Beauty In Mathematics

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 380
  • Pages: 2
© Ogan Gurel

Beauty in Mathematics Ogan Gurel, MD The mathematicians’ patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colours or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics.  G. H. Hardy as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name. 

Shakespeare, A Midsummer-Night’s Dream

Everything from Nothing Area of mathematics Set Theory

Example / result


Physical example

Derivation of natural numbers from the empty set

Number Theory

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Euclid’s proof of the Infinitude of Primes Rational and irrational numbers

Pythagorean proof of the incommensurability of root 2

Fibonacci Numbers & the Golden number Real Analysis

The construction of the real numbers


Solving equations; implications for number

Petal arrangements Countability of the naturals and nondenumerability of the continuum

Complex numbers

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Encompasses, e, pi, i, 1, addition, and multiplication ... all leading back to 0

Euler’s Formula

© Ogan Gurel

The universe of symmetry Symmetry denotes that sort of concordance of several parts by which they integrate into a whole. Beauty is bound up with symmetry.  H. Weyl Area of mathematics

Example / result

Set Theory

Empty set as embodying the most symmetry

Group Theory

Definition of Symmetry


Physical example Before the Big Bang

Symmetry operations and symmetry elements Platonic Solids Euclidean Group

Ornamental Symmetry and the planar Fedorov groups (17).

Broken symmetry Topology

Clathrin-coated pits

From the Big Bang onwards


Euler’s Theorem

Topological equivalence & topological invariants

Jordan separation theorem

Cell membranes and protein synthesis

All is wave Symmetry denotes that sort of concordance of several parts by which they integrate inot a whole. Beauty is bound up with symmetry.  H. Weyl Area of mathematics

Example / result


Translation of angular measures into linear measures

Group Theory

Definition of Symmetry


Physical example

Symmetry operations and symmetry elements Platonic Solids Euclidean Group

Ornamental Symmetry and the planar Fedorov groups (17).

Broken symmetry Topology

Clathrin-coated pits

From the Big Bang onwards


Euler’s Theorem

Topological equivalence & topological invariants

Jordan separation theorem

Cell membranes

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