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Business Communication Reading and Coursework Assignment.

Learner : Le Tien Dung SGD – Vietcombank – Cell phone : 0917796899 Email : [email protected] MBA Course – 06th Intake – MBA General HTU – NCU Program April 30, 2009


Le Tien Dung

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MGT6110 Prof.Robert J. Dalton Business Communication

Reading and Coursework Assignments.

Faculty Use Only

<Writing Score>

Contents Module 1 1.1. Why do you think good communication in an organization improves employee attitudes and performance? Explain briefly. 1.2. What is ethnocentrism and how can it be overcome in communication? Module 2 2.1. What is the main advantages of oral media? Of written media? 2.2. What is style, and how do you decide on the appropriate style for a message? 2.3. When composing business messages, how can you be yourself and project your company’s image at the same time? 2.4. Which distribution method would you choose for a highly confidential strategic planning report that needs to be sent to top executives at six locations in North America, Asia, and Europe? Explain your choice. Module 3 3.1. Why is it important to present both sides of an argument when writing a persuasive message to a potentially hostile audience? 3.2. Are emotional appeals ethical? Why or why not? Module 4 4.1. When you read a graph, how can you be sure that the visual impression you are receiving is an accurate reflection of reality? Please explain. 4.2. If you want to make a specific recommendation in your report, should you include information that might support a different recommendation? Explain your answer. Module 5 5.1. If you included a bibliography in your report, would you also need to include in-text citations? 5.2. If you were giving an oral presentation on the performance of a company product, what three attention-getters might you use to enliven your speech? Module 6 What should you strive for when selecting background designs, fonts, and type styles for your slides?

Module 1 Chapters 1-3 Question: 1.1. Why do you think good communication in an organization improves employee attitudes and performance? Explain briefly. Answer According to Bovée and Thill “Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages, whether you are exchanging e-mail, giving a formal presentation, or chatting with co-workers, sending their friends a letter/card/text message at lunch. Furthermore, the essence of communication is sharing-providing data, information and insights in an exchange that benefits both you and the people with whom you are communicating”. (2008, p.4) for example:

Jack feels the need to let her know his feelings and he thinks about how to let her knows. He has the following methods of communication to choose from, he can write her a letter/ card/ text message. For Jack’s wish, through communication, he can ring her, and he can tell her face-to-face. From an example above, we can understand the importance of communication in business generally and our living individually. Furthermore, “good communication”, which is seen in my opinion as “effective communication”, happens only when the messages given by the sender is properly understood by the receiver and the receiver will then act in the way the sender expects them to do. “Good communication” in an organization will tell you to succeed in business today. Specially, you need the ability to communicate with people both inside and outside your organization. Whether you are competing to get the job you want or to win the customers your company needs, your success or failure depends to a large degree on your ability to communicate.( Bovée and Thill.2008, p.4 ). Good communication improves employee attitudes and performances. For example, when executives succeed to make an effective communication to their employees, they can properly share their decisions, provide information or help their employees completely understand their tasks, subsequently do the right things and achieve the best results at the boss request. Employers want staffs do a work according to their requirement, employers have to make decisions and transfer this information to the staffs. If this process of transferring information is good, the staffs will understand what do employers require and meet the requirement of work. In addition, employers understand their staffs and apply the manner of communication to gain their purpose. In this situation, both employers and staffs are satisfied. In contrast, if this process is not good will lead to misunderstanding and the result of this work is not good. As can be seen from Bovée and Thill definition, business communication divides into tow kind of communication, internal communication and external communication. Internal communication takes place between people inside the company and external communication takes place between the company and outside parties. (Bovée and Thill.2008, p.4). Beside this division, “good communication” in an organization not only improves employee attitudes and performance but also influences corporate culture and image. Successful companies encourage employee contribution by ensuring that communication flows freely down, up, and across the organization chat. Open climates encourage candor and honesty, helping employee feel free enough to admit their mistakes, disagree with the boss and share negative or unwelcome

information.( Bovée and Thill.2008, p.10 ). In addition, culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, value and norms for behavior. Therefore, employees will think that what should they do in order to make up their corporate image? For instance, to rebuild newly customer policies more appropriate than last policies and new customer services at higher, in order to attractive the attention of customers with new policies and their attractive services. From this point of view, corporate image will be more beautiful in the customer sight. The situation can be made clearer by the fact, when executives succeed to make an effective communication to their employees, they can properly share their decision, provide information and help their employees completely understand their tasks, subsequently do the right thing and achieve best result at the boss request, and vice verse, when the employees manage to communicate well with their boss, they will be able to timely submit their work reports, comments, grievances as well as suggestions to their seniors or management. Furthermore, effective communication in an organization also involves successful communication between departments, which is very important for employees to “share information and coordinate tasks” and “is especially useful for solving complex and difficult problems”. In short, “good communication” in any organization that will improves employee attitudes and performance because of three main reasons. The first reason is tell you that to succeed in business and our living today, you need the ability to communicate with people. The second reason, it improves employee attitudes. Moreover, “good communication” in an organization not only improves employee attitudes and performance but also influences corporate culture and image. Question: 1.2. What is ethnocentrism, and how can it be overcome in communication? Answer It is clear from Bovée and Thill illustration, Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge all other groups according to your own group’s standards, behaviors, and customs. When making such comparisons, people too often decide that their group is superior. ( Bovée and Thill.2008, p.67 ). At that time, Ken Barger in Anthropology Indiana University wrote that "Ethnocentrism" is a commonly used word in circles where ethnicity, inter-ethnic relations, and similar social issues are of concern. The usual definition of the term is "thinking one's own group's ways are superior to others" or "judging other groups as inferior to one's own". "Ethnic" refers to cultural heritage, and "centrism" refers to the central starting point... so "ethnocentrism" basically refers to judging other groups from our own cultural point of view. But even this does not address the underlying issue of why people do this. Most people, thinking of the shallow definition, believe that they are not ethnocentric, but are rather "open minded" and "tolerant." However, as explained below, everyone is ethnocentric, and there is no way not to be ethnocentric... it cannot be avoided, nor can it be willed away by a positive or well-meaning attitude. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from the following website Shortly, In order to reduce ethnocentrism in communication, you should avoid assumption, because other people will not think, use language and symbols, and act in the same way as you did. Moreover, Ethnocentrism is also caused by judgments, I think that “do not judge a person by the appearance”. Therefore, when people can do the different way, should not conclude immediately, that they were in error. On the other hand, when crossing cultural boundaries, acknowledging the differences between another person’s culture to other as well as the differences between this countries culture to others. Basically, your country’s culture is very important. It is clearly different from culture each country when you recognize cultural distinction and understand the differences of culture each countries in the world, for example, contextual, legal and ethical, social, nonverbal signals, age, gender, religion, and ability, therefore, absolutely the improvement of personal experience is as well as knowledge of culture, clearly it believes that we will overcome ethnocentrism in communication.

Module 2 Chapters 4-6 Question 2.1. What is the main advantages of oral media? Of written media? Answer According to Bovée and Thrill (2008, p.101) show that, oral media have four main advantages, namely: 1) oral media offer immediate feedback, 2) they permit a certain ease of interaction, 3) they engage abundant nonverbal indication (both physical gesture and voiced inflection) and 4) they allow emotion manifestation behind the message. These two authors also listed the six major advantages of written media over oral media as follows. 1) Written media facilitate planning and manipulating the message, 2) they also offer an everlasting and demonstrable record, 3) they help the author reach wide range of audience who live in different regions, 4) they minimize the misrepresentation that can go together with oral message, 5) they can help author and audience escape from immediate feedback, 6) and finally they remove any inapt emotional components. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.101) Question 2.2. What is style, and how do you decide on the appropriate style of a message? Answer In my opinion, it is a large question. I think that, the style for appropriate message depends on your purpose, situation, and audience. In some case, oral communication and written communication have to combine with together. Because, the appropriate style of a message also depends on the objective, subjects and the difference of cultural each country. Therefore, you are ready to start thinking about the organization of your message and which way to get the best message? As is illustrated by Bovée and Thill, (2008, p.102). Poor organization creates unnecessary work for your readers, forcing them to piece your massage together in a sensible way. At worst, poor organization leads readers to form inaccurate conclusions or tempts them to stop reading or listening. If you gain a reputation as a disorganized communicator, people will begin to ignore your message. In contrast, effective organization also save your time and consumes less of your creative energy. Your draft goes more quickly because you don’t waste putting ideas in the wrong places or composing material that you don’t need. For example, writing a business message is very different to personal message because the different objective, the different audience, so the message must be used the different style, which depends on the kind of audience. Furthermore, if you are working on a large, complex project you can use your organization plan to divide the writing job among co-workers. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.102-103) In addition to help you, good organization helps the members of your audience in three key ways. First, it helps your audience understand your message. Second, it helps your audience accept your message. Third, good organization saves your audience time. Three factors above, well-organized message will be efficient. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.103-104). According to Bovee & Thill (2008, p.120), when writing a message, the writers should adapt to the audience. In brief, the appropriate style of a message depends on your purpose, situation, and audience. Sometime, it also combines with together to gain a success in doing business. Question 2.3. When composing business messages, how can you be your self and project your company’s image at the same time? Answer Your company’s image is clearly very important in doing business, on even the most routine matter; you serve as the spokesperson for my company. The impression you make can enhance or damage the reputation of the entire company. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.127). For example: when customers think about buying, you want your company to be at the top of their list or be a part of their solution set. A positive first impression is vital to your potential customers, especially when

you consider the correlation between confidence level and customer acceptance. When composing business message, with these insights into how can adapt to your audience, you are ready to begin composing your message according to three-steps writing process, there are plan – write - complete (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.9091). Composition is much easier if you are already figured out what to say and in what order. Before composing, you should write your draft, try to let your creativity flow. Don’t try to draft and edit at the same time or worry about getting everything perfect. When composing message you should use strong words, emphasized words or effective sentences and coherent paragraphs for your business message. In addition, you should vary your sentence structure for impact and interest, and use transitional elements generously to help your audience follow your message. Form this point of view which will help you composing a more effective message. Moreover, your company’s image will be increased through your effective message. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.131-142). In a short word, you should select appropriate ideas for your message with steps above, specially is use strong words, emphasized words or effective sentences and coherent paragraphs. Composing your business message will depend on your purpose, situation, and audience. The paragraphs should give opinions with specific evidences, and use the methods of processing; the written will be more effective. Question 2.4. Which distribution method would you choose for a highly confidential strategic planning report that needs to be sending to top executive at six locations in North America, Asian, and Europe? Explain your choice? Answer People think that, with advance in technology today, there are many different choices for sending report or document. In my opinion, I am going to use e-mail with PDF formatted report attachment for sending a file or document. Further, through e-mail we will distribute cost, convenience, time, security and primacy. Distributing cost. Cost won’t be a concern for most messages, but for lengthy reports or multimedia production it may well be. Printing, binding, and delivering reports can be an expensive proposition, so weigh the cost versus the benefit before you decide. If you are trying to land a million-dollar client, spending $1,000 on presentation materials could be a wise investment. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.171). Distributing convenience. How much work is involved for you and your audience? Although it’s easy to attach a document to an e-mail message, things might not be so simple for the people on the other end. They may not have access to a printer, might be accessing your message for a slow wireless connection or a handheld device with a tiny screen or might not have the software needed to open your file. If you sending large files as IM or e-mail attachments, consider a filecompression utility such as WinZip or Stufflt to shrink the file first. For extremely large files, see whether your audience would prefer a CD-ROM instead.(Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.171). Distributing time. How soon does the message need to reach the audience? Don’t waste money on overnight delivery if the recipient won’t read the report for a week. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.171). Distributing security and privacy. The convenience offered by IM, e-mail and other technologies needs to be weighed against security and privacy concerns. For the most sensitive documents, your company will probably restrict both the people who can receive the document and the means you can use to distribute them. In addition, most computer users are wary of opening attachments these days. Instead of sending Word files (which are vulnerable to macro viruses and other risks) consider using Adobe Acrobat to convert your documents to PDF files.(Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.172). In brief, using e-mail with PDF formatted report attachment for sending a file or document is easy to distribute cost, convenience, time, especially is security and primacy.

Module 3 Chapters 8-10 Question 3.1. Why is it important to present both sides of an argument when writing a persuasive message to a potentially hostile audience? Answer According to Bovee & Hill (2008.p.295), when writing a persuasive message to a potentially hostile audience is necessary to present both side of an argument. Because, you can identify the right number and nature of message by analyzing your audience. Therefore, the best persuasive message are closed connect to your audience’s desires and interests, positives and negatives- the wants, needs, and motivation of your audience members. (the reasons they might not respond favorably to your message. Moreover, if your message is aimed at a single large organization, you can direct it specifically to ward a few top managers who make the kinds of decisions you are asking for. Meanwhile, some theorists believe that certain needs have a priority. To understand and categorize audience needs, you can prefer to specific information such as demographics (the age, gender, occupation, income, education, and other quantifiable characteristics of the people you are trying to persuade) and psychographics (personality, attitudes, lifestyle, and other psychological characteristics). (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.295). In addition, According to Bovee & Hill (2008), the most powerful persuasive messages can be expected to encounter some initial resistance. Because the best way to deal with audience resistance is to anticipate as many objections as it can and address them in the message before the audience can even bring them up. For example, if you know that your proposal to switch to lower-cost material will raise concerns bout product quality and customer satisfaction, address these issues head-on in your massage. . (Bovée and Thill,2008, p.304). On the other hand, to uncover audience objections, it needs to prepare some scenarios. Poke holes in its own theories and ideas before its audience does. Then find solutions to the problems it has uncovered. Recognize that people support what they help create, and ask the audience for their thoughts on the subject before presenters put your argument together. It should let the audience recommend some solutions (Bovee & Hill, 2008, p. 304). It can easy to understand that when a company present a solution to a potential customer about outsourcing a material to assembly for a completed product with low cost achievement. The encounter side should be presented beside the low cost achievement, such as the indexes of the material’s quality and on time delivery that need to present also. For the detail, a specific team needs to be formed to support the supplier for the targets to be obtained. (Bovee & Hill,2008, p.304). Shortly, the important presentations are both sides of an argument need to express when witting for a potentially hostile persuasive messages. Question 3.2. Are emotional appeals ethical? Why or why not? Answer Emotion appeals make good impression to readers feeling or sympathies (Bovee & Hill, p. 302). An emotion appeal calls on feelings, basing the argument on audience needs or sympathies; however; such an appeal must be subtle. For instance, you can make sure of the emotion surrounding certain word. The word freedom evokes strong feelings, as do words such as success, prestige, compassion, free, value, and comfort. Such words put your audience members in a certain frame of mind and help them accept your message. A logical appeal call on reason. In many arguments you might use to persuade an audience, you make a claim and then support your claim with reasons or evidence. (Bovee & Hill, p.302). From point of view above, I think that logical appeal are base on the reader’s notions of reasons and these appeal can use three type of reasoning such as analogy, induction, or deduction. Analogy, you reason from specific evidence to specific evidence. For example, to

convince management to buy a more robust firewall to protect your company’s network, you can use analogy of “circling wagons” as when covered wagons crossing the continent gathered in a circle every night to form a safe space within. (Bovée & Hill, p.302). Induction. With inductive reasoning, you work from specific evidence to a general conclusion. To convince your team to change to a new manufacturing process, such as you could point out that every company that has adopted it has increased profits so it must be a smart idea. (Bovee & Hill, p. 302) Deduction. With deduction reasoning, you work from a generalization to a specific conclusion. To persuade your boss to hire additional customer support staff, you might point to industry surveys that show how crucial customer satisfaction is to corporate profit. (Bovee & Hill, p. 302) In brief, the most remarkable differences between emotional appeals and logical appeals are 1) purpose of using: emotional appeals are used to help the audience accept your message while reason appeals are used when presenting facts and evidence for complex ideas or recommendations; 2) words employed: whereas emotional appeals need words that evokes strong feelings, reason appeals require the use of terms which claim reasons of evidence. Accordingly, base on different aims, different appeals should be suitably applied and thus, different word styles should be properly utilized. There are three main reasons to understand the logical and emotional appeals. Module 4 Chapters 11-13 Question 4.1. When you read a paragraph, how can you be sure that the visual impression you are receiving is an accurate reflection of reality? Please Explain. Answer According to Bovee & Hill (2008), several technological and social factors are contributing to the increasing use-and importance-of visuals in business communication. The process of creating and working with visual elements used to be the domain of experts with complex and expensive tools. A graph is a type of information graphically the graphic represents tabular, numeric data. Graph is used to present by digital technology, this tools is easier to understand large quantities of data and the different parts of the data. Well-designed visual elements can enhance the communication power of textual messages. Visual can convey some message points (such as spatial relationship, correlations, procedures and emotions) more effective and more efficient than words. According to Bovée & Thill (2008,p .362), “visuals attract and hold people’s attention, help your audience understanding and remembering your message and it compares among the variables in a period”. Busy readers usually see visual to get the gist of message, and impression visuals can draw readers deeper into your reports and presentations. Pictures are also an effective way to communicate with the diverse audiences that are common in today’s business environment. As illustrated by Bovée & Thill (2008,p384)” a visual element clearly stands on its own, as in the sidebars you see in magazine, visual should be clearly prefer to by number in the text of your report”. “Visual has a particular strong impact on your readers and on their perceptions, so verifying their quality is vital.”(p.385). When you prepare a graph, you should be sure to check visuals for mistakes such as typographic errors, inconsistent color treatment, confusing or undocumented symbols, and misaligned elements (Bovée & Thill, 2008, p.385). Moreover, you can also verify that information in visuals and text matches, which is true or not. Particularly if you are designing charts with a spreadsheet for data presentation, need ascertain any formulas used to generate the numbers, and also make sure the right numbers for each chart that you’ve just selected. In short, visuals should be clearly referred to the number of a text in your graph. Text and visual must consistently combine with together. From the point of this view, the visual impression is accurate reflection of reality; you should

build credibility by putting specific ideas into visual form to convey the impression of authenticity and precision. Question 4.2. If you want to make a specific recommendation in your report, should you include information that might support a different recommendation? Explain your answer. Answer There are many kind reports in all shapes and all sizes throughout your job, but they all separate into three main categories such as information reports, analytical reports & proposals. In my opinion, writing a specific recommendation to create powerful report, it should be depended on each kind of report and your audience. As mentioned by Bovée & Thill (2008), information reports usually address a predetermined need and must meet specific audience expectations. Analytical reports and proposals are often written in response to a perceived problem or a perceived opportunity. A clear statement of this problem or opportunity helps frame the communication challenged by identifying what are you going to write about, but it’s insufficient to guide your writing efforts. (Bovée & Thill, 2008, p.396). In my opinion, the specific recommendations in information report should cover these points: summary, mission and objectives, strategy, operation plan, critical risks and problem… However, if you want to show a specific recommendation in information report, you should not include information that might support a different recommendation, so these details that your audiences are very difficult to accept. In addition, the purpose of analytical reports is to analyze, understand, clarifyto think through a specific problem or an opportunity and figure out be how it affects the company and how the company should respond. In many cases, you will also be expected to make a recommendation based on your analysis. (Bovée and Thill, 2008, p.407). Before you choose an approach to write recommendation, determine whether your audience is receptive or skeptical. As mentioned by Bovée and Thill, (2008, p410), receptive audiences is persons whom you expect to agree with you, use a structure that focuses attention on conclusions and recommendations (direct approach). Skeptical audience is persons whom disagree with you or to be hostile, use a structure which focuses attention on the rationale behind your conclusions and recommendation (indirect approach). In some cases, you should ask to provide advice to solve a problem or approach an opportunity, rather than simply analyzing it and you should illustrate your recommendations using a series in the following steps: Establish or verify the need for action in the introduction, generally by briefly describing the problem or opportunity. Introduce the benefit that can be achieved, without providing any details. List the steps (recommendations) required to achieve the benefit, using action verbs for emphasis. Explain each step more fully, giving details on procedures, costs, and benefits. Summarize your recommendation. If your recommendation shows any risks, therefore, you should be sure to clearly address those as well. Doing so not only makes your report more ethical but also offers some protection in the event that your recommendation is implemented but does not work out as you had hoped. In short, in order to make sure your readers know the potential disadvantages for your recommendation and the potential benefits. Module 5 Chapters 14-16 Question 5.1. If you include a bibliography in your report, would you also need to include in-text citations?

Answer In my opinion, a bibliography in your report needs to include in-text citations. As mentioned by Bovée & Thill (2008, p. 482), this citation is as a list of secondary sources. For in-text citation, you typically just include the author's last name and a page number in brackets. Therefore, in-text citations relate to legal obligation such as copy right law and business ethical, in-text citations will help your audiences and to assist readers who may understand your research with specific topics. A bibliography in your report that for the different citations. If you do not use footnotes, but rather include the full citation at the end of the paper in a complete bibliography. If the author's name is already in the sentence, just a page number will do or if you have multiple books by the same author, you can either mention the title in the sentence, and you can include an abbreviated version of the title in the citation (underline or italicize the title). Normally, college students are familiar to citation methods suggested by Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA). The Chicago Manual of Style is a reference often used by typesetter and publishers. All of these sources encourage the use of in-text citations. Furthermore, through the citations in your report we could also build credibility for the message. When providing a bibliography, some author prefers to cite references in the report text in order to show that they have thoroughly researched the topics which were given. On the other hand, we can avoid making our report become a boring combination of citations only. Shortly, your report will require full citations in the bibliography, and keep in mind that citations are required not only for direct quotes, but basically for any information that would be regarded as the work of another author. Question 5.2. If you were giving an oral presentation on the performance of a company product, what three attention-getters might you use to enliven your speech? Answer As written documents, presentation has three main parts: the introduction, body, and the conclusion. Each stage plays an important role in an oral presentation. Enlivening in presentation depends on many elements from planning stage to writing stage and completing stage. Moreover, enlivening represents the understanding thoroughly of company product and presentation skills of the speaker. In my opinion, to enliven my speech when presenting or advertising company product is more depending on the first part “introduction”. With the attractive introduction, try to make the best impression and to motivate the customer to listen attentively at the first time. By this way, customer will be interested in your introduction. The introduction sets the tone of the entire speech. The introduction should be brief and to-the-point as it accomplishes these several important tasks. Typically, there are six main components of an effective introduction; • Attention getters • Thesis statement • Audience adaptation • Credibility statement • Preview • Transition to the body As in any social situation, your audience makes strong assumptions about your presentation during the first eight or ten seconds of your speech. For this reason, you need to start solidly and launch the topic clearly. Your efforts should focus on completing these tasks and moving on to the real information (the body) of the speech. Retrieved April 28, 2009 from the website: With the attention getters, it should “create curiosity in the minds of your listeners and convince them that the speech will be interesting and useful. Be sure to consider the mood/tone of your speech; determine the appropriateness of

humor, emotion, aggressiveness. Not only should the words get the audiences attention, but also your delivery should be smooth and confident to let the audience know that you are a skilled speaker who is prepared for this speech. Retrieved April 28, 2009 from the website: You can easy to enliven your speech by using six techniques such as: “unite the audience around common goal; tell a story; pass around a sample; ask a question; tell a startling statistic, use humor” (Bovee & Thill, 2008, p.508). In the case of an oral presentation on the performance of a company product, you would like to apply three of six techniques above, which are: First, asking questions will get the customer actively participated in your presentation and, at the same time, you can get more information about them. Second, telling a startling statistic concerning to company product is one of the effective introductions. Because, people often like the details than generals and if you use an interesting statistic, you will wake up your audience. For example, “it is surveyed that 50% the population of this city used company product”. Last, using the humor, this relates to the topic as an effective way to attract the audience notice both to you and the subject at hand. In conclusion, it depends on each situation that you will choose the attentiongetter to get the audience’s attention. Module 6 Chapters 16-18 What should you strive for when you selecting background designs, fonts, and type style for your slides? Answer: Selecting design elements such as the color, background, artwork, fonts, and type styles are very important to get success in presentation. In there, background, fonts, and type styles need to be interested in. Background: The background is equivalent of paper in a printed report and it is normally apply for all slides. A good background should stay in the true placement that does not compete with the main contents. The less background does the better. Beside that, using more colorful and complex background will distract from your message. For example, using a single color in the background is better than in your design. Moreover, you can add further information of your company like logo; slogan, the dates and titles, your presentation will help the both, you and your audience follow along. Fonts and type styles: when using electronic presentation slides, it is very important to consider which fonts are selected. There are some fonts that are easy to read but some other fonts are not really easy to read. Therefore, when selecting the fonts try to follow these guidelines: Scripts or decorative fronts prevent to use. Limit to one or two fonts for one slide. Avoid use italicized type to support seeing during projection. Avoid all-capitalized words and phrases. Allow extra white space between lines of text. Be consistent with fonts, type style, colors, and front sizes Furthermore, it is considered the room where you will be presented to choose the type sizes of words are enough in order to read from anywhere. “The sizes are usually used between 24 and 36 points (pt.). Headings of the same level of importance should use the same font, type size, and color”. (Bovee & Hill, 2008, p. 532). In brief, the presenter should use correct sizes, front, type style, and colors, the background in order to readable anywhere in the presentation room. Thus, it makes more effective in communication by slides.

Reference 1. Bovee & Hill (2008). Business communication today: Text, Cases and Readings (9th ed.). 2. Ken Barger, (2004, December 20) ethnocentrism provided by website address 3. Attention getter at website

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