Answers Paper 3

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SCHEMA /Trial 2007



SCHEMA BIOLOGY PAPER 3 TRIAL 2007 1(a) (i) Score


2 1 0 1(a) (ii) Score 3


1 0 1(b) Score 3 2 1 0

Explanation Able to state two correct observation based on following criteria. P1 – type of drinking water P2 – volume of urine output 1. The volume of urine collection for student who drank mineral water is 150 ml. 2. The volume of urine collection for student who drank 2.5 % sodium chloride solution is 80 ml. 3. The volume of urine collection for student who drank 5.0 % sodium chloride solution is 50 ml. Able to state one correct observation and two inaccurate response. 1. The volume of urine collected for student C is the lowest. 2. Student A produce more volume of urine production. Able to state one correct observation or two inaccurate response or idea. 1. Different students collected different volume of urine. No response or wrong response (response like hypothesis) Explanation Able to state two reasonable inferences for the observation. 1. The higher of urine produce because less amount of water was reabsorbed by adrenal caused by the hypotonic solution. 2. The less of urine produce because more water was reabsorbed by adrenal caused by the hypertonic solution that the student drank. 3. Most amount of water reabsorb by adrenals cause the hypertonic solution, the volume of urine is less.. Able to state one correct inference and one inaccurate inference. 1. High volume of urine because less water was reabsorbed. 2. Different samples of drinking water has different amount of reabsorbed water. Able to state one correct inference or two inaccurate inference or idea. 1. The lower concentration//hypotonic of sodium chloride 2. The higher concentration//hypertonic of sodium chloride. No response or wrong response (inference like hypothesis) Explanation Able to record three reading times with unit correctly. 0 % sodium chloride – 120 ml. 2.5% sodium chloride – 100 ml. 5.0 % sodium chloride – 50 ml. Able to record any two readings. Able to record any one readings. No response or wrong readings.

SCHEMA /Trial 2007 1(c) (i) Score



Explanation Able to state the variable and the method to handle variable correctly (√) for each variable and method Manipulated Variable: Concentration of Sodium chloride (√) Method to handle: Used different concentration of sodium chloride. (√)

3 2 1 0

Responding Variable: Volume of urine output (√) Method to handle: Measured and Record the the volume of urine using measuring cylinder (√) Controlled variable : Volume of drinking water sample (√) Method to handle: All students drank 100 ml.(√) Able to get all 6 (√) Able to get 4 – 5 (√) Able to get 2 – 3 (√) No response or wrong response

1(c)(ii) Score

Explanation Answer; Variable Manipulated Responding Controlling

Apparatus Measuring cylinder Measuring cylinder Beaker Stopwatch Measuring cylinder

Material Sodium chloride solution Urine Urine Urine Mineral water


Able to match the apparatus and material used to obtain data for the three variables correctly.

2 1 0

Able to match the apparatus and material for any two variables correctly. Able to match the apparatus and material for any one variable correctly. No response or wrong response

SCHEMA /Trial 2007 1(d) Score 3


1 0 1(e)(i) Score 3

Explanation Able to state the hypothesis correctly based on the following criteria: P1 (manipulated) – State the concentration of sodium chloride. P2 (responding) – State the volume of urine collection. R - State the relationship between P1 and P2. The intake of high concentration of sodium chloride, the volume of urine produce is lower. // The volume of urine collection for the intake of high concentration of sodium chloride is lower Able to state the hypothesis but less accurate. Different concentration of sodium chloride has different volume of urine// Different sample of water has different volume of urine. Able to state the idea of the hypothesis. The volume of urine is different for each drinking water used. No response or wrong response Explanation Able to construct a table and record the result of the experiment which the following criteria: C – state all concentration of sodium chloride. (√) D – Transfer all data correctly. (V drinking, V urine)(√) T – calculate all the value of water absorbed by kidney (V drinking – V urine) (√) Concentrate of sodium chloride (%)

2 1 0 1(e)(ii) Score

3 2 1 0



Volume of sample drinking water (cm3)

The volume of urine after drinking test water (cm3)

Water reabsorb by kidney (cm3)

0% 500 150 350 2.5 % 500 80 420 5.0 % 500 50 450 Able to construct a table and record any two criteria Able to construct a table and record any one criteria No response or wrong response Explanation Able to draw the graph for relationship between the concentration of sodium chloride and the volume of water reabsorb P1 – Concentration of Sodium Chloride (x-axis) (√) P2 – The volume of reabsorbed water (y-axis) (√) P3 – Smooth curve (√) Able to get all criteria correct Able to get any two criteria correct Able to get any one criteria correct No response or wrong response

SCHEMA /Trial 2007



1 (e)( iii)

Volume of water reabsorbed (ml)


Explanation Able to explain the relationship between the concentration of sodium The volume of water reabsorbed against the 3 chloride solution and the water reabsorded. percentage of sodium chloride The increase of concentration of sodium chloride,will increase the volume of water absorbed by kidney. 2 Able to explain briefly the relationship between the concentration of sodium chloride solution and the volume of urine X



The higher concentration of sodium chloride, the absorbing of water by kidney is higher. X Able to explain the idea the relationship between the concentrate of sodium chloride solution and the volume of urine



350 X

The water absorbed is higher/increase. No response or wrong response


1(f) Score 3


Explanation Able to state the definition of osmoregulation operationally, complete and correct, based on the following criteria. C1 – volume of urine C2 – type of drinking water C3 – student’s kidney







Osmoregulation is the regulation of the volume of urine output based on the type of test liquid drunk by student or absorbed by kidneys. Able to state the definition of osmoregulation operationally based on any two criteria. Osmoregulation is the regulation of the urine production by kidneys. Able to state the definition of osmoregulation operationally based on any one criterion or an ideal. Osmoregulation is urine production by kidneys to maintain the normal blood presure. No response or wrong response









Persentage of Sodium chloride(%)

SCHEMA /Trial 2007

1(g) Score 3



Explanation Able to predict correctly and explain the prediction based on the following item: C1 – state the volume of urine output C2 – effect of temperature C3 – more urine produce.


His urine output is higher as 100 cm3 because low temperature decrease the tendency of water to diffuse into the collecting duct and more urine is produced. Able to predict based on any two criteria.


The urine produce is higher because at low temperature renal absorb less water and produce more urine. Able to predict based on any one criteria.


The urine produce is higher because renal absorb less water and produce more urine. No response or wrong response

Question 2: Score 01 √ 3 2 1 0

Explanation Identified the problem P1 – level of pollution P2 – different sources of water Statement in question (?) Able to state problem statement correctly What is the level of polluted water/pollution in different sources of water? How different the level of polluted water for several sources of water? Able to state problem statement but slightly incorrect What is the level of polluted water/pollution in water sample? Able to state idea only (not in question) The pollution is different for each water sample. The level of polluted water/pollution is different for each water sample. No response or wrong response.

Objective of study/Aim P1 – level of pollution P2 – different sources of water To determine the level of polluted water/pollution in several water river sources. √ Variables Manipulated: the sample of water from different rivers. Responding: time taken for methylene blue to decolourise Control : volume sample of water//volume of methylene blue//percentage √

SCHEMA /Trial 2007



of methylene blue.

02 √



1 0 05 √ 3 2 1 0 B1 – 1

Statement of hypothesis P1 – time taken P2 – different sources of water R – Relationship P1 and P2. Able to state the hypothesis correctly by relating two variable correctly. 1. The time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise water from river A is faster compare to water from river B // 1. The water sample A is the most polluted compared to water sample B. Able to state hypothesis but slightly incorrect. Different sample of water has different level of water pollution// Different sample of water has different time taken to decolourise the methylene blue solution. Able to state idea only. The shorter the time taken to decolourise methylene blue solution, the more polluted the water sample. No response or wrong response. List of apparatus 250 ml Reagent bottle with stopper, Beaker, syringe , stopwatch, List of materials Water sample (at lease 4 type), methylene blue (0.1%), tissue Able to list down 6 apparatus and 2 material. Able to list down 4 apparatus and 2 material. Able to list down 2 apparatus and 1 material. No response or wrong response. Technique used Record the time taken for methylene blue to decolourise by using stopwatch

√ 04

Experimental procedure √

1. Water sample are collected from for five (//three) different river and add distilled water as controls. (K1)

2. six 250 reagent bottle are labeled as A, B, C, D,E and F. (K1) 3. Each reagent bottle is filled with following water sample. (K3) (at least three water samples) A – water from river 1 (or place A etc.) B – water from river 2 C – water from river 3 D – water from river 4 E – water from river 5 F – distilled water 4. 1 ml methylene blue solution is added (K2) by using syringe to each reagent bottle. (K1)

SCHEMA /Trial 2007



5. Each reagent water then closed with stopper quickly (K1) and dried with tissue.(K5)

6. The content of reagent bottle cannot be shake. (K5) 7. Each reagent bottles are kept in the dark place (cupboard) and then the stopwatch is activated. (K4)

8. The bottles are examined from time to time. (K1) 9. The time taken for methylene blue decolorise is record (K4) in a table for all water sample. (K4) Note: K1 – any three criteria K2 – any one criteria K3 – any three criteria K4 – all three criteria K5 – any one criteria All 5K criteria correct 3K – 4K criteria correct. At least 2K criteria correct. No response or wrong response.

3 2 1 0 B2 – 1 √

Presentation of data Data is presented in a table with right unit for Level of polluted water (for B2 1/time or 1/minute or minite-1) Source of water

03 3

Time taken to methylene blue (minutes or seconds)

If without the unit, give an idea (√) and B2 - 0. Conclusion Write the hypothesis or another hypothesis. All the water sample is polluted. Report writing Score 3 = 7-9 √

2 Score 2 = 4-6 √ 1 Score 1 = 1-3 √ 0 No response or wrong response. Question 1: 33 Marks Question 2: 17 Marks (Total = 50 marks)

Level of polluted water (1/time)

SCHEMA /Trial 2007



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