Basic Computer Course

  • July 2020
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How to on/off the Computer? Process: 1. First of all press the power button at the UPS (Uninterruptible Power system or supply) until it doesn't give the green power. 2. Then after press the power button at the CPU.(Central Processing Unit) Then, your computer will be run or on. How to shut (off) down the computer? Process: 1. Click on start button. 2. Click on shut down. 3. Click on shut down the computer or shut down. 4. Click on ok. For Windows 98 Message: "It's now safe to turn off your computer." At last switch off your computer. What is Computer? The word computer is derived form Latin word "Computer" which means to calculate. Basically computer is a advance electronic device which can perform certain mathematical calculation and logical operations at a very high speed. In the other word, Computer is an electronic machine that helps us to solve the problem. Computer as known as "Susankhya" in Nepal. What is the full form of computer? C = Common O = Operate U = Used for T = Technology

M = Machine E = Education

P = Purpose R = Research

What are the characteristics of a computer? A characteristic of computer is: Speed Storage Accuracy Diligence Versatility Speed: Computer performs complex calculation at a very high speed. Because of this characteristic. Storage: The storage characteristic of a computer has made it distinct from calculates. A large amount of data can be stored in computer's memory. The storing capacity of computer is expressed in bytes. 1024 bytes = 1 kilo bytes. 1024 kilo bytes = 1 Mega bytes. 1024 Mega bytes = 1 Giga bytes. Accuracy: The result given by the computer will be extremely accurate. If a mistake occurs in any calculation, they are due to manual errors like feeding wrong data or mistake in the instructions given. Diligence: A computer is capable of performing the required task repetitively, without affecting its speed. Accuracy and efficiently thus, it any calculation is done one or million times, the computer does it with the same speed and accuracy. Unlinking the human being a computer never gets tired, bored, or lazy to do its task. Versatility: The computer is versatile device. It has a wide range of application areas; they have been successfully used in different areas like education, science and technology, astronomy business etc. Classification of computers There are a huge number of computers available today. The can be classified. 1. On The Basis Of Activity. 2. On The Basis Of Volume. 3. On The Basis Of Brand. 4. On The Basis Of Model. On The Basis Of Activity: computers may be classified into:1. Analog computer. 2. Digital computer. 3. Hybrid computer. On The Basis Of Volume . 1. Mainframe computer. 2. Mini computer. 3. Micro computer. On The Basis Of Brand 1. IBM pc. 2. IBM compatibles. 3. Apple/Macintosh. On Th Basis Of Model 1. XT (extended Technology) 2. PC/ AC (personal computer & advance technology). 3. PS/2 (personal system) What is a computer generation? Write about theme. Technological break through in hardware and software resulted into more and more advanced computer system it has been identified that there are five major stages in the continuous development process of the computer. These stages are called computer generation which are as following. 1. First generation. 2. Second generation. 3. Third generation. 4. Fourth generation. First generation (1946-1958): First generation computers were developed during 1946-1958.these computers used vacuum tubes as the electronic devices for their hardware . Implementation. So these computers were very large , slow and had less internal storage capacity . Second generation (1959 – 1964): Computer in second stage in the available in the market from 1959-1964. In this stage transistor was invented and transistor was replaced vacuum tubes. It was light as well as cheap .As a result its demand began to increase .This transistor covered less space and worked as vacuum tube. Third generation (1965 -1974):


The computer was developing during 1965-1974. In it 100(hundred) transistor could be set by a chip of silicon .It was known as IC. After the use of IC the weight become lighter and smaller than before. Fourth generation (1975-1999): The computer of this generation are available from 1975 to 1999 .In these computer 1000 of transistor are set in one chip of silicon chip. As a result the size of computer is decreased. This is known as VLSI (very large scale integration) such types of computer needs less electric power, cover less space and work fast. Fifth generation (1991-present time): Since 1991- present time computer are developed more and more such computer would think and take decision and A biochip would be used in it . This stage of computer is known as fifth generation computer. A BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER The computer is developed as a result of man's search of fast and accurate calculating devices. One of the creative thinkers of 16 th century was the American English man "Charles Babbage” he is considered to he the father of the computer science. Using of his idea about 100 years later he was developed by Howard professor Howard Aiken. In history of computers. Because of his idea only, the dream of modern computer has come true. That is why he is famous as "Father of computer ". In Nepal it has been used since B.S. 2028. It has its own name. This was known as second generation computer of IBM Company. In Nepal it known as "Susankhya". In present time, there is more and more private computer trading center all over the Nepal. More and more schools are teaching computer science and more than five thousand computers are busy for e-mail in Nepal. At present time the scope of computer science in our country is increasing rapidly day by day. BASIC COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER There are three types of basic components of computer which are as following. • Input device. • Processing devices. • Output device. Input Device: - It is used to enter information and instructions. Keyboard and mouse is input device. Processing Devices: - It is a processor which process information according to the instruction of the program. CPU is the main processing device. Output Device: - These devices are the means of communication to the outside word where we get the output they are printer and monitor. What is floppy disk? Write about them. Floppy disk is a small quantity of data is stored. It is main advantage transfer data from one location to another location. It is cheap and easy to handle. Popularly it is called diskette. Mainly 2 (two) capacities floppy desk are found. 1.2 M.B. =Mini floppy 1.4 M.B. =Micro floppy. What is Hard disk? Hard disk is made of metallic oxide and more storage capacity then floppy disk.

on both sides. It is permanently fixed in a drive unit. The hard disk cam store information faster

Memory : Memory is capacity for conduct the computer. It holds the program and data currently being used. There are two types of computer memory. 1. Rom: It is permanent memory. When we cut off the power supply the information in Rom is not erased. We can't write in this memory called Rom (Read only memory). 2. RAM: - It is temporary memory. When we cut off the power supply then memory will be loss. RAM stands for Random Asses Memory. KEYBOARD: The keyboard is the basic input device that is used to enter data in to the computer. It is similarly with typewriter keyboard. Generally there are three types of keyboard. 1. AT keyboard (With 103 key) 2. XT keyboard (With 83 key ) 3. Enhanced keyboard (With 103 key). CPU: CPU stands for central processing unit. It is the brain of computer. It controls & co- ordinate all the computer units and its related component. The CPU also controls the operations of the input and output devices and memory. Depending on the functions of CPU is divided in three units. 1. ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) 2. Primary Memory. 3. Controls Unit. Monitor or video display unit: The screen, which is an example of out put device, is called monitor or video display unit. The monitors are classified in two types. 1. Monochrome Monitor 2. Color Monitor. Printer: Printers are most common output device. The printer provides information in a permanent readable from, known as hard-copy output. The printed output from a printer may be data, program, results, or any other tests. Printers are classified in to various types. Depending upon the technology uses in manufacturing, the printers are categorized into. 1. Impact printer. 2. Non- impact printer. Ms-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) Dos: Dos is an abbreviation of Disk Operating System .Dos is the operating system developed for the disk drive. In the other word, the operating system work on disk is known disk operating system. MS-DOS:- It stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System. Ms –Dos was developed by Microsoft Corporation for the IBM (International Business Machine) computers. OPERATING SYSTEM: An organized set or collection of software program that control the overall operation of the computer system is called operating system Booting (start): The process of loading system files in computer memory is called booting. Booting is two type.


1. Cold boot: Use power button and start computer is called cold boot. 2. Warm boot: Restart the computer by using Alt+Ctrl+Del key or Rest key is called warm boot. IMPORTANT FILES OF MS-DOS: The Ms –Dos operation system consists of the following system files or program. 1. IO. SYS. 2. MS.-DOS.SYS 3. COMMAND.COM  IO. SYS: The management of input and output (IO) operation is done by IO. Sys. System file. This file can't be seen using dir command. It is a hidden file.

MS-DOS.SYS: The system file Ms-Dos .SYS is concerned with the system kernel, it is also a hidden files, so it also can't be seen using dir command.

COMMAND.COM: The third essential system program or files is the command. Com. It is a command interpreter. This file can be seen using Dir command. This file interprets the command whenever we give it to the of reference words. If the word is the same as on the list the corresponding command is executed, other wise an error message is displayed on the screen. Those three programs remain in the memory as long as the computer is switched on. Therefore they are called resident programs.

IMPORTANT FEATURES OF MS-DOS: MS- DOS has been used in most of the micro computers. It has got the following features. 1. It is a single user operating system. 2. It supports both floppy disk and hard disk. 3. MS-DOS supports various computer languages. 4. Ms-Dos may be support printer spooler. I 5. It supports I/O (input /out put) redirection. BATCH FILES: MS- DOS has the facility of combining one or more instructions into a file, which can be activated and implemented successfully. Such a text file having extension .bat that stores the instructions is known as batch file. To Create a Batch files. Process: 1. C:\>Copy ∪ con ∪ filename  (Enter) 2. Type any text. 3. Press F6 or Ctrl + Z (to save the file ) Message: 1 file copied. ABBREVIATION SOME WORD: V. D. U. Visual display unit. C. P.U. Central processing unit R.O.M. Read only memory R.A.M. Random access memory I.B.M. International business Machine O.S. Operating System. H. D. Hard Disk. U.P.S. Uninterruptible Power System. CD-ROM Compact disk Read Only Memory. Standard Typing Key Symbol ↵ ← Caps Lock  ∪  Alternate Control ←    Delete Home End ECS Page Up Page Down Number Lock Insert Alt+Ctrl +Delete F6

Key Enter Back space Caps Lock Shift Spacebar Tab Alt Ctrl Left Arrow Right Arrow Down Arrow Up Arrow Del Home End ECS Page Up Page Down Num Lock Insert Reset F6

Function To move the cursor to the beginning of next line. To move the cursor left to erase text or re-type. Lock capitals on/off. To make capital only on word. To left space between the words. To left more space. To change after functions of other key. To provides command to the computer. To move the cursor one character to left. To move the cursor one character to right. To move the cursor one character to the down To move the cursor one character to the up. To delete the character. To move the cursor at the beginning of the text To move the cursor to the end of the text. To does undo or cancel to the command. To move the cursor to the previous page. To move the cursor to the next page. To on / off the numeric keys. To insert one or more character in a line. Reset (warm boot) your computer. To save file in MS-Dos.

ERROR MESSAGE MEANING Bad command or filename Currently type command is not Understands by dos. Duplicate file name or file not found Duplicate file name is used Invalid drive specification Wrong drive. All files will be delete Be careful before delete the file. Insufficient Not empty space in the disk. Too many parameters Given command wrong. Access denied Checked the attrib command MS-DOS COMMAND: MS-DOS command are divided into two parts which are as below .


1. 2.

Internal commands. External commands.


Internal Commands : After booting the computer with dos all necessary commands related with internal loading in memory of computer. The commands, which are resident in memory, are called internal command. Following are list of the MS –Dos internal command. 1. Copy con commands 2. Dir command 3. Type command 4. Copy command 5. Rename command 6. CLS command 7. Delete command 8. Date command 9. Time command 10. Version command 11. Volume command 12. MD command 13. CD command 14. RD command 15. Prompt command. 1. Copy Con Command:-It is an internal command of Ms-Dos. It is used to create new file on Dos Prompt. Process: 1. C:\>Copy ∪ Con ∪ filename  (Enter ) 2. Type any text. 3. Press F6 or Ctrl +Z & press  (Enter key) to save the file. Message: - 1 file copied. 2. Dir Command: - It is internal command of MS-Dos. This command is used to display the files and directories in a list. Process: 1. C:\>Dir/P  (To display files and directories in page by page) 2. C:|>Dir/w  (To display files and directories in column by column) 3. C:\>Dir/AD  (To display only directories) 4. C:\>Dir/AH  (To display hidden files and directories) 5. C:\>Dir ∪ S*.*  (To display all files and directories which are started from "S" character) 6. C:\>Dir ∪ ??????↵ (To display all files directories whose file name character has 6 or less than 6) 3. Type command:-This command is used to display or open the contents or the text of files Process: 1. C:\>Dir/w  2. C:\>Type ∪ Filename  Then display your contents. 4. Copy Command: This command is used to make a duplicate file from one location to another location. Process: 1. C:\>Dir /w  2. C:\>Copy ∪ Original filename ∪ New filename  (enter) Massage: 1 File(S) copied. 3. C;\>Dir/W  (To check) 4. C:\>Type ∪ Filename  5. C:\>Type ∪New Filename  (Note: you will find the same contents in booth files.) 5. Rename Command: This command is used to change the original file name. Process: 1. C:\> Dir/w ↵ 2. C:\> Ren ∪ Original Filename ∪ Duplicate Filename ↵

6. CLS Command: This command is used to clear the screen. Process: 1. C:\>CLS  (Enter) (Then your screen will be cleared.) 7. Delete Command: - This command is used to delete the unnecessary file. Process: 1. C:\>Del ∪ Filename  (Enter) 2. C:\>Dir /w  (To Check) 3. C:\>Type ∪Filename  (To Check) Message: File not found. 8. Date command: This command is used to see and set the current date in (MM-DD-YY) form. Process:1. C:\>Date  (Enter) Current date is 00-00-00 Enter new date in (MM-DD-YY) 2. Type the new date and press  key 3. C:\> Date  (To Check) 9. Time Command: This command is used to see and set the current time in (HH:MM:SS) form. Process: 1. C:\>Time  (Enter) Current Time is 00-00-00 Enter new Time (HH-MM-SS)2. Type new time and press  key. 3. C:\>Time  (To Check) 10. Version Command: This command is used display the current ms- dos version number. Process: 1. C\>Ver  (Enter)


Windows 98 [version is 4.10.2222]. 11. Volume Command: This command is used to see current volume serial number and volume label of the disk. Process: 1. C:\>Vol.  (Enter) 12. MD Command: This command is used to create a new directory. Process: 1. C:\>MD ∪ Directory name ↵ (Enter) E.g.: C:\>MD ∪ Impact ↵ 13. CD Command: This command is used to enter the directory that was already created using by md command . Process: 1. C:\>CD ∪ Directory name  (Enter ) E.g.: C:\>CD ∪ Impact ↵ (Then your directory will enter in to the directory) 14. RD Command: This command is used to erase the unnecessary directory that was already created by md command. Process: 1 C:\>Nepal\Ktm\Teku> CD.. (To exit from Teku directory) 2. C:\>Nepak \Ktm>RD ∪ Teku  3. C:\>Nepal\Ktm>Dir  (To Check ) 4. C:\>Nepal\Ktm>CD..  (To exit from Ktm directory ) 5. C:\> Nepal>RD ∪ Ktm  6. C:\>Nepal>Dir  (To Check) 7. C:\>Nepal>CD..  To exit from Nepal directory) 8. C:\:>RD ∪ Nepal ↵ 9. C:\>Dir/w ↵ (To Check) (Note: If we have deleted the directory, the directory must be empty) 15. Prompt command: This command is used to change the appearance of the Dos system prompt. Process: 1. C:\>Prompt ∪$D$g  (To change in date ) 2. C:\>Prompt ∪$T$g  (To change in time) 3. C:\> Prompt ∪$(name)$g  (To change in name ) 4. C:\> Prompt∪/$P$g  (To return C:\ Prompt) EXTERNAL COMMAND: - The command which resident on the system disk in the form of command files is called external command, any filename with an extension of com .exe is considering external command. Following are list of some the MS –DOS external command s. ♦Format Command ♦Chkdsk Command ♦Label Command ♦Move Command ♦Deltree Command ♦Edit Command ♦Attrib Command ♦Sort Command ♦Scandisk Command ♦Sys Command ♦XCopy Command ♦Tree Command ♦Format Command :- It is external command of MS-DOS . It is used to prepare the blank disk for receiving and storing data or create a new blank. Process:1. Insert the disk in disk driver. 2. C:\>Format∪A:  (Follow the massage ) Message: - Insert new diskette for drive A: and press  key when ready............... 3. Press  key. Message: - Checking existing disk format. Format completed. 4. Volume label. (11 characters inter for none?) 5. Give anyone volume label and press  key Or, C:\>Format ∪ A/S/Q ↵ (format and transfer system files at once). ♦CHKDSK Command: This is an external command of ms-dos. This command is used to check the error statue of types on disk and available disk space in bytes. Process:1. C:\>Chkdsk  Follow the massage. ♦Label Command: It is an external command of ms-dos. This command is used to change the volume label. Process:1. C:\>Label  2. Type the new volume label and press  (enter) key.


♦Move command: It is external command of ms-dos. This command is used to move the file one location to another location from (C:\> to A:\>). It also used to rename the directory name. To move the file one location to another (C:\ to A:\ Process:C:\> move ∪ c:\ file name ∪ A:  Massage: C:\> File name =A:\>Ok. 2. C:>A:  (To go A:\> prompt) 3. A:\Dir (To check). 4. A:\>C:  (To return c:\> Prompt ) To rename the directory name. Process:1. C:\>Move ∪ Old directory name ∪ New directory name 



Dir/w  (to check)

♦Deltree Command: It is an external command of ms-dos. This command is used to delete the main directory with sub directory and files at one. Process: 1. C:\> Deltree ∪ Directory name  Massage: Delete the directory “directory name” and its subdirectory? (y/n) 2. Press Y and press  key. Then your main directories will delete with sub directory and files.


♦Edit command: This command is used to edit a file, which is already creating using by copy con command. It is also used to (copy+ paste), find and replaced the word of the documents. Process: C:\>Edit ∪ File Name ↵ 2. Then edit (correct) the file with the help of top, bottom left, arrow and delete keys. 3. At last save the file. To save a file in edit screen Process: 1. Type any texts. 2. Press, Alt key 3. Press F (for) File S (for) Save. Give file name in file name box and press  key. To clear the screen: Process: 1. Press Alt key. 2. Press F (for) File N (for) New, then edit screen will be cleared. To close the file: Process: 1. Press Alt key 2. Press F (for) File C (for) Close To open your file: Process: 1. Press alt key 2. Press F (for) File O (for) Open. Then choose your file name and press enter key. To copy + paste the documents Process: 1. Type and text. 2. Highlight the text, which you want to copy with the help of shift + arrows keys. 3. Press alt key. 4. Press E (for) Edit. 5. Press C (for) Copy. 6. Move the cursor at the current position where you want to paste. 7. Press Alt key. 8. Press E (for) Edit. 9. Press P (for) Paste. To exit from edit screen: Process:Press Alt key. Press F (for) File. Press X (for) Exit. To Find the word: Process: 1. Type any long document. 2. Put the cursor at the top of the document. 3. Press Alt key S (for) Search F (for) Find. 4. Give the find word in find what box. 5. Press f3 to continue, until it doesn’t complete. To replace the word: Process: 1. Type any texts. 2. Put the cursor at the top of the document. 3. Press Alt key. Press S (for) Search R (for) Replace. 4. Give the replace word in replace with box and press ↵key. If you have replaced all choose the replace all and press  (enter) key.

♦Attrib Command: It is an external command of ms-dos. This command is used to protect or lock the files. [+] set on attrib [-] clear on attrib [+H] It is used to hide the files and can’t be delete the files. [-H] It used to visible (display) the hidden file and can be delete that files. [+R] Read only files such means the files cannot be over write or erase. [-R] Read and write such means the files can be over write or erase. From [+H] 1. Process: C:\> Dir/w↵


2. 3. 4.

C:\> Attrib ∪ +H ∪ File name  C:|> Dir/w  (To check) C:\> Del ∪ File name ↵ Message: File not found E.g.: C:\>Attrib ∪ +H ∪ Impact  From [-H] Process:

1. 2. 3. 4.

C:\>Dir/w  C:\>Attrib ∪ -H ∪ File name ↵ C:\>Dir/w ↵ (To Check) C:\>Del ∪ File Name ↵ Then your file will be deleted. E.g. C:\>Attrib ∪ -H ∪ Impact ↵ From [+R] Process: 1. C:\>Dir/w  2. C:\>Attrib ∪ +R ∪ File name  3. C:\>Dir;/w  4. C:\>Del ∪ File name ↵ Massage: Access denied. E.g. C:\>Attrib ∪ +R ∪ sapana  From [-R] Process:-

1. 2. 3. 4.

C:\>Dir\w  C:\>Attrib ∪ -R ∪ File name. C:\>Dir/w  (To Check) C:\>Del ∪ File name. The file will be deleted. E.g. C:\>Attrib ∪ -R ∪ sapana. ♦Sort Command: It is external command of ms-dos. It is used to display the files and directories in ascending and descending order. Process: 1. C:\> Dir ∪ ¦sort  (for ascending A to Z) 2. C:\> Dir ∪ ¦sort\r (for descending Z to A) ♦Scandisk Command: This command is used to run the scan disk program. Process: 1. C:\>Scandisk ∪ C:↵ (To run scandisk in C drive) 2. C:\>Scandisk A : (To run scandisk in A drive) ♦System Command: This command is used to copies dos sys files to a new disk. Process: 1. C:\> Sys ∪ a: Massage:- system transferred. ♦XCopy Command: This command is used to move the directory one location to another location with sub-directory and files. Process: 1. C:\> XCopy/s ∪ Directory name ∪ Directory name (To move C:\ To C:\) 2. C:\> XCopy/s ∪ C:\ directory name ∪ A:\ Directory name ↵ (To Move C:\ To A:\)


♦Tree Command: This command is used to display the sub directory and files of the drive. Process: 1. C:\>Tree  (Display only directory & sub directory ) C:\> Tree/f  (Display directory, sub directory & files). Windows 98 1. What is a widow? The Microsoft windows popularly called ms-windows. Windows is a software program that makes your personal computer (pc) easy to use. Windows works with ms-dos (micro-soft disk operating system) to control over the entire operation of the computer. It helps the user to store and manage the files on his computer. Windows for workgroups operating systems provided or graphical environment, networking and performance enhancements to the ms-dos operating system. It is a truly easy graphical interface that makers it dramatically simpler to use your pc while at the same time more efficient and customizable. You can install modems. CD-Rom drives and other peripherals, confident that those devices will configure themselves automatically to your system using plug and play technology. It is not runs an application or program but also control how much application interact with the operator while taking input from the operator or providing output to operator. 2. Why do we need the windows? Windows provides us the following additional advantages. 1. We can run one or more application at the same time. 2. The extensive graphical interface provides a user-friendly environment. 3. We may transfer the information between applications. 4. It reduces the learning time of a person because all applications is presented in an identical manner. 5. We can manage our file very easily. 3. Why is it called windows? Windows has the following important features: 1. It supports for better multimedia and game.



3. 4. 5.

6. 7.


It provides automatic recognition and setting up your hardware. Internet can be accessed very easily and quickly. It supports for multiple monitors. Long file names are allowed. Microsoft exchange can be used to view and work with e-mail Microsoft network can be used to communicate with the people all over the word. It supports DVD disk (enhancement of CD-ROM).

Software and hardware requirements to run the windows. 1. Ms-dos or dos. 2. Hard disk having memory space 6-8 MB (Mega Bytes). 3. At least one floppy drive. 4. A monitor (supported by the windows). 5. A printer (supported by the windows). 6. A mouse (supported by the windows) (key board.) Command On Start Menu: Programs: To display a list of a programs you can use. Document: To displays a list of document that you have opened previously. Settings: To display list of system components for which you can change settings. Find: To find or se arch file or folder etc. Icon: An Icon is a small picture representing or application or a file. Icons minimize the space on the screen occupied by an application on the desktop. Recycle Bin: This icon represents a temporary storage area on your hand disk for files you don not need, if you want to restore a file that is in the Recycle Bin, you can do so, but one you have deleted a file from the recycle bin, it is not possible again to open it. My Computer: This icon allows you to see the information that you have in your computer. For example, the disk drives on your pc. The disk includes the hard disk drive, one or more floppy disk drive, CD-Rom drive. Zip drive etc. Taskbar: when you start windows a bar appear at the bottom of the screen representing the task you are going to perform. The bar is referred as taskbar. Whenever you start a program. A bottom representing that program appears on the taskbar. It shows the clock at its end, to change the time you can double click the clock indicator. Clock: it shows the system time. Use Of A Mouse And Mouse Techniques: A mouse is a pointing device popularly used while working with windows a mouse has more than one button, but mostly the left mouse is used. According to your convenience. You can change the default, following are the common terms associated with the mouse. Term Click Double-click Drag Point

Meaning Quickly press and release the mouse button. Click the mouse button twice in quick succession Press and hold down the mouse button while you move The mouse Move the mouse until the mouse pointer points to the desired item on the screen.

How to move a window? You con move a widow from one place to another place very easily of the screen. 1. Drag the title bar of the window. Which you want to move, to a new location on the screen. 2. Release the mouse button at the new. 3. Location. How to add program to start menu? You can add new programs to start menu and delete the program. Which are not required for you? Process 1. Click on start 2. Click on Setting 3. Click on Taskbar & Start Menu 4. Click on start menu program 5. Click on add button 6. Click on browse. 7. Double Click on Programs File 8. Double click on Microsoft Office. 9. Double click on office. 10. Choose any one program & click on open. 11. Click on next & choose any one folder (program) to keep the program on the start menu and click on next. 12. Click on finish. 13. Click on ok How to remove the unnecessary program from start menu? Process: 1. Click on start. 2. Click on Setting 3. Click on Taskbar & Start Menu. 4. Click on start menu program 5. Click on remove & select your unnecessary program. 6. Click on remove. 7. Click on close.



At last click on ok.

What is a shortcut & how to create it? If you have to use any program or document frequently then the easier and faster way to run them is to create short cut. A short culets you access a program or document easily and quickly step by create a shortcut. Process: 1. Click on right button at the screen. 2. Click on new 3. Click to shortcut. 4. Click on Browse 5. Click to Program File 6. Click on open. 7. Click on Microsoft office. 8. Click on open 9. Select any program & click on open. 10. Click on next. 11. At last click finish. To delete the unnecessary shortcut program. Process:1. Click on icon or program, which you want to delete with right button. 2. Click on delete. Then following message will appear. 3. Are you sure you want to send “program name” to the recycle bin? 4. Click on yes. Copy the files one location to another location :- ( C: / to A :\) Process: 1. Insert a diskette in floppy disk drive. 2. Click on start. 3. Click on program 4. Click on windows explorer. 5. Click on my documents or anyone folder. 6. Choose your file& click it right button. 7. Click on send to. 8. Click on 3½ Floppy (A :) Then your active file will be copied into floppy disk. To delete the unnecessary file from hard disk. Process: 1. Insert a diskette in floppy disk drive. 2. Click on start 3. Click on program. 4. Click on windows explorer 5. Click on my documents or anyone folder. 6. Choose your file & click it right button 7. Click on delete. To set a screen saver Process:1. Click right button at the desktop. 2. Click on properties. 3. Click on screen saver (to time) & select 3d text. 4. Click on setting & delete the old text from text box. 5. Type new text on the text box. If you want to type the text in Nepali font style. Click on choose font. And select Preeti. 6. Click on ok (to times). 7. Click on preview. 8. Click on apply & click on ‘ok’ button. Word Pad (write application): word pad (write application) is a word processing application. We can write letter, application; Documents publication text and also graphic use. It is not to powerful text top line as ms-word. Ti is widely used in office, factory and industries. Word pad (write is sufficient for small word processing. It is needs almost homes & office. The extension of write is Rich Text Format (RTF). How to start word pad (write application)? Process: 1. Click on start. 2. Click on program 3. Click on accessories. 4. Click on word pad (write application) File/New: This command is used to create a new document and to close the active file. Process:1. Click on file. 2. Click on new. 3. Click on ok. File/save: This command is used to save the new file in ms-word pad screen. Process: 1. Type any documents (text) 2. Click on file. 3. Click on save. 4. Click on new folder box and cerate a new folder. 5. Click on open 6. Give your filename in filename box. 7. Click on save.


File/Open: This command is used to open your select ed file which was already created in word pad. Process: 1. Click on file. 2. Click on open. 3. Choose your file in your folder. 4. Click on open. File/Save as: This command is used to resave the selected file having changed the file name. Process: 1. Open your file. 2. Add more some documents. 3. Click on file. 4. Click on save as 5. Give new file name or same name. 6. Click on save. File/page setup: It is very important command it is used to set paper size, paper orientation style and paper margins of the top, bottom, left, right, before printing. Process: 1. Open your file, which you want to print. 2. Click on file. 3. Click on page setup. 4. Click on paper size box and choose any one paper size style. 5. Then after set the margins of top, bottom left, right box. 6. Click on ‘ok’ File /Print Preview: This command is used to see the selected file in print preview screen. Process: 1. Click on file. 2. Click on print preview. 3. Click on close. File /Print: It is also important command. It is used to print out the selected file. Process: 1. Click on file 2. Click on print 3. If you want to print current page, click on pages box and type the current page number. 4. Click on ok. File/Exit: This command is used to exit from word pad (write application) screen. Process: 1. Click on file. 2. Click on exit. Edit/Undo: This command is used to restore the deleted character. Process: 1. Type any documents and block it. 2. Delete the selected character with the help of delete key. 3. Click on edit. 4. Click on undo. Edit/Cut: This command is used to cut any copy the selected documents. Process: 1. Type any text & highlight it. 2. Click on edit. 3. Click on cut. Edit (Copy+Paste): This command is used to (copy+paste) the selected text from one place to another place. Process: 1. Type any documents and block it. 2. Click on edit. 3. Click on copy. 4. Put the cursor point at the required place where you want to paste. 5. Click on edit 6. Click on paste. Edit/Clear: It is used to clear the screen. Process: 1. Type any documents and block it. 2. Click on edit 3. Click on clear. Edit /Select All: It is used to select the whole documents at once. Process: 1. Type any long documents. 2. Click on edit 3. Click on select all. Edit/Find: This command is used to find the selected character or word in long documents. Process: 1. Type any long documents. 2. Put the cursor point at the top of the documents. 3. Click n edit.


4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Click on find Type finds word in find what box. Click on find next to continue until it doesn’t complete. Click on ‘ok’ Click on ‘close.

Edit /Replace: It is used to replace the finding word in long documents. Process: 1. Type any long documents 2. Put the cursor point at the top of the documents. 3. Click on edit. 4. Click on replace 5. Type finds word in find what box. 6. Type replaces word in replace with box. 7. If you wants to replace all choose replaces all with help of tap key and press enter key. 8. At last click on ok. View/Toolbar: It is used to keep and remove the toolbar from the screen. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on toolbar. (to keep) 3. Click on view 4. Click on toolbar.(to remove). 5. Click on ‘ok’ 6. If you want to delete the tab style click on clear. 7. Click on ‘ok’

Ms-paint brush: Microsoft –paint is called drawing object. It is completely drawing object. Paint-brush totally depends on mouse. We can create the different types of pictures as our image and give them color to look nice. We can rearrange the size of picture as our needs. The extension of paint –brush is bmp. How to start Paint Brush? Process: 1. Click on start. 2. Click on program. 3. Click on accessories. 4. Click on paint brush. Then after following paint brush screen will appear. File Save: It is used to save (record) the file in ms-paint. Process: 1. Create any picture 2. Click on file 3. Click on save 4. Type your file name in filename box. 5. Click on save File /New: It is used to clear the screen. Process: 1. Create a picture 2. Click on file 3. Click on new 4. Click on no File/Open: It is used to open your figure which was already creating in ms-point. Process: 1. Click on file. 2. Click on open 3. Choose your file name. 4. Click on open. File/Save As: It is used to resave or make a duplicate file from one to another. Process: 1. Open your file 2. Click on file 3. Click on save as 4. Give new file name in file name box 5. Click on save. File /set as wallpaper (Tiled & Centered): It is used to set different types of wallpaper at the desktop. Process: 1. Create a nice picture & save it. 2. Click on file. 3. Click on set as wallpaper (centered or tiled) 4. Click on file. 5. Click on exit. To remove the wallpaper. Process: 1. Click right button at the screen.


2. 3. 4.

Click on properties. Click on background. Choose none and click on ok.

File/ Exit: It is used to exit from paint brush screen. Process: 1. Click on file. 2. Click on exit. Edit/Undo: This command is used to restore the figure which was deleted using delete key. Process: 1. Create a figure and select it. 2. Delete the figure with the help of delete key. 3. Click on edit. 4. Click on undo. Edit/Repeat: It is used to review the position to undo. Process: 1. Create a picture and select it. 2. Click on edit 3. Click on undo 4. Click on edit 5. Click on repeat. Edit/Copy+Paste the picture Paint to write. Process: 1. Create a picture and select it. 2. Click on edit. 3. Click on copy. 4. Click on file. 5. Click on exit. 6. Click on Program 7. Click on Accessories. 8. Click on Word Pad 9. Click on edit 10. Click on paste. Edit/Clear Selection: This command is used to clear the selection picture. Process: 1. Create a picture and select it 2. Click on edit 3. Click on clear selection Edit/ Select All: This command is used to select the whole picture or figure at once. Process: 1. Create a picture at the paint brush. 2. Click on edit 3. Click on select all View/ Tool Box: It is used to keep/remove the tool box. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on toolbox.(To keep) 3. Click on view 4. Click on toolbox (To remove) View/Color Box: It is used to keep/ remove the color box from ms-paint. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on color box (To keep) 3. Click on view. 4. Click on color box.( To remove) View Status Bar: It is used to keep/ remove the status bar. Process; 1. Click on view 2. Click on status bar.(To keep) 3. Click on view 4. Click on status bar.(To remove) View /Zoom: It is used to see the picture or figure in normal size, large size and custom size. Process: 1. Open your picture 2. Click on view 3. Click on large size 4. Click on view 5. Click on normal size 6. Click on view 7. Click on custom and select any one percentage. 8. Click on ok 9. Click on view 10. Click on normal size.


View/Bitmap: It is used to see the picture in full screen. Process: 1. Open your picture 2. Click on view 3. Click on view bitmap 4. Click on cut out of the screen to bring it Image /Flip/ Rotate: - It is used to keep the picture or figure vertical, horizontal and rotate by angle style. Process: 1. Open your picture. 2. Click on image 3. Click on click on flip/horizontal, flip/vertical & rotate by angle. 4. Click on ok. Image /Stretch/ Skew: It is used to keep a picture or figure in different size. Process: 1. Open your picture 2. Click on image 3. Click on horizontal & vertical type any one percentage. 4. Click on ok Image/Invert Colors: It is used to invert the active color. Process: 1. Open your picture. 2. Click on image. 3. Click on invert color. 4. Click on image 5. Click on invert color. Image/Attributes: It is used to set the any one picture or figure width and height units. (Inches, cm, pels) and it is used to set color &black and white color. Process: 1. Open your picture. 2. Click on image. 3. Click on attributes. 4. Choose any one unit. 5. Click on ok. Image/Clear Image: This command is used to clear the image at once. Process: 1. Open your file. 2. Click on image 3. Click on clear image. 4. Click on image clear.

Microsoft word: Ms Word is one of most popular type of word processing. It is used to write letters, reports, proposals, thesis, quotations, format text and letter pad with the page number, header & footer it is used in office factory and industries. Where as date processing is concerned with the processing of data, word processing is concerned with the efficient processing of words or text. The word processor is such a powerful tool; the extension of msword is doc. How to start ms-word program? Process: 1. Click on start 2. Click on program 3. Click on ms word Then after following screen will appear. File /Save: It is used to save (record) the new file in ms-word. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Click on file. 3. Click on save 4. Type your file name is filename box. 5. Click on save. File/New: It is used to create a new document Process: 1. Click on file 2. Click on new 3. Click on ok File /Open: This command is used to open the selected file from ms-word screen. Process: 1. Click on file 2. Click on open 3. Choose your file into your folder 4. Click on open


File/Save As: This command is used to resave or change the file name. Process: 1. Open your file. 2. Add some more text.(document) 3. Click on file 4. Click on save as. 5. Type new file name in file name box. 6. Click on save. File/ Close: This command is used to close the active file. Process: 1. Type any documents and save it. 2. Click on file 3. Click on close. File/Page Setup: Process: 1. Go to file menu 2. Select page setup appears a dialogue box. 3. Select margin parameter to left, right, top bottom, header & footer. 4. Select paper size tab from top row of dialogue box to change paper size. 5. Select paper size as you like 6. If you want to change orientation (landscape, portrait) then chose orientation. 7. If you want to change paper source then choose paper source tab from to row of dialogue box. 8. Select source (default tray, manual etc). 9. When finished all selecting you click on ok. File/Print Preview: It is used to view the document in actual size, whatever display on this preview this will be exact output on the paper. Process: 1. Click on file menu. 2. Select print preview. 3. If you want to close or return from print preview then click at close button. File/ Version: This option is used to set version command and other information. Process: 1. Click on file menu 2. Select version then appear dialog box 3. Click on save new button on by one & see the information File/Send To: This command is used to send the file from one location to another location. (From word to fax) recipient, word at mail recipient word to Microsoft PowerPoint. Process: 1. Open your file 2. Click on file 3. Click on send to. 4. Click on Microsoft PowerPoint or any on location. File/Exit: This command is used to exit from ms-word screen. Process: 1. Click on file 2. Click on exit. Edit/ Undo: This command is used to restore the deleted character or word. Process: 1. Type any document and block it. 2. Deleted that document with the help of delete key. 3. Click on edit 4. Click on undo 5. Click on edit 6. Click on repeat close Edit/Clear: It is used to clear the screen. Process: 1. Type any text and block it 2. Click on edit 3. Click on clear. Edit/Select All: It is used to select (highlight) the whole documents at once. Process: 1. Type any long documents. 2. Click on edit 3. Click on select all. To (Cut, Copy+Paste The Documents). Process: 1. Type any documents and block it. 2. Click on edit 3. Click on cut/copy 4. Put the cursor point at the require place where you want to paste. 5. Click on edit. 6. Click on paste


Edit/ Find: This command is used to search any specific or any character word of the document Process: 1. Click on edit 2. Select find command then after find dialogue box 3. Type any word which is necessary to search at file. What box 4. Click on find next. 5. If you want to close then you click at close. Edit/ Go To: It is used to jump the next page. Process: 1. Type 4/5 pages documents 2. Click on edit 3. Click on go to 4. Type the current page number in enters page number. 5. Click on go to 6. Click on close. View/Normal: It is used to bring the normal screen. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on normal View/Web Layout /Print Layout: It is used to create /remove web layout and print layout. Process: 1. Click on view. 2. Click on web layout 3. Click on view 4. Click on print layout 5. Click on view 6. Click on normal View /Online Layout: It is used to create an online layout or to bring the normal screen. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on online layout View/ Outline: It is used to type any document in graphical order. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on outline. Then after type any document with help of tab. E.g. Nepal and press  key. (Then after help of tab.) Butwal and press key. (Then after press tab key). Mahendra park and Press  key.( Then after press tab key). Impact Group and pres key. (Then after press tab key). View /Ruler: It is used to keep/remove the ruler in screen. Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on ruler. (To keep) 3. Click on view 4. Click on ruler. (To remove) View /Toolbar: It is very important command it is used to keep/remove the important toolbar Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on toolbar 3. Click on standard formatting drawing word art etc. (To keep) 4. Click on standard formatting drawing word art etc.(To remove) View /Header and Footer: This command is used to put the header and footer at top of the page and bottom of t he page. Harder and footer are used to put such information, page number, chapter, and chapter title at the top of the page and bottom of the page. A header is displayed and printed top of the page where as the footer is displayed at the bottom of the page. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Put the cursor point at the top of the documents. 3. Click on view 4. Click on header and footer 5. Type any header at the header box 6. lock your header 7. Click on format 8. Click on border and shading 9. Click on box shadow and 3-d any one 10. Click on ok 11. Click on switch between header and footer. 12. Type your footer in footer box 13. Block your footer 14. Click on format 15. Click on border and shading 16. Click on box shadow and 3-d any one. 17. Click on ok 18. Click on close


19. Click on file 20. Click on print preview 21. Click on box shadow and 3-d any one. View/ Full Screen: It is used to display whole documents in full screen. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Click on view 3. Click on full screen 4. Click on close full screen View /Zoom: This command is used to change the worksheet (documents) area or it is used to display the documents indifferent size. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Click on view 3. Click on zoom and select any one percentage. 4. Click on ok. Insert/ Break: This command is used to page break, column break and section break etc. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Put the cursor point at the require position from which you want to break the page. 3. Click on insert. 4. Click on Break. 5. Select page break, column break, section break as you need 6. Click on ok. Insert/Page Number: It is used to insert to the page number and controls the format position and value. Process: 1. Type and document which has 4/5 pages with the help of page break command. 2. Put the cursor point at the top of the file. 3. Click on Insert menu. 4. Click on page number. 5. Click on position box and select any one position style. 6. Click on Alignment and select any one alignment style. 7. Click on format. 8. Select any one number style. 9. Click on ok.(Two times) 10. Click on file menu. 11. Click on Print preview. 12. Click on close. Insert /Date and Time: It is used to insert the different style of date and time. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the require position where you want to insert date and time 2. Click on insert 3. Click on date & and time. 4. Click any one style of date and time 5. Click on ‘ok’ Insert/Auto Text: It is used to keep the text automatically or with out write. (E.g. Header and footer, mailings instructions, normal, solution signature, subject line of the any one style).It is also used keep or removes the any initial character of the word. Process: 1. Click on insert menu. 2. Click on Auto text. 3. Click on Attention line, Closing, Header and footer, mailing instructions, normal, reference line, solutions and subject line any one which you have needed. Insert/Filed: This command is used to insert the any one field name. Process: 1. Click on Insert menu. 2. Click on field. 3. Click on any one category or all categories. 4. Click on any open field names. 5. Click on ok. Insert/Symbol: This command is used to inserted symbol from a display list of fonts and a corresponding symbol. Process: 1. Put the cursor point where you want to insert symbol 2. Click on Insert menu. 3. Click on Symbol. 4. Click on fonts box and select any on font (webdings, Symbol) 5. Select any symbol & click on insert. 6. Click on close. 7. If you want to keep the symbol in short cut key form, then click on short cut key button. 8. Click on "press new short cut key box" & press nay key with Alt key.[E.g. Alt +A, Alt + B] 9. Click on assign. 10. Click on close.(Two times). Insert/Reference/Footnote: This command is used to type any information or message at the document. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Put the cursor at the necessary word.


3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Click on Insert menu. Click on reference. Click on footnote. Click on symbol and select any one symbol and click on ok. Select Endnote or Footnote. Click on options and select any one number format from number format box. Click on ok.(Two times)

Insert/Picture/Clip Art: This command used to insert any picture (from Clip Art, Auto shape) etc. at the current position. Process: 1. Go to insert menu. 2. Click on picture 3. Click on clip art. 4. Click search button. 5. Select any one picture & click it. 6. Click on out side the picture for block out (highlight out) 7. Click on inside the picture for block on. 8. Then after increase & decrease the picture size with the help of mouse. 9. If you don't move your picture, then you right click in the picture. 10. Click on format picture. 11. Click on layout. 12. Click on In front of text. 13. Then after your picture will move.

Insert/Picture/Organization Chart: This command is used to insert the selected organization chart. Process: 1. Got insert menu. 2. Click on picture & click on organization chart. 3. Then organization chart will appear. 4. Click on chart title and type the new title. 5. Type the related name or any other text inside the current organization chart box. 6. If you want to add field then choose subordinate, manager, assistant tool bar. 7. Do these processes continue to add more fields? 8. Click on view & click on size to windows 50% of actual size. 9. Click on edit and select level. 10. Click on ok, click on boxes and select color. 11. Choose any one color. 12. In the same way, click on lines, click on color and choose any one color. 13. In the same way, click on fill shadow, border style, border color etc. 14. Now increase & decrease the picture size with the help of mouse. 15. At last, save the chart. Insert/Picture/Auto Shape: This command is used to automatic drawing shape number & tool bars. Process: 1. Go to insert menu. 2. Click on picture. 3. Click on auto shapes. 4. Then display auto shape tool bars. 5. Select any one shape (Basic shape, Star & Banners, cell outs) 6. Drag the mouse pointer at the screen. Then after increase & decrease the picture size with the help of mouse. 7. If you want to type any text inside the auto shape picture. 8. Click on text box & drag the mouse point inside the auto shape picture. 9. Then after type any text inside the picture 10. Select your text, click on font color & select any one color. 11. Block your auto shape picture. 12. Click on fill color box & select any one color. 13. Click on line color box & select line color box. Insert/Picture/word Art: This command is used to type the text in different design. Process: 1. Go to insert menu. 2. Click on picture. 3. Click on word art. 4. Select any one style from word art gallery. 5. Click on ok. 6. Type any document inside the text box. 7. Click on ok. 8. Click on format word art. 9. Click on fill color and select any one color. 10. Click on line color and select any one color. 11. Click on word art shape <> 12. Select any one style. 13. Click on shadow and select any one shadow style. 14. Click on 3-D and select any one style of 3-D style. 15. Click on file menu. 16. Click on Print Preview. 17. Click on close. Insert/Bookmark: It is used to add/remove and go the bookmark step. Process: 1. Type any long documents.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Put the cursor point at require position Click on insert click on bookmark Type bookmark name in bookmark mark name box. Click on add. Click on file Click on close Click on yes. Open your file. Click on insert Click on bookmark and select your bookmark Click on location Click on go to Click on close.

Insert /File: It is used to insert the selected file into a active file. Process: 1. Go to insert menu. 2. Click on file. 3. Select your file & click on insert. Insert /Text Box: It is used to type any text in text box style. Process: 1. Click on insert 2. Click on text box and drag it in screen. 3. Type any documents inside the text box. Block on text box. 4. Click on fill color box and select black color. 5. Click on font color box and select white color. Insert/Hyper Link: This command is used to create (open) insert the file or link the file. Process: 1. Go to insert menu. 2. Click on Hyper link. 3. Click on browse for file. 4. Select any one file. 5. Click on ok.(Two times) 6. Press ctrl + Click the mouse of the link file. Format /Font: This command is used to change the font name font style font size font color of your documents it is used to keep the text in superscript and subscript form. Process: 1. Type any document and block it 2. Click on format click on font 3. Click on font box and select any one font 4. Click on font style box and select anyone font style 5. Click on font size box and select anyone font size 6. Click on underline box and select anyone underline style. 7. Click on superscript and subscript to keep superscript & subscript. 8. Click on ok. Format/ Paragraph: It is used to leave space between the lines and keep the t ext in left, right centered and justified label. Process: 1. Type any documents and block it. 2. Click on format. Click on paragraph 3. Click on line spacing box and select single, double 1.5 and exactly. 4. Click on ok. Format/Border & Shading: It is used to create a box on the blocked area and fill color inside it. It mostly used to create a letter pad. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the current position. 2. Click on format 3. Click on borders and shading. Click on borders. 4. Select box shadow 3-d anyone style. 5. Click on line style box and select anyone like style. 6. Click on color box and select any one color. 7. Click on ok 8. Type any documents (inside the box) 9. Block on the documents 10. Click on format click on borders and shading 11. Click on shading and select anyone color from color box 12. Again block on the text of the box. 13. Click on edit click on cut click on edit click on paste. Format/Bullets and Numbering: It is used to keep & remove. The bullets and numbering at the beginning of the sentence. Process: 1. Click on format 2. Click on bullets and numbering 3. Click on bullet or number and select or number. 4. If you want to see the other bullet sign click on customize. 5. Click on bullet and select anyone bullet sign. 6. Click on ok. (two times) 7. Then after type any text with bullet signs. 8. If you want to remove the bullet sign, click on bullet button of the formatting box.


Format /Change Case: It is used to change the documents from appear case (capital) to lower (small) case. Lower (small) case to appear (capital) case and other cases, sentence, case title case and toggle case. Process: 1. Type any documents and block it 2. Click on format menu. 3. Click on change case. 4. Choose anyone case, as you have needed. 5. Click on ok. Format/ Theme: This command is used to set a unified design elements and color schemes. A theme helps you easily create professional and welldesigned documents for viewing in Microsoft Word, in e-mail, or on the web. Process: 1. Go to format menu. 2. Click on theme. 3. Click on Choose a theme box & select anyone style. 4. Click on ok. Format/Columns: It is used to type any text column by column or in newspaper from. Process: 1. Type any long documents 2. Click on format 3. Click on columns. 4. Click on number of columns and select 3/2 columns. 5. If you want to keep the line between columns, click on file between 6. Click on ok. Format /Drop Cap: It is used to keep the character in drop cap style. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Put the cursor point at the beginning of the character 3. Click on format. Click on drop cap 4. Click on dropped 5. Click on lines to drop box and set anyone lines number 6. Click on ok. Format/Background: It is used to fill color in background side. Process: 1. Click on format 2. Click on background and choose anyone color. To keep the text in bold, italic, underline, left, right, center & justify. Process: 1. Type any text and block it. 2. Click on bold, italic underline, left , center and justify as you have needed. Tools / Spelling & Grammar: It is very import ant command. This command is used to check the spelling of your document. Process: 1. Type any long documents 2. Put the cursor point at the top of the documents. 3. Click on tools click on spelling and grammar. 4. Click on suggestions box and select correct spelling 5. Click on replace to replace the spelling 6. Click on ignore. To keep the same spelling 7. Click on close. Tools/ Language: It is used to set the selected language and to insert synonym and antonyms. To set the language Process: 1. Click on tools 2. Click on language 3. Click on set language and choose any one language. 4. Click on ok. Tools/ Language/ Thesaurus: It is used to see and replace the synonyms and antonyms. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Put the cursor point at the require place. 3. Click on tools. 4. Click on language 5. Click on thesaurus 6. Click any one synonym and antonyms, as you have needed, 7. Click on replace. Tools/ Word Count: It is used to display or keep the information of number page. Word characters, paragraph and lines in active files. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Click on tools 3. Click on word count 4. Click on close. Tools/ Protect Documents: It is used to protect or locked your documents with the help of password. Process:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Type any documents Click on tools. Click on protect document Click on comments. Type the password box in password (optional) box. Then after type same password in re-enter password box.

Tools/ Unprotect Documents: It is used to open the locked or protect documents. Process: 1. Open your protected file 2. Click on tools 3. Click on unprotected documents 4. Type the same password which was already given to protect 5. Click on ok. Tools/ Letter & Mailings/ Envelops and Labels: It is used to create visiting cards at the full page or it is used to create and display 30 cards at once. Process: 1. Click on tools menu 2. Click on Letters & Mailings 3. Click on Envelops and labels 4. Click on label 5. Type your address in address box. 6. Click on Option. 7. Click on label product box & select Avery Standard. 8. Click on Product number box & select "8160 – Address" & Click on ok. 9. Select your whole address & go to table menu. 10. Click on table auto format. 11. Click on table styles box. & select table grid1 12. Click on Apply & Click on ok. 13. Click on File menu. Click on Print Preview. 14. Click on close. Tools/Letters & Mailings/ Mail Merge Wizard: It is used to add primary file and secondary. Primary file means body of the letter and secondary file means address of the letter. Process: 1. Go to Tools menu. 2. Click on Letters & Mailings. 3. Click on Mail Merge Wizard. 4. Click on Next: Starting document. 5. Click on Next: Select recipients. 6. Click on Type a new list. 7. Click on create. 8. Type the address in Enter address information box. 9. Click on New Entry (In this way, you add more address). 10. Click on close. 11. Save your merge file. 12. Click on ok. 13. Click on Next: Write your letter. 14. Click on More Items. 15. Select "Title". Click on insert & click on close. 16. Click on more items. 17. Select "First name", click on insert & click on close. 18. Press "Space bar" & again, click on more items. 19. Select "Last name", click on insert & click on close. 20. Do this process continue until, it doesn't complete. 21. Type any letter. 22. Click on View merge data <> 23. Click on Next record, last record, previous record, first record etc. 24. If you want to display merge file in page by page. Then click on Next: Preview your letters. 25. Click on Next: Complete the merge. 26. Click on Edit individual letters. 27. Type Number from........ To......... 28. Click on ok. 29. At last save your merge file. Tools/ Customize: It is used to keep and remove the unnecessary icon from the word screen. To keep in screen Process:1. Click on tools. Click on customize click on command. 2. Select anyone menu from categories box 3. Select anyone command in command box. 4. Click on anyone command which you want keeps in screen and drag it with the help of mouse. 5. Click on close. To remove from screen: Process: 1. Click on tools. Click on customize click on command 2. Select anyone menu from categories box. 3. Click on anyone command which you want removes from screen and drag it with the help of mouse and release it in commands box. 4. Click on close.


Tools/ Options: It is used to protect or lock the important file. This command is also used to keep and remove the important toolbars to protect or lock the file. Process: 1. Type any documents and save it. 2. Click on tools click on options click on security 3. Click on password to open box and type any one password. 4. Click on ok. 5. Click on re-enter password to open box and type same password which was already given in password to open box. 6. Click on ok click on file click on close click on yes 7. Click on file 8. Click on open and select your file name & click on open. 9. Type your password in enter password to open box which was already given in to protect or locked the file. 10. At last click on ok. To keep and remove the important bars. Process: 1. Click on Tools. 2. Click on options. 3. Click on view 4. Click on horizontal scrollbar, vertical scrollbar, status bar and other important bars also 5. Click on ok. Tools/Macro: It is used to record the new macro. Process: 1. Click on tools 2. Click on macro, 3. Click on record new macro. 4. Click on keyboard and type shortcut key in shortcut key box. 5. Click on assign, click on close. 6. Then after type any documents. 7. Click on stop recording. 8. At last press that shortcut key to paste. Tools/ Auto Summarize: it is used to see the correct summary of the active file. Process: 1. Type any documents and bock it 2. Click on type the summarize box 3. Click on percent of original box and select 25% 4. Click on ok .click on close. Tools/ Auto Correct: It is used to set/remove the replace word. It is used to keep and remove the initial character of any word. Process 1. Click on tools click on auto correct click on correct to initial capitals, capitalize first letters of sentences, capitalize name of days. Correct accidental usage of caps lock key and replace text as you type. 2. Type replaces word in replace box.(e.g. I) 3. Type the replace with word in replace with box (eg. Impact group institute) 4. Click on add click on ok 5. Then after type your replace word in ms word screen. Tools/ Customize: It is also used to set the font in short cut key style. Process: 1. Click on tools 2. Click on customize 3. Click on keyboard 4. Click on categories box and select fonts. 5. Click on new short cut key box and type any one short cut key (eg. Alt+b etc). 6. Click on font box and select preeti. 7. Click on assign 8. Then after type the short cut keys in ms-word screen. 9. In the same way set English fonts also Tools /Letters & Mailings/Letter Wizard: It is used to type the letter in letter wizard style. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the current position 2. Click on tools 3. Click on Letters & Mailings. 4. Click on letter wizard. 5. Click on letter format 6. Click on date & time and select any one date & time 7. Click on ok 8. Click on tools 9. Click on letter wizard 10. Click on sender info 11. Click on sender's name box and type one sender's name 12. Click on return address box and the return address box 13. Click on complimentary closing box and choose any one closing style 14. Click on job title box and type your title. 15. Click on company box and type your company name. 16. Click on ok. 17. Then after type your body of the letter replaces of type your text here line. 18. At last current your letter wizard.


Table / Draw Table: This command is used to draw a table. Process: 1. Go to table menu 2. Click on draw table 3. Drag the draw table in screen. 4. Click on line style and select any one line style 5. Then after fill the row or column inside the table. 6. Block (select) your table. 7. Click on border color and select any one color 8. Click on all borders or out line border as you have need. 9. Type any text inside the table. 10. Click on change text direction (A to Z) sort ascending or descending. 11. Click on auto sum 12. Click on delete column to delete the table. Table/ Insert/ Table: This command is used to insert the table at the selected area. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the necessary place. 2. Click on table. 3. Click on insert table 4. Set the number of columns and number of rows from the number of column & row box. 5. Click on auto format 6. Select grid 1 from the format box. 7. Click on ok (two times) 8. Then after type any text inside the table 9. Put the cursor below the amount 10. Click on table 11. Click on formula 12. Press back space to remove the old formula except= 13. Click on paste function box and select product and type the left. 14. Click on ok. Table /Insert /Columns: It is used to insert a blank column where is the cursor point. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the current position. 2. Click on table menu. 3. Click on insert. 4. Click on columns to the left/columns to the right. Table /Insert Row: It is used to insert a blank row Where is the cursor point. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the current position. 2. Click on table menu. 3. Click on insert. 4. Click on Row above/below. Table/ Delete/Column: This command is used to delete the unnecessary columns. Process: 1. Select your columns, which you want to delete. 2. Go to table menu. 3. Click on delete 4. Click on columns Table/Delete/Table: This command is used to delete the whole table at once. Process: 1. Create any table & highlight it. 2. Go to table menu. 3. Click on delete. 4. Click on table. Table/Split Cells: It is used to divide the selected cells. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the current position. 2. Click on table. 3. Click on split cells. 4. Type the number you want to select in the number of column box. 5. Click on ok. Table/Merge cells: It is used to delete the split cells. Process: 1. Blocked your split. 2. Click on table. 3. Click on merge cells. Table/Select Row: It is used to select the column where is the cursor position. Process: 1. Put the cursor point at the current position. 2. Click on table. 3. Click on selected row. Table/ Select Column: It is used to select the row where is the current cursor position. Process:


1. 2. 3.

Put the cursor point at the require place which you want to select the row. Click on select the row Click on select column

Table /Select Table: It is used to select the whole table at once. Process: 1. Create a table 2. Put the cursor point at the required place or inside the table. 3. Click on table. 4. Click on select table. Table /Formula: It is used to mathematics to calculation. Process: 1. Create table and type any ext inside the table 2. Put the cursor below the amount or (require) place. 3. Click on table 4. Press back space to remove the formula except = 5. Click on past function box and select product and type the "Left" and press enter key. To Addition The Data (Amount) Process: 1. Put the cursor at the require position. 2. Click on table 3. Click on formula 4. Click on ok Table / Convert: It is used to convert the text (table to text & text to table) form. Process: 1. Create a table & type any text inside the table. 2. Select the whole table 3. Click on table 4. Click on convert 5. Click on table to text. 6. Click on ok Text To Table: Process: 1. Click on table 2. Click on convert 3. Click on text to table 4. Click on number of columns and type anyone number of columns to insert the number of row. 5. Click on ok. Table /Sort: It is used to display the format text ascending or descending order. Process: 1. Create a table and type any text inside the text. 2. Block on the table 3. Click on table 4. Click on sort. 5. Click on ascending or descending 6. Click on ok Table/Auto Fit: - It is used to display the table in different size. Process: 1. Create a picture & block it 2. Click on table 3. Click on auto fit. 4. Click on auto fit to contents auto fit to window fixed column width distribute rows evenly any one as you have need. Table/ Table Auto Format: It is used to change the various types of table or it is used to change or insert the different types of table. Process: 1. Create a picture & select it 2. Click on table 3. Click on table auto format 4. Select any one formats style 5. Click on ok. Table /Split Table: It is used to split or divide the selected table. Process: 1. Create a table 2. Put the cursor point at the reburied place from where you want to split or divide the table. 3. Click on table 4. Click on split. New Window: It is used to copy add the new window. Process: 1. Click on window 2. Click on new window Window/ Arrange All: It is used to display the windows at once. Process: 1. Click on window 2. Click on arrange all 3. Choose any one window


Window /Split: It is used to divide the screen. Process: 1. Click on window 2. Click on split. 3. Click on current place where you want to split. 4. Click on window 5. Click on remove spilt to remove the split. Microsoft Excel Excel is business performance simulation spreadsheet package, which allows to building the mathematical relationship between rows and columns. Excel worksheet consist of number of rows and columns. The intersection of row and column is called a cell. A cell is unit part of worksheet, which can store a piece of information e.g. Numbers, formulas and text. It is used for tasks that require number crunching, such as financial analysis. Budget preparation and grade calculation. Spreadsheets can sort and analyze data, create chart graphs and figures the extension of Microsoft Excel is xls. Row: Rows notice that the rows are numbered from top to bottom along the left edge of the worksheet. The first row number is 1 the second row number is 2 and so on. There are 65,563 total numbers of rows. Press (End+Down) arrow key to see the last number of row. Columns: The columns are labeled form left to right. The first column is a. Second column is b and so on. There are 256 total numbers of columns. Press (End+Right) arrow to see the last number of column. Cell: A cells is the intersection of a row and column. Work book: The worksheet on your screen is just one sheet in the current file, which is called a workbook. By default; each new workbook contains 3 sheets. A workbook is called spreadsheet also. Worksheet: worksheet composes of a tabular grid of cells. Cell Reference: It is the address of cell denoted using the column label followed by the row number. In spreadsheet terminology, a cell's row and column co-ordinate is celled the reference e.g. A1. Cell Range: It is an area or collection of number of define cells into a worksheet e.g. E10. Active Cell: - when you select a cell by clicking it with the mouse it becomes the active cell. The name box. On the left of the formula bar displays the reference of the active cell. How to start Microsoft Excel? Process: 1. Click on start. 2. Click on programs 3. Click on Microsoft Excel. Then after following screen will appear. Editing a cell entry: On the formula bar: 1. Put cell pointer at the require position which you want to edit then after contents of that cell will display on the formula bar 2. Click on formula bar and edit your entries with the help of arrows & backspace key. 3. At last press  key. Into the Cell directly: 1. Put the cell pointer at the require position. 2. Press f2 or double click on active cell. 3. Now edit your data or entries with the help of arrows & backspace key. File/ Print Area/Set Print Area: It is used to set & clear the print area. Process: 1. Type any documents & block it. 2. Click on file. 3. Click on print area. 4. Click on Set print area. To Clear The Print Area: 1. Select your print area. 2. Click on file menu. 3. Click on clear print area. Edit /Paste Special: It is used to (copy +paste) the data one location to another location. Process: 1. Type any document & block it 2. Click on edit. 3. Click on copy 4. Put the cellpointer at the require place where you want to paste. 5. Click on edit. 6. Click on paste special 7. Choose anyone paste or operations style. 8. Click on ok. Paste: All: Paste all cell attributes (same as simple copy, paste) Formulas: Paste only formulas as entered in the formula bar. Values: Paste only values as displayed in cells


Formats: Paste only cell formats. Commands: Paste only cell except borders. Validation: Paste only validation. Operation: None: Completely replaces the cells in the paste area with the cells from the copy area. Add: Add copied formulas or valued from those of the in the paste area. Subtract: Subtracts copied formulas or valued from those of the cells in the paste area. Multiply: Multiplies copied formulas or valued by those in the paste area. Divide: Divide copied formulas or valued by those in the paste area. Skip blanks: Paste as simple (copy+ paste) Transpose: Paste as rows side. Edit /Fill: It is used to fill the data at the ascending order. It is also used to justify the documents of the selected area. Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary column where you want to fill the data. 2. Type the starting number and press  key. 3. Put the cellpointer at the necessary place. 4. Click on edit. 5. Click on series. 6. Click on rows and columns 7. Click on step value box and type the step value number 8. Click on stop value box and type the stop value number 9. Click on ok. Edit /Justify: It is used to justify the selected text. Process: 1. Type any documents without using enter key. 2. Block on the documents 3. Click on edit 4. Click on fill 5. Click on justify Edit/Clear: It is used to remove the unnecessary text or format Process: 1. Type any documents and block it. 2. Click on borders at the formatting toolbar 3. Click on outside the documents 4. Again block on the documents with format. 5. Click on edit 6. Click on clear. 7. Choose all, format, contents anyone which you want to clear. Edit/Delete: It is used to remove (delete) the unnecessary rows and column from the selected cells. To remove the unnecessary cell: 1. Type any text column by column. 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary column. 3. Click on edit. Click on delete then after delete box will appear. 4. Click on entire row to delete column 5. Click on ok. To remove the unnecessary row. 1. Type the documents row by row. 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary row. 3. Click on edit click on delete. 4. Click on entire column 5. Click on ok. Edit/ Delete Sheet: This command is used to remove the unnecessary sheet from active worksheet. Process: 1. Open anyone worksheet. 2. Click on current sheet which you want to delete. Edit /Move or Copy Sheet: It is used to move or copy the selected sheet. Process: 1. Select current sheet 2. Click on edit. 3. Click on move or copy sheet. 4. Choose current sheet, which you want to copy. 5. Click on create a copy. Click on ok. Edit/Go To: It is used to move the cellpointer or select the particular area of the worksheet. Process: 1. Type any values. 2. Put the cell pointer at the top of the values. 3. Click on edit. Click on go to. Click on ok. 4. Choose any one select type click on ok.


To Marge And Centered The Columns: Process: 1. Type your text at the left side of the screen. (e.g. Institute Of Impact Group) 2. Block your text up to where you want to center. 3. Click on merge and enter. View /Normal: It is used to bring the normal screen (sheet,) which was already page beaked preview Process: 1. Click on view 2. Click on normal View /Page Break Preview: This command is used to display the active sheet in page view screen. Process: 1. Type any text click on preview. 2. Click on page break preview. 3. Click on view click on normal. View/ Toolbar: It is used to keep & remove the important toolbars. Process: 1. Click on view click on toolbar. 2. Choose anyone toolbar which you what to keep and remove. View/ Formula Bar: It is used to keep and remove the formula bar on the screen. Process: 1. Click on view. 2. Click on formula bar. View / Status bar: It is used to keep and remove the status bar on the screen. Process: 1. Click on view menu. 2. Click on status bar. View / Full screen: It is used to display the contents in full screen. Process:1. Click on view menu. 2. Click on full screen. 3. Click on close full screen. View / Zoom: This command is used to display the contents in different size. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Click on view menu 3. Click on zoom 4. Choose anyone percent and click on ok View/ Header and Footer: It is used to keep header and footer on the active file. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Click on view click on header and footer. (Two times). 3. Then after type your header on left, right& center anyone section. 4. Click on ok. 5. Click on custom footer and type your footer in left right & center anyone section. 6. Click on ok click on file click on print preview click on close. View /Comments: It is used to keep and remove the comments. It allows us some information. Process:1. Type any documents 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary place. 3. Click on view click on new comments. 4. Block your comments. 5. Click on edit comment and type your new comments. (E.G pleas don't delete these documents) 6. Click on hide all comments, to hide comments. 7. Click on show all comments, to show all comments, 8. Block your comments click on delete comments to delete all comments. View/Zoom: This command is used to display the contents in different size. Process: 1. Type any documents. 2. Click on view click on zoom. 3. Choose anyone percentage. 4. Click on ok. Insert /Cells: It is used to bring the blank the cell on the selected row and column. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Put the cellpointer at the require place. 3. Click on insert click on cells. 4. Click on entire row to insert the entire column. 5. Click on entire column to insert the entire row 6. Click on ok. Insert / Rows: It is used to insert the selected column. Process:


1. 2. 3.


Type any documents Put the cellpointer at the necessary place. Click on insert Click on columns.

Insert /Worksheet: This command is used to insert the new blank worksheet at the current workbook. Process: 1. Click on insert 2. Click on worksheet. Insert /Page Break: This command is used to insert the page break at the current cellpointer position. Process: 1. Type any documents 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position from where you want to insert the page break 3. Click on insert. Click on page break 4. If you want to remove the page break. 5. Click on insert; click on remove the page break. Insert /Map: This command is used to insert the selected country's map to the required place of sheet. Process: 1. Remove the gridline. 2. Click on tool. Click on options 3. Click on grid lines. Click on ok. 4. Click on insert click on map. 5. Select require place by dragging mouse pointer. Insert/ Chart: It is used to insert a chart of the selected data. Process: 1. Type any data. 2. Block on the data. Click on the insert. Click on chart. 3. Select anyone chart type. Select any chart sub type. 4. Click on next. Select rows and columns from series in. 5. Click on next. Click on chart title box and type the title of the chart. 6. Click on category x-axis box and type the x-axis title. 7. Click on value y-axis and type the y-axis title (Thousand). 8. Click on gridlines. 9. Click on major gridlines. Click on legend. Click on show legend. 10. Set the placement of legend. (Left, top, right, bottom, corner). 11. At last click on finish. Now, increase & decrease the chart size with the help of mouse. Insert/ Name: This command is used to put or change the cell name. Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the require place. 2. Click on insert click on name click on define. 3. Then after type your cells have in names in workbook box. 4. Click on add 5. Click on ok. Examples of Bill. A B 1 ITM 2 Mouse 3 Keyboard 4 HDD

C ATY 5 5 5





Some formulas: For amount: 1. Put the cellpointer below the amount or necessary place. 2. Type the correct formula like this method for amount. Eg. (Qty * rate)  or, = c2*d2  Then copy the formula like this method. 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position, which you want to copy. 2. Press Ctrl+C (for copy). Give the range with the help of (shift +arrows) key, where you want to paste. 3. Press Ctrl +V (for paste). For Discount: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position 2. Type the current formula like in this method. E.g. = E2*10/100  For Bill Amount :( Total) 1. Put the cursor point below the bill amount. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. E.g: =E2-F2  For Grand Total: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position 2. Type the current formula like in this way.


E.g; =sum (G2...G4) For Maximize: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. E.g: +Max (E2...E4)  For Minimize: 1. Put cellpointer at the necessary position. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. E.g: +Min (E2..E4) Examples Of Mark Sheet: A B Sn:Name 1 Dinesh 2 Sapana 3 Ram 4 Sita 5 Gita

C Eng 65 64 35 55 60

D Maths 80 81 70 65 40

E Nepali 59 60 45 55 50

F Total

G Percent

H Result

I Division

For Total: Eg: = sum (C2..E2)  For Percentage: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. Eg:-+e2/3 or (total number/ total number of subject). For Result: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. Eg: =If (C2>35,"Fail", If (D2>35,"Fail",If(E2>35,"Fail","Pass")))  For Division: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. Eg: =If (And (H2="Pass",G2>=60),"First", If(And(H2="Pass",G2>=45),"Second", If(And(H2="Pass",G2>=35),"Third","***"))) 

Method Of Preparing Salary Sheet: A SN 1 2 3

B Name Dinesh Sunita Gita

C Post Manager Accountant Helper

D B.Salary. 15000 10000 8000



G Halw

H Dalw

I 30 30 30

J 30 25 28

Using Formulas For P.Fund (Provident Fund) = If(D2>=10000,D2*10/100,D2*5/100)  Now copy the formula. For Income Tax = If (D2>=10000,D2*10/100,D2*5/100)  Now copy the formula For House Allowance =If (D2>=10000,D2*10/100,D2*5/100)  Now copy the formula For Daily Allowance =If (D2>=10000,D2*10/100,D2*5/100)  Now copy the formula For Absent Paid (Basic Salary/Total Day)*(Total Day –Present Day) Eg. =(D2/I2)*(I2-J2)  Now copy the formula. For Net Salary (D2-E2-F2+G2+H2-K2)  Now copy the formula Format /Cells: This command is used to keep the font size, color style, border, and alignment style, number style. Format /Cell Number: It is used to set the decimal places currency date and time percentage in the selected cells number. Process:


K Abs.p

L N.s

1. 2. 3. 4.

Type any data. Block your cells Click on format click on cells click on number Select number currency percentage as you have needed Click on ok.

Format /Cells Alignment: It is used to keep the text at orientation style text alignment and text control style. Process: 1. Type any text. 2. Block on the text into where you want to keep the text at the center. 3. Click on format 4. Click on cells. Click on alignment 5. Click on horizontal bottom and select enter across selection. 6. Click on ok. To Write The Text At The Wrap Style Process: 1. Type any text and block it click on format click on cells. 2. Click on alignment 3. Set the orientation deigns & click on ok.

Format /Cells / Alignment: It is used to keep the text at orientation style, text alignment and text control style. To keep the text at the center of the selected area. Process: 1. Type any text block on the text into where you want to keep the text at the center. 2. Click on format click on cells. Click on alignment 3. Click on horizontal bottom and select enter across selection. 4. Click on ok. To Write The Text At The Wrap Style: Process: 1. Type any text and block it click on format 2. Click on cells. Click on alignment click on warp text. 3. Click on ok. To write any text at the orientation style Process: 1. Type any text and block it. 2. Click on format 3. Click on cells. 4. Click on alignment. 5. Set the orientation deigns & Click on ok. Using Formulas For Total: Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary position. 2. Type the current formula like in this method. 3. Click on alignment set the orientation design. 4. Click on ok. Format /Cells /Font: it is used to change the font size, color, style, underline, superscript, subscript of the selected cells. Process: 1. Type any document and block it. 2. Click on format. Click on cells click on font 3. Select any one font name font style font size, font color and underline as you have needed. 4. If you want to keep the text superscript and subscript from then choose superscript and subscript from effects. 5. Click on ok. Format /Cells /Border: It is used to create a format table box at the selected area. Process: 1. Block on fixed area, where you want to create a format table. 2. Click on format click on cells click on borders. 3. Click on outline, inside, top bottom, left, right anyone or all which you have needed. 4. Click on ok. Format /Cells /Patterns: It is used to fill color insert the box or table at the selected area. Process: 1. Block on fixed area. Where you want to fill color. 2. Click on format click on cells click on patterns. 3. Select anyone color click on ok. Format /Row /Height: It is used to increase & decrease the row height of the selected cells. Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary row. 2. Click on format click on row click on height. 3. Type the correct row height number. 4. Click on ok. Format /Row/ Auto Fit: It is used to bring the normal row height, which was already increase or decrease. Process:


1. 2.


Put to cellpointer at the necessary place and block it Click on format click on row Click on auto fit.

Format /Row /Hide: It is used to hide the necessary row. Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary row and block it 2. Click on format 3. Click on row, click on hide Format /Row/Unhide: It is used to display the hidden rows. Process: 1. Select the whole sheet click on format. 2. Click on row & click on unhide. Format/ Column/Width: It is used to increase & decrease the particular selected column width Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary column and block it 2. Click on format click on column click on width 3. Type the column width number click on ok. Format /Column /Hide: It is used to hide the selected column. Process: 1. Select the column which you want to hide. 2. Click on format. 3. Click on column. 4. Click on hide. Format / Column / Unhide: It is used to display the unhide the hidden column. Process: 1. Select the whole worksheet 2. Click on format 3. Click on column 4. Click on unhide Format / Column /Standard Width: It is used to increase & decrease the column width of whole worksheet. Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the first column. 2. Click on format. Click on column. 3. Click on standard width. 4. Type the standard column width number. Format / Sheet / Rename: It is used to rename the sheet name. Process: 1. Click on anyone sheet name, which you want to rename. 2. Click on format. Click on sheet. Click on rename. 3. Then type new sheet name. Format/ Sheet / Hide: It is used to hide the selected sheet. Process: 1. Select anyone sheet, which you want to hide. 2. Click on format. Click on sheet. Click on hide. Format / Sheet / Unhide: It is used to display the unhide the hidden sheet. Process: 1. Click on format. 2. Click on sheet. 3. Click on unhide. Format / Sheet / Background: It is used to insert the anyone picture file at the background side. Process: 1. Click on format 2. Click on sheet. 3. Click on background. 4. Choose anyone file and click on open. 5. If you want to delete background picture file, 6. Click on format. Click on sheet click on delete background. Format/ Auto Format: It is used to display or cerate a format box at the selected area. Process: 1. Block on fix area, where you want to insert the table format. 2. Click on format. Click on auto format. 3. Click on anyone table format style. 4. Click on ok 5. Now type any text or data inside the box. Format / Style: It is used to keep any comma, currency, percent and other style in the selected data. This command is used to keep number alignment, font, and border & pattern style. Process: 1. Type any data and block it. 2. Click on format. Click on style


3. 4.

Click on style name box and select any one style. Click on ok.

How to create a calendar? Process: 1. Remove the gridlines. 2. Put the cellpointer at the first column (A1). 3. Decrease the column width of the whole worksheet using by following process. 4. Click on format. Click on column. Click on standard width. 5. Type the standard column width no.5 6. Click on ok. 7. Put the cellpointer at B2. 8. Give the range (block on) at (B2...H2). 9. Click on format. Click on cells. 10. Click on borders. Click on outline borders. 11. Click on ok. 12. Put the cellpointer at B3 13. Give the range (block on) at (B3...H8). 14. Click on format. Click on cells. Click on borders. 15. Click on inside borders. 16. Click on ok. 17. Put the cellpointer at B3. 18. Type SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT. 19. Put the cellpointer at B2 & give the range (B2..H8). 20. Press ctrl +c (for copy). 21. Put the cellpointer at J2 and press ctrl +v (for paste). 22. Put the cellpointer at R2 and press ctrl (for paste). 23. Do this process continue for other copy. 24. Put the cellpointer at B2 and type Baidhakh 2059. 25. Put the current data. If You Want To Type Nepali Form Like In This Way (Sun) 1. Put the cellpointer at the necessary place. 2. Type sun (in capital form) and press space bar , then after of the caps lockand type ( ) in small form . 3. Block on the (cfOt) only and change the Nepali font using the toolbar font and press enter key. 4. Put the cellpointer at the necessary place. (Sun ........) 5. Click on format. Click on cells. Click on alignment. 6. Click on wrap text, Click on ok. List of Nepali Fonts: 1. Fantasy Himali TT 2. Fontasy Himali 3. Kanchan 4. Rukmani 5. Sama 6. Preeti Tools/ Spelling: It is used to check spelling of the work sheet. Process: 1. Type your documents or create a work sheet. 2. Place the cell pointer at the beginning of the cell. 3. Click on tools. 4. Click spellings. Then appear a dialogue box. 5. Choose any one correct word from suggestion box. 6. Click on change to change stepwise. 7. Click on change all to change all matching word. 8. Click on ignore to keep the same spelling. 9. Click on ignore all to skip or to keep all incorrect spelling. 10. Click on ok. Tools / Auto Correct: This command is used to correct the cells contents of the worksheet and set & remove the any initial character of any word. Process: 1. Create a worksheet. 2. Put the cell pointer at the necessary place. 3. Click on tools. Click on autocorrect then appear a dialogue box. 4. Choose anyone option, as you have needed. 5. At last click on ok. Tools/ Protection: It is used to protect the sheet of the selected worksheet. Process: 1. Type any text (documents). 2. Click on tools. Click on protection. 3. Click on protect sheet, protect workbook as you have needed. 4. Choose anyone effect. 5. Type any pass word and click on ok. 6. Again type same password and click on ok. 7. Then after we can't type any text at that sheet because the sheet is protected.


Tools / Unprotect: It is used to display or luck out the protect sheet. Process: 1. Click on tools .click on protection. Click on unprotect sheet. 2. Give your password which was already given during the protection. 3. Click on ok. Then after we can edit /change the sheet or text. Tools / Goal Seek: It is used to change the required cell amount or fill actual amount in the required cell. Process: 1. Prepare a data. 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary cell. 3. Click on tools. Click on goal seet then appear a dialogue box. 4. Type value (amount) at to value. 5. Select change at by change cell. 6. Click on ok. Tools/ Scenarious: It is used to change the value by specific name we can show changing the value into the required cell. Process: 1. Select required (b2...b6). 2. Click on tools. Click on scenarious. 3. Click on add and type the scenarious name. 4. Click on ok click on changing cell and type the current cell's name. 5. Type the proper value in the box and click on ok. 6. Click on show button click on ok. 7. In the same way add more field. 8. Click on show click on summary click on edit. 9. Click on delete sheet to delete summary. Tools/ Auditing: This command is used to add the different cells value using by formula it is helps us to display the value at the trace precedents style. Process: 1. Type any value in different cells. 2. Put the cellpointer at the current position. 3. Type the correct formula and press  key. 4. Click on tools click on auditing 5. Click on trace on tools. 6. Click on auditing, click on remove all arrows. Tools /Add-Ins: This command is used to add many specific command menu to the program. Process: 1. Click on tools click on add –INS. Then appear the dialog box. 2. Choose anyone option as you like click on ok. Tools /Options: This command is used to keep & remove the important bars. Process: 1. Click on tools click on options. 2. Click on view and select formula bar, status bar, gridlines, horizontal scroll bar, vertical scroll bar& other bars also. 3. Click on ok. Tools /Solver: This command used to find solution to problems involving multiple variables & constraints problems that are more complex then goal seek. Process: 1. Type any data. 2. Put the cellpointer at the required place. 3. Click on tools click on solver. 4. Click on set target cell box & type the current cell name. 5. Type the requires value in equal to option box. 6. Click on guess to display the reference cells. 7. Click on solve click on ok. Tools /Customize: This command is used to keep and remove the selected icon from the tool bar. To keep in tool bar. Process: 1. Click on tools. Clicks on customize. Click on command. 2. Select anyone menu from categories box. 3. Select anyone command in command box. 4. Click on anyone command which you want to keep in toolbar and drag it with the help of mouse. 5. Click on ok. To remove from toolbar: Process: 1. Click on tools click on customize. Click on command. 2. Select anyone menu from categories box. 3. Click on anyone command which you want to remove from toolbar & drag it with the help of mouse and release in command box. 4. Click on ok. Tools /Share Work Book: This command is used to protect the whole work book Process: 1. Click on tools. Click on share workbook. 2. Click on editing, click on allow changes by then one user at same box. 3. Click on ok. (In the same process we can unprotect the whole workbook). 4. The symbol (1/2/3) is used to expand/collapse the entire outline at once.


Data/ Sort: This command is used to display the data ascending & descending order. Process: 1. Type any data & block it 2. Click on data click on sort (two times). 3. Choose ascending and descending 4. Click on ok. Data /Subtotals: This command is used to calculator subtotals for each change in sort data or specified field. Process: 1. Type any data & block it 2. Click on data. Click on subtotals. 3. Choose a field from the at each change in list. 4. Select the proper function eg.(sum) from the used function list. 5. Check the proper fields add subtotal to list to specify which fields to sub total. 6. Check or unchecked the page break between groups. 7. Check the summary below data the subtotal row is placed beneath the data. 8. Click on ok. Removing Subtotals: Process:1. Click on data. Click on subtotals. 2. Click on remove all Data/ Filter: This command is used to filter the selected data, which meet the given criteria by hiding the other records. Process: 1. Type any data & block it. 2. Click on data. Click on filter click on auto filter. 3. Select all to turn off a filter for a given field 4. Select custom to set a custom auto filter. 5. Selected blanks to display only these rows where the field is blank. 6. Select non-blanks to display only these rows where the field is not blank. To Remove All Filters At Once:Process: 1. Click on data. Click on filter click on auto filter. Data/ Advanced Filter: This command is used to copy the data on place to another. Process: 2. Type any data. 3. Put the cellpointer at the required place. 4. Click on data. Click on filter click on advance filter. 5. Click on copy to another location. 6. Give the criteria range eg. A10:e10. 7. Give the copy to cell eg.a15 8. Click on ok. Data/ Form: This command is used to display on record at a time can be used to add new records and edit existing record and lets you view records matching specified criteria Process: 1. Type any data & block it. 2. Click on data. Click on from. 3. Then after use the vertical scroll bar to se the all record 4. Click on new to add new record & type the current field. 5. Click on criteria. Click on close Data/ Table: This command is used to calculation the variation of value using single /double input variables. Process: 1. Type any data. 2. Put the cellpointer at the required place. 3. Enter the formula 4. Select the table eg. B5:/11. 5. Click on data. Click on table 6. Give row and column input cell click on ok. Or, Create an one variable table. Process: 1. It displays a result with formula by using single variable. 2. Prepare the schedule as per below. 3. Put the formula at B3 cell (=B1*B2) 4. Select the data including formula cell I.e. B3. 5. Go to Data Menu. 6. Click on Table. 7. Place the cursor at Column input cell and click on B1 cell (cell address of changeable (variable). 8. Click on ok. Data /Text to Column: This command is used to a long text separated by space, tab, semi-colon and other symbol enter into a cell can be spread into number of cells across the columns using text wizard. Process: 1. Type a long text into a cell using the space bar. 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary cells. 3. Click on data. Click on text to column. 4. Click on next (two times) click on finish.


Data/ Outline: This command is used to easily and quickly view various levels of details for row/ columns. Process: 1. Type any data. 2. Put the cellpointer at the require position. 3. Click on data click on group & outline click on auto outline. 4. The +/- (plus/minus) symbol are used to expand .collapse section of the outline. Data/Table: This command is used to calculation the variation of value using single/ double input variables. Process:1. Type any data. 2. Put the cellpointer at the required place. 3. Enter the formula. 4. Select the table eg. B5:11. 5. Click on data click on table 6. Give row and column input cell click on ok. Data/ Text To Column: This command is used to a long text sparated by space, tab, semi-colon and other symbol enter into a cell can be spread into number of cells across the columns using text wizard. Process: 1. Type a long text into a cell using the space bar 2. Put the cellpointer at the necessary cells. 3. Click on data. Click on text to column. 4. Click on next (two times) click on finish. To hide the outline: Process: 1. Click on data click on group & outline. Click on clear outline. Data/ Validation: This command is used to mark sure that correct data is entered on a worksheet you can specify what data is valid for individual cells or cell range. Process:2. Type any data. 3. Select the cell click on data. 4. Click on setting & select the whole number in allow box. 5. Choose less or greater then in data box. 6. Click on maximum box & type anyone numbered eg:-20000 7. Click on input message & type actual amount eg.400 8. Click on input message & type your message. 9. Click on ok. To Remove Input Message Process: 1. Click on data click on validation. 2. Click on clear all click on ok. Data/ Pivot Table Report: This command is used to pivot table report provides a way to easily summarize & analysis data using special direct manipulation techniques you can change their layout by pivoting the row & column heading Process: 1. Type any data & block it. 2. Click on data. Click on pivot table report & pivot chart report. 3. Choose pivot table or pivot chart. 4. Click on next (two times) click on finish. Windows /Freeze Panes: This command used to fixed the require row (s) column (s) as our desire freezing title on a worksheet dose not affect printing. 1. Process: Type any data. 2. Put the cellpointer at require position. 3. Click on widows menu. 4. Click on freeze panes command. Remove the Freeze Panes:Process: 1. Put the cellpointer at the correct position. 2. Click on widows menu. 3. Click on unfreeze panes. MICROSOFT POWER POINT '2000' Introduction: Power point is presentation software. We can make a slide design formatting set animation sound set effect in Particular side. This is mostly used in display project overview, display program by monitor or projector. This is new version of ms-Power point it is developed by Microsoft corporation u.s.a. How to Start The Power Point: Process: 1. Click on start. 2. Click on program. 3. Choose ms-power point then after power point screen will display. 4. Choose content to automatic formation slide. 5. Choose template to automatic slide design. 6. Choose blank presentation to set new slide as required. Auto Content Wizard: This is used to make slide by automatic wizard there are different types of contents we can apply contents style as required.


Process: 1. Choose auto contents wizard 2. Choose anyone style and click on next. 3. Choose next. 4. Choose outlook option and click on next. 5. Choose finish then display the content in outline list. 6. We can modify the content by sleeting. Template: This is used to apply template slide design (formatting) to every slide, which you are going to make we can apply only slide design. Process: 1. Choose template. 2. Select slide style then display slide in the screen. 3. Type the little at add title here criteria. 4. Type the contents at add contents here criteria. Blank Presentation: This is used to make blank or required presentation slide we can add contest as required. Process:1. Choose blank presentation. 2. Choose slide style. 3. Click at ok then clear slide on the screen. 4. Type the title at adds title here. 5. Type the contents at add contents criteria To Define Page (Page Setup) Process: 1. Click on file menu. 2. Select page setup then appear dialogue box. 3. Change height and width as required. 4. Choose slide as required. 5. Choose orientation (landscape and poor trait) 6. When finish click on ok. Edit menu: To cut/ copy + paste the slide. Process: 1. Select required slide. 2. Click on edit 3. Select cut/copy or press (ctrl +c,x) 4. Click on edit. Click on past or (ctrl+ v). View menu. Slide Command: This menu option is used to view particular slide. Process: 1. Click on view menu. 2. Click on slide command. SLIDE SORTER COMMAND This commend is used to display all slide in full screen Process: 1. Click on view menu. 2. Click on slide sorter. OUTLINE VIEW COMMAND This command is used to display slide contents in outlining math. Process: 1. Click on view menu. 2. Click on outline. SLIDE SHOW COMMENDS: This command is used to view (show)the slide contents in full screen. Process: 1. Click on view menu. 2. Click on slide show. SLIDE NOTES COMMAND: This command is used to show the slide motes, which is inserted by insert note. Process: 1. Click on view. 2. Click on slide notes. SLIDES MINIAATURE: This command is used to the slide preview on the right of the screen. Process: 1. Click on view. 2. Click on slide miniature. SLIDER MASTER: This command is used to make slide and apply all design to all slides. Process: 1. Click on view. 2. Click on slide master.



Type the contents as required.

INSTER MENU: NEW SLIDE COMMAND: Process: 1. Click on insert. 2. Click on new slider.

REPLACE FONT: This command is used to change to font name of the entire slide contents. Process: 1. Select slide from view menu. 2. Go to format. 3. Choose replace font. 4. Select font which you want to change at with criteria and click on replaces. Slide Layout This command is used to select and to apply slide style to the entire slide. Process: 1. Select slide. 2. Go to format. 3. Choose slide layout then appear slide. 4. Choose anyone slide and click at reapply. SLIDE COLOR SCHEME. This command is used to change the slide color. Process: 1. Select slide form view menu. 2. Go to format. 3. Select slide color screen. 4. Choose color from standard and custom. 5. Click at apply. BACKGROUND: This command is used to change the background color the selected slide. Process: 1. Select slide from view menu. 2. Select background from format menu. 3. Choose anyone color which you want to apply . 4. Click on apply. APPLY DESIGN: This command is used to apply the design on entire slide. Process: 1. Click on format menu . 2. Select apply design and click at apply. TOOLS STYLE CHECKER This command is used to check the splint, clarity of the slide contents. Process: 1. Go to tools. 2. Select style checker then appear message box. 3. Choose anyone option and click at ok. AUTO CLIPART: This command is used to indert clipart form clipart gallery. Process: 1. Go to tools. 2. Select auto clipart then display clipart gallery. 3. Choose anyone clipart and click at insert. POWER POINT CENTRAL: It helps to show the power point central effect. We can see information about news and others. Process: 1. Go to tools. 2. Select power point central. 3. Choose anyone option as required. 4. Press sector return. MEETING MINDER: This command used to set the meeting minute (note) and other use full agendas. Process: 1. Go to tools. 2. Select meeting minder then display dialogue box. 3. Choose meeting minder tab and type the contents. 4. Click at add and click at ok. EXPAND SLIDE:


This command is used to expand slide. Process: 1. Go to slide. 2. Select expand slide then outline sorter. 3. Choose anyone and click at ok. SLIDE SHOW Menu: VIEW SHOW: This command is used to show the active slide. Process: 1. Go to slide view. 2. Choose view show. REHEARSE TIMEING: This command is used to display the time with slide show. Process: 1. Go to slide shows. 2. Select rehearse timing then show the slide and display the time. 3. Click at repeat to repeat time. 4. Click at >sing to fast the time status. 5. Press ESC key to return. CUSTOM ANIMATION: This command is used to set animation as required by choosing animation type and effect from custom animation. Process: 1. Go to slide show. 2. Select custom animatiom then appear dialogue box. 3. Choose anyone animation type from dialogue box. 4. Select other setting as you like. SLIDE TRANSITION: This command used to set sound, effect, and timing show to the slide. It helps to give attractive visual in slide. Process: 1. Go to slide show. 2. Select slide transition then after appear dialogue box. 3. Choose effect from effect criteria. 4. Choose sound as required from sound criteria. 5. Choose speed the (Medium, slow, and fast) as required. 6. Choose use timing from dialogue box and click at apply to all. 7. If you want to view the slide then go to view menu and select slide show.

TO SAVE THE SLIDE TRANSITION: Process: 1. Go to file menu. 2. Select save and then appear dialogue box. 3. Type the filename and click on save. DUPLICATE SLIDE COMMAND: Process: 1. Click on slide sorter form view menu. 2. Click on duplication slide. SLIDE NUMBER COMMAND: Process: 1. Click on insert. 2. Select slide or choose header and footer. 3. Click on slide number and click on Apply. DATE & TIME COMMAND: Process: 1. Click on insert. 2. Choose date & time or select Header & footer . 3. Click at Update date &time. 4. Choose Apply. SLIDE FROM FILE COMMEND: This commend is used to insert slide form file list. Process: 1. Click on insert menu. 2. Select slide from file then display file list. 3. Choose anyone slide and click on ok. SLIDE FROM OUTLINE: This command is used to insert slide from outline method. Process: Click on insert menu. Select slide from outline. Choose anyone outline and click on ok.


FORMAT MENU: LINE SPACING This command is used to change the character case. Process: 1. Select slide from view menu. 2. Click on contents. 3. Click on format menu. 4. Select line spacing then appear dialogue box. 5. Choose line spacing and paragraph spacing. 6. At last click on ok. CHANGE CASE: This command is used to change the character case. Process: 1. Select slide from view menu. 2. Click on format menu. Click on change case. 3. Choose anyone case. SET UP SHOW: This command is used to define the setup of slide. Process: 1. Go to slide show menu. 2. Select setup show then appear dialogue box. 3. Choose loop continuously unit press ESC. 4. Select using time. 5. Choose other option as required and click on ok. VIEW ON TWO SCREENS: This command is used to view the show by two monitor, projector. Process: 1. Go to slide show. 2. Select view on two screens then two screen will display. 3. Choose presenter or audience. 4. Set other as required 5. Click on ok then read and display. RECORD BUTTON : This command is used to display and set the record narration in presentation. Process: 1. Go to slide show. 2. Choose action button. 3. Select action button type. 4. Drag to move pointer at slide. 5. Double click a button to set effect PRESET ANIMATION: This command is used to set different style is style in slide. It helps to give extra effect to the slide. Process: 1. Go to slide. 2. Choose preset animation. 3. Choose anyone animation type. What is Internet? The Internet is a global connection of computer and computer networks that exchange information. A computer network is a group of computers that have been connected together so they can communicate with each other. They can send message and can share information in the form of computer files.

E-mail & Internet: What is an Internet (International Network)? An internet is an internal TCP/IP network which is not visible outside the company or department where it resides, essentially being used as a repository of local documents. History Of Internet Internet was made by American defence department called (ARPA) “Advance Research Project Agency” in 1969. On the time of Penwar between USSR and USA, USA had to send message to his army and airforce which USSR might not be harmed to exchange the message between army and airforce, the Internet was developed as a channel. First it was kept under the army. But slowly it was allowed to academic institutes and big companies. Now it is spread as a world wide. What can we do in Internet? 1. We can see the different sites. 2. Send and receive e-mail. 3. Play game. 4. You can receive information in any subject. 5. Purchasing 6. You can apply your Bio-Data for the job. 7. You can create your own web sites. 8. Chatting 9. You can take part in different compaction.


10. Download the program 11. Giving advertisement Equipment needed for Internet Connection.  Computer The computer needed for the internet connection. Must contain at least 32MB RAM (Random Access Memory) the higher speed.  Modem: Modem stands for modulator and demodulator it connect to the computer and the phone line modem translate the digital single to Analog and analog to digital. There are two types of modem. Modulator (Send message)

Demodulator (Receive message) Modem Working Condition

Internal Modem: Internal modem is fixed inside the computer. There are known as PCMCIA (Personal Computer and Memory Card International Association) also. External modem: These modems are externally connected to the computer it comes in all shapes and size like box. (Handshaking: when the Internet is connected. A kind of sound comes from modem. It is called handshaking)  Telephone line  Internet Account (ISP) To Connection to Internet (logging on): To connect to the internet first you have to connect to your ISP (Internet service Provider). Process: 1. Double click on my computer on the desktop. 2. Double click on Dial up networking. 3. Double click on Icon of your I.S.P. (Internet service provider). 4. Type user name & password. 5. Click on connect. After the connection becomes successful the connection box will appears in the status bar, just at the side 6. Timer. 7. To disconnect, click on disconnect. 8. Click on ok. How to visit website? Process: 1. After connection, double click on Internet explorer Icon. 2. Click on stop button. 3. Click on address box & type the website address for example: com &press enter key. www.Nepalnews. Com & press enter key. & press enter key. & press enter key. www.123 &press enter key. 4. Then display your current website. 5. Chose anyone subject which you want to visit What is E-Mail? E- Mail is the short form for electronic mail. E- Mail is faster way for communicating around the world. E-mail is an important part of Internet. To send E-mail correctly you must give the correct address you should remember the following points. 1. Make sure the user ID in correct. 2. Make sure that the user ID & domain names are separated by @sign. 3. Make sure that domain names are correct (use period) (-) between domain level. Suppose you want send E-mail to Institute of Impact Group, you have to E-mail address: [email protected] How to check (receive) E-mail? Process: 1. Open your required website. 2. Type your e-mail address in address box. 3. Type your password in the password box. 4. Click on “Sign In” button. 5. Click on Inbox. 6. Then display list of e-mail. 7. Choose anyone e-mail which you want to check. How to send E- mail? Process: 1. Open your current website. 2. Type your e-mail address & password. 3. Click on “Sign In” button. 4. Click on compose box, and then display e-mail send box. 5. Type correct e-mail address in ‘To’ box. 6. Type e-mail address of others if it is to be send to number of people. 7. Type suitable subject in subject box. 8. Type the detail letter in message box.


9. Click on send. Massage: - your message has been successfully sent. How to create new e-mail address? 1. After connected the internet, click on internet explore 2. Click on stop. 3. Click on address box & type anyone website. Eg: & press key. Or 4. Click on new member “sign up” than display new firm, new account 5. Now, fill the firm details. 6. At last click on I Agree. Multimedia: - Multimedia is an integration of two or more media, more precisely (exactly) it is the integration of different media format including audio & video. You can see movies & listen to songs (sand) on your computer with the help of multimedia. Note: - To play audio or video normally your computer should have CD- ROM drive, sound card & speaker with your computer. To play an audio CD: 1. Insert your audio CD in CD- ROM drive. 2. Click on startprogramaccessories entertainment. 3. Click on CD player. 4. Than CD player dialog box will appear. 5. Click on play box. 6. Click on view. 7. Click on volume, than display volume control dialog box. 8. Now, increases and decrease the volume sound with the help of mouse. 9. Click on disk. 10. Click on exit.


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