Annual Fund Letter 1991

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 406
  • Pages: 1
(1t21 28fi.-t942'8702 South Vlew Road, Austin, Texas 78737 Establisbed Septembr I 98o




Staff and Board llembers, The magical offering of Waldorf education to the children of Austin is made possible by the loving, combined efforts of our many dedicated teachers, staff, board members and parent volunteers. This devotion to quality uust also be natched by fundamental dollar values. Hence, our Annual Giving Campaign. Dear Parents, Faculty,

Each year we begin

our canpaigrn with you, the parents, the faculty

and staff, and the board nenbers. In a few monthsr w€ will widen the circle and solicit contributions from grandparents, graduates and friends of the school. You get to lay the foundation! As always, ne are soliciting on two leve1s: we need your heartfelt feedback about how we are doing as a school and we need your nonetary donations. l{e ask that you give from your heartr or1

both LeveLs. Each year, the Annual Fund provides the Austin tilaldorf School with essential money to meet our most basic needs. By choosing to contribute, you are supporting the operating budget of the school, since tuition covers only 78*-of the-cost to educate your child. Your gift enables the school to continue offering the children of this community the unique and healing experience of a waldorf

education. our monetary goal this year is 915rO0O. It is also our goal to increase the percentage of participation. our sister coumittee, Fundraising, is explofing giant noirey as a source of income.[lilhat What we are told is that grant-givers want to know imnediately: percentage of your organization supports you?rl This yearts campaign will run from Thursday, Novenber L4, through Sunday, Novenber L7. Please take a few minutes before these dates to reflect upon feelings or comnents you would like to conrnunicate about your experiences at the school. To summarize, our goals are: 1) to raise money, 2) to receive feedback--concerfis and compliments--from you about any and all aspects of life at AWS; 3) to have 1O0* of our fanilies


As you jot down items you want to sharer €ls you mull over how much you can give, please be in touch with the dream, the fire inside that prompts you to educate your child this way. Let us join hands and continue to make our dreams come true! Thank you.

The 199L-92 Solicitation Conmittee: Elieabeth Drake-ltaples CharLotte Lovett Bert f{haley oar bisbest endean'o,nust

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