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In Spain


PSOE • • • • • • • • •

2nd May 1879 “Casa Labra” Pablo Iglesias and another 24 people PSOE. “El Socialista” 12th August 1888 create UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores) The first president: Antonio García Quejido 1890, the First of May demostration (reclamations of the working class) Pablo Iglesias and Federico Engels: socialism in Europe. 1898, patriotic feeling (Cuba) "Allá van los esclavos blancos a luchar con los esclavos negros"

• 1903: the PSOE: 3 councilmen in Madrid: • Another 58 socialist councilmen in other Spanish town councils. • Important advance against caciquismo. • 1904: Tomás Meabe: Juventud Socialista. • 1906: first Congress of JSE. • An antimilitary, secular and antialcoholic organization. • 1907: admitted as the young organization of the PSOE.

“LA CASA DEL PUEBLO” • 1908: the PSOE and the UGT stood up to important businessmen: they inagurated “la Casa del Pueblo” of Madrid • Property of the working-class of the city. • The socialsm had a head office to fight against the employers and it had a single red flag in the top of it.

THE TRAGIC WEEK (July 25August 2, 1909)

BACKGROUND • Lost of the Spanish last colonies, Cuba and Filipinas. • Spain looked for a bigger presence in the north of Africa. • 9 July 1909: Spanish workers killed by Moroccans. • Started the War of Morocco. • Movilization of the reserve units.

EVOLUTION • Monday: They created a strike comitee for its coordination and direction. • Tuesday: News about the death of 1200 reservist reached Barcelona.Uprisings (construction of barricades in the streets) • Wednesday: The strike comitee was unable to control the workers. • Thursday: The uprising started its decline.

CONSEQUENCES • • • • • • •

78 deaths. Brutal reaction. Five were sentenced to death and executed. 59 received sentences of life imprisonment. Union trades and secular schools closed. European press´ disapproval. King Alfonso XIII, removed Prime Minister Antonio Maura from power • The liberal Segismundo Moret.

• 1910: elections. Pablo Iglesias: the first socialist deputy of the Congress. • After 1904, Pablo Iglesias started to have health problems. • 1915: Tomas Meabe died.

• 1921: division within the PSOE. • Socialdemocrat line. • Creation of the Partido Comunista Obrero Español (PCOE), later called PCE. • 1923: Miguel Primo de Rivera: coup d ´etat. Dictatorship till 1930. • Pablo Iglesias died on the 9 December 1925 in Madrid.


What is the anarchism? • • •

• • •

A political philosophy Obligatory government Constitutes - No single defining position - Rejection of compulsory government Radical left-wing ideology At first to damn those who were fomenting disorder (positive connotation) David Thoreau: "The government is best which governs least."

Important historical events for the anarchism

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Comuna de París (1871) Revolución Cantonal (1873) Revuelta de Haymarket (1886) Zapatismo (1910) Revolución majnovista (1917) Consejo de Baviera (1918) Patagonia rebelde (1920) Rebelión de Kronstadt (1921) Cataluña anarquista (1936) Mayo francés (1968) Anarquía somalí (1991) Batalla de Seattle (1999) Argentinazo (2001)

Schools of thought • Ethics, political philosophy, economic models • Basic things • Complement (respect) • Economical models : -The socialist anarchism -The market anarchism

• Socialist anarchism: planned economy and collective property -Anarcho-syndicalism, -Anarchist communism, -Collectivist anarchism. • Market anarchism: market economy and private property -Mutualism, -Anarcho-capitalism.

Main ideologos and works • Prominent people: ideologos or people/groups • Reject to have a model • Most important anarchists and works:

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Ideologos • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon • Mijail Bakunin • Lysander Spooner • Benjamin Tucker • Piotr Kropotkin • Errico Malatesta • Murray Rothbard • David Friedman

Works • ¿Qué es la propiedad? • Dios y el Estado • Sin traición • Liberty • El apoyo mutuo • La anarquía • La ética de libertad • La maquinaria de libertad

Why was succesful in Catalonia? • 2nd part XIX century: peasants industry centrals • Manifestation 70 years (threat) • Ramón de Valle-Inclán, Miguel de Unamuno, «Azorín» and Pío Baroja • Resistence of industrialists worker’s radicalism • Socialist unionism: establish workers Anarchism: people to industry The rural workers: impersonal world The artisan: displaced (industrialization)

And in Andalucia? • • • • • • • • •

Rural places “primitive” social movement Anarchist ideology “the idea” (from village to village) Religious influence, the revolutionary views Madrid and Catalonia rejected God New newspaper and magazines (“La revista blanca” ) Social system basically feudal: important 1844: la Guardia Civil. Guardia Civil caciquism workers. La Mano Negra” (the Black Hand)

The Black Hand • Supposed secret and violent Anarchist organization (murderers) • In Andalucia, end of the 19th century • The police Based on four crimes • Result: 15 peasants condemned to death • Not clear if Existed

Invention of Sagasta to combat revolts Stopped rural radicalism (not all)

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