Against Monarchy Rs

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 547
  • Pages: 2
Rachelle Shapiro Nach 10W2

10/25/09 Against Monarchy

As we move on in life, we don’t need monarchy inside a modern democracy. Because of the governmental democracy we no longer need monarchy, because in a democracy the individuals of the groups are the ones who make the decisions rather us being ruled under one king, where we don’t have much of an opinion because, the king by himself decides what goes on. Anarchy which is absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. Back in the old days we survived better with no king. The positive thing about no king is that we make our own decisions and we don’t have to wait for someone to make a decision, and if there was a king, and we didn’t like the decision the king has made, then we couldn’t do anything about it. Monarchy is bad because we as people should be able to make our own decisions. As it says in Mealcim Aleph, Perek Bet, Pasuk 31:where Shlomo says to Benaiah Ben Jehoiada, that he should go “strike him down” and bury him, eliminate thereby the innocent blood, which Yoav spilled, from me and from my father’s house. Here in this past pasuk it shows us that Shlomo was a mean king, and made other people do bad things, when they didn’t want to. Another source that shows us why monarchy is bad is in Melacim aleph, Perek yud Chet, Pasuk 30 to pasuk 39: where its talking about how the prophet Elijah tells the people to pour water on the alter, he cuts stones he cut up the wood, and after

this whole process Hashem came out in a burning fire, and all the other prophets exclaimed. This shows us that when someone else makes decisions for us, not necessarily it will come out to be a good thing, because the other people should not have been harmed only Elijah should have because he was the one who made this decision. In my opinion I think that monarchy could be bad and good. The reason why monarchy is good is because the choice can get done faster, there is only one person making the decisions, so none has to wait. On the other hand I don’t think we need monarchy because everyone wants their own rights, people want to make their own decisions, without a king or leader we feel more freed to do things. Making our own decisions makes people compromise and then there is less fighting, as oppose to just one king making a decision for us and then we brake out into war. Making our own decisions, which may take more time. Is all worth it so that there is more peace between people, rather than the people fighting, with one another. In Conclusion, The sources in Melacim aleph, show us that monarchy is bad, and we should all have the right to rule our own nations, because those kings made bad decisions and then Hashem had hurt all the other people living in the nation when it wasn’t their fault. Monarchy is not necessary in our lives today or back in the day, without monarchy everyone is happier and then there is less hatred towards each other.

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