All 6 Rubrics

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 1,836
  • Pages: 6

4 Points (Exceeds) The paper is clear, focused, and purposeful. It thoughtfully explains the selected topic in understandable and comprehensive terms. Relevant details provide enrichment.

___ The main idea(s) or thesis statement is clearly defined. ___ The writer is well-informed. Appropriate relevant information and details are shared from a variety or sources including personal experiences, observations, and prior knowledge. ___ The writer anticipates and responds to readers’ informational needs. ___ Supporting details are accurate, relevant, and helpful in clarifying the main idea(s). ___ Factual details are effectively used to support the focus and purpose of the paper.

3 Points (Meets) The paper addresses an identifiable topic by offering the reader general basic information. Although the paper is clear and focused, the development is limited and/or general.

2 Points (Partially Meets) Writing displays some elements beyond a 1 yet does not reach the level of sophistication of a 3.

1 Point (Does Not Meet) The writer has not clarified the selected topic. The paper has no clear sense of purpose..

___ The main idea can be identified. ___ The writer shares some relevant information, facts and experience. ___ The writer sometimes responds to the reader’ informational needs. ___ The details strengthen the paper. ___ Factual details are sometimes used to enhance the focus and purpose of the paper.

___ The main idea is not identifiable. ___ The writer shares some information, but it is limited or unclear. ___ The writer does not have the readers’ informational needs in mind. ___ Details are missing or repetitious. ___ Factual details are missing or repetitious.

Student Name:________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________ Date:___________


4 Points (Exceeds) The organization enhances and showcases the central idea or theme. The order, structure, or presentation is compelling and moves the reader through the text.

3 Points (Meets) The organizational structure is strong enough to move the reader from point to point without undue confusion and is functional.

2 Points (Partially Meets) The organizational structure moves the reader from point to point, but at times is confusing and the reader must reread for clarity.

1 Point (Does Not Meet) The writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details, or events seem strung together in a random, haphazard fashion or else there is no identifiable structure at all

___ Details seem to fit where they are placed; sequencing is logical, effective, and promotes the reader’s understanding. ___ An inviting introduction draws the reader in and a satisfying conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of resolution. ___ Transitions are smooth and connect the information into a cohesive whole. ___ Organization flows so smoothly the reader hardly thinks about it. The reader’s understanding of the topic grows throughout the paper. ___ Pacing is very well controlled. The writer delivers the right amount of information and then moves on to the next relevant point.

___ Sequencing is usually logical. ___ The paper has a recognizable introduction and conclusion. ___ There are instances when connections between ideas are unclear or call for inferences. ___ The organization does not seriously get in the way of the main point. ___ The writer lingers too long on some points and skims over other points.

___ Sequencing, if it exists, needs work. ___ The writer has not yet drafted an introduction or conclusion. ___ Connections between ideas are confusing or incomplete. ___ Lack of organization makes it hard for the reader to see how the ideas link to each other or how they link to a main idea.

Student Name:________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________ Date:___________


4 Points (Exceeds) The writer speaks directly to the reader in a way that is individualistic, expressive, and engaging. Clearly, the writer is involved in the text and is writing for an audience.

___ The paper is honest and enthusiastic. It has the ring of conviction. ___ The language is natural yet thought-provoking. It brings the topic to life. ___ The reader feels a strong sense of interaction with the writer and senses the person behind the words. ___ The projected tone and voice give flavor to the writer’s message and seem very appropriate for the purpose and the audience. ___ The reader is compelled to read on, regardless of previous knowledge or interest.

3 Points (Meets) The writer is sincere and engaged, committed, or involved. The result is pleasant, personable, and effective.

2 Points (Partially Meets) The writer seems sincere and somewhat engaged, committed or involved. The result is often pleasant and sometimes even personable, but short of compelling.

1 Point (Does Not Meet) The writer seems indifferent, uninvolved, or distanced from the topic and/or the audience. As a result, the writing is flat, lifeless, or mechanical; depending on the topic. It may be overly technical.

___ The writing is sincere and serious. Some moments amuse, surprise, enlighten or move the reader. ___ Writer’s voice may emerge strongly on occasion. ___ The writer seems aware of an audience. ___ The reader is informed.

___ The writer does not seem to reach out to an audience, or make use of voice to connect with that audience. ___ The writer speaks in a kind of monotone that tends to flatten all potential highs and lows of the message. ___ The writing communicates on a functional level. ___ The writer is not yet sufficiently engaged or comfortable with the topic. ___ The reader must work hard to pay attention or to get the needed information.

Student Name:________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________ Date:___________


4 Points (Exceeds) Words convey the intended message in an interesting, precise, and natural way. The writing is rich, concise, and increases the reader’s understanding..

___ Words are specific and accurate. ___ Explicit, vivid words and phrases are used to catch the reader’s attention; the language is natural and never overdone. ___ Expressions are fresh and appealing and appropriate. ___ The vocabulary suits the writer, subject, and audience. The meaning of specialized vocabulary is defined or can be determined by context.

3 Points (Meets) The language is mostly used correctly and is effective in getting the message across to the reader.

2 Points (Partially Meets) The language is functional; it gets the message across. However, the language may at times be used incorrectly. Word choices may be simplistic.

1 Point (Does Not Meet) The writer struggles with a limited vocabulary, searching for words to convey meaning.:

___ Words are almost always correct. ___ Expressions are used effectively. ___Specialized vocabulary is sometimes used. ___ Uses colorful language effectively.

___ Words are used incorrectly in more than one or two cases, sometimes making the message hard to understand. ___ Persistent redundancy clouds the message and distracts the reader. Cliches or jargon serve as a crutch. ___ Specialized vocabulary is overused or missing or misused.

Student Name:________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________ Date:___________


4 Points (Exceeds) The writing has an easy flow when read aloud. Sentences are constructed well, with consistently strong and varied structure.

3 Points (Meets) The text moves along efficiently for the most part. There are instances of sophisticated sentence construction.

2 Points (Partially Meets) The text mostly moves along efficiently with instances of incomplete, choppy or awdward sentence construction. At times, the flow of the piece is difficult to follow.

1 Point (Does Not Meet) The paper is difficult to follow or read aloud. Most sentences tend to be choppy, incomplete, rambling, or awkward; they need work. More than one of the following problems is likely to be evident.

___ Sentence structure reflects logic and sense, helping to show how ideas relate. Purposeful sentence beginnings guide the reader readily from one sentence to another. ___ The writing sounds natural and fluent. One sentence flows effortlessly into the next. ___ Variation in sentence structure and length, as well as transitions, adds interest to the text. ___ All sentences have a specific purpose. There is nothing that is superfluous.

___ The writer shows good control over simple sentence structure, but control over complex sentence structure varies. ___ Sentences may not seem skillfully crafted, but they are grammatically correct. Some transitions are evident and sentences work together. They get the job done. ___ The writer may tend to favor a particular pattern(e.g., subject-verb, subject-verb), but there is at least some variation in sentence length and structure (sentence beginnings are NOT all alike). ___ The reader sometimes has to hunt for transitional phrases that show how one sentence leads into the next. ___ Sentences do not sound natural, the way someone might speak. Word patterns are often jarring or irregular, forcing the reader to pause or reread. ___ Sentence structure tends to obscure meaning, rather showing the reader how ideas relate. ___ Word patterns are very monotonous (e.g., subject-verb, subjectverb-object). There is little or no real variety in length or structure. ___ Sentences may be very choppy. Words may run together in one giant “sentence” linked by “and’s” or other connectives.

Student Name:________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________ Date:___________


4 Points (Exceeds) The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conventions (e.g.,grammar, capitalization, punctuation, usage, spelling, paragraphing) and uses them effectively to enhance readability. Errors tend to be so few and minor the reader can easily skim right over them unless specifically searching for them.

___ Paragraphing tends to be sound and to reinforce the organization structure.

___ Grammar and usage are correct and contribute to clarify and style. ___ Punctuation is smooth and guides the reader through the text. ___ Spelling is generally correct, even on more difficult words. ___ The writing is sufficiently long and complex to allow the writer to show skill in using a wide range of conventions. ___ Internal Punctuation is used correctly.

3 Points (Meets) The writer shows reasonable control over standard writing conventions. Some errors are evident, but do not take away from the overall effect of the paper.

2 Points (Partially Meets) The writer shows control over a limited range of standard conventions. However, the paper would require moderate editing for publication. Errors are numerous or serious enough to be somewhat distracting but the writer handles some conventions well.

1 Point (Does Not Meet) Errors in spelling, punctuation, usage and grammar, capitalization and/or paragraphing repeatedly distract the reader and make the text difficult to read

___ Spelling is usually correct on common words. ___ Terminal (end-of-sentence) punctuation is almost always correct; internal punctuation (commas, apostrophes, semicolons) may be incorrect or missing. ___ Problems with grammar usage are not serious enough to confuse meaning. ___ Paragraphing is attempted. Paragraphs sometimes run together or begin in the wrong places.

___ Spelling errors are frequent, even on common words. ___ Punctuation (including terminal punctuation) is often missing or incorrect. ___ Paragraphing is missing or irregular. ___ Errors in grammar and usage are very noticeable, and may affect meaning.

___ The reader must read more than once to comprehend.

Student Name:________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________ Date:___________

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