Basics Of The Spiritual Ecology

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This material was published in the “Man and nature” magazine (“Light”) №9 for 2004. We are quoting it here with minor changes for the first acquaintance with the activities of the NonGovernmental organization “ Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly” (World Assembly - NSEWA) in relation to the decision of the General Directorate of the Russian Section of the World Exhibition “EXPO2005” on inclusion into the work program of the Section presentation of the principal documents developed by NSEWA, which we shall touch upon later. The 26th

of July of the year 2005 has been declared the day of the World Assembly.

Basics of the spiritual ecology In relation to opening of the new division “Ecology of the humanness” we have already informed our readers that the “Nature and Man” magazine “The Light” is launching a new initiative aimed at the spiritual resurrection of Russia. The first comments on the initiative revealed that we have supporters. It is our pleasure to offer to your attention the interview of our correspondent Mr. Melnikov with Liubov S. Gordina, Doctor of technical science, honorary Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, president of NSEWA, Expert of the Higher Ecological Expert Council of the Russian Parliament (State Duma of RF, the holder of “Women of the year 2004” title awarded by the American Biography Institution, holder of the “2000 prominent intellectuals of the XXI Century” Medal Award (Cambridge) for the input into creation of the concept and structure of the “Noospheric Spiritual-Ecological Constitution of Mankind”.

Corr. Liubov Sergeevna, what is and what for was established “Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly”? L.G. The idea of such organization emerged 15 years ago. The distinctive feature of the Assembly within other non-governmental organizations is that the most prominent personalities of our Planet are being voted into its “Honoris Causa” membership, who substantially define the spiritual-moral environment of the modern civilization. Judge yourselves: the Credential Papers of the Assembly have already been handed to the world-known singers Elena Obraztsova, Placido Domingo, renowned philosopher, scholar of the ancient Mayan Civilization. Recently we handed such credentials Mr. Sri Ching Moy. Assembly membership embraces such persons as Marina Popovitch, the pilot and 101 world title holder, and Mr. Anatoly Poletayev, the author of the version of the final part of Peter Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony, the chief Director of the “Boyan” orchestra. This genius “Maestoso” that has already been named “The World Anthem” was declared the Anthem of our Establishment, …

This anthem was for the first time performed on the day of the 35th

anniversary of the Orchestra in the hall of the Moscow Philarmonia named after Tchaikovsky, where more than 1500 persons standing upright greeted such decision. I can not but say that Credential were also handed to Natalia Kassatkina and Vladimir Vasiiliev, the Directors of the “Classical Ballet” Theatre. The Credential to be handed to Hillary Clinton, Richard Bach, Ted Turner, were sent to USA into our Representative office as well as to Israel to be handed to Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak.


The decision to establish World Assembly was taken at the International Conference “Prospects for Conservation and Development of the Unitary Planetary Civilization. Culture. Ecology. Outer Space”. Held in Moscow in May of 2002. And in September of the same year this decision was supported by the Global Civilian Forum in Johannesburg where I was lucky to represent non governmental organizations of Russia. The Coordinating Chair of the Assembly is working currently in Moscow. We are represented in a lot of countries: USA, Canada, Australia, Israel, UK, Japan, Spain, Ireland, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine etc. We are prepared to open our representative offices in France, Brazil, Peru, Viet Nam Germany, Austria, Switzerland. The main goal of such Offices is to provide their proposals and amendments to the worldwide concept developed by Russian scientists. The basics of that concept are as such: It would be naive to deny that the word until today has been developing chaotically. The Mankind could afford itself to develop in such manner when the resources were plenty and nobody could imagine the natural resources to become depleted any time ever. The air then was clean and the clear river waters were abundant with fish. But today’s word is so much oversaturated with environmental, economical and political problems that the very existence of its is becoming questionable. The Humanity urgently needs to accommodate an idea of scientifically managed natural order. A lot of reasonable ideas are being voiced and offered by modern scientists, but unfortunately they are not being heard by the ruling circles. Particularly important is emergence of the new science named “Globalistics”, not to mixed with “Globalization”! Professor Arkady Fedotov is this Concept’s author. He suggests upon analysis of different models of the development of civilization and of the UN-collected data that under further unmanaged or poorly managed development of the global civilization the history is bound to “implode” by the years 2020-2025. This is not a horror film, but scientific prediction. Professor Fedotov’s work was awarded by the Russian Government. Fedotov considers our Planet the space ship with the Mankind aboard, that suddenly went out from control. Corr. What’s the reason? L.G. All that currently defines human behavior are consequences of very remote reasons. The Universe is unitary and develops according to the noosphere scholars’ recent findings upon energy-information holographic matrix. Information, energy and matter these are threesome pre-bricks, of which the Universe was built. In the context of modern vision of the human being the information sphere is defined as “spirituality”, energy sphere – as “the Spirit”, and matter is “the Body” of Universe. The recent research reveal that ovulated cell would build the future human body upon energy-information holographic matrix. I can quote here the research work, performed by V.Kaznatcheev, A.Trofimov, in the Institution of the Space anthropo-ecology, by F.Rorr, P.Gariayev, A.Akimov and others. Particularly Gariayev states that the DNA cellule consists of 95-99% of information, while only 1-1,5% is the synthesis of the genes. The DNA cellules emit light that can be detected with devices. There are a lot of publications stating that thin matter substance, the splash of energy, “living substance” that leaves the body immediately after human death has already been measured, weighted upon high precision scales and showed different characteristics with different people. The devices also detect different energy increments within human aura that our grandmothers named evil impact of hostile witchcraft activity. More of that, if such substance to be fed with similar energies, they may “swallow” physical human body and the man finds himself inside this substance. It is highly probable that this is


the mechanism of “possession”, known from the time immemorial. It is being suggested that just due to this very reason the alcoholics and drug addicts can not overcome their vices: they become slave-donors to the evil energy increments. It is worth to stress: what has in the past been said by the esoteric thinkers has recently been proven by measurement devices. Corr. And how such studies assist search of escape from the crisis of the word vision that swept over the modern Mankind? L.G. Having started at the late 80-ies the scholars are on their way now to create the Universal scientific view of the word. Being three-dimensional creatures we can not fully realize the multi-dimensional word of the primary reasons, but we are fully capable to approach to understanding of it. Noosphere as it was understood in the days of Vernadsky is a sphere of the human mind, but we now add that it also is a sphere of senses. The sense is primary, this is “above information” component. The supreme sense of the human life is to seek knowledge and to try to understand this Unitary picture of the word and to apprehend that we are implanting ourselves into the environment and evolutionize together with it. There are currently quite a lot of scientific paradigms (and not so scientific, to be true). The latest publications of A.Romashov, V.Lissin, V.Lugovenko, P.Gariayev and others provide convincing example of the current vision of the word picture. But these pictures should be interpreted for different layers of the modern society. This information we should feed to our listeners not only from school bench, but, I would say, from the “pre-natal” period of education. Corr. What are the steps undertaken by the Word Assembly to implement this? L.G. Our colleagues and we initiated establishment of the Higher Spiritual-Conceptual Coordinating Council with the Chairman of the State Duma, that should embrace the leading scholars in the field of the ecology of senses. Unfortunately, the Chairman’s Secretariat sent this letter signed by Mr. Aksenov Acting member of the Academy of Sciences, Mr. Prangishvili, Director of the Institution for the Problems of Management named after Trapeznikov, Mr. Sizov, President of the national Ecological Foundation, and others was sent “downstream” to the Committee on Ecology, which in its usual manner turned this letter down. This is in my mind an unhappy illustration of how it works sometimes in our country where the 3rd Chapter of the RF Constitutions says: “the only source of powers in Russia is its multi-national people”, and after comma follows: “and organs of state power elected by this people”. Nevertheless the assembly aims to establish the spiritual-ecological segment in the everyday work of the power structures. We offered a bill on the “Law on the Information-Energy Well-being of the Population” in 1995. The concept of the Law was developed based on the eternal values deriving from the universal reasons. In 1998 we were first read by the parliamentarians. But when the Duma composition was changed for the next time, our bill was shelved together with a lot of other legislative initiatives. But that did not stop us: we used the Law Concept to develop a project to establish the “ Noospheric Spiritual-Ecological Constitution for Mankind”. It should be noted here that in no country such foundation-laying document as Constitution does agree with its name. The word “constitution” contains an element of long-terms continuity, that means that is supposed to promote constant, “eternal” if I may put it this way, values while modern Constitutions nowadays are indeed compiled to satisfy visions and needs of one single ruling person. This is why the “Noosphere Constitution” is bound to substantially supplement acting legislation.


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