African Archaeology

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  • Pages: 27

A Presentation by Zacharys Anger Gundu. PhD. Department of Archaeology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria at the International Workshop on African Archaeology organized by the World Archaeological Congress and the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan 19th -21st February, 2009.

Introduction. 

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Research publication / dissemination is poorly funded in Africa. The market is small and limited by high prices. Distribution bottlenecks within the continent (transport, tariffs and other regulations). International publishing/journal market is skewed against Africa and the developing world.

Introduction (Cont) 

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Traditional international scholarly publishing models are commercially driven. Private ownership. Divisive and self appointed arbiter of scholarly ranking. Local versus international/mainstream Thomson- indexed journals.

Introduction (Cont). 

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72% of book export worldwide come from North America, the UK and Western Europe. Africa consumes 12% of all books produced in the world and contributes less than 3% of books read in the world. (Wafawarowa 2000). Generates 0.4% of global online content. When South African content is excluded, continental contribution drops to 0.02% (Czenniewicz and Brown 2004, cited in Gray 2007)

Introduction (Cont) 

All these have created:   

 

lack of access to current research (in journals and international discourse). ‘Isolation’ of African scholarship. Created a feeling (amongst African scholars) of being short of ‘leading intellectual currents, ideas and approaches’. ‘Out of date’ with trends. Loss of intellectual self confidence.

Introduction (Cont) 

Undermined ability and willingness to challenge /recast received Euro- American concepts and theories. African journals (and publications) suffer from perceived shortfalls in quality. They are ranked as second rate by a global system in which their value is questionable. Reinforces the African ‘occupation of the mind’ by the west and the loss of African systems of knowing. (Szanton and Manyika 2002).

Our Argument. 

African Archaeology, social Science and the Humanities in Africa suffer disproportionately from the global publishing system. 

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Preponderance of foreign based outlets, contributors and the contradictions of producing ‘culture knowledge’. Too few books on African archaeology. Much of the material is outdated.

Our Argument (Cont). 

Other dissemination models (seminars and conferences) are also skewed against Africans. There is the need to rethink the token palliatives often offered to ‘deal’ with the inequalities created by the intellectual divide between the North and South.  

‘Sponsorship’ to attend conferences. Rebates on journals and other publications.

Our Argument (Cont). 

African universities must address their failure to recognize dissemination as a central accountability. While not ignoring the contribution of ‘Africanists’ in African archaeology, the archaeological role to project African identity, knowledge systems and culture on the global stage cannot be ceded to others outside the continent. The identity question is strategic and our voices MUST be LOUD and CLEAR on it.

Our Argument (Cont). 

African voices in archaeology can reach the different audiences and the world stage more effectively through Open Access Publishing. We endorse the ‘Susan model’ of open access knowledge creation, sharing and dissemination in African archaeology. And urge African governments to create MOUs with ‘Africanists’ requiring them to publish/disseminate their research in such ways that would be easily accessible to everyone on the continent.

Challenges of research dissemination in African archaeology.      

Finance. Accessibility. Language. Capacity. North-South divide. Lack of institutional support.

Key Journals/Publications in African Archaeology. 

African Based. 

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AZANIA: Archaeological Research in Africa. South African Archeological Bulletin. West African Journal of Archaeology. Journal of Environment and Culture. Nigerian Heritage. KUSH. Arkamani (Sudan Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology). SANKOFA. Zaria Archaeology Papers.

Foreign Based. 

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African Archaeological Review. Journal of African Archaeology. Journal of African History. NYAME AKUMA. International Journal of African Historical Studies. Journal of African Civilization. Cambridge Monograph in African Archaeology.

Key Journals in African Archaeology 

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Many of the African based journals are moribund/irregular, KUSH and SANKOFA have ceased publication. Those still in print are adjudged as second rate. Many cannot be accessed on the internet. While the foreign based ones are produced regularly. Ranked higher and Have internet based versions.

Skewed Nature of International Conferences on African Archaeology. 

Though international conferences are a dissemination strategy, many of them especially organized by ‘Africanists’ are skewed against Africans. Example: SAFA’s biennial conferences on African archaeology over the past decade have alternated between Europe and North America.

Skewed Nature of International Conferences on African Archaeology (Cont).       

1986-Poznan(Poland). 1988-Syracuse(USA). 2000-Cambridge(UK). 2002-Tucson(USA). 2004-Bergen(Norway). 2006-Calgary(Canada). 2008-Frankfurt(Germany).

Skewed Nature of International Conferences on African Archaeology (Cont). 

‘Strong’ voices in SAFA claim that ‘sponsors’ will not support their attendance outside North America and Europe. Fear the capacity of Africans to organize something at the level of a SAFA Conference. It will be more ‘helpful’ to ‘support’ African participation in SAFA conferences outside the continent.

Skewed Nature of International Conferences on African Archaeology (Cont) 

The Pan African Congress though with a unique ‘African history’ is also skewed as SAFA.         

Nairobi- 1947. Algiers- 1952. Livingstone-1955. Leopoldville-1959. Tenerife-1963. Dakar-1967. Addis Ababa-1971. Nairobi-1977. Jos 1983.

Skewed Nature of International Conferences on African Archaeology (Cont) 

Given the fact that the Jos conference was dominated by Africans, (the conference had about 25 Europeans) its main resolution on Apartheid SA was rejected by the likes of Desmond Clark. Using falsehood (see Shaw 1989)he urged and campaigned that the resolution be ignored.

Council of Europe on African Archaeology. 

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1985 the Council of Europe in collaboration with 11 other European Universities conducted a course in Brussels at the end of which they gave 30 participants an ‘International Certificate of African Archaeology’. No student from Africa was funded to attend. No African university was invited to participate. These and other issues raise the question of the Euro-American interest in African Archaeology.

African Archaeology (Cont). 

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While this interest can be argued to be ‘scholarly’ without more, in practice, it excludes Africans and tends to project the Euro-American views of the African past over and above those of Africans. Its agenda and focus may also at times be doubtful. This becomes an important challenge which we must face squarely if we are to reclaim our right to be on top of our past using archaeology to empower and impact development.

Why Africa must reclaim the right to write her past.  

Others can never do it well enough. There is empirical evidence that African past has been distorted and ‘relocated’ for effect. How many know for example: 

that Imhotep an African, is the father of medicine and a designer of the Egyptian pyramids. Ahmes an African, is the first author of a mathematics text book in the world.

Why Africa must reclaim the right to write her past (Cont). 

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Setimus Severus who was once a Roman Emperor was African. Beethoven was of African descent. Alexandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, Russia’ ‘National Poet’, the ‘patriarch of Russian Literature’ and the ‘Father of Russian language’ was of African descent (see Emeagwali,; and the works of Isaac Asimov)

The Open Access Option. 

Open Access publishing is publishing that is available to all potential users without barriers. At the moment, there are about 12,000 Open Access journals, mostly in Sciences, 12 in Archaeology and non in African Archaeology. This is a window of opportunity in African Archaeology.

Advantages of the Open Access Option. 

Though criticized by the traditional publishing lobby in Europe and North America, Open Access has unique advantages like

Authors are more read, cited and their ideas better integrated. Scholars at institutions which would have otherwise found it difficult to access the works are able to do it.

Advantages of the Open Access Option (Cont). 

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Accessible at small institutions where the library is too poor to acquire the hardcopy. Accessible to the general public. Accessible to the taxpayer who has the opportunity to see the results of the research he is paying for. The only ‘barrier’ is access to the internet.

The ‘Susan Model’. 

At the 2006 SAFA Conference (Calgary), Prof. Susan McIntosh had argued for a Wikipedia type of Open Access publishing in which scholars in African Archaeology will pool their expertise and create knowledge that will be openly accessible to all. African national and regional archaeological bodies and networks must take this suggestion seriously so as to begin to project our perspectives and strengthen our voice (which is threatened) on the world stage. These bodies must also take urgent steps to improve the quality of local archeological publications following the example of the African Archaeological Network.

Conclusion. 

Archaeology is about culture, identity and development. It is inappropriate for a people to cede the study of their past to ‘outsiders’. It is even more inappropriate for ‘outsiders’ to study the past of others through exclusion. It is imperative for Africans to articulate their voice on the world stage by rethinking current dissemination models in archaeology. There is opportunity in the use of technology in this rethinking process.

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