April 2nd 2009 Meeting Minutes

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Ontario Police Health and Safety Association Meeting April 2nd 2009 Hosted by South Simcoe Police Service - Bradford - Ontario 9:40

Chair Darwin Trojan welcomes members to the OPHSA April meeting


South Simcoe Police Service Deputy Chief Allan Cheesman welcomes OPHSA to South Simcoe – Bradford – Lions Pool Meeting Room – thanked Jacqueline Long for organizing the event for OPHSA’s April Meeting - a change of venue occurred due to a major operation involving South Simcoe Police Service and Immigration Border Patrol needing the new building today – OPHSA members were invited to attend South Simcoe Police to view the year old building at the end of the day.

09:48 Guest Speaker ‘Quantifying Physical Exposures (Musculoskeletal) in Police Vehicle Operators’ Dr. Jack Callaghan Canada Research Chair in Spine Biomechanics Injury Prevention Associate Professor Department of Kinesiology Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Waterloo University A presentation was made regarding posture issues and ending with Police driving and cruiser/office issues. A discussion was had regarding the work environment of policing and how to prevent back injuries. 10:45 Break 11:00 Resume 12:30 Lunch 12:54 Review of Last Meeting Minutes 12:55 Token of Appreciation to Host Jacqueline Long for hosting the meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

12:58 Section 21 Committee Meeting Review – Doug Allan PAO Section 21 Committee Doug Allan spoke regarding the previous Section 21 Meeting. Those that attend the Section 21 Meeting whom also attend OPHSA Meetings are Doug Allan from the PAO, Peter Penlington from the Ontario Senior Officer’s Association, Nick Dzudz from the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, Joe Watkins from Municipal Health and Safety Association of Ontario (observer status) and Bonnie Gwilliams from OPHSA (observer status). Guidance Notes are posted on the PAO Website at http://www.pao.on.ca/ Enter PAO and Unity for user name and password located under the left side tab ‘OHS Notes and Advisories’. Guidance Note 11 - Water Rescuer and Recovery – the Ministry refuses to put it out but the MOL agrees – a resolution is forthcoming. An advisory note on vehicle ergonomics is forthcoming. PEIR – WSIB – Program for Exposure Incident Reporting - voluntary form ‘registers’ with WSIB – not a claim Safe Driving – MTO will supply money to promote arriving safe to a call for service – a grant is being applied for. Audits show an Occupational Health and Safety Committee is necessary but the recommendation of a committee should come from the Ministry of Community Safety rather than the Ministry of Labour. Section 21 reviewed all eleven Guidance Notes. Toronto Police Service has purchased the N99 Respirator – cost effective and fits well Toronto Police Service is still wearing nametags with pointed attachments to shirts. Health and Safety Budgets need to be maintained – it should not diminish with budget cuts. A September meeting with Police Fire and Ambulance is hoped. Radio Failure was mentioned at the last OPHSA Meeting – this was not mentioned at Section 21 but will be. Round Table Niagara Police Service A multi site exemption for a health and safety committee was discussed. The Norwalk Virus shut down one area of the Service. Power supplies are being examined in the buildings. Municipal Health and Safety Association No issues to report. North Bay Police Service No issues to report. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Toronto Police Service Respirator Program (masks) is working well. Windsor Police Service No issues to report. Belleville Police Service The Belleville Police Station will be under renovations – mould is in the building – an eco consultant has been called in – toxic mould is the result – two members are off (one of those two returned yesterday). A facility audit resulted in acceptable results. A Policy and Procedure Audit is underway as well as a MHSA Audit Peel Police Service A Prevention/Education Program for Infection control is being promoted. Mould issues within the workplace are being investigated. Handgun replacement and training is a current issue. Greater Sudbury Police Service No issues to report. Frank Elsner is Sudbury’s New Police Chief. Ontario Provincial Police Association Aurora building is now occupied Joint Health and Safety Committees – Cindy Bahm ensures certification for all members is completed for 40 locations in Ontario Front Line Supervisors get a one-hour presentation on Health and Safety A Yearly business plan needs Health and Safety Initiatives. York Regional Police Service CSA Approved Boots has been approved at the Health and Safety Committee level – the boots are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Classic Original Swat – Steel toe and Safety Boot – Model #2170 – 8” Hi-Tec Magnum Stealth Steel Toe and Plate Safety Boot – Model #T5166 – 8” Royer –Metal Free Toe and Plate – Models #10-8600 – 8” Stealth Midnight Plus – Steel Toe and Plate – Model #HT5204 – 6” Terra Regulator II – Steel Toe and Plate – Model #69681B – 8”

A Ministry of Labour order that is to be completed by the 31st of August 2009 26 February 2009 To: York Regional Board of Commissioners Section 54(1)(f) of OHSA Employer is required to provide in writing a qualitative assessment of laptop use in Police Cruisers to determine duration of use, type of usage, work postures at the computer, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

discomfort experienced and strategies used by Officers to optimize comfort and productivity when using the laptop. The assessment is to be conducted at the expense of the employer by persons possessing the knowledge and experience to assist with musculoskeletal disorder prevention. This order shall be completed with on or before August 31 2009. Asbestos was a seizure made by York – required to keep it as evidence – however, had to ensure it was safe in storage for all employees – no other seizures such as this is known to have occurred. London Police Service Exposure to TB – disease coordinator notifies membership. Peel volunteered information that TB can be a false positive and is a complicated issue – 6 to 8 hrs with the person to contract TB – not a high risk Cornwall Police Service Health and Safety Audits – committee part of joint City Committee (12 departments) and audit themselves. “I-mobile’ is new – first course taken – supervisors recommend work in car for on-line programs Recent MVC saw Officer with broken back. Canadian Pacific Police Service No issues to report. Halton Regional Police Service Study in range for surface lead – testing was done with the highest concentration on the range floor – tack mats are ordered – an outside company changes the filters – education for washing is promoted – no sweeping the range after shoot. A hearing program is underway – Communications is included. It appears NO POLICE SERVICE does baseline testing for communications – Halton recommends that new communicators be tested for hearing on hiring – the Tactical Unit and Use of Force Officers have mandatory hearing testing. Waterloo Regional Police Service MHSA Joe Watkins provided Supervisor Health and Safety Training. Communications has been re-designed. Confined space examination – an older division has a maintenance area that is a confined space. Noise testing of headsets in communications is underway. An in-house internal exposure form is being developed. Lead was capped in the gunroom and is no longer used. A critical injury occurred at a sanctioned event – a Hockey Game – where an arm was broken.


Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Load bearing vests are being examined – weight must be evenly displaced – and training issues are a concern due to new equipment locations. York advises failures in testing under duress with those having new vests. A meeting in Ottawa is occurring in a week – body armour is being tested for failures – Research Council meeting in two weeks to meet new standards. A Bullet Buggy works well in their range to pick up shells in the range. Dead radio air is being remedied in Cambridge after a recent shooting. Ottawa Police Service Metal Breast Badge – Health and Safety Committee recommended the removal from external clothing. Radios – school teams – no radios in their cars – hip radio was not operating as ell as a car radio and confirmed – the option is a higher antenna or install a car radio – the committee recommended a car radio. A question whether Services use winter tires – Peel – Niagara – York – Peterborough – all use winter tires. Respirator Program Problem – fit testing – 3M says there must be a medical with fit testing – the Ottawa Police Association says ‘no’ – the result is a two-year delay. South Simcoe Police Service No issues to report. South Simcoe apologized for the last minute change of venue, however a multijurisdictional special project involving a multitude of arrests occurred this same day – requiring the South Simcoe Police Station in Bradford – and advance notice was not possible. Stratford Police Service No issues to report. Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service The Peterborough Station is renovating that includes asbestos and lead removal prior to a complete renovation. A current issue with the renovation is a half dozen people with an unexplained skin rash after moving up to the renovated top floor. One communicator suffers hives on exposure to the communications room – WSIB will not honour a claim (no time loss at this time) – air testing done by a private company that tested for all ‘common’ air borne contaminants – none resulted in levels that extended beyond the acceptable range – seeing an allergist at the end of the month – hoping the testing results in a sensitivity to something – never had an issue in the old communication room before renovations. Peel advised one employee of theirs suffered a similar condition after a renovation – their solution was to move the employee to a different division – a cause was never identified. The members agreed this is a WSIB claim until diagnosed. Meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM


Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

June 4th 2009 in Windsor The Next Meeting of the Ontario Police Health and Safety Asociation will be hosted by Windsor Police Service on Thursday the 4th of June 2009. Further details and directions to follow. Further information, questions or concerns - Contact Mark Ballantine Secretary [email protected]


FUTURE MEETINGS June 4th 2009 Windsor – Caesars Hotel and Casino and the Windsor Police Service Training Center September 2009 in Ottawa –Confirmed


Members in Attendance Mark Ballantine Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service [email protected] Deb Bentley Stratford Police Service [email protected] Joe Fiume York Regional Police Service [email protected] Darwin Trojan York Regional Police Service [email protected] Doug Allan PAO [email protected] Brian Morrison York Regional Police service [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Rick Robson London Police Service [email protected] Scott Hanton Cornwall Police Service [email protected] Steve Pagliuso Canadian Pacific Police [email protected] Bonnie Gwilliams Halton Regional Police Service [email protected] Mike Sullivan Waterloo Regional Police Service [email protected] Al Burns Ottawa Police Service [email protected] Peter Penlington Waterloo Regional Police Service [email protected] Paul VandeGraaf Belleville Police Service [email protected] Nadine Langlois Belleville Police Service [email protected] Vince DeMascio Hamilton Police Service [email protected] Natalie Hiltz Peel Regional Police Service [email protected] Bob Baltin Peel Police Association [email protected] Dan Zembrzycki Greater Sudbury Police Service [email protected] Todd C. Zimmerman Greater Sudbury Police Service [email protected] Lorne Watters Ottawa Police Service [email protected]


Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Cindy Bahm Ontario Provincial Police Association [email protected] Rick Gordon Niagara Regional Police Association [email protected] Chris Fisher Niagara Regional Police Service [email protected] John Parish Municipal Health and Safety Association [email protected] Rose Ying-Gilroy Durham Regional Police Service [email protected] Brad Durst Durham Regional Police Service [email protected] Peter Orlovski York Regional Police Service [email protected] Gary Haitzer Toronto Police Service [email protected] Nick Dzudz Windsor Police Services Board [email protected] T.D. Nesbitt North Bay Police Service [email protected] Frank Bauer Windsor Police Service [email protected] Jacqueline Long South Simcoe Police Service [email protected]


Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

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