Bcm301 Week 4 Slides August 18

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  • Words: 420
  • Pages: 32
BCM301 Week 4 Wednesday, 12, August, 2009

Youzr-Generated Histories Dr Chris Moore [email protected]

An Accidental Archive YOU... “spend hours at a time watching old music videos, half-forgotten TV commercials, or clips from Sesame Street – recapturing memories from their childhood or young adulthood, navigating through related videos or keyword searches, often discovering media moments they thought had been lost forever.” (Burgess and Green, 2009, 87).

‚Working As Intended‛

You Generate

‘you’ define

Delicious.com Tag Search: History2.0 + user-generated

Network + Subscriptions +RSS

Characteristics of History 2.0

• Participatory • Disputable • Amenability

• Fixity

NetworkED Digital Public Human?

Time Magazine Person of the Year 2006 “Seriously, who actually sits down after a long day at work and says, I’m not going to watch Lost tonight. I’m going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana?” Grossman, 2006

Be(the) Media

Passive Aggressive Notes archive of ephemera produced and collected as part of the everyday. Flickr &The Folksonomy (Next week) http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/

RSS Google Reader Aggregate Content

Problems of History 2.0 • Key strengths also Key weakness • Fiction, or memory? • narrative or Dialogue? • Questions further complicated by the User and The network.

Why... Contribute?

Tag a friends Image on Facebook? Write a wikipedia Article?

Write an Operating System Tweet?

Don’t Underestimate the power of the link

The slashdot effect Flashmobs

Social Network/ing Sites

boyd and Ellison (2007) danah & O’Reilly (2006)

SNS i) public Profile 2) Connected Users 3) Networked Operations (Privacy, Advertising, and Moral Panics)

Facebook Vs Myspace 2008 (Ben Heine and Erik Qualman)

SNS STATS Nielsen Techcrunch Pew Comscore Rapleaf


Impression management • the self • The panopticon


A wiki is a website that anyone can contribute to and edit.


Dreams of the Archive

Rosenzweig 2006 Wikipedia’s Pillars of Success

Wikipedia does not break new ground

Wikistory Jimmy Wales Revert Wars Hacks, Pranks Reliability

Neutral Point of View (NPOV) ‚[NPOV],‛ they insist, ‚representing differing views on a subject factually and objectively.‛ Historians who learned (or teach) the mantra that ‚there is no objective history‛ in their undergraduate history methods class will regard that advice with suspicion.‛ (Rosenzweig, 2006)

Wikipedia is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License‛ (GFDL),

Remix Mashup Appropriate • Wisdom of crowds • Collective intelligence

Free Culture


Tutorial Presentations Wiki article (or series) YouTube Channel Collective Blogging (Vid, Image), Aggregated RSS Feeds Twitter HashTags Flickr Collections Facebook Groups Delicious Folksonomy

Tutorial presentation Guide Presentation (20%) Communication (20%) Integration (20%) Critique (20%) Research (20%)

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