Amatuer C++ Programs

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Pages: 5
C++ programes:--1>program for greater than,smaller than #include #include #include<math.h> main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); cout<<"enter a,b,c"; cin>>a>>b>>c; if(a>b) if(a>c) cout<<"a is greater"; else cout<<"c is greater"; else if(b>c) cout<<"b is greater"; else cout<<"c is greater"; getch(); return 0; } 2>program for power(a,b) #include #include #include<math.h> main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); cout<<"enter a,b"; cin>>a>>b; c=pow(a,b); cout<program to find area of rectangle and square #include<stdio.h> #include void main() { int B,a,b; float A clrscr(); printf("\nA"); printf("\nB"); //printf("\nCASE C"); scanf("%d%d%d",&A,&B);

if( A) { printf("\ncompute area of rectangle"); printf("\nenter value of a,b"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); A=1/2(a*b); printf("%f",A); } else { printf("\ncompute area of squqre"); printf("\nenter value of a,b); scanf("%d",&a); B=a*a; printf("%d",B); } getch(); } 4>progarm for equivalence of no. #include<stdio.h> #include void main() { int x,y; clrscr(); scanf("%d",&x); if(x>5) y=3; else y=4; printf("%d",y); getch(); } 5>program for insurance #include<stdio.h> #include void main() { char sex,ms; int age; clrscr(); printf("enter age,sex,martial ststus"); scanf("%d%c%c%c",&age,&sex,&ms); if(ms=='M') printf("driver is insured");

else { if(sex=='M') { if(age>30) printf("driver is insured"); else printf("driver is not insured"); } else { if(age>25) printf("driver is insured"); else printf("driver is not insured");


} } getch();

6>program for calculating profit and loss #include<stdio.h> #include void main() { float cost,sell,prof,loss,just_sold; clrscr(); printf("\nenter selling price"); scanf("%f",&sell); printf("\nenter cost price"); scanf("%f",&cost); prof=sell-cost; if(prof>0) printf("\nprofit=%f",prof); else { if(prof==0) printf("\nno gain no loss=%f",just_sold); else printf("\nloss=%f",loss); } getch(); } 7>program for finding quadratict equations(roots): #include<stdio.h> #include #include<math.h>

void main() { float a,b,c,discriminant,root1,root2; clrscr(); printf("i/ values of a,bandc"); scanf("%f,%f,%f",&a,&b,&c); discriminant=b*b-4*a*c; if(discriminant<0) printf("\nroots are imaginary"); else { root1=(-b+sqrt(discriminant)/(2.0*a)); root2=(-b-sqrt(discriminant)/(2.0*a)); printf("\nroot1=%f\nroot2=%f",root1,root2); } getch(); 8>program for swapping the no.s #include #include main() { int c,d; cout<<"enter c,d"; cin>>c>>d; d=d+c; c=d-c; d=d-c; cout<<"c="<program for simple interest #include #include void main() { int p,n; float r,si; clrscr(); p=1000; n=3; r=8.5; si=p*n*r/100; cout<<"si="<<si; getch(); 10>program for addition,multiplication,division and subtraction.

#include #include main() { int a,b; float ans; clrscr(); cout<<"enter a,b"; cin>>a>>b; ans=a+b; cout<<"nadd="<program for finding exponent #include<stdio.h> #include #define ACCURACY 0.0001 void main() { int n,count; float x,term,sum; clrscr(); printf("enter value of x"); scanf("%f",&x); n=term=sum=count=1; while(n<=100) { term=term*x/n; sum=sum+term; count=count+1; if(term

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