Alchemy Mentorship Programme

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Mentorship Programme


Alchemy HR Solutions /10/19/2009

The Alchemy Mentorship is a series of seminars aimed at enhancing the leadership capacity in Zambia. The primary target group are young professionals who are either currently holding strategic or leadership positions, or who are being developed through an individual development programme to assume future leadership roles in organisations. The first seminar is targeted at women in leadership. Many organisations have expressed their ambition to support the Government of Zambia in its SADC goal to have 50% of leadership positions to be held by women. The challenge most organisations face is operationalising this. Our programme does precisely this, it explores 4 decades of women in leadership, focussing on the context within which women lead. It gives young professionals an opportunity to network and to have exclusive access to captains of industry, entrepreneurs and other people who have attained phenomenal success within our environment. It will also allow for a debate on the cultural, health and legal context impacting women’s ability to effectively lead. We launch the programme with Women in Leadership on 20 November 2009 and invite organisations to participate in this very exciting and ground breaking programme either by sponsoring the event or by nominating participants to attend. In order to maximise on the mentorship experience, we have limited the number of participants, so places are limited. Book early to avoid disappointment.


Mentorship Programme






The Process




Beyond Measure


Sponsorship Opportunities

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant…? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson

Alchemy Mentorship Programme


Objective The primary objective of this workshop will be to provide mentorship to women who currently hold leadership positions or who aspire to become leaders within their organisations. It provides a rare professional networking opportunity for women who are often too busy juggling their private and professional lives. It also presents an opportunity for the more experienced leaders to do some peer coaching as well as to coach less experienced women.

Scope The target group for this Seminar in particular will be organisations which are developing women for leadership positions, particularly women in middle or entry level management, high potential or existing leaders. Most of these women would have already been exposed to formal leadership training programmes abroad or developed abroad, however, our context is different. It is important to also hear of the experiences, the challenges and 4

Alchemy Mentorship Programme

successes of women who have been successful in our environment.

The Process The Seminar will be a full day looking at the leadership journey of 5 women over the past 4 decades, exploring whether the challenges of each decade have been different. In addition to this, the seminar will look at the context within which women lead, particularly the traditional role of women and how this has impacted their ability to lead. Psychological and physical health issues specific to women and which may be arising as a consequence of increased demands and complexity of the 21st century lifestyle will also be explored. The Seminar will close with a discussion on what women should be telling young girls aspiring to become leaders about their role in society as well a table discussion with each mentor using a process developed by Michael Maccoby called “Feed forward.” This is a process where each participant will present the mentor with a leadership problem they are experiencing which they would like some help with from

the mentor as well as from the other table members. Our Mentors or Alchemists as we call them, are: Judge Lombe Chibesakunda: Supreme Court Judge The first female Supreme Court Judge Mizinga Melu: Managing Director - Standard Chartered Bank Nicola Sharpe-Phiri: Founding Partner - Sharpe & Howard

Legal Panel

Beatrice Nkanza: General Manager - Lusaka Stock Exchange

Kondwa Chibiya Pixie Yangailo Irene Kunda

Chileshe Kapwewe: Deputy Minister - Finance and National Planning The seminar will also have the following professionals giving insight on matters that affect professionals in a Zambian context.

Medical Panel Dr Dorothy Kasonde M.D. Jacqueline Folotiya Psychologist Dr Manase Phiri M.D.

Tradition/Culture Mulenga Kapwepwe Chilufya Phiri Alchemy HR Solutions intends to have more such seminars in future on a quarterly basis, the following are the themes; Session 2: I am CEO - what it takes to be CEO Alchemy Mentorship Programme


Please feel free to contact us for more information

providing them with a structured approach to mentorship, the aim of which will be to better enable them to cope with challenges in life that they will undoubtely encounter.

Postnet Box 366 P/Bag E10 Arcades Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 236898 Mobile: +260 97 7770805 Website: Email: [email protected]

The ultimate objective is to show them that they are ‘powerful beyond measure’ and by so doing, give them the courage to make the right life and career choices as they enter the ‘real’ world.

Beyond Measure

Sponsorship Opportunities

Session 3: Building a business empire

Alchemy HR Solutions will be extending this programme to the community at large through out the country using volunteer mentors. “Beyond Measure” (BM) Mentorship Programme was inspired by the poem by Marianne Williamson, “Our Deepest Fear”. It is targeted at secondary school going girls and boys who due to limited resources or circumstances beyond their control might not have the priviledge of having positive and visible role models within their communities. The programme aims to reach out to these children, 6

Alchemy Mentorship Programme

There is an opportunity for organisations to sponsor this event and demonstrate their commitment to supporting the empowerment of women in the workplace. You have a chance to be part of a historic event that will showcasing top Zambian women leaders sharing their knowledge with successful and ambitious Zambian women.

The following packages are available for sponsorship GOLD PARTNER (18 MILLION AND ABOVE) • branding of hall/venue • logo on all press advertisements (note that the ads will carry the main mentors/speakers with their success strategy) plus an endorsement that you support women empowerment and equal opportunities in the work place • logo on all conference material mention on Alchemy HR Solutions website • one full page advertisement in the A5 program brochure PLUS one page company profile on any empowerment activities. SILVER PARTNER (10 MILLION – 15 MILLION)

opportunities in the work place logo on all conference material • mention on Alchemy HR Solutions website • half full page advertisement in the A5 program brochure BRONZE PARTNER (5 MILLION – 9 MILLION) • logo on all press advertisements (note that the ads will carry the main mentors/ speakers with their success strategy) plus an endorsement that you support women empowerment and equal opportunities in the work place • logo on all conference material mention on Alchemy HR Solutions website • strip advertisement in the A5 program brochure.

• Spot branding of venue • logo on all press advertisements (note that the ads will carry the main mentors/speakers with their success strategy) plus an endorsement that you support women empowerment and equal

Alchemy Mentorship Programme


Alchemy HR Solutions is a new company on the Zambian market offering world class and innovative Human Resources solutions. We are proudly Zambian, offer world class and best practice global standards, and we offer tailor made solutions. Our prime offerings are: • Recruitment Solutions; • Management Capacity Building; • Integrity Building Solutions; • Implementing and auditing HR Best practice in terms of policies, procedures, systems and alignment to labour legislation • General Strategic and Operational support

Our values: Ubuntu. “Umuntu ngamuntu ngabantu (a person is a person through other people)” Zulu/Bantu proverb - this is the essence of being human, of acting in a way that will enable the community around us to be able to improve. “Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable” Swahilil proverb – we form strong bonds with our clients and our people because we believe in collaboration, integrity and trust. “Leave a good name behind in case you return” Tanzanian proverb – we exceed our clients’ expectations, so that we are welcomed on our return.

Postnet Box 366 P/Bag E10 Arcades, Lusaka - Zambia Tel: +260 211 236898 Mobile: +260 97 7770805 Website: Email: [email protected]

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