Agile Java Dev With Spring Hibernate Eclipse

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 4,584
  • Pages: 117
Agile Java Development

With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse

About This Presentation Not a tutorial on any one technology!

Road map for building enterprise-class Java applications … using various “hot” agile methods and simpler Java technologies








• Downloadable code - Sample “time sheet” application used here

• Note: Working knowledge of Java is expected for this presentation!


Some Material Taken From My Recent Book

Agile Java Development

With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse Forewords by Scott W. Ambler and Rod Johnson

available on

1. Introduction to Agile Java Development 2. The Sample Application: An Online Timesheet System 3. XP and AMDD-Based Architecture and Design Modeling 4. Environment Setup: JDK, Ant, and JUnit 5. Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects 6. Overview of the Spring Framework 7. The Spring Web MVC Framework 8. The Eclipse Phenomenon 9. Logging, Debugging, Monitoring and Profiling 10. Beyond the Basics 11. What Next? 12. Parting Thoughts Appendices (with lots of goodies)


Book Related Talks


My Background (details at 20 years of experience in the IT 

Working with Java Technology since late 1995 as a developer, entrepreneur, author, and trainer. Helped several U.S. based Fortune 100 companies (some smaller organizations)

Published a book and 30 articles

Presented at conferences and seminars around the world

Awards:  "Outstanding Contribution to the Growth of the Java Community"  "Best Java Client" for BackOnline (a Java-based online backup


 Nominated for a Computerworld-Smithsonian award by Scott McNealy

Founder of: 

Isavix Corporation – successful IT solutions company (now InScope Solutions) Isavix Community (now - award-winning online developer community (grew to over 100,000 registered members)

These days:

Consultant/Author; details at


Practical Stuff, Not Fluff!

Recently completed project for U.S. Fortune 50 company Application 

Financial application process billions of $ every week

Clustered application (99.9% uptime required)

Technologies: Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, Ant, Eclipse, etc.



1. Introduction to Agile Java Development 2. Agile Processes 3. Agile Modeling 4. Agile Development 

Environment Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and JUnit

Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects

The Spring Framework

The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

5. Beyond The Basics


Introduction to Agile Java Development

Assume simplicity. Travel light. - Agile Modeling principles:

What Is Agile Java Development?

It Could Include…

1. Agile Software Processes

 Iterative Development  Use an Agile method - Scrum, XP, etc.

2. Agile Architecture/Design Modeling  

Incremental design with “good enough” models Use an agile method - Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD)

3. Agile Java Design/Development 

Simple design and coding!

Test-driven development (TDD)

Efficient frameworks and tools (Ant, JUnit, Hibernate, Spring, Eclipse…) Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), whenever possible 9

Agile Processes Requirements change. Design evolves. Documents are seldom current.

Some Stats by The Standish Group (

The Solution

CHAOS Ten – Success Factors source:

In 2001, seventeen software pundits came together to unify their methodologies under one umbrella; they jointly defined the term, Agile! Read story at: 12


Term “Agile” Incorporates a Wide Range of Methods

AM - Agile Modeling ASD - Adaptive Software Development AUP - Agile Unified Process Crystal FDD - Feature Driven Development DSDM - Dynamic Systems Development Method Lean Software Development

Scrum Xbreed

XP - eXtreme Programming Others… 14

“Agility” - All About Smaller Chunks (Shorter/Frequent Cycles) Release 2

Release 1 Iteration 0

Iteration 1

...Iteration n

Iteration 0

Iteration 1

...Iteration n


Incrementally Build Software - Highest Priority Features First!







Agile Method: Scrum

Simple process for product/project management Product Backlog - List of known features/changes for product Sprint - 1-month iterations (develop highest priority items) Meetings 

Sprint Planning Meeting – Done at beginning of each sprint (after planning, features moved from product backlog to sprint backlog)

Daily scrum meeting (short: 15 minutes)

Sprint review meeting


Agile Method: Extreme Programming (XP)

Shorter and Frequent Cycles (smaller chunks!)  

 

Release - Quarterly Cycles (set a theme) Iteration - Weekly Cycles (e.g. aim for last day of week) 10-minute builds Continuous integration (multiple times per day; manual or automatic) Incremental Design and Planning (defer investment till needed) Development in small increments using Test-First development

Communications - Sit Together, Informative Workspace, on-site customer Flow - sustainable pace versus rigid phases; velocity, continuous integration


Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Processes

Agile Java Development

Agile Modeling Agile Development 

Environment Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and JUnit

Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects

The Spring Framework

The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Beyond The Basics


Agile Modeling “...your goal is to build a shared understanding, it isn’t to write detailed documentation.” - Scott W. Ambler

Quick Poll

Have you ever been on a project where documentation was kept up-to-date through end of project?


Agile Modeling Values, Practices & Principles ( Values

Communic ation, simplicity, feedback, courage and humility. Practices


Core Practices: Active Stakeholder Participation Model with Others Apply the Right Artifact(s) Iterate to Another Artifact Prove I t with Code Use the Simplest Tools Model in Small Incr ements Single Source Information Collective Ownership Create Several Models in Parallel Create Simple Content Depict Models Simply Displa y Models Publicly

Core Principles: Model with a Purpose Maximize Stakeholder Investment Travel Light Multiple Models Rapid Feedback Assum e Simplicity Embrace Cha nge Incremental Change Quality Work Software Is Your Primary Goal Enabli ng the Next Effort Is Your Secondary Goal

Supplementary Practices: Apply Modeling Standards Apply Patterns Gently Discar d Temporary Models Formalize Contract Models Update Only When It Hurts Really Good Ideas: Refactoring Test-First Design

Supplementary Principles: Content Is More I mportant Than Representation Open and Honest Comm unicat ion

Definition Of Word “Model” (

"A preliminary work or construction that serves as a plan from which a final product is to be made ... used in testing or perfecting Word “model” used ato final describe diagrams and other artifacts, product." in this presentation.

Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD)

Subset of Agile Modeling ( Agile version of Model Driven Development (MDD) Instead of extensive models, “barely good enough” Initial modeling activity Requirements Architecture

Requirements modeling   

Usage models Domain models UI models

Architecture modeling  

Free-form diagrams Change cases

Let’s apply this to a sample application , next ...


Initiating A New Software Application Project


Problem Statement

Our employees currently submit their weekly hours worked using a paper-based timesheet system that is manually intensive and errorprone. We require an automated solution for submitting employee hours worked, in the form of an electronic timesheet, approving them, and paying for the time worked. In addition, we would like to have automatic notifications of timesheet status changes and a weekly reminder to submit and


Project Kickoff Meeting


Choices Of Release (High) Level Models

Release Level Models

scope table, glossary, etc.

domain model

user stories

UI prototype & flow map


Iteration Level Models

acceptance tests

CRC cards

application flow map

UML diagrams

database model

Model with a purpose -- shared understanding!


Sample Scope Table

Scope Include

Functionality Time Expression will provide the capability to enter, approve, and pay for hours worked by employees.


Time Expression will not calculate deductions from paychecks, such as federal/state taxes and medical expenses.


Time Expression will not track vacation or sick leave.

Shared understanding: what's in and what's out 28

Domain Model

Shared understanding: business concepts > key domain objects 29

User Stories Or Use Cases 3 Use Case: Login Author Anil Hemrajani Description This process allows User to log into the System

XP Style User Story Card

Actors/I nterfaces • •

FM Trader The System

Trigger Userperforms aLogin action Preconditions •


Success/B asic Flow 1. The System displaysthe Login panel prompting User forlogin detailsas specified in the 2. Usercompletes allrequired fields and performs a Submit action. Failure/A lternative Flow InvalidUser ID and/or Password- The systemnotifies FM traderwith the message“InvalidUser ID and/or Password ”. The systemdisplaysthe Login panelto User with the contents of all fields empty.

Use Case - Casual, Brief or Fully Dressed

Shared understanding: features required of software


User Interface (UI) Prototype

Shared understanding: functionality, look-and-feel, etc.


UI Flow Map (Storyboard)

Shared understanding: user interface navigation/flow


High-Level Architecture Diagram

Web Browser





Business objects,


Hibernate beans



RDBMS (Oracle)

Spring Schedul er

Objects managed by Spring IoC Container

BEA WebLogic Server

Shared understanding: technologies, scalability, security, reliability


Glossary - List Of Common Business/Technical Terms

Accounting The accounting department/staff. Approved Status of a timesheet when a Manager approves a previously submitted timesheet. Employee A person who works on an hourly basis and reports to a manager. Paid Status of a timesheet when the accounting department has issued a check. Etc… Shared understanding: common terminology


Choices Of Iteration Level (Detailed) Models

Release Level Models

scope table, glossary, etc.

domain model

user stories

UI prototype & flow map


Iteration Level Models

acceptance tests

CRC cards

application flow map

UML diagrams

database model


Iteration Level Details - Acceptance Tests & Active Stakeholders

Sign In 

The employee id can be up to 6 characters. The password must be between 8 and 10 characters. Only valid users can sign in.

Timesheet List 

Only a user's personal timesheets can be accessed.

Enter Hours  

Hours must contain numeric data. Daily hours cannot exceed 16 hours. Weekly hours cannot exceed 96 hours.

Hours must be billed to a department.

Hours can be entered as two decimal places.

Employees can only view and edit their own timesheets. 36

Exploring Classes Using CRC Cards First, let's reflect on what we know, domain model, UI and architecture

Second, let's explore classes on CRC cards using both as Cinput l a s s N a m emodels (N o un) R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s ( o b lig a t io n s o f t h is c la s s , s u c h a s b u s in e s s m e t h o d s , e x c e p t io n h a n d lin g , s e c u r it y m e t h o d s , a t t r ib u t e s / v a r ia b le s ) .

Timesheet List screen

C o lla b o r a t o r s ( o t h e r c la s s e s r e q u ir e d t o p r o v id e a c o m p le t e s o lu t io n t o a h ig h - le v e l r e q u ir e m e n t )

T im e s h e e t L is tC o n tr o lle r C o n t r o lle r ( in M V C ) fo r d is p la y in g a lis t o f t im e s h e e t s .

T im e s h e e t M a n a g e r

T im e s h e e t M a n a g e r free-form architecture

F e t c h e s t im e s h e e t ( s ) fr o m d a ta b a s e

T im e s h e e t

S a v e s t im e s h e e t t o d a t a b a s e T im e s h e e t K n o w s o f p e r io d e n d in g d a t e domain model

K n o w s o f t im e K n o w s o f d e p a rtm e n t c o d e 37

Application Flow Map (Home Grown Artifact)

Complementary to class diagrams and CRC cards Can be extended using CRUD columns

Story Tag


Controller Class


Timesheet List




Tables Impacted Timesheet

Enter Hours




Timesheet Department


UML Class and Package Diagrams


Focus Is On Working Software vs. Comprehensive Documentation Conceptual Models

problem statement

scope table

domain model user stories UI prototypes


Model in Small Increments


Depict Models Simply

Physical Models

acceptance tests

application flow map


Data Base

CRC cards

database model

UML diagrams

Discard temporary models Prove it with code -


UI prototype Code Base & flow map


Shifting Some Upfront Design to Refactoring


Shifting Some Upfront Design To Refactoring (Continuous Design)

Refactoring is not a new concept; the term is relatively new 

“Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.” - Martin Fowler Over 100 refactoring techniques; for example:  Extract superclass  Extract interface  Move class  Move method


Agile Draw - Elegantly Simple Modeling Technique

High-Level Architecture UI Flow Map

Visit Conceptual Class Diagram 43

Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Processes Agile Modeling

Agile Java Development

Agile Development 

Environment Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and JUnit

Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects

The Spring Framework

The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Beyond The Basics


Agile Java Development: Environment Setup (Directory Structure, JDK, Ant, and JUnit)

Quick Poll

How many of you are using Ant, JUnit, Maven, Cruise Control, etc?


Personal Opinion: Early Environment Setup Is Essential  Involves more than people expect/plan  Cycle 0 Get minimal environment setup (scripts, directory, version control, etc.) Get end-to-end demo working  Helps team


Directory Structure, Naming Conventions, Version Control, etc.

➔controller/ ➔model/ ➔model/ ➔test/ ➔test/ ➔view/timesheetlist.jsp


Ant ( Ant task types 

 

Compile tasks (that is, javac) Deployment tasks

File tasks such as copy, delete, move, and others. Property tasks for setting internal variables

Audit/coverage tasks

Database tasks

Documentation tasks

Execution tasks

Mail tasks

Preprocess tasks

Property tasks

Remote tasks

Miscellaneous tasks (e.g. echo) © Visual

<mail tolist="[email protected]" subject="Hello!" from="[email protected]" mailhost="" user="myuserid" password="mypassword"/>

Patterns, Inc.


JUnit (

Originally written by  

Erich Gamma (Gang of Four, Design Patterns) Kent Beck (author of Extreme Programming and Test Driven Development)

Simple framework – various assert methods 



public class SimpleTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { int value1 = 2, value2 = 3, expectedResult = 5;





assertTrue }

public static void main(String args[]) {; } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SimpleTest.class); } public void testAddSuccess() { assertTrue(value1 + value2 == expectedResult); }


JUnit GUI Based Testing

Console Runner

Eclipse Plug-in 51

Agile Method: Test Driven Development (TDD) w/ JUnit A term coined by Kent Beck Also, a XP practice (test-first) “Red - Green - Refactor”

Write Test First

Code, Compile, Test

Write unit test code

Write some actual code

More unit test code

More actual code

More unit test code

More actual code

Several benefits to this approach: 

Minimal code written to satisfy requirements (nothing more, nothing less!)

If code passes the unit tests, it is done!

Can help design classes better (from a client/interface perspective)

Refactor with confidence


Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Processes Agile Modeling

Agile Java Development

Agile Development

Environment JUnit

Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and

Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects

The Spring Framework

The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Beyond The Basics


Agile Java Development: Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects

Quick Poll

What persistence solution does your project use (e.g. JDBC, ORM, entity bean)?


Where Hibernate Fits Into Our Architecture


An Overview of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) ORM - Java object to database table/record mapping 

Java = objects

database = relational

Relationships  

unidirectional and bidirectional relations in a relational database are bidirectional by definition

Cardinality (OO term is multiciplicity) 




and many-to-many

Object Identity Cascade Others…


Hibernate Basics

Dialect (DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SAP DB, Sybase, TimesTen…) SessionFactory, Session, and Transaction Work with Database Records (as Java Objects) Object States - persistent, detached, and transient Data Types – more than you'll likely need! Hibernate Query Language (HQL) – powerful SQL-like language 58

From Domain Model To A (Denormalized) Physical Data Model


Working With Hibernate - Simple Example Using Department

hibernate.cfg.xml – Hibernate configuration file (DB configuration) <property name="connection.url"> jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9005/timex <mapping resource="Department.hbm.xml" />

Department.hbm.xml – Mapping file for our Department table <property name="name" column="name"/> – Bean file with two variables: String departmentCode; String name; // Setter and getter methods 60 SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure() .buildSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Department department = (Department) session.get(Department.class, "IT"); System.out.println("Name for IT = " + department.getName()); ... List departmentList = session.createQuery("from Department").list(); for (int i = 0; i < departmentList.size(); i++) { department = (Department) departmentList.get(i); System.out.println("Row " + (i + 1) + "> " + department.getName() + " (" + department.getDepartmentCode() + ")"); } ... sessionFactory.close();


Other Hibernate Features Saving (save, merge, saveOrUpdate) session.saveOrUpdate(timesheet)

Deleting records  

session.delete(Object), or session.createQuery("DELETE from Timesheet")

Queries using Criteria interface (more OO and typesafe) 

List timesheetList = session.createCriteria(Timesheet.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("employeeId", employeeId)) .list(); Related classes: Restrictions, Order, Junction, Distinct, and others

Locking Objects (Concurrency Control) Lots More Hibernate (associtions, annotations, filters, interceptors, scrollable iterations, native SQL, 62 transaction management, etc.)

Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Processes Agile Modeling

Agile Java Development

Agile Development

Environment JUnit


Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and

Hibernate For Persistent Objects

The Spring Framework

The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Beyond The Basics


Agile Java Development: The Spring Framework

Spring Modules


Spring Java Packaging (org.springframework.)


Quick Poll

Are you familiar with Inversion of Control (IoC)?

IoC Container And Dependency Injection Pattern Normal Way public class A { B myB = new B(); C myC = new C(); }

Using IoC Class C

Class B IOC Container

Class A

public class A { public setB(B myB) public setC(C myC)

Dependency Injection Styles 

Two Supported By Spring:  Setter/getter based  Constructor based

Fowler suggests a 3rd, interface injection,

Spring IoC Concepts: Beans, BeanFactory, ApplicationContext… 68

Benefits of Using Spring

Light weight Inversion of Control (IoC) container Excellent support for POJOs (e.g. declarative transaction management) Modular – not an all-or-nothing approach Testing – dependency injection and POJOs makes for easier testing Many others  

No Singletons Builds on top of existing technologies (e.g. JEE, Hibernate)

Robust MVC web framework

Consistent database exception hierarchy (e.g. wrap


Where Spring Framework Fits Into Our Architecture

Optional Hibernate integration


Quick Poll

Which web framework do you use?


Spring Web MVC Easier testing – mock classes, dependency injection Bind directly to business objects Clear separation of roles – validators, adaptable controllers, command (form) object, etc. Simple but powerful tag libraries Support for various view technologies and web frameworks (e.g. Struts, webwork, tapestry, JSF)


Spring MVC Java Concepts

1.Controller 2.ModelAndView 3.Command (Form Backing) Object 4.Validator 5.Spring Tag Library (spring:bind) 73

Spring MVC Configuration <servlet> <servlet-name>timex <servlet-class> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet 1 <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>timex *.htm



<prop key="/enterhours.htm">enterHoursController ...

<property name="viewClass"> org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView <property name="prefix"> /WEB-INF/jsp/ <property name="suffix"> .jsp 74

Sample End-To-End Flow Using Spring and Hibernate


Timesheet List: A No-Form Controller Example

public class TimesheetListController implements Controller { ... public ModelAndView handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) mockHttpServletRequest = new MockHttpServletRequest("GET", "/timesheetlist.htm"); ModelAndView modelAndView = timesheetListController.handleRequest( mockHttpServletRequest, null); assertNotNull(modelAndView); assertNotNull(modelAndView.getModel()); 76

Enter Hours: A Form Screen EnterHoursController.jav a enterhours.jsp

public class EnterHoursController extends SimpleFormController


View/JSP Code – Spring and JSTL Tag Libraries <spring:bind path="command.employeeId">

Special (Spring) variable named status status.value status.expression status.error status.errorMessage status.errorMessages status.displayValue


Sign In (Authentication) - Spring HandlerInterceptor

public class HttpRequestInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) { if (!signedIn) { response.sendRedirect(this.signInPage); return false; }


Other Spring Web Stuff

View with no controllers (e.g. only JSP files) <prop key="/help.htm">urlFilenameController

Spring 2.0 – new tag libraries 

form:form - org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.FormTag

form:input- org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.InputTag

form:password org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.PasswordInputTag form:hidden org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.HiddenInputTag form:select org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.SelectTag form:option org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.OptionTag form:radiobutton org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.RadioButtonTag Others… 80

Spring ORM Module: Support for Hibernate

Management of sessionfactory and session (no close calls) Declarative transaction management in lightweight containers Easier testing (pluggable Sessionfactory via XML file) Less lines of code – focus on business logic!


Spring ORM Module: Support for Hibernate (cont’d) Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); try { session.saveOrUpdate(timesheet); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); throw e; }



Programmatic 39 66 166 271

Less lines of code

Declarative 22 36 87 145


More Spring…

Scheduling Jobs (with Quartz or JDK timers)
"org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean"> <property name="targetObject" ref="reminderEmail" /> <property name="targetMethod" value="sendMail" />
<property name="jobDetail" ref="reminderEmailJobDetail" /> <property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 14 ? * 6" />

Spring email support Much more  

JEE support Sub-projects (Acegi, BeanDoc, Spring IDE, etc.) 83

Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Processes Agile Modeling

Agile Java Development

Agile Development

Environment JUnit

Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and

Using Hibernate For Persistent The Spring Framework


The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Beyond The Basics


Agile Java Development: The Eclipse Phenomenon!

Quick Poll

Which IDE do you use?


The Eclipse Foundation, Platform and Projects

Foundation 

Originally developed by Object Technology International (OTI), purchased by IBM ($40 million) and donated it to open source! Recruited various corporations; from

Industry leaders Borland, IBM, MERANT, QNX Software Systems, Rational Software, Red Hat, SuSE, TogetherSoft and Webgain formed the initial Board of Stewards in November 2001. By the end of 2003, this initial consortium had grown to over 80 members. 

My view: Eclipse foundation is similar to Apache foundation for GUI tools

Platform objectives 

robust platform for highly integrated dev tools

enable view and/or editing of any content type

attract a large community of developers to develop plugins 87

Personal Opinion: The Java versus Microsoft Thing

 First exciting IDE  Huge community - Plug-ins galore (thousand+)  Ward Cunningham and Erich Gamma  Battle of IDEs has only now begun! 88

How Eclipse Can Help With Our Application


Eclipse Basic Concepts •

Workspace (directory of

• • • • •

Workbench Perspectives Editors and Views Project Wizards (hundreds)


Plug-ins (galore!)

sample workspace


Eclipse Plug-in: Java Development Tools (JDT)Java



Java Compile Errors/Warnings

Ant Assist 91

JDT: Other Notable Features

Compile during save (within the blink of an eye) Formatting options Scrapbook TODO lists Others  

Powerful search Code refactoring (some based on Fowler's Export feature (create zip files, etc.)


Eclipse Plug-In: Web Tools Platform (WTP;

Tools for developing JEE Web applications Editors 

Source - HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSP, SQL, XML, DTD, XSD, and WSDL Graphical - XSD and WSDL

Database access and query tools and models Web service wizards Other JEE features (EJB, JSP, Servlet…) Much more… 93

WTP: Notable Features Servers

JSP Assist

Database Web Services


CVS (Eclipse Team Sharing)


Hibernate and Spring Plug-Ins


Spring 96 IDE

Startup Time Comparison To IntelliJ and NetBeans

IntellIJ - 1 minute, 5 seconds! NetBeans - 42 seconds. Eclipse with JDT, WTP, Hibernate, Eclipse... 19 seconds! 97

Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Processes Agile Modeling

Agile Java Development

Agile Development

Environment JUnit

Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and

Using Hibernate For Persistent The Spring Framework The Eclipse Phenomenon! 


Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Beyond The Basics


Agile Java Development: Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling

Quick Poll

Do you use a GUI debugger? Or, a logging framework? Or, use println statements?


Logging Basics and Frameworks Types Logging Frameworks 1.Audit log Alternative to println statements 2.Tracing Key benefit - Output control (destination, format, 3.Error Most popular - Apache Log4J and JDK Logging reportingJakarta Commons Logging -- bridge to frameworks Pros No human interventio n (automated) Great for head-less servers Cons Performance hit Can clutter

log le

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class CommonsLoggingTest { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CommonsLoggingTest.class);


public static void main(String[] args) { log.fatal("This is a FATAL message."); log.error("This is an ERROR message."); log.warn("This is a WARN message.");"This is an INFO message."); log.debug("This is a DEBUG message."); }


Headaches of Finding and Fixing Bugs!


Debugging Java Code With Eclipse Debug perspectives

“consolidated debugging”

and views Breakpoints Step through code Variable inspection Hotswap Remote debugging


Debugging Web User Interfaces Using Mozilla Firefox JavaScript debugger

Web Developer

Tamper Data


Java Monitoring and Profiling Spring MBean Exporter

Monitoring 

 

JSE 5.0 includes
id="exporter” class= "org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter"> <property name="beans"> <map> and <entry key="Time Expression:name=timex-stats" value-ref="timexJmxBean" />

Class loading garbage collection Management of MBeans and JDK logging level, etc …

Profiling 

 

Memory usage and leaks CPU utilization Trace objects and methods Determine


Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Agile Processes Agile Modeling Agile Development Environment JUnit

Java Development

Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant and

Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects The Spring Framework The Eclipse Phenomenon! Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling Beyond The Basics


Beyond The Basics

Security, Reliability and Scalability Considerations


Application Security Considerations

Authentication (user and application levels) Authorization (roles, groups, etc.) Encryption (wire protocol, configuration files) User-level authentication & authorization

Wire protocol (HTTP/S)

Application-level authentication


Other Considerations

Exception Handling

1.Checked exceptions (e.g. IOException) – required catch or throw 2.Unchecked exceptions (e.g. NullPointerException) - no catch/throw needed 3.Errors (e.g. OutOfMemoryError)

Clustering (serialize, no static variables, simplicity…) • Multi-threading (JDK 1.5 concurrent API) • Rich Internet Applications (RIA) 

AJaX -

 Google Web Toolkit (GWT) -

 Direct Web Remoting (DWR) -


Cool Concept For Smaller Apps - Entire System In A WAR File!

Code (source, binary)

Relational database (e.g. HSQLDB) Job Scheduling More…


Wrap Up!

Presentation Outline

Introduction to Agile Agile Processes Agile Modeling Agile Development Environment and JUnit

Java Development

Setup: Directory Structure, JDK, Ant

Using Hibernate For Persistent Objects The Spring Framework The Eclipse Phenomenon! Logging, Debugging, Monitoring, and Profiling


The Basics

Constant Learning – Be a “Generalizing Specialist”

“A generalizing specialist is someone with a good grasp of how everything fits together.” 114

Most Important…


Don’t Forget To Have Fun!







Thank you!

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