sexhuyaliI Materials to make things with Xpáyac Xpáyac western red cedar tree Xpáyac ‘cedar tree’ < Xpay (root) cedar + -ac tree, bush, shrub, plant Xpáy cedar CápX cedar roots sláGac inner cedar bark (used for weaving, etc.) súUeb cedar bark still on the tree; act of removing inner cedar bark from outer bark stídiGed cedar limbs
Celáy?ac Celáy?ac Sitka spruce tree
sTéHSed root
plíla?ac wild cherry tree plíla? wild cherry plíla?ted wild cherry bark
Zitálbix Zitálbix bear grass Zitálbix ‘bear grass’ < Zit/Zat (root) leaning back a bit, sticking up+ -al- on, at, in, by + -bix (lexical suffix for) homogenous group or cluster, life force, person(s), animals, world, land; breast
XébXebac XébXebac horse tail plant XébXeb horse tail GeAíI horse tail root
?úlal cattail stubS male sAáday? female Gésub bark (“wings”) of cattail
sUiUáaC tule
*sXúpac sedge grass, sweet grass *sXiqs seed stem of sedge grass
sexVeXaliI tools sduuI knife sexVeXáliI bark splitter stqáwd awl
Xédalúsed mat creaser
Qláqted mat making needle (SL) OáIted mat making needle AQáli digging stick qíqebéted hatchet
gél gélKaliI weave gélKaliI ‘weave’, ‘knit’ < gelK (root) wind around, entangle + -aliI (continuative action)
yíQus ‘cedar root, water tight basket’ (NL) yíQus < yiQ (root) work something into a tight place, weave a cedar root basket + -us face, surface syá syált ‘cedar root, water tight basket’ (SL) syalt < s- (nominalizer) + yel/yal (root) envelope + -t (transitive) yíQib make a cedar root basket
GéDep ‘the start of a coiled basket’ < Gec/GeD (root) be born + -ap/-ep bottom, base, buttocks syiQáyucid ‘top finish row of a cedar root basket’ < s(nominalizer) + yiQ (root) work something into a tight place, weave a cedar root basket + -ay- (linking element) + -ucid mouth, opening, body of water, river; doorway; language sTebSáyucid ‘top finish row of a cedar root basket’ < s(nominalizer) + Teb (root) braid + -ay- (linking element) + -ucid mouth, opening, body of water, river; doorway; language
CapX cedar root CápXeGed ‘foundation of coil work’ < CapX (root) cedar root + iGed/-eGed inside human or animal body, the insides; mental processes; inside small, tightfitting area; side of body *SabwélSed ‘sewing strands in coil work’ < Sab (root) dry + -w(connecting affix) + -al-/-el- on, at, in, by + -Sad/-Sed foot, lower leg *?áweced ‘sewing strands in coil work’ < ?a (root) be there, be in existence + -ac/-ec tree, bush, shrub, plant + -ed (transitive)
IálIali( IálIali(l) make soft baskets Iálep making soft baskets (the base) < Ial weave soft baskets + -ap/-ep bottom, base, buttocks
Reyulucid close woven twined basket Xáleb twine work ?escéRuA twined warp, (literally) post, sticking up, erect post Oúb(u)beV weft
VelaqúlV ‘plain checker work’ < Vel (root) + -aq + -ulV container, belly Va?alus ‘warp on weft of checkerwork’ < Va? (root) + -alus eye
Veláqap ‘twilling’ < Vel (root) + -aq + -ap bottom, base, buttocks
XálulV basket designs sXalulV ‘basket designs’ < s- (nominalizer) + Xal (root) mark, decorate, write + -ulV container, belly bíbeCáyulV ‘dragonfly basket design’ < bíbeCay? (root) droganfly + -ulV container, belly sbádiluV ‘mountain basket design’ < s- (nominalizer) + badil (root) mountain + -ulV container, belly CáytulV ‘salmon gills basket desing’ < Cayt (root) salmon gills + -ulV container, belly
sXálted cradle
leGeDúlV trinket basket