Assignment Mis 2

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  • Pages: 5
MEERA M NAIR (520845475)



What are limitations of MIS? What are the factors which lead to the success and failure of MIS in an organization?

As businesses have evolved, the need for both fast access to quality intelligence and autonomy at the business unit level have made it imperative and challenging to manage information assets more effectively, efficiently and wisely. Developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy for how information about suppliers, customers, competitors and global markets is obtained, validated, stored, managed, accessed, analyzed and distributed is now central to organizational survival and profitability. To make the most of opportunities, organizations must maximize the business value of information and leverage investments made in all data management technologies. The rewards will go beyond survival to agility, adaptability, innovation, and in the end, competitive advantage. In today's paradigm there are inherent challenges associated with managing information. •

Information has limited shelf life. As organizations move toward understanding and managing data assets and begin the evolution of creating highly usable information, it becomes obvious that information has a limited shelf life. Left unmanaged, information decays, content loses its context, meaning is lost as metadata remains unenforced, and unstructured data cannot be located. Data and information are managed in silos. Data is characterized and stored differently, and there are different standards for various types. Different instrumentations and integration methodologies are used based on type and utility. Disparate metadata is applied. Digital data is doubling at an unprecedented rate. The escalated demand for information and the exponential growth in data volumes is challenged by the increase in types and complexity of disparate data that need to be managed – structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Falling storage costs compound the issue by continuing to drive the appetite for higher data volumes and data stores. Everyone needs information. The increase in knowledge workers throughout organizations means that more people are seeking access to more data than ever before. The need to present data in intelligible forms to workers lacking specialized data extraction skills has never been greater.

This confluence of challenges requires that enterprise information be managed as a strategic asset – from the way it is acquired, created and maintained to how it is integrated, stored, accessed and distributed.



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MEERA M NAIR (520845475)


2) What is Business Process Re-engineering. Explain in detail the focus of BPR on the current issues in Business. The existing system in the organization is totally reexamined and radically modified for incorporating the latest technology. This process of change for the betterment of the organization is called as Business process re-engineering. With Business process being re-engineered, the organizations have to change the workflow and business procedures for efficiency in the organization. Latest software is used and accordingly the business procedures are modified, so that documents are worked upon more easily and efficiently. This is called as workflow management. Business process reengineering is a major innovation changing the way organizations conduct their business. Such changes are often necessary for profitability or even survival. BPR is employed when major IT projects such as ERP are undertaken. Reengineering involves changes in structure, organizational culture and processes. Many concepts of BPR changes organizational structure. Team based organization, mass customization; empowerment and telecommuting are some of the examples. The support system in any organization plays a important role in BPR. ES, DSS, AI (discussed later) allows business to be conducted in different locations, provides flexibility in manufacturing permits quicker delivery to customers and supports rapid paperless transactions among suppliers, manufacturers and retailers. Expert systems can enable organizational changes by providing expertise to non experts. It is difficult to carry out BPR calculations using ordinary programs like spreadsheets etc. Experts make use of applications with simulations tools for BPR. Reengineering is basically done to achieve cost reduction, increase in quality, improvement in speed and service. BPR enable a company to become more competitive in the market. Employees work in team comprising of managers and engineers to develop a product. This leads to the formation of interdisciplinary teams which can work better than mere functional teams. The coordination becomes easier and faster results can be achieved. The entire business process of developing a product gets a new dimension. This has led to reengineering of much old functional process in organizations. BPR – the current focus Apart from the usual ways of managing a process in any business information system, it is necessary to enhance the value of the process and also the methods used in improving the process. Some of the concepts of information management for effective information systems are the traditional concept of database, the emerging concepts of data mining and data warehousing.

Concept of Database – Database is a data structure used to store organized information. A database is typically made up of many linked tables of rows and columns. Databases are now also used in nearly all e-commerce sites to store product inventory and customer information. Data Mining - Data mining is primarily used as a part of information system today, by companies with a strong consumer focus - retail, financial, communication, and marketing organizations. It enables them to “drill down” into summary information to view detail transactional data. With data mining, a



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retailer could use point-of-sale records of customer purchases to send targeted promotions based on an individual’s purchase history. By mining demographic data from comment or warranty cards, the retailer could develop products and promotions to appeal to specific customer segments.

Data Warehousing - A data warehouse is a copy of transaction data specifically structured for querying and reporting. The main output from data warehouse systems are either tabular listings (queries) or with minimal formatting or highly formatted “formal” reports on business activities. This becomes a convenient way to handle the information being generated by various processes. Data warehouse is an archive of information collected from wide multiple sources, stored under a unified scheme, at a single site. This data is stored for a long time permitting the user an access to archived data for years. The data stored and the subsequent report generated out of a querying process enables decision making quickly. This concept is useful for big companies having plenty of data on their business processes. Big companies have bigger problems and complex problems. Decision makers require access to information from all sources. Setting up queries on individual processes may be tedious and inefficient. Data warehouse may be considered under such situations.

3)Explain the various role of a Systems Analyst. What is meant by Feasibility of systems? What are the various types of Feasibility study?

System analysts are the facilitators of the study of the problem and needs of a business to determine how the business systems and information technology can best solve the problem and accomplish improvements for the business. The system analyst is responsible for examining the total flow of data throughout the organization. Various aspects of an organization like personnel interactions and procedures for handling problems of the computer are studied by him. The person involved in the system development is known as system analyst. His main role is as consultant, supporting and maintenance expert, he should work with a cross section of people and should have the experience of working with computers. He is a problem solver and takes problem as a challenge and enjoys meeting challenges. He knows how to use the right tools, techniques and experience at the right time. Feasibility of Systems Feasibility is a measure of how beneficial the development of an information system would be to an organization. Feasibility analysis is the activity by which the feasibility is measured. Feasibility study is a preliminary study which investigates the information needs of prospective users and determines the resource requirements, costs, benefits and feasibility of a proposed project. The data is first collected for the feasibility study. Later on, the findings of the study are formalized in a written report that includes preliminary specifications and a development plan for the proposed system. If the management approves these recommendations of the report the development process can continue.



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Types of feasibility The goal of feasibility study is to evaluate alternative systems and to propose the most feasible and desirable system for development. The feasibility of a proposed system can be evaluated in four major categories: a) Technical feasibility: It is a measure of a technology’s suitability to the application being designed or the technology’s ability to work with other technologies. It measures the practicality of a specified technical solution. b) Economic feasibility: It is the measure of the cost effectiveness of a project. It is also known as cost-benefit analysis. c) Operational feasibility: It is a measure of how comfortable the management and users are with the technology. d) Schedule feasibility: It is a measure of how reasonable the project schedule is. 4. Explain the significance of DSS. What are the components of DSS and explain DSS model?(10) The most significant advantage of the Decision Support System is its use in sensitising the decisions and assessing its implications on the result or business performance. The second advantage of such system is in focusing on the critical issues in business. The third advantage of the Decision Support System is that it provides higher management ability to delegate decision-making to the lower level once the other models are tested.

DSS Models The Decision Support System can be based on three different approaches:

Behavioural Models These models are useful in understanding the behaviour amongst the business variables. The decision-maker can then make decisions giving due regard to such behavioural relationships. The trend analysis, forecasting, and the statistical analysis models belong to this category. Trend analysis indicates how different variables behave in trend setting in the past and hence in the future. A regression model shows the correlation between one or more variables. It also helps in identifying the influence of one variable on the other. These types of models are largely used in process control, manufacturing, agricultural sciences, medicines, psychology



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and marketing. Behavioural analysis can be used to set the points for alert, alarm and action for the decision-making Management Science Models These models are developed on the principles of business management, accounting and econometrics. In many areas of management, the proven methods of management control are available which can be used for the management decision. There are also several management systems, which can be converted into the Decision Support System models. For example, the budgetary systems, the cost accounting systems, the system of capital budgeting for better return on the investment, the ABC analysis, the control of inventory through the maximum-minimum levels, the MRP systems, etc., are the examples of the use of the management science in the materials management. Production planning and control, scheduling and loading systems are the examples in Production Management. Manpower planning and forecasting are the examples in relation to Personnel Management. Some of these models can be used straight away in the design of the Decision Support System. While some others require the use of management principles and practices, most of the procedure based decision-making models belong to this category. One can develop a model for selection of vendor for procurement of an item, based on the complex logical information scrutiny. Such models take away the personal bias of the decision-maker.



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