August 2007

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MEMBER'S PERSPECTIVE I want to introduce a new section to our newsletter. Every month we are asking for you, our fellow members to offer your view point on a specific topic or your view point of the association and its board. Feel free to forward your article to me, Bill Hernandez at [email protected].

Contributing member: Hector Llevat – member since 1994 Greeting fellow members, I was given the honor of writing the first ever Member’s Perspective article by our President Billy Hernandez, for which I am grateful. I must begin by admitting that my involvement in our association has been less than noteworthy over the years; it has nonetheless, been very rewarding. I have always felt that I receive a good return on my investment of dues. Like many of you, I have taken full advantage of the great promotional exam training offered through the association, enjoyed the annual membership gifts, and the Generations Luncheon. I also look forward to reading the newsletter when it arrives in my mailbox and keeping myself informed of what is going on within the organization. I find it very gratifying to learn about some of the charitable giving done by our association on behalf of its members. Service and giving is and should be what we are all about. I’m excited to hear about some of the programs that the association is working on for the future, our new building, leadership training, gifts, ect. We as an association must to continue engage in the development of the current and future leaders of our department. Only by devoting our time and resources to the training, mentoring, and motivation of our people can we accomplish this. You have to invest now to gain the dividends later. This is a continuing process that can not be forgotten. As businessman John Scully once said, “The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious”. The HPOA sees possibilities in all of its members and it’s up to us to make them obvious. On another note, I recently had the pleasure of attending the 4th Annual Law Enforcement Emmaus Retreat for men in law enforcement. The retreat was facilitated by member Juan Perez who did an excellent job. I had a great time and shared fellowship with other members either attending or assisting with the event. While I was there I heard a great quote from fellow member Osvaldo “Ozzie” Robles, which he relayed from a friend. I think it applies to all of us at home, at work, and really in all aspects of our lives: “If the grass seems greener on the other side….WATER YOUR OWN GRASS!!!!” The 5th Annual Law Enforcement Emmaus Retreat is tentatively scheduled for July 2008. Anyone interested in attending or wanting further information contact Jose Del Valle (CGPD) at 786-280-0048. I thank you all for allowing me a few moments to express my thoughts and wish you all continued success and happiness.

Hispanic Police Officer Association


1470 NW 107 Avenue Unit, P Doral, Florida 33172



Hispanic Pulse

Hispanic Police Officers Association

August 6, 2007

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT It has been six months since your new board was sworn in at the Valentine’s Day Dance. It is incredible how fast time has gone by and how busy I have been since taking over the presidency from Mike Palacios. Mike had told me it was a never ending job, and he was right about that. However, I am enjoying the challenges that are brought to me on a daily basis and I am continuously striving to make our associaBill Hernandez tion better. For example, In the past six months we have been able to purchase our own office, rearranged our finance in order to provide additional scholarships, implement an interactive webpage, revitalize our newsletter, and these are just a few visible things that we have done. As I continue on this journey I promise you that your board will meet all obstacles head on, look for ways to improve, and create many lasting partnerships. As some of you know, your board is made up of a group of individuals that are striving for the best interest of the membership and the Department. Recently, we had the completion of the Sergeant’s Promotional Process Training held at the Fred Taylor Headquarters’ Complex. Because of their innovative ideas, we all need to thank Alex Alfonso and Hiram Rodriguez for thinking out of the box and coming up with a fair way of handling this process. They contacted various individuals that have a known curriculum for the promotional process and requested that they submit a proposal. After receiving all proposals, the Executive Board made a decision in awarding the contract to Thomas Rockhill. Additionally, in the past we would have used the Hilton Hotel to serve as the host for this seminar. Again these individuals thought out of the box and were able to obtain the headquarters cafetorium to facilitate this event. There efforts changed the course in which the HPOA does business while saving our association thousands of dollars.

Hispanic Police Officer's Association 1470 N.W. 107th Avenue Suite P Doral, Florida 33172 Phone 305.594.1173 Email: [email protected] The Hispanic Pulse We are on the Web:

We are available 24 Hours HPOA HOTLINE

(786) 924-0100 Association Attorney's Mark Seiden Tim Martin

I mentioned earlier that the HPOA was able to create additional scholarships for its members. With the help of Mayor Carlos Alvarez, we were able to award five scholarships in the amount of $2,500. I have been working on this project for over three years and believe if we create the right partnerships this amount will only grow. As for this year’s recipient, they will be awarded their scholarships and certificates at our next monthly meeting on Monday, August 27th at the Doral Park Country Club at 7:30 pm... Please be there to congratulate the following HPOA Scholarship winners: Nicole Lopez Michael Hellman Katherine Millares Miranda Hellman Kristine Cundle

(Daughter of Lieutenant Joe Lopez) (Son of Lieutenant Bill Hellman) (Daughter of Officer Benigno Millares) (Daughter of Lieutenant Bill Hellman) (Daughter of Captain Michael Cundle)

2007 Liga Contra Cancer Telethon contributing members




Toby Soto Joel Kaplan Larry Ploucha Al Milian Next meeting: Will be held at the Doral Park Country Club at 7:30pm on Monday, August 27th, 2007. All memebers are welcome to attend.

continuation from presidents message Last month I wrote about our organization purchasing its first location in its 28 year history. Well the building is coming along. The first floor was completely gutted and they are in the process of putting in the new plumbing and air conditioning. The floor material has been selected, as well as the cabinets and counter tops. I am hoping this project will not take much longer and we will be able to have our grand opening. Lastly, I want to express my condolences to the family and friends of past Executive Board member Arthur Gonzalez. Artie, as he was known to all of us was a caring person and beloved friend. His character was best described as “un pedaso de pan”. His passing hopefully sends a shock wave to all of us that even if you’re are feeling fine and looking fine, something could be going on inside us that we are not aware of. A simple blood test would have revealed Artie’s problem and countermeasures could have been taken. Please, let’s not have Arties death go in vain. Have your self checked on a yearly basis. I already did! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.

MESSAGE FROM THE 1ST VICE PRESIDENT As most of you know, the HPOA recently completed our 2007 HPOA Sergeant’s Preparation course that was taught by Thomas Rockhill of Rockhill, Halton & Associates. Approximately 97 members participated in this intense three-day seminar in order to learn principles of supervision and tactics in dealing with the BADGE and In-basket portions of the Sergeant’s exam. Many Hiram Rodriguez of the board members received many appreciated compliments about the event from the attendees and from the instructor. To that we say thank you and your kind words make it all worth it. In many regards, this was a special occasion for the members on the board. It was the first time that the Department allowed the HPOA to use the Headquarters Cafetorium to hold this type of function. In addition, to show the Department’s support, Director Robert Parker spoke to the attending members about his supervisory experiences and his expectations of the supervisors who serve within the MiamiDade Police Department. All in all, it was a very successful event for all involved.

Members efforts I just wanted to reach out to each and every one of you who participated in this year HPOA Golf Tournament. Because of Richard and Lourdes Mestre, Tony Rey, and all of your efforts the following was accomplished:

Help Make a Dream Come True

There were a lot of reasons why 12-yearold Jimarys wished to go to Hawaii but the main reason was a research project she completed in school. Ever since then, she has been fascinated with the culture and beauty of Hawaii and has dreamed of visiting the islands for herself. Jimarys loves to bead and recently she has been selling her handmade bracelets and necklaces in hopes of one day having enough money to go to Hawaii. The day she discovered she would be making the trip a whole lot sooner thanks to the Make-AWish Foundation of Southern Florida, she was elated. Battling jet lag isn’t as hard when you land in tropical bliss. It was like jumping into her textbook and entering a whole new world. From the moment a lei was placed around her neck, Jimarys knew she was living her dream. Jimarys and her family spent a week discovering the local food and gorgeous beaches of the “Paradise of the Pacific.” There were tons of exhilarating activities on the agenda including a delicious luau complete with hula dancing and a lei making demonstration. On a whale watching cruise, Jimarys was speechless at the sight of a whale mother and her calf playing in the surf. The boat’s captain invited her to sit up front so she could get a better look. She was in awe of the breathtaking sunset she experienced during a dinner sail as she asked her mother, “Why don’t we move to Hawaii ?” The day her journey ended, Jimarys took countless pictures and mementos home with her so she can forever remember her spectacular vacation in Hawaii ! Adopted by: HPOA - 3rd Annual Make-A-Dream Come True Golf Tournament

Regardless of the outcome, each of our attending members should be commended for their endeavors and sacrificing their personal time in order to take steps in advancing their careers. I would also like acknowledge the contributions of fellow members Chief Frank Vecin, Captain Carlos Vazquez, Sergeant Erik Palmer and all the members of the board for their assistance and support in this endeavor.

Shameem Mohamed

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Director Parker

MESSAGE FROM THE SERGEANT AT ARMS We are still searching for volunteers. One of the major complaints that we have heard over and over again, is that members have hard time getting information about organization events and news. We have come long way Alex Alfonso updating our website, primarily through the efforts of Bill and Eric, but sometimes that is not enough. We are asking for members, ideally two from each locations of assignment within the Department, to volunteer to become HPOA District Representatives. These representatives would be required to attend monthly meeting and disseminate pertinent information back to the rest of the members of their respective assignments. It is our hope that this would encourage member participation and make this organization better for all of us. Any one interested may contact Alex Alfonso at [email protected], Eric Garcia at [email protected], and Bill Hernandez at [email protected]. Remember with out you we have no organization. County, you can cut what ever you want, but don't touch my budget!!! I can see the light at the end, but we are not out of the woods just yet….. As some of you have heard or you have read my last column. There was much debate as to how the proposed tax cuts would affect the Department’s budget. Since that time there has been several outcomes. In short, the Department was required to reduce our Fiscal Year 2007-08 Budget Submission by approximately $32 million dollars. Despite the fact that figure may sound like a huge amount, granted more than most us will ever get the slightest opportunity to see in our lifetimes (if ever), it only represent approximately 6.4% of the total departmental budget. The good news, we are all still employed. The bad news, we can’t buy all the toys we would normally like to. Many little things that we have grown accustomed to will have to change. But the question on everyone’s mind is the Big “O”. Yes “Overtime” was also reduced. Not within district/bureau’s operational overtime, but within the Enhance Enforcement Initiative (EEI). However, despite this partial loss we still endure. Some of the other niceties that are going to be impacted will come in the form of reduced copier machine requests, departmental cell phones, laptops, general funded travel, rental cars, wireless air cards, furniture and the like. Basically, it won’t be impossible to operate, but it will be inconvenient. However there may be more anticipated budgeted cuts in the horizon. Our legislators left the prospects of “Either-Or Tax-Reform” in the hands of the voters that will take place in January of 2008. Depending on the outcome, the proposed tax-reform may further impact the level of services and funding available within both the unincorporated and municipal governed areas of Miami-Dade County. This will affect all levels within in government. The most visible impacts will be within Public Safety (Police and Fire). What will the level of the impact be as result of the proposed tax-reform? What are the differences between the two proposals? Is it really a benefit to the tax payer? Is there anything we can do as an organization? In all honesty, I’m not sure at this time. But stay tuned, I will be researching this matter further and will be reaching out to our contacts from the TaxCollectors Office so that we can better inform you in the following newsletters to come.

MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY I want to congratulate Major Ricardo Gomez on his recent retirement and new assignment. It was my privilege to honor Major Gomez at his retirement brunch and present him with an Honorary Medallion on behalf of the association for honorably serving the HPOA for more Eric Garcia than twenty five years. He has now moved on to become the first Chief of Police for the City of Doral where I am certain he will do an exceptional job. Congratulations!!!! If you are aware of any HPOA members that are retiring in the near future, we want to know so we can honor them in the same way. Please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] with the information. Once again I want to spread the word about the HPOA website. The site has become an effective tool to update our membership about our successes and to keep them informed about current issues and events. I encourage you to join this email list if you have access to email. You may do so through our web site at (just go to the bottom left of the home page and click on the "Edit Profile" button). Or email [email protected] and ask for instructions on how to join. If you have not been receiving the newsletter or need to update your personnel information please contact me or go to the website. For those of our members that are planning on taking the upcoming lieutenant’s promotional exam we encourage you to take advantage of the HPOA’s promotional prep courses. Currently, the test is being given on line at WWW.HPOADADE.ORG. We are also in the process of planning for the lieutenant’s assessment center training in hopes of locating and contracting the best possible instructor for our members. Best of luck!

Erik Palmer

The Hispanic Pulse

The Hispanic Pulse

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