Banking Security Software Model Project

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  • Words: 3,792
  • Pages: 38
ABSTRACT In today’s running world, banks play an important role in providing security and assurance to customer’s requirements. Customer satisfaction is the important goal of the bank management. Today the banking managements systems have been computerized and the transaction have been made faster as like a rocket launch. Various banks have several methods for checking the authenticity of their customer’s. Updating is the main concept of this bank management .the validity checking can be done by using methods. This banking management provides various methods in order to satisfy the customer’s requirements. Here our project is also built to compute the works of a small bank. Here we maintain the database and screens of C++, which is a powerful developing language. We developed the system, which can provide different screens for customer entry, updating entries, transaction of customers, the codes generation, etc . . . . At the back end, three databases are being used to store and retrieve the data works .Here we maintain the database and screens of C++, which is a powerful developing language. We developed the system, which can provide different screens for customer entry, updating entries, transaction of customers, the codes generation, etc . . . . At the back end, three databases are being used to store and retrieve the data. This is the basic concept of our system.

INTRODUCTION There has been a big need for automating the works – since the creature of mankind, because man thought that the quality of the work can be increased as well as man power, labours and time can be reduced. If we automate the things, hence the development of science were very much vigorous (as the proverb says “Need is the mother of invention”). This science lead to the development of new things in various fields like Transport, Astrology, Geography. Here one more requirement was raised, about the administration of the things and to process a lot of information at a short time. This work however if done manually will lead to the same problem – previously discussed! (Time consuming).Hence, the development of new field called INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Communication Easy retrieval of data at any time Sharing an information between all parts of the world In this situation, man had a disappointment on physical works. He believed the power of ELECTRONICS; hence all problems seemed to be solved using this solution! This lead to the development of Electronic Equipment for communication. Electronic telephones through satellite – transmitter – receivers – towers etc . .


Banking: Banking, how ever may seem to be a simple technique, but to be managed carefully. Otherwise it will lead to the customer dissatisfaction, hence each and every transaction with the customer is to be neatly recorded and provided proper reports where ever required. Bank works can be classified as under Making a separate entry for new customers. Storing all personal details about the customer. Storing the bank details of customer (account type, opening date and current balance, etc….). Updating the information, when ever the customers transacts with the bank (increasing the balance, when cash is deposited). Taking proper reports for customer and the main Branch.


Chapter 1 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Software: It is set of all instruction to form a particular task. Software is nothing but a collection of computer programs and related documents that are intended to provide desired features, functionalities and better performance. Engineering: It is analysis, design, construction and verification and management of technical entities. Definition of Software Engineering by IEEE: It is the systemic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, maintenance and operation of our performance software. Software engineering is a discipline in which theories, methods and tools are applied to develop professional software. Software application: System software Real time software Web based software Business software Embedded software Artificial intelligence software SOFTWARE PROCESS: It is the frame work for the task that are required to build high quality software






Quality focus Figure 1. Architechture Analysis Design Implementation Testing Debugging Maintenance Process: It is a foundation for software engineering layers. It holds the technology layers together and enables a timely development of computer software. It defines a framework for a set of kpa’s key process areas. Uses of kpa’s. It is established for the effective delivery of software engineering technology. Methods: How to build the software It includes analysis, design, construction, testing and maintenance.


Tools: A software engineering provides automated or semi automated tools for process and methods. Eg. CASE tools. We use waterfall life cycle model in BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1.3 Water fall life cycle model: Definition: It is systematic, disciplined and sequential approach to software development that begins at system level and process through ,analysis ,design, code, test. Diagram of waterfall life cycle model: ANALYSIS




Figure 2. Waterfall life cycle model

Software requirement analysis; The requirement gathering process is focused specifically on software To understand the nature of the program or problem to be build the software engineering must understand the information domain.

Design: 6

It is multistep process it will focus on 4 fields Data structure Architecture Interface Algorithm Code Generation: It translates the representation f software into machine readable form. It design is performed in a detailed manner,code generation can be produced mechanically. Testing: Once the code has been generated, the program testing begins. Maintenance: Software will undergo change after it is delivered to the customer. The change will occur because the errors have been encountered. Drawbacks for linear sequential model: The customer must have patience-aworking version of program will not be available until in the project time span.Real project follow the rarely follow the rarely follow the linear sequential model.



It is the process used to help identify the correctness, completeness; security and quality of develop computer software. With that in mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness of arbitrary computer software. This technique explains about various testing and validation done to improve the performance and to remove errors in an application. 1.4 INTRODUCTION: In general, software engineers distinguish software faults from software failures. In case of a failure, the software does not manifest as a failure. A fault can also turn into failure when the software is ported to a different harware platform or a different compiler, or when the software gets extended. There are two main types of testing methods. They are 1) WHITE BOX TESTING and 2) BLACK BOX TESTING. 1.5 WHITE AND BLACK BOX TESTING: White box testing sometimes called as ‘Glass box’ testing, test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Using white box testing methods, software engineer can derive test cases that Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at a least once. Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false side. Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds. Exercise internal data structure to ensure their validity.


Black box testing is done to validate all the functional requirements of the system by checking for incorrect or missing functions, interface errors etc… In this automated counseling software all the statements in each functions were checked against the errors, proper functioning’s etc. 1.6 GREY TESTING: In recent years the term grey box testing has come into common usage. The typical grey box tester is permitted to set up or manipulate the testing environment, like seeding a database , can view the state of the product after their actions .like performing a SQL query on the database to be certain of the values of columns. It can also be used of testers who know the internal working or algorithms of the software under test and can write tests specifically for the anticipated results. 1.7 ALPHA , BETA, AND GAMMA TESTING : In software development, testing is usually required before release to the general public. This phase of development is known as alpha testing. Testing during this phase is known as alpha testing. Once the alpha phase is complete, development enters the beta phase. Versions of the software, known as beta –versions, are groups of people so that further testing can open public to increase. 1.8 TESTING STRATEGY: Testing strategy integrates software test case design methods into a well planned series of steps that results in the successful construction of software.


1.9 UNIT TESTING: Unit testing is concerned with knowledge about testing a program unit, to determine that it is free of data, logic or standard errors. At this level white box testing are used. This unit includes knowledge of dynamic analysis. In this unit testing individual components or models are tested. It relatively focuses in the small segments of the code and the aims to exercise a high percentage of internal paths. 1.10 INTEGRATION TESTING: Integration testing is concern with knowledge about validating that software component, which have been unit tested separately, interact correctly when they are put together to perform higher order function. In this application bottom up integration testing is done. 1.11 BOTTOM-UP TESTING: Bottom-up integration testing begins construction and testing with atomic models are integrated from bottom up, processing require for models are subordinate to a given level is always available and need for stubs is eliminated. 1.12 FUNCTIONAL TESTING: Functional tests are programs or script configured to test that application met external requirements and achieve goals, such as performance, also known as black box testing because source code is not needed. 1.13 SCENAIRO TESTING:

Scenario testing is similar to, but not the same as session-based testing, which is more closely related to exploratory based testing and session –based test.


A SAMPLE TESTING CYCLE Requirement Analysis: Testing should begin in the requirement phase of the software life cycle (SDLC). Design Analysis: During the design phase, testers work with developers in determining what aspects of a design are testable and under what parameter those testers work. Test planning: Test Strategy, Test plan(s), Test bed creation. Test development: Test procedures, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test scripts to use in testing software. Test Extension: Testers execute the software based on the plans and tests and report any errors found to the development team. Test Reporting: Once testing is completed, testers generate matrices and make final reports on their test effort and whether or not the software tested is ready for release. Retesting the defects.


CHAPTER 2 2.1 SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT Introduction:The system environment gives us the details of the hardware specification like server and software details which is necessary for computerization. Hardware Requirement:Processor Required

: Pentium 4(MIN)

Hard disk space

: 80GB

Main Memory (RAM)

: 256MB

PEN Drive


Software Requirement:Scripts C/C++ Frontend/backend:C++. Operating system:Windows XP, 2000.


2.1 PROJECT PLANNING Project planning process: The objective of software project planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manager to make reasonable estimate of resources, cost, and schedule. In addition, estimates should attempt to define best-case and worstcase scanners so that project outcomes can be bounded. Task set for Project Planning: Establish project scope. Determine feasibility. Analyze risks. Define required resources .Determine human resources required. Define reusable software resources. Identify environmental resources .Estimate cost and effort. Decompose the problem. Develop two or more estimates using size, function points, process tasks, are used – case. Recouncile the estimates. Develop a project schedule. Establish a meaningful task set. Define a task network. Use scheduling tools to develop a time line chart. Define schedule tracking mechanisms. Project analysis: The main objective of project analysis is to gather all the requirements needed for building the project. Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis results in the specification of softwares operational characteristics indicates softwares interface with other system elements, and establishes constant that software must meet. 13

Requirement analysis provides the software designer with a representation of information, function, and behaviour that can be translated to architectural, interface, and component - level

designs. Finally, the

analysis model and the requirements specification provide the developer and customer with the means to access quality once software in built. Through out analysis modeling, the software engineers primary focus is on What and not How. What objects does the system manipulate ,what functions must the system perform, what behaviours does the system exhibit, what interfaces are defined and what constraints apply ?. PROJECT DESIGN SPECIFICATION OVERVIEW: The following is an attempt to put together a complete yet reasonably flexible template for the specification of software designs. This document is really a template for a template. In designing this template we have gleaned information from as many sources including various texts on Software Engineering (pressman, Somerville and Van Vilest), Object Oriented Development (Brooch, Rum Baugh, Bernard and Warf’s-Brocks), various SEI reports, Dodd-Std and MilStd documentation requirement (2167/2167A) and IEEE documentation standards (particularly IEEE-1016 for software designs and IEEE-830 for software requirement).A complete software design specification must meet the following criteria:project member.


It should be able to adequately serve as training material for new software impairing to them enough information and understanding about the project implementation so that they are able to understand what is being said in design meeting and won’t feel as if they are drowning when they are first asked to create or modify source code. It should serve as “object evidence “that the designer and/or implementers are following through on their commitment to implement the functionality described in the requirement specification. It needs to be as detailed as possible while at the same time not imposing too much of a burden on the designers and/or implementers that it becomes overly difficult to create or maintain. This is the documentation for the project named, “BANKING SYSTEM”. DESIGN CONSIDERATION : This section describes many of the issues which need to be addressed or resolved before attempting to devise a complete design solution. GENERAL CONSTRAINTS : Describes any global limitations or constraints that have a significant impact on the design of the system’s software. Such constraints may be imposed by any of the following. Administrators alone have a permission to edit database. Actor cannot change their details. Whenever database is lost information cannot be retained.


GOALS AND GUIDELINES: The main goals are, This project is simple to understand. Database is easy to access. Working, looking or “feeling” like an existing product. For each such goals or guidelines, unless it is implicitly, describes the reason for Its desirability. DEVELOPMENT METHODS : The methods or approach used for this software design are, Software Design-Rational Enterprise Suite. Project Registration-Rational Administrator. Requirement analysis-requisite pro. Design Specification-Rational Rose. Software Implementation- ‘C++’ Language. Database-FILE. ARCHITECTURAL STRATEGIES : It describes any design decisions and/or strategies that affect the overall organization of the system and its higher-level structures. It describes the reasoning employed for each decision and how the design goals or priorities were balanced or traded-off. Such decisions are, Programming Language- ‘C++’; Database-FILE.Future plans-to reduce the workload of any organization for maintaining the pay role.System inputActor identity. External database-FILE for storing the project details.


Enables distribution data and control over a network. Provide concurrency and synchronization.

SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE : The main purpose of system architecture is that it should provide a high-level overview of how the functionality and responsibility of that, were partitioned and then assigned to subsystem or components, to gain a general understanding of how and why the system was decomposed and how the individual parts work together to provide the functionality. The top most level, describe the major responsibility to maintain the details. POLICIES AND TACTICS : It describes the design policies and/or tactics that do not have sweeping architectural implication, meaning they would not significantly affect the overall organization of the system and its high-level structures, but which nonetheless affect the details of the interface and/or implementation of various aspects of the system Database. Coding guidelines and conventions. Plans for ensuring requirements traceably. Plans for testing the software. Plans for maintaining software.


2.2 VALIDATION Validation is the process of validating the software according to the user requirement. Successful validation should establish confidence that at the application is fits for purpose. The validation is done in all modules and is to ensure that proper results are only obtained. Few validations done are as follows, Recovery testing: It was checked whether the software can able to recover from faults and resume processing within the predefined time. Security testing: Security testing attempt to verify that production mechanism built into a system will in fact product it from improper penetration. Stress testing: The validation of the stress testing is sensitivity testing.


2.3 DEBUGGING THE ART OF DEBUGGING Software testing is a process that can be systematically planned and specified. Test case design can be conducted; a strategy and results can be evaluated against prescribed exceptions. Debugging occurs as a consequence of successful testing. When a test case uncovers an error, debugging is the process that results in the removal of the error. THE DEBUGGING PROCESS Debugging is not testing but always occurs as a consequence of testing .The following are some general guidelines for effective debugging. Debugging requires a through understanding of the program design. Debugging may sometimes even require full redesign of the system. One must be clear of the possibility that any one error correction may introduce new errors. DEBUGGING APPROACHES Debugging has one overriding objectives to find and correct the causes of a software error. The objectives are realized by a combination of systematic evaluation, intuition and luck. Three categories for debugging approaches may be proposed. Brute force Back tracking Cause elimination The brute force of category of debugging is probably the most common and least efficient method for isolating the cause of a software error. This method for isolating the causes of a software error. This method is effective when all else fails.


Back tacking is a fairly common debugging approach that can be used successfully in small programs. If the error is not debugged, then the source code is traced backward until the site of the cause is found as a number of line increases, the number of potential backward paths may become large. The third approach to debugging –causes elimination –is manifested by induction or deduction and introduces the concept of binary partitioning data related to the error occurrence are organized to isolate potential cause. A ‘causes hypothesis’ is devised and solution is derived.



















Figure 3




Date flow diagrams







Figure 4







Figure 5







Figure 6








Figure 7


Implementation: #include #include #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include #include<dos.h> #include<math.h> int e; float g,f,l; static int coun,count=0; class person { //static int count; char name[100],add[100]; char branch[100],city[100]; float age,amt; int an; clock_t start, end; public: void getdetails(); void deposit(); void withdraw(); void details(); //int time(); void interest(); }; /*int person::time() { start = clock(); delay(200); end = clock(); g=(end - start) / CLK_TCK; return g; }*/ 26

void person::interest() { cout<<"\t\t\t\Enter the Account number\n"; int c; cin>>c; if(c==an) { cout<<"enter the rate of interst"<<endl; cin>>l; f=((amt*l)/100); amt=amt+f; cout<<"\t\t\tName :"<>name; cout<<"\t\t\tEnter the Age of the Account Holder"<<endl; cin>>age; cout<<"\t\t\tEnter the Branch of the Account Holder"<<endl; cin>>branch; cout<<"Enter the Address of the Account Holder"<<endl; cin>>add; cout<<"\t\t\tEnter the City of the Account Holder"<<endl; cin>>city; coun=++count; cout<<"\t\t\tyour account number is :"<

void person::deposit() { cout<<"Enter the Name of the Account Holder"<<endl; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter the Amount to be deposited"<<endl; cin>>amt; cout<<"Enter the Address of the Account Holder"<<endl; cin>>add; cout<<"Enter the Branch Name"<<endl; cin>>branch; cout<<"Enter the City Name"<<endl; cin>>city; coun=++count; cout<<"Your Account number is :"<>an; /*if(coun|=an) { cout<<"enter the account no properly"<<endl; } else */ cout<<"Thank You!"<<endl; } void person::withdraw() { clrscr(); //cout<<"Enter the Name of the Account Holder"<<endl; //cin>>name; //for(int i=0;i<2;i++) //{ cout<<"Enter the Account number of the Account Holder"<<endl; int n; cin>>n; if(n==an) { cout<<"\t\t\tName :"<
cout<<"\t\t\tBranch :"<>c; { if(c>amt) { cout<<"Insufficient Balance"<<endl; cout<<"Sorry !"<<endl; } else { float b; b=amt-c ; cout<<"Balanced Amount :Rs "<>n; if(n==an) { 29

clrscr(); cout<<"\t\t\tName :"<>e; switch(e) { //case 1:clrscr(); //p.getdetails(); //break; case 1:clrscr(); 30

p.deposit(); break; case 2:clrscr(); p.withdraw(); //p.details(); break; case 3:p.details(); break; case 5:p.interest(); break; case 0:break; default:cout<<"Enter the Correct Choice"<<endl; } }while(e); }


Output Snapshots Sample Output Menu




Balance Withdrawal


Amount without Interest


Amount with Interest


CONCLUSION This bank management system project will serve as a useful approach to

data base dialog box to deposit and withdraw the money for the person.

It serves as a helpful approach for the users. It provides easy way of the deposit and withdraw the money. It reduces the time taken by the user to save the money. Thus the project is the user friendly approach. It locates the problems source and the way to correct the errors.


REFERENCES Software Engineering –‘a practitioners approach’. (Author: Roger S. Pressman, fifth edition Publishers: Mc Graw Hill internationals) Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, inc, New York, December 2001. Software Engineering –Ian Sommerville, 2nd edition, December 2004 bank management) (implementation and OBDC connectivity)


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