Advances House Building Advance 123

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  • Pages: 37
Xinthe Technologies Private Limited Use Case Document

Advances/Loans – House Building Advance

Created By: Jayati Majumder Date: 15/03/2007 Document Owner: Restricted documents. Unauthorized access or copying is prohibited. Document Revision History Version #

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Revisi on Date

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Document Control: Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By Date of Approval Status


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Definitions And Acronyms:

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Use Case: Advances/Loans – House Building Advance Revisions



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Business Owner:


Business Architect: Last Modified: Release


Feature: Description:

Use case document for WASPORT – Advances/Loans – House Building Advance Allows the user to create, edit and view HBA Details information based on permissions given to him

Role (Actor)


User Profile:

User with access to the Advances/Loans – House Building Advance node

Pre Condition:

The user clicks on the ‘Advances/Loans – House Building Advance’ application node based on his permissions

Post Condition:

The user can create, view, modify Advances/Loans – House Building Advance Info based on permissions given to him

Business Rules/Requirements

List validation business rules


All columns in the List view table to have facility to get sorted in both ascending and descending orders


In Creator Level (A01), IF User clicks on ‘Advances/Loans – House Building Advance – New Case’ then “New” Button should be Enabled Else Not Enabled.

[ ] System

3 4 5 6

System Rules

List system rules such as security requirements

1 2 3

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Technical Rules

List technical rules, database updates etc here

1 2

Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response


The user clicks on ‘Advances/Loans – House Building Advance – New Case’ application node

A html table containing the following fields is displayed: 1. A column having radio buttons for row selection 2. VPT_EMP_NO 3. EMP_NAME 4. SANCTION_NO 5. SECTION_NO The data is displayed from the query=

“SELECT DISTINCT(a.emp_no), b.vpt_emp_no, b.emp_name,a.sanction_no,b.section_no FROM T_EMP_PROFILE a, T_EMPLOYEE b, T_SANCTION c WHERE a.sanction_no = c.sanction_no AND c.user_level = (current user level) AND c.status = 'P' AND a.emp_no = b.emp_no AND SUBSTR(c.sanction_no,1,4) = (Department code (“dept_cd”) from the Selected Department Name) AND b.exp_dt = '31-DEC-9999' “ 2

The user clicks on ‘Man Power Profile – Employee Profile – Personal Details – Approved Details’ application node

A html table containing the following fields is displayed: 1. A column having radio buttons for row selection 2. VPT_EMP_NO 3. EMP_NAME 4. SANCTION_NO 5. SECTION_NO The data is displayed from the query=

“SELECT DISTINCT(a.emp_no), b.vpt_emp_no, b.emp_name,a.sanction_no,b.section_no FROM T_EMP_PROFILE a, T_EMPLOYEE b, T_SANCTION c WHERE a.sanction_no = c.sanction_no AND c.user_level = (CURRENT USER LEVEL)AND c.status = 'E' AND a.emp_no = b.emp_no AND SUBSTR(c.sanction_no,1,4) = (Department code (“dept_cd”) from the Selected Department Name) AND b.exp_dt='31-DEC-9999' “

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response If the current user level = “A01” Append the records obtained from the above query and the records obtained from the query=

“SELECT DISTINCT(a.emp_no), b.vpt_emp_no, b.emp_name,a.sanction_no,b.section_no FROM T_EMP_PROFILE a, T_EMPLOYEE b WHERE a.emp_no = b.emp_no AND a.exp_dt = '31-DEC-9999' AND a.in_process_ind = 'N' AND b.dept_cd = (Department code (“dept_cd”) from the Selected Department Name) AND b.exp_dt='31-dec-9999' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM T_EMP_PROFILE WHERE A.EMP_NO=EMP_NO AND IN_PROCESS_IND='Y')” And display in the List View Screen. 3

The user clicks on ‘New’ button

A screen with the following fields will be displayed: 1. Department : Read Only Text Box field, Department Name selected from the Tree Node 2. Section : Drop down field (Retrieve section_nm from the query = “SELECT section_no, section_nm, dept_nm FROM t_section S, t_department D WHERE S.dept_cd = 'Department Code from the selected Department Name' AND S.dept_cd = D.dept_cd ORDER BY section_nm” 3.

Employee Number : Drop down field

4. Employee Name : Text Box field 5. Designation : Read Only text box field 6. Class : Read Only text box field 7. Horizontal Tab displays 5 different tabs in it. A. Eligibility Details Tab displays the following fields: b. Date of Application : Calendar Date, by default today’s date c.

Net Salary : Text box field

d. Applied Amount : Text box field e. Gross Salary : Text box field f.

Principal Installments : Text box field

g. Principal Recovery Amount : Read Only Text box field h. Last Priciple Recovery Amount : Read Only Text box field i.

Interest Rate : Text box field


Interest Installments : Text box field

A. Advance Details Tab displays the following fields:

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response a. Advance Sactioned : Read Only Text box field b. Principal Recovery Amount (Monthly) : Read Only Text box field c.

No. of Principal Recovery Installments : Read Only Text box field

d. Gratuity Adjustment : Read Only Text box field e. No. of Interest Recovery Installments : Read Only Text box field B. Payment Details Tab displays the following fields: a. “Loan For” Panel displays “Complete House” and “Site Building” option button fields b. Plot Details :Text area field c.

“Installments” Panel displays the following fields: i.

Installment Type : Text box field


Installment No : Text box field


Loan Balance Amount : Text box field


Loan Installment Amt : Text box field


Date of Payment : Date, by default today’s date

d. “Site Purchase” Panel displays “Yes” and “No” option button fields (By default not visible) e. Documents Enclosed : Drop down field f.

Add To List :Button

g. “HouseType “ Panel displays “Single Storey” and “Multi Storey” option button fields (By default not visible) h. Grid displaying following fields: i.

Remarks :Text area field

C. Recovery Payment Details Tab displays the following fields: a. Start Recovery : Check box fields b. Previous Balance : Text box field c.

Amount Being Repaid : Text box field

d. Recovery Date : Calendar Date, by default today’s date e. Balance After Recovery : Text box field f.

Remarks : Text area field

D. Misuse Details Tab displays the following fields: a. Recovery Mode : Drop down field (values in this drop down are “By Salary” and “By Payment”, If “By Salary” is selected then the value is “S” and if “By Payment” is selected value is “P” )

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response b. Misuse Amount : Text box field c.

Recovery Interest Rate : Text box field

d. Recovery Start Date : Calendar Date, by default today’s date e. Recovery Amount : Text box field f.

Penal Interest Rate : Text box field

g. No Of Installments : Text box field h. Misuse Installment Amount : Text box field i.

Remarks : Text area field

8. Sanction Details : 1. Grid displaying the following fields: i.

Actioned By


Event Type


Event Date



2. Sanction Order Number : Text Box field 3. Panel displays the following fields: i.

Option Button List with “Enter” and “Reject” (By default “Enter” is selected “Reject” is not visible”)


In New Mode(A01) User clicks on “Save” Button

A message stating " Please Select the Section " to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in 'Section' field


In New Mode User selects “Section”

1. Retrieve the data from the query =

“SELECT A.EMP_NO,A.VPT_EMP_NO FROM T_EMPLOYEE A WHERE A.EXP_DT='31-DEC-9999' AND A.SECTION_NO='(section code ie.,(section_no) from the selected Section)' AND A.dept_cd='Department Code (dept_cd) from the selected Department Name' AND a.confirm_yn='Y' AND A.EMP_NO NOT IN (SELECT EMP_NO FROM T_EMP_HBA WHERE EMP_NO=A.EMP_NO) ORDER BY A.VPT_EMP_NO “ 2. Display the retrieved data (VPT_EMP_NO) in “Employee Number” Dropdown field.


In New Mode(A01) After selecting “Section” User clicks on “Save” Button

A message stating " Please Select the Employee Number " to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in 'Employee Number' field


When User selects

1. Retrieve the data using the query = “SELECT a.emp_no,a.eff_dt,a.exp_dt,a.vpt_emp_no,a.dept_cd,

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response

Employee Number

a.basic_pay,a.salary_bill_no,a.designation,a.section_no, a.emp_name,a.post_cd,a.selection_order,a.deputed_yn,a.confirm_yn, a.probation_yn,b.dept_nm,c.section_nm,d.desig_nm,f.class_nm, g.scale_cd,g.scale_of_pay,f.class_no,h.appointment_dt,NVL(h.birth_dt,'1-jan-1800') birth_dt FROM T_EMPLOYEE a,T_DEPARTMENT b,T_SECTION c,T_DESIGNATION d, T_CLASS f,T_SCALE_OF_PAY g, T_EMP_APPOINTMENT h WHERE a.VPT_EMP_NO=(Selected Employee Number) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN a.eff_dt AND a.exp_dt AND a.emp_no=h.emp_no AND a.dept_cd = b.dept_cd AND a.designation = d.designation AND a.dept_cd=d.dept_cd AND d.class_no = f.class_no AND d.scale_cd = g.scale_cd AND a.section_no = c.section_no” 2. Display the Retrieved emp_name (From query=7.1) for a selected Employee Number in “Employee Name” Text Box. 3. Display the Retrieved desig_nm (From query=7.1) for a selected Employee Number in “Designation” Text box field. 4. Display the Retrieved class_nm (From query=7.1) for a selected Employee Number in “Date Of Birth” Text box field.


User Selects Employee Number and clicks on “Save” Button

A message stating "Please enter the plot details" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Plot Details' field


User clicks “Save” when date present in “Date of Application” date time picker is Empty

A message stating " Please enter proper application date " to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in “Date of Application” date time picker


User clicks on “Save” Button without entering “Applied Amount”

A message stating "Please Enter Applied Amt" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Applied Amount ' text box field


User clicks on “Save” Button without entering “Interest Rate” or if the value is “0”

A message stating "Please enter Interest Rate" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Interest Rate ' text box field


User clicks on “Save” Button without entering “Net Salary” or if the value is < =“0”

A message stating "Please enter Net Salary" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Net Salary ' text box field

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response


User clicks on “Save” Button without entering “Gross Salary” or if the value is < =“0”

A message stating "Please enter Gross Salary" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Gross Salary' text box field


User clicks on “Save” Button without entering “Advance Sactioned” or if the value is < =“0”

A message stating "Please enter sactioned advance" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Advance Sactioned ' text box field


User clicks on “Save” Button without entering “No. of Principal Recovery Installments” or if the value is < =“0”

A message stating "Please enter Months to recover Principal amount" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘No. of Principal Recovery Installments' text box field


User clicks “Save” button without clicking “Show Details” Button

A message stating "Please Click the Button-ShowDetails " to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Show Details ' text box field


User clicks “Show Details” button

1. If the text selected in “Employee Number” drop down is Empty then A message stating " Please Select the Employee Number " to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in 'Employee Number' field 2. If the text present in “Gross Salary” text box is less than the text present in the “Net Salary” text box then A message stating "Gross salary can't be less than Net salary" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in 'Gross Salary’ field 3. A new screen with the following details are displayed. a. House Building Allownce Details for Employee :Read Only Label field b. Close : Button field c.

Employee Details Panel displays the following: j.

Designation : Read Only Label field


ClassNo : Read Only Label field


Months of Service left : Read Only Label field

m. Basic Pay : Read Only Label field n. Current Gross Salary : Read Only Label field o. Current Net Salary : Read Only Label field d. Loan Details

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response j.

Requested Amount : Read Only Label field


Interest Rate : Read Only Label field


Eligible Advance : Read Only Label field

m. Interest Amount : Read Only Label field n. Principal Amount : Read Only Label field o. Projected Amount : Read Only Label field p. DCRG : Read Only Label field e. Installment Details i.

Monthly Installment Amount : Read Only Label field

ii. 1/4 Gross Salary : Read Only Label field iii. Months for Principal Recovery : Read Only Label field iv. Net Salary after HBA Installment Recovery : Read Only Label field v.

Months for Interest Recovery : Read Only Label field

4. Display the retrieved “emp_no” from the text present in “Employee Drop down” in “House Building Allownce Details for Employee :” Label field 5. Execute the query present in (7.1) and display the retrieved “design_nm”,” Basic_Pay”,” scale_of_pay”, “class_no” values in the corresponding fields present in point no.(17) 6. Calculate ‘text present in “Basic Pay” label field *50’ and if the calculated value is less than or equal to 750000 then the loan amount is the calculated value Else the loan amount is “750000” And display the obtained “loan amount” in “Eligible Advance” label field 7. If the value present in “Eligible Advance” Label (present in point(17) is greater then the value present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field in “Advance Details” tab then The text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field is displayed in “Eligible Advance” label field 8. Execute the query=” SELECT TO_CHAR(birth_dt,'DD-MON-YYYY') birthdate FROM t_emp_fixed_det WHERE emp_no=' “emp_no” retrieved from the text present in “Employee Number” drop down’” Find the difference of months between the current date and the date obtained after adding 58 years to the retrieved “birth_dt” and display it in “Months of Service left label field present in point (17) 9. Display the text present in “Interest Rate” text box in “Interest Rate” label field present in point no(17) 10. Display the text present in “Net Salary” text box in “Current Net Salary” label field present in point no(17)

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response 11. Display the text present in “Gross Salary” text box in “Current Gross Salary” label field present in point no(17) 12. Display the text present in “Applied Amount” text box in “Requested Amount” label field present in point no(17) 13. If the text present in “Requested Amount” label field is greater then “0” then a. If the text present in “Requested Amount” label field is greater than the text present in “Eligible Advance” label field then Display the text present in “Requested Amount” label field in “Principal Amount” label field ( in the format “0.00”) b. Else Display the text present in “Eligible Advance” label field in “Principal Amount” label field ( in the format “0.00”) Else Display the text present in “Eligible Advance” label field in “Principal Amount” label field ( in the format “0.00”) 14. Calculate ( (the text present in “Principal Amount” label field * (value present in ” Months for Principal Recovery” label field + value present in “Months for Interest Recovery” label field ) * value present in “Interest Rate” label field ) / (2 * 12 * 100) ) and display the output in the “Interest Amount” label field in the format of (0.00) 15. Calculate (the text present in “Principal Amount” label field + text present in “Interest Amount” label field) and display it in “Projected Amount” label field in the format of (0.00) 16. Calculate ( (the text present in “Principal Amount” label field * (text present in “Principal Installments” text box field + text present in “Interest Rate” label field) / (2 * 12 * 100) ) and display it in “Interest Amount” label field in the format of (0.00) 17. Calculate the value to be displayed in “DCRG” label field a. If the text present in “Months of Service left” label field is greater than or equal to “20*12” then the value is “0” b. Else if the text present in “Months of Service left” label field < “20*12” and text present in “Months of Service left” label field >= “10*12” then value is (0.65 * ((text present in “Basic Pay” label field * text present in “Months of Service left” label field) / 2) in the format (0.00) c.

Else value is (0.7 * ((text present in “Basic Pay” label field * text present in “Months of Service left” label field) / 2) in the format (0.00)

d. value = 0

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response 18. Display the text present in “Principal Installments” text box field in “Months for Principal Recovery” label field 19. Display the text present in “Interest Installments” text box field in “Months for Interest Recovery” label field 20. Calculate and display the value in “1/4 Gross Salary” label field : (0.25 * text present in “Gross Salary” text box field) 21. If text present in “Principal Installments” text box field > “0” then Display the text present in “Principal Recovery Amount” text box field in “Monthly Installment Amount” label field Else Display “0.00” 22. Calculate ( round( (text present in “Principal Amount” label field/100),0) * 100 * (text present in “Months for Principal Recovery” label field + text present in “Months for Interest Recovery” label field) * text present in “Interest Rate” label field ) / (2 * 12 * 100) ) and display it in the “Interest Amount label field in the format of (0.00) 23. Calculate (text present in “Current Net Salary” label field – text present in “Monthly Installment Amount” label field ) and display in the “Net Salary after HBA Installment Recovery” label field in the format of (0.00)


User clicks “Close” button in the screen displayed in point no(17)

1. The window displayed in the point(17) should be closed 2. Display the text present in “Months for Principal Recovery” label field in “No. of Principal Recovery Installments” text box field 3. Display the text present in “Months for Interest Recovery” label field in “No. of Interest Recovery Installments” text box field 4. Display the text present in “Principal Amount” label field in “Advance Sactioned” text box field 5. Display the text present in “Monthly Installment Amount” label field in “Principal Recovery Amount (Monthly)” text box field 6. Display the text present in “DCRG” label field in “Gratuity Adjustment” text box field 7. If the text present in “Principal Installments” text box field > “0” then a. Calculate (text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field / text present in “Principal Installments” text box field) and display it in “Principal Recovery Amount” text box field (Round the value to the highest decimal) b. Calculate (text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field - text present in “Principal Recovery Amount “ text box field * text present in “Principal Installments” text box field - 1) ) and display it in “Last Priciple Recovery Amount” text box field c. Display the text present in “Principal Recovery Amount” text box field in

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response “Principal Recovery Amount (Monthly)” text box field


If user clicks “Save” button when no option button is selected in “Loan For” panel

A message stating “Please select the type for which you want loan” is to be displayed.


User selects “Complete House” option button in “Loan For” Panel

Display “F” in “Installment Type” text box field


User selects “Site Building” option button in “Loan For” Panel

“Site Purchase” Panel is Visible and Enabled.


User clicks “Save” button after selecting “Site Building” option button in “Loan For” panel

Message stating "Please specify whether you want site or not " to be displayed


User selects “Yes” option button in “Site Purchase” Panel

“HouseType” Panel is visible and Enabled


User selects none of the option buttons in “HouseType” panel after selecting “Yes” option button in “Site Purchase” panel

Message stating " Please specify house type " to be displayed


User selects “Save” button

1. If “Site Building”,” Yes”,” Multi Storey” option buttons are selected then Display “M” in “Installment Type” text box field Else If “Site Building”,” Yes”, “Single Storey” option buttons are selected then Display

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response “S” in “Installment Type” text box field Else If “Site Building”, ”No” option buttons are selected then display “1” in “Installment Type” text box field Else display “1” in “Installment Type” text box field 3. Calculate the Installment Amount based on the value present in “Installment Type” text box field and display it in the “Loan Installment Amt” text box field a. If value present in “Installment Type” text box field is “F” then display the text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field in “Loan Installment Amt” text box field b. If value present in “Installment Type” text box field is “M” then display ( the text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field * 0.15) in “Loan Installment Amt” text box field c.

If value present in “Installment Type” text box field is “S” then display the ( text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field * 0.2) in “Loan Installment Amt” text box field

d. If value present in “Installment Type” text box field is “1” then display the ( text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field * 0.4) in “Loan Installment Amt” text box field e. Else display “” in “Loan Installment Amt” text box field 4. Display the text present in “Advance Sactioned” text box field in “Loan Balance Amount” text box field 26

User selects “Save” button when text present in “Remarks” text box field is Empty

Message stating "Please Enter Remarks" to be displayed and the cursor should be placed in ‘Remarks’ text box field


User selects “Save” button

If the value obtained from (Text present in “Net Salary” text box field – text present in “Principal Recovery Amount” text box field) < (text present in “Gross Salary” text box field / 4) then Display a message stating “1/4th salary rule is not satisfied” to be displayed Display a message stating “Do you want to continue” with “Yes” and “No” buttons


User selects “Save” button

1. sd 2. S 3.

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action


If the User Level = “A01”(New Or Open Mode)

System Response


Option Button with “Reject” Caption is not Visible.


Option Button with “Enter” Caption is selected by default


If the User Level = “B01” then

Option Button with “Enter” Caption is changed to “Verify”


If the User Level = “C01” then

Option Button with “Enter” Caption is changed to “Approve”


In New Mode (A01)

Retrieve the data from the query = “select * from t_emp_fixed_det where emp_no = (emp_no from the selected Employee Number Drop down)

User clicks on “Manpower profile – Personal Details New Details” and selects/enters all mandatory values in the form and clicks on ‘Save’ button

If the output of the above query is not null then only go to the next steps (i.e., into the Insertion Details) otherwise. 1.

Insert Sanction Details: j.

Retrieve the data from the query= “SELECT Last_Seq, Change_Dt FROM PMS.T_Key_Control WHERE Table_Nm = 'P_SANCTION'”


If the year value of the Change_dt is same as the year value of current year, then Last_Seq is taken as it is. Else, the Last_Seq is taken as 1.


Now assign SanctionNo=Concatenate (”Dept_cd”, Format (Date, "YYYY") , 0 , retrieved Last_Seq).

m. Insert a new record into T_SANCTION using the query= “insert into t_sanction(sanction_no,sanction_type,sanctioned_by,status,user_level,san ction_dt,issue_dept) values (SanctionNo,’ PER,null,’P’,’B01’,’1/1/0001’,dept_cd) n. Retrieve the data from the query=

“SELECT a.designation,a.desig_nm FROM PMS.t_designation a ,PMS.t_employee b WHERE a.designation = b.designation AND b.vpt_emp_no = current user id AND SYSDATE BETWEEN b.eff_dt AND b.exp_dt AND a.dept_cd=b.dept_cd” o. Insert a new record into T_SANCTION_RECORD using the query= “insert into T_SANCTION_RECORD(sanction_no,event_date,event_type,actioned_by

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response ,action_desg,remarks) values (SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l), sysdate, ’Created’ , userid, design_nm (retrieved from query=59.1.n) ,remarks (entered in the remarks text box) p. Update PMS.T_Key_Control set Last_Seq = Last_Seq + 1, Change_date = Current date WHERE Table_Nm = 'T_SANCTION' Insert Fixed Details:


Update the retrieved employee record (i.e., emp_no got in point no.56) in T_EMP_FIXED_DET using the query = “UPDATE T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET home_town=’value entered in “Home Town” text box’, birth_place=’value entered in “Birth Place” text box’, birth_dt=’value entered in “Date Of Birth” Drop down’, sex=’value based on the selected option in the Sex Panel’, remarks= ’value entered in “Remarks” text box’ , sanction_no=’ SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l)) WHERE EMP_NO=( emp_no from the selected Employee Number Drop down)” Insert Quarter Details:


Insert a record into “T_EMP_PROFILE” using the query=

“INSERT INTO T_EMP_PROFILE (EMP_NO,EFF_DT,EXP_DT,SANCTION_NO,MARITAL_STATUS,MARRIAGE_DT,E XSERV_YN,foreigner_yn,physic_hand_yn,surname,first_name,middle_name,alias_n ame,mode_of_pay,quarter_cd,allotment_dt,allot_ref,bank_code,account_no,passport _no,passport_issued_at,passport_issued_dt,passport_exp_dt,in_process_ind) VALUES(emp_no from the selected Employee Number Drop down, current date,’01-JAN-001’, ’ SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l)’ , ‘Code’ retrieved from the value selected in the Marital Status Drop down, ‘value present in the “Marriage Date” Date Time Picker’ , ‘value based on the “Ex-Service Men Y/N” check box’, ‘value based on the “Foreigner Y/N” check box’, ‘value based on the “Physically Handicapped Y/N” check box’, ‘value entered in the “Surname” Text box’ ,’text entered in the “Name” text box’, ‘value entered in the “Middle Name” Text box’, ‘value entered in the “Alias” Text box’, ’value based on the selected option in the “Salary Pay Mode” Panel’, ‘value present in the “Quarter Number” Drop down’, ‘Date present in the “Allotment Date Of Quarters” Date Time Picker’, ’ text present in the “Allotment Reference” Text box’ , ’bank_cd retrieved from the selected text in the “Bank/Branch Name” drop down’, ‘text present in the “Bank Account Number” Text box’, ‘text present in the “Passport Number” Text box’, ‘text present in the “Passport Issued At” text box’, ‘date present in the “Passport Issue Date” date time picker’, ‘date present in the “Passport Expiry Date” date time picker’, ‘Y’) Insert Qualification Details:

4. i.

Retrieve the data from the query=”Select * from t_emp_qualification where emp_no=’ emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’ “


IF the retrieved records > “0” then assign sr_no=max(sr_no) + 1, else “sr_no”=1


Insert a record into “T_EMP_QUALIFICATION” using the query=

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response “INSERT INTO T_EMP_QUALIFICATION (EMP_NO,passing_dt,sr_no,description,duration,institute,university,class,SANCTIO N_NO) values (‘emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’, ‘date present in the “Month-Year of Passing” Drop down’, ‘sr_no (retrieved from 36.4.j)’, ‘value present in the “Description” text box’, ‘value present in the “Duration Of Study (Months)” text box’, ‘value present in the “Institute Name” text box’, ‘value present in the “Board/University” text box, ‘ ”code” retrieved from the selected value in the “Class” drop down’, ‘’ SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l)’) l.

Repeat this Insert statement based on the rows in the “Grid (present in the Education-Training Details Tab)” Insert Property Details:

5. i.

Retrieve the data from the query=”Select * from t_emp_property where emp_no=’ emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’ “


IF the retrieved records > “0” then assign “sr_no”=max(sr_no) + 1, else “sr_no”=1


Insert a record into “T_EMP_PROPERTY” using the query=

“INSERT INTO T_EMP_PROPERTY (EMP_NO,desc_propert,appr_value,acquisition_mode,sanction_no,sr_no) values (‘emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’, ‘value present in the “Property Description” text box’, ‘value present in the “Approximate Value” Text box’, ‘value present in the “Acquisition Mode” text box’, ‘ SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l)’, ‘sr_no (retrieved from 36.5.j) )’ Repeat this Insert statement based on the rows in the “Grid (present in the Immovable Property Details Tab)” Insert Training Details:


i. Retrieve the data from the query=”Select * from t_emp_prior_trg where emp_no=’ emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’ “ j. IF the retrieved records > “0” then assign “sr_no”=max(sr_no) + 1, else “sr_no”=1 k.

Insert a record into “T_EMP_PRIOR_TRG” using the query=

“INSERT INTO T_EMP_PRIOR_TRG (EMP_NO,trrg_title,duration,trg_institute,trg_type,sanction_no,sr_no) values (‘emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’, ‘value present in the “Training Title text box’, ‘value present in the “Duration (Days)” text box’, ‘value present in the “Institute Name” text box’, ‘value present in the “Type of Training” text box’, ‘SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l)’, ‘sr_no

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response (retrieved from 36.6.j)’) Repeat this Insert statement based on the rows in the “Grid (present in the “Education-Training Details” Tab and in the Training Details Panel)” 7.

Insert Residence Details: Insert a record into “T_EMP_RESIDENCE” using the query=

“INSERT INTO T_EMP_RESIDENCE (emp_no,mail_door_no,mail_address1,mail_address2,mail_address3,mail_pincod e,per_door_no,per_address1,per_address2,per_address3,per_pincode2,off_phone _no,email,phone_type,res_phoneno,own_house,house_palce,funding_source,port_ distance,eff_dt,exp_dt,sanction_no) VALUES (‘emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’, ‘value present in the “Door No.” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Street Name” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Area/Town” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Pin Code” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Door No.” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Street Name” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Area/Town” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Pin Code” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Office Phone Number” text box’, ‘value present in the “E-mail Address” text box’, ‘code retrieved from the selected value in the “Type of Res. Phone” drop down’, ‘value present in the “Resident Phone” text box’, ‘value based on the “Own House(Y/N)” check box’, ‘value based on the option button selected in the “Place” panel’, ‘value based on the option button selected in the “House Details” panel’, ‘value present in the “Distance from Port (in Kms.)” text box’, current date,’01-JAN-001’, ’ SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l)’) 8.

A message stating “Sanction No is : “SanctionNo” (obtained from query=59.1.l)


A message stating “Record Saved Successfully” is displayed.

10. When the user clicks on OK, the List view screen is displayed with the refreshed data. 60

In Open Mode (A01,B01,C01)

If the current User Level is “A01” (Open)

User selects a row in List View and clicks on ‘Open’ button


The user is allowed to all the fields in the form except Department, Section, Employee Number, Employee Name


“Vacate Quarter” check box in “Quarter Details Panel is Visible and Editable.

If the current User Level is not “A01” i.

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The user is allowed to change only “Remarks” Text box

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response field ii.

“Vacate Quarter” check box in “Quarter Details Panel is Visible and not Editable.

The selected record is loaded into the Add screen and the data is displayed from the following queries: 1. SELECT EMP_NO,TO_CHAR(EFF_DT,'DD-MON-YYYY') eff_dt,TO_CHAR(EXP_DT,'DD-MON-YYYY')exp_dt, MARITAL_STATUS,EXSERV_YN,TO_CHAR(MARRIAGE_DATE,'DD-MONYYYY') marriage_date,FOREIGNER_YN, PHYSI_HAND_YN,SURNAME,MIDDLENAME,FIRSTNAME,ALIAS_NAME, MODE_OF_PAY,BANK_CODE, ACCOUNT_NO,PASSPORT_NO,PASSPORT_ISSUED_AT,TO_CHAR(PAS SPORT_ISSUE_DT,'DD-MON-YYYY') passport_issue_dt, TO_CHAR(PASSPORT_EXP_DT,'DD-MON-YYYY') passport_exp_dt,QUARTER_CD,ALLOTMENT_REF, ALLOTMENT_DT,SANCTION_NO,IN_PROCESS_IND,TO_CHAR(VACATE D_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY') vacated_date,VACATED_YN FROM T_EMP_PROFILE WHERE emp_no =’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 2. SELECT * FROM T_EMP_FIXED_DET WHERE emp_no =’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ 3. SELECT emp_no,TO_CHAR(passing_dt,'DD-MONYYYY'),sr_no,description,CLASS,institute,univeristy,duration,sanction_no FROM T_EMP_QUALIFICATION WHERE emp_no =’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 4. SELECT * FROM T_EMP_PROPERTY WHERE emp_no =’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 5. SELECT * FROM T_EMP_PRIOR_TRG WHERE emp_no =’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 6. SELECT * FROM T_EMP_RESIDENCE WHERE emp_no =’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 2. Execute the above queries and display the data in their corresponding fields If The user clicks on ‘Man Power Profile – Employee Profile – Personal Details – Approved Details’ application node and If the current User Level is “A01” (Open) i.

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The “Sanction Order No” Text Box should be empty.


Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action


In Open Mode (B01) The user selects “Verify” Option and clicks on ‘Save’ button

System Response 1.

Update T_SANCTION using the query= “update T_SANCTION set user_level=’next user level’ where sanction_no=selected Sanction No from the list view


Retrieve the data from the query=

“SELECT a.designation,a.desig_nm FROM PMS.t_designation a ,PMS.t_employee b WHERE a.designation = b.designation AND b.vpt_emp_no = current user id AND SYSDATE BETWEEN b.eff_dt AND b.exp_dt AND a.dept_cd=b.dept_cd”



Insert a new record into T_SANCTION_RECORD using the query= “insert into T_SANCTION_RECORD(sanction_no,event_date,event_type,actioned_by, action_desg,remarks) values (SanctionNo (selected Sanction No from the list view), current date, ’Verified’ , userid, design_nm (retrieved from query=61.2) ,remarks (entered in the remarks text box)


Execute the query “Update T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET remarks=’value in the “Remarks” text box’ where emp_no=’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’


A message stating “Record is Saved Successfully” is to be displayed

In Open Mode (B01,C01)

1. UPDATE T_SANCTION SET user_level =’A01’ WHERE sanction_no =selected sanction no

The user selects “Reject” Option and clicks on ‘Save’ button

2. INSERT INTO T_SANCTION_RECORD(sanction_no,event_dt,event_type,actioned_by,acti on_desg,remarks) VALUES(selected sanction no from the list view, SYSDATE,'Rejected',user id, design_nm (retrieved from query=61.2),remarks (entered in the remarks text box) 3. Execute the query “Update T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET remarks=’value in the “Remarks” text box’ where emp_no=’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 4. A message stating “Record is Saved Successfully” is to be displayed


In Open Mode (C01) The User clicks on “Manpower profile – Personal Details New Details” selects “Verify” Option and clicks on ‘Save’ button

1. UPDATE T_SANCTION SET sanctioned_by = 'user id', status = 'A’, sanction_dt = 'system date', issue_dept = dept_cd WHERE sanction_no = selected sanction no. from the list view 2. Insert a new record into T_SANCTION_RECORD using the query= “INSERT INTO T_SANCTION_RECORD (sanction_no, event_dt, event_type, actioned_by, action_desg, remarks) VALUES(selected sanction no from the list view, SYSDATE, ‘Approved’, user id, design_nm (retrieved from query=61.2),remarks (entered in the remarks text box) 3. Execute the query=”update t_emp_profile set exp_dt=’31-dec-9999’,

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response in_process_ind=’N’,eff_dt=current date where emp_no=’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 4. Execute the query=”update t_emp_residence set eff_dt=current date,exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ where emp_no=’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 5. Execute the query “Update T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET remarks=’value in the “Remarks” text box’ where emp_no=’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 6. A message stating “Record is Saved Successfully” is to be displayed


In Open Mode (A01) The selects “Enter” Option and clicks on ‘Save’ button

If The user clicks on ‘Man Power Profile – Employee Profile – Personal Details – New Details’ application node



UPDATE T_SANCTION SET sanctioned_by = 'user id', status = 'P’, sanction_dt = 'system date', issue_dept = dept_cd WHERE sanction_no = selected sanction no. from the list view


Insert a new record into T_SANCTION_RECORD using the query= “INSERT INTO T_SANCTION_RECORD (sanction_no, event_dt, event_type, actioned_by, action_desg, remarks) VALUES(selected sanction no from the list view, SYSDATE, ‘Modified’, user id, design_nm (retrieved from query=61.2),remarks (entered in the remarks text box)

Update Fixed Details Execute the query= “Update the retrieved employee record (i.e., emp_no got in point no.56) in T_EMP_FIXED_DET using the query =

“UPDATE T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET home_town=’value entered in “Home Town” text box’, birth_place=’value entered in “Birth Place” text box’, birth_dt=’value entered in “Date Of Birth” Drop down’, sex=’value based on the selected option in the Sex Panel’, remarks= ’value entered in “Remarks” text box’ , sanction_no=’ Sanction no (present in the “Sanction Order No” text box’) WHERE EMP_NO=( emp_no from the selected Employee Number Drop down)” 4.

Update Quarter Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_PROFILE) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form.


Update Qualification Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_QUALIFICATION) using

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response the modified values in the Controls present in the form. 6.

Update Property Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_PROPERTY) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form.


Update Training Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_PRIOR_TRG) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form.


Update Residence Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_RESIDENCE) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form.


A message stating “Record Saved Successfully” is displayed.

10. When the user clicks on OK, the List view screen is displayed with the refreshed data. If The user clicks on ‘Man Power Profile – Employee Profile – Personal Details – Approved Details’ application node 1. Insert Sanction Details: q. Retrieve the data from the query= “SELECT Last_Seq, Change_Dt FROM PMS.T_Key_Control WHERE Table_Nm = 'P_SANCTION'” r.

If the year value of the Change_dt is same as the year value of current year, then Last_Seq is taken as it is. Else, the Last_Seq is taken as 1.


Now assign SanctionNo=Concatenate (”Dept_cd”, Format (Date, "YYYY") , 0 , retrieved Last_Seq).


Insert a new record into T_SANCTION using the query= “insert into t_sanction(sanction_no,sanction_type,sanctioned_by,status,user_level,san ction_dt,issue_dept) values (SanctionNo,’ PER,null,’E’,’B01’,’1/1/0001’,dept_cd)

u. Insert a new record into T_SANCTION_RECORD using the query= “insert into T_SANCTION_RECORD(sanction_no,event_date,event_type,actioned_by ,action_desg,remarks) values (SanctionNo (obtained from query=59.1.l), sysdate, ’Created’ , userid, design_nm (retrieved from query=59.1.n) ,remarks (entered in the remarks text box) v.

Update PMS.T_Key_Control set Last_Seq = Last_Seq + 1, Change_date = Current date WHERE Table_Nm = 'T_SANCTION'

2. Update Fixed Details: Execute the query= “Update the retrieved employee record (i.e., emp_no got in point no.56) in T_EMP_FIXED_DET using the query = “UPDATE T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET home_town=’value entered in “Home Town” text box’, birth_place=’value entered in “Birth Place” text box’, birth_dt=’value

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response entered in “Date Of Birth” Drop down’, sex=’value based on the selected option in the Sex Panel’, remarks= ’value entered in “Remarks” text box’ , sanction_no=’ Sanction no (present in the “Sanction Order No” text box’) WHERE EMP_NO=( emp_no from the selected Employee Number Drop down)” 3. Insert Quarter Details: Insert a record into “T_EMP_PROFILE” using the query=

“INSERT INTO T_EMP_PROFILE (EMP_NO,EFF_DT,EXP_DT,SANCTION_NO,MARITAL_STATUS,MARRIAGE_DT,E XSERV_YN,foreigner_yn,physic_hand_yn,surname,first_name,middle_name,alias_n ame,mode_of_pay,quarter_cd,allotment_dt,allot_ref,bank_code,account_no,passport _no,passport_issued_at,passport_issued_dt,passport_exp_dt,in_process_ind) VALUES(emp_no from the selected Employee Number Drop down, current date,’01-JAN-001’, ’ SanctionNo (obtained from query=64.s)’ , ‘Code’ retrieved from the value selected in the Marital Status Drop down, ‘value present in the “Marriage Date” Date Time Picker’ , ‘value based on the “Ex-Service Men Y/N” check box’, ‘value based on the “Foreigner Y/N” check box’, ‘value based on the “Physically Handicapped Y/N” check box’, ‘value entered in the “Surname” Text box’ ,’text entered in the “Name” text box’, ‘value entered in the “Middle Name” Text box’, ‘value entered in the “Alias” Text box’, ’value based on the selected option in the “Salary Pay Mode” Panel’, ‘value present in the “Quarter Number” Drop down’, ‘Date present in the “Allotment Date Of Quarters” Date Time Picker’, ’ text present in the “Allotment Reference” Text box’ , ’bank_cd retrieved from the selected text in the “Bank/Branch Name” drop down’, ‘text present in the “Bank Account Number” Text box’, ‘text present in the “Passport Number” Text box’, ‘text present in the “Passport Issued At” text box’, ‘date present in the “Passport Issue Date” date time picker’, ‘date present in the “Passport Expiry Date” date time picker’, ‘Y’) 4. Insert Residence Details: Insert a record into “T_EMP_RESIDENCE” using the query= “INSERT INTO T_EMP_RESIDENCE (emp_no,mail_door_no,mail_address1,mail_address2,mail_address3,mail_pincod e,per_door_no,per_address1,per_address2,per_address3,per_pincode2,off_phone _no,email,phone_type,res_phoneno,own_house,house_palce,funding_source,port_ distance,eff_dt,exp_dt,sanction_no) VALUES (‘emp_no from the selected “Employee Number” Drop down’, ‘value present in the “Door No.” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Street Name” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Area/Town” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Pin Code” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Door No.” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Street Name” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Area/Town” text box’ in Mailing Details Panel, ‘value present in the “Pin Code” text box in Mailing Details Panel’, ‘value present in the “Office Phone Number” text box’, ‘value present in the “E-mail Address” text box’, ‘code retrieved from the

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response selected value in the “Type of Res. Phone” drop down’, ‘value present in the “Resident Phone” text box’, ‘value based on the “Own House(Y/N)” check box’, ‘value based on the option button selected in the “Place” panel’, ‘value based on the option button selected in the “House Details” panel’, ‘value present in the “Distance from Port (in Kms.)” text box’, current date,’01-JAN-001’, ’ SanctionNo (obtained from query=64.s)’) 5. Update Qualification Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_QUALIFICATION) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form. 6. Update Property Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_PROPERTY) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form. 7. Update Training Details (i.e., in table T_EMP_PRIOR_TRG) using the modified values in the Controls present in the form. 8. A message stating “Sanction No is : “Sanction No” (obtained from query=64.s) 9. A message stating “Record Saved Successfully” is displayed. 10. When the user clicks on OK, the List view screen is displayed with the refreshed data.


In Open Mode (C01) The User clicks on “Manpower profile – Personal Details Approved Details” selects “Enter” Option and clicks on ‘Save’ button

1. UPDATE T_SANCTION SET sanctioned_by = 'user id', status = 'A’, sanction_dt = 'system date', issue_dept = dept_cd WHERE sanction_no = selected sanction no. from the list view 2. Insert a new record into T_SANCTION_RECORD using the query= “INSERT INTO T_SANCTION_RECORD (sanction_no, event_dt, event_type, actioned_by, action_desg, remarks) VALUES(selected sanction no from the list view, SYSDATE, ‘Approved’, user id, design_nm (retrieved from query=61.2),remarks (entered in the remarks text box) Updation in T_EMP_PROFILE 3. Retrieve the data using the query=”select emp_no,eff_dt,exp_dt from t_emp_profile where emp_no=(emp_no selected from the Employee Number Drop down) and exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ 4. if the retrieved eff_dt=current date then Update t_emp_profile set exp_dt=current date, in_process_ind=’C’ where emp_no=(emp_no retrieved from the selected Employee Number text drop down) and exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ (ie., this updation for the previous record in that table ie the record retrieved in the above point(3))

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response 5. If the retrieved records are greater then “0” then Update t_emp_profile set exp_dt=current date – 1, in_process_ind=’C’ where emp_no=(emp_no retrieved from the selected Employee Number text drop down) and exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ (ie., this updation for the previous record in that table ie the record retrieved in the above point(3)) 6. Execute the query=”update t_emp_profile set exp_dt=’31-DEC9999’,IN_PROCESS_IND=’N’ where emp_no=(emp_no retrieved from the selected value in the Employee Number the Drop down) and sanction_no=sanction no(selected from the list view) Updation in T_EMP_RESIDENCE 7.

Retrieve the data using the query=”select emp_no,eff_dt,exp_dt from t_emp_residence where emp_no=(emp_no selected from the Employee Number Drop down) and exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’

8. if the retrieved eff_dt=current date then Update t_emp_residence set exp_dt=current date where emp_no=(emp_no retrieved from the selected Employee Number text drop down) and exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ (ie., this updation for the previous record in that table ie the record retrieved in the above point(7)) 9. If the retrieved records are greater then “0” then Update t_emp_residence set exp_dt=current date – 1 where emp_no=(emp_no retrieved from the selected Employee Number text drop down) and exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ (ie., this updation for the previous record in that table ie the record retrieved in the above point(7)) 10. Execute the query=”update t_emp_residence set exp_dt=’31-DEC-9999’ where emp_no=(emp_no retrieved from the selected value in the Employee Number the Drop down) and sanction_no=sanction no(selected from the list view) 11. Execute the query “Update T_EMP_FIXED_DET SET remarks=’value in the “Remarks” text box’ where emp_no=’emp_no retrieved from the selected VPT_EMP_NO’ AND sanction_no = ‘selected sanction_no from the list view’ 12. A message stating “Record Saved Successfully” is displayed. 13. When the user clicks on OK, the List view screen is displayed with the refreshed data. 66 67

The user clicks on ‘Clear’ button

All fields are cleared and the cursor is placed in ‘Section’ field.

In Add mode and edit mode, the user clicks

A confirm popup message stating ‘Do you want to save the changes?’ to be displayed with options ‘Yes’, ‘No’, Cancel’ When the user clicks Yes, the record is

(Clear button should enabled only in NEW mode but not in OPEN mode)

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Main Flow (List the and function keys related actions here):S No.

User Action

System Response

on Cancel button

saved and appropriate popup message is displayed. When the user clicks ‘No’, the list view screen is redisplayed without saving the record. When the user clicks Cancel, the popup message closes.

Alternative Action(s) – list the secondary actions such as deviations taken for lookups etc User Action

System Response

Related Use Case(s) – list screens which have a dependency on this screen

Supporting Document(s)

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User Screen Mockup

Personal Details-New Details- List View

Personal Details-New Details- New

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Personal Details-New Details- Open

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Personal Details-Approved Details- List View

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Personal Details-Approved Details- Open

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Programmers Comments

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