 2.55 1.69 0.84 -0.007601 -0.86 -4.76 -4.22 -3.68 -3.15 -2.61 -2.07 -1.54 -1 -0.46 5.19 4.44 3.69 2.94 2.19 1.45 0.7 -0.05271 -0.8 -4.76 -4.22 -3.68 -3.15 -2.61 -2.07 -1.54 -1 -0.46 5.19 4.44 3.69 2.94 2.19 1.45 0.7 -0.05051 -0.8

20504.6 90-2 17190.73 90-2 13454.16 90-2 9187 90-2 4281.37 90-2 -1334.67 90-2 -7589.19 90-2 -14374.3 90-2 -21582.1 90-2 -17607.99 90-1 -11419.13 90-1 -5625.63 90-1 -308.04 90-1 4453.09 90-1 8604.04 90-1 12198.53 90-1 15317.11 90-1 18040.33 90-1 18139.93 90-2 15221.6 90-2 11907.92 90-2 8118.33 90-2 3772.27 90-2 -1183.96 90-2 -6696.65 90-2 -12685.26 90-2 -19069.22 90-2 -17605.69 90-1 -11417.09 90-1 -5623.85 90-1 -306.52 90-1 4454.34 90-1 8605.04 90-1 12199.27 90-1 15317.58 90-1 18040.54 90-1 18140.18 90-2 15221.62 90-2 11907.71 90-2 8117.88 90-2 3771.59 90-2 -1184.87 90-2 -6697.8 90-2 -12686.64 90-2 -19070.83 90-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

1.86 0.69 -0.32 0.81 2.32 3.84 5.37 6.91 8.52 5.5 4.38 3.27 2.16 1.08 0.58 0.82 1.17 1.54 -5.19 -3.5 -1.96 -2.57 -3.55 -4.55 -5.56 -6.58 -7.66 -1.47 -1.1 -0.73 -0.36 -0.02791 -0.27 -1.25 -2.35 -3.46 1.47 1.04 0.64 0.9 1.26 1.64 2.02 2.45 3.1

-607.17 90-1 541.75 90-1 1614.57 90-1 2611.68 90-1 3533.92 90-1 4383.07 90-1 5162.22 90-1 5873.39 90-1 6515.11 90-1 6624.41 90-2 5134.45 90-2 4374.62 90-2 3545.69 90-2 2646.47 90-2 1674.8 90-2 628.71 90-2 -492.85 90-2 -1690.4 90-2 -9860.2 90-1 -7626.02 90-1 -5469 90-1 -3389.54 90-1 -1388.47 90-1 532.42 90-1 2370.04 90-1 4122.37 90-1 5790.89 90-1 5713.17 90-2 4788.86 90-2 2981.16 90-2 1089.29 90-2 -885.56 90-2 -2941.23 90-2 -5075.74 90-2 -7288.04 90-2 -9577.63 90-2 9829.3 90-1 9765.07 90-1 9624.37 90-1 9407.34 90-1 9114.22 90-1 8745.6 90-1 8302.44 90-1 7785.59 90-1 7196.31 90-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

7.17 5.78 4.39 3 1.65 0.62 0.87 1.48 2.12 -4.8 -3.84 -2.92 -2.65 -2.5 -2.35 -2.21 -2.12 -2.24 -3.14 -2.49 -1.85 -1.21 -0.59 -0.31 -1.3 -2.66 -4.04 -1.23 -2.12 -2.86 -1.46 0.33 2.12 3.93 5.75 7.63 8.67 7.18 5.69 4.2 2.75 1.87 1.73 1.71 1.7

7530.16 90-2 5411.55 90-2 5894 90-2 6306.69 90-2 6645 90-2 6908.04 90-2 7095.15 90-2 7205.99 90-2 7240.41 90-2 -20296.68 90-1 -16849.34 90-1 -13478.8 90-1 -10185.2 90-1 -6968.78 90-1 -3830.11 90-1 -770.19 90-1 2210.17 90-1 5109.69 90-1 4807.42 90-2 4511.76 90-2 1461.77 90-2 -1671.72 90-2 -4884.1 90-2 -8174.46 90-2 -11542.17 90-2 -14986.88 90-2 -18508.44 90-2 -12978.13 90-1 -7332.28 90-1 -2081.25 90-1 2694.78 90-1 6916.11 90-1 10530.82 90-1 13595.69 90-1 16193.31 90-1 18402.75 90-1 18595.91 90-2 15394.43 90-2 12604.34 90-2 9345.88 90-2 5537.3 90-2 1122.73 90-2 -3846.09 90-2 -9289.67 90-2 -15127.95 90-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-8.28 -6.31 -4.5 -4.83 -5.55 -6.27 -7 -7.75 -8.56 1.7 1.7 1.69 1.68 1.64 1.02 -0.33 -1.81 -3.3 -1.62 -1.78 -1.9 -1.37 -0.73 -0.08059 0.58 1.29 2.21 10.34 8.57 6.81 5.05 3.31 1.91 1.78 2.02 2.28 -7.89 -6.65 -5.46 -4.92 -4.49 -4.07 -3.65 -3.29 -3.13

-22231.16 90-1 -15500.05 90-1 -9164.83 90-1 -3306.44 90-1 1993.72 90-1 6680.16 90-1 10803.51 90-1 14442.29 90-1 17678.53 90-1 17684.67 90-2 15048.83 90-2 11210.88 90-2 6889.48 90-2 2005.26 90-2 -3493.3 90-2 -9550.54 90-2 -16084.86 90-2 -23015.18 90-2 -2541.66 90-1 1891.04 90-1 5928.55 90-1 9490.44 90-1 12496.42 90-1 14893.35 90-1 16735.92 90-1 18105.51 90-1 19083.95 90-1 19501.66 90-2 15671.53 90-2 14123.72 90-2 12106.88 90-2 9535.83 90-2 6355.96 90-2 2620.34 90-2 -1590.83 90-2 -6197.14 90-2 -32667.64 90-1 -24723.37 90-1 -17174.63 90-1 -10102.1 90-1 -3586.59 90-1 2317.64 90-1 7663.29 90-1 12530.09 90-1 16997.33 90-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.02879 16778.92 90-2 0.3 14771.73 90-2 0.57 9691.49 90-2 0.84 4128.47 90-2 1.07 -1993.27 90-2 0.98 -8726.54 90-2 -0.39 -16016.98 90-2 -2.12 -23783.7 90-2 -3.87 -31945.99 90-2 1.47 -5252.18 91-1 0.94 -4251.21 91-1 0.41 -3453.41 91-1 -0.12 -2914.78 91-1 -0.64 -2690.72 91-1 -1.17 -2811.4 91-1 -1.7 -3246.65 91-1 -2.23 -3941.07 91-1 -2.75 -4838.66 91-1 1.88 -7105.71 91-1 1.22 -5467.56 91-1 0.56 -4103.56 91-1 -0.11 -3161.71 91-1 -0.77 -2788.42 91-1 -1.44 -3063.43 91-1 -2.1 -3907 91-1 -2.76 -5172.71 91-1 -3.43 -6712.57 91-1 1.65 -6128.91 91-1 1.07 -4783.28 91-1 0.48 -3674.3 91-1 -0.1 -2912.46 91-1 -0.69 -2607.08 91-1 -1.27 -2817.7 91-1 -1.86 -3484.78 91-1 -2.45 -4499.01 91-1 -3.03 -5749.89 91-1 1.65 -6129.21 91-1 1.06 -4783.63 91-1 0.48 -3674.68 91-1 -0.11 -2912.89 91-1 -0.69 -2607.56 91-1 -1.27 -2818.22 91-1 -1.86 -3485.34 91-1 -2.44 -4499.61 91-1 -3.03 -5750.53 91-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2.7 2.11 1.52 0.97 0.54 0.45 0.56 0.83 1.2 -2.15 -1.76 -1.37 -1.01 -0.78 -0.88 -1.19 -1.66 -2.22 3.93 3.23 2.53 1.84 1.2 0.69 0.36 0.47 0.89 -3.38 -2.87 -2.37 -1.88 -1.44 -1.12 -0.99 -1.3 -1.92 4.07 3 1.93 0.88 -0.03348 -0.61 -0.99 -1.2 -1.32

3821.2 91-1 2764.07 91-1 1612.36 91-1 366.19 91-1 -885.12 91-1 435.69 91-1 1668.1 91-1 2806.07 91-1 3849.46 91-1 -7147.28 91-1 -5441.62 91-1 -3830.6 91-1 -2314.34 91-1 -982.16 91-1 -2411.31 91-1 -3941.29 91-1 -5566.04 91-1 -7285.43 91-1 16227.83 91-1 12044 91-1 7765.59 91-1 3392.63 91-1 -788.08 91-1 3662.08 91-1 8021.31 91-1 12285.99 91-1 16456.07 91-1 -19553.9 91-1 -14721.55 91-1 -9983.83 91-1 -5340.77 91-1 -1079.2 91-1 -5637.71 91-1 -10294.49 91-1 -15045.95 91-1 -19892.04 91-1 -645.11 91-1 -680.94 91-1 -953.38 91-1 -1572.82 91-1 -2559.26 91-1 -1394.95 91-1 -680.9 91-1 -313.83 91-1 -183.38 91-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

-0.78 -0.87 -0.97 -1.09 -1.35 -1.94 -2.73 -3.68 -4.73 5.3 4.11 2.93 1.75 0.63 -0.37 -1.19 -1.55 -1.62 -2.01 -1.99 -1.97 -1.97 -2.01 -2.18 -2.53 -3.33 -4.43 0.13 0.05692 -0.01996 -0.09684 -0.17 -0.25 -0.33 -0.4 -0.48 0.77 0.72 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.39

-11613.59 91-1 -8886.63 91-1 -6396.34 91-1 -4253.35 91-1 -2656.29 91-1 -4241.95 91-1 -6290.29 91-1 -8685.94 91-1 -11318.27 91-1 11761.51 91-1 8598.99 91-1 5199.85 91-1 1453.62 91-1 -2462.21 91-1 1831.44 91-1 5672.3 91-1 9166.08 91-1 12423.23 91-1 -24020.22 91-1 -18166.56 91-1 -12549.57 91-1 -7279.78 91-1 -2753.33 91-1 -7468.35 91-1 -12643.5 91-1 -18165.86 91-1 -23924.88 91-1 -16877.52 92-1 -11184.08 92-1 -5898.72 92-1 -1062.28 92-1 3284.41 92-1 7114.15 92-1 10454.14 92-1 13345.22 92-1 15828.2 92-1 15851.11 92-2 13329.06 92-2 10398.91 92-2 7019.84 92-2 3151.03 92-2 -1234.74 92-2 -6110.25 92-2 -11434.67 92-2 -17167.19 92-2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.46 0.28 0.1 -0.07136 -0.25 -0.42 -0.6 -0.78 -0.95 0.49 0.55 0.61 0.67 0.73 0.79 0.84 0.9 0.96 0.33 0.2 0.06046 -0.07582 -0.21 -0.35 -0.48 -0.62 -0.76 0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.33 0.19 0.05926 -0.07574 -0.21 -0.35 -0.48 -0.62 -0.75

-20988.16 92-1 -13969.06 92-1 -7372.66 92-1 -1306.84 92-1 4120.5 92-1 8837.44 92-1 12915.89 92-1 16463.76 92-1 19588.94 92-1 19627.38 92-2 16458.92 92-2 12867.76 92-2 8746.02 92-2 3985.79 92-2 -1484.84 92-2 -7593.95 92-2 -14233.64 92-2 -21296.03 92-2 -18542.85 92-1 -12325.76 92-1 -6504.03 92-1 -1158.21 92-1 3631.15 92-1 7810.33 92-1 11433.05 92-1 14579.86 92-1 17331.31 92-1 17362.68 92-2 14571.86 92-2 11385.68 92-2 7723.59 92-2 3505.03 92-2 -1323.69 92-2 -6708.88 92-2 -12569.99 92-2 -18826.45 92-2 -18542.57 92-1 -12325.58 92-1 -6503.94 92-1 -1158.22 92-1 3631.04 92-1 7810.12 92-1 11432.75 92-1 14579.46 92-1 17330.81 92-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.55 17362.2 92-2 0.58 14571.27 92-2 0.6 11384.98 92-2 0.62 7722.78 92-2 0.64 3504.11 92-2 0.66 -1324.73 92-2 0.69 -6710.03 92-2 0.71 -12571.24 92-2 0.73 -18827.82 92-2 3.06 -2330.44 92-1 2.07 -965.97 92-1 1.09 321.97 92-1 0.29 1533.45 92-1 0.88 2668.62 92-1 1.58 3727.9 92-1 2.31 4712.6 92-1 3.04 5626.56 92-1 3.77 6654.07 92-1 7.85 6576.23 92-2 6.43 5685.46 92-2 5 4725.76 92-2 3.57 3689.9 92-2 2.15 2577.6 92-2 0.88 1388.76 92-2 2.12 123.36 92-2 3.65 -1218.65 92-2 5.19 -2637.26 92-2 -2.15 -9456.67 92-1 -1.43 -7176.07 92-1 -0.71 -4972.19 92-1 -0.18 -2845.12 92-1 -1.03 -795.01 92-1 -2.01 1177.72 92-1 -3 3071.76 92-1 -3.99 4883.28 92-1 -4.99 6427.98 92-1 -8.26 6502.08 92-2 -6.67 4785.78 92-2 -5.09 2985.14 92-2 -3.51 1107.4 92-2 -1.94 -847.17 92-2 -0.5 -2878.48 92-2 -1.59 -4986.48 92-2 -2.97 -7171.14 92-2 -4.35 -9432.47 92-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

2.59 1.81 1.07 0.53 0.76 1.22 1.73 2.26 2.79 3.96 3.51 3.06 2.61 2.16 1.77 2.13 2.58 3.04 -1.68 -1.17 -0.69 -0.42 -0.92 -1.64 -2.42 -3.21 -4.01 -4.36 -3.75 -3.15 -2.54 -1.95 -1.39 -1.6 -1.9 -2.2 2.93 1.94 0.96 0.16 0.75 1.45 2.17 2.9 3.63

5723.35 92-1 6055.63 92-1 6311.32 92-1 6490.42 92-1 6593 92-1 6619.2 92-1 6569.45 92-1 6445.14 92-1 6852.95 92-1 6601.75 92-2 6639.59 92-2 6622.94 92-2 6530.02 92-2 6360.59 92-2 6114.57 92-2 5791.95 92-2 5392.71 92-2 4916.85 92-2 -17510.47 92-1 -14197.67 92-1 -10961.54 92-1 -7802.1 92-1 -4719.4 92-1 -1713.58 92-1 1214.92 92-1 4064.7 92-1 6229.1 92-1 6476.56 92-2 3831.65 92-2 1087.96 92-2 -1732.73 92-2 -4630.16 92-2 -7604.28 92-2 -10655.07 92-2 -13782.5 92-2 -16986.58 92-2 -14979.32 92-1 -9220.45 92-1 -3856.82 92-1 1031.06 92-1 5362.8 92-1 9085.12 92-1 12253.03 92-1 14950.91 92-1 17443.63 92-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

8.61 7.12 5.64 4.16 2.69 1.35 2.54 4.01 5.5 -2.28 -1.55 -0.84 -0.31 -1.17 -2.14 -3.13 -4.13 -5.13 -7.5 -5.97 -4.45 -2.92 -1.4 -0.02679 -1.17 -2.6 -4.04 2.46 1.68 0.94 0.4 0.63 1.09 1.6 2.12 2.65 4.72 4.21 3.7 3.19 2.69 2.24 2.55 2.95 3.35

17399.05 92-2 15020.84 92-2 12254.97 92-2 9013.65 92-2 5216.07 92-2 808.42 92-2 -4155.63 92-2 -9595.57 92-2 -15430.83 92-2 -22105.56 92-1 -15430.54 92-1 -9150.98 92-1 -3347.51 92-1 1899.17 92-1 6534.94 92-1 10612.19 92-1 14207.63 92-1 17217.53 92-1 17324.9 92-2 14121.15 92-2 10514.35 92-2 6431.16 92-2 1791.31 92-2 -3458.82 92-2 -9265.47 92-2 -15548.06 92-2 -22226.05 92-2 -6925.53 92-1 -2198.84 92-1 2132.52 92-1 5988.03 92-1 9287.19 92-1 11976.42 92-1 14109.87 92-1 15769.49 92-1 17642.5 92-1 17424.57 92-2 15974.97 92-2 14152.15 92-2 11853.78 92-2 8999.06 92-2 5534.23 92-2 1512.96 92-2 -2984.21 92-2 -7876.72 92-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-1.81 -1.29 -0.82 -0.55 -1.05 -1.78 -2.55 -3.35 -4.15 -3.61 -3.06 -2.5 -1.96 -1.41 -0.92 -1.18 -1.53 -1.9 12.95 12.45 11.96 11.46 19.71 17.56 15.41 13.25 16.55 15.03 13.51 11.99 16.49 14.99 13.48 11.97 41.76 23.33 7.15 22.77 -31.31 -13.5 2.05 -14.19 41.35 22.27 9.98

-30159.35 92-1 -22452.15 92-1 -15140.33 92-1 -8304.48 92-1 -2025.21 92-1 3643.64 92-1 8755.34 92-1 13389.05 92-1 17018.65 92-1 17299.39 92-2 13167.03 92-2 8617.17 92-2 3591.03 92-2 -1991.69 92-2 -8184.62 92-2 -14934.06 92-2 -22159.42 92-2 -29780.15 92-2 -4694.1 93-1 -3512.05 93-1 -2884.22 93-1 -2810.61 93-1 -6311.27 93-1 -4594.38 93-1 -3532.54 93-1 -3125.75 93-1 -5438.11 93-1 -3994.12 93-1 -3137.68 93-1 -2868.78 93-1 -5451.14 93-1 -3999.45 93-1 -3135.31 93-1 -2858.72 93-1 5103.22 93-1 949.72 93-1 1140.77 93-1 5839.25 93-1 -8541.46 93-1 -3653.76 93-1 -3299.84 93-1 -7642.56 93-1 19816.68 93-1 5924.77 93-1 5905.59 93-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

26.49 -30.91 -12.44 -0.77 -17.9 53 33.38 16.01 30.44 -20.07 -3.45 10.92 -6.52 52.6 32.32 18.84 34.16 -19.66 -2.39 8.09 -10.23 0.14 -0.06068 -0.26 -0.47 -0.67 -0.88 -1.08 -1.29 -1.49 2.17 1.81 1.46 1.1 0.75 0.4 0.04043 -0.31 -0.67 -0.23 -0.42 -0.61 -0.81 -1 -1.19

20342.45 93-1 -23254.92 93-1 -8628.81 93-1 -8064.66 93-1 -22145.76 93-1 1365.28 93-1 -1700.13 93-1 -913.93 93-1 3886.76 93-1 -12279.4 93-1 -6303.62 93-1 -5354.54 93-1 -9595.05 93-1 16078.74 93-1 3274.91 93-1 3850.89 93-1 18389.96 93-1 -26992.86 93-1 -11278.67 93-1 -10119.36 93-1 -24098.25 93-1 -16053.8 94-1 -10374.22 94-1 -5102.75 94-1 -280.18 94-1 4052.63 94-1 7868.5 94-1 11194.62 94-1 14071.82 94-1 16540.93 94-1 16531.13 94-2 13863.64 94-2 10788.05 94-2 7263.54 94-2 3249.3 94-2 -1281.91 94-2 -6302.86 94-2 -11772.72 94-2 -17650.68 94-2 -19720.3 94-1 -12760.08 94-1 -6222.56 94-1 -215.63 94-1 5152.82 94-1 9810.87 94-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.38 -1.57 -1.76 2.86 2.41 1.95 1.5 1.05 0.6 0.15 -0.3 -0.75 -0.09662 -0.28 -0.47 -0.65 -0.84 -1.02 -1.21 -1.39 -1.58 2.49 2.09 1.69 1.3 0.9 0.5 0.1 -0.29 -0.69 -0.09867 -0.28 -0.47 -0.65 -0.84 -1.02 -1.21 -1.39 -1.58 2.48 2.09 1.69 1.29 0.9 0.5

13830.44 94-1 17319.42 94-1 20385.71 94-1 20361.23 94-2 17020.95 94-2 13257.98 94-2 8964.42 94-2 4032.39 94-2 -1610.05 94-2 -7890.98 94-2 -14702.48 94-2 -21936.69 94-2 -17488.06 94-1 -11312.04 94-1 -5531.38 94-1 -226.63 94-1 4521.66 94-1 8659.77 94-1 12241.42 94-1 15347.16 94-1 18057.54 94-1 18039.05 94-2 15094.24 94-2 11754.06 94-2 7937.98 94-2 3565.43 94-2 -1417.3 94-2 -6956.48 94-2 -12971.58 94-2 -19382.04 94-2 -17485.73 94-1 -11309.98 94-1 -5529.58 94-1 -225.09 94-1 4522.93 94-1 8660.78 94-1 12242.17 94-1 15347.64 94-1 18057.76 94-1 18039.3 94-2 15094.26 94-2 11753.86 94-2 7937.55 94-2 3564.77 94-2 -1418.18 94-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.11 -6957.59 94-2 -0.29 -12972.91 94-2 -0.69 -19383.6 94-2 3.85 -845.86 94-1 2.56 402.78 94-1 1.27 1574.79 94-1 0.15 2670.19 94-1 1.04 3688.98 94-1 2.22 4631.19 94-1 3.47 5496.87 94-1 4.74 6286.25 94-1 6 7001.04 94-1 3.82 7111.07 94-2 3.14 5496.49 94-2 2.47 4656.39 94-2 1.8 3743.11 94-2 1.17 2753.49 94-2 0.69 1687.33 94-2 0.36 544.57 94-2 0.69 -674.8 94-2 1.11 -1970.79 94-2 -4.17 -10408.87 94-1 -2.9 -8045.25 94-1 -1.65 -5758.28 94-1 -0.56 -3547.96 94-1 -1.49 -1414.3 94-1 -2.69 642.68 94-1 -3.98 2622.91 94-1 -5.28 4526.19 94-1 -6.57 6350.79 94-1 -2.43 6249.12 94-2 -1.99 5212.28 94-2 -1.56 3247.71 94-2 -1.13 1203.05 94-2 -0.74 -918.54 94-2 -0.5 -3116.86 94-2 -0.42 -5391.84 94-2 -0.98 -7743.48 94-2 -1.65 -10171.76 94-2 1.91 9449.97 94-1 1.33 9499.02 94-1 0.75 9471.46 94-1 0.23 9367.3 94-1 0.32 9186.56 94-1 0.6 8929.27 94-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.1 1.64 2.19 3.31 2.63 1.95 1.3 0.78 0.72 0.89 1.29 1.73 -2.22 -1.68 -1.13 -0.64 -0.77 -1.07 -1.61 -2.18 -2.76 -1.92 -1.48 -1.04 -0.63 -0.35 -0.53 -0.95 -1.59 -2.27 3.91 2.44 0.99 -0.3 0.43 1.43 2.52 3.61 4.71 5.6 4.65 3.7 2.76 1.85 1.1

8595.54 94-1 8185.74 94-1 7702.79 94-1 8042.01 94-2 5792.79 94-2 6169.55 94-2 6476.79 94-2 6707.94 94-2 6862.61 94-2 6940.72 94-2 6942.23 94-2 6867.13 94-2 -20704.69 94-1 -17141.5 94-1 -13654.95 94-1 -10245.07 94-1 -6911.88 94-1 -3655.4 94-1 -475.75 94-1 2626.7 94-1 5649.04 94-1 5318.17 94-2 4915.99 94-2 1734.55 94-2 -1530.63 94-2 -4872.99 94-2 -8292.14 94-2 -11787.99 94-2 -15360.51 94-2 -19009.69 94-2 -12703.17 94-1 -7085.02 94-1 -1862.22 94-1 2884.68 94-1 7075.15 94-1 10655.49 94-1 13679.48 94-1 16227.89 94-1 18382.98 94-1 18470.39 94-2 15236.37 94-2 12458.11 94-2 9207.38 94-2 5400.49 94-2 983.52 94-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.49 0.55 0.7 -4.11 -3.01 -1.92 -1.01 -2.1 -3.48 -4.93 -6.4 -7.87 -0.64 -0.48 -0.32 -0.17 -0.05887 -0.09127 -0.28 -1.12 -2.07 1.97 1.22 0.47 -0.22 -0.29 -0.19 0.15 0.52 0.89 5.09 4.14 3.19 2.26 1.46 1.13 1.02 1.15 1.31 -2.16 -1.79 -1.41 -1.09 -1.38 -1.86

-3989.89 94-2 -9439.18 94-2 -15283.82 94-2 -22266.18 94-1 -15533.05 94-1 -9195.29 94-1 -3333.46 94-1 1971.87 94-1 6666.99 94-1 10805.53 94-1 14467.83 94-1 17732.73 94-1 17608.44 94-2 14952.17 94-2 11049.43 94-2 6667.32 94-2 1728.46 94-2 -3820.67 94-2 -9926.3 94-2 -16507.86 94-2 -23484.79 94-2 -2407.34 94-1 2011.22 94-1 6034.45 94-1 9581.8 94-1 12572.73 94-1 14953.57 94-1 16778.15 94-1 18127.38 94-1 19084.73 94-1 19401.33 94-2 15532.67 94-2 13971.27 94-2 11941.06 94-2 9354.94 94-2 6158.8 94-2 2406.27 94-2 -1822.14 94-2 -6445.89 94-2 -32562 94-1 -24629.3 94-1 -17091.97 94-1 -10030.58 94-1 -3525.71 94-1 2368.91 94-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.56 7706.86 94-1 -3.3 12568.34 94-1 -4.05 17030.98 94-1 -0.13 16677.5 94-2 0.03304 14655.87 94-2 0.19 9536.27 94-2 0.33 3933.65 94-2 0.33 -2225.99 94-2 -0.12 -8995.95 94-2 -0.81 -16322.45 94-2 -1.73 -24124.89 94-2 -2.68 -32322.72 94-2 0.86 -5271.83 95-1 0.51 -4268.17 95-1 0.15 -3467.67 95-1 -0.2 -2926.35 95-1 -0.56 -2699.59 95-1 -0.91 -2817.58 95-1 -1.27 -3250.14 95-1 -1.63 -3941.86 95-1 -1.98 -4836.76 95-1 1.04 -7015.19 95-1 0.6 -5395.75 95-1 0.16 -4050.47 95-1 -0.28 -3127.32 95-1 -0.72 -2772.75 95-1 -1.16 -3066.46 95-1 -1.6 -3928.74 95-1 -2.04 -5213.17 95-1 -2.49 -6771.74 95-1 0.93 -6078.99 95-1 0.54 -4744.06 95-1 0.15 -3645.78 95-1 -0.24 -2894.65 95-1 -0.63 -2599.98 95-1 -1.02 -2821.31 95-1 -1.41 -3499.1 95-1 -1.81 -4524.03 95-1 -2.2 -5785.61 95-1 0.93 -6079.01 95-1 0.54 -4744.23 95-1 0.15 -3646.1 95-1 -0.24 -2895.11 95-1 -0.63 -2600.59 95-1 -1.02 -2822.06 95-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-1.41 -1.8 -2.19 1.96 1.69 1.46 1.24 1.09 1.33 1.64 1.95 2.26 -1.25 -1.22 -1.22 -1.24 -1.33 -1.82 -2.37 -2.92 -3.47 3.92 2.99 2.06 1.16 0.44 1.03 1.79 2.56 3.34 -3.2 -2.51 -1.83 -1.16 -0.68 -1.52 -2.52 -3.53 -4.55 2.53 1.99 1.48 1 0.58 0.56

-3500 95-1 -4525.08 95-1 -5786.81 95-1 3887.05 95-1 2807.86 95-1 1634.06 95-1 365.66 95-1 -987.79 95-1 373.71 95-1 1642.75 95-1 2817.18 95-1 3897 95-1 -7390.66 95-1 -5648.57 95-1 -4001.1 95-1 -2448.24 95-1 -999.54 95-1 -2455.03 95-1 -4007.25 95-1 -5654.1 95-1 -7395.55 95-1 16033.03 95-1 11914.96 95-1 7702.28 95-1 3394.99 95-1 -979.48 95-1 3422.11 95-1 7730.03 95-1 11943.34 95-1 16062.04 95-1 -19536.64 95-1 -14755.68 95-1 -10069.32 95-1 -5477.57 95-1 -1007.85 95-1 -5503.42 95-1 -10094.53 95-1 -14780.26 95-1 -19560.59 95-1 -440.16 95-1 -516.09 95-1 -828.66 95-1 -1488.37 95-1 -2594.99 95-1 -1408.03 95-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0.59 0.63 0.68 -0.68 -0.92 -1.19 -1.49 -1.84 -2.6 -3.41 -4.23 -5.05 4.48 3.28 2.09 0.92 -0.07199 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.76 -2.64 -2.21 -1.8 -1.41 -1.19 -2.29 -3.57 -4.85 -6.13 2.08 1.58 1.08 0.58 0.08574 -0.41 -0.91 -1.41 -1.91 0.36 0.29 0.21 0.13 0.05247 -0.0253

-675.41 95-1 -289.92 95-1 -141.07 95-1 -11717.87 95-1 -8972.52 95-1 -6463.82 95-1 -4302.27 95-1 -2606.74 95-1 -4236.77 95-1 -6325.41 95-1 -8761.19 95-1 -11433.63 95-1 11705.82 95-1 8591.01 95-1 5239.56 95-1 1540.96 95-1 -2586.68 95-1 1640.36 95-1 5411.87 95-1 8836.24 95-1 12023.97 95-1 -23863.85 95-1 -18079.62 95-1 -12532.04 95-1 -7331.6 95-1 -2615.05 95-1 -7285.17 95-1 -12412.69 95-1 -17887.36 95-1 -23598.67 95-1 -17566.6 96-1 -11698.62 96-1 -6238.73 96-1 -1227.76 96-1 3293.47 96-1 7297.74 96-1 10812.26 96-1 13877.87 96-1 16535.39 96-1 16535.05 96-2 14029.5 96-2 11115.86 96-2 7753.3 96-2 3900.99 96-2 -468.27 96-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.1 -0.18 -0.26 2.75 2.1 1.45 0.81 0.16 -0.48 -1.13 -1.77 -2.42 0.5 0.38 0.26 0.14 0.02385 -0.09613 -0.22 -0.34 -0.46 2.39 1.83 1.26 0.69 0.13 -0.44 -1.01 -1.57 -2.14 0.44 0.34 0.23 0.13 0.03372 -0.06689 -0.17 -0.27 -0.37 2.39 1.82 1.26 0.69 0.13 -0.44

-5327.27 96-2 -10635.19 96-2 -16351.21 96-2 -21777.27 96-1 -14561.93 96-1 -7769.29 96-1 -1507.23 96-1 4116.35 96-1 9029.52 96-1 13304.22 96-1 17048.32 96-1 20369.74 96-1 20380.08 96-2 17267.42 96-2 13732.06 96-2 9666.11 96-2 4961.68 96-2 -453.15 96-2 -6506.46 96-2 -13090.36 96-2 -20096.95 96-2 -19256.48 96-1 -12860.87 96-1 -6860.61 96-1 -1336.27 96-1 3631.61 96-1 7989.32 96-1 11790.57 96-1 15115.9 96-1 18045.88 96-1 18052.26 96-2 15301.31 96-2 12155 96-2 8532.78 96-2 4354.1 96-2 -434.75 96-2 -5780.07 96-2 -11601.3 96-2 -17817.89 96-2 -19257.1 96-1 -12861.39 96-1 -6861.04 96-1 -1336.6 96-1 3631.37 96-1 7989.18 96-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1 11790.51 96-1 -1.56 15115.94 96-1 -2.13 18046.01 96-1 0.43 18052.37 96-2 0.33 15301.57 96-2 0.23 12155.42 96-2 0.13 8533.35 96-2 0.03205 4354.82 96-2 -0.06802 -433.88 96-2 -0.17 -5779.05 96-2 -0.27 -11600.13 96-2 -0.37 -17816.57 96-2 2.7 -1958.51 96-1 2.12 -664.82 96-1 1.67 552.26 96-1 1.37 1692.73 96-1 1.28 2756.61 96-1 1.61 3743.99 96-1 2.05 4655.14 96-1 2.52 5494.49 96-1 2.99 7064.66 96-1 6.99 6950.1 96-2 5.45 6242.04 96-2 3.92 5459.56 96-2 2.44 4600.85 96-2 1.08 3665.64 96-2 0.99 2653.87 96-2 2.42 1565.51 96-2 3.89 400.53 96-2 5.37 -841.07 96-2 -1.47 -10130.96 96-1 -1.18 -7713.63 96-1 -1.04 -5372.95 96-1 -1.04 -3108.93 96-1 -1.26 -921.59 96-1 -1.89 1188.99 96-1 -2.63 3222.52 96-1 -3.4 5174.6 96-1 -4.18 6242.57 96-1 -6.68 6342.78 96-2 -5.21 4520.8 96-2 -3.75 2619.98 96-2 -2.34 642.12 96-2 -1.04 -1412.52 96-2 -1.02 -3543.86 96-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.52 -4.05 -5.6 5.39 4.07 2.81 1.66 1.05 1.73 2.73 3.79 4.87 4.27 3.3 2.38 1.61 1.16 1.4 2.23 3.13 4.06 -4.15 -3.14 -2.18 -1.33 -1.03 -2.01 -3.31 -4.68 -6.06 -3.96 -3.06 -2.21 -1.51 -1.12 -1.43 -2.33 -3.29 -4.29 4.47 3.47 2.61 1.89 1.4 1.31

-5751.86 96-2 -8036.52 96-2 -10397.83 96-2 6835.14 96-1 6921.12 96-1 6930.48 96-1 6863.24 96-1 6719.41 96-1 6499.06 96-1 6202.48 96-1 5833.88 96-1 7933.01 96-1 7586.19 96-2 8085.52 96-2 8510.75 96-2 8859.76 96-2 9132.27 96-2 9328.2 96-2 9447.54 96-2 9490.27 96-2 9456.38 96-2 -18924.6 96-1 -15299.56 96-1 -11751.17 96-1 -8279.44 96-1 -4884.39 96-1 -1566.09 96-1 1675.18 96-1 4835.21 96-1 5374.23 96-1 5706.69 96-2 2677.32 96-2 -431.22 96-2 -3616.8 96-2 -6879.14 96-2 -10218.19 96-2 -13633.9 96-2 -17126.27 96-2 -20695.28 96-2 -15171.15 96-1 -9337.22 96-1 -3898.63 96-1 1064.08 96-1 5470.37 96-1 9266.61 96-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.34 1.4 1.47 7.27 5.66 4.07 2.52 1.09 0.94 2.3 3.7 5.12 0.3 0.17 -0.1 -0.51 -1.14 -2.18 -3.34 -4.52 -5.71 -6.41 -5 -3.61 -2.26 -1.03 -1.07 -2.64 -4.24 -5.85 7.16 5.42 3.75 2.19 1.17 1.43 2.03 2.67 3.34 4.55 3.51 2.53 1.69 1.18 1.35

12506.8 96-1 15275.9 96-1 18457.11 96-1 18356.08 96-2 16162.31 96-2 13575.4 96-2 10512.98 96-2 6894.23 96-2 2665.38 96-2 -2119.9 96-2 -7381.07 96-2 -13037.58 96-2 -23343.6 96-1 -16386.03 96-1 -9823.84 96-1 -3737.58 96-1 1792.16 96-1 6711.61 96-1 11074.18 96-1 14956.01 96-1 17635.02 96-1 17748.77 96-2 14441.07 96-2 10735.82 96-2 6554.25 96-2 1816.07 96-2 -3532.35 96-2 -9437.27 96-2 -15818.12 96-2 -22594.35 96-2 -6377.5 96-1 -1751.28 96-1 2479.59 96-1 6234.59 96-1 9433.16 96-1 12021.69 96-1 14054.14 96-1 15615.29 96-1 19325.46 96-1 18992.17 96-2 18005.79 96-2 16626.6 96-2 14771.89 96-2 12360.85 96-2 9339.71 96-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.11 2.94 3.8 -2.39 -1.79 -1.24 -0.8 -0.91 -2.3 -4.02 -5.8 -7.59 -3.69 -2.85 -2.07 -1.43 -1.11 -1.48 -2.45 -3.48 -4.54 1.2 0.84 0.48 0.13 -0.23 -0.58 -0.94 -1.29 -1.65 1.67 1.41 1.14 0.87 0.6 0.33 0.05891 -0.21 -0.48 1.14 0.77 0.39 0.02131 -0.35 -0.72

5762.14 96-2 1708.67 96-2 -2740.14 96-2 -32137.25 96-1 -23971.97 96-1 -16202.06 96-1 -8908.09 96-1 -2170.63 96-1 3956.53 96-1 9526.84 96-1 14616.62 96-1 16766.68 96-1 17112.67 96-2 12597.59 96-2 7684.62 96-2 2295.33 96-2 -3650.56 96-2 -10206.68 96-2 -17319.31 96-2 -24907.86 96-2 -32891.79 96-2 -16114.49 97-1 -10419.84 97-1 -5133.28 97-1 -295.63 97-1 4052.27 97-1 7883.21 97-1 11224.41 97-1 14116.69 97-1 16600.88 97-1 16579.61 97-2 13895.77 97-2 10803.83 97-2 7262.98 97-2 3232.39 97-2 -1315.16 97-2 -6352.45 97-2 -11838.66 97-2 -17732.96 97-2 -19831.57 97-1 -12838.95 97-1 -6269.03 97-1 -229.7 97-1 5171.16 97-1 9861.61 97-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.1 -1.47 -1.84 2.05 1.75 1.45 1.15 0.85 0.55 0.25 -0.05427 -0.35 1.1 0.75 0.4 0.05631 -0.29 -0.64 -0.99 -1.33 -1.68 1.82 1.55 1.27 1 0.72 0.45 0.17 -0.1 -0.38 1.1 0.75 0.4 0.0551 -0.29 -0.64 -0.99 -1.33 -1.68 1.82 1.54 1.27 1 0.72 0.45

13913.58 97-1 17434.96 97-1 20533.65 97-1 20507.91 97-2 17128.6 97-2 13326.6 97-2 8994.01 97-2 4022.94 97-2 -1658.53 97-2 -7978.49 97-2 -14829.03 97-2 -22102.27 97-2 -17577.18 97-1 -11376.05 97-1 -5570.29 97-1 -240.44 97-1 4532.95 97-1 8696.17 97-1 12302.92 97-1 15433.76 97-1 18169.25 97-1 18146.26 97-2 15171.82 97-2 11802.01 97-2 7956.3 97-2 3554.11 97-2 -1458.24 97-2 -7027.06 97-2 -13071.79 97-2 -19511.87 97-2 -17574.79 97-1 -11373.94 97-1 -5568.44 97-1 -238.85 97-1 4534.27 97-1 8697.22 97-1 12303.7 97-1 15434.27 97-1 18169.49 97-1 18146.55 97-2 15171.87 97-2 11801.82 97-2 7955.86 97-2 3553.44 97-2 -1459.16 97-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.17 -0.1 -0.38 4.74 3.43 2.13 0.84 0.63 1.77 2.98 4.18 5.4 4.93 4.24 3.56 2.87 2.19 1.54 1.05 0.78 0.87 -4.32 -3.11 -1.9 -0.72 -0.61 -1.85 -3.15 -4.46 -5.77 -4.34 -3.71 -3.08 -2.45 -1.82 -1.22 -0.8 -0.58 -0.72 3.6 2.67 1.75 0.84 0.35 1

-7028.22 97-2 -13073.19 97-2 -19513.52 97-2 -734.7 97-1 510.28 97-1 1679 97-1 2771.65 97-1 3788.55 97-1 4730.36 97-1 5598.44 97-1 6396.07 97-1 7131.33 97-1 7244.2 97-2 5589.13 97-2 4713.01 97-2 3801.71 97-2 2823.09 97-2 1770.38 97-2 642.03 97-2 -562.47 97-2 -1843.33 97-2 -10607.63 97-1 -8215.63 97-1 -5900.64 97-1 -3662.84 97-1 -1502.57 97-1 579.54 97-1 2582.1 97-1 4501.84 97-1 6330.69 97-1 6232.07 97-2 5208.91 97-2 3253.54 97-2 1180.08 97-2 -979.33 97-2 -3217.92 97-2 -5534.12 97-2 -7927.45 97-2 -10397.68 97-2 9436.22 97-1 9494.44 97-1 9476.15 97-1 9381.41 97-1 9210.35 97-1 8963.16 97-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.81 2.64 3.46 5.16 4.31 3.47 2.63 1.8 1.05 0.86 1.29 1.89 -3.17 -2.35 -1.53 -0.72 -0.33 -1.08 -1.99 -2.91 -3.83 -4.57 -3.78 -2.99 -2.21 -1.44 -0.74 -0.61 -1.09 -1.75 5.63 4.02 2.42 0.83 0.33 1.17 2.08 2.99 3.9 6.45 5.52 4.59 3.65 2.73 1.83

8640.34 97-1 8243.11 97-1 7775.78 97-1 8117.21 97-2 5852.57 97-2 6208.1 97-2 6504.29 97-2 6727 97-2 6873.95 97-2 6944.6 97-2 6938.8 97-2 6856.45 97-2 -20778.55 97-1 -17199.79 97-1 -13697.79 97-1 -10272.61 97-1 -6924.36 97-1 -3653.27 97-1 -459.81 97-1 2654.8 97-1 5686.24 97-1 5359.06 97-2 4945.47 97-2 1758.45 97-2 -1522.5 97-2 -4883.24 97-2 -8321.48 97-2 -11836.69 97-2 -15428.71 97-2 -19097.46 97-2 -12637.24 97-1 -7010.02 97-1 -1777.78 97-1 2979.11 97-1 7180.42 97-1 10773.1 97-1 13812.23 97-1 16381.62 97-1 18569.92 97-1 18652.75 97-2 15362 97-2 12531.47 97-2 9266.48 97-2 5454.34 97-2 1034.58 97-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.1 0.58 0.42 -3.44 -2.52 -1.61 -0.72 -0.91 -2.45 -4.05 -5.65 -7.26 -2.82 -2.43 -2.05 -1.66 -1.29 -0.93 -0.75 -0.78 -1.17 4.48 3.26 2.04 0.83 0.04761 0.4 0.92 1.44 1.97 6.68 5.59 4.5 3.41 2.34 1.34 0.91 1.09 1.45 -2.29 -1.76 -1.24 -0.72 -0.63 -1.68

-3940.67 97-2 -9391.33 97-2 -15237.09 97-2 -22510.17 97-1 -15735.93 97-1 -9357.42 97-1 -3455.38 97-1 1889.3 97-1 6622.28 97-1 10795.88 97-1 14487.39 97-1 17769.28 97-1 17640.62 97-2 14981.78 97-2 11071.99 97-2 6644.85 97-2 1651.92 97-2 -3953.72 97-2 -10116.82 97-2 -16756.32 97-2 -23791.44 97-2 -2466.32 97-1 1974.14 97-1 6019.37 97-1 9588.88 97-1 12602.22 97-1 15005.91 97-1 16854.13 97-1 18228.66 97-1 19214.37 97-1 19525.76 97-2 15625.44 97-2 14026.56 97-2 11969.06 97-2 9358.25 97-2 6138.14 97-2 2361.9 97-2 -1890.07 97-2 -6537.31 97-2 -32681.09 97-1 -24720.09 97-1 -17154.57 97-1 -10065.15 97-1 -3532.49 97-1 2389.48 97-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.89 7753.98 97-1 -4.11 12640.35 97-1 -5.33 17124.83 97-1 -3.05 16767.61 97-2 -2.5 14718.34 97-2 -1.96 9576.9 97-2 -1.42 3942.27 97-2 -0.9 -2251.99 97-2 -0.45 -9057.29 97-2 -0.56 -16419.39 97-2 -1.29 -24257.58 97-2 -2.2 -32491.22 97-2 0.87 -5233.98 98-1 0.46 -4242.48 98-1 0.06062 -3454.16 98-1 -0.34 -2925.01 98-1 -0.75 -2710.43 98-1 -1.15 -2840.59 98-1 -1.56 -3285.32 98-1 -1.96 -3989.22 98-1 -2.36 -4896.29 98-1 1.02 -6976.82 98-1 0.53 -5373.98 98-1 0.03519 -4045.28 98-1 -0.46 -3138.73 98-1 -0.95 -2800.74 98-1 -1.44 -3111.04 98-1 -1.93 -3989.91 98-1 -2.42 -5290.93 98-1 -2.91 -6866.09 98-1 0.92 -6042.95 98-1 0.48 -4722.28 98-1 0.04394 -3638.25 98-1 -0.39 -2901.36 98-1 -0.83 -2620.94 98-1 -1.27 -2856.51 98-1 -1.71 -3548.55 98-1 -2.15 -4587.73 98-1 -2.58 -5863.56 98-1 0.92 -6042.88 98-1 0.48 -4722.38 98-1 0.04184 -3638.52 98-1 -0.4 -2901.81 98-1 -0.83 -2621.57 98-1 -1.27 -2857.31 98-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-1.71 -2.14 -2.58 3.68 3.07 2.46 1.87 1.99 2.33 2.67 3.02 3.37 -3.28 -2.89 -2.5 -2.13 -2.46 -3.01 -3.58 -4.14 -4.7 5.91 4.21 2.51 0.88 1.6 3.06 4.53 6.01 7.48 -5.52 -4.03 -2.55 -1.14 -2.07 -3.74 -5.43 -7.13 -8.82 4.39 3.45 2.52 1.6 1.39 1.4

-3549.52 98-1 -4588.88 98-1 -5864.89 98-1 4080.97 98-1 2951.06 98-1 1726.56 98-1 407.53 98-1 -994.85 98-1 408.38 98-1 1723.61 98-1 2944.31 98-1 4070.41 98-1 -7587.73 98-1 -5799.36 98-1 -4105.62 98-1 -2506.57 98-1 -1013.38 98-1 -2515.03 98-1 -4117.89 98-1 -5815.44 98-1 -7607.61 98-1 16058.18 98-1 11934.25 98-1 7715.72 98-1 3402.61 98-1 -997.38 98-1 3401 98-1 7710.31 98-1 11925.03 98-1 16045.15 98-1 -19564.93 98-1 -14782.55 98-1 -10094.78 98-1 -5501.65 98-1 -1010.86 98-1 -5507.65 98-1 -10104.59 98-1 -14796.17 98-1 -19582.36 98-1 -208.49 98-1 -347.21 98-1 -722.55 98-1 -1444.97 98-1 -2612.59 98-1 -1395.97 98-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

1.42 1.44 1.46 -2.57 -2.5 -2.44 -2.39 -3.05 -3.94 -4.83 -5.72 -6.61 6.63 4.6 2.57 0.62 1 2.13 3.28 4.42 5.57 -4.8 -3.64 -2.49 -1.41 -2.67 -4.67 -6.69 -8.71 -10.73 2.47 1.92 1.38 0.84 0.3 -0.24 -0.78 -1.32 -1.86 -0.28 -0.22 -0.15 -0.09198 -0.02913 0.03372

-629.21 98-1 -209.53 98-1 -26.47 98-1 -11877.19 98-1 -9097.63 98-1 -6554.74 98-1 -4359.06 98-1 -2631.11 98-1 -4319.38 98-1 -6470.72 98-1 -8969.28 98-1 -11704.5 98-1 11768.71 98-1 8635.98 98-1 5266.61 98-1 1550.11 98-1 -2615.11 98-1 1596.65 98-1 5357.48 98-1 8771.2 98-1 11948.27 98-1 -23854.4 98-1 -18080.82 98-1 -12543.9 98-1 -7354.14 98-1 -2628.59 98-1 -7312 98-1 -12457.42 98-1 -17950.01 98-1 -23679.24 98-1 -17580.56 99-1 -11706.35 99-1 -6240.23 99-1 -1223.04 99-1 3304.42 99-1 7314.91 99-1 10835.67 99-1 13907.51 99-1 16571.25 99-1 16594.9 99-2 14071.53 99-2 11140.06 99-2 7759.68 99-2 3889.56 99-2 -497.52 99-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.09658 0.16 0.22 3.27 2.58 1.88 1.19 0.49 -0.21 -0.9 -1.6 -2.29 0.001893 -0.03135 -0.0646 -0.09784 -0.13 -0.16 -0.2 -0.23 -0.26 2.84 2.23 1.62 1.01 0.4 -0.21 -0.82 -1.43 -2.04 -0.08655 -0.08775 -0.08894 -0.09014 -0.09133 -0.09253 -0.09372 -0.09491 -0.09611 2.84 2.23 1.62 1.01 0.4 -0.21

-5374.35 99-2 -10700.09 99-2 -16433.93 99-2 -21857.97 99-1 -14615.32 99-1 -7795.36 99-1 -1505.99 99-1 4144.9 99-1 9085.38 99-1 13387.39 99-1 17158.81 99-1 20507.53 99-1 20535.48 99-2 17382.54 99-2 13806.91 99-2 9700.69 99-2 4955.99 99-2 -499.11 99-2 -6592.69 99-2 -13216.86 99-2 -20263.73 99-2 -19311.36 99-1 -12896.69 99-1 -6877.38 99-1 -1333.98 99-1 3652.95 99-1 8029.71 99-1 11850.01 99-1 15194.39 99-1 18143.42 99-1 18168.52 99-2 15386.69 99-2 12209.51 99-2 8556.42 99-2 4346.86 99-2 -472.87 99-2 -5849.07 99-2 -11701.18 99-2 -17948.64 99-2 -19312.02 99-1 -12897.24 99-1 -6877.82 99-1 -1334.31 99-1 3652.73 99-1 8029.6 99-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.81 11850.01 99-1 -1.42 15194.51 99-1 -2.03 18143.64 99-1 -0.08864 18168.71 99-2 -0.0893 15387.02 99-2 -0.08997 12209.97 99-2 -0.09063 8557.01 99-2 -0.0913 4347.59 99-2 -0.09196 -472.01 99-2 -0.09263 -5848.07 99-2 -0.09329 -11700.05 99-2 -0.09396 -17947.38 99-2 4.16 -1881.1 99-1 3.81 -589.01 99-1 3.56 626.65 99-1 3.36 1766.04 99-1 3.19 2829.48 99-1 3.06 3817.75 99-1 3.3 4733.54 99-1 3.97 5590.23 99-1 4.68 7216.18 99-1 5.96 7105.54 99-2 4.23 6364.39 99-2 2.89 5572.64 99-2 1.6 4711.09 99-2 1.58 3775.2 99-2 3.42 2763.67 99-2 5.29 1676.03 99-2 7.15 512.06 99-2 9.02 -728.35 99-2 -2.51 -10359.08 99-1 -2.5 -7898.35 99-1 -2.58 -5514.48 99-1 -2.72 -3207.6 99-1 -2.89 -978.02 99-1 -3.09 1173.45 99-1 -3.66 3244.13 99-1 -4.67 5220.65 99-1 -5.71 6274.65 99-1 -5.98 6370.12 99-2 -4.24 4538.4 99-2 -2.89 2604.02 99-2 -1.6 586.17 99-2 -1.58 -1510.61 99-2 -3.41 -3685.02 99-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.27 -7.14 -9 9.2 7.66 6.15 4.66 3.2 1.83 1.66 2.93 4.32 2.54 1.57 1.9 2.35 3.19 4.59 6 7.41 8.83 -7.55 -6.35 -5.17 -4.02 -2.89 -1.85 -2.02 -3.62 -5.35 -2.56 -1.58 -1.9 -2.35 -3.19 -4.58 -5.99 -7.39 -8.8 6.17 5.38 4.69 4.05 3.44 2.87

-5936.58 99-2 -8265.08 99-2 -10670.4 99-2 6848.05 99-1 6933.77 99-1 6942.95 99-1 6875.63 99-1 6731.96 99-1 6512.24 99-1 6217.68 99-1 5858.87 99-1 8117.22 99-1 7776.36 99-2 8237.09 99-2 8632.43 99-2 8953.74 99-2 9199.3 99-2 9368.61 99-2 9461.5 99-2 9477.87 99-2 9417.68 99-2 -19088.23 99-1 -15421.14 99-1 -11830.78 99-1 -8317.19 99-1 -4880.5 99-1 -1521.04 99-1 1760 99-1 4952.01 99-1 5373.6 99-1 5699.3 99-2 2665.7 99-2 -455.77 99-2 -3656.48 99-2 -6934.71 99-2 -10289.96 99-2 -13722.04 99-2 -17230.89 99-2 -20816.44 99-2 -15073.32 99-1 -9242.82 99-1 -3807.45 99-1 1152.36 99-1 5556.38 99-1 9351.71 99-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.67 12594.72 99-1 2.9 15379.34 99-1 3.17 18614.51 99-1 5.88 18536.51 99-2 4.14 16300.17 99-2 2.8 13694.5 99-2 1.51 10619.75 99-2 1.49 6990.82 99-2 3.33 2752.73 99-2 5.19 -2041.32 99-2 7.05 -7310.97 99-2 8.92 -12975.78 99-2 -0.5 -23551.3 99-1 -0.92 -16552.16 99-1 -1.45 -9948.58 99-1 -2.03 -3821.28 99-1 -2.64 1748.88 99-1 -3.28 6707.4 99-1 -4.29 11105.31 99-1 -5.74 15009.77 99-1 -7.23 17672.98 99-1 -6.06 17801.1 99-2 -4.32 14474.18 99-2 -2.98 10725.87 99-2 -1.69 6494.82 99-2 -1.67 1705.02 99-2 -3.51 -3695.96 99-2 -5.37 -9653.92 99-2 -7.24 -16088.1 99-2 -9.11 -22917.83 99-2 11.21 -6344.18 99-1 9.23 -1720.03 99-1 7.28 2508.85 99-1 5.35 6261.95 99-1 3.45 9458.86 99-1 1.64 12046.2 99-1 1.03 14078.85 99-1 1.86 15647.99 99-1 2.8 19515.55 99-1 2.46 19207.33 99-2 1.49 18172.87 99-2 1.81 16754.28 99-2 2.26 14862.4 99-2 3.1 12414.92 99-2 4.49 9357.67 99-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.9 7.31 8.72 -5.54 -4.78 -4.04 -3.33 -2.64 -2.05 -2.65 -4.7 -6.86 -2.64 -1.67 -1.99 -2.44 -3.28 -4.68 -6.09 -7.5 -8.91 3.9 2.69 1.49 0.28 -0.92 -2.13 -3.33 -4.54 -5.74 -2.99 -2.17 -1.34 -0.52 0.3 1.12 1.95 2.77 3.59 5.27 3.72 2.17 0.62 -0.93 -2.49

5744.15 99-2 1654.84 99-2 -2829.74 99-2 -32280.45 99-1 -24074.94 99-1 -16264.88 99-1 -8930.87 99-1 -2153.59 99-1 4012.91 99-1 9621.17 99-1 14741.13 99-1 16771.94 99-1 17130.28 99-2 12601.48 99-2 7666.09 99-2 2252.17 99-2 -3719.08 99-2 -10300.9 99-2 -17439.39 99-2 -25053.91 99-2 -33063.86 99-2 -12540.97 101-1 -8824.6 101-1 -5268.27 101-1 -1912.79 101-1 1201.01 101-1 4045.92 101-1 6649.14 101-1 9051.52 101-1 11293.86 101-1 11263.08 101-2 9208.67 101-2 6994.22 101-2 4578.92 101-2 1921.95 101-2 -1003.93 101-2 -4171.48 101-2 -7539.89 101-2 -11068.33 101-2 -16001.4 101-1 -10979.29 101-1 -6167.25 101-1 -1673.17 101-1 2395.05 101-1 5965.49 101-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.04 -5.59 -7.14 -3.99 -2.88 -1.76 -0.65 0.47 1.58 2.7 3.81 4.93 4.56 3.2 1.84 0.48 -0.88 -2.24 -3.6 -4.96 -6.32 -3.46 -2.5 -1.54 -0.57 0.39 1.35 2.31 3.28 4.24 4.55 3.19 1.84 0.48 -0.88 -2.24 -3.6 -4.95 -6.31 -3.46 -2.5 -1.53 -0.57 0.39 1.35

9110.08 101-1 11936.7 101-1 14553.26 101-1 14522.49 101-2 12000.17 101-2 9267.78 101-2 6217.43 101-2 2741.22 101-2 -1232.77 101-2 -5632.61 101-2 -10350.41 101-2 -15278.29 101-2 -14033.56 101-1 -9700.06 101-1 -5549.29 101-1 -1661.81 101-1 1881.84 101-1 5027.93 101-1 7830.19 101-1 10369.15 101-1 12725.39 101-1 12696.24 101-2 10459.71 101-2 8040.46 101-2 5357.92 101-2 2331.54 101-2 -1092.39 101-2 -4860.16 101-2 -8891.21 101-2 -13105 101-2 -14032.14 101-1 -9698.76 101-1 -5548.11 101-1 -1660.74 101-1 1882.78 101-1 5028.76 101-1 7830.9 101-1 10369.75 101-1 12725.87 101-1 12696.75 101-2 10459.99 101-2 8040.5 101-2 5357.72 101-2 2331.11 101-2 -1093.06 101-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.31 -4861.06 101-2 3.27 -8892.35 101-2 4.24 -13106.37 101-2 9.1 668.75 101-1 6.96 1508.77 101-1 4.82 2277.01 101-1 2.69 2978.89 101-1 0.91 3629.81 101-1 1.11 4274.38 101-1 1.76 4966.28 101-1 2.82 5667.5 101-1 3.9 6325.06 101-1 7.7 6357.33 101-2 5.98 4988.68 101-2 4.26 4296.59 101-2 2.55 3555.21 101-2 0.98 2789.21 101-2 1.96 2014.68 101-2 4.45 1213.13 101-2 6.98 359.9 101-2 9.52 -558.08 101-2 -4.83 -10532.53 101-1 -3.74 -8262.76 101-1 -2.66 -6074.48 101-1 -1.57 -3973.1 101-1 -0.85 -1974.03 101-1 -2.1 -121.88 101-1 -3.8 1529.68 101-1 -5.91 3018.64 101-1 -8.04 4398.01 101-1 -10.85 4372.06 101-2 -8.31 3666.24 101-2 -5.77 2130.58 101-2 -3.25 490.94 101-2 -0.86 -1277.34 101-2 -1.02 -3190.35 101-2 -2.69 -5229.62 101-2 -4.4 -7370.47 101-2 -6.12 -9599.84 101-2 11.57 10602.23 101-1 9.23 10339.33 101-1 6.89 10001.26 101-1 4.55 9589.65 101-1 2.33 9109.13 101-1 0.78 8573.09 101-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.64 1.83 3.11 8.56 6.5 4.45 2.4 0.7 2.77 5.63 8.5 11.38 -7.3 -6.01 -4.72 -3.44 -2.27 -1.77 -2.68 -4.92 -7.25 -11.72 -8.84 -5.96 -3.1 -0.57 -1.83 -3.86 -5.92 -7.98 11.51 8.54 5.57 2.61 -0.002748 -0.64 -0.81 -0.58 -0.33 5.82 4.65 3.48 2.33 1.31 2.84

7997.67 101-1 7371.59 101-1 6679.86 101-1 6789.6 101-2 5019.12 101-2 5644.4 101-2 6203.59 101-2 6701.98 101-2 7144.23 101-2 7524.76 101-2 7836.15 101-2 8074.49 101-2 -20466.01 101-1 -17093.32 101-1 -13798.73 101-1 -10583.86 101-1 -7453.35 101-1 -4420.58 101-1 -1501.71 101-1 1314.55 101-1 4043.21 101-1 3939.8 101-2 3635.8 101-2 782.77 101-2 -2157.44 101-2 -5190.11 101-2 -8319.9 101-2 -11541.25 101-2 -14846.72 101-2 -18232.41 101-2 -8430.86 101-1 -4812.41 101-1 -1371.82 101-1 1815.73 101-1 4685.13 101-1 7227.27 101-1 9549.52 101-1 11694.45 101-1 13689.62 101-1 13689.62 101-2 11121.33 101-2 9123.52 101-2 6889.77 101-2 4364.19 101-2 1509.16 101-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.88 8.97 12.06 -2.42 -2.16 -1.9 -1.65 -1.76 -3.84 -6.38 -9.32 -12.28 -12.73 -9.64 -6.55 -3.47 -0.53 -0.14 -1.26 -2.42 -3.59 13.98 10.81 7.64 4.47 1.42 -0.96 -1.94 -1.57 -1.13 6.68 5.18 3.67 2.18 1.02 3.65 7.06 10.48 13.91 -4.89 -4.43 -3.97 -3.52 -3.18 -3.51

-1640.09 101-2 -5027.69 101-2 -8586.12 101-2 -19632.14 101-1 -14583.93 101-1 -9723.32 101-1 -5136.25 101-1 -918.71 101-1 2831.01 101-1 6112.93 101-1 9045.59 101-1 11762.56 101-1 11704.34 101-2 9798.9 101-2 6957.51 101-2 3825.5 101-2 297.63 101-2 -3695.88 101-2 -8082.85 101-2 -12758.05 101-2 -17627.88 101-2 1502.62 101-1 4018.16 101-1 6352.43 101-1 8426.5 101-1 10164.45 101-1 11525.98 101-1 12580.91 101-1 13398.54 101-1 14044.42 101-1 14121.88 101-2 11151.78 101-2 10471.33 101-2 9538.15 101-2 8276.95 101-2 6638.71 101-2 4671.53 101-2 2448.57 101-2 46.45 101-2 -29565.62 101-1 -23414.49 101-1 -17447.56 101-1 -11747.01 101-1 -6398.02 101-1 -1467.69 101-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.25 3081.54 101-1 -8.33 7341.5 101-1 -11.49 11407.76 101-1 -13.59 11272.08 101-2 -10.16 9768.45 101-2 -6.74 5609.7 101-2 -3.32 1177.12 101-2 -0.24 -3615.14 101-2 -0.95 -8825.43 101-2 -2.43 -14394.47 101-2 -3.94 -20234.31 101-2 -5.45 -26260.45 101-2 0.14 -3062.3 102-1 -0.25 -2455.97 102-1 -0.64 -2052.8 102-1 -1.03 -1908.81 102-1 -1.42 -2079.39 102-1 -1.81 -2594.7 102-1 -2.2 -3424.59 102-1 -2.58 -4513.65 102-1 -2.97 -5805.88 102-1 0.35 -4706.75 102-1 -0.15 -3518.19 102-1 -0.65 -2603.78 102-1 -1.14 -2111.51 102-1 -1.64 -2187.81 102-1 -2.13 -2912.4 102-1 -2.63 -4205.56 102-1 -3.13 -5920.86 102-1 -3.62 -7910.31 102-1 0.27 -3926.41 102-1 -0.17 -2988.44 102-1 -0.61 -2287.12 102-1 -1.04 -1932.95 102-1 -1.48 -2035.24 102-1 -1.92 -2653.52 102-1 -2.35 -3728.27 102-1 -2.79 -5150.16 102-1 -3.22 -6808.7 102-1 0.26 -3926.08 102-1 -0.17 -2988.31 102-1 -0.61 -2287.18 102-1 -1.04 -1933.2 102-1 -1.48 -2035.68 102-1 -1.91 -2654.15 102-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.35 -2.78 -3.22 3.58 3.02 2.5 1.99 2.46 3.37 4.27 5.19 6.1 -3.34 -2.94 -2.58 -2.24 -2.87 -3.94 -5.01 -6.08 -7.16 8.11 5.78 3.46 1.15 2.07 4.39 6.71 9.03 11.35 -7.87 -5.7 -3.55 -1.4 -2.48 -4.96 -7.44 -9.92 -12.41 3.72 2.81 1.93 1.07 1.19 1.74

-3729.09 102-1 -5151.18 102-1 -6809.91 102-1 4624.38 102-1 3460.43 102-1 2203.54 102-1 857.66 102-1 -520.6 102-1 902.06 102-1 2317.47 102-1 3647.2 102-1 4884.56 102-1 -7692.75 102-1 -5792.8 102-1 -3989.12 102-1 -2285.67 102-1 -739.06 102-1 -2182.6 102-1 -3808.09 102-1 -5537.13 102-1 -7363.01 102-1 16584.06 102-1 12417.71 102-1 8157.24 102-1 3803.86 102-1 -568.44 102-1 3925.61 102-1 8351.47 102-1 12685.4 102-1 16925.4 102-1 -19652.43 102-1 -14750.07 102-1 -9942.82 102-1 -5231.87 102-1 -691.22 102-1 -5206.15 102-1 -9842.09 102-1 -14575.33 102-1 -19403.85 102-1 2232.63 102-1 1638.36 102-1 809.12 102-1 -361.64 102-1 -1926.65 102-1 -1112.11 102-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.29 2.85 3.41 -3.2 -3.16 -3.15 -3.16 -4.15 -5.57 -6.99 -8.42 -9.85 8.25 5.57 2.89 0.23 0.79 2.76 4.72 6.69 8.66 -7.73 -5.92 -4.11 -2.32 -3.75 -6.59 -9.42 -12.26 -15.1 -6.94 -2.03 2.89 7.8 36.93 22.86 8.79 -5.27 -19.34 -33.41 -10.29 -8.16 -6.04 -3.92 -1.8

-666.69 102-1 -559.48 102-1 -686.67 102-1 -10084.5 102-1 -7614.86 102-1 -5383.54 102-1 -3504.98 102-1 -2145.11 102-1 -4196.77 102-1 -6792.25 102-1 -9743.81 102-1 -12934.25 102-1 14192.31 102-1 10595.64 102-1 6762.83 102-1 2584.55 102-1 -1974.49 102-1 1911.44 102-1 5367.31 102-1 8478.73 102-1 11354.17 102-1 -22044.18 102-1 -16572.14 102-1 -11337.24 102-1 -6451.18 102-1 -2097.27 102-1 -7220.32 102-1 -12826.25 102-1 -18782.01 102-1 -24975.09 102-1 -19811.34 103-1 -11302.44 103-1 -3032.31 103-1 4976.28 103-1 5334.36 103-2 7261.11 103-2 8954.33 103-2 10254.86 103-2 11166.1 103-2 11707.13 103-2 12011.07 103-3 9912.9 103-3 7427.05 103-3 4533.1 103-3 1210.65 103-3

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8

0.32 2.44 4.57 6.69 -9.26 -2.8 3.66 10.12 48.78 30.45 12.11 -6.23 -24.56 -42.9 -12.6 -9.97 -7.34 -4.71 -2.08 0.56 3.19 5.82 8.45 -8.04 -2.41 3.22 8.85 42.46 26.44 10.42 -5.6 -21.62 -37.64 -11.2 -8.87 -6.54 -4.21 -1.88 0.45 2.78 5.11 7.44 -8.02 -2.4 3.21

-2553.92 103-3 -6746.99 103-3 -11348.16 103-3 -16337.01 103-3 -25179.6 103-1 -14016.25 103-1 -3255 103-1 7043.96 103-1 7490.41 103-2 9559.67 103-2 11300.99 103-2 12603.5 103-2 13504.18 103-2 14053.47 103-2 14473.31 103-3 11832.18 103-3 8822.3 103-3 5389.73 103-3 1480.52 103-3 -2941.3 103-3 -7839.75 103-3 -13160.91 103-3 -18850.81 103-3 -22104.88 103-1 -12392.95 103-1 -3009.1 103-1 6001.76 103-1 6395.94 103-2 8308.53 103-2 9941.1 103-2 11173.19 103-2 12029.01 103-2 12546.21 103-2 12906.27 103-3 10581.14 103-3 7900.93 103-3 4825.37 103-3 1314.16 103-3 -2659.52 103-3 -7068.85 103-3 -11873.53 103-3 -17033.29 103-3 -22105.14 103-1 -12393.06 103-1 -3009.06 103-1

2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333

8.83 6001.96 103-1 42.38 6396.1 103-2 26.39 8308.69 103-2 10.4 9941.27 103-2 -5.59 11173.36 103-2 -21.58 12029.18 103-2 -37.57 12546.39 103-2 -11.19 12906.48 103-3 -8.86 10581.36 103-3 -6.53 7901.17 103-3 -4.2 4825.61 103-3 -1.88 1314.42 103-3 0.45 -2659.26 103-3 2.78 -7068.57 103-3 5.11 -11873.24 103-3 7.43 -17032.99 103-3 51.3 720.13 103-1 25.13 1237.98 103-1 3.93 1907.11 103-1 32.52 2927.39 103-1 104.86 3015.87 103-2 71.69 3219.53 103-2 38.52 3350.38 103-2 5.42 3409.9 103-2 14.83 3453.91 103-2 38.66 4393.53 103-2 5.53 4307.52 103-3 4.39 4169.06 103-3 3.27 3986.34 103-3 2.27 3744.37 103-3 5.5 3434.1 103-3 9.64 3051.42 103-3 13.79 2594.45 103-3 17.94 2062.27 103-3 22.1 1454.36 103-3 -55.11 -8755.09 103-1 -25.92 -6410.78 103-1 -1.69 -4382.57 103-1 -27.25 -2870.34 103-1 -80.73 -3038.66 103-2 -56.86 -1407.28 103-2 -33 150.39 103-2 -9.22 1632.87 103-2 -27.92 2984.32 103-2 -61.06 3293.63 103-2

1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2

-13.59 -10.62 -7.67 -4.83 -6.23 -8.54 -10.86 -13.18 -15.51 43.17 22.16 3.23 25.27 133.71 89.6 45.49 1.41 29.67 64.47 2.55 4.62 6.73 8.88 12.31 16.02 19.74 23.45 27.17 -46.99 -22.95 -0.99 -20 -109.58 -74.78 -39.97 -5.21 -42.77 -86.88 -10.62 -10.85 -11.13 -11.45 -13.05 -14.92 -16.8

3393.2 103-3 2132.71 103-3 763.21 103-3 -700.31 103-3 -2248.79 103-3 -3878.13 103-3 -5586.45 103-3 -7372.82 103-3 -9236.74 103-3 8882.86 103-1 8469.62 103-1 8044.09 103-1 7666.22 103-1 8109.57 103-2 7153.64 103-2 6124.63 103-2 5023.12 103-2 3867.4 103-2 5094.25 103-2 4887.85 103-3 6024.57 103-3 7095.57 103-3 8095.33 103-3 9021.03 103-3 9871.38 103-3 10645.82 103-3 11344.07 103-3 11965.96 103-3 -16917.83 103-1 -13642.42 103-1 -10519.55 103-1 -7609.17 103-1 -8132.37 103-2 -5341.38 103-2 -2623.86 103-2 19.65 103-2 2570.83 103-2 2592.91 103-2 2812.87 103-3 277.21 103-3 -2346.02 103-3 -5051.27 103-3 -7835.72 103-3 -10698.09 103-3 -13637.82 103-3

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7

-18.69 -20.57 45.2 23.12 6.03 38.72 135.13 90.64 46.15 1.73 -0.18 12.33 -1.62 -1.35 -1.06 -0.65 3.99 9.54 15.1 20.67 26.23 -61.22 -27.92 0.4 -21.06 -50.46 -37.91 -25.37 -12.91 -42.93 -87.39 -20.74 -16.36 -12 -7.75 -7.74 -8.64 -9.55 -10.46 -11.37 37.07 20.16 5.33 31.46 163.98

-16654.62 103-3 -19748.33 103-3 -17367.65 103-1 -8568.73 103-1 135.81 103-1 8900.91 103-1 9423.43 103-2 10622.17 103-2 11541.34 103-2 12061.95 103-2 12264.06 103-2 13096.42 103-2 13363.74 103-3 11599.64 103-3 9512.84 103-3 7048.06 103-3 4155.98 103-3 805.64 103-3 -2977.99 103-3 -7155.56 103-3 -11687.3 103-3 -26842.87 103-1 -16217.49 103-1 -6153.88 103-1 3103.18 103-1 3368.9 103-2 5995.36 103-2 8341.35 103-2 10284.93 103-2 11794.47 103-2 11996.53 103-2 12449.42 103-3 9563.29 103-3 6289.71 103-3 2603.38 103-3 -1526.91 103-3 -6123.91 103-3 -11158.89 103-3 -16590.65 103-3 -22378.4 103-3 -9204.91 103-1 -1337.09 103-1 6272.78 103-1 13639.74 103-1 14517.13 103-2

3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0

108.55 53.12 -2.28 14.67 38.14 -4.59 -1.12 2.4 5.97 10.81 15.92 21.05 26.17 31.3 -53.09 -24.95 1.1 -13.8 -79.31 -55.83 -32.34 -8.9 -57.78 -113.21 -17.76 -16.59 -15.45 -14.37 -14.55 -15.02 -15.49 -15.97 -16.44 1.54 1.08 0.62 0.16 -0.3 -0.3 -0.87 -1.44 -2.02 -2.59 -2.36 -2.21

14556.28 103-2 14315.59 103-2 13675.18 103-2 12677.55 103-2 13797.15 103-2 13944.07 103-3 13455.15 103-3 12622.06 103-3 11399.02 103-3 9742.91 103-3 7625.6 103-3 5073.38 103-3 2126.24 103-3 -1175.71 103-3 -35005.6 103-1 -23449.13 103-1 -12290.85 103-1 -1635.64 103-1 -1724.8 103-2 2061.26 103-2 5567.1 103-2 8671.7 103-2 11380.98 103-2 11295.8 103-2 11869.09 103-3 7707.78 103-3 3180.48 103-3 -1747.58 103-3 -7113.84 103-3 -12943.87 103-3 -19210.27 103-3 -25872.45 103-3 -32889.99 103-3 -11741.4 106-1 -8246.76 106-1 -5056.63 106-1 -2185.37 106-1 352.69 106-1 352.69 106-1 2784.89 106-1 4680.27 106-1 6066.23 106-1 6970.76 106-1 6986.66 106-2 6333.2 106-2

0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45

-2.06 5292.06 106-2 -1.9 3842.82 106-2 -1.75 1965.08 106-2 -1.6 -354.77 106-2 -1.44 -3103.14 106-2 -1.29 -6259.59 106-2 -1.14 -9803.73 106-2 0.87 -12141.07 106-1 0.42 -8469.07 106-1 -0.02539 -5083.68 106-1 -0.47 -2022.81 106-1 -0.92 675.67 106-1 -0.92 675.67 106-1 -1.48 3270.76 106-1 -2.04 5256.77 106-1 -2.6 6706.15 106-1 -3.16 7692.88 106-1 -3.11 7706.49 106-2 -2.86 6918.89 106-2 -2.61 5762.55 106-2 -2.36 4183.51 106-2 -2.11 2127.82 106-2 -1.86 -440.46 106-2 -1.62 -3485.39 106-2 -1.37 -6953.01 106-2 -1.12 -10789.39 106-2 1.04 -11363.55 106-1 0.61 -7945.11 106-1 0.18 -4803.69 106-1 -0.24 -1967.58 106-1 -0.67 534.93 106-1 -0.67 534.93 106-1 -1.21 2938.83 106-1 -1.74 4789.52 106-1 -2.28 6141.06 106-1 -2.82 7048.71 106-1 -2.71 7062.38 106-2 -2.5 6360.14 106-2 -2.29 5302.81 106-2 -2.09 3850.13 106-2 -1.88 1961.81 106-2 -1.68 -388.99 106-2 -1.47 -3175.43 106-2 -1.27 -6357.22 106-2 -1.06 -9894.09 106-2

0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

1.04 -11362.39 106-1 0.61 -7944.09 106-1 0.18 -4802.8 106-1 -0.24 -1966.83 106-1 -0.67 535.55 106-1 -0.67 535.55 106-1 -1.21 2939.29 106-1 -1.74 4789.81 106-1 -2.27 6141.18 106-1 -2.81 7048.66 106-1 -2.7 7062.29 106-2 -2.5 6360 106-2 -2.29 5302.64 106-2 -2.09 3849.92 106-2 -1.88 1961.57 106-2 -1.68 -389.28 106-2 -1.47 -3175.75 106-2 -1.27 -6357.58 106-2 -1.06 -9894.5 106-2 8.93 2884.57 106-1 6.5 3068.14 106-1 4.08 3205.84 106-1 1.67 3311.82 106-1 0.0678 3413.47 106-1 0.0678 3413.47 106-1 2.53 3577.87 106-1 5.25 3763.98 106-1 7.98 3912.5 106-1 10.71 3991.08 106-1 13.22 3977.29 106-2 10.05 3154.22 106-2 6.88 2964.89 106-2 3.73 2743.6 106-2 0.77 2605.66 106-2 2.35 2594.55 106-2 5.71 2576.57 106-2 9.11 2500.81 106-2 12.52 2355.38 106-2 -8.97 -8547.98 106-1 -6.79 -7039.22 106-1 -4.61 -5605.68 106-1 -2.44 -4261.52 106-1 -1.07 -3034.13 106-1 -1.07 -3034.13 106-1 -3.84 -1707.54 106-1

0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1

-6.86 -9.89 -12.92 -14.87 -11.46 -8.06 -4.67 -1.48 -2.82 -5.94 -9.1 -12.27 5.14 3.78 2.43 1.08 -0.01158 -0.01158 0.74 2.12 3.51 4.91 11.1 8.45 5.8 3.16 0.64 1.83 4.67 7.56 10.45 -5.19 -4.07 -2.95 -1.84 -0.99 -0.99 -2.04 -3.72 -5.42 -7.12 -12.75 -9.86 -6.97 -4.1

-591.87 106-1 372.17 106-1 1216.94 106-1 1233.41 106-2 1219.41 106-2 418.39 106-2 -503.92 106-2 -1662.86 106-2 -3101.89 106-2 -4687.33 106-2 -6368.24 106-2 -8132.75 106-2 13220.27 106-1 12396.69 106-1 11516.96 106-1 10585.34 106-1 9610.05 106-1 9610.05 106-1 8342.55 106-1 7015.37 106-1 5610.83 106-1 4119.85 106-1 4077.01 106-2 3087.03 106-2 4348.43 106-2 5548 106-2 6719.08 106-2 7874.62 106-2 8974.48 106-2 10003.37 106-2 10957.73 106-2 -18883.68 106-1 -16367.76 106-1 -13916.81 106-1 -11535.05 106-1 -9230.71 106-1 -9230.71 106-1 -6472.21 106-1 -3843.26 106-1 -1326.15 106-1 1088.17 106-1 1133.7 106-2 1286.6 106-2 -965.14 106-2 -3308.32 106-2

2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35

-1.35 -2.29 -4.91 -7.55 -10.21 9.99 7.26 4.53 1.81 -0.0991 -0.0991 1.98 4.32 6.66 9.01 11.35 8.26 5.17 2.11 -0.76 0.91 4.35 7.83 11.33 -7.91 -6.04 -4.16 -2.3 -1.24 -1.24 -4.39 -7.79 -11.21 -14.62 -16.75 -13.25 -9.76 -6.29 -3.01 -4.26 -7.3 -10.37 -13.46 6.2 4.54

-5776.28 106-2 -8381.97 106-2 -11085.24 106-2 -13870.8 106-2 -16735.1 106-2 -5645.59 106-1 -2889.94 106-1 -396.63 106-1 1820.19 106-1 3759.64 106-1 3759.64 106-1 5582.2 106-1 6967.86 106-1 7911.4 106-1 8435.7 106-1 8434.18 106-2 7327.35 106-2 6575.81 106-2 5473.59 106-2 4095.71 106-2 2458.81 106-2 456.05 106-2 -1923.22 106-2 -4650.62 106-2 -17078.14 106-1 -12997.3 106-1 -9208.16 106-1 -5753.15 106-1 -2687.96 106-1 -2687.96 106-1 296.79 106-1 2612.01 106-1 4371.07 106-1 5661.57 106-1 5690.3 106-2 5392.54 106-2 4029.31 106-2 2226.06 106-2 -172.81 106-2 -3237.63 106-2 -6807.85 106-2 -10792.28 106-2 -15138.74 106-2 4690.11 106-1 6438.61 106-1

1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4

2.87 1.22 -0.18 -0.18 0.19 1.18 2.19 3.21 9.23 6.66 4.09 1.54 -0.89 0.38 3.32 6.29 9.26 -4.13 -3.31 -2.5 -1.7 -1.16 -1.16 -2.59 -4.66 -6.74 -8.82 -14.63 -11.65 -8.68 -5.72 -2.88 -3.74 -6.26 -8.82 -11.39 0.23 0.36 0.48 0.6 0.73 0.85 0.97 1.09 1.22

7914.49 106-1 9093.71 106-1 9956.22 106-1 9956.22 106-1 10346.87 106-1 10219.25 106-1 9609.73 106-1 8564.48 106-1 8533.9 106-2 7260.16 106-2 7959.34 106-2 8277.98 106-2 8209.14 106-2 7738.89 106-2 6853.96 106-2 5579.34 106-2 3951.73 106-2 -27413.84 106-1 -22325.85 106-1 -17519.28 106-1 -13026.68 106-1 -8884.55 106-1 -8884.55 106-1 -4467.89 106-1 -639.38 106-1 2672.74 106-1 5532.79 106-1 5590.59 106-2 5459.72 106-2 2645.78 106-2 -578.33 106-2 -4286.23 106-2 -8517.7 106-2 -13205.76 106-2 -18294.84 106-2 -23741.09 106-2 -4040.35 107-1 -2299.83 107-1 -1040.74 107-1 -291.06 107-1 -78.5 107-1 -418.15 107-1 -1294.92 107-1 -2681.11 107-1 -4548.72 107-1

0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0.83 0.93 1.04 1.14 1.24 1.34 1.45 1.55 1.65 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.91 1.01 1.11 1.21 1.32 1.42 0.59 0.7 0.8 0.91 1.01 1.11 1.22 1.32 1.42 3.47 3.4 3.35 3.93 5.31 6.7 8.08 9.47 10.86 -2.24 -2.3 -2.38 -3.08 -4.59 -6.1 -7.61 -9.13 -10.64

-4416.26 107-1 -2547.83 107-1 -1142.04 107-1 -272.9 107-1 -13.61 107-1 -404.04 107-1 -1404.33 107-1 -2941.26 107-1 -4940.83 107-1 -4059.63 107-1 -2332.16 107-1 -1048.59 107-1 -264.16 107-1 -33.54 107-1 -386.49 107-1 -1293.24 107-1 -2699.14 107-1 -4548.93 107-1 -4058.96 107-1 -2331.7 107-1 -1048.34 107-1 -264.12 107-1 -33.71 107-1 -386.87 107-1 -1293.83 107-1 -2699.93 107-1 -4549.94 107-1 5479.45 107-1 4207.45 107-1 2845.73 107-1 1408.47 107-1 23.04 107-1 1585.37 107-1 3107.75 107-1 4545.2 107-1 5891.15 107-1 -7579.53 107-1 -5572.36 107-1 -3664.68 107-1 -1870.67 107-1 -317.72 107-1 -1901.73 107-1 -3635.03 107-1 -5472.61 107-1 -7407.9 107-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

6.99 4.78 2.57 2.41 4.93 7.45 9.97 12.49 15.01 -5.76 -3.68 -1.59 -1.56 -4.2 -6.85 -9.5 -12.15 -14.8 3.45 3.55 3.67 4.41 5.96 7.51 9.07 10.62 12.18 -2.26 -2.15 -2.07 -2.6 -3.94 -5.29 -6.63 -7.98 -9.33 6.97 4.92 2.88 2.89 5.57 8.26 10.95 13.64 16.33

18035.96 107-1 13622.61 107-1 9116.11 107-1 4520.73 107-1 -66.91 107-1 4683.06 107-1 9355.02 107-1 13935.27 107-1 18421.85 107-1 -20136.04 107-1 -14987.51 107-1 -9935.06 107-1 -4982.93 107-1 -227.77 107-1 -4999.42 107-1 -9882.3 107-1 -14862.68 107-1 -19938.61 107-1 2470.83 107-1 2558.41 107-1 2206.98 107-1 1375.46 107-1 136.59 107-1 1356.51 107-1 2077.29 107-1 2308.61 107-1 2099.13 107-1 -10588.15 107-1 -7221.4 107-1 -4303.43 107-1 -1903.67 107-1 -204.16 107-1 -2130.59 107-1 -4665.48 107-1 -7709.2 107-1 -11199.92 107-1 15027.34 107-1 11973.57 107-1 8477.36 107-1 4487.73 107-1 46.64 107-1 4454.2 107-1 8324.56 107-1 11698.68 107-1 14629.83 107-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

-5.78 -3.53 -1.28 -1.08 -3.56 -6.04 -8.52 -11 -13.48 2.87 1.42 -0.031 -1.48 1.24 0.73 0.22 -0.29 -0.8 -1.32 -1.83 -2.34 -2.85 -3.36 -3.36 -3.8 -4.24 -4.68 -5.12 3.75 2.05 0.34 -1.36 3.71 2.66 1.61 0.56 -0.5 -1.55 -2.6 -3.65 -4.71 -5.76 -5.76 -6.66 -7.56

-23144.66 107-1 -16636.56 107-1 -10573.81 107-1 -5015.93 107-1 -114.22 107-1 -5228.28 107-1 -10912.75 107-1 -17099.27 107-1 -23730.62 107-1 -9812.42 108-1 -5465.69 108-1 -1601.75 108-1 1779.4 108-1 2562.5 108-2 3820.92 108-2 4684.36 108-2 5152.82 108-2 5226.31 108-2 4904.81 108-2 4188.34 108-2 3076.88 108-2 1570.45 108-2 -330.96 108-2 -330.96 108-2 -2476.71 108-2 -4912.65 108-2 -7638.78 108-2 -10655.1 108-2 -10040.76 108-1 -5340.5 108-1 -1210.86 108-1 2348.17 108-1 3399.6 108-2 4315.56 108-2 4892.97 108-2 5131.82 108-2 5032.12 108-2 4593.87 108-2 3817.06 108-2 2701.7 108-2 1247.79 108-2 -544.68 108-2 -544.68 108-2 -2523.34 108-2 -4750.74 108-2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5

-8.47 -9.37 3.28 1.75 0.21 -1.33 2.73 1.9 1.08 0.26 -0.57 -1.39 -2.21 -3.04 -3.86 -4.68 -4.68 -5.39 -6.1 -6.8 -7.51 3.27 1.74 0.2 -1.33 2.72 1.9 1.08 0.25 -0.57 -1.39 -2.21 -3.04 -3.86 -4.68 -4.68 -5.39 -6.09 -6.8 -7.5 33.1 12.51 7.88 27.7 59.43

-7226.86 108-2 -9951.72 108-2 -9430.4 108-1 -5095.35 108-1 -1272.11 108-1 2039.3 108-1 2948.09 108-2 3925.11 108-2 4563.59 108-2 4863.51 108-2 4824.87 108-2 4447.68 108-2 3731.94 108-2 2677.65 108-2 1284.8 108-2 -446.6 108-2 -446.6 108-2 -2372.92 108-2 -4547.97 108-2 -6971.75 108-2 -9644.27 108-2 -9429.6 108-1 -5094.74 108-1 -1271.71 108-1 2039.52 108-1 2948.36 108-2 3925.34 108-2 4563.76 108-2 4863.63 108-2 4824.95 108-2 4447.71 108-2 3731.92 108-2 2677.57 108-2 1284.67 108-2 -446.78 108-2 -446.78 108-2 -2373.14 108-2 -4548.23 108-2 -6972.06 108-2 -9644.62 108-2 3116.52 108-1 2938.31 108-1 2995.79 108-1 3384.05 108-1 3621.66 108-2

5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0

48.98 38.54 28.09 17.66 7.24 2.83 12.95 23.11 33.28 33.28 42 50.72 59.43 68.15 -31.81 -12.02 -8.21 -28.82 -58.29 -48.12 -37.95 -27.78 -17.62 -7.48 -3.34 -13.73 -24.16 -34.61 -34.61 -43.56 -52.51 -61.47 -70.42 13.7 4.64 4.43 12.78 53.03 43.55 34.08 24.61 15.15 5.76 3.54 12.62

3194.88 108-2 2687.56 108-2 2101.68 108-2 1443.2 108-2 1691.52 108-2 2166.88 108-2 2652.62 108-2 3089.6 108-2 3454.56 108-2 3454.56 108-2 3705.16 108-2 3896.8 108-2 4028.82 108-2 4100.9 108-2 -6725.23 108-1 -5036.65 108-1 -3748.59 108-1 -2956.13 108-1 -2927.58 108-2 -1897.08 108-2 -950.87 108-2 -90.93 108-2 676.77 108-2 372.85 108-2 -322.95 108-2 -1193.95 108-2 -2181.03 108-2 -3260.91 108-2 -3260.91 108-2 -4255.49 108-2 -5312.21 108-2 -6430.42 108-2 -7609.78 108-2 11605.29 108-1 10454.75 108-1 9317.23 108-1 8221.26 108-1 8832.75 108-2 7124.23 108-2 5333.86 108-2 3462.31 108-2 1512.36 108-2 2686.12 108-2 4543.21 108-2 6345.85 108-2

0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667

21.8 30.99 30.99 38.88 46.77 54.66 62.54 -12.41 -4.16 -4.75 -13.91 -51.9 -42.69 -33.49 -24.3 -15.11 -6 -4.05 -13.4 -22.85 -32.32 -32.32 -40.44 -48.56 -56.69 -64.81 35.72 14 8.25 26.93 61.58 50.45 39.32 28.19 17.07 5.97 0.87 10.3 19.78 29.26 29.26 37.39 45.53 53.66 61.79

8076.2 108-2 9727.27 108-2 9727.27 108-2 11077.89 108-2 12368.43 108-2 13598.71 108-2 14768.63 108-2 -15214 108-1 -12553.09 108-1 -10070.03 108-1 -7793.34 108-1 -8138.67 108-2 -5826.43 108-2 -3597.18 108-2 -1451.56 108-2 607.61 108-2 -621.75 108-2 -2699.28 108-2 -4887.18 108-2 -7167.63 108-2 -9533.62 108-2 -9533.62 108-2 -11628.22 108-2 -13783.85 108-2 -16000.31 108-2 -18277.5 108-2 -4508.37 108-1 -1106.99 108-1 2100.67 108-1 5209.71 108-1 6223.11 108-2 6471.42 108-2 6383.06 108-2 5959.99 108-2 5208.19 108-2 5107.06 108-2 4976.82 108-2 4600.83 108-2 3919.93 108-2 2910.88 108-2 2910.88 108-2 1607.09 108-2 56.15 108-2 -1742.58 108-2 -3789.44 108-2

3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8

-29.19 -10.53 -7.84 -29.59 -56.14 -46.66 -37.17 -27.69 -18.2 -8.75 -5.3 -16.37 -27.49 -38.62 -38.62 -48.16 -57.7 -67.24 -76.78 16.32 6.14 4.79 12.02 55.18 45.02 34.86 24.71 14.56 4.49 1.58 9.97 18.47 26.98 26.98 34.28 41.58 48.88 56.18 -9.79 -2.67 -4.39 -14.67 -49.74 -41.23 -32.71

-14350.11 108-1 -9081.95 108-1 -4643.71 108-1 -1130.48 108-1 -326.13 108-2 1379.46 108-2 2744.62 108-2 3767.38 108-2 4441.77 108-2 3788.38 108-2 2486.99 108-2 754.25 108-2 -1350.7 108-2 -3804.59 108-2 -3804.59 108-2 -6353.56 108-2 -9152.86 108-2 -12201.82 108-2 -15500.12 108-2 3980.41 108-1 6409.45 108-1 8422.11 108-1 10046.91 108-1 11434.2 108-2 10400.77 108-2 9029.36 108-2 7320.62 108-2 5277.36 108-2 6101.66 108-2 7353.15 108-2 8294.06 108-2 8906.53 108-2 9183.59 108-2 9183.59 108-2 8979.82 108-2 8527.79 108-2 7827.31 108-2 6878.29 108-2 -22838.88 108-1 -16598.39 108-1 -10965.15 108-1 -5967.68 108-1 -5537.22 108-2 -2549.88 108-2 98.32 108-2

0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333

-24.2 -15.7 -7.27 -6.01 -16.04 -26.18 -36.34 -36.34 -45.05 -53.75 -62.47 -71.18 1.78 1.58 1.39 1.19 0.99 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.21 1.95 1.92 1.9 1.88 1.86 1.84 1.82 1.79 1.77 1.79 1.72 1.64 1.56 1.49 1.41 1.33 1.25 1.18 1.79 1.71 1.64 1.56 1.48 1.4

2406.75 108-2 4372.6 108-2 2793.78 108-2 110.66 108-2 -2938.98 108-2 -6337.3 108-2 -10077.3 108-2 -10077.3 108-2 -13726.29 108-2 -17624.49 108-2 -21771.71 108-2 -26167.85 108-2 250.6 112-1 368.63 112-1 347.05 112-1 165.43 112-1 -196.63 112-1 -752.75 112-1 -1489.3 112-1 -2385.89 112-1 -3422.1 112-1 -20.15 112-1 245.25 112-1 354.53 112-1 253.74 112-1 -111.07 112-1 -775.86 112-1 -1704.67 112-1 -2843.54 112-1 -4138.54 112-1 64.5 112-1 269.21 112-1 331.46 112-1 210.98 112-1 -132.51 112-1 -725.86 112-1 -1542.22 112-1 -2541.31 112-1 -3682.86 112-1 67.45 112-1 271.4 112-1 332.89 112-1 211.65 112-1 -132.61 112-1 -726.72 112-1

1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.33 1.25 1.17 7.96 6.58 5.21 3.86 2.63 2.14 2.85 3.84 5.13 -6.63 -5.2 -3.77 -2.37 -1.09 -0.54 -1.2 -2.14 -3.37 7.18 6.19 5.21 4.23 3.29 2.57 2.22 1.97 2.59 -5.85 -4.81 -3.77 -2.74 -1.75 -0.97 -0.57 -0.27 -0.83 9.08 7.6 6.12 4.68 3.34 2.75

-1543.84 112-1 -2543.7 112-1 -3686.01 112-1 22466.8 112-1 17242.61 112-1 11942.15 112-1 6566.51 112-1 1119.71 112-1 3928.42 112-1 9077.96 112-1 14151.14 112-1 19147.79 112-1 -22973.57 112-1 -17440.62 112-1 -11984.66 112-1 -6606.79 112-1 -1311.03 112-1 -4424.05 112-1 -10031.16 112-1 -15715.18 112-1 -21475.93 112-1 6633.96 112-1 5155.22 112-1 3601.01 112-1 1975.01 112-1 290.45 112-1 1042.36 112-1 2445.93 112-1 3773.76 112-1 5025.3 112-1 -7140.73 112-1 -5353.23 112-1 -3643.52 112-1 -2015.3 112-1 -481.78 112-1 -1537.99 112-1 -3399.13 112-1 -5337.8 112-1 -7353.44 112-1 22788.98 112-1 17614.01 112-1 12296.94 112-1 6798.6 112-1 1082.72 112-1 3449.12 112-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.35 4.24 5.43 -5.51 -4.18 -2.86 -1.56 -0.38 0.06171 -0.7 -1.74 -3.08 8.3 7.21 6.12 5.04 4 3.18 2.72 2.37 2.88 -4.73 -3.79 -2.85 -1.93 -1.04 -0.37 -0.065 0.13 -0.54 6.69 4.83 2.97 1.11 -0.75 -2.61 -4.47 -6.33 -8.19 -7.12 -4.95 -2.78 -0.61 1.56 3.74

8009.98 112-1 12388.37 112-1 16624.42 112-1 -22651.39 112-1 -17069.23 112-1 -11629.87 112-1 -6374.7 112-1 -1348.02 112-1 -4903.35 112-1 -11099.14 112-1 -17477.94 112-1 -23999.3 112-1 6956.14 112-1 5526.62 112-1 3955.8 112-1 2207.1 112-1 253.46 112-1 563.06 112-1 1377.95 112-1 2010.99 112-1 2501.93 112-1 -6818.55 112-1 -4981.83 112-1 -3288.73 112-1 -1783.2 112-1 -518.77 112-1 -2017.28 112-1 -4467.11 112-1 -7100.56 112-1 -9876.81 112-1 -11540.48 113-1 -7494.09 113-1 -3835.38 113-1 -584.77 113-1 2237.34 113-1 4617.34 113-1 6568.83 113-1 8112.23 113-1 9267.94 113-1 9289.88 113-2 7829.93 113-2 5982.29 113-2 3726.56 113-2 1042.32 113-2 -2084.03 113-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.91 8.08 10.25 9.85 7.09 4.34 1.58 -1.17 -3.92 -6.68 -9.43 -12.19 -10.76 -7.61 -4.46 -1.31 1.84 4.99 8.14 11.29 14.44 8.32 5.99 3.67 1.35 -0.98 -3.3 -5.62 -7.94 -10.27 -9.03 -6.36 -3.69 -1.01 1.66 4.33 7 9.67 12.34 8.31 5.99 3.67 1.35 -0.97 -3.29

-5638.88 113-2 -9601.83 113-2 -13952.47 113-2 -12905.45 113-1 -8432.04 113-1 -4327.38 113-1 -645.42 113-1 2559.91 113-1 5252.63 113-1 7468.71 113-1 9262.1 113-1 10686.73 113-1 10701.06 113-2 8924.31 113-2 6778.81 113-2 4210.61 113-2 1165.77 113-2 -2391.67 113-2 -6425.75 113-2 -10882.53 113-2 -15708.06 113-2 -11775.22 113-1 -7678.7 113-1 -3937.25 113-1 -591.17 113-1 2319.28 113-1 4767.25 113-1 6779.58 113-1 8396.55 113-1 9658.45 113-1 9674.46 113-2 8094.69 113-2 6159.83 113-2 3829.62 113-2 1063.78 113-2 -2164.56 113-2 -5828.52 113-2 -9887.85 113-2 -14302.25 113-2 -11775.33 113-1 -7678.82 113-1 -3937.39 113-1 -591.32 113-1 2319.12 113-1 4767.07 113-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.61 6779.39 113-1 -7.93 8396.35 113-1 -10.25 9658.23 113-1 -9.02 9674.23 113-2 -6.35 8094.49 113-2 -3.68 6159.66 113-2 -1.01 3829.48 113-2 1.65 1063.66 113-2 4.32 -2164.65 113-2 6.99 -5828.58 113-2 9.66 -9887.88 113-2 12.32 -14302.26 113-2 8.61 8069.73 113-1 6.21 7683.83 113-1 3.81 7221.35 113-1 1.72 6682.49 113-1 0.96 6087.03 113-1 0.44 5458.23 113-1 0.58 4753.67 113-1 0.82 3972.93 113-1 1.06 4188.27 113-1 0.71 4009.79 113-2 0.52 4780.84 113-2 0.33 5477.07 113-2 0.19 6096.93 113-2 1.12 6644.76 113-2 3.66 7175.3 113-2 6.22 7634.46 113-2 8.79 8017.15 113-2 11.35 8323.23 113-2 -0.93 -15138.33 113-1 -0.69 -12454.55 113-1 -0.45 -9847.46 113-1 -0.52 -7317.26 113-1 -1.92 -4883.71 113-1 -3.55 -2570.09 113-1 -5.86 -333.99 113-1 -8.25 1825.03 113-1 -10.65 2834.7 113-1 -9.21 3009.24 113-2 -6.64 808.92 113-2 -4.08 -1469.84 113-2 -1.57 -3825.51 113-2 -0.13 -6262.42 113-2 -0.3 -8835.3 113-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.49 -11490.07 113-2 -0.68 -14221.63 113-2 -0.88 -17029.85 113-2 12.32 309.17 113-1 8.35 899.84 113-1 4.39 1414.04 113-1 1.46 1852.45 113-1 2.9 2280.94 113-1 4.47 2777.04 113-1 6.25 3199.25 113-1 8.06 3545.2 113-1 9.87 4136.41 113-1 4.51 4083.09 113-2 3.44 3708.74 113-2 2.36 3258.41 113-2 1.3 2731.97 113-2 0.82 2144.15 113-2 4.25 1677.43 113-2 7.7 1151.56 113-2 11.15 549.56 113-2 14.59 -128.95 113-2 -4.63 -7377.78 113-1 -2.83 -5670.57 113-1 -1.03 -4040.15 113-1 -0.26 -2487.21 113-1 -3.86 -1077.62 113-1 -7.59 111.09 113-1 -11.53 1220.43 113-1 -15.49 2252.76 113-1 -19.46 2886.56 113-1 -13.01 2935.95 113-2 -9.56 1881.02 113-2 -6.11 748.81 113-2 -2.68 -460.56 113-2 0.17 -1761.81 113-2 -0.89 -3337.43 113-2 -1.96 -5007.17 113-2 -3.04 -6754.04 113-2 -4.12 -8577.68 113-2 13.07 -171.35 113-1 9.43 2390.31 113-1 5.8 4596.95 113-1 2.47 6408.49 113-1 0.47 7804.41 113-1 -1.3 8781.15 113-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.38 -3.39 -4.39 -4.05 -2.76 -1.47 -0.13 2.27 6.3 10.34 14.38 18.43 3.53 2.53 1.53 0.22 -2.41 -5.28 -8.83 -12.46 -16.1 -13.97 -9.93 -5.89 -1.89 1.03 2.34 3.63 4.92 6.2 16.78 11.57 6.38 2.21 2.41 2.74 3.28 3.85 4.42 -0.25 0.15 0.56 0.98 1.98 6.89

9323.13 113-1 9470.2 113-1 10334.91 113-1 10174.41 113-2 10080.36 113-2 9633.04 113-2 8790.63 113-2 7517.2 113-2 5840.62 113-2 3733.66 113-2 1231.49 113-2 -1625.71 113-2 -23379.41 113-1 -17748.07 113-1 -12471.86 113-1 -7591.26 113-1 -3166.33 113-1 752.83 113-1 4235.47 113-1 7322.31 113-1 8981.34 113-1 9173.85 113-2 6108.43 113-2 2686.13 113-2 -1131.81 113-2 -5389.99 113-2 -10169.99 113-2 -15390.88 113-2 -21007.28 113-2 -26978.8 113-2 -7931.91 113-1 -4393.67 113-1 -1210.36 113-1 1578.44 113-1 3998.32 113-1 6099.96 113-1 7768.71 113-1 9042.47 113-1 10283.05 113-1 10247.7 113-2 9008.26 113-2 7414.39 113-2 5425.68 113-2 3016.59 113-2 342.74 113-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.82 16.74 21.67 -0.17 0.39 0.95 0.49 -4.35 -9.32 -14.5 -19.7 -24.91 -17.77 -12.84 -7.92 -3 1.32 1.75 2.15 2.56 2.96 10.87 7.98 5.08 2.19 -0.7 -3.6 -6.49 -9.39 -12.28 -9.68 -7.21 -4.75 -2.29 0.17 2.64 5.1 7.56 10.02 14.76 10.86 6.95 3.04 -0.87 -4.78

-2749.24 113-2 -6236.09 113-2 -10077.89 113-2 -15618.85 113-1 -10964.08 113-1 -6664.55 113-1 -2761.22 113-1 639.77 113-1 3434.01 113-1 5789.89 113-1 7750.03 113-1 9033.2 113-1 9100.56 113-2 7180.54 113-2 4904.78 113-2 2233.15 113-2 -889.37 113-2 -4672.11 113-2 -8907.98 113-2 -13539.7 113-2 -18526.62 113-2 -13159.03 114-1 -8997.26 114-1 -5223.18 114-1 -1857.19 114-1 1080.29 114-1 3575.66 114-1 5642.53 114-1 7301.3 114-1 8572.38 114-1 8573.21 114-2 7301.36 114-2 5641.82 114-2 3574.19 114-2 1078.06 114-2 -1860.19 114-2 -5226.94 114-2 -9001.79 114-2 -13164.32 114-2 -14769.3 114-1 -10171.8 114-1 -5943.05 114-1 -2136.99 114-1 1192.42 114-1 4009.23 114-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.69 -12.59 -16.5 -13.69 -10.22 -6.76 -3.29 0.17 3.64 7.1 10.57 14.03 12.74 9.36 5.98 2.61 -0.77 -4.15 -7.53 -10.91 -14.28 -11.68 -8.72 -5.76 -2.8 0.16 3.12 6.09 9.05 12.01 12.73 9.35 5.98 2.6 -0.77 -4.14 -7.52 -10.89 -14.26 -11.67 -8.71 -5.75 -2.79 0.16 3.12

6349.4 114-1 8266.88 114-1 9815.61 114-1 9817.38 114-2 8267.97 114-2 6349.81 114-2 4008.96 114-2 1191.47 114-2 -2138.63 114-2 -5945.37 114-2 -10174.8 114-2 -14772.99 114-2 -13460.37 114-1 -9249.22 114-1 -5393.16 114-1 -1932.45 114-1 1092.62 114-1 3655.2 114-1 5782.15 114-1 7513.75 114-1 8890.26 114-1 8891.63 114-2 7514.4 114-2 5782.09 114-2 3654.42 114-2 1091.12 114-2 -1934.67 114-2 -5396.09 114-2 -9252.87 114-2 -13464.73 114-2 -13460.48 114-1 -9249.33 114-1 -5393.27 114-1 -1932.56 114-1 1092.52 114-1 3655.11 114-1 5782.06 114-1 7513.66 114-1 8890.18 114-1 8891.55 114-2 7514.35 114-2 5782.08 114-2 3654.44 114-2 1091.18 114-2 -1934.58 114-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.08 9.04 11.99 13.17 9.84 6.52 3.19 0.5 0.26 0.86 1.48 2.1 1.56 1.32 1.08 0.86 0.79 2.37 5.1 7.85 10.6 -2.9 -2.28 -1.66 -1.04 -1.06 -3.52 -6.82 -10.14 -13.47 -11.47 -8.72 -5.97 -3.23 -0.66 0.28 0.06509 -0.17 -0.41 19.63 14.44 9.24 4.04 0.9 3.12

-5395.97 114-2 -9252.71 114-2 -13464.54 114-2 9199.21 114-1 8697.47 114-1 8119.12 114-1 7464.28 114-1 6735.84 114-1 5987 114-1 5169.14 114-1 4274.84 114-1 3405.6 114-1 3503.88 114-2 4185.62 114-2 5089.22 114-2 5916.35 114-2 6672 114-2 7407.37 114-2 8070.49 114-2 8657.13 114-2 9167.16 114-2 -17415.47 114-1 -14544.89 114-1 -11750.98 114-1 -9033.84 114-1 -6396.36 114-1 -3891.75 114-1 -1471.4 114-1 872.14 114-1 3037.35 114-1 2940.03 114-2 971.45 114-2 -1372.25 114-2 -3792.76 114-2 -6295.05 114-2 -8930.33 114-2 -11646.63 114-2 -14439.7 114-2 -17309.44 114-2 299.99 114-1 876.55 114-1 1376.6 114-1 1800.44 114-1 2157.76 114-1 2625.91 114-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.61 8.1 10.59 7.23 5.83 4.43 3.03 1.68 2.47 6.37 10.29 14.2 -9.37 -6.87 -4.38 -1.89 -1.45 -6.38 -11.57 -16.76 -21.96 -17.14 -13.23 -9.31 -5.4 -1.54 0.18 -1.21 -2.61 -4.01 20.75 15.41 10.06 4.72 0.01164 -2.25 -3.67 -5.07 -6.47 -5.14 -3.68 -2.22 -0.75 0.89 4.16

3042.79 114-1 3383.61 114-1 3678.43 114-1 3708.02 114-2 3361.67 114-2 3028.36 114-2 2618.91 114-2 2149.96 114-2 1792.25 114-2 1372.5 114-2 876.6 114-2 304.18 114-2 -8516.25 114-1 -6723.98 114-1 -5008.45 114-1 -3370 114-1 -1818.29 114-1 -530.66 114-1 654.95 114-1 1763.37 114-1 2764.52 114-1 2735.9 114-2 1795.4 114-2 688.61 114-2 -495.32 114-2 -1773.01 114-2 -3315.2 114-2 -4948.64 114-2 -6659.17 114-2 -8446.46 114-2 -153.2 114-1 2371.79 114-1 4541.74 114-1 6316.45 114-1 7658.57 114-1 8594.44 114-1 9102.29 114-1 9214.97 114-1 9074.26 114-1 9173.43 114-2 9121.41 114-2 9012.81 114-2 8509.01 114-2 7574.72 114-2 6234.31 114-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

8.59 13.04 17.49 4.68 3.29 1.89 0.49 -1.55 -6.03 -11.35 -16.7 -22.04 -18.18 -13.72 -9.28 -4.84 -0.56 2.08 3.56 5.02 6.48 27.22 20 12.78 5.57 0.4 0.61 1.08 1.55 2.02 0.53 0.82 1.12 1.42 1.77 4.26 9.87 15.48 21.1 -1.78 -1.31 -0.83 -0.36 -1.94 -8.89

4462.65 114-2 2295.77 114-2 -226.15 114-2 -26767.87 114-1 -20870.56 114-1 -15328.37 114-1 -10181.66 114-1 -5473.62 114-1 -1284.31 114-1 2461.75 114-1 5812.27 114-1 8706.01 114-1 8609.59 114-2 5907.25 114-2 2551.33 114-2 -1200.1 114-2 -5392.32 114-2 -10103.39 114-2 -15254.47 114-2 -20801.05 114-2 -26702.75 114-2 -9052.41 114-1 -5449.12 114-1 -2200.79 114-1 652.62 114-1 3080.5 114-1 5233.35 114-1 6975.94 114-1 8323.74 114-1 9347.09 114-1 9377.57 114-2 8297.47 114-2 6951.95 114-2 5211.57 114-2 3052.69 114-2 619.19 114-2 -2235.34 114-2 -5484.75 114-2 -9089.13 114-2 -17868.65 114-1 -13049.65 114-1 -8585.84 114-1 -4517.83 114-1 -895.55 114-1 2076.78 114-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-16.1 -23.32 -30.53 -23.85 -18.23 -12.62 -7.01 -1.45 1.98 2.28 2.58 2.88 11.66 8.52 5.38 2.23 -0.91 -4.06 -7.2 -10.34 -13.49 -14.18 -11.16 -8.14 -5.11 -2.09 0.93 3.95 6.97 9.99 15.62 11.53 7.44 3.35 -0.75 -4.84 -8.93 -13.02 -17.11 -17.92 -14.12 -10.32 -6.52 -2.72 1.07

4588.1 114-1 6703.5 114-1 8433.19 114-1 8405.45 114-2 6731.19 114-2 4612.19 114-2 2097.34 114-2 -870.29 114-2 -4488.26 114-2 -8556.48 114-2 -13020.53 114-2 -17839.77 114-2 -13222.98 115-1 -9014.85 115-1 -5194.41 115-1 -1782.05 115-1 1201.79 115-1 3743.53 115-1 5856.75 115-1 7561.89 115-1 8879.34 115-1 8941.77 115-2 7630.67 115-2 5931.88 115-2 3825 115-2 1289.62 115-2 -1687.88 115-2 -5093.89 115-2 -8907.99 115-2 -13109.77 115-2 -14882.47 115-1 -10217.02 115-1 -5920.32 115-1 -2046.32 115-1 1351.05 115-1 4235.81 115-1 6643.93 115-1 8629.35 115-1 10246.02 115-1 10299.13 115-2 8720.17 115-2 6772.46 115-2 4402.06 115-2 1555.02 115-2 -1804.63 115-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.87 8.67 12.47 13.53 9.96 6.39 2.81 -0.76 -4.34 -7.91 -11.48 -15.06 -15.78 -12.43 -9.08 -5.73 -2.38 0.97 4.32 7.67 11.02 13.52 9.95 6.38 2.81 -0.76 -4.33 -7.9 -11.47 -15.04 -15.76 -12.42 -9.07 -5.72 -2.38 0.97 4.32 7.66 11.01 14.14 10.22 6.31 2.55 1.37 2.58

-5640.92 115-2 -9899.9 115-2 -14527.64 115-2 -13551.84 115-1 -9283.3 115-1 -5369.85 115-1 -1851.76 115-1 1230.7 115-1 3850.68 115-1 6035.02 115-1 7824 115-1 9257.9 115-1 9311.16 115-2 7902.86 115-2 6139.49 115-2 3980.75 115-2 1386.38 115-2 -1670.47 115-2 -5162.96 115-2 -9050.81 115-2 -13293.74 115-2 -13551.8 115-1 -9283.28 115-1 -5369.84 115-1 -1851.75 115-1 1230.7 115-1 3850.66 115-1 6034.99 115-1 7823.96 115-1 9257.85 115-1 9311.11 115-2 7902.83 115-2 6139.47 115-2 3980.75 115-2 1386.4 115-2 -1670.43 115-2 -5162.91 115-2 -9050.73 115-2 -13293.64 115-2 9122.03 115-1 8633.19 115-1 8067.74 115-1 7425.8 115-1 6711.69 115-1 5980.97 115-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.81 5.03 6.26 2.12 2.46 2.79 3.13 3.47 3.82 4.19 4.59 5.08 -3.61 -2.38 -1.17 -0.09428 -1.61 -5.51 -9.43 -13.35 -17.27 -12.47 -10.5 -8.55 -6.59 -4.64 -2.69 -0.76 1.13 2.94 21.76 16.01 10.27 4.57 1.03 4.07 7.13 10.19 13.24 10.67 10.08 9.49 8.9 8.31 7.73

5178.55 115-1 4299.63 115-1 3693.27 115-1 3531.57 115-2 4462.47 115-2 5346.7 115-2 6154.41 115-2 6887.29 115-2 7597.56 115-2 8242.58 115-2 8811.16 115-2 9303.13 115-2 -17414.39 115-1 -14507.79 115-1 -11677.86 115-1 -8924.69 115-1 -6252.63 115-1 -3717.22 115-1 -1263.37 115-1 1113.7 115-1 3064.95 115-1 3219.32 115-2 993.6 115-2 -1338.71 115-2 -3747.77 115-2 -6235.27 115-2 -8853.42 115-2 -11559.59 115-2 -14342.58 115-2 -17202.24 115-2 258.85 115-1 852.63 115-1 1369.87 115-1 1810.92 115-1 2190.27 115-1 2693.02 115-1 3135.57 115-1 3501.93 115-1 3896.53 115-1 3847.8 115-2 3571.4 115-2 3227.43 115-2 2807.2 115-2 2316.34 115-2 1928.93 115-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.15 6.58 6.06 -11.23 -8.17 -5.12 -2.11 -1.27 -7 -12.75 -18.5 -24.25 -21.01 -18.13 -15.24 -12.36 -9.48 -6.6 -3.72 -0.86 1.96 22.38 16.24 10.11 4.13 0.73 -0.28 -1.28 -2.27 -3.26 -8.46 -5.93 -3.4 -0.86 1.68 4.23 6.79 9.39 12.08 4.63 3.64 2.64 1.49 -2.25 -8.37

1502.84 115-2 1000.71 115-2 422.09 115-2 -8551.21 115-1 -6727.23 115-1 -4979.99 115-1 -3309.82 115-1 -1731.2 115-1 -429.26 115-1 779.61 115-1 1911.39 115-1 2861.69 115-1 2903.09 115-2 1884.68 115-2 780.56 115-2 -400.56 115-2 -1664.32 115-2 -3184.79 115-2 -4819.84 115-2 -6532.13 115-2 -8321.2 115-2 -283.57 115-1 2287.23 115-1 4502.97 115-1 6323.49 115-1 7712.86 115-1 8699.75 115-1 9255.93 115-1 9416.9 115-1 9571.98 115-1 9467.2 115-2 9637.25 115-2 9482.17 115-2 8931.84 115-2 7947.69 115-2 6555.07 115-2 4738.21 115-2 2526.17 115-2 -40.91 115-2 -26819.99 115-1 -20853.75 115-1 -15242.63 115-1 -10026.99 115-1 -5251.47 115-1 -998.45 115-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-14.51 -20.65 -26.79 -23.05 -18.89 -14.73 -10.58 -6.43 -2.29 1.84 5.93 9.93 30 22.03 14.07 6.15 0.39 1.21 2.05 2.88 3.72 0.08613 1.69 3.3 4.91 6.52 8.13 9.75 11.38 13.05 -2.98 -2.15 -1.32 -0.53 -1.91 -9.86 -17.83 -25.8 -33.77 -31.6 -26.51 -21.43 -16.35 -11.27 -6.19

2814.01 115-1 6230.97 115-1 8943.67 115-1 9154.96 115-2 6168.37 115-2 2796.75 115-2 -970.34 115-2 -5174.87 115-2 -9895.91 115-2 -15063.97 115-2 -20627.57 115-2 -26546.29 115-2 -9146.74 115-1 -5493.33 115-1 -2194.9 115-1 708.62 115-1 3191.43 115-1 5411.79 115-1 7212.95 115-1 8619.21 115-1 9775.24 115-1 9783.44 115-2 8746.17 115-2 7362.9 115-2 5584.63 115-2 3376.74 115-2 886.44 115-2 -2001.54 115-2 -5284.28 115-2 -8921.96 115-2 -17956.81 115-1 -13073.19 115-1 -8544.76 115-1 -4412.12 115-1 -730.04 115-1 2289.51 115-1 4856.99 115-1 7028.67 115-1 8740.4 115-1 8838.72 115-2 7059.45 115-2 4916.02 115-2 2376.88 115-2 -603.92 115-2 -4227.28 115-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.12 3.94 8.96 47.38 34.81 22.23 9.66 -2.92 -15.49 -28.07 -40.64 -53.22 -2.43 -0.42 1.59 3.6 5.6 7.61 9.62 11.62 13.63 56.68 41.48 26.28 11.08 -4.12 -19.32 -34.52 -49.72 -64.93 -2.65 -0.15 2.36 4.86 7.36 9.87 12.37 14.87 17.38 50.74 37.17 23.61 10.05 -3.51 -17.08

-8324.22 115-2 -12817.12 115-2 -17665.24 115-2 -13012.49 116-1 -8982.14 116-1 -5319.06 116-1 -2023.25 116-1 905.3 116-1 3466.57 116-1 5660.57 116-1 7487.3 116-1 8946.77 116-1 7613.55 116-2 6558.44 116-2 5115.66 116-2 3264.78 116-2 985.4 116-2 -1736.1 116-2 -4886.1 116-2 -8444.2 116-2 -12389.98 116-2 -13752.79 116-1 -9703.19 116-1 -5968.4 116-1 -2548.42 116-1 556.77 116-1 3347.15 116-1 5822.73 116-1 7983.5 116-1 9829.48 116-1 8196.33 116-2 7034.48 116-2 5503.87 116-2 3550.57 116-2 1120.63 116-2 -1821.92 116-2 -5241.1 116-2 -9082.98 116-2 -13293.61 116-2 -12778.16 116-1 -8951.67 116-1 -5439.98 116-1 -2243.1 116-1 638.98 116-1 3206.26 116-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-30.64 5458.74 116-1 -44.2 7396.41 116-1 -57.77 9019.28 116-1 -2.45 7570.03 116-2 -0.24 6504.7 116-2 1.98 5084.3 116-2 4.19 3268.54 116-2 6.4 1017.15 116-2 8.62 -1696.73 116-2 10.83 -4846.25 116-2 13.04 -8391.12 116-2 15.26 -12291.07 116-2 50.67 -12778.09 116-1 37.12 -8951.62 116-1 23.58 -5439.95 116-1 10.03 -2243.09 116-1 -3.51 638.97 116-1 -17.06 3206.23 116-1 -30.6 5458.68 116-1 -44.15 7396.34 116-1 -57.7 9019.18 116-1 -2.44 7569.93 116-2 -0.23 6504.63 116-2 1.98 5084.25 116-2 4.19 3268.51 116-2 6.4 1017.13 116-2 8.61 -1696.73 116-2 10.82 -4846.23 116-2 13.03 -8391.08 116-2 15.24 -12291.01 116-2 66.28 9888.67 116-1 49.97 9196.71 116-1 33.66 8428.14 116-1 17.35 7583 116-1 1.13 6662.18 116-1 4.48 5718.76 116-1 12.54 4715.45 116-1 20.6 3635.67 116-1 28.66 3154.92 116-1 5.04 2620.91 116-2 5.07 3737.93 116-2 5.12 4778.34 116-2 5.19 5742.22 116-2 5.26 6631.75 116-2 5.55 7506.27 116-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.8 10.09 12.37 -35.85 -27.79 -19.73 -11.67 -3.69 -15.29 -31.6 -47.91 -64.22 -6.56 -5.27 -4.01 -2.76 -1.52 -0.49 -1.43 -2.4 -3.37 92.35 70.49 48.62 26.76 4.92 6.16 19.78 33.4 47.01 17.52 14.62 11.74 8.86 5.98 3.84 8.23 12.73 17.24 -61.92 -48.31 -34.69 -21.08 -7.49 -16.98

8312.53 116-2 9042.28 116-2 9695.43 116-2 -17358.72 116-1 -14526.34 116-1 -11770.62 116-1 -9091.6 116-1 -6490.15 116-1 -4019.39 116-1 -1641.99 116-1 658.61 116-1 2206.9 116-1 2059.47 116-2 52.1 116-2 -2031.94 116-2 -4192.7 116-2 -6432.38 116-2 -8810.32 116-2 -11273.26 116-2 -13812.97 116-2 -16429.33 116-2 813.86 116-1 1246.19 116-1 1601.96 116-1 1881.33 116-1 2087.2 116-1 2396.59 116-1 2685.14 116-1 2897.6 116-1 3236.23 116-1 2874.56 116-2 2787.99 116-2 2624.87 116-2 2385.44 116-2 2076.98 116-2 1897.32 116-2 1668.92 116-2 1364.31 116-2 983.17 116-2 -8283.91 116-1 -6575.82 116-1 -4944.44 116-1 -3389.92 116-1 -1915.18 116-1 -697.22 116-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-38.84 -60.71 -82.57 -19.04 -14.83 -10.63 -6.43 -2.24 1.22 -1.86 -5.05 -8.24 101.7 75.98 50.26 24.53 -1.1 -7.17 -8.52 -9.87 -11.22 3.37 4.94 6.55 8.17 9.79 11.63 15.44 19.27 23.11 -0.43 -1.78 -3.13 -4.48 -5.92 -26.93 -52.66 -78.38 -104.1 -8.23 -5.39 -2.58 0.22 3.01 5.59

388.32 116-1 1396.68 116-1 2125.6 116-1 1805.82 116-2 1002.03 116-2 121.53 116-2 -835.92 116-2 -1877.61 116-2 -3201.37 116-2 -4629.65 116-2 -6134.99 116-2 -7717.07 116-2 845.64 116-1 2909.93 116-1 4659.43 116-1 6094.21 116-1 7215.13 116-1 8075.29 116-1 8637.38 116-1 8884.83 116-1 9493.15 116-1 7850.61 116-2 8347.51 116-2 8489.36 116-2 8235.95 116-2 7549.19 116-2 6461.57 116-2 4946.68 116-2 3036.56 116-2 771.4 116-2 -26401.76 116-1 -20813.13 116-1 -15539.32 116-1 -10580.39 116-1 -5937.2 116-1 -1662.86 116-1 2279.94 116-1 5907.77 116-1 8545.13 116-1 7289.17 116-2 4661.68 116-2 1679.08 116-2 -1698.97 116-2 -5514.94 116-2 -9855.03 116-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.2 6.79 7.37 127.78 96.5 65.22 33.94 2.69 -5.48 -1.28 2.93 7.13 15.84 14.5 13.17 11.84 10.51 9.92 15.87 21.92 27.98 -26.5 -22.3 -18.09 -13.89 -9.72 -28.62 -59.9 -91.18 -122.46 -20.71 -14.95 -9.2 -3.45 2.29 7.3 5.78 4.14 2.5 11.01 7.86 4.7 1.54 -1.62 -4.78

-14639.11 116-2 -19818.68 116-2 -25353.37 116-2 -8229.17 116-1 -5040.59 116-1 -2166.75 116-1 392.53 116-1 2640.15 116-1 4753.12 116-1 6607.07 116-1 8146.76 116-1 9574.46 116-1 8104.26 116-2 7397.58 116-2 6335.89 116-2 4879.18 116-2 2994.42 116-2 852.62 116-2 -1696.93 116-2 -4641.41 116-2 -7940.87 116-2 -17326.95 116-1 -12862.61 116-1 -8713.14 116-1 -4878.71 116-1 -1362.23 116-1 1659.31 116-1 4310.25 116-1 6645.84 116-1 8463.83 116-1 7035.52 116-2 5611.62 116-2 3832.55 116-2 1657.81 116-2 -960.17 116-2 -4246.08 116-2 -7995.5 116-2 -12140.71 116-2 -16641.11 116-2 -13011.25 117-1 -8838.26 117-1 -5052.95 117-1 -1675.73 117-1 1272.98 117-1 3779.57 117-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.94 -11.1 -14.26 -11.19 -8.3 -5.4 -2.51 0.38 3.27 6.16 9.05 11.94 13.74 9.7 5.66 1.62 -2.42 -6.46 -10.49 -14.53 -18.57 -14.57 -10.72 -6.87 -3.02 0.82 4.67 8.52 12.37 16.21 12.14 8.6 5.05 1.51 -2.03 -5.58 -9.12 -12.66 -16.21 -12.72 -9.38 -6.04 -2.7 0.64 3.97

5857.67 117-1 7527.66 117-1 8809.98 117-1 8832.62 117-2 7495.82 117-2 5771.33 117-2 3638.74 117-2 1077.65 117-2 -1925.55 117-2 -5357.26 117-2 -9197.06 117-2 -13424.55 117-2 -14451.24 117-1 -9865.65 117-1 -5648.81 117-1 -1854.66 117-1 1462.85 117-1 4267.76 117-1 6596.02 117-1 8501.59 117-1 10038.41 117-1 10066.86 117-2 8457.67 117-2 6479.73 117-2 4079.1 117-2 1201.82 117-2 -2188.06 117-2 -6054.58 117-2 -10343.79 117-2 -15001.76 117-2 -13214.31 117-1 -9006.97 117-1 -5154.72 117-1 -1697.82 117-1 1323.44 117-1 3882.21 117-1 6005.35 117-1 7733.14 117-1 9105.84 117-1 9130.9 117-2 7695.46 117-2 5904.93 117-2 3719.05 117-2 1097.53 117-2 -1986.48 117-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.31 10.65 13.99 12.13 8.59 5.05 1.51 -2.03 -5.57 -9.11 -12.65 -16.19 -12.7 -9.37 -6.03 -2.7 0.64 3.97 7.31 10.64 13.98 16.76 13.13 9.51 5.88 2.49 0.71 -0.88 -0.007312 1.12 1.02 0.5 0.25 1.32 2.45 4.82 7.93 11.03 14.14 -7.96 -6.83 -5.7 -4.57 -3.67 -4.38

-5506.12 117-2 -9421.11 117-2 -13691.19 117-2 -13214.23 117-1 -9006.91 117-1 -5154.67 117-1 -1697.79 117-1 1323.45 117-1 3882.21 117-1 6005.34 117-1 7733.1 117-1 9105.79 117-1 9130.85 117-2 7695.42 117-2 5904.91 117-2 3719.03 117-2 1097.53 117-2 -1986.46 117-2 -5506.09 117-2 -9421.07 117-2 -13691.14 117-2 9299.84 117-1 8792.85 117-1 8209.26 117-1 7549.15 117-1 6817.16 117-1 6064.89 117-1 5239.85 117-1 4338.3 117-1 3526.78 117-1 3560.65 117-2 4282.67 117-2 5158.41 117-2 5957.65 117-2 6687.5 117-2 7397.83 117-2 8033.87 117-2 8593.37 117-2 9076.25 117-2 -17149.4 117-1 -14296.74 117-1 -11520.75 117-1 -8821.51 117-1 -6203.66 117-1 -3718.79 117-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.28 -1314.43 117-1 -8.65 1013.19 117-1 -12.27 3097.51 117-1 -10.72 3066.9 117-2 -7.62 1020.33 117-2 -4.79 -1333.23 117-2 -3.29 -3763.54 117-2 -1.84 -6277.74 117-2 -1.64 -8925.68 117-2 -2.16 -11652.6 117-2 -2.69 -14456.24 117-2 -3.22 -17336.54 117-2 18.96 437.8 117-1 14.2 1007.7 117-1 9.45 1501.07 117-1 4.69 1918.21 117-1 0.69 2274.53 117-1 2.06 2742.09 117-1 3.5 3145.9 117-1 5.69 3473.45 117-1 7.95 3774.45 117-1 9.98 3787.11 117-2 7.74 3438.56 117-2 5.58 3082.57 117-2 3.81 2650.36 117-2 2.07 2165.69 117-2 4.45 1794.73 117-2 9.27 1354.95 117-2 14.09 838.85 117-2 18.91 246.19 117-2 -10.16 -8287.35 117-1 -7.9 -6511.59 117-1 -5.64 -4812.56 117-1 -3.38 -3190.57 117-1 -1.87 -1661.03 117-1 -5.73 -396 117-1 -9.67 779.53 117-1 -14.35 1878.04 117-1 -19.1 2849.83 117-1 -19.68 2840.43 117-2 -14.86 1864.44 117-2 -10.12 742.61 117-2 -5.78 -456.25 117-2 -1.46 -1755.92 117-2 -1.26 -3322.58 117-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.5 -5.75 -7.99 24.48 18.57 12.65 6.73 1.04 -3.03 -6.91 -8.33 -9.49 -6.83 -5.3 -3.51 -0.39 2.78 7.2 12.35 17.5 22.65 -0.24 -1.4 -2.56 -3.72 -5.11 -8.11 -11.31 -16.97 -22.88 -18.56 -13.42 -8.55 -5 -1.51 0.74 2.26 3.77 5.29 26.68 19.64 12.59 5.54 -0.75 -1.68

-4973.68 117-2 -6701.72 117-2 -8506.48 117-2 10.43 117-1 2537.92 117-1 4710.35 117-1 6487.55 117-1 7833.86 117-1 8774.05 117-1 9282.47 117-1 9395.65 117-1 9320.41 117-1 9377.71 117-2 9326.57 117-2 9150.71 117-2 8579.62 117-2 7580.15 117-2 6175.3 117-2 4337.15 117-2 2103.75 117-2 -484.72 117-2 -26438.81 117-1 -20551.68 117-1 -15019.66 117-1 -9883.11 117-1 -5186.95 117-1 -1009.63 117-1 2728.19 117-1 6070.53 117-1 8891.13 117-1 8883.96 117-2 6064.23 117-2 2659.08 117-2 -1141.57 117-2 -5385.09 117-2 -10148.22 117-2 -15349.31 117-2 -20945.86 117-2 -26897.51 117-2 -8851.62 117-1 -5247.24 117-1 -1997.84 117-1 856.61 117-1 3291.24 117-1 5451.26 117-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.52 -2.63 -2.66 2.14 1.94 1.82 2.1 2.4 6.82 13.69 20.56 27.42 -2.44 -2.47 -2.5 -2.53 -3.31 -9.46 -15.69 -22.66 -29.71 -27.53 -20.66 -13.88 -7.49 -1.13 1.12 0.92 0.72 0.51 8.88 6.45 4.03 1.6 -0.82 -3.25 -5.67 -8.1 -10.52 -11.22 -8.36 -5.51 -2.65 0.21 3.06

7188.51 117-1 8530.79 117-1 9568.08 117-1 9604.17 117-2 8482.47 117-2 7074.88 117-2 5272.34 117-2 3058.33 117-2 572.2 117-2 -2341.76 117-2 -5650.77 117-2 -9314.78 117-2 -17576.77 117-1 -12766.53 117-1 -8311.47 117-1 -4252.17 117-1 -644.32 117-1 2313.17 117-1 4822.14 117-1 6935.38 117-1 8643.46 117-1 8657.49 117-2 6908.34 117-2 4734.91 117-2 2165.72 117-2 -863.28 117-2 -4545.12 117-2 -8670.4 117-2 -13191.34 117-2 -18067.45 117-2 -13219.03 118-1 -9016.94 118-1 -5202.52 118-1 -1796.2 118-1 1181.61 118-1 3717.31 118-1 5824.51 118-1 7523.61 118-1 8835.03 118-1 8837.51 118-2 7487.64 118-2 5750.09 118-2 3604.44 118-2 1030.29 118-2 -1985.97 118-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.92 8.77 11.63 12.43 9.03 5.63 2.23 -1.17 -4.57 -7.97 -11.37 -14.76 -15.14 -11.27 -7.41 -3.54 0.33 4.19 8.06 11.93 15.8 10.64 7.73 4.82 1.91 -0.99 -3.9 -6.81 -9.72 -12.63 -13.09 -9.75 -6.41 -3.07 0.27 3.61 6.95 10.29 13.63 10.63 7.72 4.82 1.91 -0.99 -3.9

-5430.74 118-2 -9283.6 118-2 -13524.15 118-2 -14756.88 118-1 -10131.8 118-1 -5875.48 118-1 -2041.85 118-1 1315.13 118-1 4159.52 118-1 6527.26 118-1 8472.31 118-1 10048.6 118-1 10050.19 118-2 8426.98 118-2 6435.02 118-2 4020.36 118-2 1129.07 118-2 -2274.83 118-2 -6155.38 118-2 -10458.61 118-2 -15130.6 118-2 -13472.24 118-1 -9230.86 118-1 -5344.55 118-1 -1853.61 118-1 1201.7 118-1 3794.53 118-1 5951.72 118-1 7713.56 118-1 9120.31 118-1 9122.09 118-2 7673.7 118-2 5870.23 118-2 3671.41 118-2 1036.95 118-2 -2060 118-2 -5592.59 118-2 -9520.53 118-2 -13803.54 118-2 -13472.05 118-1 -9230.71 118-1 -5344.44 118-1 -1853.52 118-1 1201.75 118-1 3794.55 118-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.8 -9.71 -12.61 -13.07 -9.74 -6.4 -3.06 0.27 3.61 6.94 10.28 13.61 13.51 10.3 7.1 3.9 1.43 0.04612 0.25 0.91 1.57 1.01 0.54 0.09677 0.45 1.53 4.01 7.12 10.24 13.35 -3.84 -3.17 -2.5 -1.83 -1.9 -3.05 -5.78 -8.97 -12.17 -11.59 -8.47 -5.38 -3.09 -1.53 -1.37

5951.7 118-1 7713.5 118-1 9120.22 118-1 9122.01 118-2 7673.62 118-2 5870.14 118-2 3671.31 118-2 1036.85 118-2 -2060.1 118-2 -5592.69 118-2 -9520.63 118-2 -13803.65 118-2 9190.08 118-1 8678.24 118-1 8089.8 118-1 7424.88 118-1 6691.12 118-1 5935.01 118-1 5104.63 118-1 4197.75 118-1 3500.28 118-1 3414.24 118-2 4270.98 118-2 5164.65 118-2 5981.85 118-2 6732.75 118-2 7463.29 118-2 8118.78 118-2 8697.71 118-2 9200.04 118-2 -17300.78 118-1 -14432.56 118-1 -11641.02 118-1 -8926.25 118-1 -6295.92 118-1 -3796.5 118-1 -1376.09 118-1 967.57 118-1 2948.55 118-1 3033.86 118-2 877.72 118-2 -1468.62 118-2 -3891.75 118-2 -6401.86 118-2 -9044.87 118-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.84 -11766.09 118-2 -2.31 -14564.03 118-2 -2.78 -17438.62 118-2 16.78 303.37 118-1 12.32 876.34 118-1 7.87 1372.79 118-1 3.42 1793.09 118-1 1.39 2162.78 118-1 2.68 2636.74 118-1 4.46 3041.95 118-1 6.38 3370.88 118-1 8.31 3709.09 118-1 9.77 3683.45 118-2 7.51 3381.87 118-2 5.24 3037.81 118-2 3.22 2617.58 118-2 1.43 2155.15 118-2 4.23 1803.68 118-2 9.14 1380.83 118-2 14.06 881.61 118-2 18.97 305.84 118-2 -7.12 -8414.06 118-1 -5.19 -6630.66 118-1 -3.27 -4924.01 118-1 -1.36 -3294.47 118-1 -1.86 -1767.58 118-1 -5.68 -498.24 118-1 -10 686.59 118-1 -14.45 1794.43 118-1 -18.9 2739.74 118-1 -20.35 2764.65 118-2 -15.44 1766.83 118-2 -10.53 658.22 118-2 -5.86 -527.48 118-2 -1.43 -1824.26 118-2 -1.59 -3385.26 118-2 -3.86 -5028.14 118-2 -6.12 -6747.93 118-2 -8.39 -8544.43 118-2 19.29 -226.54 118-1 14.45 2324.77 118-1 9.61 4521.03 118-1 4.78 6322.08 118-1 0.67 7695.3 118-1 -2.35 8660.31 118-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.78 -4.77 -5.73 -6.76 -5.22 -3.66 -1.29 1.8 6.29 11.42 16.54 21.67 1.94 0.98 0.01447 -0.96 -2.66 -5.44 -9.82 -14.64 -19.48 -19.36 -14.24 -9.14 -4.83 -1.26 0.92 2.46 4 5.54 22.57 16.47 10.38 4.3 0.63 0.28 0.43 0.71 1 2 1.74 1.49 1.48 1.7 6.52

9192.06 118-1 9328.57 118-1 9396.05 118-1 9312.16 118-2 9370.2 118-2 9186.74 118-2 8608.07 118-2 7604.11 118-2 6193.93 118-2 4349.7 118-2 2110.2 118-2 -484.37 118-2 -26717.4 118-1 -20786.04 118-1 -15209.79 118-1 -10029.05 118-1 -5291.75 118-1 -1071.2 118-1 2711.34 118-1 6098.39 118-1 8844.32 118-1 8931.78 118-2 5976.95 118-2 2553.46 118-2 -1265.53 118-2 -5530.5 118-2 -10314.23 118-2 -15535.17 118-2 -21151.55 118-2 -27123.03 118-2 -9113.26 118-1 -5477.13 118-1 -2195.98 118-1 690.3 118-1 3166.95 118-1 5362.04 118-1 7129.37 118-1 8501.7 118-1 9604.86 118-1 9581.37 118-2 8481.09 118-2 7059.9 118-2 5243.8 118-2 3026.51 118-2 534.32 118-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

13.44 20.36 27.29 -1.33 -1.04 -0.76 -0.48 -2.62 -8.08 -14.03 -20.12 -26.21 -28.12 -21.2 -14.28 -7.6 -1.16 0.69 0.44 0.18 -0.07627 8.44 6.48 4.52 2.56 0.6 -1.36 -3.32 -5.28 -7.23 -7.35 -5.44 -3.53 -1.62 0.29 2.2 4.11 6.02 7.93 12.09 9.2 6.31 3.43 0.54 -2.35

-2388.25 118-2 -5705.91 118-2 -9378.57 118-2 -17830.68 118-1 -12984.14 118-1 -8492.78 118-1 -4397.27 118-1 -763.4 118-1 2227.07 118-1 4774.02 118-1 6925.25 118-1 8635.51 118-1 8662.57 118-2 6866.06 118-2 4680.3 118-2 2098.74 118-2 -952.9 118-2 -4654.62 118-2 -8797.22 118-2 -13335.45 118-2 -18228.84 118-2 -13977.34 119-1 -9607.37 119-1 -5625.08 119-1 -2050.89 119-1 1094.79 119-1 3798.37 119-1 6073.43 119-1 7940.41 119-1 9419.7 119-1 9329.83 119-2 8139.16 119-2 6560.82 119-2 4574.38 119-2 2159.43 119-2 -697.63 119-2 -3983.2 119-2 -7676.86 119-2 -11758.2 119-2 -15689.61 119-1 -10852.93 119-1 -6385 119-1 -2339.76 119-1 1228.84 119-1 4284.83 119-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.24 6864.18 119-1 -8.13 9020.84 119-1 -11.02 10808.74 119-1 -11.16 10737.19 119-2 -8.33 9278.92 119-2 -5.5 7451.91 119-2 -2.67 5202.21 119-2 0.16 2475.86 119-2 2.99 -763.09 119-2 5.82 -4478.68 119-2 8.65 -8616.97 119-2 11.48 -13124 119-2 10.29 -14298.71 119-1 7.85 -9871.12 119-1 5.41 -5798.61 119-1 2.97 -2121.46 119-1 0.53 1120.06 119-1 -1.91 3899.09 119-1 -4.35 6242.49 119-1 -6.79 8190.53 119-1 -9.23 9783.49 119-1 -9.36 9709.87 119-2 -6.97 8415.73 119-2 -4.58 6766.51 119-2 -2.2 4721.92 119-2 0.19 2241.71 119-2 2.58 -700.99 119-2 4.97 -4079.33 119-2 7.35 -7853.02 119-2 9.74 -11981.79 119-2 10.27 -14298.72 119-1 7.84 -9871.16 119-1 5.4 -5798.67 119-1 2.96 -2121.55 119-1 0.53 1119.94 119-1 -1.91 3898.95 119-1 -4.34 6242.32 119-1 -6.78 8190.33 119-1 -9.22 9783.26 119-1 -9.34 9709.65 119-2 -6.96 8415.52 119-2 -4.58 6766.31 119-2 -2.19 4721.75 119-2 0.19 2241.54 119-2 2.58 -701.14 119-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.96 7.34 9.73 11.36 8.67 5.98 3.3 1.01 0.3 0.6 0.94 1.29 0.66 0.57 0.51 0.56 0.93 1.58 3.75 6 8.25 -1.52 -1.17 -0.83 -0.49 -0.55 -2.18 -4.83 -7.51 -10.2 -9.85 -7.6 -5.37 -3.25 -1.46 0.05726 0.05436 -0.02894 -0.12 13.81 10.31 6.82 3.34 1.1 1.88

-4079.46 119-2 -7853.14 119-2 -11981.9 119-2 8325.79 119-1 8019.21 119-1 7636.03 119-1 7176.36 119-1 6647.29 119-1 6099.72 119-1 5478.06 119-1 4779.99 119-1 4007.16 119-1 4185.76 119-2 3970.28 119-2 4749.99 119-2 5453.5 119-2 6081.24 119-2 6680.19 119-2 7218.84 119-2 7681.01 119-2 8066.59 119-2 -17015.39 119-1 -14209.19 119-1 -11479.64 119-1 -8826.87 119-1 -6257.97 119-1 -3823.84 119-1 -1468.87 119-1 809.22 119-1 3008.82 119-1 2834.24 119-2 1823.68 119-2 -335.35 119-2 -2571.45 119-2 -4885.04 119-2 -7323.1 119-2 -9854.13 119-2 -12461.95 119-2 -15146.45 119-2 -137.01 119-1 542.56 119-1 1145.6 119-1 1672.42 119-1 2146.75 119-1 2738.17 119-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.02 4.17 5.33 10.26 8.3 6.36 4.45 2.65 1.49 5.34 9.44 13.56 -3.98 -2.82 -1.66 -0.53 -0.63 -3.76 -7.24 -10.74 -14.24 -19.45 -15.33 -11.22 -7.14 -3.17 0.15 -1.54 -3.48 -5.43 16.7 12.75 8.8 4.86 1.31 -0.67 -1.63 -2.55 -3.47 -4.08 -2.87 -1.63 -0.29 1.38 3.34

3261.28 119-1 3708.13 119-1 4078.98 119-1 4132.72 119-2 3540.07 119-2 3192.38 119-2 2768.39 119-2 2270.42 119-2 1855.21 119-2 1417.77 119-2 904.22 119-2 314.15 119-2 -8552.59 119-1 -6732.53 119-1 -4989.2 119-1 -3322.94 119-1 -1757.43 119-1 -462.28 119-1 747.9 119-1 1881.09 119-1 2937 119-1 2887.28 119-2 2253.89 119-2 1222.26 119-2 113.66 119-2 -1074.22 119-2 -2498.12 119-2 -4053.06 119-2 -5685.16 119-2 -7394 119-2 -1628.13 119-1 1243.02 119-1 3759.13 119-1 5880.02 119-1 7572.52 119-1 8860.66 119-1 9715.71 119-1 10175.63 119-1 10282.33 119-1 10385.31 119-2 9488.73 119-2 9308.89 119-2 8734.14 119-2 7724.61 119-2 6300.44 119-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.81 10.35 13.91 3.83 2.91 1.99 1.07 -0.25 -3.15 -7.06 -11 -14.95 -14.59 -11.04 -7.51 -4.09 -1 1.81 3.11 4.33 5.54 19.16 14.4 9.64 4.89 1.39 0.91 0.79 0.68 0.57 5.51 4.86 4.22 3.61 3.1 3.25 8.4 13.8 19.22 1.37 1.27 1.16 1.03 -0.34 -4.72

4456.96 119-2 2218.28 119-2 -375.44 119-2 -26969.32 119-1 -20985.37 119-1 -15356.54 119-1 -10123.2 119-1 -5332.74 119-1 -1062.9 119-1 2768.77 119-1 6204.85 119-1 9283.99 119-1 9033.79 119-2 7342.13 119-2 4223.56 119-2 709.19 119-2 -3241.67 119-2 -7702.86 119-2 -12616.01 119-2 -17924.68 119-2 -23588.47 119-2 -10090.93 119-1 -6233.63 119-1 -2731.3 119-1 376.09 119-1 3071.98 119-1 5499.1 119-1 7498.93 119-1 9103.76 119-1 10354.15 119-1 10332.27 119-2 9058.52 119-2 7751.29 119-2 6049.03 119-2 3913.79 119-2 1475.46 119-2 -1344.11 119-2 -4558.51 119-2 -8127.88 119-2 -18506.52 119-1 -13508.72 119-1 -8866.1 119-1 -4619.27 119-1 -832.2 119-1 2298.66 119-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.47 4985.55 119-1 -14.23 7276.72 119-1 -18.99 9212.17 119-1 -24.19 9086.83 119-2 -18.77 7772.34 119-2 -13.36 5781.16 119-2 -7.98 3394.3 119-2 -2.72 569.15 119-2 1.91 -2877.88 119-2 1.52 -6814.94 119-2 0.88 -11147.89 119-2 0.23 -15836.03 119-2 -0.77 -3361.86 120-1 -0.5 -2346.28 120-1 -0.24 -1470.33 120-1 0.02265 -754.4 120-1 0.29 -218.92 120-1 0.55 122.51 120-1 0.81 283.5 120-1 1.07 284.45 120-1 1.34 145.79 120-1 0.29 -4024.93 120-1 0.45 -2763.87 120-1 0.61 -1658.93 120-1 0.77 -764.06 120-1 0.93 -133.21 120-1 1.09 197.67 120-1 1.25 264.52 120-1 1.41 121.31 120-1 1.56 -178.02 120-1 -0.06188 -3592.48 120-1 0.12 -2478.78 120-1 0.31 -1507.53 120-1 0.49 -719.01 120-1 0.68 -153.51 120-1 0.86 162.14 120-1 1.04 254.78 120-1 1.23 164.68 120-1 1.41 -67.87 120-1 -0.06263 -3595.64 120-1 0.12 -2481.17 120-1 0.3 -1509.16 120-1 0.49 -719.88 120-1 0.67 -153.61 120-1 0.86 162.81 120-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.04 1.22 1.41 4.29 3.07 2.08 1.7 2.38 3.52 4.75 6 7.27 -3.13 -1.9 -0.91 -0.52 -1.19 -2.33 -3.55 -4.8 -6.06 2.77 1.76 1.33 1.84 2.7 3.7 4.73 5.77 6.81 -1.61 -0.6 -0.16 -0.67 -1.52 -2.51 -3.54 -4.57 -5.6 3.65 2.61 1.8 1.6 2.46 3.78

256.21 120-1 166.88 120-1 -64.91 120-1 19153.9 120-1 14155.56 120-1 9080.75 120-1 3929.65 120-1 1119.51 120-1 6562.78 120-1 11932.65 120-1 17227.38 120-1 22445.99 120-1 -21454.73 120-1 -15699.43 120-1 -10020.9 120-1 -4419.37 120-1 -1312.05 120-1 -6611.42 120-1 -11990.64 120-1 -17448 120-1 -22982.51 120-1 5013.99 120-1 3765.19 120-1 2440.25 120-1 1039.82 120-1 290.91 120-1 1972.03 120-1 3587.06 120-1 5130.45 120-1 6598.94 120-1 -7314.83 120-1 -5309.05 120-1 -3380.41 120-1 -1529.54 120-1 -483.45 120-1 -2020.66 120-1 -3645.05 120-1 -5351.07 120-1 -7135.45 120-1 16707.24 120-1 12445.23 120-1 8040.93 120-1 3454.24 120-1 1062.13 120-1 6750.21 120-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.19 6.62 8.07 -3.78 -2.36 -1.19 -0.62 -1.11 -2.07 -3.11 -4.18 -5.26 2.13 1.3 1.05 1.74 2.78 3.96 5.17 6.39 7.61 -2.25 -1.06 -0.44 -0.77 -1.44 -2.25 -3.1 -3.95 -4.8 -0.55 -0.49 -0.43 -0.37 -0.31 -0.25 -0.19 -0.13 -0.07342 -0.75 -0.68 -0.62 -0.55 -0.49 -0.42

12218.5 120-1 17505.56 120-1 22650.69 120-1 -23901.39 120-1 -17409.76 120-1 -11060.73 120-1 -4894.78 120-1 -1369.43 120-1 -6423.99 120-1 -11704.78 120-1 -17169.81 120-1 -22777.81 120-1 2567.33 120-1 2054.86 120-1 1400.43 120-1 564.41 120-1 233.53 120-1 2159.45 120-1 3872.91 120-1 5408.64 120-1 6803.63 120-1 -9761.49 120-1 -7019.38 120-1 -4420.23 120-1 -2004.95 120-1 -540.83 120-1 -1833.23 120-1 -3359.2 120-1 -5072.89 120-1 -6930.76 120-1 -1333.41 121-1 -314.35 121-1 296.63 121-1 458.68 121-1 130.99 121-1 -713.65 121-1 -2048.04 121-1 -3831.35 121-1 -6022.75 121-1 -1726.19 121-1 -482.84 121-1 337.82 121-1 627.9 121-1 279.49 121-1 -779.32 121-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.36 -0.29 -0.23 -0.64 -0.58 -0.52 -0.46 -0.4 -0.34 -0.28 -0.22 -0.16 -0.64 -0.58 -0.52 -0.46 -0.4 -0.34 -0.28 -0.22 -0.16 5.66 4.5 3.34 2.21 1.16 0.81 1.51 2.57 3.72 -6.11 -4.92 -3.75 -2.59 -1.52 -1.15 -1.83 -2.87 -4 7.04 5.47 3.9 2.35 0.84 0.8

-2476.61 121-1 -4704.49 121-1 -7355.06 121-1 -1513.06 121-1 -406.97 121-1 303.76 121-1 538.58 121-1 216.93 121-1 -714.89 121-1 -2203.17 121-1 -4167.36 121-1 -6526.92 121-1 -1508.28 121-1 -403.42 121-1 306.09 121-1 539.68 121-1 216.81 121-1 -716.23 121-1 -2205.74 121-1 -4171.16 121-1 -6531.94 121-1 22080.13 121-1 16921.11 121-1 11685.55 121-1 6373.58 121-1 985.62 121-1 3535.9 121-1 8532.93 121-1 13453.56 121-1 18297.65 121-1 -22602.41 121-1 -17221.89 121-1 -11918.1 121-1 -6691.16 121-1 -1541.5 121-1 -4483.34 121-1 -10025.21 121-1 -15643.94 121-1 -21339.4 121-1 6459.83 121-1 4985.61 121-1 3435.04 121-1 1808.58 121-1 107.44 121-1 736.88 121-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.22 3.76 5.34 -7.48 -5.89 -4.31 -2.74 -1.21 -1.15 -2.54 -4.07 -5.62 5.24 4.12 3.02 1.94 0.93 0.63 1.39 2.5 3.69 -6.53 -5.29 -4.07 -2.87 -1.74 -1.32 -1.96 -2.95 -4.02 6.61 5.09 3.58 2.08 0.62 0.63 2.1 3.69 5.32 -7.9 -6.26 -4.63 -3.01 -1.43 -1.32

2048.43 121-1 3284.07 121-1 4443.37 121-1 -6982.12 121-1 -5286.39 121-1 -3667.59 121-1 -2126.16 121-1 -663.33 121-1 -1684.33 121-1 -3540.71 121-1 -5474.45 121-1 -7485.12 121-1 20835.16 121-1 16669.7 121-1 12108.97 121-1 7072.55 121-1 1480.31 121-1 3292.77 121-1 7072.16 121-1 10375.86 121-1 13284.3 121-1 -23847.38 121-1 -17473.31 121-1 -11494.68 121-1 -5992.19 121-1 -1046.81 121-1 -4726.47 121-1 -11485.99 121-1 -18721.65 121-1 -26352.75 121-1 5214.87 121-1 4734.2 121-1 3858.46 121-1 2507.55 121-1 602.14 121-1 493.76 121-1 587.66 121-1 206.37 121-1 -569.98 121-1 -8227.08 121-1 -5537.8 121-1 -3244.17 121-1 -1427.19 121-1 -168.63 121-1 -1927.45 121-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.67 -4.14 -5.65 -1.96 -1.47 -0.97 -0.48 0.01116 0.5 1 1.49 1.98 3.73 2.77 1.81 0.86 -0.1 -1.06 -2.02 -2.98 -3.94 -2.92 -2.21 -1.49 -0.78 -0.06914 0.64 1.36 2.07 2.78 4.91 3.66 2.41 1.16 -0.09283 -1.34 -2.6 -3.85 -5.1 -2.45 -1.85 -1.25 -0.64 -0.04137 0.56

-5001.48 121-1 -8552.15 121-1 -12498.47 121-1 -14647.84 122-1 -9644.31 122-1 -5048.87 122-1 -902.36 122-1 2754.42 122-1 5894.24 122-1 8544.32 122-1 10745.48 122-1 12538.55 122-1 12550.73 122-2 10385.92 122-2 7813.01 122-2 4791.18 122-2 1279.6 122-2 -2748.92 122-2 -7267.2 122-2 -12234.38 122-2 -17609.67 122-2 -17975.05 122-1 -11862.37 122-1 -6172.38 122-1 -1012.98 122-1 3507.94 122-1 7318.46 122-1 10490.49 122-1 13131.94 122-1 15350.69 122-1 15356.01 122-2 12676.42 122-2 9574.14 122-2 5941.28 122-2 1669.93 122-2 -3311.82 122-2 -8932.05 122-2 -15082.87 122-2 -21656.38 122-2 -15942.8 122-1 -10514.05 122-1 -5480.66 122-1 -923.18 122-1 3077.84 122-1 6468.68 122-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.17 1.77 2.37 4.28 3.19 2.09 1 -0.09015 -1.18 -2.27 -3.37 -4.46 -2.45 -1.85 -1.25 -0.64 -0.03988 0.56 1.17 1.77 2.37 4.27 3.18 2.09 1 -0.09108 -1.18 -2.27 -3.36 -4.45 3.55 2.84 2.13 1.43 1.1 1.96 2.84 3.77 4.81 3.5 2.89 2.36 1.86 1.58 1.83

9303.06 122-1 11661.53 122-1 13624.64 122-1 13631.85 122-2 11261.35 122-2 8495.49 122-2 5253.73 122-2 1455.49 122-2 -2952.91 122-2 -7917.78 122-2 -13358.56 122-2 -19194.7 122-2 -15942.66 122-1 -10513.95 122-1 -5480.6 122-1 -923.16 122-1 3077.82 122-1 6468.62 122-1 9302.96 122-1 11661.39 122-1 13624.46 122-1 13631.7 122-2 11261.13 122-2 8495.21 122-2 5253.38 122-2 1455.08 122-2 -2953.39 122-2 -7918.32 122-2 -13359.17 122-2 -19195.37 122-2 6272.67 122-1 6340.18 122-1 6331.09 122-1 6245.48 122-1 6086.15 122-1 5856.35 122-1 5550.34 122-1 5168.16 122-1 5673.65 122-1 5558.83 122-2 5890.85 122-2 6148.2 122-2 6329.13 122-2 6434.5 122-2 6471.2 122-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.12 2.42 2.72 -6 -4.69 -3.38 -2.08 -1.15 -1.41 -1.69 -2.01 -2.46 -0.09137 -0.34 -0.67 -1.02 -1.61 -2.72 -3.87 -5.03 -6.19 9.12 6.75 4.38 2.02 0.92 3.71 6.55 9.4 12.29 6.85 5.15 3.48 1.85 0.95 1.81 2.79 3.8 4.8 -11.57 -8.6 -5.63 -2.67 -0.96 -3.16

6432.59 122-2 6317.43 122-2 6125.65 122-2 -15995.17 122-1 -13018.63 122-1 -10118.76 122-1 -7295.63 122-1 -4552.05 122-1 -1891.27 122-1 692.45 122-1 3199.08 122-1 4664.77 122-1 4771.65 122-2 2188.42 122-2 -473.42 122-2 -3212.1 122-2 -6028.49 122-2 -8929.48 122-2 -11908.42 122-2 -14964.07 122-2 -18096.37 122-2 -1466.83 122-1 -395.67 122-1 598.94 122-1 1517.27 122-1 2368.65 122-1 3163.87 122-1 3883.63 122-1 4527.02 122-1 5383.1 122-1 5347.54 122-2 4643.37 122-2 3863.2 122-2 3006.65 122-2 2076.92 122-2 1097.03 122-2 44.89 122-2 -1083.65 122-2 -2288.76 122-2 -8255.67 122-1 -6282.78 122-1 -4386.61 122-1 -2567.43 122-1 -834.55 122-1 801.21 122-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.4 2359.16 122-1 -7.65 3840.22 122-1 -9.94 4955.32 122-1 -3.44 4982.95 122-2 -2.6 3435.9 122-2 -1.79 1811.58 122-2 -1.02 110.38 122-2 -0.98 -1670.9 122-2 -2.7 -3555.3 122-2 -4.54 -5520.72 122-2 -6.41 -7563 122-2 -8.27 -9681.97 122-2 2.32 -4808.68 122-1 1.91 -834.5 122-1 1.51 2744.35 122-1 1.11 5847.41 122-1 1.09 8396.91 122-1 2.25 10342.41 122-1 3.43 11731.87 122-1 4.66 12645.87 122-1 6.01 14128.82 122-1 6.07 14025.22 122-2 4.79 13112.25 122-2 3.6 11805.89 122-2 2.44 10023.84 122-2 1.5 7686.39 122-2 1.09 4746.73 122-2 0.73 1251.94 122-2 0.36 -2718.7 122-2 0.004928 -7084.67 122-2 -7.23 -27076.52 122-1 -5.61 -20193.32 122-1 -4 -13705.5 122-1 -2.4 -7693.71 122-1 -1.17 -2241.29 122-1 -1.12 2594.78 122-1 -1.1 6873.97 122-1 -1.12 10676.79 122-1 -1.26 13119.94 122-1 2.47 13238.04 122-2 1.57 9409.82 122-2 0.58 5184.27 122-2 -0.44 482.6 122-2 -1.68 -4776.6 122-2 -3.46 -10653.95 122-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.27 -7.09 -8.91 7.89 5.83 3.76 1.71 0.9 4 7.14 10.3 13.49 9.42 7.05 4.72 2.43 0.87 1.07 1.4 1.74 2.09 -12.8 -9.53 -6.26 -2.99 -0.98 -2.87 -4.81 -6.76 -8.74 -0.88 -0.7 -0.55 -0.44 -1.06 -3.43 -5.94 -8.46 -10.99 -1.34 -1.04 -0.75 -0.46 -0.16 0.13

-17089.08 122-2 -24000.19 122-2 -31306.69 122-2 -12548.18 122-1 -7570.35 122-1 -2987.8 122-1 1119.2 122-1 4679.41 122-1 7649.92 122-1 10065.15 122-1 12004.73 122-1 13838.27 122-1 13813.92 122-2 11864.77 122-2 9520.89 122-2 6701.36 122-2 3328.8 122-2 -627.44 122-2 -5135.76 122-2 -10119.77 122-2 -15499.08 122-2 -19337.02 122-1 -13457.47 122-1 -7973.35 122-1 -2965.5 122-1 1476.21 122-1 5287.27 122-1 8540.68 122-1 11317.93 122-1 13410.49 122-1 13449.33 122-2 10657.3 122-2 7469.27 122-2 3805.08 122-2 -419.02 122-2 -5279.77 122-2 -10701.38 122-2 -16599.12 122-2 -22892.28 122-2 -16892.56 123-1 -11714.81 123-1 -6945.16 123-1 -2624.43 123-1 1206.56 123-1 4520.59 123-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.42 0.72 1.01 5.09 3.81 2.52 1.23 -0.06047 -1.35 -2.64 -3.93 -5.22 -2.31 -1.8 -1.28 -0.76 -0.24 0.27 0.79 1.31 1.82 6.61 4.95 3.3 1.64 -0.01707 -1.67 -3.33 -4.99 -6.64 -1.87 -1.46 -1.04 -0.62 -0.21 0.21 0.63 1.04 1.46 5.78 4.33 2.87 1.42 -0.02929 -1.48

7344.88 123-1 9720.25 123-1 11687.53 123-1 11686.69 123-2 9741.16 123-2 7387.55 123-2 4585.01 123-2 1292.73 123-2 -2516.5 123-2 -6815.48 123-2 -11563.38 123-2 -16719.37 123-2 -20779.02 123-1 -14450.8 123-1 -8545.28 123-1 -3170.35 123-1 1566.1 123-1 5592.15 123-1 8979.72 123-1 11836.7 123-1 14270.98 123-1 14270.26 123-2 11873.2 123-2 9053.44 123-2 5703.1 123-2 1714.28 123-2 -2984.94 123-2 -8322.65 123-2 -14190.94 123-2 -20481.93 123-2 -18416.25 123-1 -12796.89 123-1 -7572.9 123-1 -2824.81 123-1 1366.81 123-1 4948.25 123-1 7973.24 123-1 10522.31 123-1 12676.02 123-1 12675.29 123-2 10551.78 123-2 8032.92 123-2 5038.14 123-2 1486.9 123-2 -2674.52 123-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.93 -4.39 -5.84 -1.87 -1.46 -1.04 -0.62 -0.2 0.21 0.63 1.05 1.47 5.77 4.32 2.87 1.42 -0.02999 -1.48 -2.93 -4.38 -5.83 3.2 2.73 2.27 1.81 1.81 2.53 3.26 3.99 4.72 4.5 3.94 3.41 2.94 2.65 2.62 2.7 2.8 2.92 -5.76 -4.71 -3.67 -2.63 -2.04 -2.18

-7392.4 123-2 -12586.19 123-2 -18175.33 123-2 -18416.58 123-1 -12797.18 123-1 -7573.14 123-1 -2825 123-1 1366.66 123-1 4948.16 123-1 7973.19 123-1 10522.3 123-1 12676.06 123-1 12675.34 123-2 10551.83 123-2 8032.96 123-2 5038.18 123-2 1486.94 123-2 -2674.47 123-2 -7392.35 123-2 -12586.14 123-2 -18175.29 123-2 6979.44 123-1 6971.89 123-1 6887.72 123-1 6726.96 123-1 6490.1 123-1 6184.19 123-1 5803.87 123-1 5347.01 123-1 4858.02 123-1 4940.68 123-2 5276.55 123-2 5747.2 123-2 6141.32 123-2 6460.69 123-2 6711.03 123-2 6885.46 123-2 6983.3 123-2 7004.53 123-2 -18432.94 123-1 -15253.77 123-1 -12151.24 123-1 -9125.39 123-1 -6176.71 123-1 -3312.25 123-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.33 -526.64 123-1 -2.48 2182.25 123-1 -2.64 4769.98 123-1 0.02438 4688.05 123-2 -0.5 2275.39 123-2 -1.04 -425.3 123-2 -1.64 -3202.74 123-2 -2.42 -6058.68 123-2 -3.47 -8998.87 123-2 -4.62 -12016.4 123-2 -5.8 -15110.63 123-2 -6.99 -18281.5 123-2 6.64 -1848.23 123-1 4.89 -756.34 123-1 3.14 258.96 123-1 1.42 1197.78 123-1 1.21 2061.72 123-1 3.4 2874.32 123-1 5.63 3617.68 123-1 7.86 4284.67 123-1 10.1 4888.44 123-1 7 4913.7 123-2 5.46 4271.85 123-2 3.99 3616.86 123-2 2.69 2885.53 123-2 2.01 2083.81 123-2 2.19 1230.81 123-2 2.72 303.57 123-2 3.34 -700.12 123-2 4 -1780.38 123-2 -9.19 -9605.27 123-1 -6.86 -7525.54 123-1 -4.54 -5522.48 123-1 -2.23 -3596.21 123-1 -1.44 -1748.33 123-1 -3.05 -2.38 123-1 -4.7 1659.56 123-1 -6.36 3244.58 123-1 -8.01 4739.56 123-1 -2.47 4715.03 123-2 -2.02 3280.09 123-2 -1.62 1705.04 123-2 -1.39 53.06 123-2 -1.78 -1681.8 123-2 -3.04 -3518.64 123-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.64 -6.34 -8.08 2.6 2.27 1.93 1.6 1.72 2.57 3.43 4.29 5.15 8 6.54 5.09 3.71 2.5 1.57 0.73 -0.0778 -0.87 -6.35 -5.18 -4.01 -2.84 -2.13 -2.14 -2.16 -2.19 -2.21 3.53 2.1 0.64 -0.87 -2.57 -4.52 -6.59 -8.68 -10.78 6.04 4.42 2.8 1.2 1.12 3.44

-5434.52 123-2 -7427.21 123-2 -9496.59 123-2 -5710.54 123-1 -1684.48 123-1 1946.24 123-1 5101.09 123-1 7700 123-1 9696.33 123-1 11138.41 123-1 12104.68 123-1 12720.11 123-1 12801.67 123-2 12052.43 123-2 11119.24 123-2 9710.23 123-2 7746.65 123-2 5180.49 123-2 2058.59 123-2 -1539.16 123-2 -5532.26 123-2 -31122.92 123-1 -23910.14 123-1 -17092.72 123-1 -10751.27 123-1 -4966.81 123-1 199.9 123-1 4807.91 123-1 8939.92 123-1 12632.06 123-1 12549.04 123-2 9051.27 123-2 4946.73 123-2 366.17 123-2 -4772.73 123-2 -10529.4 123-2 -16843.26 123-2 -23633.09 123-2 -30818.29 123-2 -14538.21 123-1 -9412.71 123-1 -4682.52 123-1 -428.1 123-1 3271.62 123-1 6386.46 123-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.8 8.16 10.52 10.5 8.06 5.67 3.46 1.86 1.14 0.75 0.47 0.21 -9.79 -7.33 -4.88 -2.44 -1.53 -3.01 -4.54 -6.06 -7.59 1.03 0.58 0.06505 -0.62 -1.92 -4.1 -6.61 -9.22 -11.87 -2.13 -1.63 -1.13 -0.64 -0.14 0.36 0.86 1.35 1.85 6.59 4.96 3.32 1.68 0.04126 -1.6

8952.22 123-1 11042.35 123-1 12750.52 123-1 12774.69 123-2 11047.73 123-2 8988.9 123-2 6454.44 123-2 3369.77 123-2 -299.73 123-2 -4523.29 123-2 -9222.58 123-2 -14317.18 123-2 -22295.25 123-1 -16181.91 123-1 -10463.97 123-1 -5222.08 123-1 -538.43 123-1 3509.77 123-1 6994.1 123-1 10002.26 123-1 12601.65 123-1 12576.02 123-2 10055.97 123-2 7077.07 123-2 3621.97 123-2 -395.85 123-2 -5049.18 123-2 -10261.38 123-2 -15949.67 123-2 -22033.38 123-2 -16686.51 124-1 -11516.1 124-1 -6753.78 124-1 -2440.38 124-1 1383.27 124-1 4689.97 124-1 7506.93 124-1 9874.97 124-1 11834.91 124-1 11914.12 124-2 9779.87 124-2 7237.52 124-2 4246.25 124-2 765.24 124-2 -3232.73 124-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.23 -4.87 -6.51 -2.95 -2.28 -1.61 -0.94 -0.27 0.4 1.08 1.75 2.42 8.22 6.2 4.18 2.15 0.13 -1.89 -3.91 -5.93 -7.96 -2.53 -1.95 -1.37 -0.79 -0.21 0.37 0.94 1.52 2.1 7.26 5.47 3.68 1.89 0.097 -1.69 -3.49 -5.28 -7.07 -2.53 -1.95 -1.37 -0.79 -0.21 0.37

-7720.44 124-2 -12657.07 124-2 -18001.79 124-2 -20339.07 124-1 -14058.95 124-1 -8201.53 124-1 -2874.69 124-1 1813.67 124-1 5791.63 124-1 9131.1 124-1 11939.99 124-1 14326.18 124-1 14406.79 124-2 11746.64 124-2 8663.8 124-2 5050.37 124-2 798.46 124-2 -4163.85 124-2 -9764.64 124-2 -15896.02 124-2 -22450.09 124-2 -18075.35 124-1 -12488.39 124-1 -7296.79 124-1 -2581.09 124-1 1578.13 124-1 5127.19 124-1 8119.78 124-1 10636.46 124-1 12757.78 124-1 12833.62 124-2 10485.06 124-2 7741.14 124-2 4521.31 124-2 745.01 124-2 -3641.45 124-2 -8584.39 124-2 -14003.23 124-2 -19817.43 124-2 -18075.43 124-1 -12488.44 124-1 -7296.81 124-1 -2581.09 124-1 1578.16 124-1 5127.25 124-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.95 1.53 2.11 7.26 5.47 3.68 1.89 0.09549 -1.69 -3.49 -5.28 -7.07 2.48 2.4 2.32 2.25 2.46 3.04 3.62 4.21 4.8 5.32 5.07 4.83 4.59 4.47 5.22 5.98 6.73 7.49 -5.05 -4.48 -3.91 -3.35 -3.06 -3.15 -3.24 -3.33 -3.43 -0.83 -1.54 -2.25 -2.96 -3.79 -5.5

8119.86 124-1 10636.57 124-1 12757.92 124-1 12833.76 124-2 10485.16 124-2 7741.21 124-2 4521.34 124-2 745.01 124-2 -3641.49 124-2 -8584.46 124-2 -14003.34 124-2 -19817.57 124-2 6937.89 124-1 6934.98 124-1 6855.45 124-1 6699.33 124-1 6467.82 124-1 6173.23 124-1 5803.37 124-1 5356.94 124-1 5044.42 124-1 4950.27 124-2 5424.14 124-2 5841.78 124-2 6182.86 124-2 6448 124-2 6647.97 124-2 6774.85 124-2 6825.22 124-2 6798.98 124-2 -18297.68 124-1 -15111.75 124-1 -12002.47 124-1 -8969.86 124-1 -6015.14 124-1 -3150.59 124-1 -364.05 124-1 2345.8 124-1 4768.47 124-1 4860.47 124-2 2273.43 124-2 -410.64 124-2 -3171.41 124-2 -6009.52 124-2 -8935.72 124-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.2 -11942.1 124-2 -8.91 -15025.23 124-2 -10.62 -18185.03 124-2 3.47 -1795.35 124-1 2.61 -706.86 124-1 1.75 305.03 124-1 0.91 1240.45 124-1 1.01 2103.41 124-1 2.33 2934.86 124-1 3.68 3694.26 124-1 5.04 4377.18 124-1 6.4 5046.67 124-1 9.02 5020.47 124-2 7.11 4398.86 124-2 5.19 3706.79 124-2 3.27 2938.28 124-2 1.78 2095.48 124-2 3.17 1214.27 124-2 4.57 268.23 124-2 5.97 -754.06 124-2 7.38 -1852.89 124-2 -6.04 -9564.44 124-1 -4.69 -7469.91 124-1 -3.34 -5452.05 124-1 -2.01 -3510.98 124-1 -1.61 -1650.72 124-1 -2.44 87.77 124-1 -3.3 1745.06 124-1 -4.17 3325.55 124-1 -5.03 4766.22 124-1 -4.54 4790.27 124-2 -3.57 3298.72 124-2 -2.61 1724.36 124-2 -1.64 73.16 124-2 -1.1 -1657 124-2 -3.44 -3502.02 124-2 -5.79 -5435.47 124-2 -8.15 -7445.95 124-2 -10.51 -9533.15 124-2 1.24 -5457.67 124-1 1.49 -1465.09 124-1 1.75 2132.14 124-1 2.01 5253.51 124-1 2.55 7819.66 124-1 3.46 9789.18 124-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.38 5.3 6.22 10.33 8.77 7.21 5.66 4.23 3.66 3.11 2.55 1.99 -6.3 -5.39 -4.49 -3.59 -2.97 -2.72 -2.48 -2.24 -2 4.18 2.16 0.14 -1.89 -4.04 -7.05 -10.08 -13.1 -16.12 2.22 1.7 1.17 0.67 1.1 2.75 4.44 6.13 7.82 14.03 10.8 7.57 4.34 1.53 1.61

11203.62 124-1 12142.19 124-1 12895.95 124-1 12878.72 124-2 12060.56 124-2 10867.45 124-2 9198.49 124-2 6973.77 124-2 4150.34 124-2 773.99 124-2 -3078.16 124-2 -7325.64 124-2 -30693.25 124-1 -23511.83 124-1 -16725.77 124-1 -10415.68 124-1 -4663.3 124-1 465.36 124-1 5036.19 124-1 9131.05 124-1 12620 124-1 12788.92 124-2 8909.85 124-2 4615.03 124-2 -155.78 124-2 -5483.75 124-2 -11433.36 124-2 -17942.97 124-2 -24928.62 124-2 -32309.64 124-2 -14190.92 124-1 -9106.93 124-1 -4418.27 124-1 -205.37 124-1 3455.24 124-1 6550.82 124-1 9094.5 124-1 11162.43 124-1 12898.21 124-1 12948.92 124-2 11035.28 124-2 8732.45 124-2 5953.92 124-2 2621.25 124-2 -1283.37 124-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.7 1.79 1.88 -7.28 -5.6 -3.91 -2.25 -1.52 -2.02 -2.54 -3.07 -3.61 0.47 0.13 -0.22 -0.57 -1.34 -5 -8.67 -12.34 -16.01 -4.49 -3.5 -2.51 -1.52 -0.53 0.46 1.45 2.44 3.43 2.34 1.8 1.25 0.71 0.17 -0.38 -0.92 -1.46 -2.01 -5.76 -4.5 -3.25 -1.99 -0.73 0.53

-5732.64 124-2 -10657.44 124-2 -15977.51 124-2 -21960 124-1 -15869.99 124-1 -10175.36 124-1 -4956.8 124-1 -298.89 124-1 3703.73 124-1 7145.3 124-1 10110.8 124-1 12617.75 124-1 12718.72 124-2 9935.14 124-2 6750.02 124-2 3088.8 124-2 -1131.24 124-2 -5999.65 124-2 -11436.34 124-2 -17349.33 124-2 -23657.77 124-2 -18191.41 125-1 -13132.46 125-1 -8213.14 125-1 -3453.84 125-1 1125.01 125-1 5509.81 125-1 9714.17 125-1 13758.5 125-1 17663.2 125-1 16843.94 125-2 13086.93 125-2 9169.89 125-2 5052 125-2 692.42 125-2 -3936.05 125-2 -8806.19 125-2 -13877.2 125-2 -19108.23 125-2 -23963.34 125-1 -17271.61 125-1 -10736.01 125-1 -4410.48 125-1 1651.04 125-1 7412.57 125-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.78 3.04 4.3 2.91 2.26 1.6 0.95 0.29 -0.36 -1.02 -1.67 -2.33 -5.05 -3.94 -2.84 -1.74 -0.63 0.47 1.58 2.68 3.78 2.57 1.99 1.4 0.82 0.23 -0.35 -0.93 -1.52 -2.1 -5.04 -3.94 -2.84 -1.73 -0.63 0.48 1.58 2.68 3.79 2.57 1.99 1.4 0.82 0.24 -0.35

12910.09 125-1 18197.54 125-1 23328.87 125-1 22190.21 125-2 17434.01 125-2 12467.74 125-2 7183.51 125-2 1473.43 125-2 -4734.43 125-2 -11368.15 125-2 -18319.83 125-2 -25481.58 125-2 -20824.17 125-1 -15015.79 125-1 -9349.86 125-1 -3866.67 125-1 1393.52 125-1 6403.84 125-1 11191.16 125-1 15795.74 125-1 20257.87 125-1 19282.86 125-2 15102.67 125-2 10739.74 125-2 6113.53 125-2 1143.47 125-2 -4224.13 125-2 -9935.57 125-2 -15910.29 125-2 -22067.75 125-2 -20824.3 125-1 -15015.89 125-1 -9349.93 125-1 -3866.71 125-1 1393.51 125-1 6403.86 125-1 11191.21 125-1 15795.82 125-1 20257.98 125-1 19282.98 125-2 15102.76 125-2 10739.8 125-2 6113.55 125-2 1143.46 125-2 -4224.17 125-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.93 -1.52 -2.1 5.48 3.57 1.71 0.3 2.04 4.36 6.72 9.08 11.45 6.22 5.05 3.89 2.74 1.64 0.69 0.66 1.37 2.22 -7.62 -5.26 -2.95 -1.08 -2.37 -4.24 -6.14 -8.05 -9.97 -5.37 -4.47 -3.57 -2.69 -1.85 -1.17 -1.4 -2.39 -3.5 9.27 6.08 3.01 1.19 3.86 7.42

-9935.64 125-2 -15910.4 125-2 -22067.9 125-2 7091.48 125-1 7026.07 125-1 6884.04 125-1 6665.4 125-1 6378.28 125-1 6051.91 125-1 5649.18 125-1 5169.83 125-1 4639.96 125-1 4833.16 125-2 5057.68 125-2 5587.28 125-2 6040.31 125-2 6419.96 125-2 6746.29 125-2 6997.07 125-2 7171.27 125-2 7268.85 125-2 -17972.79 125-1 -14877.99 125-1 -11859.83 125-1 -8918.34 125-1 -6061.63 125-1 -3318.94 125-1 -653.15 125-1 1935.98 125-1 4422.38 125-1 4342.31 125-2 2144.58 125-2 -511.51 125-2 -3244.29 125-2 -6056.97 125-2 -8969.58 125-2 -11959.92 125-2 -15026.93 125-2 -18170.6 125-2 -1414.66 125-1 -443.56 125-1 450.93 125-1 1268.88 125-1 2037.39 125-1 2853.87 125-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.07 14.75 18.44 8.44 6.92 5.42 3.97 2.63 1.63 1.57 2.36 3.45 -11.41 -7.77 -4.24 -1.97 -4.19 -7.29 -10.49 -13.72 -16.96 -7.59 -6.34 -5.1 -3.92 -2.85 -2.11 -2.32 -3.37 -4.72 1.5 0.48 -0.51 -1.04 1.57 4.77 8.01 11.25 14.5 8.37 6.75 5.14 3.54 1.98 0.59

3594.62 125-1 4258.79 125-1 4854.18 125-1 4826.9 125-2 4161.48 125-2 3533.99 125-2 2830.08 125-2 2060.39 125-2 1291.75 125-2 450.11 125-2 -468 125-2 -1462.7 125-2 -9466.64 125-1 -7408.35 125-1 -5426.72 125-1 -3521.82 125-1 -1720.74 125-1 -120.9 125-1 1401.4 125-1 2847.02 125-1 4208.16 125-1 4348.57 125-2 3040.77 125-2 1541.78 125-2 -34.06 125-2 -1697.39 125-2 -3515.05 125-2 -5412.96 125-2 -7387.66 125-2 -9439.04 125-2 -8292.23 125-1 -4063.9 125-1 21.97 125-1 3925.14 125-1 7613.46 125-1 11089.3 125-1 14342.4 125-1 17412.78 125-1 20366.82 125-1 19528.47 125-2 16559.35 125-2 13789.22 125-2 10755.86 125-2 7381.92 125-2 3633.75 125-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.09765 0.36 0.76 -11.59 -8.36 -5.17 -2.42 -2.83 -3.82 -4.85 -5.88 -6.92 -3.22 -2.77 -2.32 -1.89 -1.51 -1.28 -1.96 -3.4 -4.96 5.3 2.98 0.79 -0.16 3.39 7.83 12.36 16.92 21.49 10.59 8.62 6.67 4.77 2.98 1.53 1.01 1.35 1.98 -15.39 -10.86 -6.46 -3.31 -4.65 -6.88

-457.18 125-2 -4811.35 125-2 -9348.24 125-2 -33356.5 125-1 -25967.97 125-1 -18721.9 125-1 -11658.59 125-1 -4826.45 125-1 1718.45 125-1 8040.07 125-1 14178.94 125-1 20149.24 125-1 19037.61 125-2 13646.25 125-2 7690.43 125-2 1471.26 125-2 -5095.01 125-2 -12082.13 125-2 -19414.17 125-2 -27009.56 125-2 -34787.68 125-2 -16798.37 125-1 -11533.54 125-1 -6411.14 125-1 -1471.37 125-1 3272.57 125-1 7891.26 125-1 12287.84 125-1 16501.75 125-1 20581.05 125-1 19522.21 125-2 15663.15 125-2 11735.93 125-2 7545.63 125-2 3022.35 125-2 -1820.79 125-2 -7004.14 125-2 -12450.62 125-2 -18079.79 125-2 -24850.35 125-1 -18498.33 125-1 -12288.79 125-1 -6262.08 125-1 -485.56 125-1 4916.49 125-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.2 -11.55 -13.91 -5.44 -4.64 -3.86 -3.12 -2.5 -2.22 -2.87 -4.38 -6.19 -8.34 -6.64 -4.94 -3.25 -1.55 0.15 1.85 3.55 5.24 2.87 2.32 1.78 1.24 0.7 0.16 -0.39 -0.93 -1.47 -10.48 -8.34 -6.21 -4.08 -1.94 0.19 2.33 4.46 6.59 3.89 3.14 2.4 1.65 0.91 0.16

10094.62 125-1 15089.97 125-1 19935.02 125-1 19043.87 125-2 14542.44 125-2 9743.71 125-2 4681.49 125-2 -735.43 125-2 -6627.59 125-2 -12867.21 125-2 -19370.28 125-2 -26056.13 125-2 -17454.94 126-1 -12165.82 126-1 -7284.8 126-1 -2852.69 126-1 1089.67 126-1 4515.08 126-1 7450.74 126-1 9937.49 126-1 12016.14 126-1 12022.55 126-2 9991.04 126-2 7551.43 126-2 4662.91 126-2 1284.64 126-2 -2610.58 126-2 -6995.55 126-2 -11829.43 126-2 -17071.41 126-2 -21748.32 126-1 -15278.35 126-1 -9231.07 126-1 -3714.38 126-1 1163.83 126-1 5331.64 126-1 8860.97 126-1 11859.71 126-1 14435.75 126-1 14438.93 126-2 11998.46 126-2 9135.3 126-2 5741.56 126-2 1709.33 126-2 -3033.3 126-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.59 -1.33 -2.08 -9.24 -7.36 -5.48 -3.59 -1.71 0.17 2.05 3.93 5.81 3.35 2.71 2.07 1.43 0.79 0.15 -0.49 -1.13 -1.77 -9.23 -7.35 -5.47 -3.59 -1.71 0.17 2.05 3.93 5.81 3.35 2.71 2.07 1.43 0.79 0.15 -0.49 -1.13 -1.77 -0.33 -0.25 -0.17 -0.08508 0.06724 1.13

-8414.41 126-2 -14326.11 126-2 -20660.51 126-2 -19203.05 126-1 -13459.29 126-1 -8110.88 126-1 -3238.38 126-1 1077.65 126-1 4783.51 126-1 7932.9 126-1 10606.39 126-1 12884.51 126-1 12888.56 126-2 10710.31 126-2 8136.71 126-2 5087.2 126-2 1481.22 126-2 -2734.93 126-2 -7507.55 126-2 -12756.08 126-2 -18399.96 126-2 -19203.19 126-1 -13459.39 126-1 -8110.95 126-1 -3238.42 126-1 1077.65 126-1 4783.54 126-1 7932.97 126-1 10606.49 126-1 12884.65 126-1 12888.7 126-2 10710.43 126-2 8136.8 126-2 5087.26 126-2 1481.25 126-2 -2734.93 126-2 -7507.57 126-2 -12756.13 126-2 -18400.04 126-2 6981.31 126-1 6976.15 126-1 6894.38 126-1 6736.08 126-1 6501.76 126-1 6198.62 126-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.19 3.26 4.34 3.99 2.96 2.11 1.65 1.29 1.16 1.55 2.02 2.49 -5.02 -3.93 -2.83 -1.74 -0.72 -0.6 -0.49 -0.38 -0.29 -1.42 -0.97 -0.7 -0.82 -1.04 -1.5 -2.48 -3.52 -4.58 3.78 2.76 1.73 0.71 -0.11 2.08 4.27 6.46 8.66 8.29 6.49 4.76 3.16 1.64 0.88

5825.48 126-1 5376.18 126-1 4962.43 126-1 4976.49 126-2 5358.34 126-2 5802.25 126-2 6169.57 126-2 6460.67 126-2 6685.69 126-2 6836.63 126-2 6910.98 126-2 6908.71 126-2 -18206.33 126-1 -15042.13 126-1 -11954.59 126-1 -8943.78 126-1 -6010.22 126-1 -3161.1 126-1 -395.26 126-1 2293.48 126-1 4793.41 126-1 4780.84 126-2 2295.01 126-2 -406.16 126-2 -3184 126-2 -6038.89 126-2 -8980.97 126-2 -12002.22 126-2 -15100.17 126-2 -18274.76 126-2 -1726.98 126-1 -646.79 126-1 356.87 126-1 1284.23 126-1 2137 126-1 2939.16 126-1 3686.82 126-1 4359.42 126-1 4989.3 126-1 4994.17 126-2 4351.67 126-2 3674.17 126-2 2920.14 126-2 2090.87 126-2 1220.12 126-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.81 2.99 4.2 -9.14 -6.93 -4.73 -2.53 -0.54 -1.55 -2.56 -3.58 -4.6 -5.71 -4.5 -3.35 -2.33 -1.4 -1.22 -2.73 -4.49 -6.28 -6.88 -5.51 -4.14 -2.76 -1.32 1.03 3.39 5.75 8.12 6.06 4.68 3.48 2.67 1.96 1.48 1.52 1.64 1.76 -11.57 -9.18 -6.8 -4.42 -2.1 -0.69

281.26 126-2 -734.08 126-2 -1826 126-2 -9498.04 126-1 -7419.19 126-1 -5417.08 126-1 -3491.93 126-1 -1645.46 126-1 98.35 126-1 1743.4 126-1 3310.24 126-1 4766.54 126-1 4763.16 126-2 3301.68 126-2 1721.92 126-2 65.43 126-2 -1669.09 126-2 -3515.4 126-2 -5446.85 126-2 -7455.11 126-2 -9540.04 126-2 -6609.44 126-1 -2450.3 126-1 1313.5 126-1 4601.5 126-1 7333.64 126-1 9463.42 126-1 11043.38 126-1 12147.89 126-1 12969.23 126-1 12986.59 126-2 12242.14 126-2 11241.04 126-2 9764.07 126-2 7731.05 126-2 5098.4 126-2 1911.84 126-2 -1750.58 126-2 -5808.34 126-2 -31797.08 126-1 -24468.58 126-1 -17535.47 126-1 -11078.37 126-1 -5178.34 126-1 103.7 126-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.71 2.1 3.49 0.65 0.75 0.67 0.19 -0.38 -1.18 -2.5 -3.9 -5.3 -2.77 -2.5 -2.24 -1.97 -1.5 1.98 5.46 8.95 12.44 10.35 8.21 6.13 4.17 2.31 1.2 1.78 2.61 3.47 -15.69 -12.19 -8.7 -5.21 -1.92 -1.64 -1.37 -1.1 -0.83 -3.65 -2.79 -1.98 -1.31 -0.73 -0.9

4822.64 126-1 9065.19 126-1 12800.21 126-1 12790.94 126-2 9178.82 126-2 5032.63 126-2 410.5 126-2 -4768.52 126-2 -10568.26 126-2 -16927.01 126-2 -23761.73 126-2 -30991.81 126-2 -15317.73 126-1 -10073.24 126-1 -5224.01 126-1 -850.35 126-1 2968.88 126-1 6203.97 126-1 8904.72 126-1 11131.13 126-1 12996.1 126-1 13004.27 126-2 11235.47 126-2 9112.96 126-2 6514.63 126-2 3361.25 126-2 -367.17 126-2 -4643.53 126-2 -9395.63 126-2 -14543.06 126-2 -23088.79 126-1 -16845.64 126-1 -10997.95 126-1 -5626.51 126-1 -813.58 126-1 3363.16 126-1 6961.3 126-1 10081.95 126-1 12773.34 126-1 12773.26 126-2 10185.48 126-2 7160.71 126-2 3659.93 126-2 -398.72 126-2 -5102.69 126-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.76 -4.87 -7.01 -6.07 -4.77 -3.46 -2.16 -0.86 0.44 1.74 3.04 4.34 1.87 1.53 1.2 0.87 0.54 0.21 -0.12 -0.45 -0.79 -7.95 -6.25 -4.54 -2.84 -1.13 0.57 2.27 3.98 5.68 2.9 2.36 1.82 1.28 0.74 0.2 -0.35 -0.89 -1.43 -6.93 -5.44 -3.96 -2.47 -0.99 0.5

-10371.64 126-2 -16116.67 126-2 -22257.1 126-2 -17116.58 127-1 -11851.14 127-1 -6993.8 127-1 -2585.38 127-1 1333.3 127-1 4735.03 127-1 7647.01 127-1 10110.07 127-1 12165.04 127-1 12165.44 127-2 10120.33 127-2 7667.12 127-2 4764.99 127-2 1373.12 127-2 -2535.7 127-2 -6934.27 127-2 -11781.76 127-2 -17037.34 127-2 -20816.62 127-1 -14432.06 127-1 -8470.19 127-1 -3038.91 127-1 1753.9 127-1 5836.29 127-1 9280.21 127-1 12193.54 127-1 14684.18 127-1 14684.42 127-2 12182.46 127-2 9257.8 127-2 5802.55 127-2 1708.82 127-2 -3095.31 127-2 -8537.92 127-2 -14511.12 127-2 -20907.01 127-2 -18512.19 127-1 -12829.38 127-1 -7541.92 127-1 -2730.38 127-1 1524.7 127-1 5169.61 127-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.98 3.47 4.96 2.41 1.97 1.52 1.08 0.63 0.19 -0.25 -0.7 -1.14 -6.92 -5.44 -3.95 -2.47 -0.99 0.5 1.98 3.46 4.95 2.41 1.97 1.52 1.08 0.63 0.19 -0.26 -0.7 -1.14 0.44 0.62 0.83 1.1 1.55 2.23 3.01 3.83 4.66 4.24 3.6 2.98 2.36 1.78 2.34

8258.05 127-1 10870.58 127-1 13087.75 127-1 13088.03 127-2 10867 127-2 8250.61 127-2 5158.31 127-2 1509.54 127-2 -2749.39 127-2 -7564.8 127-2 -12856.11 127-2 -18542.78 127-2 -18512.15 127-1 -12829.34 127-1 -7541.88 127-1 -2730.34 127-1 1524.74 127-1 5169.65 127-1 8258.09 127-1 10870.62 127-1 13087.79 127-1 13088.08 127-2 10867 127-2 8250.56 127-2 5158.21 127-2 1509.4 127-2 -2749.58 127-2 -7565.03 127-2 -12856.4 127-2 -18543.11 127-2 7008.99 127-1 6987.62 127-1 6889.62 127-1 6715.03 127-1 6464.46 127-1 6145.74 127-1 5752.31 127-1 5282.33 127-1 4940.23 127-1 4863.47 127-2 5347.53 127-2 5804.96 127-2 6185.82 127-2 6491.13 127-2 6728.48 127-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.95 3.55 4.15 -5.23 -4.32 -3.43 -2.61 -1.97 -1.56 -1.25 -0.98 -0.72 -1.5 -1.46 -1.43 -1.4 -1.42 -2.58 -3.77 -4.97 -6.17 2.5 1.97 1.52 1.28 1.64 2.76 4.22 5.79 7.4 9.63 7.38 5.13 2.89 0.8 2.48 4.31 6.13 7.95 -7.28 -5.67 -4.12 -2.79 -2.06 -2.09

6890.2 127-2 6975.33 127-2 6983.84 127-2 -18290.17 127-1 -15118.25 127-1 -12022.97 127-1 -9004.38 127-1 -6063.06 127-1 -3206.87 127-1 -429.23 127-1 2271.7 127-1 4691.47 127-1 4767.6 127-2 2184.36 127-2 -525.52 127-2 -3312.1 127-2 -6176.39 127-2 -9126 127-2 -12153.24 127-2 -15257.15 127-2 -18437.71 127-2 -1775.5 127-1 -696.2 127-1 306.51 127-1 1232.73 127-1 2084.48 127-1 2887.9 127-1 3621.06 127-1 4277.81 127-1 4919.34 127-1 4895.99 127-2 4290 127-2 3622.43 127-2 2878.38 127-2 2061.28 127-2 1196.48 127-2 258.38 127-2 -756.21 127-2 -1847.39 127-2 -9505.67 127-1 -7434.43 127-1 -5439.86 127-1 -3522.08 127-1 -1683.08 127-1 50.98 127-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.46 -2.94 -3.46 -6.89 -5.23 -3.58 -1.93 -0.44 -2.72 -5.13 -7.55 -9.97 -4.08 -2.96 -1.82 -0.62 0.77 2.39 4.11 5.87 7.64 5.29 4.5 3.73 2.96 2.24 2.65 3.1 3.56 4.02 -9.75 -7.9 -6.08 -4.32 -2.74 -1.4 -0.15 1.06 2.25 -0.46 -0.56 -0.68 -0.8 -0.97 -2.27

1702.03 127-1 3276.22 127-1 4712.36 127-1 4735.09 127-2 3241.89 127-2 1657.01 127-2 -4.66 127-2 -1746.55 127-2 -3594 127-2 -5521.41 127-2 -7525.61 127-2 -9606.48 127-2 -5862.55 127-1 -1776.39 127-1 1914.43 127-1 5129.38 127-1 7788.52 127-1 9845.97 127-1 11348.88 127-1 12375.95 127-1 13212.2 127-1 13136.03 127-2 12448.58 127-2 11415.78 127-2 9907.13 127-2 7843.1 127-2 5177.57 127-2 1956.58 127-2 -1740.28 127-2 -5832.49 127-2 -31161.71 127-1 -23882.25 127-1 -16998.16 127-1 -10590.02 127-1 -4739 127-1 493.36 127-1 5167.34 127-1 9365.33 127-1 12963.43 127-1 13040.17 127-2 9285.42 127-2 5085.3 127-2 409.21 127-2 -4824.43 127-2 -10676.91 127-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.62 -4.96 -6.31 -2.03 -1.62 -1.13 -0.43 0.87 2.92 5.32 7.83 10.38 10.67 8.27 5.88 3.49 1.25 2.79 4.46 6.14 7.81 -11.81 -9.25 -6.77 -4.5 -2.84 -1.93 -1.36 -0.9 -0.49 -5.84 -4.34 -2.83 -1.33 0.01568 -2.41 -4.97 -7.54 -10.1 -5.24 -4.18 -3.12 -2.07 -1.01 0.0476

-17086.86 127-2 -23972.77 127-2 -31254.04 127-2 -14647.05 127-1 -9460.2 127-1 -4668.68 127-1 -352.91 127-1 3408.54 127-1 6588.13 127-1 9217.62 127-1 11371.44 127-1 13191.3 127-1 13168.55 127-2 11391.06 127-2 9233.25 127-2 6599.69 127-2 3413.25 127-2 -354.43 127-2 -4675.25 127-2 -9471.82 127-2 -14663.72 127-2 -22377.22 127-1 -16198.43 127-1 -10415.05 127-1 -5107.72 127-1 -359.02 127-1 3751.21 127-1 7298.6 127-1 10369.84 127-1 12984.33 127-1 13007.65 127-2 10342.94 127-2 7267.83 127-2 3716.65 127-2 -394.58 127-2 -5144.91 127-2 -10455.04 127-2 -16241.23 127-2 -22422.81 127-2 -16403.39 128-1 -11312.05 128-1 -6628.81 128-1 -2394.48 128-1 1350.1 128-1 4577.73 128-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.1 7315.61 128-1 2.16 9604.58 128-1 3.22 11485.45 128-1 2.42 11596.69 128-2 2.04 9400.34 128-2 1.66 7043.96 128-2 1.28 4486.73 128-2 0.9 1687.82 128-2 0.52 -1379.99 128-2 0.14 -4689.48 128-2 -0.24 -8199.83 128-2 -0.61 -11870.2 128-2 -6.95 -20610.3 128-1 -5.55 -14283.2 128-1 -4.16 -8378.79 128-1 -2.76 -3004.97 128-1 -1.36 1730.37 128-1 0.03161 5755.31 128-1 1.43 9141.76 128-1 2.82 11997.63 128-1 4.22 14430.81 128-1 3.39 14534.93 128-2 2.81 11971.81 128-2 2.24 9198.62 128-2 1.67 6107.47 128-2 1.1 2590.46 128-2 0.53 -1424.33 128-2 -0.04323 -5864.97 128-2 -0.61 -10623.57 128-2 -1.19 -15592.24 128-2 -6.03 -18153.17 128-1 -4.82 -12562.3 128-1 -3.61 -7366.8 128-1 -2.39 -2647.2 128-1 -1.18 1515.93 128-1 0.0356 5068.89 128-1 1.25 8065.38 128-1 2.46 10585.96 128-1 3.68 12711.19 128-1 2.89 12812.05 128-2 2.41 10504.08 128-2 1.94 8013.38 128-2 1.46 5259.4 128-2 0.98 2161.57 128-2 0.5 -1333.8 128-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.01879 -0.46 -0.94 -6.03 -4.82 -3.6 -2.39 -1.18 0.03514 1.25 2.46 3.67 2.89 2.42 1.94 1.46 0.98 0.5 0.01917 -0.46 -0.94 1.33 1.6 1.9 2.23 2.63 3.15 3.84 4.64 5.49 5.15 4.18 3.24 2.31 1.46 1.84 2.33 2.83 3.32 -5.45 -4.86 -4.28 -3.74 -3.27 -2.93

-5173.01 128-2 -9275.51 128-2 -13560.74 128-2 -18153.84 128-1 -12562.91 128-1 -7367.34 128-1 -2647.68 128-1 1515.51 128-1 5068.54 128-1 8065.1 128-1 10585.74 128-1 12711.03 128-1 12811.87 128-2 10503.94 128-2 8013.28 128-2 5259.34 128-2 2161.55 128-2 -1333.78 128-2 -5172.95 128-2 -9275.41 128-2 -13560.6 128-2 6113.83 128-1 6308.51 128-1 6426.57 128-1 6468.03 128-1 6433.35 128-1 6330.6 128-1 6153.24 128-1 5899.44 128-1 5570.77 128-1 5685.23 128-2 5170.5 128-2 5552.47 128-2 5858.21 128-2 6087.52 128-2 6245.17 128-2 6330.36 128-2 6339.03 128-2 6271.09 128-2 -18104.9 128-1 -14970.94 128-1 -11913.63 128-1 -8932.98 128-1 -6029.46 128-1 -3211.13 128-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.75 -471.47 128-1 -2.68 2191.37 128-1 -2.66 4775.81 128-1 -2.14 4666.87 128-2 -1.83 3207.9 128-2 -1.55 698.97 128-2 -1.28 -1886.99 128-2 -1.08 -4549.8 128-2 -2.12 -7294.21 128-2 -3.27 -10119.42 128-2 -4.42 -13021.39 128-2 -5.58 -16000.01 128-2 4.2 -2292.66 128-1 3.68 -1086.1 128-1 3.2 43.86 128-1 2.84 1097.29 128-1 2.7 2075.7 128-1 2.98 3005.95 128-1 3.79 3866.21 128-1 4.97 4650.06 128-1 6.33 5357.84 128-1 11.11 5392.49 128-2 8.48 4533.02 128-2 5.85 3888.94 128-2 3.24 3168.4 128-2 0.85 2371.71 128-2 2.53 1514.86 128-2 4.55 595.28 128-2 6.57 -400.58 128-2 8.61 -1473.01 128-2 -8.33 -9698.41 128-1 -6.93 -7576.33 128-1 -5.59 -5530.91 128-1 -4.36 -3562.24 128-1 -3.34 -1671.81 128-1 -2.76 113.51 128-1 -2.7 1815.56 128-1 -3.01 3440.75 128-1 -3.5 4988.74 128-1 -8.1 4959.61 128-2 -6.13 3845.38 128-2 -4.16 2362.51 128-2 -2.21 802.82 128-2 -0.47 -833.98 128-2 -2.81 -2563.9 128-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.49 -8.17 -10.86 -2.64 -1.58 -0.51 0.6 1.77 3.08 4.54 6.12 7.75 6.54 5.42 4.33 3.25 2.25 2.48 2.82 3.16 3.51 -9.42 -8.05 -6.69 -5.38 -4.13 -3.01 -2.05 -1.2 -0.4 -0.75 -0.59 -0.46 -0.34 -0.3 -1.48 -2.78 -4.08 -5.39 0.24 0.49 0.8 1.21 1.84 2.9

-4384.34 128-2 -6281.78 128-2 -8255.9 128-2 -6044.78 128-1 -1923.47 128-1 1802.51 128-1 5052.61 128-1 7746.73 128-1 9839.24 128-1 11377.32 128-1 12439.68 128-1 13108.45 128-1 13320.97 128-2 11485.18 128-2 10439.99 128-2 9131.91 128-2 7480.21 128-2 5435.92 128-2 3051.97 128-2 404.85 128-2 -2424.98 128-2 -30263.52 128-1 -23202.92 128-1 -16537.69 128-1 -10348.41 128-1 -4716.08 128-1 297.51 128-1 4752.61 128-1 8731.61 128-1 12313.48 128-1 12302.61 128-2 9522.58 128-2 5586.49 128-2 1386.71 128-2 -3157.12 128-2 -8103.46 128-2 -13397.81 128-2 -18955.57 128-2 -24696.08 128-2 -14451.28 128-1 -9318.08 128-1 -4580.2 128-1 -318.13 128-1 3389.08 128-1 6514.6 128-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.49 6.45 8.59 12.5 9.72 6.94 4.18 1.63 3.17 5.04 6.91 8.79 -12.29 -10.12 -8 -5.99 -4.2 -2.83 -2 -1.53 -1.25 -6.71 -4.89 -3.07 -1.27 0.32 -2.17 -5 -7.83 -10.67 -1.61 -1.55 -1.49 -1.43 -1.37 -1.31 -1.25 -1.18 -1.12 -2.36 -2.24 -2.11 -1.99 -1.86 -1.74

9090.29 128-1 11190.3 128-1 12895.51 128-1 13028.23 128-2 10847.7 128-2 8776.45 128-2 6442.1 128-2 3764.39 128-2 705.61 128-2 -2683.11 128-2 -6334.76 128-2 -10169.09 128-2 -21857.02 128-1 -15808.3 128-1 -10154.97 128-1 -4977.67 128-1 -358.43 128-1 3622.16 128-1 7039.64 128-1 9980.99 128-1 12526.41 128-1 12595.34 128-2 10160.06 128-2 7250.03 128-2 4076.52 128-2 558.7 128-2 -3373.15 128-2 -7662.73 128-2 -12215.96 128-2 -16951.98 128-2 -4250.75 129-1 -3028.33 129-1 -1965.94 129-1 -1104.41 129-1 -484.55 129-1 -133.6 129-1 -24.32 129-1 -115.89 129-1 -367.5 129-1 -5832.52 129-1 -4012.24 129-1 -2402.02 129-1 -1109.77 129-1 -243.37 129-1 125.25 129-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.62 -1.49 -1.37 -1.99 -1.9 -1.8 -1.7 -1.6 -1.51 -1.41 -1.31 -1.21 -1.99 -1.9 -1.8 -1.7 -1.6 -1.51 -1.41 -1.31 -1.22 7.75 5.68 3.63 1.67 0.51 2.25 4.36 6.52 8.7 -9.01 -6.83 -4.68 -2.61 -1.34 -2.98 -4.98 -7.04 -9.11 10.24 7.54 4.85 2.19 0.04344 2.64

68.02 129-1 -307.18 129-1 -892.45 129-1 -5005.75 129-1 -3476.59 129-1 -2130.16 129-1 -1047.01 129-1 -307.71 129-1 34.05 129-1 31.97 129-1 -233.4 129-1 -681.5 129-1 -5010.78 129-1 -3480.39 129-1 -2132.73 129-1 -1048.36 129-1 -307.83 129-1 35.15 129-1 34.3 129-1 -229.85 129-1 -676.72 129-1 18291.53 129-1 13448.98 129-1 8529.83 129-1 3534.15 129-1 985.79 129-1 6373.69 129-1 11685.87 129-1 16921.86 129-1 22081.36 129-1 -21342.12 129-1 -15646.1 129-1 -10026.76 129-1 -4484.14 129-1 -1542.11 129-1 -6689.61 129-1 -11914.65 129-1 -17216.77 129-1 -22595.67 129-1 4439.44 129-1 3281.62 129-1 2047.29 129-1 736.6 129-1 107.17 129-1 1806.85 129-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.42 8.22 11.03 -11.5 -8.69 -5.9 -3.13 -0.88 -3.37 -6.05 -8.74 -11.44 6.39 4.36 2.35 0.44 -0.68 1.1 3.26 5.47 7.69 -10.37 -8.15 -5.95 -3.84 -2.53 -4.12 -6.08 -8.09 -10.12 8.87 6.22 3.57 0.96 -1.14 1.5 4.33 7.17 10.02 -12.86 -10.01 -7.17 -4.36 -2.06 -4.51

3432.76 129-1 4983.49 129-1 6458.08 129-1 -7490.04 129-1 -5478.75 129-1 -3544.21 129-1 -1686.59 129-1 -663.49 129-1 -2122.77 129-1 -3661.54 129-1 -5278.4 129-1 -6972.4 129-1 14803.76 129-1 11065.42 129-1 7144.39 129-1 2960.17 129-1 956.06 129-1 6567.3 129-1 11835.62 129-1 16841.08 129-1 21663.97 129-1 -24829.89 129-1 -18029.66 129-1 -11412.2 129-1 -5058.12 129-1 -1571.83 129-1 -6495.99 129-1 -11764.9 129-1 -17297.54 129-1 -23013.06 129-1 951.67 129-1 898.06 129-1 661.84 129-1 162.62 129-1 77.44 129-1 2000.47 129-1 3582.51 129-1 4902.72 129-1 6040.69 129-1 -10977.81 129-1 -7862.3 129-1 -4929.65 129-1 -2260.57 129-1 -693.21 129-1 -1929.16 129-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.15 -9.8 -12.45 1.8 1.46 1.11 0.76 0.42 0.07259 -0.27 -0.62 -0.97 2.16 1.77 1.38 0.99 0.61 0.22 -0.17 -0.56 -0.94 1.93 1.58 1.22 0.87 0.51 0.16 -0.2 -0.55 -0.9 1.93 1.57 1.22 0.87 0.51 0.16 -0.19 -0.55 -0.9 5.86 4.74 3.63 2.55 1.55 1.17

-3511.8 129-1 -5359.17 129-1 -7389.79 129-1 -1358.32 130-1 -339.27 130-1 271.69 130-1 433.72 130-1 106.02 130-1 -738.64 130-1 -2073.04 130-1 -3856.36 130-1 -6047.78 130-1 -1766.65 130-1 -518.78 130-1 306.4 130-1 600.99 130-1 257.1 130-1 -797.2 130-1 -2489.97 130-1 -4713.33 130-1 -7359.39 130-1 -1546.4 130-1 -437.49 130-1 276.07 130-1 513.72 130-1 194.91 130-1 -734.08 130-1 -2219.53 130-1 -4180.9 130-1 -6537.62 130-1 -1541.58 130-1 -433.9 130-1 278.42 130-1 514.84 130-1 194.79 130-1 -735.44 130-1 -2222.13 130-1 -4184.73 130-1 -6542.68 130-1 22035.31 130-1 16886.63 130-1 11661.37 130-1 6359.71 130-1 983.07 130-1 3530.85 130-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.66 2.47 3.4 -4.85 -3.87 -2.91 -1.98 -1.13 -0.9 -1.54 -2.5 -3.57 7.64 6.03 4.42 2.83 1.31 1.14 2.41 3.82 5.26 -6.63 -5.16 -3.7 -2.26 -0.89 -0.87 -2.29 -3.84 -5.44 7.28 5.88 4.49 3.13 1.85 1.2 1.41 1.94 2.59 -3.43 -2.73 -2.05 -1.4 -0.83 -0.88

8521.04 130-1 13434.75 130-1 18271.88 130-1 -22571.63 130-1 -17198.08 130-1 -11901.22 130-1 -6681.23 130-1 -1539.52 130-1 -4475.51 130-1 -10007.17 130-1 -15615.61 130-1 -21300.74 130-1 6462.41 130-1 4986.58 130-1 3434.32 130-1 1806.19 130-1 106.74 130-1 741.82 130-1 2058.73 130-1 3299.5 130-1 4463.78 130-1 -6998.73 130-1 -5298.03 130-1 -3674.18 130-1 -2127.71 130-1 -663.2 130-1 -1686.47 130-1 -3544.85 130-1 -5480.36 130-1 -7492.65 130-1 20764.08 130-1 16610.08 130-1 12060.79 130-1 7035.81 130-1 1456.03 130-1 3267.13 130-1 7040.8 130-1 10338.72 130-1 13241.33 130-1 -23842.86 130-1 -17474.62 130-1 -11501.8 130-1 -6005.13 130-1 -1066.57 130-1 -4739.23 130-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.79 -3.03 -4.38 9.06 7.17 5.28 3.41 1.61 1.17 2.16 3.28 4.45 -5.21 -4.02 -2.84 -1.68 -0.58 -0.85 -2.54 -4.38 -6.25 5.01 3.72 2.42 1.12 -0.17 -1.47 -2.76 -4.06 -5.36 -2.62 -1.94 -1.26 -0.58 0.11 0.79 1.47 2.15 2.84 6.34 4.73 3.12 1.52 -0.09271 -1.7

-11487.41 130-1 -18711.65 130-1 -26331.29 130-1 5191.18 130-1 4710.04 130-1 3833.74 130-1 2482.29 130-1 579.7 130-1 478.09 130-1 578.49 130-1 203.46 130-1 -566.77 130-1 -8269.96 130-1 -5574.58 130-1 -3274.76 130-1 -1451.6 130-1 -190.24 130-1 -1950.2 130-1 -5025.09 130-1 -8576.39 130-1 -12523.2 130-1 -14877.68 131-1 -9822.77 131-1 -5175.95 131-1 -978.05 131-1 2730.1 131-1 5921.3 131-1 8622.76 131-1 10875.3 131-1 12719.74 131-1 12786.08 131-2 10568.26 131-2 7942.34 131-2 4867.5 131-2 1302.93 131-2 -2778.61 131-2 -7349.89 131-2 -12370.08 131-2 -17798.37 131-2 -18181.59 131-1 -12023.67 131-1 -6288.44 131-1 -1083.8 131-1 3482.37 131-1 7338.12 131-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.31 -4.92 -6.53 -3.33 -2.48 -1.63 -0.78 0.07136 0.92 1.77 2.62 3.47 5.59 4.16 2.74 1.31 -0.11 -1.54 -2.96 -4.38 -5.81 -2.92 -2.17 -1.42 -0.67 0.07724 0.83 1.58 2.33 3.08 5.58 4.15 2.73 1.31 -0.11 -1.54 -2.96 -4.38 -5.8 -2.92 -2.17 -1.42 -0.67 0.07863 0.83

10555.4 131-1 13242.09 131-1 15506.09 131-1 15557.2 131-2 12833.73 131-2 9687.57 131-2 6010.82 131-2 1695.59 131-2 -3330.04 131-2 -8994.15 131-2 -15188.85 131-2 -21806.25 131-2 -16145.78 131-1 -10672.24 131-1 -5594.05 131-1 -991.78 131-1 3054.02 131-1 6489.66 131-1 9368.83 131-1 11772.09 131-1 13779.99 131-1 13833.23 131-2 11418.27 131-2 8607.96 131-2 5321.73 131-2 1479.04 131-2 -2973.82 131-2 -7983.15 131-2 -13468.38 131-2 -19348.98 131-2 -16145.63 131-1 -10672.13 131-1 -5593.98 131-1 -991.75 131-1 3054.01 131-1 6489.61 131-1 9368.74 131-1 11771.96 131-1 13779.82 131-1 13833.08 131-2 11418.06 131-2 8607.67 131-2 5321.38 131-2 1478.62 131-2 -2974.31 131-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.58 2.33 3.08 6.07 4.71 3.37 2.06 1.17 1.43 1.75 2.11 2.49 1.04 1.06 1.1 1.15 1.48 2.33 3.2 4.08 4.95 -2.34 -1.91 -1.49 -1.1 -1.14 -2.33 -3.57 -4.85 -6.16 -3.47 -2.89 -2.33 -1.77 -1.5 -1.75 -2.01 -2.28 -2.56 11.98 8.89 5.82 2.76 1.04 3.08

-7983.71 131-2 -13469.02 131-2 -19349.69 131-2 6247.6 131-1 6318.17 131-1 6312.27 131-1 6230.47 131-1 6076.06 131-1 5848.8 131-1 5545.62 131-1 5166.35 131-1 5674.54 131-1 5560.86 131-2 5889.21 131-2 6142.83 131-2 6320.35 131-2 6424.91 131-2 6459.44 131-2 6418.39 131-2 6300.88 131-2 6106.78 131-2 -15975.35 131-1 -13001.33 131-1 -10104.11 131-1 -7284.25 131-1 -4545.05 131-1 -1886.26 131-1 695.17 131-1 3199.43 131-1 4662.97 131-1 4768.31 131-2 2189.6 131-2 -467.64 131-2 -3202.05 131-2 -6016.76 131-2 -8914.72 131-2 -11890.36 131-2 -14942.8 131-2 -18071.93 131-2 -1478.44 131-1 -405.98 131-1 590.37 131-1 1512.52 131-1 2371.38 131-1 3166.16 131-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.2 7.33 9.48 4.02 3 1.99 1 0.93 2.57 4.28 5.99 7.7 -8.25 -6.09 -3.94 -1.81 -1.01 -3.97 -7.01 -10.07 -13.14 -6.45 -4.83 -3.21 -1.62 -0.95 -1.99 -3.09 -4.19 -5.3 9.77 7.46 5.16 2.89 1.04 0.34 -0.29 -0.9 -1.48 -0.67 -0.2 0.29 0.79 1.57 2.87

3886.48 131-1 4530.78 131-1 5387.83 131-1 5352.56 131-2 4645.35 131-2 3862.34 131-2 3004.03 131-2 2081.21 131-2 1103.72 131-2 53.09 131-2 -1073.64 131-2 -2276.84 131-2 -8249.31 131-1 -6277.18 131-1 -4382.21 131-1 -2566.29 131-1 -840.37 131-1 796.38 131-1 2354.31 131-1 3835.01 131-1 4949.68 131-1 4976.6 131-2 3433.46 131-2 1812.85 131-2 114.27 131-2 -1673.06 131-2 -3559 131-2 -5525.05 131-2 -7568.28 131-2 -9688.31 131-2 -5034.09 131-1 -1012.33 131-1 2614.24 131-1 5765.62 131-1 8364.56 131-1 10357.12 131-1 11793.93 131-1 12755.36 131-1 14285.53 131-1 14229.29 131-2 13267.76 131-2 11912.78 131-2 10082.42 131-2 7699.26 131-2 4712.54 131-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.19 5.51 6.84 1.37 0.84 0.3 -0.27 -1.26 -3.41 -5.62 -7.86 -10.12 -5.18 -4.15 -3.13 -2.13 -1.41 -1.21 -1.03 -0.85 -0.67 15.69 11.64 7.61 3.59 0.91 1.99 3.15 4.33 5.51 2.31 1.74 1.18 0.64 1.02 3.11 5.26 7.42 9.58 -4.54 -3.34 -2.15 -0.97 -1.13 -5.06

1170.4 131-2 -2847.47 131-2 -7260.65 131-2 -27257.03 131-1 -20331.83 131-1 -13802.14 131-1 -7749.1 131-1 -2256.54 131-1 2622.06 131-1 6943.48 131-1 10788.44 131-1 13273.96 131-1 13436.75 131-2 9568.16 131-2 5302.31 131-2 560.02 131-2 -4742.41 131-2 -10661.62 131-2 -17138.34 131-2 -24091.15 131-2 -31439.37 131-2 -12760.13 131-1 -7736.48 131-1 -3107.66 131-1 1047.67 131-1 4659.89 131-1 7674.47 131-1 10134.79 131-1 12119.79 131-1 13998.82 131-1 14021 131-2 12023.9 131-2 9632.29 131-2 6766.1 131-2 3355.56 131-2 -643.18 131-2 -5194.9 131-2 -10221.99 131-2 -15644.27 131-2 -19531 131-1 -13607.68 131-1 -8080.24 131-1 -3031.14 131-1 1448.13 131-1 5304.7 131-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.06 -13.08 -17.11 -8.16 -6.09 -4.02 -1.98 -0.86 -1.45 -2.1 -2.76 -3.42 6.1 4.57 3.04 1.5 -0.0291 -1.56 -3.09 -4.63 -6.16 -4.03 -3.12 -2.21 -1.3 -0.39 0.52 1.44 2.35 3.26 7.46 5.6 3.74 1.88 0.02324 -1.84 -3.7 -5.56 -7.42 -4.77 -3.7 -2.64 -1.57 -0.51 0.56

8602.61 131-1 11424.02 131-1 13560.67 131-1 13645.04 131-2 10812.02 131-2 7582.8 131-2 3876.33 131-2 -398.71 131-2 -5305.9 131-2 -10773.04 131-2 -16716.63 131-2 -23055.74 131-2 -17294.41 132-1 -12011.6 132-1 -7136.89 132-1 -2711.09 132-1 1224.96 132-1 4644.06 132-1 7573.41 132-1 10053.85 132-1 12126.19 132-1 12126.36 132-2 10069.51 132-2 7604.57 132-2 4690.71 132-2 1287.11 132-2 -2633.45 132-2 -7043.76 132-2 -11902.98 132-2 -17170.29 132-2 -21129.99 132-1 -14710.93 132-1 -8714.57 132-1 -3248.8 132-1 1578.5 132-1 5695.39 132-1 9173.8 132-1 12121.63 132-1 14646.75 132-1 14647.45 132-2 12152.94 132-2 9235.72 132-2 5787.93 132-2 1701.65 132-2 -3095.04 132-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.62 2.69 3.75 6.64 4.98 3.32 1.66 0.006663 -1.65 -3.31 -4.97 -6.62 -4.28 -3.32 -2.36 -1.4 -0.45 0.51 1.47 2.43 3.39 6.63 4.97 3.32 1.66 0.005391 -1.65 -3.31 -4.96 -6.62 -4.28 -3.32 -2.36 -1.4 -0.44 0.52 1.47 2.43 3.39 5.64 4.6 3.57 2.54 2.06 2.21

-8530.2 132-2 -14495.95 132-2 -20884.39 132-2 -18764.77 132-1 -13054.87 132-1 -7740.33 132-1 -2901.7 132-1 1380.46 132-1 5052.46 132-1 8167.99 132-1 10807.6 132-1 13051.86 132-1 13052.35 132-2 10832.15 132-2 8216.59 132-2 5125.12 132-2 1477.18 132-2 -2780.92 132-2 -7595.5 132-2 -12885.98 132-2 -18571.82 132-2 -18765.1 132-1 -13055.16 132-1 -7740.57 132-1 -2901.89 132-1 1380.32 132-1 5052.37 132-1 8167.94 132-1 10807.61 132-1 13051.92 132-1 13052.41 132-2 10832.2 132-2 8216.64 132-2 5125.17 132-2 1477.23 132-2 -2780.87 132-2 -7595.45 132-2 -12885.93 132-2 -18571.78 132-2 6948.58 132-1 6945.13 132-1 6865.15 132-1 6708.89 132-1 6478.07 132-1 6175.69 132-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.36 2.52 2.68 1.3 1.32 1.36 1.46 1.77 2.36 3.04 3.74 4.45 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.34 -1.89 -3.07 -4.26 -5.45 -6.64 -4.41 -3.76 -3.13 -2.55 -2.19 -2.11 -2.11 -2.14 -2.18 9.43 7 4.57 2.14 1.5 2.93 4.37 5.82 7.26 3.06 2.34 1.66 1.14 1.31 2.38

5798.4 132-1 5344.8 132-1 4866.41 132-1 4940.41 132-2 5283.25 132-2 5750.81 132-2 6143.22 132-2 6465.34 132-2 6714.28 132-2 6887.1 132-2 6983.42 132-2 7003.16 132-2 -18417.85 132-1 -15239.68 132-1 -12138.24 132-1 -9113.78 132-1 -6168.04 132-1 -3304 132-1 -518.32 132-1 2190.41 132-1 4770.66 132-1 4697.45 132-2 2279.32 132-2 -416.8 132-2 -3191.04 132-2 -6048.25 132-2 -8985.54 132-2 -11999.99 132-2 -15091.2 132-2 -18259.09 132-2 -1869.31 132-1 -773.92 132-1 245.18 132-1 1188.83 132-1 2062.76 132-1 2876.97 132-1 3620.27 132-1 4287.95 132-1 4894.83 132-1 4917.52 132-2 4275.67 132-2 3618.39 132-2 2889.34 132-2 2104.78 132-2 1255.09 132-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.72 5.12 6.54 -5.12 -3.72 -2.33 -0.94 -1.33 -3.79 -6.27 -8.75 -11.23 -6.16 -4.77 -3.42 -2.23 -1.73 -2.13 -2.79 -3.52 -4.27 10.11 7.93 5.76 3.6 1.98 0.99 0.005048 -0.97 -1.95 -1.42 -0.78 -0.12 0.61 1.54 2.75 4.05 5.37 6.71 3.14 2 0.87 -0.28 -1.97 -4.29

330.48 132-2 -670.32 132-2 -1747.59 132-2 -9599.96 132-1 -7520.63 132-1 -5518.27 132-1 -3593.72 132-1 -1752.73 132-1 -5.28 132-1 1659.81 132-1 3247.25 132-1 4742.24 132-1 4720.34 132-2 3286.89 132-2 1715.62 132-2 62.85 132-2 -1687.68 132-2 -3526.35 132-2 -5443.37 132-2 -7437.45 132-2 -9508.34 132-2 -6082.04 132-1 -1962.88 132-1 1761.02 132-1 5009.36 132-1 7703.31 132-1 9792.17 132-1 11326.29 132-1 12384.81 132-1 13099.82 132-1 13173.91 132-2 12334.19 132-2 11300.48 132-2 9792.33 132-2 7734.05 132-2 5069.06 132-2 1848.12 132-2 -1848.6 132-2 -5940.63 132-2 -31448.47 132-1 -24147.69 132-1 -17242.37 132-1 -10813.31 132-1 -4942.79 132-1 312.48 132-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.61 -8.94 -11.28 -7.13 -5.86 -4.6 -3.41 -2.42 -1.72 -1.1 -0.5 0.07684 13.9 10.33 6.76 3.2 1.42 1.71 2.02 2.33 2.63 0.33 0.24 0.18 0.29 1.08 2.77 4.73 6.75 8.8 -0.65 -0.39 -0.13 0.12 -1.41 -5.01 -8.63 -12.24 -15.86 -8.89 -6.87 -4.9 -3.09 -1.96 -1.74

5009.56 132-1 9230.42 132-1 13004.07 132-1 12930.95 132-2 9330.27 132-2 5132.86 132-2 458.06 132-2 -4779.54 132-2 -10630.77 132-2 -17038.97 132-2 -23923.22 132-2 -31202.88 132-2 -14899.93 132-1 -9681.93 132-1 -4858.95 132-1 -510.7 132-1 3288 132-1 6493.46 132-1 9148.16 132-1 11327.96 132-1 13128.24 132-1 13151.02 132-2 11326.62 132-2 9168.05 132-2 6538.44 132-2 3373.49 132-2 -390.13 132-2 -4708.5 132-2 -9502.35 132-2 -14691.38 132-2 -22630.58 132-1 -16428.64 132-1 -10622.4 132-1 -5293.25 132-1 -527.48 132-1 3611.2 132-1 7187.69 132-1 10287.26 132-1 12975.65 132-1 12953.84 132-2 10337.84 132-2 7265.29 132-2 3711.95 132-2 -418.97 132-2 -5171.58 132-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.78 -1.88 -2.01 7.02 5.31 3.59 1.87 0.15 -1.56 -3.28 -5 -6.71 -3.16 -2.58 -2 -1.42 -0.85 -0.27 0.31 0.89 1.47 8.55 6.47 4.39 2.32 0.24 -1.84 -3.92 -6 -8.08 -3.79 -3.13 -2.47 -1.82 -1.16 -0.5 0.15 0.81 1.47 7.62 5.76 3.91 2.05 0.2 -1.66

-10482.35 132-2 -16269.47 132-2 -22452.12 132-2 -17276.61 133-1 -11980.61 133-1 -7092.7 133-1 -2653.71 133-1 1295.54 133-1 4727.84 133-1 7670.39 133-1 10164.02 133-1 12249.56 133-1 12219.88 133-2 10263.93 133-2 7899.88 133-2 5086.91 133-2 1784.21 133-2 -2035.46 133-2 -6344.87 133-2 -11103.19 133-2 -16269.61 133-2 -20982.67 133-1 -14572.95 133-1 -8585.92 133-1 -3129.48 133-1 1688.48 133-1 5796.04 133-1 9265.12 133-1 12203.61 133-1 14719.41 133-1 14679.92 133-2 12278.42 133-2 9454.22 133-2 6099.43 133-2 2106.17 133-2 -2597.5 133-2 -7939.65 133-2 -13812.39 133-2 -20107.82 133-2 -18667.33 133-1 -12958.98 133-1 -7645.98 133-1 -2808.89 133-1 1471.72 133-1 5142.17 133-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.51 -5.37 -7.22 -3.38 -2.79 -2.19 -1.6 -1 -0.4 0.19 0.79 1.38 7.61 5.75 3.9 2.05 0.2 -1.66 -3.51 -5.36 -7.21 -3.38 -2.79 -2.19 -1.59 -1 -0.4 0.2 0.79 1.39 5.05 4.36 3.7 3.06 2.81 2.95 3.1 3.24 3.4 1.57 1.44 1.35 1.34 1.52 1.95

8256.16 133-1 10894.23 133-1 13136.94 133-1 13102.76 133-2 10973.11 133-2 8448.11 133-2 5447.2 133-2 1889.82 133-2 -2277.73 133-2 -7001.74 133-2 -12201.67 133-2 -17796.96 133-2 -18667.36 133-1 -12959 133-1 -7645.99 133-1 -2808.9 133-1 1471.73 133-1 5142.19 133-1 8256.18 133-1 10894.26 133-1 13136.98 133-1 13102.77 133-2 10973.13 133-2 8448.13 133-2 5447.22 133-2 1889.85 133-2 -2277.7 133-2 -7001.71 133-2 -12201.63 133-2 -17796.91 133-2 6913.92 133-1 6910.01 133-1 6829.55 133-1 6672.86 133-1 6447.64 133-1 6159.28 133-1 5795.21 133-1 5354.62 133-1 4952.64 133-1 4966.98 133-2 5350.14 133-2 5793.49 133-2 6160.4 133-2 6460.57 133-2 6705.8 133-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.51 3.12 3.77 -0.22 -0.64 -1.09 -1.55 -2.41 -3.66 -4.92 -6.17 -7.44 -4.59 -3.86 -3.16 -2.54 -2.11 -1.93 -1.88 -1.89 -1.94 7.26 5.5 3.76 2.02 1.57 2.37 3.19 4 4.81 3.96 3.09 2.31 1.77 1.85 2.71 3.97 5.38 6.85 -2.42 -1.78 -1.14 -0.52 -1.17 -3.09

6875.04 133-2 6967.71 133-2 6983.77 133-2 -18233.5 133-1 -15067.14 133-1 -11977.49 133-1 -8964.88 133-1 -6037 133-1 -3199.26 133-1 -439.06 133-1 2244.38 133-1 4735.95 133-1 4709.11 133-2 2243.22 133-2 -436.12 133-2 -3192.29 133-2 -6035 133-2 -8976.02 133-2 -11994.31 133-2 -15089.31 133-2 -18260.96 133-2 -1758.12 133-1 -687.52 133-1 306.72 133-1 1225.67 133-1 2094.98 133-1 2932.67 133-1 3696.76 133-1 4384.62 133-1 5030.54 133-1 5060.15 133-2 4396.81 133-2 3697.99 133-2 2923.18 133-2 2104.74 133-2 1281.95 133-2 384.66 133-2 -589.05 133-2 -1639.32 133-2 -9561.47 133-1 -7469.62 133-1 -5454.66 133-1 -3517.69 133-1 -1684.35 133-1 27.35 133-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.01 -6.93 -8.85 -6.98 -5.5 -4.12 -2.97 -2.44 -2.69 -3.35 -4.15 -5.02 10.24 8.25 6.29 4.35 2.81 1.65 0.5 -0.65 -1.79 -0.3 -0.13 0.06597 0.35 0.82 1.54 2.39 3.3 4.24 4.96 3.25 1.51 -0.26 -2.42 -4.96 -7.51 -10.07 -12.62 -6.46 -5.44 -4.44 -3.53 -2.81 -2.34

1659.38 133-1 3214.38 133-1 4658.06 133-1 4615.93 133-2 3196.55 133-2 1659.37 133-2 44.92 133-2 -1679.16 133-2 -3552.16 133-2 -5503.93 133-2 -7532.55 133-2 -9637.87 133-2 -6093.67 133-1 -1970.43 133-1 1757.52 133-1 5009.97 133-1 7714.05 133-1 9821.46 133-1 11373.32 133-1 12449.39 133-1 13245.34 133-1 13231.71 133-2 12526.59 133-2 11562.94 133-2 10123.58 133-2 8137.64 133-2 5563.23 133-2 2432.98 133-2 -1173.11 133-2 -5174.53 133-2 -31241.09 133-1 -23947.59 133-1 -17049.52 133-1 -10627.77 133-1 -4770.59 133-1 462.92 133-1 5139.05 133-1 9339.15 133-1 13028.65 133-1 12973.84 133-2 9419.68 133-2 5333.33 133-2 770.89 133-2 -4357.93 133-2 -10118.6 133-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2 -1.71 -1.46 12.44 9.39 6.35 3.32 1.56 1.08 0.59 0.11 -0.38 2.09 1.51 1.02 0.78 1.15 2.3 3.86 5.56 7.33 2.76 2.11 1.45 0.78 -1.17 -4.39 -7.6 -10.82 -14.04 -8.85 -7.08 -5.4 -3.96 -3.14 -3.1 -3.46 -3.97 -4.54 6.47 4.91 3.36 1.81 0.26 -1.29

-16436.37 133-2 -23230.13 133-2 -30419.26 133-2 -14765.7 133-1 -9567.96 133-1 -4765.31 133-1 -437.22 133-1 3361.39 133-1 6594.85 133-1 9274.88 133-1 11479.39 133-1 13323.24 133-1 13324.89 133-2 11573.26 133-2 9467.45 133-2 6886.36 133-2 3781.81 133-2 139.37 133-2 -4057.4 133-2 -8729.87 133-2 -13797.62 133-2 -22569.05 133-1 -16350.06 133-1 -10526.69 133-1 -5180.58 133-1 -417.94 133-1 3689.53 133-1 7237.5 133-1 10309.15 133-1 12950.76 133-1 12880.66 133-2 10373 133-2 7428.83 133-2 4008.1 133-2 -2.09 133-2 -4694.74 133-2 -9945.99 133-2 -15673.37 133-2 -21796.17 133-2 -12566.47 134-1 -9092.72 134-1 -5779 134-1 -2666.14 134-1 205.04 134-1 2807.33 134-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.84 -4.39 -5.95 -6.12 -4.77 -3.42 -2.08 -0.73 0.62 1.97 3.32 4.67 7.93 6.07 4.2 2.33 0.47 -1.4 -3.26 -5.13 -6.99 -7.51 -5.85 -4.18 -2.52 -0.86 0.8 2.46 4.12 5.78 7.04 5.38 3.71 2.04 0.38 -1.29 -2.96 -4.62 -6.29 -6.67 -5.2 -3.72 -2.25 -0.77 0.7

5167.93 134-1 7327.68 134-1 9327.4 134-1 9324.31 134-2 7320.32 134-2 5156.31 134-2 2791.43 134-2 184.88 134-2 -2690.56 134-2 -5807.69 134-2 -9125.67 134-2 -12603.68 134-2 -16828.51 134-1 -12007.41 134-1 -7396.38 134-1 -3103.32 134-1 763.9 134-1 4133.33 134-1 7076.9 134-1 9702.52 134-1 12118.06 134-1 12112.47 134-2 9694.89 134-2 7067.25 134-2 4121.65 134-2 750.19 134-2 -3119.05 134-2 -7414.15 134-2 -12027.2 134-2 -16850.33 134-2 -14557.14 134-1 -10427.36 134-1 -6480.31 134-1 -2796.56 134-1 543.36 134-1 3485.73 134-1 6084.26 134-1 8419.5 134-1 10572.02 134-1 10567.52 134-2 8412.37 134-2 6074.49 134-2 3473.32 134-2 528.31 134-2 -2814.24 134-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.17 3.65 5.12 7.04 5.37 3.71 2.04 0.38 -1.29 -2.95 -4.62 -6.28 -6.66 -5.19 -3.72 -2.24 -0.77 0.7 2.17 3.64 5.12 10.23 7.99 5.76 3.57 1.87 0.58 1.05 2.04 3.04 -0.17 -0.2 0.25 0.77 1.3 1.92 2.79 3.88 5.02 -5.05 -4.05 -3.05 -2.11 -1.64 -1.58

-6500.64 134-2 -10450.32 134-2 -14582.73 134-2 -14557.05 134-1 -10427.3 134-1 -6480.28 134-1 -2796.55 134-1 543.34 134-1 3485.69 134-1 6084.2 134-1 8419.42 134-1 10571.9 134-1 10567.41 134-2 8412.28 134-2 6074.43 134-2 3473.28 134-2 528.3 134-2 -2814.23 134-2 -6500.6 134-2 -10450.26 134-2 -14582.65 134-2 7030 134-1 6996.38 134-1 6886.16 134-1 6699.44 134-1 6446.75 134-1 6153.13 134-1 5783.7 134-1 5337.69 134-1 4955.8 134-1 4938.7 134-2 5351.03 134-2 5793.55 134-2 6159.51 134-2 6450.35 134-2 6704.96 134-2 6889.26 134-2 6997.03 134-2 7028.19 134-2 -18267.92 134-1 -15096.79 134-1 -12002.31 134-1 -8984.59 134-1 -6054.18 134-1 -3236.11 134-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.29 -495.48 134-1 -5.52 2168.45 134-1 -7.76 4615 134-1 -4.4 4632.86 134-2 -3.34 2157.29 134-2 -2.77 -501.74 134-2 -2.25 -3237.48 134-2 -1.76 -6051.37 134-2 -1.34 -8982.29 134-2 -1.19 -11996.17 134-2 -1.24 -15086.78 134-2 -1.35 -18254.05 134-2 9.83 -1551.33 134-1 7.3 -535.2 134-1 4.8 404.39 134-1 2.45 1267.79 134-1 1.7 2090.09 134-1 2.2 2954.81 134-1 3.31 3745.59 134-1 4.6 4459.94 134-1 5.9 5139.94 134-1 3.84 5133.51 134-2 3.2 4461.57 134-2 2.71 3745.11 134-2 2.27 2952.26 134-2 1.89 2087.84 134-2 1.77 1281.43 134-2 2.53 419.46 134-2 3.98 -518.79 134-2 5.61 -1533.59 134-2 -4.65 -9686.6 134-1 -3.36 -7565.2 134-1 -2.09 -5520.53 134-1 -0.98 -3552.94 134-1 -1.47 -1697.52 134-1 -3.2 -37.78 134-1 -5.55 1542.63 134-1 -8.08 3046.2 134-1 -10.62 4430.86 134-1 -8.41 4438.06 134-2 -6.74 3046.75 134-2 -5.22 1546.69 134-2 -3.75 -30.23 134-2 -2.34 -1688.85 134-2 -1.2 -3558.76 134-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.93 -1.35 -1.94 14.67 11.39 8.11 4.88 2.13 -0.21 -0.79 -0.84 -0.88 -4.54 -3.62 -2.2 -0.73 0.76 2.33 4.16 6.2 8.3 -0.61 -0.65 -0.7 -0.8 -1.38 -2.37 -5.12 -8.39 -11.68 -8.77 -6.75 -5.22 -3.75 -2.3 -0.93 0.18 1.08 1.93 14.27 10.7 7.15 3.75 1.96 1.41

-5526.37 134-2 -7570.96 134-2 -9692.27 134-2 -1908.06 134-1 619.31 134-1 2963.97 134-1 5045.47 134-1 6793.8 134-1 8180.29 134-1 9223.76 134-1 10003.99 134-1 10742.25 134-1 10720.28 134-2 10009.11 134-2 9222.04 134-2 8171.76 134-2 6779.15 134-2 5029.4 134-2 2942.12 134-2 591.67 134-2 -1941.5 134-2 -27205.98 134-1 -21473.86 134-1 -15924.5 134-1 -10638.56 134-1 -5707.12 134-1 -1208.95 134-1 2944.58 134-1 6834.76 134-1 10401.45 134-1 10414.44 134-2 6815.38 134-2 2926.75 134-2 -1225.23 134-2 -5722.57 134-2 -10657.85 134-2 -15943.3 134-2 -21492.14 134-2 -27223.73 134-2 -10489.38 134-1 -6912.27 134-1 -3517.8 134-1 -386.18 134-1 2437.14 134-1 4981.96 134-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.48 1.73 1.98 -0.54 -0.22 0.25 0.76 1.34 2.18 3.9 6.31 8.89 -0.21 0.03933 0.26 0.33 -1.21 -3.99 -7.38 -10.96 -14.54 -12.78 -10.15 -7.68 -5.25 -2.89 -0.78 0.44 0.98 1.34 2.54 1.89 1.23 0.58 -0.07326 -0.73 -1.38 -2.04 -2.69 -7.8 -6.02 -4.24 -2.46 -0.68 1.1

7185.65 134-1 9126.25 134-1 10926.39 134-1 10915.08 134-2 9119.66 134-2 7173.61 134-2 4964.51 134-2 2416.64 134-2 -394.14 134-2 -3527.67 134-2 -6924.15 134-2 -10503.28 134-2 -18624.65 134-1 -13942.28 134-1 -9442.73 134-1 -5206.91 134-1 -1350.47 134-1 1989.38 134-1 4982.69 134-1 7712.51 134-1 10217.31 134-1 10219.63 134-2 7704.83 134-2 4975.19 134-2 1982.02 134-2 -1360.06 134-2 -5234.32 134-2 -9473.51 134-2 -13976.33 134-2 -18661.96 134-2 -16211.82 135-1 -11055.1 135-1 -6306.48 135-1 -2006.77 135-1 1803.19 135-1 5096.2 135-1 7899.46 135-1 10253.81 135-1 12200.06 135-1 12223.13 135-2 10139.61 135-2 7647.99 135-2 4707.46 135-2 1277.19 135-2 -2670.05 135-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.88 4.66 6.44 2.82 2.09 1.36 0.63 -0.1 -0.83 -1.56 -2.29 -3.02 -9.51 -7.35 -5.19 -3.04 -0.88 1.28 3.43 5.59 7.75 2.57 1.91 1.24 0.58 -0.09009 -0.76 -1.42 -2.09 -2.75 -8.46 -6.54 -4.62 -2.69 -0.77 1.15 3.08 5 6.92 2.58 1.91 1.24 0.58 -0.08791 -0.75

-7107.02 135-2 -11992.91 135-2 -17286.9 135-2 -20082.38 135-1 -13790.87 135-1 -7922.06 135-1 -2583.83 135-1 2115.92 135-1 6105.26 135-1 9456.12 135-1 12276.4 135-1 14673.98 135-1 14704.84 135-2 12191.15 135-2 9254.76 135-2 5787.78 135-2 1682.33 135-2 -3133.53 135-2 -8587.87 135-2 -14572.8 135-2 -20980.42 135-2 -17762.48 135-1 -12172.77 135-1 -6978.41 135-1 -2259.96 135-1 1902.01 135-1 5453.82 135-1 8449.17 135-1 10968.6 135-1 13092.67 135-1 13119.34 135-2 10878.59 135-2 8242.48 135-2 5130.46 135-2 1461.98 135-2 -2816.68 135-2 -7651.8 135-2 -12962.83 135-2 -18669.22 135-2 -17762.44 135-1 -12172.73 135-1 -6978.37 135-1 -2259.93 135-1 1902.04 135-1 5453.85 135-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.42 -2.09 -2.75 -8.45 -6.53 -4.61 -2.69 -0.77 1.15 3.07 4.99 6.91 3.55 2.71 1.92 1.25 0.84 0.83 1.03 1.31 1.63 0.66 0.82 0.99 1.18 1.37 1.65 2.69 3.75 4.82 -1.52 -1.22 -0.96 -0.82 -0.95 -1.47 -2.21 -3.03 -3.87 -5.82 -4.77 -3.73 -2.7 -1.68 -0.74

8449.18 135-1 10968.61 135-1 13092.68 135-1 13119.38 135-2 10878.62 135-2 8242.5 135-2 5130.47 135-2 1461.98 135-2 -2816.69 135-2 -7651.82 135-2 -12962.86 135-2 -18669.26 135-2 6969.1 135-1 6955.71 135-1 6865.71 135-1 6699.18 135-1 6457.34 135-1 6162.57 135-1 5797.1 135-1 5355.16 135-1 4956.68 135-1 4956.12 135-2 5346.27 135-2 5790.1 135-2 6157.45 135-2 6449.9 135-2 6682.99 135-2 6844.26 135-2 6929.14 135-2 6937.44 135-2 -18259.89 135-1 -15089.68 135-1 -11996.12 135-1 -8979.3 135-1 -6040.43 135-1 -3201.9 135-1 -445.94 135-1 2233.22 135-1 4715.66 135-1 4724.49 135-2 2248.49 135-2 -434.47 135-2 -3194.21 135-2 -6032.32 135-2 -8964.33 135-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.57 -11977.79 135-2 -0.41 -15068.13 135-2 -0.27 -18235.15 135-2 6.72 -1663.28 135-1 5.19 -609.87 135-1 3.71 367 135-1 2.42 1267.55 135-1 1.67 2095.91 135-1 1.85 2926.62 135-1 2.59 3700.48 135-1 3.53 4398.26 135-1 4.53 5055.54 135-1 4.58 5028.62 135-2 3.79 4378.74 135-2 3.02 3691.44 135-2 2.24 2928.01 135-2 1.47 2093.74 135-2 0.92 1240.41 135-2 2.9 326.47 135-2 4.9 -663.29 135-2 6.9 -1729.5 135-2 -4.69 -9627.51 135-1 -3.69 -7524.1 135-1 -2.75 -5497.4 135-1 -2 -3547.66 135-1 -1.78 -1679 135-1 -2.49 34.05 135-1 -3.77 1650.68 135-1 -5.24 3190.13 135-1 -6.78 4616.8 135-1 -9.74 4651.99 135-2 -7.74 3216.01 135-2 -5.75 1664.19 135-2 -3.76 35.23 135-2 -1.78 -1676.16 135-2 -0.009061 -3521.75 135-2 -0.77 -5460 135-2 -1.56 -7475.7 135-2 -2.34 -9568.21 135-2 5.11 -5147.92 135-1 3.88 -1150.02 135-1 2.69 2452.56 135-1 1.61 5579.32 135-1 0.81 8150.94 135-1 0.39 10136.09 135-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.2 0.08272 -0.002914 -5.21 -3.73 -2.25 -0.75 0.76 2.34 4.7 7.07 9.45 0.04855 -0.05005 -0.19 -0.45 -0.98 -1.9 -3.04 -4.26 -5.5 -11.69 -9.32 -6.97 -4.63 -2.3 -0.04394 1.44 2.91 4.36 8.29 6.35 4.48 2.79 1.63 1.42 1.76 2.3 2.9 -1.29 -0.76 -0.22 0.31 0.85 1.61

11570.71 135-1 12529.59 135-1 13213.19 135-1 13235.21 135-2 12427.53 135-2 11354.8 135-2 9806.31 135-2 7703.09 135-2 5006.98 135-2 1759.2 135-2 -1964.24 135-2 -6082.98 135-2 -30376.92 135-1 -23195.4 135-1 -16409.28 135-1 -10099.16 135-1 -4346.84 135-1 771.62 135-1 5327.67 135-1 9407.65 135-1 12972.18 135-1 13003.59 135-2 9329.74 135-2 5130.23 135-2 454.65 135-2 -4779.13 135-2 -10640.35 135-2 -17062.85 135-2 -23961.5 135-2 -31255.57 135-2 -13780.3 135-1 -8715.59 135-1 -4046.16 135-1 147.69 135-1 3789.5 135-1 6900.14 135-1 9474.09 135-1 11572.68 135-1 13312.06 135-1 13307.72 135-2 11460 135-2 9256.14 135-2 6576.87 135-2 3346.93 135-2 -435.61 135-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.9 8.21 11.53 -3.13 -2.52 -1.99 -1.63 -1.81 -2.92 -4.6 -6.47 -8.41 -15.6 -12.3 -8.99 -5.69 -2.39 0.69 1.23 1.76 2.29 3.49 2.67 1.85 1.03 0.21 -0.61 -1.43 -2.25 -3.07 -6.98 -5.42 -3.86 -2.3 -0.74 0.81 2.37 3.93 5.49 4.05 3.12 2.18 1.25 0.32 -0.61

-4758.59 135-2 -9556.67 135-2 -14749.92 135-2 -21744.54 135-1 -15629.82 135-1 -9910.56 135-1 -4667.53 135-1 14.6 135-1 4007.57 135-1 7424.3 135-1 10364.55 135-1 12873.32 135-1 12931.08 135-2 10297.27 135-2 7228.89 135-2 3684.09 135-2 -422.97 135-2 -5197.76 135-2 -10545.06 135-2 -16369.07 135-2 -22588.63 135-2 -17132.03 136-1 -11874.88 136-1 -7025.83 136-1 -2625.7 136-1 1284.69 136-1 4678.13 136-1 7581.82 136-1 10036.59 136-1 12083.27 136-1 12080.87 136-2 10051.22 136-2 7613.48 136-2 4726.82 136-2 1350.41 136-2 -2542.95 136-2 -6926.05 136-2 -11758.07 136-2 -16998.19 136-2 -20865.91 136-1 -14484.86 136-1 -8526.5 136-1 -3098.73 136-1 1690.56 136-1 5769.44 136-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.54 -2.48 -3.41 -8.56 -6.66 -4.76 -2.86 -0.96 0.93 2.83 4.73 6.63 3.65 2.8 1.96 1.11 0.27 -0.58 -1.42 -2.27 -3.11 -7.6 -5.91 -4.22 -2.53 -0.84 0.85 2.54 4.23 5.92 3.65 2.81 1.96 1.11 0.27 -0.58 -1.42 -2.27 -3.12 -7.59 -5.91 -4.22 -2.53 -0.84 0.85

9209.85 136-1 12119.67 136-1 14606.79 136-1 14603.34 136-2 12116.2 136-2 9206.37 136-2 5765.95 136-2 1687.05 136-2 -3102.25 136-2 -8530.04 136-2 -14488.41 136-2 -20869.47 136-2 -18547.97 136-1 -12870.02 136-1 -7587.42 136-1 -2780.74 136-1 1469.48 136-1 5109.52 136-1 8193.11 136-1 10800.77 136-1 13013.09 136-1 13010.16 136-2 10803.37 136-2 8201.22 136-2 5123.16 136-2 1488.63 136-2 -2756.06 136-2 -7557.22 136-2 -12834.3 136-2 -18506.73 136-2 -18547.92 136-1 -12869.97 136-1 -7587.37 136-1 -2780.69 136-1 1469.53 136-1 5109.58 136-1 8193.16 136-1 10800.83 136-1 13013.14 136-1 13010.22 136-2 10803.38 136-2 8201.18 136-2 5123.07 136-2 1488.49 136-2 -2756.25 136-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.53 4.22 5.91 3.92 3.27 2.66 2.1 1.58 1.55 1.82 2.09 2.38 1.95 2.04 2.15 2.27 2.4 2.57 3.47 4.7 5.95 -1.29 -1.26 -1.28 -1.34 -1.43 -2.03 -2.92 -3.82 -4.72 -6.6 -5.65 -4.71 -3.77 -2.85 -1.97 -1.82 -2.01 -2.2 7.19 5.61 4.05 2.5 0.98 1.06

-7557.46 136-2 -12834.59 136-2 -18507.07 136-2 6986.26 136-1 6969.15 136-1 6875.48 136-1 6705.37 136-1 6459.59 136-1 6142.07 136-1 5752.07 136-1 5286.16 136-1 4941.08 136-1 4870.8 136-2 5346.25 136-2 5800.79 136-2 6179.19 136-2 6484.79 136-2 6719.34 136-2 6878.14 136-2 6960.47 136-2 6966.21 136-2 -18261.68 136-1 -15093.4 136-1 -12001.82 136-1 -8987.08 136-1 -6049.92 136-1 -3194.3 136-1 -419.46 136-1 2278.02 136-1 4701.4 136-1 4770.68 136-2 2196.13 136-2 -510.78 136-2 -3294.82 136-2 -6159.32 136-2 -9106.03 136-2 -12130.27 136-2 -15231.3 136-2 -18409.01 136-2 -1773.31 136-1 -692.52 136-1 311.88 136-1 1240.31 136-1 2095.3 136-1 2889.97 136-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.08 3.11 4.14 7.93 6.63 5.34 4.05 2.78 1.66 2.95 5.33 7.76 -4.56 -3.6 -2.66 -1.73 -0.84 -1.54 -3.18 -4.83 -6.48 -12.59 -10.24 -7.89 -5.55 -3.23 -1.06 -1.3 -2.64 -4.01 6.26 5.07 3.93 2.84 1.78 1.21 0.94 0.68 0.43 -3.32 -2.06 -0.79 0.49 1.78 3.12

3621.81 136-1 4279.41 136-1 4920.11 136-1 4898.8 136-2 4289.98 136-2 3621.57 136-2 2878.11 136-2 2070.78 136-2 1205.41 136-2 266.37 136-2 -748.77 136-2 -1840.38 136-2 -9502.1 136-1 -7431.73 136-1 -5438.22 136-1 -3522.01 136-1 -1685.63 136-1 57.8 136-1 1710.79 136-1 3284.77 136-1 4722.38 136-1 4742.68 136-2 3252.4 136-2 1668.44 136-2 6.26 136-2 -1745.31 136-2 -3592.1 136-2 -5518.51 136-2 -7522.06 136-2 -9602.42 136-2 -5923.93 136-1 -1838.67 136-1 1851.3 136-1 5065.56 136-1 7724.31 136-1 9777.79 136-1 11278.95 136-1 12304.92 136-1 13133.01 136-1 13060.3 136-2 12378.44 136-2 11356.95 136-2 9860.03 136-2 7810.48 136-2 5156.35 136-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.18 7.57 9.98 1.05 0.54 -0.01002 -0.61 -1.24 -2.37 -3.79 -5.22 -6.67 -11.86 -9.75 -7.65 -5.55 -3.46 -1.43 -0.12 0.86 1.83 9.53 7.42 5.32 3.23 1.18 0.72 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.67 2.53 2.4 2.27 2.17 2.21 4.66 8.2 11.79 -2.22 -1.8 -1.39 -1 -0.64 -1.88

1946.63 136-2 -1738.83 136-2 -5819.61 136-2 -31171.87 136-1 -23901.22 136-1 -17026 136-1 -10626.89 136-1 -4785.2 136-1 441.41 136-1 5107.42 136-1 9296.79 136-1 12893.33 136-1 12960.18 136-2 9228.32 136-2 5045.37 136-2 386.02 136-2 -4833.62 136-2 -10669.02 136-2 -17061.78 136-2 -23930.6 136-2 -31194.83 136-2 -14683.51 136-1 -9500.34 136-1 -4712.3 136-1 -399.51 136-1 3360.01 136-1 6525.69 136-1 9148.69 136-1 11298.17 136-1 13112.03 136-1 13088.3 136-2 11322.17 136-2 9177.73 136-2 6558.95 136-2 3396.47 136-2 -357.58 136-2 -4665.13 136-2 -9448.07 136-2 -14626.2 136-2 -22412.3 136-1 -16239.55 136-1 -10462.4 136-1 -5161.83 136-1 -420.91 136-1 3693.51 136-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.05 -6.24 -8.43 -17.85 -14.34 -10.83 -7.33 -3.85 -0.52 0.4 0.23 0.02088 2.7 2.22 1.74 1.25 0.77 0.29 -0.19 -0.68 -1.16 -7.71 -6.19 -4.67 -3.14 -1.62 -0.1 1.42 2.94 4.46 3.21 2.66 2.12 1.58 1.04 0.49 -0.05002 -0.59 -1.14 -9.57 -7.69 -5.82 -3.94 -2.07 -0.19

7237.67 136-1 10303.54 136-1 12914.3 136-1 12932.19 136-2 10284.59 136-2 7224.59 136-2 3687.11 136-2 -419.61 136-2 -5155.09 136-2 -10450.01 136-2 -16221.36 136-2 -22388.24 136-2 -16608.01 137-1 -11472.51 137-1 -6745.11 137-1 -2466.62 137-1 1322.12 137-1 4593.91 137-1 7375.95 137-1 9709.07 137-1 11634.11 137-1 11806.44 137-2 9534.3 137-2 7102.12 137-2 4469.09 137-2 1594.38 137-2 -1549.23 137-2 -4934.51 137-2 -8520.66 137-2 -12266.83 137-2 -20866.42 137-1 -14488.21 137-1 -8532.69 137-1 -3107.76 137-1 1678.69 137-1 5754.73 137-1 9192.3 137-1 12099.28 137-1 14583.56 137-1 14740.41 137-2 12102.74 137-2 9254.99 137-2 6089.29 137-2 2497.73 137-2 -1591.61 137-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.68 3.56 5.43 2.87 2.38 1.88 1.39 0.9 0.4 -0.09115 -0.58 -1.08 -8.47 -6.8 -5.14 -3.48 -1.82 -0.15 1.51 3.17 4.83 2.87 2.38 1.88 1.39 0.9 0.4 -0.09314 -0.59 -1.08 -8.46 -6.8 -5.14 -3.48 -1.81 -0.15 1.51 3.17 4.83 5.71 4.89 4.11 3.53 3.54 3.78

-6106.8 137-2 -10939.96 137-2 -15983.18 137-2 -18378.96 137-1 -12741.97 137-1 -7500.33 137-1 -2734.61 137-1 1474.64 137-1 5073.73 137-1 8116.35 137-1 10683.06 137-1 12854.41 137-1 13007.87 137-2 10628.95 137-2 8067.3 137-2 5242.36 137-2 2073.58 137-2 -1492.74 137-2 -5402.9 137-2 -9576.35 137-2 -13932.54 137-2 -18379.68 137-1 -12742.61 137-1 -7500.9 137-1 -2735.11 137-1 1474.22 137-1 5073.38 137-1 8116.08 137-1 10682.86 137-1 12854.28 137-1 13007.71 137-2 10628.83 137-2 8067.21 137-2 5242.31 137-2 2073.56 137-2 -1492.72 137-2 -5402.85 137-2 -9576.27 137-2 -13932.42 137-2 6132.47 137-1 6319.68 137-1 6430.35 137-1 6464.7 137-1 6424.76 137-1 6314.83 137-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.07 4.37 4.68 1.86 2.55 3.35 4.16 4.99 5.83 6.71 7.83 9.45 -3.3 -2.9 -2.54 -2.38 -2.81 -3.48 -4.18 -4.91 -5.64 -6.06 -5.94 -5.92 -5.91 -5.92 -5.94 -6 -6.3 -7.1 7.89 5.84 3.92 2.68 3.38 4.84 6.42 8.04 9.68 9.67 8.65 7.66 6.68 5.72 4.8

6130.2 137-1 5869.33 137-1 5533.56 137-1 5633.14 137-2 5155.23 137-2 5521.76 137-2 5812.24 137-2 6028.12 137-2 6174.51 137-2 6246.41 137-2 6241.94 137-2 6160.92 137-2 -18050.82 137-1 -14923.53 137-1 -11872.97 137-1 -8899.37 137-1 -6004.73 137-1 -3193.37 137-1 -460.58 137-1 2195.18 137-1 4772.58 137-1 4660.61 137-2 3171.48 137-2 684.65 137-2 -1879.4 137-2 -4522.12 137-2 -7248.62 137-2 -10053.89 137-2 -12936.07 137-2 -15894.95 137-2 -2260.25 137-1 -1061.61 137-1 60.68 137-1 1107.4 137-1 2085.25 137-1 3008.58 137-1 3861.59 137-1 4638.92 137-1 5340.37 137-1 5366.7 137-2 4516.84 137-2 3866.88 137-2 3141.22 137-2 2345.54 137-2 1496.97 137-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.03 4.06 5.73 -5.47 -3.85 -2.35 -1.53 -2.65 -4.53 -6.54 -8.58 -10.64 -13.87 -12.03 -10.22 -8.43 -6.65 -4.91 -3.32 -2.53 -3.38 7.38 6.27 5.21 4.35 4.07 4.03 4.03 4.05 4.08 -4.5 -2.55 -0.5 1.56 3.64 5.73 7.86 10.24 13.1 -1.63 -1.52 -1.44 -1.57 -2.28 -3.23

578.86 137-2 -415 137-2 -1485.26 137-2 -9658.1 137-1 -7542.24 137-1 -5503.31 137-1 -3542.07 137-1 -1665.22 137-1 112.88 137-1 1808.02 137-1 3425.59 137-1 4965.77 137-1 4927.06 137-2 3809.88 137-2 2339.53 137-2 791.61 137-2 -839.55 137-2 -2571.08 137-2 -4386.34 137-2 -6279.12 137-2 -8248.77 137-2 -6288.36 137-1 -2121.3 137-1 1650.5 137-1 4946.7 137-1 7688.77 137-1 9827.32 137-1 11411.34 137-1 12519.84 137-1 13234.71 137-1 13493.9 137-2 11620.65 137-2 10485.73 137-2 9088.1 137-2 7348.68 137-2 5218.85 137-2 2747.32 137-2 12.77 137-2 -2904.43 137-2 -30471.65 137-1 -23364.51 137-1 -16652.82 137-1 -10417.37 137-1 -4740.71 137-1 319.12 137-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.22 -5.23 -6.25 -12.42 -11.04 -9.77 -8.51 -7.27 -6.04 -4.85 -3.9 -3.45 9.55 7.23 5.02 3.49 3.91 5.09 6.38 7.72 9.08 3.32 3.54 3.81 4.08 4.37 4.71 5.18 6.46 9.38 -3.81 -2.47 -1.25 -0.71 -2.12 -4.28 -6.57 -8.9 -11.24 -20.23 -17.13 -14.07 -11.03 -8 -5.01

4820.56 137-1 8845.69 137-1 12473.73 137-1 12521.38 137-2 9636.9 137-2 5648.62 137-2 1396.47 137-2 -3201.57 137-2 -8204.29 137-2 -13552.98 137-2 -19165.24 137-2 -24960.3 137-2 -14681.08 137-1 -9502.59 137-1 -4719.17 137-1 -410.6 137-1 3349.26 137-1 6521.07 137-1 9142.73 137-1 11289.43 137-1 13041.53 137-1 13227.46 137-2 10982.26 137-2 8830.85 137-2 6417.09 137-2 3666.1 137-2 541.31 137-2 -2920.23 137-2 -6644.18 137-2 -10550.61 137-2 -22078.93 137-1 -15983.22 137-1 -10283.16 137-1 -5060.07 137-1 -401.2 137-1 3625.37 137-1 7089.16 137-1 10076.1 137-1 12666.92 137-1 12787.82 137-2 10275.29 137-2 7303.5 137-2 4067.48 137-2 481.01 137-2 -3526.74 137-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.17 -7885.44 137-2 -0.13 -12508.29 137-2 0.27 -17314.12 137-2 0.6 -3088.5 138-1 0.7 -2142.04 138-1 0.81 -1335.2 138-1 0.91 -688.38 138-1 1.01 -222.01 138-1 1.12 50.3 138-1 1.22 142.18 138-1 1.32 74.02 138-1 1.43 -133.75 138-1 0.77 -3991.73 138-1 0.91 -2752.48 138-1 1.05 -1669.36 138-1 1.19 -796.31 138-1 1.34 -187.28 138-1 1.48 121.78 138-1 1.62 166.81 138-1 1.76 1.78 138-1 1.9 -319.37 138-1 0.67 -3481.7 138-1 0.79 -2404.38 138-1 0.91 -1469.52 138-1 1.04 -717.39 138-1 1.16 -188.27 138-1 1.28 90.98 138-1 1.4 147.23 138-1 1.53 20.75 138-1 1.65 -248.19 138-1 0.67 -3486.71 138-1 0.8 -2408.17 138-1 0.92 -1472.08 138-1 1.04 -718.73 138-1 1.16 -188.39 138-1 1.28 92.09 138-1 1.4 149.56 138-1 1.52 24.3 138-1 1.65 -243.41 138-1 5.88 18088.19 138-1 5.1 13295.17 138-1 4.31 8425.56 138-1 3.54 3479.52 138-1 2.78 1001.78 138-1 2.41 6342.36 138-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.1 3.83 4.58 -6.17 -5.2 -4.24 -3.29 -2.35 -1.81 -2.33 -2.88 -3.45 12.36 9.94 7.52 5.11 2.72 1.64 4.04 6.56 9.09 -12.65 -10.05 -7.45 -4.86 -2.3 -1.04 -3.27 -5.61 -7.96 6.7 5.95 5.2 4.45 3.72 3.39 4.12 4.88 5.66 -5.35 -4.35 -3.36 -2.38 -1.4 -0.83

11606.93 138-1 16794.96 138-1 21906.38 138-1 -21131.2 138-1 -15483.36 138-1 -9912.19 138-1 -4417.86 138-1 -1545.09 138-1 -6643.91 138-1 -11819.99 138-1 -17072.79 138-1 -22402.26 138-1 4400.07 138-1 3251.25 138-1 2025.94 138-1 724.64 138-1 116.09 138-1 1810.93 138-1 3431.08 138-1 4974.87 138-1 6442.12 138-1 -7443.08 138-1 -5439.44 138-1 -3512.57 138-1 -1662.98 138-1 -659.4 138-1 -2112.49 138-1 -3644.14 138-1 -5252.71 138-1 -6937.99 138-1 16120.71 138-1 11979.38 138-1 7695.63 138-1 3229.35 138-1 1084.99 138-1 6585.73 138-1 11864.08 138-1 16959.79 138-1 21913.08 138-1 -23098.68 138-1 -16799.16 138-1 -10642.13 138-1 -4668.03 138-1 -1461.88 138-1 -6400.54 138-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.31 -11562.84 138-1 -1.83 -16907.96 138-1 -2.37 -22395.56 138-1 13.18 2432.59 138-1 10.79 1935.45 138-1 8.41 1296.01 138-1 6.03 474.47 138-1 3.67 199.3 138-1 2.62 2054.3 138-1 5.06 3688.23 138-1 7.61 5139.71 138-1 10.17 6448.81 138-1 -11.83 -9410.56 138-1 -9.2 -6755.23 138-1 -6.57 -4242.51 138-1 -3.95 -1913.15 138-1 -1.35 -576.19 138-1 -0.0542 -1869.12 138-1 -2.25 -3386.99 138-1 -4.56 -5087.87 138-1 -6.88 -6931.3 138-1 -1.73 72.54 139-1 -1.56 229.09 139-1 -1.39 246.02 139-1 -1.23 102.91 139-1 -1.06 -220.63 139-1 -0.89 -738.23 139-1 -0.72 -1436.28 139-1 -0.55 -2294.35 139-1 -0.38 -3292.04 139-1 -1.96 -261.73 139-1 -1.94 57.86 139-1 -1.92 221.33 139-1 -1.9 174.72 139-1 -1.89 -135.9 139-1 -1.87 -746.5 139-1 -1.85 -1621.11 139-1 -1.83 -2705.8 139-1 -1.81 -3946.61 139-1 -1.78 -143.96 139-1 -1.72 107.05 139-1 -1.65 215.61 139-1 -1.59 141.43 139-1 -1.52 -155.75 139-1 -1.46 -702.8 139-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.39 -1.33 -1.26 -1.78 -1.72 -1.65 -1.58 -1.52 -1.45 -1.39 -1.32 -1.26 6.84 5.37 3.91 2.47 1.14 0.56 1.26 2.25 3.46 -8.07 -6.66 -5.27 -3.89 -2.62 -2.1 -2.87 -3.92 -5.19 5.85 4.83 3.8 2.78 1.8 1.04 0.67 0.42 0.78 -7.09 -6.12 -5.16 -4.21 -3.29 -2.59

-1472.86 139-1 -2425.65 139-1 -3520.89 139-1 -140.8 139-1 109.4 139-1 217.14 139-1 142.16 139-1 -155.84 139-1 -703.7 139-1 -1474.57 139-1 -2428.17 139-1 -3524.22 139-1 22238.52 139-1 17068.54 139-1 11822.14 139-1 6499.98 139-1 1107.55 139-1 3897.81 139-1 9008.76 139-1 14043.42 139-1 19001.55 139-1 -22811.29 139-1 -17316.77 139-1 -11899.11 139-1 -6558.96 139-1 -1301.8 139-1 -4380.6 139-1 -9933.36 139-1 -15563.09 139-1 -21269.56 139-1 6581.66 139-1 5115.22 139-1 3572.85 139-1 1956.79 139-1 285.08 139-1 1043.55 139-1 2450.08 139-1 3781.07 139-1 5035.79 139-1 -7154.42 139-1 -5363.45 139-1 -3649.82 139-1 -2015.76 139-1 -479.33 139-1 -1526.34 139-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.28 -2.09 -2.51 5.68 4.3 2.94 1.6 0.36 -0.12 0.68 1.76 3.07 -9.23 -7.73 -6.23 -4.77 -3.4 -2.78 -3.46 -4.4 -5.58 4.69 3.76 2.83 1.91 1.02 0.36 0.09097 -0.06914 0.39 -8.25 -7.19 -6.13 -5.08 -4.06 -3.27 -2.87 -2.58 -2.9 -5.94 -4.17 -2.4 -0.63 1.14 2.91

-3374.67 139-1 -5300.74 139-1 -7303.8 139-1 22385.54 139-1 17303.12 139-1 12078.46 139-1 6671.96 139-1 1048.79 139-1 3435.1 139-1 7995.72 139-1 12373.94 139-1 16609.82 139-1 -22664.27 139-1 -17082.19 139-1 -11642.78 139-1 -6386.99 139-1 -1360.55 139-1 -4843.31 139-1 -10946.4 139-1 -17232.56 139-1 -23661.29 139-1 6728.67 139-1 5349.8 139-1 3829.18 139-1 2128.76 139-1 226.32 139-1 580.84 139-1 1437.03 139-1 2111.59 139-1 2644.06 139-1 -7007.4 139-1 -5128.87 139-1 -3393.49 139-1 -1843.79 139-1 -538.08 139-1 -1989.05 139-1 -4387.72 139-1 -6970.21 139-1 -9695.53 139-1 -11742.34 140-1 -7662.39 140-1 -3970.12 140-1 -685.95 140-1 2169.72 140-1 4583.28 140-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.68 6.45 8.22 9.64 6.71 3.78 0.85 -2.08 -5.01 -7.95 -10.88 -13.81 -8.94 -6.35 -3.75 -1.16 1.44 4.03 6.63 9.22 11.82 13.13 9.28 5.43 1.59 -2.26 -6.11 -9.95 -13.8 -17.65 -7.51 -5.31 -3.12 -0.93 1.27 3.46 5.66 7.85 10.04 11.32 7.97 4.62 1.27 -2.09 -5.44

6568.33 140-1 8145.28 140-1 9334.55 140-1 9418.69 140-2 7943.98 140-2 6081.6 140-2 3811.11 140-2 1112.12 140-2 -2028.98 140-2 -5598.59 140-2 -9576.29 140-2 -13941.67 140-2 -13120.47 140-1 -8613.26 140-1 -4474.79 140-1 -759.02 140-1 2480.11 140-1 5206.64 140-1 7456.52 140-1 9283.71 140-1 10742.15 140-1 10808.88 140-2 9025.91 140-2 6874.19 140-2 4299.78 140-2 1248.73 140-2 -2314.93 140-2 -6355.23 140-2 -10818.23 140-2 -15649.97 140-2 -11974.56 140-1 -7846.11 140-1 -4072.75 140-1 -694.75 140-1 2247.62 140-1 4727.51 140-1 6771.76 140-1 8420.65 140-1 9714.46 140-1 9783.22 140-2 8194.84 140-2 6251.39 140-2 3912.58 140-2 1138.13 140-2 -2098.81 140-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.79 -12.14 -15.49 -7.5 -5.31 -3.12 -0.93 1.27 3.46 5.65 7.84 10.03 11.3 7.96 4.61 1.26 -2.08 -5.43 -8.78 -12.12 -15.47 1.61 1.19 0.77 0.65 1.86 3.54 5.94 8.39 10.83 9.25 6.6 3.95 1.51 0.44 0.61 0.81 1.02 1.22 -8.79 -6.35 -3.9 -1.76 -0.94 -0.6

-5771.37 140-2 -9839.3 140-2 -14262.3 140-2 -11974.61 140-1 -7846.18 140-1 -4072.84 140-1 -694.85 140-1 2247.5 140-1 4727.37 140-1 6771.6 140-1 8420.47 140-1 9714.27 140-1 9783.02 140-2 8194.65 140-2 6251.2 140-2 3912.39 140-2 1137.95 140-2 -2098.98 140-2 -5771.54 140-2 -9839.46 140-2 -14262.46 140-2 7956.24 140-1 7583.83 140-1 7134.92 140-1 6610.09 140-1 6031.15 140-1 5413.88 140-1 4721.65 140-1 3953.34 140-1 4190.48 140-1 4013.83 140-2 4770.09 140-2 5451.5 140-2 6056.79 140-2 6595.15 140-2 7111.7 140-2 7556.81 140-2 7925.59 140-2 8217.83 140-2 -15050.71 140-1 -12377.71 140-1 -9781.48 140-1 -7262.59 140-1 -4842.87 140-1 -2538.08 140-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.98 -311.6 140-1 -1.39 1837.7 140-1 -1.82 2828.28 140-1 -0.44 3000.32 140-2 -0.24 819.37 140-2 -0.04942 -1439.99 140-2 -0.06856 -3776.5 140-2 -1.45 -6199.34 140-2 -4.08 -8753.64 140-2 -6.73 -11389.77 140-2 -9.39 -14102.84 140-2 -12.05 -16892.63 140-2 4.89 257.15 140-1 3.02 854.39 140-1 1.15 1375.43 140-1 0.3 1822.17 140-1 3.78 2267.36 140-1 7.44 2763.53 140-1 11.32 3188.42 140-1 15.21 3537.45 140-1 19.11 4134.65 140-1 12.89 4081.73 140-2 9.46 3703.01 140-2 6.04 3248.47 140-2 2.68 2718.64 140-2 -0.09313 2144.39 140-2 0.8 1676.22 140-2 1.77 1148.7 140-2 2.74 545.57 140-2 3.71 -133.92 140-2 -12.07 -7351.62 140-1 -8.17 -5648.27 140-1 -4.29 -4021.99 140-1 -1.4 -2474.68 140-1 -2.86 -1079.08 140-1 -4.5 112.27 140-1 -6.35 1221.63 140-1 -8.22 2253.59 140-1 -10.09 2884.11 140-1 -4.08 2932.42 140-2 -3.11 1886.46 140-2 -2.14 763.04 140-2 -1.24 -438.34 140-2 -0.92 -1748.58 140-2 -4.26 -3318.17 140-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.69 -11.12 -14.55 -2.29 -1.54 -0.78 0.28 2.66 5.53 9.11 12.72 16.35 16.15 11.37 6.61 2.05 -1.13 -3.08 -5 -6.91 -8.82 -12.7 -9.07 -5.45 -2.13 -0.13 1.38 2.18 2.95 3.7 6.45 4.54 2.61 0.47 -3.03 -7.77 -12.55 -17.32 -22.1 0.98 0.29 -0.4 -0.07385 4.59 9.43

-4981.66 140-2 -6722.82 140-2 -8540.88 140-2 -471.16 140-1 2134.56 140-1 4385.32 140-1 6241.44 140-1 7684.45 140-1 8703.29 140-1 9288.15 140-1 9478.22 140-1 10395.28 140-1 10289.69 140-2 10169.92 140-2 9696.86 140-2 8828.95 140-2 7535.11 140-2 5833.61 140-2 3701.67 140-2 1174.69 140-2 -1707.3 140-2 -23478.11 140-1 -17826.99 140-1 -12531.08 140-1 -7631.24 140-1 -3189.56 140-1 751.32 140-1 4254.9 140-1 7362.57 140-1 9033.09 140-1 9276.18 140-2 6219.2 140-2 2805.37 140-2 -1004.33 140-2 -5259.37 140-2 -10031.72 140-2 -15244.9 140-2 -20853.75 140-2 -26817.76 140-2 -8170.24 140-1 -4594.89 140-1 -1374.17 140-1 1453.53 140-1 3920.67 140-1 6052.93 140-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

14.48 19.55 24.62 19.79 14.24 8.7 3.22 -1.67 -2.89 -4.04 -5.19 -6.33 -15.97 -10.9 -5.84 -1.78 -2.06 -2.52 -3.19 -3.88 -4.57 2.81 1.67 0.52 -0.7 -2.49 -7.96 -13.5 -19.05 -24.59 -12.53 -9.24 -5.94 -2.65 0.65 3.94 7.24 10.54 13.83 13.5 9.93 6.35 2.78 -0.79 -4.36

7754.92 140-1 9062.32 140-1 10339.45 140-1 10357.58 140-2 9102.84 140-2 7493.83 140-2 5490.8 140-2 3084.36 140-2 398.14 140-2 -2706.43 140-2 -6205.34 140-2 -10059.05 140-2 -15779.02 140-1 -11097.54 140-1 -6771.59 140-1 -2843.33 140-1 574.22 140-1 3401.68 140-1 5788.13 140-1 7778.47 140-1 9088.91 140-1 9208.28 140-2 7286.29 140-2 5008.4 140-2 2333.82 140-2 -808.61 140-2 -4596.25 140-2 -8836.8 140-2 -13473.72 140-2 -18466.01 140-2 -13469.35 141-1 -9238.73 141-1 -5395.8 141-1 -1960.96 141-1 1045.38 141-1 3609.6 141-1 5745.31 141-1 7472.93 141-1 8812.87 141-1 8811.61 141-2 7498 141-2 5796.7 141-2 3687.31 141-2 1149.42 141-2 -1830.59 141-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.93 -11.51 -15.08 -15.84 -11.68 -7.53 -3.37 0.79 4.94 9.1 13.25 17.41 17.2 12.67 8.13 3.59 -0.94 -5.48 -10.02 -14.55 -19.09 -13.94 -10.28 -6.62 -2.96 0.7 4.36 8.02 11.69 15.35 15.11 11.12 7.13 3.14 -0.85 -4.84 -8.83 -12.81 -16.8 -13.93 -10.27 -6.61 -2.96 0.7 4.36

-5239.11 141-2 -9055.72 141-2 -13260.01 141-2 -15099.28 141-1 -10433.45 141-1 -6136.37 141-1 -2261.99 141-1 1135.76 141-1 4020.89 141-1 6429.39 141-1 8415.2 141-1 10032.25 141-1 10031.24 141-2 8455.51 141-2 6511.03 141-2 4143.86 141-2 1300.04 141-2 -2056.37 141-2 -5889.43 141-2 -10145.19 141-2 -14769.69 141-2 -13766.42 141-1 -9490.44 141-1 -5569.54 141-1 -2043.99 141-1 1045.92 141-1 3673.34 141-1 5865.13 141-1 7661.56 141-1 9102.91 141-1 9101.88 141-2 7694.8 141-2 5932.64 141-2 3775.12 141-2 1181.96 141-2 -1873.67 141-2 -5364.95 141-2 -9251.58 141-2 -13493.29 141-2 -13766.47 141-1 -9490.49 141-1 -5569.59 141-1 -2044.04 141-1 1045.87 141-1 3673.29 141-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

8.02 5865.08 141-1 11.67 7661.52 141-1 15.33 9102.87 141-1 15.09 9101.84 141-2 11.11 7694.77 141-2 7.13 5932.62 141-2 3.14 3775.12 141-2 -0.84 1181.98 141-2 -4.83 -1873.64 141-2 -8.81 -5364.9 141-2 -12.8 -9251.52 141-2 -16.78 -13493.22 141-2 3.85 9061.26 141-1 3.1 8576.54 141-1 2.35 8015.27 141-1 1.62 7377.7 141-1 1.46 6669.39 141-1 3.1 5937.22 141-1 6.3 5137.09 141-1 9.56 4260.73 141-1 12.84 3430.95 141-1 11.28 3504.89 141-2 8.22 4203.56 141-2 5.18 5097.3 141-2 2.53 5914.7 141-2 1.41 6657.97 141-2 0.81 7366.14 141-2 1.14 8015.68 141-2 1.47 8589.26 141-2 1.82 9086.35 141-2 -13.39 -17340.74 141-1 -10.12 -14476.4 141-1 -6.84 -11688.77 141-1 -3.58 -8978.12 141-1 -0.9 -6349.99 141-1 -0.004736 -3851.26 141-1 -0.68 -1437.84 141-1 -1.42 898.54 141-1 -2.16 3035.08 141-1 -0.95 2961.59 141-2 -0.61 986.04 141-2 -0.28 -1337.86 141-2 -0.34 -3738.68 141-2 -1.94 -6218.64 141-2 -4.05 -8816.76 141-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.09 -11509.52 141-2 -10.14 -14279.59 141-2 -13.2 -17126.43 141-2 9.1 241.05 141-1 6.74 824.99 141-1 4.38 1332.59 141-1 2.04 1764.69 141-1 1.61 2139.78 141-1 5.91 2614.13 141-1 10.77 3040.74 141-1 15.66 3392.04 141-1 20.55 3703.97 141-1 16.75 3725.67 141-2 12.81 3392.46 141-2 8.87 3064.37 141-2 5.05 2660.54 141-2 1.7 2188.44 141-2 -0.17 1778.12 141-2 1 1351.16 141-2 2.23 849.84 141-2 3.46 272.35 141-2 -18.65 -8520.53 141-1 -13.76 -6724.85 141-1 -8.87 -5006.1 141-1 -4.01 -3365.11 141-1 -1.04 -1820.37 141-1 -2.82 -528.17 141-1 -5.15 658.51 141-1 -7.51 1767.23 141-1 -9.88 2762.06 141-1 -6.43 2740.81 141-2 -5.2 1797.13 141-2 -3.97 695.07 141-2 -2.86 -484.52 141-2 -2.23 -1749.1 141-2 -3.07 -3228.74 141-2 -6.96 -4845 141-2 -10.9 -6540.16 141-2 -14.84 -8312.43 141-2 -5.31 -565.49 141-1 -3.66 2035.95 141-1 -2.01 4282.41 141-1 -0.36 6133.85 141-1 1.88 7555.54 141-1 5.91 8567.51 141-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.5 17.16 22.82 21.2 15.52 9.86 4.57 0.83 -2.39 -4.69 -6.98 -9.27 -22.54 -16.88 -11.21 -5.56 -0.48 2.8 4.52 6.17 7.82 8.97 6.69 4.39 1.71 -2.52 -7.26 -12.92 -18.6 -24.28 -0.0474 -0.02039 0.01179 0.06962 2.02 8.72 15.97 23.25 30.54 26.68 20.11 13.54 7.1 1.13 -3.37

9152.53 141-1 9342.6 141-1 9300.79 141-1 9373.47 141-2 9303.52 141-2 9150.2 141-2 8601.81 141-2 7620.29 141-2 6217.82 141-2 4397.71 141-2 2182.93 141-2 -386.79 141-2 -26967.5 141-1 -21016.98 141-1 -15421.63 141-1 -10221.98 141-1 -5463.84 141-1 -1220.97 141-1 2577.6 141-1 5980.4 141-1 8904.91 141-1 8830.17 141-2 6086 141-2 2715.04 141-2 -1051.57 141-2 -5256.32 141-2 -9965.08 141-2 -15127.48 141-2 -20685.91 141-2 -26599.57 141-2 -9385.71 141-1 -5715.6 141-1 -2400.27 141-1 520.84 141-1 3025.92 141-1 5244.42 141-1 7056.18 141-1 8473.9 141-1 9573.81 141-1 9594.25 141-2 8492.42 141-2 7117.27 141-2 5347.65 141-2 3150.76 141-2 629.8 141-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.83 -6.23 -7.62 -27.8 -20.52 -13.24 -5.98 -0.63 -0.008354 0.05016 0.08059 0.11 3.5 2.1 0.7 -0.82 -2.81 -6.28 -12.79 -19.35 -25.92 -13.1 -9.59 -6.08 -2.57 0.94 4.45 7.96 11.47 14.98 16.04 11.58 7.12 2.67 -1.79 -6.25 -10.7 -15.16 -19.62 -16.61 -12.17 -7.73 -3.29 1.15 5.58

-2266.8 141-2 -5556.49 141-2 -9200.79 141-2 -18147.29 141-1 -13265.43 141-1 -8738.95 141-1 -4608.96 141-1 -934.23 141-1 2102.12 141-1 4673.95 141-1 6849.09 141-1 8631.9 141-1 8609.38 141-2 6897.1 141-2 4747.97 141-2 2202.59 141-2 -786.78 141-2 -4377.06 141-2 -8462.96 141-2 -12946.49 141-2 -17785.58 141-2 -13401.04 142-1 -9158.55 142-1 -5303.74 142-1 -1857.03 142-1 1161.18 142-1 3737.28 142-1 5884.86 142-1 7624.36 142-1 8976.17 142-1 8966.41 142-2 7647.39 142-2 5940.69 142-2 3825.9 142-2 1282.6 142-2 -1702.82 142-2 -5116.74 142-2 -8938.75 142-2 -13148.45 142-2 -14928.78 142-1 -10269.07 142-1 -5978.1 142-1 -2109.84 142-1 1281.79 142-1 4160.81 142-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

10.02 14.46 18.9 19.85 14.34 8.82 3.3 -2.22 -7.73 -13.25 -18.77 -24.29 -14.6 -10.7 -6.79 -2.88 1.02 4.93 8.84 12.74 16.65 17.6 12.7 7.81 2.92 -1.97 -6.86 -11.75 -16.64 -21.54 -14.59 -10.69 -6.79 -2.88 1.02 4.92 8.82 12.73 16.63 17.57 12.69 7.8 2.92 -1.96 -6.84

6563.19 142-1 8542.87 142-1 10153.81 142-1 10140.39 142-2 8536.17 142-2 6563.2 142-2 4167.54 142-2 1295.23 142-2 -2089.67 142-2 -5951.22 142-2 -10235.47 142-2 -14888.46 142-2 -13638 142-1 -9362.01 142-1 -5441.11 142-1 -1915.56 142-1 1174.35 142-1 3801.78 142-1 5993.57 142-1 7790 142-1 9231.36 142-1 9219.86 142-2 7793.26 142-2 6011.58 142-2 3834.54 142-2 1221.87 142-2 -1853.29 142-2 -5364.08 142-2 -9270.23 142-2 -13531.47 142-2 -13637.97 142-1 -9361.99 142-1 -5441.09 142-1 -1915.55 142-1 1174.35 142-1 3801.77 142-1 5993.56 142-1 7789.99 142-1 9231.33 142-1 9219.81 142-2 7793.21 142-2 6011.52 142-2 3834.47 142-2 1221.8 142-2 -1853.37 142-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-11.73 -16.61 -21.49 3.83 3.23 2.64 2.09 1.81 2.96 6.1 9.37 12.65 12.92 9.19 5.5 3.52 3.32 3.36 3.62 4.03 4.52 -13.81 -10.52 -7.24 -3.99 -1.02 0.52 0.08297 -0.49 -1.09 -1.1 -0.57 -0.09368 -1.31 -4.32 -7.56 -11.03 -14.64 -18.34 9.95 7.75 5.58 3.51 2.33 5.27

-5364.17 142-2 -9270.32 142-2 -13531.56 142-2 8987.29 142-1 8513.51 142-1 7976.2 142-1 7371.38 142-1 6692.74 142-1 5938.41 142-1 5107.84 142-1 4200.84 142-1 3446.71 142-1 3429.96 142-2 4188.65 142-2 5038.41 142-2 5816.69 142-2 6589.48 142-2 7298.94 142-2 7932.2 142-2 8488.92 142-2 8969.04 142-2 -17011.65 142-1 -14196.24 142-1 -11470.56 142-1 -8830.65 142-1 -6270.18 142-1 -3787.28 142-1 -1381.41 142-1 947.61 142-1 2970.51 142-1 2981.11 142-2 895.63 142-2 -1434.18 142-2 -3845.77 142-2 -6405.15 142-2 -9054.46 142-2 -11780.83 142-2 -14583.93 142-2 -17463.71 142-2 -21.85 142-1 628.1 142-1 1245.09 142-1 1815.88 142-1 2319.42 142-1 2749.45 142-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

9.96 14.82 19.71 16.75 13.02 9.43 6.59 4.73 3.6 3.21 3.31 3.69 -19.94 -15.04 -10.17 -5.41 -1.54 -1.78 -3.78 -5.94 -8.15 -4.93 -4.4 -4.02 -4.39 -5.73 -7.8 -10.62 -13.93 -17.51 -5.77 -3.81 -1.84 0.16 2.43 6.14 11.83 17.65 23.49 24.57 17.56 10.6 5.33 1.86 -1.38

3104.17 142-1 3382.93 142-1 3654.26 142-1 3699.47 142-2 3325.68 142-2 2926.48 142-2 2467.78 142-2 2169.63 142-2 1839.18 142-2 1433.51 142-2 951.54 142-2 393.07 142-2 -8002.51 142-1 -6310.83 142-1 -4739.46 142-1 -3275.15 142-1 -1896.86 142-1 -598.32 142-1 622.26 142-1 1765.53 142-1 2762.96 142-1 2711.59 142-2 1758.6 142-2 677.75 142-2 -496.87 142-2 -1985.3 142-2 -3594.69 142-2 -5282.14 142-2 -7046.55 142-2 -8887.73 142-2 -638.48 142-1 1992.9 142-1 4282.3 142-1 6185.47 142-1 7655.82 142-1 8664.62 142-1 9238.18 142-1 9416.59 142-1 9469.42 142-1 9444.21 142-2 9439.69 142-2 9247.79 142-2 8665.67 142-2 7719.08 142-2 6323.3 142-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.39 -7.26 -10.04 -23.4 -17.56 -11.73 -5.93 -0.4 3.7 5.81 7.79 9.75 10.54 7.8 5 0.5 -5.78 -12.3 -19.04 -25.93 -32.9 0.36 0.71 1.09 1.57 2.95 8.44 15.69 23.1 30.55 28.39 21.39 14.53 8.41 3.27 -1.14 -4.8 -7.97 -10.88 -29.53 -22.08 -14.66 -7.34 -0.92 1.4

4492.31 142-2 2266.06 142-2 -315.23 142-2 -26637.43 142-1 -20716.85 142-1 -15164.46 142-1 -10016.56 142-1 -5307.11 142-1 -1061.07 142-1 2748.93 142-1 6163.36 142-1 8993.22 142-1 8995.36 142-2 6146.67 142-2 2775.19 142-2 -996.78 142-2 -5275.55 142-2 -10030.1 142-2 -15220.72 142-2 -20806.79 142-2 -26747.98 142-2 -9647.62 142-1 -5892.52 142-1 -2448.81 142-1 629.97 142-1 3282.5 142-1 5475.66 142-1 7234.51 142-1 8598.68 142-1 9676.98 142-1 9713.73 142-2 8576.71 142-2 7135.85 142-2 5316.77 142-2 3299.23 142-2 863.53 142-2 -2006.38 142-2 -5271.32 142-2 -8891.2 142-2 -17628.28 142-1 -12831.44 142-1 -8433.36 142-1 -4461.06 142-1 -933.79 142-1 2127.89 142-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.95 2.34 2.69 6.72 3.97 1.07 -2.57 -7.19 -12.54 -18.63 -25.21 -32.07 -12.03 -8.94 -5.84 -2.74 0.36 3.46 6.55 9.65 12.75 12.34 9.19 6.04 2.89 -0.26 -3.4 -6.55 -9.7 -12.85 -15.17 -11.25 -7.33 -3.4 0.52 4.44 8.36 12.29 16.21 15.54 11.58 7.62 3.66 -0.29 -4.25

4752.6 142-1 6981.28 142-1 8785.67 142-1 8725.85 142-2 7009.64 142-2 4887.13 142-2 2352.12 142-2 -855.7 142-2 -4570.34 142-2 -8722.03 142-2 -13269.41 142-2 -18172 142-2 -10945.77 143-1 -7898.44 143-1 -4990.73 143-1 -2243.04 143-1 324.19 143-1 2697.38 143-1 4890.12 143-1 6922.84 143-1 8815.93 143-1 8816.48 143-2 6928.89 143-2 4901.68 143-2 2714.44 143-2 346.75 143-2 -2214.99 143-2 -4957.17 143-2 -7859.38 143-2 -10901.21 143-2 -13671.54 143-1 -9802.29 143-1 -6089.18 143-1 -2586.13 143-1 652.91 143-1 3591.96 143-1 6267 143-1 8731.97 143-1 11040.81 143-1 11041.5 143-2 8743.97 143-2 6290.32 143-2 3626.6 143-2 698.86 143-2 -2528.86 143-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.21 -12.17 -16.13 -13.38 -9.92 -6.47 -3.01 0.44 3.89 7.35 10.8 14.26 13.71 10.21 6.72 3.23 -0.27 -3.76 -7.25 -10.74 -14.24 -13.35 -9.91 -6.46 -3.01 0.44 3.89 7.34 10.78 14.23 13.68 10.2 6.71 3.22 -0.27 -3.75 -7.24 -10.73 -14.21 3.66 2.9 2.13 1.38 0.65 2.7

-6020.59 143-2 -9722.4 143-2 -13580.33 143-2 -12062.24 143-1 -8664.68 143-1 -5409.58 143-1 -2337.2 143-1 512.16 143-1 3111.67 143-1 5488.16 143-1 7681.92 143-1 9733.23 143-1 9733.84 143-2 7691.37 143-2 5506.45 143-2 3138.8 143-2 548.13 143-2 -2292.39 143-2 -5355.93 143-2 -8602.19 143-2 -11990.92 143-2 -12062.88 143-1 -8665.14 143-1 -5409.85 143-1 -2337.29 143-1 512.26 143-1 3111.94 143-1 5488.62 143-1 7682.57 143-1 9734.06 143-1 9734.67 143-2 7692.02 143-2 5506.91 143-2 3139.07 143-2 548.23 143-2 -2292.48 143-2 -5356.2 143-2 -8602.65 143-2 -11991.56 143-2 8270.49 143-1 8003.68 143-1 7662.68 143-1 7248.34 143-1 6760.04 143-1 6196.6 143-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.85 9.02 12.18 12.29 9.05 5.81 2.57 0.47 1.12 1.89 2.67 3.44 -13.14 -9.98 -6.82 -3.65 -0.52 -0.17 -0.93 -1.69 -2.45 -2.74 -1.97 -1.2 -0.43 -0.8 -3.92 -7.16 -10.4 -13.64 6.43 4.94 3.46 1.98 0.57 3.53 7.41 11.29 15.18 14.72 11 7.28 3.57 0.21 1.09

5557.29 143-1 4841.75 143-1 4148.2 143-1 4148.39 143-2 4845.17 143-2 5564.11 143-2 6206.96 143-2 6774.03 143-2 7265.79 143-2 7682.75 143-2 8025.15 143-2 8292.75 143-2 -17628.57 143-1 -14642.53 143-1 -11735.57 143-1 -8908.54 143-1 -6160.81 143-1 -3491.21 143-1 -899.01 143-1 1616.16 143-1 3956.07 143-1 3956.2 143-2 1617.61 143-2 -896.42 143-2 -3487.61 143-2 -6156.3 143-2 -8902.94 143-2 -11728.04 143-2 -14631.86 143-2 -17614.14 143-2 -726.39 143-1 131.99 143-1 921.92 143-1 1646.18 143-1 2302.72 143-1 2887.61 143-1 3398.41 143-1 3833.91 143-1 4223.07 143-1 4223.26 143-2 3839.7 143-2 3410.2 143-2 2905.87 143-2 2327.76 143-2 1677.42 143-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.34 956.57 143-2 3.59 165.99 143-2 4.84 -695.12 143-2 -15.91 -8631.69 143-1 -12.03 -6770.85 143-1 -8.14 -4994.81 143-1 -4.26 -3306.38 143-1 -0.45 -1703.49 143-1 -1.01 -182.23 143-1 -2.48 1259.87 143-1 -3.97 2624 143-1 -5.45 3881.2 143-1 -5.18 3881.33 143-2 -3.93 2623.08 143-2 -2.67 1257.5 143-2 -1.42 -186.52 143-2 -0.53 -1710.03 143-2 -3.88 -3314.57 143-2 -7.6 -5001.86 143-2 -11.32 -6772.7 143-2 -15.04 -8626.26 143-2 -4.94 886.36 143-1 -3.46 2657.76 143-1 -1.98 4289.15 143-1 -0.49 5741.1 143-1 1.02 6972.72 143-1 5.32 7955.97 143-1 10.72 8716.98 143-1 16.13 9295.65 143-1 21.53 9830.5 143-1 21.19 9831.13 143-2 15.7 9306.09 143-2 10.21 8737.38 143-2 4.72 7986.48 143-2 0.37 7013.43 143-2 -1.23 5791.84 143-2 -2.71 4349.07 143-2 -4.19 2725.65 143-2 -5.67 961.6 143-2 -21.74 -25012.71 143-1 -16.34 -19988.45 143-1 -10.93 -15109.1 143-1 -5.52 -10415.77 143-1 -0.14 -5948.12 143-1 2.45 -1731.84 143-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.94 5.42 6.91 6.16 4.68 3.2 1.72 -0.9 -6.27 -11.76 -17.25 -22.74 -2.17 -1.41 -0.65 0.12 0.95 6.16 12.28 18.41 24.53 23.62 17.65 11.68 5.71 0.1 -1.26 -2.26 -3.26 -4.26 -24.51 -18.38 -12.25 -6.13 -0.06909 1.61 2.38 3.15 3.91 3.72 2.72 1.72 0.72 -0.63 -6.23

2260.68 143-1 6070.07 143-1 9638.36 143-1 9638.95 143-2 6078.53 143-2 2276.86 143-2 -1708.09 143-2 -5916.9 143-2 -10376.89 143-2 -15061.72 143-2 -19931.36 143-2 -24945.29 143-2 -8110.53 143-1 -5213.93 143-1 -2451.61 143-1 138.95 143-1 2515.4 143-1 4646.99 143-1 6558.1 143-1 8287.82 143-1 9905.37 143-1 9906.01 143-2 8300.62 143-2 6583.47 143-2 4685.39 143-2 2567.16 143-2 203.47 143-2 -2377.11 143-2 -5133.51 143-2 -8026.27 143-2 -16015.82 143-1 -12116.77 143-1 -8368.34 143-1 -4813.61 143-1 -1490.8 143-1 1577.15 143-1 4419.56 143-1 7077.9 143-1 9563.5 143-1 9564.08 143-2 7084 143-2 4430.77 143-2 1593 143-2 -1470.63 143-2 -4788.52 143-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-12.2 -18.17 -24.14 -19.36 -14.87 -10.38 -5.88 -1.39 3.11 7.6 12.09 16.59 14.32 10.83 7.34 3.85 0.36 -3.13 -6.62 -10.1 -13.59 -24.05 -18.46 -12.87 -7.27 -1.68 3.91 9.5 15.09 20.68 17.99 13.59 9.2 4.8 0.41 -3.99 -8.38 -12.78 -17.17 -21.31 -16.36 -11.41 -6.46 -1.51 3.44

-8335.54 143-2 -12072.2 143-2 -15957.42 143-2 -13202.86 144-1 -8985.76 144-1 -5156.34 144-1 -1735.01 144-1 1257.81 144-1 3808.52 144-1 5930.72 144-1 7644.83 144-1 8971.25 144-1 8980.83 144-2 7634.04 144-2 5899.56 144-2 3756.99 144-2 1185.91 144-2 -1827.28 144-2 -5268.98 144-2 -9118.77 144-2 -13356.24 144-2 -14993.24 144-1 -10326.36 144-1 -6028.22 144-1 -2152.78 144-1 1246.02 144-1 4132.22 144-1 6541.77 144-1 8528.63 144-1 10146.74 144-1 10158.82 144-2 8559.01 144-2 6590.45 144-2 4199.2 144-2 1331.31 144-2 -2049.19 144-2 -5906.32 144-2 -10186.16 144-2 -14834.74 144-2 -13614.44 144-1 -9342.15 144-1 -5424.93 144-1 -1903.08 144-1 1183.15 144-1 3806.88 144-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

8.39 5994.98 144-1 13.34 7787.73 144-1 18.29 9225.39 144-1 15.87 9235.98 144-2 12 7803.2 144-2 8.12 6015.33 144-2 4.25 3832.11 144-2 0.37 1213.25 144-2 -3.5 -1868.1 144-2 -7.37 -5385.07 144-2 -11.25 -9297.41 144-2 -15.12 -13564.83 144-2 -21.26 -13614.54 144-1 -16.32 -9342.24 144-1 -11.38 -5425.02 144-1 -6.44 -1903.16 144-1 -1.5 1183.07 144-1 3.44 3806.81 144-1 8.38 5994.92 144-1 13.32 7787.67 144-1 18.26 9225.34 144-1 15.85 9235.96 144-2 11.98 7803.18 144-2 8.11 6015.32 144-2 4.24 3832.1 144-2 0.37 1213.25 144-2 -3.5 -1868.08 144-2 -7.37 -5385.06 144-2 -11.24 -9297.39 144-2 -15.11 -13564.8 144-2 5.17 8938.9 144-1 4.57 8462.58 144-1 4.05 7909.67 144-1 3.67 7280.22 144-1 3.54 6574.56 144-1 3.67 5811.06 144-1 5.66 5036.27 144-1 9.45 4187.65 144-1 13.31 3431.12 144-1 12.09 3446.46 144-2 8.87 4202.73 144-2 5.67 5110.79 144-2 3.17 5942.39 144-2 2.04 6697.72 144-2 1.97 7377.45 144-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.46 3.01 3.59 -18.79 -14.96 -11.21 -7.61 -4.25 -1.16 0.08887 -0.48 -1.11 -1.21 -0.63 -0.08085 -0.23 -1.74 -4.32 -7.46 -10.66 -13.88 4.31 3.78 3.49 3.7 4.71 6.57 9.49 13.21 17.08 20.1 15.28 10.5 6.03 2.58 2.63 4.51 6.61 8.77 -17.94 -14.18 -10.66 -7.64 -5.42 -4.05

7984.76 144-2 8530.73 144-2 9012.56 144-2 -17473.49 144-1 -14592.33 144-1 -11787.84 144-1 -9060.08 144-1 -6409.38 144-1 -3854.1 144-1 -1440.79 144-1 893.07 144-1 2981.57 144-1 2971.36 144-2 950.87 144-2 -1374.67 144-2 -3777.03 144-2 -6256.38 144-2 -8813.4 144-2 -11451.27 144-2 -14181.06 144-2 -16999.98 144-2 336.43 144-1 902.09 144-1 1391.23 144-1 1804.05 144-1 2141.67 144-1 2465.3 144-1 2930.07 144-1 3327.56 144-1 3699.69 144-1 3654.29 144-2 3381.25 144-2 3100.38 144-2 2743.45 144-2 2311.13 144-2 1805.59 144-2 1237.49 144-2 643.72 144-2 14.94 144-2 -8871.02 144-1 -7031.84 144-1 -5269.4 144-1 -3583.91 144-1 -1976.49 144-1 -508.34 144-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.74 -4.23 -4.88 -9.22 -7.05 -4.91 -3.08 -2.29 -4.98 -9.5 -14.25 -19.06 -9.26 -6.54 -3.74 -0.79 2.4 5.86 11.16 18.28 25.46 22.49 16.72 10.98 5.94 2.26 -0.35 -2.41 -4.4 -6.37 -33.22 -26.07 -19 -12.07 -5.39 1.03 5.59 8.35 11.04 9.19 7.22 5.23 2.54 -1.52 -6.65

665.4 144-1 1753.16 144-1 2713 144-1 2763.54 144-2 1772.36 144-2 635.74 144-2 -578.09 144-2 -1869.79 144-2 -3241.54 144-2 -4704 144-2 -6294.04 144-2 -8002.36 144-2 -408.39 144-1 2185.18 144-1 4423.7 144-1 6266.96 144-1 7675.01 144-1 8639.36 144-1 9233.42 144-1 9434.93 144-1 9450.09 144-1 9473.5 144-2 9429.1 144-2 9258.05 144-2 8691.81 144-2 7690.31 144-2 6227.34 144-2 4332.97 144-2 2058.52 144-2 -558.51 144-2 -26820.77 144-1 -20869.73 144-1 -15273.81 144-1 -10073.34 144-1 -5308.93 144-1 -1025.8 144-1 2756.36 144-1 6140.36 144-1 9000.54 144-1 8998.4 144-2 6177.24 144-2 2772.59 144-2 -1027.6 144-2 -5263.8 144-2 -9963.5 144-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-12.32 -18.07 -23.83 -10.12 -7.33 -4.29 -0.77 3.57 8.75 14.99 22.04 29.23 30.5 23.14 15.81 8.79 2.8 0.31 -0.36 -0.8 -1.18 -32.37 -25.28 -18.45 -12.1 -6.56 -1.87 1.76 4.59 7.27 1.18 0.81 0.4 -0.32 -2.06 -7.3 -14.37 -21.67 -29.02 -15.2 -11.48 -7.77 -4.06 -0.34 3.37

-15103.06 144-2 -20653.27 144-2 -26571.05 144-2 -9010.86 144-1 -5375.32 144-1 -2094.74 144-1 790.79 144-1 3242.12 144-1 5293.6 144-1 7127.23 144-1 8574.85 144-1 9718.66 144-1 9681.32 144-2 8607.62 144-2 7247.64 144-2 5492.88 144-2 3303.71 144-2 655.49 144-2 -2414.3 144-2 -5828.49 144-2 -9556.13 144-2 -18218.3 144-1 -13309.24 144-1 -8755.37 144-1 -4597.18 144-1 -876.04 144-1 2319.96 144-1 4862.56 144-1 7000.44 144-1 8731.97 144-1 8790.58 144-2 6998.73 144-2 4782.99 144-2 2171.33 144-2 -877.2 144-2 -4391.64 144-2 -8355.79 144-2 -12766.25 144-2 -17573.43 144-2 -13304.23 145-1 -9094.08 145-1 -5271.61 145-1 -1857.23 145-1 1128.64 145-1 3672.4 145-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.08 10.8 14.51 13.27 9.94 6.61 3.28 -0.05537 -3.39 -6.72 -10.05 -13.39 -19.3 -14.57 -9.83 -5.1 -0.36 4.38 9.11 13.85 18.59 16.57 12.4 8.23 4.06 -0.11 -4.28 -8.45 -12.63 -16.8 -16.98 -12.82 -8.66 -4.5 -0.34 3.82 7.98 12.14 16.3 14.64 10.96 7.28 3.6 -0.08688 -3.77

5787.65 145-1 7494.81 145-1 8814.28 145-1 8814.12 145-2 7474.92 145-2 5748.04 145-2 3613.07 145-2 1049.6 145-2 -1955.99 145-2 -5390.09 145-2 -9232.28 145-2 -13462.15 145-2 -14859.47 145-1 -10223.67 145-1 -5956.62 145-1 -2112.27 145-1 1255.44 145-1 4110.55 145-1 6489.02 145-1 8444.79 145-1 10031.82 145-1 10030.36 145-2 8419.85 145-2 6440.6 145-2 4038.65 145-2 1160.06 145-2 -2231.13 145-2 -6098.97 145-2 -10389.49 145-2 -15048.77 145-2 -13563.62 145-1 -9312.96 145-1 -5417.39 145-1 -1917.17 145-1 1147.41 145-1 3749.51 145-1 5915.97 145-1 7687.07 145-1 9103.1 145-1 9102.13 145-2 7665.11 145-2 5873.01 145-2 3685.56 145-2 1062.47 145-2 -2023.11 145-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.45 -11.13 -14.82 -16.95 -12.8 -8.64 -4.49 -0.34 3.82 7.97 12.13 16.28 14.63 10.95 7.27 3.59 -0.08749 -3.77 -7.45 -11.12 -14.8 2.39 1.96 1.53 1.12 1.05 2.55 5.71 8.93 12.14 13.34 10.18 7.02 3.88 1.28 0.32 0.86 1.52 2.19 -13.68 -10.46 -7.24 -4.05 -1.19 0.0953

-5544.32 145-2 -9460.89 145-2 -13732.54 145-2 -13563.54 145-1 -9312.9 145-1 -5417.34 145-1 -1917.14 145-1 1147.43 145-1 3749.51 145-1 5915.96 145-1 7687.05 145-1 9103.06 145-1 9102.09 145-2 7665.07 145-2 5872.97 145-2 3685.51 145-2 1062.42 145-2 -2023.16 145-2 -5544.37 145-2 -9460.94 145-2 -13732.59 145-2 9047.78 145-1 8556.59 145-1 7988.97 145-1 7345.94 145-1 6652.32 145-1 5912.8 145-1 5098.22 145-1 4207.28 145-1 3501.35 145-1 3437.57 145-2 4256.93 145-2 5133.14 145-2 5933.18 145-2 6673.14 145-2 7387.57 145-2 8027.84 145-2 8591.67 145-2 9078.94 145-2 -17130.13 145-1 -14283.33 145-1 -11513.37 145-1 -8821.27 145-1 -6231.84 145-1 -3749.77 145-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.28 -1345.92 145-1 -0.71 981.03 145-1 -1.14 2969.7 145-1 -3.29 3032.74 145-2 -2.62 911.01 145-2 -1.95 -1420.84 145-2 -1.31 -3829.78 145-2 -1.2 -6331.91 145-2 -2.73 -8961.78 145-2 -5.77 -11670.75 145-2 -8.92 -14456.56 145-2 -12.08 -17319.06 145-2 3.56 211.78 145-1 2.61 797.85 145-1 1.68 1307.98 145-1 0.8 1745.53 145-1 1 2193.25 145-1 4.01 2666.77 145-1 7.7 3068.92 145-1 11.43 3395.24 145-1 15.16 3723.67 145-1 22.41 3705.44 145-2 17.5 3387.88 145-2 12.6 3034.02 145-2 7.72 2605.01 145-2 3.06 2154.53 145-2 0.31 1797.75 145-2 2.33 1372.55 145-2 4.7 871.43 145-2 7.1 293.87 145-2 -14.84 -8294.13 145-1 -11.11 -6524.59 145-1 -7.39 -4832.38 145-1 -3.72 -3220.86 145-1 -1.14 -1772.77 145-1 -1.36 -503.74 145-1 -2.27 683.38 145-1 -3.21 1793.06 145-1 -4.15 2747.38 145-1 -12.36 2764.87 145-2 -9.94 1780.06 145-2 -7.54 678.28 145-2 -5.15 -501.61 145-2 -2.98 -1813.3 145-2 -2.73 -3371.96 145-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.24 -12.1 -16.99 -8.91 -6.58 -4.25 -1.9 0.79 5.05 10.97 16.94 22.92 22.94 17.34 11.75 6.19 1.15 -2.24 -4.13 -5.9 -7.66 -24.98 -19 -13.03 -7.07 -1.45 2.59 4.97 7.31 9.63 6.3 4.55 2.78 0.99 -1.33 -5.29 -10.76 -16.34 -21.93 -7.74 -5.93 -4.11 -2.23 0.74 6.5

-5015.47 145-2 -6736.31 145-2 -8533.99 145-2 -474.56 145-1 2107.08 145-1 4333.85 145-1 6166.48 145-1 7589.51 145-1 8580.79 145-1 9138.02 145-1 9300.16 145-1 9368.86 145-1 9304.48 145-2 9338.01 145-2 9149.94 145-2 8566.97 145-2 7564.92 145-2 6151.49 145-2 4304.89 145-2 2063.15 145-2 -533.62 145-2 -26652.46 145-1 -20732.83 145-1 -15168.5 145-1 -10000.73 145-1 -5294.64 145-1 -1081.77 145-1 2693.88 145-1 6073.91 145-1 8837.21 145-1 8899.66 145-2 5992.09 145-2 2595.95 145-2 -1196 145-2 -5440.13 145-2 -10197.86 145-2 -15393.69 145-2 -20985.08 145-2 -26931.62 145-2 -9310.55 145-1 -5651.66 145-1 -2347.14 145-1 566.07 145-1 3130.44 145-1 5334.77 145-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

12.95 19.44 25.93 32 24.67 17.34 10.03 2.93 -2.25 -2.66 -2.72 -2.75 -26.14 -19.65 -13.17 -6.75 -1.41 1.13 2.99 4.81 6.62 -2.76 -2.78 -2.8 -2.85 -3.11 -5.28 -12.22 -19.52 -26.84 -13.9 -10.7 -7.51 -4.31 -1.12 2.08 5.27 8.47 11.66 8.98 6.59 4.21 1.82 -0.56 -2.95

7108.72 145-1 8488.12 145-1 9591.18 145-1 9572.35 145-2 8468.96 145-2 7050.82 145-2 5238.8 145-2 3046.31 145-2 561.67 145-2 -2350.39 145-2 -5657.1 145-2 -9318.69 145-2 -17816.46 145-1 -12974.09 145-1 -8487.5 145-1 -4400.32 145-1 -835.58 145-1 2164.25 145-1 4723.18 145-1 6885.94 145-1 8614.89 145-1 8631.78 145-2 6861.13 145-2 4695.07 145-2 2132.17 145-2 -921.52 145-2 -4608.04 145-2 -8738.41 145-2 -13264.83 145-2 -18146.55 145-2 -14158.37 146-1 -9747.48 146-1 -5724.28 146-1 -2109.17 146-1 1077.43 146-1 3821.92 146-1 6137.9 146-1 8045.79 146-1 9566 146-1 9554.16 146-2 8333.95 146-2 6726.06 146-2 4710.07 146-2 2265.58 146-2 -621.03 146-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.33 -7.72 -10.1 -18.01 -13.76 -9.5 -5.24 -0.98 3.28 7.54 11.79 16.05 12.38 9.16 5.93 2.7 -0.52 -3.75 -6.97 -10.2 -13.42 -15.75 -12.05 -8.36 -4.67 -0.97 2.72 6.41 10.11 13.8 10.64 7.85 5.07 2.28 -0.51 -3.29 -6.08 -8.87 -11.66 -15.73 -12.04 -8.35 -4.66 -0.97 2.72

-3936.14 146-2 -7659.35 146-2 -11770.23 146-2 -15927.06 146-1 -11036.87 146-1 -6515.43 146-1 -2416.68 146-1 1205.43 146-1 4314.94 146-1 6947.8 146-1 9157.97 146-1 10999.39 146-1 11005.45 146-2 9521.41 146-2 7668.62 146-2 5393.14 146-2 2641.01 146-2 -623.72 146-2 -4365.09 146-2 -8529.15 146-2 -13061.97 146-2 -14505.12 146-1 -10030.96 146-1 -5911.89 146-1 -2188.17 146-1 1099.92 146-1 3925.51 146-1 6315.48 146-1 8310.08 146-1 9949.61 146-1 9949.58 146-2 8629.83 146-2 6954.99 146-2 4884.8 146-2 2378.98 146-2 -589.33 146-2 -3993.28 146-2 -7792.58 146-2 -11946.97 146-2 -14505.29 146-1 -10031.13 146-1 -5912.06 146-1 -2188.34 146-1 1099.74 146-1 3925.34 146-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.41 10.09 13.78 10.63 7.84 5.06 2.28 -0.51 -3.29 -6.07 -8.86 -11.64 3.08 2.04 1.01 0.39 3.01 5.84 8.75 11.82 15.07 11.14 9.44 7.74 6.04 4.35 2.67 1 -0.64 -2.23 -13.37 -9.9 -6.44 -3.38 -3.57 -3.97 -4.45 -5.09 -5.9 -2.91 -3.23 -3.56 -3.89 -4.23 -4.57

6315.3 146-1 8309.91 146-1 9949.44 146-1 9949.41 146-2 8629.67 146-2 6954.86 146-2 4884.68 146-2 2378.87 146-2 -589.42 146-2 -3993.36 146-2 -7792.64 146-2 -11947.01 146-2 8267.24 146-1 7963.07 146-1 7582.37 146-1 7125.43 146-1 6602 146-1 6056.65 146-1 5439.52 146-1 4746.16 146-1 3978.2 146-1 4141.05 146-2 4031.14 146-2 4802.76 146-2 5498.21 146-2 6118.51 146-2 6701.8 146-2 7232.61 146-2 7687.45 146-2 8065.78 146-2 -16950.86 146-1 -14143.44 146-1 -11412.74 146-1 -8759.06 146-1 -6192.17 146-1 -3756.63 146-1 -1402.56 146-1 874.46 146-1 3072.82 146-1 2890.55 146-2 1776.8 146-2 -371.73 146-2 -2597.38 146-2 -4901.13 146-2 -7321.14 146-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.93 -9841.94 146-2 -5.31 -12440.03 146-2 -5.74 -15114.88 146-2 5.25 -138.06 146-1 4.71 539.92 146-1 4.19 1141.58 146-1 3.83 1667.9 146-1 4.49 2151.39 146-1 5.33 2740.58 146-1 6.42 3269.18 146-1 8.02 3722.15 146-1 10.23 4099.34 146-1 21.98 4143 146-2 19.18 3581.34 146-2 16.38 3230.65 146-2 13.58 2804.01 146-2 10.8 2305.47 146-2 8.03 1862.3 146-2 5.28 1423 146-2 2.59 909.25 146-2 0.01091 319.28 146-2 -15.53 -8545.57 146-1 -12.56 -6720.29 146-1 -9.62 -4971.95 146-1 -6.82 -3301.54 146-1 -5.05 -1741.56 146-1 -3.46 -440.56 146-1 -2.12 767.78 146-1 -1.29 1898.47 146-1 -1.07 2951.68 146-1 -13.75 2888.6 146-2 -12.97 2226.61 146-2 -12.2 1200.37 146-2 -11.43 96.83 146-2 -10.67 -1088.09 146-2 -9.93 -2481.64 146-2 -9.21 -4032.33 146-2 -8.54 -5661.84 146-2 -7.99 -7368.39 146-2 -7.49 -1896.32 146-1 -6.07 1022.04 146-1 -4.62 3585.42 146-1 -2.78 5753.83 146-1 2.32 7496.75 146-1 7.62 8831.9 146-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

13 18.54 24.26 17.64 14.17 10.71 7.24 3.78 0.33 -3.1 -6.52 -9.88 -23.95 -18 -12.07 -6.54 -4.27 -2.19 -0.2 1.64 3.29 3.6 1.5 -0.59 -2.69 -4.79 -6.91 -9.03 -11.18 -13.38 -5.33 -3.4 -1.44 0.66 3.8 7.11 10.67 14.75 19.43 28.49 23.91 19.34 14.78 10.23 5.69

9736.26 146-1 10245.68 146-1 10402.05 146-1 10574.59 146-2 9756.77 146-2 9542.04 146-2 8932.42 146-2 7888.65 146-2 6422 146-2 4543.89 146-2 2271.07 146-2 -356.7 146-2 -27114.42 146-1 -21084.47 146-1 -15409.69 146-1 -10130.67 146-1 -5297.42 146-1 -981.38 146-1 2894.19 146-1 6373.98 146-1 9496.66 146-1 9324.08 146-2 7502.44 146-2 4367.55 146-2 836.83 146-2 -3131 146-2 -7600.94 146-2 -12530.66 146-2 -17856.41 146-2 -23537.36 146-2 -10301.61 146-1 -6401.11 146-1 -2855.37 146-1 296.3 146-1 3046.14 146-1 5515.83 146-1 7565.92 146-1 9221.67 146-1 10523.18 146-1 10576.54 146-2 9306.97 146-2 7969.94 146-2 6238.22 146-2 4075.6 146-2 1582.51 146-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.18 -3.28 -7.63 -26.11 -20.67 -15.25 -9.98 -5.75 -1.68 2.13 5.43 8.13 -7.25 -8.24 -9.23 -10.23 -11.24 -12.26 -13.31 -14.42 -15.63 -6.05 -4.86 -3.67 -2.47 -1.28 -0.08744 1.11 2.3 3.49 -9.94 -8.12 -6.29 -4.47 -2.64 -0.82 1 2.83 4.65 -8.16 -6.64 -5.11 -3.59 -2.06 -0.54

-1265.72 146-2 -4507.12 146-2 -8103.2 146-2 -18709.12 146-1 -13661.32 146-1 -8968.9 146-1 -4673.14 146-1 -846.81 146-1 2334.69 146-1 5064.52 146-1 7397.99 146-1 9375.53 146-1 9322.14 146-2 7952.24 146-2 5939.65 146-2 3531.04 146-2 682.04 146-2 -2761.44 146-2 -6721.06 146-2 -11078.22 146-2 -15790.86 146-2 -3191.32 147-1 -2315.5 147-1 -1558.88 147-1 -921.47 147-1 -403.27 147-1 -4.28 147-1 275.51 147-1 436.09 147-1 477.46 147-1 -3587.28 147-1 -2709.48 147-1 -1933.87 147-1 -1260.42 147-1 -689.16 147-1 -220.08 147-1 146.83 147-1 411.56 147-1 574.11 147-1 -3263.79 147-1 -2434.63 147-1 -1707.66 147-1 -1082.87 147-1 -560.25 147-1 -139.81 147-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.99 2.51 4.04 -8.16 -6.64 -5.11 -3.59 -2.06 -0.54 0.98 2.51 4.03 30.18 26.14 22.1 18.07 14.06 10.21 8.62 7.4 6.9 -32.5 -28.02 -23.53 -19.05 -14.59 -10.29 -8.26 -6.59 -5.65 27.92 22.96 17.99 13.04 8.1 3.63 6.55 10.22 14.13 -30.24 -24.83 -19.42 -14.02 -8.64 -3.71

178.45 147-1 394.54 147-1 508.44 147-1 -3267.24 147-1 -2437.25 147-1 -1709.43 147-1 -1083.8 147-1 -560.33 147-1 -139.05 147-1 180.05 147-1 396.98 147-1 511.73 147-1 19501.45 147-1 14390.52 147-1 9203.56 147-1 3941.14 147-1 1165.83 147-1 6748.21 147-1 12256.82 147-1 17690.58 147-1 23048.66 147-1 -21982.6 147-1 -16087.7 147-1 -10270.06 147-1 -4530.21 147-1 -1430.74 147-1 -6842.22 147-1 -12333.21 147-1 -17902.61 147-1 -23549.59 147-1 5093.37 147-1 3815.1 147-1 2462.24 147-1 1036.59 147-1 309.78 147-1 2045.75 147-1 3714.46 147-1 5312.44 147-1 6836.94 147-1 -7574.51 147-1 -5512.29 147-1 -3528.74 147-1 -1625.66 147-1 -574.69 147-1 -2139.77 147-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.19 -9.42 -12.88 23.19 20.44 17.7 14.98 12.26 9.71 9.42 9.5 10.3 -39.5 -33.71 -27.93 -22.15 -16.39 -10.79 -7.46 -4.49 -2.25 20.92 17.26 13.6 9.94 6.31 3.13 7.35 12.33 17.54 -37.24 -30.53 -23.82 -17.12 -10.43 -4.21 -5.38 -7.31 -9.48 1.9 2.56 3.23 3.23 3.71 4.2

-3790.85 147-1 -5524.47 147-1 -7337.88 147-1 17473.21 147-1 12800.67 147-1 8026.57 147-1 3151.46 147-1 737.91 147-1 6656.51 147-1 12475.8 147-1 18194.69 147-1 23812.35 147-1 -24010.84 147-1 -17677.55 147-1 -11447.05 147-1 -5319.89 147-1 -1858.66 147-1 -6933.92 147-1 -12114.24 147-1 -17398.51 147-1 -22785.9 147-1 3065.13 147-1 2225.26 147-1 1285.25 147-1 246.9 147-1 -118.14 147-1 1954.05 147-1 3933.43 147-1 5816.54 147-1 7600.64 147-1 -9602.76 147-1 -7102.13 147-1 -4705.73 147-1 -2415.34 147-1 -1002.6 147-1 -2231.46 147-1 -3571.87 147-1 -5020.36 147-1 -6574.19 147-1 -4679.91 149-1 -2419.68 149-1 -612.87 149-1 -612.87 149-1 317.73 149-1 1161.66 149-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333

4.69 4.69 5.35 6.02 6.02 6.68 7.14 6.59 6.59 6.03 5.48 5.48 5.07 4.66 4.25 4.25 3.7 3.14 4.11 4.59 5.08 5.08 5.43 5.78 6.14 6.14 6.62 7.1 7.1 7.58 8.17 7.85 7.85 7.52 7.2 7.2 6.96 6.72 6.48 6.48 6.15 5.83 3.2 3.72 4.23

1918.91 149-1 1918.91 149-1 2679.55 149-1 3279.02 149-1 3279.02 149-1 3585.02 149-1 3584.15 149-2 3288.15 149-2 3288.15 149-2 2698.68 149-2 1948.04 149-2 1948.04 149-2 1198.12 149-2 361.53 149-2 -561.74 149-2 -561.74 149-2 -2358.54 149-2 -4608.77 149-2 -4829.52 149-1 -2626.34 149-1 -811.82 149-1 -811.82 149-1 180.79 149-1 1099.1 149-1 1943.13 149-1 1943.13 149-1 2860.94 149-1 3640.61 149-1 3640.61 149-1 4168.73 149-1 4167.49 149-2 3657.66 149-2 3657.66 149-2 2896.28 149-2 1996.76 149-2 1996.76 149-2 1166.16 149-2 261.26 149-2 -717.93 149-2 -717.93 149-2 -2514.17 149-2 -4699.05 149-2 -4523.48 149-1 -2419.77 149-1 -704.7 149-1

2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1

4.23 4.61 4.98 5.36 5.36 5.87 6.39 6.39 6.9 7.42 7.04 7.04 6.66 6.28 6.28 6 5.72 5.44 5.44 5.06 4.68 3.18 3.7 4.21 4.21 4.59 4.97 5.34 5.34 5.86 6.37 6.37 6.89 7.41 7.02 7.02 6.64 6.26 6.26 5.98 5.7 5.42 5.42 5.04 4.66

-704.7 149-1 214.96 149-1 1060.33 149-1 1831.41 149-1 1831.41 149-1 2649.76 149-1 3329.96 149-1 3329.96 149-1 3758.62 149-1 3757.56 149-2 3343.55 149-2 3343.55 149-2 2678 149-2 1874.3 149-2 1874.3 149-2 1113.96 149-2 279.33 149-2 -629.6 149-2 -629.6 149-2 -2330.01 149-2 -4419.07 149-2 -4522.82 149-1 -2419.3 149-1 -704.43 149-1 -704.43 149-1 215.1 149-1 1060.33 149-1 1831.27 149-1 1831.27 149-1 2649.43 149-1 3329.44 149-1 3329.44 149-1 3757.91 149-1 3756.85 149-2 3343.03 149-2 3343.03 149-2 2677.67 149-2 1874.16 149-2 1874.16 149-2 1113.96 149-2 279.47 149-2 -629.31 149-2 -629.31 149-2 -2329.54 149-2 -4418.41 149-2

1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

20.24 16.8 13.39 13.39 10.91 8.55 6.76 6.76 5.41 5.69 5.69 9.54 9.42 5.68 5.68 5.51 6.88 6.88 8.77 11.12 13.56 13.56 16.91 20.28 -18.48 -14.62 -10.77 -10.77 -7.98 -5.3 -3.2 -3.2 -1.41 -1.26 -1.26 -4.67 -4.18 -0.82 -0.82 -1.04 -2.8 -2.8 -4.97 -7.61 -10.33

12598.03 149-1 11361.78 149-1 10031.46 149-1 10031.46 149-1 8998.53 149-1 7950.87 149-1 6877.9 149-1 6877.9 149-1 5334.94 149-1 3697.78 149-1 3697.78 149-1 2016.42 149-1 2016.28 149-2 3699.31 149-2 3699.31 149-2 5338.07 149-2 6882.68 149-2 6882.68 149-2 7957.73 149-2 9018.84 149-2 10056.78 149-2 10056.78 149-2 11392.29 149-2 12633.56 149-2 -16471.7 149-1 -13611.04 149-1 -10845.52 149-1 -10845.52 149-1 -8880.38 149-1 -7002.27 149-1 -5200.59 149-1 -5200.59 149-1 -2827.94 149-1 -550.31 149-1 -550.31 149-1 1582.31 149-1 1582.18 149-2 -545.56 149-2 -545.56 149-2 -2818.23 149-2 -5185.98 149-2 -5185.98 149-2 -6984.91 149-2 -8871.67 149-2 -10837.02 149-2

0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6

-10.33 -10837.02 149-2 -14.07 -13601.16 149-2 -17.83 -16460.28 149-2 20.88 2844.59 149-1 16.47 2904.22 149-1 12.11 2870.99 149-1 12.11 2870.99 149-1 9.01 2795.75 149-1 6.26 2790.12 149-1 5.46 2818.8 149-1 5.46 2818.8 149-1 7.98 2783.24 149-1 11.62 2654.4 149-1 11.62 2654.4 149-1 16.44 2446.43 149-1 16.08 2446.51 149-2 11.33 2652.14 149-2 11.33 2652.14 149-2 7.77 2778.63 149-2 5.53 2812.07 149-2 5.53 2812.07 149-2 6.83 2784.64 149-2 9.67 2829.5 149-2 12.78 2915.84 149-2 12.78 2915.84 149-2 17.14 2958.67 149-2 21.54 2908.14 149-2 -19.13 -6718.26 149-1 -14.29 -5153.47 149-1 -9.49 -3685.05 149-1 -9.49 -3685.05 149-1 -6.07 -2677.6 149-1 -3.01 -1841.51 149-1 -1.9 -1141.5 149-1 -1.9 -1141.5 149-1 -3.98 -276.24 149-1 -7.19 493.07 149-1 -7.19 493.07 149-1 -11.57 1152.3 149-1 -10.84 1151.94 149-2 -6.47 501.62 149-2 -6.47 501.62 149-2 -3.3 -258.79 149-2 -1.45 -1115.37 149-2 -1.45 -1115.37 149-2

2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5

-3.03 -1811.83 149-2 -6.15 -2682.33 149-2 -9.55 -3696.07 149-2 -9.55 -3696.07 149-2 -14.3 -5167.53 149-2 -19.09 -6734.86 149-2 22.53 10012.35 149-1 19.4 10067.33 149-1 16.29 9734.19 149-1 16.29 9734.19 149-1 14.03 9154.62 149-1 11.88 8536.9 149-1 10.32 7870.45 149-1 10.32 7870.45 149-1 9.27 6730.72 149-1 9.84 5453.25 149-1 9.84 5453.25 149-1 13.99 3974.64 149-1 14.2 3973.57 149-2 10.27 5465.23 149-2 10.27 5465.23 149-2 9.91 6755.66 149-2 11.09 7908.42 149-2 11.09 7908.42 149-2 12.84 8585.28 149-2 15.06 9224.79 149-2 17.36 9817.71 149-2 17.36 9817.71 149-2 20.52 10167.4 149-2 23.7 10128.82 149-2 -16.19 -19057.38 149-1 -12.02 -14905.5 149-1 -7.88 -11142.79 149-1 -7.88 -11142.79 149-1 -4.87 -8724.3 149-1 -1.96 -6416.24 149-1 0.36 -4208.03 149-1 0.36 -4208.03 149-1 2.44 -1432.16 149-1 2.9 1205.16 149-1 2.9 1205.16 149-1 -0.22 3540.53 149-1 0.61 3539.47 149-2 3.77 1220.36 149-2 3.77 1220.36 149-2

1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5

3.36 1.41 1.41 -0.9 -3.67 -6.53 -6.53 -10.46 -14.41 23.18 19.07 15.01 15.01 12.12 9.6 9.02 9.02 11.83 15.78 15.78 20.89 20.86 15.92 15.92 12.17 9.75 9.75 10.9 13.6 16.58 16.58 20.75 24.96 -16.83 -11.69 -6.6 -6.6 -2.96 0.32 1.66 1.66 -0.13 -3.04 -3.04 -7.12

-1400.63 149-2 -4160.24 149-2 -4160.24 149-2 -6357.36 149-2 -8665.72 149-2 -11076.08 149-2 -11076.08 149-2 -14826.05 149-2 -18965.03 149-2 258.91 149-1 1609.76 149-1 2573.72 149-1 2573.72 149-1 2951.83 149-1 3376.14 149-1 3811.36 149-1 3811.36 149-1 4179.02 149-1 4409.87 149-1 4409.87 149-1 4404.65 149-1 4403.81 149-2 4418.05 149-2 4418.05 149-2 4196.22 149-2 3837.81 149-2 3837.81 149-2 3412.19 149-2 3035.45 149-2 2676.77 149-2 2676.77 149-2 1733.78 149-2 403.4 149-2 -9303.94 149-1 -6447.93 149-1 -3982.32 149-1 -3982.32 149-1 -2521.51 149-1 -1255.48 149-1 -148.94 149-1 -148.94 149-1 1119.54 149-1 2248.54 149-1 2248.54 149-1 3110.52 149-1

1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6

-6.06 3109.24 149-2 -1.88 2267.53 149-2 -1.88 2267.53 149-2 1.1 1158.81 149-2 2.76 -89.62 149-2 2.76 -89.62 149-2 1.04 -1184.28 149-2 -2.22 -2476.38 149-2 -5.76 -3935.14 149-2 -5.76 -3935.14 149-2 -10.69 -6392.42 149-2 -15.67 -9239.61 149-2 -0.79 -11589.21 206-1 -0.48 -7836.3 206-1 -0.18 -4471.08 206-1 0.13 -1513.95 206-1 0.44 1014.68 206-1 0.74 3101.19 206-1 1.05 4759.2 206-1 1.36 6009.11 206-1 1.66 6871.34 206-1 0.89 6882.9 206-2 0.65 6272.57 206-2 0.41 5274.56 206-2 0.17 3868.46 206-2 -0.07453 2033.85 206-2 -0.32 -242.88 206-2 -0.56 -2948.11 206-2 -0.8 -6061.43 206-2 -1.04 -9562.43 206-2 -1.02 -12321.33 206-1 -0.64 -8313.4 206-1 -0.27 -4674.23 206-1 0.11 -1457.74 206-1 0.48 1282.1 206-1 0.86 3509.34 206-1 1.24 5259.94 206-1 1.61 6587.84 206-1 1.99 7546.99 206-1 1.09 7561.04 206-2 0.79 6839.08 206-2 0.48 5748.36 206-2 0.18 4234.96 206-2 -0.12 2244.91 206-2 -0.42 -257.75 206-2

0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.73 -3237.04 206-2 -1.03 -6639.03 206-2 -1.33 -10409.77 206-2 -0.91 -11427 206-1 -0.57 -7715.45 206-1 -0.23 -4358.97 206-1 0.1 -1397.86 206-1 0.44 1127.63 206-1 0.78 3190.62 206-1 1.12 4817.99 206-1 1.46 6049.99 206-1 1.79 6926.92 206-1 0.99 6939.51 206-2 0.71 6292.06 206-2 0.44 5289.53 206-2 0.17 3891.64 206-2 -0.1 2058.12 206-2 -0.37 -237.89 206-2 -0.64 -2969.53 206-2 -0.92 -6096.53 206-2 -1.19 -9578.61 206-2 -0.89 -11426.09 206-1 -0.56 -7714.8 206-1 -0.23 -4358.59 206-1 0.11 -1397.73 206-1 0.44 1127.48 206-1 0.78 3190.22 206-1 1.11 4817.32 206-1 1.45 6049.06 206-1 1.78 6925.72 206-1 0.97 6938.23 206-2 0.7 6290.82 206-2 0.44 5288.33 206-2 0.17 3890.48 206-2 -0.09991 2057 206-2 -0.37 -238.97 206-2 -0.64 -2970.58 206-2 -0.9 -6097.54 206-2 -1.17 -9579.58 206-2 13.09 1950.43 206-1 9.5 2268.08 206-1 5.92 2525.4 206-1 2.44 2741.09 206-1 1.48 2950.52 206-1 5.39 3176.6 206-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

9.3 13.21 17.12 15.68 12.13 8.58 5.03 1.49 1.73 4.99 8.25 11.5 -14.17 -10.26 -6.35 -2.55 -1.27 -4.85 -8.44 -12.03 -15.62 -14.57 -11.31 -8.06 -4.8 -1.55 -2.09 -5.63 -9.18 -12.73 4.46 3.14 1.83 0.87 1.04 2.68 4.32 5.96 7.6 10.95 8.46 5.98 3.5 1.04 1.16

3392.85 206-1 3565.12 206-1 3676.32 206-1 3667.89 206-2 3017.05 206-2 2817.74 206-2 2584.66 206-2 2419.8 206-2 2338.36 206-2 2231.77 206-2 2062.93 206-2 1822.94 206-2 -7977.23 206-1 -6362.79 206-1 -4841.28 206-1 -3431.42 206-1 -2168.55 206-1 -1075.61 206-1 -126.1 206-1 714.12 206-1 1462.15 206-1 1480.09 206-2 1314.68 206-2 544.48 206-2 -345.22 206-2 -1456.4 206-2 -2804.27 206-2 -4280.26 206-2 -5847.27 206-2 -7496.39 206-2 11041.24 206-1 10344.36 206-1 9575.74 206-1 8741 206-1 7850.74 206-1 6911.87 206-1 5916.44 206-1 4854.33 206-1 3721.16 206-1 3686.51 206-2 3116.53 206-2 4192.88 206-2 5206.36 206-2 6186.78 206-2 7138.62 206-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.34 5.53 7.72 -5.54 -3.9 -2.27 -0.98 -0.83 -2.15 -3.46 -4.78 -6.1 -9.85 -7.65 -5.46 -3.27 -1.1 -1.51 -3.98 -6.46 -8.95 12.74 9.33 5.91 2.6 1.82 5.9 9.98 14.06 18.14 16.09 12.42 8.75 5.08 1.42 1.55 4.68 7.82 10.95 -14.52 -10.43 -6.36 -2.38 -0.93 -4.34

8029.29 206-2 8847.65 206-2 9591.03 206-2 -17068.04 206-1 -14439.07 206-1 -11891.62 206-1 -9431.32 206-1 -7068.78 206-1 -4810.88 206-1 -2649.69 206-1 -575.09 206-1 1417.31 206-1 1461.48 206-2 1215.21 206-2 -830.66 206-2 -2966.91 206-2 -5223.38 206-2 -7604.53 206-2 -10077.78 206-2 -12631.99 206-2 -15264.48 206-2 -6461.84 206-1 -3399.07 206-1 -675.07 206-1 1688.58 206-1 3686.95 206-1 5316.14 206-1 6576.48 206-1 7474.13 206-1 8032.26 206-1 8031.55 206-2 7141.44 206-2 6424.41 206-2 5354.89 206-2 3994.59 206-2 2331.85 206-2 284.96 206-2 -2142.9 206-2 -4920.36 206-2 -16389.51 206-1 -12029.94 206-1 -8041.75 206-1 -4483.93 206-1 -1432.11 206-1 1063.93 206-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.76 -11.18 -14.59 -14.16 -11.02 -7.88 -4.75 -1.62 -2.28 -5.94 -9.61 -13.28 4.11 2.97 1.83 1.04 1.38 3.19 5 6.81 8.63 11.36 8.76 6.15 3.55 0.97 0.97 3.03 5.1 7.17 -5.89 -4.07 -2.27 -0.81 -0.49 -1.64 -2.78 -3.93 -5.08 -9.43 -7.36 -5.29 -3.22 -1.17 -1.7

3057.54 206-1 4623.13 206-1 5818.09 206-1 5843.75 206-2 5439.07 206-2 4151.15 206-2 2425.01 206-2 118.38 206-2 -2810.78 206-2 -6227.07 206-2 -10053.1 206-2 -14239.69 206-2 2628.96 206-1 4677.21 206-1 6375.27 206-1 7688.48 206-1 8587.18 206-1 9051.4 206-1 9100.08 206-1 8763.34 206-1 8077.1 206-1 8050.16 206-2 7240.92 206-2 7799.55 206-2 7976.58 206-2 7761.56 206-2 7132.11 206-2 6082.48 206-2 4641.82 206-2 2847.73 206-2 -25480.31 206-1 -20106.21 206-1 -15092.09 206-1 -10483.84 206-1 -6332.34 206-1 -2671.34 206-1 533.94 206-1 3333.92 206-1 5773.25 206-1 5825.13 206-2 5339.6 206-2 2776.01 206-2 -196.68 206-2 -3648.59 206-2 -7611.04 206-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.29 -12024.59 206-2 -6.89 -16837.82 206-2 -9.5 -22007.78 206-2 -0.01342 -4393.98 207-1 0.01307 -2484.94 207-1 0.03957 -1057.33 207-1 0.06607 -139.13 207-1 0.09256 241.94 207-1 0.12 70.81 207-1 0.15 -637.44 207-1 0.17 -1855.11 207-1 0.2 -3554.2 207-1 -0.12 -4851.5 207-1 -0.06854 -2793.36 207-1 -0.01504 -1197.87 207-1 0.03846 -139.03 207-1 0.09196 309.97 207-1 0.15 109.24 207-1 0.2 -701.34 207-1 0.25 -2048.57 207-1 0.31 -3858.45 207-1 -0.08073 -4447.55 207-1 -0.03818 -2547.14 207-1 0.004371 -1090.63 207-1 0.04692 -133.27 207-1 0.08948 270.29 207-1 0.13 90.28 207-1 0.17 -643.54 207-1 0.22 -1876.5 207-1 0.26 -3553.35 207-1 -0.08061 -4444.98 207-1 -0.03857 -2544.96 207-1 0.003474 -1088.83 207-1 0.04552 -131.85 207-1 0.08756 271.32 207-1 0.13 90.92 207-1 0.17 -643.28 207-1 0.21 -1876.62 207-1 0.26 -3553.86 207-1 3.06 4819.78 207-1 2.78 3710.48 207-1 2.5 2509 207-1 2.23 1222.75 207-1 1.96 -62.32 207-1 2.22 1327.94 207-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.62 3.03 3.44 -3.28 -2.93 -2.58 -2.24 -1.91 -2.09 -2.43 -2.77 -3.12 5.12 4.04 2.97 1.9 0.84 1.5 2.66 3.82 4.98 -5.33 -4.19 -3.05 -1.91 -0.78 -1.38 -2.47 -3.56 -4.65 3.09 2.82 2.55 2.28 2.02 2.28 2.7 3.11 3.53 -3.25 -2.89 -2.54 -2.19 -1.85 -2.03

2666.19 207-1 3915.54 207-1 5072 207-1 -6856.78 207-1 -5038.46 207-1 -3317.19 207-1 -1700.37 207-1 -273.94 207-1 -1712.06 207-1 -3287.39 207-1 -4963.04 207-1 -6735.01 207-1 16132.39 207-1 12197.91 207-1 8169.54 207-1 4049.53 207-1 -136.06 207-1 4113.77 207-1 8282.12 207-1 12357.57 207-1 16338.92 207-1 -18169.39 207-1 -13525.89 207-1 -8977.73 207-1 -4527.14 207-1 -200.19 207-1 -4497.89 207-1 -8903.31 207-1 -13405.06 207-1 -18001.93 207-1 1394.47 207-1 1830.51 207-1 1825.08 207-1 1330.35 207-1 377.59 207-1 1611.21 207-1 2333.63 207-1 2562.61 207-1 2349.41 207-1 -10282.09 207-1 -6918.43 207-1 -4001.11 207-1 -1592.77 207-1 165.98 207-1 -1428.78 207-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.36 -2.69 -3.03 5.14 4.08 3.01 1.95 0.9 1.57 2.73 3.9 5.07 -5.3 -4.16 -3.01 -1.86 -0.73 -1.31 -2.39 -3.48 -4.56 -1.29 -0.94 -0.6 -0.25 0.0924 0.44 0.78 1.13 1.48 1.29 1.01 0.73 0.44 0.16 -0.12 -0.41 -0.69 -0.97 -1.71 -1.26 -0.82 -0.38 0.06246 0.5

-3619.95 207-1 -6315.97 207-1 -9457.6 207-1 12707.08 207-1 10317.94 207-1 7485.62 207-1 4157.12 207-1 303.85 207-1 4397.05 207-1 7949.56 207-1 11004.63 207-1 13616.33 207-1 -21594.7 207-1 -15405.86 207-1 -9661.65 207-1 -4419.54 207-1 239.72 207-1 -4214.61 207-1 -9235.87 207-1 -14757.99 207-1 -20724.52 207-1 -10159.23 208-1 -6579.99 208-1 -3388.43 208-1 -604.97 208-1 1749.98 208-1 3662.83 208-1 5147.16 208-1 6223.41 208-1 6911.97 208-1 6901.42 208-2 6124.31 208-2 4959.53 208-2 3386.65 208-2 1385.27 208-2 -1058.23 208-2 -3930.24 208-2 -7210.34 208-2 -10878.12 208-2 -11122.06 208-1 -7257.1 208-1 -3760.9 208-1 -687.39 208-1 1909.48 208-1 3993.74 208-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.95 1.39 1.83 1.59 1.25 0.92 0.58 0.24 -0.09884 -0.44 -0.78 -1.11 -1.5 -1.11 -0.72 -0.32 0.06898 0.46 0.85 1.25 1.64 1.42 1.12 0.81 0.5 0.2 -0.11 -0.42 -0.72 -1.03 -1.48 -1.1 -0.71 -0.32 0.06877 0.46 0.84 1.23 1.62 1.41 1.11 0.81 0.5 0.2 -0.1

5601.36 208-1 6786.29 208-1 7602.47 208-1 7589.26 208-2 6729.12 208-2 5500.23 208-2 3848.65 208-2 1720.42 208-2 -920.41 208-2 -4037.88 208-2 -7578.04 208-2 -11486.95 208-2 -10218.21 208-1 -6651.75 208-1 -3440.37 208-1 -624.35 208-1 1756.03 208-1 3673.93 208-1 5156.19 208-1 6243.1 208-1 6974.93 208-1 6963.2 208-2 6175.87 208-2 5033.47 208-2 3495.7 208-2 1522.31 208-2 -913.58 208-2 -3785.1 208-2 -7051.97 208-2 -10673.93 208-2 -10216.96 208-1 -6650.84 208-1 -3439.8 208-1 -624.12 208-1 1755.93 208-1 3673.5 208-1 5155.43 208-1 6242 208-1 6973.49 208-1 6961.83 208-2 6174.47 208-2 5032.02 208-2 3494.22 208-2 1520.79 208-2 -915.14 208-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.41 -0.71 -1.01 10.93 7.77 4.61 1.45 1.75 5.3 8.84 12.39 15.94 17.15 13.24 9.33 5.42 1.51 2.7 6.11 9.57 13.2 -12.44 -8.89 -5.35 -1.8 -1.71 -4.87 -8.03 -11.19 -14.35 -15.91 -12.27 -8.63 -5 -1.36 -2.83 -6.5 -10.24 -14.14 6.9 4.77 2.63 0.51 1.68 4.19

-3786.69 208-2 -7053.61 208-2 -10675.6 208-2 1409.65 208-1 1723.24 208-1 1974.51 208-1 2183.84 208-1 2395.67 208-1 2633.69 208-1 2856.3 208-1 3027.66 208-1 3649.3 208-1 3658.22 208-2 3520.59 208-2 3329.49 208-2 3132.06 208-2 3013 208-2 2937.3 208-2 2826.94 208-2 2654.5 208-2 2411.7 208-2 -7356.68 208-1 -5744.39 208-1 -4223.04 208-1 -2813.03 208-1 -1558.78 208-1 -483.98 208-1 452.95 208-1 1287.87 208-1 1519.25 208-1 1501.46 208-2 816.16 208-2 31.05 208-2 -900.99 208-2 -2064.66 208-2 -3424.96 208-2 -4903.87 208-2 -6473.97 208-2 -8126.97 208-2 9371.85 208-1 8663.28 208-1 7882.37 208-1 7035.25 208-1 6135.26 208-1 5189.52 208-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.71 9.23 11.76 8.04 6.4 4.77 3.14 1.51 1.42 1.99 2.78 4.09 -8.41 -5.89 -3.37 -0.86 -1.64 -3.77 -5.9 -8.04 -10.17 -6.8 -5.44 -4.08 -2.72 -1.36 -1.54 -2.39 -3.45 -5.04 10.21 7.24 4.28 1.31 1.8 5.54 9.28 13.02 16.76 17.93 13.86 9.78 5.71 1.64 2.67

4185.63 208-1 3113.63 208-1 3688.7 208-1 3723.73 208-2 4861.55 208-2 5930.61 208-2 6944.26 208-2 7927.83 208-2 8870.79 208-2 9749.72 208-2 10556.4 208-2 11288.32 208-2 -15318.88 208-1 -12684.42 208-1 -10130.91 208-1 -7664.44 208-1 -5298.36 208-1 -3039.81 208-1 -876.38 208-1 1201.9 208-1 1479.84 208-1 1435.95 208-2 -524.8 208-2 -2570.06 208-2 -4713.19 208-2 -6979.49 208-2 -9358.46 208-2 -11826.66 208-2 -14375.87 208-2 -17003.59 208-2 -5833.23 208-1 -2916.62 208-1 -340.76 208-1 1874.43 208-1 3733.11 208-1 5232.14 208-1 6356.76 208-1 7111.39 208-1 8037.86 208-1 8039.59 208-2 7526.04 208-2 6680.59 208-2 5510.07 208-2 4058.93 208-2 2265.29 208-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.9 9.2 12.66 -13.16 -9.42 -5.68 -1.95 -1.66 -4.63 -7.6 -10.57 -13.53 -15.12 -11.65 -8.18 -4.7 -1.23 -2.87 -6.71 -10.61 -14.67 6.18 4.24 2.3 0.37 1.72 4.44 7.15 9.86 12.58 8.82 7.03 5.23 3.44 1.64 1.38 1.79 2.41 3.56 -9.13 -6.42 -3.71 -1 -1.59 -3.53

77.99 208-2 -2490.11 208-2 -5407.02 208-2 -14599.56 208-1 -10384.24 208-1 -6538.32 208-1 -3122.44 208-1 -221.33 208-1 2114.46 208-1 3953.4 208-1 5371.6 208-1 5907.81 208-1 5882.83 208-2 4821.62 208-2 3382.15 208-2 1477.02 208-2 -1018.73 208-2 -4096.97 208-2 -7652.82 208-2 -11618.59 208-2 -15945.7 208-2 2128.97 208-1 4023.42 208-1 5567.1 208-1 6725.84 208-1 7472.7 208-1 7787.96 208-1 7686.08 208-1 7197.36 208-1 8077.27 208-1 8105.1 208-2 8867.01 208-2 9281.7 208-2 9322.27 208-2 8973.76 208-2 8198.78 208-2 7000.77 208-2 5411.78 208-2 3469.6 208-2 -22561.76 208-1 -17324.28 208-1 -12446.18 208-1 -7973.85 208-1 -3960.92 208-1 -441.36 208-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.47 -7.41 -9.35 -6.01 -4.81 -3.62 -2.43 -1.24 -1.58 -2.59 -3.82 -5.57 -0.72 -0.56 -0.4 -0.23 -0.07156 0.09128 0.25 0.42 0.58 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.4 0.32 0.24 0.17 0.08609 -0.86 -0.66 -0.47 -0.27 -0.07415 0.12 0.32 0.51 0.71 0.72 0.65 0.59 0.52 0.45 0.38

2624.07 208-1 5285.63 208-1 5868.41 208-1 5817.32 208-2 3480.65 208-2 781.03 208-2 -2335.18 208-2 -5933.57 208-2 -10030.47 208-2 -14575.61 208-2 -19520.48 208-2 -24822.31 208-2 -13072.7 211-1 -9316.51 211-1 -5720.35 211-1 -2325.05 211-1 828.57 211-1 3713.3 211-1 6356.35 211-1 8798.54 211-1 11080.7 211-1 11073.12 211-2 9059.65 211-2 6886.16 211-2 4511.81 211-2 1895.78 211-2 -989.15 211-2 -4115.76 211-2 -7443.22 211-2 -10930.71 211-2 -16886.62 211-1 -11794.31 211-1 -6912.07 211-1 -2347.79 211-1 1790.64 211-1 5431.28 211-1 8646.07 211-1 11542.9 211-1 14229.66 211-1 14215.69 211-2 11764.45 211-2 9103.15 211-2 6123.88 211-2 2718.76 211-2 -1184.14 211-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.31 0.24 0.17 -0.76 -0.58 -0.41 -0.24 -0.06497 0.11 0.28 0.45 0.63 0.68 0.61 0.54 0.48 0.41 0.35 0.28 0.21 0.15 -0.77 -0.59 -0.42 -0.24 -0.06871 0.11 0.28 0.46 0.63 0.68 0.61 0.55 0.48 0.41 0.34 0.27 0.2 0.14 10.62 7.87 5.11 2.35 1.52 3.73

-5512.9 211-2 -10159.62 211-2 -15016.41 211-2 -14756.06 211-1 -10365.96 211-1 -6158.6 211-1 -2214.52 211-1 1385.72 211-1 4588.41 211-1 7447.27 211-1 10042.83 211-1 12455.67 211-1 12444.44 211-2 10265.7 211-2 7904.23 211-2 5279.48 211-2 2310.88 211-2 -1055.26 211-2 -4765.24 211-2 -8738.51 211-2 -12894.51 211-2 -14756.07 211-1 -10366.02 211-1 -6158.71 211-1 -2214.68 211-1 1385.51 211-1 4588.16 211-1 7446.96 211-1 10042.47 211-1 12455.26 211-1 12444.08 211-2 10264.94 211-2 7903.07 211-2 5277.91 211-2 2308.92 211-2 -1057.63 211-2 -4768.01 211-2 -8741.68 211-2 -12898.09 211-2 -331.89 211-1 622.73 211-1 1504.24 211-1 2316.4 211-1 3069.76 211-1 3795.85 211-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.2 4541.65 211-1 9.01 5286.15 211-1 11.83 5984.08 211-1 11.49 6011.33 211-2 8.95 4816.26 211-2 6.41 4119.93 211-2 3.86 3371.33 211-2 1.94 2587.72 211-2 1.59 1775.85 211-2 4.18 921.28 211-2 6.78 7.89 211-2 9.39 -973.13 211-2 -10.71 -10030.74 211-1 -7.89 -7840.37 211-1 -5.07 -5730.16 211-1 -2.26 -3703.86 211-1 -1.38 -1772.04 211-1 -3.52 33.8 211-1 -5.93 1666.65 211-1 -8.69 3147.54 211-1 -11.45 4521.73 211-1 -11.47 4496.29 211-2 -8.86 3665.9 211-2 -6.25 2183.5 211-2 -3.65 600.11 211-2 -1.67 -1101.54 211-2 -1.25 -2928.18 211-2 -3.78 -4865.41 211-2 -6.32 -6897.08 211-2 -8.86 -9014.38 211-2 8.28 8437.16 211-1 6.55 8399.84 211-1 4.83 8286.96 211-1 3.1 8099.63 211-1 1.95 7841.05 211-1 1.71 7520.68 211-1 2.36 7152.66 211-1 4.14 6730.87 211-1 5.92 6243.12 211-1 8.95 6339.27 211-2 6.6 4996.66 211-2 4.25 5459.07 211-2 1.9 5853.99 211-2 1.62 6184.97 211-2 3.14 6453.9 211-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.55 7.96 10.37 -8.36 -6.58 -4.79 -3.01 -1.8 -1.5 -2.09 -3.82 -5.55 -8.92 -6.51 -4.1 -1.69 -1.34 -2.8 -5.15 -7.49 -9.84 9.89 7.28 4.67 2.06 1.38 3.73 6.35 9.31 12.27 12.16 9.52 6.88 4.23 2.21 1.76 4.25 6.75 9.26 -11.44 -8.47 -5.51 -2.55 -1.52 -3.52

6656.41 211-2 6787.65 211-2 6844.96 211-2 -18799.79 211-1 -15617.48 211-1 -12512.87 211-1 -9487.1 211-1 -6543.32 211-1 -3691.03 211-1 -944.36 211-1 1702.82 211-1 4262.68 211-1 4168.34 211-2 3485.5 211-2 844.36 211-2 -1882.54 211-2 -4698.79 211-2 -7606.24 211-2 -10600.54 211-2 -13676.84 211-2 -16832.48 211-2 -9906.66 211-1 -6134.5 211-1 -2541.56 211-1 795.38 211-1 3806.32 211-1 6469.06 211-1 8884.32 211-1 11111.61 211-1 13186.25 211-1 13201.44 211-2 10839.78 211-2 8870.76 211-2 6662.81 211-2 4152.65 211-2 1293.31 211-2 -1875.93 211-2 -5290.64 211-2 -8879.09 211-2 -19605.5 211-1 -14597.6 211-1 -9775.96 211-1 -5224.88 211-1 -1035.49 211-1 2707.01 211-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.79 -8.4 -11.01 -10.79 -8.29 -5.78 -3.28 -1.4 -1.08 -3.71 -6.35 -8.99 7.55 5.97 4.39 2.81 1.81 1.71 2.5 4.43 6.37 9.62 7.17 4.72 2.27 1.89 3.31 5.62 7.92 10.23 -9.09 -7.16 -5.23 -3.3 -1.95 -1.5 -1.94 -3.52 -5.1 -8.25 -5.94 -3.63 -1.32 -1.07 -2.63

6009.32 211-1 8973.01 211-1 11723.9 211-1 11686.4 211-2 9689.41 211-2 6934.33 211-2 3891.59 211-2 463.39 211-2 -3410.72 211-2 -7662.61 211-2 -12195.61 211-2 -16920.34 211-2 -1137.6 211-1 1642.61 211-1 4241.16 211-1 6578.61 211-1 8577.6 211-1 10193.89 211-1 11495.33 211-1 12556.34 211-1 13445.29 211-1 13529.38 211-2 11020.18 211-2 10209.9 211-2 9145.47 211-2 7749.9 211-2 5971.37 211-2 3859.21 211-2 1489.12 211-2 -1060.99 211-2 -28374.55 211-1 -22374.71 211-1 -16558.67 211-1 -11008.11 211-1 -5806.77 211-1 -1017.82 211-1 3398.3 211-1 7528.29 211-1 11464.85 211-1 11358.45 211-2 9509.02 211-2 5595.19 211-2 1408.94 211-2 -3133.86 211-2 -8088.78 211-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.08 -13397.75 211-2 -7.53 -18975.37 211-2 -9.97 -24738.43 211-2 -0.67 -3629.22 212-1 -0.56 -2589.85 212-1 -0.46 -1753.66 212-1 -0.35 -1176.63 212-1 -0.25 -914.18 212-1 -0.14 -996.46 212-1 -0.03664 -1393.32 212-1 0.06901 -2049.35 212-1 0.17 -2908.54 212-1 -0.94 -5315.02 212-1 -0.79 -3620.13 212-1 -0.64 -2199.38 212-1 -0.5 -1200.78 212-1 -0.35 -770.75 212-1 -0.2 -989 212-1 -0.05633 -1775.82 212-1 0.09011 -2984.79 212-1 0.24 -4467.9 212-1 -0.81 -4491.84 212-1 -0.68 -3098 212-1 -0.56 -1940.81 212-1 -0.43 -1130.77 212-1 -0.3 -777.18 212-1 -0.18 -939.59 212-1 -0.04889 -1558.47 212-1 0.07795 -2524.49 212-1 0.2 -3727.16 212-1 -0.8 -4488.92 212-1 -0.68 -3095.47 212-1 -0.55 -1938.66 212-1 -0.42 -1128.99 212-1 -0.3 -775.8 212-1 -0.17 -938.59 212-1 -0.04726 -1557.85 212-1 0.07842 -2524.25 212-1 0.2 -3727.3 212-1 4.31 4096.86 212-1 3.62 3078.34 212-1 2.94 1965.94 212-1 2.26 761.58 212-1 1.78 -507.19 212-1 2.62 768.99 212-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

3.47 4.33 5.19 -5.2 -4.38 -3.56 -2.75 -2.14 -2.85 -3.57 -4.29 -5.03 9.85 7.4 4.95 2.51 0.7 3.27 5.86 8.45 11.04 -10.73 -8.15 -5.58 -3 -1.06 -3.5 -5.95 -8.41 -10.87 3.96 3.33 2.7 2.08 1.66 2.56 3.47 4.39 5.31 -5.55 -4.67 -3.8 -2.93 -2.25 -2.9

2014.87 212-1 3170.1 212-1 4231.67 212-1 -6922.42 212-1 -5198.47 212-1 -3569.87 212-1 -2038.53 212-1 -631.99 212-1 -1959.62 212-1 -3446.18 212-1 -5031.29 212-1 -6711.96 212-1 14908.68 212-1 11182.88 212-1 7362.69 212-1 3448.69 212-1 -546.85 212-1 3481.12 212-1 7437.79 212-1 11301.04 212-1 15069.96 212-1 -17734.23 212-1 -13303.01 212-1 -8966.62 212-1 -4725.63 212-1 -592.33 212-1 -4671.75 212-1 -8869.09 212-1 -13162.23 212-1 -17550.26 212-1 1022.05 212-1 1044.09 212-1 830.23 212-1 271.87 212-1 -712.76 212-1 426.17 212-1 1172.96 212-1 1576.55 212-1 1744.45 212-1 -9997.23 212-1 -7232.71 212-1 -4705.59 212-1 -2528.24 212-1 -837.57 212-1 -2302.44 212-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-3.57 -4.23 -4.91 9.49 7.1 4.72 2.34 0.58 3.21 5.86 8.51 11.16 -11.09 -8.45 -5.81 -3.18 -1.17 -3.56 -5.95 -8.35 -10.75 -0.4 -0.22 -0.0421 0.14 0.32 0.5 0.68 0.86 1.04 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.21 -0.61 -0.36 -0.11 0.14 0.39 0.64

-4288.09 212-1 -6624.84 212-1 -9199.19 212-1 11833.86 212-1 9148.63 212-1 6226.98 212-1 2958.97 212-1 -752.43 212-1 3138.3 212-1 6595.87 212-1 9707.49 212-1 12582.74 212-1 -20809.05 212-1 -15337.26 212-1 -10102.33 212-1 -5215.35 212-1 -797.9 212-1 -5014.57 212-1 -9711.01 212-1 -14755.78 212-1 -20037.48 212-1 -11499.45 213-1 -7930.6 213-1 -4521.77 213-1 -1313.81 213-1 1652.48 213-1 4349.88 213-1 6805.59 213-1 9060.45 213-1 11155.28 213-1 11161.67 213-2 8948.6 213-2 6575.5 213-2 4001.55 213-2 1185.91 213-2 -1898.62 213-2 -5224.83 213-2 -8751.89 213-2 -12438.99 213-2 -15671.58 213-1 -10722.62 213-1 -5983.73 213-1 -1562.8 213-1 2432.28 213-1 5929.58 213-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.89 1.14 1.39 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.14 -0.51 -0.29 -0.07798 0.14 0.35 0.56 0.78 0.99 1.2 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 -0.51 -0.3 -0.08169 0.13 0.35 0.56 0.78 0.99 1.2 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15

9001.02 213-1 11754.5 213-1 14297.91 213-1 14310.02 213-2 11705.6 213-2 8891.1 213-2 5758.64 213-2 2200.33 213-2 -1855.77 213-2 -6337.72 213-2 -11137.63 213-2 -16147.61 213-2 -13489.44 213-1 -9249.32 213-1 -5191.93 213-1 -1397.83 213-1 2052.43 213-1 5105.15 213-1 7814.02 213-1 10259.61 213-1 12522.47 213-1 12532.14 213-2 10193.32 213-2 7671.77 213-2 4886.94 213-2 1758.27 213-2 -1767.95 213-2 -5638.01 213-2 -9771.36 213-2 -14087.44 213-2 -13490.76 213-1 -9250.55 213-1 -5193.06 213-1 -1398.87 213-1 2051.49 213-1 5104.3 213-1 7813.27 213-1 10258.96 213-1 12521.91 213-1 12531.54 213-2 10192.48 213-2 7670.68 213-2 4885.59 213-2 1756.66 213-2 -1769.81 213-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.15 -5640.12 213-2 0.15 -9773.72 213-2 0.16 -14090.05 213-2 8.89 -907.32 213-1 6.46 47.68 213-1 4.03 929.71 213-1 1.63 1743.55 213-1 2.15 2505.03 213-1 3.78 3261.74 213-1 6.33 4040.94 213-1 8.91 4790.45 213-1 11.5 6041.43 213-1 11.55 6011.92 213-2 8.76 5369.52 213-2 6.1 4668.53 213-2 3.91 3922.62 213-2 1.74 3146.4 213-2 2.66 2338.65 213-2 5.5 1483.97 213-2 8.35 568.88 213-2 11.2 -414.05 213-2 -9.2 -9334.53 213-1 -6.61 -7156.92 213-1 -4.03 -5059.61 213-1 -1.47 -3047.38 213-1 -1.83 -1136.06 213-1 -3.31 626.77 213-1 -5.7 2213.84 213-1 -8.12 3677.34 213-1 -10.55 4486.09 213-1 -11.6 4511.89 213-2 -8.76 3116.7 213-2 -6.04 1626.82 213-2 -3.78 28.6 213-2 -1.55 -1692.56 213-2 -2.41 -3535.48 213-2 -5.19 -5484.72 213-2 -7.98 -7526.84 213-2 -10.77 -9654.37 213-2 10.57 6775.64 213-1 8.27 6722.54 213-1 5.97 6593.92 213-1 3.67 6391.21 213-1 2.26 6119.19 213-1 1.58 5792.16 213-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.91 6.37 8.83 5.12 3.39 2.08 2.32 2.61 3.82 5.61 7.41 9.2 -10.88 -8.42 -5.96 -3.51 -1.94 -1.1 -3.28 -5.58 -7.88 -5.17 -3.39 -2.02 -2.2 -2.42 -3.57 -5.3 -7.04 -8.77 8.53 6.24 3.95 1.68 2.33 4.11 6.79 9.51 12.23 11.72 8.9 6.21 3.99 1.79 2.68

5418.47 213-1 4984.17 213-1 6355.31 213-1 6257.86 213-2 6774.25 213-2 7221.21 213-2 7601.33 213-2 7918.8 213-2 8173.21 213-2 8359.93 213-2 8474.89 213-2 8515.87 213-2 -17017.49 213-1 -13831.78 213-1 -10723.82 213-1 -7695.04 213-1 -4750.21 213-1 -1903.65 213-1 836.31 213-1 3483.61 213-1 4172.22 213-1 4265.95 213-2 1711.97 213-2 -925.86 213-2 -3650.1 213-2 -6464.97 213-2 -9370.04 213-2 -12360.68 213-2 -15432.84 213-2 -18584.28 213-2 -9277.76 213-1 -5648.8 213-1 -2198.91 213-1 996.13 213-1 3871.61 213-1 6421.4 213-1 8726.48 213-1 10815.22 213-1 13299.33 213-1 13281.29 213-2 11318.5 213-2 9191.04 213-2 6831.99 213-2 4175.42 213-2 1166.41 213-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.49 8.31 11.13 -9.56 -6.84 -4.12 -1.42 -1.64 -2.99 -5.24 -7.53 -9.82 -11.43 -8.62 -5.93 -3.7 -1.5 -2.39 -5.2 -8.01 -10.83 10.22 8.05 5.88 3.72 2.45 1.9 4.37 6.96 9.56 5.29 3.53 2.2 2.4 2.66 3.84 5.61 7.37 9.14 -11.24 -8.64 -6.05 -3.46 -1.75 -0.78

-2156.74 213-2 -5726.93 213-2 -9471.08 213-2 -17704.97 213-1 -12853.41 213-1 -8188.24 213-1 -3794.8 213-1 230.52 213-1 3786.44 213-1 6899.38 213-1 9702.11 213-1 11743.98 213-1 11781.26 213-2 9065.69 213-2 6149.32 213-2 2937.97 213-2 -663.54 213-2 -4707.72 213-2 -9125.42 213-2 -13822.66 213-2 -18711.4 213-2 -1594.8 213-1 1026.06 213-1 3465.29 213-1 5643.79 213-1 7485.76 213-1 8951.82 213-1 10104.01 213-1 11008.94 213-1 13613.2 213-1 13527.23 213-2 12723.23 213-2 11743.71 213-2 10510.69 213-2 8947.82 213-2 7000.98 213-2 4719.22 213-2 2179.07 213-2 -541.17 213-2 -25387.93 213-1 -19528.27 213-1 -13852.45 213-1 -8442.46 213-1 -3383.64 213-1 1256.02 213-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.82 -4.98 -7.15 -5 -3.25 -1.91 -2.11 -2.37 -3.55 -5.31 -7.07 -8.84 -1.18 -0.95 -0.72 -0.49 -0.26 -0.03357 0.2 0.43 0.65 -0.52 -0.33 -0.14 0.05459 0.24 0.44 0.63 0.82 1.01 -1.26 -1.02 -0.77 -0.53 -0.29 -0.04664 0.2 0.44 0.68 -0.72 -0.47 -0.22 0.03014 0.28 0.53

5521.85 213-1 9508.38 213-1 11430.11 213-1 11535.32 213-2 7660.96 213-2 3596.65 213-2 -740.74 213-2 -5435.95 213-2 -10542.28 213-2 -16001.38 213-2 -21728.66 213-2 -27641.32 213-2 -13829.31 215-1 -9605.37 215-1 -5541.46 215-1 -1678.41 215-1 1942.96 215-1 5295.44 215-1 8406.24 215-1 11316.18 215-1 14066.09 215-1 14055.06 215-2 11350.19 215-2 8485.28 215-2 5419.51 215-2 2112.07 215-2 -1464.27 215-2 -5282.28 215-2 -9301.16 215-2 -13480.06 215-2 -18429.32 215-1 -12647.26 215-1 -7075.26 215-1 -1821.23 215-1 3006.95 215-1 7337.34 215-1 11241.89 215-1 14828.47 215-1 18204.98 215-1 18180.64 215-2 14822.15 215-2 11253.6 215-2 7367.07 215-2 3054.7 215-2 -1755.46 215-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.79 1.04 1.29 -1.17 -0.94 -0.72 -0.49 -0.26 -0.03701 0.19 0.42 0.64 -0.63 -0.41 -0.19 0.03456 0.26 0.48 0.7 0.92 1.14 -1.17 -0.94 -0.72 -0.49 -0.27 -0.03951 0.19 0.41 0.64 -0.62 -0.4 -0.18 0.03612 0.26 0.47 0.69 0.91 1.13 5.55 4.13 2.71 1.3 0.46 1.74

-6991.47 215-2 -12545.44 215-2 -18309.48 215-2 -15964.08 215-1 -10992.3 215-1 -6203.25 215-1 -1677.48 215-1 2504.44 215-1 6288.82 215-1 9729.35 215-1 12906.6 215-1 15901.12 215-1 15882.26 215-2 12914.22 215-2 9763.43 215-2 6349.37 215-2 2591.46 215-2 -1564 215-2 -6063.29 215-2 -10825.87 215-2 -15771.19 215-2 -15963.55 215-1 -10992.02 215-1 -6203.23 215-1 -1677.72 215-1 2503.95 215-1 6288.07 215-1 9728.36 215-1 12905.35 215-1 15899.61 215-1 15880.84 215-2 12912.43 215-2 9761.28 215-2 6346.84 215-2 2588.56 215-2 -1567.26 215-2 -6066.92 215-2 -10829.87 215-2 -15775.56 215-2 -1747.56 215-1 -401.84 215-1 867.35 215-1 2060.05 215-1 3176.37 215-1 4216.49 215-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.22 5180.89 215-1 4.77 6070.96 215-1 6.33 6892.82 215-1 5.57 6989.42 215-2 4.7 5493.34 215-2 3.83 4603.83 215-2 2.96 3654.67 215-2 2.1 2631.11 215-2 1.51 1531.56 215-2 0.99 355.65 215-2 1.43 -896.76 215-2 2.54 -2225.73 215-2 -6.14 -10364.59 215-1 -4.59 -8005.56 215-1 -3.03 -5723.27 215-1 -1.49 -3517.77 215-1 -0.52 -1389.14 215-1 -1.67 662.41 215-1 -3.03 2636.42 215-1 -4.44 4531.49 215-1 -5.87 6341.51 215-1 -6.4 6249.09 215-2 -5.28 5116.91 215-2 -4.17 3224.89 215-2 -3.05 1239.26 215-2 -1.94 -825.24 215-2 -1.09 -2967.02 215-2 -0.33 -5185.7 215-2 -0.52 -7481.15 215-2 -1.38 -9853.31 215-2 3.32 7189.24 215-1 2.58 7480.84 215-1 1.85 7695.85 215-1 1.11 7834.28 215-1 0.56 7896.18 215-1 0.7 7881.63 215-1 1.36 7790.83 215-1 2.21 7624.42 215-1 3.08 7386.33 215-1 3.56 7685.32 215-2 2.87 5847.13 215-2 2.18 6037.88 215-2 1.49 6159.75 215-2 0.81 6205.94 215-2 1.01 6175.77 215-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.47 2.2 3.14 -3.91 -3.04 -2.17 -1.31 -0.63 -0.63 -1.16 -1.88 -2.62 -4.4 -3.45 -2.51 -1.57 -0.64 -0.6 -0.8 -1.29 -1.98 4.68 3.42 2.16 0.9 0.23 1.66 3.31 5.02 6.73 5.37 4.59 3.82 3.04 2.27 1.77 1.35 1.88 3.09 -7.01 -5.3 -3.59 -1.88 -0.76 -1.74

6069.08 215-2 5885.82 215-2 5625.96 215-2 -19301.39 215-1 -15888.24 215-1 -12551.77 215-1 -9291.99 215-1 -6108.95 215-1 -3002.73 215-1 26.48 215-1 2978.03 215-1 5847.99 215-1 5553.19 215-2 4763.12 215-2 1790.85 215-2 -1265.82 215-2 -4400.07 215-2 -7611.22 215-2 -10899.13 215-2 -14263.73 215-2 -17704.99 215-2 -11654.8 215-1 -7190.04 215-1 -2907.91 215-1 1111.09 215-1 4786.48 215-1 8064.78 215-1 11000.14 215-1 13674.52 215-1 16174.58 215-1 16250.36 215-2 13099.82 215-2 10449.77 215-2 7553.39 215-2 4315.42 215-2 680.55 215-2 -3297.9 215-2 -7539.5 215-2 -11963.75 215-2 -20271.82 215-1 -14793.76 215-1 -9498.53 215-1 -4466.73 215-1 220.97 215-1 4510.69 215-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.94 -4.2 -5.46 -6.6 -5.39 -4.18 -2.97 -1.76 -0.83 0.02995 -0.06908 -0.84 2.45 1.87 1.3 0.72 0.33 0.62 1.45 2.46 3.48 3.36 2.76 2.16 1.57 0.98 1.28 1.82 2.66 3.69 -4.78 -3.75 -2.73 -1.7 -0.86 -0.7 -1.08 -1.64 -2.22 -4.6 -3.56 -2.53 -1.49 -0.47 -0.34

8455.67 215-1 12135.04 215-1 15623.28 215-1 15510.03 215-2 12723.4 215-2 9070.82 215-2 5137.99 215-2 859.07 215-2 -3818.04 215-2 -8839.25 215-2 -14123.89 215-2 -19591.33 215-2 -2717.99 215-1 692.64 215-1 3920.59 215-1 6885.31 215-1 9506.29 215-1 11729.91 215-1 13610.07 215-1 15227.98 215-1 16668.1 215-1 16946.26 215-2 13453.62 215-2 11883.81 215-2 10058.48 215-2 7890.25 215-2 5324.75 215-2 2415.53 215-2 -756.92 215-2 -4112.07 215-2 -29208.63 215-1 -22676.44 215-1 -16327.03 215-1 -10240.96 215-1 -4498.84 215-1 845.56 215-1 5845.73 215-1 10581.58 215-1 15129.76 215-1 14814.14 215-2 12369.6 215-2 7636.78 215-2 2632.9 215-2 -2715.76 215-2 -8462.24 215-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.44 -14552.68 215-2 -0.84 -20906.47 215-2 -1.44 -27443.02 215-2 -1.24 -3689.15 216-1 -0.99 -2811.13 216-1 -0.74 -2136.27 216-1 -0.5 -1720.58 216-1 -0.25 -1619.47 216-1 -0.002758 -1863.09 216-1 0.24 -2421.29 216-1 0.49 -3238.66 216-1 0.74 -4259.19 216-1 -1.53 -5570.3 216-1 -1.23 -4021.38 216-1 -0.93 -2746.6 216-1 -0.63 -1893.98 216-1 -0.33 -1609.92 216-1 -0.02584 -1974.14 216-1 0.27 -2906.94 216-1 0.58 -4261.88 216-1 0.88 -5890.97 216-1 -1.37 -4671.41 216-1 -1.1 -3420.62 216-1 -0.83 -2406.48 216-1 -0.56 -1739.48 216-1 -0.29 -1528.95 216-1 -0.01859 -1834.41 216-1 0.25 -2596.34 216-1 0.52 -3705.41 216-1 0.79 -5051.13 216-1 -1.36 -4667.84 216-1 -1.09 -3417.47 216-1 -0.82 -2403.75 216-1 -0.55 -1737.17 216-1 -0.28 -1527.06 216-1 -0.01726 -1832.94 216-1 0.25 -2595.29 216-1 0.52 -3704.78 216-1 0.79 -5050.92 216-1 2.71 3596.97 216-1 2.52 2639.94 216-1 2.33 1588.3 216-1 2.15 442.08 216-1 2.21 -791.25 216-1 2.57 483.53 216-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.93 3.3 3.67 -3.92 -3.5 -3.09 -2.68 -2.52 -2.65 -2.79 -2.94 -3.08 3.35 2.54 1.73 0.95 0.96 1.95 2.97 3.99 5 -4.56 -3.52 -2.49 -1.48 -1.27 -2.04 -2.83 -3.62 -4.41 1.96 1.93 1.89 1.87 2.08 2.59 3.11 3.64 4.16 -4.66 -4.09 -3.53 -2.97 -2.65 -2.63

1669.83 216-1 2761.55 216-1 3758.66 216-1 -6867.37 216-1 -5208 216-1 -3643.23 216-1 -2173.1 216-1 -805.08 216-1 -2134.39 216-1 -3564.44 216-1 -5089.12 216-1 -6708.41 216-1 14418.67 216-1 10756.34 216-1 6999.4 216-1 3147.86 216-1 -786.47 216-1 3188.28 216-1 7079.89 216-1 10876.91 216-1 14579.33 216-1 -17689.07 216-1 -13324.39 216-1 -9054.33 216-1 -4878.88 216-1 -809.86 216-1 -4839.14 216-1 -8974.5 216-1 -13204.48 216-1 -17529.08 216-1 565.95 216-1 507.92 216-1 213.26 216-1 -428.53 216-1 -1519.29 216-1 -523.32 216-1 22.32 216-1 220.84 216-1 182.72 216-1 -9898.39 216-1 -7340.01 216-1 -5018.28 216-1 -3043.71 216-1 -1533.12 216-1 -3141.23 216-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.61 -2.6 -2.59 2.6 1.95 1.3 0.66 0.83 1.98 3.15 4.32 5.49 -5.3 -4.11 -2.93 -1.76 -1.4 -2.01 -2.65 -3.29 -3.93 -0.67 -0.39 -0.12 0.16 0.44 0.71 0.99 1.27 1.55 -0.5 -0.46 -0.41 -0.37 -0.32 -0.28 -0.23 -0.19 -0.14 -0.8 -0.47 -0.14 0.19 0.52 0.85

-5211.95 216-1 -7629.83 216-1 -10284.36 216-1 11387.65 216-1 8624.32 216-1 5624.35 216-1 2277.25 216-1 -1514.51 216-1 2181.43 216-1 5432.39 216-1 8336.21 216-1 11003.38 216-1 -20720.09 216-1 -15456.41 216-1 -10429.37 216-1 -5749.5 216-1 -1537.9 216-1 -5845.98 216-1 -10622.01 216-1 -15745.19 216-1 -21105.02 216-1 -18060.77 217-1 -12165.59 217-1 -6678.5 217-1 -1640.33 217-1 2908.1 217-1 6939.57 217-1 10481.3 217-1 13574.11 217-1 16258.83 217-1 16259.32 217-2 13705.57 217-2 10743.73 217-2 7332.98 217-2 3432.48 217-2 -984.98 217-2 -5892.17 217-2 -11248.29 217-2 -17012.5 217-2 -22361.27 217-1 -15108.96 217-1 -8279.34 217-1 -1980.3 217-1 3680.25 217-1 8630.4 217-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.19 1.52 1.85 -0.63 -0.57 -0.5 -0.44 -0.38 -0.32 -0.26 -0.19 -0.13 -0.72 -0.43 -0.13 0.17 0.47 0.77 1.07 1.37 1.67 -0.56 -0.51 -0.45 -0.4 -0.34 -0.29 -0.24 -0.18 -0.13 -0.72 -0.42 -0.13 0.17 0.47 0.77 1.06 1.36 1.66 -0.56 -0.5 -0.45 -0.39 -0.34 -0.29

12942.07 217-1 16723.15 217-1 20081.54 217-1 20093.79 217-2 16901.98 217-2 13287.48 217-2 9142.39 217-2 4358.82 217-2 -1135.16 217-2 -7267.61 217-2 -13930.65 217-2 -21016.39 217-2 -19778.79 217-1 -13351.26 217-1 -7319.07 217-1 -1762.8 217-1 3237 217-1 7626.63 217-1 11459.8 217-1 14817.06 217-1 17778.96 217-1 17786.79 217-2 14971.16 217-2 11760.17 217-2 8073.27 217-2 3829.9 217-2 -1023.64 217-2 -6433.64 217-2 -12319.56 217-2 -18600.83 217-2 -19780.71 217-1 -13353.14 217-1 -7320.93 217-1 -1764.63 217-1 3235.21 217-1 7624.88 217-1 11458.08 217-1 14815.37 217-1 17777.3 217-1 17785.11 217-2 14969.4 217-2 11758.33 217-2 8071.35 217-2 3827.9 217-2 -1025.72 217-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.23 -6435.8 217-2 -0.18 -12321.8 217-2 -0.13 -18603.15 217-2 1.97 -2366.43 217-1 1.13 -1015.71 217-1 1.02 258.49 217-1 1.7 1456.24 217-1 2.41 2577.7 217-1 3.16 3623.26 217-1 4.1 4594.32 217-1 5.15 5499.09 217-1 6.23 6991.13 217-1 6.3 6894.71 217-2 4.84 6081.49 217-2 3.5 5210.65 217-2 2.21 4267.08 217-2 0.97 3248.12 217-2 1.46 2153.06 217-2 3.05 981.65 217-2 4.67 -266.23 217-2 6.28 -1590.64 217-2 -2.48 -9952.81 217-1 -1.41 -7569.37 217-1 -1.08 -5262.67 217-1 -1.53 -3032.78 217-1 -2.01 -879.87 217-1 -2.54 1195.67 217-1 -3.26 3192.45 217-1 -4.09 5102.24 217-1 -4.93 6271.51 217-1 -6.74 6357.77 217-2 -5.23 4570.6 217-2 -3.84 2687.79 217-2 -2.5 724.44 217-2 -1.21 -1316.78 217-2 -1.65 -3435.18 217-2 -3.2 -5630.49 217-2 -4.76 -7902.6 217-2 -6.32 -10251.44 217-2 3.56 5500.86 217-1 2.8 5778.36 217-1 2.26 5979.28 217-1 1.97 6103.66 217-1 1.72 6151.57 217-1 1.63 6123.21 217-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.15 3.05 4.02 2.28 1.73 1.59 1.6 1.67 2.26 3.19 4.13 5.07 -4.07 -3.08 -2.32 -1.81 -1.33 -1.01 -1.31 -1.99 -2.73 -2.73 -2.12 -1.93 -1.9 -1.91 -2.45 -3.33 -4.22 -5.11 1.5 0.85 0.92 1.79 2.68 3.61 4.74 5.97 7.23 5.97 4.53 3.22 1.96 0.75 1.27

6019.34 217-1 5846.66 217-1 7698.63 217-1 7397.88 217-2 7646.74 217-2 7829.06 217-2 7936.53 217-2 7967.95 217-2 7922.99 217-2 7801.52 217-2 7603.5 217-2 7328.9 217-2 -17820.11 217-1 -14363.44 217-1 -10983.46 217-1 -7680.2 217-1 -4453.74 217-1 -1304.28 217-1 1767.43 217-1 4754.68 217-1 5564 217-1 5854.6 217-2 3005.35 217-2 69.38 217-2 -2945.01 217-2 -6036.62 217-2 -9205.11 217-2 -12450.36 217-2 -15772.33 217-2 -19170.98 217-2 -15988.39 217-1 -10077.17 217-1 -4561.19 217-1 479.06 217-1 4963.18 217-1 8837.87 217-1 12158.23 217-1 15013.02 217-1 18136.35 217-1 18052.82 217-2 15724.05 217-2 13018.92 217-2 9841.79 217-2 6109.44 217-2 1767.46 217-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.89 4.53 6.17 -2.94 -1.69 -1.17 -1.45 -1.74 -2.09 -2.62 -3.27 -3.93 -7.07 -5.53 -4.12 -2.75 -1.43 -1.85 -3.36 -4.89 -6.43 3.1 2.52 2.17 2.06 1.99 2.08 2.79 3.87 5.02 1.95 1.42 1.31 1.36 1.45 2.07 3.03 3.99 4.96 -4.53 -3.36 -2.42 -1.72 -1.06 -0.56

-3130.71 217-2 -8504.63 217-2 -14273.8 217-2 -23574.78 217-1 -16630.83 217-1 -10082.35 217-1 -4009.97 217-1 1505.61 217-1 6410.28 217-1 10756.36 217-1 14616.17 217-1 17416.73 217-1 17515.88 217-2 14213.15 217-2 10496.07 217-2 6299.16 217-2 1544.54 217-2 -3820.78 217-2 -9742.85 217-2 -16141 217-2 -22934.6 217-2 -8121.1 217-1 -3283.1 217-1 1159.6 217-1 5126.47 217-1 8537.05 217-1 11337.82 217-1 13583.25 217-1 15360.59 217-1 18843.86 217-1 18555.99 217-2 17289.3 217-2 15637.33 217-2 13511.25 217-2 10829.27 217-2 7537.38 217-2 3689.16 217-2 -634.9 217-2 -5354.26 217-2 -31442.07 217-1 -23424.9 217-1 -15803.14 217-1 -8657.38 217-1 -2068.25 217-1 3910.33 217-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.68 -1.17 -1.72 -3.06 -2.42 -2.21 -2.14 -2.13 -2.65 -3.5 -4.36 -5.22 -0.66 -0.52 -0.38 -0.23 -0.08513 0.05981 0.2 0.35 0.49 -2.15 -1.57 -1 -0.42 0.15 0.73 1.31 1.88 2.46 -0.87 -0.69 -0.51 -0.34 -0.16 0.01236 0.19 0.36 0.54 -2.25 -1.64 -1.02 -0.4 0.21 0.83

9331.34 217-1 14268.6 217-1 16709.23 217-1 17012.7 217-2 12647.9 217-2 7877.65 217-2 2629.7 217-2 -3175.29 217-2 -9590.71 217-2 -16562.72 217-2 -24010.73 217-2 -31854.15 217-2 -13699.5 218-1 -9498.44 218-1 -5457.42 218-1 -1617.26 218-1 1981.23 218-1 5310.82 218-1 8398.73 218-1 11285.79 218-1 14012.81 218-1 13997.67 218-2 11302.45 218-2 8447.21 218-2 5391.1 218-2 2093.32 218-2 -1473.35 218-2 -5281.71 218-2 -9290.92 218-2 -13460.16 218-2 -18255.71 218-1 -12505.67 218-1 -6965.71 218-1 -1743.7 218-1 3052.45 218-1 7350.82 218-1 11223.34 218-1 14777.89 218-1 18122.37 218-1 18092.27 218-2 14747.95 218-2 11193.56 218-2 7321.2 218-2 3023 218-2 -1772.99 218-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.44 2.06 2.67 -0.76 -0.6 -0.45 -0.29 -0.13 0.02662 0.18 0.34 0.5 -2.11 -1.54 -0.97 -0.39 0.18 0.76 1.33 1.91 2.48 -0.76 -0.6 -0.44 -0.29 -0.13 0.0269 0.18 0.34 0.5 -2.1 -1.53 -0.96 -0.39 0.18 0.75 1.32 1.89 2.46 7.07 5.46 3.86 2.26 0.7 1.06

-6994.83 218-2 -12534.64 218-2 -18284.51 218-2 -15813.95 218-1 -10869.53 218-1 -6107.84 218-1 -1609.43 218-1 2545.13 218-1 6302.15 218-1 9715.32 218-1 12865.21 218-1 15832.37 218-1 15808.61 218-2 12852.53 218-2 9713.71 218-2 6311.61 218-2 2565.66 218-2 -1577.83 218-2 -6065.16 218-2 -10815.78 218-2 -15749.13 218-2 -15813.33 218-1 -10869.18 218-1 -6107.75 218-1 -1609.61 218-1 2544.68 218-1 6301.43 218-1 9714.34 218-1 12863.97 218-1 15830.86 218-1 15807.17 218-2 12850.71 218-2 9711.52 218-2 6309.04 218-2 2562.73 218-2 -1581.13 218-2 -6068.84 218-2 -10819.83 218-2 -15753.55 218-2 -1875.11 218-1 -518.28 218-1 761.95 218-1 1965.61 218-1 3092.72 218-1 4143.37 218-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.77 5117.73 218-1 4.49 6016.38 218-1 6.23 6842.4 218-1 5.68 6936.16 218-2 5.04 5459.34 218-2 4.4 4564.92 218-2 3.81 3601.14 218-2 3.35 2561.57 218-2 2.96 1445.6 218-2 2.58 253.11 218-2 2.2 -1015.97 218-2 1.84 -2361.65 218-2 -7.77 -10182.92 218-1 -6.04 -7847.95 218-1 -4.31 -5589.65 218-1 -2.59 -3408.03 218-1 -0.91 -1303.14 218-1 -1.14 724.95 218-1 -2.72 2676.06 218-1 -4.33 4549.61 218-1 -5.93 6342.53 218-1 -6.86 6253.06 218-2 -5.88 5111.42 218-2 -4.9 3234.11 218-2 -3.96 1272.89 218-2 -3.16 -765.79 218-2 -2.42 -2881.35 218-2 -1.7 -5073.65 218-2 -0.98 -7342.64 218-2 -0.28 -9688.29 218-2 2.6 7152.7 218-1 2.03 7444.77 218-1 1.47 7660.23 218-1 0.94 7799.09 218-1 0.48 7861.36 218-1 0.65 7847.1 218-1 1.29 7756.4 218-1 1.97 7589.65 218-1 2.66 7349.61 218-1 2.59 7647.61 218-2 2.12 5824.32 218-2 1.68 6014.78 218-2 1.36 6133.16 218-2 1.5 6175.41 218-2 1.86 6141.16 218-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.26 2.66 3.07 -3.3 -2.6 -1.92 -1.27 -0.68 -0.73 -1.25 -1.8 -2.37 -3.77 -2.97 -2.18 -1.51 -1.31 -1.33 -1.38 -1.44 -1.5 6.67 5.15 3.64 2.14 0.68 1.13 2.93 4.75 6.57 4.18 3.93 3.7 3.5 3.44 3.44 3.46 3.48 3.52 -8.18 -6.35 -4.52 -2.71 -0.94 -1.07

6030.35 218-2 5842.94 218-2 5578.91 218-2 -19210.73 218-1 -15811 218-1 -12487.92 218-1 -9241.51 218-1 -6071.78 218-1 -2978.78 218-1 37.38 218-1 2976.34 218-1 5835.31 218-1 5541.61 218-2 4746.44 218-2 1784.25 218-2 -1259.13 218-2 -4379.63 218-2 -7576.91 218-2 -10850.9 218-2 -14201.54 218-2 -17628.84 218-2 -11659.14 218-1 -7204.18 218-1 -2931.91 218-1 1077.12 218-1 4742.41 218-1 8010.32 218-1 10934.73 218-1 13596.79 218-1 16080.11 218-1 16148.06 218-2 13023.84 218-2 10375.93 218-2 7472 218-2 4225.07 218-2 580.84 218-2 -3407.13 218-2 -7658.33 218-2 -12092.24 218-2 -19966.96 218-1 -14533.85 218-1 -9283.51 218-1 -4296.52 218-1 346.55 218-1 4591.9 218-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.56 -4.07 -5.58 -8.36 -6.98 -5.61 -4.27 -3.07 -1.94 -0.82 0.3 1.4 2.2 1.72 1.25 0.82 0.45 0.72 1.45 2.22 3.01 1.09 1.02 0.97 1.05 1.59 2.35 3.14 3.94 4.74 -3.7 -2.91 -2.14 -1.39 -0.71 -0.67 -1.09 -1.55 -2.02 -5.27 -4.07 -2.89 -1.82 -1.23 -0.85

8493.07 218-1 12130.02 218-1 15580.24 218-1 15464.96 218-2 12675.92 218-2 9045.12 218-2 5143.76 218-2 897.71 218-2 -3746.12 218-2 -8733.89 218-2 -13985 218-2 -19418.88 218-2 -2631.34 218-1 758.87 218-1 3966.36 218-1 6910.6 218-1 9511.05 218-1 11714.05 218-1 13573.41 218-1 15170.06 218-1 16587.32 218-1 16859.51 218-2 13388.82 218-2 11825.79 218-2 10004.02 218-2 7838.91 218-2 5276.4 218-2 2370.11 218-2 -799.43 218-2 -4151.68 218-2 -28994.77 218-1 -22496.9 218-1 -16181.79 218-1 -10129.99 218-1 -4422.09 218-1 888.17 218-1 5854.39 218-1 10556.75 218-1 15073.03 218-1 14753.51 218-2 12310.94 218-2 7595.26 218-2 2611.73 218-2 -2716.12 218-2 -8441.68 218-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.5 -14511.13 218-2 -0.16 -20843.91 218-2 0.17 -27359.43 218-2 -2.19 -3651.78 219-1 -1.74 -2784.28 219-1 -1.29 -2119.94 219-1 -0.84 -1714.78 219-1 -0.4 -1624.19 219-1 0.05354 -1878.34 219-1 0.5 -2447.06 219-1 0.95 -3274.95 219-1 1.4 -4306.01 219-1 -2.47 -5508.17 219-1 -1.96 -3974.14 219-1 -1.46 -2714.27 219-1 -0.95 -1876.53 219-1 -0.44 -1607.37 219-1 0.06036 -1986.49 219-1 0.57 -2934.18 219-1 1.07 -4304.02 219-1 1.58 -5948 219-1 -2.27 -4620.74 219-1 -1.8 -3382.6 219-1 -1.34 -2381.1 219-1 -0.87 -1726.74 219-1 -0.41 -1528.85 219-1 0.05653 -1846.95 219-1 0.52 -2621.52 219-1 0.99 -3743.23 219-1 1.45 -5101.59 219-1 -2.25 -4617.02 219-1 -1.79 -3379.34 219-1 -1.33 -2378.3 219-1 -0.87 -1724.41 219-1 -0.41 -1526.98 219-1 0.05516 -1845.55 219-1 0.52 -2620.58 219-1 0.98 -3742.75 219-1 1.44 -5101.58 219-1 2.72 3411.33 219-1 2.73 2502.31 219-1 2.74 1498.68 219-1 2.76 400.46 219-1 2.77 -786.8 219-1 2.85 441.99 219-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

3.13 3.41 3.7 -4.37 -4.04 -3.71 -3.38 -3.05 -2.79 -2.73 -2.67 -2.62 2.23 1.94 1.65 1.35 1.07 0.99 1.59 2.21 2.83 -3.88 -3.24 -2.61 -1.98 -1.35 -0.93 -1.19 -1.47 -1.75 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.51 2.87 3.44 4.02 4.59 -5.78 -5.16 -4.55 -3.93 -3.31 -2.76

1579.21 219-1 2621.84 219-1 3569.86 219-1 -6663.4 219-1 -5053.12 219-1 -3537.45 219-1 -2116.4 219-1 -795.53 219-1 -2079.94 219-1 -3461.99 219-1 -4938.66 219-1 -6509.94 219-1 14351.88 219-1 10707.52 219-1 6968.55 219-1 3134.97 219-1 -784.21 219-1 3178.11 219-1 7050.69 219-1 10828.66 219-1 14512.02 219-1 -17603.96 219-1 -13258.33 219-1 -9007.31 219-1 -4850.91 219-1 -798.12 219-1 -4816.06 219-1 -8933.46 219-1 -13145.48 219-1 -17452.11 219-1 422.03 219-1 399.85 219-1 141.03 219-1 -464.92 219-1 -1521.77 219-1 -583.94 219-1 -99.55 219-1 37.71 219-1 -61.67 219-1 -9652.7 219-1 -7155.57 219-1 -4895.1 219-1 -2981.78 219-1 -1530.5 219-1 -3105.88 219-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-2.41 -2.07 -1.73 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.8 0.8 1.01 1.9 2.81 3.72 -5.3 -4.37 -3.45 -2.53 -1.61 -0.9 -0.88 -0.87 -0.86 -1.63 -0.99 -0.35 0.28 0.92 1.55 2.19 2.82 3.46 -1.45 -1.32 -1.2 -1.07 -0.94 -0.81 -0.68 -0.56 -0.43 -1.85 -1.13 -0.4 0.32 1.04 1.77

-5140.75 219-1 -7522.79 219-1 -10141.47 219-1 11362.58 219-1 8605.06 219-1 5610.9 219-1 2269.59 219-1 -1519.18 219-1 2152.18 219-1 5371.92 219-1 8244.53 219-1 10880.5 219-1 -20593.25 219-1 -15360.78 219-1 -10364.96 219-1 -5716.29 219-1 -1533.09 219-1 -5842 219-1 -10612.23 219-1 -15729.61 219-1 -21083.63 219-1 -17950.69 220-1 -12077.98 220-1 -6613.35 220-1 -1597.65 220-1 2928.31 220-1 6937.32 220-1 10456.58 220-1 13526.93 220-1 16189.18 220-1 16190.82 220-2 13651.88 220-2 10704.86 220-2 7308.91 220-2 3423.22 220-2 -979.42 220-2 -5871.81 220-2 -11213.12 220-2 -16962.51 220-2 -22184.46 220-1 -14970.93 220-1 -8180.1 220-1 -1919.86 220-1 3701.91 220-1 8613.27 220-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.49 3.21 3.94 -1.63 -1.49 -1.35 -1.21 -1.07 -0.93 -0.79 -0.65 -0.51 -1.7 -1.04 -0.37 0.29 0.96 1.62 2.28 2.95 3.61 -1.5 -1.37 -1.24 -1.11 -0.98 -0.85 -0.72 -0.59 -0.46 -1.68 -1.02 -0.37 0.29 0.95 1.61 2.26 2.92 3.58 -1.49 -1.36 -1.23 -1.1 -0.97 -0.84

12886.15 220-1 16628.44 220-1 19948.04 220-1 19961.97 220-2 16796.67 220-2 13208.68 220-2 9090.1 220-2 4333.04 220-2 -1134.42 220-2 -7240.36 220-2 -13876.89 220-2 -20936.12 220-2 -19633.12 220-1 -13237.02 220-1 -7236.27 220-1 -1711.44 220-1 3256.93 220-1 7615.13 220-1 11416.86 220-1 14742.68 220-1 17673.15 220-1 17682.38 220-2 14888.09 220-2 11698.44 220-2 8032.88 220-2 3810.85 220-2 -1021.35 220-2 -6410.01 220-2 -12274.58 220-2 -18534.51 220-2 -19634.85 220-1 -13238.74 220-1 -7237.99 220-1 -1713.15 220-1 3255.23 220-1 7613.43 220-1 11415.17 220-1 14741 220-1 17671.47 220-1 17680.71 220-2 14886.32 220-2 11696.59 220-2 8030.94 220-2 3808.82 220-2 -1023.47 220-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.72 -6412.22 220-2 -0.59 -12276.88 220-2 -0.46 -18536.9 220-2 0.3 -2443.28 220-1 0.81 -1089.86 220-1 1.39 186.94 220-1 2.29 1387.12 220-1 3.24 2510.69 220-1 4.2 3557.71 220-1 5.16 4528.32 220-1 6.12 5424.48 220-1 7.08 6886.6 220-1 6.38 6789.22 220-2 4.97 5993.02 220-2 3.58 5122.07 220-2 2.2 4174.77 220-2 0.85 3150.92 220-2 1.22 2050.49 220-2 2.8 873.44 220-2 4.39 -380.23 220-2 5.99 -1710.52 220-2 -1.64 -9751.9 220-1 -1.63 -7404.12 220-1 -1.7 -5132.99 220-1 -2.08 -2938.51 220-1 -2.51 -820.7 220-1 -2.95 1220.42 220-1 -3.4 3184.67 220-1 -3.84 5070.09 220-1 -4.29 6236.3 220-1 -7.44 6322.37 220-2 -5.97 4549.69 220-2 -4.51 2698.51 220-2 -3.05 770.41 220-2 -1.63 -1234.41 220-2 -1.94 -3315.91 220-2 -3.45 -5474.07 220-2 -4.97 -7708.87 220-2 -6.5 -10020.32 220-2 1 5486.88 220-1 0.67 5761.99 220-1 0.58 5960.49 220-1 1.53 6082.38 220-1 2.66 6127.68 220-1 3.81 6096.47 220-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.97 6.13 7.28 2.59 2.35 2.13 1.94 1.76 2.11 2.83 3.55 4.28 -2.34 -1.49 -0.89 -1.32 -1.93 -2.57 -3.21 -3.85 -4.49 -3.65 -3.34 -3.06 -2.8 -2.55 -2.83 -3.48 -4.14 -4.8 -0.7 0.2 1.18 2.47 3.82 5.18 6.53 7.89 9.25 5.42 4.12 2.82 1.53 0.27 0.74

5988.98 220-1 5808.24 220-1 7584.31 220-1 7287.8 220-2 7555.48 220-2 7749.85 220-2 7868.03 220-2 7909.74 220-2 7874.88 220-2 7763.42 220-2 7575.35 220-2 7310.66 220-2 -17682.05 220-1 -14255.97 220-1 -10906.54 220-1 -7633.78 220-1 -4437.69 220-1 -1318.34 220-1 1724.01 220-1 4686.33 220-1 5538.59 220-1 5823.79 220-2 2987.24 220-2 70.74 220-2 -2922.86 220-2 -5993.23 220-2 -9140.3 220-2 -12364.05 220-2 -15664.45 220-2 -19041.5 220-2 -15981.33 220-1 -10082.4 220-1 -4578.81 220-1 448.89 220-1 4920.15 220-1 8781.31 220-1 12086.23 220-1 14917.43 220-1 17995.86 220-1 17913.37 220-2 15607.19 220-2 12907.53 220-2 9732.23 220-2 6000.56 220-2 1658.77 220-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.41 4.1 5.79 -2.65 -2.24 -1.91 -1.89 -1.93 -1.98 -2.02 -2.07 -2.12 -8.39 -6.83 -5.27 -3.72 -2.21 -2.42 -3.83 -5.26 -6.7 -0.004351 0.06044 0.37 1.71 3.24 4.79 6.34 7.9 9.45 1.63 1.49 1.37 1.27 1.19 1.63 2.44 3.26 4.09 -3.34 -2.1 -1.1 -1.13 -1.35 -1.59

-3239.47 220-2 -8613.6 220-2 -14383.09 220-2 -23289.95 220-1 -16396.66 220-1 -9898.74 220-1 -3876.74 220-1 1588.76 220-1 6444.02 220-1 10742.58 220-1 14563.04 220-1 17345.56 220-1 17446.52 220-2 14163.86 220-2 10483.96 220-2 6327.87 220-2 1615.23 220-2 -3707.63 220-2 -9586.98 220-2 -15942.25 220-2 -22692.89 220-2 -8051.18 220-1 -3230.55 220-1 1194.74 220-1 5144.15 220-1 8537.14 220-1 11320.07 220-1 13546.89 220-1 15301.19 220-1 18693.57 220-1 18411.95 220-2 17169.64 220-2 15535.3 220-2 13425.5 220-2 10759.38 220-2 7483.16 220-2 3650.51 220-2 -658.03 220-2 -5361.91 220-2 -31220.11 220-1 -23248.51 220-1 -15672.29 220-1 -8572 220-1 -2028.23 220-1 3905.26 220-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.83 -2.08 -2.32 -4.6 -4.2 -3.82 -3.46 -3.13 -3.32 -3.87 -4.43 -4.99 -1.78 -1.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.08563 0.34 0.76 1.18 1.61 -1 -0.64 -0.28 0.07468 0.43 0.79 1.13 1.02 0.91 0.8 -2.1 -1.63 -1.16 -0.68 -0.21 0.26 0.73 1.21 1.68 -1.23 -0.72 -0.21 0.3 0.81

9281.92 220-1 14179.28 220-1 16647.85 220-1 16947.94 220-2 12601.4 220-2 7856.19 220-2 2634.61 220-2 -3143.59 220-2 -9532.02 220-2 -16476.96 220-2 -23897.83 220-2 -31714.07 220-2 -14526.9 221-1 -9745.25 221-1 -5351.29 221-1 -1365.42 221-1 2191.95 221-1 5307.2 221-1 7993.95 221-1 10272.6 221-1 12163.57 221-1 11966.87 221-2 11084.94 221-2 9832.8 221-2 8191.37 221-2 6141.56 221-2 3669.08 221-2 2317.12 221-3 -3659.37 221-3 -10164.16 221-3 -17174.51 221-3 -16805.69 221-1 -11388.43 221-1 -6339.93 221-1 -1714.12 221-1 2435.05 221-1 6071.61 221-1 9231.53 221-1 11968.76 221-1 14337.24 221-1 14060.05 221-2 13041.77 221-2 11672.09 221-2 9900.58 221-2 7676.82 221-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76

1.33 1.22 0.99 0.76 0.53 -1.94 -1.5 -1.06 -0.62 -0.18 0.26 0.7 1.14 1.58 -1.07 -0.65 -0.22 0.21 0.63 1.06 1.13 0.95 0.77 0.6 -1.89 -1.46 -1.03 -0.6 -0.16 0.27 0.7 1.13 1.57 -1.09 -0.65 -0.22 0.21 0.65 1.08 1.12 0.95 0.77 0.59 8.19 7.02

4963.01 221-2 3118.58 221-3 -4101.21 221-3 -12011.94 221-3 -20553.45 221-3 -15173.92 221-1 -10250.81 221-1 -5682.79 221-1 -1510.13 221-1 2226.9 221-1 5501.45 221-1 8340.36 221-1 10783.91 221-1 12872.38 221-1 12635.87 221-2 11716.38 221-2 10458.27 221-2 8823.89 221-2 6775.58 221-2 4285.14 221-2 2697.6 221-3 -3735.3 221-3 -10769.86 221-3 -18361.16 221-3 -15173.06 221-1 -10250.27 221-1 -5682.55 221-1 -1510.2 221-1 2226.52 221-1 5500.76 221-1 8339.36 221-1 10782.61 221-1 12870.77 221-1 12634.3 221-2 11714.45 221-2 10455.99 221-2 8821.25 221-2 6772.6 221-2 4281.8 221-2 2694.44 221-3 -3738.87 221-3 -10773.84 221-3 -18365.54 221-3 142.7 221-1 893.29 221-1

2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45

5.86 4.72 3.58 2.45 1.5 3.13 4.9 43.19 20.29 5.33 26.22 49.14 72.31 38.84 10.22 20.25 49.38 -10.66 -9.06 -7.48 -5.91 -4.34 -2.79 -1.41 -2.62 -3.96 -43.78 -20.6 -5.35 -25.96 -48.6 -71.48 -38.27 -9.86 -20.11 -49.44 3.87 3.87 3.91 3.98 4.08 4.2 4.39 5.36 6.38

1568.72 221-1 2174.81 221-1 2758.49 221-1 3322.2 221-1 3817.14 221-1 4237.06 221-1 4581.27 221-1 4613.43 221-2 3835.63 221-2 3547.56 221-2 3194.15 221-2 2918.13 221-2 2603.23 221-2 2428.42 221-3 1386.8 221-3 267.25 221-3 -911.86 221-3 -8309.94 221-1 -6490.18 221-1 -4748.54 221-1 -3090.82 221-1 -1563.95 221-1 -170.38 221-1 1138.68 221-1 2369.51 221-1 3522.78 221-1 3436.83 221-2 3042.44 221-2 2011.77 221-2 899.92 221-2 -435.84 221-2 -1879.27 221-2 -1958.88 221-3 -3842.66 221-3 -5813.34 221-3 -7889.3 221-3 9293.22 221-1 8992.19 221-1 8614.98 221-1 8163.34 221-1 7651.33 221-1 7079.72 221-1 6433.9 221-1 5712.09 221-1 4915.1 221-1

0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

25.45 14.36 5.75 9.53 20.01 31.31 12.41 4.69 8.82 18.7 -6.34 -5.91 -5.52 -5.17 -4.84 -4.54 -4.3 -4.84 -5.44 -26.04 -14.67 -5.78 -9.28 -19.46 -30.49 -11.85 -4.34 -8.68 -18.77 7.55 6.6 5.66 4.73 3.8 2.89 2.16 4.01 5.99 42.39 19.79 5.12 26.31 49.52 72.98 39.68

5057.1 221-2 4126.11 221-2 4997.02 221-2 5798.21 221-2 6571.48 221-2 7281.84 221-2 6838.89 221-3 6990.69 221-3 7061.42 221-3 7056.6 221-3 -17460.46 221-1 -14589.09 221-1 -11794.8 221-1 -9079.34 221-1 -6456.8 221-1 -3927.91 221-1 -1478.07 221-1 894.49 221-1 3188.95 221-1 2993.16 221-2 2751.96 221-2 562.32 221-2 -1704.14 221-2 -4089.2 221-2 -6557.88 221-2 -6369.35 221-3 -9446.55 221-3 -12607.51 221-3 -15857.75 221-3 -10946.35 221-1 -6558.28 221-1 -2523.82 221-1 1122.59 221-1 4387.57 221-1 7246.73 221-1 9678.14 221-1 11715.78 221-1 13399.28 221-1 13221.88 221-2 12110.17 221-2 11222.84 221-2 9967.17 221-2 8448.22 221-2 6521.53 221-2 4886.65 221-3

0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0

10.98 20.95 50 -11.3 -9.48 -7.68 -5.9 -4.12 -2.35 -0.76 -1.74 -2.87 -44.58 -21.1 -5.56 -25.88 -48.22 -70.81 -37.43 -9.1 -19.42 -48.83 3.24 3.45 3.7 3.99 4.3 4.64 5.04 6.23 7.47 24.65 13.86 5.54 9.62 20.39 31.99 13.25 5.46 9.52 19.32 -6.98 -6.33 -5.73 -5.16

-1125.76 221-3 -7735.35 221-3 -14878.81 221-3 -19398.99 221-1 -13941.75 221-1 -8841.07 221-1 -4143.04 221-1 65.14 221-1 3754.16 221-1 6999.68 221-1 9848.24 221-1 12340.79 221-1 12045.28 221-2 11316.98 221-2 9687.06 221-2 7672.94 221-2 5094.25 221-2 2039.03 221-2 499.35 221-3 -6355.23 221-3 -13815.93 221-3 -21856.25 221-3 -1795.83 221-1 1540.62 221-1 4522.45 221-1 7111.11 221-1 9280.42 221-1 11004.26 221-1 12294.89 221-1 13190.81 221-1 13733.11 221-1 13665.55 221-2 12400.65 221-2 12672.3 221-2 12571.23 221-2 12101.58 221-2 11200.14 221-2 9297.12 221-3 4478.12 221-3 -941.18 221-3 -6910.35 221-3 -28549.51 221-1 -22040.66 221-1 -15887.34 221-1 -10131.57 221-1

0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35

-4.62 -4827.71 221-1 -4.09 -3.37 221-1 -3.64 4382.92 221-1 -3.97 8373.21 221-1 -4.35 12006.96 221-1 -26.83 11601.61 221-2 -15.17 11026.5 221-2 -5.98 8237.6 221-2 -9.19 5068.88 221-2 -19.08 1440.9 221-2 -29.81 -2639.58 221-2 -11 -3911.12 221-3 -3.57 -11959.11 221-3 -7.99 -20610.11 221-3 -18.15 -29824.7 221-3 -2.11 -4526.82 222-1 -1.71 -3566.35 222-1 -1.3 -2809.04 222-1 -0.9 -2310.91 222-1 -0.5 -2127.34 222-1 -0.0986 -2288.52 222-1 0.3 -2764.27 222-1 0.7 -3499.18 222-1 1.11 -4437.27 222-1 -2.27 -6054.22 222-1 -1.84 -4491.29 222-1 -1.4 -3202.51 222-1 -0.97 -2335.88 222-1 -0.54 -2037.81 222-1 -0.11 -2388.03 222-1 0.32 -3306.82 222-1 0.75 -4647.76 222-1 1.19 -6262.83 222-1 -2.1 -5243.29 222-1 -1.7 -3957.15 222-1 -1.3 -2907.65 222-1 -0.9 -2205.3 222-1 -0.5 -1959.42 222-1 -0.09916 -2229.53 222-1 0.3 -2956.1 222-1 0.7 -4029.82 222-1 1.1 -5340.18 222-1 -2.1 -5239.57 222-1 -1.7 -3953.93 222-1 -1.3 -2904.94 222-1

1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

-0.9 -0.5 -0.09996 0.3 0.7 1.1 5.73 5.1 4.49 3.92 3.42 2.96 2.53 2.1 1.67 -6.66 -5.85 -5.06 -4.31 -3.62 -2.98 -2.36 -1.75 -1.14 2.6 2.19 1.84 1.64 1.65 1.81 2.03 2.28 2.54 -3.53 -2.94 -2.41 -2.03 -1.85 -1.83 -1.87 -1.93 -2.01 4.1 3.78 3.48

-2203.09 222-1 -1957.71 222-1 -2228.32 222-1 -2955.4 222-1 -4029.62 222-1 -5340.48 222-1 3515.59 222-1 2610.14 222-1 1610.13 222-1 515.65 222-1 -658.34 222-1 484.8 222-1 1541.51 222-1 2503.82 222-1 3371.58 222-1 -6220.17 222-1 -4690.14 222-1 -3254.77 222-1 -1914.15 222-1 -683.23 222-1 -1958.66 222-1 -3336.88 222-1 -4809.92 222-1 -6377.63 222-1 14605.75 222-1 10924.04 222-1 7147.73 222-1 3276.86 222-1 -645.36 222-1 3275.37 222-1 7108.53 222-1 10847.15 222-1 14491.18 222-1 -17310.34 222-1 -13004.04 222-1 -8792.37 222-1 -4675.36 222-1 -696.21 222-1 -4749.23 222-1 -8903.9 222-1 -13153.25 222-1 -17497.23 222-1 -370 222-1 -302.33 222-1 -471.26 222-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

3.22 3.02 2.87 2.74 2.62 2.5 -8.28 -7.17 -6.07 -5.01 -4.02 -3.07 -2.15 -1.23 -0.31 0.97 0.87 0.83 0.94 1.25 1.72 2.25 2.8 3.37 -5.16 -4.25 -3.42 -2.73 -2.25 -1.92 -1.65 -1.41 -1.18 -1.25 -0.77 -0.3 0.18 0.65 1.13 1.6 2.08 2.56 -1.48 -1.42 -1.37

-987.19 222-1 -1944.49 222-1 -1006.04 222-1 -515.88 222-1 -372.65 222-1 -466.02 222-1 -10105.76 222-1 -7602.61 222-1 -5336.15 222-1 -3416.99 222-1 -1969.38 222-1 -3449.5 222-1 -5394.27 222-1 -7686.4 222-1 -10215.22 222-1 10720.17 222-1 8011.57 222-1 5066.34 222-1 1774.02 222-1 -1931.51 222-1 1784.53 222-1 5051.14 222-1 7970.67 222-1 10653.58 222-1 -21195.92 222-1 -15916.51 222-1 -10873.76 222-1 -6178.2 222-1 -1982.36 222-1 -6240.07 222-1 -10961.29 222-1 -16029.73 222-1 -21334.82 222-1 -17559.42 223-1 -11785.29 223-1 -6419.24 223-1 -1502.12 223-1 2925.26 223-1 6835.69 223-1 10256.37 223-1 13228.14 223-1 15791.81 223-1 15798.72 223-2 13340.9 223-2 10474.99 223-2

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

-1.32 -1.26 -1.21 -1.16 -1.1 -1.05 -1.34 -0.82 -0.3 0.22 0.74 1.27 1.79 2.31 2.83 -1.58 -1.54 -1.51 -1.47 -1.44 -1.41 -1.37 -1.34 -1.3 -1.25 -0.77 -0.29 0.2 0.68 1.16 1.65 2.13 2.61 -1.47 -1.43 -1.39 -1.36 -1.32 -1.28 -1.24 -1.2 -1.17 -1.24 -0.76 -0.28

7160.16 223-2 3355.59 223-2 -965.94 223-2 -5777.21 223-2 -11037.4 223-2 -16705.68 223-2 -21790.24 223-1 -14678.69 223-1 -7989.84 223-1 -1831.57 223-1 3688.22 223-1 8497.6 223-1 12668.5 223-1 16308.82 223-1 19526.44 223-1 19545.9 223-2 16451.11 223-2 12933.62 223-2 8885.54 223-2 4198.98 223-2 -1197.98 223-2 -7233.42 223-2 -13799.45 223-2 -20788.17 223-2 -19262.04 223-1 -12961.19 223-1 -7055.7 223-1 -1626.12 223-1 3246.99 223-1 7509.93 223-1 11216.41 223-1 14446.98 223-1 17282.18 223-1 17296.56 223-2 14572.54 223-2 11453.16 223-2 7857.86 223-2 3706.1 223-2 -1055.82 223-2 -6374.22 223-2 -12168.53 223-2 -18358.19 223-2 -19262.86 223-1 -12962.15 223-1 -7056.79 223-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.2 -1627.35 223-1 0.68 3245.63 223-1 1.16 7508.44 223-1 1.64 11214.78 223-1 2.12 14445.21 223-1 2.6 17280.28 223-1 -1.46 17294.67 223-2 -1.42 14570.44 223-2 -1.38 11450.86 223-2 -1.35 7855.37 223-2 -1.31 3703.41 223-2 -1.27 -1058.72 223-2 -1.23 -6377.32 223-2 -1.19 -12171.83 223-2 -1.15 -18361.69 223-2 4.17 -2688.21 223-1 2.62 -1285.76 223-1 1.06 40.31 223-1 0.66 1290.22 223-1 2.53 2464.45 223-1 4.41 3564.16 223-1 6.28 4591.39 223-1 8.16 5547.06 223-1 10.03 6710.37 223-1 7.05 6625.07 223-2 5.46 5754.13 223-2 3.92 4807.85 223-2 2.45 3785.25 223-2 1.02 2686.16 223-2 0.24 1510.52 223-2 1.82 258.31 223-2 3.42 -1070.5 223-2 5.03 -2475.92 223-2 -4.97 -9459.76 223-1 -3.09 -7172.07 223-1 -1.22 -4961.27 223-1 -0.51 -2827.58 223-1 -2.07 -771.48 223-1 -3.62 1205.88 223-1 -5.18 3102.46 223-1 -6.74 4917.33 223-1 -8.3 6371.28 223-1 -7.98 6442.92 223-2 -6.41 4743.88 223-2 -4.9 2966.9 223-2

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

-3.47 -2.07 -1.32 -2.93 -4.56 -6.2 3.31 2.05 0.79 0.66 2.22 3.8 5.38 6.96 8.54 2.68 1.96 1.43 1.13 0.97 1.04 1.85 2.67 3.5 -4.1 -2.52 -0.95 -0.5 -1.76 -3.02 -4.28 -5.55 -6.81 -3.6 -2.91 -2.42 -2.15 -2.02 -2.12 -2.96 -3.81 -4.68 3.33 2.09 0.86

1112.99 223-2 -817.7 223-2 -2825.11 223-2 -4909.21 223-2 -7069.99 223-2 -9307.42 223-2 5027.9 223-1 5426.15 223-1 5747.86 223-1 5993.08 223-1 6161.95 223-1 6254.85 223-1 6272.39 223-1 6215.06 223-1 7018.9 223-1 6750.92 223-2 6813.76 223-2 6802.57 223-2 6714.95 223-2 6550.77 223-2 6310 223-2 5992.61 223-2 5598.61 223-2 5127.98 223-2 -17175.87 223-1 -13883.99 223-1 -10668.82 223-1 -7530.44 223-1 -4468.98 223-1 -1484.8 223-1 1421.45 223-1 4249.32 223-1 6062.75 223-1 6317.07 223-2 3684.25 223-2 972.19 223-2 -1816.71 223-2 -4682.31 223-2 -7624.58 223-2 -10643.52 223-2 -13739.1 223-2 -16911.32 223-2 -15877.46 223-1 -10019.43 223-1 -4556.5 223-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.78 2.97 5.17 7.36 9.56 11.75 6.06 4.52 3.03 1.62 0.25 -0.49 1.15 2.81 4.47 -5.81 -3.62 -1.42 -0.39 -1.63 -2.86 -4.1 -5.34 -6.58 -8.97 -7.35 -5.79 -4.3 -2.85 -2.04 -3.6 -5.18 -6.76 2.47 1.52 0.59 0.78 2.66 4.56 6.46 8.36 10.26 1.68 1.02 0.55

430.99 223-1 4862.98 223-1 8686.9 223-1 11958.5 223-1 14759.27 223-1 17448.97 223-1 17384.89 223-2 15074.62 223-2 12370.29 223-2 9190.36 223-2 5454.11 223-2 1107.78 223-2 -3794.97 223-2 -9173.59 223-2 -14947.54 223-2 -22649.01 223-1 -15905.73 223-1 -9558.08 223-1 -3686.8 223-1 1627.05 223-1 6328.62 223-1 10469.58 223-1 14129.54 223-1 17109.87 223-1 17202.74 223-2 14064.37 223-2 10529.34 223-2 6518.11 223-2 1950.25 223-2 -3227.86 223-2 -8962.49 223-2 -15173.07 223-2 -21779.04 223-2 -8161.35 223-1 -3307.51 223-1 1151.05 223-1 5133.85 223-1 8560.48 223-1 11377.58 223-1 13639.51 223-1 15427.28 223-1 17757.49 223-1 17510.74 223-2 16134.25 223-2 14365.01 223-2

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.3 0.19 0.32 1.18 2.06 2.94 -4.94 -3.05 -1.15 -0.39 -1.32 -2.26 -3.2 -4.15 -5.09 -4.59 -3.86 -3.3 -2.98 -2.79 -2.85 -3.63 -4.43 -5.24 -13.42 -9.11 -4.8 -0.48 -15.54 -10.61 -5.67 -0.73 -14.15 -9.63 -5.12 -0.6 -14.05 -9.57 -5.09 -0.61 17.12 10.28 4.48 18.13 -28.57

12120.06 223-2 9318.72 223-2 5907.25 223-2 1939.33 223-2 -2504.48 223-2 -7343.64 223-2 -30365.12 223-1 -22617.65 223-1 -15265.63 223-1 -8389.66 223-1 -2070.46 223-1 3637.93 223-1 8788.57 223-1 13461.54 223-1 16801.35 223-1 17076.89 223-2 13004.74 223-2 8534.63 223-2 3588.4 223-2 -1914.36 223-2 -8027.33 223-2 -14696.79 223-2 -21842.18 223-2 -29382.94 223-2 -309.41 224-1 -1446.06 224-1 -3136.93 224-1 -5382.02 224-1 -1038.68 224-1 -2095.34 224-1 -3807.05 224-1 -6173.8 224-1 -720.01 224-1 -1763.77 224-1 -3395.07 224-1 -5613.92 224-1 -744.46 224-1 -1772.85 224-1 -3388.78 224-1 -5592.26 224-1 5075.29 224-1 1042.61 224-1 681.62 224-1 3506.11 224-1 -5251.69 224-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

-17.9 -8.27 -18.09 7.77 11.39 17.65 30.28 -19.23 -19.01 -21.44 -30.23 8.85 4.55 1.3 17.49 -36.85 -23.63 -11.45 -18.73 -0.5 5.66 14.47 29.64 -27.5 -24.74 -24.63 -30.87 2.02 1.74 1.46 1.18 0.9 0.61 0.33 0.05153 -0.23 -1.63 -1.36 -1.1 -0.83 -0.57 -0.3 -0.04013 0.22 0.49

-2238 224-1 -3085.2 224-1 -7307.11 224-1 15316.45 224-1 4218.35 224-1 4572.19 224-1 14462.16 224-1 -15492.85 224-1 -5413.74 224-1 -6975.77 224-1 -18263.16 224-1 4407.92 224-1 -136.67 224-1 -1502.51 224-1 -175.8 224-1 -5919.06 224-1 -3417.28 224-1 -5269.33 224-1 -10989.02 224-1 14649.07 224-1 3039.07 224-1 2388.06 224-1 10780.25 224-1 -16160.22 224-1 -6593.02 224-1 -9159.9 224-1 -21945.07 224-1 -17235.02 225-1 -11464.26 225-1 -6101.6 225-1 -1187.86 225-1 3236.14 225-1 7143.18 225-1 10560.48 225-1 13528.86 225-1 16089.15 225-1 16158.27 225-2 13587.73 225-2 10609.1 225-2 7181.55 225-2 3264.26 225-2 -1169.98 225-2 -6093.97 225-2 -11466.88 225-2 -17247.88 225-2

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

2.04 1.75 1.46 1.17 0.89 0.6 0.31 0.02291 -0.27 -1.46 -1.24 -1.01 -0.79 -0.56 -0.34 -0.11 0.11 0.34 1.95 1.68 1.4 1.13 0.85 0.58 0.3 0.02845 -0.25 -1.45 -1.22 -1 -0.77 -0.54 -0.31 -0.08606 0.14 0.37 1.93 1.66 1.39 1.11 0.84 0.57 0.3 0.03053 -0.24

-21291.92 225-1 -14197.26 225-1 -7525.29 225-1 -1383.91 225-1 4118.99 225-1 8911.48 225-1 13065.5 225-1 16688.93 225-1 19889.66 225-1 20003.99 225-2 16776.2 225-2 13125.71 225-2 8944.63 225-2 4125.07 225-2 -1404.89 225-2 -7573.33 225-2 -14272.36 225-2 -21394.08 225-2 -18848.09 225-1 -12558.72 225-1 -6664.7 225-1 -1246.6 225-1 3615.03 225-1 7866.5 225-1 11561.5 225-1 14780.58 225-1 17604.31 225-1 17697.91 225-2 14854.73 225-2 11616.19 225-2 7901.74 225-2 3630.82 225-2 -1250.27 225-2 -6687.82 225-2 -12601.28 225-2 -18910.11 225-2 -18847.4 225-1 -12558.3 225-1 -6664.56 225-1 -1246.74 225-1 3614.62 225-1 7865.81 225-1 11560.54 225-1 14779.35 225-1 17602.81 225-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-1.44 17696.47 225-2 -1.21 14852.92 225-2 -0.99 11614.01 225-2 -0.76 7899.19 225-2 -0.53 3627.9 225-2 -0.31 -1253.56 225-2 -0.08306 -6691.48 225-2 0.14 -12605.32 225-2 0.37 -18914.51 225-2 3.69 -1543.13 225-1 1.98 -300.23 225-1 1.16 866.48 225-1 2.57 1957.34 225-1 4.05 2973.07 225-1 5.55 3915.33 225-1 7.05 4787.13 225-1 8.56 5590.46 225-1 10.08 6324.05 225-1 3.29 6419.4 225-2 2.43 5077.75 225-2 1.58 4279.19 225-2 0.73 3410.41 225-2 0.09114 2470.44 225-2 0.75 1457.35 225-2 1.61 369.51 225-2 2.5 -793.98 225-2 3.38 -2033.54 225-2 -2.41 -9611.15 225-1 -0.89 -7410.53 225-1 -0.26 -5286.98 225-1 -1.86 -3240.85 225-1 -3.53 -1272.86 225-1 -5.21 615.33 225-1 -6.9 2420.72 225-1 -8.6 4141.31 225-1 -10.31 5778.38 225-1 -3.74 5708.79 225-2 -2.86 4679.01 225-2 -1.98 2952.88 225-2 -1.11 1143.69 225-2 -0.44 -747.57 225-2 -1.07 -2718.98 225-2 -1.92 -4768.9 225-2 -2.77 -6896.45 225-2 -3.63 -9101.18 225-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

2.25 1.59 1.19 1.47 1.77 2.09 2.42 2.78 3.17 4.42 3.27 2.13 1.01 0.19 1.07 2.22 3.39 4.56 -0.97 -0.5 -0.29 -0.76 -1.25 -1.75 -2.27 -2.82 -3.41 -4.87 -3.7 -2.53 -1.39 -0.54 -1.4 -2.52 -3.66 -4.81 4.97 3.08 2.09 3.32 4.63 5.95 7.27 8.61 9.95

7552 225-1 7725.18 225-1 7821.87 225-1 7842.18 225-1 7786.34 225-1 7654.89 225-1 7448.8 225-1 7168.95 225-1 6817.63 225-1 7111.3 225-2 5432.52 225-2 5732.27 225-2 5960.67 225-2 6114.41 225-2 6192.68 225-2 6194.92 225-2 6120.86 225-2 5970.34 225-2 -18706.27 225-1 -15435.93 225-1 -12242.37 225-1 -9125.69 225-1 -6086.13 225-1 -3124.23 225-1 -240.94 225-1 2562.82 225-1 5284.79 225-1 5016.89 225-2 4324.24 225-2 1499.79 225-2 -1406.57 225-2 -4391.54 225-2 -7454.31 225-2 -10594.32 225-2 -13811.28 225-2 -17105.06 225-2 -14813.07 225-1 -9002.96 225-1 -3587.77 225-1 1352.29 225-1 5737.4 225-1 9515.5 225-1 12743.31 225-1 15503.36 225-1 17874.96 225-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

2.08 1.44 0.79 0.16 -0.27 0.6 1.68 2.78 3.87 -1.13 0.21 0.67 -1.11 -2.95 -4.81 -6.67 -8.55 -10.43 -4.95 -3.85 -2.76 -1.68 -0.8 -1.22 -1.85 -2.49 -3.14 3.53 2.69 2.12 2.22 2.35 2.49 2.64 2.83 3.05 3.21 2.28 1.35 0.44 -0.16 0.93 2.29 3.67 5.05

18051.12 225-2 15051.47 225-2 12276.17 225-2 9031.39 225-2 5235.58 225-2 833.11 225-2 -4123.94 225-2 -9555.92 225-2 -15382.69 225-2 -22881.09 225-1 -16113.26 225-1 -9741.23 225-1 -3845.89 225-1 1491.48 225-1 6215.5 225-1 10376.9 225-1 14054.22 225-1 17329.29 225-1 17340.51 225-2 14652.72 225-2 10949.86 225-2 6764.66 225-2 2017.56 225-2 -3343.22 225-2 -9262.35 225-2 -15658.39 225-2 -22450.33 225-2 -5717.94 225-1 -977.56 225-1 3367.62 225-1 7237.14 225-1 10550.68 225-1 13255.06 225-1 15404.97 225-1 17081.85 225-1 18368.54 225-1 18743.02 225-2 15406.23 225-2 13729.26 225-2 11581.65 225-2 8879.54 225-2 5568.44 225-2 1701.47 225-2 -2641.08 225-2 -7378.81 225-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.3 0.6 0.64 -0.004185 -0.67 -1.35 -2.04 -2.77 -3.53 -6.08 -4.69 -3.32 -1.96 -0.9 -1.54 -2.45 -3.38 -4.31 1.02 0.82 0.61 0.41 0.2 -0.003136 -0.21 -0.41 -0.62 1.26 1 0.74 0.49 0.23 -0.02912 -0.29 -0.54 -0.8 1.13 0.9 0.67 0.44 0.21 -0.01978 -0.25 -0.48 -0.71

-31976.22 225-1 -24138.67 225-1 -16696.61 225-1 -9730.73 225-1 -3321.8 225-1 2475.95 225-1 7715.23 225-1 12475.73 225-1 16835.7 225-1 16648.61 225-2 14297.95 225-2 9496.77 225-2 4214.4 225-2 -1626.41 225-2 -8078.55 225-2 -15087.77 225-2 -22573.22 225-2 -30454.21 225-2 -4462.65 226-1 -3507.16 226-1 -2754.84 226-1 -2261.69 226-1 -2083.11 226-1 -2249.27 226-1 -2730 226-1 -3469.9 226-1 -4412.97 226-1 -6083.28 226-1 -4511.45 226-1 -3213.77 226-1 -2338.23 226-1 -2031.26 226-1 -2372.57 226-1 -3282.46 226-1 -4614.49 226-1 -6220.66 226-1 -5240.72 226-1 -3950.64 226-1 -2897.2 226-1 -2190.91 226-1 -1941.08 226-1 -2207.25 226-1 -2929.88 226-1 -3999.66 226-1 -5306.08 226-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

1.12 0.89 0.66 0.44 0.21 -0.01929 -0.25 -0.47 -0.7 2.33 1.73 1.14 0.57 0.38 0.71 1.09 1.48 1.87 -1.34 -0.95 -0.57 -0.2 -0.23 -0.77 -1.35 -1.94 -2.54 2.27 1.73 1.21 0.74 0.54 0.71 1 1.32 1.66 -1.28 -0.95 -0.63 -0.37 -0.38 -0.76 -1.26 -1.79 -2.34

-5237.09 226-1 -3947.5 226-1 -2894.54 226-1 -2188.73 226-1 -1939.39 226-1 -2206.04 226-1 -2929.16 226-1 -3999.42 226-1 -5306.33 226-1 3354.53 226-1 2467.75 226-1 1486.38 226-1 410.5 226-1 -740.17 226-1 433.45 226-1 1519.23 226-1 2510.5 226-1 3407.19 226-1 -6415.7 226-1 -4856.75 226-1 -3392.43 226-1 -2022.8 226-1 -767.62 226-1 -2025.94 226-1 -3385.63 226-1 -4840.04 226-1 -6389.08 226-1 14402.4 226-1 10748.82 226-1 7000.64 226-1 3157.88 226-1 -720.75 226-1 3219.33 226-1 7071.99 226-1 10830.08 226-1 14493.57 226-1 -17463.57 226-1 -13137.82 226-1 -8906.68 226-1 -4770.19 226-1 -787.04 226-1 -4811.81 226-1 -8938.39 226-1 -13159.62 226-1 -17475.46 226-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2.94 2.22 1.51 0.82 0.51 0.72 0.97 1.24 1.51 -0.72 -0.45 -0.19 0.04714 -0.09641 -0.76 -1.47 -2.18 -2.9 2.89 2.22 1.58 0.99 0.67 0.72 0.88 1.09 1.3 -0.66 -0.45 -0.26 -0.12 -0.25 -0.76 -1.37 -2.03 -2.69 0.76 0.49 0.22 -0.05697 -0.33 -0.6 -0.87 -1.14 -1.42

-350.33 226-1 -283.82 226-1 -453.93 226-1 -971.1 226-1 -1924.9 226-1 -975.8 226-1 -476.4 226-1 -324.04 226-1 -408.3 226-1 -10120.56 226-1 -7608.31 226-1 -5332.74 226-1 -3404.39 226-1 -1952.35 226-1 -3435.19 226-1 -5381.26 226-1 -7674.58 226-1 -10204.57 226-1 10697.54 226-1 7997.25 226-1 5060.32 226-1 1776.29 226-1 -1905.48 226-1 1810.08 226-1 5076.36 226-1 7995.54 226-1 10678.08 226-1 -21168.43 226-1 -15889.39 226-1 -10846.99 226-1 -6151.78 226-1 -1971.77 226-1 -6221.07 226-1 -10934.02 226-1 -15994.16 226-1 -21290.95 226-1 -17504.43 227-1 -11736.88 227-1 -6377.41 227-1 -1466.87 227-1 2953.93 227-1 6857.78 227-1 10271.88 227-1 13237.06 227-1 15794.16 227-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.71 0.79 0.88 0.96 1.04 1.12 1.21 1.29 1.37 0.97 0.63 0.29 -0.05369 -0.4 -0.74 -1.08 -1.42 -1.76 0.85 0.93 1.02 1.11 1.19 1.28 1.36 1.45 1.54 0.86 0.56 0.25 -0.05216 -0.36 -0.66 -0.97 -1.27 -1.58 0.77 0.85 0.93 1.01 1.09 1.17 1.25 1.33 1.41

15802.1 227-2 13338.36 227-2 10466.52 227-2 7145.77 227-2 3335.27 227-2 -992.19 227-2 -5809.38 227-2 -11075.5 227-2 -16749.71 227-2 -21713.72 227-1 -14611.34 227-1 -7931.65 227-1 -1782.55 227-1 3728.07 227-1 8528.28 227-1 12690.02 227-1 16321.17 227-1 19529.62 227-1 19550.53 227-2 16447.5 227-2 12921.77 227-2 8865.46 227-2 4170.67 227-2 -1234.53 227-2 -7278.2 227-2 -13852.46 227-2 -20849.42 227-2 -19196.52 227-1 -12903.52 227-1 -7005.88 227-1 -1584.15 227-1 3281.12 227-1 7536.22 227-1 11234.85 227-1 14457.57 227-1 17284.93 227-1 17300.54 227-2 14569.46 227-2 11443.03 227-2 7840.68 227-2 3681.87 227-2 -1087.11 227-2 -6412.56 227-2 -12213.92 227-2 -18410.64 227-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.85 0.55 0.25 -0.05191 -0.35 -0.66 -0.96 -1.26 -1.56 0.76 0.84 0.92 1 1.08 1.16 1.24 1.32 1.4 5.11 3.36 1.63 0.43 1.55 2.99 4.42 5.86 7.3 8.99 7.39 5.81 4.23 2.66 1.2 2.87 4.66 6.45 -4.19 -2.76 -1.34 -0.45 -1.89 -3.64 -5.39 -7.13 -8.88

-19197.36 227-1 -12904.49 227-1 -7006.98 227-1 -1585.38 227-1 3279.75 227-1 7534.72 227-1 11233.22 227-1 14455.8 227-1 17283.03 227-1 17298.65 227-2 14567.37 227-2 11440.74 227-2 7838.19 227-2 3679.18 227-2 -1090 227-2 -6415.65 227-2 -12217.21 227-2 -18414.13 227-2 -2665.82 227-1 -1266.11 227-1 57.18 227-1 1304.2 227-1 2475.29 227-1 3571.33 227-1 4594.43 227-1 5547.45 227-1 6710.46 227-1 6625.1 227-2 5754.06 227-2 4808.15 227-2 3786.08 227-2 2687.61 227-2 1512.63 227-2 261.1 227-2 -1067.01 227-2 -2471.71 227-2 -9471.03 227-1 -7182.08 227-1 -4969.96 227-1 -2834.85 227-1 -777.08 227-1 1202.49 227-1 3101.72 227-1 4917.76 227-1 6370.56 227-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-8.21 -6.58 -4.96 -3.35 -1.74 -0.25 -1.88 -3.63 -5.39 4.14 2.47 0.84 0.97 2.24 3.6 4.96 6.32 7.68 3.52 3.27 3.05 2.85 2.66 2.51 3.29 4.12 4.94 -3.22 -1.87 -0.55 -1 -2.57 -4.25 -5.92 -7.59 -9.27 -2.74 -2.45 -2.2 -1.97 -1.74 -1.55 -2.3 -3.09 -3.88

6442.5 227-2 4742.38 227-2 2963.86 227-2 1108.25 227-2 -824.24 227-2 -2833.49 227-2 -4919.45 227-2 -7082.1 227-2 -9321.42 227-2 5029.1 227-1 5427.22 227-1 5748.78 227-1 5993.82 227-1 6162.45 227-1 6254.92 227-1 6271.92 227-1 6214.49 227-1 7018.51 227-1 6750.84 227-2 6812.04 227-2 6799.4 227-2 6710.37 227-2 6544.82 227-2 6302.68 227-2 5983.94 227-2 5588.58 227-2 5116.61 227-2 -17165.95 227-1 -13875.41 227-1 -10661.57 227-1 -7524.47 227-1 -4464.23 227-1 -1481.11 227-1 1424.23 227-1 4250.73 227-1 6062.5 227-1 6316.76 227-2 3684.4 227-2 972.62 227-2 -1816.05 227-2 -4681.45 227-2 -7623.53 227-2 -10642.28 227-2 -13737.69 227-2 -16909.74 227-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

5.5 3.61 1.73 0.39 1.37 2.66 3.95 5.25 6.54 9.35 7.82 6.3 4.78 3.27 1.88 3.61 5.47 7.32 -3.8 -2.51 -1.23 -0.49 -2.07 -3.96 -5.86 -7.75 -9.64 -7.85 -6.15 -4.47 -2.79 -1.12 0.43 -1.14 -2.83 -4.52 4.53 2.72 0.94 0.93 2.05 3.27 4.49 5.71 6.92

-15795.14 227-1 -9946.95 227-1 -4493.91 227-1 483.58 227-1 4905.32 227-1 8718.46 227-1 11978.83 227-1 14769.84 227-1 17452.12 227-1 17389.09 227-2 15072.27 227-2 12361.84 227-2 9175.98 227-2 5433.88 227-2 1081.74 227-2 -3826.78 227-2 -9211.16 227-2 -14990.86 227-2 -22600.34 227-1 -15862.92 227-1 -9521.05 227-1 -3655.46 227-1 1652.95 227-1 6349.61 227-1 10486.12 227-1 14140.15 227-1 17112.22 227-1 17206.49 227-2 14060.58 227-2 10517.55 227-2 6498.14 227-2 1922.03 227-2 -3264.38 227-2 -9007.33 227-2 -15226.25 227-2 -21840.57 227-2 -8100.22 227-1 -3253.61 227-1 1197.69 227-1 5173.2 227-1 8592.47 227-1 11402.05 227-1 13656.32 227-1 15436.88 227-1 17760.17 227-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

3.89 3.7 3.54 3.41 3.28 3.19 4.04 4.92 5.81 -2.83 -1.62 -0.44 -1.04 -2.76 -4.57 -6.39 -8.21 -10.03 -2.38 -2.03 -1.71 -1.41 -1.12 -0.87 -1.56 -2.28 -3.01 14.62 10.04 5.46 0.88 16.8 11.61 6.42 1.22 15.32 10.56 5.8 1.04 15.22 10.5 5.77 1.05 29.31 17.66

17514.83 227-2 16130.24 227-2 14353.08 227-2 12100.27 227-2 9291.09 227-2 5871.79 227-2 1896.06 227-2 -2555.57 227-2 -7402.54 227-2 -30295.26 227-1 -22556.25 227-1 -15212.66 227-1 -8345.09 227-1 -2034.21 227-1 3666.02 227-1 8808.62 227-1 13473.12 227-1 16804.16 227-1 17080.75 227-2 13002.6 227-2 8526.31 227-2 3573.85 227-2 -1935.18 227-2 -8054.42 227-2 -14730.17 227-2 -21881.84 227-2 -29428.89 227-2 -248.44 228-1 -1426.61 228-1 -3159 228-1 -5445.61 228-1 -949.02 228-1 -2066.31 228-1 -3838.65 228-1 -6266.04 228-1 -644.33 228-1 -1739.36 228-1 -3421.93 228-1 -5692.05 228-1 -668.82 228-1 -1748.45 228-1 -3415.63 228-1 -5670.35 228-1 5075.17 228-1 1042.36 228-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

7.91 18.75 -17.49 -9.69 -3.79 -18.5 19.32 17.34 20.01 29.6 -7.49 -9.37 -15.89 -29.35 38.57 24.14 11.61 19.68 -8.23 -3.21 -0.09193 -17.57 28.58 23.82 23.71 30.53 1.77 -2.89 -12.19 -28.42 1.31 1.08 0.86 0.63 0.4 0.18 -0.04728 -0.27 -0.5 0.64 0.42 0.21 -0.009775 -0.23 -0.44

676.07 228-1 3486.33 228-1 -5228.94 228-1 -2229.46 228-1 -3085.72 228-1 -7307.76 228-1 15306.59 228-1 4215.16 228-1 4562.68 228-1 14431.64 228-1 -15460.36 228-1 -5402.27 228-1 -6972.34 228-1 -18253.06 228-1 4472.1 228-1 -116.67 228-1 -1531.87 228-1 -263.44 228-1 -5832.01 228-1 -3388.5 228-1 -5293.66 228-1 -11057.53 228-1 14703.53 228-1 3056.13 228-1 2354.75 228-1 10681.87 228-1 -16063.43 228-1 -6561.3 228-1 -9180.27 228-1 -22002.84 228-1 -13493.97 229-1 -9324.74 229-1 -5315.54 229-1 -1507.19 229-1 2059.48 229-1 5357.25 229-1 8413.34 229-1 11268.58 229-1 13963.78 229-1 13950.78 229-2 11249.56 229-2 8388.31 229-2 5326.2 229-2 2022.42 229-2 -1550.26 229-2

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.66 -0.88 -1.09 1.35 1.11 0.87 0.63 0.39 0.15 -0.09429 -0.34 -0.58 0.96 0.66 0.37 0.07901 -0.21 -0.51 -0.8 -1.09 -1.38 1.28 1.05 0.83 0.6 0.37 0.15 -0.0757 -0.3 -0.53 0.82 0.56 0.31 0.04845 -0.21 -0.47 -0.72 -0.98 -1.24 1.27 1.04 0.82 0.6 0.37 0.15

-5364.62 229-2 -9379.84 229-2 -13555.09 229-2 -17959.03 229-1 -12256.63 229-1 -6764.31 229-1 -1589.95 229-1 3158.56 229-1 7409.29 229-1 11234.16 229-1 14741.07 229-1 18037.92 229-1 18010.13 229-2 14661.77 229-2 11103.35 229-2 7226.96 229-2 2924.72 229-2 -1875.31 229-2 -7101.18 229-2 -12645.02 229-2 -18398.93 229-2 -15562.43 229-1 -10658.02 229-1 -5936.33 229-1 -1477.94 229-1 2636.62 229-1 6353.63 229-1 9726.8 229-1 12836.68 229-1 15763.83 229-1 15742.21 229-2 12781.67 229-2 9638.4 229-2 6231.83 229-2 2481.43 229-2 -1666.52 229-2 -6158.3 229-2 -10913.38 229-2 -15851.19 229-2 -15561.84 229-1 -10657.69 229-1 -5936.27 229-1 -1478.14 229-1 2636.15 229-1 6352.9 229-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.07436 9725.81 229-1 -0.3 12835.43 229-1 -0.52 15762.31 229-1 0.81 15740.76 229-2 0.55 12779.85 229-2 0.3 9636.21 229-2 0.04656 6229.28 229-2 -0.21 2478.51 229-2 -0.46 -1669.8 229-2 -0.71 -6161.96 229-2 -0.97 -10917.4 229-2 -1.22 -15855.58 229-2 5.34 -1815.26 229-1 3.67 -469.56 229-1 2.01 799.51 229-1 0.73 1991.96 229-1 1.94 3107.79 229-1 3.27 4147.01 229-1 4.63 5109.65 229-1 6.12 5995.83 229-1 7.64 6806.57 229-1 4.19 6902.07 229-2 3.3 5432.94 229-2 2.41 4549.67 229-2 1.71 3591.07 229-2 1.21 2555.97 229-2 0.73 1444.28 229-2 0.44 255.97 229-2 1.01 -1008.96 229-2 1.59 -2350.52 229-2 -4.57 -10150.95 229-1 -3.05 -7822.77 229-1 -1.54 -5571.23 229-1 -0.41 -3396.33 229-1 -1.77 -1298.08 229-1 -3.24 723.51 229-1 -4.75 2668.41 229-1 -6.39 4536.51 229-1 -8.06 6326.77 229-1 -3.06 6234.96 229-2 -2.48 5093.36 229-2 -1.91 3212.63 229-2 -1.51 1253.97 229-2 -1.33 -781.47 229-2 -1.16 -2893.57 229-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.19 -2.07 -2.97 3.59 2.76 1.92 1.21 1.24 1.31 1.45 2.03 2.71 3.24 2.25 1.28 0.91 1.24 1.6 2.02 2.7 3.38 -2.82 -2.14 -1.45 -0.88 -1.06 -1.28 -1.57 -2.3 -3.12 -2.11 -1.43 -0.77 -0.72 -1.36 -2.03 -2.77 -3.76 -4.76 6.21 4.4 2.59 1.16 2.23 3.41

-5082.33 229-2 -7347.73 229-2 -9689.77 229-2 7163.07 229-1 7450.58 229-1 7661.47 229-1 7795.75 229-1 7853.41 229-1 7834.5 229-1 7739.08 229-1 7567.38 229-1 7321.65 229-1 7619.54 229-2 5796.96 229-2 5989.58 229-2 6108.46 229-2 6151.01 229-2 6117.01 229-2 6006.42 229-2 5819.21 229-2 5555.39 229-2 -19129.28 229-1 -15742.91 229-1 -12433.19 229-1 -9200.12 229-1 -6043.71 229-1 -2963.99 229-1 38.98 229-1 2964.95 229-1 5811.69 229-1 5517.49 229-2 4729.34 229-2 1772.72 229-2 -1263.43 229-2 -4376.5 229-2 -7566.31 229-2 -10832.78 229-2 -14175.91 229-2 -17595.68 229-2 -11393.73 229-1 -6980.94 229-1 -2750.87 229-1 1215.92 229-1 4838.88 229-1 8064.32 229-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.62 5.96 7.33 4.42 3.44 2.46 1.66 1.07 0.49 0.11 0.58 1.07 -3.69 -2.32 -0.95 0.02389 -1.48 -3.11 -4.76 -6.55 -8.37 -2.82 -2.34 -1.86 -1.56 -1.48 -1.4 -1.52 -2.5 -3.49 4.47 3.48 2.5 1.64 1.52 1.44 1.44 1.87 2.4 3.48 2.39 1.32 0.86 1.09 1.36

10945.98 229-1 13564.52 229-1 16001.52 229-1 16073.66 229-2 12948.81 229-2 10303.73 229-2 7396.67 229-2 4145.9 229-2 497.63 229-2 -3494.47 229-2 -7749.85 229-2 -12187.95 229-2 -19729.42 229-1 -14334.15 229-1 -9121.61 229-1 -4172.37 229-1 433.01 229-1 4640.82 229-1 8504.74 229-1 12105.2 229-1 15521.73 229-1 15406.54 229-2 12609.23 229-2 8966.69 229-2 5059.57 229-2 808.46 229-2 -3840.22 229-2 -8832.77 229-2 -14088.62 229-2 -19527.2 229-2 -2415.39 229-1 939.21 229-1 4111.09 229-1 7019.71 229-1 9584.51 229-1 11751.82 229-1 13575.41 229-1 15136.07 229-1 16516.6 229-1 16791.13 229-2 13312.83 229-2 11743.64 229-2 9914.06 229-2 7740.94 229-2 5170.36 229-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.69 2.27 2.86 -1.95 -1.41 -0.87 -0.45 -0.78 -1.14 -1.58 -2.46 -3.44 -1.88 -1.29 -0.73 -0.77 -1.5 -2.27 -3.1 -4.19 -5.28 1.62 1.25 0.87 0.5 0.13 -0.25 -0.62 -0.99 -1.37 1.92 1.47 1.03 0.59 0.15 -0.29 -0.74 -1.18 -1.62 1.74 1.34 0.94 0.54 0.13 -0.27

2255.98 229-2 -921.67 229-2 -4282.04 229-2 -28707.75 229-1 -22254.29 229-1 -15983.57 229-1 -9976.16 229-1 -4312.62 229-1 953.33 229-1 5875.31 229-1 10533.64 229-1 15006.65 229-1 14689.07 229-2 12245.21 229-2 7526.78 229-2 2542.17 229-2 -2786.57 229-2 -8512.96 229-2 -14583.22 229-2 -20916.79 229-2 -27433.1 229-2 -3540.67 230-1 -2700.16 230-1 -2062.82 230-1 -1684.65 230-1 -1621.06 230-1 -1902.2 230-1 -2497.91 230-1 -3352.79 230-1 -4410.85 230-1 -5304.93 230-1 -3819.94 230-1 -2609.09 230-1 -1820.39 230-1 -1600.25 230-1 -2028.4 230-1 -3025.12 230-1 -4443.98 230-1 -6136.99 230-1 -4457.97 230-1 -3259.15 230-1 -2296.98 230-1 -1681.95 230-1 -1523.4 230-1 -1880.83 230-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.67 -2694.72 230-1 -1.07 -3855.77 230-1 -1.47 -5253.46 230-1 1.72 -4454.28 230-1 1.32 -3255.92 230-1 0.93 -2294.2 230-1 0.53 -1679.63 230-1 0.13 -1521.53 230-1 -0.26 -1879.41 230-1 -0.66 -2693.76 230-1 -1.06 -3855.26 230-1 -1.46 -5253.4 230-1 2.69 3457.29 230-1 2.49 2537.34 230-1 2.29 1522.79 230-1 2.09 413.63 230-1 1.9 -786.75 230-1 1.73 439.74 230-1 1.59 1573.51 230-1 1.48 2612.68 230-1 1.42 3557.24 230-1 -1.18 -6648.3 230-1 -1.31 -5041.48 230-1 -1.45 -3529.26 230-1 -1.6 -2111.66 230-1 -1.75 -792.07 230-1 -1.92 -2088.55 230-1 -2.11 -3481.54 230-1 -2.35 -4969.14 230-1 -2.62 -6551.35 230-1 3.17 14342.36 230-1 2.73 10700.72 230-1 2.3 6964.48 230-1 1.87 3133.63 230-1 1.47 -783.75 230-1 1.12 3163.11 230-1 0.86 7018.57 230-1 0.74 10779.43 230-1 0.74 14445.68 230-1 -1.66 -17533.37 230-1 -1.56 -13204.86 230-1 -1.46 -8970.95 230-1 -1.38 -4831.66 230-1 -1.32 -795.06 230-1 -1.31 -4811.92 230-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-1.39 -1.61 -1.95 3.64 3.22 2.79 2.37 1.96 1.56 1.19 0.86 0.57 -0.22 -0.58 -0.95 -1.32 -1.7 -2.09 -2.51 -2.97 -3.47 4.13 3.46 2.8 2.15 1.53 0.95 0.47 0.12 -0.1 -0.7 -0.83 -0.96 -1.1 -1.26 -1.48 -1.78 -2.23 -2.8 1.71 1.14 0.56 -0.0185 -0.6 -1.17

-8926.6 230-1 -13135.89 230-1 -17439.79 230-1 600.19 230-1 534.96 230-1 233.08 230-1 -415.93 230-1 -1518.02 230-1 -614.62 230-1 -165.8 230-1 -64.12 230-1 -199.08 230-1 -9505.4 230-1 -7043.86 230-1 -4818.97 230-1 -2941.22 230-1 -1523.34 230-1 -3142.91 230-1 -5220.85 230-1 -7645.94 230-1 -10307.67 230-1 11485.26 230-1 8698.34 230-1 5674.77 230-1 2304.07 230-1 -1515.02 230-1 2108.75 230-1 5279.26 230-1 8102.63 230-1 10689.36 230-1 -20390.47 230-1 -15207.24 230-1 -10260.66 230-1 -5661.22 230-1 -1526.33 230-1 -5866.28 230-1 -10665.91 230-1 -15812.69 230-1 -21196.11 230-1 -17810.07 231-1 -11955.42 231-1 -6508.87 231-1 -1511.24 231-1 2996.65 231-1 6987.58 231-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.75 -2.33 -2.9 1.05 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 0.35 0.25 2.01 1.34 0.66 -0.009926 -0.68 -1.36 -2.03 -2.71 -3.38 1.22 1.1 0.98 0.86 0.74 0.62 0.5 0.38 0.26 1.83 1.21 0.6 -0.01376 -0.63 -1.24 -1.85 -2.47 -3.08 1.11 1 0.89 0.79 0.68 0.57

10488.77 231-1 13541.04 231-1 16185.22 231-1 16189.05 231-2 13630.93 231-2 10664.71 231-2 7249.57 231-2 3344.69 231-2 -1077.14 231-2 -5988.72 231-2 -11349.21 231-2 -17117.8 231-2 -21990.85 231-1 -14802.96 231-1 -8037.76 231-1 -1803.16 231-1 3792.97 231-1 8678.69 231-1 12925.94 231-1 16642.59 231-1 19936.55 231-1 19954.31 231-2 16763.13 231-2 13149.26 231-2 9004.79 231-2 4221.85 231-2 -1271.5 231-2 -7403.32 231-2 -14065.74 231-2 -21150.84 231-2 -19466.88 231-1 -13092.61 231-1 -7113.7 231-1 -1610.7 231-1 3335.83 231-1 7672.19 231-1 11452.09 231-1 14756.07 231-1 17664.7 231-1 17677.03 231-2 14860.38 231-2 11648.38 231-2 7960.47 231-2 3716.1 231-2 -1138.45 231-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.46 0.35 0.25 1.81 1.2 0.6 -0.01239 -0.62 -1.23 -1.84 -2.44 -3.05 1.1 0.99 0.88 0.78 0.67 0.56 0.46 0.35 0.24 2.23 1.36 0.92 1.44 1.99 2.55 3.12 3.69 4.26 8.5 6.94 5.38 3.83 2.29 2.03 3.72 5.45 7.18 -0.77 -0.41 -0.47 -1.5 -2.56 -3.62

-6549.47 231-2 -12436.39 231-2 -18718.67 231-2 -19468.64 231-1 -13094.36 231-1 -7115.44 231-1 -1612.43 231-1 3334.11 231-1 7670.48 231-1 11450.39 231-1 14754.39 231-1 17663.02 231-1 17675.35 231-2 14858.63 231-2 11646.54 231-2 7958.54 231-2 3714.08 231-2 -1140.55 231-2 -6551.65 231-2 -12438.66 231-2 -18721.03 231-2 -2414.29 231-1 -1064.79 231-1 208.08 231-1 1404.34 231-1 2523.99 231-1 3567.07 231-1 4533.72 231-1 5425.65 231-1 6885.5 231-1 6788.41 231-2 5991.19 231-2 5119.05 231-2 4170.53 231-2 3145.46 231-2 2043.79 231-2 865.51 231-2 -389.39 231-2 -1720.92 231-2 -9743.33 231-1 -7396.74 231-1 -5126.8 231-1 -2933.5 231-1 -816.86 231-1 1223.09 231-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.7 -5.77 -6.85 -7.61 -6.12 -4.63 -3.14 -1.68 -1.48 -3.24 -5.04 -6.84 2.29 1.96 1.95 2.35 2.81 3.3 3.8 4.32 4.84 4.3 4.14 4 3.87 3.76 4.03 4.9 5.77 6.66 -0.83 -1.01 -1.51 -2.41 -3.38 -4.37 -5.38 -6.41 -7.44 -3.41 -3.32 -3.25 -3.19 -3.15 -3.49

3186.2 231-1 5070.75 231-1 6234.13 231-1 6321.07 231-2 4544.12 231-2 2688.82 231-2 756.64 231-2 -1252.26 231-2 -3337.83 231-2 -5500.06 231-2 -7738.93 231-2 -10054.44 231-2 5477.35 231-1 5753.73 231-1 5953.5 231-1 6076.66 231-1 6123.23 231-1 6093.29 231-1 5987.07 231-1 5807.65 231-1 7580.49 231-1 7285.3 231-2 7546.33 231-2 7734.11 231-2 7845.72 231-2 7880.86 231-2 7839.42 231-2 7721.39 231-2 7526.75 231-2 7255.49 231-2 -17634.97 231-1 -14215.27 231-1 -10872.21 231-1 -7605.81 231-1 -4416.1 231-1 -1303.13 231-1 1732.85 231-1 4688.75 231-1 5539.14 231-1 5824.18 231-2 2988.98 231-2 73.76 231-2 -2918.56 231-2 -5987.66 231-2 -9133.46 231-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.42 -5.37 -6.32 3.3 2.09 1.29 1.46 1.66 1.86 2.08 2.3 2.52 9.15 7.51 5.88 4.26 2.65 2.31 3.93 5.59 7.25 0.3 0.31 -0.1 -1.48 -2.89 -4.31 -5.73 -7.16 -8.59 -6.96 -5.54 -4.12 -2.71 -1.32 -1.2 -3.03 -4.9 -6.77 3.37 2.68 2.33 2.37 2.48 2.61

-12355.94 231-2 -15655.07 231-2 -19030.85 231-2 -15804.92 231-1 -9929.18 231-1 -4448.79 231-1 555.7 231-1 5003.75 231-1 8841.7 231-1 12123.38 231-1 14931.07 231-1 17987.95 231-1 17908.26 231-2 15581.36 231-2 12860.82 231-2 9664.61 231-2 5912.03 231-2 1549.31 231-2 -3369.86 231-2 -8764.92 231-2 -14555.34 231-2 -23133.96 231-1 -16261.14 231-1 -9783.68 231-1 -3782.14 231-1 1662.9 231-1 6497.71 231-1 10775.86 231-1 14576.17 231-1 17336.58 231-1 17440.92 231-2 14134.3 231-2 10430.59 231-2 6250.72 231-2 1514.3 231-2 -3832.32 231-2 -9735.43 231-2 -16114.46 231-2 -22888.86 231-2 -7913.28 231-1 -3110.66 231-1 1296.62 231-1 5228.01 231-1 8602.99 231-1 11367.91 231-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.77 2.93 3.1 4.95 4.72 4.5 4.3 4.12 4.32 5.11 5.92 6.72 0.24 -0.28 -1.14 -2.39 -3.71 -5.06 -6.42 -7.79 -9.17 -2.76 -2.74 -2.74 -2.76 -2.79 -3.2 -4.21 -5.23 -6.25 0.29 0.19 0.08183 -0.02187 -0.13 -0.23 -0.33 -0.44 -0.54 1.59 1.22 0.84 0.47 0.09552 -0.28

13576.73 231-1 15313.07 231-1 18682.93 231-1 18405.15 231-2 17136.5 231-2 15475.88 231-2 13339.81 231-2 10647.42 231-2 7344.94 231-2 3486.02 231-2 -848.78 231-2 -5578.93 231-2 -31025.61 231-1 -23079.66 231-1 -15529.09 231-1 -8454.46 231-1 -1936.34 231-1 3971.5 231-1 9322.51 231-1 14194.17 231-1 16641.59 231-1 16944.03 231-2 12579.15 231-2 7815.53 231-2 2575.53 231-2 -3221.09 231-2 -9627.95 231-2 -16591.31 231-2 -24030.6 231-2 -31865.27 231-2 -13490.77 232-1 -9314.98 232-1 -5299.23 232-1 -1484.33 232-1 2088.88 232-1 5393.21 232-1 8455.85 232-1 11317.64 232-1 14019.39 232-1 13986.68 232-2 11267.82 232-2 8388.92 232-2 5309.18 232-2 1987.75 232-2 -1602.57 232-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.65 -1.03 -1.4 0.41 0.27 0.14 0.009324 -0.12 -0.25 -0.39 -0.52 -0.65 1.68 1.29 0.9 0.51 0.12 -0.27 -0.66 -1.05 -1.44 0.35 0.23 0.12 -0.001493 -0.12 -0.24 -0.35 -0.47 -0.59 1.57 1.21 0.84 0.47 0.1 -0.26 -0.63 -1 -1.37 0.35 0.23 0.11 -0.001244 -0.12 -0.23

-5434.57 232-2 -9467.43 232-2 -13660.32 232-2 -18001.16 232-1 -12276.66 232-1 -6762.23 232-1 -1565.76 232-1 3204.85 232-1 7477.68 232-1 11324.66 232-1 14853.67 232-1 18172.62 232-1 18132.43 232-2 14745.47 232-2 11148.43 232-2 7233.44 232-2 2892.58 232-2 -1946.05 232-2 -7210.54 232-2 -12792.98 232-2 -18585.5 232-2 -15587.65 232-1 -10667.32 232-1 -5929.73 232-1 -1455.43 232-1 2675.04 232-1 6407.96 232-1 9797.03 232-1 12922.82 232-1 15865.88 232-1 15830.15 232-2 12839.81 232-2 9666.73 232-2 6230.37 232-2 2450.17 232-2 -1727.58 232-2 -6249.17 232-2 -11034.04 232-2 -16001.65 232-2 -15587.13 232-1 -10667.06 232-1 -5929.72 232-1 -1455.67 232-1 2674.54 232-1 6407.21 232-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.35 9796.03 232-1 -0.47 12921.57 232-1 -0.58 15864.38 232-1 1.56 15828.73 232-2 1.2 12838.02 232-2 0.83 9664.58 232-2 0.47 6227.85 232-2 0.1 2447.28 232-2 -0.26 -1730.84 232-2 -0.63 -6252.79 232-2 -0.99 -11038.04 232-2 -1.35 -16006.01 232-2 5.14 -1708.24 232-1 3.68 -367.09 232-1 2.22 897.52 232-1 0.86 2085.65 232-1 0.77 3197.39 232-1 2.07 4232.94 232-1 3.41 5192.77 232-1 4.74 6078.32 232-1 6.08 6896.01 232-1 5.34 6993.46 232-2 4.62 5493.25 232-2 3.9 4599.69 232-2 3.19 3646.37 232-2 2.48 2618.64 232-2 1.77 1514.92 232-2 1.07 334.83 232-2 0.37 -921.76 232-2 0.43 -2254.9 232-2 -4.66 -10332.72 232-1 -3.33 -7977.26 232-1 -2.01 -5698.53 232-1 -0.78 -3496.58 232-1 -0.82 -1371.51 232-1 -2.25 676.48 232-1 -3.72 2646.93 232-1 -5.19 4538.39 232-1 -6.66 6344.43 232-1 -4.48 6253.01 232-2 -3.97 5115.95 232-2 -3.46 3218.98 232-2 -2.96 1228.5 232-2 -2.46 -840.83 232-2 -1.96 -2987.43 232-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.47 -0.99 -1.27 2.51 1.74 1.02 0.52 0.66 1.29 1.93 2.57 3.22 3.6 3.24 2.88 2.54 2.21 1.89 1.59 1.31 1.26 -2.03 -1.4 -0.8 -0.43 -0.71 -1.47 -2.24 -3.02 -3.79 -2.74 -2.58 -2.44 -2.31 -2.19 -2.09 -2 -1.93 -2.1 5.25 3.73 2.23 0.82 0.67 1.93

-5210.94 232-2 -7511.21 232-2 -9888.2 232-2 7166.7 232-1 7461 232-1 7678.71 232-1 7819.84 232-1 7884.45 232-1 7872.6 232-1 7784.49 232-1 7620.79 232-1 7385.43 232-1 7684.01 232-2 5844.76 232-2 6024.12 232-2 6134.51 232-2 6169.19 232-2 6127.51 232-2 6009.32 232-2 5814.55 232-2 5543.18 232-2 -19207.66 232-1 -15805.35 232-1 -12479.72 232-1 -9230.78 232-1 -6058.57 232-1 -2963.18 232-1 55.2 232-1 2995.91 232-1 5855.02 232-1 5562.45 232-2 4764.44 232-2 1794.55 232-2 -1259.63 232-2 -4391.38 232-2 -7600.03 232-2 -10885.43 232-2 -14247.52 232-2 -17686.28 232-2 -11274.65 232-1 -6861.85 232-1 -2631.69 232-1 1335.34 232-1 4958.77 232-1 8185.1 232-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.22 4.5 5.79 6.47 5.49 4.51 3.54 2.57 1.61 0.65 -0.3 -0.5 -4.56 -3.27 -2 -0.82 -0.91 -2.4 -3.91 -5.43 -6.95 -3.35 -3.1 -2.85 -2.6 -2.36 -2.13 -1.89 -1.67 -2.2 2.62 1.8 1.02 0.47 0.57 1.14 1.74 2.33 2.93 4.73 4.1 3.49 2.89 2.3 1.73

11068.5 232-1 13690.97 232-1 16139.48 232-1 16198.31 232-2 13025.85 232-2 10353.96 232-2 7435.64 232-2 4175.7 232-2 518.86 232-2 -3481.56 232-2 -7745.12 232-2 -12191.34 232-2 -19899.14 232-1 -14472.02 232-1 -9227.74 232-1 -4246.89 232-1 389.86 232-1 4628.64 232-1 8522.66 232-1 12151.04 232-1 15587.9 232-1 15457.86 232-2 12648.56 232-2 8973.24 232-2 5017.77 232-2 716.23 232-2 -3983.5 232-2 -9027.33 232-2 -14334.58 232-2 -19824.64 232-2 -2399.72 232-1 966.24 232-1 4149.5 232-1 7069.53 232-1 9645.83 232-1 11824.76 232-1 13660.23 232-1 15233.44 232-1 16628.9 232-1 16888.86 232-2 13377.37 232-2 11778.38 232-2 9923.77 232-2 7726.25 232-2 5131.45 232-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.17 0.63 0.33 -1.93 -1.34 -0.8 -0.48 -0.81 -1.61 -2.43 -3.26 -4.09 -1.61 -1.71 -1.83 -1.95 -2.09 -2.25 -2.42 -2.6 -3.03 1.65 1.27 0.88 0.49 0.11 -0.28 -0.66 -1.05 -1.44 1.82 1.39 0.96 0.52 0.08928 -0.34 -0.78 -1.21 -1.64 1.69 1.29 0.89 0.49 0.09255 -0.31

2192.93 232-2 -1008.82 232-2 -4393.26 232-2 -28774.07 232-1 -22300.12 232-1 -16008.93 232-1 -9981.09 232-1 -4297.19 232-1 988.98 232-1 5930.93 232-1 10608.56 232-1 15098.49 232-1 14767.31 232-2 12297.05 232-2 7548.81 232-2 2529.63 232-2 -2834.32 232-2 -8596.09 232-2 -14701.82 232-2 -21070.89 232-2 -27622.73 232-2 -3483.97 233-1 -2661.52 233-1 -2042.24 233-1 -1682.12 233-1 -1636.58 233-1 -1935.78 233-1 -2549.54 233-1 -3422.48 233-1 -4498.59 233-1 -5230.85 233-1 -3771.08 233-1 -2585.45 233-1 -1821.97 233-1 -1627.05 233-1 -2080.43 233-1 -3102.37 233-1 -4546.45 233-1 -6264.68 233-1 -4393.29 233-1 -3216.08 233-1 -2275.52 233-1 -1682.11 233-1 -1545.16 233-1 -1924.2 233-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.7 -2759.71 233-1 -1.1 -3942.36 233-1 -1.5 -5361.66 233-1 1.67 -4389.74 233-1 1.28 -3212.95 233-1 0.88 -2272.8 233-1 0.49 -1679.8 233-1 0.09083 -1543.27 233-1 -0.3 -1922.73 233-1 -0.7 -2758.65 233-1 -1.1 -3941.72 233-1 -1.49 -5361.44 233-1 4.38 3645.72 233-1 3.76 2676.69 233-1 3.24 1613.06 233-1 3.07 454.83 233-1 3 -791.93 233-1 2.94 473.77 233-1 2.88 1650.19 233-1 2.83 2732.01 233-1 2.79 3719.23 233-1 -3.24 -6827.63 233-1 -2.9 -5178.15 233-1 -2.64 -3623.27 233-1 -2.74 -2163.03 233-1 -2.93 -803.46 233-1 -3.13 -2145.58 233-1 -3.34 -3587.63 233-1 -3.56 -5124.31 233-1 -3.78 -6755.6 233-1 3.49 14393.78 233-1 2.4 10737.74 233-1 1.6 6987.1 233-1 1.98 3141.86 233-1 2.67 -787.78 233-1 3.4 3160.7 233-1 4.14 7024.14 233-1 4.88 10792.97 233-1 5.63 14467.2 233-1 -2.36 -17575.69 233-1 -1.53 -13239.2 233-1 -1 -8997.32 233-1 -1.64 -4850.06 233-1 -2.6 -807.62 233-1 -3.6 -4832.51 233-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-4.6 -5.61 -6.62 5.48 4.6 3.82 3.39 3.05 2.73 2.41 2.1 1.8 -2.14 -2.06 -2.06 -2.42 -2.87 -3.34 -3.81 -4.29 -4.77 4.59 3.24 2.18 2.29 2.73 3.19 3.67 4.15 4.64 -1.26 -0.69 -0.42 -1.32 -2.55 -3.8 -5.07 -6.34 -7.61 1.37 1.01 0.65 0.3 -0.05892 -0.42

-8961.58 233-1 -13185.27 233-1 -17503.56 233-1 848.55 233-1 715.9 233-1 346.6 233-1 -369.83 233-1 -1536.65 233-1 -612.39 233-1 -139.27 233-1 -13.27 233-1 -123.92 233-1 -9624.8 233-1 -7138.94 233-1 -4889.73 233-1 -2987.69 233-1 -1548.18 233-1 -3231.73 233-1 -5377.08 233-1 -7869.59 233-1 -10598.75 233-1 11596.61 233-1 8776.95 233-1 5720.64 233-1 2317.2 233-1 -1532.5 233-1 2074.55 233-1 5234.69 233-1 8047.69 233-1 10624.04 233-1 -20372.86 233-1 -15199.99 233-1 -10263.78 233-1 -5674.72 233-1 -1552.33 233-1 -5918.67 233-1 -10751.04 233-1 -15930.55 233-1 -21346.72 233-1 -17806.91 234-1 -11948.78 234-1 -6498.76 234-1 -1497.65 234-1 3013.72 234-1 7008.13 234-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.77 -1.13 -1.49 0.19 0.11 0.02305 -0.06043 -0.14 -0.23 -0.31 -0.39 -0.48 1.6 1.19 0.78 0.37 -0.0436 -0.45 -0.86 -1.28 -1.69 0.22 0.12 0.02597 -0.07202 -0.17 -0.27 -0.37 -0.46 -0.56 1.45 1.07 0.7 0.33 -0.04816 -0.42 -0.8 -1.17 -1.54 0.2 0.11 0.02317 -0.06499 -0.15 -0.24

10512.8 234-1 13568.55 234-1 16216.21 234-1 16242.18 234-2 13666.02 234-2 10681.76 234-2 7248.59 234-2 3325.68 234-2 -1114.2 234-2 -6043.81 234-2 -11422.34 234-2 -17208.97 234-2 -22037.02 234-1 -14828.09 234-1 -8041.86 234-1 -1786.22 234-1 3830.94 234-1 8737.7 234-1 13005.98 234-1 16743.67 234-1 20058.67 234-1 20090.41 234-2 16858.76 234-2 13204.42 234-2 9019.49 234-2 4196.08 234-2 -1337.74 234-2 -7510.04 234-2 -14212.92 234-2 -21338.5 234-2 -19494.5 234-1 -13106 234-1 -7112.86 234-1 -1595.63 234-1 3365.13 234-1 7715.73 234-1 11509.86 234-1 14828.08 234-1 17750.94 234-1 17779.15 234-2 14931.41 234-2 11688.32 234-2 7969.31 234-2 3693.84 234-2 -1191.8 234-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.33 -0.42 -0.51 1.44 1.07 0.7 0.33 -0.04647 -0.42 -0.79 -1.16 -1.53 0.2 0.11 0.02357 -0.06452 -0.15 -0.24 -0.33 -0.42 -0.5 3.15 2.64 3.07 3.54 4.01 4.5 4.99 5.51 6.14 7.3 5.6 3.91 2.26 2.06 4.22 6.43 8.64 10.85 -2.24 -1.97 -2.65 -3.36 -4.09 -4.81

-6633.91 234-2 -12551.93 234-2 -18865.3 234-2 -19496.45 234-1 -13107.91 234-1 -7114.73 234-1 -1597.46 234-1 3363.34 234-1 7713.97 234-1 11508.14 234-1 14826.4 234-1 17749.3 234-1 17777.49 234-2 14929.67 234-2 11686.5 234-2 7967.41 234-2 3691.85 234-2 -1193.87 234-2 -6636.06 234-2 -12554.16 234-2 -18867.62 234-2 -2336.25 234-1 -989.14 234-1 281.4 234-1 1475.39 234-1 2592.92 234-1 3634.21 234-1 4600.04 234-1 5496.83 234-1 6988.23 234-1 6889.6 234-2 6079.67 234-2 5204.82 234-2 4255.26 234-2 3229.68 234-2 2127.74 234-2 949.31 234-2 -305.66 234-2 -1637.22 234-2 -9935.92 234-1 -7553.7 234-1 -5248.16 234-1 -3019.35 234-1 -867.35 234-1 1207.63 234-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.55 3204.8 234-1 -6.32 5117.75 234-1 -7.2 6282.82 234-1 -7.31 6370.71 234-2 -5.62 4567.86 234-2 -3.96 2676.66 234-2 -2.32 706.91 234-2 -2.14 -1340.08 234-2 -4.32 -3463.99 234-2 -6.54 -5664.67 234-2 -8.77 -7942.07 234-2 -11 -10296.16 234-2 7.77 5477.08 234-1 6.73 5758.47 234-1 5.97 5963.26 234-1 5.23 6091.48 234-1 4.5 6143.19 234-1 3.78 6118.52 234-1 3.1 6018.05 234-1 2.51 5847.95 234-1 2.29 7696.7 234-1 2.92 7396.76 234-2 3.16 7635.23 234-2 3.45 7804.94 234-2 3.77 7899.21 234-2 4.53 7917.23 234-2 6 7858.79 234-2 7.49 7723.8 234-2 8.97 7512.25 234-2 10.46 7224.09 234-2 -6.86 -17749.25 234-1 -6.06 -14301.3 234-1 -5.55 -10930.03 234-1 -5.06 -7635.45 234-1 -4.57 -4417.61 234-1 -4.1 -1276.68 234-1 -3.66 1786.79 234-1 -3.32 4766.63 234-1 -3.35 5574.35 234-1 -2.92 5863.54 234-2 -3.18 3012.3 234-2 -3.5 76.54 234-2 -3.83 -2937.03 234-2 -4.61 -6027.63 234-2 -6.1 -9195.03 234-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.61 -9.11 -10.62 4.13 3.37 3.55 3.78 4 4.24 4.48 4.76 5.14 7.5 5.72 3.96 2.22 1.95 4.03 6.16 8.29 10.42 -1.26 -1.24 -2.16 -3.13 -4.1 -5.07 -6.06 -7.07 -8.2 -7.11 -5.5 -3.91 -2.35 -2.26 -4.51 -6.81 -9.12 -11.43 8.75 7.46 6.46 5.47 4.49 3.53

-12439.16 234-2 -15759.98 234-2 -19157.47 234-2 -15697.5 234-1 -9826.5 234-1 -4350.8 234-1 649.08 234-1 5092.66 234-1 8926.47 234-1 12204.98 234-1 15015.18 234-1 18101.26 234-1 18036.18 234-2 15684.79 234-2 12949.75 234-2 9740.71 234-2 5975.83 234-2 1601.05 234-2 -3330.05 234-2 -8736.97 234-2 -14539.2 234-2 -23297.18 234-1 -16391.06 234-1 -9880.36 234-1 -3845.67 234-1 1632.39 234-1 6499.89 234-1 10809.74 234-1 14636.1 234-1 17395.85 234-1 17517.29 234-2 14172.97 234-2 10421.59 234-2 6192.37 234-2 1406.07 234-2 -3990.68 234-2 -9944.03 234-2 -16373.38 234-2 -23198.14 234-2 -7884.17 234-1 -3078.89 234-1 1331.06 234-1 5265.17 234-1 8642.93 234-1 11410.78 234-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.59 1.76 1.29 3.12 3.28 3.5 3.74 4.42 5.81 7.22 8.63 10.03 -5.88 -5.33 -5.07 -4.82 -4.58 -4.36 -4.17 -4.07 -4.35 -2.72 -3.06 -3.45 -3.87 -4.73 -6.29 -7.88 -9.46 -11.04 -0.26 -0.3 -0.34 -0.38 -0.42 -0.45 -0.49 -0.53 -0.57 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.2 -0.09404 -0.39

13622.99 234-1 15366.29 234-1 18809.73 234-1 18543.35 234-2 17240.35 234-2 15549.87 234-2 13384.66 234-2 10663.38 234-2 7332.1 234-2 3444.45 234-2 -919.06 234-2 -5677.89 234-2 -31110.51 234-1 -23138.67 234-1 -15562.23 234-1 -8461.76 234-1 -1917.87 234-1 4015.58 234-1 9391.73 234-1 14284.98 234-1 16687.38 234-1 17010.13 234-2 12617.41 234-2 7821.47 234-2 2548.42 234-2 -3281.48 234-2 -9721.72 234-2 -16718.52 234-2 -24191.29 234-2 -32059.45 234-2 -12517.74 236-1 -8835.6 236-1 -5313.49 236-1 -1992.24 236-1 1087.33 236-1 3898.01 236-1 6467.01 236-1 8835.15 236-1 11043.26 236-1 11022.99 236-2 8960.37 236-2 6737.71 236-2 4314.19 236-2 1649 236-2 -1285.09 236-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.69 -0.99 -1.29 -0.03962 -0.14 -0.23 -0.33 -0.42 -0.52 -0.62 -0.71 -0.81 0.95 0.68 0.41 0.15 -0.12 -0.39 -0.65 -0.92 -1.19 -0.12 -0.19 -0.26 -0.33 -0.4 -0.48 -0.55 -0.62 -0.69 0.96 0.69 0.42 0.16 -0.11 -0.37 -0.64 -0.9 -1.17 -0.11 -0.18 -0.26 -0.33 -0.4 -0.47

-4460.86 236-2 -7837.48 236-2 -11374.13 236-2 -16207.7 236-1 -11203.52 236-1 -6409.4 236-1 -1933.24 236-1 2117.06 236-1 5669.58 236-1 8796.24 236-1 11604.95 236-1 14203.58 236-1 14179.44 236-2 11661.89 236-2 8934.28 236-2 5888.7 236-2 2417.27 236-2 -1551.94 236-2 -5947 236-2 -10660.03 236-2 -15583.13 236-2 -14153.38 236-1 -9842.16 236-1 -5713.67 236-1 -1848.47 236-1 1672.9 236-1 4796.71 236-1 7576.69 236-1 10093.38 236-1 12427.34 236-1 12405.67 236-2 10169.69 236-2 7750.98 236-2 5068.98 236-2 2043.14 236-2 -1380.24 236-2 -5147.47 236-2 -9177.98 236-2 -13391.22 236-2 -14153.37 236-1 -9842.2 236-1 -5713.77 236-1 -1848.61 236-1 1672.69 236-1 4796.46 236-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.54 7576.38 236-1 -0.62 10093.02 236-1 -0.69 12426.93 236-1 0.95 12405.31 236-2 0.68 10168.93 236-2 0.42 7749.81 236-2 0.16 5067.41 236-2 -0.11 2041.17 236-2 -0.37 -1382.62 236-2 -0.63 -5150.25 236-2 -0.89 -9181.17 236-2 -1.16 -13394.82 236-2 9.61 -296.77 236-1 7.06 655.03 236-1 4.5 1533.89 236-1 1.95 2343.6 236-1 0.77 3094.61 236-1 2.85 3816.87 236-1 5.33 4555.33 236-1 7.81 5293.39 236-1 10.3 5986.96 236-1 14.46 6014.37 236-2 11.13 4812.61 236-2 7.8 4107.71 236-2 4.47 3352.74 236-2 1.54 2564.93 236-2 1.96 1748.72 236-2 5.2 888.46 236-2 8.45 -31.43 236-2 11.7 -1019.29 236-2 -9.61 -9963.61 236-1 -7.12 -7782.22 236-1 -4.64 -5681.13 236-1 -2.16 -3664.17 236-1 -1.04 -1741.78 236-1 -3.18 56.1 236-1 -5.73 1684.51 236-1 -8.28 3160.06 236-1 -10.84 4526.82 236-1 -14.31 4501.76 236-2 -11.06 3666.2 236-2 -7.81 2180.5 236-2 -4.56 591.61 236-2 -1.72 -1117.71 236-2 -2.21 -2951.89 236-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.54 -8.87 -12.2 7.97 6.06 4.15 2.25 0.77 1.28 3.1 4.94 6.78 11.77 8.75 5.72 2.7 1.01 3.1 6.05 8.99 11.94 -7.97 -6.13 -4.29 -2.45 -1.03 -1.61 -3.5 -5.41 -7.32 -11.63 -8.68 -5.74 -2.79 -1.19 -3.36 -6.38 -9.41 -12.44 9.51 6.91 4.32 1.73 0.51 2.54

-4895.3 236-2 -6932.34 236-2 -9054.67 236-2 8401.37 236-1 8368.83 236-1 8260.77 236-1 8078.33 236-1 7824.67 236-1 7508.78 236-1 7144.2 236-1 6726.14 236-1 6242.88 236-1 6338.86 236-2 4989.6 236-2 5435.54 236-2 5814.81 236-2 6130.82 236-2 6384.75 236-2 6571.85 236-2 6687.43 236-2 6728.99 236-2 -18661.75 236-1 -15496.01 236-1 -12408.01 236-1 -9398.91 236-1 -6471.84 236-1 -3635.81 236-1 -904.36 236-1 1727.31 236-1 4270.9 236-1 4177.27 236-2 3489.21 236-2 852.67 236-2 -1870.46 236-2 -4683.6 236-2 -7587.92 236-2 -10578.68 236-2 -13651.19 236-2 -16802.95 236-2 -9319.95 236-1 -5623.6 236-1 -2106.3 236-1 1155.2 236-1 4090.8 236-1 6676.73 236-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.98 7.43 9.88 15.33 11.78 8.22 4.67 1.52 1.72 4.74 7.77 10.8 -9.72 -7.27 -4.82 -2.38 -1.3 -3.49 -6.07 -8.67 -11.26 -13.44 -10.41 -7.38 -4.35 -1.73 -2.45 -6 -9.55 -13.1 7.86 5.92 3.97 2.03 0.5 0.98 2.76 4.56 6.36 12.64 9.4 6.15 2.9 0.99 2.87

9011.66 236-1 11159.52 236-1 13156.81 236-1 13161.46 236-2 10741.79 236-2 8712.89 236-2 6447.26 236-2 3881.59 236-2 966.6 236-2 -2259.63 236-2 -5732.16 236-2 -9378.76 236-2 -18986.79 236-1 -14060.85 236-1 -9321.32 236-1 -4852.57 236-1 -745.6 236-1 2915.96 236-1 6140.84 236-1 9026.2 236-1 11696.67 236-1 11648.85 236-2 9595.38 236-2 6785.68 236-2 3686.13 236-2 198.95 236-2 -3734.01 236-2 -8043.4 236-2 -12633.07 236-2 -17414.14 236-2 -621.81 236-1 2090.19 236-1 4620.58 236-1 6889.94 236-1 8820.86 236-1 10368.64 236-1 11600.53 236-1 12592.27 236-1 13412.73 236-1 13485.95 236-2 10918.78 236-2 10040.72 236-2 8909.34 236-2 7447.49 236-2 5602.63 236-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.59 8.31 11.03 -8.08 -6.27 -4.47 -2.67 -1.3 -1.92 -3.84 -5.79 -7.74 -10.76 -8.03 -5.31 -2.59 -1.2 -3.6 -6.84 -10.09 -13.34 1.18 0.93 0.68 0.43 0.18 -0.06622 -0.32 -0.56 -0.81 1.26 0.99 0.73 0.47 0.2 -0.06259 -0.33 -0.59 -0.86 1.17 0.93 0.68 0.44 0.19 -0.05708

3423.75 236-2 986.7 236-2 -1630.48 236-2 -27684.93 236-1 -21774.64 236-1 -16048.2 236-1 -10587.3 236-1 -5475.65 236-1 -775.95 236-1 3551.96 236-1 7593.45 236-1 11440.75 236-1 11324.35 236-2 9418.39 236-2 5457.85 236-2 1224.06 236-2 -3366.94 236-2 -8370.03 236-2 -13726.78 236-2 -19351.93 236-2 -25162.41 236-2 -3243.54 237-1 -2474.35 237-1 -1908.34 237-1 -1601.5 237-1 -1609.23 237-1 -1961.69 237-1 -2628.73 237-1 -3554.94 237-1 -4684.32 237-1 -4814.44 237-1 -3440.6 237-1 -2340.91 237-1 -1663.36 237-1 -1554.37 237-1 -2093.68 237-1 -3201.55 237-1 -4731.57 237-1 -6535.73 237-1 -4055.01 237-1 -2948.68 237-1 -2078.99 237-1 -1556.45 237-1 -1490.37 237-1 -1940.29 237-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.3 -2846.67 237-1 -0.55 -4100.19 237-1 -0.8 -5590.37 237-1 1.17 -4052.09 237-1 0.92 -2946.14 237-1 0.68 -2076.83 237-1 0.43 -1554.67 237-1 0.19 -1488.97 237-1 -0.05992 -1939.27 237-1 -0.31 -2846.03 237-1 -0.55 -4099.93 237-1 -0.8 -5590.49 237-1 5.72 4142.55 237-1 5.1 3130.39 237-1 4.49 2024.57 237-1 3.88 827.45 237-1 4.56 -415.01 237-1 5.65 867.39 237-1 6.74 2121.84 237-1 7.84 3286.51 237-1 8.94 4357.76 237-1 -5.03 -6876.9 237-1 -4.53 -5143.25 237-1 -4.03 -3505.16 237-1 -3.55 -1964.99 237-1 -4.34 -568.7 237-1 -5.55 -1886.48 237-1 -6.76 -3365.54 237-1 -7.98 -4944.03 237-1 -9.2 -6618.32 237-1 10.26 14872.64 237-1 7.47 11169 237-1 4.69 7371.04 237-1 1.91 3479.46 237-1 3.38 -444.98 237-1 6.23 3579.2 237-1 9.08 7529.44 237-1 11.93 11386.51 237-1 14.78 15149.33 237-1 -9.58 -17606.98 237-1 -6.91 -13181.86 237-1 -4.24 -8851.62 237-1 -1.58 -4617 237-1 -3.17 -538.73 237-1 -6.13 -4598.3 237-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-9.1 -12.06 -15.03 6.54 5.73 4.93 4.14 4.63 5.54 6.45 7.36 8.27 -4.21 -3.9 -3.59 -3.29 -4.27 -5.66 -7.06 -8.46 -9.87 11.08 8.11 5.14 2.17 3.46 6.12 8.78 11.44 14.11 -8.76 -6.27 -3.79 -1.31 -3.09 -6.24 -9.39 -12.55 -15.7 -7.98 -4.4 -0.81 2.78 22.06 14.33

-8773.13 237-1 -13044.03 237-1 -17409.89 237-1 1458.96 237-1 1191.84 237-1 689.01 237-1 -157.64 237-1 -1411.49 237-1 -561.87 237-1 -102.04 237-1 15.46 237-1 -102.5 237-1 -9560.49 237-1 -7081.81 237-1 -4840.71 237-1 -2950.08 237-1 -1565.18 237-1 -3315.74 237-1 -5589.43 237-1 -8215.09 237-1 -11078.58 237-1 12189.05 237-1 9230.45 237-1 6035.48 237-1 2494.37 237-1 -1441.46 237-1 2149.95 237-1 5305.55 237-1 8115.46 237-1 10689.07 237-1 -20290.57 237-1 -15120.41 237-1 -10187.18 237-1 -5602.09 237-1 -1535.21 237-1 -6027.55 237-1 -10997.02 237-1 -16315.09 237-1 -21870.15 237-1 -20118.58 238-1 -11613.38 238-1 -3346.95 238-1 4657.94 238-1 5016.41 238-2 6967.09 238-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44

6.6 -1.14 -8.87 -16.61 -2.21 -2.19 -2.16 -2.13 -2.11 -2.08 -2.05 -2.03 -2 -9.28 -5.07 -0.87 3.33 26.02 16.88 7.75 -1.39 -10.52 -19.66 -2.8 -2.7 -2.6 -2.5 -2.39 -2.29 -2.19 -2.09 -1.99 -8.45 -4.64 -0.82 2.99 23.52 15.27 7.02 -1.24 -9.49 -17.75 -2.47 -2.4 -2.33

8684.23 238-2 10008.69 238-2 10943.85 238-2 11508.8 238-2 11801.01 238-3 9722.82 238-3 7256.95 238-3 4382.98 238-3 1080.51 238-3 -2664.07 238-3 -6837.17 238-3 -11418.35 238-3 -16387.22 238-3 -25420.48 238-1 -14285.68 238-1 -3552.99 238-1 6717.41 238-1 7173.61 238-2 9249.12 238-2 10996.69 238-2 12305.46 238-2 13212.39 238-2 13767.94 238-2 14177.46 238-3 11536.13 238-3 8526.06 238-3 5093.28 238-3 1183.87 238-3 -3238.15 238-3 -8136.81 238-3 -13458.16 238-3 -19148.26 238-3 -22353.03 238-1 -12660.23 238-1 -3295.51 238-1 5696.22 238-1 6096.67 238-2 8021 238-2 9665.31 238-2 10909.13 238-2 11776.69 238-2 12305.63 238-2 12655.43 238-3 10336.77 238-3 7663.04 238-3

0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9

-2.27 -2.2 -2.13 -2.06 -1.99 -1.93 -8.38 -4.59 -0.81 2.98 23.38 15.17 6.97 -1.23 -9.44 -17.64 -2.46 -2.39 -2.32 -2.25 -2.18 -2.11 -2.03 -1.96 -1.89 65.22 30.64 3.16 40.33 109.82 77.15 44.48 11.84 14.8 42.09 16.26 12.44 8.62 4.86 3.81 8.15 12.61 17.09 21.58 -71.2

4593.94 238-3 1089.21 238-3 -2878.01 238-3 -7280.86 238-3 -12079.07 238-3 -17232.35 238-3 -22354.28 238-1 -12661.25 238-1 -3296.29 238-1 5695.67 238-1 6096.03 238-2 8020.25 238-2 9664.44 238-2 10908.15 238-2 11775.6 238-2 12304.42 238-2 12654.29 238-3 10335.49 238-3 7661.62 238-3 4592.38 238-3 1087.51 238-3 -2879.84 238-3 -7282.83 238-3 -12081.17 238-3 -17234.6 238-3 153.99 238-1 790.7 238-1 1534.1 238-1 2544.91 238-1 2628.76 238-2 2918.9 238-2 3136.67 238-2 3285.12 238-2 3433.03 238-2 4230.44 238-2 4154.67 238-3 3937.13 238-3 3674.39 238-3 3354.29 238-3 2967.23 238-3 2508.43 238-3 1975.69 238-3 1367.92 238-3 684.53 238-3 -8237.87 238-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0

-34.03 -6037.43 238-1 -3.96 -4108.51 238-1 -38.54 -2611.82 238-1 -94.66 -2768.7 238-2 -67.32 -1225.1 238-2 -39.98 244.34 238-2 -12.67 1636.56 238-2 -20.95 2882.79 238-2 -53.58 3333 238-2 -17.98 3417.76 238-3 -14.16 2232.32 238-3 -10.35 938.81 238-3 -6.58 -450.62 238-3 -5.53 -1926.34 238-3 -9.87 -3483.6 238-3 -14.34 -5120.18 238-3 -18.82 -6834.99 238-3 -23.3 -8627.45 238-3 44.82 7476.35 238-1 21.03 7277.61 238-1 2 7053.2 238-1 28.34 6851.33 238-1 137.5 7253.67 238-2 93.49 6518.23 238-2 49.48 5709.83 238-2 5.5 4829.5 238-2 32.41 3898.84 238-2 71.08 4725.88 238-2 9.78 4542.62 238-3 9.62 5455.76 238-3 9.48 6303.23 238-3 9.35 7080.04 238-3 10.04 7783.19 238-3 12.35 8411.2 238-3 14.7 8963.4 238-3 17.05 9439.45 238-3 19.41 9839.18 238-3 -50.8 -15560.24 238-1 -24.42 -12524.34 238-1 -2.8 -9627.6 238-1 -26.56 -6918.24 238-1 -122.35 -7393.61 238-2 -83.67 -4824.43 238-2 -44.99 -2328.83 238-2 -6.33 92.18 238-2

0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32

-38.57 -82.57 -11.5 -11.35 -11.21 -11.08 -11.77 -14.08 -16.42 -18.78 -21.13 59.87 27.76 2.76 42.4 125.55 87.36 49.18 11.02 8.46 30.24 14.66 10.91 7.17 3.48 2.5 6.91 11.45 16.01 20.56 -76.56 -36.9 -4.36 -36.46 -78.93 -57.1 -35.28 -13.49 -27.29 -65.43 -19.58 -15.68 -11.8 -7.96 -6.84

2416.99 238-2 2837.56 238-2 3029.81 238-3 713.69 238-3 -1690.03 238-3 -4176.37 238-3 -6742.3 238-3 -9386.36 238-3 -12107.88 238-3 -14906.52 238-3 -17782.1 238-3 -18158.91 238-1 -9247.64 238-1 -475.34 238-1 8273.79 238-1 8794.47 238-2 10091.91 238-2 11110.21 238-2 11731.99 238-2 12050.22 238-2 12752.59 238-2 13022.23 238-3 11187.32 238-3 9028.76 238-3 6494.13 238-3 3533.53 238-3 115.34 238-3 -3735.79 238-3 -7980.68 238-3 -12579.63 238-3 -26550.77 238-1 -16075.77 238-1 -6117.95 238-1 3117.06 238-1 3397.01 238-2 5947.9 238-2 8217.88 238-2 10083.43 238-2 11499.98 238-2 11855.16 238-2 12285.31 238-3 9482.51 238-3 6293.18 238-3 2689.22 238-3 -1360.04 238-3

1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8

-11.1 -15.5 -19.9 -24.31 39.46 18.15 1.6 30.42 153.24 103.71 54.18 4.68 26.07 59.23 8.18 8.1 8.03 7.98 8.74 11.12 13.54 15.97 18.39 -56.15 -27.3 -3.2 -24.48 -106.61 -73.45 -40.29 -7.15 -44.9 -94.42 -13.1 -12.87 -12.66 -12.46 -13.07 -15.31 -17.58 -19.86 -22.14 1.5 1.2 0.91

-5876.69 238-3 -10831.66 238-3 -16183.59 238-3 -21891.61 238-3 -10836.55 238-1 -2760.73 238-1 5043.75 238-1 12580.21 238-1 13419.38 238-2 13691.23 238-2 13683.38 238-2 13276.37 238-2 12516.03 238-2 13248.04 238-2 13410.18 238-3 12705.95 238-3 11657.6 238-3 10219.88 238-3 8349.49 238-3 6018.11 238-3 3251.91 238-3 90.85 238-3 -3424.98 238-3 -33873.14 238-1 -22562.69 238-1 -11637.05 238-1 -1189.36 238-1 -1227.9 238-2 2348.58 238-2 5644.72 238-2 8539.05 238-2 11034.17 238-2 11359.71 238-2 11897.37 238-3 7963.88 238-3 3664.34 238-3 -1036.53 238-3 -6176 238-3 -11779.45 238-3 -17819.36 238-3 -24255.12 238-3 -31046.26 238-3 -11655.72 241-1 -8174.1 241-1 -4997.01 241-1

2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8

0.61 0.31 0.31 -0.05587 -0.43 -0.8 -1.17 -0.63 -0.51 -0.39 -0.28 -0.16 -0.04467 0.07157 0.19 0.3 1.71 1.36 1 0.64 0.29 0.29 -0.16 -0.6 -1.05 -1.49 -0.84 -0.68 -0.52 -0.35 -0.19 -0.02131 0.14 0.31 0.47 1.57 1.25 0.93 0.61 0.29 0.29 -0.12 -0.52 -0.92 -1.32

-2138.78 241-1 386.26 241-1 386.26 241-1 2802.18 241-1 4681.27 241-1 6050.94 241-1 6939.19 241-1 6957.48 241-2 6267.29 241-2 5189.41 241-2 3703.44 241-2 1788.97 241-2 -567.62 241-2 -3352.72 241-2 -6545.91 241-2 -10126.78 241-2 -12144.07 241-1 -8480.07 241-1 -5102.7 241-1 -2049.83 241-1 640.64 241-1 640.64 241-1 3225.71 241-1 5201.71 241-1 6641.07 241-1 7617.79 241-1 7637.53 241-2 6818.98 241-2 5631.69 241-2 4021.7 241-2 1935.07 241-2 -664.16 241-2 -3740.04 241-2 -7238.61 241-2 -11105.93 241-2 -11337.63 241-1 -7928.26 241-1 -4795.91 241-1 -1968.88 241-1 524.56 241-1 524.56 241-1 2917.12 241-1 4756.47 241-1 6096.67 241-1 6992.97 241-1

1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6

-0.74 7011.28 241-2 -0.6 6277.8 241-2 -0.46 5189.24 241-2 -0.31 3705.33 241-2 -0.17 1785.77 241-2 -0.02415 -596.26 241-2 0.12 -3413.94 241-2 0.26 -6626.97 241-2 0.41 -10195.08 241-2 1.55 -11336.68 241-1 1.24 -7927.55 241-1 0.92 -4795.45 241-1 0.6 -1968.65 241-1 0.28 524.55 241-1 0.28 524.55 241-1 -0.12 2916.82 241-1 -0.51 4755.87 241-1 -0.91 6095.77 241-1 -1.31 6991.78 241-1 -0.73 7010.01 241-2 -0.59 6276.56 241-2 -0.45 5188.04 241-2 -0.31 3704.16 241-2 -0.17 1784.64 241-2 -0.02716 -597.36 241-2 0.11 -3415 241-2 0.25 -6628 241-2 0.4 -10196.07 241-2 13.23 2003.56 241-1 9.96 2284.7 241-1 6.69 2516.84 241-1 3.42 2710.71 241-1 0.2 2887.28 241-1 0.2 2887.28 241-1 3.66 3120.62 241-1 7.38 3359.22 241-1 11.1 3555.01 241-1 14.82 3679.03 241-1 17.29 3670.63 241-2 12.94 3013.06 241-2 8.59 2804.8 241-2 4.24 2565.2 241-2 0.27 2393.21 241-2 4.59 2299.62 241-2 9.18 2181.04 241-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7

13.76 18.35 -11.98 -9 -6.02 -3.05 -0.12 -0.12 -3.95 -8.04 -12.13 -16.21 -18.34 -13.76 -9.17 -4.59 -0.38 -4.47 -8.82 -13.17 -17.52 6.2 4.71 3.22 1.74 0.29 0.29 1.37 2.86 4.35 5.85 11.96 8.82 5.68 2.54 0.62 3.89 7.26 10.64 14.02 -4.95 -3.75 -2.56 -1.37 -0.21

2000.8 241-2 1749.7 241-2 -7909.55 241-1 -6478.08 241-1 -5118.72 241-1 -3842.19 241-1 -2669.46 241-1 -2669.46 241-1 -1386.47 241-1 -297.95 241-1 644.16 241-1 1468.81 241-1 1486.78 241-2 1314.06 241-2 538.77 241-2 -358.47 241-2 -1476.56 241-2 -2826.33 241-2 -4304.38 241-2 -5874.03 241-2 -7526.09 241-2 11005.13 241-1 10393.59 241-1 9724.96 241-1 9002.48 241-1 8232.43 241-1 8232.43 241-1 7214.08 241-1 6131.14 241-1 4969.29 241-1 3720.87 241-1 3686.27 241-2 3107.56 241-2 4164.8 241-2 5160.11 241-2 6122.2 241-2 7054.22 241-2 7925.13 241-2 8723.9 241-2 9447.78 241-2 -16911.12 241-1 -14586.97 241-1 -12326.84 241-1 -10133.96 241-1 -8014.61 241-1

3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6

-0.21 -1.66 -3.52 -5.38 -7.24 -13.01 -9.63 -6.26 -2.89 -0.72 -3.76 -6.9 -10.05 -13.19 14.15 10.71 7.27 3.83 0.44 0.44 3.69 7.2 10.71 14.22 17.09 12.76 8.44 4.11 0.16 4.5 9.11 13.71 18.32 -11.06 -8.25 -5.44 -2.64 0.12 0.12 -3.92 -8.22 -12.52 -16.82 -18.54 -13.94

-8014.61 241-1 -5479.92 241-1 -3069.86 241-1 -770.12 241-1 1426.97 241-1 1471.14 241-2 1219.56 241-2 -821.24 241-2 -2953.37 241-2 -5205.56 241-2 -7580.93 241-2 -10048.46 241-2 -12597.13 241-2 -15224.17 241-2 -6379.7 241-1 -3545.84 241-1 -977.45 241-1 1307.91 241-1 3302.92 241-1 3302.92 241-1 5170.23 241-1 6584.18 241-1 7550.78 241-1 8096.34 241-1 8101.35 241-2 7125.5 241-2 6320.5 241-2 5165.46 241-2 3719.01 241-2 1965.11 241-2 -172.78 241-2 -2691.05 241-2 -5558.63 241-2 -16292.81 241-1 -12308.63 241-1 -8613.01 241-1 -5245 241-1 -2253.82 241-1 -2253.82 241-1 663.14 241-1 2927.01 241-1 4639.94 241-1 5886.12 241-1 5917.5 241-2 5426.5 241-2

1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45

-9.33 -4.72 -0.5 -4.56 -8.89 -13.21 -17.54 7.12 5.46 3.8 2.15 0.53 0.53 1.4 2.67 3.96 5.24 11.76 8.64 5.52 2.41 0.5 3.8 7.19 10.59 13.99 -4.03 -3 -1.98 -0.95 0.02961 0.02961 -1.63 -3.7 -5.77 -7.85 -13.21 -9.81 -6.42 -3.02 -0.84 -3.85 -6.97 -10.09 -13.21

4054.47 241-2 2241.79 241-2 -150.76 241-2 -3160.84 241-2 -6658.19 241-2 -10565.88 241-2 -14834.42 241-2 2621.87 241-1 4563.05 241-1 6230.67 241-1 7599.68 241-1 8648.07 241-1 8648.07 241-1 9263.68 241-1 9356.09 241-1 8965.07 241-1 8138.18 241-1 8116.99 241-2 7220 241-2 7680.51 241-2 7760.36 241-2 7448 241-2 6719.71 241-2 5571.31 241-2 4032.05 241-2 2139.45 241-2 -25294.38 241-1 -20417.51 241-1 -15821.14 241-1 -11536.76 241-1 -7598.97 241-1 -7598.97 241-1 -3430.32 241-1 155.09 241-1 3225.65 241-1 5844.28 241-1 5901.86 241-2 5331.99 241-2 2694.47 241-2 -353.12 241-2 -3879.76 241-2 -7915.44 241-2 -12402.28 241-2 -17288.98 241-2 -22532.5 241-2

0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.42 0.21 -0.004122 -0.21 -0.43 -0.64 -0.85 -1.06 -1.27 0.41 0.19 -0.01811 -0.23 -0.44 -0.65 -0.87 -1.08 -1.29 0.39 0.19 -0.01479 -0.22 -0.42 -0.62 -0.82 -1.02 -1.22 0.39 0.19 -0.01296 -0.21 -0.41 -0.61 -0.81 -1.01 -1.21 3.21 3.14 3.11 3.53 5.02 6.52 8.01 9.51 11

-3985.26 242-1 -2204.32 242-1 -904.8 242-1 -114.7 242-1 138.27 242-1 -160.95 242-1 -997.3 242-1 -2343.06 242-1 -4170.25 242-1 -4277.36 242-1 -2379.38 242-1 -944.04 242-1 -45.35 242-1 243.49 242-1 -117.39 242-1 -1088.13 242-1 -2595.51 242-1 -4565.54 242-1 -3957.41 242-1 -2198.25 242-1 -882.99 242-1 -66.88 242-1 195.43 242-1 -125.83 242-1 -1000.89 242-1 -2375.1 242-1 -4193.21 242-1 -3954.78 242-1 -2196.02 242-1 -881.17 242-1 -65.45 242-1 196.45 242-1 -125.21 242-1 -1000.68 242-1 -2375.29 242-1 -4193.8 242-1 4875.03 242-1 3769.04 242-1 2571.23 242-1 1290.05 242-1 31.31 242-1 1422.58 242-1 2764.89 242-1 4019.02 242-1 5180.48 242-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

-2.95 -3 -3.1 -3.65 -5.26 -6.88 -8.5 -10.12 -11.74 7.2 4.87 2.55 1.68 4.35 7.02 9.7 12.37 15.04 -6.95 -4.74 -2.54 -1.8 -4.59 -7.39 -10.18 -12.98 -15.78 3.47 3.26 3.09 3.38 4.73 6.09 7.44 8.8 10.16 -2.69 -2.88 -3.12 -3.8 -5.55 -7.31 -9.07 -10.82 -12.58

-6792.48 242-1 -4969.23 242-1 -3243.38 242-1 -1623.39 242-1 -215.04 242-1 -1645.93 242-1 -3217.07 242-1 -4889.24 242-1 -6657.97 242-1 16087.96 242-1 12177.24 242-1 8172.75 242-1 4077.03 242-1 -31.16 242-1 4201.85 242-1 8354.41 242-1 12414.29 242-1 16380.15 242-1 -18005.41 242-1 -13377.43 242-1 -8844.9 242-1 -4410.36 242-1 -152.57 242-1 -4425.2 242-1 -8806.59 242-1 -13284.52 242-1 -17857.64 242-1 1880.17 242-1 2174.12 242-1 2026.97 242-1 1391.91 242-1 320.09 242-1 1409.33 242-1 1990.4 242-1 2078.75 242-1 1725.16 242-1 -9787.33 242-1 -6564.14 242-1 -3787.64 242-1 -1521.53 242-1 73.74 242-1 -1659.18 242-1 -3991.56 242-1 -6829.5 242-1 -10113.29 242-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

7.46 4.99 2.53 1.53 4.06 6.59 9.13 11.66 14.2 -6.69 -4.61 -2.56 -1.95 -4.88 -7.82 -10.75 -13.69 -16.62 3.36 2.41 1.45 0.5 0.77 0.59 0.41 0.23 0.05001 -0.13 -0.31 -0.49 -0.67 -0.85 -0.85 -1 -1.15 -1.31 -1.46 4.2 2.99 1.77 0.56 0.63 0.47 0.31 0.14

13093.1 242-1 10582.33 242-1 7628.49 242-1 4178.89 242-1 257.62 242-1 4188.6 242-1 7579.92 242-1 10474.03 242-1 12924.83 242-1 -21000.26 242-1 -14972.35 242-1 -9389.16 242-1 -4308.5 242-1 136.21 242-1 -4438.45 242-1 -9581.08 242-1 -15224.78 242-1 -21312.96 242-1 -10183.24 243-1 -5774.92 243-1 -1849.39 243-1 1593.36 243-1 2343.29 243-2 3639.89 243-2 4541.51 243-2 5048.15 243-2 5159.81 243-2 4876.49 243-2 4198.2 243-2 3124.92 243-2 1656.67 243-2 -206.56 243-2 -206.56 243-2 -2319.59 243-2 -4722.81 243-2 -7416.21 243-2 -10399.8 243-2 -10375.88 243-1 -5614.4 243-1 -1423.54 243-1 2196.71 243-1 3207.45 243-2 4152.43 243-2 4758.86 243-2 5026.73 243-2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4

-0.02232 -0.19 -0.35 -0.52 -0.68 -0.84 -0.84 -0.98 -1.13 -1.27 -1.41 3.75 2.67 1.59 0.51 0.62 0.46 0.31 0.15 -0.006497 -0.16 -0.32 -0.48 -0.63 -0.79 -0.79 -0.92 -1.06 -1.19 -1.33 3.71 2.65 1.58 0.51 0.64 0.48 0.32 0.16 0.0008727 -0.16 -0.32 -0.48 -0.64 -0.8 -0.8

4956.05 243-2 4546.82 243-2 3799.03 243-2 2712.69 243-2 1287.8 243-2 -475.65 243-2 -475.65 243-2 -2429.43 243-2 -4631.95 243-2 -7083.21 243-2 -9783.19 243-2 -9759.53 243-1 -5366.09 243-1 -1484.47 243-1 1885.33 243-1 2758.05 243-2 3765.6 243-2 4434.6 243-2 4765.04 243-2 4756.93 243-2 4410.26 243-2 3725.05 243-2 2701.28 243-2 1338.95 243-2 -361.93 243-2 -361.93 243-2 -2262.08 243-2 -4410.97 243-2 -6808.59 243-2 -9454.95 243-2 -9758.32 243-1 -5365.35 243-1 -1484.2 243-1 1885.13 243-1 2757.89 243-2 3765.29 243-2 4434.14 243-2 4764.43 243-2 4756.17 243-2 4409.36 243-2 3723.99 243-2 2700.08 243-2 1337.6 243-2 -363.42 243-2 -363.42 243-2

1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2

-0.94 -1.07 -1.21 -1.35 47.84 19.31 10.62 38.38 68.8 56.66 44.51 32.37 20.23 8.1 3.97 16.22 28.49 40.76 40.76 51.28 61.8 72.32 82.84 -44.99 -17.36 -9.56 -38.21 -69.71 -57.44 -45.16 -32.89 -20.62 -8.36 -4.1 -16.22 -28.36 -40.5 -40.5 -50.91 -61.32 -71.72 -82.13 17.63 7.04 5.71

-2263.7 243-2 -4412.72 243-2 -6810.47 243-2 -9456.95 243-2 2487.35 243-1 2456.19 243-1 2599.21 243-1 3001.37 243-1 3227.32 243-2 2894.49 243-2 2480.76 243-2 1987.71 243-2 1420.14 243-2 1537.41 243-2 1947.1 243-2 2354.91 243-2 2707.78 243-2 2986.47 243-2 2986.47 243-2 3162.4 243-2 3279.03 243-2 3335.84 243-2 3332.57 243-2 -6227.37 243-1 -4655.98 243-1 -3423.6 243-1 -2615.19 243-1 -2591.21 243-2 -1648.35 243-2 -789.42 243-2 -16 243-2 667.11 243-2 500.54 243-2 -123.27 243-2 -910.03 243-2 -1806.68 243-2 -2793.98 243-2 -2793.98 243-2 -3708.49 243-2 -4684.78 243-2 -5722.37 243-2 -6820.97 243-2 10067.77 243-1 9170.48 243-1 8267.77 243-1

4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333

15.83 55.48 45.82 36.16 26.5 16.84 7.19 2.38 12.15 21.93 31.72 31.72 40.11 48.51 56.9 65.29 -14.78 -5.08 -4.64 -15.65 -56.39 -46.6 -36.81 -27.02 -17.23 -7.45 -2.51 -12.15 -21.81 -31.46 -31.46 -39.74 -48.02 -56.3 -64.58 50.11 20.97 11.66 38.8 69.9 57.54 45.17 32.8 20.43 8.07

7385.1 243-1 7944.52 243-2 6482.43 243-2 4938.38 243-2 3312.88 243-2 1607.67 243-2 2299.86 243-2 3923.47 243-2 5488.91 243-2 6980.2 243-2 8391.54 243-2 8391.54 243-2 9536.47 243-2 10621.22 243-2 11645.64 243-2 12609.66 243-2 -13807.79 243-1 -11370.27 243-1 -9092.16 243-1 -6998.92 243-1 -7308.4 243-2 -5236.29 243-2 -3247.04 243-2 -1341.18 243-2 479.57 243-2 -261.91 243-2 -2099.64 243-2 -4044.03 243-2 -6079.1 243-2 -8199.06 243-2 -8199.06 243-2 -10082.56 243-2 -12026.98 243-2 -14032.17 243-2 -16098.06 243-2 -5400.41 243-1 -1808.93 243-1 1527.33 243-1 4693.31 243-1 5667.08 243-2 6036.57 243-2 6069.01 243-2 5766.01 243-2 5132.34 243-2 4927.39 243-2

1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333

3.72 4758.71 243-2 15.74 4332 243-2 27.78 3594.22 243-2 39.83 2526.13 243-2 39.83 2526.13 243-2 50.15 1171 243-2 60.48 -431.61 243-2 70.8 -2282.22 243-2 81.13 -4381.09 243-2 -42.72 -14115.12 243-1 -15.7 -8921.1 243-1 -8.52 -4495.49 243-1 -37.79 -923.24 243-1 -68.61 -151.45 243-2 -56.56 1493.73 243-2 -44.51 2798.84 243-2 -32.47 3762.3 243-2 -20.42 4379.32 243-2 -8.39 3890.51 243-2 -4.35 2688.33 243-2 -16.7 1067.06 243-2 -29.06 -920.24 243-2 -41.43 -3254.33 243-2 -41.43 -3254.33 243-2 -52.03 -5699.88 243-2 -62.64 -8395.42 243-2 -73.24 -11340.42 243-2 -83.84 -14534.63 243-2 19.9 2180.01 243-1 8.7 4905.36 243-1 6.74 7195.88 243-1 16.25 9077.05 243-1 56.59 10384.27 243-2 46.7 9624.5 243-2 36.81 8526.64 243-2 26.93 7091.19 243-2 17.04 5319.88 243-2 7.16 5689.84 243-2 2.12 6735.08 243-2 11.67 7466.01 243-2 21.23 7866.64 243-2 30.79 7931.2 243-2 30.79 7931.2 243-2 38.99 7545.07 243-2 47.19 6910.59 243-2

2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5

55.38 63.58 -12.51 -3.43 -3.6 -15.23 -55.29 -45.72 -36.16 -26.6 -17.03 -7.47 -2.76 -12.63 -22.51 -32.4 -32.4 -40.87 -49.34 -57.82 -66.29 1.23 0.99 0.75 0.52 0.28 0.04231 -0.19 -0.43 -0.67 1.48 1.18 0.89 0.6 0.3 0.007603 -0.29 -0.58 -0.87 1.33 1.07 0.8 0.54 0.27 0.008194

6027.59 243-2 4896 243-2 -21695.54 243-1 -15635.39 243-1 -10164.04 243-1 -5306.97 243-1 -4868.65 243-2 -2094.21 243-2 341.21 243-2 2437.12 243-2 4191.78 243-2 3128.06 243-2 711.96 243-2 -2066.94 243-2 -5192.66 243-2 -8659.4 243-2 -8659.4 243-2 -12073.95 243-2 -15737.61 243-2 -19650.23 243-2 -23811.72 243-2 -527.44 247-1 -186.5 247-1 14.82 247-1 56.1 247-1 -83.05 247-1 -416.26 247-1 -929.91 247-1 -1603.6 247-1 -2416.9 247-1 -959.13 247-1 -424.2 247-1 -45.4 247-1 123.33 247-1 28.05 247-1 -367.22 247-1 -1026.49 247-1 -1895.84 247-1 -2921.32 247-1 -777.01 247-1 -331.22 247-1 -27.88 247-1 92.72 247-1 -9.69 247-1 -361.96 247-1

5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.26 -0.52 -0.79 1.32 1.06 0.8 0.54 0.28 0.01687 -0.24 -0.5 -0.76 9.38 7.15 4.93 2.7 0.53 2.14 3.93 5.73 7.56 -8.28 -6.32 -4.37 -2.42 -0.52 -2.41 -4.47 -6.55 -8.66 5.5 4.47 3.44 2.41 1.41 1.55 1.76 2.03 2.39 -4.4 -3.64 -2.89 -2.14 -1.41 -1.82

-937.24 247-1 -1695.25 247-1 -2595.72 247-1 -770.16 247-1 -325.97 247-1 -24.24 247-1 94.77 247-1 -9.24 247-1 -363.11 247-1 -939.99 247-1 -1699.6 247-1 -2601.67 247-1 18504.23 247-1 14216.4 247-1 9852.08 247-1 5411.75 247-1 899.98 247-1 3489.91 247-1 7895.21 247-1 12224.13 247-1 16476.5 247-1 -19689.56 247-1 -14900.8 247-1 -10188.82 247-1 -5554.1 247-1 -1001.2 247-1 -3703.27 247-1 -8373.98 247-1 -13121.57 247-1 -17945.88 247-1 5222.71 247-1 4088.9 247-1 2878.93 247-1 1594.38 247-1 249.87 247-1 1005.68 247-1 2256.38 247-1 3431.21 247-1 4529.64 247-1 -6408.04 247-1 -4773.3 247-1 -3215.67 247-1 -1736.73 247-1 -351.09 247-1 -1219.04 247-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.31 -2.85 -3.49 10.14 7.79 5.45 3.1 0.81 2.29 3.96 5.64 7.36 -7.51 -5.68 -3.85 -2.02 -0.25 -2.25 -4.44 -6.64 -8.87 6.26 5.11 3.96 2.81 1.69 1.71 1.8 1.94 2.18 -3.64 -3 -2.37 -1.74 -1.13 -1.67 -2.28 -2.93 -3.69 -0.26 -0.26 -0.27 -0.27 -0.28 -0.28

-2735.15 247-1 -4328.65 247-1 -5999.02 247-1 18329.85 247-1 14235.02 247-1 9997.87 247-1 5578.62 247-1 941.55 247-1 3232.96 247-1 7193.35 247-1 10971.27 247-1 14606.81 247-1 -19863.94 247-1 -14882.18 247-1 -10043.03 247-1 -5387.23 247-1 -959.63 247-1 -3960.23 247-1 -9075.84 247-1 -14374.43 247-1 -19815.56 247-1 5048.33 247-1 4107.52 247-1 3024.72 247-1 1761.25 247-1 291.44 247-1 748.72 247-1 1554.53 247-1 2178.35 247-1 2659.96 247-1 -6582.42 247-1 -4754.68 247-1 -3069.87 247-1 -1569.86 247-1 -309.52 247-1 -1475.99 247-1 -3437.01 247-1 -5581.5 247-1 -7868.7 247-1 -11649.39 248-1 -7591.07 248-1 -3920.44 248-1 -657.89 248-1 2176.14 248-1 4568.07 248-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.28 -0.29 -0.29 0.38 0.45 0.51 0.57 0.64 0.7 0.76 0.83 0.89 -0.23 -0.22 -0.21 -0.2 -0.2 -0.19 -0.18 -0.17 -0.16 0.93 0.84 0.75 0.65 0.56 0.47 0.38 0.28 0.19 -0.26 -0.25 -0.23 -0.22 -0.2 -0.18 -0.17 -0.15 -0.14 0.78 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.55 0.49

6531.48 248-1 8086.81 248-1 9254.45 248-1 9267.68 248-2 7815.72 248-2 5976.07 248-2 3728.33 248-2 1052.08 248-2 -2066.28 248-2 -5613.14 248-2 -9568.1 248-2 -13910.74 248-2 -13036.43 248-1 -8548.54 248-1 -4429.4 248-1 -732.95 248-1 2486.85 248-1 5194.05 248-1 7424.61 248-1 9232.47 248-1 10671.59 248-1 10677.1 248-2 8909.18 248-2 6772.52 248-2 4213.15 248-2 1177.15 248-2 -2371.46 248-2 -6396.71 248-2 -10844.65 248-2 -15661.34 248-2 -11891.61 248-1 -7782.18 248-1 -4027.84 248-1 -668.85 248-1 2254.5 248-1 4715.36 248-1 6740.59 248-1 8370.47 248-1 9645.26 248-1 9653.01 248-2 8081.28 248-2 6154.46 248-2 3832.29 248-2 1074.49 248-2 -2145.8 248-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.43 0.38 0.32 -0.23 -0.23 -0.22 -0.22 -0.21 -0.2 -0.2 -0.19 -0.18 0.72 0.68 0.64 0.6 0.55 0.51 0.47 0.43 0.39 6.32 4.9 3.48 2.16 1.91 1.87 3.31 5.02 6.74 6.46 4.67 2.89 1.11 0.59 1.56 2.54 3.52 4.5 -7.11 -5.39 -3.66 -2.04 -1.49 -1.14

-5801.72 248-2 -9853 248-2 -14259.37 248-2 -11892.13 248-1 -7782.73 248-1 -4028.42 248-1 -669.46 248-1 2253.86 248-1 4714.7 248-1 6739.9 248-1 8369.75 248-1 9644.51 248-1 9652.22 248-2 8080.56 248-2 6153.81 248-2 3831.71 248-2 1073.98 248-2 -2146.25 248-2 -5802.1 248-2 -9853.32 248-2 -14259.61 248-2 6988.29 248-1 6761.17 248-1 6457.51 248-1 6077.7 248-1 5642.46 248-1 5164.97 248-1 4611.94 248-1 3982.63 248-1 3999.84 248-1 3840.84 248-2 4467.24 248-2 5019.62 248-2 5495.71 248-2 5903.77 248-2 6287.03 248-2 6596.99 248-2 6830.49 248-2 6987.41 248-2 -14151.79 248-1 -11614.95 248-1 -9154.83 248-1 -6771.83 248-1 -4486.66 248-1 -2312.52 248-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.28 -216.09 248-1 -3.68 1803.33 248-1 -5.1 3022.99 248-1 -3.37 3175.84 248-2 -2.39 1127.18 248-2 -1.41 -1000.72 248-2 -0.44 -3205.61 248-2 -0.73 -5495.73 248-2 -2.49 -7914.31 248-2 -4.28 -10412.86 248-2 -6.07 -12988.23 248-2 -7.86 -15640.27 248-2 6.85 -93.62 248-1 4.75 559.71 248-1 2.64 1136.72 248-1 0.87 1638.72 248-1 2.63 2134.7 248-1 4.51 2668.63 248-1 6.83 3129.4 248-1 9.23 3514.04 248-1 11.64 4039.11 248-1 7.22 3990.58 248-2 5.34 3583.32 248-2 3.46 3100.38 248-2 1.59 2541.63 248-2 0.21 1934.78 248-2 1.24 1424.04 248-2 2.32 847.76 248-2 3.39 195.42 248-2 4.46 -533.39 248-2 -7.64 -7069.88 248-1 -5.23 -5413.49 248-1 -2.83 -3834.04 248-1 -0.75 -2332.85 248-1 -2.21 -978.9 248-1 -3.78 183.83 248-1 -5.8 1266.44 248-1 -7.9 2271.93 248-1 -10 2983.72 248-1 -4.13 3026.1 248-2 -3.06 2011.1 248-2 -1.99 918.52 248-2 -0.92 -251.52 248-2 -0.35 -1526.74 248-2 -2.18 -3051.32 248-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.06 -5.94 -7.82 6.5 4.92 3.35 1.88 1.49 1.29 2.58 4.14 5.71 5.6 4.19 2.77 1.37 1.22 2.55 3.9 5.25 6.6 -6.94 -5.36 -3.79 -2.31 -1.91 -1.71 -3 -4.56 -6.13 -4.23 -2.88 -1.53 -0.19 -0.1 -1.5 -2.92 -4.34 -5.75 7.02 4.77 2.52 0.59 2.21 3.93

-4663.63 248-2 -6353.16 248-2 -8119.47 248-2 -1322.32 248-1 1405.08 248-1 3777.49 248-1 5755.03 248-1 7318.14 248-1 8453.15 248-1 9153.61 248-1 9459.07 248-1 10132.6 248-1 9984.37 248-2 9750.26 248-2 9163.68 248-2 8182.11 248-2 6773.49 248-2 4954.22 248-2 2702.65 248-2 55.9 248-2 -2945.88 248-2 -22462.41 248-1 -16971.04 248-1 -11834.85 248-1 -7094.5 248-1 -2810.98 248-1 975.66 248-1 4325.58 248-1 7279.77 248-1 9155.75 248-1 9319.36 248-2 6410.2 248-2 3143.35 248-2 -519.21 248-2 -4626.01 248-2 -9247.12 248-2 -14307.2 248-2 -19762.82 248-2 -25573.56 248-2 -8404.24 248-1 -4796.38 248-1 -1543.3 248-1 1316.05 248-1 3810.37 248-1 5956.8 248-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.11 8.36 10.62 6.36 4.85 3.35 1.84 0.84 2.24 3.68 5.12 6.56 -7.47 -5.21 -2.95 -1.02 -2.64 -4.36 -6.53 -8.78 -11.03 -4.99 -3.54 -2.1 -0.66 0.28 -1.19 -2.7 -4.21 -5.71 2.25 1.66 1.07 0.48 -0.11 -0.7 -1.28 -1.87 -2.46 -0.55 -0.41 -0.27 -0.14 0.002874 0.14

7671.07 248-1 8990.48 248-1 10171.87 248-1 10134.11 248-2 8866.34 248-2 7244.45 248-2 5228.02 248-2 2804.5 248-2 91.24 248-2 -3046.58 248-2 -6579.17 248-2 -10466.68 248-2 -15380.49 248-1 -10769.59 248-1 -6514.06 248-1 -2655.52 248-1 696.78 248-1 3472 248-1 5808.11 248-1 7748.37 248-1 9116.48 248-1 9169.62 248-2 7294.12 248-2 5062.59 248-2 2434.87 248-2 -657.02 248-2 -4384.13 248-2 -8557.97 248-2 -13127.75 248-2 -18052.76 248-2 -13105.62 249-1 -8948.54 249-1 -5179.13 249-1 -1817.82 249-1 1114.98 249-1 3605.67 249-1 5667.85 249-1 7321.94 249-1 8588.35 249-1 8588.92 249-2 7312.96 249-2 5649.32 249-2 3577.59 249-2 1077.35 249-2 -1865 249-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.28 0.42 0.56 1.67 1.21 0.76 0.3 -0.16 -0.61 -1.07 -1.53 -1.98 0.22 0.17 0.12 0.07188 0.02314 -0.0256 -0.07435 -0.12 -0.17 1.7 1.24 0.79 0.33 -0.13 -0.59 -1.05 -1.5 -1.96 0.0438 0.03664 0.02947 0.02231 0.01514 0.007975 0.0008091 -0.006356 -0.01352 1.76 1.28 0.81 0.34 -0.13 -0.6

-5235.86 249-2 -9014.81 249-2 -13181.45 249-2 -14706.97 249-1 -10114.12 249-1 -5890.02 249-1 -2088.61 249-1 1236.15 249-1 4048.32 249-1 6383.84 249-1 8296.67 249-1 9840.74 249-1 9842.11 249-2 8288.33 249-2 6365.79 249-2 4020.56 249-2 1198.69 249-2 -2135.79 249-2 -5946.91 249-2 -10180.72 249-2 -14783.28 249-2 -13404.92 249-1 -9198.1 249-1 -5346.35 249-1 -1889.97 249-1 1130.78 249-1 3689.05 249-1 5811.68 249-1 7538.95 249-1 8911.14 249-1 8912.17 249-2 7530.9 249-2 5794.55 249-2 3662.84 249-2 1095.5 249-2 -1934.32 249-2 -5399.79 249-2 -9260.61 249-2 -13476.51 249-2 -13404.46 249-1 -9197.71 249-1 -5346.04 249-1 -1889.72 249-1 1130.95 249-1 3689.15 249-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.08 -1.55 -2.02 -0.0282 -0.01731 -0.006424 0.004463 0.01535 0.02624 0.03712 0.04801 0.0589 6.27 4.74 3.2 1.69 0.9 1.97 4.01 6.07 8.13 8.14 6.16 4.18 2.21 0.61 0.95 2.05 3.16 4.27 -8.43 -6.37 -4.31 -2.27 -0.95 -1.5 -3 -4.54 -6.07 -4.63 -3.52 -2.41 -1.31 -0.59 -1.8

5811.7 249-1 7538.91 249-1 8911.03 249-1 8912.06 249-2 7530.81 249-2 5794.48 249-2 3662.8 249-2 1095.47 249-2 -1934.33 249-2 -5399.78 249-2 -9260.57 249-2 -13476.45 249-2 7452.95 249-1 7170.15 249-1 6810.78 249-1 6375.01 249-1 5869.07 249-1 5334.46 249-1 4727.84 249-1 4044.81 249-1 3424.38 249-1 3460.25 249-2 4015.63 249-2 4704.95 249-2 5317.88 249-2 5862.45 249-2 6380.19 249-2 6824.29 249-2 7191.9 249-2 7482.93 249-2 -15653.03 249-1 -13000.41 249-1 -10424.48 249-1 -7925.43 249-1 -5509.47 249-1 -3218.11 249-1 -1007.99 249-1 1125.25 249-1 3042.64 249-1 3007.43 249-2 1164.42 249-2 -965.8 249-2 -3172.89 249-2 -5464.89 249-2 -7883.32 249-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.77 -10381.38 249-2 -5.74 -12956.22 249-2 -7.72 -15607.74 249-2 7.48 -274.22 249-1 5.35 379.98 249-1 3.23 957.75 249-1 1.15 1459.7 249-1 1.37 1906.52 249-1 3.7 2436.62 249-1 6.34 2905.42 249-1 8.99 3298.32 249-1 11.64 3656.52 249-1 11.62 3667.69 249-2 9 3290.34 249-2 6.38 2899.69 249-2 3.76 2433.12 249-2 1.26 1917.48 249-2 0.67 1491.21 249-2 2.41 998.25 249-2 4.16 429.19 249-2 5.91 -216.37 249-2 -9.63 -7925.86 249-1 -6.98 -6210.24 249-1 -4.34 -4571.46 249-1 -1.73 -3010.12 249-1 -1.42 -1546.92 249-1 -3.22 -320.26 249-1 -5.33 814.42 249-1 -7.46 1871.74 249-1 -9.58 2810.49 249-1 -8.11 2799.98 249-2 -6.36 1889.7 249-2 -4.61 839.46 249-2 -2.86 -288.13 249-2 -1.23 -1519.92 249-2 -1.51 -2994.34 249-2 -4.12 -4555.35 249-2 -6.74 -6193.51 249-2 -9.36 -7908.44 249-2 9.14 -1851.26 249-1 6.86 887.75 249-1 4.58 3271.73 249-1 2.32 5260.61 249-1 0.79 6820.3 249-1 1.13 7965.48 249-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.42 3.73 5.06 6.32 4.8 3.27 1.76 0.62 1.41 2.96 4.53 6.09 -5.57 -4.25 -2.93 -1.63 -1.05 -2.35 -4.59 -6.87 -9.15 -6.44 -4.88 -3.32 -1.77 -0.58 -1.34 -2.86 -4.38 -5.91 10.34 7.47 4.61 1.79 1.26 2.85 4.75 6.66 8.57 9.8 7.64 5.47 3.31 1.26 1.12

8679.63 249-1 8998.67 249-1 9101.84 249-1 9138.42 249-2 8956.38 249-2 8629.83 249-2 7908.16 249-2 6759.13 249-2 5197.42 249-2 3203.06 249-2 813.5 249-2 -1931.09 249-2 -24957.24 249-1 -19282.81 249-1 -13963.52 249-1 -9039.84 249-1 -4558.24 249-1 -587.09 249-1 2943.8 249-1 6079.1 249-1 8720.1 249-1 8685.6 249-2 6105.17 249-2 2959.08 249-2 -582.61 249-2 -4568.21 249-2 -9066.09 249-2 -14002.6 249-2 -19334.62 249-2 -25021.77 249-2 -9578.43 249-1 -5902.42 249-1 -2581.29 249-1 345.3 249-1 2857.75 249-1 5067.63 249-1 6857.22 249-1 8252.17 249-1 9333.99 249-1 9345.87 249-2 8231.09 249-2 6824.57 249-2 5023.4 249-2 2814.16 249-2 308.43 249-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.32 5.52 7.73 -6.77 -4.86 -2.96 -1.1 -1.53 -4.07 -6.92 -9.79 -12.66 -9.93 -7.72 -5.52 -3.32 -1.23 -1.05 -3.21 -5.38 -7.54 2.15 1.68 1.21 0.74 0.27 -0.21 -0.68 -1.15 -1.62 1.55 0.98 0.41 -0.16 -0.73 -1.3 -1.87 -2.44 -3.01 1.5 1.15 0.8 0.44 0.08691 -0.27

-2622.97 249-2 -5949.21 249-2 -9630.39 249-2 -17230.07 249-1 -12492.64 249-1 -8110.5 249-1 -4124.53 249-1 -595.69 249-1 2310.75 249-1 4766.22 249-1 6825.6 249-1 8487.96 249-1 8478.16 249-2 6830.45 249-2 4764.34 249-2 2302.15 249-2 -623.24 249-2 -4177.11 249-2 -8176.57 249-2 -12571.91 249-2 -17322.47 249-2 -13158.31 250-1 -8960.75 250-1 -5150.86 250-1 -1749.08 250-1 1224.21 250-1 3755.38 250-1 5858.04 250-1 7552.61 250-1 8859.49 250-1 8928.71 250-2 7602.84 250-2 5889.28 250-2 3767.64 250-2 1217.48 250-2 -1774.79 250-2 -5195.56 250-2 -9024.43 250-2 -13240.98 250-2 -14769.74 250-1 -10122.51 250-1 -5844.03 250-1 -1988.24 250-1 1390.9 250-1 4257.44 250-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.62 6647.34 250-1 -0.98 8614.55 250-1 -1.33 10213 250-1 2 10276.83 250-2 1.35 8672.68 250-2 0.7 6699.78 250-2 0.05099 4304.18 250-2 -0.6 1431.95 250-2 -1.25 -1952.89 250-2 -1.9 -5814.37 250-2 -2.55 -10098.55 250-2 -3.2 -14751.47 250-2 1.56 -13460.92 250-1 1.2 -9207.11 250-1 0.85 -5308.39 250-1 0.49 -1805.02 250-1 0.14 1262.72 250-1 -0.22 3867.97 250-1 -0.57 6037.58 250-1 -0.93 7811.84 250-1 -1.28 9231.02 250-1 1.84 9293.15 250-2 1.23 7864.36 250-2 0.62 6080.49 250-2 0.01356 3901.26 250-2 -0.6 1286.4 250-2 -1.21 -1790.95 250-2 -1.82 -5303.94 250-2 -2.43 -9212.28 250-2 -3.04 -13475.7 250-2 1.62 -13460.6 250-1 1.25 -9206.85 250-1 0.88 -5308.19 250-1 0.51 -1804.88 250-1 0.14 1262.8 250-1 -0.23 3867.98 250-1 -0.6 6037.54 250-1 -0.97 7811.73 250-1 -1.34 9230.85 250-1 1.76 9292.99 250-2 1.17 7864.22 250-2 0.58 6080.37 250-2 -0.01457 3901.16 250-2 -0.61 1286.31 250-2 -1.2 -1791.02 250-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.79 -2.38 -2.98 6.72 4.64 2.56 0.53 1.38 4.02 6.66 9.32 11.97 8.14 6.83 5.52 4.21 2.91 1.64 0.48 -0.2 -0.3 -9.27 -6.62 -3.97 -1.37 -1.66 -3.73 -5.81 -7.89 -9.97 -4.28 -3.83 -3.37 -2.93 -2.49 -2.07 -1.77 -1.95 -2.71 7.68 5.52 3.36 1.22 0.7 3.42

-5303.98 250-2 -9212.3 250-2 -13475.7 250-2 7484.17 250-1 7203.66 250-1 6846.56 250-1 6413.03 250-1 5910.46 250-1 5381.72 250-1 4779.58 250-1 4100.98 250-1 3634.95 250-1 3511.31 250-2 4216.17 250-2 4885.01 250-2 5477.36 250-2 5996.37 250-2 6491.38 250-2 6916.07 250-2 7264.29 250-2 7535.91 250-2 -15693.62 250-1 -13009.43 250-1 -10401.93 250-1 -7871.26 250-1 -5424.82 250-1 -3105.47 250-1 -866 250-1 1296.68 250-1 3093.52 250-1 3215.54 250-2 1197.75 250-2 -937.28 250-2 -3149.09 250-2 -5440.82 250-2 -7861.83 250-2 -10365.78 250-2 -12946.52 250-2 -15603.93 250-2 -259.3 250-1 404.19 250-1 991.21 250-1 1502.28 250-1 1962.01 250-1 2513.33 250-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.14 8.87 11.6 11.98 10.24 8.49 6.75 5.02 3.31 1.65 0.23 -0.4 -10.23 -7.5 -4.78 -2.07 -0.98 -3.13 -5.28 -7.44 -9.6 -8.12 -7.24 -6.35 -5.47 -4.6 -3.74 -2.94 -2.38 -2.61 9.64 6.9 4.16 1.47 1.66 3.63 5.62 7.61 9.6 7.94 6.47 5 3.54 2.09 0.66

2998.81 250-1 3408.18 250-1 3827.8 250-1 3793.03 250-2 3450.01 250-2 3042.65 250-2 2559.1 250-2 2009.89 250-2 1559.51 250-2 1053.53 250-2 471.44 250-2 -187.16 250-2 -7950.15 250-1 -6209.97 250-1 -4546.58 250-1 -2960.51 250-1 -1476.37 250-1 -237.08 250-1 914.78 250-1 1989.48 250-1 2900.66 250-1 2933.82 250-2 1963.91 250-2 905.08 250-2 -230.83 250-2 -1454.34 250-2 -2929.96 250-2 -4503.24 250-2 -6153.67 250-2 -7880.87 250-2 -1871.55 250-1 899.81 250-1 3316.15 250-1 5337.33 250-1 6930.47 250-1 8111.59 250-1 8860.31 250-1 9213.84 250-1 9501.49 250-1 9440.8 250-2 9373.36 250-2 8991.46 250-2 8214.33 250-2 7004.87 250-2 5385.56 250-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.66 -1.49 -1.74 -6.34 -4.35 -2.37 -0.43 -1.38 -4.11 -6.85 -9.59 -12.34 -4.49 -4.19 -3.89 -3.59 -3.31 -3.05 -2.91 -3.24 -4.16 10.6 7.78 4.96 2.16 0.98 3.03 5.1 7.16 9.23 11.78 9.88 7.98 6.09 4.2 2.33 0.52 -1.06 -1.84 -7.3 -5.24 -3.17 -1.13 -0.7 -3.51

3336.93 250-2 893.1 250-2 -1905.78 250-2 -25049.35 250-1 -19313.28 250-1 -13932.34 250-1 -8946.96 250-1 -4404.8 250-1 -375.6 250-1 3214.73 250-1 6409.53 250-1 8960.06 250-1 9145.03 250-2 6354.94 250-2 3169.16 250-2 -412.11 250-2 -4432.32 250-2 -8967.65 250-2 -13944.93 250-2 -19317.71 250-2 -25045.62 250-2 -9615.02 250-1 -5899.65 250-1 -2539.2 250-1 426.58 250-1 2982.02 250-1 5243.2 250-1 7079.53 250-1 8521.04 250-1 9694.35 250-1 9722.52 250-2 8607.2 250-2 7149.1 250-2 5296.07 250-2 3018.39 250-2 453.69 250-2 -2525.61 250-2 -5899.75 250-2 -9628.85 250-2 -17305.88 250-1 -12513.81 250-1 -8076.99 250-1 -4036.2 250-1 -456.36 250-1 2492.79 250-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.33 -9.15 -11.97 -8.33 -7.59 -6.87 -6.14 -5.42 -4.72 -4.08 -3.67 -4.06 -3.71 -2.63 -1.55 -0.47 0.6 1.68 2.76 3.84 4.91 -1.62 -1.76 -1.9 -2.04 -2.18 -2.32 -2.46 -2.6 -2.74 -4.39 -3.18 -1.97 -0.76 0.45 1.65 2.86 4.07 5.28 -1.68 -1.82 -1.96 -2.11 -2.25 -2.39

4995.5 250-1 7102.34 250-1 8767.2 250-1 8863.31 250-2 7121.1 250-2 5011.52 250-2 2506.15 250-2 -445.84 250-2 -4035.78 250-2 -8082.38 250-2 -12524.86 250-2 -17322.55 250-2 -13041.63 251-1 -9000.62 251-1 -5326.88 251-1 -2020.41 251-1 918.79 251-1 3490.72 251-1 5695.38 251-1 7532.78 251-1 9002.9 251-1 7664.74 251-2 6608.63 251-2 5164.84 251-2 3312.96 251-2 1032.57 251-2 -1689.94 251-2 -4840.94 251-2 -8400.05 251-2 -12346.83 251-2 -13773.3 251-1 -9711.97 251-1 -5965.44 251-1 -2533.71 251-1 583.21 251-1 3385.33 251-1 5872.65 251-1 8045.16 251-1 9902.87 251-1 8263.11 251-2 7100.35 251-2 5568.84 251-2 3614.63 251-2 1183.79 251-2 -1759.67 251-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.53 -2.68 -2.82 -4.2 -3.03 -1.87 -0.7 0.47 1.64 2.81 3.98 5.15 -1.56 -1.71 -1.85 -1.99 -2.14 -2.28 -2.43 -2.57 -2.71 -3.97 -2.86 -1.75 -0.64 0.47 1.58 2.69 3.81 4.92 -1.57 -1.7 -1.84 -1.97 -2.11 -2.25 -2.38 -2.52 -2.65 43.83 33.43 23.03 12.63 2.25 10.56

-5179.76 251-2 -9022.55 251-2 -13234.08 251-2 -12800.51 251-1 -8963.24 251-1 -5440.77 251-1 -2233.1 251-1 659.76 251-1 3237.82 251-1 5501.08 251-1 7449.53 251-1 9083.18 251-1 7628.22 251-2 6561.99 251-2 5140.68 251-2 3324.02 251-2 1071.72 251-2 -1643.07 251-2 -4793.49 251-2 -8339.27 251-2 -12240.12 251-2 -12800.3 251-1 -8963.07 251-1 -5440.63 251-1 -2233.01 251-1 659.82 251-1 3237.85 251-1 5501.07 251-1 7449.48 251-1 9083.1 251-1 7628.13 251-2 6561.93 251-2 5140.66 251-2 3324.02 251-2 1071.76 251-2 -1643 251-2 -4793.39 251-2 -8339.13 251-2 -12239.96 251-2 8142.63 251-1 7678.79 251-1 7138.34 251-1 6521.34 251-1 5829.05 251-1 5110.89 251-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

23.42 36.29 49.16 4.66 4.37 4.08 3.79 3.51 3.63 4.61 5.63 6.65 -53.8 -40.93 -28.06 -15.19 -2.35 -8.18 -18.58 -28.98 -39.38 -4.96 -4.99 -5.02 -5.05 -5.1 -5.54 -6.85 -8.18 -9.53 43.14 33.22 23.31 13.4 3.5 8.82 21.2 33.58 45.96 10.67 8.48 6.29 4.12 1.97 1.16

4328.22 251-1 3469.09 251-1 3127.23 251-1 2614.29 251-2 3532.05 251-2 4373.23 251-2 5137.86 251-2 5827.81 251-2 6496.38 251-2 7096.27 251-2 7619.66 251-2 8066.43 251-2 -15625.3 251-1 -13013.07 251-1 -10477.49 251-1 -8018.64 251-1 -5637.75 251-1 -3384.26 251-1 -1219.53 251-1 868.4 251-1 2285.79 251-1 2111.18 251-2 305.62 251-2 -1576.61 251-2 -3535.56 251-2 -5573.11 251-2 -7742.54 251-2 -9996.56 251-2 -12327.33 251-2 -14734.76 251-2 232.67 251-1 747.57 251-1 1185.91 251-1 1547.91 251-1 1837.72 251-1 2220.13 251-1 2566.33 251-1 2836.43 251-1 3208.18 251-1 2844.9 251-2 2710.27 251-2 2499.09 251-2 2211.57 251-2 1853.94 251-2 1603.83 251-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.21 1303.63 251-2 5.38 927.19 251-2 7.55 474.22 251-2 -53.11 -7715.35 251-1 -40.72 -6081.85 251-1 -28.34 -4525.07 251-1 -15.96 -3045.2 251-1 -3.59 -1646.42 251-1 -6.44 -493.5 251-1 -16.35 542.36 251-1 -26.27 1501.05 251-1 -36.18 2204.83 251-1 -10.96 1880.57 251-2 -9.1 1127.41 251-2 -7.24 297.53 251-2 -5.38 -609.27 251-2 -3.56 -1599.24 251-2 -3.07 -2849.99 251-2 -5.45 -4203.91 251-2 -7.93 -5634.87 251-2 -10.43 -7142.55 251-2 44.94 -916.24 251-1 34.4 1382.94 251-1 23.85 3367.34 251-1 13.3 5037.03 251-1 2.77 6393.25 251-1 10.93 7485.43 251-1 23.64 8274.94 251-1 36.36 8749.81 251-1 49.08 9503.78 251-1 3.24 7879.64 251-2 2.97 8175.12 251-2 2.71 8115.56 251-2 2.45 7660.74 251-2 2.2 6772.23 251-2 2.35 5476.49 251-2 3.37 3753.08 251-2 4.41 1634.42 251-2 5.46 -839.28 251-2 -52.68 -24684.17 251-1 -39.96 -19308.92 251-1 -27.24 -14248.49 251-1 -14.52 -9502.95 251-1 -1.83 -5073.55 251-1 -7.81 -1009.72 251-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-18.36 -28.91 -39.46 -6.38 -6.38 -6.38 -6.39 -6.4 -6.81 -8.09 -9.4 -10.71 44.26 34.19 24.13 14.07 4.02 9.19 21.42 33.65 45.88 9.24 7.09 4.93 2.78 0.67 -0.12 1.97 4.16 6.37 -51.99 -39.76 -27.52 -15.29 -3.07 -6.08 -16.13 -26.2 -36.26 -12.39 -10.49 -8.6 -6.72 -4.86 -4.34

2727.18 251-1 6149.12 251-1 8662.34 251-1 7376.53 251-2 4948.69 251-2 2165.72 251-2 -1012.68 251-2 -4628.69 251-2 -8762.42 251-2 -13339.75 251-2 -18312.56 251-2 -23640.48 251-2 -8826.2 251-1 -5548.28 251-1 -2585.08 251-1 63.6 251-1 2401.92 251-1 4594.67 251-1 6513.05 251-1 8117.15 251-1 9584.74 251-1 8110.25 251-2 7353.34 251-2 6241.43 251-2 4734.45 251-2 2798.36 251-2 583.95 251-2 -2039.57 251-2 -5058.04 251-2 -8431.49 251-2 -16774.22 251-1 -12377.7 251-1 -8296.06 251-1 -4529.52 251-1 -1082.22 251-1 1881.04 251-1 4489.07 251-1 6781.77 251-1 8581.39 251-1 7145.92 251-2 5770.47 251-2 4039.86 251-2 1913.61 251-2 -654.82 251-2 -3869.88 251-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.69 -9.15 -11.62 -2.46 -1.64 -0.81 0.01963 0.85 1.67 2.5 3.33 4.16 3.12 2.04 0.96 -0.12 -1.2 -2.28 -3.36 -4.45 -5.53 -2.67 -1.82 -0.97 -0.13 0.72 1.57 2.41 3.26 4.11 2.75 1.78 0.8 -0.17 -1.14 -2.12 -3.09 -4.07 -5.04 -2.53 -1.72 -0.9 -0.08887 0.73 1.54

-7547.11 251-2 -11620.1 251-2 -16048.26 251-2 -12915.08 252-1 -8763.8 252-1 -5000.2 252-1 -1644.7 252-1 1282.3 252-1 3767.18 252-1 5823.56 252-1 7471.84 252-1 8732.44 252-1 8687.34 252-2 7381.87 252-2 5688.72 252-2 3587.47 252-2 1057.72 252-2 -1914.15 252-2 -5314.52 252-2 -9122.99 252-2 -13319.14 252-2 -14390.6 252-1 -9821.13 252-1 -5620.4 252-1 -1842.37 252-1 1459.02 252-1 4247.8 252-1 6559.94 252-1 8449.39 252-1 9970.09 252-1 9939.18 252-2 8357.57 252-2 6407.21 252-2 4034.15 252-2 1184.45 252-2 -2177.85 252-2 -6016.8 252-2 -10278.44 252-2 -14908.83 252-2 -13145.43 252-1 -8955.14 252-1 -5119.93 252-1 -1680.08 252-1 1324.14 252-1 3865.87 252-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.36 5971.97 252-1 3.17 7682.71 252-1 3.99 9038.37 252-1 2.78 9004.55 252-2 1.81 7596.36 252-2 0.84 5833.09 252-2 -0.14 3674.45 252-2 -1.11 1080.19 252-2 -2.08 -1976.56 252-2 -3.05 -5468.95 252-2 -4.02 -9356.69 252-2 -4.99 -13599.52 252-2 -2.47 -13145.41 252-1 -1.67 -8955.14 252-1 -0.87 -5119.96 252-1 -0.07493 -1680.13 252-1 0.72 1324.06 252-1 1.52 3865.77 252-1 2.32 5971.84 252-1 3.12 7682.56 252-1 3.91 9038.19 252-1 2.73 9004.38 252-2 1.77 7596.24 252-2 0.81 5833.03 252-2 -0.14 3674.46 252-2 -1.1 1080.25 252-2 -2.06 -1976.44 252-2 -3.02 -5468.77 252-2 -3.98 -9356.45 252-2 -4.94 -13599.22 252-2 12.18 7585.66 252-1 10.12 7294.26 252-1 8.06 6926.26 252-1 6.01 6481.72 252-1 4.24 5964.29 252-1 3.49 5421.97 252-1 2.77 4807.02 252-1 4.8 4115.55 252-1 7.66 3500.88 252-1 4.63 3521.49 252-2 2.85 4077.81 252-2 1.83 4750.13 252-2 2.08 5345.94 252-2 2.41 5870.02 252-2 3.52 6369.19 252-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.81 6.11 7.4 -15.27 -12.41 -9.54 -6.68 -4.11 -2.55 -1.02 -2.25 -4.3 -2.98 -1.71 -1.18 -1.95 -2.77 -4.4 -6.19 -7.99 -9.79 10.12 7.79 5.46 3.13 1.79 3.82 5.88 8.76 11.9 8.2 5.99 4.01 2.41 0.91 2.04 3.74 5.45 7.16 -13.21 -10.08 -6.94 -3.8 -1.65 -2.88

6795.03 252-2 7144.35 252-2 7417.06 252-2 -15511.46 252-1 -12866.78 252-1 -10298.76 252-1 -7807.47 252-1 -5396.55 252-1 -3114.01 252-1 -912.11 252-1 1213.05 252-1 3108.14 252-1 3089.09 252-2 1213.21 252-2 -931.94 252-2 -3153.85 252-2 -5457.29 252-2 -7889.09 252-2 -10400.83 252-2 -12989.31 252-2 -15654.45 252-2 -134.93 252-1 510.69 252-1 1079.77 252-1 1572.55 252-1 2001.14 252-1 2525.61 252-1 2986.77 252-1 3371.65 252-1 3726 252-1 3733.57 252-2 3347.3 252-2 2942.27 252-2 2461.01 252-2 1919.44 252-2 1473.67 252-2 962.27 252-2 374.59 252-2 -289.62 252-2 -7790.88 252-1 -6083.21 252-1 -4452.27 252-1 -2898.3 252-1 -1433.4 252-1 -217.64 252-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.13 908.15 252-1 -6.21 1956.95 252-1 -8.54 2883.02 252-1 -6.55 2877.01 252-2 -4.84 1943.72 252-2 -3.37 875.91 252-2 -2.28 -268.92 252-2 -1.28 -1506.72 252-2 -2.92 -2993.57 252-2 -5.12 -4568.07 252-2 -7.33 -6219.56 252-2 -9.55 -7947.77 252-2 11.29 -1596.83 252-1 9.62 1125.38 252-1 7.94 3492.54 252-1 6.27 5464.45 252-1 4.9 7004.45 252-1 4.53 8133.72 252-1 4.2 8831.35 252-1 6.61 9133.74 252-1 9.86 9234.49 252-1 6.51 9220.5 252-2 4.03 9028.49 252-2 2.31 8674.04 252-2 1.87 7924.35 252-2 1.49 6743.93 252-2 1.91 5152.75 252-2 2.5 3129.24 252-2 3.09 710.48 252-2 3.68 -2063.33 252-2 -16.17 -24693.95 252-1 -12.91 -19035.66 252-1 -9.66 -13732.47 252-1 -6.41 -8824.75 252-1 -3.45 -4356.39 252-1 -1.51 -402.26 252-1 0.41 3112.22 252-1 -0.43 6231.24 252-1 -2.1 8841.74 252-1 -1.09 8788.1 252-2 -0.52 6163.89 252-2 -0.7 2991.97 252-2 -2.17 -575.44 252-2 -3.69 -4583.38 252-2 -6.01 -9105.53 252-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.51 -11 -13.5 9.23 7.28 5.34 3.4 2.44 4.86 7.31 10.58 14.1 10.08 7.17 4.49 2.2 -0.009318 0.43 1.43 2.44 3.45 -14.11 -10.58 -7.06 -3.54 -1 -1.84 -2.7 -4.4 -6.34 -4.67 -3.66 -2.88 -2.49 -2.19 -4.53 -7.44 -10.35 -13.27 -6.44 -4.84 -3.23 -1.62 -0.01588 1.59

-14066.62 252-2 -19423.17 252-2 -25134.83 252-2 -9317.42 252-1 -5658.19 252-1 -2353.95 252-1 555.27 252-1 3041.3 252-1 5237.35 252-1 7011.1 252-1 8389.84 252-1 9459.61 252-1 9432.58 252-2 8297.98 252-2 6866.18 252-2 5039.42 252-2 2793.36 252-2 257.23 252-2 -2703.52 252-2 -6059.27 252-2 -9770.01 252-2 -16973.37 252-1 -12252.09 252-1 -7885.98 252-1 -3915.57 252-1 -393.24 252-1 2494.1 252-1 4932.48 252-1 6975.14 252-1 8616.62 252-1 8576.02 252-2 6894.4 252-2 4799.83 252-2 2309.49 252-2 -632.8 252-2 -4210.01 252-2 -8233.86 252-2 -12653.42 252-2 -17428.16 252-2 -13009.54 253-1 -8863.63 253-1 -5105.41 253-1 -1755.28 253-1 1166.34 253-1 3645.85 253-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.2 4.8 6.41 4.91 3.66 2.4 1.15 -0.1 -1.36 -2.61 -3.86 -5.12 -6.2 -4.66 -3.13 -1.59 -0.05236 1.48 3.02 4.56 6.09 4.42 3.29 2.16 1.03 -0.09565 -1.23 -2.35 -3.48 -4.61 -6.03 -4.53 -3.03 -1.54 -0.0379 1.46 2.96 4.46 5.95 4.41 3.28 2.16 1.03 -0.09108 -1.22

5696.85 253-1 7339.76 253-1 8594.99 253-1 8597.66 253-2 7308.06 253-2 5630.77 253-2 3545.4 253-2 1031.51 253-2 -1924.49 253-2 -5308.99 253-2 -9101.59 253-2 -13281.87 253-2 -14578.75 253-1 -10000.9 253-1 -5791.8 253-1 -2005.4 253-1 1304.37 253-1 4101.53 253-1 6422.04 253-1 8319.87 253-1 9848.94 253-1 9850.9 253-2 8280.2 253-2 6340.76 253-2 3978.62 253-2 1139.83 253-2 -2211.55 253-2 -6039.58 253-2 -10290.3 253-2 -14909.78 253-2 -13293.46 253-1 -9099.66 253-1 -5260.95 253-1 -1817.59 253-1 1190.13 253-1 3735.37 253-1 5844.97 253-1 7559.22 253-1 8918.38 253-1 8920.48 253-2 7524.2 253-2 5772.84 253-2 3626.12 253-2 1043.77 253-2 -2001.07 253-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.34 -3.47 -4.59 -5.96 -4.48 -3 -1.52 -0.03784 1.44 2.92 4.4 5.88 4.35 3.24 2.13 1.02 -0.09251 -1.2 -2.31 -3.43 -4.54 7.56 5.99 4.42 2.86 2.2 2.01 3.55 5.97 8.39 5.94 4.16 2.42 1.64 1.73 2.59 3.85 5.12 6.39 -11.01 -8.59 -6.16 -3.75 -2.23 -1.18

-5481.55 253-2 -9357.38 253-2 -13588.29 253-2 -13293.37 253-1 -9099.6 253-1 -5260.91 253-1 -1817.58 253-1 1190.12 253-1 3735.34 253-1 5844.92 253-1 7559.14 253-1 8918.28 253-1 8920.37 253-2 7524.15 253-2 5772.86 253-2 3626.21 253-2 1043.93 253-2 -2000.84 253-2 -5481.25 253-2 -9357.01 253-2 -13587.85 253-2 7484.61 253-1 7193.91 253-1 6826.6 253-1 6382.79 253-1 5867.12 253-1 5325.97 253-1 4711.84 253-1 4021.22 253-1 3454.89 253-1 3428.24 253-2 4038.72 253-2 4720.4 253-2 5325.6 253-2 5860.04 253-2 6369.5 253-2 6805.39 253-2 7164.77 253-2 7447.54 253-2 -15595.56 253-1 -12946.2 253-1 -10373.5 253-1 -7877.57 253-1 -5463.05 253-1 -3176.31 253-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.87 -969.86 253-1 -3.43 1159.82 253-1 -5 3011.94 253-1 -3.81 3038.12 253-2 -2.55 1128.76 253-2 -1.34 -1005.06 253-2 -1.1 -3215.67 253-2 -1.71 -5508.78 253-2 -3.09 -7930.19 253-2 -4.89 -10431.29 253-2 -6.68 -13009.13 253-2 -8.48 -15663.65 253-2 8 -231.26 253-1 5.75 416.24 253-1 3.5 987.21 253-1 1.28 1481.97 253-1 2.04 1916.03 253-1 4.36 2443.95 253-1 7.2 2907.39 253-1 10.31 3294.61 253-1 13.41 3665.55 253-1 10.06 3657.47 253-2 7.61 3293.65 253-2 5.17 2897.64 253-2 3.02 2425.47 253-2 1.15 1896.22 253-2 1.74 1462.52 253-2 3.66 962.39 253-2 5.58 386.01 253-2 7.51 -266.9 253-2 -11.46 -7879.69 253-1 -8.35 -6168.53 253-1 -5.25 -4534.11 253-1 -2.16 -2976.75 253-1 -2.07 -1511.95 253-1 -3.53 -294.29 253-1 -5.52 834.59 253-1 -7.77 1886.43 253-1 -10.02 2801.27 253-1 -7.93 2808.89 253-2 -6.01 1873.83 253-2 -4.1 817.7 253-2 -2.48 -315.53 253-2 -1.13 -1544.96 253-2 -2.24 -3023.21 253-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.69 -7.15 -9.6 3.36 2.83 2.31 1.79 2.18 3.03 5.61 9.08 12.54 9.2 6.58 4 2.38 1.62 1.64 2.07 2.49 2.92 -15.21 -11.74 -8.27 -4.81 -2.25 -0.16 0.2 -0.32 -0.85 -0.55 -0.13 0.24 -0.36 -1.81 -4.04 -6.67 -9.31 -11.95 3.81 2.6 1.39 0.21 2.02 5.38

-4588.28 253-2 -6230.38 253-2 -7949.2 253-2 -1753.25 253-1 970.48 253-1 3339.16 253-1 5312.61 253-1 6855.2 253-1 7986.46 253-1 8685.74 253-1 8989.8 253-1 9139.71 253-1 9115.38 253-2 8979.12 253-2 8635.6 253-2 7896.89 253-2 6728.41 253-2 5149.1 253-2 3137.23 253-2 730.1 253-2 -2032.07 253-2 -24833.42 253-1 -19169.62 253-1 -13860.94 253-1 -8947.75 253-1 -4474.96 253-1 -515.82 253-1 3004.04 253-1 6128.4 253-1 8696.76 253-1 8725.25 253-2 6069.15 253-2 2910.14 253-2 -644.38 253-2 -4640.41 253-2 -9150.59 253-2 -14099.46 253-2 -19443.8 253-2 -25143.25 253-2 -9469.12 253-1 -5807.19 253-1 -2500.23 253-1 411.79 253-1 2904.11 253-1 5104.44 253-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

9.26 13.41 17.56 13.32 10.03 6.75 3.76 1.04 0.79 1.87 2.96 4.04 -15.66 -11.51 -7.36 -3.23 -2.1 -2.51 -3.45 -4.66 -5.87 -4.67 -3.59 -2.52 -1.74 -1.23 -3.19 -6.48 -9.77 -13.07 -6.57 -5.13 -3.69 -2.25 -0.82 0.62 2.06 3.49 4.93 2.76 2.32 1.88 1.44 1 0.57

6881.29 253-1 8263.19 253-1 9350.37 253-1 9344.61 253-2 8234.04 253-2 6812.85 253-2 4996.75 253-2 2764.59 253-2 242.12 253-2 -2705.78 253-2 -6048.65 253-2 -9746.51 253-2 -17117.55 253-1 -12391.96 253-1 -8021.55 253-1 -4046.93 253-1 -523.87 253-1 2366.2 253-1 4808.49 253-1 6855.02 253-1 8486.09 253-1 8496.03 253-2 6814.23 253-2 4732.9 253-2 2255.75 253-2 -676.59 253-2 -4243.61 253-2 -8256.45 253-2 -12665.04 253-2 -17428.81 253-2 -13748.03 254-1 -9428.17 254-1 -5495.99 254-1 -1971.91 254-1 1123.67 254-1 3777.14 254-1 6002.1 254-1 7818.96 254-1 9248.15 254-1 9231.58 254-2 8045 254-2 6470.73 254-2 4488.38 254-2 2077.52 254-2 -775.46 254-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.13 -0.31 -0.75 -6.29 -4.91 -3.53 -2.15 -0.77 0.61 1.99 3.37 4.75 2.52 2.13 1.74 1.36 0.97 0.58 0.19 -0.19 -0.58 -6.13 -4.78 -3.44 -2.1 -0.75 0.59 1.94 3.28 4.62 2.52 2.12 1.73 1.33 0.94 0.54 0.15 -0.24 -0.64 -6.06 -4.73 -3.4 -2.07 -0.75 0.58

-4056.94 254-2 -7746.51 254-2 -11823.77 254-2 -15466.3 254-1 -10676.75 254-1 -6255.95 254-1 -2257.84 254-1 1263.63 254-1 4272.49 254-1 6804.71 254-1 8914.24 254-1 10655.02 254-1 10647.48 254-2 9187.52 254-2 7358.82 254-2 5107.42 254-2 2379.38 254-2 -861.27 254-2 -4578.55 254-2 -8718.53 254-2 -13227.26 254-2 -14085.18 254-1 -9703.11 254-1 -5676.11 254-1 -2044.47 254-1 1151.54 254-1 3885.06 254-1 6182.95 254-1 8085.48 254-1 9632.92 254-1 9622.84 254-2 8328.93 254-2 6679.95 254-2 4635.61 254-2 2155.64 254-2 -786.82 254-2 -4164.92 254-2 -7938.37 254-2 -12066.91 254-2 -14085.41 254-1 -9703.4 254-1 -5676.47 254-1 -2044.9 254-1 1151.03 254-1 3884.48 254-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.91 3.24 4.56 2.47 2.09 1.7 1.32 0.93 0.55 0.16 -0.22 -0.61 4.52 3.43 2.35 1.29 0.8 1.49 3.36 5.24 7.12 5.48 4.09 2.75 1.84 1.54 1.84 2.93 4.03 5.13 -7.95 -6.06 -4.19 -2.34 -1.06 -0.95 -2.03 -3.12 -4.21 -3.74 -2.66 -1.62 -1.02 -1.03 -1.63

6182.3 254-1 8084.76 254-1 9632.14 254-1 9622.09 254-2 8328.21 254-2 6679.26 254-2 4634.94 254-2 2154.99 254-2 -787.44 254-2 -4165.51 254-2 -7938.94 254-2 -12067.44 254-2 6984.66 254-1 6827.93 254-1 6594.61 254-1 6284.78 254-1 5902.57 254-1 5497.37 254-1 5020.03 254-1 4466.31 254-1 3838.53 254-1 3997.77 254-2 3979.72 254-2 4606.99 254-2 5157.94 254-2 5633.16 254-2 6071.39 254-2 6450.31 254-2 6752.84 254-2 6978.79 254-2 -15616.86 254-1 -12967.87 254-1 -10395.56 254-1 -7900 254-1 -5485.33 254-1 -3200.93 254-1 -997.67 254-1 1128.72 254-1 3175.89 254-1 3023.28 254-2 1802.97 254-2 -215.92 254-2 -2311.76 254-2 -4485.14 254-2 -6774.79 254-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.03 -9158.4 254-2 -4.44 -11618.89 254-2 -5.84 -14156.07 254-2 3.82 -544.73 254-1 2.62 185.52 254-1 1.44 839.24 254-1 0.33 1416.75 254-1 1.13 1931.77 254-1 2.74 2548.9 254-1 4.73 3104.32 254-1 6.71 3583.56 254-1 8.7 3987.04 254-1 11.36 4036.11 254-2 8.86 3508.99 254-2 6.37 3121.89 254-2 4.01 2658.51 254-2 1.84 2121.37 254-2 1.42 1639.68 254-2 3.61 1139.08 254-2 5.81 562.66 254-2 8.02 -90.24 254-2 -7.24 -8087.47 254-1 -5.26 -6325.46 254-1 -3.27 -4640.18 254-1 -1.38 -3031.97 254-1 -1.38 -1514.53 254-1 -2.21 -252.47 254-1 -3.4 918.05 254-1 -4.59 2011.47 254-1 -5.79 3027.38 254-1 -9.62 2984.94 254-2 -7.42 2273.7 254-2 -5.24 1269.17 254-2 -3.19 187.66 254-2 -1.32 -973.35 254-2 -1.21 -2343.08 254-2 -3.71 -3847.18 254-2 -6.22 -5428.71 254-2 -8.73 -7087.04 254-2 0.21 -2784.76 254-1 0.04555 194.37 254-1 -0.12 2818.44 254-1 -0.25 5047.29 254-1 0.19 6844.75 254-1 1.8 8233.37 254-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.59 7.39 10.2 7.06 5.44 3.87 2.74 2.21 2.28 3.15 4.02 4.89 -12.26 -9.45 -6.65 -3.88 -1.68 -0.65 -0.8 -0.96 -1.13 -2.17 -1.31 -0.5 -0.13 -0.36 -1.19 -2.82 -4.45 -6.08 -0.49 -0.76 -1.03 -1.21 0.51 3.05 5.96 8.87 11.78 12.94 10.21 7.49 4.91 2.51 1.86

9190.85 254-1 9753.23 254-1 9963.1 254-1 10109 254-2 9416.26 254-2 9090.4 254-2 8369.49 254-2 7213.85 254-2 5635.37 254-2 3638.58 254-2 1246.67 254-2 -1500.26 254-2 -25386.27 254-1 -19601.44 254-1 -14171.72 254-1 -9137.49 254-1 -4543.15 254-1 -464.93 254-1 3173.16 254-1 6415.64 254-1 9300.46 254-1 9134.5 254-2 7239.51 254-2 4267.49 254-2 899.79 254-2 -2904.45 254-2 -7210.81 254-2 -11970.13 254-2 -17125.06 254-2 -22635.12 254-2 -10314.14 254-1 -6448.05 254-1 -2936.93 254-1 179.26 254-1 2873.95 254-1 5284.91 254-1 7275.14 254-1 8870.48 254-1 10111.61 254-1 10147.34 254-2 8945.53 254-2 7605.3 254-2 5870.07 254-2 3702.06 254-2 1203.66 254-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.83 5.8 7.78 -11.55 -8.64 -5.74 -2.92 -2 -1.9 -2.17 -2.44 -2.71 -8.04 -6.07 -4.12 -2.29 -0.65 -0.77 -3.5 -6.23 -8.97 -1.56 -1.26 -0.96 -0.66 -0.36 -0.06295 0.24 0.54 0.84 -1.74 -1.39 -1.03 -0.68 -0.33 0.02567 0.38 0.73 1.09 -1.62 -1.29 -0.97 -0.65 -0.33 -0.005125

-1672.65 254-2 -4943.51 254-2 -8569.29 254-2 -17856.88 254-1 -12959.02 254-1 -8416.35 254-1 -4269.46 254-1 -572.34 254-1 2483.54 254-1 5088.87 254-1 7298.39 254-1 9151.95 254-1 9096.17 254-2 7710.25 254-2 5752.58 254-2 3399.21 254-2 607.34 254-2 -2779.1 254-2 -6658.91 254-2 -10934.88 254-2 -15566.09 254-2 -2369.4 255-1 -1571.54 255-1 -913.29 255-1 -415.08 255-1 -97.31 255-1 26.41 255-1 -30.32 255-1 -247.08 255-1 -603.45 255-1 -2803.01 255-1 -1811.2 255-1 -975.51 255-1 -349.89 255-1 11.72 255-1 73.34 255-1 -129.05 255-1 -541.51 255-1 -1110.09 255-1 -2506.55 255-1 -1632.08 255-1 -900.05 255-1 -350.76 255-1 -24.48 255-1 51.94 255-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.32 0.64 0.96 -1.59 -1.28 -0.96 -0.64 -0.32 -0.004324 0.31 0.63 0.95 6.61 4.85 3.13 1.57 0.35 2.33 4.36 6.39 8.42 -7.84 -5.81 -3.81 -1.98 -0.48 -2.19 -3.94 -5.7 -7.45 2.22 1.47 0.81 0.69 0.75 1.78 2.82 3.86 4.9 -3.46 -2.43 -1.5 -1.1 -0.88 -1.63

-94.65 255-1 -423.97 255-1 -895.74 255-1 -2512.47 255-1 -1636.4 255-1 -902.79 255-1 -351.9 255-1 -24.03 255-1 53.98 255-1 -91.02 255-1 -418.75 255-1 -888.94 255-1 16469.94 255-1 12219.28 255-1 7892.1 255-1 3488.57 255-1 898.9 255-1 5402.33 255-1 9833.05 255-1 14188.08 255-1 18466.73 255-1 -17911.13 255-1 -13095.95 255-1 -8357.52 255-1 -3696.01 255-1 -1001.62 255-1 -5553.6 255-1 -10186.13 255-1 -14896.25 255-1 -19683.25 255-1 4509.91 255-1 3416.59 255-1 2246.97 255-1 1001.62 255-1 249.96 255-1 1584.55 255-1 2854.95 255-1 4051.86 255-1 5172.97 255-1 -5951.1 255-1 -4293.26 255-1 -2712.39 255-1 -1209.05 255-1 -352.68 255-1 -1735.81 255-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.4 -3.16 -3.93 5.64 4.07 2.52 1.14 0.09131 2.25 4.46 6.67 8.88 -8.81 -6.6 -4.42 -2.41 -0.73 -2.26 -3.84 -5.42 -6.99 1.26 0.68 0.2 0.26 0.5 1.7 2.92 4.14 5.36 -4.42 -3.21 -2.11 -1.53 -1.14 -1.71 -2.3 -2.88 -3.47 -0.02493 0.04303 0.11 0.18 0.25 0.31

-3208.03 255-1 -4760.03 255-1 -6389.48 255-1 14675.38 255-1 11019.25 255-1 7220.78 255-1 3239.87 255-1 926.44 255-1 5532.87 255-1 9920.22 255-1 14125.79 255-1 18189.15 255-1 -19705.69 255-1 -14295.98 255-1 -9028.83 255-1 -3944.72 255-1 -974.09 255-1 -5423.06 255-1 -10098.96 255-1 -14958.54 255-1 -19960.83 255-1 2715.35 255-1 2216.56 255-1 1575.65 255-1 752.91 255-1 277.49 255-1 1715.09 255-1 2942.12 255-1 3989.57 255-1 4895.39 255-1 -7745.66 255-1 -5493.29 255-1 -3383.71 255-1 -1457.76 255-1 -325.15 255-1 -1605.27 255-1 -3120.86 255-1 -4822.32 255-1 -6667.07 255-1 -2260.86 256-1 -965.33 256-1 -77.9 256-1 360.62 256-1 309.4 256-1 -258.78 256-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.38 -1316.71 256-1 0.45 -2823.55 256-1 0.52 -4738.49 256-1 -0.001811 -2967.15 256-1 0.07654 -1358.04 256-1 0.15 -171.64 256-1 0.23 484.19 256-1 0.31 501.53 256-1 0.39 -191.53 256-1 0.47 -1523.08 256-1 0.55 -3385.2 256-1 0.62 -5670.03 256-1 -0.01083 -2593.24 256-1 0.0615 -1168.34 256-1 0.13 -138.79 256-1 0.21 414.84 256-1 0.28 412.01 256-1 0.35 -200.99 256-1 0.42 -1370.46 256-1 0.5 -3015.84 256-1 0.57 -5056.58 256-1 -0.009392 -2582.93 256-1 0.06164 -1160.41 256-1 0.13 -133.25 256-1 0.2 417.99 256-1 0.27 412.78 256-1 0.35 -202.61 256-1 0.42 -1374.47 256-1 0.49 -3022.23 256-1 0.56 -5065.36 256-1 6.41 18070.33 256-1 4.91 13862.74 256-1 3.41 9578.61 256-1 1.91 5218.23 256-1 0.5 783.02 256-1 1.45 3184.77 256-1 3.03 7490.36 256-1 4.6 11719.42 256-1 6.18 15871.89 256-1 -6.42 -19494.21 256-1 -4.85 -14805.35 256-1 -3.28 -10193.21 256-1 -1.7 -5658.1 256-1 -0.22 -1201.43 256-1 -1.1 -3734.97 256-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.6 -4.1 -5.6 7.57 5.94 4.31 2.68 1.07 0.95 2.65 4.35 6.06 -7.59 -5.88 -4.18 -2.47 -0.79 -0.59 -2.22 -3.86 -5.49 6.41 4.94 3.47 2.01 0.63 1.62 3.23 4.84 6.44 -6.43 -4.82 -3.21 -1.6 -0.08824 -0.93 -2.4 -3.87 -5.33 7.57 5.97 4.37 2.78 1.21 1.11

-8325.63 256-1 -12993.02 256-1 -17737.08 256-1 4943.13 256-1 3843.68 256-1 2667.88 256-1 1416.72 256-1 94.28 256-1 773.28 256-1 1970.62 256-1 3091.57 256-1 4135.98 256-1 -6367.01 256-1 -4786.29 256-1 -3282.49 256-1 -1856.59 256-1 -512.68 256-1 -1323.48 256-1 -2805.89 256-1 -4365.17 256-1 -6001.17 256-1 16204.03 256-1 13177.23 256-1 9755.17 256-1 5857.6 256-1 1405.35 256-1 3256.52 256-1 6531.71 256-1 9331.08 256-1 11735.13 256-1 -21360.51 256-1 -15490.86 256-1 -10016.65 256-1 -5018.74 256-1 -579.1 256-1 -3663.22 256-1 -9284.28 256-1 -15381.36 256-1 -21873.83 256-1 3076.83 256-1 3158.17 256-1 2844.45 256-1 2056.08 256-1 716.6 256-1 845.03 256-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.85 4.59 6.33 -7.59 -5.85 -4.11 -2.37 -0.66 -0.43 -2.02 -3.62 -5.22 0.57 0.38 0.19 0.00482 -0.18 -0.37 -0.56 -0.74 -0.93 1 0.8 0.59 0.39 0.19 -0.007371 -0.21 -0.41 -0.61 0.78 0.52 0.25 -0.02102 -0.29 -0.56 -0.83 -1.09 -1.36 1.02 0.83 0.65 0.46 0.27 0.08959

1011.97 256-1 703.23 256-1 -0.77 256-1 -8233.32 256-1 -5471.79 256-1 -3105.92 256-1 -1217.23 256-1 109.64 256-1 -1251.73 256-1 -3764.54 256-1 -6753.51 256-1 -10137.92 256-1 -14959.39 257-1 -9923.52 257-1 -5295.74 257-1 -1116.89 257-1 2572.23 257-1 5744.39 257-1 8426.81 257-1 10660.31 257-1 12485.71 257-1 12481.9 257-2 10357.44 257-2 7824.88 257-2 4843.41 257-2 1372.19 257-2 -2615.98 257-2 -7093.9 257-2 -12020.73 257-2 -17355.66 257-2 -18330.01 257-1 -12182.11 257-1 -6456.91 257-1 -1262.29 257-1 3293.84 257-1 7139.57 257-1 10346.82 257-1 13023.49 257-1 15277.46 257-1 15265.14 257-2 12635.05 257-2 9582.27 257-2 5998.91 257-2 1777.06 257-2 -3155.19 257-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.09571 -0.28 -0.47 0.69 0.46 0.23 -0.009589 -0.24 -0.48 -0.71 -0.95 -1.18 0.94 0.77 0.59 0.42 0.24 0.06241 -0.11 -0.29 -0.47 0.68 0.45 0.22 -0.0113 -0.24 -0.47 -0.7 -0.93 -1.16 0.95 0.77 0.59 0.41 0.23 0.0549 -0.12 -0.3 -0.48 7.75 6.13 4.51 2.89 2.02 2.54

-8725.93 257-2 -14827.25 257-2 -21351.26 257-2 -16264.09 257-1 -10802.91 257-1 -5737.09 257-1 -1147.18 257-1 2886.27 257-1 6309.54 257-1 9176.35 257-1 11567.25 257-1 13562.79 257-1 13553.84 257-2 11227.2 257-2 8505.21 257-2 5307.3 257-2 1552.93 257-2 -2811.61 257-2 -7732.61 257-2 -13129.53 257-2 -18921.81 257-2 -16264.55 257-1 -10803.43 257-1 -5737.67 257-1 -1147.82 257-1 2885.56 257-1 6308.78 257-1 9175.52 257-1 11566.36 257-1 13561.84 257-1 13552.91 257-2 11226.25 257-2 8504.23 257-2 5306.3 257-2 1551.9 257-2 -2812.67 257-2 -7733.7 257-2 -13130.65 257-2 -18922.95 257-2 5223.83 257-1 5440.61 257-1 5580.8 257-1 5644.59 257-1 5636.53 257-1 5556.88 257-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.08 3.66 4.35 2.4 2.41 2.43 2.46 2.49 2.7 3.42 4.14 4.87 -6.64 -5.39 -4.14 -2.89 -2.39 -3.28 -4.18 -5.13 -6.19 -2.39 -2.32 -2.26 -2.21 -2.16 -2.29 -2.93 -3.58 -4.23 14.44 10.61 6.78 2.95 1.61 4.85 8.09 11.35 14.64 5.71 4.69 3.68 2.67 1.66 1.23

5400.9 257-1 5168.67 257-1 5492.77 257-1 5387.91 257-2 5591.97 257-2 5722.72 257-2 5777.1 257-2 5757.76 257-2 5670.86 257-2 5507.83 257-2 5268.2 257-2 4951.97 257-2 -15130.81 257-1 -12285.03 257-1 -9515.92 257-1 -6823.68 257-1 -4212.86 257-1 -1683.71 257-1 768.5 257-1 3143.7 257-1 4809.29 257-1 4898.77 257-2 2471.95 257-2 -34.83 257-2 -2618.51 257-2 -5281.72 257-2 -8030.65 257-2 -10856.71 257-2 -13759.45 257-2 -16738.84 257-2 -1844.65 257-1 -723.39 257-1 321.35 257-1 1290.23 257-1 2198.38 257-1 3046.61 257-1 3819.06 257-1 4515.1 257-1 5324.44 257-1 5289.45 257-2 4553.65 257-2 3742.28 257-2 2854.61 257-2 1899.84 257-2 898.66 257-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.51 -177.54 257-2 3.8 -1330.24 257-2 5.09 -2559.52 257-2 -13.33 -8062.33 257-1 -9.87 -6121.02 257-1 -6.41 -4256.47 257-1 -2.95 -2469.32 257-1 -1.97 -774.7 257-1 -5.58 826.56 257-1 -9.19 2350.35 257-1 -12.82 3797.27 257-1 -16.48 4977.62 257-1 -5.7 4997.23 257-2 -4.6 3510.26 257-2 -3.51 1945.61 257-2 -2.42 303.99 257-2 -1.33 -1423.81 257-2 -0.82 -3258.45 257-2 -2.02 -5171.34 257-2 -3.24 -7161.01 257-2 -4.45 -9227.35 257-2 7.86 -6087.44 257-1 6.2 -1940.85 257-1 4.54 1810.42 257-1 2.88 5086.02 257-1 1.97 7809.93 257-1 2.44 9928.72 257-1 2.94 11491.35 257-1 3.48 12578.44 257-1 4.13 13903.15 257-1 3.35 13797.06 257-2 3.14 12785.82 257-2 2.94 11382.56 257-2 2.75 9503.64 257-2 2.56 7071.17 257-2 2.55 4037.61 257-2 3.05 448.08 257-2 3.55 -3617.32 257-2 4.06 -8078.06 257-2 -6.53 -26442.09 257-1 -5.32 -19666.49 257-1 -4.11 -13286.3 257-1 -2.9 -7382.25 257-1 -2.44 -2039.46 257-1 -3.37 2688.14 257-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.32 -5.32 -6.42 -1.44 -1.59 -1.75 -1.92 -2.09 -2.44 -3.31 -4.17 -5.04 14.55 10.68 6.81 2.94 1.55 4.75 7.95 11.17 14.42 6.67 5.43 4.19 2.96 1.73 1.08 2.13 3.21 4.28 -13.22 -9.8 -6.38 -2.96 -2.03 -5.68 -9.33 -13 -16.7 -4.75 -3.87 -3 -2.13 -1.26 -0.97

6858.95 257-1 10553.47 257-1 13219.67 257-1 13307.92 257-2 9665.81 257-2 5625.01 257-2 1108.04 257-2 -3968.31 257-2 -9663.9 257-2 -15916.46 257-2 -22644.98 257-2 -29768.87 257-2 -13155.92 257-1 -8104.86 257-1 -3449.03 257-1 731.66 257-1 4371.78 257-1 7418.45 257-1 9909.5 257-1 11924.87 257-1 13734.82 257-1 13698.6 257-2 11747.51 257-2 9402.12 257-2 6581.15 257-2 3213.26 257-2 -734.6 257-2 -5237.29 257-2 -10215.76 257-2 -15589.55 257-2 -19373.61 257-1 -13502.49 257-1 -8026.85 257-1 -3027.89 257-1 1398.7 257-1 5198.4 257-1 8440.79 257-1 11207.04 257-1 13388 257-1 13406.38 257-2 10704.12 257-2 7605.45 257-2 4030.53 257-2 -110.39 257-2 -4891.7 257-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.39 -3.83 -5.26 0.94 0.63 0.33 0.02029 -0.29 -0.59 -0.9 -1.21 -1.51 2.32 1.81 1.29 0.78 0.27 -0.24 -0.76 -1.27 -1.78 1.42 0.97 0.52 0.07363 -0.37 -0.82 -1.27 -1.72 -2.17 2.25 1.76 1.27 0.79 0.3 -0.19 -0.68 -1.17 -1.66 1.23 0.84 0.45 0.05989 -0.33 -0.72

-10231.09 257-2 -16046.54 257-2 -22257.38 257-2 -16741.29 258-1 -11586.15 258-1 -6839.11 258-1 -2540.99 258-1 1267.4 258-1 4558.82 258-1 7360.5 258-1 9713.27 258-1 11657.94 258-1 11658.06 258-2 9712.81 258-2 7359.47 258-2 4557.21 258-2 1265.22 258-2 -2543.74 258-2 -6842.44 258-2 -11590.06 258-2 -16745.77 258-2 -20581.34 258-1 -14283.4 258-1 -8408.16 258-1 -3063.51 258-1 1642.66 258-1 5638.43 258-1 8995.72 258-1 11822.42 258-1 14226.43 258-1 14227.16 258-2 11830.41 258-2 9010.97 258-2 5660.94 258-2 1672.43 258-2 -3026.48 258-2 -8363.87 258-2 -14231.85 258-2 -20522.53 258-2 -18244.63 258-1 -12651.39 258-1 -7453.5 258-1 -2731.53 258-1 1433.98 258-1 4989.31 258-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.11 -1.5 -1.89 2.14 1.68 1.21 0.74 0.27 -0.19 -0.66 -1.13 -1.59 1.19 0.81 0.43 0.05361 -0.33 -0.71 -1.09 -1.47 -1.85 2.15 1.68 1.21 0.74 0.27 -0.2 -0.67 -1.14 -1.61 6.89 5.67 4.45 3.23 2.36 2.74 3.13 3.51 3.9 4.92 4.53 4.14 3.76 3.38 3.65

7988.19 258-1 10511.15 258-1 12638.75 258-1 12639.24 258-2 10515.99 258-2 7997.38 258-2 5002.86 258-2 1451.88 258-2 -2709.28 258-2 -7426.9 258-2 -12620.43 258-2 -18209.32 258-2 -18244.49 258-1 -12651.27 258-1 -7453.4 258-1 -2731.45 258-1 1434.03 258-1 4989.35 258-1 7988.2 258-1 10511.14 258-1 12638.72 258-1 12639.21 258-2 10515.98 258-2 7997.4 258-2 5002.9 258-2 1451.94 258-2 -2709.2 258-2 -7426.79 258-2 -12620.3 258-2 -18209.17 258-2 5390.37 258-1 5577.28 258-1 5687.57 258-1 5721.3 258-1 5679.65 258-1 5570.63 258-1 5386.27 258-1 5125.39 258-1 4875.66 258-1 4900.89 258-2 5107.41 258-2 5375.67 258-2 5567.42 258-2 5684.53 258-2 5733.93 258-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.7 5.75 6.81 -4.72 -4.12 -3.53 -2.93 -2.69 -3.69 -4.7 -5.7 -6.71 -4.71 -4.32 -3.94 -3.56 -3.19 -3.47 -4.52 -5.58 -6.64 12 8.99 5.98 2.98 1.12 3.44 5.76 8.08 10.4 11.41 9.12 6.83 4.55 2.27 2.15 4.63 7.11 9.59 -9.83 -7.44 -5.06 -2.68 -1.44 -4.39

5707.77 258-2 5605.07 258-2 5425.76 258-2 -16747.26 258-1 -13776.55 258-1 -10882.49 258-1 -8065.14 258-1 -5325.68 258-1 -2672.11 258-1 -96.47 258-1 2402.43 258-1 4736.9 258-1 4712.43 258-2 2433.37 258-2 -60.67 258-2 -2631.49 258-2 -5280.93 258-2 -8015.92 258-2 -10828.63 258-2 -13718.05 258-2 -16684.13 258-2 -2284.69 258-1 -1141.62 258-1 -75.13 258-1 914.95 258-1 1832.6 258-1 2704.46 258-1 3504.01 258-1 4227.17 258-1 4900.08 258-1 4908.08 258-2 4226.14 258-2 3509.14 258-2 2715.88 258-2 1852.57 258-2 942.36 258-2 -40.87 258-2 -1100.47 258-2 -2236.62 258-2 -9072.19 258-1 -7057.65 258-1 -5119.79 258-1 -3258.79 258-1 -1478.63 258-1 194.06 258-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.33 1785.79 258-1 -10.27 3300.65 258-1 -13.22 4712.48 258-1 -11.2 4705.23 258-2 -8.91 3314.65 258-2 -6.63 1805.85 258-2 -4.36 220.05 258-2 -2.09 -1448.97 258-2 -1.97 -3224.35 258-2 -4.45 -5079.98 258-2 -6.94 -7012.52 258-2 -9.42 -9021.76 258-2 6.98 -7175.61 258-1 5.7 -2974.3 258-1 4.42 831.67 258-1 3.13 4161.8 258-1 2.2 6936.72 258-1 2.52 9110.73 258-1 2.83 10729.58 258-1 3.16 11872.61 258-1 3.48 12708.08 258-1 6.97 12733.43 258-2 6.11 11853 258-2 5.25 10715.58 258-2 4.4 9102.38 258-2 3.56 6934.7 258-2 3.36 4165.77 258-2 3.94 841.45 258-2 4.53 -2958.69 258-2 5.11 -7154.16 258-2 -4.63 -29313.24 258-1 -4.09 -22328.13 258-1 -3.56 -15738.39 258-1 -3.03 -9624.63 258-1 -2.85 -4068.61 258-1 -3.92 868 258-1 -4.99 5246.83 258-1 -6.06 9149.66 258-1 -7.13 12569.33 258-1 -2.66 12544.97 258-2 -2.74 9178.96 258-2 -2.83 5279.23 258-2 -2.92 903.46 258-2 -3.01 -4030.77 258-2 -3.76 -9584.08 258-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.28 -6.81 -8.34 12.09 9.02 5.95 2.88 0.96 3.21 5.47 7.72 9.98 13.46 10.7 7.95 5.2 2.45 1.86 3.87 5.88 7.89 -9.74 -7.42 -5.1 -2.78 -1.61 -4.61 -7.62 -10.63 -13.64 -9.15 -7.33 -5.52 -3.71 -1.91 -2.26 -5.21 -8.16 -11.12 1.73 1.12 0.52 -0.08431 -0.69 -1.29

-15694.95 258-2 -22281.81 258-2 -29264.05 258-2 -14850.67 258-1 -9693.2 258-1 -4931.03 258-1 -644.55 258-1 3089.67 258-1 6244.56 258-1 8847.32 258-1 10974.39 258-1 12732.5 258-1 12740.63 258-2 10971.72 258-2 8849.05 258-2 6250.83 258-2 3102.74 258-2 -625.8 258-2 -4907.19 258-2 -9664.22 258-2 -14816.54 258-2 -21638.17 258-1 -15609.22 258-1 -9975.69 258-1 -4818.29 258-1 -221.56 258-1 3734.17 258-1 7129.09 258-1 10047.87 258-1 12544.91 258-1 12537.77 258-2 10060.24 258-2 7145.76 258-2 3755 258-2 -198.81 258-2 -4792.51 258-2 -9946.3 258-2 -15576.27 258-2 -21601.67 258-2 -16692.6 259-1 -11527.94 259-1 -6771.37 259-1 -2463.71 259-1 1354.2 259-1 4655.16 259-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.89 -2.5 -3.1 1.16 0.96 0.77 0.57 0.38 0.19 -0.008606 -0.2 -0.4 2.16 1.43 0.7 -0.03499 -0.77 -1.5 -2.23 -2.96 -3.7 1.08 0.9 0.72 0.54 0.37 0.19 0.006458 -0.17 -0.35 1.96 1.29 0.62 -0.04058 -0.71 -1.37 -2.04 -2.7 -3.37 1.03 0.86 0.69 0.52 0.35 0.18

7466.37 259-1 9828.66 259-1 11782.87 259-1 11850.79 259-2 9756.95 259-2 7255.01 259-2 4304.15 259-2 863.55 259-2 -3094.01 259-2 -7541.31 259-2 -12437.53 259-2 -17741.84 259-2 -20380.08 259-1 -14100.94 259-1 -8244.5 259-1 -2918.64 259-1 1768.73 259-1 5745.7 259-1 9084.19 259-1 11892.1 259-1 14277.31 259-1 14343.31 259-2 11742.91 259-2 8719.82 259-2 5166.14 259-2 973.98 259-2 -3928.58 259-2 -9469.63 259-2 -15541.26 259-2 -22035.58 259-2 -18103.17 259-1 -12518.61 259-1 -7329.41 259-1 -2616.12 259-1 1540.7 259-1 5087.36 259-1 8077.55 259-1 10591.82 259-1 12710.74 259-1 12773.82 259-2 10475.54 259-2 7781.91 259-2 4612.37 259-2 886.36 259-2 -3449.82 259-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.007705 -0.16 -0.33 1.91 1.26 0.61 -0.04775 -0.7 -1.36 -2.01 -2.66 -3.32 1.05 0.87 0.7 0.52 0.35 0.18 0.002207 -0.17 -0.35 6.3 5.53 4.77 4 3.42 3.56 3.7 3.84 3.99 5.51 5.47 5.43 5.4 5.41 7.48 9.58 11.69 13.79 -3.76 -3.75 -3.73 -3.71 -3.89 -4.79

-8342.46 259-2 -13711.02 259-2 -19474.93 259-2 -18103.05 259-1 -12518.51 259-1 -7329.33 259-1 -2616.07 259-1 1540.73 259-1 5087.36 259-1 8077.53 259-1 10591.78 259-1 12710.68 259-1 12773.76 259-2 10475.49 259-2 7781.86 259-2 4612.32 259-2 886.31 259-2 -3449.86 259-2 -8342.5 259-2 -13711.06 259-2 -19474.97 259-2 5419.66 259-1 5606.39 259-1 5716.5 259-1 5750.06 259-1 5708.49 259-1 5601.22 259-1 5418.94 259-1 5160.13 259-1 5003.75 259-1 4928.74 259-2 5209.48 259-2 5437.19 259-2 5588.42 259-2 5664.35 259-2 5672.61 259-2 5607.41 259-2 5465.83 259-2 5247.68 259-2 -16714.39 259-1 -13731.47 259-1 -10825.21 259-1 -7995.67 259-1 -5244.27 259-1 -2580.42 259-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.68 5.15 259-1 -6.58 2514 259-1 -7.47 4767.16 259-1 -5.9 4844.53 259-2 -5.75 2451.57 259-2 -5.61 -41.63 259-2 -5.47 -2611.62 259-2 -5.37 -5259.58 259-2 -7.33 -7993.13 259-2 -9.33 -10806.49 259-2 -11.33 -13696.73 259-2 -13.33 -16663.67 259-2 8.01 -2239.95 259-1 6.14 -1096.21 259-1 4.26 -29.04 259-1 2.39 961.78 259-1 1.17 1880.99 259-1 2.32 2759.97 259-1 3.48 3567.76 259-1 4.63 4299.22 259-1 5.79 5007.83 259-1 14.47 4988.41 259-2 11.26 4312.14 259-2 8.04 3566.45 259-2 4.83 2744.64 259-2 1.76 1850.66 259-2 5.54 909.89 259-2 9.45 -96.93 259-2 13.36 -1179.55 259-2 17.27 -2338.59 259-2 -5.47 -9054.78 259-1 -4.35 -7028.88 259-1 -3.23 -5079.68 259-1 -2.11 -3207.4 259-1 -1.64 -1416.77 259-1 -3.54 260.82 259-1 -5.45 1856.33 259-1 -7.37 3374.91 259-1 -9.28 4763.07 259-1 -14.86 4784.86 259-2 -11.54 3348.91 259-2 -8.22 1829.1 259-2 -4.9 232.16 259-2 -1.73 -1445.89 259-2 -5.4 -3230.41 259-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.2 -13 -16.81 6.93 5.89 4.85 3.8 2.96 2.83 2.7 2.57 2.44 6.76 6.49 6.22 5.96 5.74 7.58 9.46 11.33 13.21 -3.14 -3.4 -3.65 -3.91 -4.36 -5.52 -6.69 -7.86 -9.02 -4.65 -4.73 -4.82 -4.91 -5.04 -7.23 -9.46 -11.68 -13.91 8.64 6.49 4.34 2.2 0.7 1.58

-5102.15 259-2 -7051.35 259-2 -9077.4 259-2 -7035.97 259-1 -2849.54 259-1 941.55 259-1 4256.82 259-1 7017.13 259-1 9178.19 259-1 10784.42 259-1 11914.83 259-1 12828.94 259-1 12815.84 259-2 11854.42 259-2 10521.25 259-2 8712.32 259-2 6348.26 259-2 3382.99 259-2 -135.57 259-2 -4129.79 259-2 -8519.31 259-2 -29170.02 259-1 -22187.4 259-1 -15600.16 259-1 -9488.91 259-1 -3935.64 259-1 996.55 259-1 5370.63 259-1 9268.7 259-1 12592.35 259-1 12731.63 259-2 9096.51 259-2 5042.43 259-2 512.28 259-2 -4575.67 259-2 -10282.75 259-2 -16549.47 259-2 -23292.35 259-2 -30430.66 259-2 -14695.58 259-1 -9552.14 259-1 -4803.98 259-1 -531.46 259-1 3189.62 259-1 6336.94 259-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.47 3.36 4.24 15.72 12.28 8.83 5.39 2.1 5.65 9.32 13 16.68 -4.85 -4 -3.15 -2.3 -2.1 -4.28 -6.46 -8.64 -10.83 -13.61 -10.52 -7.43 -4.34 -1.39 -5.29 -9.32 -13.36 -17.39 1.93 1.22 0.51 -0.2 -0.91 -1.62 -2.32 -3.03 -3.74 -1.45 -1.23 -1.01 -0.79 -0.57 -0.35

8933.24 259-1 11053.92 259-1 12833.03 259-1 12875.51 259-2 10957.08 259-2 8650.51 259-2 5868.54 259-2 2534.57 259-2 -1379.73 259-2 -5839.91 259-2 -10775.17 259-2 -16105.58 259-2 -21510.41 259-1 -15484.8 259-1 -9854.62 259-1 -4700.63 259-1 -108.13 259-1 3837.8 259-1 7221.81 259-1 10129.61 259-1 12588.27 259-1 12671.96 259-2 9993.85 259-2 6913.16 259-2 3356.06 259-2 -761.98 259-2 -5520.03 259-2 -10845.13 259-2 -16646.98 259-2 -22844.39 259-2 -18223.6 260-1 -13171.01 260-1 -8258.05 260-1 -3505.12 260-1 1067.37 260-1 5445.81 260-1 9643.81 260-1 13681.77 260-1 17580.11 260-1 16764.49 260-2 13023.86 260-2 9123.21 260-2 5021.7 260-2 678.51 260-2 -3933.58 260-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.13 0.09189 0.31 2.02 1.26 0.5 -0.25 -1.01 -1.77 -2.53 -3.28 -4.04 -1.72 -1.45 -1.17 -0.9 -0.62 -0.35 -0.07514 0.2 0.47 1.91 1.2 0.49 -0.22 -0.93 -1.64 -2.35 -3.06 -3.77 -1.57 -1.32 -1.07 -0.82 -0.58 -0.33 -0.07884 0.17 0.42 1.89 1.18 0.48 -0.22 -0.92 -1.63

-8787.34 260-2 -13841.96 260-2 -19056.61 260-2 -24041.63 260-1 -17358.32 260-1 -10831.13 260-1 -4514.02 260-1 1539.08 260-1 7292.2 260-1 12781.3 260-1 18060.33 260-1 23183.24 260-1 22046.51 260-2 17310.72 260-2 12364.86 260-2 7101.03 260-2 1411.36 260-2 -4776.1 260-2 -11389.41 260-2 -18320.69 260-2 -25462.03 260-2 -20883.66 260-1 -15082.54 260-1 -9423.87 260-1 -3947.93 260-1 1305 260-1 6308.06 260-1 11088.12 260-1 15685.44 260-1 20140.31 260-1 19167.62 260-2 15005.41 260-2 10660.46 260-2 6052.22 260-2 1100.14 260-2 -4249.48 260-2 -9942.95 260-2 -15899.7 260-2 -22039.18 260-2 -20883.61 260-1 -15082.5 260-1 -9423.84 260-1 -3947.91 260-1 1305.01 260-1 6308.06 260-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.33 -3.03 -3.74 -1.55 -1.3 -1.06 -0.82 -0.57 -0.33 -0.08676 0.16 0.4 9.44 6.42 3.41 0.92 2.11 4.58 7.06 9.54 12.02 6.65 5.3 3.96 2.62 1.32 0.88 1.81 3.47 5.15 -7.86 -5.38 -2.9 -0.95 -2.68 -5.69 -8.7 -11.72 -14.74 -8.35 -6.67 -4.99 -3.31 -1.67 -0.89

11088.11 260-1 15685.42 260-1 20140.28 260-1 19167.65 260-2 15005.44 260-2 10660.49 260-2 6052.26 260-2 1100.18 260-2 -4249.43 260-2 -9942.89 260-2 -15899.64 260-2 -22039.12 260-2 5540.93 260-1 5670.39 260-1 5723.23 260-1 5699.48 260-1 5607.86 260-1 5469.3 260-1 5254.39 260-1 4962.87 260-1 4616.09 260-1 4793.89 260-2 4872.21 260-2 5210.66 260-2 5472.6 260-2 5661.53 260-2 5792.36 260-2 5847.97 260-2 5827.03 260-2 5729.49 260-2 -16418.29 260-1 -13520.79 260-1 -10699.94 260-1 -7955.77 260-1 -5296.99 260-1 -2744.55 260-1 -269.02 260-1 2129.86 260-1 4430.73 260-1 4363.75 260-2 2323.79 260-2 -129.56 260-2 -2659.67 260-2 -5270.04 260-2 -7975.57 260-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.48 -10759.15 260-2 -2.8 -13619.45 260-2 -4.14 -16556.41 260-2 15.76 -1922.07 260-1 11.16 -882.68 260-1 6.57 80.11 260-1 2.16 966.42 260-1 2.14 1805.32 260-1 6.17 2666.56 260-1 10.22 3452.11 260-1 14.28 4161.1 260-1 18.34 4799.88 260-1 9.76 4785.01 260-2 7.53 4085.78 260-2 5.32 3411.04 260-2 3.11 2660.08 260-2 1 1844.57 260-2 1.69 1014.2 260-2 3.99 111.91 260-2 6.54 -866.72 260-2 9.1 -1921.9 260-2 -14.17 -8955.29 260-1 -10.11 -6967.73 260-1 -6.06 -5056.83 260-1 -2.19 -3222.72 260-1 -2.71 -1494.45 260-1 -7.27 58.2 260-1 -11.86 1533.27 260-1 -16.46 2931.63 260-1 -21.06 4246.94 260-1 -11.46 4372.63 260-2 -8.9 3110.22 260-2 -6.34 1670.05 260-2 -3.79 152.84 260-2 -1.35 -1453.08 260-2 -1.7 -3197.41 260-2 -3.66 -5023.09 260-2 -5.87 -6925.7 260-2 -8.09 -8905.02 260-2 10.52 -9903.98 260-1 7.08 -5486.89 260-1 3.63 -1212.24 260-1 0.71 2879.72 260-1 1.48 6757.44 260-1 3.51 10414.99 260-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.56 7.61 9.67 5.96 4.69 3.42 2.15 0.92 0.56 1.56 3.29 5.04 -6.77 -4.72 -2.68 -1.16 -3.32 -6.75 -10.2 -13.65 -17.1 -9.03 -7.28 -5.53 -3.78 -2.07 -1.22 -1.74 -2.99 -4.25 16.84 11.81 6.79 1.95 1.51 5.1 8.72 12.35 15.98 9.07 6.92 4.77 2.64 0.6 1.36

13849.81 260-1 17101.92 260-1 20232.95 260-1 19382.73 260-2 16279.66 260-2 13330.62 260-2 10118.41 260-2 6565.99 260-2 2634.55 260-2 -1639.31 260-2 -6176.37 260-2 -10896.14 260-2 -31863.2 260-1 -24678.07 260-1 -17635.41 260-1 -10775.52 260-1 -4147.41 260-1 2201.14 260-1 8326.4 260-1 14268.91 260-1 20047.58 260-1 18952.59 260-2 13731.24 260-2 7990.39 260-2 1986.14 260-2 -4365.58 260-2 -11133.38 260-2 -18246.43 260-2 -25622.86 260-2 -33182.04 260-2 -17366.98 260-1 -12039.95 260-1 -6855.35 260-1 -1853.33 260-1 2954.89 260-1 7612.24 260-1 12047.53 260-1 16300.14 260-1 20416.74 260-1 19373.85 260-2 15493.23 260-2 11531 260-2 7305.9 260-2 2749.02 260-2 -2143.61 260-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.74 6.35 8.98 -13.09 -9.46 -5.84 -2.4 -3.35 -8.34 -13.36 -18.39 -23.42 -12.14 -9.51 -6.88 -4.26 -1.75 -2.03 -3.92 -6.05 -8.2 0.72 0.5 0.28 0.06619 -0.15 -0.37 -0.59 -0.81 -1.03 -4.1 -3.17 -2.23 -1.29 -0.35 0.59 1.52 2.46 3.4 0.51 0.34 0.18 0.008438 -0.16 -0.33

-7375.37 260-2 -12870.12 260-2 -18547.53 260-2 -24400.2 260-1 -18125 260-1 -11992.29 260-1 -6042.47 260-1 -344.87 260-1 5003.88 260-1 10128.68 260-1 15070.68 260-1 19863.8 260-1 18961.47 260-2 14517.67 260-2 9790.01 260-2 4798.66 260-2 -548.62 260-2 -6355.22 260-2 -12510.37 260-2 -18929.1 260-2 -25530.65 260-2 -17133.44 261-1 -11912.35 261-1 -7099.36 261-1 -2735.29 261-1 1139.04 261-1 4496.41 261-1 7364.04 261-1 9782.75 261-1 11793.37 261-1 11746.26 261-2 9780.98 261-2 7407.6 261-2 4585.31 261-2 1273.27 261-2 -2555.72 261-2 -6874.46 261-2 -11642.11 261-2 -16817.86 261-2 -21303.66 261-1 -14915.04 261-1 -8949.11 261-1 -3513.76 261-1 1283.1 261-1 5369.56 261-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.49 -0.66 -0.83 -4.48 -3.46 -2.45 -1.43 -0.42 0.6 1.61 2.63 3.64 0.57 0.39 0.21 0.03199 -0.15 -0.33 -0.51 -0.69 -0.87 -4.18 -3.23 -2.28 -1.33 -0.38 0.57 1.52 2.47 3.42 0.55 0.38 0.2 0.02734 -0.15 -0.32 -0.5 -0.68 -0.85 -4.13 -3.19 -2.25 -1.31 -0.37 0.56

8817.54 261-1 11734.93 261-1 14229.63 261-1 14191.9 261-2 11806.58 261-2 8998.57 261-2 5659.98 261-2 1682.9 261-2 -3004.58 261-2 -8330.54 261-2 -14187.09 261-2 -20466.33 261-2 -18821.9 261-1 -13150.8 261-1 -7875.06 261-1 -3075.23 261-1 1168.13 261-1 4801.32 261-1 7878.05 261-1 10478.86 261-1 12684.32 261-1 12645.6 261-2 10523.05 261-2 8005.15 261-2 5011.33 261-2 1461.04 261-2 -2699.41 261-2 -7416.34 261-2 -12609.17 261-2 -18197.36 261-2 -18821.95 261-1 -13150.86 261-1 -7875.12 261-1 -3075.29 261-1 1168.07 261-1 4801.26 261-1 7877.99 261-1 10478.8 261-1 12684.26 261-1 12645.53 261-2 10523.01 261-2 8005.13 261-2 5011.33 261-2 1461.07 261-2 -2699.35 261-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.5 2.44 3.38 4.46 3.34 2.26 1.23 0.63 1.67 2.73 3.8 4.87 0.95 0.46 0.38 0.56 0.84 1.99 3.23 4.47 5.71 -4.08 -3.06 -2.07 -1.13 -0.62 -1.76 -2.91 -4.07 -5.24 -4.24 -3.02 -2.21 -1.65 -1.2 -1.62 -2.13 -2.64 -3.15 13.07 9.65 6.25 2.86 0.79 4.11

-7416.25 261-2 -12609.06 261-2 -18197.22 261-2 5427.34 261-1 5614.33 261-1 5724.73 261-1 5758.57 261-1 5716.33 261-1 5604.21 261-1 5421.16 261-1 5161.88 261-1 4931.02 261-1 4936.33 261-2 5153.82 261-2 5409.84 261-2 5589.28 261-2 5692.68 261-2 5727.59 261-2 5688.6 261-2 5573.08 261-2 5380.96 261-2 -16646.78 261-1 -13681.44 261-1 -10792.77 261-1 -7980.81 261-1 -5246.04 261-1 -2594.65 261-1 -25.59 261-1 2466.41 261-1 4776.74 261-1 4771.72 261-2 2462.66 261-2 -38.19 261-2 -2615.74 261-2 -5270.5 261-2 -8010.04 261-2 -10828.96 261-2 -13724.61 261-2 -16696.93 261-2 -2205.87 261-1 -1067.13 261-1 -4.92 261-1 980.95 261-1 1892 261-1 2748.93 261-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.44 10.78 14.11 5.56 4.06 2.69 1.4 0.45 2.39 4.61 6.84 9.08 -12.68 -9.36 -6.05 -2.76 -0.79 -4.2 -7.62 -11.05 -14.47 -8.85 -6.62 -4.51 -2.5 -0.81 -2.02 -3.51 -5.01 -6.52 4.82 3.57 2.37 1.21 0.48 1.39 2.32 3.26 4.21 -1.51 -1.43 -0.94 -0.2 0.65 2.37

3548.23 261-1 4272.27 261-1 4951.42 261-1 4953.43 261-2 4268.92 261-2 3542.37 261-2 2739.37 261-2 1861.68 261-2 934.52 261-2 -60.14 261-2 -1131.09 261-2 -2278.58 261-2 -9013.57 261-1 -6999.98 261-1 -5063.12 261-1 -3203.19 261-1 -1421.7 261-1 260.63 261-1 1847.33 261-1 3356.03 261-1 4756.34 261-1 4754.63 261-2 3347.57 261-2 1829.28 261-2 234.18 261-2 -1439.5 261-2 -3216.98 261-2 -5080.22 261-2 -7020.44 261-2 -9037.38 261-2 -7784.92 261-1 -3503 261-1 383.6 261-1 3794.37 261-1 6649.22 261-1 8900.66 261-1 10601.33 261-1 11826.51 261-1 12761.36 261-1 12727.81 261-2 11868.57 261-2 10729.14 261-2 9113.85 261-2 6942.68 261-2 4169.49 261-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.17 5.98 7.79 -3.72 -2.83 -1.97 -1.15 -0.78 -2.04 -3.32 -4.61 -5.9 -6.7 -4.91 -3.53 -2.41 -1.39 -1.25 -1.18 -1.13 -1.07 13.42 9.88 6.35 2.84 0.64 3.83 7.03 10.24 13.45 3.1 2.17 1.36 0.65 0.26 2.77 5.55 8.35 11.16 -12.33 -9.13 -5.95 -2.79 -0.94 -4.48

842.57 261-2 -2960.16 261-2 -7158.21 261-2 -29859.04 261-1 -22798.77 261-1 -16133.89 261-1 -9945.01 261-1 -4313.14 261-1 701.8 261-1 5154.58 261-1 9131.03 261-1 12607.09 261-1 12563.19 261-2 9177.4 261-2 5281.1 261-2 908.83 261-2 -4020.5 261-2 -9568.14 261-2 -15674.99 261-2 -22257.85 261-2 -29236.1 261-2 -15418.14 261-1 -10184.46 261-1 -5346.05 261-1 -983.25 261-1 2824.89 261-1 6045.38 261-1 8728.4 261-1 10936.89 261-1 12781.76 261-1 12744.9 261-2 10983.66 261-2 8861.67 261-2 6263.93 261-2 3111.68 261-2 -623.57 261-2 -4906.17 261-2 -9664.33 261-2 -14817.76 261-2 -22225.83 261-1 -16117.31 261-1 -10404.25 261-1 -5167.39 261-1 -488.81 261-1 3557.08 261-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.03 -11.58 -15.14 -11.31 -8.51 -5.84 -3.26 -1 -1.65 -2.57 -3.5 -4.44 1.11 0.81 0.52 0.23 -0.06715 -0.36 -0.65 -0.95 -1.24 -4.53 -3.46 -2.4 -1.33 -0.26 0.81 1.88 2.95 4.01 0.77 0.56 0.35 0.14 -0.07524 -0.29 -0.5 -0.71 -0.92 -4.68 -3.57 -2.47 -1.36 -0.25 0.86

7027.51 261-1 10020.65 261-1 12586.69 261-1 12546.1 261-2 10062.31 261-2 7148.57 261-2 3758.74 261-2 -189.5 261-2 -4775.08 261-2 -9926.25 261-2 -15553.68 261-2 -21576.56 261-2 -16740.28 262-1 -11575.82 262-1 -6819.46 262-1 -2512.02 262-1 1305.68 262-1 4606.42 262-1 7417.43 262-1 9779.51 262-1 11733.5 262-1 11734.35 262-2 9795.2 262-2 7447.96 262-2 4651.79 262-2 1365.89 262-2 -2436.97 262-2 -6729.57 262-2 -11471.09 262-2 -16620.71 262-2 -20510.71 262-1 -14213.08 262-1 -8338.16 262-1 -2993.81 262-1 1712.05 262-1 5707.51 262-1 9064.49 262-1 11890.88 262-1 14294.57 262-1 14294.74 262-2 11894.44 262-2 9071.46 262-2 5717.88 262-2 1725.83 262-2 -2976.63 262-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.96 3.07 4.18 0.85 0.62 0.39 0.16 -0.06733 -0.3 -0.53 -0.76 -0.99 -4.43 -3.38 -2.34 -1.29 -0.24 0.8 1.85 2.9 3.94 0.84 0.61 0.39 0.16 -0.06843 -0.3 -0.52 -0.75 -0.98 -4.39 -3.35 -2.32 -1.28 -0.24 0.8 1.83 2.87 3.91 4.09 3.32 2.57 1.82 2.36 3.21

-8317.57 262-2 -14189.1 262-2 -20483.32 262-2 -18200.16 262-1 -12604.12 262-1 -7403.43 262-1 -2678.66 262-1 1489.65 262-1 5047.78 262-1 8049.46 262-1 10575.22 262-1 12705.62 262-1 12706 262-2 10582.49 262-2 8063.63 262-2 5068.85 262-2 1517.61 262-2 -2643.8 262-2 -7361.68 262-2 -12555.47 262-2 -18144.62 262-2 -18200.02 262-1 -12604 262-1 -7403.33 262-1 -2678.58 262-1 1489.71 262-1 5047.82 262-1 8049.47 262-1 10575.21 262-1 12705.59 262-1 12705.97 262-2 10582.49 262-2 8063.64 262-2 5068.89 262-2 1517.67 262-2 -2643.72 262-2 -7361.58 262-2 -12555.35 262-2 -18144.47 262-2 5419.77 262-1 5600.29 262-1 5704.21 262-1 5731.57 262-1 5683.44 262-1 5567.65 262-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.07 4.93 5.79 2.62 2.37 2.13 1.9 2.08 3.44 4.8 6.16 7.53 -3.99 -3.24 -2.5 -1.76 -2.32 -3.18 -4.05 -4.92 -5.8 -5.34 -4.45 -3.56 -2.68 -2.22 -2.93 -3.65 -4.37 -5.09 8.95 6.3 3.66 1.03 2.68 5.34 8 10.66 13.33 8.89 6.62 4.36 2.1 1.23 4.26

5377.12 262-1 5110.09 262-1 4898.07 262-1 4878.32 262-2 5124.22 262-2 5385.8 262-2 5570.8 262-2 5679.82 262-2 5721.57 262-2 5688.37 262-2 5578.59 262-2 5392.19 262-2 -16690.16 262-1 -13723.61 262-1 -10833.71 262-1 -8020.53 262-1 -5285.12 262-1 -2635.32 262-1 -64.05 262-1 2430.46 262-1 4716.69 262-1 4735.8 262-2 2405.72 262-2 -93.31 262-2 -2669.02 262-2 -5322.02 262-2 -8061.02 262-2 -10878.33 262-2 -13772.34 262-2 -16742.99 262-2 -2242.7 262-1 -1105.62 262-1 -45.11 262-1 939.04 262-1 1850.33 262-1 2714.91 262-1 3509.18 262-1 4227.16 262-1 4908.09 262-1 4901.94 262-2 4228.34 262-2 3505.83 262-2 2706.82 262-2 1833.33 262-2 914.4 262-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.31 -75.53 262-2 10.36 -1141.92 262-2 13.41 -2284.9 262-2 -8.85 -9027.69 262-1 -6.22 -7017.69 262-1 -3.59 -5084.39 262-1 -0.97 -3228 262-1 -2.64 -1452.01 262-1 -5.31 217.42 262-1 -7.98 1803.89 262-1 -10.66 3313.38 262-1 -13.34 4706.67 262-1 -11.61 4712.18 262-2 -8.7 3301.6 262-2 -5.79 1786.66 262-2 -2.89 194.96 262-2 -1.37 -1475.53 262-2 -3.75 -3253.85 262-2 -6.15 -5114.43 262-2 -8.56 -7051.82 262-2 -10.97 -9065.89 262-2 4.87 -7144.99 262-1 3.89 -2941.99 262-1 2.91 865.67 262-1 1.95 4197.51 262-1 2.27 6974.01 262-1 2.9 9149.32 262-1 3.54 10770.07 262-1 4.18 11915.03 262-1 4.83 12796.27 262-1 -0.39 12777.22 262-2 0.07282 11941.74 262-2 0.54 10803.2 262-2 1.02 9188.82 262-2 1.91 7018.62 262-2 3.98 4247.61 262-2 6.05 921.82 262-2 8.12 -2879.82 262-2 10.2 -7076.81 262-2 -3.21 -29254.92 262-1 -2.67 -22265.89 262-1 -2.15 -15672.25 262-1 -1.63 -9554.6 262-1 -2.41 -3994.54 262-1 -3.49 946.36 262-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.58 -5.67 -6.77 -8.35 -6.75 -5.15 -3.56 -2.39 -2.39 -2.4 -2.41 -2.42 9.73 6.87 4.01 1.16 2.59 5.03 7.47 9.91 12.36 5.88 4.32 2.77 1.22 1.06 4.79 8.56 12.32 16.08 -8.07 -5.65 -3.24 -0.85 -2.73 -5.62 -8.51 -11.41 -14.3 -14.62 -11 -7.38 -3.77 -1.54 -3.21

5328.89 262-1 9235.39 262-1 12614.89 262-1 12634.7 262-2 9223.23 262-2 5324.1 262-2 948.99 262-2 -3983.23 262-2 -9534.97 262-2 -15644.88 262-2 -22230.75 262-2 -29211.99 262-2 -14807.46 262-1 -9647.91 262-1 -4883.65 262-1 -595.02 262-1 3140.9 262-1 6296.59 262-1 8902.12 262-1 11032.1 262-1 12806.29 262-1 12800.84 262-2 11045.86 262-2 8923.24 262-2 6324.83 262-2 3172.13 262-2 -559.56 262-2 -4842.08 262-2 -9600.34 262-2 -14753.91 262-2 -21592.45 262-1 -15559.97 262-1 -9922.93 262-1 -4762.07 262-1 -161.44 262-1 3799.09 262-1 7196.84 262-1 10118.32 262-1 12604.87 262-1 12611.07 262-2 10119.11 262-2 7204.06 262-2 3812.98 262-2 -136.73 262-2 -4727.8 262-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.9 -6.6 -8.3 1.08 0.84 0.6 0.37 0.13 -0.1 -0.34 -0.58 -0.81 -2.65 -2.1 -1.54 -0.98 -0.42 0.13 0.69 1.25 1.81 0.89 0.69 0.49 0.29 0.08701 -0.11 -0.32 -0.52 -0.72 -2.7 -2.13 -1.57 -1 -0.43 0.14 0.71 1.28 1.85 0.92 0.72 0.51 0.31 0.0997 -0.11

-9880.98 262-2 -15510.24 262-2 -21534.9 262-2 -15836.38 263-1 -10845.05 263-1 -6261.82 263-1 -2127.5 263-1 1517.07 263-1 4644.69 263-1 7282.56 263-1 9471.52 263-1 11252.38 263-1 11452.09 263-2 9239.78 263-2 6867.43 263-2 4294.23 263-2 1479.35 263-2 -1604.43 263-2 -4929.89 263-2 -8456.2 263-2 -12142.54 263-2 -20047.68 263-1 -13818.48 263-1 -8011.99 263-1 -2736.08 263-1 1901.36 263-1 5828.38 263-1 9116.93 263-1 11874.89 263-1 14210.16 263-1 14397.01 263-2 11810.15 263-2 9013.22 263-2 5898.33 263-2 2357.59 263-2 -1680.93 263-2 -6145.31 263-2 -10927.65 263-2 -15920.06 263-2 -17618.73 263-1 -12121.16 263-1 -7018.94 263-1 -2392.64 263-1 1677.19 263-1 5136.85 263-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.31 -0.52 -0.72 -2.57 -2.03 -1.49 -0.95 -0.41 0.13 0.67 1.21 1.75 0.91 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.09703 -0.11 -0.31 -0.51 -0.71 -2.55 -2.01 -1.48 -0.94 -0.4 0.13 0.67 1.2 1.74 3.26 2.95 2.67 3.15 3.83 4.52 5.21 5.91 6.6 4.21 3.66 3.14 2.63 2.14 3.21

8040.05 263-1 10467.34 263-1 12499.27 263-1 12680.27 263-2 10352.32 263-2 7841.62 263-2 5067.65 263-2 1949.83 263-2 -1565.54 263-2 -5424.74 263-2 -9547.23 263-2 -13852.46 263-2 -17619.87 263-1 -12122.27 263-1 -7020.03 263-1 -2393.71 263-1 1676.15 263-1 5135.85 263-1 8039.07 263-1 10466.39 263-1 12498.34 263-1 12679.32 263-2 10351.43 263-2 7840.8 263-2 5066.88 263-2 1949.12 263-2 -1566.18 263-2 -5425.33 263-2 -9547.76 263-2 -13852.92 263-2 4936.73 263-1 5255.95 263-1 5498.54 263-1 5664.54 263-1 5754.2 263-1 5775.98 263-1 5724.87 263-1 5597.33 263-1 5395.71 263-1 5499.47 263-2 5169.65 263-2 5401.86 263-2 5557.7 263-2 5637.07 263-2 5643.76 263-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.58 5.96 7.34 -2.74 -2.54 -2.36 -2.94 -3.73 -4.52 -5.32 -6.12 -6.91 -5.66 -4.81 -3.99 -3.19 -2.4 -3.16 -4.23 -5.31 -6.39 4.44 2.83 1.29 2.26 3.91 5.57 7.24 8.9 10.57 12.47 9.6 6.73 3.87 1.01 3.34 6.67 10 13.34 -3.92 -2.41 -0.98 -2.05 -3.81 -5.57

5579.7 263-2 5439.18 263-2 5222.05 263-2 -16743.39 263-1 -13763.01 263-1 -10859.27 263-1 -8032.2 263-1 -5282.06 263-1 -2617.32 263-1 -32.94 263-1 2474.6 263-1 4902.94 263-1 4811.05 263-2 3150.25 263-2 774.15 263-2 -1678.85 263-2 -4208.64 263-2 -6819.02 263-2 -9511.91 263-2 -12281.62 263-2 -15127.98 263-2 -2567.68 263-1 -1336.57 263-1 -182.06 263-1 895.92 263-1 1898.22 263-1 2853.05 263-1 3743.58 263-1 4557.76 263-1 5296.13 263-1 5329.57 263-2 4518.53 263-2 3822.48 263-2 3049.92 263-2 2201.06 263-2 1288.73 263-2 319.33 263-2 -726.12 263-2 -1848.13 263-2 -9238.97 263-1 -7170.49 263-1 -5178.67 263-1 -3263.58 263-1 -1426.09 263-1 305.62 263-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.34 1948.35 263-1 -9.11 3514.16 263-1 -10.88 5002.52 263-1 -13.93 4980.95 263-2 -10.75 3801.37 263-2 -7.59 2353.53 263-2 -4.42 828.93 263-2 -1.27 -772.64 263-2 -3.29 -2463.99 263-2 -6.32 -4251.55 263-2 -9.35 -6116.32 263-2 -12.39 -8057.79 263-2 3.9 -6780.33 263-1 3.44 -2613.3 263-1 3.02 1158.38 263-1 3.34 4454.18 263-1 3.88 7193.81 263-1 4.42 9332.04 263-1 4.96 10917.53 263-1 5.5 12027.32 263-1 6.05 12744.31 263-1 2.4 13023.1 263-2 2.23 11360.72 263-2 2.1 10154.27 263-2 1.98 8684.81 263-2 1.87 6871.65 263-2 3.32 4664.91 263-2 5.07 2120.21 263-2 6.83 -687.6 263-2 8.59 -3678.11 263-2 -2.1 -28460.45 263-1 -2.05 -21632.26 263-1 -2.02 -15199.44 263-1 -2.75 -9242.56 263-1 -3.69 -3842.44 263-1 -4.63 938.74 263-1 -5.57 5159.72 263-1 -6.52 8904.58 263-1 -7.47 12251.53 263-1 -7.47 12334.68 263-2 -6.24 9341.32 263-2 -5.04 5526.57 263-2 -3.85 1448.25 263-2 -2.67 -2974.05 263-2 -3.06 -7797.86 263-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.75 -4.44 -5.13 5.08 3.32 1.64 2.45 3.95 5.47 6.98 8.5 10.02 10.66 8.17 5.69 3.21 0.74 3.44 7.16 10.87 14.59 -3.28 -1.92 -0.64 -1.86 -3.76 -5.68 -7.59 -9.51 -11.43 -15.73 -12.18 -8.63 -5.08 -1.54 -3.18 -5.83 -8.48 -11.13 -0.18 -0.09628 -0.01317 0.06993 0.15 0.24

-12971.39 263-2 -18408.39 263-2 -24028.15 263-2 -14284.74 263-1 -9205.82 263-1 -4522.22 263-1 -314.44 263-1 3337.84 263-1 6409.11 263-1 8936.24 263-1 10987.75 263-1 12644.72 263-1 12853.2 263-2 10709.6 263-2 8574.89 263-2 6177.03 263-2 3435.65 263-2 309.89 263-2 -3140.15 263-2 -6852.9 263-2 -10748.3 263-2 -20956.03 263-1 -15039.74 263-1 -9518.83 263-1 -4473.94 263-1 13.53 263-1 3861.67 263-1 7141.01 263-1 9944.15 263-1 12351.12 263-1 12504.58 263-2 9992.44 263-2 7105.95 263-2 3956.03 263-2 461.95 263-2 -3442.84 263-2 -7711.03 263-2 -12243.09 263-2 -16957.96 263-2 -3149.71 264-1 -2160.66 264-1 -1331.64 264-1 -703.47 264-1 -316.99 264-1 -199.39 264-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.32 0.4 0.49 -0.14 -0.07048 -0.00004063 0.0704 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 -0.14 -0.06828 0.0014 0.07108 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 -0.14 -0.07402 -0.003436 0.06715 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 11.53 8.83 6.12 3.42 0.78 2.11 4.8 7.49 10.18 -11.33 -8.64 -5.95 -3.27 -0.65 -2

-323.48 264-1 -648.43 264-1 -1133.4 264-1 -4311.71 264-1 -2819.04 264-1 -1536.43 264-1 -571.79 264-1 -33.01 264-1 8 264-1 -376.85 264-1 -1079.66 264-1 -1992.54 264-1 -3696.94 264-1 -2448.91 264-1 -1383.6 264-1 -581.59 264-1 -123.41 264-1 -62.78 264-1 -345.99 264-1 -892.49 264-1 -1621.72 264-1 -3705.73 264-1 -2455.3 264-1 -1387.61 264-1 -583.21 264-1 -122.65 264-1 -59.63 264-1 -340.45 264-1 -884.56 264-1 -1611.4 264-1 15859.32 264-1 11710.14 264-1 7484.35 264-1 3181.98 264-1 782.85 264-1 5217.01 264-1 9576.96 264-1 13860.68 264-1 18067.83 264-1 -17735.6 264-1 -12992 264-1 -8325.05 264-1 -3734.79 264-1 -1201.02 264-1 -5653.82 264-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.71 -7.41 -10.12 12.2 9.19 6.18 3.17 0.4 2.96 5.95 8.94 11.93 -12 -9.01 -6.01 -3.02 -0.27 -2.85 -5.86 -8.87 -11.87 11.29 8.66 6.03 3.41 0.85 2.27 5.03 7.8 10.57 -11.58 -8.81 -6.04 -3.28 -0.58 -1.85 -4.48 -7.1 -9.73 11.95 9.02 6.09 3.16 0.47 3.11

-10185.68 264-1 -14794.57 264-1 -19480.16 264-1 4129.64 264-1 3087.06 264-1 1967.88 264-1 772.17 264-1 94.12 264-1 1415.57 264-1 2667.84 264-1 3844.78 264-1 4945.28 264-1 -6005.92 264-1 -4368.91 264-1 -2808.58 264-1 -1324.97 264-1 -512.3 264-1 -1852.39 264-1 -3276.56 264-1 -4778.68 264-1 -6357.61 264-1 13087.74 264-1 9892.86 264-1 6515.26 264-1 2874.44 264-1 869.64 264-1 5377.22 264-1 9543.38 264-1 13446.67 264-1 17167.28 264-1 -20507.18 264-1 -14809.28 264-1 -9294.14 264-1 -4042.33 264-1 -1114.23 264-1 -5493.61 264-1 -10219.25 264-1 -15208.58 264-1 -20380.71 264-1 1358.06 264-1 1269.77 264-1 998.79 264-1 464.63 264-1 180.91 264-1 1575.78 264-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.18 9.25 12.32 -12.25 -9.17 -6.1 -3.03 -0.2 -2.7 -5.63 -8.55 -11.48 0.67 0.47 0.27 0.06784 -0.13 -0.33 -0.53 -0.73 -0.93 0.86 0.6 0.34 0.08116 -0.18 -0.44 -0.7 -0.96 -1.22 0.76 0.53 0.3 0.07257 -0.16 -0.39 -0.62 -0.85 -1.08 0.75 0.53 0.3 0.07254 -0.15 -0.38

2634.27 264-1 3430.77 264-1 4044.73 264-1 -8777.5 264-1 -6186.2 264-1 -3777.67 264-1 -1632.52 264-1 -425.51 264-1 -1692.18 264-1 -3310.13 264-1 -5192.69 264-1 -7258.16 264-1 -2285.46 265-1 -990.61 265-1 -103.86 265-1 333.97 265-1 282.06 265-1 -286.81 265-1 -1345.42 265-1 -2852.95 265-1 -4768.57 265-1 -3009.56 265-1 -1395.98 265-1 -205.09 265-1 455.21 265-1 477.04 265-1 -211.54 265-1 -1538.61 265-1 -3396.25 265-1 -5676.6 265-1 -2627.54 265-1 -1200.09 265-1 -167.99 265-1 388.2 265-1 387.92 265-1 -222.52 265-1 -1389.44 265-1 -3032.26 265-1 -5070.45 265-1 -2617.33 265-1 -1192.24 265-1 -162.5 265-1 391.32 265-1 388.68 265-1 -224.13 265-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.61 -0.84 -1.06 6.89 5.26 3.63 2 0.44 0.99 2.24 3.64 5.03 -6.12 -4.73 -3.34 -1.94 -0.63 -1.41 -2.91 -4.54 -6.17 8.48 6.72 4.95 3.19 1.45 0.38 1.47 2.99 4.51 -7.71 -6.19 -4.66 -3.13 -1.63 -0.81 -2.13 -3.89 -5.66 7.26 5.52 3.78 2.04 0.38 0.82

-1393.41 265-1 -3038.6 265-1 -5079.15 265-1 18031.29 265-1 13832.96 265-1 9558.07 265-1 5206.79 265-1 781.06 265-1 3179.06 265-1 7477.3 265-1 11699.05 265-1 15844.2 265-1 -19463.41 265-1 -14781.84 265-1 -10176.96 265-1 -5648.97 265-1 -1199.79 265-1 -3727.61 265-1 -8308.94 265-1 -12967.04 265-1 -17701.81 265-1 4945.63 265-1 3845.49 265-1 2668.91 265-1 1416.51 265-1 94.1 265-1 775.6 265-1 1975.4 265-1 3098.92 265-1 4145.92 265-1 -6377.75 265-1 -4794.37 265-1 -3287.8 265-1 -1858.69 265-1 -512.83 265-1 -1324.15 265-1 -2807.04 265-1 -4366.91 265-1 -6003.53 265-1 16134.67 265-1 13118.73 265-1 9707.51 265-1 5820.62 265-1 1379.45 265-1 3228.47 265-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.97 3.26 4.54 -5.76 -4.47 -3.18 -1.9 -0.69 -1.58 -3.18 -4.92 -6.65 8.85 6.98 5.1 3.23 1.39 0.22 1.2 2.61 4.03 -7.35 -5.93 -4.51 -3.09 -1.69 -0.97 -2.4 -4.27 -6.14 0.64 0.56 0.49 0.41 0.34 0.26 0.19 0.11 0.03548 1.23 0.84 0.45 0.06087 -0.33 -0.72

6497.91 265-1 9291.57 265-1 11689.91 265-1 -21360.04 265-1 -15496.07 265-1 -10027.52 265-1 -5035.14 265-1 -601.4 265-1 -3678.19 265-1 -9288.34 265-1 -15374.52 265-1 -21856.11 265-1 3049.01 265-1 3131.26 265-1 2818.35 265-1 2030.34 265-1 692.49 265-1 825.01 265-1 996.01 265-1 691.44 265-1 -8.37 265-1 -8274.38 265-1 -5508.6 265-1 -3138.36 265-1 -1244.85 265-1 85.56 265-1 -1274.73 265-1 -3786.43 265-1 -6774.4 265-1 -10157.83 265-1 -15209.01 266-1 -10120.01 266-1 -5439.1 266-1 -1207.11 266-1 2535.14 266-1 5760.43 266-1 8495.98 266-1 10782.61 266-1 12661.15 266-1 12708.95 266-2 10536.12 266-2 7955.2 266-2 4925.35 266-2 1405.77 266-2 -2630.77 266-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.11 -1.5 -1.88 0.91 0.79 0.67 0.55 0.43 0.31 0.19 0.07026 -0.04995 1.4 0.95 0.49 0.03562 -0.42 -0.88 -1.33 -1.79 -2.24 0.77 0.67 0.58 0.48 0.38 0.29 0.19 0.0925 -0.004461 1.3 0.88 0.46 0.04423 -0.37 -0.79 -1.21 -1.63 -2.04 0.77 0.68 0.58 0.48 0.38 0.28

-7157.06 266-2 -12132.26 266-2 -17515.56 266-2 -18554.94 266-1 -12360.14 266-1 -6588.04 266-1 -1346.52 266-1 3256.52 266-1 7149.15 266-1 10403.3 266-1 13126.87 266-1 15427.74 266-1 15458.98 266-2 12789.16 266-2 9696.65 266-2 6073.55 266-2 1811.97 266-2 -3160.02 266-2 -8770.48 266-2 -14911.53 266-2 -21475.28 266-2 -16484.84 266-1 -10977.28 266-1 -5865.08 266-1 -1228.78 266-1 2851.04 266-1 6320.7 266-1 9233.89 266-1 11671.17 266-1 13713.09 266-1 13747.95 266-2 11380.93 266-2 8618.56 266-2 5380.27 266-2 1585.51 266-2 -2819.41 266-2 -7780.8 266-2 -13218.1 266-2 -19050.76 266-2 -16485.36 266-1 -10977.85 266-1 -5865.7 266-1 -1229.46 266-1 2850.31 266-1 6319.92 266-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.18 0.08143 -0.01758 1.28 0.86 0.45 0.04218 -0.37 -0.78 -1.19 -1.6 -2.01 7.1 5.69 4.28 2.88 2.63 3.4 4.19 5.02 5.91 2.56 2.37 2.18 2.01 1.88 2.3 2.77 3.25 3.72 -6.55 -5.17 -3.8 -2.43 -2.22 -3.02 -3.85 -4.71 -5.63 -1.3 -1.51 -1.75 -1.99 -2.27 -3.11

9233.06 266-1 11670.28 266-1 13712.15 266-1 13747.04 266-2 11380 266-2 8617.6 266-2 5379.28 266-2 1584.51 266-2 -2820.44 266-2 -7781.85 266-2 -13219.18 266-2 -19051.86 266-2 5200.65 266-1 5420.23 266-1 5563.34 266-1 5630.66 266-1 5626.28 266-1 5548.95 266-1 5395.57 266-1 5166.01 266-1 5493.89 266-1 5390.24 266-2 5590.61 266-2 5717.92 266-2 5769.15 266-2 5748.7 266-2 5659 266-2 5493.36 266-2 5251.2 266-2 4932.45 266-2 -15111.06 266-1 -12267.76 266-1 -9501.25 266-1 -6812.22 266-1 -4204.76 266-1 -1677.62 266-1 772.32 266-1 3145.16 266-1 4807.3 266-1 4895.26 266-2 2473 266-2 -29.47 266-2 -2609.12 266-2 -5270.36 266-2 -8015.62 266-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4 -10838.21 266-2 -4.89 -13737.54 266-2 -5.78 -16713.55 266-2 13.67 -1854.35 266-1 9.96 -731.89 266-1 6.26 314.45 266-1 2.56 1286.95 266-1 2.69 2199.23 266-1 6.18 3047.07 266-1 9.67 3819.99 266-1 13.18 4516.75 266-1 16.71 5327.23 266-1 5.16 5292.59 266-2 3.97 4554.56 266-2 2.79 3741.2 266-2 1.62 2852.44 266-2 0.59 1903.43 266-2 1.38 902.33 266-2 2.36 -173.11 266-2 3.33 -1324.85 266-2 4.31 -2553.11 266-2 -13.12 -8056.06 266-1 -9.45 -6115.63 266-1 -5.78 -4252.36 266-1 -2.12 -2468.51 266-1 -2.28 -777.7 266-1 -5.8 824.26 266-1 -9.33 2347.9 266-1 -12.87 3794.42 266-1 -16.43 4973.96 266-1 -3.89 4992.91 266-2 -3.12 3509.04 266-2 -2.35 1947.25 266-2 -1.6 307.58 266-2 -0.98 -1425.1 266-2 -2.19 -3258.95 266-2 -3.58 -5171.74 266-2 -4.97 -7161.49 266-2 -6.36 -9227.99 266-2 7.6 -6329.74 266-1 6.11 -2134.11 266-1 4.61 1666.32 266-1 3.13 4991.67 266-1 2.8 7765.5 266-1 3.49 9932.85 266-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.2 4.94 5.75 3.19 2.8 2.41 2.04 1.71 1.93 2.2 2.48 2.75 -6.05 -4.75 -3.46 -2.18 -2.05 -2.93 -3.84 -4.79 -5.79 -0.66 -1.08 -1.52 -1.96 -2.44 -3.48 -4.57 -5.66 -6.75 14.17 10.38 6.59 2.81 2.87 6.27 9.68 13.1 16.55 5.79 4.4 3.02 1.65 0.42 1.01

11544.3 266-1 12680.31 266-1 14055.02 266-1 13994.11 266-2 12938.37 266-2 11490.86 266-2 9567.97 266-2 7093.58 266-2 4016.4 266-2 383.45 266-2 -3725.3 266-2 -8229.37 266-2 -26641.45 266-1 -19822.11 266-1 -13398.28 266-1 -7451.21 266-1 -2065.53 266-1 2706.28 266-1 6921.06 266-1 10659.45 266-1 13368.43 266-1 13499.13 266-2 9820.77 266-2 5743.46 266-2 1189.7 266-2 -3925.48 266-2 -9658.22 266-2 -15948.12 266-2 -22714.04 266-2 -29875.36 266-2 -13384.74 266-1 -8286.24 266-1 -3582.57 266-1 647.96 266-1 4338.45 266-1 7430.97 266-1 9968.72 266-1 12031.05 266-1 13888.36 266-1 13896.46 266-2 11902.33 266-2 9514.13 266-2 6651.27 266-2 3248.31 266-2 -740.27 266-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.79 2.56 3.34 -12.62 -9.03 -5.44 -1.86 -2.11 -5.71 -9.33 -12.95 -16.6 -3.26 -2.69 -2.12 -1.57 -1.15 -2.56 -4.15 -5.74 -7.33 1.06 0.9 0.73 0.57 0.4 0.24 0.07311 -0.09201 -0.26 2 1.35 0.71 0.06297 -0.58 -1.23 -1.87 -2.52 -3.16 1.31 1.1 0.89 0.68 0.47 0.26

-5283.02 266-2 -10301.35 266-2 -15714.92 266-2 -19586.45 266-1 -13669.98 266-1 -8149.39 266-1 -3107.49 266-1 1361.52 266-1 5208.16 266-1 8496.64 266-1 11308.72 266-1 13535.09 266-1 13596.78 266-2 10856.81 266-2 7720.18 266-2 4106.41 266-2 -80.21 266-2 -4901.55 266-2 -10281.64 266-2 -16137.99 266-2 -22389.81 266-2 -17137.24 267-1 -11878.31 267-1 -7027.47 267-1 -2625.55 267-1 1286.63 267-1 4681.85 267-1 7587.34 267-1 10043.9 267-1 12092.37 267-1 12092.03 267-2 10043.48 267-2 7586.83 267-2 4681.26 267-2 1285.94 267-2 -2626.32 267-2 -7028.34 267-2 -11879.26 267-2 -17138.29 267-2 -20931.5 267-1 -14543.2 267-1 -8577.61 267-1 -3142.6 267-1 1653.94 267-1 5740.06 267-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.05348 -0.16 -0.37 2.22 1.5 0.77 0.04454 -0.68 -1.41 -2.13 -2.86 -3.58 1.16 0.98 0.79 0.61 0.43 0.25 0.06639 -0.12 -0.3 2.07 1.4 0.73 0.05363 -0.62 -1.29 -1.96 -2.63 -3.3 1.16 0.98 0.79 0.61 0.43 0.24 0.0583 -0.13 -0.31 2.04 1.37 0.71 0.04889 -0.61 -1.28

9187.71 267-1 12104.77 267-1 14599.14 267-1 14599.31 267-2 12114.17 267-2 9206.34 267-2 5767.92 267-2 1691.02 267-2 -3096.28 267-2 -8522.07 267-2 -14478.44 267-2 -20857.51 267-2 -18590.68 267-1 -12907.61 267-1 -7619.89 267-1 -2808.09 267-1 1447.24 267-1 5092.4 267-1 8181.1 267-1 10793.89 267-1 13011.32 267-1 13011.32 267-2 10799.62 267-2 8192.56 267-2 5109.6 267-2 1470.16 267-2 -2779.44 267-2 -7585.51 267-2 -12867.49 267-2 -18544.83 267-2 -18590.6 267-1 -12907.54 267-1 -7619.84 267-1 -2808.05 267-1 1447.27 267-1 5092.42 267-1 8181.1 267-1 10793.88 267-1 13011.3 267-1 13011.3 267-2 10799.62 267-2 8192.58 267-2 5109.63 267-2 1470.22 267-2 -2779.37 267-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.94 -2.6 -3.26 5.82 4.88 3.94 3.01 3.1 3.78 4.47 5.15 5.85 5.15 4.43 3.71 3.01 2.34 2.83 3.47 4.11 4.76 -5.22 -4.34 -3.46 -2.58 -2.73 -3.47 -4.21 -4.96 -5.71 -3.25 -3.12 -3 -2.89 -2.82 -3.9 -5.13 -6.37 -7.61 10.25 7.48 4.72 1.99 2.65 5.28

-7585.42 267-2 -12867.38 267-2 -18544.7 267-2 5366.49 267-1 5556.27 267-1 5669.48 267-1 5706.34 267-1 5669.06 267-1 5562.26 267-1 5380.4 267-1 5122.15 267-1 4880.77 267-1 4898.85 267-2 5111.33 267-2 5375.95 267-2 5564.35 267-2 5680.45 267-2 5727.22 267-2 5698.28 267-2 5592.84 267-2 5410.81 267-2 -16729.64 267-1 -13760.5 267-1 -10868.06 267-1 -8052.54 267-1 -5316.15 267-1 -2663.49 267-1 -89.05 267-1 2408.52 267-1 4735.95 267-1 4718.98 267-2 2433.91 267-2 -56.58 267-2 -2624.12 267-2 -5272.62 267-2 -8005.05 267-2 -10815.04 267-2 -13701.81 267-2 -16665.25 267-2 -2295.87 267-1 -1151.19 267-1 -82.9 267-1 909.69 267-1 1833.94 267-1 2705.23 267-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.93 10.58 13.23 10.56 8.09 5.63 3.17 0.86 2.37 4.39 6.41 8.44 -9.65 -6.94 -4.24 -1.56 -2.28 -4.97 -7.68 -10.38 -13.09 -8.66 -6.79 -4.92 -3.05 -1.33 -3.44 -6.05 -8.67 -11.29 6.68 5.59 4.49 3.4 3.34 3.86 4.39 4.93 5.46 6.22 5.14 4.06 2.99 1.97 2.09

3505.18 267-1 4229.17 267-1 4904.77 267-1 4911.07 267-2 4229.42 267-2 3510.02 267-2 2715.31 267-2 1858.36 267-2 949.11 267-2 -33.7 267-2 -1092.68 267-2 -2228.15 267-2 -9067.28 267-1 -7053.04 267-1 -5115.68 267-1 -3255.88 267-1 -1481.02 267-1 193.53 267-1 1786.18 267-1 3301.49 267-1 4711.95 267-1 4706.77 267-2 3315.82 267-2 1809.34 267-2 224.93 267-2 -1450.53 267-2 -3226.94 267-2 -5083.07 267-2 -7016.28 267-2 -9026.28 267-2 -7542.5 267-1 -3249.13 267-1 648.95 267-1 4071.41 267-1 6939.88 267-1 9205.3 267-1 10915.83 267-1 12150.69 267-1 13083.69 267-1 13101.23 267-2 12138.33 267-2 10908.86 267-2 9203.89 267-2 6946.78 267-2 4086.81 267-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.37 2.66 2.94 -4.36 -3.63 -2.91 -2.19 -2.49 -3.38 -4.28 -5.19 -6.09 -2.18 -2.41 -2.65 -2.9 -3.19 -4.63 -6.23 -7.83 -9.43 11.11 8.19 5.27 2.39 2.89 5.37 7.86 10.35 12.84 11.63 8.8 5.98 3.16 0.49 1.63 3.29 4.96 6.62 -8.79 -6.24 -3.69 -1.17 -2.04 -4.89

671.29 267-2 -3220 267-2 -7506.61 267-2 -29638.63 267-1 -22565.89 267-1 -15888.59 267-1 -9687.48 267-1 -4045.33 267-1 979.55 267-1 5446.38 267-1 9437.06 267-1 12938.88 267-1 12921.35 267-2 9460.91 267-2 5476.32 267-2 1015.41 267-2 -4006.29 267-2 -9645.47 267-2 -15842.03 267-2 -22514.65 267-2 -29582.67 267-2 -15204.86 267-1 -9956.59 267-1 -5103.43 267-1 -725.25 267-1 3104.76 267-1 6348.27 267-1 9040.61 267-1 11257.71 267-1 13107.7 267-1 13113.44 267-2 11256.42 267-2 9042.93 267-2 6354.84 267-2 3124.69 267-2 -691.31 267-2 -5060.69 267-2 -9905.53 267-2 -15145.57 267-2 -21976.27 267-1 -15858.44 267-1 -10136.21 267-1 -4890.82 267-1 -210.2 267-1 3836.58 267-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.75 -10.61 -13.47 -7.59 -6.08 -4.57 -3.07 -1.71 -4.17 -7.15 -10.13 -13.11 2.36 1.88 1.4 0.92 0.43 -0.04859 -0.53 -1.01 -1.49 1.75 1.1 0.45 -0.21 -0.86 -1.51 -2.16 -2.82 -3.47 2.66 2.11 1.56 1.01 0.47 -0.08023 -0.63 -1.17 -1.72 1.92 1.2 0.47 -0.25 -0.98 -1.7

7321.61 267-1 10330.04 267-1 12914.87 267-1 12909.14 267-2 10342.82 267-2 7342.25 267-2 3864.46 267-2 -184.2 267-2 -4867.36 267-2 -10110.06 267-2 -15829.13 267-2 -21943.7 267-2 -17160.65 268-1 -11884.34 268-1 -7016.11 268-1 -2596.8 268-1 1332.76 268-1 4745.37 268-1 7668.23 268-1 10142.18 268-1 12208.03 268-1 12200.6 268-2 10218.41 268-2 7828.12 268-2 4988.92 268-2 1659.97 268-2 -2185.93 268-2 -6521.58 268-2 -11306.14 268-2 -16498.8 268-2 -20885.6 268-1 -14492.1 268-1 -8521.31 268-1 -3081.1 268-1 1720.64 268-1 5811.96 268-1 9264.81 268-1 12187.07 268-1 14686.64 268-1 14673.9 268-2 12249.1 268-2 9401.61 268-2 6023.53 268-2 2006.97 268-2 -2719.99 268-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.42 -3.15 -3.87 2.43 1.93 1.43 0.93 0.43 -0.06545 -0.56 -1.06 -1.56 1.79 1.12 0.45 -0.22 -0.89 -1.56 -2.24 -2.91 -3.58 2.42 1.92 1.43 0.93 0.43 -0.06571 -0.56 -1.06 -1.56 1.77 1.1 0.44 -0.22 -0.89 -1.55 -2.21 -2.88 -3.54 4.55 4.18 3.83 3.6 3.81 4.13

-8085.44 268-2 -13981.47 268-2 -20300.19 268-2 -18569.5 268-1 -12877.59 268-1 -7581.03 268-1 -2760.39 268-1 1503.79 268-1 5157.8 268-1 8255.34 268-1 10876.97 268-1 13103.24 268-1 13092.91 268-2 10940.25 268-2 8392.24 268-2 5368.31 268-2 1787.92 268-2 -2402.63 268-2 -7149.66 268-2 -12372.6 268-2 -17990.89 268-2 -18569.43 268-1 -12877.54 268-1 -7581 268-1 -2760.37 268-1 1503.79 268-1 5157.78 268-1 8255.3 268-1 10876.92 268-1 13103.17 268-1 13092.82 268-2 10940.19 268-2 8392.2 268-2 5368.29 268-2 1787.92 268-2 -2402.62 268-2 -7149.63 268-2 -12372.54 268-2 -17990.82 268-2 5372.64 268-1 5562.59 268-1 5675.97 268-1 5712.97 268-1 5677.14 268-1 5576.73 268-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.46 4.8 5.13 5.83 4.82 3.81 2.81 1.9 2.52 3.3 4.09 4.88 -3.13 -3.06 -3 -3.06 -3.58 -4.19 -4.82 -5.45 -6.08 -4.4 -3.89 -3.39 -2.89 -2.48 -3.61 -4.89 -6.18 -7.47 5.09 3.82 2.59 1.76 2.44 3.45 4.5 5.56 6.62 13.19 10 6.82 3.65 0.8 3.02

5401.18 268-1 5149.15 268-1 4915.7 268-1 4930.27 268-2 5138.15 268-2 5394.83 268-2 5575.07 268-2 5682.59 268-2 5728.27 268-2 5698.82 268-2 5592.85 268-2 5410.29 268-2 -16671.84 268-1 -13705.29 268-1 -10815.44 268-1 -8002.46 268-1 -5269.93 268-1 -2626.1 268-1 -60.38 268-1 2428.56 268-1 4745.64 268-1 4724.35 268-2 2437.72 268-2 -50.97 268-2 -2616.5 268-2 -5262.57 268-2 -8000.07 268-2 -10815.69 268-2 -13708.08 268-2 -16677.13 268-2 -2237.53 268-1 -1102.82 268-1 -44.56 268-1 937.88 268-1 1856.4 268-1 2738.48 268-1 3548.88 268-1 4283.14 268-1 4969.46 268-1 4980.07 268-2 4283.64 268-2 3548.34 268-2 2737.05 268-2 1862.17 268-2 959.96 268-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.77 -13.88 268-2 8.53 -1063.95 268-2 11.29 -2190.53 268-2 -3.67 -9061.68 268-1 -2.7 -7039.88 268-1 -1.77 -5094.91 268-1 -1.23 -3227.38 268-1 -2.2 -1449.19 268-1 -3.51 212.16 268-1 -4.86 1791.92 268-1 -6.21 3294.56 268-1 -7.57 4691.88 268-1 -11.76 4674.54 268-2 -9.07 3292.23 268-2 -6.4 1795.51 268-2 -3.73 221.52 268-2 -1.38 -1442.15 268-2 -4.1 -3231.76 268-2 -7.35 -5103 268-2 -10.62 -7051.28 268-2 -13.88 -9076.31 268-2 6.26 -7547.17 268-1 5.54 -3243.57 268-1 4.84 664.72 268-1 4.26 4097.35 268-1 4.13 6977.32 268-1 4.1 9259.18 268-1 4.08 10986.07 268-1 4.07 12237.19 268-1 4.05 13188.17 268-1 6.87 13195.75 268-2 5.45 12290.37 268-2 4.03 11115.08 268-2 2.62 9464.07 268-2 1.31 7260.5 268-2 1.52 4461.56 268-2 1.89 1107.65 268-2 2.27 -2722.05 268-2 2.65 -6947.07 268-2 -1.42 -29591.64 268-1 -1.7 -22511.46 268-1 -1.99 -15826.69 268-1 -2.4 -9618.08 268-1 -3.26 -3969.75 268-1 -4.23 1056.35 268-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.21 -6.18 -7.17 -3.36 -3.26 -3.16 -3.07 -3.08 -4.61 -6.3 -8 -9.7 6.79 5.18 3.6 2.43 2.75 3.42 4.12 4.83 5.54 14.23 10.63 7.05 3.47 0.2 2.02 4.36 6.71 9.06 -1.96 -1.34 -0.76 -0.57 -1.89 -3.55 -5.24 -6.95 -8.66 -10.71 -8.44 -6.17 -3.92 -1.97 -5.1

5524.5 268-1 9516.59 268-1 13018.11 268-1 12989.82 268-2 9589.95 268-2 5669.28 268-2 1272.5 268-2 -3684.66 268-2 -9266.78 268-2 -15406.86 268-2 -22022.98 268-2 -29034.5 268-2 -15157.33 268-1 -9908.99 268-1 -5055.81 268-1 -677.74 268-1 3156.58 268-1 6420.93 268-1 9133.77 268-1 11371.18 268-1 13241.93 268-1 13245.55 268-2 11435.87 268-2 9268.59 268-2 6626.05 268-2 3440.08 268-2 -306.75 268-2 -4605.05 268-2 -9378.85 268-2 -14547.89 268-2 -21981.48 268-1 -15846.05 268-1 -10106.16 268-1 -4843 268-1 -149.01 268-1 3894.61 268-1 7376.81 268-1 10382.6 268-1 12964.35 268-1 12940.02 268-2 10444.45 268-2 7515.76 268-2 4110.51 268-2 135.76 268-2 -4498.47 268-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.76 -12.44 -16.11 0.95 0.68 0.4 0.13 -0.14 -0.41 -0.68 -0.95 -1.22 -0.51 -0.52 -0.53 -0.54 -0.56 -0.57 -0.58 -0.59 -0.6 0.92 0.65 0.38 0.1 -0.17 -0.44 -0.72 -0.99 -1.26 -0.71 -0.69 -0.66 -0.64 -0.61 -0.59 -0.56 -0.54 -0.52 0.87 0.61 0.36 0.1 -0.15 -0.41

-9694.17 268-2 -15366.18 268-2 -21433.68 268-2 -12501.3 269-1 -9024.78 269-1 -5708.28 269-1 -2592.64 269-1 281.32 269-1 2886.39 269-1 5249.78 269-1 7412.31 269-1 9414.81 269-1 9412.03 269-2 7403.17 269-2 5234.28 269-2 2864.54 269-2 253.12 269-2 -2627.2 269-2 -5749.2 269-2 -9072.05 269-2 -12554.94 269-2 -16785.18 269-1 -11959.93 269-1 -7344.74 269-1 -3047.52 269-1 823.84 269-1 4197.43 269-1 7145.16 269-1 9774.93 269-1 12194.63 269-1 12189.34 269-2 9766.9 269-2 7134.39 269-2 4183.91 269-2 807.58 269-2 -3066.53 269-2 -7366.49 269-2 -11984.42 269-2 -16812.42 269-2 -14509.22 269-1 -10375.94 269-1 -6425.39 269-1 -2738.12 269-1 605.3 269-1 3551.18 269-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.66 -0.92 -1.17 -0.6 -0.59 -0.58 -0.57 -0.57 -0.56 -0.55 -0.54 -0.53 0.88 0.62 0.36 0.11 -0.15 -0.41 -0.67 -0.92 -1.18 -0.61 -0.6 -0.58 -0.57 -0.56 -0.55 -0.54 -0.53 -0.52 10.59 8.39 6.2 4 1.95 0.83 2.37 4.55 6.73 2.4 1.65 1.65 1.69 1.74 2.03

6153.22 269-1 8491.97 269-1 10647.99 269-1 10643.79 269-2 8484.01 269-2 6141.5 269-2 3535.7 269-2 586.06 269-2 -2761.13 269-2 -6452.15 269-2 -10406.47 269-2 -14543.51 269-2 -14509.04 269-1 -10375.8 269-1 -6425.29 269-1 -2738.06 269-1 605.32 269-1 3551.16 269-1 6153.16 269-1 8491.88 269-1 10647.86 269-1 10643.66 269-2 8483.92 269-2 6141.45 269-2 3535.69 269-2 586.09 269-2 -2761.05 269-2 -6452.04 269-2 -10406.31 269-2 -14543.31 269-2 5431.81 269-1 5605.73 269-1 5703.06 269-1 5723.9 269-1 5672.65 269-1 5564.8 269-1 5381.78 269-1 5122.23 269-1 4908.36 269-1 4895.54 269-2 5133.53 269-2 5390.23 269-2 5570.43 269-2 5677.76 269-2 5730.07 269-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.01 3.98 4.96 -10.69 -8.51 -6.33 -4.16 -2.13 -1.03 -2.59 -4.79 -6.98 -2.87 -2.08 -2.06 -2.07 -2.08 -2.34 -3.28 -4.23 -5.18 9.59 7.26 4.94 2.62 0.78 2.04 4.15 6.45 8.75 7.26 5.63 4.22 2.83 1.44 0.9 2.6 4.32 6.04 -9.68 -7.38 -5.08 -2.78 -0.95 -2.23

5707.54 269-2 5608.48 269-2 5432.82 269-2 -16673.7 269-1 -13707.78 269-1 -10818.54 269-1 -8006.08 269-1 -5274.79 269-1 -2640.18 269-1 -83.66 269-1 2396.13 269-1 4676.97 269-1 4691.96 269-2 2388.46 269-2 -87.02 269-2 -2639.27 269-2 -5271.91 269-2 -8002.8 269-2 -10812.12 269-2 -13698.17 269-2 -16660.89 269-2 -2149.48 269-1 -1038.32 269-1 -3.67 269-1 954.86 269-1 1851.86 269-1 2739.05 269-1 3554.45 269-1 4293.56 269-1 4992.81 269-1 4988.46 269-2 4295.27 269-2 3554.15 269-2 2736.84 269-2 1855.44 269-2 969.44 269-2 12.8 269-2 -1020.12 269-2 -2129.59 269-2 -9092.41 269-1 -7063.73 269-1 -5111.81 269-1 -3237.04 269-1 -1454 269-1 185.57 269-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.36 1743.67 269-1 -6.69 3224.81 269-1 -9.01 4592.53 269-1 -7.72 4599.04 269-2 -6.06 3226.72 269-2 -4.63 1749.06 269-2 -3.2 194.32 269-2 -1.78 -1449.59 269-2 -1.21 -3242.17 269-2 -2.88 -5117.38 269-2 -4.57 -7069.57 269-2 -6.26 -9098.48 269-2 11.52 -3456.21 269-1 9.08 -718.98 269-1 6.63 1835.56 269-1 4.19 4126.96 269-1 1.89 6079.05 269-1 0.52 7653.65 269-1 1.82 8885.86 269-1 3.74 9854.88 269-1 5.67 10763.49 269-1 2.03 10745.38 269-2 1.27 9856.41 269-2 1.27 8880.05 269-2 1.31 7640.54 269-2 1.35 6060.94 269-2 1.64 4105.42 269-2 2.61 1807.85 269-2 3.58 -752.91 269-2 4.55 -3496.36 269-2 -9.75 -25561.71 269-1 -7.83 -20032.49 269-1 -5.9 -14686.04 269-1 -3.97 -9603.02 269-1 -2.19 -4868.38 269-1 -1.34 -551.33 269-1 -3.15 3420.42 269-1 -5.59 7128.79 269-1 -8.04 10532.1 269-1 -3.24 10541.81 269-2 -2.46 7111.34 269-2 -2.44 3402.8 269-2 -2.45 -569.16 269-2 -2.47 -4888.73 269-2 -2.74 -9627.45 269-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.68 -4.63 -5.58 10.52 7.95 5.38 2.81 0.71 1.73 3.59 5.64 7.7 6.88 5.25 3.84 2.45 1.05 0.5 2.21 3.92 5.64 -8.75 -6.7 -4.64 -2.59 -1.01 -2.54 -4.92 -7.49 -10.07 -8.1 -6.44 -5.01 -3.59 -2.17 -1.6 -3.28 -4.97 -6.66 -2.56 -2.07 -1.58 -1.08 -0.59 -0.1

-14711.81 269-2 -20059.56 269-2 -25590.07 269-2 -11037.5 269-1 -7363.03 269-1 -3871.17 269-1 -642.08 269-1 2258.27 269-1 4827.89 269-1 7058.53 269-1 9026.21 269-1 10847.93 269-1 10838.3 269-2 9018.15 269-2 7043.97 269-2 4806.95 269-2 2238.62 269-2 -655.21 269-2 -3886.89 269-2 -7381.51 269-2 -11058.77 269-2 -17980.42 269-1 -13388.44 269-1 -8979.31 269-1 -4833.98 269-1 -1047.6 269-1 2274.42 269-1 5247.75 269-1 7957.46 269-1 10447.65 269-1 10448.89 269-2 7949.6 269-2 5238.88 269-2 2264.43 269-2 -1066.41 269-2 -4866.82 269-2 -9017.07 269-2 -13430.96 269-2 -18027.66 269-2 -16474.42 270-1 -11282.03 270-1 -6497.73 270-1 -2162.35 270-1 1683.28 270-1 5011.96 270-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.39 0.88 1.37 -1.45 -1.09 -0.72 -0.36 0.003871 0.37 0.73 1.1 1.46 -3.02 -2.43 -1.85 -1.27 -0.68 -0.1 0.48 1.06 1.65 -1.75 -1.3 -0.86 -0.42 0.01886 0.46 0.9 1.34 1.78 -2.75 -2.22 -1.69 -1.16 -0.62 -0.09294 0.44 0.97 1.5 -1.56 -1.17 -0.77 -0.38 0.01511 0.41

7850.9 270-1 10240.92 270-1 12222.84 270-1 12224.73 270-2 10149.6 270-2 7666.36 270-2 4734.21 270-2 1312.32 270-2 -2626.53 270-2 -7055.12 270-2 -11932.63 270-2 -17218.24 270-2 -20312.57 270-1 -13988.73 270-1 -8087.58 270-1 -2717.02 270-1 2015.06 270-1 6036.74 270-1 9419.93 270-1 12272.54 270-1 14702.46 270-1 14707.6 270-2 12201.92 270-2 9273.54 270-2 5814.58 270-2 1717.14 270-2 -3090.7 270-2 -8537.03 270-2 -14513.94 270-2 -20913.54 270-2 -17990.77 270-1 -12369.37 270-1 -7143.32 270-1 -2393.19 270-1 1800.48 270-1 5383.98 270-1 8411.02 270-1 10962.14 270-1 13117.9 270-1 13121.71 270-2 10888.63 270-2 8260.19 270-2 5155.84 270-2 1495.02 270-2 -2775.96 270-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.8 1.2 1.59 -2.71 -2.19 -1.67 -1.14 -0.62 -0.0958 0.43 0.95 1.48 -1.56 -1.17 -0.77 -0.38 0.01333 0.41 0.8 1.19 1.59 3.01 2.36 1.72 1.09 0.51 1.34 2.48 3.62 4.78 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.33 2.38 2.71 3.42 4.19 -5.51 -4.35 -3.2 -2.06 -0.97 -1.3

-7603.41 270-2 -12906.78 270-2 -18605.5 270-2 -17990.72 270-1 -12369.33 270-1 -7143.3 270-1 -2393.18 270-1 1800.47 270-1 5383.95 270-1 8410.97 270-1 10962.07 270-1 13117.82 270-1 13121.64 270-2 10888.58 270-2 8260.16 270-2 5155.83 270-2 1495.03 270-2 -2775.93 270-2 -7603.37 270-2 -12906.71 270-2 -18605.41 270-2 5388.6 270-1 5574.97 270-1 5684.76 270-1 5718.14 270-1 5678.68 270-1 5575.99 270-1 5398.3 270-1 5144.13 270-1 4924.5 270-1 4920.61 270-2 5143.8 270-2 5398.37 270-2 5576.49 270-2 5681.53 270-2 5723.51 270-2 5690.4 270-2 5580.78 270-2 5394.57 270-2 -16680.25 270-1 -13711.55 270-1 -10819.53 270-1 -8004.38 270-1 -5269.64 270-1 -2624.94 270-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.93 -58.51 270-1 -2.56 2431.13 270-1 -3.21 4732.97 270-1 -3.29 4737.88 270-2 -3.02 2434.36 270-2 -2.75 -53.8 270-2 -2.48 -2618.79 270-2 -2.23 -5263.96 270-2 -2.01 -7999.34 270-2 -2.07 -10812.89 270-2 -2.51 -13703.2 270-2 -3.01 -16670.19 270-2 11.04 -2221.03 270-1 8.37 -1090.1 270-1 5.7 -35.62 270-1 3.05 942.99 270-1 0.54 1857.58 270-1 2.73 2740.23 270-1 5.89 3551.68 270-1 9.06 4286.99 270-1 12.24 4979.15 270-1 7.13 4969.88 270-2 6.03 4279.81 270-2 4.94 3545.65 270-2 3.86 2735.51 270-2 2.81 1860.57 270-2 1.88 954.23 270-2 1.88 -23.62 270-2 3.14 -1077.66 270-2 4.61 -2208.22 270-2 -13.54 -9070.62 270-1 -10.36 -7046.48 270-1 -7.18 -5099.16 270-1 -4.02 -3229.22 270-1 -1 -1448.53 270-1 -2.69 210.82 270-1 -5.34 1788.11 270-1 -8 3288.27 270-1 -10.67 4678.32 270-1 -8.1 4688.61 270-2 -6.73 3298.35 270-2 -5.37 1798.91 270-2 -4.02 222.19 270-2 -2.7 -1443 270-2 -1.5 -3230.06 270-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.23 -2.23 -3.42 1.56 1.18 0.8 0.44 0.12 1.23 2.62 4.04 5.46 1.25 1.5 1.76 2.02 2.29 2.6 3.19 4.16 5.18 -6.96 -5.53 -4.12 -2.71 -1.36 -1.42 -1.78 -2.15 -2.53 -4.37 -3.83 -3.3 -2.78 -2.27 -1.79 -1.59 -1.78 -2.02 9.59 7.19 4.79 2.39 0.15 2.61

-5098.88 270-2 -7044.76 270-2 -9067.4 270-2 -6956.27 270-1 -2726.05 270-1 1108.86 270-1 4468.08 270-1 7274.62 270-1 9484.41 270-1 11139.36 270-1 12318.54 270-1 13213.54 270-1 13212.97 270-2 12243.28 270-2 10986.23 270-2 9253.46 270-2 6967.78 270-2 4085.5 270-2 648.3 270-2 -3264.69 270-2 -7573 270-2 -29025.11 270-1 -22012.57 270-1 -15395.43 270-1 -9254.44 270-1 -3673.7 270-1 1283.47 270-1 5682.54 270-1 9605.55 270-1 13022.02 270-1 13030.24 270-2 9533.83 270-2 5534.06 270-2 1058.18 270-2 -3977.71 270-2 -9637.35 270-2 -15854.99 270-2 -22548.67 270-2 -29637.75 270-2 -14565.9 270-1 -9391.12 270-1 -4611.52 270-1 -307.08 270-1 3453.52 270-1 6648.64 270-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.04 9.47 12.92 6.06 5.22 4.39 3.56 2.77 2.09 2.36 3.87 5.6 -14.99 -11.54 -8.1 -4.67 -1.39 -2.81 -5.19 -7.59 -9.99 -9.17 -7.55 -5.93 -4.32 -2.74 -1.28 -0.76 -1.49 -2.43 -2.8 -2.19 -1.59 -0.98 -0.38 0.23 0.83 1.43 2.04 -0.77 -0.57 -0.37 -0.17 0.0331 0.23

9292.73 270-1 11461.4 270-1 13268.19 270-1 13262.24 270-2 11379.29 270-2 9133.52 270-2 6412.48 270-2 3146.82 270-2 -683.78 270-2 -5065.72 270-2 -9923.13 270-2 -15175.78 270-2 -21415.48 270-1 -15347.5 270-1 -9675.06 270-1 -4479.28 270-1 147.41 270-1 4119.23 270-1 7529.16 270-1 10462.68 270-1 12967.37 270-1 12980.97 270-2 10397.82 270-2 7386.77 270-2 3899.17 270-2 -156.75 270-2 -4868.06 270-2 -10140.98 270-2 -15890.23 270-2 -22034.96 270-2 -17146.44 271-1 -11881.85 271-1 -7025.36 271-1 -2617.78 271-1 1300.05 271-1 4700.93 271-1 7612.06 271-1 10074.28 271-1 12128.4 271-1 12126.93 271-2 10090 271-2 7644.97 271-2 4751.03 271-2 1367.34 271-2 -2533.3 271-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.43 0.63 0.83 -3.22 -2.52 -1.82 -1.12 -0.42 0.28 0.98 1.69 2.39 -0.89 -0.66 -0.43 -0.2 0.02571 0.26 0.49 0.72 0.95 -2.96 -2.32 -1.67 -1.03 -0.39 0.26 0.9 1.54 2.19 -0.79 -0.59 -0.38 -0.18 0.0295 0.23 0.44 0.65 0.85 -2.92 -2.29 -1.65 -1.02 -0.38 0.25

-6923.69 271-2 -11762.99 271-2 -17010.39 271-2 -20883.68 271-1 -14498.16 271-1 -8535.32 271-1 -3103.08 271-1 1690.69 271-1 5774.05 271-1 9218.93 271-1 12133.22 271-1 14624.82 271-1 14622.1 271-2 12139.11 271-2 9233.43 271-2 5797.17 271-2 1722.42 271-2 -3062.73 271-2 -8486.37 271-2 -14440.59 271-2 -20817.5 271-2 -18563.8 271-1 -12880.64 271-1 -7592.83 271-1 -2780.93 271-1 1474.5 271-1 5119.75 271-1 8208.55 271-1 10821.43 271-1 13038.95 271-1 13036.79 271-2 10830.18 271-2 8228.21 271-2 5150.33 271-2 1515.98 271-2 -2728.54 271-2 -7529.52 271-2 -12806.41 271-2 -18478.66 271-2 -18563.68 271-1 -12880.53 271-1 -7592.74 271-1 -2780.87 271-1 1474.54 271-1 5119.79 271-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.88 1.52 2.15 -0.8 -0.6 -0.39 -0.18 0.02711 0.23 0.44 0.65 0.86 3.15 2.85 2.54 2.24 1.94 2.19 3.05 3.91 4.78 5.02 4.64 4.29 3.94 3.59 3.26 3.89 5.08 6.29 -5.86 -4.95 -4.04 -3.14 -2.24 -1.88 -2.13 -2.4 -2.66 -5.03 -4.63 -4.24 -3.86 -3.49 -3.13

8208.56 271-1 10821.42 271-1 13038.93 271-1 13036.76 271-2 10830.16 271-2 8228.21 271-2 5150.34 271-2 1516.01 271-2 -2728.49 271-2 -7529.46 271-2 -12806.34 271-2 -18478.58 271-2 5389.63 271-1 5574.85 271-1 5683.51 271-1 5715.79 271-1 5673.67 271-1 5562.23 271-1 5375.96 271-1 5113.29 271-1 4899.71 271-1 4884.38 271-2 5124.35 271-2 5383.73 271-2 5566.81 271-2 5677.29 271-2 5718.69 271-2 5684.36 271-2 5573.52 271-2 5386.09 271-2 -16670.95 271-1 -13706.67 271-1 -10819.09 271-1 -8008.4 271-1 -5276.58 271-1 -2628.7 271-1 -59.26 271-1 2433.31 271-1 4723.53 271-1 4737.65 271-2 2415.1 271-2 -80.13 271-2 -2652.34 271-2 -5305.19 271-2 -8042.25 271-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.73 -10856.83 271-2 -4.9 -13748.18 271-2 -6.07 -16716.19 271-2 7.95 -2258.5 271-1 6.32 -1118.71 271-1 4.69 -55.34 271-1 3.05 932.25 271-1 1.43 1850.66 271-1 1.6 2716.79 271-1 3.81 3512.29 271-1 6.03 4231.88 271-1 8.26 4912.75 271-1 14.14 4907.62 271-2 11.68 4230.97 271-2 9.24 3506.72 271-2 6.79 2706.9 271-2 4.35 1843.83 271-2 1.96 929.36 271-2 2.75 -58.77 271-2 5.45 -1123.12 271-2 8.16 -2263.97 271-2 -10.66 -9022.83 271-1 -8.42 -7013.11 271-1 -6.19 -5080.25 271-1 -3.95 -3224.86 271-1 -1.72 -1453.57 271-1 -1.28 216.74 271-1 -2.9 1804.41 271-1 -4.52 3314.72 271-1 -6.14 4710.49 271-1 -14.15 4714.41 271-2 -11.67 3308.47 271-2 -9.19 1796.88 271-2 -6.72 207.58 271-2 -4.25 -1471.74 271-2 -1.83 -3252.91 271-2 -2.59 -5113.7 271-2 -5.26 -7051.54 271-2 -7.95 -9066.14 271-2 1.61 -7533.33 271-1 1.63 -3239.72 271-1 1.65 658.6 271-1 1.68 4081.26 271-1 1.71 6949.69 271-1 2.28 9215.27 271-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.47 4.66 5.86 4.21 4.04 3.87 3.72 3.57 3.43 4.25 5.64 7.04 -7.41 -6.17 -4.94 -3.7 -2.47 -1.78 -1.71 -1.65 -1.58 -5.83 -5.24 -4.66 -4.08 -3.51 -2.96 -3.36 -4.34 -5.32 6.41 5.1 3.79 2.49 1.19 1.69 4.23 6.78 9.34 13.33 11.08 8.82 6.57 4.33 2.13

10926.18 271-1 12161.41 271-1 13127.01 271-1 13110.12 271-2 12184.78 271-2 10960.14 271-2 9259.93 271-2 7007.26 271-2 4152 271-2 741.16 271-2 -3145.46 271-2 -7427.4 271-2 -29593.91 271-1 -22521.25 271-1 -15844.01 271-1 -9642.93 271-1 -4000.56 271-1 1024.33 271-1 5490.96 271-1 9481.43 271-1 12950.83 271-1 12963.38 271-2 9475.53 271-2 5496.28 271-2 1040.77 271-2 -3975.21 271-2 -9608.94 271-2 -15800.03 271-2 -22467.16 271-2 -29529.68 271-2 -15181.46 271-1 -9933.29 271-1 -5080.25 271-1 -702.28 271-1 3126.68 271-1 6369.82 271-1 9062.5 271-1 11280.01 271-1 13140.05 271-1 13133.35 271-2 11291.41 271-2 9083.13 271-2 6400.01 271-2 3173.81 271-2 -637.34 271-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.11 6 8.92 -12.21 -9.64 -7.08 -4.51 -1.96 -1.19 -2.48 -3.77 -5.06 -14.95 -12.28 -9.6 -6.94 -4.28 -1.66 -2.22 -4.7 -7.2 -2.34 -1.75 -1.17 -0.58 0.001767 0.59 1.17 1.75 2.34 -0.63 -0.53 -0.42 -0.32 -0.21 -0.11 -0.0001927 0.11 0.21 -2.61 -1.94 -1.28 -0.62 0.04667 0.71

-5001.97 271-2 -9842.1 271-2 -15077.45 271-2 -21945.79 271-1 -15827.68 271-1 -10105.16 271-1 -4859.39 271-1 -177.55 271-1 3869.78 271-1 7354.63 271-1 10362.84 271-1 12937.79 271-1 12940.14 271-2 10368.91 271-2 7373.29 271-2 3900.69 271-2 -141.76 271-2 -4819.61 271-2 -10056.9 271-2 -15770.52 271-2 -21879.62 271-2 -16412.06 272-1 -11303.41 272-1 -6602.85 272-1 -2351.21 272-1 1410.69 272-1 4655.64 272-1 7410.84 272-1 9717.12 272-1 11615.31 272-1 11791.98 272-2 9501.97 272-2 7051.93 272-2 4401.03 272-2 1508.45 272-2 -1653.02 272-2 -5056.18 272-2 -8660.18 272-2 -12424.22 272-2 -20669.91 272-1 -14322.19 272-1 -8397.16 272-1 -3002.72 272-1 1753.25 272-1 5798.81 272-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.37 2.04 2.7 -0.75 -0.63 -0.51 -0.39 -0.26 -0.14 -0.0187 0.1 0.23 -2.42 -1.81 -1.2 -0.58 0.02849 0.64 1.25 1.86 2.48 -0.66 -0.55 -0.44 -0.34 -0.23 -0.12 -0.01581 0.09129 0.2 -2.39 -1.78 -1.18 -0.57 0.02955 0.63 1.24 1.84 2.45 -0.67 -0.56 -0.45 -0.34 -0.23 -0.12

9205.88 272-1 12082.38 272-1 14536.17 272-1 14694.8 272-2 12048.6 272-2 9192.34 272-2 6018.11 272-2 2418.03 272-2 -1679.84 272-2 -6203.56 272-2 -11045.23 272-2 -16096.98 272-2 -18192.67 272-1 -12583.31 272-1 -7369.31 272-1 -2631.22 272-1 1550.4 272-1 5121.85 272-1 8136.84 272-1 10675.91 272-1 12819.63 272-1 12975.57 272-2 10585.58 272-2 8012.85 272-2 5176.83 272-2 1996.97 272-2 -1580.43 272-2 -5501.67 272-2 -9686.2 272-2 -14053.46 272-2 -18193.81 272-1 -12584.42 272-1 -7370.39 272-1 -2632.26 272-1 1549.39 272-1 5120.87 272-1 8135.89 272-1 10675 272-1 12818.75 272-1 12974.68 272-2 10584.73 272-2 8012.04 272-2 5176.06 272-2 1996.25 272-2 -1581.11 272-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.01234 0.09764 0.21 5.17 4.89 4.6 4.32 4.05 3.78 3.52 3.3 3.14 5.98 5.46 6.09 6.78 7.5 8.22 8.94 10.2 12.44 -7.21 -6.41 -5.61 -4.81 -4.02 -3.24 -2.46 -1.72 -1.05 -5.78 -5.31 -5.99 -6.74 -7.51 -8.29 -9.07 -10.38 -12.67 5.87 5.37 4.88 4.39 3.92 3.46

-5502.31 272-2 -9686.8 272-2 -14054.02 272-2 4963.22 272-1 5275.56 272-1 5511.32 272-1 5670.61 272-1 5754.73 272-1 5770.51 272-1 5712.45 272-1 5578.14 272-1 5370.11 272-1 5462.56 272-2 5153.36 272-2 5372.97 272-2 5516.4 272-2 5584.52 272-2 5583.29 272-2 5508.44 272-2 5357.26 272-2 5129.53 272-2 -16683.58 272-1 -13710.92 272-1 -10814.95 272-1 -7995.78 272-1 -5254.7 272-1 -2598.57 272-1 -21.84 272-1 2477.86 272-1 4898.02 272-1 4802.47 272-2 3123.19 272-2 761.82 272-2 -1676.62 272-2 -4193.02 272-2 -6793.35 272-2 -9473.31 272-2 -12230.22 272-2 -15063.83 272-2 -2530.81 272-1 -1307.09 272-1 -159.84 272-1 911.32 272-1 1910.7 272-1 2861.06 272-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.05 2.75 2.67 17.15 14.68 12.55 10.44 8.33 6.23 4.13 3.81 6.76 -7.91 -6.89 -5.88 -4.88 -3.89 -2.92 -2 -1.17 -0.58 -16.95 -14.53 -12.45 -10.4 -8.35 -6.3 -4.26 -3.99 -6.99 3.82 3.88 3.94 4 4.06 4.14 4.22 4.34 4.53 5.2 4.82 5.58 6.42 7.27 8.13

3743.96 272-1 4551.08 272-1 5282.62 272-1 5309.65 272-2 4502.5 272-2 3800.5 272-2 3022.52 272-2 2172.18 272-2 1269.44 272-2 300.06 272-2 -744.96 272-2 -1866.37 272-2 -9189.54 272-1 -7128.27 272-1 -5143.79 272-1 -3236.49 272-1 -1410.68 272-1 310.88 272-1 1946.65 272-1 3504.92 272-1 4985.51 272-1 4955.38 272-2 3774.05 272-2 2334.29 272-2 817.26 272-2 -780.68 272-2 -2479.49 272-2 -4264.93 272-2 -6127.99 272-2 -8067.93 272-2 -7370.93 272-1 -3091.68 272-1 792.26 272-1 4200.45 272-1 7053.65 272-1 9304.97 272-1 11002.61 272-1 12224.73 272-1 13054.4 272-1 13304.32 272-2 11599.42 272-2 10317.25 272-2 8772.22 272-2 6884.69 272-2 4606.9 272-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

8.99 10.39 12.77 -8.56 -7.42 -6.28 -5.14 -4 -2.88 -1.76 -0.68 0.33 -6.56 -5.96 -6.49 -7.11 -7.74 -8.38 -9.01 -10.19 -12.34 4.52 4.36 4.21 4.07 3.93 3.82 3.76 3.79 4.06 16.37 14.04 12.04 10.07 8.11 6.14 4.18 4 7.09 -9.26 -7.9 -6.55 -5.21 -3.87 -2.56

1988.27 272-2 -893.33 272-2 -3957.6 272-2 -29017.73 272-1 -22078.16 272-1 -15534.01 272-1 -9465.93 272-1 -3955.78 272-1 935.89 272-1 5268.32 272-1 9124.44 272-1 12582.3 272-1 12644.23 272-2 9569.26 272-2 5706.09 272-2 1579.21 272-2 -2892.85 272-2 -7769.74 272-2 -12993.48 272-2 -18480.81 272-2 -24150.95 272-2 -14864.96 272-1 -9674.33 272-1 -4878.9 272-1 -558.83 272-1 3209.62 272-1 6395.52 272-1 9034.12 272-1 11197.66 272-1 12966.91 272-1 13151.41 272-2 10948.56 272-2 8744.78 272-2 6278.34 272-2 3472.35 272-2 293.04 272-2 -3220.11 272-2 -6995.56 272-2 -10953.5 272-2 -21523.69 272-1 -15495.51 272-1 -9862.85 272-1 -4706.64 272-1 -111.76 272-1 3845.34 272-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.3 7236.81 272-1 -0.13 10151.51 272-1 0.8 12669.8 272-1 -17.73 12797.14 272-2 -15.17 10220.11 272-2 -12.95 7278.56 272-2 -10.76 4073.09 272-2 -8.57 519.49 272-2 -6.39 -3455.88 272-2 -4.21 -7785.1 272-2 -3.8 -12378.59 272-2 -6.67 -17155.05 272-2 -2.1 -1750.54 273-1 -1.71 -1114.79 273-1 -1.31 -618.65 273-1 -0.92 -282.55 273-1 -0.52 -126.9 273-1 -0.13 -165.29 273-1 0.27 -384.13 273-1 0.66 -763 273-1 1.06 -1281.49 273-1 -2.32 -2153.05 273-1 -1.88 -1338.99 273-1 -1.45 -681.05 273-1 -1.01 -233.18 273-1 -0.57 -49.33 273-1 -0.14 -165.45 273-1 0.3 -545.6 273-1 0.74 -1135.81 273-1 1.17 -1882.15 273-1 -2.15 -1898.2 273-1 -1.74 -1187.82 273-1 -1.34 -619.88 273-1 -0.94 -234.69 273-1 -0.53 -72.49 273-1 -0.13 -160.17 273-1 0.27 -470.85 273-1 0.68 -964.26 273-1 1.08 -1600.13 273-1 -2.13 -1906.85 273-1 -1.73 -1194.12 273-1 -1.33 -623.83 273-1 -0.93 -236.29 273-1 -0.53 -71.75 273-1 -0.13 -157.07 273-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.27 0.67 1.07 2.94 2.25 1.83 1.52 1.23 1.76 2.96 4.15 5.35 -4.44 -3.47 -2.77 -2.17 -1.61 -1.85 -2.77 -3.69 -4.61 10.3 7.96 5.69 3.47 1.25 1.72 4.41 7.1 9.79 -11.8 -9.17 -6.63 -4.12 -1.62 -1.82 -4.23 -6.64 -9.05 1.57 1.14 0.98 0.92 0.89 1.68

-465.4 273-1 -956.46 273-1 -1589.98 273-1 15662.74 273-1 11560.92 273-1 7382.51 273-1 3127.65 273-1 794.82 273-1 5191.49 273-1 9512.4 273-1 13756.79 273-1 17924.57 273-1 -17563.93 273-1 -12859.72 273-1 -8232.2 273-1 -3681.48 273-1 -1206.07 273-1 -5613.43 273-1 -10098.28 273-1 -14659.88 273-1 -19298.14 273-1 4066.7 273-1 3038.53 273-1 1933.85 273-1 753.05 273-1 99.29 273-1 1420.67 273-1 2667.68 273-1 3838.36 273-1 4932.5 273-1 -5967.89 273-1 -4337.33 273-1 -2783.54 273-1 -1306.89 273-1 -510.54 273-1 -1842.6 273-1 -3253.56 273-1 -4741.45 273-1 -6306.08 273-1 14702.55 273-1 11013.34 273-1 7181.72 273-1 3167.55 273-1 929.04 273-1 5246.8 273-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.14 4.59 6.05 -5.81 -4.58 -3.62 -2.77 -1.94 -1.93 -2.59 -3.25 -3.91 8.93 6.84 4.84 2.87 0.91 1.64 4.59 7.54 10.49 -13.17 -10.29 -7.49 -4.72 -1.96 -1.9 -4.05 -6.2 -8.35 -0.58 -0.41 -0.24 -0.07259 0.09612 0.26 0.43 0.6 0.77 -0.76 -0.55 -0.35 -0.14 0.06225 0.27

9342.42 273-1 13255.42 273-1 17025.99 273-1 -18524.12 273-1 -13407.3 273-1 -8432.98 273-1 -3641.58 273-1 -1071.85 273-1 -5558.12 273-1 -10268.26 273-1 -15161.25 273-1 -20196.72 273-1 3106.51 273-1 2490.95 273-1 1733.06 273-1 792.96 273-1 233.51 273-1 1475.98 273-1 2497.7 273-1 3336.99 273-1 4033.93 273-1 -6928.08 273-1 -4884.91 273-1 -2984.32 273-1 -1266.98 273-1 -376.32 273-1 -1787.29 273-1 -3423.54 273-1 -5242.82 273-1 -7204.66 273-1 -687.82 274-1 -313.03 274-1 -77.85 274-1 -2.71 274-1 -108 274-1 -407.35 274-1 -887.15 274-1 -1526.97 274-1 -2306.41 274-1 -1193.34 274-1 -606.38 274-1 -175.54 274-1 45.23 274-1 1.98 274-1 -341.25 274-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.47 0.68 0.88 -0.67 -0.48 -0.3 -0.11 0.07696 0.26 0.45 0.64 0.82 -0.66 -0.48 -0.3 -0.11 0.07085 0.25 0.44 0.62 0.8 8.46 6.51 4.56 2.61 0.78 2.63 4.62 6.62 8.62 -9.03 -6.9 -4.78 -2.65 -0.65 -2.33 -4.14 -5.96 -7.79 5.03 4.27 3.51 2.76 2.06 2.47

-948.5 274-1 -1765.81 274-1 -2739.25 274-1 -974.39 274-1 -485.33 274-1 -138.72 274-1 25.16 274-1 -33.97 274-1 -342.96 274-1 -874.96 274-1 -1589.7 274-1 -2446.89 274-1 -968.01 274-1 -480.44 274-1 -135.32 274-1 27.07 274-1 -33.55 274-1 -344.03 274-1 -877.53 274-1 -1593.75 274-1 -2452.43 274-1 18308.76 274-1 14067.53 274-1 9749.77 274-1 5355.85 274-1 890.47 274-1 3459.56 274-1 7827.05 274-1 12118.16 274-1 16332.71 274-1 -19530.7 274-1 -14779.73 274-1 -10105.51 274-1 -5508.39 274-1 -993.07 274-1 -3665.49 274-1 -8289.57 274-1 -12990.55 274-1 -17768.24 274-1 5174.97 274-1 4052.53 274-1 2853.82 274-1 1580 274-1 246.19 274-1 1003.14 274-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.94 3.43 3.96 -5.6 -4.66 -3.73 -2.81 -1.93 -2.16 -2.45 -2.77 -3.13 8.09 6.23 4.37 2.52 0.78 2.73 4.81 6.9 9 -9.4 -7.18 -4.96 -2.74 -0.65 -2.23 -3.95 -5.67 -7.41 4.65 3.99 3.33 2.67 2.06 2.57 3.13 3.71 4.34 -5.97 -4.94 -3.92 -2.9 -1.93 -2.07

2251.21 274-1 3423.42 274-1 4519.24 274-1 -6396.91 274-1 -4764.74 274-1 -3209.56 274-1 -1732.53 274-1 -348.79 274-1 -1209.07 274-1 -2713.74 274-1 -4295.82 274-1 -5954.76 274-1 17954.62 274-1 13945.41 274-1 9793.87 274-1 5460.06 274-1 908.41 274-1 3218 274-1 7179.62 274-1 10958.76 274-1 14595.52 274-1 -19884.84 274-1 -14901.84 274-1 -10061.41 274-1 -5404.18 274-1 -975.14 274-1 -3907.04 274-1 -8937 274-1 -14149.95 274-1 -19505.43 274-1 4820.83 274-1 3930.42 274-1 2897.92 274-1 1684.2 274-1 264.12 274-1 761.58 274-1 1603.78 274-1 2264.02 274-1 2782.04 274-1 -6751.05 274-1 -4886.85 274-1 -3165.46 274-1 -1628.32 274-1 -330.85 274-1 -1450.63 274-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.26 -2.49 -2.75 1.53 1.1 0.68 0.25 -0.17 -0.59 -1.02 -1.44 -1.87 -2.2 -1.69 -1.19 -0.69 -0.19 0.32 0.82 1.32 1.82 1.67 1.21 0.75 0.3 -0.16 -0.62 -1.08 -1.53 -1.99 -2.35 -1.82 -1.29 -0.76 -0.23 0.3 0.83 1.37 1.9 1.58 1.15 0.71 0.27 -0.16 -0.6

-3361.17 274-1 -5455.22 274-1 -7691.95 274-1 -11866.42 275-1 -7773.76 275-1 -4068.78 275-1 -771.9 275-1 2096.47 275-1 4522.73 275-1 6520.49 275-1 8110.15 275-1 9312.13 275-1 9388.25 275-2 7925.85 275-2 6075.77 275-2 3817.59 275-2 1130.91 275-2 -1997.89 275-2 -5555.19 275-2 -9520.59 275-2 -13873.67 275-2 -13270.53 275-1 -8747.6 275-1 -4593.41 275-1 -861.92 275-1 2392.93 275-1 5135.18 275-1 7400.78 275-1 9243.69 275-1 10717.85 275-1 10776.21 275-2 9007.64 275-2 6870.32 275-2 4310.3 275-2 1273.65 275-2 -2275.61 275-2 -6301.51 275-2 -10750.11 275-2 -15567.45 275-2 -12107.33 275-1 -7965.02 275-1 -4177.8 275-1 -785.93 275-1 2170.3 275-1 4664.05 275-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.04 6722.16 275-1 -1.47 8384.92 275-1 -1.91 9692.59 275-1 -2.25 9753.59 275-2 -1.74 8178.09 275-2 -1.22 6247.5 275-2 -0.71 3921.56 275-2 -0.2 1159.98 275-2 0.31 -2064.08 275-2 0.83 -5723.78 275-2 1.34 -9778.84 275-2 1.85 -14188.97 275-2 1.54 -12108.15 275-1 1.12 -7965.82 275-1 0.69 -4178.57 275-1 0.27 -786.68 275-1 -0.16 2169.57 275-1 -0.58 4663.34 275-1 -1 6721.48 275-1 -1.43 8384.25 275-1 -1.85 9691.95 275-1 -2.19 9752.9 275-2 -1.69 8177.47 275-2 -1.19 6246.97 275-2 -0.7 3921.1 275-2 -0.2 1159.6 275-2 0.29 -2064.39 275-2 0.79 -5724.01 275-2 1.29 -9778.98 275-2 1.78 -14189.04 275-2 7.69 6885.89 275-1 5.79 6670.57 275-1 3.9 6378.79 275-1 2.4 6011.31 275-1 1.73 5589.75 275-1 1.33 5122.54 275-1 2.43 4580.29 275-1 3.78 3961.88 275-1 5.14 4000.45 275-1 3.05 3843.24 275-2 2.01 4455.97 275-2 0.98 4994.72 275-2 0.0226 5457.42 275-2 1.15 5856.69 275-2 2.86 6227.13 275-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.6 6.33 8.07 -5.87 -4.5 -3.14 -2.17 -2.03 -2.16 -3.78 -5.66 -7.55 -5.86 -4.13 -2.4 -0.75 -1.19 -2.21 -3.25 -4.3 -5.34 7.96 5.35 2.76 1.45 2.87 4.42 6.42 8.5 10.58 2.78 1.84 0.92 0.15 1.11 2.7 4.32 5.96 7.59 -6.14 -4.06 -2 -1.22 -3.17 -5.24

6524.21 275-2 6744.91 275-2 6889.05 275-2 -14060.99 275-1 -11535.52 275-1 -9086.86 275-1 -6715.78 275-1 -4443.87 275-1 -2279.58 275-1 -193.52 275-1 1815.43 275-1 3014.15 275-1 3164.78 275-2 1134.6 275-2 -974.86 275-2 -3161.54 275-2 -5438.06 275-2 -7839.02 275-2 -10319.88 275-2 -12877.62 275-2 -15512.08 275-2 -135.51 275-1 522.92 275-1 1105.27 275-1 1614.11 275-1 2121.44 275-1 2655.37 275-1 3117.85 275-1 3504.49 275-1 4034.8 275-1 3986.73 275-2 3575.72 275-2 3089.19 275-2 2527.58 275-2 1933.27 275-2 1421.62 275-2 844.19 275-2 190.98 275-2 -538.62 275-2 -7039.59 275-1 -5387.87 275-1 -3813.35 275-1 -2318.58 275-1 -975.56 275-1 187.59 275-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.77 1268.92 275-1 -10.38 2272.82 275-1 -12.99 2979.79 275-1 -5.59 3021.29 275-2 -3.95 2014.85 275-2 -2.34 930.67 275-2 -0.88 -231.71 275-2 -1.14 -1514.64 275-2 -2.04 -3033.51 275-2 -2.98 -4639.86 275-2 -3.92 -6323.69 275-2 -4.87 -8084.41 275-2 8.3 -1635.08 275-1 6.25 1136.86 275-1 4.21 3553.9 275-1 2.55 5576.52 275-1 1.73 7186.05 275-1 1.17 8364.08 275-1 2.12 9108.07 275-1 3.31 9457.18 275-1 4.52 10184.81 275-1 2.3 10091.82 275-2 1.4 9837.88 275-2 0.51 9231.51 275-2 -0.3 8230.37 275-2 0.96 6806.8 275-2 2.82 4968.56 275-2 4.7 2697.93 275-2 6.58 32.21 275-2 8.46 -2988.51 275-2 -5.26 -22581.96 275-1 -4.05 -17069.23 275-1 -2.84 -11911.75 275-1 -2.02 -7150.57 275-1 -2.04 -2847.57 275-1 -2.32 961.96 275-1 -4.1 4334.26 275-1 -6.13 7310.73 275-1 -8.17 9198.51 275-1 -6.62 9413.36 275-2 -4.74 6516.51 275-2 -2.87 3261.94 275-2 -1.08 -388.58 275-2 -1.37 -4487.95 275-2 -2.25 -9097.6 275-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.15 -4.05 -4.95 8.57 5.81 3.06 1.6 2.87 4.26 6.11 8.03 9.96 2.02 1.23 0.45 -0.18 0.92 2.66 4.42 6.2 7.98 -5.53 -3.6 -1.69 -1.07 -3.17 -5.4 -8.09 -10.85 -13.62 -6.34 -4.57 -2.81 -1.21 -1.33 -2.08 -2.88 -3.68 -4.48 3.19 2.53 1.88 1.22 0.57 -0.08664

-14146.15 275-2 -19590.31 275-2 -25389.64 275-2 -8656.47 275-1 -5010.79 275-1 -1719.62 275-1 1179.32 275-1 3717.74 275-1 5896.91 275-1 7645.63 275-1 8999.79 275-1 10219.16 275-1 10235.31 275-2 8957.63 275-2 7325.98 275-2 5300.54 275-2 2883.38 275-2 163.05 275-2 -2982.08 275-2 -6521.71 275-2 -10416.18 275-2 -15560.56 275-1 -10921.57 275-1 -6638.23 275-1 -2753.37 275-1 620.74 275-1 3429.13 275-1 5796.7 275-1 7768.11 275-1 9164.15 275-1 9269.87 275-2 7396.76 275-2 5167.46 275-2 2541.25 275-2 -564.53 275-2 -4292.09 275-2 -8466.13 275-2 -13036.39 275-2 -17961.97 275-2 -13401.11 276-1 -9177.08 276-1 -5340.73 276-1 -1912.48 276-1 1087.27 276-1 3644.91 276-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.74 -1.4 -2.05 -2.08 -1.78 -1.48 -1.18 -0.89 -0.59 -0.29 0.009239 0.31 3.53 2.81 2.09 1.37 0.65 -0.07654 -0.8 -1.52 -2.24 -2.27 -1.96 -1.65 -1.34 -1.03 -0.71 -0.4 -0.09112 0.22 3.33 2.64 1.96 1.27 0.59 -0.09209 -0.78 -1.46 -2.14 -2.17 -1.86 -1.55 -1.24 -0.93 -0.63

5774.03 276-1 7495.07 276-1 8828.42 276-1 8827.15 276-2 7510.46 276-2 5806.09 276-2 3693.63 276-2 1152.66 276-2 -1830.42 276-2 -5242.01 276-2 -9061.7 276-2 -13269.06 276-2 -15019.15 276-1 -10361.39 276-1 -6072.37 276-1 -2206.05 276-1 1183.63 276-1 4060.7 276-1 6461.14 276-1 8438.88 276-1 10047.87 276-1 10046.79 276-2 8466.76 276-2 6517.98 276-2 4146.5 276-2 1298.38 276-2 -2062.34 276-2 -5899.7 276-2 -10159.76 276-2 -14788.56 276-2 -13694.62 276-1 -9425.76 276-1 -5511.99 276-1 -1993.57 276-1 1089.21 276-1 3709.51 276-1 5894.17 276-1 7683.47 276-1 9117.7 276-1 9116.61 276-2 7705.84 276-2 5939.99 276-2 3778.79 276-2 1181.95 276-2 -1877.38 276-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.32 -0.009574 0.3 3.25 2.58 1.92 1.25 0.59 -0.07808 -0.74 -1.41 -2.07 -2.1 -1.81 -1.51 -1.22 -0.93 -0.63 -0.34 -0.04751 0.25 9.11 6.92 4.77 3 1.97 1.67 2.9 4.22 5.55 4 2.55 1.11 -0.02411 1.17 3.14 5.17 7.2 9.24 -5.23 -3.91 -2.61 -1.7 -1.54 -2.1

-5372.34 276-2 -9262.66 276-2 -13508.06 276-2 -13694.49 276-1 -9425.66 276-1 -5511.91 276-1 -1993.52 276-1 1089.24 276-1 3709.52 276-1 5894.15 276-1 7683.43 276-1 9117.64 276-1 9116.55 276-2 7705.81 276-2 5939.98 276-2 3778.8 276-2 1181.98 276-2 -1877.32 276-2 -5372.26 276-2 -9262.55 276-2 -13507.93 276-2 7345.8 276-1 7074.82 276-1 6727.32 276-1 6303.6 276-1 5811.65 276-1 5290.84 276-1 4699.1 276-1 4031.1 276-1 3440.56 276-1 3459.14 276-2 4023.74 276-2 4702.48 276-2 5304.85 276-2 5832.21 276-2 6313.04 276-2 6741.18 276-2 7093.8 276-2 7369.99 276-2 -15568.84 276-1 -12924.75 276-1 -10357.4 276-1 -7867.1 276-1 -5461.84 276-1 -3180.99 276-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.19 -982.47 276-1 -6.37 1139.04 276-1 -8.56 3029.82 276-1 -7.09 3011.84 276-2 -5.06 1165.34 276-2 -3.03 -948.56 276-2 -1.31 -3139.36 276-2 -1.92 -5408.41 276-2 -3.3 -7784.2 276-2 -4.74 -10260.56 276-2 -6.19 -12814.68 276-2 -7.64 -15445.63 276-2 9.37 -295.38 276-1 6.54 358.62 276-1 3.83 936.33 276-1 2.35 1438.8 276-1 3.31 1892.66 276-1 4.76 2429.12 276-1 6.71 2907.92 276-1 8.69 3311.28 276-1 10.69 3684.51 276-1 6.49 3690.31 276-2 4.57 3324.03 276-2 2.66 2938.6 276-2 0.9 2477.33 276-2 0.81 1944.81 276-2 3.1 1436.01 276-2 5.58 930.36 276-2 8.07 351.83 276-2 10.58 -302.68 276-2 -5.49 -7927.66 276-1 -3.53 -6208.55 276-1 -1.67 -4566.42 276-1 -1.06 -3002.3 276-1 -2.88 -1542.85 276-1 -5.19 -319.26 276-1 -8 808.71 276-1 -10.84 1858.86 276-1 -13.7 2785.87 276-1 -9.58 2780.67 276-2 -7.07 1865.05 276-2 -4.58 815.33 276-2 -2.23 -311.83 276-2 -1.55 -1521.01 276-2 -3.26 -2907.17 276-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.15 -7.06 -8.98 10.38 7.97 5.59 3.59 2.34 1.82 2.81 3.91 5.01 3.48 2.02 0.58 -0.57 0.62 2.59 4.61 6.63 8.66 -3.96 -2.86 -1.79 -1.11 -1.17 -1.96 -4.27 -6.68 -9.09 -7.61 -5.59 -3.57 -1.85 -2.47 -3.86 -5.31 -6.76 -8.22 10.64 7.59 4.65 2.95 3.68 4.9

-4449.75 276-2 -6072.71 276-2 -7772.96 276-2 -2237.12 276-1 574.17 276-1 3030.49 276-1 5091.86 276-1 6726 276-1 7945.44 276-1 8734.93 276-1 9129.45 276-1 9322.98 276-1 9340.18 276-2 9134.99 276-2 8765.5 276-2 8000.91 276-2 6802.31 276-2 5171.33 276-2 3128.65 276-2 691.73 276-2 -2100.06 276-2 -25151.75 276-1 -19425.4 276-1 -14054.23 276-1 -9078.84 276-1 -4547.49 276-1 -526.4 276-1 3053.36 276-1 6237.39 276-1 8912.24 276-1 8892.87 276-2 6276.59 276-2 3114.45 276-2 -443.3 276-2 -4438.31 276-2 -8925.92 276-2 -13873.09 276-2 -19216.75 276-2 -24915.68 276-2 -9878.29 276-1 -6142.03 276-1 -2760.5 276-1 227.06 276-1 2807.01 276-1 5083.71 276-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.62 8.38 10.15 5.96 4.04 2.13 0.36 0.26 2.54 5.01 7.5 10 -4.22 -2.48 -0.85 -0.47 -2.51 -5.05 -8.08 -11.15 -14.24 -10.1 -7.6 -5.12 -2.78 -2.1 -3.82 -5.71 -7.63 -9.56 3.8 3.3 2.79 2.29 1.78 1.28 0.77 0.27 -0.23 2.84 1.43 0.02369 -1.39 -2.79 -4.2

6943.75 276-1 8409.62 276-1 9566.93 276-1 9571.34 276-2 8435.28 276-2 7001.61 276-2 5173.39 276-2 2914.91 276-2 294.29 276-2 -2682.16 276-2 -6050.24 276-2 -9772.73 276-2 -17510.57 276-1 -12709.2 276-1 -8263.25 276-1 -4214.04 276-1 -628.5 276-1 2335.33 276-1 4844.54 276-1 6957.21 276-1 8668.29 276-1 8661.71 276-2 6976.3 276-2 4878.34 276-2 2384.23 276-2 -550.91 276-2 -4048.88 276-2 -8062.28 276-2 -12474.77 276-2 -17243.01 276-2 -13311.46 277-1 -9083.42 277-1 -5243.06 277-1 -1810.79 277-1 1192.97 277-1 3754.62 277-1 5887.76 277-1 7612.81 277-1 8950.17 277-1 8953.2 277-2 7628.63 277-2 5916.39 277-2 3796.05 277-2 1247.21 277-2 -1743.75 277-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.61 -7.02 -8.43 4.15 3.61 3.08 2.55 2.02 1.49 0.96 0.43 -0.1 3.32 1.69 0.0633 -1.57 -3.2 -4.83 -6.46 -8.09 -9.72 3.91 3.4 2.89 2.37 1.86 1.35 0.83 0.32 -0.19 2.98 1.5 0.02379 -1.45 -2.93 -4.41 -5.88 -7.36 -8.84 3.83 3.33 2.83 2.34 1.84 1.34

-5163.21 277-2 -8990.77 277-2 -13206.01 277-2 -14871.19 277-1 -10220.71 277-1 -5938.98 277-1 -2079.95 277-1 1302.44 277-1 4172.23 277-1 6565.37 277-1 8535.82 277-1 10137.53 277-1 10139.13 277-2 8536.29 277-2 6564.7 277-2 4170.42 277-2 1299.49 277-2 -2084.04 277-2 -5944.21 277-2 -10227.08 277-2 -14878.69 277-2 -13573.13 277-1 -9307.57 277-1 -5397.1 277-1 -1881.98 277-1 1197.5 277-1 3814.5 277-1 5995.86 277-1 7781.87 277-1 9212.79 277-1 9214.78 277-2 7787.21 277-2 6004.56 277-2 3826.55 277-2 1212.91 277-2 -1863.22 277-2 -5374.99 277-2 -9282.11 277-2 -13544.31 277-2 -13573.17 277-1 -9307.61 277-1 -5397.13 277-1 -1882.01 277-1 1197.48 277-1 3814.49 277-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.85 0.35 -0.15 2.99 1.52 0.04377 -1.43 -2.9 -4.37 -5.85 -7.32 -8.79 9.12 6.98 5.11 4.11 3.43 3.14 4.51 6.02 7.55 11.31 7.37 3.44 0.86 2.11 5.06 8.04 11.03 14.01 -4.86 -3.39 -2.2 -1.88 -1.88 -2.26 -4.3 -6.49 -8.69 -9.92 -6.94 -3.96 -2.33 -4.53 -8.43

5995.85 277-1 7781.86 277-1 9212.79 277-1 9214.77 277-2 7787.24 277-2 6004.62 277-2 3826.65 277-2 1213.05 277-2 -1863.04 277-2 -5374.77 277-2 -9281.85 277-2 -13544.02 277-2 7377.2 277-1 7126.5 277-1 6799.42 277-1 6395.88 277-1 5915.84 277-1 5359.27 277-1 4726.15 277-1 4016.45 277-1 3424.65 277-1 3418.94 277-2 3985.72 277-2 4629.94 277-2 5250.53 277-2 5842.39 277-2 6357.9 277-2 6796.8 277-2 7159.09 277-2 7444.75 277-2 -15424.71 277-1 -12827.79 277-1 -10307.76 277-1 -7864.55 277-1 -5498.1 277-1 -3208.39 277-1 -995.38 277-1 1140.92 277-1 3006.07 277-1 3013.34 277-2 1129.54 277-2 -984.97 277-2 -3229.1 277-2 -5597.78 277-2 -8043.37 277-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-12.37 -10565.63 277-2 -16.31 -13164.53 277-2 -20.25 -15840.08 277-2 9.35 -442.15 277-1 6.27 324.48 277-1 4.1 1015.32 277-1 4.81 1630.13 277-1 6.56 2168.75 277-1 8.56 2631.07 277-1 11.1 3017.01 277-1 13.7 3326.52 277-1 16.31 3617.9 277-1 23.33 3658.69 277-2 16.23 3213.86 277-2 9.15 2739.57 277-2 2.58 2365.25 277-2 2.92 2074.04 277-2 8.96 1707.08 277-2 15.09 1263.62 277-2 21.24 743.58 277-2 27.39 146.92 277-2 -5.09 -7605.36 277-1 -2.69 -6025.77 277-1 -1.19 -4523.66 277-1 -2.58 -3098.79 277-1 -5 -1751 277-1 -7.68 -480.18 277-1 -10.89 713.76 277-1 -14.17 1830.86 277-1 -17.45 2812.82 277-1 -21.94 2773.58 277-2 -15.8 1901.4 277-2 -9.67 905.41 277-2 -4.05 -343.83 277-2 -5.35 -1829.43 277-2 -12.33 -3392.55 277-2 -19.42 -5032.45 277-2 -26.52 -6749.02 277-2 -33.63 -8542.24 277-2 10.78 -2172.23 277-1 8.48 669.52 277-1 6.46 3156.45 277-1 5.31 5248.2 277-1 4.48 6904.45 277-1 4.04 8098.31 277-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.26 6.62 7.99 13.61 8.68 3.75 0.18 0.43 2.39 4.38 6.37 8.36 -3.2 -1.89 -0.85 -0.67 -0.82 -1.36 -3.55 -5.89 -8.25 -7.63 -5.63 -3.65 -3.02 -6.21 -11.1 -16.03 -20.97 -25.9 11.01 7.78 5.45 6.02 7.61 9.46 11.85 14.29 16.75 25.63 17.54 9.46 1.9 1.25 6.29

8856.62 277-1 9219.63 277-1 9422.09 277-1 9417.57 277-2 9215.34 277-2 8812.11 277-2 8066.51 277-2 6933.2 277-2 5337.67 277-2 3306.54 277-2 880.07 277-2 -1901.47 277-2 -24974.14 277-1 -19284.77 277-1 -13950.73 277-1 -9012.23 277-1 -4509.5 277-1 -469.35 277-1 3135.08 277-1 6344.1 277-1 9003.5 277-1 9011.97 277-2 6359.17 277-2 3197.2 277-2 -413.11 277-2 -4506.98 277-2 -9063.59 277-2 -14055.89 277-2 -19443.55 277-2 -25186.3 277-2 -9991.58 277-1 -6132.5 277-1 -2627.65 277-1 482.44 277-1 3157.35 277-1 5370.1 277-1 7147.47 277-1 8529.69 277-1 9615.34 277-1 9657.32 277-2 8443.48 277-2 6921.73 277-2 5181.24 277-2 3164.85 277-2 686.85 277-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.43 16.58 21.74 -3.43 -1.18 0.17 -1.38 -3.95 -6.78 -10.14 -13.57 -17.01 -19.65 -14.49 -9.36 -4.73 -7.02 -15 -23.08 -31.18 -39.28 -2.46 -1.73 -1.01 -0.28 0.44 1.16 1.89 2.61 3.34 3.55 2.71 1.87 1.03 0.19 -0.65 -1.49 -2.33 -3.17 -3.03 -2.15 -1.27 -0.39 0.49 1.37

-2226.64 277-2 -5535.44 277-2 -9199.31 277-2 -17154.79 277-1 -12482.75 277-1 -8166.63 277-1 -4246.48 277-1 -762.4 277-1 2258.86 277-1 4844.22 277-1 7034.03 277-1 8810.25 277-1 8772.22 277-2 7131.02 277-2 5087.58 277-2 2472.16 277-2 -738.62 277-2 -4412.78 277-2 -8522.71 277-2 -13028.04 277-2 -17888.47 277-2 -10628.03 278-1 -7662.63 278-1 -4836.84 278-1 -2171.08 278-1 314.23 278-1 2605.49 278-1 4716.31 278-1 6667.1 278-1 8478.26 278-1 8479.11 278-2 6673.55 278-2 4728.38 278-2 2623.18 278-2 337.53 278-2 -2142.17 278-2 -4802.31 278-2 -7622.48 278-2 -10582.28 278-2 -13346.76 278-1 -9568.16 278-1 -5945.69 278-1 -2533.28 278-1 615.11 278-1 3463.52 278-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.25 6047.91 278-1 3.14 8422.23 278-1 4.02 10640.43 278-1 4.14 10641.41 278-2 3.16 8437.09 278-2 2.18 6076.64 278-2 1.2 3506.13 278-2 0.22 671.6 278-2 -0.76 -2462.91 278-2 -1.75 -5861.43 278-2 -2.73 -9470.03 278-2 -3.71 -13234.75 278-2 -2.69 -11756.12 278-1 -1.9 -8441.74 278-1 -1.12 -5269.82 278-1 -0.33 -2280.63 278-1 0.45 485.56 278-1 1.24 3001.88 278-1 2.02 5295.19 278-1 2.81 7405.77 278-1 3.6 9373.89 278-1 3.74 9374.77 278-2 2.86 7417.13 278-2 1.97 5317.03 278-2 1.09 3034.19 278-2 0.2 528.35 278-2 -0.68 -2227.35 278-2 -1.57 -5206.06 278-2 -2.46 -8367.5 278-2 -3.34 -11671.4 278-2 -2.68 -11757.62 278-1 -1.9 -8442.89 278-1 -1.12 -5270.62 278-1 -0.33 -2281.07 278-1 0.45 485.46 278-1 1.23 3002.13 278-1 2.02 5295.8 278-1 2.8 7406.73 278-1 3.58 9375.2 278-1 3.73 9376.08 278-2 2.85 7418.09 278-2 1.96 5317.64 278-2 1.08 3034.45 278-2 0.2 528.26 278-2 -0.69 -2227.8 278-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.57 -2.45 -3.34 10.73 8.24 5.74 3.25 0.77 2.7 5.74 8.79 11.85 12.38 9.2 6.03 2.86 0.91 3.2 5.82 8.43 11.05 -12.57 -9.52 -6.47 -3.42 -0.38 -1.75 -4.24 -6.73 -9.23 -9.88 -7.26 -4.65 -2.04 -0.65 -3.5 -6.68 -9.85 -13.03 22.24 16.81 11.37 5.94 0.53 5.88

-5206.86 278-2 -8368.65 278-2 -11672.91 278-2 6714.97 278-1 6621.71 278-1 6451.86 278-1 6205.46 278-1 5882.74 278-1 5487.16 278-1 5036.83 278-1 4514.74 278-1 4014.1 278-1 4013.76 278-2 4516.61 278-2 5040.4 278-2 5497.89 278-2 5899.98 278-2 6227.12 278-2 6477.83 278-2 6651.96 278-2 6749.49 278-2 -15910.02 278-1 -13151.42 278-1 -10469.48 278-1 -7864.27 278-1 -5336 278-1 -2888.13 278-1 -538.79 278-1 1729.05 278-1 3822.17 278-1 3822.55 278-2 1733.06 278-2 -530.64 278-2 -2881.31 278-2 -5329.84 278-2 -7856.69 278-2 -10460.37 278-2 -13140.75 278-2 -15897.79 278-2 -961.99 278-1 -104.79 278-1 675.89 278-1 1380.22 278-1 2008.96 278-1 2573.65 278-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.87 17.86 23.86 24.12 18.21 12.3 6.39 0.85 5.14 10.49 15.84 21.19 -24.08 -18.09 -12.1 -6.11 -0.14 -4.94 -10.37 -15.8 -21.24 -21.62 -16.27 -10.92 -5.57 -0.59 -5.44 -11.35 -17.26 -23.17 8.97 6.98 4.99 3 1.02 3.45 7.01 10.56 14.12 14.86 11.08 7.3 3.53 0.98 2.67

3134.67 278-1 3635.27 278-1 4089.75 278-1 4089.6 278-2 3633.69 278-2 3132.07 278-2 2588.27 278-2 2038.58 278-2 1417.88 278-2 721.23 278-2 -51.86 278-2 -901.48 278-2 -8233.07 278-1 -6424.92 278-1 -4693.52 278-1 -3039.03 278-1 -1462.22 278-1 25.38 278-1 1363.37 278-1 2608.52 278-1 3746.52 278-1 3746.71 278-2 2615.97 278-2 1377.69 278-2 28.31 278-2 -1468.44 278-2 -3047.45 278-2 -4703.77 278-2 -6436.93 278-2 -8246.81 278-2 -445.81 278-1 1443.15 278-1 3189.69 278-1 4753.59 278-1 6094.78 278-1 7189.89 278-1 8083.89 278-1 8800.01 278-1 9471.76 278-1 9472.28 278-2 8810.3 278-2 8103.43 278-2 7224.17 278-2 6143.12 278-2 4813.9 278-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.68 6.69 8.7 -14.33 -10.78 -7.22 -3.67 -0.13 -0.99 -2.98 -4.97 -6.96 -7.4 -5.39 -3.38 -1.37 -0.59 -4.04 -7.82 -11.59 -15.37 20.48 15.55 10.62 5.69 0.79 6.64 13.14 19.63 26.13 26.6 20.08 13.57 7.06 0.91 4.6 9.35 14.1 18.85 -25.84 -19.35 -12.85 -6.36 0.11 -4.18

3261.88 278-2 1527.18 278-2 -349.94 278-2 -23070.8 278-1 -18329.98 278-1 -13731.65 278-1 -9316.14 278-1 -5123.95 278-1 -1185.39 278-1 2508.26 278-1 6014.32 278-1 9279.84 278-1 9281.08 278-2 6026.75 278-2 2532.4 278-2 -1155.03 278-2 -5086.69 278-2 -9269.9 278-2 -13676.32 278-2 -18265.54 278-2 -22997.23 278-2 -8122.77 278-1 -5283.35 278-1 -2586.28 278-1 -71.65 278-1 2221.01 278-1 4276.38 278-1 6181.72 278-1 7920.54 278-1 9547.41 278-1 9548.12 278-2 7927.38 278-2 6195.1 278-2 4314.55 278-2 2281.73 278-2 4.67 278-2 -2494.72 278-2 -5176.64 278-2 -8000.92 278-2 -15393.84 278-1 -11603.48 278-1 -7955.68 278-1 -4490.9 278-1 -1250.17 278-1 1728.12 278-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.11 -14.04 -18.97 -19.14 -14.4 -9.65 -4.9 -0.52 -5.98 -12.49 -19 -25.52 -7.82 -6.53 -5.23 -3.93 -2.64 -1.34 -0.04551 1.25 2.55 -0.49 -0.01791 0.45 0.92 1.39 1.85 2.32 2.79 3.26 -9.17 -7.63 -6.09 -4.55 -3.01 -1.47 0.07275 1.61 3.15 -0.38 0.12 0.61 1.11 1.6 2.1

4410.42 278-1 6893.79 278-1 9204.19 278-1 9205.24 278-2 6909.66 278-2 4440.72 278-2 1754.59 278-2 -1225.3 278-2 -4460.67 278-2 -7919.72 278-2 -11561.72 278-2 -15346.25 278-2 -13263.23 279-1 -9040.35 279-1 -5205.15 279-1 -1778.04 279-1 1220.56 279-1 3777.04 279-1 5905.02 279-1 7624.91 279-1 8957.11 279-1 8952.76 279-2 7621.41 279-2 5902.39 279-2 3775.27 279-2 1219.65 279-2 -1778.09 279-2 -5204.34 279-2 -9038.68 279-2 -13260.7 279-2 -15007.36 279-1 -10338.95 279-1 -6039.28 279-1 -2162.31 279-1 1238.02 279-1 4125.74 279-1 6536.83 279-1 8525.22 279-1 10144.86 279-1 10140.59 279-2 8553.37 279-2 6597.4 279-2 4218.74 279-2 1363.44 279-2 -2004.47 279-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.59 3.08 3.58 -8.3 -6.92 -5.53 -4.15 -2.76 -1.38 0.008979 1.39 2.78 -0.44 0.03344 0.51 0.99 1.47 1.95 2.42 2.9 3.38 -8.26 -6.87 -5.49 -4.11 -2.73 -1.35 0.02766 1.41 2.79 -0.4 0.06261 0.52 0.99 1.45 1.91 2.37 2.84 3.3 15.3 12.18 9.07 5.95 2.86 1.11

-5849.02 279-2 -10116.27 279-2 -14752.26 279-2 -13643.11 279-1 -9367.96 279-1 -5447.88 279-1 -1923.16 279-1 1165.92 279-1 3792.52 279-1 5983.48 279-1 7779.09 279-1 9219.61 279-1 9215.53 279-2 7795.6 279-2 6020.58 279-2 3850.2 279-2 1244.19 279-2 -1824.31 279-2 -5328.44 279-2 -9227.93 279-2 -13482.49 279-2 -13642.83 279-1 -9367.71 279-1 -5447.67 279-1 -1922.99 279-1 1166.06 279-1 3792.62 279-1 5983.55 279-1 7779.12 279-1 9219.61 279-1 9215.54 279-2 7795.6 279-2 6020.57 279-2 3850.19 279-2 1244.18 279-2 -1824.32 279-2 -5328.46 279-2 -9227.95 279-2 -13482.52 279-2 7408.61 279-1 7127.5 279-1 6769.77 279-1 6335.42 279-1 5824.5 279-1 5237.36 279-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.09 7.16 11.25 7.39 5.85 4.33 3.59 4.17 4.83 5.61 7.12 9.21 -21.45 -17.37 -13.29 -9.21 -5.15 -2.44 -3.46 -6.56 -9.68 -8.62 -6.42 -4.24 -2.85 -2.78 -2.78 -2.91 -3.76 -5.19 28.08 21.96 15.83 9.72 3.68 2.12 8.43 15.5 22.59 17.3 14.67 12.05 9.68 7.73 5.88

4626.89 279-1 3984.03 279-1 3419.08 279-1 3424.14 279-2 4018.01 279-2 4729.37 279-2 5364.17 279-2 5922.44 279-2 6404.21 279-2 6809.55 279-2 7138.56 279-2 7391.42 279-2 -15853.46 279-1 -13176.24 279-1 -10575.66 279-1 -8051.73 279-1 -5604.49 279-1 -3234.31 279-1 -994.05 279-1 1125.32 279-1 3013.53 279-1 3006.03 279-2 1144.71 279-2 -987.35 279-2 -3196.13 279-2 -5481.64 279-2 -7843.92 279-2 -10283.03 279-2 -12799.08 279-2 -15392.25 279-2 81.28 279-1 686.3 279-1 1214.71 279-1 1666.55 279-1 2041.94 279-1 2342.1 279-1 2743.29 279-1 3215.32 279-1 3658.04 279-1 3617.45 279-2 3324.3 279-2 3012.93 279-2 2625.16 279-2 2161.1 279-2 1620.86 279-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.45 1004.66 279-2 5.42 312.84 279-2 8.31 -454 279-2 -34.23 -8526.14 279-1 -27.14 -6735.04 279-1 -20.05 -5020.6 279-1 -12.98 -3382.85 279-1 -5.97 -1821.93 279-1 -3.45 -339.05 279-1 -8.8 889.55 279-1 -14.9 1894.04 279-1 -21.02 2774.56 279-1 -18.53 2812.72 279-2 -15.24 1838.43 279-2 -11.97 729.09 279-2 -8.94 -457.12 279-2 -6.34 -1720.29 279-2 -3.83 -3060.56 279-2 -1.74 -4478.14 279-2 -2.06 -5973.36 279-2 -4.3 -7546.82 279-2 10.14 -2011.66 279-1 7.92 784.28 279-1 5.7 3225.14 279-1 3.48 5270.67 279-1 1.28 6880.62 279-1 0.43 8028.5 279-1 3.31 8794.05 279-1 8.28 9208.49 279-1 13.26 9422.38 279-1 7.62 9424.6 279-2 6.21 9232.25 279-2 4.82 8878.93 279-2 4.21 8130.34 279-2 4.92 6946.21 279-2 5.7 5299.73 279-2 6.61 3217.82 279-2 8.25 740.86 279-2 10.46 -2090.7 279-2 -26.61 -25273.74 279-1 -21.63 -19519.47 279-1 -16.65 -14120.29 279-1 -11.68 -9116.48 279-1 -6.72 -4548.37 279-1 -3.12 -443.17 279-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.24 -5.45 -7.67 -8.38 -6.06 -3.75 -2.24 -2.03 -1.91 -1.91 -2.64 -3.94 22.92 17.69 12.47 7.25 2.1 1.44 8.65 16.62 24.6 17.53 15.03 12.54 10.3 8.48 6.75 5.44 6.54 9.57 -39.39 -31.4 -23.42 -15.45 -7.54 -4.13 -8.58 -13.79 -19.01 -18.29 -14.88 -11.48 -8.33 -5.59 -2.96

3173.11 279-1 6349.78 279-1 9016.83 279-1 9006.49 279-2 6358.95 279-2 3162.21 279-2 -429.96 279-2 -4457.86 279-2 -8948.39 279-2 -13874.76 279-2 -19196.79 279-2 -24874.37 279-2 -9338.99 279-1 -5656.93 279-1 -2329.92 279-1 601.79 279-1 3098.06 279-1 5133.24 279-1 6910.45 279-1 8439.77 279-1 9661.34 279-1 9617.9 279-2 8538.53 279-2 7162.49 279-2 5391.33 279-2 3184.87 279-2 516.38 279-2 -2587.07 279-2 -6084.86 279-2 -9936.13 279-2 -17946.41 279-1 -13078.26 279-1 -8565.23 279-1 -4447.61 279-1 -765.81 279-1 2452.09 279-1 5056.71 279-1 7118.49 279-1 8777.87 279-1 8813.18 279-2 7052.66 279-2 4878.66 279-2 2309.05 279-2 -696.52 279-2 -4165.04 279-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.74 -0.93 -3.05 0.68 0.35 0.008067 -0.33 -0.67 -1 -1.34 -1.68 -2.02 -2.72 -2.02 -1.32 -0.63 0.06819 0.76 1.46 2.16 2.85 0.56 0.23 -0.0937 -0.42 -0.75 -1.07 -1.4 -1.73 -2.06 -2.9 -2.15 -1.41 -0.66 0.08811 0.84 1.58 2.33 3.08 0.63 0.3 -0.02788 -0.36 -0.69 -1.02

-8069.87 279-2 -12371.06 279-2 -17028.95 279-2 -13314.12 280-1 -9101.35 280-1 -5276.25 280-1 -1859.25 280-1 1129.24 280-1 3675.62 280-1 5793.49 280-1 7503.27 280-1 8825.36 280-1 8824.43 280-2 7494.12 280-2 5776.13 280-2 3650.05 280-2 1095.46 280-2 -1901.24 280-2 -5326.45 280-2 -9159.75 280-2 -13380.73 280-2 -14903.5 280-1 -10260.34 280-1 -5985.93 280-1 -2134.21 280-1 1240.86 280-1 4103.33 280-1 6489.16 280-1 8452.3 280-1 10046.69 280-1 10044.1 280-2 8446.95 280-2 6481.05 280-2 4092.46 280-2 1227.22 280-2 -2150.61 280-2 -6005.09 280-2 -10282.27 280-2 -14928.19 280-2 -13594.36 280-1 -9338.25 280-1 -5437.22 280-1 -1931.56 280-1 1138.48 280-1 3746.03 280-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.35 5917.94 280-1 -1.68 7694.5 280-1 -2.01 9115.97 280-1 -2.77 9114.06 280-2 -2.06 7688.21 280-2 -1.34 5907.29 280-2 -0.63 3731 280-2 0.08006 1119.09 280-2 0.79 -1955.32 280-2 1.5 -5465.36 280-2 2.22 -9370.75 280-2 2.93 -13631.23 280-2 0.58 -13594.24 280-1 0.26 -9338.16 280-1 -0.05188 -5437.16 280-1 -0.37 -1931.51 280-1 -0.68 1138.5 280-1 -1 3746.03 280-1 -1.31 5917.92 280-1 -1.63 7694.46 280-1 -1.95 9115.91 280-1 -2.7 9114 280-2 -2 7688.17 280-2 -1.31 5907.27 280-2 -0.62 3731.01 280-2 0.07743 1119.12 280-2 0.77 -1955.26 280-2 1.46 -5465.27 280-2 2.16 -9370.64 280-2 2.85 -13631.09 280-2 10.3 7327.75 280-1 8.1 7057.83 280-1 5.91 6711.55 280-1 3.72 6290.75 280-1 1.55 5825.54 280-1 0.09628 5302.03 280-1 1.31 4702.75 280-1 2.88 4027.03 280-1 4.5 3460.1 280-1 6.26 3446.92 280-2 5.04 4033.62 280-2 3.82 4703.34 280-2 2.64 5296.8 280-2 1.96 5825.13 280-2 2.6 6326.97 280-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.52 5.17 7.16 -8.55 -6.93 -5.31 -3.69 -2.09 -1.21 -2.99 -5.14 -7.33 -9.4 -7.35 -5.32 -3.31 -1.8 -1.61 -1.71 -2.54 -3.71 10.92 8.73 6.54 4.37 2.22 0.46 0.86 2.35 3.93 12.87 10.86 8.86 6.87 5.05 3.69 2.84 4.37 7.02 -9.18 -7.56 -5.94 -4.34 -2.77 -1.57

6755.39 280-2 7107.39 280-2 7382.81 280-2 -15460 280-1 -12827.16 280-1 -10271.22 280-1 -7794.02 280-1 -5425.69 280-1 -3152.32 280-1 -956.45 280-1 1162.59 280-1 3019.58 280-1 3031.75 280-2 1151.31 280-2 -965.41 280-2 -3159.14 280-2 -5441.02 280-2 -7849.67 280-2 -10338.15 280-2 -12903.49 280-2 -15545.52 280-2 -372.43 280-1 291.82 280-1 880.34 280-1 1399.25 280-1 1948.95 280-1 2483.12 280-1 2943.54 280-1 3327.89 280-1 3691.43 280-1 3687.67 280-2 3311.46 280-2 2906.76 280-2 2426.6 280-2 1908.15 280-2 1480.21 280-2 986.31 280-2 416.5 280-2 -229.73 280-2 -7759.81 280-1 -6061.14 280-1 -4440 280-1 -2902.52 280-1 -1549.11 280-1 -333.42 280-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.55 802.76 280-1 -4.61 1861.73 280-1 -6.76 2788.25 280-1 -16.02 2790.99 280-2 -13.18 1873.47 280-2 -10.35 831.16 280-2 -7.54 -288.95 280-2 -4.9 -1524.04 280-2 -2.71 -3002.91 280-2 -1.03 -4569.08 280-2 -1.74 -6212.61 280-2 -3.57 -7932.98 280-2 9.98 -2200.32 280-1 7.76 604.38 280-1 5.55 3054.26 280-1 3.33 5110.9 280-1 1.14 6764.13 280-1 -0.33 7973.21 280-1 0.85 8747.52 280-1 2.41 9126.66 280-1 4 9336.14 280-1 5.16 9321.55 280-2 4.21 9129.31 280-2 3.27 8741.64 280-2 2.37 7958.99 280-2 1.96 6752.21 280-2 2.87 5133.09 280-2 4.06 3081.54 280-2 5.99 634.85 280-2 8.25 -2166.86 280-2 -8.87 -24988.07 280-1 -7.27 -19280.61 280-1 -5.67 -13928.51 280-1 -4.08 -8973.87 280-1 -2.5 -4487.1 280-1 -1.64 -481.14 280-1 -3.45 3088.31 280-1 -5.62 6262.22 280-1 -7.83 8895.63 280-1 -10.5 8906.38 280-2 -8.18 6247 280-2 -5.86 3072.89 280-2 -3.59 -496.95 280-2 -1.8 -4513.94 280-2 -1.34 -9043.55 280-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.17 -1.72 -2.62 10.6 8.39 6.18 3.98 1.82 0.02798 0.41 1.87 3.43 11.78 10.04 8.31 6.6 5.05 3.96 3.38 5.19 8.11 -9.49 -7.9 -6.31 -4.72 -3.18 -2 -3 -5.08 -7.26 -17.11 -14 -10.9 -7.81 -4.9 -2.44 -0.49 -0.92 -2.48 2.25 1.78 1.31 0.83 0.36 -0.11

-14012 280-2 -19376.03 280-2 -25095.2 280-2 -9900.5 280-1 -6161.64 280-1 -2776.95 280-1 219.4 280-1 2887.55 280-1 5154.3 280-1 6988.3 280-1 8427.52 280-1 9567.47 280-1 9562.31 280-2 8407.15 280-2 6945.06 280-2 5088.79 280-2 2835.24 280-2 286.33 280-2 -2687.54 280-2 -6056.03 280-2 -9779.41 280-2 -17287.88 280-1 -12514.6 280-1 -8097.29 280-1 -4082.37 280-1 -610.51 280-1 2337.76 280-1 4847.53 280-1 6961.36 280-1 8664.3 280-1 8665.62 280-2 6969.16 280-2 4869.47 280-2 2373.25 280-2 -596.96 280-2 -4196.79 280-2 -8242.92 280-2 -12685.15 280-2 -17482.65 280-2 -14102.94 281-1 -9703.61 281-1 -5691.97 281-1 -2088.41 281-1 1086.63 281-1 3819.56 281-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.58 -1.06 -1.53 -3.06 -2.75 -2.44 -2.13 -1.82 -1.51 -1.2 -0.89 -0.58 2.36 1.88 1.4 0.92 0.44 -0.04622 -0.53 -1.01 -1.49 -3.21 -2.92 -2.63 -2.34 -2.05 -1.76 -1.47 -1.18 -0.89 2.28 1.81 1.34 0.87 0.39 -0.07906 -0.55 -1.02 -1.5 -3.07 -2.77 -2.48 -2.18 -1.89 -1.59

6123.99 281-1 8020.32 281-1 9528.97 281-1 9524.09 281-2 8293.99 281-2 6676.22 281-2 4650.35 281-2 2195.98 281-2 -700.51 281-2 -4025.51 281-2 -7758.6 281-2 -11879.37 281-2 -15848.6 281-1 -10973.68 281-1 -6467.52 281-1 -2384.04 281-1 1222.79 281-1 4317.01 281-1 6934.6 281-1 9129.49 281-1 10955.63 281-1 10971.3 281-2 9471.23 281-2 7602.42 281-2 5310.91 281-2 2542.76 281-2 -737.99 281-2 -4495.39 281-2 -8675.48 281-2 -13224.32 281-2 -14438.31 281-1 -9977.35 281-1 -5871.46 281-1 -2160.93 281-1 1113.96 281-1 3926.37 281-1 6303.15 281-1 8284.56 281-1 9910.9 281-1 9919.06 281-2 8586.17 281-2 6898.19 281-2 4814.86 281-2 2295.89 281-2 -685.56 281-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.3 -1 -0.71 2.21 1.76 1.3 0.84 0.39 -0.06672 -0.52 -0.98 -1.43 -3 -2.71 -2.43 -2.15 -1.87 -1.58 -1.3 -1.02 -0.74 10.53 7.77 5.02 2.65 4.28 6.33 8.39 10.45 12.52 3.97 3.57 3.21 2.91 2.76 2.91 3.28 3.76 4.28 -7.31 -5.28 -3.26 -1.62 -3.98 -6.75

-4102.65 281-2 -7915.1 281-2 -12082.62 281-2 -14438.44 281-1 -9977.54 281-1 -5871.71 281-1 -2161.25 281-1 1113.58 281-1 3925.93 281-1 6302.63 281-1 8283.99 281-1 9910.26 281-1 9918.48 281-2 8585.55 281-2 6897.55 281-2 4814.19 281-2 2295.19 281-2 -686.29 281-2 -4103.4 281-2 -7915.88 281-2 -12083.43 281-2 6936.9 281-1 6782.73 281-1 6552 281-1 6244.95 281-1 5868.15 281-1 5465.28 281-1 4991.73 281-1 4441.96 281-1 3818.78 281-1 3963.67 281-2 4011.68 281-2 4628.49 281-2 5169.06 281-2 5634.51 281-2 6059.48 281-2 6428.73 281-2 6721.98 281-2 6938.72 281-2 -15523.35 281-1 -12880.1 281-1 -10313.57 281-1 -7823.98 281-1 -5417.91 281-1 -3139.03 281-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.53 -942.74 281-1 -12.32 1176.5 281-1 -15.12 3215.89 281-1 -7.26 3055.93 281-2 -6.43 1768.58 281-2 -5.64 -240.83 281-2 -4.9 -2327.28 281-2 -4.32 -4491.87 281-2 -4.03 -6769.24 281-2 -3.98 -9144.17 281-2 -4.02 -11596.37 281-2 -4.11 -14125.32 281-2 9.28 -535.18 281-1 8.23 192.53 281-1 7.19 843.86 281-1 6.26 1419.6 281-1 6.54 1941.64 281-1 6.94 2555.52 281-1 7.36 3112.5 281-1 7.78 3593.88 281-1 8.21 3999.82 281-1 10.33 4039.96 281-2 9.9 3530.31 281-2 9.48 3137.83 281-2 9.08 2669.38 281-2 8.73 2129.21 281-2 8.48 1632.82 281-2 8.29 1129.52 281-2 8.15 551.69 281-2 8.02 -102.38 281-2 -6.07 -8051.27 281-1 -5.74 -6289.9 281-1 -5.43 -4605.43 281-1 -5.23 -2998.63 281-1 -6.23 -1491.4 281-1 -7.36 -229.27 281-1 -8.51 936.48 281-1 -9.65 2024.58 281-1 -10.8 3034.85 281-1 -13.62 2979.65 281-2 -12.76 2249.95 281-2 -11.91 1249.82 281-2 -11.07 172.4 281-2 -10.29 -986.57 281-2 -9.6 -2342.59 281-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.99 -8.41 -7.85 11.1 8.26 5.43 2.97 4.52 6.48 8.45 10.43 12.41 2.65 2.32 2.01 1.77 1.68 1.89 2.33 2.86 3.44 -6.74 -4.79 -2.86 -1.3 -3.74 -6.6 -9.47 -12.35 -15.22 -8.58 -7.69 -6.84 -6.04 -5.4 -5.05 -4.93 -4.92 -4.94 9.85 8.72 7.59 6.58 6.77 7.09

-3844.97 281-2 -5426.07 281-2 -7084.21 281-2 -3208.37 281-1 -146.21 281-1 2560.95 281-1 4873.07 281-1 6756.44 281-1 8227.88 281-1 9269.63 281-1 9916.46 281-1 10211.41 281-1 10372.08 281-2 9706.82 281-2 9331.91 281-2 8562.05 281-2 7358.07 281-2 5727.74 281-2 3682.71 281-2 1242.94 281-2 -1551.78 281-2 -25668.62 281-1 -19809.04 281-1 -14304.61 281-1 -9195.86 281-1 -4529.63 281-1 -376.43 281-1 3335.17 281-1 6650.99 281-1 9608.52 281-1 9464.34 281-2 7463.72 281-2 4462.6 281-2 1065.72 281-2 -2768.32 281-2 -7100.98 281-2 -11890.2 281-2 -17075.41 281-2 -22615.82 281-2 -10680.45 281-1 -6736.41 281-1 -3147.18 281-1 47.72 281-1 2829.92 281-1 5318.11 281-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.42 7.76 8.1 9.01 8.64 8.28 7.94 7.66 7.46 7.34 7.25 7.19 -5.49 -5.25 -5.02 -4.91 -6 -7.22 -8.44 -9.67 -10.91 -14.94 -14.02 -13.1 -12.21 -11.37 -10.62 -9.95 -9.31 -8.69 0.04746 0.32 0.58 0.85 1.12 1.39 1.66 1.92 2.19 0.28 0.55 0.81 1.07 1.34 1.6

7390.41 281-1 9068.37 281-1 10392.45 281-1 10448.36 281-2 9225.45 281-2 7841.26 281-2 6062.37 281-2 3852.77 281-2 1301.08 281-2 -1616.5 281-2 -4927.35 281-2 -8592.88 281-2 -18196.54 281-1 -13218.84 281-1 -8596.48 281-1 -4370.51 281-1 -603.11 281-1 2533.33 281-1 5214.39 281-1 7499.08 281-1 9427.48 281-1 9388.05 281-2 7945.09 281-2 5953.25 281-2 3565.4 281-2 736.99 281-2 -2674.32 281-2 -6590.99 281-2 -10905.11 281-2 -15574.71 281-2 -2108.94 282-1 -1473.64 282-1 -957.54 282-1 -560.66 282-1 -282.98 282-1 -124.51 282-1 -85.24 282-1 -165.19 282-1 -364.34 282-1 -2297.17 282-1 -1700.52 282-1 -1206.04 282-1 -813.75 282-1 -523.63 282-1 -335.68 282-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.87 2.13 2.39 0.23 0.48 0.73 0.97 1.22 1.47 1.71 1.96 2.21 0.2 0.45 0.7 0.95 1.2 1.45 1.7 1.95 2.2 38.51 34.1 29.7 25.31 20.95 16.71 13.23 10.55 8.18 -37.14 -32.71 -28.28 -23.87 -19.49 -15.22 -11.72 -9.01 -6.61 26.35 22.46 18.58 14.72 10.93 7.45

-249.92 282-1 -266.33 282-1 -384.92 282-1 -2106.78 282-1 -1531.5 282-1 -1058.4 282-1 -687.48 282-1 -418.74 282-1 -252.17 282-1 -187.78 282-1 -225.57 282-1 -365.54 282-1 -2112.61 282-1 -1535.77 282-1 -1061.1 282-1 -688.61 282-1 -418.3 282-1 -250.16 282-1 -184.21 282-1 -220.43 282-1 -358.83 282-1 16730.17 282-1 12396.11 282-1 7985.88 282-1 3499.99 282-1 923.81 282-1 5546.18 282-1 10094.97 282-1 14568.66 282-1 18966.42 282-1 -18374.51 282-1 -13440.09 282-1 -8582.75 282-1 -3803.02 282-1 -1086.27 282-1 -5721.35 282-1 -10436.1 282-1 -15229.02 282-1 -20099.28 282-1 4538.37 282-1 3430.2 282-1 2246.9 282-1 990.13 282-1 258.73 282-1 1643.01 282-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.45 7.88 9.67 -24.99 -21.07 -17.16 -13.28 -9.46 -5.96 -4.94 -6.34 -8.11 38.01 33.84 29.68 25.53 21.41 17.4 14.17 11.73 9.59 -37.64 -32.97 -28.31 -23.65 -19.03 -14.52 -10.78 -7.83 -5.2 25.85 22.2 18.56 14.94 11.38 8.15 7.39 9.05 11.09 -25.49 -21.33 -17.18 -13.06 -9 -5.27

2960.21 282-1 4205.83 282-1 5377.14 282-1 -6182.71 282-1 -4474.18 282-1 -2843.78 282-1 -1293.17 282-1 -421.19 282-1 -1818.18 282-1 -3301.34 282-1 -4866.18 282-1 -6510 282-1 15437.08 282-1 11380.39 282-1 7221.99 282-1 2962.38 282-1 586.94 282-1 5384.51 282-1 10082.95 282-1 14680.75 282-1 19177.07 282-1 -19667.6 282-1 -14455.81 282-1 -9346.64 282-1 -4340.63 282-1 -1423.14 282-1 -5883.02 282-1 -10448.12 282-1 -15116.93 282-1 -19888.63 282-1 3245.28 282-1 2414.49 282-1 1483.01 282-1 452.52 282-1 -78.14 282-1 1481.34 282-1 2948.19 282-1 4317.91 282-1 5587.79 282-1 -7475.8 282-1 -5489.9 282-1 -3607.67 282-1 -1830.77 282-1 -758.06 282-1 -1979.85 282-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4 -5.16 -6.69 5.68 5.01 4.33 4.33 3.83 3.33 2.84 2.84 2.16 1.48 1.48 0.8 1.06 1.74 1.74 2.42 3.1 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 4.6 5.28 5.96 6.55 5.78 5.01 5.01 4.44 3.88 3.31 3.31 2.54 1.77 1.77 1 1.26 2.05 2.05 2.83 3.61 3.61

-3313.36 282-1 -4754.1 282-1 -6299.35 282-1 -5041.13 284-1 -2701.21 284-1 -814.71 284-1 -814.71 284-1 174.34 284-1 1076.71 284-1 1892.41 284-1 1892.41 284-1 2732.75 284-1 3411.91 284-1 3411.91 284-1 3797.61 284-1 3796.48 284-2 3421.68 284-2 3421.68 284-2 2753.41 284-2 1923.96 284-2 1923.96 284-2 1116.26 284-2 221.87 284-2 -759.18 284-2 -759.18 284-2 -2634.79 284-2 -4963.82 284-2 -5247.53 284-1 -2953.23 284-1 -1047.58 284-1 -1047.58 284-1 11.84 284-1 996.98 284-1 1907.83 284-1 1907.83 284-1 2916.76 284-1 3787.55 284-1 3787.55 284-1 4406.8 284-1 4405.12 284-2 3808.54 284-2 3808.54 284-2 2960.41 284-2 1974.13 284-2 1974.13 284-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5

4.19 4.76 5.34 5.34 6.12 6.91 5.97 5.27 4.56 4.56 4.04 3.52 3 3 2.3 1.59 1.59 0.88 1.13 1.85 1.85 2.56 3.28 3.28 3.8 4.33 4.85 4.85 5.57 6.29 5.93 5.23 4.53 4.53 4.01 3.5 2.98 2.98 2.28 1.58 1.58 0.88 1.13 1.84 1.84

1079.9 284-2 111.38 284-2 -931.43 284-2 -931.43 284-2 -2814.42 284-2 -5086.06 284-2 -4901.11 284-1 -2714.62 284-1 -916.78 284-1 -916.78 284-1 63.59 284-1 969.67 284-1 1801.46 284-1 1801.46 284-1 2702.58 284-1 3465.57 284-1 3465.57 284-1 3977 284-1 3975.59 284-2 3481.82 284-2 3481.82 284-2 2736.51 284-2 1853.04 284-2 1853.04 284-2 1034.21 284-2 141.09 284-2 -826.33 284-2 -826.33 284-2 -2606.5 284-2 -4775.33 284-2 -4900.22 284-1 -2714.11 284-1 -916.63 284-1 -916.63 284-1 63.46 284-1 969.27 284-1 1800.78 284-1 1800.78 284-1 2701.54 284-1 3464.15 284-1 3464.15 284-1 3975.21 284-1 3973.8 284-2 3480.4 284-2 3480.4 284-2

1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5

2.55 2735.46 284-2 3.26 1852.36 284-2 3.26 1852.36 284-2 3.78 1033.8 284-2 4.3 140.95 284-2 4.82 -826.19 284-2 4.82 -826.19 284-2 5.53 -2606 284-2 6.24 -4774.45 284-2 15.74 10322.91 284-1 12.43 9426.97 284-1 9.47 8437.15 284-1 9.47 8437.15 284-1 8.3 7653.73 284-1 7.54 6832.19 284-1 6.83 5971.57 284-1 6.83 5971.57 284-1 5.9 4719.07 284-1 6.5 3372.64 284-1 6.5 3372.64 284-1 9.29 1961.06 284-1 9.47 1961.23 284-2 6.58 3374.37 284-2 6.58 3374.37 284-2 5.67 4723 284-2 6.7 5978.02 284-2 6.7 5978.02 284-2 7.49 6843.91 284-2 8.36 7678.29 284-2 9.8 8468.41 284-2 9.8 8468.41 284-2 13.03 9465.14 284-2 16.47 10367.6 284-2 -10.96 -14479.69 284-1 -8.23 -11903.64 284-1 -5.85 -9422.93 284-1 -5.85 -9422.93 284-1 -5.1 -7666.44 284-1 -4.76 -5973.6 284-1 -4.47 -4343.43 284-1 -4.47 -4343.43 284-1 -4.12 -2205.54 284-1 -5.29 -162.93 284-1 -5.29 -162.93 284-1 -8.65 1755.6 284-1

1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6

-8.74 1755.04 284-2 -5.26 -156.75 284-2 -5.26 -156.75 284-2 -3.76 -2193.25 284-2 -4.22 -4325.36 284-2 -4.22 -4325.36 284-2 -4.57 -5954.7 284-2 -5.01 -7654.29 284-2 -6.02 -9411.38 284-2 -6.02 -9411.38 284-2 -8.67 -11890.69 284-2 -11.52 -14464.96 284-2 14.32 1842.02 284-1 9.6 2098.4 284-1 6.02 2262.6 284-1 6.02 2262.6 284-1 6.75 2331.47 284-1 8.81 2392 284-1 11.08 2440.99 284-1 11.08 2440.99 284-1 14.26 2436.02 284-1 17.94 2338.69 284-1 17.94 2338.69 284-1 22.28 2156.18 284-1 21.82 2156.39 284-2 17.43 2335.91 284-2 17.43 2335.91 284-2 13.65 2430.55 284-2 10.49 2433.94 284-2 10.49 2433.94 284-2 8.24 2395.19 284-2 6.27 2370.11 284-2 6.21 2316.23 284-2 6.21 2316.23 284-2 10.35 2165.03 284-2 15.19 1920.38 284-2 -9.55 -5998.8 284-1 -5.4 -4575.07 284-1 -2.4 -3248.38 284-1 -2.4 -3248.38 284-1 -3.55 -2344.18 284-1 -6.03 -1533.41 284-1 -8.72 -812.86 284-1 -8.72 -812.86 284-1 -12.48 77.5 284-1

0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6

-16.73 871.02 284-1 -16.73 871.02 284-1 -21.65 1560.49 284-1 -21.09 1559.88 284-2 -16.12 881.71 284-2 -16.12 881.71 284-2 -11.75 99.2 284-2 -8 -781.28 284-2 -8 -781.28 284-2 -5.33 -1505.98 284-2 -2.92 -2346.11 284-2 -2.43 -3259.2 284-2 -2.43 -3259.2 284-2 -5.99 -4590.59 284-2 -10.25 -6017.74 284-2 19.26 7501.48 284-1 15.54 7951.43 284-1 12.17 8013.47 284-1 12.17 8013.47 284-1 10.7 7723.49 284-1 9.63 7371.98 284-1 8.63 6957.98 284-1 8.63 6957.98 284-1 7.29 6163.37 284-1 7.48 5231.29 284-1 7.48 5231.29 284-1 9.85 4077.13 284-1 10.24 4076.09 284-2 7.76 5245.32 284-2 7.76 5245.32 284-2 7.26 6193.1 284-2 8.71 7003.75 284-2 8.71 7003.75 284-2 9.8 7432.93 284-2 10.97 7807.18 284-2 12.71 8113.77 284-2 12.71 8113.77 284-2 16.36 8072.15 284-2 20.21 7642.23 284-2 -7.44 -17301.12 284-1 -5.12 -13379.18 284-1 -3.15 -9846.61 284-1 -3.15 -9846.61 284-1 -2.7 -7596.68 284-1 -2.66 -5433.81 284-1

3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333

-2.68 -3357.03 284-1 -2.68 -3357.03 284-1 -2.73 -761.25 284-1 -4.32 1695.72 284-1 -4.32 1695.72 284-1 -8.09 3871.67 284-1 -7.97 3869.89 284-2 -4.08 1714.19 284-2 -4.08 1714.19 284-2 -2.17 -723.14 284-2 -2.21 -3299.63 284-2 -2.21 -3299.63 284-2 -2.26 -5365.69 284-2 -2.4 -7525.4 284-2 -3.1 -9766.02 284-2 -3.1 -9766.02 284-2 -5.34 -13283.68 284-2 -7.78 -17190.33 284-2 17.84 -979.41 284-1 12.71 622.86 284-1 8.72 1838.92 284-1 8.72 1838.92 284-1 9.15 2401.23 284-1 10.91 2931.79 284-1 12.87 3427.4 284-1 12.87 3427.4 284-1 15.65 3880.32 284-1 18.91 4197.34 284-1 18.91 4197.34 284-1 22.85 4272.25 284-1 22.59 4271.25 284-2 18.61 4206.86 284-2 18.61 4206.86 284-2 15.24 3900.65 284-2 12.5 3459.66 284-2 12.5 3459.66 284-2 10.55 2984.21 284-2 8.88 2499 284-2 9.13 1961.58 284-2 9.13 1961.58 284-2 13.68 772.05 284-2 18.94 -804.99 284-2 -6.03 -8820.23 284-1 -2.29 -6050.6 284-1 0.3 -3672.06 284-1

2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1

0.3 -3672.06 284-1 -1.15 -2274.42 284-1 -3.93 -993.62 284-1 -6.92 173.55 284-1 -6.92 173.55 284-1 -11.09 1521.8 284-1 -15.75 2729.67 284-1 -15.75 2729.67 284-1 -21.08 3676.55 284-1 -20.33 3674.73 284-2 -14.94 2752.65 284-2 -14.94 2752.65 284-2 -10.16 1569.31 284-2 -5.99 244.45 284-2 -5.99 244.45 284-2 -3.01 -916.97 284-2 -0.31 -2217.22 284-2 0.48 -3613.84 284-2 0.48 -3613.84 284-2 -2.66 -5983.58 284-2 -6.5 -8743.11 284-2 1.95 -11902.94 341-1 1.76 -8123.14 341-1 1.57 -4731.02 341-1 1.38 -1746.99 341-1 1.2 808.54 341-1 1.01 2921.94 341-1 0.82 4606.85 341-1 0.63 5883.65 341-1 0.44 6772.78 341-1 -0.5 6788.95 341-2 -0.53 6208.73 341-2 -0.55 5240.82 341-2 -0.57 3864.82 341-2 -0.6 2060.31 341-2 -0.62 -186.31 341-2 -0.64 -2861.43 341-2 -0.67 -5944.65 341-2 -0.69 -9415.55 341-2 1.09 -12573.31 341-1 1.05 -8538.68 341-1 1.01 -4872.79 341-1 0.97 -1629.6 341-1 0.93 1136.94 341-1 0.89 3390.89 341-1

1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.84 5168.19 341-1 0.8 6522.8 341-1 0.76 7508.65 341-1 -0.15 7528.1 341-2 -0.28 6826.73 341-2 -0.4 5756.61 341-2 -0.53 4263.8 341-2 -0.66 2294.34 341-2 -0.78 -187.72 341-2 -0.91 -3146.42 341-2 -1.04 -6527.81 341-2 -1.16 -10277.96 341-2 1.4 -11691.41 341-1 1.3 -7954.41 341-1 1.2 -4572.49 341-1 1.11 -1585.93 341-1 1.01 965 341-1 0.92 3053.44 341-1 0.82 4706.25 341-1 0.72 5963.7 341-1 0.63 6866.07 341-1 -0.25 6883.65 341-2 -0.34 6259.09 341-2 -0.42 5279.45 341-2 -0.51 3904.46 341-2 -0.6 2093.83 341-2 -0.68 -179.29 341-2 -0.77 -2888.04 341-2 -0.85 -5992.15 341-2 -0.94 -9451.33 341-2 1.32 -11685.3 341-1 1.23 -7948.66 341-1 1.15 -4567.1 341-1 1.06 -1580.89 341-1 0.97 969.68 341-1 0.88 3057.76 341-1 0.8 4710.21 341-1 0.71 5967.31 341-1 0.62 6869.32 341-1 -0.25 6886.7 341-2 -0.34 6261.89 341-2 -0.43 5282 341-2 -0.51 3906.75 341-2 -0.6 2095.86 341-2 -0.69 -177.51 341-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.77 -0.86 -0.95 17.74 12.98 8.23 3.57 2.39 7.28 12.17 17.07 21.96 20.45 15.89 11.33 6.78 2.22 1.99 6.34 10.7 15.07 -17.19 -12.3 -7.4 -2.61 -1.3 -6.05 -10.81 -15.57 -20.33 -19.82 -15.46 -11.1 -6.74 -2.38 -2.35 -6.9 -11.46 -16.02 6.85 4.97 3.1 1.57 1.75 3.76

-2886.52 341-2 -5990.88 341-2 -9450.32 341-2 -75.53 341-1 510.97 341-1 1030.07 341-1 1490.72 341-1 1908.07 341-1 2292.82 341-1 2636.28 341-1 2922.89 341-1 3143.37 341-1 3142.49 341-2 2627.24 341-2 2339.27 341-2 2006.21 341-2 1684.15 341-2 1361.97 341-2 987.15 341-2 543.07 341-2 25.35 341-2 -6137.84 341-1 -4776.54 341-1 -3501.11 341-1 -2320.49 341-1 -1249.83 341-1 -299.86 341-1 538.16 341-1 1279.74 341-1 1934.2 341-1 1949.35 341-2 1652.26 341-2 974.62 341-2 188.81 341-2 -761.28 341-2 -1864.5 341-2 -3068.36 341-2 -4356.23 341-2 -5723.71 341-2 5602.57 341-1 5543.97 341-1 5411.51 341-1 5207.88 341-1 4937.64 341-1 4604 341-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.77 4204.4 341-1 7.79 3734.32 341-1 9.8 3192.17 341-1 14.04 3174.92 341-2 10.92 2761.21 341-2 7.79 3256.24 341-2 4.67 3685.24 341-2 1.55 4064.05 341-2 1.23 4389.25 341-2 4.15 4645.03 341-2 7.08 4826.41 341-2 10.01 4932.05 341-2 -6.3 -11815.95 341-1 -4.29 -9809.54 341-1 -2.28 -7882.55 341-1 -0.61 -6037.65 341-1 -0.66 -4279.41 341-1 -2.54 -2611.04 341-1 -4.41 -1029.97 341-1 -6.29 468.31 341-1 -8.17 1885.39 341-1 -13.42 1916.92 341-2 -10.49 1518.29 341-2 -7.56 57.65 341-2 -4.63 -1490.22 341-2 -1.71 -3141.18 341-2 -1.59 -4891.78 341-2 -4.71 -6726.24 341-2 -7.84 -8639.56 341-2 -10.96 -10630.41 341-2 18.76 -8651.37 341-1 13.85 -5302.29 341-1 8.94 -2299.06 341-1 4.13 327 341-1 2.79 2550.76 341-1 7.53 4356.07 341-1 12.28 5761.07 341-1 17.02 6790.52 341-1 21.76 7475.38 341-1 19.88 7484.67 341-2 15.33 6750.66 341-2 10.79 5965.48 341-2 6.24 4816.49 341-2 1.7 3319.5 341-2 1.48 1436.53 341-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.85 10.22 14.59 -16.18 -11.44 -6.69 -2.06 -0.89 -5.8 -10.71 -15.62 -20.53 -20.39 -16.02 -11.65 -7.27 -2.91 -2.86 -7.4 -11.95 -16.49 7.86 5.84 3.81 2.12 2.16 4.02 5.88 7.74 9.6 13.48 10.36 7.25 4.14 1.03 0.72 3.66 6.59 9.53 -5.29 -3.43 -1.57 -0.0505 -0.25 -2.28

-858.07 341-2 -3540.66 341-2 -6575.34 341-2 -14713.68 341-1 -10589.8 341-1 -6830.24 341-1 -3484.2 341-1 -607.15 341-1 1763.39 341-1 3662.96 341-1 5147.37 341-1 6266.21 341-1 6291.52 341-2 5775.67 341-2 4600.83 341-2 2999.09 341-2 874.07 341-2 -1789.94 341-2 -4913.58 341-2 -8439.96 341-2 -12324.39 341-2 -2973.27 341-1 -269.29 341-1 2082.38 341-1 4044.16 341-1 5580.33 341-1 6667.25 341-1 7329.2 341-1 7601.95 341-1 7524.19 341-1 7517.09 341-2 6884.62 341-2 6882.45 341-2 6495.52 341-2 5699.4 341-2 4463.81 341-2 2799.81 341-2 742.68 341-2 -1668.63 341-2 -20391.79 341-1 -15622.8 341-1 -11211.68 341-1 -7201.37 341-1 -3636.72 341-1 -547.79 341-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.31 2094.83 341-1 -6.34 4335.94 341-1 -8.37 6217.41 341-1 -13.99 6259.1 341-2 -11.05 5641.71 341-2 -8.11 3683.86 341-2 -5.17 1320.06 341-2 -2.23 -1505.83 341-2 -2.1 -4817.22 341-2 -5.21 -8571.46 341-2 -8.32 -12723.29 341-2 -11.44 -17231.1 341-2 -0.07779 -4367.43 342-1 -0.2 -2461.72 342-1 -0.32 -1037.42 342-1 -0.44 -122.55 342-1 -0.56 255.2 342-1 -0.69 80.75 342-1 -0.81 -630.82 342-1 -0.93 -1851.81 342-1 -1.05 -3554.22 342-1 0.31 -4878.12 342-1 0.16 -2821.29 342-1 0.0239 -1227.11 342-1 -0.12 -169.58 342-1 -0.26 278.1 342-1 -0.4 76.07 342-1 -0.54 -735.83 342-1 -0.68 -2084.37 342-1 -0.82 -3895.55 342-1 0.14 -4448.05 342-1 0.01589 -2549.64 342-1 -0.11 -1095.14 342-1 -0.24 -139.77 342-1 -0.37 261.78 342-1 -0.5 79.77 342-1 -0.63 -656.05 342-1 -0.75 -1891.01 342-1 -0.88 -3569.87 342-1 0.16 -4451.97 342-1 0.03546 -2553.86 342-1 -0.09183 -1099.64 342-1 -0.22 -144.56 342-1 -0.35 256.71 342-1 -0.47 74.41 342-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.6 -661.69 342-1 -0.73 -1896.94 342-1 -0.86 -3576.09 342-1 4.23 2515.74 342-1 3.83 1998.17 342-1 3.44 1387.08 342-1 3.05 685.96 342-1 2.66 -54.96 342-1 2.96 772.27 342-1 3.46 1527.43 342-1 3.96 2190.64 342-1 4.46 2760.03 342-1 -4.3 -4456.75 342-1 -3.95 -3225.29 342-1 -3.61 -2089.53 342-1 -3.28 -1052.95 342-1 -2.95 -165.8 342-1 -3.3 -1036.01 342-1 -3.85 -2023.38 342-1 -4.4 -3108 342-1 -4.96 -4288.02 342-1 6.82 9275.41 342-1 5.36 7069.99 342-1 3.91 4770.3 342-1 2.45 2377.37 342-1 0.99 -93.5 342-1 1.8 2439.34 342-1 3.25 4884.62 342-1 4.7 7236.09 342-1 6.16 9493.19 342-1 -6.89 -11216.42 342-1 -5.49 -8297.12 342-1 -4.08 -5472.75 342-1 -2.68 -2744.37 342-1 -1.28 -127.26 342-1 -2.14 -2703.08 342-1 -3.64 -5380.57 342-1 -5.15 -8153.45 342-1 -6.65 -11021.18 342-1 4.43 -967.51 342-1 3.93 55.95 342-1 3.44 636.62 342-1 2.95 722.72 342-1 2.47 309.82 342-1 2.67 976.11 342-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

3.06 1111.14 342-1 3.46 749.68 342-1 3.87 -54.89 342-1 -4.09 -7940.01 342-1 -3.85 -5167.5 342-1 -3.61 -2839.98 342-1 -3.37 -1016.19 342-1 -3.14 198.98 342-1 -3.59 -832.17 342-1 -4.24 -2439.67 342-1 -4.9 -4548.97 342-1 -5.55 -7102.94 342-1 7.03 5792.16 342-1 5.47 5127.78 342-1 3.91 4019.84 342-1 2.35 2414.13 342-1 0.8 271.28 342-1 1.51 2643.19 342-1 2.86 4468.33 342-1 4.21 5795.13 342-1 5.56 6678.27 342-1 -6.69 -14699.67 342-1 -5.38 -10239.33 342-1 -4.08 -6223.21 342-1 -2.77 -2707.61 342-1 -1.47 237.53 342-1 -2.43 -2499.24 342-1 -4.04 -5796.86 342-1 -5.64 -9594.41 342-1 -7.25 -13836.1 342-1 -0.03559 -10015.44 343-1 -0.17 -6464.63 343-1 -0.31 -3301.49 343-1 -0.45 -546.46 343-1 -0.58 1780.08 343-1 -0.72 3664.5 343-1 -0.86 5120.41 343-1 -1 6168.23 343-1 -1.13 6828.37 343-1 0.3 6813.19 343-2 0.44 6004.48 343-2 0.58 4808.09 343-2 0.72 3203.61 343-2 0.86 1170.62 343-2 1 -1304.49 343-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.13 1.27 1.41 -0.32 -0.41 -0.49 -0.57 -0.66 -0.74 -0.82 -0.91 -0.99 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.52 0.51 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.49 -0.59 -0.69 -0.79 -0.89 -0.99 0.47 0.52 0.57 0.62 0.66 0.71 0.76 0.81 0.86 -0.21 -0.31 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.69

-4208.1 343-2 -7519.8 343-2 -11219.18 343-2 -11003.15 343-1 -7156.17 343-1 -3677.94 343-1 -622.4 343-1 1956.5 343-1 4022.8 343-1 5612.45 343-1 6779.41 343-1 7577.62 343-1 7559.2 343-2 6669.98 343-2 5412.01 343-2 3731.35 343-2 1574.05 343-2 -1095.86 343-2 -4242.41 343-2 -7811.65 343-2 -11749.64 343-2 -10099.39 343-1 -6553.72 343-1 -3363.14 343-1 -567.91 343-1 1791.68 343-1 3688.78 343-1 5150.25 343-1 6216.37 343-1 6927.4 343-1 6910.79 343-2 6094.94 343-2 4924.01 343-2 3357.71 343-2 1355.79 343-2 -1108.62 343-2 -4008.67 343-2 -7304.07 343-2 -10954.56 343-2 -10096.68 343-1 -6550.99 343-1 -3360.38 343-1 -565.12 343-1 1794.5 343-1 3691.63 343-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.79 -0.89 -0.98 0.46 0.5 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.7 0.74 0.78 14.49 10.22 5.95 1.68 2.4 6.78 11.17 15.56 19.95 22.18 17.23 12.29 7.34 2.4 3.9 8.35 12.99 17.76 -15.16 -10.77 -6.38 -2 -2.6 -6.87 -11.14 -15.41 -19.69 -20.47 -15.69 -10.91 -6.13 -1.36 -3.02

5153.14 343-1 6219.28 343-1 6930.34 343-1 6913.92 343-2 6098.19 343-2 4927.39 343-2 3361.23 343-2 1359.43 343-2 -1104.85 343-2 -4004.77 343-2 -7300.05 343-2 -10950.4 343-2 -304.35 343-1 271.26 343-1 778.71 343-1 1227.82 343-1 1636.94 343-1 2017.16 343-1 2354.23 343-1 2631.19 343-1 3134.09 343-1 3135.72 343-2 2905.02 343-2 2614.67 343-2 2296.6 343-2 1989.82 343-2 1662.33 343-2 1277.51 343-2 823.18 343-2 295.43 343-2 -5697.31 343-1 -4347.17 343-1 -3082.14 343-1 -1912.03 343-1 -855.21 343-1 77.25 343-1 899.6 343-1 1628.79 343-1 1978.77 343-1 1963.83 343-2 1360.13 343-2 662.8 343-2 -160.06 343-2 -1147.49 343-2 -2267.47 343-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.63 -3483.38 343-2 -12.44 -4783.06 343-2 -17.38 -6162.58 343-2 9.46 4727.26 343-1 6.49 4653.09 343-1 3.53 4504.83 343-1 0.57 4285.45 343-1 2.2 4000.45 343-1 5.28 3653.19 343-1 8.37 3239.51 343-1 11.45 2755.27 343-1 14.53 3180.1 343-1 10.53 3197.92 343-2 8.47 3751.1 343-2 6.42 4234.16 343-2 4.37 4655.47 343-2 2.32 5026.59 343-2 2.2 5337.88 343-2 2.98 5578.35 343-2 4.41 5744.33 343-2 6.29 5834.65 343-2 -10.13 -10728.92 343-1 -7.04 -8729 343-1 -3.96 -6808.26 343-1 -0.89 -4969.66 343-1 -2.41 -3218.71 343-1 -5.37 -1558.77 343-1 -8.34 14.33 343-1 -11.3 1504.71 343-1 -14.27 1932.76 343-1 -8.82 1901.63 343-2 -6.93 514.04 343-2 -5.04 -956.69 343-2 -3.16 -2518.93 343-2 -1.27 -4184.25 343-2 -1.32 -5943.02 343-2 -2.26 -7784.22 343-2 -3.86 -9704.21 343-2 -5.9 -11701.8 343-2 14.61 -7398.97 343-1 10.18 -4240.53 343-1 5.76 -1428.69 343-1 1.34 1006.08 343-1 1.9 3041.86 343-1 6.13 4662.89 343-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

10.37 5881.76 343-1 14.6 6721.8 343-1 18.83 7509.34 343-1 21.78 7501.28 343-2 16.95 6872.11 343-2 12.13 5904.86 343-2 7.3 4591.15 343-2 2.48 2929.74 343-2 4.1 861.76 343-2 8.67 -1622.56 343-2 13.43 -4495.1 343-2 18.32 -7719.5 343-2 -15.04 -12791.93 343-1 -10.81 -8858.96 343-1 -6.57 -5289.55 343-1 -2.34 -2133.78 343-1 -3.1 549.71 343-1 -7.52 2722.98 343-1 -11.95 4427.13 343-1 -16.37 5719.4 343-1 -20.8 6354.02 343-1 -20.87 6329.4 343-2 -15.97 5327.23 343-2 -11.07 3952.99 343-2 -6.17 2134.49 343-2 -1.28 -207.57 343-2 -2.82 -3068.04 343-2 -7.31 -6383.44 343-2 -12 -10101.33 343-2 -16.82 -14177.52 343-2 9.58 -2367.36 343-1 6.46 141.3 343-1 3.34 2297.43 343-1 0.23 4063.7 343-1 1.71 5405.36 343-1 4.63 6298.91 343-1 7.56 6767.04 343-1 10.49 6845.88 343-1 13.42 7555.35 343-1 10.13 7563.49 343-2 8.19 7718.2 343-2 6.26 7524.35 343-2 4.33 6950.02 343-2 2.4 5966.5 343-2 2.4 4537.31 343-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.3 4.85 6.84 -10.01 -7.08 -4.15 -1.24 -2.9 -6.02 -9.14 -12.26 -15.38 -9.22 -7.21 -5.21 -3.2 -1.19 -1.12 -1.94 -3.42 -5.34 -2.31 -2.03 -1.74 -1.46 -1.18 -0.89 -0.61 -0.33 -0.04515 0.68 0.52 0.37 0.22 0.06189 -0.09247 -0.25 -0.4 -0.56 -1.57 -1.43 -1.28 -1.14 -1 -0.86

2678.29 343-2 426.06 343-2 -2180.28 343-2 -17823.54 343-1 -13240.79 343-1 -9015.67 343-1 -5191.41 343-1 -1813.8 343-1 1086.95 343-1 3541.86 343-1 5595.32 343-1 6308.01 343-1 6267.19 343-2 4481.14 343-2 2333.5 343-2 -224.38 343-2 -3244.34 343-2 -6743.59 343-2 -10684.28 343-2 -15022.49 343-2 -19716.74 343-2 -13539.93 346-1 -9737.58 346-1 -6095.25 346-1 -2653.78 346-1 546.01 346-1 3476.91 346-1 6166.12 346-1 8654.48 346-1 10982.81 346-1 10967.51 346-2 8985.81 346-2 6844.08 346-2 4501.49 346-2 1917.23 346-2 -935.93 346-2 -4030.78 346-2 -7326.47 346-2 -10782.2 346-2 -17203.28 346-1 -12076.56 346-1 -7159.91 346-1 -2561.21 346-1 1611.62 346-1 5286.68 346-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.71 -0.57 -0.43 0.42 0.36 0.3 0.23 0.17 0.11 0.04528 -0.01765 -0.08059 -1.85 -1.65 -1.44 -1.23 -1.02 -0.82 -0.61 -0.4 -0.2 0.61 0.49 0.37 0.25 0.13 0.01054 -0.11 -0.23 -0.35 -1.74 -1.56 -1.37 -1.19 -1.01 -0.82 -0.64 -0.45 -0.27 0.5 0.41 0.31 0.22 0.13 0.03392

8535.88 346-1 11467.12 346-1 14188.29 346-1 14166.86 346-2 11748.96 346-2 9120.99 346-2 6175.06 346-2 2803.28 346-2 -1066.29 346-2 -5361.71 346-2 -9975.09 346-2 -14798.54 346-2 -15119.73 346-1 -10692.38 346-1 -6447.76 346-1 -2466.43 346-1 1171.05 346-1 4411 346-1 7307.1 346-1 9939.91 346-1 12390 346-1 12371.54 346-2 10224.31 346-2 7894.35 346-2 5301.1 346-2 2364.01 346-2 -970.63 346-2 -4649.11 346-2 -8590.87 346-2 -12715.37 346-2 -15106.44 346-1 -10679.91 346-1 -6436.11 346-1 -2455.61 346-1 1181.06 346-1 4420.18 346-1 7315.46 346-1 9947.46 346-1 12396.72 346-1 12378.39 346-2 10230.37 346-2 7899.61 346-2 5305.56 346-2 2367.67 346-2 -967.76 346-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.05943 -4647.03 346-2 -0.15 -8589.59 346-2 -0.25 -12714.88 346-2 11.68 -2368.73 346-1 8.5 -1155.28 346-1 5.33 -17.13 346-1 2.16 1046.94 346-1 1.66 2039.92 346-1 4.58 2970.46 346-1 7.8 3859.4 346-1 11.56 4718.36 346-1 15.33 5527.38 346-1 15.71 5543.33 346-2 12.14 4479.16 346-2 8.58 3673.95 346-2 5.02 2807.97 346-2 2.15 1883.54 346-2 1.85 897.66 346-2 4.82 -155.11 346-2 7.81 -1278.88 346-2 10.8 -2475.99 346-2 -14.81 -8271.01 346-1 -11.04 -6323.3 346-1 -7.28 -4453.56 346-1 -3.52 -2663 346-1 -2.43 -954.62 346-1 -4.76 662.94 346-1 -7.38 2168.82 346-1 -10.56 3551.42 346-1 -13.73 4830.7 346-1 -13.11 4813.9 346-2 -10.12 3879.46 346-2 -7.14 2532.8 346-2 -4.15 1093.63 346-2 -1.85 -440.34 346-2 -2.13 -2066.13 346-2 -5.68 -3778.3 346-2 -9.24 -5572.75 346-2 -12.8 -7447.11 346-2 9.56 3124.21 346-1 7.55 3704.98 346-1 5.54 4209.52 346-1 3.54 4638.21 346-1 2.33 4991.96 346-1 2.15 5273.38 346-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.92 5488.8 346-1 5.51 5641.91 346-1 8.11 5728.74 346-1 12.91 5786.85 346-2 9.56 4674.28 346-2 6.21 4574.13 346-2 2.86 4404.18 346-2 1.79 4163.33 346-2 3.58 3850.5 346-2 6.35 3463.99 346-2 9.13 3002.56 346-2 11.9 2465.49 346-2 -12.69 -13763.95 346-1 -10.09 -11183.56 346-1 -7.49 -8680.21 346-1 -4.89 -6254.27 346-1 -3.1 -3906.66 346-1 -2.33 -1639.99 346-1 -2.5 539.42 346-1 -4.51 2627.87 346-1 -6.52 4629.34 346-1 -10.32 4570.39 346-2 -7.54 3684.35 346-2 -4.76 1632.62 346-2 -1.99 -502.58 346-2 -1.49 -2720.14 346-2 -3.86 -5018.97 346-2 -7.2 -7397.41 346-2 -10.56 -9854.19 346-2 -13.91 -12388.6 346-2 11.55 -12149.26 346-1 8.25 -8090.23 346-1 4.96 -4212.6 346-1 1.67 -595.72 346-1 1.05 2682.88 346-1 3.85 5578.12 346-1 6.94 8164.55 346-1 10.58 10534.36 346-1 14.23 12748.12 346-1 14.86 12746.22 346-2 11.5 10532.97 346-2 8.15 8472.58 346-2 4.79 6164.76 346-2 2.13 3531.28 346-2 2.03 515.45 346-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.21 8.4 11.6 -14.93 -11.29 -7.65 -4.01 -3.04 -5.49 -8.24 -11.54 -14.83 -13.96 -10.76 -7.57 -4.38 -1.87 -1.94 -5.29 -8.64 -12 9.43 7.3 5.17 3.04 1.72 1.41 2.06 4.54 7.01 12.07 8.92 5.77 2.63 1.77 3.76 6.74 9.72 12.71 -12.82 -10.34 -7.86 -5.39 -3.71 -3.06

-2834.49 346-2 -6442.07 346-2 -10229.1 346-2 -18051.53 346-1 -13258.25 346-1 -8649.04 346-1 -4305.65 346-1 -311.66 346-1 3270.6 346-1 6473.98 346-1 9367.42 346-1 12051.44 346-1 12016.79 346-2 9933.27 346-2 7331.42 346-2 4450.42 346-2 1207.4 346-2 -2448.35 346-2 -6457.68 346-2 -10735.94 346-2 -15200.22 346-2 -6656.31 346-1 -3229.97 346-1 14.05 346-1 2995.56 346-1 5634.92 346-1 7881.05 346-1 9793.95 346-1 11457.91 346-1 12949.48 346-1 12989.74 346-2 10728.09 346-2 9372.75 346-2 7760.97 346-2 5811.08 346-2 3468.28 346-2 784.61 346-2 -2160.63 346-2 -5287.61 346-2 -23544.48 346-1 -18118.51 346-1 -12875.68 346-1 -7896.92 346-1 -3263.7 346-1 967.67 346-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.36 4844.58 346-1 -5.49 8443.87 346-1 -7.62 11850.08 346-1 -11.16 11773.28 346-2 -8.18 9738.15 346-2 -5.2 6431.25 346-2 -2.22 2854.21 346-2 -1.52 -1072.39 346-2 -3.67 -5401.18 346-2 -6.81 -10076.78 346-2 -9.96 -15017.38 346-2 -13.11 -20141.7 346-2 -0.05082 -3569.43 347-1 -0.19 -2523.52 347-1 -0.33 -1680.79 347-1 -0.47 -1097.23 347-1 -0.61 -828.24 347-1 -0.74 -903.99 347-1 -0.88 -1294.31 347-1 -1.02 -1943.8 347-1 -1.16 -2796.46 347-1 -0.02656 -5364.58 347-1 -0.19 -3661.29 347-1 -0.35 -2232.14 347-1 -0.51 -1225.14 347-1 -0.67 -786.71 347-1 -0.83 -996.56 347-1 -0.99 -1774.99 347-1 -1.15 -2975.55 347-1 -1.31 -4450.27 347-1 -0.01863 -4489.2 347-1 -0.17 -3088.13 347-1 -0.31 -1923.71 347-1 -0.46 -1106.44 347-1 -0.61 -745.63 347-1 -0.76 -900.81 347-1 -0.9 -1512.46 347-1 -1.05 -2471.25 347-1 -1.2 -3666.69 347-1 -0.03085 -4498.58 347-1 -0.18 -3097.79 347-1 -0.32 -1933.65 347-1 -0.47 -1116.65 347-1 -0.61 -756.12 347-1 -0.76 -911.58 347-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.9 -1523.51 347-1 -1.05 -2482.58 347-1 -1.19 -3678.3 347-1 5.63 1954.95 347-1 4.67 1491.38 347-1 3.73 933.44 347-1 2.81 281.72 347-1 2.09 -451.36 347-1 3.12 313.97 347-1 4.17 1014.6 347-1 5.22 1621.77 347-1 6.28 2134.61 347-1 -5.45 -4620.86 347-1 -4.57 -3445.73 347-1 -3.71 -2365.43 347-1 -2.86 -1380.58 347-1 -2.23 -503.58 347-1 -3.34 -1314.21 347-1 -4.47 -2249.36 347-1 -5.6 -3280.27 347-1 -6.74 -4406.07 347-1 13.21 8434.26 347-1 9.95 6349.03 347-1 6.7 4169.25 347-1 3.46 1895.12 347-1 0.88 -468.57 347-1 4.1 1939.33 347-1 7.32 4262.64 347-1 10.55 6491.7 347-1 13.78 8626.23 347-1 -13.02 -11100.17 347-1 -9.85 -8303.37 347-1 -6.68 -5601.24 347-1 -3.52 -2993.98 347-1 -1.02 -486.37 347-1 -4.32 -2939.57 347-1 -7.62 -5497.41 347-1 -10.93 -8150.2 347-1 -14.24 -10897.69 347-1 5.5 -1214.94 347-1 4.44 -633.63 347-1 3.4 -288.73 347-1 2.37 -290.15 347-1 1.55 -734.78 347-1 2.48 -102.39 347-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

3.42 4.36 5.32 -5.58 -4.8 -4.05 -3.3 -2.77 -3.99 -5.22 -6.45 -7.7 13.08 9.72 6.37 3.02 0.34 3.45 6.57 9.69 12.82 -13.15 -10.08 -7.02 -3.96 -1.56 -4.97 -8.37 -11.78 -15.2 0.53 0.38 0.23 0.08692 -0.05948 -0.21 -0.35 -0.5 -0.65 -0.0004368 -0.29 -0.58 -0.88 -1.17 -1.46

103.44 347-1 -36.71 347-1 -413.23 347-1 -7790.75 347-1 -5570.74 347-1 -3587.6 347-1 -1952.45 347-1 -787 347-1 -1730.57 347-1 -3160.51 347-1 -4938.75 347-1 -6953.92 347-1 5264.37 347-1 4224.02 347-1 2947.08 347-1 1323.26 347-1 -751.99 347-1 1522.97 347-1 3351.49 347-1 4833.22 347-1 6078.38 347-1 -14270.06 347-1 -10428.38 347-1 -6823.42 347-1 -3565.85 347-1 -769.79 347-1 -3355.93 347-1 -6408.56 347-1 -9808.68 347-1 -13445.54 347-1 -11340.98 348-1 -7809.11 348-1 -4437.28 348-1 -1266.31 348-1 1662.99 348-1 4323.39 348-1 6742.12 348-1 8959.98 348-1 11017.82 348-1 11028.13 348-2 8771.8 348-2 6355.44 348-2 3738.22 348-2 879.33 348-2 -2248.46 348-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.75 -2.04 -2.33 1.14 0.87 0.6 0.33 0.06161 -0.21 -0.48 -0.75 -1.02 -0.41 -0.57 -0.74 -0.9 -1.06 -1.22 -1.39 -1.55 -1.71 0.78 0.59 0.4 0.21 0.02122 -0.17 -0.36 -0.55 -0.74 -0.16 -0.39 -0.61 -0.84 -1.06 -1.28 -1.51 -1.73 -1.96 0.87 0.66 0.44 0.23 0.01965 -0.19

-5617.93 348-2 -9188.26 348-2 -12918.62 348-2 -15464.19 348-1 -10550.42 348-1 -5846.72 348-1 -1460.98 348-1 2498.9 348-1 5961 348-1 8997.25 348-1 11715.53 348-1 14223.75 348-1 14239.74 348-2 11605.62 348-2 8761.42 348-2 5599.27 348-2 2011.26 348-2 -2074.53 348-2 -6586.18 348-2 -11415.79 348-2 -16455.46 348-2 -13312.98 348-1 -9107.29 348-1 -5084.34 348-1 -1324.68 348-1 2091.15 348-1 5109.43 348-1 7783.86 348-1 10195.02 348-1 12423.44 348-1 12436.88 348-2 10064.6 348-2 7509.6 348-2 4691.3 348-2 1529.17 348-2 -2030.51 348-2 -5934.03 348-2 -10100.84 348-2 -14450.38 348-2 -13310.8 348-1 -9104.55 348-1 -5081.03 348-1 -1320.8 348-1 2095.59 348-1 5114.43 348-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.4 7789.44 348-1 -0.62 10201.15 348-1 -0.83 12430.14 348-1 -0.24 12443.47 348-2 -0.44 10071.79 348-2 -0.64 7517.38 348-2 -0.84 4699.69 348-2 -1.04 1538.15 348-2 -1.24 -2020.94 348-2 -1.44 -5923.86 348-2 -1.64 -10090.07 348-2 -1.84 -14439.01 348-2 10.63 -2519.63 348-1 7.74 -1328.01 348-1 4.85 -211.57 348-1 1.99 831.24 348-1 2.35 1804.86 348-1 4.53 2723.41 348-1 7.84 3610.59 348-1 11.17 4458.03 348-1 14.49 5568.31 348-1 15.32 5550.44 348-2 11.47 4785.93 348-2 7.78 3957.87 348-2 4.77 3070.35 348-2 1.77 2124.2 348-2 2.49 1115.48 348-2 5.68 39.16 348-2 8.88 -1108.38 348-2 12.08 -2329.24 348-2 -12.1 -7696.6 348-1 -8.78 -5777.2 348-1 -5.46 -3935.88 348-1 -2.15 -2174.19 348-1 -2.08 -496.59 348-1 -3.83 1082.82 348-1 -6.71 2540.33 348-1 -9.6 3884.32 348-1 -12.49 4812.2 348-1 -13.53 4828.52 348-2 -10.34 3544.15 348-2 -7.3 2170.07 348-2 -4.93 702.18 348-2 -2.58 -860.35 348-2 -3.96 -2513.57 348-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.8 -11.64 -15.49 12.93 10.09 7.24 4.4 2.53 2.04 5.29 8.57 11.85 7.52 4.87 2.77 2.88 3.02 4.28 6.27 8.27 10.27 -14.4 -11.12 -7.84 -4.57 -2.27 -1.34 -4.16 -7.01 -9.85 -5.73 -3.73 -2.28 -3.05 -3.84 -5.74 -8.39 -11.04 -13.69 12.27 8.94 5.62 2.31 2.24 3.98

-4252.46 348-2 -6073.4 348-2 -7974.27 348-2 2349.77 348-1 2899.04 348-1 3372.13 348-1 3769.51 348-1 4092.53 348-1 4345.47 348-1 4535.63 348-1 4662.26 348-1 5802.32 348-1 5742.78 348-2 5683.17 348-2 5553.15 348-2 5351.98 348-2 5079.69 348-2 4735.03 348-2 4316.47 348-2 3822.93 348-2 3253.75 348-2 -12566 348-1 -10004.25 348-1 -7519.58 348-1 -5112.47 348-1 -2784.26 348-1 -539.24 348-1 1615.3 348-1 3680.09 348-1 4578.18 348-1 4636.18 348-2 2646.91 348-2 574.78 348-2 -1579.45 348-2 -3815.84 348-2 -6133.12 348-2 -8529.78 348-2 -11004.71 348-2 -13557.27 348-2 -10721.33 348-1 -6878.71 348-1 -3217.38 348-1 183.67 348-1 3248.33 348-1 5937 348-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.85 8327.1 348-1 9.74 10490.8 348-1 12.62 12811.24 348-1 14.15 12807.43 348-2 10.43 10695.95 348-2 6.89 8414.82 348-2 4 5887.58 348-2 1.14 3034.51 348-2 2 -202.06 348-2 5.33 -3773.43 348-2 8.66 -7602.66 348-2 12 -11611.33 348-2 -10.45 -15898.3 348-1 -7.57 -11327.9 348-1 -4.69 -6941.68 348-1 -1.83 -2821.76 348-1 -2.2 946.88 348-1 -4.39 4296.41 348-1 -7.7 7256.84 348-1 -11.03 9917.09 348-1 -14.36 12055.13 348-1 -14.71 12085.51 348-2 -11.37 9454.17 348-2 -8.2 6627.02 348-2 -5.69 3519.41 348-2 -3.21 49.95 348-2 -4.44 -3831.11 348-2 -8.15 -8065.04 348-2 -11.86 -12567.69 348-2 -15.57 -17256.36 348-2 14.57 -5851.93 348-1 11.29 -2651.66 348-1 8 366.33 348-1 4.72 3121.95 348-1 2.42 5536 348-1 1.49 7559.07 348-1 4.3 9252.13 348-1 7.14 10695.03 348-1 9.98 13045.26 348-1 6.34 12999.77 348-2 3.83 11593.19 348-2 1.87 10010.11 348-2 2.12 8169.21 348-2 2.4 5989.99 348-2 3.79 3417.49 348-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.92 8.06 10.19 -12.76 -9.92 -7.08 -4.24 -2.38 -1.89 -5.15 -8.44 -11.72 -6.9 -4.77 -3.18 -3.81 -4.46 -6.23 -8.74 -11.25 -13.76 0.44 0.24 0.04787 -0.15 -0.34 -0.54 -0.74 -0.93 -1.13 0.68 0.59 0.5 0.41 0.32 0.23 0.14 0.05521 -0.03453 0.31 0.13 -0.05019 -0.23 -0.41 -0.59

503.89 348-2 -2671.36 348-2 -6028.34 348-2 -20767.7 348-1 -15554.95 348-1 -10525.39 348-1 -5760.03 348-1 -1340.79 348-1 2674.35 348-1 6331.81 348-1 9712.86 348-1 11821.12 348-1 11893.17 348-2 8556.93 348-2 5031.74 348-2 1237.78 348-2 -2905.54 348-2 -7450.66 348-2 -12342.36 348-2 -17498.99 348-2 -22839.36 348-2 -17463.81 350-1 -11633.02 350-1 -6210.32 350-1 -1236.54 350-1 3247.49 350-1 7214.57 350-1 10691.9 350-1 13720.32 350-1 16340.64 350-1 16323.46 350-2 13723.66 350-2 10715.76 350-2 7258.95 350-2 3312.4 350-2 -1151.12 350-2 -6104.37 350-2 -11506.54 350-2 -17316.81 350-2 -21456 350-1 -14297.7 350-1 -7562.09 350-1 -1357.07 350-1 4209.47 350-1 9065.6 350-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.76 -0.94 -1.12 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.52 0.45 0.38 0.31 0.24 0.18 0.32 0.14 -0.0326 -0.21 -0.38 -0.56 -0.73 -0.91 -1.08 0.71 0.63 0.55 0.47 0.39 0.31 0.23 0.15 0.07544 0.33 0.16 -0.0184 -0.19 -0.37 -0.54 -0.72 -0.89 -1.07 0.68 0.61 0.53 0.46 0.39 0.31

13283.25 350-1 16970.32 350-1 20234.69 350-1 20204.12 350-2 16940.33 350-2 13253.84 350-2 9036.77 350-2 4181.22 350-2 -1384.74 350-2 -7589.18 350-2 -14324.2 350-2 -21481.92 350-2 -19049.71 350-1 -12699.52 350-1 -6744.69 350-1 -1265.77 350-1 3656.69 350-1 7968.97 350-1 11724.79 350-1 15004.7 350-1 17889.25 350-1 17864.38 350-2 14990.12 350-2 11720.51 350-2 7974.98 350-2 3672.99 350-2 -1239.18 350-2 -6707.81 350-2 -12652.35 350-2 -18992.25 350-2 -19027.2 350-1 -12678.78 350-1 -6725.72 350-1 -1248.56 350-1 3672.12 350-1 7982.64 350-1 11736.69 350-1 15014.83 350-1 17897.61 350-1 17872.94 350-2 14997.61 350-2 11726.91 350-2 7980.31 350-2 3677.24 350-2 -1236 350-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.24 -6705.71 350-2 0.17 -12651.33 350-2 0.09524 -18992.31 350-2 6.87 -3631.58 350-1 4.95 -2074.59 350-1 3.02 -594.19 350-1 1.12 809.63 350-1 0.65 2136.93 350-1 2.2 3387.79 350-1 4.01 4562.46 350-1 5.91 5661.82 350-1 7.81 6691.98 350-1 8.59 6748.39 350-2 7.09 5374.73 350-2 5.59 4317.97 350-2 4.09 3190.15 350-2 2.59 1986.58 350-2 1.49 706.66 350-2 0.67 -649.77 350-2 1.97 -2082.76 350-2 3.36 -3592.35 350-2 -7.45 -9009.64 350-1 -5.55 -6814.94 350-1 -3.65 -4696.92 350-1 -1.77 -2655.6 350-1 -1.33 -691.01 350-1 -2.9 1196.74 350-1 -4.74 3007.42 350-1 -6.67 4740.14 350-1 -8.59 6388.8 350-1 -7.72 6330.06 350-2 -6.33 5109.33 350-2 -4.95 3418.45 350-2 -3.57 1645.34 350-2 -2.19 -205.27 350-2 -1.2 -2132.8 350-2 -0.5 -4137.1 350-2 -1.93 -6218.09 350-2 -3.42 -8375.76 350-2 4.49 1936.45 350-1 3.4 2833.96 350-1 2.31 3654.87 350-1 1.23 4399.2 350-1 0.58 5066.97 350-1 0.59 5658.25 350-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.37 2.42 3.48 5.96 4.73 3.51 2.28 1.06 1.15 1.59 2.68 3.79 -5.07 -4 -2.94 -1.88 -1.26 -1.3 -2.1 -3.18 -4.27 -5.08 -3.97 -2.87 -1.76 -0.66 -0.86 -1.43 -2.63 -3.86 7.5 5.41 3.32 1.26 0.63 2.02 3.67 5.4 7.14 8.82 7.31 5.8 4.28 2.77 1.66

6173.24 350-1 6612.61 350-1 6982.32 350-1 7163.58 350-2 5629.06 350-2 5243.82 350-2 4787.61 350-2 4255.48 350-2 3646.94 350-2 2961.87 350-2 2200.22 350-2 1361.97 350-2 -14577.66 350-1 -11723.49 350-1 -8945.99 350-1 -6245.16 350-1 -3621.05 350-1 -1073.72 350-1 1396.64 350-1 3789.36 350-1 6098.46 350-1 5914.88 350-2 4855.01 350-2 2492.59 350-2 47.88 350-2 -2474.17 350-2 -5073.09 350-2 -7748.74 350-2 -10501.07 350-2 -13330.08 350-2 -16327.94 350-1 -10299.18 350-1 -4665.73 350-1 491.87 350-1 5093.11 350-1 9084.37 350-1 12519.61 350-1 15480.27 350-1 18053 350-1 18086 350-2 15133.71 350-2 12179.58 350-2 8755.13 350-2 4775.09 350-2 185.17 350-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.83 2.12 3.49 -6.83 -5.09 -3.35 -1.63 -1.35 -3.08 -5.08 -7.17 -9.26 -7.49 -6.12 -4.74 -3.37 -2 -1.03 -0.34 -1.78 -3.29 5.11 3.86 2.61 1.37 0.56 0.41 1.03 1.92 2.82 6.19 4.95 3.71 2.47 1.24 1.32 1.76 2.83 3.93 -4.44 -3.54 -2.64 -1.74 -1.28 -1.48

-4961.1 350-2 -10583.2 350-2 -16600.63 350-2 -21706 350-1 -15039.53 350-1 -8768.46 350-1 -2973.36 350-1 2265.17 350-1 6893.32 350-1 10964.58 350-1 14558.59 350-1 17749.82 350-1 17667.67 350-2 14868.31 350-2 11280.06 350-2 7210.33 350-2 2583.24 350-2 -2654.29 350-2 -8448.42 350-2 -14718.53 350-2 -21384.04 350-2 -10759.91 350-1 -5390.63 350-1 -416.66 350-1 4081.43 350-1 8023.14 350-1 11354.84 350-1 14130.39 350-1 16431.05 350-1 18343.34 350-1 18501.18 350-2 15388.03 350-2 13105.44 350-2 10352.59 350-2 7043.99 350-2 3125.45 350-2 -1349.46 350-2 -6300.22 350-2 -11646.31 350-2 -27274.02 350-1 -19948.08 350-1 -13017.52 350-1 -6562.92 350-1 -664.87 350-1 4622.86 350-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.45 9353.8 350-1 -3.68 13607.81 350-1 -4.93 17459.48 350-1 -4.86 17252.48 350-2 -3.76 14613.99 350-2 -2.66 10354.21 350-2 -1.56 5612.87 350-2 -0.47 314.35 350-2 -0.69 -5594.57 350-2 -1.27 -12060.06 350-2 -2.48 -19001.51 350-2 -3.72 -26338.36 350-2 -0.003663 -5225.34 351-1 -0.14 -4100.74 351-1 -0.29 -3179.31 351-1 -0.43 -2517.05 351-1 -0.57 -2169.37 351-1 -0.71 -2166.42 351-1 -0.85 -2478.04 351-1 -0.99 -3048.84 351-1 -1.13 -3822.8 351-1 0.01863 -7030.37 351-1 -0.15 -5264.02 351-1 -0.32 -3771.8 351-1 -0.48 -2701.74 351-1 -0.65 -2200.24 351-1 -0.82 -2347.02 351-1 -0.99 -3062.38 351-1 -1.16 -4199.88 351-1 -1.32 -5611.53 351-1 0.03631 -6058.13 351-1 -0.12 -4592.33 351-1 -0.27 -3363.18 351-1 -0.43 -2481.17 351-1 -0.58 -2055.63 351-1 -0.74 -2146.08 351-1 -0.89 -2692.99 351-1 -1.05 -3587.05 351-1 -1.2 -4717.76 351-1 0.01423 -6071.31 351-1 -0.14 -4605.81 351-1 -0.29 -3376.95 351-1 -0.44 -2495.24 351-1 -0.59 -2070 351-1 -0.74 -2160.74 351-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.89 -2707.95 351-1 -1.04 -3602.31 351-1 -1.19 -4733.31 351-1 3.87 1616.44 351-1 3.52 1185.71 351-1 3.17 660.37 351-1 2.83 40.46 351-1 2.78 -670.36 351-1 3.21 89.08 351-1 3.65 758.61 351-1 4.08 1333.56 351-1 4.52 1813.91 351-1 -3.48 -4678.04 351-1 -3.26 -3535.43 351-1 -3.04 -2487.43 351-1 -2.82 -1534.07 351-1 -2.89 -679.04 351-1 -3.45 -1483.47 351-1 -4.01 -2387.21 351-1 -4.58 -3385.59 351-1 -5.14 -4478.59 351-1 5.56 8134.34 351-1 4.24 6073.94 351-1 2.92 3918.94 351-1 1.6 1669.33 351-1 1.23 -670.94 351-1 2.49 1719.41 351-1 3.75 4018.63 351-1 5.01 6223.25 351-1 6.27 8333.26 351-1 -5.17 -11195.94 351-1 -3.97 -8423.66 351-1 -2.78 -5746 351-1 -1.59 -3162.95 351-1 -1.34 -678.45 351-1 -2.73 -3113.8 351-1 -4.11 -5647.23 351-1 -5.5 -8275.28 351-1 -6.88 -10997.94 351-1 3.68 -2930.06 351-1 3.24 -2251.37 351-1 2.81 -1809.31 351-1 2.38 -1714.37 351-1 2.24 -2072.19 351-1 2.59 -1381.13 351-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.94 3.29 3.64 -3.67 -3.53 -3.4 -3.27 -3.42 -4.07 -4.72 -5.37 -6.02 5.37 3.96 2.55 1.15 0.7 1.86 3.04 4.21 5.39 -5.36 -4.25 -3.14 -2.03 -1.88 -3.35 -4.82 -6.29 -7.76 0.97 0.8 0.62 0.44 0.26 0.08179 -0.09659 -0.27 -0.45 -0.98 -0.82 -0.67 -0.51 -0.35 -0.19

-1141.84 351-1 -1249.66 351-1 -1594.13 351-1 -9224.54 351-1 -6972.5 351-1 -4957.11 351-1 -3288.9 351-1 -2080.86 351-1 -2953.68 351-1 -4287.66 351-1 -5968.82 351-1 -7886.63 351-1 3587.84 351-1 2636.87 351-1 1449.25 351-1 -85.5 351-1 -2072.77 351-1 249.2 351-1 2118.18 351-1 3640.02 351-1 4925.22 351-1 -15742.44 351-1 -11860.74 351-1 -8215.68 351-1 -4917.77 351-1 -2080.28 351-1 -4584 351-1 -7547.68 351-1 -10858.51 351-1 -14405.98 351-1 -17752.51 352-1 -11886.87 352-1 -6429.32 352-1 -1420.7 352-1 3098.19 352-1 7100.12 352-1 10612.3 352-1 13675.57 352-1 16330.74 352-1 16336.74 352-2 13766.32 352-2 10787.82 352-2 7360.39 352-2 3443.22 352-2 -990.91 352-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.03529 0.12 0.28 1.35 1.11 0.87 0.64 0.4 0.16 -0.07671 -0.31 -0.55 -0.95 -0.83 -0.72 -0.6 -0.48 -0.36 -0.25 -0.13 -0.01048 1.17 0.96 0.75 0.54 0.33 0.12 -0.08609 -0.3 -0.5 -0.91 -0.79 -0.67 -0.55 -0.43 -0.3 -0.18 -0.06126 0.06024 1.16 0.95 0.75 0.54 0.33 0.13

-5914.77 352-2 -11287.56 352-2 -17068.44 352-2 -22016.3 352-1 -14789.18 352-1 -7984.75 352-1 -1710.91 352-1 3924.45 352-1 8849.4 352-1 13135.87 352-1 16891.76 352-1 20224.95 352-1 20242.24 352-2 17042.06 352-2 13419.18 352-2 9265.71 352-2 4473.76 352-2 -1028.59 352-2 -7169.42 352-2 -13840.84 352-2 -20934.95 352-2 -19468.32 352-1 -13066.97 352-1 -7060.98 352-1 -1530.9 352-1 3442.71 352-1 7806.15 352-1 11613.13 352-1 14944.19 352-1 17879.9 352-1 17892.82 352-2 15064.71 352-2 11841.26 352-2 8141.89 352-2 3886.05 352-2 -979.96 352-2 -6402.43 352-2 -12300.81 352-2 -18594.56 352-2 -19466.64 352-1 -13064.45 352-1 -7057.61 352-1 -1526.69 352-1 3447.76 352-1 7812.05 352-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.08002 11619.87 352-1 -0.29 14951.78 352-1 -0.49 17888.33 352-1 -0.91 17901.09 352-2 -0.79 15074.51 352-2 -0.66 11852.57 352-2 -0.54 8154.72 352-2 -0.42 3900.41 352-2 -0.29 -964.08 352-2 -0.17 -6385.03 352-2 -0.04359 -12281.89 352-2 0.08023 -18574.11 352-2 3.49 -3741.4 352-1 2.2 -2211.53 352-1 1.48 -758.26 352-1 2.05 618.42 352-1 2.66 1918.54 352-1 3.31 3142.22 352-1 4.35 4289.86 352-1 5.5 5365.49 352-1 6.66 6760.65 352-1 8.14 6699.6 352-2 6.16 5692.15 352-2 4.43 4613.01 352-2 2.78 3458.04 352-2 1.18 2226.72 352-2 1.5 918.89 352-2 3.44 -465.51 352-2 5.41 -1926.5 352-2 7.39 -3464.09 352-2 -2.64 -8523.95 352-1 -1.49 -6345.83 352-1 -0.92 -4244.37 352-1 -1.64 -2219.59 352-1 -2.39 -271.52 352-1 -3.18 1599.73 352-1 -4.37 3393.75 352-1 -5.67 5106.51 352-1 -6.97 6346.47 352-1 -8.49 6402.58 352-2 -6.57 4770.57 352-2 -4.9 3057 352-2 -3.32 1265.98 352-2 -1.77 -601.94 352-2 -2.15 -2546.63 352-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.15 -6.18 -8.21 5.67 4.4 3.29 2.58 1.88 1.32 2.07 3.18 4.31 3.01 1.97 1.77 1.83 1.91 2.58 3.74 4.9 6.07 -4.82 -3.69 -2.73 -2.16 -1.61 -1.2 -2.09 -3.35 -4.62 -3.37 -2.38 -2.25 -2.36 -2.5 -3.23 -4.44 -5.67 -6.9 4.22 2.79 1.95 2.38 2.86 3.37

-4568.02 352-2 -6666.08 352-2 -8840.8 352-2 1209.31 352-1 2068.81 352-1 2851.7 352-1 3558 352-1 4187.76 352-1 4741.08 352-1 5218.39 352-1 5624.37 352-1 7174 352-1 6988.39 352-2 6639.8 352-2 6220.84 352-2 5726.11 352-2 5155.03 352-2 4507.44 352-2 3783.29 352-2 2982.54 352-2 2105.18 352-2 -13474.66 352-1 -10626.16 352-1 -7854.32 352-1 -5159.17 352-1 -2540.73 352-1 0.87 352-1 2465.22 352-1 4847.63 352-1 5933.13 352-1 6113.78 352-2 3822.92 352-2 1449.17 352-2 -1002.09 352-2 -3530.25 352-2 -6135.18 352-2 -8816.81 352-2 -11575.11 352-2 -14410.08 352-2 -17074.6 352-1 -10996.15 352-1 -5313.03 352-1 -105.77 352-1 4545.09 352-1 8585.98 352-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.28 5.3 6.33 7.41 5.58 4.01 2.51 1.07 1.54 3.63 5.76 7.89 -1.91 -0.9 -0.46 -1.31 -2.19 -3.12 -4.44 -5.87 -7.3 -9.23 -7.15 -5.33 -3.58 -1.89 -2.11 -3.95 -5.83 -7.71 6.4 4.99 3.75 2.91 2.08 1.39 2 2.98 3.98 2.28 1.39 1.35 1.56 1.8 2.62

12070.99 352-1 15084.72 352-1 18099.25 352-1 18053.36 352-2 15539.74 352-2 12635.71 352-2 9256.58 352-2 5321.26 352-2 775.9 352-2 -4325.86 352-2 -9903.5 352-2 -15876.47 352-2 -21857.14 352-1 -15130.45 352-1 -8799.14 352-1 -2943.78 352-1 2355.03 352-1 7043.48 352-1 11174.87 352-1 14825.73 352-1 17685.07 352-1 17756.33 352-2 14618.17 352-2 11079.71 352-2 7064.52 352-2 2492.6 352-2 -2689.62 352-2 -8428.38 352-2 -14643.08 352-2 -21253.17 352-2 -12123.89 352-1 -6715.81 352-1 -1703.07 352-1 2833.81 352-1 6814.31 352-1 10184.83 352-1 12999.52 352-1 15343.6 352-1 18512.59 352-1 18342.15 352-2 16487.39 352-2 14243.55 352-2 11524.65 352-2 8249.57 352-2 4364.45 352-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.93 5.25 6.57 -4.09 -3.09 -2.27 -1.83 -1.41 -1.13 -2.16 -3.55 -4.96 -4.1 -2.96 -2.67 -2.63 -2.62 -3.19 -4.25 -5.32 -6.39 -0.71 -0.69 -0.66 -0.64 -0.61 -0.59 -0.56 -0.53 -0.51 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 -1.32 -1.22 -1.12 -1.03 -0.93 -0.83

-77.07 352-2 -4994.46 352-2 -10307.19 352-2 -26807.85 352-1 -19410.78 352-1 -12409.09 352-1 -5883.36 352-1 85.82 352-1 5444.63 352-1 10246.35 352-1 14566.85 352-1 17271.72 352-1 17467.54 352-2 13670.52 352-2 9471.87 352-2 4796.45 352-2 -435.71 352-2 -6278.17 352-2 -12677.17 352-2 -19552.12 352-2 -26822.45 352-2 -17348.57 353-1 -11536.78 353-1 -6133.09 353-1 -1178.32 353-1 3286.72 353-1 7234.79 353-1 10693.12 353-1 13702.54 353-1 16303.86 353-1 16281.97 353-2 13692.22 353-2 10694.38 353-2 7247.62 353-2 3311.12 353-2 -1142.34 353-2 -6085.54 353-2 -11477.66 353-2 -17277.88 353-2 -21305.88 353-1 -14175.99 353-1 -7468.8 353-1 -1292.2 353-1 4245.93 353-1 9073.65 353-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.73 -0.63 -0.54 0.99 1 1 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.04 -1.07 -1 -0.93 -0.86 -0.78 -0.71 -0.64 -0.57 -0.5 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.9 0.9 -1.06 -0.99 -0.92 -0.85 -0.78 -0.71 -0.64 -0.57 -0.5 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88

13262.89 353-1 16921.55 353-1 20157.51 353-1 20119.62 353-2 16873.41 353-2 13204.5 353-2 9005 353-2 4167.03 353-2 -1381.35 353-2 -7568.21 353-2 -14285.66 353-2 -21425.8 353-2 -18919.19 353-1 -12592.79 353-1 -6661.75 353-1 -1206.62 353-1 3692.05 353-1 7980.54 353-1 11712.57 353-1 14968.69 353-1 17829.45 353-1 17798.6 353-2 14938.49 353-2 11683.03 353-2 7951.65 353-2 3663.81 353-2 -1234.2 353-2 -6688.68 353-2 -12619.07 353-2 -18944.82 353-2 -18896.39 353-1 -12571.82 353-1 -6642.61 353-1 -1189.32 353-1 3707.51 353-1 7994.18 353-1 11724.37 353-1 14978.65 353-1 17837.58 353-1 17806.85 353-2 14945.72 353-2 11689.23 353-2 7956.84 353-2 3667.97 353-2 -1231.06 353-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.89 -6686.56 353-2 0.9 -12617.97 353-2 0.91 -18944.74 353-2 8.05 -3708.86 353-1 6.04 -2145.29 353-1 4.04 -658.3 353-1 2.05 752.11 353-1 0.15 2085.98 353-1 1.63 3343.4 353-1 3.76 4524.55 353-1 5.9 5630.03 353-1 8.04 6663.06 353-1 8.83 6719.28 353-2 7.57 5347.75 353-2 6.32 4285.75 353-2 5.12 3154.04 353-2 4.09 1946.61 353-2 3.12 662.81 353-2 2.15 -697.51 353-2 1.19 -2134.41 353-2 1.56 -3647.91 353-2 -9.37 -8900 353-1 -7.23 -6722.49 353-1 -5.09 -4621.65 353-1 -2.96 -2597.51 353-1 -0.93 -650.1 353-1 -2.26 1220.5 353-1 -4.25 3014.1 353-1 -6.26 4730.1 353-1 -8.27 6365.29 353-1 -7.73 6308.93 353-2 -6.58 5097.51 353-2 -5.43 3423.29 353-2 -4.33 1665.51 353-2 -3.41 -169.81 353-2 -2.54 -2082.03 353-2 -1.68 -4070.99 353-2 -0.83 -6136.65 353-2 -1.3 -8278.97 353-2 2.47 1942.01 353-1 1.87 2835.64 353-1 1.29 3652.66 353-1 0.73 4393.11 353-1 0.21 5056.99 353-1 0.72 5644.39 353-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.44 2.17 2.91 4.37 3.52 2.69 2.03 1.97 2.06 2.17 2.29 2.8 -3.79 -3.06 -2.34 -1.64 -0.98 -1.35 -1.93 -2.53 -3.13 -3.27 -2.53 -1.8 -1.24 -1.29 -1.49 -1.7 -1.92 -2.54 7.66 5.65 3.65 1.66 -0.24 1.24 3.37 5.51 7.66 9.11 7.91 6.72 5.58 4.62 3.71

6155.47 353-1 6590.84 353-1 6955.72 353-1 7138.02 353-2 5608.67 353-2 5227.57 353-2 4775.97 353-2 4248.48 353-2 3644.58 353-2 2964.14 353-2 2207.12 353-2 1373.5 353-2 -14550.87 353-1 -11703.41 353-1 -8932.62 353-1 -6238.51 353-1 -3621.11 353-1 -1080.49 353-1 1383.18 353-1 3769.3 353-1 6072.64 353-1 5890.2 353-2 4836.59 353-2 2481.47 353-2 43.58 353-2 -2471.68 353-2 -5063.8 353-2 -7732.65 353-2 -10478.18 353-2 -13300.38 353-2 -16290.45 353-1 -10273.69 353-1 -4652.24 353-1 493.36 353-1 5082.59 353-1 9061.83 353-1 12484.96 353-1 15433.15 353-1 17990.16 353-1 18015.77 353-2 15074.12 353-2 12123.28 353-2 8703.46 353-2 4728.07 353-2 142.79 353-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.81 1.92 2.34 -9.76 -7.62 -5.48 -3.35 -1.31 -2.65 -4.64 -6.64 -8.65 -7.46 -6.24 -5.03 -3.87 -2.89 -1.95 -1.02 -0.11 -0.51 2.08 1.48 0.9 0.34 -0.18 0.33 1.05 1.78 2.53 4.65 3.86 3.09 2.49 2.5 2.66 2.83 3.01 3.59 -4.18 -3.45 -2.73 -2.03 -1.37 -1.74

-4998.86 353-2 -10616.35 353-2 -16629.17 353-2 -21481.59 353-1 -14850.89 353-1 -8615.59 353-1 -2856.26 353-1 2346.5 353-1 6938.92 353-1 10974.51 353-1 14533.22 353-1 17692.39 353-1 17605.42 353-2 14823.88 353-2 11260.82 353-2 7214.93 353-2 2611.65 353-2 -2602.05 353-2 -8372.34 353-2 -14618.59 353-2 -21260.24 353-2 -10639.58 353-1 -5292.76 353-1 -341.27 353-1 4134.36 353-1 8053.6 353-1 11362.81 353-1 14115.88 353-1 16393.96 353-1 18282.81 353-1 18434.5 353-2 15335.04 353-2 13065.1 353-2 10325.39 353-2 7029.94 353-2 3124.55 353-2 -1337.2 353-2 -6274.82 353-2 -11607.76 353-2 -27132.46 353-1 -19831.81 353-1 -12926.56 353-1 -6497.26 353-1 -624.51 353-1 4637.93 353-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.32 9343.59 353-1 -2.92 13572.41 353-1 -3.52 17399.74 353-1 -3 17186.68 353-2 -2.19 14562.96 353-2 -1.4 10319 353-2 -0.78 5593 353-2 -0.76 309.78 353-2 -0.9 -5583.82 353-2 -1.05 -12033.99 353-2 -1.2 -18960.12 353-2 -1.76 -26281.64 353-2 -0.22 -5229.07 354-1 -0.28 -4109.36 354-1 -0.35 -3192.81 354-1 -0.42 -2535.43 354-1 -0.49 -2192.63 354-1 -0.55 -2194.56 354-1 -0.62 -2511.07 354-1 -0.69 -3086.74 354-1 -0.76 -3865.58 354-1 -0.16 -7012.13 354-1 -0.27 -5253.08 354-1 -0.38 -3768.17 354-1 -0.48 -2705.41 354-1 -0.59 -2211.21 354-1 -0.7 -2365.31 354-1 -0.81 -3087.97 354-1 -0.92 -4232.77 354-1 -1.02 -5651.72 354-1 -0.13 -6047.85 354-1 -0.23 -4588.27 354-1 -0.33 -3365.33 354-1 -0.43 -2489.53 354-1 -0.53 -2070.2 354-1 -0.62 -2166.87 354-1 -0.72 -2720 354-1 -0.82 -3620.27 354-1 -0.92 -4757.19 354-1 -0.17 -6061.1 354-1 -0.26 -4601.74 354-1 -0.35 -3379.03 354-1 -0.44 -2503.47 354-1 -0.53 -2084.37 354-1 -0.62 -2181.26 354-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-0.71 -2734.62 354-1 -0.8 -3635.12 354-1 -0.89 -4772.27 354-1 3.87 1514.27 354-1 3.75 1110.31 354-1 3.63 611.74 354-1 3.51 18.58 354-1 3.38 -665.71 354-1 3.31 69.68 354-1 3.5 713 354-1 3.69 1261.73 354-1 3.89 1715.86 354-1 -3.06 -4566.25 354-1 -3.17 -3449.86 354-1 -3.28 -2428.08 354-1 -3.4 -1500.93 354-1 -3.51 -671.88 354-1 -3.68 -1451.71 354-1 -4.1 -2328.7 354-1 -4.53 -3300.32 354-1 -4.97 -4366.54 354-1 3.78 8125.65 354-1 3.18 6069.08 354-1 2.58 3917.9 354-1 1.99 1672.12 354-1 1.39 -664.65 354-1 0.95 1721.29 354-1 1.39 4017.23 354-1 1.84 6218.57 354-1 2.3 8325.31 354-1 -2.97 -11177.63 354-1 -2.6 -8408.63 354-1 -2.24 -5734.24 354-1 -1.88 -3154.47 354-1 -1.52 -672.93 354-1 -1.32 -3103.32 354-1 -1.99 -5632.93 354-1 -2.68 -8257.16 354-1 -3.37 -10975.99 354-1 3.29 -3026.86 354-1 3.19 -2327.79 354-1 3.1 -1865.35 354-1 3.01 -1750.05 354-1 2.92 -2087.72 354-1 2.88 -1427.1 354-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

3.1 3.33 3.55 -3.64 -3.73 -3.81 -3.89 -3.98 -4.11 -4.5 -4.9 -5.3 3.2 2.63 2.06 1.49 0.93 0.52 0.99 1.47 1.96 -3.55 -3.16 -2.77 -2.37 -1.98 -1.75 -2.39 -3.05 -3.71 1.18 1.05 0.92 0.78 0.65 0.52 0.39 0.26 0.13 -0.73 -0.71 -0.69 -0.67 -0.64 -0.62

-1220.41 354-1 -1360.84 354-1 -1737.92 354-1 -9107.38 354-1 -6887.95 354-1 -4905.17 354-1 -3269.55 354-1 -2093.89 354-1 -2948.5 354-1 -4262.11 354-1 -5922.89 354-1 -7820.32 354-1 3584.52 354-1 2630.99 354-1 1440.81 354-1 -96.5 354-1 -2086.66 354-1 224.51 354-1 2083.82 354-1 3596 354-1 4871.53 354-1 -15718.76 354-1 -11846.72 354-1 -8211.33 354-1 -4923.09 354-1 -2094.94 354-1 -4600.11 354-1 -7566.34 354-1 -10879.73 354-1 -14429.77 354-1 -17681.27 355-1 -11828.13 355-1 -6383.08 355-1 -1386.94 355-1 3119.45 355-1 7108.88 355-1 10608.57 355-1 13659.34 355-1 16302.02 355-1 16307.69 355-2 13751.49 355-2 10787.19 355-2 7373.98 355-2 3471.03 355-2 -948.88 355-2

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.6 -0.57 -0.55 1.59 1.4 1.22 1.04 0.86 0.67 0.49 0.31 0.13 -0.76 -0.78 -0.79 -0.81 -0.83 -0.85 -0.87 -0.89 -0.91 1.43 1.26 1.08 0.91 0.74 0.57 0.4 0.22 0.05255 -0.69 -0.69 -0.7 -0.71 -0.72 -0.72 -0.73 -0.74 -0.75 1.38 1.22 1.06 0.9 0.74 0.59

-5858.54 355-2 -11217.11 355-2 -16983.77 355-2 -21878.86 355-1 -14681.61 355-1 -7907.05 355-1 -1663.07 355-1 3942.42 355-1 8837.51 355-1 13094.12 355-1 16820.15 355-1 20123.48 355-1 20140.49 355-2 16967.81 355-2 13372.44 355-2 9246.49 355-2 4482.05 355-2 -992.79 355-2 -7106.11 355-2 -13750.02 355-2 -20816.62 355-2 -19360.45 355-1 -12981.54 355-1 -6997.98 355-1 -1490.33 355-1 3460.84 355-1 7801.85 355-1 11586.4 355-1 14895.03 355-1 17808.3 355-1 17820.96 355-2 15014.5 355-2 11812.68 355-2 8134.96 355-2 3900.76 355-2 -943.6 355-2 -6344.43 355-2 -12221.17 355-2 -18493.27 355-2 -19357.98 355-1 -12978.43 355-1 -6994.24 355-1 -1485.97 355-1 3465.84 355-1 7807.48 355-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.43 11592.66 355-1 0.27 14901.92 355-1 0.11 17815.82 355-1 -0.71 17828.31 355-2 -0.71 15023.47 355-2 -0.72 11823.28 355-2 -0.72 8147.18 355-2 -0.72 3914.61 355-2 -0.73 -928.13 355-2 -0.73 -6327.33 355-2 -0.74 -12202.45 355-2 -0.74 -18472.92 355-2 1.6 -3769.95 355-1 1.79 -2242.94 355-1 2.09 -792.55 355-1 2.7 581.23 355-1 3.34 1878.4 355-1 3.98 3099 355-1 4.62 4243.18 355-1 5.26 5312.47 355-1 5.9 6690.3 355-1 8.75 6633.2 355-2 6.92 5632.54 355-2 5.09 4557.5 355-2 3.27 3406.15 355-2 1.48 2178.27 355-2 1.59 873.8 355-2 3.47 -507.28 355-2 5.37 -1964.98 355-2 7.27 -3499.3 355-2 0.06076 -8398.54 355-1 -0.48 -6244.49 355-1 -1.14 -4167.09 355-1 -2.11 -2166.34 355-1 -3.1 -242.25 355-1 -4.1 1605.14 355-1 -5.1 3375.68 355-1 -6.09 5067.86 355-1 -7.09 6298.21 355-1 -8.57 6349.14 355-2 -6.83 4740.2 355-2 -5.1 3052.36 355-2 -3.37 1287.58 355-2 -1.68 -553.94 355-2 -1.88 -2472.14 355-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.85 -5.84 -7.83 2.32 1.58 1.21 1.88 2.62 3.38 4.13 4.89 5.65 3.6 3.25 2.91 2.59 2.28 2.55 3.35 4.15 4.96 -0.66 -0.27 -0.26 -1.28 -2.39 -3.5 -4.61 -5.73 -6.84 -3.42 -3.16 -2.92 -2.69 -2.48 -2.84 -3.72 -4.62 -5.52 2.13 2.34 2.67 3.31 3.97 4.63

-4467 355-2 -6538.51 355-2 -8686.66 355-2 1262.95 355-1 2108.17 355-1 2876.76 355-1 3568.75 355-1 4184.15 355-1 4723.02 355-1 5185.59 355-1 5574.43 355-1 7113.14 355-1 6937.82 355-2 6602.66 355-2 6194.07 355-2 5709.28 355-2 5147.99 355-2 4510.14 355-2 3795.68 355-2 3004.61 355-2 2136.92 355-2 -13431.44 355-1 -10595.6 355-1 -7836.4 355-1 -5153.86 355-1 -2548 355-1 -18.88 355-1 2433.27 355-1 4805.89 355-1 5875.37 355-1 6044.53 355-2 3770.08 355-2 1415.8 355-2 -1015.55 355-2 -3523.67 355-2 -6108.48 355-2 -8769.97 355-2 -11508.1 355-2 -14322.89 355-2 -17042.56 355-1 -10976.24 355-1 -5305.27 355-1 -110.2 355-1 4528.44 355-1 8556.97 355-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.3 5.96 6.63 7.94 6.15 4.37 2.6 0.85 1.01 2.92 4.86 6.81 0.58 0.06612 -0.57 -1.51 -2.48 -3.45 -4.42 -5.39 -6.36 -9.37 -7.59 -5.81 -4.05 -2.31 -2.47 -4.39 -6.34 -8.29 2.85 2.13 1.79 2.48 3.25 4.03 4.81 5.6 6.38 2.79 2.49 2.2 1.92 1.65 1.96

12029.25 355-1 15027.36 355-1 18015.29 355-1 17973.68 355-2 15473.73 355-2 12580.67 355-2 9212.02 355-2 5287.01 355-2 751.87 355-2 -4339.7 355-2 -9907.18 355-2 -15870 355-2 -21671.15 355-1 -14977.8 355-1 -8679.82 355-1 -2857.77 355-1 2407.79 355-1 7063.11 355-1 11161.75 355-1 14782.75 355-1 17623.2 355-1 17689.62 355-2 14581.38 355-2 11075.53 355-2 7093.45 355-2 2554.8 355-2 -2594.07 355-2 -8299.42 355-2 -14480.71 355-2 -21057.36 355-2 -12009.66 355-1 -6625.14 355-1 -1635.97 355-1 2877.32 355-1 6834.19 355-1 10180.99 355-1 12971.66 355-1 15289.32 355-1 18438.13 355-1 18278.3 355-2 16443.84 355-2 14217.24 355-2 11515.15 355-2 8256.73 355-2 4388.21 355-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.8 3.65 4.5 -0.13 0.28 0.31 -0.68 -1.76 -2.84 -3.93 -5.02 -6.11 -4.22 -3.92 -3.64 -3.37 -3.11 -3.42 -4.27 -5.13 -5.98 1.75 1.18 0.6 0.03197 -0.54 -1.11 -1.69 -2.26 -2.83 -10.5 -4.93 0.65 6.22 11.8 17.37 4.38 2.01 -0.36 -2.72 0.75 0.26 -0.23 -0.71 -1.2

-36.74 355-2 -4937.58 355-2 -10233.77 355-2 -26704.05 355-1 -19328.9 355-1 -12349.13 355-1 -5845.29 355-1 102.04 355-1 5439.09 355-1 10219.34 355-1 14520.78 355-1 17200.36 355-1 17385.01 355-2 13611.27 355-2 9438.97 355-2 4790.32 355-2 -414.93 355-2 -6230.41 355-2 -12602.39 355-2 -19450.3 355-2 -26693.58 355-2 -14878.84 356-1 -10045.61 356-1 -5600.06 356-1 -1562.61 356-1 2046.34 356-1 5213.18 356-1 7951.51 356-1 10281.74 356-1 12224.3 356-1 12013.55 356-2 11183.5 356-2 9983.24 356-2 8393.68 356-2 6395.76 356-2 3975.16 356-2 2605.39 356-3 -3320.91 356-3 -9775.54 356-3 -16735.71 356-3 -17230.47 356-1 -11747.15 356-1 -6632.57 356-1 -1940.69 356-1 2274.55 356-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8

-1.69 -2.18 -2.66 -3.15 -10.93 -4.86 1.2 7.26 13.32 19.39 5.39 2.88 0.38 -2.13 1.35 0.79 0.24 -0.31 -0.86 -1.42 -1.97 -2.52 -3.07 -10.91 -4.99 0.92 6.84 12.76 18.68 4.91 2.43 -0.05014 -2.53 1.08 0.58 0.08025 -0.42 -0.92 -1.41 -1.91 -2.41 -2.91 -10.31 -4.68 0.95

5977.18 356-1 9203.17 356-1 12006.47 356-1 14441.02 356-1 14145.48 356-2 13194.26 356-2 11891.65 356-2 10187.22 356-2 8030.53 356-2 5383.79 356-2 3514.5 356-3 -3638.87 356-3 -11483.19 356-3 -19958.29 356-3 -15578.21 356-1 -10595.58 356-1 -5968.04 356-1 -1735.85 356-1 2060.7 356-1 5394.77 356-1 8293.21 356-1 10796.28 356-1 12944.28 356-1 12691.71 356-2 11832 356-2 10633.67 356-2 9059.08 356-2 7070.56 356-2 4639.9 356-2 3031.32 356-3 -3343.08 356-3 -10319.15 356-3 -17851.95 356-3 -15555.41 356-1 -10574.5 356-1 -5948.68 356-1 -1718.21 356-1 2076.63 356-1 5408.98 356-1 8305.7 356-1 10807.05 356-1 12953.33 356-1 12700.86 356-2 11839.78 356-2 10640.09 356-2

2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88

6.58 9064.12 356-2 12.21 7074.23 356-2 17.84 4642.21 356-2 4.8 3033.62 356-3 2.45 -3341.93 356-3 0.09543 -10319.13 356-3 -2.25 -17853.07 356-3 15.58 -1854.7 356-1 12.78 -869.73 356-1 9.99 39.74 356-1 7.21 878.73 356-1 4.43 1678.33 356-1 1.7 2429.32 356-1 2.52 3107.47 356-1 3.97 3709.89 356-1 5.43 4236.47 356-1 33.57 4243.25 356-2 15.05 3593.49 356-2 7.57 3198.71 356-2 33.42 2736.28 356-2 62.66 2295.34 356-2 92 1800.93 356-2 48.06 1637.74 356-3 12.1 467.1 356-3 19.05 -783.53 356-3 49.83 -2105.29 356-3 -8.29 -7147.26 356-1 -7.04 -5490.66 356-1 -5.79 -3911.83 356-1 -4.55 -2415.78 356-1 -3.31 -1033.62 356-1 -2.12 243.9 356-1 -4.49 1440.98 356-1 -7.48 2560.52 356-1 -10.48 3602.65 356-1 -54.76 3534.91 356-2 -25.42 3070.66 356-2 -7.14 2204.88 356-2 -22.17 1260.24 356-2 -40.61 147.56 356-2 -59.13 -1058.17 356-2 -43.19 -1154.3 356-3 -12.66 -2858.29 356-3 -25.04 -4647.11 356-3 -61.26 -6529.63 356-3

1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4

10.49 3909.96 356-1 9.37 4228.18 356-1 8.28 4470.12 356-1 7.21 4637.28 356-1 6.15 4738.99 356-1 5.11 4772.5 356-1 5.15 4730.58 356-1 5.39 4612.49 356-1 5.62 4419.42 356-1 22.05 4495.11 356-2 13.31 3811.85 356-2 7.93 4148.53 356-2 15.91 4414.71 356-2 35.17 4636.21 356-2 54.7 4790.42 356-2 17.55 4453.77 356-3 4.93 4031.74 356-3 5.6 3528.02 356-3 13.62 2945.28 356-3 -3.2 -12911.92 356-1 -3.63 -10588.57 356-1 -4.08 -8342.21 356-1 -4.55 -6174.33 356-1 -5.03 -4094.28 356-1 -5.54 -2099.29 356-1 -7.12 -182.13 356-1 -8.9 1657.93 356-1 -10.68 3419.7 356-1 -43.23 3283.05 356-2 -23.68 2852.29 356-2 -7.5 1255.07 356-2 -4.66 -418.2 356-2 -13.11 -2193.31 356-2 -21.84 -4047.66 356-2 -12.68 -3970.33 356-3 -5.49 -6422.92 356-3 -11.6 -8958.66 356-3 -25.05 -11580.2 356-3 12.89 -12898.77 356-1 10.39 -8254.46 356-1 7.9 -3964.09 356-1 5.41 -62.93 356-1 2.93 3439.84 356-1 0.5 6508.15 356-1 1.62 9144.62 356-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7

3.37 5.12 34.13 15.7 8.32 34.26 63.6 93.03 50.37 14.83 22.21 53.41 -10.98 -9.43 -7.89 -6.35 -4.81 -3.32 -5.39 -8.09 -10.78 -54.2 -24.77 -6.39 -21.33 -39.67 -58.1 -40.89 -9.93 -21.88 -57.67 7.8 6.98 6.19 5.41 4.65 3.91 4.25 4.78 5.32 22.6 13.96 8.68 16.75 36.1

11386.64 356-1 13274.35 356-1 13059.19 356-2 12104.74 356-2 11139.92 356-2 9804.43 356-2 8149.8 356-2 6072.81 356-2 4430.68 356-3 -1678.71 356-3 -8387.34 356-3 -15641.42 356-3 -18191.33 356-1 -12875.39 356-1 -7915.66 356-1 -3357.44 356-1 727.89 356-1 4322.73 356-1 7478.13 356-1 10237.27 356-1 12640.54 356-1 12350.85 356-2 11581.91 356-2 10146.09 356-2 8328.39 356-2 6002.02 356-2 3213.7 356-2 1638.64 356-3 -5004.1 356-3 -12250.92 356-3 -20065.75 356-3 -7134.11 356-1 -3156.55 356-1 466.29 356-1 3695.62 356-1 6500.5 356-1 8851.33 356-1 10767.73 356-1 12289.23 356-1 13457.31 356-1 13311.05 356-2 12323.1 356-2 12089.73 356-2 11482.87 356-2 10490.66 356-2

3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76

55.73 19.86 7.66 8.76 17.21 -5.89 -6.02 -6.17 -6.35 -6.53 -6.74 -8.02 -9.5 -10.98 -42.68 -23.03 -6.75 -3.82 -12.18 -20.8 -10.38 -2.76 -8.44 -21.47 0.25 0.03013 -0.19 -0.42 -0.64 -0.87 -1.09 -1.32 -1.54 0.7 0.37 0.04201 -0.29 -0.61 -0.94 -1.27 -1.59 -1.92 0.48 0.21 -0.06396

9062.29 356-2 7246.71 356-3 1885.92 356-3 -4075.79 356-3 -10590.84 356-3 -23955.99 356-1 -17973.3 356-1 -12346.04 356-1 -7115.99 356-1 -2332.77 356-1 1979.54 356-1 5855.02 356-1 9334.67 356-1 12457.59 356-1 12098.99 356-2 11363.54 356-2 9196.27 356-2 6649.96 356-2 3661.15 356-2 224.22 356-2 -1177.39 356-3 -8568.73 356-3 -16562.47 356-3 -25116.33 356-3 -4718.36 357-1 -3745.43 357-1 -2975.66 357-1 -2465.06 357-1 -2269.03 357-1 -2417.75 357-1 -2881.03 357-1 -3603.48 357-1 -4529.11 357-1 -6336.36 357-1 -4758.18 357-1 -3454.14 357-1 -2572.26 357-1 -2258.93 357-1 -2593.9 357-1 -3497.44 357-1 -4823.12 357-1 -6422.94 357-1 -5459.13 357-1 -4160.74 357-1 -3099 357-1

2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

-0.33 -2384.4 357-1 -0.6 -2126.27 357-1 -0.87 -2384.13 357-1 -1.14 -3098.46 357-1 -1.41 -4159.93 357-1 -1.68 -5458.04 357-1 0.51 -5474.26 357-1 0.24 -4175.27 357-1 -0.0402 -3112.93 357-1 -0.32 -2397.73 357-1 -0.59 -2139 357-1 -0.87 -2396.25 357-1 -1.14 -3109.98 357-1 -1.42 -4170.85 357-1 -1.69 -5468.36 357-1 5.86 1769.11 357-1 5.26 1339.01 357-1 4.69 814.32 357-1 4.24 195.08 357-1 3.89 -516.65 357-1 3.56 118.26 357-1 3.23 679.49 357-1 2.91 1146.2 357-1 2.59 1518.31 357-1 -7.69 -4107.89 357-1 -6.78 -3073.51 357-1 -5.9 -2133.76 357-1 -5.14 -1288.67 357-1 -4.49 -540.31 357-1 -3.85 -1327.81 357-1 -3.22 -2230.85 357-1 -2.59 -3228.58 357-1 -1.96 -4320.94 357-1 2.23 8458.95 357-1 1.75 6360.72 357-1 1.36 4167.89 357-1 1.39 1880.48 357-1 1.75 -497.26 357-1 2.17 1768.92 357-1 2.61 3998.34 357-1 3.06 6133.19 357-1 3.51 8173.44 357-1 -4.06 -10797.74 357-1 -3.27 -8095.22 357-1 -2.57 -5487.33 357-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1

-2.29 -2.34 -2.46 -2.59 -2.73 -2.87 7.3 6.27 5.26 4.38 3.6 2.84 2.08 1.33 0.58 -6.25 -5.77 -5.32 -5 -4.77 -4.57 -4.37 -4.17 -3.97 3.67 2.76 1.94 1.53 1.46 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.49 -2.62 -2.26 -1.99 -2.15 -2.63 -3.18 -3.74 -4.31 -4.89 -2.46 -1.78 -1.1

-2974.07 357-1 -559.71 357-1 -2978.47 357-1 -5549.7 357-1 -8215.58 357-1 -10976.07 357-1 -2542.64 357-1 -1975.61 357-1 -1645.22 357-1 -1661.92 357-1 -2132.95 357-1 -1678.73 357-1 -1660.05 357-1 -1988.43 357-1 -2553.43 357-1 -8419.64 357-1 -6388.14 357-1 -4593.3 357-1 -3145.66 357-1 -2156.61 357-1 -3124.8 357-1 -4570.39 357-1 -6363.2 357-1 -8392.68 357-1 4147.21 357-1 3046.1 357-1 1708.35 357-1 23.49 357-1 -2113.56 357-1 -28.07 357-1 1658.8 357-1 2998.57 357-1 4101.7 357-1 -15109.48 357-1 -11409.85 357-1 -7946.87 357-1 -4831.06 357-1 -2176.01 357-1 -4775.46 357-1 -7889.24 357-1 -11350.2 357-1 -15047.81 357-1 -17486.84 358-1 -11707.1 358-1 -6335.46 358-1

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9

-0.43 0.25 0.93 1.6 2.28 2.96 1.11 0.84 0.56 0.29 0.01096 -0.26 -0.54 -0.82 -1.09 -2.75 -2.02 -1.3 -0.57 0.16 0.89 1.61 2.34 3.07 0.74 0.54 0.34 0.14 -0.05546 -0.26 -0.46 -0.66 -0.86 -2.5 -1.82 -1.15 -0.48 0.19 0.86 1.53 2.2 2.87 0.84 0.63 0.41

-1412.74 358-1 3020.24 358-1 6936.27 358-1 10362.55 358-1 13339.91 358-1 15909.18 358-1 15916.17 358-2 13471.88 358-2 10619.5 358-2 7318.19 358-2 3527.15 358-2 -780.86 358-2 -5578.6 358-2 -10825.27 358-2 -16480.02 358-2 -21649.59 358-1 -14535.44 358-1 -7843.99 358-1 -1683.12 358-1 3839.26 358-1 8651.24 358-1 12824.75 358-1 16467.66 358-1 19687.88 358-1 19708.57 358-2 16626.62 358-2 13121.98 358-2 9086.75 358-2 4413.04 358-2 -971.07 358-2 -6993.67 358-2 -13546.85 358-2 -20522.73 358-2 -19164.76 358-1 -12859.29 358-1 -6949.18 358-1 -1514.98 358-1 3362.75 358-1 7630.31 358-1 11341.41 358-1 14576.59 358-1 17416.42 358-1 17431.26 358-2 14720.47 358-2 11614.33 358-2

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.2 -0.0191 -0.23 -0.45 -0.66 -0.88 -2.51 -1.83 -1.16 -0.49 0.18 0.85 1.53 2.2 2.87 0.83 0.61 0.4 0.18 -0.02938 -0.24 -0.46 -0.67 -0.89 5.46 3.49 1.52 0.76 2.85 4.94 7.04 9.13 11.22 9.75 7.69 5.69 3.8 1.95 0.87 2.91 4.99 7.08 -5.52 -3.42 -1.33

8032.27 358-2 3893.75 358-2 -854.95 358-2 -6160.11 358-2 -11941.18 358-2 -18117.61 358-2 -19153.66 358-1 -12849.35 358-1 -6940.39 358-1 -1507.35 358-1 3369.23 358-1 7635.63 358-1 11345.57 358-1 14579.6 358-1 17418.28 358-1 17433.41 358-2 14721.68 358-2 11614.6 358-2 8031.61 358-2 3892.15 358-2 -857.48 358-2 -6163.57 358-2 -11945.58 358-2 -18122.95 358-2 -3854.2 358-1 -2305.58 358-1 -833.11 358-1 563.57 358-1 1885.15 358-1 3132.55 358-1 4306.14 358-1 5405.35 358-1 6715.21 358-1 6650.78 358-2 5675.29 358-2 4623.86 358-2 3496.04 358-2 2291.72 358-2 1010.86 358-2 -346.58 358-2 -1780.61 358-2 -3291.24 358-2 -8515.13 358-1 -6345.35 358-1 -4252.66 358-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

-0.46 -2237.46 358-1 -2.43 -300.43 358-1 -4.4 1557.52 358-1 -6.37 3336.01 358-1 -8.35 5035.62 358-1 -10.32 6371.3 358-1 -9.64 6415.04 358-2 -7.58 4845.97 358-2 -5.57 3199.57 358-2 -3.68 1476.29 358-2 -1.84 -323.76 358-2 -0.75 -2200.53 358-2 -2.8 -4153.99 358-2 -4.88 -6184.13 358-2 -6.96 -8290.93 358-2 4.61 1466.43 358-1 2.96 2309.23 358-1 1.3 3075.54 358-1 0.66 3765.48 358-1 2.43 4379.25 358-1 4.21 4917.15 358-1 5.98 5379.32 358-1 7.75 5765.9 358-1 9.53 7029.67 358-1 3.75 6835.88 358-2 2.82 6529.62 358-2 2.09 6147.87 358-2 1.73 5689.65 358-2 1.5 5154.86 358-2 1.53 4543.47 358-2 2.51 3855.47 358-2 3.51 3090.86 358-2 4.51 2249.62 358-2 -4.67 -13835.76 358-1 -2.89 -10960.15 358-1 -1.12 -8161.32 358-1 -0.36 -5439.37 358-1 -2.01 -2794.53 358-1 -3.66 -227.08 358-1 -5.32 2262.83 358-1 -6.97 4675.06 358-1 -8.63 6056.84 358-1 -3.63 6229.95 358-2 -2.7 3991.64 358-2 -1.98 1675.55 358-2

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

-1.61 -1.39 -1.42 -2.4 -3.39 -4.39 2.98 1.62 0.26 0.12 2.82 5.52 8.23 10.93 13.64 10.52 8.24 6.03 3.92 1.86 0.56 2.4 4.26 6.13 -8 -5.3 -2.59 -1.11 -2.46 -3.82 -5.18 -6.54 -7.9 -8.88 -7.03 -5.24 -3.56 -1.93 -1.05 -3.32 -5.61 -7.9 2.13 1.08 0.04405

-717.32 358-2 -3186.9 358-2 -5733.14 358-2 -8356.05 358-2 -11055.6 358-2 -13831.79 358-2 -16818.14 358-1 -10824.94 358-1 -5226.62 358-1 -103.37 358-1 4464.96 358-1 8425.57 358-1 11832.53 358-1 14765.84 358-1 17591.07 358-1 17552.25 358-2 15136.89 358-2 12326.87 358-2 9041.18 358-2 5199.17 358-2 747.07 358-2 -4261.44 358-2 -9745.82 358-2 -15625.53 358-2 -21479.07 358-1 -14864.71 358-1 -8646.17 358-1 -2904.39 358-1 2279.39 358-1 6850.54 358-1 10862.41 358-1 14396.11 358-1 17247.17 358-1 17316.51 358-2 14307.57 358-2 10902.58 358-2 7021.43 358-2 2583.68 358-2 -2464.33 358-2 -8068.86 358-2 -14149.34 358-2 -20625.21 358-2 -11497.51 358-1 -6210.13 358-1 -1317.97 358-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9

0.01511 2.4 4.79 7.17 9.56 11.95 4.51 3.37 2.43 1.85 1.41 1.23 2 2.78 3.56 -7.15 -4.76 -2.38 -1 -2.04 -3.08 -4.12 -5.17 -6.21 -2.87 -2.16 -1.64 -1.49 -1.48 -1.72 -2.92 -4.12 -5.33 -3.55 -3.06 -2.57 -2.08 -2.05 -1.89 -1.73 -1.57 -2.36 -2.2 -2.03 -1.87

3098.55 358-1 6959.07 358-1 10210.17 358-1 12905.71 358-1 15126.39 358-1 17905.53 358-1 17737.35 358-2 15991.22 358-2 13850.88 358-2 11234.79 358-2 8062.3 358-2 4279.68 358-2 -59.39 358-2 -4874.35 358-2 -10084.66 358-2 -26799.7 358-1 -19479.51 358-1 -12554.82 358-1 -6106.31 358-1 -214.72 358-1 5065.94 358-1 9789.23 358-1 14035.55 358-1 16932.71 358-1 17131.42 358-2 13453.24 358-2 9378.57 358-2 4827.82 358-2 -279.45 358-2 -5996.94 358-2 -12270.91 358-2 -19020.81 358-2 -26166.08 358-2 1426.99 359-1 -838.33 359-1 -3657.88 359-1 -7031.64 359-1 754.6 359-1 -1521.26 359-1 -4452.17 359-1 -8038.12 359-1 1014.39 359-1 -1180.02 359-1 -3961.97 359-1 -7331.47 359-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

-2.41 942.54 359-1 -2.17 -1214.39 359-1 -1.93 -3958.88 359-1 -1.68 -7290.91 359-1 29.08 3009.3 359-1 16.63 412.34 359-1 5.96 -367.35 359-1 20.52 -154.21 359-1 -25.87 -1094.84 359-1 -16.41 -701.96 359-1 -8.74 -2315.57 359-1 -26.28 -5111.22 359-1 14.01 5808.2 359-1 16.19 966.29 359-1 20.98 1407.88 359-1 33.55 3888.13 359-1 -10.79 -3893.74 359-1 -15.97 -1255.91 359-1 -23.75 -4090.8 359-1 -39.32 -9153.57 359-1 25.04 2961.96 359-1 14.36 -672.87 359-1 5.47 -2983.36 359-1 21.8 -4793.97 359-1 -29.91 -1142.19 359-1 -18.67 -1787.17 359-1 -9.23 -4931.58 359-1 -25 -9750.97 359-1 9.96 5760.85 359-1 13.93 -118.92 359-1 20.49 -1208.13 359-1 34.83 -751.62 359-1 -14.84 -3941.08 359-1 -18.24 -2341.12 359-1 -24.24 -6706.82 359-1 -38.03 -13793.32 359-1 -0.03522 -17339.29 360-1 0.18 -11546.03 360-1 0.4 -6160.86 360-1 0.62 -1224.61 360-1 0.84 3221.89 360-1 1.06 7151.44 360-1 1.28 10591.25 360-1 1.5 13582.14 360-1 1.72 16164.93 360-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.25 -0.02603 -0.3 -0.58 -0.85 -1.13 -1.41 -1.68 -1.96 0.84 1.03 1.22 1.41 1.6 1.79 1.98 2.16 2.35 -0.4 -0.65 -0.9 -1.15 -1.4 -1.65 -1.9 -2.15 -2.4 0.36 0.57 0.78 1 1.21 1.42 1.63 1.85 2.06 -0.03464 -0.3 -0.57 -0.84 -1.1 -1.37 -1.64 -1.9 -2.17

16232.34 360-2 13692.81 360-2 10745.19 360-2 7348.65 360-2 3462.37 360-2 -940.87 360-2 -5833.85 360-2 -11175.75 360-2 -16925.75 360-2 -21330.85 360-1 -14213.04 360-1 -7517.93 360-1 -1353.41 360-1 4172.64 360-1 8988.28 360-1 13165.44 360-1 16812.01 360-1 20035.89 360-1 20149.03 360-2 16958.64 360-2 13345.55 360-2 9201.88 360-2 4419.72 360-2 -1072.83 360-2 -7203.87 360-2 -13865.5 360-2 -20949.81 360-2 -18931.89 360-1 -12619.01 360-1 -6701.48 360-1 -1259.87 360-1 3625.27 360-1 7900.25 360-1 11618.76 360-1 14861.36 360-1 17708.6 360-1 17800.84 360-2 14991.92 360-2 11787.64 360-2 8107.46 360-2 3870.8 360-2 -976.02 360-2 -6379.31 360-2 -12258.51 360-2 -18533.07 360-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

0.49 0.68 0.88 1.07 1.26 1.45 1.64 1.84 2.03 -0.15 -0.4 -0.64 -0.89 -1.14 -1.39 -1.64 -1.89 -2.13 1.74 0.09845 -0.02393 2.04 4.17 6.31 8.45 10.61 12.77 5.01 3.82 2.63 1.47 0.73 1.4 2.2 3.01 3.82 -4.75 -2.62 -1.99 -3.56 -5.19 -6.83 -8.47 -10.13 -11.8

-18909.02 360-1 -12597.96 360-1 -6682.26 360-1 -1242.47 360-1 3640.85 360-1 7914.01 360-1 11630.69 360-1 14871.47 360-1 17716.89 360-1 17809.25 360-2 14999.17 360-2 11793.74 360-2 8112.4 360-2 3874.59 360-2 -973.39 360-2 -6377.84 360-2 -12258.19 360-2 -18533.91 360-2 -3358.83 360-1 -1911.26 360-1 -540.02 360-1 755.13 360-1 1974.64 360-1 3119.49 360-1 4191.18 360-1 5190.57 360-1 6117.52 360-1 6180.19 360-2 4944.36 360-2 3994.88 360-2 2973.37 360-2 1879.09 360-2 710.53 360-2 -533.49 360-2 -1853.56 360-2 -3249.95 360-2 -8416.34 360-1 -6365.85 360-1 -4392.3 360-1 -2495.92 360-1 -677.18 360-1 1062.97 360-1 2723.01 360-1 4302.07 360-1 5800.31 360-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-2.74 5759.48 360-2 -1.93 4666.41 360-2 -1.12 3133.74 360-2 -0.33 1519.83 360-2 0.03057 -174.58 360-2 -1.02 -1947.98 360-2 -2.2 -3799.18 360-2 -3.39 -5727.59 360-2 -4.58 -7732.96 360-2 -0.01886 2357.63 360-1 -0.41 3128.89 360-1 -0.33 3823.63 360-1 0.4 4441.92 360-1 1.15 4983.9 360-1 1.92 5449.89 360-1 2.71 5840.43 360-1 3.53 6156.04 360-1 4.38 6399.4 360-1 5.8 6585.15 360-2 4.39 5201.21 360-2 2.98 4943.69 360-2 1.59 4613.52 360-2 0.79 4208.19 360-2 1.7 3727.03 360-2 2.72 3169.63 360-2 3.75 2535.79 360-2 4.78 1825.42 360-2 -3 -14132.8 360-1 -2.11 -11406.01 360-1 -1.68 -8755.95 360-1 -1.92 -6182.71 360-1 -2.17 -3686.43 360-1 -2.44 -1267.44 360-1 -2.73 1073.75 360-1 -3.05 3336.61 360-1 -3.41 5518.44 360-1 -3.52 5354.52 360-2 -2.49 4409.57 360-2 -1.47 2184.94 360-2 -0.46 -120.32 360-2 -0.03019 -2503.68 360-2 -1.32 -4964.47 360-2 -2.72 -7502.29 360-2 -4.13 -10116.94 360-2 -5.54 -12808.33 360-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

3.8 2.09 1.9 3.9 5.96 8.03 10.11 12.2 14.3 3.68 2.44 1.2 -0.02049 -0.81 -0.19 0.56 1.32 2.08 -2.69 -0.62 -0.06735 -1.7 -3.4 -5.1 -6.81 -8.54 -10.27 -4.08 -3.31 -2.56 -1.82 -1.51 -2.61 -3.83 -5.07 -6.32 2.04 1.59 1.59 2.26 2.95 3.65 4.37 5.12 5.91

-16369.87 360-1 -10361.1 360-1 -4747.38 360-1 390.96 360-1 4973.84 360-1 8948.52 360-1 12370.2 360-1 15320.32 360-1 17879.26 360-1 18023.43 360-2 15141.45 360-2 12227.08 360-2 8841.41 360-2 4903.14 360-2 357.06 360-2 -4744.33 360-2 -10321.04 360-2 -16292.78 360-2 -21427.38 360-1 -14815.69 360-1 -8599.66 360-1 -2860.09 360-1 2322.03 360-1 6892 360-1 10902.04 360-1 14431.82 360-1 17562.05 360-1 17602.71 360-2 14863.49 360-2 11365.94 360-2 7387.88 360-2 2849.47 360-2 -2301.45 360-2 -8010.01 360-2 -14195.07 360-2 -20775.8 360-2 -10653.41 360-1 -5320.94 360-1 -383.73 360-1 4077.75 360-1 7983.1 360-1 11278.93 360-1 14019.46 360-1 16285.78 360-1 18161.14 360-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

4.46 3 1.54 0.11 -0.75 0.11 1.08 2.06 3.04 -0.94 -0.12 0.24 -0.05639 -0.38 -0.71 -1.07 -1.46 -1.88 -4.86 -3.88 -2.9 -1.94 -1.57 -2.91 -4.36 -5.82 -7.28 0.44 0.54 0.64 0.74 0.83 0.93 1.03 1.12 1.22 0.26 0.43 0.61 0.78 0.96 1.13 1.31 1.48 1.66

18428.39 360-2 15398.29 360-2 13175.89 360-2 10481.57 360-2 7232.25 360-2 3373.56 360-2 -1041.21 360-2 -5931.69 360-2 -11217.41 360-2 -27143.84 360-1 -19855.85 360-1 -12963.32 360-1 -6546.87 360-1 -687.23 360-1 4561.59 360-1 9252.78 360-1 13466.35 360-1 17280.18 360-1 17197.75 360-2 14606.65 360-2 10417.14 360-2 5747.72 360-2 520.37 360-2 -5317.95 360-2 -11713.13 360-2 -18584.41 360-2 -25851.17 360-2 -4681.64 361-1 -3703.86 361-1 -2929.25 361-1 -2413.81 361-1 -2212.94 361-1 -2356.81 361-1 -2815.25 361-1 -3532.86 361-1 -4453.64 361-1 -6445.38 361-1 -4839.74 361-1 -3508.25 361-1 -2598.9 361-1 -2258.11 361-1 -2565.62 361-1 -3441.69 361-1 -4739.91 361-1 -6312.28 361-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0.29 0.43 0.57 0.71 0.86 1 1.14 1.28 1.42 0.3 0.44 0.58 0.72 0.86 1.01 1.15 1.29 1.43 2.38 1.74 1.11 0.5 0.29 0.81 1.36 1.91 2.47 -2.05 -1.5 -0.95 -0.43 -0.3 -0.91 -1.55 -2.19 -2.84 1.53 1.13 0.75 0.45 0.38 0.64 0.94 1.26 1.58

-5515.59 361-1 -4198.46 361-1 -3117.98 361-1 -2384.64 361-1 -2107.77 361-1 -2346.89 361-1 -3042.47 361-1 -4085.21 361-1 -5364.58 361-1 -5530.62 361-1 -4212.9 361-1 -3131.84 361-1 -2397.91 361-1 -2120.46 361-1 -2359 361-1 -3054 361-1 -4096.14 361-1 -5374.94 361-1 1543.41 361-1 1141.81 361-1 645.62 361-1 54.86 361-1 -627.47 361-1 45.12 361-1 640.49 361-1 1141.29 361-1 1547.5 361-1 -4351.33 361-1 -3282.86 361-1 -2309.02 361-1 -1429.81 361-1 -648.27 361-1 -1410.86 361-1 -2285.44 361-1 -3254.68 361-1 -4318.54 361-1 8214.81 361-1 6148.89 361-1 3988.37 361-1 1733.28 361-1 -609.39 361-1 1695.3 361-1 3955 361-1 6120.12 361-1 8190.65 361-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

-1.19 -0.88 -0.59 -0.37 -0.4 -0.74 -1.13 -1.54 -1.95 2.52 2.07 1.62 1.19 1.16 1.87 2.6 3.34 4.09 -1.91 -1.17 -0.44 0.26 0.57 0.15 -0.3 -0.76 -1.22 1.67 1.45 1.26 1.14 1.26 1.7 2.19 2.69 3.2 -1.05 -0.56 -0.08599 0.32 0.48 0.32 0.11 -0.11 -0.33

-11022.73 361-1 -8289.94 361-1 -5651.77 361-1 -3108.24 361-1 -666.35 361-1 -3061.03 361-1 -5599.95 361-1 -8233.51 361-1 -10961.69 361-1 -2590.08 361-1 -2007.13 361-1 -1660.82 361-1 -1661.61 361-1 -2115.83 361-1 -1636.51 361-1 -1596.27 361-1 -1903.13 361-1 -2446.62 361-1 -8484.82 361-1 -6431.81 361-1 -4615.45 361-1 -3146.28 361-1 -2136.63 361-1 -3092.49 361-1 -4522.2 361-1 -6299.1 361-1 -8312.66 361-1 4081.32 361-1 2999.95 361-1 1681.94 361-1 16.81 361-1 -2097.75 361-1 13.67 361-1 1718.24 361-1 3075.7 361-1 4196.53 361-1 -15156.21 361-1 -11438.88 361-1 -7958.21 361-1 -4824.71 361-1 -2154.71 361-1 -4742.66 361-1 -7836.71 361-1 -11277.93 361-1 -14955.81 361-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

1.43 0.94 0.45 -0.03208 -0.52 -1 -1.49 -1.98 -2.46 -1.28 -0.94 -0.59 -0.24 0.11 0.45 0.8 1.15 1.5 1.26 0.81 0.36 -0.08768 -0.54 -0.99 -1.44 -1.89 -2.33 -1.03 -0.72 -0.41 -0.09572 0.21 0.52 0.83 1.14 1.45 1.23 0.8 0.37 -0.0647 -0.5 -0.93 -1.36 -1.79 -2.22

-17445.8 362-1 -11671.37 362-1 -6305.03 362-1 -1387.61 362-1 3040.06 362-1 6950.78 362-1 10371.75 362-1 13343.81 362-1 15907.77 362-1 15915.52 362-2 13467.27 362-2 10610.92 362-2 7305.66 362-2 3510.65 362-2 -801.31 362-2 -5603.01 362-2 -10853.64 362-2 -16512.35 362-2 -21583.45 362-1 -14477.42 362-1 -7794.08 362-1 -1641.32 362-1 3872.95 362-1 8676.82 362-1 12842.21 362-1 16477.01 362-1 19689.12 362-1 19711.07 362-2 16622.62 362-2 13111.47 362-2 9069.74 362-2 4389.53 362-2 -1001.09 362-2 -7030.18 362-2 -13589.87 362-2 -20572.25 362-2 -19110.22 362-1 -12811.53 362-1 -6908.19 362-1 -1480.77 362-1 3390.18 362-1 7650.97 362-1 11355.29 362-1 14583.7 362-1 17416.75 362-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-1.1 -0.79 -0.48 -0.17 0.14 0.46 0.77 1.08 1.39 1.24 0.81 0.37 -0.06505 -0.5 -0.94 -1.37 -1.81 -2.25 -1.06 -0.75 -0.45 -0.14 0.16 0.47 0.78 1.08 1.39 4.79 3.08 1.44 0.39 1.98 3.79 5.6 7.41 9.21 10.5 8.45 6.47 4.51 2.55 0.7 2.88 5.27 7.67

17432.61 362-2 14716.49 362-2 11605 362-2 8017.61 362-2 3873.75 362-2 -880.28 362-2 -6190.78 362-2 -11977.19 362-2 -18158.95 362-2 -19099.13 362-1 -12801.59 362-1 -6899.41 362-1 -1473.15 362-1 3396.65 362-1 7656.28 362-1 11359.45 362-1 14586.7 362-1 17418.6 362-1 17434.75 362-2 14717.69 362-2 11605.28 362-2 8016.95 362-2 3872.15 362-2 -882.81 362-2 -6194.24 362-2 -11981.59 362-2 -18164.29 362-2 -3829.29 362-1 -2283.3 362-1 -813.57 362-1 580.16 362-1 1898.39 362-1 3141.98 362-1 4311.94 362-1 5408.49 362-1 6716.66 362-1 6652.58 362-2 5676.08 362-2 4623.88 362-2 3495.43 362-2 2290.56 362-2 1009.18 362-2 -348.75 362-2 -1783.25 362-2 -3294.34 362-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-5.25 -8512.02 362-1 -3.45 -6342.75 362-1 -1.72 -4250.48 362-1 -0.58 -2235.47 362-1 -2.09 -298.23 362-1 -3.81 1560.37 362-1 -5.53 3339.34 362-1 -7.25 5038.46 362-1 -8.97 6372.68 362-1 -11.6 6416.81 362-2 -9.38 4846.73 362-2 -7.23 3199.07 362-2 -5.09 1474.4 362-2 -2.96 -327.11 362-2 -0.94 -2205.38 362-2 -2.95 -4160.37 362-2 -5.17 -6192.06 362-2 -7.39 -8300.42 362-2 3.21 1479.66 362-1 1.71 2321.07 362-1 0.48 3085.97 362-1 1.17 3774.42 362-1 2.7 4386.59 362-1 4.29 4922.75 362-1 5.88 5383.23 362-1 7.47 5768.42 362-1 9.06 7031.12 362-1 3.07 6837.8 362-2 2.64 6529.97 362-2 2.46 6146.71 362-2 2.31 5687.02 362-2 2.18 5150.78 362-2 2.09 4537.96 362-2 3.2 3848.54 362-2 4.39 3082.51 362-2 5.57 2239.85 362-2 -3.67 -13820.96 362-1 -2.08 -10947.11 362-1 -0.76 -8150.01 362-1 -1.37 -5429.73 362-1 -2.81 -2786.44 362-1 -4.31 -220.4 362-1 -5.81 2268.05 362-1 -7.31 4678.52 362-1 -8.81 6058.22 362-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

-4.16 -3.57 -3.21 -2.9 -2.6 -2.33 -3.27 -4.28 -5.3 6.27 4.07 1.95 0.42 1.53 2.86 4.18 5.51 6.83 10.01 8.17 6.42 4.67 2.93 1.3 3.69 6.31 8.92 -3.77 -2.45 -1.21 -0.55 -2.54 -4.74 -6.94 -9.15 -11.35 -12.09 -9.65 -7.28 -4.93 -2.58 -0.34 -2.13 -4.13 -6.14

6231.59 362-2 3992.84 362-2 1676.24 362-2 -717.18 362-2 -3187.33 362-2 -5734.17 362-2 -8357.66 362-2 -11057.82 362-2 -13834.62 362-2 -16752.72 362-1 -10767.35 362-1 -5176.97 362-1 -61.86 362-1 4497.91 362-1 8449.51 362-1 11847.64 362-1 14773.08 362-1 17591.43 362-1 17553.61 362-2 15132.92 362-2 12317.81 362-2 9027.16 362-2 5180.26 362-2 723.32 362-2 -4290.01 362-2 -9779.18 362-2 -15663.67 362-2 -21435.45 362-1 -14826.8 362-1 -8613.88 362-1 -2877.5 362-1 2301.28 362-1 6867.89 362-1 10875.04 362-1 14403.05 362-1 17247.45 362-1 17317.84 362-2 14303.57 362-2 10892.99 362-2 7006.13 362-2 2562.6 362-2 -2491.24 362-2 -8101.63 362-2 -14187.99 362-2 -20669.75 362-2

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6

4.69 2.71 0.99 1.21 2.25 3.36 4.46 5.57 6.68 2.57 2.36 2.4 2.48 2.56 2.69 4.02 5.42 6.82 -2.19 -1.09 -0.25 -1.34 -3.26 -5.24 -7.22 -9.21 -11.19 -4.66 -3.84 -3.27 -2.74 -2.22 -1.73 -2.46 -3.25 -4.04 4.51 3.48 2.44 1.4 3.06 2.23 1.39 0.56 3.37

-11443.77 362-1 -6162.98 362-1 -1277.43 362-1 3132.4 362-1 6986.11 362-1 10230.28 362-1 12918.93 362-1 15133.02 362-1 17905.89 362-1 17738.84 362-2 15986.81 362-2 13840.63 362-2 11218.75 362-2 8040.48 362-2 4252.1 362-2 -92.72 362-2 -4913.42 362-2 -10129.47 362-2 -26744.39 362-1 -19431.17 362-1 -12513.41 362-1 -6071.76 362-1 -186.92 362-1 5087.13 362-1 9803.75 362-1 14043.12 362-1 16932.99 362-1 17132.62 362-2 13449.68 362-2 9370.17 362-2 4814.55 362-2 -297.63 362-2 -6020.02 362-2 -12298.92 362-2 -19053.75 362-2 -26203.94 362-2 1463.61 363-1 -826.03 363-1 -3669.88 363-1 -7067.95 363-1 806.52 363-1 -1504.95 363-1 -4471.47 363-1 -8093.03 363-1 1058.63 363-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

2.59 -1165.86 363-1 1.81 -3977.9 363-1 1.04 -7377.48 363-1 3.36 986.77 363-1 2.52 -1200.24 363-1 1.68 -3974.8 363-1 0.84 -7336.9 363-1 29.36 3012.08 363-1 17.7 412.57 363-1 8.77 -368.79 363-1 27.53 -155.87 363-1 -30.57 -1096.32 363-1 -16.48 -703.74 363-1 -5.12 -2318.54 363-1 -21.44 -5116.83 363-1 12.41 5810.76 363-1 15.01 967.71 363-1 22.47 1404.84 363-1 38.52 3883.73 363-1 -13.62 -3894.99 363-1 -13.79 -1258.88 363-1 -18.82 -4092.17 363-1 -32.44 -9156.43 363-1 33.33 3008.31 363-1 19.58 -657.72 363-1 8.57 -2998.51 363-1 25.23 -4837.98 363-1 -26.6 -1100.09 363-1 -14.6 -1774.02 363-1 -5.33 -4948.27 363-1 -23.74 -9798.94 363-1 16.38 5806.98 363-1 16.89 -102.57 363-1 22.26 -1224.88 363-1 36.23 -798.38 363-1 -9.65 -3898.77 363-1 -11.91 -2329.16 363-1 -19.03 -6721.9 363-1 -34.74 -13838.54 363-1 -0.32 -13639.98 364-1 -0.16 -9445.44 364-1 0.007677 -5410.93 364-1 0.17 -1577.28 364-1 0.33 2014.7 364-1 0.5 5337.78 364-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.66 0.82 0.99 -0.48 -0.47 -0.47 -0.46 -0.46 -0.45 -0.45 -0.44 -0.44 0.009845 0.16 0.31 0.46 0.61 0.76 0.91 1.06 1.21 -0.97 -0.9 -0.83 -0.77 -0.7 -0.63 -0.57 -0.5 -0.43 -0.14 0.01533 0.17 0.32 0.47 0.62 0.77 0.92 1.08 -0.77 -0.72 -0.67 -0.62 -0.57 -0.52

8419.18 364-1 11299.72 364-1 14020.23 364-1 14001.43 364-2 11327.72 364-2 8493.97 364-2 5459.37 364-2 2183.09 364-2 -1362.08 364-2 -5148.94 364-2 -9136.65 364-2 -13284.39 364-2 -18026.22 364-1 -12300.14 364-1 -6784.13 364-1 -1586.09 364-1 3186.1 364-1 7460.51 364-1 11309.07 364-1 14839.67 364-1 18160.19 364-1 18124.68 364-2 14808.88 364-2 11283.01 364-2 7439.17 364-2 3169.49 364-2 -1597.98 364-2 -6791.3 364-2 -12302.58 364-2 -18023.94 364-2 -15677.32 364-1 -10748.14 364-1 -6001.69 364-1 -1518.53 364-1 2620.8 364-1 6362.57 364-1 9760.51 364-1 12895.16 364-1 15847.08 364-1 15818.7 364-2 12888.12 364-2 9774.8 364-2 6398.2 364-2 2677.76 364-2 -1440.23 364-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.47 -0.42 -0.37 -0.1 0.04516 0.19 0.34 0.49 0.63 0.78 0.93 1.08 -0.76 -0.72 -0.67 -0.63 -0.58 -0.54 -0.49 -0.45 -0.41 5.55 3.69 1.84 0.63 2.33 4.15 5.97 7.82 9.8 4.26 3.41 2.58 2.05 1.58 1.12 1.34 2.35 3.37 -6.21 -4.22 -2.24 -0.89 -2.46 -4.14

-5902.06 364-2 -10627.18 364-2 -15535.03 364-2 -15654.55 364-1 -10727.19 364-1 -5982.57 364-1 -1501.23 364-1 2636.26 364-1 6376.21 364-1 9772.32 364-1 12905.14 364-1 15855.23 364-1 15826.97 364-2 12895.37 364-2 9781.02 364-2 6403.4 364-2 2681.93 364-2 -1437.09 364-2 -5899.94 364-2 -10626.08 364-2 -15534.96 364-2 -3659.6 364-1 -2105.47 364-1 -627.96 364-1 772.93 364-1 2097.2 364-1 3344.89 364-1 4516.04 364-1 5610.84 364-1 6631.04 364-1 6688.04 364-2 5324.69 364-2 4273.06 364-2 3146.68 364-2 1943.87 364-2 664.5 364-2 -691.48 364-2 -2124.07 364-2 -3633.28 364-2 -8875.32 364-1 -6703.37 364-1 -4608.06 364-1 -2589.39 364-1 -647.39 364-1 1217.94 364-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.83 3006.54 364-1 -7.55 4718.22 364-1 -9.39 6351.23 364-1 -4.79 6292.59 364-2 -3.77 5081.34 364-2 -2.79 3405.11 364-2 -2.09 1650.36 364-2 -1.46 -181.23 364-2 -0.83 -2089.52 364-2 -0.89 -4074.48 364-2 -1.73 -6136.08 364-2 -2.59 -8274.33 364-2 3.26 1972.02 364-1 2.49 2858.77 364-1 1.72 3668.9 364-1 1.14 4402.43 364-1 1.44 5059.36 364-1 1.77 5639.74 364-1 2.1 6143.65 364-1 2.52 6571.44 364-1 3.37 6926.53 364-1 2.34 7109.38 364-2 1.56 5585.87 364-2 0.88 5210.73 364-2 1.16 4762.37 364-2 1.66 4237.76 364-2 2.16 3636.65 364-2 2.87 2958.95 364-2 3.82 2204.65 364-2 4.77 1373.74 364-2 -3.92 -14506.93 364-1 -3.02 -11667.6 364-1 -2.11 -8904.92 364-1 -1.4 -6218.9 364-1 -1.56 -3609.55 364-1 -1.76 -1076.91 364-1 -1.97 1378.93 364-1 -2.25 3757.62 364-1 -2.96 6055.75 364-1 -2.87 5871.25 364-2 -1.92 4820.16 364-2 -1.08 2467.44 364-2 -1.2 34.67 364-2 -1.53 -2475.12 364-2 -1.87 -5061.67 364-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.42 -3.2 -3.99 5.79 4.01 2.24 1.11 2.89 4.78 6.69 8.62 10.67 3.77 2.88 2.01 1.44 0.93 0.43 0.61 1.58 2.56 -5.97 -3.89 -1.83 -0.41 -1.9 -3.51 -5.12 -6.75 -8.52 -5.28 -4.3 -3.36 -2.7 -2.11 -1.52 -1.62 -2.51 -3.4 3.51 2.81 2.12 1.62 1.99 2.4

-7724.91 364-2 -10464.8 364-2 -13281.35 364-2 -13036.33 364-1 -8418.72 364-1 -3983.83 364-1 187.79 364-1 4015.58 364-1 7445.88 364-1 10532.43 364-1 13355.99 364-1 15998.84 364-1 16028.46 364-2 13020.34 364-2 10217.83 364-2 7153.91 364-2 3746.37 364-2 -58.65 364-2 -4207.48 364-2 -8619.58 364-2 -13214.4 364-2 -18252.06 364-1 -13016.62 364-1 -7963.93 364-1 -3174.53 364-1 1270.99 364-1 5318.94 364-1 9022.94 364-1 12463.37 364-1 15719.03 364-1 15633.01 364-2 12776.98 364-2 9349.87 364-2 5657.6 364-2 1621.27 364-2 -2812.67 364-2 -7590.48 364-2 -12631.59 364-2 -17855.45 364-2 -7404.72 364-1 -3454.49 364-1 313.03 364-1 3817.29 364-1 6977.74 364-1 9740.73 364-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.82 3.32 4.24 1.84 1.03 0.31 0.55 1 1.47 2.14 3.05 3.96 -3.68 -2.69 -1.71 -0.92 -1.01 -1.12 -1.25 -1.46 -2.09 -3.36 -2.46 -1.65 -1.81 -2.18 -2.56 -3.15 -3.98 -4.8 0.84 0.76 0.69 0.62 0.55 0.47 0.4 0.33 0.26 0.9 0.84 0.79 0.73 0.68 0.62

12160.04 364-1 14316.59 364-1 16294.33 364-1 16449.8 364-2 13281.51 364-2 11155.5 364-2 8769.61 364-2 6040.27 364-2 2913.5 364-2 -557.05 364-2 -4290.86 364-2 -8207.38 364-2 -23883.67 364-1 -17980.86 364-1 -12260.79 364-1 -6804.04 364-1 -1691.17 364-1 3024.09 364-1 7395.33 364-1 11502.77 364-1 15423.55 364-1 15211.67 364-2 12515.8 364-2 8412.21 364-2 4041.91 364-2 -672.62 364-2 -5784.82 364-2 -11240.91 364-2 -16960.31 364-2 -22862.47 364-2 -3834.01 365-1 -2946.91 365-1 -2262.98 365-1 -1838.22 365-1 -1728.03 365-1 -1962.58 365-1 -2511.71 365-1 -3320 365-1 -4331.46 365-1 -5734.28 365-1 -4194 365-1 -2927.87 365-1 -2083.88 365-1 -1808.46 365-1 -2181.33 365-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0.57 0.51 0.46 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.64 0.59 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.39 0.83 0.77 0.71 0.66 0.6 0.54 0.48 0.43 0.37 1.5 1.64 1.8 1.95 2.11 2.28 2.45 2.63 2.81 -2.16 -2.17 -2.19 -2.21 -2.24 -2.27 -2.3 -2.35 -2.4 1.68 1.64 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.58

-3122.76 365-1 -4486.34 365-1 -6124.07 365-1 -4800.76 365-1 -3552.68 365-1 -2541.25 365-1 -1876.96 365-1 -1669.15 365-1 -1977.32 365-1 -2741.95 365-1 -3853.74 365-1 -5202.17 365-1 -4814.02 365-1 -3566.17 365-1 -2554.97 365-1 -1890.91 365-1 -1683.31 365-1 -1991.71 365-1 -2756.57 365-1 -3868.58 365-1 -5217.23 365-1 1544.91 365-1 1133.74 365-1 627.97 365-1 27.58 365-1 -665.52 365-1 69.26 365-1 711.48 365-1 1259.09 365-1 1712.1 365-1 -4561.01 365-1 -3445.74 365-1 -2425.08 365-1 -1499.03 365-1 -669.49 365-1 -1457.04 365-1 -2341.25 365-1 -3320.08 365-1 -4393.51 365-1 8135.99 365-1 6077.18 365-1 3923.77 365-1 1675.75 365-1 -663.7 365-1 1716.36 365-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

1.6 1.64 1.72 -2.35 -2.17 -2.01 -1.85 -1.7 -1.57 -1.46 -1.37 -1.31 2.67 2.69 2.72 2.75 2.78 2.82 2.86 2.91 2.97 -0.99 -1.13 -1.27 -1.42 -1.57 -1.73 -1.89 -2.06 -2.24 2.86 2.69 2.53 2.38 2.24 2.12 2.01 1.93 1.88 -1.17 -1.13 -1.09 -1.06 -1.04 -1.03

4006.22 365-1 6201.47 365-1 8302.11 365-1 -11152.08 365-1 -8389.18 365-1 -5720.88 365-1 -3147.2 365-1 -671.31 365-1 -3104.14 365-1 -5635.99 365-1 -8262.45 365-1 -10983.52 365-1 -1767.09 365-1 -1282.56 365-1 -1034.68 365-1 -1133.93 365-1 -1687.76 365-1 -1235.1 365-1 -1236.85 365-1 -1585.74 365-1 -2171.27 365-1 -7873.01 365-1 -5862.05 365-1 -4087.72 365-1 -2660.55 365-1 -1691.74 365-1 -2761.4 365-1 -4289.58 365-1 -6164.91 365-1 -8276.88 365-1 4823.98 365-1 3660.87 365-1 2261.12 365-1 514.23 365-1 -1685.95 365-1 412 365-1 2057.89 365-1 3356.64 365-1 4418.74 365-1 -14464.09 365-1 -10805.48 365-1 -7383.53 365-1 -4308.71 365-1 -1693.56 365-1 -4408.5 365-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-1.04 -1.08 -1.15 -0.27 -0.34 -0.41 -0.48 -0.55 -0.61 -0.68 -0.75 -0.82 1.09 0.96 0.83 0.71 0.58 0.46 0.33 0.21 0.07934 -0.54 -0.58 -0.61 -0.65 -0.69 -0.73 -0.77 -0.8 -0.84 1.11 1.01 0.91 0.81 0.71 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 -0.44 -0.48 -0.51 -0.55 -0.58 -0.62

-7584.32 365-1 -11107.28 365-1 -14866.9 365-1 -17692.51 366-1 -11841.32 366-1 -6398.22 366-1 -1404.05 366-1 3100.39 366-1 7087.87 366-1 10585.61 366-1 13634.42 366-1 16275.15 366-1 16278.92 366-2 13716.05 366-2 10745.09 366-2 7325.2 366-2 3415.58 366-2 -1011.01 366-2 -5927.33 366-2 -11292.57 366-2 -17065.91 366-2 -21832.38 366-1 -14644.59 366-1 -7879.5 366-1 -1644.99 366-1 3951.04 366-1 8836.66 366-1 13083.81 366-1 16800.37 366-1 20094.23 366-1 20111.02 366-2 16925.53 366-2 13317.34 366-2 9178.57 366-2 4401.32 366-2 -1086.34 366-2 -7212.47 366-2 -13869.2 366-2 -20948.62 366-2 -19335.01 366-1 -12962.64 366-1 -6985.62 366-1 -1484.52 366-1 3460.11 366-1 7794.57 366-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.66 -0.69 -0.73 1.02 0.91 0.81 0.71 0.61 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.43 -0.47 -0.52 -0.56 -0.6 -0.65 -0.69 -0.74 -0.78 1.04 0.94 0.83 0.73 0.63 0.52 0.42 0.31 0.21 1.49 0.93 0.84 1.76 2.71 3.65 4.6 5.56 6.51 9.94 8.02 6.11 4.21 2.33 1.89

11572.57 366-1 14874.66 366-1 17781.39 366-1 17793.29 366-2 14976.68 366-2 11764.71 366-2 8076.82 366-2 3832.48 366-2 -1022.04 366-2 -6433.03 366-2 -12319.92 366-2 -18602.18 366-2 -19332.54 366-1 -12959.54 366-1 -6981.89 366-1 -1480.16 366-1 3465.1 366-1 7800.2 366-1 11578.83 366-1 14881.55 366-1 17788.91 366-1 17800.65 366-2 14985.66 366-2 11775.31 366-2 8089.05 366-2 3846.33 366-2 -1006.57 366-2 -6415.93 366-2 -12301.2 366-2 -18581.83 366-2 -3750.05 366-1 -2225.71 366-1 -777.99 366-1 593.12 366-1 1887.61 366-1 3105.54 366-1 4247.04 366-1 5313.6 366-1 6690.66 366-1 6633.69 366-2 5632.66 366-2 4557.18 366-2 3405.36 366-2 2177.01 366-2 872.07 366-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.08 -509.48 366-2 6.32 -1967.65 366-2 8.56 -3502.44 366-2 -1.93 -8396.63 366-1 -1.21 -6242.77 366-1 -0.95 -4165.55 366-1 -1.7 -2164.98 366-1 -2.47 -241.08 366-1 -3.24 1606.13 366-1 -4.02 3376.5 366-1 -4.8 5068.55 366-1 -5.58 6296.83 366-1 -10.19 6348.31 366-2 -8.26 4736.52 366-2 -6.34 3045.93 366-2 -4.43 1278.4 366-2 -2.53 -565.86 366-2 -2.08 -2486.8 366-2 -4.25 -4484.39 366-2 -6.48 -6558.63 366-2 -8.71 -8709.52 366-2 1.64 1267.07 366-1 1.81 2111.67 366-1 2.17 2879.67 366-1 2.85 3571.05 366-1 3.55 4185.85 366-1 4.26 4724.12 366-1 4.97 5186.1 366-1 5.69 5574.45 366-1 6.42 7112.94 366-1 4.08 6938.14 366-2 3.97 6600.23 366-2 3.89 6188.97 366-2 3.81 5701.53 366-2 3.74 5137.59 366-2 4.11 4497.08 366-2 5.27 3779.97 366-2 6.45 2986.25 366-2 7.62 2115.91 366-2 -2.09 -13413.74 366-1 -2.09 -10580.15 366-1 -2.27 -7823.2 366-1 -2.78 -5142.92 366-1 -3.3 -2539.31 366-1 -3.84 -12.44 366-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.39 -4.93 -5.49 -4.33 -4.21 -4.11 -4.02 -3.94 -4.3 -5.44 -6.61 -7.77 1.29 0.6 0.38 1.17 1.97 2.79 3.6 4.42 5.24 11.12 9.09 7.07 5.06 3.07 2.52 4.59 6.72 8.85 -2.13 -1.54 -1.41 -2.29 -3.2 -4.11 -5.02 -5.93 -6.85 -9.01 -7.2 -5.39 -3.58 -1.8 -1.46

2437.44 366-1 4807.7 366-1 5874.55 366-1 6043.86 366-2 3768.95 366-2 1414.13 366-2 -1017.76 366-2 -3526.44 366-2 -6111.8 366-2 -8773.84 366-2 -11512.53 366-2 -14327.87 366-2 -17008.13 366-1 -10949.6 366-1 -5286.41 366-1 -99.13 366-1 4531.72 366-1 8552.46 366-1 12016.94 366-1 15007.2 366-1 17989.24 366-1 17946.68 366-2 15437.81 366-2 12535.75 366-2 9158.09 366-2 5224.06 366-2 679.9 366-2 -4420.7 366-2 -9997.19 366-2 -15969.04 366-2 -21654.71 366-1 -14966.66 366-1 -8673.98 366-1 -2857.23 366-1 2403.03 366-1 7053.05 366-1 11146.4 366-1 14762.16 366-1 17595.41 366-1 17661.3 366-2 14541.67 366-2 11024.51 366-2 7031.13 366-2 2481.19 366-2 -2678.96 366-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.74 -6.08 -8.42 1.45 1.48 1.7 2.25 2.81 3.39 3.97 4.56 5.15 5.25 5.04 4.84 4.65 4.48 4.74 5.78 6.85 7.91 -2.29 -2.42 -2.74 -3.38 -4.04 -4.71 -5.39 -6.07 -6.76 -3.15 -3.15 -3.16 -3.18 -3.21 -3.68 -4.93 -6.2 -7.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.05726 0.28 0.61 0.94

-8395.61 366-2 -14588.18 366-2 -21176.11 366-2 -11991.01 366-1 -6612.22 366-1 -1628.76 366-1 2878.8 366-1 6829.95 366-1 10171.04 366-1 12956 366-1 15268.06 366-1 18411.52 366-1 18251.13 366-2 16405.38 366-2 14167.55 366-2 11454.25 366-2 8184.64 366-2 4304.91 366-2 -131.25 366-2 -5043.29 366-2 -10350.68 366-2 -26671.82 366-1 -19304.04 366-1 -12331.63 366-1 -5835.16 366-1 104.8 366-1 5434.48 366-1 10207.34 366-1 14501.3 366-1 17173.13 366-1 17356.85 366-2 13574.1 366-2 9392.71 366-2 4734.97 366-2 -479.39 366-2 -6303.97 366-2 -12685.06 366-2 -19542.08 366-2 -26794.47 366-2 -13640.95 367-1 -9442.62 367-1 -5404.32 367-1 -1566.89 367-1 2028.87 367-1 5355.74 367-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.27 1.61 1.94 -1.41 -1.17 -0.92 -0.68 -0.43 -0.19 0.05629 0.3 0.55 -0.69 -0.34 0.01427 0.37 0.72 1.08 1.43 1.79 2.14 -1.8 -1.49 -1.19 -0.88 -0.58 -0.27 0.0314 0.34 0.64 -0.67 -0.34 -0.01097 0.32 0.65 0.98 1.31 1.64 1.97 -1.6 -1.33 -1.05 -0.77 -0.49 -0.21

8440.92 367-1 11325.25 367-1 14049.55 367-1 14009.98 367-2 11323.3 367-2 8476.58 367-2 5429.01 367-2 2139.75 367-2 -1418.39 367-2 -5218.22 367-2 -9218.9 367-2 -13379.62 367-2 -18073.42 367-1 -12326.89 367-1 -6790.44 367-1 -1571.94 367-1 3220.7 367-1 7515.56 367-1 11384.56 367-1 14935.61 367-1 18276.58 367-1 18228.68 367-2 14877.81 367-2 11316.86 367-2 7437.96 367-2 3133.2 367-2 -1669.34 367-2 -6897.74 367-2 -12444.1 367-2 -18200.52 367-2 -15706.82 367-1 -10763.71 367-1 -6003.33 367-1 -1506.24 367-1 2647.01 367-1 6402.72 367-1 9814.59 367-1 12963.16 367-1 15929.01 367-1 15886.12 367-2 12929.5 367-2 9790.16 367-2 6387.52 367-2 2641.05 367-2 -1502.97 367-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.0655 0.34 0.62 -0.67 -0.34 -0.009705 0.32 0.65 0.98 1.31 1.63 1.96 -1.58 -1.31 -1.04 -0.77 -0.5 -0.23 0.04176 0.31 0.58 5.89 4.21 2.54 0.99 1.26 3.03 4.83 6.63 8.43 5.79 5.06 4.33 3.6 2.87 2.14 1.42 0.83 1.67 -6.01 -4.21 -2.42 -0.75 -0.9 -2.55

-5990.83 367-2 -10741.98 367-2 -15675.86 367-2 -15684.31 367-1 -10742.97 367-1 -5984.36 367-1 -1489.04 367-1 2662.44 367-1 6416.38 367-1 9826.48 367-1 12973.29 367-1 15937.37 367-1 15894.68 367-2 12936.99 367-2 9796.56 367-2 6392.85 367-2 2645.3 367-2 -1499.79 367-2 -5988.73 367-2 -10740.95 367-2 -15675.91 367-2 -3603.15 367-1 -2049.49 367-1 -572.42 367-1 828.05 367-1 2151.96 367-1 3399.36 367-1 4570.43 367-1 5665.76 367-1 6689.98 367-1 6747.72 367-2 5372.73 367-2 4315.85 367-2 3186.44 367-2 1980.99 367-2 699.1 367-2 -659.34 367-2 -2094.36 367-2 -3605.99 367-2 -8997.23 367-1 -6803.89 367-1 -4687.21 367-1 -2647.2 367-1 -683.9 367-1 1202.64 367-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.23 3012.26 367-1 -5.91 4744.34 367-1 -7.59 6394.26 367-1 -6.77 6335.29 367-2 -5.82 5110.45 367-2 -4.87 3414.23 367-2 -3.93 1637.28 367-2 -2.98 -216.91 367-2 -2.04 -2147.92 367-2 -1.1 -4155.65 367-2 -0.3 -6240.05 367-2 -0.92 -8401.12 367-2 2.74 1943.89 367-1 1.9 2840.3 367-1 1.06 3660.1 367-1 0.54 4403.3 367-1 1.03 5069.91 367-1 1.99 5659.99 367-1 2.95 6173.66 367-1 3.92 6611.36 367-1 4.88 6977.22 367-1 3.54 7159.56 367-2 3.29 5627.38 367-2 3.03 5239.01 367-2 2.78 4777.92 367-2 2.53 4240.68 367-2 2.28 3626.96 367-2 2.05 2936.67 367-2 1.86 2169.78 367-2 2.11 1326.29 367-2 -2.86 -14544.28 367-1 -1.9 -11693.68 367-1 -0.95 -8919.73 367-1 -0.3 -6222.45 367-1 -0.67 -3601.85 367-1 -1.51 -1057.98 367-1 -2.35 1409.03 367-1 -3.2 3798.74 367-1 -4.04 6107.02 367-1 -4.53 5923.45 367-2 -4.05 4855.79 367-2 -3.58 2491.06 367-2 -3.11 45.79 367-2 -2.64 -2476.6 367-2 -2.18 -5075.77 367-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.73 -1.32 -1.35 5.29 3.88 2.47 1.19 1.73 3.77 5.83 7.9 9.97 4.71 4.14 3.56 2.99 2.42 1.85 1.29 0.86 1.86 -6.62 -4.55 -2.49 -0.55 -0.44 -1.82 -3.23 -4.64 -6.05 -7.85 -6.74 -5.64 -4.53 -3.43 -2.32 -1.23 -0.27 -0.73 2.14 1.56 1 0.74 1.5 2.72

-7751.65 367-2 -10504.2 367-2 -13333.4 367-2 -12977.05 367-1 -8356.34 367-1 -3918.35 367-1 256.4 367-1 4087.38 367-1 7520.95 367-1 10610.97 367-1 13438.6 367-1 16089.02 367-1 16104.78 367-2 13071.52 367-2 10250.28 367-2 7169.86 367-2 3746.18 367-2 -74.84 367-2 -4239.62 367-2 -8667.64 367-2 -13278.37 367-2 -18371.12 367-1 -13110.75 367-1 -8033.13 367-1 -3218.84 367-1 1251.53 367-1 5324.23 367-1 9052.8 367-1 12517.18 367-1 15793.3 367-1 15692.36 367-2 12809.25 367-2 9348.67 367-2 5620.69 367-2 1548.29 367-2 -2921.86 367-2 -7735.93 367-2 -12813.34 367-2 -18073.5 367-2 -7430 367-1 -3466.56 367-1 314.18 367-1 3831.65 367-1 7005.34 367-1 9781.58 367-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.95 5.19 6.42 2.47 2.37 2.27 2.17 2.08 2 1.92 1.89 2.29 -3.47 -2.24 -1.01 -0.1 -0.21 -0.77 -1.35 -1.93 -2.51 -5.61 -4.97 -4.34 -3.71 -3.09 -2.47 -1.86 -1.29 -1.16 -0.26 -0.05157 0.15 0.36 0.57 0.77 0.98 1.18 1.39 -0.38 -0.12 0.13 0.39 0.65 0.9

12214.2 367-1 14384.2 367-1 16376.26 367-1 16516.62 367-2 13326.18 367-2 11173.45 367-2 8761.34 367-2 6005.87 367-2 2853.01 367-2 -643.62 367-2 -4403.5 367-2 -8346.09 367-2 -23918.17 367-1 -18000.53 367-1 -12265.65 367-1 -6794.09 367-1 -1666.42 367-1 3063.6 367-1 7449.57 367-1 11571.58 367-1 15506.06 367-1 15280.51 367-2 12554.59 367-2 8425.5 367-2 4029.21 367-2 -711.4 367-2 -5849.71 367-2 -11331.93 367-2 -17077.48 367-2 -23005.78 367-2 -3772.82 368-1 -2901.95 368-1 -2234.24 368-1 -1825.7 368-1 -1731.74 368-1 -1982.51 368-1 -2547.85 368-1 -3372.37 368-1 -4400.05 368-1 -5665.76 368-1 -4147.64 368-1 -2903.67 368-1 -2081.84 368-1 -1828.58 368-1 -2223.61 368-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

1.16 1.42 1.67 -0.36 -0.13 0.1 0.34 0.57 0.8 1.04 1.27 1.5 -0.33 -0.09823 0.13 0.36 0.58 0.81 1.04 1.27 1.49 4.08 3.61 3.17 3.29 3.53 3.77 4.01 4.26 4.52 -4.9 -4.22 -3.58 -3.5 -3.53 -3.57 -3.61 -3.66 -3.71 3.23 2.09 1.07 1.89 3.09 4.3

-3187.21 368-1 -4572.95 368-1 -6232.84 368-1 -4738.35 368-1 -3509.26 368-1 -2516.81 368-1 -1871.51 368-1 -1682.68 368-1 -2009.83 368-1 -2793.45 368-1 -3924.22 368-1 -5291.63 368-1 -4751.55 368-1 -3522.75 368-1 -2530.59 368-1 -1885.59 368-1 -1697.05 368-1 -2024.49 368-1 -2808.41 368-1 -3939.47 368-1 -5307.18 368-1 1651.41 368-1 1212.38 368-1 678.74 368-1 50.52 368-1 -668.39 368-1 87.02 368-1 752.91 368-1 1324.22 368-1 1800.92 368-1 -4661.83 368-1 -3522.87 368-1 -2478.52 368-1 -1528.8 368-1 -677.61 368-1 -1489.96 368-1 -2402.01 368-1 -3408.69 368-1 -4509.99 368-1 8143.43 368-1 6081.22 368-1 3924.41 368-1 1673 368-1 -667.41 368-1 1710.79 368-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

5.52 3999.87 368-1 6.74 6194.35 368-1 7.97 8294.23 368-1 -4.05 -11153.85 368-1 -2.71 -8391.71 368-1 -1.48 -5724.19 368-1 -2.09 -3151.28 368-1 -3.09 -678.6 368-1 -4.1 -3113.73 368-1 -5.12 -5648.97 368-1 -6.13 -8278.83 368-1 -7.15 -11003.3 368-1 4.18 -1600.92 368-1 3.83 -1161.26 368-1 3.52 -958.23 368-1 3.76 -1102.33 368-1 4.12 -1698.97 368-1 4.48 -1242.67 368-1 4.85 -1237.75 368-1 5.22 -1579.95 368-1 5.6 -2158.79 368-1 -4.8 -7914.16 368-1 -4 -5896.5 368-1 -3.24 -4115.49 368-1 -3.03 -2681.64 368-1 -2.94 -1708.18 368-1 -2.85 -2819.65 368-1 -2.77 -4392.67 368-1 -2.7 -6312.86 368-1 -2.63 -8469.7 368-1 3.33 4891.1 368-1 2.32 3707.59 368-1 1.41 2287.44 368-1 2.35 520.15 368-1 3.68 -1697.98 368-1 5.02 381.1 368-1 6.36 2009.21 368-1 7.7 3290.19 368-1 9.05 4334.52 368-1 -3.95 -14406.18 368-1 -2.49 -10765.34 368-1 -1.13 -7361.16 368-1 -1.62 -4304.12 368-1 -2.5 -1709.17 368-1 -3.39 -4443.42 368-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-4.28 -5.18 -6.07 -1.02 -0.84 -0.66 -0.48 -0.3 -0.13 0.05284 0.23 0.41 1.4 1.18 0.96 0.75 0.53 0.31 0.09712 -0.12 -0.34 -1.44 -1.17 -0.89 -0.62 -0.34 -0.06971 0.2 0.48 0.75 1.15 1 0.84 0.69 0.53 0.38 0.22 0.06418 -0.09158 -1.22 -0.99 -0.76 -0.53 -0.3 -0.06973

-7639.63 368-1 -11182.99 368-1 -14963.01 368-1 -17675.31 369-1 -11826.17 369-1 -6385.13 369-1 -1393.01 369-1 3109.37 369-1 7094.8 369-1 10590.48 369-1 13637.25 369-1 16275.92 369-1 16303.25 369-2 13725.77 369-2 10740.2 369-2 7305.71 369-2 3381.48 369-2 -1059.71 369-2 -5990.65 369-2 -11370.5 369-2 -17158.44 369-2 -21869.02 369-1 -14663.96 369-1 -7881.58 369-1 -1629.8 369-1 3983.51 369-1 8886.41 369-1 13150.83 369-1 16884.66 369-1 20195.8 369-1 20227.51 369-2 17004.09 369-2 13357.97 369-2 9181.27 369-2 4366.09 369-2 -1159.5 369-2 -7323.57 369-2 -14018.23 369-2 -21135.58 369-2 -19351.44 369-1 -12969.18 369-1 -6982.29 369-1 -1471.3 369-1 3483.22 369-1 7827.57 369-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.16 0.39 0.62 1.17 1.01 0.84 0.67 0.5 0.34 0.17 0.001047 -0.17 -1.23 -1 -0.77 -0.54 -0.31 -0.08189 0.15 0.38 0.61 1.17 1 0.84 0.67 0.5 0.34 0.17 0.001586 -0.17 3.13 2.52 3.21 3.98 4.77 5.56 6.36 7.18 8.16 9.41 7.27 5.16 3.07 2.47 5.11

11615.45 369-1 14927.42 369-1 17844.04 369-1 17872.83 369-2 15027.93 369-2 11787.68 369-2 8071.52 369-2 3798.89 369-2 -1083.91 369-2 -6523.17 369-2 -12438.35 369-2 -18748.88 369-2 -19349.77 369-1 -12966.67 369-1 -6978.93 369-1 -1467.09 369-1 3488.27 369-1 7833.47 369-1 11622.2 369-1 14935.02 369-1 17852.48 369-1 17881.11 369-2 15037.74 369-2 11799.01 369-2 8084.37 369-2 3813.26 369-2 -1068.02 369-2 -6505.76 369-2 -12419.42 369-2 -18728.43 369-2 -3719.57 369-1 -2192.52 369-1 -742.08 369-1 631.77 369-1 1929.08 369-1 3149.96 369-1 4294.87 369-1 5368.42 369-1 6764.65 369-1 6702.47 369-2 5691.44 369-2 4608.7 369-2 3450.17 369-2 2215.29 369-2 903.92 369-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.83 -484.02 369-2 10.56 -1948.55 369-2 13.29 -3489.69 369-2 -3.64 -8518.81 369-1 -2.9 -6340.86 369-1 -3.45 -4239.57 369-1 -4.09 -2214.96 369-1 -4.75 -267.07 369-1 -5.4 1603.98 369-1 -6.07 3397.74 369-1 -6.75 5109.59 369-1 -7.6 6345.49 369-1 -9 6400.92 369-2 -6.91 4764.34 369-2 -4.84 3046.21 369-2 -2.78 1250.61 369-2 -2.22 -621.92 369-2 -4.91 -2571.21 369-2 -7.66 -4597.21 369-2 -10.43 -6699.88 369-2 -13.2 -8879.22 369-2 8.57 1210.91 369-1 7.44 2070.33 369-1 6.7 2853.15 369-1 5.98 3559.38 369-1 5.28 4189.07 369-1 4.57 4742.33 369-1 3.89 5219.61 369-1 3.27 5625.88 369-1 3.2 7176.18 369-1 3.62 6990.42 369-2 3.91 6635.52 369-2 4.24 6210.33 369-2 4.58 5709.38 369-2 5.37 5132.1 369-2 7.14 4478.31 369-2 8.93 3747.96 369-2 10.72 2941.02 369-2 12.51 2057.47 369-2 -9.08 -13449.29 369-1 -7.82 -10603.71 369-1 -6.94 -7834.8 369-1 -6.09 -5142.56 369-1 -5.25 -2527.05 369-1 -4.42 11.62 369-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.6 -2.84 -2.65 -3.22 -3.55 -3.92 -4.3 -5.13 -6.93 -8.76 -10.59 -12.42 2.15 1.71 2.56 3.49 4.44 5.4 6.35 7.33 8.48 10.37 8.1 5.83 3.6 2.85 5.34 7.92 10.5 13.08 -4.62 -3.71 -4.1 -4.58 -5.07 -5.57 -6.07 -6.59 -7.28 -8.03 -6.09 -4.16 -2.26 -1.84 -4.67

2473 369-1 4852.13 369-1 5933.96 369-1 6112.96 369-2 3820.26 369-2 1444.59 369-2 -1008.61 369-2 -3538.73 369-2 -6145.61 369-2 -8829.19 369-2 -11589.46 369-2 -14426.38 369-2 -16949.4 369-1 -10891.36 369-1 -5228.66 369-1 -41.82 369-1 4588.65 369-1 8609.14 369-1 12073.83 369-1 15067.89 369-1 18065.9 369-1 18035.66 369-2 15505.75 369-2 12585.4 369-2 9189.99 369-2 5238.4 369-2 676.77 369-2 -4441.26 369-2 -10035.15 369-2 -16024.38 369-2 -21748.64 369-1 -15039.7 369-1 -8726.14 369-1 -2888.55 369-1 2392.49 369-1 7063.16 369-1 11176.7 369-1 14809.06 369-1 17646.74 369-1 17734.1 369-2 14578.65 369-2 11022.91 369-2 6990.42 369-2 2401.18 369-2 -2798.36 369-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.58 -10.49 -13.41 7.59 6.62 6.04 5.49 4.95 4.41 3.89 3.42 3.52 4.59 4.73 4.91 5.11 5.75 7.37 9.01 10.66 12.3 -10.05 -8.63 -7.59 -6.58 -5.58 -4.58 -3.6 -2.68 -2.33 -2.25 -2.73 -3.24 -3.77 -4.75 -6.7 -8.67 -10.65 -12.63 2.44 2.24 2.03 1.83 1.63 1.42

-8554.45 369-2 -14786.48 369-2 -21413.9 369-2 -12018.92 369-1 -6628.51 369-1 -1633.43 369-1 2885.79 369-1 6848.63 369-1 10201.51 369-1 12998.58 369-1 15325.34 369-1 18477.43 369-1 18323.61 369-2 16449.82 369-2 14187.03 369-2 11449.2 369-2 8155.2 369-2 4251.16 369-2 -209.27 369-2 -5145.58 369-2 -10477.21 369-2 -26679.12 369-1 -19302.55 369-1 -12321.37 369-1 -5816.15 369-1 132.51 369-1 5470.8 369-1 10251.96 369-1 14551.6 369-1 17235.21 369-1 17446.15 369-2 13634.57 369-2 9421.29 369-2 4731.21 369-2 -515.62 369-2 -6372.76 369-2 -12786.43 369-2 -19676.06 369-2 -26961.07 369-2 -13074.52 371-1 -9339.79 371-1 -5765.1 371-1 -2391.26 371-1 740.89 371-1 3604.16 371-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.22 1.02 0.82 -1.6 -1.29 -0.98 -0.67 -0.36 -0.05583 0.25 0.56 0.87 1.71 1.68 1.64 1.6 1.57 1.53 1.49 1.46 1.42 -1.45 -1.23 -1.01 -0.79 -0.58 -0.36 -0.14 0.07698 0.29 1.98 1.86 1.75 1.63 1.51 1.4 1.28 1.17 1.05 -1.53 -1.26 -1 -0.73 -0.47 -0.2

6225.74 371-1 8646.47 371-1 10907.16 371-1 10881.11 371-2 8870.74 371-2 6700.34 371-2 4329.08 371-2 1716.15 371-2 -1165.68 371-2 -4289.19 371-2 -7613.56 371-2 -11097.95 371-2 -16650.35 371-1 -11600.1 371-1 -6759.92 371-1 -2237.7 371-1 1858.67 371-1 5457.25 371-1 8629.98 371-1 11484.75 371-1 14129.45 371-1 14098.7 371-2 11639.14 371-2 8969.5 371-2 5981.91 371-2 2568.46 371-2 -1342.77 371-2 -5679.86 371-2 -10334.9 371-2 -15200.02 371-2 -14624.54 371-1 -10266.72 371-1 -6091.64 371-1 -2179.85 371-1 1388.1 371-1 4558.51 371-1 7385.08 371-1 9948.36 371-1 12328.9 371-1 12301.17 371-2 10118.68 371-2 7753.46 371-2 5124.95 371-2 2152.6 371-2 -1217.29 371-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.06056 -4931.03 371-2 0.33 -8908.05 371-2 0.59 -13067.8 371-2 1.87 -14611.26 371-1 1.78 -10254.26 371-1 1.69 -6080 371-1 1.6 -2169.03 371-1 1.5 1398.11 371-1 1.41 4567.7 371-1 1.32 7393.44 371-1 1.23 9955.9 371-1 1.14 12335.63 371-1 -1.43 12308.02 371-2 -1.19 10124.74 371-2 -0.95 7758.72 371-2 -0.72 5129.42 371-2 -0.48 2156.28 371-2 -0.24 -1214.41 371-2 0.002926 -4928.94 371-2 0.24 -8906.75 371-2 0.48 -13067.3 371-2 13.37 -2336.24 371-1 9.96 -1126.37 371-1 6.55 8.24 371-1 3.15 1068.8 371-1 1.54 2058.27 371-1 3.71 2984.91 371-1 6.53 3868.49 371-1 9.36 4721.78 371-1 12.18 5526.65 371-1 16.25 5542.88 371-2 12.54 4473.36 371-2 8.83 3663.62 371-2 5.12 2794.37 371-2 1.86 1867.37 371-2 2.93 878.8 371-2 7.26 -177.01 371-2 11.6 -1304.08 371-2 15.93 -2504.65 371-2 -10.45 -8242.07 371-1 -7.62 -6298.68 371-1 -4.8 -4433.3 371-1 -1.98 -2647.13 371-1 -0.95 -943.13 371-1 -3.69 670.42 371-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.1 2173.77 371-1 -10.51 3554.14 371-1 -13.92 4829.67 371-1 -18.77 4813.13 371-2 -14.44 3875.42 371-2 -10.1 2524.65 371-2 -5.76 1080.12 371-2 -1.88 -459.91 371-2 -2.32 -2091.65 371-2 -6.03 -3809.4 371-2 -9.74 -5609.17 371-2 -13.46 -7488.7 371-2 11.78 3133.08 371-1 9.11 3712.81 371-1 6.45 4216.32 371-1 3.78 4643.99 371-1 1.66 4996.72 371-1 1.58 5277.01 371-1 3.66 5490.86 371-1 5.75 5642.32 371-1 7.83 5728.03 371-1 12.79 5786.27 371-2 9.53 4666.71 371-2 6.26 4559.4 371-2 3 4382.78 371-2 1.24 4135.47 371-2 4.14 3816.14 371-2 8.03 3423.03 371-2 11.92 2954.93 371-2 15.81 2411.15 371-2 -8.87 -13711.4 371-1 -6.78 -11137.86 371-1 -4.69 -8641.38 371-1 -2.61 -6222.32 371-1 -1.07 -3881.59 371-1 -1.57 -1621.68 371-1 -4.23 551.4 371-1 -6.9 2633.6 371-1 -9.57 4628.29 371-1 -15.31 4569.74 371-2 -11.42 3682.06 371-2 -7.53 1628.86 371-2 -3.64 -508.28 371-2 -1.26 -2728.01 371-2 -3.54 -5028.98 371-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.8 -10.07 -13.33 13.73 10.53 7.34 4.14 2.75 5.12 8.15 11.19 14.22 16.12 12.33 8.53 4.73 1.39 2.38 6.62 10.87 15.13 -10.08 -7.04 -4.01 -0.98 0.25 -2.28 -5.48 -8.68 -11.88 -18.9 -14.65 -10.4 -6.15 -2.35 -2.88 -6.67 -10.46 -14.26 12.15 9.69 7.23 4.78 2.86 3

-7409.45 371-2 -9868.18 371-2 -12404.5 371-2 -11652.3 371-1 -7662.44 371-1 -3853.94 371-1 -306.14 371-1 2903.36 371-1 5729.12 371-1 8244.61 371-1 10543.16 371-1 12687.18 371-1 12676.01 371-2 10426.46 371-2 8330.6 371-2 5988.58 371-2 3321.59 371-2 272.13 371-2 -3111.79 371-2 -6753.61 371-2 -10575.04 371-2 -17558.13 371-1 -12834.75 371-1 -8295.48 371-1 -4022.07 371-1 -98.05 371-1 3414.62 371-1 6549.89 371-1 9375.51 371-1 11990.2 371-1 11946.26 371-2 9828.52 371-2 7191.63 371-2 4274.33 371-2 994.31 371-2 -2698.32 371-2 -6744.18 371-2 -11058.71 371-2 -15559.09 371-2 -6182.98 371-1 -2823.26 371-1 354.14 371-1 3269.05 371-1 5841.81 371-1 8021.22 371-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.28 7.58 9.87 12.66 9.31 5.96 2.61 0.77 3.59 7.39 11.2 15 -8.5 -6.2 -3.91 -1.61 0.14 -0.16 -2.61 -5.07 -7.53 -15.44 -11.63 -7.83 -4.03 -1.73 -4.09 -7.44 -10.79 -14.14 -0.03289 0.29 0.62 0.94 1.27 1.6 1.92 2.25 2.57 -0.18 0.24 0.66 1.07 1.49 1.91

9866.97 371-1 11463.69 371-1 12888.56 371-1 12919.4 371-2 10619.81 371-2 9226.39 371-2 7576.99 371-2 5589.69 371-2 3209.47 371-2 488.26 371-2 -2494.6 371-2 -5659.25 371-2 -23027.46 371-1 -17673.93 371-1 -12503.56 371-1 -7597.27 371-1 -3036.5 371-1 1122.52 371-1 4927.52 371-1 8454.98 371-1 11788.82 371-1 11702.87 371-2 9635.17 371-2 6295.85 371-2 2685.92 371-2 -1273.79 371-2 -5635.66 371-2 -10344.23 371-2 -15317.72 371-2 -20474.89 371-2 -3350.29 372-1 -2570.41 372-1 -1993.69 372-1 -1676.15 372-1 -1673.18 372-1 -2014.94 372-1 -2671.28 372-1 -3586.78 372-1 -4705.46 372-1 -5109.7 372-1 -3708.01 372-1 -2580.47 372-1 -1875.07 372-1 -1738.24 372-1 -2249.7 372-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

2.33 2.74 3.16 -0.14 0.22 0.59 0.95 1.32 1.69 2.05 2.42 2.78 -0.12 0.24 0.61 0.97 1.34 1.7 2.07 2.43 2.8 6.06 5.45 4.85 4.27 5.18 6.61 8.05 9.49 10.93 -6.48 -5.8 -5.13 -4.46 -5.3 -6.66 -8.02 -9.39 -10.76 11.59 8.39 5.19 1.99 3.77 7.27

-3329.72 372-1 -4831.89 372-1 -6608.21 372-1 -4259.49 372-1 -3132.41 372-1 -2241.98 372-1 -1698.7 372-1 -1611.88 372-1 -2041.05 372-1 -2926.69 372-1 -4159.48 372-1 -5628.91 372-1 -4268.85 372-1 -3142.07 372-1 -2251.93 372-1 -1708.94 372-1 -1622.41 372-1 -2051.88 372-1 -2937.81 372-1 -4170.88 372-1 -5640.6 372-1 1986.88 372-1 1540.69 372-1 1000.26 372-1 366.55 372-1 -334.34 372-1 448.65 372-1 1172.2 372-1 1803.01 372-1 2339.67 372-1 -4608.62 372-1 -3409.66 372-1 -2305.66 372-1 -1297.61 372-1 -411.58 372-1 -1198.67 372-1 -2115.52 372-1 -3128.86 372-1 -4237.26 372-1 8435.53 372-1 6371.94 372-1 4213.85 372-1 1961.55 372-1 -344.47 372-1 2081.07 372-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

10.78 4423.68 372-1 14.28 6672.25 372-1 17.79 8826.34 372-1 -12.01 -11057.27 372-1 -8.74 -8240.9 372-1 -5.46 -5519.25 372-1 -2.19 -2892.61 372-1 -3.9 -401.45 372-1 -7.32 -2831.08 372-1 -10.75 -5367 372-1 -14.18 -7998.09 372-1 -17.61 -10723.93 372-1 6.16 -975.35 372-1 5.87 -671.28 372-1 5.6 -603.48 372-1 5.35 -881.51 372-1 6.58 -1588.58 372-1 8.35 -1233.13 372-1 10.11 -1299 372-1 11.88 -1710.13 372-1 13.65 -2357.45 372-1 -6.39 -7570.85 372-1 -5.38 -5621.63 372-1 -4.38 -3909.41 372-1 -3.38 -2545.67 372-1 -3.89 -1665.82 372-1 -4.92 -2880.45 372-1 -5.96 -4586.72 372-1 -6.99 -6642 372-1 -8.04 -8934.39 372-1 11.69 5473.3 372-1 8.81 4159.97 372-1 5.94 2610.1 372-1 3.07 713.49 372-1 5.18 -1598.71 372-1 9.01 399.28 372-1 12.84 1952.48 372-1 16.67 3159.1 372-1 20.51 4129.22 372-1 -11.92 -14019.5 372-1 -8.31 -10452.87 372-1 -4.71 -7123 372-1 -1.11 -4140.67 372-1 -2.49 -1655.68 372-1 -5.59 -4512.87 372-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-8.69 -11.79 -14.89 4.19 2.31 0.42 -1.47 -10.47 -7 -3.52 -0.04454 3.43 6.91 -0.33 0.52 1.38 2.23 3.09 3.94 4.8 5.65 6.51 2.93 1.31 -0.31 -1.94 -10.12 -6.69 -3.25 0.19 3.62 7.06 -0.26 0.51 1.27 2.04 2.81 3.57 4.34 5.1 5.87 3.32 1.68 0.04239 -1.6

-7838.2 372-1 -11511.24 372-1 -15421.06 372-1 -19757.8 373-1 -11316.88 373-1 -3114.74 373-1 4825.86 373-1 5193.26 373-2 7102.21 373-2 8777.62 373-2 10060.34 373-2 10953.77 373-2 11476.99 373-2 11773.49 373-3 9651.07 373-3 7140.96 373-3 4222.77 373-3 876.07 373-3 -2912.75 373-3 -7130.07 373-3 -11755.49 373-3 -16768.59 373-3 -24930.75 373-1 -13874.45 373-1 -3220.27 373-1 6971.64 373-1 7439.38 373-2 9469.15 373-2 11170.99 373-2 12434.02 373-2 13295.22 373-2 13805.02 373-2 14219.61 373-3 11532.49 373-3 8476.61 373-3 4998.04 373-3 1042.83 373-3 -3424.99 373-3 -8369.45 373-3 -13736.6 373-3 -19472.5 373-3 -21934.66 373-1 -12312.26 373-1 -3017.93 373-1 5903.4 373-1

3 3.5 4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4

-9.58 -6.37 -3.17 0.03731 3.24 6.45 -0.43 0.38 1.19 2 2.8 3.61 4.42 5.23 6.04 3.2 1.58 -0.04772 -1.67 -9.68 -6.42 -3.16 0.09289 3.35 6.61 -0.29 0.47 1.23 1.99 2.75 3.52 4.28 5.04 5.8 82.59 39.41 5.61 48.34 117.72 83.17 48.63 14.11 18.11 51.83 19.56

6313.98 373-2 8195.64 373-2 9797.27 373-2 10998.43 373-2 11823.31 373-2 12309.58 373-2 12663.93 373-3 10301.53 373-3 7584.05 373-3 4471.21 373-3 922.74 373-3 -3088.22 373-3 -7534.81 373-3 -12376.76 373-3 -17573.79 373-3 -21932.76 373-1 -12309.56 373-1 -3014.43 373-1 5907.71 373-1 6318.16 373-2 8200.28 373-2 9802.38 373-2 11003.99 373-2 11829.34 373-2 12316.07 373-2 12670.48 373-3 10308.71 373-3 7591.86 373-3 4479.65 373-3 931.81 373-3 -3078.51 373-3 -7524.48 373-3 -12365.79 373-3 -17562.19 373-3 -1453.3 373-1 -506.06 373-1 459.75 373-1 1517.86 373-1 1562.53 373-2 2080.79 373-2 2527.14 373-2 2906.76 373-2 3278.5 373-2 3969.26 373-2 3925.21 373-3

0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0

15.57 11.59 7.64 6.72 13.04 19.49 25.96 32.44 -79.86 -37.13 -3.78 -46.96 -117.17 -83.38 -49.6 -15.84 -20.61 -55.08 -23.44 -17.88 -12.34 -6.83 -4.34 -9.1 -13.99 -18.89 -23.8 58.17 28.11 3.8 33.4 152.27 103.59 54.92 6.26 39.98 87.87 10.61 11.35 12.09 12.84 14.51 18.34 22.22 26.1

3506.29 373-3 3030.91 373-3 2494.18 373-3 1889.46 373-3 1212.66 373-3 461.7 373-3 -364.45 373-3 -1266.31 373-3 -6623.88 373-1 -4768.55 373-1 -3096.63 373-1 -1681.83 373-1 -1799.88 373-2 -502.91 373-2 719.45 373-2 1862.01 373-2 2865.91 373-2 3404.27 373-2 3456.41 373-3 2446.72 373-3 1340.21 373-3 141.8 373-3 -1141.91 373-3 -2506.78 373-3 -3950.77 373-3 -5472.84 373-3 -7072.46 373-3 3199.4 373-1 3603.29 373-1 3955.08 373-1 4276.92 373-1 4520.44 373-2 4391.7 373-2 4190.14 373-2 3917.42 373-2 3592.02 373-2 4236.84 373-2 4124.09 373-3 4420.97 373-3 4649.01 373-3 4805.19 373-3 4887.39 373-3 4894.36 373-3 4825.45 373-3 4680.35 373-3

0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15

29.98 -55.44 -25.83 -1.97 -32.02 -151.72 -103.81 -55.89 -8 -42.47 -91.13 -14.49 -13.66 -12.84 -12.03 -12.13 -14.4 -16.71 -19.03 -21.34 84.37 39.8 4.61 45.95 107.73 76.84 45.95 15.1 22.76 60.13 21.27 17.24 13.21 9.22 8.26 14.54 20.95 27.38 33.81 -78.08 -36.74 -4.79 -49.36 -127.16 -89.72

4458.89 373-3 -11276.59 373-1 -8877.91 373-1 -6591.96 373-1 -4440.9 373-1 -4757.8 373-2 -2813.82 373-2 -943.55 373-2 851.35 373-2 2552.39 373-2 3136.69 373-2 3257.52 373-3 1532.03 373-3 -277.88 373-3 -2169.21 373-3 -4139.84 373-3 -6188.48 373-3 -8314.52 373-3 -10517.64 373-3 -12797.66 373-3 -19346.61 373-1 -10177.09 373-1 -1234.65 373-1 7509.51 373-1 8001.27 373-2 9494.24 373-2 10708.54 373-2 11528.9 373-2 12038.38 373-2 12601.52 373-2 12907.85 373-3 10841.76 373-3 8440.76 373-3 5659.68 373-3 2451.62 373-3 -1214.38 373-3 -5313.54 373-3 -9806.61 373-3 -14653.84 373-3 -24517.19 373-1 -14439.58 373-1 -4791.03 373-1 4309.82 373-1 4638.86 373-2 6910.55 373-2

3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44

-52.27 8900.86 373-2 -14.86 10484.15 373-2 -15.96 11625.78 373-2 -46.78 12036.52 373-2 -21.73 12439.06 373-3 -16.21 9782.19 373-3 -10.71 6750.06 373-3 -5.24 3307.3 373-3 -2.8 -579.75 373-3 -7.59 -4933.82 373-3 -12.53 -9726.01 373-3 -17.48 -14915.01 373-3 -22.43 -20460 373-3 59.95 -14693.9 373-1 28.5 -6067.74 373-1 2.8 2260.69 373-1 31 10268.58 373-1 142.28 10959.19 373-2 97.26 11805.15 373-2 52.25 12371.54 373-2 7.25 12539.56 373-2 44.62 12351.9 373-2 96.18 12869.09 373-2 12.32 13106.74 373-3 13.02 11756.44 373-3 13.72 10058.86 373-3 14.43 7970.69 373-3 16.05 5449.55 373-3 19.84 2467.32 373-3 23.68 -949.79 373-3 27.51 -4761.82 373-3 31.35 -8928.64 373-3 -53.66 -29169.89 373-1 -25.44 -18548.93 373-1 -2.97 -8286.36 373-1 -34.41 1550.76 373-1 -161.72 1680.94 373-2 -110.14 4599.64 373-2 -58.57 7237.86 373-2 -7.01 9473.49 373-2 -37.83 11312.26 373-2 -82.82 11768.94 373-2 -12.77 12240.17 373-3 -11.99 8867.5 373-3 -11.21 5131.97 373-3

0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.2 0 0.45 0.9

-10.44 996.29 373-3 -10.59 -3577.68 373-3 -12.9 -8615.52 373-3 -15.25 -14089.76 373-3 -17.61 -19959.8 373-3 -19.97 -26185.2 373-3 -2.11 -12094.72 376-1 -1.94 -8574.76 376-1 -1.77 -5359.32 376-1 -1.59 -2462.75 376-1 -1.42 100.63 376-1 -1.42 100.63 376-1 -1.2 2564.47 376-1 -0.99 4491.49 376-1 -0.77 5909.09 376-1 -0.55 6845.27 376-1 0.47 6868.74 376-2 0.67 6216.56 376-2 0.86 5176.7 376-2 1.06 3728.74 376-2 1.25 1852.28 376-2 1.45 -466.3 376-2 1.64 -3213.38 376-2 1.84 -6368.56 376-2 2.03 -9911.42 376-2 -1.3 -12556 376-1 -1.26 -8850.54 376-1 -1.21 -5431.7 376-1 -1.16 -2337.37 376-1 -1.12 394.56 376-1 -1.12 394.56 376-1 -1.06 3031.47 376-1 -1 5059.3 376-1 -0.94 6550.5 376-1 -0.88 7579.04 376-1 0.22 7605.05 376-2 0.52 6819.62 376-2 0.82 5665.44 376-2 1.13 4088.56 376-2 1.43 2035.05 376-2 1.73 -531.07 376-2 2.03 -3573.84 376-2 2.34 -7039.29 376-2 2.64 -10873.5 376-2 -1.57 -11742.23 376-1

1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0

-1.48 -8294.53 376-1 -1.38 -5123.85 376-1 -1.29 -2258.48 376-1 -1.2 273.29 376-1 -1.2 273.29 376-1 -1.08 2713.77 376-1 -0.96 4601.03 376-1 -0.84 5989.15 376-1 -0.73 6933.37 376-1 0.28 6957.39 376-2 0.53 6257.16 376-2 0.78 5201.86 376-2 1.03 3751.19 376-2 1.28 1864.9 376-2 1.52 -483.89 376-2 1.77 -3268.31 376-2 2.02 -6448.08 376-2 2.27 -9982.94 376-2 -1.51 -11736.13 376-1 -1.42 -8288.75 376-1 -1.33 -5118.39 376-1 -1.25 -2253.33 376-1 -1.16 278.12 376-1 -1.16 278.12 376-1 -1.05 2718.21 376-1 -0.94 4605.07 376-1 -0.84 5992.79 376-1 -0.73 6936.61 376-1 0.29 6960.45 376-2 0.54 6259.97 376-2 0.79 5204.4 376-2 1.04 3753.48 376-2 1.29 1866.93 376-2 1.54 -482.11 376-2 1.8 -3266.78 376-2 2.05 -6446.81 376-2 2.3 -9981.92 376-2 15.95 -32.92 376-1 11.87 487.77 376-1 7.79 954.52 376-1 3.72 1372.62 376-1 -0.27 1751.26 376-1 -0.27 1751.26 376-1 4.56 2184.76 376-1 9.52 2573.39 376-1

0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6

14.49 19.46 22.44 16.9 11.36 5.81 0.58 5.35 11.07 16.8 22.53 -16.31 -12.33 -8.36 -4.39 -0.51 -0.51 -5.46 -10.56 -15.65 -20.75 -23.3 -17.57 -11.85 -6.12 -0.7 -5.27 -10.82 -16.36 -21.9 6.84 5.05 3.26 1.48 -0.28 -0.28 1.64 3.74 5.85 7.95 15.04 11.18 7.32 3.46 0.59

2897.47 376-1 3142.08 376-1 3141.31 376-2 2619.67 376-2 2326.48 376-2 1990.32 376-2 1665.68 376-2 1338.45 376-2 958.27 376-2 508.93 376-2 -13.97 376-2 -6105.45 376-1 -4895.91 376-1 -3753.54 376-1 -2683.61 376-1 -1695.33 376-1 -1695.33 376-1 -590.46 376-1 370.05 376-1 1205.9 376-1 1932 376-1 1947.11 376-2 1646.76 376-2 964.7 376-2 172.33 376-2 -784.82 376-2 -1892.65 376-2 -3100.79 376-2 -4393.04 376-2 -5765 376-2 5616.47 376-1 5566.65 376-1 5458.28 376-1 5292.93 376-1 5073.37 376-1 5073.37 376-1 4727.42 376-1 4301.86 376-1 3790.96 376-1 3191.85 376-1 3174.7 376-2 2751.33 376-2 3238.2 376-2 3659.97 376-2 4031.76 376-2

3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8

4.34 8.39 12.43 16.48 -7.2 -5.51 -3.83 -2.15 -0.5 -0.5 -2.55 -4.78 -7.01 -9.25 -15.9 -11.85 -7.8 -3.76 -0.71 -4.27 -8.13 -11.99 -15.85 14.65 10.71 6.77 2.82 -1.03 -1.03 3.97 9.1 14.24 19.37 23.16 17.78 12.4 7.01 1.94 6.86 12.75 18.64 24.53 -17.6 -13.49 -9.39

4349.21 376-2 4597.15 376-2 4770.73 376-2 4868.6 376-2 -11754.84 376-1 -9974.8 376-1 -8257.3 376-1 -6603.92 376-1 -5017.44 376-1 -5017.44 376-1 -3133.12 376-1 -1358.42 376-1 312.41 376-1 1882.23 376-1 1913.72 376-2 1515.1 376-2 52.97 376-2 -1497.32 376-2 -3150.9 376-2 -4903.4 376-2 -6739.67 376-2 -8654.83 376-2 -10647.56 376-2 -8697.09 376-1 -5594.28 376-1 -2761.87 376-1 -222.88 376-1 2003.61 376-1 2003.61 376-1 4107.83 376-1 5708.58 376-1 6840.23 376-1 7543.13 376-1 7558.93 376-2 6747.7 376-2 5886.45 376-2 4663.52 376-2 3093.1 376-2 1134.25 376-2 -1236.56 376-2 -3995.25 376-2 -7105.95 376-2 -14769.62 376-1 -10977.96 376-1 -7469.93 376-1

2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8

-5.28 -1.26 -1.26 -6.05 -10.97 -15.9 -20.83 -22.58 -16.69 -10.81 -4.92 0.66 -3.76 -9.14 -14.52 -19.91 5.54 3.89 2.24 0.59 -1.03 -1.03 1.05 3.33 5.6 7.87 15.76 12.06 8.35 4.66 1.95 5.86 10.06 14.27 18.48 -8.49 -6.68 -4.86 -3.04 -1.25 -1.25 -3.13 -5.2 -7.26 -9.33

-4279.11 376-1 -1442.98 376-1 -1442.98 376-1 1332.61 376-1 3505.24 376-1 5148.66 376-1 6333.05 376-1 6364.74 376-2 5774.78 376-2 4524.67 376-2 2845.53 376-2 642.61 376-2 -2096.85 376-2 -5295.61 376-2 -8897.22 376-2 -12856.98 376-2 -3047.7 376-1 -515.39 376-1 1741.89 376-1 3697.43 376-1 5325.73 376-1 5325.73 376-1 6650.49 376-1 7437.04 376-1 7733.72 376-1 7592.9 376-1 7592.33 376-2 6879.35 376-2 6798.17 376-2 6333.17 376-2 5459.19 376-2 4145.01 376-2 2402.32 376-2 266.54 376-2 -2223.38 376-2 -20419.01 376-1 -16056.84 376-1 -11973.69 376-1 -8199.42 376-1 -4765.09 376-1 -4765.09 376-1 -1210.05 376-1 1776.77 376-1 4255.17 376-1 6283.28 376-1

1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6

-15.18 6331.34 376-2 -10.97 5643.13 376-2 -6.77 3612.95 376-2 -2.56 1175.88 376-2 0.65 -1723.48 376-2 -2.75 -5107.6 376-2 -6.45 -8934.5 376-2 -10.15 -13159.02 376-2 -13.86 -17739.54 376-2 0.13 -4141.92 377-1 0.21 -2325.82 377-1 0.3 -991.14 377-1 0.38 -165.88 377-1 0.46 122.26 377-1 0.54 -141.8 377-1 0.62 -942.98 377-1 0.7 -2253.59 377-1 0.79 -4045.61 377-1 -0.35 -4554.06 377-1 -0.25 -2598.54 377-1 -0.15 -1105.68 377-1 -0.05635 -149.46 377-1 0.04025 196.91 377-1 0.14 -106.44 377-1 0.23 -1019.65 377-1 0.33 -2469.51 377-1 0.43 -4382.01 377-1 -0.14 -4173 377-1 -0.05568 -2366.73 377-1 0.03157 -1004.36 377-1 0.12 -141.14 377-1 0.21 168.28 377-1 0.29 -105.87 377-1 0.38 -933.82 377-1 0.47 -2260.92 377-1 0.56 -4031.91 377-1 -0.17 -4176.94 377-1 -0.08242 -2370.96 377-1 0.004315 -1008.86 377-1 0.09104 -145.91 377-1 0.18 163.23 377-1 0.26 -111.2 377-1 0.35 -939.43 377-1 0.44 -2266.81 377-1 0.52 -4038.08 377-1

0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

4.04 2555.29 377-1 4.13 2052.51 377-1 4.26 1456.46 377-1 4.93 771.34 377-1 6.83 62.71 377-1 8.73 909.75 377-1 10.64 1686.67 377-1 12.55 2372.09 377-1 14.47 2963.82 377-1 -4.04 -4434.3 377-1 -3.92 -3180.54 377-1 -3.84 -2022.72 377-1 -4.3 -965.07 377-1 -5.99 -73.11 377-1 -7.69 -926.05 377-1 -9.39 -1898.08 377-1 -11.09 -2967.82 377-1 -12.8 -4133.1 377-1 8.36 9283.56 377-1 5.82 7097.67 377-1 3.29 4817.58 377-1 2.48 2444.55 377-1 5.77 32.94 377-1 9.05 2582.08 377-1 12.34 5044.75 377-1 15.63 7413.75 377-1 18.92 9688.42 377-1 -8.36 -11162.56 377-1 -5.61 -8225.7 377-1 -2.87 -5383.85 377-1 -1.85 -2638.27 377-1 -4.93 -43.34 377-1 -8.01 -2598.37 377-1 -11.09 -5256.16 377-1 -14.17 -8009.49 377-1 -17.25 -10857.71 377-1 3.86 -683.94 377-1 3.93 243.65 377-1 4.04 728.68 377-1 4.69 720.12 377-1 6.58 228.84 377-1 8.46 804.28 377-1 10.36 850.4 377-1 12.25 400.47 377-1 14.14 -492.42 377-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

-4.22 -7673.53 377-1 -4.12 -4989.4 377-1 -4.06 -2750.5 377-1 -4.54 -1016.29 377-1 -6.25 93.02 377-1 -7.96 -1031.52 377-1 -9.68 -2734.36 377-1 -11.4 -4939.44 377-1 -13.12 -7589.34 377-1 8.18 6044.32 377-1 5.62 5288.81 377-1 3.07 4089.81 377-1 2.24 2393.32 377-1 5.51 199.07 377-1 8.78 2476.6 377-1 12.05 4208.48 377-1 15.33 5442.14 377-1 18.6 6232.18 377-1 -8.54 -14401.8 377-1 -5.81 -10034.56 377-1 -3.09 -6111.62 377-1 -2.09 -2689.49 377-1 -5.18 122.79 377-1 -8.28 -2703.84 377-1 -11.38 -6092.43 377-1 -14.48 -9981.1 377-1 -17.58 -14313.94 377-1 1.55 -10057.97 378-1 0.86 -5662.67 378-1 0.17 -1750.15 378-1 -0.52 1679.59 378-1 -5.21 2437.53 378-2 -3.94 3692.97 378-2 -2.68 4553.44 378-2 -1.41 5018.92 378-2 -0.14 5089.43 378-2 1.12 4764.96 378-2 2.39 4045.5 378-2 3.65 2931.07 378-2 4.92 1421.67 378-2 6.19 -482.72 378-2 6.19 -482.72 378-2 7.27 -2631.03 378-2 8.36 -5069.52 378-2 9.44 -7798.2 378-2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4

10.53 -10817.07 378-2 3.1 -10267.51 378-1 1.92 -5508.93 378-1 0.73 -1320.96 378-1 -0.46 2296.38 378-1 -7.63 3319.27 378-2 -5.88 4222.93 378-2 -4.12 4788.03 378-2 -2.37 5014.58 378-2 -0.62 4902.57 378-2 1.13 4452.02 378-2 2.88 3662.9 378-2 4.64 2535.24 378-2 6.39 1069.02 378-2 8.14 -735.75 378-2 8.14 -735.75 378-2 9.64 -2724.96 378-2 11.14 -4962.9 378-2 12.64 -7449.57 378-2 14.15 -10184.98 378-2 2.35 -9653.48 378-1 1.4 -5266.29 378-1 0.46 -1390.92 378-1 -0.49 1972.64 378-1 -6.32 2854.94 378-2 -4.84 3823.11 378-2 -3.36 4452.72 378-2 -1.88 4743.78 378-2 -0.4 4696.29 378-2 1.08 4310.25 378-2 2.56 3585.65 378-2 4.04 2522.49 378-2 5.51 1120.79 378-2 6.99 -619.47 378-2 6.99 -619.47 378-2 8.26 -2553.38 378-2 9.53 -4736.03 378-2 10.8 -7167.41 378-2 12.06 -9847.52 378-2 2.42 -9650.61 378-1 1.46 -5263.67 378-1 0.5 -1388.55 378-1 -0.46 1974.75 378-1 -6.42 2857.59 378-2 -4.92 3825.88 378-2

5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667

-3.43 -1.93 -0.43 1.07 2.57 4.07 5.57 7.06 7.06 8.35 9.63 10.92 12.2 60.35 24.54 10.97 45.8 81.7 67.54 53.38 39.22 25.06 10.91 4.08 19.05 34.06 49.07 49.07 61.93 74.79 87.66 100.52 -58.78 -23.94 -11.35 -47.16 -86.02 -71.01 -56 -40.99 -25.99 -10.99 -3.31 -17.44 -31.6

4455.63 378-2 4746.82 378-2 4699.46 378-2 4313.54 378-2 3589.07 378-2 2526.05 378-2 1124.47 378-2 -615.66 378-2 -615.66 378-2 -2549.46 378-2 -4731.99 378-2 -7163.25 378-2 -9843.25 378-2 761.9 378-1 1080.51 378-1 1459.56 378-1 1915.46 378-1 2104.3 378-2 2000.59 378-2 1815.22 378-2 1549.03 378-2 1204.89 378-2 1233.54 378-2 1451.96 378-2 1637.61 378-2 1753.44 378-2 1790.32 378-2 1790.32 378-2 1757.44 378-2 1664.54 378-2 1511.39 378-2 1297.9 378-2 -4581.97 378-1 -3357.55 378-1 -2358.4 378-1 -1600.93 378-1 -1552.35 378-2 -854.25 378-2 -239.31 378-2 291.62 378-2 735.67 378-2 642.1 378-2 193.93 378-2 -386.29 378-2 -1061.54 378-2

0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333

-45.75 -1822.66 378-2 -45.75 -1822.66 378-2 -57.89 -2541.75 378-2 -70.03 -3321.91 378-2 -82.17 -4162.94 378-2 -94.3 -5064.71 378-2 22.15 5592.9 378-1 8.43 5337.08 378-1 5.07 5041.7 378-1 17.85 4711.71 378-1 64.06 5108.85 378-2 53.09 4295.88 378-2 42.13 3400.73 378-2 31.17 2423.7 378-2 20.21 1366.04 378-2 9.25 1692.12 378-2 2.5 2666.95 378-2 14.29 3574.4 378-2 26.1 4403.24 378-2 37.91 5150.73 378-2 37.91 5150.73 378-2 48.03 5726.16 378-2 58.15 6241.21 378-2 68.28 6695.8 378-2 78.4 7089.9 378-2 -20.58 -9412.97 378-1 -7.84 -7614.12 378-1 -5.45 -5940.54 378-1 -19.2 -4397.18 378-1 -68.38 -4556.91 378-2 -56.57 -3149.54 378-2 -44.76 -1824.82 378-2 -32.95 -583.04 378-2 -21.14 574.52 378-2 -9.33 183.52 378-2 -1.73 -1021.05 378-2 -12.68 -2323.09 378-2 -23.64 -3711.34 378-2 -34.6 -5183.06 378-2 -34.6 -5183.06 378-2 -43.99 -6510.47 378-2 -53.39 -7898.59 378-2 -62.78 -9347.35 378-2 -72.18 -10856.71 378-2 62.02 -6977.37 378-1

4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0

25.73 -3043.45 378-1 11.68 521.51 378-1 46.03 3733.9 378-1 77.39 4687.11 378-2 64.31 5254.56 378-2 51.23 5484.21 378-2 38.16 5376.9 378-2 25.08 4935.51 378-2 12.01 4610.76 378-2 6.27 4219.64 378-2 22.33 3539.61 378-2 38.42 2533.63 378-2 54.51 1192.57 378-2 54.51 1192.57 378-2 68.3 -398.07 378-2 82.09 -2236.93 378-2 95.89 -4324.2 378-2 109.68 -6660.01 378-2 -57.1 -12321.23 378-1 -22.75 -7481.51 378-1 -10.63 -3296.46 378-1 -46.92 217.51 378-1 -90.33 1030.46 378-2 -74.24 2399.72 378-2 -58.15 3429.68 378-2 -42.05 4119.49 378-2 -25.96 4466.28 378-2 -9.88 4019.32 378-2 -1.12 2961.61 378-2 -14.17 1515.72 378-2 -27.24 -281.34 378-2 -40.31 -2420.41 378-2 -40.31 -2420.41 378-2 -51.52 -4697.27 378-2 -62.73 -7223.38 378-2 -73.94 -9998.53 378-2 -85.15 -13022.62 378-2 23.82 -2146.36 378-1 9.62 1213.12 378-1 5.78 4103.64 378-1 18.08 6530.15 378-1 59.74 7691.66 378-2 49.87 7549.85 378-2 39.99 7069.72 378-2 30.11 6251.57 378-2

0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4

20.23 10.36 4.69 17.57 30.46 43.35 43.35 54.4 65.45 76.5 87.55 -18.91 -6.64 -4.74 -18.97 -72.69 -59.8 -46.9 -34.01 -21.12 -8.23 0.46 -9.4 -19.28 -29.16 -29.16 -37.62 -46.09 -54.56 -63.02 0.5 0.81 1.12 1.43 1.74 2.05 2.36 2.67 2.97 0.73 0.88 1.03 1.18 1.33 1.47

5096.65 378-2 5069.34 378-2 5434.63 378-2 5476.41 378-2 5183.44 378-2 4552.97 378-2 4552.97 378-2 3570.65 378-2 2339.75 378-2 860.21 378-2 -868.01 378-2 -17152.24 378-1 -11738.07 378-1 -6878.6 378-1 -2578.73 378-1 -1974.09 378-2 104.44 378-2 1844.17 378-2 3244.83 378-2 4305.14 378-2 3560.73 378-2 1746.63 378-2 -421.08 378-2 -2931.14 378-2 -5780.82 378-2 -5780.82 378-2 -8665.99 378-2 -11800.05 378-2 -15182.94 378-2 -18814.62 378-2 -904.95 382-1 -475.43 382-1 -185.53 382-1 -55.66 382-1 -106.23 382-1 -350.86 382-1 -775.93 382-1 -1361.03 382-1 -2085.74 382-1 -1431 382-1 -789.21 382-1 -303.55 382-1 -27.95 382-1 -16.38 382-1 -304.78 382-1

1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 0 0.46667 0.93333 1.4 1.86667 2.33333 2.8 3.26667 3.73333 4.2 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.62 -857.2 382-1 1.77 -1619.68 382-1 1.92 -2538.29 382-1 0.61 -1197.14 382-1 0.82 -654.12 382-1 1.02 -253.56 382-1 1.23 -35.73 382-1 1.44 -40.91 382-1 1.65 -295.95 382-1 1.86 -774.01 382-1 2.07 -1434.79 382-1 2.28 -2238.03 382-1 0.62 -1186.98 382-1 0.81 -647.25 382-1 1.01 -249.96 382-1 1.2 -35.42 382-1 1.4 -43.88 382-1 1.59 -302.2 382-1 1.79 -783.53 382-1 1.98 -1447.59 382-1 2.17 -2254.11 382-1 11.83 9873.25 382-1 9.25 7656.01 382-1 6.67 5362.19 382-1 4.09 2991.9 382-1 1.52 545.77 382-1 3.45 1924.37 382-1 5.91 4379.7 382-1 8.38 6759.01 382-1 10.87 9061.83 382-1 -10.98 -11507.91 382-1 -8.28 -8668.61 382-1 -5.59 -5906.01 382-1 -2.89 -3220.19 382-1 -0.22 -611.81 382-1 -2.04 -1981.41 382-1 -4.38 -4581.02 382-1 -6.73 -7257.88 382-1 -9.11 -10011.51 382-1 7.13 2460.03 382-1 6.02 1997.14 382-1 4.92 1457.79 382-1 3.82 842.35 382-1 2.73 152.87 382-1 2.99 570.81 382-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.42 1269.95 382-1 3.87 1894.49 382-1 4.4 2442.86 382-1 -6.28 -4094.69 382-1 -5.06 -3009.74 382-1 -3.84 -2001.61 382-1 -2.63 -1070.64 382-1 -1.42 -218.91 382-1 -1.57 -627.85 382-1 -1.89 -1471.27 382-1 -2.23 -2393.36 382-1 -2.65 -3392.54 382-1 12.02 9508.21 382-1 9.57 7518.19 382-1 7.12 5385.77 382-1 4.68 3070.78 382-1 2.24 533.57 382-1 4.31 1647.85 382-1 6.9 3692.5 382-1 9.49 5555.03 382-1 12.12 7275.25 382-1 -10.78 -11872.94 382-1 -7.96 -8806.43 382-1 -5.13 -5882.43 382-1 -2.3 -3141.32 382-1 0.5 -624.01 382-1 -1.18 -2257.92 382-1 -3.4 -5268.22 382-1 -5.62 -8461.86 382-1 -7.86 -11798.09 382-1 7.32 2094.99 382-1 6.35 1859.32 382-1 5.38 1481.37 382-1 4.41 921.22 382-1 3.45 140.67 382-1 3.84 294.29 382-1 4.4 582.75 382-1 4.99 690.52 382-1 5.65 656.28 382-1 -6.08 -4459.73 382-1 -4.73 -3147.56 382-1 -3.39 -1978.03 382-1 -2.04 -991.77 382-1 -0.7 -231.11 382-1 -0.72 -904.36 382-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.9 -1.11 -1.4 4.83 3.37 1.92 0.46 -1 -2.45 -3.91 -5.37 -6.82 -5.61 -4.22 -2.83 -1.44 -0.05188 1.34 2.73 4.12 5.51 2.94 2.01 1.08 0.15 -0.78 -1.71 -2.64 -3.57 -4.5 -3.24 -2.43 -1.63 -0.82 -0.01487 0.79 1.6 2.4 3.21 3.66 2.54 1.41 0.28 -0.85 -1.98

-2158.47 382-1 -3597.34 382-1 -5179.12 382-1 -11672.02 383-1 -7597.84 383-1 -3911.35 383-1 -632.96 383-1 2216.94 383-1 4624.71 383-1 6603.99 383-1 8175.16 383-1 9358.66 383-1 9450.08 383-2 7955.39 383-2 6073.02 383-2 3782.56 383-2 1063.58 383-2 -2097.5 383-2 -5687.09 383-2 -9684.77 383-2 -14070.14 383-2 -13027.13 383-1 -8526.37 383-1 -4394.36 383-1 -685.05 383-1 2547.62 383-1 5267.69 383-1 7511.12 383-1 9331.85 383-1 10783.83 383-1 10857.78 383-2 9050.23 383-2 6873.93 383-2 4274.93 383-2 1199.29 383-2 -2388.95 383-2 -6453.83 383-2 -10941.41 383-2 -15797.74 383-2 -11896.98 383-1 -7774.13 383-1 -4006.36 383-1 -633.95 383-1 2302.83 383-1 4777.12 383-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.11 6815.78 383-1 -4.24 8459.08 383-1 -5.37 9747.3 383-1 -4.22 9822.78 383-2 -3.16 8212.87 383-2 -2.1 6247.89 383-2 -1.04 3887.54 383-2 0.01407 1091.56 383-2 1.07 -2166.91 383-2 2.13 -5861.01 383-2 3.19 -9950.47 383-2 4.24 -14395 383-2 3.43 -11894.16 383-1 2.37 -7771.58 383-1 1.31 -4004.09 383-1 0.25 -631.95 383-1 -0.81 2304.56 383-1 -1.87 4778.57 383-1 -2.94 6816.96 383-1 -4 8459.98 383-1 -5.06 9747.93 383-1 -3.89 9823.52 383-2 -2.92 8213.39 383-2 -1.95 6248.19 383-2 -0.99 3887.64 383-2 -0.02014 1091.44 383-2 0.95 -2167.23 383-2 1.91 -5861.55 383-2 2.88 -9951.22 383-2 3.84 -14395.97 383-2 11.22 3208.49 383-1 8.41 3485.26 383-1 5.59 3685.5 383-1 2.83 3809.5 383-1 1.69 3865.51 383-1 0.72 3871.88 383-1 1.39 3804 383-1 2.62 3659.94 383-1 3.88 3756.62 383-1 2.29 3659.6 383-2 1.59 3800.18 383-2 0.88 3870.39 383-2 0.22 3864.37 383-2 1.74 3784.89 383-2 4.49 3657.14 383-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.32 3459.86 383-2 10.14 3186.32 383-2 12.96 2836.23 383-2 -6.32 -10401.92 383-1 -5.06 -8364.38 383-1 -3.79 -6403.56 383-1 -2.57 -4519.78 383-1 -2.98 -2721.27 383-1 -3.57 -1026.39 383-1 -5.78 589.47 383-1 -8.56 2128.25 383-1 -11.37 3273.02 383-1 -9.64 3362.47 383-2 -6.82 1800.62 383-2 -4 155.88 383-2 -1.22 -1565.9 383-2 -0.63 -3367.49 383-2 -1.27 -5274.08 383-2 -1.97 -7264.4 383-2 -2.68 -9331.72 383-2 -3.39 -11475.78 383-2 12.67 -1329.02 383-1 8.74 -494.66 383-1 4.82 263.37 383-1 1.04 946.1 383-1 2.63 1580.96 383-1 4.34 2229.09 383-1 6.55 2808.41 383-1 8.91 3311.89 383-1 11.29 3834.13 383-1 3.56 3802.61 383-2 2.75 3287.62 383-2 1.93 2698.09 383-2 1.13 2032.82 383-2 1.05 1301.4 383-2 3.75 587.84 383-2 6.68 -178.72 383-2 9.61 -1020.67 383-2 12.54 -1938.95 383-2 -7.77 -5864.42 383-1 -5.39 -4384.46 383-1 -3.01 -2981.43 383-1 -0.79 -1656.38 383-1 -3.93 -436.72 383-1 -7.19 616.4 383-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-10.94 1585.07 383-1 -14.85 2476.31 383-1 -18.78 3195.52 383-1 -10.91 3219.47 383-2 -7.98 2313.18 383-2 -5.05 1328.18 383-2 -2.14 265.65 383-2 0.06384 -884 383-2 -0.52 -2204.78 383-2 -1.33 -3625.82 383-2 -2.15 -5124.74 383-2 -2.96 -6700.59 383-2 12.1 -5087.67 383-1 9.03 -1845.6 383-1 5.96 1041.48 383-1 2.94 3533.61 383-1 1.54 5598.74 383-1 0.32 7228.37 383-1 0.73 8424.76 383-1 1.71 9226.24 383-1 2.71 9990.01 383-1 2.23 9972.41 383-2 1.39 9213.41 383-2 0.55 8105.59 383-2 -0.24 6602.81 383-2 1.15 4667.58 383-2 3.77 2298.23 383-2 6.46 -499.66 383-2 9.15 -3692.54 383-2 11.84 -7240.4 383-2 -5.45 -18698.08 383-1 -4.43 -13695.24 383-1 -3.42 -9047.58 383-1 -2.47 -4795.68 383-1 -3.13 -988.05 383-1 -3.97 2330.1 383-1 -6.44 5210.23 383-1 -9.48 7694.55 383-1 -12.54 9506.42 383-1 -9.7 9675.28 383-2 -7.01 7213.85 383-2 -4.32 4391.08 383-2 -1.68 1172.55 383-2 -1.22 -2484.8 383-2 -1.99 -6632.99 383-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.83 -3.67 -4.51 13.55 9.36 5.18 1.15 2.49 3.94 5.89 8 10.12 3.5 2.55 1.61 0.68 0.46 3.03 5.82 8.62 11.41 -6.9 -4.77 -2.65 -0.68 -4.08 -7.59 -11.6 -15.77 -19.95 -10.97 -8.17 -5.38 -2.6 -0.53 -1.25 -2.19 -3.14 -4.09 4.02 2.9 1.78 0.67 -0.45 -1.57

-11223.92 383-2 -16210.58 383-2 -21552.41 383-2 -9625.17 383-1 -5825.52 383-1 -2380.65 383-1 670.2 383-1 3314.18 383-1 5585.58 383-1 7429.16 383-1 8878.18 383-1 10067.52 383-1 10115.42 383-2 8700.85 383-2 6933.29 383-2 4771.27 383-2 2184.09 383-2 -771.08 383-2 -4138.24 383-2 -7899.52 383-2 -12015.58 383-2 -14160.57 383-1 -9715.32 383-1 -5625.45 383-1 -1932.28 383-1 1296.5 383-1 3972.89 383-1 6205.82 383-1 8042.6 383-1 9428.91 383-1 9532.28 383-2 7726.41 383-2 5563.38 383-2 3004.09 383-2 -1.31 383-2 -3563.69 383-2 -7585.35 383-2 -12003.6 383-2 -16777.22 383-2 -13332.37 384-1 -9114.6 384-1 -5284.5 384-1 -1862.51 384-1 1130.99 384-1 3682.36 384-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.68 -3.8 -4.92 -4.32 -3.13 -1.93 -0.74 0.46 1.65 2.85 4.04 5.24 1.87 1.27 0.66 0.05595 -0.55 -1.15 -1.76 -2.36 -2.97 -1.8 -1.17 -0.54 0.085 0.71 1.34 1.97 2.6 3.23 2.87 2.03 1.18 0.34 -0.51 -1.35 -2.2 -3.04 -3.89 -2.96 -2.07 -1.18 -0.29 0.6 1.49

5805.24 384-1 7520.02 384-1 8847.11 384-1 8847.55 384-2 7510.78 384-2 5786.32 384-2 3653.77 384-2 1092.72 384-2 -1910.45 384-2 -5342.13 384-2 -9181.9 384-2 -13409.35 384-2 -14915.44 384-1 -10268.77 384-1 -5990.85 384-1 -2135.63 384-1 1242.95 384-1 4108.93 384-1 6498.27 384-1 8464.91 384-1 10062.8 384-1 10064 384-2 8456.77 384-2 6480.79 384-2 4082.11 384-2 1206.8 384-2 -2181.12 384-2 -6045.69 384-2 -10332.94 384-2 -14988.95 384-2 -13605.85 384-1 -9346.13 384-1 -5441.49 384-1 -1932.21 384-1 1141.44 384-1 3752.6 384-1 5928.13 384-1 7708.3 384-1 9133.39 384-1 9134.29 384-2 7699.95 384-2 5910.53 384-2 3725.75 384-2 1105.34 384-2 -1977.55 384-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.38 -5496.08 384-2 3.27 -9409.97 384-2 4.16 -13678.94 384-2 2.52 -13607.3 384-1 1.77 -9347.45 384-1 1.02 -5442.67 384-1 0.26 -1933.25 384-1 -0.49 1140.53 384-1 -1.24 3751.83 384-1 -2 5927.49 384-1 -2.75 7707.8 384-1 -3.5 9133.03 384-1 -2.58 9133.92 384-2 -1.79 7699.7 384-2 -0.99 5910.4 384-2 -0.2 3725.75 384-2 0.59 1105.46 384-2 1.39 -1977.32 384-2 2.18 -5495.73 384-2 2.97 -9409.5 384-2 3.77 -13678.34 384-2 13.62 2979.61 384-1 10.24 3263.86 384-1 6.86 3471.53 384-1 3.49 3602.77 384-1 1.17 3659.63 384-1 0.45 3668.37 384-1 1.53 3609.25 384-1 2.68 3473.88 384-1 3.85 3367.82 384-1 3.61 3369.93 384-2 2.74 3473.3 384-2 1.88 3609.33 384-2 1.05 3668.97 384-2 1.54 3655.23 384-2 3.74 3592.89 384-2 6.88 3459.74 384-2 10.04 3250.25 384-2 13.2 2964.19 384-2 -5.52 -11139.02 384-1 -4.36 -9057.65 384-1 -3.2 -7052.97 384-1 -2.05 -5125.12 384-1 -1.94 -3276.17 384-1 -3.44 -1532.35 384-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.73 126.05 384-1 -10.1 1707.44 384-1 -13.48 3106.26 384-1 -12.09 3105.21 384-2 -8.93 1707.44 384-2 -5.78 123.76 384-2 -2.64 -1536.8 384-2 -0.85 -3277.26 384-2 -0.75 -5122.38 384-2 -1.6 -7049.95 384-2 -2.46 -9054.45 384-2 -3.33 -11135.65 384-2 15.07 -1705.71 384-1 10.85 -853.52 384-1 6.64 -77.78 384-1 2.45 621.99 384-1 1.65 1252.65 384-1 3.07 1901.71 384-1 5.04 2503.37 384-1 7.04 3029.63 384-1 9.03 3511.28 384-1 8.53 3511.96 384-2 6.83 3032.66 384-2 5.13 2509.7 384-2 3.44 1910.87 384-2 2.16 1246.25 384-2 3 598.46 384-2 6.98 -106.6 384-2 10.97 -887.3 384-2 14.96 -1744.4 384-2 -6.97 -6453.69 384-1 -4.97 -4940.26 384-1 -2.98 -3503.66 384-1 -1.01 -2144.34 384-1 -2.42 -869.19 384-1 -6.06 234.3 384-1 -10.25 1231.93 384-1 -14.46 2151.69 384-1 -18.67 2962.79 384-1 -17.01 2963.18 384-2 -13.02 2148.09 384-2 -9.02 1223.39 384-2 -5.04 221.29 384-2 -1.46 -868.28 384-2 -0.01487 -2127.94 384-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.69 -3.39 -5.09 11.93 8.95 5.97 3 1.07 0.75 2.23 3.78 5.34 5.44 4.18 2.92 1.69 1.78 3.58 6.33 9.09 11.85 -7.21 -5.65 -4.09 -2.54 -2.04 -3.14 -6.04 -9.01 -11.99 -10.25 -7.49 -4.74 -2 -0.6 -0.9 -2.15 -3.41 -4.67 13.38 9.56 5.75 1.96 1.55 3.37

-3483.61 384-2 -4916.9 384-2 -6427.06 384-2 -6548.65 384-1 -3187.29 384-1 -180.96 384-1 2430.22 384-1 4608.02 384-1 6351.84 384-1 7668.81 384-1 8590.79 384-1 9263.64 384-1 9266.11 384-2 8582.52 384-2 7653.13 384-2 6328.63 384-2 4571.75 384-2 2380.43 384-2 -240.72 384-2 -3256.93 384-2 -6628.15 384-2 -20667.28 384-1 -15508.8 384-1 -10705.46 384-1 -6297.68 384-1 -2327.78 384-1 1151.12 384-1 4185.61 384-1 6824.35 384-1 9002.08 384-1 9001.39 384-2 6816.66 384-2 4167.56 384-2 1122.86 384-2 -2360.73 384-2 -6334.85 384-2 -10750.41 384-2 -15561.63 384-2 -20727.99 384-2 -11233.98 384-1 -7304.68 384-1 -3730.27 384-1 -550.56 384-1 2201.04 384-1 4585.18 384-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.74 8.13 10.53 10.37 8.27 6.17 4.08 2.4 2.85 6.43 10.02 13.62 -8.66 -6.26 -3.87 -1.5 -2.52 -5.76 -9.55 -13.36 -17.18 -15.18 -11.58 -7.99 -4.4 -1.22 -0.17 -2.25 -4.34 -6.44 4.56 3.17 1.78 0.39 -1 -2.39 -3.78 -5.17 -6.56 -4.56 -3.39 -2.23 -1.07 0.09714 1.26

6562.93 384-1 8146.54 384-1 9407.11 384-1 9408.14 384-2 8141.87 384-2 6553.5 384-2 4570.53 384-2 2162.77 384-2 -614.01 384-2 -3807.06 384-2 -7394.48 384-2 -11336.74 384-2 -15981.96 384-1 -11391.42 384-1 -7156.15 384-1 -3316.9 384-1 79.2 384-1 2917.78 384-1 5291.48 384-1 7268.61 384-1 8858.62 384-1 8859.36 384-2 7257.3 384-2 5267.19 384-2 2880.96 384-2 48.25 384-2 -3340.41 384-2 -7184.07 384-2 -11424.08 384-2 -16019.4 384-2 -13351.02 385-1 -9107.29 385-1 -5251.25 385-1 -1803.3 385-1 1216.14 385-1 3793.46 385-1 5942.28 385-1 7683.01 385-1 9036.06 385-1 9036.45 385-2 7696.52 385-2 5968.9 385-2 3833.2 385-2 1268.98 385-2 -1737.35 385-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.43 3.59 4.75 2.48 1.42 0.37 -0.68 -1.73 -2.79 -3.84 -4.89 -5.94 -3.34 -2.3 -1.26 -0.22 0.82 1.86 2.9 3.94 4.98 3.46 2.24 1.02 -0.2 -1.42 -2.64 -3.86 -5.08 -6.3 -4.09 -2.95 -1.8 -0.66 0.49 1.63 2.77 3.92 5.06 3.08 1.96 0.84 -0.28 -1.41 -2.53

-5172.18 385-2 -9015.11 385-2 -13245.72 385-2 -14941.99 385-1 -10251.15 385-1 -5929.05 385-1 -2029.66 385-1 1393.1 385-1 4303.25 385-1 6736.76 385-1 8747.58 385-1 10389.64 385-1 10393.13 385-2 8779.55 385-2 6797.21 385-2 4392.18 385-2 1510.5 385-2 -1883.78 385-2 -5754.69 385-2 -10048.31 385-2 -14710.67 385-2 -13630.51 385-1 -9334.64 385-1 -5393.85 385-1 -1848.41 385-1 1261.39 385-1 3908.7 385-1 6120.38 385-1 7936.71 385-1 9397.95 385-1 9400.28 385-2 7961.1 385-2 6166.85 385-2 3977.25 385-2 1352 385-2 -1735.73 385-2 -5259.09 385-2 -9177.81 385-2 -13451.61 385-2 -13630.19 385-1 -9334.36 385-1 -5393.6 385-1 -1848.21 385-1 1261.56 385-1 3908.84 385-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.65 6120.48 385-1 -4.77 7936.76 385-1 -5.89 9397.97 385-1 -3.63 9400.28 385-2 -2.59 7961.1 385-2 -1.55 6166.83 385-2 -0.51 3977.21 385-2 0.53 1351.96 385-2 1.58 -1735.78 385-2 2.62 -5259.16 385-2 3.66 -9177.89 385-2 4.7 -13451.7 385-2 14.93 2998.42 385-1 10.66 3293.64 385-1 6.39 3512.28 385-1 2.14 3654.47 385-1 0.53 3723.14 385-1 2.06 3746.88 385-1 3.61 3699.79 385-1 5.17 3576.31 385-1 6.73 3557.02 385-1 1.31 3475.89 385-2 1.47 3657.64 385-2 1.64 3784.43 385-2 1.81 3834.77 385-2 2.03 3810.71 385-2 2.82 3739.41 385-2 4.63 3598.71 385-2 6.73 3381.63 385-2 9.55 3087.99 385-2 -5.78 -11210.03 385-1 -4.22 -9096.05 385-1 -2.67 -7058.74 385-1 -1.14 -5098.27 385-1 -2.24 -3217.53 385-1 -6.49 -1445.12 385-1 -10.76 244.84 385-1 -15.03 1857.93 385-1 -19.31 3213.56 385-1 -14.8 3289.41 385-2 -11.77 1798.57 385-2 -8.76 209.41 385-2 -5.75 -1456.55 385-2 -2.79 -3201.39 385-2 -0.4 -5052.26 385-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.98 -6986.98 385-2 2.06 -8998.6 385-2 2.42 -11086.92 385-2 15.84 -1719.4 385-1 11.4 -850.03 385-1 6.97 -57.12 385-1 2.55 659.79 385-1 0.21 1310.4 385-1 1.92 1990.07 385-1 3.63 2612.44 385-1 5.35 3158.98 385-1 7.07 3683.32 385-1 7.55 3658.77 385-2 7.02 3195.34 385-2 6.49 2661.93 385-2 5.97 2052.43 385-2 5.47 1373.78 385-2 5.16 716.47 385-2 5.22 6.6 385-2 5.95 -779.01 385-2 8.99 -1641.04 385-2 -6.69 -6492.22 385-1 -4.97 -4952.38 385-1 -3.25 -3489.35 385-1 -1.55 -2103.58 385-1 -1.93 -804.79 385-1 -6.35 311.68 385-1 -10.78 1332.19 385-1 -15.21 2275.26 385-1 -19.65 3087.26 385-1 -21.03 3106.53 385-2 -17.32 2260.86 385-2 -13.61 1331.92 385-2 -9.91 325.78 385-2 -6.23 -764.46 385-2 -2.73 -2029.31 385-2 0.39 -3394.88 385-2 2.84 -4837.96 385-2 2.99 -6357.88 385-2 13.26 -6525.83 385-1 9.27 -3139.39 385-1 5.28 -107.98 385-1 1.32 2528.26 385-1 -0.01422 4731.97 385-1 1.8 6504.9 385-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.63 5.47 7.32 4.63 4.2 3.76 3.34 2.97 3.16 4.37 5.88 8.1 -7.45 -5.61 -3.77 -1.96 -2.78 -6.75 -10.74 -14.73 -18.72 -11.48 -9.05 -6.63 -4.22 -1.86 -0.05763 0.72 1.2 0.97 14.17 10.02 5.86 1.72 -0.33 1.66 3.65 5.65 7.65 10.87 9.74 8.62 7.5 6.41 5.5

7847.99 385-1 8795.98 385-1 9569.71 385-1 9493.53 385-2 8890.63 385-2 7954.34 385-2 6622.86 385-2 4857.99 385-2 2660.03 385-2 33.65 385-2 -2987.81 385-2 -6364.3 385-2 -20734.27 385-1 -15529.07 385-1 -10679 385-1 -6224.48 385-1 -2208.7 385-1 1312.89 385-1 4393.05 385-1 7077.6 385-1 9226.25 385-1 9307.04 385-2 7031.56 385-2 4379.31 385-2 1331.54 385-2 -2154.11 385-2 -6131.64 385-2 -10552.03 385-2 -15368.04 385-2 -20539.2 385-2 -11243.64 385-1 -7283.06 385-1 -3677.38 385-1 -466.43 385-1 2319.23 385-1 4748.09 385-1 6760.65 385-1 8378.66 385-1 9696.01 385-1 9676.4 385-2 8428.33 385-2 6831.83 385-2 4840.52 385-2 2421.06 385-2 -362.92 385-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.96 5.09 7.54 -8.35 -6.36 -4.36 -2.37 -2.47 -6.61 -10.76 -14.91 -19.06 -17.72 -14.6 -11.49 -8.38 -5.29 -2.4 0.13 1.99 1.54 22.97 17.48 11.98 6.49 0.99 -4.5 -10 -15.49 -20.99 -1.61 -1.33 -1.04 -0.75 -0.47 -0.18 0.11 0.4 0.68 24.51 18.83 13.15 7.47 1.79 -3.89

-3558.45 385-2 -7148.45 385-2 -11093.33 385-2 -16016.46 385-1 -11385.41 385-1 -7109.6 385-1 -3229.79 385-1 204.04 385-1 3069.7 385-1 5480.4 385-1 7494.93 385-1 9099.95 385-1 9124.17 385-2 7493.86 385-2 5501.82 385-2 3113.87 385-2 282.82 385-2 -3108.7 385-2 -6959.93 385-2 -11207.41 385-2 -15810.17 385-2 -13209.77 386-1 -9149.23 386-1 -5455.96 386-1 -2129.96 386-1 828.77 386-1 3420.23 386-1 5644.42 386-1 7501.35 386-1 8991 386-1 7652.55 386-2 6604.4 386-2 5168.56 386-2 3324.63 386-2 1052.2 386-2 -1662.35 386-2 -4805.41 386-2 -8356.56 386-2 -12295.39 386-2 -14017.39 386-1 -9928.29 386-1 -6153.98 386-1 -2694.48 386-1 450.22 386-1 3280.12 386-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.57 -15.25 -20.93 -1.72 -1.68 -1.63 -1.59 -1.54 -1.5 -1.45 -1.41 -1.36 24.47 18.7 12.93 7.15 1.38 -4.39 -10.16 -15.93 -21.7 -1.63 -1.45 -1.28 -1.1 -0.92 -0.74 -0.57 -0.39 -0.21 22.96 17.58 12.2 6.81 1.43 -3.95 -9.33 -14.72 -20.1 -1.6 -1.47 -1.34 -1.21 -1.09 -0.96

5795.22 386-1 7995.51 386-1 9881 386-1 8240.89 386-2 7088.94 386-2 5568.24 386-2 3624.84 386-2 1204.81 386-2 -1727.83 386-2 -5137.11 386-2 -8969.09 386-2 -13169.81 386-2 -13007.38 386-1 -9146.4 386-1 -5600.21 386-1 -2368.83 386-1 547.75 386-1 3149.53 386-1 5436.5 386-1 7408.68 386-1 9066.05 386-1 7610.74 386-2 6553.78 386-2 5141.74 386-2 3334.34 386-2 1091.31 386-2 -1614.21 386-2 -4755.36 386-2 -8291.87 386-2 -12183.46 386-2 -13006.94 386-1 -9146.06 386-1 -5599.98 386-1 -2368.7 386-1 547.78 386-1 3149.45 386-1 5436.32 386-1 7408.39 386-1 9065.65 386-1 7610.37 386-2 6553.48 386-2 5141.51 386-2 3334.18 386-2 1091.22 386-2 -1614.22 386-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.83 -4755.3 386-2 -0.7 -8291.74 386-2 -0.57 -12183.26 386-2 86.78 3492.28 386-1 65.93 3627.34 386-1 45.08 3685.8 386-1 24.23 3667.7 386-1 3.4 3573.87 386-1 3.34 3433.01 386-1 10.56 3227.5 386-1 17.78 2945.59 386-1 25 2950.28 386-1 6.63 2504.87 386-2 6.87 2896.75 386-2 7.12 3212.05 386-2 7.37 3450.84 386-2 7.66 3614.92 386-2 9.02 3735.13 386-2 11.04 3785.37 386-2 13.07 3759.16 386-2 15.1 3656.35 386-2 -32.78 -11109.51 386-1 -25.56 -9083.88 386-1 -18.34 -7134.9 386-1 -11.11 -5262.64 386-1 -3.91 -3467.91 386-1 -17.48 -1779.42 386-1 -38.33 -179.55 386-1 -59.18 1343.47 386-1 -80.02 2426.61 386-1 -7.58 2189.66 386-2 -6.54 912.86 386-2 -5.5 -440.62 386-2 -4.47 -1870.85 386-2 -3.47 -3379.65 386-2 -3.55 -4997.84 386-2 -4.28 -6699.32 386-2 -5.02 -8477.62 386-2 -5.76 -10332.6 386-2 88.37 -1340.2 386-1 67.32 -608.46 386-1 46.27 46.73 386-1 25.21 625.56 386-1 4.18 1130.74 386-1 2.78 1657.99 386-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

10.2 17.62 25.05 13.49 11.31 9.13 6.96 4.9 6.45 10.16 13.91 17.68 -34.37 -26.95 -19.52 -12.1 -4.69 -16.92 -37.96 -59.01 -80.07 -14.44 -10.97 -7.51 -4.06 -0.71 -0.97 -3.4 -5.86 -8.34 82.05 62.81 43.57 24.33 5.11 6.66 15.49 24.32 33.15 5.52 5.23 4.94 4.65 4.4 5.23

2148.55 386-1 2563.21 386-1 3010.35 386-1 2655.92 386-2 2400.47 386-2 2068.5 386-2 1660.3 386-2 1181.9 386-2 736.05 386-2 235.79 386-2 -340.5 386-2 -993.29 386-2 -6277.03 386-1 -4848.07 386-1 -3495.83 386-1 -2220.5 386-1 -1024.78 386-1 -4.4 386-1 899.41 386-1 1725.84 386-1 2366.53 386-1 2038.61 386-2 1409.14 386-2 702.93 386-2 -80.31 386-2 -946.63 386-2 -1998.76 386-2 -3149.75 386-2 -4377.97 386-2 -5682.96 386-2 -5705.85 386-1 -2790.3 386-1 -189.52 386-1 2096.53 386-1 4068.67 386-1 5755.63 386-1 7139.76 386-1 8209.32 386-1 9327.31 386-1 7767.8 386-2 7545.28 386-2 6967.74 386-2 5994.96 386-2 4588.47 386-2 2752.25 386-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.71 8.2 9.7 -37.5 -28.67 -19.84 -11.02 -2.2 -14.17 -33.4 -52.64 -71.88 -8.69 -8.19 -7.69 -7.19 -6.72 -7.34 -8.6 -9.88 -11.16 83.65 64.2 44.76 25.31 5.89 6.09 15.12 24.15 33.19 12.38 9.66 6.94 4.24 1.64 2.66 5.83 9.05 12.28 -39.1 -30.07 -21.03 -12 -2.99 -13.6

487.07 386-2 -2173.29 386-2 -5188.69 386-2 -20307.64 386-1 -15501.51 386-1 -11010.22 386-1 -6833.81 386-1 -2973.1 386-1 543.2 386-1 3732.71 386-1 6607.2 386-1 8803.64 386-1 7452.59 386-2 5561.4 386-2 3315.07 386-2 673.27 386-2 -2406.1 386-2 -5980.71 386-2 -9997.62 386-2 -14410.07 386-2 -19177.65 386-2 -10538.33 386-1 -7026.1 386-1 -3828.59 386-1 -945.61 386-1 1625.55 386-1 3980.61 386-1 6060.81 386-1 7826.94 386-1 9387.39 386-1 7918.86 386-2 7049.01 386-2 5824.19 386-2 4204.42 386-2 2155.45 386-2 -246.82 386-2 -3062.51 386-2 -6272.95 386-2 -9838.33 386-2 -15475.16 386-1 -11265.71 386-1 -7371.15 386-1 -3791.67 386-1 -529.97 386-1 2318.22 386-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-33.04 -52.48 -71.93 -15.55 -12.62 -9.69 -6.78 -3.96 -4.76 -7.72 -10.73 -13.74 3.22 2.49 1.76 1.04 0.31 -0.41 -1.14 -1.87 -2.59 -4.54 -3.34 -2.15 -0.95 0.25 1.44 2.64 3.84 5.03 2.52 2.15 1.79 1.42 1.05 0.68 0.32 -0.0503 -0.42 -2.95 -2.26 -1.57 -0.88 -0.19 0.5

4811.67 386-1 6989.57 386-1 8743.57 386-1 7301.54 386-2 6057.68 386-2 4458.62 386-2 2463.81 386-2 26.92 386-2 -2981.64 386-2 -6448.05 386-2 -10310.42 386-2 -14528.01 386-2 -12884.67 387-1 -8735.14 387-1 -4973.3 387-1 -1619.54 387-1 1305.71 387-1 3788.84 387-1 5843.47 387-1 7490 387-1 8748.86 387-1 8702.78 387-2 7391.06 387-2 5691.66 387-2 3584.17 387-2 1048.17 387-2 -1929.95 387-2 -5336.56 387-2 -9151.28 387-2 -13353.67 387-2 -14351.89 387-1 -9783.96 387-1 -5584.77 387-1 -1808.27 387-1 1491.58 387-1 4278.83 387-1 6589.44 387-1 8477.35 387-1 9996.51 387-1 9964.37 387-2 8375.45 387-2 6417.79 387-2 4037.44 387-2 1180.44 387-2 -2189.16 387-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.2 1.89 2.58 3.03 2.45 1.87 1.3 0.72 0.14 -0.44 -1.01 -1.59 -3.68 -2.76 -1.84 -0.92 -0.005126 0.91 1.83 2.75 3.67 2.67 2.19 1.71 1.23 0.75 0.27 -0.21 -0.69 -1.17 -3.36 -2.53 -1.69 -0.86 -0.03227 0.8 1.63 2.46 3.29 21.64 17.34 13.04 8.74 5.02 2.49

-6035.4 387-2 -10304.33 387-2 -14942.02 387-2 -13111.38 387-1 -8922.67 387-1 -5089.03 387-1 -1650.75 387-1 1351.89 387-1 3892.04 387-1 5996.57 387-1 7705.73 387-1 9059.81 387-1 9024.91 387-2 7610.2 387-2 5840.41 387-2 3675.26 387-2 1074.48 387-2 -1988.78 387-2 -5487.68 387-2 -9381.94 387-2 -13631.28 387-2 -13111.43 387-1 -8922.69 387-1 -5089.04 387-1 -1650.74 387-1 1351.92 387-1 3892.1 387-1 5996.64 387-1 7705.83 387-1 9059.93 387-1 9025.03 387-2 7610.33 387-2 5840.56 387-2 3675.43 387-2 1074.66 387-2 -1988.59 387-2 -5487.48 387-2 -9381.73 387-2 -13631.05 387-2 3140.29 387-1 3415.3 387-1 3613.71 387-1 3735.65 387-1 3784.78 387-1 3787.98 387-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.03303 3717.75 387-1 0.49 3571.02 387-1 2.26 3442.19 387-1 0.87 3455.15 387-2 -0.04188 3536.73 387-2 0.28 3659.03 387-2 1.79 3704.85 387-2 3.39 3680.22 387-2 6.35 3610.43 387-2 9.38 3465.63 387-2 12.41 3244.3 387-2 15.44 2946.36 387-2 -11.93 -11009.64 387-1 -10.16 -8935.04 387-1 -8.39 -6937.1 387-1 -6.61 -5015.95 387-1 -5.42 -3175.27 387-1 -5.41 -1441.92 387-1 -5.42 211.59 387-1 -8.47 1788.33 387-1 -12.77 3193.91 387-1 -8.85 3183.61 387-2 -5.87 1777.37 387-2 -4.12 177.13 387-2 -3.55 -1499.89 387-2 -3.07 -3259.73 387-2 -3.96 -5127.67 387-2 -4.92 -7073.88 387-2 -5.87 -9096.82 387-2 -6.83 -11196.41 387-2 19.76 -1581.25 387-1 14.9 -734.16 387-1 10.04 36.42 387-1 5.18 730.87 387-1 2.25 1361.46 387-1 3.28 2017.77 387-1 4.33 2608.09 387-1 6.29 3122.25 387-1 8.62 3588.25 387-1 6.47 3593.8 387-2 4.68 3094.6 387-2 3.26 2554.08 387-2 2.19 1937.42 387-2 1.3 1264.74 387-2 4.97 620.33 387-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

8.85 -95.28 387-2 12.73 -887.2 387-2 16.61 -1755.67 387-2 -10.05 -6288.11 387-1 -7.72 -4785.58 387-1 -5.39 -3359.81 387-1 -3.05 -2011.18 387-1 -2.65 -751.95 387-1 -6.21 328.29 387-1 -9.78 1321.25 387-1 -14.27 2237.11 387-1 -19.13 3047.86 387-1 -14.45 3044.96 387-2 -10.58 2219.49 387-2 -7.09 1282.08 387-2 -3.95 267.54 387-2 -0.99 -844.25 387-2 -2.58 -2137.58 387-2 -4.39 -3512.97 387-2 -6.19 -4965.32 387-2 -8 -6494.38 387-2 19.3 -6036.48 387-1 15.82 -2747.54 387-1 12.35 186.37 387-1 8.88 2725.07 387-1 5.98 4831.96 387-1 4.28 6507.08 387-1 2.59 7749.75 387-1 3.94 8597.22 387-1 6.54 9184.12 387-1 1.65 9160.86 387-2 0.49 8490.08 387-2 0.57 7581.58 387-2 1.84 6277.87 387-2 3.18 4544.71 387-2 5.9 2380.54 387-2 8.69 -217.63 387-2 11.47 -3211.07 387-2 14.26 -6559.56 387-2 -14.28 -20186.42 387-1 -11.68 -15097.87 387-1 -9.08 -10364.45 387-1 -6.47 -6026.53 387-1 -4.45 -2128.08 387-1 -3.62 1277.17 387-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.8 -5.02 -8.49 -8.07 -5.33 -3.83 -3.51 -3.27 -4.41 -5.61 -6.81 -8.02 17.41 13.38 9.35 5.32 3.21 5.08 6.95 9.74 12.9 7.25 5.21 3.55 2.24 1.1 4.53 8.16 11.79 15.42 -12.4 -9.24 -6.07 -2.91 -1.68 -4.42 -7.16 -10.82 -14.85 -13.67 -10.05 -6.8 -3.91 -1.19 -3.03

4243.6 387-1 6814.53 387-1 8935.85 387-1 8889.31 387-2 6730.71 387-2 4099.67 387-2 1073.13 387-2 -2395.24 387-2 -6357.56 387-2 -10757.15 387-2 -15552.19 387-2 -20702.34 387-2 -10758.02 387-1 -6897 387-1 -3390.93 387-1 -279.71 387-1 2408.64 387-1 4736.86 387-1 6640.09 387-1 8148.44 387-1 9330.18 387-1 9299.51 387-2 8047.95 387-2 6476.63 387-2 4510.44 387-2 2129.23 387-2 -609.55 387-2 -3778.54 387-2 -7342.57 387-2 -11261.59 387-2 -15464.88 387-1 -10948.41 387-1 -6787.15 387-1 -3021.76 387-1 295.23 387-1 3047.39 387-1 5353.26 387-1 7263.3 387-1 8789.79 387-1 8750.66 387-2 7172.84 387-2 5204.62 387-2 2840.56 387-2 20.24 387-2 -3367.46 387-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.08 -7.13 -9.18 6.71 5.16 3.61 2.06 0.51 -1.04 -2.59 -4.14 -5.69 -5.25 -4.07 -2.89 -1.7 -0.52 0.67 1.85 3.03 4.22 4.85 3.84 2.83 1.82 0.8 -0.21 -1.22 -2.23 -3.25 -3.03 -2.43 -1.84 -1.24 -0.65 -0.05155 0.54 1.14 1.73 5.64 4.39 3.15 1.9 0.66 -0.59

-7196.24 387-2 -11420.69 387-2 -16000.31 387-2 -13050.24 388-1 -8897.29 388-1 -5132.03 388-1 -1774.86 388-1 1153.8 388-1 3640.35 388-1 5698.39 388-1 7348.34 388-1 8610.61 388-1 8612.95 388-2 7324.5 388-2 5648.37 388-2 3564.15 388-2 1051.43 388-2 -1903.41 388-2 -5286.76 388-2 -9078.2 388-2 -13257.32 388-2 -14630.24 388-1 -10043.79 388-1 -5826.09 388-1 -2031.08 388-1 1287.29 388-1 4093.05 388-1 6422.17 388-1 8328.6 388-1 9866.28 388-1 9867.91 388-2 8297.7 388-2 6358.75 388-2 3997.09 388-2 1158.8 388-2 -2192.1 388-2 -6019.64 388-2 -10269.87 388-2 -14888.85 388-2 -13339.29 388-1 -9137.75 388-1 -5291.28 388-1 -1840.17 388-1 1175.3 388-1 3728.29 388-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.84 5845.65 388-1 -3.08 7567.64 388-1 -4.33 8934.56 388-1 -4 8936.33 388-2 -3.14 7540.96 388-2 -2.29 5790.51 388-2 -1.43 3644.71 388-2 -0.57 1063.27 388-2 0.28 -1980.65 388-2 1.14 -5460.21 388-2 2 -9335.12 388-2 2.85 -13565.12 388-2 5.26 -13338.72 388-1 4.11 -9137.29 388-1 2.96 -5290.94 388-1 1.81 -1839.95 388-1 0.67 1175.4 388-1 -0.48 3728.27 388-1 -1.63 5845.51 388-1 -2.78 7567.39 388-1 -3.93 8934.18 388-1 -3.64 8935.95 388-2 -2.87 7540.45 388-2 -2.11 5789.87 388-2 -1.34 3643.94 388-2 -0.57 1062.36 388-2 0.2 -1981.69 388-2 0.96 -5461.39 388-2 1.73 -9336.44 388-2 2.5 -13566.57 388-2 16.61 2972.73 388-1 12.89 3258.16 388-1 9.16 3467 388-1 5.44 3599.38 388-1 2.86 3661.22 388-1 1.01 3675.79 388-1 1.1 3615.49 388-1 2.44 3478.69 388-1 3.79 3368.48 388-1 2.01 3372.35 388-2 1.07 3472.5 388-2 0.23 3607.8 388-2 0.72 3666.64 388-2 2.04 3656.68 388-2 4.61 3601.19 388-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.61 3470.31 388-2 10.62 3262.87 388-2 13.62 2978.82 388-2 -7.01 -11132.45 388-1 -5.66 -9051.79 388-1 -4.31 -7047.79 388-1 -2.96 -5120.6 388-1 -2.75 -3276.14 388-1 -3.27 -1537.68 388-1 -5.74 122.39 388-1 -9.45 1705.69 388-1 -13.17 3109.14 388-1 -10.51 3104.34 388-2 -7.52 1710.38 388-2 -4.62 128.01 388-2 -3.06 -1531.17 388-2 -2.32 -3274.81 388-2 -2.84 -5126.2 388-2 -3.79 -7055.45 388-2 -4.75 -9061.42 388-2 -5.7 -11144.05 388-2 17.9 -1742.27 388-1 13.13 -885.47 388-1 8.37 -105.18 388-1 3.6 599.04 388-1 2.63 1246.97 388-1 4.06 1916.12 388-1 6.08 2514.51 388-1 8.47 3036.64 388-1 10.87 3513.19 388-1 8.23 3514.35 388-2 6.17 3030.2 388-2 4.15 2503.05 388-2 2.53 1899.79 388-2 1.16 1246.01 388-2 3.85 619.29 388-2 7.95 -79.97 388-2 12.06 -855.58 388-2 16.17 -1707.75 388-2 -8.3 -6417.46 388-1 -5.91 -4908.15 388-1 -3.51 -3475.61 388-1 -1.12 -2120.27 388-1 -2.52 -861.9 388-1 -6.33 221.99 388-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-10.72 1223.37 388-1 -15.48 2147.74 388-1 -20.25 2964.42 388-1 -16.72 2962.34 388-2 -12.62 2152.68 388-2 -8.54 1232.76 388-2 -4.87 235.68 388-2 -1.45 -864.14 388-2 -2.08 -2144.3 388-2 -4.13 -3505.17 388-2 -6.19 -4942.97 388-2 -8.25 -6457.48 388-2 16.89 -6285.87 388-1 13.25 -2982.11 388-1 9.61 -33.39 388-1 5.98 2520.13 388-1 3.48 4644.13 388-1 1.71 6335 388-1 1.88 7592 388-1 3.31 8453.77 388-1 4.74 9063.68 388-1 2.78 9069.79 388-2 1.54 8421.29 388-2 0.4 7529.48 388-2 0.59 6242.49 388-2 1.61 4527.69 388-2 3.88 2381.53 388-2 6.59 -199.04 388-2 9.29 -3174.89 388-2 12 -6505.79 388-2 -6.73 -20391.05 388-1 -5.29 -15292.05 388-1 -3.86 -10548.18 388-1 -2.43 -6199.84 388-1 -2.14 -2293.23 388-1 -2.57 1121.53 388-1 -4.95 4098.89 388-1 -8.59 6680.77 388-1 -12.22 8804.34 388-1 -9.74 8801.79 388-2 -7.05 6659.16 388-2 -4.45 4049.69 388-2 -3.19 1044.68 388-2 -2.75 -2403.79 388-2 -3.57 -6345.87 388-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.82 -6.07 -7.33 18.19 13.5 8.82 4.13 3.24 4.76 6.86 9.34 11.82 8.99 6.64 4.32 2.4 0.73 3.12 6.93 10.74 14.55 -8.02 -5.54 -3.06 -0.59 -1.9 -5.63 -9.93 -14.62 -19.3 -15.95 -12.15 -8.37 -5 -1.87 -2.81 -5.16 -7.51 -9.87 7.6 5.81 4.01 2.21 0.41 -1.39

-10724.8 388-2 -15499.18 388-2 -20628.66 388-2 -11000.86 388-1 -7125.74 388-1 -3605.57 388-1 -480.2 388-1 2229.88 388-1 4575.33 388-1 6491.02 388-1 8011.72 388-1 9208.4 388-1 9211.79 388-2 7978.98 388-2 6424.73 388-2 4475.64 388-2 2117.03 388-2 -600.38 388-2 -3749.32 388-2 -7293.34 388-2 -11192.36 388-2 -15676.05 388-1 -11148.42 388-1 -6976 388-1 -3199.51 388-1 121.02 388-1 2881.2 388-1 5199.88 388-1 7122.82 388-1 8659.63 388-1 8659.78 388-2 7101.47 388-2 5154.44 388-2 2811.53 388-2 6.88 388-2 -3363.96 388-2 -7174.52 388-2 -11380.73 388-2 -15942.09 388-2 -13811.17 389-1 -9478.56 389-1 -5533.63 389-1 -1996.8 389-1 1111.53 389-1 3777.75 389-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.19 -4.98 -6.78 -7.1 -5.76 -4.41 -3.07 -1.73 -0.39 0.96 2.3 3.64 5.59 4.33 3.06 1.79 0.52 -0.75 -2.01 -3.28 -4.55 -4.77 -3.99 -3.2 -2.42 -1.63 -0.84 -0.05876 0.73 1.51 6.39 4.92 3.44 1.96 0.48 -0.99 -2.47 -3.95 -5.42 -5.62 -4.62 -3.62 -2.61 -1.61 -0.61

6015.46 389-1 7845.07 389-1 9287.01 389-1 9259.89 389-2 8080.81 389-2 6514.04 389-2 4539.17 389-2 2135.8 389-2 -709.68 389-2 -3983.67 389-2 -7665.75 389-2 -11735.52 389-2 -15539.85 389-1 -10733.88 389-1 -6296.66 389-1 -2282.13 389-1 1255.75 389-1 4281.04 389-1 6829.68 389-1 8955.62 389-1 10712.82 389-1 10694.75 389-2 9243.63 389-2 7423.75 389-2 5181.18 389-2 2461.97 389-2 -769.84 389-2 -4478.3 389-2 -8609.45 389-2 -13109.35 389-2 -14150.59 389-1 -9754.48 389-1 -5713.45 389-1 -2067.78 389-1 1142.26 389-1 3889.81 389-1 6201.72 389-1 8118.28 389-1 9679.76 389-1 9659.88 389-2 8373.61 389-2 6732.26 389-2 4695.56 389-2 2223.22 389-2 -711.6 389-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.39 1.4 2.4 6.01 4.62 3.23 1.85 0.46 -0.92 -2.31 -3.69 -5.08 -5.32 -4.38 -3.45 -2.51 -1.58 -0.65 0.29 1.22 2.16 13.05 10.02 7 3.97 1.67 0.76 1.56 2.37 3.18 2.37 1.55 0.8 0.64 1.13 2.37 4.73 7.09 9.46 -3.36 -2.54 -1.73 -0.92 -0.83 -2.13

-4082.06 389-2 -7847.88 389-2 -11968.78 389-2 -14151.55 389-1 -9755.23 389-1 -5713.99 389-1 -2068.11 389-1 1142.14 389-1 3889.91 389-1 6202.04 389-1 8118.81 389-1 9680.5 389-1 9660.51 389-2 8374.51 389-2 6733.44 389-2 4697.01 389-2 2224.95 389-2 -709.6 389-2 -4079.79 389-2 -7845.33 389-2 -11965.95 389-2 2837.05 389-1 3186.79 389-1 3459.94 389-1 3656.64 389-1 3783.42 389-1 3863.96 389-1 3869.64 389-1 3798.95 389-1 3657.94 389-1 3754.89 389-2 3658.61 389-2 3802.59 389-2 3870.26 389-2 3862.54 389-2 3807.64 389-2 3683.92 389-2 3483.74 389-2 3206.96 389-2 -11471.58 389-1 -9328.13 389-1 -7261.36 389-1 -5271.41 389-1 -3364.79 389-1 -1565.21 389-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.14 155.97 389-1 -8.17 1800.25 389-1 -11.19 3361.58 389-1 -9.6 3272.17 389-2 -7.25 2126.99 389-2 -4.99 588.28 389-2 -3.32 -1027.39 389-2 -2.29 -2720.94 389-2 -2.01 -4520.57 389-2 -2.85 -6404.64 389-2 -3.69 -8365.53 389-2 -4.54 -10403.08 389-2 12.96 -1940.36 389-1 9.59 -1022.23 389-1 6.22 -180.59 389-1 2.87 585.02 389-1 1.91 1296.33 389-1 2.54 2032.27 389-1 3.69 2697.36 389-1 4.84 3286.24 389-1 6 3800.48 389-1 10.52 3831.96 389-2 8.14 3309.8 389-2 5.78 2806.14 389-2 3.6 2226.21 389-2 1.62 1573.65 389-2 1.83 942.57 389-2 5.73 260.87 389-2 9.63 -496.92 389-2 13.54 -1331.22 389-2 -3.26 -6694.18 389-1 -2.11 -5119.12 389-1 -0.95 -3620.83 389-1 0.19 -2199.78 389-1 -1.06 -877.7 389-1 -3.91 266.48 389-1 -7.27 1328.25 389-1 -10.64 2312.96 389-1 -14.01 3219.04 389-1 -17.75 3195.1 389-2 -13.85 2475.8 389-2 -9.97 1584.73 389-2 -6.27 616.66 389-2 -2.77 -432.05 389-2 -1.47 -1655.49 389-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.85 -6.24 -8.62 14.04 10.77 7.5 4.24 1.7 0.55 1.11 1.69 2.26 0.8 0.12 -0.48 -0.49 0.15 1.53 4.03 6.54 9.05 -2.38 -1.8 -1.22 -0.65 -0.8 -2.34 -5.58 -8.85 -12.11 -11.16 -8.68 -6.27 -4.45 -3.28 -2.85 -3.54 -4.25 -4.95 13.94 10.34 6.73 3.13 1.94 2.33

-2981.59 389-2 -4384.87 389-2 -5864.9 389-2 -6997.67 389-1 -3498.11 389-1 -353.58 389-1 2395.77 389-1 4716.2 389-1 6604.54 389-1 8059.01 389-1 9118.39 389-1 9829.01 389-1 9902.15 389-2 9140.74 389-2 8341.13 389-2 7146.5 389-2 5517.47 389-2 3455.41 389-2 965.53 389-2 -1919.54 389-2 -5159.65 389-2 -21306.3 389-1 -16013.03 389-1 -11074.88 389-1 -6532.28 389-1 -2432.02 389-1 1175.37 389-1 4345.34 389-1 7119.7 389-1 9532.65 389-1 9419.44 389-2 7609.11 389-2 5126.82 389-2 2248.85 389-2 -1066.01 389-2 -4872.8 389-2 -9123.04 389-2 -13768.8 389-2 -18769.69 389-2 -11775.07 389-1 -7707.12 389-1 -3994.11 389-1 -675.85 389-1 2229.11 389-1 4772.85 389-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.24 6886.74 389-1 4.16 8605.69 389-1 5.08 9971.55 389-1 8.95 9979.22 389-2 6.72 8791.92 389-2 4.5 7344.68 389-2 2.47 5502.44 389-2 0.63 3228.58 389-2 0.99 590.33 389-2 5.03 -2457.53 389-2 9.08 -5900.2 389-2 13.13 -9697.83 389-2 -2.28 -16528.9 389-1 -1.36 -11804.01 389-1 -0.45 -7434.35 389-1 0.46 -3460.65 389-1 -1.03 55.08 389-1 -4.12 3007.06 389-1 -7.72 5517.62 389-1 -11.32 7632.4 389-1 -14.93 9390.11 389-1 -19.31 9342.36 389-2 -15.27 7957.93 389-2 -11.25 6123.27 389-2 -7.41 3892.9 389-2 -3.76 1222.88 389-2 -2.31 -2007.72 389-2 -4.55 -5699.98 389-2 -6.79 -9788.14 389-2 -9.03 -14231.51 389-2 3.34 -2122.74 390-1 2.97 -1387.16 390-1 2.61 -791.2 390-1 2.24 -355.27 390-1 1.88 -99.79 390-1 1.51 -38.36 390-1 1.15 -157.37 390-1 0.78 -436.41 390-1 0.42 -855.07 390-1 2.51 -2522.68 390-1 2.26 -1607.14 390-1 2.01 -847.72 390-1 1.76 -298.37 390-1 1.52 -13.03 390-1 1.27 -27.68 390-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.02 -306.34 390-1 0.77 -795.07 390-1 0.52 -1439.93 390-1 2.75 -2240.16 390-1 2.46 -1435.35 390-1 2.17 -772.99 390-1 1.88 -293.37 390-1 1.6 -36.75 390-1 1.31 -30 390-1 1.02 -246.25 390-1 0.73 -645.24 390-1 0.44 -1186.68 390-1 2.66 -2256.24 390-1 2.38 -1448.15 390-1 2.11 -782.51 390-1 1.83 -299.61 390-1 1.56 -39.72 390-1 1.28 -29.68 390-1 1.01 -242.66 390-1 0.73 -638.36 390-1 0.45 -1176.53 390-1 9.67 9059.34 390-1 7.22 6757.17 390-1 4.85 4378.58 390-1 2.69 1924.27 390-1 1.3 545.55 390-1 3.6 2989.26 390-1 5.92 5356.82 390-1 8.24 7647.88 390-1 10.56 9862.36 390-1 -8.02 -10000.47 390-1 -5.7 -7249.65 390-1 -3.48 -4575.68 390-1 -1.46 -1979.25 390-1 -0.21 -611.68 390-1 -2.66 -3219.81 390-1 -5.12 -5905.05 390-1 -7.58 -8667.06 390-1 -10.05 -11505.75 390-1 4.35 2424.59 390-1 3.11 1880.82 390-1 2.16 1261.13 390-1 1.87 567.82 390-1 1.87 152.54 390-1 3 836.58 390-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.12 1445.53 390-1 5.25 1978.27 390-1 6.38 2434.56 390-1 -2.7 -3365.72 390-1 -1.59 -2373.31 390-1 -0.79 -1458.23 390-1 -0.64 -622.8 390-1 -0.79 -218.67 390-1 -2.05 -1067.12 390-1 -3.32 -1993.75 390-1 -4.6 -2997.45 390-1 -5.87 -4077.95 390-1 11.46 7266.35 390-1 8.81 5549.44 390-1 6.25 3690.29 390-1 3.88 1649.31 390-1 2.29 537.55 390-1 4.4 3075 390-1 6.52 5389.91 390-1 8.64 7522.23 390-1 10.76 9512.14 390-1 -6.23 -11793.46 390-1 -4.11 -8457.38 390-1 -2.09 -5263.97 390-1 -0.26 -2254.21 390-1 0.78 -619.67 390-1 -1.86 -3134.07 390-1 -4.52 -5871.96 390-1 -7.18 -8792.71 390-1 -9.84 -11855.97 390-1 6.14 631.6 390-1 4.7 673.09 390-1 3.55 572.84 390-1 3.06 292.87 390-1 2.87 144.54 390-1 3.79 922.31 390-1 4.72 1478.61 390-1 5.66 1852.62 390-1 6.59 2084.34 390-1 -0.91 -5158.71 390-1 -0.002607 -3581.03 390-1 0.6 -2146.53 390-1 0.55 -897.76 390-1 0.21 -226.67 390-1 -1.25 -981.39 390-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.72 -4.19 -5.66 0.12 0.09474 0.07042 0.0461 0.02177 -0.002548 -0.02687 -0.05119 -0.07551 0.06391 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.07017 0.08555 0.1 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.07704 0.09456 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 8.52 6.55 4.59 2.63 0.68 1.27

-1960.66 390-1 -3123.1 390-1 -4428.17 390-1 -2743.45 391-1 -1340.92 391-1 -346.48 391-1 199.04 391-1 254.81 391-1 -206.37 391-1 -1157.29 391-1 -2557.13 391-1 -4365.07 391-1 -3588.35 391-1 -1845.88 391-1 -526.11 391-1 263.08 391-1 413.78 391-1 -145.91 391-1 -1344.09 391-1 -3072.86 391-1 -5224.32 391-1 -3143.37 391-1 -1597.41 391-1 -446.81 391-1 227.88 391-1 346.11 391-1 -145.84 391-1 -1194.25 391-1 -2718.57 391-1 -4638.25 391-1 -3127.28 391-1 -1586.54 391-1 -441.15 391-1 228.32 391-1 341.33 391-1 -155.83 391-1 -1209.45 391-1 -2738.99 391-1 -4663.89 391-1 9492.94 391-1 7339.86 391-1 5110.17 391-1 2803.94 391-1 421.57 391-1 1703.83 391-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.28 4116.47 391-1 5.3 6452.59 391-1 7.32 8712.11 391-1 -8.84 -11510.23 391-1 -6.82 -8714.27 391-1 -4.8 -5994.97 391-1 -2.78 -3352.4 391-1 -0.77 -786.95 391-1 -1.31 -2039.4 391-1 -3.27 -4575.5 391-1 -5.23 -7188.34 391-1 -7.19 -9877.85 391-1 9.71 2160.63 391-1 7.58 1735.27 391-1 5.46 1233.36 391-1 3.33 655.1 391-1 1.21 1.8 391-1 0.89 398.9 391-1 3.07 1083.49 391-1 5.25 1691.81 391-1 7.44 2223.6 391-1 -10.03 -4177.91 391-1 -7.85 -3109.68 391-1 -5.67 -2118.16 391-1 -3.48 -1203.56 391-1 -1.3 -367.18 391-1 -0.93 -734.47 391-1 -3.05 -1542.52 391-1 -5.18 -2427.56 391-1 -7.31 -3389.34 391-1 8.76 7381.61 391-1 6.78 6445.47 391-1 4.81 5113.99 391-1 2.84 3306.69 391-1 0.88 943.42 391-1 1.46 1711.24 391-1 3.47 3129.62 391-1 5.48 4072.19 391-1 7.49 4619.44 391-1 -8.6 -13621.56 391-1 -6.59 -9608.66 391-1 -4.58 -5991.16 391-1 -2.57 -2849.64 391-1 -0.57 -265.09 391-1 -1.11 -2031.98 391-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.08 -5.06 -7.03 9.95 7.82 5.68 3.54 1.41 1.08 3.25 5.43 7.6 -9.79 -7.62 -5.44 -3.27 -1.1 -0.73 -2.87 -5.01 -7.14 -1.51 -1.23 -0.94 -0.66 -0.38 -0.09182 0.19 0.48 0.76 0.99 0.85 0.71 0.57 0.42 0.28 0.14 0.001395 -0.14 -1.02 -0.89 -0.76 -0.62 -0.49 -0.36

-5562.34 391-1 -9568.74 391-1 -13970.52 391-1 49.3 391-1 840.88 391-1 1237.18 391-1 1157.85 391-1 523.66 391-1 406.32 391-1 96.64 391-1 -688.58 391-1 -1869.06 391-1 -6289.24 391-1 -4004.07 391-1 -2114.34 391-1 -700.81 391-1 154.67 391-1 -727.05 391-1 -2529.37 391-1 -4807.96 391-1 -7482.01 391-1 -15068.59 392-1 -9996.99 392-1 -5333.49 392-1 -1118.9 392-1 2605.95 392-1 5813.83 392-1 8531.98 392-1 10801.2 392-1 12662.34 392-1 12727.87 392-2 10550.24 392-2 7964.52 392-2 4929.88 392-2 1405.5 392-2 -2635.84 392-2 -7166.92 392-2 -12146.92 392-2 -17535.02 392-2 -18376.79 392-1 -12199.92 392-1 -6445.75 392-1 -1222.17 392-1 3362.94 392-1 7237.64 392-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.23 -0.0938 0.03897 0.27 0.34 0.42 0.5 0.57 0.65 0.72 0.8 0.87 -1.26 -1.05 -0.84 -0.63 -0.42 -0.21 -0.00284 0.21 0.41 0.59 0.56 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.46 0.43 0.4 0.38 -1.14 -0.97 -0.79 -0.61 -0.43 -0.25 -0.06853 0.11 0.29 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.49 0.49 0.49

10473.86 392-1 13179.49 392-1 15462.43 392-1 15509.78 392-2 12829.79 392-2 9727.11 392-2 6093.85 392-2 1822.1 392-2 -3160.05 392-2 -8780.68 392-2 -14931.89 392-2 -21505.8 392-2 -16335.01 392-1 -10843.85 392-1 -5748.04 392-1 -1128.15 392-1 2935.28 392-1 6388.54 392-1 9285.33 392-1 11706.21 392-1 13731.74 392-1 13782.15 392-2 11408.12 392-2 8638.72 392-2 5393.42 392-2 1591.65 392-2 -2820.29 392-2 -7788.7 392-2 -13233.01 392-2 -19072.69 392-2 -16329.85 392-1 -10839.08 392-1 -5743.67 392-1 -1124.18 392-1 2938.85 392-1 6391.71 392-1 9288.11 392-1 11708.59 392-1 13733.72 392-1 13784.34 392-2 11409.53 392-2 8639.36 392-2 5393.28 392-2 1590.74 392-2 -2821.98 392-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.49 0.49 0.48 8.02 6.4 4.78 3.17 2.42 3.53 4.68 5.98 7.64 2.76 2.74 2.77 2.81 2.86 2.93 3.41 4.01 4.62 -10.4 -8.21 -6.02 -3.84 -2.53 -3.07 -3.66 -4.39 -5.48 -1.01 -1.4 -1.84 -2.29 -2.74 -3.22 -4.11 -5.12 -6.14 16.66 12.27 7.89 3.51 1.99 6.61

-7791.16 392-2 -13236.25 392-2 -19076.7 392-2 1555.74 392-1 2255.33 392-1 2878.37 392-1 3425.05 392-1 3896.13 392-1 4292.06 392-1 4611.93 392-1 4855.58 392-1 5282.75 392-1 5216.12 392-2 4949.78 392-2 4613.71 392-2 4201.43 392-2 3713.77 392-2 3151.51 392-2 2513.18 392-2 1798.33 392-2 1006.89 392-2 -11527.89 392-1 -9159.01 392-1 -6866.85 392-1 -4651.59 392-1 -2514 392-1 -454.53 392-1 1527.74 392-1 3432.96 392-1 5001.39 392-1 5047.78 392-2 3105.33 392-2 1079.33 392-2 -1023.72 392-2 -3204.65 392-2 -5464.26 392-2 -7801.06 392-2 -10214.61 392-2 -12704.83 392-2 -3002.18 392-1 -1723.63 392-1 -521.46 392-1 604.97 392-1 1658.18 392-1 2639.61 392-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.25 15.93 20.72 5.91 4.9 3.91 2.92 1.94 1.04 1.5 2.38 3.28 -19.03 -14.08 -9.13 -4.19 -2.1 -6.15 -10.23 -14.34 -18.57 -4.15 -3.56 -2.97 -2.4 -1.83 -1.34 -2.2 -3.49 -4.8 8.12 6.38 4.64 2.91 2.04 3.04 4.07 5.25 6.79 2.34 2.54 2.78 3.04 3.29 3.58

3546.13 392-1 4376.55 392-1 5208.52 392-1 5182.27 392-2 4322.93 392-2 3389.22 392-2 2379.67 392-2 1297.53 392-2 145.46 392-2 -1081.4 392-2 -2384.51 392-2 -3764.14 392-2 -6969.97 392-1 -5180.04 392-1 -3467.02 392-1 -1831.51 392-1 -276.05 392-1 1197.92 392-1 2593.53 392-1 3911.99 392-1 5075.62 392-1 5081.64 392-2 3732.18 392-2 2303.82 392-2 798.04 392-2 -788.41 392-2 -2458.21 392-2 -4206.48 392-2 -6031.77 392-2 -7933.81 392-2 -9785.69 392-1 -5129.75 392-1 -869.08 392-1 2915.95 392-1 6145.54 392-1 8766.45 392-1 10831.46 392-1 12420.98 392-1 13875.29 392-1 13869.5 392-2 12332.39 392-2 10406.84 392-2 8005.79 392-2 5049.53 392-2 1485.14 392-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.27 5.09 5.91 -10.3 -8.23 -6.17 -4.1 -2.9 -3.56 -4.27 -5.11 -6.32 -1.42 -1.6 -1.83 -2.06 -2.3 -2.57 -3.24 -4.04 -4.85 16.75 12.25 7.75 3.25 1.61 6.12 10.64 15.21 19.88 5.49 4.7 3.92 3.15 2.38 1.7 2.37 3.46 4.57 -18.94 -14.11 -9.28 -4.45 -2.47 -6.65

-2635.16 392-2 -7231.25 392-2 -12222.66 392-2 -22869.32 392-1 -16544.09 392-1 -10614.3 392-1 -5160.69 392-1 -264.59 392-1 4019.86 392-1 7747.28 392-1 10998.36 392-1 13593.94 392-1 13701.16 392-2 10487.95 392-2 6872.46 392-2 2780.65 392-2 -1868.89 392-2 -7130.63 392-2 -12949.39 392-2 -19244.19 392-2 -25934.38 392-2 -14343.61 392-1 -9108.71 392-1 -4268.91 392-1 95.87 392-1 3907.59 392-1 7114 392-1 9765.67 392-1 11941.95 392-1 13801.06 392-1 13835.65 392-2 11705.55 392-2 9182.35 392-2 6184.04 392-2 2633.29 392-2 -1520.91 392-2 -6229.73 392-2 -11414.09 392-2 -16993.69 392-2 -18311.39 392-1 -12565.12 392-1 -7214.47 392-1 -2340.61 392-1 1973.36 392-1 5672.31 392-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-10.84 -15.07 -19.41 -4.57 -3.76 -2.96 -2.17 -1.39 -0.69 -1.34 -2.42 -3.5 -1.82 -1.49 -1.15 -0.82 -0.48 -0.15 0.18 0.52 0.85 1.09 0.98 0.86 0.75 0.64 0.52 0.41 0.3 0.18 -1.03 -0.92 -0.81 -0.71 -0.6 -0.5 -0.39 -0.29 -0.18 0.32 0.44 0.56 0.69 0.81 0.93

8813.07 392-1 11477.39 392-1 13668.17 392-1 13735.02 392-2 11114.79 392-2 8096.95 392-2 4602.4 392-2 547.36 392-2 -4124.58 392-2 -9354.82 392-2 -15061.35 392-2 -21163.36 392-2 -17077.74 393-1 -11828.64 393-1 -6987.63 393-1 -2595.54 393-1 1306.81 393-1 4692.2 393-1 7587.86 393-1 10034.59 393-1 12073.23 393-1 12072.51 393-2 10031.82 393-2 7583.03 393-2 4685.33 393-2 1297.88 393-2 -2606.52 393-2 -7000.67 393-2 -11843.74 393-2 -17094.89 393-2 -20888.73 393-1 -14506.54 393-1 -8547.05 393-1 -3118.13 393-1 1672.3 393-1 5752.32 393-1 9193.87 393-1 12104.83 393-1 14593.09 393-1 14592.55 393-2 12114.93 393-2 9214.61 393-2 5783.71 393-2 1714.33 393-2 -3065.46 393-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.06 1.18 1.31 -1.4 -1.18 -0.96 -0.75 -0.53 -0.32 -0.09925 0.12 0.33 0.68 0.69 0.7 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 -1.25 -1.07 -0.89 -0.71 -0.53 -0.35 -0.17 0.005537 0.18 0.57 0.6 0.64 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.78 0.82 0.86 6.05 5.14 4.23 3.32 2.92 3.9

-8483.73 393-2 -14432.58 393-2 -20804.13 393-2 -18540.65 393-1 -12865.17 393-1 -7585.06 393-1 -2780.85 393-1 1466.89 393-1 5104.46 393-1 8185.56 393-1 10790.75 393-1 13000.59 393-1 13000.02 393-2 10795.72 393-2 8196.07 393-2 5120.5 393-2 1488.46 393-2 -2753.74 393-2 -7552.41 393-2 -12826.99 393-2 -18496.93 393-2 -18544.14 393-1 -12868.15 393-1 -7587.51 393-1 -2782.78 393-1 1465.47 393-1 5103.56 393-1 8185.18 393-1 10790.9 393-1 13001.25 393-1 13000.68 393-2 10796.25 393-2 8196.47 393-2 5120.77 393-2 1488.61 393-2 -2753.73 393-2 -7552.52 393-2 -12827.24 393-2 -18497.3 393-2 1105.62 393-1 1829.84 393-1 2477.46 393-1 3048.53 393-1 3543.41 393-1 3963.63 393-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.88 4308.75 393-1 5.86 4577.52 393-1 6.85 4846.06 393-1 5.95 4839.68 393-2 5.45 4584.66 393-2 4.97 4315.64 393-2 4.5 3970.17 393-2 4.04 3548.93 393-2 4.13 3053.07 393-2 5.24 2481.33 393-2 6.36 1833.1 393-2 7.48 1108.27 393-2 -9.02 -12375.1 393-1 -7.43 -9954.43 393-1 -5.84 -7610.43 393-1 -4.26 -5343.15 393-1 -3.18 -3152.94 393-1 -3.48 -1041.35 393-1 -3.78 992.08 393-1 -4.08 2948.59 393-1 -4.39 4752.07 393-1 -3.67 4759.29 393-2 -3.65 2942.8 393-2 -3.64 987.04 393-2 -3.65 -1045.52 393-2 -3.67 -3155.59 393-2 -4.24 -5344.31 393-2 -5.83 -7610.41 393-2 -7.42 -9953.28 393-2 -9.02 -12372.83 393-2 11.45 -3582.4 393-1 8.55 -2271.13 393-1 5.65 -1036.39 393-1 2.76 122.02 393-1 1.56 1205.25 393-1 4.95 2218.46 393-1 8.35 3160.1 393-1 11.74 4026.02 393-1 15.14 4838.43 393-1 13.71 4836.69 393-2 11 4029.07 393-2 8.3 3163.75 393-2 5.6 2222.34 393-2 2.9 1207.15 393-2 2.06 122.08 393-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.61 7.17 9.73 -14.42 -10.85 -7.27 -3.69 -1.82 -4.53 -7.25 -9.96 -12.68 -11.43 -9.2 -6.97 -4.75 -2.53 -2.17 -5.19 -8.23 -11.27 6.35 5.26 4.18 3.09 2.52 3.32 4.12 4.93 5.74 5.33 5.11 4.92 4.74 4.56 4.94 6.34 7.75 9.15 -8.72 -7.31 -5.89 -4.48 -3.58 -4.06

-1037.15 393-2 -2272.55 393-2 -3584.43 393-2 -7687.07 393-1 -5853.46 393-1 -4096.58 393-1 -2416.65 393-1 -814.79 393-1 703.82 393-1 2140.73 393-1 3500.09 393-1 4759.7 393-1 4762.28 393-2 3498.39 393-2 2138.94 393-2 702.31 393-2 -813.81 393-2 -2413.31 393-2 -4091.92 393-2 -5847.63 393-2 -7680.12 393-2 -11805.37 393-1 -6977.36 393-1 -2544.68 393-1 1412.18 393-1 4813 393-1 7605.65 393-1 9843.35 393-1 11605.43 393-1 13048.54 393-1 13041.17 393-2 11617.42 393-2 9860.95 393-2 7628.74 393-2 4840.93 393-2 1444.97 393-2 -2506.71 393-2 -6934.16 393-2 -11756.92 393-2 -25286.08 393-1 -18761.63 393-1 -12632.57 393-1 -6979.5 393-1 -1883.34 393-1 2600.66 393-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.54 -5.02 -5.5 -4.3 -3.98 -3.69 -3.41 -3.14 -3.42 -4.73 -6.03 -7.34 11.75 8.68 5.6 2.53 1.16 4.37 7.59 10.81 14.03 13.09 10.67 8.25 5.84 3.43 2.88 5.71 8.56 11.4 -14.12 -10.72 -7.32 -3.92 -2.22 -5.11 -8.01 -10.9 -13.79 -12.06 -9.54 -7.02 -4.51 -2.01 -1.36

6526.68 393-1 9976.49 393-1 12954.56 393-1 12960.79 393-2 9975.56 393-2 6532.35 393-2 2613.05 393-2 -1863.59 393-2 -6952.41 393-2 -12598.45 393-2 -18720.53 393-2 -25238.02 393-2 -16493.39 393-1 -11078.33 393-1 -6058.53 393-1 -1514.33 393-1 2474.85 393-1 5860.47 393-1 8694.7 393-1 11053.92 393-1 13040.91 393-1 13038.19 393-2 11061.83 393-2 8709.06 393-2 5880.9 393-2 2499.15 393-2 -1486.03 393-2 -6025.19 393-2 -11039.8 393-2 -16449.63 393-2 -20598.06 393-1 -14660.66 393-1 -9118.72 393-1 -4053 393-1 454.81 393-1 4345.84 393-1 7675.33 393-1 10528 393-1 12962.19 393-1 12963.77 393-2 10531.15 393-2 7684.24 393-2 4360.88 393-2 478.19 393-2 -4021.41 393-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.09 -6.84 -9.59 -1.28 -1.17 -1.06 -0.95 -0.84 -0.73 -0.62 -0.51 -0.4 0.41 0.73 1.05 1.37 1.69 2.02 2.34 2.66 2.98 -0.69 -0.77 -0.86 -0.94 -1.03 -1.11 -1.2 -1.28 -1.37 -0.38 0.23 0.83 1.44 2.04 2.65 3.25 3.85 4.46 -1.03 -1 -0.97 -0.94 -0.91 -0.88

-9079.96 393-2 -14614.89 393-2 -20545.32 393-2 -16936.03 394-1 -11716.8 394-1 -6905.66 394-1 -2543.44 394-1 1329.04 394-1 4684.56 394-1 7550.34 394-1 9967.2 394-1 11975.97 394-1 11980.45 394-2 9837.16 394-2 7285.79 394-2 4285.49 394-2 795.45 394-2 -3211.54 394-2 -7708.28 394-2 -12653.94 394-2 -18007.69 394-2 -20570 394-1 -14250.02 394-1 -8352.74 394-1 -2986.04 394-1 1742.17 394-1 5759.98 394-1 9139.32 394-1 11988.06 394-1 14414.11 394-1 14425.62 394-2 11769.32 394-2 8690.33 394-2 5080.74 394-2 832.68 394-2 -4125.78 394-2 -9722.73 394-2 -15850.26 394-2 -22400.49 394-2 -18298.76 394-1 -12671.55 394-1 -7439.69 394-1 -2683.75 394-1 1515.73 394-1 5105.04 394-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.85 -0.82 -0.79 0.06712 0.51 0.96 1.41 1.85 2.3 2.74 3.19 3.64 -0.87 -0.88 -0.89 -0.9 -0.91 -0.92 -0.93 -0.94 -0.95 -0.07888 0.4 0.87 1.35 1.82 2.3 2.78 3.25 3.73 4.62 4.44 4.25 4.07 4.16 4.9 5.63 6.37 7.1 7.87 7.58 7.31 7.05 6.79 9.07

8137.89 394-1 10694.82 394-1 12856.39 394-1 12865.01 394-2 10516.38 394-2 7772.39 394-2 4552.49 394-2 776.12 394-2 -3610.41 394-2 -8553.42 394-2 -13972.33 394-2 -19786.6 394-2 -18299.8 394-1 -12672.26 394-1 -7440.07 394-1 -2683.8 394-1 1516 394-1 5105.64 394-1 8138.81 394-1 10696.07 394-1 12857.97 394-1 12866.6 394-2 10517.57 394-2 7773.18 394-2 4552.88 394-2 776.11 394-2 -3610.83 394-2 -8554.23 394-2 -13973.54 394-2 -19788.21 394-2 1140.99 394-1 1867.5 394-1 2517.41 394-1 3090.76 394-1 3587.87 394-1 4010.42 394-1 4357.96 394-1 4629.13 394-1 4931.41 394-1 4886.25 394-2 4653.24 394-2 4360.35 394-2 3990.91 394-2 3545.14 394-2 3023.97 394-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.4 2427.57 394-2 13.74 1754.94 394-2 16.07 1005.77 394-2 -8.28 -12385.97 394-1 -7.25 -9953.18 394-1 -6.22 -7597.04 394-1 -5.18 -5317.62 394-1 -4.43 -3115.24 394-1 -4.31 -991.54 394-1 -4.2 1053.89 394-1 -4.09 3022.42 394-1 -3.98 4806.58 394-1 -4.22 4851.04 394-2 -4.51 2981.96 394-2 -4.83 1019.49 394-2 -5.16 -1019.69 394-2 -5.49 -3135.82 394-2 -8.36 -5329.81 394-2 -11.28 -7601.84 394-2 -14.2 -9950.9 394-2 -17.12 -12376.69 394-2 5.26 -3562.35 394-1 4.11 -2245.54 394-1 2.95 -1005.26 394-1 1.8 158.66 394-1 1.58 1247.27 394-1 3.49 2266.11 394-1 5.4 3213.74 394-1 7.31 4085.64 394-1 9.23 4913.4 394-1 19.43 4899.98 394-2 15.21 4088.9 394-2 11 3206.31 394-2 6.78 2247.36 394-2 2.58 1212.8 394-2 6.82 105.7 394-2 11.24 -1073.34 394-2 15.67 -2327.7 394-2 20.09 -3658.36 394-2 -8.92 -7682.62 394-1 -6.92 -5840.14 394-1 -4.92 -4074.38 394-1 -2.92 -2385.52 394-1 -1.85 -774.63 394-1 -2.91 752.77 394-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.97 -5.04 -6.1 -15.78 -12.14 -8.52 -4.89 -1.27 -6.11 -11.12 -16.13 -21.14 5.66 5.02 4.38 3.74 3.38 3.67 3.95 4.23 4.51 5.9 6.39 6.91 7.43 7.95 11.02 14.13 17.25 20.36 -7.25 -6.67 -6.09 -5.51 -5.21 -5.55 -5.89 -6.23 -6.57 -6.19 -5.7 -5.24 -4.78 -4.33 -6.41

2198.1 394-1 3565.91 394-1 4824.59 394-1 4837.31 394-2 3546.3 394-2 2173.53 394-2 723.85 394-2 -803.48 394-2 -2411.54 394-2 -4100.93 394-2 -5868.26 394-2 -7712.56 394-2 -11536.79 394-1 -6762.24 394-1 -2383.02 394-1 1520.36 394-1 4867.68 394-1 7606.89 394-1 9791.26 394-1 11499.99 394-1 12921.1 394-1 12884.93 394-2 11353.75 394-2 9443.97 394-2 7058.35 394-2 4116.59 394-2 565.88 394-2 -3539.89 394-2 -8121.18 394-2 -13097.72 394-2 -25063.75 394-1 -18582.92 394-1 -12497.47 394-1 -6888.02 394-1 -1835.43 394-1 2604.93 394-1 6487.2 394-1 9893.28 394-1 12796.27 394-1 12849.71 394-2 9682.46 394-2 6103.11 394-2 2047.75 394-2 -2564.38 394-2 -7787.9 394-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.55 -10.69 -12.82 6.3 4.69 3.08 1.48 0.8 2.26 3.72 5.18 6.64 17.46 14.02 10.59 7.16 3.74 8.77 13.97 19.18 24.38 -7.88 -6.34 -4.79 -3.24 -2.62 -4.14 -5.66 -7.17 -8.69 -17.75 -13.33 -8.92 -4.52 -0.11 -4.16 -8.39 -12.62 -16.84 2.95 2.17 1.39 0.6 -0.18 -0.96

-13569.3 394-2 -19827.01 394-2 -26480.17 394-2 -16240.13 394-1 -10875.28 394-1 -5905.69 394-1 -1411.74 394-1 2527.08 394-1 5862.58 394-1 8647.05 394-1 10956.5 394-1 12903.09 394-1 12898.66 394-2 10789.41 394-2 8289.92 394-2 5314.81 394-2 1784.24 394-2 -2352.39 394-2 -7040.8 394-2 -12203.81 394-2 -17761.85 394-2 -20360.4 394-1 -14469.88 394-1 -8974.81 394-1 -3955.92 394-1 505.18 394-1 4349.24 394-1 7631.41 394-1 10436.78 394-1 12814.28 394-1 12835.98 394-2 10246.8 394-2 7257.15 394-2 3791.3 394-2 -232.03 394-2 -4869.63 394-2 -10068.39 394-2 -15744.37 394-2 -21816.04 394-2 -18091.12 395-1 -13055.09 395-1 -8158.68 395-1 -3422.3 395-1 1133.63 395-1 5495.52 395-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.75 -2.53 -3.31 -2.38 -2.09 -1.79 -1.49 -1.19 -0.89 -0.59 -0.29 0.008354 4.69 3.49 2.3 1.11 -0.08487 -1.28 -2.47 -3.66 -4.86 -3.4 -2.92 -2.44 -1.96 -1.48 -1 -0.52 -0.04087 0.44 3.76 2.8 1.83 0.87 -0.09738 -1.06 -2.03 -2.99 -3.96 -2.8 -2.43 -2.05 -1.68 -1.3 -0.93

9676.96 395-1 13698.37 395-1 17580.15 395-1 16768.73 395-2 13035.8 395-2 9142.84 395-2 5049.03 395-2 713.53 395-2 -3890.86 395-2 -8736.93 395-2 -13783.86 395-2 -18990.82 395-2 -23821.29 395-1 -17159.27 395-1 -10653.37 395-1 -4357.53 395-1 1674.28 395-1 7406.12 395-1 12873.93 395-1 18131.68 395-1 23233.31 395-1 22102.87 395-2 17376.42 395-2 12439.9 395-2 7185.42 395-2 1505.09 395-2 -4673.03 395-2 -11277 395-2 -18198.93 395-2 -25330.94 395-2 -20701.53 395-1 -14919.48 395-1 -9279.88 395-1 -3823.01 395-1 1410.85 395-1 6394.84 395-1 11155.83 395-1 15734.08 395-1 20169.88 395-1 19202.69 395-2 15049.2 395-2 10712.98 395-2 6113.47 395-2 1170.13 395-2 -4170.77 395-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.56 -0.18 0.19 3.86 2.87 1.88 0.88 -0.11 -1.1 -2.09 -3.09 -4.08 -2.88 -2.49 -2.09 -1.7 -1.31 -0.91 -0.52 -0.13 0.26 9.04 6.05 3.07 1.3 3.26 6.51 9.76 13.02 16.28 9.72 7.68 5.64 3.61 1.6 0.84 1.79 3.55 5.33 -9.81 -6.56 -3.32 -1.28 -2.98 -5.96

-9855.5 395-2 -15803.52 395-2 -21934.27 395-2 -20703.05 395-1 -14920.62 395-1 -9280.65 395-1 -3823.42 395-1 1410.81 395-1 6395.18 395-1 11156.54 395-1 15735.16 395-1 20171.33 395-1 19204.02 395-2 15050.18 395-2 10713.6 395-2 6113.74 395-2 1170.04 395-2 -4171.2 395-2 -9856.29 395-2 -15804.66 395-2 -21935.77 395-2 1271.12 395-1 1936.94 395-1 2526.14 395-1 3038.8 395-1 3479.66 395-1 3855.69 395-1 4155.43 395-1 4378.56 395-1 4537.93 395-1 4671.34 395-2 4347.46 395-2 4152.69 395-2 3881.51 395-2 3535.51 395-2 3117.6 395-2 2624.13 395-2 2054.17 395-2 1407.62 395-2 -12132.17 395-1 -9780.23 395-1 -7504.95 395-1 -5306.38 395-1 -3189.29 395-1 -1160.63 395-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.95 791.06 395-1 -11.95 2666.07 395-1 -14.94 4451.6 395-1 -8.98 4433.58 395-2 -7.19 2806.73 395-2 -5.41 897.49 395-2 -3.63 -1088.59 395-2 -1.87 -3153.12 395-2 -1.37 -5299.02 395-2 -2.58 -7522.61 395-2 -4.59 -9822.98 395-2 -6.63 -12200.03 395-2 16.4 -3322.9 395-1 11.58 -2092.91 395-1 6.76 -939.49 395-1 2.32 137.58 395-1 3.22 1154.14 395-1 8.29 2133.41 395-1 13.37 3037.18 395-1 18.46 3864.43 395-1 23.55 4618.93 395-1 13.56 4636.74 395-2 10.41 3844.59 395-2 7.25 3037.7 395-2 4.11 2154.89 395-2 1.02 1201.49 395-2 1.98 187.22 395-2 4.61 -900.12 395-2 7.5 -2063.61 395-2 10.4 -3303.59 395-2 -17.17 -7538.15 395-1 -12.09 -5750.39 395-1 -7.01 -4039.32 395-1 -2.3 -2405.17 395-1 -2.93 -863.77 395-1 -7.74 561.65 395-1 -12.57 1909.3 395-1 -17.39 3180.21 395-1 -22.21 4370.6 395-1 -12.81 4468.18 395-2 -9.92 3309.6 395-2 -7.02 2012.49 395-2 -4.13 638.03 395-2 -1.29 -819.1 395-2 -2.51 -2368.64 395-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.4 -8.54 -11.69 13.33 9.2 5.09 2.18 3 5.12 7.23 9.35 11.47 6.43 4.92 3.42 1.91 0.43 0.2 1.68 3.97 6.28 -5.52 -3.4 -1.3 -0.4 -3.23 -7.35 -11.48 -15.61 -19.75 -12.26 -9.95 -7.64 -5.33 -3.04 -2.01 -2.69 -4.18 -5.68 20.69 14.73 8.78 3.2 2.96 6.9

-3998.36 395-2 -5705.2 395-2 -7488.83 395-2 -14002.1 395-1 -9062.56 395-1 -4265.46 395-1 348.99 395-1 4745.27 395-1 8903.49 395-1 12839.05 395-1 16591.9 395-1 20215.16 395-1 19323.5 395-2 15820.99 395-2 12341.49 395-2 8598.92 395-2 4514.32 395-2 36.91 395-2 -4783.28 395-2 -9866.61 395-2 -15132.63 395-2 -27405.39 395-1 -20779.73 395-1 -14296.55 395-1 -7996.19 395-1 -1923.68 395-1 3887.17 395-1 9474.68 395-1 14879.41 395-1 20128.83 395-1 19085.74 395-2 14280.26 395-2 9086.29 395-2 3628.81 395-2 -2174.31 395-2 -8379.71 395-2 -14930.02 395-2 -21743.76 395-2 -28740.28 395-2 -18596.11 395-1 -13092.41 395-1 -7731.09 395-1 -2552.22 395-1 2419.75 395-1 7181.21 395-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

10.84 14.79 18.75 10.27 7.65 5.03 2.41 -0.15 1.34 4.5 7.92 11.34 -12.88 -8.93 -4.99 -1.42 -3.19 -9.14 -15.09 -21.06 -27.02 -16.1 -12.67 -9.25 -5.83 -2.46 -3.15 -5.51 -8.13 -10.75 1.24 1.2 1.17 1.13 1.1 1.07 1.03 1 0.96 -0.43 -0.48 -0.54 -0.6 -0.65 -0.71

11720.8 395-1 16077.77 395-1 20296.16 395-1 19288.9 395-2 15318.12 395-2 11226.49 395-2 6872.3 395-2 2180.3 395-2 -2893.47 395-2 -8307.53 395-2 -13984.39 395-2 -19843.83 395-2 -22811.37 395-1 -16749.89 395-1 -10830.92 395-1 -5094.98 395-1 401.84 395-1 5609.45 395-1 10592.92 395-1 15393.54 395-1 20047.83 395-1 19120.35 395-2 14783.13 395-2 10201.28 395-2 5355.44 395-2 159.71 395-2 -5449.33 395-2 -11405.77 395-2 -17625.98 395-2 -24029.07 395-2 -17205.49 396-1 -11975.77 396-1 -7154.14 396-1 -2781.43 396-1 1101.53 396-1 4467.54 396-1 7343.81 396-1 9771.15 396-1 11790.41 396-1 11741.62 396-2 9774.12 396-2 7398.53 396-2 4574.02 396-2 1259.77 396-2 -2571.44 396-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.76 -0.82 -0.87 2.73 2.4 2.07 1.74 1.41 1.08 0.75 0.42 0.0905 -1.5 -1.33 -1.17 -1 -0.83 -0.67 -0.5 -0.33 -0.17 1.92 1.75 1.57 1.39 1.22 1.04 0.86 0.68 0.51 -0.86 -0.82 -0.78 -0.75 -0.71 -0.67 -0.63 -0.59 -0.56 2.08 1.86 1.65 1.44 1.23 1.02

-6892.39 396-2 -11662.25 396-2 -16840.22 396-2 -21491.18 396-1 -15081.7 396-1 -9094.91 396-1 -3638.71 396-1 1179.02 396-1 5286.33 396-1 8755.17 396-1 11693.42 396-1 14208.98 396-1 14168.15 396-2 11784.97 396-2 8979.1 396-2 5642.65 396-2 1667.71 396-2 -3017.63 396-2 -8341.45 396-2 -14195.86 396-2 -20472.96 396-2 -18960.39 396-1 -13273.97 396-1 -7982.9 396-1 -3167.74 396-1 1090.95 396-1 4739.47 396-1 7831.52 396-1 10447.66 396-1 12668.45 396-1 12627.26 396-2 10505.77 396-2 7988.92 396-2 4996.15 396-2 1446.92 396-2 -2712.48 396-2 -7428.35 396-2 -12620.12 396-2 -18207.26 396-2 -18962.04 396-1 -13275.2 396-1 -7983.72 396-1 -3168.15 396-1 1090.95 396-1 4739.88 396-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.81 7832.35 396-1 0.6 10448.9 396-1 0.39 12670.1 396-1 -1.04 12628.9 396-2 -0.96 10507.07 396-2 -0.88 7989.88 396-2 -0.81 4996.77 396-2 -0.73 1447.2 396-2 -0.65 -2712.54 396-2 -0.57 -7428.75 396-2 -0.49 -12620.87 396-2 -0.41 -18208.34 396-2 3.43 1165.12 396-1 2.56 1887.94 396-1 1.71 2534.2 396-1 0.91 3104 396-1 0.67 3597.62 396-1 2.2 4015.55 396-1 3.76 4357.78 396-1 5.33 4623.84 396-1 6.92 4879.85 396-1 5.36 4881.7 396-2 3.81 4616.29 396-2 2.36 4342.97 396-2 1.72 3993.16 396-2 1.29 3567.38 396-2 2.03 3066.42 396-2 2.8 2489.49 396-2 3.58 1836.08 396-2 4.36 1106.09 396-2 -6.28 -12324.01 396-1 -4.74 -9905.58 396-1 -3.22 -7563.87 396-1 -1.75 -5298.96 396-1 -0.84 -3111.14 396-1 -1.7 -1000.89 396-1 -2.59 1031.78 396-1 -3.49 2987.36 396-1 -4.4 4799.72 396-1 -1.88 4799.32 396-2 -1.11 2980.26 396-2 -0.44 1015.85 396-2 -0.59 -1025.35 396-2 -0.94 -3143.84 396-2 -2.46 -5340.41 396-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.02 -7614.29 396-2 -5.59 -9964.95 396-2 -7.15 -12392.3 396-2 13 -3530.51 396-1 9.54 -2219.24 396-1 6.08 -984.34 396-1 2.63 174.53 396-1 0.93 1258.26 396-1 5.07 2268.47 396-1 9.21 3205.19 396-1 13.36 4066.8 396-1 17.51 4872.29 396-1 10.75 4873.38 396-2 8 4059.37 396-2 5.28 3189.48 396-2 2.82 2243.47 396-2 0.75 1223.02 396-2 2.59 130.76 396-2 4.55 -1035.9 396-2 6.52 -2278.67 396-2 8.49 -3597.91 396-2 -15.85 -7628.37 396-1 -11.72 -5798.41 396-1 -7.59 -4045.33 396-1 -3.47 -2369.49 396-1 -1.1 -771.78 396-1 -4.56 746.18 396-1 -8.04 2184.37 396-1 -11.51 3544.4 396-1 -14.99 4807.28 396-1 -7.27 4807.64 396-2 -5.3 3537.18 396-2 -3.37 2169.33 396-2 -1.69 724.34 396-2 -0.41 -799.47 396-2 -3.03 -2404.75 396-2 -5.78 -4088.9 396-2 -8.53 -5850.2 396-2 -11.28 -7688.3 396-2 7 -12218.23 396-1 5.56 -7379.01 396-1 4.16 -2935.07 396-1 2.8 1033.14 396-1 1.99 4445.33 396-1 2.96 7248.29 396-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.96 4.97 5.99 2.5 1.43 0.47 0.33 0.38 1.61 2.87 4.14 5.41 -2.71 -1.73 -0.78 0.13 0.49 -0.94 -2.39 -3.85 -5.33 -4.75 -3.49 -2.33 -1.99 -1.85 -2.88 -3.95 -5.03 -6.1 16.57 12.54 8.52 4.52 2.26 5.83 9.41 12.99 16.58 7.88 5.62 3.39 1.42 -0.16 2.17

9495.72 396-1 11267.71 396-1 12710.92 396-1 12670.84 396-2 11325.68 396-2 9653.87 396-2 7506.31 396-2 4802.93 396-2 1490.84 396-2 -2377.04 396-2 -6720.69 396-2 -11459.64 396-2 -25707.36 396-1 -19172.53 396-1 -13033.13 396-1 -7369.82 396-1 -2263.43 396-1 2231.85 396-1 6169.73 396-1 9631.23 396-1 12630.79 396-1 12588.46 396-2 9689.64 396-2 6326.75 396-2 2487.79 396-2 -1908.29 396-2 -6915.99 396-2 -12480.82 396-2 -18521.73 396-2 -24958.03 396-2 -16913.86 396-1 -11486.18 396-1 -6453.6 396-1 -1896.33 396-1 2105.97 396-1 5501.22 396-1 8343.14 396-1 10710.67 396-1 12703.36 396-1 12662.52 396-2 10768.75 396-2 8500.39 396-2 5756.62 396-2 2458.57 396-2 -1444.82 396-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.62 7.08 9.54 -12.28 -8.71 -5.14 -1.59 0.22 -3.8 -7.84 -11.88 -15.92 -10.13 -7.68 -5.26 -3.08 -1.31 -3.45 -5.71 -7.97 -10.23 0.05975 0.22 0.37 0.53 0.68 0.84 1 1.15 1.31 1.46 1 0.53 0.07038 -0.39 -0.86 -1.32 -1.78 -2.24 1.48 1.33 1.18 1.03 0.88 0.73

-5902.43 396-2 -10835.44 396-2 -16163.64 396-2 -21011.72 396-1 -15065.35 396-1 -9514.6 396-1 -4440.35 396-1 75.93 396-1 3978.93 396-1 7322.31 396-1 10188.27 396-1 12638.35 396-1 12596.78 396-2 10246.57 396-2 7480.23 396-2 4237.48 396-2 436.08 396-2 -3980.33 396-2 -8955.44 396-2 -14406.97 396-2 -20254.03 396-2 -16779.14 397-1 -11605.83 397-1 -6840.61 397-1 -2524.31 397-1 1302.25 397-1 4611.85 397-1 7431.71 397-1 9802.66 397-1 11765.51 397-1 11766.45 397-2 9834.87 397-2 7495.19 397-2 4706.59 397-2 1428.25 397-2 -2367.05 397-2 -6652.09 397-2 -11386.05 397-2 -16528.1 397-2 -20535.53 397-1 -14230.06 397-1 -8347.27 397-1 -2995.08 397-1 1718.64 397-1 5721.95 397-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.58 0.43 0.28 0.54 0.28 0.02429 -0.23 -0.49 -0.75 -1.01 -1.26 -1.52 0.8 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.71 1.01 0.65 0.29 -0.06151 -0.42 -0.77 -1.13 -1.48 -1.84 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.73 0.69 0.65 0.61 0.84 0.52 0.2 -0.11 -0.43 -0.75

9086.78 397-1 11921.02 397-1 14332.57 397-1 14333.22 397-2 11936.67 397-2 9117.43 397-2 5767.6 397-2 1779.28 397-2 -2919.43 397-2 -8256.63 397-2 -14124.41 397-2 -20414.89 397-2 -18227.55 397-1 -12623.93 397-1 -7415.67 397-1 -2683.31 397-1 1492.57 397-1 5058.29 397-1 8067.54 397-1 10600.88 397-1 12738.87 397-1 12739.57 397-2 10621.47 397-2 8108 397-2 5118.63 397-2 1572.79 397-2 -2583.23 397-2 -7295.7 397-2 -12484.09 397-2 -18067.84 397-2 -18227.94 397-1 -12624.19 397-1 -7415.79 397-1 -2683.31 397-1 1492.71 397-1 5058.55 397-1 8067.94 397-1 10601.4 397-1 12739.52 397-1 12740.23 397-2 10621.6 397-2 8107.62 397-2 5117.73 397-2 1571.37 397-2 -2585.16 397-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.06 -7298.15 397-2 -1.38 -12487.06 397-2 -1.7 -18071.32 397-2 3.96 1100.85 397-1 3.27 1826.97 397-1 2.6 2476.51 397-1 1.93 3049.58 397-1 2.78 3546.9 397-1 3.91 3969.42 397-1 5.04 4315.94 397-1 6.18 4585.98 397-1 7.32 4838.63 397-1 6.12 4848.42 397-2 5.1 4577.3 397-2 4.09 4309.46 397-2 3.08 3965.14 397-2 2.58 3545.03 397-2 3.5 3050.37 397-2 4.41 2479.76 397-2 5.33 1832.63 397-2 6.25 1108.9 397-2 -5.76 -12380.9 397-1 -4.63 -9960.52 397-1 -3.51 -7616.82 397-1 -2.39 -5349.93 397-1 -2.79 -3160.54 397-1 -3.47 -1049.63 397-1 -4.15 984.01 397-1 -4.84 2940.88 397-1 -5.54 4761.86 397-1 -2.84 4751.29 397-2 -2.62 2951.2 397-2 -2.41 994.57 397-2 -2.21 -1038.86 397-2 -2.5 -3149.76 397-2 -4.22 -5339.37 397-2 -5.94 -7606.3 397-2 -7.66 -9949.98 397-2 -9.38 -12370.33 397-2 9.06 -3594.71 397-1 6.31 -2281.24 397-1 3.56 -1044.24 397-1 0.83 116.68 397-1 3.13 1203.89 397-1 6.33 2220.59 397-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

9.52 3162.76 397-1 12.72 4028.72 397-1 15.92 4835.95 397-1 13.84 4838.75 397-2 10.35 4026.54 397-2 6.87 3161.8 397-2 3.39 2220.88 397-2 1.56 1206.1 397-2 4.45 121.63 397-2 7.34 -1037.2 397-2 10.24 -2272.28 397-2 13.14 -3583.87 397-2 -10.86 -7685.34 397-1 -7.66 -5852.31 397-1 -4.47 -4096.08 397-1 -1.29 -2417.03 397-1 -3.15 -817.53 397-1 -5.89 699.2 397-1 -8.64 2137.2 397-1 -11.39 3498.14 397-1 -14.14 4764.54 397-1 -10.56 4760.96 397-2 -7.87 3501.96 397-2 -5.19 2142.23 397-2 -2.51 705.4 397-2 -1.48 -810.83 397-2 -5.17 -2410.63 397-2 -8.87 -4089.35 397-2 -12.56 -5845.08 397-2 -16.26 -7677.57 397-2 5.84 -11487.24 397-1 4.88 -6730.56 397-1 3.93 -2369.18 397-1 2.99 1516.45 397-1 3.56 4846.49 397-1 4.41 7568.2 397-1 5.27 9734.08 397-1 6.13 11424.19 397-1 7 12778.2 397-1 5.24 12789.09 397-2 4.32 11434.71 397-2 3.41 9764.9 397-2 2.51 7619.33 397-2 2.1 4918.13 397-2 3.12 1608.84 397-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.14 5.16 6.18 -3.88 -3.02 -2.17 -1.34 -2.01 -2.96 -3.92 -4.89 -5.86 -3.73 -3.4 -3.09 -2.78 -2.98 -4.59 -6.21 -7.83 -9.45 10.94 7.91 4.89 1.89 3.92 6.83 9.75 12.67 15.6 12.96 9.57 6.19 2.81 1.08 4.07 7.07 10.07 13.07 -8.98 -6.06 -3.14 -0.24 -2.36 -5.38

-2256.23 397-2 -6597.1 397-2 -11333.29 397-2 -24968.99 397-1 -18518.05 397-1 -12462.52 397-1 -6883.06 397-1 -1860.95 397-1 2549.15 397-1 6402.15 397-1 9779.09 397-1 12701.42 397-1 12691.96 397-2 9808.62 397-2 6450.01 397-2 2615.32 397-2 -1776.66 397-2 -6780.9 397-2 -12342.29 397-2 -18379.71 397-2 -24812.52 397-2 -16182.8 397-1 -10838.77 397-1 -5889.93 397-1 -1416.45 397-1 2503.48 397-1 5819.36 397-1 8580.89 397-1 10866.94 397-1 12775.52 397-1 12779.42 397-2 10883.96 397-2 8617.24 397-2 5875.06 397-2 2579.2 397-2 -1319.9 397-2 -5773.19 397-2 -10702 397-2 -16026.05 397-2 -20273.43 397-1 -14409.84 397-1 -8941.77 397-1 -3950.16 397-1 482.06 397-1 4297.98 397-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-8.41 -11.43 -14.46 -11.45 -8.65 -5.87 -3.09 -1.96 -5.55 -9.14 -12.74 -16.33 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.48 0.46 0.44 1.12 0.66 0.19 -0.27 -0.74 -1.2 -1.67 -2.13 -2.59 2.06 1.72 1.38 1.04 0.7 0.36 0.01407 -0.33 -0.67 0.51 0.15 -0.22 -0.59 -0.96 -1.33

7555.33 397-1 10336.35 397-1 12704.11 397-1 12701.63 397-2 10359.38 397-2 7597.67 397-2 4359.59 397-2 562.26 397-2 -3852.16 397-2 -8825.33 397-2 -14274.81 397-2 -20119.75 397-2 -15813.15 398-1 -10824.51 398-1 -6243.96 398-1 -2112.34 398-1 1529.55 398-1 4654.48 398-1 7289.66 398-1 9475.93 398-1 11254.11 398-1 11451.65 398-2 9237.92 398-2 6864.16 398-2 4289.55 398-2 1473.26 398-2 -1611.93 398-2 -4938.8 398-2 -8466.53 398-2 -12154.28 398-2 -20038.21 398-1 -13805.67 398-1 -7995.83 398-1 -2716.57 398-1 1924.2 398-1 5854.57 398-1 9146.47 398-1 11907.77 398-1 14246.38 398-1 14432.16 398-2 11845.85 398-2 9049.47 398-2 5935.12 398-2 2394.93 398-2 -1643.05 398-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.7 -2.06 -2.43 1.34 1.15 0.96 0.77 0.58 0.38 0.19 0.001541 -0.19 0.84 0.42 0.009146 -0.4 -0.82 -1.23 -1.64 -2.06 -2.47 1.46 1.24 1.03 0.81 0.6 0.38 0.17 -0.04819 -0.26 0.7 0.32 -0.06471 -0.45 -0.83 -1.22 -1.6 -1.99 -2.37 2.88 2.75 2.67 3.48 4.44 5.39

-6106.89 398-2 -10888.68 398-2 -15880.55 398-2 -17602 398-1 -12104.08 398-1 -7001.51 398-1 -2374.85 398-1 1695.33 398-1 5155.35 398-1 8058.91 398-1 10486.55 398-1 12518.83 398-1 12698.69 398-2 10370.22 398-2 7859.02 398-2 5084.53 398-2 1966.2 398-2 -1549.68 398-2 -5409.39 398-2 -9532.39 398-2 -13838.13 398-2 -17606 398-1 -12107.3 398-1 -7003.96 398-1 -2376.54 398-1 1694.42 398-1 5155.21 398-1 8059.54 398-1 10487.95 398-1 12521.01 398-1 12700.65 398-2 10372.58 398-2 7861.78 398-2 5087.7 398-2 1969.77 398-2 -1545.71 398-2 -5405.02 398-2 -9527.62 398-2 -13832.96 398-2 992.83 398-1 1787.23 398-1 2505.02 398-1 3146.27 398-1 3711.24 398-1 4201.07 398-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.35 4615.67 398-1 7.32 4954.1 398-1 8.28 5221.88 398-1 6.83 5286.77 398-2 5.74 4858.05 398-2 4.71 4614.55 398-2 3.7 4294.75 398-2 2.71 3898.64 398-2 3.61 3426.81 398-2 4.85 2879.36 398-2 6.09 2255.6 398-2 7.33 1555.3 398-2 -4.26 -12714.5 398-1 -3.81 -10222.47 398-1 -3.41 -7807.1 398-1 -3.9 -5468.45 398-1 -4.53 -3206.79 398-1 -5.17 -1023.26 398-1 -5.81 1082.24 398-1 -6.45 3110.64 398-1 -7.09 5056.42 398-1 -4.51 5007.24 398-2 -3.97 3439.38 398-2 -3.49 1533.03 398-2 -3.03 -450.28 398-2 -2.6 -2510.54 398-2 -4.06 -4648.36 398-2 -5.85 -6863.82 398-2 -7.64 -9156.24 398-2 -9.44 -11525.38 398-2 3.81 -3778.9 398-1 2.25 -2395.92 398-1 0.85 -1089.48 398-1 2.44 140.6 398-1 4.47 1295.2 398-1 6.51 2378.12 398-1 8.55 3388.93 398-1 10.59 4324.14 398-1 12.63 5184.74 398-1 16.8 5208.77 398-2 12.92 4377.24 398-2 9.05 3547.73 398-2 5.2 2641.91 398-2 1.34 1660.34 398-2 3.8 605.14 398-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.34 10.87 14.41 -5.19 -3.31 -1.59 -2.86 -4.57 -6.28 -8 -9.73 -11.45 -14.47 -11.14 -7.83 -4.53 -1.23 -4.24 -8.33 -12.42 -16.52 5.08 4.56 4.09 4.52 5.09 5.66 6.24 6.81 7.39 6.31 5.13 4 2.9 1.81 2.62 3.76 4.91 6.06 -2.07 -2 -1.98 -2.86 -3.88 -4.9

-523.36 398-2 -1727.42 398-2 -3007.81 398-2 -7942.77 398-1 -6039.32 398-1 -4212.59 398-1 -2462.78 398-1 -790.75 398-1 799.7 398-1 2308.98 398-1 3740.6 398-1 5093.56 398-1 5085.24 398-2 3920.19 398-2 2599.86 398-2 1202.56 398-2 -272.24 398-2 -1826.69 398-2 -3461.1 398-2 -5173.22 398-2 -6962.27 398-2 -10754.15 398-1 -6103.92 398-1 -1849.02 398-1 1930.06 398-1 5153.02 398-1 7767.31 398-1 9826.54 398-1 11410.32 398-1 12604.73 398-1 12841.31 398-2 11083 398-2 9403.8 398-2 7461.65 398-2 5175.98 398-2 2493.68 398-2 -531.45 398-2 -3819.53 398-2 -7290.26 398-2 -24461.48 398-1 -18113.62 398-1 -12161.14 398-1 -6684.66 398-1 -1765 398-1 2542.99 398-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.93 -6.95 -7.98 -5.02 -4.58 -4.2 -3.84 -3.49 -5.05 -6.93 -8.82 -10.71 6 4.06 2.28 3.48 5.12 6.78 8.43 10.09 11.75 16.28 12.3 8.34 4.39 0.45 2.81 6.25 9.69 13.14 -2.99 -1.49 -0.17 -1.82 -3.91 -6.02 -8.12 -10.23 -12.34 -14.99 -11.76 -8.54 -5.33 -2.13 -5.23

6293.11 398-1 9566.86 398-1 12439.26 398-1 12561.78 398-2 9664.33 398-2 6322.28 398-2 2716.62 398-2 -1233.2 398-2 -5581.49 398-2 -10274.63 398-2 -15231.38 398-2 -20370.95 398-2 -15525.88 398-1 -10287.07 398-1 -5443.52 398-1 -1075.61 398-1 2736.99 398-1 5944.36 398-1 8599.8 398-1 10780.36 398-1 12567.58 398-1 12763.31 398-2 10602.19 398-2 8336.98 398-2 5808.81 398-2 2937.68 398-2 -327.99 398-2 -3934.16 398-2 -7802.55 398-2 -11853.38 398-2 -19689.75 398-1 -13930.47 398-1 -8566.64 398-1 -3678.99 398-1 651.03 398-1 4365.94 398-1 7519.85 398-1 10196.82 398-1 12476.41 398-1 12639.78 398-2 10145.13 398-2 7389.11 398-2 4369.46 398-2 1005.1 398-2 -2759.81 398-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.42 -6871.91 398-2 -13.6 -11248.36 398-2 -17.79 -15807.84 398-2 1.03 -2706.69 399-1 0.9 -1829.95 399-1 0.78 -1113.23 399-1 0.66 -597.37 399-1 0.53 -323.19 399-1 0.41 -317.9 399-1 0.28 -554.3 399-1 0.16 -991.55 399-1 0.03687 -1588.83 399-1 1.76 -3810.44 399-1 1.53 -2453.83 399-1 1.31 -1307.3 399-1 1.08 -478.73 399-1 0.86 -76.02 399-1 0.64 -171.09 399-1 0.41 -692.01 399-1 0.19 -1530.89 399-1 -0.03932 -2579.84 399-1 1.38 -3221.54 399-1 1.2 -2097.95 399-1 1.03 -1157.1 399-1 0.85 -479.53 399-1 0.68 -145.81 399-1 0.5 -209.63 399-1 0.33 -617.29 399-1 0.15 -1288.24 399-1 -0.02596 -2141.92 399-1 1.42 -3247.16 399-1 1.24 -2118.36 399-1 1.06 -1172.3 399-1 0.88 -489.52 399-1 0.7 -150.58 399-1 0.52 -209.19 399-1 0.34 -611.63 399-1 0.16 -1277.37 399-1 -0.01465 -2125.84 399-1 13.74 8703.27 399-1 10.37 6445.94 399-1 6.99 4111.99 399-1 3.62 1701.48 399-1 0.36 421.61 399-1 2.55 2805.57 399-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.78 5113.43 399-1 9.01 7344.75 399-1 12.24 9499.46 399-1 -13.59 -9884.35 399-1 -10.36 -7193.2 399-1 -7.13 -4578.71 399-1 -3.91 -2040.92 399-1 -0.79 -787.04 399-1 -3.13 -3350.25 399-1 -6.5 -5990.62 399-1 -9.87 -8707.73 399-1 -13.24 -11501.49 399-1 14.44 2211.22 399-1 10.77 1682.68 399-1 7.1 1077.58 399-1 3.43 396.06 399-1 0.12 1.12 399-1 3.33 654.82 399-1 6.86 1233.59 399-1 10.38 1736.04 399-1 13.91 2161.95 399-1 -14.29 -3392.3 399-1 -10.77 -2429.94 399-1 -7.24 -1544.3 399-1 -3.72 -735.5 399-1 -0.55 -366.54 399-1 -3.91 -1199.49 399-1 -7.58 -2110.78 399-1 -11.25 -3099.02 399-1 -14.92 -4163.98 399-1 15.11 6035 399-1 11.62 4691.93 399-1 8.14 3166.14 399-1 4.66 1377.14 399-1 1.3 451.57 399-1 3.38 2868.92 399-1 6.49 4942.96 399-1 9.61 6753.81 399-1 12.73 8381.95 399-1 -12.22 -12552.62 399-1 -9.1 -8947.21 399-1 -5.99 -5524.56 399-1 -2.87 -2365.26 399-1 0.14 -757.07 399-1 -2.31 -3286.9 399-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.79 -9.27 -12.75 15.81 12.03 8.25 4.47 1.05 4.16 7.57 10.99 14.4 -12.93 -9.51 -6.09 -2.68 0.38 -3.09 -6.87 -10.64 -14.42 -0.69 -0.52 -0.36 -0.19 -0.02419 0.14 0.31 0.47 0.64 -0.69 -0.57 -0.46 -0.34 -0.23 -0.11 0.004132 0.12 0.24 -0.66 -0.53 -0.4 -0.27 -0.13 -0.002195

-6161.09 399-1 -9298.67 399-1 -12619 399-1 -457.05 399-1 -71.33 399-1 131.73 399-1 71.72 399-1 31.08 399-1 718.17 399-1 1063.12 399-1 1145.1 399-1 1044.44 399-1 -6060.57 399-1 -4183.96 399-1 -2490.14 399-1 -1059.84 399-1 -336.58 399-1 -1136.14 399-1 -2281.25 399-1 -3689.96 399-1 -5281.49 399-1 -2769.8 400-1 -1361.39 400-1 -361.07 400-1 190.33 400-1 251.99 400-1 -203.31 400-1 -1148.35 400-1 -2542.31 400-1 -4344.36 400-1 -3623.87 400-1 -1873.29 400-1 -545.42 400-1 251.88 400-1 410.69 400-1 -140.9 400-1 -1330.98 400-1 -3051.64 400-1 -5194.99 400-1 -3173.99 400-1 -1621.08 400-1 -463.54 400-1 218.1 400-1 343.27 400-1 -141.73 400-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.13 -1183.2 400-1 0.26 -2700.58 400-1 0.39 -4613.32 400-1 -0.65 -3157.95 400-1 -0.53 -1610.25 400-1 -0.4 -457.9 400-1 -0.27 218.53 400-1 -0.15 338.49 400-1 -0.02089 -151.71 400-1 0.11 -1198.38 400-1 0.23 -2720.97 400-1 0.36 -4638.91 400-1 8.47 9467.04 400-1 6.59 7320.06 400-1 4.71 5096.47 400-1 2.83 2796.34 400-1 0.96 420.18 400-1 1.14 1699.31 400-1 2.95 4105.84 400-1 4.86 6435.82 400-1 6.78 8689.19 400-1 -8.54 -11483.91 400-1 -6.62 -8694.1 400-1 -4.71 -5980.95 400-1 -2.8 -3344.52 400-1 -0.9 -785.33 400-1 -1.05 -2034.7 400-1 -2.82 -4564.73 400-1 -4.7 -7171.48 400-1 -6.58 -9854.9 400-1 10.42 2154.78 400-1 8.31 1730.68 400-1 6.21 1230.03 400-1 4.11 653.03 400-1 2.01 1.36 400-1 0.55 398.32 400-1 2.34 1081.71 400-1 4.48 1688.76 400-1 6.62 2219.25 400-1 -10.49 -4171.65 400-1 -8.35 -3104.72 400-1 -6.21 -2114.51 400-1 -4.08 -1201.21 400-1 -1.94 -366.51 400-1 -0.45 -733.71 400-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.21 -4.31 -6.42 7.85 6.08 4.31 2.54 0.78 1.07 2.98 5 7.02 -9.15 -7.13 -5.11 -3.09 -1.08 -1.12 -2.79 -4.56 -6.33 9.8 7.81 5.81 3.81 1.82 0.47 2.37 4.62 6.86 -11.1 -8.86 -6.61 -4.37 -2.13 -0.53 -2.18 -4.18 -6.17 0.07701 0.19 0.3 0.41 0.52 0.63

-1540.61 400-1 -2424.42 400-1 -3384.95 400-1 7324.82 400-1 6401.76 400-1 5083.37 400-1 3289.15 400-1 939.08 400-1 1710.75 400-1 3130 400-1 4073.42 400-1 4621.51 400-1 -13626.13 400-1 -9612.4 400-1 -5994.06 400-1 -2851.71 400-1 -266.43 400-1 -2023.25 400-1 -5540.57 400-1 -9533.89 400-1 -13922.58 400-1 12.56 400-1 812.38 400-1 1216.92 400-1 1145.84 400-1 520.26 400-1 409.77 400-1 105.87 400-1 -673.64 400-1 -1848.44 400-1 -6313.87 400-1 -4023.02 400-1 -2127.61 400-1 -708.39 400-1 152.38 400-1 -722.27 400-1 -2516.44 400-1 -4786.82 400-1 -7452.64 400-1 -15142.65 401-1 -10065.64 401-1 -5396.72 401-1 -1176.72 401-1 2553.54 401-1 5766.84 401-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.74 0.85 0.96 -1.07 -0.91 -0.75 -0.59 -0.43 -0.27 -0.1 0.05663 0.22 -0.53 -0.24 0.05772 0.35 0.64 0.94 1.23 1.52 1.82 -0.63 -0.61 -0.59 -0.57 -0.55 -0.53 -0.51 -0.49 -0.47 -0.21 -0.01736 0.18 0.37 0.56 0.75 0.94 1.14 1.33 -0.87 -0.77 -0.67 -0.57 -0.47 -0.37

8490.4 401-1 10765.04 401-1 12631.58 401-1 12683.42 401-2 10531.28 401-2 7971.06 401-2 4961.92 401-2 1463.03 401-2 -2552.81 401-2 -7058.4 401-2 -12012.9 401-2 -17375.5 401-2 -18448.06 401-1 -12265.61 401-1 -6505.85 401-1 -1276.68 401-1 3314.01 401-1 7194.29 401-1 10436.1 401-1 13147.32 401-1 15435.84 401-1 15470.91 401-2 12814.24 401-2 9734.87 401-2 6124.92 401-2 1876.49 401-2 -3082.35 401-2 -8679.67 401-2 -14807.57 401-2 -21358.17 401-2 -16403.36 401-1 -10906.96 401-1 -5805.92 401-1 -1180.8 401-1 2887.86 401-1 6346.35 401-1 9248.37 401-1 11674.49 401-1 13705.24 401-1 13743.58 401-2 11392.31 401-2 8645.69 401-2 5423.15 401-2 1644.15 401-2 -2745.02 401-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.27 -0.17 -0.06806 -0.29 -0.07671 0.14 0.35 0.57 0.78 1 1.21 1.43 -0.76 -0.69 -0.62 -0.55 -0.48 -0.41 -0.34 -0.27 -0.2 8.85 6.99 5.14 3.29 2.82 3.75 4.7 5.69 6.73 0.85 1.22 1.6 1.99 2.39 3.27 4.23 5.2 6.17 -7.37 -5.86 -4.35 -2.85 -2.72 -3.99

-7690.66 401-2 -13112.21 401-2 -18929.11 401-2 -16398.2 401-1 -10902.2 401-1 -5801.56 401-1 -1176.83 401-1 2891.43 401-1 6349.52 401-1 9251.15 401-1 11676.86 401-1 13707.22 401-1 13745.76 401-2 11393.71 401-2 8646.31 401-2 5423 401-2 1643.22 401-2 -2746.73 401-2 -7693.14 401-2 -13115.47 401-2 -18933.15 401-2 1539.6 401-1 2241.33 401-1 2866.56 401-1 3415.51 401-1 3888.71 401-1 4286.35 401-1 4607.95 401-1 4853.36 401-1 5281.24 401-1 5215.23 401-2 4947.24 401-2 4609.05 401-2 4194.89 401-2 3705.85 401-2 3141.72 401-2 2501.36 401-2 1784.47 401-2 990.99 401-2 -11511.24 401-1 -9144.71 401-1 -6854.95 401-1 -4642.17 401-1 -2506.91 401-1 -449.36 401-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.29 1530.97 401-1 -6.63 3434.22 401-1 -8.01 5001.73 401-1 -3.35 5047.45 401-2 -3.11 3106.96 401-2 -2.88 1083.41 401-2 -2.66 -1017.44 401-2 -2.45 -3196.68 401-2 -2.72 -5454.09 401-2 -3.08 -7788.53 401-2 -3.43 -10199.72 401-2 -3.79 -12687.58 401-2 17.81 -3007.58 401-1 12.95 -1727.95 401-1 8.1 -524.52 401-1 3.26 603.44 401-1 2.95 1657.68 401-1 7.28 2638.81 401-1 11.62 3545.05 401-1 15.97 4375.37 401-1 20.34 5207.02 401-1 3 5180.93 401-2 2.45 4321.01 401-2 1.9 3386.77 401-2 1.35 2377.56 401-2 0.85 1297.42 401-2 1.95 145.72 401-2 3.32 -1081.31 401-2 4.7 -2384.62 401-2 6.08 -3764.42 401-2 -16.33 -6964.06 401-1 -11.82 -5175.43 401-1 -7.32 -3463.87 401-1 -2.81 -1830.1 401-1 -2.85 -275.88 401-1 -7.53 1198.18 401-1 -12.21 2593.86 401-1 -16.91 3912.2 401-1 -21.62 5075.95 401-1 -5.5 5081.74 401-2 -4.34 3733.19 401-2 -3.18 2305.69 401-2 -2.03 799.89 401-2 -0.91 -788.24 401-2 -1.4 -2458.08 401-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.17 -2.94 -3.71 7.78 6.32 4.86 3.42 3.34 4.67 6.02 7.41 8.85 1.39 1.52 1.65 1.78 1.93 2.57 3.28 4 4.72 -8.44 -6.53 -4.62 -2.72 -2.2 -3.07 -3.98 -4.91 -5.9 -2.81 -2.82 -2.84 -2.86 -2.9 -3.42 -4.02 -4.63 -5.24 16.74 12.28 7.83 3.38 3.47 8.2

-4205.86 401-2 -6030.63 401-2 -7932.17 401-2 -9870.43 401-1 -5207.02 401-1 -938.82 401-1 2853.81 401-1 6090.86 401-1 8718.82 401-1 10790.89 401-1 12387.51 401-1 13847.87 401-1 13830.64 401-2 12314.49 401-2 10409.42 401-2 8029.1 401-2 5094.07 401-2 1550.4 401-2 -2549.33 401-2 -7124.86 401-2 -12095.7 401-2 -22921.27 401-1 -16593.06 401-1 -10660.33 401-1 -5203.87 401-1 -304.76 401-1 3983.1 401-1 7713.92 401-1 10968.37 401-1 13568.36 401-1 13662.86 401-2 10474.22 401-2 6883.78 401-2 2816.77 401-2 -1808.47 401-2 -7045.41 401-2 -12839.21 401-2 -19109.04 401-2 -25774.27 401-2 -14417.61 401-1 -9176.29 401-1 -4329.9 401-1 41.74 401-1 3859.83 401-1 7071.27 401-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

12.94 17.68 22.45 3.54 2.74 1.94 1.15 0.4 1.25 2.37 3.5 4.63 -17.4 -12.49 -7.59 -2.69 -2.33 -6.61 -10.89 -15.19 -19.5 -4.96 -4.04 -3.13 -2.23 -1.36 -2.1 -3.11 -4.13 -5.15 0.02394 0.18 0.34 0.5 0.66 0.82 0.98 1.13 1.29 -0.39 -0.4 -0.4 -0.41 -0.42 -0.42

9728 401-1 11909.52 401-1 13773.65 401-1 13796.34 401-2 11688.26 401-2 9187.14 401-2 6211.76 401-2 2685.63 401-2 -1445.6 401-2 -6132 401-2 -11293.94 401-2 -16851.11 401-2 -18374.09 401-1 -12623.78 401-1 -7269.26 401-1 -2391.8 401-1 1926.27 401-1 5630.65 401-1 8776.81 401-1 11446.35 401-1 13642.58 401-1 13697.16 401-2 11100.44 401-2 8106.06 401-2 4634.1 401-2 599.97 401-2 -4049.4 401-2 -9256.54 401-2 -14939.95 401-2 -21018.86 401-2 -16998.53 402-1 -11769.33 402-1 -6948.23 402-1 -2576.04 402-1 1306.4 402-1 4671.89 402-1 7547.63 402-1 9974.46 402-1 11993.19 402-1 11993.97 402-2 9963.88 402-2 7525.69 402-2 4638.58 402-2 1261.74 402-2 -2632.07 402-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.43 -0.44 -0.44 -0.7 -0.32 0.05664 0.43 0.81 1.19 1.56 1.94 2.32 -0.01808 -0.15 -0.28 -0.41 -0.54 -0.66 -0.79 -0.92 -1.05 -0.32 -0.06189 0.2 0.46 0.71 0.97 1.23 1.49 1.75 -0.32 -0.36 -0.39 -0.43 -0.47 -0.5 -0.54 -0.58 -0.61 -0.41 -0.13 0.15 0.44 0.72 1

-7015.61 402-2 -11848.08 402-2 -17088.64 402-2 -20823.61 402-1 -14458.35 402-1 -8515.8 402-1 -3103.83 402-1 1669.66 402-1 5732.74 402-1 9157.35 402-1 12051.36 402-1 14522.69 402-1 14524.01 402-2 12053.21 402-2 9159.71 402-2 5735.62 402-2 1673.06 402-2 -3099.91 402-2 -8511.36 402-2 -14453.39 402-2 -20818.12 402-2 -18474.34 402-1 -12815.88 402-1 -7552.77 402-1 -2765.58 402-1 1465.14 402-1 5085.7 402-1 8149.79 402-1 10737.97 402-1 12930.79 402-1 12931.88 402-2 10735.21 402-2 8143.18 402-2 5075.24 402-2 1450.84 402-2 -2783.74 402-2 -7574.78 402-2 -12841.74 402-2 -18504.05 402-2 -18477.95 402-1 -12818.95 402-1 -7555.3 402-1 -2767.57 402-1 1463.7 402-1 5084.8 402-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.28 8149.43 402-1 1.57 10738.15 402-1 1.85 12931.51 402-1 -0.16 12932.59 402-2 -0.24 10735.82 402-2 -0.32 8143.7 402-2 -0.39 5075.67 402-2 -0.47 1451.17 402-2 -0.54 -2783.5 402-2 -0.62 -7574.64 402-2 -0.7 -12841.69 402-2 -0.77 -18504.1 402-2 7.11 1091.13 402-1 5.89 1817.02 402-1 4.67 2466.32 402-1 3.46 3039.14 402-1 3.55 3536.02 402-1 4.33 3958.58 402-1 5.1 4305.79 402-1 5.88 4576.62 402-1 6.66 4849.92 402-1 3.53 4840.38 402-2 3.38 4587.06 402-2 3.24 4315.09 402-2 3.1 3966.66 402-2 2.97 3542.36 402-2 4.15 3043.47 402-2 5.57 2469.05 402-2 6.99 1818.24 402-2 8.42 1090.86 402-2 -5.48 -12358.91 402-1 -4.61 -9939.82 402-1 -3.73 -7597.4 402-1 -2.87 -5331.76 402-1 -3.3 -3143.46 402-1 -4.43 -1034.11 402-1 -5.55 997.34 402-1 -6.68 2951.89 402-1 -7.8 4750.71 402-1 -7.05 4761.77 402-2 -6.05 2942.45 402-2 -5.07 988.53 402-2 -4.09 -1042.21 402-2 -3.12 -3150.33 402-2 -3.46 -5337.15 402-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-4.04 -7601.69 402-2 -4.63 -9943.11 402-2 -5.21 -12361.23 402-2 12.8 -3584.79 402-1 9.3 -2273.54 402-1 5.79 -1038.78 402-1 2.29 119.82 402-1 3.14 1204.13 402-1 6.27 2219.54 402-1 9.4 3162.54 402-1 12.53 4029.7 402-1 15.67 4844.16 402-1 9.63 4842.06 402-2 7.52 4033.92 402-2 5.41 3166.7 402-2 3.3 2223.4 402-2 1.24 1205.96 402-2 3.49 118.74 402-2 6.57 -1041.46 402-2 9.65 -2277.5 402-2 12.73 -3589.94 402-2 -11.17 -7682.99 402-1 -8.01 -5849.25 402-1 -4.85 -4092.3 402-1 -1.7 -2412.45 402-1 -2.89 -811.58 402-1 -6.37 704.94 402-1 -9.85 2140.59 402-1 -13.33 3498.81 402-1 -16.81 4756.47 402-1 -13.14 4760.09 402-2 -10.19 3495.6 402-2 -7.24 2136.92 402-2 -4.3 701.05 402-2 -1.39 -813.94 402-2 -2.81 -2412.41 402-2 -5.04 -4091.19 402-2 -7.28 -5847.38 402-2 -9.52 -7680.44 402-2 5.84 -11754.57 402-1 5.09 -6941.92 402-1 4.34 -2524.59 402-1 3.59 1416.98 402-1 4.15 4802.78 402-1 5.39 7580.73 402-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.63 7.88 9.13 5.2 4.53 3.87 3.22 2.58 3.24 4.15 5.06 5.97 -6.75 -5.41 -4.07 -2.74 -2.71 -3.36 -4.02 -4.68 -5.34 -5.38 -4.91 -4.43 -3.97 -3.52 -4.37 -5.46 -6.56 -7.66 11.53 8.49 5.45 2.42 3.74 7.33 10.93 14.53 18.13 11.29 8.67 6.04 3.43 0.84 2.59

9803.49 402-1 11550.59 402-1 12981.44 402-1 12972.22 402-2 11558.41 402-2 9807.22 402-2 7580.3 402-2 4797.66 402-2 1406.91 402-2 -2539.2 402-2 -6960.99 402-2 -11778.07 402-2 -25204.61 402-1 -18698.76 402-1 -12588.31 402-1 -6953.92 402-1 -1876.7 402-1 2588.04 402-1 6495.04 402-1 9925.87 402-1 12882.24 402-1 12893.6 402-2 9913.8 402-2 6480.66 402-2 2571.42 402-2 -1895.03 402-2 -6973.71 402-2 -12609.95 402-2 -18722.34 402-2 -25230.16 402-2 -16430.49 402-1 -11032.49 402-1 -6029.69 402-1 -1502.33 402-1 2470.9 402-1 5841.69 402-1 8660.24 402-1 11003.67 402-1 12975.69 402-1 12973.9 402-2 11005.26 402-2 8658.83 402-2 5837.03 402-2 2461.26 402-2 -1517.82 402-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.15 7.71 10.28 -12.44 -8.82 -5.19 -1.57 -2.3 -5.31 -8.32 -11.33 -14.34 -11.48 -9.04 -6.61 -4.18 -1.78 -3.71 -6.46 -9.22 -11.97 0.08602 0.29 0.5 0.71 0.92 1.13 1.34 1.55 1.76 -0.04396 -0.09247 -0.14 -0.19 -0.24 -0.29 -0.34 -0.38 -0.43 -0.55 -0.13 0.29 0.72 1.14 1.56

-6049.71 402-2 -11056.73 402-2 -16458.87 402-2 -20528.69 402-1 -14608.2 402-1 -9083.21 402-1 -4034.61 402-1 455.19 402-1 4327.08 402-1 7638.29 402-1 10472.79 402-1 12887.99 402-1 12891.92 402-2 10466.94 402-2 7629.05 402-2 4314.69 402-2 441.37 402-2 -4048.97 402-2 -9099.44 402-2 -14626.61 402-2 -20549.37 402-2 -17110.82 403-1 -11843.24 403-1 -6983.76 403-1 -2573.19 403-1 1347.63 403-1 4751.49 403-1 7665.61 403-1 10130.82 403-1 12187.93 403-1 12179.59 403-2 10223.11 403-2 7858.53 403-2 5045.04 403-2 1741.81 403-2 -2078.39 403-2 -6388.32 403-2 -11147.17 403-2 -16314.12 403-2 -20840.53 403-1 -14455.7 403-1 -8493.57 403-1 -3062.03 403-1 1731.04 403-1 5813.7 403-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.98 2.4 2.83 0.31 0.2 0.08276 -0.03102 -0.14 -0.26 -0.37 -0.49 -0.6 -0.22 0.08736 0.4 0.71 1.02 1.33 1.64 1.95 2.26 0.02964 -0.01895 -0.06755 -0.12 -0.16 -0.21 -0.26 -0.31 -0.36 -0.3 0.02463 0.35 0.68 1.01 1.34 1.66 1.99 2.32 0.16 0.0768 -0.00436 -0.08552 -0.17 -0.25

9257.88 403-1 12171.47 403-1 14662.37 403-1 14646.91 403-2 12243.91 403-2 9418.21 403-2 6061.93 403-2 2067.17 403-2 -2638 403-2 -7981.65 403-2 -13855.89 403-2 -20152.81 403-2 -18524.56 403-1 -12841.07 403-1 -7552.94 403-1 -2740.71 403-1 1515.04 403-1 5160.63 403-1 8249.75 403-1 10862.95 403-1 13080.8 403-1 13068.79 403-2 10938.08 403-2 8412.01 403-2 5410.04 403-2 1851.59 403-2 -2317.02 403-2 -7042.1 403-2 -12243.09 403-2 -17839.44 403-2 -18525.14 403-1 -12841.5 403-1 -7553.21 403-1 -2740.84 403-1 1515.06 403-1 5160.8 403-1 8250.07 403-1 10863.42 403-1 13081.42 403-1 13069.13 403-2 10938.39 403-2 8412.29 403-2 5410.28 403-2 1851.81 403-2 -2316.84 403-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.33 -0.41 -0.49 4.65 4.39 4.13 4.07 4.58 5.1 5.62 6.14 6.66 5.35 4.64 3.94 3.25 2.59 3.83 5.29 6.76 8.23 -3.12 -3.09 -3.06 -3.24 -3.97 -4.72 -5.48 -6.23 -6.99 -7.72 -6.44 -5.17 -3.91 -2.67 -3.34 -4.23 -5.13 -6.03 5.22 3.87 2.54 1.9 3.1 4.36

-7041.95 403-2 -12242.97 403-2 -17839.35 403-2 1087.42 403-1 1818.92 403-1 2473.84 403-1 3052.28 403-1 3554.61 403-1 3981.59 403-1 4332.94 403-1 4607.96 403-1 4863.52 403-1 4872.34 403-2 4599.93 403-2 4327.99 403-2 3979.68 403-2 3555.5 403-2 3055.76 403-2 2479.93 403-2 1827.64 403-2 1098.79 403-2 -12370.63 403-1 -9948.3 403-1 -7602.65 403-1 -5333.79 403-1 -3142.07 403-1 -1028.29 403-1 1007.87 403-1 2967.09 403-1 4792.5 403-1 4782.56 403-2 2975.22 403-2 1014.14 403-2 -1023.84 403-2 -3139.2 403-2 -5332.29 403-2 -7602.54 403-2 -9949.6 403-2 -12373.36 403-2 -3598.69 403-1 -2280.63 403-1 -1039 403-1 126.49 403-1 1217.06 403-1 2235.31 403-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5.62 3180.25 403-1 6.89 4049.59 403-1 8.16 4859.74 403-1 14.14 4860.22 403-2 10.86 4046.1 403-2 7.59 3178.76 403-2 4.32 2235.66 403-2 1.14 1218.46 403-2 4.3 128.23 403-2 8.19 -1036.85 403-2 12.1 -2277.98 403-2 16.01 -3595.51 403-2 -3.69 -7684.52 403-1 -2.57 -5848.75 403-1 -1.47 -4089.8 403-1 -1.06 -2407.99 403-1 -2.49 -804.53 403-1 -3.99 717.99 403-1 -5.49 2160.56 403-1 -6.99 3525.46 403-1 -8.49 4796.28 403-1 -16.51 4794.68 403-2 -12.66 3529.05 403-2 -8.82 2163.37 403-2 -4.98 720.19 403-2 -1.23 -802.16 403-2 -3.81 -2404.75 403-2 -7.14 -4085.76 403-2 -10.47 -5843.98 403-2 -13.8 -7679.06 403-2 3.55 -11796.37 403-1 3.73 -6958.08 403-1 3.92 -2515.09 403-1 4.33 1452.13 403-1 5.28 4863.41 403-1 6.25 7665.81 403-1 7.22 9912.74 403-1 8.2 11684.07 403-1 9.17 13117.22 403-1 6.75 13114.18 403-2 5.66 11750.89 403-2 4.58 10069.34 403-2 3.51 7912.15 403-2 2.46 5199.26 403-2 3.32 1877.27 403-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.4 5.49 6.58 -4.23 -3.74 -3.26 -2.99 -3.27 -3.57 -3.87 -4.17 -4.48 -6.32 -5.42 -4.53 -3.65 -2.8 -3.85 -5.12 -6.4 -7.68 4.12 3.22 2.33 2.15 3.8 5.51 7.23 8.95 10.67 15.54 11.88 8.23 4.58 1.02 3.79 7.31 10.83 14.35 -4.8 -3.23 -1.67 -0.81 -1.79 -2.83

-2000.64 403-2 -6354.29 403-2 -11103.24 403-2 -25254.42 403-1 -18725.3 403-1 -12591.59 403-1 -6933.94 403-1 -1833.27 403-1 2655.94 403-1 6587.68 403-1 10043.2 403-1 13046.19 403-1 13024.39 403-2 10126.18 403-2 6755.49 403-2 2908.64 403-2 -1495.44 403-2 -6510.78 403-2 -12083.11 403-2 -18131.53 403-2 -24575.38 403-2 -16482.48 403-1 -11057.63 403-1 -6027.94 403-1 -1473.66 403-1 2525.86 403-1 5919.54 403-1 8760.06 403-1 11125.7 403-1 13113.43 403-1 13102.06 403-2 11197.06 403-2 8920.12 403-2 6168.13 403-2 2862.22 403-2 -1050.26 403-2 -5517.42 403-2 -10459.91 403-2 -15797.53 403-2 -20568.32 403-1 -14625.75 403-1 -9078.74 403-1 -4008.14 403-1 504.28 403-1 4402.21 403-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.88 -4.93 -5.98 -15.11 -11.64 -8.18 -4.72 -1.35 -4.32 -8.03 -11.74 -15.46 1.75 1.33 0.91 0.49 0.06621 -0.35 -0.78 -1.2 -1.62 -0.13 -0.0482 0.03618 0.12 0.2 0.29 0.37 0.46 0.54 1.42 1.05 0.69 0.33 -0.03199 -0.39 -0.76 -1.12 -1.48 0.67 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.21 0.09522

7740.36 403-1 10601.57 403-1 13049.98 403-1 13036.51 403-2 10680 403-2 7904.72 403-2 4652.66 403-2 841.6 403-2 -3583.24 403-2 -8566.33 403-2 -14025.92 403-2 -19881.08 403-2 -12632.93 404-1 -9143.61 404-1 -5814.33 404-1 -2685.91 404-1 200.84 404-1 2818.69 404-1 5194.86 404-1 7370.18 404-1 9385.46 404-1 9381.71 404-2 7358.79 404-2 5175.85 404-2 2792.04 404-2 166.56 404-2 -2727.82 404-2 -5863.88 404-2 -9200.79 404-2 -12697.73 404-2 -16907 404-1 -12066.16 404-1 -7435.38 404-1 -3122.57 404-1 764.38 404-1 4153.56 404-1 7116.88 404-1 9762.24 404-1 12197.53 404-1 12191.13 404-2 9751.66 404-2 7102.11 404-2 4134.61 404-2 741.25 404-2 -3149.89 404-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.01967 -0.13 -0.25 1.63 1.23 0.83 0.42 0.02094 -0.38 -0.78 -1.19 -1.59 0.26 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.14 1.48 1.11 0.74 0.37 0.004152 -0.36 -0.73 -1.1 -1.47 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.2 0.16 0.12 0.07604 0.03559 14.19 11.24 8.29 5.34 2.58 0.82

-7466.89 404-2 -12101.84 404-2 -16946.87 404-2 -14627.88 404-1 -10480.63 404-1 -6516.12 404-1 -2814.89 404-1 542.5 404-1 3502.34 404-1 6118.34 404-1 8471.06 404-1 10641.04 404-1 10635.83 404-2 8460.78 404-2 6103 404-2 3481.93 404-2 517.02 404-2 -2845.43 404-2 -6551.73 404-2 -10521.31 404-2 -14673.63 404-2 -14627.52 404-1 -10480.41 404-1 -6516.02 404-1 -2814.93 404-1 542.32 404-1 3502.03 404-1 6117.9 404-1 8470.48 404-1 10640.33 404-1 10635.13 404-2 8460.21 404-2 6102.56 404-2 3481.62 404-2 516.85 404-2 -2845.47 404-2 -6551.64 404-2 -10521.09 404-2 -14673.27 404-2 1115.63 404-1 1838.36 404-1 2484.52 404-1 3054.23 404-1 3548.5 404-1 3969.28 404-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.14 4314.47 404-1 4.11 4583.2 404-1 6.09 4851.33 404-1 2.08 4844.1 404-2 2.02 4592.41 404-2 2.14 4322.56 404-2 2.27 3976.23 404-2 2.4 3553.87 404-2 2.9 3056.85 404-2 4.24 2484.98 404-2 5.58 1836.95 404-2 6.92 1112.43 404-2 -9.7 -12370 404-1 -7.73 -9949.22 404-1 -5.76 -7605.14 404-1 -3.79 -5337.88 404-1 -1.99 -3148.44 404-1 -1.21 -1038.78 404-1 -3.51 993.21 404-1 -6.45 2948.39 404-1 -9.4 4750.89 404-1 -3.9 4761.12 404-2 -3.38 2943.2 404-2 -3.02 990.17 404-2 -2.68 -1039.65 404-2 -2.33 -3146.7 404-2 -2.36 -5332.36 404-2 -3.22 -7596.42 404-2 -4.09 -9937.61 404-2 -4.95 -12355.57 404-2 12.82 -3568 404-1 9.78 -2259.81 404-1 6.74 -1028.07 404-1 3.7 127.67 404-1 1.27 1210.74 404-1 2.19 2227.66 404-1 4.06 3171.42 404-1 6.12 4039.12 404-1 8.18 4853.15 404-1 8.6 4852.17 404-2 6.92 4044.35 404-2 5.29 3177.62 404-2 3.66 2234.8 404-2 2.03 1217.33 404-2 1.62 129.81 404-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.02 -1028.42 404-2 6.42 -2261.67 404-2 8.82 -3571.09 404-2 -8.34 -7686.37 404-1 -6.27 -5851.05 404-1 -4.21 -4092.55 404-1 -2.15 -2411.31 404-1 -0.69 -810.68 404-1 -2.58 702.84 404-1 -5.42 2136.26 404-1 -8.46 3492.47 404-1 -11.5 4749.08 404-1 -10.43 4753.05 404-2 -8.27 3491.26 404-2 -6.17 2135.11 404-2 -4.07 701.79 404-2 -1.96 -810.15 404-2 -1.08 -2405.32 404-2 -3 -4083.03 404-2 -4.93 -5838.99 404-2 -6.85 -7672.05 404-2 13.35 -7884.54 404-1 10.54 -4586.51 404-1 7.72 -1471.16 404-1 4.91 1381.1 404-1 2.28 3890.71 404-1 0.66 6005.92 404-1 2.12 7778.33 404-1 4.22 9287.63 404-1 6.33 10690.23 404-1 3.39 10676.29 404-2 3.05 9284.55 404-2 2.88 7768.55 404-2 2.72 5989.42 404-2 2.57 3867.05 404-2 2.77 1349.11 404-2 3.82 -1510.89 404-2 4.87 -4633.7 404-2 5.93 -7939.1 404-2 -10.54 -21370.17 404-1 -8.43 -16374.09 404-1 -6.32 -11560.81 404-1 -4.22 -7011 404-1 -2.29 -2806.22 404-1 -1.37 997.87 404-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.53 -6.34 -9.15 -2.59 -2.35 -2.28 -2.23 -2.17 -2.48 -3.64 -4.79 -5.95 11.98 9.08 6.17 3.27 0.98 2.03 4.03 6.23 8.43 9.92 7.95 6.03 4.11 2.2 1.5 3.6 5.71 7.83 -9.17 -6.97 -4.77 -2.58 -0.98 -2.74 -5.45 -8.35 -11.25 -9.12 -7.25 -5.43 -3.61 -1.8 -1.21

4457.07 404-1 7652.82 404-1 10589.79 404-1 10593.32 404-2 7635.34 404-2 4436.17 404-2 973.55 404-2 -2833.51 404-2 -7040.1 404-2 -11592.29 404-2 -16408.26 404-2 -21407.1 404-2 -12568.17 404-1 -8684.68 404-1 -4983.75 404-1 -1545.46 404-1 1552.95 404-1 4264.3 404-1 6635.28 404-1 8743.55 404-1 10692.05 404-1 10684.36 404-2 8736.49 404-2 6623.62 404-2 4247.99 404-2 1530.51 404-2 -1577.93 404-2 -5024.29 404-2 -8732.32 404-2 -12622.63 404-2 -16686.54 404-1 -12275.92 404-1 -8048.22 404-1 -4084.44 404-1 -468.46 404-1 2739.49 404-1 5600.12 404-1 8196.9 404-1 10587.98 404-1 10585.25 404-2 8183.4 404-2 5581.1 404-2 2714.98 404-2 -496.97 404-2 -4113.06 404-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.41 -5.63 -7.85 -1.55 -1.32 -1.08 -0.85 -0.62 -0.39 -0.15 0.07786 0.31 0.47 0.54 0.61 0.68 0.75 0.82 0.89 0.96 1.03 -1.97 -1.64 -1.32 -0.99 -0.67 -0.34 -0.01783 0.31 0.63 1.39 1.28 1.16 1.05 0.93 0.82 0.71 0.59 0.48 -1.57 -1.33 -1.09 -0.84 -0.6 -0.36

-8078.9 404-2 -12309.65 404-2 -16723.58 404-2 -16333.24 405-1 -11154.8 405-1 -6384.46 405-1 -2063.03 405-1 1768.65 405-1 5083.38 405-1 7908.37 405-1 10284.43 405-1 12252.41 405-1 12254.11 405-2 10173.94 405-2 7685.67 405-2 4748.49 405-2 1321.56 405-2 -2622.32 405-2 -7055.95 405-2 -11938.49 405-2 -17229.13 405-2 -20200.6 405-1 -13888.76 405-1 -7999.61 405-1 -2641.06 405-1 2079.02 405-1 6088.7 405-1 9459.89 405-1 12300.5 405-1 14718.41 405-1 14725.18 405-2 12216.47 405-2 9285.07 405-2 5823.08 405-2 1722.61 405-2 -3088.27 405-2 -8537.62 405-2 -14517.56 405-2 -20920.2 405-2 -17875.45 405-1 -12266.09 405-1 -7052.09 405-1 -2314 405-1 1867.63 405-1 5439.09 405-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.12 0.12 0.36 0.91 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.72 -1.7 -1.43 -1.16 -0.89 -0.61 -0.34 -0.06945 0.2 0.48 1.01 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.82 0.78 0.73 0.69 0.64 5.64 4.4 3.18 1.98 0.81 1.31 2.09 2.88 3.67 2.88 2.83 2.78 2.74 2.7 2.66

8454.08 405-1 10993.16 405-1 13136.88 405-1 13141.33 405-2 10904.94 405-2 8273.19 405-2 5165.52 405-2 1501.39 405-2 -2772.91 405-2 -7603.67 405-2 -12910.35 405-2 -18612.38 405-2 -17875.36 405-1 -12265.97 405-1 -7051.93 405-1 -2313.81 405-1 1867.85 405-1 5439.34 405-1 8454.36 405-1 10993.47 405-1 13137.22 405-1 13141.95 405-2 10905.41 405-2 8273.51 405-2 5165.69 405-2 1501.41 405-2 -2773.03 405-2 -7603.95 405-2 -12910.77 405-2 -18612.96 405-2 1087.38 405-1 1818.34 405-1 2472.74 405-1 3050.66 405-1 3552.39 405-1 3978.47 405-1 4328.88 405-1 4603.08 405-1 4868.96 405-1 4865.24 405-2 4604.03 405-2 4331.42 405-2 3982.55 405-2 3558.27 405-2 3058.67 405-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.09 2482.87 405-2 4.05 1830.56 405-2 5.03 1101.67 405-2 -3.52 -12382.19 405-1 -2.79 -9957.8 405-1 -2.08 -7610.11 405-1 -1.38 -5339.21 405-1 -0.72 -3145.38 405-1 -1.73 -1029.17 405-1 -3.02 1009.44 405-1 -4.31 2970.99 405-1 -5.61 4787.59 405-1 -4.75 4785.89 405-2 -4.24 2969.29 405-2 -3.73 1010.84 405-2 -3.23 -1024.62 405-2 -2.73 -3137.94 405-2 -2.24 -5329.21 405-2 -2.21 -7597.54 405-2 -2.71 -9942.63 405-2 -3.23 -12364.4 405-2 14.65 -3602.44 405-1 11.15 -2283.71 405-1 7.65 -1041.38 405-1 4.15 124.84 405-1 0.73 1215.89 405-1 2.83 2233.59 405-1 5.84 3177.87 405-1 8.86 4046.92 405-1 11.88 4860.29 405-1 8.78 4858.83 405-2 7.38 4047.8 405-2 5.98 3180.04 405-2 4.59 2236.9 405-2 3.2 1221.2 405-2 1.83 133.24 405-2 2.02 -1029.91 405-2 3.97 -2269.27 405-2 5.96 -3585.1 405-2 -12.54 -7692.36 405-1 -9.54 -5855.74 405-1 -6.54 -4095.98 405-1 -3.56 -2413.39 405-1 -0.65 -808.88 405-1 -3.25 715.7 405-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.77 -10.29 -13.82 -10.65 -8.79 -6.93 -5.08 -3.23 -1.41 -1.13 -2.63 -4.16 2.81 2.12 1.44 0.77 0.15 1.19 2.51 3.83 5.17 4.87 4.53 4.2 3.87 3.54 3.22 3.37 4.04 4.73 -6.35 -5.08 -3.82 -2.59 -1.39 -1.85 -2.6 -3.35 -4.12 -2.76 -2.54 -2.32 -2.1 -1.88 -1.68

2160.44 405-1 3527.15 405-1 4796.27 405-1 4792.29 405-2 3525.53 405-2 2162.22 405-2 721.03 405-2 -800.87 405-2 -2403.77 405-2 -4084.76 405-2 -5842.8 405-2 -7677.63 405-2 -11140.53 405-1 -6377.84 405-1 -2010.44 405-1 1881.21 405-1 5216.83 405-1 7943.27 405-1 10114.21 405-1 11809.65 405-1 13178.06 405-1 13181.91 405-2 11722.99 405-2 9933.94 405-2 7669.36 405-2 4849.53 405-2 1420.85 405-2 -2563.87 405-2 -7024.37 405-2 -11880.18 405-2 -24610.1 405-1 -18153.98 405-1 -12093.29 405-1 -6508.66 405-1 -1480.94 405-1 2935.63 405-1 6794.76 405-1 10177.57 405-1 13096.69 405-1 13102.56 405-2 10088.25 405-2 6613.36 405-2 2662.18 405-2 -1846.68 405-2 -6967.03 405-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.93 -2.72 -3.52 11.83 8.86 5.9 2.95 0.06988 2.71 6.26 9.81 13.37 10.77 9.08 7.4 5.72 4.04 2.39 2.29 3.96 5.66 -15.36 -11.82 -8.29 -4.76 -1.31 -3.38 -6.35 -9.33 -12.32 -8.67 -7.09 -5.52 -3.95 -2.38 -0.85 -0.86 -2.64 -4.46 -0.48 -0.45 -0.42 -0.39 -0.36 -0.33

-12644.28 405-2 -18797.57 405-2 -25346.26 405-2 -15830.36 405-1 -10479.9 405-1 -5524.56 405-1 -1044.61 405-1 2880.33 405-1 6198.39 405-1 8963.2 405-1 11253.49 405-1 13169.39 405-1 13175.5 405-2 11166.76 405-2 8782.56 405-2 5923.71 405-2 2512.46 405-2 -1504.59 405-2 -6076.65 405-2 -11124.2 405-2 -16566.95 405-2 -19920.28 405-1 -14051.93 405-1 -8579.16 405-1 -3582.84 405-1 855.56 405-1 4680.51 405-1 7945.77 405-1 10733.73 405-1 13105.37 405-1 13108.96 405-2 10644.49 405-2 7764.75 405-2 4407.84 405-2 490.39 405-2 -4041.59 405-2 -9131.5 405-2 -14697.73 405-2 -20659.49 405-2 -17205.57 406-1 -11932.08 406-1 -7066.68 406-1 -2650.2 406-1 1276.55 406-1 4686.33 406-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.3 -0.27 -0.25 1.04 0.95 0.86 0.77 0.68 0.59 0.5 0.41 0.32 -1 -0.86 -0.72 -0.58 -0.44 -0.3 -0.16 -0.0198 0.12 2.08 1.76 1.44 1.12 0.8 0.48 0.16 -0.16 -0.49 -0.59 -0.54 -0.48 -0.43 -0.38 -0.32 -0.27 -0.22 -0.16 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5

7606.37 406-1 10077.49 406-1 12140.52 406-1 12137.9 406-2 10113.45 406-2 7680.92 406-2 4799.46 406-2 1428.26 406-2 -2459.89 406-2 -6837.79 406-2 -11664.61 406-2 -16899.52 406-2 -20938.19 406-1 -14543.52 406-1 -8571.55 406-1 -3130.17 406-1 1672.74 406-1 5765.24 406-1 9219.26 406-1 12142.69 406-1 14643.43 406-1 14639.59 406-2 12165.3 406-2 9268.31 406-2 5840.74 406-2 1774.68 406-2 -3001.77 406-2 -8416.71 406-2 -14362.24 406-2 -20730.45 406-2 -18616.68 406-1 -12925.07 406-1 -7628.82 406-1 -2808.48 406-1 1455.4 406-1 5109.1 406-1 8206.34 406-1 10827.66 406-1 13053.63 406-1 13050.37 406-2 10853.86 406-2 8261.99 406-2 5194.2 406-2 1569.95 406-2 -2664.46 406-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.3 0.1 -0.09671 -0.75 -0.66 -0.57 -0.48 -0.39 -0.3 -0.21 -0.12 -0.02689 1.61 1.39 1.16 0.94 0.71 0.49 0.26 0.03862 -0.19 6.59 5.57 4.55 3.54 2.53 2.1 2.37 2.64 2.91 5.26 4.98 4.71 4.44 4.19 3.93 4.93 6.53 8.14 -3.25 -3.01 -2.78 -2.55 -2.33 -2.69

-7455.35 406-2 -12722.14 406-2 -18384.3 406-2 -18616.72 406-1 -12925.02 406-1 -7628.67 406-1 -2808.24 406-1 1455.72 406-1 5109.52 406-1 8206.85 406-1 10828.27 406-1 13054.33 406-1 13051.09 406-2 10854.03 406-2 8261.62 406-2 5193.3 406-2 1568.51 406-2 -2666.45 406-2 -7457.87 406-2 -12725.21 406-2 -18387.91 406-2 1077.35 406-1 1806.95 406-1 2460.06 406-1 3036.93 406-1 3538.38 406-1 3964.63 406-1 4314.79 406-1 4588.5 406-1 4843.15 406-1 4853.12 406-2 4581.15 406-2 4312.04 406-2 3966.71 406-2 3546.71 406-2 3052.12 406-2 2481.33 406-2 1834.01 406-2 1110.09 406-2 -12371.65 406-1 -9951.95 406-1 -7609.02 406-1 -5343.13 406-1 -3155.08 406-1 -1045.1 406-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.74 987.71 406-1 -4.8 2943.7 406-1 -5.86 4765.48 406-1 -7.02 4754.04 406-2 -6.29 2957.36 406-2 -5.58 1004.55 406-2 -4.88 -1025.31 406-2 -4.18 -3133.76 406-2 -3.48 -5320.89 406-2 -4.03 -7585.08 406-2 -5.19 -9926.01 406-2 -6.35 -12343.61 406-2 11.88 -3605.86 406-1 9.38 -2290.64 406-1 6.87 -1051.62 406-1 4.37 112.1 406-1 1.87 1203.25 406-1 1.31 2222.51 406-1 3.04 3166.95 406-1 4.77 4035.3 406-1 6.5 4844.5 406-1 15.99 4846.8 406-2 13.24 4033.56 406-2 10.49 3167.81 406-2 7.75 2226.77 406-2 5.01 1215.62 406-2 2.28 134.65 406-2 3.7 -1021.52 406-2 7.15 -2253.98 406-2 10.61 -3562.97 406-2 -8.54 -7688.44 406-1 -6.82 -5854.36 406-1 -5.1 -4097.34 406-1 -3.39 -2418.3 406-1 -1.67 -819.95 406-1 -1.9 697.03 406-1 -4.42 2135.56 406-1 -6.93 3496.9 406-1 -9.45 4764.14 406-1 -17.75 4760.36 406-2 -14.56 3504.95 406-2 -11.37 2148.78 406-2 -8.18 714.64 406-2 -5 -802.66 406-2 -1.82 -2403.41 406-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.8 -5.81 -8.82 4.09 3.57 3.05 2.54 2.03 2.11 2.88 3.64 4.42 7.8 7.06 6.34 5.62 4.9 4.19 4.73 5.87 7.02 -5.75 -5.01 -4.28 -3.55 -2.83 -2.69 -3.24 -3.79 -4.35 -4.47 -4.21 -3.95 -3.71 -3.46 -3.22 -4.23 -5.85 -7.47 9.38 7.38 5.38 3.37 1.38 1.32

-4082.23 406-2 -5838.02 406-2 -7670.56 406-2 -11892.25 406-1 -7045.54 406-1 -2594.07 406-1 1381.89 406-1 4802.61 406-1 7614.58 406-1 9870.63 406-1 11650.95 406-1 13093.49 406-1 13100.95 406-2 11666.01 406-2 9915.2 406-2 7688.9 406-2 4908.09 406-2 1519.15 406-2 -2425.82 406-2 -6846.6 406-2 -11662.7 406-2 -25341.24 406-1 -18804.45 406-1 -12663.15 406-1 -6998.16 406-1 -1890.86 406-1 2604.85 406-1 6543.55 406-1 10006.15 406-1 13015.82 406-1 13001.87 406-2 10042.21 406-2 6607.71 406-2 2696.88 406-2 -1772.38 406-2 -6853.86 406-2 -12492.23 406-2 -18606.62 406-2 -25116.4 406-2 -16575.46 406-1 -11143.14 406-1 -6105.75 406-1 -1542.94 406-1 2467.47 406-1 5872.46 406-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.55 5.78 8.01 18.53 15.32 12.12 8.92 5.72 2.53 3.5 6.49 9.49 -11.04 -8.82 -6.6 -4.38 -2.17 -1.9 -3.91 -5.92 -7.94 -15.2 -12.47 -9.74 -7.01 -4.28 -1.57 -3 -6.47 -9.94 0.96 0.63 0.29 -0.04575 -0.38 -0.72 -1.05 -1.39 -1.73 2.27 1.94 1.6 1.27 0.94 0.6

8722.78 406-1 11097.75 406-1 13094.83 406-1 13094.63 406-2 11118.41 406-2 8770.97 406-2 5948.95 406-2 2576.99 406-2 -1398.32 406-2 -5928.67 406-2 -10934.59 406-2 -16335.75 406-2 -20658.03 406-1 -14706.86 406-1 -9151.47 406-1 -4073.34 406-1 444.27 406-1 4346.97 406-1 7691.39 406-1 10559.35 406-1 13014.48 406-1 13008.19 406-2 10589.81 406-2 7751.94 406-2 4436.82 406-2 558.71 406-2 -3936.38 406-2 -8989.38 406-2 -14518.62 406-2 -20443.34 406-2 -16384.69 407-1 -11280.94 407-1 -6585.28 407-1 -2338.54 407-1 1418.45 407-1 4658.49 407-1 7408.79 407-1 9710.16 407-1 11603.45 407-1 11778.07 407-2 9486.82 407-2 7035.54 407-2 4383.4 407-2 1489.58 407-2 -1673.13 407-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.27 -0.0602 -0.39 0.67 0.4 0.12 -0.15 -0.42 -0.69 -0.97 -1.24 -1.51 3.57 2.95 2.33 1.72 1.1 0.48 -0.14 -0.75 -1.37 0.9 0.58 0.27 -0.05011 -0.37 -0.68 -1 -1.31 -1.63 2.82 2.35 1.89 1.42 0.96 0.49 0.02674 -0.44 -0.9 0.75 0.47 0.19 -0.0989 -0.38 -0.67

-5077.52 407-2 -8682.77 407-2 -12448.05 407-2 -20664.41 407-1 -14315.38 407-1 -8389.05 407-1 -2993.31 407-1 1763.95 407-1 5810.81 407-1 9219.19 407-1 12096.98 407-1 14552.08 407-1 14706.82 407-2 12064.68 407-2 9212.46 407-2 6042.29 407-2 2446.26 407-2 -1647.55 407-2 -6167.22 407-2 -11004.85 407-2 -16052.54 407-2 -18177.04 407-1 -12569.32 407-1 -7356.96 407-1 -2620.51 407-1 1559.48 407-1 5129.29 407-1 8142.64 407-1 10680.07 407-1 12822.15 407-1 12975.22 407-2 10586.97 407-2 8015.98 407-2 5181.71 407-2 2003.6 407-2 -1572.06 407-2 -5491.56 407-2 -9674.34 407-2 -14039.86 407-2 -18181.07 407-1 -12572.58 407-1 -7359.43 407-1 -2622.2 407-1 1558.56 407-1 5129.15 407-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.95 8143.28 407-1 -1.24 10681.49 407-1 -1.52 12824.35 407-1 2.94 12977.23 407-2 2.45 10589.35 407-2 1.96 8018.74 407-2 1.47 5184.85 407-2 0.98 2007.11 407-2 0.49 -1568.17 407-2 0.00642 -5487.3 407-2 -0.48 -9669.71 407-2 -0.97 -14034.85 407-2 8.77 1029.8 407-1 7.76 1816.88 407-1 6.76 2527.37 407-1 5.76 3161.31 407-1 4.76 3719 407-1 3.77 4201.78 407-1 2.78 4609.67 407-1 1.81 4941.45 407-1 0.86 5201.9 407-1 5.9 5258.15 407-2 5.53 4827.71 407-2 6.54 4580.07 407-2 7.65 4256.17 407-2 8.78 3856.19 407-2 9.91 3380.9 407-2 11.05 2829.98 407-2 12.87 2202.74 407-2 15.8 1498.96 407-2 -5.54 -12646.25 407-1 -5.35 -10165.13 407-1 -5.15 -7760.68 407-1 -4.96 -5432.96 407-1 -4.77 -3182.25 407-1 -4.59 -1009.89 407-1 -4.41 1084.09 407-1 -4.25 3100.91 407-1 -4.11 5035.8 407-1 -7.99 4978.8 407-2 -7.13 3415.88 407-2 -7.64 1516.89 407-2 -8.25 -459.11 407-2 -8.89 -2512.3 407-2 -9.53 -4643.44 407-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-10.17 -6852.22 407-2 -11.5 -9137.94 407-2 -13.93 -11500.4 407-2 9.07 -3725.75 407-1 7.94 -2352.43 407-1 6.82 -1055.62 407-1 5.71 164.84 407-1 4.6 1309.91 407-1 3.51 2384.03 407-1 2.43 3387.23 407-1 1.4 4315.07 407-1 0.44 5168.14 407-1 18.98 5184.56 407-2 16.33 4352.53 407-2 14.1 3521.86 407-2 11.89 2615.13 407-2 9.7 1633.48 407-2 7.5 579.52 407-2 5.31 -547.74 407-2 5.37 -1750.61 407-2 9.13 -3029.79 407-2 -5.84 -7890.7 407-1 -5.53 -5995.82 407-1 -5.22 -4177.69 407-1 -4.91 -2436.49 407-1 -4.62 -773.16 407-1 -4.33 807.86 407-1 -4.07 2306.53 407-1 -3.84 3727.29 407-1 -3.69 5069.55 407-1 -21.07 5052.39 407-2 -17.92 3891.06 407-2 -15.2 2575.09 407-2 -12.5 1181.93 407-2 -9.8 -289.59 407-2 -7.11 -1842.06 407-2 -4.42 -3474.49 407-2 -4 -5184.59 407-2 -7.26 -6971.65 407-2 7.84 -11344.89 407-1 6.97 -6583.05 407-1 6.1 -2216.54 407-1 5.24 1674.16 407-1 4.38 5008.77 407-1 3.52 7734.93 407-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.67 1.83 1.02 9.94 8.82 9.08 9.45 9.83 10.22 10.61 11.68 13.87 -6.46 -6.13 -5.81 -5.48 -5.16 -4.84 -4.53 -4.23 -3.95 -3.96 -3.84 -5.1 -6.46 -7.84 -9.23 -10.62 -12.69 -15.87 8.14 7.15 6.17 5.19 4.22 3.26 2.32 1.42 0.6 23.01 19.62 16.64 13.69 10.75 7.8

9906.36 407-1 11602.41 407-1 12908.41 407-1 13117.82 407-2 11296.35 407-2 9551.58 407-2 7543.91 407-2 5192.95 407-2 2445.76 407-2 -644.27 407-2 -3997.26 407-2 -7532.89 407-2 -25020.93 407-1 -18565.06 407-1 -12504.58 407-1 -6920.11 407-1 -1892.49 407-1 2523.25 407-1 6380.78 407-1 9761.87 407-1 12742.3 407-1 12838.46 407-2 9884.52 407-2 6488.4 407-2 2828.63 407-2 -1175.54 407-2 -5578.58 407-2 -10326.46 407-2 -15337.94 407-2 -20532.25 407-2 -16100.44 407-1 -10752.36 407-1 -5799.53 407-1 -1322.31 407-1 2599.67 407-1 5917.18 407-1 8683.92 407-1 10976.03 407-1 12874.65 407-1 13044.23 407-2 10821.17 407-2 8493.38 407-2 5902.87 407-2 2970.23 407-2 -355.62 407-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.86 4.18 7.2 -6.77 -6.32 -5.87 -5.43 -5 -4.58 -4.18 -3.82 -3.53 -17.03 -14.64 -12.65 -10.7 -8.76 -6.81 -4.87 -5.19 -9.2 0.16 0.02449 -0.11 -0.24 -0.37 -0.5 -0.63 -0.76 -0.89 -0.46 -0.53 -0.61 -0.68 -0.75 -0.83 -0.9 -0.97 -1.05 -0.18 -0.28 -0.37 -0.47 -0.56 -0.65

-4021.99 407-2 -7950.61 407-2 -12061.65 407-2 -20265.38 407-1 -14395.75 407-1 -8921.59 407-1 -3923.64 407-1 516.61 407-1 4341 407-1 7603.22 407-1 10388.25 407-1 12776.06 407-1 12912.06 407-2 10359.7 407-2 7546.61 407-2 4469.67 407-2 1047.17 407-2 -2777.2 407-2 -6948.74 407-2 -11384.59 407-2 -16003.5 407-2 -1112.85 408-1 -618.49 408-1 -263.75 408-1 -69.04 408-1 -54.77 408-1 -234.56 408-1 -594.78 408-1 -1115.04 408-1 -1774.92 408-1 -1401.92 408-1 -764.05 408-1 -282.31 408-1 -10.64 408-1 -2.98 408-1 -295.31 408-1 -851.65 408-1 -1618.06 408-1 -2540.59 408-1 -1204.24 408-1 -652.7 408-1 -243.62 408-1 -17.27 408-1 -13.92 408-1 -260.44 408-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.75 -729.97 408-1 -0.84 -1382.23 408-1 -0.94 -2176.95 408-1 -0.23 -1229.58 408-1 -0.32 -672.89 408-1 -0.41 -258.66 408-1 -0.5 -27.15 408-1 -0.58 -18.66 408-1 -0.67 -260.03 408-1 -0.76 -724.41 408-1 -0.85 -1371.52 408-1 -0.94 -2161.08 408-1 5.25 8556.56 408-1 4.11 6335.73 408-1 3.33 4038.29 408-1 2.69 1664.28 408-1 2.09 431.49 408-1 2.54 2787.93 408-1 3.74 5068.23 408-1 4.94 7271.95 408-1 6.14 9399.06 408-1 -3.71 -9763.76 408-1 -2.79 -7100.22 408-1 -2.24 -4513.34 408-1 -1.83 -2003.15 408-1 -1.45 -787.45 408-1 -2.13 -3314.24 408-1 -3.55 -5918.16 408-1 -4.98 -8598.77 408-1 -6.41 -11356.03 408-1 14.11 2163.92 408-1 10.97 1647.8 408-1 7.94 1055.1 408-1 4.96 385.98 408-1 1.98 7.34 408-1 2.49 657.82 408-1 5.49 1233.25 408-1 8.49 1732.24 408-1 11.48 2154.65 408-1 -12.57 -3371.13 408-1 -9.65 -2412.29 408-1 -6.85 -1530.14 408-1 -4.09 -724.84 408-1 -1.34 -363.3 408-1 -2.08 -1184.13 408-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.3 -2083.18 408-1 -8.53 -3059.06 408-1 -11.75 -4111.62 408-1 4.23 7919.06 408-1 3.11 6035.91 408-1 2.36 4010.32 408-1 1.75 1802.07 408-1 1.17 588.66 408-1 1.65 2791.24 408-1 2.88 4771.32 408-1 4.1 6568.71 408-1 5.34 8223.67 408-1 -4.73 -10401.26 408-1 -3.79 -7400.04 408-1 -3.21 -4541.31 408-1 -2.77 -1865.37 408-1 -2.36 -630.29 408-1 -3.01 -3310.93 408-1 -4.41 -6215.07 408-1 -5.81 -9302.01 408-1 -7.22 -12531.42 408-1 13.09 1526.43 408-1 9.98 1347.98 408-1 6.97 1027.13 408-1 4.02 523.76 408-1 1.07 164.51 408-1 1.6 661.13 408-1 4.63 936.34 408-1 7.65 1029 408-1 10.68 979.26 408-1 -13.59 -4008.62 408-1 -10.65 -2712.11 408-1 -7.82 -1558.11 408-1 -5.04 -587.06 408-1 -2.26 -206.14 408-1 -2.97 -1180.82 408-1 -6.16 -2380.1 408-1 -9.36 -3762.3 408-1 -12.56 -5287.01 408-1 -0.13 -978.89 409-1 -0.47 -533.11 409-1 -0.82 -226.95 409-1 -1.17 -80.82 409-1 -1.52 -115.14 409-1 -1.87 -343.5 409-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.22 -752.31 409-1 -2.57 -1321.15 409-1 -2.92 -2029.62 409-1 -0.2 -1550.56 409-1 -0.43 -881.4 409-1 -0.66 -368.36 409-1 -0.88 -65.4 409-1 -1.11 -26.45 409-1 -1.34 -287.47 409-1 -1.57 -812.52 409-1 -1.8 -1547.63 409-1 -2.03 -2438.87 409-1 -0.17 -1295.39 409-1 -0.43 -730.1 409-1 -0.7 -307.26 409-1 -0.97 -67.15 409-1 -1.24 -50.06 409-1 -1.51 -282.82 409-1 -1.78 -738.6 409-1 -2.05 -1377.1 409-1 -2.32 -2158.07 409-1 -0.16 -1285.44 409-1 -0.42 -723.38 409-1 -0.68 -303.77 409-1 -0.94 -66.9 409-1 -1.19 -53.03 409-1 -1.45 -289.03 409-1 -1.71 -748.03 409-1 -1.96 -1389.77 409-1 -2.22 -2173.96 409-1 10.84 9758.16 409-1 8.22 7568.2 409-1 5.6 5301.68 409-1 2.98 2958.71 409-1 0.38 540.12 409-1 2.21 1903.04 409-1 4.51 4330.09 409-1 6.81 6681.05 409-1 9.12 8955.51 409-1 -11.76 -11387.46 409-1 -9.24 -8576.53 409-1 -6.72 -5842.29 409-1 -4.21 -3184.89 409-1 -1.72 -605.12 409-1 -3.64 -1960.13 409-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.04 -4532.53 409-1 -8.44 -7182.12 409-1 -10.85 -9908.47 409-1 6.73 2426.47 409-1 5.56 1971.3 409-1 4.39 1439.72 409-1 3.22 832.16 409-1 2.07 151.25 409-1 2.25 565.81 409-1 2.57 1256.4 409-1 2.91 1872.17 409-1 3.28 2411.75 409-1 -7.65 -4055.77 409-1 -6.59 -2979.63 409-1 -5.52 -1980.34 409-1 -4.46 -1058.33 409-1 -3.4 -216.25 409-1 -3.68 -622.9 409-1 -4.11 -1458.84 409-1 -4.55 -2373.24 409-1 -5.01 -3364.71 409-1 11.14 9291.89 409-1 8.31 7352.04 409-1 5.49 5269.8 409-1 2.67 3005.02 409-1 -0.12 518.24 409-1 1.5 1639.74 409-1 3.6 3678.99 409-1 5.7 5536.06 409-1 7.81 7250.81 409-1 -11.46 -11853.73 409-1 -9.15 -8792.69 409-1 -6.83 -5874.17 409-1 -4.51 -3138.58 409-1 -2.22 -627 409-1 -4.35 -2223.43 409-1 -6.95 -5183.63 409-1 -9.55 -8327.11 409-1 -12.16 -11613.18 409-1 7.03 1960.2 409-1 5.66 1755.14 409-1 4.29 1407.85 409-1 2.92 878.46 409-1 1.57 129.37 409-1 1.54 302.51 409-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.67 605.3 409-1 1.8 727.18 409-1 1.97 707.05 409-1 -7.35 -4522.04 409-1 -6.49 -3195.79 409-1 -5.62 -2012.22 409-1 -4.76 -1012.02 409-1 -3.91 -238.13 409-1 -4.39 -886.2 409-1 -5.01 -2109.94 409-1 -5.65 -3518.23 409-1 -6.32 -5069.42 409-1 -4.79 -11791.47 410-1 -3.42 -7703.94 410-1 -2.05 -4004.1 410-1 -0.69 -712.34 410-1 0.68 2150.9 410-1 2.05 4572.04 410-1 3.42 6564.67 410-1 4.79 8149.2 410-1 6.16 9346.05 410-1 3.61 9434.24 410-2 2.85 7961.13 410-2 2.08 6100.33 410-2 1.31 3831.45 410-2 0.54 1134.05 410-2 -0.22 -2005.45 410-2 -0.99 -5573.47 410-2 -1.76 -9549.57 410-2 -2.53 -13913.36 410-2 -2.86 -13157.79 410-1 -1.99 -8642.81 410-1 -1.13 -4496.57 410-1 -0.26 -773.03 410-1 0.6 2473.87 410-1 1.47 5208.17 410-1 2.34 7465.82 410-1 3.2 9300.78 410-1 4.07 10767 410-1 1.44 10837.53 410-2 1.18 9054.3 410-2 0.93 6902.33 410-2 0.67 4327.66 410-2 0.41 1276.35 410-2 0.15 -2287.57 410-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.11 -0.37 -0.63 -3.62 -2.56 -1.49 -0.42 0.64 1.71 2.77 3.84 4.9 2.45 1.93 1.42 0.91 0.39 -0.12 -0.63 -1.14 -1.66 -3.37 -2.38 -1.38 -0.39 0.6 1.6 2.59 3.58 4.58 2.12 1.7 1.27 0.85 0.42 0.0007965 -0.42 -0.85 -1.27 6.23 4.9 3.58 2.72 3.15 3.86

-6328.12 410-2 -10791.37 410-2 -15623.37 410-2 -12016.93 410-1 -7880.91 410-1 -4099.98 410-1 -714.4 410-1 2235.55 410-1 4723 410-1 6774.83 410-1 8431.29 410-1 9732.68 410-1 9804.98 410-2 8217.23 410-2 6274.4 410-2 3936.2 410-2 1162.38 410-2 -2073.93 410-2 -5745.88 410-2 -9813.18 410-2 -14235.57 410-2 -12014.2 410-1 -7878.44 410-1 -4097.77 410-1 -712.44 410-1 2237.24 410-1 4724.44 410-1 6776.01 410-1 8432.22 410-1 9733.35 410-1 9805.76 410-2 8217.78 410-2 6274.72 410-2 3936.31 410-2 1162.26 410-2 -2074.28 410-2 -5746.45 410-2 -9813.98 410-2 -14236.58 410-2 3144.22 410-1 3427.9 410-1 3635.06 410-1 3766.13 410-1 3830.27 410-1 3842.88 410-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.43 3781.27 410-1 9.37 3643.51 410-1 12.34 3754.22 410-1 9.3 3658.17 410-2 6.47 3789.11 410-2 3.64 3849.14 410-2 0.9 3833.01 410-2 1.05 3744.77 410-2 1.81 3608.71 410-2 2.58 3401.73 410-2 3.36 3118.48 410-2 4.13 2758.71 410-2 -11.55 -10327.17 410-1 -8.57 -8299.29 410-1 -5.59 -6348.17 410-1 -3.08 -4474.22 410-1 -1.87 -2686.61 410-1 -0.93 -1000.74 410-1 -1.85 606.09 410-1 -3.15 2135.8 410-1 -4.47 3263.78 410-1 -2.08 3352.28 410-2 -1.3 1802.42 410-2 -0.53 170.21 410-2 0.15 -1539.1 410-2 -2.06 -3329.58 410-2 -4.89 -5225.5 410-2 -7.72 -7203.76 410-2 -10.55 -9259.04 410-2 -13.38 -11391.04 410-2 7.24 -1349.79 410-1 4.78 -513.42 410-1 2.32 246.71 410-1 1.4 931.97 410-1 4.73 1572.94 410-1 8.15 2220.88 410-1 12.14 2800.08 410-1 16.24 3303.56 410-1 20.35 3828.16 410-1 9.87 3796.96 410-2 6.95 3279.15 410-2 4.03 2686.69 410-2 1.15 2018.74 410-2 0.85 1289.15 410-2 1.7 578.87 410-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

2.56 -189 410-2 3.43 -1032.28 410-2 4.29 -1951.87 410-2 -12.55 -5833.16 410-1 -8.44 -4357.98 410-1 -4.34 -2959.82 410-1 -1.76 -1640.06 410-1 -3.45 -429.28 410-1 -5.22 621.26 410-1 -7.56 1587.28 410-1 -10.01 2475.75 410-1 -12.47 3189.84 410-1 -2.65 3213.48 410-2 -1.78 2312.38 410-2 -0.92 1332.66 410-2 -0.11 275.17 410-2 -1.86 -873.96 410-2 -4.77 -2195.67 410-2 -7.69 -3613.03 410-2 -10.62 -5108.27 410-2 -13.54 -6680.46 410-2 5.64 -5277.27 410-1 4.44 -2013.73 410-1 3.25 894.86 410-1 2.53 3408.62 410-1 3.1 5496.46 410-1 3.94 7146.91 410-1 6.64 8364.14 410-1 9.73 9186.5 410-1 12.83 9978.87 410-1 7.66 9959.05 410-2 5.47 9211.38 410-2 3.29 8114.33 410-2 1.2 6622.41 410-2 1.99 4699.38 410-2 3.4 2342.67 410-2 4.82 -443.96 410-2 6.24 -3625.58 410-2 7.66 -7162.17 410-2 -12.14 -18748.66 410-1 -9.03 -13740.92 410-1 -5.92 -9088.38 410-1 -3.27 -4831.73 410-1 -1.92 -1020.43 410-1 -0.84 2303.29 410-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.63 -2.79 -3.98 -3.72 -2.3 -0.88 0.44 -1.12 -3.29 -5.48 -7.67 -9.85 6.64 4.32 2 1.21 4.67 8.24 12.36 16.59 20.84 8.23 5.95 3.68 1.45 1.79 3.29 4.8 6.31 7.82 -13.15 -8.9 -4.66 -1.95 -3.5 -5.14 -7.34 -9.66 -11.98 -4.29 -2.78 -1.27 0.19 -0.92 -3.18

5188.96 410-1 7678.78 410-1 9488.43 410-1 9653.16 410-2 7224.68 410-2 4435.4 410-2 1250.3 410-2 -2374.98 410-2 -6491.54 410-2 -11049.45 410-2 -16003.1 410-2 -21311.92 410-2 -9771.28 410-1 -5955.04 410-1 -2493.5 410-1 574.46 410-1 3239.12 410-1 5524.91 410-1 7382.95 410-1 8846.54 410-1 10052.81 410-1 10097.85 410-2 8701.42 410-2 6951.88 410-2 4808.14 410-2 2243.75 410-2 -687.17 410-2 -4034.69 410-2 -7776.34 410-2 -11872.75 410-2 -14254.65 410-1 -9799.6 410-1 -5700.02 410-1 -1997.57 410-1 1236.9 410-1 3925.29 410-1 6170.15 410-1 8018.74 410-1 9414.49 410-1 9514.36 410-2 7734.64 410-2 5597.85 410-2 3064.56 410-2 80.65 410-2 -3461.71 410-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-5.46 -7.73 -10.01 -1 -0.6 -0.19 0.21 0.62 1.03 1.43 1.84 2.24 1.46 1.03 0.59 0.16 -0.28 -0.71 -1.14 -1.58 -2.01 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.78 0.75 0.71 0.68 0.64 -0.72 -0.64 -0.56 -0.48 -0.4 -0.32 -0.24 -0.17 -0.08656 -0.2 0.02563 0.25 0.47 0.7 0.92

-7458.73 410-2 -11852.34 410-2 -16601.34 410-2 -13359.72 411-1 -9139.74 411-1 -5307.45 411-1 -1883.25 411-1 1112.44 411-1 3666.02 411-1 5791.09 411-1 7508.07 411-1 8837.37 411-1 8837.08 411-2 7508.79 411-2 5792.82 411-2 3668.75 411-2 1116.17 411-2 -1878.51 411-2 -5301.71 411-2 -9132.99 411-2 -13351.96 411-2 -14979.46 411-1 -10325.27 411-1 -6039.83 411-1 -2177.09 411-1 1209.01 411-1 4082.51 411-1 6479.37 411-1 8453.53 411-1 10058.94 411-1 10058.82 411-2 8466.91 411-2 6506.26 411-2 4122.92 411-2 1262.93 411-2 -2109.66 411-2 -5958.89 411-2 -10230.82 411-2 -14871.5 411-2 -13654.21 411-1 -9389.17 411-1 -5479.22 411-1 -1964.62 411-1 1114.35 411-1 3730.83 411-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.14 5911.67 411-1 1.37 7697.16 411-1 1.59 9127.56 411-1 0.46 9127.4 411-2 0.26 7705.34 411-2 0.06322 5928.2 411-2 -0.13 3755.7 411-2 -0.33 1147.56 411-2 -0.53 -1923.06 411-2 -0.73 -5429.32 411-2 -0.92 -9330.93 411-2 -1.12 -13587.62 411-2 0.19 -13656.04 411-1 0.31 -9390.79 411-1 0.44 -5480.62 411-1 0.57 -1965.81 411-1 0.69 1113.37 411-1 0.82 3730.06 411-1 0.94 5911.12 411-1 1.07 7696.82 411-1 1.19 9127.44 411-1 0.08365 9127.27 411-2 -0.02207 7705.36 411-2 -0.13 5928.36 411-2 -0.23 3756.01 411-2 -0.34 1148.02 411-2 -0.44 -1922.45 411-2 -0.55 -5428.56 411-2 -0.66 -9330.02 411-2 -0.76 -13586.57 411-2 5.21 2916.35 411-1 4.04 3207.11 411-1 2.88 3421.3 411-1 2.02 3559.08 411-1 2.63 3623.03 411-1 3.81 3642.3 411-1 7.07 3593.53 411-1 10.52 3468.5 411-1 13.99 3381.65 411-1 11.41 3373.57 411-2 8.09 3482.24 411-2 4.78 3611.53 411-2 2.01 3664.31 411-2 1.83 3640.89 411-2 2.99 3546.12 411-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

4.18 3398.02 411-2 5.38 3177.77 411-2 6.57 2881.27 411-2 -13.89 -11073.06 411-1 -10.42 -8998.21 411-1 -6.95 -7000.05 411-1 -3.78 -5078.74 411-1 -2.08 -3236.87 411-1 -0.96 -1503.6 411-1 -1.91 144.46 411-1 -3.05 1715.51 411-1 -4.22 3095.11 411-1 -3.02 3104.35 411-2 -1.83 1706.09 411-2 -0.64 133.95 411-2 0.01938 -1514.95 411-2 -1.92 -3240.91 411-2 -5.19 -5048.79 411-2 -8.5 -6956.61 411-2 -11.82 -8945.54 411-2 -15.13 -11011.5 411-2 6.32 -1701.55 411-1 4.06 -853.23 411-1 1.81 -81.33 411-1 0.55 614.69 411-1 4.11 1243.38 411-1 7.99 1902 411-1 12.49 2512.57 411-1 17.05 3047.74 411-1 21.62 3540.99 411-1 15.73 3539.04 411-2 11.57 3068.44 411-2 7.41 2550.52 411-2 3.41 1956.33 411-2 1 1286.95 411-2 2.93 558.54 411-2 4.97 -168.83 411-2 7.02 -957.91 411-2 9.07 -1822.31 411-2 -15 -6455.17 411-1 -10.43 -4937.87 411-1 -5.88 -3497.42 411-1 -2.31 -2134.35 411-1 -3.57 -857.23 411-1 -5.13 236.71 411-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-7.33 1225.42 411-1 -9.58 2136.27 411-1 -11.85 2935.77 411-1 -7.35 2938.88 411-2 -5.3 2119.9 411-2 -3.26 1194.97 411-2 -1.38 193.03 411-2 -1.09 -886.97 411-2 -5.14 -2061.21 411-2 -9.3 -3389.76 411-2 -13.46 -4809.87 411-2 -17.63 -6307.92 411-2 9.92 -6662.17 411-1 7.67 -3288.87 411-1 5.44 -270.59 411-1 3.51 2352.56 411-1 3.04 4542.87 411-1 3.15 6302.67 411-1 5.33 7635.4 411-1 7.72 8573.17 411-1 10.11 9270.66 411-1 7.13 9261.82 411-2 4.81 8593.44 411-2 2.5 7667.23 411-2 0.72 6345.78 411-2 1.53 4589.13 411-2 3.68 2375.28 411-2 5.87 -250.9 411-2 8.06 -3267.96 411-2 10.25 -6639.71 411-2 -9.18 -20651.58 411-1 -6.78 -15494.18 411-1 -4.39 -10691.93 411-1 -2.29 -6285.26 411-1 -1.67 -2317.02 411-1 -1.62 1156.77 411-1 -3.64 4186.34 411-1 -5.86 6820.17 411-1 -8.09 8984.12 411-1 -7.3 8992.61 411-2 -5.11 6817.29 411-2 -2.92 4189.65 411-2 -1.27 1166.52 411-2 -2.21 -2292.67 411-2 -4.5 -6219.63 411-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.81 -9.13 -11.45 11.02 7.69 4.37 2.04 4.53 7.33 10.76 14.25 17.74 11.46 8.28 5.12 2.12 0.7 3.63 6.67 9.71 12.75 -10.29 -6.8 -3.32 -0.83 -3.15 -5.79 -9.06 -12.39 -15.72 -11.63 -8.59 -5.55 -2.68 -1.39 -4.44 -7.61 -10.78 -13.95 -0.51 -0.08945 0.33 0.74 1.16 1.57

-10605.53 411-2 -15391.26 411-2 -20532.47 411-2 -11280.07 411-1 -7349.21 411-1 -3773.21 411-1 -591.83 411-1 2163.23 411-1 4562.37 411-1 6554.45 411-1 8152.41 411-1 9430 411-1 9427.3 411-2 8179.64 411-2 6606.21 411-2 4637.8 411-2 2235.19 411-2 -612.3 411-2 -3817.75 411-2 -7403.63 411-2 -11343.28 411-2 -16033.68 411-1 -11433.85 411-1 -7189.31 411-1 -3340.87 411-1 62.62 411-1 2897.07 411-1 5267.3 411-1 7240.93 411-1 8824.78 411-1 8827.13 411-2 7231.09 411-2 5250.66 411-2 2874.5 411-2 61.27 411-2 -3232.05 411-2 -7038.68 411-2 -11255.59 411-2 -15828.89 411-2 -13284.97 412-1 -9052.83 412-1 -5208.37 412-1 -1772 412-1 1235.86 412-1 3801.6 412-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.99 2.41 2.82 3.01 2.2 1.39 0.58 -0.22 -1.03 -1.84 -2.65 -3.46 1.6 1.58 1.56 1.54 1.52 1.5 1.48 1.46 1.44 1.96 1.36 0.76 0.16 -0.45 -1.05 -1.65 -2.25 -2.85 0.36 0.59 0.83 1.06 1.3 1.53 1.76 2 2.23 2.52 1.81 1.11 0.41 -0.3 -1

5938.84 412-1 7667.99 412-1 9009.45 412-1 9013.43 412-2 7690.82 412-2 5980.52 412-2 3862.14 412-2 1315.24 412-2 -1673.76 412-2 -5091.28 412-2 -8916.88 412-2 -13130.17 412-2 -14831 412-1 -10179.32 412-1 -5896.39 412-1 -2036.15 412-1 1347.45 412-1 4218.44 412-1 6612.79 412-1 8584.45 412-1 10187.36 412-1 10189.44 412-2 8584.14 412-2 6610.1 412-2 4213.36 412-2 1339.98 412-2 -2046 412-2 -5908.62 412-2 -10193.94 412-2 -14848.01 412-2 -13540.53 412-1 -9272.73 412-1 -5360.02 412-1 -1842.67 412-1 1239.05 412-1 3858.28 412-1 6041.88 412-1 7830.13 412-1 9263.29 412-1 9266.13 412-2 7838.06 412-2 6054.91 412-2 3876.4 412-2 1262.26 412-2 -1814.37 412-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.7 -2.41 -3.11 0.77 0.91 1.04 1.18 1.32 1.45 1.59 1.73 1.87 2.24 1.59 0.95 0.3 -0.34 -0.99 -1.63 -2.28 -2.92 4.79 3.54 2.34 2.56 3.41 4.48 7.65 11.2 14.76 17.03 11.93 6.83 3.38 4.24 7.63 11.04 14.45 17.86 -13.87 -10.31 -6.79 -4.69 -3.23 -1.98

-5326.63 412-2 -9234.25 412-2 -13496.95 412-2 -13539.69 412-1 -9272.03 412-1 -5359.46 412-1 -1842.24 412-1 1239.34 412-1 3858.44 412-1 6041.9 412-1 7830.01 412-1 9263.04 412-1 9265.65 412-2 7837.27 412-2 6053.81 412-2 3874.99 412-2 1260.54 412-2 -1816.4 412-2 -5328.97 412-2 -9236.9 412-2 -13499.91 412-2 3043.61 412-1 3335.11 412-1 3550.02 412-1 3688.34 412-1 3750.07 412-1 3735.22 412-1 3643.8 412-1 3475.83 412-1 3354.78 412-1 3351.41 412-2 3439.14 412-2 3556.39 412-2 3665.91 412-2 3700.36 412-2 3658.27 412-2 3539.57 412-2 3344.24 412-2 3072.29 412-2 -11092.14 412-1 -9035.42 412-1 -7055.38 412-1 -5152.01 412-1 -3325.32 412-1 -1575.32 412-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.83 -4.06 -5.31 -9.44 -6.03 -2.62 -0.86 -3.41 -8.49 -13.59 -18.69 -23.79 5.62 2.88 0.3 2.41 6.62 10.95 15.91 20.98 26.07 31.61 22.84 14.08 5.83 4.4 11.43 18.5 25.58 32.67 -14.71 -9.65 -4.75 -4.54 -6.44 -8.45 -11.09 -13.85 -16.62 -24.02 -16.94 -9.87 -3.31 -3.57 -12.29

97.99 412-1 1694.59 412-1 3090.99 412-1 3101.76 412-2 1702.29 412-2 120.03 412-2 -1607.76 412-2 -3413.75 412-2 -5296.46 412-2 -7255.83 412-2 -9291.85 412-2 -11404.5 412-2 -1596.57 412-1 -699.59 412-1 120.88 412-1 864.85 412-1 1532.35 412-1 2123.4 412-1 2638.02 412-1 3076.26 412-1 3475.18 412-1 3503.1 412-2 2942 412-2 2379.22 412-2 1969.51 412-2 1488.37 412-2 930.89 412-2 296.86 412-2 -413.77 412-2 -1201.01 412-2 -6451.95 412-1 -5000.71 412-1 -3626.23 412-1 -2328.52 412-1 -1107.6 412-1 36.51 412-1 1103.77 412-1 2094.16 412-1 2970.59 412-1 2950.06 412-2 2199.43 412-2 1297.2 412-2 88.64 412-2 -1201.76 412-2 -2569.08 412-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-21.05 -29.82 -38.59 10.28 7.97 5.71 4.86 4.65 4.65 6.75 9.24 11.74 15.35 10.47 5.6 2.38 3.46 7.08 10.71 14.35 17.99 -8.38 -5.88 -3.43 -2.39 -1.99 -1.81 -3.72 -6.02 -8.34 -11.12 -7.49 -3.85 -1.87 -4.18 -9.04 -13.92 -18.79 -23.67 11.12 7.31 3.66 4.71 7.86 11.12

-4013.13 412-2 -5533.84 412-2 -7131.2 412-2 -6471.43 412-1 -3086.45 412-1 -56.5 412-1 2578.13 412-1 4777.17 412-1 6513.78 412-1 7814.82 412-1 8720.58 412-1 9394.82 412-1 9390.27 412-2 8705.34 412-2 7771.49 412-2 6511.19 412-2 4816.81 412-2 2660.04 412-2 67.66 412-2 -2920.07 412-2 -6262.87 412-2 -20607.18 412-1 -15456.98 412-1 -10661.9 412-1 -6262.22 412-1 -2298.22 412-1 1203.24 412-1 4269.01 412-1 6939.34 412-1 9131.03 412-1 9140.61 412-2 6968.49 412-2 4335.14 412-2 1237.52 412-2 -2297.3 412-2 -6294.69 412-2 -10727.74 412-2 -15556.15 412-2 -20739.66 412-2 -11111.62 412-1 -7121.15 412-1 -3485.65 412-1 -245.36 412-1 2559.45 412-1 4901.96 412-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

15.01 19.03 23.05 29.93 21.38 12.85 4.82 3.62 10.88 18.18 25.48 32.79 -9.21 -5.22 -1.38 -2.24 -5.2 -8.27 -11.98 -15.81 -19.64 -25.71 -18.4 -11.1 -4.31 -4.35 -12.84 -21.38 -29.92 -38.47 -3.1 -2.38 -1.66 -0.94 -0.22 0.5 1.22 1.94 2.66 3.3 2.43 1.56 0.69 -0.18 -1.05

6809.04 412-1 8321.01 412-1 9515.22 412-1 9541.96 412-2 8208.2 412-2 6594.33 412-2 4814.79 412-2 2604.82 412-2 -67.34 412-2 -3175.04 412-2 -6678.08 412-2 -10536.17 412-2 -15967 412-1 -11422.27 412-1 -7232.75 412-1 -3438.73 412-1 -80.5 412-1 2815.07 412-1 5274.79 412-1 7338.91 412-1 9010.63 412-1 8988.92 412-2 7465.63 412-2 5512.3 412-2 2933.92 412-2 -85.3 412-2 -3567.31 412-2 -7485.03 412-2 -11798.15 412-2 -16466.36 412-2 -10646.8 413-1 -7698.22 413-1 -4889.26 413-1 -2240.33 413-1 228.15 413-1 2502.59 413-1 4596.58 413-1 6530.53 413-1 8324.87 413-1 8325.59 413-2 6534.99 413-2 4604.77 413-2 2514.53 413-2 243.83 413-2 -2220.91 413-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-1.92 -2.79 -3.66 -2.03 -1.57 -1.1 -0.63 -0.16 0.3 0.77 1.24 1.71 2.64 1.96 1.28 0.6 -0.08556 -0.77 -1.45 -2.13 -2.82 -2.49 -1.91 -1.33 -0.75 -0.17 0.4 0.98 1.56 2.14 2.94 2.17 1.4 0.64 -0.13 -0.89 -1.66 -2.42 -3.19 -2.3 -1.77 -1.24 -0.7 -0.17 0.36

-4866.1 413-2 -7671.31 413-2 -10616.15 413-2 -13328.86 413-1 -9570.05 413-1 -5967.37 413-1 -2574.75 413-1 553.85 413-1 3382.47 413-1 5947.08 413-1 8301.61 413-1 10500.02 413-1 10500.96 413-2 8313.23 413-2 5969.38 413-2 3415.46 413-2 597.53 413-2 -2520.39 413-2 -5902.32 413-2 -9494.32 413-2 -13242.45 413-2 -11749.18 413-1 -8453.43 413-1 -5300.14 413-1 -2329.57 413-1 417.98 413-1 2915.68 413-1 5190.36 413-1 7282.31 413-1 9231.81 413-1 9232.62 413-2 7291.01 413-2 5206.94 413-2 2940.14 413-2 450.32 413-2 -2289.35 413-2 -5252.03 413-2 -8397.45 413-2 -11685.32 413-2 -11752.21 413-1 -8455.38 413-1 -5301 413-1 -2329.36 413-1 419.27 413-1 2918.04 413-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.89 5193.81 413-1 1.42 7286.84 413-1 1.95 9237.41 413-1 2.75 9238.23 413-2 2.03 7295.53 413-2 1.32 5210.38 413-2 0.6 2942.5 413-2 -0.11 451.61 413-2 -0.83 -2289.14 413-2 -1.54 -5252.9 413-2 -2.26 -8399.4 413-2 -2.97 -11688.35 413-2 12 2425.9 413-1 9.21 2848.41 413-1 6.42 3194.32 413-1 3.64 3463.71 413-1 0.86 3657.84 413-1 3.2 3828.33 413-1 7.26 3940.33 413-1 11.32 3975.97 413-1 15.39 4000.6 413-1 16.59 4000.67 413-2 12.23 3977.29 413-2 7.87 3942.77 413-2 3.51 3831.78 413-2 0.83 3667.46 413-2 3.37 3476.96 413-2 6.25 3210.34 413-2 9.14 2867.13 413-2 12.03 2447.3 413-2 -17.14 -11518.49 413-1 -13.08 -9310.47 413-1 -9.01 -7179.11 413-1 -4.94 -5124.5 413-1 -0.89 -3147.89 413-1 -1.95 -1300.92 413-1 -4.73 451.28 413-1 -7.51 2126.58 413-1 -10.3 3659.61 413-1 -11.08 3659.82 413-2 -8.19 2129.42 413-2 -5.3 456.89 413-2 -2.42 -1292.44 413-2 -1.21 -3141.7 413-2 -5.22 -5118.04 413-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-9.58 -7171.53 413-2 -13.94 -9301.71 413-2 -18.31 -11508.53 413-2 24.79 -1984.88 413-1 18.7 -1048.15 413-1 12.61 -187.93 413-1 6.53 596.03 413-1 0.45 1307.92 413-1 6.9 2119.84 413-1 14.27 2915.59 413-1 21.63 3635.61 413-1 29 4298.85 413-1 30.2 4298.88 413-2 22.68 3635.04 413-2 15.16 2914.3 413-2 7.65 2117.46 413-2 0.63 1321.65 413-2 5.54 617.39 413-2 11.58 -161.81 413-2 17.63 -1017.47 413-2 23.67 -1949.72 413-2 -29.93 -7107.71 413-1 -22.56 -5413.91 413-1 -15.2 -3796.86 413-1 -7.83 -2256.82 413-1 -0.47 -797.98 413-1 -5.65 407.57 413-1 -11.74 1476.02 413-1 -17.82 2466.94 413-1 -23.91 3361.36 413-1 -24.68 3361.61 413-2 -18.64 2471.67 413-2 -12.6 1485.36 413-2 -6.55 421.89 413-2 -1.01 -795.88 413-2 -7.39 -2258.47 413-2 -14.91 -3799.39 413-2 -22.43 -5417.11 413-2 -29.95 -7111.51 413-2 12.36 -4781.39 413-1 9.44 -2376.83 413-1 6.52 -114.68 413-1 3.61 1964.84 413-1 0.7 3822.72 413-1 2.91 5483.75 413-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.84 10.78 14.71 16.49 12.18 7.86 3.55 0.91 3.5 6.43 9.36 12.29 -16.78 -12.85 -8.91 -4.97 -1.04 -2.24 -5.15 -8.06 -10.98 -11.18 -8.24 -5.31 -2.38 -1.12 -5.09 -9.41 -13.73 -18.04 25.14 18.93 12.71 6.5 0.29 6.62 13.85 21.09 28.32 30.1 22.63 15.15 7.68 0.71 5.67

6939.9 413-1 8213.59 413-1 9410.46 413-1 9411.2 413-2 8221.52 413-2 6954.89 413-2 5505.69 413-2 3856.77 413-2 2008.45 413-2 -62.37 413-2 -2315.87 413-2 -4711.81 413-2 -18725.78 413-1 -14535.7 413-1 -10488.11 413-1 -6623.37 413-1 -2983.01 413-1 354.49 413-1 3450.85 413-1 6364.2 413-1 9069.46 413-1 9070.35 413-2 6373.66 413-2 3469.01 413-2 381.47 413-2 -2952.38 413-2 -6586.55 413-2 -10444.24 413-2 -14484.7 413-2 -18667.64 413-2 -9192.17 413-1 -6273.38 413-1 -3496.94 413-1 -902.84 413-1 1472.8 413-1 3775.26 413-1 5915.16 413-1 7873.23 413-1 9708.71 413-1 9709.41 413-2 7879.27 413-2 5926.42 413-2 3791.36 413-2 1510.96 413-2 -851.12 413-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

11.76 17.84 23.93 -29.57 -22.33 -15.1 -7.86 -0.63 -5.94 -12.16 -18.37 -24.59 -24.78 -18.69 -12.6 -6.52 -0.93 -7.27 -14.74 -22.21 -29.68 -3.58 -2.79 -2 -1.22 -0.43 0.36 1.14 1.93 2.71 2.41 2.06 1.71 1.36 1.01 0.66 0.31 -0.03843 -0.39 -2.82 -2.28 -1.75 -1.22 -0.68 -0.15

-3434.51 413-2 -6200.47 413-2 -9108.83 413-2 -14315 413-1 -10639.15 413-1 -7105.86 413-1 -3755.69 413-1 -633.09 413-1 2062.98 413-1 4475.59 413-1 6704.56 413-1 8771.21 413-1 8772.14 413-2 6715.91 413-2 4497.48 413-2 2095.79 413-2 -606.57 413-2 -3726.98 413-2 -7072.09 413-2 -10600.1 413-2 -14270.62 413-2 -13169.33 414-1 -8951.09 414-1 -5120.54 414-1 -1698.07 414-1 1295.88 414-1 3847.73 414-1 5971.06 414-1 7686.31 414-1 9013.87 414-1 9007.7 414-2 7671.63 414-2 5947.89 414-2 3816.05 414-2 1255.7 414-2 -1746.76 414-2 -5177.73 414-2 -9016.79 414-2 -13243.53 414-2 -14949.89 414-1 -10282.73 414-1 -5984.33 414-1 -2108.62 414-1 1290.45 414-1 4176.91 414-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.39 0.92 1.45 0.92 1.01 1.1 1.2 1.29 1.38 1.47 1.56 1.66 -3.12 -2.47 -1.81 -1.16 -0.5 0.15 0.8 1.46 2.11 1.75 1.59 1.42 1.25 1.09 0.92 0.76 0.59 0.43 -2.94 -2.35 -1.75 -1.15 -0.56 0.04033 0.64 1.23 1.83 1.41 1.34 1.27 1.19 1.12 1.05

6586.73 414-1 8573.86 414-1 10192.24 414-1 10186.96 414-2 8596.74 414-2 6637.77 414-2 4256.11 414-2 1397.81 414-2 -1973.1 414-2 -5820.65 414-2 -10090.89 414-2 -14729.88 414-2 -13573.21 414-1 -9300.74 414-1 -5383.35 414-1 -1861.32 414-1 1225.08 414-1 3848.99 414-1 6037.26 414-1 7830.18 414-1 9268.02 414-1 9262.47 414-2 7838.98 414-2 6060.4 414-2 3886.47 414-2 1276.9 414-2 -1795.15 414-2 -5302.83 414-2 -9205.88 414-2 -13464 414-2 -13576.17 414-1 -9303.39 414-1 -5385.69 414-1 -1863.35 414-1 1223.36 414-1 3847.58 414-1 6036.17 414-1 7829.4 414-1 9267.55 414-1 9262.22 414-2 7838.86 414-2 6060.42 414-2 3886.63 414-2 1277.2 414-2 -1794.72 414-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.98 -5302.27 414-2 0.91 -9205.18 414-2 0.84 -13463.17 414-2 19.85 3048.69 414-1 16.23 3323.62 414-1 12.6 3521.92 414-1 8.98 3643.58 414-1 5.36 3688.63 414-1 3.71 3657.1 414-1 6.12 3549.99 414-1 11.36 3437.68 414-1 16.61 3351.86 414-1 14.55 3354.67 414-2 10.93 3477.37 414-2 7.34 3646.77 414-2 4.81 3739.57 414-2 3.94 3755.77 414-2 3.15 3695.36 414-2 2.6 3558.35 414-2 3.83 3344.72 414-2 5.21 3054.48 414-2 -25.38 -11416.74 414-1 -20.13 -9302.48 414-1 -14.89 -7264.87 414-1 -9.64 -5303.89 414-1 -4.4 -3419.55 414-1 -1.13 -1611.9 414-1 -1.91 118.05 414-1 -5.53 1699.95 414-1 -9.16 3102.08 414-1 -5.94 3091.04 414-2 -4.56 1697.23 414-2 -3.21 103.46 414-2 -2.92 -1566.99 414-2 -4.29 -3314.1 414-2 -5.73 -5137.87 414-2 -7.42 -7038.29 414-2 -10.9 -9015.38 414-2 -14.51 -11069.11 414-2 33.18 -1238.37 414-1 26.23 -446.44 414-1 19.29 268.86 414-1 12.35 907.55 414-1 5.43 1469.65 414-1 5.06 1955.27 414-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

12.74 21.3 29.87 27.12 21.94 16.77 11.91 7.57 3.27 -0.23 2.21 5.12 -38.71 -30.14 -21.57 -13.01 -4.47 -2.48 -8.53 -15.47 -22.42 -18.51 -15.57 -12.64 -10.02 -7.92 -5.85 -4.6 -9.27 -14.42 19.76 15.89 12.03 8.16 4.3 2.41 4.58 9.58 14.58 11.49 8.97 6.47 5.03 5.26 5.55

2367.8 414-1 2941.78 414-1 3503.21 414-1 3475.11 414-2 3076.18 414-2 2637.73 414-2 2122.77 414-2 1531.27 414-2 863.23 414-2 118.64 414-2 -702.51 414-2 -1600.24 414-2 -7129.68 414-1 -5532.42 414-1 -4011.81 414-1 -2567.85 414-1 -1200.57 414-1 89.93 414-1 1300.24 414-1 2195.84 414-1 2950.73 414-1 2970.6 414-2 2098.42 414-2 1112.49 414-2 49.81 414-2 -1089.6 414-2 -2305.74 414-2 -3598.59 414-2 -4968.14 414-2 -6414.39 414-2 -6344.81 414-1 -2991.55 414-1 6.63 414-1 2609.46 414-1 4776.67 414-1 6481.44 414-1 7751.64 414-1 8697.9 414-1 9392.22 414-1 9393.92 414-2 8728.88 414-2 7832.09 414-2 6539.98 414-2 4812.26 414-2 2622.09 414-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

6.09 8.42 10.89 -25.48 -20.47 -15.47 -10.46 -5.46 -2.43 -3.45 -7.32 -11.18 -8.99 -6.52 -4.08 -2.69 -2.98 -3.33 -3.93 -6.31 -8.83 33.08 25.89 18.71 11.53 4.37 3.76 11.2 19.52 27.84 24.07 19.98 15.9 12.14 8.88 5.67 3.27 6.8 10.8 -38.8 -30.47 -22.15 -13.83 -5.53 -3.78

-3.69 414-2 -3024.81 414-2 -6400.99 414-2 -20810.23 414-1 -15617.65 414-1 -10780.15 414-1 -6338.01 414-1 -2331.52 414-1 1212.44 414-1 4319.7 414-1 6960.18 414-1 9142.44 414-1 9130.29 414-2 6948.74 414-2 4288.78 414-2 1233.42 414-2 -2257.6 414-2 -6211.14 414-2 -10600.33 414-2 -15384.91 414-2 -20524.58 414-2 -10631.86 414-1 -6761.61 414-1 -3246.42 414-1 -126.57 414-1 2557.68 414-1 4779.61 414-1 6569.45 414-1 8202.01 414-1 9543.57 414-1 9514.36 414-2 8327.69 414-2 6823.06 414-2 4923.18 414-2 2587.77 414-2 -210.04 414-2 -3443.4 414-2 -7072.05 414-2 -11055.71 414-2 -16523.18 414-1 -11847.59 414-1 -7527.1 414-1 -3601.98 414-1 -112.53 414-1 2914.27 414-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-10.08 -17.26 -24.44 -21.56 -17.53 -13.51 -9.8 -6.6 -3.45 -1.1 -4.69 -8.75 -2.21 -1.73 -1.25 -0.78 -0.3 0.18 0.66 1.14 1.62 1.87 1.6 1.34 1.07 0.8 0.53 0.26 -0.005189 -0.27 -0.11 -0.16 -0.22 -0.27 -0.33 -0.38 -0.44 -0.49 -0.55 0.16 0.34 0.51 0.68 0.86 1.03

5501.89 414-1 7456.07 414-1 8991.09 414-1 9009.85 414-2 7349.93 414-2 5297.81 414-2 2850.22 414-2 -33.11 414-2 -3379.01 414-2 -7160.63 414-2 -11337.67 414-2 -15869.86 414-2 -13373.16 415-1 -9152.97 415-1 -5320.47 415-1 -1896.05 415-1 1099.86 415-1 3653.65 415-1 5778.94 415-1 7496.13 415-1 8825.65 415-1 8824.12 415-2 7497.46 415-2 5783.12 415-2 3660.68 415-2 1109.74 415-2 -1883.31 415-2 -5304.87 415-2 -9134.53 415-2 -13351.86 415-2 -14952.65 415-1 -10303.18 415-1 -6022.46 415-1 -2164.44 415-1 1216.95 415-1 4085.73 415-1 6477.87 415-1 8447.31 415-1 10048.01 415-1 10045.1 415-2 8449.51 415-2 6485.17 415-2 4098.14 415-2 1234.46 415-2 -2141.82 415-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

1.2 1.38 1.55 -1.2 -0.97 -0.74 -0.51 -0.28 -0.05161 0.18 0.41 0.64 1.15 1.06 0.97 0.88 0.79 0.7 0.61 0.52 0.43 -0.84 -0.71 -0.57 -0.43 -0.3 -0.16 -0.02634 0.11 0.25 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.8 0.81 0.81 7.88 6.51 5.13 3.76 2.4 1.68

-5994.74 415-2 -10270.35 415-2 -14914.71 415-2 -13645.17 415-1 -9382.59 415-1 -5475.08 415-1 -1962.94 415-1 1113.57 415-1 3727.6 415-1 5905.99 415-1 7689.02 415-1 9116.98 415-1 9114.66 415-2 7691.24 415-2 5912.74 415-2 3738.89 415-2 1129.4 415-2 -1942.58 415-2 -5450.19 415-2 -9353.16 415-2 -13611.2 415-2 -13644.11 415-1 -9381.67 415-1 -5474.32 415-1 -1962.32 415-1 1114.04 415-1 3727.91 415-1 5906.15 415-1 7689.04 415-1 9116.84 415-1 9114.53 415-2 7690.9 415-2 5912.18 415-2 3738.11 415-2 1128.41 415-2 -1943.78 415-2 -5451.61 415-2 -9354.79 415-2 -13613.05 415-2 2855.33 415-1 3155.75 415-1 3380.14 415-1 3535.3 415-1 3634.77 415-1 3660.79 415-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

5 3610.55 415-1 8.55 3483.79 415-1 12.11 3376.93 415-1 14.6 3385.79 415-2 11.3 3473.63 415-2 8.02 3600.42 415-2 4.79 3650.84 415-2 2.39 3636.35 415-2 1.53 3577.21 415-2 1.14 3442.56 415-2 2.16 3231.38 415-2 3.24 2943.59 415-2 -16.38 -11028.49 415-1 -12.83 -8960.08 415-1 -9.27 -6968.89 415-1 -5.71 -5061.74 415-1 -2.17 -3252.17 415-1 0.73 -1522.42 415-1 -0.41 130.33 415-1 -1.77 1706.33 415-1 -3.15 3109.16 415-1 -5.53 3099.04 415-2 -4.45 1723.13 415-2 -3.38 155 415-2 -2.37 -1490.03 415-2 -2.19 -3223.42 415-2 -3.54 -5065.42 415-2 -5.36 -6985.18 415-2 -8.6 -8981.67 415-2 -11.9 -11054.83 415-2 9.2 -1859.73 415-1 7.62 -989.7 415-1 6.03 -194.3 415-1 4.45 549.12 415-1 2.87 1285.73 415-1 1.67 1956.33 415-1 4.97 2551.5 415-1 8.72 3070.39 415-1 12.49 3541.75 415-1 23.47 3544.11 415-2 18.98 3051.02 415-2 14.49 2516.13 415-2 10.02 1905.42 415-2 5.81 1257.17 415-2 2.07 638.85 415-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.49 -52.34 415-2 1.62 -819.82 415-2 3.88 -1663.84 415-2 -17.71 -6313.43 415-1 -13.94 -4814.63 415-1 -10.17 -3394.45 415-1 -6.4 -2075.56 415-1 -2.64 -903.13 415-1 0.74 182.04 415-1 -0.37 1189.38 415-1 -1.94 2119.72 415-1 -3.53 2944.34 415-1 -14.4 2940.73 415-2 -12.13 2145.74 415-2 -9.86 1239.29 415-2 -7.6 255.39 415-2 -5.6 -844.24 415-2 -4.08 -2127.07 415-2 -3.74 -3490.29 415-2 -8.06 -4930.48 415-2 -12.53 -6447.4 415-2 11.46 -6701.71 415-1 9.08 -3323.34 415-1 6.71 -299.45 415-1 4.34 2336.48 415-1 1.98 4557.72 415-1 0.26 6319.66 415-1 2.59 7646.34 415-1 5.14 8577.78 415-1 7.69 9250.66 415-1 10.66 9257.85 415-2 8.52 8565.99 415-2 6.39 7634.64 415-2 4.32 6308.2 415-2 3.08 4557.85 415-2 3.37 2376.99 415-2 4.14 -238.38 415-2 6.33 -3249.01 415-2 8.56 -6614.68 415-2 -12.81 -20585.53 415-1 -10.25 -15439.17 415-1 -7.69 -10648.49 415-1 -5.14 -6260.56 415-1 -2.59 -2329.22 415-1 -0.69 1136.45 415-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-2.83 -5.19 -7.56 -9.47 -7.23 -5.01 -2.83 -1.5 -1.69 -2.36 -4.44 -6.58 12.78 10.19 7.61 5.02 2.45 0.25 2.55 5.31 8.07 19.53 16.2 12.87 9.55 6.5 3.92 2.52 5.78 9.2 -14.13 -11.36 -8.59 -5.82 -3.06 -0.68 -2.79 -5.36 -7.94 -18.34 -14.91 -11.48 -8.07 -4.91 -2.23

4166.12 415-1 6800.31 415-1 8982.9 415-1 8971.1 415-2 6815.5 415-2 4189.22 415-2 1167.33 415-2 -2301.93 415-2 -6265.64 415-2 -10666.12 415-2 -15462.06 415-2 -20613.1 415-2 -11416.77 415-1 -7468.79 415-1 -3873.9 415-1 -649.71 415-1 2208.68 415-1 4615.2 415-1 6587.29 415-1 8164.38 415-1 9415.48 415-1 9416.16 415-2 8143.38 415-2 6550.35 415-2 4562.78 415-2 2178.66 415-2 -561.37 415-2 -3733.28 415-2 -7300.2 415-2 -11222.11 415-2 -15870.47 415-1 -11293.72 415-1 -7074.04 415-1 -3274.38 415-1 19.82 415-1 2840.91 415-1 5225.17 415-1 7213.71 415-1 8818.08 415-1 8812.78 415-2 7238.1 415-2 5273.51 415-2 2912.75 415-2 77.26 415-2 -3327.29 415-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.73 -3.9 -7.22 -2.22 -1.59 -0.96 -0.34 0.29 0.92 1.54 2.17 2.8 6.67 5.64 4.62 3.59 2.57 1.54 0.51 -0.51 -1.54 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.33 0.36 0.4 0.44 0.47 0.51 4.93 4.25 3.56 2.88 2.19 1.5 0.82 0.13 -0.56 -1.03 -0.7 -0.36 -0.03042 0.3 0.64

-7171.22 415-2 -11410.86 415-2 -16005.67 415-2 -14131.06 416-1 -9722.53 416-1 -5701.68 416-1 -2088.93 416-1 1095.32 416-1 3837.45 416-1 6151.08 416-1 8056.61 416-1 9574.46 416-1 9563.61 416-2 8338.24 416-2 6725.19 416-2 4704.04 416-2 2254.39 416-2 -637.38 416-2 -3957.65 416-2 -7686.02 416-2 -11802.07 416-2 -15876.59 416-1 -10989.62 416-1 -6471.4 416-1 -2375.87 416-1 1243.01 416-1 4349.3 416-1 6978.94 416-1 9185.88 416-1 11024.08 416-1 11033.8 416-2 9540.04 416-2 7677.53 416-2 5392.32 416-2 2630.48 416-2 -643.98 416-2 -4395.07 416-2 -8568.86 416-2 -13111.39 416-2 -14463.75 416-1 -9992.64 416-1 -5876.61 416-1 -2155.94 416-1 1129.09 416-1 3951.64 416-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

0.97 6338.55 416-1 1.3 8330.11 416-1 1.64 9966.59 416-1 5.65 9969.29 416-2 4.81 8641.52 416-2 3.96 6958.67 416-2 3.11 4880.46 416-2 2.27 2366.61 416-2 1.42 -609.72 416-2 0.58 -4021.68 416-2 -0.27 -7829 416-2 -1.12 -11991.4 416-2 -0.64 -14464.81 416-1 -0.4 -9993.47 416-1 -0.16 -5877.21 416-1 0.07864 -2156.3 416-1 0.32 1128.97 416-1 0.56 3951.76 416-1 0.8 6338.91 416-1 1.04 8330.7 416-1 1.28 9967.41 416-1 5.29 9970.02 416-2 4.52 8642.51 416-2 3.75 6959.91 416-2 2.98 4881.96 416-2 2.2 2368.37 416-2 1.43 -607.7 416-2 0.66 -4019.41 416-2 -0.11 -7826.47 416-2 -0.88 -11988.62 416-2 7 2794.55 416-1 5.03 3149.41 416-1 3.08 3427.72 416-1 1.45 3629.72 416-1 4.59 3764.06 416-1 8.5 3850.01 416-1 12.44 3861.25 416-1 16.38 3796.14 416-1 20.33 3660.7 416-1 12.55 3744.33 416-2 10.66 3661.82 416-2 8.79 3795.85 416-2 6.99 3853.58 416-2 5.39 3836.36 416-2 4.2 3771.27 416-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

3.32 3638.6 416-2 2.54 3429.59 416-2 1.8 3144.01 416-2 -16.07 -11354.1 416-1 -11.92 -9222.54 416-1 -7.8 -7167.68 416-1 -3.98 -5189.78 416-1 -4.95 -3297.49 416-1 -6.69 -1510.08 416-1 -8.45 198.78 416-1 -10.21 1830.72 416-1 -11.99 3379.72 416-1 -2.04 3279.67 416-2 -2.19 2118.54 416-2 -2.37 587.62 416-2 -2.62 -1020.28 416-2 -3.07 -2706.49 416-2 -3.93 -4498.1 416-2 -5.09 -6375.4 416-2 -6.36 -8329.62 416-2 -7.67 -10360.54 416-2 6.21 -1926.82 416-1 6.06 -1010.29 416-1 5.91 -170.16 416-1 5.87 594.43 416-1 7.25 1312.26 416-1 8.88 2047.57 416-1 10.51 2712.55 416-1 12.15 3301.49 416-1 13.79 3815.82 416-1 21.32 3837.08 416-2 19.16 3316.42 416-2 17 2807.2 416-2 14.87 2221.87 416-2 12.79 1565.42 416-2 10.84 928.13 416-2 8.99 244.41 416-2 7.16 -515.01 416-2 5.35 -1350.86 416-2 -15.28 -6632.73 416-1 -12.95 -5062.83 416-1 -10.63 -3569.8 416-1 -8.4 -2154.49 416-1 -7.62 -845.69 416-1 -7.06 292.36 416-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-6.52 1347.48 416-1 -5.98 2325.38 416-1 -5.45 3224.6 416-1 -10.81 3186.92 416-2 -10.69 2463.94 416-2 -10.58 1576.27 416-2 -10.5 611.43 416-2 -10.47 -435.55 416-2 -10.57 -1654.96 416-2 -10.76 -2981.2 416-2 -10.98 -4385.01 416-2 -11.22 -5865.67 416-2 11.07 -7390.97 416-1 8.21 -3807.87 416-1 5.37 -579.78 416-1 2.84 2253.29 416-1 5.09 4659.69 416-1 8.12 6631.85 416-1 11.16 8170.3 416-1 14.22 9313.68 416-1 17.27 10108.28 416-1 12.42 10202.68 416-2 10.81 9414.6 416-2 9.23 8564.6 416-2 7.72 7319.57 416-2 6.4 5640.6 416-2 5.5 3527.9 416-2 4.9 988.63 416-2 4.41 -1945.72 416-2 3.96 -5235.08 416-2 -12 -21539.62 416-1 -8.75 -16179.82 416-1 -5.51 -11175.18 416-1 -2.59 -6566.22 416-1 -4.44 -2401.86 416-1 -7.07 1271.76 416-1 -9.72 4507.83 416-1 -12.38 7348.25 416-1 -15.04 9827.3 416-1 -2.17 9738.02 416-2 -2.04 7871.31 416-2 -1.93 5356.36 416-2 -1.89 2445.71 416-2 -2.05 -902.26 416-2 -2.63 -4741.47 416-2

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-3.5 -4.49 -5.51 10.28 9.24 8.2 7.26 7.76 8.49 9.24 9.98 10.74 21.19 19.31 17.44 15.59 13.81 12.14 10.57 9.03 7.51 -11.21 -9.77 -8.34 -7.01 -7.11 -7.45 -7.79 -8.15 -8.51 -10.94 -10.54 -10.14 -9.77 -9.46 -9.27 -9.17 -9.11 -9.06 5.85 4.78 3.72 2.65 1.59 0.52

-9025.37 416-2 -13704.93 416-2 -18739.62 416-2 -12112.34 416-1 -7967.58 416-1 -4177.65 416-1 -782.01 416-1 2207.89 416-1 4829.41 416-1 7021.6 416-1 8819.02 416-1 10263.4 416-1 10295.44 416-2 9069.19 416-2 7575.95 416-2 5687.86 416-2 3369.65 416-2 684.76 416-2 -2405.57 416-2 -5890.32 416-2 -9729.95 416-2 -16818.25 416-1 -12020.12 416-1 -7577.3 416-1 -3530.92 416-1 49.94 416-1 3074.2 416-1 5656.53 416-1 7842.91 416-1 9672.18 416-1 9645.27 416-2 8216.72 416-2 6345.01 416-2 4077.42 416-2 1368.69 416-2 -1898.33 416-2 -5631.18 416-2 -9760.32 416-2 -14244.75 416-2 -1785.38 417-1 -1234.1 417-1 -802.03 417-1 -489.16 417-1 -295.5 417-1 -221.06 417-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-0.54 -265.81 417-1 -1.6 -429.78 417-1 -2.67 -712.95 417-1 8.82 -1945.55 417-1 7.35 -1451.93 417-1 5.88 -1060.48 417-1 4.42 -771.21 417-1 2.95 -584.11 417-1 1.48 -499.2 417-1 0.0149 -516.46 417-1 -1.45 -635.9 417-1 -2.92 -857.52 417-1 7.19 -1770.85 417-1 5.95 -1289 417-1 4.72 -909.33 417-1 3.48 -631.84 417-1 2.25 -456.52 417-1 1.01 -383.39 417-1 -0.22 -412.43 417-1 -1.45 -543.65 417-1 -2.69 -777.04 417-1 7.36 -1787.08 417-1 6.1 -1301.92 417-1 4.85 -918.95 417-1 3.59 -638.16 417-1 2.34 -459.54 417-1 1.08 -383.1 417-1 -0.17 -408.84 417-1 -1.43 -536.76 417-1 -2.68 -766.85 417-1 47.88 9192.5 417-1 41.61 6838.96 417-1 35.35 4409.77 417-1 29.1 1906.54 417-1 22.87 544.55 417-1 16.82 3072.53 417-1 12.83 5524.39 417-1 9.17 7899.81 417-1 6.17 10198.71 417-1 -46.69 -10341.91 417-1 -40.76 -7507.14 417-1 -34.83 -4749.98 417-1 -28.91 -2072.05 417-1 -23.01 -688.63 417-1 -17.29 -3348.44 417-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

-13.64 -6085.39 417-1 -10.31 -8899.19 417-1 -7.65 -11789.71 417-1 33.24 2400.33 417-1 27.58 1849.93 417-1 21.91 1226.16 417-1 16.25 534.38 417-1 10.62 140.87 417-1 5.55 865.14 417-1 7.23 1514.45 417-1 9.66 2087.81 417-1 12.31 2584.86 417-1 -32.05 -3549.74 417-1 -26.72 -2518.11 417-1 -21.39 -1566.37 417-1 -16.06 -699.89 417-1 -10.76 -284.95 417-1 -6.03 -1141.05 417-1 -8.04 -2075.46 417-1 -10.8 -3087.18 417-1 -13.79 -4175.87 417-1 54.72 7972.75 417-1 47.36 5865.25 417-1 40 3656.55 417-1 32.65 1348.26 417-1 25.32 155.68 417-1 18.17 2827.51 417-1 13.08 5397.68 417-1 8.32 7865.88 417-1 4.23 10231.99 417-1 -39.84 -11561.65 417-1 -35.01 -8480.85 417-1 -30.18 -5503.2 417-1 -25.36 -2630.32 417-1 -20.56 -1077.5 417-1 -15.94 -3593.45 417-1 -13.38 -6212.1 417-1 -11.15 -8933.12 417-1 -9.59 -11756.43 417-1 40.09 1180.58 417-1 33.32 876.22 417-1 26.56 472.94 417-1 19.8 -23.9 417-1 13.07 -248 417-1 6.9 620.12 417-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25

7.48 8.81 10.37 -25.21 -20.97 -16.74 -12.51 -8.31 -4.67 -7.78 -11.65 -15.73 -1.01 -0.45 0.11 0.11 0.52 0.93 1.35 1.35 1.91 2.47 2.47 3.03 3.03 2.47 2.47 1.9 1.33 1.33 0.92 0.5 0.0869 0.0869 -0.48 -1.05 -2.02 -1.26 -0.51 -0.51 0.04187 0.59 1.15 1.15 1.9

1387.75 417-1 2053.87 417-1 2618.15 417-1 -4769.48 417-1 -3491.82 417-1 -2319.59 417-1 -1258.16 417-1 -673.82 417-1 -1386.06 417-1 -2202.17 417-1 -3121.12 417-1 -4142.58 417-1 -5122.63 419-1 -2765.96 419-1 -862.7 419-1 -862.7 419-1 138.62 419-1 1053.28 419-1 1881.26 419-1 1881.26 419-1 2738.34 419-1 3434.25 419-1 3434.25 419-1 3836.7 419-1 3835.71 419-2 3441.04 419-2 3441.04 419-2 2752.9 419-2 1903.59 419-2 1903.59 419-2 1081.32 419-2 172.36 419-2 -823.26 419-2 -823.26 419-2 -2718.74 419-2 -5067.64 419-2 -5310.72 419-1 -2997.76 419-1 -1073.46 419-1 -1073.46 419-1 -0.35 419-1 998.47 419-1 1923 419-1 1923 419-1 2950.59 419-1

2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6

2.65 2.65 3.41 3.44 2.64 2.64 1.84 1.04 1.04 0.46 -0.13 -0.71 -0.71 -1.51 -2.3 -1.66 -0.98 -0.3 -0.3 0.2 0.69 1.19 1.19 1.87 2.55 2.55 3.23 3.26 2.55 2.55 1.85 1.14 1.14 0.62 0.1 -0.42 -0.42 -1.13 -1.83 -1.6 -0.94 -0.29 -0.29 0.19 0.68

3840.04 419-1 3840.04 419-1 4477.94 419-1 4476.45 419-2 3856.33 419-2 3856.33 419-2 2984.68 419-2 1974.87 419-2 1974.87 419-2 1063.39 419-2 77.62 419-2 -982.45 419-2 -982.45 419-2 -2888.97 419-2 -5184.13 419-2 -4971.76 419-1 -2767.44 419-1 -951.77 419-1 -951.77 419-1 41.67 419-1 960.82 419-1 1805.68 419-1 1805.68 419-1 2724.64 419-1 3505.45 419-1 3505.45 419-1 4034.71 419-1 4033.46 419-2 3517.81 419-2 3517.81 419-2 2750.62 419-2 1845.28 419-2 1845.28 419-2 1010.41 419-2 101.25 419-2 -882.21 419-2 -882.21 419-2 -2684.26 419-2 -4874.96 419-2 -4966.63 419-1 -2763.36 419-1 -948.73 419-1 -948.73 419-1 43.95 419-1 962.34 419-1

3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333

1.16 1.16 1.81 2.47 2.47 3.12 3.14 2.46 2.46 1.77 1.09 1.09 0.59 0.08577 -0.42 -0.42 -1.1 -1.78 14.47 11.32 8.32 8.32 7.57 7.41 7.29 7.29 7.14 8.79 8.79 13.18 14.08 9.35 9.35 6.86 7.32 7.32 7.66 8.05 9.41 9.41 12.82 16.3 -18.51 -14.14 -9.91

1806.44 419-1 1806.44 419-1 2724.35 419-1 3504.12 419-1 3504.12 419-1 4032.34 419-1 4031.09 419-2 3516.49 419-2 3516.49 419-2 2750.33 419-2 1846.04 419-2 1846.04 419-2 1011.93 419-2 103.52 419-2 -879.17 419-2 -879.17 419-2 -2680.18 419-2 -4869.84 419-2 5317.23 419-1 5127.51 419-1 4843.42 419-1 4843.42 419-1 4575.58 419-1 4260.79 419-1 3906.21 419-1 3906.21 419-1 3345.72 419-1 2691.33 419-1 2691.33 419-1 1952.01 419-1 1951.91 419-2 2695.43 419-2 2695.43 419-2 3354.25 419-2 3918.93 419-2 3918.93 419-2 4274.26 419-2 4584.54 419-2 4851.42 419-2 4851.42 419-2 5136.24 419-2 5327.1 419-2 -9640.88 419-1 -7737.82 419-1 -5929.6 419-1

2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1

-9.91 -8.25 -7.19 -6.17 -6.17 -4.79 -5.21 -5.21 -8.37 -8.88 -5.39 -5.39 -4.13 -5.82 -5.82 -7.07 -8.37 -10.63 -10.63 -15.28 -19.99 12.95 7.92 3.38 3.38 4.86 8.34 11.94 11.94 16.88 22.38 22.38 28.7 28.54 22.08 22.08 16.3 11.41 11.41 7.85 4.44 4.27 4.27 9.23 14.42

-5929.6 419-1 -4664.33 419-1 -3453.87 419-1 -2305.37 419-1 -2305.37 419-1 -826.25 419-1 557.54 419-1 557.54 419-1 1837.05 419-1 1836.83 419-2 558.84 419-2 558.84 419-2 -823.67 419-2 -2301.26 419-2 -2301.26 419-2 -3446.31 419-2 -4648.07 419-2 -5908.19 419-2 -5908.19 419-2 -7711.42 419-2 -9609.9 419-2 228.63 419-1 729.78 419-1 1137.11 419-1 1137.11 419-1 1377.78 419-1 1580.65 419-1 1769.61 419-1 1769.61 419-1 1962.02 419-1 2062.21 419-1 2062.21 419-1 2071.18 419-1 2070.74 419-2 2069.79 419-2 2069.79 419-2 1977.66 419-2 1792.49 419-2 1792.49 419-2 1601.1 419-2 1378.28 419-2 1129.5 419-2 1129.5 419-2 717.88 419-2 213.8 419-2

1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

-17 -10.74 -4.96 -4.96 -5.54 -8.12 -10.82 -10.82 -14.53 -18.79 -18.79 -23.88 -23.35 -18.12 -18.12 -13.57 -9.91 -9.91 -7.26 -4.76 -5.49 -5.49 -11.69 -18.11 14.92 11.81 8.84 8.84 8.1 7.97 7.87 7.87 7.75 9.43 9.43 13.85 14.57 9.79 9.79 7.24 7.64 7.64 7.94 8.29 9.6

-4552.28 419-1 -3340.08 419-1 -2223.29 419-1 -2223.29 419-1 -1466.53 419-1 -773.73 419-1 -168.77 419-1 -168.77 419-1 557.44 419-1 1186.67 419-1 1186.67 419-1 1717.88 419-1 1717.99 419-2 1184.47 419-2 1184.47 419-2 552.92 419-2 -174.82 419-2 -174.82 419-2 -773.15 419-2 -1441.81 419-2 -2186.28 419-2 -2186.28 419-2 -3293.06 419-2 -4496.6 419-2 2514.76 419-1 3671.17 419-1 4439.17 419-1 4439.17 419-1 4664.95 419-1 4820.36 419-1 4912.57 419-1 4912.57 419-1 4810.2 419-1 4570.41 419-1 4570.41 419-1 4088.75 419-1 4087.56 419-2 4584.18 419-2 4584.18 419-2 4839.16 419-2 4956.47 419-2 4956.47 419-2 4872.9 419-2 4720.87 419-2 4502.02 419-2

0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6

9.6 4502.02 419-2 12.96 3745.51 419-2 16.39 2600.99 419-2 -18.06 -12443.36 419-1 -13.65 -9194.16 419-1 -9.39 -6333.85 419-1 -9.39 -6333.85 419-1 -7.71 -4574.97 419-1 -6.63 -2894.3 419-1 -5.59 -1299.01 419-1 -5.59 -1299.01 419-1 -4.18 638.24 419-1 -4.57 2436.62 419-1 -4.57 2436.62 419-1 -7.7 3973.78 419-1 -8.39 3972.47 419-2 -4.96 2447.58 419-2 -4.96 2447.58 419-2 -3.76 661.24 419-2 -5.5 -1263.71 419-2 -5.5 -1263.71 419-2 -6.79 -2847.67 419-2 -8.13 -4511.75 419-2 -10.43 -6257.59 419-2 -10.43 -6257.59 419-2 -15.14 -9102.16 419-2 -19.91 -12336.01 419-2 13.41 -2573.85 419-1 8.41 -726.57 419-1 3.89 732.85 419-1 3.89 732.85 419-1 5.39 1467.14 419-1 8.9 2140.22 419-1 12.52 2775.97 419-1 12.52 2775.97 419-1 17.49 3426.51 419-1 23.01 3941.28 419-1 23.01 3941.28 419-1 29.36 4207.92 419-1 29.03 4206.39 419-2 22.52 3958.54 419-2 22.52 3958.54 419-2 16.67 3462.57 419-2 11.73 2830.04 419-2 11.73 2830.04 419-2

2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5

8.13 4.68 4.46 4.46 9.37 14.5 -16.54 -10.25 -4.45 -4.45 -5.01 -7.57 -10.24 -10.24 -13.92 -18.15 -18.15 -23.22 -22.86 -17.69 -17.69 -13.19 -9.59 -9.59 -6.98 -4.52 -5.29 -5.29 -11.55 -18.03

2199.74 419-2 1514.61 419-2 780.1 419-2 780.1 419-2 -672.85 419-2 -2512.31 419-2 -7354.75 419-1 -4796.43 419-1 -2627.54 419-1 -2627.54 419-1 -1377.16 419-1 -214.16 419-1 837.59 419-1 837.59 419-1 2021.93 419-1 3065.74 419-1 3065.74 419-1 3854.61 419-1 3853.64 419-2 3073.22 419-2 3073.22 419-2 2037.83 419-2 862.72 419-2 862.72 419-2 -174.51 419-2 -1305.48 419-2 -2535.68 419-2 -2535.68 419-2 -4683.8 419-2 -7222.71 419-2 23812.35 -35005.6

1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.36667 1.73333 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.86667 2.23333 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

TABLE: Element Forces - Frames Frame Station OutputCase Text m Text 28 0 1,4D 28 0.5 1,4D 28 1 1,4D 28 1.5 1,4D 28 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 28 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 28 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 28 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 28 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 28 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 28 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 28 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 28 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 28 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 28 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 28 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 28 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 28 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 28 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 28 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 28 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

CaseType Text Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

StepType Text

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max

P Kgf -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.14 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 -1.98 79.71 79.71 79.71 79.71 -80.12 -80.12 -80.12 -80.12 97.04 97.04 97.04 97.04 -97.44 -97.44 -97.44 -97.44 77.94 77.94 77.94 77.94 -81.89 -81.89 -81.89 -81.89 95.27 95.27

V2 Kgf 3848.75 4810.02 5771.29 6732.56 3111.14 4295.09 5479.04 6662.98 3181.62 4230.56 5279.51 6328.45 3181.57 4230.52 5279.46 6328.41 645.96 740.57 835.17 929.78 9.57 104.18 198.78 293.39 472.21 566.82 661.43 756.04 183.31 277.92 372.53 467.14 3499.75 4548.69 5597.64 6646.58 2863.36 3912.3 4961.25 6010.19 3326 4374.95

V3 Kgf 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 -6.03 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 -5.85 2.53 2.53

T Kgf-m 1870.47 1870.47 1870.47 1870.47 1570.06 1570.06 1570.06 1570.06 1582.63 1582.63 1582.63 1582.63 1582.53 1582.53 1582.53 1582.53 874.56 874.56 874.56 874.56 -774.53 -774.53 -774.53 -774.53 309.36 309.36 309.36 309.36 -209.33 -209.33 -209.33 -209.33 2407.02 2407.02 2407.02 2407.02 757.94 757.94 757.94 757.94 1841.82 1841.82

28 28 28 28 28 28 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

95.27 95.27 -99.21 -99.21 -99.21 -99.21 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.35 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 -2.34 77.06 77.06 77.06 77.06 -77.66 -77.66 -77.66 -77.66 96.27 96.27 96.27 96.27 -96.87 -96.87 -96.87 -96.87 75.02 75.02 75.02 75.02 -79.7 -79.7 -79.7

5423.89 6472.84 3037.1 4086.05 5134.99 6183.94 -6734.88 -5773.61 -4812.34 -3851.08 -6666.9 -5482.96 -4299.01 -3115.07 -6331.66 -5282.71 -4233.77 -3184.82 -6331.61 -5282.66 -4233.72 -3184.77 -297.87 -203.26 -108.65 -14.04 -926.79 -832.18 -737.58 -642.97 -468.98 -374.37 -279.76 -185.15 -755.68 -661.07 -566.46 -471.85 -6017.12 -4968.18 -3919.23 -2870.29 -6646.05 -5597.1 -4548.16

2.53 2.53 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -2.07 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 -6.1 -6.1 -6.1 -6.1 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 -6.29 -6.29 -6.29

1841.82 1841.82 1323.14 1323.14 1323.14 1323.14 -1877.44 -1877.44 -1877.44 -1877.44 -1579.83 -1579.83 -1579.83 -1579.83 -1590.99 -1590.99 -1590.99 -1590.99 -1590.88 -1590.88 -1590.88 -1590.88 764.44 764.44 764.44 764.44 -867.31 -867.31 -867.31 -867.31 206.37 206.37 206.37 206.37 -309.24 -309.24 -309.24 -309.24 -774.95 -774.95 -774.95 -774.95 -2406.7 -2406.7 -2406.7

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max

-79.7 94.23 94.23 94.23 94.23 -98.91 -98.91 -98.91 -98.91 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.94 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.56 99.43 99.43 99.43 99.43 -100.12 -100.12 -100.12 -100.12 106.31 106.31 106.31 106.31 -107 -107 -107 -107 98.22 98.22 98.22 98.22

-3499.21 -6188.23 -5139.29 -4090.34 -3041.4 -6474.93 -5425.99 -4377.04 -3328.1 3972.1 4933.37 5894.64 6855.91 3311.07 4495.01 5678.96 6862.9 3346.11 4395.06 5444 6492.95 3346.16 4395.1 5444.05 6492.99 730.61 825.21 919.82 1014.43 63.49 158.09 252.7 347.31 568.46 663.07 757.68 852.29 225.63 320.24 414.85 509.46 3679.74 4728.68 5777.63 6826.57

-6.29 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -0.03594 -0.03594 -0.03594 -0.03594 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 1.86 1.86 1.86 1.86 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77

-2406.7 -1333.02 -1333.02 -1333.02 -1333.02 -1848.63 -1848.63 -1848.63 -1848.63 -2054.57 -2054.57 -2054.57 -2054.57 -1824.35 -1824.35 -1824.35 -1824.35 -1800.48 -1800.48 -1800.48 -1800.48 -1800.59 -1800.59 -1800.59 -1800.59 558.23 558.23 558.23 558.23 -809.66 -809.66 -809.66 -809.66 94.45 94.45 94.45 94.45 -345.89 -345.89 -345.89 -345.89 -1116.7 -1116.7 -1116.7 -1116.7

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max

-101.34 -101.34 -101.34 -101.34 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1 -108.22 -108.22 -108.22 -108.22 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 -1.99 100.56 100.56 100.56 100.56 -101.49 -101.49 -101.49 -101.49 106.35 106.35 106.35 106.35 -107.28 -107.28 -107.28 -107.28 99.04

3012.62 4061.56 5110.51 6159.45 3517.59 4566.54 5615.49 6664.43 3174.76 4223.71 5272.65 6321.6 -6853.44 -5892.17 -4930.9 -3969.63 -6858.83 -5674.88 -4490.94 -3306.99 -6489.6 -5440.66 -4391.71 -3342.76 -6489.65 -5440.71 -4391.76 -3342.82 -351.98 -257.37 -162.77 -68.16 -1008.26 -913.65 -819.04 -724.43 -509.69 -415.08 -320.47 -225.86 -850.56 -755.95 -661.34 -566.73 -6161.54

-5.06 -5.06 -5.06 -5.06 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 -2.09 0.07286 0.07286 0.07286 0.07286 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 5 5 5 5 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 -4.83 2 2 2 2 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 5.09

-2484.59 -2484.59 -2484.59 -2484.59 -1580.47 -1580.47 -1580.47 -1580.47 -2020.82 -2020.82 -2020.82 -2020.82 2050.41 2050.41 2050.41 2050.41 1817.48 1817.48 1817.48 1817.48 1794.84 1794.84 1794.84 1794.84 1794.97 1794.97 1794.97 1794.97 800.88 800.88 800.88 800.88 -551.94 -551.94 -551.94 -551.94 343.19 343.19 343.19 343.19 -94.26 -94.26 -94.26 -94.26 2471.43

79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min

99.04 99.04 99.04 -103.01 -103.01 -103.01 -103.01 104.83 104.83 104.83 104.83 -108.8 -108.8 -108.8 -108.8 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 -1.42 101.83 101.83 101.83 101.83 -102.33 -102.33 -102.33 -102.33 103.22 103.22 103.22 103.22 -103.73 -103.73

-5112.59 -4063.65 -3014.7 -6817.81 -5768.87 -4719.92 -3670.98 -6319.24 -5270.3 -4221.35 -3172.4 -6660.11 -5611.16 -4562.22 -3513.27 3948.24 4909.51 5870.78 6832.05 3289.05 4472.99 5656.94 6840.89 3324.68 4373.62 5422.57 6471.51 3324.72 4373.67 5422.61 6471.56 730.27 824.88 919.48 1014.09 63.01 157.62 252.23 346.83 568.38 662.98 757.59 852.2 224.9 319.51

5.09 5.09 5.09 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -0.04317 -0.04317 -0.04317 -0.04317 0.08084 0.08084 0.08084 0.08084 0.03675 0.03675 0.03675 0.03675 0.03666 0.03666 0.03666 0.03666 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 -2.02 -2.02

2471.43 2471.43 2471.43 1118.61 1118.61 1118.61 1118.61 2013.75 2013.75 2013.75 2013.75 1576.3 1576.3 1576.3 1576.3 2093.53 2093.53 2093.53 2093.53 1855.15 1855.15 1855.15 1855.15 1832.26 1832.26 1832.26 1832.26 1832.37 1832.37 1832.37 1832.37 808.8 808.8 808.8 808.8 -558.62 -558.62 -558.62 -558.62 344.64 344.64 344.64 344.64 -94.45 -94.45

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104

1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

-103.73 -103.73 100.66 100.66 100.66 100.66 -103.5 -103.5 -103.5 -103.5 102.06 102.06 102.06 102.06 -104.89 -104.89 -104.89 -104.89 -9.94 -9.94 -9.94 -9.94 -11.68 -11.68 -11.68 -11.68 -10.51 -10.51 -10.51 -10.51 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 108.1 108.1 108.1 108.1 -112.39 -112.39 -112.39 -112.39 99.32 99.32 99.32

414.12 508.73 3658.37 4707.32 5756.26 6805.21 2991.12 4040.06 5089.01 6137.95 3496.48 4545.43 5594.37 6643.32 3153.01 4201.95 5250.9 6299.84 -6878.62 -5917.35 -4956.08 -3994.81 -6890.13 -5706.18 -4522.24 -3338.29 -6517.26 -5468.31 -4419.37 -3370.42 -6517.31 -5468.36 -4419.42 -3370.47 -353.65 -259.04 -164.43 -69.82 -1008.22 -913.61 -819.01 -724.4 -510.47 -415.86 -321.25

-2.02 -2.02 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.54 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 -1.31 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 -7.39 -7.39 -7.39 -7.39 4.49 4.49 4.49

-94.45 -94.45 2516.13 2516.13 2516.13 2516.13 1148.71 1148.71 1148.71 1148.71 2051.97 2051.97 2051.97 2051.97 1612.88 1612.88 1612.88 1612.88 -2132.92 -2132.92 -2132.92 -2132.92 -1904.76 -1904.76 -1904.76 -1904.76 -1875.91 -1875.91 -1875.91 -1875.91 -1876.04 -1876.04 -1876.04 -1876.04 557.92 557.92 557.92 557.92 -815.85 -815.85 -815.85 -815.85 92.98 92.98 92.98

104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105

1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

99.32 -103.61 -103.61 -103.61 -103.61 99.75 99.75 99.75 99.75 -120.73 -120.73 -120.73 -120.73 90.98 90.98 90.98 90.98 -111.95 -111.95 -111.95 -111.95 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.45 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.61 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 -2.42 91.91 91.91 91.91 91.91 -92.44 -92.44 -92.44 -92.44

-226.64 -851.41 -756.8 -662.19 -567.58 -6190.04 -5141.1 -4092.15 -3043.21 -6844.62 -5795.67 -4746.73 -3697.78 -6346.86 -5297.92 -4248.97 -3200.03 -6687.8 -5638.85 -4589.91 -3540.96 3624.81 5223.08 6821.35 8419.62 2920.74 4650.68 6380.63 8110.57 2990.63 4585.58 6180.52 7775.47 2990.59 4585.53 6180.48 7775.42 650.15 744.76 839.37 933.98 6.18 100.79 195.4 290.01

4.49 -4.93 -4.93 -4.93 -4.93 5.86 5.86 5.86 5.86 -8.48 -8.48 -8.48 -8.48 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 -6.36 -6.36 -6.36 -6.36

92.98 -350.91 -350.91 -350.91 -350.91 -1189.21 -1189.21 -1189.21 -1189.21 -2562.98 -2562.98 -2562.98 -2562.98 -1654.15 -1654.15 -1654.15 -1654.15 -2098.04 -2098.04 -2098.04 -2098.04 -1836.46 -1836.46 -1836.46 -1836.46 -1543.86 -1543.86 -1543.86 -1543.86 -1555.32 -1555.32 -1555.32 -1555.32 -1555.22 -1555.22 -1555.22 -1555.22 773.54 773.54 773.54 773.54 -874.95 -874.95 -874.95 -874.95

105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min

116.81 116.81 116.81 116.81 -117.35 -117.35 -117.35 -117.35 89.76 89.76 89.76 89.76 -94.59 -94.59 -94.59 -94.59 114.67 114.67 114.67 114.67 -119.49 -119.49 -119.49 -119.49 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -1.78 -1.78 -1.78 -1.78 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.24 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 -2.23 76.23 76.23 76.23 76.23 -78.1

483.37 577.97 672.58 767.19 172.97 267.58 362.18 456.79 3312.55 4907.49 6502.44 8097.38 2668.58 4263.53 5858.47 7453.42 3145.76 4740.71 6335.65 7930.6 2835.37 4430.31 6025.26 7620.2 -8372.91 -6774.64 -5176.37 -3578.11 -8060.57 -6330.62 -4600.68 -2870.73 -7729.21 -6134.26 -4539.32 -2944.37 -7729.16 -6134.21 -4539.27 -2944.32 -294.09 -199.48 -104.87 -10.26 -928.51

2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 7.48 7.48 7.48 7.48 -7.55

207.76 207.76 207.76 207.76 -309.17 -309.17 -309.17 -309.17 -730.93 -730.93 -730.93 -730.93 -2379.42 -2379.42 -2379.42 -2379.42 -1296.71 -1296.71 -1296.71 -1296.71 -1813.64 -1813.64 -1813.64 -1813.64 1799.54 1799.54 1799.54 1799.54 1508.83 1508.83 1508.83 1508.83 1521.58 1521.58 1521.58 1521.58 1521.46 1521.46 1521.46 1521.46 885.96 885.96 885.96 885.96 -783.8

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205

0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max

-78.1 -78.1 -78.1 122.2 122.2 122.2 122.2 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 -124.06 74.94 74.94 74.94 74.94 -79.39 -79.39 -79.39 -79.39 120.91 120.91 120.91 120.91 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -125.36 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.84 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 125.58 125.58

-833.9 -739.29 -644.68 -456.53 -361.92 -267.31 -172.7 -766.07 -671.46 -576.85 -482.24 -7411.92 -5816.98 -4222.03 -2627.09 -8046.34 -6451.4 -4856.45 -3261.51 -7574.36 -5979.42 -4384.47 -2789.53 -7883.9 -6288.96 -4694.01 -3099.07 3867.09 4828.36 5789.63 6750.89 3137.96 4321.9 5505.85 6689.8 3204.25 4253.19 5302.14 6351.09 3204.22 4253.17 5302.11 6351.06 615.34 709.95

-7.55 -7.55 -7.55 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 7.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 -7.92 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 -4.7 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 8.56 8.56

-783.8 -783.8 -783.8 310.99 310.99 310.99 310.99 -208.83 -208.83 -208.83 -208.83 2356.29 2356.29 2356.29 2356.29 686.53 686.53 686.53 686.53 1781.32 1781.32 1781.32 1781.32 1261.49 1261.49 1261.49 1261.49 1899.22 1899.22 1899.22 1899.22 1608.32 1608.32 1608.32 1608.32 1615.9 1615.9 1615.9 1615.9 1615.7 1615.7 1615.7 1615.7 753.49 753.49

205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209

1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

125.58 125.58 -128.48 -128.48 -128.48 -128.48 150.29 150.29 150.29 150.29 -153.19 -153.19 -153.19 -153.19 124.25 124.25 124.25 124.25 -129.81 -129.81 -129.81 -129.81 148.96 148.96 148.96 148.96 -154.52 -154.52 -154.52 -154.52 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54

804.56 899.16 59.13 153.74 248.35 342.96 483.59 578.2 672.81 767.42 190.88 285.49 380.1 474.71 3482.31 4531.26 5580.2 6629.15 2926.11 3975.05 5024 6072.94 3350.56 4399.51 5448.45 6497.4 3057.85 4106.8 5155.75 6204.69 -6752.83 -5791.56 -4830.29 -3869.02 -6693.6 -5509.66 -4325.71 -3141.77 -6354.08 -5305.13 -4256.19 -3207.24 -6354.06 -5305.11 -4256.17

8.56 8.56 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 -8.16 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -2.53 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2

753.49 753.49 -625.76 -625.76 -625.76 -625.76 280.87 280.87 280.87 280.87 -153.14 -153.14 -153.14 -153.14 2305.23 2305.23 2305.23 2305.23 925.98 925.98 925.98 925.98 1832.62 1832.62 1832.62 1832.62 1398.6 1398.6 1398.6 1398.6 -1905.5 -1905.5 -1905.5 -1905.5 -1617.88 -1617.88 -1617.88 -1617.88 -1623.87 -1623.87 -1623.87 -1623.87 -1623.68 -1623.68 -1623.68

209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210

1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-2.54 122.22 122.22 122.22 122.22 -124.73 -124.73 -124.73 -124.73 149.54 149.54 149.54 149.54 -152.05 -152.05 -152.05 -152.05 120.95 120.95 120.95 120.95 -126 -126 -126 -126 148.27 148.27 148.27 148.27 -153.32 -153.32 -153.32 -153.32 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4

-3207.22 -346.79 -252.18 -157.57 -62.96 -896.34 -801.73 -707.12 -612.51 -476.43 -381.82 -287.21 -192.6 -766.7 -672.09 -577.48 -482.87 -6079.27 -5030.33 -3981.38 -2932.44 -6628.82 -5579.88 -4530.93 -3481.99 -6208.91 -5159.97 -4111.02 -3062.08 -6499.18 -5450.24 -4401.29 -3352.35 3954.46 4915.73 5877 6838.27 3285.11 4469.05 5653 6836.94 3324.23 4373.18 5422.12 6471.07

-0.2 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 -2.97 -2.97 -2.97 -2.97 0.01536 0.01536 0.01536 0.01536 0.03184 0.03184 0.03184 0.03184 0.02641 0.02641 0.02641 0.02641

-1623.68 617.2 617.2 617.2 617.2 -746.64 -746.64 -746.64 -746.64 150.68 150.68 150.68 150.68 -280.12 -280.12 -280.12 -280.12 -941.68 -941.68 -941.68 -941.68 -2305.52 -2305.52 -2305.52 -2305.52 -1408.2 -1408.2 -1408.2 -1408.2 -1839 -1839 -1839 -1839 -2012.51 -2012.51 -2012.51 -2012.51 -1769.78 -1769.78 -1769.78 -1769.78 -1752.81 -1752.81 -1752.81 -1752.81

210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 138.21 138.21 138.21 138.21 -139.61 -139.61 -139.61 -139.61 155.83 155.83 155.83 155.83 -157.23 -157.23 -157.23 -157.23 137.53 137.53 137.53 137.53 -140.28 -140.28 -140.28 -140.28 155.15 155.15 155.15 155.15 -157.91 -157.91 -157.91 -157.91 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.48 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.71 -1.56

3324.26 4373.21 5422.15 6471.1 675.19 769.8 864.41 959.01 100.51 195.12 289.73 384.34 549.24 643.85 738.46 833.07 226.46 321.07 415.68 510.28 3611.62 4660.56 5709.51 6758.45 3036.94 4085.88 5134.83 6183.77 3485.67 4534.61 5583.56 6632.51 3162.89 4211.83 5260.78 6309.72 -6836.19 -5874.92 -4913.65 -3952.38 -6832.97 -5649.03 -4465.08 -3281.14 -6467.93

0.02507 0.02507 0.02507 0.02507 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 -7.68 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 -0.006404 -0.006404 -0.006404 -0.006404 -0.008639 -0.008639 -0.008639 -0.008639 -0.008554

-1752.96 -1752.96 -1752.96 -1752.96 472.92 472.92 472.92 472.92 -686.1 -686.1 -686.1 -686.1 79.42 79.42 79.42 79.42 -292.59 -292.59 -292.59 -292.59 -1173.52 -1173.52 -1173.52 -1173.52 -2332.54 -2332.54 -2332.54 -2332.54 -1567.02 -1567.02 -1567.02 -1567.02 -1939.04 -1939.04 -1939.04 -1939.04 2009.15 2009.15 2009.15 2009.15 1763.28 1763.28 1763.28 1763.28 1747.69

214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 235 235 235 235 235 235

0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-1.56 -1.56 -1.56 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 139.97 139.97 139.97 139.97 -141.52 -141.52 -141.52 -141.52 156.34 156.34 156.34 156.34 -157.89 -157.89 -157.89 -157.89 139.2 139.2 139.2 139.2 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 -142.29 155.58 155.58 155.58 155.58 -158.66 -158.66 -158.66 -158.66 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -1.03 -1.03

-5418.98 -4370.04 -3321.09 -6467.95 -5419 -4370.06 -3321.11 -388.75 -294.14 -199.54 -104.93 -953.58 -858.97 -764.37 -669.76 -511.11 -416.5 -321.89 -227.28 -831.23 -736.62 -642.01 -547.4 -6185.55 -5136.6 -4087.65 -3038.71 -6750.38 -5701.43 -4652.49 -3603.54 -6307.9 -5258.96 -4210.01 -3161.07 -6628.02 -5579.07 -4530.13 -3481.18 3927.53 4888.8 5850.07 6811.34 3259.82 4443.76

-0.008554 -0.008554 -0.008554 -0.007617 -0.007617 -0.007617 -0.007617 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 -2.54 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 -7.64 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -2.55 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.12 -0.12

1747.69 1747.69 1747.69 1747.83 1747.83 1747.83 1747.83 678.58 678.58 678.58 678.58 -466.96 -466.96 -466.96 -466.96 290.36 290.36 290.36 290.36 -78.74 -78.74 -78.74 -78.74 2320.66 2320.66 2320.66 2320.66 1175.12 1175.12 1175.12 1175.12 1932.44 1932.44 1932.44 1932.44 1563.34 1563.34 1563.34 1563.34 2049.09 2049.09 2049.09 2049.09 1797.72 1797.72

235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 239 239 239

1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-1.03 5627.71 -1.03 6811.65 -0.95 3299.77 -0.95 4348.71 -0.95 5397.66 -0.95 6446.61 -0.93 3299.8 -0.93 4348.74 -0.93 5397.69 -0.93 6446.64 140.7 674.84 140.7 769.45 140.7 864.06 140.7 958.67 -142.01 99.92 -142.01 194.53 -142.01 289.14 -142.01 383.75 149.79 550.01 149.79 644.62 149.79 739.23 149.79 833.84 -151.1 224.75 -151.1 319.36 -151.1 413.97 -151.1 508.58 140.43 3587.28 140.43 4636.22 140.43 5685.17 140.43 6734.11 -142.27 3012.35 -142.27 4061.3 -142.27 5110.24 -142.27 6159.19 149.52 3462.44 149.52 4511.39 149.52 5560.33 149.52 6609.28 -151.37 3137.19 -151.37 4186.13 -151.37 5235.08 -151.37 6284.02 -4.5 -6851.57 -4.5 -5890.3 -4.5 -4929.03

-0.12 1797.72 -0.12 1797.72 -0.11 1782.04 -0.11 1782.04 -0.11 1782.04 -0.11 1782.04 -0.11 1782.19 -0.11 1782.19 -0.11 1782.19 -0.11 1782.19 7.98 684.66 7.98 684.66 7.98 684.66 7.98 684.66 -8.05 -472.84 -8.05 -472.84 -8.05 -472.84 -8.05 -472.84 2.7 290.94 2.7 290.94 2.7 290.94 2.7 290.94 -2.77 -79.11 -2.77 -79.11 -2.77 -79.11 -2.77 -79.11 7.9 2361 7.9 2361 7.9 2361 7.9 2361 -8.13 1203.5 -8.13 1203.5 -8.13 1203.5 -8.13 1203.5 2.62 1967.28 2.62 1967.28 2.62 1967.28 2.62 1967.28 -2.85 1597.23 -2.85 1597.23 -2.85 1597.23 -2.85 1597.23 -0.26 -2081.45 -0.26 -2081.45 -0.26 -2081.45

239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239

1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

-4.5 -5.04 -5.04 -5.04 -5.04 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.63 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 146.51 146.51 146.51 146.51 -149.9 -149.9 -149.9 -149.9 146.71 146.71 146.71 146.71 -150.1 -150.1 -150.1 -150.1 143.62 143.62 143.62 143.62 -152.79 -152.79 -152.79 -152.79 143.82 143.82 143.82 143.82 -152.99 -152.99 -152.99 -152.99

-3967.76 -6855.06 -5671.12 -4487.17 -3303.23 -6486.68 -5437.74 -4388.79 -3339.85 -6486.7 -5437.76 -4388.81 -3339.86 -388.71 -294.1 -199.49 -104.88 -955.76 -861.16 -766.55 -671.94 -510.54 -415.94 -321.33 -226.72 -833.93 -739.32 -644.71 -550.1 -6203.18 -5154.24 -4105.29 -3056.35 -6770.24 -5721.29 -4672.35 -3623.4 -6325.02 -5276.07 -4227.13 -3178.18 -6648.4 -5599.46 -4550.51 -3501.57

-0.26 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 -10.26 -10.26 -10.26 -10.26 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 -4.94 -4.94 -4.94 -4.94 9.97 9.97 9.97 9.97 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 -10.47 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15 -5.15

-2081.45 -1840.4 -1840.4 -1840.4 -1840.4 -1819.12 -1819.12 -1819.12 -1819.12 -1819.26 -1819.26 -1819.26 -1819.26 472.95 472.95 472.95 472.95 -693.46 -693.46 -693.46 -693.46 77.12 77.12 77.12 77.12 -297.63 -297.63 -297.63 -297.63 -1236.12 -1236.12 -1236.12 -1236.12 -2402.53 -2402.53 -2402.53 -2402.53 -1631.95 -1631.95 -1631.95 -1631.95 -2006.7 -2006.7 -2006.7 -2006.7

240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240

0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min

-2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.51 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.95 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 142.56 142.56 142.56 142.56 -145.37 -145.37 -145.37 -145.37 177.73 177.73 177.73 177.73 -180.54 -180.54 -180.54 -180.54 141.33 141.33 141.33 141.33 -146.6 -146.6 -146.6 -146.6 176.5 176.5 176.5 176.5 -181.77

3646.27 5244.53 6842.8 8441.07 2950.86 4680.8 6410.75 8140.69 3016.33 4611.28 6206.22 7801.17 3016.3 4611.25 6206.19 7801.14 620.68 715.29 809.9 904.5 54.72 149.33 243.93 338.54 497.83 592.43 687.04 781.65 177.57 272.18 366.79 461.4 3299.27 4894.22 6489.16 8084.11 2733.31 4328.26 5923.2 7518.15 3176.42 4771.37 6366.31 7961.26 2856.16

-0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 -8.86 -8.86 -8.86 -8.86 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 -2.96 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 -8.98 -8.98 -8.98 -8.98 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 -3.08

-1866.65 -1866.65 -1866.65 -1866.65 -1584.31 -1584.31 -1584.31 -1584.31 -1590.42 -1590.42 -1590.42 -1590.42 -1590.22 -1590.22 -1590.22 -1590.22 624.05 624.05 624.05 624.05 -753.3 -753.3 -753.3 -753.3 150.99 150.99 150.99 150.99 -280.24 -280.24 -280.24 -280.24 -901.46 -901.46 -901.46 -901.46 -2278.8 -2278.8 -2278.8 -2278.8 -1374.52 -1374.52 -1374.52 -1374.52 -1805.74

240 240 240 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244

0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max

-181.77 -181.77 -181.77 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.05 -3.6 -3.6 -3.6 -3.6 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.29 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 -3.24 125.23 125.23 125.23 125.23 -128.48 -128.48 -128.48 -128.48 179.19 179.19 179.19 179.19 -182.45 -182.45 -182.45 -182.45 123.64 123.64 123.64 123.64 -130.07 -130.07 -130.07 -130.07 177.6 177.6

4451.11 6046.05 7641 -8400.71 -6802.44 -5204.17 -3605.9 -8096.65 -6366.7 -4636.76 -2906.81 -7760.65 -6165.7 -4570.76 -2975.81 -7760.63 -6165.69 -4570.74 -2975.8 -340.05 -245.44 -150.83 -56.22 -900.57 -805.96 -711.36 -616.75 -461.11 -366.5 -271.89 -177.28 -779.52 -684.91 -590.3 -495.69 -7480.36 -5885.42 -4290.47 -2695.53 -8040.89 -6445.94 -4851 -3256.05 -7601.42 -6006.48

-3.08 -1805.74 -3.08 -1805.74 -3.08 -1805.74 -0.04229 1836.92 -0.04229 1836.92 -0.04229 1836.92 -0.04229 1836.92 -0.02803 1553.79 -0.02803 1553.79 -0.02803 1553.79 -0.02803 1553.79 -0.02837 1561.78 -0.02837 1561.78 -0.02837 1561.78 -0.02837 1561.78 -0.03071 1561.59 -0.03071 1561.59 -0.03071 1561.59 -0.03071 1561.59 9.29 761.74 9.29 761.74 9.29 761.74 9.29 761.74 -9.24 -634.17 -9.24 -634.17 -9.24 -634.17 -9.24 -634.17 4 280.93 4 280.93 4 280.93 4 280.93 -3.95 -153.36 -3.95 -153.36 -3.95 -153.36 -3.95 -153.36 9.23 2259.46 9.23 2259.46 9.23 2259.46 9.23 2259.46 -9.3 863.55 -9.3 863.55 -9.3 863.55 -9.3 863.55 3.94 1778.65 3.94 1778.65

244 244 244 244 244 244 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340

1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min

177.6 177.6 -184.04 -184.04 -184.04 -184.04 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 0.005137 0.005137 0.005137 0.005137 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 154.71 154.71 154.71 154.71 -154.52 -154.52 -154.52 -154.52 188.4 188.4 188.4 188.4 -188.21 -188.21 -188.21 -188.21 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 -154.28 -154.28 -154.28

-4411.53 -2816.58 -7919.83 -6324.89 -4729.94 -3135 3875.84 4837.11 5798.38 6759.65 3143.46 4327.41 5511.36 6695.3 3211.07 4260.02 5308.96 6357.91 3210.56 4259.5 5308.45 6357.39 516.06 610.67 705.27 799.88 169.56 264.17 358.78 453.39 468.2 562.81 657.41 752.02 217.42 312.03 406.64 501.25 3383.57 4432.52 5481.46 6530.41 3037.08 4086.02 5134.97

3.94 3.94 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -4.01 -0.06882 -0.06882 -0.06882 -0.06882 0.02652 0.02652 0.02652 0.02652 -0.01468 -0.01468 -0.01468 -0.01468 -0.006874 -0.006874 -0.006874 -0.006874 10.59 10.59 10.59 10.59 -10.56 -10.56 -10.56 -10.56 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 -3.45 -3.45 -3.45 -3.45 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 -10.58 -10.58 -10.58

1778.65 1778.65 1344.36 1344.36 1344.36 1344.36 1915.95 1915.95 1915.95 1915.95 1625.59 1625.59 1625.59 1625.59 1632.45 1632.45 1632.45 1632.45 1631.92 1631.92 1631.92 1631.92 458.15 458.15 458.15 458.15 -312.26 -312.26 -312.26 -312.26 192.8 192.8 192.8 192.8 -46.91 -46.91 -46.91 -46.91 2016.88 2016.88 2016.88 2016.88 1246.48 1246.48 1246.48

340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344

1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max

-154.28 188.64 188.64 188.64 188.64 -187.97 -187.97 -187.97 -187.97 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 151.11 151.11 151.11 151.11 -150.84 -150.84 -150.84 -150.84 187.3 187.3 187.3 187.3 -187.03 -187.03 -187.03 -187.03 152.11 152.11 152.11 152.11

6183.91 3335.71 4384.66 5433.6 6482.55 3084.94 4133.88 5182.83 6231.78 -6761.89 -5800.62 -4839.35 -3878.08 -6698.57 -5514.63 -4330.68 -3146.74 -6360.67 -5311.72 -4262.78 -3213.83 -6360.16 -5311.21 -4262.27 -3213.32 -455.01 -360.41 -265.8 -171.19 -798.44 -703.83 -609.22 -514.61 -501.97 -407.36 -312.75 -218.15 -751.48 -656.87 -562.26 -467.65 -6188.22 -5139.27 -4090.32 -3041.38

-10.58 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.06919 0.06919 0.06919 0.06919 0.09266 0.09266 0.09266 0.09266 0.08648 0.08648 0.08648 0.08648 10.44 10.44 10.44 10.44 -10.48 -10.48 -10.48 -10.48 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54

1246.48 1751.54 1751.54 1751.54 1751.54 1511.83 1511.83 1511.83 1511.83 -1919.8 -1919.8 -1919.8 -1919.8 -1631.37 -1631.37 -1631.37 -1631.37 -1637.3 -1637.3 -1637.3 -1637.3 -1636.78 -1636.78 -1636.78 -1636.78 307.28 307.28 307.28 307.28 -453.15 -453.15 -453.15 -453.15 45.74 45.74 45.74 45.74 -191.61 -191.61 -191.61 -191.61 -1256.32 -1256.32 -1256.32 -1256.32

344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 344 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max

-149.84 -149.84 -149.84 -149.84 188.3 188.3 188.3 188.3 -186.03 -186.03 -186.03 -186.03 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 -0.68 174.08 174.08 174.08 174.08 -174.5 -174.5 -174.5 -174.5 193.49 193.49 193.49 193.49 -193.91 -193.91 -193.91 -193.91 173.61

-6531.64 -5482.7 -4433.75 -3384.8 -6235.17 -5186.23 -4137.28 -3088.34 -6484.68 -5435.74 -4386.79 -3337.85 3945.57 4906.84 5868.11 6829.38 3279.33 4463.27 5647.22 6831.16 3317.22 4366.17 5415.11 6464.06 3317.71 4366.66 5415.6 6464.55 559 653.61 748.21 842.82 205.77 300.38 394.99 489.59 512.51 607.12 701.73 796.34 252.26 346.86 441.47 536.08 3494.55

-10.38 -10.38 -10.38 -10.38 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 9.33 9.33 9.33 9.33 -9.49 -9.49 -9.49 -9.49 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 -3.23 9.2

-2016.75 -2016.75 -2016.75 -2016.75 -1517.86 -1517.86 -1517.86 -1517.86 -1755.21 -1755.21 -1755.21 -1755.21 -1998.49 -1998.49 -1998.49 -1998.49 -1757.72 -1757.72 -1757.72 -1757.72 -1739.92 -1739.92 -1739.92 -1739.92 -1740.8 -1740.8 -1740.8 -1740.8 222.78 222.78 222.78 222.78 -413.67 -413.67 -413.67 -413.67 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 -196.37 -196.37 -196.37 -196.37 -1422.98

345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349

0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min

173.61 173.61 173.61 -174.98 -174.98 -174.98 -174.98 193.01 193.01 193.01 193.01 -194.39 -194.39 -194.39 -194.39 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 175.67 175.67 175.67 175.67 -175.94 -175.94 -175.94 -175.94 193.87 193.87 193.87 193.87 -194.14 -194.14

4543.5 5592.44 6641.39 3141.32 4190.27 5239.21 6288.16 3448.06 4497.01 5545.96 6594.9 3187.81 4236.76 5285.7 6334.65 -6827.08 -5865.81 -4904.54 -3943.27 -6827.83 -5643.89 -4459.94 -3275.99 -6461.24 -5412.29 -4363.35 -3314.4 -6461.73 -5412.78 -4363.84 -3314.89 -493.36 -398.75 -304.14 -209.53 -838.89 -744.28 -649.67 -555.06 -537.22 -442.61 -348 -253.39 -795.03 -700.42

9.2 9.2 9.2 -9.62 -9.62 -9.62 -9.62 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 -3.36 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 -9.25 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 -3.01 -3.01

-1422.98 -1422.98 -1422.98 -2059.42 -2059.42 -2059.42 -2059.42 -1640.27 -1640.27 -1640.27 -1640.27 -1842.13 -1842.13 -1842.13 -1842.13 1995.69 1995.69 1995.69 1995.69 1753.12 1753.12 1753.12 1753.12 1736.15 1736.15 1736.15 1736.15 1737.02 1737.02 1737.02 1737.02 409.33 409.33 409.33 409.33 -218.54 -218.54 -218.54 -218.54 195.37 195.37 195.37 195.37 -4.57 -4.57

349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370

1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

-194.14 -194.14 175.57 175.57 175.57 175.57 -176.04 -176.04 -176.04 -176.04 193.77 193.77 193.77 193.77 -194.24 -194.24 -194.24 -194.24 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.02172 -0.02172 -0.02172 -0.02172 -0.04663 -0.04663 -0.04663 -0.04663 176.71 176.71 176.71 176.71 -177.07 -177.07 -177.07 -177.07 185.39 185.39 185.39

-605.81 -511.2 -6289.19 -5240.24 -4191.3 -3142.35 -6634.72 -5585.77 -4536.83 -3487.88 -6333.05 -5284.1 -4235.16 -3186.21 -6590.86 -5541.91 -4492.97 -3444.02 3919.96 4881.23 5842.5 6803.77 3256.06 4440 5623.95 6807.89 3294.44 4343.39 5392.34 6441.28 3294.94 4343.88 5392.83 6441.77 559.88 654.49 749.09 843.7 204.51 299.12 393.73 488.34 516.04 610.64 705.25

-3.01 -3.01 9.52 9.52 9.52 9.52 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 -9.12 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 -9.71 -9.71 -9.71 -9.71 3.41 3.41 3.41

-4.57 -4.57 2051.35 2051.35 2051.35 2051.35 1423.48 1423.48 1423.48 1423.48 1837.39 1837.39 1837.39 1837.39 1637.45 1637.45 1637.45 1637.45 2037.38 2037.38 2037.38 2037.38 1788.97 1788.97 1788.97 1788.97 1771.95 1771.95 1771.95 1771.95 1772.83 1772.83 1772.83 1772.83 413.43 413.43 413.43 413.43 -223.04 -223.04 -223.04 -223.04 196.45 196.45 196.45

370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374

1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

185.39 -185.75 -185.75 -185.75 -185.75 176.83 176.83 176.83 176.83 -176.94 -176.94 -176.94 -176.94 185.52 185.52 185.52 185.52 -185.63 -185.63 -185.63 -185.63 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 183.07 183.07 183.07 183.07 -185.15 -185.15 -185.15 -185.15

799.86 248.35 342.96 437.57 532.18 3472.85 4521.79 5570.74 6619.68 3117.48 4166.42 5215.37 6264.32 3429 4477.95 5526.9 6575.84 3161.32 4210.27 5259.21 6308.16 -6853.72 -5892.45 -4931.18 -3969.91 -6861.41 -5677.47 -4493.52 -3309.58 -6490.79 -5441.84 -4392.89 -3343.95 -6491.28 -5442.33 -4393.39 -3344.44 -492.31 -397.7 -303.09 -208.49 -842.14 -747.54 -652.93 -558.32

3.41 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 -3.26 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01 -9.56 -9.56 -9.56 -9.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 -3.11 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 12.69 12.69 12.69 12.69 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66 -12.66

196.45 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 2091.46 2091.46 2091.46 2091.46 1454.99 1454.99 1454.99 1454.99 1874.48 1874.48 1874.48 1874.48 1671.97 1671.97 1671.97 1671.97 -2075.8 -2075.8 -2075.8 -2075.8 -1839.11 -1839.11 -1839.11 -1839.11 -1815.63 -1815.63 -1815.63 -1815.63 -1816.51 -1816.51 -1816.51 -1816.51 221.33 221.33 221.33 221.33 -421.49 -421.49 -421.49 -421.49

374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Min

180.43 180.43 180.43 180.43 -182.52 -182.52 -182.52 -182.52 186.31 186.31 186.31 186.31 -181.91 -181.91 -181.91 -181.91 183.68 183.68 183.68 183.68 -179.28 -179.28 -179.28 -179.28 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 175.34 175.34 175.34 175.34 -174.92

-533.72 -439.11 -344.5 -249.89 -800.74 -706.13 -611.52 -516.91 -6316.59 -5267.64 -4218.7 -3169.75 -6666.42 -5617.48 -4568.53 -3519.58 -6357.99 -5309.05 -4260.1 -3211.16 -6625.02 -5576.07 -4527.12 -3478.18 3653.81 5252.08 6850.35 8448.62 2954.47 4684.41 6414.36 8144.3 3021.58 4616.53 6211.47 7806.42 3021.07 4616.01 6210.96 7805.91 522.32 616.92 711.53 806.14 163.68

6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 13.49 13.49 13.49 13.49 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 -5.39 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.06316 0.06316 0.06316 0.06316 0.09086 0.09086 0.09086 0.09086 0.08291 0.08291 0.08291 0.08291 10.94 10.94 10.94 10.94 -10.94

2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 -203 -203 -203 -203 -1495.5 -1495.5 -1495.5 -1495.5 -2138.33 -2138.33 -2138.33 -2138.33 -1713.99 -1713.99 -1713.99 -1713.99 -1919.84 -1919.84 -1919.84 -1919.84 -1878.65 -1878.65 -1878.65 -1878.65 -1595.96 -1595.96 -1595.96 -1595.96 -1601.95 -1601.95 -1601.95 -1601.95 -1601.42 -1601.42 -1601.42 -1601.42 311.76 311.76 311.76 311.76 -458.16

375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379

0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.5 1,4D 1 1,4D 1.5 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1 1,2D+1L+0,5R 1.5 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

Max Max

-174.92 -174.92 -174.92 220.87 220.87 220.87 220.87 -220.45 -220.45 -220.45 -220.45 176.53 176.53 176.53 176.53 -173.73 -173.73 -173.73 -173.73 222.06 222.06 222.06 222.06 -219.25 -219.25 -219.25 -219.25 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -6.06 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.52 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 -4.62 151.02 151.02

258.29 352.9 447.51 483.81 578.42 673.03 767.64 202.18 296.79 391.4 486.01 3200.16 4795.1 6390.05 7984.99 2841.52 4436.46 6031.41 7626.35 3161.65 4756.6 6351.54 7946.49 2880.02 4474.97 6069.91 7664.86 -8398.48 -6800.21 -5201.94 -3603.67 -8089.93 -6359.98 -4630.04 -2900.09 -7756.31 -6161.37 -4566.42 -2971.48 -7755.8 -6160.86 -4565.91 -2970.97 -446.69 -352.08

-10.94 -10.94 -10.94 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 11.02 11.02 11.02 11.02 -10.86 -10.86 -10.86 -10.86 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 12.27 12.27

-458.16 -458.16 -458.16 46.14 46.14 46.14 46.14 -192.53 -192.53 -192.53 -192.53 -1216.21 -1216.21 -1216.21 -1216.21 -1986.13 -1986.13 -1986.13 -1986.13 -1481.84 -1481.84 -1481.84 -1481.84 -1720.51 -1720.51 -1720.51 -1720.51 1844.03 1844.03 1844.03 1844.03 1562.17 1562.17 1562.17 1562.17 1569.7 1569.7 1569.7 1569.7 1569.17 1569.17 1569.17 1569.17 464.37 464.37

379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379

1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 1.5 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 1.5 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 1.5 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L MAX MIN

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min

151.02 151.02 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 -154.92 222.28 222.28 222.28 222.28 -226.18 -226.18 -226.18 -226.18 148.31 148.31 148.31 148.31 -157.63 -157.63 -157.63 -157.63 219.57 219.57 219.57 219.57 -228.89 -228.89 -228.89 -228.89

-257.47 -162.86 -804.06 -709.46 -614.85 -520.24 -484.34 -389.73 -295.12 -200.51 -766.42 -671.81 -577.2 -482.59 -7576.88 -5981.94 -4386.99 -2792.05 -7934.26 -6339.31 -4744.36 -3149.42 -7614.53 -6019.58 -4424.64 -2829.69 -7896.61 -6301.67 -4706.72 -3111.77 8448.62 -8400.71

12.27 12.27 -11.93 -11.93 -11.93 -11.93 5.58 5.58 5.58 5.58 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 -11.49 -11.49 -11.49 -11.49 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.02 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8 -4.8

464.37 464.37 -318.6 -318.6 -318.6 -318.6 193.38 193.38 193.38 193.38 -47.61 -47.61 -47.61 -47.61 1960.42 1960.42 1960.42 1960.42 1177.44 1177.44 1177.44 1177.44 1689.42 1689.42 1689.42 1689.42 1448.43 1448.43 1448.43 1448.43

M2 Kgf-m -0.8 -0.93 -1.06 -1.19 -1.28 -1.4 -1.52 -1.63 -1.06 -1.18 -1.29 -1.41 -1.06 -1.17 -1.29 -1.4 1.05 2.98 5.86 8.82 -1.93 -3.91 -6.84 -9.86 0.71 1.49 2.57 3.67 -1.59 -2.42 -3.55 -4.7 0.44 2.27 5.06 7.94 -2.55 -4.62 -7.64 -10.74 0.09677 0.79

M3 FrameElem ElemStation Kgf-m Text m -375.23 28-1 0 -2539.92 28-1 0.5 -5185.25 28-1 1 -8311.21 28-1 1.5 -352.2 28-1 0 -2203.76 28-1 0.5 -4647.29 28-1 1 -7682.8 28-1 1.5 -340.73 28-1 0 -2193.78 28-1 0.5 -4571.29 28-1 1 -7473.28 28-1 1.5 -340.74 28-1 0 -2193.76 28-1 0.5 -4571.25 28-1 1 -7473.22 28-1 1.5 33.07 28-1 0 -98.47 28-1 0.5 -174.24 28-1 1 -297.29 28-1 1.5 -70.66 28-1 0 -314.18 28-1 0.5 -708.09 28-1 1 -1149.32 28-1 1.5 -0.36 28-1 0 -150.52 28-1 0.5 -313.22 28-1 1 -523.16 28-1 1.5 -37.23 28-1 0 -262.14 28-1 0.5 -569.12 28-1 1 -923.46 28-1 1.5 -288.87 28-1 0 -2085.89 28-1 0.5 -4304.31 28-1 1 -7047.18 28-1 1.5 -392.6 28-1 0 -2301.61 28-1 0.5 -4838.16 28-1 1 -7899.21 28-1 1.5 -322.3 28-1 0 -2137.94 28-1 0.5

1.77 2.78 -2.21 -3.13 -4.34 -5.59 -1.27 -1.14 -1.01 -0.88 -1.75 -1.62 -1.49 -1.36 -1.51 -1.38 -1.26 -1.14 -1.5 -1.38 -1.26 -1.13 8.75 5.8 2.94 1.06 -9.79 -6.79 -3.87 -1.94 3.61 2.52 1.47 0.71 -4.65 -3.51 -2.4 -1.59 7.77 4.92 2.15 0.37 -10.77 -7.67 -4.66

-4443.28 28-1 -7273.04 28-1 -359.18 28-1 -2249.56 28-1 -4699.18 28-1 -7673.34 28-1 -8314.3 74-1 -5187.17 74-1 -2540.68 74-1 -374.83 74-1 -7688.35 74-1 -4650.89 74-1 -2205.4 74-1 -351.88 74-1 -7477.76 74-1 -4574.17 74-1 -2195.05 74-1 -340.4 74-1 -7477.69 74-1 -4574.12 74-1 -2195.02 74-1 -340.4 74-1 -304.04 74-1 -178.74 74-1 -100.74 74-1 33.1 74-1 -1144.83 74-1 -705.1 74-1 -312.68 74-1 -70.72 74-1 -525.83 74-1 -314.97 74-1 -151.35 74-1 -0.37 74-1 -923.03 74-1 -568.87 74-1 -262.07 74-1 -37.25 74-1 -7057.26 74-1 -4310.92 74-1 -2089.04 74-1 -288.49 74-1 -7898.05 74-1 -4837.27 74-1 -2300.99 74-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

-2.63 2.62 1.64 0.68 0.01945 -5.63 -4.4 -3.19 -2.28 0.72 0.73 0.75 0.77 1.27 1.38 1.48 1.59 1.03 1.1 1.17 1.24 1.02 1.1 1.17 1.24 5.08 2.98 2.26 4.01 -4.18 -1.99 -1.2 -2.86 2.41 1.58 1.19 1.79 -1.5 -0.59 -0.13 -0.64 5.65 3.58 2.9 4.67

-392.32 74-1 -7279.06 74-1 -4447.15 74-1 -2139.65 74-1 -321.96 74-1 -7676.25 74-1 -4701.05 74-1 -2250.38 74-1 -358.85 74-1 -387.9 75-1 -2614.27 75-1 -5321.27 75-1 -8508.91 75-1 -383.49 75-1 -2335.01 75-1 -4878.51 75-1 -8013.97 75-1 -364.37 75-1 -2299.66 75-1 -4759.43 75-1 -7743.67 75-1 -364.37 75-1 -2299.68 75-1 -4759.47 75-1 -7743.73 75-1 3.79 75-1 -121.08 75-1 -223.79 75-1 -373.8 75-1 -69.12 75-1 -388.59 75-1 -824.84 75-1 -1308.4 75-1 -16.5 75-1 -174.02 75-1 -357.81 75-1 -588.89 75-1 -48.83 75-1 -335.66 75-1 -690.83 75-1 -1093.32 75-1 -327.91 75-1 -2165.93 75-1 -4458.96 75-1 -7276.46 75-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

-3.6 -1.39 -0.56 -2.19 2.98 2.18 1.83 2.46 -0.93 0.01131 0.51 0.02178 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.81 1.71 1.59 1.47 1.35 1.37 1.28 1.19 1.11 1.36 1.28 1.19 1.1 4.04 2.25 2.9 5.01 -2.87 -1.17 -1.9 -4.1 1.75 1.21 1.58 2.39 -0.58 -0.13 -0.58 -1.49 4.82

-400.82 75-1 -2433.44 75-1 -5060.01 75-1 -8211.06 75-1 -348.2 75-1 -2218.87 75-1 -4592.97 75-1 -7491.54 75-1 -380.53 75-1 -2380.51 75-1 -4926 75-1 -7995.97 75-1 -8505.28 79-1 -5318.88 79-1 -2613.11 79-1 -387.98 79-1 -8007.85 79-1 -4874.43 79-1 -2332.97 79-1 -383.49 79-1 -7738.67 79-1 -4756.1 79-1 -2298.01 79-1 -364.39 79-1 -7738.74 79-1 -4756.15 79-1 -2298.03 79-1 -364.39 79-1 -381.04 79-1 -228.7 79-1 -123.65 79-1 4.05 79-1 -1298.85 79-1 -818.38 79-1 -385.21 79-1 -69.31 79-1 -589.35 79-1 -358.15 79-1 -174.24 79-1 -16.44 79-1 -1090.54 79-1 -688.92 79-1 -334.62 79-1 -48.83 79-1 -7279.87 79-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

2.98 3.59 5.66 -2.09 -0.43 -1.21 -3.45 2.52 1.95 2.27 3.04 0.2 0.61 0.11 -0.84 -0.35 -0.33 -0.31 -0.28 -0.78 -0.82 -0.86 -0.9 -0.6 -0.62 -0.64 -0.65 -0.6 -0.62 -0.63 -0.65 4.46 2.17 1.35 3.13 -5.16 -2.92 -2.15 -3.98 1.36 0.44 0.4 1.18 -2.06 -1.19

-4461.33 79-1 -2167.26 79-1 -327.7 79-1 -8197.67 79-1 -5051.01 79-1 -2428.82 79-1 -401.07 79-1 -7488.17 79-1 -4590.78 79-1 -2217.85 79-1 -348.19 79-1 -7989.37 79-1 -4921.56 79-1 -2378.23 79-1 -380.58 79-1 -430.68 100-1 -2645.12 100-1 -5340.19 100-1 -8515.9 100-1 -420.1 100-1 -2360.61 100-1 -4893.09 100-1 -8017.55 100-1 -401 100-1 -2325.58 100-1 -4774.62 100-1 -7748.15 100-1 -400.99 100-1 -2325.59 100-1 -4774.66 100-1 -7748.21 100-1 3.97 100-1 -120.72 100-1 -223.19 100-1 -372.96 100-1 -69.23 100-1 -388.48 100-1 -824.56 100-1 -1307.95 100-1 -16.08 100-1 -173.23 100-1 -356.65 100-1 -587.36 100-1 -49.18 100-1 -335.98 100-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

-1.2 -2.04 4.21 1.93 1.12 2.9 -5.41 -3.16 -2.39 -4.21 1.11 0.2 0.17 0.96 -2.31 -1.43 -1.44 -2.26 -3.56 -3.01 -2.47 -1.93 -5.09 -4.32 -3.55 -2.78 -4.33 -3.67 -3.02 -2.36 -4.33 -3.67 -3.02 -2.36 12.4 8.93 5.47 2.1 -13.89 -10.2 -6.53 -2.93 9.89 7.65 5.42

-691.11 100-1 -1093.55 100-1 -364.39 100-1 -2191.72 100-1 -4474 100-1 -7280.74 100-1 -437.59 100-1 -2459.48 100-1 -5075.37 100-1 -8215.73 100-1 -384.44 100-1 -2244.22 100-1 -4607.45 100-1 -7495.14 100-1 -417.54 100-1 -2406.98 100-1 -4941.91 100-1 -8001.33 100-1 -8598.07 104-1 -5399.08 104-1 -2680.72 104-1 -443 104-1 -8103.41 104-1 -4954.34 104-1 -2397.23 104-1 -432.1 104-1 -7828.22 104-1 -4831.83 104-1 -2359.91 104-1 -412.46 104-1 -7828.29 104-1 -4831.87 104-1 -2359.93 104-1 -412.45 104-1 -387.13 104-1 -233.95 104-1 -128.07 104-1 8.55 104-1 -1294.41 104-1 -813.95 104-1 -380.81 104-1 -73.02 104-1 -591.14 104-1 -359.56 104-1 -175.26 104-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

3.22 -11.38 -8.93 -6.48 -4.06 8.82 5.9 2.99 0.16 -17.47 -13.24 -9.01 -4.87 6.31 4.62 2.93 1.28 -14.96 -11.96 -8.96 -6 0.46 0.59 0.72 0.84 0.84 0.97 1.1 1.23 0.68 0.8 0.92 1.05 0.68 0.8 0.92 1.04 1.77 3.73 6.77 9.9 -1.07 -2.97 -5.96 -9.03

-14.66 104-1 -1090.39 104-1 -688.35 104-1 -333.62 104-1 -49.81 104-1 -7374.68 104-1 -4541.89 104-1 -2233.57 104-1 -371.67 104-1 -8281.96 104-1 -5121.89 104-1 -2486.3 104-1 -453.23 104-1 -7578.7 104-1 -4667.5 104-1 -2280.76 104-1 -394.87 104-1 -8077.94 104-1 -4996.29 104-1 -2439.11 104-1 -430.03 104-1 -407.1 105-1 -2619.07 105-1 -5630.18 105-1 -9440.42 105-1 -379.56 105-1 -2272.41 105-1 -5030.24 105-1 -8653.04 105-1 -368.07 105-1 -2262.12 105-1 -4953.65 105-1 -8442.65 105-1 -368.08 105-1 -2262.1 105-1 -4953.61 105-1 -8442.58 105-1 33.08 105-1 -96.89 105-1 -170.96 105-1 -292.32 105-1 -70.72 105-1 -316.22 105-1 -712.23 105-1 -1155.56 105-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

1.23 2.02 3.15 4.32 -0.53 -1.26 -2.34 -3.46 2.1 4.15 7.28 10.51 -0.75 -2.55 -5.44 -8.42 1.56 2.44 3.67 4.93 -0.2 -0.84 -1.83 -2.85 1.02 1.15 1.28 1.4 1.21 1.47 1.73 1.99 1.09 1.29 1.49 1.69 1.09 1.29 1.49 1.69 6.04 2.57 2.62 6.12 -5.5

-0.3 105-1 -145.6 105-1 -303.11 105-1 -507.88 105-1 -37.34 105-1 -267.51 105-1 -580.08 105-1 -940 105-1 -316.17 105-1 -2152.43 105-1 -4682.95 105-1 -8010.93 105-1 -419.98 105-1 -2371.76 105-1 -5224.22 105-1 -8874.17 105-1 -349.56 105-1 -2201.14 105-1 -4815.1 105-1 -8226.49 105-1 -386.6 105-1 -2323.05 105-1 -5092.07 105-1 -8658.62 105-1 -9357.77 109-1 -5570.88 109-1 -2583.12 109-1 -394.5 109-1 -8564.36 109-1 -4966.56 109-1 -2233.74 109-1 -365.89 109-1 -8360.67 109-1 -4894.8 109-1 -2226.4 109-1 -355.48 109-1 -8360.59 109-1 -4894.75 109-1 -2226.38 109-1 -355.48 109-1 -303.53 109-1 -180.12 109-1 -104.01 109-1 38.42 109-1 -1142.1 109-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

-2 -2.01 -5.49 3.84 1.83 1.4 3.36 -3.3 -1.25 -0.8 -2.72 6.86 3.57 3.8 7.5 -4.68 -1 -0.82 -4.11 4.66 2.83 2.59 4.73 -2.48 -0.25 0.39 -1.34 -0.5 -0.62 -0.75 -0.87 -0.56 -0.71 -0.86 -1.01 -0.52 -0.65 -0.79 -0.92 -0.51 -0.65 -0.78 -0.91 2.02 1.96

-701.51 109-1 -308.24 109-1 -75.89 109-1 -508.93 109-1 -304.29 109-1 -146.9 109-1 1.6 109-1 -936.69 109-1 -577.34 109-1 -265.34 109-1 -39.06 109-1 -7941.27 109-1 -4634.04 109-1 -2124.26 109-1 -298.33 109-1 -8779.85 109-1 -5155.42 109-1 -2328.48 109-1 -412.64 109-1 -8146.68 109-1 -4758.2 109-1 -2167.15 109-1 -335.16 109-1 -8574.44 109-1 -5031.25 109-1 -2285.59 109-1 -375.81 109-1 -375.75 205-1 -2549.61 205-1 -5204.1 205-1 -8339.23 205-1 -354.13 205-1 -2219.1 205-1 -4676.04 205-1 -7724.95 205-1 -342.07 205-1 -2206.43 205-1 -4595.27 205-1 -7508.57 205-1 -342.1 205-1 -2206.45 205-1 -4595.27 205-1 -7508.56 205-1 24.38 205-1 -115.53 205-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

6.1 10.25 -2.4 -2.47 -6.74 -11.02 0.79 0.84 2.16 3.49 -1.17 -1.35 -2.8 -4.26 1.7 1.57 5.65 9.72 -2.72 -2.86 -7.2 -11.55 0.47 0.45 1.71 2.97 -1.49 -1.74 -3.26 -4.79 -0.55 -0.46 -0.36 -0.27 -0.68 -0.57 -0.46 -0.35 -0.61 -0.51 -0.41 -0.31 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4

-216.07 205-1 -363.91 205-1 -63.25 205-1 -307.87 205-1 -686.48 205-1 -1112.4 205-1 -3.94 205-1 -150.99 205-1 -317.44 205-1 -531.16 205-1 -34.92 205-1 -272.41 205-1 -585.11 205-1 -945.15 205-1 -298.3 205-1 -2110.29 205-1 -4360.07 205-1 -7134.31 205-1 -385.93 205-1 -2302.63 205-1 -4830.48 205-1 -7882.81 205-1 -326.63 205-1 -2145.75 205-1 -4461.43 205-1 -7301.56 205-1 -357.61 205-1 -2267.17 205-1 -4729.11 205-1 -7715.56 205-1 -8341.73 209-1 -5205.63 209-1 -2550.17 209-1 -375.34 209-1 -7730.35 209-1 -4679.53 209-1 -2220.69 209-1 -353.82 209-1 -7512.74 209-1 -4597.93 209-1 -2207.6 209-1 -341.75 209-1 -7512.74 209-1 -4597.94 209-1 -2207.62 209-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

-0.31 10.27 6.15 2.04 2.2 -10.83 -6.61 -2.4 -2.47 3.8 2.49 1.18 1.16 -4.36 -2.95 -1.54 -1.43 9.95 5.88 1.82 2.03 -11.15 -6.89 -2.63 -2.64 3.48 2.21 0.96 0.99 -4.68 -3.22 -1.76 -1.6 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.43 0.42 0.4 0.39 0.4 0.39 0.37 0.36

-341.78 209-1 -369.71 209-1 -219.96 209-1 -117.5 209-1 24.37 209-1 -1108.18 209-1 -683.67 209-1 -306.47 209-1 -63.3 209-1 -533.75 209-1 -319.17 209-1 -151.87 209-1 -3.97 209-1 -944.13 209-1 -584.45 209-1 -272.11 209-1 -34.96 209-1 -7143.5 209-1 -4366.09 209-1 -2113.15 209-1 -297.95 209-1 -7881.97 209-1 -4829.8 209-1 -2302.12 209-1 -385.63 209-1 -7307.55 209-1 -4465.31 209-1 -2147.51 209-1 -326.3 209-1 -7717.93 209-1 -4730.59 209-1 -2267.75 209-1 -357.28 209-1 -388.9 210-1 -2606.45 210-1 -5304.63 210-1 -8483.45 210-1 -383.43 210-1 -2321.97 210-1 -4852.48 210-1 -7974.96 210-1 -364.68 210-1 -2289.03 210-1 -4737.85 210-1 -7711.15 210-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

0.4 0.39 0.37 0.36 4.56 0.72 3.41 7.23 -4.3 -0.49 -3.2 -7.04 1.77 0.46 1.15 2.38 -1.51 -0.23 -0.94 -2.19 4.83 0.99 3.68 7.5 -4.04 -0.22 -2.93 -6.78 2.03 0.73 1.42 2.65 -1.24 0.04088 -0.67 -1.93 0.19 0.19 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.21

-364.65 210-1 -2289.02 210-1 -4737.86 210-1 -7711.17 210-1 -0.8 210-1 -135.57 210-1 -256.79 210-1 -425.31 210-1 -64.46 210-1 -364.84 210-1 -773.38 210-1 -1229.23 210-1 -18.75 210-1 -174.21 210-1 -358.42 210-1 -589.91 210-1 -46.51 210-1 -326.2 210-1 -671.76 210-1 -1064.63 210-1 -332.81 210-1 -2174.38 210-1 -4479.57 210-1 -7309.22 210-1 -396.47 210-1 -2403.65 210-1 -4996.15 210-1 -8113.14 210-1 -350.76 210-1 -2213.02 210-1 -4581.19 210-1 -7473.82 210-1 -378.51 210-1 -2365.01 210-1 -4894.53 210-1 -7948.54 210-1 -8480.39 214-1 -5302.62 214-1 -2605.47 214-1 -388.97 214-1 -7968.98 214-1 -4848.48 214-1 -2319.95 214-1 -383.39 214-1 -7706.44 214-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

0.22 0.22 0.23 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 7.29 3.53 0.76 4.54 -7.1 -3.34 -0.57 -4.35 2.62 1.53 0.77 1.99 -2.44 -1.34 -0.58 -1.8 7.41 3.65 0.89 4.67 -6.98 -3.22 -0.44 -4.22 2.74 1.66 0.9 2.12 -2.31 -1.22 -0.45 -1.67 0.005156 0.06021 0.12 0.17 -0.04461 0.0172

-4734.71 214-1 -2287.46 214-1 -364.68 214-1 -7706.45 214-1 -4734.71 214-1 -2287.44 214-1 -364.65 214-1 -432.1 214-1 -261.37 214-1 -137.94 214-1 -0.58 214-1 -1220.85 214-1 -767.71 214-1 -361.89 214-1 -64.6 214-1 -591.19 214-1 -359.29 214-1 -174.67 214-1 -18.68 214-1 -1061.75 214-1 -669.79 214-1 -325.16 214-1 -46.5 214-1 -7312.08 214-1 -4481.54 214-1 -2175.46 214-1 -332.63 214-1 -8100.83 214-1 -4987.88 214-1 -2399.41 214-1 -396.65 214-1 -7471.18 214-1 -4579.45 214-1 -2212.19 214-1 -350.73 214-1 -7941.73 214-1 -4889.96 214-1 -2362.68 214-1 -378.55 214-1 -430.76 235-1 -2634.84 235-1 -5319.55 235-1 -8484.9 235-1 -419.15 235-1 -2345.04 235-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

0.07901 0.14 -0.0268 0.03037 0.08754 0.14 -0.02631 0.03014 0.08659 0.14 4.66 0.77 3.32 7.33 -4.84 -0.91 -3.43 -7.41 1.54 0.47 1.38 2.75 -1.71 -0.61 -1.49 -2.83 4.72 0.87 3.46 7.52 -4.77 -0.81 -3.29 -7.23 1.6 0.57 1.52 2.93 -1.65 -0.51 -1.35 -2.65 -0.42 -0.29 -0.16

-4862.91 235-1 -7972.75 235-1 -400.46 235-1 -2312.58 235-1 -4749.17 235-1 -7710.24 235-1 -400.43 235-1 -2312.57 235-1 -4749.18 235-1 -7710.26 235-1 -0.55 235-1 -135.11 235-1 -256.04 235-1 -424.26 235-1 -64.61 235-1 -364.74 235-1 -773.11 235-1 -1228.79 235-1 -18.21 235-1 -172.77 235-1 -356.12 235-1 -586.76 235-1 -46.96 235-1 -327.09 235-1 -673.03 235-1 -1066.29 235-1 -368.39 235-1 -2197.74 235-1 -4490.64 235-1 -7308 235-1 -432.45 235-1 -2427.38 235-1 -5007.71 235-1 -8112.53 235-1 -386.04 235-1 -2235.4 235-1 -4590.72 235-1 -7470.5 235-1 -414.79 235-1 -2389.72 235-1 -4907.63 235-1 -7950.03 235-1 -8556.33 239-1 -5370.87 239-1 -2666.04 239-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

-0.02815 -0.4 -0.26 -0.13 0.006446 -0.37 -0.25 -0.12 0.002391 -0.38 -0.26 -0.13 -0.003941 20.42 15.34 10.27 5.22 -20.27 -15.15 -10.03 -4.94 11.77 9.36 6.95 4.56 -11.61 -9.16 -6.72 -4.29 19.96 14.98 10.02 5.07 -20.73 -15.5 -10.28 -5.09 11.31 9 6.7 4.42 -12.08 -9.52 -6.97 -4.43

-441.84 239-1 -8048.65 239-1 -4917.11 239-1 -2377.53 239-1 -429.93 239-1 -7780.66 239-1 -4799.55 239-1 -2342.92 239-1 -410.76 239-1 -7780.66 239-1 -4799.54 239-1 -2342.9 239-1 -410.73 239-1 -434.53 239-1 -263.82 239-1 -140.41 239-1 2.75 239-1 -1220.99 239-1 -766.77 239-1 -359.86 239-1 -67.3 239-1 -590.57 239-1 -358.95 239-1 -174.61 239-1 -17.18 239-1 -1064.95 239-1 -671.64 239-1 -325.65 239-1 -47.37 239-1 -7387.42 239-1 -4548.07 239-1 -2233.17 239-1 -375.7 239-1 -8173.89 239-1 -5051.01 239-1 -2452.62 239-1 -445.74 239-1 -7543.47 239-1 -4643.19 239-1 -2267.37 239-1 -395.62 239-1 -8017.84 239-1 -4955.89 239-1 -2418.42 239-1 -425.82 239-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

0.13 0.24 0.35 0.47 0.2 0.34 0.47 0.61 0.17 0.29 0.42 0.54 0.17 0.29 0.41 0.53 2.5 2.3 6.73 11.15 -2.21 -1.89 -6.18 -10.49 0.99 1.04 2.51 3.98 -0.69 -0.62 -1.96 -3.31 2.52 2.38 6.86 11.35 -2.19 -1.81 -6.05 -10.29 1.01 1.12 2.64 4.17 -0.68

-408.66 240-1 -2631.36 240-1 -5653.19 240-1 -9474.16 240-1 -382.44 240-1 -2290.36 240-1 -5063.24 240-1 -8701.1 240-1 -370.34 240-1 -2277.24 240-1 -4981.62 240-1 -8483.47 240-1 -370.37 240-1 -2277.26 240-1 -4981.62 240-1 -8483.46 240-1 24.35 240-1 -113.45 240-1 -211.78 240-1 -357.4 240-1 -63.29 240-1 -310.49 240-1 -691.77 240-1 -1120.37 240-1 -4.01 240-1 -144.63 240-1 -304.41 240-1 -511.47 240-1 -34.93 240-1 -279.31 240-1 -599.14 240-1 -966.3 240-1 -326.57 240-1 -2178.75 240-1 -4741.63 240-1 -8101.97 240-1 -414.21 240-1 -2375.8 240-1 -5221.62 240-1 -8864.93 240-1 -354.93 240-1 -2209.93 240-1 -4834.26 240-1 -8256.04 240-1 -385.85 240-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

-0.55 -1.83 -3.12 -0.15 -0.13 -0.11 -0.08911 -0.16 -0.15 -0.14 -0.12 -0.15 -0.14 -0.12 -0.11 -0.15 -0.14 -0.12 -0.11 3.61 2.02 6.22 10.74 -3.82 -2.26 -6.48 -11.02 2.2 1.72 3.25 5.03 -2.41 -1.96 -3.51 -5.31 3.57 2 6.23 10.77 -3.87 -2.27 -6.47 -10.98 2.16 1.71

-2344.61 240-1 -5128.99 240-1 -8710.87 240-1 -9402.23 244-1 -5601.44 244-1 -2599.79 244-1 -397.27 244-1 -8622.86 244-1 -5007.02 244-1 -2256.16 244-1 -370.27 244-1 -8411.42 244-1 -4929.83 244-1 -2245.72 244-1 -359.07 244-1 -8411.43 244-1 -4929.85 244-1 -2245.74 244-1 -359.11 244-1 -363.18 244-1 -216.8 244-1 -117.7 244-1 28.18 244-1 -1110.78 244-1 -684.15 244-1 -304.85 244-1 -66.94 244-1 -511.93 244-1 -305.01 244-1 -145.36 244-1 -2.48 244-1 -962.03 244-1 -595.94 244-1 -277.19 244-1 -36.27 244-1 -8037.63 244-1 -4696.18 244-1 -2152.18 244-1 -311.56 244-1 -8785.24 244-1 -5163.54 244-1 -2339.33 244-1 -406.69 244-1 -8186.39 244-1 -4784.39 244-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

3.26 5.06 -2.46 -1.98 -3.5 -5.27 -0.8 -0.77 -0.74 -0.7 -0.72 -0.74 -0.75 -0.76 -0.73 -0.72 -0.71 -0.7 -0.71 -0.71 -0.71 -0.7 1.96 3 8.27 13.54 -2.64 -3.7 -8.98 -14.27 0.92 1.34 3.03 4.74 -1.6 -2.03 -3.74 -5.46 1.6 2.65 7.92 13.2 -3.01 -4.06 -9.33

-2179.84 244-1 -342.23 244-1 -8636.48 244-1 -5075.32 244-1 -2311.67 244-1 -376.02 244-1 -375.96 340-1 -2554.2 340-1 -5213.07 340-1 -8352.58 340-1 -352.9 340-1 -2220.61 340-1 -4680.31 340-1 -7731.97 340-1 -341.5 340-1 -2209.27 340-1 -4601.52 340-1 -7518.23 340-1 -341.42 340-1 -2208.94 340-1 -4600.92 340-1 -7517.38 340-1 5.83 340-1 -152.51 340-1 -308.26 340-1 -511.31 340-1 -45.16 340-1 -276.93 340-1 -605.89 340-1 -982.18 340-1 -10.12 340-1 -158.15 340-1 -337.84 340-1 -564.82 340-1 -29.2 340-1 -271.28 340-1 -576.32 340-1 -928.67 340-1 -315.89 340-1 -2146.57 340-1 -4451.84 340-1 -7281.56 340-1 -366.88 340-1 -2270.99 340-1 -4749.47 340-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

-14.61 0.55 0.98 2.68 4.4 -1.97 -2.39 -4.09 -5.8 -0.41 -0.48 -0.54 -0.61 -0.38 -0.42 -0.45 -0.49 -0.38 -0.42 -0.47 -0.52 -0.37 -0.41 -0.46 -0.5 13.41 8.2 2.99 2.12 -14.14 -8.91 -3.69 -2.8 5.01 3.32 1.64 1.27 -5.74 -4.03 -2.34 -1.95 13.41 8.15 2.89 1.97

-7752.43 340-1 -331.84 340-1 -2152.21 340-1 -4481.41 340-1 -7335.07 340-1 -350.93 340-1 -2265.35 340-1 -4719.89 340-1 -7698.93 340-1 -8356.13 344-1 -5215.5 344-1 -2555.51 344-1 -376.15 344-1 -7737.08 344-1 -4683.78 344-1 -2222.46 344-1 -353.1 344-1 -7522.57 344-1 -4604.47 344-1 -2210.84 344-1 -341.69 344-1 -7521.72 344-1 -4603.88 344-1 -2210.51 344-1 -341.61 344-1 -513.78 344-1 -309.92 344-1 -153.35 344-1 5.8 344-1 -980.06 344-1 -604.5 344-1 -276.26 344-1 -45.2 344-1 -565.94 344-1 -338.6 344-1 -158.54 344-1 -10.17 344-1 -927.91 344-1 -575.83 344-1 -271.06 344-1 -29.23 344-1 -7288.19 344-1 -4456.32 344-1 -2148.9 344-1 -316.07 344-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

-14.15 -8.97 -3.79 -2.96 5.01 3.27 1.54 1.12 -5.74 -4.09 -2.44 -2.1 0.94 1.08 1.22 1.36 0.79 0.89 0.98 1.08 0.82 0.93 1.04 1.15 0.8 0.9 1.01 1.12 6.34 1.69 4 8.69 -5.61 -0.88 -3.11 -7.72 2.61 1.11 1.73 3.17 -1.88 -0.3 -0.85 -2.21 6.76

-7754.48 344-1 -4750.9 344-1 -2271.81 344-1 -367.07 344-1 -7340.35 344-1 -4484.99 344-1 -2154.09 344-1 -332.04 344-1 -7702.32 344-1 -4722.23 344-1 -2266.61 344-1 -351.1 344-1 -388.37 345-1 -2601.47 345-1 -5295.21 345-1 -8469.58 345-1 -384.07 345-1 -2319.72 345-1 -4847.34 345-1 -7966.94 345-1 -364.83 345-1 -2285.67 345-1 -4730.99 345-1 -7700.79 345-1 -364.87 345-1 -2285.96 345-1 -4731.53 345-1 -7701.57 345-1 -14.31 345-1 -175.31 345-1 -349.16 345-1 -570.31 345-1 -50.97 345-1 -319.65 345-1 -670.1 345-1 -1067.85 345-1 -23.78 345-1 -184.12 345-1 -381.21 345-1 -625.61 345-1 -41.49 345-1 -310.84 345-1 -638.04 345-1 -1012.55 345-1 -346.56 345-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

2.18 4.55 9.31 -5.18 -0.39 -2.56 -7.1 3.03 1.6 2.29 3.79 -1.46 0.19 -0.29 -1.59 1.15 1.02 0.89 0.76 0.87 0.77 0.68 0.59 0.95 0.84 0.74 0.63 0.92 0.82 0.71 0.61 8.76 4.13 1.74 6.34 -7.81 -3.26 -0.94 -5.62 3.46 2.11 1.45 2.91 -2.52 -1.24

-2213.92 345-1 -4571.3 345-1 -7453.15 345-1 -383.22 345-1 -2358.27 345-1 -4892.24 345-1 -7950.7 345-1 -356.03 345-1 -2222.73 345-1 -4603.36 345-1 -7508.45 345-1 -373.74 345-1 -2349.46 345-1 -4860.19 345-1 -7895.4 345-1 -8465.83 349-1 -5292.61 349-1 -2600.02 349-1 -388.07 349-1 -7961.6 349-1 -4843.67 349-1 -2317.71 349-1 -383.73 349-1 -7696.25 349-1 -4727.86 349-1 -2283.95 349-1 -364.52 349-1 -7697.02 349-1 -4728.4 349-1 -2284.24 349-1 -364.56 349-1 -576.08 349-1 -353.05 349-1 -177.32 349-1 -14.12 349-1 -1061.75 349-1 -665.96 349-1 -317.49 349-1 -51.08 349-1 -627.33 349-1 -382.37 349-1 -184.71 349-1 -23.72 349-1 -1010.5 349-1 -636.64 349-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

-0.65 -2.18 9.19 4.5 2.04 6.58 -7.38 -2.89 -0.64 -5.37 3.89 2.47 1.76 3.15 -2.09 -0.87 -0.35 -1.94 -0.9 -1.04 -1.18 -1.32 -0.77 -0.88 -0.99 -1.1 -0.79 -0.91 -1.02 -1.14 -0.78 -0.89 -1 -1.12 5.96 1.13 3.16 8.02 -6.56 -1.81 -3.92 -8.84 1.65 0.26 1.04

-310.1 349-1 -41.49 349-1 -7454.54 349-1 -4572.18 349-1 -2214.29 349-1 -346.1 349-1 -7940.22 349-1 -4885.1 349-1 -2354.46 349-1 -383.06 349-1 -7505.79 349-1 -4601.5 349-1 -2221.68 349-1 -355.69 349-1 -7888.96 349-1 -4855.78 349-1 -2347.07 349-1 -373.46 349-1 -430.1 370-1 -2630.4 370-1 -5311.34 370-1 -8472.9 370-1 -419.75 370-1 -2343.76 370-1 -4859.75 370-1 -7967.71 370-1 -400.54 370-1 -2310 370-1 -4743.93 370-1 -7702.34 370-1 -400.58 370-1 -2310.29 370-1 -4744.47 370-1 -7703.12 370-1 -14 370-1 -174.5 370-1 -347.72 370-1 -568.24 370-1 -51.22 370-1 -320.22 370-1 -671.1 370-1 -1069.3 370-1 -23.05 370-1 -181.42 370-1 -376.56 370-1

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1

2.67 -2.25 -0.94 -1.79 -3.49 5.49 0.59 2.55 7.33 -7.03 -2.35 -4.53 -9.54 1.18 -0.28 0.42 1.97 -2.72 -1.48 -2.41 -4.18 2.18 1.82 1.46 1.1 2.95 2.49 2.03 1.56 2.47 2.07 1.67 1.28 2.54 2.13 1.73 1.32 23.57 17.22 10.89 4.58 -23.96 -17.64 -11.32 -5.03

-619 370-1 -42.17 370-1 -313.3 370-1 -642.27 370-1 -1018.54 370-1 -382 370-1 -2237.56 370-1 -4583.02 370-1 -7452.95 370-1 -419.21 370-1 -2383.28 370-1 -4906.4 370-1 -7954 370-1 -391.05 370-1 -2244.48 370-1 -4611.86 370-1 -7503.7 370-1 -410.16 370-1 -2376.37 370-1 -4877.57 370-1 -7903.25 370-1 -8562.05 374-1 -5375.51 374-1 -2669.6 374-1 -444.33 374-1 -8062 374-1 -4927.28 374-1 -2384.53 374-1 -433.75 374-1 -7789.92 374-1 -4806.76 374-1 -2348.08 374-1 -413.87 374-1 -7790.7 374-1 -4807.3 374-1 -2348.37 374-1 -413.91 374-1 -575.89 374-1 -353.39 374-1 -178.18 374-1 -11.8 374-1 -1064.72 374-1 -667.3 374-1 -317.2 374-1 -52.87 374-1

1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

13.46 10.35 7.25 4.16 -13.85 -10.76 -7.68 -4.6 26.33 19.59 12.86 6.15 -21.2 -15.27 -9.35 -3.46 16.22 12.72 9.21 5.73 -11.09 -8.4 -5.71 -3.04 0.74 0.68 0.61 0.55 0.66 0.63 0.6 0.57 0.66 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.65 0.61 0.57 0.53 2.72 3.4 8.86 14.33 -2.18

-621.69 374-1 -378.48 374-1 -182.57 374-1 -22.23 374-1 -1018.92 374-1 -642.21 374-1 -312.81 374-1 -42.44 374-1 -7546.65 374-1 -4650.59 374-1 -2278.99 374-1 -393.39 374-1 -8035.47 374-1 -4964.5 374-1 -2418.01 374-1 -434.47 374-1 -7592.44 374-1 -4675.68 374-1 -2283.38 374-1 -403.83 374-1 -7989.68 374-1 -4939.41 374-1 -2413.62 374-1 -424.03 374-1 -409.28 375-1 -2635.75 375-1 -5661.36 375-1 -9486.1 375-1 -381.51 375-1 -2291.23 375-1 -5065.92 375-1 -8705.59 375-1 -370.09 375-1 -2279.62 375-1 -4986.62 375-1 -8491.09 375-1 -370.01 375-1 -2279.28 375-1 -4986.03 375-1 -8490.24 375-1 5.79 375-1 -149.67 375-1 -302.49 375-1 -502.6 375-1 -45.17 375-1

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0

-2.87 -8.34 -13.81 1.19 1.49 3.24 4.99 -0.65 -0.95 -2.71 -4.47 3.1 3.75 9.17 14.6 -1.8 -2.53 -8.03 -13.54 1.57 1.83 3.54 5.27 -0.27 -0.61 -2.4 -4.2 0.07839 -0.16 -0.4 -0.64 0.17 -0.2 -0.56 -0.92 0.16 -0.14 -0.44 -0.74 0.13 -0.17 -0.47 -0.78 7.22 1.81

-280 375-1 -612.1 375-1 -991.51 375-1 -10.29 375-1 -150.8 375-1 -322.87 375-1 -542.23 375-1 -29.09 375-1 -278.87 375-1 -591.72 375-1 -951.88 375-1 -344.49 375-1 -2213.96 375-1 -4830.95 375-1 -8245.4 375-1 -395.45 375-1 -2344.29 375-1 -5140.56 375-1 -8734.31 375-1 -360.57 375-1 -2215.09 375-1 -4851.33 375-1 -8285.03 375-1 -379.38 375-1 -2343.16 375-1 -5120.18 375-1 -8694.68 375-1 -9396.22 379-1 -5596.55 379-1 -2596.01 379-1 -394.61 379-1 -8608.15 379-1 -4995.67 379-1 -2248.17 379-1 -365.64 379-1 -8401.31 379-1 -4921.88 379-1 -2239.94 379-1 -355.46 379-1 -8400.45 379-1 -4921.29 379-1 -2239.6 379-1 -355.38 379-1 -503.41 379-1 -303.7 379-1

0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5

6.11 11.98 -6.11 -0.87 -5.34 -11.39 3.95 1.5 2.75 5.23 -2.84 -0.56 -1.98 -4.63 6.79 1.16 5.24 10.89 -6.54 -1.52 -6.21 -12.48 3.52 0.85 1.88 4.14 -3.28 -1.21 -2.85 -5.72

-151.28 379-1 8.44 379-1 -985.87 379-1 -607.5 379-1 -276.46 379-1 -47.32 379-1 -540.14 379-1 -321.62 379-1 -150.38 379-1 -9.07 379-1 -949.13 379-1 -589.58 379-1 -277.36 379-1 -29.82 379-1 -8158.83 379-1 -4769.12 379-1 -2176.85 379-1 -327.46 379-1 -8641.3 379-1 -5072.91 379-1 -2302.03 379-1 -383.22 379-1 -8195.57 379-1 -4787.03 379-1 -2175.95 379-1 -344.97 379-1 -8604.56 379-1 -5055 379-1 -2302.93 379-1 -365.71 379-1 38.42 -9486.1 -4743.05

1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

TABLE: Element Forces - Frames Frame Station OutputCaseCaseType StepType Text m Text Text Text 110 0 1,4D Combination 110 0.5 1,4D Combination 110 1 1,4D Combination 110 1 1,4D Combination 110 1.4 1,4D Combination 110 1.8 1,4D Combination 110 2.2 1,4D Combination 110 2.6 1,4D Combination 110 2.6 1,4D Combination 110 3.1 1,4D Combination 110 3.6 1,4D Combination 110 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 110 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 110 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 110 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination

P Kgf -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -3.96 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.58 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14 -4.14

V2 Kgf -5344.88 -3991.68 -2638.48 -2134.48 -1051.93 30.63 1113.19 2195.75 2699.75 4052.94 5406.14 -4563.19 -3403.31 -2243.42 -1811.42 -883.52 44.39 972.3 1900.2 2332.2 3492.08 4651.97 -4570.03 -3410.14 -2250.26 -1818.26 -890.36 37.55 965.46 1893.36 2325.36 3485.25 4645.13 -4570 -3410.11 -2250.23 -1818.23 -890.32 37.58 965.49 1893.4 2325.4

V3 Kgf -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.02272 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.00249 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.0089 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886 -0.00886

T Kgf-m 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 10.48 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 22.27 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29

M2 Kgf-m -0.21 -0.2 -0.19 -0.19 -0.18 -0.17 -0.16 -0.15 -0.15 -0.14 -0.13 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.24 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.21 -0.21 -0.24 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.22 -0.22 -0.21 -0.21

110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min

-4.14 3485.28 -0.00886 -4.14 4645.16 -0.00886 37.75 42.08 0.58 37.75 96.14 0.58 37.75 150.2 0.58 37.75 150.2 0.58 37.75 193.45 0.58 37.75 236.7 0.58 37.75 279.95 0.58 37.75 323.2 0.58 37.75 323.2 0.58 37.75 377.26 0.58 37.75 431.33 0.58 -38.41 -403.52 -0.57 -38.41 -349.46 -0.57 -38.41 -295.4 -0.57 -38.41 -295.4 -0.57 -38.41 -252.15 -0.57 -38.41 -208.9 -0.57 -38.41 -165.65 -0.57 -38.41 -122.4 -0.57 -38.41 -122.4 -0.57 -38.41 -68.34 -0.57 -38.41 -14.27 -0.57 25.36 -108.51 0.25 25.36 -54.45 0.25 25.36 -0.39 0.25 25.36 -0.39 0.25 25.36 42.86 0.25 25.36 86.11 0.25 25.36 129.36 0.25 25.36 172.61 0.25 25.36 172.61 0.25 25.36 226.68 0.25 25.36 280.74 0.25 -26.02 -252.93 -0.25 -26.02 -198.87 -0.25 -26.02 -144.81 -0.25 -26.02 -144.81 -0.25 -26.02 -101.56 -0.25 -26.02 -58.31 -0.25 -26.02 -15.06 -0.25 -26.02 28.19 -0.25 -26.02 28.19 -0.25 -26.02 82.25 -0.25

17.29 17.29 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 32.42 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69 -2.69

-0.21 -0.21 1.68 1.4 1.12 1.12 0.91 0.7 0.52 0.39 0.39 0.34 0.46 -1.83 -1.55 -1.28 -1.28 -1.06 -0.86 -0.68 -0.55 -0.55 -0.5 -0.63 0.61 0.48 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.17 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.21 -0.75 -0.63 -0.51 -0.51 -0.42 -0.33 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.3

110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min

-26.02 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 33.94 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 -42.21 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83

136.31 -4347.18 -3187.3 -2027.41 -1595.41 -667.51 260.4 1188.3 2116.21 2548.21 3708.09 4867.98 -4792.78 -3632.9 -2473.01 -2041.01 -1113.11 -185.2 742.7 1670.61 2102.61 3262.49 4422.38 -4497.77 -3337.89 -2178 -1746 -818.1 109.81 1037.72 1965.62 2397.62 3557.51 4717.39 -4642.19 -3482.31 -2322.43 -1890.43 -962.52 -34.61 893.29 1821.2 2253.2 3413.08 4572.97

-0.25 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26

-2.69 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 -5.93 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 29.18 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39

-0.38 1.52 1.24 0.97 0.97 0.76 0.56 0.39 0.26 0.26 0.21 0.34 -1.99 -1.71 -1.43 -1.43 -1.21 -1 -0.82 -0.68 -0.68 -0.63 -0.75 0.44 0.32 0.21 0.21 0.11 0.02482 -0.01538 -0.02069 -0.02069 0.00831 0.08908 -0.92 -0.79 -0.66 -0.66 -0.56 -0.47 -0.42 -0.41 -0.41 -0.43 -0.5

111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111

0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max

-4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -4.73 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.03 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 45.5

-5422.75 -4069.55 -2716.35 -2212.35 -1129.8 -47.24 1035.32 2117.88 2621.88 3975.07 5328.27 -4665.32 -3505.44 -2345.56 -1913.56 -985.65 -57.74 870.16 1798.07 2230.07 3389.95 4549.84 -4658.81 -3498.93 -2339.05 -1907.05 -979.14 -51.24 876.67 1804.58 2236.58 3396.46 4556.34 -4658.85 -3498.96 -2339.08 -1907.08 -979.17 -51.27 876.64 1804.54 2236.54 3396.43 4556.31 14.42

0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.03032 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.01835 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02128 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.02123 0.59

-33.98 -0.06658 -33.98 -0.08174 -33.98 -0.0969 -33.98 -0.0969 -33.98 -0.11 -33.98 -0.12 -33.98 -0.13 -33.98 -0.15 -33.98 -0.15 -33.98 -0.16 -33.98 -0.18 -42.26 -0.17 -42.26 -0.18 -42.26 -0.18 -42.26 -0.18 -42.26 -0.19 -42.26 -0.2 -42.26 -0.21 -42.26 -0.21 -42.26 -0.21 -42.26 -0.22 -42.26 -0.23 -37.33 -0.13 -37.33 -0.14 -37.33 -0.15 -37.33 -0.15 -37.33 -0.16 -37.33 -0.16 -37.33 -0.17 -37.33 -0.18 -37.33 -0.18 -37.33 -0.19 -37.33 -0.2 -37.33 -0.13 -37.33 -0.14 -37.33 -0.15 -37.33 -0.15 -37.33 -0.16 -37.33 -0.16 -37.33 -0.17 -37.33 -0.18 -37.33 -0.18 -37.33 -0.19 -37.33 -0.2 14.17 0.51

111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111

0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max

45.5 68.48 45.5 122.54 45.5 122.54 45.5 165.79 45.5 209.04 45.5 252.29 45.5 295.54 45.5 295.54 45.5 349.6 45.5 403.66 -46.29 -431.04 -46.29 -376.98 -46.29 -322.92 -46.29 -322.92 -46.29 -279.67 -46.29 -236.42 -46.29 -193.17 -46.29 -149.92 -46.29 -149.92 -46.29 -95.85 -46.29 -41.79 29.36 -136.28 29.36 -82.21 29.36 -28.15 29.36 -28.15 29.36 15.1 29.36 58.35 29.36 101.6 29.36 144.85 29.36 144.85 29.36 198.91 29.36 252.97 -30.15 -280.35 -30.15 -226.29 -30.15 -172.22 -30.15 -172.22 -30.15 -128.98 -30.15 -85.73 -30.15 -42.48 -30.15 0.77 -30.15 0.77 -30.15 54.84 -30.15 108.9 40.88 -4436.13 40.88 -3276.25

0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 -0.59 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 0.61 0.61

14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 -32.47 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -21.3 -14.01 -14.01

0.39 0.44 0.44 0.58 0.75 0.94 1.15 1.15 1.43 1.71 -0.63 -0.51 -0.57 -0.57 -0.71 -0.88 -1.07 -1.28 -1.28 -1.56 -1.84 0.32 0.24 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.33 0.33 0.45 0.58 -0.45 -0.37 -0.34 -0.34 -0.35 -0.36 -0.39 -0.45 -0.45 -0.58 -0.71 0.44 0.31

111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 148 148 148

1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination

40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 40.88 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 -50.91 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -34.78 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87

-2116.37 0.61 -1684.37 0.61 -756.46 0.61 171.45 0.61 1099.35 0.61 2027.26 0.61 2459.26 0.61 3619.14 0.61 4779.02 0.61 -4881.59 -0.56 -3721.71 -0.56 -2561.82 -0.56 -2129.82 -0.56 -1201.92 -0.56 -274.01 -0.56 653.9 -0.56 1581.8 -0.56 2013.8 -0.56 3173.68 -0.56 4333.57 -0.56 -4586.82 0.29 -3426.94 0.29 -2267.06 0.29 -1835.06 0.29 -907.15 0.29 20.75 0.29 948.66 0.29 1876.57 0.29 2308.57 0.29 3468.45 0.29 4628.33 0.29 -4730.9 -0.24 -3571.02 -0.24 -2411.13 -0.24 -1979.13 -0.24 -1051.23 -0.24 -123.32 -0.24 804.59 -0.24 1732.49 -0.24 2164.49 -0.24 3324.38 -0.24 4484.26 -0.24 -5346.54 0.01945 -3993.34 0.01945 -2640.15 0.01945

-14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -14.01 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -60.66 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -25.18 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -49.48 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55

0.36 0.36 0.49 0.65 0.83 1.03 1.03 1.3 1.58 -0.69 -0.58 -0.65 -0.65 -0.8 -0.98 -1.18 -1.39 -1.39 -1.68 -1.98 0.26 0.17 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.21 0.21 0.32 0.44 -0.51 -0.44 -0.42 -0.42 -0.44 -0.46 -0.5 -0.57 -0.57 -0.7 -0.84 0.23 0.22 0.21

148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148

1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max

-4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -4.87 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.86 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 36.22 36.22 36.22 36.22

-2136.15 -1053.59 28.97 1111.52 2194.08 2698.08 4051.28 5404.48 -4565.74 -3405.85 -2245.97 -1813.97 -886.06 41.84 969.75 1897.66 2329.66 3489.54 4649.42 -4572.16 -3412.27 -2252.39 -1820.39 -892.49 35.42 963.33 1891.23 2323.23 3483.12 4643 -4572.12 -3412.24 -2252.36 -1820.36 -892.45 35.46 963.36 1891.27 2323.27 3483.15 4643.04 39.07 93.13 147.2 147.2

0.01945 0.01945 0.01945 0.01945 0.01945 0.01945 0.01945 0.01945 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.002065 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007562 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.007546 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57

-10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -10.55 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -22.15 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 14.55 14.55 14.55 14.55

0.21 0.2 0.2 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.23 1.81 1.54 1.26 1.26

148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148

1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max

36.22 36.22 36.22 36.22 36.22 36.22 36.22 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 -37.53 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 31.65 31.65 31.65 31.65 31.65

190.45 233.7 276.95 320.2 320.2 374.26 428.32 -401.36 -347.3 -293.24 -293.24 -249.99 -206.74 -163.49 -120.24 -120.24 -66.18 -12.12 -109.45 -55.38 -1.32 -1.32 41.93 85.18 128.43 171.68 171.68 225.74 279.8 -252.85 -198.78 -144.72 -144.72 -101.47 -58.22 -14.97 28.28 28.28 82.34 136.4 -4351.89 -3192.01 -2032.12 -1600.12 -672.22

0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58

14.55 14.55 14.55 14.55 14.55 14.55 14.55 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 -32.81 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 -21.15 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44

1.05 0.84 0.67 0.53 0.53 0.5 0.63 -1.66 -1.38 -1.1 -1.1 -0.88 -0.68 -0.5 -0.36 -0.36 -0.32 -0.46 0.74 0.62 0.51 0.51 0.41 0.33 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.3 0.38 -0.59 -0.47 -0.35 -0.35 -0.25 -0.16 -0.12 -0.1 -0.1 -0.12 -0.2 2 1.71 1.43 1.43 1.22

148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 150 150 150 150 150 150

1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination

31.65 31.65 31.65 31.65 31.65 31.65 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 -42.1 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 -18.18 -18.18 -18.18 -18.18 -18.18 -18.18

255.69 1183.6 2111.5 2543.5 3703.39 4863.27 -4792.32 -3632.44 -2472.56 -2040.56 -1112.65 -184.75 743.16 1671.07 2103.07 3262.95 4422.83 -4500.41 -3340.52 -2180.64 -1748.64 -820.73 107.17 1035.08 1962.99 2394.99 3554.87 4714.75 -4643.81 -3483.92 -2324.04 -1892.04 -964.13 -36.23 891.68 1819.58 2251.58 3411.47 4571.35 -5438.41 -4085.21 -2732.02 -2228.02 -1145.46 -62.9

0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 -0.24 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14

6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -40.91 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 -29.25 49.44 49.44 49.44 49.44 49.44 49.44

1.01 0.83 0.69 0.69 0.65 0.78 -1.48 -1.2 -0.93 -0.93 -0.72 -0.51 -0.34 -0.21 -0.21 -0.17 -0.31 0.93 0.8 0.68 0.68 0.58 0.49 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.45 0.52 -0.41 -0.29 -0.17 -0.17 -0.08263 -0.00035 0.04323 0.05364 0.05364 0.02572 -0.05571 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.59 0.54 0.48

150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max

-18.18 -18.18 -18.18 -18.18 -18.18 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 82.52 82.52 82.52 82.52 82.52 82.52 82.52

1019.66 2102.21 2606.21 3959.41 5312.61 -4682.4 -3522.52 -2362.63 -1930.63 -1002.73 -74.82 853.09 1780.99 2212.99 3372.87 4532.76 -4674.52 -3514.64 -2354.75 -1922.75 -994.85 -66.94 860.97 1788.87 2220.87 3380.76 4540.64 -4674.55 -3514.67 -2354.79 -1922.79 -994.88 -66.98 860.93 1788.84 2220.84 3380.72 4540.6 14.63 68.69 122.76 122.76 166.01 209.26 252.51

0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

49.44 49.44 49.44 49.44 49.44 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 37.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 37.44

0.43 0.37 0.37 0.3 0.24 0.98 0.87 0.77 0.77 0.68 0.6 0.51 0.43 0.43 0.32 0.22 0.85 0.76 0.67 0.67 0.6 0.53 0.46 0.39 0.39 0.3 0.21 0.85 0.76 0.67 0.67 0.6 0.53 0.46 0.39 0.39 0.3 0.21 1.77 1.33 0.95 0.95 0.75 0.73 0.86

150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max

82.52 82.52 82.52 82.52 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 -90.9 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 26.37 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 -34.74 69.96 69.96 69.96 69.96 69.96 69.96 69.96 69.96

295.76 295.76 349.82 403.88 -432.26 -378.19 -324.13 -324.13 -280.88 -237.63 -194.38 -151.13 -151.13 -97.07 -43.01 -136.65 -82.59 -28.53 -28.53 14.72 57.97 101.22 144.47 144.47 198.53 252.59 -280.97 -226.91 -172.84 -172.84 -129.59 -86.34 -43.09 0.16 0.16 54.22 108.28 -4451.13 -3291.24 -2131.36 -1699.36 -771.45 156.45 1084.36 2012.26

0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 -0.72 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

37.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 -19.36 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 22.68 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 -4.6 80.73 80.73 80.73 80.73 80.73 80.73 80.73 80.73

1.09 1.09 1.5 1.94 -1.46 -1.05 -0.69 -0.69 -0.51 -0.51 -0.67 -0.92 -0.92 -1.35 -1.81 1.79 1.42 1.06 1.06 0.81 0.61 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.8 1.15 -1.48 -1.13 -0.8 -0.8 -0.57 -0.4 -0.27 -0.29 -0.29 -0.65 -1.02 2.46 1.95 1.48 1.48 1.23 1.15 1.22 1.39

150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245

2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination

69.96 69.96 69.96 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 -103.45 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 13.81 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -47.3 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52

2444.26 3604.15 4764.03 -4898.02 -3738.13 -2578.25 -2146.25 -1218.34 -290.44 637.47 1565.38 1997.38 3157.26 4317.14 -4602.41 -3442.53 -2282.65 -1850.65 -922.74 5.16 933.07 1860.98 2292.98 3452.86 4612.74 -4746.73 -3586.84 -2426.96 -1994.96 -1067.06 -139.15 788.76 1716.66 2148.66 3308.55 4468.43 -5355.85 -4002.65 -2649.46 -2145.46 -1062.9 19.66 1102.21 2184.77 2688.77

1.1 1.1 1.1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734 -0.02734

80.73 80.73 80.73 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 23.93 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 65.97 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 38.69 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48 9.48

1.39 1.73 2.09 -0.77 -0.43 -0.15 -0.15 -0.02753 -0.09486 -0.31 -0.62 -0.62 -1.13 -1.66 2.48 2.03 1.6 1.6 1.29 1.03 0.83 0.77 0.77 1.02 1.3 -0.79 -0.52 -0.26 -0.26 -0.09037 0.02381 0.08963 0.005232 0.005232 -0.42 -0.88 -0.19 -0.17 -0.16 -0.16 -0.15 -0.14 -0.13 -0.11 -0.11

245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245

3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max

-5.52 -5.52 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -6.32 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15

4041.97 5395.17 -4577.97 -3418.09 -2258.21 -1826.21 -898.3 29.61 957.51 1885.42 2317.42 3477.3 4637.19 -4582.81 -3422.93 -2263.04 -1831.04 -903.14 24.77 952.67 1880.58 2312.58 3472.46 4632.35 -4582.76 -3422.88 -2263 -1831 -903.09 24.81 952.72 1880.63 2312.63 3472.51 4632.39 1.24 55.3 109.36 109.36 152.61 195.86 239.11 282.36 282.36 336.42

-0.02734 -0.02734 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03395 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03061 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 -0.03009 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83

9.48 9.48 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45

-0.1 -0.08715 -0.22 -0.2 -0.18 -0.18 -0.17 -0.15 -0.14 -0.13 -0.13 -0.11 -0.09343 -0.2 -0.18 -0.17 -0.17 -0.15 -0.14 -0.13 -0.12 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08685 -0.19 -0.18 -0.16 -0.16 -0.15 -0.14 -0.13 -0.12 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08647 1.85 1.44 1.03 1.03 0.7 0.37 0.05489 0.22 0.22 0.65

245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245

3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max

23.15 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 -29.22 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 -27.36 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49 20.49

390.48 -373.17 -319.11 -265.05 -265.05 -221.8 -178.55 -135.3 -92.05 -92.05 -37.99 16.08 -125.47 -71.41 -17.35 -17.35 25.9 69.15 112.4 155.65 155.65 209.71 263.78 -246.46 -192.4 -138.34 -138.34 -95.09 -51.84 -8.59 34.66 34.66 88.72 142.78 -4395.54 -3235.66 -2075.77 -1643.77 -715.87 212.04 1139.95 2067.85 2499.85 3659.74 4819.62

0.83 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 -0.86 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82

28.45 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 -11.98 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 -1.57 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42 35.42

1.08 -2.03 -1.6 -1.17 -1.17 -0.83 -0.49 -0.16 -0.32 -0.32 -0.73 -1.15 0.57 0.44 0.31 0.31 0.21 0.12 0.03268 0.09862 0.09862 0.25 0.4 -0.75 -0.6 -0.45 -0.45 -0.34 -0.24 -0.14 -0.19 -0.19 -0.33 -0.47 1.75 1.34 0.94 0.94 0.61 0.29 -0.01893 0.16 0.16 0.59 1.03

245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246

0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination

-31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 -31.88 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 18.63 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -30.03 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -5.79

-4769.95 -3610.06 -2450.18 -2018.18 -1090.28 -162.37 765.54 1693.44 2125.44 3285.33 4445.21 -4522.25 -3362.36 -2202.48 -1770.48 -842.57 85.33 1013.24 1941.14 2373.14 3533.03 4692.91 -4643.24 -3483.36 -2323.47 -1891.47 -963.57 -35.66 892.25 1820.15 2252.15 3412.04 4571.92 -5410.88 -4057.68 -2704.49 -2200.49 -1117.93 -35.37 1047.18 2129.74 2633.74 3986.94 5340.14 -4649.48

-0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 -0.88 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.03458 0.04079

-5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 25.01 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -31.8 -38.33

-2.13 -1.7 -1.26 -1.26 -0.92 -0.57 -0.24 -0.39 -0.39 -0.79 -1.2 0.47 0.34 0.22 0.22 0.12 0.03755 -0.04114 0.03039 0.03039 0.19 0.35 -0.85 -0.7 -0.54 -0.54 -0.43 -0.32 -0.22 -0.26 -0.26 -0.39 -0.52 -0.00331 -0.0206 -0.0379 -0.0379 -0.05173 -0.06556 -0.0794 -0.09323 -0.09323 -0.11 -0.13 -0.01146

246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246

0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min

-5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.79 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.32 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 -40.62 -40.62

-3489.59 -2329.71 -1897.71 -969.8 -41.9 886.01 1813.92 2245.92 3405.8 4565.68 -4645.08 -3485.2 -2325.31 -1893.31 -965.41 -37.5 890.41 1818.31 2250.31 3410.19 4570.08 -4645.13 -3485.24 -2325.36 -1893.36 -965.45 -37.55 890.36 1818.27 2250.27 3410.15 4570.03 -16.1 37.97 92.03 92.03 135.28 178.53 221.78 265.03 265.03 319.09 373.15 -389.99 -335.93

0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.04079 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.0372 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.03669 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 -0.85 -0.85

-38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -38.33 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 -34.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 -28.51 -28.51

-0.03185 -0.05224 -0.05224 -0.06856 -0.08487 -0.1 -0.12 -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 -0.00852 -0.02712 -0.04572 -0.04572 -0.0606 -0.07548 -0.09036 -0.11 -0.11 -0.12 -0.14 -0.00827 -0.02662 -0.04496 -0.04496 -0.05964 -0.07432 -0.089 -0.1 -0.1 -0.12 -0.14 1.13 0.69 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.42 0.75 1.07 1.07 1.48 1.9 -1.17 -0.75

246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246

1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min

-40.62 -40.62 -40.62 -40.62 -40.62 -40.62 -40.62 -40.62 -40.62 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 32.48 -42.88 -42.88 -42.88

-281.87 -281.87 -238.62 -195.37 -152.12 -108.87 -108.87 -54.8 -0.74 -142.86 -88.8 -34.74 -34.74 8.51 51.76 95.01 138.26 138.26 192.33 246.39 -263.23 -209.17 -155.1 -155.1 -111.85 -68.6 -25.35 17.9 17.9 71.96 126.02 -4458.2 -3298.32 -2138.43 -1706.43 -778.53 149.38 1077.29 2005.19 2437.19 3597.08 4756.96 -4832.09 -3672.21 -2512.33

-0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82

-28.51 -0.33 -28.51 -0.33 -28.51 -0.19 -28.51 -0.53 -28.51 -0.86 -28.51 -1.2 -28.51 -1.2 -28.51 -1.63 -28.51 -2.06 1.89 0.51 1.89 0.35 1.89 0.2 1.89 0.2 1.89 0.13 1.89 0.2 1.89 0.28 1.89 0.36 1.89 0.36 1.89 0.47 1.89 0.58 -18.22 -0.56 -18.22 -0.42 -18.22 -0.27 -18.22 -0.27 -18.22 -0.22 -18.22 -0.31 -18.22 -0.4 -18.22 -0.49 -18.22 -0.49 -18.22 -0.62 -18.22 -0.75 -13.83 1.14 -13.83 0.69 -13.83 0.25 -13.83 0.25 -13.83 0.08803 -13.83 0.4 -13.83 0.72 -13.83 1.04 -13.83 1.04 -13.83 1.44 -13.83 1.84 -54.51 -1.16 -54.51 -0.75 -54.51 -0.34

246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283

1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination

-42.88 -42.88 -42.88 -42.88 -42.88 -42.88 -42.88 -42.88 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -34.39 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -5.52 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44

-2080.33 -1152.42 -224.52 703.39 1631.3 2063.3 3223.18 4383.06 -4584.96 -3425.08 -2265.2 -1833.2 -905.29 22.62 950.52 1878.43 2310.43 3470.31 4630.2 -4705.33 -3545.45 -2385.56 -1953.56 -1025.66 -97.75 830.15 1758.06 2190.06 3349.94 4509.83 -5357.28 -4004.09 -2650.89 -2146.89 -1064.33 18.23 1100.78 2183.34 2687.34 4040.54 5393.73 -4580.43 -3420.55 -2260.67 -1828.67

-0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.01948 0.02375 0.02375 0.02375 0.02375

-54.51 -54.51 -54.51 -54.51 -54.51 -54.51 -54.51 -54.51 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -24.12 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -44.22 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -9.57 -19.35 -19.35 -19.35 -19.35

-0.34 -0.21 -0.55 -0.89 -1.24 -1.24 -1.68 -2.12 0.53 0.36 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.42 0.53 -0.55 -0.41 -0.28 -0.28 -0.23 -0.33 -0.43 -0.53 -0.53 -0.66 -0.8 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.0934 0.08561 0.08561 0.07587 0.06613 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.14

283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283

1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min

-6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.88 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 -5.81 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 22.64 -28.43 -28.43 -28.43 -28.43 -28.43

-900.76 27.15 955.05 1882.96 2314.96 3474.84 4634.72 -4584.8 -3424.92 -2265.04 -1833.04 -905.13 22.78 950.68 1878.59 2310.59 3470.47 4630.35 -4584.76 -3424.88 -2265 -1833 -905.09 22.82 950.72 1878.63 2310.63 3470.51 4630.4 -1.32 52.74 106.8 106.8 150.05 193.3 236.55 279.8 279.8 333.86 387.93 -371.15 -317.08 -263.02 -263.02 -219.77

0.02375 0.02375 0.02375 0.02375 0.02375 0.02375 0.02375 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02152 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.02117 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83

-19.35 -19.35 -19.35 -19.35 -19.35 -19.35 -19.35 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.2 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.43 -28.76 -28.76 -28.76 -28.76 -28.76

0.13 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.1 0.09176 0.07989 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.09298 0.09298 0.08222 0.07146 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.09239 0.09239 0.08181 0.07123 1.98 1.56 1.14 1.14 0.8 0.46 0.13 0.31 0.31 0.72 1.13 -1.84 -1.43 -1.02 -1.02 -0.69

283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283

1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min

-28.43 -28.43 -28.43 -28.43 -28.43 -28.43 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 21.32 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 -27.12 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 -31.31 -31.31 -31.31 -31.31 -31.31 -31.31

-176.52 -133.27 -90.02 -90.02 -35.96 18.1 -126.25 -72.18 -18.12 -18.12 25.13 68.38 111.63 154.88 154.88 208.94 263 -246.22 -192.16 -138.1 -138.1 -94.85 -51.6 -8.35 34.9 34.9 88.96 143.03 -4399.83 -3239.95 -2080.06 -1648.06 -720.16 207.75 1135.65 2063.56 2495.56 3655.44 4815.33 -4769.66 -3609.77 -2449.89 -2017.89 -1089.98 -162.08

-0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82

-28.76 -28.76 -28.76 -28.76 -28.76 -28.76 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 -18.07 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 -35.76 -35.76 -35.76 -35.76 -35.76 -35.76

-0.36 -0.03381 -0.22 -0.22 -0.64 -1.06 0.73 0.58 0.43 0.43 0.31 0.19 0.07418 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.42 -0.59 -0.45 -0.31 -0.31 -0.2 -0.08679 0.02116 -0.05086 -0.05086 -0.2 -0.35 2.06 1.63 1.2 1.2 0.86 0.52 0.18 0.36 0.36 0.76 1.17 -1.77 -1.36 -0.95 -0.95 -0.63 -0.3

283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285

2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination

-31.31 -31.31 -31.31 -31.31 -31.31 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -29.99 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -11.28 -12.95 -12.95 -12.95 -12.95 -12.95 -12.95 -12.95

765.83 1693.74 2125.74 3285.62 4445.5 -4524.75 -3364.87 -2204.99 -1772.99 -845.08 82.82 1010.73 1938.64 2370.64 3530.52 4690.4 -4644.73 -3484.85 -2324.97 -1892.97 -965.06 -37.15 890.75 1818.66 2250.66 3410.54 4570.43 -5423.96 -4070.76 -2717.56 -2213.56 -1131 -48.45 1034.11 2116.67 2620.67 3973.86 5327.06 -4664.36 -3504.47 -2344.59 -1912.59 -984.68 -56.78 871.13

-0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03095 0.03047 0.03047 0.03047 0.03047 0.03047 0.03047 0.03047

-35.76 -35.76 -35.76 -35.76 -35.76 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -5.25 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 -25.07 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 45.62 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64

0.01905 -0.17 -0.17 -0.6 -1.03 0.81 0.65 0.5 0.5 0.37 0.25 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.32 0.45 -0.51 -0.38 -0.24 -0.24 -0.14 -0.02959 0.07402 -0.00235 -0.00235 -0.16 -0.31 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.0952 0.0952 0.07972 0.06425 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.12

285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285

2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min

-12.95 -12.95 -12.95 -12.95 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.86 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 72.15 -82.36 -82.36 -82.36 -82.36 -82.36 -82.36 -82.36 -82.36

1799.03 2231.03 3390.92 4550.8 -4658.59 -3498.71 -2338.82 -1906.82 -978.92 -51.01 876.9 1804.8 2236.8 3396.69 4556.57 -4658.63 -3498.75 -2338.86 -1906.86 -978.96 -51.05 876.85 1804.76 2236.76 3396.64 4556.53 -15.75 38.32 92.38 92.38 135.63 178.88 222.13 265.38 265.38 319.44 373.5 -391.89 -337.83 -283.77 -283.77 -240.52 -197.27 -154.02 -110.77

0.03047 0.03047 0.03047 0.03047 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02852 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 0.02892 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15 -1.15

52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 47.57 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 32.02 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76 -15.76

0.11 0.11 0.09316 0.07792 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.09914 0.09914 0.08488 0.07062 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.09846 0.09846 0.084 0.06954 2.75 2.17 1.6 1.6 1.15 0.7 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.96 1.5 -2.68 -2.1 -1.53 -1.53 -1.08 -0.63 -0.24 -0.41

285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285

2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min

-82.36 -82.36 -82.36 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 29.27 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 -39.49 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 65.57 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94 -88.94

-110.77 -56.71 -2.64 -143.36 -89.3 -35.23 -35.23 8.02 51.27 94.52 137.77 137.77 191.83 245.89 -264.28 -210.22 -156.16 -156.16 -112.91 -69.66 -26.41 16.84 16.84 70.9 124.97 -4470.58 -3310.69 -2150.81 -1718.81 -790.9 137 1064.91 1992.82 2424.82 3584.7 4744.58 -4846.72 -3686.84 -2526.96 -2094.96 -1167.05 -239.14 688.76 1616.67 2048.67

-1.15 -1.15 -1.15 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -0.65 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12 -1.12

-15.76 -15.76 -15.76 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66

-0.41 -0.9 -1.44 1.81 1.49 1.17 1.17 0.91 0.66 0.43 0.39 0.39 0.49 0.71 -1.74 -1.42 -1.1 -1.1 -0.84 -0.59 -0.37 -0.33 -0.33 -0.42 -0.65 2.88 2.3 1.71 1.71 1.25 0.79 0.39 0.54 0.54 1.01 1.54 -2.54 -1.98 -1.42 -1.42 -0.98 -0.54 -0.17 -0.34 -0.34

285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380

3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination

-88.94 -88.94 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 -46.07 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36

3208.55 4368.44 -4598.19 -3438.3 -2278.42 -1846.42 -918.51 9.39 937.3 1865.2 2297.2 3457.09 4616.97 -4719.11 -3559.23 -2399.35 -1967.35 -1039.44 -111.53 816.37 1744.28 2176.28 3336.16 4496.05 -5360.76 -4007.56 -2654.37 -2150.37 -1067.81 14.75 1097.31 2179.86 2683.86 4037.06 5390.26 -4582.26 -3422.38 -2262.5 -1830.5 -902.59 25.32 953.22 1881.13 2313.13 3473.01

-1.12 -1.12 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 -0.63 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.0357 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718 0.01718

23.66 23.66 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 36.41 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01

-0.85 -1.4 1.95 1.61 1.28 1.28 1.01 0.75 0.51 0.46 0.46 0.54 0.75 -1.6 -1.29 -0.99 -0.99 -0.74 -0.51 -0.29 -0.26 -0.26 -0.37 -0.61 -0.06346 -0.08131 -0.09916 -0.09916 -0.11 -0.13 -0.14 -0.16 -0.16 -0.17 -0.19 -0.1 -0.11 -0.12 -0.12 -0.13 -0.13 -0.14 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15

380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380

3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min

-0.36 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 39.75 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32 -39.32

4632.9 -4587.3 -3427.41 -2267.53 -1835.53 -907.62 20.28 948.19 1876.1 2308.1 3467.98 4627.86 -4587.06 -3427.17 -2267.29 -1835.29 -907.38 20.52 948.43 1876.34 2308.34 3468.22 4628.1 -85.6 -31.53 22.53 22.53 65.78 109.03 152.28 195.53 195.53 249.59 303.65 -292.72 -238.65 -184.59 -184.59 -141.34 -98.09 -54.84 -11.59 -11.59 42.47 96.53

0.01718 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02414 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 0.02249 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04

20.01 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 19.82 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33

-0.16 -0.08058 -0.09265 -0.1 -0.1 -0.11 -0.12 -0.13 -0.14 -0.14 -0.16 -0.17 -0.08309 -0.09433 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.12 -0.13 -0.14 -0.14 -0.15 -0.16 2.52 1.99 1.46 1.46 1.04 0.63 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.63 1.15 -2.61 -2.09 -1.56 -1.56 -1.15 -0.74 -0.34 -0.24 -0.24 -0.76 -1.29

380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380

0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max

32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 32.44 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 -32.01 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 -39.24 32.52

-156.11 -102.04 -47.98 -47.98 -4.73 38.52 81.77 125.02 125.02 179.08 233.14 -222.21 -168.14 -114.08 -114.08 -70.83 -27.58 15.67 58.92 58.92 112.98 167.04 -4483.39 -3323.5 -2163.62 -1731.62 -803.71 124.19 1052.1 1980 2412 3571.89 4731.77 -4690.51 -3530.62 -2370.74 -1938.74 -1010.84 -82.93 844.98 1772.88 2204.88 3364.77 4524.65 -4553.9

0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 0.39

13.57 0.8 13.57 0.61 13.57 0.43 13.57 0.43 13.57 0.29 13.57 0.17 13.57 0.06318 13.57 0.04924 13.57 0.04924 13.57 0.23 13.57 0.41 1.93 -0.89 1.93 -0.71 1.93 -0.53 1.93 -0.53 1.93 -0.4 1.93 -0.28 1.93 -0.18 1.93 -0.17 1.93 -0.17 1.93 -0.36 1.93 -0.54 27.34 2.48 27.34 1.94 27.34 1.41 27.34 1.41 27.34 0.98 27.34 0.56 27.34 0.15 27.34 0.0356 27.34 0.0356 27.34 0.55 27.34 1.06 3.2 -2.65 3.2 -2.13 3.2 -1.62 3.2 -1.62 3.2 -1.21 3.2 -0.81 3.2 -0.41 3.2 -0.32 3.2 -0.32 3.2 -0.85 3.2 -1.38 21.09 0.76

380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381

0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination

32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 -31.94 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 3.06 3.06

-3394.01 -2234.13 -1802.13 -874.22 53.68 981.59 1909.49 2341.49 3501.38 4661.26 -4620 -3460.11 -2300.23 -1868.23 -940.32 -12.42 915.49 1843.39 2275.39 3435.28 4595.16 -5406.99 -4053.79 -2700.6 -2196.6 -1114.04 -31.48 1051.08 2133.63 2637.63 3990.83 5344.03 -4646.52 -3486.64 -2326.76 -1894.76 -966.85 -38.95 888.96 1816.87 2248.87 3408.75 4568.63 -4641.76 -3481.88

0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.04216 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.0288 -0.03338 -0.03338

21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -30.65 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -38.83 -34.01 -34.01

0.57 0.38 0.38 0.23 0.1 -0.00926 -0.02929 -0.02929 0.14 0.31 -0.93 -0.76 -0.59 -0.59 -0.46 -0.35 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.44 -0.64 -0.17 -0.15 -0.13 -0.13 -0.11 -0.09314 -0.07627 -0.05941 -0.05941 -0.03833 -0.01725 -0.15 -0.13 -0.12 -0.12 -0.11 -0.09474 -0.08322 -0.0717 -0.0717 -0.0573 -0.0429 -0.15 -0.13

381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381

1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max

3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 53.18 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 -52.48 37.34 37.34 37.34

-2321.99 -1889.99 -962.09 -34.18 893.73 1821.63 2253.63 3413.52 4573.4 -4642 -3482.12 -2322.23 -1890.23 -962.33 -34.42 893.49 1821.39 2253.39 3413.28 4573.16 -96.46 -42.39 11.67 11.67 54.92 98.17 141.42 184.67 184.67 238.73 292.79 -303.56 -249.49 -195.43 -195.43 -152.18 -108.93 -65.68 -22.43 -22.43 31.63 85.69 -166.86 -112.8 -58.74

-0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03338 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 -0.03182 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 -1.08 0.38 0.38 0.38

-34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.01 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -19.96 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52

-0.12 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08886 -0.07551 -0.06216 -0.06216 -0.04547 -0.02878 -0.15 -0.13 -0.11 -0.11 -0.1 -0.08911 -0.07638 -0.06365 -0.06365 -0.04775 -0.03184 1.21 0.68 0.15 0.15 0.26 0.68 1.09 1.5 1.5 2.03 2.56 -1.33 -0.79 -0.25 -0.25 -0.36 -0.76 -1.17 -1.58 -1.58 -2.09 -2.62 0.53 0.34 0.15

381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381

1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max

37.34 37.34 37.34 37.34 37.34 37.34 37.34 37.34 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 -36.64 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 55.61 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 -50.05 39.77 39.77 39.77 39.77

-58.74 -15.49 27.76 71.01 114.26 114.26 168.32 222.39 -233.15 -179.09 -125.03 -125.03 -81.78 -38.53 4.72 47.97 47.97 102.04 156.1 -4538.56 -3378.67 -2218.79 -1786.79 -858.88 69.02 996.93 1924.83 2356.83 3516.72 4676.6 -4745.66 -3585.77 -2425.89 -1993.89 -1065.98 -138.08 789.83 1717.74 2149.74 3309.62 4469.5 -4608.96 -3449.08 -2289.2 -1857.2

0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36

-1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -13.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -21.9 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -46.4 -27.96 -27.96 -27.96 -27.96

0.15 0.16 0.26 0.36 0.47 0.47 0.61 0.79 -0.65 -0.45 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.35 -0.45 -0.54 -0.54 -0.68 -0.85 1.12 0.6 0.08788 0.08788 0.21 0.63 1.05 1.48 1.48 2.01 2.56 -1.41 -0.86 -0.32 -0.32 -0.41 -0.81 -1.21 -1.61 -1.61 -2.11 -2.62 0.45 0.27 0.09064 0.09064

381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418

1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination

39.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 -34.21 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21

-929.29 -1.38 926.52 1854.43 2286.43 3446.31 4606.2 -4675.25 -3515.37 -2355.49 -1923.49 -995.58 -67.67 860.23 1788.14 2220.14 3380.02 4539.91 -5361.87 -4008.68 -2655.48 -2151.48 -1068.92 13.64 1096.19 2178.75 2682.75 4035.95 5389.15 -4583.97 -3424.08 -2264.2 -1832.2 -904.29 23.61 951.52 1879.43 2311.43 3471.31 4631.19 -4588.72 -3428.83 -2268.95 -1836.95 -909.04

0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.42 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.04031 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.02641 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111

-27.96 -27.96 -27.96 -27.96 -27.96 -27.96 -27.96 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -40.34 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -8.1 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -19.51 -14.69 -14.69 -14.69 -14.69 -14.69

0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.44 0.6 0.79 -0.74 -0.53 -0.32 -0.32 -0.31 -0.4 -0.48 -0.57 -0.57 -0.7 -0.86 0.008418 0.02857 0.04872 0.04872 0.06485 0.08097 0.09709 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.02528 0.03848 0.05169 0.05169 0.06226 0.07282 0.08338 0.09395 0.09395 0.11 0.12 0.01669 0.03224 0.0478 0.0478 0.06024

418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418

1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max

2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 -38.02 32.89 32.89 32.89 32.89 32.89 32.89

18.86 946.77 1874.68 2306.68 3466.56 4626.44 -4588.48 -3428.6 -2268.71 -1836.71 -908.81 19.1 947.01 1874.91 2306.91 3466.8 4626.68 -87.08 -33.02 21.04 21.04 64.29 107.54 150.79 194.04 194.04 248.1 302.16 -291.26 -237.2 -183.14 -183.14 -139.89 -96.64 -53.39 -10.14 -10.14 43.92 97.99 -156.47 -102.4 -48.34 -48.34 -5.09 38.16

-0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.03111 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 -0.0297 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 -1.04 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

-14.69 -14.69 -14.69 -14.69 -14.69 -14.69 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 -14.79 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81 -1.81

0.07268 0.08513 0.09757 0.09757 0.11 0.13 0.01824 0.03309 0.04794 0.04794 0.05982 0.0717 0.08359 0.09547 0.09547 0.11 0.13 2.57 2.05 1.54 1.54 1.13 0.71 0.31 0.24 0.24 0.76 1.28 -2.48 -1.96 -1.44 -1.44 -1.02 -0.6 -0.19 -0.12 -0.12 -0.63 -1.15 0.91 0.73 0.56 0.56 0.42 0.28

418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418

2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max

32.89 32.89 32.89 32.89 32.89 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 -32.13 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 40.34 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 -36.45 34.46 34.46 34.46 34.46 34.46 34.46 34.46

81.41 124.66 124.66 178.72 232.78 -221.88 -167.82 -113.76 -113.76 -70.51 -27.26 15.99 59.24 59.24 113.3 167.37 -4486.28 -3326.4 -2166.52 -1734.52 -806.61 121.3 1049.2 1977.11 2409.11 3568.99 4728.88 -4690.46 -3530.58 -2370.69 -1938.69 -1010.79 -82.88 845.03 1772.93 2204.93 3364.82 4524.7 -4555.66 -3395.78 -2235.9 -1803.9 -875.99 51.92 979.82

0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33

-1.81 0.14 -1.81 0.13 -1.81 0.13 -1.81 0.31 -1.81 0.5 -13.59 -0.82 -13.59 -0.64 -13.59 -0.46 -13.59 -0.46 -13.59 -0.31 -13.59 -0.17 -13.59 -0.0295 -13.59 -0.01515 -13.59 -0.01515 -13.59 -0.19 -13.59 -0.36 -2.49 2.54 -2.49 2.04 -2.49 1.54 -2.49 1.54 -2.49 1.13 -2.49 0.73 -2.49 0.33 -2.49 0.27 -2.49 0.27 -2.49 0.8 -2.49 1.34 -27.16 -2.51 -27.16 -1.97 -27.16 -1.44 -27.16 -1.44 -27.16 -1.01 -27.16 -0.59 -27.16 -0.17 -27.16 -0.0853 -27.16 -0.0853 -27.16 -0.58 -27.16 -1.09 -8.94 0.88 -8.94 0.72 -8.94 0.55 -8.94 0.55 -8.94 0.42 -8.94 0.29 -8.94 0.17

418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 418 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420

2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0 1,4D Combination 0.5 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1 1,4D Combination 1.4 1,4D Combination 1.8 1,4D Combination 2.2 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 2.6 1,4D Combination 3.1 1,4D Combination 3.6 1,4D Combination 0 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6L+Combination 0 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0.5 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.4 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 1.8 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.2 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination

34.46 34.46 34.46 34.46 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -30.57 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -7.55 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59

1907.73 2339.73 3499.61 4659.5 -4621.08 -3461.2 -2301.31 -1869.31 -941.41 -13.5 914.41 1842.31 2274.31 3434.2 4594.08 -5422.74 -4069.55 -2716.35 -2212.35 -1129.79 -47.23 1035.32 2117.88 2621.88 3975.08 5328.27 -4664.12 -3504.24 -2344.36 -1912.36 -984.45 -56.55 871.36 1799.27 2231.27 3391.15 4551.03 -4657.82 -3497.94 -2338.06 -1906.06 -978.15 -50.24 877.66 1805.57

0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14

-8.94 -8.94 -8.94 -8.94 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 -20.72 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 48.31 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 57.24 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19

0.17 0.17 0.36 0.55 -0.85 -0.65 -0.46 -0.46 -0.3 -0.15 -0.00401 0.01963 0.01963 -0.14 -0.31 -0.37 -0.3 -0.24 -0.24 -0.19 -0.15 -0.09585 -0.0467 -0.0467 0.01475 0.07619 -0.43 -0.35 -0.26 -0.26 -0.19 -0.13 -0.05873 0.009034 0.009034 0.09374 0.18 -0.38 -0.31 -0.23 -0.23 -0.18 -0.12 -0.06282 -0.00581

420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420

2.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.1 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 3.6 1,2D+1,6R+Combination 0 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0.5 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.4 1,2D+1L+0Combination 1.8 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.2 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 2.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.1 1,2D+1L+0Combination 3.6 1,2D+1L+0Combination 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ex+Combinati Min 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max

-4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 -4.76 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 99.57 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 -107.93 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6

2237.57 3397.45 4557.34 -4658.06 -3498.18 -2338.3 -1906.3 -978.39 -50.48 877.42 1805.33 2237.33 3397.21 4557.1 -96.39 -42.33 11.73 11.73 54.98 98.23 141.48 184.73 184.73 238.8 292.86 -305.23 -251.17 -197.11 -197.11 -153.86 -110.61 -67.36 -24.11 -24.11 29.95 84.01 -167.42 -113.36 -59.3 -59.3 -16.05 27.2 70.45 113.7 113.7

-0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 -1.51 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86

51.19 51.19 51.19 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 51.29 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 22.31 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 -6.74 14.79 14.79 14.79 14.79 14.79 14.79 14.79 14.79 14.79

-0.00581 0.06546 0.14 -0.39 -0.31 -0.24 -0.24 -0.18 -0.12 -0.06683 -0.00885 -0.00885 0.06364 0.14 3.17 2.44 1.7 1.7 1.12 0.55 0.45 0.93 0.93 1.65 2.4 -3.06 -2.31 -1.55 -1.55 -0.95 -0.37 -0.25 -0.71 -0.71 -1.41 -2.15 2.15 1.72 1.29 1.29 0.95 0.61 0.42 0.43 0.43

420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420

3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Max 0 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0.5 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.4 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 1.8 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.2 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 2.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.1 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 3.6 0,9D+1Ey+Combinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0ExCombinati Min 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max

39.6 39.6 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 -47.96 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.91 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 -108.59 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94

167.77 221.83 -234.2 -180.14 -126.08 -126.08 -82.83 -39.58 3.67 46.92 46.92 100.98 155.05 -4553.75 -3393.87 -2233.98 -1801.98 -874.08 53.83 981.74 1909.64 2341.64 3501.53 4661.41 -4762.59 -3602.71 -2442.83 -2010.83 -1082.92 -155.01 772.89 1700.8 2132.8 3292.68 4452.57 -4624.78 -3464.9 -2305.01 -1873.01 -945.11 -17.2 910.71 1838.61 2270.61 3430.5

0.86 0.86 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 -1.64 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74

14.79 14.79 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 65.86 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34 58.34

0.78 1.22 -2.04 -1.59 -1.14 -1.14 -0.78 -0.43 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.55 -0.97 2.73 2.05 1.38 1.38 0.85 0.33 0.28 0.81 0.81 1.59 2.41 -3.51 -2.69 -1.87 -1.87 -1.22 -0.59 -0.42 -0.83 -0.83 -1.47 -2.14 1.71 1.34 0.97 0.97 0.68 0.39 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.73

420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420

3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Max 0 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 0.5 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.4 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 1.8 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.2 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 2.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.1 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min 3.6 1,2D+1,0EyCombinati Min

38.94 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62 -48.62

4590.38 -4691.56 -3531.68 -2371.8 -1939.8 -1011.89 -83.98 843.92 1771.83 2203.83 3363.71 4523.6

MAX 5406.14 MIN -5438.41

0.74 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03

58.34 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33 44.33

1.23 -2.49 -1.97 -1.46 -1.46 -1.05 -0.65 -0.39 -0.34 -0.34 -0.6 -0.96

M3 FrameElem ElemStation Kgf-m Text m -2278.47 110-1 0 55.67 110-1 0.5 1713.21 110-1 1 1713.21 110-1 1 2350.49 110-1 1.4 2554.75 110-1 1.8 2325.98 110-1 2.2 1664.2 110-1 2.6 1664.2 110-1 2.6 -23.98 110-1 3.1 -2388.75 110-1 3.6 -1929.38 110-1 0 62.24 110-1 0.5 1473.93 110-1 1 1473.93 110-1 1 2012.91 110-1 1.4 2180.74 110-1 1.8 1977.4 110-1 2.2 1402.9 110-1 2.6 1402.9 110-1 2.6 -53.17 110-1 3.1 -2089.18 110-1 3.6 -1938.29 110-1 0 56.75 110-1 0.5 1471.85 110-1 1 1471.85 110-1 1 2013.58 110-1 1.4 2184.14 110-1 1.8 1983.53 110-1 2.2 1411.77 110-1 2.6 1411.77 110-1 2.6 -40.88 110-1 3.1 -2073.48 110-1 3.6 -1938.24 110-1 0 56.79 110-1 0.5 1471.87 110-1 1 1471.87 110-1 1 2013.58 110-1 1.4 2184.13 110-1 1.8 1983.52 110-1 2.2 1411.74 110-1 2.6 1411.74 110-1 2.6

-40.93 110-1 -2073.54 110-1 382.65 110-1 348.09 110-1 286.51 110-1 286.51 110-1 217.78 110-1 132.21 110-1 106.79 110-1 164.39 110-1 164.39 110-1 212.07 110-1 232.73 110-1 -519.31 110-1 -331.06 110-1 -169.85 110-1 -169.85 110-1 -60.35 110-1 31.4 110-1 28.4 110-1 -92.22 110-1 -92.22 110-1 -267.34 110-1 -469.49 110-1 75.94 110-1 116.68 110-1 130.39 110-1 130.39 110-1 121.91 110-1 97.65 110-1 82.2 110-1 79.57 110-1 79.57 110-1 51.96 110-1 -2.68 110-1 -212.6 110-1 -99.65 110-1 -13.74 110-1 -13.74 110-1 35.53 110-1 65.96 110-1 52.99 110-1 -7.4 110-1 -7.4 110-1 -107.22 110-1

3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1

-234.08 110-1 -1487.24 110-1 396.38 110-1 1700.06 110-1 1700.06 110-1 2152.65 110-1 2234.54 110-1 2022.7 110-1 1540.03 110-1 1540.03 110-1 198.76 110-1 -1722.46 110-1 -2389.19 110-1 -282.77 110-1 1243.71 110-1 1243.71 110-1 1874.53 110-1 2133.72 110-1 1944.32 110-1 1283.42 110-1 1283.42 110-1 -280.66 110-1 -2424.67 110-1 -1793.94 110-1 164.97 110-1 1543.95 110-1 1543.95 110-1 2056.78 110-1 2199.98 110-1 1998.12 110-1 1455.21 110-1 1455.21 110-1 38.64 110-1 -1957.87 110-1 -2082.49 110-1 -51.36 110-1 1399.82 110-1 1399.82 110-1 1970.4 110-1 2168.28 110-1 1968.9 110-1 1368.24 110-1 1368.24 110-1 -120.54 110-1 -2189.26 110-1

3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

-2418.96 111-1 -45.89 111-1 1650.59 111-1 1650.59 111-1 2319.02 111-1 2554.42 111-1 2356.81 111-1 1726.17 111-1 1726.17 111-1 76.93 111-1 -2248.91 111-1 -2113.63 111-1 -70.94 111-1 1391.81 111-1 1391.81 111-1 1971.66 111-1 2180.33 111-1 2017.85 111-1 1484.2 111-1 1484.2 111-1 79.2 111-1 -1905.75 111-1 -2098.47 111-1 -59.03 111-1 1400.46 111-1 1400.46 111-1 1977.7 111-1 2183.78 111-1 2018.69 111-1 1482.44 111-1 1482.44 111-1 74.18 111-1 -1914.02 111-1 -2098.53 111-1 -59.08 111-1 1400.43 111-1 1400.43 111-1 1977.69 111-1 2183.77 111-1 2018.7 111-1 1482.46 111-1 1482.46 111-1 74.22 111-1 -1913.96 111-1 232.96 111-1

0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0

212.24 111-1 164.49 111-1 164.49 111-1 106.83 111-1 132.2 111-1 217.64 111-1 286.25 111-1 286.25 111-1 347.69 111-1 382.1 111-1 -469 111-1 -267 111-1 -92.03 111-1 -92.03 111-1 28.49 111-1 31.36 111-1 -60.43 111-1 -169.99 111-1 -169.99 111-1 -331.27 111-1 -519.59 111-1 -2.61 111-1 52.01 111-1 79.61 111-1 79.61 111-1 82.22 111-1 97.67 111-1 121.71 111-1 130.04 111-1 130.04 111-1 116.13 111-1 75.19 111-1 -233.43 111-1 -106.77 111-1 -7.15 111-1 -7.15 111-1 53.09 111-1 65.89 111-1 35.5 111-1 -13.77 111-1 -13.77 111-1 -99.71 111-1 -212.68 111-1 -1747.58 111-1 180.52 111-1

0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5

1528.68 111-1 1528.68 111-1 2016.85 111-1 2234.2 111-1 2157.74 111-1 1710.59 111-1 1710.59 111-1 413.72 111-1 -1463.1 111-1 -2449.54 111-1 -298.72 111-1 1272.16 111-1 1272.16 111-1 1938.51 111-1 2133.35 111-1 1879.67 111-1 1254.36 111-1 1254.36 111-1 -265.24 111-1 -2364.78 111-1 -1983.15 111-1 20.29 111-1 1443.8 111-1 1443.8 111-1 1992.25 111-1 2199.67 111-1 2061.81 111-1 1554.38 111-1 1554.38 111-1 182.16 111-1 -1770.01 111-1 -2213.97 111-1 -138.49 111-1 1357.04 111-1 1357.04 111-1 1963.11 111-1 2167.88 111-1 1975.6 111-1 1410.57 111-1 1410.57 111-1 -33.68 111-1 -2057.87 111-1 -2282.47 148-1 52.51 148-1 1710.88 148-1

1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1

1710.88 148-1 2348.83 148-1 2553.75 148-1 2325.65 148-1 1664.53 148-1 1664.53 148-1 -22.81 148-1 -2386.75 148-1 -1934.99 148-1 57.9 148-1 1470.86 148-1 1470.86 148-1 2010.87 148-1 2179.71 148-1 1977.39 148-1 1403.91 148-1 1403.91 148-1 -50.89 148-1 -2085.63 148-1 -1943.09 148-1 53.02 148-1 1469.18 148-1 1469.18 148-1 2011.76 148-1 2183.17 148-1 1983.42 148-1 1412.51 148-1 1412.51 148-1 -39.08 148-1 -2070.61 148-1 -1943.03 148-1 53.06 148-1 1469.21 148-1 1469.21 148-1 2011.77 148-1 2183.17 148-1 1983.4 148-1 1412.48 148-1 1412.48 148-1 -39.13 148-1 -2070.68 148-1 376.76 148-1 343.71 148-1 283.63 148-1 283.63 148-1

1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1

216.11 148-1 131.71 148-1 106.28 148-1 163.02 148-1 163.02 148-1 209.62 148-1 229.2 148-1 -515.07 148-1 -327.91 148-1 -167.77 148-1 -167.77 148-1 -59.14 148-1 31.78 148-1 29.13 148-1 -90.3 148-1 -90.3 148-1 -263.91 148-1 -464.55 148-1 74.15 148-1 115.36 148-1 129.54 148-1 129.54 148-1 121.44 148-1 97.44 148-1 82.17 148-1 79.5 148-1 79.5 148-1 51.84 148-1 -2.85 148-1 -212.46 148-1 -99.55 148-1 -13.68 148-1 -13.68 148-1 35.53 148-1 66.05 148-1 53.24 148-1 -6.78 148-1 -6.78 148-1 -106.13 148-1 -232.51 148-1 -1497.09 148-1 388.89 148-1 1694.92 148-1 1694.92 148-1 2149.4 148-1

1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4

2233.13 148-1 2021.97 148-1 1539.12 148-1 1539.12 148-1 197.61 148-1 -1723.83 148-1 -2388.92 148-1 -282.73 148-1 1243.52 148-1 1243.52 148-1 1874.15 148-1 2133.2 148-1 1944.82 148-1 1285.81 148-1 1285.81 148-1 -275.92 148-1 -2417.58 148-1 -1799.7 148-1 160.53 148-1 1540.83 148-1 1540.83 148-1 2054.73 148-1 2198.86 148-1 1997.86 148-1 1455.6 148-1 1455.6 148-1 39.83 148-1 -1955.87 148-1 -2086.31 148-1 -54.38 148-1 1397.61 148-1 1397.61 148-1 1968.82 148-1 2167.47 148-1 1968.93 148-1 1369.33 148-1 1369.33 148-1 -118.13 148-1 -2185.54 148-1 -2448.03 150-1 -67.13 150-1 1637.18 150-1 1637.18 150-1 2311.88 150-1 2553.55 150-1

1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8

2362.2 150-1 1737.82 150-1 1737.82 150-1 96.42 150-1 -2221.59 150-1 -2149.53 150-1 -98.3 150-1 1372.99 150-1 1372.99 150-1 1959.66 150-1 2175.17 150-1 2019.52 150-1 1492.7 150-1 1492.7 150-1 96.23 150-1 -1880.17 150-1 -2130.24 150-1 -82.96 150-1 1384.39 150-1 1384.39 150-1 1967.91 150-1 2180.27 150-1 2021.46 150-1 1491.49 150-1 1491.49 150-1 91.09 150-1 -1889.26 150-1 -2130.31 150-1 -83.01 150-1 1384.36 150-1 1384.36 150-1 1967.89 150-1 2180.26 150-1 2021.47 150-1 1491.52 150-1 1491.52 150-1 91.13 150-1 -1889.2 150-1 229.24 150-1 208.41 150-1 160.55 150-1 160.55 150-1 102.81 150-1 134.12 150-1 219.4 150-1

2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2

288.36 150-1 288.36 150-1 350.39 150-1 385.41 150-1 -470.08 150-1 -267.47 150-1 -91.9 150-1 -91.9 150-1 29.1 150-1 26.44 150-1 -64.79 150-1 -174.3 150-1 -174.3 150-1 -335.68 150-1 -524.1 150-1 -4.37 150-1 50.44 150-1 78.24 150-1 78.24 150-1 81.02 150-1 98.44 150-1 120.58 150-1 128.71 150-1 128.71 150-1 115.06 150-1 74.42 150-1 -236.47 150-1 -109.51 150-1 -9.58 150-1 -9.58 150-1 50.89 150-1 62.11 150-1 34.02 150-1 -14.65 150-1 -14.65 150-1 -100.35 150-1 -213.11 150-1 -1780.68 150-1 154.91 150-1 1510.57 150-1 1510.57 150-1 2004.74 150-1 2234.1 150-1 2163.57 150-1 1722.86 150-1

2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6

1722.86 150-1 434.19 150-1 -1434.42 150-1 -2480 150-1 -320.97 150-1 1258.12 150-1 1258.12 150-1 1931.03 150-1 2126.42 150-1 1879.39 150-1 1260.2 150-1 1260.2 150-1 -251.89 150-1 -2343.93 150-1 -2014.3 150-1 -3.05 150-1 1428.25 150-1 1428.25 150-1 1982.95 150-1 2198.43 150-1 2064.76 150-1 1563.21 150-1 1563.21 150-1 198.86 150-1 -1745.4 150-1 -2246.39 150-1 -163 150-1 1340.44 150-1 1340.44 150-1 1952.82 150-1 2162.1 150-1 1978.2 150-1 1419.85 150-1 1419.85 150-1 -16.56 150-1 -2032.94 150-1 -2293.51 245-1 46.12 245-1 1709.14 245-1 1709.14 245-1 2350.82 245-1 2559.46 245-1 2335.09 245-1 1677.69 245-1 1677.69 245-1

2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6

-4.99 245-1 -2364.28 245-1 -1950.21 245-1 48.8 245-1 1467.88 245-1 1467.88 245-1 2012.78 245-1 2186.52 245-1 1989.09 245-1 1420.51 245-1 1420.51 245-1 -28.17 245-1 -2056.8 245-1 -1956.2 245-1 45.23 245-1 1466.73 245-1 1466.73 245-1 2013.56 245-1 2189.24 245-1 1993.75 245-1 1427.1 245-1 1427.1 245-1 -19.17 245-1 -2045.37 245-1 -1956.1 245-1 45.31 245-1 1466.78 245-1 1466.78 245-1 2013.6 245-1 2189.25 245-1 1993.75 245-1 1427.08 245-1 1427.08 245-1 -19.21 245-1 -2045.43 245-1 300.16 245-1 286.03 245-1 244.86 245-1 244.86 245-1 192.47 245-1 123.1 245-1 107.37 245-1 152.83 245-1 152.83 245-1 185.33 245-1

3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1

190.81 245-1 -451.97 245-1 -278.9 245-1 -132.86 245-1 -132.86 245-1 -35.5 245-1 44.26 245-1 35.76 245-1 -68.52 245-1 -68.52 245-1 -223.22 245-1 -404.94 245-1 44.27 245-1 93.49 245-1 115.68 245-1 115.68 245-1 113.98 245-1 95.99 245-1 84.5 245-1 79.28 245-1 79.28 245-1 48.43 245-1 -9.45 245-1 -196.08 245-1 -86.36 245-1 -3.68 245-1 -3.68 245-1 43 245-1 71.36 245-1 58.63 245-1 5.02 245-1 5.02 245-1 -86.32 245-1 -204.69 245-1 -1579.99 245-1 327.81 245-1 1655.67 245-1 1655.67 245-1 2127.6 245-1 2228.68 245-1 2029.55 245-1 1537.74 245-1 1537.74 245-1 185.05 245-1 -1747.59 245-1

3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

-2332.12 245-1 -237.12 245-1 1277.94 245-1 1277.94 245-1 1899.63 245-1 2149.84 245-1 1957.94 245-1 1316.39 245-1 1316.39 245-1 -223.5 245-1 -2343.34 245-1 -1835.88 245-1 135.27 245-1 1526.49 245-1 1526.49 245-1 2049.11 245-1 2201.58 245-1 2006.68 245-1 1464.2 245-1 1464.2 245-1 48.15 245-1 -1947.84 245-1 -2076.23 245-1 -44.58 245-1 1407.13 245-1 1407.13 245-1 1978.13 245-1 2176.95 245-1 1980.81 245-1 1389.94 245-1 1389.94 245-1 -86.6 245-1 -2143.08 245-1 -2392.56 246-1 -25.42 246-1 1665.13 246-1 1665.13 246-1 2328.81 246-1 2559.47 246-1 2357.11 246-1 1721.72 246-1 1721.72 246-1 66.55 246-1 -2265.22 246-1 -2079.08 246-1

0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0

-44.32 246-1 1410.51 246-1 1410.51 246-1 1984.01 246-1 2186.35 246-1 2017.53 246-1 1477.54 246-1 1477.54 246-1 64.61 246-1 -1928.26 246-1 -2068.39 246-1 -35.82 246-1 1416.81 246-1 1416.81 246-1 1988.55 246-1 2189.14 246-1 2018.55 246-1 1476.81 246-1 1476.81 246-1 61.68 246-1 -1933.38 246-1 -2068.45 246-1 -35.86 246-1 1416.79 246-1 1416.79 246-1 1988.55 246-1 2189.15 246-1 2018.59 246-1 1476.87 246-1 1476.87 246-1 61.76 246-1 -1933.28 246-1 190.78 246-1 185.31 246-1 152.82 246-1 152.82 246-1 107.37 246-1 123.05 246-1 192.21 246-1 244.4 246-1 244.4 246-1 285.32 246-1 299.2 246-1 -404.12 246-1 -222.65 246-1

0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5

-68.2 246-1 -68.2 246-1 35.88 246-1 44.24 246-1 -35.48 246-1 -132.84 246-1 -132.84 246-1 -278.87 246-1 -451.92 246-1 -9.57 246-1 48.35 246-1 79.24 246-1 79.24 246-1 84.49 246-1 96.01 246-1 113.7 246-1 115.17 246-1 115.17 246-1 92.7 246-1 43.21 246-1 -203.78 246-1 -85.68 246-1 5.38 246-1 5.38 246-1 58.77 246-1 71.28 246-1 43.03 246-1 -3.61 246-1 -3.61 246-1 -86.25 246-1 -195.93 246-1 -1771.03 246-1 168.1 246-1 1527.29 246-1 1527.29 246-1 2024.3 246-1 2228.57 246-1 2132.46 246-1 1665.51 246-1 1665.51 246-1 343.89 246-1 -1557.67 246-1 -2365.93 246-1 -239.86 246-1 1306.27 246-1

1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1

1306.27 246-1 1952.81 246-1 2149.75 246-1 1904.76 246-1 1288.27 246-1 1288.27 246-1 -220.29 246-1 -2308.8 246-1 -1971.38 246-1 31.14 246-1 1453.71 246-1 1453.71 246-1 2001.42 246-1 2201.53 246-1 2053.94 246-1 1536.28 246-1 1536.28 246-1 151.28 246-1 -1813.67 246-1 -2165.59 246-1 -102.89 246-1 1379.86 246-1 1379.86 246-1 1975.69 246-1 2176.8 246-1 1983.27 246-1 1417.5 246-1 1417.5 246-1 -27.68 246-1 -2052.8 246-1 -2297.12 283-1 43.22 283-1 1706.96 283-1 1706.96 283-1 2349.21 283-1 2558.43 283-1 2334.63 283-1 1677.8 283-1 1677.8 283-1 -4.17 283-1 -2362.74 283-1 -1955.73 283-1 44.52 283-1 1464.83 283-1 1464.83 283-1

1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1

2010.71 283-1 2185.43 283-1 1988.99 283-1 1421.39 283-1 1421.39 283-1 -26.06 283-1 -2053.45 283-1 -1960.8 283-1 41.63 283-1 1464.12 283-1 1464.12 283-1 2011.76 283-1 2188.23 283-1 1993.54 283-1 1427.68 283-1 1427.68 283-1 -17.58 283-1 -2042.79 283-1 -1960.71 283-1 41.71 283-1 1464.17 283-1 1464.17 283-1 2011.79 283-1 2188.25 283-1 1993.54 283-1 1427.67 283-1 1427.67 283-1 -17.62 283-1 -2042.85 283-1 295.18 283-1 282.33 283-1 242.44 283-1 242.44 283-1 191.08 283-1 122.7 283-1 106.88 283-1 151.53 283-1 151.53 283-1 183.02 283-1 187.48 283-1 -448 283-1 -275.95 283-1 -130.92 283-1 -130.92 283-1 -34.37 283-1

1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4

44.59 283-1 36.4 283-1 -66.86 283-1 -66.86 283-1 -220.27 283-1 -400.72 283-1 42.79 283-1 92.4 283-1 114.99 283-1 114.99 283-1 113.6 283-1 95.85 283-1 84.44 283-1 79.12 283-1 79.12 283-1 48.15 283-1 -9.85 283-1 -195.62 283-1 -86.02 283-1 -3.46 283-1 -3.46 283-1 43.11 283-1 71.44 283-1 58.84 283-1 5.55 283-1 5.55 283-1 -85.4 283-1 -203.38 283-1 -1589.07 283-1 320.87 283-1 1650.88 283-1 1650.88 283-1 2124.53 283-1 2227.31 283-1 2028.78 283-1 1536.85 283-1 1536.85 283-1 184.01 283-1 -1748.77 283-1 -2332.25 283-1 -237.4 283-1 1277.51 283-1 1277.51 283-1 1899.08 283-1 2149.2 283-1

1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8

1958.3 283-1 1318.47 283-1 1318.47 283-1 -219.28 283-1 -2336.97 283-1 -1841.46 283-1 130.95 283-1 1523.42 283-1 1523.42 283-1 2047.05 283-1 2200.46 283-1 2006.34 283-1 1464.44 283-1 1464.44 283-1 49.14 283-1 -1946.11 283-1 -2079.87 283-1 -47.48 283-1 1404.97 283-1 1404.97 283-1 1976.56 283-1 2176.05 283-1 1980.74 283-1 1390.88 283-1 1390.88 283-1 -84.41 283-1 -2139.64 283-1 -2417.02 285-1 -43.34 285-1 1653.74 285-1 1653.74 285-1 2322.65 285-1 2558.54 285-1 2361.41 285-1 1731.25 285-1 1731.25 285-1 82.62 285-1 -2242.61 285-1 -2110.18 285-1 -67.97 285-1 1394.29 285-1 1394.29 285-1 1973.75 285-1 2182.04 285-1 2019.17 285-1

2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2

1485.14 285-1 1485.14 285-1 79.65 285-1 -1905.78 285-1 -2095.7 285-1 -56.37 285-1 1403.01 285-1 1403.01 285-1 1980.16 285-1 2186.14 285-1 2020.97 285-1 1484.63 285-1 1484.63 285-1 76.25 285-1 -1912.06 285-1 -2095.75 285-1 -56.41 285-1 1403 285-1 1403 285-1 1980.16 285-1 2186.16 285-1 2021 285-1 1484.68 285-1 1484.68 285-1 76.33 285-1 -1911.97 285-1 188.49 285-1 182.85 285-1 150.18 285-1 150.18 285-1 104.6 285-1 124.08 285-1 193.5 285-1 246.38 285-1 246.38 285-1 288.24 285-1 303.07 285-1 -407.11 285-1 -224.68 285-1 -69.29 285-1 -69.29 285-1 35.55 285-1 40.73 285-1 -38.64 285-1 -136.06 285-1

2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6

-136.06 285-1 -282.25 285-1 -455.48 285-1 -11.33 285-1 46.84 285-1 77.98 285-1 77.98 285-1 83.45 285-1 96.35 285-1 112.81 285-1 114.47 285-1 114.47 285-1 92.5 285-1 43.52 285-1 -207.29 285-1 -88.67 285-1 2.91 285-1 2.91 285-1 56.71 285-1 68.46 285-1 42.05 285-1 -4.15 285-1 -4.15 285-1 -86.51 285-1 -195.93 285-1 -1797.98 285-1 147.34 285-1 1512.73 285-1 1512.73 285-1 2014.68 285-1 2227.84 285-1 2137.09 285-1 1675.92 285-1 1675.92 285-1 361.6 285-1 -1532.65 285-1 -2393.58 285-1 -260.19 285-1 1293.25 285-1 1293.25 285-1 1945.64 285-1 2144.5 285-1 1904.95 285-1 1293.48 285-1 1293.48 285-1

2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6

-208.88 285-1 -2291.2 285-1 -1997.79 285-1 11.33 285-1 1440.52 285-1 1440.52 285-1 1993.53 285-1 2200.11 285-1 2056.4 285-1 1544.01 285-1 1544.01 285-1 165.86 285-1 -1792.2 285-1 -2193.76 285-1 -124.18 285-1 1365.45 285-1 1365.45 285-1 1966.79 285-1 2172.23 285-1 1985.64 285-1 1425.39 285-1 1425.39 285-1 -13.14 285-1 -2031.65 285-1 -2303.31 380-1 38.77 380-1 1704.25 380-1 1704.25 380-1 2347.89 380-1 2558.5 380-1 2336.09 380-1 1680.66 380-1 1680.66 380-1 0.43 380-1 -2356.4 380-1 -1959.78 380-1 41.38 380-1 1462.6 380-1 1462.6 380-1 2009.22 380-1 2184.67 380-1 1988.96 380-1 1422.09 380-1 1422.09 380-1 -24.44 380-1

3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1

-2050.92 380-1 -1965.57 380-1 38.11 380-1 1461.84 380-1 1461.84 380-1 2010.47 380-1 2187.94 380-1 1994.24 380-1 1429.39 380-1 1429.39 380-1 -14.63 380-1 -2038.59 380-1 -1965.26 380-1 38.29 380-1 1461.91 380-1 1461.91 380-1 2010.44 380-1 2187.82 380-1 1994.03 380-1 1429.07 380-1 1429.07 380-1 -15.07 380-1 -2039.15 380-1 129.24 380-1 158.53 380-1 160.78 380-1 160.78 380-1 143.13 380-1 108.4 380-1 91.25 380-1 104.54 380-1 104.54 380-1 96.82 380-1 62.07 380-1 -291.07 380-1 -158.23 380-1 -52.42 380-1 -52.42 380-1 12.76 380-1 60.42 380-1 55.89 380-1 -13.67 380-1 -13.67 380-1 -124.95 380-1 -263.26 380-1

3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

-14.64 380-1 49.9 380-1 87.42 380-1 87.42 380-1 97.98 380-1 91.99 380-1 80.03 380-1 65.1 380-1 65.1 380-1 22.13 380-1 -47.88 380-1 -147.19 380-1 -49.6 380-1 20.95 380-1 20.95 380-1 57.91 380-1 76.82 380-1 67.11 380-1 25.76 380-1 25.76 380-1 -50.26 380-1 -153.31 380-1 -1754.97 380-1 196.76 380-1 1568.54 380-1 1568.54 380-1 2075.61 380-1 2211.75 380-1 2011.61 380-1 1488.04 380-1 1488.04 380-1 95.62 380-1 -1876.73 380-1 -2175.28 380-1 -120 380-1 1355.34 380-1 1355.34 380-1 1945.25 380-1 2163.77 380-1 1976.24 380-1 1369.82 380-1 1369.82 380-1 -126.15 380-1 -2202.06 380-1 -1898.85 380-1

0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0

88.13 380-1 1495.17 380-1 1495.17 380-1 2030.47 380-1 2195.35 380-1 2000.38 380-1 1448.6 380-1 1448.6 380-1 20.93 380-1 -1986.68 380-1 -2031.4 380-1 -11.37 380-1 1428.71 380-1 1428.71 380-1 1990.39 380-1 2180.18 380-1 1987.47 380-1 1409.26 380-1 1409.26 380-1 -51.45 380-1 -2092.11 380-1 -2385.66 381-1 -20.46 381-1 1668.14 381-1 1668.14 381-1 2330.26 381-1 2559.37 381-1 2355.45 381-1 1718.51 381-1 1718.51 381-1 61.39 381-1 -2272.32 381-1 -2074.8 381-1 -41.51 381-1 1411.84 381-1 1411.84 381-1 1984.16 381-1 2185.32 381-1 2015.32 381-1 1474.16 381-1 1474.16 381-1 59.75 381-1 -1934.6 381-1 -2062.92 381-1 -32.01 381-1

0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5

1418.96 381-1 1418.96 381-1 1989.37 381-1 2188.63 381-1 2016.72 381-1 1473.64 381-1 1473.64 381-1 56.86 381-1 -1939.87 381-1 -2063.47 381-1 -32.44 381-1 1418.64 381-1 1418.64 381-1 1989.15 381-1 2188.5 381-1 2016.69 381-1 1473.71 381-1 1473.71 381-1 57.05 381-1 -1939.56 381-1 62.18 381-1 96.9 381-1 104.58 381-1 104.58 381-1 91.28 381-1 108.4 381-1 143.13 381-1 160.73 381-1 160.73 381-1 158.42 381-1 129.09 381-1 -263.07 381-1 -124.81 381-1 -13.58 381-1 -13.58 381-1 55.93 381-1 60.41 381-1 12.69 381-1 -52.51 381-1 -52.51 381-1 -158.35 381-1 -291.23 381-1 -47.63 381-1 22.29 381-1 65.18 381-1

1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1

65.18 381-1 80.05 381-1 92.04 381-1 98.14 381-1 87.54 381-1 87.54 381-1 50.02 381-1 -14.52 381-1 -153.25 381-1 -50.2 381-1 25.82 381-1 25.82 381-1 67.15 381-1 76.77 381-1 57.68 381-1 20.68 381-1 20.68 381-1 -49.95 381-1 -147.62 381-1 -1901.1 381-1 78.21 381-1 1477.58 381-1 1477.58 381-1 2006.73 381-1 2212.44 381-1 2081.89 381-1 1580.36 381-1 1580.36 381-1 215.52 381-1 -1729.26 381-1 -2226.35 381-1 -143.5 381-1 1359.42 381-1 1359.42 381-1 1971.38 381-1 2164.45 381-1 1951.46 381-1 1367.12 381-1 1367.12 381-1 -101.26 381-1 -2149.59 381-1 -2010.92 381-1 3.6 381-1 1438.18 381-1 1438.18 381-1

1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1

1995.5 381-1 2196.08 381-1 2036.91 381-1 1507.17 381-1 1507.17 381-1 107.11 381-1 -1872.88 381-1 -2116.53 381-1 -68.88 381-1 1398.82 381-1 1398.82 381-1 1982.61 381-1 2180.82 381-1 1996.45 381-1 1440.32 381-1 1440.32 381-1 7.15 381-1 -2005.97 381-1 -2305.68 418-1 36.96 418-1 1703 418-1 1703 418-1 2347.08 418-1 2558.13 418-1 2336.17 418-1 1681.18 418-1 1681.18 418-1 1.5 418-1 -2354.77 418-1 -1963.26 418-1 38.75 418-1 1460.82 418-1 1460.82 418-1 2008.12 418-1 2184.25 418-1 1989.23 418-1 1423.04 418-1 1423.04 418-1 -22.65 418-1 -2048.27 418-1 -1968.51 418-1 35.88 418-1 1460.33 418-1 1460.33 418-1 2009.52 418-1

1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4

2187.56 418-1 1994.43 418-1 1430.14 418-1 1430.14 418-1 -13.17 418-1 -2036.42 418-1 -1968.2 418-1 36.06 418-1 1460.39 418-1 1460.39 418-1 2009.5 418-1 2187.44 418-1 1994.21 418-1 1429.83 418-1 1429.83 418-1 -13.6 418-1 -2036.97 418-1 126.34 418-1 156.37 418-1 159.36 418-1 159.36 418-1 142.31 418-1 108.16 418-1 90.94 418-1 103.64 418-1 103.64 418-1 95.2 418-1 59.72 418-1 -288.18 418-1 -156.07 418-1 -50.99 418-1 -50.99 418-1 13.61 418-1 60.7 418-1 56.25 418-1 -12.71 418-1 -12.71 418-1 -123.24 418-1 -260.81 418-1 -15.31 418-1 49.41 418-1 87.1 418-1 87.1 418-1 97.82 418-1 91.93 418-1

1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8

79.97 418-1 64.92 418-1 64.92 418-1 21.78 418-1 -48.39 418-1 -146.53 418-1 -49.11 418-1 21.27 418-1 21.27 418-1 58.1 418-1 76.93 418-1 67.22 418-1 26.02 418-1 26.02 418-1 -49.82 418-1 -152.7 418-1 -1760.8 418-1 192.37 418-1 1565.6 418-1 1565.6 418-1 2073.83 418-1 2211.11 418-1 2011.46 418-1 1487.87 418-1 1487.87 418-1 95.43 418-1 -1876.95 418-1 -2175.33 418-1 -120.07 418-1 1355.25 418-1 1355.25 418-1 1945.13 418-1 2163.65 418-1 1976.77 418-1 1371.51 418-1 1371.51 418-1 -123.01 418-1 -2197.48 418-1 -1902.45 418-1 85.41 418-1 1493.34 418-1 1493.34 418-1 2029.34 418-1 2194.88 418-1 2000.49 418-1

2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2

1449.14 418-1 1449.14 418-1 22.01 418-1 -1985.07 418-1 -2033.68 418-1 -13.11 418-1 1427.51 418-1 1427.51 418-1 1989.62 418-1 2179.88 418-1 1987.74 418-1 1410.24 418-1 1410.24 418-1 -49.59 418-1 -2089.37 418-1 -2415.36 420-1 -42.29 420-1 1654.19 420-1 1654.19 420-1 2322.62 420-1 2558.02 420-1 2360.4 420-1 1729.76 420-1 1729.76 420-1 80.52 420-1 -2245.31 420-1 -2112.27 420-1 -70.18 420-1 1391.97 420-1 1391.97 420-1 1971.33 420-1 2179.53 420-1 2016.57 420-1 1482.44 420-1 1482.44 420-1 76.84 420-1 -1908.71 420-1 -2095.88 420-1 -56.94 420-1 1402.06 420-1 1402.06 420-1 1978.9 420-1 2184.58 420-1 2019.09 420-1 1482.44 420-1

2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6

1482.44 420-1 73.69 420-1 -1915.01 420-1 -2096.44 420-1 -57.38 420-1 1401.74 420-1 1401.74 420-1 1978.68 420-1 2184.45 420-1 2019.06 420-1 1482.51 420-1 1482.51 420-1 73.87 420-1 -1914.7 420-1 59.54 420-1 94.23 420-1 101.88 420-1 101.88 420-1 88.54 420-1 108.34 420-1 143.49 420-1 161.64 420-1 161.64 420-1 160.15 420-1 131.65 420-1 -266.57 420-1 -127.47 420-1 -15.41 420-1 -15.41 420-1 54.78 420-1 57.24 420-1 9.73 420-1 -55.37 420-1 -55.37 420-1 -161.22 420-1 -294.13 420-1 -49.96 420-1 20.24 420-1 63.42 420-1 63.42 420-1 78.52 420-1 91.48 420-1 97.2 420-1 86.61 420-1 86.61 420-1

2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6

49.54 420-1 -14.5 420-1 -157.07 420-1 -53.49 420-1 23.05 420-1 23.05 420-1 64.8 420-1 74.09 420-1 56.02 420-1 19.66 420-1 19.66 420-1 -50.61 420-1 -147.98 420-1 -1933.64 420-1 53.27 420-1 1460.24 420-1 1460.24 420-1 1995.46 420-1 2209.94 420-1 2085.93 420-1 1591.05 420-1 1591.05 420-1 234.65 420-1 -1701.67 420-1 -2259.75 420-1 -168.43 420-1 1342.95 420-1 1342.95 420-1 1961.69 420-1 2158.84 420-1 1952.17 420-1 1374.04 420-1 1374.04 420-1 -86.73 420-1 -2127.45 420-1 -2043.14 420-1 -20.71 420-1 1421.78 420-1 1421.78 420-1 1985.43 420-1 2193.09 420-1 2039.64 420-1 1516.02 420-1 1516.02 420-1 124.03 420-1

3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1

-1847.82 420-1 -2150.25 420-1 -94.44 420-1 1381.41 420-1 1381.41 420-1 1971.72 420-1 2175.7 420-1 1998.46 420-1 1449.07 420-1 1449.07 420-1 23.88 420-1 -1981.3 420-1 2559.47 -2480

3.6 0 0.5 1 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6

TABLE: Element Forces - Frames Frame Station OutputCase Text m Text 618 0 1,4D 618 2 1,4D 618 4 1,4D 618 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 618 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 618 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 618 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 618 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 618 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 618 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 618 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 618 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 618 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 618 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 618 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 618 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 618 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 618 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 618 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 618 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 618 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 618 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 618 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 618 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 618 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 618 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 618 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 618 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 618 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 618 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 618 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 618 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 618 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 618 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 618 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 618 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 619 0 1,4D 619 2 1,4D 619 4 1,4D 619 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 619 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 619 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

CaseType Text Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

StepType Text

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

P Kgf -7984.52 -11796.89 -15609.26 -8382.64 -11650.38 -14918.13 -7928.02 -11195.76 -14463.51 -7823.43 -11091.18 -14358.92 -2289.05 -3164.86 -4040.67 -6864.29 -7740.1 -8615.91 -2942.61 -3818.41 -4694.22 -6210.74 -7086.55 -7962.36 -5488.27 -8756.02 -12023.76 -10063.51 -13331.25 -16599 -6141.82 -9409.57 -12677.31 -9409.96 -12677.7 -15945.45 -36318.67 -40131.04 -43943.41 -36158.67 -39426.42 -42694.17

V2 Kgf 787.65 787.65 787.65 973.4 973.4 973.4 862.47 862.47 862.47 861.68 861.68 861.68 1826.57 1826.57 1826.57 -1205.36 -1205.36 -1205.36 801.4 801.4 801.4 -180.19 -180.19 -180.19 2377.29 2377.29 2377.29 -654.65 -654.65 -654.65 1352.12 1352.12 1352.12 370.52 370.52 370.52 804.29 804.29 804.29 955.92 955.92 955.92

V3 Kgf -998.21 -998.21 -998.21 -1255.64 -1255.64 -1255.64 -1123.49 -1123.49 -1123.49 -1108.23 -1108.23 -1108.23 -370.08 -370.08 -370.08 -1247.84 -1247.84 -1247.84 422.6 422.6 422.6 -2040.52 -2040.52 -2040.52 -662.41 -662.41 -662.41 -1540.17 -1540.17 -1540.17 130.27 130.27 130.27 -2332.85 -2332.85 -2332.85 -44.35 -44.35 -44.35 -487.98 -487.98 -487.98

619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 619 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-34405.43 -37673.18 -40940.92 -34292.31 -37560.06 -40827.8 -1926.76 -2802.57 -3678.38 -20935.09 -21810.9 -22686.71 -5372.57 -6248.38 -7124.19 -17489.28 -18365.09 -19240.9 -24736.73 -28004.48 -31272.22 -43745.06 -47012.81 -50280.55 -28182.54 -31450.28 -34718.03 -40299.25 -43567 -46834.74 -64397.84 -68210.21 -72022.58 -63661.29 -66929.04 -70196.79 -60624.18 -63891.92 -67159.67 -60507.5 -63775.25 -67042.99 4035.62 3159.81 2284

859.64 859.64 859.64 856.5 856.5 856.5 5020.42 5020.42 5020.42 -4502.08 -4502.08 -4502.08 1732.73 1732.73 1732.73 -1214.39 -1214.39 -1214.39 5616.33 5616.33 5616.33 -3906.17 -3906.17 -3906.17 2328.63 2328.63 2328.63 -618.48 -618.48 -618.48 632.8 632.8 632.8 750.37 750.37 750.37 673.86 673.86 673.86 672.6 672.6 672.6 7090.19 7090.19 7090.19

-314.72 -314.72 -314.72 -318.58 -318.58 -318.58 724.05 724.05 724.05 -1723.08 -1723.08 -1723.08 2971.6 2971.6 2971.6 -3970.64 -3970.64 -3970.64 903.23 903.23 903.23 -1543.9 -1543.9 -1543.9 3150.78 3150.78 3150.78 -3791.46 -3791.46 -3791.46 -289.92 -289.92 -289.92 -740.76 -740.76 -740.76 -556.85 -556.85 -556.85 -556.26 -556.26 -556.26 1032.58 1032.58 1032.58

620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-40299.78 -41175.59 -42051.4 -4795.59 -5671.4 -6547.21 -31468.57 -32344.38 -33220.19 -38286.76 -41554.51 -44822.26 -82622.17 -85889.92 -89157.66 -47117.98 -50385.72 -53653.47 -73790.95 -77058.7 -80326.45 -91988.89 -95801.26 -99613.63 -90540.59 -93808.34 -97076.08 -86294.63 -89562.37 -92830.12 -86175.96 -89443.7 -92711.45 12449.28 11573.47 10697.66 -61642.23 -62518.04 -63393.85 -2895.51 -3771.32 -4647.13 -46297.43 -47173.24 -48049.05

-6744.32 -6744.32 -6744.32 2288.68 2288.68 2288.68 -1942.81 -1942.81 -1942.81 7589.28 7589.28 7589.28 -6245.23 -6245.23 -6245.23 2787.77 2787.77 2787.77 -1443.72 -1443.72 -1443.72 319.93 319.93 319.93 376.14 376.14 376.14 338.58 338.58 338.58 338.02 338.02 338.02 8701.69 8701.69 8701.69 -8549.77 -8549.77 -8549.77 2735.23 2735.23 2735.23 -2583.31 -2583.31 -2583.31

-2291.92 -2291.92 -2291.92 4071.04 4071.04 4071.04 -5330.39 -5330.39 -5330.39 1106.25 1106.25 1106.25 -2218.25 -2218.25 -2218.25 4144.72 4144.72 4144.72 -5256.71 -5256.71 -5256.71 -160.58 -160.58 -160.58 -424.44 -424.44 -424.44 -316.57 -316.57 -316.57 -316.84 -316.84 -316.84 2095.04 2095.04 2095.04 -2803.93 -2803.93 -2803.93 6714.94 6714.94 6714.94 -7423.83 -7423.83 -7423.83

621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-49076.26 -52344.01 -55611.75 -123167.77 -126435.51 -129703.26 -64421.05 -67688.8 -70956.54 -107822.98 -111090.72 -114358.47 -16511.83 -20324.2 -24136.57 -17634.8 -20902.55 -24170.3 -16675.8 -19943.55 -23211.29 -16379.61 -19647.36 -22915.11 -8396.24 -9272.05 -10147.85 -11165.41 -12041.22 -12917.03 -8385.68 -9261.49 -10137.3 -11175.96 -12051.77 -12927.58 -14860.4 -18128.14 -21395.89 -17629.57 -20897.31 -24165.06 -14849.84 -18117.58 -21385.33

8963.49 8963.49 8963.49 -8287.97 -8287.97 -8287.97 2997.03 2997.03 2997.03 -2321.51 -2321.51 -2321.51 2273.42 2273.42 2273.42 2634.2 2634.2 2634.2 2399.71 2399.71 2399.71 2380.41 2380.41 2380.41 3749.97 3749.97 3749.97 -1602.6 -1602.6 -1602.6 1935.38 1935.38 1935.38 211.99 211.99 211.99 5047.92 5047.92 5047.92 -304.65 -304.65 -304.65 3233.34 3233.34 3233.34

2132.52 2132.52 2132.52 -2766.45 -2766.45 -2766.45 6752.41 6752.41 6752.41 -7386.35 -7386.35 -7386.35 -2481.25 -2481.25 -2481.25 -3400.73 -3400.73 -3400.73 -2970.46 -2970.46 -2970.46 -2929.91 -2929.91 -2929.91 -1268.11 -1268.11 -1268.11 -2211.16 -2211.16 -2211.16 -358.17 -358.17 -358.17 -3121.09 -3121.09 -3121.09 -2439.96 -2439.96 -2439.96 -3383.01 -3383.01 -3383.01 -1530.02 -1530.02 -1530.02

622 622 622 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 624 624 624 624 624 624

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-17640.12 -20907.87 -24175.62 -57232.38 -61044.75 -64857.13 -61224.46 -64492.21 -67759.96 -57000.9 -60268.65 -63536.4 -56710.85 -59978.6 -63246.35 -15330 -16205.81 -17081.62 -28209.7 -29085.51 -29961.32 -16401.22 -17277.03 -18152.84 -27138.48 -28014.29 -28890.1 -50139.16 -53406.91 -56674.66 -63018.86 -66286.61 -69554.35 -51210.38 -54478.13 -57745.87 -61947.65 -65215.39 -68483.14 -98038.7 -101851.07 -105663.44 -104965.44 -108233.19 -111500.93

1509.94 1509.94 1509.94 2252.95 2252.95 2252.95 2706.11 2706.11 2706.11 2415.55 2415.55 2415.55 2415.49 2415.49 2415.49 7459.85 7459.85 7459.85 -5737.96 -5737.96 -5737.96 2913.04 2913.04 2913.04 -1191.15 -1191.15 -1191.15 9014.36 9014.36 9014.36 -4183.44 -4183.44 -4183.44 4467.56 4467.56 4467.56 363.36 363.36 363.36 2208.87 2208.87 2208.87 2632.95 2632.95 2632.95

-4292.94 -4292.94 -4292.94 -896.94 -896.94 -896.94 -2271.33 -2271.33 -2271.33 -1698.7 -1698.7 -1698.7 -1706.54 -1706.54 -1706.54 73.69 73.69 73.69 -2449.23 -2449.23 -2449.23 2561.13 2561.13 2561.13 -4936.67 -4936.67 -4936.67 -448.65 -448.65 -448.65 -2971.57 -2971.57 -2971.57 2038.79 2038.79 2038.79 -5459.01 -5459.01 -5459.01 -1314.54 -1314.54 -1314.54 -2715.99 -2715.99 -2715.99

624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 624 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-97450.21 -100717.96 -103985.71 -97164.53 -100432.28 -103700.03 -18053.49 -18929.3 -19805.11 -49712.42 -50588.23 -51464.04 -21800.98 -22676.79 -23552.6 -45964.93 -46840.74 -47716.55 -81205.21 -84472.96 -87740.71 -112864.15 -116131.89 -119399.64 -84952.7 -88220.45 -91488.19 -109116.66 -112384.4 -115652.15 -139455.89 -143268.27 -147080.64 -149398.09 -152665.84 -155933.58 -138530.88 -141798.62 -145066.37 -138247.26 -141515.01 -144782.75 -19091.82 -19967.63 -20843.44

2357.53 2357.53 2357.53 2355.87 2355.87 2355.87 10366 10366 10366 -8660.43 -8660.43 -8660.43 3764.8 3764.8 3764.8 -2059.23 -2059.23 -2059.23 11868.33 11868.33 11868.33 -7158.1 -7158.1 -7158.1 5267.13 5267.13 5267.13 -556.9 -556.9 -556.9 1175.83 1175.83 1175.83 1400.44 1400.44 1400.44 1253.75 1253.75 1253.75 1253.3 1253.3 1253.3 10539.24 10539.24 10539.24

-2121.64 -2121.64 -2121.64 -2120.26 -2120.26 -2120.26 288.4 288.4 288.4 -3113.57 -3113.57 -3113.57 3661.32 3661.32 3661.32 -6486.49 -6486.49 -6486.49 -418.64 -418.64 -418.64 -3820.61 -3820.61 -3820.61 2954.27 2954.27 2954.27 -7193.53 -7193.53 -7193.53 -727.86 -727.86 -727.86 -1514.69 -1514.69 -1514.69 -1180.23 -1180.23 -1180.23 -1180.58 -1180.58 -1180.58 1679.95 1679.95 1679.95

625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-73334.21 -74210.02 -75085.83 -26381.53 -27257.34 -28133.15 -66044.5 -66920.31 -67796.12 -110997.15 -114264.9 -117532.64 -165239.54 -168507.28 -171775.03 -118286.86 -121554.61 -124822.35 -157949.82 -161217.57 -164485.32 -19680.45 -23492.82 -27305.19 -21193.77 -24461.52 -27729.26 -19972.86 -23240.6 -26508.35 -19630.35 -22898.1 -26165.84 -10877.51 -11753.32 -12629.13 -11862.17 -12737.98 -13613.79 -10151.47 -11027.28 -11903.09 -12588.21 -13464.02 -14339.83

-9651.53 -9651.53 -9651.53 3564.41 3564.41 3564.41 -2676.7 -2676.7 -2676.7 11348.47 11348.47 11348.47 -8842.3 -8842.3 -8842.3 4373.65 4373.65 4373.65 -1867.47 -1867.47 -1867.47 -198.04 -198.04 -198.04 -227.64 -227.64 -227.64 -209.09 -209.09 -209.09 -206.39 -206.39 -206.39 2286.22 2286.22 2286.22 -2512.19 -2512.19 -2512.19 637.77 637.77 637.77 -863.74 -863.74 -863.74

-3237.63 -3237.63 -3237.63 6537.36 6537.36 6537.36 -8095.04 -8095.04 -8095.04 1278.05 1278.05 1278.05 -3639.53 -3639.53 -3639.53 6135.46 6135.46 6135.46 -8496.94 -8496.94 -8496.94 -5534.7 -5534.7 -5534.7 -6656.2 -6656.2 -6656.2 -6012.51 -6012.51 -6012.51 -5949.82 -5949.82 -5949.82 -2192.04 -2192.04 -2192.04 -3161.59 -3161.59 -3161.59 -1182.41 -1182.41 -1182.41 -4171.21 -4171.21 -4171.21

626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-18982.34 -22250.08 -25517.83 -19966.99 -23234.74 -26502.49 -18256.3 -21524.04 -24791.79 -20693.03 -23960.78 -27228.53 -65383.25 -69195.62 -73007.99 -70696.99 -73964.74 -77232.48 -65605.73 -68873.47 -72141.22 -65260.51 -68528.25 -71796 -24077.35 -24953.16 -25828.97 -26777.2 -27653.01 -28528.81 -21420.64 -22296.45 -23172.26 -29433.9 -30309.71 -31185.52 -63753.67 -67021.41 -70289.16 -66453.51 -69721.26 -72989.01 -61096.96 -64364.71 -67632.45

2194.04 2194.04 2194.04 -2604.37 -2604.37 -2604.37 545.59 545.59 545.59 -955.92 -955.92 -955.92 -112.2 -112.2 -112.2 -135.47 -135.47 -135.47 -120.1 -120.1 -120.1 -120.64 -120.64 -120.64 5434.26 5434.26 5434.26 -5529.92 -5529.92 -5529.92 1631.19 1631.19 1631.19 -1726.84 -1726.84 -1726.84 5361.2 5361.2 5361.2 -5602.98 -5602.98 -5602.98 1558.12 1558.12 1558.12

-5436.55 -5436.55 -5436.55 -6406.1 -6406.1 -6406.1 -4426.92 -4426.92 -4426.92 -7415.72 -7415.72 -7415.72 -5221.22 -5221.22 -5221.22 -6708.57 -6708.57 -6708.57 -5857.67 -5857.67 -5857.67 -5869.15 -5869.15 -5869.15 -535.31 -535.31 -535.31 -3100.65 -3100.65 -3100.65 2114.33 2114.33 2114.33 -5750.3 -5750.3 -5750.3 -4591.7 -4591.7 -4591.7 -7157.04 -7157.04 -7157.04 -1942.05 -1942.05 -1942.05

627 627 627 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 628 629 629 629 629 629 629

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-69110.22 -72377.97 -75645.71 -111024.57 -114836.94 -118649.31 -120148.48 -123416.23 -126683.98 -111183.42 -114451.16 -117718.91 -110838.13 -114105.87 -117373.62 -36688.64 -37564.45 -38440.26 -42197.88 -43073.69 -43949.5 -31043.04 -31918.85 -32794.66 -47843.47 -48719.28 -49595.09 -107926.56 -111194.3 -114462.05 -113435.8 -116703.55 -119971.29 -102280.97 -105548.71 -108816.46 -119081.39 -122349.14 -125616.89 -156574.67 -160387.05 -164199.42 -169465.27 -172733.01 -176000.76

-1799.9 -1799.9 -1799.9 -148.15 -148.15 -148.15 -177.79 -177.79 -177.79 -158.8 -158.8 -158.8 -158.75 -158.75 -158.75 7507.83 7507.83 7507.83 -7644.96 -7644.96 -7644.96 2253.22 2253.22 2253.22 -2390.36 -2390.36 -2390.36 7417.67 7417.67 7417.67 -7735.12 -7735.12 -7735.12 2163.07 2163.07 2163.07 -2480.51 -2480.51 -2480.51 -52.79 -52.79 -52.79 -62.5 -62.5 -62.5

-9806.68 -9806.68 -9806.68 -5706.77 -5706.77 -5706.77 -7239.57 -7239.57 -7239.57 -6362.01 -6362.01 -6362.01 -6359.48 -6359.48 -6359.48 -412.18 -412.18 -412.18 -3871.28 -3871.28 -3871.28 3155.24 3155.24 3155.24 -7438.71 -7438.71 -7438.71 -4628.78 -4628.78 -4628.78 -8087.88 -8087.88 -8087.88 -1061.35 -1061.35 -1061.35 -11655.3 -11655.3 -11655.3 -3180.66 -3180.66 -3180.66 -4040.18 -4040.18 -4040.18

629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 629 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-156647.93 -159915.67 -163183.42 -156302.28 -159570.03 -162837.77 -48840.15 -49715.96 -50591.77 -58013.49 -58889.3 -59765.11 -40044.77 -40920.58 -41796.39 -66808.87 -67684.68 -68560.49 -151558.5 -154826.25 -158094 -160731.84 -163999.59 -167267.33 -142763.12 -146030.87 -149298.61 -169527.22 -172794.97 -176062.72 -18973.96 -22786.34 -26598.71 -20457.22 -23724.97 -26992.71 -19270.53 -22538.28 -25806.02 -18940.75 -22208.49 -25476.24 -10664.45 -11540.26 -12416.07

-55.94 -3547.02 -55.94 -3547.02 -55.94 -3547.02 -56.02 -3547.4 -56.02 -3547.4 -56.02 -3547.4 8878.54 1274.31 8878.54 1274.31 8878.54 1274.31 -8934.54 -3620.01 -8934.54 -3620.01 -8934.54 -3620.01 2700.12 6322.62 2700.12 6322.62 2700.12 6322.62 -2756.12 -8668.31 -2756.12 -8668.31 -2756.12 -8668.31 8850.48 -1100.42 8850.48 -1100.42 8850.48 -1100.42 -8962.6 -5994.73 -8962.6 -5994.73 -8962.6 -5994.73 2672.06 3947.89 2672.06 3947.89 2672.06 3947.89 -2784.17 -11043.04 -2784.17 -11043.04 -2784.17 -11043.04 -95.84 -5541.61 -95.84 -5541.61 -95.84 -5541.61 -85.52 -6654.2 -85.52 -6654.2 -85.52 -6654.2 -84.54 -6012.67 -84.54 -6012.67 -84.54 -6012.67 -84.3 -5950.67 -84.3 -5950.67 -84.3 -5950.67 2346.39 -2188.33 2346.39 -2188.33 2346.39 -2188.33

630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-11369.1 -12244.91 -13120.72 -10037.2 -10913.01 -11788.82 -11996.35 -12872.16 -13747.96 -18438.52 -21706.27 -24974.01 -19143.17 -22410.92 -25678.67 -17811.28 -21079.02 -24346.77 -19770.42 -23038.17 -26305.91 -64297.81 -68110.18 -71922.55 -69401.61 -72669.36 -75937.1 -64434.6 -67702.35 -70970.09 -64100.17 -67367.91 -70635.66 -23687.9 -24563.71 -25439.52 -26024.77 -26900.58 -27776.39 -21322.5 -22198.31 -23074.12 -28390.18 -29265.99 -30141.8

-2398.37 -2398.37 -2398.37 823.53 823.53 823.53 -875.51 -875.51 -875.51 2288.19 2288.19 2288.19 -2456.57 -2456.57 -2456.57 765.33 765.33 765.33 -933.7 -933.7 -933.7 19.99 19.99 19.99 32.64 32.64 32.64 26.83 26.83 26.83 26.83 26.83 26.83 5538.58 5538.58 5538.58 -5538.93 -5538.93 -5538.93 1779.17 1779.17 1779.17 -1779.52 -1779.52 -1779.52

-3132.13 -3132.13 -3132.13 -1160.14 -1160.14 -1160.14 -4160.32 -4160.32 -4160.32 -5450.59 -5450.59 -5450.59 -6394.39 -6394.39 -6394.39 -4422.4 -4422.4 -4422.4 -7422.58 -7422.58 -7422.58 -5290.87 -5290.87 -5290.87 -6760.14 -6760.14 -6760.14 -5912.51 -5912.51 -5912.51 -5923.8 -5923.8 -5923.8 -559.4 -559.4 -559.4 -3056.79 -3056.79 -3056.79 2152.46 2152.46 2152.46 -5768.65 -5768.65 -5768.65

631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 631 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632 632

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-62779.72 -66047.46 -69315.21 -65116.59 -68384.33 -71652.08 -60414.31 -63682.06 -66949.8 -67481.99 -70749.74 -74017.48 -109539.94 -113352.31 -117164.68 -118294.87 -121562.62 -124830.36 -109534.8 -112802.54 -116070.29 -109200.54 -112468.28 -115736.03 -36159.06 -37034.87 -37910.68 -41109.53 -41985.34 -42861.15 -30950.18 -31825.99 -32701.8 -46318.41 -47194.22 -48070.03 -106573.36 -109841.11 -113108.86 -111523.84 -114791.58 -118059.33 -101364.48 -104632.23 -107899.98

5565.58 5565.58 5565.58 -5511.93 -5511.93 -5511.93 1806.18 1806.18 1806.18 -1752.52 -1752.52 -1752.52 25.07 25.07 25.07 33.66 33.66 33.66 29.07 29.07 29.07 29.09 29.09 29.09 7718.06 7718.06 7718.06 -7726.95 -7726.95 -7726.95 2434.32 2434.32 2434.32 -2443.2 -2443.2 -2443.2 7751.61 7751.61 7751.61 -7693.4 -7693.4 -7693.4 2467.86 2467.86 2467.86

-4680.24 -4680.24 -4680.24 -7177.63 -7177.63 -7177.63 -1968.38 -1968.38 -1968.38 -9889.49 -9889.49 -9889.49 -5762.38 -5762.38 -5762.38 -7275.92 -7275.92 -7275.92 -6402.69 -6402.69 -6402.69 -6400.09 -6400.09 -6400.09 -450.08 -450.08 -450.08 -3805.46 -3805.46 -3805.46 3194.47 3194.47 3194.47 -7450.01 -7450.01 -7450.01 -4721.21 -4721.21 -4721.21 -8076.59 -8076.59 -8076.59 -1076.66 -1076.66 -1076.66

632 632 632 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 634 634 634 634 634 634

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-116732.72 -120000.47 -123268.21 -154670.6 -158482.97 -162295.35 -167005.29 -170273.04 -173540.79 -154485.59 -157753.34 -161021.08 -154150.91 -157418.65 -160686.4 -48393.44 -49269.25 -50145.06 -56302.86 -57178.67 -58054.48 -39926.07 -40801.88 -41677.68 -64770.23 -65646.04 -66521.85 -150044.07 -153311.81 -156579.56 -157953.49 -161221.24 -164488.98 -141576.7 -144844.44 -148112.19 -166420.86 -169688.61 -172956.36 -17479.88 -21292.25 -25104.62 -18277.8 -21545.55 -24813.29

-2409.66 -2409.66 -2409.66 46.75 46.75 46.75 54.07 54.07 54.07 48.84 48.84 48.84 48.83 48.83 48.83 8999.34 8999.34 8999.34 -8990.46 -8990.46 -8990.46 2753.62 2753.62 2753.62 -2744.74 -2744.74 -2744.74 9043.72 9043.72 9043.72 -8946.08 -8946.08 -8946.08 2798 2798 2798 -2700.36 -2700.36 -2700.36 33.68 33.68 33.68 184.69 184.69 184.69

-11721.15 -11721.15 -11721.15 -3220.13 -3220.13 -3220.13 -4068.59 -4068.59 -4068.59 -3577.52 -3577.52 -3577.52 -3577.85 -3577.85 -3577.85 1219.66 1219.66 1219.66 -3547.27 -3547.27 -3547.27 6392.71 6392.71 6392.71 -8720.31 -8720.31 -8720.31 -1194.54 -1194.54 -1194.54 -5961.47 -5961.47 -5961.47 3978.51 3978.51 3978.51 -11134.51 -11134.51 -11134.51 -5673.97 -5673.97 -5673.97 -6766.67 -6766.67 -6766.67

634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-17579.56 -20847.31 -24115.05 -17120.42 -20388.17 -23655.91 -10345.06 -11220.87 -12096.68 -13896.37 -14772.18 -15647.99 -7881.93 -8757.74 -9633.55 -16359.5 -17235.31 -18111.12 -15136.07 -18403.81 -21671.56 -18687.37 -21955.12 -25222.87 -12672.93 -15940.68 -19208.42 -21150.51 -24418.25 -27686 -55847.94 -59660.31 -63472.68 -61397.97 -64665.72 -67933.46 -56761.81 -60029.55 -63297.3 -56388.49 -59656.24 -62923.98 -21860.15 -22735.96 -23611.77

132.34 132.34 132.34 127.14 127.14 127.14 2577.22 2577.22 2577.22 -2052.65 -2052.65 -2052.65 1031.58 1031.58 1031.58 -507.01 -507.01 -507.01 2439.71 2439.71 2439.71 -2190.16 -2190.16 -2190.16 894.07 894.07 894.07 -644.51 -644.51 -644.51 -480.73 -480.73 -480.73 -202.79 -202.79 -202.79 -282.97 -282.97 -282.97 -281.51 -281.51 -281.51 5663.51 5663.51 5663.51

-6106.54 -6106.54 -6106.54 -6060.75 -6060.75 -6060.75 -1825.72 -1825.72 -1825.72 -3125.12 -3125.12 -3125.12 -813.85 -813.85 -813.85 -4136.99 -4136.99 -4136.99 -5390.23 -5390.23 -5390.23 -6689.64 -6689.64 -6689.64 -4378.37 -4378.37 -4378.37 -7701.5 -7701.5 -7701.5 -5316.45 -5316.45 -5316.45 -6595.77 -6595.77 -6595.77 -5836.18 -5836.18 -5836.18 -5831.94 -5831.94 -5831.94 23.38 23.38 23.38

635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-27044.24 -27920.05 -28795.86 -20247.34 -21123.15 -21998.96 -28657.05 -29532.86 -30408.67 -53626.76 -56894.5 -60162.25 -58810.84 -62078.59 -65346.34 -52013.95 -55281.69 -58549.44 -60423.65 -63691.4 -66959.15 -96704.69 -100517.06 -104329.44 -107195.23 -110462.97 -113730.72 -98477.68 -101745.43 -105013.18 -98138.49 -101406.23 -104673.98 -30097.48 -30973.29 -31849.1 -46164.03 -47039.84 -47915.64 -18487.58 -19363.39 -20239.2 -57773.93 -58649.74 -59525.54

-5335.45 -5335.45 -5335.45 1930.13 1930.13 1930.13 -1602.06 -1602.06 -1602.06 5218.63 5218.63 5218.63 -5780.33 -5780.33 -5780.33 1485.25 1485.25 1485.25 -2046.95 -2046.95 -2046.95 -352.2 -352.2 -352.2 -75.76 -75.76 -75.76 -160.54 -160.54 -160.54 -160.55 -160.55 -160.55 7906.54 7906.54 7906.54 -7468.35 -7468.35 -7468.35 2697.47 2697.47 2697.47 -2259.28 -2259.28 -2259.28

-3918.14 -3918.14 -3918.14 4160.66 4160.66 4160.66 -8055.43 -8055.43 -8055.43 -3859.26 -3859.26 -3859.26 -7800.77 -7800.77 -7800.77 278.03 278.03 278.03 -11938.06 -11938.06 -11938.06 -4942.7 -4942.7 -4942.7 -6148.02 -6148.02 -6148.02 -5437.14 -5437.14 -5437.14 -5432.1 -5432.1 -5432.1 1174.56 1174.56 1174.56 -4846.58 -4846.58 -4846.58 7784.59 7784.59 7784.59 -11456.61 -11456.61 -11456.61

636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637 637

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-89951.04 -93218.78 -96486.53 -106017.58 -109285.32 -112553.07 -78341.14 -81608.88 -84876.63 -117627.48 -120895.22 -124162.97 -142940.25 -146752.62 -150564.99 -159429.24 -162696.99 -165964.73 -145965.25 -149232.99 -152500.74 -145643.24 -148910.99 -152178.73 -37417.41 -38293.22 -39169.03 -70210.87 -71086.68 -71962.49 -8248.23 -9124.04 -9999.85 -99380.05 -100255.86 -101131.67 -129100.14 -132367.89 -135635.64 -161893.61 -165161.35 -168429.1 -99930.96 -103198.71 -106466.46

7526.89 -2419.24 7526.89 -2419.24 7526.89 -2419.24 -7848 -8440.38 -7848 -8440.38 -7848 -8440.38 2317.82 4190.79 2317.82 4190.79 2317.82 4190.79 -2638.93 -15050.4 -2638.93 -15050.4 -2638.93 -15050.4 -159.69 -2444.76 -159.69 -2444.76 -159.69 -2444.76 -4.34 -3052.26 -4.34 -3052.26 -4.34 -3052.26 -54.15 -2695.13 -54.15 -2695.13 -54.15 -2695.13 -54.06 -2693.72 -54.06 -2693.72 -54.06 -2693.72 9097.17 2250.9 9097.17 2250.9 9097.17 2250.9 -8838.93 -4042.26 -8838.93 -4042.26 -8838.93 -4042.26 2910.07 9402.06 2910.07 9402.06 2910.07 9402.06 -2651.83 -11193.41 -2651.83 -11193.41 -2651.83 -11193.41 8914.04 453.5 8914.04 453.5 8914.04 453.5 -9022.06 -5839.65 -9022.06 -5839.65 -9022.06 -5839.65 2726.94 7604.66 2726.94 7604.66 2726.94 7604.66

637 637 637 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 639 639 639 639 639 639

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-191062.79 -194330.53 -197598.28 -17508.03 -21320.4 -25132.77 -18301.49 -21569.24 -24836.99 -17603.47 -20871.22 -24138.97 -17144.29 -20412.03 -23679.78 -10325.11 -11200.92 -12076.73 -13895.54 -14771.35 -15647.16 -7872.32 -8748.13 -9623.94 -16348.33 -17224.14 -18099.95 -15150.35 -18418.1 -21685.85 -18720.78 -21988.52 -25256.27 -12697.56 -15965.3 -19233.05 -21173.57 -24441.32 -27709.06 -55837.56 -59649.93 -63462.3 -61368.1 -64635.85 -67903.59

-2834.96 -12990.81 -2834.96 -12990.81 -2834.96 -12990.81 -17.18 -5687.93 -17.18 -5687.93 -17.18 -5687.93 -142.94 -6784.96 -142.94 -6784.96 -142.94 -6784.96 -100.93 -6122.41 -100.93 -6122.41 -100.93 -6122.41 -95.74 -6076.66 -95.74 -6076.66 -95.74 -6076.66 2057.45 -1813.99 2057.45 -1813.99 2057.45 -1813.99 -2572.78 -3132.08 -2572.78 -3132.08 -2572.78 -3132.08 513.55 -804.35 513.55 -804.35 513.55 -804.35 -1028.87 -4141.72 -1028.87 -4141.72 -1028.87 -4141.72 2221.73 -5396.82 2221.73 -5396.82 2221.73 -5396.82 -2408.5 -6714.91 -2408.5 -6714.91 -2408.5 -6714.91 677.82 -4387.18 677.82 -4387.18 677.82 -4387.18 -864.59 -7724.55 -864.59 -7724.55 -864.59 -7724.55 501.92 -5342.91 501.92 -5342.91 501.92 -5342.91 266.6 -6636.86 266.6 -6636.86 266.6 -6636.86

639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-56739.84 -60007.59 -63275.34 -56366.49 -59634.24 -62901.98 -21830.88 -22706.69 -23582.5 -27053.39 -27929.2 -28805.01 -20209.58 -21085.39 -21961.2 -28674.69 -29550.5 -30426.31 -53585.53 -56853.27 -60121.02 -58808.04 -62075.79 -65343.53 -51964.23 -55231.97 -58499.72 -60429.34 -63697.09 -66964.83 -96625.86 -100438.23 -104250.6 -107063.79 -110331.53 -113599.28 -98370.17 -101637.92 -104905.67 -98030.99 -101298.74 -104566.49 -30078.75 -30954.56 -31830.37

329.66 -5870.41 329.66 -5870.41 329.66 -5870.41 328.2 -5866.13 328.2 -5866.13 328.2 -5866.13 5343.87 13.1 5343.87 13.1 5343.87 13.1 -5643.74 -3918.83 -5643.74 -3918.83 -5643.74 -3918.83 1596.3 4148.04 1596.3 4148.04 1596.3 4148.04 -1896.16 -8053.76 -1896.16 -8053.76 -1896.16 -8053.76 5821.35 -3898.22 5821.35 -3898.22 5821.35 -3898.22 -5166.27 -7830.15 -5166.27 -7830.15 -5166.27 -7830.15 2073.77 236.71 2073.77 236.71 2073.77 236.71 -1418.69 -11965.08 -1418.69 -11965.08 -1418.69 -11965.08 388.41 -4977.91 388.41 -4977.91 388.41 -4977.91 149.23 -6195.97 149.23 -6195.97 149.23 -6195.97 218.1 -5478.41 218.1 -5478.41 218.1 -5478.41 218.11 -5473.39 218.11 -5473.39 218.11 -5473.39 7475.14 1171.82 7475.14 1171.82 7475.14 1171.82

640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-46135.66 -47011.47 -47887.28 -18480.91 -19356.72 -20232.53 -57733.5 -58609.31 -59485.12 -89848.36 -93116.11 -96383.85 -105905.28 -109173.02 -112440.77 -78250.52 -81518.27 -84786.02 -117503.12 -120770.86 -124038.61 -142794.89 -146607.26 -150419.63 -159207.89 -162475.64 -165743.39 -145780.18 -149047.92 -152315.67 -145458.18 -148725.92 -151993.67 -37394.45 -38270.26 -39146.07 -70174.86 -71050.66 -71926.47 -8261.77 -9137.58 -10013.38 -99307.54 -100183.35 -101059.15

-7885.22 -4853.08 -7885.22 -4853.08 -7885.22 -4853.08 2248.02 7771.84 2248.02 7771.84 2248.02 7771.84 -2658.11 -11453.1 -2658.11 -11453.1 -2658.11 -11453.1 7898.3 -2458.65 7898.3 -2458.65 7898.3 -2458.65 -7462.06 -8483.55 -7462.06 -8483.55 -7462.06 -8483.55 2671.19 4141.37 2671.19 4141.37 2671.19 4141.37 -2234.95 -15083.57 -2234.95 -15083.57 -2234.95 -15083.57 182.89 -2465.97 182.89 -2465.97 182.89 -2465.97 47.33 -3080.67 47.33 -3080.67 47.33 -3080.67 88.48 -2719.71 88.48 -2719.71 88.48 -2719.71 88.39 -2718.29 88.39 -2718.29 88.39 -2718.29 8843.1 2264.35 8843.1 2264.35 8843.1 2264.35 -9083.64 -4063.93 -9083.64 -4063.93 -9083.64 -4063.93 2645.5 9401.92 2645.5 9401.92 2645.5 9401.92 -2886.05 -11201.5 -2886.05 -11201.5 -2886.05 -11201.5

641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 641 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-128921.61 -132189.36 -135457.1 -161702.02 -164969.76 -168237.51 -99788.93 -103056.67 -106324.42 -190834.7 -194102.44 -197370.19 -19008.34 -22820.71 -26633.08 -20498.8 -23766.54 -27034.29 -19307.55 -22575.3 -25843.04 -18977.78 -22245.53 -25513.28 -10670.87 -11546.68 -12422.49 -11371.35 -12247.16 -13122.97 -10040.14 -10915.95 -11791.76 -12002.08 -12877.89 -13753.69 -18477.65 -21745.39 -25013.14 -19178.13 -22445.88 -25713.62 -17846.92 -21114.67 -24382.42

9051.71 446.49 9051.71 446.49 9051.71 446.49 -8875.03 -5881.79 -8875.03 -5881.79 -8875.03 -5881.79 2854.12 7584.06 2854.12 7584.06 2854.12 7584.06 -2677.44 -13019.36 -2677.44 -13019.36 -2677.44 -13019.36 111.92 -5571.77 111.92 -5571.77 111.92 -5571.77 129.68 -6691.29 129.68 -6691.29 129.68 -6691.29 117.34 -6045.5 117.34 -6045.5 117.34 -6045.5 117.07 -5983.54 117.07 -5983.54 117.07 -5983.54 2406.33 -2182.88 2406.33 -2182.88 2406.33 -2182.88 -2338.24 -3135.67 -2338.24 -3135.67 -2338.24 -3135.67 882.7 -1150.81 882.7 -1150.81 882.7 -1150.81 -814.6 -4167.75 -814.6 -4167.75 -814.6 -4167.75 2489.23 -5478.99 2489.23 -5478.99 2489.23 -5478.99 -2255.34 -6431.78 -2255.34 -6431.78 -2255.34 -6431.78 965.6 -4446.91 965.6 -4446.91 965.6 -4446.91

642 642 642 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 643 644 644 644 644 644 644

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-19808.85 -23076.6 -26344.35 -64338.28 -68150.65 -71963.02 -69465.4 -72733.15 -76000.89 -64487.47 -67755.22 -71022.96 -64153.04 -67420.79 -70688.53 -23699.41 -24575.22 -25451.03 -26035.11 -26910.92 -27786.72 -21335.66 -22211.47 -23087.28 -28398.85 -29274.66 -30150.47 -62833.18 -66100.92 -69368.67 -65168.88 -68436.62 -71704.37 -60469.43 -63737.18 -67004.92 -67532.63 -70800.37 -74068.12 -109627.2 -113439.57 -117251.94 -118423.36 -121691.11 -124958.85

-731.71 -731.71 -731.71 0.92 0.92 0.92 30.77 30.77 30.77 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.52 19.52 19.52 5547.59 5547.59 5547.59 -5517.72 -5517.72 -5517.72 1773.12 1773.12 1773.12 -1743.25 -1743.25 -1743.25 5552.19 5552.19 5552.19 -5513.12 -5513.12 -5513.12 1777.72 1777.72 1777.72 -1738.65 -1738.65 -1738.65 10.9 10.9 10.9 40.07 40.07 40.07

-7463.85 -7463.85 -7463.85 -5329.26 -5329.26 -5329.26 -6824.49 -6824.49 -6824.49 -5965.12 -5965.12 -5965.12 -5976.37 -5976.37 -5976.37 -565.52 -565.52 -565.52 -3069.92 -3069.92 -3069.92 2133.13 2133.13 2133.13 -5768.57 -5768.57 -5768.57 -4729.27 -4729.27 -4729.27 -7233.68 -7233.68 -7233.68 -2030.63 -2030.63 -2030.63 -9932.32 -9932.32 -9932.32 -5833.82 -5833.82 -5833.82 -7365.56 -7365.56 -7365.56

644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-109643.16 -112910.9 -116178.65 -109308.89 -112576.64 -115844.38 -36175.3 -37051.11 -37926.92 -41133.84 -42009.65 -42885.46 -30984.69 -31860.5 -32736.31 -46324.45 -47200.26 -48076.07 -106677.68 -109945.43 -113213.18 -111636.22 -114903.97 -118171.71 -101487.07 -104754.82 -108022.57 -116826.83 -120094.58 -123362.32 -154820.53 -158632.9 -162445.27 -167203.49 -170471.23 -173738.98 -154657.66 -157925.41 -161193.15 -154322.97 -157590.72 -160858.46 -48409.85 -49285.66 -50161.47

28.58 -6481.66 28.58 -6481.66 28.58 -6481.66 28.55 -6479.07 28.55 -6479.07 28.55 -6479.07 7734.82 -452.25 7734.82 -452.25 7734.82 -452.25 -7694.74 -3817.89 -7694.74 -3817.89 -7694.74 -3817.89 2433.32 3174.82 2433.32 3174.82 2433.32 3174.82 -2393.24 -7444.96 -2393.24 -7444.96 -2393.24 -7444.96 7743.32 -4795.08 7743.32 -4795.08 7743.32 -4795.08 -7686.24 -8160.71 -7686.24 -8160.71 -7686.24 -8160.71 2441.82 -1168.01 2441.82 -1168.01 2441.82 -1168.01 -2384.74 -11787.79 -2384.74 -11787.79 -2384.74 -11787.79 -24.45 -3268.07 -24.45 -3268.07 -24.45 -3268.07 -12.65 -4127.82 -12.65 -4127.82 -12.65 -4127.82 -15.79 -3629.96 -15.79 -3629.96 -15.79 -3629.96 -15.77 -3630.28 -15.77 -3630.28 -15.77 -3630.28 8992.53 1224.36 8992.53 1224.36 8992.53 1224.36

645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-56341.04 -57216.85 -58092.66 -39978.85 -40854.66 -41730.47 -64772.04 -65647.85 -66523.66 -150205.24 -153472.99 -156740.74 -158136.44 -161404.18 -164671.93 -141774.25 -145041.99 -148309.74 -166567.43 -169835.18 -173102.93 -19751.44 -23563.81 -27376.18 -21248.04 -24515.79 -27783.53 -20029.59 -23297.34 -26565.09 -19687.09 -22954.83 -26222.58 -10862.09 -11737.9 -12613.71 -11827.22 -12703.03 -13578.84 -10129.7 -11005.51 -11881.32 -12559.6 -13435.41 -14311.22

-8984.04 -3565.68 -8984.04 -3565.68 -8984.04 -3565.68 2737.96 6387.67 2737.96 6387.67 2737.96 6387.67 -2729.47 -8728.99 -2729.47 -8728.99 -2729.47 -8728.99 8972.52 -1235.41 8972.52 -1235.41 8972.52 -1235.41 -9004.05 -6025.45 -9004.05 -6025.45 -9004.05 -6025.45 2717.95 3927.9 2717.95 3927.9 2717.95 3927.9 -2749.47 -11188.76 -2749.47 -11188.76 -2749.47 -11188.76 248.54 -5591.26 248.54 -5591.26 248.54 -5591.26 292.12 -6735.37 292.12 -6735.37 292.12 -6735.37 265.66 -6080.16 265.66 -6080.16 265.66 -6080.16 262.93 -6017.48 262.93 -6017.48 262.93 -6017.48 2494.8 -2183.91 2494.8 -2183.91 2494.8 -2183.91 -2295.04 -3165.59 -2295.04 -3165.59 -2295.04 -3165.59 846.67 -1166.9 846.67 -1166.9 846.67 -1166.9 -646.91 -4182.59 -646.91 -4182.59 -646.91 -4182.59

646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-19048.83 -22316.58 -25584.33 -20013.97 -23281.71 -26549.46 -18316.45 -21584.2 -24851.94 -20746.35 -24014.1 -27281.84 -65562.4 -69374.77 -73187.14 -70907.23 -74174.98 -77442.72 -65794.67 -69062.42 -72330.16 -65449.49 -68717.23 -71984.98 -24053.82 -24929.63 -25805.44 -26753.81 -27629.62 -28505.43 -21400.3 -22276.11 -23151.92 -29407.33 -30283.14 -31158.95 -63942.59 -67210.33 -70478.08 -66642.58 -69910.33 -73178.07 -61289.07 -64556.81 -67824.56

2656.61 2656.61 2656.61 -2133.23 -2133.23 -2133.23 1008.48 1008.48 1008.48 -485.1 -485.1 -485.1 176.59 176.59 176.59 242.44 242.44 242.44 207.6 207.6 207.6 208.19 208.19 208.19 5537.09 5537.09 5537.09 -5436.24 -5436.24 -5436.24 1728.72 1728.72 1728.72 -1627.87 -1627.87 -1627.87 5695.12 5695.12 5695.12 -5278.21 -5278.21 -5278.21 1886.75 1886.75 1886.75

-5498.15 -5498.15 -5498.15 -6479.83 -6479.83 -6479.83 -4481.14 -4481.14 -4481.14 -7496.84 -7496.84 -7496.84 -5310.37 -5310.37 -5310.37 -6845.99 -6845.99 -6845.99 -5972.23 -5972.23 -5972.23 -5983.69 -5983.69 -5983.69 -543.22 -543.22 -543.22 -3108.84 -3108.84 -3108.84 2089.26 2089.26 2089.26 -5741.32 -5741.32 -5741.32 -4706.09 -4706.09 -4706.09 -7271.72 -7271.72 -7271.72 -2073.61 -2073.61 -2073.61

647 647 647 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 649 649 649 649 649 649

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-69296.1 -72563.85 -75831.59 -111354.62 -115166.99 -118979.36 -120559.32 -123827.07 -127094.81 -111546.2 -114813.94 -118081.69 -111200.98 -114468.72 -117736.47 -36678.95 -37554.76 -38430.57 -42179.73 -43055.54 -43931.35 -31047.65 -31923.46 -32799.26 -47811.04 -48686.84 -49562.65 -108293.67 -111561.41 -114829.16 -113794.44 -117062.19 -120329.94 -102662.36 -105930.11 -109197.85 -119425.75 -122693.5 -125961.24 -157066.82 -160879.19 -164691.56 -170087.06 -173354.81 -176622.56

-1469.84 -9904.19 -1469.84 -9904.19 -1469.84 -9904.19 222.2 -5838.24 222.2 -5838.24 222.2 -5838.24 292.84 -7409.05 292.84 -7409.05 292.84 -7409.05 254.51 -6510.19 254.51 -6510.19 254.51 -6510.19 254.46 -6507.67 254.46 -6507.67 254.46 -6507.67 7664.16 -419.51 7664.16 -419.51 7664.16 -419.51 -7511.72 -3880.04 -7511.72 -3880.04 -7511.72 -3880.04 2389.45 3124.92 2389.45 3124.92 2389.45 3124.92 -2237.01 -7424.48 -2237.01 -7424.48 -2237.01 -7424.48 7842.37 -4776.25 7842.37 -4776.25 7842.37 -4776.25 -7333.51 -8236.79 -7333.51 -8236.79 -7333.51 -8236.79 2567.67 -1231.82 2567.67 -1231.82 2567.67 -1231.82 -2058.8 -11781.22 -2058.8 -11781.22 -2058.8 -11781.22 94.53 -3265.35 94.53 -3265.35 94.53 -3265.35 127.8 -4146.01 127.8 -4146.01 127.8 -4146.01

649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 649 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-157194.64 -160462.39 -163730.13 -156849.08 -160116.83 -163384.57 -48902.12 -49777.93 -50653.74 -57963.83 -58839.64 -59715.45 -40095.76 -40971.57 -41847.38 -66770.18 -67645.99 -68521.8 -152161.15 -155428.9 -158696.65 -161222.87 -164490.61 -167758.36 -143354.8 -146622.55 -149890.29 -170029.22 -173296.96 -176564.71 -16523.96 -20336.33 -24148.7 -17744.41 -21012.16 -24279.91 -16748.17 -20015.91 -23283.66 -16452.01 -19719.76 -22987.5 -8388.28 -9264.09 -10139.9

110.16 -3640.38 110.16 -3640.38 110.16 -3640.38 110.25 -3640.77 110.25 -3640.77 110.25 -3640.77 8947.44 1277.17 8947.44 1277.17 8947.44 1277.17 -8878.14 -3636.64 -8878.14 -3636.64 -8878.14 -3636.64 2764.51 6312.06 2764.51 6312.06 2764.51 6312.06 -2695.21 -8671.54 -2695.21 -8671.54 -2695.21 -8671.54 9023.07 -1184.03 9023.07 -1184.03 9023.07 -1184.03 -8802.51 -6097.85 -8802.51 -6097.85 -8802.51 -6097.85 2840.14 3850.86 2840.14 3850.86 2840.14 3850.86 -2619.58 -11132.74 -2619.58 -11132.74 -2619.58 -11132.74 -2327.26 -2862.75 -2327.26 -2862.75 -2327.26 -2862.75 -2729.77 -3715.91 -2729.77 -3715.91 -2729.77 -3715.91 -2476.66 -3289.92 -2476.66 -3289.92 -2476.66 -3289.92 -2457.43 -3249.5 -2457.43 -3249.5 -2457.43 -3249.5 1577.53 -1116.58 1577.53 -1116.58 1577.53 -1116.58

650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-11228.69 -12104.5 -12980.31 -8401.76 -9277.57 -10153.38 -11215.22 -12091.03 -12966.84 -14897.19 -18164.93 -21432.68 -17737.6 -21005.35 -24273.09 -14910.66 -18178.41 -21446.15 -17724.13 -20991.87 -24259.62 -58337.4 -62149.77 -65962.14 -60523 -63790.75 -67058.49 -56917.96 -60185.71 -63453.45 -56627.66 -59895.41 -63163.16 -13823.25 -14699.06 -15574.87 -26229.09 -27104.9 -27980.71 -14803.84 -15679.65 -16555.46 -25248.49 -26124.3 -27000.11

-3776.45 -3776.45 -3776.45 -229.92 -229.92 -229.92 -1969 -1969 -1969 228.3 228.3 228.3 -5125.68 -5125.68 -5125.68 -1579.15 -1579.15 -1579.15 -3318.23 -3318.23 -3318.23 -2332.51 -2332.51 -2332.51 -2868.2 -2868.2 -2868.2 -2542.32 -2542.32 -2542.32 -2542.36 -2542.36 -2542.36 5625.87 5625.87 5625.87 -7421.98 -7421.98 -7421.98 1158.94 1158.94 1158.94 -2955.05 -2955.05 -2955.05

-2056.14 -2056.14 -2056.14 -227.87 -227.87 -227.87 -2944.84 -2944.84 -2944.84 -2761.35 -2761.35 -2761.35 -3700.91 -3700.91 -3700.91 -1872.65 -1872.65 -1872.65 -4589.62 -4589.62 -4589.62 -1667.71 -1667.71 -1667.71 -2772.08 -2772.08 -2772.08 -2259.54 -2259.54 -2259.54 -2267.28 -2267.28 -2267.28 446.54 446.54 446.54 -2083.25 -2083.25 -2083.25 2797.25 2797.25 2797.25 -4433.95 -4433.95 -4433.95

651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-50292.79 3981.55 -53560.54 3981.55 -56828.28 3981.55 -62698.63 -9066.29 -65966.38 -9066.29 -69234.12 -9066.29 -51273.39 -485.38 -54541.13 -485.38 -57808.88 -485.38 -61718.04 -4599.36 -64985.78 -4599.36 -68253.53 -4599.36 -100253.75 -2276.39 -104066.12 -2276.39 -107878.49 -2276.39 -103446.28 -2782.02 -106714.03 -2782.02 -109981.77 -2782.02 -97213.36 -2472.35 -100481.11 -2472.35 -103748.85 -2472.35 -96927.13 -2470.73 -100194.88 -2470.73 -103462.63 -2470.73 -15387.05 8502.61 -16262.86 8502.61 -17138.67 8502.61 -45313.98 -10279.7 -46189.79 -10279.7 -47065.6 -10279.7 -18769.83 2027.48 -19645.64 2027.48 -20521.45 2027.48 -41931.2 -3804.57 -42807.01 -3804.57 -43682.82 -3804.57 -81833.57 6921.16 -85101.32 6921.16 -88369.06 6921.16 -111760.5 -11861.16 -115028.24 -11861.16 -118295.99 -11861.16 -85216.35 446.02 -88484.09 446.02 -91751.84 446.02

-1005.91 -1005.91 -1005.91 -3535.69 -3535.69 -3535.69 1344.8 1344.8 1344.8 -5886.4 -5886.4 -5886.4 -2086.51 -2086.51 -2086.51 -3206.96 -3206.96 -3206.96 -2676.7 -2676.7 -2676.7 -2675.26 -2675.26 -2675.26 653.3 653.3 653.3 -2752.86 -2752.86 -2752.86 3833.21 3833.21 3833.21 -5932.77 -5932.77 -5932.77 -971.53 -971.53 -971.53 -4377.68 -4377.68 -4377.68 2208.38 2208.38 2208.38

652 652 652 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 654 654 654 654 654 654

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-108377.72 -111645.46 -114913.21 -142768.58 -146580.95 -150393.32 -147004.19 -150271.94 -153539.68 -138100.27 -141368.01 -144635.76 -137815.98 -141083.72 -144351.47 -15368.23 -16244.04 -17119.85 -66371.64 -67247.45 -68123.26 -21952.7 -22828.5 -23704.31 -59787.18 -60662.99 -61538.8 -112185.05 -115452.8 -118720.54 -163188.46 -166456.21 -169723.95 -118769.51 -122037.26 -125305 -156604 -159871.74 -163139.49 -8070.18 -11882.55 -15694.92 -8451.25 -11719 -14986.74

-5386.02 -5386.02 -5386.02 -1210.68 -1210.68 -1210.68 -1480.39 -1480.39 -1480.39 -1314.9 -1314.9 -1314.9 -1314.46 -1314.46 -1314.46 9550.13 9550.13 9550.13 -10478.22 -10478.22 -10478.22 2654.11 2654.11 2654.11 -3582.2 -3582.2 -3582.2 8699.91 8699.91 8699.91 -11328.44 -11328.44 -11328.44 1803.89 1803.89 1803.89 -4432.42 -4432.42 -4432.42 -841.07 -841.07 -841.07 -959.9 -959.9 -959.9

-7557.59 -7557.59 -7557.59 -1167.85 -1167.85 -1167.85 -1793.86 -1793.86 -1793.86 -1496.16 -1496.16 -1496.16 -1496.49 -1496.49 -1496.49 1893.42 1893.42 1893.42 -3043.17 -3043.17 -3043.17 6635.69 6635.69 6635.69 -7785.43 -7785.43 -7785.43 971.66 971.66 971.66 -3964.93 -3964.93 -3964.93 5713.93 5713.93 5713.93 -8707.2 -8707.2 -8707.2 -758.94 -758.94 -758.94 -919.32 -919.32 -919.32

654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-7998.4 -11266.15 -14533.89 -7893.84 -11161.59 -14429.33 -2223.72 -3099.53 -3975.34 -6866.14 -7741.95 -8617.76 -2895.94 -3771.75 -4647.56 -6193.92 -7069.73 -7945.54 -5525.1 -8792.85 -12060.59 -10167.53 -13435.27 -16703.02 -6197.32 -9465.07 -12732.81 -9495.31 -12763.05 -16030.8 -36055.29 -39867.66 -43680.03 -33815.13 -37082.87 -40350.62 -32855.65 -36123.4 -39391.14 -32742.88 -36010.62 -39278.37 -413.41 -1289.22 -2165.03

-871.18 -871.18 -871.18 -870.41 -870.41 -870.41 1202.94 1202.94 1202.94 -1775.78 -1775.78 -1775.78 188.55 188.55 188.55 -761.39 -761.39 -761.39 619.3 619.3 619.3 -2359.42 -2359.42 -2359.42 -395.09 -395.09 -395.09 -1345.03 -1345.03 -1345.03 -848.19 -848.19 -848.19 -849.51 -849.51 -849.51 -807.17 -807.17 -807.17 -804.1 -804.1 -804.1 4342.75 4342.75 4342.75

-836.22 -836.22 -836.22 -821.1 -821.1 -821.1 -219.61 -219.61 -219.61 -1085.44 -1085.44 -1085.44 571.89 571.89 571.89 -1876.93 -1876.93 -1876.93 -381.31 -381.31 -381.31 -1247.14 -1247.14 -1247.14 410.18 410.18 410.18 -2038.63 -2038.63 -2038.63 547.89 547.89 547.89 398.24 398.24 398.24 429.48 429.48 429.48 425.66 425.66 425.66 989.04 989.04 989.04

655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-18947.42 -19823.23 -20699.04 -3735.16 -4610.97 -5486.78 -15625.67 -16501.48 -17377.29 -23424.61 -26692.36 -29960.1 -41958.62 -45226.37 -48494.11 -26746.36 -30014.11 -33281.85 -38636.87 -41904.62 -45172.36 -63757.78 -67570.15 -71382.52 -58853.97 -62121.71 -65389.46 -57413.21 -60680.96 -63948.7 -57297.09 -60564.84 -63832.59 6676.99 5801.19 4925.38 -35993.08 -36868.89 -37744.7 -1714.34 -2590.15 -3465.96 -27601.74 -28477.55 -29353.36

-4766.49 -4766.49 -4766.49 1182.78 1182.78 1182.78 -1606.52 -1606.52 -1606.52 3751.92 3751.92 3751.92 -5357.32 -5357.32 -5357.32 591.95 591.95 591.95 -2197.35 -2197.35 -2197.35 -661.08 -661.08 -661.08 -635.06 -635.06 -635.06 -610.8 -610.8 -610.8 -609.6 -609.6 -609.6 6484.88 6484.88 6484.88 -6742.45 -6742.45 -6742.45 1894.38 1894.38 1894.38 -2151.95 -2151.95 -2151.95

-1261.31 -1261.31 -1261.31 3145.53 3145.53 3145.53 -3417.8 -3417.8 -3417.8 1549.1 1549.1 1549.1 -701.25 -701.25 -701.25 3705.59 3705.59 3705.59 -2857.74 -2857.74 -2857.74 263.59 263.59 263.59 107.06 107.06 107.06 151.08 151.08 151.08 151.56 151.56 151.56 1261.42 1261.42 1261.42 -1809.82 -1809.82 -1809.82 4197.85 4197.85 4197.85 -4746.25 -4746.25 -4746.25

656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-35909.28 -39177.02 -42444.77 -78579.35 -81847.1 -85114.85 -44300.62 -47568.36 -50836.11 -70188.02 -73455.76 -76723.51 -90968.77 -94781.14 -98593.51 -83283.1 -86550.84 -89818.59 -81430 -84697.75 -87965.49 -81312.01 -84579.75 -87847.5 16090.3 15214.49 14338.68 -54939.15 -55814.96 -56690.77 1564.94 689.13 -186.68 -40413.79 -41289.6 -42165.41 -45743.65 -49011.4 -52279.14 -116773.1 -120040.85 -123308.59 -60269.01 -63536.76 -66804.5

6004.6 6004.6 6004.6 -7222.72 -7222.72 -7222.72 1414.1 1414.1 1414.1 -2632.22 -2632.22 -2632.22 -333.44 -333.44 -333.44 -309.54 -309.54 -309.54 -301.29 -301.29 -301.29 -300.74 -300.74 -300.74 8371.38 8371.38 8371.38 -8478.55 -8478.55 -8478.55 2529.85 2529.85 2529.85 -2637.02 -2637.02 -2637.02 8124.48 8124.48 8124.48 -8725.45 -8725.45 -8725.45 2282.95 2282.95 2282.95

1687.4 1687.4 1687.4 -1383.84 -1383.84 -1383.84 4623.83 4623.83 4623.83 -4320.28 -4320.28 -4320.28 138.01 138.01 138.01 46.17 46.17 46.17 73.54 73.54 73.54 73.27 73.27 73.27 2215.47 2215.47 2215.47 -2525.5 -2525.5 -2525.5 6746.02 6746.02 6746.02 -7056.06 -7056.06 -7056.06 2443.63 2443.63 2443.63 -2297.34 -2297.34 -2297.34 6974.18 6974.18 6974.18

657 657 657 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 659 659 659 659 659 659

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-102247.74 -105515.49 -108783.23 -8701.16 -12513.53 -16325.9 -9217.87 -12485.61 -15753.36 -8686.11 -11953.85 -15221.6 -8576.63 -11844.38 -15112.12 -2738.08 -3613.89 -4489.7 -7176.63 -8052.43 -8928.24 -3570.36 -4446.16 -5321.97 -6344.35 -7220.16 -8095.97 -6307.59 -9575.34 -12843.09 -10746.14 -14013.88 -17281.63 -7139.87 -10407.61 -13675.36 -9913.87 -13181.61 -16449.36 -35049.66 -38862.03 -42674.4 -35613.08 -38880.83 -42148.57

-2883.92 -2883.92 -2883.92 785.49 785.49 785.49 1130.25 1130.25 1130.25 959.7 959.7 959.7 959 959 959 1875.2 1875.2 1875.2 -1176.71 -1176.71 -1176.71 811.93 811.93 811.93 -113.44 -113.44 -113.44 2484.64 2484.64 2484.64 -567.27 -567.27 -567.27 1421.37 1421.37 1421.37 496 496 496 711.91 711.91 711.91 997.89 997.89 997.89

-6827.9 -6827.9 -6827.9 1816 1816 1816 1975.31 1975.31 1975.31 1835.67 1835.67 1835.67 1820.82 1820.82 1820.82 1824.77 1824.77 1824.77 -211.75 -211.75 -211.75 3808.99 3808.99 3808.99 -2195.97 -2195.97 -2195.97 2832.32 2832.32 2832.32 795.8 795.8 795.8 4816.54 4816.54 4816.54 -1188.42 -1188.42 -1188.42 1819.75 1819.75 1819.75 2058.99 2058.99 2058.99

659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-33667.1 -36934.85 -40202.59 -33544.96 -36812.7 -40080.45 -2667.78 -3543.59 -4419.4 -22005.07 -22880.88 -23756.69 -5975.81 -6851.62 -7727.43 -18697.05 -19572.86 -20448.67 -23820.79 -27088.54 -30356.28 -43158.08 -46425.83 -49693.58 -27128.82 -30396.56 -33664.31 -39850.06 -43117.8 -46385.55 -61169.02 -64981.39 -68793.76 -61698.71 -64966.46 -68234.2 -58373.18 -61640.92 -64908.67 -58245.01 -61512.76 -64780.5 3360.45 2484.64 1608.83

858.52 858.52 858.52 853.39 853.39 853.39 5108.62 5108.62 5108.62 -4522.97 -4522.97 -4522.97 1748.85 1748.85 1748.85 -1163.2 -1163.2 -1163.2 5666.85 5666.85 5666.85 -3964.75 -3964.75 -3964.75 2307.07 2307.07 2307.07 -604.97 -604.97 -604.97 472.19 472.19 472.19 702.07 702.07 702.07 592.74 592.74 592.74 590.88 590.88 590.88 7161.77 7161.77 7161.77

1869.67 1869.67 1869.67 1871.48 1871.48 1871.48 2895.87 2895.87 2895.87 -1719.19 -1719.19 -1719.19 7377.26 7377.26 7377.26 -6200.58 -6200.58 -6200.58 4179.82 4179.82 4179.82 -435.23 -435.23 -435.23 8661.22 8661.22 8661.22 -4916.63 -4916.63 -4916.63 1926 1926 1926 2152.31 2152.31 2152.31 1965.61 1965.61 1965.61 1964.46 1964.46 1964.46 3937.43 3937.43 3937.43

660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-42393.84 -43269.64 -44145.45 -4505.08 -5380.89 -6256.7 -34528.31 -35404.12 -36279.93 -35309.61 -38577.36 -41845.1 -81063.9 -84331.64 -87599.39 -43175.14 -46442.88 -49710.63 -73198.37 -76466.12 -79733.86 -86553.78 -90366.15 -94178.52 -86843.25 -90110.99 -93378.74 -82251.41 -85519.16 -88786.9 -82120.25 -85387.99 -88655.74 11946.72 11070.91 10195.1 -64701.74 -65577.55 -66453.36 -1578.21 -2454.02 -3329.83 -51176.81 -52052.61 -52928.42

-6835.48 -6835.48 -6835.48 2279.06 2279.06 2279.06 -1952.77 -1952.77 -1952.77 7588.67 7588.67 7588.67 -6408.59 -6408.59 -6408.59 2705.95 2705.95 2705.95 -1525.87 -1525.87 -1525.87 197.1 197.1 197.1 300.13 300.13 300.13 251.89 251.89 251.89 251.07 251.07 251.07 8735.62 8735.62 8735.62 -8620.87 -8620.87 -8620.87 2676.29 2676.29 2676.29 -2561.54 -2561.54 -2561.54

-2624.74 -2624.74 -2624.74 10295.44 10295.44 10295.44 -8982.75 -8982.75 -8982.75 5245.02 5245.02 5245.02 -1317.15 -1317.15 -1317.15 11603.03 11603.03 11603.03 -7675.16 -7675.16 -7675.16 1020.28 1020.28 1020.28 1147.24 1147.24 1147.24 1045.1 1045.1 1045.1 1044.99 1044.99 1044.99 3729.82 3729.82 3729.82 -3034.86 -3034.86 -3034.86 10288.91 10288.91 10288.91 -9593.95 -9593.95 -9593.95

661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 661 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-43736.39 -47004.14 -50271.88 -120384.86 -123652.6 -126920.35 -57261.33 -60529.07 -63796.82 -106859.92 -110127.67 -113395.41 -20840.71 -24653.08 -28465.45 -22683.8 -25951.55 -29219.3 -21362.24 -24629.99 -27897.74 -20946.96 -24214.71 -27482.45 -10799.34 -11675.15 -12550.96 -13332.69 -14208.5 -15084.31 -11017.92 -11893.73 -12769.54 -13114.11 -13989.92 -14865.73 -19491.52 -22759.27 -26027.01 -22024.87 -25292.62 -28560.37 -19710.1 -22977.85 -26245.6

8928.95 8928.95 8928.95 -8427.55 -8427.55 -8427.55 2869.62 2869.62 2869.62 -2368.22 -2368.22 -2368.22 3320.55 3320.55 3320.55 4002.55 4002.55 4002.55 3606.06 3606.06 3606.06 3574.32 3574.32 3574.32 4324.56 4324.56 4324.56 -1148.13 -1148.13 -1148.13 2417.3 2417.3 2417.3 759.14 759.14 759.14 6296.24 6296.24 6296.24 823.55 823.55 823.55 4388.97 4388.97 4388.97

4427.28 4427.28 4427.28 -2337.4 -2337.4 -2337.4 10986.37 10986.37 10986.37 -8896.49 -8896.49 -8896.49 2904.57 2904.57 2904.57 3436.82 3436.82 3436.82 3120.31 3120.31 3120.31 3087.26 3087.26 3087.26 2536.58 2536.58 2536.58 404.67 404.67 404.67 4632.19 4632.19 4632.19 -1690.94 -1690.94 -1690.94 4138.19 4138.19 4138.19 2006.28 2006.28 2006.28 6233.8 6233.8 6233.8

662 662 662 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 663 664 664 664 664 664 664

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-21806.29 -25074.04 -28341.78 -62220.64 -66033.01 -69845.38 -70261.72 -73529.46 -76797.21 -64382.19 -67649.94 -70917.68 -63981.38 -67249.13 -70516.88 -20190.07 -21065.87 -21941.68 -32889.13 -33764.94 -34640.75 -21259.47 -22135.28 -23011.09 -31819.72 -32695.53 -33571.34 -57449.67 -60717.41 -63985.16 -70148.73 -73416.48 -76684.22 -58519.07 -61786.82 -65054.56 -69079.33 -72347.07 -75614.82 -104036.93 -107849.3 -111661.67 -118334.32 -121602.06 -124869.81

2730.81 2730.81 2730.81 3249.86 3249.86 3249.86 4072.34 4072.34 4072.34 3590.14 3590.14 3590.14 3589.86 3589.86 3589.86 8017.7 8017.7 8017.7 -5476.19 -5476.19 -5476.19 3307.01 3307.01 3307.01 -765.49 -765.49 -765.49 10336.68 10336.68 10336.68 -3157.21 -3157.21 -3157.21 5625.98 5625.98 5625.98 1553.48 1553.48 1553.48 3186.96 3186.96 3186.96 3962.83 3962.83 3962.83

-89.33 -89.33 -89.33 2538.02 2538.02 2538.02 3355.18 3355.18 3355.18 2906.86 2906.86 2906.86 2911.92 2911.92 2911.92 3523.87 3523.87 3523.87 -1298.78 -1298.78 -1298.78 8218.81 8218.81 8218.81 -5993.72 -5993.72 -5993.72 5325.54 5325.54 5325.54 502.89 502.89 502.89 10020.48 10020.48 10020.48 -4192.05 -4192.05 -4192.05 2767.85 2767.85 2767.85 3595.79 3595.79 3595.79

664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-107860.32 -111128.06 -114395.81 -107466.52 -110734.26 -114002.01 -25314.5 -26190.31 -27066.12 -57176.15 -58051.96 -58927.77 -28411.83 -29287.64 -30163.45 -54078.82 -54954.63 -55830.44 -91356.69 -94624.44 -97892.18 -123218.34 -126486.08 -129753.83 -94454.02 -97721.76 -100989.51 -120121.01 -123388.76 -126656.5 -146522.59 -150334.96 -154147.33 -167351.91 -170619.65 -173887.4 -152148.06 -155415.81 -158683.56 -151757.98 -155025.73 -158293.47 -28906.56 -29782.37 -30658.18

3504.22 3504.22 3504.22 3501.59 3501.59 3501.59 10984.17 10984.17 10984.17 -8470.14 -8470.14 -8470.14 4191.47 4191.47 4191.47 -1677.43 -1677.43 -1677.43 13227.56 13227.56 13227.56 -6226.75 -6226.75 -6226.75 6434.85 6434.85 6434.85 565.95 565.95 565.95 1661.39 1661.39 1661.39 2064 2064 2064 1824.8 1824.8 1824.8 1824.13 1824.13 1824.13 10861.91 10861.91 10861.91

3138.44 3138.44 3138.44 3137.24 3137.24 3137.24 4671.73 4671.73 4671.73 -2165.85 -2165.85 -2165.85 11307.48 11307.48 11307.48 -8801.6 -8801.6 -8801.6 6555.49 6555.49 6555.49 -282.1 -282.1 -282.1 13191.24 13191.24 13191.24 -6917.85 -6917.85 -6917.85 1473.77 1473.77 1473.77 1933.4 1933.4 1933.4 1681.99 1681.99 1681.99 1682.07 1682.07 1682.07 4126.48 4126.48 4126.48

665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 665 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-83709.59 -84585.4 -85461.21 -34924.52 -35800.33 -36676.14 -77691.63 -78567.44 -79443.25 -124179.16 -127446.9 -130714.65 -178982.18 -182249.93 -185517.67 -130197.12 -133464.86 -136732.61 -172964.22 -176231.97 -179499.72 -27512.02 -31324.39 -35136.76 -30444.62 -33712.36 -36980.11 -28520.35 -31788.09 -35055.84 -27965.6 -31233.34 -34501.09 -15711.03 -16586.83 -17462.64 -16429.46 -17305.27 -18181.08 -15317.01 -16192.82 -17068.63 -16823.47 -17699.28 -18575.09

-9569.07 -9569.07 -9569.07 3729.44 3729.44 3729.44 -2436.6 -2436.6 -2436.6 12039.32 12039.32 12039.32 -8391.67 -8391.67 -8391.67 4906.85 4906.85 4906.85 -1259.19 -1259.19 -1259.19 -155.22 -155.22 -155.22 -196.96 -196.96 -196.96 -177.23 -177.23 -177.23 -173.61 -173.61 -173.61 2392.14 2392.14 2392.14 -2625.27 -2625.27 -2625.27 643.47 643.47 643.47 -876.6 -876.6 -876.6

-2781.33 -2781.33 -2781.33 10866.2 10866.2 10866.2 -9521.05 -9521.05 -9521.05 5136.01 5136.01 5136.01 -1771.79 -1771.79 -1771.79 11875.73 11875.73 11875.73 -8511.51 -8511.51 -8511.51 4092.69 4092.69 4092.69 4723.72 4723.72 4723.72 4319.38 4319.38 4319.38 4275.34 4275.34 4275.34 2925.26 2925.26 2925.26 823.6 823.6 823.6 5096.56 5096.56 5096.56 -1347.7 -1347.7 -1347.7

666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-27354.22 -30621.96 -33889.71 -28072.65 -31340.4 -34608.15 -26960.21 -30227.95 -33495.7 -28466.67 -31734.41 -35002.16 -84193.7 -88006.07 -91818.44 -95580.35 -98848.09 -102115.84 -87441.79 -90709.54 -93977.29 -86893.44 -90161.19 -93428.94 -33835.37 -34711.18 -35586.99 -36323.97 -37199.78 -38075.58 -31444.73 -32320.54 -33196.35 -38714.61 -39590.42 -40466.23 -85399.9 -88667.65 -91935.39 -87888.49 -91156.24 -94423.98 -83009.25 -86277 -89544.74

2336.74 2336.74 2336.74 -2680.67 -2680.67 -2680.67 588.07 588.07 588.07 -932 -932 -932 -86.26 -86.26 -86.26 -135.71 -135.71 -135.71 -111.05 -111.05 -111.05 -112.33 -112.33 -112.33 5677.37 5677.37 5677.37 -5769.59 -5769.59 -5769.59 1682.12 1682.12 1682.12 -1774.34 -1774.34 -1774.34 5610.57 5610.57 5610.57 -5836.38 -5836.38 -5836.38 1615.33 1615.33 1615.33

5306.15 5306.15 5306.15 3204.49 3204.49 3204.49 7477.45 7477.45 7477.45 1033.19 1033.19 1033.19 4132.96 4132.96 4132.96 5047.19 5047.19 5047.19 4474.69 4474.69 4474.69 4481.74 4481.74 4481.74 3744.23 3744.23 3744.23 -936.64 -936.64 -936.64 8583.74 8583.74 8583.74 -5776.15 -5776.15 -5776.15 6825.38 6825.38 6825.38 2144.51 2144.51 2144.51 11664.89 11664.89 11664.89

667 667 667 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 669 669 669 669 669 669

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-90279.14 -93546.89 -96814.63 -141630.65 -145443.02 -149255.39 -161356.93 -164624.67 -167892.42 -147012.84 -150280.58 -153548.33 -146465.51 -149733.26 -153001 -51352.73 -52228.54 -53104.35 -56987.18 -57862.99 -58738.8 -45563.78 -46439.59 -47315.4 -62776.13 -63651.94 -64527.75 -143399.5 -146667.25 -149934.99 -149033.95 -152301.7 -155569.44 -137610.55 -140878.3 -144146.04 -154822.9 -158090.65 -161358.39 -199433.78 -203246.15 -207058.52 -227585.08 -230852.82 -234120.57

-1841.14 -1841.14 -1841.14 -163.04 -163.04 -163.04 -222.86 -222.86 -222.86 -191.72 -191.72 -191.72 -191.7 -191.7 -191.7 7821.12 7821.12 7821.12 -7992.58 -7992.58 -7992.58 2302.15 2302.15 2302.15 -2473.61 -2473.61 -2473.61 7715.17 7715.17 7715.17 -8098.54 -8098.54 -8098.54 2196.19 2196.19 2196.19 -2579.57 -2579.57 -2579.57 -82.76 -82.76 -82.76 -111.88 -111.88 -111.88

-2695 -2695 -2695 4341.75 4341.75 4341.75 5290.04 5290.04 5290.04 4703.43 4703.43 4703.43 4702.07 4702.07 4702.07 4881.02 4881.02 4881.02 -1701.21 -1701.21 -1701.21 11689.04 11689.04 11689.04 -8509.23 -8509.23 -8509.23 7992.57 7992.57 7992.57 1410.33 1410.33 1410.33 14800.58 14800.58 14800.58 -5397.68 -5397.68 -5397.68 2349.15 2349.15 2349.15 2873.87 2873.87 2873.87

669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-206983.86 -210251.61 -213519.35 -206437.52 -209705.26 -212973.01 -68567.03 -69442.84 -70318.65 -78187.61 -79063.42 -79939.23 -59278.36 -60154.17 -61029.98 -87476.28 -88352.09 -89227.9 -201378.88 -204646.63 -207914.38 -210999.47 -214267.22 -217534.96 -192090.22 -195357.97 -198625.71 -220288.13 -223555.88 -226823.63 -26939.07 -30751.44 -34563.81 -29850.35 -33118.1 -36385.84 -27945.51 -31213.25 -34481 -27407.21 -30674.96 -33942.7 -15485.76 -16361.57 -17237.38

-96.38 -96.38 -96.38 -96.5 -96.5 -96.5 9063.23 9063.23 9063.23 -9147.21 -9147.21 -9147.21 2705.38 2705.38 2705.38 -2789.36 -2789.36 -2789.36 9008.66 9008.66 9008.66 -9201.78 -9201.78 -9201.78 2650.81 2650.81 2650.81 -2843.93 -2843.93 -2843.93 -40.04 -40.04 -40.04 -30.44 -30.44 -30.44 -31.9 -31.9 -31.9 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 2420.98 2420.98 2420.98

2550.99 2550.99 2550.99 2551.21 2551.21 2551.21 4201.62 4201.62 4201.62 -2489.38 -2489.38 -2489.38 11119.64 11119.64 11119.64 -9407.4 -9407.4 -9407.4 5896.81 5896.81 5896.81 -794.18 -794.18 -794.18 12814.84 12814.84 12814.84 -7712.2 -7712.2 -7712.2 4075.15 4075.15 4075.15 4694.58 4694.58 4694.58 4294.69 4294.69 4294.69 4251.37 4251.37 4251.37 2880.64 2880.64 2880.64

670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-15956.54 -16832.35 -17708.16 -15050.37 -15926.18 -16801.99 -16391.92 -17267.73 -18143.54 -26927.14 -30194.88 -33462.63 -27397.92 -30665.67 -33933.41 -26491.75 -29759.5 -33027.25 -27833.31 -31101.05 -34368.8 -83365.41 -87177.78 -90990.15 -94478.3 -97746.05 -101013.79 -86471.6 -89739.35 -93007.09 -85936.22 -89203.97 -92471.71 -33394.29 -34270.1 -35145.91 -35668.69 -36544.5 -37420.31 -30976.45 -31852.26 -32728.07 -38086.53 -38962.34 -39838.15

-2429.97 -2429.97 -2429.97 738.5 738.5 738.5 -747.48 -747.48 -747.48 2393.58 2393.58 2393.58 -2457.36 -2457.36 -2457.36 711.1 711.1 711.1 -774.88 -774.88 -774.88 17.22 17.22 17.22 16.94 16.94 16.94 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.12 16.12 16.12 5746.73 5746.73 5746.73 -5729.17 -5729.17 -5729.17 1741.89 1741.89 1741.89 -1724.32 -1724.32 -1724.32

835.37 835.37 835.37 5106.97 5106.97 5106.97 -1390.96 -1390.96 -1390.96 5254.31 5254.31 5254.31 3209.04 3209.04 3209.04 7480.64 7480.64 7480.64 982.71 982.71 982.71 4136.3 4136.3 4136.3 5022.6 5022.6 5022.6 4460.92 4460.92 4460.92 4467.52 4467.52 4467.52 3651.26 3651.26 3651.26 -865.16 -865.16 -865.16 8552.85 8552.85 8552.85 -5766.76 -5766.76 -5766.76

671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 671 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-84555.67 -87823.41 -91091.16 -86830.06 -90097.81 -93365.56 -82137.82 -85405.57 -88673.32 -89247.91 -92515.65 -95783.4 -140475.06 -144287.43 -148099.8 -159708.04 -162975.78 -166243.53 -145595.77 -148863.52 -152131.26 -145061.32 -148329.07 -151596.81 -50680.08 -51555.89 -52431.7 -56088.78 -56964.59 -57840.4 -44823.82 -45699.63 -46575.43 -61945.04 -62820.85 -63696.66 -142114.04 -145381.78 -148649.53 -147522.74 -150790.48 -154058.23 -136257.77 -139525.52 -142793.26

5754.08 5754.08 5754.08 -5721.82 -5721.82 -5721.82 1749.23 1749.23 1749.23 -1716.98 -1716.98 -1716.98 12.2 12.2 12.2 9.82 9.82 9.82 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.05 10.05 10.05 8021.55 8021.55 8021.55 -8010.06 -8010.06 -8010.06 2429.78 2429.78 2429.78 -2418.29 -2418.29 -2418.29 8025.87 8025.87 8025.87 -8005.74 -8005.74 -8005.74 2434.1 2434.1 2434.1

6728.74 6728.74 6728.74 2212.32 2212.32 2212.32 11630.33 11630.33 11630.33 -2689.28 -2689.28 -2689.28 4319.28 4319.28 4319.28 5239.2 5239.2 5239.2 4664.32 4664.32 4664.32 4663.06 4663.06 4663.06 4725.62 4725.62 4725.62 -1592.99 -1592.99 -1592.99 11580.47 11580.47 11580.47 -8447.84 -8447.84 -8447.84 7821.79 7821.79 7821.79 1503.18 1503.18 1503.18 14676.64 14676.64 14676.64

672 672 672 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 673 674 674 674 674 674 674

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-153379 -156646.75 -159914.49 -197839.87 -201652.24 -205464.61 -225222.4 -228490.14 -231757.89 -204980.24 -208247.99 -211515.73 -204446.38 -207714.13 -210981.88 -67866.24 -68742.05 -69617.86 -76728.53 -77604.34 -78480.15 -58217.03 -59092.84 -59968.65 -86377.74 -87253.55 -88129.36 -199772.58 -203040.32 -206308.07 -208634.87 -211902.61 -215170.36 -190123.36 -193391.11 -196658.86 -218284.08 -221551.83 -224819.57 -27658.99 -31471.36 -35283.73 -30655.49 -33923.24 -37190.98

-2413.97 -2413.97 -2413.97 31.25 31.25 31.25 30.94 30.94 30.94 29.39 29.39 29.39 29.38 29.38 29.38 9202.6 9202.6 9202.6 -9182.66 -9182.66 -9182.66 2787.23 2787.23 2787.23 -2767.28 -2767.28 -2767.28 9222.01 9222.01 9222.01 -9163.25 -9163.25 -9163.25 2806.63 2806.63 2806.63 -2747.87 -2747.87 -2747.87 -491.79 -491.79 -491.79 -410.25 -410.25 -410.25

-5351.67 -5351.67 -5351.67 2329.62 2329.62 2329.62 2835.96 2835.96 2835.96 2521 2521 2521 2521.24 2521.24 2521.24 4076.37 4076.37 4076.37 -2393.83 -2393.83 -2393.83 11092.76 11092.76 11092.76 -9410.21 -9410.21 -9410.21 5756.45 5756.45 5756.45 -713.75 -713.75 -713.75 12772.83 12772.83 12772.83 -7730.14 -7730.14 -7730.14 3833.73 3833.73 3833.73 4420.92 4420.92 4420.92

674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-28665.93 -31933.67 -35201.42 -28139.76 -31407.51 -34675.25 -15349.16 -16224.97 -17100.78 -15584.49 -16460.3 -17336.11 -15122.89 -15998.7 -16874.51 -15810.76 -16686.57 -17562.38 -27782.93 -31050.67 -34318.42 -28018.26 -31286 -34553.75 -27556.66 -30824.4 -34092.15 -28244.53 -31512.27 -34780.02 -79492.42 -83304.79 -87117.16 -91351.05 -94618.79 -97886.54 -83266.67 -86534.41 -89802.16 -82736 -86003.74 -89271.49 -33562.06 -34437.87 -35313.68

-414.8 -414.8 -414.8 -414.53 -414.53 -414.53 2433.22 2433.22 2433.22 -2448.82 -2448.82 -2448.82 750.25 750.25 750.25 -765.86 -765.86 -765.86 2026.61 2026.61 2026.61 -2855.42 -2855.42 -2855.42 343.65 343.65 343.65 -1172.46 -1172.46 -1172.46 -1026.77 -1026.77 -1026.77 -851.52 -851.52 -851.52 -862 -862 -862 -862.2 -862.2 -862.2 5736.63 5736.63 5736.63

4043.7 4043.7 4043.7 4002.39 4002.39 4002.39 2911.59 2911.59 2911.59 814.55 814.55 814.55 5302.3 5302.3 5302.3 -1576.16 -1576.16 -1576.16 5032.13 5032.13 5032.13 2935.09 2935.09 2935.09 7422.84 7422.84 7422.84 544.38 544.38 544.38 3968.32 3968.32 3968.32 4793.4 4793.4 4793.4 4265.62 4265.62 4265.62 4270.56 4270.56 4270.56 3572.11 3572.11 3572.11

675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-35307.05 -36182.86 -37058.67 -31588.09 -32463.9 -33339.71 -37281.02 -38156.83 -39032.64 -81622.28 -84890.03 -88157.78 -83367.28 -86635.02 -89902.77 -79648.32 -82916.06 -86183.81 -85341.25 -88608.99 -91876.74 -131373.61 -135185.98 -138998.35 -152089.2 -155356.95 -158624.69 -137903.41 -141171.16 -144438.9 -137373.33 -140641.08 -143908.83 -50843.6 -51719.41 -52595.22 -55832.87 -56708.68 -57584.49 -45150.55 -46026.36 -46902.16 -61525.93 -62401.74 -63277.55

-5744.69 -5744.69 -5744.69 1731.73 1731.73 1731.73 -1739.8 -1739.8 -1739.8 4878.37 4878.37 4878.37 -6602.95 -6602.95 -6602.95 873.47 873.47 873.47 -2598.05 -2598.05 -2598.05 -1016.91 -1016.91 -1016.91 -850.89 -850.89 -850.89 -858.68 -858.68 -858.68 -858.67 -858.67 -858.67 8002.29 8002.29 8002.29 -8021.62 -8021.62 -8021.62 2412.19 2412.19 2412.19 -2431.51 -2431.51 -2431.51

-770.92 -770.92 -770.92 8524.55 8524.55 8524.55 -5723.36 -5723.36 -5723.36 6444.32 6444.32 6444.32 2101.3 2101.3 2101.3 11396.76 11396.76 11396.76 -2851.14 -2851.14 -2851.14 4184.58 4184.58 4184.58 5033.23 5033.23 5033.23 4492.15 4492.15 4492.15 4491.01 4491.01 4491.01 4497.86 4497.86 4497.86 -1449.65 -1449.65 -1449.65 11278.55 11278.55 11278.55 -8230.34 -8230.34 -8230.34

676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 677

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-134637.76 -137905.5 -141173.25 -139627.03 -142894.77 -146162.52 -128944.7 -132212.45 -135480.19 -145320.08 -148587.83 -151855.57 -182864.61 -186676.98 -190489.35 -212384.83 -215652.58 -218920.32 -192139.14 -195406.89 -198674.63 -191608.82 -194876.57 -198144.32 -67782.06 -68657.87 -69533.68 -76735.79 -77611.6 -78487.41 -57550.62 -58426.43 -59302.24 -86967.23 -87843.04 -88718.85 -186890.91 -190158.65 -193426.4 -195844.63 -199112.38 -202380.13 -176659.46 -179927.21 -183194.95

7153.29 7153.29 7153.29 -8870.62 -8870.62 -8870.62 1563.18 1563.18 1563.18 -3280.52 -3280.52 -3280.52 -549.03 -549.03 -549.03 -455.8 -455.8 -455.8 -461.32 -461.32 -461.32 -461.35 -461.35 -461.35 9181.64 9181.64 9181.64 -9191.12 -9191.12 -9191.12 2770.69 2770.69 2770.69 -2780.17 -2780.17 -2780.17 8725.03 8725.03 8725.03 -9647.74 -9647.74 -9647.74 2314.07 2314.07 2314.07

7464.24 7464.24 7464.24 1516.73 1516.73 1516.73 14244.93 14244.93 14244.93 -5263.96 -5263.96 -5263.96 2235.1 2235.1 2235.1 2696.39 2696.39 2696.39 2403.53 2403.53 2403.53 2403.65 2403.65 2403.65 3876.71 3876.71 3876.71 -2273.03 -2273.03 -2273.03 10882.65 10882.65 10882.65 -9278.98 -9278.98 -9278.98 5478.57 5478.57 5478.57 -671.16 -671.16 -671.16 12484.52 12484.52 12484.52

677 677 677 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 679 679 679 679 679 679

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-206076.08 -209343.83 -212611.57 -27542.48 -31354.85 -35167.22 -30554.24 -33821.99 -37089.73 -28565.19 -31832.94 -35100.68 -28039.03 -31306.77 -34574.52 -15428.2 -16304.01 -17179.82 -15667.53 -16543.34 -17419.15 -15201.02 -16076.83 -16952.64 -15894.7 -16770.51 -17646.32 -27680.2 -30947.94 -34215.69 -27919.53 -31187.27 -34455.02 -27453.02 -30720.77 -33988.51 -28146.7 -31414.45 -34682.19 -79395.62 -83207.99 -87020.36 -91213.75 -94481.49 -97749.24

-3236.79 -3236.79 -3236.79 485.95 485.95 485.95 420.98 420.98 420.98 419.67 419.67 419.67 419.36 419.36 419.36 2453.08 2453.08 2453.08 -2426.3 -2426.3 -2426.3 769.86 769.86 769.86 -743.09 -743.09 -743.09 2858.91 2858.91 2858.91 -2020.47 -2020.47 -2020.47 1175.7 1175.7 1175.7 -337.25 -337.25 -337.25 1019.64 1019.64 1019.64 866.19 866.19 866.19

-7677.11 -7677.11 -7677.11 3859.35 3859.35 3859.35 4444.53 4444.53 4444.53 4066.76 4066.76 4066.76 4025.39 4025.39 4025.39 2900.46 2900.46 2900.46 793.96 793.96 793.96 5291.02 5291.02 5291.02 -1596.61 -1596.61 -1596.61 5059.83 5059.83 5059.83 2953.34 2953.34 2953.34 7450.4 7450.4 7450.4 562.77 562.77 562.77 3955.51 3955.51 3955.51 4777.79 4777.79 4777.79

679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 679 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-83149.69 -86417.43 -89685.18 -82619.06 -85886.81 -89154.55 -33567.79 -34443.6 -35319.41 -35328.22 -36204.03 -37079.84 -31595.03 -32470.84 -33346.65 -37300.97 -38176.78 -39052.59 -81497.65 -84765.4 -88033.14 -83258.08 -86525.83 -89793.57 -79524.9 -82792.64 -86060.39 -85230.84 -88498.58 -91766.33 -131277.65 -135090.02 -138902.4 -151922.04 -155189.78 -158457.53 -137768.08 -141035.83 -144303.57 -137238.01 -140505.76 -143773.51 -50793.91 -51669.72 -52545.53

868.83 868.83 868.83 869.07 869.07 869.07 5747.03 5747.03 5747.03 -5726.32 -5726.32 -5726.32 1742.63 1742.63 1742.63 -1721.91 -1721.91 -1721.91 6605.85 6605.85 6605.85 -4867.5 -4867.5 -4867.5 2601.44 2601.44 2601.44 -863.1 -863.1 -863.1 1005.94 1005.94 1005.94 860.68 860.68 860.68 861.28 861.28 861.28 861.26 861.26 861.26 8026.97 8026.97 8026.97

4251.68 4251.68 4251.68 4256.68 4256.68 4256.68 3584.2 3584.2 3584.2 -781.64 -781.64 -781.64 8522.85 8522.85 8522.85 -5720.29 -5720.29 -5720.29 6441.87 6441.87 6441.87 2076.04 2076.04 2076.04 11380.52 11380.52 11380.52 -2862.62 -2862.62 -2862.62 4165.09 4165.09 4165.09 5011.57 5011.57 5011.57 4472.37 4472.37 4472.37 4471.21 4471.21 4471.21 4518.28 4518.28 4518.28

680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-55811.37 -56687.18 -57562.99 -45116.16 -45991.96 -46867.77 -61489.12 -62364.93 -63240.74 -134488.34 -137756.09 -141023.83 -139505.81 -142773.55 -146041.3 -128810.59 -132078.34 -135346.08 -145183.56 -148451.3 -151719.05 -182761.67 -186574.04 -190386.41 -212171.79 -215439.54 -218707.28 -191972.89 -195240.64 -198508.38 -191442.59 -194710.33 -197978.08 -67628.72 -68504.53 -69380.34 -76627.73 -77503.54 -78379.35 -57429.26 -58305.07 -59180.88 -86827.18 -87702.99 -88578.8

-7993.61 -7993.61 -7993.61 2445.67 2445.67 2445.67 -2412.31 -2412.31 -2412.31 8871.54 8871.54 8871.54 -7149.03 -7149.03 -7149.03 3290.25 3290.25 3290.25 -1567.73 -1567.73 -1567.73 542.3 542.3 542.3 459.64 459.64 459.64 461.55 461.55 461.55 461.58 461.58 461.58 9193.98 9193.98 9193.98 -9178.26 -9178.26 -9178.26 2788.34 2788.34 2788.34 -2772.61 -2772.61 -2772.61

-1458.05 -1458.05 -1458.05 11279.68 11279.68 11279.68 -8219.45 -8219.45 -8219.45 7458.85 7458.85 7458.85 1482.51 1482.51 1482.51 14220.24 14220.24 14220.24 -5278.88 -5278.88 -5278.88 2219.48 2219.48 2219.48 2680.25 2680.25 2680.25 2388.41 2388.41 2388.41 2388.54 2388.54 2388.54 3897.07 3897.07 3897.07 -2281.48 -2281.48 -2281.48 10891.58 10891.58 10891.58 -9275.99 -9275.99 -9275.99

681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-186702.03 -189969.78 -193237.53 -195701.04 -198968.79 -202236.53 -176502.58 -179770.33 -183038.07 -205900.5 -209168.24 -212435.99 -26699.82 -30512.19 -34324.56 -29636.9 -32904.65 -36172.4 -27735.18 -31002.93 -34270.68 -27196.9 -30464.65 -33732.39 -15489.52 -16365.33 -17241.14 -15956.7 -16832.51 -17708.32 -15049.8 -15925.61 -16801.42 -16396.42 -17272.22 -18148.03 -26718.64 -29986.38 -33254.13 -27185.82 -30453.56 -33721.31 -26278.92 -29546.67 -32814.41

9647.71 9647.71 9647.71 -8724.53 -8724.53 -8724.53 3242.07 3242.07 3242.07 -2318.88 -2318.88 -2318.88 27.04 27.04 27.04 32.45 32.45 32.45 29.02 29.02 29.02 28.98 28.98 28.98 2435.59 2435.59 2435.59 -2416.7 -2416.7 -2416.7 750.77 750.77 750.77 -731.88 -731.88 -731.88 2455.1 2455.1 2455.1 -2397.18 -2397.18 -2397.18 770.29 770.29 770.29

5477.87 5477.87 5477.87 -700.68 -700.68 -700.68 12472.38 12472.38 12472.38 -7695.19 -7695.19 -7695.19 4022.55 4022.55 4022.55 4624.99 4624.99 4624.99 4234.35 4234.35 4234.35 4190.98 4190.98 4190.98 2886.7 2886.7 2886.7 827.02 827.02 827.02 5117 5117 5117 -1403.28 -1403.28 -1403.28 5201.1 5201.1 5201.1 3141.42 3141.42 3141.42 7431.4 7431.4 7431.4

682 682 682 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 684 684 684 684 684 684

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-27625.53 -30893.28 -34161.03 -83786.59 -87598.96 -91411.33 -94853.58 -98121.33 -101389.07 -86841.53 -90109.27 -93377.02 -86306.15 -89573.9 -92841.64 -33397.96 -34273.77 -35149.58 -35679.77 -36555.58 -37431.39 -30983.14 -31858.95 -32734.76 -38094.59 -38970.4 -39846.21 -84921.9 -88189.64 -91457.39 -87203.7 -90471.45 -93739.19 -82507.08 -85774.82 -89042.57 -89618.52 -92886.27 -96154.01 -140949.39 -144761.76 -148574.13 -160160.46 -163428.21 -166695.96

-712.37 -712.37 -712.37 -28.26 -28.26 -28.26 -11.6 -11.6 -11.6 -16.35 -16.35 -16.35 -16.34 -16.34 -16.34 5736.65 5736.65 5736.65 -5739.01 -5739.01 -5739.01 1733.92 1733.92 1733.92 -1736.29 -1736.29 -1736.29 5721.5 5721.5 5721.5 -5754.16 -5754.16 -5754.16 1718.77 1718.77 1718.77 -1751.44 -1751.44 -1751.44 -27.81 -27.81 -27.81 -10.36 -10.36 -10.36

911.12 911.12 911.12 3995.2 3995.2 3995.2 4846.18 4846.18 4846.18 4305.23 4305.23 4305.23 4311.9 4311.9 4311.9 3642.66 3642.66 3642.66 -886.98 -886.98 -886.98 8521.27 8521.27 8521.27 -5765.59 -5765.59 -5765.59 6579.75 6579.75 6579.75 2050.11 2050.11 2050.11 11458.36 11458.36 11458.36 -2828.5 -2828.5 -2828.5 4294.89 4294.89 4294.89 5164.72 5164.72 5164.72

684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-146031.01 -149298.76 -152566.51 -145496.55 -148764.3 -152032.04 -50685.62 -51561.43 -52437.23 -56117.29 -56993.1 -57868.9 -44854.55 -45730.36 -46606.17 -61948.35 -62824.16 -63699.97 -142537.78 -145805.53 -149073.27 -147969.45 -151237.2 -154504.94 -136706.72 -139974.46 -143242.21 -153800.51 -157068.26 -160336 -197792.16 -201604.53 -205416.9 -225255.79 -228523.54 -231791.29 -204985.79 -208253.53 -211521.28 -204451.92 -207719.67 -210987.42 -67871.79 -68747.6 -69623.41

-15.37 -15.37 -15.37 -15.41 -15.41 -15.41 8021.84 8021.84 8021.84 -8016.6 -8016.6 -8016.6 2436 2436 2436 -2430.75 -2430.75 -2430.75 8003.79 8003.79 8003.79 -8034.65 -8034.65 -8034.65 2417.95 2417.95 2417.95 -2448.8 -2448.8 -2448.8 -38.76 -38.76 -38.76 -31.49 -31.49 -31.49 -32.14 -32.14 -32.14 -32.14 -32.14 -32.14 9190.21 9190.21 9190.21

4609.95 4609.95 4609.95 4608.67 4608.67 4608.67 4721.49 4721.49 4721.49 -1616.72 -1616.72 -1616.72 11544.06 11544.06 11544.06 -8439.28 -8439.28 -8439.28 7777.19 7777.19 7777.19 1438.98 1438.98 1438.98 14599.76 14599.76 14599.76 -5383.58 -5383.58 -5383.58 2341.55 2341.55 2341.55 2816.69 2816.69 2816.69 2512.78 2512.78 2512.78 2513.03 2513.03 2513.03 4081.4 4081.4 4081.4

685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-76771.06 -77646.87 -78522.68 -58268.7 -59144.51 -60020.32 -86374.15 -87249.96 -88125.77 -199759.62 -203027.37 -206295.12 -208658.89 -211926.64 -215194.38 -190156.53 -193424.28 -196692.02 -218261.99 -221529.73 -224797.48 -27431.03 -31243.4 -35055.77 -30448.29 -33716.03 -36983.78 -28496.61 -31764.35 -35032.1 -27941.86 -31209.6 -34477.35 -15698.95 -16574.76 -17450.57 -16426.55 -17302.36 -18178.17 -15302.07 -16177.88 -17053.69 -16823.42 -17699.23 -18575.04

-9201.65 -9201.65 -9201.65 2778.59 2778.59 2778.59 -2790.03 -2790.03 -2790.03 9163.79 9163.79 9163.79 -9228.06 -9228.06 -9228.06 2752.18 2752.18 2752.18 -2816.45 -2816.45 -2816.45 55.57 55.57 55.57 168.34 168.34 168.34 127.34 127.34 127.34 123.7 123.7 123.7 2619.73 2619.73 2619.73 -2399.55 -2399.55 -2399.55 868.86 868.86 868.86 -648.68 -648.68 -648.68

-2418.36 -2418.36 -2418.36 11081.54 11081.54 11081.54 -9418.49 -9418.49 -9418.49 5763.02 5763.02 5763.02 -736.74 -736.74 -736.74 12763.15 12763.15 12763.15 -7736.87 -7736.87 -7736.87 4039.41 4039.41 4039.41 4642.24 4642.24 4642.24 4251.34 4251.34 4251.34 4207.29 4207.29 4207.29 2928.51 2928.51 2928.51 809.45 809.45 809.45 5106.93 5106.93 5106.93 -1368.97 -1368.97 -1368.97

686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-27325.9 -30593.64 -33861.39 -28053.5 -31321.24 -34588.99 -26929.02 -30196.77 -33464.51 -28450.37 -31718.12 -34985.86 -83978.01 -87790.38 -91602.75 -95566.92 -98834.67 -102102.42 -87364.06 -90631.81 -93899.55 -86815.72 -90083.47 -93351.22 -33811.61 -34687.42 -35563.23 -36314.28 -37190.09 -38065.9 -31423.08 -32298.89 -33174.7 -38702.81 -39578.62 -40454.43 -85315.15 -88582.89 -91850.64 -87817.82 -91085.56 -94353.31 -82926.62 -86194.36 -89462.11

2631.68 2631.68 2631.68 -2387.6 -2387.6 -2387.6 880.81 880.81 880.81 -636.73 -636.73 -636.73 -206 -206 -206 -68.58 -68.58 -68.58 -110.61 -110.61 -110.61 -109.3 -109.3 -109.3 5764.9 5764.9 5764.9 -5681.67 -5681.67 -5681.67 1769.14 1769.14 1769.14 -1685.91 -1685.91 -1685.91 5614.58 5614.58 5614.58 -5831.99 -5831.99 -5831.99 1618.82 1618.82 1618.82

5246.8 5246.8 5246.8 3127.73 3127.73 3127.73 7425.22 7425.22 7425.22 949.31 949.31 949.31 3981.31 3981.31 3981.31 4836.33 4836.33 4836.33 4294.12 4294.12 4294.12 4301.21 4301.21 4301.21 3720.31 3720.31 3720.31 -965.87 -965.87 -965.87 8527.95 8527.95 8527.95 -5773.51 -5773.51 -5773.51 6647.51 6647.51 6647.51 1961.34 1961.34 1961.34 11455.15 11455.15 11455.15

687 687 687 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 689 689 689 689 689 689

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-90206.35 -93474.09 -96741.84 -140699.46 -144511.83 -148324.2 -160841.6 -164109.35 -167377.09 -146391.4 -149659.15 -152926.89 -145844.12 -149111.86 -152379.61 -51338.98 -52214.79 -53090.6 -56975.02 -57850.83 -58726.64 -45569.56 -46445.37 -47321.18 -62744.43 -63620.24 -64496.05 -142777.33 -146045.07 -149312.82 -148413.37 -151681.12 -154948.86 -137007.92 -140275.66 -143543.41 -154182.78 -157450.53 -160718.27 -197142.68 -200955.05 -204767.42 -225980.96 -229248.7 -232516.45

-1836.23 -1836.23 -1836.23 -119.11 -119.11 -119.11 19.71 19.71 19.71 -25.95 -25.95 -25.95 -25.97 -25.97 -25.97 7993.27 7993.27 7993.27 -7825.37 -7825.37 -7825.37 2470.53 2470.53 2470.53 -2302.63 -2302.63 -2302.63 7883.35 7883.35 7883.35 -7935.29 -7935.29 -7935.29 2360.61 2360.61 2360.61 -2412.56 -2412.56 -2412.56 -75.01 -75.01 -75.01 -7.82 -7.82 -7.82

-2846.3 -2846.3 -2846.3 4287.3 4287.3 4287.3 5163.76 5163.76 5163.76 4607 4607 4607 4605.64 4605.64 4605.64 4859.98 4859.98 4859.98 -1732.72 -1732.72 -1732.72 11622.69 11622.69 11622.69 -8495.44 -8495.44 -8495.44 7901.37 7901.37 7901.37 1308.67 1308.67 1308.67 14664.08 14664.08 14664.08 -5454.04 -5454.04 -5454.04 2343.83 2343.83 2343.83 2826.65 2826.65 2826.65

689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 689 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-205244.8 -208512.54 -211780.29 -204698.51 -207966.25 -211234 -68583.41 -69459.22 -70335.03 -78152.22 -79028.03 -79903.84 -59316.44 -60192.25 -61068.06 -87419.19 -88295 -89170.8 -199665.79 -202933.54 -206201.28 -209234.59 -212502.34 -215770.09 -190398.82 -193666.57 -196934.31 -218501.56 -221769.31 -225037.05 -19801.01 -23613.38 -27425.75 -21271.64 -24539.38 -27807.13 -20145.56 -23413.3 -26681.05 -19730.19 -22997.93 -26265.68 -10926.47 -11802.28 -12678.09

-29.15 -29.15 -29.15 -29.02 -29.02 -29.02 9150.84 9150.84 9150.84 -9067.97 -9067.97 -9067.97 2790.87 2790.87 2790.87 -2708 -2708 -2708 9080.44 9080.44 9080.44 -9138.37 -9138.37 -9138.37 2720.47 2720.47 2720.47 -2778.4 -2778.4 -2778.4 -3048.71 -3048.71 -3048.71 -3749.76 -3749.76 -3749.76 -3360.71 -3360.71 -3360.71 -3328.96 -3328.96 -3328.96 1154.51 1154.51 1154.51

2519.76 2519.76 2519.76 2519.99 2519.99 2519.99 4199.17 4199.17 4199.17 -2519.95 -2519.95 -2519.95 11092.99 11092.99 11092.99 -9413.77 -9413.77 -9413.77 5879.66 5879.66 5879.66 -839.47 -839.47 -839.47 12773.47 12773.47 12773.47 -7733.28 -7733.28 -7733.28 3861.97 3861.97 3861.97 4489.39 4489.39 4489.39 4085.83 4085.83 4085.83 4052.84 4052.84 4052.84 2410.08 2410.08 2410.08

690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-13405.41 -14281.22 -15157.03 -11124.26 -12000.07 -12875.88 -13207.63 -14083.44 -14959.25 -18301.91 -21569.66 -24837.4 -20780.85 -24048.6 -27316.34 -18499.7 -21767.44 -25035.19 -20583.06 -23850.81 -27118.56 -65955.63 -69768 -73580.37 -76776.18 -80043.93 -83311.67 -69654.17 -72921.92 -76189.66 -69253.44 -72521.19 -75788.94 -19180.8 -20056.6 -20932.41 -32088.75 -32964.56 -33840.37 -20213.93 -21089.74 -21965.55 -31055.62 -31931.43 -32807.24

-4335.11 -4335.11 -4335.11 -753.32 -753.32 -753.32 -2427.29 -2427.29 -2427.29 -569.71 -569.71 -569.71 -6059.33 -6059.33 -6059.33 -2477.53 -2477.53 -2477.53 -4151.51 -4151.51 -4151.51 -2556.29 -2556.29 -2556.29 -3368.4 -3368.4 -3368.4 -2927.36 -2927.36 -2927.36 -2926.98 -2926.98 -2926.98 5526.89 5526.89 5526.89 -8053.97 -8053.97 -8053.97 787.79 787.79 787.79 -3314.87 -3314.87 -3314.87

269.15 269.15 269.15 4495.76 4495.76 4495.76 -1816.53 -1816.53 -1816.53 5108.31 5108.31 5108.31 2967.37 2967.37 2967.37 7193.98 7193.98 7193.98 881.7 881.7 881.7 4394.67 4394.67 4394.67 5400.51 5400.51 5400.51 4781.98 4781.98 4781.98 4787.03 4787.03 4787.03 3242.16 3242.16 3242.16 -1561.12 -1561.12 -1561.12 7858.13 7858.13 7858.13 -6177.1 -6177.1 -6177.1

691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 691 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-62617.32 -65885.06 -69152.81 -75525.27 -78793.02 -82060.77 -63650.45 -66918.2 -70185.94 -74492.14 -77759.89 -81027.64 -112638.32 -116450.69 -120263.06 -132977.63 -136245.38 -139513.13 -119776.97 -123044.71 -126312.46 -119383.3 -122651.04 -125918.79 -23113.59 -23989.4 -24865.21 -55635.6 -56511.41 -57387.22 -26214.1 -27089.91 -27965.72 -52535.09 -53410.9 -54286.71 -102943.35 -106211.1 -109478.84 -135465.36 -138733.11 -142000.85 -106043.86 -109311.61 -112579.35

3863.62 3863.62 3863.62 -9717.23 -9717.23 -9717.23 -875.48 -875.48 -875.48 -4978.14 -4978.14 -4978.14 -2474.76 -2474.76 -2474.76 -3232.68 -3232.68 -3232.68 -2818.97 -2818.97 -2818.97 -2816.33 -2816.33 -2816.33 8546.74 8546.74 8546.74 -11037.74 -11037.74 -11037.74 1710.72 1710.72 1710.72 -4201.71 -4201.71 -4201.71 6977.1 6977.1 6977.1 -12607.37 -12607.37 -12607.37 141.08 141.08 141.08

7190.97 7190.97 7190.97 2387.69 2387.69 2387.69 11806.94 11806.94 11806.94 -2228.29 -2228.29 -2228.29 4518.31 4518.31 4518.31 5539.77 5539.77 5539.77 4916.09 4916.09 4916.09 4914.88 4914.88 4914.88 4393.56 4393.56 4393.56 -2413.73 -2413.73 -2413.73 10921.04 10921.04 10921.04 -8941.21 -8941.21 -8941.21 8317.97 8317.97 8317.97 1510.68 1510.68 1510.68 14845.46 14845.46 14845.46

692 692 692 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 694 694 694 694 694 694

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-132364.85 -135632.6 -138900.34 -160419.86 -164232.23 -168044.6 -190703.11 -193970.85 -197238.6 -171209.36 -174477.11 -177744.85 -170819.43 -174087.18 -177354.92 -25421.36 -26297.17 -27172.98 -81408.91 -82284.72 -83160.53 -31493.63 -32369.44 -33245.25 -75336.64 -76212.45 -77088.25 -142648.42 -145916.16 -149183.91 -198635.97 -201903.71 -205171.46 -148720.69 -151988.44 -155256.18 -192563.69 -195831.44 -199099.19 -8887.15 -12699.53 -16511.9 -9574.56 -12842.3 -16110.05

-5771.35 -5771.35 -5771.35 -1263.97 -1263.97 -1263.97 -1654.4 -1654.4 -1654.4 -1441.08 -1441.08 -1441.08 -1440.39 -1440.39 -1440.39 9619.82 9619.82 9619.82 -10898.71 -10898.71 -10898.71 2462.4 2462.4 2462.4 -3741.29 -3741.29 -3741.29 8819.18 8819.18 8819.18 -11699.35 -11699.35 -11699.35 1661.77 1661.77 1661.77 -4541.93 -4541.93 -4541.93 -1069.65 -1069.65 -1069.65 -1540.23 -1540.23 -1540.23

-5016.8 -5016.8 -5016.8 2398.71 2398.71 2398.71 2962.22 2962.22 2962.22 2622.31 2622.31 2622.31 2622.39 2622.39 2622.39 3987.54 3987.54 3987.54 -2929.44 -2929.44 -2929.44 10669.64 10669.64 10669.64 -9611.54 -9611.54 -9611.54 6080.91 6080.91 6080.91 -836.06 -836.06 -836.06 12763.02 12763.02 12763.02 -7518.17 -7518.17 -7518.17 1855.7 1855.7 1855.7 1915.72 1915.72 1915.72

694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695

0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max

-8968.86 -12236.6 -15504.35 -8859.35 -12127.1 -15394.84 -2831 -3706.81 -4582.62 -7222.37 -8098.18 -8973.99 -3648.26 -4524.07 -5399.88 -6405.11 -7280.92 -8156.73 -6613.89 -9881.64 -13149.38 -11005.26 -14273 -17540.75 -7431.15 -10698.9 -13966.64 -10188 -13455.75 -16723.49 -35135.52 -38947.89 -42760.26 -36266.79 -39534.53 -42802.28 -34103.57 -37371.32 -40639.06 -33981.16 -37248.91 -40516.66 -1623.89 -2499.7 -3375.51

-1307.25 -1307.25 -1307.25 -1306.58 -1306.58 -1306.58 1175.82 1175.82 1175.82 -1872.63 -1872.63 -1872.63 116.77 116.77 116.77 -813.59 -813.59 -813.59 217.95 217.95 217.95 -2830.49 -2830.49 -2830.49 -841.09 -841.09 -841.09 -1771.45 -1771.45 -1771.45 -1156.32 -1156.32 -1156.32 -1581.95 -1581.95 -1581.95 -1366.49 -1366.49 -1366.49 -1361.28 -1361.28 -1361.28 4542.76 4542.76 4542.76

1811.14 1811.14 1811.14 1796.32 1796.32 1796.32 1702.29 1702.29 1702.29 -349.45 -349.45 -349.45 3690.27 3690.27 3690.27 -2337.43 -2337.43 -2337.43 2815.46 2815.46 2815.46 763.72 763.72 763.72 4803.44 4803.44 4803.44 -1224.26 -1224.26 -1224.26 1885.42 1885.42 1885.42 1916.6 1916.6 1916.6 1801.88 1801.88 1801.88 1803.61 1803.61 1803.61 2599.06 2599.06 2599.06

695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-21166.1 -22041.91 -22917.72 -4896.98 -5772.79 -6648.6 -17893.01 -18768.82 -19644.63 -24154.42 -27422.17 -30689.91 -43696.63 -46964.38 -50232.12 -27427.51 -30695.26 -33963 -40423.54 -43691.29 -46959.03 -61145.13 -64957.5 -68769.87 -62662.43 -65930.18 -69197.93 -58968.15 -62235.89 -65503.64 -58839.71 -62107.45 -65375.2 5620.55 4744.74 3868.93 -40816.98 -41692.79 -42568.6 -2236.2 -3112.01 -3987.82 -32960.23 -33836.04 -34711.85

-5133.88 -5133.88 -5133.88 1168.22 1168.22 1168.22 -1759.34 -1759.34 -1759.34 3479.41 3479.41 3479.41 -6197.23 -6197.23 -6197.23 104.87 104.87 104.87 -2822.69 -2822.69 -2822.69 -872.59 -872.59 -872.59 -1222.87 -1222.87 -1222.87 -1046.96 -1046.96 -1046.96 -1045.09 -1045.09 -1045.09 6870.88 6870.88 6870.88 -7198.78 -7198.78 -7198.78 1960.75 1960.75 1960.75 -2288.66 -2288.66 -2288.66

-1972.49 -1972.49 -1972.49 6996.9 6996.9 6996.9 -6370.32 -6370.32 -6370.32 4090.17 4090.17 4090.17 -481.38 -481.38 -481.38 8488 8488 8488 -4879.21 -4879.21 -4879.21 1925.32 1925.32 1925.32 1957.88 1957.88 1957.88 1843.85 1843.85 1843.85 1842.72 1842.72 1842.72 3647.29 3647.29 3647.29 -2867.98 -2867.98 -2867.98 9893.76 9893.76 9893.76 -9114.46 -9114.46 -9114.46

696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.25 1,4D 0.25 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max

-35562.56 -38830.3 -42098.05 -82000.09 -85267.84 -88535.59 -43419.31 -46687.06 -49954.8 -74143.34 -77411.09 -80678.83 -86324.58 -86801.13 -90908.55 -94244.37 -98056.74 -87919.46 -88327.93 -91848.57 -94707.85 -97975.6 -82850.74 -83259.21 -86779.85 -89639.13 -92906.88 -82719.26 -83127.73 -86648.37 -89507.65 -92775.4 15523.85 15414.37 15414.37 14648.04 13772.23 -62388.77 -62498.25 -62498.25 -63264.58 -64140.39 1968.27 1858.79 1858.79

5990.59 5990.59 5990.59 -8079.07 -8079.07 -8079.07 1080.47 1080.47 1080.47 -3168.94 -3168.94 -3168.94 -408.54 -408.54 -408.54 -408.54 -408.54 -570.27 -570.27 -570.27 -570.27 -570.27 -488.71 -488.71 -488.71 -488.71 -488.71 -487.88 -487.88 -487.88 -487.88 -487.88 8649.47 8649.47 8649.47 8649.47 8649.47 -8767.33 -8767.33 -8767.33 -8767.33 -8767.33 2574.54 2574.54 2574.54

5099.84 5099.84 5099.84 -1415.42 -1415.42 -1415.42 11346.32 11346.32 11346.32 -7661.9 -7661.9 -7661.9 1016.13 1016.13 1016.13 1016.13 1016.13 1042.2 1042.2 1042.2 1042.2 1042.2 978.13 978.13 978.13 978.13 978.13 978.01 978.01 978.01 978.01 978.01 3575.27 3575.27 3575.27 3575.27 3575.27 -3171.15 -3171.15 -3171.15 -3171.15 -3171.15 10068.16 10068.16 10068.16

697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698

2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

1092.46 216.65 -48833.19 -48942.67 -48942.67 -49709 -50584.81 -43703.19 -44111.66 -47632.3 -50491.58 -53759.32 -121615.81 -122024.28 -125544.92 -128404.2 -131671.95 -57258.77 -57667.24 -61187.88 -64047.16 -67314.91 -108060.23 -108468.7 -111989.34 -114848.62 -118116.36 -8799.34 -12611.71 -16424.08 -9335.23 -12602.98 -15870.73 -8791.07 -12058.81 -15326.56 -8681.55 -11949.29 -15217.04 -2785.92 -3661.73 -4537.54 -7179.3 -8055.11 -8930.92

2574.54 2574.54 -2692.41 -2692.41 -2692.41 -2692.41 -2692.41 8220.9 8220.9 8220.9 8220.9 8220.9 -9195.9 -9195.9 -9195.9 -9195.9 -9195.9 2145.97 2145.97 2145.97 2145.97 2145.97 -3120.97 -3120.97 -3120.97 -3120.97 -3120.97 781.79 781.79 781.79 1125.53 1125.53 1125.53 955.48 955.48 955.48 954.85 954.85 954.85 1881.29 1881.29 1881.29 -1182.4 -1182.4 -1182.4

10068.16 10068.16 -9664.03 -9664.03 -9664.03 -9664.03 -9664.03 4351.16 4351.16 4351.16 4351.16 4351.16 -2395.26 -2395.26 -2395.26 -2395.26 -2395.26 10844.05 10844.05 10844.05 10844.05 10844.05 -8888.14 -8888.14 -8888.14 -8888.14 -8888.14 -1463.83 -1463.83 -1463.83 -1545.48 -1545.48 -1545.48 -1453.46 -1453.46 -1453.46 -1438.92 -1438.92 -1438.92 334.3 334.3 334.3 -1770.27 -1770.27 -1770.27

698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-3603.11 -4478.92 -5354.73 -6362.11 -7237.92 -8113.73 -6435.07 -9702.82 -12970.57 -10828.46 -14096.2 -17363.95 -7252.27 -10520.01 -13787.76 -10011.26 -13279.01 -16546.76 -35379.53 -39191.9 -43004.27 -36007.15 -39274.9 -42542.64 -34020.31 -37288.06 -40555.81 -33897.41 -37165.16 -40432.9 -2854.77 -3730.58 -4606.39 -21993.87 -22869.68 -23745.49 -6088.61 -6964.42 -7840.23 -18760.03 -19635.84 -20511.65 -24272 -27539.74 -30807.49

815.74 815.74 815.74 -116.84 -116.84 -116.84 2486.41 2486.41 2486.41 -577.28 -577.28 -577.28 1420.86 1420.86 1420.86 488.28 488.28 488.28 703.49 703.49 703.49 984.08 984.08 984.08 847.31 847.31 847.31 842.07 842.07 842.07 5120.62 5120.62 5120.62 -4534.48 -4534.48 -4534.48 1751.23 1751.23 1751.23 -1165.1 -1165.1 -1165.1 5667.23 5667.23 5667.23

2294.73 2294.73 2294.73 -3730.7 -3730.7 -3730.7 -380.03 -380.03 -380.03 -2484.59 -2484.59 -2484.59 1580.41 1580.41 1580.41 -4445.03 -4445.03 -4445.03 -1375.57 -1375.57 -1375.57 -1525.22 -1525.22 -1525.22 -1391.05 -1391.05 -1391.05 -1394.78 -1394.78 -1394.78 1902.82 1902.82 1902.82 -2849.25 -2849.25 -2849.25 6336.14 6336.14 6336.14 -7282.57 -7282.57 -7282.57 979.56 979.56 979.56

699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-43411.1 -46678.84 -49946.59 -27505.84 -30773.58 -34041.33 -40177.25 -43445 -46712.75 -61765.53 -65577.9 -69390.27 -62390.69 -65658.43 -68926.18 -58999.46 -62267.2 -65534.95 -58869.53 -62137.28 -65405.02 3000.08 2124.27 1248.46 -42317.51 -43193.31 -44069.12 -4699.81 -5575.62 -6451.43 -34617.62 -35493.43 -36369.24 -36151.69 -39419.43 -42687.18 -81469.27 -84737.01 -88004.76 -43851.57 -47119.32 -50387.07 -73769.38 -77037.12 -80304.87

-3987.87 -3987.87 -3987.87 2297.85 2297.85 2297.85 -618.49 -618.49 -618.49 461.99 461.99 461.99 685.71 685.71 685.71 579.2 579.2 579.2 577.38 577.38 577.38 7172.15 7172.15 7172.15 -6851.89 -6851.89 -6851.89 2277.43 2277.43 2277.43 -1957.16 -1957.16 -1957.16 7588.57 7588.57 7588.57 -6435.47 -6435.47 -6435.47 2693.84 2693.84 2693.84 -1540.75 -1540.75 -1540.75

-3772.51 -3772.51 -3772.51 5412.88 5412.88 5412.88 -8205.83 -8205.83 -8205.83 -1563.75 -1563.75 -1563.75 -1730.64 -1730.64 -1730.64 -1584.32 -1584.32 -1584.32 -1584.29 -1584.29 -1584.29 2785.21 2785.21 2785.21 -3965.93 -3965.93 -3965.93 9076.9 9076.9 9076.9 -10257.61 -10257.61 -10257.61 1791.29 1791.29 1791.29 -4959.84 -4959.84 -4959.84 8082.98 8082.98 8082.98 -11251.53 -11251.53 -11251.53

701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-87323.72 -91136.09 -94948.46 -87721.99 -90989.73 -94257.48 -83050.74 -86318.49 -89586.24 -82917.32 -86185.07 -89452.81 11434.17 10558.36 9682.55 -64520.08 -65395.89 -66271.7 -1822.72 -2698.53 -3574.34 -51263.19 -52139 -53014.81 -44879.55 -48147.3 -51415.04 -120833.8 -124101.55 -127369.29 -58136.44 -61404.19 -64671.93 -107576.91 -110844.66 -114112.4 -20913.55 -24725.92 -28538.29 -22779.51 -26047.25 -29315 -21445.64 -24713.39 -27981.13

187 187 187 285.75 285.75 285.75 239.65 239.65 239.65 238.84 238.84 238.84 8752.48 8752.48 8752.48 -8642.1 -8642.1 -8642.1 2683.22 2683.22 2683.22 -2572.83 -2572.83 -2572.83 8935.76 8935.76 8935.76 -8458.81 -8458.81 -8458.81 2866.5 2866.5 2866.5 -2389.55 -2389.55 -2389.55 3300.71 3300.71 3300.71 3982.54 3982.54 3982.54 3587.09 3587.09 3587.09

-866.19 -866.19 -866.19 -966.3 -966.3 -966.3 -881.95 -881.95 -881.95 -882.3 -882.3 -882.3 3118.5 3118.5 3118.5 -3774.57 -3774.57 -3774.57 9632.63 9632.63 9632.63 -10288.69 -10288.69 -10288.69 2564.08 2564.08 2564.08 -4328.98 -4328.98 -4328.98 9078.21 9078.21 9078.21 -10843.11 -10843.11 -10843.11 -2533.48 -2533.48 -2533.48 -2991.44 -2991.44 -2991.44 -2722.45 -2722.45 -2722.45

702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-21030.22 -24297.96 -27565.71 -10795.38 -11671.19 -12547 -13382.97 -14258.78 -15134.59 -11030.7 -11906.51 -12782.32 -13147.65 -14023.46 -14899.27 -19547.59 -22815.34 -26083.09 -22135.18 -25402.92 -28670.67 -19782.91 -23050.66 -26318.4 -21899.86 -25167.6 -28435.35 -62537.55 -66349.93 -70162.3 -70651.01 -73918.76 -77186.5 -64728.3 -67996.05 -71263.79 -64326.69 -67594.44 -70862.19 -20157.08 -21032.89 -21908.7 -33092.05 -33967.86 -34843.67

3555.43 3555.43 3555.43 4333.52 4333.52 4333.52 -1156.93 -1156.93 -1156.93 2421.41 2421.41 2421.41 755.18 755.18 755.18 6286.26 6286.26 6286.26 795.81 795.81 795.81 4374.15 4374.15 4374.15 2707.92 2707.92 2707.92 3204.55 3204.55 3204.55 4024.76 4024.76 4024.76 3545.97 3545.97 3545.97 3545.57 3545.57 3545.57 8035.07 8035.07 8035.07 -5493.23 -5493.23 -5493.23

-2689.59 -2689.59 -2689.59 -323.06 -323.06 -323.06 -2432.45 -2432.45 -2432.45 1780.34 1780.34 1780.34 -4535.85 -4535.85 -4535.85 -1619.95 -1619.95 -1619.95 -3729.35 -3729.35 -3729.35 483.45 483.45 483.45 -5832.75 -5832.75 -5832.75 -2079.92 -2079.92 -2079.92 -2819.3 -2819.3 -2819.3 -2422.1 -2422.1 -2422.1 -2429.37 -2429.37 -2429.37 1381.06 1381.06 1381.06 -3365.32 -3365.32 -3365.32

703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-21310.29 -22186.1 -23061.91 -31938.84 -32814.65 -33690.46 -57676.66 -60944.41 -64212.15 -70611.63 -73879.38 -77147.12 -58829.87 -62097.61 -65365.36 -69458.42 -72726.17 -75993.92 -104419.63 -108232 -112044.37 -118862.35 -122130.09 -125397.84 -108315.37 -111583.11 -114850.86 -107919.84 -111187.59 -114455.33 -25194.3 -26070.11 -26945.92 -57579.14 -58454.95 -59330.76 -28481.26 -29357.07 -30232.88 -54292.18 -55167.99 -56043.8 -91547.63 -94815.38 -98083.12

3314.74 6102.65 3314.74 6102.65 3314.74 6102.65 -772.9 -8086.91 -772.9 -8086.91 -772.9 -8086.91 10309.54 -59.48 10309.54 -59.48 10309.54 -59.48 -3218.75 -4805.86 -3218.75 -4805.86 -3218.75 -4805.86 5589.22 4662.11 5589.22 4662.11 5589.22 4662.11 1501.57 -9527.45 1501.57 -9527.45 1501.57 -9527.45 3112.86 -2399.24 3112.86 -2399.24 3112.86 -2399.24 3889.18 -3182.64 3889.18 -3182.64 3889.18 -3182.64 3434.34 -2760.43 3434.34 -2760.43 3434.34 -2760.43 3431.74 -2760.35 3431.74 -2760.35 3431.74 -2760.35 10997.63 2169.18 10997.63 2169.18 10997.63 2169.18 -8490.74 -4550.46 -8490.74 -4550.46 -8490.74 -4550.46 4185.63 8846.16 4185.63 8846.16 4185.63 8846.16 -1678.73 -11227.44 -1678.73 -11227.44 -1678.73 -11227.44 13174.75 599.51 13174.75 599.51 13174.75 599.51

704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705 705

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-123932.48 -127200.22 -130467.97 -94834.59 -98102.34 -101370.08 -120645.52 -123913.26 -127181.01 -146888.37 -150700.74 -154513.11 -167915.92 -171183.67 -174451.41 -152620.77 -155888.52 -159156.27 -152228.44 -155496.19 -158763.94 -28658.22 -29534.03 -30409.84 -84298.22 -85174.03 -86049.84 -34984.89 -35860.7 -36736.51 -77971.55 -78847.36 -79723.17 -124230.11 -127497.85 -130765.6 -179870.12 -183137.86 -186405.61 -130556.78 -133824.52 -137092.27 -173543.44 -176811.19 -180078.94

-6313.62 -6313.62 -6313.62 6362.74 6362.74 6362.74 498.39 498.39 498.39 1620.86 1620.86 1620.86 2022.36 2022.36 2022.36 1785.73 1785.73 1785.73 1785.07 1785.07 1785.07 10882.15 10882.15 10882.15 -9594.35 -9594.35 -9594.35 3739.68 3739.68 3739.68 -2451.87 -2451.87 -2451.87 12023.03 12023.03 12023.03 -8453.48 -8453.48 -8453.48 4880.55 4880.55 4880.55 -1311 -1311 -1311

-6120.13 -6120.13 -6120.13 7276.49 7276.49 7276.49 -12797.11 -12797.11 -12797.11 -1331.32 -1331.32 -1331.32 -1773.97 -1773.97 -1773.97 -1536.04 -1536.04 -1536.04 -1536.57 -1536.57 -1536.57 2755.83 2755.83 2755.83 -4070.53 -4070.53 -4070.53 9524.17 9524.17 9524.17 -10838.87 -10838.87 -10838.87 1876.38 1876.38 1876.38 -4949.98 -4949.98 -4949.98 8644.72 8644.72 8644.72 -11718.32 -11718.32 -11718.32

706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-27823.01 -31635.38 -35447.76 -30736.18 -34003.93 -37271.67 -28802.34 -32070.08 -35337.83 -28247.76 -31515.5 -34783.25 -15729.53 -16605.33 -17481.14 -16464.09 -17339.9 -18215.71 -15348.99 -16224.8 -17100.61 -16844.63 -17720.44 -18596.25 -27628.39 -30896.14 -34163.88 -28362.96 -31630.7 -34898.45 -27247.85 -30515.6 -33783.35 -28743.49 -32011.24 -35278.99 -85270.24 -89082.61 -92894.98 -96596.85 -99864.6 -103132.35 -88423.87 -91691.62 -94959.36

-179.64 -179.64 -179.64 -221.51 -221.51 -221.51 -200.53 -200.53 -200.53 -196.82 -196.82 -196.82 2400.62 2400.62 2400.62 -2632.25 -2632.25 -2632.25 646.75 646.75 646.75 -878.38 -878.38 -878.38 2321.3 2321.3 2321.3 -2711.57 -2711.57 -2711.57 567.43 567.43 567.43 -957.7 -957.7 -957.7 -130.45 -130.45 -130.45 -180.64 -180.64 -180.64 -153.19 -153.19 -153.19

-3638.97 -3638.97 -3638.97 -4211.73 -4211.73 -4211.73 -3853.72 -3853.72 -3853.72 -3809.53 -3809.53 -3809.53 -731.4 -731.4 -731.4 -2824.69 -2824.69 -2824.69 1444.28 1444.28 1444.28 -5000.37 -5000.37 -5000.37 -2742.8 -2742.8 -2742.8 -4836.09 -4836.09 -4836.09 -567.12 -567.12 -567.12 -7011.77 -7011.77 -7011.77 -3263.32 -3263.32 -3263.32 -4185.07 -4185.07 -4185.07 -3653.12 -3653.12 -3653.12

707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-87874.9 -91142.65 -94410.39 -33876.87 -34752.68 -35628.49 -36454.44 -37330.25 -38206.06 -31530.69 -32406.5 -33282.31 -38800.62 -39676.43 -40552.24 -86336.59 -89604.33 -92872.08 -88914.15 -92181.9 -95449.64 -83990.4 -87258.15 -90525.89 -91260.33 -94528.08 -97795.83 -137655.65 -141468.02 -145280.39 -158094.56 -161362.3 -164630.05 -143698.12 -146965.87 -150233.61 -143149.13 -146416.88 -149684.63 -51509.53 -52385.34 -53261.15 -57096.41 -57972.22 -58848.03

-154.59 -3662.92 -154.59 -3662.92 -154.59 -3662.92 5691.49 1061.69 5691.49 1061.69 5691.49 1061.69 -5784.23 -3619.88 -5784.23 -3619.88 -5784.23 -3619.88 1686.46 5901.59 1686.46 5901.59 1686.46 5901.59 -1779.2 -8459.78 -1779.2 -8459.78 -1779.2 -8459.78 5582.63 -1326.59 5582.63 -1326.59 5582.63 -1326.59 -5893.09 -6008.16 -5893.09 -6008.16 -5893.09 -6008.16 1577.6 3513.31 1577.6 3513.31 1577.6 3513.31 -1888.06 -10848.06 -1888.06 -10848.06 -1888.06 -10848.06 -242.91 -3170.12 -242.91 -3170.12 -242.91 -3170.12 -299.66 -4221.33 -299.66 -4221.33 -299.66 -4221.33 -265.42 -3657.71 -265.42 -3657.71 -265.42 -3657.71 -265.37 -3657.36 -265.37 -3657.36 -265.37 -3657.36 7830.82 1755.69 7830.82 1755.69 7830.82 1755.69 -8010.38 -4834.64 -8010.38 -4834.64 -8010.38 -4834.64

708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-45717.27 -46593.08 -47468.89 -62888.67 -63764.48 -64640.29 -140106.16 -143373.9 -146641.65 -145693.03 -148960.78 -152228.53 -134313.9 -137581.64 -140849.39 -151485.3 -154753.04 -158020.79 -190233.4 -194045.77 -197858.14 -219867.4 -223135.14 -226402.89 -199205.52 -202473.27 -205741.02 -198657.06 -201924.81 -205192.55 -68894.82 -69770.63 -70646.44 -78150.05 -79025.86 -79901.67 -59483.53 -60359.34 -61235.15 -87561.34 -88437.15 -89312.96 -193780.15 -197047.9 -200315.64

2297.74 2297.74 2297.74 -2477.3 -2477.3 -2477.3 7655.25 7655.25 7655.25 -8185.95 -8185.95 -8185.95 2122.17 2122.17 2122.17 -2652.87 -2652.87 -2652.87 -123.76 -123.76 -123.76 -152.52 -152.52 -152.52 -134.97 -134.97 -134.97 -135.08 -135.08 -135.08 9079.98 9079.98 9079.98 -9169.78 -9169.78 -9169.78 2711.65 2711.65 2711.65 -2801.45 -2801.45 -2801.45 8989.74 8989.74 8989.74

8559.93 8559.93 8559.93 -11638.88 -11638.88 -11638.88 -362.04 -362.04 -362.04 -6952.36 -6952.36 -6952.36 6442.21 6442.21 6442.21 -13756.61 -13756.61 -13756.61 -1842.13 -1842.13 -1842.13 -2427.09 -2427.09 -2427.09 -2108.32 -2108.32 -2108.32 -2108.94 -2108.94 -2108.94 2498.86 2498.86 2498.86 -4199.98 -4199.98 -4199.98 9413.43 9413.43 9413.43 -11114.55 -11114.55 -11114.55 1240.21 1240.21 1240.21

709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-203035.37 -206303.12 -209570.87 -184368.86 -187636.6 -190904.35 -212446.67 -215714.41 -218982.16 -27449.52 -31261.89 -35074.26 -30364.76 -33632.5 -36900.25 -28433.72 -31701.47 -34969.21 -27893.17 -31160.92 -34428.66 -15516.53 -16392.34 -17268.15 -15983.38 -16859.19 -17735 -15059.13 -15934.94 -16810.75 -16440.77 -17316.58 -18192.39 -27414.04 -30681.79 -33949.53 -27880.89 -31148.64 -34416.38 -26956.65 -30224.4 -33492.14 -28338.29 -31606.03 -34873.78

-9260.01 -9260.01 -9260.01 2621.41 2621.41 2621.41 -2891.68 -2891.68 -2891.68 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -5.64 -5.64 -5.64 -7.27 -7.27 -7.27 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46 2422.55 2422.55 2422.55 -2440.62 -2440.62 -2440.62 727.24 727.24 727.24 -745.31 -745.31 -745.31 2424.03 2424.03 2424.03 -2439.13 -2439.13 -2439.13 728.72 728.72 728.72 -743.82 -743.82 -743.82

-5458.64 -5458.64 -5458.64 8154.77 8154.77 8154.77 -12373.2 -12373.2 -12373.2 -3627.3 -3627.3 -3627.3 -4198.61 -4198.61 -4198.61 -3841.65 -3841.65 -3841.65 -3797.56 -3797.56 -3797.56 -746.14 -746.14 -746.14 -2783.98 -2783.98 -2783.98 1466.4 1466.4 1466.4 -4996.51 -4996.51 -4996.51 -2758.6 -2758.6 -2758.6 -4796.44 -4796.44 -4796.44 -546.07 -546.07 -546.07 -7008.97 -7008.97 -7008.97

711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-84421.32 -88233.69 -92046.06 -95476.68 -98744.43 -102012.17 -87437.05 -90704.79 -93972.54 -86899.91 -90167.65 -93435.4 -33518.37 -34394.18 -35269.99 -35778.12 -36653.93 -37529.73 -31075.87 -31951.68 -32827.49 -38220.61 -39096.42 -39972.23 -85525.88 -88793.63 -92061.37 -87785.63 -91053.37 -94321.12 -83083.38 -86351.13 -89618.87 -90228.13 -93495.87 -96763.62 -136311.95 -140124.32 -143936.69 -156248.93 -159516.68 -162784.43 -142099.11 -145366.86 -148634.61

-24.75 -3298.27 -24.75 -3298.27 -24.75 -3298.27 -47.6 -4221.4 -47.6 -4221.4 -47.6 -4221.4 -37.8 -3686.83 -37.8 -3686.83 -37.8 -3686.83 -37.72 -3696.83 -37.72 -3696.83 -37.72 -3696.83 5769.47 988.24 5769.47 988.24 5769.47 988.24 -5749.57 -3532.89 -5749.57 -3532.89 -5749.57 -3532.89 1748.96 5889.92 1748.96 5889.92 1748.96 5889.92 -1729.06 -8434.57 -1729.06 -8434.57 -1729.06 -8434.57 5721.84 -1440.81 5721.84 -1440.81 5721.84 -1440.81 -5797.2 -5961.94 -5797.2 -5961.94 -5797.2 -5961.94 1701.33 3460.87 1701.33 3460.87 1701.33 3460.87 -1776.7 -10863.62 -1776.7 -10863.62 -1776.7 -10863.62 -3.66 -3216.41 -3.66 -3216.41 -3.66 -3216.41 -31.34 -4269.9 -31.34 -4269.9 -31.34 -4269.9 -20.8 -3703.04 -20.8 -3703.04 -20.8 -3703.04

712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-141561.74 -144829.48 -148097.23 -50907.56 -51783.37 -52659.18 -56282.16 -57157.97 -58033.78 -45051.2 -45927.01 -46802.82 -62138.51 -63014.32 -63890.13 -138630.18 -141897.92 -145165.67 -144004.78 -147272.52 -150540.27 -132773.82 -136041.56 -139309.31 -149861.13 -153128.88 -156396.63 -188228.99 -192041.36 -195853.73 -217068.71 -220336.46 -223604.2 -196798.72 -200066.47 -203334.22 -196261.66 -199529.41 -202797.16 -68191.69 -69067.5 -69943.31 -76989.02 -77864.82 -78740.63

-20.77 -20.77 -20.77 8048.45 8048.45 8048.45 -8026.68 -8026.68 -8026.68 2430.51 2430.51 2430.51 -2408.74 -2408.74 -2408.74 8016.81 8016.81 8016.81 -8058.32 -8058.32 -8058.32 2398.87 2398.87 2398.87 -2440.38 -2440.38 -2440.38 7.47 7.47 7.47 -7.97 -7.97 -7.97 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2.58 -2.58 -2.58 9233.12 9233.12 9233.12 -9203.81 -9203.81 -9203.81

-3702.6 -3702.6 -3702.6 1626.44 1626.44 1626.44 -4707 -4707 -4707 8493.56 8493.56 8493.56 -11574.12 -11574.12 -11574.12 -535.69 -535.69 -535.69 -6869.12 -6869.12 -6869.12 6331.44 6331.44 6331.44 -13736.25 -13736.25 -13736.25 -1878.16 -1878.16 -1878.16 -2465.18 -2465.18 -2465.18 -2143.75 -2143.75 -2143.75 -2144.34 -2144.34 -2144.34 2388.5 2388.5 2388.5 -4092.5 -4092.5 -4092.5

713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-58595.6 -59471.41 -60347.22 -86585.1 -87460.91 -88336.72 -191618.88 -194886.63 -198154.37 -200416.21 -203683.95 -206951.7 -182022.8 -185290.54 -188558.29 -210012.29 -213280.04 -216547.79 -26808.96 -30621.33 -34433.7 -29519.2 -32786.94 -36054.69 -27705.8 -30973.55 -34241.29 -27159.74 -30427.49 -33695.23 -15837.1 -16712.9 -17588.71 -16171.66 -17047.47 -17923.28 -15475.55 -16351.36 -17227.17 -16533.2 -17409.01 -18284.82 -26744.25 -30012 -33279.74

2801.19 2801.19 2801.19 -2771.88 -2771.88 -2771.88 9215.89 9215.89 9215.89 -9221.04 -9221.04 -9221.04 2783.96 2783.96 2783.96 -2789.11 -2789.11 -2789.11 459.18 459.18 459.18 791.89 791.89 791.89 642.41 642.41 642.41 642.51 642.51 642.51 2417.65 2417.65 2417.65 -2484.03 -2484.03 -2484.03 709.65 709.65 709.65 -776.04 -776.04 -776.04 3093.39 3093.39 3093.39

9415.47 9415.47 9415.47 -11119.47 -11119.47 -11119.47 1095.9 1095.9 1095.9 -5385.1 -5385.1 -5385.1 8122.87 8122.87 8122.87 -12412.07 -12412.07 -12412.07 -3937.32 -3937.32 -3937.32 -4501.87 -4501.87 -4501.87 -4130.73 -4130.73 -4130.73 -4086.74 -4086.74 -4086.74 -596.36 -596.36 -596.36 -2546.62 -2546.62 -2546.62 1632.75 1632.75 1632.75 -4775.72 -4775.72 -4775.72 -3091.6 -3091.6 -3091.6

714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-27078.81 -30346.56 -33614.31 -26382.71 -29650.46 -32918.2 -27440.36 -30708.1 -33975.85 -84965.02 -88777.39 -92589.76 -97928.62 -101196.37 -104464.12 -89147.15 -92414.89 -95682.64 -88607.55 -91875.3 -95143.04 -32209.01 -33084.82 -33960.63 -34315.74 -35191.54 -36067.35 -29804.09 -30679.9 -31555.71 -36720.65 -37596.46 -38472.27 -87308.92 -90576.67 -93844.41 -89415.64 -92683.39 -95951.14 -84904 -88171.75 -91439.5 -91820.56 -95088.31 -98356.05

-1808.29 -5041.87 -1808.29 -5041.87 -1808.29 -5041.87 1385.4 -862.5 1385.4 -862.5 1385.4 -862.5 -100.29 -7270.97 -100.29 -7270.97 -100.29 -7270.97 1049.35 -4250.79 1049.35 -4250.79 1049.35 -4250.79 1772.02 -5096.79 1772.02 -5096.79 1772.02 -5096.79 1444.92 -4540.2 1444.92 -4540.2 1444.92 -4540.2 1444.82 -4550.13 1444.82 -4550.13 1444.82 -4550.13 5731.76 1254.78 5731.76 1254.78 5731.76 1254.78 -5856.5 -3076.89 -5856.5 -3076.89 -5856.5 -3076.89 1689.59 6201.57 1689.59 6201.57 1689.59 6201.57 -1814.33 -8023.68 -1814.33 -8023.68 -1814.33 -8023.68 7238.9 -2388.81 7238.9 -2388.81 7238.9 -2388.81 -4349.35 -6720.48 -4349.35 -6720.48 -4349.35 -6720.48 3196.74 2557.98 3196.74 2557.98 3196.74 2557.98 -307.18 -11667.27 -307.18 -11667.27 -307.18 -11667.27

716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-143141.07 -146953.44 -150765.81 -166385.46 -169653.2 -172920.95 -150632.38 -153900.12 -157167.87 -150092.56 -153360.3 -156628.05 -48020.06 -48895.87 -49771.68 -53250.48 -54126.28 -55002.09 -42054.22 -42930.03 -43805.84 -59216.31 -60092.12 -60967.93 -147231.97 -150499.72 -153767.46 -152462.39 -155730.14 -158997.88 -141266.14 -144533.89 -147801.63 -158428.22 -161695.97 -164963.72 -201707.31 -205519.68 -209332.05 -235369.47 -238637.21 -241904.96 -212571.46 -215839.21 -219106.95

1047.82 -4656.38 1047.82 -4656.38 1047.82 -4656.38 1750.81 -5563.44 1750.81 -5563.44 1750.81 -5563.44 1431.03 -4974.44 1431.03 -4974.44 1431.03 -4974.44 1431.05 -4973.93 1431.05 -4973.93 1431.05 -4973.93 8013.87 1837.94 8013.87 1837.94 8013.87 1837.94 -8140.38 -4229.61 -8140.38 -4229.61 -8140.38 -4229.61 2369.08 8767.57 2369.08 8767.57 2369.08 8767.57 -2495.59 -11159.24 -2495.59 -11159.24 -2495.59 -11159.24 9508.19 -1939.93 9508.19 -1939.93 9508.19 -1939.93 -6646.06 -8007.48 -6646.06 -8007.48 -6646.06 -8007.48 3863.4 4989.7 3863.4 4989.7 3863.4 4989.7 -1001.27 -14937.1 -1001.27 -14937.1 -1001.27 -14937.1 568.15 -2597.72 568.15 -2597.72 568.15 -2597.72 954.13 -3111.05 954.13 -3111.05 954.13 -3111.05 778.96 -2778.77 778.96 -2778.77 778.96 -2778.77

717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 717 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-212032.31 -215300.06 -218567.8 -63618.36 -64494.17 -65369.98 -72371.05 -73246.86 -74122.67 -53649.53 -54525.34 -55401.15 -82339.88 -83215.69 -84091.5 -207410.9 -210678.64 -213946.39 -216163.58 -219431.33 -222699.08 -197442.06 -200709.81 -203977.55 -226132.42 -229400.16 -232667.91 -26977.59 -30789.96 -34602.33 -29670.28 -32938.02 -36205.77 -27854.37 -31122.11 -34389.86 -27308.36 -30576.11 -33843.85 -15708.84 -16584.65 -17460.46 -16046.8 -16922.61 -17798.42

778.96 778.96 778.96 9202.69 9202.69 9202.69 -9269.15 -9269.15 -9269.15 2750.22 2750.22 2750.22 -2816.69 -2816.69 -2816.69 10014.87 10014.87 10014.87 -8456.97 -8456.97 -8456.97 3562.4 3562.4 3562.4 -2004.5 -2004.5 -2004.5 -280.21 -280.21 -280.21 -559.63 -559.63 -559.63 -439.67 -439.67 -439.67 -439.81 -439.81 -439.81 2501.89 2501.89 2501.89 -2384.73 -2384.73 -2384.73

-2779.3 -2779.3 -2779.3 2459.22 2459.22 2459.22 -3794.04 -3794.04 -3794.04 9593.31 9593.31 9593.31 -10928.13 -10928.13 -10928.13 347.09 347.09 347.09 -5906.17 -5906.17 -5906.17 7481.18 7481.18 7481.18 -13040.26 -13040.26 -13040.26 -3875.08 -3875.08 -3875.08 -4504.34 -4504.34 -4504.34 -4112.2 -4112.2 -4112.2 -4068.26 -4068.26 -4068.26 -718.33 -718.33 -718.33 -2685.71 -2685.71 -2685.71

718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-15340.91 -16216.72 -17092.53 -16414.73 -17290.54 -18166.35 -26891.19 -30158.94 -33426.69 -27229.16 -30496.9 -33764.65 -26523.26 -29791.01 -33058.76 -27597.09 -30864.83 -34132.58 -83345.64 -87158.01 -90970.38 -96377 -99644.74 -102912.49 -87656.86 -90924.61 -94192.36 -87117.27 -90385.02 -93652.76 -33139.96 -34015.77 -34891.58 -35220.36 -36096.17 -36971.98 -30780.63 -31656.44 -32532.25 -37579.7 -38455.51 -39331.31 -85831.8 -89099.54 -92367.29

797.27 797.27 797.27 -680.11 -680.11 -680.11 2003.44 2003.44 2003.44 -2883.18 -2883.18 -2883.18 298.82 298.82 298.82 -1178.57 -1178.57 -1178.57 -587.65 -587.65 -587.65 -1215.74 -1215.74 -1215.74 -948.93 -948.93 -948.93 -948.75 -948.75 -948.75 5855.57 5855.57 5855.57 -5668.85 -5668.85 -5668.85 1841.08 1841.08 1841.08 -1654.35 -1654.35 -1654.35 4813.54 4813.54 4813.54

1512.61 1512.61 1512.61 -4916.65 -4916.65 -4916.65 -3064.6 -3064.6 -3064.6 -5031.98 -5031.98 -5031.98 -833.66 -833.66 -833.66 -7262.92 -7262.92 -7262.92 -4129.16 -4129.16 -4129.16 -5104.66 -5104.66 -5104.66 -4506.16 -4506.16 -4506.16 -4515.97 -4515.97 -4515.97 1010.25 1010.25 1010.25 -3354.81 -3354.81 -3354.81 5955.69 5955.69 5955.69 -8300.25 -8300.25 -8300.25 -2337.9 -2337.9 -2337.9

719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-87912.2 -91179.95 -94447.69 -83472.47 -86740.21 -90007.96 -90271.53 -93539.28 -96807.03 -139738.15 -143550.52 -147362.89 -163069.79 -166337.54 -169605.29 -147466.24 -150733.99 -154001.73 -146926.46 -150194.21 -153461.96 -49993.61 -50869.42 -51745.23 -55150.98 -56026.79 -56902.6 -44151.23 -45027.04 -45902.85 -60993.35 -61869.16 -62744.97 -144102.42 -147370.17 -150637.92 -149259.8 -152527.54 -155795.29 -138260.05 -141527.8 -144795.54 -155102.17 -158369.92 -161637.66

-6710.88 -6702.96 -6710.88 -6702.96 -6710.88 -6702.96 799.04 2607.54 799.04 2607.54 799.04 2607.54 -2696.39 -11648.4 -2696.39 -11648.4 -2696.39 -11648.4 -543.23 -4564.06 -543.23 -4564.06 -543.23 -4564.06 -1159.49 -5586.45 -1159.49 -5586.45 -1159.49 -5586.45 -899.25 -4959.11 -899.25 -4959.11 -899.25 -4959.11 -899.29 -4958.63 -899.29 -4958.63 -899.29 -4958.63 8129.67 1613.73 8129.67 1613.73 8129.67 1613.73 -7940.89 -4497.62 -7940.89 -4497.62 -7940.89 -4497.62 2522.67 8537.63 2522.67 8537.63 2522.67 8537.63 -2333.89 -11421.52 -2333.89 -11421.52 -2333.89 -11421.52 7135.97 -1902.74 7135.97 -1902.74 7135.97 -1902.74 -8934.58 -8014.1 -8934.58 -8014.1 -8934.58 -8014.1 1528.98 5021.16 1528.98 5021.16 1528.98 5021.16 -3327.59 -14938 -3327.59 -14938 -3327.59 -14938

721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 721 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-196619.54 -200431.91 -204244.28 -230397.98 -233665.72 -236933.47 -207828.86 -211096.61 -214364.36 -207289.76 -210557.51 -213825.26 -66704.16 -67579.97 -68455.78 -75332.87 -76208.68 -77084.49 -56942.31 -57818.12 -58693.93 -85094.72 -85970.53 -86846.34 -202730.36 -205998.11 -209265.85 -211359.08 -214626.82 -217894.57 -192968.52 -196236.26 -199504.01 -221120.92 -224388.67 -227656.41 -27627.99 -31440.36 -35252.73 -30504.58 -33772.33 -37040.07 -28578.48 -31846.23 -35113.97

-286.07 -286.07 -286.07 -628.08 -628.08 -628.08 -484.52 -484.52 -484.52 -484.5 -484.5 -484.5 9260.36 9260.36 9260.36 -9165.16 -9165.16 -9165.16 2829.41 2829.41 2829.41 -2734.21 -2734.21 -2734.21 8728.27 8728.27 8728.27 -9697.25 -9697.25 -9697.25 2297.32 2297.32 2297.32 -3266.31 -3266.31 -3266.31 -35.23 -35.23 -35.23 -25.06 -25.06 -25.06 -27.17 -27.17 -27.17

-2561.51 -2561.51 -2561.51 -3137.31 -3137.31 -3137.31 -2783.55 -2783.55 -2783.55 -2784.07 -2784.07 -2784.07 2344.82 2344.82 2344.82 -3948.1 -3948.1 -3948.1 9474.96 9474.96 9474.96 -11078.24 -11078.24 -11078.24 362.15 362.15 362.15 -5930.77 -5930.77 -5930.77 7492.29 7492.29 7492.29 -13060.91 -13060.91 -13060.91 -3206.44 -3206.44 -3206.44 -3857.61 -3857.61 -3857.61 -3493.18 -3493.18 -3493.18

722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-28037.93 -31305.67 -34573.42 -15529.87 -16405.68 -17281.49 -16003.42 -16879.23 -17755.03 -15072.95 -15948.76 -16824.57 -16460.34 -17336.15 -18211.96 -27555.45 -30823.2 -34090.94 -28028.99 -31296.74 -34564.49 -27098.53 -30366.27 -33634.02 -28485.92 -31753.66 -35021.41 -79585.63 -83398 -87210.37 -91247.75 -94515.5 -97783.24 -83239.57 -86507.31 -89775.06 -82702.49 -85970.23 -89237.98 -33513.6 -34389.41 -35265.22 -35770.89 -36646.7 -37522.51

-27.01 -27.01 -27.01 2436.22 2436.22 2436.22 -2427.98 -2427.98 -2427.98 739.36 739.36 739.36 -731.12 -731.12 -731.12 2405.15 2405.15 2405.15 -2459.04 -2459.04 -2459.04 708.3 708.3 708.3 -762.18 -762.18 -762.18 -37.73 -37.73 -37.73 2.29 2.29 2.29 -10.62 -10.62 -10.62 -10.68 -10.68 -10.68 5739.46 5739.46 5739.46 -5758.16 -5758.16 -5758.16

-3449.15 -3449.15 -3449.15 -739.85 -739.85 -739.85 -2789.98 -2789.98 -2789.98 1477.82 1477.82 1477.82 -5007.64 -5007.64 -5007.64 -2404.07 -2404.07 -2404.07 -4454.2 -4454.2 -4454.2 -186.41 -186.41 -186.41 -6671.87 -6671.87 -6671.87 -2805.68 -2805.68 -2805.68 -3842.46 -3842.46 -3842.46 -3291.72 -3291.72 -3291.72 -3301.67 -3301.67 -3301.67 982.14 982.14 982.14 -3548.8 -3548.8 -3548.8

723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-31079.5 -31955.31 -32831.12 -38204.99 -39080.8 -39956.61 -81329.71 -84597.46 -87865.2 -83587.01 -86854.75 -90122.5 -78895.61 -82163.36 -85431.1 -86021.1 -89288.85 -92556.6 -131477.7 -135290.07 -139102.44 -151931.34 -155199.09 -158466.83 -137846.68 -141114.43 -144382.18 -137309.37 -140577.11 -143844.86 -50866.4 -51742.21 -52618.02 -56244.79 -57120.6 -57996.41 -45048.68 -45924.49 -46800.3 -62062.52 -62938.33 -63814.14 -134375.94 -137643.68 -140911.43

1721.27 1721.27 1721.27 -1739.97 -1739.97 -1739.97 5738.1 5738.1 5738.1 -5759.52 -5759.52 -5759.52 1719.91 1719.91 1719.91 -1741.33 -1741.33 -1741.33 -5.44 -5.44 -5.44 30.76 30.76 30.76 17.52 17.52 17.52 17.48 17.48 17.48 8021.48 8021.48 8021.48 -8038.06 -8038.06 -8038.06 2410.81 2410.81 2410.81 -2427.38 -2427.38 -2427.38 8047.24 8047.24 8047.24

5862.25 5862.25 5862.25 -8428.9 -8428.9 -8428.9 -1040.72 -1040.72 -1040.72 -5571.66 -5571.66 -5571.66 3839.39 3839.39 3839.39 -10451.76 -10451.76 -10451.76 -3820.6 -3820.6 -3820.6 -4828.76 -4828.76 -4828.76 -4246.52 -4246.52 -4246.52 -4246.1 -4246.1 -4246.1 1625.48 1625.48 1625.48 -4724.82 -4724.82 -4724.82 8463.42 8463.42 8463.42 -11562.76 -11562.76 -11562.76 -1070.76 -1070.76 -1070.76

724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 724 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-139754.32 -143022.07 -146289.82 -128558.21 -131825.96 -135093.7 -145572.05 -148839.8 -152107.54 -188480.89 -192293.26 -196105.63 -217035.36 -220303.11 -223570.85 -196858.78 -200126.52 -203394.27 -196321.78 -199589.52 -202857.27 -68102.15 -68977.96 -69853.77 -76930.83 -77806.64 -78682.45 -58585.76 -59461.57 -60337.38 -86447.21 -87323.02 -88198.83 -191663.35 -194931.09 -198198.84 -200492.02 -203759.77 -207027.52 -182146.96 -185414.71 -188682.45 -210008.41 -213276.16 -216543.9

-8012.31 -8012.31 -8012.31 2436.56 2436.56 2436.56 -2401.63 -2401.63 -2401.63 -0.49 -0.49 -0.49 16.05 16.05 16.05 9.89 9.89 9.89 9.88 9.88 9.88 9200.36 9200.36 9200.36 -9226.69 -9226.69 -9226.69 2762.85 2762.85 2762.85 -2789.18 -2789.18 -2789.18 9223.4 9223.4 9223.4 -9203.66 -9203.66 -9203.66 2785.88 2785.88 2785.88 -2766.14 -2766.14 -2766.14

-7421.05 -7421.05 -7421.05 5767.19 5767.19 5767.19 -14259 -14259 -14259 -2450.99 -2450.99 -2450.99 -2979.05 -2979.05 -2979.05 -2649.04 -2649.04 -2649.04 -2649.62 -2649.62 -2649.62 2395.31 2395.31 2395.31 -4114.25 -4114.25 -4114.25 9408.33 9408.33 9408.33 -11127.26 -11127.26 -11127.26 604.89 604.89 604.89 -5904.67 -5904.67 -5904.67 7617.91 7617.91 7617.91 -12917.68 -12917.68 -12917.68

726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-28037.45 -31849.82 -35662.19 -30921.39 -34189.14 -37456.89 -28987.02 -32254.76 -35522.51 -28432.44 -31700.19 -34967.93 -15720.04 -16595.85 -17471.66 -16459.43 -17335.24 -18211.05 -15338.31 -16214.12 -17089.93 -16841.16 -17716.97 -18592.78 -27810.66 -31078.41 -34346.15 -28550.06 -31817.8 -35085.55 -27428.93 -30696.68 -33964.42 -28931.78 -32199.53 -35467.28 -79425.75 -83238.12 -87050.49 -91553 -94820.75 -98088.5 -83392.89 -86660.64 -89928.38

-13.34 -13.34 -13.34 69 69 69 43.2 43.2 43.2 39.47 39.47 39.47 2639.3 2639.3 2639.3 -2399.05 -2399.05 -2399.05 882.11 882.11 882.11 -641.86 -641.86 -641.86 2556.96 2556.96 2556.96 -2481.39 -2481.39 -2481.39 799.77 799.77 799.77 -724.21 -724.21 -724.21 -254.02 -254.02 -254.02 -149.09 -149.09 -149.09 -176.48 -176.48 -176.48

-3256.5 -3256.5 -3256.5 -3921.74 -3921.74 -3921.74 -3549.53 -3549.53 -3549.53 -3505.35 -3505.35 -3505.35 -726.49 -726.49 -726.49 -2837.75 -2837.75 -2837.75 1456.24 1456.24 1456.24 -5020.48 -5020.48 -5020.48 -2429.64 -2429.64 -2429.64 -4540.9 -4540.9 -4540.9 -246.9 -246.9 -246.9 -6723.63 -6723.63 -6723.63 -2845.34 -2845.34 -2845.34 -3915.6 -3915.6 -3915.6 -3350.38 -3350.38 -3350.38

727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-82843.91 -86111.66 -89379.4 -33868.41 -34744.22 -35620.03 -36448.75 -37324.56 -38200.37 -31524.86 -32400.67 -33276.47 -38792.3 -39668.11 -40543.92 -81304.2 -84571.95 -87839.7 -83884.54 -87152.29 -90420.03 -78960.65 -82228.4 -85496.14 -86228.09 -89495.84 -92763.59 -130812.43 -134624.8 -138437.17 -152144.09 -155411.84 -158679.58 -137779.48 -141047.22 -144314.97 -137230.49 -140498.23 -143765.98 -51489.79 -52365.6 -53241.41 -57086.99 -57962.8 -58838.61

-175.07 -3360.15 -175.07 -3360.15 -175.07 -3360.15 5782.52 1040.22 5782.52 1040.22 5782.52 1040.22 -5683.23 -3645.39 -5683.23 -3645.39 -5683.23 -3645.39 1776.82 5848.34 1776.82 5848.34 1776.82 5848.34 -1677.54 -8453.5 -1677.54 -8453.5 -1677.54 -8453.5 5558.44 -1021.79 5558.44 -1021.79 5558.44 -1021.79 -5907.31 -5707.4 -5907.31 -5707.4 -5907.31 -5707.4 1552.75 3786.32 1552.75 3786.32 1552.75 3786.32 -1901.61 -10515.52 -1901.61 -10515.52 -1901.61 -10515.52 -189.24 -3863.71 -189.24 -3863.71 -189.24 -3863.71 -73.89 -4903.73 -73.89 -4903.73 -73.89 -4903.73 -106.95 -4307.14 -106.95 -4307.14 -106.95 -4307.14 -107 -4306.79 -107 -4306.79 -107 -4306.79 8012.05 1735.67 8012.05 1735.67 8012.05 1735.67 -7826.83 -4863.29 -7826.83 -4863.29 -7826.83 -4863.29

728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-45725.97 -46601.78 -47477.59 -62850.81 -63726.62 -64602.43 -134182.34 -137450.09 -140717.83 -139779.55 -143047.29 -146315.04 -128418.52 -131686.27 -134954.02 -145543.36 -148811.11 -152078.86 -187424.56 -191236.93 -195049.31 -217329.84 -220597.58 -223865.33 -196716.72 -199984.46 -203252.21 -196168.25 -199435.99 -202703.74 -68864.87 -69740.68 -70616.49 -78145.68 -79021.49 -79897.3 -59510.79 -60386.6 -61262.41 -87499.77 -88375.58 -89251.39 -191278.54 -194546.28 -197814.03

2479.1 2479.1 2479.1 -2293.87 -2293.87 -2293.87 7812.42 7812.42 7812.42 -8026.46 -8026.46 -8026.46 2279.47 2279.47 2279.47 -2493.51 -2493.51 -2493.51 -121.87 -121.87 -121.87 -61.79 -61.79 -61.79 -77.93 -77.93 -77.93 -77.81 -77.81 -77.81 9172.45 9172.45 9172.45 -9080.26 -9080.26 -9080.26 2796.52 2796.52 2796.52 -2704.33 -2704.33 -2704.33 9048.6 9048.6 9048.6

8496.4 8496.4 8496.4 -11624.01 -11624.01 -11624.01 -1007.16 -1007.16 -1007.16 -7606.12 -7606.12 -7606.12 5753.57 5753.57 5753.57 -14366.84 -14366.84 -14366.84 -2463.92 -2463.92 -2463.92 -3007.71 -3007.71 -3007.71 -2671.07 -2671.07 -2671.07 -2671.69 -2671.69 -2671.69 2497.46 2497.46 2497.46 -4228.84 -4228.84 -4228.84 9389.65 9389.65 9389.65 -11121.03 -11121.03 -11121.03 691.19 691.19 691.19

729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 729 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-200559.35 -203827.09 -207094.84 -181924.45 -185192.2 -188459.94 -209913.43 -213181.18 -216448.92 -22083.34 -25895.71 -29708.08 -24037.47 -27305.21 -30572.96 -22607.84 -25875.58 -29143.33 -22192.44 -25460.19 -28727.93 -10708.57 -11584.38 -12460.19 -13319.15 -14194.96 -15070.77 -10956.82 -11832.63 -12708.44 -13070.9 -13946.71 -14822.52 -20698.34 -23966.08 -27233.83 -23308.91 -26576.66 -29844.4 -20946.59 -24214.33 -27482.08 -23060.66 -26328.41 -29596.15

-9204.11 -9204.11 -9204.11 2672.67 2672.67 2672.67 -2828.18 -2828.18 -2828.18 -3078.75 -3078.75 -3078.75 -3790.8 -3790.8 -3790.8 -3395.9 -3395.9 -3395.9 -3364.24 -3364.24 -3364.24 1164.92 1164.92 1164.92 -4334.11 -4334.11 -4334.11 -750.88 -750.88 -750.88 -2418.3 -2418.3 -2418.3 -600.34 -600.34 -600.34 -6099.37 -6099.37 -6099.37 -2516.14 -2516.14 -2516.14 -4183.56 -4183.56 -4183.56

-6035.12 -6035.12 -6035.12 7583.37 7583.37 7583.37 -12927.3 -12927.3 -12927.3 -2511.78 -2511.78 -2511.78 -2954.49 -2954.49 -2954.49 -2692.42 -2692.42 -2692.42 -2659.52 -2659.52 -2659.52 -334.47 -334.47 -334.47 -2467 -2467 -2467 1776.45 1776.45 1776.45 -4577.93 -4577.93 -4577.93 -1578.3 -1578.3 -1578.3 -3710.83 -3710.83 -3710.83 532.62 532.62 532.62 -5821.76 -5821.76 -5821.76

731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-57323.31 -61135.68 -64948.05 -66333.61 -69601.35 -72869.1 -60353.93 -63621.68 -66889.42 -59952.31 -63220.06 -66487.8 -20138.52 -21014.32 -21890.13 -33086.45 -33962.26 -34838.07 -21299.93 -22175.74 -23051.55 -31925.03 -32800.84 -33676.65 -53295.79 -56563.54 -59831.28 -66243.72 -69511.47 -72779.22 -54457.21 -57724.95 -60992.7 -65082.31 -68350.05 -71617.8 -92952.78 -96765.15 -100577.52 -109058.29 -112326.03 -115593.78 -98502.06 -101769.81 -105037.55

-2816.48 -2816.48 -2816.48 -3691.38 -3691.38 -3691.38 -3212.88 -3212.88 -3212.88 -3212.48 -3212.48 -3212.48 5489.87 5489.87 5489.87 -8027.59 -8027.59 -8027.59 769 769 769 -3306.71 -3306.71 -3306.71 3546.43 3546.43 3546.43 -9971.03 -9971.03 -9971.03 -1174.44 -1174.44 -1174.44 -5250.15 -5250.15 -5250.15 -2788.14 -2788.14 -2788.14 -3610.8 -3610.8 -3610.8 -3155.98 -3155.98 -3155.98

-2311.03 -2311.03 -2311.03 -3125.88 -3125.88 -3125.88 -2687.96 -2687.96 -2687.96 -2695.26 -2695.26 -2695.26 1356.06 1356.06 1356.06 -3390.49 -3390.49 -3390.49 6041.6 6041.6 6041.6 -8076.02 -8076.02 -8076.02 -325.3 -325.3 -325.3 -5071.86 -5071.86 -5071.86 4360.23 4360.23 4360.23 -9757.39 -9757.39 -9757.39 -2737.8 -2737.8 -2737.8 -3596.05 -3596.05 -3596.05 -3127.64 -3127.64 -3127.64

732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 732 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733

0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min

-98106.53 -101374.28 -104642.02 -25230.45 -26106.26 -26982.07 -57594.1 -58469.91 -59345.72 -28526.89 -29402.7 -30278.51 -54297.66 -55173.47 -56049.28 -81744.92 -85012.66 -88280.41 -114108.57 -117376.32 -120644.06 -85041.36 -88309.1 -91576.85 -110812.13 -114079.88 -117347.62 -128745.02 -132557.39 -136369.76 -152153.6 -155421.35 -158689.09 -136937.53 -140205.28 -143473.03 -136545.2 -139812.95 -143080.7 -28790.22 -29666.03 -30541.84 -84383.41 -85259.22 -86135.03

-3153.38 -3153.38 -3153.38 8490.22 8490.22 8490.22 -10994.42 -10994.42 -10994.42 1676.62 1676.62 1676.62 -4180.82 -4180.82 -4180.82 6590.12 6590.12 6590.12 -12894.51 -12894.51 -12894.51 -223.48 -223.48 -223.48 -6080.91 -6080.91 -6080.91 -1456.61 -1456.61 -1456.61 -1881.45 -1881.45 -1881.45 -1644.88 -1644.88 -1644.88 -1644.22 -1644.22 -1644.22 9596.72 9596.72 9596.72 -10883.94 -10883.94 -10883.94

-3127.55 -3127.55 -3127.55 2146.17 2146.17 2146.17 -4577.18 -4577.18 -4577.18 8770.97 8770.97 8770.97 -11201.98 -11201.98 -11201.98 234.17 234.17 234.17 -6489.19 -6489.19 -6489.19 6858.96 6858.96 6858.96 -13113.98 -13113.98 -13113.98 -1555.28 -1555.28 -1555.28 -2042.65 -2042.65 -2042.65 -1775.96 -1775.96 -1775.96 -1776.48 -1776.48 -1776.48 2757.87 2757.87 2757.87 -4093.9 -4093.9 -4093.9

733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-35119.16 2446.58 9497.39 -35994.97 2446.58 9497.39 -36870.78 2446.58 9497.39 -78054.48 -3733.8 -10833.42 -78930.29 -3733.8 -10833.42 -79806.1 -3733.8 -10833.42 -108570.28 8596.41 1649.17 -111838.02 8596.41 1649.17 -115105.77 8596.41 1649.17 -164163.47 -11884.24 -5202.6 -167431.21 -11884.24 -5202.6 -170698.96 -11884.24 -5202.6 -114899.21 1446.28 8388.69 -118166.96 1446.28 8388.69 -121434.7 1446.28 8388.69 -157834.54 -4734.11 -11942.13 -161102.28 -4734.11 -11942.13 -164370.03 -4734.11 -11942.13 -8626.76 -566.4 -1588.76 -12439.13 -566.4 -1588.76 -16251.5 -566.4 -1588.76 -9169.47 -943.05 -1699.7 -12437.22 -943.05 -1699.7 -15704.96 -943.05 -1699.7 -8631.97 -772.19 -1590.08 -11899.71 -772.19 -1590.08 -15167.46 -772.19 -1590.08 -8522.47 -771.57 -1575.47 -11790.22 -771.57 -1575.47 -15057.96 -771.57 -1575.47 -2701.79 1188.78 324.18 -3577.6 1188.78 324.18 -4453.41 1188.78 324.18 -7115.07 -1882.23 -1808.83 -7990.88 -1882.23 -1808.83 -8866.69 -1882.23 -1808.83 -3528.21 119.64 2297.42 -4404.02 119.64 2297.42 -5279.83 119.64 2297.42 -6288.65 -813.08 -3782.07 -7164.46 -813.08 -3782.07 -8040.27 -813.08 -3782.07 -6266.06 764.22 -502.33 -9533.81 764.22 -502.33 -12801.55 764.22 -502.33

734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735

0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-10679.34 -13947.08 -17214.83 -7092.48 -10360.23 -13627.97 -9852.92 -13120.66 -16388.41 -33128.75 -36941.12 -40753.49 -34049.37 -37317.11 -40584.86 -32073.18 -35340.93 -38608.67 -31950.32 -35218.07 -38485.82 -2822.08 -3697.88 -4573.69 -21971.17 -22846.98 -23722.79 -6065.01 -6940.82 -7816.63 -18728.23 -19604.04 -20479.85 -22319.93 -25587.68 -28855.42 -41469.03 -44736.77 -48004.52 -25562.87 -28830.61 -32098.36 -38226.09 -41493.84 -44761.58

-2306.79 -2306.79 -2306.79 -304.92 -304.92 -304.92 -1237.65 -1237.65 -1237.65 -460.42 -460.42 -460.42 -784.7 -784.7 -784.7 -644.57 -644.57 -644.57 -639.32 -639.32 -639.32 4531.16 4531.16 4531.16 -5113.51 -5113.51 -5113.51 1162.76 1162.76 1162.76 -1745.11 -1745.11 -1745.11 4185.4 4185.4 4185.4 -5459.27 -5459.27 -5459.27 817 817 817 -2090.87 -2090.87 -2090.87

-2635.34 -2635.34 -2635.34 1470.91 1470.91 1470.91 -4608.57 -4608.57 -4608.57 -1627.69 -1627.69 -1627.69 -1863.98 -1863.98 -1863.98 -1683.75 -1683.75 -1683.75 -1687.53 -1687.53 -1687.53 1865.87 1865.87 1865.87 -2868.87 -2868.87 -2868.87 6263.51 6263.51 6263.51 -7266.51 -7266.51 -7266.51 678.12 678.12 678.12 -4056.62 -4056.62 -4056.62 5075.76 5075.76 5075.76 -8454.26 -8454.26 -8454.26

736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737

0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 0.25 1,4D 0.25 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-57360.51 -61172.89 -64985.26 -58538.96 -61806.7 -65074.45 -55176.21 -58443.96 -61711.7 -55046.3 -58314.05 -61581.79 2993.02 2117.21 1241.4 -42299.1 -43174.91 -44050.72 -4728.9 -5604.71 -6480.52 -34577.17 -35452.98 -36328.79 -32341.19 -35608.93 -38876.68 -77633.31 -80901.06 -84168.8 -40063.11 -43330.86 -46598.61 -69911.38 -73179.13 -76446.88 -80812.43 -81288.97 -85396.39 -88732.22 -92544.59 -82042.51 -82450.98 -85971.63 -88830.9

-236.42 -236.42 -236.42 -500.99 -500.99 -500.99 -391.25 -391.25 -391.25 -389.42 -389.42 -389.42 6851.91 6851.91 6851.91 -7169.26 -7169.26 -7169.26 1959.01 1959.01 1959.01 -2276.36 -2276.36 -2276.36 6621.99 6621.99 6621.99 -7399.17 -7399.17 -7399.17 1729.1 1729.1 1729.1 -2506.28 -2506.28 -2506.28 -78.49 -78.49 -78.49 -78.49 -78.49 -198.4 -198.4 -198.4 -198.4

-1865.12 -1865.12 -1865.12 -2113.61 -2113.61 -2113.61 -1920.55 -1920.55 -1920.55 -1920.51 -1920.51 -1920.51 2750.08 2750.08 2750.08 -3988.99 -3988.99 -3988.99 8989.33 8989.33 8989.33 -10228.25 -10228.25 -10228.25 1449.04 1449.04 1449.04 -5290.03 -5290.03 -5290.03 7688.29 7688.29 7688.29 -11529.28 -11529.28 -11529.28 -1035.18 -1035.18 -1035.18 -1035.18 -1035.18 -1175.96 -1175.96 -1175.96 -1175.96

737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737

4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0.25 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0.25 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0.25 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max Max Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Max Max

-92098.65 -77408.15 -77816.61 -81337.26 -84196.54 -87464.28 -77274.74 -77683.2 -81203.85 -84063.13 -87330.87 11344.94 11235.46 11235.46 10469.13 9593.32 -64555.7 -64665.18 -64665.18 -65431.51 -66307.32 -1939.74 -2049.21 -2049.21 -2815.55 -3691.36 -51271.02 -51380.5 -51380.5 -52146.83 -53022.64 -39263.77 -39672.24 -43192.89 -46052.16 -49319.91 -115164.41 -115572.88 -119093.53 -121952.8 -125220.55 -52548.45 -52956.92 -56477.56 -59336.84

-198.4 -150.18 -150.18 -150.18 -150.18 -150.18 -149.37 -149.37 -149.37 -149.37 -149.37 8644.35 8644.35 8644.35 8644.35 8644.35 -8753.5 -8753.5 -8753.5 -8753.5 -8753.5 2568.03 2568.03 2568.03 2568.03 2568.03 -2677.18 -2677.18 -2677.18 -2677.18 -2677.18 8549.92 8549.92 8549.92 8549.92 8549.92 -8847.92 -8847.92 -8847.92 -8847.92 -8847.92 2473.61 2473.61 2473.61 2473.61

-1175.96 -1067.3 -1067.3 -1067.3 -1067.3 -1067.3 -1067.65 -1067.65 -1067.65 -1067.65 -1067.65 3113.71 3113.71 3113.71 3113.71 3113.71 -3794.16 -3794.16 -3794.16 -3794.16 -3794.16 9595.37 9595.37 9595.37 9595.37 9595.37 -10275.82 -10275.82 -10275.82 -10275.82 -10275.82 2386.13 2386.13 2386.13 2386.13 2386.13 -4521.75 -4521.75 -4521.75 -4521.75 -4521.75 8867.78 8867.78 8867.78 8867.78

737 737 737 737 737 737 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 739 739 739

4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0.25 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Min Min Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-62604.59 -101879.74 -102288.2 -105808.85 -108668.13 -111935.87 -8096.42 -11908.79 -15721.16 -8510.48 -11778.23 -15045.98 -8043.69 -11311.44 -14579.18 -7939.27 -11207.02 -14474.76 -2328.39 -3204.2 -4080.01 -6882.99 -7758.8 -8634.61 -2975.99 -3851.8 -4727.61 -6235.39 -7111.2 -7987.01 -5614.51 -8882.25 -12150 -10169.11 -13436.85 -16704.6 -6262.11 -9529.85 -12797.6 -9521.51 -12789.25 -16057 -36582.41 -40394.78 -44207.15

2473.61 -2771.61 -2771.61 -2771.61 -2771.61 -2771.61 786.29 786.29 786.29 967.53 967.53 967.53 857.97 857.97 857.97 857.52 857.52 857.52 1849.9 1849.9 1849.9 -1225.06 -1225.06 -1225.06 809.98 809.98 809.98 -185.14 -185.14 -185.14 2394.79 2394.79 2394.79 -680.16 -680.16 -680.16 1354.88 1354.88 1354.88 359.75 359.75 359.75 768.74 768.74 768.74

8867.78 -11003.4 -11003.4 -11003.4 -11003.4 -11003.4 1171.91 1171.91 1171.91 1468.24 1468.24 1468.24 1312.2 1312.2 1312.2 1296.94 1296.94 1296.94 1268.77 1268.77 1268.77 434.49 434.49 434.49 2076.73 2076.73 2076.73 -373.47 -373.47 -373.47 1707.14 1707.14 1707.14 872.85 872.85 872.85 2515.1 2515.1 2515.1 64.9 64.9 64.9 282.19 282.19 282.19

739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 739 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-36449.4 -39717.14 -42984.89 -34672.49 -37940.24 -41207.99 -34558.87 -37826.62 -41094.36 -2021.35 -2897.16 -3772.97 -20998.2 -21874.01 -22749.82 -5451.6 -6327.41 -7203.22 -17567.95 -18443.76 -19319.57 -25018.8 -28286.55 -31554.29 -43995.65 -47263.4 -50531.14 -28449.05 -31716.8 -34984.54 -40565.4 -43833.15 -47100.89 -64783.5 -68595.87 -72408.24 -64061.32 -67329.07 -70596.81 -60999.91 -64267.66 -67535.4 -60881.74 -64149.48 -67417.23

897.6 897.6 897.6 812.37 812.37 812.37 808.72 808.72 808.72 5076.3 5076.3 5076.3 -4553.2 -4553.2 -4553.2 1756.56 1756.56 1756.56 -1233.45 -1233.45 -1233.45 5621.81 5621.81 5621.81 -4007.69 -4007.69 -4007.69 2302.07 2302.07 2302.07 -687.94 -687.94 -687.94 570.74 570.74 570.74 664.15 664.15 664.15 599.86 599.86 599.86 598.74 598.74 598.74

774.2 774.2 774.2 571.46 571.46 571.46 574.13 574.13 574.13 1741.51 1741.51 1741.51 -613.8 -613.8 -613.8 4021.25 4021.25 4021.25 -2893.54 -2893.54 -2893.54 1753 1753 1753 -602.32 -602.32 -602.32 4032.74 4032.74 4032.74 -2882.06 -2882.06 -2882.06 478.84 478.84 478.84 958.01 958.01 958.01 753.94 753.94 753.94 752.85 752.85 752.85

740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

3911.4 3035.59 2159.78 -40398.05 -41273.86 -42149.67 -4898.23 -5774.04 -6649.85 -31588.42 -32464.23 -33340.04 -38673.29 -41941.04 -45208.79 -82982.75 -86250.49 -89518.24 -47482.92 -50750.67 -54018.42 -74173.12 -77440.86 -80708.61 -92412.48 -96224.85 -100037.22 -90957.24 -94224.99 -97492.73 -86693.24 -89960.99 -93228.74 -86572.82 -89840.56 -93108.31 12328.15 11452.34 10576.53 -61745.35 -62621.16 -63496.97 -2986.24 -3862.05 -4737.86

7138.34 7138.34 7138.34 -6818.71 -6818.71 -6818.71 2290.21 2290.21 2290.21 -1970.59 -1970.59 -1970.59 7576.75 7576.75 7576.75 -6380.3 -6380.3 -6380.3 2728.62 2728.62 2728.62 -1532.17 -1532.17 -1532.17 262.39 262.39 262.39 300.67 300.67 300.67 272.86 272.86 272.86 272.35 272.35 272.35 8774.19 8774.19 8774.19 -8642.48 -8642.48 -8642.48 2759.01 2759.01 2759.01

2263.81 2263.81 2263.81 -942.33 -942.33 -942.33 5343.65 5343.65 5343.65 -4022.17 -4022.17 -4022.17 2355.43 2355.43 2355.43 -850.71 -850.71 -850.71 5435.27 5435.27 5435.27 -3930.55 -3930.55 -3930.55 248.01 248.01 248.01 527.36 527.36 527.36 409.29 409.29 409.29 409.31 409.31 409.31 2764.68 2764.68 2764.68 -2037.97 -2037.97 -2037.97 7418.58 7418.58 7418.58

741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 741 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-46430.97 -47306.78 -48182.59 -49481.33 -52749.07 -56016.82 -123554.83 -126822.57 -130090.32 -64795.71 -68063.46 -71331.2 -108240.44 -111508.19 -114775.93 -16598.35 -20410.72 -24223.09 -17750.67 -21018.42 -24286.16 -16776.45 -20044.2 -23311.94 -16479.9 -19747.65 -23015.39 -8374.4 -9250.21 -10126.02 -11241.05 -12116.86 -12992.67 -8393.53 -9269.34 -10145.15 -11221.92 -12097.73 -12973.54 -14911.78 -18179.52 -21447.27 -17778.44 -21046.18 -24313.93

-2627.3 -2627.3 -2627.3 8980.45 8980.45 8980.45 -8436.22 -8436.22 -8436.22 2965.27 2965.27 2965.27 -2421.04 -2421.04 -2421.04 2246.71 2246.71 2246.71 2601.32 2601.32 2601.32 2370.13 2370.13 2370.13 2351.21 2351.21 2351.21 3785.96 3785.96 3785.96 -1633.76 -1633.76 -1633.76 1948.87 1948.87 1948.87 203.33 203.33 203.33 5052.46 5052.46 5052.46 -367.26 -367.26 -367.26

-6691.86 -6691.86 -6691.86 2810.65 2810.65 2810.65 -1992 -1992 -1992 7464.54 7464.54 7464.54 -6645.9 -6645.9 -6645.9 2666.4 2666.4 2666.4 3625.87 3625.87 3625.87 3170.56 3170.56 3170.56 3130.12 3130.12 3130.12 2246.23 2246.23 2246.23 1326.73 1326.73 1326.73 3164.58 3164.58 3164.58 408.39 408.39 408.39 3571.49 3571.49 3571.49 2651.98 2651.98 2651.98

742 742 742 742 742 742 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 744 744 744

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-14930.91 -18198.66 -21466.4 -17759.3 -21027.05 -24294.8 -57510.67 -61323.04 -65135.41 -61596.19 -64863.94 -68131.69 -57323.68 -60591.42 -63859.17 -57032.78 -60300.53 -63568.27 -15241.54 -16117.35 -16993.16 -28456.26 -29332.07 -30207.88 -16429.16 -17304.97 -18180.78 -27268.64 -28144.44 -29020.25 -50293.19 -53560.94 -56828.69 -63507.91 -66775.66 -70043.4 -51480.82 -54748.56 -58016.31 -62320.29 -65588.04 -68855.78 -98505.8 -102318.17 -106130.54

3215.37 3215.37 3215.37 1469.83 1469.83 1469.83 2175.86 2175.86 2175.86 2603.33 2603.33 2603.33 2327.19 2327.19 2327.19 2326.57 2326.57 2326.57 7534.17 7534.17 7534.17 -5807.92 -5807.92 -5807.92 2944.18 2944.18 2944.18 -1217.93 -1217.93 -1217.93 8997.33 8997.33 8997.33 -4344.76 -4344.76 -4344.76 4407.35 4407.35 4407.35 245.23 245.23 245.23 2086.86 2086.86 2086.86

4489.83 4489.83 4489.83 1733.64 1733.64 1733.64 1119.03 1119.03 1119.03 2540.24 2540.24 2540.24 1939.85 1939.85 1939.85 1946.25 1946.25 1946.25 2516.14 2516.14 2516.14 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 5005.92 5005.92 5005.92 -2490.56 -2490.56 -2490.56 3207.61 3207.61 3207.61 690.7 690.7 690.7 5697.39 5697.39 5697.39 -1799.09 -1799.09 -1799.09 1449.86 1449.86 1449.86

744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-105602.04 -108869.78 -112137.53 -97999.94 -101267.69 -104535.43 -97712.8 -100980.54 -104248.29 -17839.53 -18715.34 -19591.15 -50193.44 -51069.25 -51945.06 -21834.31 -22710.12 -23585.93 -46198.67 -47074.48 -47950.29 -81405.32 -84673.07 -87940.82 -113759.23 -117026.98 -120294.72 -85400.1 -88667.84 -91935.59 -109764.46 -113032.2 -116299.95 -140053.22 -143865.6 -147677.97 -150220.9 -153488.65 -156756.39 -139239.42 -142507.16 -145774.91 -138953.85 -142221.59 -145489.34

2484.37 2484.37 2484.37 2225.31 2225.31 2225.31 2223.77 2223.77 2223.77 10434.16 10434.16 10434.16 -8760.25 -8760.25 -8760.25 3769.13 3769.13 3769.13 -2095.23 -2095.23 -2095.23 11820.28 11820.28 11820.28 -7374.14 -7374.14 -7374.14 5155.25 5155.25 5155.25 -709.11 -709.11 -709.11 1089.15 1089.15 1089.15 1294.88 1294.88 1294.88 1159.85 1159.85 1159.85 1159.45 1159.45 1159.45

2880.93 2880.93 2880.93 2268.8 2268.8 2268.8 2266.93 2266.93 2266.93 3152.25 3152.25 3152.25 -268.07 -268.07 -268.07 6518.54 6518.54 6518.54 -3634.36 -3634.36 -3634.36 3976.23 3976.23 3976.23 555.92 555.92 555.92 7342.53 7342.53 7342.53 -2810.38 -2810.38 -2810.38 776.17 776.17 776.17 1576.24 1576.24 1576.24 1234.52 1234.52 1234.52 1234.62 1234.62 1234.62

745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-18710.91 -19586.72 -20462.53 -74054.87 -74930.68 -75806.49 -26398.77 -27274.58 -28150.39 -66367.02 -67242.83 -68118.64 -111152.07 -114419.81 -117687.56 -166496.02 -169763.77 -173031.51 -118839.92 -122107.66 -125375.41 -158808.17 -162075.92 -165343.66 -19778.07 -23590.44 -27402.81 -21326.94 -24594.69 -27862.43 -20087.06 -23354.8 -26622.55 -19744.9 -23012.64 -26280.39 -10907.13 -11782.94 -12658.75 -11902.02 -12777.83 -13653.64 -10214.87 -11090.68 -11966.49

10623.36 10623.36 10623.36 -9759.33 -9759.33 -9759.33 3591.83 3591.83 3591.83 -2727.81 -2727.81 -2727.81 11350.62 11350.62 11350.62 -9032.07 -9032.07 -9032.07 4319.09 4319.09 4319.09 -2000.55 -2000.55 -2000.55 -238.61 -238.61 -238.61 -270.27 -270.27 -270.27 -249.27 -249.27 -249.27 -246.15 -246.15 -246.15 2318.39 2318.39 2318.39 -2541.26 -2541.26 -2541.26 643.72 643.72 643.72

3252.83 3252.83 3252.83 -1682.9 -1682.9 -1682.9 8103.9 8103.9 8103.9 -6533.97 -6533.97 -6533.97 3702.53 3702.53 3702.53 -1233.2 -1233.2 -1233.2 8553.6 8553.6 8553.6 -6084.27 -6084.27 -6084.27 5797.28 5797.28 5797.28 6949.62 6949.62 6949.62 6279.87 6279.87 6279.87 6217.55 6217.55 6217.55 3218.71 3218.71 3218.71 2236.23 2236.23 2236.23 4223.2 4223.2 4223.2

746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747 747

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-12594.28 -13470.09 -14345.9 -19091.92 -22359.67 -25627.42 -20086.82 -23354.56 -26622.31 -18399.66 -21667.41 -24935.16 -20779.08 -24046.82 -27314.57 -65653.33 -69465.7 -73278.07 -71032.2 -74299.94 -77567.69 -65902.62 -69170.36 -72438.11 -65556.91 -68824.65 -72092.4 -24133.11 -25008.92 -25884.73 -26895.38 -27771.19 -28647 -21546.09 -22421.9 -23297.71 -29482.4 -30358.21 -31234.02 -64018.63 -67286.38 -70554.12 -66780.9 -70048.65 -73316.39

-866.59 -866.59 -866.59 2185.1 2185.1 2185.1 -2674.55 -2674.55 -2674.55 510.43 510.43 510.43 -999.88 -999.88 -999.88 -187.39 -187.39 -187.39 -234.42 -234.42 -234.42 -205.46 -205.46 -205.46 -206.56 -206.56 -206.56 5494.46 5494.46 5494.46 -5589.91 -5589.91 -5589.91 1649.9 1649.9 1649.9 -1745.34 -1745.34 -1745.34 5335.13 5335.13 5335.13 -5749.24 -5749.24 -5749.24

1231.74 1231.74 1231.74 6680.46 6680.46 6680.46 5697.97 5697.97 5697.97 7684.95 7684.95 7684.95 4693.49 4693.49 4693.49 4936.97 4936.97 4936.97 6530.45 6530.45 6530.45 5657.21 5657.21 5657.21 5666.78 5666.78 5666.78 3176.1 3176.1 3176.1 610.13 610.13 610.13 5826.7 5826.7 5826.7 -2040.47 -2040.47 -2040.47 6954.12 6954.12 6954.12 4388.15 4388.15 4388.15

747 747 747 747 747 747 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 749 749 749

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-61431.61 -64699.35 -67967.1 -69367.92 -72635.67 -75903.41 -107218.87 -111031.24 -114843.61 -117033.56 -120301.31 -123569.06 -108015 -111282.74 -114550.49 -107668.28 -110936.03 -114203.78 -36869.43 -37745.24 -38621.05 -42273.67 -43149.48 -44025.29 -31250.24 -32126.05 -33001.86 -47892.86 -48768.66 -49644.47 -104808.57 -108076.31 -111344.06 -110212.81 -113480.56 -116748.3 -99189.38 -102457.13 -105724.87 -115831.99 -119099.74 -122367.49 -148599.95 -152412.32 -156224.69

1490.56 1490.56 1490.56 -1904.67 -1904.67 -1904.67 -270.78 -270.78 -270.78 -321.74 -321.74 -321.74 -288.37 -288.37 -288.37 -288.16 -288.16 -288.16 7558.48 7558.48 7558.48 -7728.84 -7728.84 -7728.84 2254.89 2254.89 2254.89 -2425.25 -2425.25 -2425.25 7355.59 7355.59 7355.59 -7931.72 -7931.72 -7931.72 2052 2052 2052 -2628.13 -2628.13 -2628.13 -134.03 -134.03 -134.03

9604.72 9604.72 9604.72 1737.55 1737.55 1737.55 4635.67 4635.67 4635.67 6354.58 6354.58 6354.58 5465.05 5465.05 5465.05 5462.15 5462.15 5462.15 3889 3889 3889 438.83 438.83 438.83 7459.51 7459.51 7459.51 -3131.67 -3131.67 -3131.67 7185.91 7185.91 7185.91 3735.74 3735.74 3735.74 10756.42 10756.42 10756.42 165.24 165.24 165.24 2608.7 2608.7 2608.7

749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 749 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-162787.41 -166055.16 -169322.91 -149913.07 -153180.82 -156448.57 -149565.63 -152833.37 -156101.12 -49172.91 -50048.72 -50924.53 -57946.64 -58822.45 -59698.26 -40305.91 -41181.72 -42057.53 -66813.63 -67689.44 -68565.25 -145020.83 -148288.57 -151556.32 -153794.56 -157062.31 -160330.06 -136153.84 -139421.58 -142689.33 -162661.55 -165929.3 -169197.05 -19212.44 -23024.81 -26837.19 -20652.01 -23919.75 -27187.5 -19470.76 -22738.51 -26006.25 -19139.41 -22407.16 -25674.9

-160.93 -160.93 -160.93 -143.61 -143.61 -143.61 -143.65 -143.65 -143.65 8951.04 8951.04 8951.04 -9031.41 -9031.41 -9031.41 2718.06 2718.06 2718.06 -2798.42 -2798.42 -2798.42 8847.55 8847.55 8847.55 -9134.89 -9134.89 -9134.89 2614.57 2614.57 2614.57 -2901.91 -2901.91 -2901.91 -40.54 -40.54 -40.54 -58.94 -58.94 -58.94 -49.97 -49.97 -49.97 -49.88 -49.88 -49.88

3553.43 3553.43 3553.43 3059.24 3059.24 3059.24 3059.38 3059.38 3059.38 3614.42 3614.42 3614.42 -1270 -1270 -1270 8666.67 8666.67 8666.67 -6322.25 -6322.25 -6322.25 5501.66 5501.66 5501.66 617.24 617.24 617.24 10553.91 10553.91 10553.91 -4435.01 -4435.01 -4435.01 5813.62 5813.62 5813.62 6958.93 6958.93 6958.93 6290.5 6290.5 6290.5 6228.55 6228.55 6228.55

750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-10683.62 -11559.43 -12435.24 -11419.54 -12295.35 -13171.16 -9903.3 -10779.11 -11654.92 -12199.87 -13075.68 -13951.48 -18620.84 -21888.58 -25156.33 -19356.76 -22624.51 -25892.25 -17840.52 -21108.26 -24376.01 -20137.08 -23404.83 -26672.58 -64703.93 -68516.3 -72328.67 -69894.44 -73162.18 -76429.93 -64875.32 -68143.07 -71410.81 -64539.04 -67806.78 -71074.53 -23808.18 -24683.99 -25559.8 -26290.75 -27166.56 -28042.36 -21123.41 -21999.22 -22875.03

2330.95 2330.95 2330.95 -2369.65 -2369.65 -2369.65 708.08 708.08 708.08 -746.78 -746.78 -746.78 2300.46 2300.46 2300.46 -2400.14 -2400.14 -2400.14 677.59 677.59 677.59 -777.27 -777.27 -777.27 2.4 2.4 2.4 9.98 9.98 9.98 7.28 7.28 7.28 7.05 7.05 7.05 5595.73 5595.73 5595.73 -5550.9 -5550.9 -5550.9 1723.73 1723.73 1723.73

3193.06 3193.06 3193.06 2246.55 2246.55 2246.55 4224.99 4224.99 4224.99 1214.62 1214.62 1214.62 6673.66 6673.66 6673.66 5727.14 5727.14 5727.14 7705.58 7705.58 7705.58 4695.21 4695.21 4695.21 4971.36 4971.36 4971.36 6537.37 6537.37 6537.37 5672.89 5672.89 5672.89 5682.21 5682.21 5682.21 3123.91 3123.91 3123.91 648.2 648.2 648.2 5814.79 5814.79 5814.79

751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-28975.51 -29851.32 -30727.13 -63144.9 -66412.64 -69680.39 -65627.46 -68895.21 -72162.96 -60460.13 -63727.88 -66995.62 -68312.23 -71579.98 -74847.72 -105869.62 -109681.99 -113494.36 -115417.38 -118685.13 -121952.88 -106560.01 -109827.76 -113095.51 -106222.86 -109490.6 -112758.35 -36358.89 -37234.7 -38110.51 -41582.56 -42458.37 -43334.18 -30684 -31559.81 -32435.62 -47257.45 -48133.26 -49009.07 -103457.77 -106725.51 -109993.26 -108681.44 -111949.18 -115216.93

-1678.91 -1678.91 -1678.91 5580.25 5580.25 5580.25 -5566.38 -5566.38 -5566.38 1708.26 1708.26 1708.26 -1694.38 -1694.38 -1694.38 0.84 0.84 0.84 6.32 6.32 6.32 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 7787.14 7787.14 7787.14 -7757.6 -7757.6 -7757.6 2380.12 2380.12 2380.12 -2350.58 -2350.58 -2350.58 7776.61 7776.61 7776.61 -7768.12 -7768.12 -7768.12

-2042.68 -2042.68 -2042.68 6924.3 6924.3 6924.3 4448.59 4448.59 4448.59 9615.18 9615.18 9615.18 1757.71 1757.71 1757.71 4652.76 4652.76 4652.76 6346.23 6346.23 6346.23 5465.25 5465.25 5465.25 5462.41 5462.41 5462.41 3807.4 3807.4 3807.4 495.42 495.42 495.42 7405.49 7405.49 7405.49 -3102.67 -3102.67 -3102.67 7117.11 7117.11 7117.11 3805.12 3805.12 3805.12

752 752 752 752 752 752 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 754 754 754

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-97782.88 -101050.62 -104318.37 -114356.33 -117624.07 -120891.82 -146828.02 -150640.39 -154452.76 -160686.4 -163954.15 -167221.89 -148019.26 -151287 -154554.75 -147681.32 -150949.07 -154216.82 -48688.19 -49564 -50439.8 -56974.31 -57850.12 -58725.93 -39662.58 -40538.39 -41414.2 -65999.92 -66875.73 -67751.54 -143384.66 -146652.4 -149920.15 -151670.78 -154938.52 -158206.27 -134359.05 -137626.79 -140894.54 -160696.39 -163964.13 -167231.88 -19462.55 -23274.92 -27087.29

2369.6 2369.6 2369.6 -2361.1 -2361.1 -2361.1 17.44 17.44 17.44 27.64 27.64 27.64 22.87 22.87 22.87 22.88 22.88 22.88 9110.67 9110.67 9110.67 -9071.16 -9071.16 -9071.16 2799.56 2799.56 2799.56 -2760.04 -2760.04 -2760.04 9113.8 9113.8 9113.8 -9068.03 -9068.03 -9068.03 2802.69 2802.69 2802.69 -2756.91 -2756.91 -2756.91 -205.58 -205.58 -205.58

10715.2 10715.2 10715.2 207.03 207.03 207.03 2612.92 2612.92 2612.92 3539.51 3539.51 3539.51 3051.88 3051.88 3051.88 3052.03 3052.03 3052.03 3531.33 3531.33 3531.33 -1203.67 -1203.67 -1203.67 8670.48 8670.48 8670.48 -6342.82 -6342.82 -6342.82 5419.6 5419.6 5419.6 684.6 684.6 684.6 10558.75 10558.75 10558.75 -4454.55 -4454.55 -4454.55 5471.45 5471.45 5471.45

754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 754 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-21042.01 -24309.75 -27577.5 -19796.32 -23064.07 -26331.81 -19463.76 -22731.5 -25999.25 -10825 -11700.81 -12576.62 -11530.83 -12406.64 -13282.45 -10018.47 -10894.28 -11770.09 -12337.36 -13213.17 -14088.98 -18959.68 -22227.42 -25495.17 -19665.51 -22933.26 -26201 -18153.15 -21420.89 -24688.64 -20472.04 -23739.78 -27007.53 -59792.48 -63604.85 -67417.22 -62575.44 -65843.19 -69110.93 -58722.87 -61990.61 -65258.36 -58386.07 -61653.82 -64921.56

-358.26 -358.26 -358.26 -290.4 -290.4 -290.4 -290.05 -290.05 -290.05 2188.49 2188.49 2188.49 -2475.28 -2475.28 -2475.28 571.42 571.42 571.42 -858.21 -858.21 -858.21 2041.99 2041.99 2041.99 -2621.78 -2621.78 -2621.78 424.92 424.92 424.92 -1004.71 -1004.71 -1004.71 -434.08 -434.08 -434.08 -775.5 -775.5 -775.5 -623.88 -623.88 -623.88 -624.16 -624.16 -624.16

6476.88 6476.88 6476.88 5878.66 5878.66 5878.66 5817.2 5817.2 5817.2 2932.87 2932.87 2932.87 2015.2 2015.2 2015.2 3958.27 3958.27 3958.27 989.8 989.8 989.8 6248.11 6248.11 6248.11 5330.43 5330.43 5330.43 7273.5 7273.5 7273.5 4305.04 4305.04 4305.04 4664.51 4664.51 4664.51 5688.87 5688.87 5688.87 5044.11 5044.11 5044.11 5053.29 5053.29 5053.29

755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-21059.36 -21935.17 -22810.98 -23595.81 -24471.62 -25347.43 -18466.36 -19342.16 -20217.97 -26188.81 -27064.62 -27940.43 -56964.76 -60232.5 -63500.25 -59501.21 -62768.95 -66036.7 -54371.76 -57639.5 -60907.25 -62094.21 -65361.96 -68629.7 -99935.51 -103747.88 -107560.25 -103877.51 -107145.25 -110413 -97440.79 -100708.54 -103976.28 -97103.13 -100370.87 -103638.62 -30666.32 -31542.13 -32417.94 -36102.73 -36978.54 -37854.35 -25303.47 -26179.28 -27055.09

5169 5169 5169 -5762.95 -5762.95 -5762.95 1376 1376 1376 -1969.95 -1969.95 -1969.95 4841.68 4841.68 4841.68 -6090.26 -6090.26 -6090.26 1048.69 1048.69 1048.69 -2297.27 -2297.27 -2297.27 -438.21 -438.21 -438.21 -776.15 -776.15 -776.15 -626.06 -626.06 -626.06 -625.97 -625.97 -625.97 7321.75 7321.75 7321.75 -7919.99 -7919.99 -7919.99 2034.86 2034.86 2034.86

2482.19 2482.19 2482.19 83.61 83.61 83.61 5073.6 5073.6 5073.6 -2507.8 -2507.8 -2507.8 6256.74 6256.74 6256.74 3858.17 3858.17 3858.17 8848.15 8848.15 8848.15 1266.76 1266.76 1266.76 5033.85 5033.85 5033.85 6091.36 6091.36 6091.36 5428.3 5428.3 5428.3 5425.59 5425.59 5425.59 3153.41 3153.41 3153.41 -38.18 -38.18 -38.18 6606.69 6606.69 6606.69

756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757 757

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-41465.58 -42341.39 -43217.2 -94231.44 -97499.19 -100766.93 -99667.85 -102935.59 -106203.34 -88868.59 -92136.33 -95404.08 -105030.7 -108298.45 -111566.19 -139837.24 -143649.61 -147461.98 -144855.01 -148122.75 -151390.5 -135878.1 -139145.85 -142413.59 -135539.74 -138807.48 -142075.23 -40013.97 -40889.77 -41765.58 -48694.92 -49570.73 -50446.54 -31553.6 -32429.41 -33305.22 -57155.29 -58031.1 -58906.91 -131045.46 -134313.21 -137580.95 -139726.42 -142994.16 -146261.91

-2633.1 -2633.1 -2633.1 6994.95 6994.95 6994.95 -8246.79 -8246.79 -8246.79 1708.06 1708.06 1708.06 -2959.91 -2959.91 -2959.91 -234.43 -234.43 -234.43 -418.01 -418.01 -418.01 -336.59 -336.59 -336.59 -336.6 -336.6 -336.6 8828.7 8828.7 8828.7 -9150.04 -9150.04 -9150.04 2567.34 2567.34 2567.34 -2888.69 -2888.69 -2888.69 8652.76 8652.76 8652.76 -9325.98 -9325.98 -9325.98

-3491.46 -3491.46 -3491.46 7020.14 7020.14 7020.14 3828.56 3828.56 3828.56 10473.43 10473.43 10473.43 375.27 375.27 375.27 2753.23 2753.23 2753.23 3329.73 3329.73 3329.73 2965.87 2965.87 2965.87 2966.02 2966.02 2966.02 3119.49 3119.49 3119.49 -1454.99 -1454.99 -1454.99 8221.35 8221.35 8221.35 -6556.85 -6556.85 -6556.85 5253.33 5253.33 5253.33 678.84 678.84 678.84

757 757 757 757 757 757 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 759 759 759

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-122585.1 -125852.84 -129120.59 -148186.78 -151454.53 -154722.27 -19273.02 -23085.39 -26897.76 -20787.22 -24054.96 -27322.71 -19576.26 -22844.01 -26111.75 -19243.61 -22511.36 -25779.1 -10767.59 -11643.4 -12519.2 -11475.06 -12350.87 -13226.68 -9965.26 -10841.07 -11716.88 -12277.39 -13153.2 -14029.01 -18738.67 -22006.42 -25274.16 -19446.15 -22713.89 -25981.64 -17936.34 -21204.09 -24471.83 -20248.47 -23516.22 -26783.97 -63653.84 -67466.21 -71278.58

2391.41 2391.41 2391.41 -3064.63 -3064.63 -3064.63 27.94 27.94 27.94 108.67 108.67 108.67 77.09 77.09 77.09 76.93 76.93 76.93 2469.41 2469.41 2469.41 -2231.36 -2231.36 -2231.36 837.3 837.3 837.3 -599.25 -599.25 -599.25 2427.24 2427.24 2427.24 -2273.52 -2273.52 -2273.52 795.13 795.13 795.13 -641.42 -641.42 -641.42 54.97 54.97 54.97

10355.19 10355.19 10355.19 -4423.01 -4423.01 -4423.01 5807.96 5807.96 5807.96 7014.92 7014.92 7014.92 6323.59 6323.59 6323.59 6261.71 6261.71 6261.71 3137.5 3137.5 3137.5 2211.2 2211.2 2211.2 4187.32 4187.32 4187.32 1161.39 1161.39 1161.39 6696.73 6696.73 6696.73 5770.44 5770.44 5770.44 7746.55 7746.55 7746.55 4720.62 4720.62 4720.62 5593.18 5593.18 5593.18

759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-68419.18 -71686.93 -74954.67 -63616.94 -66884.68 -70152.43 -63279.64 -66547.39 -69815.14 -22941.83 -23817.64 -24693.45 -25478.42 -26354.23 -27230.04 -20251.15 -21126.96 -22002.77 -28169.1 -29044.91 -29920.72 -61858.04 -65125.78 -68393.53 -64394.63 -67662.37 -70930.12 -59167.36 -62435.1 -65702.85 -67085.3 -70353.05 -73620.8 -108000.53 -111812.91 -115625.28 -116021.18 -119288.93 -122556.68 -107623.46 -110891.21 -114158.96 -107285.33 -110553.08 -113820.83

183.33 183.33 183.33 132.01 132.01 132.01 132.22 132.22 132.22 5733.96 5733.96 5733.96 -5316.5 -5316.5 -5316.5 1892.52 1892.52 1892.52 -1475.07 -1475.07 -1475.07 5657.54 5657.54 5657.54 -5392.92 -5392.92 -5392.92 1816.11 1816.11 1816.11 -1551.49 -1551.49 -1551.49 66.95 66.95 66.95 187.94 187.94 187.94 139.04 139.04 139.04 138.99 138.99 138.99

7136.8 7136.8 7136.8 6247.52 6247.52 6247.52 6256.74 6256.74 6256.74 2962.2 2962.2 2962.2 556.53 556.53 556.53 5662.86 5662.86 5662.86 -2144.14 -2144.14 -2144.14 7463.76 7463.76 7463.76 5058.09 5058.09 5058.09 10164.43 10164.43 10164.43 2357.42 2357.42 2357.42 6002.06 6002.06 6002.06 7563.28 7563.28 7563.28 6659.56 6659.56 6659.56 6656.76 6656.76 6656.76

760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-34521.56 -35397.37 -36273.18 -39955.47 -40831.28 -41707.09 -28890.05 -29765.86 -30641.67 -45586.98 -46462.79 -47338.6 -104414.69 -107682.43 -110950.18 -109848.59 -113116.34 -116384.08 -98783.17 -102050.92 -105318.66 -115480.1 -118747.85 -122015.6 -152171.26 -155983.63 -159796 -163361.44 -166629.19 -169896.93 -151409.72 -154677.47 -157945.21 -151070.85 -154338.6 -157606.34 -45849.77 -46725.58 -47601.39 -54522.12 -55397.93 -56273.74 -36925.79 -37801.6 -38677.41

7903.71 7903.71 7903.71 -7493.41 -7493.41 -7493.41 2534.47 2534.47 2534.47 -2124.17 -2124.17 -2124.17 7837.52 7837.52 7837.52 -7559.59 -7559.59 -7559.59 2468.29 2468.29 2468.29 -2190.36 -2190.36 -2190.36 42.1 42.1 42.1 103.94 103.94 103.94 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 9154.56 9154.56 9154.56 -8936.34 -8936.34 -8936.34 2857.93 2857.93 2857.93

3624.27 3624.27 3624.27 428.2 428.2 428.2 7218.66 7218.66 7218.66 -3166.18 -3166.18 -3166.18 8253.52 8253.52 8253.52 5057.45 5057.45 5057.45 11847.91 11847.91 11847.91 1463.07 1463.07 1463.07 3296.58 3296.58 3296.58 4153.47 4153.47 4153.47 3655.35 3655.35 3655.35 3655.51 3655.51 3655.51 3389.73 3389.73 3389.73 -1209.47 -1209.47 -1209.47 8586.6 8586.6 8586.6

761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-63446.1 -64321.91 -65197.72 -146580.65 -149848.4 -153116.14 -155252.99 -158520.74 -161788.48 -137656.67 -140924.41 -144192.16 -164176.97 -167444.72 -170712.47 -19240.03 -23052.4 -26864.77 -20724.52 -23992.27 -27260.01 -19524.99 -22792.73 -26060.48 -19193.61 -22461.35 -25729.1 -10718.08 -11593.89 -12469.7 -11464.49 -12340.3 -13216.11 -9936.81 -10812.62 -11688.43 -12245.76 -13121.57 -13997.38 -18669.78 -21937.52 -25205.27 -19416.18 -22683.93 -25951.67

-2639.72 -2639.72 -2639.72 9123.95 9123.95 9123.95 -8966.95 -8966.95 -8966.95 2827.32 2827.32 2827.32 -2670.33 -2670.33 -2670.33 -77.94 -77.94 -77.94 -69.23 -69.23 -69.23 -68.28 -68.28 -68.28 -68.32 -68.32 -68.32 2350.93 2350.93 2350.93 -2346.38 -2346.38 -2346.38 721.43 721.43 721.43 -716.88 -716.88 -716.88 2280.32 2280.32 2280.32 -2416.99 -2416.99 -2416.99

-6406.34 -6406.34 -6406.34 5955.18 5955.18 5955.18 1355.98 1355.98 1355.98 11152.05 11152.05 11152.05 -3840.89 -3840.89 -3840.89 5236.1 5236.1 5236.1 6445.31 6445.31 6445.31 5783.88 5783.88 5783.88 5721.91 5721.91 5721.91 3197.32 3197.32 3197.32 2240.42 2240.42 2240.42 4233.55 4233.55 4233.55 1204.19 1204.19 1204.19 6172.19 6172.19 6172.19 5215.29 5215.29 5215.29

762 762 762 762 762 762 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 764 764 764

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-17888.51 -21156.25 -24424 -20197.45 -23465.2 -26732.94 -60364.08 -64176.45 -67988.82 -66119.26 -69387.01 -72654.76 -61120.83 -64388.57 -67656.32 -60784.59 -64052.34 -67320.08 -23811.83 -24687.64 -25563.45 -26290.16 -27165.97 -28041.78 -21131.45 -22007.26 -22883.07 -28970.54 -29846.35 -30722.16 -59392.59 -62660.34 -65928.08 -61870.92 -65138.67 -68406.41 -56712.21 -59979.95 -63247.7 -64551.31 -67819.05 -71086.8 -101392.36 -105204.73 -109017.1

650.82 650.82 650.82 -787.49 -787.49 -787.49 -101.45 -101.45 -101.45 -105.86 -105.86 -105.86 -98.95 -98.95 -98.95 -98.79 -98.79 -98.79 5531.09 5531.09 5531.09 -5579.29 -5579.29 -5579.29 1666.36 1666.36 1666.36 -1714.57 -1714.57 -1714.57 5456.47 5456.47 5456.47 -5653.91 -5653.91 -5653.91 1591.74 1591.74 1591.74 -1789.19 -1789.19 -1789.19 -73.46 -73.46 -73.46

7208.42 7208.42 7208.42 4179.06 4179.06 4179.06 4168.57 4168.57 4168.57 5807.77 5807.77 5807.77 4958.79 4958.79 4958.79 4968.16 4968.16 4968.16 3116.79 3116.79 3116.79 632.02 632.02 632.02 5791.98 5791.98 5791.98 -2043.17 -2043.17 -2043.17 6214.8 6214.8 6214.8 3730.03 3730.03 3730.03 8889.99 8889.99 8889.99 1054.84 1054.84 1054.84 5295.18 5295.18 5295.18

764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-111415.66 -114683.41 -117951.16 -102619.76 -105887.51 -109155.25 -102282.65 -105550.4 -108818.15 -36322.26 -37198.07 -38073.88 -41538.59 -42414.4 -43290.21 -30676.18 -31551.99 -32427.8 -47184.66 -48060.47 -48936.28 -99521.26 -102789 -106056.75 -104737.59 -108005.33 -111273.08 -93875.18 -97142.93 -100410.67 -110383.66 -113651.41 -116919.16 -146448.96 -150261.33 -154073.7 -160073.35 -163341.09 -166608.84 -147514.2 -150781.94 -154049.69 -147176.32 -150444.06 -153711.81

-78.65 -78.65 -78.65 -72.68 -72.68 -72.68 -72.76 -72.76 -72.76 7735.35 7735.35 7735.35 -7770.07 -7770.07 -7770.07 2336.03 2336.03 2336.03 -2370.74 -2370.74 -2370.74 7679.92 7679.92 7679.92 -7825.5 -7825.5 -7825.5 2280.59 2280.59 2280.59 -2426.17 -2426.17 -2426.17 -39.74 -39.74 -39.74 -48.57 -48.57 -48.57 -43.1 -43.1 -43.1 -43.13 -43.13 -43.13

6857.7 6857.7 6857.7 5991.43 5991.43 5991.43 5988.57 5988.57 5988.57 3803.5 3803.5 3803.5 478.54 478.54 478.54 7381.7 7381.7 7381.7 -3099.66 -3099.66 -3099.66 7649.75 7649.75 7649.75 4324.8 4324.8 4324.8 11227.95 11227.95 11227.95 746.59 746.59 746.59 3287.07 3287.07 3287.07 4094.4 4094.4 4094.4 3615.37 3615.37 3615.37 3615.53 3615.53 3615.53

765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-48586.54 -49462.35 -50338.16 -56886.51 -57762.32 -58638.13 -39628.13 -40503.93 -41379.74 -65844.93 -66720.74 -67596.55 -142872.75 -146140.49 -149408.24 -151172.72 -154440.47 -157708.21 -133914.33 -137182.08 -140449.82 -160131.13 -163398.88 -166666.63 -19651.25 -23463.62 -27275.99 -21187.08 -24454.83 -27722.57 -19958.88 -23226.63 -26494.37 -19616.72 -22884.47 -26152.21 -10897.04 -11772.85 -12648.66 -11895.17 -12770.98 -13646.79 -10203.79 -11079.6 -11955.41

9065.92 9065.92 9065.92 -9102.42 -9102.42 -9102.42 2751.77 2751.77 2751.77 -2788.27 -2788.27 -2788.27 9041.04 9041.04 9041.04 -9127.3 -9127.3 -9127.3 2726.89 2726.89 2726.89 -2813.16 -2813.16 -2813.16 195.31 195.31 195.31 225.52 225.52 225.52 207.34 207.34 207.34 204.25 204.25 204.25 2548.58 2548.58 2548.58 -2318 -2318 -2318 863.71 863.71 863.71

3536.6 3536.6 3536.6 -1224.26 -1224.26 -1224.26 8664.25 8664.25 8664.25 -6351.9 -6351.9 -6351.9 5996.03 5996.03 5996.03 1235.17 1235.17 1235.17 11123.68 11123.68 11123.68 -3892.47 -3892.47 -3892.47 5180.65 5180.65 5180.65 6398.99 6398.99 6398.99 5737.54 5737.54 5737.54 5675.2 5675.2 5675.2 3224.59 3224.59 3224.59 2231.08 2231.08 2231.08 4237.93 4237.93 4237.93

766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-12588.42 -13464.23 -14340.04 -18962.13 -22229.87 -25497.62 -19960.26 -23228.01 -26495.75 -18268.88 -21536.63 -24804.38 -20653.51 -23921.25 -27189 -61188.4 -65000.77 -68813.14 -67143.29 -70411.04 -73678.78 -62036.9 -65304.65 -68572.4 -61691.19 -64958.93 -68226.68 -24117.64 -24993.45 -25869.26 -26882.53 -27758.34 -28634.15 -21534.38 -22410.19 -23286 -29465.79 -30341.6 -31217.41 -60151.59 -63419.34 -66687.09 -62916.49 -66184.24 -69451.98

-633.12 -633.12 -633.12 2636.14 2636.14 2636.14 -2230.44 -2230.44 -2230.44 951.27 951.27 951.27 -545.56 -545.56 -545.56 100.07 100.07 100.07 127.36 127.36 127.36 110.54 110.54 110.54 111.59 111.59 111.59 5576.7 5576.7 5576.7 -5490.7 -5490.7 -5490.7 1731.27 1731.27 1731.27 -1645.27 -1645.27 -1645.27 5645.77 5645.77 5645.77 -5421.64 -5421.64 -5421.64

1217.74 1217.74 1217.74 6143.63 6143.63 6143.63 5150.12 5150.12 5150.12 7156.97 7156.97 7156.97 4136.77 4136.77 4136.77 4087.43 4087.43 4087.43 5750.34 5750.34 5750.34 4896.56 4896.56 4896.56 4906.15 4906.15 4906.15 3162.66 3162.66 3162.66 595.88 595.88 595.88 5795.36 5795.36 5795.36 -2036.83 -2036.83 -2036.83 6193.89 6193.89 6193.89 3627.11 3627.11 3627.11

767 767 767 767 767 767 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 769 769 769

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-57568.34 -60836.09 -64103.83 -65499.75 -68767.49 -72035.24 -102638.07 -106450.44 -110262.81 -113002.4 -116270.15 -119537.89 -104023.12 -107290.86 -110558.61 -103676.41 -106944.15 -110211.9 -36837.39 -37713.2 -38589.01 -42254.73 -43130.54 -44006.35 -31246.6 -32122.41 -32998.22 -47845.53 -48721.34 -49597.15 -100810.14 -104077.89 -107345.63 -106227.48 -109495.23 -112762.97 -95219.35 -98487.09 -101754.84 -111818.28 -115086.02 -118353.77 -148192.3 -152004.67 -155817.04

1800.34 1800.34 1800.34 -1576.21 -1576.21 -1576.21 128.49 128.49 128.49 166.28 166.28 166.28 145.46 145.46 145.46 145.26 145.26 145.26 7716.77 7716.77 7716.77 -7560.75 -7560.75 -7560.75 2404.97 2404.97 2404.97 -2248.95 -2248.95 -2248.95 7783.93 7783.93 7783.93 -7493.59 -7493.59 -7493.59 2472.13 2472.13 2472.13 -2181.79 -2181.79 -2181.79 46.57 46.57 46.57

8826.6 8826.6 8826.6 994.41 994.41 994.41 5224.64 5224.64 5224.64 6810.93 6810.93 6810.93 5939.59 5939.59 5939.59 5936.68 5936.68 5936.68 3878.02 3878.02 3878.02 423.98 423.98 423.98 7424.57 7424.57 7424.57 -3122.57 -3122.57 -3122.57 7662.38 7662.38 7662.38 4208.34 4208.34 4208.34 11208.93 11208.93 11208.93 661.78 661.78 661.78 3252.56 3252.56 3252.56

769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 769 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-162307.73 -165575.48 -168843.23 -149482.25 -152749.99 -156017.74 -149134.8 -152402.54 -155670.29 -49130.3 -50006.11 -50881.92 -57923.89 -58799.7 -59675.51 -40315.92 -41191.73 -42067.54 -66738.27 -67614.08 -68489.89 -144580.07 -147847.81 -151115.56 -153373.67 -156641.41 -159909.16 -135765.7 -139033.44 -142301.19 -162188.04 -165455.79 -168723.53 -16532.16 -20344.53 -24156.9 -17651.92 -20919.66 -24187.41 -16693.42 -19961.16 -23228.91 -16396.9 -19664.65 -22932.39

66.84 66.84 66.84 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.74 56.74 56.74 9031.46 9031.46 9031.46 -8960.06 -8960.06 -8960.06 2789.36 2789.36 2789.36 -2717.96 -2717.96 -2717.96 9052.51 9052.51 9052.51 -8939.01 -8939.01 -8939.01 2810.41 2810.41 2810.41 -2696.91 -2696.91 -2696.91 -2201.43 -2201.43 -2201.43 -2572.32 -2572.32 -2572.32 -2337.51 -2337.51 -2337.51 -2318.54 -2318.54 -2318.54

4076.08 4076.08 4076.08 3592.85 3592.85 3592.85 3592.99 3592.99 3592.99 3615.66 3615.66 3615.66 -1291.41 -1291.41 -1291.41 8653.83 8653.83 8653.83 -6329.57 -6329.57 -6329.57 6046.6 6046.6 6046.6 1139.52 1139.52 1139.52 11084.76 11084.76 11084.76 -3898.64 -3898.64 -3898.64 2475.5 2475.5 2475.5 3427.36 3427.36 3427.36 2985.1 2985.1 2985.1 2944.69 2944.69 2944.69

770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-8376 -9251.81 -10127.62 -11255.17 -12130.98 -13006.79 -8388.6 -9264.41 -10140.22 -11242.57 -12118.38 -12994.19 -14822.54 -18090.28 -21358.03 -17701.7 -20969.45 -24237.19 -14835.13 -18102.88 -21370.63 -17689.11 -20956.85 -24224.6 -57323.6 -61135.97 -64948.34 -61322.78 -64590.53 -67858.27 -57092.62 -60360.37 -63628.12 -56801.76 -60069.51 -63337.25 -15231.19 -16107 -16982.81 -28456.72 -29332.53 -30208.34 -16416.21 -17292.02 -18167.83

1639.37 1639.37 1639.37 -3788.79 -3788.79 -3788.79 -210.73 -210.73 -210.73 -1938.69 -1938.69 -1938.69 404.17 404.17 404.17 -5023.99 -5023.99 -5023.99 -1445.93 -1445.93 -1445.93 -3173.89 -3173.89 -3173.89 -2190.97 -2190.97 -2190.97 -2650.32 -2650.32 -2650.32 -2361.36 -2361.36 -2361.36 -2360.79 -2360.79 -2360.79 5795.1 5795.1 5795.1 -7531.11 -7531.11 -7531.11 1211.86 1211.86 1211.86

2256.49 2256.49 2256.49 1323.2 1323.2 1323.2 3185.46 3185.46 3185.46 394.23 394.23 394.23 3392.96 3392.96 3392.96 2459.67 2459.67 2459.67 4321.93 4321.93 4321.93 1530.7 1530.7 1530.7 895.43 895.43 895.43 2279.65 2279.65 2279.65 1705.14 1705.14 1705.14 1711.51 1711.51 1711.51 2494.95 2494.95 2494.95 -17.03 -17.03 -17.03 4963.8 4963.8 4963.8

771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 771 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-27271.71 -28147.52 -29023.33 -50056.78 -53324.53 -56592.28 -63282.32 -66550.06 -69817.81 -51241.8 -54509.55 -57777.29 -62097.3 -65365.05 -68632.79 -98160.12 -101972.49 -105784.86 -105089.64 -108357.39 -111625.14 -97568.57 -100836.32 -104104.06 -97281.44 -100549.18 -103816.93 -17826.91 -18702.72 -19578.53 -50151.1 -51026.91 -51902.72 -21847.47 -22723.28 -23599.09 -46130.55 -47006.36 -47882.17 -80988.83 -84256.57 -87524.32 -113313.02 -116580.76 -119848.51

-2947.87 -2947.87 -2947.87 4302.58 4302.58 4302.58 -9023.63 -9023.63 -9023.63 -280.66 -280.66 -280.66 -4440.39 -4440.39 -4440.39 -2163.76 -2163.76 -2163.76 -2587.49 -2587.49 -2587.49 -2314.49 -2314.49 -2314.49 -2312.94 -2312.94 -2312.94 8750.65 8750.65 8750.65 -10440.45 -10440.45 -10440.45 2092.95 2092.95 2092.95 -3782.74 -3782.74 -3782.74 7283.32 7283.32 7283.32 -11907.79 -11907.79 -11907.79

-2485.88 -2485.88 -2485.88 2970.4 2970.4 2970.4 458.42 458.42 458.42 5439.25 5439.25 5439.25 -2010.43 -2010.43 -2010.43 1262.02 1262.02 1262.02 2654.26 2654.26 2654.26 2066.75 2066.75 2066.75 2064.88 2064.88 2064.88 3132.34 3132.34 3132.34 -285.01 -285.01 -285.01 6470.41 6470.41 6470.41 -3623.08 -3623.08 -3623.08 3772.71 3772.71 3772.71 355.36 355.36 355.36

772 772 772 772 772 772 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 774 774 774

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-85009.38 -88277.13 -91544.87 -109292.46 -112560.21 -115827.96 -139630.93 -143443.3 -147255.67 -149569.54 -152837.29 -156105.03 -138696.56 -141964.31 -145232.05 -138411.01 -141678.75 -144946.5 -18690.92 -19566.73 -20442.54 -73973.74 -74849.55 -75725.36 -26441.57 -27317.38 -28193.19 -66223.09 -67098.9 -67974.71 -110639.8 -113907.55 -117175.29 -165922.62 -169190.37 -172458.11 -118390.45 -121658.19 -124925.94 -158171.97 -161439.72 -164707.46 -7909.75 -11722.12 -15534.49

625.61 625.61 625.61 -5250.08 -5250.08 -5250.08 -1145.24 -1145.24 -1145.24 -1362.92 -1362.92 -1362.92 -1220.4 -1220.4 -1220.4 -1220.01 -1220.01 -1220.01 9759.56 9759.56 9759.56 -10632.22 -10632.22 -10632.22 2724.13 2724.13 2724.13 -3596.79 -3596.79 -3596.79 8976.06 8976.06 8976.06 -11415.72 -11415.72 -11415.72 1940.63 1940.63 1940.63 -4380.29 -4380.29 -4380.29 -725.98 -725.98 -725.98

7110.78 7110.78 7110.78 -2982.71 -2982.71 -2982.71 687.27 687.27 687.27 1462.67 1462.67 1462.67 1134.97 1134.97 1134.97 1135.06 1135.06 1135.06 3247.77 3247.77 3247.77 -1705.84 -1705.84 -1705.84 8079.79 8079.79 8079.79 -6537.86 -6537.86 -6537.86 3611.91 3611.91 3611.91 -1341.7 -1341.7 -1341.7 8443.93 8443.93 8443.93 -6173.72 -6173.72 -6173.72 959.34 959.34 959.34

774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775

0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-8331.42 -11599.16 -14866.91 -7871.79 -11139.54 -14407.29 -7767.36 -11035.1 -14302.85 -2328.49 -3204.3 -4080.11 -6888.87 -7764.68 -8640.49 -2979.43 -3855.24 -4731.05 -6237.94 -7113.75 -7989.56 -5439.7 -8707.44 -11975.19 -10000.07 -13267.82 -16535.57 -6090.63 -9358.38 -12626.12 -9349.14 -12616.89 -15884.63 -39124.33 -42936.7 -46749.07 -38588.21 -41855.95 -45123.7 -36826.31 -40094.06 -43361.8 -36712.68 -39980.42 -43248.17

-920.44 -920.44 -920.44 -809.2 -809.2 -809.2 -808.71 -808.71 -808.71 1229.58 1229.58 1229.58 -1850.9 -1850.9 -1850.9 179.16 179.16 179.16 -800.47 -800.47 -800.47 731.75 731.75 731.75 -2348.73 -2348.73 -2348.73 -318.67 -318.67 -318.67 -1298.3 -1298.3 -1298.3 -774.06 -774.06 -774.06 -928.41 -928.41 -928.41 -833.28 -833.28 -833.28 -829.68 -829.68 -829.68

1253.78 1253.78 1253.78 1109.78 1109.78 1109.78 1094.56 1094.56 1094.56 1278.67 1278.67 1278.67 430.82 430.82 430.82 2098.05 2098.05 2098.05 -388.57 -388.57 -388.57 1511.57 1511.57 1511.57 663.72 663.72 663.72 2330.96 2330.96 2330.96 -155.66 -155.66 -155.66 -45.88 -45.88 -45.88 417.02 417.02 417.02 242.82 242.82 242.82 245.44 245.44 245.44

775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776

0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max

-2005.87 -2881.68 -3757.49 -21001.61 -21877.42 -22753.23 -5441.39 -6317.2 -7193.01 -17566.09 -18441.9 -19317.71 -27163.16 -30430.9 -33698.65 -46158.89 -49426.64 -52694.39 -30598.67 -33866.42 -37134.16 -42723.38 -45991.13 -49258.87 -70078.49 -73890.86 -77703.23 -68544.82 -71812.57 -75080.32 -65504.06 -68771.8 -72039.55 -65385.89 -68653.63 -71921.38 3930.05 3054.24 2178.43 -40389.96 -41265.77 -42141.58 -4887.21 -5763.02 -6638.83

4541.65 4541.65 4541.65 -5072.56 -5072.56 -5072.56 1225.86 1225.86 1225.86 -1756.77 -1756.77 -1756.77 3979.07 3979.07 3979.07 -5635.15 -5635.15 -5635.15 663.28 663.28 663.28 -2319.36 -2319.36 -2319.36 -602.8 -602.8 -602.8 -720.07 -720.07 -720.07 -645.13 -645.13 -645.13 -644 -644 -644 6808.07 6808.07 6808.07 -7140.24 -7140.24 -7140.24 1958.01 1958.01 1958.01

1718.36 1718.36 1718.36 -631.58 -631.58 -631.58 3973.64 3973.64 3973.64 -2886.87 -2886.87 -2886.87 1421.61 1421.61 1421.61 -928.34 -928.34 -928.34 3676.89 3676.89 3676.89 -3183.62 -3183.62 -3183.62 130.11 130.11 130.11 586.75 586.75 586.75 409.79 409.79 409.79 408.72 408.72 408.72 2240.89 2240.89 2240.89 -960.41 -960.41 -960.41 5288.88 5288.88 5288.88

776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 776 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777

0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,4D 2 1,4D 4 1,4D 0 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R 0 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,6R+1,0L 0 1,2D+1L+0,5R 2 1,2D+1L+0,5R 4 1,2D+1L+0,5R 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 2 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 2 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 4 0,9D+1Ey+0,3Ex 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min Max Max Max Min Min Min

-31572.7 -32448.51 -33324.32 -43172.16 -46439.91 -49707.66 -87492.18 -90759.93 -94027.67 -51989.43 -55257.17 -58524.92 -78674.92 -81942.67 -85210.41 -100519.51 -104331.88 -108144.25 -97843.54 -101111.28 -104379.03 -93603.01 -96870.75 -100138.5 -93482.58 -96750.33 -100018.07 12354.94 11479.13 10603.32 -61729.72 -62605.53 -63481.34 -2972.69 -3848.5 -4724.31 -46402.1 -47277.91 -48153.72 -56385.51 -59653.26 -62921 -130470.17 -133737.92 -137005.66

-2290.17 -2290.17 -2290.17 6330.68 6330.68 6330.68 -7617.63 -7617.63 -7617.63 1480.61 1480.61 1480.61 -2767.57 -2767.57 -2767.57 -291.35 -291.35 -291.35 -341.8 -341.8 -341.8 -307.87 -307.87 -307.87 -307.36 -307.36 -307.36 8642.63 8642.63 8642.63 -8781.49 -8781.49 -8781.49 2621.52 2621.52 2621.52 -2760.37 -2760.37 -2760.37 8404.93 8404.93 8404.93 -9019.19 -9019.19 -9019.19

-4008.4 -4008.4 -4008.4 2008.89 2008.89 2008.89 -1192.41 -1192.41 -1192.41 5056.88 5056.88 5056.88 -4240.4 -4240.4 -4240.4 51.48 51.48 51.48 316.34 316.34 316.34 214.24 214.24 214.24 214.26 214.26 214.26 2757.14 2757.14 2757.14 -2060.88 -2060.88 -2060.88 7388.27 7388.27 7388.27 -6692.02 -6692.02 -6692.02 2623.27 2623.27 2623.27 -2194.74 -2194.74 -2194.74

777 777 777 777 777 777

0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 2 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ey+1,0L

Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

Max Max Max Min Min Min

MAX MIN Frame 664 664 664 732 657 717


OutputCase 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 4 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 1,2D+1,0Ex+1,0L 0 0,9D+1Ex+0,3Ey 4 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R

-71713.14 -74980.88 -78248.63 -115142.55 -118410.29 -121678.04

2383.82 2383.82 2383.82 -2998.07 -2998.07 -2998.07

7254.41 7254.41 7254.41 -6825.88 -6825.88 -6825.88

16090.3 13227.56 14845.46 -241904.96 -12894.51 -15083.57 CaseType Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination

StepType Max Min Max Min Max

P V2 -91356.69 13227.56 -129753.83 -6226.75 -91356.69 13227.56 -114108.57 -12894.51 16090.3 8371.38 -241904.96 954.13

V3 6555.49 -282.1 6555.49 -6489.19 2215.47 -3111.05

T Kgf-m 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.73 3.73 3.73 15.8 15.8 15.8 -9.93 -9.93 -9.93 13.17 13.17 13.17 -7.3 -7.3 -7.3 16.57 16.57 16.57 -9.17 -9.17 -9.17 13.94 13.94 13.94 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 -5 -5 -5 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58

M2 Kgf-m -2766.07 -769.65 1226.77 -3089.88 -578.6 1932.67 -2875.82 -628.85 1618.12 -2828.36 -611.9 1604.55 -493.64 290.37 1847.78 -3240.14 -788.32 890.1 2083.17 1334.72 2609.71 -5816.95 -1832.67 128.17 -1433.54 -64.86 2077.22 -4180.03 -1143.55 1119.54 1143.27 979.49 2839.15 -6756.84 -2187.9 357.61 61.55 150.25 238.94 -878.02 97.93 1073.89

M3 FrameElem ElemStation Kgf-m Text m 1567.14 618-1 0 -8.16 618-1 2 -1583.46 618-1 4 1979.93 618-1 0 33.14 618-1 2 -1913.65 618-1 4 1740.06 618-1 0 15.11 618-1 2 -1709.84 618-1 4 1741.02 618-1 0 17.66 618-1 2 -1705.71 618-1 4 4694.01 618-1 0 1140.89 618-1 2 1553.03 618-1 4 -3368.06 618-1 0 -1057.35 618-1 2 -2711.9 618-1 4 1944.31 618-1 0 378.75 618-1 2 133.04 618-1 4 -618.35 618-1 0 -295.21 618-1 2 -1291.91 618-1 4 5772.49 618-1 0 1117.93 618-1 2 428.64 618-1 4 -2289.58 618-1 0 -1080.3 618-1 2 -3836.3 618-1 4 3022.79 618-1 0 355.8 618-1 2 -991.35 618-1 4 460.13 618-1 0 -318.17 618-1 2 -2416.3 618-1 4 1661.47 619-1 0 52.89 619-1 2 -1555.69 619-1 4 1968.55 619-1 0 56.71 619-1 2 -1855.12 619-1 4

-6.35 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35 -6.35 24.25 24.25 24.25 -25.02 -25.02 -25.02 14.67 14.67 14.67 -15.45 -15.45 -15.45 18.29 18.29 18.29 -30.98 -30.98 -30.98 8.72 8.72 8.72 -21.4 -21.4 -21.4 -6.47 -6.47 -6.47 -8.87 -8.87 -8.87 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 -7.62 31.37 31.37 31.37

-515.25 1773.17 619-1 114.2 53.88 619-1 743.65 -1665.41 619-1 -526.98 1765.66 619-1 110.19 52.65 619-1 747.35 -1660.35 619-1 2055.07 11316.09 619-1 669.45 1387.99 619-1 2954.28 7810.19 619-1 -3975.24 -10232.66 619-1 -591.56 -1341.23 619-1 -878.32 -8800.12 619-1 7683.18 3861.23 619-1 1886.11 446.21 619-1 6376.41 2091.92 619-1 -9603.35 -2777.8 619-1 -1808.21 -399.45 619-1 -4300.45 -3081.85 619-1 2482.85 12536.63 619-1 738.86 1416.71 619-1 2665.33 6647.1 619-1 -3547.47 -9012.13 619-1 -522.15 -1312.51 619-1 -1167.27 -9963.21 619-1 8110.95 5081.77 619-1 1955.52 474.93 619-1 6087.46 928.83 619-1 -9175.58 -1557.27 619-1 -1738.8 -370.73 619-1 -4589.4 -4244.94 619-1 -601.88 1341.23 620-1 -22.04 75.64 620-1 557.8 -1189.95 620-1 -1463.85 1593.79 620-1 17.67 93.05 620-1 1499.19 -1407.69 620-1 -1110.97 1430.39 620-1 2.74 82.68 620-1 1116.44 -1265.04 620-1 -1108.75 1427.69 620-1 3.78 82.5 620-1 1116.31 -1262.69 620-1 2354.85 14682.85 620-1 408.15 766.75 620-1 4378.58 13086.33 620-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-32.79 -4813.17 -13914.73 620-1 -32.79 -347.79 -690.37 620-1 -32.79 -1799.54 -13701.7 620-1 17.4 8964.14 4752.63 620-1 17.4 1137.01 270.68 620-1 17.4 9968.1 3796.11 620-1 -18.82 -11422.46 -3984.5 620-1 -18.82 -1076.65 -194.3 620-1 -18.82 -7389.05 -4411.48 620-1 24.45 2476.27 15725.26 620-1 24.45 382.23 810.98 620-1 24.45 4205.31 12132.39 620-1 -39.7 -4691.75 -12872.33 620-1 -39.7 -373.72 -646.14 620-1 -39.7 -1972.81 -14655.64 620-1 10.49 9085.56 5795.03 620-1 10.49 1111.08 314.91 620-1 10.49 9794.82 2842.17 620-1 -25.74 -11301.04 -2942.1 620-1 -25.74 -1102.57 -150.07 620-1 -25.74 -7562.32 -5365.42 620-1 -7.83 -534.08 816 621-1 -7.83 -212.92 176.15 621-1 -7.83 108.24 -463.71 621-1 -10.37 -1259.18 947.33 621-1 -10.37 -410.3 195.05 621-1 -10.37 438.57 -557.23 621-1 -9.01 -958.13 856.07 621-1 -9.01 -325 178.91 621-1 -9.01 308.13 -498.25 621-1 -9 -958.58 854.62 621-1 -9 -324.9 178.58 621-1 -9 308.79 -497.45 621-1 25.08 2196.24 13538.55 621-1 25.08 1522.23 3971.35 621-1 25.08 7107.26 21049.38 621-1 -28.6 -4129.86 -13160.58 621-1 -28.6 -2038.06 -3897.23 621-1 -28.6 -6205.32 -21279.09 621-1 15.72 7985.99 4333.8 621-1 15.72 4981.08 1235.7 621-1 15.72 19803.61 6382.89 621-1 -19.24 -9919.6 -3955.83 621-1 -19.24 -5496.92 -1161.58 621-1 -19.24 -18901.66 -6612.61 621-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

17.85 2204.27 14203.52 621-1 17.85 1455.3 4112.72 621-1 17.85 6965.38 20667.14 621-1 -35.83 -4121.84 -12495.62 621-1 -35.83 -2105 -3755.86 621-1 -35.83 -6347.2 -21661.32 621-1 8.48 7994.01 4998.77 621-1 8.48 4914.15 1377.07 621-1 8.48 19661.72 6000.66 621-1 -26.47 -9911.58 -3290.86 621-1 -26.47 -5563.85 -1020.21 621-1 -26.47 -19043.55 -6994.84 621-1 -2.73 -6234.43 4557.73 622-1 -2.73 -1271.94 10.88 622-1 -2.73 3690.56 -4535.96 622-1 -4.08 -7654.49 5214.4 622-1 -4.08 -853.02 -54.01 622-1 -4.08 5948.44 -5322.41 622-1 -3.49 -6931.05 4787.04 622-1 -3.49 -990.13 -12.37 622-1 -3.49 4950.79 -4811.79 622-1 -3.44 -6808.81 4733.17 622-1 -3.44 -948.99 -27.65 622-1 -3.44 4910.84 -4788.47 622-1 12.64 -2488.95 8579.89 622-1 12.64 80.86 1127.45 622-1 12.64 3561.22 2482.09 622-1 -14.02 -5351.53 -3947.33 622-1 -14.02 -962.81 -789.63 622-1 -14.02 2515.36 -6439.01 622-1 10.34 294.82 4311.5 622-1 10.34 1099.39 463.92 622-1 10.34 4536.61 -520.74 622-1 -11.72 -8135.29 321.06 622-1 -11.72 -1981.33 -126.11 622-1 -11.72 1539.98 -3436.19 622-1 9.92 -5321.96 10972.29 622-1 9.92 -408.45 923.94 622-1 9.92 5415.6 -317.32 622-1 -16.74 -8184.54 -1554.93 622-1 -16.74 -1452.12 -993.13 622-1 -16.74 4369.75 -9238.42 622-1 7.62 -2538.19 6703.9 622-1 7.62 610.07 260.42 622-1 7.62 6390.99 -3320.14 622-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-14.44 -10968.31 2713.46 622-1 -14.44 -2470.65 -329.61 622-1 -14.44 3394.36 -6235.6 622-1 -3.04 -1590 4564.8 623-1 -3.04 203.88 58.91 623-1 -3.04 1997.76 -4446.99 623-1 -6.16 -4439 5492.9 623-1 -6.16 103.65 80.69 623-1 -6.16 4646.3 -5331.53 623-1 -4.75 -3257.77 4898.55 623-1 -4.75 139.63 67.45 623-1 -4.75 3537.03 -4763.65 623-1 -4.81 -3281.42 4900.06 623-1 -4.81 131.67 69.09 623-1 -4.81 3544.76 -4761.89 623-1 25.45 765.88 15873.93 623-1 25.45 667.11 1041.99 623-1 25.45 4429.02 10550.12 623-1 -24.45 -5396.57 -12415.11 623-1 -24.45 -546.72 -1026.96 623-1 -24.45 442.45 -13978.87 623-1 17.08 6832.11 6110.39 623-1 17.08 1850.19 332.42 623-1 17.08 8365.85 2118.11 623-1 -16.08 -11462.79 -2651.58 623-1 -16.08 -1729.79 -317.39 623-1 -16.08 -3494.39 -5546.86 623-1 20.1 -210.94 19045.27 623-1 20.1 734.96 1104.3 623-1 20.1 5541.55 7503.4 623-1 -29.79 -6373.39 -9243.77 623-1 -29.79 -478.86 -964.64 623-1 -29.79 1554.99 -17025.59 623-1 11.74 5855.28 9281.73 623-1 11.74 1918.04 394.73 623-1 11.74 9478.39 -928.61 623-1 -21.42 -12439.62 519.77 623-1 -21.42 -1661.94 -255.08 623-1 -21.42 -2381.85 -8593.58 623-1 -7.87 -2592.85 4398.38 624-1 -7.87 36.23 -19.37 624-1 -7.87 2665.3 -4437.12 624-1 -11.23 -5294.25 5242.65 624-1 -11.23 137.72 -23.25 624-1 -11.23 5569.7 -5289.16 624-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-9.56 -4147.59 4695 624-1 -9.56 95.7 -20.06 624-1 -9.56 4338.99 -4735.12 624-1 -9.55 -4143.09 4691.09 624-1 -9.55 97.43 -20.66 624-1 -9.55 4337.94 -4732.4 624-1 31.09 903.56 20968.9 624-1 31.09 435.52 461.49 624-1 31.09 6065.16 17091.49 624-1 -34.47 -6410.54 -17558.69 624-1 -34.47 -292.15 -462.43 624-1 -34.47 -271.45 -20503.56 624-1 17.37 8146.79 7600.57 624-1 17.37 1138.27 146.81 624-1 17.37 12352.84 4049.74 624-1 -20.74 -13653.77 -4190.36 624-1 -20.74 -994.91 -147.74 624-1 -20.74 -6559.13 -7461.81 624-1 23.23 -483.99 23953.1 624-1 23.23 462.05 441.03 624-1 23.23 7505.77 14066.36 624-1 -42.33 -7798.09 -14574.49 624-1 -42.33 -265.62 -482.89 624-1 -42.33 1169.16 -23528.69 624-1 9.51 6759.23 10584.77 624-1 9.51 1164.8 126.34 624-1 9.51 13793.45 1024.61 624-1 -28.6 -15041.32 -1206.16 624-1 -28.6 -968.38 -168.2 624-1 -28.6 -5118.52 -10486.94 624-1 -6.55 -2042.6 3119.83 625-1 -6.55 -586.88 768.17 625-1 -6.55 868.85 -1583.49 625-1 -8.08 -4169.47 3704.46 625-1 -8.08 -1140.09 903.59 625-1 -8.08 1889.29 -1897.29 625-1 -7.16 -3261.69 3319.46 625-1 -7.16 -901.24 811.95 625-1 -7.16 1459.21 -1695.55 625-1 -7.16 -3262.36 3318.29 625-1 -7.16 -901.2 811.7 625-1 -7.16 1459.95 -1694.89 625-1 26.1 1116.87 18472.92 625-1 26.1 1162.67 3218.67 625-1 26.1 7630.61 22496.6 625-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-27.82 -27.82 -27.82 18.77 18.77 18.77 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 19.81 19.81 19.81 -34.11 -34.11 -34.11 12.47 12.47 12.47 -26.78 -26.78 -26.78 -2.67 -2.67 -2.67 -4.15 -4.15 -4.15 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 12.29 12.29 12.29 -13.4 -13.4 -13.4 9.2 9.2 9.2 -10.3 -10.3 -10.3

-5327.71 -2258.16 -5610.75 7499.47 4521.3 20691.16 -11710.31 -5616.79 -18671.3 -40.37 809.23 8080.97 -6484.95 -2611.61 -5160.39 6342.23 4167.86 21141.52 -12867.55 -5970.23 -18220.94 -11202.62 -133.22 10936.18 -13103.65 208.74 13521.13 -12011.03 13.99 12039.01 -11822.72 76.92 11976.56 -4613.4 -195.45 5234.81 -7470.68 -1181.39 4095.59 -1632.77 825.54 6399.49 -10451.31 -2202.38 2930.91

-16114.73 625-1 -2635.91 625-1 -23689.25 625-1 6565.78 625-1 1197.54 625-1 6504.1 625-1 -4207.6 625-1 -614.78 625-1 -7696.75 625-1 20611.58 625-1 3738.87 625-1 21398.33 625-1 -13976.07 625-1 -2115.7 625-1 -24787.52 625-1 8704.45 625-1 1717.74 625-1 5405.83 625-1 -2068.93 625-1 -94.58 625-1 -8795.02 625-1 -424.17 626-1 -28.09 626-1 367.99 626-1 -469.53 626-1 -14.25 626-1 441.03 626-1 -439.35 626-1 -21.17 626-1 397.02 626-1 -431.19 626-1 -18.41 626-1 394.38 626-1 5755.89 626-1 1234.37 626-1 3806.54 626-1 -6277 626-1 -1303.53 626-1 -3423.77 626-1 1611.99 626-1 355.4 626-1 1333.25 626-1 -2133.1 626-1 -424.56 626-1 -950.48 626-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

9.41 9.41 9.41 -16.29 -16.29 -16.29 6.31 6.31 6.31 -13.19 -13.19 -13.19 -4.95 -4.95 -4.95 -7.86 -7.86 -7.86 -6.45 -6.45 -6.45 -6.49 -6.49 -6.49 24.62 24.62 24.62 -24.36 -24.36 -24.36 14.98 14.98 14.98 -14.72 -14.72 -14.72 17.97 17.97 17.97 -31.01 -31.01 -31.01 8.33 8.33 8.33

-10308.48 5588.96 626-1 598.49 1251.8 626-1 12517.78 4008.33 626-1 -13165.77 -6443.93 626-1 -387.45 -1286.1 626-1 11378.55 -3221.98 626-1 -7327.86 1445.06 626-1 1619.48 372.83 626-1 13682.46 1535.04 626-1 -16146.39 -2300.03 626-1 -1408.44 -407.13 626-1 10213.88 -748.69 626-1 -10519.69 -214.07 627-1 -77.25 10.33 627-1 10365.18 234.74 627-1 -13589.72 -260.81 627-1 -172.58 10.13 627-1 13244.57 281.08 627-1 -11833.96 -229.81 627-1 -118.61 10.39 627-1 11596.74 250.59 627-1 -11868.94 -231.52 627-1 -130.64 9.76 627-1 11607.66 251.05 627-1 -460.05 12126.3 627-1 658.09 1361.29 627-1 5794.7 9849.34 627-1 -6633.09 -12297.8 627-1 -479.31 -1341.49 627-1 1656.01 -9638.22 627-1 5915.99 3648.67 627-1 1829.42 427.57 627-1 10067.29 3097.58 627-1 -13009.14 -3820.17 627-1 -1650.64 -407.77 627-1 -2616.58 -2886.47 627-1 -8798.33 11979.75 627-1 432.59 1360.87 627-1 13681.97 9995.03 627-1 -14971.36 -12444.36 627-1 -704.81 -1341.92 627-1 9543.28 -9492.53 627-1 -2422.28 3502.12 627-1 1603.92 427.15 627-1 17954.56 3243.28 627-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-21.37 -21.37 -21.37 -8.58 -8.58 -8.58 -11.76 -11.76 -11.76 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 30.32 30.32 30.32 -33.4 -33.4 -33.4 15.75 15.75 15.75 -18.83 -18.83 -18.83 21.76 21.76 21.76 -41.96 -41.96 -41.96 7.18 7.18 7.18 -27.39 -27.39 -27.39 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -7.08 -7.08 -7.08

-21347.41 -1876.14 5270.69 -11064.18 349.37 11762.91 -14020.97 458.17 14937.3 -12328.44 395.59 13119.61 -12320.76 398.2 13117.17 -483.12 444.64 7631.46 -7872.03 -232.87 1147.25 7140.77 1143.2 14314.6 -15495.93 -931.43 -5535.89 -8622.81 738.15 16358.16 -16011.72 60.64 9873.95 -998.91 1436.71 23041.3 -23635.61 -637.92 3190.81 -8604.98 -2243.66 4117.65 -10918.33 -2837.97 5242.39

-3966.73 627-1 -408.2 627-1 -2740.77 627-1 -269.72 628-1 26.58 628-1 322.88 628-1 -326.32 628-1 29.26 628-1 384.85 628-1 -290.87 628-1 26.73 628-1 344.34 628-1 -290.68 628-1 26.82 628-1 344.31 628-1 15537.72 628-1 755.73 628-1 14803.61 628-1 -15796.42 628-1 -740.15 628-1 -14513.74 628-1 4663.68 628-1 246.5 628-1 4646.87 628-1 -4922.38 628-1 -230.92 628-1 -4357.01 628-1 15376.48 628-1 774.8 628-1 15002.98 628-1 -15957.66 628-1 -721.08 628-1 -14314.37 628-1 4502.44 628-1 265.57 628-1 4846.24 628-1 -5083.62 628-1 -211.85 628-1 -4157.64 628-1 -178 629-1 -72.42 629-1 33.17 629-1 -222.51 629-1 -97.51 629-1 27.5 629-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 25.61 25.61 25.61 -27.21 -27.21 -27.21 15.78 15.78 15.78 -17.39 -17.39 -17.39 20.25 20.25 20.25 -32.57 -32.57 -32.57 10.42 10.42 10.42 -22.75 -22.75 -22.75 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -4.16 -4.16 -4.16 -3.47 -3.47 -3.47 -3.45 -3.45 -3.45 12.19 12.19 12.19

-9588.92 -2494.89 4599.15 -9589.71 -2494.91 4599.89 138.94 797.46 8029.68 -6457.92 -2425.04 -4965.86 6929.31 4131.61 21446.37 -13248.28 -5759.18 -18382.56 -6291.63 -883.67 11098 -12888.5 -4106.16 -1897.54 498.73 2450.48 24514.7 -19678.86 -7440.31 -15314.23 -11168.01 -84.8 10998.41 -13069.89 238.51 13546.9 -11975.6 49.73 12075.06 -11790.03 111.31 12012.65 -4619.48 -210.04 5203.03

-196.1 629-1 -84.21 629-1 27.68 629-1 -196.26 629-1 -84.22 629-1 27.82 629-1 14010.47 629-1 3705.44 629-1 21559.43 629-1 -14186.43 629-1 -3769.4 629-1 -21511.39 629-1 4242.68 629-1 1104.87 629-1 6609.1 629-1 -4418.65 629-1 -1168.84 629-1 -6561.06 629-1 13902.12 629-1 3653.2 629-1 21563.3 629-1 -14294.78 629-1 -3821.64 629-1 -21507.52 629-1 4134.33 629-1 1052.63 629-1 6612.97 629-1 -4527 629-1 -1221.07 629-1 -6557.19 629-1 -261.13 630-1 -69.45 630-1 122.24 630-1 -224.97 630-1 -53.93 630-1 117.11 630-1 -225.47 630-1 -56.38 630-1 112.71 630-1 -224.68 630-1 -56.08 630-1 112.52 630-1 5860.14 630-1 1219.85 630-1 3649.21 630-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-12.5 -12.5 -12.5 8.21 8.21 8.21 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 8.9 8.9 8.9 -15.79 -15.79 -15.79 4.92 4.92 4.92 -11.81 -11.81 -11.81 -5.75 -5.75 -5.75 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -7.31 -7.31 -7.31 -7.33 -7.33 -7.33 23.82 23.82 23.82 -24.49 -24.49 -24.49 13.09 13.09 13.09 -13.76 -13.76 -13.76

-7380.94 -5979.91 630-1 -1149.47 -1235.66 630-1 4078.38 -3561.05 630-1 -1610.33 2019.33 630-1 807.49 388.45 630-1 6416.89 1373.73 630-1 -10390.1 -2139.1 630-1 -2167 -404.25 630-1 2864.53 -1285.57 630-1 -10324.95 5695.71 630-1 609.02 1171.81 630-1 12546.61 3717.56 630-1 -13086.41 -6144.35 630-1 -330.41 -1283.7 630-1 11421.96 -3492.71 630-1 -7315.79 1854.89 630-1 1626.55 340.4 630-1 13760.47 1442.08 630-1 -16095.56 -2303.53 630-1 -1347.94 -452.29 630-1 10208.1 -1217.22 630-1 -10686.05 59.86 631-1 -104.31 19.88 631-1 10477.43 -20.1 631-1 -13717.04 83.91 631-1 -196.75 18.63 631-1 13323.54 -46.66 631-1 -11967.84 71.85 631-1 -142.82 18.2 631-1 11682.19 -35.46 631-1 -12002.11 71.71 631-1 -154.51 18.06 631-1 11693.1 -35.6 631-1 -538.24 12311.09 631-1 626.95 1334.28 631-1 5725.9 9879.18 631-1 -6525.22 -12302.56 631-1 -458.02 -1325.04 631-1 1675.42 -9869.24 631-1 5959.39 3939.37 631-1 1799.17 413.72 631-1 10126.17 3195.28 631-1 -13022.85 -3930.83 631-1 -1630.24 -404.49 631-1 -2724.85 -3185.34 631-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

16.81 16.81 16.81 -31.5 -31.5 -31.5 6.08 6.08 6.08 -20.77 -20.77 -20.77 -8.37 -8.37 -8.37 -11.49 -11.49 -11.49 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 -9.87 30.41 30.41 30.41 -33.07 -33.07 -33.07 15.25 15.25 15.25 -17.9 -17.9 -17.9 21.87 21.87 21.87 -41.61 -41.61 -41.61 6.71 6.71 6.71

-9024.2 382.67 13723.3 -15011.18 -702.3 9672.81 -2526.57 1554.89 18123.57 -21508.81 -1874.52 5272.54 -11175.76 349 11873.75 -14098.58 453.26 15005.1 -12412.99 392.4 13197.79 -12405.16 395.02 13195.19 -575.48 427.14 7504.49 -7735.39 -226.93 1206.8 7199.46 1129.73 14345.49 -15510.34 -929.52 -5634.2 -8821.65 723.25 16342.86 -15981.55 69.17 10045.17 -1046.7 1425.83 23183.86

12378.47 631-1 1347.65 631-1 9838.55 631-1 -12235.18 631-1 -1311.67 631-1 -9909.87 631-1 4006.74 631-1 427.1 631-1 3154.65 631-1 -3863.45 631-1 -391.11 631-1 -3225.97 631-1 38.65 632-1 -11.5 632-1 -61.65 632-1 57.6 632-1 -9.72 632-1 -77.04 632-1 48.38 632-1 -9.77 632-1 -67.92 632-1 48.42 632-1 -9.77 632-1 -67.96 632-1 15914.32 632-1 708.21 632-1 14996.92 632-1 -15929.05 632-1 -705.17 632-1 -14976.11 632-1 5024.41 632-1 228.69 632-1 4739.56 632-1 -5039.13 632-1 -225.65 632-1 -4718.75 632-1 15970.12 632-1 696.92 632-1 14918.54 632-1 -15873.25 632-1 -716.46 632-1 -15054.49 632-1 5080.21 632-1 217.4 632-1 4661.18 632-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-26.44 -26.44 -26.44 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -6.89 -6.89 -6.89 -6 -6 -6 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 25.07 25.07 25.07 -26.73 -26.73 -26.73 13.55 13.55 13.55 -15.21 -15.21 -15.21 19.91 19.91 19.91 -31.89 -31.89 -31.89 8.39 8.39 8.39 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -4.29 -4.29 -4.29 -6.38 -6.38 -6.38

-23756.5 -4983.34 632-1 -633.42 -236.94 632-1 3204.17 -4797.13 632-1 -8681.18 97.49 633-1 -2240.93 3.98 633-1 4199.33 -89.52 633-1 -10955.57 100.29 633-1 -2818.38 -7.85 633-1 5318.8 -115.99 633-1 -9636.82 94.04 633-1 -2481.77 -3.65 633-1 4673.27 -101.34 633-1 -9637.49 94.02 633-1 -2481.79 -3.63 633-1 4673.92 -101.28 633-1 106.89 14343.95 633-1 742.41 3670.32 633-1 7829.45 21630.53 633-1 -6366.75 -14340.65 633-1 -2347.06 -3684.78 633-1 -4778.9 -21662.76 633-1 7133.27 4406 633-1 4092.1 1121.25 633-1 21509.87 6585.17 633-1 -13393.13 -4402.7 633-1 -5696.75 -1135.71 633-1 -18459.33 -6617.39 633-1 -6400.98 14436.31 633-1 -937.06 3673.93 633-1 10978.4 21545.39 633-1 -12874.62 -14248.28 633-1 -4026.52 -3681.17 633-1 -1629.96 -21747.9 633-1 625.4 4498.36 633-1 2412.63 1124.86 633-1 24658.82 6500.03 633-1 -19901 -4310.33 633-1 -7376.22 -1132.1 633-1 -15310.38 -6702.54 633-1 -11453.94 515.84 634-1 -106 448.48 634-1 11241.94 381.12 634-1 -13486.21 723.07 634-1 47.12 353.7 634-1 13580.45 -15.68 634-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-5.35 -5.35 -5.35 -5.36 -5.36 -5.36 11.7 11.7 11.7 -11.68 -11.68 -11.68 6.64 6.64 6.64 -6.62 -6.62 -6.62 6.33 6.33 6.33 -17.06 -17.06 -17.06 1.27 1.27 1.27 -12 -12 -12 -8.11 -8.11 -8.11 -11.51 -11.51 -11.51 -9.82 -9.82 -9.82 -9.8 -9.8 -9.8 22.76 22.76 22.76

-12251.48 -38.4 12174.67 -12131.04 -9.54 12111.95 -3800.13 -106.57 5773.81 -6745.61 -537.49 3483.81 -1398.12 367.71 7463.33 -9147.62 -1011.77 1794.29 -10603.55 219.04 13228.45 -13549.03 -211.89 10938.44 -8201.54 693.32 14917.97 -15951.04 -686.16 9248.93 -10822.57 -189.66 10443.24 -13433.62 -242.07 12949.48 -11882.9 -210.55 11461.81 -11875.89 -212.01 11451.87 225.33 216.89 7559.28

636.73 634-1 372.06 634-1 107.38 634-1 620.5 634-1 366.21 634-1 111.93 634-1 6412.32 634-1 1311.64 634-1 3073.98 634-1 -5173.48 634-1 -1121.93 634-1 -3933.4 634-1 2515.64 634-1 470 634-1 762.48 634-1 -1276.79 634-1 -280.28 634-1 -1621.91 634-1 6406.02 634-1 1580.34 634-1 3617.69 634-1 -5179.78 634-1 -853.23 634-1 -3389.7 634-1 2509.33 634-1 738.7 634-1 1306.19 634-1 -1283.1 634-1 -11.58 634-1 -1078.2 634-1 -1035.15 635-1 -73.69 635-1 887.78 635-1 -459.08 635-1 -53.5 635-1 352.08 635-1 -624.44 635-1 -58.49 635-1 507.46 635-1 -620.35 635-1 -57.32 635-1 505.71 635-1 12535.43 635-1 1321.07 635-1 9456.82 635-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-25.71 -25.71 -25.71 11.12 11.12 11.12 -14.06 -14.06 -14.06 14.44 14.44 14.44 -34.03 -34.03 -34.03 2.8 2.8 2.8 -22.38 -22.38 -22.38 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 -11.36 -11.36 -11.36 -9.72 -9.72 -9.72 -9.73 -9.73 -9.73 30.59 30.59 30.59 -32.44 -32.44 -32.44 14.48 14.48 14.48 -16.34 -16.34 -16.34

-8117.71 -319.74 127.4 9041.73 821.5 15301.89 -16934.11 -924.35 -7615.22 -7701.18 55.65 15163.3 -16044.22 -480.99 7731.42 1115.22 660.25 22905.91 -24860.62 -1085.59 -11.2 -10055.04 -169.64 9715.75 -12483.25 -187.21 12108.84 -11048 -173.72 10700.55 -11036.05 -171.85 10692.34 2275.83 64.81 9625.55 -9763.57 -208.51 -2425.2 15456.52 340.68 22890.82 -22944.26 -484.37 -15690.47

-11911.41 635-1 -1353.18 635-1 -10145.05 635-1 4193.31 635-1 406.69 635-1 2847.43 635-1 -3569.29 635-1 -438.8 635-1 -3535.67 635-1 11604.93 635-1 1280.34 635-1 10305.84 635-1 -12841.91 635-1 -1393.92 635-1 -9296.03 635-1 3262.82 635-1 365.96 635-1 3696.46 635-1 -4499.79 635-1 -479.54 635-1 -2686.64 635-1 -712.87 636-1 -8.47 636-1 695.94 636-1 -182.24 636-1 -30.73 636-1 120.78 636-1 -342.83 636-1 -21.74 636-1 299.34 636-1 -343.01 636-1 -21.9 636-1 299.2 636-1 16270.07 636-1 694.95 636-1 14454.66 636-1 -15437.41 636-1 -738.69 636-1 -15374.79 636-1 5507.13 636-1 210.61 636-1 4368.84 636-1 -4674.48 636-1 -254.35 636-1 -5288.97 636-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

21.79 21.79 21.79 -41.24 -41.24 -41.24 5.68 5.68 5.68 -25.14 -25.14 -25.14 -4.2 -4.2 -4.2 -5.6 -5.6 -5.6 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 -4.85 25.37 25.37 25.37 -26.77 -26.77 -26.77 12.23 12.23 12.23 -13.63 -13.63 -13.63 21.22 21.22 21.22 -30.91 -30.91 -30.91 8.08 8.08 8.08

-5010.91 -34.34 16713.99 -17050.32 -307.66 4663.23 8169.77 241.52 29979.26 -30231.01 -583.53 -8602.03 -6564.33 -1674.82 3214.7 -8181.22 -2076.7 4027.82 -7227.89 -1837.63 3552.64 -7223.9 -1836.47 3550.97 3029.56 333.89 8353.83 -7834.73 -1556.34 -5993.58 15245.57 2385.71 24734.93 -20050.74 -3608.16 -22374.68 -1789.95 -890.83 10723.91 -12654.23 -2781.06 -3623.5 10426.06 1160.99 27105.01

15510.65 636-1 694.85 636-1 15213.86 636-1 -16196.83 636-1 -738.79 636-1 -14615.58 636-1 4747.72 636-1 210.51 636-1 5128.04 636-1 -5433.89 636-1 -254.45 636-1 -4529.76 636-1 -449.02 637-1 -129.65 637-1 189.73 637-1 -46 637-1 -37.32 637-1 -28.64 637-1 -173.4 637-1 -65.09 637-1 43.22 637-1 -173.12 637-1 -65.01 637-1 43.1 637-1 14619.66 637-1 3791.98 637-1 21425.47 637-1 -13940.07 637-1 -3628.85 637-1 -21778.81 637-1 4848.9 637-1 1249.13 637-1 6448.23 637-1 -4169.31 637-1 -1086 637-1 -6801.57 637-1 14106.86 637-1 3645.44 637-1 21645.19 637-1 -14452.87 637-1 -3775.39 637-1 -21559.09 637-1 4336.1 637-1 1102.59 637-1 6667.95 637-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-17.78 -17.78 -17.78 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -5.83 -5.83 -5.83 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -5.09 -5.09 -5.09 11.11 11.11 11.11 -12.23 -12.23 -12.23 6.01 6.01 6.01 -7.13 -7.13 -7.13 6.59 6.59 6.59 -16.76 -16.76 -16.76 1.49 1.49 1.49 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -10.34 -10.34 -10.34

-24870.24 -4832.88 -20004.6 -11487.49 -111.63 11264.23 -13529.14 40.77 13610.68 -12289.01 -44.19 12200.64 -12168.64 -15.32 12138 -3776.78 -105.96 5789.93 -6757.32 -535.99 3460.27 -1379.74 367.76 7475.4 -9154.36 -1009.7 1774.81 -10623.66 212.81 13274.36 -13604.19 -217.21 10944.69 -8226.62 686.53 14959.82 -16001.23 -690.93 9259.23 -10876.8 -190.98 10494.85 -13518.09 -244.38 13029.33

-4682.11 637-1 -1232.54 637-1 -6581.85 637-1 -477.09 638-1 -442.74 638-1 -408.38 638-1 -625.41 638-1 -339.54 638-1 -53.66 638-1 -563.21 638-1 -361.36 638-1 -159.5 638-1 -547 638-1 -355.51 638-1 -164.03 638-1 5184.65 638-1 1123.73 638-1 3928.54 638-1 -6399.42 638-1 -1307.86 638-1 -3082.01 638-1 1288.54 638-1 279.67 638-1 1623.4 638-1 -2503.31 638-1 -463.79 638-1 -776.87 638-1 5252.41 638-1 862.94 638-1 3339.19 638-1 -6331.67 638-1 -1568.65 638-1 -3671.37 638-1 1356.29 638-1 18.87 638-1 1034.04 638-1 -2435.55 638-1 -724.59 638-1 -1366.22 638-1 1081.8 639-1 77.96 639-1 -925.88 639-1 593.85 639-1 60.66 639-1 -472.53 639-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-8.66 -8.66 -8.66 -8.67 -8.67 -8.67 23.37 23.37 23.37 -25.04 -25.04 -25.04 11.7 11.7 11.7 -13.37 -13.37 -13.37 15.54 15.54 15.54 -32.88 -32.88 -32.88 3.86 3.86 3.86 -21.21 -21.21 -21.21 -8.81 -8.81 -8.81 -11.95 -11.95 -11.95 -10.3 -10.3 -10.3 -10.3 -10.3 -10.3 30.18 30.18 30.18

-11953.24 723.66 639-1 -212.42 64.34 639-1 11528.4 -594.99 639-1 -11946.14 719.58 639-1 -213.88 63.17 639-1 11518.38 -593.23 639-1 202.91 11929.54 639-1 217.24 1356.83 639-1 7560.78 10108.63 639-1 -8119.09 -12492.91 639-1 -321.96 -1320.47 639-1 145.94 -9472.53 639-1 9013.51 3556.53 639-1 820.29 445.46 639-1 15299.83 3473.67 639-1 -16929.68 -4119.9 639-1 -925.01 -409.09 639-1 -7593.11 -2837.57 639-1 -7781.9 12928.95 639-1 55.06 1401.29 639-1 15221.25 9198.14 639-1 -16103.91 -11493.51 639-1 -484.14 -1276.01 639-1 7806.41 -10383.01 639-1 1028.69 4555.93 639-1 658.11 489.92 639-1 22960.3 2563.18 639-1 -24914.5 -3120.5 639-1 -1087.19 -364.64 639-1 67.36 -3748.05 639-1 -10123.22 784.54 640-1 -167.39 7.72 640-1 9788.44 -769.11 640-1 -12575.43 322.61 640-1 -183.48 24.15 640-1 12208.47 -274.32 640-1 -11127.49 453.59 640-1 -170.66 17.39 640-1 10786.16 -418.82 640-1 -11115.57 453.77 640-1 -168.8 17.54 640-1 10777.97 -418.68 640-1 2271.83 15449.89 640-1 67.21 735.01 640-1 9638.9 15330.05 640-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-33.07 -33.07 -33.07 14.27 14.27 14.27 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 21.32 21.32 21.32 -41.92 -41.92 -41.92 5.42 5.42 5.42 -26.02 -26.02 -26.02 -4.33 -4.33 -4.33 -5.87 -5.87 -5.87 -5.06 -5.06 -5.06 -5.06 -5.06 -5.06 25.51 25.51 25.51 -26.67 -26.67 -26.67 12.29 12.29 12.29 -13.44 -13.44 -13.44

-9776.31 -209.16 -2418.32 15432.86 344.43 22883.86 -22937.34 -486.38 -15663.27 -5086.08 -29.77 16802.86 -17134.21 -306.13 4745.64 8074.95 247.46 30047.82 -30295.25 -583.35 -8499.32 -6598.55 -1666.61 3265.33 -8227.03 -2065.69 4095.65 -7267.53 -1828.11 3611.31 -7263.54 -1826.95 3609.64 3048.9 335.82 8405.02 -7868.84 -1556.59 -6026.63 15245.85 2385.05 24751.91 -20065.79 -3605.82 -22373.52

-16229.38 640-1 -694.32 640-1 -14469.2 640-1 4652.33 640-1 245.89 640-1 5206.39 640-1 -5431.82 640-1 -205.21 640-1 -4345.53 640-1 16293.49 640-1 732.28 640-1 14481 640-1 -15385.78 640-1 -697.05 640-1 -15318.25 640-1 5495.93 640-1 243.17 640-1 4357.34 640-1 -4588.22 640-1 -207.93 640-1 -5194.59 640-1 481.96 641-1 116.18 641-1 -249.59 641-1 104.85 641-1 10.19 641-1 -84.48 641-1 220.77 641-1 43.8 641-1 -133.16 641-1 220.5 641-1 43.73 641-1 -133.04 641-1 13945.38 641-1 3626.32 641-1 21745.71 641-1 -14600.38 641-1 -3800.23 641-1 -21438.52 641-1 4159.2 641-1 1090.14 641-1 6745.93 641-1 -4814.2 641-1 -1264.05 641-1 -6438.74 641-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

21.03 21.03 21.03 -31.15 -31.15 -31.15 7.81 7.81 7.81 -17.93 -17.93 -17.93 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 -8.6 -8.6 -8.6 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46 -7.48 -7.48 -7.48 11.32 11.32 11.32 -12.6 -12.6 -12.6 6.19 6.19 6.19 -7.46 -7.46 -7.46 4.48 4.48 4.48 -19.44 -19.44 -19.44 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66

-1802.85 14493.25 641-1 -880.22 3756.97 641-1 10824.7 21459.13 641-1 -12720.59 -14052.51 641-1 -2772.63 -3669.59 641-1 -3606.95 -21725.11 641-1 10394.1 4707.07 641-1 1169.01 1220.79 641-1 27171.59 6459.34 641-1 -24917.54 -4266.33 641-1 -4821.86 -1133.41 641-1 -19953.84 -6725.33 641-1 -11260.87 298.39 642-1 -117.34 74.56 642-1 11026.2 -149.28 642-1 -13183.28 329.01 642-1 199.3 69.66 642-1 13581.89 -189.7 642-1 -12076.26 302.53 642-1 14.75 67.84 642-1 12105.75 -166.85 642-1 -11890.74 301.69 642-1 76.35 67.55 642-1 12043.44 -166.59 642-1 -4611.7 5999.53 642-1 -212.2 1239.36 642-1 5207.48 3549.36 642-1 -7391.5 -5839.27 642-1 -1153.88 -1215.28 642-1 4063.54 -3661.47 642-1 -1601.03 2153.67 642-1 799.43 404.38 642-1 6433.92 1275.78 642-1 -10402.16 -1993.41 642-1 -2165.51 -380.3 642-1 2837.1 -1387.89 642-1 -10416.52 6220.71 642-1 575.19 1294.74 642-1 12587.08 3438.95 642-1 -13196.31 -5618.09 642-1 -366.49 -1159.9 642-1 11443.14 -3771.89 642-1 -7405.85 2374.85 642-1 1586.82 459.76 642-1 13813.53 1165.37 642-1

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-14.31 -14.31 -14.31 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -12.79 -12.79 -12.79 -10.93 -10.93 -10.93 -10.91 -10.91 -10.91 22.1 22.1 22.1 -25.6 -25.6 -25.6 11.08 11.08 11.08 -14.58 -14.58 -14.58 12.95 12.95 12.95 -34.75 -34.75 -34.75 1.92 1.92 1.92 -23.73 -23.73 -23.73 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -11.79 -11.79 -11.79

-16206.98 -1772.23 642-1 -1378.12 -324.92 642-1 10216.7 -1498.31 642-1 -10768.38 -14.16 643-1 -109.87 -15.99 643-1 10548.64 -17.83 643-1 -13857.02 48.98 643-1 -208.04 -12.56 643-1 13440.94 -74.11 643-1 -12081.92 25.83 643-1 -151.68 -13.16 643-1 11778.57 -52.16 643-1 -12116.08 26.03 643-1 -163.35 -13.02 643-1 11789.38 -52.06 643-1 -553.41 12320.79 643-1 625.39 1326.09 643-1 5749.49 9830.1 643-1 -6554.81 -12266.8 643-1 -462.72 -1331.84 643-1 1684.06 -9895.61 643-1 5908.32 3915.21 643-1 1791.82 402.11 643-1 10134.53 3119.74 643-1 -13016.54 -3861.22 643-1 -1629.16 -407.87 643-1 -2700.98 -3185.24 643-1 -9130.91 12319.92 643-1 375.4 1316.02 643-1 13827.01 9810.83 643-1 -15132.31 -12267.67 643-1 -712.71 -1341.91 643-1 9761.58 -9914.87 643-1 -2669.18 3914.33 643-1 1541.83 392.04 643-1 18212.05 3100.47 643-1 -21594.04 -3862.09 643-1 -1879.15 -417.94 643-1 5376.54 -3204.51 643-1 -11306.93 32.49 644-1 360.7 10.68 644-1 12028.34 -11.13 644-1 -14261.23 83.93 644-1 469.89 3.8 644-1 15201.02 -76.34 644-1

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-10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 30.18 30.18 30.18 -32.49 -32.49 -32.49 14.25 14.25 14.25 -16.56 -16.56 -16.56 21.22 21.22 21.22 -41.45 -41.45 -41.45 5.29 5.29 5.29 -25.52 -25.52 -25.52 -3.08 -3.08 -3.08 -4.32 -4.32 -4.32 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 -3.69 25.81 25.81 25.81

-12556.75 406.57 13369.89 -12548.97 409.18 13367.33 -576.24 433.55 7529.28 -7760.95 -230.47 1214.08 7165.29 1145.69 14335.76 -15502.48 -942.6 -5592.4 -8953.07 742.37 16523.76 -16137.79 78.35 10208.56 -1211.54 1454.51 23330.24 -23879.32 -633.78 3402.08 -8742.89 -2206.74 4329.4 -11024.6 -2768.96 5486.68 -9699.81 -2439.9 4820.02 -9700.48 -2439.91 4820.66 117 753.66 7877.22

62.97 644-1 5.82 644-1 -51.34 644-1 62.91 644-1 5.81 644-1 -51.29 644-1 15944.05 644-1 703.56 644-1 14928.06 644-1 -15869.01 644-1 -708.68 644-1 -15013.32 644-1 5019.03 644-1 222.27 644-1 4634.56 644-1 -4943.98 644-1 -227.38 644-1 -4719.82 644-1 15969.41 644-1 711.92 644-1 14919.42 644-1 -15843.65 644-1 -700.32 644-1 -15021.96 644-1 5044.39 644-1 230.63 644-1 4625.92 644-1 -4918.62 644-1 -219.02 644-1 -4728.47 644-1 -66.3 645-1 -17.4 645-1 31.51 645-1 -44.85 645-1 -19.55 645-1 5.76 645-1 -49.37 645-1 -17.78 645-1 13.8 645-1 -49.35 645-1 -17.8 645-1 13.74 645-1 14336.89 645-1 3682.84 645-1 21631.65 645-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-26.46 -26.46 -26.46 14.46 14.46 14.46 -15.11 -15.11 -15.11 22.44 22.44 22.44 -29.83 -29.83 -29.83 11.09 11.09 11.09 -18.48 -18.48 -18.48 -6.63 -6.63 -6.63 -8.78 -8.78 -8.78 -7.58 -7.58 -7.58 -7.61 -7.61 -7.61 12.36 12.36 12.36 -12.92 -12.92 -12.92 7.46 7.46 7.46 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02

-6392.91 -2346.94 -4787.87 7138.26 4090.76 21524.66 -13414.18 -5684.04 -18435.3 -6445.82 -889.61 11153.49 -12955.73 -3990.22 -1511.6 575.44 2447.48 24800.93 -19976.99 -7327.31 -15159.03 -11345.41 -162.89 11019.64 -13307.54 163.2 13633.94 -12184.34 -24.03 12136.28 -11996.05 38.91 12073.87 -4608.04 -206.1 5231.85 -7489.15 -1192.1 4068.94 -1621.9 807.39 6420.14 -10475.29 -2205.59 2880.65

-14315.91 645-1 -3678.85 645-1 -21644.63 645-1 4377.1 645-1 1139.4 645-1 6577.5 645-1 -4356.12 645-1 -1135.4 645-1 -6590.48 645-1 14277.07 645-1 3663.03 645-1 21651.85 645-1 -14375.74 645-1 -3698.66 645-1 -21624.43 645-1 4317.28 645-1 1119.59 645-1 6597.7 645-1 -4415.95 645-1 -1155.22 645-1 -6570.28 645-1 521.06 646-1 23.99 646-1 -473.08 646-1 592.36 646-1 8.12 646-1 -576.13 646-1 547.34 646-1 16.02 646-1 -515.3 646-1 539.11 646-1 13.25 646-1 -512.6 646-1 6236.3 646-1 1297.43 646-1 3441.81 646-1 -5773.3 646-1 -1233.94 646-1 -3777.83 646-1 2099.6 646-1 423.49 646-1 962.46 646-1 -1636.59 646-1 -360 646-1 -1298.49 646-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

5.01 5.01 5.01 -20.27 -20.27 -20.27 0.11 0.11 0.11 -15.37 -15.37 -15.37 -10.42 -10.42 -10.42 -14.22 -14.22 -14.22 -12.29 -12.29 -12.29 -12.24 -12.24 -12.24 21.78 21.78 21.78 -26.28 -26.28 -26.28 11.95 11.95 11.95 -16.44 -16.44 -16.44 11.8 11.8 11.8 -36.25 -36.25 -36.25 1.97 1.97 1.97

-10469.9 6540.17 646-1 560.52 1277.68 646-1 12626.96 3098.44 646-1 -13351.02 -5469.42 646-1 -425.48 -1253.68 646-1 11464.05 -4121.19 646-1 -7483.76 2403.47 646-1 1574.02 403.74 646-1 13815.25 619.1 646-1 -16337.16 -1332.72 646-1 -1438.97 -379.74 646-1 10275.76 -1641.85 646-1 -10716.33 349.93 647-1 -95.58 -3.25 647-1 10525.17 -356.44 647-1 -13890.8 486.39 647-1 -198.83 1.51 647-1 13493.15 -483.37 647-1 -12085.37 414.34 647-1 -140.91 -0.85 647-1 11803.56 -416.04 647-1 -12120.33 416.16 647-1 -152.94 -0.21 647-1 11814.45 -416.58 647-1 -480.27 12311.73 647-1 655.93 1339.64 647-1 5810.94 9646.36 647-1 -6650.76 -12125.54 647-1 -482.83 -1355.15 647-1 1666.28 -9863.57 647-1 5847.4 3824.86 647-1 1819.26 404.7 647-1 10066.13 2881.91 647-1 -12978.43 -3638.67 647-1 -1646.17 -420.21 647-1 -2588.91 -3099.12 647-1 -9050.97 12635.62 647-1 410.97 1347.48 647-1 13891.73 9338.14 647-1 -15221.46 -11801.65 647-1 -727.79 -1347.32 647-1 9747.07 -10171.8 647-1 -2723.3 4148.75 647-1 1574.31 412.54 647-1 18146.93 2573.69 647-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-26.42 -26.42 -26.42 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -11.56 -11.56 -11.56 -9.88 -9.88 -9.88 -9.89 -9.89 -9.89 30.41 30.41 30.41 -32.31 -32.31 -32.31 15.26 15.26 15.26 -17.16 -17.16 -17.16 21.47 21.47 21.47 -41.25 -41.25 -41.25 6.32 6.32 6.32 -26.1 -26.1 -26.1 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75

-21549.13 -1891.12 5491.88 -11306.76 369.72 12046.21 -14332.16 485.95 15304.05 -12600.87 419.5 13439.87 -12593.22 422.11 13437.44 -493.88 453.87 7648.21 -7891.66 -240.3 1164.47 7086.33 1167.03 14286.11 -15471.87 -953.46 -5473.43 -8890.85 770.38 16678.21 -16288.63 76.22 10194.47 -1310.64 1483.54 23316.11 -23868.84 -636.94 3556.57 -8722.29 -2191.59 4339.12 -11054.49 -2762.48 5529.53

-3314.78 647-1 -412.38 647-1 -3407.35 647-1 415.9 648-1 -28.51 648-1 -472.92 648-1 545.12 648-1 -40.56 648-1 -626.24 648-1 474.61 648-1 -34.41 648-1 -543.43 648-1 474.41 648-1 -34.5 648-1 -543.41 648-1 15828.13 648-1 730.64 648-1 14519.55 648-1 -15547.14 648-1 -754.52 648-1 -14848.31 648-1 4919.26 648-1 220.4 648-1 4316.93 648-1 -4638.26 648-1 -244.28 648-1 -4645.69 648-1 16161.96 648-1 708.04 648-1 14140.53 648-1 -15213.31 648-1 -777.12 648-1 -15227.34 648-1 5253.09 648-1 197.8 648-1 3937.91 648-1 -4304.44 648-1 -266.88 648-1 -5024.71 648-1 262.03 649-1 72.97 649-1 -116.09 649-1 342.83 649-1 87.23 649-1 -168.37 649-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-3.17 -3.17 -3.17 -3.18 -3.18 -3.18 26.49 26.49 26.49 -27.06 -27.06 -27.06 17.46 17.46 17.46 -18.04 -18.04 -18.04 23.59 23.59 23.59 -29.96 -29.96 -29.96 14.57 14.57 14.57 -20.93 -20.93 -20.93 -5.16 -5.16 -5.16 -7.65 -7.65 -7.65 -6.33 -6.33 -6.33 -6.42 -6.42 -6.42 13.34 13.34 13.34

-9711.73 298.29 649-1 -2430.96 77.97 649-1 4849.8 -142.36 649-1 -9712.51 298.46 649-1 -2430.98 77.97 649-1 4850.55 -142.52 649-1 153.05 14210.44 649-1 813.77 3757.21 649-1 8078.89 21499.2 649-1 -6475.64 -14020.85 649-1 -2417.41 -3706.22 649-1 -4963.57 -21586.8 649-1 6937.16 4424.83 649-1 4130.22 1163.25 649-1 21449.57 6548.26 649-1 -13259.75 -4235.24 649-1 -5733.86 -1112.26 649-1 -18334.25 -6635.86 649-1 -6398.52 14414.18 649-1 -815.4 3809.69 649-1 11372.12 21400.41 649-1 -13027.22 -13817.1 649-1 -4046.58 -3653.74 649-1 -1670.34 -21685.59 649-1 385.58 4628.57 649-1 2501.05 1215.73 649-1 24742.8 6449.48 649-1 -19811.32 -4031.49 649-1 -7363.04 -1059.78 649-1 -15041.03 -6734.65 649-1 -6735.21 -4633.16 650-1 -1009.72 21.37 650-1 4715.77 4675.89 650-1 -8244.74 -5315.36 650-1 -812.92 144.17 650-1 6618.91 5603.71 650-1 -7460.77 -4874.3 650-1 -880.93 79.02 650-1 5698.91 5032.33 650-1 -7338.67 -4820.5 650-1 -839.66 94.36 650-1 5659.35 5009.22 650-1 -2406.91 3941.9 650-1 -127.82 836.24 650-1 3050.33 6487.83 650-1

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-12.06 -5258.01 -8637.33 650-1 -12.06 -1191.67 -1133.84 650-1 -12.06 1975.62 -2387.6 650-1 10.27 364.01 -335.03 650-1 10.27 917.72 156.08 650-1 10.27 3968.91 3521.67 650-1 -9 -8028.92 -4360.41 650-1 -9 -2237.2 -453.69 650-1 -9 1057.04 578.56 650-1 6.23 -5857.62 1493.57 650-1 6.23 -288.98 1086.37 650-1 6.23 6178.72 9436.43 650-1 -19.17 -8708.72 -11085.66 650-1 -19.17 -1352.83 -883.7 650-1 -19.17 5104.01 561 650-1 3.17 -3086.7 -2783.36 650-1 3.17 756.56 406.22 650-1 3.17 7097.3 6470.28 650-1 -16.1 -11479.63 -6808.74 650-1 -16.1 -2398.36 -203.55 650-1 -16.1 4185.43 3527.16 650-1 -15.65 -3227.66 -4724.88 651-1 -15.65 107.75 -59.85 651-1 -15.65 3443.17 4605.17 651-1 -19.27 -5513.24 -5825.95 651-1 -19.27 30.92 -89.55 651-1 -19.27 5575.09 5646.85 651-1 -17.21 -4455.66 -5157.92 651-1 -17.21 63.43 -73.27 651-1 -17.21 4582.51 5011.38 651-1 -17.09 -4479.22 -5159.64 651-1 -17.09 55.34 -74.92 651-1 -17.09 4589.9 5009.79 651-1 21.09 1534.51 12210.64 651-1 21.09 707.78 1048.94 651-1 21.09 3757.36 13880.49 651-1 -29.48 -4611.72 -15821.39 651-1 -29.48 -511.58 -1067.46 651-1 -29.48 -287.74 -10306.78 651-1 13.49 7333.81 2588.74 651-1 13.49 1898.63 322.4 651-1 13.49 7421.31 5625.35 651-1 -21.89 -10411.02 -6199.49 651-1 -21.89 -1702.43 -340.92 651-1 -21.89 -3951.69 -2051.64 651-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

8.24 -1416.82 8855.6 651-1 8.24 661.35 982.52 651-1 8.24 6615.81 17102.7 651-1 -42.33 -7563.05 -19176.43 651-1 -42.33 -558.02 -1133.87 651-1 -42.33 2570.72 -7084.57 651-1 0.65 4382.48 -766.3 651-1 0.65 1852.2 255.98 651-1 0.65 10279.77 8847.56 651-1 -34.73 -13362.35 -9554.53 651-1 -34.73 -1748.87 -407.34 651-1 -34.73 -1093.24 1170.57 651-1 -8.57 -4071.18 -4530.35 652-1 -8.57 101.84 22.44 652-1 -8.57 4274.85 4575.23 652-1 -11.43 -6232.29 -5536.35 652-1 -11.43 181.63 27.68 652-1 -11.43 6595.56 5591.72 652-1 -9.87 -5209.21 -4920.87 652-1 -9.87 144.19 23.83 652-1 -9.87 5497.6 4968.52 652-1 -9.89 -5204.57 -4917.05 652-1 -9.89 145.95 24.41 652-1 -9.89 5496.48 4965.88 652-1 32.4 1599.06 17259.22 652-1 32.4 415.51 477.95 652-1 32.4 5312.89 20319.22 652-1 -33.31 -5722.96 -20808.33 652-1 -33.31 -340.28 -472.88 652-1 -33.31 -1038.54 -16759.97 652-1 18.55 8481.6 4130.53 652-1 18.55 1157.81 152.37 652-1 18.55 11197.56 7541.49 652-1 -19.47 -12605.5 -7679.64 652-1 -19.47 -1082.59 -147.3 652-1 -19.47 -6923.21 -3982.23 652-1 22.96 -1541.45 14118.46 652-1 22.96 524.65 500.1 652-1 22.96 8671.68 23504.28 652-1 -42.76 -8863.47 -23949.1 652-1 -42.76 -231.14 -450.73 652-1 -42.76 2320.24 -13574.91 652-1 9.11 5341.1 989.76 652-1 9.11 1266.96 174.52 652-1 9.11 14556.34 10726.54 652-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-28.91 -28.91 -28.91 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -1.93 -1.93 -1.93 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 28.92 28.92 28.92 -28.97 -28.97 -28.97 24.82 24.82 24.82 -24.87 -24.87 -24.87 27.56 27.56 27.56 -30.34 -30.34 -30.34 23.45 23.45 23.45 -26.23 -26.23 -26.23 -9.48 -9.48 -9.48 -12.23 -12.23 -12.23

-15746.01 -10820.4 652-1 -973.45 -125.16 652-1 -3564.42 -797.17 652-1 -3072.47 -3240.57 653-1 -736.78 -819.21 653-1 1598.91 1602.14 653-1 -4713.33 -3973.85 653-1 -1125.61 -1013.07 653-1 2462.11 1947.71 653-1 -3932.7 -3526.58 653-1 -940.39 -896.77 653-1 2051.93 1733.04 653-1 -3933.31 -3525.46 653-1 -940.34 -896.53 653-1 2052.64 1732.4 653-1 1723.95 15836.09 653-1 1342.39 2667.09 653-1 7403.65 23593.47 653-1 -4791.52 -18324.37 653-1 -2110.46 -3299.19 653-1 -5872.24 -22369.4 653-1 7824.94 4131.97 653-1 4737.05 610.89 653-1 20279.21 7712.17 653-1 -10892.51 -6620.25 653-1 -5505.12 -1243 653-1 -18747.8 -6488.1 653-1 -675.85 13555.28 653-1 786.11 2086.72 653-1 8690.9 24713.54 653-1 -7191.32 -20605.18 653-1 -2666.74 -3879.56 653-1 -4584.99 -21249.32 653-1 5425.15 1851.16 653-1 4180.77 30.53 653-1 21566.46 8832.25 653-1 -13292.31 -8901.06 653-1 -6061.4 -1823.36 653-1 -17460.55 -5368.02 653-1 -2701.55 -1670.97 654-1 -1183.67 11.17 654-1 334.21 1693.31 654-1 -3067.54 -2001.28 654-1 -1228.9 -81.48 654-1 609.75 1838.32 654-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-10.78 -10.78 -10.78 -10.7 -10.7 -10.7 29.86 29.86 29.86 -34.19 -34.19 -34.19 17.17 17.17 17.17 -21.51 -21.51 -21.51 21.36 21.36 21.36 -42.69 -42.69 -42.69 8.67 8.67 8.67 -30.01 -30.01 -30.01 -16.22 -16.22 -16.22 -21.23 -21.23 -21.23 -18.46 -18.46 -18.46 -18.48 -18.48 -18.48 23 23 23

-2840.96 -1168.53 503.91 -2793.63 -1151.44 490.76 -387.99 87 1268.4 -3173.5 -1038.4 390.28 2191.06 1145.55 2043.85 -5752.55 -2096.95 -385.17 -1379.36 -580.97 923.84 -4164.88 -1706.37 45.72 1199.69 477.58 1699.29 -6743.93 -2764.92 -729.73 1273.6 177.83 -917.95 953.03 156.54 -639.95 1018.7 159.73 -699.23 1007.01 155.68 -695.64 2641.66 717.81 2057.9

-1786.75 654-1 -44.38 654-1 1697.99 654-1 -1787.73 654-1 -46.9 654-1 1693.92 654-1 3424.32 654-1 1117.17 654-1 2537.31 654-1 -4678.63 654-1 -1225.79 654-1 -1500.23 654-1 653.99 654-1 309.31 654-1 1172.39 654-1 -1908.29 654-1 -417.92 654-1 -135.31 654-1 2263.3 654-1 1123.43 654-1 3710.85 654-1 -5839.65 654-1 -1219.53 654-1 -326.69 654-1 -507.03 654-1 315.57 654-1 2345.93 654-1 -3069.32 654-1 -411.67 654-1 1038.23 654-1 -1745.68 655-1 -49.29 655-1 1647.1 655-1 -1737.53 655-1 -38.52 655-1 1660.49 655-1 -1655.74 655-1 -41.39 655-1 1572.95 655-1 -1648.33 655-1 -40.13 655-1 1568.06 655-1 9958.64 655-1 1386.22 655-1 8264.36 655-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-29.44 -29.44 -29.44 16.6 16.6 16.6 -23.04 -23.04 -23.04 7.74 7.74 7.74 -44.7 -44.7 -44.7 1.34 1.34 1.34 -38.3 -38.3 -38.3 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 -16.25 -16.25 -16.25 -13.85 -13.85 -13.85 -13.85 -13.85 -13.85 30.37 30.37 30.37 -33.71 -33.71 -33.71 18.5 18.5 18.5 -21.84 -21.84 -21.84

-3026.64 -558.25 -1353.79 8067.06 1933.84 5332.98 -8452.03 -1774.27 -4628.86 3835.84 791.87 1011.84 -1832.46 -484.18 -2399.85 9261.23 2007.9 4286.92 -7257.85 -1700.21 -5674.92 481.98 -45.2 -572.39 187.6 -26.53 -240.66 269.89 -32.28 -334.44 271.84 -31.28 -334.4 2803.59 396.99 3363.38 -3904.16 -400.76 -2270.34 9216.43 1156.88 8749.62 -10317 -1160.65 -7656.58

-10840.14 655-1 -1420.25 655-1 -7450.91 655-1 2737.54 655-1 412.68 655-1 2819.9 655-1 -3619.05 655-1 -446.71 655-1 -2006.46 655-1 8754.43 655-1 1363.68 655-1 9423.48 655-1 -12044.35 655-1 -1442.8 655-1 -6291.8 655-1 1533.33 655-1 390.14 655-1 3979.02 655-1 -4823.26 655-1 -469.26 655-1 -847.34 655-1 -1401.19 656-1 -79.03 656-1 1243.12 656-1 -1382.07 656-1 -111.96 656-1 1158.16 656-1 -1317.15 656-1 -95.55 656-1 1126.05 656-1 -1314.61 656-1 -95.4 656-1 1123.81 656-1 13431.57 656-1 725.29 656-1 12967.91 656-1 -14028.04 656-1 -806.63 656-1 -12534.12 656-1 3894.5 656-1 200.51 656-1 4126 656-1 -4490.98 656-1 -281.86 656-1 -3692.21 656-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

18.2 3626.61 12416.35 656-1 18.2 368.05 670.63 656-1 18.2 2482.48 13873.8 656-1 -45.89 -3081.15 -15043.26 656-1 -45.89 -429.7 -861.3 656-1 -45.89 -3151.24 -11628.23 656-1 6.33 10039.45 2879.28 656-1 6.33 1127.94 145.85 656-1 6.33 7868.72 5031.89 656-1 -34.02 -9493.99 -5506.19 656-1 -34.02 -1189.59 -336.52 656-1 -34.02 -8537.48 -2786.31 656-1 0.99 438.48 -877.75 657-1 0.99 162.45 -210.87 657-1 0.99 -113.58 456.01 657-1 1.28 235.11 -820.97 657-1 1.28 142.76 -201.88 657-1 1.28 50.41 417.21 657-1 1.12 288.4 -796.9 657-1 1.12 141.31 -194.32 657-1 1.12 -5.77 408.25 657-1 1.12 287.96 -795.48 657-1 1.12 141.42 -194.01 657-1 1.12 -5.12 407.46 657-1 30.99 2536.11 12680.24 657-1 30.99 1725.01 4028.06 657-1 30.99 6767.21 20967.09 657-1 -30.39 -3345.7 -12958.44 657-1 -30.39 -1914.52 -4091.93 657-1 -30.39 -6336.65 -20816.62 657-1 30.4 8157.25 3798.89 657-1 30.4 5198.83 1207.76 657-1 30.4 19287 6475.02 657-1 -29.8 -8966.84 -4077.09 657-1 -29.8 -5388.35 -1271.63 657-1 -29.8 -18856.44 -6324.55 657-1 31.8 3228.66 12024.51 657-1 31.8 1961.23 3866.13 657-1 31.8 6547.11 21298.96 657-1 -29.57 -2653.15 -13614.18 657-1 -29.57 -1678.29 -4253.86 657-1 -29.57 -6556.75 -20484.75 657-1 31.21 8849.8 3143.15 657-1 31.21 5435.06 1045.83 657-1 31.21 19066.9 6806.89 657-1

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-28.98 -8274.29 -28.98 -5152.12 -28.98 -19076.54 -3.41 3697.78 -3.41 65.77 -3.41 -3566.24 -5.05 3950.72 -5.05 0.1 -5.05 -3950.52 -4.31 3710.14 -4.31 38.8 -4.31 -3632.55 -4.26 3665.4 -4.26 23.77 -4.26 -3617.87 12.2 4209.19 12.2 585.63 12.2 265.63 -13.94 -593.72 -13.94 -196.21 -13.94 -3102.27 9.18 8883.52 9.18 1312.93 9.18 3537.02 -10.92 -5268.05 -10.92 -923.51 -10.92 -6373.66 8.84 6046.51 8.84 407.85 8.84 -1927.24 -17.3 1243.6 -17.3 -373.99 -17.3 -5295.15 5.82 10720.84 5.82 1135.15 5.82 1344.15 -14.28 -3430.73 -14.28 -1101.29 -14.28 -8566.53 -4.97 3634.05 -4.97 -5.44 -4.97 -3644.93 -8.09 4132.1 -8.09 14.13 -8.09 -4103.85

-4732.82 657-1 -1433.56 657-1 -5992.68 657-1 1614.77 658-1 43.8 658-1 -1527.17 658-1 2352.25 658-1 91.76 658-1 -2168.74 658-1 1985.68 658-1 66.28 658-1 -1853.13 658-1 1988.68 658-1 70.68 658-1 -1847.32 658-1 4776.68 658-1 1124.9 658-1 1498.25 658-1 -3305.48 658-1 -1050.68 658-1 -2821.02 658-1 1958.75 658-1 365.56 658-1 -4.34 658-1 -487.55 658-1 -291.35 658-1 -1318.43 658-1 6031.12 658-1 1160.47 658-1 314.94 658-1 -2051.04 658-1 -1015.12 658-1 -4004.32 658-1 3213.19 658-1 401.13 658-1 -1187.64 658-1 766.89 658-1 -255.78 658-1 -2501.74 658-1 1471.09 659-1 47.26 659-1 -1376.56 659-1 2048.89 659-1 53.11 659-1 -1942.66 659-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-6.59 3743.14 1767.72 659-1 -6.59 3.8 50.67 659-1 -6.59 -3735.53 -1666.37 659-1 -6.64 3749.56 1755.49 659-1 -6.64 6.6 48.72 659-1 -6.64 -3736.35 -1658.05 659-1 23.98 6130.98 11496.53 659-1 23.98 383.79 1386.75 659-1 23.98 3049.65 7860.99 659-1 -23.96 -3835.68 -10264.22 659-1 -23.96 -441.84 -1325.72 659-1 -23.96 -5461.06 -8971.26 659-1 14.65 15804.32 3904.95 659-1 14.65 1143.86 440.34 659-1 14.65 11310.39 1990.37 659-1 -14.62 -13509.01 -2672.64 659-1 -14.62 -1201.91 -379.32 659-1 -14.62 -13721.8 -3100.64 659-1 17.3 8735.8 12630.3 659-1 17.3 420.69 1404.07 659-1 17.3 518.63 6761.86 659-1 -30.63 -1230.86 -9130.44 659-1 -30.63 -404.94 -1308.4 659-1 -30.63 -7992.07 -10070.39 659-1 7.97 18409.14 5038.72 659-1 7.97 1180.76 457.66 659-1 7.97 8779.38 891.24 659-1 -21.3 -10904.19 -1538.86 659-1 -21.3 -1165.01 -362 659-1 -21.3 -16252.82 -4199.77 659-1 -8.69 3730.71 1055.86 660-1 -8.69 -121.28 111.48 660-1 -8.69 -3973.28 -832.9 660-1 -12.11 4155.1 1545.28 660-1 -12.11 -149.52 141.15 660-1 -12.11 -4454.13 -1262.98 660-1 -10.37 3799.3 1309.77 660-1 -10.37 -131.92 124.29 660-1 -10.37 -4063.13 -1061.18 660-1 -10.36 3796.56 1305.85 660-1 -10.36 -132.36 124.09 660-1 -10.36 -4061.27 -1057.68 660-1 30.21 7917.57 14837.66 660-1 30.21 143.79 774.92 660-1 30.21 5121.64 13287.99 660-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-33.56 -33.56 -33.56 15.63 15.63 15.63 -18.99 -18.99 -18.99 21.53 21.53 21.53 -42.24 -42.24 -42.24 6.95 6.95 6.95 -27.67 -27.67 -27.67 -5.31 -5.31 -5.31 -6.76 -6.76 -6.76 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 -5.94 24.95 24.95 24.95 -26.31 -26.31 -26.31 15.52 15.52 15.52 -16.87 -16.87 -16.87

-5381.93 -233.54 -7836.77 20806.63 463.81 17670.15 -18270.99 -553.55 -20385.28 10445.07 56.11 2418.78 -2854.43 -321.22 -10539.64 23334.12 376.13 14967.29 -15743.49 -641.24 -23088.14 2643.8 603.25 -1437.31 2969 674.52 -1619.97 2705.41 615.21 -1474.99 2705.42 615.43 -1474.55 6582.02 1370.43 7411.23 -4741.42 -919.76 -8350.48 17567.65 3488.72 22656.98 -15727.05 -3038.04 -23596.23

-14076.66 660-1 -666.5 660-1 -13832.15 660-1 4750.46 660-1 272.64 660-1 3828.57 660-1 -3989.47 660-1 -164.23 660-1 -4372.73 660-1 15761.23 660-1 844.7 660-1 12503.99 660-1 -13153.09 660-1 -596.71 660-1 -14616.15 660-1 5674.04 660-1 342.43 660-1 3044.57 660-1 -3065.89 660-1 -94.44 660-1 -5156.73 660-1 517.15 661-1 122.95 661-1 -271.24 661-1 782.94 661-1 182.69 661-1 -417.57 661-1 658.11 661-1 154.32 661-1 -349.46 661-1 655.94 661-1 153.79 661-1 -348.35 661-1 13609.29 661-1 3947.76 661-1 21172.2 661-1 -13321.32 661-1 -3889.29 661-1 -21343.24 661-1 4208.66 661-1 1211.13 661-1 6328.67 661-1 -3920.7 661-1 -1152.67 661-1 -6499.7 661-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

19.7 8367.14 14120.25 661-1 19.7 1760.63 4072.08 661-1 19.7 6406.51 20909.87 661-1 -31.57 -2956.3 -12810.35 661-1 -31.57 -529.56 -3764.98 661-1 -31.57 -9355.2 -21605.57 661-1 10.26 19352.77 4719.63 661-1 10.26 3878.92 1335.45 661-1 10.26 21652.26 6066.34 661-1 -22.13 -13941.93 -3409.73 661-1 -22.13 -2647.84 -1028.35 661-1 -22.13 -24600.95 -6762.03 661-1 -1.95 6164.62 6657.26 662-1 -1.95 355.47 16.16 662-1 -1.95 -5453.68 -6624.94 662-1 -3.51 6990.96 7899.97 662-1 -3.51 117.32 -105.13 662-1 -3.51 -6756.33 -8110.22 662-1 -2.85 6466.58 7181.04 662-1 -2.85 225.95 -31.09 662-1 -2.85 -6014.67 -7243.22 662-1 -2.82 6367.69 7092.42 662-1 -2.82 193.17 -56.23 662-1 -2.82 -5981.35 -7204.87 662-1 12.96 5715.54 9777.06 662-1 12.96 661.89 1172.22 662-1 12.96 -827.23 1666.16 662-1 -13.06 784.33 -2944.21 662-1 -13.06 -44.54 -692.23 662-1 -13.06 -4437.93 -7539.03 662-1 10.5 10585.29 5345.82 662-1 10.5 1364.53 526.4 662-1 10.5 2695.17 -1542.38 662-1 -10.6 -4085.42 1487.04 662-1 -10.6 -747.17 -46.4 662-1 -10.6 -7960.34 -4330.49 662-1 10.19 8788.35 13412.77 662-1 10.19 531.48 864.57 662-1 10.19 -4160.86 -2584.84 662-1 -15.82 3857.14 691.5 662-1 -15.82 -174.95 -999.87 662-1 -15.82 -7771.56 -11790.03 662-1 7.74 13658.1 8981.53 662-1 7.74 1234.12 218.75 662-1 7.74 -638.45 -5793.39 662-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-13.36 -13.36 -13.36 -5.1 -5.1 -5.1 -8.03 -8.03 -8.03 -6.62 -6.62 -6.62 -6.65 -6.65 -6.65 24.23 24.23 24.23 -24.51 -24.51 -24.51 15.46 15.46 15.46 -15.74 -15.74 -15.74 17.7 17.7 17.7 -31.04 -31.04 -31.04 8.93 8.93 8.93 -22.26 -22.26 -22.26 -8.02 -8.02 -8.02 -11.15 -11.15 -11.15

-1012.61 -877.58 -11293.97 5030.15 -45.88 -5121.91 6710.71 0.35 -6710.01 5792.76 -20.97 -5834.69 5808.37 -15.46 -5839.3 7337.98 327.43 2221.91 -2978.87 -418.51 -6763.17 17411.41 1062.64 10936.82 -13052.3 -1153.72 -15478.08 10973.89 360.01 -1348.85 657.04 -385.93 -10333.93 21047.32 1095.22 7366.06 -9416.39 -1121.14 -19048.84 5360.53 -175.16 -5710.86 6944.4 -247.18 -7438.76

5122.75 662-1 -354.05 662-1 -8581.49 662-1 6572.36 663-1 72.63 663-1 -6427.1 663-1 8253.77 663-1 109.08 663-1 -8035.6 663-1 7268.63 663-1 88.34 663-1 -7091.94 663-1 7270.78 663-1 91.06 663-1 -7088.66 663-1 16972.86 663-1 1017.87 663-1 10043.47 663-1 -11874.01 663-1 -1002.04 663-1 -15110.66 663-1 6902.58 663-1 317.37 663-1 1263.71 663-1 -1803.73 663-1 -301.54 663-1 -6330.9 663-1 21695.19 663-1 1102.25 663-1 5489.89 663-1 -7151.67 663-1 -917.67 663-1 -19664.24 663-1 11624.92 663-1 401.75 663-1 -3289.87 663-1 2918.6 663-1 -217.16 663-1 -10884.48 663-1 6336.91 664-1 -37.02 664-1 -6410.95 664-1 7881.27 664-1 -44.38 664-1 -7970.03 664-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-9.55 -9.55 -9.55 -9.55 -9.55 -9.55 30.17 30.17 30.17 -32.79 -32.79 -32.79 15.8 15.8 15.8 -18.42 -18.42 -18.42 21.93 21.93 21.93 -41.03 -41.03 -41.03 7.56 7.56 7.56 -26.66 -26.66 -26.66 -5.82 -5.82 -5.82 -7.5 -7.5 -7.5 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 -6.56 25.25 25.25 25.25

6066.94 -209.94 -6486.82 6063.81 -210.67 -6485.14 9333.24 79.63 4180.16 -4486.31 -244.47 -9356.76 22764.83 391.18 17297.05 -17917.91 -556.02 -22473.65 12972.16 -48.94 284.08 -847.38 -373.05 -13252.84 26403.76 262.6 13400.97 -14278.98 -684.59 -26369.73 3879.1 931.55 -2015.99 5103.57 1236.78 -2630.02 4436 1072.01 -2291.98 4436.5 1072.35 -2291.79 7693.8 1485.91 7031.41

6969.91 664-1 -38.53 664-1 -7046.97 664-1 6963.71 664-1 -39.47 664-1 -7042.66 664-1 22188.42 664-1 442.03 664-1 16720.5 664-1 -17168.11 664-1 -449.79 664-1 -21756.34 664-1 8447.21 664-1 136.36 664-1 3286.53 664-1 -3426.89 664-1 -144.12 664-1 -8322.37 664-1 26639.16 664-1 406 664-1 12197.71 664-1 -12717.36 664-1 -485.81 664-1 -26279.13 664-1 12897.95 664-1 100.33 664-1 -1236.26 664-1 1023.85 664-1 -180.14 664-1 -12845.16 664-1 4457.96 665-1 1135.19 665-1 -2187.58 665-1 5530.06 665-1 1402.06 665-1 -2725.94 665-1 4891.28 665-1 1241.67 665-1 -2407.93 665-1 4889.5 665-1 1241.24 665-1 -2407.02 665-1 19320.66 665-1 3293.19 665-1 22418.18 665-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-27.12 -27.12 -27.12 16.11 16.11 16.11 -17.97 -17.97 -17.97 19.63 19.63 19.63 -32.74 -32.74 -32.74 10.48 10.48 10.48 -23.59 -23.59 -23.59 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -3.25 -3.25 -3.25 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.63 -2.63 -2.63 12.84 12.84 12.84 -12.7 -12.7 -12.7 9.54 9.54 9.54 -9.39 -9.39 -9.39

-4099.15 -15862.34 665-1 -581.55 -2420.55 665-1 -8817.34 -24131.23 665-1 19120.23 7041.15 665-1 3537.73 1300.39 665-1 22564 6165.95 665-1 -15525.58 -3582.83 665-1 -2633.37 -427.75 665-1 -24349.93 -7879 665-1 10333.2 22480.2 665-1 2106.24 4097.92 665-1 5632.67 20868.1 665-1 -1459.74 -12702.8 665-1 38.78 -1615.82 665-1 -10216.08 -25681.31 665-1 21759.64 10200.69 665-1 4158.06 2105.12 665-1 21165.26 4615.87 665-1 -12886.18 -423.29 665-1 -2013.04 376.98 665-1 -25748.68 -9429.08 665-1 8102.09 -343.3 666-1 -83.29 -32.86 666-1 -8268.66 277.59 666-1 9126.16 -409.69 666-1 -321.28 -15.77 666-1 -9768.73 378.15 666-1 8462.91 -379.5 666-1 -175.85 -25.04 666-1 -8814.62 329.41 666-1 8330.64 -368.31 666-1 -220.04 -21.09 666-1 -8770.72 326.13 666-1 6579.58 5920.11 666-1 744.03 1183.98 666-1 -1566.7 4062.02 666-1 1722.03 -6469.03 666-1 59.87 -1266.65 666-1 -5127.11 -3678.43 666-1 11597.67 1600.58 666-1 1447.33 328.6 666-1 2110.81 1366.03 666-1 -3296.05 -2149.51 666-1 -643.43 -411.27 666-1 -8804.63 -982.45 666-1

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10.15 10.15 10.15 -15.39 -15.39 -15.39 6.85 6.85 6.85 -12.09 -12.09 -12.09 -5.2 -5.2 -5.2 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -6.72 -6.72 -6.72 -6.75 -6.75 -6.75 23.82 23.82 23.82 -24.13 -24.13 -24.13 14.2 14.2 14.2 -14.51 -14.51 -14.51 17.21 17.21 17.21 -30.74 -30.74 -30.74 7.59 7.59 7.59

10699.29 5831.34 666-1 101.96 1206.03 666-1 -6970.56 4194.86 666-1 5841.74 -6557.79 666-1 -582.21 -1244.61 666-1 -10530.97 -3545.59 666-1 15717.38 1511.82 666-1 805.25 350.64 666-1 -3293.04 1498.88 666-1 823.66 -2238.27 666-1 -1285.5 -389.23 666-1 -14208.49 -849.6 666-1 8358.08 -163.7 667-1 92.16 8.81 667-1 -8173.77 181.32 667-1 10224.75 -265.26 667-1 130.38 6.16 667-1 -9963.99 277.58 667-1 9051.66 -214.27 667-1 102.28 7.82 667-1 -8847.09 229.92 667-1 9073.3 -217.8 667-1 109.82 6.85 667-1 -8853.66 231.5 667-1 7753.18 12582.68 667-1 293.95 1325.57 667-1 1490.46 10358.66 667-1 -2260.68 -12743.8 667-1 -416.63 -1302.25 667-1 -7228.32 -10150.9 667-1 18102.73 3742.74 667-1 1023.28 408.64 667-1 10508.09 3200.95 667-1 -12610.22 -3903.86 667-1 -1145.96 -385.32 667-1 -16245.95 -2993.2 667-1 14090.08 12443.84 667-1 468.54 1320.31 667-1 -4497.26 10486.99 667-1 4076.21 -12882.65 667-1 -242.04 -1307.5 667-1 -13216.03 -10022.56 667-1 24439.62 3603.89 667-1 1197.87 403.38 667-1 4520.38 3329.29 667-1

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-21.12 -21.12 -21.12 -8.11 -8.11 -8.11 -11.19 -11.19 -11.19 -9.61 -9.61 -9.61 -9.6 -9.6 -9.6 30.36 30.36 30.36 -32.98 -32.98 -32.98 15.87 15.87 15.87 -18.5 -18.5 -18.5 22.07 22.07 22.07 -41.27 -41.27 -41.27 7.58 7.58 7.58 -26.79 -26.79 -26.79 -5.74 -5.74 -5.74 -7.47 -7.47 -7.47

-6273.33 -4042.7 667-1 -971.37 -390.57 667-1 -22233.67 -2864.86 667-1 8367.7 -285.38 668-1 -315.81 40.69 668-1 -8999.32 366.76 668-1 10182.94 -397.76 668-1 -397.13 47.97 668-1 -10977.2 493.7 668-1 9058.32 -340.55 668-1 -348.53 42.88 668-1 -9755.39 426.32 668-1 9054.59 -340.36 668-1 -349.54 43.03 668-1 -9753.68 426.43 668-1 9732.5 16145 668-1 50.94 727.93 668-1 3222.58 15525.51 668-1 -3585.17 -16462.52 668-1 -263.23 -702.54 668-1 -9794.49 -15157.2 668-1 23503.52 4763.95 668-1 367.65 229.93 668-1 16689.28 4818.51 668-1 -17356.19 -5081.47 668-1 -579.94 -204.53 668-1 -23261.2 -4450.2 668-1 15711.73 15963.48 668-1 -192.91 758.34 668-1 -3244.37 15767.84 668-1 2394.07 -16644.04 668-1 -507.09 -672.13 668-1 -16261.44 -14914.88 668-1 29482.75 4582.43 668-1 123.79 260.33 668-1 10222.34 5060.83 668-1 -11376.96 -5262.99 668-1 -823.79 -174.13 668-1 -29728.14 -4207.88 668-1 6265.12 -229.08 669-1 1566.82 -63.57 669-1 -3131.48 101.94 669-1 7673.98 -317.1 669-1 1926.24 -93.35 669-1 -3821.5 130.41 669-1

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-6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 24.75 24.75 24.75 -26.63 -26.63 -26.63 14.91 14.91 14.91 -16.79 -16.79 -16.79 19.18 19.18 19.18 -32.2 -32.2 -32.2 9.34 9.34 9.34 -22.37 -22.37 -22.37 -2.64 -2.64 -2.64 -4.18 -4.18 -4.18 -3.49 -3.49 -3.49 -3.46 -3.46 -3.46 12.41 12.41 12.41

6809.01 1707.04 -3394.93 6809.88 1707.45 -3394.98 8002.61 1574.67 6549.2 -3409.78 -406.32 -8805.33 19806.27 3618.11 22420.46 -15213.43 -2449.76 -24676.59 12516.47 2698.14 4282.27 1104.08 717.14 -11072.26 24320.12 4741.58 20153.53 -10699.58 -1326.3 -26943.52 8024.99 -125.31 -8275.61 9031.53 -357.63 -9746.8 8376.6 -212.78 -8802.16 8246.37 -256.37 -8759.11 6475.63 728.69 -1585.22

-271.46 669-1 -78.7 669-1 114.06 669-1 -271.77 669-1 -78.76 669-1 114.24 669-1 14484.71 669-1 3588.17 669-1 21869.18 669-1 -14726.28 669-1 -3661.78 669-1 -21774.83 669-1 4286.85 669-1 1056.6 669-1 6631.09 669-1 -4528.42 669-1 -1130.21 669-1 -6536.74 669-1 14333.59 669-1 3546.18 669-1 21936.33 669-1 -14877.41 669-1 -3703.76 669-1 -21707.68 669-1 4135.72 669-1 1014.61 669-1 6698.24 669-1 -4679.54 669-1 -1172.2 669-1 -6469.59 669-1 -122.22 670-1 -42.13 670-1 37.95 670-1 -85.19 670-1 -24.31 670-1 36.56 670-1 -92.19 670-1 -28.39 670-1 35.42 670-1 -92.48 670-1 -28.69 670-1 35.1 670-1 5967.63 670-1 1177.26 670-1 3768.38 670-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-12.75 -12.75 -12.75 8.2 8.2 8.2 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 9.12 9.12 9.12 -16.03 -16.03 -16.03 4.91 4.91 4.91 -11.82 -11.82 -11.82 -5.71 -5.71 -5.71 -8.72 -8.72 -8.72 -7.25 -7.25 -7.25 -7.28 -7.28 -7.28 23.37 23.37 23.37 -23.91 -23.91 -23.91 12.92 12.92 12.92 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47

1750.9 -5983.22 670-1 65.82 -1174.88 670-1 -5052.29 -3748.02 670-1 11619.31 1823.3 670-1 1448.58 363.01 670-1 2187.24 1161.46 670-1 -3392.78 -1838.88 670-1 -654.07 -360.62 670-1 -8824.75 -1141.1 670-1 10549.53 5882.82 670-1 55.25 1147.24 670-1 -7006 3793.16 670-1 5824.8 -6068.03 670-1 -607.62 -1204.89 670-1 -10473.07 -3723.25 670-1 15693.21 1738.48 670-1 775.14 332.99 670-1 -3233.54 1186.23 670-1 681.12 -1923.69 670-1 -1327.51 -390.64 670-1 -14245.53 -1116.32 670-1 8369.85 46.99 671-1 97.25 12.55 671-1 -8175.35 -21.89 671-1 10177.03 41.92 671-1 131.84 8.05 671-1 -9913.36 -25.83 671-1 9026.87 41.21 671-1 105.03 9.02 671-1 -8816.8 -23.17 671-1 9047.45 41.29 671-1 112.4 9.06 671-1 -8822.65 -23.18 671-1 7553.05 12690.84 671-1 279.41 1295.19 671-1 1361.3 10288 671-1 -2103.83 -12652.49 671-1 -402.38 -1291.97 671-1 -7056.47 -10319.91 671-1 18032.65 3846.74 671-1 1017.2 395.56 671-1 10497.58 3097.34 671-1 -12583.43 -3808.39 671-1 -1140.17 -392.34 671-1 -16192.75 -3129.24 671-1

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16.35 16.35 16.35 -30.94 -30.94 -30.94 5.9 5.9 5.9 -20.49 -20.49 -20.49 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -11.53 -11.53 -11.53 -9.91 -9.91 -9.91 -9.91 -9.91 -9.91 30.15 30.15 30.15 -32.95 -32.95 -32.95 15.41 15.41 15.41 -18.21 -18.21 -18.21 21.64 21.64 21.64 -41.45 -41.45 -41.45 6.91 6.91 6.91

13885.24 456.65 -4616.41 4228.36 -225.15 -13034.19 24364.84 1194.44 4519.87 -6251.24 -962.94 -22170.47 8317.93 -320.62 -8959.17 10079.46 -398.95 -10877.35 8977.34 -351.3 -9679.94 8973.87 -352.24 -9678.35 9422.54 49.26 3007.49 -3367.35 -259.32 -9482.81 23297.95 382.07 16557.62 -17242.76 -592.14 -23032.94 15367.24 -198.38 -3432.48 2577.36 -506.95 -15922.78 29242.66 134.44 10117.65

12712.99 671-1 1302.65 671-1 10280.78 671-1 -12630.34 671-1 -1284.5 671-1 -10327.13 671-1 3868.9 671-1 403.02 671-1 3090.11 671-1 -3786.24 671-1 -384.87 671-1 -3136.47 671-1 14.04 672-1 -10.35 672-1 -34.75 672-1 12.93 672-1 -6.7 672-1 -26.34 672-1 12.51 672-1 -7.52 672-1 -27.56 672-1 12.58 672-1 -7.52 672-1 -27.62 672-1 16487.25 672-1 674.07 672-1 15589.64 672-1 -16467.25 672-1 -677.05 672-1 -15615.59 672-1 4988.49 672-1 209.01 672-1 4710.86 672-1 -4968.49 672-1 -211.98 672-1 -4736.81 672-1 16489.86 672-1 668.04 672-1 15574.97 672-1 -16464.63 672-1 -683.08 672-1 -15630.27 672-1 4991.11 672-1 202.98 672-1 4696.18 672-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-26.72 -26.72 -26.72 -5.23 -5.23 -5.23 -6.89 -6.89 -6.89 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 -5.99 24.44 24.44 24.44 -26.02 -26.02 -26.02 13.38 13.38 13.38 -14.96 -14.96 -14.96 19.24 19.24 19.24 -31.21 -31.21 -31.21 8.19 8.19 8.19 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -3.62 -3.62 -3.62 -5.22 -5.22 -5.22

-11298.06 -4965.87 672-1 -839.77 -218.01 672-1 -29472.91 -4751.48 672-1 6242.47 83.19 673-1 1583.24 20.69 673-1 -3075.99 -41.81 673-1 7611.18 74.04 673-1 1939.26 12.16 673-1 -3732.66 -49.73 673-1 6762.47 73.01 673-1 1720.48 14.24 673-1 -3321.52 -44.53 673-1 6763.35 73.02 673-1 1720.87 14.25 673-1 -3321.61 -44.52 673-1 7781.18 14863.57 673-1 1535.62 3570.27 673-1 6319.05 21917.46 673-1 -3257.72 -14821.11 673-1 -377.25 -3567.71 673-1 -8525.77 -21954.8 673-1 19749.04 4516.95 673-1 3612.18 1084.67 673-1 22419.72 6600.92 673-1 -15225.58 -4474.49 673-1 -2453.82 -1082.11 673-1 -24626.45 -6638.26 673-1 12283.2 14915.36 673-1 2677.49 3583.24 673-1 4100.76 21891.62 673-1 1244.3 -14769.32 673-1 764.61 -3554.74 673-1 -10744.06 -21980.64 673-1 24251.06 4568.74 673-1 4754.05 1097.64 673-1 20201.44 6575.08 673-1 -10723.56 -4422.7 673-1 -1311.95 -1069.14 673-1 -26844.73 -6664.11 673-1 7528.14 -546.47 674-1 -139.32 437.1 674-1 -7806.78 1420.67 674-1 8484.12 -461.5 674-1 -357.73 359 674-1 -9199.58 1179.51 674-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-4.44 7865.91 -4.44 -221.5 -4.44 -8308.91 -4.43 7743.24 -4.43 -261.54 -4.43 -8266.32 11.52 6545.64 11.52 735.09 11.52 -1574.63 -12 1678.66 -12 36.95 -12 -5105.61 6.75 12095.46 6.75 1531.37 6.75 2449.25 -7.23 -3871.16 -7.23 -759.34 -7.23 -9129.48 7.34 10120.98 7.34 69.33 7.34 -6481.47 -16.18 5254 -16.18 -628.8 -16.18 -10012.45 2.57 15670.8 2.57 865.62 2.57 -2457.59 -11.41 -295.82 -11.41 -1425.09 -11.41 -14036.32 -7.06 7971.82 -7.06 35.18 -7.06 -7901.46 -10.54 9652.71 -10.54 65.92 -10.54 -9520.88 -8.84 8576.62 -8.84 45.39 -8.84 -8485.85 -8.85 8592.59 -8.85 51.47 -8.85 -8489.66 22.79 7399.85 22.79 284.57 22.79 1180.63

-465.22 674-1 364.38 674-1 1193.98 674-1 -464.26 674-1 364.8 674-1 1193.86 674-1 6001.3 674-1 1185.9 674-1 3796.89 674-1 -6029.82 674-1 -1183.21 674-1 -3763 674-1 1853.33 674-1 368.66 674-1 1191.32 674-1 -1881.85 674-1 -365.97 674-1 -1157.42 674-1 5551.74 674-1 1549.55 674-1 4973.74 674-1 -6479.37 674-1 -819.56 674-1 -2586.14 674-1 1403.77 674-1 732.31 674-1 2368.17 674-1 -2331.41 674-1 -2.32 674-1 19.43 674-1 -2122.57 675-1 -69.02 675-1 1984.52 675-1 -1754.54 675-1 -51.5 675-1 1651.53 675-1 -1778.18 675-1 -54.18 675-1 1669.82 675-1 -1778.74 675-1 -54.35 675-1 1670.05 675-1 12670.72 675-1 1295.04 675-1 10317.54 675-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-24.38 -24.38 -24.38 11.76 11.76 11.76 -13.35 -13.35 -13.35 14.73 14.73 14.73 -32.44 -32.44 -32.44 3.7 3.7 3.7 -21.41 -21.41 -21.41 -8.72 -8.72 -8.72 -12.03 -12.03 -12.03 -10.33 -10.33 -10.33 -10.32 -10.32 -10.32 30.11 30.11 30.11 -32.73 -32.73 -32.73 14.69 14.69 14.69 -17.31 -17.31 -17.31

-1907.69 -394.8 -6893.25 18015.23 1059.39 10385.4 -12523.07 -1169.62 -16098.02 13253.62 393.92 -4454.45 3946.08 -285.45 -12528.33 23869 1168.74 4750.33 -6669.3 -1060.27 -21733.1 8073.09 -296.06 -8665.21 9703.02 -363.44 -10429.91 8662.79 -321.52 -9305.82 8659.81 -322.2 -9304.21 9012.9 89.62 2720.11 -3081.86 -255 -8981.91 22802.3 480.73 16061.03 -16871.26 -646.11 -22322.83

-12684.98 675-1 -1293.18 675-1 -10299.54 675-1 3827.32 675-1 395.52 675-1 3125.77 675-1 -3841.58 675-1 -393.66 675-1 -3107.78 675-1 10898.85 675-1 1239.69 675-1 11978.7 675-1 -14456.86 675-1 -1348.53 675-1 -8638.38 675-1 2055.45 675-1 340.17 675-1 4786.93 675-1 -5613.46 675-1 -449.01 675-1 -1446.61 675-1 -1970.78 676-1 63.05 676-1 2096.88 676-1 -1651.92 676-1 49.85 676-1 1751.62 676-1 -1665.98 676-1 51.38 676-1 1768.75 676-1 -1665.92 676-1 51.42 676-1 1768.76 676-1 16457.52 676-1 683.76 676-1 15612.01 676-1 -16491.55 676-1 -679.15 676-1 -15568.76 676-1 4958.31 676-1 216.55 676-1 4740.86 676-1 -4992.35 676-1 -211.94 676-1 -4697.61 676-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

21.1 21.1 21.1 -41.74 -41.74 -41.74 5.68 5.68 5.68 -26.32 -26.32 -26.32 -4.4 -4.4 -4.4 -5.76 -5.76 -5.76 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 24.46 24.46 24.46 -25.81 -25.81 -25.81 12.19 12.19 12.19 -13.53 -13.53 -13.53 20.12 20.12 20.12 -30.15 -30.15 -30.15 7.85 7.85 7.85

14705.85 -150.2 -3452.47 2611.08 -494.81 -15154.49 28495.24 240.91 9888.45 -11178.32 -885.93 -28495.41 6016.73 1546.52 -2923.68 7273.13 1880.34 -3512.44 6479.03 1671.98 -3135.08 6479.56 1672.26 -3135.04 7362.94 1510.13 6052.01 -3041.63 -396.17 -8145.4 19209.04 3686.96 22232.66 -14887.73 -2573.01 -24326.06 11682.08 2625.54 3963.68 1277.52 719.24 -10233.72 23528.19 4802.38 20144.34

14808.64 676-1 732.89 676-1 17359.15 676-1 -18140.44 676-1 -630.02 676-1 -13821.62 676-1 3309.43 676-1 265.68 676-1 6488 676-1 -6641.23 676-1 -162.82 676-1 -2950.47 676-1 -1471.97 677-1 -373.92 677-1 724.14 677-1 -1227.96 677-1 -316.35 677-1 595.26 677-1 -1240.54 677-1 -317.89 677-1 604.75 677-1 -1240.6 677-1 -317.9 677-1 604.79 677-1 14809.44 677-1 3566.98 677-1 21930.84 677-1 -14841.7 677-1 -3580.28 677-1 -21925.18 677-1 4475.37 677-1 1078.77 677-1 6619.72 677-1 -4507.63 677-1 -1092.06 677-1 -6614.05 677-1 13584.94 677-1 3255.72 677-1 22532.81 677-1 -16066.2 677-1 -3891.54 677-1 -21323.21 677-1 3250.87 677-1 767.51 677-1 7221.69 677-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-17.88 -17.88 -17.88 -5.19 -5.19 -5.19 -7.01 -7.01 -7.01 -6.04 -6.04 -6.04 -6.05 -6.05 -6.05 11.17 11.17 11.17 -11.85 -11.85 -11.85 6.13 6.13 6.13 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 5.46 5.46 5.46 -17.56 -17.56 -17.56 0.41 0.41 0.41 -12.52 -12.52 -12.52 -8.22 -8.22 -8.22 -11.7 -11.7 -11.7

-10568.58 -1457.59 -26414.38 7594.98 -123.73 -7842.44 8536.04 -353.02 -9242.07 7919.95 -213.57 -8347.08 7797.19 -253.58 -8304.36 6503.7 716.14 -1555.9 1614.7 13.43 -5103.35 12051.92 1510.66 2468.76 -3933.52 -781.08 -9128.01 10185.89 79.58 -6511.22 5296.9 -623.13 -10058.67 15734.11 874.1 -2486.56 -251.33 -1417.65 -14083.33 7940.64 29.63 -7881.39 9618.04 62.46 -9493.12

-5732.12 677-1 -1403.33 677-1 -6012.08 677-1 516.47 678-1 -455.43 678-1 -1427.33 678-1 467.43 678-1 -374.53 678-1 -1216.48 678-1 459.35 678-1 -379.98 678-1 -1219.31 678-1 458.33 678-1 -380.4 678-1 -1219.12 678-1 6040.77 678-1 1185.6 678-1 3750.37 678-1 -5986.29 678-1 -1184.67 678-1 -3802.98 678-1 1890.15 678-1 366.19 678-1 1146.37 678-1 -1835.66 678-1 -365.26 678-1 -1198.98 678-1 6471.39 678-1 804.55 678-1 2557.64 678-1 -5555.67 678-1 -1565.72 678-1 -4995.7 678-1 2320.77 678-1 -14.86 678-1 -46.36 678-1 -1405.04 678-1 -746.31 678-1 -2391.7 678-1 2111.16 679-1 71.89 679-1 -1967.38 679-1 1786.99 679-1 54.61 679-1 -1677.76 679-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-9.97 -9.97 -9.97 -9.96 -9.96 -9.96 22 22 22 -25.01 -25.01 -25.01 10.83 10.83 10.83 -13.83 -13.83 -13.83 13.56 13.56 13.56 -33.46 -33.46 -33.46 2.38 2.38 2.38 -22.28 -22.28 -22.28 -8.44 -8.44 -8.44 -11.56 -11.56 -11.56 -9.94 -9.94 -9.94 -9.94 -9.94 -9.94 30.07 30.07 30.07

8544.79 1794.7 679-1 41.44 57.04 679-1 -8461.91 -1680.63 679-1 8560.88 1795.34 679-1 47.52 57.21 679-1 -8465.84 -1680.92 679-1 7429.52 12689.41 679-1 290.15 1293.52 679-1 1203.8 10280 679-1 -1927.42 -12649.1 679-1 -393.18 -1294.63 679-1 -6911.96 -10322.54 679-1 18014.37 3844.64 679-1 1063.09 392.79 679-1 10384.12 3091.6 679-1 -12512.27 -3804.33 679-1 -1166.11 -393.9 679-1 -16092.27 -3134.14 679-1 13246.66 14464.89 679-1 391.95 1351.36 679-1 -4409.74 8620.21 679-1 3889.72 -10873.62 679-1 -291.38 -1236.78 679-1 -12525.5 -11982.33 679-1 23831.51 5620.12 679-1 1164.88 450.63 679-1 4770.57 1431.81 679-1 -6695.13 -2028.85 679-1 -1064.31 -336.06 679-1 -21705.82 -4793.93 679-1 8039.43 1953.01 680-1 -290.75 -58.86 680-1 -8620.92 -2070.74 680-1 9664.57 1672.22 680-1 -358.57 -49.13 680-1 -10381.71 -1770.49 680-1 8627.97 1672.99 680-1 -316.76 -49.58 680-1 -9261.49 -1772.15 680-1 8624.97 1672.91 680-1 -317.44 -49.62 680-1 -9259.86 -1772.15 680-1 9048.24 16501.49 680-1 85 679.64 680-1 2730.09 15550.85 680-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-32.33 -32.33 -32.33 14.05 14.05 14.05 -16.3 -16.3 -16.3 21.26 21.26 21.26 -41.14 -41.14 -41.14 5.23 5.23 5.23 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 -3.83 -3.83 -3.83 -5.29 -5.29 -5.29 -4.54 -4.54 -4.54 -4.54 -4.54 -4.54 24.74 24.74 24.74 -25.82 -25.82 -25.82 12.39 12.39 12.39 -13.47 -13.47 -13.47

-3105.53 -262.75 -9028.31 22799.62 478.6 16032.03 -16856.9 -656.35 -22330.25 14700.49 -143.88 -3379.91 2546.72 -491.63 -15138.32 28451.86 249.72 9922.03 -11204.65 -885.23 -28440.26 5997.67 1558.72 -2880.23 7260.44 1899.94 -3460.56 6464.97 1688.14 -3088.68 6465.5 1688.43 -3088.65 7406.09 1523.31 6082.33 -3045.02 -393.42 -8183.62 19234.88 3695.1 22234.7 -14873.81 -2565.21 -24336

-16440.42 680-1 -685.27 680-1 -15623.2 680-1 5017.13 680-1 212.15 680-1 4699.3 680-1 -4956.06 680-1 -217.79 680-1 -4771.65 680-1 18143.83 680-1 632.82 680-1 13814.88 680-1 -14798.08 680-1 -732.09 680-1 -17359.18 680-1 6659.47 680-1 165.33 680-1 2963.32 680-1 -3313.72 680-1 -264.61 680-1 -6507.63 680-1 1469.07 681-1 384.47 681-1 -700.13 681-1 1241.61 681-1 322.34 681-1 -596.94 681-1 1248.13 681-1 325.02 681-1 -598.08 681-1 1248.2 681-1 325.04 681-1 -598.12 681-1 14842.82 681-1 3578.66 681-1 21917.45 681-1 -14802.85 681-1 -3570.14 681-1 -21940.37 681-1 4519.81 681-1 1086.52 681-1 6614.63 681-1 -4479.84 681-1 -1077.99 681-1 -6637.55 681-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

20.74 20.74 20.74 -29.82 -29.82 -29.82 8.39 8.39 8.39 -17.46 -17.46 -17.46 -6.78 -6.78 -6.78 -8.86 -8.86 -8.86 -7.7 -7.7 -7.7 -7.71 -7.71 -7.71 11.3 11.3 11.3 -12.7 -12.7 -12.7 6.2 6.2 6.2 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 4.28 4.28 4.28 -19.72 -19.72 -19.72 -0.82 -0.82 -0.82

11691.3 16071.06 681-1 2646.93 3899.44 681-1 4044.34 21330.77 681-1 1240.2 -13574.61 681-1 730.19 -3249.36 681-1 -10221.61 -22527.05 681-1 23520.09 5748.06 681-1 4818.71 1407.3 681-1 20196.72 6027.95 681-1 -10588.59 -3251.6 681-1 -1441.6 -757.21 681-1 -26373.98 -7224.23 681-1 7997.54 74.28 682-1 -47.56 20.19 682-1 -8092.66 -33.89 682-1 8952.39 73.4 682-1 -297.59 8.5 682-1 -9547.57 -56.39 682-1 8318.43 69.49 682-1 -150.27 11.45 682-1 -8618.97 -46.59 682-1 8188.1 69.71 682-1 -193.85 11.75 682-1 -8575.8 -46.2 682-1 6485.86 5993.53 682-1 727.04 1173.63 682-1 -1571.45 3740.37 682-1 1731.19 -5957.91 682-1 62.58 -1175.79 682-1 -5066.37 -3780.31 682-1 11633.56 1844.06 682-1 1443.45 358.6 682-1 2212.96 1129.01 682-1 -3416.5 -1808.44 682-1 -653.84 -360.76 682-1 -8850.77 -1168.95 682-1 10506.2 6045.53 682-1 118.57 1186.61 682-1 -6808.72 3714.31 682-1 5751.52 -5905.91 682-1 -545.89 -1162.82 682-1 -10303.64 -3806.36 682-1 15653.89 1896.06 682-1 834.98 371.57 682-1 -3024.31 1102.95 682-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-14.61 -14.61 -14.61 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -12.83 -12.83 -12.83 -10.97 -10.97 -10.97 -10.95 -10.95 -10.95 21.65 21.65 21.65 -25.15 -25.15 -25.15 10.88 10.88 10.88 -14.38 -14.38 -14.38 12.46 12.46 12.46 -34.34 -34.34 -34.34 1.69 1.69 1.69 -23.57 -23.57 -23.57 -8.65 -8.65 -8.65 -11.95 -11.95 -11.95

603.83 -1756.43 682-1 -1262.3 -347.78 682-1 -14088.05 -1195.01 682-1 8027.84 -64.45 683-1 37.43 -7.93 683-1 -7952.97 48.6 683-1 9769.05 -27.15 683-1 76.69 -3.95 683-1 -9615.67 19.25 683-1 8661.79 -37.67 683-1 51.34 -4.98 683-1 -8559.12 27.71 683-1 8682.5 -37.69 683-1 58.71 -5.01 683-1 -8565.09 27.66 683-1 7534.36 12667.1 683-1 278.71 1292.11 683-1 1403.15 10306.14 683-1 -2149.37 -12673.55 683-1 -405.09 -1293.83 683-1 -7040.9 -10303.14 683-1 17962.14 3825.3 683-1 1012.95 391.78 683-1 10499.63 3121.3 683-1 -12577.15 -3831.76 683-1 -1139.33 -393.51 683-1 -16137.38 -3118.29 683-1 13533.78 12632.64 683-1 403.96 1287.94 683-1 -4345.78 10332.27 683-1 3850.06 -12708.02 683-1 -279.84 -1298 683-1 -12789.83 -10277 683-1 23961.56 3790.84 683-1 1138.2 387.62 683-1 4750.71 3147.43 683-1 -6577.73 -3866.22 683-1 -1014.08 -397.68 683-1 -21886.31 -3092.16 683-1 8230.83 -42.96 684-1 -358.95 12.65 684-1 -8948.74 68.26 684-1 9902.46 -14.15 684-1 -426.98 6.58 684-1 -10756.43 27.31 684-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-10.24 -10.24 -10.24 -10.25 -10.25 -10.25 29.93 29.93 29.93 -32.25 -32.25 -32.25 14.11 14.11 14.11 -16.44 -16.44 -16.44 20.84 20.84 20.84 -41.34 -41.34 -41.34 5.03 5.03 5.03 -25.52 -25.52 -25.52 -2.92 -2.92 -2.92 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -3.49 -3.49 -3.49 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 25.21 25.21 25.21

8838.77 -381.13 -9601.03 8835.26 -382.08 -9599.42 9416.09 53.07 3054.92 -3414.95 -261.48 -9472.88 23228.37 392.12 16539.35 -17227.23 -600.52 -22957.31 15249.18 -225.23 -3334.79 2418.15 -539.79 -15862.59 29061.46 113.81 10149.64 -11394.13 -878.83 -29347.02 6341.95 1658.86 -3024.23 7649.76 2016.38 -3617 6818.55 1792.98 -3232.58 6819.43 1793.38 -3232.68 7791.74 1542.72 6375.05

-22.55 684-1 8.19 684-1 38.92 684-1 -22.64 684-1 8.18 684-1 39 684-1 16489.4 684-1 676.67 684-1 15605.01 684-1 -16477.91 684-1 -675.66 684-1 -15614.48 684-1 5000.69 684-1 211.87 684-1 4739.49 684-1 -4989.19 684-1 -210.86 684-1 -4748.97 684-1 16460.97 684-1 684.34 684-1 15648.78 684-1 -16506.33 684-1 -667.99 684-1 -15570.72 684-1 4972.26 684-1 219.54 684-1 4783.26 684-1 -5017.62 684-1 -203.19 684-1 -4705.2 684-1 -88.18 685-1 -10.67 685-1 66.84 685-1 -72.18 685-1 -9.2 685-1 53.77 685-1 -73.45 685-1 -9.17 685-1 55.11 685-1 -73.45 685-1 -9.18 685-1 55.09 685-1 14834.64 685-1 3564.85 685-1 21950.43 685-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-25.79 -25.79 -25.79 14.21 14.21 14.21 -14.78 -14.78 -14.78 22 22 22 -29 -29 -29 11 11 11 -17.99 -17.99 -17.99 -7.53 -7.53 -7.53 -9.76 -9.76 -9.76 -8.51 -8.51 -8.51 -8.52 -8.52 -8.52 11.63 11.63 11.63 -13.4 -13.4 -13.4 6.61 6.61 6.61 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38

-3299.89 -14863.4 685-1 -376.96 -3570.72 685-1 -8535.38 -21933.42 685-1 19735.83 4494.97 685-1 3611.25 1077.04 685-1 22434.68 6640.25 685-1 -15243.99 -4523.72 685-1 -2445.5 -1082.91 685-1 -24595 -6623.23 685-1 12365.65 14775.57 685-1 2753.39 3558.6 685-1 4222.49 21997.01 685-1 1274.02 -14922.48 685-1 833.72 -3576.97 685-1 -10687.94 -21886.84 685-1 24309.74 4435.89 685-1 4821.93 1070.79 685-1 20282.11 6686.83 685-1 -10670.07 -4582.8 685-1 -1234.82 -1089.16 685-1 -26747.56 -6576.65 685-1 8053.56 293.13 686-1 -25.25 181.99 686-1 -8104.06 70.84 686-1 8998.21 492.48 686-1 -286.27 155.8 686-1 -9570.75 -180.89 686-1 8367.37 415.17 686-1 -135.32 160.49 686-1 -8638.01 -94.2 686-1 8235.08 403.94 686-1 -179.5 156.54 686-1 -8594.08 -90.86 686-1 6583.72 6461.09 686-1 742.04 1269.9 686-1 -1539.94 3694.63 686-1 1692.1 -5933.68 686-1 57.87 -1182.86 686-1 -5136.07 -4047.96 686-1 11610.52 2137.38 686-1 1440.59 414.96 686-1 2157.51 994.32 686-1 -3334.69 -1609.98 686-1 -640.68 -327.92 686-1 -8833.52 -1347.65 686-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

3.99 3.99 3.99 -21.04 -21.04 -21.04 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -16.02 -16.02 -16.02 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -13.74 -13.74 -13.74 -11.79 -11.79 -11.79 -11.77 -11.77 -11.77 21.61 21.61 21.61 -25.6 -25.6 -25.6 11.77 11.77 11.77 -15.75 -15.75 -15.75 11.85 11.85 11.85 -35.37 -35.37 -35.37 2 2 2

10620.75 142.5 -6776.06 5729.13 -541.67 -10372.18 15647.55 841.05 -3078.6 702.34 -1240.22 -14069.63 7994.81 32.18 -7930.44 9745.94 73.28 -9599.38 8635.55 47.32 -8540.91 8657.27 54.86 -8547.55 7700.12 290.18 1546.6 -2321.64 -420.58 -7185.88 17977.8 1015.08 10509.16 -12599.32 -1145.48 -16148.44 13678.02 413.67 -4184.32 3656.26 -297.09 -12916.81 23955.71 1138.57 4778.24

6596.22 686-1 1381.13 686-1 3781.96 686-1 -5798.56 686-1 -1071.64 686-1 -3960.63 686-1 2272.51 686-1 526.19 686-1 1081.65 686-1 -1474.85 686-1 -216.7 686-1 -1260.32 686-1 -451.5 687-1 -39.49 687-1 372.52 687-1 -170.06 687-1 -32.9 687-1 104.25 687-1 -255.63 687-1 -34.4 687-1 186.83 687-1 -252.03 687-1 -33.42 687-1 185.18 687-1 12732.74 687-1 1300.39 687-1 10159.9 687-1 -12590.84 687-1 -1324.95 687-1 -10350.92 687-1 3892.82 687-1 384.21 687-1 3000.04 687-1 -3750.92 687-1 -408.77 687-1 -3191.06 687-1 12411.4 687-1 1279.69 687-1 10439.84 687-1 -12912.18 687-1 -1345.65 687-1 -10070.98 687-1 3571.48 687-1 363.52 687-1 3279.98 687-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-25.52 -25.52 -25.52 -8.87 -8.87 -8.87 -12.25 -12.25 -12.25 -10.51 -10.51 -10.51 -10.51 -10.51 -10.51 29.96 29.96 29.96 -32.43 -32.43 -32.43 14.77 14.77 14.77 -17.24 -17.24 -17.24 20.69 20.69 20.69 -41.71 -41.71 -41.71 5.5 5.5 5.5 -26.52 -26.52 -26.52 -2.27 -2.27 -2.27 -3.32 -3.32 -3.32

-6621.42 -1021.99 -21879.37 8223.44 -351.16 -8925.77 9907.59 -419.93 -10747.44 8839.87 -374.14 -9588.15 8836.13 -375.16 -9586.44 9693.29 56.97 3286.23 -3647.73 -265.92 -9749.69 23375.61 383.55 16660.9 -17330.05 -592.5 -23124.35 15504.94 -214.17 -3067.7 2163.92 -537.06 -16103.62 29187.26 112.41 10306.97 -11518.4 -863.64 -29478.29 6361.26 1673.61 -3014.05 7695.45 2042.15 -3611.15

-4072.26 687-1 -429.47 687-1 -2911.12 687-1 -252.8 688-1 -14.58 688-1 223.64 688-1 16.05 688-1 -23.37 688-1 -62.78 688-1 -71.01 688-1 -19.12 688-1 32.78 688-1 -71.2 688-1 -19.27 688-1 32.66 688-1 16463.23 688-1 701.51 688-1 15164.02 688-1 -16155.15 688-1 -729.22 688-1 -15527.52 688-1 5075.21 688-1 203.03 688-1 4448.88 688-1 -4767.13 688-1 -230.74 688-1 -4812.38 688-1 16237.91 688-1 696.03 688-1 15378.39 688-1 -16380.47 688-1 -734.7 688-1 -15313.16 688-1 4849.89 688-1 197.55 688-1 4663.25 688-1 -4992.45 688-1 -236.22 688-1 -4598.02 688-1 -180.23 689-1 -30.2 689-1 119.83 689-1 -1.56 689-1 14.09 689-1 29.73 689-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 25.97 25.97 25.97 -26.17 -26.17 -26.17 16.85 16.85 16.85 -17.05 -17.05 -17.05 23.26 23.26 23.26 -28.87 -28.87 -28.87 14.14 14.14 14.14 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -7.39 -7.39 -7.39 -9.28 -9.28 -9.28 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 14.14 14.14 14.14

6853.32 1813.8 -3225.72 6854.2 1814.22 -3225.76 8001.8 1581.56 6616.94 -3464.41 -402.62 -8796.45 19768.65 3614.45 22428.46 -15231.27 -2435.51 -24607.97 12587.7 2806.5 4480.91 1121.49 822.32 -10932.48 24354.55 4839.39 20292.44 -10645.36 -1210.58 -26744 7254.45 -469.49 -8193.43 8142.09 -836.68 -9815.45 7536.26 -635.41 -8807.07 7437.44 -668.24 -8773.91 5558.94 763.49 -460.53

-59.28 689-1 -0.98 689-1 57.32 689-1 -58.96 689-1 -0.91 689-1 57.13 689-1 14729.2 689-1 3656.32 689-1 21778.68 689-1 -14499.92 689-1 -3592.78 689-1 -21880.88 689-1 4525.46 689-1 1126.54 689-1 6538.06 689-1 -4296.18 689-1 -1063 689-1 -6640.26 689-1 14555.74 689-1 3623.66 689-1 21886.83 689-1 -14673.37 689-1 -3625.43 689-1 -21772.74 689-1 4352.01 689-1 1093.88 689-1 6646.21 689-1 -4469.64 689-1 -1095.65 689-1 -6532.12 689-1 -6461.99 690-1 -364.57 690-1 5732.84 690-1 -7757.65 690-1 -258.12 690-1 7241.4 690-1 -7029.3 690-1 -307.88 690-1 6413.53 690-1 -6940.7 690-1 -282.79 690-1 6375.12 690-1 2938.23 690-1 673.47 690-1 7571.21 690-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-15.73 607.33 -9786.31 690-1 -15.73 44.33 -1160.33 690-1 -15.73 -4090.11 -1696.86 690-1 8.79 10416.15 -1485.61 690-1 8.79 1470.26 36.45 690-1 8.79 3033.94 4352.47 690-1 -10.38 -4249.88 -5362.47 690-1 -10.38 -662.45 -523.32 690-1 -10.38 -7584.58 1521.88 690-1 6.76 9868.32 -538.16 690-1 6.76 -323.58 645.52 690-1 6.76 -6944.05 10991.7 690-1 -23.11 4916.72 -13262.7 690-1 -23.11 -1042.74 -1188.28 690-1 -23.11 -10573.63 1723.63 690-1 1.41 14725.53 -4962 690-1 1.41 383.19 8.5 690-1 1.41 -3449.58 7772.95 690-1 -17.75 59.51 -8838.86 690-1 -17.75 -1749.51 -551.27 690-1 -17.75 -14068.1 4942.37 690-1 -10.82 8848.73 -5142.7 691-1 -10.82 59.4 -30.12 691-1 -10.82 -8729.93 5082.47 691-1 -14.82 10913.06 -6802.55 691-1 -14.82 112.04 -65.75 691-1 -14.82 -10688.99 6671.05 691-1 -12.76 9646.59 -5902.37 691-1 -12.76 82.64 -47.65 691-1 -12.76 -9481.32 5807.08 691-1 -12.74 9662.23 -5904.28 691-1 -12.74 88.17 -50.32 691-1 -12.74 -9485.89 5803.64 691-1 22.17 6748.57 11967.17 691-1 22.17 306.23 992.89 691-1 22.17 2724.27 15191.28 691-1 -26 -3526.62 -17036.72 691-1 -26 -446.35 -1008.28 691-1 -26 -6226.46 -10152.51 691-1 14.1 16659.45 1845.07 691-1 14.1 1041.63 297.33 691-1 14.1 11286.85 6349.32 691-1 -17.93 -13437.5 -6914.61 691-1 -17.93 -1181.75 -312.72 691-1 -17.93 -14789.04 -1310.55 691-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

11.35 11.35 11.35 -36.83 -36.83 -36.83 3.27 3.27 3.27 -28.75 -28.75 -28.75 -9.65 -9.65 -9.65 -13.24 -13.24 -13.24 -11.38 -11.38 -11.38 -11.38 -11.38 -11.38 29.93 29.93 29.93 -32.65 -32.65 -32.65 16.22 16.22 16.22 -18.94 -18.94 -18.94 19.91 19.91 19.91 -42.67 -42.67 -42.67 6.2 6.2 6.2

14806.94 466.98 -5012.6 4531.75 -285.6 -13963.33 24717.82 1202.38 3549.98 -5379.13 -1021 -22525.91 8793 -243.63 -9280.25 10762.61 -316.93 -11396.48 9556.64 -275.53 -10107.71 9553.49 -276.27 -10106.02 8793.52 102.99 4687.49 -4970.91 -240.03 -8784.18 22013.65 434 17583.73 -18191.03 -571.04 -21680.43 16434.27 -105.09 -3369.42 2669.84 -448.11 -16841.09 29654.4 225.92 9526.83

8596.8 691-1 949.05 691-1 18473.97 691-1 -20407.09 691-1 -1052.11 691-1 -6869.81 691-1 -1525.31 691-1 253.49 691-1 9632.02 691-1 -10284.99 691-1 -356.56 691-1 1972.15 691-1 -4966.33 692-1 -16.81 692-1 4932.71 692-1 -6484.38 692-1 -19.02 692-1 6446.34 692-1 -5656.33 692-1 -18.39 692-1 5619.54 692-1 -5650.12 692-1 -17.45 692-1 5615.21 692-1 17312.29 692-1 441.31 692-1 21865.89 692-1 -22292.89 692-1 -439.91 692-1 -16882.5 692-1 3488.64 692-1 139.19 692-1 8341.03 692-1 -8469.23 692-1 -137.79 692-1 -3357.64 692-1 14155.29 692-1 423.58 692-1 24987.44 692-1 -25449.89 692-1 -457.64 692-1 -13760.95 692-1 331.64 692-1 121.46 692-1 11462.58 692-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-28.96 -28.96 -28.96 -1.24 -1.24 -1.24 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.69 -1.69 -1.69 26.64 26.64 26.64 -26.6 -26.6 -26.6 19.58 19.58 19.58 -19.54 -19.54 -19.54 24.93 24.93 24.93 -28.31 -28.31 -28.31 17.87 17.87 17.87 -21.25 -21.25 -21.25 -5.68 -5.68 -5.68 -7.57 -7.57 -7.57

-10550.28 -779.12 -29737.34 6519.41 1722 -3075.42 8076 2151.56 -3772.89 7142.45 1897.82 -3346.8 7142.94 1898.16 -3346.61 7336.14 1420.21 7256.49 -4468.05 -668.32 -8620.8 18641.88 3474.44 22678.75 -15773.79 -2722.54 -24043.06 13045.27 2942.58 4592.12 1241.07 854.06 -11285.18 24351 4996.81 20014.37 -10064.66 -1200.17 -26707.43 3644.24 -67.16 -3778.55 3726.12 -105.32 -3936.75

-11626.23 692-1 -155.51 692-1 -236.09 692-1 -3373.05 693-1 -845.11 693-1 1682.82 693-1 -4423.57 693-1 -1114.76 693-1 2194.05 693-1 -3851.04 693-1 -968.88 693-1 1913.28 693-1 -3849.23 693-1 -968.44 693-1 1912.35 693-1 15988.76 693-1 2395.81 693-1 24180.64 693-1 -19418.18 693-1 -3267.45 693-1 -22494.48 693-1 3640.82 693-1 419.76 693-1 7896.59 693-1 -7070.24 693-1 -1291.39 693-1 -6210.43 693-1 13855.06 693-1 1863.38 693-1 25249.48 693-1 -21551.88 693-1 -3799.87 693-1 -21425.64 693-1 1507.12 693-1 -112.67 693-1 8965.43 693-1 -9203.94 693-1 -1823.82 693-1 -5141.59 693-1 -2041.75 694-1 97.55 694-1 2236.84 694-1 -3006.9 694-1 73.57 694-1 3154.04 694-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-6.5 -6.5 -6.5 -6.55 -6.55 -6.55 16.75 16.75 16.75 -16.18 -16.18 -16.18 11.42 11.42 11.42 -10.85 -10.85 -10.85 9.89 9.89 9.89 -23.03 -23.03 -23.03 4.57 4.57 4.57 -17.7 -17.7 -17.7 -11.01 -11.01 -11.01 -14.6 -14.6 -14.6 -12.72 -12.72 -12.72 -12.68 -12.68 -12.68 21.73 21.73 21.73

3552.47 -69.81 -3692.09 3507.8 -84.85 -3677.49 4067.5 689.08 630.03 -780.79 -108.05 -2754.68 8750.07 1417.3 3907.98 -5463.36 -836.28 -6032.63 5911.64 306.89 -1978.51 1063.36 -490.25 -5363.21 10594.21 1035.11 1299.45 -3619.22 -1218.47 -8641.16 3763.85 -6.99 -3777.83 3826.82 -6.38 -3839.58 3594.29 -9.47 -3613.23 3600.51 -6.71 -3613.92 5505.85 358.89 3535.34

-2532 694-1 82.49 694-1 2696.98 694-1 -2535.06 694-1 78.09 694-1 2691.24 694-1 3299.48 694-1 1048.65 694-1 2832.4 694-1 -4754.72 694-1 -1110.25 694-1 -1500.37 694-1 494.51 694-1 296.77 694-1 1334.17 694-1 -1949.75 694-1 -358.37 694-1 -2.14 694-1 1490.65 694-1 1155.54 694-1 4855.02 694-1 -6563.56 694-1 -1003.37 694-1 522.24 694-1 -1314.32 694-1 403.66 694-1 3356.78 694-1 -3758.59 694-1 -251.49 694-1 2020.47 694-1 -2403.59 695-1 -90.96 695-1 2221.67 695-1 -3268.74 695-1 -104.84 695-1 3059.06 695-1 -2830.03 695-1 -97.05 695-1 2635.93 695-1 -2817.66 695-1 -95.1 695-1 2627.46 695-1 10298.07 695-1 1319.81 695-1 9026.08 695-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-26.78 -26.78 -26.78 14.34 14.34 14.34 -19.39 -19.39 -19.39 11.6 11.6 11.6 -36.91 -36.91 -36.91 4.21 4.21 4.21 -29.52 -29.52 -29.52 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79 -10.93 -10.93 -10.93 -9.32 -9.32 -9.32 -9.33 -9.33 -9.33 30.75 30.75 30.75 -32.51 -32.51 -32.51 17.15 17.15 17.15 -18.91 -18.91 -18.91

-4364.4 -470.59 -4900.19 15005.82 1117.11 11636.16 -13864.37 -1228.81 -13001.01 8538.47 409.29 603.52 -1331.78 -420.18 -7832 18038.44 1167.51 8704.34 -10831.75 -1178.41 -15932.82 3738.62 -112.02 -3962.66 3793.38 -122.39 -4038.15 3575.7 -112 -3799.7 3573.02 -112.43 -3797.87 7354.28 171.07 5623.86 -5853.3 -228.7 -7240.1 20027.05 511.43 17943.58 -18526.07 -569.06 -19559.82

-11542.35 695-1 -1381.85 695-1 -7905.87 695-1 2680.71 695-1 377.69 695-1 3122.57 695-1 -3925 695-1 -439.73 695-1 -2002.36 695-1 8108.18 695-1 1256.62 695-1 11089.6 695-1 -13732.24 695-1 -1445.03 695-1 -5842.36 695-1 490.82 695-1 314.51 695-1 5186.08 695-1 -6114.89 695-1 -502.92 695-1 61.15 695-1 -1842.23 696-1 -97.05 696-1 1648.13 696-1 -2581.14 696-1 -135.39 696-1 2310.35 696-1 -2209.99 696-1 -116.06 696-1 1977.87 696-1 -2206.03 696-1 -115.85 696-1 1974.33 696-1 14142.29 696-1 662.76 696-1 13909.65 696-1 -14908.09 696-1 -772.77 696-1 -13363.84 696-1 4003.24 696-1 163.44 696-1 4392.69 696-1 -4769.05 696-1 -273.44 696-1 -3846.89 696-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

22.3 10175.59 12320.96 696-1 22.3 87.27 602.01 696-1 22.3 2634.94 15609.47 696-1 -40.97 -3031.99 -16729.42 696-1 -40.97 -312.5 -833.52 696-1 -40.97 -10229.02 -11664.02 696-1 8.7 22848.36 2181.92 696-1 8.7 427.63 102.68 696-1 8.7 14954.66 6092.51 696-1 -27.37 -15704.76 -6590.38 696-1 -27.37 -652.87 -334.19 696-1 -27.37 -22548.74 -2147.07 696-1 -2.47 2803.45 -1069 697-1 -2.47 2549.42 -966.87 697-1 -2.47 2549.42 -966.87 697-1 -2.47 771.2 -251.93 697-1 -2.47 -1261.06 565.15 697-1 -3.68 2916.34 -1503.43 697-1 -3.68 2655.79 -1360.86 697-1 -3.68 2655.79 -1360.86 697-1 -3.68 831.93 -362.88 697-1 -3.68 -1252.47 777.67 697-1 -3.09 2723.85 -1285.83 697-1 -3.09 2479.31 -1163.65 697-1 -3.09 2479.31 -1163.65 697-1 -3.09 767.58 -308.4 697-1 -3.09 -1188.69 669.03 697-1 -3.09 2723.82 -1283.63 697-1 -3.09 2479.32 -1161.66 697-1 -3.09 2479.32 -1161.66 697-1 -3.09 767.8 -307.87 697-1 -3.09 -1188.22 667.89 697-1 26.61 6195.07 13387.58 697-1 26.61 5302.99 11226.4 697-1 26.61 5302.99 11226.4 697-1 26.61 1309.3 3870.45 697-1 26.61 7614.93 21387.56 697-1 -27.08 -5086.65 -13691.86 697-1 -27.08 -4295.6 -11501.21 697-1 -27.08 -4295.6 -11501.21 697-1 -27.08 -1009.12 -3938.99 697-1 -27.08 -8122.99 -21220.37 697-1 21.33 17044.86 3944.22 697-1 21.33 14528.83 3300.97 697-1 21.33 14528.83 3300.97 697-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25

21.33 21.33 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 23.75 23.75 23.75 23.75 23.75 -29.94 -29.94 -29.94 -29.94 -29.94 18.47 18.47 18.47 18.47 18.47 -24.67 -24.67 -24.67 -24.67 -24.67 0.17 0.17 0.17 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 13.56 13.56 13.56 -11.33 -11.33 -11.33

3424.76 22729.62 -15936.43 -13521.44 -13521.44 -3124.57 -23237.68 8364.67 7278.62 7278.62 1927.11 6680.96 -2917.05 -2319.97 -2319.97 -391.3 -9056.96 19214.46 16504.46 16504.46 4042.57 21795.65 -13766.83 -11545.81 -11545.81 -2506.76 -24171.65 -2925.53 2.13 2929.78 -3009.85 81.1 3172.06 -2872.78 34.13 2941.04 -2828.97 48.86 2926.7 843.68 201.15 3019.95 -4070.63 -556.16 -503.02

1145.45 697-1 6524.43 697-1 -4248.5 697-1 -3575.78 697-1 -3575.78 697-1 -1213.99 697-1 -6357.24 697-1 12257.1 697-1 10203.05 697-1 10203.05 697-1 3597.09 697-1 21971.34 697-1 -14822.35 697-1 -12524.55 697-1 -12524.55 697-1 -4212.35 697-1 -20636.59 697-1 2813.73 697-1 2277.62 697-1 2277.62 697-1 872.09 697-1 7108.21 697-1 -5378.98 697-1 -4599.12 697-1 -4599.12 697-1 -1487.35 697-1 -5773.46 697-1 1606.48 698-1 42.91 698-1 -1520.67 698-1 2340.66 698-1 89.6 698-1 -2161.47 698-1 1975.63 698-1 64.67 698-1 -1846.29 698-1 1978.75 698-1 69.04 698-1 -1840.66 698-1 4790.65 698-1 1127.69 698-1 1508.25 698-1 -3318.55 698-1 -1053.38 698-1 -2831.74 698-1

2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

10.92 5479.14 1965.92 698-1 10.92 937.08 367.04 698-1 10.92 6237.06 3.25 698-1 -8.69 -8706.09 -493.83 698-1 -8.69 -1292.09 -292.73 698-1 -8.69 -3720.13 -1326.74 698-1 12.08 -351.9 6034.77 698-1 12.08 434.21 1161.57 698-1 12.08 4681.66 331.89 698-1 -12.81 -5266.22 -2074.43 698-1 -12.81 -323.1 -1019.5 698-1 -12.81 1158.69 -4008.1 698-1 9.44 4283.56 3210.05 698-1 9.44 1170.14 400.92 698-1 9.44 7898.77 -1173.11 698-1 -10.18 -9901.68 750.3 698-1 -10.18 -1059.02 -258.85 698-1 -10.18 -2058.42 -2503.1 698-1 -5.86 -2744.16 1447.75 699-1 -5.86 6.99 40.76 699-1 -5.86 2758.14 -1366.22 699-1 -8.56 -3066.19 2014.37 699-1 -8.56 -15.74 46.22 699-1 -8.56 3034.71 -1921.94 699-1 -7.21 -2786.28 1738.91 699-1 -7.21 -4.17 44.29 699-1 -7.21 2777.94 -1650.33 699-1 -7.23 -2796.65 1726.45 699-1 -7.23 -7.09 42.32 699-1 -7.23 2782.47 -1641.81 699-1 24.35 4184.2 11521.1 699-1 24.35 424.69 1388.29 699-1 24.35 5377.37 7882.07 699-1 -24.79 -6026.86 -10289.27 699-1 -24.79 -374.49 -1328.73 699-1 -24.79 -3434.31 -8994.78 699-1 14.68 13771.75 3906.97 699-1 14.68 1194 439.85 699-1 14.68 13532.53 1995.59 699-1 -15.12 -15614.42 -2675.14 699-1 -15.12 -1143.8 -380.29 699-1 -15.12 -11589.47 -3108.3 699-1 17.33 2304.17 12625.98 699-1 17.33 391.17 1399.94 699-1 17.33 7190.36 6800.49 699-1

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-31.8 -31.8 -31.8 7.67 7.67 7.67 -22.14 -22.14 -22.14 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -10.62 -10.62 -10.62 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 -9.16 30.72 30.72 30.72 -32.84 -32.84 -32.84 16.09 16.09 16.09 -18.21 -18.21 -18.21 22.62 22.62 22.62 -40.94 -40.94 -40.94 7.99 7.99 7.99 -26.31 -26.31 -26.31

-7906.89 -408.01 -1621.31 11891.72 1160.48 15345.53 -17494.45 -1177.32 -9776.48 -3060.44 67.06 3194.56 -3377.37 83.91 3545.18 -3095.44 73.2 3241.83 -3094.7 73.88 3242.46 5676.42 205.5 7885.67 -7981.69 -149.33 -5468.08 18439.65 533.46 20295.38 -20744.92 -477.3 -17877.79 3734.7 251.61 9919.61 -9923.41 -103.22 -3434.13 16497.93 579.57 22329.32 -22686.65 -431.19 -15843.84

-9184.39 699-1 -1317.08 699-1 -10076.36 699-1 5011.85 699-1 451.5 699-1 914.01 699-1 -1570.26 699-1 -368.64 699-1 -4189.87 699-1 1035.06 700-1 111.08 700-1 -812.91 700-1 1512.66 700-1 141.25 700-1 -1230.17 700-1 1282.59 700-1 124.2 700-1 -1034.2 700-1 1278.76 700-1 124.01 700-1 -1030.74 700-1 14857.96 700-1 776.57 700-1 13320.54 700-1 -14109.94 700-1 -669.09 700-1 -13853.6 700-1 4744.99 700-1 275.21 700-1 3839.2 700-1 -3996.97 700-1 -167.73 700-1 -4372.26 700-1 15760.97 700-1 846.76 700-1 12557.91 700-1 -13206.93 700-1 -598.9 700-1 -14616.23 700-1 5648.01 700-1 345.4 700-1 3076.57 700-1 -3093.96 700-1 -97.54 700-1 -5134.89 700-1

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-6.02 -6.02 -6.02 -8.13 -8.13 -8.13 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 25.14 25.14 25.14 -27.66 -27.66 -27.66 15.17 15.17 15.17 -17.69 -17.69 -17.69 19.39 19.39 19.39 -33.41 -33.41 -33.41 9.42 9.42 9.42 -23.44 -23.44 -23.44 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -1.8 -1.8 -1.8 -1.45 -1.45 -1.45

-2430.03 -697.64 1034.74 -2716.86 -784.27 1148.32 -2478.39 -714.49 1049.42 -2479.02 -714.42 1050.17 4932.6 864.02 8380.03 -6728.07 -1347.36 -7551.23 15800.08 3009.96 23566.45 -17595.55 -3493.29 -22737.65 3351.04 391.3 9016.15 -8309.64 -1820.08 -6915.12 14218.52 2537.23 24202.56 -19177.11 -3966.02 -22101.54 -5358.38 -291.42 4775.54 -6025.81 -42.92 5939.97 -5603.41 -158.51 5286.4

505.59 701-1 131.58 701-1 -242.42 701-1 764.85 701-1 193.34 701-1 -378.17 701-1 643.07 701-1 163.76 701-1 -315.54 701-1 640.91 701-1 163.22 701-1 -314.46 701-1 13637.35 701-1 3955.84 701-1 21222.6 701-1 -13355.83 701-1 -3895.09 701-1 -21382.62 701-1 4223.86 701-1 1212.38 701-1 6352.16 701-1 -3942.34 701-1 -1151.64 701-1 -6512.18 701-1 14136.51 701-1 4088.45 701-1 20988.65 701-1 -12856.66 701-1 -3762.49 701-1 -21616.58 701-1 4723.03 701-1 1344.99 701-1 6118.2 701-1 -3443.18 701-1 -1019.03 701-1 -6746.14 701-1 6610.33 702-1 8.91 702-1 -6592.5 702-1 7852.5 702-1 -112.59 702-1 -8077.67 702-1 7136.13 702-1 -38.06 702-1 -7212.24 702-1

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-1.43 -5505.2 7047.64 702-1 -1.43 -126.03 -63.21 702-1 -1.43 5253.14 -7174.07 702-1 13.15 -594.27 9796.12 702-1 13.15 70.06 1174.03 702-1 13.15 4235.85 1682.21 702-1 -12.43 -5501.57 -2963.39 702-1 -12.43 -654.88 -694.49 702-1 -12.43 690.34 -7555.84 702-1 10.86 4283.6 5352.09 702-1 10.86 766.08 526.06 702-1 10.86 7780.94 -1533.04 702-1 -10.15 -10379.44 1480.64 702-1 -10.15 -1350.91 -46.51 702-1 -10.15 -2854.75 -4340.59 702-1 11.37 -3006.91 13387.18 702-1 11.37 251.2 859.61 702-1 11.37 7010.78 -2537.7 702-1 -14.2 -7914.22 627.67 702-1 -14.2 -473.74 -1008.91 702-1 -14.2 3465.27 -11775.75 702-1 9.09 1870.95 8943.15 702-1 9.09 947.22 211.63 702-1 9.09 10555.88 -5752.94 702-1 -11.92 -12792.08 5071.7 702-1 -11.92 -1169.76 -360.93 702-1 -11.92 -79.82 -8560.5 702-1 -5.59 -4125.18 6495.91 703-1 -5.59 34.67 86.81 703-1 -5.59 4194.51 -6322.29 703-1 -8.46 -5653.2 8169.75 703-1 -8.46 -14.61 120.24 703-1 -8.46 5623.99 -7929.28 703-1 -7.03 -4835.58 7191.82 703-1 -7.03 8.61 99.88 703-1 -7.03 4852.8 -6992.06 703-1 -7.07 -4855.76 7193.74 703-1 -7.07 2.97 102.59 703-1 -7.07 4861.71 -6988.56 703-1 24.59 3149.87 17007.43 703-1 24.59 423.05 1019.08 703-1 24.59 6430.55 10076.48 703-1 -24.57 -7036.78 -11908.92 703-1 -24.57 -341.44 -1004.25 703-1 -24.57 -2380.41 -15145.33 703-1

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15.56 15.56 15.56 -15.54 -15.54 -15.54 17.49 17.49 17.49 -31.68 -31.68 -31.68 8.45 8.45 8.45 -22.64 -22.64 -22.64 -8.53 -8.53 -8.53 -11.59 -11.59 -11.59 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.98 -9.98 -9.98 30.79 30.79 30.79 -33.69 -33.69 -33.69 15.99 15.99 15.99 -18.89 -18.89 -18.89 22.26 22.26 22.26

13268.87 1151.74 15206.2 -17155.79 -1070.12 -11156.06 228.39 382.66 9271.24 -9958.25 -381.83 460.28 10347.4 1111.34 18046.89 -20077.26 -1110.52 -8315.37 -4674.57 123.9 4922.37 -6179.91 185.36 6550.64 -5366.34 154.52 5675.38 -5365.18 155.51 5676.2 4483.7 235.08 9090.55 -9114.81 -103.61 -4196.52 17992.61 541.48 22294.75 -22623.71 -410.02 -17400.71 1434.6 325.3 12320.11

6913.61 703-1 316.77 703-1 1281.18 703-1 -1815.09 703-1 -301.93 703-1 -6350.03 703-1 21652.79 703-1 1115.49 703-1 5623.94 703-1 -7263.57 703-1 -907.85 703-1 -19597.88 703-1 11558.96 703-1 413.17 703-1 -3171.37 703-1 2830.26 703-1 -205.53 703-1 -10802.57 703-1 6186.3 704-1 -39.42 704-1 -6265.14 704-1 7732.31 704-1 -46.05 704-1 -7824.42 704-1 6828.32 704-1 -40.37 704-1 -6909.05 704-1 6822.19 704-1 -41.3 704-1 -6904.78 704-1 22214.63 704-1 442.21 704-1 16761.79 704-1 -17209.33 704-1 -450.7 704-1 -21784.08 704-1 8433.29 704-1 135.24 704-1 3290.93 704-1 -3427.99 704-1 -143.73 704-1 -8313.22 704-1 26531.39 704-1 404.74 704-1 12370.09 704-1

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-42.22 -42.22 -42.22 7.45 7.45 7.45 -27.42 -27.42 -27.42 -5.64 -5.64 -5.64 -7.54 -7.54 -7.54 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 -6.53 25.13 25.13 25.13 -27.2 -27.2 -27.2 15.96 15.96 15.96 -18.03 -18.03 -18.03 19.64 19.64 19.64 -32.68 -32.68 -32.68 10.47 10.47 10.47 -23.51 -23.51 -23.51

-12163.91 -13.38 -966.96 14943.5 631.71 25524.3 -25672.82 -319.79 -14171.15 -3666.9 -1004.25 1658.39 -4870.39 -1322.46 2225.47 -4221.34 -1149.25 1922.84 -4222.45 -1149.32 1923.81 4007.06 592.74 8719.04 -7569.08 -1525.35 -7022.25 15509.69 2626.81 24289.4 -19071.7 -3559.42 -22592.61 1565.11 -90.31 9794.89 -10011.03 -2208.4 -5946.39 13067.73 1943.76 25365.26 -21513.65 -4242.47 -21516.75

-12892.57 704-1 -488.18 704-1 -26175.78 704-1 12750.05 704-1 97.76 704-1 -1100.77 704-1 888.77 704-1 -181.2 704-1 -12704.92 704-1 4364.47 705-1 1122.75 705-1 -2118.96 705-1 5438.53 705-1 1393.82 705-1 -2650.89 705-1 4804 705-1 1232.53 705-1 -2338.93 705-1 4802.25 705-1 1232.1 705-1 -2338.05 705-1 19357.33 705-1 3298.52 705-1 22474.07 705-1 -15907.28 705-1 -2424.08 705-1 -24175.24 705-1 7063.74 705-1 1299.03 705-1 6195.21 705-1 -3613.7 705-1 -424.6 705-1 -7896.39 705-1 22433.75 705-1 4093.2 705-1 20987.01 705-1 -12830.85 705-1 -1629.4 705-1 -25662.31 705-1 10140.17 705-1 2093.72 705-1 4708.15 705-1 -537.27 705-1 370.08 705-1 -9383.45 705-1

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-1.12 -7080.31 -1.12 197.63 -1.12 7475.57 -2.16 -7988.92 -2.16 434.54 -2.16 8857.99 -1.74 -7423.59 -1.74 283.85 -1.74 7991.3 -1.71 -7291.42 -1.71 327.65 -1.71 7946.71 12.61 -1523.92 12.61 -46.17 12.61 4944.32 -12.21 -6360.04 -12.21 -725.62 -12.21 1396.06 9.69 3505.01 9.69 658.96 9.69 8628.46 -9.29 -11388.98 -9.29 -1430.76 -9.29 -2288.09 10.71 -4813.28 10.71 687.28 10.71 9700.57 -14.11 -9649.4 -14.11 7.83 -14.11 6152.31 7.79 215.66 7.79 1392.41 7.79 13384.72 -11.19 -14678.33 -11.19 -697.31 -11.19 2468.16 -5.63 -6949.89 -5.63 -423.25 -5.63 6103.39 -8.57 -8793.05 -8.57 -422.92 -8.57 7947.21 -7.11 -7697.61 -7.11 -391.36 -7.11 6914.88

-410.25 706-1 -50.97 706-1 308.32 706-1 -477.49 706-1 -34.46 706-1 408.56 706-1 -443.65 706-1 -42.58 706-1 358.49 706-1 -432.24 706-1 -38.6 706-1 355.04 706-1 5940.28 706-1 1187.84 706-1 4074.23 706-1 -6484.91 706-1 -1269.21 706-1 -3692.34 706-1 1607.11 706-1 329.95 706-1 1371.1 706-1 -2151.74 706-1 -411.32 706-1 -989.2 706-1 5785.54 706-1 1191.74 706-1 4236.76 706-1 -6639.65 706-1 -1265.31 706-1 -3529.81 706-1 1452.37 706-1 333.84 706-1 1533.63 706-1 -2306.48 706-1 -407.42 706-1 -826.68 706-1 -230.62 707-1 30.27 707-1 291.17 707-1 -337.32 707-1 23.95 707-1 385.23 707-1 -280.51 707-1 25.87 707-1 332.26 707-1

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-7.16 -7.16 -7.16 24.35 24.35 24.35 -24.39 -24.39 -24.39 14.31 14.31 14.31 -14.34 -14.34 -14.34 17.19 17.19 17.19 -31.54 -31.54 -31.54 7.15 7.15 7.15 -21.5 -21.5 -21.5 -8.65 -8.65 -8.65 -11.77 -11.77 -11.77 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 30.71 30.71 30.71 -33.66 -33.66 -33.66

-7724.9 -399.06 6926.78 2502.76 408.5 6973.69 -7510.37 -299.73 -1748.53 12854.55 1138.95 15990.6 -17862.16 -1030.17 -10765.43 -2730.74 -48.44 11293.3 -12743.87 -756.67 2571.08 7621.05 682 20310.21 -23095.66 -1487.12 -6445.83 -6059.56 280.69 6620.93 -8092.26 350.41 8793.08 -7007.77 307.65 7623.08 -7005.72 309 7623.72 3674.01 242.7 9685.11 -9656.26 -67.05 -3351.55

-284.31 707-1 24.87 707-1 334.05 707-1 12611.25 707-1 1327.31 707-1 10386.34 707-1 -12774.74 707-1 -1305.34 707-1 -10178.9 707-1 3747.66 707-1 408.7 707-1 3213.13 707-1 -3911.15 707-1 -386.73 707-1 -3005.69 707-1 12406.96 707-1 1340.74 707-1 10617.49 707-1 -12979.03 707-1 -1291.9 707-1 -9947.75 707-1 3543.37 707-1 422.13 707-1 3444.28 707-1 -4115.44 707-1 -373.3 707-1 -2774.54 707-1 -449.65 708-1 36.16 708-1 521.98 708-1 -555.14 708-1 44.18 708-1 643.5 708-1 -491.81 708-1 39.04 708-1 569.88 708-1 -491.54 708-1 39.21 708-1 569.95 708-1 16164.64 708-1 730.2 708-1 15561.27 708-1 -16498.17 708-1 -704.61 708-1 -15176.57 708-1

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16.1 16.1 16.1 -19.05 -19.05 -19.05 22.05 22.05 22.05 -42.32 -42.32 -42.32 7.45 7.45 7.45 -27.71 -27.71 -27.71 -5.53 -5.53 -5.53 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 -6.37 25.11 25.11 25.11 -27.09 -27.09 -27.09 14.94 14.94 14.94 -16.91 -16.91 -16.91 19.74 19.74 19.74

17439.27 4753.31 708-1 562.24 232.79 708-1 23142.6 4828.48 708-1 -23421.52 -5086.83 708-1 -386.58 -207.2 708-1 -16809.05 -4443.78 708-1 -339.66 15839.99 708-1 464.49 756.69 708-1 14142.34 15938.91 708-1 -13669.93 -16822.82 708-1 154.73 -678.11 708-1 1105.69 -14798.93 708-1 13425.6 4428.65 708-1 784.02 259.28 708-1 27599.84 5206.12 708-1 -27435.19 -5411.48 708-1 -164.8 -180.71 708-1 -12351.81 -4066.14 708-1 -5011.73 -324.36 709-1 -1327.47 -76.85 709-1 2356.78 170.66 709-1 -6588.71 -406.54 709-1 -1734.53 -101.51 709-1 3119.64 203.52 709-1 -5727.21 -357.99 709-1 -1510.57 -88.06 709-1 2706.07 181.87 709-1 -5728.61 -358.3 709-1 -1510.74 -88.13 709-1 2707.13 182.03 709-1 3421.56 14512.49 709-1 393.45 3595.1 709-1 8788.92 21921.07 709-1 -8012.56 -14764.7 709-1 -1582.2 -3667.72 709-1 -6575.43 -21814.09 709-1 15215.88 4301.1 709-1 2439.1 1056.48 709-1 24655.66 6654.59 709-1 -19806.87 -4553.31 709-1 -3627.85 -1129.09 709-1 -22442.17 -6547.61 709-1 -12.19 14280.16 709-1 -522.99 3543.24 709-1 10389.79 22049.68 709-1

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-32.46 -32.46 -32.46 9.56 9.56 9.56 -22.29 -22.29 -22.29 -1.19 -1.19 -1.19 -2.31 -2.31 -2.31 -1.85 -1.85 -1.85 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 12.25 12.25 12.25 -11.72 -11.72 -11.72 8.7 8.7 8.7 -8.18 -8.18 -8.18 10.17 10.17 10.17 -13.8 -13.8 -13.8 6.62 6.62 6.62 -10.26 -10.26 -10.26

-11446.31 -14997.03 709-1 -2498.65 -3719.58 709-1 -4974.56 -21685.47 709-1 11782.12 4068.77 709-1 1522.65 1004.62 709-1 26256.52 6783.21 709-1 -23240.62 -4785.64 709-1 -4544.29 -1180.95 709-1 -20841.3 -6419 709-1 -7034.53 15.2 710-1 220.06 39.89 710-1 7474.66 64.58 710-1 -7948.42 56.72 710-1 448.79 68.01 710-1 8846.01 79.3 710-1 -7382.9 41.63 710-1 300.4 56.17 710-1 7983.69 70.72 710-1 -7251.29 40.52 710-1 343.83 55.45 710-1 7938.95 70.38 710-1 -1560.17 5965.52 710-1 -53.48 1172.47 710-1 4879.04 3788.27 710-1 -6262.2 -6005.89 710-1 -708.66 -1176.69 710-1 1419.04 -3756.35 710-1 3547.71 1790 710-1 658.09 352.39 710-1 8632 1160.66 710-1 -11370.07 -1830.37 710-1 -1420.23 -356.62 710-1 -2333.92 -1128.75 710-1 -4840.46 6025.73 710-1 691.16 1229.7 710-1 9648.61 3842.53 710-1 -9542.49 -5945.68 710-1 35.98 -1119.46 710-1 6188.61 -3702.09 710-1 267.42 1850.21 710-1 1402.73 409.63 710-1 13401.57 1214.93 710-1 -14650.37 -1770.16 710-1 -675.59 -299.38 710-1 2435.66 -1074.48 710-1

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-5.84 -7032.09 -80.03 711-1 -5.84 -435.54 -30.53 711-1 -5.84 6161.01 18.98 711-1 -8.91 -8876.94 -131.58 711-1 -8.91 -434.14 -36.38 711-1 -8.91 8008.66 58.82 711-1 -7.41 -7776.03 -108.36 711-1 -7.41 -402.37 -32.75 711-1 -7.41 6971.29 42.85 711-1 -7.44 -7803.69 -108.02 711-1 -7.44 -410.03 -32.58 711-1 -7.44 6983.63 42.86 711-1 23.98 2340.9 12734.18 711-1 23.98 393.09 1293.99 711-1 23.98 6812.2 10327.34 711-1 -24.32 -7323.78 -12694.52 711-1 -24.32 -286.67 -1294.15 711-1 -24.32 -1616.47 -10367.3 711-1 13.07 12819.1 3855.16 711-1 13.07 1128.89 392.44 711-1 13.07 15950.14 3108.52 711-1 -13.41 -17801.98 -3815.5 711-1 -13.41 -1022.47 -392.6 711-1 -13.41 -10754.41 -3148.48 711-1 16.69 -2983.91 12606.48 711-1 16.69 -73.63 1261.57 711-1 16.69 11203.58 10390.18 711-1 -31.61 -12648.6 -12822.22 711-1 -31.61 -753.38 -1326.58 711-1 -31.61 2774.91 -10304.46 711-1 5.78 7494.28 3727.46 711-1 5.78 662.17 360.02 711-1 5.78 20341.52 3171.36 711-1 -20.7 -23126.8 -3943.2 711-1 -20.7 -1489.18 -425.02 711-1 -20.7 -6363.03 -3085.64 711-1 -8.9 -6149.58 0.74 712-1 -8.9 283.23 8.06 712-1 -8.9 6716.05 15.37 712-1 -11.99 -8188.25 -47.77 712-1 -11.99 351.54 14.9 712-1 -11.99 8891.33 77.57 712-1 -10.36 -7096.95 -29.68 712-1 -10.36 309.14 11.92 712-1 -10.36 7715.22 53.52 712-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-10.36 -10.36 -10.36 30.71 30.71 30.71 -33.51 -33.51 -33.51 15.67 15.67 15.67 -18.47 -18.47 -18.47 21.76 21.76 21.76 -42.47 -42.47 -42.47 6.71 6.71 6.71 -27.42 -27.42 -27.42 -5.26 -5.26 -5.26 -7.02 -7.02 -7.02 -6.09 -6.09 -6.09 -6.08 -6.08 -6.08 24.79 24.79 24.79 -26.75 -26.75 -26.75

-7094.69 310.52 7715.73 3412.95 238.65 9429.36 -9401.46 -66.05 -3095.63 17306.35 566.53 23010.51 -23294.86 -393.93 -16676.79 -686.47 463.49 13978.45 -13500.87 158.8 1453.46 13206.94 791.37 27559.61 -27394.27 -169.08 -12127.7 -5079.17 -1322.84 2433.49 -6652.44 -1722.07 3208.3 -5788.79 -1501.29 2786.22 -5790.14 -1501.46 2787.21 3240.18 362.35 8542.98 -7828.52 -1542.68 -6315.32

-29.63 712-1 11.9 712-1 53.44 712-1 16539.49 712-1 670.27 712-1 15617.6 712-1 -16505.95 712-1 -680.26 712-1 -15671.12 712-1 4993.22 712-1 203.48 712-1 4682.12 712-1 -4959.68 712-1 -213.47 712-1 -4735.65 712-1 16493.12 712-1 687.16 712-1 15697.76 712-1 -16552.33 712-1 -663.37 712-1 -15590.96 712-1 4946.85 712-1 220.37 712-1 4762.29 712-1 -5006.06 712-1 -196.58 712-1 -4655.48 712-1 33.14 713-1 18.19 713-1 3.25 713-1 -12.15 713-1 3.79 713-1 19.74 713-1 3 713-1 8.2 713-1 13.4 713-1 3.05 713-1 8.22 713-1 13.39 713-1 14925.62 713-1 3575.97 713-1 21968.43 713-1 -14853.55 713-1 -3562.51 713-1 -22013.6 713-1

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13.2 13.2 13.2 -15.17 -15.17 -15.17 19.69 19.69 19.69 -31.85 -31.85 -31.85 8.11 8.11 8.11 -20.27 -20.27 -20.27 -2.32 -2.32 -2.32 -3.65 -3.65 -3.65 -3.02 -3.02 -3.02 -3.03 -3.03 -3.03 11.65 11.65 11.65 -10.99 -10.99 -10.99 7.2 7.2 7.2 -6.54 -6.54 -6.54 8.29 8.29 8.29

15236.77 4545.61 713-1 2431.4 1080.82 713-1 24657.28 6616.27 713-1 -19825.11 -4473.53 713-1 -3611.74 -1067.37 713-1 -22429.62 -6661.45 713-1 -256.4 14892.65 713-1 -549.03 3577.46 713-1 10216.81 22004.39 713-1 -11325.1 -14886.51 713-1 -2454.06 -3561.02 713-1 -4641.49 -21977.64 713-1 11740.19 4512.64 713-1 1520.02 1082.31 713-1 26331.11 6652.24 713-1 -23321.69 -4506.5 713-1 -4523.11 -1065.87 713-1 -20755.79 -6625.48 713-1 -7568.9 449.78 714-1 305.73 -468.58 714-1 8180.36 -1386.94 714-1 -8481.39 787.25 714-1 522.36 -796.54 714-1 9526.1 -2380.32 714-1 -7886.86 636.29 714-1 374.6 -648.54 714-1 8636.07 -1933.36 714-1 -7756.03 636.56 714-1 417.44 -648.46 714-1 8590.91 -1933.48 714-1 -1418.38 5985.07 714-1 -211.08 1201.87 714-1 4276.54 3906.89 714-1 -5915.49 -6060.23 714-1 -836.84 -1144.27 714-1 961.5 -3716.51 714-1 3721.02 1783.78 714-1 498.05 383.59 714-1 8063.7 1254.99 714-1 -11054.9 -1858.94 714-1 -1545.96 -325.98 714-1 -2825.66 -1064.61 714-1 -5448.01 6659.33 714-1 749.79 524.64 714-1 10227.91 1878.16 714-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-14.35 -14.35 -14.35 3.84 3.84 3.84 -9.9 -9.9 -9.9 -7.25 -7.25 -7.25 -10.63 -10.63 -10.63 -8.98 -8.98 -8.98 -8.98 -8.98 -8.98 23.49 23.49 23.49 -25.61 -25.61 -25.61 12.2 12.2 12.2 -14.33 -14.33 -14.33 15.58 15.58 15.58 -33.53 -33.53 -33.53 4.29 4.29 4.29 -22.24 -22.24 -22.24

-9945.12 -5385.97 714-1 124.03 -1821.5 714-1 6912.87 -5745.23 714-1 -308.6 2458.04 714-1 1458.92 -293.64 714-1 14015.07 -773.74 714-1 -15084.52 -1184.68 714-1 -585.09 -1003.22 714-1 3125.71 -3093.33 714-1 -8599.22 2146.84 715-1 -97.63 48.14 715-1 8403.96 -2050.56 715-1 -10334.92 3649.26 715-1 -141.34 105.21 715-1 10052.25 -3438.83 715-1 -9191.4 2971.13 715-1 -111 81.3 715-1 8969.4 -2808.53 715-1 -9218.7 2970.88 715-1 -118.45 81.24 715-1 8981.81 -2808.4 715-1 2885.7 12649.84 715-1 405.15 1285.53 715-1 5938.68 10539.02 715-1 -6373.41 -12910.41 715-1 -248.63 -1296.62 715-1 -2137.92 -10300.63 715-1 13458.81 3729.57 715-1 1147.83 387.85 715-1 15162.45 3275.37 715-1 -16946.53 -3990.13 715-1 -991.31 -398.94 715-1 -11361.69 -3036.99 715-1 -4601.56 15750.9 715-1 205.06 1372.29 715-1 13025.76 7611.49 715-1 -13860.67 -9809.36 715-1 -448.72 -1209.86 715-1 4949.15 -13228.17 715-1 5971.55 6830.62 715-1 947.74 474.6 715-1 22249.52 347.84 715-1 -24433.79 -889.08 715-1 -1191.4 -312.18 715-1 -4274.61 -5964.52 715-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-8.65 -8.65 -8.65 -11.67 -11.67 -11.67 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 -10.07 31.37 31.37 31.37 -33.55 -33.55 -33.55 16.03 16.03 16.03 -18.21 -18.21 -18.21 22.39 22.39 22.39 -42.53 -42.53 -42.53 7.05 7.05 7.05 -27.19 -27.19 -27.19 -5.14 -5.14 -5.14 -6.86 -6.86 -6.86 -5.95 -5.95 -5.95

-9044.82 267.94 9580.69 -10793.68 333.21 11460.1 -9656.11 292.78 10241.67 -9653.72 294.14 10242.01 3810.74 215.02 8461.49 -8459.91 -80.83 -3543.95 17824.35 545.23 22172.57 -22473.52 -411.05 -17255.03 -3517.31 442.69 16244.89 -15787.96 146.84 4239.45 10496.3 772.9 29955.96 -29801.57 -183.37 -9471.63 -6986.73 -1791.29 3404.14 -8352.71 -2130.61 4091.5 -7464.76 -1907.22 3650.33

2045.3 716-1 -50.35 716-1 -2146 716-1 3406.37 716-1 -95.25 716-1 -3596.87 716-1 2786.32 716-1 -75.74 716-1 -2937.81 716-1 2786.39 716-1 -75.72 716-1 -2937.83 716-1 16481.27 716-1 682.83 716-1 15853.71 716-1 -16725.58 716-1 -674.11 716-1 -15591.97 716-1 4880.41 716-1 217.38 716-1 4867.53 716-1 -5124.72 716-1 -208.67 716-1 -4605.8 716-1 19389.84 716-1 602.76 716-1 12785 716-1 -13817.01 716-1 -754.18 716-1 -18660.68 716-1 7788.98 716-1 137.31 716-1 1798.83 716-1 -2216.15 716-1 -288.73 716-1 -7674.5 716-1 1545.45 717-1 409.14 717-1 -727.17 717-1 2581.07 717-1 672.81 717-1 -1235.46 717-1 2109.95 717-1 552.02 717-1 -1005.91 717-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-5.94 -7465.97 2109.92 717-1 -5.94 -1907.37 552.01 717-1 -5.94 3651.22 -1005.9 717-1 25.28 3548.91 14844.54 717-1 25.28 460.12 3533.75 717-1 25.28 8043.35 22057.21 717-1 -27.34 -7134.53 -15026.23 717-1 -27.34 -1376.1 -3582.51 717-1 -27.34 -6289.68 -21973.04 717-1 13.1 15741.75 4414.4 717-1 13.1 2547.32 1047.76 717-1 13.1 24389.86 6673.52 717-1 -15.16 -19327.37 -4596.09 717-1 -15.16 -3463.3 -1096.52 717-1 -15.16 -22636.2 -6589.35 717-1 20.37 -2124.81 17045.3 717-1 20.37 -989.34 4110.14 717-1 20.37 10818.15 21009.23 717-1 -32.25 -12808.24 -12825.47 717-1 -32.25 -2825.55 -3006.12 717-1 -32.25 -3514.88 -23021.02 717-1 8.19 10068.03 6615.16 717-1 8.19 1097.87 1624.15 717-1 8.19 27164.66 5625.54 717-1 -20.07 -25001.08 -2395.33 717-1 -20.07 -4912.76 -520.13 717-1 -20.07 -19861.4 -7637.33 717-1 -6.5 -7509.96 -332.34 718-1 -6.5 240.21 228.09 718-1 -6.5 7990.38 788.52 718-1 -8.75 -8502.79 -601.03 718-1 -8.75 505.88 518.22 718-1 -8.75 9514.56 1637.47 718-1 -7.53 -7881.12 -482.05 718-1 -7.53 343.28 397.29 718-1 -7.53 8567.68 1276.63 718-1 -7.55 -7750.43 -482.41 718-1 -7.55 386.09 397.21 718-1 -7.55 8522.62 1276.83 718-1 11.62 -1559.72 6097.27 718-1 11.62 -107.64 1147.44 718-1 11.62 4660.16 3634.9 718-1 -12.62 -6088.31 -5936.48 718-1 -12.62 -732.3 -1220.97 718-1 -12.62 1307.97 -3942.75 718-1

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6.13 6.13 6.13 -7.14 -7.14 -7.14 4.56 4.56 4.56 -19.68 -19.68 -19.68 -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -14.2 -14.2 -14.2 -7.37 -7.37 -7.37 -10.72 -10.72 -10.72 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -9.07 -9.07 -9.07 21.88 21.88 21.88 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 10.71 10.71 10.71 -13.95 -13.95 -13.95 14.44 14.44 14.44

3578.22 1895.36 718-1 596.83 325.6 718-1 8456.3 998.93 718-1 -11226.24 -1734.57 718-1 -1436.78 -399.13 718-1 -2488.17 -1306.77 718-1 -5426.74 5534.31 718-1 717.88 1581.38 718-1 10178.22 5065.76 718-1 -9955.33 -6499.45 718-1 93.22 -787.02 718-1 6826.04 -2511.9 718-1 -288.8 1332.4 718-1 1422.35 759.54 718-1 13974.37 2429.78 718-1 -15093.27 -2297.53 718-1 -611.26 34.82 718-1 3029.89 124.08 718-1 -8350.38 -1212.58 719-1 -92.06 -37.29 719-1 8166.26 1138 719-1 -10359.5 -2519.39 719-1 -150.18 -87.9 719-1 10059.15 2343.58 719-1 -9127.12 -1964.89 719-1 -114.79 -67.03 719-1 8897.53 1830.84 719-1 -9154.14 -1964.45 719-1 -122.19 -66.94 719-1 8909.76 1830.57 719-1 2376.58 12913.04 719-1 384.79 1302.32 719-1 6472.43 10173.28 719-1 -6951.23 -12525.71 719-1 -270.32 -1288.44 719-1 -1668.84 -10532.86 719-1 12942.18 4043.85 719-1 1123.23 401.83 719-1 15698.36 2968.57 719-1 -17516.83 -3656.51 719-1 -1008.77 -387.95 719-1 -10894.77 -3328.15 719-1 -4502.51 10755.13 719-1 202 1228.47 719-1 12985.94 12183.52 719-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-32.56 -32.56 -32.56 3.27 3.27 3.27 -21.39 -21.39 -21.39 -7.3 -7.3 -7.3 -10.21 -10.21 -10.21 -8.73 -8.73 -8.73 -8.73 -8.73 -8.73 30.39 30.39 30.39 -32.12 -32.12 -32.12 14.24 14.24 14.24 -15.97 -15.97 -15.97 22.52 22.52 22.52 -39.99 -39.99 -39.99 6.37 6.37 6.37 -23.84 -23.84 -23.84

-13830.32 -453.11 4844.68 6063.09 940.45 22211.88 -24395.92 -1191.55 -4381.25 -8849.38 278.75 9406.88 -10821.79 351.11 11524.02 -9610.74 307.47 10225.69 -9608.45 308.82 10226.08 3375.43 226.39 9009.27 -8984.02 -67.19 -3082.29 17377.64 556.93 22708.89 -22986.23 -397.73 -16781.91 -3427.68 456.22 16272.04 -15787.14 162.64 4180.49 10574.53 786.76 29971.66 -29789.35 -167.9 -9519.14

-14683.63 719-1 -1362.28 719-1 -8522.63 719-1 1885.93 719-1 327.99 719-1 4978.8 719-1 -5814.43 719-1 -461.79 719-1 -1317.92 719-1 -1076.45 720-1 10.01 720-1 1096.47 720-1 -2267.43 720-1 51.55 720-1 2370.54 720-1 -1763.02 720-1 35.48 720-1 1833.98 720-1 -1763.13 720-1 35.44 720-1 1834.02 720-1 16707.07 720-1 678.07 720-1 15440.99 720-1 -16339.95 720-1 -688.52 720-1 -15829 720-1 5176.86 720-1 209.71 720-1 4533.78 720-1 -4809.74 720-1 -220.15 720-1 -4921.79 720-1 14760.33 720-1 718.72 720-1 17469.03 720-1 -18286.69 720-1 -647.87 720-1 -13800.96 720-1 3230.12 720-1 250.36 720-1 6561.82 720-1 -6756.48 720-1 -179.5 720-1 -2893.75 720-1

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-4.7 -6866.16 -746.55 721-1 -4.7 -1743.15 -174.42 721-1 -4.7 3379.87 397.72 721-1 -6.33 -8392.51 -1667.17 721-1 -6.33 -2117.9 -411.01 721-1 -6.33 4156.72 845.15 721-1 -5.46 -7450.9 -1281.99 721-1 -5.46 -1883.8 -312.95 721-1 -5.46 3683.3 656.08 721-1 -5.47 -7452.1 -1281.95 721-1 -5.47 -1883.96 -312.94 721-1 -5.47 3684.19 656.06 721-1 24.71 3230.06 15004.16 721-1 24.71 372.68 3610.89 721-1 24.71 8264.17 21921.36 721-1 -26.1 -7529.86 -14746.29 721-1 -26.1 -1465.91 -3543.42 721-1 -26.1 -6150.82 -22044.29 721-1 12.91 15424.56 4636.24 721-1 12.91 2450.92 1117.09 721-1 12.91 24593.4 6561.56 721-1 -14.3 -19724.35 -4378.38 721-1 -14.3 -3544.15 -1049.62 721-1 -14.3 -22480.04 -6684.49 721-1 19.94 -2072.68 13593.3 721-1 19.94 -964.73 3264.21 721-1 19.94 10892.08 22638.87 721-1 -30.87 -12832.6 -16157.15 721-1 -30.87 -2803.32 -3890.09 721-1 -30.87 -3522.91 -21326.77 721-1 8.14 10121.81 3225.38 721-1 8.14 1113.51 770.41 721-1 8.14 27221.31 7279.07 721-1 -19.07 -25027.1 -5789.24 721-1 -19.07 -4881.56 -1396.29 721-1 -19.07 -19852.13 -5966.98 721-1 -8.22 -6658.48 -106.38 722-1 -8.22 -245.6 -35.93 722-1 -8.22 6167.28 34.52 722-1 -10.74 -7677.32 -117.75 722-1 -10.74 37.9 -67.62 722-1 -10.74 7753.11 -17.5 722-1 -9.33 -7092.47 -109.01 722-1 -9.33 -106.11 -54.67 722-1 -9.33 6880.26 -0.33 722-1

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-9.35 -6960.97 -107.96 722-1 -9.35 -62.66 -53.94 722-1 -9.35 6835.64 0.08994 722-1 11.22 -1550.23 5993.72 722-1 11.22 -56.09 1173.18 722-1 11.22 4885.9 3761.52 722-1 -13.08 -6279.36 -5982.02 722-1 -13.08 -713.86 -1177.96 722-1 -13.08 1403.8 -3782.78 722-1 6.91 3563.68 1814.48 722-1 6.91 651.49 353.14 722-1 6.91 8653.32 1131.87 722-1 -8.78 -11393.28 -1802.78 722-1 -8.78 -1421.44 -357.92 722-1 -8.78 -2363.62 -1153.14 722-1 2.79 -4536.63 5880.38 722-1 2.79 285.97 1121.97 722-1 2.79 8556.41 3772.43 722-1 -21.51 -9265.76 -6095.36 722-1 -21.51 -371.8 -1229.17 722-1 -21.51 5074.31 -3771.87 722-1 -1.51 577.29 1701.14 722-1 -1.51 993.55 301.93 722-1 -1.51 12323.83 1142.79 722-1 -17.2 -14379.67 -1916.11 722-1 -17.2 -1079.38 -409.14 722-1 -17.2 1306.89 -1142.22 722-1 -8.53 -5674.19 -69.73 723-1 -8.53 -62.83 5.73 723-1 -8.53 5548.52 81.19 723-1 -12.11 -7803.38 17.3 723-1 -12.11 -118.46 12.71 723-1 -12.11 7566.46 8.13 723-1 -10.36 -6668.72 -11.24 723-1 -10.36 -85.27 10 723-1 -10.36 6498.17 31.23 723-1 -10.32 -6696.27 -11.54 723-1 -10.32 -92.93 9.82 723-1 -10.32 6510.4 31.18 723-1 21.7 2326.89 12674.74 723-1 21.7 392.21 1294.38 723-1 21.7 6841.71 10343.86 723-1 -25.58 -7358.05 -12713.08 723-1 -25.58 -290.07 -1295.31 723-1 -25.58 -1606.26 -10307.37 723-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

10.6 10.6 10.6 -14.48 -14.48 -14.48 13.33 13.33 13.33 -33.94 -33.94 -33.94 2.24 2.24 2.24 -22.84 -22.84 -22.84 -7.72 -7.72 -7.72 -10.77 -10.77 -10.77 -9.21 -9.21 -9.21 -9.21 -9.21 -9.21 30.49 30.49 30.49 -32.28 -32.28 -32.28 14.43 14.43 14.43 -16.21 -16.21 -16.21 22.17 22.17 22.17

12755.6 1124.23 15943.19 -17786.77 -1022.09 -10707.75 -1866.31 244.73 10739.95 -11551.26 -437.55 2291.98 8562.4 976.74 19841.43 -21979.97 -1169.57 -6809.51 -6989.25 651.95 8293.14 -8985.54 671.99 10329.51 -7865.1 627.94 9120.98 -7862.89 629.31 9121.51 3412.84 242.48 9465.19 -9437.02 -67.99 -3092.03 17248.7 575.35 22987.42 -23272.88 -400.86 -16614.25 -1436.95 785.17 15400.36

3802.04 723-1 393.76 723-1 3129.44 723-1 -3840.38 723-1 -394.69 723-1 -3092.95 723-1 12682.23 723-1 1304.59 723-1 10356.78 723-1 -12705.59 723-1 -1285.11 723-1 -10294.46 723-1 3809.52 723-1 403.97 723-1 3142.36 723-1 -3832.89 723-1 -384.49 723-1 -3080.03 723-1 -32.92 724-1 -22.04 724-1 -11.16 724-1 34.76 724-1 -26.76 724-1 -88.28 724-1 11.21 724-1 -23.82 724-1 -58.86 724-1 11.15 724-1 -23.81 724-1 -58.78 724-1 16495.47 724-1 680.63 724-1 15647.57 724-1 -16521.48 724-1 -673.49 724-1 -15607.28 724-1 4962.79 724-1 212.6 724-1 4727.23 724-1 -4988.8 724-1 -205.46 724-1 -4686.94 724-1 16519.6 724-1 653.25 724-1 15568.69 724-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-40.6 -40.6 -40.6 6.1 6.1 6.1 -24.54 -24.54 -24.54 -3.67 -3.67 -3.67 -5.07 -5.07 -5.07 -4.34 -4.34 -4.34 -4.35 -4.35 -4.35 25.38 25.38 25.38 -26.28 -26.28 -26.28 14.16 14.16 14.16 -15.07 -15.07 -15.07 21.48 21.48 21.48 -30.18 -30.18 -30.18 10.27 10.27 10.27 -18.97 -18.97 -18.97

-14286.81 474.7 2843.14 12398.91 1118.04 28922.59 -28122.67 141.83 -10679.09 -6553.29 -1651.32 3250.65 -7944.86 -1986.76 3971.34 -7070.39 -1772.3 3525.78 -7071.73 -1772.48 3526.77 3255.25 371.42 8595.5 -7863 -1541.3 -6327.52 15234.18 2431.04 24671.83 -19841.93 -3600.92 -22403.84 -1513.21 -816.2 10988.73 -12631.46 -2728.92 -3934.29 10465.72 1243.42 27065.05 -24610.39 -4788.54 -20010.62

-16497.35 724-1 -700.87 724-1 -15686.17 724-1 4986.92 724-1 185.22 724-1 4648.35 724-1 -4964.67 724-1 -232.84 724-1 -4765.83 724-1 25.08 725-1 26.05 725-1 27.02 725-1 69.91 725-1 37.81 725-1 5.71 725-1 51.81 725-1 32.02 725-1 12.24 725-1 51.76 725-1 32.01 725-1 12.25 725-1 14843.68 725-1 3565.43 725-1 22003.84 725-1 -14909.77 725-1 -3578.86 725-1 -21964.6 725-1 4454.22 725-1 1067.92 725-1 6638.83 725-1 -4520.31 725-1 -1081.34 725-1 -6599.59 725-1 14928.46 725-1 3604.14 725-1 21996.48 725-1 -14824.98 725-1 -3540.14 725-1 -21971.96 725-1 4539 725-1 1106.63 725-1 6631.47 725-1 -4435.53 725-1 -1042.63 725-1 -6606.95 725-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-8.55 -6776.31 -8.55 -263.31 -8.55 6249.69 -11.11 -7813.64 -11.11 29.83 -11.11 7873.3 -9.66 -7216.31 -9.66 -117.25 -9.66 6981.8 -9.69 -7084.15 -9.69 -73.46 -9.69 6937.24 11.32 -1517.92 11.32 -50.04 11.32 4965.91 -13.16 -6390.63 -13.16 -730.04 -13.16 1382.49 7.76 3519.55 7.76 650.28 7.76 8669.88 -9.6 -11428.11 -9.6 -1430.35 -9.6 -2321.47 2.54 -4587.72 2.54 286.45 2.54 8708.69 -21.94 -9460.44 -21.94 -393.55 -21.94 5125.27 -1.02 449.75 -1.02 986.77 -1.02 12412.66 -18.38 -14497.91 -18.38 -1093.86 -18.38 1421.31 -9.28 -5747.69 -9.28 -57.01 -9.28 5633.67 -12.99 -7946.8 -12.99 -115.61 -12.99 7715.58 -11.15 -6782.33 -11.15 -81.57 -11.15 6619.19

140.73 726-1 167.4 726-1 194.07 726-1 277.15 726-1 139.15 726-1 1.14 726-1 231.82 726-1 145.43 726-1 59.04 726-1 220.4 726-1 141.45 726-1 62.51 726-1 6498.41 726-1 1269.1 726-1 3690.39 726-1 -5935.88 726-1 -1187.06 726-1 -4088.85 726-1 2158.03 726-1 412.39 726-1 981.56 726-1 -1595.5 726-1 -330.35 726-1 -1380.02 726-1 6432.35 726-1 1367.73 726-1 3953.7 726-1 -6001.94 726-1 -1088.44 726-1 -3825.54 726-1 2091.97 726-1 511.01 726-1 1244.87 726-1 -1661.56 726-1 -231.73 726-1 -1116.71 726-1 -552.01 727-1 -43.98 727-1 464.06 727-1 -336.12 727-1 -37.94 727-1 260.25 727-1 -391.97 727-1 -39.02 727-1 313.93 727-1

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-11.11 -6809.58 -388.16 727-1 -11.11 -89.27 -38.02 727-1 -11.11 6631.04 312.13 727-1 21.76 2456.04 12769.97 727-1 21.76 406.26 1304.55 727-1 21.76 7023.3 10163.41 727-1 -25.84 -7563.01 -12593.84 727-1 -25.84 -302.9 -1327 727-1 -25.84 -1709.62 -10384.43 727-1 10.98 12735.63 3905.24 727-1 10.98 1132.08 387.64 727-1 10.98 15985.86 2989.1 727-1 -15.06 -17842.6 -3729.11 727-1 -15.06 -1028.72 -410.08 727-1 -15.06 -10672.19 -3210.11 727-1 12.71 -1812.43 12295.48 727-1 12.71 261.81 1278.21 727-1 12.71 11002.89 10585.23 727-1 -34.89 -11831.49 -13068.33 727-1 -34.89 -447.35 -1353.33 727-1 -34.89 2269.97 -9962.62 727-1 1.93 8467.15 3430.75 727-1 1.93 987.63 361.3 727-1 1.93 19965.45 3410.91 727-1 -24.11 -22111.07 -4203.6 727-1 -24.11 -1173.17 -436.42 727-1 -24.11 -6692.6 -2788.3 727-1 -7.72 -7072.08 -371.12 728-1 -7.72 655.34 7.36 728-1 -7.72 8382.76 385.84 728-1 -10.86 -9127.3 -153.59 728-1 -10.86 680.15 -5.81 728-1 -10.86 10487.61 141.97 728-1 -9.26 -7980.11 -214.96 728-1 -9.26 634.17 -1.06 728-1 -9.26 9248.45 212.84 728-1 -9.27 -7978.08 -215.23 728-1 -9.27 635.51 -1.23 728-1 -9.27 9249.1 212.77 728-1 30.63 3636.41 16502.38 728-1 30.63 248.42 704.67 728-1 30.63 9742.52 15166.66 728-1 -32.37 -9713.64 -16158.51 728-1 -32.37 -70.41 -731.26 728-1 -32.37 -3309.29 -15563.7 728-1

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14.78 14.78 14.78 -16.52 -16.52 -16.52 22.23 22.23 22.23 -40.77 -40.77 -40.77 6.38 6.38 6.38 -24.91 -24.91 -24.91 -3.28 -3.28 -3.28 -4.59 -4.59 -4.59 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 -3.92 25.81 25.81 25.81 -26.65 -26.65 -26.65 15.41 15.41 15.41 -16.25 -16.25 -16.25 22.31 22.31 22.31

17315.97 5091.43 728-1 576.64 205.42 728-1 23112.05 4433.75 728-1 -23393.19 -4747.56 728-1 -398.64 -232 728-1 -16678.82 -4830.79 728-1 -1302.13 16115.09 728-1 795.54 716.65 728-1 15775.31 15577.91 728-1 -14652.18 -16545.8 728-1 476.71 -719.28 728-1 2723.49 -15152.45 728-1 12377.43 4704.13 728-1 1123.76 217.4 728-1 29144.84 4845 728-1 -28331.73 -5134.85 728-1 148.49 -220.02 728-1 -10646.04 -4419.54 728-1 -6574.58 -297.38 729-1 -1646.73 -53.64 729-1 3281.11 190.09 729-1 -8002.65 -134.27 729-1 -1987.23 -10.69 729-1 4028.18 112.88 729-1 -7113.27 -179.86 729-1 -1771.13 -24.01 729-1 3571.02 131.85 729-1 -7114.67 -179.56 729-1 -1771.3 -23.94 729-1 3572.08 131.68 729-1 3423.33 14770.31 729-1 401.78 3667.22 729-1 8854.64 21813.87 729-1 -8062.37 -14513.91 729-1 -1578.07 -3595.2 729-1 -6568.18 -21926.23 729-1 15185.56 4544.86 729-1 2435.81 1127.68 729-1 24664.21 6531.05 729-1 -19824.6 -4288.46 729-1 -3612.1 -1055.67 729-1 -22377.75 -6643.41 729-1 -1372.46 14462.69 729-1 -781.45 3607.31 729-1 11283.97 22001.65 729-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-30.16 -30.16 -30.16 11.9 11.9 11.9 -19.75 -19.75 -19.75 -8.84 -8.84 -8.84 -11.68 -11.68 -11.68 -10.12 -10.12 -10.12 -10.14 -10.14 -10.14 11.39 11.39 11.39 -13.54 -13.54 -13.54 7.34 7.34 7.34 -9.48 -9.48 -9.48 2.31 2.31 2.31 -22.62 -22.62 -22.62 -1.74 -1.74 -1.74 -18.56 -18.56 -18.56

-12858.16 -14821.52 729-1 -2761.3 -3655.12 729-1 -4138.85 -21738.44 729-1 10389.77 4237.24 729-1 1252.58 1067.77 729-1 27093.54 6718.83 729-1 -24620.39 -4596.08 729-1 -4795.33 -1115.58 729-1 -19948.42 -6455.62 729-1 -5203.08 -6348.33 730-1 -179.52 -190.84 730-1 4844.04 5966.66 730-1 -5824.24 -7630.46 730-1 84.74 -48.86 730-1 5993.71 7532.75 730-1 -5427.6 -6913.13 730-1 -42.76 -121.32 730-1 5342.09 6670.49 730-1 -5329.32 -6824.65 730-1 -10.28 -96.16 730-1 5308.76 6632.33 730-1 -644.34 2980.24 730-1 42.8 694.35 730-1 4279.78 7557.88 730-1 -5595.68 -9796.05 730-1 -679.87 -1171.8 730-1 686.09 -1696.96 730-1 4238.04 -1469.16 730-1 730.19 47.16 730-1 7851.01 4332.86 730-1 -10478.05 -5346.65 730-1 -1367.26 -524.61 730-1 -2885.13 1528.06 730-1 -2808.98 -396.29 730-1 365.82 848.35 730-1 7090.47 11242.4 730-1 -7760.32 -13172.58 730-1 -356.85 -1017.8 730-1 3496.77 1987.56 730-1 2073.4 -4845.69 730-1 1053.21 201.15 730-1 10661.69 8017.38 730-1 -12642.69 -8723.18 730-1 -1044.23 -370.61 730-1 -74.45 5212.58 730-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-9.36 -4622.6 -5682.33 731-1 -9.36 -0.54 -49.36 731-1 -9.36 4621.52 5583.61 731-1 -13.08 -6312.06 -7471.46 731-1 -13.08 -60.3 -88.7 731-1 -13.08 6191.47 7294.06 731-1 -11.23 -5407.18 -6493.89 731-1 -11.23 -31.25 -68.14 731-1 -11.23 5344.68 6357.62 731-1 -11.19 -5427.42 -6495.8 731-1 -11.19 -36.9 -70.84 731-1 -11.19 5353.63 6354.11 731-1 21.94 3097.42 11900.82 731-1 21.94 422.31 1002.64 731-1 21.94 6484.7 15130.96 731-1 -26.22 -7083.53 -16991.94 731-1 -26.22 -339.56 -1018.32 731-1 -26.22 -2333.09 -10071.21 731-1 12.5 13132.81 1806.78 731-1 12.5 1144.63 300.86 731-1 12.5 15200.53 6333.87 731-1 -16.78 -17118.92 -6897.9 731-1 -16.78 -1061.88 -316.54 731-1 -16.78 -11048.93 -1274.12 731-1 12.9 -346.15 7949.71 731-1 12.9 341.47 938.41 731-1 12.9 9766.6 18953.61 731-1 -35.25 -10527.1 -20943.05 731-1 -35.25 -420.4 -1082.55 731-1 -35.25 948.8 -6248.57 731-1 3.46 9689.24 -2144.33 731-1 3.46 1063.8 236.63 731-1 3.46 18482.43 10156.52 731-1 -25.81 -20562.49 -10849.01 731-1 -25.81 -1142.72 -380.77 731-1 -25.81 -7767.03 2548.52 731-1 -7.49 -5278.55 -5533.91 732-1 -7.49 197.05 42.37 732-1 -7.49 5672.64 5618.65 732-1 -10.76 -6915.32 -7175.2 732-1 -10.76 276.78 46.39 732-1 -10.76 7468.88 7267.98 732-1 -9.13 -6020.13 -6270.43 732-1 -9.13 235.16 41.52 732-1 -9.13 6490.45 6353.48 732-1

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-9.14 -9.14 -9.14 30.92 30.92 30.92 -32.8 -32.8 -32.8 15.79 15.79 15.79 -17.67 -17.67 -17.67 22.72 22.72 22.72 -41 -41 -41 7.59 7.59 7.59 -25.87 -25.87 -25.87 -3.15 -3.15 -3.15 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -3.67 -3.67 -3.67 -3.68 -3.68 -3.68 26.1 26.1 26.1 -26.61 -26.61 -26.61

-6018.95 236.16 6491.26 4433.63 236.25 9138.47 -9174.05 -114.64 -4154.83 17839.34 553.83 22237.69 -22579.75 -432.22 -17254.05 785.42 412.05 13138.28 -12822.25 61.17 -155.02 14191.13 729.63 26237.5 -26227.96 -256.42 -13254.24 -4117.43 -1006.87 2103.69 -5388.64 -1303.33 2781.97 -4690.05 -1138.14 2413.78 -4691.17 -1138.21 2414.75 4027.6 607.28 8780.17 -7601.37 -1508.99 -7009.83

-6264.3 732-1 42.45 732-1 6349.21 732-1 17209.03 732-1 450.88 732-1 21776.51 732-1 -22209.39 732-1 -442.84 732-1 -16760.06 732-1 3425.1 732-1 142.59 732-1 8301.9 732-1 -8425.47 732-1 -134.55 732-1 -3285.45 732-1 13447.69 732-1 489.74 732-1 25615.56 732-1 -25970.72 732-1 -403.98 732-1 -12921.01 732-1 -336.23 732-1 181.45 732-1 12140.95 732-1 -12186.8 732-1 -95.69 732-1 553.59 732-1 -3884.2 733-1 -970.98 733-1 1942.24 733-1 -5024.27 733-1 -1261.36 733-1 2501.55 733-1 -4390.71 733-1 -1100.96 733-1 2188.8 733-1 -4388.96 733-1 -1100.52 733-1 2187.91 733-1 15912.3 733-1 2422.74 733-1 24176.7 733-1 -19363.05 733-1 -3299.05 733-1 -22478.55 733-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

17.53 17.53 17.53 -18.03 -18.03 -18.03 22.67 22.67 22.67 -30.04 -30.04 -30.04 14.1 14.1 14.1 -21.46 -21.46 -21.46 -9.64 -9.64 -9.64 -12.41 -12.41 -12.41 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -10.86 -10.86 -10.86 10.52 10.52 10.52 -14.5 -14.5 -14.5 5.85 5.85 5.85 -9.82 -9.82 -9.82 1.66 1.66 1.66

15490.48 3604.29 733-1 2625.19 424.02 733-1 24275.5 7881.68 733-1 -19064.25 -7055.04 733-1 -3526.9 -1300.32 733-1 -22505.15 -6183.54 733-1 1122.81 13249.52 733-1 -80.1 1760.57 733-1 10310.19 25515.13 733-1 -10506.17 -22025.84 733-1 -2196.38 -3961.22 733-1 -5479.8 -21140.12 733-1 12585.68 941.5 733-1 1937.8 -238.16 733-1 25805.52 9220.12 733-1 -21969.04 -9717.83 733-1 -4214.28 -1962.5 733-1 -20975.13 -4845.1 733-1 -3172.34 -1220.94 734-1 5.18 -88.15 734-1 3182.69 1044.65 734-1 -3335.83 -2013 734-1 63.56 -126.89 734-1 3462.96 1759.21 734-1 -3156 -1646.91 734-1 24.16 -102.52 734-1 3204.32 1441.86 734-1 -3112.07 -1650.03 734-1 38.88 -106.9 734-1 3189.83 1436.24 734-1 791.13 3330.87 734-1 171.44 1052.2 734-1 3073.88 2833.44 734-1 -4171.58 -4791.4 734-1 -582.6 -1125.83 734-1 -515.75 -1520.18 734-1 5441.91 498.73 734-1 897.46 291.99 734-1 6326.93 1322.17 734-1 -8822.36 -1959.26 734-1 -1308.61 -365.62 734-1 -3768.8 -8.91 734-1 -610.74 2409.68 734-1 422.59 980.13 734-1 4978.05 3610.5 734-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-23.36 -5573.45 -5712.59 734-1 -23.36 -331.45 -1197.9 734-1 -23.36 1388.42 -743.12 734-1 -3.01 4040.04 -422.46 734-1 -3.01 1148.61 219.92 734-1 -3.01 8231.1 2099.23 734-1 -18.68 -10224.23 -2880.45 734-1 -18.68 -1057.46 -437.69 734-1 -18.68 -1864.63 768.14 734-1 -9.82 -3277.39 -964.98 735-1 -9.82 -22 -44.13 735-1 -9.82 3233.39 876.72 735-1 -13.96 -3778.01 -1621.81 735-1 -13.96 -50.04 -52.42 735-1 -13.96 3677.93 1516.98 735-1 -11.88 -3402.41 -1338.38 735-1 -11.88 -34.92 -49.24 735-1 -11.88 3332.57 1239.9 735-1 -11.88 -3412.91 -1325.93 735-1 -11.88 -37.85 -47.28 735-1 -11.88 3337.22 1231.37 735-1 22.24 4106.92 10280.96 735-1 22.24 424.29 1326.64 735-1 22.24 5421.12 8981.55 735-1 -25.84 -6062.16 -11505.83 735-1 -25.84 -373.53 -1386.83 735-1 -25.84 -3364.36 -7877.04 735-1 12.67 13608.99 2670.06 735-1 12.67 1184.79 378.97 735-1 12.67 13519.85 3095.78 735-1 -16.27 -15564.23 -3894.94 735-1 -16.27 -1134.03 -439.16 735-1 -16.27 -11463.1 -1991.27 735-1 12.16 1666.86 9573.13 735-1 12.16 359.73 1310.35 735-1 12.16 7732.07 9656.78 735-1 -35.92 -8502.22 -12213.66 735-1 -35.92 -438.09 -1403.12 735-1 -35.92 -1053.41 -7201.8 735-1 2.59 11168.93 1962.24 735-1 2.59 1120.24 362.68 735-1 2.59 15830.8 3771.01 735-1 -26.34 -18004.29 -4602.77 735-1 -26.34 -1198.59 -455.45 735-1 -26.34 -9152.15 -1316.03 735-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -13.19 -13.19 -13.19 -11.25 -11.25 -11.25 -11.25 -11.25 -11.25 29.82 29.82 29.82 -32.87 -32.87 -32.87 14.95 14.95 14.95 -18.01 -18.01 -18.01 20.1 20.1 20.1 -42.59 -42.59 -42.59 5.23 5.23 5.23 -27.73 -27.73 -27.73 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -1.49 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01

-3639.08 91.16 3821.4 -4108.63 118.59 4345.81 -3738.49 102.61 3943.72 -3737.73 103.3 3944.33 5602.79 206.9 7925.7 -8034.26 -160.54 -5401.5 18261.8 547.61 20230.59 -20693.28 -501.25 -17706.39 3081.15 287.34 10608.21 -10555.9 -80.11 -2718.99 15740.17 628.05 22913.1 -23214.92 -420.82 -15023.88 -2712.05 -2453.26 -2453.26 -641.7 1428.65 -3048.63 -2754.64 -2754.64 -696.71

-571.82 736-1 -98.99 736-1 373.85 736-1 -1133.04 736-1 -131.06 736-1 870.92 736-1 -896.43 736-1 -113.94 736-1 668.55 736-1 -892.6 736-1 -113.76 736-1 665.08 736-1 14110.57 736-1 669.09 736-1 13846.13 736-1 -14853.76 736-1 -777.58 736-1 -13319.92 736-1 4000.79 736-1 165.59 736-1 4368.53 736-1 -4743.97 736-1 -274.08 736-1 -3842.33 736-1 13591.31 736-1 609.66 736-1 14246.53 736-1 -15373.02 736-1 -837.01 736-1 -12919.52 736-1 3481.52 736-1 106.16 736-1 4768.93 736-1 -5263.24 736-1 -333.51 736-1 -3441.93 736-1 -175.56 737-1 -155.94 737-1 -155.94 737-1 -18.58 737-1 138.41 737-1 -494.92 737-1 -445.32 737-1 -445.32 737-1 -98.11 737-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2

-2.01 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 -1.73 26.87 26.87 26.87 26.87 26.87 -26.37 -26.37 -26.37 -26.37 -26.37 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 18.04 -17.54 -17.54 -17.54 -17.54 -17.54 24.88 24.88 24.88 24.88 24.88 -28.35 -28.35 -28.35 -28.35 -28.35 16.05 16.05 16.05 16.05

1655.2 -2776.38 -2509.55 -2509.55 -641.78 1492.81 -2777.01 -2510.1 -2510.1 -641.72 1493.58 4941.66 4164.17 4164.17 880.61 8435.32 -6751.51 -5803.91 -5803.91 -1329.57 -7523.37 15765.57 13367.51 13367.51 3006.69 23535.74 -17575.43 -15007.25 -15007.25 -3455.64 -22623.79 3069.28 2473.69 2473.69 463.4 9473.27 -8623.89 -7494.39 -7494.39 -1746.78 -6485.42 13893.2 11677.03 11677.03 2589.48

298.69 737-1 -368.28 737-1 -330.73 737-1 -330.73 737-1 -67.92 737-1 232.44 737-1 -366.12 737-1 -328.78 737-1 -328.78 737-1 -67.38 737-1 231.35 737-1 13360.4 737-1 11200.5 737-1 11200.5 737-1 3893.7 737-1 21383.16 737-1 -13640.94 737-1 -11453.75 737-1 -11453.75 737-1 -3955.94 737-1 -21227.11 737-1 3933.49 737-1 3291.85 737-1 3291.85 737-1 1149.27 737-1 6497.85 737-1 -4214.03 737-1 -3545.1 737-1 -3545.1 737-1 -1211.51 737-1 -6341.8 737-1 13135.53 737-1 10999.24 737-1 10999.24 737-1 3857.68 737-1 21535.99 737-1 -13865.81 737-1 -11655.01 737-1 -11655.01 737-1 -3991.96 737-1 -21074.28 737-1 3708.62 737-1 3090.59 737-1 3090.59 737-1 1113.25 737-1

4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 0.25 0.25 2

16.05 -19.53 -19.53 -19.53 -19.53 -19.53 -6.96 -6.96 -6.96 -9.47 -9.47 -9.47 -8.28 -8.28 -8.28 -8.17 -8.17 -8.17 10.19 10.19 10.19 -15.44 -15.44 -15.44 7.55 7.55 7.55 -12.79 -12.79 -12.79 4.69 4.69 4.69 -20.94 -20.94 -20.94 2.04 2.04 2.04 -18.29 -18.29 -18.29 -5.57 -5.57 -5.57

24573.69 -19447.81 -16697.73 -16697.73 -3872.85 -21585.84 3196.23 852.4 -1491.43 3613.77 677.3 -2259.17 3342.1 717.7 -1906.69 3294.14 700.27 -1893.6 3311.3 818.56 -986.57 636.72 -277.07 -1878.47 5913.34 1856.95 -201.37 -1965.32 -1315.46 -2663.66 4609.63 1240.15 -1441.71 1935.05 144.53 -2333.6 7211.67 2278.54 -656.51 -666.99 -893.86 -3118.8 419.8 -144.58 -708.95

6650.69 737-1 -4438.9 737-1 -3746.36 737-1 -3746.36 737-1 -1247.53 737-1 -6188.97 737-1 1555.71 738-1 -16.87 738-1 -1589.45 738-1 1954.36 738-1 19.29 738-1 -1915.77 738-1 1719.72 738-1 3.79 738-1 -1712.14 738-1 1721.26 738-1 6.22 738-1 -1708.82 738-1 4750.45 738-1 1152.69 738-1 1584.44 738-1 -3417.01 738-1 -1068.93 738-1 -2750.35 738-1 1964.93 738-1 382.29 738-1 140.14 738-1 -631.49 738-1 -298.53 738-1 -1306.06 738-1 5805.69 738-1 1118.14 738-1 460.09 738-1 -2361.77 738-1 -1103.49 738-1 -3874.7 738-1 3020.17 738-1 347.73 738-1 -984.2 738-1 423.75 738-1 -333.08 738-1 -2430.41 738-1 1573.23 739-1 35.74 739-1 -1501.74 739-1

4 0 0.25 0.25 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-8.67 -8.67 -8.67 -7.12 -7.12 -7.12 -7.2 -7.2 -7.2 24.19 24.19 24.19 -23.68 -23.68 -23.68 15.16 15.16 15.16 -14.65 -14.65 -14.65 16.71 16.71 16.71 -31.17 -31.17 -31.17 7.67 7.67 7.67 -22.13 -22.13 -22.13 -9.51 -9.51 -9.51 -13.32 -13.32 -13.32 -11.39 -11.39 -11.39 -11.38 -11.38 -11.38

1451.92 1830.91 739-1 -96.49 35.7 739-1 -1644.89 -1759.5 739-1 1031.68 1660.03 739-1 -111.23 35.29 739-1 -1254.14 -1589.44 739-1 1040.83 1651.46 739-1 -107.42 34.02 739-1 -1255.67 -1583.42 739-1 4018.13 11433.67 739-1 596.01 1395.84 739-1 645.75 7899.93 739-1 -1851.07 -10347.59 739-1 -684.37 -1355.97 739-1 -2989.53 -8906.28 739-1 9702.58 3906.05 739-1 1805.81 445.62 739-1 4137.2 2125.55 739-1 -7535.53 -2819.96 739-1 -1894.18 -405.76 739-1 -6480.99 -3131.9 739-1 3979.58 12538.19 739-1 534.5 1409.35 739-1 561.27 6822.43 739-1 -1889.62 -9243.07 739-1 -745.88 -1342.46 739-1 -3074.01 -9983.79 739-1 9664.04 5010.57 739-1 1744.3 459.13 739-1 4052.72 1048.04 739-1 -7574.07 -1715.44 739-1 -1955.69 -392.25 739-1 -6565.47 -4209.41 739-1 898.69 1215.13 740-1 -58.99 73.66 740-1 -1016.68 -1067.81 740-1 1800.17 1421.7 740-1 -115.84 93.41 740-1 -2031.86 -1234.89 740-1 1417.27 1281.85 740-1 -90.61 82.13 740-1 -1598.49 -1117.59 740-1 1414.45 1279.54 740-1 -91.25 82.07 740-1 -1596.96 -1115.41 740-1

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30.12 4734.81 14778.9 740-1 30.12 333.37 771.52 740-1 30.12 1592.45 13231.41 740-1 -34.09 -2204.76 -14067.84 740-1 -34.09 -446.28 -699.71 740-1 -34.09 -4348.31 -13798.85 740-1 15.94 11423.95 4752.08 740-1 15.94 1053.96 273.2 740-1 15.94 7264.94 3851.9 740-1 -19.91 -8893.9 -4041.02 740-1 -19.91 -1166.87 -201.4 740-1 -19.91 -10020.8 -4419.35 740-1 20.73 4882.96 15701.85 740-1 20.73 298.28 817.65 740-1 20.73 1374.11 12400.72 740-1 -43.48 -2056.61 -13144.88 740-1 -43.48 -481.37 -653.58 740-1 -43.48 -4566.65 -14629.54 740-1 6.55 11572.1 5675.04 740-1 6.55 1018.87 319.34 740-1 6.55 7046.6 3021.21 740-1 -29.3 -8745.75 -3118.07 740-1 -29.3 -1201.96 -155.26 740-1 -29.3 -10239.14 -5250.04 740-1 -3.92 568.21 734.73 741-1 -3.92 72.18 209.95 741-1 -3.92 -423.85 -314.84 741-1 -4.99 1301.03 840.93 741-1 -4.99 246.32 239.59 741-1 -4.99 -808.39 -361.75 741-1 -4.38 995.35 763.38 741-1 -4.38 176.77 217.65 741-1 -4.38 -641.81 -328.07 741-1 -4.38 995.72 761.99 741-1 -4.38 177.1 217.29 741-1 -4.38 -641.53 -327.41 741-1 25.48 4000.56 13653.88 741-1 25.48 2044.6 4010.91 741-1 25.48 6099.57 21275.24 741-1 -25.96 -2078.62 -13305.21 741-1 -25.96 -1576.09 -3925.64 741-1 -25.96 -7084.49 -21453.39 741-1 16.85 9877.31 4378.65 741-1 16.85 5482.27 1244.61 741-1 16.85 18841.44 6483.2 741-1

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-17.33 -7955.38 -4029.98 741-1 -17.33 -5013.76 -1159.34 741-1 -17.33 -19826.36 -6661.34 741-1 21.34 4035.48 14240.9 741-1 21.34 1987.58 4185.4 741-1 21.34 5950.63 21037.21 741-1 -30.1 -2043.7 -12718.19 741-1 -30.1 -1633.1 -3751.15 741-1 -30.1 -7233.43 -21691.42 741-1 12.71 9912.23 4965.67 741-1 12.71 5425.26 1419.1 741-1 12.71 18692.49 6245.17 741-1 -21.47 -7920.46 -3442.97 741-1 -21.47 -5070.77 -984.85 741-1 -21.47 -19975.3 -6899.37 741-1 0.3 6673.76 4493.16 742-1 0.3 1340.96 -0.26 742-1 0.3 -3991.83 -4493.69 742-1 -0.71 8187.74 5133.15 742-1 -0.71 936.01 -69.48 742-1 -0.71 -6315.73 -5272.12 742-1 -0.34 7405.94 4714.74 742-1 -0.34 1064.82 -25.53 742-1 -0.34 -5276.31 -4765.79 742-1 -0.34 7283.37 4661.52 742-1 -0.34 1023.13 -40.89 742-1 -0.34 -5237.1 -4743.31 742-1 13.89 5435.99 8660.8 742-1 13.89 979.23 1136.86 742-1 13.89 -2599.02 2535.19 742-1 -11.74 2634.36 -4019.23 742-1 -11.74 -54.8 -799.69 742-1 -11.74 -3622.48 -6502.42 742-1 11.94 8241.45 4342.05 742-1 11.94 2001.32 465.88 742-1 11.94 -1615.19 -507.6 742-1 -9.79 -171.09 299.52 742-1 -9.79 -1076.89 -128.7 742-1 -9.79 -4606.31 -3459.63 742-1 12.47 8628.47 10977.35 742-1 12.47 1521.2 920.4 742-1 12.47 -4707.55 -214.28 742-1 -13.16 5826.84 -1702.69 742-1 -13.16 487.17 -1016.16 742-1 -13.16 -5731.02 -9251.89 742-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

10.51 10.51 10.51 -11.21 -11.21 -11.21 -7.34 -7.34 -7.34 -9.91 -9.91 -9.91 -8.54 -8.54 -8.54 -8.55 -8.55 -8.55 23.86 23.86 23.86 -24.93 -24.93 -24.93 15.74 15.74 15.74 -16.81 -16.81 -16.81 15.84 15.84 15.84 -32.96 -32.96 -32.96 7.72 7.72 7.72 -24.83 -24.83 -24.83 -8.64 -8.64 -8.64

11433.93 6658.59 742-1 2543.29 249.41 742-1 -3723.72 -3257.07 742-1 3021.39 2616.07 742-1 -534.92 -345.17 742-1 -6714.84 -6209.1 742-1 2052.48 4407.01 743-1 -185.59 55.29 743-1 -2423.66 -4296.42 743-1 4986.15 5279.84 743-1 -94.32 73.18 743-1 -5174.79 -5133.49 743-1 3752.04 4716.02 743-1 -127.66 61.63 743-1 -4007.36 -4592.76 743-1 3772.57 4716.38 743-1 -119.92 63.24 743-1 -4012.42 -4589.91 743-1 5519.76 16027.32 743-1 536.37 1048.35 743-1 -591.12 10680.49 743-1 -622.86 -12564.64 743-1 -670.22 -1038.17 743-1 -4573.46 -14122.8 743-1 11593.07 6170.57 743-1 1721.94 332.2 743-1 3348.19 2168.57 743-1 -6696.17 -2707.89 743-1 -1855.79 -322.02 743-1 -8512.77 -5610.88 743-1 6853.21 19012.52 743-1 486.89 1107.23 743-1 -2023.54 7813.03 743-1 710.59 -9579.44 743-1 -719.7 -979.29 743-1 -6005.88 -16990.25 743-1 12926.52 9155.77 743-1 1672.46 391.07 743-1 1915.76 -698.88 743-1 -5362.72 277.31 743-1 -1905.27 -263.14 743-1 -9945.19 -8478.34 743-1 2781.1 4151.58 744-1 -118.63 -22.15 744-1 -3018.35 -4195.88 744-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-11.43 5526.04 4944.78 744-1 -11.43 -235.82 -23.95 744-1 -11.43 -5997.67 -4992.68 744-1 -9.92 4353.59 4429.14 744-1 -9.92 -184.01 -21.47 744-1 -9.92 -4721.61 -4472.09 744-1 -9.92 4348.56 4425.54 744-1 -9.92 -185.3 -22 744-1 -9.92 -4719.15 -4469.54 744-1 31.01 6457.58 21104.27 744-1 31.01 261.68 464.31 744-1 31.01 206.98 17288.96 744-1 -33.11 -886.17 -17760.66 744-1 -33.11 -458.63 -468.51 744-1 -33.11 -6172.29 -20640.98 744-1 17.93 13689.84 7606.77 744-1 17.93 966.91 147.27 744-1 17.93 6479.53 4121.16 744-1 -20.04 -8118.43 -4263.16 744-1 -20.04 -1163.86 -151.47 744-1 -20.04 -12444.84 -7473.18 744-1 22.14 8018.15 23856.37 744-1 22.14 174.28 444.17 744-1 22.14 -1528.4 14496.6 744-1 -41.98 674.39 -15008.57 744-1 -41.98 -546.03 -488.65 744-1 -41.98 -7907.66 -23433.35 744-1 9.06 15250.4 10358.86 744-1 9.06 879.51 127.13 744-1 9.06 4744.15 1328.79 744-1 -28.91 -6557.86 -1511.06 744-1 -28.91 -1251.27 -171.61 744-1 -28.91 -14180.21 -10265.54 744-1 -5.13 2001.46 2960.03 745-1 -5.13 449.11 781.72 745-1 -5.13 -1103.24 -1396.58 745-1 -7.24 4139.23 3516.95 745-1 -7.24 986.75 927.19 745-1 -7.24 -2165.74 -1662.57 745-1 -6.18 3229.69 3150.78 745-1 -6.18 760.65 831.09 745-1 -6.18 -1708.4 -1488.6 745-1 -6.18 3230.25 3149.71 745-1 -6.18 761.01 830.81 745-1 -6.18 -1708.23 -1488.1 745-1

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25.56 25.56 25.56 -27.91 -27.91 -27.91 18.29 18.29 18.29 -20.64 -20.64 -20.64 20.56 20.56 20.56 -32.9 -32.9 -32.9 13.29 13.29 13.29 -25.63 -25.63 -25.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 -0.58 -0.58 -0.58 -0.27 -0.27 -0.27 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 13.36 13.36 13.36 -11.48 -11.48 -11.48 10.68 10.68 10.68

5345.24 2231.47 5589.23 -1150.73 -1176.82 -7674.44 11709.7 5594.44 18642.06 -7515.19 -4539.79 -20727.27 6478.49 2465.32 4923.69 -17.48 -942.97 -8339.99 12842.95 5828.29 17976.52 -6381.94 -4305.94 -21392.82 11681.9 87.34 -11507.23 13668.19 -231.04 -14130.28 12517.88 -41.86 -12601.61 12329.61 -105.49 -12540.58 7611.14 1206.86 -4167.6 4719.83 214.22 -5321.19 10578.77 2226.26 -3008.09

18618.9 745-1 3249.04 745-1 22742.56 745-1 -16299.42 745-1 -2657.61 745-1 -23879.19 745-1 6619.06 745-1 1205.5 745-1 6614.56 745-1 -4299.58 745-1 -614.07 745-1 -7751.18 745-1 20608.39 745-1 3784.01 745-1 21823.01 745-1 -14309.93 745-1 -2122.64 745-1 -24798.74 745-1 8608.55 745-1 1740.47 745-1 5695.01 745-1 -2310.09 745-1 -79.11 745-1 -8670.74 745-1 -531.43 746-1 -54.21 746-1 423 746-1 -580.04 746-1 -39.5 746-1 501.04 746-1 -543.91 746-1 -45.36 746-1 453.19 746-1 -534.88 746-1 -42.58 746-1 449.71 746-1 5834.73 746-1 1250.9 746-1 3854.94 746-1 -6345.72 746-1 -1316.16 746-1 -3474.46 746-1 1625.38 746-1 359.77 746-1 1341.66 746-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-8.8 -8.8 -8.8 12.16 12.16 12.16 -12.68 -12.68 -12.68 9.48 9.48 9.48 -10 -10 -10 -5.63 -5.63 -5.63 -8.51 -8.51 -8.51 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.12 -7.12 -7.12 23.61 23.61 23.61 -24.11 -24.11 -24.11 14.22 14.22 14.22 -14.72 -14.72 -14.72 16.72 16.72 16.72 -30.99 -30.99 -30.99

1752.2 -2136.37 746-1 -805.18 -425.03 746-1 -6480.71 -961.18 746-1 13689.69 5559.44 746-1 361.91 1242.2 746-1 -11936.05 4112.83 746-1 10798.37 -6621 746-1 -630.73 -1324.85 746-1 -13089.63 -3216.57 746-1 16657.32 1350.1 746-1 1381.31 351.07 746-1 -10776.53 1599.55 746-1 7830.74 -2411.66 746-1 -1650.12 -433.72 746-1 -14249.15 -703.3 746-1 10447.64 -363.6 747-1 573.71 11.18 747-1 -9300.23 385.97 747-1 13646.06 -465.6 747-1 585.16 3.23 747-1 -12475.73 472.07 747-1 11850.79 -404.46 747-1 536.36 6.46 747-1 -10778.06 417.39 747-1 11881.69 -407.38 747-1 548.13 5.74 747-1 -10785.44 418.85 747-1 6774.34 12251.25 747-1 469.54 1368.22 747-1 -1817.06 9957.15 747-1 598.28 -12430.1 747-1 -669.4 -1356.17 747-1 -5955.27 -9754.21 747-1 13150.21 3680.92 747-1 1639.52 425.72 747-1 2459.75 3131.52 747-1 -5777.6 -3859.77 747-1 -1839.38 -413.68 747-1 -10232.09 -2928.58 747-1 14983.77 11931.97 747-1 1122.95 1367.6 747-1 -8719.68 10275.2 747-1 8807.71 -12749.37 747-1 -16 -1356.78 747-1 -12857.89 -9436.16 747-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

7.34 7.34 7.34 -21.61 -21.61 -21.61 -8.09 -8.09 -8.09 -11.06 -11.06 -11.06 -9.52 -9.52 -9.52 -9.51 -9.51 -9.51 30.49 30.49 30.49 -32.9 -32.9 -32.9 16.26 16.26 16.26 -18.67 -18.67 -18.67 22.19 22.19 22.19 -41.21 -41.21 -41.21 7.95 7.95 7.95 -26.98 -26.98 -26.98 -6.11 -6.11 -6.11

21359.64 2292.93 -4442.87 2431.83 -1185.98 -17134.71 8818.09 -453.25 -9724.59 12135.96 -573.21 -13282.38 10428.55 -501.55 -11431.65 10420.7 -503.6 -11427.89 7880.07 205.99 -1231.15 505.48 -476.1 -7694.63 15507.68 900.6 5460.05 -7122.12 -1170.72 -14385.82 14104.42 -163.48 -8194.44 6729.83 -845.57 -14657.92 21732.03 531.13 -1503.24 -897.77 -1540.19 -21349.12 6957.21 1739.81 -3477.59

3361.65 747-1 425.11 747-1 3449.57 747-1 -4179.05 747-1 -414.29 747-1 -2610.53 747-1 -520.32 748-1 21.24 748-1 562.8 748-1 -615.4 748-1 28.08 748-1 671.57 748-1 -552.61 748-1 24.14 748-1 600.89 748-1 -551.98 748-1 24.34 748-1 600.67 748-1 15641.1 748-1 762.36 748-1 14968.23 748-1 -15967.62 748-1 -748.16 748-1 -14613.31 748-1 4664.54 748-1 249.85 748-1 4718.1 748-1 -4991.05 748-1 -235.65 748-1 -4363.18 748-1 15252.67 748-1 779.7 748-1 15391.34 748-1 -16356.05 748-1 -730.82 748-1 -14190.21 748-1 4276.1 748-1 267.18 748-1 5141.21 748-1 -5379.49 748-1 -218.31 748-1 -3940.08 748-1 -325.08 749-1 -57.03 749-1 211.03 749-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-8.06 -8.06 -8.06 -7.01 -7.01 -7.01 -7 -7 -7 24.67 24.67 24.67 -27.06 -27.06 -27.06 15.14 15.14 15.14 -17.53 -17.53 -17.53 18.86 18.86 18.86 -32.86 -32.86 -32.86 9.34 9.34 9.34 -23.34 -23.34 -23.34 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -1.95 -1.95 -1.95 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -1.52 -1.52 -1.52

9493.4 -393.1 749-1 2386.53 -71.24 749-1 -4720.34 250.61 749-1 8168.85 -350.04 749-1 2050.38 -62.81 749-1 -4068.1 224.42 749-1 8169.51 -350.15 749-1 2050.74 -62.85 749-1 -4068.02 224.45 749-1 6428.66 14125.53 749-1 2413.02 3742.26 749-1 4945.77 21790.32 749-1 -141.37 -14342.88 749-1 -814.57 -3798.88 749-1 -8036.15 -21686.22 749-1 13229.85 4274.82 749-1 5744.52 1113.77 749-1 18367.51 6704.14 749-1 -6942.56 -4492.17 749-1 -4146.06 -1170.39 749-1 -21457.89 -6600.03 749-1 11454.82 13884 749-1 3664.7 3707.7 749-1 2422.98 21962.74 749-1 4884.79 -14584.42 749-1 437.11 -3833.44 749-1 -10558.95 -21513.8 749-1 18256.01 4033.29 749-1 6996.2 1079.21 749-1 15844.72 6876.56 749-1 -1916.4 -4733.71 749-1 -2894.38 -1204.95 749-1 -23980.69 -6427.61 749-1 11676.58 -110.83 750-1 49.34 -29.75 750-1 -11577.89 51.34 750-1 13661.37 -177.4 750-1 -256.5 -59.52 750-1 -14174.36 58.35 750-1 12510.92 -146.07 750-1 -70.07 -46.13 750-1 -12651.06 53.81 750-1 12323.49 -146.43 750-1 -133.62 -46.67 750-1 -12590.72 53.09 750-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

12.41 12.41 12.41 -11.67 -11.67 -11.67 9.02 9.02 9.02 -8.28 -8.28 -8.28 10.53 10.53 10.53 -13.56 -13.56 -13.56 7.13 7.13 7.13 -10.16 -10.16 -10.16 -5.77 -5.77 -5.77 -8.87 -8.87 -8.87 -7.35 -7.35 -7.35 -7.39 -7.39 -7.39 23.27 23.27 23.27 -23.71 -23.71 -23.71 12.82 12.82 12.82

7544.65 5806.84 750-1 1190.79 1200.8 750-1 -4168.67 3588.04 750-1 4761.35 -5927.59 750-1 235.99 -1244.15 750-1 -5283.77 -3553.99 750-1 10578.83 1746.26 750-1 2224.95 350.76 750-1 -2963.77 1131.89 750-1 1727.17 -1867.01 750-1 -798.16 -394.11 750-1 -6488.66 -1097.83 750-1 13629.94 5720.61 750-1 314.89 1175.56 750-1 -12005.75 3623.78 750-1 10846.64 -6013.81 750-1 -639.9 -1269.4 750-1 -13120.85 -3518.25 750-1 16664.12 1660.04 750-1 1349.05 325.51 750-1 -10800.86 1167.62 750-1 7812.46 -1953.24 750-1 -1674.06 -419.35 750-1 -14325.74 -1062.1 750-1 10519.69 -10.48 751-1 576.97 -15.28 751-1 -9365.76 -20.08 751-1 13655.84 10.61 751-1 581.09 -9.34 751-1 -12493.65 -29.29 751-1 11880.66 3.74 751-1 534.88 -10.83 751-1 -10810.89 -25.4 751-1 11911.05 3.33 751-1 546.63 -10.76 751-1 -10817.78 -24.86 751-1 6641.88 12430.25 751-1 440.92 1342.97 751-1 -1873.83 9898.13 751-1 694.39 -12332.17 751-1 -648.87 -1334.53 751-1 -5878.33 -9979.34 751-1 13102.59 3821.59 751-1 1618.92 415.71 751-1 2480.62 3001.75 751-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-13.26 -13.26 -13.26 16.08 16.08 16.08 -30.9 -30.9 -30.9 5.63 5.63 5.63 -20.45 -20.45 -20.45 -8.61 -8.61 -8.61 -11.74 -11.74 -11.74 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 -10.11 30.02 30.02 30.02 -32.91 -32.91 -32.91 15.35 15.35 15.35 -18.24 -18.24 -18.24 21.36 21.36 21.36 -41.57 -41.57 -41.57

-5766.32 -1826.87 -10232.79 14898.61 1096.87 -8818.66 8951.11 7.08 -12823.16 21359.32 2274.87 -4464.2 2490.41 -1170.92 -17177.62 8843.83 -461.68 -9767.2 12115.73 -576.72 -13269.18 10423.97 -506.52 -11437.01 10416.3 -508.51 -11433.33 7709.37 196.6 -1336.84 626.29 -466.57 -7538.77 15403.8 911.54 5400.22 -7068.14 -1181.51 -14275.83 13954.35 -177.84 -8330.68 6871.27 -841 -14532.62

-3723.5 751-1 -407.27 751-1 -3082.96 751-1 12384.35 751-1 1328.02 751-1 9914.13 751-1 -12378.06 751-1 -1349.49 751-1 -9963.34 751-1 3775.69 751-1 400.75 751-1 3017.75 751-1 -3769.4 751-1 -422.22 751-1 -3066.96 751-1 -5.75 752-1 -7.42 752-1 -9.09 752-1 -2.26 752-1 -14.9 752-1 -27.54 752-1 -3.54 752-1 -11.75 752-1 -19.96 752-1 -3.3 752-1 -11.71 752-1 -20.11 752-1 16036.16 752-1 699.27 752-1 15052.09 752-1 -15997.24 752-1 -719.43 752-1 -15131.33 752-1 4889.87 752-1 215.64 752-1 4559.38 752-1 -4850.95 752-1 -235.8 752-1 -4638.62 752-1 16013.51 752-1 697.67 752-1 15071.53 752-1 -16019.89 752-1 -721.04 752-1 -15111.89 752-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

6.69 6.69 6.69 -26.9 -26.9 -26.9 -5.47 -5.47 -5.47 -7.21 -7.21 -7.21 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 -6.27 24.43 24.43 24.43 -26.32 -26.32 -26.32 13.16 13.16 13.16 -15.05 -15.05 -15.05 19.11 19.11 19.11 -31.64 -31.64 -31.64 7.84 7.84 7.84 -20.37 -20.37 -20.37 -4.13 -4.13 -4.13

21648.78 4867.22 752-1 537.11 214.03 752-1 -1593.63 4578.82 752-1 -823.16 -4873.6 752-1 -1555.95 -237.4 752-1 -21269.67 -4619.18 752-1 6997.73 85 753-1 1771.89 50.12 753-1 -3453.94 15.23 753-1 9494.29 117.49 753-1 2415.27 62.2 753-1 -4663.74 6.92 753-1 8182.44 100.73 753-1 2078.68 54.99 753-1 -4025.08 9.25 753-1 8183.09 100.75 753-1 2079.02 54.99 753-1 -4025.04 9.22 753-1 6320.8 14558.54 753-1 2353.51 3715.2 753-1 4753.51 21841.34 753-1 -68.34 -14450.94 753-1 -756.36 -3686.63 753-1 -7811.67 -21891.8 753-1 13256.73 4506.46 753-1 5726.01 1133.99 753-1 18389.02 6644.29 753-1 -7004.27 -4398.86 753-1 -4128.86 -1105.42 753-1 -21447.18 -6694.74 753-1 11377.95 14605.5 753-1 3634.12 3755.9 753-1 2257.57 21875.78 753-1 4988.82 -14403.98 753-1 524.25 -3645.93 753-1 -10307.61 -21857.36 753-1 18313.89 4553.42 753-1 7006.61 1174.69 753-1 15893.08 6678.72 753-1 -1947.12 -4351.9 753-1 -2848.25 -1064.72 753-1 -23943.12 -6660.3 753-1 11542.98 -220.22 754-1 600.09 190.93 754-1 -10342.81 602.09 754-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-5.5 -5.5 -5.5 -4.88 -4.88 -4.88 -4.78 -4.78 -4.78 11.31 11.31 11.31 -14.45 -14.45 -14.45 9.01 9.01 9.01 -12.16 -12.16 -12.16 8.14 8.14 8.14 -17.62 -17.62 -17.62 5.85 5.85 5.85 -15.32 -15.32 -15.32 -5.24 -5.24 -5.24 -8.38 -8.38 -8.38 -6.77 -6.77 -6.77 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9

13497.72 543.96 -12409.79 12365.04 607.72 -11149.59 12178.17 543.76 -11090.64 7330.41 1519.33 -3362.11 4636.18 551.13 -4463.58 10404.54 2593.91 -2209.85 1562.05 -523.46 -5615.84 13440.35 998.79 -10513.11 10746.11 30.59 -11614.58 16514.47 2073.38 -9360.85 7671.99 -1043.99 -12766.84 9318.74 -10.27 -9339.29 11394.05 16.31 -11361.43 10081.12 -7.1 -10095.32 10111.42 4.85 -10101.72

-375.92 754-1 340.6 754-1 1057.12 754-1 -306.53 754-1 274.27 754-1 855.06 754-1 -305.85 754-1 274.25 754-1 854.35 754-1 5729 754-1 1408.3 754-1 3917.71 754-1 -6023.16 754-1 -1128.89 754-1 -3064.72 754-1 1649.62 754-1 529.25 754-1 1503.42 754-1 -1943.78 754-1 -249.83 754-1 -650.42 754-1 5570.54 754-1 1542.84 754-1 4345.24 754-1 -6181.62 754-1 -994.35 754-1 -2637.19 754-1 1491.16 754-1 663.78 754-1 1930.95 754-1 -2102.24 754-1 -115.3 754-1 -222.89 754-1 -920.07 755-1 -51.92 755-1 816.24 755-1 -1628.45 755-1 -77.46 755-1 1473.53 755-1 -1312.81 755-1 -65.05 755-1 1182.71 755-1 -1313.42 755-1 -65.09 755-1 1183.23 755-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

24.72 24.72 24.72 -21.99 -21.99 -21.99 14.4 14.4 14.4 -11.66 -11.66 -11.66 16.4 16.4 16.4 -30.31 -30.31 -30.31 6.07 6.07 6.07 -19.99 -19.99 -19.99 -11.69 -11.69 -11.69 -15.33 -15.33 -15.33 -13.37 -13.37 -13.37 -13.34 -13.34 -13.34 28.53 28.53 28.53 -33.29 -33.29 -33.29 12.93 12.93 12.93

5264.7 355.33 -785.21 -476.14 -698.36 -4689.42 11549.04 1554.65 3353.11 -6760.48 -1897.68 -8827.74 12995.62 537.14 -8152.52 7254.78 -516.56 -12056.73 19279.96 1736.45 -4014.2 970.43 -1715.88 -16195.05 9687.52 -380.18 -10447.89 11728.86 -453.86 -12636.58 10453.03 -403.58 -11260.19 10445.64 -405.53 -11256.7 6442.25 244.22 -212.45 -384.31 -416.74 -6190.52 13879.56 991.04 6207.31

11559.64 755-1 1326.78 755-1 10278.36 755-1 -12801.32 755-1 -1380.56 755-1 -9144.23 755-1 3099.48 755-1 385.56 755-1 3547.62 755-1 -4341.16 755-1 -439.34 755-1 -2413.48 755-1 10866.79 755-1 1288.56 755-1 10894.76 755-1 -13494.17 755-1 -1418.78 755-1 -8527.83 755-1 2406.63 755-1 347.34 755-1 4164.02 755-1 -5034.01 755-1 -477.56 755-1 -1797.08 755-1 -841.9 756-1 34.52 756-1 910.95 756-1 -1497.01 756-1 55.29 756-1 1607.6 756-1 -1206.53 756-1 45.59 756-1 1297.7 756-1 -1206.29 756-1 45.65 756-1 1297.58 756-1 15155.4 756-1 751.94 756-1 15386.73 756-1 -16313.09 756-1 -713.13 756-1 -14151.44 756-1 4231.58 756-1 251.47 756-1 5150.33 756-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-17.7 -17.7 -17.7 17.58 17.58 17.58 -44.24 -44.24 -44.24 1.98 1.98 1.98 -28.65 -28.65 -28.65 -1.83 -1.83 -1.83 -3.01 -3.01 -3.01 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -2.47 -2.47 -2.47 25.9 25.9 25.9 -26.1 -26.1 -26.1 15.73 15.73 15.73 -15.92 -15.92 -15.92 23.53 23.53 23.53 -28.47 -28.47 -28.47

-7821.62 -1163.55 -12610.28 13855.56 -75.94 -8266.08 7029.01 -736.89 -14244.15 21292.87 670.88 -1846.32 -408.3 -1483.71 -20663.91 7396.04 1889.58 -3616.88 8959.59 2300.14 -4359.31 7976.3 2044.56 -3887.17 7976.93 2044.9 -3887.14 5342.76 2098.22 4965.92 -867.22 -951.69 -7148.39 12087.73 5561.98 18641.24 -7612.19 -4415.45 -20823.71 11082.21 3570 2170.03 4872.23 520.09 -9944.29

-5389.26 756-1 -212.67 756-1 -3915.03 756-1 14528.07 756-1 778.21 756-1 16066.61 756-1 -16940.42 756-1 -686.86 756-1 -13471.56 756-1 3604.24 756-1 277.74 756-1 5830.2 756-1 -6016.6 756-1 -186.4 756-1 -3235.16 756-1 -592.55 757-1 -123.7 757-1 345.16 757-1 -1080.85 757-1 -244.83 757-1 591.18 757-1 -865.94 757-1 -192.76 757-1 480.41 757-1 -865.98 757-1 -192.78 757-1 480.43 757-1 13806.81 757-1 3658.21 757-1 21940.4 757-1 -14668.66 757-1 -3877.36 757-1 -21516.85 757-1 3900.7 757-1 1035.51 757-1 6798.1 757-1 -4762.55 757-1 -1254.66 757-1 -6374.55 757-1 13371.73 757-1 3575 757-1 22209.07 757-1 -15103.74 757-1 -3960.57 757-1 -21248.19 757-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

13.36 13.36 13.36 -18.3 -18.3 -18.3 -6.71 -6.71 -6.71 -9.2 -9.2 -9.2 -7.87 -7.87 -7.87 -7.9 -7.9 -7.9 12.66 12.66 12.66 -13.51 -13.51 -13.51 6.46 6.46 6.46 -7.31 -7.31 -7.31 5.17 5.17 5.17 -21 -21 -21 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -14.81 -14.81 -14.81 -7.79 -7.79 -7.79

17827.18 7033.76 15845.35 -1872.74 -2943.67 -23619.61 11706.05 90.13 -11525.78 13777.67 -252.17 -14282 12592.99 -54.19 -12701.37 12405.63 -117.79 -12641.22 7484.94 1240.85 -4023.46 4768.69 315.38 -5117.71 10567.36 2289.93 -2791.6 1686.27 -733.7 -6349.57 13678.6 316.03 -12066.75 10962.35 -609.43 -13161 16761.02 1365.12 -10834.89 7879.93 -1658.52 -14392.86 11249.4 63.04 -11123.33

3465.62 757-1 952.3 757-1 7066.76 757-1 -5197.63 757-1 -1337.87 757-1 -6105.89 757-1 -1.34 758-1 -57.23 758-1 -113.12 758-1 108.26 758-1 -109.09 758-1 -326.44 758-1 67.71 758-1 -86.48 758-1 -240.67 758-1 67.3 758-1 -86.56 758-1 -240.43 758-1 6041.5 758-1 1157.3 758-1 3220.34 758-1 -5742.59 758-1 -1334.48 758-1 -3873.62 758-1 1946.01 758-1 289.94 758-1 761.82 758-1 -1647.09 758-1 -467.12 758-1 -1415.1 758-1 5959.16 758-1 1159.29 758-1 3306.66 758-1 -5824.93 758-1 -1332.49 758-1 -3787.3 758-1 1863.66 758-1 291.93 758-1 848.14 758-1 -1729.44 758-1 -465.13 758-1 -1328.78 758-1 117.4 759-1 7.46 759-1 -102.48 759-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-10.87 -10.87 -10.87 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.3 -9.3 -9.3 21.06 21.06 21.06 -24.83 -24.83 -24.83 10.2 10.2 10.2 -13.97 -13.97 -13.97 13.66 13.66 13.66 -32.22 -32.22 -32.22 2.8 2.8 2.8 -21.37 -21.37 -21.37 -6.52 -6.52 -6.52 -9.21 -9.21 -9.21 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85 -7.85

14417.23 143.64 -14129.96 12591.32 96.28 -12398.75 12621.5 108.03 -12405.44 6280.96 403.52 -1686.27 515.72 -644.27 -5591.93 12764.41 1588.65 2686.77 -5967.73 -1829.4 -9964.97 15517.84 637.27 -10455.65 9752.61 -410.52 -14361.31 22001.29 1822.4 -6082.61 3269.16 -1595.66 -18734.35 11527.95 -476.18 -12480.31 14537.71 -588.84 -15715.39 12800.32 -518.79 -13837.91 12792.77 -520.75 -13834.27

383.65 759-1 16.99 759-1 -349.68 759-1 276.93 759-1 12.9 759-1 -251.12 759-1 277.43 759-1 13 759-1 -251.44 759-1 12725.39 759-1 1361.5 759-1 9437.14 759-1 -11855.88 759-1 -1326.9 759-1 -10237.43 759-1 4173.14 759-1 425.85 759-1 2605.24 759-1 -3303.62 759-1 -391.24 759-1 -3405.54 759-1 12568.3 759-1 1357.24 759-1 9585.71 759-1 -12012.97 759-1 -1331.16 759-1 -10088.86 759-1 4016.04 759-1 421.58 759-1 2753.81 759-1 -3460.72 759-1 -395.5 759-1 -3256.97 759-1 117.26 760-1 -16.65 760-1 -150.56 760-1 355.58 760-1 -20.29 760-1 -396.16 760-1 260.1 760-1 -17.97 760-1 -296.04 760-1 259.95 760-1 -18.02 760-1 -296 760-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

29.94 29.94 29.94 -31.24 -31.24 -31.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 -15.53 -15.53 -15.53 22.73 22.73 22.73 -38.44 -38.44 -38.44 7.03 7.03 7.03 -22.74 -22.74 -22.74 -5.08 -5.08 -5.08 -6.94 -6.94 -6.94 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 -5.97 24.05 24.05 24.05 -25.67 -25.67 -25.67 12.61 12.61 12.61

7348.37 202.35 -1185.86 508.1 -450.82 -7167.57 15050.15 941.69 5532.3 -7193.68 -1190.17 -13885.72 16209.47 -195.05 -10841.76 9369.21 -848.22 -16823.46 23911.25 544.3 -4123.6 1667.43 -1587.57 -23541.62 8885.08 2291.91 -4301.25 11210.83 2903.89 -5403.05 9861.93 2551.24 -4759.46 9862.58 2551.56 -4759.45 6048.37 2261.48 4671.11 -175.38 -749.01 -7519.16 13059.64 5674.33 18462.44

16281.44 760-1 710.45 760-1 14508.07 760-1 -15484.97 760-1 -734.59 760-1 -15352.81 760-1 5203.07 760-1 212.34 760-1 4097.38 760-1 -4406.6 760-1 -236.48 760-1 -4942.12 760-1 16143.09 760-1 704.47 760-1 14634.46 760-1 -15623.31 760-1 -740.56 760-1 -15226.42 760-1 5064.72 760-1 206.36 760-1 4223.77 760-1 -4544.94 760-1 -242.46 760-1 -4815.73 760-1 155.68 761-1 71.48 761-1 -12.71 761-1 328.41 761-1 120.53 761-1 -87.36 761-1 255.27 761-1 98.29 761-1 -58.69 761-1 255.29 761-1 98.3 761-1 -58.68 761-1 14679.81 761-1 3810.05 761-1 21666.96 761-1 -14086.27 761-1 -3652.95 761-1 -21946.29 761-1 4677.41 761-1 1206.54 761-1 6478.03 761-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-14.23 -14.23 -14.23 18.89 18.89 18.89 -30.83 -30.83 -30.83 7.45 7.45 7.45 -19.39 -19.39 -19.39 -8.32 -8.32 -8.32 -10.89 -10.89 -10.89 -9.45 -9.45 -9.45 -9.48 -9.48 -9.48 11.29 11.29 11.29 -13.26 -13.26 -13.26 6.89 6.89 6.89 -8.86 -8.86 -8.86 2.78 2.78 2.78 -21.76 -21.76 -21.76

-7186.65 -4083.87 761-1 -4161.86 -1049.44 761-1 -21310.49 -6757.37 761-1 12974.74 14638.34 761-1 4056.95 3829.81 761-1 1335.68 21747.94 761-1 6751 -14127.73 761-1 1046.47 -3633.19 761-1 -10854.58 -21865.31 761-1 19986.02 4635.94 761-1 7469.81 1226.3 761-1 15127.02 6559.02 761-1 -260.27 -4125.33 761-1 -2366.39 -1029.68 761-1 -24645.92 -6676.38 761-1 11181.36 -174.7 762-1 709.17 -18.81 762-1 -9763.03 137.07 762-1 13189.09 -156.68 762-1 298.48 -18.21 762-1 -12592.14 120.25 762-1 12056.62 -154.64 762-1 488.85 -18.07 762-1 -11078.91 118.49 762-1 11869.15 -154.16 762-1 425.32 -17.53 762-1 -11018.5 119.11 762-1 7548.15 5877.45 762-1 1186.59 1230.43 762-1 -4159.96 3563.35 762-1 4745.44 -5859 762-1 231.52 -1221.07 762-1 -5297.42 -3563.1 762-1 10583.98 1801.62 762-1 2214.63 377.65 762-1 -2940.16 1096.14 762-1 1709.61 -1783.16 762-1 -796.52 -368.29 762-1 -6517.22 -1095.89 762-1 13185.29 5714.28 762-1 873.98 1208.48 762-1 -10422.31 3682.62 762-1 10382.58 -6022.17 762-1 -81.09 -1243.03 762-1 -11559.77 -3443.83 762-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-1.61 -1.61 -1.61 -17.37 -17.37 -17.37 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -10.68 -10.68 -10.68 -10.64 -10.64 -10.64 21.17 21.17 21.17 -25.12 -25.12 -25.12 10.45 10.45 10.45 -14.4 -14.4 -14.4 12.53 12.53 12.53 -33.76 -33.76 -33.76 1.81 1.81 1.81 -23.05 -23.05 -23.05 -7.6 -7.6 -7.6

16221.11 1638.44 762-1 1902.02 355.69 762-1 -9202.51 1215.41 762-1 7346.75 -1946.33 762-1 -1109.13 -390.25 762-1 -12779.57 -976.62 762-1 8372.07 -207.13 763-1 34.93 -4.23 763-1 -8302.21 198.66 763-1 11726.79 -218.81 763-1 111.25 -7.1 763-1 -11504.3 204.61 763-1 9984.57 -203.59 763-1 66.99 -5.69 763-1 -9850.59 192.21 763-1 10015.07 -203.37 763-1 78.75 -5.78 763-1 -9857.56 191.8 763-1 6625.86 12293.35 763-1 440.29 1334.59 763-1 -1842.71 9946.9 763-1 660.3 -12396.93 763-1 -651.74 -1341.77 763-1 -5866.36 -9857.66 763-1 13045.87 3699.67 763-1 1612.35 405.12 763-1 2491.35 3064.1 763-1 -5759.71 -3803.26 763-1 -1823.8 -412.3 763-1 -10200.42 -2974.87 763-1 13011.71 12141.87 763-1 630.11 1332.35 763-1 -7848.91 10093.9 763-1 7046.15 -12548.41 763-1 -461.91 -1344 763-1 -11872.56 -9710.66 763-1 19431.72 3548.19 763-1 1802.17 402.88 763-1 -3514.85 3211.1 763-1 626.14 -3954.74 763-1 -1633.97 -414.53 763-1 -16206.62 -2827.86 763-1 9642.04 -154.62 764-1 -948.32 -7.7 764-1 -11538.68 139.23 764-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-10.63 -10.63 -10.63 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 -9.08 29.97 29.97 29.97 -31.67 -31.67 -31.67 14.29 14.29 14.29 -15.99 -15.99 -15.99 21.73 21.73 21.73 -39.9 -39.9 -39.9 6.06 6.06 6.06 -24.23 -24.23 -24.23 -3.58 -3.58 -3.58 -5.01 -5.01 -5.01 -4.27 -4.27 -4.27 -4.28 -4.28 -4.28

12727.32 -988.08 -14703.48 11062.84 -920.02 -12902.88 11055.12 -922.02 -12899.17 7704.71 202.73 -1304.27 590.64 -471.46 -7528.55 15361.95 928.93 5392.74 -7066.6 -1197.66 -14225.55 14608.65 -585.84 -9785.34 7494.58 -1260.03 -16009.62 22265.88 140.36 -3088.34 -162.66 -1986.23 -22706.62 8879.08 2304.94 -4269.2 11077.79 2888.99 -5299.81 9776.83 2546.09 -4684.66 9777.49 2546.43 -4684.63

-159.69 764-1 -2.39 764-1 154.9 764-1 -149.3 764-1 -3.93 764-1 141.43 764-1 -149.48 764-1 -3.96 764-1 141.55 764-1 15953.22 764-1 718.46 764-1 15088.45 764-1 -16010.68 764-1 -706.5 764-1 -15007.06 764-1 4821.28 764-1 228.46 764-1 4611.25 764-1 -4878.74 764-1 -216.5 764-1 -4529.86 764-1 15832.4 764-1 708.51 764-1 15189.35 764-1 -16131.51 764-1 -716.46 764-1 -14906.15 764-1 4700.46 764-1 218.5 764-1 4712.15 764-1 -4999.56 764-1 -226.46 764-1 -4428.96 764-1 -63.05 765-1 16.43 765-1 95.9 765-1 -80.02 765-1 17.12 765-1 114.25 765-1 -70.23 765-1 15.98 765-1 102.19 765-1 -70.27 765-1 15.98 765-1 102.23 765-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

24.98 24.98 24.98 -25.9 -25.9 -25.9 14.25 14.25 14.25 -15.18 -15.18 -15.18 21.16 21.16 21.16 -29.72 -29.72 -29.72 10.44 10.44 10.44 -19 -19 -19 -9.75 -9.75 -9.75 -12.49 -12.49 -12.49 -10.94 -10.94 -10.94 -10.94 -10.94 -10.94 10.59 10.59 10.59 -13.86 -13.86 -13.86 6.84 6.84 6.84

6332.12 2363.66 4804.42 -100.15 -756.37 -7821.82 13258.13 5724.98 18404.75 -7026.15 -4117.69 -21422.15 12993.93 4106.61 1628.51 6561.66 986.58 -10997.73 19919.93 7467.93 15228.84 -364.34 -2374.75 -24598.06 11097.7 736.4 -9624.89 13102.88 304.89 -12493.1 11976.8 501.72 -10973.35 11788.51 438.1 -10912.31 7616.54 1201.3 -4160.98 4705.62 209.52 -5339.54 10591.48 2212.08 -2974.18

14438.7 765-1 3699.75 765-1 21889.13 765-1 -14528.25 765-1 -3716.29 765-1 -21832.66 765-1 4382.87 765-1 1113.7 765-1 6683.43 765-1 -4472.42 765-1 -1130.24 765-1 -6626.96 765-1 14413.19 765-1 3724 765-1 21963.14 765-1 -14553.77 765-1 -3692.04 765-1 -21758.65 765-1 4357.35 765-1 1137.94 765-1 6757.44 765-1 -4497.94 765-1 -1105.99 765-1 -6552.95 765-1 417.7 766-1 27.08 766-1 -363.54 766-1 464.73 766-1 13.69 766-1 -437.36 766-1 435.2 766-1 20.52 766-1 -394.16 766-1 426.24 766-1 17.73 766-1 -390.78 766-1 6359.47 766-1 1315.14 766-1 3477.56 766-1 -5829.56 766-1 -1246.4 766-1 -3869.98 766-1 2129.74 766-1 425.35 766-1 944.4 766-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-10.1 -10.1 -10.1 1.28 1.28 1.28 -23.17 -23.17 -23.17 -2.48 -2.48 -2.48 -19.41 -19.41 -19.41 -9.03 -9.03 -9.03 -12.8 -12.8 -12.8 -10.94 -10.94 -10.94 -10.91 -10.91 -10.91 21.53 21.53 21.53 -25.28 -25.28 -25.28 11.45 11.45 11.45 -15.19 -15.19 -15.19 12.5 12.5 12.5 -34.3 -34.3 -34.3

1730.67 -1599.83 766-1 -801.26 -356.6 766-1 -6526.34 -1336.82 766-1 13158.39 6516.69 766-1 905.08 1297.24 766-1 -10295.28 3284.53 766-1 10247.47 -5672.34 766-1 -86.7 -1264.3 766-1 -11473.83 -4063.01 766-1 16133.33 2286.95 766-1 1915.85 407.44 766-1 -9108.48 751.37 766-1 7272.52 -1442.61 766-1 -1097.48 -374.51 766-1 -12660.63 -1529.85 766-1 8195.45 189.68 767-1 20.59 -10.46 767-1 -8154.27 -210.59 767-1 11601.41 246.02 767-1 100.73 -8.7 767-1 -11399.95 -263.42 767-1 9848.93 211.43 767-1 55.8 -9.64 767-1 -9737.32 -230.71 767-1 9879.86 214.25 767-1 67.57 -8.92 767-1 -9744.72 -232.09 767-1 6740.28 12398.97 767-1 464.61 1350.61 767-1 -1790.51 9746.26 767-1 566.72 -12243.93 767-1 -674.68 -1367.58 767-1 -5936.63 -9935.23 767-1 13066.49 3827.94 767-1 1626.22 407.45 767-1 2467.05 2917.45 767-1 -5759.49 -3672.9 767-1 -1836.29 -424.41 767-1 -10194.19 -3106.42 767-1 12980.7 12536.99 767-1 642.56 1350.5 767-1 -7675.03 9608.02 767-1 6807.15 -12105.92 767-1 -496.72 -1367.69 767-1 -11821.15 -10073.46 767-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

2.42 2.42 2.42 -24.22 -24.22 -24.22 -8.21 -8.21 -8.21 -11.47 -11.47 -11.47 -9.8 -9.8 -9.8 -9.8 -9.8 -9.8 29.94 29.94 29.94 -32.19 -32.19 -32.19 14.62 14.62 14.62 -16.87 -16.87 -16.87 21.26 21.26 21.26 -40.87 -40.87 -40.87 5.94 5.94 5.94 -25.55 -25.55 -25.55 -2.83 -2.83 -2.83

19306.91 1804.18 -3417.47 480.94 -1658.34 -16078.71 9514.5 -934.78 -11384.07 12646.4 -975.47 -14597.33 10971.45 -907.73 -12786.91 10963.57 -909.78 -12783.14 7863.38 216.91 -1200.98 474.87 -482.67 -7668.78 15446.35 927.51 5442.25 -7108.1 -1193.27 -14312.01 14654.25 -560.93 -9547.53 7265.74 -1260.51 -16015.33 22237.22 149.67 -2904.29 -317.23 -1971.11 -22658.56 8800.09 2294.96 -4210.17

3965.95 767-1 407.34 767-1 2779.22 767-1 -3534.88 767-1 -424.52 767-1 -3244.66 767-1 261.15 768-1 4.16 768-1 -252.82 768-1 330.16 768-1 -2.39 768-1 -334.95 768-1 290.99 768-1 0.07234 768-1 -290.84 768-1 290.39 768-1 -0.12 768-1 -290.64 768-1 15946.51 768-1 748.58 768-1 14616.02 768-1 -15647.18 768-1 -761.28 768-1 -14940.77 768-1 4954.1 768-1 229.96 768-1 4348.01 768-1 -4654.77 768-1 -242.67 768-1 -4672.75 768-1 16086.97 768-1 754.71 768-1 14487.84 768-1 -15506.72 768-1 -755.14 768-1 -15068.94 768-1 5094.56 768-1 236.1 768-1 4219.83 768-1 -4514.31 768-1 -236.53 768-1 -4800.93 768-1 171.53 769-1 78.39 769-1 -14.74 769-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-3.99 11048.19 233.36 769-1 -3.99 2896.02 99.69 769-1 -3.99 -5256.14 -33.99 769-1 -3.39 9732.94 200.86 769-1 -3.39 2547.25 87.46 769-1 -3.39 -4638.45 -25.95 769-1 -3.4 9733.6 200.97 769-1 -3.4 2547.62 87.49 769-1 -3.4 -4638.37 -25.98 769-1 25.79 6438.18 14345.34 769-1 25.79 2426.71 3800.51 769-1 25.79 5001.58 21705.86 769-1 -26.15 -171.83 -14142.03 769-1 -26.15 -808.86 -3740 769-1 -26.15 -8032.25 -21788.16 769-1 16.53 13230.85 4474.92 769-1 16.53 5741.17 1172.92 769-1 16.53 18376.78 6602.87 769-1 -16.89 -6964.49 -4271.61 769-1 -16.89 -4123.32 -1112.41 769-1 -16.89 -21407.44 -6685.16 769-1 22.57 13038.91 14444.71 769-1 22.57 4165.57 3857.77 769-1 22.57 1878.57 21721.02 769-1 -29.38 6428.9 -14042.67 769-1 -29.38 930 -3682.75 769-1 -29.38 -11155.25 -21773 769-1 13.3 19831.58 4574.28 769-1 13.3 7480.03 1230.17 769-1 13.3 15253.77 6618.02 769-1 -20.11 -363.77 -4172.25 769-1 -20.11 -2384.46 -1055.15 769-1 -20.11 -24530.45 -6670.01 769-1 -9.85 6266.25 -4423.46 770-1 -9.85 1315.26 -20.6 770-1 -9.85 -3635.73 4382.25 770-1 -12.54 7733.93 -5098.32 770-1 -12.54 879.2 46.32 770-1 -12.54 -5975.52 5190.97 770-1 -11.02 6991.27 -4670.66 770-1 -11.02 1021.07 4.35 770-1 -11.02 -4949.14 4679.36 770-1 -11.01 6868.74 -4617.36 770-1 -11.01 979.37 19.71 770-1 -11.01 -4910 4656.78 770-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

10.51 10.51 10.51 -14.21 -14.21 -14.21 6.99 6.99 6.99 -10.69 -10.69 -10.69 1.36 1.36 1.36 -23.36 -23.36 -23.36 -2.16 -2.16 -2.16 -19.84 -19.84 -19.84 -7.21 -7.21 -7.21 -11.22 -11.22 -11.22 -9.35 -9.35 -9.35 -9.33 -9.33 -9.33 22.39 22.39 22.39 -25.44 -25.44 -25.44 13.55 13.55 13.55

5453.05 4028.84 770-1 975.23 796.75 770-1 -2596.25 6506.97 770-1 2625.16 -8667.17 770-1 -56.4 -1136.25 770-1 -3644.29 -2547.64 770-1 8267.69 -315.54 770-1 1987.54 124.89 770-1 -1580.45 3437.87 770-1 -189.47 -4322.8 770-1 -1068.71 -464.39 770-1 -4660.1 521.46 770-1 8227 1754.87 770-1 1476.23 993.19 770-1 -4368.2 9173.82 770-1 5399.1 -10941.14 770-1 444.6 -939.8 770-1 -5416.23 119.22 770-1 11041.63 -2589.5 770-1 2488.54 321.34 770-1 -3352.39 6104.72 770-1 2584.47 -6596.76 770-1 -567.71 -267.95 770-1 -6432.04 3188.31 770-1 1554.71 -4431.33 771-1 -236.14 -49.38 771-1 -2026.99 4332.57 771-1 4408.58 -5372.37 771-1 -150.73 -71.73 771-1 -4710.04 5228.9 771-1 3231.12 -4781.55 771-1 -179.16 -58.82 771-1 -3589.44 4663.91 771-1 3251.6 -4782.01 771-1 -171.42 -60.43 771-1 -3594.45 4661.15 771-1 5464.57 12536.45 771-1 526.84 1034.38 771-1 -561.47 14116.58 771-1 -660.03 -16021.2 771-1 -678.14 -1047.11 771-1 -4545.68 -10657.28 771-1 11478.05 2695.15 771-1 1702.43 317.45 771-1 3358.19 5616 771-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-16.6 -6673.5 -6179.9 771-1 -16.6 -1853.73 -330.18 771-1 -16.6 -8465.33 -2156.7 771-1 14.58 6323.21 9496.61 771-1 14.58 434.58 979.58 771-1 14.58 -1604.62 17046.82 771-1 -33.24 198.61 -19061.04 771-1 -33.24 -770.4 -1101.91 771-1 -33.24 -5588.84 -7727.04 771-1 5.75 12336.68 -344.69 771-1 5.75 1610.17 262.65 771-1 5.75 2315.03 8546.24 771-1 -24.4 -5814.87 -9219.74 771-1 -24.4 -1945.99 -384.98 771-1 -24.4 -9508.49 773.54 771-1 -7.36 2394.95 -4278.61 772-1 -7.36 -129.09 48.9 772-1 -7.36 -2653.13 4376.41 772-1 -10.86 5077.54 -5125.33 772-1 -10.86 -230.99 49.65 772-1 -10.86 -5539.52 5224.63 772-1 -9.15 3949.13 -4582.85 772-1 -9.15 -184.37 46.13 772-1 -9.15 -4317.86 4675.1 772-1 -9.15 3944.12 -4579.22 772-1 -9.15 -185.64 46.66 772-1 -9.15 -4315.41 4672.54 772-1 30.07 6425.45 17743.23 772-1 30.07 276.67 468.73 772-1 30.07 243.61 20651.84 772-1 -32.72 -919.26 -21118.43 772-1 -32.72 -465.15 -464.34 772-1 -32.72 -6126.76 -17267.86 772-1 15.69 13604.03 4260.21 772-1 15.69 1002.28 148.43 772-1 15.69 6461.56 7498.43 772-1 -18.33 -8097.84 -7635.41 772-1 -18.33 -1190.76 -144.04 772-1 -18.33 -12344.71 -4114.45 772-1 22.25 7614.2 14853.27 772-1 22.25 184.69 513.43 772-1 22.25 -1129.11 23631.22 772-1 -40.55 269.49 -24008.4 772-1 -40.55 -557.14 -419.63 772-1 -40.55 -7499.48 -14288.48 772-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

7.86 14792.78 1370.24 772-1 7.86 910.29 193.13 772-1 7.86 5088.84 10477.81 772-1 -26.16 -6909.09 -10525.37 772-1 -26.16 -1282.74 -99.33 772-1 -26.16 -13717.42 -1135.07 772-1 -3.9 1914.76 -3029.38 773-1 -3.9 540.21 -738.9 773-1 -3.9 -834.33 1551.59 773-1 -4.83 4038.84 -3606.89 773-1 -4.83 1113.5 -881.05 773-1 -4.83 -1811.84 1844.8 773-1 -4.27 3139.09 -3229.27 773-1 -4.27 869.15 -788.48 773-1 -4.27 -1400.78 1652.31 773-1 -4.27 3139.64 -3228.22 773-1 -4.27 869.52 -788.2 773-1 -4.27 -1400.61 1651.81 773-1 26.86 5348.25 16301.94 773-1 26.86 2246.27 2658.42 773-1 26.86 5649.06 23898.62 773-1 -27.14 -1183.55 -18634.7 773-1 -27.14 -1165.43 -3245.86 773-1 -27.14 -7652.08 -22740.73 773-1 20.18 11700.97 4293.91 773-1 20.18 5586.09 612.19 773-1 20.18 18639.03 7762.58 773-1 -20.47 -7536.27 -6626.67 773-1 -20.47 -4505.25 -1199.62 773-1 -20.47 -20642.05 -6604.69 773-1 22.72 6405.79 14240.59 773-1 22.72 2575.53 2164.06 773-1 22.72 5250.04 24971.26 773-1 -31.28 -126.01 -20696.06 773-1 -31.28 -836.17 -3740.22 773-1 -31.28 -8051.1 -21668.1 773-1 16.05 12758.51 2232.55 773-1 16.05 5915.35 117.83 773-1 16.05 18240.01 8835.21 773-1 -24.6 -6478.73 -8688.03 773-1 -24.6 -4175.99 -1693.98 773-1 -24.6 -21041.07 -5532.05 773-1 -3 2786.99 -1434.36 774-1 -3 868.32 17.61 774-1 -3 -1050.36 1469.58 774-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-4.13 -4.13 -4.13 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.53 -3.53 -3.53 14.24 14.24 14.24 -10.75 -10.75 -10.75 9.93 9.93 9.93 -6.44 -6.44 -6.44 8.93 8.93 8.93 -16.07 -16.07 -16.07 4.62 4.62 4.62 -11.76 -11.76 -11.76 -9.92 -9.92 -9.92 -13.46 -13.46 -13.46 -11.68 -11.68 -11.68 -11.61 -11.61 -11.61

3165.3 657.74 -1849.81 2930.18 710.62 -1508.94 2882.29 693.17 -1495.96 3328.52 812.72 -990.58 624.87 -278.3 -1893.97 5939.42 1841.15 -170.85 -1986.03 -1306.74 -2713.7 4212.35 1230.75 -1038.36 1508.7 139.72 -1941.76 6823.25 2259.18 -218.64 -1102.2 -888.71 -2761.49 -285.13 -193.37 -101.6 678.24 -155.79 -989.83 321.66 -163.97 -649.6 330.71 -160.17 -651.05

-1864.84 774-1 -23.96 774-1 1816.92 774-1 -1624.85 774-1 -6.46 774-1 1611.94 774-1 -1626.32 774-1 -8.9 774-1 1608.52 774-1 3424.69 774-1 1065.73 774-1 2749.73 774-1 -4753.02 774-1 -1151.42 774-1 -1592.78 774-1 618.7 774-1 295.86 774-1 1285.29 774-1 -1947.03 774-1 -381.56 774-1 -128.35 774-1 2461.87 774-1 1098.57 774-1 3778.22 774-1 -5715.84 774-1 -1118.58 774-1 -564.28 774-1 -344.12 774-1 328.7 774-1 2313.79 774-1 -2909.85 774-1 -348.72 774-1 900.15 774-1 -1595.42 775-1 -47.29 775-1 1500.84 775-1 -1907.68 775-1 -50.85 775-1 1805.97 775-1 -1715.04 775-1 -48.47 775-1 1618.1 775-1 -1706.56 775-1 -47.2 775-1 1612.16 775-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

21.29 21.29 21.29 -25.81 -25.81 -25.81 11.8 11.8 11.8 -16.33 -16.33 -16.33 11.97 11.97 11.97 -35.13 -35.13 -35.13 2.48 2.48 2.48 -25.65 -25.65 -25.65 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -9.34 -9.34 -9.34 -7.94 -7.94 -7.94 -7.95 -7.95 -7.95 31.02 31.02 31.02 -32.07 -32.07 -32.07 15.87 15.87 15.87

3956.26 10320.95 775-1 583.91 1350.8 775-1 678.64 8898.39 775-1 -1891.26 -11426.36 775-1 -692.47 -1394.39 775-1 -2960.75 -7880.16 775-1 9571.96 2803.61 775-1 1783.6 399.43 775-1 4147.31 3129.12 775-1 -7506.97 -3909.02 775-1 -1892.15 -443.02 775-1 -6429.42 -2110.9 775-1 3258.58 9170.95 775-1 479.75 1325.97 775-1 1167.98 9998.73 775-1 -2588.94 -12576.36 775-1 -796.64 -1419.22 775-1 -2471.41 -6779.82 775-1 8874.29 1653.61 775-1 1679.43 374.6 775-1 4636.65 4229.47 775-1 -8204.64 -5059.02 775-1 -1996.32 -467.85 775-1 -5940.08 -1010.55 775-1 225.63 -1259.28 776-1 -34.58 -53.69 776-1 -294.79 1151.9 776-1 1096.57 -1512.74 776-1 -76.94 -72.6 776-1 -1250.44 1367.54 776-1 761.12 -1352.98 776-1 -58.46 -62.72 776-1 -878.05 1227.55 776-1 758.35 -1350.63 776-1 -59.09 -62.64 776-1 -876.54 1225.35 776-1 4696.66 14049.46 776-1 350.93 699.88 776-1 1633.26 13799.75 776-1 -2239.1 -14785.17 776-1 -454.33 -771.26 776-1 -4297.62 -13206.8 776-1 11325.82 4019.47 776-1 1095.25 195.53 776-1 7244.47 4414.36 776-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

-16.92 -8868.25 -4755.17 776-1 -16.92 -1198.64 -266.91 776-1 -16.92 -9908.83 -3821.42 776-1 23.6 4224.97 13067.75 776-1 23.6 343.25 672.96 776-1 23.6 2089.59 14727.62 776-1 -39.5 -2710.79 -15766.88 776-1 -39.5 -462.01 -798.18 776-1 -39.5 -3841.29 -12278.93 776-1 8.45 10854.13 3037.75 776-1 8.45 1087.57 168.61 776-1 8.45 7700.8 5342.24 776-1 -24.35 -9339.94 -5736.89 776-1 -24.35 -1206.33 -293.84 776-1 -24.35 -9452.5 -2893.55 776-1 -4.25 213.72 -731.02 777-1 -4.25 110.76 -148.32 777-1 -4.25 7.8 434.38 777-1 -5.96 967.56 -858.37 777-1 -5.96 334.88 -174.78 777-1 -5.96 -297.8 508.81 777-1 -5.09 673.01 -773.07 777-1 -5.09 244.52 -157.33 777-1 -5.09 -183.96 458.41 777-1 -5.09 673.36 -771.69 777-1 -5.09 244.85 -156.97 777-1 -5.09 -183.67 457.74 777-1 25.24 4000.65 13307.85 777-1 25.24 2059.83 3927.35 777-1 25.24 6160.54 21470.66 777-1 -26.96 -2109.09 -13665.8 777-1 -26.96 -1560.77 -4007.59 777-1 -26.96 -7054 -21273.2 777-1 17.48 9862.29 4019.63 777-1 17.48 5472.44 1159 777-1 17.48 18829.43 6667.53 777-1 -19.19 -7970.73 -4377.57 777-1 -19.19 -4973.39 -1239.25 777-1 -19.19 -19722.89 -6470.07 777-1 21.01 3728.39 12715.76 777-1 21.01 2055.3 3810.66 777-1 21.01 6423.74 21829.37 777-1 -31.19 -2381.35 -14257.88 777-1 -31.19 -1565.31 -4124.28 777-1 -31.19 -6790.8 -20914.49 777-1

0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

13.24 9590.03 13.24 5467.91 13.24 19092.62 -23.43 -8242.99 -23.43 -4977.92 -23.43 -19459.69

3427.54 777-1 1042.32 777-1 7026.24 777-1 -4969.66 777-1 -1355.93 777-1 -6111.35 777-1

32.4 30047.82 26639.16 Mbawah -45.89 -30295.25 -26279.13 T M2 M3 21.93 12972.16 26639.16 664-1 -41.03 -13252.84 -26279.13 21.93 12972.16 26639.16 664-1 -41 -12822.25 -25970.72 732-1 30.99 2536.11 12680.24 657-1 -6.86 4091.5 -1235.46 717-1

0 2 4 0 2 4



Data Perencanaan Kolom = 30 MPa fc' = 400 MPa fy' 22 mm dia tul. = 10 mm dia skg. = = 40 mm p 450 mm b kolom = 450 mm h kolom = 7.2 m L balok = 4 H kolom = m panjang efektif (d)



h - p - dia.skg - 1/2 dia.tul



= 7.2



40 mm



0.5 x


Perhitungan Statika Dalam perhitungan statika untuk menentukan beban aksial (Pu) dan momen ultimate pada kolom menggunakan software SAP2000 v.19 dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh: Kolom Yang ditinjau adalah KoloC 13 karena tekanan aksial maksimum terjadi di kolom tersebut dengan hasil : Mu = 26,639.2 Kg.m = 266,391,600 Pu = 241,905.0 Kg = 2,419,050 N Vu = 13,227.6 Kg = N 132,276


Perhitungan Tulangan Kolom a. Tulangan longitudinal Perhitungan kolom berdasarkan pada buku diktat Ir. Gunawan T dengan judul struktur beton bertulang penerbit Delta Teknik Group Perencanaan Tulangan Berdasarkan cara Diagram Interaksi Pu = N 2,419,050 Mu = 266,391,600 Nmm b = 450 mm h = 450 mm d = 389 mm Besar eksentrisitas yang terjadi



= = =

Mu Pu 266391600 2419049.6 110.12 mm

syarat eksentrisitas minimum (Agus setiawan ; hal :207) emin = 15 +0,003h = 15 + 0.003 x 450 = 16.35 mm < 110.12 mm syarat Jika e ≤ 0,15 tinggi, maka memakai tulangan 4 sisi Jika e > 0,15 tinggi, maka memakai tulangan 2 sisi = e < 0.5 h = 110.12 < 0.5 x 450 = 110.12 < 225 ,maka butuh 4 sisi Sbx =

Pu . e x f x Ag x 0.85 x f'c = 266,391,600.0 x x 202500 x 0.85 x 30 0.65 = 0.18

1 h 1 450

Sby =

Pu f x Ag x 0.85 x f'c = 2,419,049.6 0.85 x 30 0.65 x 202500 x = 0.72 Kemudian diplotkan pada diagram interaksi


Dari hasil pengeplotan pada diagram interaksi, didapat r = 0.0195 b1 = 1.2 ρ = r x b1 = 0.0195 x 1.2 = 0.0234 Kebutuhan tulangan total As total = ρ x Agr = 0.0234 x 450 x


= 4738.5 mm2 Aski

= =

Aska 0.25

= 0,25 x Astot x 4738.5


1184.6 mm2

0,25 Ast Aski

Aska 0,25 Ast

Dicoba menggunakan tulangan ulir diametD = 22 mm As tul. = 0.25 x 3.14 x 22 2 = 0.25 x 3.14 x 484 n Aska

= 380.13 mm2 = n Aski = 1184.6 380.13 = 3.1163 ~





0,25 Ast = 1184.6 mm2 n 0,25Ast

= 1184.6 mm2 380.13 mm2 = 3 ~


Jadi digunakan tulangan

14 D

22 mm

Cek ketersediaan luasan Astul = 14 x 380.13 = 5321.9 > As total = 4738.5

b. Tulangan geser Pu = 2,419,050 Mu atas = 266,391,600 Mu bawah = 121,977,100 f'c = 30 fy = 400 b = 450 h = 450 d = 389 p = 40 Hkolom = 4000

N MPa MPa mm mm mm mm mm

Kebutuhan tulangan n tul.

Jadi digunakan tulangan As ada Vu,k

= M2 - M1 λk = 266391600 - 121977100 4000 = 36103.625


= =

фVc Vu

= = = =

x f'c 0.5 x b x d Pu 14 Ag 6 1 + 2E+06 x 30 0.5 x 450 x 389 3E+06 6 296151 N 0.65 x 296151 N 192,497.88 N 132,275.60 N < 192,497.88 N pakai tulangan geser minimum 1


Dipakai sengkang diamet Ø = 10 mm Av = 2 x As = 2 x 0.25 x 3.1416 x 10 =




jarak tulangan tidak boleh melebihi (SNI 2847 :2013 Pasal




x Av x fy b = 3 x 157.08 x 400 450 = 418.88 mm S2 = 0.5 x dimensi terkecil = 0.5 x 450 = 225 mm S3 = 8 x diameter tulangan = 8 x 19 mm = 152 mm S4 = 24 x diameter sengkang = 24 x 10 mm = 240 mm Direncanakan tulangan geser dipasang dengan jara 150 Av min = b x s 3 x fy = 450 x 150 3 x 400 =


56.25 mm2


Jadi dipakai tulangan geseØ 10

157.08 mm2 -







Hasil Momen

Hasil Gaya Aksial

Hasil Gaya Geser


Sbx = f'c


= 30 x = 0.10 Sby = f'c =


Pu . e b x h x h 266,391,600.0 450 x 202500

Pu b x h 2,419,049.6 450 x 450

30 x = 0.40 Kemudian diplotkan pada diagram interaksi P.Paulay


Dari hasil pengeplotan pada diagram interaksi, didapat ρ.m = 0.375 kontrol ρ ρ.m = 0.375


= =


0.375 x

fy 0.85 x 400 0.85 x

0.375 x

= =

0.024 2.391 %



> <

f'c 30

0,01 Ag 0,08 Ag


fy x


0.375 Ast

h Ast = 450 x = 1936406.25 400 =




x f'c x

400 0.85 x


4841.02 mm2

Dicoba menggunakan tulangan ulir diametD = 22 mm As tul. = 0.25 x 3.14 x 22 2 = 0.25 x 3.14 x 484 = 379.94 mm2 n tul.




Astulangan 4841.02 379.94

= 12.7415266 ~ Jadi digunakan tulangan 13 D As ada = 13 x Astulangan = 13 x 379.94



22 mm



4939.22 mm2


4841.02 mm2


Kebutuhan tulangan n tul.

Jadi digunakan tulangan As ada




PERHITUNGAN HBK A. Data Perencanaan Spesifikasi Balok Posisi Tumpuan kiri Dimensi b = 350 mm Atas 8 D 22 Bawah 4 D 22 Sengkang ɸ 10 100 Spesifikasi Kolom Posisi Dimensi Tulangan Utama Sengkang Pengekang Arah X Pengekang Arah Y

Lapangan Tumpuan kanan x h = 500 mm 5 D 22 8 D 22 3 D 22 4 D 22 ɸ 10 200 ɸ 10 100

Tumpuan 450 ɸ ɸ ɸ

10 10 10

150 150 150

Lapangan x 14 D 22 ɸ 10 150 ɸ 10 150 ɸ 10 150

Tumpuan 450 ɸ ɸ ɸ

10 10 10

150 150 150

B. Langkah-langkah perhitungan analisis joint kolom balok 1. Menghitung Probable Momen Balok (Mpr) fy = 400 MPa fc' = 30 MPa b = 350 mm h = 500 mm d = h 40 = 500 40 = 460 mm As = 3041.1 mm2 As' = h (tinggi perlantai = Aj (kolom) = Untuk Mpr (-) T1


1519.8 mm2 4 m 202500 mm2

= = = =

1.25 x As' x 1.25 x 1519.8 759,880 N 759.88 kN


T1 x fc' x 759,880

0.85 =

fy x




= Mpr (-)

Untuk Mpr (+) T2


0.85 x 85.1 mm


= T1 (d - a/2) x = 759,880 x = 317,196,474 = 317.2



d 460 N.m kN.m


a/2 42.6

fy x


= = = =

1.25 x As x 1.25 x 3041.1 1,520,531 N 1,520.53 kN


T2 0.85 x fc' x 1520531 0.85 x 30 x 170 mm

= = Mpr (+)

= T1 (d - a/2) x = 1,520,531 x = 569,919,592 = 569.9

V kolom


d 460 N.m kN.m

b 350


a/2 85.2


Mpr (+) + Mpr (-) h1 h2 + 2 2 569.9 + 317.2 2 + 2 221.8 kN

= = =

T1 + T2 759.9 + 2,058.6 kN

- Vkolom 1520.5 -


= = =

1.7 x fc' 1.7 x 30 4,190.1 kN

x x

ɸ Vn

= =

0.8 0.8



x x


Aj 202500

Vn 4190.1




3,352.1 kN


ɸ Vn 3,352.1 kN

> >

Vu 2,058.6 kN

Jadi, kuat geser hubungan balok kolom sudah mencukupi 2. Menghitung Tulangan Confinement Kolom pada Joint Balok Kolom fy = 400 MPa fc' = 30 MPa b = 450 mm h = 450 mm ds = 40 mm db = 22 mm d = h ds = 450 40 = 410 mm hc = h 2 x (ds - db/2) = 450 2 x 40 11 = 392 mm Luas total tulangan transversal tertutup tidak boleh kurang dari: Ash = 0,009 x s x hc x (fc'/fy) Ash = 0,3 x s x hc x ((Ag/Ach) - 1) x (fc'/fy) Dengan mensubstitusikan variabel-variabel yang telah diketahui diperoleh: Ash s







= dan untuk, Ash s








= =

8.82 x 2.80

hc fy 392 400 mm





hc fy 392 400 0.32 mm







dimensi kolom hc x 202500 392 x

Sesuai SNI 03-2847-2002 pasal 23.4.4 (2) disyaratkan bahwa: tulangan transversal diletakkan dengan spasi tidak lebih dari :



0,25 kali dimensi terbesar struktur yaitu : 0.25 x 450 = 113 mm


6 kali diameter tulangan lungitudinal yaitu : 6 x db = 6 x 22 = 132 mm

c. sx = 100 + (350 - hx) / 3) dengan h, dapat diambil sebesar 1/3 dimensi inti kolom : hx = 1/3 x hc = 131 mm sx










173 mm

3 3

hx 131

Dari syarat diatas, dapat diambil spasi tulangan transversal adalah Ash = 2.8 mm s s = 100 mm Luas tulangan transversal

= = =





= 4

leg D 10



10 , jumlah tulangan yang digunakan : Ash AD10 280.31 1/4 * π * d2 280.31 78.54 3.57 ~ 4


Ash x 100 s 2.8 x 100 280 mm2


buah 100 atau




SNI 03-2847-2002 a. Tinggi penampang komponen struktur = 450 mm


b. 1/6 kali bentang bersih komponen 1 x 7100 = 1183 mm 6 c. 500 mm Dari syarat nilai terbesar yaitu =

1183 mm

Tulangan transversal terpasang sepanjang 0,25 kali tinggi kolom 0.25 x 4000 = 1000 mm dari muka hubungan balok kolom





pada Joint Balok Kolom

g telah diketahui diperoleh:

dimensi kolom hc 202500 392






diambil sebesar 1/3 dimensi inti kolom :

100 mm




anjang 0,25 kali tinggi kolom dari muka hubungan balok kolom



Data Perencanaan Fungsi bangunan : Mutu beton (f'c) : Mutu baja (fy) : Tinggi lantai 2 : Lebar anak tangga : Panjang anak tangga : Lebar bordes : Ketinggian bordes :

Rumah Susun 30 MPa 400 MPa 400 cm 170 cm 400 cm 180 cm 200 cm

Beban hidup



kN/m2 Tinggi bordes Kemiringan tangga : Arc tan Panjang Tangga Datar = 0.46 =

27 o

Gambar 7.1 Tampak Atas Anak Tangga

Gambar 7.2 Rencana Tangga

Syarat - syarat perencanaan injakan tangga dan kemiringan tangga yang baik adalah: = 61 cm < 2 t + i < 65 cm Untuk injakan tangga

Untuk kemiringan tangga = 25 Dimana =




= tinggi injakan (cm)


= lebar injakan (cm)


= kemiringan tangga


< 40


Menghitung Anak Tangga tan 27 o = t i tan 27


= 0.4636 maka, 0.4636 t

Rumus Ukuran Anak Tangga 2 x t + i = 61 2 x tan a. i + i = 61 i x 2 tan a + 1 = 61 i x 0.9273 + 1 = 61 1.9273 i = 61 i t


61 1.9273 = 0.4636 x



t i = 0.4636 x


s/d 65 cm cm cm cm cm





Kontrol : 2 x t + i > 61 cm 2 x 17 + 32 > 61 cm 65 cm > 61 cm

dipakai = 32.0 cm dipakai = 16.5 cm

... OK

Jumlah langkah naik (optrade)


H bordes t = 200 17 = 12 buah

Jumlah langkah datar (antrade)

= Jumlah langkah naik = 11 buah

Panjang kemiringan tangga (l)





= 17 2 + 32 = 36.00 cm



Luas penampang anak tangga (A) = 1/2 x t x l = 0.5 x 17 x 36 = 297.03 cm2 Direncanakan tebal plat (t) Tebal rata-rata (t')




= t' x l = A = t' x 36 = 297.03 cm2 t' = 8.3 cm t' tc' = t + 2 = 8.3 12 + 2 = 16 cm

Tebal eqifalen (tc')

3 2

Gambar 7.3 Tebal Pelat Tangga

BD BC = AB AC BD = AB x BC AC BD = 17 x 32 36 BD = 14.665 cm Tequivalen = =

= 2 x BD 3 2x 14.67 3 9.78

Jadi total tinggi equivalen plat tangga :

1 7



= Teq + ht = 9.78 + = 21.78 cm


Perhitungan Pembebanan Beban mati Beton bertulang = 2400


Spesi Lantai (1 cm)

= 21


Tegel (1 cm)

= 24


Beban hidup Lantai Gedung

= 250


a. Pembebanan tangga Beban mati (WD) 0.22 Berat plat (tc') 2 Berat spesi (2 cm) 1 Berat keramik (1 cm)

x 2400 x 21 x 24

x 1.7 = 888.49 kg/m 71.40 kg/m x 1.7 = 40.80 kg/m x 1.7 = = 1000.7 kg/m WL

Beban hidup (WL) Perkantoran (PPIUG 1978 hal.17) WL = Beban hidup yang bekerja pada plat = = Kombinasi Pembebanan (Wu) = 1.2 WD + 1.6 WL Wu = 1.2 1000.7 + 1.6 = 1880.8 kg/m b. Pembebanan plat bordes Beban mati (DL) 0.12 Berat plat (tc') 2 Berat spesi (2 cm) Berat keramik (1 cm) 1

250 250 425

kg/m2 x 1.7 kg/m


x 2400 x 3.6 = 1037 x 21 x 3.6 = 151.2 x 24 x 3.6 = 86.4 = 1274.4 DL

Beban hidup (LL) Perkantoran (PPIUG 1978 hal.17) LL = Beban hidup yang bekerja pada plat = = Kombinasi Pembebanan (Wu)

250 kg/m2 250 x 3.6 900 kg/m

kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m



= 1.2 DL + = 1.2 1274 = 2969.3 kg/m

1.6 LL + 1.6


Analisis Gaya Dalam pada Tangga Untuk perhitungan momen pada tangga digunakan bantuan software SAP 2000 v.19. Dengan hasil sebagai berikut

Untuk perhitungan momen pada tangga menggunakan software SAP 2000 v19.1.1 dengan pembebanan tangga sebagai berikut : Beban tangga = 1880.8 kg/m Beban plat bordes = 2969.3 kg/m Dari hasil analisa struktur dengan SAP 2000 v19.1.1 didapatkan momen sebagai berikut : Tabel 7.1 Hasil Output SAP 2000 - frame

Tangga Reaksi Tumpuan (kg) Momen (kg.m) Rv Rh Tumpuan Lapangan 14054.9 4279.88 3282.1 21505.9 Tabel 7.2 Hasil Output SAP 2000 - frame

Bordes Reaksi Tumpuan (kg) Momen (kg.m) Rv Rh Tumpuan Lapangan 401.35 3690.44 1864.8 1131.92 7.4

Perhitungan Tulangan Pelat Tangga dan Plat Bordes

Perhitungan tulangan lapangan arah x dan y dianggap sama dan perhitungan tulangan tumpuan arah x dan y dianggap sama, dan untuk perhitungan di ambil momen yang terbesar. Tebal plat tangga (h) = ϕ tulangan Ø = b (1 m) =

120 mm 12 mm 1000 mm

Tinggi efektif plat d' = h - p - 1/2.ϕ tulangan x 0.5 x 12 = 120 - 20 = 94 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Lampiran B.8.4.2, rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance, adalah x β1 x f'c 600 ρb = 0.85 fy 600 + fy 0.85 x 0.85 x 30 600 = 400 600 + 400 = 0.0325 Rasio tahanan momen maksimum Rmax = 0.75*ρb*fy*[1-0.5*0.75*ρb*fy/(0.85*f'c)] = 7.8883 Rasio tulangan maksimum ρmax = 0.75 x ρb = 0.75 x 0.0325 = 0.0244 Rasio tulangan minimum 1.4 ρmin = fy 1.4 = 400 = 0.0035 a. Penulangan plat tangga daerah tumpuan Mu = 4279.9 kgm ϕ = 0.8 Mn = Mu ϕ 4279.9 = 0.8 = 5,349.85 kgm

= 53,498,500 Nmm Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dx2 53,498,500 = 7,068,800 = 7.5683 < Rmax 7.8883 m

... OK




x f'c 400 0.85 x 30 15.7

= =

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = 1 - √ 1 15.7 2 x 15.7 x 7.5683 400 = 0.0231 ρmin

ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0231 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0231 Jadi,

Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x d' = 0.0231 x 1000 x 94 = 2172.3 mm2 Digunakan tulangan Ø12 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 =

1 4



= 113.04 mm2

x 12


Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 2172.3 = 113.04 = 19.217 ~ 20 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 20 = 50 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 50 ≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360) = OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 20 x 113.04 = 2260.8 mm2 > As 2172.3 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø12 - 50 b. Penulangan plat tangga daerah lapangan Mu = 3282.1 kgm ϕ = 0.8 Mn = Mu ϕ 3282.1 = 0.8 = 4102.6 kgm = 4.103.E+07 Nmm Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x d2 41026250 = 7068800 = 5.8038 < Rmax 7.8883

... OK





x f'c 400 0.85 x 30 15.7

= =

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = 1 - √ 1 15.7 2 x 15.7 x 5.8038 400 = 0.017 ρmin

ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0167 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0167 Jadi,

Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x d' = 0.0167 x 1000 x 94 = 1569.4 mm2 Digunakan tulangan Ø12 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 =

1 4



x 12


= 113.04 mm2 Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 1569.4 = 113.04 = 13.884 ~ 14 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S =



n 1000 = 14 = 71.429 mm

Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 70 ≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360) = OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 14 x 113.04 = 1614.9 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø12 - 70

> As 1569.4 mm2

Tabel 3.1 Diameter batang dalam mm2 per meter lebar pelat (Gideon Jilid 1)

Kontrol kekuatan As timbul x fy 0.85 x f'c x b 2260.8 x 400 = 0.85 x 30 x 1000 = 35.464 mm

Mencari nilai (a) =

Menghitung momen nominal Mn


As timbul

= 2260.8 x




= 68,970,891





a 2 35.464 2 -

Menghitung momen yang timbul ɸMn = 0.8 x 68,970,891 = 55,176,712 > Mt =53,498,500 = OK c. Penulangan plat bordes daerah tumpuan Mu = 3690.4 kgm ϕ = 0.8 Mn = Mu ϕ 3690.4 = 0.8 = 4613.1 kgm = 46130500 Nmm Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x dx2 46130500 = 7068800 = 6.5259 < Rmax 7.8883 m

= = =

... OK

fy 0.85

x f'c 400 0.85 x 30 15.7

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = 1 - √ 1 15.7 2 x 15.7 x 6.5259 400 = 0.0192 ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0192 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0192 Jadi,


Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x d' = 0.0192 x 1000 x 94 = 1805.6 mm2 Digunakan tulangan Ø12 Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 =

1 4



x 12


= 113.04 mm2 Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 1805.6 = 113.04 = 15.973 ~ 16 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 16 = 62.5 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 50 ≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360) = OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 16 x 113.04 = 1808.6 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø12 - 50

> As 1805.6 mm2

d. Penulangan plat tangga daerah lapangan

Mu ϕ Mn

= 1864.8 kgm = 0.8 = Mu ϕ 1864.8 = 0.8 = 2331.0 kgm = 23309500 Nmm

Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Mn Rn = ɸ x b x d2 23309500 = 7068800 = 3.2975 < Rmax 7.8883 m

= = =

... OK

fy 0.85

x f'c 400 0.85 x 30 15.7

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) - 2 x m x Rn 1 ρ = x 1 - √ 1 m fy 1 = 1 - √ 1 15.7 2 x 15.7 x 3.2975 400 = 0.01 ρmax > ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0089 < 0.0244 Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai ρ = 0.0089 Jadi,


Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As = ρ x b x d' = 0.0089 x 1000 x 94 = 832.78 mm2 Digunakan tulangan Ø12

Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π 4 =

1 4


x D2


x 12


= 113.04 mm2 Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 832.78 = 113.04 = 7.3672 ~ 8 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 8 = 125 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan

= 125 ≤ 3 x tebal pelat (360) = OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul = n x Av = 8 x 113.04 = 904.32 mm2 > As 832.78 mm2 = OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan Ø12 - 125 Tabel 3.1 Diameter batang dalam mm2 per meter lebar pelat (Gideon Jilid 1)

Kontrol kekuatan As timbul x fy 0.85 x f'c x b 1808.6 x 400 = 0.85 x 30 x 1000 = 28.371 mm

Mencari nilai (a) =

Menghitung momen nominal Mn


As timbul

= 1808.6 x








a 2 28.371 2 -

= 57,742,343 Menghitung momen yang timbul ɸMn = 0.8 x 57,742,343 = 46,193,874 > Mt =46,130,500 = OK Tulangan Susut dan Tulangan Bagi Tulangan susut Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal

Luas tulangan susut (As) As = 0.0018 x b = 0.0018 x 1000 =


x x

h 120


Digunakan tulangan Ø = 10 mm Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 =

1 4



x 10


= 78.5 mm2 Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 216 = 78.5 = 2.7516 ~ 4 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S = n 1000 = 4 = 250 mm Sehinga dipakai tulangan D10 - 250 Tulangan bagi Luas tulangan bagi (As) 1 x b x As = 4 100 1 x 1000 = 4 100 =






Digunakan tulangan D = 10 mm Luas tulangan (Av) 1 Av = x π x D2 4 =

1 4


78.5 mm2



x 10


Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m As n = Av 300 = 78.5 = 3.8217 ~ 4 buah Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) b S =



n 1000 = 4 = 250 mm Sehinga dipakai tulangan D10 - 250 Tabel 3.2 Rekapitulasi kebutuhan tulangan tangga

Tipe Tumpuan Plat Tangga 12 50 Plat Bordes 12 50


Lapangan 12 70 12 125

Tulangan susut 10 250 10 250

Perhitungan Balok Bordes Direncanakan balok bordes dengan dimensi rencana : h = 300 mm b = 200 mm Dtul = 16 mm Æsk = 10 mm Tinggi efektif balok d = h - p - ϕsk - 1/2.ϕ tulangan pokok 0.5 = 300 - 40 - 10 = 242 mm Pembebanan Balok Bordes Beban Mati Berat sendiri 0.2 Beban dinding






Beban Ultimate (WL) 1.4 qD = 1.4 x 644 = 901.6 kg/m


x 16



kg/m2 = Berat total =

500 644



Beban akibat reaksi plat bordes Rv = 1131.92 kg Rh = 401.35 kg Beban yang ditumpu balok qUv balok = 1131.92 3.6 = 314.42 kg/m qUh balok = 401.35 3.6 = 111.49 kg/m Analisis gaya dalam balok bordes Untuk perhitungan momen pada tangga digunakan bantuan software SAP 2000 v.19. Dengan hasil sebagai berikut :

Gambar Gaya Lintang Balok Bordes

Gambar Momen Balok Bordes Tabel Hasil Output SAP perhitungan Balok Bordes Reaksi Tumpuan (kg) Momen (kg.m) Gaya Geser Rav Rbv Tumpuan Lapangan (kg) 2196.2 1098.1 3660.34 Tulangan Lentur Balok b = 200 mm h = 300 mm L = 3600 mm th plat = 120 mm Mu tump Nilai-nilai kebutuhan rasio penulangan yang tetap berdasarkan mutu bahan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut.

Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 ps. faktor distribusi tulangan beton β1 = 0.85 - 0.05 f'c - 30 7 = 0.85 - 0.05 30 - 30 7 = 0.85 - 0.05 x 0 = 0.85 Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 2013 ps.B8.4.(2) rasio tulangan dalam kondisi balance β1 ρb = 0.85 x f'c x x fy 600 = 0.85 x 30 x 0.850 x 240 600 = 0.09 x 0.6 = 0.054

600 + 600 +

fy 400

Nilai rasio tulangan maksimum ρ max = 0.75 x ρb = 0.75 x 0.05 = 0.0406 Berdasarkan SNI 03 - 2847 - 20013 ps.8.5.1 rasio tulangan minimum ρ min = 1.4 fy = 1.4 400 = 0.0035 m


fy 0.85

x f'c = 400 0.85 x 30 = 15.686 Penulangan Daerah Lapangan fc fy b h Ø begel

= = = = =

30 400 200 300 10

MPa MPa mm mm mm

D tulangan = decking (d") = tebal plat (t) = d

16 40 120

mm mm mm

= h - decking - Ø tul. beugel - 1/2 D tul. Pokok = 300 - 40 - 10 0.5 x 16 = 242 mm

Lebar efektif Be1 ≤ bw + (ln/2) Be2 ≤ bw + (6hf) Be3 ≤ bw+ (L/12) Diambil nilai be terkecil

= = = =

1900 920 500 500

mm mm mm mm

Periksa penamang memenuhi syarat untuk dianggap sebagai penampang T a = hf = 120 mm ϕMnf = ϕ(0,85 . fc’) b. Hf. (d- hf/2) = 0.9 0.85 x 30 500 120 242 - 120 2 = ### Nmm Mu = 1098.1 Kgm = 10,981,000 Nmm Karena ϕMnf > Mu maka a < hf, dan penampang dapat didesain balok persegi. Mu = 1098.1 kgm = 10981000 Nmm Ø = 0.8 Mu Mn = 0.8 = 10981000 0.8 = 13726250 Nmm Mn Rn = b x d² 13726250 = 200 x 6E+04 = 1.17 ρ


1 m






2 x Rn

x fy



1 x 15.686

= =

0.06 x 0.0030








2.3438 x 15.686 400

ρ min < ρ < ρ max 0.0035 < 0.0030 < 0.0406 , maka digunakan = 0.0035

karena ρ

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tarik As = ρ x b x d = 0.0035 x 200 x 242 = 169.4 mm2 di pasang


D 16 ® As tul

= 402.12 mm2

... OK

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tekan As' = 0.5 x As = 0.5 x 169.4 = 84.7 mm2 di pasang


D 16 ® As tul

= 402.12 mm2

kontrol spasi tulangan = b - 2p - n Øtul. - 2 Øsk. S n - 1 = 200 - 80 32 20 2 - 1 = 68 mm ... SATU LAPIS < 25 mm Perhitungan kapasitas penampang As (aktual) = 2 D 16 = 402.12 mm2 As' (aktual) = 2 D 16 = 402.12 mm2 a

Ø Mn

As x 0.85 402.12 = 0.85 = 31.539

fy f'c b x 400 x 30



x As x







a 2

... OK


Ø Mn


x 402.12 x


= 29,111,250 Nmm = 2,911.1 kgm = 2,911.1 kgm > Mu =




31.539 2

kgm... OK

Penulangan Daerah Tumpuan fc fy b h Ø begel D tulangan decking (d") tebal plat (t) d

= = = = = = = =

30 400 200 300 10 16 40 120

MPa MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm

= h - decking - Ø tul. beugel - 1/2 D tul. Pokok = 300 - 40 - 10 0.5 x 16 = 242 mm

Lebar efektif Be1 ≤ bw + (ln/2) Be2 ≤ bw + (6hf) Be3 ≤ bw+ (L/12) Diambil nilai be terkecil

= = = =

1900 920 500 500

mm mm mm mm

Periksa penamang memenuhi syarat untuk dianggap sebagai penampang T a = hf = 120 mm ϕMnf = ϕ(0,85 . fc’) b. Hf. (d- hf/2) = 0.9 0.85 x 30 500 120 242 - 120 2 = 250614000 Nmm Mu = 2,196.2 Kgm = 21,962,000 Nmm Karena ϕMnf > Mu maka a < hf, dan penampang dapat didesain balok persegi. Mu = 2196.2 kgm = 21962000 Nmm Ø = 0.8 Mu Mn = 0.8

= = Rn

= = =


21962000 0.8 27452500 Nmm Mn b x d² 27452500 200 x 6E+04 2.34 1 m








1 x 15.686





= =

0.06 x 0.0062




2 x Rn



fy 4.6876 x 15.686 400

ρ min < ρ < ρ max 0.0035 < 0.0062 < 0.0406 , maka digunakan = 0.0062

karena ρ

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tarik As = ρ x b x d = 0.0062 x 200 x 242 = 297.99 mm2 di pasang


D 16 ® As tul

= 402.12 mm2

... OK

Perhitugan Kebutuhan Tulangan Tekan As' = 0.5 x As = 0.5 x 297.99 = 148.99 mm2 di pasang


D 16 ® As tul

= 402.12 mm2

kontrol spasi tulangan = b - 2p - n Øtul. - 2 Øsk. S n - 1 = 200 - 80 32 20 2 - 1 = 68 mm ... SATU LAPIS < 25 mm

... OK

Perhitungan kapasitas penampang As (aktual) = 2 D 16 = 402.12 mm2 As' (aktual) = 2 D 16 = 402.12 mm2 a

Ø Mn

Ø Mn

As x 0.85 402.12 = 0.85 = 31.539

fy f'c b x 400 x 30




x As x




x 402.12 x






= 29,111,250 Nmm = 2,911.1 kgm = 2,911.1 kgm > Mu =

a 2 242



31.539 2

kgm... OK

Penulangan Geser Balok Berdasarkan SNI 03-2847-2013 Ps. gaya geser dikerjakan dengan cara berikut : f'c = 30 Mpa D tulangan lungitudinal = 16 mm fy = 400 Mpa Ø beugel = 10 mm b = 200 mm ɸ (faktor reduksi geser) = 0.75 h = 300 mm d = 242 mm d" = 40 mm Nilai geser maksimum Vu = 3,660.34 kg = 36,603.40 N Berdasarkan SNI – 2847 -2013 Ps 11.2.1 Vc = 0.17 λ √f'c . bw . d = 0.17 x 1 x 5.4772 x 200 x 242 = 45066.61 N ØVc = 0.75 x 45066.61 = 33,800.0 N 1/2 ØVc =

Vc1 = = = Vc2 = =

0.50 x 33799.96 = 16899.98 N 0.33 √f'c . bw . d 0.33 x 5.4772 x 200 x 242 87,482.2 N 0.66 √f'c . bw . d 0.66 x 5.4772 x 200 x 242


174,964.5 N

Berdasarkan SNI – 2847 -2013 Ps Vu Vs = - Vc ɸ = 36603.4 - 45066.612 0.75 = 3737.9213 N Vc + Vs 45066.61

≥ Vu + 3737.9213 ≥ 48804.53 N ≥

36603.4 36603.4


... OK

Cek penulangan geser Vu < 0,5 . ø Vc

→ tidak perlu tulangan geser

0,5 . ø Vc < Vu < ø Vc

→ cukup tulangan geser praktis

Vu > ø Vc

→ tulangan geser dihitung

Tidak perlu tulangan geser = Vu < 0.5 x = 36603.4 < 0.5 x = 36,603.4 < 16,900.0

ɸ Vc 33799.959

Cukup tulangan geser praktis = 0.5 x ɸ Vc < Vu < ɸ Vc = 0.5 x 33800 < 36603 < 33800 = 16,899.98 < 36,603.4 < 33,799.96



Tulangan geser dihitung = Vu > ɸ Vc = 36,603.4 > 33,800.0 = 36,603.4 > 33,800.0 OK Berdasarkan syarat ketentuan diatas,maka tulangan geser dihitung karena Vs : 3,737.92 N < Vc1 87,482.25 N maka, digunakan tul. Geser db = 10 mm dengan jarak : s1 = Av x fyt x d Vs = 157 x 400 x 242 3737.92 = 4066 mm s2 = d = 242 = 121 mm ® menentukan 2 2


= Av x fyt 0.35 bw = 157 x 400 0.35 x 200 = 897.14 mm s4 = 600 mm untuk kemudahan pemasangan dilapangan dipakai = Maka, untuk tulangan geser pada daerah tumpuan Ø10 dan untuk tulangan geser daerah lapangan dipakai 10

100 mm 100 120 -

kan bantuan software SAP

Perhitungan Pondasi Tangga Kolom tangga direncanakan sebagai kolom dinding mengikuti ukuran yang ukuran lebar kolomnya lebar anak tangga. Sehingga ukuran yang digunakan: Lebar kolom pondasi L = 32 cm P= 170 cm Panjang kolom pondasi Hasil perhitungan analisis tangga pada program SAP2000 v.19 :




Data perencanaan perhitungan pondasi: Pu = 7902.33 kg Mu = 4222.38 kg.m didapat dari hasil analisa struktur dengan SAP v.19 Vu = 5163.02 kg Df = 1.500 m data tanah 3 γt = 1.699 gr/cm → 1699 kg/m3 C = 0.384 kg/cm2 → 3840 kg/m2 o ɸ = 8.19 → Nc = 8.6 Nq = 2.21 Tabel 1.1. Faktor daya dukung Te Nγ = 0.35 Dimensi kolom tangga Dimensi pondasi Tebal plat pondasi Tebal lantai kerja ɸ Tulangan pokok ɸ Tulangan sengkang

= b = 0.32 = B = 1.5 = 250 = 50 = 13 = 10

m x m x mm mm mm mm

h = 1.7 m L = 1.7 m


Tebal selimut beton




a. Menghitung daya dukung Po = Df x γ = 1.5 x 1699 kg/m3 = 2548.5 kg/m2 Daya dukung tanah ultimate (Hari Cristady, hal. 74) qu = C * Nc (1 + 0,3 * B/L) + Po * Nq + 0,5 * γ * B * Nγ * (1 - 0,2 * B/L) 2 = 41766 kg/m + 5632.185 kg/m2 + 367.2838 kg/m2 = 47765.12 kg/m2 qun = qu - Po = 47765.12 kg/m2 = 45216.62 kg/m2 Faktor aman = qs = qun 2.5

= =



2548.5 kg/m2

→ kontrol normal bangunan permanen (Teknik Pondasi II, hal. 19)

+ Po

45216.62 kg/m2 2.5 20635.15 kg/m2

Tegangan yang terjadi σu = P ± Mu A w = 7902.3 kg ± 1.5 x 1.7 1/6 2 3098.95 kg/m =




4222.38 kg.m x





5844.1 kg/m2


σ max = =

3098.95 kg/m2 8943.08 kg/m2

+ <

5844.1 kg/m2 qs = 20635.15



σ min = =

3098.95 kg/m2 -2745.17 kg/m2


5844.1 kg/m2 qs = 20635.15













b. Pembebanan Pondasi • Beban terpusat (Pu) • Berat kolom pondasi = 0.32 • Berat plat pondasi = 0.25 • Berat lantai kerja = 0.05




2400 kg/m =




2400 kg/m =




2200 kg/m =


3 3 3


• Berat tanah urug





x 1.18 x

1600 kg/m3 =








c. Kontrol kekuatan geser 1 arah = h - p - 1/2 ɸ tulangan pokok

d efektif (d)

= 250






= 204 mm ds

= 75 + 1/2 * ɸ tulangan pokok =



0.5 13

= 81.5 mm d


= h - ds = 250



= 169 mm a


= L/2 - b/2 - d =








= 666 mm σa



= 0.67 m

= σ min + (L - a) * (σ max L =








0.666 x




1.7 2

Gaya tekan ke atas dari tanah : Vu


a * B * (σ max + σa) 2







+ 5497.837

2 = 7207.821 kg



Gaya geser yang dapat ditahan beton ɸVc = ɸ x √ f'c x B x



6 = 0.75 x


x 1500





51.63 kN ......(Aman)

6 = 173046.1 N =





d. Kontrol kekuatan geser 2 arah




Dimensi kolom b h

= 320


= 1700





= 320 +










488.5 mm =

1868.5 mm


0.5 m


1.9 m

Gaya tekan ke atas dari tanah : Vu

= [ B * L - (b + d) * (h + d)] σ maks + σ min 2 =

1.5 1.7


0.5 1.9








5073.7 kg


5.1 kN


h b




5.3 mm

320 bo

= 2 * [(b + d) + (h + d)] =





489 + 1869 mm

Gaya geser yang dapat ditahan beton Vc









998081 N

βc 2 5.3

x x

√ f'c







6 30


4714 6

= 998 kN


ɸVc = 0.75 x


= 0.75 x


= 749 kN




51.6 kN


e. Perhitungan Penulangan Pondasi Tangga e.1. Tulangan sejajar sisi panjang x


L podasi - L kolom 2



- 0.32 2

= 0.59 m Mu

= 1/2 * σ max * x2 =



1556.54 kg.m









Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal, faktor distribusi tegangan beton:









MPa -







Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Lampiran B.8.4.2, rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance, adalah x β1 0.85 x f'c ρb = fy x 0.85 0.85 x = 400 =

600 600




600 600




Rasio tahanan momen maksimum Rmax = 0.75*ρb*fy*[1-0.5*0.75*ρb*fy/(0.85*f'c)] =


Rasio tulangan maksimum ρmax = 0.75 x x = 0.75 =

ρb 0.0325125



Rasio tulangan minimum ρmin 1.4 = fy 1.4





Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mn

Mu ɸ

= =

15565426.40 0.8



Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Rn

Mn b x dx2








= 0.313221 < Rmax


41412.25 7.89




= =


x f'c 400




= 15.68627 Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) ρ


= =


m 1

15.68627 2 x

- 2 x m x Rn










fy 1


400 = 0.000788 ρmin



ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0007879 < Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai

ρmax 0.024384 ρ



Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As

= ρ

x b








= 1068.375 mm




Digunakan tulangan D = 13


Luas tulangan (Av) Av

= = =



4 1










132.665 mm2

Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m n

= =

As Av 1068.375 132.665

= 8.053179 ~



Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) S

= =

b n 1500 9

= 166.6667 mm Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan



3 x tebal pelat (360)

= OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul



x Av






1193.985 mm2

> As

1068.38 mm2

= OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan D = 13


150 mm

e.2. Tulangan sejajar sisi pendek Momen nominal rencana (Mn) Mn


Mu ɸ



15,565,426.40 0.8

= 19,456,783.00 Faktor tahanan momen (Rn) Rn

Mn ɸ x b x dx2

= =

19,456,783.00 0.8




= 0.345464 < Rmax


41,412.25 7.89




= =


x f'c 400




= 15.68627 Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan (ρ) ρ


= =


m 1

15.68627 2 x

- 2 x m x Rn










fy 1


400 =

0.00087 ρmin




ρ < 0.0035 > 0.0008696 < Karena ρmin > ρ < ρmax, maka dipakai

0.024384 ρ



Luas tulangan yang digunakan (As) As

= ρ =

x b 0.0035

x x



= 1210.825 mm




Digunakan tulangan D = 13


Luas tulangan (Av) Av

= = =

1 4 1 4

x x


x 3.14

D2 x



132.665 mm2


Jumlah tulangan dalam bentang 1 m n

= =

As Av 1210.825 132.665

= 9.126936 ~

10 buah

Jarak tulangan dalam 1 m (S) S

= = =

b n 1700 10 170


Menurut SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 7.6.5

Jarak tulangan



3 x tebal pelat (360)

= OK Luas tulangan yang timbul As timbul



x Av





1326.65 mm2

132.665 > As

1210.83 mm2

= OK Sehingga dipakai tulangan D = 13


150 mm


hingga ukuran yang digunakan:


alisa struktur dengan SAP v.19

Tabel 1.1. Faktor daya dukung Terzaghi

Tanah Urug




Pondasi plat Lantai kerja

25 5 0.59

B 0.32

cm cm


0,5 * γ * B * Nγ * (1 - 0,2 * B/L)

nan permanen (Teknik Pondasi II, hal. 19)



kg kg kg kg


kg kg







Df =

150 cm


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