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DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE H.P. University, Regional Centre


It gives me immense pleasure to certify that the project report entitled “impact of training programs on employees of kangra central co-oprative bank Dharamshala (head office)” summited by the Anjli Devi has been carried out under my supervision and guidance. The technique used and the data reported in the project report are genuine to the best of my knowledge. It represents his original work and the project report is worthy of consideration for the award of the degree of the master in commerce during the 2016-2018.

Date: Place: Dharamshala

signature Dr. Manoj Sharma Deptt. Of commerce


ACKNOWLEDGMENT Many lives and destinies are destroyed due to a lack of proper guidance, direction and opportunity. It is in this respect I feel that I am in much better position today due to continuous process of motivation and focus provided by my Parents and Teachers in general.The process of completion of this project was a tedious job and required careful guidance at all stages. I would like to highlight the role played by many individuals towards this. First and foremost I express my heartily thanks to Dr. D.P.Verma Director of H.P.U. regional Centre dharamshala (Mohli) and Dr.Manoj Sharma, (HOD) and for all the facilities like books in the library. The task would have been impossible without all these facility. I would like to thank my dedicated and respected parents they gave me life and have been educating and encourage me for. I would like to extend my thanks to my friends for their constant support and suggestions for preparation of my research report. I hope this friendship will extend beyond the time we shared together in the college. They are also my ethical supervision and lamps to brighten me while I am sailing in sunny or foggy seas.




PREFACE As a part of the curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of research I required to make a project report of “IMPACT OF TRAINING

PROGRAMES ON EMPLOYEES OF KANGRA CENTRAL COOPRATIVE BANK DHARAMSHALA (HEAD OFFICE)’’. The basic objective behind doing this project report is to research the impact of training programe of regarding kccb emmpoyees. The entire project study has been divided into four chapters. First chapter deals with the introduction of kcc bank. This chapter deals with the history, industry profile, corporative profile, training objective of training, step in employees training programs. The second chapter deals with about research methodology, limitation, objective of research, types of research, scope. The third chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of research. The fourth chapter deal with conclusion and suggestion, bibliography and questionnaire






Page no.

Industry profile Corporate profile


Training Objectives of training Steps in employee training program 2

Research Methodology Limitation Objective of research


Type of research Scope


Analysis and interpretation 28-39


Conclusions and suggestions Bibliography







BANKING: A bank is a financial intermediary and money creator that creates by lending money to a borrower thereby creating a corresponding deposit on the bank’s balance sheet. Lending activities can be performed directly by loaning or indirectly through capital market. Due to their importance in the financial system and influence on national economics, banks are highly regulated in most countries. Most nation have institutionalized a system known as fractional reserve banking, central banking, under which bank’s hold liquid assets equal to only a portion of the current liabilities. In addition to other regulations intended to ensure liquidity, banks are generally subject to minimum capital requirements based on international set of capital standards, known as Basel Accords.


History of KCCB;-

1. Came into existence on 17th March 1920 (License No. RPCD.09/2009-10).

2. Indora Banking Union was merged and 2nd Branch of the Bank opened at Nurpur in Jan’1956.

3. Palampur Banking Union was merged and 3rd Branch of the Bank opened at Palampur in Jan’1957.

4. Nadon Banking Union was merged and 4th Branch of the Bank opened at Hamirpur in Oct’1958.

5. The Bank suffered losses because of the partition in 1947 to the tune of Rs.10.64 Lacs.


6. In Mar 1962, the bank suffering from the setback of partition was granted Rs.4.09 Lacs by the Govt.

7. Govt also provided Interest Free Relief Loan of Rs.3.98 Lacs and Govt of India Loan of Rs.4.97 Lacs. @ 3 .8 7% in 1962 in 1971-72

8. The Bank entered into the deposit mobilization scheme of Pong Dam Area aggressively and secured maximum share of Deposit Bank Deposits increased from Rs. 256 Lacs in 1971-72 to Rs. 1054 Lacs in 1997-3-74.


Connecting all the branches with the core banking system.

Managing the financial status of the corporative socities.

Mission of the bank is to help the self-helped groups by providing them loan at a lower rate.



 To strengthen and upgrade IT system in the bank.  To take steps to provide quality services to the customer.

 To create a benefiting setup matching the status of the bank.



The employee of the bank can classified into five types:-









There are five main districts in which KCCB work:10

 Kangra  Kullu

 Una  Hamirpur

 Laholspiti

So in total KCCB works in 210 branches

TRAINING Training of employee is the most important assets of an organization. In simple word, training means "The process of learning the skill you need to do a particular activity or job”. Training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing the particular job. It molds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employee. It is continuous and never ending in nature. Their need is felt at almost every working place like industrials, commercial and organization. It is fruitful to both employees and employer of an organization. Thus training is a kind of investment. Employee training is also called job training or occupationally training, vocational instruction for employed person. Training often is considered for new employee only. Offers seminars and workshop to help, start or improve business operations.


MEANING:Training is concerned with imparting developing specific skills of a particular purpose. Training is the act of increasing the skills of employees for doing a particular job. Training is the process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. In earlier practice, training programmed focused more on preparation for improved performance in particular job. Most of the trainees used to be from operative levels like mechanics, machines, operators and other kind of skilled workers. When the problem of supervision increased, the step was taken to train supervisor for better supervision.


 Training is needed for employees to gain acceptance from peers.  Training is needed to bridge the gaps between what the employee has and what the job demands.  Training is needed to make employees more productive and useful in the long run.  Employees can be placed on various jobs depending on organization need.  Training is necessary to make employees versatile.  Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another.  Existing employees require refresher trainings so as to keep abreast of the latest developments in the job operations.  Training is necessary to prepare existing employee for high level jobs.


 Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for particular job.

BENEFITS OF EMPLOYEE TRAINING: Training improves labor and management relation.  It helps in increasing productivity or quality of work.  It aids development for promotion of employee.  Organizational gets more effective decision making and problem solving skills.  It improves the morale of employee on a work force.  It provides information for future needs in all area of organization.  Aids in organizational development.  It improves the job knowledge and the skills at the all levels of organization.  It helps in creates better corporate image.  It leads to improved profitability’s or more positive attitudes toward profit orientation.

Ways of trainings:Training is imparted in two ways:  On the job training.  Off the job training.



On the job training:-

This method are those which are given to the employees within the everyday working of a concern. The proficient as well as semi proficient employees can be well trained by using such training method. The motto of such training is learning by doing.

2. off the job training:This method are those in which training is provided away from the actual working condition. It is generally a used in the case of new employee. Instances off the job training methods are workshops, seminars, conferences etc. Off the job training is also known as vestibule training.


The main objective of employee training are as follows:

Development of skills of employee :It helps in increasing the knowledge and skills of employee at every level. It

helps to Expend the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees. 

Optimum utilization of human resource:Training helps in optimizing the human resources that further helps the

employees to Achieve the organizational and individual goals. 


Development of human resource:-

Training helps to provide an opportunity for the development of human resources technically

and behavior resources in an overall personality of an

employee.  Productivity :It helps in increasing the productivity of employees which help in further to achieve its long

term goals.

 Quality :It helps in improving upon the quality of work.  Morale :Training helps in improving morale of work forc  Image:It helps in creating better corporate image.  Profit ability :It leads to improve profit ability in most positive attitude towards profit orientation

STEPS IN EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMME Training program involves the following steps: Identifying the training needs: The training needs each employee should be identified. Programmed should be developed that are best suited to the needs.  Prepare the trainer: He should know both what to teach and how to teach. Time management is required by the trainer. Training should be delivered in such a manner that the trainee should be not loose the interest in the job.  Prepare the trainee: The trainee should remain active during training. He should know by he should be trained and put across trainer question and doubts.


 Explain and demonstrate the operations: He should explain logic sequence of the job. The training should perform job and explain the complete job he is performing.  Follow up the feedback: Should be given feedback on how well he performed the job. He should be asked to give feedback on effectiveness of training program.

TRAINING PROCESS A training is not a one sort affair; rather it is a step-by-step process that will completed only after successful completion of given sequential activities.

1. Identifying Training Needs Training need is a difference between standard performance and actual performance hence, it tries to bridge the gap between standard performance and actual performance. The gap clearly underlines the need for training of employees. Hence, under this phase, the gap is identified in order to assess the training needs.

2. Establish Specific Objectives

After the identification of training needs, the must crucial task is to determine the objectives of training. Hence, the primary purpose of training should focus to bridge the gap between standard performance and actual performance. This can be done through setting


training objectives. Thus basic objective of training is to bring proper match between man and the job. 3.

Select Appropriate Methods

Training methods are desired means of attaining training objectives. After the determination of training needs and specification of objectives, an appropriate training method is to be identified and selected to achieve the stated objectives. There are number of training methods available but their suitability is judged as per the need of organizational training needs. 1. Implement Programs;After the selection of an appropriate method, the actual functioning takes place. Under this step, the prepared plans and programs are implemented to get the desired output. Under it, employees are trained to develop for better performance of organizational activities. 2. Evaluate Programs ;It consists of an evaluation of various aspects of training in order to know whether the training program was effective. In other words, it refers to the training utility in terms of effect of training on employes' performance.

6. Feedback;Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the weak areas in the training program and improve the same in future. For this purpose, information relating to class room, food, lodging etc. are obtained from participants. The obtained information, then, tabulated, evaluated, and analyzed in order to mark weak areas of training programs and for future improvement. NEED FOR TRAINING;--


Every organization should provide training to all the employees irrespective of their qualifications and skills. Specifically the need for training arises because of following reasons: 1. Environmental changes: Mechanization, computerization, and automation have resulted in many changes that require trained staff possessing enough skills. The organization should train the employees to enrich them with the latest technology and knowledge. 2. Organizational complexity: With modern inventions, technological upgradation, and diversification most of the organizations have become very complex. This has aggravated the problems of coordination. So, in order to cope up with the complexities, training has become mandatory. 3. Human relations:Every management has to maintain very good human relations, and this has made training as one of the basic conditions to deal with human problems. 4. To match employee specifications with the job requirements and organizational needs:An employee’s specification may not exactly suit to the requirements of the job and the organization, irrespective of past experience and skills. There is always a gap between an employee’s present specifications and the organization’s requirements. For filling this gap training is required. 5. Change in the job assignment:Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to the higher level or transferred to another department. Training is also required to equip the old employees with new techniques and technologies. IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING


Training of employees and mangers are absolutely essential in this changing environment. It is an important activity of HRD which helps in improving the competency of employees. Training gives a lot of benefits to the employees such as improvement in efficiency and effectiveness, development of self confidence and assists every one in self management. The stability and progress of the organization always depends on the training imparted to the employees. Training becomes mandatory under each and every step of expansion and diversification. Only training can improve the quality and reduce the wastages to the minimum. Training and development is also very essential to adapt according to changing environment.

Types of Training ;-Various types of training can be given to the employees such as induction training, refresher training, on the job training, vestibule training, and training for promotions. Some of the commonly used training programs are listed below:

1. Induction training:Also known as orientation training given for the new recruits in order to make them familiarize with the internal environment of an organization. It helps the employees to understand the procedures, code of conduct, policies existing in that organization.

2. Job instruction training:-


This training provides an overview about the job and experienced trainers demonstrates the entire job. Addition training is offered to employees after evaluating their performance if necessary.

3. Vestibule training:It is the training on actual work to be done by an employee but conducted away from the work place. 4. Refresher training:This type of training is offered in order to incorporate the latest development in a particular field. This training is imparted to upgrade the skills of employees. This training can also be used for promoting an employe




THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ARE : To examine the effectiveness of the training in overall development of the skill of the work force.


 To study the impact of training on worker.  To study change in behavior pattern due to training.  To find out new methods of training used in KCCB.  Study opinion of employee regarding venue.  To study about the character of the job.  To study preference given to employee of training. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY During my study period although the employee staff member of KCCB (head office dharamshala) were very co-operative and extended their full support, but there were following limitations associates with my study:-

 Difficulty in fill up of questionnaire.  Not enough time got to them.

 Some responses are not filled up with sincerity by respondents.  It is costly method.

 Efficiency of training is only depend upon the trainer.  Limited questions is asked by respondents in questionnaire


 Sample size is too small to reflect the opinion of the whole organization. RESEARCH METHODOOLGY; --Research refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific for relevant information on a specific topic. Research methodology serves as bridge between what has been established and what has to be done, in the conduct of the study to realize that objective. All of research can be categorized into basic and applied research  Basic research  Applied research

BASIC RESEARCH:It is intended to expand the body of knowledge for the use of other. APPLIED RESEARCH:it is carried to find solution for a particular problem. It is usually private in nature. It aims at finding solution for problems facing in a society.

RESEARCH DESIGN:Research design indicates the methods and procedures of conducting research study. It is the overall plan for conducting the research. Every research problem is unique. A research design lays the foundation for conducting the project. Research design can be done in the following three ways: Exploratory research


 Descriptive research  Experimental research Exploratory research:Exploratory research focus on the discovery of new ideas and is generally based on secondary data. It is mainly used when a researcher need more information they conduct and exploratory research in which they review existing information on the topic investigate the problem. Descriptive research:Descriptive study is used when researcher wants to understand the characteristics of certain groups, underlying a particular problem. Experimental research:A research study that investigate the relationship between different variables. It aims at determining whether and is what manner variable is related to each other. The research design is descriptive research design. Research includes gathering both primary as well as secondary data.


 To verify and test important facts.  To analysis an event or process or phenomenon to identify the cause and effect relationship.


 To develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories to solve and understand scientific and nonscientific problems.

 To find solutions to scientific, nonscientific and social problems and.

 To overcome or solve the problems occurring in our everyday.

TYPES OF RESEARCH: Practical Research The practical approach consists of the empirical study of the topic under research and chiefly consists of hands on approach. This involves first hand research in the form of questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations and discussion groups.

 Theoretical Research:A non-empirical approach to research, this usually involves perusal of mostly published works like researching through archives of public libraries, court rooms and published academic journals  Qualitative This










situation using research tools like interviews, surveys, and Observations. Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop


ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods









participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfill a given quota.

 Quantitative This type of research methods requires quantifiable data involving numerical and statistical explanations. Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations.

Correlation/Regression Analysis

This research method involves determining the strength of the relationship between two or more variables.


This research method is useful for finding out the average impact of several different studies on a hypothesis.


DATA COLLECTION PRIMARY DATA:It is first hand data which are selected fresh and happens to be original in character. Primary data was crucial to know about the various employees we use about training in primary data collection by using methods such as interview, Questionnaire etc. TECHNIQUES OF PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION:  Experiments People who take part in research involving experiments might be asked to complete various tests to measure their cognitive abilities (e.g. word recall, attention, concentration, reasoning ability etc.) usually verbally, on paper or by computer. The results of different groups are then compared. Participants should not be anxious about performing well but simply do their best. The aim of these tests is not to judge people or measure so-called intelligence, but to look for links between performance and other factors. If computers are used, this has to be done in such a way that no previous knowledge of computers is necessary. So people should not be put off by this either. The study might include an intervention such as a training programme, some kind of social activity, the introduction of a change in the person’s living environment (e.g. different lighting, background noise, different care routine) or different forms of interaction (e.g. linked to physical contact, conversation, eye contact, interaction time etc.). Often the interaction will be followed by some kind of test (as mentioned above), sometimes before and after the intervention. In other cases, the person may be asked to complete a questionnaire (e.g. about his/her feelings, level of satisfaction or general well-being).Some studies are just based on one group (within-group design). The researchers might be interested in observing people’s reactions or behavior before and after a certain intervention. However, in most cases, there are atleast two groups. One of the groups serves as a control group and is not exposed to the intervention. This is quite similar to the procedure in clinical trials whereby one group does not receive the experimental drug. This enables researchers to


compare the two groups and determine the impact of the intervention. Alternatively, the two groups might differ in some important way and it is that difference that is of interest to the researchers.

 Surveys Surveys involve collecting information, usually from fairly large groups of people, by means of questionnaires but other techniques such as interviews or telephoning may also be used. There are different types of survey. The most straightforward type (the “one shot survey”) is administered to a sample of people at a set point in time. Another type is the “before and after survey” which people complete before a major event or experience and then again afterwards.  Questionnaires Questionnaires are a good way to obtain information from a large number of people and/or people who may not have the time to attend an interview or take part in experiments. They enable people to take their time, think about it and come back to the questionnaire later. Participants can state their views or feelings privately without worrying about the possible reaction of the researcher. Unfortunately, some people may still be inclined to try to give socially acceptable answers. People should be encouraged to answer the questions as honestly as possible so as to avoid the researchers drawing false conclusions from their study. Questionnaires typically contain multiple choice questions, attitude scales, closed questions and open-ended questions. The drawback for researchers is that they usually have a fairly low response rate and people do not always answer all the questions and/or do not answer them correctly. Questionnaires can be administered in a number of different ways (e.g. sent by post or as email attachments, posted on Internet sites, handed out personally or administered to captive audience (such as people attending conferences). Researchers may even decide to administer the questionnaire in person which has the advantage of including people who have difficulties reading and writing. In this case, the participant may feel that


s/he is taking part in an interview rather than completing a questionnaire as the researcher will be noting down the responses on his/her behalf.  Interviews Interviews are usually carried out in person i.e. face-to-face but can also be administered by telephone or using more advance computer technology such as Skype. Sometimes they are held in the interviewee’s home, sometimes at a more neutral place. It is important for interviewees to decide whether they are comfortable about inviting the researcher into their home and whether they have a room or area where they can speak freely without disturbing other members of the household.  The interviewer (which is not necessarily the researcher) could adopt a formal or informal approach, either letting the interviewee speak freely about a particular issue or asking specific pre-determined questions. This will have been decided in advance and depend on the approach used by the researchers. A semi-structured approach would enable the interviewee to speak relatively freely, at the same time

allowing the researcher to ensure that certain issues were covered. When conducting the interview, the researcher might have a check list or a form to record answers. This might even take the form of a questionnaire. Taking notes can interfere with the flow of the conversation, particularly in less structured interviews. Also, it is difficult to pay attention to the non-verbal aspects of communication and to remember everything that was said and the way it was said. Consequently, it can be helpful for the researchers

to have some kind of

additional record of the interview such as an audio or video recording. They should of course obtain permission before recording an interview.  Case study Case study usually involve the detailed study of a particular case. Various methods of data collection and analysis are used but this typically includes observation and interviews and


may involve consulting other people and personal or public records. The researchers may be interested in a particular phenomenon and select one or more individuals in the respective situation on whom to base their case study/studies. Case studies have a very narrow focus which results in detailed descriptive data which is unique to the case studied. Nevertheless, it can be useful in clinical settings and may even challenge existing theories and practices in other domains. I use questionnaire technique for data collection. I asked certain question from employees of KCCB Head office Dharamshala. SECONDARY DATA:These are those which have been collected by someone else and which already have been passed by through statical process. It can be done from internal as well as internal sources. Internal sources:Various internal sources are like employees etc.

External sources:Various important external sources are internet, magazines etc. I use secondary data for data collection. It may be collected by employees, internet etc. SAMPLING UNIT

Who is to be surveyed? The sampling unit may contain one or several population elements. Researcher has randomly selected the respondents. In my research, sampling unit is government employees of KCCB head office Dharamshala.


Sampling method:

There are two types of sampling method: Probability sampling.  Non-probability sampling. PROBABILITY SAMPLING: Probability sampling means each unit of universe has equal chance of getting selected. The most frequently used probability sampling methods are as follows:  Simple random sampling  Stratified sampling  Systematic sampling  Cluster sampling  Area sampling  Sequential sampling

NON- PROBABILITY SAMPLING: Researcher selects the sampling unit according to his convenience. Non- probability sampling contain following method:  Convenience sampling  Judgment sampling  Quota sampling  Snow ball sampling


SAMPLE SIZE The number of elements of the population to be sampled is chosen. Sample size means limited respondents covered under the research study from a population and the researcher has taken a survey of 60 respondents to know the impact of training on the employees of KCCB. TOOLS AND TECHNIQUE Tools and techniques for my study are: 1) Bar diagram 2) Pie charts 3) Table 4) Questionnaire




Data Analysis and interpretation The analysis and interpretation of the study is based on the survey conducted. Following are of the tools some used for study:  Structured Questionnaire  Primary data

SCOP The area of my study is limited to Dharamshala region. So the scope of my case study that is effect of

training on employees of KCCB HEAD OFFICE DHARAMSHALA is limited to

Dharamshala only. Q 1: Are you male or female?


Purpose: To know, how many male and female are working in the organization?


No. of respondents





Male Female

INTERPERTATION:80% respondents are male and 20% are female, percentage of male respondents is high as compared to female.


Q 2: which age group do you belong to? Purpose: To know the age of the employees who are working in the organization.

No. of respondents

Age 25 years


25-40 years


40-50 years


Above 50







0 25 years



25-40 years

40-50 years

Above 50

25-50 Years employees have highest percentage in the KCCB as compared to the other categories.

Q 3: For how long you have been working in this organization? Purpose: The main purpose behind this question is to know the working time period of employees in the organization.

No. of years 1 year

No. of respondents 0

1-5 years


5-10 years


Up to 10 years


1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Up to 10 years



Up to 10 years employees have more working experience then the other employees working in the organization.

Q 4: Does your institution have a training and development program? Purpose: To know that organization has a training and development program for the employees.


No. of respondents Yes




Yes No



Here 45 respondents said that their organization has a training and development program.

Q 5: According to you what would be optimum duration of the training? Purpose: With help of this question we will find out the optimum duration of the training given to the employees.


No. of respondents

4-5 week


8 week


6 months


1 year


30 25 20 15 10 5 0 4-5 Week



8 week

6 months

1 year

Here it is clear that respondents gave preference to 4-5 weeks for the optimum duration of the training.

Q 6: To whom training should be given more in your organization? Purpose: According to this question we will find out to whom training is given more in the organization.


No. of respondents

New staff






30 25 20 15 10

5 0 New staff





Here, training is given mainly to new staff members as compared to the junior and senior members.

Q 7: Why do you need to undergo training? Purpose: To know the perceptions about training of employees.


No. of respondents









INTERPRETATION: Here 80% respondents said that training is helpful for learning new technologies and methods.

Q 8: Does your top management take feedback? Purpose: To know that top management really take feedback from their employees.


No. of respondents





Yes No



Here, 80% respondents said that their top management takes feedback from their employees and 20% respondents said that their top management does not take feedback from their employees.

Q 9: Training helps in increasing productivity of employees to achieve organizational goals? Purpose: I want to know the opinion of the employees regarding productivity of employee is increased after training program.


No. of respondents









100% respondents said that training helps in increasing productivity of employees to achieve organizational goals.

Q 10: Are you satisfied with job training? Purpose: To know the satisfaction of employees regarding the training.


No. of respondents





Yes No



Here, 90% employees are satisfied with the job training and 10% of the employees are not satisfied with the job


CONCLUSIONS:Efficient and effective training of employees is an essential element for Kangra Central Cooperative Bank In the chapter of analysis and interpretation. I analysed various questions on the basis of questionnaire. I asked many question from employees of KCCB. From the above, on the basis and interpretation conclusion remain that training is most powerful tool for the new and old employees. It creates a path for employees to know new technology about his work. During my research, employees said that venue of training should be outside the state, it is not a forceful action it creates opportunity for employees. When I went for research then during research, I found that it is a big limitation in their organization that training is given only to refreshers. There are very few program are available for old employees, so that they feels dis-satisfied from their job or work. At last conclusion is that training is compulsory for new employees but it is also the requirement of old employees, through which they can adapt to their selves according to the new technology and can perform their work efficiently.


For employees, training can strengthen workplace skills and leads to greater long term job security. From an employer prospective, having well trained workers are key to maintaining competitive performance and distinguishing a company from its rivals while the initial costs may seem high, stress within your company that training is a long term investment in the development of staff.  Identify the specific skills you need to improve and the time frame within which you would like to meet your training goals to provide the optimal payback.  Ensure that employees know the specific purposes for their training and how they

connect to larger company goals. Remember to award those who perfor mance well.  A training location can strongly affect the quality of learning, so make sure your training area has sufficient space and the necessary equipment, such as computer.  Make sure the trainers hired are professional educators and their material can serve as valuable resources in the future.  A training program does not be effective unless you monitor its progress. Choose such as productivity or profit, to help determine the return on investment for your training efforts and establish concrete results.  Provide information for the employee about why the new skills, skill enhancement or information is necessary. Make the employee understand the link between the training and his job.

 Don’t limit your training to new employees, and try to bring in as many workers as you can who would benefit from additional training.


 Before rolling out a new program, test some aspect of your training system with a smaller group of people to gain feedback and fine tune the process.

 Express to all employees that your organization cares about enhancing their skills.


BOOKS: Kotler, P. 2003, Marketing Management, Eleventh edition, Pearson Education Canada. Biswajeet Pattanayak S.Chand&CompanyLtd.






Jack Philip (2004), hand book of training evaluation and measurement methods”, first edition, published by jaico publishing House. Kothari, CR. (2000), Research Methodology methods and techniques, Viswa Prakasam, New Delhi. Laud, G.M. (1956),Co-operative Banking in India, The co-oprative Book depot.



















Dear-Participant, I am Anjli Devi the student of Regional Centre, H.P. University Dharamshala. I am using this survey to collect data for my Master Degree’s Project Report on A study of impact on traning programme of employees of kangra central co-oprative bank dharamshala (H.O.). Your responses are very important for my project Report. It will take few minutes to answer the questions. I request you to take your time and answer the questions so that, your answer reflects what you really think about these issues. Your answers will be handled confidentially and the data will be used for academic purpose only

1. (Not Compulsory) Name:






2. Which age group do you belong?


a. 25years

b. Up to 25- 40 years

c. Up to 40-45 years

d. More than 50 years

3. For how long you have been working in this bank? a. Less than 1 year

b. 15 years

c. 5-10years

d. More than 10 years

4. Does your bank have a training and development program? a. Yes

b. No

5. According to you what would be optimum duration of the training? a. 4-5 weeks c. 6 Months

b. 8 weeks d. 1 year

6. To whom training should be given more in your organization? a.

New staff

b. juniors

c. Seniors 7. Why do you need to undergo training? a. To get promoting

b. It is a force full action

c. To effectively learn new technologies and implementation. 8.

Does your top management take feedback? a. Yes


b. No

Training helps in increasing productivity of employees to achieve organization goals? a. Yes

b. No

10. Are you satisfied with the job training? a.



b. No


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