Bcs Ty Syllabus

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Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S5.1 Computer System Security 80 Marks 1.

Security polices, Standrds & Guideline


Different Types of polices standards & guidelines Common Elements Policy Standrds & Guide development Policy Creation Regulatory Considerations 2.

Security Attacks, Services & Mechanisms


Attacks Services & Mechanisms Security Attacks Security Services A model for internet work security 3.

Conventional Encryption


Conventional Encryption Techniques Steganography Classical Encryption techniques 4.

Intruders, Viruses & Worms


Intruders Viruses & Related Threats 5.



Firewalls Design Principles Trusted Systems References Books 1.

Security Architecture Design, Deployment & Operations by Cistopher M king, Curtis E. Dalton, T.Ertem Osmanoglu


Cryptography & Network Security Principles & Practice (Second Edition)

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S5.2 RDBMS Through Oracle 8i 80 Marks 1.

Introduction and Basic Concepts

7 Hrs.

Structure of DBMS Advantages & Disadvantages Relational and their schemes integrity rules Relational algebra: Basic operations additional operations, relational algebraic operations. Relational Calculus: Tuple Calculus domain calculus Physical Implementation Issues 2.

Object Oriented Database

8 Hrs.

The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL The basic Objects –Relational Database 3.

SQL and SQL * Plus`

7 Hrs.

Basic SQL PLUS Reports ands Commands Building a simple report Checking the SQLPLUS Environment Getting Text information Data Types How to cut and paste String Group Value function Dates Conversion and transformation function Advances sub queries, other joins 4.

Some Complex possibilities Creating a complex view Using sub queries within form clause Using ROLLUP, GROUPING, And CUBE Advances use of function and variables DECODE:Amzing power in a singe word Creating, Dropping and Altering tables Views

6 Hrs.


Security and Management Using SQL

6 Hrs.

Users roles and Privileges What user can grant 6.

PL/SQL An Introduction to PL/SQL PL/SQL Overview Declaration section Executable Commands section Condition logic Loops Exception Handlings Triggers Required System Privileges Required Table Privileges Types of triggers Triggers Syntax Enabling and Disabling Triggers Replacing and Dropping Triggers

Reference Books: 1.

Bipin Desai “An introduction to Daabase system”, Golgotia publication NEW Delhi


Abraham S.Henry Korth S.Sudarshan “Database system Concepts” TMH


Kevin Lonely and George Koch “Oracle 8i the complete reference” TMH

7 Hrs.

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S5.3 Programming in Visual C++ 80 Marks 1.



Introdution to messages, windows programming model, Benefit of C++ and MFC, MFC design Architecture, MFC class Hirachy, the window object, message map 2.

Drawing in Window


MFC device context classes, GDI pens and Cpen class GDI brushes and CBrush class, CIcon class, Defining Pens and classes, Application Icons, CCursor class, Adding Scrollbars to Window, Setting Scrollbars Range Position size, Processing Scrollbar messages, Scrolling the contents of window, The ScrollView class, CFont class, Creating Fonts, Bitmap class, File input and output operations and C File class. 3.



Clent area Mouse messages, Creating Tic Tac application, Non clent area mouse messages, Capturing the mouse, Action, Cursor. 4.



Getting input from the keyboard, keystroke messages, Adding a keyboard interface, The Caret, Handling caret. 5.



Creating Menu, Displaying Menu, Responding to Menu commands Defining commands, Keyboard Accelerator, Creating a modifying menus, Owener Drawn menus, Cascading menus 6.



MFC control class, C Buttion, C List Box, C Static, Font view application, C Edit, C ComboBox, Adding Keyboard interface, Bitmap Buttons, Changing a controls colors. 7.

Introduction to App Wizard


Single Document, Multiple Document, Dialog Based Applications, Performing Input and output operations for dialog based applications. References Books 1.

Programming Windows with MFC - Jeff Prosis, Microsoft Press.


Programming Windows with MFC - Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press.


Windows Programming in VC++ - Yashwant Kanetkar.

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S5.4 TCP/IP 80 Marks 1.

Introduction and overview


The motivation for Internetworking. The TCP/IP Internet. Internet services. History and scope of the Internet. The Internet Architecture Board. The Internet Society. 2.

Reviews of Underlying Network Technologies


Introduction. Two Approaches to Network communication, WAN, LAN. Ethernet Technology. Fiber Distributed Data Interconnection(FDDI). 3.

Internetworking Concepts and Architectural Model


Introduction. Application level Interconnection, properties of the Internet. Network level Interconnection. Internet Architecture. 4.

Internet Addresses


Introduction. Universal Identifiers. Three Primary classes of IP- addresses. Network and Broadcast addresses. Addresses specify Network connection. 5.

Internet Protocol: Connectionless Data gram Delivery. Introduction. A Virtual Network. Internet Architecture and Philosophy. The concept of Unreliable Delivery. Connectionless Delivery system.


The purpose of the Internet Protocol. The Internet Datagram. 6.

Reliable Stream Transport Service (TCP)


Introduction, the Need for Stream delivery. Properties of the reliable delivery service, providing reliability. The Idea behind Sliding Window. The Transmission Control Protocol. Connections and Endpoints. 7.

TCP/IP over ATM Networks.


Introduction. ATM Hardware. Large ATM Networks.

Books Recommended: Internetworking with TCPIIP, PriDc, T, les, Protocols & Architecture by- Dougias E. Comer (PHI) (Vol,-3 Ed.) Internetworking with TCPIIP, Principles, and Protocols & Architecture by- Dougles E. Comer (Vol14th Ed.) (LPE) (Pearson Education)

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S5.5 Digital Image Processing 80 Marks 1.


6 Hrs.

Elelements of Digital Image Processing Systems Elements of Visual Perception Brightness, Adaption and Discrimnation Color Representation Statastical background 2.

Fundamentals of Image Processing

6 Hrs.

Digital image Representation Reading, Displaying, Writing Images Data Classes, Image Types Coverting Between data classes and Image Types Introduction to M Function Programming 3.

Intencity Transformation and Spatial Filtering

8 Hrs.

Background Intencity Transformation Function Histogram Processing and Function Plotting Spatila Filtering 4.

Frequency Domain Procesing

7 Hrs.

2-D Discrete Fourier Transform Computing and Visualziing the 2D DFT in Matlab Filtering in the frequency domain 5.

Image Restoration

7 Hrs.

A model of the image Degradation / restoration process Noise Models Geometric Transformation and Image registration 6.

Introduction to Matlab Advantages and Disadvantages of Matlab Matlab Environment, Variable and arrays

Using Matlab scratch pad

6 Hrs.

Multidimentional Arrays Scalar and array operation Reference Books : 1.

Digital Image Processing and Algorithmic Approach By Madhri A Joshi (PHI)


Gigital Image Processing Using Matlab By Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, Steven L Eddins


Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing By Anil Jain (Pearson)


Matlab Programming for Engineers(IE) By Stephen J Chapman (Thomson)

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.6 Multimedia Systems 80 Marks 1.



CDROM and Multimedia Highway Applications of Multimedia Stages of Multimedia Project 2.

Macintosh and Windows Productions Platforms


Macintosh Platform Windows Platform Connections- SCSI and IDE Memory and Storage devices Input and Output Devices 3.

Basic Software Tools


Text editing and word Processing tools Painting and drawing tools Image Editing Tools Sound Editing Tools 4.



Fonts and faces : Cases , Serif versus sanserif Using text in multimedia Computers and text Font Editing and designing tools Hypermedia nad Hypertext


Sound and Images MIDI Versus Digital Audio Digital audio Audio file formats Making Still Images : BITMAPS , Vector Drawing Colors Image file formats



Animation and Video Principal of Animation Making animation that work : Rolling Ball ,Bouncing ball Using Video Broadcast Video Standards Recording Formats

References Books 1.

Multimedia : Making it work (5th Editions) By Tay Vaughan (Tataamc)


Multimedia : Computing Communications and Applications By Ralf Steinmetz , Klara Nahrstedt


Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.7 Oracle Data Base Administration 80 Marks 1.

Basic of the Oracle DBA


The Oracle Architecture Starting & Stopping the Oracle Instance Creating an Oracle DataBase 2.

Managing the Physical Database Structure


Accessing & Updating data Managing the Transaction Concurrency Managing the database Structure Managing the storage Allocation 3.

Managing the Database Objects


Managing Rollback Segments Managing Tables & Indexes Managing Clusters Managing Data Integrity Constraints 4.

Managing Database Usage


Managing Users Managing Resource Usage Managing Database Access & Roles Auditing the Database 5.

Using SQL*Loader


Introduction to SQL*Loader SQL* Loader Operating SQL* Loader Operation SQL* Loader Data Load Paths 6.

Overview of backup & Recovery Backup & recovery Motives Backup Method



Introduction to Database Tuning


Tuning Overview Diagnosing Problems 8.

Oracle 8 : Partitioning Tables & Indexes Overview of Partitioning Implementing Partitioned Indexes Modifying Partitioned Database Objects Using Oracle Utilities & Partitioned Objects

References Books 1.

Oracle Certification Proffessional, DBA Certification Exam Guide By Jason S. Couchman (TATA McGraw Hill Edition.)


Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.8 Linux Operating System 80 Marks 1.

Introduction to Fedora

6 Hrs.

Features of Fedora Hardware Requirements Fedora Installation. 2.

First Steps with Fedora:

7 Hrs.

Working with the Linux File System; Logging In to and Working with Linux; Changing User Information; Reading Documentation; Using the Shell; Using the Text Editors; Working with Permissions. 3.

Linux Commands and Utilities

8 Hrs.

Add User, alias, at, banner, batch, bind, cat, cd, chmod, chown, chroot, cp, cpio, dc, dd, df, dir, du,dump, ex, fax, fc, find, finger, grep, zip, unzip, gzip, halt, hostname, isconfig, kill, locate, login, logout, look, lpc, lpd, lpr, lprm, ls,mail, man, mcopy, mdel, mdir, mformat, mkdir, mlevel, more, mount, mt, mv, netcft, netstat, passwd, ping, , ps, pwd, quota, quotaoff, rm , rmdir, set, shutdown, sort, stat, su,tar,tree, umount, unzip, vdir, vi, view, wc, who, whoami, xload, xset, zip, 4.

System Administration

7 Hrs.

Peroforming system maintenance Communication commands - write, wall, talk, mesg, prelogin message, managing software with rpm : installing, uninstalling, upgrading managing users and groups with linux conf and control panel : adding users , changing user passwords and removing users 5.

Backup and Restore Backup stratergies and operations Restroing files



Network Connectivity:

8 Hrs.

Using Network Configuration Tools; Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol; Using the Network File System; Putting Samba to Work; Introduction to DNS and Apache Web Server.

Reference Books: 1.

Red Hat Linux and Fedora Unleashed – By Bill Ball and Hoyt Duff.


Linux. The Complete Reference.

Practical Work: 1.

Introduction to Fedora Core;


Fedora Installation;


Simple Linux Commands: alias, at, banner, cat, cd, chmod, chown, chroot, cp, dd, grep, gzip, gunzip, kill, ln, ls, mail, man, mcopy, mdel, mdir, more, ps, pwd, rm, rmdir, shutdown, sort, su, tar, unzip, vi, wc, who, whoami, zip.


Communication Commands: write, wall, talk, mesg, motd.


Administration Commands: adduser, cpio, fdformat, halt, hostname, ifconfig, login, logout, lpc, lpd, lprm, mount, mv, passwd, ping, quota, route, umount.


Network Installation: i)

DHCP Configuration;


Network File System;


Putting Samba to Work;


Shell Scripting;


Any ten Shell Programs.

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.9 (Elective) Active Server Pages 80 Marks 1.

Web Publishing Basic HTML Concepts HTML: Structured Language Web Browser WWW Web Server The Phases of web site development Implementation, Maintenance, Testing

5 Hrs


HTML Documents Structure of HTML Documents Html, Head, Title, Body Tags The Markup Tags Heading Styles Formatting Text List Styles Line Breaks Paragraphs, Div Including Images in the documents Introduction to Hyper linking The Anchor Tag Anchor tags and Images Formatting Table Table, Table Rows, Table Data Tags Table Header and Footer tags Frames The Form Tag Action and Method attributes Controls : Text Fields, Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Submit Buttons, List Boxes, Password Fields

10 Hrs


Getting Started with ASP What is Dynamic Web Page? Using Dynamic Web Page. Installing and Configuring IIS 5.0 The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Testing Web Server

4 Hrs


Client Side Scripting and Server Side Scripting How do web server works Client side Scripting Writing Client Side Scripts A Client Side Script Using VB Script A Client Side Script Using Java Script Advantage and Disadvantage of Client Side Scripting Server Side Script Writing Server Side Scripts

3 Hrs


Basic ASP Techniques Getting Information from the User Using the Information obtained from the User A Simple Example

2 Hrs


Variables Creating Variable Data types in VBScript Declaring Variable Option Explicit Arithmetic and Comparison Operator Constants & String Manipulation Arrays

3 Hrs


ASP Control Structure Branching Structure If…Then Select Case Looping Structure For…Next, For Each Next Do While Do Loop While Jumping Statement Procedures Functions

3 Hrs


The Request and Response Objects Sending Information to the Server Sending Information back to the Client Write Method The Request Object Collection : QueryStrings, Forms, Server Variable, Client Certificate The Response Object Controlling Information

5 Hrs

Content Expiration Redirection Server.Execute and Server.Transfer 9.

Application, Session and Cookies Using Cookies Making and Deleting Cookies The Application Objects Application Variable Application Object Collection Application Object Methods The Session Object Session Object Collection Session Object Properties Session Object Methods


ASP and Data Store Access Universal Data Access ODBC, OLE-DB, ADO Getting Data Microsoft Access (.mdb) files Microsoft SQL Server / MSDE (.mdf) files What is Connection Connection String Data Link File Data Source Names Connection Object Opening a Connection Closing a Connection Using Recordsets The Recordset Object Creating a Recordset using explicit Connection Object ADO Constants Active Connection Using Recordset Object BOF and EOF Properties Moving through Records Finding Record Reference Books 1. Beginning ASP 3.0 by David Buser, John Kauffman, (Wrox) 2. Mastering Active Server pages 3 By A Russell Jones (BPB) 3. WEB PUBLISHING BY MONICA D’ SOUZA & JUDE D’ SOUZA 4. COMPLETE REFRENCE - HTML - TOWELL

4 Hrs

6 Hrs

Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.9 (Elective) Neural Networks 80 Marks 1.

Introduction to Neural Network


Biological artifical neurons Perception classification and linear separability Hopfield networks overviews of neural network Neural network architecture Multilayered feed forward and recurrent networks Learning supervised unsupervised and reinforcement generalized delta rule 2.

Multi Layered Network


Back Propagation Networks BP training algorithms and derivation for adaptiation of weight Variation in back propagation and alternative cost functions Improvement in BP networks Radial basic function (RBR) Network Application and BP and RBF network 3.

Recurrent Network and unsupervised learning


Counter back propagation network Bolzaman machine Unsupervised learning methods Hebbian learning Kohonen’s self organizing feature maps Adaptive resonance theory 4.

Associative memeories Matrix associative memories Auto associative memories Metro associative memories Bidirectional associative memories Applications of associative memories



Application Application in pattern recognition image processing computer vision Application in controls neuro controller Application in expert system and decision making system Application in real world computing

References Books 1.

Neural network and fuzzy system a dynamical system by B. Koska - PHI


Neural network in computer intelligence McGraw Hill.


Introduction to theory of Neural Competition by John hertz Andrers Krogh and Richard Addision Wesley Pub.


Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.9 (Elective) Artificial Intelligence 80 Marks 1.

What is Artificial Intelligence


The AI Problem The underlying Assumption What is an AI Techniques The level of the Model 2.

Problems Problem Spaces & Search


Defining the Problem as a State space Search Production system Problem characteristics Issues in the Design of Search 3.

Heuristic Search Techniques


Generate-and-Test Hill Climbing Best-First Search Constraint Satisfaction Means-Ends Analysis 4.

Knowledge Representation Issues


Representation & Moppings Approaches to Knowledge Issues in knowledge Representation The Frame problem 5.

Using Predicate logic Representing Simple Facts in Logic Representing instance and Isa Relationship Computable Functions & Predicates Resolution Natural Deducation



Learning What is Learning Rote Learning Learning by Taking Advice Learning by Problem Solving

References Books 1.

Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight (Second Edition)


Artificial Intelligence by Addison - Wesley


Principles of Artificial Intelligence by Morgn Kaufmann.


Syllabus of B.Sc. (Computer Science) - Third Year B.Sc. (CS).S6.9 (Elective) Real Time Systems 80 Marks 1.

Introduction 10Hrs. Issues of real time Computing Structures of Real Time Systems Estimation Programs Run Time Introduction to Hardware Components of RTS (Microcontroller, Sensor, Actuator, Interrupts)


Task Assignments and Schedulling Premitive Schedulling Non Premitive Schedulling Classical Uni Processor Schedulling algorithms Rate Monotonic Schedulling Algorithm Premitive Earliest Deadline First (EDP) Algorithm Using Primary and Alternative Tasks



Programming Languages for RTs Desired Languages Characteristics Data Typing Hierchical Decomposition Exception Handling Overloading Multitasking Low Level Programming



Real Time Communications 10Hrs. Network Topologies Network Architecture Issues Protocol (Contention Based Protocol, Token Protocols, Stop and go, Multihop Protocol, The Polled Bus Protocol )


Real Time Database Real Time Vs Relative Database Main Memory Database Transaction Priorities

References Books 1. Real Time Systems : C.M. Krishna and Kang G. Shim McGraw Hill International Edition, Computer Science Series, 1997 2. Software Design For Real Time System : J.E. Cooling, Chapman and Hall Pub 3. Real Time Systems By Jane W.S. Liu (LPE) Pearson Education Asia


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