Anb23 How God Talks

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  • June 2020
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ANB 23, How God Talks Hello folks let me tell you today about a major spiritual law, it's the law of the mouth. You see God wants us to have perfect control over our whole minds and bodies, then we can be the perfect servants of the Lord our God. So we work towards that, Praise the Lord. Now what is the one thing that God and man have in common that nothing else can have, words of faith. Look at Genesis 1, God had say it and see it faith. God said then God saw. God made Adam in His own image, one Hebrew translation says "another speaking spirit." Praise the Lord, so your gift of your speech is a powerful one, one you must learn to use wisely. Let me show you two quick verses. Now when you read these, seriously consider what they say, I know then you will realize just how important this subject is. "I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless (inoperative, nonworking) word they utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Matthew 12:36-37. "For we all make many mistakes, and if any one makes no mistakes in what he says he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body also. 3 If we put bits into the mouths of horses that they may obey us, we guide their whole bodies. 4 Look at the ships also; though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. 5 So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire." James 3:2-6 (Revised Standard Version) Praise God. When we meet Him we are going to give account for every unprofitable word. Think of all the unprofitable words you say all day "I don't feel so good, the weather doesn't look so good, I'm broke, it's just not going to work out." Do you have your faith in those words, I hope not. You need to check your mouth. Watch what you say. God hears EVERY single word. Do you want Him hearing all of what you say? Look at the next verse. Did you catch that? If you can control your mouth you can control your whole body. That's saying quite a bit. Maybe some of you say it's easy, give it a try. We get so tempted to speak negatively, over our situations or over others. What did you say the last time somewhat cut you off, when some one cut you in line. Do you talk about people behind their backs? Start giving thought to every word before you speak it and to control your tongue, it's not as easy as you may think. But PRAISE THE LORD. Just as He gives us the Holy Spirit power to change anything about ourselves that does not line up with His Word, so He has given us wisdom, instruction in His Word, and the might to bridle our tongues too. So what do you need to do?

Read the first two verses again and make the decision. The shorter that list of careless words you and God go over before you start enjoying your mansion in Heaven the better. So make the decision you need to get this. Then you need to see what God's Word says about how to speak. Remember this, "walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16. That means, among other things, focus on doing the right things and you won't have as much trouble staying from the wrong things. We'll look at those in the reverse order, so you finish on the right note. So what shouldn't you say? "Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word, no unwholesome or worthless talk ever come out of your mouth." Ephesians 4:29 (1st half). I don't want you to be misled about the breadth of this. God watches every single one of your words, at least close enough to see which are careless and which are not. God has given you the power of speech, He's watching how you will use it. Foul or polluting language. We know generally foul language, but what pollutes. Is it good to spread bad news, gossip or talk about negative circumstances. Is it good to bring others down or call people names, even if they can't hear you. Is it good to talk about your own life negatively "I'll never get a job/wife/house/etc." Don't pollute your hearts with such words. They are careless and pollution to you. Are you talking about sin all the time, what happened last weekend or who is guilty of what? Do you talk about other people's sins and how they fall short? Don’t' focus on that. Don't give life to that with your mouth. Watch what you say child of God!!!! How strict am I with this? I'm working to never again say any of the following, "I'm sick, I'm broke, I don't feel good, I don't have enough, I don't have a job, he/she's a jerk, I don't like this." Now I'll never tell a lie. So let's say I feel like garbage (which never happens praise the Lord) and someone says, "how do you feel?" I usually just say "fine." But what I should always say is "I Peter 2:24 says 'By His stripes I was healed praise the Lord." Think of the faith in that. I'm letting God's word be more true to me than anything I can feel with my senses. That is how you do it folks, that slaps the devil in the face and activates the healing power of God in your body. Let God's Word be true and every thing I can even feel a lie from the devil." (Romans 3:4) (Read also Romans 4:1622 on this) So what should you say? "But only such speech as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace to those who hear it." Ephesians 4:29 (2nd half)

Take a long look at this verse and see what it means for you. Let me say this quickly. In terms of what you should say it falls into two categories (faith filled human words and faith filled God's Word). When you speak: Build others up, focus on what is good, holy and pure. Be quick to spread good news. Be quick to be an encourager, loving person, gentle and supportive. Be positive always and tender your speech with happiness. (Read Philippians 4:8, when it says "think" in the last line, change that word to "speak." Then start talking. Also, begin speaking the Word of God. God watches over His Word to perform it, it won't go out void, but will accomplish what He purposed it would. (Jeremiah 1:12, Isaiah 55:11) Meditate this next sentence. When you begin speaking God's Word, He's now watching over your words. God gave you His Word not just to read it but to speak it. Speak the Word of God over every situation in your life and watch that situation be transformed according to His Word. Great example, "by His stripes I was healed." Praise the Lord. The Words of God are the most important and effective Words you will ever speak. "If you . . . make the Almighty your God and the Lord your precious silver treasure . . . You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light of God's favor shall shine upon your ways." Job 22:24-28. (I was in Target today to buy Bambi for a school project. I didn't know if they had one (nearly sold out) so I just calmly said, "Praise the Lord there is a Bambi here for me." Not ten seconds later I look up and see a second shelf with just two Bambi's left (only one with the special box). Praise God that is how it works. Who says law school is hard for a man of God, we're watching Bambi praise the Lord.) I decreed it, and it was established for me. "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34. Put into your heart the Word of God and what it teaches. Put it into your heart big time, then speak as the Lord would have you speak. What's in your heart? Well what do you speak? hmmmmm. Why is this message called "How God Talks?" Aside from the issue of God's Word we discussed, look at the verses again, this is exactly how God, who loves you all more than you love yourselves, talks. Think God's thoughts, speak God words, get God's results, you'll see if you don't already.

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