1. Font settings To changefontstyle,sizeand appearance : . Selectthe targetedtext(highlight _ clickanddrag). . Choosefromfontstyle,.size, c-ofor, Uofa,,nlerfine,and italics - -- -' by clicking !.'!^"': on the iconsin yourtoolbaracrossthe top oi tle screen. ' rf you setyourmouseon the iconswithout.ii.ring, the icondescription wiil display. 2. Alignment There.are fourtypesof align,whichcanbe set using "'' the iconsin the toolbar: . leftalion- textlinesup with the teftmargln . riqhtalign- textlinesup withthe ,ighi;irgin . centeraliqn- the centerpoint of thEtextis"equidistant fromthe leftandright margins page of the ' iultitu- insehsspacins-b;."Ji;;;';;i;n"" to expandeachrineor textto spanbetweenthe pagemargins 3. SmallCaps To applysmallcapsto tex : . Selectthe targetedrext. . Format- Character _ FontEffects . UnderEffecrsselect Small Capitals 4. Superscriptand Subscdpt To apply.either superscript or subscriptto text : . 5etectthe targetedtext. . Format- Character_ position . Chooseeithersuperscript (ie _ x2)or subscript(ie _ HzO) '
superscript is positioned above theu"i"rir"lia suusc-ript is positioned
belowthe baseline.
5. Adding a Hyperlink To adda hyperlinkto a weblocation: . Insert- Hyperlink . The targetis the webaddress youwantto linkto. . The textis whatyouwant to ,t o* ,p on-yor,.,ir""n, for the userto click on. . CfickApplyandthenC/ose.
6. SettingIndents To set an indentto a paragraph: - Indentsand Spacing . Format- Paragraph . Enterthe amountyouwantindentedbesidethe requiredstyle: . firstlineindent- fiov€s (indents)thefirstlineof text in the paragraphby the enteredamount.fromthe left . leftindent- indentsthe paragraph fromthe left,accordingto the amount you enter . riqhtindent- indentsthe paragraph fromthe right,accordingto the amount you enter 7. Line Spacing To specifythe amountof spacebetweenlines: . Selectthe targetedtext. . Format- Paragraph . Under"LineSpacing"selectthe desiredamountof spacingyouwant betweenlines(ie - double) 8. Tab Stops To haveyourtext lineup according to a givenmeasurement on the rulerat the top of the screen: . Selectthe targetedsectionof text. . Format- Paragraph- Tabs . Orderis very important- you mustenterspecifications fromleftto right. Also,evenif the settingyou desireis alreadyselectedor set,you must (evenif this meansre-selecting selectit regardless the samechoice)so that it registersthe optionwiththe givenselectionof text. . Position- according to the rulerat the top,wheredo you wantthe tab to stop? . Tvpe- whichpartof the textdo youwantlinedup withthe measurement? . Fill Character- oftenreferredto as dottedleader - fillsthe spacebetweentab stopswitha selected style . ClickNery. . Createthe nexttab stop,pushingNeryaftereachone. . Whencompletely donesettingalltab stops,clickOK. . Whenusingtab stops,you needto typeall information first,thenbe sureto (and hit tab once onlyonce)beforeeachitemin yourtargettext.
9. Drop Caps To createa dropcap (whichis anycapitalletterto whichyou applyspecialsizing andformatting to makethatcapitalstandoutfromthe restof the text': . Selecttext. . Format- Paragraph - DropCaps . Clickon DisplayDrop Caps. 10. PageOrientation To changethe orientation of yourpage: . Format- Page- Page . Chooseeitherportraitor landscape. . Portraitis a tall page(vertical). ' Landscape is a widepage(horizontal). 11. Footers To inserta footer(a lineof textthatappearsat the bottomof eachprintedpage). " Insert- Footer- Default . Thiswill placean emptytext boxat the bottomof eachpagein your document.The information youtypewillappearthe sameon everypage. 12. AutomaticPageNumbering To insertautomaticpagenumbering on everypageof a document: . Inserta footer. ' Insert- Fields- pageNumbering ' Thismustbe setautomaticaily becauseif youtypeit in manuaily,it wirl showthe samepagenumberon eachpage. . Arabicnumerals arethe regularnumbers thatwe use(ie_ 1, 2, 3...). 13. Footnotes A fogtnoteinsertsa small,superscripted numberbesidea wordand thenopensa textboxat the bottomof thatpageonly,withthe conesponding numberand roomto typethe textyou need. lt is usedto definewordsor citations. To inserta footnote: . Putyourcursorbehindthe wordthatyouwanta footnote appliedto. . Insert- Footnote- Default . Go to the bonomof thatpageandtypein the necessary rext. 14. Insertingthe CurrentDate To havethe currentdateappearon eachpage: . lnserta headeror footer(if necessarv). . Insert- Fields- Date