Anna And Elizabeth 3

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 692
  • Pages: 2
Anna Anna serves as a cameo for Christ. Anna met Joseph and Mary outside the temple in Jerusalem and she, “spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38). The Holy Spirit within her recognized the infant Jesus as the Messiah. Anna was special because the Holy Spirit did not come upon many before the day of Pentecost. In this instance she was filled with the Spirit. She was called a “prophetess” in Acts 2:36. This shows God’s grace, ability and desire to speak through a humble widowed woman. In 1 Timothy 5:3-16, Paul laid out the idea of supporting women who were a widow. A true widow in Paul’s eyes was a woman who was alone with no support and persistent in trusting in God alone. Indeed, Anna was truly an example of such love and faith in God. For in Luke 2:37, it says that she was in the temple “night and day praying.” She certainly fit all the guidelines of 1 Timothy 53-16, for she was “above reproach” (v.7). She was also the “wife of one man” and she also had a” reputation for good works” (v.9). Therefore, we can see that Anna was an old and wise woman who would have been a good example to follow. She would also have been a widow that was worth taking care of in the eyes of Paul. There are many elderly woman in “Christian circles” today that are giving there time to prayer “night and day” as Anna was. There are many with a gift and calling of God on their life like Anna had as well. They excel as an example not only in their spiritual life, but also in their daily lifestyle as well. For they have not only served God, but there family faithfully. Such women deserve our honor and listening ears…

ELIZABETH Elizabeth is also an example of an older woman after the heart of God (like Anna). She was in her older age and “without child” (Luke 1:7). Both Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were among the few who were “filled with the Holy Spirit” before the Day of Pentecost (Luke 1:41,67). Unlike her husband, she does not respond to the angel’s report of her miraculous birth with unbelief. She responded by listening and then thanked God for “taking away her disgrace” (Luke 1:25). Within Israeli society, it was considered a sort of “taboo” if a woman could not have a child. The shame of not being able to “be fruitful and multiply” would have haunted her within society. Though she spent her young years as a barren woman, she continued in faith towards God. Her faith in God blessed her womb with John the Baptist; a prophet who would “prepare the way” for the Messiah. When John was in his mother’s womb he was “filled with the Spirit” (Luke 1:15)… Elizabeth was a “compliment” to her husband Zechariah. She stood in faith when he was in doubt. Her faith could have been an eye opener for him. In Luke1:6, we see that both Zechariah and Elizabeth were, “righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations.” This shows us that, before

Jesus came to teach what a disciple was (Luke 14:26-33) they were both worthy in the eyes of God to be considered a couple that followed God with their whole heart. What a blessing Elizabeth would have been to young Mary. Not only was she relative, but she was a great example of an older godly woman for Mary to learn from. Together they would be prepared for God’s plan that was coming through each of their wombs. Both of these women show still teach us that even today that God has a plan for pregnancy. The knitting of creation in the womb is within His perfect plan and done by His own hands as well. They also show us that having a child at any age is possible with God. It is possible to have one barren and in old age (or in Mary’s case… even as a virgin).

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