Autonomy Of Poland And Russia The Sf Call 24nov 1905

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People of Every. Class Welcome





President Arthur .Holland of the United Railroads handed An] his resignation yesterday to the directors of that company, the resignation to take effect the nrst of the .year. His action ;came as a great



surprise. -, the Upon receipt of the resignation board unanimously adopted : the following


\u25a0* Whereas, Mr. Arthur Holland has notified this board* that he intends to resign the presidency of this company by the close of the year, egalnst the earnest wish of the directors and ot the stockholders; and Whereas, His administrative ability has during the four years of his management placed the United Railroads of San Francisco among the twst properties of the country; and Whereas, His personal qualities have enand deared him- to the comuany's directors ' '. officers: now, therefore, t Resolved, That the directors' of the TJnitPd Railroads of San Francisco appreciate / the faithful and efficient service rendered to the company by Mr. Holland and by Messrs. Brown Brdthers & Co.,'. and accept' the jiresidenra resignation with great regret that he, will,not reconsider and withdraw it.Patrick CalhduTi, in speaking. of the retirement, said: "The resignation of Mr. Holland means no further cluinges in the '- Further than officials of this company. this Mr. Calhoun had nothing to say. It was learned last night that Mr. Hol-

Break Into a Los Angeles , Financial Institution and , Cut Back Out of Big Safe
















Script Cannotße the









Equal Suffrage for AILMale Kussians and liiereased Powers for First Doiiina Are Among the; Demands .MOSCOW, Nov.- 23.—8y a scanrmajprity of twenty; to-day the IZemstvo Congress adopted / the first sections of the programme drafted by the executive commit-, tee, :declaring the solidarity of- the -conimperial gress-with the principles of




.the manifesto'of October '20,. and -assuringgreat Government of the support of the; majority of Zemstvos and municipalities

iii carrying into effect the Jibertiete promised by the |manifesto, but laying; down as the sole means «f guaranteeing the. authority^ of the Douma and restoring brdpr in the country the' election :Qjj.ygp.i'esentaV. tives, fiy a general/direct; equal aod; secret ballot and j the formal grant 'to^he.^flrst, Douma of;the power to elabora.te','a*Ac6ri'' stitutlon for the empire. t is, %'d-rffthe; .\\u25a0.'='-\u25a0 ;^;' The friends of Count de . Witte" floor made a stout fight against th«v provi^ s-ion fora-direct ballot, the one concession which the Premier considers itimpossible-; to grant/ but this; provision was carried over their heads by a two-thirds majority. The resolution in its final form sub-, stantlally the same as-.,cabjed .yesteroay. The committee to which it was referred for further consideration made -numerous alterations In the phraseology, :but little change In- the substance,, except- the ;in-; sertlon of a demand for the-immediate abolition" of martial law in Poland as imperamong the measures deemed to ative before the convocation of ,".the \u25a0




also inserted, at the sug-


gestion of thp, committee, a provision subjectlngr all



the -court


responsibility of. the Cabexplalied '-tbfitn-with the Ministers of "vvar, Navy and .Foreign Affairs excepted from such responsibility, not only could war or. peace be decided

itoet. ; M..'Mulikoff


without .consulting the-'Premier, .but ,the Minister of War could declare martial law.ln aay;sectioti.of the country without consulting his colleagrues. The committee jrejected an amendment

Professor Kovalevskyfor tT»e. creation of a committee of. Zemstvolsts' Troops are pouring In,to reinforce the act to lnan advisory capacity with Count garrisons in 'Poland, j One additional the Dpuma.; regiment; arrived here to-day. and twx> deWitfe. until',themeetingiof; In.the debate preceding the adoption regiments % paBsed : ;Ki<slce}V\marchlng in resolution, Eugene • •• of the Prince Trou-V Dombrova.«s;v \ betskoy proposed to'substitute jthe words the direction of "precious ; acquisition of the people'^ for RHlef Fund Xeari Million Mark. ' the phrase calling the, manifesto* al "pro-, NEW .YORK, Nov.- 23 A-The total cious conquest," but it,was rejected/-' .' amount; collected^ to^date for 'the JewPrince \Troubetskoy, Count Heyden and > vain- ef-j ish relief fund ;fof"stifferers';from RusM; Karauloft tnade; tt-.flnal i^ut s giving massacres 'is n0'w^J734,494. The fort to'elimihate the section con-" sian subscriptions- to-day ..were-1 $73,737. stituent functions to .the. first;Douma. y •".. M." Karauloff, a , former {revolutionary ' who spent twenty-four years In|prison Report of De WUte'd Illne.i.H Denied. or in'-exile, ::and whx> In.the congress*repST. PETERSBURG/ Nov. 23.—The reresents Terieselsk,'; Siberia; rwhere he- has ports '/emanating.-. from % the London been living in banishment, opposed unl-# newspapers. tb. the. effect that^ Count de versal> suffrage- and warned the congress* .Wltte'ls ;.suffering.'. from a stroke of that Insistence on a constitutional assem- paralysis or-' iS'Other.wlse •'111-are absobly would. precipitate, a struggle with the lutely/fal3e.\u25a0!. }'\u25a0"', '/ /'i/. \u25a0'.:\u25a0\u25a0 forces of anarchy and plunge the country.into a sea of blood.- . i"« ;/}•; FUIVD FORIiu^FfiUIXG ;JE\\'S STILL COXTINUKS TO GROW %VIIj; CONTINUE THE FIGHT. proposed by






LANDS Seeks to Regain Tracts '•:S$~ and Sold by:tlie; Californians.* r ~"

HELENA, Mont, .Nov. 23.-United States NAttorney Rausch ha 3instituted in the United States Court an equity suit against a number of 'Montana corporations and Individuals to set aside patents to lands secured upon \rhat are known aa Hyde .and .Benson forest reserf* scrip. .There: are ..twenty-five' patents In all', involving, between 3200 and 4000 acres of land, located in various parts of the

Special Dispatch to The Call.

















.VALLEJO, Nov, 23.— The Board of Trustees -met in special !session last night to consider the petition of 500 citizens and letters from the .Vallt/jo OF and Labor Council- and the. Trades Twenty Thousand Club asking that an PUZZLES WASHINGTON election be called to determine if the and city shall be bonded in the sum of State. .The United States Is plaintiff Benson, tha Abyssinian: $70,000 to build a municipal lighting ftie defendants are *;Hyde and* Western Lumber Company, owned by plant. Deciphered by Senator \V. A. Clark; the Big- Blackfoot The board by a vote of 4 to 1refused Milling by Company, owned the 'Amalto grant the request of the petiioners, Officials. Con tr ibu ten 9250 and. stating for such a step Is gamated Copper Company; the Conrad Social Democrats . Refiuie to Cease James .;lA Flood | that the time *W,- G. Chlbeae*. Merchants .Turn , Over Attacks on 'Government. not opportune and that" the demands of Investment Company, owned by Riverside Land and Stock st. "Petersburg; :l":•\u25a0isll7 to 'Commltte*. :: N| | the municipal water system- are far Conrad; Nov. jj 23.-^The Company: School-District No. 11 of Ferwill wire ;the third more, pressing and* should have first leader of the .Social Democrats adP. N. Lillenthai ; gus County, former State Senator S.-H. mitted' to-day/, that "if • thei- Premier installment !of :$lO,OOO | to-day /to Jacob consideration. Hobson of\ agreed to universal; suffrage it would Schiff, New,York, for the Russian relief : There were a number x u26 6 Fergu3 County, Anna D. of be a hard blow to the revolutionary or- fund.which": makes the total /from that made in favor of municipal lighting. Huntley und others. ganization '-.""and Mwould compel /them," source $30,000 thus ; far aentsfrpm this Mayor Roney and Trustee Trageskis, -Hyde and Benson are under Indictment connection when it was demonstrated -that the city. Jdtnes'.'L. Flood heads ;the-list for who ;spoke* in favor of the municipal for alleged* Illegal action" Inreserves : with the creation o£ forest in , ;>-;, day. with's2so. a /democratic". :'' republic the supporters,- :of : plant, were cheered by the big crowd California, alleging $117 the Government that Chineseimerchants-brought minority; were in the in the National The chamber to over- by improper that filled the Council ' methods they brought about > Assembly, to' employ against the con- to the Anglo-Californian Bank yester- flowing./ , . . . reserves in Califorjregime stitutional-monarchical the day, saying that their collections will K. Caspar, representing the Vallejo the creation of forest they already owned. weapons which they have been using opntinue until the Chinese quarter shall Electric ;Light and Power Company, nia to include lands > They are said to have secured scrip for against the autocracy. be thoroughly canvassed. / was also present and answered many 'the scrip all , The". Zemstvo Congress f has received The following contributions were re- questions. ..The power consumed in this such lands and to 'have -sold Washington para petition asking that it.declare itself ceived yesterday:; city is supplied by the Bay Countie3 over the West through Patents for lands owned by .the deln faVor of the autonomy-of the ancient James L.Flood, 's2so: John A. Bunting, $100; Power Company and the local corpora- ties.' Georgia. Kingdom of ; No action has ; Pioneer Order No. 87,- Free Sons of Israel, $25; tion simply acts as distributing agent. fendants In this suit were received upon the Hyde and Benson scrip and it Is on yet been taken elthrer on this s or .-oaCa Leon de RdSs (corrected), $100; Livingstone ; The"Government and the residents ot allegation $25;' J. L. Wooda, $10; Eelasco &Harris of fraud that the Government similar request from Poland./whldhwas Bros Company $10; 8. M:>Aeh«r and Charles Bar- Mare Island, who now -pay for their speeoh by Count nert slower Lake, $20; Harry a Corbett, $10? own: light and power, pay only, one- seeks to have the patents set aside. sustained in a;:brilliant ' f avenue. $7; Leon /Kahn, *}:l". V. Yerublevski. :-" .^ E Ross. Golden$1Gate tenth the price asked on this.side of the , LONDON. Nov. Zl.—Wmbaaaador JWhlt»l*w ; ; L London, $2 50. avenue.' ' de.'WJtte 1« being bombarded Second /^Premier by Chinese Qriend3— <^hew Yet, $5; channel. :In answer to a question as Reid naa ;contributed $500 to Queen AlexanI Donated with telegrams' from all partfi/iof'Po- Kwone Ylck.- $5; Wingr, Tuck & Co., $5; HI the -reason' 'for the" big difference in dra* fund' for the unemployed, 'watcn- tuyr ; land, praying for the abolition : of mar- lllng Lung: & Co., $5; Sangr Lung A C0.. ,53; price charged: in:different sections of amounts to $400.0C0. . \u0084..•.. .„ $3; Lun SJnsr, $3; Quong tiallaw and the granting of autonomy. Tuck'Wo Company. the city, Caspar created a sensation by Wft, Chong $2; Ying Wlnj Chew HamWo, ft; : The demand /for /the; autonomy h of $2; Hua Kal & Co.. \s2;> Sing Kee & stating that the .Bay }Counties Power Poland has encouraged the Lithuanians l^ung $1; Hong Far Company was forced' t& igive favorable Co ,-'$2; Man t I^ee :Cogjpany. - Lung, $1;Man to'make a similar demand.^; The Pre- Low, $2; !-Sing Lee. $1 :Kue ; order "t6 keep ,the officers $2; . Htnff Cheong Company, $1; Chong terms in mier has received" a 'petition asking Tat officers were ' $1 Hong Kee,: fl; ; Chong .Tan quiet." What Jjparticular Lung Tai. granted \u25a0to Ithe pro- Jan" that autonomy -be i $1; would \ not ;state, v ". & Co; '$2; Kuirr Lun: Tai Company. meant£he vinces Included lin|the J old territorial Tong lthe spring election is nearQuong Hee- '& Co.. 1$1; Chee Chong &J?*-. 'Although Kmits of the ;Kingdom : of Lithuania; $2; Shun On' $2; Bhun Yuen Hln£.'s2; Chung ly,four months away. Mayor Roney will $I:Fook Lung, \u25a0which Include the Wilna,: Grodno, Kee &ICo., $1:Bhang$2;iWo, "Wo, $1; Chung be a candidate for . re-election, on a Kovno, part of. Courland; and, a portion $1: Mow Tow.Fong, • Bow Fong,' $1;TinTuck Lung. $1; municipal ownership platform. "WilYuen, $1; of fiuwalkl, which are :now cqmprised Chin Chy Tong.'sl: Yuen Yick. $1:^30 Hlng. liam Gedge. an employe of the Southern ' ;the $1- Quong ' $1: Ti« Sang Fong, *l; ln~ the limits of;Poland,' but 'which • Chun. Company at South Vallejo, \la IOOe MODELS v Wo -Yong b Co., |1; Pacific petitioners wish taken away from Yuen.Fong - Low;$2:-Oy > Sang, • $1:Fook Wo Tong, likely against Kee, to run him. '.' $1:Tai ...' /(Hna Poland and Jblned, to,Lithuania, .'v- ;\u25a0 Hlng AU^th«.W«yJß«wi> Hop. $1; Vow Yuen. SwinKs $2- Suey Chong.. sl;- Son $1 Hee Tai Wo. $1; • Man Ylck, $1: Farley RACE] PEASANTS PILLAGE AND BURN. Cf>*l^^^® &Co.; $l:«B'ook Sang ACo., $1: Shue Sang. DENVER AOAIX.-»"FOR LABOR CONVENTION ' $l-vWoey. Loy "Kue. ;$1; -Kwong On. $1;. Man $1 c£/$l ; ~ i.•-:.-..;. Sang Sang. Tong Wo : . Banda; Are ;.Very Active Hop & ; Revolutionary ;~; " ," Hop. $1;Chew :Vow Sing $1:s Tee Chong. $1: : and :Toronto^ Also . Deatre /': Throuchout Poland. . r. Montreal Tong. Wo Wo, $3; Lung Chun $3; Sue to Entertain the Delegate* WARSAW; Russian sPoland, jNov. S 23. Hlng $2; Tong Hing Chong .Company. $I: Tie Jun, Next Year. The Russian teachers 'in'the :surround- $l|.Shhig;Bhun. $1; Chew Chong, $1: Tuck PITTSBURG, Nov. 23.—The dispute ing towns telegraph ;that they are jbe-; Hinc.,sl. -.- :. .;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0';' \u25a0•>'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>.• -^/q:/ ing expelled :from,the schools by Poles between ,the v Brewery -Worker** Union ' RAILWAY TS PHILIPPINES, * armed' with]revolvers/ —. .' -.\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 ..•\u25a0''; and the engineers', firemen's and team' , CLAIMS LARGE DAMAGES sters', unions • was up'- again before , -Agrarian disorders, are, increasing in .^/:;" the Poland, especially inJ.the ;districts of American ;.Federation •of Labor at- this than^that , , Road morning's .session. Capitalists Who Own Buwalki," The; reports . from there stating that the jtem- porters "around, Piotrkow.'and'/Vouk-, ' Radom, Eaffiuh.'': vote .on the , ',?,* the hotels.-^. .', are perature dropped to two below zero last • Seek to iGet •. Million': and Half /" question^ was overwhelmingly^ An favor £ Of hotzk. . vßevolutionary/: s bands :NEW •YORK,;Nov.- 23:-^-Dr.-'Kahh ; , ••.' Prom :Uncle Sam.' substitute, night. The presence of so' much ' • 'V". :/:l/-^'i/" of the Morrison ; L..'which~pro'snow on' this city, who.; is ;a ;personal trlend fof marching from' place -to "place,; iburning ':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. British vides ;that .:all/engineers,'- firemen arid ;wASHINGTON^Nqv. 23.-4-TheSir, the mountains has made the," weather King the spirit-shops,?- eohools, and adminls-; Menelik of Abyssinia, .to-clayex" Mor} chilly in the valleys, country, to belonging th.c: ? this teamsters to the ye:* •* * * "" j Rus- Embassador / but there has been' pressed the Opinion that Al Hadji/ the trati buildings, belonging tox r *-'*,'"^"•**"*^^±*2l^.^B^L '. .^ '• no damaging frost. peas-; timer Durand,* called oh' Secretary. Root Workmen's Union \u25a0'.shall''-': withdraw *and *^r i\ ' men t.";fAtjRladom, putative- eny6y to IWashlngton, is/an: sian Govern "^ -question ; **>i,'i f; to-day join their -respective ;unions.' the /which o: down, j .'; _L_l— the State' forestß. tc cujttirig l2-lliZ'^^^**^mjl ' J/.r, are ~' l .c / ';•\u25a0':* * ants v Impostor. \\, Cii -.•;.-;\u25a0 .up through ;a claim of 'the :• !The' Jurisdiction' of;the fight/between has co^me ;for POPULAR > Dagupah , V Railroad IN' woodworkers : carpenters MUCH' /OF iTHE CITY' RUINS. the c 'and i" was Manila and.'. Dies From Blood* Polnoalno. $1,500,000 /damages. -:This/ railroad "Is temporarily Vsettled *when •! -,\REn6, *' President Nev.;/ Nov:/23.V-D. iD. New- Nearly :; ol;: FOEMER ;;ol; /Vladivostok* Hotels iiithe hands of;English capitalists, ;who Gompers, : All . 'who In ; had^been conference man," a:• pioneer citizen iof ifSlerraville^ ._.'"•,'' Bnt'ned .'.by 'the*Mobs. V '\u25a0' that^during?. the .-war; .'between with | commissioners ;l both and "a" man % :well Vknown: ln ßenov and J VL!Apiy9STOk.^N6v;:;(23/^There claim? Spain andIthe United States and during tradeSv reported that an agreement had a; Carson.Vdie'd :here/' Monday;' from bldod ' ollowlngs the American beenv. entered" Into -whereby :f disturbances here j have been "iiq'f^urtlief the revolution '.hostilities \ } pblsonirig.^^A*few;days^ago,/whileien' a /~.,re-, occupation of. thePhilipplne Islands the wlll^beSuspended '.? untilt a meeting 'of hook and '/order has been "Vcompletfely gaged f in killing;at beef :a> meat I • daily;and use 'of,:thiafrailroad \u25a0forimllltaryj.pur- committees': is ;- held- a t*lndlah polis.t *Indlahapolis. on -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0 are/arriving^ Ships% .-...,_,-_ :»_•».•' .-"» stored// .-. \u25a0;'.-.' .a \u25a0.\u25a0>.•\u25a0.-\u25a0'\u25a0 penetrated^his'hand'tand'blood'pqlsonv Attorney. ,cargoes! are' piled/ high, pn :the poses made them 'suffer; damagesifo the January *25, :1906/ whe a mutual itrade Jng .developed -.with; fatal; result.;^ ijie thelr : $1,500,000. .; extent; expected ot: . agreement'is" / to be- entered > :'\u25a0\u25a0-': docks. \u25a0"There' is- Kreat^attiVlty/in;.the . and Special Dispatch to The CUL leaves; a widow, two/ 'daughters *' port:j:-. .";' / :._ '\u25a0\u25a0-' PRICES f4 STTLESV ; . 0 .-.'//: '•* /. ;/ ,-'. . ;," /- \u25a0"./\u25a0\u25a0': \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \\u25a0 , ' four .sons.' , :...''./ \u25a0\u25a0: '''/-''-';.\u25a0\u25a0\u25aburned In; the jOld Country.» delegates./ . .warVhous"(?s/*(urvV>*/been/. BIOUX CITTr lowa. Nov: The" .Time / *r an23.— •««C'hr**tnia» l^The. f^om Through /^Denver ' > •' your ' Christmas' la •f nounced .tofdayj thAt; through" 4 an "error the Issuance -of a full pardon and" and "nearly* aM'tUfl:'t"hotelB"ha"ire jauftered. f.FIff'you ?«re. ..going .to/i-pepd Sudden Death :of a Pioneer. ' the ing -,the *QW oountry , remember.; that Vthe", restoration of the privileges 'of citizen- r SAN;"JpSE,"jNqv^23.i—Mlchaer Gregg; from the T torch>£ r;T h« their city/had -been .withdrawn, ffonvtlie - Atchlaoa,' race: .-Agent .can boblc N you ! are Santa Fe \u25a0=,privat^/J:houses/ for.*Vthe;/19(J6 ? convention "of the WsfoiMiuS'notQn: :«lmpl« construction: mad* ship to W. N. 'Jordan' by Governor and s /the ToDekaf Cumi a:pioneer"*blacksmlth ,'. oflthisiclty.^/died hotels/-and British;' ; any through Scandinavian. :German •/federatlon.^jThey? stated m*t«Ut«. ifwlly,gu»rant*edt ,l)«autlful 'tb i,Denver :}at111 •sot.Louis 'Anadaca •\u25a0 While -wag «hot and w HAS SKULL.TREPHINEIV-Cheater was cashierj of the" State Bank :of, Baxter; iBrowning > f ;of /The AssisianttChiif Maaon. T 1 i ' at ''his :>: father's ;ranch; ;.forty-live mile* - \u25a0 occupation unknown. fell off tD« ;steps or th« In :Baxter."- lowa,v:> Inc;'1894.2 He; pleaded to:the£utt^rinost^f6r^hi3]l|fe s?set pri2e, ;dusly;{w6uhdjed4\>yia "pisto^Jshot'to-day. killed: was wanted for tha jSprtnr; Valley -Water ,-Company's bulldlni?. nine] months'. be ilt what,' itlwill.'-C,If;yoiiir"life'sU'set \u25a0The 'i would-be"? assassin ?escaped.^,': •/;"•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0Bouth'of.Trinldad.^Apadaca g-ullty and was'sentencedito Stocktox and >Geary .- «reet»s ; Sophle;Madrld;a.MMlcan"»lrl.f , prizo",;ls'a murder of .n lact and <" successfuHbuslnesa.'youl'wl'll Ibis ,akull was fractured, cUht. : ,pardon ;: imprisonment. >He • applied for : a Dra..'MtUer " and HIH 125 Geuy St;\San;Frandbctfc J'-_J '-_ not have'contended'.toKlt:"t6*the'.utter\u25a0-» the* CentraJ -"Emersency Troop* PovTlag Into[Poland.',:: : of Hospital in order to be able to vote and to hold of- .most,"; -United I Laundry. Try I States .•\u25a0taft nor; moderately;? you even* unless? the 1004 Injured trephined probathe cart." i Maaoa -will fice,; . \u25a0••..\u25a0\u25a0 -.• .'^v-.v have used .Dubliclty "to the uttermost." ;*Cr«itom of the talktac maebtse >iuil KIELCE, Eußsiaii ,'Poland^Noy.t'Sfcrr" Market Btreet.". Telephone South <•*-".•. • si: ani twiKii.ot Urn fci»<J«B*entU,pateat*>





were a source of joy to They were warm and I pleasant and rid the streets of the dust Ttying Jn the faces o£ pe- ; that has fcecn <3estrians. Business men and shop girls, inUllonalres and beggars, all' walked along in the wet,- glafl that the city was; reeeiving a good wash. Th« day measurement of the Weather bureau showed a Special Dispatch to The Call. fall of -H of » n incnpredicts that to-day; • Forecaster McAdle ANGEL.BS, LOS Nov. 23.—The Los Anno .showers and vill b« fairly clear, with, ' !geles branch of the Nichl Bel Ginko, the northerly -winds. . .-\u25a0"\u25a0. The storm «of yesterday seemed to be- San Francisco Japanese .Bank, was enpin at San Francisco and pass on south- tered by cracksmen some time last night, were the back of the safe torn out without Washington Oregon and \u25a0Rard. left dry. and Northern California , re- the use of explosives and cash amounting along the to about $10,000 in gold, silver and curBtnf sprinkling. . ceived a bare ' •' ' ' •\u25a0 . coast south joy reigns among the ranch- ;;rency- taken. presidency of San The burglary was not discovered until land's resignation from the \u2666rs. All over . the Santa Clara and good; ' Joaquin valleys' the rain fell in after 8 o'clock this morning, and- now the United Railroad 'is the f result.; of to, than; help the have more ; start had Brown Bros. & Co.'s determination to quantities and .will that .'the detectives prases. It fell,as far south a* Point twelve .hours in which to work on the withdraw from the direct management ' Con' they of the big local railway system. Brown '• they reluctantly that case, i admit ception. . .'". With the rainfall of yesterday, the !have not the slightest clew to the iden- Bros. & Co. have always directed the affairs of the system and were responsible third storm of the year, the average is !tity of the thieves. and. far below | The bank is situated at 111 Bast Fifth for the election of President \u25a0'Holland, still below the normal " the fall of la«t year- \u0084 street. Just off Main street, on one of closely allied with them in their ' which passed . over San the most traveled thoroughfares In the : various large financial undertakings. The storm Sunday has Saturday When steps were first taken in the East city. Adjoining it is a bicycle repair, and Francisco last Tre- ; shop, and it was through this that the toward the purchase of the Market-street reached the valley of the Colorado. mendous rains are recorded from this burglars entered by cutting a hole in the system and: the Sutter-street line an unusually large amount of capital was necdistrict. It is likely that the lands about partition. is essary to swing the deal, and toward that the safe In the banking-room Kalton will be inundated further. parby a wooden end ian ; underwriting syndicate was flanked on either side tition seven feet high. The back of formed- Brown. Bros & Co. were an imFARMERS ABB GRATEFUL. the bank cannot be seen from the portant factor in that syndicate, and by Comes at street. they The burglars "first bored sev- the vote of the other stockholders Fall of Rain In the Interior ' Opportune Tim*. were designated to direct operation of eral holes In the partition for peepslight of the back the mads. President Holland was sent holes, , and then attacked SACRAMENTO, Nov. 23.—A it the safe. Their tools were ..of. the best here, their,, representative. really Vas sprinkle of rain fell to-night, but no known make, for .they left -some .of Brown. Bros & Co. have for a long time was not measurable, and -there is .over a wide them on the floor. Through. the outer, claimed that? they; have fulfilled Jhe work.1 indication that it'spread. city this steel plates the tools cut ai through; undertake^ in behalf of-themselves 'and area. The valley of which is the center is not sufferng for mois- soft -wood. With a pick the cement other stockholders in the underwriting although it would be welcomed by and concrete fireproof composition was syndicate. They have never been in the ture • th furmers In general. The entire fruit torn away; then a hole -was cut In the business of. managing big concerns»and crop has been marketed with unparal- inner ;sheathing, and. lastly, the .sup- some .time ago expressed a' desire |to re^ are posedly burgrlar-proof strong: box was linquish the responsibilities attending the leled success, and the orchardists This is. of half-inch steel, operation of rot worrying about the existing weather attacked. .United Railroads. Since conditions. It is probable that In the but it proved no barrier to the cracks- then they have disposed of a large portion valley the leads sufficiently large holdings to en- of .their in the company, and foothills to which men. A hole r.orth and east the lack of rain is most able them to lift out whole trays of having now. retired as the directing facfelt. The rivers are very low. and the gDld and silver coin was cut in this tor, Holland gives up the presidency and then, helped will,return to the East. effect is apparent upon the storage res- . box, and jj the burglars . ..*• ..< ;Although Itcould not be, cpnfirmed- last crvoirs. . which supply the water for themselves to the money. enterprises. great 'electrical Northern examined, that They took- out and all the night, it 'is generally understood California even In exceptionally late checks, notes and . drafts, but after Patrick Calhoun, ;who has always been quota to its full TV inters is accustomed sorting them laid them carefully aside. the largest individual stockholder in- the of moisture, and little, real concern is They dropped nearly 5300 in gold on holding company of the United Railroads, felt because of the present lack of rain the floor, and did not take time to has augmented his interest in that comalthough it Is admitted it'would do pick it up. Then they left the build- pany by liberal purchases of stock* from good." much ln*?. going to a wagon in the, rear. In Brown Bros. &Co., and will continue with • began J<JSE, Nov. 23. Rain SAN local/ street ?railroad which they .carried off: their boioty, his .aoldiJigsfin ' *•'* jthe•'..\u25a0.\u25a0;• falling here shortly after 9 o'clock this leaving not the slightest clew 'to their' system. morning and a light drizzle continued identity. Bej-ond rob-, ago ~Ladenburg, .Thalman,& the fact* of the Some time " evening all day. Up to 7 o'clock this bery purchased- a big block ; of the/United the detectives admit: that they .14 of a.ri:inch had fallen, making a know nothing" of the case, so well have ,.Co. Railway Investment Company stock from } total for the season of .24 of an inch. the thieves covered up their tracks. • i . Brown "Bros.- & Co. . ; -. i The rainfall at this date last year was solvency of the bank is no wise The 4.23 inches. The indications this even- impaired. Immediately robbery the ing are for continued rain. This rain was reported to the police the Central with that of Sunday will do Santa Clara $15,000 Angeles Bank of Los advanced County much good, as It will start the cover any emergency, . ami ,feed for cattle on the hills and enable cash to banks offered all assistance needfarmers and orchardists to cultivate other ed. The manager of the bank left last " their lands. night for San Trancisco. but Is expectSONOMA. Nov. 23.— Heavy showers ed to return to-morrow. To-night It have been -falling here at intervals all was stated that the loss will be within the afternoon, and indications point to few hundred dollars of $10,000. The a continuation of the etorm- The long- a amount will not be known until Special Dispatch to Th« Call. continued dry spell was being severely exactreturn ot the manager.. felt by our farmers ana dairymen, but the caiLl bureau, p6st building. the present , storm has allayed their ( WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.--^AI Hadji fears of a drought year, t Sonoma Valeon. The fields are dry. and there has Abdallah Basha, the Abyssinian, ( who ley will be all 'right. HEALDSBURG, Xdv. 23.— Rain com- not been enough moisture to bring out to-day- handed to President Roosevelt menced .to fall in Healdsburg and vi- the green feed. All streams are low. a "letter from King Menellk," is unable cinity late this >af tern oon, and, although The foothill country has suffered from through his. interpreter" to give either fires, due to the parched con- the Government, officials orjother pernot of a heavy nature, promises to be :numerous The prospects for sons any satisfactory idea of tho official steady. The storm is being: hailed with dition of the ground. with eagerness by side of his mission to this country. He great delight, as stock in this vicinity rain are hailed ranchers and every business community insists that it is both official and j per"was feeling the want of pasturage. sonal, the personaT. aspect being his > Plowing was suspended until the pres- shares the interestent downpour. SALINAS. Nov. 23. Rain commenced eager, desire to interest -American capiSANTA CRUZ, Nov. 23. The second to fall here this morning. It was the tal in mining concessions. in.ills country. "_ As he has presented .no r.official. Tain of the season commenced falling first precipitation this season. The '\u25a0 credentials, this, Government regards' last evening:. This morning there was downpour was. heavy and steady and point long continued, Abdallah -Baeha-' merely as an jAbyssinto a a light but steady downpour. the indications %^ir, *.-"\u25a0- ' great The rain" will do a amount ian merchant. +-. STOCKTON. Nov. 23:— This county is storm. Abyssinian script is;not wjthin -the of good, as feed -'was growing- short-In* suffering for rain, two light showers Department to be* ken *.ot State 'representing, the total season's precipi- the hills and cattle were ' t-about v ' '•" 3 c'-\ .therefore not even- the;Presidsnt knows tation d.ate. The prospects to-night removed. HOLLISTER, ,Nov. :23^-11' are for a storm. Plowing has been conJ com- what irKing;,Menellk desired .-? to say, . to • siderably delayed by the backward sea- menced raining"' here this afternoon tiim. The 'French translation %of v'-this and there are good indications for more precious document' has' not- yet been during the night. Up to to-day only forthcoming{from"Abdallah.Bajsha. The .31 of an inch had fallen for the sea- Interpreter, |who Is .:now; showing.- him say present sights, has less to about his imson. The rain will enable the, tho. ; farmers to commence seeding. Much portant commercial mission than was dry plowing has already been done. published broadcast. by/Zhis/ friends PETALUMA. Nov. 2l—A heavy when' he 'arrived in New York. / In* fact, downpour of rain gladdened the hearts toithe officials of 'the Government, Ab-; of the farmers and poultry men in this dallah Basha has .'not ventured to .talk vicinity. about any'offlcial functions of his own. LOS ANGELES. ..ov. 23. No -.point /. Constantlyat Abdallah's.'elbow *is/a' In Southern California south of San small.-^warthy ;man, S. iTerzian, .',-tfho Luis Obispo reported rain to-night and relates that he Is a firearms merchant at midnight there was no indication = of. established In Harrar and Adir Ababa rain here. The night is cloudless and and that he ;furnishes-? military equipthere is every probability of frost the ment .to fKlng;Menellk. He declares • In • ; positively that Abdallah -^Basha /la a Interior. southwest, At Santa Barbara a severe man of importance yandiy.' Minister >of' ;'"; : gale sent a small sailboat' ashore and :'-. v/.'^;v /.'^; "-,\u25a0:"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .Vt*--; ;'.-/vi Commerce. heavy such a sea ascaused . that . the The'Ved fez which constantly, adorns No Branch Store* and No A«enu . phaltum boulevard was Ireported in dan-, the well-shaped head ;of Abdallah -was rer of being washed out. the targetiof 'ibany^eyes a3vhe..went Back of San Bernardino the mountains about the c,lty. seeing the sights to-day ; " are greater depth snow a with to red. f4z has -been a';life'« saver for than for many years. -At the- big" lum-' .That him when' he dines In ' the beat restaucamp AN, ber at Fredalba operations had. to: rants .and cafes/ 1for his complexion 'la b« suspended because of the Intense cold, darker, .of the If./any thing,"/

San Franciscans.




The showers


Only Twenty Majority in Will rhere Gilliouir^s the Zemstyo Congress in Ec No Further? Changes Favor of Supporting tlie in OHiciajs of Company \u25a0Goyeriiinent's Programme





*outli^ P.

for a. tlmk about 12 o'clock. Lungently cheon over, they began again, as as before, ana" continued far Into- the:


From 'the ; Manngemciit of ilie Uiiitett l^itilroads

Ucht ralna f*llover Son Francisco yt-nterday and cxlenrfed an far Every one nan iclad to «cc the ratny weather once aa Point Conception. ncnla and people paddled about happily.. The «loron liotan in this city The Interior ot California and the northern and moved alontf southward. part of the Ma(c were barely aprlnkled. not enough to benefit the Land* and i-roio*. Orrpa <>m 1 \>'a«!ii«Kt«n were left dry. The Colorado River i<«


**\u25a0 tfv^



all I^ight r*sns -.hathefl San Francisco day ?nid continued into the night. The cloud waters b*-gan to fall gently about 7" o'clock in the morning and welcomed the early go*>rs to work. They continued and pretty regularly all the forenoon




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