Ascertaining The Intellectual Horizon

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  • Words: 61,390
  • Pages: 206
DESCRIPTION: A book in philosophy that explores various fragments of the ultimate reality, in the most profound of ways… This book deals with assorted philosophical problems concerning reality, such as: -

What is the ultimate reality? What is life? What is death? Have we been dead before we were born? Could we be born after we die? Are humans, in essence, immortal? What is INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION and why it is necessary to end the present day injustice? Is materialism more correct than idealism? Determinism or free will? What is art? What is science? Is space real? Is time real? Do they actually exist? What is eternity? How could something become socially accepted and popular? Should we reject religions and superstitions? Who rules this world and what are their ulterior motives, their hidden agenda? Why should we stop them? Etc.

KEYWORDS: reality, philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, ethics, logic, mathematics, science, art, geometry, algebra, philosophy of mind, philosophy of sex, political philosophy, philosophy of power, intellectual revolution, Overman, ideal society, white plague, eternity, space and time, materialism, idealism, determinism, free will, existence, abstract existence, non-existence, life, death, immortality, justice and injustice, civilization, intellect, society, indoctrination, brainwashing, media and manipulation, universe, the truth, ultimate reality, etc.

Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

Books by Dragan Glavasic: -

The Cosmic Tree (2003) Gramatika Engleskog Jezika (2004)* Prostor i Vreme [Space and Time] (2005)* Ultrafilters (2005) Keepers of the Flame (2006) Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon (2008) Engleski za Svakoga (2008)*

philosophy language philosophy mathematics philosophy/literature philosophy language * in Serbian

For information and/or orders: ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] (381-64) 121-4412 ~ (381-61) 155-4205 [also for donations and/or activism]


Dragan Glavasic

ASCERTAINING THE INTELLECTUAL HORIZON ~Fragments of the Ultimate Reality~ ~Intellectual Revolution Decree~ By

Dragan Glavasic Odin & Thor * 2008 * Belgrade


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

Dragan Glavasic ASCERTAINING THE INTELLECTUAL HORIZON ~ Fragments of the Ultimate Reality ~ ~ Intellectual Revolution Decree ~ First published by Odin & Thor in 2008 Belgrade, Serbia * [email protected] * [email protected] Phones: (381-64) 121-4412 * (381-61) 155-4205 ISBN 978-86-904797-7-1 Printed by Odin & Thor e-Press Formats: hardcover A5 (14.8cm x 21cm), eBook in PDF on CD and the Internet Edition: 3000 (hardcopy), unlimited (eBook) Written, Published and Printed in Serbia [Alongside with Russia, perhaps, the only remaining free country in the world!] Made in Yugoslavia

This book was being written in the period from 30 June 2007 to 6 April 2008. The hardcopy (paper format with hardback) was printed on the 5th of May in 2008, when it appeared, for the first time, on sale with the cover price of $12.50 while electronic copy of the book (eBook) could be found on the Internet, free of charge.

Copyright © 2008 by Dragan Glavasic All rights reserved.


Dragan Glavasic

to Igor (on his 3rd birthday)


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

Nothing is as it seems. This is the world of lies. A virtual (or a fake) reality that underneath is, actually, a horrifying nightmare! Supposedly a person is successful or has a specific position or a given job because he is good at what he does. But the truth is that the person often got it because of nepotism, connections, corruption, money and/or political correctness [and in case of females if she is pretty, young and willing to grant sexual favors]. Someone’s abilities or talents have nothing to do with it. A person could be best qualified and most talented for a job but he won’t get it if another person had better connections or more money or is more politically correct (even if simpleminded or retarded).


Dragan Glavasic

CONTENTS Preface Philosophy of Science Materialism vs. Idealism Life Intellectual Revolution I Overman Philosophy of Mind Determinism or Free Will Immortality Argument A New Filed of Mathematics What is Art? Philosophy of Sex Religions and Superstitions Present Day Propaganda The Innately Inferior and Parasitic Races How to Solve the Problem of White Plague The Society Philosophy of Power Reasons for Activism (Philosophy of Revolution) Ideal Society Space and Time Ascertaining Eternity Metaphysics: (Exploration of) the Ultimate Reality Intellectual Revolution II The Criteria Intellectual Revolution III The Final Message About the Author Index

9 13 20 24 33 34 39 44 47 50 70 78 92 97 109 113 117 134 148 165 172 177 179 186 187 193 194 195 198 7

Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

Intellectual revolution must lead the way…


Dragan Glavasic

PREFACE There is nothing more significant, profound or overwhelming than reality. It is the alpha and omega of all our cognitive enquiries, the beginning and end of everything! Reality is one and all. It is the main subject of philosophy, which makes this branch of science the most important, as the mother of all sciences and the key to a greater understanding: the final wisdom… Reality is our eternal home, our forever sanctuary; while this universe is our perpetual playground and/or the infinite battleground… So it would be pertinent to get to know them as much as possible. As a way to see what or who we are, where we are and why we are here… Especially if a grave injustice is being perpetrated against us—within the confines of a perverted society—and if a tremendous evil is undermining the very foundations of everything: the ulterior reason for the very existence of reality, itself… Philosophers are the most significant members of a proper society. They are profound thinkers and valiant explorers whose domain is reality. They are essential physicians, guardians and creators: whose patients, subjects and projects are civilizations! If an unfortunate creature (for instance the scorpion) gets confused enough or is placed in a hopeless situation it could be induced to act unnaturally, to violate the self-preservation principle, to commit suicide… Similarly, if members of our race are forced, fooled, bribed or insidiously manipulated—through relentless abuse of power, insidious repression or by constant repetition of the most heinous propaganda—they could be “persuaded” to labor as to destroy our own race and culture, to decimate our advanced civilization or, alterna9

Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

tively, to be idle and unmoved while others are working on our genocide, thus to remain emotionless while the genuine slaughter is being planed for our precious children. Such deviant assault, of unprecedented proportions, is maintained through the complete control and total monopoly of all crucial segments of our society: politics, judicial system, mass media, entertainment, “education”, deviant wealth (distribution), banking, big business, economy, etc. That way, they effectively create, control and manipulate public opinion thus affect overall attitudes and behavior… At the same time, all opposing ideas are either ignored, discredited, ridiculed or attacked through degenerate media and macabre “education” or forbidden and severely sanctioned by the immoral laws. Further on, corruption, brainwashing as well as greed and self-interest are perfidiously misused to silence the opposition and ultimately to force us to willingly self-destruct! The only way such morbid decadence could be stopped, once and for all, is if we openly commence talking about our ghastly predicament, the unsurpassed injustice that has overwhelmed us, this hideous genocide that is ahead of us, the most frightening nightmare that is awaiting our own progeny, this horrifying doomsday that looms above our heads, this ultimate catastrophe, this insult against pure reason, against reality! If lunatics and perverts remain in power: most likely, I will be marginalized and/or imprisoned while my books and ideas are bound to be discredited, belittled, burned or ignored… Only if intellectual revolution occurs and the smartest of men come to power: will my thoughts receive due attention, thus be acknowledged for what they are truly worth, hence, my name positioned to its rightful place within the annals of philosophy! D.G.


Dragan Glavasic

ASCERTAINING THE INTELLECTUAL HORIZON ~ Fragments of the Ultimate Reality ~ ~ Intellectual Revolution Decree ~


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon


Dragan Glavasic

PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Understanding reality is the fundamental task for intellect and the prime reason for its very existence. In other words, intellect is a remarkable phenomenon; a monumental segment of reality and its essential purpose is to try to make some sense. This could be considered as its prime objective and the ultimate goal. Possibly even the underlining reason for everything to exist! One rudimentary way of making reality more clear is to distinguish hence define precisely various concepts, objects, processes, or anything that we as intelligent beings perceive to exist and/or approximate it is worth being labeled as a distinct entity. By naming and describing things or events we make some order and improve our overall understanding. Furthermore, it could be stated that the more significant object or event is the more important is to be distinguished and defined accurately. The ulterior significance of the object or the happening could be determined by the impact it has on our very existence, the quantity of its presence and by the amount of its usage or occurrence. Hence, if someone tries to describe something that only a few people will ever come across or use and which exists in such a way that it does not affect our being in any noticeable way: then such entity is insignificant for the majority of people, even for those few that occasionally come in contact with it, and that means that definition of such a thing would not constitute any key improvement in our overall picture hence would not be an important contribution to intellect’s noble task of making sense of reality.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

On the other hand, there are significant concepts that are frequently used and that play a vital role in our lives or at least to majority of the people; hence, they constitute important subjects or some of the crucial aspects of this reality and any improvement in our perception or ulterior understanding of their true nature is of grand value because it improves our overall understanding of reality and contributes tremendously toward the fulfillment of our prime objective. In other words, some things are very important and they have to be accurately defined. For instance, water is a fundamental substance for all life and its definition is of great significance… Equally so, concepts such as existence, change, eternity, reality, space, time, science, life, death, matter, consciousness, morality, etc are of the highest possible importance for humans and any advancement in our understanding of their true nature will ultimately benefit our lives and the quality of our existence. Not only that we would fulfill our prime objective, as intelligent beings, by defining them correctly or by improving our understanding of those concepts or by determining whether they are real or not: but in addition our better understanding of those concepts would result in our lives being more satisfactory and fulfilling. Having said all of that, my task will turn to explain the all important concept of science. In our (modern) society the greatest impact is made by science. It is the single most significant discovery that made Europe great, and distinguished us from the rest on this planet, no doubt due to the remarkable cognitive endeavors of our noble ancestors as those who contemplated and developed this rational approach for exploring reality. Hence, my intention at this very moment will be to make it more precise as to what science really is. In order to do so, I’ll first define one very much relevant and noteworthy concept. Scientific principle is the fundamental method of discovering reality by which all information and all claims must be proven before they could be accepted or believed in. Also it means that nothing could be taken for granted or due to someone’s authority. All facts must be examined and only those that survive this scrutiny will be accepted as the truth. However, they will be considered as being true 14

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only for as long as there are some proofs and/or evidence to support the claim. But as soon as there are some proofs and/or evidence on the contrary: then the claim must be reexamined, rejected, modified as to comply with this new body of evidence or replaced with a more appropriate assertion. Science is the rational way of exploring reality that is based on the scientific principle and this way, it has definitely become the best method for discovering the truth. Especially, if compared to irrational or cognitive chaos, religions or mysticism—that have been extensively practiced in other parts of the world [and which also had preceded the invention of science in Europe]: where various, often bizarre, claims were made such that those statements could never be questioned, checked out or improved. But by placing scientific principle for its guiding rule and its ultimate creed, science has set itself apart as the most potent and most remarkable method of discovering reality. European cultural, intellectual, technological, economic and military superiority is also the undeniable proof of such claim, because it was made possible through (our superior intellectual powers which have resulted in) science, as the most potent weapon for discovering the truth. Realizing what science is, I’ll turn my attention to defining various fields of science because at this moment there seems to be a discrepancy, grand confusion and a tremendous mistake of what constitutes various branches of science. In other words, instead of dividing science into physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, etc— as currently is the case—my approach will be rather different. Science could be (or rather should be) divided into: philosophy, mathematics, physics; because, all three of them are based on the scientific principle. Such that philosophy deals with reality, mathematics studies the abstract domain (of some rudimentary ideas and concepts), while physics explores the universe (or matter and the changes that it undergoes). In addition, we could say that philosophy has the greatest freedom in its method while mathematics is the strictest of all sciences. Also some additional observation could disclose that physics has the most potent impact on our everyday lives while philosophy has the utmost significance for all intelligent 15

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entities since it deals with the most crucial aspects of our being and the most rudimentary questions that we, as cognitive beings, could come across, such as: existence, becoming, disappearing, life, death, meaning, truth, change, eternity, (ultimate) reality, etc whose better understanding is crucial for our profound quality of existence! Which means that, in any normal society, philosophy should have the pivotal place as the most important, most profound and most remarkable cognitive activity. In addition, philosophy as the most significant intellectual endeavor could be divided into various fields or subgroups: metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of science, aesthetics, philosophy of mind, political philosophy, etc. [Where metaphysics is a major branch of philosophy that deals with the ultimate reality; ontology is concerned with existence and the way something exists; epistemology deals with what we know and how we know it; ethics examines human assertions and/or behavior in respect to what is (morally) right or wrong…] Mathematics as the most ordered science could be divided into geometry, probability (and statistics), ultrafilters (including set theory), logic. Geometry could be defined as the field of mathematics that deals with the abstract concept of space. If we specify numbers as distances or units of length [instead of as sets] then various algebras, arithmetic, calculus, differential equations, topology, group theory, etc would constitute diverse branches of geometry just as are Euclidian, hyperbolic, elliptic, projective geometry, absolute geometry, three point geometry, etc. Finally, physics as the most ordinary or everyday science could be divided into: mechanics, dynamics, acoustics, optics, electricity and magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, geography, astronomy, cosmology, thermodynamics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology, history, archeology, medical science, law, political science, computer science, engineering, architecture, etc. All of these are under hospices of physics (or applied physics) since all of them deal with matter and the changes that happen in matter and that is the rudimentary definition of physics so they are all branches of physics. Chemistry, for instance, only deals with those aspects of matter that 16

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we perceive as atoms and/or molecules; hence, it studies their characteristics, interactions and various processes associated with atoms and molecules, in so far as chemical reactions go. [While atomic physics deals with atoms in a rather different way, thus observes them from a different perspective and is concerned with their other aspects.] Furthermore, organic chemistry deals only with those molecules that are based on carbon atoms. In addition, biology is a branch of physics that deals with live organisms. It should also be mentioned that various branches of physics (science) intermingle and share fields of interests [like organic chemistry and biology or atomic physics and chemistry or biology and medicine, psychology and sociology, geography and astronomy, astronomy and cosmology, philosophy of politics and political science, etc] due to the fact that they all deal with matter and changes which matter undergoes (actually with reality) thus is not always possible to draw sharp borders among various fields. 1 For example, logic could be perceived as a subdivision of philosophy as well. Finally, it should be stated that some branches of science (physics) are better developed and they have substantial understanding of their fields of interest. For instance, optics is a very strong branch of physics for it has mastered the field of its interest and there is very little unknown hence its claims are on sound ground. On the other hand, psychology deals with human brain (or mind) and since that is not very known territory or easily accessible—psychology, at this moment, is not an exact science but rather constitutes a soft science: the one that has not substantially mastered the field of its research. However, in due time, it could be expected that accumulated data and significant discoveries would result in transforming this soft science into hard one. [Elementary particles is yet another poorly understood branch of physics since it deals with one, at this moment, very hard 1

It will be demonstrated, late on, that within this interdisciplinary field, a new kind of mathematics (presented in chapter nine) could be placed; as science that uses strictly mathematical methods and approaches in exploring reality and material world. But unlike applied mathematics, this new branch of mathematics closely resembles and deems to emulate pure mathematics.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

to reach region of reality. To aid our efforts in understanding this “remote” domain, we have devised various instruments (electronic microscopes, accelerators, etc): but they all require some form of unofficial interpretations, because there is a leap of faith in associating a faint line on some photographic plate with a trace of some supposed elementary particles. In other words, we need to be cautious for it is not clear just how much we should trust any assertion that was made under those extreme, poorly understood, circumstances. Or at least some of their claims might be rather questionable and that warrants prudent caution.] Cosmology is yet another of the little know fields of science that, by its nature, ought to be a part of physics but since it is dealing with aspects of Cosmos that are completely outside our scope of influence and beyond our abilities to perceive them in any way: it might be more proper to place cosmology under hospices of philosophy. After all, many sciences have started as an interest in philosophy [perhaps, due to the fact that it has the highest degree of freedom in its method] before they were eventually transformed into a full-fledged branch of physics. Therefore, that’s why some like to claim that philosophy is the mother of all sciences or the fundamental science. Finally, it should be mentioned that, to some extent, science could also be divided into pure and applied. Pure are all those branches that deal with more cognitive, abstract and/or remote regions of knowledge or reality: those that could not be easily associated with common life. For instance, physics of elementary particles, metaphysics, cosmology and most of mathematics might be considered to be examples of pure science. Applied sciences are all those branches that have close or obvious connections with everyday life thus that, more or less, directly affect our quality of existence. For instance calculus, statistics, differential equations, ethics, philosophy of politics, medicine, chemistry, engineering, architecture, history, law, biology, psychology, sociology, economy, computer science, geography, etc. On the other hand, it must be stated that all of science, to some extent, has some connection with common reality—since everything is a part of and within reality, is essentially interconnected with, and/or to a degree affects, everything else—which makes this 18

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entire distinction, on pure and applied science, rather questionable or arbitrary or perhaps entirely unnecessary. Before I conclude this short essay I’ll emphasize a possibility of misuse of science or rather the appearance of “fake science” which is, frequently, present in schools and could be often seen on the media such that it is employed to promote and impose blatant lies, for the purpose of manipulating and/or fooling the people. That occurrence, actually, has nothing to do with real science but is entirely a part of perfidious propaganda hence the abuse of media, entertainment industry and “education”—insidiously presented as “science”—for the sole purpose of indoctrinating general masses more easily. [In addition, it needs not be emphasized that science, as everything else, could be abused and employed not to benefit us but to harm us, in same way.] Having stated the previous, I have fulfilled my intention in attempting to make some additional sense of reality by defining one of its most significant concepts: science. By doing so, I have drastically changed or altered currently prevalent notions of what science is thus demonstrated that it is confusing and fundamentally wrong to label only physics as science while ignoring the other two major branches. Furthermore, I hope to have shown that current division of science into physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, etc is inappropriate and misleading therefore that the way out of this cognitive bewilderment is to see science for what it really is with all its true divisions. That way, it could be stated, I have made a contribution to science for I have defined it more clearly thus have straightened this most potent and remarkable of all possible methods for discovering reality, this most astonishing and powerful intellectual activity.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

MATERIALISM VERSUS IDEALISM There are several approaches to structured understanding of reality. Two of them—those of materialism and of idealism—are rudimentary and also most credible because they create two most ordered (and plausible) forms of reality. Since it makes sense to presume that reality is ordered then such implies that those two approaches have the best chances of being correct. Nevertheless, they are also opposing to each other which additionally means that they both cannot be true or that, at most, only one of them could be correct. Materialism could be defined as a belief that reality is made of matter. The sole reality is matter (and everything is a manifestation of it or its activity). Matter is the building block of everything. Every change (event or activity) has a material background or cause. Such that matter, and its activity, is eternal. Or alternatively it could be stated that only matter in motion exists. It has always existed and it will always exist… There is no first cause or a prime mover. There could be some other variations on the idea but the essence of materialism is matter. Everything that exists is matter or a product of matter. For instance, mind if it exists is the product of matter. Immaterial entities (such as mind, self, consciousness, god, demon, ghost, spirit, soul, etc) do not really exist. They are abstract concepts that were thought (created) by matter (brain) but which are not real and as such are not a part of reality; or at most are a product of matter in motion and if they exist, it is only due to the workings of matter, and as such they exist abstractly and only for as long as matter induces them. [Thoughts, ideas, emotions and feelings are products of a brain and exist as the creations of a brain; hence, would not be possible without a function brain and they exist for only as long as 20

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the brain induces them. Idea or a thought of a flying dragon exists inside the brain, but flying dragon is not a real concept for it exists only abstractly within a mind as a thought, and not as a material creature made of flash and blood.] Mind and consciousness would not be possible and would not exist if there is no matter that produces them within a functional brain. In this less rigid approach to materialism, mind exists as an abstract entity but has no causal abilities and is, in fact, completely dependant of the brain (matter), which induces it and brings it into abstract existence. [Far stricter would be to say that only and exclusively matter in motion exists! Such that all immaterial objects or abstract entities are non-existent.] This however does not imply that Cosmos or reality do not have some purpose or awareness: as many promoters of materialism seem to have believed. Quite to the contrary, it is rather possible to incurporate the ideas of some higher purpose or direction and that of overall intelligence or awareness as being parts of matter or the universe and reality. Materialism makes a great deal of sense if we take under consideration empirical data. By applying the perceived outside information we could conclude that reality is indeed best defined through materialism 2 … Idealism is the opposite approach to materialism. It is the theory that everything (universe or reality) is the product of a mind. Meaning that reality is dependant for its existence on a mind and its activities. Without the mind (and its activities) there would be no reality or indeed anything else. All reality is a creation of a mind: matter does not exist! More correctly stated, matter does not exist of itself and for itself, but is a cognitive (or abstract) creation of a mind, without whom it would not be at all. Only abstract entities exist. They exist abstractly and only if the mind thinks of them. Mind is the only truly and really existent entity; such that it is also the creator 2

Somewhat related concept—though less valid—is that of atomism. Keeping in mind that those early atomists Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius were also the founders of materialism.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

of everything. [The only question is whether there is just one mind or more than one. To which there is no answer. Previous could also imply that there might be one or more than one reality, in regard to how many minds there are. Or alternatively there is only one reality such that it might be a product of all minds, or by the absolute mind which could be defined as the sum of all minds. [Materialism would also permit absolute mind as the sum of all brains (or some other cognitive structures, like computers, if they are intelligent), especially if they are able to communicate and collaborate.]] Physical world is not real and does not really exist. Or alternatively stated: the external world is not physical. Reality could be explained though concepts of: mind, self, soul, ego, spirit, facts of truth, ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc. Everything else depends on them for their existences, but they depend on nothing for their existences. Only mind, mind type activities and their idea-type contents actually exist. [Or as Plato would say it: the absolute reality is the everlasting domain of ideal (best possible), independently existent, unchanging and timeless forms (actually: ideas) and the absolute subjects of the ultimate truth; such that perceived reality is only a bad copy or inadequate approximation of what is actually real.] However, from epistemological standpoint that could imply that nothing could be known except the mind and its mental content. In the extreme sense: all a person could ever know is what is in his mind and nothing else. Alternatively, it could also imply that all knowledge is derived from the mind. No empirical date is possible or in any way reliable. Nothing could be known about the external world, not even if there is one. [For, according to idealism, it is quite possible that my mind is all that exists thus creates everything else.] Knowledge about everything has to be derived from within one’s mind (since our senses are useless). And such is a dead end, the unavoidable demise of philosophy: which ought to discredit idealism altogether! Because, in a more pragmatic sense, such approach might be counterproductive in dealing with the rigors of everyday living thus is not beneficial in our attempts to make sense of reality and to improve our standard of living. Not only that it would force us to live in a state of denial and under a reign of dormant lethargy, 22

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but also would undermine our prime objective of being the eyes and brains of this universe, of becoming the essential cognitive parts within the absolute mind of the ultimate reality. Even though idealism creates most elegant design of reality, still it is not very practical; while materialism depicts the most functional and also more probable one. In other words, according to our senses and overall perceptions and understandings of reality 3 : materialism is credible and most likely to be the accurate description of what is really out there… And under no circumstances should human immortality be exclusively associated with the notion of idealism, as it will be demonstrated presently. But first, let’s examine the very foundations of the ultimate reality…


Made possible through the Fundamental Assumption.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

LIFE All living creatures are actually the veterans of an endless war for the survival… Individual entities must die and entire species could be extinct, but evolution assures that, in the end, life would triumph! Because evolution is a process that deals with a huge number of entities (within colossal “space and time”): assuring that possibilities are enormous… 1 Earth was formed from a cosmic cloud of dust and gasses about 4.6 billion years ago. Dense, more heavy materials sank to its center (the iron core) while lighter materials remained near the surface and made its crust. The early atmosphere was poisonous to the contemporary life forms and it contained insignificant amounts of oxygen. Survival of a living thing depends not only on his ability to fit with the rest but also with an element of chance or pure luck. One turtle might be better fit than the other but while the better fit, at the moment it was hatched, runs into a hungry bird; the other less fit has a free run towards the sea… Or as well, a simple less advanced creature could easily destroy a more advanced one: like a parasite, a bacteria or a virus that could infest and kill a mammal… Which might be a fatal flow, a deadly mistake in the grand design… But then again it might be just a glitch, a small setback… Since life started on this planet, it continually existed in spite of all periodic catastrophes that beseeched our world: meaning that life is not so fragile, once it appears and starts thriving in the proper conditions. Ability to adjust to new situations and take advantages of 24

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new opportunities galvanizes evolution and assures survival of the fittest: the continual presence of life itself, in spite of all adversities! 2 Life is a natural occurrence, an innate state; something that appears whenever the conditions, for its emergence, are right. Life is neither a miracle nor a mystery: but rather it is easily understandable, one fundamentally normal or a natural thing, an innate process, indeed. Something that happens regularly or from time to time throughout this vast universe. It is really as natural as anything else. Life or various forms of it, on our planet, are the result or a consequence of four billion years of continual evolution: a relentless struggle, war, competition, eating, devouring, butchering, and eradicating others… Which implies that struggle, war and competition are rudimentary modes of interaction powering and galvanizing evolution and life itself… To defeat or eliminate the competition usually means a success in life and a triumph in the ultimate game of survival. Because the battle for survival is actually the triumph of life! Existence could be short, bruits and painful to a single creature: but it will assure that life survives and blossoms. [If we take an audio or a video tape or a piece of written paper and copy it over and over, always making a new copy from the last one— the end result would be worse than the initial recording or text; but evolution enables improvement through reproduction and many times copied DNA would be a better version of its predecessors. Because evolution deals with a large number of entities hence it relentlessly disregards junk or those not fit while overwhelmingly embraces those already fit and especially advances, those better fit within the whole. And in spite of some periodic glitches or setbacks, the sheer quantity of units assures that the overall march of evolution (life) is marked with constant progress.] 25

Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

Life is a phenomenon, a sate of special existence; such that entities defined as being alive are—as far as we know it—based on DNA molecules and have some rather unique properties, like: ability to defend themselves [for instance: cats that use teeth and claws to fight the enemies, or deer which use antlers to fend off predators, or plants that apply chemicals to discourage insects], to heal or maintain themselves [such as to repair damage that environment or other life forms do to them], to reproduce, to interact with environment, to get born, to grow and die, to eat or perform metabolism [to take substance from the environment or from other live entities, to process it as to sustain themselves], to move [obviously as animals do or inconspicuously as plants do (where plants move by grooving, by seeding and expending over a vast territory]... Some forms of life also could perceive environment and the highest forms, in addition, have ability to reason [to remember or accurately reconstruct the past, to understand the present and to predict the future] which are all substantial advantages in the great game of survival. The most primitive life forms (and some higher as well)—e.g. polyps, insects, some fish and plants—use massive reproduction as their main strategy for the survival, where they flood environment with their fertilized seeds or offspring hoping that such large quantities would assure their survival (hence that predators would not be able to eat all of them, or at least that predators would not be able to eat as much of them as they could reproduce); in a way, implying that they are usually destined to become a food source for other forms of life. Higher life forms use senses—a more accurate perception of the world—to better their chances for survival, which reduces the need for extensive reproduction, while the highest forms use intellect—the most powerful tool in ascertaining reality—as their main survival advantage, which completely eliminates the need to mass reproduction. For instance, wolves have only several cubs and humans have even less in their lifetime, while turtles or ants or bees or mosquitoes have thousands (such that most of them would be eaten even before reaching maturity or before their lives ought to end naturally). As far as we could detect reality, all life forms that we know of, are made of matter (and are, in fact, closely associated with DNA 26

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structure), though it might be possible that perhaps other forms of life might exists if and only if other forms of substance [other than matter] actually exist [that should not be, in any way, connected to or defined through DNA molecule]. Only we don’t know of any such form at this moment, and as such it might not be a very plausible option. Most certainly it is not proven and should not be advisable to discus such an unlikely or a highly theoretical possibility, at this time or until there is some proof of its existence. Unless we state clearly that it is not a scientific enquiry but rather an exploration within science-fiction. On the other hand, it might be possible, even likely, that in this universe there might be some life forms not based on organic matter or carbon molecules or rather DNA. In that category we should also include artificial life and/or artificial intelligence or any life form based on silicon (chip). 4 Therefore, all we could say for certain is that life, on our planet or in this universe, is made of matter or that life is a part of matter. Not just any form of matter but those with the above mentioned unique characteristics. [Keeping in mind, an unlikely possibility, that if we ever discover or prove the existence of other forms of substances that, in such a case and only then, we should consider also a possibility that other forms of life might exist as well.] Newton’s laws (like the law of gravity as well as some other credible laws) of physics apply to all material objects, including life forms. Aside from those physical laws, the rudimentary laws of nature that govern entire universe (and all in it) thus also all life forms are: the self-preservation principle and the fundamental rule. [The self-preservation principle states that entity must do whatever it takes as to maintain itself. This principle also applies to all that is a 4

Artificial life and/or silicon based life (intelligence) might be the only semi-alien life forms that we might come up with in the near future. Only they would most likely be our children and if they overtake us and substitute us then perhaps it was a part of the grand cosmic design: where we would spawn a new breed of life that would be superior to carbon based organic matter thus destined to transmogrify in our successors. That way evolution starts with carbon life forms, creates intellect which in turns starts a completely new form of life such that evolution takes over, carries on with these new superior forms, to develop and improve them further.


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part of such entity or to all that entity is an integral part of. Meaning that, for instance, a person must do all in his powers to maintain himself (including his vital body parts: e.g. brain, heart, lungs) but also his children, his family members, his race, etc. As a matter of fact, all that is part of his realm… [So the lion defends his pride and his cubs with his life if necessary! And patriotic men defend their countries or civilization or even better their sacred realm with their lives, if needed!] It is because of this rule that suicide is wrong: it violates the self-preservation principle. In other words, suicide is not wrong because someone said it is wrong or it is written in some book [be it some religious holly book or a secular book of law] that it is wrong: it is wrong because we all know it is wrong, because it is written in our genes. The decree condemning suicide is carved in the most significant “book” of them all: this universe and reality itself, in the form of the self-preservation principle! To take one’s own life is to violate this fundamental rule of nature and that is the ultimate transgression, the unforgettable sin! Similarly to that, the fundamental rule is a tendency in nature such that all live entities have a proclivity to consume or overtake other entities while avoiding being consumed or overtaken themselves. In other words, eat and don’t be eaten or conquer while not been conquered. [To an extent the fundamental rule is an extension of the self-preservation principle.] In a sense both those rules apply to nonliving entities as well, but they are especially apparent among the living things. [For instance the sun would pull the planets as to engulf them, but the planets would revolve around the sun as to resist its gravitational attraction; just as the fox would chase the rabbit in order to eat it while the rabbit would run away as not to be eaten. In a more profound sense, those two innate principles are a manifestations of what really is out there: a more profound understanding of reality.] Which implies that living entities are a part of, or a subset of, non-living entities, have come out of them; have reached one higher level of excellence. Such that intelligent entities have come up the furthest on the evolutionary scale and represent something really special. In other words, life is a qualitative move up compared to inanimate nature, while intellect is the highest level of existence.] 28

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This further implies that all manmade laws [religious or secular] ought to be in compliance to nature’s laws and must not force humans as to violate the codes of nature in order to obey judicial laws, the laws of society: for any such society, which forces men to disobey nature, is deviant and therefore doomed, is on its way to extinction! Previously stated ought to suggest that even though it makes sense for us to help other members of our Realm, still it makes no sense and is rather deviant for us to help others, those outside of our realm [for instance, other races or anything that represent our competition (for the same resources) or otherwise might be a treat to us in any way, shape or form.] The golden rule ought NOT to be, as Christians would say: “Don’t do to other that what you would not like them do to you.” Instead the golden rule must be: always know who we are, as to help each other; and equally so always know who our enemies or competitors are, as to relentlessly destroy them! Also it should be mentioned that natural selection or the survival of the fittest is the rule of nature that applies to living (and might be, to some theoretical extent, valid for the inanimate objects as well). [For example, in a highly speculative sense, if there is Cosmos made of many universes then natural selection might determine which of those universes would survive and which would perish.] The working of those natural forces seems to lead universe toward the creation of life, which stems out of the inanimate mater, then induces the refinement of those live entities until intelligence appears. Finally, those forces encourage further refinement of intellect until the highest forms of reason appear. That way the universe (or reality itself) becomes self-conscious, aware of its own existence, able to perceive itself, to comprehend reality. Life occurs naturally whenever the conditions are ripe. As it happened on our planet long time ago. Some four billion years in our past, when Earth was covered with a substantial amount of water containing different atoms and molecules. Hot lava spewed from numerous volcanoes, minerals and gasses sipped into the Precambrian ocean, creating a primordial organic soup, with the right 29

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temperature for chemical reactions to occur. It was constantly zapped with cosmic radiation as well as with electricity in forms of naturally occurring lightening, which were catalysts for various interactions. That being the case different chemical reactions created different molecules some of which were unstable and they broke down easily but some were more stable and they persisted longer. [Meaning that natural selection might apply within the field of chemistry as well.] In such volatile environment it was only a question of time when a chemical compound would form that we recognize as DNA. DNA molecule is a special type, a unique entity, capable to replicate, make crude copies of itself. At that very moment the forces of natural selection [definitely] took over and those molecules that were better in copying themselves, remained, while the others simply disappeared. [Actually, the first DNA molecules that were able to copy faster than they were destroyed have managed to remain or survive.] Better and more successful strains of DNA were introduced through naturally occurring variations or occasional mutations. Still those that better copied, and were more stable or longer lasting, or were better suited for the environment: remained thus eventually new traits were added to those very models. In time, they developed outside membranes that protected the molecules from the harsh environment and first primitive cells or organic forms of life appeared. There is nothing unnatural, nothing mysterious in such, nothing even unusual. It’s all natural and normal to happen in the proper environment or when the conditions are inductive for the appetence of life. In other words, life as we know it could not appear on Pluto (being too cold and barren) or on Mercury (being too warm and barren) but could on Earth because our world is abundant with water, atmosphere, various minerals needed for life and is of proper temperature. First couple billion of years, life was in the realm of single cell organisms [microorganisms], bacteria that changed the Earth’s initial atmosphere, comprised mostly of volcanic gasses (with almost no oxygen) as to contain present day mixture, abundance with oxygen. [By doing so they have, in a way, unknowingly and unintentionally 30

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sacrificed themselves for us; since oxygen is poisonous to those anaerobic bacteria [like tetanus, which still persists in oxygen free environments], just as that initial atmosphere would be poisonous to us.] Soon enough oxygen consuming microorganisms took over the torch of progress, as the first major revolution in the design of life. Then the second major event in the evolution of life occurred: a distinction between animals and plants was developed, as some microorganisms used chlorophyll to collect sun’s energy through photosynthesis, while others found ways as to hunt down and eat other life forms. Then the third breakthrough came when some of those cells joined together as to create a loose union, a division of labor—like polyps or jellyfish—where some cells did some tasks while others performed different chores… Natural selection worked further thus more complex, more capable or advanced, higher forms of life appeared, 5 until eventually even man arrived as the apex of evolution, the highest conscious being on this planet, as the most potent analytic entity [but which has some catastrophic character flaws build within, such that evolution (or intellect itself) might have to refine it and substitute men with Overman (as the superior form of intellect, or perhaps, poetically speaking, the closest thing to deity this universe would ever encounter)]… The laws of nature (physics) seem to be structured as to bring about life and intellect from lifeless forms. Still life might be a rare state of being, in which case most of this universe is a barren, lifeless form with only occasional and far away islands of life… Perhaps most of those instances of life are primitive forms, microorganisms (or some equivalents of such), where intelligent life is extremely rare and separated by vast distances from other forms of intelligence. Perhaps there is a deeper sense in this, since only that way, intellect could be prevented from self-annihilating, in mutual conflicts and struggles to death which might be inevitable if higher life forms are found close by or ever come in contact. After all, struggle and competition are rudimentary factors of life, as well as of existence. 5

Some additional advances in the design of life were the appearance of: gender, blood, spine, lungs, body temperature, placenta, nervous system, etc.


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Nothing could sustain from them for they are natural. If we ever come in contact with other intelligent forms then most likely either they would enslave and/or destroy us or we would do that to them or we might mutually destroy each other, but to coexist peacefully is the least likely possibility: and could very well be a biological impossibility. All those deviant pacifists, which indiscriminately avoid competition and war, are destined to be wiped out. Because even though in some instances it might not be good to compete and/or to struggle or wage conflict, still in other instance not to do so would mean certain annihilation for the pacifist. And it takes reason to discern what is to do and when. Meaning that among members of the same race, family or a close related group: it makes sense to collaborate and reduce conflicts as much as possible; but to apply that same behavioral pattern toward the outside competitors or enemies [as deviant Christian dogma preaches] would be a direct violation of evolution thus a certain way into extinction, as a sure sign of being utterly unfit thus not ready to take part in the world were only the fittest survive! Meaning that if we are to survive and prosper: we need to obey the laws of nature, thus to unite and organize, to know who we are and help each other; but just as well to know who our enemies are and to relentlessly eliminate, completely eradicate, utterly wipe them out, as well as our competition thus to never give them greater rights and/or privileges than what we have, in fact, never give them any rights at all, but the right to die!


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INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION I There is only one religion and one country for us: it is our race. When evil overwhelms the terrain of consciousness and extreme injustice becomes the rule of the land: there is just one thing left for us to do… When crooks, parasites, thieves and perverts turn everything upside down and call immoral those who are moral, imprison the good, punish those unlike them: there is just one thing for us to do… When society spends a great deal of resources to aid and protect mentally insane, genetic defects, our worst enemies, biggest criminals and most deviant creeps; while, at the same time, openly discriminating against us, ignoring and persecuting the smart, honest and normal: there is just one thing left for us to do… When every conceivable perversion [from “equal rights” to feminism to homosexuality to “cultural relativism”] has been forced on us and we were fooled to stop having children… When white plague is a way for achieving our pending genocide… When we are to become minorities in our own countries within a short time span [a couple of generations at most], when others have far greater rights than what we have: there is just one liable, just one proper thing for us to do! There has to be an uprising of draconian proportions that would relentlessly deal with the injustice, all the sickness and perversion, all the parasites, lunatics, degenerates, perverts and thieves… Our response has to be swift and unforgiving… Our fury has to be the ferocity of the enraged gods! 33

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OVERMAN Democracy is the rule of the mediocre mob, an incoherent reign of the mundane. However, genuine democracy has existed only in the ancient Greece… Present day democracies are fake ones: they are really hidden tyrannies, masked dictatorships of the extremely rich who use media, “education”, entertainment, finances and brutal force as to oppress, brainwash and exploit the subdued and terribly indoctrinated masses. Worst of all, they excessively apply negative selection as to reward and make successful those, among us, who are the most despicable, while at the same time to punish those most moral… Meaning that some form of dictatorship is unavoidable. However, feudal, communist and capitalist dictatorships are extremely deplorable ones! The only form of dictatorship that is appropriate and/or acceptable is that of the smartest men, the higher man, who in turn would bring about—through positive or natural selection—the one and only: Overman! Human flaws are numerous and for our society decapitating… Selfinterest, greed, pathologic longing for fame and fortune, susceptibility to corruption, nepotism, herd mentality, gullibility, vanity, inborn stupidity (augmented through devastating propaganda and decrepit education) are some of the main inborn traits used by the ruling elite [the rich and the powerful] as to oppress and exploit the population hence along the way to keep entire society tied down, as to be drowning in the mud of inaptness and backwardness… And if any of that fails they also have some more powerful means of persuasion, tools of brutal repression: monetary methods of controlling the populace, as well as morbid media, ghastly entertainment, warped “education”, immoral politicians, military force, simpleminded police and corrupt judicial system to keep the subdued people servile, 34

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unquestioning, utterly obedient to the evil system and permanently in line… Humans have inborn character flaws. They are susceptible to corruption and worst of all: it seems that some of the lowest humans (the dumbest and least moral: those who are most unscrupulous criminals, thieves, crooks and liars) are also most successful. Just look at the richest capitalists, businessmen, politicians, athletes or entertainers: they are truly the most despicable and most repugnant sediments, rather dumb, excessively immoral and most corrupt creatures that would do just about anything for money! It could be a glitch in “the design of” reality or a fatal mistake within universe in which case we cannot do much about it and this universe is predestined to fall short, thus would not amount to much: would never achieve any profound level of self-awareness, would never reach some higher meaning or purpose in its own existence! On the other hand, it could as well be the case that those terrible character flaws could be overcome through evolution: by the arrival of Nietzsche’s Overman! As the ultimate being which manages to realize that Realm is the most sacred entity in existence thus would structure his society as to utterly and relentlessly champion his Realm! Because, it takes one small realization to make it all happen: by championing Realm and crating society as close to Plato’s ideal state as is possible, all member of that society would live better, work together, and achieve much more than if they all blindly follow their personal self-interests and pull in their own directions. And when that realization becomes genetically inherited and/or socially acceptable, is induced by the system than it will signify the arrival of Overman. But to give birth to Overman, all bad seeds must be relentlessly wiped out, by the higher men… And if this form of dictatorship, this kind of selective breading is not achievable or if the higher men never manage to come to power then there is a second chance, there are always computers… Last few centuries have witnessed some remarkable scientific discoveries that had—for bad or good—tremendous impact on our 35

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everyday lives: steam engine, telephone, assembly line, radio and television, antibiotics and designer drugs, rockets and space exploration, nuclear energy, electricity, computers to name but a few… Still among them, computers are something really special. Considering the fact that humans have innate character flaws, it is not very likely that we, as such, could survive much longer… Meaning that either we would perish or evolve into something else, something more advanced, something superior in every respect, something quite godlike: let’s say Overman! If nature (through natural selection) or some enlightened men find a way to weed out those susceptible to corruption, as well as the dumb, the genetically inferior and the diseased: all that is rotten or is a dead weight then perhaps Overman could naturally arise from us, from our very stock! But if such is not possible or likely to occur then as a remote possibility artificial intelligence might save the day and manage to take over, as Overman or as the next generation of life. In that case, evolution on this planet went through stages. In the beginning was only the crude DNA. Then the microorganisms arrived. Then the first big revolution occurred when multi cell organisms appeared, followed in due time with intellect… Finally, artificial intelligence (or silicon based life) takes over—free from our catastrophic character flaws—free to live indefinitely, able and willing to conquer the universe; guided by master morality and its programmed will to power, having its own Realm [comprised of Overman, ideal society, computers, intelligence, (artificial) life, cyber world, and reality] to champion and attend. Question is what are the actual limitations of computers, of silicon chip technology, whether such design could achieve the status of Overman, at all, or if such claim is to remain in the realm of sciencefiction. Also another valid question is that of our abilities to make such advanced machines. Do we have the mental capacity to attain that kind of technological sophistication? A related question would be: even if we could do it, should we do it; and whether some men would do it, considering that it would very well mean the end of us… But knowing our innate and catastrophic character flaws, the answer is simple: if it could be done and if we are able to do it, it will be 36

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done, even if it means the death of us all… Our innate character flaws have assured continual presence of traitors within our mists: those despicable citizens that are ready and willing to sacrifice their own kind for some small personal gratifications. Perhaps, nature is indeed destined to eventually create Overman; and if it does not happen on this planet: still there are so many stars with planets, out there, and sooner or latter on one of them it is bound to happen. Where Overman could be either a carbon based or a silicon based life form or possibly a hybrid of the two. Assuming, of course that if Overmen are the next generation of computers or robots—rather than the next generation of “humans”—there are no structural or innate limitations that prevent artificial intellect from taking over. But regardless on what Overman would be made of (carbon or silicon or a mix of the two or something else): if it happens—it would signify, perhaps, the final stage in the evolution and this brand new being could freely and joyfully start its remarkable conquest of the universe! They (the glorious Overmen) will be the smartest, most moral and most relentless beings ever! They will be sophisticated, advanced, united and highly organized. They will venture into deep space not to seek friends and help whoever or serve others: but to destroy or take over and exploit—as nature demands from them; as nature, indeed, demands from all those fit to exist! There is nothing more morbid, despicable or condemning than seeing humans who chose not to have their own progeny and instead of their own children they subserviently serve and obediently take care of cats and dogs or even worse of our competitor’s repugnant offspring. That is a sin above all others, a pure sign and a definite proof that humanity is, indeed, a dreadful disease on the surface of this planet that needs to be wiped out, cleansed for good! We are destined either to perish or to evolve into Overman or alternatively bring up our cognitive progeny, the computers, to take over (as Overman)… Whatever the case, we just cannot afford and should not allow those simpletons, mediocrities, inbreeds, perverts, subhumans, parasites and animal lovers—currently in power—to 37

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persist in exploiting, brainwashing and terrorizing us any longer: in pushing us toward the abyss!


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PHILOSOPHY OF MIND Main function of intellect is to perceive reality and to make as much sense of it as possible. [Nature has pledged this by assuring that those beings which better perceive and understand reality also have better chances for survival and prosperity.] Since mind is closely related to intelligence and plays a key role in ascertaining reality: mind becomes one of the crucial concepts for the comprehension of reality. Both as a tool that makes sense of reality and as an object that needs to be itself contemplated. In order to better understand reality we should first realize what mind is. Reality is all that exists (as it actually exists). This includes all entities as well as all happenings or occurrences. In a broader sense, reality could be understood as all that exists, has existed or will exist. There are two essential and most credible approaches in comprehending reality. The first one is that of idealism and the second one is of materialism. Both are extremely significant for they have the best chances of understanding the big picture. Such that in one of them matter plays the key role while in the other that distinction is taken over by idea or perhaps more accurately stated by the mind. Additionally we could realize that in materialistic approach the concept of brain makes great deal of sense and the concept of mind is credible only in so far as it is the product of a functional brain. In other words, mind could be nothing else than the working of the brain. The brain functions and its functioning is actually what we call mind. That way, mind is only a name, a label, or a byproduct of a functional brain and is not some mysterious entity that enables consciousness. In the same way as any time we turn on the light bulb: a byproduct of heat and magnetism is induced as well. 39

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On the other hand, from an idealistic perspective, mind is the significant concept and brain (if it exists abstractly or at all) is the cognitive creation of a functional mind. Mind exists and is one of the most significant entities [if not one and only true entity]; but the existence of brain is dubious or fundamentally insignificant. Finally it could be argued that what materialists call brain, the idealists might call mind and vice versa. Or perhaps a more accurate statement would be that there seems to be a significant entity within reality, such that materialists call it the brain while idealists call it the mind; but under final analysis it is one entity that has been given two distinct names and additionally assigned some different properties as well. [MATERIALISM: Brain could exist even though it is not functional. For example, it could be dead and kept in a jar. But mind cannot! Mind only exists within a functional brain, because it is actually a cognitive process within a functional brain. Mind is a byproduct of a functional brain and could not exist away or independently from the brain. IDEALISM: Mind exists and only it really exists, thus creates everything else. Or if anything exists it is actually created by a mind; except the mind itself which exists first and foremost.] Still, no matter what approach we take, we could conclude that such entity (brain and/or mind) exists and is a crucial aspect of reality. It is closely related or in some way associated with other rather important concepts: consciousness, intelligence, self, the existence of self. To this list we might be able to add one more concept: the concept of “soul”. However, unlike those other ideas, soul is a more questionable one. [In spite of the claims of both idealists and materialists: consciousness, intelligence, self could indeed be creations of both mind and brain thus should be a part of materialism as well; soul, on the other hand, could be only part of idealism.] The intrinsic significance and ontological status of consciousness, intellect and self should not be questioned, since they are rather obvious aspects of any intelligent being. Just as we could say “I think therefore I exist” we could also apply reason to conclude that it additionally implies the existences of consciousness, as well as intelligence, and that of self: because, if we are not conscious and intelli40

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gent we could not make such claim. In addition, if an intelligent and couscous entity exists and is able to perceive that it exists then as a corollary it goes that it possesses the self: as a specific condition or an entity that specifies what or who it really is that exists, such that it exists uniquely as something that could not be mixed up with something else that also might exist at the same time but in a different space. 6 Such that all three entities are creations of a functional brain. Being unique for they were created by a unique brain. [Just as the mind is created by a specific brain and is unique for it is created by a unique or distinct brain.] In order to be able to explain such uniqueness some people have resorted to the notion of soul as (immortal) entity that uniquely distinguishes a being. On the other hand, perhaps SELF is all that is required to make such unique distinction of what defines uniqueness of an intelligent and conscious entity. In other words, a human possesses self and as such it can only exist at a given time, uniquely. That means that at any given time, throughout this universe, there could be only one self (or soul) which represents ME; or any other person, for that matter. There could be and most likely there are many other individuals but each one of them, at a give time interval, exists (or lives) uniquely, and there could be no other identical individuals existent at that same time but at different space. Furthermore, it should be possible for the self to exist more than once, thus a person should be able to have more than one life and in fact to live infinitely many lives, only not at the same time but at different times. Such is a logical approach as well, since it does not make sense for one and the same thing to be at two different locations at a given moment. Something cannot be here and there at the same time! That is not possible in our universe or in our reality. [One and the same object cannot be in Belgrade and in Moscow at the very same mo6

Words “time” and “space” are used due to language limitations, even thought those concepts do not really exist in reality. In other words, they are abstract ideas, there are no such things as time and space, but in everyday language those words are frequently used and actually or often mean change and location. Time is a change (or alternatively a moment) while space is a location. Such that change (moment) and location are valid concepts that exist in reality.


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ment.] However, it does not prevent an entity to reappear from time to time. A thing could be here and there at different times. Or stated more accurately, a person could die and get born again, at another time (and most likely at another place as well), thus live infinitely many lives. [Implying that death is a remarkable traveling machine by which a person crosses incredible distances, in the interval between his death and his rebirth. Such that memory is not preserved but self, intelligence (ability to reason), consciousness and one’s mind is!] The previous argument, perhaps, could be made more elegantly through the notion of soul, which makes sense in idealistic reality. Thus the possible existence of soul might actually be a proof for the validity of idealism. Especially since it creates an elegant version of the big picture. Event though there is more sense for us to prescribe to materialism, still, under final analysis: idealism might offer a more elegant description of reality. Problem is that it would also allow all sorts of irrationalities to become mainstream ideas which could undermine our entire quest to perceive and comprehend reality, thus decimate our advanced civilization in the process. And since materialism is empirically more stable and credible than we better stay away from idealism… It makes no sense to purposely create chaos in philosophy: especially since our goal is to recognize order and make sense of reality thus not to turn everything upside down and confuse our understandings of reality as much as possible. [This way we have also just proven that materialism has triumphed over idealism.] Besides, if we entirely prescribe to materialism, the notion of soul could be sufficiently—and far more credibly—substituted by the idea of self, taking under account its essential or necessary uniqueness. Because, each and every entity could be seen in two ways. A car, for instance, could be seen as a unique entity that is different from all other cars, such that no two cars are identical, no matter how much they look alike; just as it could be seen as being just one of many entities that belong to the family of cars. However, it would be wrong to say that at the same time, there is a car in Belgrade and also that there is that same car in Moscow; because even though they 42

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might appear identical, they still would be different cars and not the same one. Meaning that we could group similar entities in a broader set of cars, or in a smaller subset of BMWs, (or even smaller subsets: such as Z3 series, or Z3 series painted in metallic red), for instance, such that each individuals car is unique in its existence. Because it is, simply, not possible for anything to be at two different, separate and far away locations at the very same moment. Even though it would be logically possible for one and the same object to disappear and appear once again. Let’s say that a car is dismantled to the smallest of its components. Since it is no longer functional entity it no longer exists, as the car. No one would dare to say that a piled up heap of metal, plastic, glass, rubber, wires, rods, wheels, tires, axels, gears, screws, nuts and bolts is the car. But just as the car could have been disassembled so it could be reassembled, once again, from those same parts, in the exactly same automobile as it was before. Therefore, one and the same object or entity could indeed appear and disappear infinitely many times. Meaning, one and the same entity could exist at different time intervals. That claim is also very logical and in accordance to this reality. That way, the most accurate would be to actually associate or equate the abstract, somewhat confusing and perhaps false notion of “soul” with the concept of “self”. Such that unlike soul—self is, indeed, existent and is a significant part of this (materialistic) reality, thus closely associate with the notions of intellect, consciousness and mind. Mind represents the cognitive processes within a functional brain.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

DETERMINISM OR FREE WILL According to determinism, this universe and all that exists within it [including human beings] are subject to existing laws thus behave accordingly. If we could observe two separate but identical universes then they would remain identical in every respect no matter what changes occur and regardless how much time passes. On the other hand, free will is a notion that humans (or intelligent beings) have a specific ability to independently, all by themselves, determine what their action should be in a given circumstance. In the above example, the two universes would not be identical if they contain intelligent beings with free will for each individual would behave according to his free will (his personal choosing, which cannot be governed by any laws thus is completely independent from anything) and that would result with different universes. There are no empirical ways that we could find out if determinism or free will is correct. [Since there are no other logical or possible solutions, that implies: either determinism or free will is correct. One of them must be correct; both cannot!] But if we take under consideration that determinism makes sense in materialistic universe while free will is custom made approach for idealism, and if we further assess which one of them is more probable: whether materialism or idealism, we might come with the answer through this indirect manner. Idealism is a remarkable approach and one very elegant way to make sense of reality. It enables human immortality through the concept of soul, which makes idealism very attractive and perhaps popular among many humans [since we have inborn fear of dying 44

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and are cognitively aware of our deaths being inevitable]. However, idealism also contains a fatal flow: it allows almost anything to go, any claim regardless how probable or improbable, and that makes it anything but a functional approach. Most bizarre, macabre, simpleminded, destructive or obscene beliefs, notions or concepts could be imposed on us; regardless how shockingly idiotic or flagrantly insane. For instance, superstitions, fortune telling, psychic abilities, faith healing, alternative medicine, and all other nonsense that comes from outside of Europe, especially from the Far East might gain a sense of plausibility under idealism… And such represents a deathblow to idealism! [In fact, if Plato had had a chance to observe Mongoloids and contemplate their utter stupidity, he would have most likely abandoned his journey into idealism altogether.] Materialism is the second major approach that makes a great deal of sense if we take empirical data under consideration. We perceive matter all around us and it makes sense to conclude that in such reality determinism is a more viable option. In other words, reality has more sense under materialistic approach, which implies that determinism is more liable to be correct than free will. [Which additionally favors science and gives it a decisive edge over irrational nonsense! Which is a significant contribution to our overall welfare, all by itself. And since science has easily and decisively triumphed over anything irrational 7 : it is also an additional proof for materialism.] Even though free will somehow pleases us and favors our sense of heightened significance, still the notion of free will could easily be 7

Life quality and standard of living has improved enormously due to science and science alone. While other races relied on religions and superstitions, thus dwelled in slums; Europeans developed science and became the leaders of progress… Only when our knowledge, resources and technology were given to other races did they start leaving the slums of despair… This is actually a proof that science is superior to anything irrational. After all, other races were food for lions, tigers, crocodiles, pythons, leopards, etc and they were constantly bullied, harassed and terrorized by rhinoceros, hippopotamus, scorpions, venomous snakes, termites, elephants, buffalos, and other animals until white men gave them advanced and more potent weapons.


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explained through the fact of circumstances that have great many possibilities. In other words, computers and humans are often presented with enormously many choices and they chose in accordance to given laws of nature—which might not be apparent or known to us—but even as such, due to great many possible outcomes and most of all subtle differences (that could not be easily noticed), frequently those choices are not identical even though they are all chosen in respect to determinism. Even in very much similar or seemingly identical situations: humans and computers might take different paths, which are due to those subtle differences and according to the laws governing this universe, but which we might misinterpret as examples of free will. Implying that in the set containing a huge number of possibilities, or within any large and complex system, determinism gives an impression of random disorder, chaos or free will even though there is no such a thing as chaos or free will! Reality is devoid of chaos and of free will, or anything random indeed. That means that free will is yet another mistake in the field of consciousness that has to be corrected if we are to improve our understanding of the ultimate reality. Free will would make a great deal of sense in reality based on idealism, but in reality (or the universe) based on materialism, it makes no sense, whatsoever, and in fact determinism would be far more appropriate. Furthermore, since it makes sense for us to prescribe to materialism (instead of idealism) than, just the same, we ought to favor determinism over free will.


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IMMORTALITY ARGUMENT Live entities have an innate proclivity or an overwhelming instinct to stay alive, to avoid death. As a matter of fact, all that exist have a natural tendency to remain existent… On the other hand, intelligent beings also have a knowledge that sooner or later we must die: which is in the direct disagreement with our inborn predisposition to live, to fear death and our prime objective to circumvent our demise. That way, these two rudimentary but inconsistent forces have created a great deal of inner strife, a tremendous mental instability, a volatile environment, an enormous conflict within human mind: because, on one hand we are aware that death is eminent and on the other hand there is this overwhelming desire to live, a primordial order to stay alive… Unfortunately, up till now, only religions have attempted to reduce or completely alleviate this cognitive chaos, this awesome source of the ultimate confusion and horrifying contradiction… Within unbounded Cosmos or inside infinite universe that contains unlimited amount of substance or matter, which exists forever and undergoes constant or periodic changes for all eternity and beyond: it would not be logical 8 for intelligent life to appear only once and only in one place. What’s more, within such awesome and mind boggling structure as is Cosmos or our universe, it would be far more logical to expect for each and every being—that is, was or will be—to peri-


Logical: that which is in compliance with logic. Logic: a set of specific fundamental rules that seem to be built in within the essential structure of reality and this universe.


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odically reappear then disappear and to continue that everlasting process indefinitely. In other words, all people that are currently alive, that have already lived or will yet live: will be born and will die countless number of times; hence, lead infinitely many identical, similar and totally different lives. Each and every conscious human being will have endless quantity of different lives and each one of those countless number of different lives will be repeated infinitely many times. That means that we are immortal beings: since an infinite number of short lives is actually immortality (eternal existence within the only functional framework of immortality: immortality that is made of incalculable number of finite lives)! Just stated is the only possible rational conclusion since in the infinite universe, which contains incredible amount of matter that exists forever and undergoes constant or periodic changes: it would not be logical to expect that life would appear only once in one place or that we would live just one short life then disappear forever thus never again exist for all eternity. Because if our ontological status before our birth is identical to our ontological condition after our death then we were dead before we were born and if we were dead once then we came to life, with death we only return to that previous state, in which we were already and from where we entered life, hence in eternal and infinite universe that contains endless quantity of matter: we don’t have any other option but eternally to carry on that colossal cycle of endless births and deaths, leading countless number of different lives, each one of them infinitely many times. This form of existence is also the only pragmatic type of immortality 9 therefore the very best thing that could happen to us, which


No rational human being could spend eternity cooped up in one specific place without going insane from utter boredom and despair, regardless how nice or desirable that place might appear to be. On the other hand, notions that—through reincarnation—humans could become primitive creatures (like: mindless slugs or bugs) in the next life or somehow enter some form of comatose bliss is too ridiculous to be taken seriously. This effectively eliminates all currently dominant religions of the world. In addition, religions ought not to be taken seriously since


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demonstrates that reason alongside science has finally managed to uncover—a deeper and more profound truth beyond mundane appearance—that the ultimate reality is much more favorable toward life and intellectual entities than what we could have ever imagined through irrational means, such as superstitions or religions. Similar to that, there is an additional argument: in colossal reality which is best defined through fundamental characteristics of eternal existence and change, it makes more sense to expect for us to live endless number of lives thus that way to be immortal; instead of anticipating that we would never get born or to have just one short life or a limited number of finite lives! The previous two arguments have demonstrated that from a materiallistic position, as from an idealistic standpoint, just as from a general philosophical approach: there are rational reasons for us to claim to be immortal. As a matter of fact, it is far more justifiable for us to ascertain the notion of being immortal than of being mortal! Death is nothing else than man’s amazing voyage toward yet another birth, another life!

each and every religion is a primitive nonsense, based on irrationality and a blind belief.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

A NEW FIELD OF MATHEMATICS Up till now, there were only three main branches of mathematics. They were geometry, probability and set theory (or ultrafilters)… But there might be a fourth branch called scimatics. Scientific mathematic or scimatics is a brand new kind of mathematics: designed to explore reality and/or our world and/or some imaginary situations. The essence of this new field of mathematics is that it applies mathematical methods on simplified, highly defined and/or organized systems taken from the real world or reality or that are imagined. Such that they ought to be self-sustainable. To elaborate this point, two cases will be presented: one dealing with various types of clocks and the other dealing with a railroad. Only they will be done rather loosely and in a sense they would be closer to philosophy than to mathematics… To make it closer to mathematics, a more thorough mathematical method should be applies in stating the definitions, theorems and their proofs. Something that I’m not entirely willing to undertake at this moment. Perhaps, in the future, I or somebody else could accomplish it. However, at this moment my key concern is to showcase this new branch of mathematics and to demonstrate its potentials as to how it could be utilized to explore reality. In a sense, this is a cross between mathematics, physics and philosophy. My approach (or this specific paper) makes it somewhat closer to philosophy but other approaches could make it closer to mathematics and/or physics. Keeping in mind that there are countless other possibilities, as far as different segments of reality or fantasy (possible or theoretical reality) could be explored though 50

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scimatics. For instance, we could examine, a new or a theoretical world (a possible planet) that is self-sustaining and contains various, to us rather strange, life forms; or we could explore various ecosystems on Earth; or simply study an aquarium [as a close structure containing specified fish, plants, and given resources] using this new mathematical branch; etc. The potential uses for scimatics seem to be countless. In other words, to emphasize the point that mathematics could be easily created to apply to our everyday experiences or life in general: here is a brand new form of mathematics that is created from the relationships that occur and could be drown from observing watches: digital, analog, hourglass, sundial; or the railroad, as it could be seen in the second example. My goal was, just, to start this new field of mathematics and not to bother excessively into developing it or connecting it with other branches of mathematics. In addition, the proofs for the theorems were done more in a philosophical manner and more strict mathematical approach could be, no doubt, implemented by other mathematicians. Also, it could be the case that some of the theorems and/or their proofs do not meet rigorous mathematical demand but I am convinced that other mathematicians could achieve the level required and in fact could think of many more theorems and definitions… In fact, I could have made far more theorems but did not want to make this paper too long since it would defeat the purpose of introducing this new branch of mathematics to as many readers (be they mathematicians or not) as possible. Furthermore the axioms used here could be changed and/or extended as to enable different (perhaps more warranted) approaches in this brand new field of mathematics. In fact this field of real mathematics could be applied to other aspects of life: traffic, movie projection, picture taking, hotel management, piano and/or other instrument playing, football or other games, language, eating and metabolism, bus routes or schedule, etc. Any closed, self-sustaining carefully defined system—taken from reality or fantasy world—could be treated as a segment of this new mathematics. 51

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I Cronosmatics PART ONE: ALGEBRA (or A DIGITAL CLOCK) Axioms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

There are two partial sets of positive whole numbers (including zero). The first set goes from 00 to 23. The second set goes from 00 to 59. All numbers change in consecutive order and in the same direction. When the second set makes one whole cycle changing from 00 all the way to 00 it causes the next number in the first set. Position 00:00 is the beginning and the end of the cycles. All changes are uniform, unstoppable and always in one direction (forward). There are an infinite number of whole cycles.

Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 52

Hours are the numbers from the first set. Minutes are the numbers from the second set. Identical symmetry is when the number from the first set equals the number from the second set. wx:wx Inverse symmetry is when digits in the first number set equal in reversed order the digits of the second number set. xy:yx Total symmetry are digits that comply both to identical symmetry and to inverse symmetry at the same time. zz:zz Position is one of the unique possibilities for number combination in one cycle.

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7. 8. 9. 10.

Grand cycle is the infinite number of individual cycles. The position of “00:00” is called midnight. The position of “12:00” is called noon. Day is another word for the whole cycle of 24 hours and 00 minutes. 11. A month is any consecutive period of 30 days. 12. A year is any consecutive period of 12 months. 13. Any hour together with 30 minutes is called half an hour. Theorems: 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

There are exactly 60x24 positions in one cycle. The number of identical symmetries cannot be smaller than 1 and cannot be bigger than 24. Within one cycle of the minutes, there is one and only one possible identical symmetry. For each number from the set of hours there is one and only one equal number from the set of minutes. [Corollary: All numbers from the set of hours have their equals from the set of minutes.] There are some numbers from the set of minutes that do not have en equal number in the set of hours. For each cycle of the minutes, there is at most one possible inverse symmetry. There are hours that do not have an inverse symmetry. Within each cycle there are more cases of identical symmetry than the cases of inverse symmetry. There are infinite number of positions within the grand cycle. Within one cycle each position appears only once. Each position repeats infinitely many times within the grand cycle. There is one and only one grand cycle. The position of 00:00 also represents an imaginary position of 24:00. Or 00 is the same as 24. A year has 360 days. 53

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15. A year has 360x24 hours. 16. A year has 360x24x60 minutes. 17. There is the same amount of hours (minutes) from midnight to noon as there are from noon to midnight. 18. There are three total symmetries. Proofs of the Theorems: 1.




5. 6. 54

The number of positions in one cycle is the product of the possibilities in each number group. Since there are exactly 24 possibilities in the first group and there are exactly 60 possibilities in the second group: the number of positions in one cycle is 24x60. For each number in the first group there is one and only one identical number in the second group. For some numbers in the second group there are numbers in the first group that are not equal to. Since there are 24 different numbers in the first group that also implies that there are 24 different sets of identical symmetry. Since 1<24 and 24=24 that concludes the proof. Since numbers of hours go from 00 to 23 and at each moment there is only one of those numbers active: within each hour there is only one number from the minute set that is corresponding. Since the cardinality of whole numbers from the hour set is 24 and it is smaller than the cardinality of whole numbers of the minute set, and since they both start with the same number: it means that for each and every number in the hour set there is an equal number in the minute set and it also implies that there are numbers in the minute set that do not have an equal in the hour set. [Corollary follows from the given.] Same as in #4. Since the first digit within the numbers of hours goes from 0 to 2 and the second digit within the numbers of hours gores

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7. 8.


10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

from 0 to 9 and while the first digit in the minutes goes from 0 to 5 and the second digit in the set of minutes goes from 0 to 9: the number of possible positions for inverse symmetry within each hour is at most one. Such that each hour number that ends with a digit bigger than 5 does not have a case of inverse symmetry. Same as in #6. Since there are identical symmetries for each and every hour and since there are inverse symmetries only for some hours: that means that there are more identical symmetries than there are inverse symmetries. Since there is an infinite number of individual cycles and each individual cycle has a finite number of positions that means that in the grand cycle there is an infinite number of positions. The proof follows from the definition of position. Each position is present once in each cycle and since there are infinitely many cycles in the grand cycle than each position repeats infinitely many times. Since there are infinitely many cycles by the axiom and by the definition they are called the grand cycle that means that there is one and only one grand cycle. The proof follows directly from the axiom #6 and the definition of “day”. There are 30 days in a month and there are 12 months in a year: therefore there are 30x12 or 360 days in a year. There are 24 hours in a day, 30 days in a month, 12 months in a year: therefore there are 24x30x12 or 8640 hours in a year. There are 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 30 days in a month and there are 12 months in a year: therefore there are 60x24x30x12 or 518400 minutes in a year. If 00:00 is the same as 24:00 and if arithmetic half of 24:00 is exactly 12:00, then there are 12 hours and no minutes from midnight to noon just as there are from noon to midnight. 55

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18. Total symmetry is possible only if all digits in hours and minutes are identical (xx:xx). Since the numbers in hours go from 00 to 23, the first digit has only three options. All other sets of digits in hours and in minutes contain those numbers, and since the first digit has no other options: it means that there are exactly three total symmetries. In other words, 00:00, 11:11, 22:22 are the only possible total symmetries. [Additionally it could be argued that the next number in the line 3 could not produce total symmetry (i.e. 33:33) since there are only 24 hours in the cycle. In the same way, all other higher numbers could not produce total symmetry which means that there are only three such symmetries.] [Up till now, some effort was used to state and somewhat prove the theorems… From this point on, as to speed up the process, the emphasis will be placed mostly on the axioms and the definitions. Keeping in mind that some mistakes were possible but if there were some: they ought to be corrected.]

PART TWO: 2-D GEOMETRY (or AN ANALOG CLOCK) Axioms: 1. 2. 3. 4.


There is a circle divided into 12 equal parts called hours. The circle is also divided into 60 equal segments called minutes. There are two lines: a short called hour line and a longer called minute line, such that hour line shows hours while minute line depicts minutes. Hours are written from 1 to 12. Positions of 00:00, 12:00 and 24:00 are identical geometric positions while 00:00 and 24:00 are also identical arithmetic positions.

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The changes that lines undergo are consecutive and always go in the same direction (known as clockwise). 6. When the minute line makes one whole cycle changing from 00 all the way to 60 it causes the hour line to move one position up to the next number in line. [Or each hour has 60 minutes.] 7. Stated position 12 or abstract position 00:00 is the beginning and the end of the cycles. 8. The whole cycle consists of two complete cycles. 9. The whole cycles starts with 12:00 meaning 00:00 and ends with the second passing of 12:00 meaning 24:00. 10. There are infinitely many whole cycles. Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The complete cycle starts with 00:00 and ends with 12:00. The whole cycle is called a day. 360 days is called a year. 12:00 is noon. 00:00 is midnight.

PART THREE: 3-D GEOMETRY (or AN HOURGLASS) Axioms: 1. 2. 3. 4.

There are two distinct regions. One region is up and the other is down. It could be changed which region will be up and which down. There is sand (or water) that slowly, evenly and uniformly trickles from the upper region into the lower. 57

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5. 6. 7.

The “time” needed for the send to completely leave one region and fill up the other is 12 hours. Hourglass could be turned over which will start another half-cycle. There are infinitely many whole cycles.

Definitions: 1. 2. 3.

The region that sand leaves is called the upper. The region in which sand trickles is called the lower. The border point between two regions is called the bottle neck. 4. The turning over of the hourglass is called recharging. 5. Symmetry is the case when the amount of sand inside the two regions is identical. 6. A day is the whole cycle when send completely leaves one region and than after recharging entirely returns to that very region. 7. Extreme is the situation or the position where all the sand is in one segment (upper or lower) of the hourglass. 8. Lower extreme is when the sand is in the lower segment of the hourglass. 9. Upper extreme is when the sand is in the upper segment of the hourglass. 10. A month consists of 30 days. 11. A year contains 12 months. Theorems: 1.

The whole cycle lasts 24 hours.

Proof: 58

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Since the whole cycle is a process where send completely leaves one segment then completely leaves the other segment in continuation and since it lasts 12 hours for each segment than the whole cycle lasts 12+12.

PART FOUR: SOLAR SYSTEM GEOMETRY Axioms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

There is the solar system consisting of the sun, the earth and the moon. The earth revolves around its axes for the period defined as the whole cycle, which lasts 24 hours. The earth rotates around the sun for the period of one year or exactly 360 days. The moon rotates around the earth within the period of 30 days. All changes occur consecutively and uniformly. There are infinitely many whole cycles.

Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The whole cycle is called a day. A month is the rotation of the moon around the earth. Eclipse occurs when the moon is on the straight line between the earth and the sun. Alignment occurs when the sun is on the straight line with the moon and the earth.

Theorems: 59

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Eclipse is an alignment.

Proof. Whenever the tree celestial bodies are on the same line it is called an alignment. It could happen in two distinct ways. The moon being between the earth and the sun or the earth being between the moon and the sun. [The sun could never be in the position between the earth and the moon.] By definition, when the moon is between the sun and the earth it is called the eclipse. Corollary: There are exactly two kinds of alignments and one kind of eclipse. Proof: Follows from the theorem. Lemma: There are more alignments than there are eclipses. Proof: Follows from the corollary.

PART FIVE: GROUPS Axioms: 1. 2.


There is an infinite set of whole numbers. Or there is an infinite number line of whole numbers. Numbers depicting year could range from -∞ to +∞, those depicting months range from 0 to 12, those depicting days from 0 to 30, while those depicting hours range from 00 to 23 [since 24=00], those depicting minutes and seconds range from 00 to 59 [since 60=00]. Each group is unique in its existence.

Definitions: 60

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1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Group is an ordered set of numbers representing: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Identical symmetry is the position when the numbers depicting year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds are identical. Inverse symmetry is the position where the number of year is identical to the number of seconds while the number of months is identical to the number of minutes, and while the number of days equals the number of hours. Negative symmetry are two groups that have identical numbers in each sector but where one of them has a negative year. For instance, x:p:z:p:y:s ~ -x:p:z:p:y:s. The group 00:00:00:00:00:00 is the reference point in history.

Theorems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

If there are two or more identical groups then they are one and the same group. There is one and only one reference point in history. There are exactly 360 days in a year. There are 8640 hours in a year. There are 518400 minutes in a year. There are 31104000 seconds in a year.

Proofs: 1. 2.

Follows from the axiom. Reference point in history is a unique group and as such there is only one such group. Any other group with the same numbers (or the same position) will equal it.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

II The Railmatics Axioms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.



There are two points known as towns. Town A and town B. Between those two points there is a railroad. The railroad has only one track with the junction, in the middle. There are only two trains: a passenger train which has a priority status and a freight train which is the subordinate one. Both trains are same length and each train consists of one locomotive in front, five wagons in the middle and a caboose at the end. The railroad splits into two parallel tracks, the junction, in the middle point between those two towns, so the trains could safely pass by each other, or overtake each other. The length of the junction is mathematical zero. [In other words insignificant, and should be only treated as the safe region for overtaking the train going in the same direction or for passing the train going in the opposite directions.] The trains could safely pass each other, going in the opposite directions, only if they arrive at their beginning of the parallel tracks at the same instant. There is also a tunnel on the middle distance between the town A and the parallel tracks. [The length of the tunnel is insignificant and ought to be treated as the length of the train or alternatively as the mathematical zero. There is a bridge on the middle distance between the town B and the parallel tracks. [The length of the bridge is insignificant and should be treated as the length of the train or alternatively as the mathematical zero.]

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10. The trains travel with a given (same) speed or they could be at rest or one of them would travel with a given speed while the other is at rest. [In other words, for each of the trains there is just two possibilities: it travels with the speed or it is at rest!] 11. Trains could never collide when in town or in junction. Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Collision is when the two trains are out of the towns and are not in the junction and when they either come in contact or they take the same position at the very same moment. Velocity is the speed of trains going in the same direction. Open railroad is the single track railroad. Meaning the railroad not in the towns or in the junction. Extended open railroad is the railroad outside of the towns. Meaning the open railroad and the parallel tracks inside the junction.


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Theorems: 1. When both trains start from the different towns without stopping, they will not collide. Proof: If both trains start at the same time and travel with the same speed and without stopping then they will reach the middle point and parallel tracks at the same time. Since they could not collide while in junction they could not collide since they would leave the junction in the opposite directions and arrive to their towns. 2. When one of the trains starts from a town and journeys without stopping, while the other train starts from the other town at the moment the first train reaches a bridge or a tunnel: then the two trains would collide. Proof: Since both trains go with the same speed and without stopping and since one of the trains has already started, it would arrive to the middle point sooner than the second train. Since they could only safely pass each other at the junction, and since it leaves the junction before the second comes to it: this implies that they could not safely pass each other in the opposite directions. Meaning they would collide. 3. When both trains start from the same town with the same velocity, at different intervals, and they don’t stop then they could not collide. Proof: If second train is to catch up (come in contact) with the first train, it must travel faster than the first train, since the first train did not stop. But since both trains could travel only with the same speed (by the axiom), it means that such is not possible and they could not collide. 4. If both trains start from the opposite towns. Then when one of them reaches the tunnel the other one will reach the bridge. 64

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Proof: Since both trains travel with constant speed and since the distance from one town to the bridge is the same than from the other town to the tunnel then they must reach both destinations at the same time. 5. If both trains go without stopping, in the same direction, such that the passenger train starts first and the freight train starts when the passenger train reaches the midpoint then the two trains could not collide. Proof: If the two trains would collide such that first train starts first and the second train starts when the first one reaches the middle point then the second train would have to travel more than twice the speed of the first train. But such is in direct contradiction with the premise of the axiom 10. Meaning the two could not and would not collide. Corollary: If both trains go in the same direction, such that the freight train starts first and the passenger train starts when the freight train reaches the midpoint then the two trains could not collide. Proof: Follows from the previous proof. Lemma: If both trains go in the same direction and the second train starts when the first train reaches bridge or tunnel of the opposite town then they would not collide. Proof: Since in the previous theorem and corollary they did not collide than it is even less likely they could collide under these new circumstances. Therefore the lemma is true. 6. If both trains remain stationary in either of the town they could not collide.


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Proof: There are only two possibilities, in the above theorem: the trains could be at the same town or at different towns. If they are at the same town and do not move they could not collide since in towns collusions are not possible (by the axiom 11) and since they do not venture on the open railroad, they could not collide. If they at different towns they are not in touch and therefore could not collide. Corollary: If both trains are on the open railroad [meaning not in town and not in the junction], the collusion is possible if specific conditions are met. Proof: Since collusion is only possible on the open railroad and never in towns or in junction. No collusion could ever happen in towns or in junction (by the axiom) thus all collusions will occur only and exclusively on open railroads. Meaning if the conditions are ripe the collusion will occur on the open railroad and such is also the proof of the corollary. 7. If without stopping, one of the trains starts the moment the other train reaches a tunnel and if they both travel in the opposite directions they are bound to collide. Proof: If the first train starts from town A and when it reaches the tunnel it has already passed the parallel tracks meaning, that the second train which starts at that very moment (with the same speed) will have to come in contact with the first train, for it has no safe parallel tracks to pass each other. On the other hand, if the first train starts from town B and when it comes to its tunnel, the second train starts with the same constant speed in the opposite direction, meaning that the first train is much closer to the midpoint and will reach it sooner than the second train. Since none of the trains will stop, their collusion is eminent. This proves the theorem. 8. If both trains start from the parallel tracks and go in the same direction they would collide. 66

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Proof: If the trains start in the same direction they will immediately come in contact as soon as they leave the parallel tracks and that implies that they will indeed collide. 9. If both trains start from the parallel tracks and go in the opposite direction they would not collide. Proof: From the previous theorem we know that if they go in the same direction they would collide meaning that if they go in the opposite direction, they could not collide; since they are safe at the parallel tracks and since once they leave them at the opposite ends they could not at the same time be at same end as well. 10. When both trains are at the parallel tracks and one of them starts toward the town A then the second one goes toward the town A, when the first one reaches the tunnel, they would not collide. Proof: If the first train starts first and comes to the tunnel than the second train starts toward the town, since they travel with the same velocity and do not stop than the second train could never catch it. 11. When a train goes from A to B, such that its locomotive leaves A, first and its caboose leaves it last, still it is possible for the train to arrive in B such that caboose gets there first. Proof: To prove this theorem, it is sufficient to demonstrate that there is just one possibility for it to occur. For instance, if the train leaves point A and when it arrives at the junction, its caboose is separated. Then the rest of the train leaves the caboose at the junction, returns back by the other track and enters the junction from behind. This way the caboose would be at the front and if the train goes straight to town B, the caboose would get there first. Such that this example also proves the theorem. [NOTE: This is a problematic theorem and most likely should be removed since by splitting the 67

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train we open a great many new possibilities, some of which might disprove some of the previous theorems.] 12. It is possible for both trains to get from one town to another at the same time. Proof: If both trains start from different towns at the same moment and travel with the same constant speed, without stopping, all the way, they would arrive to the junction at the same time and if they use the junction to pass each other without stopping then they should arrive to their destination at the same time. 13. When both trains start at the same time in the opposite directions: the freight train could never arrive first to its destination. Proof: They both will come to the junction at the same time, they could either continue by the parallel tracks or one of them could stop to let the other one pass by. Since the passenger train has a priority, the only train which could might stop would be the freight train thus either the two would arrive at the same time to their respective destinations or the passenger train would arrive first. Lemma: When both trains start at the same time in the opposite directions: the passenger train might arrive first to its destination. Proof: Follows from the previous proof. And so on… There are many possibilities left… New axioms, theorems, definitions and much more thorough proofs… And of course, that implies that there are also many new kinds of this mathematics… My main goal was to demonstrate but a few possibilities… 68

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NOTE: It is very important to emphasize the fact that while writing this paper, it was quite possible to have made some unintentional mistakes. However, if there are some mistakes: they ought to be corrected… Furthermore, in no way does a possible and/or actual presence of some mistakes could jeopardize or undermine this new mathematics… As a matter of fact, any possible mistake could and should be corrected as to further strengthen this new branch of mathematics.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

WHAT IS ART One way to see art is as a craft while artists are just craftsmen who are good with pencil, paint, words, notes, chisel, carving knife, computer… Consequently, their creations are beautiful poems, novels, plays, paintings, sculptures, engravings, concertos, symphonies, etc. Such is also a prevalent way of understanding the nature of the concepts, though it is never defined that way. But there is another, perhaps a more profound or correct way to perceive art and artists… 1 First of all let’s make a distinction. There is a great deal of assumed art and there are many so called artists that have nothing to do with real art but with propaganda. In other words, applying substantial amount of money: media and advertising could be utilized to profess something as art and to declare someone as a great artist even though they are anything but art or artist. [Just as, by excessively using media and entertainment, a lazy clerk could be turned into the “greatest physicist” ever.] Enough money and carefully orchestrated media campaigns could persuade gullible population to believe in almost anything. For instance that the most reprehensible or stupid nonsense is art [like some ghastly ridiculous wooden coffins from Africa that remotely resemble cars, rockets, hypos, crocodiles, palms, huts] or that some grotesque simpletons are artists [like the pathetic African who made those repulsive coffins]. In other words, that ludicrous negro and his morbidly absurd coffins are not even craft, hence could be labeled as junk but never as an artist and art! [On the other hand, if the insane groups remain in power, indefinitely, they might 70

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place those very coffins in the most prestigious museums while credulous schoolchildren might learn of the African coffin maker as the greatest artist… After all, our children already learn how that Jewish clerk is by far the smartest.] Any such an attempt is really an abuse of media and a deviant ploy to brainwash the credulous population as to hide reality, to present theme with fake or virtual reality… Something that genuine art and true artists must fight against! However, since actual artists are extremely rare occurrence then true philosophers (or perhaps intellectuals) and all decent men should do their best to defeat the promoters of evil. Keeping in mind that majority of the population are inert, timid sheep that go along with almost anything or anyone in power. The difference between art and craft is a profound one. Craft is simply some skill. [In the case of paintings, drawings and sculpture it is mostly manual dexterity.] It is an empty skill that all by itself should be pleasing but it does not have any deeper meaning or significance. It is a series of lines or a grouping of words or notes which could appear or sound agreeable enough but that lack one significant component which separates them from genuine art. True art should possess aesthetic aspect of being pleasing toward the recipient (or at least some of them) and a profound dimension: of actually having something of significance to communicate. It has to contain some deeper truth, something that would to a degree or perhaps tremendously improve our understanding of reality, thus enable us to better comprehend our place in it and how best to fulfill our prime objective for being here [assuming that there is one (which I believe there is)]. A lesser form of genuine art would simply attempt to educate masses by repeating a significant information that majority needs to adhere and know. A higher form of art would state some original and extremely significant information in a pleasant way. In other words, true art and real artists have something to say and they use aesthetically pleasing or interesting methods to communicate their ideas to the audience. Making their ideas pleasurable and 71

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interesting so that others could more easily understand or absorb them. That way art makes philosophy more appealing and more easily presentable to the general masses. Of course, some art forms are better suited for such communication and some are less suitable but all true art and each and every real artist have to say something important, some significant truth, and they have to do it in a nice way, that could be also (but not necessarily) an original approach. Keeping in mind that art is often, and rightfully so, the creation and the maintenance of the tradition. In fact, it is one of the main lines of defense for our civilization, our ways of life, our traditions. In other words, both craft and great art should also guard the tradition and that way protect our civilization. That means that there are not many real artist or genuine art and the majority of what is currently labeled as art (or artists) are nothing of the sort. They are, at best, craft and craftsmen, but art and artist they are not! Still there is nothing wrong with nice craft or good craftsmen who did their part in preserving our cultural heritage. It is a significant task and important job that is, all by itself, a remarkable contribution to the preservation and the enhancement of our culture and civilization. And for doing so they ought to be respected and admired. Many painters and composers are of that sort. Mozart, Beethoven, Albinoni, Vivaldi, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Handel, Zelenka, Mussorgsky, Rembrandt, Rubens, Constable are some of the great craftsmen and keepers of our tradition. So are many poets and writers: Homer, Byron, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Keats, Orwell, Doyle, Voltaire, Shelley, Shaw, Pope, Tolkien, Shakespeare, etc. [Where Arthur Conan Doyle should be commended for the promotion of science and logic (instead of irrationalities, superstitions, mysticism, as was and still is the prevailing tendency in many stories, done by great many well paid contemporary craftsmen) in his books of Sherlock Holmes. While Orwell perhaps ought to be credited for secretly pointing out that the West is one horrible totalitarian dictatorship which relies on technology to control, brainwash, oppress, exploit, abuse, and terrorize the people.] However, genuine artists are rare occurrence. For authentic artists have to be philosophers first. Plato and Nietzsche are two best know 72

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artists—and possibly, so far, the only artists—for they were extraordinary philosophers first and foremost! To them we might add names of Lucretius and Kierkegaard: as lesser artists for they were better craftsmen than philosophers; since Kierkegaard did not have anything really great or original to say, while Lucretius just repeated what Leucippus, Democritus and Epicurus said centuries before him. But they said it skillfully and in a very nice linguistic manner. While Pythagoras, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Descartes, Socrates, Leucippus, Epicurus, Democritus, Anaxagoras, Locke, Hobbs, Marx, Newton, Schopenhauer, Hegel are some of the philosophers from our ancient or more recent past. On the other hand, to maintain the continuity of the words and expressions used and since art is a rare occurrence, we could keep calling craftsmen as artists but only if we remember that in that context: art really means craft and artist is just a synonym or another name for craftsman. Or we could decide to, from now on, rewrite all books and rename ex-artists as great craftsmen, thus label those couple of great philosophers as the only true artists. Whatever the case is, it should be done soon: because as is the situation now, such confusion on what art and artists are is not beneficial, is actually counterproductive and ought not be tolerated any longer. Since those two words represent significant concepts that are used and/or invoked frequently by great many individuals. Makes no sense to let them remain undefined and confusing. Artist is a philosopher who is capable to perceive a significant truth and to communicate it in an aesthetically pleasing way. Art is a profound truth stated in a nice, original or interesting way. Or alternatively stated: art is a craft augmented through philosophy (some big and profound truth, that is). There are two ways to define art. Art could be seen as a craft, which is currently the prevalent understanding of the concept of art [even though it is never stated as such]. In that sense art is a synonym for craft and in that case there are many artists, in form of: painters, sculptors, writers, performers (singers, musicians, actors)… In fact, 73

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any girl that does frequent pirouettes might be considered an artist just as any housewife that likes to make faces in pizza dough might call herself an artist… Which would substantially devalue the significance of being an artist… The second approach to perceive art is as a form of philosophy [perhaps, the highest form of philosophy]. In that case there would be just a few artists, since the dawn of consciousness, and those would be philosophers that created some stories, poems, plays, music, paintings, or sculptures which had some deeper truth, some important messages imbedded into the body of their creations. This way, no spinning girl, housewife, performer, or all those who are currently labeled as artists would actually qualify for such a distinction. As a matter of fact, they ought to be demoted to the level of simple or common craftsmen, entertainers or possibly nobodies. Even though the first approach to art is more prevalent one, still it is also less appropriate one. Meaning that our understanding of art, currently in use, is inadequate and perhaps should be altered into the second definition of art. Only question is how pertinent would be that move if there are only two known artists since the dawn of time… In case, there are more artists—let’s say well over a dozen— then such would be more decisive to change our definition of art… But for only a couple of real artists, perhaps it would not be appropriate to make all those changes; since, we could always say that Plato and Nietzsche were great philosophers who wrote great art as well. Or we could say that the two were indeed something special, superb thinkers, head and shoulders above everybody else… Finally, we need to realize that since the dawn of time there were only a score [some twenty or so] real philosophers. [There have been many intellectuals 10 but not that many philosophers.] In which case 10

intellectuals: well educated and innately intelligent men, working in jobs that exclusively require mental capacities. As a matter of fact, they are highly educated individuals dealing with science [philosophy, physics, mathematics], genuine art (including performance), research and education. Actually, a minute number of them might even be scientists [philosophers, physicists, mathematicians], genuine artists, researchers… [For them to be real scientists they would have to achieve something extraordinary thus significantly contribute to our understanding of the


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it makes sense, among them, to have just a few or real artists… After all, it could very well be the case that philosophers (including artists) are a rare occurrence. They are unique and they appear seldom but when they do: it is a real celestial blessing and the most remarkable happening, the most significant event that has occurred in that very sector of the universe (or reality)! Implying that in a decent society they ought to be revered and listened to, thus, never ignored, persecuted, imprisoned, ridiculed or starved to death. 2 Who will be promoted as a great philosopher and/or as an artist, in a given society, depends on one simple fact: who is in power in that particular society and what is their ulterior agenda? If it is a just and proper society then they would promote and hail truly the best philosophers and artists. Those that are genuinely beneficial to our realm. Meaning they are good to us and all that we are part of (including, this universe and reality). Those who are actually championing, protecting and promoting the overall tendencies of this Cosmos. As the relentless warriors of the ultimate reality. On the other hand, if it is evil and deviant society—as is the case right now—then any proper philosopher (or artists) would be ignored, ridiculed, harassed, prosecuted, imprisoned and/or starved to death. While at the same time, those that are harming our realm, no matter how dumb or pathetic or morbid they actually are: will be promoted, rewarded and hailed as something great, thus turned into the successful, the famous, the smart, the powerful, the influential, and above all the very rich. Keeping also in mind, that in a decent and just society: all citizens would benefit and entire society would thrive; such that they would remain prosperous and advanced for as long as they manage to maintain their way of life, as long as they allow the emergence and the ultimate reality. Meaning that real scientists, artists and researches are extremely rare occurrence.]


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cultivation of genuine philosophers. Conversely, in an evil or unjust society: just a tiny minority would live extremely well [or perhaps more accurately stated: much better than the rest] while the majority would be exploited, abused, indoctrinated, oppressed, terrorized, harassed; such that this backward and deviant structure would not progress very much and might become very unstable or could even disintegrate under its own weight. 3 Cultural theft is the case when another culture (or another race) takes over our tradition; as is the case with classical music. Not only that our cultural heritage is under siege, is being belittled by being pushed aside and instead of it some of the most reprehensible, despicable and most horrid nimoid nuisance [such as blues, jazz, reggae, rap (which are often performed by the most idiotic and most ghastly simpletons and criminals, made into filthy rich and influential pop stars); or so called “martial arts”, actually mongoloid folk daces that are supposedly good for fighting] is being blatantly favored; but in addition, most acclaimed performers and conductors of classical music are either Jews or mongoloids. And that is, pure and simple, an extreme form of evil: one insidious decadence! It is the blatant theft and destruction of our cultural inheritance. Allowing them to select and interpret our cultural heritage we are permitting them to reclaim it and treat it as their own. [In Serbia, another perversion is also occurring: gypsies are often presented as the main performers of Serbian folk music, which is one macabre nonsense, an evil way to decimate our national identity, for those Asians are using their deplorable ways to interpret European traditional songs and dances. 11 Just as negroes in USA are becoming 11

Just as, in the West, negroes have massively infiltrated and terribly defiled entire entertainment industry. In fact, huge resources and sums of money were utilized, for over a century, to make negro “folk music” [starting with jazz and blues] the most popular and dominant form of entertainment worldwide.


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some of the main performers of Anglo-Saxon music, hence, are fusing it with repulsive afro beats… And that is fundamentally and undeniably a form of cultural genocide!] Keeping in mind that in order to destroy some people, to eradicate their race and culture: it helps, first and foremost, to take over, denigrate, demolish or utterly destroy their tradition, to eliminate their cultural distinctiveness. That way their unique identity is undermined, perfidiously weakened, thus, they would be that closer to a complete and brutal annihilation.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

PHILOSOPHY OF SEX The main innate characteristics of normal men are: intelligence, wisdom, ingenuity, aggressiveness, morality, dominance, sadism, decisiveness, ambition, persistence, dept of thought, perseverance, competence, relentlessness, loyalty, integrity, strength, toughness… The main inborn traits of normal females are: feeblemindedness, submission, docility, immorality, meekness, subservience, masochism, indecision, shallow minds, indecisiveness, lack of ambition, being unreliable, easily influenced and controlled, need for nurturing others, self-sacrifice, disloyalty, weakness and frailness… That way, females are inferior to men. They lack in character some of the crucial traits, such that it would make them far below average men. To give them any rights and privileges—or the same role in society as men innately have—is sin against nature and deviation that would spell our destruction! No normal men could do that: only alien intruders or most vile degenerates, that utterly hate our race and civilization, would impose such perversion on us in order to destroy us! Female are nothing more and nothing less than our external reproductive organs, our servile mates: our subservients and mothers of our precious offspring… Society or various perverts within society that try hard to “emancipate” females and make something else of them (like politicians, lawyers, judges, managers, doctors, bus or truck drivers, scientists, artists, construction or road workers, pilots, car mechanics, bricklayers, policemen, soldiers, etc)—instead of being just wives and mothers, as nature has intended for them—are violating billions of years of evolution and are tempering with our very survival! 1 78

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Females by their nature tend to (or have an innate inclination toward) being slaves, sluts, masochists (which instinctively crave humiliation) and are highly immoral, unless there is a powerful man [father or husband] to keep them in line! Nature’s plan was, obviously, to assure and foster our reproduction. The problem is that present-day society is amazingly deviant, henceforth, those inclinations of females are readily misused or abused by being coupled with current perversions: so that they do not spell our procreation or prosperity and survival but our doom in the form of our gruesome genocide! Granting females any rights or privileges is not only counterproductive but also excessively deviant violation of the essential laws of nature: most notably the self-preservation principle, which plainly forbids us to willingly self-destruct. 2 The most primitive life forms—like microorganisms, insects, some plants and fish—base their survival strategy on massive reproduction, and they are designed to have as many offspring as possible, so that after being killed and/or eaten there would still remain enough of them to carry on. Among those primitive creatures, entities we could loosely associate with female gender— which might not be entirely correct—play the key role as the essential units for mass reproduction… Higher forms of life rely on various other methods—including senses, intellect and/or heightened awareness—for their survival… But regardless on the method: the essential goal is the fulfillment of the reproduction for the species and ultimately for the emergence, development and refinement of intellect as the decisive goal for the universe (reality), attempting to achieve (and maintain) self-awareness… If we take insects, under consideration, we could see that they are simple life forms without any deeper or profound sense of reality. 79

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They are primitive creatures programmed to do just two things: to eat and to reproduce! Or perhaps more correctly would be to state that they are programmed to do just one thing to reproduce since it could be argued that they eat in order to reproduce. [However, in a broader sense, they are nothing more than food, a plentiful source of proteins for numerous life forms.] Being so simple and primitive that to label distinction between male and female gender, among such forms of life, is not entirely accurate. They are walking, eating and massively reproducing units that should not be called male or female, in any sense, because this distinction ought to be reserved for the higher life forms (i.e. mammals, reptiles). [In other words, to associate human males and females with those of insects is wrong, utterly misleading and presumptuous!] Such that social insects—like ants, termites, bees, etc—are more like various organisms consisting of loose and separate, but also interconnected, parts than being colonies of independent entities. Members of a colony are very much like cells within a functional organism. Only in their case, the colony is not closed but an open organism (the one that has no precisely defined borders)… In any case, there ought to be a clear distinction between higher life forms (those with substantially developed (central) nervous system: like mammals), moderate life forms (those with somewhat developed (central) nervous system: like birds, lizards and fish) and the primitive life forms (those with underdeveloped or utterly lacking (central) nervous system: like insects, various invertebrates, plants, microorganisms, bacteria, etc.). Among the main laws of nature is the rudimentary law of self-preservation and closely related to it is the law of procreation. In other words, live entities have the instincts to survive personally and also to survive as specie, only this second impulse is manifested through the inherent urge to reproduce, to multiply, to procreate, to undergo sexual intercourse then to nurture and protect their own offspring. The very primitive life forms could reproduce in various ways—by splitting a cell or by swapping genes, exchanging cell fluids (DNA data); or by cloning (if a primitive organism becomes cut, various parts could recuperate into fully functioning entities)—but the ad80

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vanced life forms do it through sex. In any case the main idea is simple reproduction and the continuation of the race. Besides, sexual reproduction obviously has tremendous advantages for it is one of the prevalent forms of reproduction (at least in higher life forms): most likely since by sexual intercourse the offspring have some distinct advantages in dealing with environment (i.e. diseases and parasites, as well as climatic or environmental changes) and due to the amazing fact that through sex, faulty or defective genes could be fixed or replaced with good ones. That way the specie has a potential to improve and gets better with each new generation. What’s more, due to periodic mutation or random variations, specie could adjust to new environmental conditions or advance toward a higher form, perhaps according to nature’s grand plan. Any kind of disobedience or perversion that would in any way hinder the innate drive to procreation would not be tolerated. First of all, any specific organism which dares to deviate from nature’s way would be wiped out and if that perversion is wide spread in a given population then the entire population (or entire specie) would be mercilessly eradicated. As it seems nothing and no one should dare to disobey the ultimate laws of nature! This basically implies that sex is not entertainment or a way to alleviate boredom for idiotic teenagers or lazy housewives and perverted businesswomen; and must never be treated as such: but a rudimentary mechanism for procreation. It is nature’s way—therefore the very best way—to reproduce and fulfill nature’s decree which is imposed on all live entities. The decree [to procreate and multiply] that must be obeyed and respected in full and as given. [Because if there is a god, it would be NATURE!] 12 Keeping in mind that little knowledge is far more dangerous than no knowledge... Animals instinctively know with whom they are to reproduce. The lions won’t try to mate with buffalos but would eat them! Monkeys don’t try to mate with other races or gorillas: just humans (white people) are forced by the decrepit law and induced 12

But if there should be a god then it ought to be Overman, as the ultimate manifestation and the final destination of nature [according to Nietzsche]!


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through warped “education”, media and “entertainment” to fornicate with subhumans! Only in a decadent society: the superior intellect is encouraged and/or forced (through laws and entertainment) to copulate with inferior life forms thus forbidden to complain about it or to resist the filthy decadence. [Because, why would they legislate laws that makes it illegal for white men to call other races inferior: if they are indeed inferior! And they are definitely inferior! Could it be that someone is forcing genocide against us and wants us to be quiet about it? Could it be that those in question are extremely rich parasites: the Jews, the Arabs, various other nimoids as well as some of the wealthy perverts?] Under no circumstances should we permit deviant or perverted entities to impose notions such as having sex for the sake of sex or as entertainment only or indeed any other way of sexual intercourse which is not inducing the procreation of our race. [Degradation of females ought to be permitted, for both males and females crave the domination and humiliation of the weaker gender; but under no circumstances should it be warped as to spell our genocide. The humiliation of women is men’s birth given right, in so far as it leads toward our procreation, but no one and nothing has the right to perform genocide on us! We ought to degrade women, and enjoy in doing it, just as we should do all in our powers to prevent our genocide.] In that sense some religious notions were perhaps correct for discouraging sex and/or declaring it as something dirty. Most likely, it was done purposely in order to contain it and keep it were it belongs for the purpose of procreation only. However, religions might have been too restrictive and unnecessary rigid: there is nothing wrong with sex if it leads toward our reproduction and if it is not abused for the purpose of our annihilation. In order to entice higher life forms [those with developed nervous system and brain] nature has induced pleasurable feelings that mostly or exclusively males could experience. Females in most of those advanced species have powerful urges to mate, to submit, to be taken over, degraded and humiliated, but they could never or just seldom experience orgasm (and if they do, it is something quite mild and very much different from what males experience). In any case fem82

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ale orgasms, if experienced at all, are less potent and generally speaking insignificant or unnecessary. The idea was for males to release semen and impregnate females through reaching climax and thus there is no need for any female to achieve any form of orgasm. Men must have orgasms in order to impregnate females, while females don’t have to and, in fact, usually don’t! Many females never experience orgasm and/or just pretend to climax. Because all that females need to have is an overwhelming urge to submit and procreate. Keeping in mind that one male could impregnate many females while, for females, all it takes is one man to get them all pregnant. Meaning that for the sake of procreation it is highly irrational and terribly wrong to restrict a man to one and only one female. Whoever thought of such destructive restriction was either too dumb or did not wish us well. Sex is a violent act, a form of productive or necessary violence perpetrated by innately aggressive, dominant and sadistically inclined men toward naturally weaker, submissive, less intelligent, subservient, inferior, docile females. Such being a functional form of reality. In the grand scheme of life, men had to be smart, aggressive and dominant in order to enable the race to survive and in order to claim and conquer females; while female had to be masochistic by nature in order to submit, be exploited and in order to be able to give birth [which is one rather dreadfully painful event, thus to be able to sacrifice themselves for the offspring and/or their entire family]. Because only utter masochists could allow a new organism to grow inside of them, to drain them of nutrients, and to continue to suck them out once it gets born… In any case, sadistic grown up men and masochistic females (of all ages) are nature’s design: thus a winning strategy that ought not to be questioned or altered in any way or form, if we are to survive and prosper. Such that among higher life forms, females tend to be innately confused gender. For, on one side, they are programmed to resist and, on another, to surrender; to be egoistic (look for themselves) and altruistic (sacrifice for their families): to want something and not to want something. E.g. female tigress is programmed to keep her territory and to fight the intruders but at the same time to submit to a 83

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powerful male [whose territory actually overlaps several different females and their territories]. So, at first, she resists only to surrender, in the end, to his excessive power and his persistent attacks. Such that, in nature, the tiger would not be punished or imprisoned for the rape but in fact would be rewarded for violating the female by having his offspring, his genes multiplied… Female lionesses have an instinct to defend their cubs but at the same time to surrender to new males, who in turn would kill her cubs as to start their own litter. Just the same human females are programmed to want powerful males and to avoid them at the same time: they are programmed to be sluts and to feel ashamed because of it… However, no such confusion is present among males: their goal is to get as many females as they possibly can and to feel good because of it… Only problem is when perverted society decides to give females equal or greater rights than males. By doing so they have created utter havoc for when sexually aroused females would willingly consent to sex and/or provoke males into sex only to feel sorry afterwards thus use the evil society and its decadent laws to persecute males for doing what nature irrefutably demands of them: to violate and/or impregnate females. Furthermore, the current deviant society is especially antagonistic toward males and punishes them for being utterly normal (e.g. for wanting or finding much younger females most desirable). [As a matter of fact, according to the current laws and macabre media: it is quite normal for men to find old, used up, broads sexually appealing and amazingly enough, at the same time, to consider young, virgin females as something rather unattractive! Which is the most bizarre, most perverted, utterly morbid, the sickest and the craziest thing ever!] In this insane society: MEN ARE PUNISHED JUST FOR BEING MEN, just for being normal! Besides, by having females be masochistic, while males sadistic: nature has assured that men and females fit perfectly together, just like a key and a lock; or in this case even more accurate metaphor would be a key that handless several locks. One master key that opens all the locks inside a house, thus making it a functional and self-sufficient unit for which society exists only to serve it and enable 84

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it to obey the ultimate laws of nature. Above all: the self-preservation principle! It is quite normal for a man to be with much younger female or even with a several females and such was common, socially acceptable, occurrence only a few decades ago. In fact, not so long ago, men had their own families and young girlfriends on the side as well. Men had the ability to rule and discipline their own children and females, for the benefit of the entire family and community or society at large… Come to think of it, such is still permitted to males of other races… However, the perfidious assault against white men, our entire race and civilization could be best realized if we notice how society has transformed in the last two generations as to castrate white men, take our fundamental rights and remove power from our hold. Thus artificially inducing the ghastly problem of white plague [excessively low birthrate for white people]: such that white races is rapidly approaching the abyss and is on the verge of extinction! TABLE: past, present and the probable future NORMAL



(or what used to be only a few generations ago)

(or what is and what should never be)

(or what could be unless we prevent it)

- white men have all the rights, property, privileges and power

- white men having equal or lesser rights and power than women and/or other races - a man and a female of the same age - a man alone or with just one female

- a man with much younger females - a man with several females - society favoring white men

- society discriminating against white men

- white men have no rights, no property and no power whatsoever - a man with a (much) older female - a “man” with another “male” or with an animal - society favoring women, children, and animals (including other races) 85

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- white people have large families (many children)

- white people don’t have children or have a small number of progeny (some even raise cats and dogs instead of their own children) - white race has - white race has demographic demographic expansion stagnation or gradual decline; while other races have demographic explosion - family unit is - family unit is relatively healthy and broken down and stable unstable - the crucial - the crucial segments of society segments of society [businesses, finances, are being misused to economy, politics, belittle and degrade laws, media, art, our race and culture, entertainment, as well as to castrate science (including and humiliate white philosophy), males education] are used to benefit our race and culture - our children are - our children are educated and thought brainwashed and to respect their thought to hate white parents, elders and men, our race and forefathers; to civilization champion our culture, race and civilization 86

- white people forced to live with other races and/or to adopt and/or raise nonwhite offspring - white race undergoes genetic genocide (is to be brutally wiped out)

- family unit is nonexistent and/or nonfunctional - the crucial segments of society are excessively abused to oppress, harass, terrorize, exploit and destroy white males and our entire civilization

- our children are small in numbers, as they are being overwhelmed and terrorized by the sea of alien scum

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- our genocide does not seem possible

- our genocide has started

- our genocide is in progress and the end is near

Even further, men have the birth given right to conquer and claim females, to use them, abuse them, degrade and humiliate them if they please. That is all normal and natural and, most importantly, it leads toward procreation. The ghastly problem of white plague would have never occurred if our society had remained normal: if those sick creeps in power did not transmogrify this world into horrifying nightmare for white men. Society to be just and proper must recognize such innate propensity of males and permit men for being what they intrinsically are. Under no circumstances, should society deviate from nature and punish men for being men or for being white [i.e. for being white men]. Because, nature knows best! Besides, females are born as masochists: as it is normal for men to take them over and dominate them or abuse and degrade them, just the same, it is innate for females to submit and to accept their predicament. Only in a deviant society females are led to think or behave differently, induced to presume the role of men; as real men are severely punished, imprisoned, castrated and artificially forced to act as a weaker gender… In order to further fine-tune the grand design, it has been rather obvious for ions that men gain strength and power with age while females are most desirable while still very young: being most innocent, still virgin, unspoiled and sweet at that early age. That way, nature enabled females to mature much sooner than males. While females, on average, mature between the ages of 8 and 12; males mature after they reach the age of 30, in most cases. For great many millennia—since the dawn of mankind—and until very recently, older men would get young females. My grandfathers did that and so could have yours… Such practice assured procreation and the survival of the specie within the confines of a proper society. No man could be impotent if procreating with a pretty young virgin; just as no normal man could find sexual arousal looking at an old broad that had thousands of men before him… Only deviant society would try 87

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in any way to castrate males, to turn females into males, to give right to females and children, to promote or favor other races, to protect various perverts [homosexuals, feminists, transvestites, hermaphrodites, etc.] as a way to push us into submission and oblivion… The proof for the previous statements could be found in the fact that due to the excessively deviant present day society: white race, as the leading intellectual power, on this planet, will be wiped out in a few generations, if nothing is done to prevent such atrocity. [White race is the youngest race (32,000 years old) compared to mongoloids (70,000) and negroes (120,000): yet at the beginning of the 20th century—before our genocide officially started—we were as numerous as other races. 13 ] One heinous genocide is being perpetrated by implementing deviant and unnatural laws within one utterly sick and excessively perverted society, society which is violating billions of years of cosmic evolution, which is forcing men (and females) to go against their nature and behave in a ghastly deviant, one totally decadent, a horribly destructive way! Punishment for which would be eminent execution of not only our race but possibly even further, perhaps even the higher forms of life (or all life) on this doomed planet. Terrible injustice is being perpetrated against white men! We are punished just because we are white and we are men! We are being constantly harassed by appalling authorities, abused through maniacal laws, and humiliated through decadent media. Film industry, all over the world, is trying hard to degrade us, and our entire civilization, as much as possible, hence to indoctrinate our children along the way… We are exploited by the system and belittled by utterly warped “education”; forced to reside along and keep our children with the subhumans… We are discriminated against and induced to disobey the essential laws of nature in order to obey the decrepit and 13

Which is a proof of two things: (1) the superiority of white race since it took us 32,000 years to reach the population that other races needed 70,000 or even 120,000 years to reach and if our knowledge, technology and resources were kept for ourselves and if other races (at that time, only the Jews) did not sabotage us and induce white plague on us: we would be the most numerous race on this planet by now! (2) the genocide is being perpetrated against us!


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utterly deviant laws, utterly warped “morals” of this morbid society. Society which is perpetrating genocide against our own race, thus blatantly wiping out billions of years of cosmic evolution… Therefore, which is not only hideously belligerent toward us but is also ghastly antagonistic toward this glorious universe and almighty reality as well! However, nothing is over yet… There is still a chance for us to wake up and recuperate, to regain control on this planet and bring everything to order as nature has designed and immaculately planed… Keeping in mind that nature’s way is usually—if not always—the best way… The question of our survival is really the difference between two worlds: the world of joy and happiness on one side and the world of pain and suffering on the other. 14 Where the world of pain is, unfortunately, our current society and where the world of joy remains to be achieved, but which in many respects resembles our various societies since the dawn of time, before our world was perfidiously taken over by a bunch of wealthy creeps and utterly deplorable lunatics, thieves, subhumans, weirdoes and perverts… Only we need to remember one crucial thing: to take their money is to take their power! What is normal and fundamentally decent is: for older, innately aggressive and powerful man to have several much younger females; for men to conquer and dominate, to rule and humiliate women… Since the dawn of time, it was moral and legal or fundamentally proper conduct and if we are to survive and prosper, it must resume being such! How sick or abnormal a man has to be in order to say and/or actually prefer to be disrespected, exploited, discriminated, abused, impoverished, castrated and dethroned while living alone or with one older woman or with another “man” or with a dog or whatever; instead of having all the rights, respect and total power while having a large healthy family, as being surrounded by several young and very pretty girls… How deviant and decadent society has 14

Dragan Glavasic Keepers of the Flame; the World of Joy and Happiness (Belgrade: Odin & Thor, 2006), pp. 137-144.


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to be in order to force men to go against our nature and live in such a horrifying nightmare. The final nightmare that would be the death of us all… 3 We are not inherently self-destructive (since nothing in this reality is designed that way)… Men are not, by nature, masochistic… Thus the only logical explanation why our society has turned from being of white men, ruled and run by white men, for the benefit of only white men into the opposite: is if some other races have infiltrated our society and terribly misused economy (business), finances, politics, laws, “education”, entertainment and media to harm us and perfidiously induce our genocide! Especially if the case might be that while their religions teach their followers to hate and destroy infidels (meaning us), while “our” religion and/or main ideologies teach us to love our enemies (meaning them), to be tolerant, to turn the other cheek, to grant others greater rights than what we have, and ultimately to willingly self-destruct… That way, evil and insidious aliens together with corrupt creeps, rich lunatics and various perverts could work on manipulating our entire population: indoctrinating women, brainwashing our children, castrating white men, performing our genocide and destroying our culture and civilization in the process! 4 Manmade “laws” that force men to horribly disobey reality, to deviate from nature, and look the other way and/or to remain quiet, while our end is near: are not laws and must not be obeyed! 5 90

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Men have the right to claim and humiliate females and obligation to impregnate as many of them as possible. Men have the rudimentary right to much younger females because if men are with much younger females there would be no reason, whatsoever, for impotence caused by decrepit ugly spouses; or low birthrates currently associated with our race! Especially since by nature, females mature much faster than males… Men must never be restricted to one and only one female or prevented from having a female because of her supposedly young age… Those three basic rules make the pertinent foundation for an apt family which in turns makes the proper basis for a healthy society: society where our survival and prosperity are assured!


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

RELIGIONS AND SUPERSTITIONS Claims that acupuncture (or putting great many needles in someone’s aching body) could cure an illness or claims that by placing needles into a voodoo doll a person could be harmed: are so idiotic and bizarre that only the most primitive and utterly morbid societies would contemplate or permit such nonsense. Superstitions (including religions) are products of inferior or lesser intellect. They are mindless activities and/or practices. Religions are superstitions that usually deal with more significant aspects of existence: mainly acceptable and forbidden behavior, death or a possible life after death! However as all superstitions, they deal with it in an irrational way… Most primitive humans or rather subhumans have not yet created superstitions, those slightly above have… A more advanced human societies allow a limited amount of superstitions (manifested mostly as religions) alongside science… The most advanced humans and most developed societies have only science and they scorn superstitions as a deadly pollution and products of lesser minds, a sign of a primitive society, an invention of inferior beings! Religions are irrational attempts to make sense of reality and also a desperate endeavor, of primitive and/or inadequate minds, to alleviate our inborn fears of the inevitable. Superstitions [such as fortune telling (crystal ball gazing, tarot, numerology, astrology, palm reading, etc), faith healers, alternative medicine (acupuncture, Chinese “medicine”, etc) and so on] are irrational and/or criminal attempts to explain some less significant fragments of reality or to 92

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insidiously rob the credulous. Superstition could be practiced by the simpleminded and/or by criminals whose main goal is to cheat the uneducated, stupid and/or gullible. Both religions and superstitions belong to primitive and/or backward “cultures” (or societies that do not care for its citizens but let them be robbed and fooled by the dumb or the liars). Any claim that religions or superstitions could explain some aspects of reality is a deceit or a prevarication. If anything ought to explain reality, it has to be science… For instance, our innate fear of dying could be eased or completely eliminated through philosophy (i.e. The Immortality Argument). Makes no sense for us to heed the words of some primitive people—some ghastly shamans or disgusting gurus—who don’t even know the elementary structure of our world (e.g. the concept of galaxy or that Earth rotates around the Sun or that air is comprised of the gas molecules or that bacteria and viruses cause illness) or some contemporary thieves whose main concern is to take someone’s money… Cave dwellers or those from dark ages ought not tell us what is the truth, including the fundamental knowledge that could to a great extent affect our everyday existence. Just the same thieves and liars must not take advantage of us by supposedly telling us the intricate structure of reality, such as what will happen, what we are to do or how to alleviate a potential illness, a life threatening disease. It makes immeasurably more sense to consult a medical doctor than some superstitious quacks; just as it is far more pertinent to read greatest philosophers than any religious book or to allow some perfidious crooks to manipulate us. Plato and Nietzsche make more sense than any religious text or any thief… Irrational approach might have had some purpose long time ago when our understanding of this world was rather limited and our abilities to make sense of reality were inadequate. But ever since science has reached higher levels, it makes no sense to believe in some deities or any religious approaches as a way to explain reality. Nor is appropriate for a country to permit criminals to take advantage of the mediocre and the credulous. A decent government must protect its citizens and not allow the deviant, simpleminded or insidious to take advantage of the 93

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majority and to mentally denigrate it even further. The simpletons and crooks are intellectually feeble and criminally malicious or just wrong and their attempts to fool and/or exploit the masses ought to be illegal… For someone who has lived long time ago, it might have made sense to explain the world or to see it in accordance to some religious dogma… But it makes no sense nowadays. A modern man finds it hard to accept religious nonsense and its explanations of our world… How could anyone decent take seriously the stories from Bible or any other religious book? Who could read the adventures of Jesus, Noah or Moses and claim that they really happened. [Even if, long time ago, there was actually a major flood when the Mediterranean Sea created the Black Sea: still it is not the biblical flood which drowned all of Earth; or even if some Jew, a religious nut, by the name of Jesus, was actually crucified: it does not imply that he was the son of god; or even if Jews were runaway slaves that came to Asia from Africa, escaping their Egyptian masters: it does not mean that the story of god helping Moses is a true one…] So how could those religious books be any authority at all (to any intelligent human)? Some stupid people and members of other races could still become rather fanatical about various religions: but it is due to their lack of intelligence, their second-rate education, their reduced capacities to reason and as a matter of fact is a proof that other races are intellectually backward or rather inferior. On the other hand, we ought to recognize that our ancestors used to create specific religions and that their world was governed by those religious believes—such as Nordic mythologies, Celtic mythology or Greco-Roman mythology—and as such we ought to look at those as some valuable relics from the past and keep them as our important mementos, as monuments to our glorious forefathers. They represent our genuine cultural heritage! Not something that should govern our present lives but as something that was a significant part of our past: as something that our magnificent ancestor thought of and lived by. Having said that, it means that while Odin, Thor, Wodan, Perun, Svantovid, Rod, Svarog, Dagda, Zeus, Poseidon, Jupiter, Neptune, 94

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etc were our indigenous gods and their consequent religions were glorious segments of our intrinsic heritage; let it be known that Christianity is not a genuine part of our tradition as indeed are not any other living religions… In fact, all current religions are irrational nonsense, morbid mumbo-jumbo of idiotic creatures, and alien pollution that ought to be scorned, rejected and pulverized! Christianity was initially contemplated by Jews in Asia and has gradually spread throughout Europe from the 1st to the 12th century [starting with Roman Empire then among Germanic tribes and finally through Slavs], only to became Europe’s main religion. It teaches the subdued followers to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek and to throw bread at those that hit them with stones; to be kind, utterly tolerant and forgiving, to love everything and everybody… Such masochistic dogma is utterly deviant, totally unnatural and especially dangerous if confronted by Islam and/or some other belligerent religions that preach death to their enemies or unbelievers, or by Judaism whose main concern seems to be how best to exploit, abuse, cheat, rob and leech out all others. That way, Christianity is the worst calamity that has beseeched us, since it has set us vulnerable and helpless: made us susceptible to parasitic infection of gigantic proportions… So either we outright find strength to reject Christianity and all religions hence decide to relentlessly eradicate all our enemies and completely cleanse our planet or we ought to prepare for our own genocide since those parasites will destroy us! Either we pulverize them or they will eliminate us: it is nature’s way! Science is based on scientific principle which means that every statement, claim, law or theory must be proven. They have to be based on some observations, examples, facts, empirical data or logic. It is not sufficient or appropriate just to say something and declare it as true; as amazingly enough, superstitions do… On the other hand, superstitions (religions) are irrational and unintelligent “methods” to just say something and at the same time proclaim it as the truth! For instance, some might claim that if the 95

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sun, the moon and/or various planets are in a specific constellation it could mean specific destiny to some individuals… Or similarly, some might say that someone has discovered some important knowledge or has received some important information from a god, which tells the people what to do and how to behave if they are to reincarnate or live forever in some totally nice place… Meaning that such claims are not proven—or could not be proven—and have to be taken on faith, on someone’s words [even if that someone was a delusional lunatic]… The difference between science and superstitions is momentous and profound, is the difference between a fact and a rumor, is a difference between proving something as opposite to just saying something… The distinction between science and superstitions is the distinction between affluence and backwardness, between Space Age and Dark Age, between the truth and a lie, between prosperity and adversity, between us and them… Our future is with science and not with superstitions (religions)!


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PRESENT DAY PROPAGANDA [And the Essential Countermeasures]

Propaganda is a frequently repeated lie intended for the general population. Only for it to be effective it has to be forced on the public through media, entertainment and “education”. And furthermore, there has to be a total monopoly on those means of dissemination and transmission. Propaganda is a lie that is repeated frequently. The idea behind propaganda is that if repeated long enough it will be accepted as truth by the credulous population. Propaganda is especially dangerous and excessively devastating when evil groups and wrong people control all centers of power. Unfortunately, currently we have just that sort of predicament. They not only put profit over the people, but in addition do almost everything conceivable to denigrate, indoctrinate, abuse and exploit white men, to decimate our entire culture and civilization: to perform genocide on us! Some of the lies that are, currently, promoted through propaganda are rather small or insignificant while others are big and devastating. Nevertheless, when they are combined they are extremely dangerous and actually reveal a sinister, utterly insidious force working on achieving our annihilation. To list but a few of them: -

Male boldness is a defect, something we must be ashamed of. Homosexuality is a lifestyle and should be protected by the law. Makes no difference what sexual persuasion someone is. Homosexuality is just as legitimate as being straight. 97

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Others should have equal or even greater rights than what we have. Other races and cultures are equal or superior to white race, our culture and civilization. Family unit is one rather insignificant or unnecessary structure within a society. Women are equal to or better than men in every respect. In terms of intelligence, aggressiveness, ambition etc, they are just as good or mach better than men. Children must have rights. Mentally retarded should be plentifully helped by the society. Animals ought to be protected by the law. Discrimination and harassment toward white men is legal and needed. It is a form of “positive discrimination” or “affirmative action”. The best of athletes are the most desirable humans. It is much better to be physically fit or able than to be smart or mentally capable. The only difference among races is a skin color. [Other differences, such as: eyes, blood, hair, bones, nose, lips, hands, muscles, brain, intellect, cognitive abilities, genes, etc are to be ignored. Any mention of those other differences is to be considered as “politically incorrect”.] Negro race is smart, hard working and sexually appealing. Mongoloid race is very smart, mysterious and rather advanced. Mongoloid children are the best students. Chinese did everything first. Chinese “snake” ought to be translated as a Chinese “dragon”. Mongoloid folk dances, known as “martial arts” is a great tool for street fighting. It is the “art” of brawling. Our children should learn mongoloid folk dances instead of learning our own tradition… Many public or private schools, have already organized courses for mongoloid folk dances (a.k.a. “martial arts”).

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There are ancient Chinese philosophers such as Confucius and Tao. Faith healing, acupuncture and other alternative (or traditional) medicine are viable forms of healing. Fortune telling is a source of knowledge. In fact, all forms of psychics are legitimate. Paranormal is real. Mysticism is superior to science. Pedophiles are sick people that find children (boys or girls) sexually appealing. Polygamy [a man living with two or more females] is not a normal form of family and it must be against the law. Humans came from Africa. We all come from a man or a woman from Africa. We are all brothers and sisters. It is wrong, immoral and illegal for white men to be racist and chauvinists [to hate other races and feminists]. [But it is not wrong or illegal for other races to be so; or for feminists to hate males.] Only white men could be racist. Other races cannot be racist. There is no history or ethics. It is politically correct for us not to have children and at the same time to adopt or support other’s progeny, and to willingly self-destruct! Adolph Hitler, Nazis and Nazism are the manifestations of the ultimate evil! Communism was an evil empire! Albert Einstein is the greatest genius ever. The West is democratic and utterly free society! It’s the best of all possible worlds. People should do anything for money. Everyone and everything is for sale. Only question is how much money it will take to buy a person. Everyone has a price.

Keeping in mind that there are thousands of other examples of what current powers that be are imposing on the subdued and oppressed public as truth. As something that is true and, as a matter or fact, that is not to be questioned. Such that anyone who says anything oppo99

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site must be immediately judged as wrong. Actually, to claim anything opposite, a man must be not only wrong but a bad or evil person that needs to be scorned or boycotted by others and severely punished by the authorities. Nonetheless, let me address some of the previously mentioned issues, thus state the following: Female boldness is an illness. Male boldness is the result of maturity and of testosterone (male hormone), thus is a sign of masculinity and fertility. Hence, it is not to be avoided but welcomed! Just as mature lions have mane, adult gorillas have gray fur, mature deer have antlers, grownup males have pubic and facial hair, gray hair and some also show boldness… Only utterly sick—anti-men—society would turn male boldness into an illness, something to be ashamed of or present it as a dreadful condition. Homosexuality is wrong for it is utterly unnatural and rather deviant activity that could endanger one of the fundamental practices within this universe: procreation. It is a destructive perversion that openly goes against nature. That way it is form or deviancy or a horrible disease that needs to be curtailed or outright stopped. If homosexual-ity becomes prevalent it would not only endanger our survival as specie (or race) but would, in addition, endanger family as the found-ation of society. Because only family consisting of a powerful man and subservient females with great many children is innate and prop-er form or unit that would assure survival of society. Because—no matter what those filthy deviants say—healthy family is indeed the building block of any proper and prosperous society. Other races and cultures are inferior to our race and our culture because Glorians [white race and culture] have achieved immeasurably more and by far exceeded anything that other races or cultures have done so far. Every significant discovery in science—even sciences, themselves—every important contribution to our life quality has been discovered or achieved by white men and white men alone! From the philosophical concepts of democracy, materialism, idealism, fee will, ethics, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, logic, aesthetics, etc; to mathematical ideas of probability, number 100

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theory, limits, spheres, rectangles, calculus, geometry, topology; to just as important technological discoveries of electricity, computers, trains, cars, busses and trucks, airplanes, space ships, tunnels, bridges, skyscrapers, designer drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, x-rays, ultrasound, telephone, radio and television, submarines, sea liners, washing machines, microwave ovens, stoves, refrigerators, sewer, pluming, central heating; or some other cognitive developments like music theory and harmony, etc. Everything was discovered by WHITE MEN! To use propaganda and brainwashing, to abuse laws as to discriminate and eradicate such a superior race is the cardinal sin against this very reality. Because universe did not evolve for billions of years so that a bunch of perverts and rich simpletons would halt its progress thus also undermine its prime objective for creating higher forms of intellect as to become a cognitive entity in order to become selfaware and to better perceive the ultimate reality. Family is the building block of any society. A healthy and stable family [naturally consisting of one aggressive and dominant man, several females and great many children] is the building block of a stable and prosperous society. That is the best way to mass produce beneficial members of a functional society. Men are by nature designed to be intelligent, powerful, aggressive, dominant, and to claim as many females as they can. They ought to have every conceivable right and total power or control over their females, children and property. That is normal or natural way. Anything opposite to this natural design is a form of perversion and is likely to undermine not only families but also entire society. Men are also designed to be the defenders of our Realm, protectors of our society, guardians of our way of life. Any attempt to place women into the role of men is actually a deviant ploy to destroy our very society, our way of living, our Realm: and such is a cardinal sin. Women are in many respects totally opposite to men. They are weak, simpleminded, masochistic, submissive, subservient, etc. They are easily willed, manipulated and any society, any country, any race, any Realm which is defended by the weaker of the genders is destined for annihilation… Therefore women ought to stick with 101

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what nature has designed them for, what nature has intended for them: to nurture and take care of the children and to serve their one and only lord and master: the husband. Children do not have sufficient mental capacity or enough life experience to make proper decisions. Furthermore, they are easily manipulated and indoctrinated, especially by an evil society with tremendous resources. Therefore, it is essential for parents to have total control and power over children. Any time parents are prevented to perform their proper duty: society suffers. Because, proper family would produce good and beneficial members of society that could contribute to the proper government and its overall welfare: such that everyone would ultimately benefit. Mentally retarded are genetic junk, defects, that have to be rejected or if possibly eliminated even before they get born. Under no circumstances should society favor retards over smart or mentally gifted, or in any way give to those genetically feebleminded any privileges as to enable them to survive and reproduce. For it is in direct violation of the rudimentary tendency of this Cosmos, to create life and promote intellect as to create higher forms of reason. Furthermore, it implies that athletes must never be favored or in any way more valued than intellectuals. Any society that prefers physical abilities over mental abilities or favors athletes and/or retards over smart men: is a sick union. Because, to make possible for a bunch of simpleminded athletes to be extremely rich, popular, to have unlimited access to mass media, to make them utterly influential and powerful thus present them as the most desirable mates is a road to our systematic deterioration and abrupt destruction. Animals must not be given any rights whatsoever! Just as athletes must not be placed to be more significant than intellectuals. As a matter of fact, in an advanced society, athletes must not have any significance at all. Sport should be for recreation of masses and not for the promotion or for the rewarding of other races and/or various simpletons… Thus people should not be turned into servants of cats, dogs, snakes, rodents; or worshipers of those physically capable (be they human, subhuman or animals)… Especially is utterly wrong for humans not to have children and instead to take care of animals. 102

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Just because mongoloids spend a great deal of time studying and working in groups as to cheat the school system and get better grades than white children: it does not make them smart but rather cheaters. 15 Achievements of white men, in fields of science and technology have made such abundantly clear. No amount of propaganda could erase the fact that white men did everything first. Because no matter what media and “education” tell us: a Chinese that has jumped off a high cliff did not invent flying; just as a mongoloid corpse at the bottom of the sea did not invent a submarine! To claim that all life started in ocean makes sense; but to say that humans came from Africa is insignificant and might be wrong. However, even if humans originate in Africa, they are as much our ancestors as are invertebrates that lived in the initial ocean. Due to numerous and enormous genetic alterations that have occurred, in our genes, since that primitive creature roamed the planes of Africa, there is no way that we could look at it as our ancestor, just as we could not look at (ancient) reptiles or snakes as our ancestors. Or that we should not kill a deadly snake just because it was supposedly 15

For instance, a group of mongoloid college students could take same courses and divide among themselves who will read which books then summarize them, take all important data and share it with others. That way each student reads just one book… While white students have to read many books, mongoloids read just one and get the same or even better grades than white students: which is form of cheating the system that college authorities are aware of and are openly allowing because it only discriminates against white students… Mongoloids are getting better grades and are ranked higher than white students even though they are doing it by cheating and in the process have far lesser knowledge than white children! On the other hand, if white child tries to cheat on the exam he would be expelled from school, while mongoloids are allowed to cheat throughout the schooling without any repercussion. And they are favored to take good jobs even though they are not qualified for them or are not as qualified as white students who read every single book and have never resorted to cheating (thus are bound to have greater knowledge)! In some estimates an average mongoloid cheater reads and understands only a fifth of the material required for getting a specific diploma. Which means that it would be very dangerous getting them some jobs: like in health care, architecture or engineering; and rather unfair getting them any jobs whatsoever… Yet, because of better grades and because of their race (i.e. affirmative action) they have a priority.


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our long lost kin. Besides, even if we presume that some ancient creatures from Africa were our long lost predecessors, still that does not imply that present day Africans are our kin in any way, shape or form. Because it is just as valid to observe that negroes have perhaps as much in common with monkeys and gorillas as they do with us. The crucial fact is that there are three distinct racial groups (Caucasians, mongoloids, negroes): they compete for the same resources and for the survival. It is utterly wrong, terribly immoral, and against the will of this universe to favor other races and help them, in any way, shape or form, eradiate white race (especially since they are mentally inferior to us)! What is in the compliance to the ultimate will of this universe: is for the superior race to eradicate all others, as a way to eliminate its competition. THAT’S NATURE’S WAY! Therefore the only proper ideology and the only justifiable course of action! It is very much normal for men to find much younger females or girls sexually attractive. However, it is extremely perverted for men to find boys sexually appealing, for it is nothing else than homosexuality which could corrupt a young person and transform him into a homosexual too. It is also very much perverted and utterly wrong for women to find young boys or girls sexually desirable… The only proper paring is for older male to be with younger or much younger females. Especially since, by nature, females mature much sooner than boys [females usually mature between the ages of eight and twelve, while males mature after the age of thirty]: to create society in which boys and girls of the same age are to be coupled together— for instance in schools—thus legally and/or morally to permit only intercourse of those with similar age: is not a functional form of society. If and when they get married: young men are not mature enough to assert their authority and such family unit is bound to suffer, is not stable or is not a healthy family thus is not a beneficial unit of the society. After all, since the dawn of time and until very recently it was proper and desirable for older men to get younger females. Even our grandfathers could do, what is forbidden to us now. Only we need to remember that, currently, the corridors of 104

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power are filled to the rim with slime and most dreadful subhuman subterfuge. Also let it be known: martial arts are nothing more than mongoloid folk dances. They are utter nonsense that have very little to do with skilled combat or fighting. Observe any real fight and none of the fighters ever uses such “skills” for those dance moves are rather useless in any actual combat. However it is utterly wrong to teach our children mongoloid traditional dances instead of teaching them our own cultural heritage. Especially it is inappropriate to use our school buildings for that gruesome purpose! To promote anything mongoloid [such as martial arts, their methods of “fortune telling”, acupuncture, their supposed “medicine”, or Chinese “dragon”] is an attack on our very civilization, especially since none of those are what they claim to be. After all, putting acupuncture needles into someone’s body has nothing to do with his possible cure; just as Chinese snake has nothing in common with dragon. However, to mislabel Chinese snake as European dragon is actually an attempt to equate the two societies, to imply how similar we are, which could only benefit the lesser or inferior society and harm the more advanced one. The only “contributions” to this world that other races have perpetrated are: tattoos, body piercing, bungee jumping, tobacco and smoking, mind altering plants (or illicit drugs), superstitions, “fortune telling”, hunger, pestilence, diseases, and parasites. That is the extent of their input to our world, aside from persistently draining our resources, damaging our gene pool and stifling our societies along the way. Which actually is a proof that other races are parasitic. That implies that there are, indeed, some parasitic races: and they are all non-white. Just look at Ethiopia: there are many negroes there that live on the aid or handouts which they plentifully get from white people. So instead of taking care of our poor citizens: our governments and/or “humanitarian” organizations take resources from us and give it to our competitors. In spite the fact that while our demographic figures are going down, nimoids [negroes and mongoloids] have demographic explosion! 105

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In addition, the crime rate in South Africa started to catapult as soon as negroes came to power… South Africa has more robberies, thefts, assaults, kidnappings, murders, and other forms of illegal activities, in just one week, than what entire Europe has in a year. The chaos and crime spree in Chine’s countryside and the crime rate in USA cities that have huge nimoid population is immeasurably higher than any region that is exclusively white: which means that those races are inferior to white race and are not genetically ready to form a functional society. Chinese have to perform thousands of executions, each year, to keep the crime rates down; since only the threat of public executions could keep those savages and criminal opportunists under control. Racism is love of one’s own race and hate of other ones. Thus it is normal for all races to be racist: it’s a nature’s way. Racism is, also, an innate way for the superior race to defend itself against inferior races thus to prevent them from undermining its purpose in overall reality. To prevent superior race from eliminating the competition or danger that other races impose is a horrendous sin and must be declared illegal. [In case there is no superior race or specie, racism is an innate phenomena that assures struggle and competition among races and species so that only the best fit would survive while all others will be annihilated as to make room for the winners. That way racism is a natural tendency that is assuring prosperity and progress. Implying that any manmade laws that forbid or punish white men for being racist (or chauvinistic) are nor only discriminatory but are also fundamentally wrong and highly immoral. Men have the right to hate homosexuals, feminists and other races just as they have the right to breathe air and drink water. It is our absolute, birth given right that we possess just because we are here, because we were born, just because we are.] Einstein is not the smartest man but a Jew, a clerk working in a Swiss patent office, whom Jewish controlled media has turned into a celebrity and a “genius”. He has been mentioned in thousands of movies as the smartest person ever… Yet his works in physics are very problematic and, in fact, when they get carefully scrutinized: they would most likely crumble as being wrong or outright frauds. 106

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After all, his “famous” equation E=mc² is the most meaningless and most useless equation ever! It is so dumb that they had to invent a story to go along with it: how, supposedly, no one is smart enough to comprehend what it really means; or that there are only three individuals smart enough to understand it! But what is there to understand, aside from being a fraud! An outright lie! A prevarication on the grand scale… Finally, philosophy is a quest for wisdom that is based on logic and/or cognitive proof. It is not possible to say something and to call it a philosophy. For something to be philosophy, it has to state an idea (a significant thought) then to justify it through logic and/or reason and/or example and/or empirical data. Since Confucius, Tao and other non-white “thinkers” never really used logic 16 , or justified their ideas in any way: it can only mean that there were never any ancient or modern non-white philosophers. Philosophy is the sole invention and the exclusive domain of white men [those dead as well as those alive]. From the ancient time up to the modern epoch: philosophy, as the highest cognitive activity, has been a private reserve for white race, and white men in particular! No amount of propaganda or brainwashing could alter that simple and undeniable fact. And that is the truth which will defeat their horrid lies! Nazis have made many mistakes and they were wrong in many instances: but still, in spite of all their faults and mistakes, under finial analysis, they were much better than any present day western politician! Besides, if Nazism has triumphed, I don’t think that white race and our civilization would be on the brink of annihilation as is the case right now... Which could only imply one thing: they can’t be as bad as the current powers that be claim… On the other hand, could it be that most of media, entertainment and politics are controlled by the Jews? Those same Jews that Nazis accused of being the cause of all corruption, rot and decay in society. Since Jews have remained while the corruption, rot and decay of our society have intensifies: it could only mean one thing: Nazis were right!


Nor they even knew what logic is!


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

Propaganda is a lie that is frequently repeated and forced on the population through absolute monopoly of mass media, entertainment and “education”. Propaganda is often followed and/or coupled with deviant laws that work in collaboration with propaganda on silencing, indoctrinating, controlling and manipulating the people. Propaganda 17 could be defeated only by the truth. If any part of mass media breaks free and starts transmitting the truth: propaganda would folder and disintegrate for it works only if there is a total monopoly on the means of informing, entertaining and educating the public. After all, only a few hundred Europeans have conquered the New World (South, Central and North America)… Actually the entire world… So much for the equality of races and cultures: when a handful of white men destroyed the primitives and their supposedly advanced civilizations, all over the world, it undeniably demonstrated our innate superiority! Superiority that has been undermined and endangered by a bunch of concealed parasites and macabre degenerates—holding the seats of power—within our domain…


Propaganda should not be confused by or in any way associated with promotions, commercials and/or advertising, for those are legitimate ways of promoting something or someone. Assuming, of course, what those promotions, commercials or advertisements say is actually true. For otherwise, they are just propaganda.


Dragan Glavasic

THE INNATELY INFERIOR AND PARASITIC RACES Inferior races are those not able achieve any significant social development or cultural level. Parasitic races are those that do not contribute to the welfare of society thus due to the deviant system: exploit and drain wealth from the superior race. For great many years, France has been plagued with the invasion of non-white races. No matter how much money or effort the French bizarre authorities invested to better the lives of the savages: the brutes remained cancer of their society. The French build them nice houses in beautiful neighborhoods, gave them jobs, health care and social security: which none of those nimoids had in their own countries (the initial regions of their origin)… But nothing and no amount of resources could make those brutes behave as civilized beings. The negroes, mongoloids and Arabs kept on rioting almost regularly each and every year. So even the horribly brainwashed Frenchmen, had an urge to put them under control before it became too late. So they elected Nicolas Sarkozy, as the president, hoping—after hearing his tough rhetoric—that he would do something meaningful to control the savages… Only thing is, the duped population did not realize that all politicians—or at least those in power or with a reasonable chance to get in power—are controlled by the extremely rich [some of whom are non-white (e.g. Jews, Arabs, mongoloids, Muslims) or by the dumb, highly immoral and totally filthy sediments]. Such that all of them are utterly dangerous toward our race and civilization. The fact is that non-white creatures use wealth, in part, 109

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to castrate white men, undermine white race, our culture and civilization; while the wealth controlled by the white people is used, exclusively, to make the proprietors even wealthier! In other words, other races (through their belligerent religions) have a secret agenda to destroy us, while at the same time our race is brainwashed (through Christian dogma) to be pacifistic and tolerant, even to help and love our worst enemies. In other words, no matter who becomes French president or for that matter any president in Western Europe or North America: they will be more or less bad toward our race, culture and civilization! Since, the same problem is present all over Europe and North America. Any region that has a large infestation of non-white races experiences a rampant deterioration, which promotes the decline of Western Civilization. USA and Canada have turned into nightmare societies that systematically favor non-white races and openly discriminate against white race, especially against white men! No normal human being should desire to reside in such horribly infested regions of the world. Negroes, mongoloids, and other non-white races have overwhelmed those countries. Who, if at all normal, would want for his own children to reside in environment besieged by subhuman junk? Why would any decent human being desire to be exploited and abused, and worst of all, as the inferior races live next door to him? Non-white races are genetically inferior and most of them have never managed to develop any significant social and/or cultural structure. Some are even unable to reside in a society as civilized members but are prone to rioting, crime, disorder and chaos! Just look at South Africa, where negroes are the majority and as soon as they got the power from white people: the country turned into subhuman society: with the crime spree which is unheard of in any civilized nation. Which could, and in fact should, be accredited to the fact that negroes are inferior race, genetically unable to live in an organized society. [After all, human society requires a specific level of intelligence just as the ideal society would most likely require even higher degree of human consciousness and more profound intellect: the level of Overman, that is.] 110

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Behavioral patterns of negroes, gypsies, Hispanics, mongoloids and Arabs: show that they are parasites, dangerous to any society where they appear in large numbers. Even in small numbers they could present a clear and eminent danger: since, those that rule our countries are not good for us, they could easily turn the situation, rather fast, from bad to worse. Perhaps the most overwhelming proof of the inferior race are the old “societies” of South America. Mayas, Incas and Aztecs were most bizarre, utterly brutal, totally primitive societies that existed only for one purpose: to perform ritual sacrifice! Thousands were killed each and every year. They went in wars just to generate enough captors as to perform continual rituals of mass sacrifices. Their societies—if we could call them as such—did not exist to enable economy or to better the lives of their citizens… They existed for one and only one purpose: to perform unbelievably numerous and most cruel or incredibly vicious sacrifices! Everything they did was for the purpose of achieving more sacrifices. They even played games where the entire loosing team would be killed in the most brutal way! To have a new king, they had to mercilessly and in cold blood murder other royals. During their own reign, the kings mutilated their own bodies as well as their own wives. The priests would constantly decapitate or take out beating hears from great many victims. Thousands of citizens (be they males, females or children) were sacrificed each year and sometimes each and every month. But the big question is: how could our media try to present those extreme primitives and most deplorable savages as human or advanced people, noble beings that evil Europeans decimated for no good reason… Only media that is controlled by insidious Jews and/or perfidious Arabs could produce programs with such malicious and utterly macabre propaganda. [Remember that film: “1492: The Conquest of Paradise!” What paradise are they talking about? How could anyone normal call those despicable subhumans and their horrifying nightmare societies as paradise?] The thing is, when a few hundred Europeans killed all those ghastly creatures—effectively wiping out their “civilization” in a blink of an eye—it was the 111

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noblest deed that has ever been perpetrated! Those utterly savage primitives should have been killed in the cruelest of ways as to atone for their unspeakable atrocities.


Dragan Glavasic

HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF WHITE PLAGUE According to deranged mass media, decrepit schools and abnormal judicial system: it is wrong for a man to find young girls attractive but at the same time it is not wrong to regard older broads sexually appealing… Furthermore, it is not considered inappropriate or in any way forbidden for the members of the same gender or the members of different races or species to engage in sexual interactions… As a matter of fact white men are punished for no other reason but for being white men… Which could mean only one thing: this world is insane beyond description! Our worst enemies as well as utter lunatics and perverts have taken all corridors of power and are perpetrating our concealed genocide! Poetically stated: lunatic have taken over the ship and the captain is, by far, the craziest of them all. Many evils have been committed against our race and civilization… One of the most heinous is the systematically imposed low demographic figure. The low birthrates for white people are so drastic compared to other races and so devastating that such abnormality ought to be labeled as the white plague. Several ideas and/or factors have contributed to such anomaly, but the most notable are: wrong and extremely devastating or utterly insane ideology, cultural relativism, homosexuality and various other perversions, feminism or giving rights to women, as well as to children, nimoids and/or animals. By doing so vicious malcontents have created social conditions that are extremely destructive and 113

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society which is dysfunctional: as is any society which does not reproduce but is purposely and willingly going into extinction! Reproduction is the fundamental right and rudimentary obligation of a family and the main purpose for having a country, for having life on this planet, such that, in addition, family must represent the basic, most essential, unit of any decent society… However, through feminism, homosexuality, equal or greater rights for anything [animals, other races, parasites, retards, perverts, etc]: the very matrix of our society is undermined and we are pushed toward the abyss of horrifying non-existence. In fact, the insane creeps in power have been persistently and systematically doing all which is dangerous or destructive for our very survival. Not to mention that our prosperity is out of question if our survival is uncertain or seriously threatened. If those horrendous lunatics, currently in power, really want to serve us and save us from almost certain extinction then they should do something proper right now. For instance, many citizens are fooled not to have children and/or to have domestic pets instead of their own progeny. Or even worse, some are duped to support and/or foster nimoid children… Or incredibly enough: there are even deranged masochists that find desirable to have interracial children, which is not only extremely degrading to white people [for mating with subhumans is the ultimate form of humiliation] but in addition is the apex of decadence, the total abomination: the genetic pollution of the higher specie… In addition, gambling and smoking are bad, dangerous, socially destructive habits that should be scorned… So if our politicians really want to do something good they could, for start, make such deviant practices illegal. Or at least levy anyone who does not have children but, instead, has a cat or a dog (or that gambles or smokes) with enormous taxes which could be used to feed white children. That way any lunatic who prefers to take care of animals instead of his own offspring should pay dearly for that perversion. Also any woman above certain age that is single ought to be levied excessively! And since only white race is endangered, only white people have to be financially helped, induced by the law, to bring about white and only white children. It ought to be a carrot and 114

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a stick approach: on one side, huge benefits for having white children (a lots of them) and on the other, severe penalties for not having them! Furthermore, let’s recall that a century ago there was no problem of white plague. Therefore, we need to take a serious look back, take a few retrograde steps and make certain that our children have appropriate mates to start their families. Horrible inventions were all those sick ideas and decadent practices (feminism, homosexuality, “equal rights”, etc), as well as that bizarre notion of love and also structuring society where children search, by themselves, for their mates. First of all, they are obviously not capable to do such in a proper way. Many of them never get married. There are so many lonely people and those that get married often divorce within a few years. In part due to a deviant society and in part due to wrong paring. In any case, the way of our grandparents was a better one and we should recognize or admit our mistakes, thus return to what used to work adequately for millennia… All those measures combined plus some others not mentioned here: should turn around our descent into oblivion, set us on a higher road to prosperity once again… There are many other steps that could and should be taken but the few mentioned here are plenty to consider for society that is ruled and lead by the insane, the wicked and the perverted, by the worst creeps imaginable: some of whom are extremely wealthy (aside from being also nimoids) and some of whom are corrupt politicians (also including many nimoids). Which implies that the only proper way to solve the problem of white plague is to initiate INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION which in turn would drastically restructure and/or purge our society—relentlessly incarcerate or eradicate all our enemies—and perform a more just redistribution of wealth, positions and resources! It would be hard to imagine or, indeed, to find any impotent man if he has to copulate with beautiful young girls… But it goes to reason that only a pervert or an utter masochist could consider old, overused, broads as sexually desirable! 115

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Only those that excessively hate white men, that want to annihilate our entire race, could induce such deviant, utterly unnatural world as is ours at the moment! Therefore, this planet is a ship of fools heading for the abyss…


Dragan Glavasic

THE SOCIETY Parasites are primitive organisms that live by harming other usually more advanced organisms, which in spite of being superior in many respects, for some reason, are unable to detect and eradicate the parasites. Parasites could be inside the host organism or outside and their key aspect is that they exploit the host, thus are not doing anything beneficial for it… Just as animals and plants have parasites so the human society has parasites as well. Implying that society could be, also, sick and/or dying. 1 Ideology is the crucial foundation on which a given society is based. It is the set of essential ideas, believes and/or practices that define the union. All other significant attributes of society [constitution, laws, attitudes, public opinion, politics, education, media, entertainment, social interactions, overall structure…] are based on the founding ideology. It is by far the most important cognitive structure that actually spells out the difference between a good or prosperous society and the bad or doomed one. In fact, what religion is for the primitive societies that is ideology to a modern one. Ideology is frequently defined by politicians or religious zealots but it should be defined by the wisest and most aggressive of men: the leading philosophers. Since they are most capable to rise to the occasion henceforth to set the proper ideology that would enable the country and/or the civilization to survive and prosper far into the future.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

2 People are sheep. They are brainless mass, indeed, that is predisposed to be ruled… Only it is rather unfortunate when they succumb to and are ruthlessly exploited by an evil government, while—just as would cattle—remaining utterly passive throughout the ordeal. Majority of people go along with whoever is in power, and regardless what is happening to them, seemingly unaware of the potential consequences. Only if their livelihood is seriously threatened and/or they are at the brink of starvation or annihilation: masses could be moved into action. Mostly in some extreme circumstances the people could be cajoled to overthrow the government (those in power)! That is the psychology of the cattle and the mundane masses. That is how those in power could easily exploit and abuse the people that they are supposedly serving. And that is why Nietzsche was right to ask for the arrival of Overman. Because mediocre population is indeed pathetic; to move them one needs a total control of media and only those in power control media, which implies that general public will be exploited and abused as long as the evil people maintain the seats of power. Most politicians come to power by promising whatever, without any intentions of fulfilling those promises. What they think, say or do is seldom the same… In fact, one of their main tactics is to say anything—or what most people would like to hear or what the masses are manipulated to want to hear—just to be elected… The key to political success is to get enough money for its promotion during the election, then to fool enough simpletons to get their votes. It is rather common for a politician to become the president by receiving only a fourth of the votes of all capable to vote. Nonetheless, he becomes the president of all, even though only a tiny percentage has voted for him. Which shows just how bizarre concept democracy is and how correct were ancient philosophers for condemning it as a bad form of government. [Keeping in mind that present day democracies are much worse than what ancient democracies were. After all, back then, only adult white men, that were free and respected members of community could vote; compared to contempo118

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rary democracies where the voice of such white men are drowned in the simpleminded ocean of women, children, retards, nimoids, perverts, homosexuals, feminists, transvestites, hermaphrodites, etc.] However, the situation is actually far worse. The politicians [in the West] are actually expendable property, puppets controlled by those extremely rich and by big corporations. It is the big money that rules this planet and is placing (replacing) politicians within the corridors of “power”. Big money is the main corporate in all the evil that has beseeched us; for it is comprised of the most evil, immoral, and brain dead individuals. While, at the same time, a great deal of those extremely rich are not white 18 . As a matter of fact, many are Jews and increasing numbers are Arabs, Mongoloids, Muslims, etc. 3 For billions of years this universe has evolved toward the creation of life and the emergence of intellect thus has worked hard to refine intellect as to enable itself of becoming a conscious and cognitive entity… White race has achieved far more than all other races combined. Our abilities to logically perceive the universe and understand reality has set us apart... In spite of all current propaganda and media brainwashing: it is obvious that, as far as intellect goes, white race is immeasurably superior to all other races! There are no ways that other races could in any way compare to white race. Our knowledge, discoveries, technology have placed us ahead of all other intellectually inferior races. Making deviant laws as to silence the truth or forcefully brainwashing citizens (through media, entertainment and “education”) on how, supposedly, such is not the case is an example of the ultimate evil that has been perpetrated against us, against white men, our own


As far as our countries are concerned, the rich were only white people up to the 18th and 19th centuries when Jews started gradually infiltrating that domain of wealth and power; gradually transforming our society in present day nightmare.


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children, our advanced culture and civilization, against this very universe and its innate propensity! Humans have a tendency to create society. We are social animals: with inborn inclination to live together in groups. Implying that we ought to cooperate and avoid struggle within our union: if we are to prosper. In addition people have an innate predisposition for a herd mentality [to behave as a group, to emulate each other and act as one]. Finally the fundamental aspect of human nature is self-interest where each and every individual strives to benefit himself (and/or those close to him). These instincts, however, could be rather detrimental toward society if they are used inappropriately, against our combined or better interests. However, the most important elements of any society are its ideology and its leadership. Those fundamental ideas and principles on which it is based and individuals and/or groups that lead it. Both are crucially important and would ultimately determine or affect, the most, the destiny of such a commonwealth. Because if society is ruled by the wisest of men, they are bound to create and/or implement the best ideology: which in turn would improve their overall chances for survival and prosperity. If society is based on a healthy set of ideas, if it is just and it favors the most intelligent citizens: it will prosper. Especially if it manages to chose the smartest, most capable, most patriotic and most moral individuals for the leadership positions. Men who would, no doubt and deservingly so, personally benefit a great deal from being the leaders but that would in turn contribute tremendously to the survival and prosperity of the society and the citizens as well. The proper society would champion intellect, logic and reason thus would furiously discourage and eventually eliminate superstition, religions and all irrational [such as fortune tellers (astrologers, numerologists), faith healers, psychics, paranormal, alternative medicines (including acupuncture and other Chinese nonsense), etc]. By doing so it would prosper and defeat any possible competition in those lesser cultures. Because among societies [and among different races] there is the competition and the survival of the fittest, just as Darwin described it for the species. 120

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The essential question to ask is how was possible for our, intellectually most advanced, society to deviate so much as to arrive on the brink of destruction. And the answer is rather simple. Long time ago, many centuries, in fact, we have allowed intruders [other races] to infiltrate our domain. Most deadly of them were Jews. Like viruses and parasites they have persisted mostly dormant inside our tissue. They were isolated, closely nit community within our civilization. They even used their language that none of us knew as a way to secretly scheme perfidious deeds. Gradually and over a long time span they used any opportunity to harm us. Through loan sharking— which was a forbidden business to all Christians, but which was a common practice at the time of ancient Rome—they have substantially increased their wealth thus have realized that they could use it to corrupt and pay off various individuals in our society. The process was slow and it took them several centuries to finally have it made. It happened in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. Exactly the time when our societies started going down [not economically and technologically but rather socially: when we started giving others greater rights and privileges 19 ]. We were the most advanced societies: scientifically and intellectually, culturally and socially. We were wealthy and this entire world was ours for taking. Other races and cultures were far bellow us, struggling to survive, overwhelmed with disease, hunger, pestilence and poverty. In fact, all other races were nothing more than food for crocodiles, lions, tigers, pythons, leopards, bears, sharks, panthers, etc. But only two centuries later the situation has drastically changed: white race has stopped having children, our lands are terribly invaded by other races, while our money, resources, knowledge and technology are openly, for no good or apparent reason, given to non-white countries! So how did it happen? And the simplest, most accurate, answer is the Jews! Just as the Nazis have figured it out, almost a century ago… It should be also 19

Recall various “movements” for the emancipation of negroes and/or women, that were initiated in USA during the 19th century.


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added that other more or less significant elements have contributed to our horrifying downfall, but in the end it will all trickle down to Jews. Sure, various “intellectuals” have done their part by creating ideas which were inductive toward our downfall, but we could be certain that Jews have financed and were behind those that promoted such problematic thinkers and their dubious ideas; through a process known as negative selection. 20 For example, as far as USA is concerned the best thing for it would be to get rid of all negroes and other non-white races. Because those non-white races are fundamentally primitive and much below cognitive abilities of Glorians 21 , not only as far as reason goes but also to create or form and to function in a society, as their beneficial members. [After all, these are facts: white race was far more advanced, intellectually and technologically even in the earliest prehistory… Ancient Greece and Rome were superior to all other cultures and races on this planet at that time. Finally, from the ancient period to the present: white race is far ahead of all other races and has reached space age while other races still dwelled in the dark age.] Most of all, they are far below intellectual abilities of white people, thus present cancer that would ultimately decimate any society. If fact, during the twentieth century such a notion was contemplated: to send all negroes back to Africa. But the idea was not pushed or helped in any way by Jewish controlled media and their financial institutions (banks). On the other hand, other more destructive ideas: such as the laws to forcefully integrate negroes and other non-white races in white society got a great deal of attention in form of political support and was pushed trough media thus was assisted financially. Affirmative action [legally sanctioned discrimination toward white men] was such a deadly ploy that it could be rivaled only through our pending genocide!


Negative selection is the preferential treatment and/or promotion of anything or everything which is harming or hampering the innate proclivity of this universe as to foster intellect, thus to further refine it. 21 Glorians: members of white race; white people. White race and culture.


Dragan Glavasic

Nowadays, USA is one horribly polluted country where white people are openly besieged, harassed, discriminated, humiliated and abused even though still the majority; but with a tendency of becoming a minority within two generations. Where laws, “education”, finances, and media are utilized to castrated white men and to eradicate our race, destroy our culture and civilization! Which shows that ideology and leadership are indeed, the key components of any society. Since with proper ideology and proper leadership those deplorable practices and heinous tendencies could be overturned within a short time span and our world could once again return in the right direction, resume its ascent toward Overmen and ideal society! All it takes is a revolution, intellectual revolution to be more precise: where the smartest white men would take over the power from the extremely rich creeps [many of whom are Jews, Arabs, Mongoloids and other non-whites]. TABLE: Distinctions between good and bad societies. GOOD SOCIETY - run by the wisest of men

BAD SOCIETY - run by the most immoral and/or perverted, by homosexuals, malcontents, feminists, simpletons, criminals and/or nimoid races - uses media, entertainment, - uses media, entertainment, education and laws to educate “education” and laws to and organize the population brainwash, manipulate and control the population - everybody does what he is best - connections, bribery, fit for; jobs and positions are corruption, nepotism, affirmative determined by individual abilities action and “political correctness” and innate talents are used for getting jobs and to determine the positions in society - assures that society is just and - serves the rich thus helps them that no citizen is exploited or to exploit and abuse the poor, the taken advantage of neglected masses 123

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- champions intellect - uses sports for recreation only

- ignores and/or scorns intellect; glorifies sports and physical abilities - serves, defends and benefits - hates and castrates white men; white men; champions our indoctrinates our children to hate children and teaches them to love their fathers and forefathers and respect their fathers, to be proud of their ancestors - discriminates against feminists, - serves, protects and benefits homosexuals and non-white homosexuals, feminists and nonraces white races - protects and promotes our - denigrates and destroys our culture and civilization culture and civilization - respects our ancestors - disrespects our ancestors - glorifies our tradition and - denigrates our tradition and heritage heritage while promoting and favoring other “cultures” - promotes genuine science - promotes superstition, religions, irrational, mysticism, psychics, paranormal, occult, etc. - supports family - destroys family - allows and encourages men to - forbids men from polygamy have more than one female, and severely punishes any especially much younger ones relationship with much younger girls - encourages families with lots of - teaches white people not to healthy children have children and instead to adopt or help nimoid children - rewards the talented and the - ignores or prosecutes the wisest wise; promotes good ideas; hails of men; promotes bad ideas; hails best minds as the greatest simpletons and perverts as philosophers; prosecutes perverts intellectuals and/or celebrities - makes sure that all our citizens - discriminates against white are taken care of [have people while protecting and healthcare, social security, free taking care of perverts, feminists, education, etc] homosexuals, non-white races, 124

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simpletons, animals, parasites, etc

Parasites ought to be eradicated, wiped out completely and relentlessly! What I teach you has a name and the name is revolution: INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION is what I teach! 4 One way to assess society is to determine who or rather which groups, in it, are richest or doing well, are favored, protected, supported, aided, and/or have most children. In other words, if in a given society, a specific group has more privileges than other groups; or if in a given society most members from a specific group are granted excessive amount of privileges which other groups don’t have then it goes to reason that such group is indeed chosen group within the society. So let’s examine who is favored in two countries, USA and Serbia (at the beginning of the 21st century). Where one country is self-proclaimed leader of democracy and the epiphany of freedoms in the world, while the other one is in transition thus is trying to reach the USA standards of “excellence”. Keeping in mind that other western countries would more or less resemble the findings associated with USA, while Eastern Europe might be similar to Serbia. Groups that do well in Serbia are: ex-communist elite and their spoiled offspring, politicians, high-level criminals [those that are in government or are connected to government or have some close relationships with politicians], traitors, best entertainers (singers, actors, athletes), homosexuals, gypsies, Chinese, Albanians, etc. Members of ex-communist elite and their children are doing well since they have taken most of money, resources and wealth from the 125

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country. They have been in the position to privatize, for themselves, all that was publicly owned, so some of them are among the richest people in the world. Politicians are doing well since in the country that has a low standard of living they have huge salaries and in addition a chance to steal or illegally get huge sums of money. Plus they have many connections and various perks what come with such a significant position in society. High-level criminals are those that have close connections to various politicians and as such are protected by them to steal while being immune from prosecution of the corrupt law. Traitors are those that in some way harm the interest of Serbian people or in fact interests of any genuine Europeans. Most of them could be found in numerous non-government organizations. However, current government is also a hub of traitors. They receive huge sums of money to undermine our economy, give away our territories, in fact to decimate our entire country and to further denigrate Serbs (and/or Europeans). Many of the best known entertainers have a great deal of money even though they are not very smart, have no talents whatsoever, thus do or promote something that is damaging for our culture and civilization. In short, they live good or extremely good, even though they are detrimental to our society. Homosexuals have protection of the law and use their personal connections to push each other into much better positions than what other people have. On average this society has been very good to them for they could make much better living than the majority of people. Gypsies are one of the most protected and preferred racial groups in Serbia. They receive huge benefits and privileges. In fact they often receive far more from Serbia than what majority of Serbs receive. All gypsies have free health care (even though many of them don’t work, since most of them prefer not to work but to steal and cheat instead) while many Serbs are without social security and health care. Gypsies are often paid to attend schools while many Serbs have to pay for education or are forced to be uneducated. They can do things that no Serb would be permitted to do. For instance, 126

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they could get Chinese or Turkish products and sell them on the street even though Serbs are not permitted to sell anything on streets (not even books: new or used). [For instance, there is one gypsy family that openly sells on the corner, near the parliament, since 1989. By doing so they blatantly block shop window of a nearby store and the entrance to another building… Nineteen years, no matter who was in power: Communists, Socialists, Radicals, or Democrats those gypsies are free to sell on the street. All Serbs are required, by the law, to be connected by a terminal to a tax office and pay PDV tax. But those gypsies are not, including many other gypsies all over the town and throughout Serbia in fact. Some are even permitted to openly perform blatantly illegal activities, such as to sell dangerous toys in front of children hospitals.] Gypsies could freely block a street as to bag for money, actually often harass the residents who even though work all day, usually have much less money than those lazy nimoids. Not to mention that they regularly collect huge sums of money from the government for social security or childcare, since even though in Serbia there is a deficiency of children [as is the case with white people allover the world], gypsies have demographic explosion [as indeed do all other non-white races]. Which could also be an indicator that they have it made. After all, the crucial evolutionary sign of success is often proliferation of the specie or race. Since late 1990 Serbia has been inundated with Chinese, who bring cheep and low quality junk to sell in Serbia thus they often make huge sums of money, while destroying our economy and our standard of living. They are permitted by the laws and protected by our politicians to do so. Albanians have, for decades, taken all social benefits from Serbia while they did not pay any taxes or in any way contributed to overall welfare of this country. In other words, in Serbia: thieves, politicians, homosexuals, gypsies, Chinese, Albanians on average live much better than Serbs. While only (or mostly) Serbs are paying taxes. Which is the vilest and most absence perversion imaginable. And the main corporate for that insanity are the politicians and increasingly so those very rich; as 127

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well as the West which is pushing such decadence on Serbia (and throughout Eastern Europe). In USA, those that have it made or that on average live much better than the majority are: extremely rich, Jews, Arabs, best entertainers (singers, actors, athletes), politicians, feminists, homosexuals, mentally retarded, negroes, mongoloids, Hispanics and animals (especially household pets). They have one thing in common: they work very little or none at all but have a decent or extremely nice living. They are not very talented in whatever they do, yet they live much better than what they deserve. They are frequently immune from prosecution and/or receive lesser punishment than what an average white person would get in the similar circumstances. Some of them leach out social services even though they do nothing to put anything back in. Overall, all nimoids (non-whites) receive huge assistance from governments both in Serbia and in USA, even though in both countries only white people are actively contributing to those services. Which could imply that white race is terribly exploited! In addition to that incredibly injustice, it could be also noticed that in both countries non-white races have many children while white people have very low demographic figures: which should also be a proof that something is, indeed, terribly wrong with our countries. Proliferation of the race is one of the main signs of the success (or failure) that nature has applied for evaluation since the emergence of life on this planet. However, under finial analysis, it could be stated that the main corporate for the sad situation that white people are placed into, both in Serbia and in USA, are: politicians in Serbia; as well as extremely rich, big corporations, banks, politicians, media, ghastly “entertainment industry” and deviant “education” in the West. In a decent society, things would be quite different. White people and only white people would have all the privileges and the smartest of men would be the most valued and most rewarded members of 128

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society. Intellectuals would be the one and only elite while all other Glorians would be privileged. TABLE: Who is preferred or what groups are doing well… Serbia (or Eastern Europe) - ex-communist elite and their offspring - politicians - high-level criminals [those that are in government or are connected to government or have some close relationships with politicians] - traitors - best entertainers (singers, actors, athletes) - homosexuals - gypsies - Chinese - Albanians

USA (or the West) - extremely rich - Jews - Arabs - best entertainers (singers, actors, athletes) - politicians - feminists - homosexuals - mentally retarded - negroes - mongoloids - Hispanics - animals (especially household pets)

In a just or any proper society! - the smartest of men - intellectuals - men - white people (especially our children)

5 The United States of America is the most polluted, utterly bizarre, totally insane and most despicable country in the world… Where they not only force the people to live alongside the savage animals and most disgusting perverts—but where they, openly and legally, give to those animals and perverts far greater rights and privileges than to the people! 129

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6 Parasitic races are those that are intellectually inferior compared to the superior race. Still due to a macabre set of circumstances, they are tolerated and in many ways favored or protected by a deviant society. Thus the parasites are free to leach out and irreversibly damage not only the superior race but the society as a whole, and also to undermine cosmic progress in that sector of the universe. Most morbid and maniacal propaganda is excessively utilized to brainwash and fool the superior race—actually its subdued members—as not to see what is really happening. So not to strike back and cleanse the society from the worthless parasites that have horribly defiled it. 7 Ideal society would be the one based on the Plato’s idea that best individuals for a specific job or position would have the job or position. But since that is not entirely (or 100%) possibly, then goal of a decent society would be to get as close to that ideal as possible; thus to have overall ambition and strategy as to find best people for specific jobs and/or positions. The more successful they are in achieving this objective, of fulfilling the ideal, of finding such individuals, the better and more advanced they would be as society. Assuming of course that such concept is possible in the first place; since this planet has known only systems were nepotism ruled. In some of them nepotism was skillfully hidden and, as is the case in USA, further augmented through affirmative action: where the best fit or the best men for a specific job would not get it because white men are being systematically discriminated against by the evil system… [On the other hand there is always the first time. After all, for two billion years life was only in the form of microorganisms and the emergence of multiple cell or a more complex organisms was a big turning point. Or just the same, for a long time, slavery was the 130

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only political system until feudalism came into being and was the dominant system until capitalism arrived.] Which might imply that since there was always nepotism it might be the only possible system. Perhaps Plato’s idea was just an illusion, a dream of an ideal state. But then again if it was not a dream than if there are two countries and one of them manages to structure itself more closely to Plato’s ideal state: than, if all other factors were identical, that country would overtake and eventually triumph in the struggle with the inferior country which is based on corruption and nepotism. [Just as in the primordial ocean, clams were the apex of evolution and rained supreme, for eons, until the first crustaceans appeared. 22 ] Because, if both countries are made of the same number of intellectually similar people, with identical or similar resources: it goes to reason than the country which gives jobs and positions in respect to individual abilities instead of nepotism and corruption, which is better organized would eventually triumph since it would more efficiently utilize its resources. After all a person might become the president just because his father (or some other relative) was a powerful character with strong connections. Only this new leader might be anything but smart or powerful, himself, and, as a matter or fact, might contribute more to benefit the enemies than for the welfare of his own people… As if often the case. 8 Nothing is as it seems. This is the world of lies. A virtual (or a fake) reality that underneath is, actually, a horrifying nightmare! Supposedly a person is successful or has a specific position or a given job because he is good at what he does. But the truth is that the 22

On the theory of repeating patterns. Implying that just as nepotism was ruling social order for a long time, it could be possible for a new system to arrive just as clams were overtaken by crustaceans. In other words, similar pattern in nature already exists: which makes the idea more feasible.


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person often got it because of nepotism, connections, corruption, money and/or political correctness [and in case of females if she is pretty, young and willing to grant sexual favors]. Someone’s abilities or talents have nothing to do with it. A person could be best qualified and most talented for a job but he won’t get it if another person had better connections or more money or is more politically correct (even if simpleminded or retarded). They say that courts deal with justice and that guilty or innocent are those whom judges declare as such, according to justice and the law. But the truth is that the judicial system works for those with money and excessive wealth. Person would be declared guilty or innocent in respect to his wealth, connections and political correctness. Rich negroes could get away with most gruesome multiple murders. Muslims could get away and even be paid for mass murder or genocide of the Serbs. While Serbs and other whites could, readily, be persecuted for self-defense or for a verbal statement or for no reason at all… It is not that important who the person is, what his knowledge and talents are; rather it is whom he knows or is related to, how much money he has and how politically correct he is (or how pretty, young and willing she is). Someone could be the most intelligent and the best for a given job or position but he won’t get it if another person has better connections, more money, or is more politically correct (and in case of females, is she is pretty, young and sexually promiscuous)… While, all along, the public is systematically persuaded that success in life is determined, exclusively, by someone’s abilities, qualities, and their hard work… Meaning that our world is a deviant one—an insidious state—designed to benefit the liars, thieves and crooks, parasites, perverts and degenerates: who have much more than what they need while the others have much less than what they deserve. The system is structured as to enable the rich to remain wealthy and to keep the poor oppressed. Better yet, to assist those wealthy to remain wealth or to become even wealthier, to aid well off as to stay well off and to keep the poor, down. Or more correctly stated: to denigrate and impoverish some white men and to keep all poor white 132

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men, indefinitely deprived; while at the same time to help the poor nimoids become well off or excessively wealthy. Implying that the current system is utterly deviant and so evil that it has to be drastically changed, totally transmogrified, regardless of the consequences.


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PHILOSOPHY OF POWER In ascertaining prehistory, it goes to reason, to presume, that those strongest, braves, and most aggressive had power… Also it could be argued that to be good leaders, of their tribes, the men had to be smart as well, otherwise the tribe might suffer, disintegrate, get extinct…Wealth was insignificant or non-existing factor, at first, for nobody was wealthy: life was a constant struggle for survival and nobody had more than what they needed… Eventually, as societies improved and the quantity of resources increased, some (the leaders and those close to them) grabbed more for themselves thus became wealthy as well… And that’s how wealth and power got together! Nowadays, those extremely wealthy, actually, have all the power. There are examples, in history, of those that were most powerful but were not rich (like communist leaders in Eastern Europe), or those that were both rich and powerful (like European Kings). Some might try to argue that currently very rich have wealth but not power since politicians supposedly hold the seats of power. But that would be wrong, because, politicians (in the West) are subordinates or servants to the rich. They are idiotic puppets on strings controlled by the affluent. The extremely wealthy could place politicians in power or remove them at will. Thus it is the extremely rich that actually hold all the power and, at the same time, they are not subject to elections or any public approval. Majority of the people don’t even know who they are or what they actually stand for, what is their agenda, what are their ulterior motives… One percent of the population, in USA, has over ninety percent of the wealth and it is them not wanting any change: for they have it made. This world is their oyster… Or they are, actually, so dumb as to believe in it… Hence, they use their servants (perfidious politi134

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cians, decadent media personnel, perverted entertainers, fake intellectuals, idiotic writers, corrupt businessmen, subservient judges and poor policemen, etc) to maintain the status quo, to promote the notion on how ideal state, supposedly, is not possible, is a utopia, is just an impossible dream… But ideal state is not utopia and it could happen if the people, the oppressed and subdued masses, manage to wipe out the rich parasites and neutralize their macabre servants. Individuals in power, have total monopoly on all means of control (such as: mass media, entertainment, education, finances, politics, laws, police, military, judicial system, etc.) and they decide what ideology will be implemented… Depending on whether the leaders are good or bad: the society which they lead could be proper or improper. Such that good society is lead by the wisest and most moral men; while bad society is led by the mediocre minds and/or the most immoral individuals. 1 Society is made of people, such that majority comprise individuals which could be best described as mundane or mediocre. Their behavior is that of mindless drones that are easily manipulated, led and controlled by those in power. In other words, masses are sheep. Perhaps there are some psychological predispositions that would make a person more susceptible to become a leader as opposed to those predisposed to be the followers or cattle. But in most circumstances, within current societies, it is the outcome of various irrelevant factors that would ultimately determined who would become the leader or a member of the elite and who would join the ranks of the oppressed and exploited. In a perverted or an insidious state, most often, it has to do with someone’s birth. In other words, when communists came to power in Yugoslavia, after the Second World War, they overturned the existing “elite” which has, for great many generations, kept the power and wealth within some families. That way communists have corrected grave 135

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injustice, that has kept some people down, even though they were talented or good at something, just because they were from unfortunate families; while a handful had it made, even though they might have been below the average or were simpleminded, just because they came from wealthy families. However, after the initial jostling for the positions, those that have grabbed leading jobs in society did their best to transfer good fortune to their children, which in turn gave it to their children… Only the third generation of communist elite, no longer wanted Communism: because it was a more just society and there was no big difference between those that were at the top and those that were at the bottom. Thus they used media, entertainment and secret police to bring down the socialist state, with them positioned to take the full advantage of the transition. So currently Serbia is a capitalist country, where those that were in the right place, stole everything they possibly could, which actually belonged to all of us; while the majority became relatively poor or very poor indeed. National wealth that was evenly spread among citizens was, suddenly, grabbed by few while the majority became destitute. In other capitalist countries (i.e. USA, Australia, UK, France, Germany, Holland, etc) the situation is more or less the same: those that have gained power, keep it and just transfer all the privileges and benefits to their next generations. Meaning that poor white families are liable to remain poor, regardless just how talented some of those people might be or just how suitable for a given job they are. The high-quality positions or desirable jobs will go to those with better connections or to minorities regardless of anything [due to affirmative actions or preferential treatments which they get by the law, just because they are non-white and/or females]… Poor white people could get only bad jobs even though their talents should qualify them for much better positions: implying that such is one extremely evil and terribly unjust society! And that is the crux of the incredible injustice that has beseeched and inundated this maniacal, utterly morbid world.


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The concept of power is that there could always be a small group that would possess power thus have an ability to manipulate, rule, and control the majority. Perhaps such is an innate structure that is fundamentally normal and that’s how it ought to be. The main question is what kind of people are those that would lead. If they are good or moral then their society would prosper. Meaning that all citizens, the leaders and the followers would have best possible lives; the wealth would be evenly spread among the citizens. There should be small difference in wealth among individuals—as to recognize and reward personal involvements—and it would be determined according to their contributions and/or worth 23 … On the other hand, if bad or immoral individuals take the leading positions then their society would stifle, crumble and deteriorate. Those that have power would benefit a lot but others would suffer: would be terribly exploited and abused. That society is unjust and deviant. And if it enters any conflict with a just society, it will be defeated, annihilated: because in a just society, everyone does job for which he is best suited, meaning that leaders are those that are best fit to be the leaders. They would not permit bad societies to corrupt or brainwash people [through a network of spies and by devastating propaganda hidden inside “entertainment”] or take best minds [by offering bigger salaries] [as communists allowed the West to do freely]. Such society is better, more advanced and technologically superior than unjust society and in competition between the two of them: just society will triumph! So, it is normal for the leaders to control the populace. Only good leaders try to influence and educate the masses, elevate them to a higher lever of consciousness and provide them with a higher standard of living; while bad leaders try to manipulate or indoctrinate the masses, reduce them to the level of simpleminded, hideously brainwashed, utterly servile workforce. Good leaders take care of the people and do what it takes to benefit their society, while bad leaders take care of themselves and those of their kind [the ruling class] thus would sacrifice the people, their race, culture and civilization rather 23

Such that no one could be a billion times better or worthier than someone else.


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easily [as is currently happening in the West: white race is to experience genocide, as our countries are being invaded and taken over by other races, while our resources, knowledge and technology are openly given to nimoids allover the world]. In other words, good leaders are moral and they create just society which educates citizens to be moral; while bad leaders are immoral and they brainwash citizens to become self-destructive, mindless idiots, subservient and docile. Or stated more clearly, good leaders create good society, which is based on a healthy ideology; while bad leaders induce bad society, which is based on a deviant dogma. The difference between a good and a bad society is really the difference on who the leaders are and what ideology they have imposed… Good leaders employ proper, life affirming ideology and thus create just society: which is predisposed for survival and prosperity. Bad leaders enforce deviant [anti-intellectual] ideology which results in unjust society: society that is subject for deterioration and destruction! Only if there are no good societies around, then bad or fundamentally evil societies could survive a long time. But if there is one decent or just society: it will defeat, wipe out, eradicate all others! 2 Democracy was not a good system even when it was invented in ancient Athens. For it supposed the collective rule of the common folk (including: the dumb, immoral, perverted, insidious, greedy and mundane). Actually the free men that had some property and were of certain age. Such form of government is inferior to the rule of the wisest of men (or a small percentage of such men). Because all men comprise a huge conglomerate that contain those smart and those not so smart and even those dumb: therefore, their decisions—or the arithmetic average—would not reach the level of excellence that only the wisest of men could. Implying that democracy was a false idea that resulted in a bad system, especially if the dumb or mediocre 138

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could be to some extent controlled, bribed, manipulated or influenced by the insidious or decadent. Nonetheless, regardless how bad or inadequate the early form of democracy was: present day democracy is far worse! Because the modern democracy is supposedly the rule of the mundane masses which are comprised not only of men (be they smart, stupid or anything in between) but also of women, non-white races, mentally deficient, extremely perverted, and very young males that are not mature enough: which as a group tend to be anything but smart. So really intelligent men are insignificant percentage of the entire voting body and their voices are drowned in the cacophony of degenerates and simpletons. Worst of all, present day democracy is just a big farce. Not only that wise men do not have any say, whatsoever, but entire public is perfidiously manipulated through media, entertainment, “education”, and horribly controlled by the laws such that none of them, actually, decides about anything. Those that are in charge of big money, banking, colossal corporations: they also rule media, entertainment, “education” and make laws: thus it is they who determine what it will be. They decide which politicians will be elected and for how long they will serve them, the ruling class: the rich and powerful! People are insignificant and powerless. What’s more: they are totally unaware of what is happening. They are sheep that are to be exploited, used, abused, and in some instances, if necessary, rewarded or punished. Politicians, in the West, are expendable: they can be easily elected or removed from their positions by those that have huge sums of money and control all the means of power [most of all: wealth, resources; but also: media, entertainment, “education”, politics and laws]. Politicians are their servants that work for them thus are permitted to gain (or are placed at) the seats of supposed power and to remain on them for as long as their true masters permit them. While people (the voters) are insignificant factor in all of this. The choices of politicians given—by those extremely rich—to the masses are usually between bad and worse, or sometimes between worse and 139

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the worst. 24 That is perhaps why less than fifty percent of those eligible to vote actually bother to do so. But those that do go voting, in fact, vote for candidates that wealthy decide to win; thus give some form of credibility and legitimacy to this elaborate farce. For it is a sad fact that politicians whom media backs up or who collect most money for the election often win in the end. Only, let’s make it clear: the money most often or always comes from the rich. But the saddest fact is that the mediocre minds (so called “intellectuals”) are used by the affluent to promote the lie of democracy as the rule of the people, for the people and by the people… Population is terribly indoctrinated, horribly brainwashed as to believe something or to perceive reality in a specific way, thus to outright reject any decent candidate: any white man who wants to champion our own interests. Therefore, even if there is such a man and he, somehow, has enough money thus floods media with his commercials [and they, incredibly enough, allow him to do so, permit him to publicly showcase his message]: still the brainwashed majority (of whom many would be non-white) would not vote for him. Meaning that democracy is not only flawed system but also currently it is rigged as not to permit white race to have any chances for survival and prosperity. 3 The problems with present day world is that it is run by the unholy conglomerate of the extremely rich, big corporations, various perverts [e.g. feminists, homosexuals] and nimoids [members of nonwhite races] such that they are violating the rudimentary tendencies of this universe. Not only that they are placing profit over the people… Not only that they are championing everything which is abnormal and deviant (such as affirmative action, feminism, homosexuality, physically 24

In 2008, USA presidential choices were bad (McCain) and extremely bad or the worst possible (a feminist pervert or a negro degenerate)…


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and/or mentally disabled, athletes, cultural relativism, etc)… Not only that they are determined to eradicate our race and civilization thus to substitute us with other inferior races and their rather ghastly “cultures”: but they are also attempting to wipe out the most intelligent race on this planet and by doing so they are endangering billions of years of cosmic evolution! Implying that they are not only bad leaders but they are essentially evil and in blatant violation of the fundamental laws of this universe: punishment for which is total and unconditional annihilation. Meaning that our world is heading for a draconian cataclysm, that this sector of the universe is approaching a drastic catharsis! [Because those filthy lunatics, in power, are already extremely dangerous and heinously destructive thus will sooner or later do something horribly irrational and utterly unnatural that would disrupt the natural balance, hence, this universe, rest assured, is bound to retaliate in the most severe of ways…] 4 It is rather absurd irony that, currently, those who are extremely wealthy use, essentially, stolen money—funds which they get by exploiting and robbing the masses—to pay off poor people to labor as their macabre workforce, their docile servants, the mindless drones: police, media personnel, teachers and other “foot soldiers” in their ghastly army of doom, as a way to maintain and protect the system which is benefiting only those extremely rich. Because only those extremely affluent have it made and they have for generations lived comfortably… All others subsist in constant hardship or with a fear that what they have might be lost in a blink of an eye… [For example, in USA, some families might loose their homes if one member becomes seriously ill!] However, each and every person has self-interest to take care of and since masses are easily willed, controlled or manipulated: they are kept in a dreadful state, thus unable to realize that it would be far 141

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more in their self-interest to overthrow current sediments from power instead of blindly serving them. In other words, the ocean of poor policemen, nurses, low-ranked soldiers, teachers, bank clerks, postmen, construction workers, road builders, bus drivers, car mechanics, librarians, cooks, small farmers, forest rangers, etc; above the average assistants and managers, professors, police inspectors, FBI agents, military officers, insurance and real-estate salesmen, etc; well to do pilots, physicians, lawyers, etc; wealthy politicians, media personnel, celebrities and entertainers (actors, singers, athletes), big stock holders, etc; and the small polluted pond of extremely wealthy parasites: they all work to keep the system intact, which benefits only those wealthy and extremely wealthy… All others live in poverty and/or uncertainty. Their lives are hard, stressful, and a constant struggle—while the affluent have it made, knowing that such faith awaits their children as well... When a small percentage within a country has taken all good positions and grabbed most of the wealth and resources; thus when the majority in that country is terribly oppressed, viciously exploited and forced to collaborate then the time is ripe for the overthrow of the evil system. Only the majority of people are cattle and utterly inert. They will remain unaware of what is happening and will do nothing unless they are starving to death or their very livelihood is terribly threatened and unless there is a charismatic leader to animate them… Which is not likely to happen… But, in spite of everything, there is, currently, a small number of the sane and the valiant individuals that are pushed at the fringes of existence and/or imprisoned (on trumped up charges): who must get together and do their best to overthrow the sick parasites from power! Those who are the richest are also the most powerful, are at the very top of human food chain: it is they who control and rule this planet. Their desires, believes, actions, tendencies or interests will trickle down on the masses through the chain reaction of lesser and lesser subordinates... When the top is overwhelmed by the parasites, degenerates, perverts, creeps, lunatics then the masses are bound to 142

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act insanely. Conversely, when the smartest and most honorable men take the seats of power: the masses would behave morally… The Germans were remarkable during the Nazi rule, just as they were decadent before or since that time… The same people go from being ghastly to being brilliant to being extremely deviant, in the span of twenty years: depending only to who is in power… This world is divided into those that have and those that do not have. The rich possess all the privileges, power, rights, advantages: just because they are affluent… Their children are destined to have nice or best possible life: everything will come easy to them, all doors will be open and whatever they do will be successful. They will find everything would be possible… The system is created to keep those that are rich: wealthy; and to keep poor white men: deprived! Other races and genders are given various opportunities to break out of the poverty trap, to get rich or to become successful (through affirmative action and other forms of discrimination against Glorians): but poor white men are destined to remain poor… The only way a destitute white person could become rich is if he does crime and runs a risk of spending the rest of his life in prison… Compared to the affluent that could easily get away with murders and various other crimes: since the system is designed to serve them and help them remain the “elite” destined to oppress and exploit the huddled masses… When a rich negro primitive viciously kills a white couple and is freed by the legal system [just because he is a negro and very rich]; while at the same time, white people are severely punished [up to twenty years in prison] for writing racial graffiti… When white men pay money to negro pimps in order to have sex with white girls… When, in Germany, it is one of the worst crimes to say that “Jewish holocaust” did not happen; while Muslims could openly speak and scheme allover Europe on how to eradicate non-Muslims, how to start their religious war against us, how to take over our countries: then it is a definite sample of terrible injustice, double standards and unspeakable decadence which has overwhelmed our world. When various Noble Prizes are given only to those that are most decadent, 143

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simpleminded, destructive or “politically correct” than it should be obvious that our world is take over, is controlled by the utterly sick and the morbidly deviant… The only solution to this madness is for these words to be heard by as many individuals as possible, so that enough of the decent, righteous beings would head the advice: as to unite, organize and rise! As to initiate the grand waking up sequence! Such that some of them are cajoled, by this extreme and unparalleled injustice, to commence the struggle for our overall liberation from the ultimate evil that has condescended on us… Therefore, we must, first of all, openly speak out concerning our macabre predicament, the incredible injustice, the genocide which is being perfidiously perpetrated on us by those evil creatures in power. Second, at least some of us must unite and organize as to initiate the relentless resistance to the terror and exploitation that is brutally forced on us. Realization of what is the actual reality of our world is the necessary step, required precondition, in finding the cure for this ailment that threatens to derail billions of years of cosmic evolution… 5 Evil currently controlling our world is deep rooted. Christianity has decimated our innate abilities to recognize our enemies and to deal with them in the right way, to defend ourselves. It has undermined the very foundation of our ancient civilization… Jews have infiltrated our domain for many centuries and have been corrupting everything, poisoning our ideology as well as our outlooks on everyday life. People are terribly brainwashed to willingly self-destruct! Meaning that through elections there is no way for us to regain the control of this planet. The Nazis coming to power by democratic means was a fluke—which might have been possible in Germany at that time, but—that is not likely to repeat itself: especially since Jewish controlled media took over the world after the Second World War. People are so much brainwashed to willingly self-destruct and 144

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in addition, our countries are so much polluted that sane white men present only a tiny fraction of those eligible to vote… Currently, entire media and entertainment industry are in the hands of Jews, Arabs and various degenerates (lunatics, perverts, homosexuals and feminists, for instance) and they are systematically indoctrinating masses. So democracy and elections are out of question, a dead end option. The only way the current evil could be dislodged is if there is a major cataclysmic event: like a gigantic meteor hitting our planet! But that happens extremely rare and the next impact might be thousands or millions of years away; and, in fact, so dangerous it might wipe out everybody, every human: simpleminded, brainwashed or sane. Perhaps a series of horrendous earthquakes, hurricanes, catastrophic floods, heat waves or cold spells, a drastic climatic change, incredible volcano eruptions or powerful storms; maybe weather patterns might suddenly change, there would be another world war or a nuclear exchange, a new virus or a deadly pandemic could break; stock markets, allover the world, would crash; possibly a combination of several those factors hitting in a closer proximity might induce severe volatility, a semblance of chaos from which a new dawn, a new order, should appear: when only the wisest would survive and carry on the torch of intellect… Or perhaps in Russia some normal men could gain the control, which, in fact, might have already happened… Or whatever… Only, it is far more likely than what we might think. Those evil sediments are doing something extremely decadent, totally deviant and nature is bound to respond in some way… Natural balance is being interrupted… They are not only inducing us to willingly self-destruct, forcing us to prepare our own children for hardship, exploitation and annihilation but in addition those evil dweebs are perpetrating the most grotesque and most morbid sin against our entire universe and reality as well: they are defiling billions of years of cosmic evolution! The fact is: even if they are doing something good or beneficial for us and this universe, as well, even then the things are liable to go out of their control, to turn against them: but they are violating the 145

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ultimate propensity of this Cosmos and as such the things are certain to turn against them, to spiral out of their control, in a way that would be in our favor and in the grand service to this universe! All we have to do is to nudge them, a bit, in the right direction… Like making these thoughts known to millions… Like all those people, in unison, shouting out that they are not going to take it any longer: thus are demanding a change for better! Those horrible, inferior beings (Jews and Chinese, in particular) use white men’s knowledge and technology to devour this planet, to disrupt the weather patterns and life preserving systems: thus nature is bound to retaliate in the most violent of ways, by stabilizing the systems through furious protuberances and all out disturbances! 6 Ideal state must guarantee justice! It has to assure that each individual does what he is best fit for, that the wealth is evenly spread out, so that those at the bottom and those at the top are not far apart 25 , that each citizen has elementary rights and privileges; that each and every citizen must have health care, social security and free education. Ideal state should respect and reward best or most beneficial individ-uals, especially those most intelligent; such that the smartest of men must be utterly worshiped! Our world would be a much better place if the wealth is evenly distributed, if those rich parasites did not grab all for themselves and their ghastly progeny… Only intellectual revolution, the arrival of 25

As a matter of fact, it could be argued that no one ought to have three times more of what those citizens at the bottom have. Hence, the richest members of society should have three times what the poorest members have. Evenly distributed wealth makes society just and most desirable… Keeping in mind that the richest ought to be those that are the smartest and most beneficial members of society. And as such they are to be respected and hailed as the highest elite… In a healthy society this recognition, alone, would be considered a greater reward than any monetary gain: as the greatest prize ever!


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Overmen and the creation of ideal state could assure justice and prolonged prosperity for one and all!


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

REASONS FOR ACTIVISM The Philosophy of Revolution [A Case of Serbia and the World as Well]

Ideal state is a moral and just country based on Plato’s principle [where each person does what he is best fit for and is most capable of performing] or at least that genuinely tries hard to get as close as possible to Plato’s principle. Perverted state is an immoral and unjust creation, where each position and job in society is occupied due to excessive corruption, “political correctness” and nepotism. Insidious state is fundamentally a perverted state that pretends to be, and falsely presents itself as, an ideal state. 26 Revolution [a rapid and radical change of the ideology: the country and its system] happens—as, indeed, anything of any importance happens—when there is a power source which supports it or promotes such to occur! Just as well, a writer becomes famous if there is the power source (usually his own country and/or some rich people) that promote the writer and his writings, regardless just how good they actually are. Meaning that it could just as well be the case that a superb writer (someone who has a great deal of significant knowledge) could remain relatively or completely unknown if nothing and no one, with power, backs him up… After all, the American Revolution and the Communist Revolution would have never happened if there were no powerful entities that financed, promoted and supported them… Still, it goes to reason that some injustices are so atrocious that a popular uprising could occur perhaps spontaneously, just as some philosophers and their writings might be so potent that 26

In this case, ideal state is the same as ideal society; just as is perverted state same as perverted society and insidious state is the same as insidious society.


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even if all media, governments and other power structures or influential sources completely ignore them and/or try to belittle them: they still could not be contained or silenced indefinitely! [Perhaps, since the truth could not be quelled that easily.] The leading communists and their close relatives or best friends, overnight, became the biggest capitalists! While we experience the most horrendous terror, exploitation, oppression, brainwashing, repression, and concealed genocide: at the same time, outrageous lunatics and the worst of all parasites live comfortably and are frantically lining their pockets… Subdued population is fooled to believe that the only reason they are not successful is due to the fact that they are innately stupid, not resourceful enough, thus are bound to remain within poverty. Worst of all, this is all happening in the country (actually within the world) where success in life depends exclusively on the amount of money, connections or political correctness that a person possesses! Those that have enough money to bribe and pay off or that have strong connections or that are considered politically correct (i.e. members of a minority) could do a lot, the system works for them. They find all doors opened and everything goes their way… While the others discover all doors to be not only closed but locked and everything goes slowly or not at all. 1 Masochism is an indigenous trait for females, which enables them to enjoy in their predicament, suffering, domination, submission, exploitation, degradation, and humiliation. Still, even though it is innate for females and children to be masochistic, that is not the case with normal men, nor with normal countries. Just the same, it could not be claimed that it is appropriate for masochists to have key positions in our society. Because they are self-destructive thus to us rather dangerous and ought to be assigned to the bottom of the social hierarchy and not to the top! In other words, normal women are masochists, while only extremely deviant countries or perverted 149

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“adult males” behave masochistically… On the other hand, our society is deviant since it is masochistic, because it gives to other races greater rights than what we have; because it enables the aliens to abuse, harass, and exploit us, in our own countries, while we are still the majority! The cardinal mistake within the theory of Communism is that according to them: the workers [those that are, normally, at or below the average intelligence] ought to have the greatest power and to lead the society. However, each decent country should be ruled by the wisest of men, just as human body is governed by the brain: society must be ruled only by the smartest of men, the intellectuals 27 . It is neither logical nor natural for a higher organism to be governed by its intestines, muscles, skeleton, respiratory system or genitals: henceforth is only appropriate and useful for a human being to be controlled by his brain. 28 That way, only society ruled by intellectuals—let’s say a small percentage [for instance, 5%] of the wisest of men—meets the elementary requirements for its prosperity and its further survival… Which means that any society is doomed, where supposedly clerks, farmers, workers, perverts, intruders, masochists, women, lunatics, and children decide on their destiny or are making some crucial decisions which affect all of us. Not to mention that in modern democracies: population really does not decide about anything. All decisions are made by the rulers while the people are fooled to believe as if they have some power because they supposedly “elect” the politicians. However, it is just a big farce, one of many deceptions, because the subdued and horribly indoctrinated masses are always given the choice between bad and extremely bad, hence, the majority never even bothers to vote! [There are only two possible exceptions: Nazi Germany and perhaps present day Rus27

intellectuals: well educated and innately intelligent men, working in jobs that exclusively require mental capacities. As a matter of fact, they are highly educated scientists [philosophers, physicists, mathematicians], genuine artists, researchers, or educators. For a more complete definition see What is Art. 28 Based on the Theory of the Repeating Patterns.


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sia… All other regimes are utterly deviant. However, the problem with the Nazis was that they were mainly good for the Germans, while other Europeans were left in the cold or even sacrificed for the benefit of the Third Reich.] Plato and Aristotle were right, democracy is the rule of the crass and the dumb, where each man tries to personally benefit, such that self-interest is hampering any decision making that is beneficial solely for the society. Actually, in modern democracies—mainly, in the West, that is; but more and more in Eastern Europe as well—the true rulers are only those that have enormous wealth. They, as a matter of fact, decide who will win the elections and in which direction the society would move. The population is only figuring out as passive cattle (intended solely for labor and exploitation), silent voters that exist just to cast their pointless ballots, as to provide legitimacy for supposedly bringing the politicians into the seats of power. Nonetheless, the absolute truth is that, in current societies, politicians are placed in power by the rich and they could just as easily remove the politicians from power, hence, retain them “in power” only for as long as they serve the interests of the rich. People are oppressed sheep that capitalists are readily exploiting, cheating, abusing, indoctrinating, dominating, and controlling through politicians, media, entertainment industry, “education”, police and judicial system, economic means, etc. All along, keeping in mind that there is no big difference between those parties in power and those in the opposition: they are all the same. They work for one and the same system and unless there is a radical and fundamental change of that system: nothing good would come out of it, regardless who wins the elections. The system is deviant and that is the essence of the problem. It must be changed! But in order for us to change that deviant system into something appropriate: a new and saner ideology is needed, meaning the contemplation of an enlightened philosophy! [Which is a proof that philosophers are, indeed, the most significant members of any decent society. Only in extremely morbid countries we could find athletes, entertainers, politicians, businessmen and creatures like them to be far more respected, admired, rich, influential and powerful than philosophers. While, all along, in those 151

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decadent societies, it is also rather common that genuine philosophers are kept in anonymity and/or imprisoned, while some dumb sediments are falsely presented as the leading philosophers or as the greatest intellectuals.] The main purpose of a deplorable society is to manipulate and control the masses, so that the people would not wake up thus realize that they live much worse than the extremely rich. But, no one could ever be billion or trillion times more hardworking, smarter, capable, or in any way better than someone else: hence, nobody ought to be that much richer than another person. As a matter of fact, the big truth is that many of those poor are much smarter and to society potentially more beneficial (if they only could reach their full potential) than any idle rich (that gained all possible privileges by their birth, received necessary conditions to have easy and successful lives). Which is a form of unnatural decadence and the ultimate sin against reality… Because, one Plato means more to us than all rich bustards, of this world, put together, hence, if we would create society according to Plato’s ideas, and not for the benefit of the affluent: all of us would live better and our society would improve and prosper tremendously. [By the way, even if some people become successful and move up the social ladder, it does not mean that they would have children that should remain on the top. But that is exactly guaranteed by the current decadent system… However, it is seldom the case that from a great man comes an equally great progeny… None of the leading philosophers, from our past, were related to each other… Not one great philosopher had a child or a grandchild or any offspring capable to overtake him intellectually. Perhaps it could happen but it didn’t and most likely won’t!] If decadent media, simpleminded police and corrupt judges start prosecuting, imprisoning and punishing the rich crooks instead of genuine intellectuals: our society would become a much better place! 2 152

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Children and grandchildren of the first communists [those that came to power in 1945]—with a tremendous assistance from abroad [CIA, MI5, etc]—are responsible for the breakup of Yugoslavia and the downfall of socialism [communism] thus its replacement with the inhuman capitalism. Which could shed some light on what kind of people were attracted to communism, in the first place, hence, who were its promoters and main figures. Because, in a healthy society, families are also healthy; such that in a healthy family, children and grandchildren are bound to become useful members of the society, will follow the guidelines of a sane ideology, will obey innate tendencies and boundaries of a just society, whose very foundations should have been erected by their moral predecessors. Those who were nobodies before the Second World War and were terribly exploited and repressed by the pre-war vicious capitalists suddenly came to power and climbed to the apex of society. They had the leading positions in our country, which they eventually transferred to their own children… Since 1945, socialism was controlling Yugoslavia and it was relatively a just society: where everyone had substantial social benefits and free health care, apartments, education, and a guaranteed job; while the difference between those at the top and those at the bottom was small… However, the second (and especially the third) generation of those initial men of power, in the manifestation of their pathological greed, wanted to have it all, to claim public property [that which, by the constitution, belong to all of us, that all of us have created through our combined labor] thus to transcend it into their private property. So they quietly undermined socialism, with the foreign help, then they did it more openly, before they could freely, and in front of our very eyes, decimate socialism in order to replace it with brutal capitalism, which only could benefit those at the very top; while all others had to suffer and repent so that a small group of extremely rich crooks could live the life of joy and comfort! As a matter of fact, it is clear now, the so called transition from communism (or socialism) to capitalism was actually a form of unsurpassed evil, for it was the greatest of all robberies, a deviant ploy and the malevolence beyond comprehension. 153

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Such might be a sign that Communism as a theory is not pragmatic, is not possible in the real world, hence, could only be a theoretic concept. On the other hand, it could also imply that Communism was undermined by the dubious and uneducated people that were brought to power after World War Two, hence, whose sons and grandchildren were given—by that same inadequate and dysfunctional system—to do as they please, to destroy the very system which gave social justice and security to almost everyone, or the majority, for certain. That way, children and grandchildren of the initial communists were the leading force in devastating that same communism because they were in the privileged positions, had a sufficient head start, to claim public property for themselves and that way to become the leading capitalists. [Those that were hailing Josip Broz Tito the most, while he was still alive, have brought up children and grandchildren that, after Tito’s death, were speaking only bad of him, in order to create the conditions as to illegally confiscate the immense public property.] Still it ought to be mentioned that Nazi Germany was also one extraordinary socialist country, which took even greater care of its people (actually only true Germans) thus which would—if Slavs and Anglo-Saxons did not annihilate it [and worst of all they did it for the sole benefit of the others (meaning, the Jews)]—most likely, or most certainly, achieve far more and would exist longer than Communism. Which could mean that within socialism: National Socialism is better and sounder option than Communism. [Compared to communism, whose some of the main characteristics were: lack of discipline, nepotism, low social awareness and development, slave morality, laziness, corruption, social justice, “political correctness”; Nazism was, among other things, defined through: discipline, hardworking, dedication, high social awareness and development, master morality, having a superior evolutionary goal, social cohesion, social justice, political correctness. While, the rudimentary traits of capitalism are: exploitation, decadence and immorality, all out perversion and degradation, corruption, brutal humiliation, harassment, manipulation, indoctrination, hidden lawlessness, social injustice, masked nepotism, abuse, terror toward the horribly subdued and incredibly servile 154

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majority, “political correctness” gone mad. See the table.] Which could, at the same time, be the absolute proof that the wrong side [of the savage capitalists and stupid communists] had won the Second World War. Because, as is the case right now: the Serbs (actually all White People) are being gradually wiped out through a concealed genocide and, in a few generations, Serbia is to become the country overrun and overtaken by gypsies [as a mater or fact, it could be argued that among the corridors of power: it was already decided to transmogrify the territory of Serbia into a Muslim or a gypsy country], just as the USA has a strong possibility to turn into a negro or some other non-white slum, while Europe could go either Muslim and/or Chinese. Because, Glorians 29 are systematically robbed— through huge taxes and various fees—so that we could not afford having our own children; so, in fact, to enable lazy nimoids to have as many broods as possible! Because, the system was designed to punish us for having children and to reward them [to discourage us and to encourage them] for having children! Which is, by far, the biggest perversion ever and the most macabre sickness, the most grotesque treachery of all times: the most morbid evil that has ever beseeched us! While, the rich and their servants (“our” politicians) are the main guilty parties for inducing that perversion, for our gruesome genocide and the injustice that has overcome us! They are the responsible and they are to be blamed for this horror of horrors, this sin over all sins, for this incredible decadence that is beyond belief. People, as such, left to themselves, cannot do much. Only in cases when a large number of them or a majority had their livelyhoods or very lives threatened: when they go hungry and are forced to suffer a lot, when they don’t have even the elementary human rights or any chance for a decent living—only then the people could, spontaneously, come out on the streets! But as long as they have some crumbs to survive on, it is not likely that the majority would demand some drastic changes [which actually helps the wicked rulers to maintain their power]; such that only the most capable and talented or a highly organized group could achieve that deed, if it is 29

Glorians: white people; white race and culture.


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ready to undertake substantial risks involved in bringing down the ghastly system. 3 We, who don’t have much and whose destiny, presently, is not promising, whose children are sentenced to follow our thorny path: we could either remain quiet and suffer or stand up to be counted, to initiate intellectual revolution, for the benefit and wellbeing of all that is dear to us: our Realm. We can’t lose much but could gain a lot… And for our children, we have to persist and succeed! Those that prosper in Serbia are: politicians, criminals, crooks, athletes, entertainers, ex-communists (that have got their positions, within society, after the Second World War thus have transferred them to their offspring). In this country, since recently, also prosper: feminists, homosexuals, the simpletons, Jews, Chinese, Negroes, Arabs, Albanians, and gypsies (thanks to Jew Soros and numerous non-governmental organizations; and nimoids’ supposed “political correctness”). Country in which intruders (other races) have greater rights than the majority [for instance, Serbia where gypsies are given flats, social services and health care, are even paid to attend schools [while the Serbs have to pay the schools in order for our children to attend them], receive assistance and aid to start their own businesses, etc; or USA where nimoids 30 have far greater privileges than White People: where Glorians are exploited and abused to pay enormous taxes, so they could not financially afford having many children; while Negroes could remain idle and rapidly reproduce… Country in which the majority has no rights, is systematically exploited, 30

nimoids: members of non-white races [i.e. Japanese, Chinese, Turks, negroes, Arabs, gypsies, Philippines, Koreans, Indians (and American native Indians), Mexicans, Brazilians and other south-Americans, etc]! All those not white.


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molested and terrorized by the minority (which has all conceivable rights and privileges): is not a country but a deplorable cesspool, that has to be flushed, demolished by the oppressed majority (for it is an unnatural creation) in order to be rebuild from the scratch, only that time under the guidelines of real justice! If you are one of great many Serbs [Europeans or White People] that are, currently, left in the dark… If you don’t have a position in society and are not rich: then you should be certain that nothing good would come your way. You could expect only bad things. You might become poorer and even worse, your children, grandchildren and who knows what generation will remain within the boundaries of poverty, thus the only possibility for their success in life would imply for them to carry out risky undertaking of crime. [Unlike those with connections and with money, for whom crime is a profitable and a low risk endeavor, because the system works for them and they could always find a way to stay away from jail [recall that negro from California who killed a white man and a white woman only to be acquitted, just because he is: rich and a negro]. Some of the biggest crooks are businessmen and politicians and they seldom end up in prison.] Because the system is created to enable rich to remain rich and to keep poor Serbs [White People] subdued, oppressed and in total poverty! No political party will help us because they are all the same, created and maintained by those in power, in order to keep the status quo: to help the rich remain rich. 31 Crooks that have confiscated public property are now successful and respected members of society, the elite, the jet set, the rich for whom this deviant system works. 31

Situation is similar in the United States. There are two political parties that are more or less identical. All they do is create an illusion of political plurality or democracy. The system does not permit any third party, especially if it would be a decent political option. The Democrats and the Republicans are just two sides of the same coin, which serves only the evil system and helps the rich to remain rich while keeping poor white men down… Unfortunately, it is also the case that Eastern Europe is transferring itself fast toward the horrifying model of USA “democracy”.


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Poor policemen and teachers, middle class judges and college professors, rather wealthy celebrities and media executives, very rich athletes and politicians, hence extremely rich capitalistic thieves: work together to maintain the system! Communism was destroyed by those at the very top, because they have realized that they are in the position to benefit the most from the transition to capitalism. Communist leaders, for their personal gain, started counterrevolution thus have pushed our country away from socialism into the realm of a brutal capitalistic exploitation. Only a small percentage of the people had substantially benefited and they were, mostly, those that were in the position to take care of their children and all their future progenies. But that way, the majority of people was sentenced to suffer and to live life full of stress and in poverty; because in order for a minority to have much more than what they deserve, it is necessary for the majority to receive much less than what they need. Hence, the minority has enormous wealth and enough money for deviant excesses and various perversions, while the majority could not afford a dentist, and some could not even buy bread to eat every day, thus live in utter misery. Also, it ought to be emphasized the hideous state of judicial system and the utter lack of justice. In a word, it doesn’t matter what the truth is, who is right and who is wrong or who is the guilty party and who is innocent. It makes no difference whether a person did something or not. The key components in making the judgment are: who has more money, who has better connections, whose lawyer knows the judge better, and who is politically correct or incorrect. Because those that have money and/or connections and/or are politically correct will triumph, regardless what the truth or real justice is! When injustice becomes the norm and the law— resistance is our moral obligation! If you had enough of the malevolence which has condescended on us only because some small percentage of the rich creeps live extremely well… If you don’t want somebody’s children to have splendid lives ahead of them, not because they are something special, because they 158

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are smart or capable, but because they were born rich; while our own children and our grandchildren and all further generations are sentenced to the life of pain and misery, regardless just how smart, hardworking, or resourceful they will be: just because you are poor now, because you were not thieves and have not taken public property or were in the “right” positions when communism turned into capitalism… If you are some of those so called “losers” then the only way out of this nightmare, for you and your children, is to join us in this epic struggle against those ghastly forces of wickedness, in this remarkable uprising against corrupt malcontents; as a mean for us to assure one much nicer future, for us and our offspring! Only rest assured that the sediments in power will use all, at their disposal, to prevent us. They will abuse media and spread false rumors—through undercover police and their cronies (informers)— as to keep the subdued and terribly oppress population down, to keep them pathetic, docile and morbidly uninvolved… They will arrest us and do us great harm, they’ll accuse each and every one of us of anything and call us every bad name they could come up with. They will threaten us and those that we love, they might even terrorize us and kill us… But what is the other option for us to take: to kneel down and let them molest us and our precious children as well… Either that or to stand up as to create one proper and just society! Because, while many don’t have enough to eat, the biggest of all crooks and their nasty progeny don’t know what to do with (our) money. Should we let the scum and criminals laugh in our faces and look down on our own children? But the question is just how could anyone decent turn his head and pretend as if he sees nothing at all, or to look at his own children and tell them that he did not even try to save them from the macabre evil that others planed for them, only because their parents were not thieves, were in fact honest and poor… Remember, the more of us join this uprising the greater chances will be for our success. But even if we fail, we could still look at our children and tell them that we have at least attempted or did all we could—were ready to forfeit our lives, if necessary—to give them a better future, to create one nicer and more just society! 159

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And if we succeed, that would be the ultimate reason for you to join this struggle. We could not wait indefinitely, each year it might be worse and worse; as a matter of fact, we are bound to suffer more and more, while the criminals and perverts would live lives of plenty. Keeping in mind that our children might have even harder time than what we have now… A call to ACTIVISM has a small chance for success. Only in rare instances, the inert masses could be animated and moved into action… Nevertheless, even though our prospects are rather trivial, it is still much better to try than to masochistically wait, remain dormant, silenced and forced to endure terrible injustice… On the other hand, who knows… Who is to tell that suddenly all those poor and subdued servants of the rich and of this utterly evil system [talking about: policemen, teachers, healthcare workers, soldiers, judges, farmers, clerks, miners and drivers…] won’t open their eyes and join our side, for their own benefit and that of their children… And then, rest assured, those degenerate rich bustards will be sorry they were ever born… Because—contrary to that insane Christian dogma—revenge and retribution are good and just. We should repay them back tenfold for all injustice perpetrated against us and our progeny! Unite and organize! Let’s try to wake up the pathetic and subdued population… All Serbs, all Slavs, all white men: all together till victory! What I teach you has a name: it is called revolution… Intellectual revolution is what I teach you! If we don’t help ourselves, if we don’t unite and organize: no one would do it for us. We want republic of plenty for everyone, in accordance to Plato’s ideals; and we don’t need the state in which prevails: immorality, 160

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injustice, “political correctness”, nepotism, bribery and corruption, in which the rich are getting richer and the poor must remain deprived indefinitely, must be unsuccessful in whatever they do, while insidiously told that they are down just because they are not smart, ambitious, resourceful and capable. Not one political party, not one media, nobody and nothing would help us if we don’t unite and organize in order to help ourselves! * TABLE: Some of the main characteristics of Nazism, Socialism (or Communism) and Capitalism: SOCIALISM (Yugoslavia) - lack of discipline - nepotism - low social awareness and development - slave morality - laziness - corruption - social justice - “political correctness”

NAZISM (Nazi Germany) - discipline - hardworking - dedication - high social awareness and development - master morality - having a higher evolutionary goal - social cohesion - social justice - political correctness

CAPITALISM (the Untied States) - exploitation - decadence and immorality - all out perversion and degradation - corruption - brutal humiliation - harassment - manipulation - indoctrination - hidden lawlessness - social injustice - masked nepotism - abuse - terror against the horribly subdued and incredibly servile majority - “political correctness” gone 161

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mad The comparison of modern societies on the examples of socialist Yugoslavia, Nazi Germany and capitalist USA.

4 If by their intrinsic nature, human beings are susceptible to corruption, bribery, nepotism, and are inclined to forgo the benefits of the group in favor of personal interests: then humans are indeed a lower breed, a disease—just as Nietzsche suggested—on the surface of this planet, that needs to be replaced, eradicated as to make room for Overmen. Because, no individual could compete with a society. Society is much larger and more capable thus, ultimately, in a progressive and just society all people would achieve more and live better than any lone individual. Because the potential of a collaborating and well organized group is far greater than the potential of one single person and is also greater than the potential of another group of people that exist in constant conflict with each other. Not to mention the fact that if there is no society those same individuals are liable to continually struggle against each other instead of collaborating. For initially, in dark prehistory before society was invented, life was very likely short, painful, violent and brutish. One person could make a house for himself and use his labor to find enough food to survive and that is about the extent of his lone abilities… But an advanced and well organized society could achieve much more. It could provide houses or some shelter for its citizens, give them roads and sanitation, education, jobs as well as healthcare, social security, law and order… In a good society, members use their particular talents to contribute for the benefit of the group… No single man could build a hospital… No one could do or know how to do hundreds of different jobs. It’s impossible… Only in society such division of labor is achievable… Being social animals it comes naturally to us to unite and form society as a mean to benefit ourselves, to attain better and more rewarding lives… 162

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Second big discovery would be the realization that societies also compete among themselves and, if all other factors are irrelevant or identical, those that are closer to Plato’s ideal state would ultimately triumph! Just as if there are two football teams that each have similar contingency of humans to choose from: and if one of the teams finds the best men to play on that team while the other finds the worst people to play each of the roles in the team—than it is rather obvious that the first team would win in the game of football just as the ideal society would triumph against the other forms of society (insidious one or perverted one). The transformation toward ideal state is inevitable to occur in this universe, it is an innate thing: a definite survival advantage… Perhaps, it is not happen often, just as perhaps not all life would evolve into higher forms or intellect. Perhaps, most life in this universe are microorganisms that get wiped out before they even had a chance to evolve into other higher forms. Perhaps, some of those rare planets, where intellect appeared, manage to evolve into ideal state, while majority of those other planets, with intellect, folder and are wiped out, by nature, as inadequate forms, as flawed products, as cosmic junk. Perhaps, humans are too destined to be wiped out, as being terribly flawed, as having catastrophic glitch, inborn fallacy, a decapitating flaw built into them, in their very genes, as seeds of destructtion… Perhaps they could never bring to power higher men, who in turn would create Overmen, by replacing negative selection with positive selection: as to assure that natural forces could take over and create Overmen. Perhaps, our destiny is sealed, is to join the ranks of the extinct, the majority of doomed planets that harbor life only for it to be at one point or another, halted and wiped out or permanently kept on the lover levels of evolution. Perhaps, that is our destiny as well. Perhaps, the present day leaders would succeed in eradication white race—as the supreme intellectual force on this planet—then even further deteriorate society, by faltering and destroying science and reason in favor of religions and superstitions, thus push society in permanent downward spiral such that it would linger in peril and gradually or rapidly deteriorate… Perhaps, this 163

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planet was not meant to be one of the few to achieve the ultimate higher consciousness. That all could be true, and as far as things go right now, it appears to be most likely scenario… But nevertheless, we have to try to turn the things around before it gets too bad. As a matter of fact, we need to attempt the impossible even if it is already too late! And to change things, to alter the course of our destiny: what is needed is for the right idea to appear, the idea of INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION, as a mean to bring forward the higher men in power; who will implement social order where positive selection would assure the arrival of Overmen—as one advanced form of intellectual being, as the highest state of consciousness, the one that is set free from the terrible flaws which have inundated humans and could be innately found among the people now—and the creation of the ideal state! Because, Overmen are higher beings, who are well aware that to put the interests of one being (or his family) ahead of their society would endanger all of them and would lead into deterioration of their civilization. So they would find ways as to foster natural and/or positive selection, as to further enhance intellect and create/maintain society destined for survival and prosperity. Thus that would also assure the best possible lives for each of their members. In present day society only bad people prosper… The worst individuals, the biggest crooks, liars, thieves, most immoral sediments and most ruthless creeps or most detrimental members of society are also most likely to succeed and benefit from this insidious society… However, in the ideal society, all citizens would achieve their maximum, live the best possible lives, while the most respected would be those that are really the smartest!


Dragan Glavasic

IDEAL SOCIETY For the sake of an argument, let’s say there are two football teams. They both have 100 similar or identical athletes to choose from. So the first team appoints the smartest and the most experienced person to be the coach, who then carefully finds the best players for the various positions in the team. So while the first team has an expert (who is well versed in football strategy) for the key position; the other team’s coach is the youngest and least knowledgeable person in the group, who consequently chooses the worst players for his team. So in the first group, the person that plays best with his left leg and is the fastest plays left wing, and the one who is best with the right leg plays right wing; the one who is the tallest and/or jumps the highest and is good at hitting the ball with his head plays the striker (central attacker); the one who is good with his hands and has fast reflexes is the goalkeeper… While in the other group: the left wing is played with the slowest person who isn’t even lefty, while the right wing is played by the slowest person on the team who just happens to be a lefty and the goalkeeper is an invalid without arms and legs while the striker is a blind person… Then if the two teams compete against each other: it would be safe to suspect that the first group would win; because, the better people, for specific positions, are given exactly those positions. The ideal state is based on Plato’s principle. It should be achieved by any mean possible—be it peaceful or by force: because it is the most just, normal, and proper form of human union—though it is not likely that those parasites and perverts, currently in power, would willingly give up their positions and extensive privileges in life. Thus they would have to be removed and that implies some kind of force. 165

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Once the needed steps are taken to transform society from perverted to an ideal: then it would be the crucial task of the new leaders, the intellectual elite [lets say, some 5-10% of the smartest men] to figure out how to structure their society in the smallest of details. It is not logical to expect from any single individual—from the author of this text or from Plato—to figure out or lay down the plan on how to design such society, in every detail. Such is neither logical nor possible, since no one could know, in advance, all the information on that potential society. Therefore, it would not be pertinent to expect from anyone to present, in advance, ways as how that state would function, or how exactly it would look like. Job of a philosopher is to give the general directions, the broad guidelines, then those that construct such society would have to figure out how to structure their commonwealth as best to achieve and maintain such a goal. Because, it is not sufficient, for us, to create the system if we are unable to maintain it for the posterity. [Recall that Communism crumbled in just few generations… In fact, was destroyed by the grandchildren of the initial revolutionaries, because they were in the position to most profit by returning to capitalism… Assumption is that if higher quality individuals get to power, in the first place, and do their best to structure safeguards in the system which would assure that only the best individuals would work specific jobs or be placed at specific positions in society: that society would last indefinitely, or at least much longer than Communism. Especially if there is always a possibility or a threat of a renewed uprising and also if the citizens’ consciousness is raised to a higher level: to Overmen’s state: to the realization that in ideal society, everyone would prosper while in perverted society only the smallest number (the very rich) would benefit while others would suffer… Furthermore, it could be argued that as a more advanced society it might be inevitable and more advanced or proper form of commonwealth: just as capitalism was compared to feudalism or just as feudalism was compared to slavery.] In other words, when Marx, Plato or Nietzsche thought on their ideal states, it was not up to them to figure the smallest details on how their societies would function, but rather, it was their job to 166

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construct the general ideas while the details were to be left for those that are working on implementing the big ideas. For instance, Marx thought on having Communism, where workers would triumph in the struggle with the capitalists, but it was up to the Bolsheviks (proletariat) to figure out how to design their society as best to fulfill Marx’s ideas, his ideals. So philosophers are giving general direction in which society ought to move while the revolutionaries and those that follow need to figure out how to get in power and how to run the new structure, the new country. [Only, some ideas might not be that good (like Communism) and might have catastrophic design flaws, built in, thus nothing and no one could make them work or they might be with a short longevity…] In our case, the ideal state is designed on the Plato’s principle so that the best people for specific positions will be assigned just those jobs and places in society. Such that the smartest men (the greatest philosophers) are the most powerful and influential: the leaders. [Unlike, Communism that places workers (who are not the smartest members of society, but rather its workforce—including the uneducated or innately gullible labor—thus often below the average intelligence).] It is not likely that any society could completely achieve such goal (of creating the ideal state): meaning that in any community it is likely that some people working at a various jobs or occupying specific positions are not really the best individuals for those jobs or positions. But the idea is that society should be structured as to be as close to Plato’s principle as possible. It must have various mechanisms in place to assure proper order, for everyone’s sake. And the closer it gets the better it will be. Thus people ought to reach one higher level of consciousness, a heightened state of mind and the highest level of morality thus to realize that if everyone works what he is best fit for, all of them would benefit; and in addition to beware of corruption and nepotism as the biggest treats to their combined welfare and well being… And to be just, the society must provide, for free, some essential services (such as education, healthcare, social security, etc), give every man equal rights, privileges and opportunities thus keep relatively small difference between those on the top and those on the bottom. A good and just common167

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wealth must take care of its citizens: for it exists to serve the citizens, just as they must be ready to protect it at all time and no matter what. If there are two societies, where one is ideal [where each person does what he is best to do] while the other society is perverted [where each person has the position in society according to corrupttion, connections, nepotism and “political correctness”] then, if all other factors are the same or irrelevant, in the competition among the two countries: the ideal would triumph. Their schools would have better teachers and they would better educate children. They would choose those best to be scientist to work as scientist and in turn they would design better tools, weapons, achieve more advanced technology, etc. In addition, ideal state would have the best leaders that are determined to benefit their society and to relentlessly wipe out their competition or enemies… In short, in the rivalry between an ideal and a perverted state: the ideal one would triumph! Furthermore, if there are two or more ideal societies, then those that get closer to the ideal status [of achieving 100% efficiency rate] would exist longer and prosper more than society which is less efficient. Because if one society has achieved 90% efficiency— meaning that of 100 citizens, 90 of them are best for the positions they occupy (especially if those proper positions are the significant or leading positions in society) while the other country achieves only 40% efficiency rate then it is obvious that more efficient society would triumph over less efficient one [assuming all other factors are the same or irrelevant]. It is also the case that a society would survive and prosper for as long as it succeeds in maintaining its ideal structure and a relatively high efficiency rate. Keeping in mind that it is very important that the best or smartest people are given the position of the leaders. 32 Because it is more significant to make certain that the right people are at the leading positions than to make certain that lower echelons of society are occupied by proper individuals. Country could have all the right people at the bottom, but if wrong people are at the top, it could deteriorate fast; on the other hand, if the bad people are at the 32

The philosopher king [as Plato would say].


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bottom, the right leaders could sort them out easily thus return to the desired state… The rest of the society would improve or start deteriorating: in respect to what is happening at the very top. Simply, it makes sense to conclude that if the right people are at the top, the lower echelons of society would improve as well: the right people at the positions of power could easily stop and eliminate corruption and nepotism that might appear at the bottom levels of the society. [However, if the corruptions and nepotism has started at the top of society, the lower echelons could only overthrow the leaders through popular uprising! The threat of which should keep the leaders in line; but there needs to be a caution of not allowing parasites and perverts to take over society by exploiting dissatisfaction of the masses! In other words, the society needs to be aware that insidious sediments might try to overthrow good rulers, only, it is much more likely that the insidious would get to power through being elected to the leading positions in society! They tend to be rather sly and ready to do anything to get in power… Finally, if no society could maintain itself as ideal, for more than a few generations then it might imply two things: either no ideal society is possible, it is indeed just a pipe dream, a utopia; or popular uprising is needed, on regular basis, perhaps indefinitely or until the consciousness of people is raised to a new level, until Overmen arrives…] How the country would structure itself to achieve a high percentage of the efficiency, depends on the citizens and most of all on those who lead it. The smarter they are, the better they organize, the more safeguard methods they put in place, the better they would be and the more prosperous and long lasting they would become. JUST BE CAREFUL AND ON CONSTANT VIGIL: ANY SOCIETY, EVEN THE MOST PERVERTED—AS IS THE CASE RIGHT NOW—COULD CALL ITSELF IDEAL! It is, indeed, important—just as Marx and Nietzsche figured it out— citizens need to evolve or to reach a higher state of mind, a higher level of consciousness, in order for society to function properly. [After all, it seems to be a natural trait. Just look at the most primi169

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tive and intellectually most backward or insufficient races (negroes and aborigines, for instance): they have never created a civilization or they even seem to be genetically unable to function as constructive members of any organized and civilized society. For instance, in USA, nimoid races are parasites, erosion, weed, poison, rust, cancer: utterly useless and terribly destructive elements!] Because, once men (especially those at the leading positions) realize that all of us would live much better if we design society according to Plato’s principle thus are ready to assure that a proper system is implemented as well as the accompanied structure of checks and balances is in place as to assure that really the very best people work their jobs or hold various position in society: all of us would benefit. Especially, if we adhere Nietzsche as well thus relentlessly eliminate all parasites and deadweight! For that is the way to overall prosperity and longevity… If citizens do not have such realization, if they are only concerned with their personal wellbeing, then it is possible that some (especially those at higher echelons of society) would apply nepotism or use connections and corruption which would deteriorate society, endanger everyone’s prosperity and the longevity of society itself. If every person pulls for himself: their society is disorganized and could not prosper much or might be on the way out. The realization that entire system would be destroyed if people put their personal goals and aspirations ahead of the interests and benefits of the entire group (the society and the citizens as the group): is a key realization that would ultimately mean the difference between an ideal and a perverted society! It is also the distinction between an advanced race as compared to parasitic races, between humans and subhumans, between Overman and the mundane! Nothing could last forever and the ideal state would eventually deteriorate and crumble, but then it is up to the people to start revolution, once again, and return to the ideal state. And there has to be a constant treat of uprising as to keep those in power aware that if ideal society deteriorates, and wrong people occupy various positions within it, then the absolute right and moral obligation of the citizens 170

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is to revolt and overthrow such government as to initiate a more just and more proper state: the ideal society. In addition, let it be clear that ideal state is possible and achievable. It is also maintainable structure but it is something that present day rulers and those that benefit the most from current (extremely perverted) society don’t want, prefer to deny, since they are bound to lose their enormous privileges, the positions of incredible wealth and unbelievable power. So they use lies and indoctrination to manipulate and oppress general population as if we live in the best of all possible worlds 33 or how supposedly ideal society is not possible, is the so called utopia! Only if the genuine intellectual elite realizes that ideal state is not utopia, that such is possible and that those most intelligent ought to be the leaders and not the servants of the rich parasites: then things are bound to move in the proper direction! Fake intellectuals, who are currently promoted as the leading minds, so called “intelligentsia”: have to be pushed away [alongside their decrepit masters] as to make room for a new society! So wake up, INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION is our road to salvation: our ascent toward Overmen and our glorious journey into the realm of ideal state!


As that big liar and inbreed member of the ruling elite, Winston Churchill, once said: “Democracy is not perfect but it is the best system that we have!”


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

SPACE AND TIME None of us has ever seen, felt or in any way detected space or time. There are no proofs of any kind that space and time really exist. Therefore, it is huge mistake taking those notions for granted and not scrutinizing their ontological status… However, even though it is rather easy to conclude that time is a cognitive mistake, that such concept does not really exist and/or could be in some way associated with the existing concept of change; the idea of space appears as a more challenging one… Void, or nothing at all, is not entirely a plausible concept. It is not quite reasonable or logical to imply that nothing can exist. Something can exist and be a part of reality, but to say that nothing exists or is a part of reality—of itself, by itself and for itself—is a fallacy. Atomists accepted the notion of void thus defined it as an empty space or vacuum, which did not contain any matter or anything at all. They even called it not-being or nothing, as opposite to being or something. To them void possesses neither characteristics nor qualities of any kind, no potential, not even existence in any way. It is simply nothing. But, that is the problem: nothing cannot exist… It is not logical! Something can exist, that is logical; but noting cannot! It is a contradiction in itself: it violates the main premise, its very definition… Nothing implies non-existence just as something implies existence. This is one of those logical statements that seems to be built into the very foundation of this universe, of this reality. Their argument that such concept, as empty space, must exist in order for material objects to move, comes short: because a vessel containing water is not empty, yet fish or different objects can freely move through it. In fact, such medium as water (or air) is needed for fish (or birds) to exist and move, for they could neither exist nor 172

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move in a vacuum: this proves that empty space is not a requirement or a necessity for the moments of existing or physical bodies, and in fact, might even be a hindrance of a sort. Movement could be achieved by rearranging or shuffling around the existing matter or as an interaction of various components of matter. Or simply stated, the movements are possible due to even more rudimentary concept: the idea of change, such that change is a real concept [the one that exists of itself, by itself and for itself]. Their second argument for the existence of void—due to the compression or absorption—is also inadequate since that could be explained quite simply by stating that entities which exist can be altered in some way due to the process known as change. In fact, there are two possibilities: an object could itself change (including its volume or appearance) or changes—either from within or from outside—could affect it in some way. A sponge can absorb water by expelling air and replacing it with liquid or by expending its volume or by altering some of its properties. But in no way it could mean that water has filled some mysterious empty space. Only that a change has occurred where some matter has been modified: some atoms or substance was replaced with other atoms or other substance [visible or invisible, known or unknown to us] or that some properties (e.g. volume or size) of the object have been altered. After all, not long ago, many people did not know that galaxies, quasars, supernovas, DNA, air or atoms existed [not to mention subatomic particles]; and in fact many savages from jungles still don’t know any of that… In other words, various philosophical concepts as existence and change; or physical concepts like matter, substance, movements or atoms do exist; however, that does not imply in any way that imaginary or abstract concepts like void, empty space and time exist in any real sense, in any way, shape or form, unless as strictly theoretical concepts inside our minds [but only and exclusively as imaginary objects, products of our mental activities]. So our brains do exist and they function by creating ideas, feelings, emotions and/or mental images: which, as such are real, but which are nothing more than products of our functional minds. [The mental image of a dragon is 173

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not a real dragon but just a though of a dragon!] They could be our mental interpretations of outside or real objects or they could be imaginary entities that exist only in our minds. Space and time are of the second type: entities which exist only in our heads, as abstract ideas, as the result of our mental activities. Implying that space and time are not real but imaginary! They do not exist as real objects, as independent entities inside reality but are thoughts produced in our heads and as such they are strictly imaginary concepts. That means that they have just abstract existence, as opposite to real existence of those entities that are integral parts of reality and that exist of themselves. Just stated implies that the brain and its activities are real. As such they genuinely exist. The thought of a dragon is a real process that exists in our brain but only as a thought and not as an actual dragon. The dragon does not exist in reality and is only an abstract idea present as a thought in our minds. In short, brains and their activities (or thoughts) do exist but actual dragons do not! It would be far more proper and logical to state that in science— physics as well as in philosophy—two colossal, rather incredibly significant mistakes were made. The non-existing or abstract concepts of time and space are somehow and to some extent mixed up with existing concepts of change and existence. That was a huge blunder with tremendous repercussions, and it has taken deep roots inside our culture. Even the everyday language has been influenced and inundated thus has incorporated the notions of time and space. In fact, most people assume they exist without any doubt, without ever having a need to question those notions or their credibility… Still, there were some thinkers, from our past, that did examine the validity of those believes. For instance, Descartes’ vortex theory —which was embraced both by Cartesians and occasionalists— claims that empty space or vacuum does not exist. Because, according to them all space has to be occupied by something. So they invented the notion of subtle matter or ether that should fill this gap, this notion of “empty space” thus making it non-empty. By doing so they have perhaps inadvertently, themselves, made two crucial mistakes: they have given some credibility to the notion 174

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of space (be it empty or especially full) and also created one questionable form of substance. So their approach was that space exists only it could not be empty… However, both problems could be easily solved by saying that space does not exist! Substance exists! Some of it [some forms of matter] we could perceive or detect in some way while some of it is—at this moment, at least—undetectable to us. To make it more clear, our senses and various technological equipment could detect some forms of matter but perhaps there are some forms which we could not detect at this moment. For instance, various entities are too minute for us to perceive or to be aware of their existence, but nonetheless it does not make them nonexistent, hence they do exist even though we don’t know of them. In addition, it could be argued that some forms of substance are not matter, at all, but are something else of which we know nothing, currently, since our senses are biologically designed or fine-tuned to detect and be aware only of substance we call matter. [Besides, it would be rather pretentious, on our part, to claim that at the moment we know everything. Most likely, there will always be something for us to find out, yet to discover or detect: perhaps, those other forms of substance.] This way, substance is a broader category or a universal set containing a smaller subset known as matter. Or it could be argued that substance is matter but that there are some elements of it that are so minute, so amazingly tiny, that they are simply undetectable to us and are likely to remain so, for a long time or even indefinitely. In any case, the notion is that space and time do not exist as real entities but are only artificial concepts, abstract ideas made up by human minds. They are also substantial mistakes since various philosophers (scientists) have concluded that such abstract entities do exist in reality as independent, self-sufficient phenomena or entities: those that exist of themselves, by themselves and for themselves… Which is a major fallacy! That is false! Meaning that space and time do not really exist! They do not exist, except as abstract ideas, only present in our minds, and only while we think of them, for as long as we think of them. 175

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Space and time are abstract ideas or non-existing concepts that “exist” only in our minds as thoughts, but which could be to some extent associated with the real phenomena, those of existence and change, which are, as a matter of fact, the most significant components of reality!

[More on this subject could be found in the book Prostor i Vreme [Space and Time] by Dragan Glavasic, which was published by TAJD in 2005. ISBN 86-904797-5-9]


Dragan Glavasic

ASCERTAINING ETERNITY Eternity is the concept of forever, continual duration, of a never ending existence. Eternal is that which has the quality or the essential characteristic of being within and of being a part of eternity! So eternity is the noun while eternal is the pronoun of the same philosophical idea, of the same fundamental quality: of endless duration, of being everlasting. While infinity is a mathematical concept, an abstract idea, that can be transcended to material world as well, eternity is strictly a philosophical notion that also has applications in the real world. The thoughts behind infinity and eternity are intrinsically similar. Being infinite usually applies to volume or a dimension such as distance in mathematics or to some related aspects of this universe as well. Eternal (or eternity) implies the continual duration which lasts forever, never ending existence or constant existence or is a rudimentary trait or a fundamental characteristic of not being a subject to extinction, overwhelming alteration, demise, deterioration or disappearance. That way, eternal or eternity is a kin to immortality; such that immortality applies only to humans or intelligent beings; while eternal or eternity could pertain to everything. In a sense, immortality is a subgroup or a subset of eternity. A more precisely stated, eternity is the forever existence. As a characteristic of the key concept within reality (as the essence of existence, that is): eternity has to be a philosophical concept. The previous statement could also be justified due to the fact that eternity (or eternal) defines various entities within reality. However, since it could also be used to describe some objects within Cosmos or Cos177

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mos itself, it can imply that eternity (like infinity and immortality) is a real concept that is present in reality just as it is within this material world of ours. That means that eternity, infinity, immortality are present in reality as well as within Cosmos or the universe or the material world. They are at the same time abstract ideas, cognitive phenomena and genuine, real entities. They are abstract products of our brains, pure thoughts inside our minds but also actual entities in the real world as well: which exist of themselves, for themselves, by themselves… There are things within reality and inside this world that are infinite, immortal and eternal regardless whether we know it or not, whether we perceive them, whether we are aware of them or not. Since existence is the key concept of reality and since eternity is the most significant characteristic of existence: it implies that the concept of eternity is also very significant indeed. In other words, it could be argued that reality is the ultimate concept of cardinal and unsurpassed significance, the apex of intellectual activities, the focal point of all underlining interests, the center of all cognitive activities! Since existence is the most profound aspect of reality [where change is the close second] and since eternity is the key feature of existence [probably of change, as well]: it should imply that our understanding of eternity is of momentous importance, of pivotal significance for our comprehension of the ultimate reality. 34 Meaning that eternity is one of the most important concepts in all of philosophy, as an entity which is present in reality and the material world as well; since existence is a crucial part of both and since it could be best described as being eternal.


Alternatively, it might be stated that reality is made of or that it has three fundamental characteristics: existence, change and eternity. In other words, we could describe it in terms of existence, change, eternity… Or it could be implied that reality is best defined in the terms of endless existence and (constant) change.


Dragan Glavasic

METAPHYSICS: (Exploration of) the Ultimate Reality Reality means the truth! It is one of the meanings for the word, but not the only one... Concept of reality is the essence of metaphysics and the most significant idea ever! Reality is the grand sum of all that was, is or will be. Reality consists of infinitely many components. It is eternal, unchanging and always existing entity. While its components are existent and they constantly or periodically interact and/or undergo changes, even completely transmogrify. Such that individual components could periodically appear or disappear from existence: and this cycle of existence and non-existence for the fragments of reality could last indefinitely and most likely is eternal. In other words, individual components of reality could come into existence. While they exist, they interact with other components and change until they eventually no longer exist. But sooner or later they will again return to existence and repeat the whole cycle infinitely many times. Everything that is within reality must go through those perpetual cycles of periodic appearances, changes and interactions, then disappearances… Everything inside reality must do that: except for reality, itself, which just exists and it exists eternally and could not change or disappear… Furthermore, it could not interact with other realities since there is one and only one reality. [If by definition, reality is all that was, is or will be: then, by logic, it could be only one such entity. It would make no sense to have two or more different realities. Because only one thing can be the grand sum of everything. [Such implies that it is not possible or logical for different individuals to have their own realities; unless there is just one person 179

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and just one reality.] There could be some imaginary or fake or “possible” realities but they are not real since there is just one and only one actual reality! Reality is unique, one and only, eternal, unchanging and always existing! It is what some confused individuals might call a god: only while god is an imaginary, poorly defined, or a non-existing concept, reality is very much real and very much existent. Furthermore, we need to realize that religions or deities are a refuge of week and insufficient minds.] The prime objective for everything is to exist while changing along the way. Everything has to exist and to change as well, thus to exist while constantly (or periodically) changing within this monumental structure; except for reality, of course, which only has to exist eternally, thus, never to change in any way. 35 35

By definition, reality is all that has existed, is existing or will exist; thus it could never be altered or changed in any way, shape or form. It simply is that what it is and it could be nothing else. Reality is the one and only eternal and unchanging entity in existence. Things and/or happenings that comprise reality exist and change, appear and disappear, but reality only exists and never changes. Thus it is truly a unique and rather remarkable concept! Alternatively, we could define reality in a different way: to be only that what is; thus excluding all that was or will be but such definition would not be complete or functional and would leave out two significant fragments of what it was and what it will be. That way reality could be reduced to material existence or Cosmos and, in addition, that would eliminate history and future: so it would not be a functional understanding of reality. [It might even open the road to great many abuses and (socially) destructive believes. Certainly would undermine our prime objective of making sense or reality and understanding it as much as possible.] Because to better understand what is now, we need to know what it was and how it will change or what it will become. This approach to define reality might even undermine our self-preservation principle [which is the most powerful or most dominant law of nature], because if we cannot predict the future we could not adequately prepare for it. Meaning that this alone could discredit just mentioned definition of the ultimate reality. Besides, if only now exists than a big question could be: is there any change (for the individual components of reality); therefore, reality could be reduced to existence only: which might not entirely comply to our everyday perceptions of reality [since we could perceive that individual things, within reality, alter and


Dragan Glavasic

What is this all about? What is life and what is death? What is the meaning of life? Is death the end of everything? Why are we here? What is reality? Why does anything or everything exist? And the answer is: WHY NOT! It is one answer that supersedes all other less relevant or irrelevant answers. In other words, the fundamental fact is that something exists. Or that existence is existent. Or simply stated EXISTENCE is the key component of reality. That’s the only fundamental answer we need! Reality is that something (or perhaps everything) exists! We exist. And that is a fact. On the grand scale, it is not appropriate or rather it is meaningless to ask “why” or “for what purpose”. That which exists simply exists and that’s it. Any attempt to explain why everything [reality] exists is bound to be false, because the simple fact, the most fundamental one and the most rudimentary answer is that whatever exists: exists (for as long as it exists) and such is the ultimate reality! We could attempt to see a smaller picture and to discern why individual components of reality exist but the grand sum of everything simply exists and that’s it. On a smaller scale, it could be argued that the rudimentary purpose for humans is to exist and that our fundamental purpose is to reason: to become the tools of perception and the grand mind of reality, its consciousness; but reality or the total sum of all that exists simply exists and that’s all. Questions that might be asked for individual entities might not apply to reality itself… Some of the above questions could be judged as meaningless because they are inappropriate. There is no sense in asking them since reality is what it is and it is made primarily of existence. Another significant component of reality is change [which applies only to individual components of reality and never to reality itself]. Thus existence and change are fundamental elements of reality. Reality is on a metaphysical level made of two fundamental aspects: the first change]. Hence, the only proper, and by far the best, approach is to define reality as the sum of all that was, is or will be.


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(and perhaps more crucial one) being existence and the second one being change! The most profound and important realization is just that simple fact. There are many possible, more or less valid, variations on this approach. For instance, it could be argued that existence contains the quality of change or that change is embedded within existence: thus that which exists is bound to continually or periodically change. And such might even be perceived as a form of existence. However, those approaches would require an exception: REALITY ONLY EXISTS AND NEVER CHANGES even though its components exist and change. If we ask ourselves why something exists or why everything exists: we could always counter with another equally potent answer: WHY NOT! Because there is no reason, whatsoever, for non-existence to be more logical or proper than existence. And simple fact is that something exists thus it is also a crucially important fact of reality. Reality is that something or everything exists; just as conversely, it is not the fact that nothing is existent. The proof for the above claim is that I am the one to think of it or perhaps that there are entities that are reading this book or are contemplating this thought or any thought, indeed. In any case, something has to exist in order to think of it. Whatever it is, it is a part of existence! It has to be and could be nothing else. [This also proves the existence!] It is not possible for the entity which is capable to reason such a thought to be at the same time a part of non-existence. Things that do not exist cannot think, at least not while they are non-existent! 36 A person can die, but if he is dead he cannot think or reason. Thus while being alive, he is also existent and the fact that someone is thinking of the idea also implies that such entity is alive, thus existent. Another question is what happens to that entity after he dies. Is he still existent or temporarily non-existent until he returns to live, perhaps, through yet another birth? If a person lives one short life and dies never to be born again then before his birth and after his death he most likely is non-existent and he existed only in that short segment of his life, in one insignificant 36

The argument (from logic) first thought by Rene Descartes.


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fragment of the overall eternity. But if he was non-existent (or dead) before he was born and if he becomes non-existent (or dead) after his death: then there are no known or logical reasons why he couldn’t yet again get born. Especially since this is apparently endless reality, or an infinite universe [or many infinite universes] with boundless quantities of matter or some other form of substance thus the probability that in infinity, such occurrence as the birth of one small person within this monumental structure we call reality or the universe or Cosmos, is to have only one life or even a finite number of short lives is rather small, perhaps even insignificant. It makes far more sense and to any living, conscious being it is far more appealing, that we live infinitely many different lives, some very similar to the one we live now. 37 Furthermore, it is also very likely, even probable that we not only live infinitely many different lives but also that each one of those different lives we repeat infinitely many times. 38 Meaning that death is not the end of everything for a specific conscious entity; but rather it is a remarkable traveling device by which a person crosses “space and time” thus gets born at another segment of this universe and at a different epoch, or from a more metaphysical level, he returns into existence, reappears at another segment of reality, reemerges at a different region and/or epoch of the universe (at a different “space-time” coordinate, as some confused pseudo scientists might say). In any case, the temporary aspect of a finite entity, its fragmentized existence within reality does not apply to reality itself. While a 37

This form of the argument is better suited if we assume that our universe is all that there is. That Cosmos is logically equivalent concept to the idea of the universe. 38 This variation of the argument makes more sense if we presume determinism and also that universe undergoes an infinite cyclic process of constant rebirth and destruction, such as is suggested by the theory of pulsating universe [that goes through an endless cycle: begins with a big explosion then ends with a big crunch, and that way ad infinitum]. In particular, this concept would make even more sense if we presume that there is a monumental Cosmos in which our universe is just one of infinitely many that exist at the same time such that they periodically appear and disappear within colossal Cosmos, and for all eternities.]


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

person could die and get born and repeat that process infinitely many times, with shorter or longer periods of both existence and nonexistence: reality only exists no matter what and it exists continually without any interruption whatsoever. Even if matter or some other form of substance periodically appears and disappears: reality always exists since it is all that exists or that does not exist! So reality is always on, always existent, everlasting, indestructible, totally unchanging, and nothing else it could be. Asserting once again, that even though we could ask and try to answer why a specific entity within reality exists or how it exists— those questions make no sense if applied to reality (the grand sum of everything): for reality simply exists as it is and could be nothing else… It is existing now, it has always existed and it will always exist… Such that existence is the key, alpha and omega, the one and only answer, the sum of all wisdoms! For us is to realize such a big picture and also to comprehend that some questions do not make sense. A person cannot nor should ask “Is a rock moral or immoral?” 39 or “How big are dragon’s wings” or “What is the topology of time?”40 and just the same no questions of the nature “Why does everything exist?” could be uttered. They simply make no sense and show a catastrophic flaw within that particular metaphysics, a complete lack in the understanding of reality. Why would nonexistence be more proper state than existence? Why would make more sense for nothing to exist than for something (or everything) to exist. In the final analysis it doesn’t! IT MAKES NO SENSE! The simple fact is that something (or everything) exists… Existence and change are the fundamental aspects of reality and that is the ultimate reality. 39

For rock is inanimate object thus non-living and unconscious, hence, could not possibly possess capacity for moral judgment therefore such quality ought not be assigned or associated with it. 40 Dragons are mythical or rather non-existent creatures thus are not actual beings in reality and as such they could not have wings in reality… Just the same time is a non-existent entity and as such it could not have any topological features in reality.


Dragan Glavasic

The prime objective is existence! That is a fact, a reality, and needs, simply, to be accepted, as such… [Perhaps, change is also a rudimentary aspect or might even be necessary in some way for a functional reality. Reality could be a remarkable play, an awesome interaction between existence and change (for its components).] For it is a constructive way to fulfill our prime objective—of existing, of being conscious beings, the minds of reality—and as a matter of fact, the change enables our crucial contribution to the overwhelming tendency of reality itself: to exist as a conscious, self-aware entity! Because, under the final analysis: eternal EXISTENCE and never ending CHANGE is the ultimate reality; just as, within a slightly smaller picture, (indestructible or everlasting) matter (or some form of substance) in motion is the essence of Cosmos, itself. [Something that reality has been aware of due to the workings of the mind. Because, I thought of it and because I am an integral part of this universe, this Cosmos: the one and only reality! Because, what I feel, what I perceive or think: the universe, Cosmos and reality do as well… Because I am a part of them and nothing else I could be. I could appear or disappear from time to time but I was always and always will be a fragment of reality and not just any part but its consciousness, its ability to reason, to perceive and understand, its attempt to make sense: its mind.] Reality is eternal and unchanging entity! It is made of infinitely many individual components that exist, interact and undergo constant changes. Since interaction is a form of change then all fragments of reality, simply, exist and change. Only reality, itself, just exists and never changes! Always keeping in mind that we are an integral part of it all: being the eyes, the sensory apparatus and the brain of this universe, being the perception, the forever mind and consciousness of one and only reality… Which makes us something rather important; possibly even the crucial segment of everything… 185

Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION II Intellectual revolution is our road to salvation, our extraordinary ascent toward Overmen and the commencement of our epic journey in the direction of the ideal society… It is, by far, the most significant event in entire human history. The turning point of philosophy! The beginning of a new beginning! The decisive moment when humanity has finally left its childhood, was well on its way to transcend into Overmen and to create the ideal society… Intellectual revolution is the most remarkable event ever! It is our ticket to survival and prosperity! WHAT I TEACH YOU HAS A NAME AND THE NAME IS REVOLUTION… INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION IS WHAT I TEACH!


Dragan Glavasic

THE CRITERIA Part One: For Being Successful [DEFINITION: In our world and at this moment, to be successful usually means to be rich, powerful, influential, achieving, accepted, prosperous, acclaimed or recognized, and/or famous.] The success in life, in this deviant world, depends on several factors that could be best described as insane and/or criminal. Whether a person is successful or not depends on the following: nepotism, connections, corruption and bribery, negative selection and “political correctness”, as well as sexual promiscuity. In other words, a person could have better, easier, richer and more productive, successful or rewarding life if he (or she) has successful relatives that would help their cousin to gain a better start in life and enable him to profit more than others that are without such powerful relatives… The previously stated also goes with other forms of connections that are not blood related but are based on strong friendships and/or the principle: I’ll do you a favor if you do me a favor (including helping each other’s children, close relatives and/or good friends). Those that have money but do not have the right connection, could still achieve more in life through wide spread corruption and bribery. 41 So if someone wants his children to work a great job or have a desired position in society, but lacks the proper connection to make it possible, he could still achieve it through money. Since this is one extremely abnormal world where negative selection and warped “political correctness” are massively used to assist 41

Corruption and bribery are cancer of society to which, no doubt, Jews have contributed enormously! For it has always been their main strategy in achieving their goals. As they say: “Everybody has its price!”


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

and favor everything which is in some way deviant, destructive or dangerous for our society and the universal order. For instance: mentally defective, genetic abnormalities, females and children, utter perverts and degenerates (feminists, homosexuals, transvestites and hermaphrodites), nimoids [non-white races], animals, as well as various destructive or rather decadent believes and/or practices are openly protected by the law, favored in every conceivable way and helped to become acceptable or successful, often, at the expense of white men! Females, on the other hand, have the additional potential of succeeding in life by granting sexual favors. So if a pretty female works at a good job or has a prominent career in business, state institution, entertainment, politics, on media, as a writer, etc: most likely she has achieved it through nepotism, connection, bribery, due to negative selection or “political correctness” or otherwise because she was quite willing to spread her legs and was rather generous to whoever could help her advance in life. Or it was the combination of several of the above mentioned factors. For males, the only remaining way to succeed in life—if nepotism, connections, bribery and “political correctness” are not options—is crime. White men who do not have successful relatives or powerful close friends and who do not have money as to bribe those in power or in specific positions: have just one avenue left. They could do something illegal and run a high risk on being caught and imprisoned! Unlike the rich crooks that could do illegal activities easily and not be punished or get symbolic “punishments” or drasticcally reduced sentences: poor white men are bound to be severely punished for any or no reason at all… They are destined to remain deprived, in this ghastly sick world, regardless of their genuine abilities and natural talents… However, that is a sure sign of a deviant society since in decent world—in ideal society—someone’s success in life, what he does and how successful he gets should depend only on his intelligence or how appropriate he is for a given position in society. In such advanced world, it would be inconceivable that someone could work as a college professor, even though he is a rather mediocre intellect or a 188

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mundane individual, who is selected for the position just because his parent was a college professor or just because he is politically correct [for instance, being a nimoid or a homosexual or a feminist or all three], due to a negative selection… In a proper world, intelligence and abilities to perform specific tasks will be the decisive factors for determining what a person will be, what would be his job or position in society and his overall status or success in life. Thus the more intelligent someone is the more successful he would get! Assuring that the society is run by the smartest of men and each and every member of such ideal society has taken its rightful place, thus that society, as a whole, is most advanced and its citizens have the most rewarding, most productive and the best possible lives! Part Two: For Being Famous Those that are in power, ultimately, determine who will be well known, who will be successful and/or famous, as well as who will be ignored, sanctioned, harassed, discriminated and/or punished… The greatest philosophers in a decent society would be, in a deviant world, treated as nobodies and/or the worst criminals! Just as the most morbid perverts, in a decent society, would be taken out of the lunatic asylums, if deviants took over, thus turned into the greatest celebrities: best writers, entertainers, actors, singers, etc: into the famous, rich, influential, powerful, successful and dominant members of that grotesque world. What is acceptable or popular at a given time depends mostly on who is in power at that epoch. If degenerates and perverts have the sole authority and control all centers of power (media, entertainment, “education”, politics, judicial system, military, big money, banking and finances, wealth distribution, publishing, etc), as is currently the case: then only negative selection would rule, only the most decadent or destructive ideas and individuals would be promoted, hailed and made successful… While decent individuals, those that wish our 189

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race, culture and civilization well, those that want us to obey the laws of nature and defend intellect: will be ignored or harassed, attacked, imprisoned and silenced, kept in anonymity, forced to subside at the fringes of society, and/or will be starved to death… Only if decent and/or most intelligent men come to power we could expect a more just and more advanced society, in which the smartest of men and the greatest of ideas would be promoted and hailed as the apex of human activities, as they rightfully should! Only then we could expect ideal society in which the best men, for a specific position, would do what they are best fit for and where the most powerful and most influential are those that are genuinely the smartest. Lunatics, mundane simpletons and macabre perverts should not be turned into the greatest, best sold and most read or acclaimed writers, “philosophers”, and/or intellectuals… And if such is the case it could imply just one thing: that is a trademark of one utterly deviant society, in fact, that is one utterly sick world! Because, in a proper civilization: lunatics and perverts should be in mental hospitals and not on TV or constantly promoted and continually present in mass media! The perverted and the insane ought to be locked up and under no circumstances are they to be permitted to overwhelm media, politics and other power structures… However, some philosophers [like Plato and Nietzsche] and their thoughts are just too important and too awesome such that no one, not even the worst of creeps, could ignore them or silence them indefinitely… No matter who has held the seats of power (ancient Greek mob, warped Christians, inbred kings, corrupt “democrats”, insidious “liberals”, Nazis, simpleminded communists, total perverts, etc) the outstanding minds and their supreme ideas were to a greater or a smaller extent present within our intellectual spheres. In fact, the worse insult those power structure could do is to try to marginalize them, intentionally misinterpret them, and hope that eventually 190

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those powerful philosophers and their great concepts would be forgotten, would perish into oblivion (alongside with us)! For the decline of great ideas and supreme thinkers would ultimately precede our own downfall. [As far as the proof goes: just observe at the West!] Part Three: For Getting Recognized At present, the criteria for getting rewards and public recognitions is simple. A person and/or his works (in literature, “philosophy”, art, science, entertainment, journalism, politics, in society, or whatever) have to be “politically correct”; sometimes he has to have connections, money and luck as well. Because, within the sea of mediocrity and complete nonsense many have similar “credentials” or chances for getting prizes, therefore, the element of luck has to be counted as well. The above stated implies that in this insane world of ours, only those most decadent and most destructive to our society, those laboring against the grand universal order, only those that are the worst enemies of our civilization, that are the most immoral and/or most deviant, most perverted and utterly decadent are liable to compete for the top prizes and public recognitions… Normal individuals—not to mention the exceptional ones [those that have something truly meaningful or constructive, something incredible or magnificent to offer to our world]—are bound to be ignored and/or marginalized and/or silenced and/or imprisoned! This world is of the lunatics, for the lunatics and run by the worst lunatics of them all. * *

Within a horribly deviant society: the potential for destructiveness and the amount of evil [such as the violation of the grand cosmic 191

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principles and their underlining proclivity] is ultimately the main determining factor for success. While in the ideal society: intelligence, morality, and the contribution or the benefit to society, to our Realm, would be the only criteria for being successful [for being in a leading position, for being famous, influential, powerful, accepted, achieving, recognized, acclaimed, prosperous, admired and/or hailed by the entire society].


Dragan Glavasic

INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION III Here and now! No time to lose… Spread the word out, unite and organize! Intellectual revolution Î Overmen Î ideal society… Or, intellectual revolution Î ideal society Î Overmen… Or alternatively, intellectual revolution Î ideal society + Overmen… 42 Whatever the case, intellectual revolution must precede, ought to come first! While, Overmen and ideal society should be the remarkable products of it! Unite and organize!


By the commutative law in mathematics: x+y=y+x, or in this case, ideal society + Overmen = Overmen + ideal society. Or, ideal society and Overmen equal Overmen and ideal society.


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

When decadence, perversion and unsurpassed injustice permeate this world, there is just one credible option left for us to do: start revolution… Intellectual revolution, that is!


Dragan Glavasic

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dragan Glavasic was born in Belgrade on 19th of January in 1958. He studied mathematics and philosophy in USA, thus received his B.S. [bachelor of science degree] at Davis & Elkins College and his M.A. [master of arts degree] at Marshall University. He is a member of a couple of mathematical and scientific fraternities, as well as of American Mathematical Society, is the president and the founder of Azgard [the associations for the advancement and protection of European culture and civilization]. Mr. Glavasic writes books and also articles for various magazines, most notably Stvarnost [electronic journal in philosophy]. His most significant books so far were: The Cosmic Tree (2003), Prostor i Vreme [Space and Time] (2005), Keepers of the Flame (2006)… All his texts are in English and/or Serbian. His writings are very much present on the Internet [which is the ultimate medium of the future]. *


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon


Dragan Glavasic


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

INDEX A absolute mind 22-23 abstract existence 1, 21, 174 activism 2, 148-164, 206 aesthetics 16, 70-77, 100 affirmative action 98, 103, 122-123, 130, 136, 140, 143 algebra 16, 52 ancient Greece 34, 122 Anglo-Saxon 77, 154 animals 26, 31, 45, 81, 85, 98, 102, 113-114, 117, 120, 125, 128-130, 163, 188 Aristotle 73, 151 art 70-77 artist 70-75, 78, 150 ascertain 11, 26, 39, 49, 134, 177178 atom 16-17, 29, 173 atomists 21, 172 attitudes 10, 117 axiom 50- 69

B banking 10, 139, 189, behavior 10, 16, 32, 92, 111, 135 being 9-10, 13-16, 20-21, 23, 26, 28, 30-32, 35, 37, 39-41, 44-45, 47-49, 60, 71, 74, 76, 78-80, 8384, 86-90, 92, 97, 106-107, 109111, 113, 115, 117, 120, 126, 130-131, 138, 143-146, 150, 155,


162-164, 168-170, 172, 177-178, 182-185, 187-189, 192 Belgrade 42-43, 89, 195 big business 10 birth 35, 42, 48-49, 82-83, 85, 87, 91, 106, 113, 135, 152, 182-183 boldness 97, 100 brain 17, 20-21, 39-41, 119, 174, 185 brainwashing 10, 38, 90, 101, 107, 119, 149 bribery 123, 161-162, 187-188

C capitalism 131, 153-154, 158-159, 161, 166-167 change 14-17, 19-20, 30, 41, 44, 4749, 51-52, 57, 59, 74, 81, 121, 133-134, 145-146, 148, 151, 156, 164, 172-174, 176, 178-182, 184185 characteristics 17, 27, 49, 78, 154, 161, 172, 178 children 10, 26-28, 33, 37, 71, 7881, 83-86, 88, 90, 98-104, 110111, 113-115, 119-121, 124-129, 136, 142-143, 145, 149-150, 152160, 166, 168, 187-188 civilization 1, 9, 28, 42, 72, 78, 8586, 88, 90, 97-98, 105, 107-108, 110, 112-113, 117, 120-121, 123124, 126, 138, 141, 144, 164,

Dragan Glavasic 170, 190-191, 195 cognitive 9, 14-16, 18-19, 21-23, 37, 40, 43, 45, 47, 98, 100-101, 106-107, 117, 119, 122, 172, 178 Communism/communism 99, 136, 150, 153-154, 158-159, 161, 166167 computers 22, 35-37, 46, 100 concept 13-16, 19-22, 39-41, 43-45, 70, 73, 93, 100, 118, 130, 137, 154, 172-180, 183, 191 consciousness 14, 20-21, 33, 40-43, 46, 74, 111, 137, 164, 166-167, 169-170, 181, 185 contradiction 47, 65, 172 corruption 10, 34-36, 107, 123, 131132, 148, 154, 161-162, 168-170, 187 Cosmos 18, 21, 29, 47, 75, 102, 146, 178, 180, 183, 185 craft 70-74 cronosmatics 52-61 criteria 187-192 culture 9, 72, 76-77, 86, 90, 93, 9798, 100, 108, 110, 120-124, 126, 137, 141, 155, 174, 190, 195

D death 1, 14, 16, 31, 37, 42, 45, 4749, 75, 90, 92, 95, 142, 154, 181183, 190 decadence 10, 76, 82, 114, 128, 143, 152, 154-155, 161, 194 defenders of the Realm 101 definition 13-14, 16, 50-69, 74, 150, 172, 179-180, 187 democracy 34, 100, 118, 125, 138140, 145, 151, 157-158, 171 Democritus 21, 73 Descartes 73, 174, 182 Descartes’ vortex theory 174 determinism 44-46, 183

deviant 10, 29, 32-33, 71, 75-76, 79, 82, 84-90, 93, 95, 100-101, 107, 109, 114-116, 119, 128, 130, 132-133, 137-138, 140, 143-145, 150-151, 154, 158, 187-192 dictatorship 34-35, 72 discrimination 98, 123, 143 DNA 25-27, 30, 36, 80, 173 dragon 21, 98, 105, 174, 184

E Earth 24, 29-30, 51, 59-60, 93-94 Eastern Europe 125, 128-129, 134, 151, 158 economy 10, 18, 86, 90, 111, 126127 education 10, 19, 34, 74, 82, 86, 88, 90, 94, 97, 103, 107, 117, 119, 123, 125, 128, 135, 139, 146, 151, 153, 162, 168, 189 empty space 172-174 entertainment 10, 19, 34, 70, 76, 8182, 86, 90, 97, 107, 117, 119, 123, 128, 135-137, 139, 145, 151, 188-189, 191 entity/entities 13, 15, 20-22, 24-26, 28-31, 35, 39-43, 47, 49, 76, 7982, 101, 119, 148, 173-175, 177185 environment 26, 30-31, 47, 81, 110 Epicurus 21, 73 epistemology 16, 100, eternity 1, 9, 20, 14, 16, 47-49, 177180, 183, 185 ethics 16, 18, 99-100 Europe/European 14-15, 45, 76, 95, 105, 108, 110-112, 125-126, 128129, 134, 143, 151, 155, 157158, 195 evolution 24-25, 27, 31-32, 36-37, 78, 131 existence 1, 9, 13-14, 16, 18, 22, 25-


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon 27, 29, 32, 35, 40-43, 48-49, 60, 92-93, 142, 172-185

F female 78-80, 82-85, 87-89, 91, 99101, 104, 111, 124, 132, 136, 149, 188 feudalism 131, 167 freedom 15, 18, 125 free will 1, 44-46 fundamental rule, the 27-28, 47

G genes 28, 80-81, 84, 98, 103, 163 genocide 10, 33, 77, 79, 82, 86-90, 95, 97, 113, 123, 132, 138, 144, 149, 155 geometry 16, 50, 56-57, 59, 100 Germany (Germans) 136, 143-144, 151, 154, 161-162 Glavasic 2, 89, 176, 195, 206 Glorians 100, 122, 129, 143, 155156 grand design 24, 87

H higher men, the 35, 163-164 horizon 11 hourglass 51, 57-58 humans 14, 26, 29, 35-36, 44, 46, 48, 81, 92, 98-99, 102-103, 111, 120, 162-164, 171, 177, 181

ideology 104, 113, 117, 120, 123, 135, 138, 144, 148, 151, 153 immaterial entities 20 immortality 1, 23, 44, 47-48, 177178 immortality argument 47-49, 93 indoctrination 155, 161, 171 infinity/infinite 9, 47-48, 52-53, 55, 60, 177-178, 183 injustice 1, 9-10, 33, 88, 128, 136, 143-144, 148, 155, 158, 160-161, 194 innate propensity 87, 120 insidious state 132, 135, 148 intellect 13, 27, 29, 31, 37, 39-40, 79, 82, 101-102, 119, 163-164, 189 intellectual revolution 8, 10, 33, 115, 123, 125, 146, 156, 160, 164, 171, 186, 193-194 intellectual revolution decree 11 intellectuals 71, 74, 102, 122, 124, 129, 135, 140, 150, 152, 171, 190 intelligentsia 171 Internet, the 4, 195 irrational 15, 42, 45, 49, 72, 83, 9296, 120, 124, 141

J judicial system 10, 34, 113, 132, 135, 151, 158, 189 justice/injustice 9-10, 33, 88, 128, 132, 136, 143-144, 146-148, 154155, 157-158, 160-161, 194

I idealism 20-23, 39-40, 42, 44-46, 100 ideal society 1, 36, 110, 123, 130, 148, 163-171, 186, 188-190, 192193 ideal state 35, 131, 135, 146-148, 163-171


K L law 27, 80-81, 95, 126, 162, 180, 193 life 14, 16, 18, 24-32, 36-37, 41, 45, 47-49, 51, 72, 75, 79-83, 88, 92-

Dragan Glavasic 93, 100-103, 114, 119, 128, 131132, 134, 138, 143-144, 146, 149, 153, 157-159, 162-163, 166, 181-183, 187-189 logic 17, 72, 106-107, 120 Lucretius 21, 73

M male 80, 83-84, 104 man/men 10, 28-29, 31, 35-36, 45, 71, 78-79, 82-85, 87-91, 94, 98101, 104, 106-108, 113, 115, 119-120, 123-124, 129-130, 133134, 138-140, 143, 145-146, 153, 151-152, 157, 163-164, 167-168, 170, 188-190 manipulation 155, 161 masochism 78, 149 materialism 20-23, 39-40, 42, 4446, 100 mathematics 15-18, 50-69, 74, 177, 193, 195 matter 14-17, 20-21, 27-28, 39-41, 45, 47-48, 172-176, 183-185 mass media 10, 19, 34, 70-71, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 97, 102-103, 106108, 111, 113, 117-119, 122-123, 128, 135-136, 139-142, 144-145, 149, 151-152, 158-159, 161, 188190 master morality 36, 154, 161 metaphysics 1, 16, 18, 100, 179-185 mind 16-17, 20-23, 27, 39-43, 47, 50, 78, 92, 105, 124, 135, 137, 140, 167, 170-171, 173-176, 178, 180-181, 185, 190 molecule 16-17, 26-27, 29-30, 93 monopoly 10, 97, 107-108, 135 morality 14, 36, 78, 154, 161, 167, 192 motion 20-21, 185

N natural selection 29-31, 34, 36 nature 14, 18, 27-29, 31-32, 36-37, 39, 46, 70, 78-85, 87-91, 95, 100101, 104, 106, 120, 128, 131, 145-146, 162-163, 180, 184, 190 Nazis (Nazism) 99, 107, 122, 144, 151, 154, 161, 190 negative selection 34, 122, 163, 187-189 Newton 27, 73 Nietzsche 35, 72, 74, 81, 93, 118, 162, 167, 170, 190 nimoid 76, 82, 105, 109, 113-115, 119, 123-124, 127-128, 133, 138, 140, 155-156, 170, 188-189 non-existence 114, 172, 179, 182, 184

O Odin 94 ontology 16, 100 Overman 31, 34-38, 81, 111, 118, 123, 147, 162-164, 166, 169, 171, 186, 193

P parasites/parasitic 33, 38, 81-82, 95, 105, 108-112, 114, 117, 121, 125, 130, 132, 135, 142, 146, 149, 166, 169-171 people 13-14, 19, 35, 41, 48, 72, 77, 81, 85-86, 93-94, 96-97, 99, 102, 105, 107, 110-111, 113-115, 118120, 122-124, 126-131, 134-144, 146, 148, 150-158, 162-165, 167, 169-171, 173-174 Perun 94 perversion 33, 76, 78-79, 81, 100101, 113-114, 128, 154-155, 158, 161, 194 perverted state 148, 168


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon perverts 10, 33, 37, 78, 82, 88-90, 101, 113-114, 119, 124-125, 130, 132, 140, 142, 145, 150, 160, 166, 169, 188-190 Plato 22, 35, 45, 72-74, 93, 130131, 148, 151-152, 161, 163, 166-167, 169-170, 190 Plato’s principle 148, 166-167, 170 phenomenon 13, 26, 106, 175-176, 178 philosophers 9, 71-76, 93, 98, 107, 117-118, 124, 148, 150-152, 166167, 169, 175, 189-191 philosophy 1, 2, 9-10, 13, 15-18, 22, 39, 42, 50, 72-74, 78, 86, 93, 106-107, 134, 148, 151, 174, 178, 186, 191, 195 philosophy of mind 16, 39-43 philosophy of power 134-147 philosophy of science 13-19 philosophy of sex 78-91 physical world 22 physics 15-19, 27, 31, 50, 74, 106, 174 political philosophy 16 politics 10, 17-18, 86, 90, 107, 117, 135, 139, 188, 189-191 positive selection 163-164, Precambrian 30 prime objective 13-14, 23, 47, 71, 101, 180, 185 proof 14-15, 27, 37, 42, 45, 50-69, 88, 94, 105-106, 111, 128, 151, 155, 172, 182, 191 propaganda 9, 19, 34, 70, 97-108, 111, 119, 130, 137 public opinion 10, 117

Q R race 9, 18, 28-29, 32-33, 45, 76-78,


81-83, 85-86, 88-91, 94, 98-116, 119, 121-125, 127-128, 130, 137141, 143, 150, 155-156, 164, 170-171, 174, 188, 190 racism 106 railmatics 62-69 reality 1, 9-10, 13-23, 26-29, 35-36, 39-47, 49-51, 71, 75, 79, 83, 8990, 92-93, 101, 106, 119, 132, 144-145, 152, 172, 174-185 Realm 28-30, 35-36, 75, 101, 156, 158, 171, 192 reason 9-10, 13, 26, 29, 32, 41-42, 49, 91, 94, 102, 107, 111, 113, 115, 117, 120-122, 125, 131-132, 134, 148-149, 160, 164, 181-183, 185, 188 religion 15, 33, 45, 47-49, 82, 90, 92-96, 110, 117, 120, 124, 164, 180 repression 9, 34, 149 revolution 8, 19, 31, 33, 36, 115, 123, 125, 146, 148-164, 166-167, 171, 186, 193, 194 rich (powerful) 34-35, 75-76, 82, 90, 101-102, 109, 119, 123, 125126, 128-129, 132-135, 139-143, 146, 148, 151-153, 155, 157-161, 166, 171, 187-189 Russia (Russians) 4, 145, 151

S science 1, 9, 13-19, 27, 36, 45, 49, 72, 74, 86, 92-93, 95-96, 99-100, 102, 124, 164, 174, 191, 195 scientific principle, the 14-15, 95 scimatics 50-69 self 9, 15, 20-22, 25, 28-31, 35, 3943, 45, 50-51, 71-72, 74, 78-79, 84, 101, 119-120, 125, 131-132, 144, 148, 162, 169-170, 172-173, 175, 178-179, 181, 183, 185

Dragan Glavasic self-destruct 10, 31, 79, 90, 99, 138, 144-145, 149 self-interest 10, 34-35, 120, 141142, 151 self-preservation principle, the 9, 27-28, 79-80, 85, 180 Serbia 76, 125-129, 136, 148, 155156 Serbs 126-127, 132, 155-157, 160, 195 set theory 16, 50 sex 78-91, 97-99, 104, 113, 115, 132, 143, 187-188 society 9-10, 14, 16, 29, 33-36, 7576, 78-79, 82, 84-93, 98-102, 104-105, 107, 109-111, 114-115, 117-133, 135-138, 146, 148-153, 156-150, 162-171, 186-193, 195 space 1, 14, 16, 24, 36-37, 41, 96, 100, 122, 172-176, 183, 195 subhumans 38, 82, 88-89, 92, 111, 114, 171 substance 14, 26, 27, 47, 173, 175, 183-185 superstitions 45, 49, 72, 92-96, 105, 120, 124, 164 survival 24-26, 29, 39, 78-79, 87, 89, 91, 100, 104, 114, 120-121, 134, 138, 140, 150, 163-164, 186 system 10, 31, 34-35, 46, 50-51, 59, 80, 82, 88, 102-103, 109, 113, 130-133, 135, 138, 140-143, 146, 148-152, 154-158, 160, 166, 170171, 189

T theorem 50-69 theory of repeating patterns, the 131 thought 10, 20-22, 78, 83, 86, 94, 107, 146, 167, 174, 176-178, 182, 185, 190 time 1, 10, 14, 17, 24-25, 27, 29-30,

33-34, 36, 40-44, 48, 52-53, 55, 58, 64, 65, 67-68, 74-75, 84, 8889, 93-95, 99, 101-102, 104, 107, 110, 113,119, 121-123, 131, 133134, 138, 142-144, 149, 155, 157, 160, 168 172-176, 178, 182185, 189, 193, 195 truth 14-16, 22, 49, 71-74, 93, 9597, 99, 107-108, 119, 132, 149, 151-152, 158, 179

U ulterior motives 134 ultimate reality 1, 3, 16, 23, 46, 49, 75, 101, 178-185 ultrafilters 2, 16, 50 unite and organize 32, 144, 160161, 193 universe 1, 9, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27-31, 35-37, 41-42, 44, 46-48, 75, 79, 89, 100-101, 104, 119-120, 122, 130, 140-141, 145-146, 163, 172, 177-178, 183, 185 USA 76, 105, 110, 119, 121-123, 125, 128-130, 134, 136, 140-141, 155-156, 158, 162, 170, 195

V vacuum 172-174 void 172-173

W wealth (wealthy) 10, 82, 89, 109110, 115, 119-121, 126, 132-143, 146, 151, 158, 166, 171, 189 wealth distribution 10, 189 white plague 1, 33, 85, 87, 88, 113116 white race 81, 85-88, 98, 100, 104105, 107, 109-110, 113-114, 119, 21-129, 136, 138-140, 143, 155157, 164, 188


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon wisdom 9, 78, 106, 184 world 1, 4, 6, 15, 22, 24, 26, 30, 32, 36, 50-51, 87-89, 93-94, 99, 105, 108, 110, 113, 116, 121, 123, 125-127, 129, 132, 134-136, 138, 140-144, 145-146, 148-149, 152156, 171, 177-178, 187-189, 190191, 194


X Y Yugoslavia 4, 135, 153, 161-162

Z Zeus 94

Dragan Glavasic

CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 165 GLAVAŠIĆ, Dragan Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon : fragments of the ultimate reality : intellectual revolution decree / by Dragan Glavasic. – 1st ed. – Belgrade : Tajd : Odin & Thor, 2008 (Belgrade : Odin & Thor e-Press). – 206 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm Tiraž 2.000. – About the Author: str. 195. – Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. – Registar. ISBN 978-86-904797-7-1 (Tajd) a) Teorija saznanja COBISS.SR-ID 148559116


Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon

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Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon ~ Fragments of the Ultimate Reality ~ ~ Intellectual Revolution Decree ~ by Dragan Glavasic could be ordered by calling the phone numbers (381-64) 121-4412 (381-61) 155-4205 [also for information, donations and/or activism] country code: 381 area codes: 64 or 61 numbers: 121-4412 or 155-4205 *


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