Bdt Development

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,183
  • Pages: 4
BDT development Business Data Toolkit (BDT) is the new way of programming in SAP. This is available in IS-PS (public sector) solution and I guess this is available in some other IS solutions such as insurance etc., This is a concept in which SAP provides you all the development components with which you can build your own screens and fields and weave it nicely within the existing SAP application. This is available mostly for the master data maintenance. Given this input, I'll try to explain the concept in which I understood. Every SAP transaction can be thought in abstract to have the following components: 1. Data element & Domains 2. Screen fields 3. Field grouping (functional set of fields) 4. Views (Combination of one or more field group) 5. Sections (Combination of one or more views) 6. Screen (Combination of one or more sections) 7. Transaction (With one or more screen in a pre determined sequence) If this above concept is clear, then it is very easy to understand and can even start development using BDT. For those who do not have enough exposure to the Grants or other modules that have BDT, I’ll try to give an analogy using the customer master record. In the customer master the fields that are in the KNA1 table are the data elements and domains. The screen fields are the same as the data element, but the screen needs to be built and the definition of the screen specific parameters was defined in SAP’s delivered screen itself. For example the customer name is the data element AD_NAME1 and the related screen field is ADDR1_DATA-NAME1 (Program SAPMF02D/Screen 7000) The field grouping is the group of functionally related screen fields, which can be turned as Required, Optional or Hidden using the configuration. In this case it could be the set of fields that cover the Street address The views can be Street address and the PO Box address together And the Section may be the combination of Name, Search term, Street address and the PO Box address. The screen could be the Address, Control Data, etc., The screen sequence is defined and the transaction XK01/02/03 is created. With the same idea in mind SAP had given the same concept as a development tool. This eliminates the need of extending the SAP’s standard table by appending structure. And also it gives you the flexibility to append two dimensional objects such as tables as well.

BDT Development - II The following is the step by step instruction on how to use the BDT to create enhancments to the Grants master screen. Using BDT development to creating a new Tab on the grants management master data transaction (GMGRANT). Please make a note that unlike the common logistics transactions which will have the four part transaction set such as create, Chage, Display and Delete, the grants transaction is one maintanence transaction which includes all the above mentioned functions. All the customizing we do using BDT has to keep this concept in mind during the development - Execute grants management BDT development transaction (GRANT_CUSTOMIZE) - Grant Master BDT Customizing-> Screen layout and select ‘Field groups’(GMS2)

- Click on ‘New Entries’. Try to maintain the field grouping number more than 500, to make sure it is in the customer name space and will not accidentaly interfear with SAP's standard values.

- Go back to main field group screen, select your new entry and double click on the ‘Field Group-> Fields’ folder option from the left column. Now enter your fields, for this example I have created some new entries which will be added as part of a new tab.

In order to create the custom fields, we nned to go to the table GMGR, and double click on the extension structure CI_GMGR. This is the structure that will hold all custom created fields and will automatically get appended to the BAPI extension structure. When you want to use the BAPI for accessing the Grants master data, we can use the extension_in and extension_out methods.

- Return to main BDT customizing screen and select ‘Views’(GMS3). Then click the ’New Entries’ button. In this example I've created a view called ZMG007 (Internal information ). The View is the important part of this development as majority of the

development happens here in this place. The view is a logical collection of field group and is a screen by itself. You will have a screen developed which will have a PBO and PAI routines. In addition to that we will have three place holders in which we can have our own routined to perform the requiredtasks. They are: (a) Before screen call-up (b) Before Output (c) After Entry

For this example I've used three custom function modules that will be used in the above mentioned place gholders. Then double click on the field group (from the left frame), and enter the field group we created in the earlier step

One more interesting note is that the option of having 'Further check'. Click on the further check from the left frame and here you can have one more routine, to do any sort of validations that can be performed after the view. This is in addition to the PAI routine for the screen and the function module at 'After Entry'. This further check is very useful in the case if you are required to some validations in the SAP provided views. I'll give an example we had done to add some validations to the grants currency for certain types of grants.


Return to main BDT customizing screen and select ‘Sections’(GMS4).


Then click the ’New Entries’ button and enter the views that are required in the section. A section is a collection of one or more views. And go back to main Sections screen, select your new entry and double click on the Section> Views folder option from the left column. Now enter the new view you created previously.


The last step in this process is to create the screen. A screen is a collection of one or more sections.


Select 'New Entries' and enter the attributes for the screen. We have a lot of options in this place, but will discuss it later in detail.


Click on the Sections from the left side frame and start additng the sections that are required for this screen.


Once the screens are developed, it is time to work on the sequence in which they will be displayed. The next transaction qill tell you how to order the screens both SAP delivered and the custom developed screens. Return to main BDT customizing screen and select ‘Screen Sequence’(GMS6). Then select the screen sequence entry and double click on the Screen Sequence -> Screens folder option from the left column.


Then create a screen sequence (or) modify he existing one.


The final step is to generate the screen sequence to reflect the final changes. Execute transaction BUSP (click on option from main grant customizing menu), new screen will now appear as tab on grant master transaction ‘GMGRANT’

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