Articulos Y Bibliografia

  • May 2020
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ARTICULOS Y BIBLIOGRAFIA 1 Bilingualism and multilingualism are a common occurrence in today's world. Many bilinguals (speakers of two languages) and multilingual or polyglots (speakers of more than two languages) in multilingual population centers receive speech therapy for acquired language problems or aphasia as a result of neurological damage. Serving these bilingual and multilingual aphasic patients involves theoretical and clinical challenges for speech therapists. This article proposes a multidisciplinary framework as a strategy to overcome such difficulties. Particularly, the proponed approach, guided by the possible interactions among culture, cognition, and language in adult bilinguals, draws from various disciplines, such as sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and ethno psychology, to formulate procedures that would increase diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic effectiveness with bilingual and multilingual aphasic patients. Because aphasia is considered a social rather than a

Centeno, J. G. (2009). Serving bilingual patients with aphasia: challenges, foundations, and procedures. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia , 3037p. 2 This study intends to analyze the various academic goals and their predictive power of the academic achievement in five different school subjects of Spanish core curriculum. In order to assess this, the Questionnaire of Academic Goals has been applied to a large sample of adolescents attending the four grade level years of Spanish Secondary Education (12 to 16 years). Data suggest that achievement is, firstly, explained, positive and significantly, by students' wish of acquiring competence and control as well as of obtaining a good future job and, secondly, negatively, by reasons strongly related to the preservation of one's self-esteem. Some implications of this data to learning are discussed. ()

Valle, A. J.-P. (2008). Academic goals as predictors of achievement in different school subjects. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología , p111-122. 3 This article features an activity long since commonly quoted by professors and students alike at the beginning of courses in the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM, for its acronym in Spanish), the Previous Knowledge Profile Test. Among many aspects such action has had, the importance granted to interdisciplinary holds outstanding grounds. This remarkable meta-cognitive variable, in urgent need of studies and research as well as high solvency and qualification, undoubtedly provides the best contributions to the quantityquality intricacy of knowledge. The solution of the most important pedagogical work problems for the coming years greatly depends on its impact and development, being the objective to obtain a more human, useful and responsible knowledge at the university. ()

Gómez Carmen Oñate Ripoll, M. B. (2009). Interdisciplinarity Prior Learning. Revista Electronica de Investigación Educativa , 2-16.

4 The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Sport Climate Questionnaire (S-SCQ) (SDT, Sport Climate Questionnaire, n.d.) were determined from a sample of 301 Spanish high-level competitive athletes (171 men and 130 women) from the Community of Valencia. The S-SCQ assesses athletes perceptions of coach-provided autonomy support. The assumed unidimensional structure of both the long and short versions of the instrument was supported. Both versions also exhibited high reliability (internal consistency). Support for the convergent validity of the scale(s) was also obtained as the measure of coach autonomy support significantly related to the different types of motivation regulations (as assessed via the Sport Motivation Scale; Pelletier et al., 1995), in accordance with theoretical predictions.() “. Balaguer, I. ,. (2009). ANÁLISIS DE LAS PROPIEDADES PSICOMÉTRICAS DE LA VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA DEL CUESTIONARIO DE CLIMA EN EL DEPORTE. (Spanish). Revista de Psicología del Deporte; , Vol. 18 Issue 1, p73-83, 11p,. 5 Individuals bring knowledge, implicit theories, and goal orientations to group meetings. Group decisions arise out of the exchange of these orientations. This research explores how a trainee's exploratory and deliberate process (an incremental theory and learning goal orientation) impacts the effectiveness of individual and group decision-making processes. The effectiveness of this training program is compared with another program that included error affect inoculation (EAI). Subjects were 40 Spanish Policemen in a training course. They were distributed in two training conditions for an individual and group decision-making task. In one condition, individuals received the Self-Guided Exploration plus Deliberation Process instructions, which emphasised exploring the options and testing hypotheses. In the other condition, individuals also received instructions based on Error Affect Inoculation (EAI), which emphasised positive affective reactions to errors and mistakes when making decisions. Results show that the quality of decisions increases when the groups share their reasoning. The AlE intervention promotes sharing information, flexibilizing initial viewpoints, and improving the quality of group decisions. Implications and future directions are discussed.(tabernero may 2009)

Tabernero, C. R. (May2009,). Error affect inoculation for a complex decisionmaking task. Psicothema , Vol. 21 Issue 2, p183-190, 8p. 6 This paper analyses a systemic model for education from the perspective of evaluation as related to criteria of value and merit integrated in a specific concept of quality defined in an operative way. Based on this model, the setting of criteria of educational quality are justified and legitimized in their basic dimensions (functionality, effectiveness and efficiency) proceeding from rules and relevant and useful indicators for evaluation in education. After offering clarification about the concept of evaluation and its critical function as an instrument to optimize artificial social systems, the logical model of quality education is

presented, as a systemic model and conditions are considered for the derivation of indicators.()”.

de la Orden, A. (2009 Issue). Evaluación y calidad: análisis de un modelo. (Spanish). Estudios Sobre Educacion , 16, p17-36, 20p.

7 Some critics have commented that online courses may discourage teacher–student interaction, which is considered by teachers and researchers as an important element in language learning. A total of 60 associate degree students who attended an online English course in Hong Kong responded to a questionnaire asking them about their effort and interest in learning English, their anxiety about computer applications, their self‐monitoring capability, their interactions with the teacher and their peers and their competence in English. Analysis of variance results showed that those students who perceived themselves as more competent had more favorable perceptions of their interaction with the teacher than did those who were less competent, but for all other variables the two groups did not differ. The findings imply that online language learning does not necessarily diminish interaction. Instead, the level of interaction may depend on the learners’ sense of competence in the target language.()

Ng, C. A. (2006). Does online language learning diminish interaction between student and teacher? Educational Media International , p219-232. 8 “

In this article, we intend to set out the results of a study on how humor is received in a locally produced situation comedy. Through this work, we have been trying to understand what social and cultural representations would be recognized by the audience in the show as accurate reflections of themselves and their cultural and social context, as well as which they would reject. In order to carry out this analysis we have used qualitative methodology, intending, through discussion groups, to understand the consumption of humors in a sitcom produced by a television station serving the autonomous region of Catalonia. This article revalidates the idea that humors is determined socially and culturally, knowledge which allows us to identify the philias and phobias which the subjects expressed with regards to humors in sitcoms. We outline the fundamental role that humors plays as a device that generates, invigorates, reinforces and/or discards elements associated with identity. Humor is used to create social connections as well as social divisions, becoming a kind of cultural mediator that generates suggestions for meaning. Our final aim is to encourage further research, within the communications area, which would have as its object the consumption, use and appropriation of the humors present in media content.()”.

GARCÍA, L. M. (jun2009). La contribución del humor, de la comedia de situación a la identidad cultural catalana. (Spanish). Comunicacion y Sociedad , Vol. 22 Issue 1, p223-241, 19p.


The article is framed in the interest to study the "seeking for help" behaviors in web based learning. Although such behaviors have been studied in traditional courses, recently is appraised an incipient interest by their analysis in virtual environments because probably the environment characteristics and conditions may affect the help seeking process. The paper intention is to analyze the relationship between intrinsic goal orientation, selfefficiency and their incidence on help seeking behaviors. 67 college students participated in the study who attended a subject with traditional and virtual instances. The data were collected by means of a self report questionnaire, especially taking into account the scales referred to intrinsic goals orientation, self-efficiency and seeking help. The results are in the sense of those found in previous studies on the subject, showing a greater disposition to seeking help the students with a more marked intrinsic direction and self-efficacy perceptions.()”.

Chiecher, A. (Apr2009). Búsqueda de ayuda en ambientes virtuales Relaciones con la Orientación hacia el Aprendizaje y la Autoeficacia percibida. Apertura: Revista de Innovación Educativa , Issue 10, p78-89, 12p.

10 Because the process of the "aging of the aged", the level of dependency of the elderly raising significantly.. This is due in part, to the fact that they suffer everyday more from physical and psychological problems that require the taking care and attention of others. Although it is good for the mental and physical health of the elderly individuals to live in their own home, even with some help from outside, there are older persons that because of their high level of functional dependency have to live in a geriatric home. The cause of it is because they suffer from some type of decency of the elderly people and sometimes because of the lack of economical resources and support. This paper is the description of the results of a research on the level of stress of the family member who takes care of the aged person and also the conclusions of another work related to the life quality in the geriatric institutions. ()

Rodríguez Feijóo, N. (2008). Longevity and psychological well-being. Perspectivas en Psicología: Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines , p107-110.

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