American History - Tenth Edition - Chapter 26

  • April 2020
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Ch apter 2 6 1. What d id th e Ne w D ea l ba sica lly d o? • Construct foundations of federal welfare system • Extend national regulation • Made gov. major force in agricultural economy • Did NOT end GD 2. What w as F.R., p erson ality & h ow d id it gai n co nfiden ce of p ubl ic? • First pres. To make regular use of radio – explained programs and plans to pple and helped build public confidence • Frequent informal conferences and won respect of reporters 3. What w as the “ba nk h olid ay”? A proclamation issued by F.R. closing all American banks for four days until Congress could meet in special session to consider banking-reform legislation 4. Why w as the S ch echter D ec isio n importa nt to the N ew De al ? • NRA’s power was becoming too monopolized and could not be taken apart legally • Schechter brothers accused of NRA code violations – Court ruled they were not engaged in interstate commerce and that Congress had unconstitutionally delegated legislative power to the president to draft the NRA codes • Threatened other ND programs so destroyed 5. What w as the A merica n Li berty L eagu e? Designed to arouse public opposition to the ND’s “dictatorial” policies and its supposed attacks on free enterprise 6. Who w as Fra ncis To wns end a nd w hat w ere h is i deal s? California physician who lead a movement with his Townsend plan – all Americans over the age of 60 would receive monthly gov. pensions of $200, provided they retired and spent money in full each month 7. Who w as Fat her Ch arle s E. C ou ghli n? • A Catholic priest who proposed monetary reforms – remonetization of silver, issuing greenbacks, and nationalization of banking system • National Union for Social Justice – his own political org. • Radio broadcaster 8. Who w as Se nator H arve y P. L ong and wh at importa nt pla n did he cr eate? • Attacks on banks, oil co., and utilities • Elected gov. in 1928 and dominated legislature, courts, and executive depts.. • Progressive accomplishments: buildings schools, roads, and hospitals; revising tax codes; distributing free textbooks; lowering utility rates • Share-Our-Wealth-Plan – claimed GD could end by using tax system to confiscate surplus riches of wealthiest men and women in America 9. What w as ind ustrial u nio nism? All workers in particual industry should be organized in a single union, regardless of function performed 10. CI O – Comm ittee on Industri al O rg. • John L. Lewis – leader of United Mine Workers (oldest major union in country) and founder of CIO • Better union than AFL – more receptive to women and blacks and more militant 11. What w as the s ucce ssful str ike d one b y the Un ited A uto W orkers ( UAW) ? Sit-down strike – Feb. 1937 GM recognized the UAW – ended due to illegality 12. Ste el Wor kers’ Or gani zing Comm ittee an d the “Mem orial D ay Mass acre”. Group of strikers gathered with families for picnic and demonstration in South Chicago – attempted to march peacefully toward power plant but police opened fire 13. What w as the “co urt- pack ing p lan”? • General overhaul of federal court system, proposed by F.R., and including one to add up to six new justices to Supreme Court

• Give himself opportunity to appoint new liberal justices and change ideological balance of the Court 14. West C oa st Hot el vs . P arri sh March 29, 1937 – voted against to uphold a state min.-wage law 15. Whe n did the b oom an d rec essi on ha ppen ? 1937 a. Why ? Result of adm. Decision to reduce spending 16. Effect s of Ne w De al 17. Se nator B urton K . Wh eeler q uote – “ What we are try ing to do i s get r id of th e Indi an prob lem rather than a dd to i t.” 18. Joh n Co lli er an d the In dian R eor gani zatio n Act Restored the tribes right to own land collectively

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