
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,199
  • Pages: 21
Array in C# Single Dimension Array //20 elements integer array a[0] to a[19] int[] a = new int[20]; //3 elements integer g array y a[0] [ ] is 1,, a[1] [ ] is 5 and a[2] [ ] is 9 (without ( new)) int [] a = {1,5,9}; 12 //3 elements integer array initialized with 0 0,1,2 int [] a = new int[3] {0, 1, 2}; //5 elements string array initialized with names string[] s = new string[5] {"Mohit", "Pankaj", "Deepak", "Raj", "Amit"}; };

Multi Dimension Array int[,] a = new int[3, 2]; // array elements will be a[0,0], a[0,1], a[1,0], a[1,1], a[2,0], a[2,1] // initialized with values int[,] a = new int[3, 2] { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} }; string[,] names = new string[2, 2]; string[ ] names = new string[2, string[,] string[2 2] { {" { Mohit Mohit", "Pankaj Pankaj "}}, {{" Raj Raj", "Amit Amit "}} }; //without specifying no. of elements int[ ] numbers = new int[ int[,] int[,]] { {1 {1, 2} 2}, {3 {3, 4} 4}, {5 {5, 6} }; string[,] names = new string[,] { {" Mohit", "Pankaj "}, {" Raj", "Amit "} }; //without new int[,] numbers = { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} }; string[,] siblings = { {" Mohit", "Pankaj "}, {" Raj", "Amit "} };

Jagged Arrays( array of arrays )

Int [][] n = new int[5][]; int[][] n = new int[][] { new int[] {1,3,5}, new int[] {2,4,6,8,10} };

Jagged Arrays( array of arrays ) int[ ][ ] a = new int[5][ ]; a[0] = new int[5]; a[1] = new int[3]; a[2] = new int[4]; a[3] [ ] = new int[2]; [ ]; a[4] = new int[6]; 1










Jagged Arrays( array of arrays ) int[ ][ ] a = new int[5][ ]; a[0] = new int[5]; a[1] = new int[3]; a[2] = new int[4];


a[3] [ ] = new int[2]; [ ]; a[4] = new int[6]; 1












Jagged Arrays( array of arrays ) int[ ][ ] a = new int[5][ ]; a[0] = new int[5]; a[1] = new int[3]; a[2] = new int[4]; a[3] [ ] = new int[2]; [ ]; a[4] = new int[6]; 1











Array Class Array Class Array names = Array.CreateInstance( typeof(String), 2, 4 ); Properties of Array Class a.Length // total number of elements (Lets a is array of integers) a.Rank // Dimension or rank of array a.IsReadOnly // return true if array is read only else false Methods et ods of o Array ay Class C ass Array.Sort(a) // sort array ; Array.Sort(a,0,5) // sort array ; sort only 0 to 5th element of Array Array Reverse(a) //Reverse array a Array.Reverse(a) a.GetUpperBound // Gets the upper bound of the specified dimension in the Array. Int r = Array.BinarySearch(a, 1); // Search 1 in array a and return its position –1 if not found

ArrayList Class Namespace System.Collections; ArrayList can contain items of multiple type and has dynamic size ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); Properties of Array Class al. Count // total number of elements (Lets a is array of integers) al.Capacity // Gets or sets the number of elements al.IsReadOnly // return true if array is read only else false Methods of Array Class al.Add(1001) al Add(“Rahul”) al.Add( Rahul ) al.Sort(); al.IndexOf(Object a); al RemoveAt(int a); al.RemoveAt(int

ArrayList Class y Example of ArrayList using System; using System.Collections; class Test { public static void Main() { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); int i; for(i=0; i<5; i++) al Add(i); al.Add(i); al.Add("Hello"); foreach (object o in al) Console.WriteLine(o.ToString()); C l W it Li ( T St i ()) } }

ArrayList Class y Example of ArrayList using System; using System.Collections; class Test { public static void Main() { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); int i; for(i=0; i<5; i++) al Add(i); al.Add(i); al.Add("Hello"); foreach (object o in al) Console.WriteLine(o.ToString()); C l W it Li ( T St i ()) } }

foreach Loop p Used for Arrays or Collection Objects foreach(VariableType a in ArrarName) { ….Code… }  Example: int marks = new int[5]{9,6,2,0,3}; foreach (int i in marks) foreach (int i in marks) { Console.WriteLine(i); }

foreach Loop p int m = new int[5]{9,6,2,0,3}; foreach (int i in marks) { Console.WriteLine(i); ( ); }

i is read only

i m






i will have value of m[4] m[0] ii.e. m[1] m[2] m[3] e 3 9 6 2 0 Console.WriteLine(i); ()

Functions [ [Access modifier]] [[Static/NonStatic]] ReturnType yp FunctionName(Arg1Type Arg1Name, Arg2Type Arg2Name…..)

Examples public static void PrintEmpInfo(int EmpID); private string GetEmpName(int EmpID);

Functions using System; class Test { public static void Main { Console WriteLine(“Hello!”); Console.WriteLine( Hello! ); } public static void Abc { Console.WriteLine(“How are You?”); } private static void Xyz { private static void Xyz { Console.WriteLine(“Okey, Bye!”); } }

Functions using System; using System; class Test { public static void Main { Console WriteLine(“Hello!”); Console.WriteLine( Hello! ); Abc(); } public static void Abc { Console.WriteLine(“How are You?”); } p y { private static void Xyz { Console.WriteLine(“Okey, Bye!”); } }

Functions using System; class Test { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(“Hello!”); ( ) Abc(); } public static void Abc() { Console.WriteLine(“How are You?”); int a = Max(7 3); int a = Max(7,3); } private static int Max(int a,int b) { i t t ti i t M (i t i t b) { if(a>b) return a; else return b; } }

Lets Have some Fun

Write a Program which can tell you your future


Add all the digits of Date of Birth and predict on the basis of DigitSum (Lucky Number) For Example DOB =12/18/1978 DigitSum = 1 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 1+ 9 + 7 + 8 = 37

=> 3 + 7 = 10 => 1+0 => 1

Predict what is the future of people having Numero 1

class zzz { public bli static t ti void id Main() M i () { DateTime Dob; Dob = DateTime.Parse(“12/18/1978”); int a,b,c,d; a = Dob.Day/10 D b D /10 + D Dob.Day%10; b D %10 b = Dob.Month/10 + Dob.Month%10; c = Dob.Year/100; d = Dob.Year%100; c = c/10 /10 + c%10; %10 d = d/10 + d%10; digitSum = a + b + c + d; digitSum = digitSum/10 + digitSum%10; di itS digitSum = digitSum/10 di itS /10 + digitSum%10; di itS %10 switch(digitSum) { case 1: p="You are a Intelligent Person"; break; 2 p="You "Y llook k lik " b k case 2: like a G Greatt P Person"; break; case 3: p="You are skeptic about most of the things"; break; case 4: p="You are an emotional person"; break; case 5: p="You are Creative and Innovative"; break; case 6: 6 p="You "Y are a wonderful d f l thinker"; thi k " break; b k case 7: p="You are a true Beliver"; break; case 8: p="You are sincere and hardworkng"; break; case 9: p="You have skill of learning things fast"; break; defa lt p "Yo are from an " break; break default:p="You any other planet "; } }

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