All About Ouija Board

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All About Ouija Board

Copyright © 2009 (MBA) Monkey Business Authority. All Rights Reserved. Author: Annie Cleopatra Leo aka SgWitch 魔教圣女 Email: [email protected] Date: 16th October 2009

Acknowledgement Special thanks to new found online friends from This article is made possible due to HOT! enquiries on Ouija Board. Hope that this article is able to uncover the mystery of Ouija Board.

What Is An Ouija Board? A Ouija Board, also known as spirit board or talking board, is a flat board marked with letters, numbers, and other symbols, like the words yes, no, and good-bye, and the numbers 0-9. Theoretically used to communicate with spirits. It uses a planchette (small heart-shaped piece of wood) or movable indicator to indicate the spirit's message by spelling it out on the board during a séance. The fingers of the séance participants are placed on the planchette, which then moves about the board to spell out messages. The planchette is the 'pointer' that is supposed to glide over the board under the direction of supernatural forces and form comments and questions by pointing out questions and comments. Ouija boards came into existence as a parlor game in the mid-1800's, when spiritism and channeling were at the height of fashion. The word "Ouija" is a blend of the French and German words for "yes." Adolphus Theodore Wagner first patented Ouija Boards, sometimes referred to as "talking boards," in London, England on January 23, 1854. In the patent, Wagner called his invention a "psychograph" and its purpose was to read the minds of people with "nervous energy." By 1861, Frenchman, Allan Kardac, was describing the Ouija board as instruments with which to open communications with the spirit world. In seven short years, the Ouija board had evolved from a mind-reader to portal of communication with the dead.

Where To Get Ouija Board? Kinokuniya Singapore, Last seen one in the Main Store at Orchard, my favorite Sunday afternoon hangout. Borders Singapore, Pageone at VivoCity, May be available at others occult bookshops or stores for more choices.

How To Make Ouija Board? Personally I do not encourage DIY Ouija Board not that I am advertising for my favorite bookshop Kinokuniya (I am not even a member of Kinokuniya), but a pre-designed one is of course safer to start with if you are relatively new to Ouija Board. If you want to DIY, here I present...

Ouija Board DIY How2: Materials Needed: 1. Thick paper or cardboard, to make Planchette. 2. A big cardboard or wooden board, to make the Ouija Board. 3. Alphabet letters 4. Numbers “Yes”, “No”, “Hello” and “Goodbye” can never be omitted in any case. *Supplies can be found in any bookshops.

Making Of Planchette: 1. Cut out a heart shape from the thick paper or cardboard. 2. Make sure the heart shape is big enough for you to lay your fingers on. 3. To use the Planchette, place your fingers on the humps of the heart and use the pointed side of the heart to guide yourself from letter to letter.

Construction of Ouija Board 1. On the blank piece of wooden board or cardboard, attach the word "Yes" in the left hand corner and "No" in the right hand corner. This will make it simple for the spirits to answer your one word questions. 2. In the center of your board, attach each letter of the alphabet. Spirits can use these individual letters to communicate longer messages. 3. Below your alphabet, attach the digits 0-9. 4. Somewhere on your board, be sure to attach the words “Hello” and “Goodbye”." If you are polite with your spirits, you are more likely to open the doors of communication. 5. You may personalize it by adding spiritual symbols and designs to their Ouija board. You can add zodiac signs, a moon, a sun, flowers, a pentagram, stars or a four leaf clover. Or if you're looking to find the answer to a specific question, you can write or

paste specific phrases.

How To Use Ouija Board? 1. The Ouija Board can be use by individual, however, works best with 2-4 participants. Whoever participates in using the Ouija Board needs to be open-minded, clear-headed, and cannot doubt the effectiveness of the Ouija Board. 2. For best communication with the other side, use of the Ouija Board needs to be done during the night hours (less active conflicting energies). 3. Lay the board in front of you, either on a table, the floor or another flat surface. 4. Place candles and incenses around the participants and board. White color candles are preferred. 5. Turn the lights down low, draw the curtains and light candles, each of these will add to the atmosphere and increase the likelihood of getting a response. 6. Light incenses. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that every spirit possessed its own characteristic scent. The fragrance of the incense becomes a Summoning Device. When you introduce the fragrance to the atmosphere, you are effectively extending an invitation to surrounding spirits. We all know that when “Pontianak” comes visiting you; you will be surrounded by scent of frangipani, as frangipani is Pontianak’s “signature” scent. I suggest Sandalwood incense not only for its easy friendly spirits attractions, and it’s easy to get it in any part of Singapore. Sheng Siong Supermarkets also carry a few ranges. Try to get those of Pure Sandalwood (檀香) and not of synthetic fragrance. Only a few dollars more and it is a way to be nicer to your “Guest-of-Honour”. 7. As a group set out what you want to ask the Ouija before hand. Make sure that you are all comfortable with the territory being covered as any anxiety at all can ruin the mood of the party. 8. Have everyone sit around the table in easy reach of the planchette. Have one person that is the designated medium who will channel the dead and ask the questions. Another person should take notes. 9. Attempt to clear your mind of any distractions, and think only of the questions you wish to ask the board. When your mind is clear, ask the board any question you have in your mind. 10. Try to still your mind before the séance commences, this way it’ll be easier to pick up on any sensations or vibrations from the board. If your mind is chattering away to itself all the time then it will be much harder to detect any signals. 11. Prior to asking your first question, the channels the board uses to communicate with the other side needs to be open. Place your fingers lightly on the planchette and move it across the board in a figure eight pattern. Do this 3, 5, or 7 times. Then have all the participants lightly place 2-3 fingers on the planchette. 12. Ask the Ouija board if there is anybody you could speak to. Once you get a response ask your questions. 13. Allow your fingers to follow the planchette wherever it leads to on the board. Pay attention to the numbers and letters that the planchette spells out, as these are the answer to your question.

14. When you are done using the Ouija Board, you cannot just put it away. First, you need to thank all who communicated and were present, and wish them a happy blessing. Then move the planchette to "Good-bye", closing the channels of communication between this world and the next. Blow out the candles and incenses put everything away. 15. Proper Closing of the Ouija Board Session is an important step. It allows the spirit to leave and closes the door between the spirit world and yours. 16. The last step is to converse among participates on what happened and what information was shared.

Tips On Using Ouija Board 1. If anything unusual happens remain calm and try not to speculate whilst the boards “in session”. Instead wait until the séance. If someone starts to panic, pause for a moment, reassure them and then continue. If they don’t feel better within a few minutes let them take a breather. 2. The venue is crucial! Anywhere you are comfortable with or some popular haunted areas may be considered like Old Ford Factory, I had never been there though I always wanted to, but I would suggest you know some Japanese or you understand proper English, Ris Low’s style of En-gu-li may not be understand by the inviting spirits. The spirits may be an English or Japanese. If you find a Japanese Commander who looks like the 山本一夫 (Katsuo Yamamoto) from the Hong Kong ATV Drama “我和僵尸有个约” (My Date With a Vampire), you let me know. I want to marry him €; ) 3. Make sure that everyone in your party is at ease in their current surroundings, if not agree upon a new place. 4. Always close the board at the end of the séance, particularly if it was overly negative. This will minimise the risk of energies tiding over into your everyday consciousness. 5. Respect your invited “Guest-of-Honour”. Don’t Challenge or be rude to your “Guestof-Honour”. The most important thing to remember when asking questions is never to challenge any ghost, spirit, angel, demon, or deity. Do not ask for proof that they are there by some form of physical manifestation, i.e. turning something on or off or asking them to make a noise. This is because a channel may be kept open and the challenged entity may devote the rest of YOUR life with "proof" that they are there by harassing and scaring you. You can ask who you are talking to, if they would like to share information with you, or any other question similar to these. If there is another entity who wants to communicate, always remember to thank who you are talking to for sharing information before you communicate with the new entity. 6. If there is an entity who is hostile and will not leave, close the board and try again later. If you are not skilled in the use of invocations, never allow an entity of any form to be part of you. 7. Use the Ouija board at night. Practitioners say there is less interference from outside sources. 8. Don't ask questions you don't want answered. The answer might make you worry needlessly.

9. Don't believe everything the board tells you. 10. Have someone write down the answers to go back over later. 11. If the board starts giving rude or vulgar answers, even one, close the board immediately but remember not to exchange your “A1” Vulgarity Standard with your guest. If for any reason you become uncomfortable with the entity you're speaking with, close the board. Don’t delay! 12. Prepare your questions before hand. Try to keep the answers to the questions as simple as possible. If the answer can be done with “Yes” or “No”, be it. 13. Give the spirits a few minutes to answer. When a spirit does answer, be polite and ask your questions. Sometimes an answer may come around ten minutes later. 14. Never lift any finger away from planchette during session in-progress. 15. NEVER ask a spirit to do anything outside the Ouija Board, such as make a sound or move an object. This gives them the right to leave the board and roam around freely, doing anything they want, which is almost all the time a bad thing. 16. ALWAYS move the planchette to GOODBYE when you're done talking. Otherwise, the spirits can and probably will inhabit your house freely until you do so.

My Personal Golden Tips: 1. Surround Sea Salt around the working area for protection. 2. Place a Silver Coin, I have one that is 999.99% Canadian Silver Dollar Coin. Very useful.

Examples On How To Invoke For Spirits Invocation for Creating a Sacred Space *say before using the board “Dear Spirit, As I light these candles, bless this sacred place. Let the light of their flames radiate love and protection to all four corners of this room. I ask at this time that any negative energies be released from this space. With a bath of white light, I ask that it be cleansed and neutralized. Turn my dwelling into a sanctuary. May it be the foundation for your teachings and the inspiration for my higher perceptions.”

Invocation for Protection *another one to say before using the board “Dear Spirit, As I sit with you now, I open my heart. I surround myself with the love and light of your protection. I release any negativity that I have picked up throughout the day so that I speak to the universe with the purity of my soul.

I ask that any energy (information, healing) be given for my absolute good. Dismiss now all energies that are not of the Highest and Greatest source. As I bathe in your grace, I will listen to your resounding voice within me. I will be true to my hear and your gentle guidance.” (you can follow this with a moment of appreciation for the universe...)

Invocation for Closing Your Connection and Your Sacred Space *say this one after you've finished using the board “Dear Spirit, Thank you for sharing this sacred time with me. I appreciate the flow of energy I have just experienced. I will use it for my highest good. As I blow out these candles, I close this sacred space, and ask that your protection surround me wherever I go today.”

Online Ouija Board Games Museum of Talking Boards, Have Fun! There are many online Ouija Games but I think Museum of Talking Boards is Creepy enough. I asked questions like: “Am I 36 years old?” Ans: “Not So…Unsure…Yes” “Am I married?” Ans: “Yes!” “Who is my husband?” Ans: ”No One” “I will marry who?” Ans: “No One” “Can I sue my previous life husband?” Ans: “Cannot Sue” “Can I kill my past life husband?” Ans: “Cannot” “Why can’t I sue and kill my last life husband?” Ans: “Handsome” Still not satisfied, I continue… “I want to kill him!!!” Ans: “No…Cant” Lastly, I asked A Very Important Question; that is… “What is the winning number for tomorrow 4D?” Ans: “Cannot Ask”

My advice is Don’t take answers from Ouija too seriously. BUT, should you be able to get the winning 4D and TOTO numbers huh… Let me know leh! 有福同享 €; )

~~~The End~~~

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