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  • Pages: 130
One's own urine is a gift of Nature given to man for his well being and preservation of his health. The urine of each one of us is a specific remedy for our particular disorders.



'An Experienced Physician' The articles you present on auspicious occasions like birthdays, marriage, achievements, etc., to your friends, relatives and wellwishers are of transient value and existence. By presenting them with this book you are giving them health and longevity, which will be of lasting benefit. This is • present that will impart meaning to your good wishes, and will be instrumental in making them fruithful. NAVNEET

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PREFACE We feel great pleasure in placing before the discriminating public this book on 'auto-urine therapy', a subject that has assumed great importance in connection with the maintenance of health, and that has recently occasioned widespread discussions. The human body possesses a structure that is perfect in all respects and wonderfully well-organized. Its internal processes are on the other hand so intricately interconnected as to virtually defy analysis. The body is constantly engaged all the twenty-four hours of the day in producing chemical substances and in carrying out chemical reactions which are beyond the capabilities of even the largest and most well-equipped laboratories in the world. Each organ is incessantly carrying out a number of essential activities. None of the computers of even the latest designs can equal or approach the capability of the human brain. One can say the same thing about each of the organs of the body. No laboratory in the world has so far managed to produce even a single drop of blood! Truly, it is not possible that in the foreseeable future, man will be able to understand completely the wonderfully intricate functioning of the body. Scientists had assumed that urine is a totally useless and obnoxious 'dirt/ liquid that has been rejected by the body. This has been and is even now being hammered into the brains of people. Frequent repetition lends credibility to even the most blatant lie. This is the reason why people have acquired false notions about urine, and have come to regard it with disgust. Lord Shiva has extolled the virtues of urine in His composition The great Indian physicians of yore have also identified the merits and demerits of the urine of various, animals, and in fact have utilised urine successfully in the treatment of various diseases, as has been documented in ancient works. Allusions to the use of human urine are found not only in ancient Hindu scriptures, but also in those of other religions. We can recall instances of the use of urine for therapeutic purposes which we have personally witnessed some 50-60 years back in our villages. The first person to present this subject in a modern systematic scientific manner was the learned American, John Armstrong. He has demonstrated to the world the efficacy and propriety of auto-urine therapy, by using it in the treatment of almost

all diseases. He has established that auto-urine therapy is beneficial in any of the diseases that afflict mankind. Self-urine possesses not only the virtue of curing diseases, but also an astonishing power of maintaining and enhancing health. No other tonic can rival it in efficacy. And it is so easy to obtain this remedy! There is no need to go anywhere, no need to get the disorder diagnosed. No physician has to be consulted, no expense has to be incurred. It is ready to hand where and when you want it! In the past this was not looked down on, but as other therapeutic systems came into existence, the tendency to regard it with disgust became stronger. With the development of the Western allopathic system, all other therapeutic systems including auto-urine therapy came to be neglected. Allopathy proved to be a limitless source of wealth to its practitioners. In consequence, it acquired prestige and status. Now if such a free treatment as auto-urine therapy gains wide acceptance, what would happen to their source of income? And where can one exhibit one's skill and competence? People have also been fascinated by the glitter of various equipment, instruments, methods of testing and treatment. They have become so entangled in the rounds of tests and treatments, that they have no inclination for the consideration of simple and straightforward remedies. But how long is it possible to keep the sun hidden? The time has come now for this universal remedy to come into its own, for all men to start treading the path to perfect health, for getting rid of misguided disgust and for reducing all afflictions of mankind to the minimum. It should by no means be assumed that auto-urine therapy will keep us perpetually free from all disorders. If the rightdiet is not taken, if irresponsibility and insalubrious habits are not abjured, if all rules nf fond, drink and sensible ways of life are constantly contravened, no remedy on earth can ensure the continuance of a healthy condition. The three r's of rules, regulation and regularity are the sine qua non of health. If diseases and disorders are to be reduced in this world, care will have to be taken to take preventive measures. And perfect health cannot be attained simply by medication. Even an infallible remedy like auto-urine therapy will prove powerless. It is not the limitations of auto-urine therapy that are

responsible for all this, but the uncontrollability of the human mind. If, however, our way of life is governed by sound rules of diet and lifestyle, this infallible remedy is most certainly capable of helping us to get rid of any minor disorders that may arise. Moreover, this is a science that is easy to study. The semi-literate and even the illiterate can easily master it. And when such a simple and effective system is accessible to us, why should we futilely run about looking for anything better? Get rid of the disgust of urine that has established itself in our minds due to misguided conceptions. Consider the matter with a calm and clear mind. Try the therapy out scientifically. There is no possibility of failure. Auto-urine therapy will definitely yield results that cannot be obtained by any other system in the world. We merely urge you to give an opportunity to this harmless and marvellous remedy before trying any other one. Accord some respect to this system as a science. Study it again and again. Rise above prejudices. If we can persuade you to do this, we shall deem the publication of this book worthwhile. Our dear readers are cordially invited to write to us their experiences and results obtained by practising auto-urine therapy. We are grateful to Shri Ravjibhai Patel, Shri Jagdish Shah, Vaidyashri Pragjibhai Mohanji Rathod, Dr. Shri Mugatlal Thanki and Dr. John Armstrong for some of the case histories narrated in this book. -Publishers

CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction ............................................................. 7 History of Auto-Urine Therapy ................................ 9 Properties and Efficacy of Auto-Urine..................... 14 Auto-Urine Therapy: Objections and Clarifications (In question-and-answer form) ................................ 20 5. Auto-Urine Therapy : Methods and Procedures .... 34 6. Auto-Urine Therapy : Some Probable Untoward Effects ................................................... 50 7. Limitations of Auto-Urine Therapy ......................... 53 8. Some Practical Suggestions ................................... 54 9. Some Case Histories .............................................. 55 * Appendix 1 : Auto-Urine Therapy (Shivambu Kalpa): The Indian Version, as Detailed in the Damar Tantra ................................... 106 * Appendix 2 : Use of Magnetised Urine .................. 127

1. INTRODUCTION We are accustomed to entrust our health to physicians; or to leave it in the hands of Fate. This is why the question of the maintenance of health has not so far been even partially solved; on the contrary, it keeps on growing more complex, and intractable. Today the whole world is living under the shadow of the threat of disease. Anyone may contract any disease at any time. Indefatigable and unceasing efforts are being made to overcome diseases that have already been contracted. Every system of therapeutics is busy discovering various ways to bring diseases under control, and enormous amounts of medicines are being manufactured accordingly. Many therapeutic systems have been evolved to this date. The sole purpose of each of the systems is to secure freedom from all diseases for all mankind. But the prevalence of diseases has not been reduced in spite of all those efforts, and in fact there are as yet no signs of success in this direction. Today in fact physicians are being overwhelmed by the numbers of patients, and of diseases. This is the situation everywhere. It appears that our hopes of eliminating diseases by medication are illusory. The extent of our present ignorance about health can hardly be matched by our ignorance in any other field. We have become no more than mere listless and inactive spectators in matters relating to preservation and maintenance of health. Not only do we refuse to actively consider or take adequate measures for the maintenance of our health, but it does not even occur to us that this is something which we should apply our minds to. Our total indifference towards health is really shocking. We have placed all questions of health in the hands of Fate. If we are blessed with normal health, well and good; if not, we shall resort to treatment with drugs and medicines. Such an attitude

2. HISTORY OF AUTO-URINE THERAPY There exists a large amount of evidence to show that autourine therapy was in vogue even in ancient times. Drinking of his own urine by a patient is mentioned in Ayurveda and other ancient works. Some of the references are quoted below:

The most important and detailed discussion of autorine therapy is to be found in under the heading of . The original verses (shlokas) and a free rendering of their meaning have been given in Appendix 1 in this book. The reader is earnestly enjoined to go through the appendix. Lord Shiva’s discourse to Parvati about the proper manner of drinking urine and of using it for massage, what disorders can be cured by means of the auto-urine treatment,

what other therapeutic agents can be added with advantage has made us completely dependent on our physicians and surgeons; we have handed over the keys of our store of health to the doctors. This has resulted in a continual increase in the workload of the doctors. Every day as the sun rises, hundreds and thousands of doctors get ready to begin their daily arduous duties; but the demand for more and more doctors keeps on increasing every day. This is a conclusive and incontrovertible proof of the fact that it is just not possible to control diseases by mere medication. Thus neither doctors nor medicines will be able to reduce the incidence of diseases in the world. It is the people, humanity as a whole, that will have to address themselves to this task. Fortunately nature has made the means of regaining and maintaining health easily available to every one of us : one's own urine! Another term used for human urine (or rather one's own urine) is 'shivambu'. 'Shiva' means beneficial, salubrious, and 'ambu' means water. The combined Sanskrit word 'shivambu' (beneficial water) has been formed from these two words. Auto-urine or self-urine has been used for healing and cure of diseases for centuries. Auto-urine therapy suffered an eclipse for some years some time ago. But ever since Dr John Armstrong of America re-established its credibility in the beginning of this century, auto-urine therapy has been continually scaling new peaks of popularity.

Summary: 1. In matters of our health, we have become silent spectators. We make no effort to understand our bodies, the processes going on in them, and the origins of disorders. 2. Even minor disorders cause us to panic, and we start knocking at the doors of doctors in desperation.

3. In fact the remedy for nearly all disorders of man is right at hand and easily available to him : his own urine.

to urine for the purpose of massage and external application/ and, what is most important how , a complete regeneration and revitalization of the whole body, can be effected by the use of urine, etc., are given in the 'shivambu kalpa' section of 'Damar Tantra'. Drinking the urine of a white bull forms an important step in the ceremonies connected with the first shaving of a male child (the Navajot ceremony), and those connected with marriages, among the Parsis. According to Dr. John Armstrong, the chief proponent of Auto-Urine Therapy in modern times, there are clearly worded exhortations in the Holy Bible enjoining people to drink their own urine and to use it for external applications and massage : (1) 'Drink waters out of thine own cistern/ (Old Testament) (2) 'When thou* fastest, anoint thy head and wash your face/ (New Testament, Mathew 6-17) Shlokas 41 and 42 of 'Vyavahaarsutra' by the learned Jain Acharya Bhadrabahu also mention that one must drink one's own urine while taking a vow or undertaking the regular performance of a religious ritual. The great Tibetan Yogi Milarepa has stated that the Tibetan Buddhist monks and Lamas are able to perform exacting penances and live long healthy lives by drinking their own urine, (G.C.C. Chang : Milarepa in Ragma, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, Boulder and London, 1977.) Much information regarding the prophylactic and healing properties of auto-urine has been given in the English treatise on therapeutics, 'Salmon's English Physician', published in 1695. The eighteenth-century French dentists used recommend rubbine one's urine on the teeth and garoling


Gypsies and sailors have for centuries been using auto-urine for maintenance of health, preservation of youth, increasing their life span and healing wounds quickly. In the same way they were able to cope successfully with emergencies arising during their travels taking the help of auto-urine. It is also well-known everywhere that thieves, dacoits, tramps and other criminal elements make a practice of drinking their own urine to maintain their health and strength, to survive ill-treatment and to recover quickly from the beatings they receive at the hands of the guardians of the law. Even today it is easy to find people who were instructed by their elders to treat cuts and wounds by passing urine on the injured parts, and who had in fact acted according to these instructions. Auto-urine Therapy in Modern Times : The contribution of Dr John Armstrong of U. S. A. in restoring the credibility and prestige of auto-urine therapy is unique. The whole medical world was thrown into turmoil when his book 'Water of Life', based on his own personal experiences, was published. There was strong opposition. But as the numerous patients who had been snatched from the jaws of death by Dr Armstrong constituted living and weighty evidence of the efficacy and harmlessness of auto-urine therapy, the good doctor did not yield even an inch. After this 'Shivambu Shastra', auto-urine therapy, spread all over the world with the speed of a tornado, as was inevitable. In India Shri Ravjibhai Patel of Ahmadabad, Dr Paragji Desai, M. B. B. S., of Valsad, and many other


3. PROPERTIES AND EFFICACY OF AUTO-URINE It is difficult to convince a majority of people that drinking one's own urine can cure a number of disorders. The reason is that modern medical science has hammered it into our heads that urine is a liquid containing useless and even harmful substances that have been rejected by the body. Traditional cultural influence has also nurtured a kind of disgust for urine in our minds. Before discussing the effects of urine on our bodies and our disorders, let us first consider the composition of urine. Normally a man passes 750 to 1500 millilitres of urine in a day. The requirements of water increase after consumption of fried or highly spiced foods. This will result in an increase in the total quantity of urine. On the other hand, in summer a large proportion of body water is lost through perspiration, thus decreasing the amount of urine. More urine is passed during the colder periods of the year than during the hotter periods. Generally urine is clear like pure water, or there may be a tinge of yellow in it. When the quantity of urine decreases, due to hot weather or for any other reason, the concentration of substances in the urine increases, in which case it will probably be of a deeper yellow or orange colour. The urine of a person suffering from jaundice is generally as yellow as turmeric, and that of a feverish person has a reddish tinge. Disorders of the kidneys or the urinary tract may cause urine to become turbid and red in colour. The urine of a healthy person is a little salty in taste. If the urine is of a more intense yellow colour, it may be a little saltier in taste. If there is a reddish tinge in the urine/ it may have a slightly bitter taste. Variations in the intake of solids and liquids as well as variations in the weather cause corresponding variations in the colour and taste of urine. The following are the average quantities of the various

substances listed below, in 100 millilitres of urine as reported In Introduction to Biochemistry' by Dr Pharon : Substance Milligrammes (1 ) Urea nitrogen 682.00 (2) Urea 1459.00 (3 ) Creatinin nitrogen 36.00 (4) Creatinin 97.20 (5 ) Uric acid nitrogen 12.30 (6 ) Uric acid 36.90 (7) Amino nitrogen 9.70 (8) Ammonia nitrogen 57.00 (9) Sodium 212.00 (10) Potassium 137.00 (11) Calcium 19.50 (12) Magnesium 11.30 (13) Chloride 314.00 (14) Total sulphate 91.00 (15) Inorganic Sulphate 83.00 (16) Inorganic phosphate 127.00 (17) N/10 acid 27.80 Some other important constituents of shivambu are as follows : (1 ) Enzymes : (a ) Amylase (diastase) (b) Lactic dehydrogenase (L. D. H.) (c) Leucine amino-peptidase (L. A. P.) (d) Urokin ase (2) Hormones : a) Catechol amines b) Hydroxy-steroids c) 17-Catosteroids ylate cyclase

(f) Prostaglandins (g) Sex hormones (3) Miscellaneous : (a) Copper ( b ) Urobilinogen As a knowledgeable qualified doctor has pointed out, there is a strong possibility of there being several other beneficial substances not yet known to science, in addition to the above substances, present in urine. Urokinase, an enzyme present in urine, prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, and is even capable of dissolving clots already formed. When such blood clots obstruct the flow of blood in the blood vessels of the heart a heart attack may be precipitated. Dr Mezel of the Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, U. S. A., injects urokinase into the bodies of victims of heart attacks thus aborting the attack and saving the life of the patient. Dr Salaria, an eminent surgeon of Ahmadabad, too, makes it a practice to give an injection of the patients' own urine before undertaking surgery so as to forestall any risk of overburdening or harming the heart during or after the operation. The hormone erythropoietine, one of the substances usually present in urine, stimulates the bone marrow to increase the rate of production of erythrocytes (red blood corpuscles). This is the reason why a patient of anaemia derives substantial benefit from auto-urine therapy. Another hormone present in urine, adenylate cyclase, coordinates the actions of all hormones in the body through the production of a substance known as cyclic A. M. P. Prostaglandin is a hormone that is essential for the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Many scientists are of the opinion that this hormone can act as a contraceptive. Urine contains sex hormones, insulin and growth hormones as well. The Nobel Laureate Albert Sczent Georgyi has carried out a number of experiments testing the effect of methyl glyoxal, a constituent of urine, on cancer patients, and has in addition to

the above, one must not lose sight of the high probability of the presence of many substances in urine which are as yet unknown to science. All these beneficial substances are present in urine in very finely divided and highly potentised forms. As a result they are quickly absorbed from the stomach and the intestines within a short time following the imbibing of urine. And despite the extremely small quantities in which they are present in the urine, they have been found to be of great benefits to the body. Dr Dharmadhikari of Pune in Maharashtra state has tried auto-urine therapy on more than two hundred patients, and has carried out scientific investigations related to this therapy. Here are the conclusions he has arrived at as a result of these researches : (1 ) The body begins to absorb more oxygen from the atmosphere after the commencement of auto-urine therapy, and the metabolic reactions are speeded up. The results of a large number of experiments support this conclusion. (2) The commmencement of auto-urine therapy is invariably followed by a slow but definite increase in the number of red blood corpuscles in and the haemoglobin content of the blood. Dr Dharmadhikari believes that these changes in the body functions play a very important role in curing disorders. In the book 'Yoga' published by the Bihar School of Yoga, Monghyr, a knowledgeable and learned doctor has ascribed the efficacy of urine to the following reasons : (1 ) Urine supplements the essential nutrients and makes up the deficiency of any nutrient in the body. (2) Urine contains highly active enzymes, that have a salutary effect on all the physiological reactions taking

place in the body. (3)

Urine contains valuable salts necessary for the body.*

(4) The hormones contained in urine are of great benefit to the body. (5) Urine possesses bacteriocidal properties. It therefore destroys the disease-causing bacteria in the body, especially those infecting the digestive tract. (6) The substances present in the urine augment and sharpen the body's natural powers of resistance to diseases. (7) The substance called 'urea' present in urine is a diuretic and increases the efficiency of the kidneys. (8) Urine is a tonic that strengthens the body, and an 'elixir' that confers longevity. Ayurveda and other ancient works on medicinal science have accorded their approval to the drinking of urine as a therapeutic measure. Ayurveda regards urine as an effective antidote against the harmful confluence of excesses of the three humours. It is believed by some researchers that urine acts like a vaccine, promoting the generation of antibodies that fight and overcome the agencies that cause disorders, thus resisting and curing diseases. The sum and substance of the above discussion is that urine has an undoubtedly salutary effect on the body, but that the details of exactly how it acts in the body have not yet been worked out sufficiently clearly to command universal agreement among the experts. How far would it be proper to recommend or adopt a remedy, the mode of action of which has not yet been completely understood? The answer to this objection is simple and straightforward. To this day the mode of action of a number of drugs and therapeutic procedures such as aspirin, acupuncture, electric shock treatment, etc., has not been worked out satisfactorily. But this in no way reduces their

efficacy. The doctor knows well what effects aspirin will produce in the body after being ingested orally, and accordingly prescribes aspirin* for the patient as and when necessary. Knowledge of its mode of action is not essential for the doctor. In the same way, innumerable experiments have established the actual effect of autourine on the body. It has always been found to have favourable effects, not a single case of an untoward effect having been recorded so far. There is a mass of documentary evidence establishing the fact that imbibing of one's own urine has been and is being resorted to by criminal elements to obviate physical damage and to-augment their powers of endurance of pain inflicted by beatings; by mountaineers to maintain their vigour and to fight adverse atmospheric conditions; and by numerous monks and ascetics to develop the capacity to complete their penances successfully. Briefly, it is nothing more than a conjecture that urine is a useless fluid that has been rejected by the body; no instances of urine having a seriously, or even mildly, harmful effect on the body have been recorded. A renowned heart specialist of Mumbai once issued an appeal through a newspaper to the members of the public, inviting them to write to him about their experiences of auto-urine therapy, especially about cases of adverse effects. His purpose was to demonstrate that drinking urine is harmful. Soon there was a deluge of hundreds of letters in response to his appeal; but there was not a single letter among them that reported any adverse effect. He had expected to be able to build up a case against the therapy on the basis of reports of adverse effects in a large number of cases, and thus brine auto-urine therapy into disrepute; but his high hopes were doomed to dis-

appointment. However, he refused to give due credence to the hundreds of letters testifying to the immense benefits of the therapy, because these claims were not supported by detailed reports of blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiograms, etc., before and after contracting the illness and after recovery! It is most surprising that he did not feel the necessity of personally interviewing either the persons who had been cured by autourine therapy or the practitioners of the system. Thus the purported interest of the gentleman in research stands exposed as a hollow sham. Summary : 1. There are numerous valuable constituents such as salts, enzymes, hormones, etc., in human urine. 2. The natural resistive powers of the body are augmented by these substances with their healing properties. As a result, old ailments are cured and new ailments averted. 3. Not a single instance of harm or of untoward effects caused by drinking one's own urine has so far been recorded.

4. AUTO-URINE THERAPY : OBJECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS (In Question-And-Answer Form) Many objections and arguments against auto-urine therapy are put forward not only by laymen but also by doctors trained in the modern system of medicine. Clarifications refuting the objections and arguments are being presented here in the form of questions and answers. Objection 1 : Urine is something that has been rejected (excreted) by the body as a useless or even toxic material. How can such a fluid be once again useful to the body? Clarification : That urine has been rejected by the body There are numerous hormones as well as substances useful or beneficial to the body in urine. In fact the hormones, electrolytes and water that are present i n the body i n excess of its requirements are eliminated through urine. This is no way implies that these substances are useless or harmful to the body. That there are toxic substances in urine is also a baseless conjecture or a figment of imagination. If the body is in fact eliminating toxic substances in this manner- in other words, if the body is capable of freeing itself from toxins through this simple process-no one would ever fall ill. Really speaking urine is merely water that has been separated from the blood. If blood is not toxic, how is it possible for urine to be toxic ? Even if it is assumed for a moment that there actually are toxic substances present in urine, it does not follow that they are harmful to the body. No animal is harmed by its own poison. Do snakes and scorpions fall victims to disorders or death because of the poisons carried in their bodies ? Another fact also must be clearly understood : only those substances that the body needs will be absorbed in the stomach or intestines from urine that has

been ingested. All other substances will be eliminated in the stools. It is only because of traditional cultural influences that we regard urine with disgust. A kind of complex of revulsion has been formed in our minds. But little children not yet conditioned by our cultural influences experience nothing but pleasure in splashing their urine about. Objection 2 : There are pathogenic bacteria in urine. Clarification : That the urine of ninety out of a hundred persons is completely free from all kinds of bacteria is an incontrovertible fact. Even doctors and pathologists will testify to the validity of this statement. The reason is plain : Urine does not come in contact with the external atmosohere at all persons whose urine shows the presence of some kinds of micro-organisms. Drinking such urine containing bacteria should have no harmful effects. Actually the atmosphere around us, the air we inhale, the food we eat and the water we drink-all these harbour micro-organisms. But the natural resistive powers of the body destroy these micro-organisms. In fact the belief that diseases are caused by infection with microorganisms does not rest on solid foundations. The microorganisms that are supposed to cause various diseases are always present in our surroundings, our saliva, and in all parts of our bodies. But we do not suffer from all these diseases all the time. Moreover, the drugs used in the Ayurvedic, Homeopathic or Unani systems of medicine possess no antibiotic properties, but they do successfully cure diseases. Other therapeutic systems such as Nature cure, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Magnetotherapy, etc., are not based on the mass destruction of bacteria, but they are unquestionably effective in curing diseases. The fact is that the bugbear of micro-organisms has been raised by doctors to keep up the demands for their services, and by manufacturers of phamaceuticals to

keep their industries running. The theory that diseases are caused by micro-organisms fills the pockets of doctors with money and the homes of the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals with affluence, keeps innumerable scientists busy in carrying out their so-called 'research' or investigations, and provides an abundant source of wealth for the directors of the pathological laboratories that have sprung up everywhere with the help of the physicians. All these interests constitute a very strong chain that cannot be broken. There would have been some consolation if all these activities had been successful in reducing the incidence of diseases. But the sad fact is that even after these herculean efforts, the incidence of diseases has been increasing at pace. The micro-organisms become immune to the drugs in a very short time and the scientists have to go on looking for ever newer or stronger drugs. No way of breaking this vicious circle is within sight. At the same time, it is an experimentally well-established truth that even patients suffering from venereal diseases or diseases of the urinary tract, whose urine is most certainly full of micro-organisms, are in fact cured by drinking this urine despite the presence of the micro-organisms. Objection 3 : Drinking urine leads in the long run to serious diseases, especially diseases of the kidneys, or to insanity* Clarification : Numerous instances have been observed of crippling disabilities, insanity or other serious diseases caused by the side-effects of the powerful drugs in vogue these days. It is usually very difficult to cure such iatrogenic (i. e. those caused by drugs) disorders. Innumerable women who had used the sedative called 'thalidomide' during their pregnancies gave births to babies with serious congenital defects. The world has not been able to

forget that tragedy even today. Do the allopathic doctors and their science acknowledge that they are responsible for crippling future citizens and leaders? According to Dr Howard Winstein, the Director of the 'Food and Drug Administration' department of the American government, some four to five thousand persons become the victims of severe reactions caused by penicillin every year. About 500 of these lose their lives as a result of such reactions. These are official figures. The real figures of such cases of reactions and consequent deaths may be much greater. And penicillin is not used in the U. S. A. alone, but everywhere in the world.The worldwide figures relating to such imagined.

tragic cases can only be

(Thalidomide Tragedy)

Do only thalidomide and penicillin cause such sideeffects? Are all other drugs safe ? No doctor can answer these questions in the affirmative. The American Medical Association has published a list of 72 drugs that are potentially harmful. The list includes sulpha drugs,

soporific drugs, sedatives, anti-rheumatic drugs, cortisones, analgesics, diuretics, drugs that prevent fainting fits, drugs that affect the thyroid gland, anti-coagulants, etc. It is worth noting the undesirable side-effects of cortisones, a group of drugs widely used for the treatment of disorders of the joints, rheumatism in particular. Continued use of these drugs over long periods may cause duodenal ulcers, a relapse of tuberculosis, diabetes or psychosis. Treatment of children suffering from rheumatism or allied disorders with steroids often leads to extreme softening of the bones, sometimes to such an extent that the bones give way even under the strains caused by the simple act of walking. The breasts of men taking steroid drugs get enlarged. Many women who had taken these druus during pregnancy have given birth to girl babies with male genitalia! These doctors who play around with nature and even the human chromosomes, totally disregard the side-effects of their own drugs. But they do not hesitate to criticize and decry autourine therapy of which they have no experience and which they have not studied. For them to raise the bugbear of imagined side-effects of auto-urine therapy is not better than the proverbial stone throwing by those who live in glass houses. Objection 4 : The reason that there are no untoward effects of drinking urine is simply the fact that the human body is like a very durable machine with a vast capacity to absorb abuse and the unlimited capacity of the kidneys to throw out toxins. Clarification : This is a criticism levelled mainly by doctors. The capacity of the kidneys to deal with toxins is indeed unlimited. It is the allopathic medical science that has derived the maximum benefit of this capacity of the kidneys. The very thought of the terrible toll of innocent lives that allopathic drugs would have taken if the kidneys did not possess this miraculous capacity is sufficient to send shivers down our spines. One must always be mindful of the fact that

when one points an accusing finger at someone else, the three remaining fingers are pointing at ourselves. Objection 5 : H urine is so beneficial and useful to the body, why does the body eliminate it? Clarification : Let us consider a dam in the course of a river. If the water level rises above a certain limit, the excess water begins to flow out of the specially constructed flood gates of the dam. Ttiis of course does not imply that water is of no use, and serves no purpose in the dam. In exactly the same way excess water and salts are permitted to flow out by the kindneys. If more water is drunk, more urine is formed, and if less water is taken less urine is formed.. This is the experience of every one of us. Objection 6 : If drinking one's own urine is so beneficial, why does obstruction or absence of the urine (anuria) harm the body? Clarification: However beneficial a substance may be, if it accumulates in amounts in excess of the requirements of the body, it is bound to cause harm. If excess salts or even excess water is not removed from the blood, harm may result. How is urine to be blamed for this? The matter can be understood in another way. Very often harm is caused to the body if respiration is obstructed or the supply of blood to an organ is interrupted. Is air or blood to be blamed for this? One may raise the question as to the advisability or utility of pouring back into the body what has been eliminated by it as being in excess of its requirements. The obvious reply is that urine is the result of excess of water and salts in the blood. And the drinker of urine is pouring it into the stomach, not into the blood. The body will absorb the subst< nces and the amount of water it

needs from the urine in the stomach, and what it does not need will be disposed of by the digestive system in the usual way. It has been observed in many cases that giving the urine of another healthy person to a patient suffering from anuria, or lack of urine, results in the removal of the obstruction and leads to a free flow of urine. Objection 7 : Auto-urine therapy has not been tried in experiments on animals, nor have its advantages and disadvantages been studied scientifically in such experiments, as is usual in medical research. Clarification : Modern drugs are highly potent and their effects are drastic. It would therefore perhaps be logical to try them out on animals in preliminary studies; but urine is not such a powerful and potentially lethal chemical as to necessitate experimentation on animals in a preliminary study. And to those who insist on such studies it may be pointed out that some animals instinctively do lick their own urine or that of others of their species. Many of us have been witnesses to such occurrences. It cannot be assumed that a substance or a drug will have the same effects on human beings as it has on other animals. Let us not forget that thalidomide had been tested on animals and was found to be harmless in those studies. This very drug had to be withdrawn from the market overnight, when women who had been using it during their pregnancies began to give births to terribly defective babies, leading to a massive agitation demanding the banning of the drug. This is an incident that has become known all over the world. The victims of this drug are even today leading helpless and dependent lives. No one can confidently state that the drugs approved as safe today will still prove safe five, ten or fifteen years from now. Dr Dale Friend, head of the Department of Pharmacology at the Bridham Hospital in Boston, states unequivocally : "No drug can be considered entirely safe." The implication of this statement is

that the doctors who are so vociferous about the necessity of testing the effects of drugs on animals first, before undertaking trials on human beings, are the very ones who keep filling up the bodies of their patients with drugs which undoubtedly cause side-effects of varying severity. In point of fact 'research' is the handy weapon of the allopathic system of medicine, which it can use to lash out against other therapeutic systems under the pretense of being the only 'scientific' system. Auto-urine therapy is not an innovation of recent origin; urine has been used therapeutically for thousands of years. And still not a single instance of untoward sideeffects or of barm caused by the therapy has ever been observed or reported. Objection 8 : It is quite possible that the condition of a patient under auto-urine therapy improves by adoption of a regimen of salubrious diet, healthy habits and exercise, but the improvement is attributed to urine. Clarification : It is undoubtedly true that practitioners of auto-urine therapy do suggest certain changes in diet and habits. But it is a common experience that such advice is heeded only temporarily, if at all. Despite all this, cures are effected through auto-urine therapy. This is proof enough that this therapy is effective in and by itself, i.e., even if it is not supported by changes in diet and habits. Allopathic doctors and practitioners of other systems also suggest certain changes in diet, directing the patient for instance to eat green leafy vegetables and fruits, to eat less of spiced and fried foods, to reduce smoking and drinking, etc. But they attribute the cures to the drugs and treatment, and not to dietary restrictions or changes in life-

style. Objection 9 : Is it not likely that the benefits attributed to auto-urine therapy are actually due to auto-suggestion or

faith? Clarification : Really speaking, this is an argument that applies more appropriately to allopathic drugs. The string of letters following the doctor's name signifying highly impressive degrees, his attractive personality set off by the westernised dress, the dispensary or the consulting room with its carpet, curtains, air-conditioner, etc., the waiting room humming with the sotto voce conversations of the patients, all these are sufficient to make a deep impression on the patient. The patient really comes to believe that his disease will necessarily have to flee. If such confidence were not inspired, there would have existed only a small hut where the palace or success of allopathy stands today. Dr William Osier, whose name is inscribed in golden letters in the recent history of modern therapeutics, has stated very unambiguously that ‘the history of modern therapeutics is in reality the history of the placebo', i.e. of tablets that contain no therapeutic agent or drug but are given to the patient to reassure him that he is being given medicines. Thus even Dr Osier acknowledges that faith has been more effective than drugs in the cures effected by allopathy. And perhaps no other person can express an opinion about drugs with greater authority than Dr Osier. No practitioner or adherent of auto-urine therapy can inspire the faith and confidence that an allopathic doctor can inspire with his pomp and parapharnalia. The patients who resort to auto-urine therapy have usually tried the allopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic and other systems beforehand. To say that all these patients have been cured merely by faith is to argue that faith is a more effective curative agency than the drugs and treatments of all these systems. The implication is that all these patients could have been cured

merely by faith healing. If that is so, the poisons that had previously been poured into their bodies in the name of the drugs are proved to have been useless, and the treatments meaningless. In fact auto-urine therapy has been observed to prove beneficial in the treatment of people in a state of unconsciousness, people who lack the power of logical thought, mentally retarded people, children and animals. Where does the question of faith healing arise in such instances? Objection 10 : To drink urine, or to induce others to drink urine is an immoral and mean act. Clarification : All the world knows about such malpractices as giving drugs and injections even when they are not necessary, taking unfair advantage of the worries and fears of the patient forcing the patient to undergo various unnecessary tests or sending him to various specialists for earning commissions, getting the patient admitted to private nursing homes for 'general check-up' or for 'rest', performing caesarian sections even when the baby would or could have been delivered normally, removing the appendix of the patient a second (!) time, and countless others. It would be more appropriate for the doctors who allege that the auto-urine therapists are indulging in immoral practices or that they are perpetrating a hoax on the gullible public for making money, to free their own houses of all this dirt. Objection 11 : If auto-urine therapy is so natural and beneficial, why is it that nature has not endowed human beings with an instinct for it? Clarification : Logic and materialism have suppressed man's natural instincts today. All animals avoid eating during any type of illness : in other words, they fast. This is

the natural instinct. Many illnesses can be cured by fasting for short periods. But a man suffering from an illness will continue to eat, and keep on eating despite the total lack of appetite. In reality appetite is lost in any state of ill health, and recovered when the illness is cured. But modern man is no longer sensitive to the signals of instincts; or perhaps the notion has been hammered into his mind by frequent repetition that it is neither necessary nor advisable to go hungry; fasting will merely weaken him, and there are drugs that will make everything all right. Health can be maintained by taking proper balanced diet, taking exercise or doing things that require physical exertion, adopting proper mental attitudes, keeping the mind free from tension and cultivating such other good habits. But does man really possess an instinct for them ? And is it instinct that makes man take to alcohol, tobacco, narcotics and useless drugs? That man does not possess the instinct to drink his own urine is no proof that it is useless or harmful. Objection 12 : Auto-urine therapy is nothing but a sham, a deceptive hoax perpetrated on the public, inspired by jealousy and mischievous tendencies of certain people bent on discrediting the modern therapeutic system and the drugs it uses. Clarification : Auto-urine therapy is not a modern development. Allusions to it, and discussion of its effects are found in many ancient works on medicine and healing. It is not proper to allege that auto-urine therapy is merely a holiow sham, a false and deceptive system created by jealous physicians. The truth is that more and more people have begun to understand the limitations of pharmacological science, have come to realize the dangers of the side-effects of drugs, and it is only because of these reasons that they are turning towards novel or harmless therpeutic systems. Objection 13 : It is claimed that auto-urine therapy enjoyed great popularity in ancient times. If it is really of such great

benefit, how did it come to be neglected ? Why did it suffer an eclipse? Clarification : With the development of culture and socalled progress, man gradually turned away from nature. It is understandable that this resulted in the gradual abandonment of auto-urine therapy too. He developed a fascination for pomp and show. At the same time the nature of economic activity and people's tastes also changed. What could not be valued in terms of money came to be looked upon as useless and lacking in importance. It is very difficult-or indeed impossible-to derive economic advantages from treating people by auto-urine therapy, whereas considerable economic benefits can be derived through the other therapeutic systems. It is therefore natural to conclude that people have been led away from this therapeutic system under such economic influences. Objection 14 : Why should auto-urine therapy be resorted to when so many highly effective therapeutic systems are available today? Clarification : It is exactly when the other available systems fail to fulfil expectations that disappointment and disillusionment with them forces people to turn to autourine therapy as a last resort. And as successes are achieved even in very difficult and intractable cases, one has got to concede that it is a perfectly efficacious system. There are some special advantages attached to auto-urine therapy. Despite its efficacy and freedom from harm, it is totally inexpensive. One of the most important considerations is that there is no need of diagnosis, as all disorders are to be treated in more or less the same manner. The system is at the same time so simple that a large number of difficulties can be obviated, or avoided.

Moreover there is no need to run hither and thither for the treatment. Objection 15 : Urine tastes and smells abominably. Wouldn't drinking it be a difficult task? Clarification : Our disgust for urine is the result of prejudice and conditioned by cultural influences. Otherwise its taste is not so very unpalatable. In fact we often take, willy nilly, many kinds of medicines with bitter, sharp, strange or nauseating tastes. Alcoholic drinks are hardly pleasant in taste. In comparison with these, urine has a very mild taste. Drinking urine is not a very difficult task. The only requirement is that we should get rid of the artificially cultivated sense of disgust. Within a few days of the commencement of the therapy, drinking it would be as easy as drinking water. In reality it is only the mistaken belief of the doctors that the privilege of treating the diseases belongs solely to them, that induces them to level allegations and criticisms at autourine and other traditional therapies. Thev forget that their duty lies in restoring the health of the patient. It is not at all proper for them to boost one therapeutic system at the cost of another. To evaluate remedial procedures of other systems by the criteria of one's own system and to ridicule those remedies that fail to fit into the framework of the principles of ihe only science one has studied would be the height of absurdity, as exemplified in the adage 'the pain is in the belly, but the blows are directed at the head for relief. If all the criticisms of the so-called experts are to be answered in just a few words, perhaps this would be the most appropriate reply : 'An ounce of experience is more valuable and more convincing than a ton of conjectures, concepts or contentions’

Summary : 1. The belief that urine is no more than a fluid vehicle for substances that are useless, alien and toxic to the body, cannot be justified. 2. As urine does not come in contact with the external atmosphere,

no pathogenic bacteria contaminate it. 3. The allegation that drinking urine causes serious disorders in the long run is unfounded. 4. Auto-urine therapy has been tried successfully on so many persons that it is no longer necessary to carry out experiments on lower animals to establish its efficacy and harmlessness. 5. 'Auto-urine therapy is just a deceptive hoax aimed at discrediting the modern drugs/ This allegation is totally unjustified. When all other systems, all other remedies have failed, people take resort to auto-urine therapy. People who have tried all other therapeutic systems, who have reduced the resistive powers of their bodies to the point of extinction by pouring various poisons in the form of drugs into their stomachs, and who have despaired of life itself, have adopted auto-urine therapy as a last resort, and have freed themselves from the disorders. 6. Auto-urine therapy offers many advantages as compared to other systems. It is simple, convenient, it involves no expense, it can be practised anywhere any time, and needs no prior investigation to arrive at an exact diagnosis for treatment. 7. The belief that the taste or smell of urine is disgusting is merely the result of our prejudices and cultural influences.

5. AUTOURINE THERAPY : METHODS AND PROCEDURES Prior preparation : Some prior preparation is desirable before the commencement of auto-urine therapy. It is also necessary to resolve questions regarding the manner, timings and frequency of taking the treatment. The first thing to do is to read a few authoritative books on auto-urine therapy for detailed information about the system, its efficacy and its scientific nature, as well as the exact methods to be adopted. This will have the effect of gradually reducing the intensity of feelings of disgust in our minds. Those who find it difficult to overcome the feelings of disgust towards urine should begin by massaging the fingers, palms and feet with urine. A day or two later, they should massage the gums and rub the teeth with fresh urine, gargle with it and try to drink a little of it. The feelings of revulsion inspired by urine will subside in two to four days time by adopting the above measures, and the possibility of nausea while drinking urine or of vomiting after drinking it will be greatly reduced. These preliminary measures may be taken at any time of the day. When preparing to drink one's urine, one must reject the initial portion as well as the last portion, and collect only the middle portion in a cup or glass, and drink it while it is fresh. You will find that it is free from any sharp or unpleasant smell. No food or drink should be taken for half an hour or so after drinking urine. Auto-urine therapy for maintenance of health : If the purpose is simply maintenance of health, drinking a cupful (150 to 200 ml) of one's own urine once in a day is quite adequate.

The urine passed on waking up in the morning is relatively more salty and possesses a strong odour. People who are not accustomed to drinking urine may not find it easily acceptable. Such persons should make a beginning by taking for a few days the urine passed in the evening when the stomach is empty. The best time for this would be between four o'clock to six o'clock in the evening. Alternatively it can be taken at the time of going to bed, provided one has taken one's evening meal comparatively early. Once one has got habituated to drinking urine in the evenings, one can begin drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach. Normally there is no difficulty in the change-over at this stage. But if the urine is still felt to be too strong, it can be diluted with a little water. Within a very few days of beginning the ingestion of urine, the urine will begin to get progressively purer, and its pungency and saltiness will begin to decrease. Once one is accustomed to it, even the morning urine can be drunk as easily as one drinks water. An influx of new vigour in the body will also be experienced within a few days of the commencement of the auto-urine regimen, and even work of a very strenuous type will not cause fatigue. People who drink their own urine regularly fall ill very rarely. They can continue to enjoy freedom from diseases like the 'flu or hepatitis, etc., even during epidemics of the diseases, because the natural powers of the body to resist diseases are greatly strengthened. Common disorders like colds and coughs : Prompt relief can be obtained in case of such common disorders as colds and coughs by drinking a cup, or a cup and a half, of fresh auto-urine once in the morning. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated twice or thrice in a day. Relief is quicker if diet is restricted to easily digestible foods or fruits during the treatment.

Irrigating the nasal and oral passages (a process known as 'neti' in Yogic literature) with a mixture of one part of shivambu (auto-urine) and two parts of lukewarm water affords immediate relief. Method of taking 'neti' : Prepare about a glassful of a mixture of fresh urine and lukewarm water in the desired proportion. Fill a small bowl, or a small katori, almost to the brim with this mixture. Dip your nose into the liquid and without a moment's delay draw as much of the liquid into the nose as you can. Open your mouth immediately and let the liquid drawn in through the nose (Methods of taking neti! drain out of the mouth. Fill the bowl again and repeat this procedure till you have used up the glassful of the mixture. Blow your nose well to expel the liquid remaining in the nasal passages. Make sure that not even a drop is inadvertently left in the passages. Note : You may experience a feeling of suffocation for two or three days while taking the neti. There may also be a feeling of heaviness in the head. But you must continue the process without allowing yourself to get discouraged or worried by these effects. In two or three days you will become accustomed to the process, and will feel absolutely no discomfort. By repeating this process frequently, you will be able to rid yourself of the common cold for good. Dressing boils and wounds : Apply a strip oi cloth soaked in your own urine for 10 to 15 minutes twice or thrice in a day. Take care to remove the strip before it gets dry. There is no need to massage the whole body with autourine in cases of minor disorders. Auto-urine therapy in acute disorders : In case of acute conditions such as fevers, diarrhoea, vomiting, severe coughs, constipation, etc., quick relief is obtained by fasting for a day or

two, in addition to drinking one's own urine regularly. Immediately on getting up in the morning, clean your mouth as usual and drink one or one and a half cups of freshly passed urine. That should be followed by an enema of either a mixture of one part of urine and two parts of water, or of water to which the juice of a large lemon has been added. Equipment : The equipmen* for taking an enema is illustrated here. Generally tb«. apparatus is supplied with a small bakellite catheter auacfv d to the tube. But it would be more advisable to purchase a plastic catheter of the type designated no. 24 in place of the bakellite one. The plastic catheter is much more convenient. Fill the enema can with about a litre of a lukewarm mixture of shivambu and water, or of water to which lemon juice has been added. (Equipment for taking enemas)

Method : Place the enema can at a height of about a metre from the floor, or suspend it from a nail in the wall at this height Open the tap and allow some water to flow out, so as to remove air bubbles from the tube. No>v lie down face up on the floor. Place a support under the hip so that the trunk inclines downwards from the hips to the head. Lubricate the anal orifice well with oil or bathing soap. Lubricate the end of the catheter also in a similar way. Now insert the catheter into the rectum through the anus to the extent of 10 to 12 centimetres (3 to 4 inches). Open the tap gradually, allowing the water to flow gently. Keep the rate of flow moderate. If there is an urge to defecate (empty the bowels) during the process of taking the enema, stop the flow of

water for 10 to 12 seconds. If the urge subs ides, start the flow again. But

(Method of taking an enema)

if it becomes more urgent, it would be best to visit the lavatory and empty the bowels. In that case, continue the process of taking the enema after the visit to the lavatory, but in any case all the water taken in the can must be used up. After emptying the can, control yourself for some time so as to retain the water in the intestines for a few minutes. Meanwhile, turn so as to lie on the right side of the body and on the left side alternately. This will help the wastes to get detached from the walls of the intestines. After retaining the water for a few minutes, visit the lavatory. Let the water flow out spontaneously. On no account should you exert yourself. All the accumulated wastes also will flow out with the water. Sometimes the amount of wastes thus eliminated exceeds all expectations. The whole process is comoleted in 10 to 15 mnutes. Note : Do not let yourself develop a habit of taking enemas. People who normally engagae in work requiring

physical exertion as well as those whose diet includes plenty of fibrous materials and roughage do not need frequent enemas. Benefits : This is an infallible and quick-acting remedy for the ailments mentioned above. As no drugs are used, there is absolutely no danger of side-effects. The enemas effect a thorough cleaning of the intestines. Even after relief has been obtained from the ailments, you would be well advised to continue drinking a cup or a cup and a half of fresh urine three to four times a day. If you feel thirsty in between, plain water may be taken. This regimen of fasting combined with auto-urine therapy will help you to get rid of acute disorders within two to four days. If there is an excessive loss of water from the body due to diarrhoea or vomiting, the patient should be given water with a little fruit juice or saline water from time to time in addition to urine. Preparation of saline water : Dissolve four spoonfuls of glucose, half a spoonful of baking soda and a quarter spoonful of potassium chloride in a litre of water. Drinking such saline water from time to time replenishes the water and salts being lost from the body. In cases of acute diseases, recovery is hastened by lightly massaging with fresh urine for 30 to 60 minutes once a day or so. (Stale urine which has been stroed for about four days, and urine which has been boiled till three-fourths of it is left, have also been recommended for massage.) If the patient is suffering from anuria or is unable to pass urine for any reason whatsoever, he should be given the urine of a healthy person to drink. A man should be given the urine of another man. and if a woman, the urine of another woman, as long as it is necessary.

If the patient is unconscious or semi-conscious, no attempt should be made to make him or her drink urine, as that entails the danger of the urine going into the lungs : such an event may have grave consequences. In such cases, massaging with urine should be taken as adequate, but in more serious cases, the urine of the patient can be injected intramuscularly. One of the staunchest proponents of auto-urine therapy, Dr Paragji Desai, M. B. B. S., advocated the injection of 2 to 10 millilitres of the patient's own fresh urine, the amount depending on the constitution and physique of the patient. Dr Desai has cured innumerable patients by injecting them with their own urine. Dr Shivanandiyam also gives asthma patients injections of their own urine. Auto-urine therapy in cases of chronic disorders : The real efficacy of auto-urine therapy is exhibited most impressively in the treatment of chronic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, skin diseases, and such other diseases deemed incurable or requiring long and drastic treatment by other therapeutic systems. Astonishing results are obtained by fasting on autourine and massaging with it. Such fasts may be continued for eight to fifteen days. Before embarking on auto-urine therapy for the treatment of such difficulty curable or incurable diseases, some prior preparatory steps are necessary. Before commencing a regimen of fasting on urine, light and easily digestible food should be taken for a period of about a week, a prominent place in the diet being given to raw uncooked vegetables and fruits. This will result in the gradual accumulation of vitamins and salts in the body, which will come in useful during the period of fasting. In addition to this, it is necessary to massage the body with stale urine which has been stored for about four days. For this purpose, some seven or eight bottles should be kept ready, numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. in sequence. One or two of these bottles must be filled daily for some days before embarking on the fast. Each bottle must be marked with the date of filling as well as the number. The

bottles must be properly stoppered after filling. On the first day of the fast, immediately on getting up In the morning and cleaning the mouth, all the urine that is passed that morning must be drunk up. After that an enema of urine mixed with water should be taken. Now the bottle of stale urine numbered I should be opened. The whole body should be massaged for about an hour with the urine contained in that bottle. Stale urine usually has a strong and unpleasant odour, but do not let that disturb you. The sequence of movements to be followed in massaging the body is indicated with numbers in the figure on the right. When the urine in a bottle is used up, the bottle should be washed thoroughly the same day, should be filled afresh, and should be marked with the next appropriate number and the date of filling. A bath should be taken after the lapse of one hour from the time of the completion of the massage. If there is a wound or a boil on any part of the body, massaging the surrounding area should be avoided, and a strip of cloth soaked in urine applied instead. During the period of fasting, it is necessary that the entire quantity of urine that is passed throughout the dav and night should be drunk. If one is thirsty in the intervening period, it is permissible to drink water, either plain or with lemon juice. Complete rest must be taken during the treatment.

This regimen should be continued for 8 to 12 days as necessary. It would be advisable to carry out the treatment under the supervision of a qualified doctor who is an expert in this type of treatment, in order that his guidance may be available whenever it becomes necessary. Termination of the urine fast : Generally one experiences feelings of hunger in greater than normal strengths during the first two or three days of the fast. But this hunger is caused by habit, and is spurious, not genuine natural hunger. These feelings will disappear in two to three days. Later on when the task of purifying the body has been accomplished, genuine hunger begins to be felt. This should be taken to mean that the required period of fasting has ended. If no food is taken even after this stage, starvation will start showing its effects. But it is very difficult to distinguish between genuine hunger and starvation. Hunger is a very personal feeling. When the mind is occupied in some interesting task, one does not become aware of hunger. On the other hand, even the thoughts or sight of a favourite dish arouses hunger immediately. Because of such complications, one cannot rest secure in the assumption that so long as genuine hunger is not felt, the effects of malnutrition due to starvation are not likely to occur. Nor can the arousal of feelings of hunger due to some special circumstances be taken as proof that the proper period of fasting is over and the adverse effects of starvation are likely to set in. The conditions of fasting on the one hand and starvation on the other can be reliably distinguished on the basis of human physiology and certain investigations. During fasting the body obtains the necessary nutrition by the combustion of ferign materials and tixins present in the body. Simultaneously the catabolism of boold sugar and fats also commences to a small extent. If fasting is continued even after the store of fats in the body is exhausted, the cells and fibres of various tissues in the body begin to get consumed in an attempt to supply nutritive materials needed by the body. Ketone bodies are produced in the body as products of ihe

combustion of fats in the body. These ketone bodies enter the blood stream, and make the blood acidic. As more and more fats are broken down, the blood becomes more and more acidic. When the proportion of the ketone bodies in the blood exceeds 2.4 milligrammes in 100 ml of blood,-a condition termed ketosis-they overflow into the urine. The presence of ketone bodies in the urine is a danger signal, because ketosis leads to acidosis, resulting in a crisis for life itself. This condition is generally produced only after a long period of fasting, viz. a period of 40 to 50 days. The patient who is fasting, and the physician who is supervising the fast, must keep a close watch on the external signs of acidosis, which include nausea, vomiting, laboured breathing (as if the patient is struggling for more oxygen), arhythmic pulse, dehydration, altered states of consciousness (as for example drowsiness or loss of consciousness), etc. A chemical examination of urine becomes necessary on the very first appearance of any one of thes%e signs, and if it reveals the presence of ketone bodies in the blood, an immediate termination of the fast is indicated.1 As a general rule fasting for 10 to 12 days is completely safe, and even such a short period of fasting is generally of considerable benefit. The fast must be broken at the appropriate time as ascertained on the basis of the above considerations. The fast may be repeated after some days if necessary. Repeated short-period fasting is better, and safer, than a single prolonged period of fasting. Those who are desirous of knowing more about the science of fasting should consult the book The Efficacy of Fasting' by Dr Dhanlal Gala and Dr Dhiren Gala. 1 The presence of ketone bodies in the urine can be detected by chemical examination of urine by Rothera’s or Garhardt’s method.

Termination of urine-fast and diet for the succeeding period : The breaking or termination of a fast is perhaps of greater importance than the fast itself. It may happen that the benefits of fasting are not apparent during the period of fasting. But the benefits will become easily discernible within a few days of the termination of the fast. Extra care has to be exercised and additional precautions need to be taken at the time of termination of fasts. Patience and self-control are also equally important. The benefits conferred by the fast can be consolidated and renewed fasting is not required only if all these factors are accorded due care. At the crucial time of the termination of a fast, it is necessary to bear in mind that the digestive system has been slowed down during the fast to the point of being rendered almost inactive. The glands associated with the process of digestion have become dormant. The intestines too have become shrivelled to some extent. Great care must be taken in imposing the strain of digestion once again on all these organs. Each of the organs must be given a chance to reactivate itself in a certain definite sequence. In the opinion of experts, fasts should be terminated, i.e. 'broken', with a very small amount of the sweet-sour juice of oranges or other similar citrous fruits. A fairly long interval must separate two successive ingestions of even these small quantities of the juices. The intervals can then be decreased and the amounts of the juices taken can be increased gradually. A bowel movement three to four hours after the termination of the fast with the juice is desirable. For the first three or four days only liquid diet such as fruit juices or the juices of the ereen leafv vegetables should be taken, and that too in fairly small quantities, which must be gradually increased. After four or five days of this regimen, it is permissible to include soft and juicy fruits, boiled vegetables, milk, buttermilk, small quantities of dry fruits, etc., in the daily diet. Normally a fairly long period should be allowed to elapse

before resuming the normal diet of cooked food. Being in a hurry to recoup the energy and the weight lost during the fast by taking more concentrated, more nutritious and fatty food is not only absurd, it is thoughtless and positively harmful. Diet following a fast must be rigidly controlled. As a thumb rule, it can be stated, that the number of days taken in gradual resumption of normal diet should ideally equal or exceed the number of days for which the fast lasted. Harmful effects may ensue if this rule is not strictly adhered to. The necessity of fasti ng is itself due to a fai lure to observe regularity, propriety and proportion in food habits. If the same lack of control in the food habits is to be exhibited after the fast as before it, the body will once again become a storehouse of insalubrious wastes and toxins, giving rise to serious diseases. Fasting is nothing but a purificatory, health-restoring and temporary expedient. A person who is regular in his food habits and leads a life of moderation and self-control would rarely need long periods of fasting. For such persons, fasting for one day or missing one meal every week or fortnight would be quite adequate. Some people may experience weakness or lassitude for a week or so after the terminaion of a fast. But this is generally only a temporary phase. When blood sugar levels that have been lowered during the fast rise to normal values as stocks of sugar build up to original levels, these feelings of weakness will disappear by themselves. If on termination of a fast, the body temperature rises and one feels feverish, this must be interpreted as an indication of undue haste in terminating the fast and resumption of normal diet, or some lapse or carelessness at some stage. But this is no cause for

worry. All that is required is an immediate reduction in the amount of food being taken, or resuming the fast for a day or two. Work involving physical exertion should be resumed only gradually, after resting for a week following the termination of a fast. While resuming one's activity, one must pay due attention to the condition of one's body and the experiences one had during the fast. Other applications of auto-urine therapy : There are two main divisions of auto-urine therapy: drinking urine, and massaging with urine. But urine can be employed for therapeutic purposes in other ways too. Ailments of the eyes and the ears can be successfully treated with urine drops. Eyes can be cleaned and the conjunctive strengthened by the following procedure : fill a katori or a specially designed eyecup up to the brim with urine. Immerse each eye in the urine by bending over the cup, and open and close the eye several times while it is under the surface. If a piece of cloth soaked in urine is placed over the stings of insects or bites of other animals, it will assuage the pain and the burning sensation, and the severity of the poison will also be reduced. It is necessary to change the cloth frequently. If the poison or venom is virulent, it would be advisable to drink urine, in addition to the external application. Application of cloth soaked in one's urine to cuts, wounds and sores helps them to heal quickly. The cloth should be removed before it dries. The use of urine diluted with water for taking enemas and neti has already been discussed. Auto-urine therapy in the treatment of disorders of the various systems of the body :

Disorders of the digestive system : (1 ) Gargling with auto-urine is recommended in the treatment of ulcers on the lips or the tongue, irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and sore throat. {2) Application of wads of cotton soaked in autourine is beneficial in disorders of the teeth and gums. (3 ) If suffering from stomach ulcer, drink urine diluted with a moderate amount of water. If the burning sensation in the stomach persists even after you have drunk such diluted urine, mixing a little honey with the urine will help. (4) In disorders of the digestive system, considerable benefit is derived from the application of a paste made by mixing urine with clay, or using this paste as a mud pack, on the lower abdomen. This mud pack should be applied once every day for the duration of half an hour to one hour. (5) In all disorders of the digestive system, and especially in cases of constipation, enemas of urine diluted with water are essential. (6) Magnetised urine is especially beneficial in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system. Disorders of the respiratory system : (1 ) Neti with urine, or with urine mixed with water, should be taken to obtain relief from the distress caused by the common cold. After taking neti, the nasal passages must be freed completely from any urine or water remaining in them. (2) Gargling with urine is of help in disorders of the respiratory system also. (3) Relatively more frequent and more prolonged massages are recommended for the treatment of respiratory disorders.

(4) Application of chest packs using cloch soaked in urine is also greatly beneficial in such cases. The chest pack should be applied once every day for the duration of half an hour to one hour. Venereal diseases and disorders of the genital system : (1) Urine must be filtered before use. (2) The T-pack using cloth soaked in urine should be applied to the genitalia once every day for the duration of half an hour to one hour. Disorders of the urinary system : (1 ) In such disorders, auto-urine therapy should be used very circumspectly, under the supervision of experts. (2) Despite the disorder, urine can still be used therapeutically, after filtering it. (3) Magnetised urine is especially beneficial in the treatment of disorders of the urinary system. Disorder of the heart and the circulatory system : In cases of such disorders auto-urine therapy should be used with great circumspection, and only under the supervision of experts. Skin diseases : (1 ) Wet packs using cloch soaked in urine are highly efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases. (2) The affected parts should be massaged very lightly and cautiously with urine. (3) White patches due to leucoderma should first be massaged with urine, and then exposed to direct sunlight for a short period. Note : The views of the practitioners of auto-urine therapy in the western countries differ in some respects from those expounded in the ancient Indian works on the subject. The main difference in the two systems are set out lit the following table. Recommendations regarding auto-urine therapy Sr. No.

Eastern System

Western System


Amount of urine to be Normally only once a All the urine passed taken, and time day, in the morning, during the day and the night. about 200 to 300 mill i litres.


Portion of urine

Initial and final portions of the urine

No portion is to be rejected. All the urine

passed are to be rejected.

that is passed is to be drunk.



Simple, easily digestible foods permissible during therapy.

No food is permissible during therapy.


Addition of other substances of

Addition of specific substances of thera-

Addition of other substances is totally

therapeutic value

peutic value is prescribed in the Shivambu Kalpa


Vidhi in Damar Tantra. 5

Urine for massages

Urine stored for four days, and then boiled till it is reduced to - of its original amount, is to be used for massages.

Urine stored for eight days is to be used for massages without boiling it or treating it in any other way.

Both the above systems have proved equally effective in practice. Experience has shown that the process of healing is accelerated if auto-urine therapy is accompanied by fasting. Summary: 1. Drinking one cup of one's own urine in the morning is adequate for the maintenance of health.

2. Minor and acute disorders should be treated by drinking one or one and a half cupfuls of one's own urine three times a day. 3. In cases of major and chronic disorders/ there should be total abstention from food, and all the urine passed during 24 hours should be ingested. 4. The benefits accruing from drinking one's own urine are accelerated and augmented by massages with stale (aged) urine. 5. Wounds and sores should be treated by application of strips of cloth soaked in urine. Disorders of the eyes and ears should be treated by instillation of drops of urine. 6. No adverse effects are caused by any variations in the amounts of urine ingested or applied.

6. AUTO-URINE THERAPY : SOME PROBABLE UNTOWARD EFFECTS The very moment that symptoms of even a minor disorder are noticed, measures are taken to suppress them with the help of medicines. This is the invariable practice of all of us, as every one wants to free himself from disease at the earliest possible stage. As a matter of fact, the symptoms of an acute disease are indicative of the struggle of the body against the disease. In an effort to bum off the toxins or alien substances that have accumulated in the body, it raises its temperature. This is what we know as 'fever'. The efforts made by the body to eject foreign matter accumulated in the respiratory organs are known as 'cough' to the average man, who promptly adopts measures to suppress the cough. Because the body utilises all its energy in fighting the disease, it has no energy to spare for digestive processes during an illness. The result is a more or less complete loss of appetite. But we regard loss of appetite itself as one more disorder in need of a cure! Thus ordinarily our treatment of disorders is directed at the suppression of precisely those efforts which the body is making to rid itself of the disorders! Worse still, we pour additional poisons into the body in the form of the 'medicines'. The natural consequence is that the internal balance of the body is upset, and the normal processes taking place in the body are also seriously interefered with. With the passage of time, the acute disease is transformed into a chronic one. Acute diseases exhibit violent and distressing symptoms, but the symptoms disappear spontaneously when the disturbance or the toxins causing the disorder are removed, and the body once again resumes its normal functions. The symptoms of a chronic disease may not be so violent, but the body is consumed from within in such cases, like wood infested with termites.

Commencement of auto-urine therapy initiates the process of purification of the body. The efforts at the elimination of the toxins from the body may sometimes cause temporary distress, and the condition of the patient may seem to worsen. But the patients who understand the real nature of these manifestations of the action of the curative powers of the body are mentally prepared to put up with these temporary discomforts, and are not in the least frightened by them. These distressful conditions arising in the initial stages of auto-urine therapy include headaches, excessive dripping of fluids from the nose, swollen gums, mild irritation of the throat, diarrhoea, eruptions of furuncles all over the body, or fever. Such experiences will vary from person to person, as the constitution of every person naturally differs from that of another. In such cases, the patient should avoid all foods, take complete rest, drink diluted urine and occasionally take some water to which the juice of a lemon or an orange has been added. If one feels excessively weak, honey can be used to supplement the juices. Complete abstention from food may cause constipation. A daily enema of dilute urine is therefore advisable. Skin eruptions or furuncles should not be massaged with urine. A wet pack of urine should be applied over them instead. The important thing is to continue the treatment without losing faith, patience or peace of mind. These discomforts subside spontaneously in two or at the most four days. And this subsidence is an indication of the purification of the body and the elimination of the disease. It is only in less than fifty per cent of cases of the adoption of auto-urine therapy that such distressful conditions arise. However, everyone embarking on a

course of auto-urine therapy must be prepared to face them. Adoption of external therapeutic procedures such as magnetotherapy, acupressure or hydropathy (hydrotherapy) in conjunction with auto-urine therapy can help in controlling such distressful conditions, keeping them relatively mild, and shortening their duration considerably. Summary: 1. If the disease assumes a more acute or virulent form following the commencement of auto-urine theory, there is no need to panic. This is only an indication that the natural protective vital force of the body has been activated and it is making efforts to free the ( body of the disease. Everything will settle down in a day or two. 2. The subsidence of the discomforts occasioned by the initiation of auto-urine therapy can be taken as an indication that the body has been purified.

7. LIMITATIONS OF AUTO-URINE THERAPY To claim that 'auto-urine therapy is a fail-proof remedy for each and every disorder that afflicts mankind' would be both extravagant and misleading. Actually there is no therapy, no medicine that can cure all disorders. Even the medicine that has been proved to be efficacious for a particular disease does not prove equally beneficial to all patients suffering from that disease. Moreover, even in the case of a patient subject to recurring attacks of the same disease, no drug proves equally effective every time. If it is claimed that' auto-urine therapy is an infallible remedy for each and every disorder, such a claim merely exposes the lack of a scientific viewpoint. Perhaps this is the reason why people tend to mistrust or lack confidence in the therapy. If the natural resistive powers of the body have been rendered moribund, and so beyond reactivation, it is hardly possible that auto-urine therapy (or indeed any other therapy) would prove beneficial. Auto-urine therapy is best avoided, or applied with great circumspection, in cases of the following disorders : (1 ) Diabetes. (2) All disorders in which salt is contra-indicated; e.g.hypertension (high blood pressure), oedema, etc. (3) Kidney disorders. The belief that one's own urine is invariably beneficial under all conditions is based on mere blind faith. For instance, if a person has been given a (non-lethal) poison, most of the poison will be eliminated through the urine. If this urine is drunk by that person, is it possible that it will act as amrit, nectar, the water of life? The urine of a diabetic contains sugar in the form of glucose. If drinking the urine containing sugar does not harm the diabetes patient, this cannot be regarded as anything short of a miracle.

Summary: 1. Auto-urine therapy is indisputably beneficial in the treatment of numerous disorders. But it would not be proper to claim that it is a fail-proof remedy for all disorders. 2. Treatment with self urine is inadvisable in disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney failure. 3. In case the condition of the patient is found to deteriorate after commencement of auto-urine therapy, consult an expert in this system of therapy.

8. SOME PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS (1) The mind plays a very important part in the causation and cure of diseases. 'When the mind awakens, diseases flee/ Treatment undertaken and remedies adopted with deep-seated faith take effect very quickly. On the other hand, treatment undertaken unwillingly or in a lackadaisical spirit does not yield the expected benefits. In order to develop faith and confidence in auto-urine therapy, begin by reading the literature dealing with it. Do not commence treatment until you have acquired this faith. (2) Adopt the procedures prescribed by the therapy strictly in accordance with the recommendations and instructions, and with absolute regularity. Half-hearted and irregular measures may prove of little or no use. (3) The dosage of urine should be increased gradually during the course of treatment. This will helo to forestall undesirable or allergic reactions and other discomforts. (4) If the urine is found to contain suspended impurities, strain or filter it before use. (5) No food or drink should be taken within an hour before or after drinking urine. (6) It is advisable to discontinue other treatments involving the use of medicines during the course of auto-urine therapy. External therapeutic measures such as magnetotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture or naturopathic treatment may however be continued without harm. On the contrary, they may help in quicker recovery. (7) Self urine is a revivifier and an elixir of life. But there is no need to assume that it absolves you from the necessity to observe the rules of sensible food habits and life-style. No

therapeutic measures can benefit a person who disregards these rules. How is auto-urine therapy to be blamed if the expected benefits fail to materialise owing to improper food habits and life-style? It is equally true that a flagrant disregard of these basic rules regarding food and life-style even after acquisition of robust health through auto-urine therapy may bring on a relapse of the disease.

9. SOME CASE HISTORIES 1. CANCER The magazine 'Bhoomiputra' features discussions on nature cure (naturopathy). It carries articles on many other therapeutic systems. The experiences of patients and the opinions of experts are also featured. I find some of the details reported very amusing. As against the purely theoretical arguments without any factual basis, I wish to present my own experience here. My name is Nanubhai Kalidas Chitalia. I am 53 years old. I live at present on the fourth floor of Kapadia Building No. 2, Near G. T. School, Malharrao Wadi, Kalbadevi, Mumbai. I believe that the story of my illness and my recovery to the extent of being able to lead a completely normal life, is of considerable interest, and may prove a source of inspiration to many who have lost all hope. It may rekindle the vital spark in the hearts of those who have lost the will to live. One unlucky day in February 1976, while I was shaving myself, I discovered a small lump under the lobe of my right ear-a hard movable lump that shifted up or down under pressure. No similar lump was found on the left side. I showed it to my family doctor, who did not attach much importance to my complaint. He commenced treatment, attributing the lump to 'weakness'. As there was no improvement, I approached a consultant Physician. 'Deficiency of vitamins/ he diagnosed, and prescribed injections and medicines. A month passed without any improvement. Another doctor was consulted. He listened patiently and attentively, and went through the details of the injections and medicines. He suspected cancer and advised me to go to the Tata Hospital* I saw Dr J. J. Vyas of the Tata Hospital on 19 March 1976. He works in association with Dr Paymaster. He examined me thoroughly, and administered

certain tests. There was no pain when the lump was pressed. The test reports came in : I had cancer. The hospital card was issued to me on 19 March 1976, and bore the number AH-3603. Treatment for cancer was commenced. 200-watt irradiations were given on alternate days, 20 in all, over a period of about a month and a half. A check showed no appreciable improvement. Another course of ten 200watt exposures was commenced. This time there were indications of irritation on my neck. My throat began to feel parched. The sense of taste was lost. The irradiated area was scorched. Some skin was excised. There was some relief, though it proved to be temporary. I had contracted some bad habits in my childhood. Including smoking 20-25 biris or cigarettes, chewing 4 to 5 betel leaves with tobacco and drinking 5 to 6 cups of strong tea every day, I weighed 62 kilograms. But after contracting cancer, I began to lose weight. There was no discomfort after the treatment at the Tata Hospital. Things were all right till near the end of the year 1977. In Decemeber 1977, a lump was noticed on my abdomen. I began to have fever, the temperature ranging from 101° F to 103*F. I lost appetite completely. Lassitude invaded my body. I went to the Tata Hospital again in February 1978, and saw Dr Vyas. The family doctor had been treating me during this period, but the fever did not respond to the treatment. There was another round of tests and investigations. I was told that I had cancer of the liver. There were growths on three sides of the liver. No operation or radiation therapy was possible. A course of medicines was initiated. Ten injections costing Rs 50 each were given, on alternate days. As

there was no improvement, ten more injections, costing Rs 140 each this time, were given. Despite all this, there was no improvement! I got weaker and weaker. My weight dropped to 30-32 kg. I had no appetite. There was a nauseating bad taste in my mouth. On the top of all this, I developed piles. Lumps, fever and piles! I was getting desperate. There was persistent, nagging pain. Dr Vyas gave his final opinion, 'Take rest now. There is nothing more we can do for you/ Treatment was discontinued. Our family doctor suggested removal of the piles by an operation. But I was in extreme distress because of the pains inflicted by a triplet of diseases. Dr Vyas called for another consultation at my home. After a detailed examination, he asked the members of my family to 'finish all important tasks expeditiously'. As we belong to the Vaishnav sect, the donation of a cow in alms was attended to immediately. Preparations for the ultimate journey were diligently taken on hand. These included pooja worship in the Haveli temple and other religious ceremonies. The proposal of operating for piles was rejected summarily. When death was imminent, what was the sense in having the operation? These events took place in April 1978. The spirit was impatient to escape from the body. But my will to live was not yet prepared to submit so easily. My will power was continually inducing me to entertain no other thoughts except those of survival. And one day it was as if the Messiah Himself came to our door. Our next-door neighbour Ramdasbhai stepped into my house, and very gently placed a book in my hands. It was 'Manav Mootra' (Human Urine) by Ravjibhai Patel. Like a drowning man clutching at a straw, I began to read it avidly and with rekindled hope. I went straight to the chapter on piles. I saw light at the end of the tunnel. As death was staring me in the face why shouldn't this free treatment be tried? Accordingly, I commenced auto-urine

therapy for the treatment of piles. I began to wash the piles 8 to 10 times a day with fresh urine. There was some improvement in about 15 days. One day two of the excrescences dropped away while cleaning! My surprise and joy knew no bounds! The third one also fell out after four days. The bleeding stopped, the pain simply disappeared. As I had succeeded in freeing myself from one of the three disorders, my confidence grew, and my faith in this therapy deepened. I reported this development to the doctor who had recommended an operation. He could not give credence to such an unconventional cure, so he came and examined me. He was astonished when he saw the results. Now I decided to commence treatment of the other two complaints, fever and the tumours of the liver, and began drinking my urine on the auspicious day of Dasserah, 1978. I began with half a glass, that is about 4 ounces, of fresh urine in the morning. Meanwhile I continued to take the medicines prescribed by the Tata Hospital authorities. I had been suffering from asthma, which was inherited from my parents. After eight to ten days of auto-urine therapy, I noted assuagement of the symptoms of asthma. So I increased the frequency of my intake of urine to twice a day. Again in a period of 8 to 10 days, I began to recover my appetite. The sense of taste which had been lost completely was regained to some extent. I began to feel a little stronger and more active. I became more enthusiastic, and increased the frequency of the intake of urine from twice a day to three, four and more times a day. About 24 ounces of urine were now to be taken everyday. The fever now freed me from its clutches, thus greatly augmenting both my joy and my enthusiasm. I began to drink plenty of water. I began to pass 7 or 8

glassfuls of water in a day, and my total intake reached 48 ounces a day. About one and a half months from the commencement of this therapy, I had a sudden severe attack of colic at night. I ran to the lavatory. I was feeling so sick that I decided not to lock the lavatory from inside, and asked my wife to stand near the door. I passed very foul smelling stool in a few moments. A highly malodorous liquid containing fibrous materials, red in colour resembling that of flesh, was forcibly expelled in great quantity, followed by black lumpy matter. The smell was so intolerable that it was not possible to continue to sit or even stand Ihere. All at once I felt extremely weak. My wife cleaned me up, and led me to my bed. I was fast asleep in five minutes. Because of my various diseases, I had never before slept so soundly. I began to feel better from the next day. After another 15 days, I had the severe abdominal pains once again, and foul smelling lumps were passed in the stool as before. Such lumps continued to be excreted for the following ten days or so, in smaller amounts. After that I began to feel much better. The cancerous tumours could not be detected on examination of the abdomen. My intake of food increased, and so did my weight. I had stopped taking the medicines prescribed by the doctors at the Tata Hospital. After about two or two and a half months, I had recovered completely. The doctor who had been treating me was struck with wonder. After about six months, I went to the Tata Hospital to see Dr Vyas. He was stunned on seeing me. He could not trust his eyes. He had put my file away on the shelf six months ago, when he had found that I had only 10 or 15 days to live. He looked at me incredulously, and asked, 'You are Chitalia? You yourself! You are still alive? I laughed and said, 'Yes, sir, I am the very same Nanubhai Chitalia, alive and kicking. I am not a ghost!' He called for my file immediately, and examined me. He called his assistant too, and recounted to him all that had happened. He also apprised Dr Prafulla Desai, the Head of the Institution, of all the details. Dr Ashok Mehta, Dr S. R. Rao, all gathered there. They went through my records.

They simply could not understand how those tumours had disappeared. I told them about the auto-urine therapy, with all the details. But the doctors asked, 'What is the proof that it was auto-urine therapy that has effected the cure?' Their medical science had reservations about the efficacy of this therapy. I challenged them to place four of their patients in my charge, assuring them that I would cure them while they stayed in that very hospital. They were not legally in a position to permit me to undertake such an experiment. Thinking of the great responsibility which would rest on their heads in case anything should happen to any of the patients, they expressed their inability to take up the challenge. Today at the age of 53 years, I am perfectly healthy, take normal food, and am holding a job. There is no trace of disease in my body. I do not take any medicines whatsoever now. True, drinking of urine continues. I drink my own urine seven or eight times a day. I am greatly indebted to the gentleman who lent me the book 'Manav Mootra'. (Bhoomiputra, 1 - 2 - '84) — Nanubhai Kalidas Chitalia

2. CANCER OF THE UVULA At the time of the incident, I was totally ignorant of auto-urine therapy. The incident took place in 1954. It concerns a resident of Ahmadabad, Shri Chhannalal Tulsidas Patel. He is 51 years old, and serves at present as muneem, or office supervisor, in the firm known as Shri Chimanlal Mangaldas and Company, having its office at Lai Darwaja. He had cancer of the uvula. A young man working in the same firm, Shri Babubhai Soni, was greatly

interested in medical science. During his search for all kinds of curative and therapeutic procedures, he came across 'Water of Life', a book written by the late Dr Armstrong, and studied the book. He was convinced about the value of the therapy recommended therein, and tried to persuade his colleague Shri Chhannalal to try auto-urine therapy. Chhannalal was convinced, and tried the therapy. He was cured. Later, after three years or so, I wrote an account of my experience with the system. Babubhai Soni read that, and came with Shri Chhannalal to me. Shri Chhannalal recounted his experience regarding auto-urine therapy with great conviction and confidence. Here is his account in his own words : "It was in 1954 that I found that an ulcer had developed on my uvula. I had a burning sensation when I took any food, and when I drank water. I consulted a specialist, folowed his instructions and took the prescribed medicines, but found no noticeable improvement. I consulted various experts on different occasions; but none of them could tell me what exactly was wrong. Thereafter Shri Babubhai Ochchhavlai Soni sent me an English book about the great importance of urine, and advised me to drink my own urine. Initially I was quite reluctant because of the disgust, but he continued his efforts to convince me. After his strenuous efforts for three months, I agreed to drink urine. This auto-urine therapy did give me some relief from the burning, and I regained some strength too. Seeking a complete cure, I consulted Dr Haribhakti. He recommended an operation. He also said that radiotherapy will become necessary after the operation, for healing. As I had been fed up for quite some time with the pain associated with the disease, I promptly agreed to the operation. The doctor sent the excised partion to the Civil Hospital for examination. Shri Babubhai Soni met me on the very day I had the operation, and again exhorted me to drink my own urine. As in any case I was not to be allowed to take any food for 3-4 days, I got the benefits of fasting. I took advantage of this fasting period to drink the

maximum amounts of urine I could. The wound left by the operation healed very quickly, in just three days. I went to the doctor frequently for check-ups. Even the doctor was at a loss to understand the miraculous rapidity with which the cut had healed and the pain had subsided. My employer, Sheth Shri Madanmohan Mangaldas, has great affection for me. So he graciously inquired about my ailment. I informed him that on the basis of the report from the Civil Hospital, the doctor had diagnosed cancer. Sheth Saheb instructed me to go to Mumbai and undergo a thorough examination at the Tata Hospital. Now I of course knew that the rapid healing was the result of drinking urine. I therefore continued to drink as much urine as I could. But I honoured the wishes of my employer and went to the Tata Hospital. There they insisted on applying radium on the part that had been operated upon, in accordance with the doctor's report. Actually I needed no such thing, as the cut had healed competely and there was no pain. The hospital authorities asked me to report again after a month. Drinking urine had resulted in my putting on 13 pounds (about 6 kg) during this time. When I reported back, the doctors at the Tata Hospital were astonished. They did not prescribe any medicines or radiotherapy, but asked me to return for a check-up after two months' time. During this period, I put on additional weight amounting to 23 pounds (more than 10 kg). I was able to take adequate food, and I was strong as I had never been before. More than two and a half or possibly three years have passed after that. The weight I had put on at that time has been retained. Though I am now 51, I have the strength and energy of a 41-year old man. I have to thank Shri Babubhai Ochchhavlai Soni for all this. If he had not obtained this book of auto-urine therapy for me, and had not taken the trouble to persuade me to give it a trial it was really difficult to say which world I would

have been inhabiting now." (Dt. 17-10-'58) (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

3, ANOTHER CASE OF CANCER I felt as if the very ground was falling away from beneath my feet when I learnt that my wife Bakula had cancer. She was hardly 30. We were a family of five, including two daughters and one son. We were living happily together. In addition, as I have no brother, my parents were also living with us. On learning of Bakula's ailment, my father cried out, 'O God, for which sins are you punishing my son Indravadan and his three young children, along with Bakula? Take me away, but keep Bakula alive, to take care of the family/ Her parents too were shocked. We all girded our loins to snatch her back from jaws of cancer. The first lump on Bakula's neck was detected in January 1982. It subsided under the treatment of the family doctor, but another one appeared in the armpit after three months. The doctor had a suspicion/ and on his advice an operation was performed after taking an X-ray photograph. We were all shaken to the depths of our souls when we learnt that the biopsy had revealed that the lumps were cancerous tumours. We came to Ahmadabad from Baroda and contacted Dr Pankaj Shah. Bakula was given radiation treatment in the cancer hospital. There was some improvement. We had to come to Ahmadabad every month for check-ups. This went on for one and a half years. In January '84 another tumour was noticed in the leg joint. Biopsy revealed that it was also a cancerous tumour. We were terrified by this revelation. In the hope of preventing any serious consequences, we took her to the Tata Cancer Hospital in Mumbai. Dr Advani instituted treatment. He advised six ABVD courses over a period of six months, one course every month. The first course was started on 18, August '84. Five injections were given to her between the 18th and the

22nd of August. There was a violent reaction. There was copious vomiting. Not even water could be retained. There was a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. The vomiting continued even after the injections. After taking Electral powder for five or six days, Bakula began to have cold rigours. This was the condition after just the first five injections. The first course had still to be completed with five more injections after fifteen days. But as the W.B.C. count was found to be 2300 on 1 - 9 - '84, it was not possible to give the injections. After five days or so, she developed pain in the ribs, and on the sixth day there were red patches on the back. A fresh examination of the blood on the 7th showed that the white blood corpusle (WBC) count had increased to 6200. Blisters of Herpes broke out on the waist. There were shooting pains in the body. It was not possible to sleep. Bakula was given medicines for the vomiting and the pains. On the 11th she had to be treated for fever. Vomiting started afresh on the 15th. The temperature did not come down. Administration of medicine on the 16th also failed to bring the temperature down. Nothing could be retained in the stomach, but would be thrown out in the vomits and watery stools. For 20 days she had not been able to take any substantial food. We went back to the Tata Hospital. We had to stay there for a week for the treatment, which gave relief from Herpes. In spite of all this suffering caused by the first course, there did not seem to be any other recourse, and as the doctor advised, three more courses were completed. Bakula did not have the courage or strength of mind to commence the fourth and the last course. She weighed 44-45 kg before treatment, but her weight was reduced to 34 kg after four courses of ABVD. The incidental vomiting, fever, aversion to food and other side-effects, were a

torture to her. Bakula used to mumble now and again that it was better that God should grant her death rather than make it necessary to take those injections. But we had to force her to take the injections, for her own good, as directed by the doctor. One day, having come to the limits of her endurance due to the constant stress of worrying about cancer on the one hand and the torture of the injections on the other, Bakula attempted suicide. Her condition brought tears of pity to our eyes. After all, we were not her enemies. But we had no alternative except the treatment prescribed by the doctor. But finally we decided not to force her to complete the remaining two courses of ABVD. As there was no possibility of freeing her from the clutches of cancer if the six courses were not completed, there was now nothing to do except wait for the inevitable end. But either the prayers of my father bore fruit, or the luck of the children exerted its influence. Whatever the reason, we chanced upon the miraculous means of snatching Bakula back from the very jaws of Death. In a periodical run by the Bania (Vanik) community, an account of how a cancer patient, Nanubhai Chitalia, was granted a new lease of life, had been published. One of our well-wishers recommended that we go through the account. My father-in-law took Bakula with him to see Nanubhai Chitalia at his home in the Kalbadevi area of Mumbai. Nanubhai asked her to take courage, recounted his own experience, and persuaded her to forget her disgust and courageously embark on a course of auto-urine therapy. He gave her detailed instructions as to how to go about it. Bakula prepared herself for the treatment in February 1985. It was not at all easy for her to bring herself to drink her own urine. But death was staring her in the face. There was also the worry about the children and me. She was prepared to do anything for us, if not for herself. She stopped taking spicy and

fried foods, and began to drink her own urine three times a day. The effects were miraculous! What the doctors in Ahmadabad and Mumbai could not do, what could not be achieved even after spending thousands of rupees, was effected easily and inexpensively by auto-urine therapy. After about ten days, Baku la's fever subsided, her appetite was restored, and she began to put on weight. Gradually, as the months of March, April and May passed, the hair which had been lost began to grow again, the sunken cheeks began to fill out, her face acquired a new radiance, her weight began to increase, and she began to feel energetic. Bakula had returned to us after knocking at the portals of death, and her health had been restored to such an extent as to enable her to turn the tables, and start taking care of the children and the family, who had been taking care of her. Her weight used to be around 44 to 45 kg before her illness. It had dropped to 34 kg during the illness. But now, in January '86, it has gone up to 51 kg! Really, I wonder why people waste money on doctors and treatments in cases of minor ailments, when auto-urine therapy is available, which can effect a cure even in cases of such terrible diseases as cancer? - Indravadan Chandulal Patel Dera Pole, Rajmahel Road, Baroda-1. (Swamootra Chikitsane Samjo : Jagdish Shah)

4. ASTHMA [Dr Natvarlal Shah, M.B.B.S. of Thasara, Dist. Kaira, has written to us narrating how he managed to free himself from chronic asthma, which had been troubling him for 15 years, with the help of auto-urine therapy. His account is being given here in its entirety.]

To The President The Auto-Urine Therapy Association, Ahmadabad. Sir, I have come to know through my friend Dr Chhotubhai Patel of Navagam that a meeting of your association is to be held at the Ayurvedic College, Surat, under the chairmanship of Shriyut Bapalal Vaidya. I am therefore placing before the association this account of my experience of auto-urine therapy in treating myself for asthma. I am 47 years old. For fifteen years I have been having attacks of asthma, which recur every monsoon. The trouble starts as soon as there is an increase in the atmospheric humidity, and continues with varying intensity throughout the rainy reason. Sometimes the trouble becomes so severe that I am confined to bed for days together. It is not at all possible for me to venture outside my house while it is raining. I have tried numerous Ayurvedic and Allopathic drugs and injections, often obtaining temporary relief, but without any permanent benefit. Last year, that is in 1960, the complaint persisted even after the end of the monsoon, i.e. even in November and December, though in a milder form. A mild attack of asthma would come on every night, and I would have to take a tablet of Uridrinal every morning and evening for relief. In December 1960 i sent for a copy of your book 'Manav Mootra' and studied it thoroughly. Under the influence of the book, supported by the sincere and well-meaning persuasion of two or three friends, I commenced auto-urine therapy from 31 12-'60, adopting the following procedure. (1) Drinking of Urine: For the first ten days, I drank three to four ounces of my own freshly passed urine every day in the morning, noon, and evening. For a month after that, I continued the treatment, though with a reduced frequency,

drinking it only in the mornings and evenings. (2) Massage: I got my whole body massaged with urine for two hours every day early in the morning as recommended in the book, and would bathe in warm water (without using soap) one or one and a half hours after the massage. The massages were continued for exactly one month. (3) Diet: For the first 9 days I fasted, taking nothing except urine and water. For two days after that, I took raisins and dates soaked in water overnight and then mashed into the water, in the mornings. At noon and in the evenings I took cow's milk and ripe papaya. After two days of this regimen, I began to take very light food, starting with khichdi prepared from rice and moong dal (split green grams), boiled in large amounts of water to give porridge-like thick liquid. After two more days I changed over to normal light foods. I take only manually de-husked rice rather than the machine-polished rice usually sold in the market. (During the course of the treatment, I used to take no other milk except cow's milk, and no spices at all.) (4) After one month's treatment as described above, I have recovered completely now. There is no trace of the asthma. I do not take, and am no longer required to take, any drugs or tablets for asthma. Though usually it is only during monsoons that the suffering caused by asthma would become severe, nevertheless some mild trouble would persist longer, and I was forced to take tablets over longer periods because of the continuing discomfort. But the discomfort has not persisted after the treatment, and so there is no need for

me to take the tablets. Nor did I take any tablets or medicines during the course of the treatment. (5) Some physical ailments that caused trouble during the therapy: (a) Boils began to erupt, beginning from the third day of the treatment, mostly below the waist. They continued to erupt for about a month and a half. I did not take any Ayurvedic or Allopathic treatment for the boils. When they became very painful, I applied cotton soaked in my own urine to them, and bandaged them up, which used to relieve the pain. (b) I felt rather uneasy one day during the period of fasting, but the feeling passed, and there was no serious inconvenience. (c) I took papaya during the two days following the initial fast. The very day I took the fruit first, I had a prickly sensation in my throat in the evening, which persisted through the night. Later in the night I began to cough. Early next morning a difficulty in breathing was experienced, in addition to the cough, but soon phlegm began to be expectorated, and the discomfort decreased. The whole sequence of discomfort and relief was repeated the next day. I thought deeply about this trouble, and decided to discontinue the ingestion of papaya. The cough subsided that very evening; the difficulty in breathing did not recur the next morning. After that I began to change over to solid food. For two days I took only semi-liquid khichdi of the consistency of porridge in the mornings, and only cow's milk in the evenings. The third evening I had a rotla (flat pancake) of bajri (millet) with the milk. That night the cough recurred. Early next morning at about 3 o'clock along with the cough, I began to experience difficulty in breathing. The difficulty was severe enough to force me to sit up in bed. In about two hours the phlegm began to be loosened, thus affording some relief. This experience, the next evening I substituted wheat pancake for the millet pancake. This change

has a favourable effect: that night I was troubled less by the cough, and did not experience the difficulty in breathing the next morning. Accordingly I decided to continue taking khichdi or rice and dal in the mornings and wheat bhakhris (pancakes) with milk in the evenings. I have had no such trouble since then. I have gradually changed over to normal diet by now. (Though, of course, I continue to avoid taking chillies and fried preparations.) I take only manually de-husked rice. This, then, is my experience with auto-urine therapy. I am convinced that it is of great benefit in the treatment of asthma. Of course, in the matter of diet, changes appropriate to the constitution of the patient should be made in each case. I suppose I must have a constitution with bile as the predominant humour, and that must be the reason why papaya, millets and similar items of food did not agree with me. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)



Shri Laljibhai Heerabhai Patel, aged 43, hailing from Aslali but now residing in Ahmadabad, read accounts of my experiences concerning auto-urine therapy, and decided to tackle his own troubles in his own way, using his own ideas as to how to apply the principles of the system. It was some two months after he had recovered that he came to see me with one of my acquaintances, and described the methods he had adopted and the benefits he had obtained. Later on he sent me a written account of his method of application of urine therapy. This gentleman, Laljibhai had been suffering from weakness of the intestines and impaired digestive function. Every year he would need treatment by a doctor.

One or two months' treatment would put him right, but soon the same troubles would start again. The frequent treatment had caused him considerable economic and bodily harm. Ultimately, last Diwali, he decided to discontinue all treatment. But his health deteriorated once again in the following summer. Meanwhile my article narrating my experiences came to his notice. He began to apply the principles explained therein, without asking for my advice or instructions, to his own case, and in exactly one and a half months, he recovered completely. "I had a touch of asthma as well." he wrote. "Auto-urine therapy has cured me of that too. The only thing that is required in such matters is full faith in the system, and self-control. I feel, on the basis of my own experience, that if I had followed the advice and instructions given by respected Ravji Kaka in his article regarding the system, it would not have taken so long for me to get cured." (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)



36year old Gulab Bahen Pathak was suffering from chronic cold. She also suffered from sore throat. She had frequent bouts of coughing, and lassitude such as caused by mild fevers was also experienced most of the time. She had to rely on medicines to be able to cope with her daily chores. Insomnia was another one of her complaints. Often when she could not sleep, she used to work at her embroidery and knitting till late in the night. One of her acquaintances suggested that she try autourine therapy. She consulted her nephew, who was a qualified doctor, about this. The doctor laughed the suggestion off, advising her not to try such ridiculous remedies, but to consult a specialist instead. She followed his suggestion, and underwent treatment as advised by the specialist for about four months. During the treatment, she found herself getting better for a time, but relapsing back to the same old level of ill health, with the same symptoms manifesting themselves again. Now she was

fed up. Gradually her health was deteriorating. She decided to disregard the advice of her nephew, and to try auto-urine therapy. She came to me for guidance. I examined her thoroughly, and gave her a list of books on the subject, with the intention that she should familiarise herself thoroughly with the principles of the therapy and thereby confirm her resolve. She obtained the books. Within two days she had studied them and digested the information. She embarked on a course of auto-urine therapy in accordance with my instructions. The cold became more severe the next day, but as she found that she could sleep a little better, her faith in the system was sustained. A definite improvement could be observed in about a week. The cold was now much less severe, and the cough and soreness of throat had almost completely disappeared. She had also begun to sleep well. All her ailments were cured within a month. She derived an additional benefit from the treatment. As her thin body filled out because of the increase in the amount of blood in the body, her beauty had been enhanced.

7. TUBERCULOSIS Note : The very first person on whom Dr J. W. Armstrong tried out his system of auto-urine therapy was he himself. How he managed to cure himself of tuberculosis which had reached its last stage is narrated here in his own words : "Although I should prefer to avoid the first person pronoun ['I'] in this book, [I feel that] it is not possible to do so in the circumstances if I am to carry conviction. For one ounce of experience [of a system] outweighs a ton of arguments! "My first patient was myself. It happened in this way.

During the last war, at the age of thirtyfour, I presented myself for medical examination under what was called the Derby Scheme, and was rejected by the four examining doctors on the grounds that I was consumptive. Moreover I was urged to put myself under the care of a physician. Consequently I consulted a specialist. He, however, treated my condition as not very serious, told me I was more a catarrhal subject than a consumptive one, and advised plenty of fresh air, sunshine and a nourishing diet. I followed his advice, and in one year put on 28 pounds (about 13 kg) in weight. Nevertheless, not being satisfied with my condition I consulted another specialist, who informed me that both my lungs were affected, and despite what the previous specialist had said, I was consumptive and must keep up my strength on a diet rich in sugars and starches. Finally, because of such intake of foods, diabetes set in, and I was placed on an entirely new and drastic regime, which consisted of fasting on six half-pints [about Si litres] a day of cold water (sipped) during four days of every week, whilst on the fifth and two following days I was nprmitted a "snack" which onlv served to whet my appetite, not to mention the fact that I was enjoined to chew every morsel of it to such a degree that it only produced a very sore mouth, aching teeth, swollen gums and a swollen tongue. In addition to these discomforts, I was inflicted with insomnia, frayed nerves, and great irritability of temper. The regime was continued for sixteen weeks without a break, and although it resulted in the disappearance of my cough and catarrhal condition, and also of painful sciatica from which I had been suffering, none the less the treatment seemed more unpleasant to me than the disease. The final upshot was that, after two years of this treatments, I lost faith in ooctors and began a series of ventures on my own, although much against their advice. "..... ..... [When I became] very weak and ill, I recalled the text in I)roverbs V [in the Bible} which runs, 'Drink waters out of thine own cistern', a text which, in its turn, reminded me of the case of a young girl whose father gave her her own urine to drink when she was

suffering from diphtheria, with the result that he cured her in three days. Other cases also came to mind (jaundice was one) which had been cured by the same means ....” [I remembered other facts, too. My doctor had told me after examining my urine some years previously, that my lungs and pancreas were diseased and wasting.] "I even remembered saying to him in my then innocence: 'If I am losing vital tissue and sugar through my urine, then why [should I] not drink the urine and replace these elements in that way?' To which he had replied that the organs could not assimilate 'dead matter'. This, however, as I have proved since, was nothing but a theoretical fallacy! "..... ..... I grant that it is unwise dogmatically to assert that any given text of Scripture [Bible] denotes this or that, for many people read into the Bible exactly what they themselves wish to find there. Nevertheless, I believed, and still believe, that the text I have quoted, and many others also, bear reference to that vital fluid which is within our own bodies' and believing it, I acted in accordance with that belief, to find in the end that it proved to be my physical salvation. Fortified by my faith in what I thought to be the correct interpretation of the text, I fasted for forty-five days on nothing but urine and tap water-and this, despite the doctor's assertion that ele~en days without food was the limit to which a hu~an being could go! I also rubbed urine on my bodya very Important factor in the cure. I finally broke my fast on raw beef, and though it gave me no discomfort beyond a ravenous hunger, ! none the less ate cautiously for a time, and continued to drink my own urine, noticing that its changes in temperature, quality, taste, etc., depended almost entirely on what I ate or drank, and on the amount of exercise I took. At the end of the treatment I felt, and was, Ian entirely new man'. I weighed 140 pounds [about 63 kg], was full of vim, looked about 11 years younger than I actually was, and had a [smooth] skin like a young girl's. I was thirtysix at the time, and am now over sixty. Yet by dint of drinking every drop of water that I pass, living on a well-balanced diet, and never eating more food per diem [per day] than I consider th~ body requires, I look and feel much younger than most men ot my age, and [I] keep [myself] free from those major and minor ailments to which the body is said to be heir. ", .... Being convinced that knowledge [which we have acquired] must not be selfishly 'hidden under a bushel', but should be shared with one's fellows, I began to advise and supervise the II

fasting of others [on urine] on the same lines [along which I had regained my health]."

(Water of Life: Dr John Armstrong)

8. PEPTIC ULCER Shri G. B. Kelkar, a Maharashtrian gentleman residing in Shreemali Society in the Navrangpura area of Ahmadabad, sent me an account of his experience in May 1958. I present here extracts of the relevant portion of his communication: I used to have severe pains in the abdomen, and tremors of the hands. A friend suggested that I try urine therapy. I decided to rub urine on my palms. Two or three days' massage resulted in complete cessation of the tremors. This gave me the confidence to continue experimentation with this system. At that time I was suffering from hyperacidity, and had developed peptic ulcers. I had been trying all kinds of treatment for this condition (ailment) for twenty-five years but there had been no improvement. I began to gargle with urine and to massage my body with urine. Within a week I became noticeably more energetic. This was an additional evidence of the efficacy of urine as a therapeutic agent. It gave me an impetus to start drinking urine. I began to drink a glassful of water a day, in three or four portions. The relief I obtained as a result of this treatment in the short period of a week was such as to defy description. I continued the practice for a month. In consequence, today I am completely free from the incubus of hyperacidity. The ulcers in the stomach have healed. My appetite has been restored. My experience has convinced me that urine is nothing less than the elixir of life for those who desire to live a healthy and vigorous life till the very end. Urine confers the gift of perfect health upon us. It guards us against even the more virulent infectious diseases. And it costs us nothing more than sincere belief and abiding faith. Thus it is a medicine that is doubly beneficial to the poorer sections of the population. And its benefits are not only quick but also permanent. I am now 67 years old, but still strong enough to put in the normal amount of work every day, which is undoubtedly the consequence of auto-urine therapy. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

9. DUODENAL ULCER Shri M. A. Noorani, residing at 194, Nagdevi Street, Mumbai 3, is a Muslim. Nevertheless, he has great faith and interest in auto-urine therapy. He has been making laudable efforts to popularise the system

in Mumbai, by making books on the subject available to a considerable number of people, and has induced many persons to interest themselves in the system by providing detailed guidance about the practical side of it. He presented the following account of his experience at the Conference on Autourine Therapy convened at Surat on 15 June, 1981. "Allopathic procedures for the diagnosis of serious diseases entail considerable distress and financial outlay on the part of the patients, and despite all the suffering involved, they are very often found by doctors to be inconclusive, thus failing in their purpose. "My son was suffering from duodenal ulcer. The recurring abdominal pains caused by the ulcer necessitated an operation. The operation was performed in 1950 in a hospital in Mumbai. The pains started again in 1957. Many vaidyas ant' doctors were consulted. Finally one of the doctors said that the cause of the pains was intestinal TB. A course of 40 streptomycin injections and 6 tablets of Isonex a day was instituted as advised by him. My son was to take complete rest for the duration of the treatment. After thirty-five days of this treatment, his feet were found to be swollen. The doctor was consulted again. He advised immediate hospitalisation, as the condition of my son was found to be critical. He was admitted the very next day. Numerous injections and two or three blood transfusions were given. The doctors tried their best for a month and a half, but to no avai I. On the contrary, the swell i ng spread from the feet to the entire legs. Finally the doctors declared that there was nothing further that they could do, and asked me to take the boy home. After that we had him treated by a well-known Homeopath for about twenty days, again without any improvement.

"Another Allopathic doctor was then consulted on the advice of an intimate friend. The doctor was optimistic about recovery after an examination. The boy was therefore admitted toJiospital once again. But within just five days, it is painful to me to have to relate, the duodenal ulcer-for which he had been operated upon in 1950-burst, and he left this mortal world on 31 -8-'57.1 was deeply hurt and shocked, and depression set in. "The event had a strongly adverse effect on my health. I had just such a duodenal ulcer twenty-five years

prior to this event. No relief was obtained by medication, and ultimately I had to have an operation. About a year and a half after the demise of my son, I began to have pains in exactly the same spot. The abdominal pains, bloody stools, retching, loose stools after meals, indigestion, pain in the back and the base of the spine, debility so pronounced that even climbing stairs would make me pant, these and a host of other allied symptoms developed. I was frightened by these developments, and began to worry as to what I should do. The memory of my past experiences discouraged me from approaching doctors. At this juncture, some time in June 1959, one of my friends brought Shri Ravjibhai Manibhai Patel's book 'Manav Mootra' to me, and advised me to go through it. I read the book with great interest, finishing it in two days. "I decided to commence auto-urine therapy along the lines indicated in the book, I have ascertained that the system does not violate any of the precepts of Islam2, and on the basis of my study of this question I can confidently state that the practice of this therapy is neither morally wrong nor violative of any religious principles. "I began the treatment in strict accordance with the instructions given in the book. I adhered rigidly to the recommended diet too. Within the short period of forty days I succeeded in freeing myself from all the distressing symptoms” (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

10. APPENDICITIS Shri Kalidas Shankarbhai Valand of Dabhoi (Dist. Baroda) reports in his letter : About four years ago I had acute appendicitis. I was operated on in the famous Dufferin Hospital at Baroda. But the pain persisted even after that. Later I was treated by some 2

That auto-urine therapy does not violate any of the principles and precepts of Islam, is explained in detail in die book 'Manav Mootra'. Anyone interested in the question can satisfy himself on this point by studying the discussion given therein.

doctors in Dabhoi; there was, however, no relief. A oneyear course of treatment including medicines and injections under a well-known doctor in Baroda also failed to effect any improvement. A doctor in Anand was consulted, but his treatment also proved ineffective. A jury (meeting for collective consultation) consisting of a doctor residing at Mahemedabad, a specialist and a surgeon, both from Ahmadabad, was convened at the residence of the Mahemedabad doctor. Treatment as prescribed by the jury was tried for a time, once again without any improvement. Ultimately all the doctors came to the conclusion that another operation should be performed. I was admitted to the nursing home of a prominent surgeon. There infra-red rays were tried, which did afford me some relief from the pain, but in about a month the pain returned in all its former intensity. I was taken back to the nursing home and the same treatment was instituted, this time, however, without any resultant benefit. At last I requested the doctor to operate, but he said he would like to check by screening whether an onpration was needed. I was given a barium enema, and every part of the system examined thoroughly by screening. The doctor returned on 'N. A. D.' report, and said, "There is nothing wrong with your digestive system. I am therefore discharging you from the nursing home.' I asked him, "What am I to do now?" To which his reply was, "Consult a physician. This is not a matter for surgeons." The pain, of course, persisted. I returned home. Treatment was resumed under the guidance of a physician. A course often injections of Avofortin was completed. It gave me complete relief. There was no pain for about six weeks or so. Then it started again. Meanwhile I chanced upon a copy of your book 'Manav

Mootra' which I read through. Having become fed up with conventional medication, I began Urine Therapy, drinking urine thrice a day, without fasting. There was noticeable relief in only two days. However, there was intense pain at night on the third day. It occurred to me to try massaging the painful area with urine. The pain subsided within ten minutes and I fell asleep. The next day I kept drinking urine the whole day, and at night I had a urine massage. I felt better. The same regime was continued. It took only five or six days of die treatment for the pain to subside completely. It is now about five weeks since the treatment was begun. I have no pain, I feel quite energetic, and I have developed a healthy appetite. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

11. COLITIS Abdominal pains are due in most cases to unsuitable diet. Shri Yogendra Parikh, B. 5c. (Agriculture), of Khadi Gramodyog Prayog Samiti, Harijan Ashram, Ahmadabad 13, began to have severe abdominal pains which might have had their origin in some such irregularity. He tried various treatments for the pains, and maintained records of all the types of treatments he tried. Allopathic and Homeopathic treatments proved ineffective. At last he came to know of Urine Therapy. He consulted Doctor Adal Behram. M D of Mumbai, an acquaintance of his, about this system, and began treating himself with urine. He wrote out a precise account of his ailment and presented it at the Conference on Urine Therapy held on 12th and 13th March 1960. As his account is 9lear and precise in its details, I reproduce it here in the belief that it will provide valuable guidance to many sufferers afflicted with similar ailments : I was feeling pysically ill at ease because of the intense heat which is usual in Ahmadabad in April. I contracted influenza on the 1st of April. After recovering from this illness I fell a victim to enteric malarial fever in the first week of May. The fever lasted

over a week, during which period the weather continued to be extremely hot, as a result I began to have as many as five motions a day. The seasonal work pertaining to trees and growing cotton plants was over, and I was now engaged in analysis work that easily took up twelve to fourteen hours of my time every day. The number of motions per day increased. I began to suffer from flatulence and abdominal pains, and began to pass blood with stools. As it became obvious that medical assistance was required, I consulted a doctor who was a friend of mine. He advised me to give up wheat, oil and chillies, and gave me medicine. This medicine lasted for about fifteen days, at the end of this period, having found no improvement in my condition, I went back to the doctor. He changed the medicine, and I began a course of injections of Emetine. Despite this treatment, my condition kept worsening. So on the 19th of June I went and had myself admitted to the Civil Hospital. There, under the supervision of three experienced physicians, the Emetine injections were continued, and my blood, stool and urine were tested. Amoebic dysentery had been suspected, but the reports were negative. Blood was being passed with stools, but the tests failed to reveal a cause. So the doctors examined the stools again and again to cover all possible-causes of colitis. Crystoids tablets were given in an attempt to get rid of worms, if there were any, in the stomach or the intestines. This resulted in a great increase in the number of motions a day, but no definite indication could be found. Sigmoidoscopic examination was used to ascertain the cause of colitis. In the preliminary examination on the first day, bleeding piles were tentatively diagnosed. The next day, as a possible surgical case, I was examined again by means of the sigmoidoscope by another doctor. He came to the conclusion that I had ulcerative colitis. Some of the lining of the colon and a sample of my blood were sent for

detailed examination, but the cause of the ulcerative colitis could not be established. My case was no longer considered to be a surgical one, but on the recommendation of another doctor who was taking a friendly interest in the case, my doctor kept me under his direct observation. During this period I left the hospital and went to a private nursing home. Meanwhile the amount of blood being passed with the stools showed a great increase, and my weight went down from 127 pounds (about 57 kg) to 100 pounds (about 45 kg). The loss of blood from the body was made good with the help of two blood transfusions as advised by the doctor. This seemed to have a beneficial effect. No blood was passed in the stools. But the effect proved to be temporary. In two or three days after the second transfusion, there was a relapse. During all this time, treatment with tablets of sulphaguanidine and spasm indon, as well as injections of ACTH, strementin, streptopenicillin, and biesteme forte were contipued. When some improvement in health became evident, I consulted Dr Nayar. He instructed me to take light food suited to my constitution, and prescribed injections of Vitamin B. In the end I asked him, "Even after all these investigations and treatment, it appears that no one has really any clear idea as to what the cause of my illness was. The reports give no definite indication. What is your opinion?" "Worry and anxiety can also by themselves cause ulcerative colitis," he replied. "If therefore you can free your mind from the burden of anxiety, you will be able to get rid of this ailment much faster." As I was going through the formalities of discharge from the hospital, Dr N. C. Shah had a word of caution for me : "What we have done is to arrest the progress of the disease. There is every likelihood that there will be a relapse. Once that happens, I am afraid there will be very little left that we shall be able to do to help you." All the members of my family were living in Mumbai. I was feeling relatively well. So I went to Mumbai, In order to find out the cause of the disorder if possible, and partly for my mental

satisfaction, I went to Dr Patel for a thorough examination. All I got from this investigation was physical pain. I found myself unable to decide whether to take Allopathic treatment or Homeopathic treatment, and decided to draw lots. I prepared two slips, one favouring Allopathic, and the other favouring Homeopathic treatment. I folded them up, put them together and picked up one at random. It said 'Homeopathy'. So, I made up my mind for it. I called DrAdal Behram, who has been our family doctor for years, and let him know my decision. He is a Homeopath, and started a course of Homeopathic medicines. Among these were tablets of Graphites, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Merc Corrosive, Carbo Veg. etc. Before this treatment, when I had arrived in Mumbai, my weight had gone down to 94 pounds (about 43 kg). This means a loss of 33 pounds (15 kg) in a month! The stools were extremely viscous. Blood had again begun to pass with the stools. Abdominal pains and flatulence persisted. I had been having curds for such a long period that I had developed a dislike for it. I had no appetite, and whatever I forced myself to eat was thrown up again in vomits. This was my condition when the Homeopathic treatment was instituted. Mine was a chronic case. Dr Adal Behram put me on a diet of the watery liquid that separates from milk when it is coagulated, and the juice of Bel fruits. From this simple fare I progressed stage by stage to greengram soup and apples, and in 12 to 15 days to porridge, khichdi and curry. The Homeopathic treatment began to prove effective. The rapidity of improvement during a month of the treatment led my doctor to anticipate a relapse, though hopefully the last one. The expectation was indeed realised. The rainy season brought a cold, with concomitant fever, and blood began to pass once again. But I got well again in a fortnight

Before leaving for Ahmadabad, I went and saw Dr Adal Behram. During my stay in Mumbai, I came across a book on AutoUrine Therapy. I had been reading books on various therapeutic systems, mainly on Ayurveda, in the hope of obtaining more information on my ailment. So it was natural that I would glance through the book. It gripped my attention and aroused my curiosity. I finished the book at one sitting. Accordingly when I went to see Dr Adal Behram on the eve of my departure for Ahmadabad, I mentioned this book, as well as 'Water of Life' by Dr Armstrong. He said, "I have met some of his followers. I would advise you too to try out this system. I believe it will be even more efficacious in your case than the Homeopathic treatment/' I naturally asked why he had not given me this advice earlier. He said, "I did not say anything about it, mainly because I felt that your people would find the idea revolting, and that you would not be prepared to give it a trial." "Must all the urine that is passed be drunk?" I asked. "No," said the doctor. "Drink a cupful three times a day. Initially you had better dilute the urine with an equal quantity of water. Later you can go on reducing the proportion of water. "What about diet?" I asked. "Light and simple," was the answer. Dr Behram then told me that he himself had been practising the Therapy, and used to recommend it to those of his patients who in his opinion would be open to such a novel system. He himself had been a practitioner of Allopathy for 22 years. After that he went to London to conduct research on diabetes. While there, he began to study Homeopathy, and began various investigations in the system. He earned a degree in Homeopathy. Then he went over to France, where he continued his investigations, and obtained another degree. On his return to India, he.gavt up practice in Allopathy, began to practise Homeopathv exclusively, and is working at present as the Principal of the Homeopathy College in Mumbai.

After my return to Ahmadabad, I had one more relapse in the unhealthy rainy season. Once again I began to pass blood in stools, and to lose weight. I put in a phone call to Dr Adal Behram, discussed the question of Urine Therapy once more with him, and commenced the therapy. My wife Neelam, too, had read the book on AutoUrine Therapy. With her encouragement and moral support, I fasted for three days, during which I drank urine three times a day as advised by the doctor, and had my whole body massaged with urine in the manner described in the book, on all three days. On the second day of this regimen, the colour of urine changed. Now it was clear as water, though it had a rather salty taste. During this three-day period of fasting, the number of motions increased to 7-8 a day. More blood was passed in the stools. But by the end of a week, the proportion of blood had fallen almost to zero. The number of motions per day gradually reverted to normal during the second week, and at the and of the third week i was on my feet and resumed daily activity. I am perfectly well today. As far as diet is concerned, I avoid taking fried and spicy preparations;

apart from this restriction, I can take all foodstuffs without suffering any discomfort. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

12. DYSENTERY Shri Bhikhalal Nathalal Kothari, a resident of Ahmadabad (Madan Gopal's Haveli, House No. 250/2, Nadawada Pole, Astodia) reports in his letter dated 14-3'61 as follows : I had been suffering from abdominal pains for the past 10 years. The pains became more severe with the passage of time. Many specialists were consulted. I was given hundreds of injections. As for tablets and medicines,

their number is beyond reckoning. Expenses far beyond my means were incurred. Despite all these measures, my health continued to deteriorate. All the food I took would pass undigested through the system and would get eliminated in the stools. I was afflicted with dysentery. My weight went down from 176 pounds (80 kg) to 126 pounds (about 57 kg). I had to take medicines worth Re 1 every day just to keep alive. [This was when the rupee was worth a rupee, and not 12 paise.] I was at my wits' end, not knowing what to do next. It was at this time that a friend gave me a copy of 'Manav Mootra' with a recommendation to go through it. I read it thoroughly with the closest attention. I commenced auto-urine therapy from 1 -5-'60. For a month I massaged my body with urine. I fasted on urine for two days, drinking up every drop of urine passed. The result was favourable. Ten months have passed since then. My weight is now 170 pounds (77 kg). I have not had an occasion even to cast a glance at medicine. Now I drink about 40 oz (about 1.1 litres) of urine a day in three doses. I feel quite well now. If at all there is anything wrong with me at any time, I can quickly bring it under control with urine and fasting. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

13. DYSPEPSIA WITH HYPERACIDITY The patient was about 60. He was suffering from chronic dyspepsia complicated by hyperacidity. He could not digest food, and had lost appetite. He would either be constipated, or would have diarrhoea. Any attempt at controlling the diarrhoea would result in constipation. Partial digestion of food would result in inordinate accumulation of acids in the system. Worms would be found extreted periodically in the stools. Ingestion of sugar, grams, or sweets would exacerbate his symptoms and cause a complete loss of appetite.

He had been X-rayed with Barium, and had tried all kinds of medicines, but the disorder could not be diagnosed properly, nor could it be brought under control. Ultimately intestinal TB was tentatively diagnosed, and treatment instituted accordingly. About this time it was suggested to the patient that he should take Ayurvedic treatment. Accordingly I was called in for a consultation. I saw that all that was wrong with him was chronic dysentery and worms. There did not seem to be any other cause for his affliction. The patient had been reduced to desperation and was willing to try anything. I explained to him in detail the restrictions on diet that were to be observed in cases of dysentery and worms. I wrote out a list for him, showing what he should take and what he should not take. I had initially thought of giving him only three kinds of tablets Kutajghanvati, Sanjeevani and Sanshamani. But I felt like getting the patient to try Auto-Urine Therapy before starting on a cours of medication. I explained the system, and obtained his consent to give it a fair trial. I advised to him to take 4 to 5 ounces of urine every morning and evening, reassuring him that after four days of this therapy, we would revert to medication. The patient followed the instructions faithfully. After two days, old, viscous, extremely malodorous matter began to be excreted. The stools got thinner but more copious. As the old decaying matter was eliminated, he gradually began to recover his appetite. He also began to feel stronger and more energetic. He was still keeping to the prescribed diet. At the end of the four days of trial, he expressed satisfaction at the progress made so far. 'I am feeling definitely better7, he declared. This encouraged me to recommend 8 to 10 more days of Urine Therapy,

postponing the medication till that duration. The patient agreed to continue the experiment. Gradually as the genuine appetite was restored, the digestion improved, and the acidity decreased, the complaints of the patient began to dwindle. After 16 days, it was quite evident that the weight and strength of the patient had begun to increase. Now I advised the patient to continue the Urine Therapy, without any medication. At the end of two months' treatment, he had recovered completely, with no trace of the disorder, and is now enjoying perfect health. (Swamootra Chikitsa : Vaidya Pragji Mohanji Rathod)

14, DIARRHOEA Sudhabahen had been suffering from diarrhoea for two or three years. She also used to have abdominal pains frequently. All this time she had constantly been under treatment. When she got tired of Allopathic treatment, she would change over to Ayurvedic treatment. After a time she would be fed up with Ayurvedic treatment, and abandon it to try Homeopathy. This went on for a long time. Usually she used to obtain some temporary relief by such treatment. But a time came when no medicine could have any effect. The diarrhoea could not be brought under control. She could not digest any food. She became extremely weak. As a last resort she decided to try Auto-Urine Therapy, and approached me for guidance. On examination, it was found that her intestines had become extremely weak. The body had become emaciated. Despite the weakness, however, she was put on a urine fast. In addition to drinking her own urine for four days, other therapeutic procedures such as massages with urine, applications of clay packs wetted with urine over the abdomen, waist baths, etc., were also adopted. All this helped to give rest to and strengthen the digestive organs. After four days, she was given diluted orange juice thrice a day, in addition to the urine.

These juice-cum-urine fasts were continued for some days, along with the external treatment, which was also continued. Later she was allowed coconut milk, sweetlime juice, very thin de-fatted butter milk and such other liquid foods as welL After fifteen days of this regimen, her intestines had regained a large proportion of their strength, and the abdominal pains had become a thing of the past. Gradually she was allowed solid food. To begin with, fruits that do not contain fibres were given; then other fruits, raw vegetables, sprouted cereals and pulses, etc., were successively introduced into her diet as found appropriate. Sudhabahen was delighted to find that she could now digest all these foods. Cooked food was now included stage by stage in her daily fare, which was also digested without any ill effects. Now Sudhabahen is free from all complaints.

15. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION Shri Bhausaheb Vartak is a businessman of Sholapur engaged in wholesale trade of bedsheets. He goes to the office of his firm by car, transacts business all day sitting on a mattress and leaning against cushions, and returns home in the evening by car. Shri Vartak has had chronic constipation for years. After meals he would find his abdomen distended with gas. He had tried numerous Ayurvedic medicines. He took purgatives frequently. All this would provide relief, but the relief would always prove temporary. Once he had occasion to come to Mumbai on business. He had for some time been thinking of trying out Auto-Urine Therapy. On the suggestion of someone in his circle, he consulted me, seeking advice on the practical aspects of the therapy.

I explained the system in complete detail, and at the same time suggested a few changes in his food habits. He promised me that he would follow all the instructions and observe all the restrictions faithfully/ and returned to Sholapur. After about fifteen days, I received a letter from him reporting that the treatment had proved highly beneficial. He was no longer troubled by constipation. His abdomen felt light as a feather, and he had experienced a surge of vigour and vitality in his body,

16. VISION RESTORED In 1974, a person named Anant Killekar of 40-year-old came to our clinic. He was working as a typist in an Insurance Company. Both his short-distance vision and long-distance vision were impaired. The defect could not be corrected by glasses, neither for short sight nor for long sight. He was reduced to such a condition that he would stumble at every step even on a level road. As for work near at hand, he was completely helpless. He was not able to read the matter that he was required to type. Matters had come to such a pass that the company had arranged for someone to read aloud the matter to him to enable him to type what was required. But they had also made it cl^ar to him that if his vision did not improve within three months, his services would be terminated. One of Anant Killekar's friends, Prakash Mhatre, worked as a Medical Representative for a large pharmaceuticals firm. The firm used to market medicines for eye diseases, too. Thus Prakash Mhatre had come to know many ophthalmologists in Mumbai. He took Anant Killekar to some of them, but their treatment failed to produce any improvement. One of them went so far as to say that Anant would lose his vision completely in a year or two, and there was no treatment, not even surgery, that would arrest or reverse this deterioration. As a Medical Representative Prakash Mhatre had come in touch with me. He brought Anant to me. I examined Anant

minutely. Both his retinae had degenerated. There were patches of discoloration scattered over them. In addition, the lenses evinced signs of hardening. I recommended certain exercises for strengthening the eyes, some changes in the diet, palming of the eyes and magnetotherapy, in addition to urine therapy. He was to drink one cup of urine on an empty stomach in the morning, one cup at the time of going to bed, wash his eyes with urine thrice a day, and massage the whole body with three-day-old urine every night. In the beginning he was very reluctant to try urine therapy, but the thought of complete loss of vision, the subsequent helpless condition in which he would have to pass his life, and the realization that he would lose his service, which was his only means of livelihood, compelled him to agree to give it a fair trial. Hic vision improved in just three months. The abnormality of sight was reduced to such an extent that correction by means of lenses became practicable; and with the use of spectacles he was now able to handle work requiring clear vision at long distances and also at short distances. Soon he was able to read the matter for typing, and thus could dispense with the help in his work. This naturally had the happy result of the continuation of his service. Life was now beginning to be joyful. He attributes all the improvement in his condition to Auto-Urine Therapy, and asserts that the Therapy has really given him a new lease of life.

17. GLAUCOMA Shri Bhikhaji Kalaji, aged 41, residing in the Jamalpur area of Ahmadabad, who earns his living by dint of hard labour, working day and night at hauling goods

from place to place in a handcart, came to me and handed me a written statement on 3rd November, 1958. He used to have sharp shooting pains in his temples. Headaches was a frequent complaint. His vision had been impaired, making it difficult for him to see clearly in the even ings or at night. His eyes used to be bloodshot and watered continually. He had been troubled by these symptoms for about a year. How much can a man earning his living by hard labour afford to spend on treatment? Still, he had spent some 500 rupees over the year. He began to worry about a possible loss of sight. He consulted a reputed Ophthalmologist. The Ophthalmologist told him that a toxic liquid was accumulating in the eyeballs behind the pupils, and that an improvement was possible if the liquid were to be drained out. The poor, ignorant labourer was dismayed. He began to worry as to what would happen to his wife and his young children if something went wrong while needles were being poked into his eyes for drawing out the liquid, and he went blind. About this time be came into contact with the Superintendent of the Municipal Store, Shri Ambalal Patel. Ambalal Patel had personal experience of Auto-Urine Therapy, with the help of which he had cured himself of headaches and pains in the eyes. He, therefore, suggested that Bhikhaji should try the same therapy. The handcart plier took his advice. He began to wash his eyes two to three times a day with his own urine, and to drink three to four ounces of urine twice a day. He experienced relief from his pains in a week or so. So he continued the experiment with greater faith. One month's treatment cured him completely of headaches and pains in the temples. His vision improved, pains in the eyes decreased, the redness in the eyes disappeared, leaving the eyes clear, and he was now able to see clearly even in the poor light of late evenings. He got his eyes examined by the same Ophthalmologist again, after this treatment. After carefully examining the eyes, the doctor pronounced them to be completely cured. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

18. GANGRENE Dt. 12-12-'63 'Jain Hind' greetings from Prof, Shankarbhai Bhaijibhai, writing from the township of Old Jithardi. l am in receipt of the invitation to the Conference. Please accept my thanks for it. The musk deer keeps wandering everywhere looking for the source of the aroma of musk, though in reality the source is in its own navel. In an exactly analogous fashion, man in his ignorance keeps wasting time and resources in searching for external means to restore his health, even though Nature has endowed him with an infallible means to cure disorders produced by any cause whatsoever, and to restore him to perfect health, in the form of his own urine. Often enough the external means and medicines prove successful in the treatment of common disorders. But in cases of serious intractable disorders, man is fated to suffer in futile wanderings, looking for cures at the expense of time, energy and wealth-a truth which I have learnt the hard way through my own experience. It was about eight months ago that my troubles began. Even a short walk with my shoes on would cause my right foot to heat up. After a time, a bunion developed on that foot, the skin got discoloured as if by suppuration, and then began to darken. This process was accompanied by excruciating pain, which became unbearable as time passed. My doctor adjudged the condition to be gangrenous. Two weeks of treatment with medicines and injections as prescribed by him failed to show any improvement. Two surgeons in Baroda were consulted. The final diagnosis was gangrene, caused by obstruction in the artery of the leg, resulting in poor supply of blood to the big toe. There was a chance that an operation might correct the condition. If that failed, the only alternative

would be amputation of the leg above the knee. Gambling on the possibility that an operation 'might correct' the condition, I had the operation performed. During the succeeding week, which I spent in the nursing home, I did feel better. I was discharged after the incision healed. The pain was less severe now, but the progressive emaciation of the calf muscles was not arrested. Medication and injections were continued after the operation as advised by the doctors, but no notable improvement took place. I went back to the surgeon. He advised me to continue the tablets and injections for some more time, if they proved to be of benefit, well and good. If not, amputation would be the only alternative left. I began to feel that I would not get any peace till the leg was amputated. The sharp shooting pains did not allow me to sleep. I could not take adequate food. I had lost my appetite. I began to consider seriously what I should do next. I knew about your book ‘Manav Mootra’, but had not taken any interest in this therapeutic system so far. But now I sent for it, and its perusal heartened me. I gave considerable thought to the matter for a few days, and then, some two months ago, I visited the research centre. Under the guidance of Naranbhai at the centre, I fasted completely for five days. The course of treatment I followed consisted of drinking all the urine passed during the day, and using the urine passed during the night for massaging the body and wet applications on the toe. As the pain was lessened by these measures, I began to entertain hopes that Auto-Urine Therapy would effect a complete cure. The nail of the big toe and the skin on the lower part of the toe had turned black. Dr Maganbhai, who supervises the Urine-Therapy Centre, advised me to get it excised, and at my request, he excised them himself. Deciding that I would continue the treatment at home, I consulted Naranbhai for advice regarding the measures to be taken at home. I have continued Urine Therapy after returning home, but now I allow myself simple and light food twice a day. I use very little salt in my food even now.

Auto-Urine Therapy has effected a fifty to sixty per cent improvement in these last two months. My general health has also improved. I am confident that in about two or three months more, a complete cure will be effected by this therapy. Note : This gentleman visited the Centre again on 1 4-'64, and submitted to an examination to demonstrate that he has recovered completely. This case is the first of its kind in India. (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

19. WOUND Dr Armstrong was on one occasion introduced to a 42-year-old soldier whose account of his woes in substance was as summarised below : A year prior to his meeting Dr Armstrong, he had been wounded in the arm near the elbow by a bullet. The bullet had been removed, but the wound had not healed. He used to go to the out-patients department of the hospital every week for getting the wound cleaned up and dressed. He used to experience intense pain during the dressing. Frequently there was suppuration in the wound despite the ongoing treatment. The doctors feared that the wound might ultimately turn gangrenous. Dr Armstrong advised him to try Auto-Urine Therapy. In spite of the objections of his wife, he got himself admitted to Dr Armstrong's nursing home. He was fasted for three days on his own urine (supplemented by water). The wound was treated by application of wet packs soaked in urine for the duration of one hour three times every day and his whole body was massaged lightly with three-day-old urine. After three days the patient was allowed a little liquid food. The urine applications and massages were

continued. Only ten days' treatment with urine effected a complete healing of the wound! What could not be achieved by medical treatment and antiseptic ointments over a period of one year was accomplished by means of Auto-Urine Therapy in just ten days-an unforgettable miracle of healing. (Water of Life : John Armstrong)

20. LEPROSY Shri Kanjibhai Mohanlal, aged 32, was working in the weaving section of a textile mill in Ahmadabad. He had been suffering from great pain in the right hand and arm for four years. The skin of the hand had developed red patches which were painful. In the initial stages of the disorder, he consulted a skin specialist whose consulting rooms were situated on Relief Road in Ahmadabad citv. He diaenosed lenrosv and prescribed certain tablets and a course of ten injections. This treatment failed to effect any improvement. On the contrary, the pain intensified. Later he consulted the skin specialist at the Gulab Bai Hospital. This specialist, too, wrote out a prescription for a course of medicines and injections. Kanjibhai used to go to a nearby physician Dr Pushpendra Bhatt for the injections. This course of treatment too failed to bring about any improvement. To this patient, who was by now completely disheartened by the repeated failures, Dr Pushpendra Bhatt sent for perusal of Ravjibhai Patel's article on Urine Therapy. He was impressed by the article, and began to treat himself by the method described in it. Initially he fasted for three days on urine supplemented by some water. After that the urine massages were also included in the treatment. In the short period of only a month or so, he noted considerable improvement. One day he went to see Ravjibhai. Offering his thanks, he

gave an account of his experiences. In conclusion, he said, 'The muscular pain in my right hand has disappeared completely. The right arm, which had become rigid, can now be flexed without discomfort. I was not able to work with the right hand, but now I can do so with ease. And though still there is a partial lack of sensitivity in certain area of the skin, I am confident that the sensitivity will be fully restored. I have derived great benefit from Auto-Urine Therapy. The sore discolored patches on the skin have also healed/' (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

21. PSORIASIS Shri Popatlal Govindji Lakhani, originally hailing from Porbandar, had been practising as a solicitor in Mumbai for twenty to twenty-five years, and is now residing once again in Porbandar after retirement. He suffered for almost twenty-five years from psoriasis. He has sent me a detailed description of how painful the disease was, and how a cure was effected through the agency of Auto-Urine Therapy. I present here a slightly abridged version of his account. His account was written on 30-7-'60. Respected Ravjibhai, Slightly over twenty-five years ago, I contracted psoriasis. This is a disease that is very slow in its development in its initial stages. A blister similar to that caused by a burn or the pinching of a shoe is formed. The only difference is that unlike the one caused by a burn, this blister is not filled with fluid. The outer skin of the blister keeps peeling off and is continually replaced by a new cover. Such blisters go on spreading almost imperceptibly. They generally form on the skin over joints. In my case they began to be formed on both legs just

below the knees. The skin felt as if it was drying up, and there was uncontrollable itching. I took it to be eczema, but later as the diseased area spread, I got more and more worried. On scratching, fine silvery powder would come off. It was extremely difficult to keep myself from scratching the affected parts. At that time I was practising in the High Court in Mumbai. I consulted Dr Rebello, who was a specialist in skin diseases. It was during this consultation that I came to know that the disease is called psoriasis. He prescribed injections, medicines and ointments. I learnt that this disease is incurable, and though with luck, it can be controlled and its spread arrested, a cure was out of the question. Treatment as prescribed by Dr Rebello did arrest the spread of the disease. Later my patience having been exhausted, or perhaps because I had become used to the discomforts caused by the disease, this treatment was discontinued. But as the condition got progressively worse, I came to try Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic and other treatments as advised from time to time by various persons. In fact, Ayurvedic treatment as prescribed by Vaidyaraaj Gadre, who lives in a lane near Zaoba Temple, effected an almost complete cure. But this happy state of affairs did not last long. Soon the same skin areas began to itch with the same intensity, causing once again the same harassment and the same embarrassment. For the last few years, I had been applying coconut oil to the skin on my hands, face, head, abdomen (i.e. all areas affected by psoriasis), and that helped to keep the skin soft and the itching under control. This ritual of application of coconut oil had to be gone through three or four times a day. Any omission in this matter would bring swift punishment in the shape of increased discomfort. The skin on the back of the hands would crack, blood would oose out, and such other afflictions would start troubling me once again. But I had learnt to tolerate all this, consoling myself that 'this disease is, after all, incurable/ What with psoriasis affecting my hands, feet and face, I presented a very ugly sight.

Last night, as I was discussing with my family how psoriasis had tormented me, and how there had been a sudden and almost miraculous cure, the memories of the whole history of my disease over a period of exactly twenty-nine years came flooding back to my mind. I have suffered greatly from this disease. My skin had become so vulnerable to the disease that even a slight bruise caused by rubbing against a wall would cause it to bleed, and that area would thenceforth become affected by the disease. I find myself unable to express the agony caused by the disease in words. In spite of having been harassed for the span of more than twenty-five years by the disease, and reduced to desperate straits, I had sincerely given up all intentions of treatment or hopes of improvement in the conviction that the disease was incurable. But something happened, which was to change this situation. I happened to see your book at the residence of Dr Dattani of Porbandar. He had begun a study of the book with the intention of treating cases of cancer by the methods recommended therein. I borrowed the book and read it through with close attention in two days. I discussed it with him. I thought of trying out the system on myself, primarily to enthuse his cancer patients to adopt this method of treatment and to inspire them with confidence and faith in the therapy. On the 12th of June 1960,1 began to collect my urine in bottles. When three half-litre bottles had been filled with it, I began urine massages. As recommended in your book, I got my whole body massaged with urine that had been aged and warmed till comfortably lukewarm. This was on the night of the 16th of June. To my delighted astonishment, on the very next day, the 17th June, in the morning, I found my skin considerably softer and smoother, the tendency of the skin to peel off

was found to have been reduced, and, as you have stated in the book, the skin of the whole body was found to be smoother and healthier after a bath. That day I brushed my teeth with urine, as you have suggested, to prepare myself for drinking urine. I began drinking 'Shivambu' from the 18th. On the 19th I requested Dr Dattani to examine my body. He was even more delighted than I had been at the improvement, and experienced the thrill of success in the experiment to an even greater extent in his professional capacity. I have continued the drinking of 'Shivambu' uninterruptedly from the 16th of June, 1960. I massage my body from the top of my head to the soles of my feet with urine. For an hour after that I engage in physical activity requiring exertion, and follow it up with a bath. My skin is now completely healthy. There is no peeling, and I do not recollect having been troubled by the itching after the 16th of June. I am convinced that psoriasis has finally bidden me good-bye. However, I have not discontinued the massages as I cannot bring myself to forego the sheer pleasure, and the smoothness of the skin, that the massages bring. Constipation and other minor ailments too seem to have been banished by 'Shivambu'. I feel fresh and energetic. I have a good appetite. A sense of Joy and cheer pervades my mind. I have been narrating my experiences and my successful application of Auto-Urine Therapy to a large number of persons. Some of them have begun to experiment with it in their own cases, and have reported successes. The results in my own case have amazed all my friends and relatives. And as for me, when, if ever, am I going to have another more direct experience of the miiaculous workings of the Almighty's will? (Manav Mootra : Ravjibhai Patel)

22. SKIN DISEASE The case of a certain gentleman residing in the Dharavi

area of Mumbai is an inspiring one. He came to me to discuss Auto-Urine Therapy and to narrate his own experience of it. I present his account here in his own words : It was in April 1982 that I first began to have an itching sensation on the skin of my thigh. I did not pay any special attention to it. Gradual ly the itch began to spread over a larger area. The other thigh, the backs of the knees and the soles of the feet came to be affected. Small pustules began to be formed on these areas, and on scratching, a sticky fluid would be exuded from them. The affected areas began to darken in colour. I tried a few ointments which are advertised in the papers, and some others on the advice of friends. But the only result was an increase in the trouble. A number of eminent specialists in Mumbai were then consulted, and tablets and injections as prescribed by them were tried but none of them proved efficacious. I underwent Homeopathic treatment for six months. But this only served to

exacerbate the condition. The itch went on spreading over other parts of the body. Wherever the itch spread, the skin would become brittle, hard and rough. At last, being fed up with all these remedies, I discontinued all treatments. A friend recommended Auto-Urine Therapy. But, I thought, what probability was there of this Urine Therapy succeeding where even the most modern treatments prescribed by so many eminent physicians had failed? However, believing that no harm was likely to be caused by this therapy, I began the treatment on an experimental basis. The taste of urine was most repugnant to me. Drinking it would induce retching. Often I would be tempted to drop the treatment. But I continued to drink a

cupful of urine three times a day. At the end of the third week, the first sign of improvement was exhibited : The sticky fluid stopped oozing out of the skin. This encouraged me. My aversion to the taste of urine had also decreased. I increased the dosage. After another month, the affected areas stopped itching. At the end of two months, scabs began to be shed from the blackened and embrittled skin. The colour of the skin began to lighten. This process was extremely slow. The skin took four months to be restored to its healthy condition. My delight knew no bounds. As I became more enthusiastic about urine therapy, I began to use urine as eye-drops too. My vision began to improve. Before this treatment, I was not able to read fine print without glasses. Now I could read such small letters without the use of glasses. My hair began to turn grey. The treatment had the effect of restoring its black colour. This was a matter of boundless wonder and delight for me. I have come to believe that one's own urine is a nectar on earth. Regular ingestion of urine has reinvigorated and rejuvenated my body.

23. FEVER Narendra Gandhi, a young man of 25, used to have fever every ten to twelve days. The temperature would rise to 102° or 103°, and the fever would persist for three days or so. The fever would subside on treatment, but it could not be eradicated permanently. This state of affairs continued for about two and a half years. His body had become emaciated under the effects of the powerful toxic medicines he was required to take. Various medicines and injections had been tried under the instructions of doctors. He had X-ray photographs taken and blood and spittle examined, but to no avail. A doctor suggested tonsillectomy. So Narendra had his tonsils removed. But the fever kept recurring. No one had been able to find out the root

cause of these fevers. Tired of all these futile treatments, Narendra came to me. "Doctor," he said, "it has not been possible to diagnose my malaise properly. Are you willing to take up my case? Do you think Auto-Urine Therapy will help?" I replied with a smile, "There is no need of a diagnosis in Urine Therapy. All you have got to do is to drink your own urine regularly, with faith. You will certainly get cured." He was made to fast for two days on fruit juices, and then he was put on urine fasts. The second day after the commencement of the urine fast, he contracted a severe cold, and he had a bitter taste in the mouth. Narendra got frightened. But I consoled him, and encouraged him to continue the experiment, assuring him that there was no need to worry, and that he was definitely going to get well. The cold disppeared completely in two days. On the seventh day the bitter taste in the mouth was gone. As he was fooling extremely weak i began to give him fruit juices in a addition to the urine which he was to drink. To his great surprise, it was some twenty days before he had the next attack of fever, and even that attack was so mild as to be no more than a vestigeal remnant. The temperature rose only to 100° F and dropped to normal on the very next day. When he came to see me after some six months, he had a rosy complexion. "How are you keeping now?" I asked. "Very well indeed," was the reply. "I have not had fever since we parted."

24. HEADACHE Somabhai Patel had been having headaches for five years. Though the headaches were never very severe, he used to have a feeling of heaviness in the head. He was unable to concentrate on his work. He was for this reason

in a constant state of agitated concern. He underwent numerous tests and treatments, consulted numerous specialists, had X-rays of his head taken, got his sinuses cleaned, had a CAT-scan at a famous hospital in Mumbai. Treatment would bring temporary relief, but as soon as the effects of the medicines wore out, the headache would come back, which meant that the headache was suppressed rather than cured. Once when he visited a friend, he chanced to see a book on Auto-Urine Therapy. Reading it awakened the desire to try it out in his own case. He came to me for guidance in the methods of the system. I advised him to try simple fasts and magnetotherapy, but Somabhai insisted on Auto-Urine Therapy. Within ten days of initiating the treatment with a cupful (200 ml) of urine three times a day, the first signs of improvement became apparent. The pain gradually lessened after that, and after sixteen days of the treatment, there was no trace of the trouble.

25. MUSCULAR PAIN Mansukhbhai was about fifty years old. His general health was not bad. The weight too could be considered to lie within reasonable limits. He was not suffering from any specific disease. But he used to have muscular pains all over the body. He would feel as if his muscles were undergoing contractions time and again. There would frequently be pains experienced in the lower part of the back. He would call for the services of a massagist almost every day. He would take analgesic tablets even more frequently. All this would have the effect of alleviating the pain to some extent, and that too, only temporarily. But not a single day would pass without some pain or discomfort. He was reduced to desperate straits by this condition.

Though his complaint could by no means be considered a serious disease, he consulted a specialist. The whole gamut of tests-blood, urine, stools, etc.-failed to reveal the cause of the pains. He underwent one month's treatment as prescribed by the specialist, without any noticeable improvement. Later he tried both Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment. There was occasional remission, but the muscular pains could not be banished permanently. Mansukhbhai had read a little about Auto-Urine Therapy. One of his neighbours had been able to get rid of his rheumatic arthritis through this therapy. Mansukhbhai decided to give the system a chance. When he came to me and expressed his desire to try Urine Therapy, I examined him thoroughly, and advised urine fasts. He could not see why such drastic measures were necessary for so ordinary a complaint. "There is," I explained, "no other remedy so effective, so infallible as urine fasts. So why shouldn't it be tried in preference to other less certain measures?” In addition to his own urine, he was given only warm water to drink. He was allowed cold water only infrequently, if it became necessary. He was to take waist baths everyday and enemas of diluted urine every alternative day. The pain disappeared spontaneously as early as the fourth day. This was nothing less than magic for Mansukhbhai. He himself expressed a desire to continue the fasts. He was on urine fasts for a total of ten days. He broke his fast on the eleventh day with a little fruit juice. He was allowed stage by stage to resume his normal diet in eight more days. The muscular pains and the pain in the lower back were completely eradicated by this time, and have not recurred since then.

APPENDIX 1 : AUTO-URINE THERAPY (SHIVAMBU KALPA) : THE INDIAN VERSION, AS DETAILED IN THE DAMAR TANTRA [The DAMAR TANTRA is an ancient Sanskrit work. It contains a detailed description of tile system of therapeutics utilising 'Shivarnbu', i.e. of Auto-Urine Therapy, as expounded by Lord Shiva to His Divine Consort, the Goddess Parvati. There are 107 shlokas or verses in the meter called 'anushtup chhandas'. It is asserted in the Damar Tantra that all diseases can be cured by Shivambu (one's own urine), and all mankind can retain health and strength through the regular use of Shivambu. For the convenience of the interested readers, we present here the original Sanskrit verses of the Tantra with an English translation.]

o Parvati! I shall expound to you the recommended actions and rituals of Shivambu Kalpa that confer numerous benefits. Those well versed in the scriptures have carefully specified certain vessels for the purpose. (1)

Utensils made from the following materials are recommended: Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Iron, Clay, Ivory, Glass, Wood from sacred trees, Bones, Leather and Leaves. (2, 3)

The Shivambu (one's own urine) should be collected in a utensil made of any. of these materials. Among them, clay utensils are better, and copper ones are by far the best. (4)

The intending practitioner of the therapy should abjure salty or bitter foods, should not over-exert himself, should take a light meal in the evening, should sleep on the ground, and should control and master his senses. (5)

The sagacious practitioner should get up when three quarters of the night have elapsed, and should pass urine while facing the east. (6)

The wise one should leave out the first and the last portions of the urine, and collect only the middle portion. This is considered the best procedure. (7)

Just as there is poison in the mouth and the tail of the serpent, 0 Parvati, it is even so in the case of the flow of Shivambu. (8)

Shivambu (auto-urine) is a heavenly nectar, which is capable of destroying senil ity and diseases. The practitioner of Yoga should take it before proceeding with his other rituals. (9)

After cleaning the mouth, and performing the other essential morning functions, one should drink one's own clear urine, which is the annihilator of senility and diseases. (10)

One who drinks Shivambu for the duration of a month will be purified internally. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energises the senses. (11)

Drinking it for three months destroys all diseases and frees one from all troubles. By drinking it for five months, one acquires divine vision and freedom from all diseases. (12)

Conti nuation of the practice for six months makes the practitioner highly intelligent and proficient in the scriptures, and if the duration is seven months, the practitioner acquires extraordinary strength. (13)

If the practice is continued for eight months, one acquires a permanent glow like that of gold, and if it is continued for nine months, one is freed from tuberculosis and leprosy. (14)

Ten months of this practice makes one a veritable treasury of lustre. Eleven months of it would purify all the organs of the body. (15)

A man who has continued the practice for a year becomes the equal of the sun in radiance. He who has continued it for two years conquers the element Earth. (16)

If the practice is continued for three years, one conquers the element Water, and if it is continued for four years, the element Ligj,t is also conquered. (17)

He who continues the practice for five years conquers the element Air, and he who continues it for seven years conquers pride. (18)

Continuation of the practice for eight years enables one to conquer all the important elements of Nature, and continuation of it for nine years

frees one from the cycle of birth and death. (19)

One who has continued the practice for ten years can fly through the air without effort. One who has continued it for eleven years is able to hear the voice of his soul (his inner self). (20)

He who has continued the practice for twelve years will live so long as the moon and the stars last. He is not troubled by dangerous animals such as snakes, and no poisons can kill him. He cannot be consumed by fire, and can float on water just like wood. (21)

O Goddess! I shall tell you now about other variants of the therapy. Please listen attentively. He who takes powdered amrita (gaduchi, Tinospora Condifolia) mixed with Auto-Urine habitually for six months, is freed from all disorders, and acquires happiness. (22, 23 contd.)

Powdered Haritaki (harade, Terminalia Chebula) should be assiduously taken with Shivambu. This combination destroys senile degeneration and all diseases. If this practice is continued for a year, it makes one exceptionally strong. (23, 24)

One masha (about one gramme) of sulphur should be taken along with Shivambu every morning. He who continues this practice for three years will live as long as the moon and the

stars last. His urine and faeces will whiten gold. (25)

The powder of the Koshtha fruit should be mixed properly with Shivambu and taken in the prescribed manner. If this practice is continued for twelve years, one's body will be free from the ravages of old age such as wrinkles on the skin and whitening of the hair. One acquires the strength of a thousand elephants, and lives as long as the moon and the stars continue to exist. (26)

If powdered pepper and Tripha/a Choorna (mixed powder of Terminalia Belavica, Terminalia Chebula and Phylonthus Emblica) mixed with Shivambu are taken regularly, one acquires a radiance like that of the gods. (27)

The essence (bhasma) of mica and sulphur should be taken with Shivambu along with a little water. This cures all disorders caused by malfunctioning of the digestive system and all disorders caused by the Vata humour. He who takes such a mixture regularly becomes strong, acquires a divine radiance, and can cheat time (escape the ravages of time). (28, 29)

He who takes Shivambu daily and excludes salty, sour and bitter foods from his diet acquires divine accomplishments quickly. Freed from all ailments, and possessing a body comparable to that of Shiva Himself, he disports himself like the gods in the Universe for an eternity. (30, 31)

He who regularly takes the juice of the leaves of the neem tree by itself as well as mixed with Shivambu, attains the state of a Yogi, and acquires splendour comparabie to that of the gods. (32)

Anyone can rid himself of all physical ailments by taking Shivambu regularly with the powdered bark of the neem tree and powdered pumpkin for the duration of a year. (33)

Shivambu should be taken with lotus seeds, honey and mustard seeds. This will assuredly produce lightness of the body, rendering it energetic. (34)

Equal quantities of Mahua fruit seeds and Triphala Choorna (see verse 27) taken daily with Shivambu will eliminate the possibility of senile degeneration and all diseases. (35)

He who takes rock salt mixed with an equal quantity of honey every morning, and follows it up with Shivambu, comes to possess a body with divine attributes. (36)

A mixture of equal parts of sulphur, powdered anvla (Phylonthus Emblica) fruits and powdered nutmeg (Myristica Beddornci) should first be taken, and that should be followed by a drink of Shivambu. This will eliminate all diseases. (37)

A daily diet of milk accompanied by the drinking of Shivambu, continued uninterruptedly for seven years, not only eliminates all diseases, but also nourishes and strengthens the body. (38)

And he who takes the powdered amritaka (vachhnag, Tinospora Condifolia) following it up with drinking of Shivambu can certainly conquer death. (39)

And he who drinks his own urine to which honey and crystal sugar have been added is relieved of all diseases in six months. His speech becomes pleasing and he becomes clear-headed. (40)

He who first takes pieces or powder of dry ginger, and drinks Shivambu after that, certainly conquers diseases. (41)

By drinking Shivambu every morning, and chewing leaves of Nirgundi (Viter Nirgundo) after the drink, a Yogi attains strength, becomes farsighted and succeeds in all his undertakings. (42)

The Yogi who applies a paste of Mansheel ground with Shivambu allover his body frees himselffrom diseases and his hair becomes black (i.e. in spite of age). (43)


And now 0 Parvati, I shall explain to you the process of massaging with Shivambu. Such massage carried out according to the prescribed procedure enables the Yogi to attain success in his practice of Yoga (i.e, in his endeavours towards spiritual development). (44)

Shivambu should first be taken in an earthen pot, and stored. When only one-fourth of it is left, the cool concentrate should be used to

massage the body. (45)

There are certain mantras which are to be recited while accepting, drinking and producing (passing) it, of which I am now apprising you. While taking Shivambu into your hands, this mantra should be recited: Mantra: Aum Hrim Klim Bhairavaaya Namaha. This mantra should be recited while drinking it : Mantra: Aum Shrim Klim Uddamareshwaraaya Namaha. And this is the mantra to be recited while passing urine: Mantra: Aum Sarvashristiprabhave Rudraaya Namaha. (46, 47)

Having thus taken Shivarnbu, the Yogi should apply it to the body, which action abundantly nourishes the limbs, and cures all disorders. The Yogi who follows these instructions achieves pre-eminence among all Yogis, and his movements become totally unrestricted. He acquires the strength of a thousand elephants, and is able to obtain (and digest) an. food which he desires. (48, 49)

He who foolishly uses urine that has not been matured as instructed for massaging the body, finds that his disorders get worsened, and all his limbs become weakened due to loss of

muscular tone. (50)

Therefore urine that has not been matured or aged should never be used' for massaging the body. On the other hand, 0 Goddess, if properly matured urine is used for the purpose, all attainments are within one's grasp. (51)

By drinking Shivambu and using it for massage in accordance with the prescribed procedure, the practitioner is freed from aging and death. (52)

The urine and faeces of one who drinks Shivambu regularly can impart a white colour to gold. The practitioner who uses a mixture of Shiroemtit. dew and Shivambu for massaging his body acquires great strength, and freedom from all ailments, (53)

The Yogi who drinks his own urine every morning regularly for three years, and abjures salty, hot and bitter foods for that period wi II conq uer I ust, and be the master of his desires. (54)

o Dear One! He who is unyielding in his practice of taking roasted grams with jaggery, drinking Shivambu and massaging his body with it for six months acquires the ability to see clearly things situated at great distances, to be able to smell them from great distances; he is not subject to ailments, and his body becomes light 'ind supple. (55, 56)

o Consort of the Chief among the Gods! He who takes one grarnme of Piper Longum and one gramme of black pepper every day, and follows it up with a drink of Shivambu, will, in only a month, acquire a pleasing voice, and conquer all bodily ailments. (57)

The outstanding practitioner who regularly takes powdered dry ginger, and then drinks Shivambu, becomes exceptionally strong and capable of great exploits. He becomes as strong as thousand elephants, and his youth will tempt even the Apsaras to entreat for his favours. (58)

o Consort of Shiva! One who drinks Shivambu after taking roasted and powdered Abhaya (Haritaki, Terminalia Chebula) succeeds in purifying his whole body, his body comes to resemble the bodies of gods, and he acquires a cheerful frame of mind. (59)

And he who sedulously drinks Shivambu after taking a mixture of equal parts of the powders of Amrita, Triphala (see verse 27), Kadu, dry ginger, cumin seeds and the roots of Piper Longum, and keeps to a diet of only rice and milk, will within a year develop an understanding of the Scriptures. (60)

One who follows this practice for three years acquires great strength and valour; he becomes a veritable god on Earth. He

becomes omniscient, acquires all spiritual attainments, can expound even the Scriptures and Sciences which he has not studied, and all the three worlds are visible to him. (61)

The practitioner who drinks Shivambu with the powder of the five parts of the Sharapunkha (Oevnaa~ plant, acquires pre-eminence among the Yogis, and enjoys spiritual ecstasy. (62)

o Great Goddess! Powders of dry ginger, and crystal sugar should be mixed with ghee and honey, and taken with the juice of Nargundi (Vitex Nirgundo) leaves, followed by a drink of Shivambu. If this is done for a month, one becomes strong in one's limbs and acquires immeasurable physical prowess. After one year of this practice, one enjoys all the beneficial fruits of Yoga. (63, 64)

Equal amounts of black and white seasame seeds should be taken with Karanj (Pongamia Glabvi) seeds and the juice of Neem leaves, and this should be followed by a drink of Shivambu. The practitioner who follows these instructions will, within a fortnight, achieve perfection of body. (65)

Having drunk 1/32 gramme of opium roasted on an open fire with Shivambu, the wise man can enjoy sexual intercourse as and when he pleases. One who takes this drink regularly acquires complete control over the ejaculation of semen, over his breathing, and over the strong passions of lust and anger; he will be able to travel over the whole

earth for a long time (i.e. he will live a long and active life). (66, 67)

o Goddess! Triphala Choorna (see verse 27) mixed with Nirgundi (Vitex Nirgundo) and both the varieties of turmeric should be taken with Shivambu. He who does this for three months becomes omniscient, capable of discerning fine distinctions, and as lustrous as a crore of Kamadevas. (68)

One who regularly follows the practice of Iicking a paste of Bhringaraj (Eclipta Errecra) and honey, and drinking Shivambu after that, will in six months be able to cheat time (become free from the ravages of age) and will become far-sighted. (69)

He who regularly takes a powder of the bark of the Neem tree, the roots of Chitraka (Plumago Zeylancia) and the root of Piper l.ongum with Shivambu attains such spiritual eminence as to deserve to be worshipped even by the gods. (70)

The root of red Apamarg (Achyranthus Aspara), and the root of Chakramarda (Chenopadium Albium) should be drunk with Neem juice, and this should be followed by a drink of Shivambu. One who does this regularly will remain free from all diseases, and he will not be subject to the effects of old age such as wrinkles or greying of hair, which will remain black. He will be able to walk a distance of ten yojanas (125 ki lornetres) without effort. He wi II be able to hear sounds from great distances and thus come to know about distant events. He will be able to

divine other people's thoughts, and a Goddess! Young women of royal blood with faces rivalling the moon in beauty will be attracted towards him. (71, 72, 73)

He who licks a grain of the juice of white Kaner (Nerium Odorurn) and then takes a drink of Shivambu every day will be free from epilepsy (and mental disorders) within a year. (74)

The juice of white Gunja (Abrus Precatorius) seeds, the juice of Sharapunkha (Oevala) leaves, the powdered seeds of Chakramarda (Chenopadium Album) and the powdered roots of Matulung (Mahalung) should be taken in equal quantities, and wetted with Shivambu to prepare a paste. This paste should be rolled into peasized pills. One of these pills should be taken every day, and Shivambu taken after that. If this practice is continued for a month, the practitioner, pre-eminent among the Yogis, will achieve such a purification of his body as to render it free from all ailments. (75, 76, 77)

Powdered seeds of Karanja (Pongamia Glabra), the gum of the Banian tree (Ficus Bengalensis) and a little opium should be mixed and licked every morning, and this should be followed by a drink of Shivambu. The Yogi who follows this practice will in six months acquire the youthfulness of a sixteen-year old boy. He can become invisible when he chooses, and can become visible at his will. (78, 79)

The juice of the leaves of Keveli should be mixed with the juice of

Bhringaraaj leaves, and taken with honey, crystal sugar and ghee. The mixture is like a thick paste, and has to be licked. One who takes this mixture regularly will be free from the signs of old age, and his hair will remain black. (80)

White Mustard seeds and Turmeric mixed with both kinds of cumin seeds should be powdered together, and taken regularly. This will free one from all signs of old age within a month. (81)

Drumsticks, Jatamansi and white Mustard seeds should be powdered, mixed with honey and ghee. This should be taken regularly. This practice causes one's body to become as comely as that of the demi-gods known as Gandharvas. (82)

Kalanemi (Guggul) and Bhargika (Clerodendron Serrotum) should be powdered and made into a paste by mixing with butter. If this is taken regularly with Shivambu, the practitioner acquires a pleasing personality. (83)

The variety of Moss known as Jalakesar and the seeds of Sapindus Laurifolius should be powdered and mixed with Shivambu. He who takes this mixture regularly acquires the charming personality of the famous King Udayan, the King of the Vatsas, and will not be subjecttothe process of aging. (84)

o Goddess, if the Yogi takes Nasya (cleans his nasal passages) with Shivambu every morning, he will be cured of all diseases which are caused by the excess of any or all of the three humours Kapha (phlegm), Vaata (Air), and Pitta (Bile). His appetite will be stimulated, and if his body is weak, it will be

greatly strengthened. (85)

If the practitioner of the system massages his body thrice during the day and thrice during the night with Shivambu, longevity will be conferred upon him. (86)

If he massages his body with Shivambu three times in every period of a day and a night (24 hours), he will be strong in his body and in all the joints of the body, he will constantly be in a state of ecstatic happiness, he will always have friendly feelings for ali, and his body will shine with a golden lustre. (87)

Even if he drinks Shivambu only once a day and massages his body with it once a day, he becomes capable of great exploits. If this practice is followed for three years, his body will acquire radiance, he will become the master of all arts and sciences, he will acquire veracity and felicity of speech, and he will live so long as the moon and the stars continue to exist. (88, 89)

And now, 0 Goddess, I shall expound the various practices to be followed during each of the six seasons. The Yogi who adopts the practices as described will not be troubled by diseases. (90)

o Parvati! During the Spring, powdered Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)

should be taken with honey; and similarly powdered dry ginger should be taken with honey. This should be followed by a drink of Shivambu. This practice will assuredly free one from twenty disorders caused by excess of Kapha (Phlegm), forty disorders caused by excess of Pitta (Bile), and eighty disorders caused by excess of Vata (Air). (91, 92)

And 0 Great Goddess, bitter and pungent foods should be avoided during the Spring. This will ensure the proper nourishment and development of all the limbs. (93)

o Great Goddess! During the summer, equal quantities of powdered Haritaki (Terrninalia Chebula) and peepadPiper Longum) should be taken with jaggery, and this should be followed by a drink of Shivambu. This will restore the body to its normal state, cure all diseases, confer acuity of vision and lightness of the body, and bestow upon the practitioner the capability of travelling through the air. (94, 95)

During the rainy season (around July-August), powdered Heriteki (Terminalia Chebula) should be taken with powdered roots of peeper (Piper Longum) and Saindhav salt. After that, Shivambu should be drunk. The Yogi who follows this practice will become free from diseases and his body will become radiant. If he takes the powder along with milk, he will not be consumed by, or even touched by, fire. (96, 97)

During the Sharad season (September-October), powdered Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), powdered fruits of Terrninalia Belavica, and powdered crystal sugar mixed together should be taken, and a drink of Shivambu taken after that. This practice will purify the body, free it from diseases, and impart the capability of very quick motion over the ground. And 0 Consort of the chief among the Gods, all the attainments conferred by Yoga will be acquired in a very short period. (98, 99)

During the Hemanta season (November-December) {powdered dry ginger, powdered anvla (fruit of Phylonthus Embica) and powdered Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) should be mixed together and taken before drinking Shivambu. The Yogi who follows this practice becomes free from all diseases, all dirorders resulting from abnormalities of body fluids are corrected, sharpness of vision of improved fel icitous speech and knowledge of all sciences are acquired without any effort. (100. 10n

During the Shishir season (January-February), mixed powder of peepar (Piper Longum) roots, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) and dry ginger should be taken before drinking Shivambu. This purifies the body, confers the strength of a hundred elephants, and prevents the ravages of old age. The practitioner becomes omniscient, and the object of affection of all living entities. (102, 103)

o Goddess, during the period of the regular ingestion of Shivambu,

one must sedulously abjure the following : Vegetables consisting either of leaves or flowers, grams and pulses such as Kodre, Horse grams, Lentils, Black Grams, etc.; cereals that are I ikely to cause flatulence; pungent, sharp, bitter, salty and sour foods; sexual intercourse. Avoidance of all these will help the success of Yogic practices, Any relaxation of this abstinence is likely to cause harm. (104, 105, 106)

o Dear one! I have expounded the therapeutic system called Shivambu Kalpa to you. This is secret knowledge that is to be sedulously guarded. It should not be imparted to all and sundry (but only to the deserving). (107) Here ends the discussion of Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi, as expounded in the Damar Tantra.


URINE Among the more recently developed therapeutic systems, Magnetotherapy holds an important position. Innumerable patients who have been disappointed by the Western Allopathic System of Medicine are turning towards Magnetotherapy in the expectation of cures. Magnets are used in two ways for therapeutic purposes (1) Method of Direct Application : In this method, magnets of definite pole strengths and shapes are kept

in direct contact with the affected parts of the body for specified periods of time. It is not possible to give here detailed information as to what sort of magnets are to be placed in contact with which parts of the body for what periods. For such information the interested readers are invited to refer to the book on 'Magnetotherapy' by Dr Gala. (2) Method of Indirect Application : Use is made in this method of water, urine, milk, etc., which have been previously magnetised by exposing them to the action of magnetic fields. If the urine to be drunk or used for massage has been magnetised prior to utilization, quicker and better results are obtained. For magnetising urine that is to be drunk, place two powerful magnets on the two sides, or under the bottom, of the glass or bottle holding the urine for 15 to 20 minutes (see the figures). The urine gets quite sufficiently magnetised in this interval.

[Method of magnetising urine]

If the urine is to be used for massage, the bottles containing it should be left in continuous contact with the magnets for three or four days prior to use. Urine to be used as eye-drops, or for instilling into the

ears or nostrils, should also be used after magnetising it. For this purpose, fresh urine should be used.

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