Ba-ii All Subject

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 66

vk/kkj ikB~;Øe lewg Lukrd f}rh; o"kZ ijh{kk 2004 izFke iz'u i= fgUnh Hkk"kk iw.kkZad 75 ¼iz'u izR;sd bdkbZ @[k.M ls rS;kj fd;s tk;saxs½ ¼ch-,-]ch-,l-lh-] ch-,l-lh- ¼x`g foKku½ ch-dke-] ch-,- eSustesaV ,oa chlh,- f}rh; o"kZ dk iqujhf{kr ikB~;Øe½ laisz"k.k dkS'ky] fgUnh Hkk"kk vkSj lkekU; Kku vk/kkj ikB~;Øe dh lajpuk vkSj vfuok;Z ikB~; iqLrd&fgUnh Hkk"kk vkSj oSKkfud psruk dk lek;kstu bl rjg fd;k x;k gS fd lkekU; Kku dh fo"k; oLrq& foKku vkSj oSKkfud psruk&ds ek/;e] vk/kkj vkSj lkFk&lkFk fgUnh Hkk"kk dk Kku vkSj mlesa lEizs"k.k dkS'ky vftr f;dk tk ldsA blh iz;kstu ls O;kdj.k dh vUroZLrq dks fofo/k fo/kkvksa dh ladfyr jpukvksa vkSj lkekU; Kku dh ikB~; lkexzh ds lkFk vUrxqfEir fd;k x;k gSA v/;;u&v/;kiu ds fy, iwjh iqLrd dh ikB~; lkexzh gS vkSj vH;kl ds fy;s foLr`r iz'ukoyh gSA ;g iz'u i= Hkk"kk dk gS] vr% ikB~; lkexzh dk O;k[;kRed ;k vkykspukRed v/;;u visf{kr ugha gSA ikB~;Øe vksj ikB~; lkexzh dk la;kstu fuEufyf[kr ikap bdkb;ksa esa f;dk x;k gSA igyh bdkb;k¡ nks&nks Hkkxksa esa foHkDr gS%& bdkbZ ,d ¼d½ fgUnh dk O;kdjf.kd dksfV;k¡%& jpukRed





loZuke] fo'ks"k.k] fØ;k fo'ks"k.k vkfn rFkk lekl] laf/k ,oa laf{kIr;k¡ jpuk vkSj iz;ksxxr foospukA



¼[k½ikB&eqDr xxu gS% ek[kuyky prqosZnh] f'kdkxks O;k[;ku% LOkkeh foosdkuan vkSj o.kZ foU;kl% fo'oukFk izlkn feJA bdkbZ nks ¼d½

fofo/k fo"k;ksa ij laf{kIr fuca/k

ys[kuA ¼[k½ ikB&D;k fy[kw¡% inqeyky iqUukyky c['kh] Hk; ls eqfDr% ts d".kewfrZ] f'kjh"k ds Qwy%





jkeukjk;.k mik/;k;] i;kZoj.k vkSj jk"Vªh; lsok ;kstukA bdkbZ rhu ¼d½fgUnh rduhdh









yksdksfDr;k¡A ¼[k½vkS|ksfxd Økafr% MkW- ';kekpj.k nqcs] NksVk tknwxj% t;'kadj izlkn bdkbZ pkj ¼d½ foKku dqekj]








laf{kIr bfrgkl] izeq[k oSKkfud vkfo"dkj] gekjk czãk.M vkSj thou] gekjk lkSj e.My] thou % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl] Hkkjr dh ouLifr;k¡ vkSj thoA bdkbZ ikap ¼d½

Hkkstu vkSj LokLF;%

ewY;kadu ;kstuk&izR;sd bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u iwNk tk;sxkA izR;sd iz'u esa vkarfjd fodYi gksxk vkSj izR;sd iz'u ds 15 vad gksaxsA igyh rhu bdkb;ksa

esa nks&nks [k.M

Øe'k% *d* vkSj ^[k* gSA *d^ vFkkZr~ /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc


O;kdj.k ds iz'uksa ds fy, 10 vad ,oa ^[k* vFkkZr~ ikBksa ij vk/kkfjr iz'uksa ds fy, 5 vad fu/kkZfjr gSA bdkbZ 4 vkSj 5 ij vk/kkfjr iz'uksa ds vad Øe'k% 15&15 gSA bl izdkj iwjs iz'u i= ds iw.kkZad 75 gksaxsA vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa%&

fgUnh Hkk"kk vkSj oSKkfud

psruk e-iz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh }kjk izdkf'krA

F.C.-II: ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Questions will be set from each unit/section) B.A./B.SC./B.Com./B.H.SC./B.A. Management/ B.C.A. Part-II Exam. 2004 (A Scheme of Examination for BA./B.Sc./B.H.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A./B.A. Management) Paper - II : English Language: M.M. : 75 Comprise the following Units: UNIT-I Short answer questions of about 100 words: 15 Marks UNIT-II (a) Reading comprehensions of an unseen passage: 10 Marks (b) Vocabulary 05 Marks UNIT-III Report- Writing (About 200 words) 15 Marks UNIT-IV Expansion of ideas (about 200 words) 15 Marks UNIT-V Grammer (Twenty items based on the patterns given in 15 Marks The prescribed text book to be asked and 15 to be attempted. NOTE:

Question on all the units shall be asked from the prescribed text which will comprise specimens of popular creative / writing and the following items. (a) Matter & Technology (i) State of Matter its structure\ (ii) Technology (Electronics, Communication, Space science) (b) Our Scientists & Institutions



Life & work of our eminent Scientists: Arya Bhatt, Kaurd, Cr. Shohruta, Nagarju, J.C. Bose, C.V. Raman, S.Ramanji Homi, J. Bhaba, Birbal Sahani, (ii) Indian Scientific Institutions (Acient & Modern) The text book sponsored by the M.P. Higher Education Department and Published by the M.P. Hindi Granth Academy. Text Book: English Language & Scientific Temper Published by - M.P. Hindi Granth Academy.


- 75

AII questions are compulsory. Note:

(a) Annotations: Unit I - 2 passages from each of the units II, III and IV to be set and one from each unit to be attempted. 3 x 5 =15 (b) Long-answer questions: Three questions with internal choice to be set from units -II, III and IV (Ward limit far each answer: 300 to 400 wards) 3 x 12 = 36

(c) Short-answer questions: From Unit V, 14 questions to be set, 7 to be attempted. (Word limit far each answer = 20 - 25 wards) 7 x 2 = 14 (d) Practical Criticism: Unit VI. Two poetic passages approximately of 8-15 line each to be set (not from the prescribed course), one to be attempted. 10 UNIT-I Annotations. UNIT-II

1. Thomas Gray - Elegy Written ina Cauntry Churchyard. 2. Wiliam Call ins - Ode to Evening. 3. Matthew Arnold - Dover Beach.


1. Sylvia Plath - Morning Song. 2. Christina Rossetti - Spring Quiet.


1. G.M. Hopkins - Pied Beauty. 2. W.H. Auden - The Unknown Citizen.



Prosody, figures of speech and forms .of poetry. Prosody 1. Heroic couplet. 2. Blank Verse. 3. Free Verse. 4. Metrical Patterns -Iambic, Trochaic.


Figures of speech

1. Simile 2. Metaphor

3. Antithesis 4. Oxymqron 5. Paradox

6. Personification 7. Pathetic Fallacy 8. Irony

9. Onomatopoeia 10. Alliteration

11. Metonymy 12. Synecdoche C.

Forms of Poetry

1. Lyric 2. Ode 3. Sonnet 4. Elegy 5. Satire UNIT-VI

Practical Criticism Two poetic passages to be set, one to be attempted.

TEXT BOOK PRESCRIBED An Anthology of English Literature for B.A. Part - II (Publisher - Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy, Bhopal). Suggested Reference Books: 1. R.N. Bose & T.S. Sterling, Elements of English Rhetoric and Prosody (Chuckervertty), Chatterjee, Calcutta, 1981).


-62. Bernard .2lack Stone, Practical English Prosody (Longman, 1965). 3. A Background to the study of English Literature - B. Prasad. 4. Seturaman - Practical Criticism.



All questions are compulsory. Note:- (a) Annotations: Unit I - 2 passages from each of the units IV, V and VI to be set three to be attempted. 3 x 5 =15 (b)


Long-answer questions: Five questions with internal choice to be set from the units 11,111, IV, V and VI. (Word limit for long,. answer : 300 to 400 words) 5 x12 = 60. Annotations. Section A - Fiction


Thomas Hardy - Far from the Madding Crowd. (Non-detailed)


Oscar Wilde - The Happy Prince. O. Henry - The Gift of the, Magi. Section B - Drama


William Shakespeare - Macbeth. UNIT V J. M. Synge - Riders to the


H.H. Munro - The Miracle Merchant.

TEXT BOOK PRESECRIBED An Anthology of English Literature for B.A. Part - II (Publisher - Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy, Bhopal)

ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ laLd`r



ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ laLd`r esa nks iz'ui= gksaxsA izR;d iz'ui= 75 vadks dk gksxkA izFke iz'u i= esa 60 vadks dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gksxh rFkk 15 vadks dh okXO;ogkj dh ekSf[kd ijh{kk gksxh] tks nks ijh{kdksa ¼,d vkarfjd rFkk nwljs ckà ijh{kd½ ls laiUu gksxhA izFke&iz'u i= ¼laLd`r Hkk"kk uSiq.;½ iw.kkZad 75 bdkbZ & ,d O;kdj.k ¼d½





HkkookP;½ okP; ifjorZu dk Kku visf{kr gksxk ¼05½ ¼[k½ lekl& y?k fl)kar dkSeqnh ls ¼foxzg okD; rFkk lekl uke visf{kr gS½ ¼10½ bdkbZ & nks

j?kqoa'kh ¼f}rh; lxZ½

15 fdUgha nks i|ksa dh O;k[;k ¼10½ ,d vkykspukRed iz'u ¼05½ bdkbZ & rhu ls½



15 ,d x|ka'k dh O;k[;k ¼10½ ,d vkykspukRed iz'u ¼05½ bdkbZ & pkj


15 fgUnh ls laLd`r ¼ikap okD;ksa dk½ ¼10½ laLd`r ls fgUnh ¼ikap okD;ksa dk½ ¼05½ /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc


bdkbZ & ikap

laLd`r okXO;gkj

15 ekSf[kd ijh{kk vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa%& 1- y?kq fl)kar dkSeqnh & /kjkuUn'kkL=h 2- y?kq fl)kar dkSeqnh& egsUnzflag ukSfV;ky 3- c`gn~ vuqokn pafnzdk& pd/kjgal ukSfV;ky 4- c`gn jspukuqokn dkseqnh& MkW- dfiynso f}osnh 5- dknEcjh



pkS[kEck vksfj;Vy okjk.klh 6- laLd`rL;



laLd`r dk;kZy; Jh vjfoUn vkJe ik.MqpsjhA ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ f}rh; iz'u&i= laLd`r iw.kkZad 75 bdkbZ & ,d Hkkjrh; nk'kZfud 'kk[kkvksa dk lkekU; ifjp;

15 lka[;&;ksx]


ehekalk&osnkar] tSu] ckS) rFkk pkokZd~ vkfLrd n'kZuksa ls ,d iz'u fodYi lfgr ¼08½ ukfLrd n'kZuksa ls ,d iz'u fodYi lfgr ¼07½ bdkbZ & nks

"kksM'k laLdkjksa dk ifjp; 15

¼fo/kku ,oa egRo dk Kku visf{kr gSA½ bdkbZ & rhu

vfHkKku 'kkdqUrye

15 ¼izFke] prqFkZ ,oaiape vadks ls nks /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc


'yksdksa dh O;k[;k½ ¼10½ ¼lEiw.kZ ukVd ls ,d vkykspukRed iz'u½ ¼05½ bdkbZ & pkj


15 ¼izLrkouk]




izos'kd] usiF;] fonw"kd] HkjrokD;&buesa ls fdUgha rhu ij fVIi.kh½ bdkbZ & ikap ifjp;

laLd`r ds izfrfu/k :idksa dk 15

¼Hkkl] dkfynkl] 'kwnzd] fo'kk[knur] ,oa HkoHkwfr HkV~Vukjk;.k dh ukV~; d`fr;ksa dk ifjpk;Red Kku visf{kr gS½ vuq'kaflr xzaFk%& 1- Hkkjrh; n'kZu&e-e- MkW- mes'k feJ 2- Hkkjrh; n'kZu&vkpk;Z cynso mik/;k; 3- laLd`r 'kkL=ksa dk bfrgkl& vkpk;Z cynso mik/;k; 4- fgUnw laLdkj&MkW- jktcyh ik.Ms 5- laLdkj izdk'k&MkW- Hkokuh'kadj f=osnh 6- Hkkjrh;





mik/;k; 7- HkkjrL; lkaLd`frdfuf/k% MkW- jketh mik/;k; 8- n'k:id% /kfud /kuUt;&MkW- Hkksyk 'kadj O;kl 9- dkfynkl





foospu&MkW- dqlqe Hkwfj;k 10-laLd`r lkfgR; dh :ijs[kk&MkW- pUnz'ks[kj ik.Ms 11-laLd`r






- 10 -

jk/kkoYyHk f=ikBh ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ fgUnh ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ ds fy, fuEufyf[kr iz'ui= jgsaxsA 1- izFke iz'ui=& vokZphu fgUnh dkO; 75 vad 2- f}rh; iz'u i=& fgUnh Hkk"kk% lkfgR; dk bfrgkl rFkk dkO;kax foospu

75 vad

izFke iz'u i= % vokZphu fgUnh dkO; dqy vad% 75 fuEufyf[kr dfo ,ao mudh dfork,a ¼O;k[;k ,oa vkykspuk iz'u ds fy,½ 1- eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr


dfork,a 2- t;'kadj izlkn

5 dfork,a

3- egknsoh oekZ

5 dfork,a

4- ek[kuyky prqosZnh

5 dfork,a

5- l-gh- okRL;k;u vKs;

5 dfork,a

nqzr ikB~; gsrq fuEufyf[kr rhu dfo& ¼fdUgh nks ij y?kqRrjh iz'u iwNs tk;saxs½ 1- lqHknzk dqekj pkSgku 2- ohjsUnz feJ 3- nq";ar dqekj vad foHkktu 3 O;k[;k,a 2 vkykspukRed iz'u

30 izfr'kr 30

izfr'kr 5 y?kqRrjh; iz'u /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

20 izfr'kr

- 11 -

20 oLrqfu"B@vfr y?kqRrjh; iz'u


izfr'kr vuq'kkflr






vdkneh] Hkksiky }kjk izdkf'kr f}rh; iz'ui= fgUnh Hkk"kk& lkfgR; dk bfrgk rFkk dkO;kax foospu bl iz'ui= dk ikB fo'ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx ds ekWMy ikB~;Øekuqlkj ;Fkkor~ Lohd`r fd;k x;kA izLrkouk%& fgUnh Hkk"kk dk bfrgkl ftruk izkphu gS] mruk gh xw<+&xgu HkhA blesa lkfgR; us yxHkx Ms<+ gtkj o"kksZa dk bfrgkl iwjk dj fy;k gSA blfy, fgUnh Hkk"kk vkSj lkfgR; ds ,frgkfld foospuk dh cM+h vko';drk gSA blh ds lkFk&lkFk fgUnh us viuk tks Lora= lkfgR;&'kkL= fufeZr fd;k gS] mls Hkh :ikf;r djus dh vko';drk gSA blds laKku }kjk fo|kFkhZ dh izfrHkk dk foddkl gksxk vkSj ,sfrgkfld ifjizs{; esa 'kq) lkfgfR;d foosd dk lfUuos'k gksxkA bl iz'u i= ds rhu miHkkx gksaxs%& ¼d½ fgUnh Hkk"kk dk Lo:i&fodkl ¼[k½ fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl ¼x½ dkO;kax ifjp; ikB~;fo"k; ¼d½

fgUnh Hkk"kk dk Lo:i&fodkl&fgUnh dh

mRifÙk] fgUnh dh ewy vkdkj Hkk"kk,¡ rFkk fofHkUu foHkk"kkvksa dk fodklA fgUnh Hkk"kk ds fofHkUu :i 1- cksypky dh Hkk"kk]






- 12 -






Hkk"kk] 6- lapkj Hkk"kkA ¼[k½






iwoZe/;dky] mRrje/;dky vkSj vk/kqfud dky dh lkekftd&jktuhfrd&lkaLd`frd i`"BHkwfe] izeq[k ;qx& izo`fÙk;k¡] fof'k"V jpukdkj vksj mudh izfrfuf/k d`fr;k¡] lkfgfR;d fo'ks"krk,¡A ¼x½






iz;kstuA jl ds fofHkUu Hksn] izeq[k Nan] ik¡p 'kCnkyadkj] ik¡p vFkkZyadkjA 1- vokZphu fgUnh dkO;%& 2- fgUnh Hkk"kk&lkfgR; dk bfrgkl rFkk dkO;kax foospu vuq'kkflr iqLrd&e-iz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky }kjk izdkf'kr

mnwZ uksV% bl bErsgku esa nks ipsZ gksaxsA gj ipkZ 75 dk gksxkA ¼1½ ulz

¼2½ 'kk;jh

igyk ipkZ ulz ¼[kr fuxkjh] rUtksfetkg] rUdhn½ /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 13 -

¼izR;sd bdkbZ@foHkkx ls iz'u iwNs tk;saxs½ fulkc% [kr fuxkjh% 1- [kqrwrs xkfyc

mnwZ, eksvYyk vkSj Åns

fgUnh ls rhu [k+r 2- [kqrwrs esagnh bQknh

lghQ+,s eqgCcr ls

rhu [k+r 3- [kqrwrs vcqy dyke vktkn

xqckjs [kkfrj ls rhu

[k+r rUtks fetkg% 1- [k+kstk dk fdjnkj

Qlku, vktkn ls vt ia-

jruukFk lj'kkj 2- vkSjr tkr


vt eqYyk jewth

3- xQwj fe;k¡ ls bd+frckl 4- fgekdrs

r[kYyql Hkksiky 'kQhdqjZg

rdd+hn% 1- etwu

vt f'kcyh ethehus f'kcyh

2- xkfyc 'k[lks 'kk;j ls 3- bdcky dh vter

etuwa xkSj[kiqjh vkys vgen lw:j

4- pdcLr cgSfl;r i;kEcjs nkSjs tnhn

vgrs'kke gqlSu

5- dqlhnk flUQs lw[kqu d hgsfl;r ls


dlhnk fuxkjh ls MkW- vcq vgEen lgjbdkbZ;k¡ igyh bdkbZ%

'kkfey fulkc vlukQ ij lokykr

ua- 15 nwljh bdkbZ%

[k+r fuxkjksa ij rduhnh lokykr



- 14 -

ua- 15 rhljh bdkbZ%

rUtks fetkg fuxkjksa ij lokykr

ua- 15 pkSFkh bdkbZ%

rUdhn fuxkjksa ij lokykr

u-a 15 ik¡poh bdkbZ%

'kkfeys fulkc [kwrwr vkSj rUdhnh


ua- 15 ds bDcscklkr dh r'kjhg

nwljk ipkZ ¼'kk;jh½ ¼elufo;kr c&eUtwekr½ ¼izR;sd bdkbZ@foHkkx ls iz'u iwNs tk;saxs½ fulkc% elufo;kr% 1- eluoh lg:y c;ku ls bUrs[kkc vt ehj glu ¼c ,rsckj IykV½ 2- eluoh xqytkjs ulhe bUrs[kkc vt n;k'kadjulhe eUtwekr% 1- vkneh ukek

vt uthj vdcj vkcknh

2- cjlkr dh cgkjs

vt uthj vdcj vkcknh

3- pqi dh nkn

vt vYrkQ gqlSu gkyh

4- gqCcs oru

vt vYrkQ gqlSu gkyh

5- jkek;.k dk ,d lhu

vt c`teksgu pdcLr

6- ftczhy vkSj bCyhl

MkW- bdcky

7- 'kqvk, mEehn

MkW- bdcky

8- vYcsyh lqcg

tks'k eyhgkcknh

9- rUgkbZ

QSt vgen QSt

10- ,d yM+dk

v[rj my bZeku


- 15 -

11- vkokjk

etkt y[kuoh

12- pk¡n rkjksa dk cu

e[knwe eqghmn~nhu

13- lqcgs Qjnk

ljnkj tkQjh

bdkbZ;k¡% igyh bdkbZ

'kkfeys fulkc vlukQ ij lokykr

ua- 15 nwljh bdkbZ

eluoh fuxkjks ij lokykr

ua- 15 rhljh bdkbZ eUtwekr dk






ua- 15 [kqyklk ;k tk;tk

pkSFkh bdkbZ

r'kjhg elufo;kr ls

ua- 15 ikapoh bdkbZ

r'kjhg eUtwekr ls

ua- 15

B.A. PART -II HISTORY PAPER-I : HISTORY OF INDIA FROM 1200 A.D. TO 1739 A.D. (2003-2004) Max. Marks-75 Objectives: The imperial forces found roots in India during Sultanate Period. The system, however, lacked the elements of stability and consequently witnessed frequent changes in the dynastic rule, However, the administrative and political consolidation under Akbar resulted in composite administrative governance in India, Later, with the decline of the Mughals in India fragmentation of socio-political system in India was evident primarily due to the inherent weakness of administrative Class which brought about disintegration. However, despite administrative failure, the /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 16 socio-cultural fabrics of India sustained and process of assimilation continued. Despite the frequent changes in the Ruling Classes the Socio Economic Structure was not disturbed. UNIT-I 1. Survey of Sources of Medieval Indian History. 2. Foundation and consolidation of the Sultanate. 3. Qutubuddin Aibak and Iltutmish 4. Razia and Balban 5. The Mongol invasion. 6. Alauddin Khalji- His conquest and reforms. 12 Lectures UNIT-II 1. Tughalaq-Mohammad Bin Tughlaq Firuz Shah Tughlq. 2. Fragmentatoin of Sultanate and Rise of Provincial Kingdoms-Vijaynagar, and Bahamani Kingdoms. 3. Timur's invasion and its impact. 4. Invasion of Mughals-Babur and humayun. Shershah Suri 12 Lectures UNIT-III 1. Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of Mughal Empire-Akbar 2. Mughal Rajput Relations-Maharana Pratap 3. Jahangir, Shahjahan, Mughal-Sikh Relations 4. Rise of Marathas, Shivaji-His Conquest and Administration 5. Aurangazab and declin of Mughal Empire, Nadirshah's invasion and its impact. 6. Advent of Europeans. 12 Lectures UNIT-IV SULTANATE PERIOD. 1. Social and Religious Life during the Sultanate Period- Bhakti and Sufi Movement. 2. Economic Life during Sultanate Period-Industry, Trade and Agriculture 3. Administrative system during Sultanate Period. 12 Lectures UNIT-V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

MUGHAL PERIOD. Mughal Administration and Institutions. Mansabdari System. Social and Religious Life during the Mughals, Status, of Women Economic Life during the Mughals-Agriculture, Trade, Commerce. Architecture during the Mughals.


- 17 -

bfrgkl izFke iz'u & i= % Hkkjr dk bfrgkl lu~ 1200 ls 1739 bZvf/kdre vad 75 mn~ns';%& lYrur dky esa Hkkjr esa lkezkT;okn dh tM+sa xgjh gqbZ ijarq fQj Hkh bl O;oLFkk ls LFkkf;Ro ugha FkkA D;ksafd yxkrkj jkT;lRrk ifjofrZr gksrh jghA vdcj ds dky esa Hkkjr esa 'kkldh; ,oa jktuSfrd lqlaxBu ds dkj.k iz'kkldh; v/kkslajpuk esa ,d:irk LFkkfir gqbZA ckn esa eqxyksa ds iru ds lkFk Hkkjr esa lkekftd] jktuSfrd] fo[kaMhdj.k n`f"Vxkspj gksus yxk tks laHkor;k iz'kklfud f'kfFkyhdj.k dk ifj.kke FkkA ;|fi bl iz'kklfud f'kfFkyhdj.k ds ckotwn Hkkjr dh lkekftd lkaLd`frd lajpuk v{kq..k jgh rFkk leUo; dh izfØ;k voujr jghA bdkbZ&izFke

1- e/;dkyhu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ds lzksr

,oa losZ{k.kA 3- fnYyh lYrur dh LFkkiuk & dqrqcqn~nhu ,scd vkSj bYrqrfe'kA 4- eaxksy vkØe.kA 5- vykmn~nhu





lq/kkjAO;k[;ku&12 bdkbZ&f}rh;




'kkg rqxydA 2- fnYyh lYrur dk fodsUnzh;dj.k vkSj izkUrh; 'kfDr;ksa dk mn;A 3- rSewj dk vkØe.k vksj mldk izHkkoA /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 18 -






'ksj'kkg lwjhAO;k[;ku&12 bdkbZ&r`rh;

1- eqxy lkezkT; dk lqn`<+hdj.k

,oa foLrkj&vdcjA 2- eqxy jktiwr laca/k] egkjk.kk izrkiA 3- tgk¡xhj vkSj 'kkgtgk¡] eqxy flD[k laca/kA 4- ejkBksa dk mRd"kZ] f'kokth dh fot;sa ,oa mudk iz'kkluA 5- vkSjaxtsc vkSj eqxy lkezkT; dk iru] ukfnj'kkg dk vkØe.k ,oa mlds izHkko 6- ;wjksfi;uksa dk vkxeu O;k[;ku&12 bdkbZ&prqFkZ

lYrur dky

1- lYrur




thou&HkfDr vkanksyu] lwQh vkanksyuA 2- lYrur





/kU/ks vkSj d`f"kA 3- iz'kklfud O;oLFkkA O;k[;ku&12 bdkbZ&iape

eqxy dky

1- eqxy iz'kklu ,oa laLFkk,¡A 2- eulcnkjh O;oLFkkA 3- lkekftd ,oa /kkfeZd thou] fL=;ksa dh fLFkfrA 4- vkfFkZd thou d`f"k] O;kikj] okf.kT;A 5- LFkkiR; dykA /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 19 -

Selected Readings:

1- JhokLro ,-,y- Hkkjr dk bfrgkl 2- JhokLro ,-,y- fnYyh lYrur 3- JhokLro ,-,y- eqxy dkyhu Hkkjr 4- gchc mYykg] Hkkjr esa eqfLye 'kklu dh cqfu;kn 5- etwenkj] jk; pkS/kjh ,oa nRr] Hkkjr dk o`gn bfrgkl [k.M&2 6- iatkch ch-ds- Hkkjr dk bfrgkl ¼1206&1761½ 7- gchc ,oa futkeh] fnYyh lYrur 8- oekZ gfj'kpUnz] e/;dkyhu Hkkjr ¼750&1540½ 9- 'kekZ dkywjke ,oa O;kl izdk'k] e/; dkyhu Hkkjrh; laLd`fr 10-lDlsuk vkj-ds- fnYyh lYrur 11-jk/ks'kj.k] Hkkjr dh lkekftd ,oa vkfFkZd lajpuk vkSj laLd`fr ds ewy rRo ¼vkfndky ls 1950 bZLoh rd½ ¼eiz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh dk izdk'ku½ 12-ik.Ms; ,-ch- iwoZ e/;dkyhu Hkkjr 13-ik.Ms; ,-ch- mRrj ek/;dkyhu Hkkjr 14-bZ'ojh izlkn] e/; ;qxhu Hkkjr 15-JhokLro ,p-,l-] eqxydkyhu 'kklu O;oLFkkA 16-ljnslkbZ th-,l- ejkBksa dk uohu bfrgkl [k.M&2 17-ljdkj ts-,u- f'kokth vkSj mudk ;qx 18-f=ikBh vkj-ih- eqxy lkezkT; dk bfrgkl vkSj iruA 19-feRry ,-ds- ;wuhQkbZM bfrgkl ¼izkjaHk ls 1761 bZ-½ 20-feRry ,-d-s ;wuhQkbM bfrgkl 1950 bZ- rd 21. Dey, U.N., Mughal Government 22. Habibulla, A.D.N., Foundation of Muslim Rule in India. 23. Habib & Nizamy, Comprehensive History of India. 24. Majumdar, Ray, An Advanced History of India. 25. Choudary & Dutta, Mehta, Advanced Study in the Medieval History of India.


- 20 26. Pandey, A.B., Early Medieval India. 27. Pandey, A.B. Later Mediveal India. 28. Prasad ishwari, Medieval India. 29. Sardasai, G.S. Main currents of Maratha History. 30. Sarkar, J.N., Shaivaji and his Time.

Papper -II : main Currents of World History From 1871-1945 A.D. Max. Marks-75 Object: Impreialism and Colonialism were a direct outcome of the power struggle in Europe, generated by the impact of Nationalism and Industrial Revolution, These forces ultimately led to the birth of Capitalism. The force at World wars I and II idulged in ideologial clashes and the process of disintegration began. The anitimperial colonial forces in the World Politics coupled with Soviet Revolution are to be Studied in detail. The emergence of Non-Aligned Movement and Kindling of the Spriti of Nationalism in nations under the imperialistic sway should be introduced briefly. The Syllabus is divided into five units as follows: UNIT-I 1. Third Republic of France. 2. Bismark-Internal and Foreign Policy. 3. Foreign Policy of William I 4. Scramble for Africa. 12 Lectures UNIT-II 1. Eastern Question (from 1871) 2. Berlin Congress (1878) 3. Young Turk Movement and Balkanwars (1912-13) 4. Rise of Fascism:- Mussolini- Internal and Foreign Policy 5. Nazism :- Hitler Internal and Foreign Policy. 12 Lectures UNIT-III 1. 14 Points of Wilson 2. Paris Peace Conference 3. League of Nations 4. Rise of Fascism:- Mussolini-Internal and Foreign Policy 6. Nazism:- Hitler Internal and Foreign Policy. 12 Lectures UNIT-IV 1. Imperialism and Colonialism in China Japan. Demand for concessions in China


- 21 2. Japan- The Meiji Restoration- Modernizatioin of Japan. Rise of Militarism 3. Sino-Japanese war, (1894). Russo-Japanese War (1905). 7. Boxer Movement. Chinese revolution-1911. Sino-Japanese War II. 12 Lectures UNIT-V 1. World Polities From 1919-1939, Causes, events and effects of the II World War 12 Lectures

bfrgkl iz'u&i= f}rh; % fo'o bfrgkl dh izeq[k /kkjk,¡ 1871 ls 1945 bZmn~ns';%& ;wjksi esa jk"Vªokn vkSj vkS|ksfxd Økafr ds izHkko esa izeq[k 'kfDr;ksa dks lkezkT;oknh ,oa vkSifuosf'kd izo`fÙk;ksa dh vksj mUeq[k gksrs gq, ns[kk x;kA bldh lh/kh ifj.kfr iawthokn ds :i esa lkeus vkbZA izHkko'kkyh 'kfDr;ksa us lS)kafrd dks bruk vf/kd c<+kok fn;k fd fo?kVu dh izo`fÙk izkjaHk gqbZA rFkk fo'o egk;q) dh vksj vxzlj gqvk vkSj fQj f}rh; egk;q) Hkh u jksdk tk ldkA bl nkSjku lkezkT;okn ,oa mifuos'kokn fojks/kh psruk&;qok rqdZ vkUnksyu] vkSj :l esa Økafr lfgr] bfrgklc) gqbZA bldk lfoLrkj v/;;u bl mn~ns'; ls visf{kr gS fd blesa vlayXurk vkanksyu ds mn; dh izo`fRr varfuZfgr jghA ikB~;Øe fuEukuqlkj ikap bdkbZ;ksa esa foHkkftr gS%& bdkbZ & izFke 1- Ýkal dk r`rh; x.kjkT; 2- foLekdZ&x`g ,ao fons'k uhfrA 3- fofy;e izFke dh fons'k uhfrA 4- vÝhdk dk foHkktuA O;k[;ku&12 /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 22 -

bdkbZ & f}rh;

1- iwohZ iz'u ¼1871 ls½

2- cfyZu dkaxzsl ¼1978½ 3-








¼1912&13½ 4-



mRrjxkeh izHkkoA 5- :l esa 1905] vkSj 1917 dh ØkafrA O;k[;ku&12 bdkbZ & r`rh;

1- foYlu ds pkSng lw=A

2- isfjl dk 'kkafr lEesyuA 3- yhx vkWQ us'kUl ¼jk"Vª la?k½A 4- Qklhokn dk mn;&eqlksfyuh x`g ,oa fons'k uhfrA 5- ukthokn] fgVyj&x`g ,oa fons'k uhfrA O;k[;ku&12 bdkbZ & prqFkZ

1- phu vkSj tkiku esa mifuos'kokn

vkSj lkezkT;okn&phu esa lqfo/kkvksa dh ek¡x 2- tkiku eSbth iquLFkkZiuk] vk/kqfudhdj.k] lSU; iz'kklu dk mn;A 3-








¼1905½A 4- ckWDlj ;q)] phuh Økafr&1911 5- f}rh; tkiku ;q)A bdkbZ & iape


nksuksa egk;q)ksa ds e/; f'ko jktuhfrA

f}rh; egk;q) & dkj.k] ?kVuk,a ,oa izHkkoA Suggested Readings: 1. Robert J.M., Europe 1880-1945 (Langman, 1989)


- 23 2. E.Lipson, Europe in the 19th and 20th Century. 3. C.J.H. Hayes, Modern Europe (Surjeet Publication) 4. Gran tand Temperley, Eurrope in the 19the and 20th Century (Also Hidi Version) 5. C.D.M. Kettelbey, History of Modern Times. 6. Moon, Imperialism in World Politics. 7. Panikkar K.M., Asia and Western Dominance. 8. Fay, Origin of the World War 9. ManzirAhmad,

;wjksi dk bfrgkl

10- fo|kyadkj lR;dsrq] lwnwj iwoZ dk bfrgkl 11- oekZ] MkW- Hkxoku flag] fo'o bfrgkl dh izeq[k /kkjk,¡ ¼1871&1956½] ¼e-iz- xzaFk vdkneh dk izdk'ku½ 12- MkW- iatkch] if'pe ds vk/kqfud bfrgkl dk bfrgkl¼1798&1945½ 13- 'kekZ] MkW- eFkqjkyky] ;wjksi dk bfrgkl ¼1798&1945½ 14- vgen ybzd] vk/kqfud fo'o dk bfrgkl 15-






¼1789&1945½ 16- ywfu;k ch-,u-] vk/kqfud ik'pkR; bfrgkl dh izeq[k /kkjk,¡ 17- izks- Mh-,l- pkSgku] ;wjksi dk bfrgkl 18-

Hazen, Europe (English and Hindi both)

POLITICAL SCIENCE Paper - First- Political Thought and Ideologies Objective: This main object of this paper is to give students the knowledge of Indian and Western Political thought along with ideologies. UNIT-I Characteristics of Ancient Indian Political Though; 1. Kautilya, 2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy; 3. Dayanand Sarswati;


- 24 -




4. Vivekananda. Characteristic of Greek Political Thought; Plato: Justice, Education, Communism, Ideal State. Aristotle: State Slavery, Constitutions, Revolutions, Aristotle as the first Scientific Political thinker. Machiavelli as te first modern political thinker; Rousseau; Founders of Utilitarianism-Jeremy Bentham John Stuart Mill-Ideology of Individualism Idealist Thinkers-Hegel, T.H. Green; Scientific Socialism-Karl Marx; Harold J. Laski.

Readings: 1. D.G. Dalton, India's ideal of Freedom: Political Thought of Swami vivekananda, Auronindo Chose, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore, Delhi, Academic Press, 1982. 2. K.P. Karunakaran, Modern Indian political Tradition, New Delhi, Allied Publishers, 1962. 3. S.Mukherjee, Gandhian Thought: Marxist interpretation, New Delhi Deep & Deep. 1991. 4. T. Pantham, and K.Deustch(eds), Political thought in Modern India, New Delhi, Sage, 1986. 5. J.Sarkar, Bengal Renaissance thoery of Ancient India, Oxford, the clarendon press 1964.

izFke iz'u i=& jktuhfrd fopkjd ,oa fopkj/kkjk,¡ mnns';& bl ikB~Øe dk mn~ns'; fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izeq[k :i ls Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR; jktuhfrd fparu dk Kku miyC/k djkuk gSA bdkbZ&1 izkphu Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd fparu dk Lo:iA 1- dkSfVY; 2- jktk jkeeksgu jk; 3- n;kuan ljLorh 4- foosdkuan


- 25 -

bdkbZ&2 1- xksiky d`".k xks[kys 2- yksdekU; fryd 3- egkRekxka/kh 4- MkW- ch-vkj- vEcsMdj 5- MkW- jke euksgj yksfg;k bdkbZ&3 ;wukuh jktuhfrd fparu dk Lo:iA IysVks&U;k;] f'k{kk] lkE;okn] vkn'kZ jkT;A vjLrw&jkT;] nklrk] lafo/kku] Økafr;k¡] vjLrw izFke oSKkfud jktuhfrd fopkjd ds :i esaA bdkbZ&4 eSfd;koyh ,d izFke vk/kqfud jktuhfrd fopkjd :lks tehZ cSaFke% mi;ksfxrkokn ds izorZd tkWu LVwvVZ fey% O;fdroknh fopkj/kkjkA bdkbZ&5 vkn'kZoknh fopkjd&ghxy] Vh-,p- xzhu oSKkfud lektokn&dkyZ ekDlZ gSjkYM ykLdh vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa& 1- jktuhfrd fparu dk bfrgklA MkW- ch-vkj- iqjksfgr 2- izfrfu/k





fopkj/kkjk,¡ la- MkW- iqjksfgr ch-vkj3- MkW- xksfoUn izlkn usek] izks- gSjkYM tsykLdh ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk v/;;uA 4- MkW- ch-vkj- iqjksfgr% izfrfu/k jktuSfrd fopkjd ¼e-iz-






izdkf'kr½ 5- MkW-






fopkj/kkjk,¡ ¼e-iz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh Hkksiky }kjk izdkf'kr½ /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 26 -

6- MkW- jkeujs'k izlkn flag% izfrfuf/k jktuhfrd fopkjd ,oa fopkj/kkjk,¡A 7- dksdj% fjlsaV iksfyfVdy FkkV 8- MkW-






fopkj/kkjk,¡ 9- MkW- iq[kjkt tSu% izeq[k fopkjd ,oa fopkj/kkjk,¡ 10-MkW-






fopkj/kkjk,¡A POLITICAL SCIENCE Paper-Second- Comparative Government and politics of U.K., U.S.A., China and Switzerland Objectives: This paper studies the major constitutions of the world by adopting a comparative approach. UNITU.K. Salient features, Federal Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, Political Parties. UNIT-II U.S.A. Salient features, Central Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, Organisation and working of Communist Party. UNIT-III China Salient features, Central Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, Organisation and working of Communist Party. UNIT-IV Switzerland Salient features, Federal Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, Direct Democracy. UNIT-V Comparative study of the Constitutions. 1. Constitution Amendment: U.S.A., Switzerland 2. Federal System: U.S.A., Switzerland 3. Second Chambers: House of Lords, Senate 4. President of U.S.A., British Prime Minsiter and Swiss Plural Executive 5. Political Parties and party systems- U.S.A., U.K. and China 6. Women and Political process. /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 27 Readings: 1. Munro: Government of Europe 2. Murnro: Govt. of U.S.A. 3. C.F. Strong: Modern Political Constitution. 4. K.C. Wheare: Modern Constitution. 5. Macridis and Ward: Modern Political systems. 6. Almond et.el. Comparative Politics Today: A world view, 7th edn., New Yourk London, Harper/Collins, 2000. 7. W.Bagehot, The English Constitution, London, Fontana, 1963. 8. Bryce, Modern Democracies Vol. 2, Chambers, 1991. 9. Gittings, China Changes Face: The Road from Revolution 1949-98, London, Oxford, University Press, 1989. 10. E.S. Griffith, The American System of Government, 6th edn., London, Methuen 1983. 11. Munro, The Governments of Europe, New York, Macmillan, 1963. 12. A.C. Kapoor Modern Constitutions of the World. 13. M. Rhodes, P.Heywood and V.Wright, Developments in West European Politics, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1997.

jktuhfr foKku f}rh; iz'u i=& rqyukRed ljdkjsa ,oa jktuhfr mnns';& bl ikB~Øe dk mn~ns'; fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks ledkyhu fo'o dh egRoiw.kZ 'kklu iz.kkfy;ksa dk rqyukRed Kku djokuk gSA bdkbZ&1




o;oLFkkfidk] U;k;ikfydk vkSj jktuhfrd nyA bdkbZ&2










vkSj U;k;ikfydk ,oa jktuhfrd nyA bdkbZ&3

tuoknh phu&izeq[k fo'ks"krk,sa] dsunzh;





lkE;oknh ny dk laxBu vkSj dk;Z iz.kkyhA bdkbZ&4

fLoVtjySaM& izeq[k fo'ks"krk,sa] la?kh;


- 28 -

dk;Zikfydk] O;oLFkkfidk ,oa U;k;ikfydk] izR;{k iztkra=A bdkbZ&5 rqyukRed v/;;u lafo/kku la'kks/ku% la-jk- vesfjdk] fLoV~tjySaM la?kh; O;oLFkk% la-jk- vesfjdk] fLoV~tjySaM f}rh; lnu% ykMZ lHkk] lhusV vesfjdk dk jk"Vªifr] fczfVl iz/kkuea=h rFkk fLoV~tjySM dh cgqy dk;ZikfydkA jktuhfr ny ,oa nyh; O;oLFkk % la-jk- vesfjdk] fczVsu ,oa phuA efgyk,a ,oa jktuSfrd izfØ;kA vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa& 1- equjks













;wjksi 2- equjks ;w-,l-,3- lh-,Q-LVªax iksfyfVdy dkafLV~V~;w'kal 4- ds-lh- fogjs dkafLV~V~;w'kal 5- esdfjMhl ,oa okMZ iksfyfVdy flLVEl vkWQ ;wjksi 6-

,-lh- diwj



dkafLV~V~;w'kal vkWQ n oYMZ 7- MkW- iq[kjkt tSu


izeq[k lafo/kku

8- MkW- vkse ukxiky





lafo/kku 9- MkW- vuwi diwj izeq[k lafo/kku /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc




- 29 -

10- MkW- ohjds'oj izlkn flag


fo'o ds izeq[k



lafo/kku 11- MkW- egs'k HkkxZo lafo/kku ECONOMICS Paper I : Macro Economics and Public Finance Max. Marks 75 UNIT-I

National Income and Social Accounts: Concepts of National Income - G.D.P., G.N.P., N.N.P., Nominal and Real Incom Measurement of National Income and Social Accounting. Environmental prooblem Deforestation, Child Labour, Water and Air Pollution and their Income Implication.


Output and Employment Classical Theory, Keynesian Theory - Aggreagate Demand and Supply Function and Effective demand, Propensities to Consume and Save / Invest. Principles of Multiplier and Accelerator.


Rate of Interest Classical Theory-Abstinence and Waiting. Neo-classicalTheory Loanable Fund. Keynesian Theory of Liquidity Preference. NeoKeynesian theory - IS & LM curves.


Public Finance Public Finance and Public Economics: Meaning, Nature and Scope. Meaning an nature of Public, Merit and Private Goods, Market and State - Role and Functions Principle of Maximum Social Advantage. Sources of Revenue -Taxes, Loans, Grants and Aids - meaning and types. Canons of Taxation. Principles of Public Expendi.i ture, Principles of Public Debt and Methods of Redemption.


Public Finances in India. Sources of Revenue of Central and State Governments, Concept and Types of Budget, Fiscal Deficit, Deficit Financing and Deficit Budgetmeanings. Recommendations of last Finance Commission. Last Budget of Central and Madhya Pradesh Governments.

Recommended Books: 1. Day, AC.L. (1960), Outline of Monetarv Economics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2. Gupta, S.B. (1994), Monetary Economics, S. Chand and Co., Delhi. 3. Heijdra, B.J. and F.V. Ploeg (2001), Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics, Oxford University 'Press, Oxford. 4. Lewis, M.K. and P.D. Mizan (2000), Monetary Econommics, Oxford Umiversity /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 30 Press, New Delhi. 5. Shapiro, E. (1996), Macroeconomic Analysis. Galgotia Publications, New Delhi. 6. Dillard, D. (1960), The Economics of John Mavnard Keynes, Crossby Lockwood and Sons, London. 7. Hanson, A.H. (1953) A Guide to Keynes. McGraw Hill, New York. 8. Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Macmillan, London. 9. Gupta, S.B. (1994), Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi. 10. Houghton, E.w. (Ed.) (1988), Public Finance, Penguin, Baltimore. 11. Jha, R. (1998), Modern Public Economics, Routledge, London. 12. Mithani, D.M. (1981), Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 13. Mithani, D.M. (1998), Modern Public Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

vFkZ'kkL= izFke iz'u i=% lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ,oa lkoZtfud foRr dqy vad % 75 bdkbZ&1 jk"Vªh; vk; ,oa lkekftd ys[kkadu%& jk"Vªh; vk; dh vo/kkj.kk] dqy ?kjsyw mRikn] dqy jk"Vªh; mRikn] 'kq) jk"Vªh; mRikn] jk"Vªh; vk; dk eki ,oa lkekftd ys[kkaduA i;; leL;k,a&ou&foghuhdj.k] cky&Je] ty ,oa ok;q&iznw"k.k ,oa jk"Vªh; vk; lEcU/kh fufgrkFkZA bdkbZ&2 mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj % ijEijkoknh fl)kUr] lexz ekax ,oa iwfrZ Qyu rFkk izHkkoiw.kZ ekax] miHkksx ,oa cpr@ fofu;ksx izo`fRr] xq.kd ,oa Rojd fl)kUrA bdkbZ&3 C;kt dh nj % ijEijkoknh fl)kUr& vifjxzg ,oa izrh{kk] uo&ijEijkoknh fl)kUr&m/kkj&ns; dks"k fl)kar] dhUl dk rjyrk ilanxh fl)kUr] uo&dhfUl;u fl)kUr&


- 31 IS ,oa LM


bdkbZ&4 ykd foÙk % lkoZtfud vFkZ'kkL= ,oa lkoZtfud foRr% vFkZ] izd`fr ,oa {ks=] lkoZtfud] xq.k ,oa futh oLrq&vFkZ ,oa izd`fr] vf/kdre lkekftd ykHk dk fl)kUrA vkxe ds L=ksr&dj _.k] vuqnku ,oa lgk;rk& vFkZ ,oa izdkjA djkjksi.k ds f)kUr] lkoZtfud O;; ds fl)kUr] lkoZtfud _.k ds fl)kUr ,oa 'kks/ku fof/k;k¡A bdkbZ&5 Hkkjr esa yksd foRr % dsUnz ,oa jkT; ljdkjds vk; ds L=ksr] ctV dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa izdkj] jktdks"kh; ?kkVk] ?kkVs dh foRr O;oLFkk ,oa ?kkVs dk ctV&vFkZ] fiNys foRr vk;ksx dh flQkfj'ksa] dsUnz ,oa e/;izns'k jkT; dk fiNyk ctVA

ECONOMICS Paper II : Money, Banking and International Economics Max. Marks: 75 UNIT-I

Basic Concepts and Theories of Money: Money - meaning, functions and classification; Gresham's law; Quantity Theory of Money-Cash Transaction and Cash Balance Approaches; Keynesian Approach; Inflation, Deflation and Recession Definition. Causes and Effects on Different 10: Segment of Population and Sectors of the Economy Types of Demand-Pull and Cost-Push Inflation. Measures to Control Inflation, Deflation and Recession.


Banking Bank - Meaning and Types Central Bank and Its Functions with reference to RBI. Credit Control. Qualitative and Quantitative Method. Obojectives and Limitations of Monetary Policy. Functions of Commercial Banks, Meaning and Method of Credit Creation. Recent Reforms in Banking Sectors and Cheap Money Policy.


International Economics Meaning and Importance of International Economics. Intra and InternationalTrade. Theories of International Trade: Absolute and Comparative Advantage, Factor Endowments: Heckscher - Ohlin.


- 32 -


Gains from Trade Nature and types of Trade and Growth Gains. Current Pattern of Distribution of Gains of Trade between Developed and Developing countries. Terms of Trade: Concept and types, Contribution to growth.


Commercial Policies and Balance of Payments Balance of Trade-Concept and Types, Composition and Structure of Bot and its Relationship with Balance of Payaments. Methods of Correction of Imbalance of Payments. Commercial Policies: Meaning and Nature. Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers as Instruments of Commercial Poli9ies. International Labour Standard and Environmental concerns its Barriers to exports from the Third world. IMF, IBRD and WTO

Recommended Books. 1. Kindlberger, C.P. (1973), Internatioal Economics, A.D. Irwin, Homewood. 2. Krugrman, P.R. and M. Obstgeld (1994), International Economics: Theory and Policy, Glenview, Foresman. 3. Gupta, S.B. (1994), Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi. 4. Mithani, D.M. (1981), Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 5. Day, AC.L. (1960), Outline of Monetar-Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 6. De Kock, M.H. (1960), Central Banking, Staples Press, London. 7. Halm, G.N. (1955), Monetary Theory, Asia Publi_hing House, New Delhi. 8. Mishra, S.S. (1981), Money, Inflation and Economic Growth, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi. 9. Reserve Bank of India, ReQorton Trend and Proaress of Banking in India. (Various years), Mumbai. 10. Sayers, A.S. (1978), Modern Banking, (7th Edition), Oxford University Press, Delhi.

vFkZ'kkL= iz'ui=&f}rh; % eqnzk] cSafdax ,oa varjkZ"Vªh; vFkZ'kkL= dqy vad % 75 eqnzk dh vk/kkjHkwr vo/kkj.kk ,oa

bdkbZ&1 fl)kUrA eqnzk vFkZ] dk;Z ,oa izdkjA xsz'ke dk fu;eA eqnzk dk ifj.kkeRed fl)kar] udn&O;ogkj ,oa udn&'ks"k n`f"Vdks.k] dhUl dk n`f"Vdks.k] /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 33 -

eqnzk&LQhfr] eqnzk&foLQhfr] voLQhfr ,oa eanhA eqnzk&LQhfr ,oa jkstxkj&fQfyIl oØA bdkbZ&2 cSafdax cSad&vFkZ ,oa izdkjA dsUnzh; cSad ,oa mlds dk;Z] fjtoZ cSad vkQ bafM;k ds lUnHkZ esa] lk[k fu;U=.k&ifjek.kkRed ,oa xq.kkRed fof/k;k¡A ekSfnzd uhfr ds mn~ns'; ,oa lhek,aA O;kikfjd cSadksa ds dk;ZA lk[k&fuekZ.k dk vFkZ ,oa fof/k;k¡. cSafdax ds vk/kqfud lq/kkj ,oa lLrh eqnzk uhfrA bdkbZ&3 vUrjkZ"Vªh; vFkZ'kkL= vUrjkZ"Vªh; vFkZ'kkL= dk vFkZ ,oa egRo] vUrjk ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikjA vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikjA vUjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds fl)kar] funsZ'k ,oa lkis{k ykHkA lk/ku&ifjlEifRr ¼Factor Endowment½ ¼gsDlpj&vksgfyu½ bdkbZ&4 O;kikj ls ykHk O;kikj ,oa fodkl ykHk dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa izd`fr] fodkl ,oa fodkl'khy ns'kksa esa O;kikj ds ykHkksa ds forj.k dh vk/kqfud izo`fÙka O;kikj&'krsZa&vo/kkj.kk ,oa izdkj ,oa mldk fodkl esa ;ksxnkuA bdkbZ&5 O;kikfjd uhfr;k¡ ,oa Hkqxrku lUrqyuA O;kikj lUrqyu&vo/kkj.kk ,oa idkj] lajpuk ,oa
- 34 Max. Marks: 75 UNIT-I

CONCEPTUAL INTRODUCTION AND SUBJECT MATTER: 1) Significance, subject matter & scope of Rural Sociology. 2) Significance subject matter and scope of Urban Sociology 3) Meaning & characteristics of Urban and Rural community.


FEATURES OF RURAL & URBAN SOCIETY: 1) Distinctive character of Rural & Urban Society. 2) Concept, characteristics and Changes caste; family, occupation. 3) Changing status of women with reference to community participation (Gram Panchayt, Social & ritual festivals) and institutional frame work (value, belie! & normative patterns).


CHALLENGE & CHANGE IN RURAL SOCIETY: 1) Rural migration, rural development, changing power structure, leadership 8 factionalism. 2) Panchayati Raj, Jajmani system and changing production relations.


URBAN SOCIETY IN INDIA: 1) Migration. Forms of migration. Issues related to urban development. Settlement, slums, environmental problems.


RURAL AND URBAN RELATIONS: 1) Rural and Urban continuum, local governance. Panchayati Raj system (Panchayat, Nagar Panchayat)

SUGGESTED BOOKS: 1. A.A. Desai 1959 : Rural Sociology India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. 2. Rao M.S.A. 1974: Urban Sociology in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi. 3. A.A. Desai 1979 : Rural India in Transition, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. 4. Alfred D'souza 1978 :The Indian City; Poverty, Ecology and Urban development, Manohar, New Delhi. 5. Ramakrishna Mukarjee :The dynamics of rural society, Berlin A C Mukherjee 1957.

lekt'kkL= iz'u i=&izFke %xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh;


- 35 -

lekt'kkL= dqy vad % 75 bdkbZ&1 vo/kkj.kkRed ifjp; ,oa fo"k; {ks= v½ xzkeh.k lekt'kkL=&fo"k; oLrq] {ks= ,oa rRo c½ uxjh; lekt'kkL=& fo"k; oLrq] {ks= ,oa egRo l½ xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; leqnk; dk vFkZ ,oa fo'ks"krk;saA bdkbZ&2 xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; lekt ds y{k.k v½ xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; lekt dh yk{kf.kd fo'ks"krk;saA c½ vo/kkj.kk] fo'ks"krk,sa ,oa ifjorZu&tkfr] ifjokj] O;olk;A l½ efgykvksa dh ifjorZu'khy fLFkfr&lkeqnkf;d lgHkkfxrk ¼xzke iapk;r] lkekftd ,oa deZdk.Mh; mRlo½ rFkk laLFkkRed
- 36 -


Paper II : Sociology of Tribal Society Max. Marks: 75 UNIT-I

CONCEPTUAL INTRODUCTION: 1) Tribe and Schedule Tribes - Meaning and Characteristics. 2) Geographical, linguistic distribution and economic division of tribes in India.


TRIBAL SOCIAL ORGANISATION: 1) Matrilineal & Polyandrous Societies - Forms of marriage & family system. 2) Kinship system among tribes.


TRIBAL ECONOMY: Difference & similarity between tribe and caste, tribal society & Peasant Society. Tribal habitat and economy. Means of livelihood, occupations. Tribal Problems - trib'al poverty, indebtedness and land alienation.



TRiBAL MOVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT: 1) Tribal movement - concept and causes. 2) Tribal development in Madhya Pradesh - Policies & Programmes. TRIBES OF MADHYA PRADESH: (with introductory knowledge about Bhils, -Bhilala, Gond, Korku).

lekt'kkL= iz'u i=&f}rh; % xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; lekt'kkL= dqy vad % 75 bdkbZ&1 vo/kkj.kkRed ifjp; tutkfr vkSj vuqlwfpr tutkfr& vFkZ ,oa fo'ks"krk,a] HkkSxksfyd] Hkk"kk;h forj.k ,oa Hkkjr esa tutkrh; vkfFkZd foHkktuA


- 37 -

bdkbZ&2 tutkfr; lkekftd laxBu % ekr`oa'kh; ,oa cgqifr lekt fookg ds Lo:i rFkk ikfjokfjd O;oLFkk tutkfr;ksa esa ukrsnkjh dh O;oLFkk bdkbZ&3 tutkfr vFkZO;oLFkk tkfr ,oa tutkfr esa lekurk ,oa fHkUurk] tutkfr; lekt ,oa d`"kd lekt tutkfr; fuokl ,oa vFkZO;oLFkk thou ;kiu ds lk/ku O;olk; tutkfr; leL;k;sa fu/kZurk] _.kxzLrrk ,oa Hkwfe izFkdj.kA bdkbZ&4 tutkfr vkanksyu ,oa fodkl% tutkfr vkanksyu&vo/kkj.kk vkSj dkj.k] e/;izns'k esa tutkfr; fodkl&uhfr;ka ,oa dk;ZØeA bdkbZ&5 e/;izns'k dh tutkfr;ka xkSaM] Hkhy] fHkykyk] ,oa dksjdw tutkfr;ksa dh lkekU; tkudkjhA

Suggestion 1. Bose, N.K.: (1967) Culture and Society in India (Asia Publishing House) 2. Desai, A.R.: (1979) Peasant struggles in India (Oxford university Press, Bombay) 3. Dube, S.C. (1977) : Tribal Heritage of India (New delhi: Vikas) 4. Haimendorf, Christoph von: (1982) Tribes of India; The struggle for Survival (Oxford University Press) 5. Hansnain, N: (1983) Tribes in India (Harnam Publications, New Delhi). 6. Rao., M.S.A.: (1979) Spocial Movements in India (Manohar: Delhi). 7. Raza, Moonis and A. Ahmad: (1990) An Atlas of Tribal India (Concept Publishing: Delhi.) 8. Sharma. Suresh. 1994 : Tribal Identity and Modern World (Sage: New Deihl.) 9. Singh. K.S. : (1972) Tribal Situation in India (Indian Institute of Advanced Study). 10. Singh. K.S. : (1985) Tribal Society (Manohar : Delhi) 11. Singh K.S.: (1984) Economics of the Tribes and Their Transformation (Concept Publishing: New Delhi.) 12. Singh. K.S.: (1982) Tribal Movements in India vol. I and II (Manohar: New


- 38 Delhi). 13. Singh. K.S. : (1995) The Scheduled Tribes (Qxiord University Press: New Delhi)

BA-PART - II LINGUISTICS PAPER-1 Unit- I Introduction to nonverbal communication , definition, functional classification. vokfpd lEizs"k.k dh Hkwfedk] ifjHkk"kk] izdk;kZRed oxhZdj.kA Unit- II Palalanguage, paralanguage and personaligy, paralanguage and emotion, silence. ijkHkk"kk] ijkHkk"kk vkSj O;fDrRo] ijkHkk"kk vkSj laosnuk ekSu vkpj.kA Unit- III Body language, facial expression the eye and visual behaviour, the language of posture, smilang. vafxd Hkk"kk] psgjs dh vfHkO;fDr] vka[k vkSj pklq"k O;ogkj] vkluksa dh Hkk"kk eqLdqjkgVA Unit- IV Sense-based communication, touching tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing bfUnz;xzkg~] lEizs"k.k] Li'kZu] vkLoknu] vk?kkz.k] Jo.k] n'kZuA Unit- V Communication of time, communication of space, object language dky&lEizs"k.k] LFkku&lEizs"k.k] vkgk;Z Hkk"kkA Reference Books:1. Nonverbal Communication by Harper, Wiers and Natarajjo, Wiley, New York 2. Body Language by Lyle, London 3. Semiotica Indica by Shukla

PAPER-2 Unit- I Phonetics: The sounds of language, subject matter of phonetics. LoufoKku% Hkk"kk dh /ofu;ka] LoufoKku dk fo"k;A


- 39 -

Unit-II Articulatory phonetics, places of articulation manners of articulation, vovels, consononts, mPpkj.kkRed LoufoKku] mPpkj.k LFkku] mPpkj.kiz;Ru] Loj vatu Unit-III Acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics, talking machines, HkkSfrd LoufoKku] Jo.kkRed LoufoKku cksyrh e'khusaA Unit-IV The phonetics albhabet, IPA Loufyfi] varjkZ"Vªh; LoufyfiA Unit-V Phonemes, sequences of phonemes, the rules of phonology, Lofue esa Lofuedze] Louizfdz;k ds fu;eA

GEOGRAPHY There shall be two theory papers and one Practical paper of 50 marks each in B.A./B.Sc. Part -II. The nomenclature 01 these papers will be as noted below: Paper-I Physical Geography" (Climatology and Oceanography) Paper -II Economic Geography Paper -III Practical Geography CartographY & Surveying" Note: 1. Each theory paper shall be of 3 hours duration. 2. Each theory paper will be divided into FIVE units and candidates will have internal choice within the unil. 3. (a) The time and division of marks in Practical Examination shail be as toil-:", (i) Lab. Work

20 Marks

2 Hours.

(ii) Surveying

15 Marks

2 Hours

(iii) Practical Record 10 Marks (iv) Viva-Voce

05 Marks

(b) The external and internal examiners shall jointly submit marks tor practical examination. (c) Candidates shall submit at the time of practical examination their Practical Records duly signed by the teacher concerned with dates. (d) session marks in Geography mean marks awarded for the Practical Recard as provided under sub-clause 3 (a) above


- 40 -

PAPER -I PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-II (CLIMATOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY) Total Marks: 50 Objective: This paper on Physical Geography is structured into components of Climatology and oceanography. The aspects of Climatology emphasize the constituents of the atmosphere, the dynamic nature of the processes associated with it and their contribution in making the earth habitable. The course content also leads to the identification of climatic differentiation on the earth and the con sequence of human activities on the atmospheric processes. The Component of oceanography similarly deals with the coastal processes and describes the vast and diversified resources the oceans hold. COURSE CONTENT: A. CLIMATOLOGY UNIT-I

Weather and climate; definition and significance of climatology; elements of weather and climate. Composition and structure of the atmosphere. Atmospheric Temperature: Insolation and factors affecting the distribution of insolation, heat balance, vertical, horizontal and seasonal distribution of temperature. Atmospheric pressure and winds; vertical and horizontal distribution of pressure; planetary, periodic an9 local winds.

Paper -II

Atmospheric moisture: Humidity, evaporation and condensation; hydrological cycle; types of precipitation; world patterns of rainfall: origanl and seasonal distribution. Air masses and fronts: Origin, classification and properties. Atmospheric disturbances: tropical and temperate cyclones. theories of their origin and associated weather; thunderstorms and tornadoes.


Climatic classification: Basis of Koppen's classification and types. distribution, characteristics and related plant and animal life. Role of climate in human life; atmospheric pollution and global warming - general causes, consequences and measures of control.


Relevance of oceanography and atmospheric sciences. Surface configuration of the ocean floor, continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, mid-oceanic and oceanic trenches; Relief of Atlantic, pacific and Indian oceans. Distribution of temperature and salinity in oceans and seas.


Circulation of oceanic waters" Waves, tides and currents; currents of Atlantic Pacific and Indian oceans. Marine deposits and coral reefs; coastal environment Oceans as storehouse of resources for the future.


- 41 -

Suggested Reading : Climatology 1. Barry, R.G. & R.J. Chorle

: Atmosphere, Weather and Climate. Routledge. 1998 : General Climatology, Prentice-Hall, New York 1975 : The Monsoon, National Book trust of India, New Delhi 1968 : Climatology, Allahabad. : Foundation of climatology, surjeet Publications, Delhi, 1982 : Introduction to Climate. International Student Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1980

2. Critchfield, H. 3. Das P.K. 4. Lal D.S. 5. Stringer E.T. 6. Trewartha, G.T. 7. pkScs

dSyk'k ,oa fot; Q.kls % Hkwxksy ds HkkSfrd vk/kkj&tyeaMy ,oa ok;qe.My] eiz- xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 8- tks'kh] ;'koUr vuqoknd % lkekU; tyok;q foKku] eiz- fgUnh xaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 9- iokj vkj-,p% HkkSfrd Hkwxksy 10- frokjh ,-ds% tyok;q foKku ds ewy rRo] jktLFkku fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh Oceanography 1. Anikouchine, W.A. & R.W.Sternberg 2. Grald,S 3. Garrison, T. 4. King, C.A.M.


: :

5. Sharma, R.C. & M.Vatel :

The World Oceans - An Introduction tot Oceanography Englewood Cliff, NJ 1973 : General Oceanography - An Introduction, John Wiley and Sons, New York Ocenography, Wadsworth, Com. USA, 1998 Oceanography for Geograhers, Edward Arnold, London,1975 Oceanography for Geographers. Chetnya Publishing House, Allahabad, 1970 Physical Geography, Prayag Prakashan, Allahabad, 1970

6. Singh, Savindra


7. flag

% HkkSfrd Hkwxksy] iz;kx izdk'ku] bykckn 2000





- 42 Objective:

The objectives of this course are to acquaint the students with the spatial pattern of the world economy consisting of activities ranging from primary to tertiary sectors, their bases and causes of regional variation; recent world-wide changes in economy particularly in context of the globalization and to comprehend the contemporary issues facing the global economy. COURSE CONTENT:


Definition, scope and content of Economic Geography; relation of economic geography with economics and other disciplines. Sectors of economy - primary, secondary and tertiary. Geography of primary production: Agriculture- wheat, rice, sugarcane, tea, coffee, cotton, jute, wool, rubber, fisheries.


Mining Economy: Factors governing the exploitation of minerals; world reserves and production of iron ore, manganese, tungsten, chromite_ tin, zinc, copper, bauxite.


Fuel and power resources of the world, changing pattern of sources of commercial energy, world distribution and p(oduction of coal, petroleum and natural gas; hydroelectricity world potential and development, atomic energy, non-conventional sources of energy.


Manufacturing industries: Factors affecting location; location growth and distribution of iron and steel industry in United States of America, Russia, Great Britain, Germany and India; aluminium industry - location and distribution in the world; cotton textile industry in United States of America, Great Britain, China, Japan and India - growth and distribution; woollen textile industry location and world distribution, petrochemical industry - world distribution; fertilizer industry - world distribution.


Trade: Law of trade. World trade wheat; cotton, tea, coffee, petroleum and iron ore. Transport: Relative significance of different means of transport; factors affecting land, water and air transport; world oceanic routes, important inland waterways, important canals and rail routes. Changes in world economy in context of globalization.

Suggested Readings: 1. Alexander, John W.


2. Chatterjee, S.P.


3. Eckarsley, R. (Ed.) 4. Estall, R.C. and R.C. Buchanan:

Economic Geography. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 1998 Economic Geography of India, Allied Book Agency, Calcutta, 1984 Markets, the State and Environment. McMillan, London, 1995 Industrial Activity and Economic Geography,


- 43 -

5. Hamilton, I. (ed.)


6. Janaki, VA


7. Llod, Peter'E. & Peter Dicken : 8. Harper and Row 9. Peach, W.N. &

: :

A. Constantion (eds) 10. Roberston, D.(ed.)


11.Sing, J. and S.S. Dhillon


12. Smith, D.M.


13. Wheeler, O.J. et. al


Hutchinson University Library, London, 1963 Resources and Industries. Oxford University Press, New York, 1992 Economic Geography, Concept Publishing 'Co., New Delhi. Location in Space: A theoretical Approach to Economic Geography. Publishing, London, 1978 Zimmerman's World Resources anD Industries. Harper and Row New York, 1972 Globalization and Environment, E. Elgar Co. U.K. 2001 Agricultural Geography, McGraw Hill, India, New Delhi, 1994 Industrial Location, An Economic Geographic Analysis, John Wiley, New York 1971 Economic Geography, John Wiley, New York, 1995

izfeyk dqekj ,oa Jh dey 'kekZ% d`f"k Hkwxksy e-izfgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 2000 15- izfeyk dqekj ,oa Jh dey 'kekZ % vkS|ksfxd Hkwxksy e-iz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 1999 16- JhokLro oh-ds% vkfFkZd Hkwxksy ds ewy rRo] olqU/kjk izdk'ku] xksj[kiqj 2001 17- flag txnh'k % vkfFkZd Hkwxksy ds ewy rRo] Kkuksn; izdk'ku] xksj[kiqj 18- 'kekZ Jhedy % ekuo ,o vkfFkZd Hkwxksy] eiz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 14.

iz'u i= & f}rh; vkfFkZd Hkwxksy dqy vad 50 mn~ns';% /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 44 -

izLrqr ikB~;Øe dk mn~ns'; fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izkFkfed ls r`rh; fØ;kvksa ;qDr fo'o vFkZ O;oLFkk ds LFkfud izfr:i] muds vH;kj.k rFkk {ks=h; fofHkUurk ds ekiu] Hkwe.Myhdj.k ds fo'ks"k lanHkz esa vFkZ O;oLFk es afo'oLrjh; uwru ifjorZu ls ifjfpr djkuk rFkk fo'o vFkZO;oLFkk ds lelkef;d leL;kvksa dks le>kuk gSA fo"k; lwph%& bdkbZ&1vkfFkZd Hkwxksy dh ifjHkk"kk] {ks= ,oa fo"k; oLrq] vkfFkZd Hkwxksy dk vFkZ'kkL= ,oa vU; fo"k;a ls laca/kA vFkZO;oLFkk ds [k.M izkFkfed] f}rh;d ,oa r`rh;dA izkFkfed mRiknu dk Hkwxksy] d`f"k xsgw¡] pkoy] xUuk ] pk;] dgok] dikl] twV Åu] jcj ,ao eRlksRiknuA bdkbZ&2 [kuu vFkZO;oLFkk% [kfutksa ds mR[kuu dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd] yksg v;Ld] eSxuht] VaxLVu] ØksekbV] fVu] ftad] rkack ckDlkbM dk fo'o mRiknu ,oa lafpr Hk.MkjA bdkbZ&3 fo'o ds bZa/ku rFk 'kfDr ds lalk/ku] okf.kfTd;d 'kfDr ds L=ksrksa dk cnyrk izfr:i] dks;yk isVªksfy;e ,ao izkd`frd xSl dk fo'o forj.k ,oa mRiknu] ty fo|qr & fo'o esa lHkkouk ,oa vk.kfod ÅtkZ ds xSj ijEijkxr L=ksrA bdkbZ&4 fofuekZ.k m|ksx%&LFkkuh;dj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd] yksgk bLikr m|ksx&ljk- vejhdk] :l] xzsV fczVsu] teuhZ rfkk Hkkjr esa LFkkuh;] o`f) vkSj forj.kA fo'o esa ,Y;wfefu;e m| ksx dk LFkkuhdj.k ,oa forj.k]lwrh oL= m|ksx la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk] xzsV fczVsu] phu tkiku ,oa Hkkjr esa o`f) ,oa forj.k] fo'o esa Åuh oL= m| ksx dk LFkkuh;dj.k ,oa forj.k fo'o esa isVªks&jlk;u m|ksx dk forj.k] fo'o esa moZjd m| ksx dk forj.kA bdkbZ&5 O;kikj% O;kikj ds fu;e] xsgw¡] dikl] pk;] dgok] isVªksfy;e ,oa yksg v;Ld dk fo'o O;kikjA /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 45 -

ifjogu% ifjogu ds fofHkUu l/kuksa dk lkisf{kd egRo] LFky] ty ,oa ok;q ifjogu dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd fo'o ds egklkxjh; ekxZ] egRoiw.kZ ¼vUrZns'kh;½ vkUrfjd ty ekxZ] egRoiw.kZ ugjsa ,oa jsyekxZA oS'ohdj.k ds lanHkZ es afo'o vFkZ o;oLFkk esa ifjorZuA izLrkfor iqLrdsa%& 1. Alexander, John W.


2. Chatterjee, S.P.


3. Eckarsley, R. (Ed.) 4. Estall, R.C. and R.C. Buchanan: 5. Hamilton, I. (ed.)


6. Janaki, VA


7. Llod, Peter'E. & Peter Dicken : 8. Harper and Row 9. Peach, W.N. &

: :

A. Constantion (eds) 10. Roberston, D.(ed.)


11.Sing, J. and S.S. Dhillon


12. Smith, D.M.


13. Wheeler, O.J. et. al


Economic Geography. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 1998 Economic Geography of India, Allied Book Agency, Calcutta, 1984 Markets, the State and Environment. McMillan, London, 1995 Industrial Activity and Economic Geography, Hutchinson University Library, London, 1963 Resources and Industries. Oxford University Press, New York, 1992 Economic Geography, Concept Publishing 'Co., New Delhi. Location in Space: A theoretical Approach to Economic Geography. Publishing, London, 1978 Zimmerman's World Resources anD Industries. Harper and Row New York, 1972 Globalization and Environment, E. Elgar Co. U.K. 2001 Agricultural Geography, McGraw Hill, India, New Delhi, 1994 Industrial Location, An Economic Geographic Analysis, John Wiley, New York 1971 Economic Geography, John Wiley, New York, 1995

izfeyk dqekj ,oa Jh dey 'kekZ% d`f"k Hkwxksy e-izfgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 2000 15- izfeyk dqekj ,oa Jh dey 'kekZ % vkS|ksfxd Hkwxksy e-iz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky 1999 16- JhokLro oh-ds% vkfFkZd Hkwxksy ds ewy 14.


- 46 -

17- flag txnh'k


18- 'kekZ Jhedy


rRo] olqU/kjk izdk'ku] xksj[kiqj 2001 vkfFkZd Hkwxksy ds ewy rRo] Kkuksn; izdk'ku] xksj[kiqj ekuo ,o vkfFkZd Hkwxksy] eiz- fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky

PAPER -III PRACTICAL GEOGRAPHY CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING II Objectives: The objectives of this course are to train the students in the art of representing socia economic and demographic data of any area through simple statistical and thematic mappin techniques. As an example of techniques of interpretation of maps, study of Indian DailyWeathe maps is introduced to them. Techniques of terrestrial survey by measuring angular distance with the help of Prismatic Compass and preparation of map of an area also form the part of the practicali exercises. COURSE CONTENT : UNIT-I

Basic Statistical Methods: Use of Mean, Median, and Mode, and deviation the analysis of geographical data.


Mapping techniques: Mapping of population, social, economic and physical data employing dot, isopleth and choropleth methods.


Use of meteorological instruments: Maximum and Minimum Thermometer, Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer; Fortin's Barometer, Aneroid Barometer; Rain Gauge, Wind Vane, Anemometer. Classification of Indian Meteorological Observatories and method of collection of weather data.


Weather Map: Preparation of weather maps in India; symbols used in weather maps; Interpretation of Weather maps published by the Indian Meteorological Department for June - July and January.


Surveying by Prismatic Compass - Open and Closed traverse, Correction of bearings and mapping.

Suggested Books:


- 47 1. Gregory, S. : Statistical Longman S. London, 1963 Book

Methods of





2. Khan, ZA Publishing Co. New Delhi.

: Text



3. Lawarence, G.R.P.

: Cartographic Methods. Methuen, London, 1968

4. Monkhouse, F.J. & H.R. Winkinson : Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London, 1994 5. Pal, S.K. Statistics for Geoscientists: Techniques and Approaches, Concept, New Delhi 1998 6. Sarkar, A.K. : Practical Approach, Orient Longman, Calcutta, 1997





7. Singh, R.L. Singh Pub., New Delhi 1979

: Elements of Practical Geography Kalyani

8- v;~;j ,u-ih-

% losZ{k.k la'kks/kd& ts-,ytSu] e-izfgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hksiky

9- usxh ch-,l-

% Hkwxksy dh vk/kkjHkwr lkaf[;dh

10- iokj vkj-,l-

% ekuf]= foKku izk;ksfxd Hkwxksy] izdk'ku esjB

11- 'kekZ ts-ih-

% iz;ksxkRed jLrksxh] izsl esjB

12- flag vkj-,y-

% izk;ksfxd Hkwxksy ds ewy rRo] dY; izdk'ku] ubZ fnYyh

,oa rqylh


iz'u i=& r`rh; izk;ksfxd Hkwxksy& ekufp= ,ao losZ{k.k mn~ns';% bl ikB~;Øe dk mn~ns'; lk/kkj.k lakf[;dh ,oa FkhesfVd eSafiax rduhdksa }kjk fdlh {ks= ds lkekftd] vkfFkZd ,ao /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 48 -

tukafddh leadks ds izn'kZu dh dyk esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izf'kf{kr djuk gSA ekufp= O;k[;k dh rduhd ds mnkgj.k ds :i es aHkkjrh; nSfud ekSle ekufp=ksa ds v/;;u ls mUgsa ifjfpr djuk gSA fiztesfVd dEikl dh lgk;rk ls; nwjh ekiu ds ek/;e ls LFkyh; losZ{k.k ,oa {ks- dk ekufp= rS;kj djus ds izk;ksfx dh vH;kl dks Hkh lfEefyr fd;k x;kA fo"k; lwph& bdkbZ&1 vk/kkjHkwr lkaf[;dh; fof/k;ksa & ek/;] ekf/;dk ,ao cgqyd rFkk fopyuksa dks HkkSxksfyd fo'ys"k.k ,oa mi;ksxA bdkbZ&2 ekufp=.k rduhd& fcUnq leeku js[kk ,oa o.kZek=h fof/k;ksa dk mi;ksx djrs gq, tula[;k] lkekftd] vkfFkZd ,ao HkkSfrd leadks dk ekufp=.k djukA bdkbZ&3 ekSle foKku la/kh midj.kksa dk mi;ksx&vf/kdre ,ao U;wure FkekZehVj] 'kq"d ,ao vknzZ FkekZehVj] QksVhZu dk cSjksehVj] ,uksjk;M cSjksehVj] o"kkZekih ;a=] ,fueksehVjA Hkkjrh; oS/k'kkykvksa dk oxhZdj.k ,oa ekSle lca/kh leadks ds ,d=hdj.k dh fof/k;k¡A bdkbZ&4 ekSle ekufp=& Hkkjr es aekSle ekufp=ksa dks rS;kj djuk] ekSle ekufp=ksa esa iz;ksx fd, x, fpUg] Hkkjrh; ekSle foKku foHkkx } kjk izdkf'kr twu&tqykbZ ,oa tuojh ekg ds ekSle ekufp=ksa dh O;k[;kA bdkbZ&5 fizTesfVd dEikl }kjk losZ{k.k] [kqyk ,ao can ekiu] fnd~ekuksa dk la'kks/ku rFkk ekufp=.kA izLrkfor iqLrdsa%& 1. Gregory, S.


2. Khan, l.A.


3. Lawarence, G.RP.


Statistical Methods and the Geographers. Longman S. London, 1963 Text Book of Practical Geography, Concept Publishing Co. New Delhi. Cartographic Methods. Methuen, London,


- 49 1968 4. Monkhouse, F.J. & H.R. Winkinson: Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London, 1994 5. Pal, S.K. Statistics for Geoscientists: Techniques and Approaches, Concept, New Delhi 1998 6. Sarkar, A.K. : Practical georaphy - A Systematic Approach, Orien Longman, Calcutta, 1997 7. Singh, R.L. Singh : Elements of Practical Geography Kalyani Pub., New Delhi 1979

8- v;~;j ,u-ih-

% losZ{k.k la'kks/kd& ts-,ytSu] e-izfgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hksiky

9- usxh ch-,l-

% Hkwxksy dh vk/kkjHkwr lkaf[;dh

10- iokj vkj-,l-

% ekufp= foKku izk;ksfxd Hkwxksy] izdk'ku esjB

11- 'kekZ ts-ih-

% iz;ksxkRed jLrksxh] izsl esjB

12- flag vkj-,y-

% izk;ksfxd Hkwxksy ds ewy rRo] dY; izdk'ku] ubZ fnYyh

,oa rqylh


PSYCHOLOGY PAPER - I PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT M.M.:50 Objectives: To provide an overview of scientific approaches to psychological research in terms of sampling techniques, experimental designs. To acquaint the students with respect to psychometric, projective techniques and non testing approaches like interviews and questionnaires.


Psychological Research: Nature of psychological research : correlational and experimental. Types and control of variables. Familiarity


- 50 -

with experimental designs: Factorial designs, Pre-test, post-Test designs, Randomised block design. population and sample, probability and non-probab\lity samples, sample size, sampling error. Period - 12 UNIT-II

Psychological Scaling and Measurement: Nature and levels of measurement Purpose of scaling, types of psychological data. Psychological scaling methods: RanK order, Paired comparison: Familiarity with Thurston, Likert and Guttman scales. Period - 12


Construction and Standardization of Test Construction of Test : Item writing, Item analysis, Try-out, Item difficulty, Item discrimination. Standardization of Test: Reliability and Validity, Development of norms ani interpreting test Scores. Period - 12


Method of Data Collection: Observation, Interview, Questionnaire,

Survey, Period - 12. UNIT-V

PsychologicalTests : Nature and Classification: Intelligence tests: Verbal ani Performance, PersonalityTests - Projective (TAT.) Nonprojective (MPI) Repor Writing.

Readings: 1. Anatasi, A (1998) 2. Minium, Ew., King, B.M. &

: :

Bear, G (1993) 3. Kerlinger, F.N. (1983)


4. Freeman, F.S. (1972)


5. Fruiford, J.P. (1951) 6. Tripathi, L.B. (..........)

: :

Period - 12

Psychological Testing, New York, MacMillain Statistical Reasoning in PsYchology and Education, New York, JOhn Wiley. Foundation of Behavioural Research New York, Surjeet Publications. Theory and Practice of psycho'ogical testing, New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Psychometric Testing, New York, McGraw Hil Manovaigyanik Anusandhan Padhati, Har Prasad Bhargava, Agra


- 51 7. Singh, AK. (2001)


8. Bhargava, M.C. ( )


Samaj Manovigyan Ki Ruparekha, Motital Banarasidas Manovaigyanik Parikshan Aur Mapan, Har Prasad Bhargava, Agra

PAPER -II SOCIAL PSYCH,OlOGY Objectives: 1. To enable students to appreciate how individual behaviour is influenced by social and cultural contexts. 2. To enabe students to develop an understanding of functioning of dyads, groups and organization. 3. To understand the unique features of the Indian socio-cultural context. 4. To understand how social problems can be analysed in terms of various social psychological theories. 5.


Introduction: Nature, goals and scope of social psy_hology; Social psychology and other social sciences; Methods of social psychology; Experimental nonexperimental, correlational" Cross-cultural. Approaches to social psychology; biological, learning, cognitive, Psychoanalytic and role theory. Period 12


Social Perception and Cognition: Perceiving ourselves: Self concept, selfesteem, self-presentation and self-expression. Perceiving others: Forming impressions; Role of non-verbal cues, group stereotypes, and central traits, Attribution of causality: Theories and biases. Interpersonal Attraction its theories and determinants.. Period - 12


Attitude & Prejudice: Nature and function of attitudes; Formation, change and measurement of attitudes. Nature and components of prejudice; Acquisition of prejudice; Reduction of prejudice. Period 12


Groups and Leadership: Group structure and function; Task performance: Social facilitation; Social loafing; De-individuation; Conformity; Group cohesiveness, norms and decision making; Leadership; Definition and functions; Trait, situations and contingency approaches to leadership; The charismatic leadpr ship. period 12 Current Social Issues : Pro Social Behaviour - Personal, situations and social cultural determinants of pro-social behaviour (helping others). Aggression - Determinants anc Cm:trol of Aggression. Population and Health - Psychologial factors of population explosion;



- 52 Factors in birth control. Environmental Issues -Pollution, Personal space and territoriality; density and crowding; Behaviour in response to environmental problems. Readings : 1. Alock, J.E.Carment, D.W. Sadava, : S.W., Collins, J.E. & Green, J.M. (1997) : 2. Baron, RA & Byrne, D. (1998)


3. Feldman, R.S. (1985)


4. Myers, David, G. (1994)


5. Semin, G.R. & Fiedler, K. (Eds.) (1996): 6. Shaw & Shaw 7. Krech & Qrutchfield 8. flag]

: :

A Textbook of Social Psychoogy Ontario Scarborough, Prentice Hall / Allyn & Bacon Social Psychology, Newl Delhi, Prentice Hall Social Psychology, New Delhi, Prentice Hall Exploring Social Psychology, New York, McGraw Hill Applied Social Psychology, London, Sage Gropu Dynamics Group Dynamics Individual in Society, McGraw Hill

% mPprj lkekftd euksfoKku 9- f=ikBh] ykyopu % lkekftd euksfoKku dh :ijs[kk 10- jLrksxh] th-Mh- ¼1992½ % vk/kqfud lkekftd euksfoKku] iYyo izdk'ku] xksj[kiqj i)

v:.k dqekj

PRACTICALS Planning and Conducting Experments: (Any three of the following) 1. Effect of type and or amount of stimulus information on person perception. Effect of order of information on person perception. 2. Social facilitation. 3. Interpersonal attraction 4. Attribution 5. Conformity


Test Administration: (Any three of the following) 1. T.A.T. 2. Measurement of stereotypes


- 53 -

3. Measurement of Attitude 4. Sementic differential scale 5. Social loafing 6. Risk taking behaviour in decision making. iii)

Test Construction: Students will select a suitable area to develop a test of at least 30 items 1. Item Selection 2. Selection of a population and by using a suitable sampling technique to

administer'the test (Sample Size to be minimum of 50). 3. Carrying out item analysis and finalizing the test format. 4. Determining the reliability and validly of the test. 5. Writing a report on the test constructed.


Field Visits to Psychologically Relevant Settings: The departments may encourage visits to hospitals, schools, old age homes, clinics, NOGs, industries as a part of practical training. It will be necessary for students to visit any one of the fields and take down notes submit a report based on field visits.


Preparing a case study Report: Students are required to choose one case with problem, study them and write a compre hensive report of the same.

vi) Analysis of psychologically relevant literature of newspapers througt- content analysis.

euksfoKku iz'u i= izFke& euksoSKkfud vuqla/kku ,oa ekiu iw.kkZad %50 mn~ns'; % 1- euksoSKkfud vuqla/kku dk oSKkfud mikxe ds :i esa U;kn'kZ izfof/k;ksa rFkk izk;ksfxd vfHkdYi ds lanHkZ esa :ijs[kk miyC/k djkukA 2- euksfefrd] iz{ksih izfof/k;ka rFkk lk{kkRdkj]


- 54 -

iz'ukoyh bR;kfn ds vekiukRed mikxe ls fo| kfFkZ;ksa dks ifjfpr djkukA bdkbZ&1

euksoSKkfud vuqla/kku% dky [k.M 12

euksoSKkfud vuqla/kku dh izd`fr] lglaca/kkRed ,oa iz;ksxkRedA ifjoR;Z ds izdkj ,oa fu;a=.kA izk;ksfxd






iwoZ&i'pkr` ijh{k.k vfHkdYi] ;kn`fPNd CykWd vfHkdYiA lef"V ,oa U;kn'kZ] izlaHkkO;rk ,oa vizlaHkkO;rk U;kn'kZ] U;kn'kZ vkdkj] U;kn'kZ =qfVA bdkbZ&2

euksoSKkfud ekiu%

dky[k.M 12 ekiu dk mn~ns';] ekiu dh izd`fr ,ao Lrj] euksoSKkfud iznRr ds izdkj ] euksoSKkfud ekiu fof/k;ka] Øe fu/kkZj.k] ;qXe rqyuk ,oa ekifu;ka FklZVu]fydVZ ,oa xVeSu ekiuh nks dk ifjp;A bdkbZ&3





dky[k.M&12 ijh{k.k dk fuekZ.k% in ¼,dka'k½ ys[ku] in fo'ys"k.k]





,dka'k foHksnuA ijh{k.k dk izek.khdj.k% oS/krk ,oa fo'oluh;rk]] ekud dk fodkl ,oa ijh{k.k izkIrkadks dh O;k[;kA bdkbZ&4

iznRr ladyu dh fof/k;k¡ %


[k.M&12 fujh{k.k] lk{kkRdkj] iz'ukoyh ,oa losZ{k.kA bdkbZ&5

euksoSKkfud ijh{k.k%


- 55 -

dky[k.M&12 izd`fr ,oa oxhZdj.k cqf) ijh{k.k% 'kkfCnd ,oa fu"iknu ijh{k.kA O;fDrRo ijh{k.k% iz{ksih ijh{k.k ¼Vh-,-Vh-½ viz{ksih ijh{k.k&¼ekWMlys O;fDRo ekiuh½ ,ao fjiksVZ ys[ku lanHkZ%& 1- ,ukLrklh] ,- ¼1998½



VsfLVax] U;w;kdZ] eSdfeyu 2- fefu;e bZ-MCY;w- fdax ch-,e-



jhtfuax bu lkbdksykWth ,.M ,oa ch-vkj-th- ¼1983½



tkWu foysA 3- djfyaxj] ,Q-,u- ¼1983½







lqjthr ifCyds'kUl 4- Ýhesu] ,Q-,l- ¼1951½


F;kSjh ,.M izsfDVl vkWQ

lkbdksykWftd VsfLVad] ubZ fnYyh]



vkbZ-ch-,p-A 5- fxyQMZ+ ts-ih- ¼1951½





eSdxzk&fgyA 6- f=ikBh] ,y-ch-





gjizlkn HkkxZo] vkxjk 7- flag] v:.k dqekj


euksoSKkfud f'k{kk]






- 56 -

cukjl 8- HkkxZo egs'k





ekiu] gjizlkn HkkxZo] vkxjkA

iz'u i= & f}rh; lekt euksfoKku mn~ns';%

iw.kkZad% 50

fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks voxr djkuk fd%& 1- O;fDrxr O;ogkj lkekftd ,oa lkaLd`frd lanHkZ ls izHkkfor gksrk gS\ 2- laxBu] lewg }; ds izdk;ksZa ds laca/k dh fo| kfFkZ;ksa esa le> fodflr djukA 3- Hkkjrh; lkekftd&lkaLd`frd lanHkZ dh vf}rh; fo'ks"krkvksa dks le>kukA 4- fofHkUu





lanHkZ esa lkekftd leL;kvksa dks fo'ys"k.k djukA bdkbZ&1

ifjp;% lekt euksfoKku dh izd`fr mn~ns';

,oa {ks=] lekt euksfoKku ,oa vU; lkekftd foKKuA lekt euksfoKku dh fo/k;k¡A izk;ksfxd ,oa vizk;ksfxd&lglaca/kkRed ,oa vUr% lkaLd`frd fof/k;kaA tSfodh;] euksfo'ys"k.kkRed vf/kxe] laKkukRed ,oa Hkwfedk fl)karA bdkbZ&2

dky[k.k 21

lkekftd izR;{khdj.k ,oa laKku%&

Lo izR;{khdj.k& vkRe ls izR;;] vkRe izfr"Bk] vkRe izLrqrhdj.k rFkk vkRe vfHkO;fDrA nwljksa






- 57 -














dkj.kkRed] vfHkfufr;kaA

vUrZoS;fDrd vkd"kZ.k blds fl)kar ,oa fu/kkZjdA dky[k.M&12 bdkbZ&3

vfHko`fRr;ka ,oa iwokZxzg& vfHko`fRr

dk Lo:i ,ao izdk;ZA vfHko`fRr dk fuekZ.k] ifjoZru ,oa ekiu] iwokZxzg dk Lo:i ,oa rRo] iwokZxzg






dky[k.M1&2 bdkbZ&4

lewg ,ao usr`Ro%

lewg dh lajpuk ,oa izdk;Z dk;Z fu"iknu% lkekftd lgthdj.k ¼lkSd;Z½] lkekftd Jekou;u] fuO;Zf"Vdj.k] le:irkA lewg lalfDr'khrk] ekud ,oa fu.kZ; djukA usr`Ro



ifjHkk"kk ,oa izdk;Z[ 'khyxq.k] ,oa



usr`RoA bdkbZ&5



rkRdkfyd lkekftd eqn~ns%&

lektksi;ksxh O;ogkj& lektksi;ksx hO;ogkj ds oS;fDrd]





fu/kkZjd ¼nwljkas dh lgk;rk djuk½A vkØkedrk& fu/kkZjd----------------tula[;k& tula[;k o`f) ds euksoSKkfud dkjd] tUe fu;a=.k ds dkjdA i;kZoj.ktU;




LFkku ,oa HkwHkkfx;rk] ?kuRo ,ao HkhM+ /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 58 -

i;kZoj.ktU; leL;kvksa ds izfr O;ogkjA izk;ksfxd 1½ iz;ksx dh ;kstuk ,oa lapkyu% ¼fuEu es als dksbZ rhu½ 1- O;fDr izR;k{khdj.k in mn~nhid lwpuk dh ek=k vkSj @ vFkok izdkj izHkko 2- O;fr izR;{khdj.k ij lwpuk ds Øe dk izHkkoA 3- lkekftd lgthdj.k ¼lkSdk;Z½ 4- varoSZ;fDrd vkd"kZ.k 5- xq.kkjksi.k 6- le:irk 2½ ihj{k.k iz'kklu& ¼fuEu esa ls dksbZ rhu½ 1- Vh-,-Vh2- :f<+;qfDr;ksa dk ekiu 3- vfHko`fRr dk ekiu 4- vFkkZRed foHksnd ekiuh 5- lkekftd Jekou;u ekiuh 6- fu.kZ; ysus es atksf[kee; O;ogkj 3½ ijh{k.k fuekZ.k%& fo|kFkhZ mi;qDr {ks= ds fy, de ls de ¼rhl½30 nksa dk ijh{k.k fodlfr djsxsA blds fy, mUgs fuEu pj.kkas dk ikyu djuk gksxkA 1- inp;u 2- lef"V p;u&mi;qDr izfrn'kz rduhd ds mi;ksx ds }kjk de ls de 50 O;fDr;ksa dk vkdkj dk izfrn'kZA 3- in fo'ys'k.k ,oa ijh{k.k ds Lo:i dks vafre :i nsukA 4- ijh{k.k dh fo'oluh;rk ,oa oS/krk fu/kkZfjr djukA /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 59 -

5- fufeZr ijh{k.k ij fjiksVZ fy[kukA 4½ euksfoKfud :i ls izklafxd fLFkfr;ksa esa {ks= Hkze.k% lacaf/kr foHkkx fpfdRlky;ksa] fo|ky;ksa] o`)kJeksa] Lo;alsoh laxBuksa ,oa m|ksxksa esa izf'k{k.k ysus ds fy;s fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izsfjr djsaA fdlh Hkh ,d {ks= dk Hkze.k dj mlds vuqHko dk laf{kIr fooj.k dj mlds vuqHko dk laf{kIr fooj.k izLrqr djuk fo| kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vfuok;Z gSA 5½ dsl v/;u fjiksVZ rS;kj djuk%& fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls ;g vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd ,d leL;k pqu djds ,d O;fDr dh ? kVuk v/;;u vk[;k foLrkj ls rS;kj djsaA 6½ vUrZoLrq fo'ys"k.k ds }kjk lekpkj i=ksa esa euksoSKkfud :i ls izklafxd lkfgR; dk fo'ys"k.k djukA lanHkZ%& 1- ,ydkWd] ts-bZ- dkjesUV] Mh-MCY;w] %


VsDLVcqd vkWQ lks'ky lkbdksykWth] lnkok ,l-MCY;w- dkWfyUl]


fizfUVl gky ts-bZ- xzhu] ts-,e- ¼1997½ 2- cSju vkj-,] ck;ju] Mh- ¼1998½





nsgyh] fizfUVl gkWy 3- QsYMesu] vkj-,l- ¼1985½



lkbdksykWth&F;ksjh t] /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc



- 60 -

,Iyhds'ku] U;w;kdjZ eSdxzkfgYl 4- ek;lZ] MsfoM th- ¼1994½





U;w;kdZ] eSdxzksfgy 5- jsfeu] th-,l- ,.M ÝsMyj] ds-¼1996½




lkbdksYkwth] yUnu] lst 6- 'kkW ,.M 'kW


xzqi Mk;usfeDl

7- dsp ,.M ØpQhYM




lkslk;Vh] eSdxzkfgy 8- flag v:.k dqekj%




euksfoKku 9- f=ikBh] yky opu




dh :ijs[kk 10- jLrksxh] th-M-h ¼1992½



lkekftd euksfoKku% iYyo




Nature of Indian Philosophy . Plurality as well as common concern. Charvaka- EpistemOlogyandMetaphysics.


Jain - Syadavada, Anekantavada, Jiva, Ajiva Bondage and Liberation. Buddha. Four Noble Truth's, Doctreine of Momentas.



Nyaya - Theory of Pramarias, God Vaisesika - Padartha's


Sankhya - Prakriti and Purusha, Evolution, Satkaryavada Yoga. Astanga oga, God









(Visistadvaita) saguna Brahman, Refutation of Maya, Jiva, Moksha.

Suggested Books : 2.C.D. Sharma

: Outlines of Indian PhilosOPhy : A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy

3.S.N. Dasgupta


A History of Indian Philosophy vol. I to V

4.S. Radhakrishnan


Indian PhilosoPhy Vol. I & II

5.Datta & Chatterjee


Introduction to Indian Philosophy.

1.M. Hiriyanna

n'kZu'kkL= iz'u i=& izFke Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh :ijs[kk iw.kkZad%50 bdkbZ&1 Hkkjrh; n'kzu dh izd`fr&fofHkUu nk'kZfud laiznk; ,oa lkekU; fo'ks"krk,aA pkokZd&Kkuehekalk ,oa rRo ehekalka bdkbZ&2 tSu&L;kn~okn] vyusdkarokn] tho vtho] ca/ku ,oa dSoY;A ckS)&pkj vk;ZlR;] {kf.kdoknA bdkbZ&3 U;k;& izek.k fl)kar] bZ'ojA oS'ksf"kd&inkFkZ bdkbZ&4 lka[;& izd`fr] iq:"k] fodklokn] lRdk;ZoknA ;ksx&v"Vkax ;ksx] bZ'ojA bdkbZ&5 osnkar & ¼v}Sr½&v/;kl] ek;k] czã] tho eks{k ¼fof'k"Vk}Sr½ lxq.k czã] ek;k dk [ka.Mu tho eks{kA /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 62 -

vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa%& 1- ,e- fgfj;Uuk % Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh :ijs[kk 2- nRrk ,ao pVthZ % Hkkjrh; n'kZu 3- MkW- pUnz/kj 'kekZ % Hkkjrh; n'kZu 4- MkW- cYnso mik/;k; % Hkkjrh; n'kZu 5- MkW- lqjsUnz oekZ % Hkkjrh; n'kZu 6- MkW- ch-,u- flag % Hkkjrh; n'kZu 7- mkW- lqjsUnz flag usxh ¼laiknu % Hkkjrh; n'kZu


Socrates - Socratic Method Plato - Theory of Knowledge Aristotle -Theory of Causation, form and Matter


Characteristics of Medieval Philosphy St. Thomas Aquinas-God


Descartes - Method of Doubt, God Spinoza- Substance attributes, modes Leibnitz- Monadology, Pre-established Harmony


Locke-Theory of knowledge Berkeley - Rejection of abstract ideas and secondary qualities. Kant -Theory of criticism, categories of understanding, Antinomies, Space and Time.

Suggested Readings: 1. E. Copleston


A History of Philosophy

2. D.J.O. Connor


A Critical History of Western Philosophy

3. V.T. Mottird


Locke Berkeley and Hyme

4. W.K. Wrigth


A History of Modern Philosophy

5. W.T. Stace


A Critical History of Greek Philosophy

6. Roger Seruton


A History of Philosphy from Descartes to



- 63 -

iz'u i= & f}rh; ik'pkR; n'kZu dk bfrgkl iw.kkZad % 75 bdkbZ&1 lqdjkr & lqdjkrh i)fr IysVks & Kku fla)kar vjLrw & dkj.krk fl)kar nzO; ,ao vkdkj bdkbZ&2 e/;;qxhu n'kZu dh fo'ks"krk,a% lar FkkWel ,Dohul & bZ'oj lar ,UlsYe & bZ'oj bdkbZ&3 MsdkVZ& langs i)fr] bZ'oj Liukstk] nzO; xq.k i;kZ; ykbZcfuRt& fpn!fcUnqokn] lkeatL; fl)kar


bdkbZ&4 ykWd& Kku fl)kar cdZys& vewrZ izR;; ,oa xkS.k xq.kksa dk [k.Mu g~;we& dkj.krk dk fl)kar vkRek] lansgokn bdkbZ&5 dkUV&leh{kkokn] cqf) dh dksfV;ka] foizfr"ks/k] fnd~ ,oa dky vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa%& 1- MkW- n;kd`".k % vk/kqfud ik'pkR; n'kZu dk bfrgkl Hkkx 1]2 2- izks- ts-,l- JhokLro % ik'pkR; n'kZu dk oSKkfud bfrgkl Hkkx 1]2]3] 3- MkW- pUnz/kj 'kekZ % ik'pkR; n'kZu 4- MkW- ;kdwc elhg % ik'pkR; n'kZu dk leh{kkRed v/;;u 5- MkW- ch-,u- flag % ik'pkR; n'kZu

x`g foKku izFke iz'u i=& rarq ,oa oL= foKku /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch7/9181491.doc

- 64 -

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