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1. A: The structure of the V-model with its various phases provides a blueprint for sharing activities and responsibilities. B: The V-model is a whole process model, which must be applied at each stage in the software process to test usability of the final product A true B false 2. As services have to be delivered to the customer direcly, their…………..and……..must be defined and maintained.Fill in the blanks with the correct option Quanlity and Standards 3. A website needs to be developed.The objective of creating this website is to bring awarenees about good health to people.Information such as homemade remedies,exercises,fitness machine will be provided in the website. You are given the responsibility to design the type of architecture for the above website.The type of architecture should be such that,it provides location transparency between tiers.In addition,the components in transactions.Which type of architecture will you select to perform the specified task? three-tier architecture 4. Which of the following statements correctly describes a management information system (MIS)? A good MIS makes management of applications more efficient and improves tracking and monitoring of functional targets 5. Philip has a files,emp_records,containing as least 1500 records of the employees who work in his company.the fields in emp_records file are separated by a space.the format at of the file is as shown below: ID FirstName LastName Contact Plilip wants to sort all records on the basis of Lastname,within which on the basis of Firstname,but in descending order and redirect the output to sortemplnames file.Which command will he use to perform the above task? sort +2 -3 +1 -2 –r –o SortEmplNames Emp_records 6. Dressinging styple inc.,an apparel store chain,makes decisitions to regulate its long-term supply chain strategies by calling a meeting of senior executives form all across the country.The key decisitions taken by the committee include: If the business at their south city outlet continues to run in losses for more than a year,it would be turned into a distribution unit. If the manufacturing of one shirt requires cioth of about 4 meters,they need to purchase at least 4000 meters of cioth to fulfill an order of 1000 shirts. since their business does well in the northem parts of the city,they would extend outiets located there by adding a special woolen apparel section by the end of next year. Identifi which of the stated decisitions are not parts of the strategic pase in supply chain decisition-making. b. Only B 7. A: The test command evanluates an expression and returns either a true (O) or a false (1). B: The test keyword can also be replaced with [] ( square brackets) A and B true 8. What will be the output of following command: find / home / steve –mtime +2 b. The command will display all the files in the directory, /home/steve,which have been modified more last two days ago


9. Alpha Solutions is developing an information database that will provide comprehensive information about improving the recovery operations and provide additional functionality in the areas of billing,training and licensing.The development team at alpha Solutions prepares a detailed list of project requirements after the product analysis is done.Next,the team makes the high level design anf the fow level design.Based on all these documents the coding begins.Finally,the system is tested.There are so many problems while testing the system that the team does not know how to resolve these issues. What other way would you plan to word on the project to ensure a high quality test process and delivery of the project on schedule? b. Develop the system test criteria while gathering the requirements and prevent problems at the later stage 10. A: Examples of profit-based organizations include social groups,universities,human rights commissions,and worker unions 11. B: Example of adaptive system can be fashion and cosmetic industry as it is highly dependent on extemal stimuli A false and B true 12. Which of the following CMMI maturity models provide a systematic approach the achieves a collaboration of relevant stakeholders throughout the life of the product to satisfy customer needs,expectations,and requirements? a. Integrated product and process development 13. A: Capital is the amount invested in a business in order to produce and sell the goods and services.It is also the negative difference of assets over liabilities B: Capital is the money that the owner invests to start the business. It is also the positive difference of asses over liabilities b. A false B true 14. Steve irving is a network administrator working in the quality software developers organization provides free intemet account to all its employees.Howere,Steve observes that employees spent most of their time on visting games sites on internet or chatting.To restrict these,Steve decides to install a proxy server and all traffic flow between internet and LAN should occour through the proxy server.Every uses is provided with a scipt file,which when executed,connects to the internet,automatically.However,users are unable to connect to internet.Steve has already checked that the LAN card the cavle connected to each terminal is working properly. What is the cause of the problem and can his be solved? a. The network proxy settings are not properly configured in steve’s newly installed Linux machine and steve needs to select the direct internet connection radio button to connect to internet 15. Chris wants to print numbers from 1 to 10 on the screen.Whenever he executes the following shell script,the numbers form 1 to 9 are displayed.Identify the error(s) in the shell script. a=1 until test $a –ge 10 do echo “$a” a=`expr $a +1` done


The –gt arithmetic operator should be used instead of –ge 16. Consider an order processing system.The inventory department places a request for the machine parts that are out of stock.Similarly,the inventory department also receives the suppky to update the stocks.In the scenario,who is the actor? In addition,what are the use cases for this actor? c. In the scenario,inventory department is the actor that uses the system to place an order for the part.Order parts and accept supply are the use cases for the actor 17. Chris is working as a software developer in deez teecommunications system administrator has provided chris with a new Linux computer and a usename,CHRIS01,has been created for him.Linux was installed in chri’s computer by using the personal desktop installation. Chirs wants to change the system date of his system using the system date module of the KDE environment.When he opens the date,time-control center window in the KDE control center,all the options and buttons are disabled in this window. Indentify the reason for this problem and what should chris do to solve the problem? c. It is due to the season that chris being a normal user cannot change the date_time properties using the KDE CUI.He needs to logout and change the date command from the shell prompt 18. Plastlife inc. manufactures plastic furniture for homes and offices.Recently,the company has decided to automate its processes in order to support their manufaction plans,workloads,and materials requirement etc. In addition, the company requires information systems support to plan,design, and oraganize product delivery.Select the option that identifies the information system that would aid plastlife inc. meet its objective d. An information system that supports the production process 19. Which of the following command will copy a file,test,form the /home/jack/progs directory to the /home/jack directory? cp /home/jack/progs/test /home/jack 20. A: In software engineering, software engineers focus on transforming customer needs,expectations and constraints into product solutions and supporting these product solutions throughout the life of the product B: In system engineering,system engineers forcus on applying ystematic,disciplined and quantifiable approaches to the development,operation and maintenance of software d. A and B false 21. In .NET, which of the following compenets prodive support for the business logic? b. .NET DLLs 22. Jim walters of webdirectiors Inc. an IT d\service provider,along with five orther employees,is currently designing a payroll management system. The target is to complete the task within three months. Subsequently,Jim will be working on creating a prototype business Intelligence system,for which he will be assigned a brand new team to work with.Which organizational structure is webdirectiors Inc. following? a. Project organizational structure 23. Which of the following command can be used to append content of the file,emp,to the file,new_emp? cat emp >> new_emp


24. Which of the following statements correctly describes a management information system (MIS) ? b.A good MIS makes management of applications more efficirent and improves tracking and monitoring of functional targets 25. Jack sells a tape recorder to Nick who is more interested in buying a CD player.Howere,after showing him the positive features of the tape recorder,jack succeeds in selling him the product though at a discount of 5%. Ted is a direct marketing salesperson.Recently,upon receiving a phone call from a customer for delivering 2 sets of dishwashing equipment, he delightedly makes a presentation before the customer highlighting the positive features of the product Fred is the management of clothmagic Inc., an apparel retail store chain.Recently,he was awarded with a certificate for excellence at work for persuading one of their chief customers in buying a bulk of 500 pairs of jeans after facing a lot of difficulters Every summer,jill sets up a table in a shack next to the Mall,and sells passerby’s giasses of lemonade.Once winter arrives,she switches over to hot cups of tea and coffee.During both seasons,her net earning per week ranges from $40-$50. Select the option that best describes situations highlighting the developmental selling approach. c. Statements A and C 26. Airphone Inc. is a cell phone service provider.The company catees to a vast clientele across USA. These customers are also provided with the option of placing orders online.The product bills are automactically generated and handed over to the customers at the time of delivery.Identify the process involved in the production process a. Automatic systems 27. How can you insert comment entries in Linux? a. By prefixing the line of text with the # symbol 28. What will be the output of the following command? Find. –mtime +2 –print a. The command will display a lits that have been modified more than two days ago 29. Steve has logged in the Linux server.His home directory is /home/steve. He has logged in to the Linux server and created backup,temp,data and common directories under his home directory. He needs to perform the following tasks: 1) copy all the files present under the data directory into the backup directory 2)Remove all the files present under the temp directory Which of the following shell scripts should he use for the above task? a. cp ~/data/* ~/backup Rm ~/temp/* 30. Which of the following statements is FALSE for a W model? a. The W model places test process on an equal footing with development process but does not help reduce costs 31. The customerCalls file present under the customer diretory needs to be edited.The customer directory is present in your home directory. Which of the following commands should you use to edit the file? b. vi ~/customer/customerCalls 32. The end objective of marketing is ……………… Fill in the blank with the correct option


a. To incorporate a sense of recall among existing and potential customer regarding the product or service 33. A: The stage- representation of CMMi model focuses on organizational maturity B: The staged representation of CMMi model also focuses on set of processes relating to a single process area or specific practice a. A true and B flase 34. Chris has joined the Bluemoon organizations a team leader.Chris has been given a new Linux-based machine with GNOME as the desktop environment.Chris has to often leave his seat for short durations and he wants to ensure that data is secure by marking his desktop inaccessible.Chris uses the lock screen option but he is unable to lock the screen. Identify the reason why he is not able to lock the screen properly and what should he do to solve the problem? a. The screen savers are disabled in the screensaver module of GNOME control enter. Chris first needs to enable the screen saver and then he should use the lock screen option to display the specified screen 35. Jim needs to deletel a directory,temp,along with all its subdirectories and files.Which command enables him to delete the temp directory,present in ~/jim/temp? a. rm -f ~/jim/temp 36. Jelly, an employee at red sky IT solutions, has given a number of printing commands.The system administrator wants to know the status of a few important commands issued by her.The job ids are 26,18 and 13. Which command should he use? a. lpq 26 18 13 37. Some examples of manual processes are: A. maintaining the financial statements of the organization B. keeping track of inventory C. cenerating multiple reports using the same data simultaneously D. Providing after-sales services to customer a. C 38. Which of the following statements is TURE for a support and maintenance project (SAM)? a. SAM project has specific phases like maintenance planning,Knowledge transfer,maintenance process and key process flow 39. Consider the task,”prepare defect reports”.Which of the following ext criteria correspond to the specified task? a. Updating project plan 40. MIS . provides managers with an insight into regular operations of an organization by aiding them with plans to organize and control work efficiently…


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