Anura Senarathna

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  • Words: 1,908
  • Pages: 43
ISO 9001 : 2000

Anura Senarathna

Objective Introduce the concept of new ISO 9001:2000 Standard

Highlight important areas and changes of the new standard

Briefly introduce the system requirements of the new standard

Important issues in implementations

What is ISO 9001: 2000 2nd revision of Quality Management System Requirement Standard from International Organization for Standards

Replacement for previous ISO 9001 / 9002 and 9003 standards of 1994

Single standard (9001) for certification of all types of Organizations with possible permissible omissions of certain requirements

Introduced considerable conceptual changes From product centric to customer / business centric approach

New ISO 9001 Model Management Responsibility

Resource management


Measurement, analysis & improvements

Product Realization

Continual Improvement cycle

New ISO 9001 Model Continual Improvement of the QMS



R e q u i r e m e n t s

Resource Resource management Management


Management Management Responsibility Responsibility


Product Product Realization Realization

Measurement, Measurement, analysis & Analysis improvements Improvements



S a t i s f a c t i o n


Principles of the New Standard Customer focus Mutual beneficial supplier relationship

Factual approach to decision making Continual improvement


Based and developed on eight quality management principles

System approach to Managemen t

Involvement of people

Process approach

Principles of the New Standard Customer focus

•Organization depends customers •Understand current & future customer needs. •Meet / exceed customer expectations


•Leaders establish purpose & direction of the organization •Should create & maintain environment to achieve organization’s objectives

Involvement of People

•People of all levels are essence of an organization •Their full involvement for organization’s benefit

Process approach

Desired results are achieved more efficiently when activities and resources are managed as process

Principles of the New Standard System approach to Management

Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated process as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness & efficiency

Continual improvements

Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization

Factual approach to decision making

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information

Mutually beneficial supplier relationships •An organization & its suppliers are interdependent •Mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value

Expectations of the New Standard Avoid the application of systems that are separate from the organization’s business process

Enable the development of a quality system that is fully integrated into the business operations of the organization

Enable continual improvements of the system for enhanced customer satisfaction

Enable compliance to statutory & regulatory requirements

Important Changes 


Previous versions


Main focus


Customer satisfaction


20 quality elements

Value adding processes

Product requirements

Requirements specified by customer / organization

+ Statutory & regulatory requirements

Involvement of people

What to do, When, Whom & How to do

+ Why it is to be done


Maintain the system requirements

Continual improvements should be achieved

Process Approach Process definition Set of interrelated and interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs

Identify the processes

Identify the Inputs & outputs

Identify the Interaction s to other processes

Establish measuring criteria

Do it for all value adding processes

Ensure continual improvements

Process Approach E.g.: Manufacturing Process control •Process parameters •Inspection & testing •Calibration and maintenance of equipments

Inputs • • • •

Raw material Manufacturing formulations / Specs Equipments Manufacture /Testing Labour

Manufacturing Process

Interactions to Inspection & testing Warehousing Supply / Purchasing Sales Training

Output Finished product

Performance Measurement •Final testing •Conformance rate •Achieving of KPIs

Organizational processes are not in isolation Linked and interacting with other processes Manufacturing Process Purchasing Process

Sales Process

Warehousing process

Management review process

Product development process

QA process

Training & Development process Maintenance process

Out put of one process will be an input to another process

Process approach: - Continual improvement Understandings & meeting requirements PLAN

Processes in terms Of Added Value DO

PDCA Cycle

Measure results of process Performance and effectiveness - Objective Measurements CHECK

Continual improvements of Processes based on objective measurements ACTION

ISO 9001:2000 model Management Responsibility (ACTION)

General requirements

Resource Management (PLAN)


Measure, analysis improvements (CHECK)

Product Realization (DO)

Continual Improvement cycle

General requirements

ISO 9001:2000 System requirements

System Requirements 4




Quality Management System

Management Responsibility

Resource Management

Product Realization

General requirements

Management Commitment

Provision of resources



Documentation Requirements

Customer focus

Human resources

Customer related processes

Monitoring & measurement

Quality policy Planning Responsibility, authority & communication Management Reviews

Infrastructures Work environment

Design & development

8 Measurement, Analysis & improvement

Control of NCP Analysis of data

Purchasing Improvements Production & service provision

4 – Quality management system Identification Continual

of processes



4.1 General requirements

Criteria and

Monitoring and

methods to ensure

Measuring of

Operation & control

processes Availability of information & resources for operation & control

4 – Quality management system 4.2 Document requirements Quality Policy Quality Objectives – Company objectives & Departmental objectives Quality Manual Procedures required by the Standard – (6 procedures) Procedures required for planning, operation & control of Organization activities


5 – Management responsibility 5.1 Management commitment

5.2 Customer focus

5.3 Quality policy

5.4 Planning


Quality objectives

Responsibility & authority

Responsibilit y authority & communicate

5.7 Management Review

General Review inputs

QMS planning

Management representative Internal communication

Review outputs

5 – Management responsibility Development, implementation and continually improvement of QMS Establishment of •Quality Policy •Quality Objectives

Top Management’ s commitment

Identification of Customer requirements

Communication of importance of

•Management Representative •Conducting Management Reviews •Providing required resources

•Regulatory & statutory requirements •Meeting customer requirements •Quality Policy & Quality objectives •Responsibilities & authorities

5 – Management responsibility

Evidence must be provided to show that the Management is committed to the above requirements

Auditors could speak to and audit Top Management (E.g. MD / Directors) to establish their commitment to the management system

New Development

6 – Resource management 6.1


Provision of resources

Human Resources


Competence, awareness & training

6.3 Infrastructures

6.4 Work Environment

6 – Resource management Resources required to Implementing, monitoring & continual improvements Enhance Customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements

Human Resources Resource Managemen t

Infrastructures Infrastructures needed to achieve product conformity

Work environment Work environment needed to achieve product conformity

6 – Human resources


Competent on the basis of appropriate education, skill and experience

Define competencies for people performing work affecting product quality

6.2 Human Resources

Provide training or actions

Evaluate effectiveness of the training / actions

Employees should aware importance of the activity being performed

7 – Product realization 7.1






Planning of product realization

Customer related processes

Design and development


Production & service provision

Control of monitoring measuring devices

Identification of customer requirement

Design planning

Purchasing process


Design inputs

Review of customer requirement

Design outputs

Customer communication

Design verification

Design review

Design validation

Design Changes

Purchasing information

Verification of purchased products

Validation of processes Identification & traceability Customer property Preservation of product

7 – Product realization Quality objectives of Products – Specs

Processes, procedures to realize product

7.1 Planning of Product realization

Verification, validation, monitoring, inspection and testing of product

Record to demonstrate conformance

7 – Product realization Identification of Customer / Market requirements •Specified by customer •Requirements taken for granted •Statutory / Regulatory requirements

7.2 Customer related processes – (Sales)

Review of requirements related product prior to acceptance / commitment to customers - ability to meet customer requirements

Effective communication with customer in relation to •Product information •Sales order handling •Customer feedback •Customer complaints

7 – Product realization Planning •Effective & efficient •Expectations of interested parties •EHS

7.3 Design and Development – (Product)

Design inputs and outputs

Review and verification, validation and control of changes •Accuracy •Potential hazards & faults •Corrections •Evaluations against lessons learned

7 – Product realization Degree of control depends on effects of subsequent processes and effect on final product 7.4 Purchasing Purchasing is done in controlled manner to ensure that purchased products conforms to specific requirements

Supplier evaluation

Verification of purchased product – Inspection and testing

7 – Product realization Product characteristics (Specs)

Procedures and work instructions

Suitable equipments to manufacture. Monitoring and inspection & testing

7.5 Production and service provision Manufacturing / service provision under controlled condition to ensure conformity of product

Product release, delivery and post delivery

Process validation

Identification and traceability

Customers property Material supplied by customers – e.g.. 3rd party blending

7 – Product realization 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices Control and Calibration of equipments used for monitoring, inspection and testing

8 – Measurements, analysis & improvements 8.1



Monitoring & measurements

8.3 Control of non conforming product



Analysis of data


Customer satisfaction

Continual improvements

Internal audits

Corrective action

Measurement of processes Measurement of product

Preventive action

8 – Measurements, analysis & improvements To demonstrate 8.1 - To demonstrate •Conformity of the product •Conformity to QMS requirements •Continually improvements and the effectiveness of the system

8.2 - Monitoring and Measurements •Customer satisfaction / perception •Internal audits - conformity planned arrangements of QMS and ISO9001 •Monitoring and measurements of processes – to determine / demonstrate ability of processes to achieve required results

•Monitoring and measurements of product – Conformity to product requirements

8.3 - Control of NCP •To assure that NCP products are identified and controlled

to prevent unintended use / delivery

8 – Measurements, analysis & improvements 8.4 - Analysis of data Collection and analysis of data generated through QMS activities to verify suitability, effectiveness and continual improvement of the system

Analysis shall provide information related to •Customer satisfaction / perception •Conformity to specs, requirements •Trends of processes and products • Opportunities for preventive actions •Suppliers

8 – Measurements, analysis & improvements 8.5 - Improvements Continual Improvements •QMS needed to be continually improved

Corrective action •Actions to prevent recurrence of NCP, NCR etc •Includes reviews, determination of causes, need of action, implementation of action, review of action and maintenance of relevant records

Preventive action •Actions against potential non conformities to avoid their occurrence •Includes identification of potential non conformities, cause, need for action, implementation of action, review of action and maintenance of records

Criteria for measurements

System performance requirements

Process performance requirementrs

Product performance requirements

Criteria for measurements –Satisfaction surveys for customers and other interested parties •Feedback on products •Customer & market requirements

System performanc e

–Financial measurements •Prevention cost •Non conforming / failure cost •Lifecycle cost Self assessment

–Internal audits •Effectiveness & efficiency of processes •Opportunities for improvements •Use of data / information •Effective & efficient use of resources •Adequacy, accuracy and performance of measurements •Relationships with customers/ suppliers/ other interested parties

Criteria for measurements Processe s

–Process capability / process validation –Reaction time –Cycle time / throughput (Capacity) –Utilization of technology –Waste reduction –Cost reduction –Conformance rate –On time delivery


–Inspection and testing of incoming, in process and final product –Product verification –Product validation

Pros & Cons More business oriented. Less procedure oriented

Company wide involvement Mutual benefit to all interested parties Customer focus than product focus Continual improvements Less emphasis on documentation

More resource demanding ??

Challenges in implementation Management Support Encouragement / commitment

Resources QA System


Other employee Support

Summing up Introduce the concept of new ISO 9001:2000 Standard

Highlight important areas and changes of the new standard

ISO 9001:2000 system requirements in brief

Important issues in implementations

Thank You

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