Assignment 2 - Think Before You Link: Controlling Ubiquitous Availability

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BUSI 1402: Introduction to Business Information and Communication Technologies Assignment 2: Social Software Due: Sunday February 15th Worth: 10%

Overview This assignment will require you to work in assigned groups of three. Where possible, there will be one student from each of the four sections in each group. The purpose of this assignment is to get hands-on experience in the use of technology-based collaborative tools and to gain experience in working collaboratively in virtual teams. Each group will be required to prepare a short wiki-based document on the work you did for Assignment 1. Deliverables Your grade will be composed of a group component (55 points) and an individual component (50 points). Each group member will receive the same grade on the group component factored by their peer evaluation average (see below). Group Component (Maximum 55 points – depending on peer evaluation) 1. [ 5 points] Create a collaboration space to host your wiki. Your wiki should have a homepage which has links to each deliverable. 2. Create a single problem statement that represents your groups unified view (1 paragraph) a. [2 points] In creating the single statement, start by entering all problem statements into the wiki (4 statements) b. [8 points] Use the wiki technology to assist in resolving differences and constructing a unified statement. A portion of your group mark will be the degree to which you have collaborated and edited using wiki technology. 3. [10 points] Create three possible solutions to the aforementioned problem (1 paragraph each) 4. [30 points] Expand on one of the solutions (~3 pages, or ~900 words). Your expansion should include: a. [10 points] why the chosen solution is the best one b. [10 points] solution implementation steps and resource implications c. [10 points] In expanding on your solution, you must use a minimum of four external sources of information. At least three of the sources must be available directly on the web. The sources must be appropriately referenced per guidelines discussed in week 2. Peer Evaluation Each member of each group will submit, on paper and confidentially, a peer evaluation form with an assessment of the quantity /quality of participation by each group member.

This should be using the following Scale: [0: made absolutely no contribution] or [6 to 10: depending on how crucial, frequent and helpful their contributions were.] Please evaluate yourself as well as all your group members on the same scale. Your evaluation must be handed to your instructor during your lecture on the week of March 23 – 27. Failing to submit this form will be understood as if you give yourself a self evaluation mark of 0. The simple average of these evaluations will be used to create a weight, expressed as a proportion (a whole number ranging from 0 to 1. If the average of the evaluations given to you is 8/10, then, your weight becomes .8 and we apply this weight to the group mark to derive your final mark for the group part. If the group mark is 50/55, for example, and your weight is .8 then you will receive 40/55 for the group part of the assignment. Thus, it is important to contribute to the team. Individual Component (50 points) You will use an assigned collaboration tool to accomplish your task. The work should demonstrate on-going collaboration and should include but is not limited to the following “individual collaboration requirements”: 1. [10 points] participation in the wiki 2. [10 points] integrate personal introductions via YouTube or other means into the collaborative space 3. [10 points] Do social bookmarking and tagging 4. [10 points] Use RSS feeds to automatically update you on changes to the collaboration space 5. [10 points] Have at least two group meetings using Webct chat and provide screenshot or transcripts of meetings. Guidelines Details about setting up the collaboration environment and other requirements are provided below. Assignment Requirement: Create Collaboration space to host your wiki. You will use Zoho to host your wiki. One person in your group will have to create the wiki and then invite the other group members to join. Only create 1 wiki per group. Go to and sign in. If you do not have a username and password created, you will need to do that first.

After creating your username/logging, your browser may redirect zoho’s writing tool which looks like this.

To create a wiki you will need to click on the “switch to” hyperlink and choose “ZohoWiki”

You will need to make your wiki either “private” or “group”. Once you do so click the “save” button.

Click on the “Group Members” hyperlink located in the upper banner of the wiki page.

Click on the “Add Members” hyperlink.

Type in the gmail addresses of your group members. Also, be sure to add [email protected] and [email protected]. These two accounts allow us to monitor and grade your assignments. Your group members will be emailed automatically with directions on how to join the wiki. Click on the “create” button. You are now ready to create and modify content in your wiki. There is no requirement on how to structure your wiki; use common sense to organize the content so its presentation is effective.

Assignment Requirement: Integrate personal introductions via YouTube or other means into the collaborative space. The purpose of this requirement is to virtually introduce yourself to your team members as well as get some hands-on experience with some social software tools. You have two options. You can record a short YouTube video and embed it in the wiki or you can create a separate wiki page and type in introductory information about yourself. 1. YouTube The video can be short (30 secs or so) and should state your first name, where you are from and something about yourself that you might think others might find interesting. Please do not reveal any private information about yourself in the video such as last name, CUID, your address, or any contact information. Note that your video will reside on servers that are in the USA. To accomplish this requirement, each group member must first create an account on YouTube. Once that is completed, click on the “Account” link and choose “My Videos” from the drop down menu.

Click on the “New” button and then click on the “Video Upload” link.

To embed your video in the wiki you will need to choose the public broadcast option. Note that this gives access to your video to everyone on the Internet. Once your assignment has been graded you can change the broadcast option to private or remove it completely.

You can click on either button but I will assume most of you want to “Use Quick Capture”. This allows you to use your computer’s web cam to record your video. If you do not have access to a web cam we have dedicated time booked in the eLab in DT1728 where you can create your video.

If you click on “Use Quick Capture” you will be prompted to allow YouTube to have access to your camera and microphone. Click on the “Allow” button. Then click on the “close” button.

Click on the “Ready to Record” button and record your video. When you finish recording you can either preview, publish or re-record your video.

Press the “Publish” button and click on “Go to My Videos”

It can take a while for you video to be processed and for it to appear in the MyVideos list.

Click on the “Edit” button

Play your video. After the video plays you will have access to html which you can embed inside your zohowiki. Copy the html from the “embed field”.

Go to your Zohowiki and paste the html into the location that you want the video to play. Click on the “Edit” button.

Move your cursor to the location in the wiki page where you want to insert your video and click on the “insert html” toolbar button. Paste the html from YouTube into the box and click on the “insert” button.

Next, click on the “Save” button.

Voila! Your intro YouTube video is now embedded inside the wiki. Please note….ensure you organize your content appropriately. For example, one idea would be to have all the introductory videos on a separate wiki page. You could provide a link to said page from the home page of your wiki.

2. If you choose not to create and embed a YouTube video, create a new wiki page and a write some introductory material about yourself. You should include the following in your write-up: Name Where you are from What you are majoring in at Sprott Why you chose Sprott for your undergraduate education In addition answer the following question in approximately 100-150 words. What factors do you think are important for you to work at a distance (no face to face contact) with someone you have never met before? Note you do not have to do any research to answer this question; just state your opinion.

Assignment Requirement: Do social bookmarking and tagging. For at least three external links that are included in your wiki, each person should “social bookmark” and create at least two tags for bookmark. Use “delicious” to accomplish this task.

Everyone in the group should set up an account on After your account is created you may be prompted to add buttons to your browser’s toolbar. This is an easy way to post your bookmarks and tags to “delicious”.

Have one person in your group set up a network on “delicious”. Add all group members to the network so you can view each others’ bookmarks and tags. Please add both [email protected] and [email protected] to your network.

In the example below two people within the same network have bookmarked and tagged the same web page.

Assignment Requirement: Establish RSS feeds to automatically update you on changes to the ZohoWiki. You must use Netvibes for this task. Go to and set up an account. Each member in your group must set up an account. First from your zohowiki click on the RSS feed icon that is beside the text “Recently changed pages”

Next, highlight the displayed URL in the browser and copy it to the clipboard.

When using Netvibes, click on the “Add content” link on the banner of the web page.

Then click on “Add a Feed”

Then paste the URL from the clipboard into the text box into the “Enter a feed address or website URL” text box. Click on the “Add Feed” button.

You can then drag and move the box that contains the RSS feed anywhere on the Netvibe interface. The deliverable is a screen capture of your reader showing that you have successfully set up the RSS feed. Before taking your screen capture, click the “profile” link in the banner of Netvibes. Next ensure that the tab that contains your RSS feed is renamed with your name and id number. So for example, your screen capture may look something like this:

Create a page in the Zohowiki and upload your screen capture. When the assignment is complete the Netcipia page should include screen captures for each group member. Assignment Requirement: Have at least two group meetings using Webct Chat. Within your group you will need to coordinate group meetings using Webct Chat. All group members should participate in these meetings. To meet the deliverable, please provide screen captures from your group meeting or a transcript. Take a screen capture of the chat window. . Create a page in your zoho wiki to upload your screen capture. When the assignment is complete the zoho wiki page should include screen captures for each group member.


BUSI 1402  Assignment 2  Peer Evaluation Form 


Section  G  H  I  Instructor  F. Ulbrich  M. Hine  A. Ramirez    Please assess each group member with a 0 or a value from 6 to 10 on the quantity / quality of their contribution to assignment 2 [0 only if they do not contribute AT ALL]. WHILE EVALUATING YOUR TEAM MEMBERS PLEASE CONSIDER WHETHER HE/SHE Demonstrates a positive attitude toward the team project, i.e. participated in the WebCT chat sessions on time regularly, produced the tasks that were agreed upon by the group, was organized in finding material from various sources, such as peers, teacher, the library, and/or the Internet, completed fair share of the work load. Demonstrates initiative with regard to the project, i.e. constructively developed ideas with group members, made helpful suggestions, was a careful listener. Demonstrates effective independent work, i.e. met deadlines, demonstrated interest in and knowledge of topic, shared resources, incorporated course materials and outside sources. (Adapted from: Farago Cramer, Sharon (1994). Assessing Effectiveness in the Collaborative Classroom, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 59, Fall.)

Scale: [0: made absolutely no contribution] or [6 to 10: depending on how crucial, frequent and helpful their contributions were.]

Please evaluate yourself as well as all your group members on the same scale. Your evaluations must be handed to your instructor during your lecture on the week of March 23 – 27. Failing to submit this form will be understood as if you give yourself a self evaluation mark of 0.     Group Number:                 Your Name:                   /10      Group Member:                 /10      Group Member:                 /10     

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