Anti Psychotic Drugs

  • Uploaded by: Richard Ines Valino
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 378
  • Pages: 2
ANTI-PSYCHOTIC/NEUROLEPTIC/MAJOR TRANQUILIZER FOR: SCHIZOPHRENIA ↑ DOPA → Anti-Psychotic → 2-4 weeks TYPICAL: MaHaL Na PaSTa M – Mellaril (Thioridazine) H – Haldol (Haloperidol) L – Loxitane (Loxaprine) N – Navane (Thiothixene) P – Prolixin (Fluphenazine) S – Stellazine, Serenace T – Thorazine (Chlorpromazine) Taractan (Chlorprothixene) Trilafon (Pherphenazine) (for (+) symptoms) 1. Delusion 2. Hallucination (AUDITORY) 3. Disorganized thoughts 4. Behavior 5. Speech ATYPICAL: CaR of SuZy is brand new (new) C – Clozaril (Clozapine) R – Risperdal (Risperidone) S – Seroquel (Quetiapine) Z – Zyprexa (Olanzapine) (for (+) & (-) symptoms) (-) 5A's: 1. Alogia 2. Anhedonia 3. Avolition 4. Apathy 5. Affective D/O ANTI-DEPRESSANTS/THYMOLEPTICS FOR: DEPRESSION ↓ serotonin → Anti-Depressant + → 2-4 weeks (SSRI.MaOi) 2-6 weeks (TCA) ↓ norepi TRICYCLIC – Anti-cholinergic (1) TCA: mr TAN SAVE (pramine, tryptilline) T – Tofranil (Imipramine) A – Ascendin (Amoxapine) N – Norpramine (Desipramine) S – Sinequan A – Anafranil (Clomipramine) V – Vivactil (Protryptilline) E – Elavil (Amitryptilline)

S.E. Sedation Urinary Retention Orthostatic Hypotension Blurred Vision Drowsiness

(2) MAOi: PaNaMa - avoid tyramine foods - lead to hypertensive crisis P – Parnate N – Nardil (Phenelzine SO40) M – Marplan (isocarboxacid) Mannerix (Moclobemide)

(3) SSRI: PPZLT (xetine) P – Prozac (Fluoxetine HCl) P – Paxil (Paroxetine HCl) Z – Zoloft (Sertraline HCl) L – Luvox (Fluvoxamine) T – Trazodone (Desyrel) ANTI-PARKINSONIAN

(1) ANTI-CHOLINERGIC: CAKA C – Cogentin (Benztropine) A – Akineton (Bisperiden) K – Kemadin (Procyclidine) A – Artane (Trihexaphenidyl)

(2) DOPAMINERGIC: Pulse P – Parlodel (Bromocriptine) L – Levodopa S – Symmetrel (Amantadine) E – Eldepryl ANTI-MANIC FOR: MANIA / Adequate sodium intake ↑ serotonin → Anti-manic → 2-4 weeks ↑ norepi

(1) LITHIUM CARBONATE: D'CELL D – Duralith C – Carbolith E – Eskalith L – Lithane L – Lithizine Lithotabs Lithonate TOXICITY tremors nausea/vomiting thirst

polyuria coma seizure

(2) LITHIUM CITRATE: C C – Cibalith Therapeutic Level of Lithium: / Check every 12º 2x/week 0.6 – 1.2 mEq/L 0.7 ANTI-ANXIETY / MILD TRANQUILIZER FOR: ANXIETY D/O ↓ GABA → Anti-anxiety → 2-4 weeks ↑ epi,norepi Be My LAST VIVE B – BusPar (Buspirone) M – Miltown L – Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) A – Ativan (Lorazepam) S – Serax (Oxazepam) T – Tranxene (Chlorazepate) V – Valium (Diazepam) I – Inderal V – Vistranel E – Equanil

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