Akarsh Ka Project.pdf

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  • Words: 882
  • Pages: 3
Consumer Perception Towards Bathing Soap

Consumer Perception Towards Bathing Soap: Consumer is a broad label for any individuals or households that use goods and services generated within the economy. The concept of a consumer occurs in different contexts, so that the usage and significance of the term may vary. Types Of Consumers:Karma Queen "A woman aged in her 40s or 50s who tends to buy organic food, wear Birkenstock footwear, practice yoga and buy high-end bath products. Geek Gods "Men aged under 35 who can't live without the latest gadget and are eager to help others understand their electronics. They are considered the most benevolent of the consumer types. innerpreneurs "The rebels, people who ignore trends and focus on their own peace of mind.Such consumers may be in the market for a life coach or challenging vacation in the wilderness. Denim Dads "Active in raising children and embrace a balance between life and work. They Might buy expensive jeans and pick the same music player their kids use. Parentocrats "Upper middle class parents consumed with their children's well-being who may invest heavily in music lessons or videos promising to make children smarter. BATH SOAP: Soap is a cleansing agent made from the salts of vegetable or animal fats. Bath soap is used as a toiletry face soap, toilet soap. Bath soap is something that we all use when taking a shower or a bath. Choosing the right soap can be important, especially for someone with sensitive skin or allergies. Selecting the characteristics of soap such as price, fragrance, ingredients,color and form such as bar, liquid or powder must also be considered when buying bath soap.

Review of literature: Frayan mama (​2006-07), gives an overview in his study that the author discusses the definition of market segmentation and elucidates which definition is most meaningful for the dissertation. The follow up discussion relates to key literature areas that are relevant to the study.The main aim of these discussions is to understand the segmentation process and to highlight the existing body of literature that informs this study. This study contributes to the literature available on market segmentation with a focus on the FMCG industry. As previously mentioned in the introduction of this dissertation, the current literature on segmentation tends to be based primarily on telecoms and banking. However, the earlier work on segmentation was written in reference to FMCGs, as they were the first to conduct

segmentation. However, interestingly,there was no mention of FMCGs as an industry in the literature. The purpose of presenting three case studies (all FMCG based) was to determine how they clarify and extend our understanding of segmentation within the FMCG industry. This dissertation provides a current application of segmentation within this industry and explains it through the 5 Is´ segmentation process model.According to Tynan and Drayton (1987), segmentation is a crucial marketing strategy´. Dibb (1999)​believes that segmentation is a ³means of imposing a structure on the market inorder to simplify the formulation and implementation of marketing strategies´. To support this further, Wedel and Kamakura (2000) state that homogeneous segments do not naturally exist within a market; but it is the marketers strategic view of the market that determines these segments. Hence, different segments in the same market may need to be identified for different strategic objectives (Wedel and Kamakura, 2000). Urban (1978)​assumes that there are existing differences among segments; therefore the marketer's job is not to actually segment the market but to learn how it is naturally segmented(Urban, 1978). Consequently, when the structure of the segmentation is understood, the marketer can either ³select the most favourable target segment for his brand and ignore others, or develop different marketing strategies designed to reach and influence different segments´ (Urban,1978)

MEANING: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It May be understood as science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher un studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research methods but also the methodology.

Objectives of the study: 1-To study the awareness regarding various brands of soap. 2-To identify the factors considered before buying bath soap. 3-To identify the soap having best range of prices , attractive packaging and easy availability.

Need of the study: The need of the study is to determine the consumer perception towards the bathing soap. Scope of the study: The scope of the study is restricted to analyze the consumer perception towards the bathing soap with reference to lux dove and pears within the city of Ludhiana only. Research of the study: In the study Descriptive research design is used.

Data collection:​ data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources. Primary- Questionnaire Secondary- internet, magazines. Sample size​: 100 respondents Sampling technique​: convenient sampling Sample area: mumbai city Limitations of the study: This study is done in Ludhiana city hence it is applicable only in this particular region and not elsewhere. Time frame of this study was limited. The result could be different if the time frame would have been long.Sometimes some respondents were not in full mood to give the answers to the questions so some of the answers may not be exact.

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