Bcg Asignment On Itc

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BCG CASE STUDY ON ITC Submitted to: Prof Rakesh Gupta

Submitted by: Ashish Chatarath

Boston Consulting Growth Matrix [BCG] The BCG matrix (aka B.C.G. analysis, BCG-matrix, Boston Box, Boston Matrix, Boston Consulting Group analysis) is a chart that had been created by Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970 to help corporations with analyzing their business units or product lines. This helps the company allocate resources and is used as an analytical tool in brand marketing, product management, strategic management, and portfolio analysis. The Matrix Itself

The Boston Matrix categorizes opportunities into four groups, shown on axes of Market Growth and Market Share:

These groups are explained below :

Dogs : These are more charitably called pets, are units with low market share in a mature, slow-growing industry. These units typically "break even", generating barely enough cash to maintain the business's market share. Though owning a break-even unit provides the social benefit of providing jobs and possible synergies that assist other business units, from an accounting point of view such a unit is worthless, not

generating cash for the company. They depress a profitable company's return on assets ratio, used by many investors to judge how well a company is being managed. Dogs, it is thought, should be sold off.

Cash Cows : They are units with high market share in a slow-growing industry. These units typically generate cash in excess of the amount of cash needed to maintain the business. They are regarded as staid and boring, in a "mature" market, and every corporation would be thrilled to own as many as possible. They are to be "milked" continuously with as little investment as possible, since such investment would be wasted in an industry with low growth

Stars : They are units with a high market share in a fast-growing industry. The hope is that stars become the next cash cows. Sustaining the business unit's market leadership may require extra cash, but this is worthwhile if that's what it takes for the unit to remain a leader. When growth slows, stars become cash cows if they have been able to maintain their category leadership, or they move from brief stardom to dogdom.

Question Marks (Problem Child): are growing rapidly and thus consume large amounts of cash, but because they have low market shares they do not generate much cash. The result is a large net cash consumption. A question mark (also known as a "problem child") has the potential to gain market share and become a star, and eventually a cash cow when the market growth slows. If the question mark does not succeed in becoming the market leader, then after perhaps years of cash consumption it will degenerate into a dog when the market growth declines. Question marks must be analyzed carefully in order to determine whether they are worth the investment required to grow market share.Question Marks might become Stars and eventual Cash Cows, but they could just as easily absorb effort with little return. These opportunities need serious thought as to whether increased investment is warranted.

As a particular industry matures and its growth slows, all business units become either cash cows or dogs. The natural cycle for most business units is that they start as question marks, then turn into stars. Eventually the market stops growing thus the business unit becomes a cash cow. At the end of the cycle the cash cow turns into a dog. The overall goal of this ranking was to help corporate analysts decide which of their business units to fund, and how much; and which units to sell. Managers

were supposed to gain perspective from this analysis that allowed them to plan with confidence to use money generated by the cash cows to fund the stars and, possibly, the question marks. As the BCG stated in 1970: Only a diversified company with a balanced portfolio can use its strengths to truly capitalize on its growth opportunities. The balanced portfolio has: • stars whose high share and high growth assure the future; • cash cows that supply funds for that future growth; and • question marks to be converted into stars with the added funds.

Relative market share : This indicates likely cash generation, because the higher the share the more cash will be generated. As a result of 'economies of scale' (a basic assumption of the BCG Matrix), it is assumed that these earnings will grow faster the higher the share. The exact measure is the brand's share relative to its largest competitor. Thus, if the brand had a share of 20 percent, and the largest competitor had the same, the ratio would be 1:1. If the largest competitor had a share of 60 percent; however, the ratio would be 1:3, implying that the organization's brand was in a relatively weak position. If the largest competitor only had a share of 5 percent, the ratio would be 4:1, implying that the brand owned was in a relatively strong position, which might be reflected in profits and cash flows. If this technique is used in practice, this scale is logarithmic, not linear. On the other hand, exactly what is a high relative share is a matter of some debate. The best evidence is that the most stable position (at least in FMCG markets) is for the brand leader to have a share double that of the second brand, and triple that of the third. Brand leaders in this position tend to be very stable—and profitable; the Rule of 123. The reason for choosing relative market share, rather than just profits, is that it carries more information than just cashflow. It shows where the brand is positioned against its main competitors, and indicates where it might be likely to go in the future. It can also show what type of marketing activities might be expected to be effective.

Market growth rate : Rapidly growing brands, in rapidly growing markets, are what organizations strive for; but, as we have seen, the penalty is that they are usually net cash users - they require investment. The reason for this is often because the growth is being 'bought' by the high investment, in the reasonable expectation that a high market share will eventually turn into a sound investment in future profits. The theory

behind the matrix assumes, therefore, that a higher growth rate is indicative of accompanying demands on investment. The cut-off point is usually chosen as 10 per cent per annum. Determining this cut-off point, the rate above which the growth is deemed to be significant (and likely to lead to extra demands on cash) is a critical requirement of the technique; and one that, again, makes the use of the BCG Matrix problematical in some product areas. What is more, the evidence, from FMCG markets at least, is that the most typical pattern is of very low growth, less than 1 per cent per annum. This is outside the range normally considered in BCG Matrix work, which may make application of this form of analysis unworkable in many markets. Where it can be applied, however, the market growth rate says more about the brand position than just its cash flow. It is a good indicator of that market's strength, of its future potential (of its 'maturity' in terms of the market life-cycle), and also of its attractiveness to future competitors. It can also be used in growth analysis. The matrix ranks only market share and industry growth rate, and only implies actual profitability, the purpose of any business. (It is certainly possible that a particular dog can be profitable without cash infusions required, and therefore should be retained and not sold.) The matrix also overlooks other elements of industry. With this or any other such analytical tool, ranking business units has a subjective element involving guesswork about the future, particularly with respect to growth rates. Unless the rankings are approached with rigor and skepticism, optimistic evaluations can lead to a dot com mentality in which even the most dubious businesses are classified as "question marks" with good prospects; enthusiastic managers may claim that cash must be thrown at these businesses immediately in order to turn them into stars, before growth rates slow and it's too late. Poor definition of a business's market will lead to some dogs being misclassified as cash bulls. As originally practiced by the Boston Consulting Group, the matrix was undoubtedly a useful tool, in those few situations where it could be applied, for graphically illustrating cash flows. If used with this degree of sophistication its use would still be valid. However, later practitioners have tended to over-simplify its messages. In particular, the later application of the names (problem children, stars, cash cows and dogs) has tended to overshadow all else—and is often what most students, and practitioners, remember. This is unfortunate, since such simplistic use contains at least two major problems: 'Minority applicability’: The cash flow techniques are only applicable to a very limited number of markets (where growth is relatively high, and a definite pattern of product life-cycles can be observed, such as that of ethical pharmaceuticals). In the majority of markets, use may give misleading results. 'Milking cash bulls’: Perhaps the worst implication of the later developments is that the (brand leader) cash bulls should be milked to fund new brands. This is not what research into the FMCG markets has shown to be the case. The brand

leader's position is the one, above all, to be defended, not least since brands in this position will probably outperform any number of newly launched brands. Such brand leaders will, of course, generate large cash flows; but they should not be `milked' to such an extent that their position is jeopardized. In any case, the chance of the new brands achieving similar brand leadership may be slim—certainly far less than the popular perception of the Boston Matrix would imply. Perhaps the most important danger is, however, that the apparent implication of its four-quadrant form is that there should be balance of products or services across all four quadrants; and that is, indeed, the main message that it is intended to convey. Thus, money must be diverted from `cash cows' to fund the `stars' of the future, since `cash cows' will inevitably decline to become `dogs'. There is an almost mesmeric inevitability about the whole process. It focuses attention, and funding, on to the `stars'. It presumes, and almost demands that `cash bulls' will turn into `dogs'. The reality is that it is only the `cash bulls' that are really important—all the other elements are supporting actors. It is a foolish vendor who diverts funds from a `cash cow' when these are needed to extend the life of that `product'. Although it is necessary to recognize a `dog' when it appears (at least before it bites you) it would be foolish in the extreme to create one in order to balance up the picture. The vendor, who has most of his (or her) products in the `cash cow' quadrant, should consider himself (or herself) fortunate indeed, and an excellent marketer, although he or she might also consider creating a few stars as an insurance policy against unexpected future developments and, perhaps, to add some extra growth. We would explain the BCG Matrix in light of ITC. So let’s take a look at the company first.

ITC Limited which previously stood for Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited, is one of India`s foremost private sector companies with a market capitalisation of more than US $ 15 billion and a turover of US $ 4.75 billion. Rated among the World's Best Big Companies by Forbes magazine, ITC ranks third in pre-tax profit among India's private sector corporations. The company is headed by Yogesh Chander Deveshwar. It employs over 20,000 people at more than 60 locations across India and is listed on Forbes 2000.  ITC was incorporated on August 24, 1910 under the name of 'Imperial

Tobacco Company of India Limited'.  ITC's Packaging & Printing Business Division was set up in 1925.

 In 1975 the Company launched its Hotels business with the acquisition of a 

   

hotel in Chennai . In 1979, ITC entered the Paperboards business. In 1990, ITC acquired Tribeni Tissues Limited. In 2000, ITC's Packaging & Printing business launched a line of high quality greeting cards under the brand name 'Expressions'. ITC also entered the Lifestyle Retailing business with the Wills Sport range of international quality relaxed wear for men and women in 2000. In 2000, ITC spun off its information technology business into a wholly owned subsidiary, ITC Infotech India Limited. From 2002 onwards, ITC have also ventured in the market of safety matches, agarbattis and fragrances.

VISION: Sustain ITC`s position as one of India’s most valuable corporations through world class performance, creating growing value for the Indian economy and the company’s stakeholders. MISSION : To enhance the wealth generating capability of the enterprise in a globalizing environment, delivering superior and sustainable stakeholder value. CORE VALUES:  Trusteeship  Customer Focus  Respect For People  Excellence  Innovation  Nation Orientation

ITC Business Portfolio:  Cigarettes, other FMCG  Hotels

 Agri Business Leaf Tobacco Agri Commodities  Paperboard, paper and packaging  Infotech

Rural Initiatives : ITC's Agri-Business is India's second largest exporter of agricultural products. ITC is one of the India's biggest foreign exchange earners (US $ 2 billion in the last decade). The Company's 'e-Choupal' initiative is enabling Indian agriculture significantly enhance its competitiveness by empowering Indian farmers through the power of the Internet. This transformational strategy, which has already become the subject matter of a case study at Harvard Business School, is expected to progressively create for ITC a huge rural distribution infrastructure, significantly enhancing the Company's marketing reach.

Corporate philanthropy : ITC Echoupal creatively leverages information technology to set up a meta-market in favor of India's small and poor farmers, who would otherwise continue to operate and transact in 'un-evolved' markets. As of July 2007, ITC Echoupal services, through 6400 Echoupal across 8 states, reach more than 4 million farmers in about 40,000 villages. ITC intends scaling up the initiative with 20,000 choupals and 700 saagars to reach 10 million farmers in 100,000 villages by 2010. Free access to Internet is also opening windows of rural India to the world at large. ITC eChoupal is now being regarded as a reliable delivery mechanism for resource development initiatives. Its potential is being tested through pilot projects in healthcare, educational services, water management and cattle health management with the help of several service providers including non-governmental organizations.

ANALYSIS: Stars • Hotels • Paperboards/ Packaging. • Agri business.


Cows • FMCG-Cigarettes


• •

FMCG- Others ITC Infotech

ITC`s cigarette business: Market leadership Powerful brands across segments Leadership in all segments - geographic & price Extensive FMCG distribution network  Direct servicing of 1,00,000 markets & 2 million retail outlets  World-class state-of-the-art technology and products  Investment - Rs.10 billion in six years  Exciting long term growth potential    

Growth Potential:  Cigarettes account for only 15% of tobacco consumed in India unlike world pattern of 85% due to prolonged punitive taxation  Cigarettes (15% of tobacco consumption) contribute nearly 85% of Revenue to the Exchequer from tobacco sector  Of the 58% of adult Indian males who consume tobacco, barely 15% can afford cigarettes

 Biri : Cigarettes ratio = 10 : 1  Annual per capita adult cigarette consumption in India is appx. one tenth world average : 141  Future growth depends on relative rates of growth of per capita income and moderation in taxes

ITC`s Paperboard Industries:  Market leader in growth segment - value added coated boards  World-class contemporary technology • Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) Pulp Mill fully operational – only one of its kind in India meeting world-class environmental standards  Internationally competitive quality and cost  Social farm forestry in mill command area to improve access to cost effective fibre & to attain self-sufficiency • Biotech research based high yielding Clones – effectiveness tested in nearly 68,000 hectares  Fully integrated operations with in-house pulping capacity at appx. 1.10 lac MT • Expansion programme underway; source of sustainable competitive advantage

ITC`s Agri commodity Business:  Farm linkages in 14 states covering Soya, Wheat, Rice, Marine products, Coffee etc.  Unique CRM programme in commodity exports  Leveraging IT for the transformational ‘e-Choupal’ initiative  Rural India’s largest Internet-based intervention  Over 38000 villages linked through around 6400 e-Choupals servicing over 3.5 million farmers  Distinctive sourcing capability for ITC’s Foods business

ITC`s Hotel Business:  ITC-Welcomgroup : a leading hotel chain in India

• •

Strategy to establish presence in key business locations to complete the chain achieved in end 2004 Over 5200 rooms under 4 distinct brands

CATEGORY Luxury Upper Scale Upper- mid- scale Heritage

BRAND ITC Hotel: Luxury Collection Welcome Hotel: Sheraton Fortune Hotels Welcome Heritage

POSITIONING “Mansions of Luxury” “Passion for Quality” “Promise of True Value” “Unique Experiences”

 Capacity expansion underway at Bangalore and Chennai; plans for other locations also being progressed  Fastest growing hotel chain with highest operating efficiency (PBDIT/Net Income @ 45%) amongst the 3 leading chains  Leverages unique service proposition and international alliance with Starwood Hotels & Resorts • ‘Luxury Collection’ / ‘Sheraton’

RECENT DIVERSIFICATIONS : Wills Lifestyle:  ITC's Lifestyle Retailing Business Division has established a nationwide

retailing presence through its Wills Lifestyle chain of exclusive specialty stores, which offers: • Wills Classic work wear • Wills Sport relaxed wear • Wills Clublife evening wear • Wills Signature designer wear  It believes in the philosophy of 'Enjoying the Change' - the change that comes through actively exploring one's own multifacetedness and stretching one's limits.  Wills Lifestyle provides a truly 'International Shopping Experience' through world-class ambience, customer facilitation and clearly differentiated product presentation.

 Plans to increase its footprints by doubling the number the stores and triple the floor area and thus open larger stores.

Greeting Cards and Gift Items:  ITC's Greeting & Gifting products include Expressions range of greeting

   

 

cards and gifting products. The gifting portfolio includes autograph books, slam books, party invitations, letter pads, gift-wraps, pop up books & mini books. The business also markets Expressions Regalia, a connoisseur's collection of greeting cards. ITC has a tie-up with the NGO SOS Children's Villages of India. This range comprises social cause cards and desk calendars. ITC's stationery brands Paper Kraft & Classmate are the most widely distributed brands across India. ITC has invested in building a digital library of world class images at its business headquarters at Chennai. The business also exports greeting cards to the U.S., Europe, UAE.

Foods:  ITC made its entry into the branded & packaged Foods business in August

2001 with the launch of the Kitchens of India brand.  A more broad-based entry has been made since June 2002 with brand launches in the Confectionery, Staples and Snack Foods segments.  The packaged foods business is an ideal avenue to leverage ITC's proven strengths in the areas of hospitality and branded cuisine, contemporary packaging and sourcing of agricultural commodities.  The unwavering commitment to internationally benchmarked quality standards enabled ITC to rapidly gain market standing in all its 6 brands: • Kitchens of India • Aashirvaad • Sunfeast • mint-o • Candyman • Bingo!

We had begun working on a New Example as told by you. The company we picked was Bajaj Two wheelers. We could make its BCG Matrix usingour Current knowledge and a little bit of research but couldn’t find the exact figures of sales, profitability and industry growth rates. Still the work that we did is as follows: Bajaj Auto is a major Indian automobile manufacturer. It is India's largest and the world's 4th largest two- and three-wheeler maker. It is based in Pune, Maharashtra, with plants in Akurdi and Chakan (near Pune),Waluj (near Aurangabad) and Pantnagar in Uttaranchal. Bajaj Auto makes and exports motorscooters, motorcycles and the auto rickshaw. The Forbes Global 2000 list for the year 2005 ranked Bajaj Auto at 1946. Over the last decade, the company has successfully changed its image from a scooter manufacturer to a two wheeler manufacturer. Its product range encompasses Scooterettes, Scooters and Motorcycles. Its real growth in numbers has come in the last four years after successful introduction of a few models in the motorcycle segment. BCG for Bajaj Two Wheelers: Stars

?  CT 100  XCD 125cc  Avenger


 Kristal (Scooter)  Pulsar 200  Pulsar 220 Dogs

 Pulsar 150 cc  Discover 110 cc

 Platina  Pulsar 180

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