Ar-raheeq Al-makhtum - Edition 098

  • June 2020
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(ek;gpf;ifahsu;fNs! cq;fis vjpu;j;Jg; Nghu; GhpAk;) epuhfhpg;gtu;fis ePq;fs; re;jpg;gPu;fshapd;> (jaf;fkpd;wp) mtu;fSila fOj;Jfis ntl;Lq;fs;. mtu;fis Kwpabj;Jtpl;lhy;> (kpQ;rpatu;fisr; rpiw) gpbj;Jf; fl;Lq;fs; mjd; gpd;du;> mtu;fSf;Fg; gjpyhf ahnjhU (vjphpfs;) jk; MAjj;ijf; fPNo itf;Fk; tiuapy; (Nghu; nra;Aq;fs;.) ,J my;yh`;(tpd; fl;lis. mtd;) ehbapUe;jhy;> (mtu;fs; cq;fSld; Nghu; Ghpa tUtjw;F Kd;djhfNt) mtu;fisg; gop thq;fpapUg;ghd;. MapDk;> (Nghhpd; %yk;) cq;fspy; rpyiu> rpyiuf; nfhz;L Nrhjpf;fpd;whd;. MfNt> my;yh`;Tila ghijapy; vtu;fs; ntl;lg;gl;L (,we;J) tpLfpd;whu;fNsh> mtu;fSila ed;ikfis mtd; tPzhf;fp tpl khl;lhd;. (jf;f $ypiaNa nfhLg;ghd;.) mtu;fis Neuhd ghijapy; nrYj;jp mtu;fSila epiyikiaAk; rPu;gLj;jp tpLthd;. md;wp> mtd; mtu;fSf;F mtu;fisg; GFj;Jthd;.



ek;gpf;ifahsu;fNs! ePq;fs; my;yh`;Tf;F cjtp Ghpe;jhy;> mtDk; cq;fSf;F cjtp Ghpe;J cq;fSila ghjq;fis cWjpahf;fptpLthd;. (my;Fu;Md; 47:4-7) Page 1 of 4

gpd;G> Nghu; eLq;fpatu;fis ,wf;fpdhd;:

flikahf;fg;gl;lij Nfs;tpg;gl;L cs;sk; kpf td;ikahf gopj;J Fu;Md; trdq;fis

ek;gpf;if nfhz;ltu;fspYk; rpyu;> (Nghiug; gw;wp) ahnjhU (jdp mj;jpahak; ,wf;fg;gl Ntz;lhkh? vd;W $Wfpd;wdu;. mt;thNw (njspthd) xU jpl;lkhd mj;jpahak; ,wf;fg;gl;L> Nghu; nra;AkhW mjpy; $wg;gl;bUe;jhy;> vtu;fSila cs;sq;fspy; Neha; ,Uf;fpd;wNjh mtu;fs;> kuz mt];ijapy; rpf;fp kaq;fpf; fplg;gtu; ghu;g;gijg; Nghy; (egpNa!) cq;fis mtu;fs; Nehf;Fthu;fs;. MfNt> mtu;fSf;Ff; NfLjhd;. (my;Fu;Md; 47:20) Nghu; flikahf;fg;gl;lJk;> mjw;F Mu;t%l;lg;gl;lJk;> mjw;Fhpa jahhpg;Gfisr; nra;a Ntz;Lnkd;W fl;lisaplg;gl;lJk; mf;fhyr; #o;epiyapd; NjitahfTk; fl;lhakhfTk; ,Ue;jJ. #o;epiyfis ed;F myrpg;ghu;f;Fk; Mw;wYs;s jiytu; ahuhf ,Ug;gpDk; mf;fhy mtrpaj;ijf; fUjp jpBu; epfo;Tfis vjpu;nfhs;s jahuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lnkd jdJ gilfSf;F epr;rak; fl;lisapl;bUg;ghu;. tp\ak; ,t;thwpUf;f midj;ijAk; mwpe;jtDk; kpifj;jtDkhd my;yh`; ,f;fl;lisfis K];ypk;fSf;F gpwg;gpf;fhky; ,Ug;ghdh? mf;fhy #o;epiyNah Kw;wpYk; rj;jpaj;jpw;Fk; mrj;jpaj;jpw;Fk; kj;jpapy; fLk; Nkhjy;fis Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhz;bUe;jJ. mg;Jy;yh`; ,g;D [`;\{ila gilapd; epfo;r;rp ,izitg;Nghhpd; Nuh\j;jpw;Fk; ,d ngUikf;Fk; kpfg; nghpa mbahf ,Ue;jJ. ,e;epfo;r;rp ,tu;fSf;F kpFe;j Nehtpid mspj;jJ kl;Lky;yhky; neUg;Gf; fq;Ffspy; Gus;gtu;fshf ,tu;fis Mf;fp tpl;lJ. Nghu; rk;ge;jkhd ,iwtrdq;fspd; fUj;Jf;fis Mo;e;J rpe;jpf;Fk; NghJ nghpa Nghu; rkPgj;jpy; elf;fg;NghfpwJ> mjd; Kbtpy; my;yh`;tpd; cjtpAk; ntw;wpAk; K];ypk;fSf;Nf fpilf;Fk; vd;gij ed;F njhpe;J nfhs;syhk;. ghUq;fs;! vt;thW K];ypk;fSf;F my;yh`; fl;lisapLfpwhd;. 'kf;fh ,izitg;ghsu;fs; cq;fis cq;fs; ChpypUe;J ntspNaw;wpaJ Nghd;W ePq;fSk; mtu;fis ntspNaw;wp tpLq;fs;" vd;W my;yh`; K];ypk;fSf;Ff; fl;lis gpwg;gpj;jhd;. (ghu;f;f Nkw;$wg;gl;Ls;s my;Fu;Md; 2:191). NkYk;> ntw;wp ngw;w uhZtj;jpdu; ifjpfsplk; ve;j Kiwapy; ele;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lnkd;w rl;lq;fis Nkw;$wg;gl;l trdq;fspy; my;yh`; vt;thW tpthpj;jpUf;fpd;whd; vd;gijg; ghUq;fs;. Mf> Page 2 of 4

,it midj;Jk; K];ypk;fSf;Fj;jhd; ,Wjpapy; ntw;wp fpilf;Fk; vd;gijj; njspthfr; Rl;bf; fhl;Lfpd;wd. ,Ug;gpDk; K];ypk;fspd; xt;nthU tPuUk; my;yh`;tpd; ghijapy; jdJ tPuj;ij ntspg;gLj;jpf; fhl;lNtz;Lk; vd;gjw;fhf ,e;j ew;nra;jpfis my;yh`; (clNd ntspg;gLj;jhky;) rw;W kiwj;Nj itj;jhd;. ,e;j ehl;fspy;jhd; `p[;hp 2> \mghd; khjk; ( 624 gpg;utapy;) my;yh`; ~igJy; Kfj;j]pd;| jpirapypUe;J fmghtpd; gf;fk; fpg;yhit khw;wpf; nfhs;Sq;fs; vd fl;lisapl;lhd;. ,jd; tpisT> gpsTfis cz;lhf;f Ntz;Lnkd;gjw;fhf K];ypk;fspd; mzpapw;Fs; GFe;J nfhz;l eatQ;rfu;fSk; ek;gpf;ifapy; gytPd khdtu;fSk; K];ypk;fis tpl;L tpyfp> jq;fsJ gioa nfhs;iff;Nf jpUk;gpr; nrd;wdu;. Nkhrbf;fhuu;fs; kw;Wk; JNuhfk; nra;gtu;fis tpl;Lk; K];ypk;fspd; mzp J}a;ik mile;jJ. fpg;yh khw;wg;gl;ljhy; Vw;gl;l nghpa gyd; ,JNt MFk;. NkYk;> fpg;yh khw;wg;gl;ljpy; xU El;gkhd mwptpg;Gk; ,Uf;fyhk;. mjhtJ> K];ypk;fs; jq;fsJ tho;f;ifapy; xU Gjpa mj;jpahaj;ijj; njhlq;f ,Uf;fpwhu;fs;. ,e;jj; njhlf;fk;> K];ypk;fs; jq;fspd; fpg;yhitf; ifg;gw;WtJ nfhz;L KbTngWk; rj;jpaj;jpypUf;Fk; xU rKjhaj;jpd; fpg;yh vjphpfspd; fl;Lg;ghl;by; ,Ue;jhYk;> me;j rKjhak; me;j fpg;yhit vjphpfspd; fl;Lg;ghl;bypUe;J xU ehs; tpLtpj;Nj jPUk; vd;gij czu;j;Jk; xU El;gkhd Rl;bf;fhl;lYk; fpg;yh khw;wg;gl;ljpy; ,Uf;fyhk;. ,JNghd;w fl;lisfspdhYk;> rq;ifkpF Fu;Md; trdq;fspd; Rl;bf; fhl;LjypdhYk;. my;yh`;tpd; ghijapy; Nghu; Ghpa Ntz;Lk; my;yh`;tpd; khu;f;fj;ij cau;j;Jtjw;fhf jPu;thd xU Nghiu re;jpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;w MirAk; cw;rhfKk; mf;fhy K];ypk;fsplk; NkNyhq;fpapUe;jJ. ENGLISH- THE SEALED NECTAR – MEMORIES OF THE PROPHET (PBUH)-AUTHOR- ISSAM DIAB

"So, when you meet (in fight - Jihâd in Allâh’s cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden. Thus [you are ordered by Allâh to continue in carrying out Jihâd against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hellfire) or at least come under your protection], but if it had been Allâh’s Will, He Himself

Page 3 of 4 could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the way of Allâh, He will never let their deeds be lost. He will guide them and set right their state. And admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them (i.e. they will know their places in Paradise more than they used to know their houses in the world). O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allâh, He will help you, and make your foothold firm." [Al-Qur'an 47:4-7][Tafheem-ul-Qur'an 5/11]

Shortly afterwards, Allâh began to dispraise the hypocrites, the weak at heart and cowardly elements: "But when a decisive Sûrah (explaining and ordering things) is sent down, and fighting (Jihâd — the holy fighting) is mentioned (i.e. ordained) therein, you will see those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) looking at you with a look of one fainting to death. " [Al-Qur'an 47:20] The prevalent exigencies required as a top priority exhorting the Muslims to fight. Any leader with a deep insight would order his soldiers to get ready for any sort of emergency, let alone the All-Knowing Exalted Lord, Who is at all times omniscient of the minutest details of affairs. The event of that skirmish with the polytheists dealt a heavy blow to the pride of Quraish and created a sort of horrible restlessness amongst them. The aforementioned Qur’ânic verses, enjoining the Muslims to strive in the cause of Allâh, betrayed the proximity of blood clashes that would be crowned by a decisive victory for the Muslims, and final expulsion of polytheists out of the Sacred City, Makkah. They referred to rules pertinent to the treatment of captives and slaughtering the pagan soldiers till the war ended and laid down its burdens. All of these could act as clues to a final triumph that would envelop the strife of the Muslims towards their noble objectives. Another event of great significance featured the same month Sha‘ban 2 A.H., i.e. February 624 A.D., which was a Divine injunction ordering that Al-Qiblah be changed from Jerusalem to the Sacred Mosque in Makkah. That was of a great advantage to the Muslims at two levels. First, it brought about a kind of social sifting, so to speak, in terms of the hypocrites of the Jews and others weak at heart, and revealed their true nature and inclinations; the ranks of the Muslims were thereby purged from those discord-prone elements. Second, facing a new Qiblah, the Sacred Mosque in Makkah, refers gently to a new role awaiting the Muslims to take up, and would start only after the repatriation of the Muslims to their Sacred City, Makkah for it is not logical for the Muslims to leave their Qiblah at the mercy of non-Muslims. The Muslims, therefore, at the behest of Allâh and on account of those Divine clues, augmented their activities and their tendency towards striving in the cause of Allâh and encountering His enemies in a decisive battle were greatly intensified.

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