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  • Words: 1,737
  • Pages: 3
-1NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT Abstract: In this little set of notes, we prove, via semiotics, that the New Testament is another criminally assembled book by the Roman Empire. Not coming into play whether Jesus was or not a Holy person, his history on Earth, as told, is absurd and absolutely incompatible with the Old Testament, which has got far more pages and far more reports, what makes the New Testament impossible to be believed. On top, the New Testament bears inconsistencies in itself, even being so short, no further proof, or evidence, of any sort, being necessary to accuse the Catholic Church of leading their believers to the actual Hell instead of Heavens via most mistaken set of data as possible put together criminally. In these notes, we also explore the word `Amen’ and make use of it to provide nice proof, via linguistics, semiotics, that the New Testament ought to have originated in the Egyptian culture and ought to refer to their principles, not to the principles the Catholic Church claims it refers to. On top, it is possible that if any Catholic finally gets their prayers answered, all that is a direct result of the interference of the god Amen-Ra, from Egypt, rather than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the only God who could, possibly, be consistent with the uniqueness of God in the Catholic theory. Key-words: God, Amen, Amen-Ra, Catholicism, Catholic, Church, Hell, New Testament, Bible, Roman, Semiotics, Linguistics, Egypt, Egyptian, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Introduction We have been defending, for long, sometimes via preprints, that the Catholic Bible is a mistake. The Roman Empire has put together pieces of absolutely conflicting writings, from diverse origins, and created most inconsistent set of theories as possible. We have also cast a theory on all that being related to the horror and fear both from the Roman Empire members, mostly homosexuals, and Mary, of getting stoned to death, as the culture of back then would impose to be their doom, once both pregnant woman with no husband and homosexuality would this way be finished. The Romans have either twisted the life of a good person, who actually gave his life to save his mother, Mary, from stoning, a person who, possibly, acquired powers of healing and others via meditation and direct desperate request to god, who, more than likely, was an Egyptian god, not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or Jesus was an idiot, in every human sense of the word. Once the inconsistencies found in the writings are plenty, Jesus has never written a single line of them, we must assume, for historical awareness, that Jesus was no idiot, but the Roman Empire was not short of them. The arrogance of males is well known by all female share of society, since birth. The ability to belittle women comes, apparently, from the fact that the males were, indeed, the only ones to be `generated from the deep ground’, called `Adam’ in the Bible (or loins of the Earth). Hate and inability to argue makes people dominate via force, oppression, and lies. Women were the only ones born with one of the powers of God: That of the generation, as well as destruction, of the whole human race. The enviousness of the ovary is felt by almost every male on Earth, at a point of them creating movies with top `macho-like’ males, in the sense that they could not inspire more feminine hormone production than they do, such as Arnold Swazeneger, having kids, or actually having males on TV and dominating media claiming to be having kids, and even giving birth, as recently seen happening to a male born with ovary inside of him… Males, like the beasts, wish for power they do not deserve and are not entitled to. The beast yells, makes aggression, violence, jumps in desperation, hits everything and everyone else…The beast wants to dominate others via power and force, rather than reason… Because of that, the Roman Empire being formed mostly by males, who could not be more sexist, and sexism trivially implies homosexuality, thought of ways of making both homosexuality and prostitution (back then also including woman having sex with married males or males who do not want to marry them) licit things where people previously would stone others for those sins, most basic sins of the ORIGINAL God’s Bible. They, more than likely, thought of offering Mary something, and Mary probably had a one-off with a Roman Empire member, as already depicted in movies, in exchange for the `favor’ of using Christ for both purposes. The something they offered Mary was freedom from her lies, for nobody in Jerusalem actually liked Christ if they were Jews. It is well known, by the Jews, that their culture thought of Christ as a trivial fake.

Obvious evidence is all over his acts up to 30 years old, so that nobody with a bit of Logic in their heads would give any other interpretation to that birth in far-far away desert, and the stories told about it: Faking of all in order to produce something special from a likely to be trivial kid of a considered `illegal’ sexual intercourse, more than likely happening between a male of the Roman Empire who would never have a public relationship with a commoner, and Mary. Basically, everything Christ does and preaches is nonsensical and fully incompatible with the Old Testament history, apart from the commandments. Even so, he never improves their understanding regarding any of them. The New Testament is told to have been written in Aramaic, just like the Genesis. Both books should then belong to the frontier between the Egyptian lands and those from Jerusalem. Some sources claim that Aramaic was the language of the `simple people’ amongst the Jews, that is, people without noble traces in their ascendance, or the language of the ignorant. Trivially, any human being receiving bullying for several years and being provoked to finally `reveal’ themselves as a totem, `son of God’, would get desperate by time of the 30 years old. Nothing they can do, anymore, can convince people they are not a fake and Mary did not invent the whole lot to save her own body from stoning. In desperation, sick of attending the Jews’ church, in search for any sort of enlightment, or inspiration, with own Jews telling very well that share of the history of Christ, Jesus is desperate by the age of 30. Probably his mother was starting to be threatened as well, for nobody would cope forever with swallowing such blasphemy, especially highly religious people: It is either true, and gets proven now, or we will stone you as we have done for years with everyone else. Jesus then, not finding any hope with the Jews and their theory, unable to create anything new, or fantastic, might have gone, as well, for the neighbor people, Egyptians, by time they claim he went to the desert. In there, he might, as well, have tried is every single piece of written hope in order to try to `make himself be’ what the whole place expected he were by 30 years old, AT LEAST. He finally gets something using the Egyptian scriptures describing Hel, the being from the underworld, water, Amen-Ra, Menthu-Ra, Neith, Sebek-Ra, Kheper-Ra, Atum-Ra, Kinemun-Ra, and others. And he probably went to Egypt, where civilization existed, and not to the desert, where he probably had a wife, as several people claim he did, and studied all this in a quick way, trying to find answers and englightenment he could not find via the Jews’ scriptures. The reason for all these assertions is strictly scientific. The evidence is huge, and that obviously changes Christ into a commoner who had superior soul powers, or mind powers, of some sort. All the signs are there. And if the Catholic Church ever wanted to prove it is not `Amen-Ra’ who listens and provides its followers with favors and blessings, they should subtract the word and test it for a whole year, or period that counts. Their God forbids them from adoring any other gods, what is immediate reason to subtract `Amen’ from their prayers. If there is any chance that is invoking another god, or adoring him, it is immediate blasphemy and it is, trivially, leading their believers precisely to the opposite path to that claimed to be intended via their prayers and theory obedience. In this set of notes, we write in the following sequence: 1) Brief notes on dates, life of Jesus, marking points of reference; 2) History of the word Amen, that is, historical placement of the word, in both contexts of analysis (Bible, Catholicism, and Egyptian culture); 3) Psychological and psychiatrical evidence to support the claim that a `desperate person’, or an individual who belongs to the human beings class and has to sustain a lie further, will do virtually anything, appeal to any religion, in order to save their `honor’ or, in Christ’s life, `his and his mother’s own life’; 4) Cartographic details about the location of Jesus’ family and Egypt; 5) Evidence on Aramaic in both cultures: Jerusalem, Jews, and Egypt; 6) Evidence to attach Hell to the Egyptian culture and to subtract it from any possible book in what should be the theory related to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; 7) Logical proof of why the only God the Catholic Church may claim to have is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; 8) Actions of Jesus which conflict, directly, with whatever belongs to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, considering the Old Testament as a set of relatively consistent and coherent reports, taking away Genesis, also likely to belong to the Egyptian culture somehow; 9) Evidence of perfect matching of the same actions, mentioned in 8, with the Egyptian culture; 10) What was added by Jesus and his crowd, as portrayed by the Catholic Bible, to the Old Testament, or

modified, in terms of language; 11) Evidence that all his introduced changes in the lingo can only have originated in the Egyptian scriptures; 12) Conjuncture on who Christ really was, Mary, and what his life must have resumed to, with a few bibliographical references; 13) Proof of why nobody should be using `in the name of Jesus’, or `Amen’, if claiming to follow the Catholic guidelines for pertinence to their publicly proclaimed faith.