Bawang Putih And Bawang Merah

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,283
  • Pages: 6

Once open a time,there lives a little girl named Putih. Her mother had passed away when she was 6 years old. Now she was 7 years old,her father decided to remarried for second time. Her father married Raisa and she became Putih’s stepmother. *this is the real situation while Putih’s father is going out for work*

RAISA: Putih! Come here! PUTIH: (Putih is sweeping outside the house) RAISA: Putih!! Putih!! Come here(getting angry) Merah is sleeping in her room. RAISA: PUTIH!! Do you want me to repeat your name until I have no voice to speak anymore?!! PUTIH: (“ owhh mother was calling me”) Yes mother.. did you call me?? I am sorry mother. I was sweeping outside the house. RAISA: Are you deaf? But it is okay, as the reciprocation for you I want to prepare lunch for me and my daughter. Now Putih!! PUTIH: I will prepare it right now mother. RAISA: (ready to go out) and make sure after I come back later everything is ready on the table. PUTIH: Yes mother (going to kitchen) RAISA: (Going to Merah’s room) Merah..Merah please wake up dear. Merah..wake is already noon! MERAH: (Wake up)..Yes mother(with blur face) RAISA: I want go out for a moment. Do you want anything dear?? MERAH: Emmmm...I think I don’t want anything ,mother. RAISA: Okey dear.. Raisa going out from the stage MERAH: Putih!! Putih!! Tidy my room now!! I want go to shower. PUTIH: Yes Merah…

This situation happen when Putih’s father is not at home. Putih become casualty bully by Raisa and Merah. The situation become different went Putih’s father at home. PUTIH: (Sweeping at outside the house)

RAISA: Putih..Putih.. what you would like to eat today dear? Let me cook for you dear!!(while walk to Putih) PUTIH: (Thinking) errrr…chic..ken mother.(with fotler) RAISA: Ohhh..chicken… Let me prepare for you!!(while show exasperate face,then go to Merah’s room) Merah..Merah,hurry wake up dear. Show your good bahaviour to your father. MERAH: ( with blur face) Did father already back home, mother?? RAISA: Yes dear, your father already back. MERAH: WHAT??? Father at home..(immediately going to toilet and wash her wash then meet her father) This situation happen until Putih reach 17 years old. When she is 17 years old, her father passed away. With her real mother and father dead the gentle and obedient Putih is left alone to be tortured by her cruel stepmother and stepsister. The situation become critical until one day that will change her life. PUTIH: (singing under the tree) PRINCE: (listen the voice and try to find it) Who was the person that has beautiful voice?? PUTIH: (still singing) PRINCE: (Saw Putih under the tree) ohh that the person who has beautiful voice. I want know more about her. PUTIH: (stop singing)Emmm..why I feel like has someone look at me??(try to find out) There, I see behind the tree. I must go away from here immediately!! If mother know about this maybe she will getting angry.(RAN AWAY) PRINCE: (Chase Putih) Hey you, can you wait at the moment please!! Please stop ran!! I just want o know your name. PUTIH: (reach her house) Please don’t follow me!! Go back!!(straight away go inside home and show relax face like nothing was happened) RAISA: (look at Putih with weird face) What wrong with Putih?? Like she was saw ghost. (While walking to Putih) PUTIH!! Where did you go? (getting angry) Did you know, that you has many work to do at home??(pulling Putih’s ear) Now, I want you go down and settle your work if not you cannot eat tonight!! Understand??

PUTIH: Y…e…s..., mother. MERAH: (Saw what was happened between Putih and her’s mother, she is laughing) good..good..very time you do it again okey!!(laughing) Now,you go down and settle all your work!! If not you cannot eat tonight!! PUTIH: (Smile)  MERAH: Hey you!! Why you still smile?? It not time for smile.. I say go down and settle all your work!! NOW PUTIH!! Putih And Merah out from stage. Since Putih meet the prince, a few day ago, Putih always smiling. Even throught she don’t he name, but she had know the person was someone famous in her village. She also feel that maybe someday the person will changes her life. *A few days later..prince come to Putih’s house* PRINCE: Heloooo....there anybody at home?? RAISA: Yes..please wait moment(open the door) Yes what you looking for? PRINCE: Excuse me, I just want to know did you have daughter that stay at here? RAISA: Yes, but who are you?? PRINCE: Errr... Owh I am sorry... I forget to introduce to you who I am... I am friend of Prince Shariff.. I came here just for looking someone that has beautiful voice. Did your daughter can sing?? RAISA: owhhhhh... Of cause my daughter can sing PRINCE: Okey.. bring out you daughter, I want test your daughter. I will waiting at over there under the tree. The prince walk to the tree where he met Putih a few day ago. While Raisa go inside her home to called Merah and present the prince that her daughter has beautiful voice. RAISA: Merah!!Merah!! PUTIH: (singing while cooking) RAISA: I ask you to cook not for singing!! I don’t want to listen you singing again!!(walk to Merah) Merah, change your dress..Wear the beautiful dress that

mother gave to you yesterday... Out there has somebody that want hear you voice!! Hurry dear... don’t make his waiting so long.. MERAH: (Happy) yes mother!!! RAISA: Oooooo... I ask you to do work but you singing!!! Putih remember this.. don’t go out from this house until I come back!! Raisa and Merah out from the house and go to the place where the prince had waiting. RAISA: I am sorry for make you waiting so long. This is my daughter that I told you just now. Merah is her name. PRINCE: (This is not the person that I had met a few days ago) ohhh...Can we start?? RAISA: Sure.. Why not!! Let sing Merah!! MERAH: WHAT?? Singing?? But I don’t how to sing mother!! RAISA: I say sing now!!! MERAH: Errrr....errrr...ehem..ehemm... sorry to say but I am seriously don’t how to sing!! PRINCE: It’s okey Merah. At least you had try... emmm madam, did you have any daughter besides Merah?? Please be honestly with me... RAISA: Errrrrr.... errrrr... errrr.....y..e..s.. my step daughter.. Her name is Putih..... PRINCE: Can you calls her?? RAISA: Wait at the moment please...Let me call her..Merah, you wait at here... Raisa come back home and call Putih. While Putih is crying inside her room because she miss her’s parents. When she listen her step mother is back, immediately she go washing her face. RAISA: Putih!! Changes you clothes... And please wearing the beautiful clothes that you have!! PUTIH: Yes mother... After Putih ready, Raisa bring her to meet the prince. RAISA: This is putih.

PRINCE: (happy) Can you start singing?? PUTIH: (smile) (stast singing) PRINCE: Yes, you are the person that I looking for. Let me introduce to you who I am. I am Prince Shariff. RAISA: WHAT A PRINCE??? PRINCE: Yes I am. And please let Putih happy in her life! I already know about this family. Merah had told me everything!! MERAH: I am sorry mother... I just want Putih happy in her life... I only have her as my sister... RAISA: What should I do?? Okey Putih started today until day you will be happy with your life... PUTIH: Thank you mother... Thank you Merah!! (hug the mother and her sister) After that they life in happy family ever after..

********the end**********

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