Amorphous Computing

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  • Words: 28,632
  • Pages: 101
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Faculteit van de Wetenschappen Departement Informatica















Exploring the Amorphous Computing Paradigm Ellie D’Hondt August 2000

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master’s in Computer Science.

Promotor: Prof. Dr. Bernard Manderick

Contents Acknowledgements


1 Introduction


2 Amorphous Computing: An Overview 2.1 The Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Metaphors from Biology . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Group Formation . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Establishing a Coordinate System 2.2.3 Tropisms and Pheromones . . . . . 2.3 Metaphors from Physics . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Diffusion: the Gray-Scott model . 2.3.3 General Conservation Equations . 2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Amorphous Computing Media 3.1 Hardware Implementations . . . . . . 3.1.1 Gunk on the Wall . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Constructing the Particles . . . 3.2 Simulator Implementations . . . . . . 3.2.1 hlsim: A High Level Simulator 3.2.2 A Simulator in Java . . . . . . 3.3 Cellular Computing . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for Gunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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4 The Growing Point Language 46 4.1 Introductory Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4.1.1 Drawing a Line Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.1.2 Tropism Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.1.3 A CMOS Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.2 Implementation: ecoli and the gpl Illustrator . . . . . . . . 55 4.2.1 Common Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.2.2 ecoli: The Extensible Language of Local Interactions 58 i



4.2.3 The gpl Illustrator . . . . . . Further Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Impact of the Domain Layout 4.3.2 Extensions to gpl . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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5 Thoughts on Amorphous Geometry 5.1 Robot Motion Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Drawing a Polygon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Finding the Diagonals of a Convex Quadrangle 5.4 Triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6 Conclusion


Appendix: The Secretion Finite State Machine



List of Figures 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12

The communication model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Result of the overlapping clubs algorithm. . . . . . . Result of the tight clubs algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . The tree region algorithm at work. . . . . . . . . . . Gradients originating from two corner anchors. . . . Error in position after triangulation. . . . . . . . . . A two-dimensional wave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reflection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reaction-diffusion: regular versus amorphous layout. Simulation of the Gray-Scott model. . . . . . . . . . Domain partition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11

Central Processing Unit of M68HC11. . . . . . . . Two versions of the EPPP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A lawn of EPPPs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulation of a potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulation of the clubs algorithm. . . . . . . . . . The Gray-Scott simulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synchronous simulation of the Gray-Scott model. . The two idealised cases for a biological inverter. . . The biological inverter process schematically. . . . The transfer curve I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamical behaviour of a biological inverter gate.

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4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

Construction of a line segment. . . . . . . . . Primitive tropism expressions. . . . . . . . . . A CMOS inverter circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . gpl’s realisation of a CMOS inverter circuit. Tropism implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . The secretion finite state machine. . . . . . . Partial structure of the gpl illustrator. . . . .

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Simulation results for the robot motion planning problem. . .



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5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12

Drawing a quadrangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Several polygons constructed with gpl. . . . . . . . . . The structure of the diagonal growing point. . . . . . . The composition of the diagonal growing point. . . . . A quadrangle’s diagonal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A camera’s view in an art gallery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A polygon with a possible triangulation and 3-colouring. Triangulation tropisms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The extract-pheromone procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . Triangulation of a pentangle and a hexagon. . . . . . . . Star shapes inscribed in a pentangle and a hexagon. . .

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The secretion finite state machine: conditions. . . . . . . . . . The secretion finite state machine: actions. . . . . . . . . . . The secretion finite state machine: processes. . . . . . . . . .

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Acknowledgements I thank my promotor Bernard Manderick for granting me the opportunity to carry out the research I intended. Specifically, I am grateful for being provided with the means along with a stimulating environment to investigate concretely the field of amorphous computing. I appreciate Tom Lenaerts for updating my computer with all necessary software and for proofreading this work. Likewise, I thank the rest of the ASyG-team for sitting the ”holidays” through with me in 10F720. Without all that work activity surrounding me, I am not sure if I would have managed to finish this thesis. I also want to thank Daniel Coore for his help and feedback on his growing point language, and for sending me the necessary files to run simulations with it. As the only one that really knows gpl through and through, his extensive answers to my emails proved very valuable, and I regret not having been able to experiment with gpl in time to include it in this work. I thank my parents and my sister Maja for their support and for their valuable comments on my writing. Although I am certain that they helped me with pleasure, I think they would prefer to read on other subjects if they had the choice. More specifically, I thank my father for his suggestions concerning computational geometry and his help on the secretion finite state machine, my mother for meticulously checking the number of parentheses in code extracts, and Maja for her help with the conclusion. Likewise, I appreciate Patrick for supporting me and lending me an ear whenever I needed to voice my thoughts.


Chapter 1

Introduction Modern-day computer science generally produces systems which lack robustness against adaptations to new situations. They are unreasonably dependent on the strict correctness of the implementation, and they cannot be easily modified to accomodate design adjustments, extra specifications or evolving requirements. These are fundamental problems, and to find a solution for them calls for an entirely different way of thinking. Amorphous computing is a new field in computer science, and while it does not claim to be the ultimate solution to the above problems, it is a new computing paradigm which allows one to reason about computation in a fundamentally different way. Amorphous computing emerged in anticipation of the fast evolving fields of microfabrication and cellular engineering. Within the context of these evolutions, mass production of small computational units with limited power seems feasible, provided that there need be no guarantees that each unit works faultlessly. However, while producing a system composed of such units is within our reach, as yet there exist no programming paradigms applicable to it. Amorphous computing is exactly the domain trying to fill the gap between the construction and the programming techniques required of such a system, consequently referred to as an amorphous computer. While cellular computing already works with a multitude of particles cooperating to achieve some computational goal, fundamentally new aspects of the amorphous computing model are evolvability, asynchrony and locality. The latter is reflected in the communication model, which is such that particles may only communicate with neighbours within a certain communication radius. Hence, amorphous computing particles have to achieve global goals through local communication and cooperation, such that they cannot rely on any global knowledge about the system they are a part of.




One of the main goals of amorphous computing is to identify methods for obtaining predefined behaviour through local interaction only. Since sciences such as biology and physics often operate within this context, they were adopted as a source for metaphors applicable within the field of amorphous computing. For example, biological organisms tend to organise themselves from cells into tissues, tissues into organs, and organs into systems, thus creating a hierarchical structure. Taking amorphous computing particles as the metaphorical equivalent of cells, one can define algorithms to create a hierarchical structure of clubs. Furthermore, biology often applies chemical gradients to create a sense of direction within an organism; analogously, an amorphous computing system can establish a coordinate system through its equivalent of chemical gradients. Physics, whenever particles come into play, also provides a rich source of metaphors. As a result, a physical wave, or any conserved system in general, can be adopted as behavioural paradigm for amorphous computing particles. At a certain point, algorithms must be converted into programs, and a framework must be present in which these programs can be executed. Such an amorphous computing medium’s only constraint is that it behaves like an actual amorphous computer would, whatever the implementation behind it. As such, an amorphous computing medium can either be simulated or implemented in hardware, and both approaches have already been elaborated to some degree. Hardware media come in two flavours, both still in a preliminary stadium: one relies on microprocessors for amorphous computing particles, while the other uses biological cells. Because hardware implementations are as yet uncapable of serving as full-blown amorphous computing media, several simulators were constructed. As such, amorphous algorithms can be simulated and tested, while at the same time investigations towards the construction of a ”real” amorphous computer are carried out. Eventually, the idea of amorphous computing is to develop engineering principles and languages to control, organise and exploit the behaviour of a set of programmable computing particles. The first serious attempt to achieve this is the growing point language, a language adopting the construction of complex patterns as model for global behaviour. The specification of these patterns relies on biological ingredients such as tropisms and pheromones, which help direct the growth of structures towards or away from others. With the help of these and other abstractions, complex patterns such as digital circuits can be constructed. The growing point language is implemented through an interpreter, but preliminary work towards the development of a compiler was also carried out. Extending the language as well as completing the compiler hopefully leads towards the construction of the first amorphous computing language ever.



As a first step towards the extension of the preliminary amorphous computing paradigm existing at this stage, we propose to incorporate the important and useful discipline of computational geometry. Since the physical layout of an amorphous computer serves as a basis for a one-to-one correspondence with geometrical configurations, it seems natural to look at what we will refer to as amorphous geometry. Moreover, there are a whole set of easily imagineable useful applications, such as smart surfaces interacting with their environment in any way. Exploring the possibilities of amorphous geometry, we show that amorphous computing can deal with this class of problems as well, while at the same time we expand the field considerably and provide a basis for useful applications. The structure of this dissertation is as follows. In the chapter Amorphous Computing: An Overview we give an overview of the amorphous computing model, as well as some applications based on metaphors from biology and physics. As such, we are the first to provide a proper synthesis of the field as well as a clear classification of existing amorphous algorithms. Also novel is that the discussion up to this stage is deliberately independent of the associated amorphous computing medium. These media are classified properly in the chapter Amorphous Computing Media, where the presently available hardware implementations and simulators are covered, as well as concrete implementations of some of the algorithms presented in the prior chapter. Next follows the chapter The Growing Point Language, which gives an overview on the equally named language. Through some example specifications, it is shown how the growing point language constructs the associated patterns. In this chapter we also discuss the actual limitations of gpl, as well as possible extensions. The chapter Thoughts on Amorphous Geometry introduces computational geometry within the field of amorphous computing. Proposed solutions to well-known problems such as robot motion planning and polygon triangulation underline that amorphous computing is powerful enough for dealing with geometrical problems as well. The final chapter contains a conclusion.

Chapter 2

Amorphous Computing: An Overview Extrapolating recent developments in cellular engineering and microfabrication, one can easily imagine that in the nearby future it will be feasible to assemble systems that incorporate myriads of information-processing units at almost no cost, provided that all the units need not work correctly, and that there is no need to manufacture precise geometrical arrangements of units or interconnections among them. For example, one could construct ”particles” containing microelectronical components, such as logic circuits, sensors, actuator and communication devices, and immerge them in bulk materials to obtain smart paint, bridges, buildings, and the like. More strikingly, advances in cellular engineering could lead to the use of cells instead of electronics as the basics of unit construction. Computation within this context, as well as the construction and programmation of computers, take on a fundamentally different form. Moreover, from the viewpoint of cellular automata, one can wonder if global synchronisation and a crystalline lattice are fundamental aspects, or if useful, more general models can be built without depending on these properties [Rau99]. The above realisations lead to the emergence of the field known as amorphous computing. The structure of this chapter is as follows. In section 2.1, we discuss the basic attributes of amorphous computing. The bulk of this chapter describes aspects of amorphous computing, relying on metaphors from biology (section 2.2) and physics (section 2.3). We finish with a summary in section 2.4


The Basics

The starting point of amorphous computing is synthesised in the following question:




How do we obtain coherent behaviour from the cooperation of large numbers of unreliable parts that are interconnected in unknown, irregular, and time-varying ways? In the context of biological organisms, cooperation of animals such as bees and ants, or even in human behaviour, this question has been recognised for generations as fundamental. Amorphous computing brings it down to the field of computation, with as a goal the identification of engineering principles and languages that can be used to observe, control, organise, and exploit the behaviour of programmable multitudes. The basic model of amorphous computing consists of numerous identical, mass produced computing elements randomly placed on a surface or in a volume, where each processor has modest computing power and a modest amount of memory. These particles possess no a priori knowledge of their location, orientation, or of the other particles’ identities; each can talk to a few neighbours, though not reliably. All processors operate asynchronously but they have similar clock speeds. Components are sensitive to the environment, may effect actions, and are unreliable: fault tolerance is achieved via redundancy rather than relying on hardware perfection. Although in principle individual processors are mobile, most of the work done in amorphous computing assumes fixed positions. The only fundamental property of the communication model is that communications should be local and occur by wireless broadcast; however, mostly a model is adopted where each processor can talk to those processors that are within a certain fixed radius, referred to as the communication radius. Moreover, all processors use a single channel, which means that collisions can occur when two processors with overlapping broadcast areas send messages simultaneously. The receiver can detect a collision by receiving a garbled message, while the sender cannot, since transmitting and listening to messages cannot take place simultaneously. The communication model is illustrated in figure 2.1.

The important task in amorphous computing is the identification of appropriate organising principles and programming methodologies for controlling amorphous systems. Since both biology and physics often work with systems of numerous, locally interacting units (cells and particles respectively), many principles can be borrowed from these sciences. Also, since an amorphous system is actually a massively parallel computing system, another source of ideas can be found in the domain of cellular automata. The rest of this chapter presents an overview of the work already done along these lines of thought.



r = communication radius





If A and B broadcast a message at the same time, C will detect a collision

Figure 2.1: The communication model.


Metaphors from Biology

Since the general model for an amorphous computer is reminiscent of a biological organism, preliminary ideas focus on hints from biology. The growth of organisms demonstrates that well-defined shapes and functional structures can develop through the interaction of cells under the control of a genetic program. Hence, biology provides a rich source of methaphors for amorphous computing. The subjects presented in this section all rely in one way or another on such a biological metaphor; these range from an algorithm for constructing a hierarchical structure (2.2.1), over one for establishing a global coordinate system (2.2.2), to pattern formation (2.2.3).


Group Formation

In biology, it is common practice to organise cells into tissues, tissues into organs, and organs into systems, thus creating a hierarchical structure. Likewise, one can organise amorphous particles into hierarchies of groups that can act as single entities and can collaborate to form higher-level groups, such that members within a group can specialise to perform particular functions. In [CNW97] a method to achieve exactly this is discussed extensively. It consists basically of two parts: first, the lowest level in the hierarchy is established by the clubs algorithm; next, the higher levels are taken care of by the tree algorithm. All algorithms presented further on follow the same basic steps, shown in the box below. DO Leader Election: Processors compete for leadership. Recruiting: New leaders recruit their neighbours. Recruited processors stop competing for leadership and become members of the leaders’ group. UNTIL Termination: All processors are either leaders or group members.



The Clubs Algorithm A club is a group of processors at the first level of the group hierarchy. Each club has a leader, who is chosen in the following way. Assuming that each processor has a random number generator, a processor chooses a random number within a certain fixed range [0, R[ and decrements this number silently. Once a certain processor reaches zero without being interrupted, it declares itself a leader and recruites all its neighbours by sending them a recruit-message. As such, the dimension of a club is determined by the communication radius. Once a processor is declared a follower it stops counting down and listens for other recruit-messages. Hence, in this algorithm, a single processor can belong to several clubs, which is why it is also referred to as the overlapping clubs algorithm. After R time each processor is either itself a leader or recruited by a leader, and the process terminates. The code executed by a single processor is as follows (from[CN98b]) integer R (upper bound for random numbers) boolean leader, follower = false procedure CLUBS () ti := R ri := random[0,R) while (not follower and not leader) ti = ti - 1 if ( ri > 0) ri := ri - 1 if (not empty(msg queue)) if (rst(msg queue) = "recruit") follower := true else leader := true broadcast("recruit") while ( ti >= 0) listen for other leaders ti = ti - 1 The resulting clubs contain exactly one leader, which guarantees a minimum separation of a broadcast radius between leaders and reduces the overlap between neighbouring clubs. Leadership conflicts may occur when two processors declare themselves leader at the same time, violating the minimum separation between leaders. If these conflicts are tolerated, the time required for the algorithm is simply R. Leadership conflicts can be eliminated by running the algorithm several times: after a time R, those regions where a conflict has been detected (by neighbourhood conference) run another round of overlapping clubs. If a processor detects a collision it



assumes that at least two leaders tried to recruit it at the same time, and it becomes a follower. During leadership conflict resolution, it determines who the leaders are. Hence, one can see that the algorithm is robust against collisions. A result of the overlapping clubs algorithm can be seen in figure 2.2, where each circle presents a club 1 .

Figure 2.2: Result of the overlapping clubs algorithm.

Leaders act as coordinators of their group, since they can communicate with all their members. The disadvantage of the overlapping clubs algorithm is that an entire group can become disconnected if its leader fails. One way out of this is to work with adaptive clubs [CN98a], in which case a club elects a new leader when the former leader fails. This issue is also addressed in a variation on the clubs algorithm, the tight clubs algorithm, by constructing clubs that are more tightly coupled. The basic differences with the overlapping clubs algorithm is that each processor belongs to exactly one group, and that each member of a club can communicate with all the other members. In this way, each processor can become the leader of its club. Details of this algorithm can be found in [CNW97]; for a graphical view on the result see figure 2.3.

The Tree Regions Algorithm Establishing the higher levels of the hierarchy is accomplished by the tree regions algorithm. This depends on the inter-group communication capabilities provided by the immediate lower level to construct processor groupings 1

The figures in this section are from [CNW97].



Figure 2.3: Result of the tight clubs algorithm.

(at the first level, a minimum of two communication hops is required for communication between leaders). The construction of level n groups starts with a leader selection mechanism at level n − 1 in the same way as described for the club algorithm. The main difference here is in the recruiting mechanism: an extra parameter h determines the diameter bound of the groups formed in the following way. Once a group is elected as leader, it becomes a tree root. It then seeds a tree of fixed height h by recruiting its neighbouring groups as children. The child group then tries to recruit its own neighbours, unless it is itself at depth h from the root. Hence, when all level n − 1 groups are either recruited or leader, one obtains level n groups which are trees with a maximum depth h. This algorithm can be run on top of either tight clubs or overlapping clubs; the procedures used for seeding the tree and recruiting neighbours are as follows (from[CNW97]):

integer integer integer integer boolean

R ; range for choosing random numbers T ; expected time to create a region/tree MAX H ; maximum height a tree can grow to current h = inf competing = true

procedure MAIN() r = random(R) * T



ELECTION LOOP() procedure ELECTION LOOP() if (not empty(msg queue)) msg = pop(msg queue) if (msg = "recruit") RECRUITED(msg) else if (competing) decrement r if (r = 0) SEED TREE() else ELECTION LOOP() procedure RECRUITED(msg) if ((msg.h < current h) &&(msg.h < MAX H)) broadcast ("recruit", (h+1)) ; recruit neighbours for depth h+1 current h = msg.h competing = false DONE() SEED TREE() root := true broadcast ("recruit", 1) ; recruit neighbours for depth 1 DONE() DONE() wait for time out

Figure 2.4 shows the algorithm running on top of overlapping clubs. In this case, club leaders coordinate the club’s decision to seed or join a tree, with messages between leaders routed through club members. The lines connecting club leaders represent the spanning trees, in this case of bounded height 2, formed by the algorithm.

Applications An amorphous computing hierarchy, established as explained above or in any other way, simplifies programming an amorphous computer and facilitates the analysis of amorphous computing algorithms. This is because such a hierarchy is really an abstraction of an amorphous computer that simplifies high level programming. In this way, algorithms already designed for other



Figure 2.4: The tree region algorithm at work.

architectures can easily be implemented, where the physical properties of the hierarchy stress the connection between the geometrical arrangement of the processors and programming abstractions. Also, robustness is increased, since aggregating processors increases reliability above that of a single processor. As an example, let us look at the mergesort algorithm. An amorphous computing hierarchy provides a simple and efficient framework for distributing problems, inherent with divide and conquer algorithms such as mergesort. Treating groups in the hierarchy as computational units (instead of single processors), mergesort can be invoked on a certain group, which partitions the sorting task amongst its children and merges the results. In [CNW97], the following pseudo-code is presented for mergesort expressed in terms of a method on a group; in this implementation, the array of integers to be sorted is stored in the group’s state.

// inherited state: // Members = list of members group MergeSortGroup { // state IntegerArray my_ints // methods void sort () { if (expected_compute_time(my_ints) < time_to_distribute_problem_to_members) quicksort()



else for all members in this.Members, in parallel { member.set_my_ints(sublist) member.sort() } merge_member_lists() // set my_ints to the merge of members my_ints } }

A language abstraction built on top of the hierarchy would allow a user to ignore intimate details of implementation of coordinated group behaviour, by providing operations on groups of processors. Coherent group behaviour is attained through the group leader, which coordinates and distributes the subtasks to member groups, and through which the group maintains state. The task a group has to accomplish is partitioned according to the number of subgroups and their resources. In this example, a group determines whether additional recursion is needed by comparing the cost of distributing the task with that of executing it in-place. In general, any divide and conquer algorithm, for example factorisation and primality testing, can be implemented efficiently and in a straightforward manner on an amorphous computer. Another application follows directly from the clubs algorithm itself, which can be used to solve the maximum independent set (MIS) problem. This is so because a set of club leaders with no leadership conflicts is in itself a MIS. The clubs algorithm can be further extended to solve the problem known as ∆ + 1 vertex colouring, which is closely related to MIS. In this problem, the goal is to find a graph colouring which uses at most ∆ + 1 colours, where ∆ is the maximum degree of the graph. This is achieved by modifying the clubs algorithm so that there are no leaders or followers; instead, when a processor’s countdown reaches zero, it simply chooses the ”smallest” colour it has not heard and broadcasts that colour. Both the MIS and the ∆ + 1 vertex colouring algorithms implemented as above on an amorphous computer are O(logN ), where N is the total number of elements [CN98a].


Establishing a Coordinate System

For many applications, for example intelligent environments such as bridges monitoring traffic loads, airplane wings actively reducing drag, or smart



walls that cancel noise, it is important that the amorphous computing components know their physical location relative to other elements in order to interpret sensor information. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to establish a global coordinate system within an amorphous computing medium. More precisely, can each processor assign itself a logical coordinate that maps approximately to its global physical location, starting from local information only? One approach is inspired by biological systems that use chemical gradients to determine the positions of cells [Nag99] – a chemical is released from a cell, such that the concentration of this chemical decreases as one moves further away from the cell, hence giving an indication of distance. Relying on the fact that the position of a point on a 2-dimensional plane can be determined uniquely relative to three non-colinear points, the algorithm consists of the following basic steps: 1. three non-colinear anchor processors are chosen, either by external stimulus or by a leader election mechanism (see section 2.2.1) 2. each anchor produces a gradient, thus enabling other processors to determine their distance from the three anchors 3. a triangulation formula is used to convert the determined distances to cartesian coordinates Step (2) is achieved as follows: an anchor processor sends out a message to its neighbours with a count set to one. Each of these neighbours forwards the message, incrementing the count by one. In this way, a wave of messages propagates outwards from the anchor. Each processor remembers the minimum count value it receives, ignoring messages with higher ones. The minimum count value hi maintained by processor i will eventually be the shortest path length to the anchor expressed in communication hops. Since a communication hop has a maximum physical distance associated with it – the communication radius r – processors with the same count tend to form concentric rings, of width approximately r, around the anchor points. The circular shape and the uniformaty of width of the ring improve with increasing average neighbourhood size, because then the shortest communication path between processors is closer to the straight-line connection between them. Figure 2.5 2 shows gradients originating from two corner anchors. To obtain a better resolution – at this stage, distances are integral multiples of the communication radius – a smoothing step is performed by each processor, where they average their distance values with those of their neighbours, using the following formula 2

The figures in this section are from [Nag99]



Figure 2.5: Gradients originating from two corner anchors.

Σj∈nbrs(i) hj + hi − 0.5 |nbrs(i)| + 1 Finally, the resulting distances serve as input for a triangulation formula, such that cartesian coordinates can be determined for each particle. si =

Figure 2.6: Error in position after triangulation.

Figure 2.6 shows the result of the algorithm with three anchors chosen as shown, and each processor represented by a line with as length the difference



between the actual distance from the anchor and the estimated distance. There are three main sources of errors in the position estimates • errors in the gradient step due to the discrete distribution of processors • errors in the smoothing step due to variations in the processor densities • region specific errors in the triangulation step Theoretical analysis in [Nag99] shows the following two key results: there is a critical minimum average neighbourhood size of 15 for good accuracy, and there is a fundamental limit on the resolution of any coordinate system determined strictly from local communication (that is, on the order of the communication radius). It is also shown that random distributions of processors produce significantly better accuracy than regular processor grids, such as those used by cellular automata. While it is so that larger anchor triangles generally produce better results, for very large areas the use of a single anchor triangle may not be feasible because of the time taken and the accumulation of errors. In this case one can construct a coordinate system by creating a manifold of multiple overlapping patches of coordinates. Another approach to the coordinate problem is given in [Coo98], where only one anchor point is chosen. Once the gradient has been established, a coordinate system is found by solving Laplace’s equations within a circle. While the algorithm seems to produce similar average errors, it is much more sensitive to variations in density, because it is based on iteratively averaging neighbour information, and termination is difficult to detect locally.


Tropisms and Pheromones

Using chemical gradients in biology to determine the position of a cell is believed to play a role in biological pattern formation. Hence, drawing further on this metaphor, one can attempt to organise amorphous processes into prespecified patterns. As an example, diffusion waves can be used to produce regions of controlled size, just by having particles relay a message only if the hop count is below a certain bound. Regions constructed in this way can influence each other’s growth. For instance, say that A and B are two particles producing a diffusion wave, such that the B-wave can be relayed only by particles that have not been visited by the A-wave. One might interpret this phenomenon by saying, metaphorically, that A generates a wave that inhibits the growth started from B. As a second example, suppose that the B-wave can only be relayed by the particle located closest to A in each neighbourhood. Our biological metaphor explains this by stating that the region growing from B has a tropism attracting it towards A. ”Closest to A” can be interpreted biologicaly through the presence of pheromones, whose



concentration decreases monotonically further from the source. Therefore, in a certain neighbourhood the particle with the highest concentration of a pheromone is closest to the source secreting that pheromone. Diffusion wave mechanisms fit well within an amorphous computing context, since phenomena such as growth, tropism and inhibition are insensitive to the precise arrangement of individual particles. Because of this, faulty communication or malfunctioning particles do not have a serious impact as long as there are sufficiently many particles. Based on these concepts a programming language was designed, the growing point language (gpl), which enables programmers to specify complex patterns. However, since gpl is the first serious attempt to developing a programming paradigm for amorphous computing, we feel that it deserves a chapter of its own. Hence, a discussion of gpl and its applications is deferred to chapter 4.


Metaphors from Physics

Physics, as well as biology, can be a source of new metaphors for amorphous computing. Most biological metaphors rely in one way or another on a diffusion process. Diffusion is a natural candidate for simulation in amorphous media because such dissipative processes lose information, erasing microscale errors that occur in the computation. The fundamental processes in physics, however, are conservative, and therefore harder to simulate on an amorphous computer since errors accumulate instead of die out. One approach is to simulate conservative processes in terms of discrete computational tokens; global conservation is achieved by local exchanges of the tokens. One important problem with this approach is that one must ensure that tokens are not lost or duplicated due to faulty processors of an imperfect communication network. One idea is to represent the tokens in a redundant distributed form. While in the spirit of amorphous computing this problem must surely be taken care of, the details of how to accomplish this still remain an important challenge. We will discuss the token-approach for conservative processes characterised by wave equations in section 2.3.1, followed by a discussion on reaction-diffusion processes, which are also conservative, in section 2.3.2. Lastly, we give an overview on general conservative systems in section 2.3.3.



The two-dimensional scalar wave equation is given by ∂2u = c2 ∇2 u ∂t2



where u(x, y), the amplitude, is the displacement of a surface perpendicular to that surface. Imagine this surface to be an amorphous computing medium densely sprinkled with processors. The conservative wave process described by this equation can then be viewed as an ongoing exchange of momentum ”tokens” between neighbouring processors. Each processor update corresponds to a transaction of the given conserved quantity, such that the gain of one processor is the loss of another. After the transaction, each processor goes on to interact with other neighbours. The wave process is thus described discretely, but as opposed to most discrete models of differential equations, such as cellular automata, an amorphous computer has no regular lattice, nor a synchronous update. One can interpret this by saying that an amorphous computer is a very local discrete model of a continuous process [Rau99]. Taking momentum exchange as the sole possible interaction, the amount of momentum transacted between processors i and j is determined by the force f between them ∆pi = f (ui − uj )∆t ∆pj = −∆pi where ui and uj are the amplitudes of processors i and j respectively. The second equation is exactly the momentum conservation; it implies that the force f is anti-symmetric. In [Rau99] Hooke’s law is adopted, which states that fij = k(ui − uj ) Hence, after the momentum transaction, each site i can update its amplitude ui independently, according to the following rule pi ∆t m A possible extension of this model is one where energy as well as momentum is conserved – we refer to [Rau99] for further details. ∆ui =

By starting an amorphous computing in some initial configuration and watching the evolution of the system, it is clear that this model supports all phenomena of physical waves3 . Moreover, the solutions found agree very well with the exact solutions of the continuous wave equation [Rau99]. Figure 2.7 shows the evolution of a two-dimensional wave, where there are fixed boundary conditions. 3

The simulation of waves in itself will be discussed in section 3.2.1.



Figure 2.7: A two-dimensional wave.

A wave ripples out and reflects off the boundaries to interfere with itself. Different colours represent different amplitudes; between the snapshot, each processor has made roughly 15 transitions. Figures 2.8 and 2.9 4 represent the reflection, respectively refraction, of a one-dimensional wave. In figure 2.8 the right boundary is shaped like a parabola, focusing the wave into a point before it reflects back.

Figure 2.8: Reflection.

In figure 2.9, there is a central region of more densily packed processors; inside this region, the communication radius is decreased, so that the average neighbourhood size remains the same. Hence, the central region has a different ”refraction index” than the rest of the medium and refracts the wave.

Figure 2.9: Refraction.


The figures in this section are from [Rau99].




Diffusion: the Gray-Scott model

Reaction-diffusion systems are described by partial differential equations of the form ∂u = k∇2 u + F (u) ∂t where u is a vector-valued field, which at each time t describes the changing spatial concentrations of a set of chemical substances. Since it has often been suggested that reaction-diffusion can explain the mechanisms of morphogenesis5 , these chemical substances are also referred to as morphogens. The resulting patterns for various reaction specifications F have been widely simulated and, whether or not reaction-diffusion is the actual mechanism behind morphogenesis, have been shown to produce regular patterns similar to those found in nature.

Figure 2.10: Reaction-diffusion: regular versus amorphous layout.

Usually, simulations of reaction-diffusion are carried out by working with a regular grid as a representation of discretised space, such that each grid square acts as reaction locus. However, simulations on an amorphous computer have shown that the resulting patterns are often independent of the initial state of the system. In figure 2.10 6 for example, the same simulation was performed on a square grid as well as an amorphous “grid”; although the details differ, one can see that the general character of the patterns developed is similar. 5

Meaning the formation of the structure of an organism or part; also the differentiation and growth of tissues and organs during development. 6 From



Let us now discuss a particular example of reaction-diffusion and its implementation on an amorphous computer, taking into account the issues mentioned at the beginning of this section. The Gray-Scott model involves the morphogens U , V and P , interacting in the following way

U + 2V V

← 3V ← P

The reaction kinetics of this system is described by two coupled non-linear partial differential equations in u and v, the concentrations of U and V , as follows ∂u ∂t ∂v ∂t

= ru ∇2 u − uv 2 + f (1 − u) = rv ∇2 v + uv 2

where p, the concentration of P , can be determined from u and v. These equations are of the form of a general reaction-diffusion equation, with F (u) = f (1 − u) and F (v) = −(f + k)v; ru and rv are the (constant) diffusion rates. On an amorphous computer, each processor is regarded as a reaction site, maintaining information on the concentration of different chemical species at that locus [CN98c]. Since reaction-diffusion is a conservative process, we will again work with token exchange, the tokens in this case being the morphogens. Following the standard regular grid approach, updating the values for u and v at a certain site i incorporates the whole processor’s neighbourhood N (i). This is because the discrete approximation of the term ∇2 u is taken to be the mean neighbour value of u 

∇2 u(i) ≈ in

u(in ) − u(i) |N (i)| ∈N (i)

However, since in an amorphous computer the neighbourhood size is no longer a constant, this approximation does not conserve the total amount of U in the system. A better idea is to work with pairs of processors, as in section 2.3.1, and view the ∇2 -operator as a continuous description of the essentially discrete process of molecule exchange between neighbouring sites. In this model, the amount transferred from a processor i to a neighbour j is proportional to u(i) − u(j) and vice versa; hence, conservation of matter is upheld. To update a value from time step n to time step n+1 for a processor i, transacting with processor j, one uses the forward Euler formula un+1 = uni + ∆t(ru (unj − uni ) − uni (vin )2 + f (1 − uni )) i



A similar formula is used for v. Figure 2.11 7 shows a simulation of the Gray-Scott model for 2500 processors with a communication radius of 0.05, where the initial concentrations u and v are chosen randomly between 0 and 1, ∆t = 1, ru = 1.6, rv = 0.4, f = 0.04 and k = 1. The random initial configuration at the left evolves into a regular pattern at the right after 20000 time steps.

Figure 2.11: Simulation of the Gray-Scott model.

Looking at this specific pattern, one can contemplate the possibility of organising amorphous computing systems by starting with the particles in a random state and solving a discrete analog of a reaction-diffusion system, an intriguing alternative to the clubs algorithm presented in section 2.2.1.


General Conservation Equations

A conservation law asserts that the rate of change of a certain substance u in fixed domain G is equal to the flux f of that substance across the boundary of G, ∂G. This is expressed as d dt


u dv = −

f.n ds ∂G

with n the vector normal to ∂G. In differential form this becomes ∂u + divf = 0 ∂t where, for simplicity, sources of u within G are ignored. The flux function f is usually made a function of u; for example, if we take f = au, we obtain 7 From html.



the one-way wave equation, while taking f = a.gradu results in the heat (or diffusion) equation. Working within the framework of an amorphous computer, one has to discretise the problem at hand. In general, this can be done by partitioning a domain G, which contains a series of amorphous computing processors, as depicted in figure 2.12. Each processor is connected with its neighbours; at the midpoint of each connection vector, a line is drawn orthogonally to it. If our domain is packed densily enough with processors 8 , this construction results in a series of surfaces, such that each surface contains exactly one processor.

ui hij


Figure 2.12: Domain partition.

Each of these so constructed surfaces conserves the quantity u if the flux of u across its boundary equals the time derivative of u within this surface; hence, exchanging tokens of u between processors, while adapting the value for u maintained by each processor, is a suitable representation of a conservation equation. Using the notation of figure 2.12, we can now represent the flux term of the conservation equation for processor i as follows. First, since the vector hij is orthogonal to the boundary for each j, we can replace the h normal unit vector n by the factor |hij . Next, suppose fij is the flux from ij | processor i to processor j; then the total flux fi of u across the boundary of the surface Gi associated with processor i is given by  ∂G

fi .nds =

fij hij cij

j∈N (i)

with 8

“densily enough” meaning that when connecting all processors to their neighbours, the resulting triangles are all acute-angled


cij =

1 |hij |




Furthermore, if ui does not change too fast within Gi , we can make the following approximation  G

ui dv ≈ Ai ui

where Ai is the area of Gi . Putting all this together, we obtain the following result ∆ui = −

|∆t|  fij hij cij Ai j∈N (i)

Applying this to the heat equation, in which case fij ≈ haij (uj − ui ) (as a result of the mean value theorem), the new value of u for processor i is found by applying the forward Euler equation un+1 = uni − i

a|∆t|  cij (unj − uni ) Ai j∈N (i)

In case of the heat equation, one can prove that the amorphous computing forward Euler method provides a convergent approximation to the heat conservation law problem [Kat99] (this is still true with the cij ’s equal to 1). Other conservation problems can be treated similarly. Programming an amorphous computer to solve a conservation problem will require each processor to be able to do the following things: retrieving the u-values from its neighbours, broadcasting its own value for u, and evaluating the updating formula. When receiving a “retrieve” message, a processor must send a “my-u-value” message; each processor must however have the ability to distinguish between messages received from its neighbours and those originated elsewhere. Once a processor receives all its neighbours’ u-value messages, it calculates the new u-value and stores it. Each processor updates after regular time intervals ∆t; also, boundary and/or initial conditions have to be assigned to each processor. While there are some subtleties due to the asynchronism of an amorphous computer, this scheme is not at all unattainable. Hence we have the important result that amorphous media can be programmed to integrate any differential equation for a conservation law, provided the processors are sufficiently dense.



Amorphous computing emerged in anticipation of the fast developing disciplines of microfabrication and cellular biology. These enable the construc-



tion of numerous identical information-processing units cooperating as a computational framework, which is precisely the basis of an amorphous computer. In addition to this, an amorphous computer has no geometrical arrangement nor an asynchronous updating of processors, as opposed to a cellular automaton. Also, communication between processors occurs only locally. Taking into account that processors are mass produced, any amorphous computer should be fault tolerant, since individual units as well as the communication between them might be nonfunctional. Being a relatively new domain, there as yet exist no general engineering techniques or languages to exploit and control behaviour of such programmable multitudes – in other words, there is no amorphous computing paradigm. Achieving this is the actual issue of amorphous computing, such that one can program the particles to produce predefined global behaviour, resulting from local interactions only. Due to obvious parallels with biology and physics, most work done until now has concentrated on metaphors from these sciences. This resulted in a series of applications, such as constructing a coordinate system, establishing a hierarchy, and the simulation of waves.

Chapter 3

Amorphous Computing Media Contemplating on applications and simulations on an amorphous computer, one inevitably wonders how to construct and program one. At a certain point, algorithms must be converted into programs, and a framework must be present in which this program can be executed. We will refer to such a framework as an amorphous computing medium. An amorphous computing medium consists of independent computational particles, all identically programmed; each particle can maintain state, send messages to other particles within a certain range, and respond to received messages. Particles might also be able to move, or possess sensors and actuators to interact with the environment. Any framework with these properties is suitable for amorphous computation, whatever the actual implementation behind this behaviour. As such, an amorphous computing medium can either be simulated or hardware implemented, and both approaches have already been investigated. Hardware implementations will be discussed in section 3.1, while section 3.2 covers simulator implementations, most importantly hlsim, a high level simular for an amorphous computer. Some ideas on cellular computing, where an amorphous computing particle is represented by a biological cell, are presented in section 3.3. Lastly, a summary is given in section 3.4.


Hardware Implementations

Although a completely functional amorphous computer with all necessary attributes has not been constructed as yet, there does exist an experimental prototype, which is, however, not completely within the spirit of amorphous computing. This is mainly because the processors used are based on microelectronical elements existing already, but not specifically built for use in an amorphous computer. Nevertheless, experiments can and have been done with this prototype, and the results are promising. Next to this, there is 26



ongoing research towards ”real” amorphous computing particles, designed specifically for that purpose, and having all the necessary requirements. This topic will be discussed in section 3.1.2. First, however, we discuss the existing prototype and its use in section 3.1.1.


Gunk on the Wall

The first amorphous computer is nicknamed Gunk on the wall, referring to its appearance. Its particles are based on motorola’s M68HC11 microcontroller; see figure 3.1 for a graphical representation of its extremely simple CPU.

Figure 3.1: Central Processing Unit of M68HC11.

The particles are capable of communication by wired broadcast, control four LEDs, and have a sensor which can be triggered by, for example, a laser beam. The communications layer is provided through an UART, or Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. Thus, while asynchrony is maintained, a first non-amorphous aspect of Gunk is the wired, in principle long-range communication that is provided. This implies that Gunk should be configured manually as an amorphous computer, by attaching wires such that local communication is simulated; however, a configuration with all-to-all communication is in principle possible. Secondly, the amorphous computing particles are of a size which does not allow them to be ”sprinkled” randomly and in great numbers on a surface or in a volume. This means that at this stage, Gunk works with a modest amount of processors, manually placed on a wall. Nevertheless, the prototype can be used to run amorphous programs on, and several experiments have already been



carried out. However, programming the particles is not very user-friendly since this must be done in machine code. As an example, the code for Gunk to initiate a hop count (part of the technique used to establish a coordinate system in section 2.2.2) is given by 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.





Here LDAA #$nr and LDAB #$nr denote loading the hexadecimal number nr into accumulators A and B respectively, CMPA indicates that the subsequent value should be compared with that in register A, and JSR stands for jump to subroutine. Hence, DELAYINT, LESSAB and BROADCAST are subroutines specified elsewhere2 . The full translation of this program is as follows 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

each user program starts with this command accumulators A and B are automatically initialised to 0 take the COMplement of A - in order to flash DELAY, but be open to INTerruptions was a sensor hit? if so, goto SENSEHIT did the delay run out without interruptions? then toggle lights and delay again a message was received 1

This example is from [Bee]. An overview of these subroutines as well as Gunk programming in general can be found in [Bee]. 2

CHAPTER 3. AMORPHOUS COMPUTING MEDIA 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


display it and send it to your neighbours I was hit - display and broadcast one get the contents of the received message increment this by one put the LESSer in A and the greater in B display the lesser... ... and start broadcasting it jump to broadcast subroutine keep on broadcasting it each user program ends with this command

Note that this program does not take into account that messages might be garbled due to collisions. Another experiment carried out on Gunk is that of pulse synchronisation [Bee97]. The idea is to synchronise individual amorphous computing processors by applying results from biology, where the analogous problem of firefly synchronisation is already investigated. The initial implementation of the algorithm was executed on Gunk and iteratively modified by analysing experimental results. In a subsequent stage, the algorithms were transferred to hlsim, an simulator for an amorphous computer (see section 3.2.1). This was necessary in order to carry out experiments with a more realistic number of particles. After significant experimentation, a mathematical model arose explaining the observed behaviour. This approach shows the importance of an amorphous computing environment in which hypotheses can be tested and modified according to experimental results.


Constructing the Particles

Currently, there exist two main ideas for the physical construction of an amorphous computing particle: the PPP or pinless processor particle, and the EPPP or explicitly powered processor particle [AKS96]. The PPP is more attractive since it has no physical interconnections for communications nor for power, which is derived from the environment. However, while it is possible to build it in principle, in practice this is difficult using easy-toobtain processes. Therefore, attention was focused on the EPPP, a particle which has explicit connections to the power supply but still communicates wirelessly. It is expected that an EPPP can be fabricated with currently accessible technology in a few square millimeters of silicon. While full wireless particles are the ultimate amorphous computing particles, a particle such as the EPPP would be sufficient for near-term experiments. Wireless communication can be provided, for example, by electroquasistatic coupling, where each particle has an ”antenna” electrode that is



capacitively coupled to similar antenna electrodes on neighbouring particles. The main problem with this approach is the parasitic capacitance between the antenna and the substrate of the processor to which it is attached. This can be avoided either by using non-planar antennas, that can be unfolded out of the chip, or by removing the silicon substrate under the antenna structure to reduce the parasitic capacitance. In this way, it is possible to attain communication speeds among neighbouring particles in the range of tens of megabaud. While some might think that radio communication schemes might be a better approach, this solution results in problems because much higher frequencies are required and the resulting communication network is not very local, leading to severe interference between signals. There are several alternatives for providing a particle with wireless power, for example photodiodes, acoustic transducers, microwaves, magnetic coupling, and chemical methods. However, each of these possibilities raises problems. Photodiodes are not capable of obtaining sufficient power for computational applications, acoustic transducers suffer from impedance mismatches, microwaves require an environment with high levels of ambient microwave radiation, magnetic coupling is difficult for large systems, and chemical methods are insufficient for long-term power supply. Since all of these difficulties appear to be technical rather than fundamental, wireless power supply will probably be solved by one or more emereging technologies in the near future. However, since amorphous computing focuses on the organisation of computation, not on the technology behind it, for the time being it is more productive to avoid these issues and rely on explicit powered particles, or in other words, concentrate on the development of the EPPP.





I/O Memory









Figure 3.2: Two versions of the EPPP.

An EPPP communicates by capacitive coupling, as explained above. Power is obtained by planting each particle into a three-layer elastomer with conductive outer layers separated by an insulator. Contact with these layers is established by providing each processor with pads in appropriate locations; as such, each processor is explicitly powered by the elastomer. A graphical







representation of two versions of an EPPP is given in figure 3.2 3 . The upper processor communicates through an antenna attached to a pad. The lower processor is designed to work with a five-layer elastomer, such that particles communicate by sensing voltages and injecting currents into a conductive layer. Sensors are present in the part of the particle protruding from the elastomer; the easiest approach is to use photodiodes or temperature sensors. It is suggested to use RAM memory, which would result in something like 32 KBytes per particle. This implies using an instruction set with high code density, or interpreting a high-density instruction set. Important is also that each processor includes a random-number generator – not pseudo-random – since the ability to choose different numbers, used as particle identities, is crucial in the envisioned algorithms. The idea is then to insert the particles random and with little precision into the elastomer, resulting in a ”lawn” of computing elements, as shown in figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3: A lawn of EPPPs.


Simulator Implementations

Although hardware developments are underway, as yet they are in no stage to achieve the construction of an amorphous computer with a realistic number of processors. That is why the need for a simulating environment arose, such that several thousand processors could be run within a single environment, each processor receiving a copy of the top level program. What top-level environment is employed is a development choice. For the moment, there exist two simulators: hlsim, which is written in MIT Scheme, and a synchronous simulator written in Java. Since most experiments have been 3

The figures in this section are adapted from [AKS96].



done in hlsim, and the Growing Point Language, discussed in chapter 4, is built on top of hlsim, we first give an extensive overview of this simulator in section 3.2.1. Afterwards, we discuss the Java simulator in section 3.2.2.


hlsim: A High Level Simulator for Gunk

hlsim is a simulator for an ensemble of Gunk processors, which are distinguished by having no input or output other than a short-range radio-like communications device, possibly augmented with some local sensors and actuators. It allows programs to be written in Scheme and simulates the execution of copies on thousands of asynchronous processors, as if they were running in parallel. We discuss several aspects of hlsim: implementation, use, and several examples, amongst which some of the algorithms presented in chapter 2, worked out within this framework. Implementation An amorphous computer is a huge system of processors which act in parallel and execute their Gunk program independently, if necessary interacting through local communication. hlsim simulates this parallel activity by associating each processor with a different thread. Next to this, a Gunk Scheme program may itself be multithreaded, starting off with one thread and creating more whilst executing. This means that there are actually two levels of threads: on the higher level, there are the processors’ threads, while on the lower level, there may exist several threads for each processor. All these threads are synchronised by events, which may be signalled (i.e. associated with a value) or unsignalled; an event object becomes signalled when its associated thread terminates. Each processor has the ability to schedule local events in time using their associated threads. hlsim transforms these local events into a global schedule, such that the order of events in this schedule is consistent with the order the events would fall in if each processor were running independently in parallel. That is why the Scheme code for a Gunk processor cannot be loaded into a simulation directly, but must first be compiled into continuation passing style. This is a style of writing programs such that the events in the future, i.e. the rest of the computation, are passed as an explicit parameter, called the continuation. A continuation is a procedure that takes the value of the current expression, which represents the ”past” of the computation, and invokes this with the ”future” of the computation. Hence, each event is partitioned into a part which has already been computed, and a part which still has to be computed. As such one can halt an event at any time, and resume after an arbitrary pause. This is the mechanism behind the sequential simulation of parallel events. hlsim pays attention to all the details involved in a particle simultaneously handling local computation and communication. Each particle is given a



time slice within which it executes part of its program. Handshaking between particles through events is used to force an active particle to wait for cooperation-dependent commands to terminate. Programming with hlsim There is a whole series of commands available in hlsim, centered mostly around simulations, multithreading, devices and communications. We discuss the most important of these commands – for an overview see [Ada97]. A typical series of commands to create, run and show a new simulation of a Gunk program foo would look like this: (define sim (make-sim/1 1000 .05)) (simulation.display! sim #T) (simulation.load sim "init" "foo") ( sim) The first line constructs a simulation with 1000 processors and a communication radius of 0.05 units; the processors are uniformly distributed in a unit square. Alternatively, one could use the procedures make-sim/j, make-sim/f or make-sim/c, which produce respectively a fixed grid (with on optional ”jiggly” factor), a grid with varying neighbourhood density (de√ termined by a function f which defaults to ), and a grid which satisfies a predicate constraint for its neighbourhood density. As a result of the second step the use of a Scheme graphics window is included, in which each processor is displayed as a colour-coded dot. Next, the Gunk program in question is loaded into the simulation, together with the ”init” file, which contains the initialisation code for a processor and should be loaded into the simulation first. Finally, the last line in the example runs the simulation. Once it is finished, one can extract certain information by using simulation.eval. For example, the number of collisions each processor detected is found by executing (simulation.eval sim ’collisions), which returns a vector containing the result for each processor. Also, a simulation object may have additional slots and operations added to it at any time; this is done through the following procedures simulation.set! simulation name value simulation.get simulation name simulation.operation simulation name argument argument ... The first two commands are straightforward; the third applies the operation in the slot name to the given arguments. Several procedures are provided for multithreading, the most important of which are the following. The procedure parallel starts a thread for each of



its arguments, and waits for all these to terminate. The select form, which takes as arguments an arbitrary set of clauses, allows a nondeterministic choice between several events. Each clause can be in one of the following forms (guard expression-sequence) (guard => procedure) (else expression-sequence) where a guard evaluates to an event, a thread or false. All guards are evaluated; when an event becomes or is already signalled, the clause in question is chosen. In the => form, procedure is called with the value with which the event is signalled. Primitive-message-event is a global variable which, if bound to an event, signals it with every incoming message. One can create events with make-event and make-timeout-event, which create an unsignalled event and an event which becomes signalled after a given duration respectively. Last, wait waits for an event to be signalled and returns the associated value. A thread is suspended while it waits for a given event. There are several procedures concerning devices and communication worth mentioning. Creating a sensor or actuator I/O device is done in the following way: (make-io-device initialiser action) where both arguments are procedures. Controlling these devices is done through read-sensor and apply-actuator. Finally, a message is sent with the command broadcast, messages take a time message-delay to be transmitted, and a garbled message can be detected by its representation as an ordinary message, the symbol collision. Establishing a Potential As a first example4 , let us again consider the implementation for a hop count, a common ingredient in amorphous computing algorithms (see sections 2.2.2 and 3.1.1). We start with a randomly chosen processor, acting as a source for a potential, which broadcasts a message containing a potential of 36. When any other processor receives a message, it compares the potential in the message with the highest potential it has recorded. If the potential in the message is greater, the processor updates its highest potential, changes its color to reflect the potential, and broadcasts a message with a potential 4

This example is from [DeR97].



one less than that received. If the potential in the received message is less than or equal to the highest recorded potential, no action is taken. When a processor detects a collision, it flashes white for 100 time units. This is reflected in the following loop, which is carried out for all processors apart from the source: (select (global-timeout ’done) (primitive-message-event => (lambda (message) (event.clear! primitive-message-event) (if (eq? message ’collision) (begin (colour-me "white") (wait (make-timeout-event 100)) (colour-me my-colour)) (if (and (number? message) (> message potential)) (begin (set! potential message) (broadcast (-1+ message)) (set! my-colour (remainder (truncate (/ message 5)) 7)) (colour-me my-colour)))) (propagator-loop))))) Initially, each processor is coloured blue, while the source is cyan. The eventual colour of a processor is determined by a number between 0 and 6, i.e. that number is taken as index for the following vector (define colours ’#("blue" "orange" "yellow" "green" "cyan" "magenta" "pink")) The result of a simulation with 10000 processors and a communication radius of 0.02 is shown in figure 3.4.

The Clubs Algorithm We now present an implementation of the clubs algorithm, covered in section 2.2.1. The main loop is as follows (define (club-event-loop) (select (global-timeout ’done) ((and still-competing? leader-timeout) (event.clear! leader-timeout)



Figure 3.4: Simulation of a potential.

(color-me "red") (set! still-competing? #F) (broadcast id) ; a LEADER message (club-event-loop)) (primitive-message-event => (lambda (message) (event.clear! primitive-message-event) (if (eq? message ’collision) (set! collisions (+ collisions 1)) (begin (set! still-competing? #F) (set! clubs-i-belong-to (cons message clubs-i-belong-to)) (color-me (length clubs-i-belong-to)))) (club-event-loop))))) Processor id’s are chosen as random numbers in a large interval. Both globaltimeout and leader-timeout are defined with make-timeout-event, such that leader-timeout is less than global-timeout. The second select clause is carried out each time a processor declares itself as a club leader; the third select clause is the recruiting stage. Initially, all processors are coloured blue, when a leader is elected it is coloured red. When the simulation is finished, each processor has a colour ”equal” to the number of clubs it belongs to. Any number not falling within the colour vector is associated with the colour white. The result of a simulation with 2000 processors and a communication



radius of 0.1 is given in figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: Simulation of the clubs algorithm.

Simulating Waves The figures in section 2.3.1 are all results of simulations carried out with hlsim. The colour of a processor in these figures represents the amplitude of the wave at that point. The implementation of a simulated wave process is actually quite straightforward. The central procedure is the following 5 (define (do-exchange other) (let* ((p (my-p)) (pn (neighbour-p other)) (q (my-q)) (qn (neighbour-q other)) (result (momentum-conserving-exchange q p qn pn))) (set-my-q! (enforce-boundary-conditions (first result))) (set-my-p! (second result)) (set-neighbour-q! other (enforce-n-boundary-conditions other (third result))) (set-neighbour-p! other (fourth result)) (show-self (my-q) q) (show-neighbour other (neighbour-q other) qn)) where momentum-conserving-exchange determines the new values for amplitude and momentum after an exchange between neighbours, using the 5

The code extracts are from [Rau99], where the full simulation program can be found.



formulas derived in section 2.3.1. Since the amplitudes of the boundary are fixed by the boundary conditions, one has to check if a processor is on the boundary before updating its value for q, hence enforce-boundaryconditions is called. After the exchange, the colours of the processors are adapted, reflecting the change of their internal state. To start the simulation, one first imposes the initial conditions; then, one calls the activity procedure for each processor, which is defined as follows (define (activity) (define (start lst) (if (null? lst) ’() (begin (make&start-thread (lambda () (pause (random period)) (wait-and-do-exchange (car lst)))) (start (cdr lst))))) (start neighbor-list)) where wait-and-do-exchange is a procedure which waits and then executes do-exchange. Calling activity sets up a thread for each neighbour, where each thread pauses and then does the exchange with that neighbour. The start times of the threads are staggered, such that the exchange with neighbours occurs one by one, but the order in which this happens changes over time. Since the simulation of waves requires each processor to know who its neighbours are, normally a message should be broadcast requesting an exchange. Each processor that receives this message should then reply cooperatively. Another approach is to establish the neighbours beforehand, keeping a list of neighbours as part of the internal state of each processor. However, in this simulation they used a shortcut by “cheating”, i.e. stepping outside the abstraction of each Gunk processor running isolated from its surroundings. This is because hlsim provides certain procedures which can deliver information on the whole simulation, such as each processors’ neighbours. In this example one can argue that without cheating the program would have been less clear, and that it is certainly possible to simulate waves without preliminary knowledge on each processor’s neighbours. Nevertheless, using global information is against the spirit of Gunk, and thus not recommended.


A Simulator in Java

Next to hlsim, there is a synchronous Java simulator available, which, to our knowledge, has been used mainly for simulations of the Gray-Scott diffusion



equations, discussed in section 2.3.2. For this reason, as well as the fact that this simulator is synchronous, we will not discuss it in great detail. However, it is interesting to compare results obtained with an asynchronous and a synchronous simulation.

Figure 3.6: The Gray-Scott simulator.

A Java applet for the Gray-Scott equations is presented in figure 3.6 6 . The large window in the left-upper corner is analogous to the hlsim graphic displays presented above. When clicking a processor, its neighbourhood is coloured white, and detailed information on that processor is displayed below the window. Again, the colour of a processor is a measure of its internal state, in this case the concentration of u or v, depending on whether the “watch u” or “watch v” button is marked. At the upper right the running time measured in steps is displayed; it is also possible to change the update rate. The three buttons below speak for themselves. The simulation parameters are more or less the same as those for hlsim, for example one can choose the number of processors, grid (random or regular), communication radius and initial conditions. Then there is a series of parameters specific for the Gray-Scott simulation; these were defined in section 2.3.2. 6 This applet as well as a tutorial for it can be found at projects/amorphous/jsim/sim/GrayScott.html.



The result of a simulation with about the same parameters as for figure 2.11 is shown in figure 3.7. Important to notice is that the qualitative nature of the resulting patterns is comparable to those obtained with the asynchronous hlsim simulations from section 2.3.2. In that section we already mentioned the similarity of the patterns obtained with a regular as opposed to a random grid. So it seems that amorphous media are at least as expressive as synchronous and/or regular simulations.

Figure 3.7: Synchronous simulation of the Gray-Scott model.


Cellular Computing

At the beginning of the previous chapter, we mentioned the influence of recent advances in cellular engineering on the emergence of the field of amorphous computing. This is because due to these developments, one can imagine using biological cells instead of micro-electronical components as amorphous computing particles. Cells are small, energy efficient, have limited ”computational” power, can easily be configured amorphously (that is, randomly distributed over a surface or in a volume), and are governed by identical genetic programs. They are isolated, controlled environments, in which complex chemical reactions can be used to control and organise biological processes, just like micro-electronical elements employ electrical mechanisms to control electrical processes. Moreover, cells reproduce themselves, allowing the creation of many copies with little manufacturing effort.



All these aspects fit perfectly within the framework of an amorphous computing medium. So, if we could co-opt existing biochemical mechanisms or even construct novel ones for our purposes, biology could become an actual implementation as well as an important source of metaphors for amorphous computing. An important subset of cellular engineering is cellular computing, which investigates the construction of digital-logic circuits within living cells. The basic idea is to represent signals by concentrations of naturally occuring DNA-binding proteins, where the nonlinear amplification is implemented by in vivo DNA-directed protein synthesis [KS98]. Production of a particular protein is controlled by the sequence of DNA codons in the associated gene. In the first step of protein synthesis, known as transcription, the primary DNA sequence for the gene in question is copied into messenger RNA (mRNA), under control of an enzyme complex called RNA polymerase (RNAp). Next follows the translation step, in which the mRNA is used by another enzyme complex, the ribosome, to manufacture proteins. Since mRNA as well as proteins are gradually degraded within a cell, the continuous presence of a particular protein requires ongoing transcription and translation processes. Which portions of the gene are copied is carefully controlled by a series of mechanisms, which form the basis of biological logic gates. Each gene is accompanied by an upstream non-coding control region, signalling the binding location for RNAp, which catalyses the creation of mRNA, and binding locations for promotors and repressors. Promotors facilitate the binding of RNAp, while repressors physically interfere with its binding by overlapping the binding site. Hence, if we take an ”input” protein A which acts as a repressor for the synthesis of an ”output” protein Z, and a gene GZ which codes for the production of Z, we have all the necessary ingredients for a biological inverter. Indeed, presence of the A protein (signal 1) implies absence of the output protein Z (signal 0), and vice versa, as shown schematically in figure 3.8 7 .

An essential aspect of any digital logic gate is a high-quality nonlinearity. In biological systems, the main chemical technique to achieve this is cooperative binding. This refers to mechanisms in which the first of several protein binding reactions occurs at a relatively low rate, while subsequent binding reactions take place more rapidly due to the presence of the already bound protein, which enhances the binding affinity. As shown in figure 3.9, we can divide the protein synthesis process into modules, namely cooperative binding, transcription and translation. Here φA and φZ denote the synthe7 Figures in this section are from programming/dimacs99-evocomp-talk/.∼rweiss/bio-



Figure 3.8: The two idealised cases for a biological inverter.

sis rates of the input and output protein respectively, ρA is the repression activity, and ψZ is the mRNA synthesis rate. C

φA input protein



cooperative binding



input protein



mRNA synthesis

φZ output protein









Figure 3.9: The biological inverter process schematically.

Each module is responsible for a different aspect of the inverter signal: cooperative binding C takes care of the nonlinearity, transcription T does the actual inverting of the signal, and translation L is mostly a linear process, which means that it results in a scaling of the output. Putting all this together, we obtain the following expression for the inversion relation I φZ = I(φA ) = L ◦ T ◦ C(φA ) shown graphically in figure 3.10. The resulting curve is similar to that of an NMOS inverter. Natural gene regulation systems exhibit characteristics useful for implementing in vivo logic circuits. An example is the phage λ promoter PR and repressor (cI) mechanism [HKW99], of which the chemical reaction system and the associated kinetic constants are fairly well known. Figure 3.11 shows



Figure 3.10: The transfer curve I.

the dynamic behaviour of the inverter as modeled with this system; shown from top to bottom are the concentrations of the input protein A, the active (i.e. unrepressed) gene GZ and the output protein Z. As one can see, this system behaves like a ”normal” electrical inverter. Once inverters are constructed, it is easy to build any logical circuit. Multiple-input logic functions, for example, can be manufactured by combining several inverters, each having the same binding protein as a product. Experiments with a NAND-gate, ring oscillator and RS latch have been carried out [HKW99], showing the intended dynamic behaviour. An aid in the construction of general circuit is Biospice [HKW99], a prototype system for simulating and verifying genetic digital circuits. It takes as an input a series of gene expression systems and simulates the dynamic characteristics of the target system, consulting a database of reaction kinetics and diffusion rates. Also, the protein synthesis approach can be extended to developing cells which act as actuators, when the gene in question codes for an enzyme that effects some action within the cell, such as motion, illumination or cell death. Analogously, the input of a cellular gate could consist of a sensor instead of a protein, reacting in response to illumination or a chemical in the environment. Eventually, the objective is that of microbial circuit design, where a desired logic circuit and a database of kinetic rates are taken as input, and a genetic network is produced that implements the circuit. However, this requires an ambitious research program, since at the moment there is no such database available.

Several implementation issues should be taken into consideration. First, there exist certain complexity limitations, since each input protein required must be different from other input proteins, and not used elsewhere in the



Dynamic behavior of inverter (gene count = 10) 2 A


protein concentration (1uM = 598 molecules/cell)

1 0.5 0













0.02 0.01 0












2 Z

1.5 1 0.5 0






25 30 time (x100 sec)





Figure 3.11: Dynamical behaviour of a biological inverter gate.

host cell’s control mechanisms. Complexity is also constrained due to the finite volume of the host cell, implying a maximum limit on internal protein concentrations. Another issue is the interference with a cell’s life cycle. Next to this, the choice of the host organism is critical. Either a very simple existing organism should be used (such as yeast bacteria or Eschericia Coli), or an engineered, dramatically simplified cell. Above all, these gates are slow, which seems to imply that their use will be in addition to, not in place of electrical gates. Besides the obvious application of control of biological processes to medicine, the main goal is to co-opt these processes to manufacture novel material and structures at molecular scale. Since cells have limited computational power and frequently fail, programming them falls within the amorphous computing paradigm. Mastering mechanisms of biological differentiation, morphogenesis and pattern formation, one can use home-made biological entities as construction agents for building and maintaining complex ultramicroscopic electronic systems. Hence, while biological gates are slow, they can aid in molecular-scale manufacturing of macroscopic objects. It is these objects we desire, or as stated in [KS98], the slow biological systems are our machine shops, with proteins as the machine tools, and with DNA as our control tapes.





An amorphous computing medium is an environment which behaves as if it were a collection of randomly spread, locally interacting computing particles that update asynchronously. The way to write an amorphous program depends on the medium at hand. The most logical amorphous computing medium is, of course, a “real” amorphous computer. At this stage there exists a hardware prototype, nicknamed Gunk, based on existing microprocessors. However, this is not completely within the spirit of amorphous computing, using a limited amount of processors and wired communication. Therefore, there are ongoing experiments towards the construction of an amorphous computer particle which would fit better in the context, with wireless local communication and of a size rendering feasible the sprinkling of many such particles on a surface or in a volume. Since hardware implementations are not yet at the point of behaving truly amorphously, a simulating environment is asked for. Hence, we arrive at the next group of amorphous computing media: simulators. At the moment there is a Java synchronous simulator available, as well as an asynchronous one, hlsim, which has been used in many experiments, including some of the algorithms discussed in the previous chapter. Lastly, a more futuristic medium can be found in biological cells. While as yet it is not possible to have cells cooperate amorphously, progress has been made on the subject of using cells to construct arbitrary elctrical gates.

Chapter 4

The Growing Point Language Ultimately, programming an amorphous computer comes down to specifying microscopic interactions to attain predetermined macroscopic goals. An amorphous computer is a very general system in the sense that it is capable of producing a wide range of global behaviour, allowing one to engineer the desired outcome by constraining local interactions in a particular way. However, the associated engineering techniques are not at all well known at this stage. While several applications show that this approach is certainly fruitful, it is important to extract general methodologies from specific examples, such that a programming paradigm can be developed. Within this context the Growing Point Language originated, as an effort to investigate how global behaviour can be obtained by differentiating local behaviour of amorphous computing particles in a controlled way – i.e. knowing the emergent behaviour in advance. In the growing point language (henceforth referred to as gpl) pattern generation of interconnect topologies was chosen as model global behaviour. This non-trivial problem fits very well within the context of the above; moreover, it is easy to verify whether one has achieved the prespecified goal of reproducing a certain pattern. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that the motive behind these nice pattern reproductions is the development of an amorphous computing paradigm. The structure of this chapter closely follows that of [Coo99], the dissertation in which gpl is presented. First, we give an overview of the language through some introductory examples in section 4.1. Section 4.2 describes the implementation of gpl. Next, some further issues, such as the effect of the domain layout and possible extensions, are covered in section 4.3. Last, we give a summary in section 4.4.


Introductory Examples

The principal concept in gpl is the growing point, a locus of activity that describes a path through connected elements in the system. At each time, 46



a growing point resides at a single location in the gpl domain, called its active site. A growing point propagates by transferring its activity from a particle to one of its neighbours according to its tropism (recall the preliminary discussion on gpl in section 2.2.3). At its active site, a growing point may deposit material and it may secrete pheromones – in fact, both processes are realised by setting certain state variables available at each location. A growing point’s tropism is specified in terms of the neighbouring pheromone concentrations. Actually, these concentrations determine a scalar field whose gradient directs the motion of the growing point. A path of a growing point is detectable only if there was material deposited. In the context of pattern formation, presence of a material at a location implies that part of the pattern has been established there. Typically, each material is represented by a certain colour in the gpl domain, comparable to simulation representations of hlsim. Of course, each material also corresponds to a pattern fragment type. Invoking a growing point at a location may yield one or more successor locations in the domain, unless the growing point terminates at that location. The step-size is the fundamental unit distance, defining a growing point’s neighbourhood, giving an upper limit to the distance over which a growing point moves, and applied as the unit by which all distances in gpl are expressed. We will make clear how gpl works, as well as what means are provided to construct a certain pattern by discussing some introductory examples. We start with a simple program that draws a line segment between two points.


Drawing a Line Segment

Initial conditions required to draw a line are, of course, the endpoints of the segment, say A and B. To make a line ”grow” between its endpoints we establish a growing point at A, in the following way (define-growing-point (A-to-B-segment) (material A-material) (size 0) (tropism (ortho+ B-pheromone)) (actions (when ((sensing? B-material) (terminate)) (default (propagate))))) Next to its (globally scoped) name a growing point may have parameters; in this case however, there are none. The definition of a growing point has two parts: attributes and instructions. The attributes given for A-to-B-segment are material, size and tropism. A material is one of the two possible primitive



objects of gpl. Depositing A-material corresponds to setting a logical marker in each visited location. Each location keeps a list of material tags that may be polled by visiting growing points, allowing a growing point to be sensitive to the presence of a certain material. If the material attribute for a growing point is left unspecified, its trajectory cannot be displayed, since colour-coding of paths occurs through deposited materials. The following attribute for the line segment is its size, indicating the half-width of the growing point in step-size units – i.e. the thickness of the line segment. The integer value for size is used as the radius of the neighbourhood with which the material tag will be associated. In this case, we might also have omitted the size attribute, which is by default taken to be 0. Next comes the tropism attribute, which specifies the direction in which the growing point moves. It determines to what pheromones the growing point is sensitive and in what way. Pheromones are, next to materials, the second primitive object present in gpl. For A-to-B-segment the tropism expression ortho+ directs the growing point towards increasing concentrations of B-pheromone. The instruction set of a growing point is executed at each active site, such that a growing point may move only if all commands within this set are executed. In the example, the growing point will terminate when it senses any B-material at its current location. Otherwise, it tries to move according to its tropism attribute. There must be at least one pheromone present in a neighbour to guide the movement of a growing point; if not, the active site of a growing point is stalled until it becomes detectable. If the appropriate pheromones are present but no acceptable location can be found, the active site retries up to three times. If there still is no acceptable site found, the active site halts execution, and the growing point is stuck. As A-to-B-segment is written, it will require some cooperation from the endpoint B in order to produce the desired line segment, as is indicated by the presence of B-pheromone and B-material in the code above. Hence, a growing point is installed at B in the following way (define-growing-point (B-point) (material B-material) (size 0) (for-each-step (secrete 10 B-pheromone)))

This growing point does not have a tropism declaration, which implies that it is stationary (use of propagate is prohibited in this case). Also, B-point’s only action is to secrete B-pheromone, the substance to which the former growing point is attracted. The distribution of B-pheromone is radially symmetric about the source B, such that its concentration is monotonically



B ...



Figure 4.1: Construction of a line segment.

decreasing in the distance from B for up to 10 step-size units. Finally, to initialise the growing points at A and B, we add the following (with-locations (A B) (at A (start-growing-point A-to-B-segment)) (at B (start-growing-point B-point))) The with-locations command is part of the interface between gpl and user; only here are locations ever explicitly named. It should be clear at this stage how both growing points interact to create the desired line segment. Due to the secretion of B-pheromone by B-point any A-to-B-segment located within 10 step-size units of B will grow positively orthotropic – i.e. directly towards – B-point. The line produced will be straight1 since the pheromone distribution is radially symmetric. Once A-to-B-segment reaches B-point it will detect B-material and halt. For a schematic representation of the establishment of the line segment see figure 4.1.


Tropism Expressions

As an intermezzo, we give an overview of the available tropism expressions in gpl. Basically, there are two sorts of tropism expressions: primitive and compound. At this stage there exist five primitive tropism expressions, namely • ortho+: move in direction of maximal increase of pheromone concentration 1

I.e. the line is straight within the range of B-pheromone. The user should determine secretion ranges such that their extent covers the domain where necessary.



• ortho-: move in direction of maximal decrease of pheromone concentration • plagio+: determine the average of the highest surrounding pheromone concentration and that of the current location; move in direction closest to this value • plagio-: determine the average of the lowest surrounding pheromone concentration and that of the current location; move in direction closest to this value • dia: move in direction of most similar pheromone concentration A graphical representation of the primitive tropism expressions is given in figure 4.2. s










Figure 4.2: Primitive tropism expressions.

Compound tropism expressions are obtained from primitive ones mainly through the use of and and or, which take an arbitrary number of arguments. A broad range of tropism behaviour can be described by combining the five given primitive tropisms. However, if required, gpl can be augmented with extra primitive tropisms.


A CMOS Inverter

The construction of the CMOS inverter pattern presented in figure 4.3 will guide us through the remainder of gpl. Apart from being a didactically wellchosen example, CMOS circuit layouts served as a case-study throughout [Coo99], which led to the development of a CMOS library for constructing arbitrary circuits. The means to combine these library elements will become clear by the inverter example in itself.



Figure 4.3: A CMOS inverter circuit.

Let us suppose that the rails (parallel blue lines) as well as an initial starting point at the left are given as initial conditions. Parallel lines can be constructed by having one line segment, constructed as in the previous example, secrete a long-range pheromone to which the growing point for the second line grows diatropically. Once the rails are established, all other components of the pattern can be specified as either parallel or orthogonal to them. Let us start with the horizontal polysilicon (red) segments, of which there are three2 . By having both rails secrete a long range pheromone, these segments can grow diatropically to both of these pheromones. However, since in this way there are still two possible directions, we require an additional pheromone to distinguish between the left and right direction. We can secrete this pheromone at the starting point, which is given as an initial condition, in the following way (define-growing-point (orient-poly length) (material poly) (size 1) (tropism (and (ortho- dir-pheromone) (and (dia up-rail) (dia down-rail)))) (actions (when ((< length 1) (terminate)) (default (propagate (- length 1)))))) The orient-poly growing point is a first example of a growing point with a parameter, used to determine the length of the segment. Also, its movement is determined by a compound tropism expression involving three pheromones: 2

The fourth segment is the start of another CMOS inverter coupled to the first.



those secreted by the rails, and dir-pheromone, secreted by the initally given starting point. The disadvantage with this approach is that the dir-pheromone would have to be secreted over a very long range in order to have effect on all constituting horizontal polysilicon segment. Therefore, we rely on a different strategy that uses two growing points: the one given above to get the segment started, and another one which continues the segment for as long as we require, without requiring the presence of dir-pheromone. The second growing point is defined as follows (define-growing-point (poly-with-inertia length) (material poly) (size 1) (tropism (and (ortho- poly-pheromone) (and (dia up-rail) (dia down-rail)))) (actions (secrete+ 3 poly-pheromone) (when ((< length 1) (terminate)) (default (propagate (- length 1)))))) This growing point looks almost exactly the same as orient-poly, but does not rely anymore on dir-pheromone. However, we do have to add the clause (secrete poly-pheromone) to the action attributes of orient-poly. Also worth mentioning is the use of the secrete+ command in poly-with-inertia. Where secrete always remembers the highest pheromone concentration upon receipt of several secretions, secrete+ accumulates those values. By using secrete+ in the definition of the above growing point, we ensure that it propagates in the same direction on each step. Finally to put the two pieces together, we define horiz-poly in the following way (define-growing-point (horiz-poly length) (material poly) (size 1) (actions (--> (start-growing-point orient-poly 2) (start-growing-point poly-with-inertia (- length 2))))) Here we use -->, an alias for the connect command, which links two growing points, and is the first of several gpl commands that can be used to build larger constructions from existing growing points. Through this command, one can sequence growing points without having to invoke the second growing point explicitly in the actions of the first. As such one can define growing points independently and use them as building blocks for any connected structure.



The vertical polysilicon segments are easier to define as being orthotropic to the rail pheromones; this results in the growing points up-poly and down-poly, which are very alike orient-poly. This leaves us with the p-fet (yellow) and n-fet (green) components of the CMOS-inverter. Each fet consists of three growing points: a horizontal polisilicon segment, a diffusion segment growing upwards, and one growing downwards. These growing points are easy to define in themselves, but in order to compose them into a larger abstraction we require something else than the connect command. This is because with connect, growing points have to follow each other sequentially. However, groups of growing points viewed as one structure do not necessarily have to be connected one after another. Therefore, gpl provides network abstractions, allowing to compose growing points in a broader way. For example, to define a p-fet one would require the following definition (define-network (vert-p-fet (gate) (src drain)) (at gate (start-growing-point horiz-poly 2) (--> (start-growing-point up-p-diff FET-HEIGHT) (->output src)) (--> (start-growing-point down-p-diff FET-HEIGHT) (->output drain)))) The definition for vert-n-fet is analogous. The code above confronts us with several network-related commands. First of all, define-network is a top level command which defines a relation between two sets of locations called the inputs and the outputs. Hence, it is an extension of a growing point, which takes only one input and output. For a p-fet there is one input, the gate, which is connected to two outputs, source and drain. At gate, the three growing points start producing the associated line segments, such that both vertical segments are connected to the two outputs source and drain. This is made clear through the command ->output, which is used to associate actual locations with names. FET-HEIGHT is a global constant, as are all upper case words by default. At last, we have all the ingredients to define an inverter network, which is done in the following way (define-network (inverter (poly-in) (poly-out)) (let-locs ((p-fet n-fet) (at poly-in (--> (start-growing-point horiz-poly POLY-LEN) (secrete+ (* 2 POLY-LEN) dir-pheromone) (--> (start-growing-point up-poly



(+ INV-HEIGHT N-WIDTH)) (--> (start-growing-point horiz-poly (+ POLY-LEN (* 2 N-WIDTH))) (->output p-fet))) (--> (start-growing-point down-poly (+ INV-HEIGHT N-WIDTH)) (--> (start-growing-point horiz-poly (+ POLY-LEN (* 2 N-WIDTH))) (->output n-fet)))))) (==> (p-fet n-fet) inverter-fets (poly-out)))) Again, we encounter several new commands. First, let-locs has the general form (let-locs (( ) ) ). The semantics are that the locations given in loc-names are bound to the results of evaluating loc-defn, after which body is evaluated within the scope of this new binding. Apart from the last line the whole program constructs all polysilicon segments present in the pattern. The last line arranges for the fet components to grow; also, it uses the new command ==>, which is an alias for cascade. This command takes a set of inputs, networks and outputs, such that each network’s outputs serve as inputs for the next. In this case there is only one network given, inverter-fets, which basically arranges a p-fet and an n-fet to grow from the outputs of the polysilicon patterns. Hence, we constructed an inverter abstraction in gpl, which in itself can serve as a building block for more complicated circuits such as, for example, an AND-gate. The simulation result of the inverter construction with gpl is shown in figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: gpl’s realisation of a CMOS inverter circuit.




Implementation: ecoli and the gpl Illustrator

Initially, every amorphous computing particle is governed by the same genetic program, and apart from possibly having a different entry point into this program, each particle behaves identically. Differentiating the particles occurs over time and is self-induced through communication with neighbours, sensory input values and by random numbers. Within the context of gpl, sensory input values come down to the actual presence of materials and concentration of pheromones. Communication between particles occurs only through the gpl-commands secrete and propagate, which therefore play a special role in the implementation of gpl. In this section, we give an overview on how a gpl program is interpreted by each particle in an amorphous computer. This discussion is ambivalent in the sense that there are two separate levels of abstraction, namely ecoli – from Extensible Calculus Of Local Interactions – and the gpl Illustrator. ecoli is intended to be a language for an amorphous computing particle, although at this stage it is more of a programming discipline applied to Scheme. It is a predecessor of a gpl-compiler, where the compiled program is executed by an amorphous computing medium; as such it does not implement medium-dependent ingredients like communication details. While we present ecoli independent of the medium, it was used in relation with hlsim, whose architecture is therefore suggested to fix one’s thoughts (see section 3.2.1). Besides ecoli there is the gpl illustrator, an interpreter for gpl programs. The gpl illustrator provides a simulator environment specifically for gpl programs; hence, it does not require the aid of an amorphous computing medium such as hlsim. It was developed for conceptually exploring the domain as well as for practical reasons: ecoli converts even a compact gpl program into unwieldly code to be executed by hlsim. Since hlsim simulates execution of a program on several thousand processors on one computer, lengthy code can and does lead to memory problems, such that the length of the code is inversely proportional to the number of processors attainable in a simulation. Therefore, an interpreter was required as a transitional phase towards a more complete ecoli language. Section 4.2.2 discusses ecoli, specifically the communication-dependent commands secrete and propagate, which are represented more accurately in this model. Next, we describe the gpl illustrator in section 4.2.3, where we mainly cover communication-independent commands, which allow a higher level of abstraction. First, however, we discuss some aspects of gpl which are common to both ecoli and the gpl illustrator.




Common Aspects

The common aspects of ecoli and the gpl illustrator are concentrated around the internal representations of primitive datatypes and the preprocessing of tropism expresssions. The primitive datatypes of gpl are pheromones, materials and growing points. Each location keeps a table of all pheromones it has ever detected, where a pheromone is represented as a pair containing the pheromone name and its concentration. Also, the set of materials is remembered by each location; when a growing point visits a location, its associated material is added to this set. The colour of a particle in the gpl domain is determined by the number and kinds of materials in its material set. Considering growing points, there is static as well as dynamic information which must be maintained. Static information, such as size, material and tropism, can be determined from a growing point’s definition and is represented as a vector of attributes. For each growing point the attributes vector is shared by all particles throughout the gpl domain, since it is derived from the gpl program which each processor inherits. A growing point’s dynamic information is generated when the growing point is invoked, evolving as its active site moves from particle to particle. It contains information such as parameter values, previous pheromone result and the current continuation, all passed along to where a growing point’s active site moves. One might think that continuations are too heavy to be sent along in a message, but as yet a growing point cannot be nested, which implies that its closing environment can maximally extend one level deep. As such a growing point continuation can be represented simply by the bindings for its parameters at the current location, together with a pointer into the text of the program. Therefore, these continuations are small enough to be communicated through.





pairings from neighbours


filtered values


filtered and sorted values

Figure 4.5: Tropism implementation.

Tropisms are implemented as a combination of a filtering and sorting process, as shown schematically in figure 4.5. Before a growing point moves, it sends a stream of pairs neighbouring pheromone concentrations through the translated tropism. These pairs are first filtered according to the tropism



in question, whereafter they are sorted in order of preference. On the basis of this result a growing point moves its active site towards a specific neighbour. More specifically, the analysis of a tropism occurs through the following code extract (define (analyse-tropism tropism-exp targets) (let ((filter-gen-maker (tropism->filter tropism-exp targets))) (let ((sort-gen (pred-gen->sorter-gen (tropism->pred-gen tropism-exp targets)))) (lambda (empty-case non-empty-case) (lambda (my-result last-result) (let ((sorter (sort-gen my-result last-result))) ((filter-gen-maker empty-case (lambda (results) (non-empty-case (sorter results)))) my-result last-result))))))) A tropism is actually translated into a procedure that first takes two continuations, empty-case and non-empty-case, applied when the filtering process results in an empty and non-empty list respectively. This procedure returns a filter-generator, which takes the pheromone values at the predecessor and the current location – last-result and my-result in the above – and does the actual filtering and sorting of the given list of pheromone values. Filtering and sorting translators first decide whether they are dealing with a primitive or compound tropism expression, then to dispatch on the particular type. For example, in case of the ortho- tropism, filtering is done according through the predicate (lambda (last-result) (< last-result my-result)); sorting, coincidentally, also occurs through the < predicate, such that the neighbour with the lowest pheromone concentration is preferred. Compound tropisms are handled by cascading the filters for each constituting primitive tropism and combining their sorters in the following way (define (compose-pred-gen gen1 gen2) (lambda (my-result last-result) (let ((pred1 (gen1 my-result last-result)) (pred2 (gen2 my-result last-result))) (lambda (elt1 elt2) (or (pred1 elt1 elt2) (and (not (pred1 elt2 elt1)) (pred2 elt1 elt2))))))) In other words, sorting predicates is applied left to right, such that later sorters are taken into account for a set of elements only if these elements have no ordering with respect to the previous sorters.




ecoli: The Extensible Language of Local Interactions

Each particle has the following four components at its disposition • the working environment, which maintains bindings for variables that were assigned or referenced by messages; • the working dictionary, which maintains a set of bindings from message types to their associated handlers; • the current agenda, which keeps track of actions that have been started but not yet terminated; • a message queue, which serialises arriving messages and buffers them until they can be processed. ecoli may affect the first three of these components directly. At any time, a processor’s message queue represents the interaction of that processor with its neighbours. Execution occurs through the following ecoli code extract (define (eval-msg message dictionary) (if (pair? message) (let ((handler (get dictionary (car message)))) (if handler (apply handler (cdr message)) #f)) (error "Improper message format: " message))) After the handler is applied, the current agenda is executed, after which a new message is retrieved from the message queue. In order to run a gpl program on an amorphous computer, each particle must be capable of dealing with all available gpl commands. These commands can be divided conceptually in those that can be executed independently on each processor, and those that require communication between particles. Since the ecoli protocol was invented for the purposes of the latter class, consisting of secrete and propagate, we head off with discussing their implementation. The secrete command The ecoli secrete command is implemented according to the finite state machine presented in figure 4.6. Secretion relies on a hop count mechanism, which was covered in sections 2.2.2 and 3.4. The implementation in itself is actually completely analogous to that of establishing a potential, explained in the latter section, augmented with an acknowledgement mechanism such that each particle knows when the secretion has been established to its full extent. The secretion finite state machine consists of seven states, where



transitions occur through the messages SECRETE, UPDATE and RESTORE, or through a TIMEOUT mechanism. This mechanism works through a timer, which is reset when a message is received; if the timer reaches countdown, a state transition occurs. States 5 and 6 are source particle states; the secretion source waits for a RESTORE message, implying that the secretion is done, upon which it transitions to state 6. Following timeout the source particle enters its end state, after which it can continue pending calculations. The situation for non-source particles is slightly more complicated. State 1 is the state in which the first secretion wave is established; it is reached after receiving a SECRETE message. After timeout, a particle enters state 3, where possible UPDATE messages are handled. If such a message arrives with a lower count than that previously established, a particle goes to state 4 to deal with this situation. Otherwise, it stays in state 2. State 3 is entered after timeout or when a particle receives a RESTORE message. If a particle manages to timeout out of state 3, the secretion is finished and the particle can continue with its calculations. Important also is that if a received message has a count greater than the extent of the secretion it is ignored, while if it is equal the particle goes straight from state 0 to state 3. In the figure arrows are labeled with conditions necessary to make the transition, where an unlabeled arrow means that the message is ignored. For the full series of graphs – labeled with actions, conditions and processes respectively – we refer to the appendix.

The propagate command When a growing point wants to move its active site, it sends a REQUEST message to its neighbours, to determine their pheromone values. Neighbours respond either with an ACKNOWLEDGE message containing the requested concentrations, or a WAIT-RETRY message to ask for more time. When a particle receives a REQUEST message, first it deactivates the associated handler, such that the particle cannot be recruited twice for the same growing point. Next, it installs the ACKNOWLEDGE message handler, which retrieves the required pheromone concentrations; also, a timeout mechanism is installed, such that WAIT-RETRY message is sent when the timer reaches countdown. After all necessary pheromone values are acquired at the growing point’s active site, it sends an ACTIVATE message to itself, which results in the filtering and sorting of neighbouring pheromone concentrations according to the preprocessed tropism expression. As such, a successor location is selected, after which that location is sent a CONFIRM message, containing its own and the predeccessor’s identity, together with all required dynamic information of the growing point. At the successor location, the same steps are repeated; hence, the growing point’s path is established throughout the gpl domain.

-c default (0)




Figure 4.6: The secretion finite state machine. t-restore (3)

src-default (5)









t ex




=m 1> t+









n ou


wait (2)

src-trestore (6)

t-update (4)




w ne

t-secrete (1)

n ou




ne w


>= t+ 1

nt < ou

update(extent,old-count,new-count) count+1>=min








The gpl Illustrator

The gpl illustrator is an interpreter for the growing point language written in Scheme. Its implementation closely mirrors the Scheme interpreter presented in [ASS96], using a case to divide between expression types, where each expression’s syntax is abstracted into a series of syntax procedures. For gpl there are cases at several levels, as shown schematically in figure 4.7, where only the main gpl commands are mentioned at each level for the sake of clarity. The first partition of gpl occurs through the eval-top-level procedure, which handles all possible top-level gpl commands such as define-growing-point and define-network. The lower level takes care of gpl commands which may be used within the body of a top-level command, leading to a case for network commands like at, cascade and let-locations , and a case for growing point commands such as secrete, propagate and connect. On the figure is also mentioned at which level the actual tropism analysis, discussed in section 4.2.1, is carried out.

Top-level commands




network commands

growing point commands

project - < command >




... with-locations




illustrate -




Figure 4.7: Partial structure of the gpl illustrator.

The gpl illustrator maintains an agenda of active particles – i.e. particles that are currently evaluating the body of some growing point. Hence, fewer particles are given a time slice as compared with hlsim, where all particles are considered active. Therefore, simulations with the gpl illustrator run faster. The gpl illustrator guarantees that each command on a single particle is completed before the next one in sequence is evaluated. However, this



policy only approximates what happens in hlsim for the propagate and secrete command. Interpreting these commands with the illustrator basically neglects acknowledgement mechanisms such as those present in the ecoli implementation. This implies that each particle participating in a communication-dependent command trusts that the other cooperating particles will carry out the rest of the command correctly, as opposed to ecoli where this is checked explicitly through acknowledgement. For this reason, as well as to cover another subject than in the previous section, we will not discuss communication-dependent commands for the gpl illustrator. We shall limit our discussion to gpl commands concerned with combination of growing points, namely the growing point command connect and the network command cascade. The connect command The connect command is implemented through growing point continuations, such that the first argument to connect is evaluated, while the next arguments are passed along wrapped up in a continuation (recall the justification in section 4.2.1 on the feasibility of passing around continuations). It cooperates with the procedure illustrate-terminate, which checks, once a growing point terminates, if there are no deferred growing points waiting to be connected behind it. Once a terminate command is encountered, the continuation containing the next arguments to connect is invoked by illustrate-terminate. The precise code for illustrating connect is as follows (define (illustrate-connect exp env point cont stop id last-result size gp) (let ((start-command (car exp)) (end-commands (cdr exp))) (illustrate-command start-command env point cont (make-gp-continuation end-commands env process-next-point stop id last-result size gp) id last-result size gp))) Here point represents the active site, cont captures the pending computation following the connect command, while the stop continuation is the one that is invoked by illustrate-terminate. Networks and the cascade command The define-network command is interpreted through a projection operation, such that a particle emulating a particular network terminal filters



out the commands within the body of the network definition that are not relevant to that terminal. This is done through the following code extract (define (project-seq terminal seq env point cont stop id) (cond ((null? seq) (cont)) ((null? (cdr seq)) (project terminal (car seq) env point cont stop id)) (else (project terminal (car seq) env point (lambda () (project-seq terminal (cdr seq) env point cont stop id)) stop id)))) Again, the first command is projected while the rest are wrapped up in a continuation; note that network continuations take a terminal name as parameter, which makes sense since a network is not necessarily a connected pattern. The project procedure dispatches on the type of network command. As a result a network command is parsed to find any instructions that are associated with terminal; these instructions are executed when the location corresponding to this terminal is instantiated, typically in an at or cascade command. The implementation of cascade is analogous to that of connect, with the command ->output now playing the role of terminate. Hence, the network continuation to be invoked after the first argument to cascade is evaluated, is now called by illustrate->output. Specifically, the expression (==> (i1 ) network-a network-b ... (o1 )) is interpreted in two steps: first, network-a is constructed at the locations (i1 ) to produce the outputs (a1 ...ak ). Next, the expression (==> (a1 ...ak ) network-b ... (o1 ) ) is evaluated, as this is the continuation invoked by the ->output command of network-a.


Further Issues

Although the examples and implementation above give confidence that gpl is a truly powerful tool for an amorphous computer, as yet we have not traced out what the actual theoretical and practical limitations of gpl are, nor how we should incorporate amorphous computing aspects such as faulty communications or malfunctioning processors. The former issue is closely related to the layout of the domain and will be discussed in section 4.3.1. Next, we cover possible extensions to gpl in section 4.3.2.


Impact of the Domain Layout

The main proposition of [Coo99] is stated as follows



Given a planar graph G, there is a gpl program that when evaluated on a square lattice, either draws G or decides that it has failed to do so. Along with the proof for this proposition comes a general method for generating such a program. Two ingredients of the statement above are important in relation to the domain. First, it holds on a square lattice, immediately leading to the question of what the effect of a randomly distributed domain is. Secondly, there is the possibility that a growing point “fails to do so” because it gets stuck, again a domain-related issue. In general, there are three important concerns that are directly affected by the geometry of the gpl domain, namely • can growing points propagate at all, i.e. is the domain connected; • can they propagate in the right direction, i.e. is every direction represented by a neighbour from each particle’s viewpoint; • are pheromone levels monotonically decreasing in their shortest-path lengths from their source, i.e. is the hop-count closely correlated to the Euclidian distance. The density of particles in the domain affects all three of these issues; more particularly, a low mean and a high variance of the neighbourhood density are aspects that can have a negative effect. Experimental and theoretical results show that the mean neighbourhood density should be relatively large (at least 6) in order for the two first issues above to be taken care of. While this condition is necessary in the general case, it is not a sufficient one; in other words, while chances are considerably lower that a growing point gets stuck or that it cannot propagate in the desired direction, it is still a possibility. For example, even with every direction represented, all neighbours might be poisonous for a growing point, or they might not have a pheromone gradient according to the growing point’s tropism. However, high average neighbourhood sizes do have a penalty, since the secretion process is delayed proportionally. As for the third issue in the list above, in order to have good correlation between the hop count and the Euclidian distance a necessary condition for the domain distribution is that the variance of the density of neighbours should be low. Without such a correlation, growing point trajectories can be disturbed indirectly, because in this case the pheromone secretion patterns provide a growing point with a non-Euclidian sense of distance. Low variance in neighbourhood sizes means that the particles are more evenly distributed throughout the domain. Therefore, a particle is just as likely to have a neighbour in one direction as in another, resulting in an Euclidian secretion pattern and, hence, a non-biased propagation of growing points.




Extensions to gpl

Several extensions to gpl spring to mind, of which some are short-term attainable changes in the line of what is already present, while others fundamentally broaden gpl requiring considerably more effort. As for the former class, one obvious extension is to generalise tropism expressions. Examples are extending the set of primitive tropisms or making them user-definable, broadening the means of combination of predecessor pheromone concentrations and allowing growing points to propagate to multiple successor sites. Also, it would be interesting to allow time to get into play, allowing tropisms as well as secretion mechanisms to be time-varying. Currently, pheromones are static in that once they are secreted, their concentration remains the same throughout the execution of the program. A more realistic model is to have the pheromone levels disappear by default after some time. A third possible short-term extension would be denotable growing points, such that entire trajectories instead of single active sites can be named and handled. Since a growing point’s path can be viewed as a non-local link between its endpoints, one possible application is enforcing non-local constraints. Also, one could allow entire trajectories to move, for example as they come too close to one another, or design miniature versions of a certain pattern, afterwards letting the denoted pattern grow to smooth out irregularities. There are several aspects of amorphous computing that have not been taken into account in gpl. gpl operates in an extremely friendly environment, where communications always succeed and particles never malfunction. As these reliability issues are ingredients of the amorphous computing model, at one stage they should be incorporated into gpl. Since the only communication-dependent commands are propagate and secrete, the implementations of these commands should be adapted when faulty communications are taken into account. Secretion already relies on redundant message sending between several particles cooperating together, so there probably need be no fundamental changes to its implementation. However, for propagation lost messages can have more serious effect since growing points move to only one location. Considering malfunctioning particles, the fact that a growing point’s propagation is basically the responsability of one particle also poses problems. However, since a location is notified before it becomes the successor, one could use neighbouring particles, which inevitably hear this message as well, as potential stand-ins for a malfunctioning successor particle. In this context there have also been some investigations into how a certain pattern can be maintained once it has been established. For these so-called self-healing structures [Zuc99] it is suggested that monitoring, diagnosing and repair mechanisms be installed to cooperate in restoring already constructed patterns.



A problem that seems a little harder to solve is that of particles malfunctioning by producing incorrect answers to certain computations. One way to get around this is to perform redundant computations for each step of the process on many neighbouring particles. Further extensions are the inclusion of sensors and actuators, and, more fundamentally, allowing particles to be mobile.



The growing point language is the first serious attempt to develop a programming language for an amorphous computer. The main goal of such a language is to provide a means to attain predetermined global behaviour from local interactions only. While gpl uses pattern reproduction as model for global behaviour, one should look at it from the aforementioned broader point of view. gpl is capable of producing a whole range of complicated patterns, such as, for example, CMOS electrical circuits, through the abstractions of, amongst others, growing points, tropisms, pheromones and networks. The implementation of gpl exists on two levels: one is the gpl illustrator, an interpreter working on top of Scheme, another is ecoli, a precursor of a gpl-compiler which cooperates with hlsim. An important theoretical result is that gpl either reproduces a general pattern or decides that it is stuck. The latter case is closely related with the domain layout, where a high mean neighbourhood size with low variance is required in order to avoid stuck growing points as best as possible. Several extensions were presented, of which the most important is the incorporation into gpl of typical aspects of the amorphous computing model, such as faulty communications and malfunctioning particles.

Chapter 5

Thoughts on Amorphous Geometry Previous examples have shown that amorphous computing can deal with a variety of problems. As a contribution, we decided to study yet another family of applications: that of computational geometry. Geometric algorithms play a fundamental role in a whole series of application domains, such as computer graphics, geographic information systems and robotics. Since the physical layout of an amorphous computer serves as a basis for a one-to-one correspondence with geometrical configurations, it seems natural to look at what we will refer to as amorphous geometry. Moreover, within the context of amorphous computing one can easily visualise applications: for example, think of smart floors in large buildings such as hospitals and companies, where coloured floor lines direct the way. Amorphous computing particles composing these lines would have to behave dynamically with respect to their colour and the shape of the lines, finding shortest paths between points, going around obstacles and the like. The idea is to show that an amorphous computer could solve problems of this kind equally well as a conventional one. We will present most of our suggested solutions as well as the associated simulation results within the context of gpl, which is specialised in pattern generation and hence a useful tool for a direct representation of geometrical problems and their solutions. The goal of this chapter is to report our results, as well as comment on the flexibility of the environment – gpl – in which our experiments were tested. Section 5.1 adresses the problem of robot motion planning on hlsim as well as with gpl. The next sections prepare the way towards the triangulation problem, within the context of gpl. First, we discuss the construction of arbitrary polygons in section 5.2, showing simulation results for polygons with up to six vertices. Next we search for a quadrangle’s diagonals in section 5.3. Based on the ideas from these sections, we present general guidelines for solving the triangulation problem in section 5.4; triangulations for a pen-




tangle and hexagon are shown. Last, we give a summary of the chapter in section 5.5.


Robot Motion Planning

One aspect of autonomous robots is that they should be able to plan their own motion. In order to do this, a robot must have some knowledge about the environment in which it is moving. Some of this information is static and available from floor plans – for example where walls and machines are located. Dynamical information, such as temporary obstacles, must be derived through sensory information. The robot motion planning problem has to be solved whenever a robot wants to move from its origin towards a goal position, such that the shortest path avoiding all obstacles, static or dynamic, is the resulting solution. We discuss this problem on hlsim for a static planar environment with a point-robot that can move in every direction. The path found consists of a series of particles less than one communication radius from one another; hence, it is a connection of line segments with as maximal length the communication radius. It is constructed in essence through the following code fragment 1 (select (primitive-message-event =>(lambda (message) (if (not obstacle?) (begin (event.clear! primitive-message-event) (cond ((eq? message ’collision) (if up (set-retry-up-timer! (+ 1000 (random 5000)))) (loop ttl up down)) ((and (eq? (first message) ’UP) (> (second message) ttl)) (if destination? (set-retry-down-timer! 500) (set-retry-up-timer! (random 100))) (loop (second message) (third message) down)) ((eq? (first message) ’DOWN) (set-retry-up-timer! #F) (cond ((= (second message) processor-id) 1

The code presented is based on the find example from [DeR97].



(if (not source?) (set-retry-down-timer! 100)) (loop ttl up (third message))) ((and down up (= (third message) up)) (set-retry-down-timer! #F) (colour-me "yellow") (event.signal! break #T)) (else (loop ttl up down)))) (else (loop ttl up down))))))) (retry-down-timer (broadcast ‘(DOWN ,up ,processor-id)) (set-retry-down-timer! (+ 100 (random 200))) (loop ttl up down)) (retry-up-timer (broadcast ‘(UP ,(-1+ ttl) ,processor-id)) (set-retry-up-timer! (+ 1000 (random 10000))) (loop ttl up down)) (continue (event.clear! continue) (loop ttl up down)) ((or break global-timeout) ’DONE))) The loop procedure consists of a colouring clause along with the above select form; it is more extensive but comparable to the hlsim code extracts presented in section 3.2.1. Initially, the source is coloured yellow, obstacles cyan and the rest of the processors blue. In the above, ttl, up and down refer to time to live, up-neighbour and down-neighbour respectively, while global-timeout, continue, break, never, retry-up-timer and retry-down-timer are all events. The basic idea is as follows: a source processor – the origin of the robot – sends out an UP message with a time to live of maximally 50 hops, through the retry-up-timer event. When a processor, which is not an obstacle, receives an UP message, it rebroadcasts it with a decremented time to live, following the same protocol as in the potential example from section 3.2.1. However, when a rebroadcast occurs, each processor remembers the identity of the processor from which the message was received – i.e. the up-neighbour. Hence the UP message travels away from the source, such that each processor knows the identity of its up-neighbour. This is translated in the first select clause, which deals



with the reception of messages. Important is that an obstacle ignores all messages, meaning that it cannot aid in the construction of the path and therefore cannot be part of it, exactly what we want if the robot has to avoid obstacles. Once an UP message reaches the destination processor – the goal of the robot – it broadcasts a DOWN message carrying the identity of its up-neighbour and of the sender (the down-neighbour), through the retry-down-timer event. Hence the DOWN message travels back to the source, following the chain of up-neighbours. Whenever a message is broadcast, retries will occur automatically until such time as they are turned off. Retries UP cause chains to be optimised and they continue to be sent until any DOWN message is received. DOWN retries are turned off whenever a DOWN message is received that was sent by the UP neighbour. Processors change colour to magenta when they rebroadcast UP, so that the extent of propagation is evident. As the DOWN message travels back from destination to source, the processors en route change colour to yellow, defining the path avoiding all obstacles which the robot should take.

Figure 5.1: Simulation results for the robot motion planning problem.

Figure 5.1 presents the path found with the above code for a simulation with 2000 processors with a communication radius of 0.05. Source and destination processors were given as initial conditions, as well as obstacles, which were chosen in the following way (define obstacle?



(let ((x (random 10))) (if (= x 5) #T #F))) Of course, realistic problems would require more precisely defining obstacle processors. Also, dynamic information should be taken into consideration; however, since processors equipped with sensors are part of the amorphous computing model this should pose no problem in theory. While the above program obviously works, it is not really easy to read. One inevitably wonders how the robot motion planning problem could be solved within the more user-friendly gpl environment. First of all, setting static obstacles through initial conditions is done by generating the floor plan pattern, analogously to the generation of electrical circuit layouts. Through the abstraction of a network, one would construct the floor plan, after which a growing point is initiated at the robot’s initial location. Basically, the construction of the robot’s path is done through the following growing points (define-growing-point (robot-path) (material path-material) (size 0) (tropism (ortho+ goal-pheromone)) (avoids obstacle-pheromone) (actions (when ((sensing? goal-material) (terminate)) (default (propagate)))))

(define-growing-point (goal) (material goal-material) (size 0) (for-each-step (secrete 10 goal-pheromone))) In other words, a straight path from initial location to goal is constructed, such that locations where obstacle-pheromone is present are avoided. Therefore, all growing points that construct the floor plan of obstacles should secrete this pheromone over a short range.




Drawing a Polygon

The problem of drawing a polygon can be divided into the subproblems of constructing line segments from one vertex to another. For example, when drawing a quadrangle with vertices a, b, c and d, one starts with establishing the growing points a-to-b-segment and b-point, as defined in section 4.1.1, at the vertices a and b respectively. Next, one has to define equivalent growing points at the couples of vertices (b,c), (c,d) and (d,a). As a result, each vertex is equipped with two growing points, a -to--segment and a -point growing point. We say ”equivalent” and not ”equal”, since if we used the same definitions for the required growing points at every vertex interference of pheromones would result. More particularly, suppose we install identical growing points as defined in section 4.1.1 at the points a, b, c and d. This implies that at these points B-pheromone is secreted as well as B-material deposited. However, since each vertex is at the same time a startpoint and an endpoint for a line segment, the growing point A-to-B-segment would halt at once because of the presence of B-material. Moreover, even when we allow the segment-like growing point initially to ignore the presence of its halting material, the B-pheromones secreted at each vertex would interfere with one another. As a result, line segments do not grow straight and might not even halt at the correct vertex. Hence, we have to use a unique pheromone and material for each vertex, and define an associated segment-like growing point that grows towards that particular pheromone. The whole process is presented schematically in figure 5.2. a-point









c-to-d-segment c-point

Figure 5.2: Drawing a quadrangle.

Finally, to start off drawing the quadrangle, we execute the following code




(with-locations (a b c d) (at a (start-gp a-point) (--> (start-gp a-to-b-segment) (--> (start-gp b-to-c-segment) (--> (start-gp c-to-d-segment) (start-gp d-to-a-segment))))) (at b (start-gp b-point)) (at c (start-gp c-point)) (at d (start-gp d-point))) Simulation results for the construction of a quadrangle with the gpl-illustrator in the above way, as well as for the analogous construction of a triangle, pentangle and hexagon are shown in figure 5.3. It is clear from these results that arbitrary polygons can be constructed amorphously.

Figure 5.3: Several polygons constructed with gpl.


start-gp is an alias for start-growing-point.



In the above solution for drawing a quadrangle, we are immediately confronted with the inability of gpl to parametrise pheromones and materials. For if that were possible, we would define the following growing points (define-growing-point (edge next-vertex-pheromone next-vertex-material) (material edge-material) (size 0) (tropism (ortho+ next-vertex-pheromone)) (actions (when ((sensing? next-vertex-material) (terminate)) (default (propagate))))) (define-growing-point (vertex vertex-pheromone vertex-material) (material vertex-material) (size 0) (for-each-step (secrete 10 vertex-pheromone))) With the help of these growing points, the following code constructs the desired quadrangle3 (with-locations (a b c d) (at a (start-gp (vertex a-pheromone a-material)) (--> (start-gp (edge b-pheromone b-material)) (--> (start-gp (edge c-pheromone c-material)) (--> (start-gp (edge d-pheromone d-material)) (start-gp (edge a-pheromone a-material)))))) (at b (start-gp (vertex b-pheromone b-material))) (at c (start-gp (vertex c-pheromone c-material))) (at d (start-gp (vertex d-pheromone d-material)))) This example clarifies the need for equipping gpl with parametrisation possibilities for growing point ingredients such as pheromones, materials and poisons. A more fundamental problem emerges when we try to construct polygons with an arbitrary number of vertices. While it is obvious how to extend the above reasoning to vertex numbers higher than four, a preferable solution 3 Detection of edge material naturally leads the identification of self-intersecting polygons; this is typically a much more complex operation in conventional geometry.



is to write a procedure which takes as argument the number of vertices and constructs the necessary edges through an iterative loop, as follows (define (draw-polygon . vertices) (define (draw-iter begin rest) (let* ((carrest (car rest)) (first carrest.location)) (if (null? (cdr rest)) (with-locations (first begin) (at first (start-gp (edge begin.pheromone begin.material))) (at begin (start-gp (vertex begin.pheromone begin.material)))) (let* ((cadrrest (cadr rest)) (second cadrrest.location)) (with-locations (first second) (at first (start-gp (edge second.pheromone second.material))) (at second (start-gp (vertex second.pheromone second.material))) (draw-iter begin (cdr rest)))))) (let ((carvert (car vertices))) (draw-iter carvert.location vertices))) Here we presented each vertex as an abstract data type of the form ( <material>). However, the problem is that as yet it is not possible to mix Scheme and gpl as above. Since a gpl program is not actually run on any one processor, there is a translation process converting it to a set of instructions for each processor. In order to combine Scheme and gpl, we would have to clarify the semantics of Scheme in this new context. For example, exactly which particles are involved in iterating the loop – since we are trying to get the whole ensemble to cooperate in producing the polygon. This problem is more fundamental, and to solve it requires thorough investigation.


Finding the Diagonals of a Convex Quadrangle

Let us now look at the problem of finding a quadrangle’s diagonals. As a simplification, we work with a convex quadrangle; in this case we know there are always exactly two diagonals. A diagonal can be defined as a straight line between non-adjacent vertices that lies entirely on the inside of the quadrangle. Hence, it has to grow away from its startpoint, as well as from



the two adjacent vertices. We can specify these conditions as negative orthotropisms with respect to the three pheromones secreted by these vertices during the construction of the quadrangle. Following the discussion of the previous section, a diagonal growing from a has to be negatively orthotropic to a-pheromone, b-pheromone and d-pheromone. Next, a diagonal must end at the opposite vertex, meaning it has to be positively orthotropic to the pheromone secreted by that vertex – c-pheromone, in this case. A clarifying schematical representation of this process is given in figure 5.4. b c






Figure 5.4: The structure of the diagonal growing point.

However, we found that defining the diagonal growing point in the above way resulted in stuck growing points. This is because we overspecified its tropism – combinations of several primitive tropism expressions proved to be unflexible, at least for not too large simulations. Besides being unflexible we also found most present tropisms expressions superfluous. Specifying only that a diagonal grows away from itself and towards the opposite vertex leaves the growing point more freedom to propagate, while adding tropisms towards the other vertices results in the growing point not being able to move at all. Hence, we define a diagonal growing from for example a to be negatively orthotropic towards a pheromone excreted by itself (diagonal-pheromone) and positively orthotropic to c-pheromone. One extra complication is that in order for gpl to know what part of the domain is the quadrangle’s inside, we need an additional initial location – referred to as center below4 . At center, we establish the following growing 4 The choice of an internal point is inspired by [Coo99]; alternatives could have been: considering polygons filled with a specific material, or two-material edges.



point (define-growing-point (inside) (actions (secrete 10 center-pheromone))) This stationary growing point has default size and no associated material, for it does not have to be detectable for other growing points. Its only task is to secrete center-pheromone, which directs the diagonals towards the inside of the quadrangle. However, in order for the diagonal to reach the opposite vertex, at one point the positive orthotropism towards center has to be eliminated. Therefore, we have to split up the construction of the diagonal as shown if figure 5.5. a

diagonal = diagonal-init





Figure 5.5: The composition of the diagonal growing point.

More concretely, the diagonal growing point is a combination of two growing points: diagonal-init, which ensures that the diagonal starts off towards the inside of the quadrangle, and diagonal-rest, which constructs the rest of the diagonal. The growing point definitions required for the above scheme are as follows (define-growing-point (diagonal-init length) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (tropism (ortho+ center-pheromone)) (actions (secrete+ 1 diagonal-pheromone) (when ((< length 1) (terminate)) (default (propagate (- length 1)))))) (define-growing-point (diagonal-rest) (material diagonal-material) (size 0)



(tropism (and (ortho- diagonal-pheromone) (ortho+ c-pheromone))) (actions (secrete+ 1 diagonal-pheromone) (when ((sensing? c-material)) (terminate)) (default (propagate))))) (define-growing-point (diagonal) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (actions (--> (start-gp diagonal-init 2) (start-gp diagonal-rest)))) As one can see, diagonal-init determines the initial direction, while diagonalrest behaves like a growing point with inertia, maintaining the same direction by growing away from its own pheromone5 . Once diagonal-rest senses the presence of c-material – i.e. when it has reached the opposite vertex – it terminates. Finally, to initiate the process of creating a diagonal, we execute the following (with-locations (center a) (at center (start-gp inside)) (at a (start-gp diagonal))) Figure 5.6 shows the simulation result for the construction of a quadrangle diagonal in the above way. Again, it is shown that amorphous diagonal construction is very satisfactory. The second diagonal can be constructed analogously; however, the associated growing point has to secrete a pheromone different from diagonalpheromone in order to avoid interference. Once again, the need to incorporate parameterisable pheromones in gpl becomes clear.



The triangulation problem is closely connected to the art gallery problem, which can be formulated as follows [dBvKOS00]: given an art gallery, how many cameras are required to guard it and how do we decide where to 5

Note the use of secrete+, which ensures that the diagonal grows in the same direction.



Figure 5.6: A quadrangle’s diagonal.

place them? Since a gallery’s floorplan is sufficient information to solve this problem, we model a gallery as a polygonal region in the plane; camera positions correspond to points in the plane. Since a camera can rotate horizontally, it sees those points in the polygon to which it can be connected by an open line segment that lies in the interior of the polygon, as shown in figure 5.7. The first part of the art gallery problem concerns the multitude of cameras required, a question clearly related to the complexity of the polygon. Because it is difficult to determine the number of cameras for a complex polygon, we first decompose it into pieces that are easy to guard, namely triangles – a process called triangulation. Figure 5.8 shows a possible triangulation in the middle for the polygon shown left. Before we engage ourselves into discussing the triangulation problem for an amorphous computer, we trace its further connection to the art gallery problem. The key result is for each triangulated polygon there exists a 3-colouring [dBvKOS00]; an example is shown at the right of figure 5.8. Since a 3-colouring is such that any two vertices connected by an edge or a diagonal have different colours, it follows that we can guard the polygon by placing cameras at all equally-coloured vertices, giving an answer as to where we should place all cameras. To return to the question of how many cameras are required, choosing the smallest colour class leads to following result Art Gallery Theorem: For a simple polygon with n vertices,



Figure 5.7: A camera’s view in an art gallery.

n/3 cameras are occasionally necessary and always sufficient to have every point in the polygon visible from at least one of the cameras. where simple polygon means that we do not allow regions with holes.

Figure 5.8: A polygon with a possible triangulation and 3-colouring.

While the above theorem is only optimal in the worst case, it is clear that polygon triangulation lies at the heart of the problem. Therefore, we require an algorithm that constructs a triangulation for a given polygon. Basically, we want to establish a growing point at each vertex that constructs a diagonal, such that once a set of non-intersecting diagonals that determines a triangulation is found, the remaining growing points that did not aid in this construction are cancelled. In order to do this, we should be able to



use the results from the previous section. However, there are three main differences with the construction of a quadrangle’s diagonals, namely 1. there are an arbitrary number of vertices; 2. a diagonal’s endpoint cannot be predetermined; 3. diagonals cannot intersect. Let us first look at the generalisation towards polygons with more than four vertices. First, when constructing a diagonal starting at a given vertex, we have to know which pheromones are secreted by that vertex as well as both adjacent ones in order to define negative orthotropisms towards them. Next, we have to take into account that a diagonal’s endpoint cannot be uniquely predetermined. For a quadrangle, a diagonal starting at a given vertex can only end at one vertex; however, for a general polygon there might be several possibilities. Therefore, we have to change the (ortho+ d-material) tropism from the diagonal growing point in section 5.3 into positive orthotropisms towards all possible endpoints. A clarifying schematical representation of this process is given in figure 5.9.





g dia

Figure 5.9: Triangulation tropisms.

As in the previous section, we found that listing all these tropisms for each diagonal results in stuck growing points; however, if one omits the (superfluous) negative orthotropism expressions correct results are obtained. A



preferable solution is to generate this tropism expression for each diagonal automatically 6 . In order to do this, we require a function extract-pheromones, which, given a vertex, the list of all vertices and the associated list of pheromones (secreted during the polygon’s construction as in section 5.2), extracts the pheromones to which a diagonal starting at the given vertex should have a positive orthotropism. Figure 5.10 shows schematically how this is done through the following steps • determine the given vertex’ position in the list of vertices; • locate the pheromone at the same position in the pheromone list; • return a list containing all pheromones apart from the above determined pheromone as well as those at the previous and following location in the pheromone list. Through extract-pheromones, we can establish a diagonal at each vertex in the following way (with-locations (... x ...) ... (at x (start-gp (diagonal (extract-pheromones x)) ...) where the dots indicate identical clauses for all vertices; note that the above code presumes that the lists of vertices and pheromones are defined globally. The diagonal growing point then includes in its tropism an ortho+ clause for each of the pheromones in the list returned by extract-pheromones; these tropism expressions are combined with the tropism or form.

Finally, the last difference with section 5.3 is that diagonals cannot intersect. This actually simplifies the solution a bit, since this can be solved by having all diagonals secrete the same pheromone, such that each diagonal avoids it. Putting all these results together, we arrive at the following diagonal growing point definitions (define-growing-point (diagonal-init length pheromones) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (tropism (ortho+ center-pheromone)) (avoids diagonal-pheromone) 6

Note that in the following reasoning we again use parametrisation of pheromones.






locate pheromone

a-pher b-pher c-pher





extract pheromones

Figure 5.10: The extract-pheromone procedure.

(actions (secrete+ 1 diagonal-pheromone) (when ((< length 1) (terminate)) (default (propagate (- length 1)))))) (define-growing-point (diagonal-rest pheromones) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (tropism (and (ortho- diagonal-pheromone) (or (map ortho+ pheromones)))) (avoids diagonal-pheromone) (actions (secrete+ 1 diagonal-pheromone) (when ((sensing? vertex-material)) (terminate)) (default (propagate))))) (define-growing-point (diagonal) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (actions (--> (start-gp diagonal-init 2) (start-gp diagonal-rest))))




One issue which is not entirely clear to us at this stage is how to cancel those growing points still trying to establish a diagonal after the triangulation has finished. A possible solution is to first search the opposite vertex, then reconstructing the found diagonal, analogously to the construction of a robot path with hlsim in section 5.1. In this case, we could only display the diagonal material when backtracking, thus avoiding a cluttered result due to unfinished growing points desperately trying to find a vertex while none are left. However, further investigations are required in order to clarify this issue. Nevertheless, it should be clear from the above reasoning that solving the triangulation problem is entirely within reach of gpl. The problem of shutting down eager growing points after a solution is found is practical rather than theoretical, since the main goal of constructing a polygon triangulation is reached anyhow. While the above general solution is theoretically in reach of gpl, as yet we have to cope without assets such as pheromone parameterisation. Therefore, in order to concretely triangulate a specific polygon without jumping ahead of gpl’s capacities, one has to define each diagonal growing point independently as well as manually. Carrying out pentangle triangulation, we found that for the order of simulations we could run the avoids clauses resulted in stuck growing points. This is because for not too large simulations the density of particles is too small to leave enough choice for a diagonal growing point whilst encountering other diagonals. Therefore, we only established as many diagonals as required for the triangulation in question, thus eliminating the need for the avoids-clause as well as that of cancelling superfluous diagonals once a triangulation has been constructed. For example, for a pentangle with vertices a, b, c, d and e in clockwise direction, we established the two diagonals A-diagonal and B-diagonal at points a and b respectively, which are defined in the following way7 (define-growing-point (A-diagonal-rest) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (tropism (and (ortho- diagonal-pheromone) (or (ortho+ D-pheromone) (ortho+ C-pheromone)))) (actions (secrete+ 1 diagonal-pheromone) (when ((or (sensing? C-material) (sensing? D-material)) (terminate)) (default 7 Without the avoids clause, the definition of diagonal-init is identical to that of section 5.3.



(propagate))))) (define-growing-point (A-diagonal) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (actions (--> (start-gp diagonal-init 2) (start-gp A-diagonal-rest)))) (define-growing-point (B-diagonal-rest) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (tropism (and (ortho- diagonal-pheromone) (or (ortho+ D-pheromone) (ortho+ E-pheromone)))) (actions (secrete+ 1 diagonal-pheromone) (when ((or (sensing? D-material) (sensing? E-material)) (terminate)) (default (propagate))))) (define-growing-point (B-diagonal) (material diagonal-material) (size 0) (actions (--> (start-gp diagonal-init 2) (start-gp B-diagonal-rest)))) Simulation results for a pentangle and (analogous) hexagon triangulation are shown in figure 5.11.

In the above simulations we found that listing each diagonal’s endpoints through the or compound tropism expression proved to be sequence-dependent. More particularly, in our simulations only the first tropism in an or form was succesfull, whereas trying following tropisms when the first one does not deliver a possible propagation location resulted in stuck growing points. Hence, while in principle the or form lists several choices (each of which succesfull with equal probability), in practice we found that only the first choice is given a chance of finding a solution. This is clearly a problem since in order to find a triangulation at all one should thus know the endpoints when specifying the tropism for each diagonal. We suggest that the or form



Figure 5.11: Triangulation of a pentangle and a hexagon.

be replaced by a parallel or, which chooses one of its clauses arbitrarily with each execution, thus giving each tropism an equal chance of determining a suitable successor location. Experimenting further with diagonal construction along the above lines we constructed stars inscribed in a pentangle and a hexagon. Each star shape is defined by connecting several diagonals defined analogously as in the previous section. Simulation results are shown in figure 5.12.

Figure 5.12: Star shapes inscribed in a pentangle and a hexagon.





Computational geometry is an important field within computer science that knows a whole series of applications, which are easily interpretable within the context of amorphous computing. Each processor governs a geometrical patch, such that the whole medium cooperates in finding a global solution to the problem at hand. To show that amorphous computing has the potential to deal with this kind of problems as well, we newly introduced the domain of amorphous geometry. We covered how a series of typical problems borrowed from computational geometry are viewed, solved and simulated within the context of amorphous geometry. First, we discussed the problem of robot motion planning, both with hlsim and gpl. This highlighted the differences between both tools, especially the higher accessibility of the gpl solution, as well as some of gpl’s weaknesses. The latter are concentrated mainly around the inability to parameterise pheromones and, more fundamentally, the unclear semantics of ordinary Scheme within the context of gpl. Next, we discussed the construction of general polygon as well as the generation of a quadrangle’s diagonals, notable problems in themselves which were also useful in preparation of the lastly discussed problem of polygon triangulation. While the aforementioned gpl weaknesses reemerged, simulation results confirmed that amorphous geometry is well within reach of amorphous computing, encouraging further explorations in these directions and providing a solid basis for its development into a full-blown branch of amorphous computing.

Chapter 6

Conclusion Amorphous computing is an emerging domain in computer science that has the potential to result in an entirely new computing paradigm, of equal value to the already existing ones of imperative, functional, logic and objectoriented programming. However, at this stage only the first tentative, albeit promising steps have been made towards the construction of an amorphous computing paradigm. In order to develop this, one has to extract general behaviour and engineering techniques from the investigations already carried out within amorphous computing. Therefore, we felt it was necessary to provide an extensive overview and classification of the existing work within this field, especially since to our knowledge this has not been done as yet. As opposed to what we found in literature, we deliberately separated the layout of amorphous algorithms from their implementation on a specific amorphous computing medium. Both aspects reside on top of the basic amorphous computing model, which consists of a multitude of locally communicating particles, each with limited computational power. Due to the expected mass production of these processors, one should design algorithms and programs which are robust with respect to faulty processors and message loss. The crucial difference with previous work on cellular automata lies with the locality of the model: individual processors have no a priori knowledge of their environment nor of the global configuration. Since the acquisition of predefined global goals through local interactions only is reminiscent of certain aspects of biology and physics, these sciences were relied on as a source for metaphors for initial investigations on the potential of amorphous computation. We classified the resulting algorithms first according to the scientific discipline from which they originate, next according to the specific application within these sciences. Important is that what we desire to achieve with these applications is not mere emergent behaviour; as engineers our goal is to program the amorphous computing particles such that the resulting global behaviour is as we planned it.




While we specifically discussed metaphors apart from the possible media, one requires interaction between both aspects of amorphous computing in order to investigate the field properly. However, we stress that the general model as well as the metaphorical applications are to be viewed as top level, in the sense that they can be developed on any medium. Nevertheless, when implementing an amorphous program on a particular medium one needs to take into account its specific attributes. Therefore, once again we felt it was of value to be first to provide a proper overview of the existing media and their specifications, as well as to make a proper classification. This resulted in the partition of amorphous computing media into hardware implementations and simulators. The first class can again be subdivided into microelectronically based media and biological media. The former is still in an experimental stadium; nevertheless it is already possible to test amorphous computing on a small scale, while at the same time investigations concerning more amorphous-like hardware implementations are carried out. Tentative explorations of the possible utilisation of biological cells for amorphous computing particles are also underway. While this scheme is not yet within our reach, it is within our grasp: experiments for biological logical gates already delivered promising results. Besides hardware implementations, another class of amorphous computing media is that of simulators, most importantly hlsim, a high level simulator for Gunk. While not entirely user friendly, hlsim provides an adequate basis for testing the validity and the expected outcome of amorphous programs. The above classifications of metaphors and media are very useful in trying to bridge the gap between isolated applications towards a general paradigm. As yet there exists one concrete proposition towards achieving exactly this: the Growing Point Language (gpl). While we do not claim that gpl is the solution to the problem of constructing a paradigm, we felt that, because of its uniqueness, it was important enough to cover in detail. gpl starts out as another metaphor-based application, but it goes a lot further in establishing general rules for achieving global goals from local interactions only. Using pattern generation as model for global behaviour, it is shown that a whole range of representations can be generated through the relatively simple abstraction of growing points. Next to this, an overview of the internal implementation enriches us with an insight as to what issues one has to consider when laying the first stones for the development of a fully operational amorphous computing language. While gpl clearly provides a first flavour of an amorphous computing paradigm, there nevertheless remain several important topics that are not included. First, gpl assumes faultless communication and processors, which is clearly in violation with the amorphous computing model. Next, a series of extensions to the language in itself are required in order to have more powerful growing point



abstractions. Last, it is important to clarify the semantics of Scheme within the context of gpl, since at this stage it is not possible to interweave both languages, although the environment provides the possibility of doing just so. Even better would be to extend gpl into a language that incorporates all relevant Scheme capabilities, so that it can be viewed as an independent language specifically designed for amorphous computation, instead as an additional tool for Scheme. As a first fundamental extension to the preliminary amorphous computing paradigm as thus far constructed, we studied amorphous geometry. The choice to study computational geometry is justified by it being an important discipline of computer science with a broad range of useful applications; furthermore, within the context of amorphous computation it is very interesting to study geometrical problems since these can be directly translated into the physical layout of an amorphous computer. Above all, even at this stage it is easy to think of interesting applications, such as coloured floor lines dynamically directing the way around obstacles in buildings, and more generally any smart surface requiring geometrical information in order to carry out repairs or interact in any way with its environment. Using gpl to investigate concretely amorphous geometry further confirmed previously stated issues concerning its power as well as its weaknesses. However, it is clear that amorphous computing is perfectly capable of dealing with this class of problems as well, and, more specifically, that gpl has the potential of evolving into a language adequate for expressing amorphous geometric problems. Besides extensions to the growing point language and further elaborations on amorphous geometry, it should be clear from this work that amorphous computing in itself needs to be extended to a fully respectable computational branch. To achieve this, the main goal is the development of an associated paradigm. Starting with a general amorphous computing model, one has to learn how to narrow down behaviour of each particle in order to achieve the desired goals. We have already seen that a whole range of problems can be solved in this way – but what can we conclude in general from all these particular case studies? How does one restrict local communications and reaction to messages so that one attains global goals, not merely as unsuspected emergent behaviour, but intentionally? These questions are the essence of amorphous computation, and to solve them is to construct an amorphous computing paradigm. Next to the already existing imperative, functional, logical and object-oriented paradigms, once again a fundamentally different view on computation will be provided. Hopefully, at that stage we will have amorphous computers at our disposal, in order to fully exploit the power of the amorphous computing paradigm.

Appendix: The Secretion Finite State Machine Following is the complete graphical representation of the secretion finite state machine. Figure 1 shows arrows labeled with conditions necessary to make a transition, where an unlabeled arrow means that the message is ignored. Next, figure 2 gives an overview of the actions carried out with each transition. Last, figure 3 clarifies what processes are executed; this figure provides us with a synthesis of the actual code for the finite state machine.


-c default (0)




Figure 1: The secretion finite state machine: conditions. t-restore (3)

src-default (5)









t ex




=m 1> t+









n ou


wait (2)

src-trestore (6)

t-update (4)




w ne

t-secrete (1)

n ou




ne w


>= t+ 1

nt < ou

update(extent,old-count,new-count) count+1>=min








Figure 2: The secretion finite state machine: actions. add count

replace count

add new count

set min

set min

add count





u co

t-secrete (1)

src-default (5)

t-restore (3)

t un co

MIN=new-min secrete(MIN)

replace count

add count

replace count

add count



add count

wait (2)

src-t-restore (6)

t-update (4)

update(MIN,new-min) MIN=new-min

default (0)



co ne w


p re

replace count


co la c


add count

replace count



Figure 3: The secretion finite state machine: processes. #f

init #f






default (0)

#f secrete

relevant? #f



simple simple

srcdefault (5)

t-restore (3)

t-secrete (1)

relevant? restore



src-trestore (6)

t-update (4)

wait (2)





#f update







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