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e-Gov e Gov India 2008 State Wide Area Network- Experience sharing from Bihar

[email protected] l k h di@bih i Secretary, Information Technology Government of Bihar

Mission Create an environment where more and more people leverage Information and “Create Communication Technologies in their day-to-day activities”

Outline y About IT initiatives in Bihar y Network Performance and service level monitoring issues y Seamless integration of SWAN with other e_Gov y y y y y y

IInfrastructure f Application using SWAN B d idth R Bandwidth Related l t d IIssues Private sector players, technology stake holders of the SWAN: Implementation and operation Success stories and pitfalls Managing large ee-Governance Governance infrastructure programmes Conclusions

Bihar three years ago Bihary At the bottom of the pyramid in IT y No major IT Initiative except local computerization of

treasuries. y Piecemeal P l efforts ff in different d ff districts d depending d d upon the h incumbent

Bihar three years ago Bihar-

Initiatives y BSWAN- IT Dept(GoI project)-All districts connected- manpower y y y y y y

bbeing i provided id d CSC-Vasudha- IT Deptt (GoI project)- roll out underway School @ICT projectproject HRD DepttDeptt 157 /1000 +2 schools Data Centre – Finance Dept- completed SecLAN- IT Deptp Old/ new Sect. over. Others within a month Integrated Financial MIS (treasury networking)- go live in 5 treasuries VATMIS- go live in 18 locations

Some More Initiatives y IWDMS (e_Office)- application ready , rolled out in Finance Dept y Modernisation of Prisons- Home Dept 3 pilots by 15 Aug y E_District- IT dept (GoI project) –Vendor selected , within six

months y E-Procurement- Technical bids under evaluation y E_Muster_ RD Depttp ppilot in Patna district under implementation y Bihar Knowledge Centre- IT Dept- Lalit Bhavan under i l implementationi Intel, I l O Oracle l ,Tally T ll : MOU signed, i d Mi Microsoft, f IBM shown interest.

BSWAN status y BSWAN y One of the largest SWAN y 1 SHQ, 37 DHQs, 496 BHQ POPs y Project Sanctioned by GoI 31.10.06 31 10 06 y LOI issued 14.08.07 y Target g Completion p Date 30.09.08 y TCS selected as BSWAN operator y BSNL bandwidth provider y Phase-1- 111 sites :- 37 (SHQ+DHQs)+74 BHQs y Phase-2- rest 422BHQs

BSWAN phase-I phase I status (as on 10.7.2008) Status District SHQ + All DHQ Ara

Equipment Equipment BSNL Link Availability Connectivity DG sets Delivered Physically Line of Tested delivered at Site Installed Available Electricity 38





































DG set tested






Bhabua Buxar N l d Nalanda Patna 10

Sasaram Treasury Total


Network performance and service level monitoring issues The role of third party agencies issuesy Enforcing SLA with BSNL y Advance payment (12 cr for 534 Connections) y No Performance Guarantee y No enforcingg provisions p for penalty p y y Performance of remote offices connected through Copper has

problems – BHQ POPs, Horizontal offices - VAT, treasuries, Jails y Poor quality of media- multiple joints y Difficulty in problem identification and delay in response to complaint l llog y Lack of test equipment with BSNL y Lack of adequate specialist manpower y Poor commitment at critical cutting edge level staff of BSNL

Network performance and service level monitoring issues (contd) y Co-ordination issues with Government, BSNL and SWAN

operator (TCS) y Need for a separate link commissioning and maintenance agency y y y y y

(Datacraft/RBComm) to coordinate BSNL between TCS Th f off cable Theft bl OFC cutting during widening of roads Availability of power J Joint operation off SWAN operator, BSNL linemen l ffor commissioning off llinkk Redundancy / backup by BSNL

y UAT y Latency in the copper link y Load testing y Partial commissioningg reqd q as our application pp are readyy to use SSWAN

Link Availability Report Availability for all links, ranked by Availability%


P i d ranging Period i from f Jul J l 29, 29 2008 10:30:00AM 10 30 00AM tto J Jull 29 29, 2008 5 5:00:00PM 00 00PM Number of Managed Assets: 4

Types of Outages Contributing to Downtime: Unplanned Business Day Policy: Normal Working Hours

Report Detail Port Name

Port Description

Port Type

Port Speed

VAT-PantBwnSerial0/1/0 Rt_Se0/1/0 Name: VAT-Antaghat-Rt


2.05 Mb 01:07:08


VAT-AntaghatSerial0/1/0 Rt_Se0/1/0 Name: VAT_PatnaCity-R


2.05 Mb 01:13:49


VAT_PatnaCitySerial0/1/0 R_Se0/1/0 Name: Vat Vat_Kankar_R0 Kankar R0


2.05 Mb 06:30:00


Vat_Kankar_R0_Se0/1/ Serial0/1/0 0


Name: VAT-PantBwn-Rt

Report Generated on 7/29/2008 at 5:48:10PM

Total Number of Availability Remarks Downtim Outages e Number of interfaces: 6 82.786 ● % Number of interfaces: 6 81.073 ● % Number of interfaces: 6 0.000 %

● Link Down call logged(234)

Number of interfaces: 6 2.05 Mb 00:00:00

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd.


100.000 % Page 1 of 1

Report Detail Port Name

Port Description

Port Type

Port Speed


2.05 Mb 02:44:00

Name: VAT-Sahabad-Ara-rtr VAT-Sahabad-Arartr_Se0/1/0


Total Number of Availability Remarks Downtim Outages e Number of interfaces: 6



2.05 Mb 06:30:00



2.05 Mb 06:30:00

VAT-Hajipur-rtr_Se0/1/0 Serial0/1/0


2.05 Mb 06:30:00





2.05 Mb 00:14:36


0.000 %

0.000 %


2.05 Mb 00:00:00


96.256 % Number of interfaces: 6

Name: VAT-Bhagalpur VAT-Bhagalpur_Se0/1/0 Serial0/1/0

Link Down ,Work in progress


VAT UPS not working properly

100.000 %

● ●

Number of interfaces: 6

Name: VAT-Buxar-rtr Serial0/1/0


2.05 Mb 00:00:00


Report Generated on 7/29/2008 at 5:51:33PM


100.000 %

Number of interfaces: 6

Name: VAT-Samastipur-rtr VAT-SamastipurVAT Samastipur rtr_Se0/1/0

0.000 %

Number of interfaces: 6

Name: Vat_MPur



Number of interfaces: 6

Name: VAT-Hajipur-rtr


Number of interfaces: 6

Name: VAT-Nalanda-rtr VAT-Nalandartr_Se0/1/0

57.949 %

Number of interfaces: 6

Name: Vat_Danapur Vat_Danapur_Se0/1/0



2 05 Mb 01:44:05 2.05

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd.


73.312 73 312 %

Page 1 of 1

Seamless integration of SWAN with other e-Gov e Gov infrastructure y Integrated to Secretariat LAN with all 7 Secretariat buildings y Integrated with Bihar Revenue Administration IntraNet Data

Center y CSC with Broadband

Last mile connectivity infrastructure y Presently dependent on y Leased Lines of BSNL y wireless/mobile network of operators y Broadband/dial-up Broadband/dial up

y Planning to expand to other offices through VSAT, RF and Fiber y Exploring possibilities for alternate backup connectivity y RFP for Horizontal SWAN being issued y Phase-1 Patna y Phase-2 Ph 2 District Di i Offices Offi y Phase-3 Block Offices

Readiness / application content i issues related l t d tto SWAN y VATMIS ready d .R Rollout ll t iin 18 llocations ti y CTMIS ready . Roll-out in 5 treasuries y Waiting for commissioning of DHQ POPs by TCS y In pipeline y Jails to be connected to Nearest District PoP y Courts to be connected to nearest District PoP y Schools and CSC are being connecting through Broadband y E_procurement E procurement y Land record computerisation rollout y E Muster

B d idth related Bandwidth l t d issues i y Third Party Support for commissioning and maintenance y Block connectivity through alternative source y Pilot connections with Wireless and WiMAX

Implementation and operation S Success stories t i and d pitfalls itf ll y Success Stories: y One of the Largest SWAN in India installed other than NIC, GoI. y All District links are commenced with in 3 months of start of activities y Redundancy R d d iin fib fiber y Redundancy in Routes y Ring Network of BSNL telecom Districts y Core services to start immediately without any lead time y Pitfalls: y Issues in connecting Blocks like poor quality of media and PCM equipment y Availability A l b l off PPower at Bl Blocks k

Managing Large e_Gov Infrastructure y Presently being managed by the Operators (SWAN, Data

centre) y Capacity issues with the Government y Joint J i t venture t B Beltron-ILFS lt ILFS (50:50) (50 50) which hi h helps h l in i sourcing i

resources as per need with flexibility y Need for havingg core manpower p in Government for data security and safety y Need to have a repository of best practices y Should we have one more SI for coordination between SWAN

operators and BW provider – payment? y Third party monitoring? y SLA with BSNL ?

Conclusions experience so far Conclusionsy Enforcing SLA with BSNL y Partial commissioning of SWAN (DHQ pops) as the

applications are ready y Need N d for f one more SI (D (Datacraft/RBComm) f /RBC ) for f ensuring ground level coordination between TCS and BSNL- no buckp passing g y Availability of power at BHQs

Th k Thanks

Common Service Centre (vasudha) ( dh ) y Beltron SDA; 8464 CSCs (one per panchayat) y Project Sanctioned 29.10.06; LOI 24.4.2007 ; MSA 6.10.07 y Target October 2008 y SREI Infrastructure y SARK Systems y Zoom Developers

5567 1361 1537

y Status y SREI Infrastructure y Zoom Developers y SARK Systems

5 completed p ; 500 byy JJulyy 08 105 completed; 300 by July 08 0; 100 by July 08

Issues in CSCs y Slow mobilisation by Agencies y Lack of publicity/awareness ; confusion in VLEs y Lack of Broadband Internet availability by BSNL y Lack L k off G2C/G2G services i y Power – Solar alternative Akshay Urja kendra

More Government Services thru CSCs y G2C services y Issue of certificates y Employment exchange y Utility/Telephone Bills (of Government undertakings) y Land records y Registration g y Ration cards y Electoral services y Pension /scholarship welfare schemes y Road transport y Public grievance/RTI

More Services thru CSCs y G2C Services y E-Learning y Telemedicine y Primary Healthcare y Agriculture Services y Agri-inputs y Agri-loans y Agri-consulting and training

y G2G services y Reporting from Panchayat level by different departments y Computerised front offices of Panchayat y Account keeping at Panchayat

Capacity Building in Government y e_Empowering key departments y Wet leased IT officers/consultants on a permanent basis as

Departmental IT advisers for one-two years y Reporting to Departmental Secretary y Being paid centrally by IT/Beltron out of CB fund

y Training of Government Employees y Incentive/Disincentive to Government Employees

y Huge Training Requirement y Good quality training facilities/infrastructure near Sectt y Anytime – anywhere e-training facilities/modules