Art10 Journalassignments Level1

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
All journal assignments will be presented in your art sketchbook. All work produced in your sketchbook is in addition to regular class art assignments and allows you personal selection of media and approaches to a variety of topics related to your own interests. You will need to complete four journal assignments (20 points each) which will be evaluated throughout the semester. The due dates for the first assignment will be September 28th, the second October 26th, the third November 23rd, and the fourth December 21st. If you complete all four assignments, you may choose to continue to level 2. Level 2 assignments can be submitted for bonus marks. Please ask Miss Lapierre for the Level 2 handout. These assignments can be completed entirely at home or partly at school when you have free time. Read the assignment descriptions carefully and be sure to clarify any information that you do not understand.

ASSIGNMENT #1 – Memorable Moments What are the strongest memorable moments of your life? Important events you can remember which made an impact on the person you are today. Those events aren’t necessarily grandiose; they can be subtle and impacting at the same time. For this assignment there is an expectation that you be informative, show creativity, and visual interest. You may draw, add color, and add collage components. This artwork should span two of three pages. This piece is a story as well as art and should include written information (paragraphs, quotes, phrases) alongside the visual images. Some ideas include: influential people, a life-altering event, activities and interests, moments of embarrassment, times where you felt very proud, travels. Evaluation: Text (there are least 100 words included; some quotations are allowed)




Other media such as paper, ink, paint, etc.


Organization and layout

/5 Total


ASSIGNMENT #2 – Mighty Music Music has the power of eliciting strong emotions in us. These emotions can serve to create visual images as well. In this assignment you are being asked to choose a song whose lyrics and/or melody impacts you in some way. You will illustrate the song in a way that describes the feelings, emotions, thoughts and images it contains for you. You will need to include some text that conveys understanding as to why you chose to illustrate as you did.

Evaluation: Design elements are used to show emotion (colour, line, emphasis, space)


Images present a clear message


Other media such as paper, ink, paint, etc.


Textural information

/5 Total


ASSIGNMENT #3 – Superpower If you had one superpower, what would it be? Use words to describe in detail what the power would be, its limitations, what it could and could not be used for and hot it would affect others. Create an illustration or series of illustrations that relate to what you have written. You could even create a comic strip.

Evaluation: Images are clear, understandable and coincide with the written work


Text (written in paragraph form or in phrases) conveys the message


Other media such as paper, ink, paint, etc.


Degree of detail in images

/5 Total


ASSIGNMENT #4 – Me as an Animal Imagine yourself as an animal. What animal would it be? Do you feel a connection to some kind of animal? Are there aspects about the anima that you like? In North American Native spirituality, the animal is vital to the culture. The people believe that animals spirits are connected to humans in powerful ways. To better understand an animal, research its habits to see how its characteristics apply to you as an individual. Find images of the animal and include those images somehow in your selfportrait as the animal. The representation of yourself doesn’t have to be an exact replica but do your best! Perhaps you see yourself as two animals. If this is the case, you may need to “morph” yourself into tow animals. The point is to consider aspects of your physical appearance and beyond your appearance and to imagine what it would be like to take on another persona.

Evaluation: Written description of the animal qualities that are embodied


Copies of examples of the animal studied, evidence of research


Drawn or painted images


Level of detail Total

/5 /20

ASSIGNMENT #5 – Contemporary Artist Research Choose a contemporary artist. Look online. Select an artist whose visual style appeals to you. Print 3-4 examples of his or her artwork. Try to print in color if possible. Tell about the artists (brief biography) and why you chose this artist. You will need to include specific information such as: theme, style, political or issues related to the artworks. Make the layout visually appealing. Evaluation: Written information




Clear images Total

/5 /20

ASSIGNMENT #6 – Mandala for Peace Draw or paint a mandala for world peace. The mandala, a circular symbol, has been held sacred from ancient times. Common interpretations of the symbolism of the circle are: immortality, eternity, unity and wholeness. Mandalas can be made using symbols for things in our lives we want to heal or manifest. Think about something recent in the news or in your own life that relates to discord or unrest around people or cultural groups. What are your feelings associated with it? Now, sit quietly, listen to some music and imagine the situation in a peaceful way. What images come to mind? Write them down. Are there colours associated with your images? While you’re working, think about the symbols you may want to use Think of a mantra (positive words) that describes your idea of peace (eg. “peace on earth”) Start with a circle. Draw or trace a large circle onto the paper. Record your thoughts on the outside of the circle. Repeat your mantra to yourself as you draw the image. Every positive thought about the situation makes a big difference.

Evaluation: Mantra


Use of symbols


Written description


Design aspects (colour, shape, texture)

/5 Total


ASSIGNMENT #7 – Complements of Colour Free Assignment using a complementary colour scheme of two colours opposite each other on the colour wheel (colored pencils, pastes, markers or crayons). One example could be a drawing with only different shades of yellow and purple. Subject matter is your choice. Some ideas include: an animal, a person, a landscape, a still life etc.

Evaluation: Use of complementary colour scheme (including blending to create tone)





/5 Total


ASSIGNMENT #8 – Glassy and Glossy Surfaces with smooth, shiny texture are interesting to draw and paint because of the reflections that are created. Set up a still life of shiny objects If possible, shine a light on the objects. You could place the objects on a mirror and draw the reflected images as well. You may see other images reflected into the objects. Make sure you draw that. Remember to paint what you see rather than what you think is there, even if what you see is a strange, abstract shape. Add color mixing tints and shades. You could use paint, ink, pencil crayon or pastels to complete this project. **The colors do not need to be realistic to the object rendered. Evaluation: Details (Evidence of reflection and glassy quality)


Use of colour


Design elements (proportion, detail)

/5 Total


ASSIGNMENT #9 – Creativity and the Written Word A Book a verse or a quotation can often become the catalyst to spark creative imagination. Stories told during childhood evoke a sense of mystery and magic. Recall how after listening to or reading a story, you were transported to faraway places, inspired and uninhibited. What inspires you now? Pay homage to the writers you love. Include the words of a famous quote, lyric, or passage from a book and create a painting or drawing in your journal. Incorporate images of objects to help you tell the story of the quote. Evaluation: Text (Included within the composition) Images create a clear message Other media such as paper, ink, paint, etc. Design elements included (space, form, texture) Total

/5 /5 /5 /5 /20

ASSIGNMENT #10 - Lest we Forget Poster Contest Remembrance is an important part of Canada’s identity. Pay homage to our military history by highlighting the tradition of Remembrance in a work of art. Subjects to consider: important Canadian symbols, remembrance stories and poems, Canada’s history. You may choose to submit your work to the Royal Canadian Legion's Annual Poster Contests. Winning entries are displayed at the Canadian War Museum. **Must be completed on a poster board with planning in your sketchbook. Evaluation: Images create a clear message Level of Detail Composition Total

/10 /5 /5 /20

**Please note: If you choose to do this assignment you must complete it during the first two due dates.

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