Archon - Teaser

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Archon: The New Age Year 21XX

Archon Novus Aevum


Archon: The New Age Year 21XX

In the world today, technology has advanced to an extreme degree to that of our past technology; all beings travel almost entirely by flight, death by medical insufficiency is less than a three percent chance at best, overall intelligence of the human race has nearly doubled in the last century, and all life takes place a mile above the surface of earth. The development of land suspension was not a result of diligent research, but a desperate attempt to escape from the plague which now consumed the earth below; what scientists named the devil’s children, or the fiends. Nine years ago, in the year 21xx, Scientists began to develop a new form of radar that could detect forms of energy rather than heat or movement. Upon doing its first real test run, an unusually powerful surge of energy was discovered. At first, the scientists thought the energy was a bug, but upon testing once more they found that the energy surge was in fact a true surge, and came from 100 kilometers below the surface in what was thought to be a solid lithosphere. After much delegation with the world’s leaders, the scientists constructed a deep drill named ‘Honey Bee’ as their means to extract the ‘honey’ of the earth. Also in high debate, the ultimate conclusion of where the drill was to be set up in a remote location on the earth for a harvesting colony to prevent any potential backfires on the main lands. At last, the earth’s powers, Europa, United States, Japan, and the Chinese Alliance, commissioned the beginning of the harvest, setting the ‘Honey Bee’ in the center of the Republic of Congo. After two days, the first barrel of the new energy surfaced from the Honey Bee’s line. Research began immediately upon its arrival, the scientists doing test after test in hopes of being the first to discover the true potential of this new energy. After only a few hours, the new energy was measured and recalculated; by rough sketches, the scientists had calculated that the energy could supply power for entire cities for about a month in all forms of energy with only a liter of the liquid. The scientists were ecstatic about the discovery, already planning a way to integrate it into their energy systems at the compound. The best news yet of the day was that the projected amount of the liquid beneath the surface was more than 100,000 gallons. The humans believe they had just found their life-time warranty to all things involving energy, and to some extent that was true. Everyone knows there’s always a price to pay. Day Thirty seven of harvesting; a distress signal was sounded from the center of the harvesting colony, beginning at the gathering unit. Moments later, the lab sounded the alarm, followed by the gate guard soon after all in one chain reaction. Reinforcements from one of the nearby cities arrived fifteen minutes later, only to sound their distress signal as well. In one flurry of signals, the whole world was sent into confusion; what had caused all of this? Why did it begin in the center rather than the outside? The world leaders, scientists, and ambassadors went into a wild fury, blaming each other, trying to cause someone to come up and take the blame. However, a small group of scientists rose to demonstrate that, in fact, no human could have done it; being by the nature of the distress signals, and the difference in time that the new team of men arriving at the scene depicts that it was no bomb as some had presumed, and there was no mercenary team capable of such an attack, so undoubtedly, no human had done it. Even with evidence before them, the leaders did not hesitate to shut down the scientists in their claim of ‘outside forces’ imposing an attack. It was utter nonsense. 2|Page

Archon: The New Age Year 21XX

Day Thirty eight of harvesting; an investigation team was dispatched to the colony. All were expertly trained, and armed with the best of the world’s weaponry for such an occasion. As they neared the gates, the men began to whisper complaints to each other about how the air stank of death and decomposition as if a thousand bodies lie dead around them. Commander Barrows, leader of the investigation, was a master tactician, and as such, had his team spread out before arriving to the gates, to split up his twenty men into five toons of four. As they neared the gate, the men tried to spot the cause of the distress calls the day before. They did. As Commander Barrows and his three men neared another entrance, they peered into the colony to see horrific creatures stalking the grounds. They looked like deformed abominations, and appeared to be feeding on the dead bodies; it was a disgusting sight. As the men prepared to fire their guns, Barrows turned on his shoulder camera. Almost as soon as the camera turned on, a shriek more cringing than anything human pierced the air; the creatures knew they were there. At this point, the video that Barrows was recording was being fed live to the entire world, displayed for the human population to witness the greatest threat ever to arrive in history. The entire world watched in horror at the freakish creatures that walked ominously through the grounds, even crying in silence of the men who were about to die in the name of their country. Even their families watched, truly crying with the knowledge of their impending doom, even the commander’s only child watched. The young Ethan Barrows was only seven years of age since a few days ago, yet he understood what was happening on the television screen, or at least what it would mean for him; dad wasn’t coming home. As the boy watched the screen with his intense, non-emotional expression, the female teachers of his school came to him, trying to comfort him, make him feel better, though they did all the crying for him. In his mind he tried to justify things; he had no reason to cry right? His father was going to go down in history as a hero, the man who revealed the earth’s greatest threat; he had to be proud of his father. Not to mention, Ethan was now the carrier of the Barrows name, and his father’s legacy; this was no time for crying. The world had its eyes focused on every move that Commander Barrows and his team made, watching as a horrendous giant arose from a crater within the compound and busted down the front gate. For what seemed like only a few minutes, rapid gunfire and screams sang through the world, striking fear into the hearts of the whole world. The people watched as creatures died, and soldiers fell, and could only pray to whatever god they had for salvation from these creatures. Day one of new grounds; the energy gathered in the thirty-eight days of harvest has fueled the discovery of an abundance of new technologies; the application of archon energy to the blood stream supplies an adrenaline rush that allows a single human to exude strength to that of one-thousand percent of his or her original strength. In the medical field, archon energy can provide a stimulant to allow one to remain alive for an extended period during a heart or brain transplant, reducing the death rate to a mere two percent. However, these discoveries were pushed aside as the most crucial discovery was the ability to levitate large masses high above sea level. Almost immediately, the leaders of the global economy put this new technology into effect, issuing a global evacuation. With the main cities high above the earth, they had escaped the fangs of the beast, but it was still close behind. 3|Page

Archon: The New Age Year 21XX

Twenty-one days later marked the first day of the Alien Alliance. After discovering the energy signature surging from planet earth, a number of alien forces began their conquest on recovering or inheriting the earth in turn with the energy. To the luck of the human race, these conquerors of space and time were of a peaceful kind, coming to assist the very future of the people. They arrived by the millions with many still in tow; multiple races of sentient life, all willing to share their knowledge and adaptations with the peoples of earth. They were truly the next step of mankind. At the third annual Alien Alliance conference, the leaders announced the new age. Three years have passed since the forming of the Alien Alliance with the addition of the human race. Planet earth has become just one of the many colonies, another living space for the Alien Alliance. Across seven galaxies, over a hundred planets, fifty-six asteroids, and twenty-three moons have been colonized for living quarters for the forty-three races of sentient beings. September 15th had been forever marked as the day that the many races of the Alien Alliance banded together to create a single reigning government. On that day the many representatives and leaders came together to create the Galactic Federation in the name of all the colonies and races of the people. In all the excitement of the unveiling, the people of earth had forgotten the bloodscourged shadow that had loomed a mile beneath them on the surface world… Ethan hadn’t. He was the son of a hero, the heir to a true voice in the world, and within his young mind he had set himself on the idea of making a real difference in the world before him. However, those around him never really knew of his family history, where his birthplace really was. He and his father were not human inhabitants, but escapees from the planet Raikuhn, who crash landed on earth in an accidental miscalculation. The two were of the mighty Sohren race, warriors at heart. They were a very prideful race, yet, with the absence of any Sohren influence, the natural pride tends to diminish to nonexistence. Third year of the Galactic Federation, Ethan had grown up living with a relatively good friend of his father, Julian, who was well informed of Ethan and his father’s true blood and heritage, keeping it a secret from the world as well. Ethan has continued his studies, staying with the human curriculum, and yet after all was said and done; Ethan would return to his Sohren roots and train his body until he could barely move. Ethan was now a boy of sixteen years old, very social in the world around him, anxious to make the step into real societal debates, ever strong in withholding the secret in his blood, all the while entirely forgetting the manhood ritual of his people. The day that it took place was very soon, and without a doubt, Ethan was not ready.


Archon: The New Age Year 21XX


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