Back Up Data Iha Computer Ka User

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,059
  • Pages: 12
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IT Focal point Training EMIS Lab.

Held on 6th may 2009

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Back up data iha computer ka user

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

click iha my computer klik kanan iha drive C hili open hili document and setting hili user nebe activo exmp “adelino” double click iha neba hare Desktop ho my Document klik kanan pasta rua ne’e e hili kopy (antes ne’e halo lai pasta backup kada komputer iha HDD External ) tama iha HDD External iha pasta nebe ita kria ba ita loke ou klik kanan iha pasta ne’e hili Paste. Finished

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..\..\My Completed Downloads\23-cara-mempercepat-running-windows-xp.pdf

Diafrag hardisk diafragment halao inquando PC nia performance lao komesa ladun diak tamba file nebe iha laran komesa espalha la tuir malu e halo pc nia access kleur ne’e hanesan tools ida para ajuda ita rai tuir fali document tuir nia fatin nia etapa mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e: l Click iha my computer l Klick kanan iha local C l Hili properties l Hili tools l Klick iha buataun Diafragment now l Hili diafragment l Hein to’o hotu durante ne’e labele halao programa ruma

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Hamos USB ka External Drive usa Avast Anti virus l l l l l

Klick start Klick my computer Klick kanan iha drive nebe atu scan/hamos Hili scan exmp d:\ Hetan virus hili delete too hetan persento 100

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Hamos virus iha computer iha ne’e ita usa tools hosi sophos antivirus naran sav32cli

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Restart computer Haneha butaun f8 too mosu save mode Muda cursor ba iha save mode with command prompt. Hein too mosu janela user active administrator( quando iha password tau nia password) Sei mosu deit janela dos prompt ida deit(iha ne’e hau hili drive E hanesan drive nebe cd room iha ba Ketik e: enter cek CD iha posisaun drive nebe iha parte ida ne’e iha drive D: Restart computer iha tempo computer restart haneha bebeik tombol F8 to’o mosu janela save mode hili save mode with command prompt hein to’o mossu janela users klik iha administrator quando iha password tau nia password.maka sei mosu janela ida deit ho dos prompt. iha dos prompt ne’e ketik d: enter sei mosu hanesan ne’e d:\> para atu hare saida mak iha CD laran ne’e ketik DIR e press enter ketik cd spasi sav32cli e press enter depois sei mosu d:\sav32cli> ketik nia printah hanesan tuir mai ne’e sav32cli –remove –p=c:\logfile.txt hein to’o nia scanning hetan virus sei mosu hanesan ne’e. hetan virus haneha/press A

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Usa sav32cli hodi hamos usb ka external drive l l l l l l l l l

Hatama USB ba iha port usb niann hein to’o mosu usb nia naran iha my computer Hatama CD sav32cli ba Cd room iha exmp ida ne’e cd room iha drive D ho usb iha drive E Para atu hare clik iha start, my computer usb nia naran sei existe iha neba Click start hili all program hili acessories hili command prompt. Iha commad prompt ne’e ketik d: enter Iha d nia laran ketik cd sav32cli haneha enter Ketik sav32cli e: -remove –p=c:\logfile.txt enter Hein to nia scan hetan virus haneha A Quando usb iha rua ka partisi ba rua ketik sav32cli e: f: -remove – p=c:\ade.txt

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Halo mosu fali documento nebe virus subar ka lakon depois de processo hamos virus

Atu halo mosu fila fali documento iha USB iha drive D

Click start hili all program hili acessories hili command prompt. l Lais liu klick start hili run hakerek cmd enter l Iha command prompt ketik d: enter l Ketik help attrib enter sei mosu nia petunjuk attribute nian l Ketik attrib –r –a –s –h /s /d enter l Hein to’o nia mosu fila fali d:> l Loke USB no hare fila fali dadus nebe ita hare lakon ne’e sei mosu fila fali. Note depois halao comando ida ne’e iha folder ka file nebe desconfia laos file ita nian ka virus haneha sift +delete ida ne’e hodi delete permanent. l

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Cria user foun l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Klick start Klick kanan iha my computer Hili manage klick iha local users and group Double click iha user Klick kanan iha user acitive nia okos Hili new user Ketik iha kluna user name Ketik naran iha full name Tau password iha kluna password Ketik repeta ba iha kluna confirm password Hasai tia marka cek list iha kluna user must change password at next log on Tau cek list iha kluna user can not change password Tau cek list iha kluna password never expires Klick create Klick ok

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Cria password iha user active l l l l l l l l l l

Klick start Klick kanan iha my computer Hili manage klick iha local users and group Double click iha user klick kanan iha user name Hili set password Klick iha butaun proceed Tau password iha kluna new password Repeta password ne’e iha kluna confirm password Klick ok

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Limita access ba user l l l l l l l l l l l l

Klick start Klick kanan iha my computer Hili manage klick iha local users and group Double click iha user klick kanan iha user name Hili properties Klick iha butaun member of Klik iha butaun add Klick iha advanced Klick ih find now Hili users Klick ok

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Installation Operation System l l l

Format computer Repair system Repair with chkdsk

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